CATALOGUE BILL LIBRARY 1878, Cat ee te * re #, ‘ NORWICH: _ PRINTED BY NORWICH PRINTING CO. see eS. Pe TRUSTEES. President, fheV NN. Bo COOK, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian, EDMUND SPICER. CHRISTOPHER NEWTON, JOHN BREWSTER, _N. B. GEER, BENJ. F. LEWIS, _ |S. B. STODDARD; ISAAC AVERY, RALPH HURLBUTT, — ISRAEL ALLYN, |JACOB L. GALLUP, PALMER ALLYN, |JAS. A. BILLINGS, LEONARD ©. SMITH, | HENRY LARRABEE, N. SANDS GALLUP, | F. BREWSTER, GEORGE FANNING.| RUFUS M. GALLUP, HISTORY. The following correspondence explains the ori- gin of the Bill Library :— Norwicu, Ct., Feb. 20, 1867. Gentlemen :—Wishing to express my esteem for my fellow townsmen, and to acknowledge the many favors I have received from my native town, I present you my Check for One Thousand Dollars, in trust, the interest and income of which I wish annually expended for the maintenance of a Town Library, in the purchase of books, &c., for the use of all the inhabitants of the town of Ledyard, under such rules and regulations as you may from time to time adopt, or in accordance with any charter that may hereafter be granted by the General Assembly of this State. In addition to the above One Thousand Dollars. I propose to give you a Library of five hundred or more volumes of books, with book-case, &c., as a nucleus of what may in time become a sufficient library for the town. 6 a HISTORY. It is my desire that you organize by the ap- pointment of proper officers, &c., and appoint a committee to petition the next Legislature for a Charter, and when obtained, the books and funds to be handed over to said corpo after you have accepted a Charter. You will please direct as to the location of the Library and the construction of suitable book cases. Now should the Library be neglected and abandoned, and the corporation be given up for a period of three years, said sum of One Thousand Dollars, with unappropriated interest, is to revert back to me or my legal heirs, or to any other benevolent object I or they may name. Tam aware that this is a small donation for the object in view, but in time, if well cared for, I think it will supply an ample library for the population. With this hope, I commit it to your care, invoking the blessing of God upon this enter- prise and upon my beloved native town. Respectfully and truly yours, HENRY BILL. To Rev. N. B. Cook, Christopher Newton, Ed- — mund Spicer, Benjamin F. Lewis, N. B. Geer, Isaac Avery, Jacob L. Gallup, Israel Allyn, James A. Billings, Palmer Allyn, Henry Larra- bee, John Brewster, Franklin Brewster, Leonard C. Smith, Rufus M. Gallup, N. Sands Gallup and George Fanning. HISTORY. a Upon the receipt of the above letter, a meeting _of the gentlemen named in it having been called to consider the matter, the following resolutions were presented by Rev. N. B. Cook and signed by the trustees present : Wuereas, Our friend and former townsman, the Hon. Henry Bit, of Norwich, has, in a letter communicated to the undersigned, made known his determination to give to the town of Led- yard the generous sum of One Thousand Dol- lars, the income thereof to be used and applied for the purpose of establishing a Library for all the inhabitants of said town, and has requested us to take in trust the charge and management of the same; therefore, Resolved, That the undersigned, being the trus- tees, assembled at the vestry of the Congregation- al church, in said town. being sensible of the duty imposed by a trust of such importance and re-~ sponsibility, do hereby accept the office of trus- tees of the same and promise our best endeavors in its behalf. Resolved, That we hereby express-to Mr. Bill our grateful appreciation of his noble gift. Resolved, That we express, in behalf of Mr. Bill, our earnest prayer that, in the gracious pro- vidence of God, his life may be long spared to witness the success of his benevolent contribution to the happiness of his beloved native town. Resolved, That this library be called “ The Bill Library.” Signed by the Trustees. RESOLUTION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, May Session, A. D., 1867. Tigbn the petition of Rev. N. B. Cook, Ossi chet ~ Newton, Edmund Spicer, Benjamin F. Lewis, Nathaniel. B. Geer, Isaac Avery, Jacob. L. Gal- lup, Israel Allyn, James A. Billings, Palmer Allyn, Henry Larrabee, John Brewster, Frank- lin Brewster, Leonard C. Smith, Rufus M. Gal- lup, N. Sands Gallup and George Fanning, all of Ledyard, in the County of New London, showing that the Hon. Henry Bill, of Norwich in said) County, has placed in the hands of the petitioners, a Fund amounting to the sum of One Thousand Dollars, upon trust to appro- priate the income thereof, annually, in provi- ding and maintaining a Library for the use of the inhabitants of the said town of Ledyard, and purposes to donate five hundred or more volumes of books as a nucleus for said Library : that in creating the said Fund and making known to the petitioners his purpose of dona- ting the said books, the said Henry Bill express- ed the wish that the said Fund and Library might be placed under the care, direction and management of a body corporate and politic, with powers adequate to those purposes, as well as to enforce a condition which is annexed to the donation of said Fund :— + ee 10 CHARTER. = d Resolved by this Assembly. That the said N. B. Cook, Christopher Newton, Edmund Spicer, Ben- jamin F. Lewis, Nathaniel B. Geer, Isaac Avery, Jacob L. Gallup, Israel Allyn, James A. Billings, Palmer Allyn, Henry Larrabee, John Brewster, Sanford B. Stoddard, Ralph Hurlbutt, Franklin Brewster, Leonard C. Smith, Rufus M. Gallup, N. Sands Gallup and Geo. Fanning, be and they are hereby incorporated, by the name, style and title of “The Bill Library Association,” and that they and such others as shall be duly elected members of the said Association, as hereinafter provided, shall be and remain a body politic and corporate by the same name, style and title forever, for the purposes of receiving, holding, investing and managing the Fund, and executing the trust afore- said, and also for the purpose of keeping and maintaining a Library for the use of the inhabit- ants of the said town of Ledyard. Src. 2. The said corporation may have a common seal which they may change or renew at pleasure; may sue and be sued, defend and be de- fended, answer and be answered unto, by their corporate name, in all courts and places whatso- ever ; may purchase, receive, hold and convey all kinds of property requiste or convenient for the purposes of a public Library: may elect a Pre- sident and such other officers and agents as they shall deem necessary ; and may make and carry into effect such by-laws, rules and regulations re- lative to the use of the books belonging to their Library and to any injury to, or loss or undue detention of the same, and for promoting, secur- CHARTER. 11 ing and carrying out the objects of their incor- _ poration, as they shall judge expedient ; provided that the said by-laws, rules and regulations shall not be contrary to the provisions of this act or inconsistent with the general laws of this State. And the property of said corporation, including the said trust fund, shall be exempt from tax- ation. Sec, 3. The said corporation shall hold a ‘meeting annually, in the month of November, and at such other times as they shall judge expedient ; and at any meeting so held, seven members of said corporation shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. a Sec. 4. The said corporation shall, - at their annual meeting, elect their President and other — officers and agents; and the President and other officers and agents so elected, shall continue in office one year and until others are elected in their stead. Vacancies occurring in any of the offices of the corporation may be filled at a ' special meet- ing called for the purpose. Sec. 5. Whenever the number of members shall be reduced below ten, the said corporation shall elect any other person or persons to be members thereof, so that the whole number of members shall, at no time, be less than ten. Src. 6. In case the said corporation shall neglect, for a period of three years, to exercise the powers conferred, and perform the duties re- quired by this act, they shall forfeit all right and title to the trust fund aforesaid, and the interest thereon then accrued and unappropriated, and 12 CHARTER. | . the same shall thereupon become revested in the said Henry Bill, if he be living, or if he be dead, shall become a part of his estate, and may be sued for and recovered accordingly. Src. 7. Rev. N. B. Cook, Edmund Spicer, Christopher Newton, Sanford B. Stoddard, and Benjamin F. Lewis, or any two of them, may call the first meeting of said corporation, by causing a written or printed notice of the time and place of holding the same, to be posted on the public sign-post on Meeting House Hill, in said town of Ledyard, or to be left with or at the usual place of abode of each member of said corporation, at least five days before the day appointed for said meeting ; and at said meeting, the said corpora- tion may elect officers, who shall hold their offices until the next annual meeting of said corporation, and may transact any other business necessary to the well ordering of their affairs. Src. 8. This act may be altered, amended or repealed at the pleasure of the General As- sembly. PROCEEDINGS OF TRUSTEES. _ At a meeting of the Trustees of the Bill Libra- ry Association, warned and held at the vestry of _ the Congregational Church, in Ledyard, on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1867, in conformity with the Act of Incorporation, passed at the May Ses- sion of the General Assembly of this State, A. D. 1867, the following are the doings of said meeting, viz: Rev. Nehemiah B. Cook was chosen President of said Association. Edmund Spicer was chosen Secretary and Treasurer. Edmund Spicer was chosen Librarian. Vorep, That a Committee of four be elected to prepare such By-Laws and Regulations as may be necessary in conducting the affairs of this Cor- poration. Franklin Brewster, Christopher New- ton, Sanford B. Stoddard and Edmund Spicer, were chosen said Committee. VotrepD, That the Annual Meeting of this As- sociation be held on the first Saturday of Novem- ber in each year, at 2 o’clock p. mM. VotrEp, That the President and Secretary be instructed to tender the acknowledgments of this Association to such donors as may from time to 14 PROCEEDINGS OF TRUSTEES. time contribute in books or otherwise to the Bill Library. The thanks of this Association were unani- mously voted to Mr. Ledyard Bill for the valua- ble donation of 100 volumes to the Bill Library. RESOLVED, That we tender the thanks of all the inhabitants of the Town of Ledyard, that now are, to the Hon. Henry Bill, for the present he has this day made them, viz: the Bill Library, whose name it bears. And may they tell their children to tell their children’s children from whom so great and so lasting a present was made. . af , Vorep, To adjourn this meeting to the 29th day of June, inst., at 2 o’clock p. M. ' Certified by EDMUND Spicer, Secretary. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Bill Libra- ry Association, held on the 29th day of June, A. D.1867, by adjournment from the 15th day of June, inst., the following By-Laws and Regula- tions were passed, viz: [See By-Laws, commencing next page. | VoreED, To dissolve this meeting. | Certified by EpMuUND SPICER, Secretary. BY-LAWS. 1. Allthe inhabitants of the Town of Ledyard, now or hereafter, shall have the right to take books from the Bill Library, to be governed by rules and regulations that may be adopted from time to time by the Trustees thereof. 2. The Library shall be open and books may be taken therefrom Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 12 m., and from 1 p. Mm. to 4 Pp. M., and on Sun- days from 12 mM. to 1 P. M. 3. No Book to be taken out of the Library until the number of the book has been entered against the name of the person taking it, who will be responsible for the value of said book if not returned, to be determined by the Trustees. 4. No person shall take from the Library more than one volume at one time, and no volume shall be kept for a longer time than three weeks. If a person has had a volume three weeks and wishes to retain it a longer time, the volume shall be returned to the Librarian, who may renew the loan for another term of three weeks and no longer. 5. Any person neglecting to return books to _ the Library according to the foregoing regula- tions, shall be liable to pay a fine of two cents for each day till returned, 16 BY-LAWS. 6. Any person injuring books belonging to the Library shall be assessed. for the damage by the Trustees, upon the representation of the facts by the Librarian, at the annual meeting of the said Trustees. 7. Any person making a disturbance while in the Library shall forfeit his right to books there- from until his right is restored by the Trustees. 8. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to re- port to the Trustees, at their annual meeting, the income of the Library for the year from all sources. 9. Any person, an inhabitant of the Town of Ledyard, upon the payment of twenty-five cents. can have the benefit of the Library for one year, or upon payment of five cents can have the use of one book for the term of three weeks. 10. Any person wilfully violating any of the foregoing or subsquent rules, regulations or by laws, shall be liable to a termination or suspension of all their privileges to the Library at the dis- cretion of the Trustees. 3 REV. MR. ALLYN’S LETTER. 17 ¥@> The following communication is from Rev. Robert Allyn, D. D., son of Charles Allyn, of Ledyard, and was intended to be put ona fly leaf of each volume presented by him to the Bill Library, but it is deemed of sufficient importance to be placed in the Catalogue. The books pre- sented are six volumes—History of Methodism and the Methodist Church, by Abel Stevens, © ee). ny Mr. Allyn is himself one of the best examples in the country of what a boy, with no unusual advantages, may become by an earnest self-cul- ture, and by an industrious, frugal and moral life. The farmer’s boy is now (1867) a ripe scholar, a powerful preacher. and President of Me Kendree College, in the State of Illinois. To THE READERS OF THE “ Bint LIBRARY”: Haying in my boyhood derived much pleasure and great profit from reading, at such spare hours as a farmer’s boy could find, the books be- longing to the “ North Groton Library,” I desire to be allowed to add to the liberality of my old school-maie and generous founder of this “ Bill Library,” a few volumes. I do this to carry out, on every suitable occasion, the spirit of a promise long since made under the following circum- stances, as well as an offering of gratitude to the founders of the old Library. Tn the winter of 1838-9, I started on my home- ward way, from a school I had been teaching, on 18 REV. MR. ALLYN’S LETTER. foot and with a satchel in my hand. Snow coy- ered the ground. My burden was heavy, and less than an hour’s travel brought some regrets that I had not taken a stage coach. Just then a man in a sleigh overtook me and asked if I would ~ ride. With gladness I assented, and rode till mid afternoon to within one mile of home. On getting out of the sleigh after a thirty miles ride, T asked: “ How much shall I pay for my very opportune ride ?” ‘“ T suppose,” said the man, “ that you think, as I proposed the ride, I shall not charge anything FOr. “ The ride has been none the less a favor to me than if I had asked it, and I am none the less wil- ling to pay for it,” said I. “Well sir, J shall then charge double.” Iwaited — while he laughed very good naturedly, and as I thought, rather excessively. Then he said, “I ~ bave done you a favor, and you must pay for it — in this way. If you ever have a horse and sleigh, or buggy, and overtake a foot passenger, as I did you, you must pay me by taking him up and car- — rying him on his journey. And you be sure to © make him pay you in the same coin.” Somebody provided books for me to read when Twas a boy. I want to provide a few for some- body’s boy, and I hope those who read these will provide for all coming generations of Ledyard boys, that this town may be the most intelligent, virtuous and pious in all New England. Rogpert ALLYN. Ledyard, Aug. 1st, 1867. : HON. JOHN T. WAIT'S LETTER. 19 _ ‘68> The following communication is from Hon. John T. Wait, Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives for the session at which the Charter for the “ Bill Library” was granted. © Hon. Henry Bix: My Dear Sir—Having had the pleasure of ren- dering some slight aid towards obtaining the Charter of the “ Bill Library,” in Ledyard, I, with this, send you several volumes that, I trust, will be of sufficient value to be received as an addi- tion to the works already on the shelves of the Library. You could not, sir, have presented to the citizens of Ledyard a gift that would ulti- mately be more valuable to them than you have bestowed in founding this public library; and knowing your strong attachment to the place of your nativity, I feel assured that you could not have done an act that would have given greater satisfaction to yourself. Ihave not a doubt but that the intelligent citizens of that town will take pride in adding to and perpetuating what will be not only a source of enjoyment to them- selves, but a most valuable legacy to transmit to their children. I am, sir, very truly yours, Joun T. Warr. » LEDYARD BILLS LETTER. pall New York, April 26, 1867. To tHE TRUSTEES OF THE FREE LIBRARY AT LEDYARD, Conn. GENTLEMEN.—The establishment of a free library in my native town is a matter in which I take great interest. I avail myself of the pleasure it gives me in contributing towards the object for which the li- brary is founded, and to this end I have this day sent per Adams Express (freight paid) a box containing One Hundred selected volumes. They go as far as Norwich by Express. I trust they will prove an acceptable gift, and at some future time, my life being spared, I hope to be able to add to this expression of the kind feeling I bear towards my former townsmen. Very Truly Yours. LEDYARD BILL. ho LEDYARD TOWN MEETING. yes Since the publication of the Catalogue the following action has been taken by the Town of Ledyard :— At the annual Town Meeting held in Ledyard on the 7th day of October, 1867, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz :— WueErREAs, The Hon. HENRY BILL, of Nor- wich, a native of Ledyard, has endowed a Public Library in this town. and has expended upon the same the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500,) which is to be for our benefit and that of our children and children’s children to the end of time; and Whereas, Such enlightened liberality de- serves the warmest gratitude of the town, and the gift is worthy of being preserved and guard- ed with all the care and watchfulness it is in our power to bestow upon it; therefore Resolved, That the thanks of the town be here- by tendered to the Hon. Henry Bull for his gen- erous gift, which will, we trust, be more precious to us and our children than gifts of silver or gold. Resolved, That we desire in this public man- ner to invoke for our honored friend all the bless- ings attendant upon good deeds, and we trust that the noble example which he has made, may’ be followed by other sons of our town, that our people may be forever distinguished for those virtues that spring from intelligence, morality, and an enlightened Christian virtue. eS ee ° NEWSPAPER NOTICES. 23 Resolved, That the Town Clerk be ordered to enter these resolutions upon the records of the town, and transmit a copy of the same to the Hon. Henry Bill, of Norwich, and to furnish a ‘copy also to the papers of the County for publi- cation. JAMES A. BILLINGS, Town. Clerk. From the Norwich Daily Advertiser, Oct 4th, 1887. BILL LIBRARY. The Library presented to the town of Ledyard, by the Hon. Henry Bill of this town, will be open - ed to the publie on Monday next A neat cata- logue accompanies the Library, by which we learn that there are 1013 yolumes of standard works now on the shelves. There is also a Sunday School Library of 250 volumes. The Library is endowed with a permanent fund of $1,000, besides which Mr. Bill has expended about $3,000 in new books, book cases, catalogues, &c., winding up with covering the whole property with a five years’ policy of insurance. The Library is, in all its appointments, probably the most complete town library in the State. Every inhabitant of the town is entitled to all its benefits upon the payment of 25 cents a year. The Sunday School library is free to all the Sunday School Scholars of the town. This munificient gift is highly prized by the people of the town, who will, we doubt not, make it a matter of town pride to preserve it, and adopt every means for its increased efficiency and _ use- fulness. Dp “NEWSPAPER NOTICES. Irom the Norwich Bulletin, Oct, 2d, 1867. THE BILL LIBRARY. It will be recollected that, some months ago, Henry Bill of this city gave to his native town, Ledyard, the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of establishing a free public library. This gift he has since increased, by contributions of books, and otherwise, so that the eatire amount .of his donation is between $3,000 and $4,000. Other public spirited citizeus have co-operated with Mr. Bill in the work, and the library is ready to begin operations with a catalogue of over one thousand books. The last General Assembly passed an act of incorporation, and the institution will be ~ known as the * Bill Library.” It will be open for the first time on the first Monday of the pre- sent month, town meeting day, and afterwards on every Saturday and Sunday. The opening of the library on the last mentioned day will, how- ever, be partial, to permit the Sunday School children to avail themselves of a portion of the collection, some two hundred and fifty in number, which is intended especially for their use. A catalogue of the books has been printed, contain-. . ing also the history of the foundation of the library and its regulations, which may be obtain- ed of Edmund Spicer, the librarian, on the day mentioned above. Mr. Bill’s generosity and public spirit in founding this library entitles him to the warm regard of the people of Ledyard, and it is to be hoped his labors will prove as useful to the town as they are honorable to himself. CATALOGUE. A Abbot, J. Agnes. New York, 1855............309 Alexander the Great. New York, 1848..,.154 . Beceunttes wNew York; 1850. . 2.205.042. 165 RRO a Ne na ioe es Vink see eo eae 157 Charles the First. New York, 1854....... 163 Charles the Second. New York, 1849..... 164 Ellen Linn. New York, 1852... ....... 306 History of Queen Elizabeth. N. Y., 1849. .307 History of Julius Cesar. - 1864...........814 History of Peter the Great. N. Y., 1860. .318 emer new York, 18600. 0.6 cee ce ees 177 Harper’s Story Books. 12 v. 1854... 420-31 Learning to Talk. New York, 1855...... 225 Learning to Think. New York, 1856..... 226 Learning to Read. New York, 1856......229 , Learning about Common Things. N. Y., OREO DME ee Si codare doe 6 2 Src sete whens Folate 227 Learning about Right and Wrong. N. Y., SL Cn GA eset tnt ae Ae IE rae OR 228 Malhyille. New York, 1850............. 161 Mary Erskine. New York, 1850.......... 162 Mary Bell. New York, 1850............. 308 Mary Queen of Scots. New York, 1848...316 24 ¥ CATALOGUE OF THE Abbot, J. Marco Paul in Vermont.—1852....... 166 Marco Paul in New York. gelepeee- eee 167 Marco Paul in the Springfield Armory. T8538. ons Re fr oe rls 168 Marco Paul on the Erie Canal. 1852......303 Marco’ Paul in Maines) “8529s eee eae Marco Paulin Boston 1853. 0.0a0 osu, 305 Richard the First. New York, 1857..... 169 Richard the Second. Nww York, 1858....170 Richard the Third. New York, 1858...... 171 Rodolphus. .New York, (802.22 20o, qe 155 Rainbow’s Journey. New York, 1860..... 180 Stuyvesant. New York, 1853........ pti Be: Selling Lucky. New York, 1860......... 310 The Three Pines. New York, 1860. /. ..311 The Young Christian. New York, 1851... 13 9 ee (. ce C6 928 Up the River. New York, 1861.......... io Wallace: ‘New York, (5G 2 2. aymy aus 175 William the Conqueror. New York, 1864. .517 Abbot, A. O. Prison Life in the South. New York, 18663. 7 eG ey oe sinned eae cee 294 Abbot, J. 8. C. . Childat omer Goya. eee T77 Empire of Austria, .NOYs 1609) see 49 History of Josephine. New York, 1867...152 History of Maria Antoinette. N. Y., 1849..158 History of the Civil War in America. | 2v. New York, 1863-729 eee .. 115-16 The Same. New York, 1866........... “117 History of the Civil War. 2 ¥. New York, 1864-6. oof ch acre Shee ee ae 118-19 The Sime. 2v. New York, 1865-7....120-1 Mothers at Home. Worcester, Mass,...... 735 oo BILL LIBRARY... 25 Abercrombie’s Intellectual Powers. New York, Pema aM eho. a Moe he. Se 249 Moral peliias, Wew- York. 1865 00.05.52. 2554 Adams. The Poet Preacher. x. Wa heO Pe ee 697 Words that shook the world, N. Y., 1858. .699 Adams Wm. In the world, not of the world, N. Y. 747 “ae oe Selections from the Spectator. 2 v. OWE EMrRO SOO Sos Oo Sma a 469-70 Biieedask Noti's New.y Ork, F840. oc. ol os 335 on the death of Hon. Solomon Foot. 2v...562-8 Advice to a Married Couple. Rev. James Bean... .951 4e i 4c ce ce : 952 to a Young Christian af Seat oO b Affections and Conversion. Edwards & Alleine. ..893 Afflicted Man’s Companion. Williston ......... 856 Agnes. J. Abbot. New York, 1853. ... .....809 Agricultural Chemistry. Ghaptal’s. N. Y., 1839..344 Agricultural Department Reports. 1861........ 990 Or eaMEB POGOe eek ee eee ws .2 991 CMO E SUG. cies ve cs esa ei es oe O02 RERICEM NO CAP AA. sc ance ecole she 549 ee AM OOO ict See ee cee w+ BDO Alcott W. A. Letters to Young Men uffalo PNT fertile de wi G,9 6s Savers 151 Alden Joseph. Science of Government.......... 915 iewarder en racucal Truths. .. 22.05.) .5- 66s 868 Alexander the Great. J. Abbott. N, Y., 1848...154 Alfred Tennyson’s Poems. Boston, 1867........ 786 Allen’s Church History, 2v. Phil. 1823... 619-20 Allen. Domestic Animals. New York, 1848... .676 PPA MV IMOUNLOL < s,s oe os ee wet ewe on 770 America and American Methodism. Jobson. New PUM RSS Soa sa cil ass ss ahs sees 16 America, History of. Robertson. N. Y., 1854...497 SPOMth ra Vow N.Y ., O56 S ol o.oo. 2s 252-4 26 CATALOGUE OF THE American Biography. Belknap’s. 3v. New York a 1855... 2 tee eee Sele eRe ok ..-. 195-7 7 American Cottage Life, Upham................ 164 American Debater. Wm. Elliyott. N. Y., 1863....83 — American History, Tales from, 3 v............. 20-2 American History. Wilson’s. New York, 1847...140 American Husbandry. Gaylord and’Tucker. 2v. a New York, 1864.20. eee 473-4 American Biography. Sparks. 10 v......... 410-19 American Forest. New York, 1860............. 32) 4 American Fruit Culturist. J. J. Thomas. New * York, 1867 23k, 2h ck seen 34.4 American Odd Fellows Museum. 2 v. New York, 1856... .3 - seh gh eee ee 137-8 — American Notes. Dickens. 2v. N Y., 1866..397-8 ~ American Poets, Bryant’s Selections from. New 4 York,1865. ii.) seme a ee 232 American Privateers, History of. Coggeshall. New York, 1861s...) 4% 55 aye enn ren 147 American Revolution. Blake. New York, 1847...254 American Slavery Justified. Seabury. New York, L861. S044: 2: 00 eps ope lapeede eieeehe ee ei 112 American Weeds and Useful Plants. Darlington. New York,’ 1809.1 autne. Oe tenons 40 8 Analogy of Religion. Butler. New York, 1852...290 Ancient Eeypt. .. Trevor. eae ee 867 Anderson Mary E. Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands 833 | Anecdotes for the Family ........ mere t Satiat 725 a Animals, Picture Book of the Sagacity of. New. York, 1865. 3. 5.2 0Rggite sus aca ae 186 Annals of the Poor, L. Richmond... a yue.. 832 Anthony A.'S... ‘The Circus mies tee eens 850 Anxious Inquirer after Salvation. J. A. James... .612 The. Same vou wae io tule SS ERGG eee eee ee 613 BILL LIBRARY. 27 DNs been EON IC PUD 250. i). < eee eV oleais wv a-e o> 854 Are you a Christian? H. Winslow, D. D........ 939 PROBE ECE NREOTAY: So Selec el sie Sais Pele sew ative es 971 Armstrong’s Agriculture. New York, 1864...... 256 Astronomical Discourses. Chalmers............ 814 Atlantic Telegraph, History of. H. M. Field. - ReememrOti LOOG 2.25.4 eo. oe a 2 88s 113 Austin Mrs. Memoir of the Rev. Sidney Smith. Pree OLE ISDD. 2. ee ee § 14-15 nm 28 CATALOGUE OF THE ~ b Babcock S A. Hidden Treasure. N. Y., 1859...695 Bacon and Locke’s Essays. New York, 1841..... 495 4 Bacon Leonard. Christian Self-Culture......... 9304 Baillie’s Life Studies. New York, 1857........ pel he Baker. History of the Secret Service. Phila., 1867.653 — Balfern. Glimpses of Jesus. New York, 1861... 92 Bartlett. Life of Gen. Franklin Pierce, Auburn, . Barnaby Rudge. Dickens. 3yv. N. Y., 1866.350-2 Barrow’s Life of Peter the Great. N. Y., 1862...258 Barrow’s Voyages ivhoss aya ee eee 302 Barry P. The Fruit Garden. Rochester, 1863.... 39 Bayne. Essays in Biography and Criticism. Bos- ton, 1858. sia eitese eae eis ate ieee heaie eae ies 280 Baxter. Calketo the unconverted............... 755 On Conversion. R. Baxter, 1657......... 860 Saints’ Rest.) 2.) Cae eee eee 895 The Sante : >. nik s oaeeeeee ee ee eh Life... Dying Thoughts 2a. saree 896 Bayard Taylor’s Poems. Boston, 1865.......... 843 Bean Rev. James, Advice to a Married Couple... .951 TherSame . 2:22 ae eae a 952 Beatrice Cenci. Guerazzi. 2v. N. Y., 1858.100-11 Beauty, Inward and Outward. ss Gey cee ae 966 Beecher’s Domestic Economy. New York, 1859. .41 Beecher on Intemperance, eee ee eee eee 813 Beecher’s Receipt Book ....... Sag oe Rete »» 490 Beecher’s. Sketches for the Young i... i270... 9. 775 Beechnut. “J. ‘Abbot, 18505). a ee 165 Beginning Lite. Tullock. Cimarso0ecuee ee 712 Belcher Joseph. Biography of Whitfield........ 910 Bell KR. Life of Canning: * Mewey ork eee 299 Bell’s Mary Queen of Scots. 2v.... 1....... 448-9 BILL LIBRARY. _ 29 . - Belknap’s American Biography. 8 v. New York, 4 Re Re eee ae aiala' oe Ua 195-7 Berguin A. Child’s Friend. New York, 1864. ..502 Bessie and Raymond. Boston, 1866.... ....... fs _ Beyond the Mississippi. Richardson. Hartford, PROT hee eS ray eS od: Raa SO 654 Bible and Modern Thought. Rev. T. R. Birk... .671 - Biblein the Workshop. J. W. Mears. N. Y., 1867. .106 Bible Picture Book. New York, 1861........... 187 Bible Prayers. King....... .... ey aie ne Oba: 765 PCM Lesu BOO Ws... ke. ome 6 hues Pt tree 809 miblenetues | Elmer... . cca ss: eau ae coy 4 he aia Biography of Whitfield. Joseph Belcher, D. D...910 Birk T. R. The Bible and Modern Thought. Cin- BRO DT aren cna sk n'y ahs chee aN wes 8s 671 Blake’s American Revolution. N. Y., 1847 Wager 254. Blackstone’s Commentaries. Vol. I. IL. = IRR 639 peeves Ole Li be TV oe ss lye ears 640 Blake’s Juvenile Companion. New York, 1864. .485 Bleak House. Dickens. 4 v. N. Y., 1866,...489-92 eeurepariimeds. HOSe. os. o. eva lee. Signe ee 776 ee ee ty sc VN oa la gie'y a) eee eyes 968 Bonner J. Child’s History of the United States. mov annew york, 186000. CES, 538-40 Book of Illustrious Mechanics. Foucand. New SURO so aca ed bac a ee oo 108 Botany, Lessons in. Gray. New York, 1862.... 33 Perimmer eeatCal: MON. nc i eelc eee clus ee ne eee 185 Boy’s Own Guide. Wm. Simonds. Boston...... 727 mane Wie 2 yk sme eee uk oe oe ene 82.2 Brewster’s Life of Newton. New York, 1864..... 337 Brewsters Letters on Natural Magic. N. Y., 1862..475 British Plutarch. W.C. Taylor. N. Y., 1846....312 Brougham’s Pleasures and Advantages of Science. METEOR NEGA 0. studs Soe tad Mee dere 244 o 50 CATALOGUE OF THE Brockett, S. P. Woman’s work in the Civil War. Phi 1 86%2\2.. seen «oye BRN ene ert N es A Ke: Brock. Henry Havelockxey ee ene ae ee eee 760 Brown J. H. Four Years in Secessia, Hartford, 1860 oe. ue ees eee eee oe ann oOo Brownell. Indian Races of North and South America +, 2:07 Soa ta sie cae te) eet ees 141 Browning E. B. Mrs. Browning’s aes on the — Poets. -N. Ys 3863.00 eee eee 752 Bruce’s Travels. New York, 1840.........:.... 339 4 Bryant’s Poems. 2 ws NY Y.e1866?>2e554 ac. 673-4 Bryant’s Selections from American Poets. New York, 1865...) 3, ue eee 932 Buell J. Farmer’s Instructor. New York., 1859. ye ere meet to pe gS PY 508-9 Bunner’s History of Louisiana. New York, 1861. .248 Bunyan’s Complete Works. Phil?, 1866..... ee toe Bunyan John, Pilgrim’s Progress.... .... ...894 Burder Geo. Village Sermons 722 ee ess ok ee 916 History of All Religious Denominations, Philadelphia “T8657. ie ane ete ney . 652 Burdett. Dora Barton. New York, 1860........ 74 Butler’s Analogy of Religion. New York, 1852. .290 Byron. : «Phil, 18652 +5238 28s Seen eee 135 ee ee ae - . . — te ee ee ee eee BILL LIBRARY. Say ee - Cain and Abel and other stories.......... 3 SRE 945 Call to the Unconverted. Baxter............... 755 Campbell’s Poetical Works. T. Campbell. N Y. (EE re ge WC mere 69 nermames boston. 1866 '......05....- 796 Memapor teadiey Vicars. .2. 6... wee oe 750 Carey, Marshman and Ward, - G Marshman. NG SG a (er 190 MaBONUGMMMRADOOU 222.5... 2. cf eee. pevkee Catalogue of the N. Y. Trade sale of Books...... 985 Catalogue of Vols, and Libraies for Sabbath LG a ea a HP: PUES ho a eee li ec te se 988 Caulkins F. M. History of Norwich. Hartford CN he OS a ae arr eee Lae . 189 . History of New London. N. L. 1860...... 936 Children of the Bible... ...... Bre eae esta Zs) Cecil Rev. R. Life of Rev. J. Newton ...... ..820. Chalmers. Astronomical Discourses............ 814 Seapine tiches of Bunyan...) 2.0.2 wk cee. 869 _ Charles the First. J. Abbott. New York, 1854.163 Charles the Second. J. Abbott. New York, 1849.164 Charlesworth M. L. Ministry of ee Tig 2 ae dee 693 Br Othen gate. Oo... see ee Sa ee 797 Chase. Teachings of Patriots and Statesman. Pare LOOP Se ee ewe al se 885 Cheever, G. B. Commonplace Book of Poetry. OS ESD be Sale eer etic ae in a ae dee 64 Pee agsome.. 0.9. C. Abbott ....05..6055.. 777 3 Child’s Book on the Soul. Rev. T. H. Gallaudet. .'74: Child’s Friend. A. Berquin. New York, 1864. .502 Child’s History of Greece. N. Y., 1857. 2v....432-3 32 CATALOGUE OF THE © ‘Child’s History of the United States. J. Bonner. 3 Vel. ve ets oles oe ce ere 588-40 Child Jesus and other Stories .............. Pe Children itfvited to, Christ. 45; sujueyer pete acer Children led to the Saviour. Waterbury........ Children of the Bible. F. M. Caulkins,......... Children’s. Picture Book. ¢... a caeenninne ann ee China Mission. Dean. New York, 1859....... : China and Japan. J.D. Johnston. Phil, 1861.. 51 - - Chitty on Bills...:.-. 5...) ae ee eee 2. 635 7c— Chitty’s. Pleadings. 3 vi: Some: te eee 632-4 Christ and the Sea. Rev. J. Spaulding......... 807 Christ and the Twelve. Holland. | Springfield, 18675... i. ayes a a, Pets ape 99 Christ in the Will, the Heart and the Life. Muz- zey.. Boston, 1861... Goa een eee ., 4608 Christ knocking at the Door.. Flavel. 1669..... 837 | Christian Home. S. Phillips. Springfield, Chica- go and Cincinnatisg = fic: eerie eee 1038 4 Christian Home Life,...... oa RAB ie SOLER 999 Christian Maiden. Priestley. N.Y. 1859...... 714 Christian Self, Cultures 23: . G2 seers -20 0931.38 Christmas Stories. Dickens. N. Y., 1866. 2v..635-6 Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotta Family. N. Y. 1867 0. |nike Si ee 669 Church History. Allen. Phil., 1823; 2v..... 619-20 Circumnavigation of the Globe. New York, 1859.349 Circus, the. A. S. .Anthomy [395 ype 850. Clare, Ada. Only a Woman’s Heart. N. Y., 1866.107 Clark, Samuel D. D. Promises of Seripture....... 739 Cloud Dispelled. Kirk. New York, 1860....... 407 Coals of Fire-and other Stories) ..% pies sites ot 944 Cochin. Results of Slavery. Boston, 1863...... 155 Coggeshall. History of American Privateers. New York, 18614 ..1..5. 059.9 wes sen 147 BILL LIBRARY. — 33 | 2 “Collier Rey. Joseph A. The Right Wary ee 22.05.9006 i Young Men of the Bible.......-......... 749 | ~Combe’s Constitution of Man. New York, 1835..491 ) Combe on the Management of Infancy. N. Y., 1855 87 Combe’s Physiology. New York, 1843.......... 342 Come to Jesus....... SEU eae eS ane 827 Commerce and BMavicstion pore PSH4 is vor. 1008 yO GSS) 3 ie rn a aa SEE 647 mommercial Relations. 1865/......0..2....046: 551 . > 7 ue Se Bp Ae See ea 552 : tf Pesan 202% Fo 648 Commonplace Book of Poetry. G. B. Cheever. Rr Cae cs ls eas ce helen eos 64 Sonduct of the War, Part Ist. ..............5 100-1 PReeame Part ONG. eek. os was . 100-2 Concordance of the Holy Scriptures............ 917 Pommererignan Direetory. 9... 5... oe eee ee 610 Connecticut Civil Officer. Niles................ 641 Conquest and Self Conquest. New York, 1864...324 Considerations for Young Men. Rev. J. B. Water- ete SE 8 ws See oe vk ipk aay Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Conn. emmrnweme LOG! 2... 25... a ee eu 146 Cook N. H. Scripture Alphabet of Animals..... 819 Trees, Fruits and Flowers...... Sent tata 810 @ook’s Voyages. New York, 1786............. 230 Cooper’s Naval History. New York, 1856....... 408 Naval History, Phil, 1847............... 128 Cormack’s Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. New Cia TC 6 a a 323 Cotton Kingdom. Olmsted. N. Y., 1862. 2v..56-7 Counsels to Young Men. Jobn Morrison, D. D....745 Court and Camp of Napoleon Bonaparte.........848 swousing, The. New York, 1845.............-.. 500 Creasy’s Fifteen Decisive Battles. N. Y., 1851....291 34. _ CATALOGUE OF THE Crichton’s Scandinavia. New York, 1860. 2v...514-5 Cripple of Antioch. N. Y. 1856.0 05¢ 32 23 ease 723 Cross Bearer, the.. /.55. .. see ees 918 | Cross of Jesus. Thompson. N, Y. 1865.. ..... 717 Crowe’s France. New York, 1858. 3 .......585-7 4 Cumming’s Rev. Asa. Memoir of Payson....... 902 — God in History. 2405.80 eee es 688 Cunningham’s Painters and Sculptors. New York, 1859. DV... accel et meal eee eet eee 212-6 Curiosities of ‘Animal Life.. “Wa. cea ene ee ee 687 Curiosity Shop. Dickens. N. Y., 1866. 3 v..399-401 BILL LIBRARY. 35 19, Mae onmor, tie. Allen S..... cs. eee ee eu le, Daity Prayerse.. 2... eC CE ecg ot als ane eae Ae 836 -Dairyman’s Daughter. Legh Richmond... .....794 Darlington. American Weeds and Useful Plants. MMNRCO TINGS ct ele ec eee ene see 40 Darwin’s Researches. New York, 1864....... 436-7 D’Aubigne. History of the Reformation. 5v. .838-42 ieee OW oes aes ch asd vce cs 886-90 Davenport’s Perilous Adventures. N. Y., 1865... .325 David Copperfield. Dickens. N. Y., 1866. 4 v..385-8 Peete EMPARRREM oo ss ees sa ee o.. >. 444-5 Davis, Emerson. The Half Century. Boston, 1851. 48 0 Sp Silat lie hy a err a 642 Dean. The China Mission, New York, 1859.... 72 Dendy’s Philosophy of Mystery................ 173 Pemeor Wore. Old Hepry...-....7. 4... 922 Denison, J. L. Pictorial History of the Navy of the United States. New York, 1862...... 123 Denison, J. L. The Illustrated New World. New Ct ett So Fc es SS tiene wate e 27 Denison, J. L. Pictorial History of the New World. Ot Ce nS as a rr 28 Denison, J. L. Pictorial History of the Wars of Went DLALES ee ee re ete ee 30 Denison, J. L. Pictorial History of the Wars of PE EGU SEALOD Pi. es ee ee eas 31 Denison, J. L. Pictorial History of the Wars of PePIILOEY PMALCE. 2h cles pk es oe Sore vans Oe Department of Agriculture Report, 1865........ 556 x % aS PSO ees eee 549 De Profundis. Gilbert. Lond. and New York, 1866, 99 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan. N.Y. 1867...... 670 36 CATALOGUE OF THE Dickens, N. Y., 1866. A Tale of Two Cities, 2 v.379-80 “ “ «¢ American Notes. 2v..... 397-8 « 66 ‘‘ Barnaby Rudge. 3v... 350-2 “6 ve ‘* Bleak House. 4 v....... 389-99, | “ vt ‘Christmas Stories. 2 v...365-6 ‘“ “ ‘“ Curiosity Shop. 3v....399-401 | ue “ ‘‘ David Copperfield. 4 v...385-8 — ou «6 ‘* Dombey & Son. 4v..... 361-4 — = eae es ‘“ Great Expectations. 2v.369-70 “ «Hard Times. 2¥........ 303-4 — re v6 ‘“ « Jitile Donit 27a 357-60 4c “ ‘© Martin Chuzzlewit. 4 v...875-8 — gat “ ‘* Mutual Friend. 4v...... 381-4 “ “Nicholas Nickleby, 4¥..371-4 | 6 “6 “ J Oliver Dwist ees 367-8 9 “ ue ‘“ Pickwick Papers. 4v....3938-6 © “6 v6 ‘<: . BketChese ewe & eee 355-6 us ve ‘* — Uncommercial Traveler. .... 402 ~ Dick’s Celestial Scenery. New York, 1887....... 320 Improvement of Society. New York, 1883.252 — Practical Astronomer. New York, 1859...301 Sidereal Heavens ij. ene ee 327 Dictionary of Congress). cas eee 557 Dictionary of the Holy Bibleota 2 aay etek 935 Dictionary of the Bible. Wm. Snuth )o.0420.. 919 Discontented Little Girl... i iucieutaen ieee Hees 965 Discoveries in Africa. Jameson. New York, 1859.341 Distinguished Men. New York, 186%. 2v..... 522-3 Doddridge. Rise and Progress. sue 858 The:Same (5 As wie eee Se tS ee ete 891 Dodge A. A. Jerry and his Friends, ...._.....- 824 Dombey & Son. Dickens. New York, 1866. 4v..361—4 Domestic Animals. Allen. N. Y. 1848......... 676 Domestic Life in Palestine. M. E. Rogers. Cin- cinnati, 1865. ..2. 0 pide) ee 677 a - BILL LIBRARY. 37 Dora Barton. Burdett. New York, 1860....... 74. Dowling’s History of Romanism. N. Y., 1857.... 8 Downing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees. N.-Y., 1865... 35 Prammer boy, boston, 1867:.....6..6.-.-,.% 91 Duer’s Jurisprudence. New York, 1864.........501 Dunlap W. History of New York. New York, (EO: i rea Set ons. 438-9 Dwight Rev. H.W. H. Obookiah.............. 821 Dwight’s History of Connecticut. New York, 1859. 246 Dying Thoughts. Rev. Richard Baxter ........ 896 CATALOGUE OF THE Os CO EK Edgar’s Footprints of Famous Mere. | eee History for Boys. New York 1867 Edgeworth, M. Moral Tales. New York, 1801.541- 2 Rosamond: 22 picasa se eee ee 295 Edwards. On Revivals so cg, eee ee eee 884 Edwards. Affections 2¢. ats ase cee 893 History of Redemption..... ies oe soe 899 The Same.- 173950055. eee eee ee 7264 Life of Brainerd. 3 Saleen eee 897 Edwards C..M. My Sister Margaret, N. Y. 1859..716 Edwards Jonathan Rev. Religious Affections....742 Edwards Justin. Sabbath Manual............ 1 (36 Temperance. Mantal (0.02.5, ou eee 778 ; Eighth Census of the United States. 1860...;...584_ Pt ze A a . iG ee 592 | “ Pipe : H TURP ae 593 “ eee i PSA 594 2p ts s Rf Ry ‘pe ee 595” “ Seer oi “ “ io ee 596° “ tL dca i ae mek as | 597 Ellen Linn. J. Abbott. New York, 1852....... 306° Empaytag Rev. H. L. Emperor Alexander...... 738 Emperor Alexander. Rev. H. L. Empaytag...... 738 Empire of Austria. J. S.C. Abbott. N. Y¥., 1859. 49° Employments of Women. Virginia Penny. Bos- ton, 1863, . ....W 2 Sees eee aes ae 65 Encyclopedia of All Nations. Hugh Murray. New : ~ York, 1864. -27-. (geias ne eee 19-20 The Same... icc Sie os eae ena . 21-2 Epitome of English Literature. A. J. Valpy, ae doni 1881... ..4iys senor Ree eee 920, ele ee er = ’ r “ ‘ had -~ - . ; : a ¥ Ke ser ze ; ia ad 40) CATALOGUE OF THE i EB Faithfal ‘Promises. 70.7. 3) eee ee 730 — Family Instructor. New York. 1855..........329 Farnham’s Life in Prairie Land. New York, 1860. .184 Farmer’s Instructor. J. Bueli. New York, 1859. ys PP is ty So a 508-9 Farragut and Our Naval Commanders. Headley. New York, 1867-22), ean eres iS sc 617 Father’s Letters to a Daughter. West eke eee 779 Ferguson’s History of the Roman Republic. N ew York; 1859... =. 400 eee SE RC OP .482 Ffarneion Remainders... .2.2>4ge eo

one ges .. 028 am Frost’s Beauties of English History. N. Y., 1846..481 Beauties of French History. N, Y,, 1849..235 | Lives of Eminent Christians, Phil., 1859... 7 BILL LIBRARY. 41 : Frost. Naval and Military History. Hartford, 1842.131 : Pictorial Biography of Andrew Jackson. : Drop) ES CS ad a eS aa 124 Fruit Garden. P. Barry. Rochester, 1863...... 39 Fuller, A. S. The Grape Culturist. N. Y., 1867. 28 aes eae 42 CATALOGUE OF THE G Gallandet Rev. T. H. Child’s Book on the Soul...742 : Scripture Biography, N. Y. 6v......... 873-8 — Gardening for Profit. Henderson. N. Y., 1867.. 37 — Gaylord and Tucker. American Husbandry. New u York, 1864. <2 ¥en eee 473-4 Gems for the Prayer Meeting........ Stine Gee Gems of Sacred Poetrys2,s ays eee eee 173 4 Gen. McClellan’s Report and Campaigns. New York, 1864.2... 2.42.6 se eee ee ee 1294 George Geith Trafford. Boston, 1865.......... 82 | George Washington. Account with the U. 58. j from Jan, 1775, to June dice anne ee 924\ 9 German History of the United States. Taylor. Hartford, 1856.22. eee eS pee eee hen Se 623 Ghaptal’s Agricultural Chemistry. N. Y., 1839...344 © Gilbert. De Profundis. Lond. and N. Y., 1866.. 99 Gilbert. The Monomaniac. New York, 1864.... 68 — Glimpses of Jesus. Balfern. New York, 1861... 92 — God in History.” Gomming NP ere ee 688 Going Home... .. ven peemi ee ee So whe oes 970 | Golden opportunity.) +2. 35 e453 eee ee 954 Golden Rule. Miss M. F. Goodwin............. 738 Goldsmith’s: Poems. - Boston. \ 392) e. gee see ees 855 Goldsmith’s History of Greece. New York, 1860.326 History of Rome. New York, 1863...... 224 Vicar of Wakehelds] ties st) eer 498 Goodrich, C. A. Great Events in American His- tory. Hartford, 1854...02 29. ew hus RRNA Oe 29 Goodrich’s History of the U. 8. Seavey. Boston. .848 Good’s Book of Nature. J. M. Good. Hartford. 1847 nas sas 50d ch ee Se 143 Goodwin’s Annual Legislative Statistics.......... 560 Goodwin Miss M. F. Golden Rule..... av aioe Ba oes BILL LIBRARY. 43 _ Goss Statistical History of Methodism, N. Y. 1866. .823 Goss. The Soldier’s Story of his Captivity. Bos- HoT 11S 11 eel ae eat a 624 Grant and Sherman. J. T. Headley. N. Y., 1866.126 Sranvernorourn. New York, 1852............ 86 SY go) ae ee gla en a ee 404 Grape Culturist. A.S. Fuller. New York, 1867...38 Gray, Barry. Matrimonial Infelicities. N. Y., 1866. .42 Gray’s Lessons in Botany. New York, 1862 .... 33 Great Events in American History. C. A. Good- wien, Harnord, 1854 ........ TERRE ee hy omar 29 Great Events of Unfulfilled Prophecy. Labagh. OO Be 0 pce aa ran ae SUG Great Expectations. Dickens. N. Y., 1866. 2v.369-70 Great Rebellion. J.T. Headley. Hartford, 1863.122 sreen Pastures for the Lord’s Flock. Smith. New ere ee ye. eke 17 Griscom’s Animal Mechanism. New York, 1858. .239 Guerazzi. Beatrice Cenci. N. Y., 1858. 2v...110-1 Guide for Young Disciples. Rev. J. G. Pike..... 901 44 CATALOGUE OF THE Habits of Good Society <.:5 sateen eee eee 830 — Hale’s Housekeeping. New York, 1861.........346 ~ Hale. Kansas and Nebraska. Boston, 1854......80 4 Hale Mrs. J. Receipts for the Million. Phila... .925 q Hale, 8. J. Letters of Lady Montague. New. York,,, 1859). 2:5 30's Hue eset ates en eer 73 Hale’s United States. New York, 1857, 2,v.. .442-3 @ Half Century. Davis. Boston. 1851......-.... 48 Hall’s Scripture History. Rev. Joseph Hall . ...909 Handie. J. Abbott. New York,.1860.......... 177 Hard Times. Dickens. New York, 1866. 2 v..3853-4 Harper & Brothers. List of Publications......... 986 - Harper’s Story Books. J. Abbott. New York, 1854. 12 V5.6) pie ec nee 420-31 Harris. Zaccheus or Plan of Benevolence....... 762 Harvey’s Poems. T. K. H. Boston, 1866....... 785 Harry wicca oe icp wee leo ieee Sas ise 780 Hattie’s New Joy 3. 94 5) ee 962 Hawes Dr. Letters on Universalism........... 769 Haven E. O. The Pillars of Truth. N. Y. 1866. ...698 Haven G. The Pilgrim’s Wallet. N. Y. 1866....708 Hawkins, W. J. Life of Hawkins. Boston, 1863.114 Hazen’s Technology. New York, 1859. 2 v..440-1 Headley J.T. The Great Rebellion. Hartford, 1863 .122 Washington and his Generals. N. Y., 1865.125 Grant and Sherman. New York, 1866... 126 Napoleon and his Marshals. N. Y., 1865..127 Farragut and Our Naval Commanders. New York;.1867 5... 3 Sate See 617 Sacred Mountains, Characters and Scenes in the Holy Land. New York, 1867.... 12 Life of Washington. New York, 1865....263 el i i ee et a pws _— ' Heman’s Poetical Works. N.Y. 1866. 2v....678-9 Henderson. Gardening for Profit. N. Y., 1867.. 37 BILL LIBRARY. 45 Matenry Havelock. Brock... |......0.005.05- .. 760 - Henry’s History of Philosophy. N. Y., 1863. 2 v.504—-5 Heroines.of History. Owen. N Y., 1854........ 659 MN ete gs he sc sis hp ee ce es . 963 I 0 a eae er 960) Hidden Treasure. S. A. Babcock. N. Y., 1859. .695 Higgins’ Physical Condition of the Earth......... 319 ‘Hillard. Life and Campaigns of Gen. McClellan. - (SLES SR ei a eee 04 Hints and Thoughts for Christians. Rev. J. Todd, Re ee) kc ees es nee 908 History of American Privateers. Coggeshall. New eNO CaP hoe cn cs tee ces Sorat y: History of the Atlantic Telegraph. H. M. Field. New York, 1866 ..... le hoe eae 113 History of the Bible.. Kitto, Norwich, 1867.... 2 ce 4c ac. ec ee ia 3 (79 ae 6 “ oe 46 4 ae - ” ~ Pa as = x a a 7 or History of the Civil War in America. J. 8. C. Ab- buevem, York, 1863. <2 V.....-. 0.2... 115-6 eA OL ESOG iG cosa oes cee sees Bola We History of the Civil War. J.8. C. Abbott. New CO reas 118-9 The Same. 1865-7............ Mice te 120-1 History of the Early Christians. Huntington......846 History of England. George Palmer. Boston,1861.934 History of the Huguenots. W. Carlos Martyn..... 907 History of Josephine. J. 8. C. Abbot. N. Y., 1867.152 of Julius Cesar. J. Abbot. N. Y., 1864... .314 of Maria Antoinette. J.S C. Abbot. New ome R49 6 oy es ee fd fee 158 of Massachusetts. N. Y., 1855. 2v....512-3 46 - CATALOGUE OF THE History of Methodism. Stephens. vol.1.... -- 662 cs Ui vol. 2,....3..660m8 6 ae ee 664 of New London. F. M. Caulkins. New © London, 1860.2 4. <5.02 ep Sener ete ene 936 of the Moors of Spain. Figen N. Y., 1882. .249- q of the Methodist Church. Stephens. vol. 1 N. ¥., 1866.) ; ) 20) eure eee eee 665 | The Same... yolo2: a. eoee eae A Yn 666 The Same, =vol S50 ase vee ee ee 667 @ of New York. W. Dunlap. N. Y:, 1855 DQ Vew sales wpe #& waniotsl pln ie cance Rina s elena ee of Norwich. F. M. Caulkins. Hartford, 1866.139 — of Palestine. John Kitto, D. D. Boston. .933_ of Peter the Great. J. Abbot. N. Y,, 1860.318 — of Queen Elizabeth. J. Abbot. N.Y. 1849.307 — of Redemption. Pres’t Edwards.......... 899 © of the Secret Service. Baker. Phil. 1867.653 — of Spain and Portugal. New York, 1860. 4 ‘Sh SEE Paes iy WF Ss Ah 528-32 of the Reformation. D’Aubigne. 5v.838—42 of the Reformation of the 16th Century. J. H.M. D’Aubigne, D. D. 5v....886-90. 7 of Redemption. Pres’t Edwards. 1739 ...726 — of Virginia. New ore solvene es oo etd of the World. Rotteck. Phil., 1858..... 614 of the World. Maunder. N. Y., 1866. 2 v.25-6 — Hocker Rev. H. Scripture Hiosmnny Hartford. r 5 Vins tis’ s +5» ecaeseen ee ech eae 879-83 — Hofland’s Young Conti New Yorko2c2 qu sees 233m Son of a-Génius, (4.225 eee eee ey) Hoge.’ Blind Bartimeus...25 929) eee eee 776 Holland. Christ and the Twelve. Springfield, 1867 9 — Life of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, 1866,144 — BILL LIBRARY. 47 Holmes’ Life of Mozart. New WOree ERGO 5.0.6 O16 Holmes 0. W. Holmes’ Poems. Boston, 1866. .804 Holmes Poems. O. W. Holmes. ~ Boston, 1866. .804 motes emor Ofed, B.Taylor....... 2.6... 905 ery Oibromenow VP Ork 18605...) 2. en eee 1 Holy Land Phelps. New York, 1863..... .... ok Home Thrusts and Home Thoughts. N. Y., 1861.104 Horne’s History of the Age. New York, 1855... 160 Horse and Other Live Stock.. R. Jennings. Phil. Ch ge dc ES er 622 House. The Missionary in Many Lands........ 703 How Ella’s Prayer was answered.......... 953 Howitt, Mary. Who shall be Greatest. N. Y. 1867. 327 How tovbe aero. *hoL. EK. Boston. .... ce. 6751 Hugh’s Ornaments Discovered. N. Y., 1860..... 248 Humboldt’s Travels and Researches. N. Y., 1832. .250 Ermipurey, srevival Sketches... 2»... 6.226. sees 834 Humphrey Mrs. E. J. Six Yearsin India. N. Y. Maa ioe ellis wcc cs es vice 686 Huntington. History of Karly Christians....... 846 Hunton, Rev. R. §.,M. A. Present Savior....... 744 Hymns for Infant Minds. Jane Taylor........... 805 PEMMIMCMIOTR oo soc os og Sac ass lino i 774. LL OL SS i arr wae pee es 940 x 48 CATALOGUE OF THE I Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Isles. New } York, 1841 °°. ee 492 I'll not disobey my Mother for any of you........961 _ Illustrated Pear Culturist. N. Y. 1857....... 927% Illustrated New World, J. L. Denison. N. Y., 1864 27 — Tivaine C. P.M. D. D. Evidences of Christianity. 912 — Indian Affairs, 18664 > ee eee Piste Ton The Same\y. se te eee 588 9 Indian Races in North and South America. Brownell.141 Inner Life. -. Philadelphia, =i366. =. ee 675 4 In the World not of the World. W. Adams WD. D., New Yorkie oe ee eine ae a neeen 747 Internal Revenue Frauds. Report 1867......... 1005 Inter-Oceanic Railroads and Canals. 1866. ..... 649 Italy and the Italian Islands. Spalding. New York, @84tin'3 Waren ae Cae wir ary ikke 219-21 I wish I was Poor... c.g) n eee eee eee ee 761 6 a ee Le BILL. LIBRARY. 49 tail +g al ac - ee : ple } Se sa : + : :. : y James’ History of Charlemagne. 1882.......... 238 James, J. A. Young Woman’s Friend. N. Y., 1857 95 James Rev. J. A: Anxious Inquirer..... Be ia 729 . Woune Men from Home. 2s ii. fe. 732 Jameson’s Discoveries in Africa: New York, 1859.341 Jennings R. Horse and Other Live Stock. Phil., LIAO SS Ik Sa Ae ee fore) Wane anes 622 Jay’s Family Prayers. Wm. Jay, New York ....758 Jay Rev. Wm. Morning Exercises../... ...... 921 Jobson. America and American Methodism. New ay ee a cae e's we a eas 16 Johnson, J.D. China and Japan. Phil., 1861... 51 Johnson’s Economy of Health. New York, 1858.281 Joseph and his two Dreams, and other stories. ...948 Journey in the Back Country. Olmsted. New PCIE ee ego sa) a oo ne cae e's 67 Jennings. Evidences of Christianity. Rev. Wm. 1) eS OE Se i a 904 Jerry and his Friends. A. A. Dodge........:...824 Judge Williams....... Rey Vessel! o SIRE TA1 50 CATALOGUE OF THE — m Kansas and Nebraska. Hale. Boston, 1854..... 80 Keightley’s History of England. New York, . 1860. 5. Vsecide ui ee eee eee 203-7 Kellogg. Life and Death in Rebel Prisons. Hart- ford. 186559. set eos ee eee ee . 19 Kendrick. Life and Letters of Emily ©. Judson. _ New. York, 18602). ¢a0 cues Sn Sp 405 Kenny Carles Uniform...... ee area tts, S 818 Kimball R. B. Students Abroad. N. Y., 1862.. 62 Kimball J. W... Friendly Words), 3 i. .28 sng 828 King. _ Bible Prayers... 4. cg eee 165. Kirk. The Cloud Dispelled. New York, 1860. .407. Kitto John D. D. History of Palestine. Boston.. .933 Kitto. History of the Bible. 1866............ s + =) MOE a sitet Lene 4¢ cb ce (79 Metin Senha. Kitty, A Kitten eee puke coe ae ee 955 Kossuth’s Speeches. New York, 1854.......... 279) Klipport. Land Draining. Cincinnati, 1861.... 697 Krina. Appleof:.Goldje. tc ceessern seca ee ee 854 BILL LIBRARY. 51 ly Labagh. Great Events of Unfulfilled Prophecy. AMEE ESB esc pec ness coe ps 406 Lady and Gentleman’s Letter Writer. Boston....785 Lady Blessington’s Conversations with Lord Byron. ee he ase 5 ee Os ele e ede. 109 Lady Huntingdon Portrayed. N.Y. 1857... .694 Land Draining. Klipport. Cincinnati, 1861...... 62." Lander’s Journal. New York, 1832. 2v....... 446-7 Last Leaves of American History. Emma Willard. New York, 1849...... Dee et tiahidtie dete ® « 85 NC OF NG, 25 oe oe wk te se te oe mae ete eee 800 Learning about Common Things. J. Abbott. ME MGM B A c's" ocs oa sss sieie's «sie « 227 About Right and Wrong. J. Abbott. New Sunk, LO) 2 tog QUES een seeder 228 to Read. J. Abbot, New York, 1856... .229 to Talk. J. Abbot. New York, 1855... .225 ~ ~ to Think, J. Abbott. New York, 1856. .226 Lee’s Geology. New York, 1839.......... «2. 498 Legislative Documents of Conn., 1867....... pele BES Leigh, Marion. My Own Story. N. Y., 1865.... 61_ Lester C. The Mountain Wild Flower. N. Y. 1838, 77 Letters of Isabella Graham. New York, 1838.... 81 of Lady Montague. 8. J. Heale. N. Y., 1859 73 on Universalism. Dr. Hawes........ Peay Les toa Daughter. W. B. Sprague........... 172, MMIC OTE ask 5. Dardigie eh leis Hi “a do Se wore 802 to Young Men. W.. A. Alcott. Buffalo, 1849.151 Lessons for every Sunday in the year........... 974 eS se 3s YEN | me Pea 975 af ss a Bays hohe eo Akt a oe 976 52 CATALOGURB OF THE Lessons for every Sunday in the year ...... ites ae sf 7. pes ement eee ‘ eS Be Se ie Bend a aes: : : Lee Abas ..981 us Ly és SPANOS Oars a My eS yan ne oe ee 79 a5 (6 ce cece eee eee ee Lessons from Insect Life..... Me era wh : Lewis and Olarke’s Expedition. N. Y., 1861. 2v. 44 1-2 ‘ Lieber’s Essay on Property and abel N. Y.,1841.331 Life of Abraham Lincoln. Holland. Spring- = = field, 1866... :ULaLi © ee eee ees 144 Life of Brainerd. President Edwards ....... .. 897 « Life‘of Mary. hyons: s3ii2.98) eee s eee oe eens 9149 and Campaignsof Gen. McClellan. Hillard. Phil.,° 1864. 5.22 .80aet cena cece ne 94 — and Character of Henry Winter Davis..... 561 and Character of Van Der Palm. Wester- velt:. New Work; 1865/. 2. .025. 55 ’. om of Christ. Fleetwood. Phil., 1865....... 615 | The Same: “1867..-.o5. ital pee es on of Canning.» BR, Belle kone 299 % of Gen. Franklin Pierce. Bartlett. Auburn 1882... 2s tae eee ee ee ee eee ema and Death in Rebel Prisons. Kellogg. Hartford; 1865). 33h. seen ee 19 9 and Letters of Emily C. Judson. Kendrick: New York) 18609, 0 neue tye -.405 9 ‘ and Liberty in America. Mackay. New ’ York, 18592... he yee 281. and Times of Luther. W. Carlos atin 9139 of Rev. J. Newton. Rev. R. Cecil........ 820 — of Hawkins. W. G. Hawkins. Boston, 1863.114 of Schuyler. B. F. Lossing. N, Y.. 1860.148 ~ of Paul Jones, A. S. Mackenzie. New ; York, 1841... 29)! (pees ...) 583m BILL LIBRARY. “=o and work of Earnest Men. Tweedy. Cin- Ginnati, 1864. 55.... ee Py eee ee wee TG) and Writings of Johnson. W. P. Page. Dew rork, 1860. Ov. vie 467-8 Literary Characteristics of the Bible. Rev. W. Tras cinemnaty, 1864: 0° J. .2.. Foi 672 Literary Miscellany. Michelet. New York, 1846. 76 Little Captaip. Lynde Palmer ..........-... 852 Dorrit. Dickens. New York, 1866. 4 v.357-60 Dutchman’s Cap and other stories..... .. 941 1 cH Ge MRR RA Tr eg 740 Live and Let Live. New York, 1865 RS Aca Be ibe. 4) 486 Lives made Sublime. New York............ .. 722 Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. Cormack. New Net et he vik fs et ce oe se OLO Lockhart’s Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v.......... 450-1 Longfellow. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, 1864. 98 © Lossing’s Common School History, N. Y., 1864..408 Lossing B. J. National History of the United States. New York, 1855....0......... 132 Life of Schuyler. New York, 1860...... 148 Lost Greenland. New York, 1864.............. 236 Paver tumor New York t887. 0... eo eo 345 Lucy Howard’s Journal. Mrs. Sigourney. New York, 1858....... Pires eer kee V8! 84 54 CATALOGUE OF THE > m 3 ty Macauley’s England. New York, 1856. 5v....282-6— History of England. 15 Wig ane ee 264-6 Mackay. Life and Liberty in America. New » York, 1859... . iy cidageee ns ee ene 281. Mackenzie A. 8S. Life of Paul Jones. New York, 4 1841. Voli Bois 3 ea eee “601 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens. N. Y., 1866. 4v.371-4 Nichols, G. W. Sherman’s Great March. New York, 1866: . cin same ieee vanteeer enn a 287 Nenimo’s Popular Tales. Edinburgh......... ... 88 Nora .5 02% ss ne ois spied 36 ute ek eae eng 958 Nordhoff’s Stories of the Island World. New York, 1857. 573+. 0.5 enone 156 Northend C. The Teacher and Parent. N.Y., 1856. 47 Teacher’s Assistant. Boston. 1859...... 23) Norwich Jubilee. J. W. Stedman. Norwich, 1859. .616 Notes on Central America, E. G. Squier. N Y., Roi) RR “136 Nott’s Addresses. New York, 1840 : sp at eee te 335 a a BILL LIBRARY. 59 EE OTE. SON a 5 Ag an ee 691 Obookiah H. Rev. E. W. Dwight.......... Ae Ba EERO OS 0. a) o0u goal Je e's ¢ enwede oan @ 145 Siaician Army Keister. 1865... 00.5... 5 cnee ees 611 Old Hepsy. Mrs. 0. W. Denison. N. Y., 1858. .922 > Oliver’s American Precedents............. ...-- 637 Oliver Twist. Dickens. New York, 1866. 2v.367-8 Olmsted. A Journey in the Back Country. New UATE, ee A) ect pe fot rg 67 Cotton Kingdom. New York, 1862. 2 v. .56-7 Texas Journey. New York, 1861.,....... 44 Sea-board Slave States. New York, 1863.. 45 ' Only a Woman’s Heart. AdaClare. N. Y., 1866.107 Only one way of Salvation. J. C, Ryle......... 817 Se AR SR 969 Our Farm of Four Acres. N. Y., 1865........... 815 Our little ones in Heaven. Boston, 1864 ....... 768 Owen. Wrong of Slavery and Right of Emanci- OU OSG ec 20 ae Sa ae a 105 60 _ CATALOGUE OF THE Veg Palmer, George. History of England. Boston, 1861 )00.'..'. bee Den 93 Palmer, Lynde. © The Little Captain.....,....... 85 Palmer, Ray. . Remember le se. eee eee 86 Page W. P. Life and Writings of Johnson. New York, ‘1860, :2'. c5. te sc stu eer 467-8 Paley’s Evidences of Christianity. New York... .503 Natural Theology.. N. Y., 1865. 2 v. 452-3 Palissy the Huguenot. Potter. N. Y., 1858....706 Park’s Travels. . New York, 1840. Vla P22... 490 Parly; the Porter... 0. 5. So. 5 ee ee eee 826 Parry’s Voyages. New York, 1855. 2v......520-1 Pastor’s Lambkins and other Stories...,......... 943 Patent Office Report: < 184755 a ee, eee 993 * 2 K SOLS a otto ae BR 994 ef * 7 184855 es aie eee tae 995 f 5 5" 185625 cb ee eee 996 cts SRT, its 1857 000 ee ere 997 ces wine carats 1860-5 ef oeee WS iets oe 998° 4 Bee he Selene 1863.0 29 cre aie 548-4 | $s A ie 1864 92 Ue eee . 545-6. ies rte 1864.5 "A oak pereren 547-8 = . “ 1864.0). hos era ae 999-1000 Path of. Life. Wise. .N. Ye1347 yee 721 Paulding’s Life of Washington. | New York, 1861. 7 EEA 510-11 | ' Peat, Kev. H. P.. Scripture Lessons:. 77. a5 os 8113 : Peep of Day... 05). 3... «ssc a5 Speen 825 ' Penny Virginia. The Employments of Women. } Boston, 1863. .°...s ema eee NEOs Cake 63 Perils of the Sea: New York, 18332a.neeeeee 258 Persons of Christ. “Philip Sthaitisas see eee 864 Persuasives to Early Piety. Rev. J. G. Pike....,. 900 BILL LIBRARY. 61 ‘Phelps. Holy Land. . New York, 1863 ......... ICL Phillips 8. The Christian Home. Springfield, _ Chieago, Cincinnati, 1856... ...2...0..65... 108 Pickwick Papers. Dickens. N. Y., 1866. 4v..893-6 Pictorial Biography of Andrew Jackson. Frost. PM end BOUL C26 al ooo Wa es oe 124 Pictorial History of the Navy of the United States. J. L. Denison. New York, 1862........ -i23 Pictorial History of the New World. J. L. Denison. Pe ORME LOGE. 05,6 2S iu a pel es ee oe 28 Pictorial History of the Wars of the United States. J. L. Denison. New York, 1862.,....... 30 iy Bemes oh co Ans. io oy ee aie teas oie 31 OS SSG A ie ae eae ee eee ee 32 Picture Book of Birds. New York, 1861........ 318 Picture Book of Quadrupeds. New York, 1861..188 Picture Book of the Sagacity of Animals. New eo esa d oes wi 186° Picture Fable Book. New York, 1861.......... 296 Pierce. Trials of an Inventor. N. Y., 1866.....707 Pike, Rev. J. G. Persuasives to Early Piety..... 900 ‘ « Religion and Eternal Life ..... 731 Hf re “ Guidefor Young Disciples......901 Pilgrim’s Progress. John Bunyan.............. 894 Pilgrim’s Wallet. G. Haven. N. Y., 1866...... 708 Pillars of Truth. E. O. Havens. N. Y., 1866. ...698 Plain Words on Christian Living. C. J. Vaughn. bo De PO 12 eS aa err ee mera 718 Planetary and Stellar World. Mitchell, New York, 1859.00. e esses eee ee ees Pats ee ee 101 oR Oe a a ee hada as «cs eats 806 Pleasant Pathway. Wise. N. Y., 1859 eee ake 711 Ny 2 ONS ig 771 Prete Cincinnati, 1860. cai... sc ce et cea 134 Poetical Works of H. W. Longfellow. Boston, ete One es oda aes oleic 844 8 ¢ es 8 2 2.1012 62 CATALOGUE OF THE » Poetical Works of Pope........ pee ites » eos OR Poet Preacher. Adams. N. Y., 1859........... Poets of Portsmouth. Boston, 1865............ Polite Letter Writer, / Boston... ase eee Power, .P B= Moss Rose: oe eee ee Poor Rich Man. . New York) 1864. .-0eeeue. . Potter. Palissy the Huguenot. N. Y., 1858..,. Porter’s Spirit of the Times. Vol. I. If. Il...... Potter’s Hand Book. New York, 1863....... .. 476 Potter’s Political Economy. New York, 1852... .332 ~ Powel on Devices... :2s.42uetet ce ol eee Dea ioe 628 | on Mortgages ed. ahaa =, tees weer 638 © Practical Piety. ‘Hannah More;.. 5.22) ease 7 28 Practical Thoughts on Popery. Rev. Wm. Nevins. .903 Practical Truths even ee 868 ; Practical View. Wilberforce ............ . «8458 Practical View. Wm. Wilberforce, Esq......... 892 Praise and Principle. New York, 1861......... 300m Present Savior. Rev. R. 8. Hutton, M. A....... 744 Priestley. The Christian Maiden. N. Y., 1859. .714 Prince’s Visit 4 (12 2 eee 608-9 - Prison Life in the South. New York, 1866. A ’ QO. ADDO. Sate inline, AMA tree 294 = Prodigal ‘Son. “Rogers. Wia8 s0e- ele ee 847. Promises of Scripture. Samuel Clark, D. D....... 739° Public ‘Acts. 1855-63.) )0act sie aieen ee ee 625 — Pursuit of Knowledge. New York, 1860. 2v.191-2_ Putnam-and the. Wolf... 0.2... aah ees ets T54 BILL LIBRARY. a 6a Q Quench not the Spirit.............. Ronn we tts, 798 Rainbow’s Journey. J. Abbot. New York, 1860. .180 Receipts for the Million. Mrs. 8. J. Hale. Phil... .925 Redeemer’s last Command. Scudder ........... 784 Reid Mayne. Tiger Hunters. New York, 1861. 59 Tiger Huntress. New York, 1861........ 60 Religion and Eternal Life. Rev. J. G. Pike...... 731 Religious Affections. Rev. Jonathan Edwards... .742 Religious Ns OS Re eae ee ere 651 Religious Denominations. Milner. Phil., 1867.. 11 Remember Me. Ray Palmer......... .. eee op 862 Renwick’s Chemistry. New York,-1863........ 334 Mechanics. New York, 1869... ........ 478 Natural Philosophy. New York, 1858... 245 Report on Colonial and Lake trade. Andrews, 1852.558 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1864.585 ° ae (79 ce 79 6c 1865. .586 Report on the Condition of the Indian Tribes, 1867 .589 OM re aN a seins vere cs og weds s 590 Report of Connecticut Board of Agriculture. Hart- Ree oe. oe 124 DR sr SO cg Gai ioe es Oh es det: 655 Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction. eERE MME fo. O a ee oRiE wn So) eee de a 553 Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1866.....559 Rescued from Egypt. A. L.0. E. N. Y., 1866.. 90 64 CATALOGUE OF THE Researches, Darwin’s. N. Y., 1864. Vol. 2....486-7 Results of Slavery. Cochia. Boston, 1863...... 554 Revival Sketches. Humphrey................. 834 R: Hoe & Co.'s Catalogniey 3. oy wean Cee on ee 605 Richard the First. J. Abbott. New York, 1857.169 the Second, J. Abbott. New York, 1858.170 — the Third. J. Abbott. New York, 1858-171 Richardson’s’ Practice.7.e.s) aseenne en eee 643 Riches of Bunyan... Chapltia.- cs

ee = ee oe ee 867 Trials of an Inventor. Pierce. N. Y., 1866....707 © True Woman. J.S. Peck. New York, 1857....661 Tulloch. Beginning Life. Cin. 1866........... 712 4 Turner’s Sacred History. N. Y., 1852. 3 v...454-6 Twin Brothers.- N. Y.. 18400... vee eee 261 Two Pictures and other Stories....... ........ 946 Two Vocations. New York, 1867.... ......... 689 Two Years Before the Mast. New York, 1840... 494 Tyng. Forty Years Experience in the Sunday School... New. York, 186022270 cc5e), emer 289 — Tytler’s Universal History. New York, 1860, 6v 457-62 — Tt te ne eh ee ae ee ee ee BILL LIBRARY. ra" U Ulphan. American Cottage Life.............. 164 Uncommercial Traveller. Dickens. N. Y., 1866.402 United States Coast Survey, 1864.... .......... 602 Piper IU GS. ois ache cs bs ven we es 608 Universal Gazeteer. Phil., 1840. Marshall.......24 Up the River. J. Abbott. New York, 1861.....179 vy Valpy A. J. Epitome of English Literature. Lon- ie leis il, bop k sso «pele sao 920 Vaughn C. J. Plain Words on Christian Living. Oy oR Us a a 718 Vicar of Wakefield. Goidsmith. New York... .498 EP isd oo hy alent 6 das 0 se kee 851 Village Sermons. Rev. George Burder.......... 916 Vine Dresser’s Manual. C. Rermelin. N. Y., 1858..45 Voice to America. New York, 1855............. 52 SMG BEMIAG to 'alg 3,5 !< a) 0:09 6 win's.diele 5 « 53 PRR Fig ore Wish 6 Py 001g « a suaitipale’s whe 54 Voyage of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier. N. Y Ras as ines ase cae a sig = wre . 838 Round the World. New York, 1865...... 489 ~T lo CATALOGUE OF THE - Ww Walks and Talks. Rev. W. T. Sleeper......-... 763 Wallace. J. Abbott. New York, 1850.... . pig |e Waterbury’s Advice to a Young Christian........ 801 Waterbury Rev. J. B. Children led to the Savior. .766 Considerations for Young Men........ pn ee Sketches of Eloquent Preachers.......... 844 Waitson’s Partnership 5.5 o.oo eee eee 636 Washington dnd his Generals. J. T. Headley. N. | Y., 1865.0. tee ee Prete: 125 Wayland Fr. Memoir of Rey. Dr. Judson. Bos- ton, 1853... (Dv. tee en aes ee ee 271-2 The Same... So. sees ee ae ee 273-4 The Same... 2.5.55 ocelot 275-6 The Same <..... 0.08 suey aeeenne -..277-8 Wealth and Worth: "N.Y S864 ee ee 251 Wedding Feast and other Stories............... 949 Wedding Guest. os... 7-272 eee 956 The Sames 1. is © cum See eee ee oe 957 Weil’s Biblical Legends. N. Y., 1862........... 176 Wells. Every Man his own Lawyer. N. Y., 1867.657 Wells’ new Physiognomy. New York, 1867..... 621 Westervelt. Life and Character of Van Der Palm. New York 7186505 72 eeee 58 West. Father’s Letters to a Daughter.......... 779 Whale Fishery. N. Y., 1855. 2 vi... 5-22. 518-19 What’s to be Done. New York, 1842........... 260 Whewel’s Elements of Morality. New York, 1863. 2V 02 on See eee ee 434-5 Whittier’s Poems. J. G. W. Boston, 1866. 2v..781-2 The Same. ..... .. -s25 eee eee 680-1 Who shall be Greatest. Mary Howitt. N. Y.,1860.328 Wilberforce. Practical ViGWosou0e eee ene 845 The Same ...c.. skeen eee 892 = ? 4 BILL LIBRARY. ~I ee) Willard, Emma. Last Leaves of American Histo- 7 BeeeNew York, 18597, 6.006 es0 ee ee es 85 William the Conqueror. J. Abbot. N.Y., 1864...317 Williams and Lossing. Statesman’s Manuai. Bos- 0 6 on is SIS ee ea os a a 267-70 ah Sg a 967 Willison. Afflicted Man’s Companion. ......... 856 Wilson’s American History. N. Y., 1847........ 140 Winslow, Rev. H., D. D. Are you a Christian. ...939 sWirt’s Patrick Henry. Ithaca, 1839 ........... 142 Wise Men, Wicked Herod, and other Stories... .. 950 Wise. Path of Life. New York, 1847.......... 721 Pleasant Pathway. New York, 1859...... 711 Young Man’s Counsellor. N. Y., 1850..... 690 Woman an Enigma. New York, 1864.......... 484 “Woman’s Ransom. F. W. Robinson. Boston, 1864. 66 Work in the Civil War. S. P Brocket. ’ VES EACSCWU s Sele iilen a aaa ei cee Words that shook the World. Adams, N. Y., VG. ee a , 699 Working and Winning. Thayer. Boston, 1862.. 97 Wrong of Slavery and Right of Emancipation. Owen. Phil.,1864,....... Gare oe ecko ere 105 | 74 CATALOGUE OF THE BILL LIBRARY. Ne Year with the Franklins. New York, 1846....... 483 — Young Christian. J. Abbott. New York, 1851...13 | The Same. J: ADDOtiy iments hes eatenaes 928 © Young Christian Merchant..<..0 onan ore oe 835 — Young Lady’s Counsellor. Wise. New York, 1851.685 Young Lady of -Pleasureccs + nner e ee eee 837 — Young Man from Home. Rev. J. A. James... .732 Young Man’s Counsellor. Wise. N. Y., 1850....690 — Young Men of the Bible. Rev. Joseph A. Collier.749 Young Woman’s Friend. J. A. James. N. Y., 1857..95 Youth’s Bible Studies.—Epistles........ ....... 193m The Same. «Gospels. jnec. ree eee 792 4 The Same. Historical Books............ 789 The Same. -Pentateuchies, ... cue eae 788 The Same. Poetical Books.............. 791 | The Same. Prophets........... RR atts 790 7 Li Zaccheus, or Plan of Benevolence. Harris....... 462 SABBATH SCHOOL CATALOGUE. SABBATIil SCHOOL ae ATLOG UE. BOOKS SELECTED FROM THE FOREGOING CATA- LOGUE DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHERS AND CHILDREN. Jat Advice to a Young Christian. Rev. James Bean.. .801 Afflicted Man’s Companion. Williston..........856 Ancient Egypt. Trevor........ ane weg ae aeah eee Ne Anecdotes for the Family ..... RU ac oe sat eB 725 Annals of the Poor. L. Richmond ........ eanboe Anxious Inquirer after Salvation. J. A. James... .729° Pepe (rie eR TUM ES Se ee oc gl edo aie 854. Are you a Christian? H. Winslow, D. D........939 PePeeR OM Ce GEOTLY Pcie sles 6 eevee og een GEL Astronomical Discourses. Chalmers............ 814 b s Beauty, Inward and Outward........ ....... 1.1966 Per eviem Or tiLemperance.. 0.0 0/0). ies wae ee kt 813 78 SABBATH SCHOOL CATALOGUE. Beginning Life.- Tulloek.”- Cin, 6G00\ae2 20 712 Bible Picture Book. New York, 1861........... 187 4 Bible Prayers. King...) . 22 eee ee 765 . Bible ‘Text Book... 2.2 eee one 809 Bible*True. ;. ‘Plumer. -o125) eee SAS TT Blind Bartimeus. Hoge (32. .smaeee eee 116 = Blind Boy,.The. <0. 070 Wen eim ce at te eee 968 Boy’s Own Guide. Wm. Simonds. Boston...... 727 Boy Patroit,” The: = 2<.2i es. sce ee eee 822 Brock. Henry Havelock... onto tee te ae 760 Browning E. B. Mrs. Browning’s Essays on the Poets. .Ni-Y> 1868 .327).0% es eae 752 OC Cain and Abel and other stories................ 945 Call to the Unconverted. Baxter.:............. 755 = Capt. Headley Vicars). ..ivaene ae een 150 = Charlotte Elizabeth..... aS ae aR ae Ee Bane ee eee 197 Child-at Home. J: S-C5ADDOi ees TTS Child’s Book on the Soul. Rev. T. H. Gallaudet. .743 Children invited to Christ........-..-.--+--.e-- 930 Child Jesus and other Stories ./............... 947 Children led to the Saviour. Waterbury........ 766 Children of the Bible. F. M. Caulkins.......... 803 Children’s Picture-Book . 205.2 nee ee 746 Christ and the Sea. Rev. J. Spaulding......... 807 Christ knocking at the Door. Flavel. 1669..... 831 Christian Home Lifes.) >. Mudge. “Ny Y.4667-5 2. TOB Friendly Words. J. W. Kimball.......... Baie ae 828 Géms of Sacred Poetry: .7 25.5. see eee 778 ’ God in History. Cumming. N. Y....... SAS were 688 Going Home....... eer ns arte: Od eee DIO Golden opportunity > ~.. vicar iee ee 954 Golden Rule. Miss M. F. Goodwin............. 738 Guide for Young Disciples. Rev. J. G. Pike..... 901 Harry <0 5 000 oso cc Wn = ee 780 Hattie’s New Joy ay ic Maes eee ee 962 HGUGG Sac ctrtncs ce ee 23 os la tllg acorn, Se 972 He’s my Brother «...3 sn wee eee ee 963 Hidden Sim..y. 2.2). Syst cis oem ee 960 Hidden Treasure. 8. A. Babcock: N. Y., 1859. .695 History of the Early Christians. Huntington......846 of Redemption. Pres’t Edwards.......... 899 of the Reformation. D’Aubigne. 5v.838-42 How Ella’s Prayer was answered.......... 224,908 How to bea Hero. E.L. E. Boston. ......... 751 Ifymns for Infant Minds. Jane Taylor...........805 The. same. icy se sie ee rks ee oe 774 The same... sie eee BG oes Sed uctrncee 94.0 — a ee Se eT ee BILL LIBRARY. S] hi Pll not disobey my Mother for any of you........961 In the World not of the World. W. Adams PRCWAY OTH. 66. Po ccc bate we cee os TAT SO os sr 761 Jay’s Family Prayers. Wm. Jay, New York ....753 Joseph and his two Dreams, and other stories... .948 Serry and.nia friends. A. A. Dodge.........2.. 824. Re SRI eas 66 we we coe ks ken eee 741 ae Kenny Carles Uniform..........,.. NOME Gea shes 818 OE SRS pig ee a 954 Lady Huntingdon Portrayed. N.Y. 1857... .694 re OMO Eee , oy see ye es ok da ees wesss 800 Learning about Common Things. J. Abbott. PORES Te yao ocr bie chars sss hake 227 About Right and Wrong. J. Abbott. New PM ie oe. we be 228 to Read. J. Abbot, New York, 1856... .229 to Talk. J. Abbot. New York, 1855... .225 to Think. J. Abbott. New York, 1856. .226 % 82 SABBATH SCHOOL CATALOGUE. Letéers on Universalism. Dr. Hawes........... 769 | -to a Daughter, WB. Spragite. + ..220..6 172° to Children: 72 34... eee ee 802 | Lessons for every Sunday in the year........... 974 - # Sens > it SA 975% sy ee oT seks Re tae 976 as > - cps 5B 0 977 Sy 3 = Ba te ss Sees 978 ne ti MEDS prem vi : . 4 oa iy ae anata 980 = ae : Rie De Be. Ss 981 gy 4g * re siete Stee ae 982 Z 4 o Ce sea ae 985 Pee - Cs epee shee 984 Lessons from Insect Lifey.¢22.52- ee eee 857 Life of Brainerd. President Edwards ....... 897 | Life of Mary Lyon. 2.2. eee 914 | and Times of Luther. W. Carlos Martin...913 — of Rev. J. Newton. Rev. R. Cecil........ 820 © Little Captain: Lynde” Patmeree. w=]... eee 852 © Dutchman’s Cap and other stories..... . + 940m Johnnie . 2.34.2.) yale ee 740 Love Token. New York, 1837............... 940m BILL LIBRARY. 85 M Memorial M. A. Holyoke Seminary.............. 865 emia Ciremieun Grabam .. 2. c kee ke ee ges 871 of Martyn. Rev. John Sargent M. A...... 898 DidwirePayior. HOltrice. .5".¥...s2-3.. 0% 905 of Payson. Rev. Asa Cumming’s......... 902 0 OC A oi 704 Ministry of Life. M. L. Charlesworth. N. Y.....693 Missionary among Cannibals. Rowe, N. Y , 1859. .702 Missionary in Many Lands. House, N. Y., 1860...705 Mer emE CesIsal VY ODE. le hol epee aes 3 959 Mornine Staror Stories Ge... 2... eee §12 Moore’s Power of the Soul. New York, 1861....297 MOET OUNGrO LOTION, isi 6. sak el ee ce eee 942 Mm SOSe EE. Sen OWOT S.. 06 .c cee es ....808 DORN CE AN OP WiOTKs . 6. 6k sy ae ees So B16 Mother at Home. Rev. J. S. C. Abbot........ 735 Moiver s Mission. Néw York.........0..0.. 45 TTS My Sister Margaret. C. M. Edwards. Noy: 1859. 7116 BEMIS NG Yo Save sod wiles vise es ese elg® 691 Obookiah H. Rev. E. W. Dwight. ........, ~ 592 Only one way of Salvation. -J. C, Ryle........ 817 RRM ge el oe ar a oases as ey ee Seo 8 969 Our little ones in Heaven. Boston, 1864........ 768 “SA Sd SABBATH SCHOOL CATALOGUE. ge Palissy the Huguenot. Potter. N. Y., 1858....706 Parly, the Porter... .:22a-a,ee rads eye bein ae aie lere 826 Pastor’s Lambkins and other Stories............. 943 Path. of Life.~ Wise; Nia s4 geen eee ele ae *Peep_of Day # : .5.. Scan oe eee eee ee ee 825° Perils of the Sea. New York, 1833..... Eta g alee 2538 Persons: of Christ... -Philip*Schath, en eemice eee 864 Persuasives to Early Piety. Rev. J. G. Pike...... 900 4 Pilgrim’s Progress. John Bunyan....... Shae eh 894 Pillars of Truth. E..0. Havens. N. Y., 1866. ...698 Plain Words on Christian Living. C. J. Vaughn. N. Y., 3865. 2... Sy ee eee tee eee eer 718 Plants. 0.0.0)... an ee ce ee 806 - Pleasant Pathway. Wise. N. Y., 1859......... 71] Poet’ Preacher’gnA dams: ON 1Y 3009 eee ee 697 Practical Piety: -. Hansah Mover. cee eee 728 Practical: Thoughts on Popery. Rev. Wm. Nevins. .903 Practical View. Wilberforée 22. ieee i ae OOM Present Savior. Rev “R.S) Hutton, MiAr ees 744 Prodigal Son. (Rogers.2, 2 aap Pe ee 847 Promises of Scripture. Samuel Clark, D. D....... 739 Putnam and the -Wolfic. > sae eee . 154 eu NR i a BILL LIBRARY. 85 Quench not the Spirit....... Se Oc eee 798 ; ine Redeemer’s last Command. Scudder ........... 754 _ Religion and Eternal Life. Rev. J. G. Pike... ..781 whevival Sketches, Humphrey............/..... 834 ichte Way. hey. J, A: Colliers. 20.0.0... POG Prise under rocress.. Doddridge: os. 250 ie yes 89] S Sabbath day Miscellany. Hartford, 1844.... ..650 Sabbath Manual. Rev. Justin Edwards, D. D....736 Re UPSD crim ck ess sos sare se esos 895 Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands. M. E Anderson. .833 Scripture Alphabet of Animals. H. N. Cook...... 819 Scripture Biography. Rev. T. H. Gallandet and Theva tiooker: Vv 112. 2.0... yeas 873-83 re ear 756-9 Personen iey. H. P. Peat, .....6.e0006. 811 pmopnerameinerael., OF Wt soc. .e ea eee Boe Six Years in India. Mrs. E. J. ier Nieves MP TRCMEEIEONA sactis.'s, 6. thels cc's cs Ep eee cecaces 686 | Sketches for the Young. Belcher............. 775 of Eloquent Preachers. Rev. J. B. Water- | | oR ROE Bae 2 a 844 Henao ObUCren 2 oie ti se ee fede cs 853 for the little ones at Home........... Ph for the little onesat Home.... ... ..... 1013 : + re Peay 799 S6 SABBATH SCHOOL CATALOGUR. Soul Gatherer The. -N.Yoe2865ereeees coe 720 4 Spiritual Treasury. Wm. Mason...........- ae 8729 Steps up the:Ladder.:.. (2 ase a) Seen tae . 134 Stories for Young Persons. N. Y. 1840......... 330 Story of a Pocket Bible.) Ny Wesson ee T1029 Sure Words of Promise. N Y., 1865........... "19 a Temperance Manual. Justin Edwards..... ..... 778 Tischendorf Sinaitic Manuscript ... ..... pny Wile 737 Transplanted .Shamrock’s 79 gee. ee eee ene 849 Trees, Fruits and Flowers, Mrs. H. N. Cook ....81079 Twin Brothers,. .NvY., ES4ace. eee eee 261 Two Pictures and other Stories eee eee eee 946 Two: Vocationss*. New-York, (1869 an eee ee 689 Victor's Stories < asc civic Geesenie oie ee 851 Walks and Talks. Rev. W. T. Sleeper.......... 768 Wedding Feast and other Stories............... 949 Wedding Guest2: : ... Sy Bae ee 956 The Same. .... 0624 sis oe es eee 957 Willie .. ¢. owl. ca. sag oe see 967° Wise Men, Wicked Herod, and other Stories..... 950 WordSWhat shook: the World. = Adamei Ni. yaaa 1858 32. (oa heres oo 6900 BILL LIBRARY. ite: aA Young Christian. J. Abbott. New York, 1851. .928 ) Gun Cntistan Merchant. .....¢..05....0.5...: 835 MePOuneumir Ore Pleasure... oo. ee Dees 837 Young Man from Home. Rev. J. A. James... ..782 Young Man’s Counsellor. Wise. N. Y., 1850. +2. 696 Young Men of the Bible. Rev. Joseph A. Collier. 749 Youth’s Bible Studies.—Epistles........ ....... 793 Miememiier GOspels. i666. feces cece ‘792 The Same. Historical Books........ RE IFS9 Wierpame: | bentateuch... coc. sc ce cee ees 788 The Same. Poetical Books.............. 791 en Mie TOPDCIS. 36. ee 6. to ce oe 790 Zi Zaccheus, or Plan of Benevolence. Harris.,..... 762 haretersrnetins sos SUPPLEMENT. TO THE BILL LIBRARY CATALOGUE. The * prefixed denotes that the book is designed for the use of the Sabbath School. Abbott, Jacob. Washington... Sige ic petra Abbott, J. S.C. History of the Civil War in. AOS RA rT eS ECT oe .- 1043 imeor Gen)-U. 8. Grant. .3.. 2050. 72 L0TE Lives of Presidents of the United Be Fao visa ook cas ooee le ca aees 1067 Mite or Napoleon ITT... «2.24... icessceccene Looe Prussia and the Franco-Prussian War...1466 Abbott, Lyman. Jesus of Nazareth............... 1285 Abbott, Rosa. Tommy cae seauhedesdave rates 1157 Abel Grey. A. T.S.. He! “ie .. 1218 Abraham Lincoln, Life of. pene Sad Miller BE WRY OL. 6c. dce ese cicatsesupeced o wesbrs..shang Across America and Asia. Raphael Puigelle 1388 Acts and Resolutions of the 38th Congress... .1101 PerrOmOaOK, 9d. F. ELGAadley................coscecre 1257 MUUMNEGS Ei des 25's cb.2cerss ses sess scccssascevtes 1701 After Years, or Sequel to Culm Rock. Glance RMREDEAL Foe O86 Vsiscyee c's no's vgn vena seeoe tice .1274 Agricultnral Chemistry. J F. W. Johnson.....1072 Alcott, Louisa M. Little Men......... .........1522 Alden, John B. Bright Side Stories, or Gems BP PMOARIU iss aes 1655 Feri oe oe den dv eyo tinrefens .1417 Beige tech s MIssion....... 6 05's. -.sccccecercensse dtd PURER SRATIOU sie cc ccs fou c's Fase cde tas sidaeves send vue seated merican A prioultiea Annals (1867. : : oo a3 SEC é eae Gitiveng Manual We ee ~ American Conflict. Horace Greeley. 2v 1 - American Family Physician. John King, M.D.1 _ American Home Garden. Harper & Brothers. 1 American Horticultural Annual, 1867... ...... St 2a ge *S ‘18682 Saeeee 108 American Ladies Cookery Book. Mrs Crowens151 v: - American Pomology. Dr. J. A. Worden, N. Y.1073 : American Poulterer’s Sees C. N. Bew- / ent, N.Y, 1867. ee i ; a Hong the Grays. A. T. S.. ee 1223 *Among the Willows. Lange o T Sioa 1182 -*Anchored. A T.S.....- Ce Andrew: Johnson, Life of. 11493 *Anecdotes for the Famine at Social Circle ALIS: ‘sg ooo tee Anna Athon. Here and Hereafter................ 14 Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of 3 . Statistics, Commerce and Nay. 1867...1 Appendix to Congressional Globe, 1st Session . . 314th Congress, 1855-56,....0.-.-s-0een £1706 Appendix to Congressional Globe, 3d Session, 34th Congress, 1850-57..4...:02..s5s0% ue ‘170 Architecture. M. F. Cummings &C. C. Miller. 1317 _ Arctic Searching Expedition. Sir John Rich- €: ardson.. ‘ of 138 Avabian Nights. Fro inte Gabe ied aay Aatist s Son.. ie oamane ‘of Bound amin “a earlitae | che Bigelow... : _ Autobiography of J shen B Gout hile 1869.. ® BILL LIBRARY GATALOGUE: 93 B suandonrsix. Mrs M. E. Berry..i2.5 052 ..0560¥859 *Banished Daughter. . oe Paina «a at tre LOO Barber, Joseph. Grits fron the Round 5 Ce a is Fie tees Up Re Barnes, Rev. Albert. Three Hore and Ten....1419 -*Basil, or Honesty and industry. A.T.%........ 1236 Battle of Groton Heights. William W. Harris Beattie, James. Poetical Works of............... 1593 Beecher, E. Beecher’s Domestic Economy....1082 Beecher’s Domestic Economy. E. Beecher,N. Y.1082 Bee Keeping. M. Quimby, N. Y.................1081 Bernard, T. D. Progress of Doctrine............ 1116 Berry, Mis MK. Band of Six............. 3.1859 Caroline the Hotel Keeper’s Daughter. 1371 Sisters and not Sisterg.............45 1190 Becminenliston. A. TS... ....2.. vs Bped chou ae Bessie Grant’s Treasure. Aunt Dora............. 1145 Bewent, C, N. american Poulterer’s Compan- ETS Ge Gey Fak - vay snd hota obras ognee ne . 1083 Bigelow, John. Autobiography of Benjamin Brain... casc ce: ous .. 1429 Bill, Ledyard. History of aie Bill Rami 1041 fy “5 1042 Pen Pictures of the War.............. 1044 z i Se ae og cgeh beady eotghn wees Minnesota, its Character and Climate 1434 BY ttem tn Plovidiivy 2 2. vss0 «scenes sheen A De Seven cess seuss vie tedacucacsgvegies 1211 Book of Evergreens Josiah Hooper, N. Y.....1057 Book of Nature. John Mason Good, M. D. x our Tord : Pe oink : Brownville Hapene, = Meese ‘Coit Tela a -Breek, Joseph. New Book of Flowers........0+ Brennan, J. Fletcher. General History of Free : Masonry in Burope......... cssscsessoesers *Brightside Stories. Gems of Beauty. J ohn fe BeAlden.... 22. 0s ae eenee _ *Brother Ben. A. T.S....... Pee er 12Ee _ Brown, Jamieson F. a on the Old Z and New Testaments..... ......6....0061 Bryant Wm. Cullen. A Tabeges of es! and y Song... _ Buist, Robert. Spies “Kitchen ca 10 Burns, Robert. Poetical Works of, 3 v. 151 0 to Burr, F., Jr. Field and Garden vee of. iailarien!: Es oe L( -*Buster and Baby jim, A? Sa an 12 Butler, Samuel. Poetical Works of, 2 v...... - - Byron, Lord. Poetical Works of, 10 v...1575 ‘to -By-ways of Europe. Bayard Taylor.............12 History of Norwich....................- 1386 e paid % as ra opsiy anon e beg yee _ Central America, Chiapas aes Vnewan: 2 v. 1460-61 ee Chatterton, Thos. Poetical works of. 2 v.1603—4 Bi Chavasse, Henry. Woman as Wife and Mother 1513 Fi ~ Chicago and her Churches. George 8. Phillips 1046 Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. J.T. haplain Fuller. Richard F. Fuller, Boston, ee 1864.. ae bidics Sin vagy sade» 2s nee a 5. *Charlie Best te T. S.. Ssh du cag casapeveatieaste 1197 Chase, G. W. Digest of ivesonie Law.....06+sldae ME ATIC STAUTIDUtE. . ........2.0cceccscnoscecccospecses 1412 Chesterfield Letter Weiter; eat sekeae Lazar: ‘Child, Francis J. aes sid Scotch Ballads oe . SY. Sireke papaya ices. oh4u ba ..1585-92 > ~ *Child Peters i nts me Cy ie Children in the ae Revi H. Clay Trumbull 1272 ve z3 66 a3 s 66 1377 ecoecscvecvcesoerse ces - Froissart. . oe aaniele Ba atasae of the Times of Charlee the 1X. aes New York, 18380............. : a F *Cinnamon Isle Bo Mrs E. C. Hutchings TI Mea ie ies gc _ Clark, Rev. E. F.. A. M. ‘Methodist Rpisoopal Be Churches in Norwich...) :i...s seal Congress 1869- gic esveteesleterese ol B40 ‘a i Gl Be 8 es RAE Wee 4th ‘* Pee SS Sage) 5 eee Pes agate snd Ailes eek eee thea fiat rece Ws bet, eal, ite {,, 180s DER EA A re es kd bs toe ISH SUPPLEMENT TOTHE ia Part Ist, 2d Session, 41st Congreas — 9: 1869-70:, fates -cvteatwete en eee 17184 Part. 2d° 1869—70....:..ccucesapeenn cs eee 1714 — ‘- 3d Ei a deb ee Re aReeaeckye ss ae - 716m ‘¢ 4th AU adepitle Ula eh an tie eee haere 1716 (bth Ghee eater eae 1717 ‘¢ 6th Me bettered delsesouN Sener seaeae 1718 — ‘* 7th and appendix 1869-70......... 1719s Constitutional Text. Book.....0.5...0.52. 006 eee 1114 Constitution Manual. Rules, and Barclay’s Digest . 1865 ..320..:00eva i ake eee 1560 — Copeland, R. M.. Country Life............... » 1068 © Country Life. R.M. Copeland, N. Y., 1867...1068- Covode Investigation. 1860.........,.......0. eevee 1537 _ Cowper, William. Poetical Works of. 3 v.1504-6 Craftsman and Freemason’s Guide...............- 1892.43 Cranberry Culture. B. Eastwood...............++ 1090 *Crescent and the Cross. A. T..S...............- Bi fir Croffut and Morris. History of Connecticut : during'the recent War. <.......s.sreseue 1064 — The same: siistes fe) pees eeeee ee The SING... <0 cenenetgh at ae 1066 | Crouch, Julia. .Three Successful Girls .. ....1432 — Cruise of the Dashaway. May Manwarring....1161 : Crumbs from the Round Table. Joseph Barber.1258 _ Culm Rock. Glance Gaylord. Boston.......... 12739 * The: Same... ....0549 i eee noes eee 13574 Culm Rock, Sequel to, or After Years. Glance Gaylord. ......00sescvsudnaltn ine 18704 The same. re ated 12749 Cummings, M. F., “ane Miller, C C. ores ‘ tecture.. doeanebieus Bich lnn pdt eat eit ae eee E: Curiosities of Litamugeel I. D’Israeli, Esq., ‘¥ DG) Di) RGA ee gb Je nkeesonene 1295 — *Cupid Pysche. Bible Honues N.Y. Cyclop Mad of Biblical I-Theolopical aaa Recle- 28 rx Gas Bes siastical Literature. 2v.... 1283-84 ( Cz echouski. Experience of Fifteen 2 Year ase 2g Roman Catholic Priest.. Ree NE I is a: Samuel L. Muck Manual................. 1075 Ly Dangill, J. H. Light House Boy.......ccccesessenee L242 ; aryl, Sidney. With the Tide..................... 1255: hem Dawes, Mrs S.E. Hattie May..........0.....1227 | eects Gf the Cross, A. T, Sieccessescuewe 1185 5) Melia alGON. © BOStON.....0:......ccspeccecesecenee ‘13D65\ eae 3 _ Department of Agriculture. enor 1870-,.7.3 ~V139. 5h Derby Miller. Life of Abraham Lincoln......... 1248 *Deserted Heroine. A. T. GS... eee 1246 Eo... cones hcg scekcesecnsense nesthonardye 1120 _ Diseases of the American Horse, Cattle and A oe... Sheep. Robert McClure, M. D........1514 oe D'sraeli, I. Esq. Curiosities of Literate 1295 (7 _ Downing's Rural Essays: A.J. Downing........ 1050 _ Donald Dean’s Cross. Glance Gaylord........... 127 Var - *Donald Dean and his Cross. Glance Gaylord. 187B°6 ao - Donne, Dr. John. Poetical Works of... alate oS ETT nn a US Be 1203 > _ Downing’ s Fruit and Fruit Trees of America.. aGa ve Phe _ Downing’ s Landscape se pecece! H. W. Sar- AF] ty of a “Christian: ame i Mackey nt, See 3 oe Rev. Alexander. to Works. of ay ass, or Life of the Border. Cora Mont- _ : ht ee aeis of the United States, 1860. Ag- : MMMM OTSULEC Oc. =... .....c..ceeceecsecass se ncees LTOB ES , “Eleanor s Three Birth Dave é tyan pe den OA lia, or Spain Fifty Years hod? N. ve “1868...1138 as AL TSN. Vo oi cceceseccssesnnd ER B Be Yor | OSLO. ,,...:..0.05550.ehcnecesecsnesees 151° a8 - Elliott, Charles W. Life in the ae Land....1279 Rae Elizabeth Fry... Met si “0:1 830 2 1 c Em inent eee of tha et cA ames . Parton....1061 fen a incyclopeedia Americana. 14 V.....%....... 1296-1809 Baeselopsdia Britannica, A.A. N. A. Vol. 1st 1720 4 MeneA ALS. T. Vol. 2d...0..,..-172tee fae B. 0, 8: B0.: ans Veet oom orb O. T. . BU: E. dihy aiege oe 1723. eas moe U.K. | 6C. 0. E eRe aera 124 oe CHE. C.O.N. 6th... 2.1725 ee meee O.O.N. OD. U.E. Thee 17226 ee See) DUM. F. AL. 8th... cars. 1727 aa i eae, | GR. A. Otho 1728 a - oe fete AS) HY) D. TOtk aes 1729 eee . feeeD, LB. G.) 11th... 17805 a BY; Panes, MoE D. 12th)... dee r: M.E.D. M.U.S. 13th eee 1732) : Rte Sn OCR Gy 14th. 02.. 1733 ae en.G. PO. 1. (5th. eee feo L.. §..C..0. 16th... ;i..6:alesome Be tis mite. FS Tas yh RT thieves 1736 fore. bh. ZU, R: LSthi seavbees 173 tac as om ee INS SAE ton (GOES Ge Pe ea PIG ae ; Wee vi hay ate os 7 Fonek f x , / y . Dae? og ea 102 - SUPPLEMENT T THE eae” cae English and Scotch Ballads. ‘Francis J. Child + a a? iq Oo Weal os ves sculnscaaiste hn ante he aan aeOe mene 1585-92 English Encyclopedia. Chas Knight. 4 v 1310-13 ~ Hnoch Arden. Alfred Tennyson. Boston......1092 — ’ Essays by Theophilus Parsons........... Be PAS .1142 | *Experience of Fifteen Years as Roman Catholic Priest... ssi vinesgeeateee eee tee eee .1374 Explorations and Survey of the Pacific Rail road.” Vol./4..i.o03.05 ss cee eee mente 1314 The Same, Vol...9:..,. ) wciseee ssc eeenaene ean Explorations of the Valley of the Amazon,» Part lst. Wm. L. Herndon............ 1882 The Same, Part-2dc..27, 0. eee 1383 K Faith and Patience. Boston, 1864............... 1148 Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. Mrs A. D. T. Whit- DOY 032. 0dgesvetaes sqntecssl we etanae.h eens 11354 Family Kitchen Gardener. Robert Buist, N.Y.1058 — Farm at Edgewood... dsahacennee sea tee ..1080 © Father Ripa’s Residange 3 in China. oe Penaeh 1036 Father Taylor, the Sailor Preacher. Rev. G. Haven, and Hon. T. Russel.............1746 Fessenden, Wm. Pitt. Memorial addresses of.1339 Field and Garden Vegetables of America. F. Burr JY...0.s dorado theses tie neem 1056 Field Book of the War of 1812..................06 1289 Fighting Joe. Oliver Optic... .........ccesesee .1136 Finance Report 1868...) . iu... semper eee 1544 i $61 869, hate in yh Vaasa 1545 First Things. Baron Stowe, 1859..........,...000. .1152 First Years in Europe. George H. Calvert...... 1265 Jacob A. Hazen. 1133 i toeveerocece Mam 100K Of Martyrs......:...6.. fs cnsese cad ones a The Same ....... Pel bre ee cig 3! 1 " : Franklin, Benjamin, A utobionsply Of, Pent oe 1429 “Frank Oldfield. Rev. T. P. Wilson, A. M.....1355 ec Freemasonry in Norwich. Rev. E. F. Clark, os Norwich, 1867.. fad vinapeudeed (ary LOD - Frossart, John. ‘Obronicles of England, France eet ag S. A. Sirrost’s Laws and By-Laws of PEBTISPICOIY POCIOUY,, 0.5.0. 5 cseisessseee snes 1519 ] ‘rost’s Original Letter Writer ....................1524 Fruit Culturist. J.J. Thomas. N. Y. 1847....1091 Fuller, A.S. Small Fruit Cultnrist............... 1076 f Strawberry Culturist.. wieagieg's specs Oa am ‘ ‘Faller, Richard F. Chaplain Faller! yee ha eges 1128; Gay, John. Peotical Works of. 2 ae Gaylord, Glance. After Years, or Sequel to : ea: MR UAC 3 Sia Socks Gh vas tinwin's 5 eines ch aoetba 1274 The Same.. a fo cetessroreed MO | feshe Donald ban sa fe ee sapehtea dg Oe oun _ Will. Rood’s Friendship. . . Ce er aes p} its Saree ee eo AN Baul ts ain nt 88 104 SUPPLEMENT TO THE ‘ Genealogical Notes of Some of the First Set- ‘ tlers of Conn. and Mass..............066 1464 General History of Freemasonry in Europe. J. Fletcher Bronsan. -.40ccieer ee eee 1107 Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus. 2 vy Wm. Whistonin..covsss sch he uel neeeyeee en ae 1018-19 Gilbert, Frederick. Arabian Nights............... 1517 *Glen Cabin. A. T. S.. seis oqupyag ps. aaa Glyndon Howard. ee of Baits | «2 LOSS Good English. Edward 8. Gould.................. 1254 © peoodul hings ...5:1...c,4ecen eee al Oe Good, John Mason Book of N: Fes Shook tienes .1381 Goodwin’s Annual Rieti. Statistics 1850 to 1869... ics ves nsouan caleaiie toa cence se Parined ae “4 1475 ‘*’ Part 1st, Interior Dep’t..:..... 1477 (Sh ca ars ods = iS eee 1478 ‘¢ Navy and Post Office Dep’t...1477 Methodist Episcopal Churches in Norwich. Rey. E..F, Olark, “A.M iis, ccenek eee een eee 1021-08 Military and Civil History of Connecticut, from 1861. to. 1865... c.c0. hess coer eke gece eee 1168 Milk Cows and Dairy Farming. C, L. Flint, Boston 1868...... Fiteck Sasehna soe SOR hcoRenee 1071 Miller, Emily H. ‘The Royal Road to Fortune.1368 Milton, John. Poetical Works of. 3 v...... 1628-30 Minister’s Wooing. H. B. Stowe, N. Y.,1859...1051 Minnesota, its Climate and Character. lLed- yard ‘Billi\s. iv.s. 2 Westoee meter ere eee 1434 a. *Mirage of Life, A:T SA. ane ‘1 200 Mirimichi. Boston, /1863.% 2. os. saense eee eee 1139 ‘Missing - Boat: A. T', Si... scnhassauee seen tery eae 1228 “@ The Same.....ssiccerepecces a rap eeepc enema 1235 Mitford, Rev. John. Poetical Works of Wil- liam * Falcorier <. ic. ehs.ctne}. steno ieee 1613 Poetical Works, with Life of Matthew Prior. * 2°V i522. suepedessot eee eee . 1646-47 Poetical Works, with Life of Jonathan Swift. 3v.. eave te eke .. 1684-86 Modesty and Merit. Bosan 1864 il oaes meee earee .1147 , ite & ee Cora. atgomery, Jas., er Works of. 5vol 1637-41 | .N. J. Olivet Colege and its History .. CO | , Rev. George S. The Perfect A Dee rray, J. B. C. History of Gee, Se dirs cee See | - Brother I ai: fins Ss ectvkenei deh agisanen shoe 1280 y Farm at Eavadood. Sek telp Pe vedc dh xo Selvainak rh se LOE fy Little Neighbors Boston, 1864.............1149 N i Yaughty Sere PON SAL. Bone sole cckecseceusees 1231 *N Netty and her Sister. os sei a Sir Walter Scott. 9 v.............1648-56 8. 1s OoleridgessD anus Sian 1597-96 Thomas Campbell....0. 0.05 c0 0.0 scnense Dene Thomas Chatterton. 2 v............1603—06 Thomas Gray...:i2o- o5 E. We ilioth 2 are aes 1069. Reminiscences. Andrew P. Peabody............ 1266 Report of Connecticut Board of Agriculture ; VEGG 5,2 ssa cs s0+eeps chbcttebclhies yaaa ta mee eee .1324 — q The Same, 186%. ei noes Leos C6 BBR ret tale ee 1322 10) 42 FB 6OU ian, ee eee 1328 © s SS DBT icteh sy aca usbsee beeen 1325 — ‘- Report of Gen. Pope, Virginia Campaign...... 156i Be s of Mr. Hubbard on Custom House ¥ eas | Frauds in Nv Yoty ie tye nee 153890 of the Central Railroad Commissioners fe the L4thisccqises anual acne eee 1088 of the Commissioner of Agriculture 1862. dscesctn eee BME te 1394 — The Same, 1866.00 ..G 6c ac ssaseiecees eee 1025) 4 Ne aan Koc ss Meee errr yh SS 1395, of the Commissioner of Education e 1870.0. chore essen eee ee 1472 of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs : VS 70... sive sscinae’) wen ha inclent SRD nC an 1557 of Internal Revenue, 1867 RA yee 1408 of Patents, 18547. :i.:cieemeuae sonnet 13898 a 1850) oo as nateeemes cael 1399 i 1860.2 sas ioc pm us cenene semen tarion 1400 | ea LOG15, ose sea Rige eee eee 1401 of Pensions. ....)acxc:2.svenceeae net eee 10385— of the Department of Agriculture 1866.1099 ‘ i H i 1867.1331 | $ % “* 1868.1332 — ce ; 3) 1869.1335 _ x f y eo i ee a ae! f 4 ™ wy oe! ea of Special Commissioner of Revenue ; Richardson, Sir John. Arctic Searching Expe- Ce ee) z Robinson’ OPA Vis soil. si .issovenddneums- 1125-27. a Scenes in Switzerland. A. T.S...............04 .1229 - School Material. J. W. Schermerhon & Co....1568 fA -Schermerhon, J, W. & Co. School Material....1568 Schroeder, John F., D. D, Memorial of Wash- - MR os A Pps ih seve: Lae .1393 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical Works of. 9 v.1648-56 _ Sears, Robert. Tllustrations of the Bible.......1501 _ 4 _ Sybyls of Battle. Howard Glyndon............... 1059-37 Second Annual Report of the Secretary of the ie Connecticut Board of Agriculture......1387 he Sequel to Tim the Scissors Grinder. Mrs.Leslie1160 OL ERS Re eee 1826 POGUE oo aya! + Sate'on, wa vey s¥atverts acpe tO aed The Same, 1869 ghd ah ee % Biichis, Hannah Cary. The Clergyman's Wife 1263 *Rocket. A. T.S.. Saitgce gees ms ..1243 ‘ Roosevelt, Robert B. lTive pee 6 Lace 1253 : | *Royal Road to Fortune. Emily H. Miller...... 136838 x Sargent, H. W. H. W. Downing’s Landscape : RAT gio ce tcc cqueedvcdeocene tenses 1062: 4 _ Saunderson, Joseph, D. D. Jesus on the Holy ‘ os 2 OTT Se eae NE SDRC AS 3! 1175 ae oy SS) Shige egrets eee . L220 ae es rN Wie ee a Nata ath See SG Bian elh aa we “5 ve il aS Nig PO ‘ 4 mE. : Lena tl - : A ie SUPPLEMENT TO THE a Senate Journal, Conn. May Session, 1866 Aehekg 1026 Shakspeare, William. Poetical Works of ...... 1657. _ Sheep, Swine and Poultry. Robert Jennings. 1467 4 Shelley, Mrs. Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe a : . Shelley.74°v s.ceidue Eee ene 1658-61 *Sisters and not Sisters. Mrs. M. E. Berry...1190 Skelton, John. Poetical Works of. 8 v...1662-64 ketch of John A. Andrew..yscecc.cssecape vee 1267 & Sketches of Eloquent Preachers. Rev. J. B. Waterbury, D. D.. avataeaee ..1518 @ Small Fruit Culturist. ‘A. S, Bilan Sa hae -1076°m Smith, Matthew Hale, LL. D. Sunshine and . Pe Shadow, N. -Y.18662.02-755 cee eee .1499° Twenty Years in Wall Street, N. Y.....1500 Soiling of Cattle. Josiah Quincy, Boston 1868.1089 Soldier Boy. Oliver Optic, Boston, ee neocen 1134 The Same.. s eer 1135 *Songs for the Little Ones % ae A. M. T. 8. 1172 Southey, Robert. Poetical Works of. 10 v.1665-74 — Spenser, Edmund. Poetical Works of, 5 v.1675-79 Squashes, how to growthem. J. J. H. Gregory1102 q _ Statistics of the United States, Census 1850....1702 4 “Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in — Yucatan: (Q°Vintesetscs cen eer 1462-63 Central America, Chiapas and Yuca- — ; GAN. 2) Weal eeekes sea denen: Tea 1460-61 *Stolen: Child,.:.A.. TE SAwaisees cnUcedcyeneaaenens . 1208 Stories from the Lips of the Teacher, Boston.1140 Story of the Great March. Brevet Major G.W. Nichol’... 2 .Sas7..ceet phate epee 1744 xStory of the White Rock Cove. N. Y.......... 1194 Stowe. H. B. Mlinister’s Wooing, N. Y. 1859.1051 Men of Our times. 1868....,............1063° 9 The Same ..:..cic2 oe see setae mae estan 1286 vin E., D. D. Phiosopy ot thes oo 36 Plan of Salvation... re cisope tee aron. First Things. “Boston; 1859. 1152 eee esse e reese SEF eeeereseaess seeeeseed ae a Tale of the Graat ‘Diamal RE WHEN 2 Veneer. esc raeccsssrseesh, ponene 1508-6?) irawberry Culturist. A. 8. Fuller........... ... 1104 Stim mer with the Little Grays. H. W. P......1150 s anshine and Shadow in New York. Matthew one RMA M conse scetecds + < vic ese ches ase 1499 Fee eoSees eee reese reses, Heareeeee aylon, Bayard. By-ways of Europe............ 1256 PREPAC Reta fee occ 1s acs. sinnleb « veee's eons 10604 Vere “Taylor, Ne-¥., D. D. Practical Sermons...... 1280: “Fee Tennyson, Alfred. POOH ATGON v5 03 fi scent saaeee 1092) = aai ‘ennyson’s Poems........ PA Renee ree tes oo: } Ther M. M. Youth’s History of the Rebel- EMER LANG 6 Saihaa nec aycetesiceecesoeeeses 1129-32 ‘The Civil War in America. Goldwin Smith....1749 ; Bible History PES so okas oy skis bite Hoe ee 1426 “Thompson, James. Poetical Works of. 2 v1681-82 ‘Thomas, J.J. Fruit Culturist, N. Y., 1847... 1091 Three Successful Girls. Julia Crouch..........1482 ~*Three Score and Ten. Rev. Albert ene ee 1419 x Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky ee Mountains. A. H. McClure............... 1262)*.5 y “Times of Wm. Findale. Mrs. S. T. Marie eve Baa > vd , ; 4 am Py . : . ‘ * me ‘ga : Re ae any 3 ee : SE ee ae See Ne ad 2 be me) “.1> REAL 22 oe eae | SUPPLEMENT TO. OTHE aoe nay Kickup. Rosa Abbott.. ae Took, Ww, "F. Ri 8: Poctioal Works oF OMmeae Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Com- — a - United States of America, 41st Congress 1870 . Churchill. "Soy 20.) sou eee eee ee Travels in Europe. Wilbur Fisk, DD tee 1294 *Trial of Jesus. M. Dupin, A: T. S......... coum 238 Triedpand ‘True. ° A. J. 4eite seas eee me Treasury of Geography. . bs : Trumbull, H. Clay. Children in the Tomales 1272 Tho Sames.sccpsescutee one atseae teen eee Tuttle, Rev. Timothy. Manuscript Sermons of — D Vises cas ohee'soisey oe beas Seen SRleate eee ene 1505-07 | missioners of Central Park......... gewaeey Twenty Years in Wall Street. Matthew Hale ; Smith; Tb. Dimzeseewees eee ..1500 Twice Taken. Charles W. Hall, Rowton 1867. 1154. ay ~ Tyler Moses Coit. Brownville Papers..... 0 1259 U Undine. Fogue... : oa, 1968 ee Uncivilized Races ee Men. Rael J. G. “Wood. 1423 TB71, casts 20 ae poses 106 Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe...1430 _ 7 United States Geological Survey of Colorado ~~ and’ New Mexic0:..257A...s-s.seuepaeee Ay Urbino, Mrs. 8. R. An American Woman in + eee John. Congregational History: “12: *Walter Martin.