Serban = aye aa Sate ayeee ns Spee See pee SSS, SRS = SSS ee “ 3 peaegegeeees ———— Sees MRS ; ; te SSS SSS ~ : " Smane ed Miss oe, Books Shay 6. W. ce Inseriptions, | HERTER'S NAME APPEARS : | Alfred olmas Wrote “From a | Poet to a Poem’—Art Sale Goes On. | Hamilton Wright Mabie, associate editor bof “The Outlook,” who inscribed a book to | Emilie Grigsby and promptly forgot the. jincident, is not the only author repre- sented in the library of C. 'T. Yerkes’s ward.| as George W. Cable appears to have in-| ‘i seribed two volumes to Miss Grigsby, and Albert Herter, the New York artist, who} jillustrated the books in question, is also) represented. In a limited edition of “Old Creole Days” Mr. Cable wrote on the fly-| leaf: “Miss E, B. Grigsby (a quotation of ji three lines of the book follows) ; the most. | cordial good wishes of yours truly, G. W. Cable. Christmas, ’°99.". At the bottom of the page Albert Herter | wrote: “This embarrasses me and I feel microscopic—Albert Herter.” A similar edition of “The Grandissimes’’ | has a quotaion from the book in the au- | thor’s handwriting and. the inscription “Miss EB. B. Grigsby—Every good wish of yours truly, G. W. Cable. Christmas, ’99.’’ Albert Herter’s contribution is. ‘Since I have done it I suppose I must stand by it) j and sign my name to it—only had I known) “you when I did it—it could not have. been) So bad.—Albert Herter.” Mr. Herter, when) | interrogated over the telephone last night,| said that he was not quite sure but that he) might have given the books to Miss kaa “by. Alfred Douglas, the son’ of Lady Aifreal Douglas, in his “The City .of-the Soul, a wrote on one page several stanzas of verss| and on. the opposite side appears ‘To Hmilie Grigsby from the author—New York, Nov., 1901." As an. after thought. is added: “From a poet to a poem.” Three . autograph. letters of Theodore Roosevelt to Miss Grigsby are listed in the eollection, but theré are merely formal notes’. concerning the furlough of her brother, who was a member of the Rough Riders... Henry W. Poor, in a volume of) bookbinding, wrote “To Miss Grigsby, with) the compliments and best wishes of Henry} W. Poor, New York, Jan. 19, 1904.” Henry Harland, in “‘The Lady Paramount,” wrote: | “Vo: Milly—‘the real Milly’—from the: crez tor’s humble pupil—H.. Harland.’’ John| | Lane, the publisher, in a 1900 editiorr® of Richard Le Gallicnne’s ‘‘George Meredith,”’ EEpre: “Po the twin sister of Lucy Des- » borough, from the Bibliographer,.’’ | - AIEEE ISAS AIUD. GL, CE Lone ee d paps ae tRe yond, her compa: | tlously edging her The scene is unde bought in Re J known bidder at ; Frank M,. Widner, | man. which brought ‘ae up to $39,760. ‘Table china and were’ on sale at whieh netted $8,842. $510 for twelve. ‘owned by the Co Grace George, six large silver Pp) respect for her hi 8 bid under ine name: | Theodore Heineman, | af va 7 and a ete eats SENT | GRIGSBY ART SALE. ‘Noy (Concluded) Q- 3-74 -jsions (Jan. 24) of the Emilie Grigsby sale. "|A “Mrs. Carlton” was particularly active tal cross with watch inclosed (Solomon | Coster,.maker) for..$850. J...&S..-Gold- schmidt paid $640 for a gold watch made |by John Machette. Justice went to Mr. David Belasco for $900. The total for the day was $29,502.50. The two sessions of Jan. 25 realized $39,- |760. Mr. S. H. Valentine paid $1,020 at the | afternoon session for 24 Sévres plates. Mrs. | Rouss paid $300 for 12 Royal Vienna plates. The more important pictures sold at the evening session were, with artist’s name, buyer and prices obtained, as follows: Zorn, “The Bather”’; Hugo Reisinger........ $4,250 LOtmweoN a balnier ch tO vata ceita ses senescent 8,500 ! Monet, ‘‘Highlands on French Coast”; Du- PAT Mode CLS Leeroy seats ant Geaie Ge oveh ter ee nah ee cae reper 4,900 A. stevens, ““Waitinge’; Knoedler & Co...... 1,700 Av ilerters. whe Garden of: Dreams... inems 635 O. Achenbach, ‘‘Coming Storm”; T. Heine- HME pe remeic. Sle se evar tne Re oeay eer a reueialahe, «; steers: eaemeperees 300 Bouding = Port of Bordeaux 3. Gi. Rs =e: IBYopescerls bce nayoite Its cma Ne ORNs Or ore aicic 800 Pissarro, “Environs d’Eragny’’?; Durand-Ruel 850 isley, “‘Landscape at Veneux’’; Durand-Ruel 1,100 F. Pourbus (younger), “Elizabeth de Vos’’; | N. Snead 435 »| There was spirited bidding for the rugs of- Bifered at Friday’s sessions (Jan. 26). A »;museum piece went to Benguiat and Kere- eee eee ee eee ere eee eee eee eseseeeene jsey for $4,400. A hunting carpet went to | Donchian Bros. for $1,025. A drawing room Rerand piano. went to. Mr: A. Richter ior $3,250. The total for the day was $41,602. | Part I of the Grigsby sale closed on Sat- 'urday with the grand total of $193,067. ptotalefor the: day was: $13/2252 “Mr Le EE: | Miller paid $700 for an Aeolian orchestrelle, Unusual secrecy was noticeable on the. part of several buyers at Wednesday’s ses- | land made several purchases notably a crys- A bronze statue of | | Mr. ry | SS The | , Mr. Wm. Skinner $610 for a pair of bronze ' landirons, Mr. S. H. Valentine $440 for a ipair of 15th century carved wood statues. _ The library was sold on Monday, Tues- iday and Wednesday, Jan. 29, 30 and 31. John Keats’s “Endymion,” first issue of the first edition, London, 1818, in a fine binding _by Cobden-Sanderson, went to R. L. Rose 'for $240. A handsome set of the Chap- }man & Hall edition of Charles Dickens’s , works, with an autograph letter of Dickens laid in, went to James F. Druce for $170. iSeribner & Sons bought fifteen works by } William Loring Andrews, some presenta- @) tion copies and some on Japan paper, $428; | myset of Balzac’s novels, limited edition, | printed japainpapert. $2552) exer or | James Fenimore Cooper’s works, $43, and |a set of Alphonse Daudet’s works, $90. an V4. . W. Morris; a error ained a set | of George Meredith’s works for $105. The 'edition is now out of print. “Le Morte | d’Arthur,” by Sir Thomas Malory, reprinted | from Caxton’s edition of 1485, sold for $75.) © Mr. E. F. Bonaventure paid $104 for “Une| ~ femme de- Qualité au Siécle Passé,” by Bai. Maurice Leloir. The first book published) by the Grolier Club, “A Decree of Star me Chamber Concerning Printing,’ date July ie i 11, 1637, brought $108. m4 cee ee ae The edition was | ‘limited to 150 copies. James F. Drake paid | $84 for “The Holy Cross and Other Tales,” |_ by Eugene Field, one of twenty-five copies | _ | on Japan paper, with the book-plates of | ~~ J Eugene Field and Leigh Lynch, and in-} @& scribed: a | eae lew York Crry MUSIC ROOM, LOOKING NORTH ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE —OF THE— Art and Literary Collections Miss Emilie Grigsby oF New York City Part I-OBJECTS OF ART Paintings, Sculptures, Jades, Snuff Bottles, Chinese Porcelains, Silver, Miniatures, Fans, Jewelry, Rugs, Tapestries, Embroideries, Artistic Carved Furniture, and China On EXHIBITION IN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES AND TO BE Sotp By UNRESTRICTED PusLic AUCTION DuRING THE WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 22, 1912 BY The Anderson Auction Company Mapison AVENUE AT FortTIntTH STREET New York Ciry Conditions of Sale aes 1. All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractions or nominal oy which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on | account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. ‘The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely — paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition two or more days before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Auction Company will not be ° responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Auction’ Company will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject . to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. ‘Terms Casx. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Auction Company to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY Manpison AVENUE aT FortietH Street, New YorK - TELEPHONE 7990 BRYANT Ns AND cs JANUARY 22p, TO SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Any 277, 1912, Brernnine AT 2:30 AND 8:15 0’CcLOCK i nary L - 22 ie Lots, 1-161. | Armor, Indian Weapons, Deer Head, Draperies and Portiéres, Rosaries, rvings, Marbles, and Bronzes. A: y Evening, January pee. | LOtS, 162-295. and Japanese Porcelains, Embroideries, Ivories, Jades, Snuff Bottles, Rock nd Cabinet Pieces. Afternoon, January 23d. icine ceo y Lots, 296-442. : Dining Room Furniture Upholstered in Antique Flemish Tapestry, Flemish Wa eine gains Embroideries, Draperies, and Hangings. y Evening, January 23d. . ... . . . Lots, 443-604A. abinet Objects, Fans, Miniatures, Assyrian Glass, Tanagras, Gold Boxes, Jewelry, thedral Hanging Lamps, and Sculptures. itecaaiy. Afternoon, January 24th. . . . . . Lots, 605-763. Decorated Porcelain Groups and Figures; Méissen, Sevres and Solon Vases; Old Eng- ish, Dutch, and German Silver Tankards, Cups, Chali ices, etc. Wednesday Evening, panuary 24th... . es. . Lots, 764-927. _ Musical Instruments, Antique Watches, Bronzes, Ecclesiastical Silver, European Ivories _ Cathedral Lamps, Limoges Enamel, and Objects of Art. | Thursday Afternoon, January 25th. . . . . . Lots, 928-1079. ‘Table Silver and Glass; Exhibition Plates by Solon, Boullemier, and Labas; Tea - Sets of Sevres, Dresden, and Royal Vienna; Spode, Coalport, etc. Me Muureday Evening, January 25th. .. . . . Lots, 1080-1175. Paintings by Modern French Artists, examples of Italian, French, and Dutch Schools, __ _Engravings and Carbon Prints. rf Friday Afternoon, January Batre ee tt, Lots, 1176-1283. ‘Carved and Gilded French Walnut Furniture, Louis XVth Suites, Furniture of the Empire Period, upholstered in Aubusson Tapestry, a Carved and Gilded Piano, ete, Friday Evening, January 26th.. . . . . . . Lots, 1284-1390. Oriental Rugs, the Furniture and Decoration of Miss Grigsby’s Room, Lace, and Objects of Art. | Saturday Afternoon, January 27th. . . . . . Lots, 1391-1510. _ Florentine and Venetian-carved Furniture Upholstered in Old Church Embroideries, an Aolian Orchestrelle, a Weber Grand Piano, ete. INDEX OF PAINTINGS ARTISTS REPRESENTED Achenbach (Oswald)............ 1126 Albertinelli (Francia Luigio)..... 1168 Beers (Jan van)................ 1133, 1139 Belloni (Giorgio)............... 1116, 1120 Benlliure (Jose).............-.. 1141 Berchem (Nicholas)............ 1156 Boudin (Eugene).............. 1148 Constant-Benjamin (Jean J. ie ..» 1197, 1186 Corot (J. B. C.) [attributed]. . 1145 Dei Rossa (Francesco).......... 1174 Diprandules) ae Preah eee 1143 Deventer (W. A. van).......... 1124 DD IRZACING Pst e roses es Bs ee 1146 Pitoss (Gr) een ace ee fo 1123, 1125 Funk (Wilhelm)...... 1115, 1127, 1131, 1157 Goyen (Jan van)............... 1164, 1166 Greuze (Jean Baptiste)......... 1165 Herter (Albert)................ 1114, 1147: Hoppner (John) [attributed] ... 1170 Jacque (Ch. Emile) [attributed]. 1144 Jettel (Eugene)............ 1135, 1138, 1140 Klinkenberg (Johannes C. K.)... 1122, 1132 Koung (1) Adam) oe cine. gone 1129 PAIN UA © cica'ee. oee es tare 1119 Ge Duce dan) oy ee oe ae 1163 Mignard (Pierre) 2:5... 2) 200 2: 1137 Monet (Claude)................ 1154 Morrice(d,. W.)\ iso war aoe 1152 Nattier (Jean Marc)............ 1171 Newman (Rot. a eee 1128 Pissarro (Camille).............. 1150 Potter (Paul) fattributed! Sy ep 1162 Pourbous (Franz, the Younger) 1167, 1169, 1173 Quast, (Peter. ssc suc yee 1159 Schmidt (Edward Allan)........ 1118 Serra-y-Porson (Jose)........... 1121, 1130 Bisa CAlTPed ).ii),: o/s aoe, 1151 Sogliani (Giovanni Antonio)..... 1172 Stevens (Alfred)............... 1142 Teniers (David) [attributed] .... 1155 Unknown: Artist)... Saree 1134, 1161 Van de Velde (Adrian).......... Bie Wissing (William).............. 1175 Wouverman (Philips)........... 1158 Zorn (Anders), .;.,....seeeee 1149, 1153 Photographs Albani (Francesco)............. 1080 Botticelli... ...25).4 ee eee 1088 Brescia (Morette da)........... 1089 Hais (Franz). 2... 8 eee 1093 Le Brun (Viglee Madame)...... 1084 Murillo...) See ee 1091 Raphael. |... veces eee 1092 Rembrandt van Rhyn.......... 1081, 1086 Rubens... ....2 33 1082 Ruysdael......%.0 4.2 30 1087, 1090 Titian..... regen & 2. i eee 1083 Van. Dyck. . 2. eee 1085 Engravings and Etchings Audran (Jean) .0/7.4))6. eee 1105 Bonheur (Rosa).......... spe eeeye 1097 Chapman (F. A\) 22). 1103 Color Prints’. .: 2. 2) Ae 1095 De Lorighi: : : i... > Ae 1102 Etchings... ..... 1.00 0a, eee 1108, 1109. Eyck (Jan. van): 3). 4. See 1 LOF Flameng (Leopold and Francois) 1111 Giudetti (NJ... 2.0 ee 1098 Haig (Axel): >. 5.) 3 1113 Harding (8)... 1106 Herter (Albert)... {gi 1101 Hogarth (William)... .........45 1104 Koepping (Charles).....:...... 1112 Lefort (Henri). .......°. ae 1110 Morghen (Raphael) ee 1099 Muller (W.) 2.3.2. 2 1100 Perez (D.-A.)....¢ 1)... 9a ee 1096 Scientists’ Portraits..../:...... 1094 “Parr L —OBJECTS OF ART H eight, 21 inches. 4 eee ee (Grotesque.) ; | me Stoneware, signed. Height of each, 8 inches. (2 pieces.) (6 pieces. ) eas Mexican Cut Leather Money Box. os _ Tron Pans 6 x 4 x 4 inches. zs os ae Bronze Medal, by Wiener. Maltese Cross of Filigree Silver. Pair of Buttons Enameled with Egyptian /Figures. ___- Two Pairs Dumb-bells. | (11 pieces.) . Choisy Umbrella Stand. » » “Green Pottery. pet | - Height, 23 inches. Ormolu Jewel Box. Octagonal in form, set with rose decorated porcelain panels. 13 _ Two Cut Glass Toilet Bottles with Original Stoppers. i * French Bronze and Enamel Statuette. ea Bust of Cleopatra rising from a cluster of lotus leaves of blue, green 0: ea and brown enamel which form a stem resting on a marble base. ce She wears an Egyptian head dress of blue, green and brown tom enamel. Signed Henri Godet. Height, 6 inches. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Pair Flower Vases. i Clear glass with applied gold decoration. Height, 22 inches. Pair Flower Vases. | Green fluted glass. Height, 16 inches. Pair Flower Vases. Clear glass beaker shape. 3 Height, 21 inches. Pair Flower Vases. . Clear glass, flaring mouth. - Height, 20 inches. Two Glass Flower Vases. Clear glass and green glass, each with gold decoration. Height, 16 inches. Flower Vases and Bowl. Clear glass, fluted bowl, tall vase and three single flower vases. (5 pieces.) Wide-Mouthed Glass Flower Vases. , Clear glass. (3 pieces.) Height, 11 inches. Pair Low Brass Candlesticks. Pair Low Brass Candlesticks. Ivory Paper Cutter with Sterling Silver Handle. Monogrammed twice. Silver Paper Weight set with semi-precious stones. Magnifying Glass mounted in sterling silver. (3 pieces.) Three Edward VIIth Doulton Coronation Cups. One with inscribed silver rim. Silver Bonbon or Sugar Bowl. Two handles, monogram. Silver Gilt Wheelbarrow. Gilt Bracelet set with five painted porcelain medallions. (3 pieces.) Carved Repousse Silver Ash Tray. Venetian Jewel Casket, covered with illuminated and carved leather. Empire Jewel Casket of blue velvet and silver in the form of a small chest. (3 pieces.) [10] 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Rosary. Mother of Pearl and Crucifix, silver mounted. Two Rosaries of Wood and Silver with Emblems. One with silver and one with ivory Crucifix. Rosary of Crystal Beads, Silver Crucifix and Rosary of Blue Beads with silver and pearl Crucifix. (2 pieces.) Small Silver Crucifix set with Four Garnets. Miniature Silver Traveling Shrine with tiny figure of the Virgin. Ivory Cross with head of cherubim. (3 pieces.) Tall Green Glass Flower Holder. Opalescent glass, flaring rim. Height, 48 inches. Glass Flower Holder. Long necked, gourd shape. Height, 28 inches. Austrian Glass Flower Holder. Fayvrile Glass Flower Basket with Handle. Small Green Pottery Jar. (3 pieces.) Pair Green and Gold Glass Vases. Height, 15 inches. Pair Single Flower Gold-Tipped Etched Glass Vases. Solid Silver Gilt Pen Tray. Two angels’ heads in repoussé. Marked with monogram. Silver Letter Opener. 3 Pens of silver, crystal and tortoise shell and a Bookmark with silver and enamel shield (from the Royal School ot Art Needlework at South Kensington). (6 pieces.) Small Blue Oval Onyx Tray. Made from stone found in the Black Forest. Two Silver, Cloisonne and Carnelian, Bonbon Boxes. (5 pieces.) ee 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Pair of Blue Silk Plush Short Portiéres. : Co baarT G Seviee Dish foro Mounts vith Handles oe Painted group of Amorini and garlands, signed “ “ Iu ce. low legs. ; eee Ivory Back Toilet Set. Cut Glass Sachet Jar and Pair Cut Glass Toilet Bo Silver Tops. ( Small Enamel Pin Tray, ? Nickel Watch. Small Square Embroidered a Glass Bottom. slides made by Richard. Two Pairs of Blue Silk Brocade Curtains. Lined. Finished with silk Pange and silk loops. Three Pairs of Blue Silk Brocade Portiéres. To match the above. Three Pairs of Yellow Velvet Portiéres. Finished with green figured silk band. Three Pairs of Yellow Velvet Curtains. To match the above. With silk loops. | Pair of Crimson Velour Curtains. Finished with cord braid, cord loops. Six Pairs of Crimson Velour Portieres. To match the above. Pair of Renaissance Lace Curtains. - Wide borders on net ground. Three Pairs of Grey Blue Silk Velour Curtains. Lined and finished with silk braid and silk loops. Two Pairs of Grey Blue Silk Velour Portiéres. To match the above. [12] Byelet and dot embroidery muslin curtains. In the lower part are A “squares of figure design. The lower edges bordered with wide : Torchon lace ending in tassels at intervals. Never used. Width, 58 inches; length, 95 inches. a Pair of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. BELO match, the above. ; _ Two Pairs of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. - To match the above. Three Pairs of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. To match the above. Letter Box or Photograph Case. 7 Covered with flowered silk brocade. 14 x 18 inches. Thermometer Mounted on Old Brocade with Silk and Ribbon Roses. (2 pieces.) _ The box encloses 162 photographs of distinguished rulers of Euro- "pean Courts, Royalty, Artists, Litterateurs, etc. Arms and Armor Turkish Gun. £ . | i With ornamented brass mountings. | 52. Norman Helmet. | ae Ornamented in low relief, with chain guard and narrow nose guard. | —s«'58..- Sword with Ivory Scabbard. a | Carved in relief with heads and architectural designs. Le [18] 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 65. 66. 67. Incised Turkish Blade. Studded handle, leather sheath. Poniard. Ivory handle, wood scabbard, ivory tip. Short Sword Leather Scabbard. Bronze handle formed as. head of a grotesque animal. Old Norman Sword and Scabbard. Short Sword. Spiral ebony handle, incised blade. Old Pistol. Long barrel with bronze mounts elaborately carved. ‘“‘G. Rossi” cut on hammer. Curved Short Sword. With handle set with four ivory panels. Turkish Gun. Mounted in brass elaborately wrought. East India Dagger. Bronze handle and scabbard intricately wrought. Short Sword. Wood handle, leather scabbard, brass mounts. Long Pistol. Elaborately ornamented, brass mountings. Dress Sword. Wood hilt, brass mounts. Japanese Short Sword (Kanto) with Kodzuka. The scabbard mounted with lacquer and ornamented with a silver lobster. Persian Powder Flask. Studded with gems on a filigree ground. [14] (4 pieces.) ns, twelve prongs. Mounted, 5 Head: | 55 inches. "Mounted. 7 ae hors. Killed i in Montana be Mr. Andrew L. Green sen . ead of antlers, 67 inches. A superb specimen, one of the P isly eovered with itis beads on which is worked a pattern in red and blue beads. | Buckskin entirely covered etl white beads on which is worked a pattern in red and blue beads. - Bannock Indian Child’s Jacket. - Buckskin covered eee pink and blue beads and with bead ornament. | eas | . (2 pieces.) oe oe Two Bead Bands of an Indian Chief. Embroidered on buckskin. Length about 69 inches. Indian Bead Scarf. Beaded on both sides, fringed zephyr ends (beaded section 32 inches long). (3 pieces.) [15] 09. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. | Saks Sheath of bead and buckskin, ‘Three Indian Pouches. feathers. Arapahoe circular pouch of buckskin and two of bee V skin. | } ‘as BS Indian Weapons. _ ers Ae 4 Stone-headed Warcie inlaid with lead. se Tomahawk. Pair of Stone Head Clubs. ‘ Pipe. With red stone bowl and spindle naeaie deine See Length, 22 inches, ; Navajo eens BN eu, eee: - medallion centre. in perfect condition. “Very fi fine ee by Chief Manuelito. OF Navajo Indian Blanket. Red, white and green diamond pattern with medallion cen Fine specimen. : Navajo Indian Bianker White and black mottled Ralenns blue and red centre medalli n red and blue striped ends. ape Navajo Indian Blanket. Wide black and ivory stripes, red crosses at intervals. Antique Mexican Sombrero. White felt, eight-inch brim, embroidered under the brine in foweae ae : and birds in gold and colors (crown moth-eaten), A very old ay specimen. Two Sombreros. : Of brown and grey beaver tomomied with gold and silver bean eg 43 pieces.) . Military Scarf of Crimson Knitted Silk. AS With gold tassels. Length, 72 1-2 one : [16] Length, 38 feet. Length, 23 feet, 4 inches. Length, 9 feet, 2 inches. ! c. American aia Flag. : Length, 14 feet, 7 inches. et | ae wy ‘ona: white satin ground. Trimmed with silver lace. 52 x 20 inches. cf " Shield with Coat of Arms in Appliqué. Rampant lion on a blue velvet field, the shield surmounted with a crown, the whole ornamented in gilt thread embroidery. a4 3. ‘Pair of Shields with Coats of Arms in Applique. Similar to above but on cloth of gold ground. FEW Pairs of Green Silk Velour Portieres. : ‘Finished with green figured silk braid, lined. Pair of Green Silk Velour Curtains. To match the above. With silk cord loops. Two Pairs of Torchon Lace and Net Curtains. Two Pairs of Torchon Lace and Net Curtains. _ Two Pairs of Green Silk Brocade Portieres. Trimmed with gold fringe, the border finished with a French head- ing, interlined and lined with silk. ee : J es pia 99. Two Pairs of Green Silk Brocade Portiéres. To match the above. 100. Three Pairs of Green Silk Brocade Curtains. . To match the above. | 101. Two Pairs of Torchon Lace Curtains. Silk foundation, for the above. | 102. Two Renaissance Lace Table Scarfs. 40x18 inches. | [17] 103. 104. 105. 106. LO 108. 109. 110. as 112. 113. 114. Three Pairs of Plum-Colored Silk Velour Portieres. Finished with fringed braid tassels and loops. Lined. Three Pairs of Curtains to Match. Silk loops to match. Three Pairs of Net and Lace Curtains. Two Pairs of Hall Portieres. Moss green velvet, ornamented with bands of appliqué. Two Pairs of Hall Door Portiéres. Moss green velvet with bands of appliqué to match the above, and lined with rose-colored velvet. Carved W ood Venetian Carved Wood Fire Bellows with Cupid. Perfect condition. ° Pair of Italian Carved and Gilt Wood Lanterns. Favrile glass panels, fitted for electric lights. Height, 33 1-2 inches. Carved Rosewood Crucifix. Upheld by kneeling bronze angels on metal base. Height, 29 inches. Italian Carved Wood Standard. Heads of three cherubim. Fitted for electric lights. Spanish Wall Shrine, Carved Wood. The Triumph of the Virgin. Height, 35 inches. Italian Carved Wood Madonna Shrine. With photograph of Virgin and Child with apple attended by two Saints. Height, 30 inches. Pair of Antique Cathedral Candleholders of Carved and Gilded Wood. Italian, Siateenth Century. Height, 5 feet, 10 inches. [18] Ebony Crucifix. - With ivory figure of the Saviour. Height, 14 inches. Carved Wood Column. Supported by two standing lions holding an Italian Ducal Coat of Arms. Height, 47 inches. | Figure of the Virgin. Plaster, delicately colored (30 inches), and An Angel. In white porcelain. Height, 10 inches. (2 pieces.) Roman Mosaic. A Coronation Scene outside St. Peter’s, Rome, with thousands of figures kneeling in the square, fountains playing, soldiers, - eitizens on horseback and in carriages. By F. Barzotti & R. S. Petri. Signed. 19 x 11 inches. Two Roman Mosaics. The Fencer. By R. F.S. Petri. Signed. Poultry Vendor. Countryman bringing a fowl to old woman seated in the kitchen. In inlaid frame. Sizes, 8 x 12 inches and 9 x 12 inches. Marbles, Bronzes, Etc. Pair of Rococo Urn-Shaped Finials. Italian Terra Cotta. Height, 13 inches. Bronze Table Electrolier. Empire shape, two lights, yellow silk shade. Height, 30 inches. Bronze Table Electrolier. Two candelabra lights, ecru silk shade and silk ball fringe. Louis XVth Electric Toilet Fixture. Bracket from which is suspended a standard holding a large ball of cut crystal beads, globe finished in gold. [19] 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. Brass Empire Table Electrolier. Four candle lights, ivory silk shade, tray base. Red Velvet Covered Column Pedestal. Square base and top. | Height, 40 1-2 inches. Low Italian Marble Pedestal. Shell and Cupid decoration. Height, 14 inches. Pair of Red Marble Jewel Vases. On veined marble blocks, and a Pair of Small Urns. (6 pieces.) Pair of Alabaster Urns, Original Covers. With ram’s head handles and floral garlands. Height, 11 1-2 inches. Pair of Empire Brass Candlesticks. Ivory silk shades with fringe. Adapted for electricity. Early Italian Jardiniére of Pink Marble. Two grotesque lion handles on decorated stone pedestal, with four lambs resting on the base. ~ | Height, 47 inches. Verd Antique Marble Pedestal. Revolving top, fluted column on hexagonal base. Height, 42 1-2 inches. Pair of Twisted Stone Columns. Height, 50 inches. Verd Antique Revolving Marble Column. : Ornamented with garlands in relief (repaired). Height, 49 inches. Young Peasant Girl. Small bronze head mounted on a yellow marble base. By Ruth Miller. Height, 6 1-2 inches. Bronze Bust of Madame Recamier. After David. Height, 23 1-2 inches. Louis XVth Bronze Table Electrolier. Three lights, gold silk shade. [ 20 ] Te aT a Height, 14 inches. 2 r to above pet smaller. _ Herght, 11 inches. Ty r lights each, silk shades, gilt edges bobeches. Bod for ife size, ‘enriched with gems ‘‘a cire perdue.”’ Head of a woman, turban head-dress in which a gem is set, and the drapery around 3 the gale Bad pea by a jeweled clasp. PR I SE CII at NC ee EI ae Paeting on Pe cchine lions, surmounted by brass oil cups, hol- owed for torches. - ne = ae Greek Marble Urn. oe With shell handles SacOring human head. Lower part restored. 7 ee Height, 29 inches. 143. Marble Column. For the same. Height, 43 inches. | 144, ‘Pair of Large Porphyry Urns. a Fluted bowl, shell sg fluted porphyry covers. Height, 25 inches. 145. Pair Onyx Vases on Marble Bases. Height, 7 inches. : e. ‘146. Pair of Wide Shallow Bloodstone Vases on Onyx Stands. mo" Height, 11 1-2 inches; diameter, 12 inches. ee 147. + Pair of Italian Twisted Marble Columns. ie | Surmounted by marble urns. The columns of green veined Oe, marble, the capitals of white marble and the urns of malachite. Height, 94 inches. : : oa 148. Marble Bust of The Comtesse Du Barri. b= Se | , ByF. Pajou. Height, 22 inches. Pen [21] HLQOS DNINOOT ‘WOO DISNIN 4 : : aS Re eee yO ey a orl ee ‘i ane aA oa, > te , - : . Fruehlings Steurme. Bronze statuette. Partly draped female figure mounted on a _-__ sphere resting on a marble base. Prize piece of the Berlin Ex- position of 1903. By H. Dammann. Height, 32 inches. 1 } _ Barbedienne Bronze Andirons. io aaa _ Elaborately wrought, scroll and acanthus leaf design. st Height, 42 inches. 151. ate of Louis XVth Gold Bronze Mantel Candelabra. _ Five lights, ivory silk shades. The lights rise from scroll brass work of the best description, made by special order to match the _ Barbedienne brass andirons. | : Adapted for electricity. Height, 48 inches. Large Green-Toned Favrile Glass Shade. For three lights, irregular leaded ovals, with fringe of small _ wooden balls. Diameter, 23 1-2 inches. From the Tiffany Studios. | _—-153._ Pair of Louis XVth Candelabra. ) Sa Figures holding branches of roses from which spring five-stemmed ae vi aes lights, resting on a rough antique marble base ornamented with Ge. . garlands of brass. Fitted for electricity. Height, 48 inches. _-:1154, Pair of Bronze Candelabra. Be Empire Period, bronze figure on a pedestal upholding a seven- branched light; the branches formed of hunting horns with relief _ decoration of grapes, ormolu mountings. Crystal bead shades. Adapted for electricity. Height, 48 inches. 155. .Triumph of SIMERCTS By P. A. Birot, Contemporary French Sculptor. 3 Marble group in high relief with applied color, having the motifs of Siegfried, Brunhilde, the Dragon, and the Rhine Maidens. A special design made for Miss Grigsby symbolic of Wagner’s love for his great Trilogy and the central figure of Brunhilde, by the sculptor recommended by Rodin. Height, 32 inches; length, 33 inches. 156. Stone Panel. Madonna and Child in low relief, Italian, X Vth Century. Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches. [23 ] 157. 160. 161. Marble and Bronze Bust, St. Michael. Life size, wearing a helmet. The drapery around his shoulders carved from lapis lazuli and alabaster. Small Marble Pedestal. For the above. Large Marble Statue. By A. Rossetti, Rome. The Temptation of a Vestal Virgin. The Virgin stands by the Altar guarding the Sacred Fire. Cupid alighting at her shoulder leans over and whispers in her ear. | Signed. Height, 63 inches. Marble Pedestal. For the same. — Madonna, in Marble, after Murillo. By E. Gazzeri, Contem- porary Sculptor, Rome. ‘The Immaculate Conception” after Murillo on an Italian marble base, executed by the artist especially for Miss Grigsby. Signed. Nearly life size. [24] "Grotesque head with Peiculated Jaw. Date, about 1800. paige 2 pieces. ) 163. Dignunicte Ivory Carving. a Umbrella maker giving finishing touches to his work. | Old geese Ivory Carving. Grotesque figures of long-armed and long-legged men comparing lengths. © a ue an old Japanese legend. Old Ivory Carving. _ Representing long-legged man carrying a long-armed man. [Illus- trating old Japanese legend. Height, 8 inches. Japanese Ivory Carving and Silver Stand. Monkey holding a frog, standing on a base of peaches with solid silver stand in form of fan used by a wrestler, on four low legs. 167. Old J apanese Ivory Carving. Group of figures. Seiwobo in the centre and two attendants. Very rare carving of the XVIIIth Century. JHeight, 8 inches. a oe 168. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Fisherman with whistle in his hand and trained birds, giving signal ready to catch fish. By Tosei. Height, 9 1-2 inches. 169. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Eagle killing a fox. By Kodo. H eight, 7 1-2 inches. 170. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Figure of Kwannon, standing erect on a dragon’s back carved in exquisite detail. By Riumin. Height, 9 1-2 inches. | [25] | IAWNQHS AW SAIUOAI ASANVAVE SLT °ON eLL ‘ON : 9LT “ON 171. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Flower Vendor trying to carry his boy in the other side of the basket andf{scared by the unbalanced weight. By Kio Kumei. Height, 8 inches. 172. Japanese Ivory Carving. By Seimin. One of the Disciples of Buddha, surrounded by the evils he is trying to dissipate. The details finely executed. 173. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. An old man sitting, holding his brush ready for work, with his old spectacles hanging from his ear. The expres- sion of his face, the strength of his arm holding half his weight are beautifully executed to show the strength of muscle. | Height, 6 1-2 inches. This carving was executed by Shunmei, one of the foremost artists in Japan who is now the Imperial Artist and carves only for the Royal Family and whose work no longer comes upon the market. The above carving was exhibited at the Government Sculpture Society in Tokio in the 28th Year Meiji (about 1890) by Toyama in whose name the accompanying copper prize medal was given. (See Illustration.) 174. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. Figure of Gama Seinin, spirit of a frog scared by a snake. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 175. Japanese Ivory Carving on Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. A woman diver with a few shell fish she has gath- ered in her net. Beautifully carved. Height, 7 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) 176. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. Court Lady seated, writing poetry. Hevght, 5 inches. (See Illustration. ) 177. Old Chinese Ivory Perfume Box. Cylindrical shape, with birds and flowers carved on a reticulated ground. Height, 4 1-4 inches. [27] eae ve F 178. Chinese Ivory Carving. | Old Mandarin Boat, with the Mandarin and family on a pleasure trip. Beautiful specimen of XVIIIth Century carving. Height, 8 1-2 inches; length, 9 1-2 inches. . Japanese and Chinese Embroideries 179. Pair Small Down Head Cushions. Each ornamented with a panel of dark blue Chinese embroidery — cut from an old Mandarin Coat. 180. Square Sofa Cushion of Japanese Cut Velvet. Decoration of a peacock standing on the branch of a blossoming cherry tree, on a grey ground. The reverse side of grey-green silk velour. 181. Square Sofa Cushion of Japanese Cut Velvet. Decoration of a crow in a rice-field on a grey ground typifying early morning. The reverse side of grey-green silk velour. 182. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Black satin ground with a decoration of drooping wistaria embroidered in shaded lilac, white and green, showing remarkable workmanship. ‘The wistaria blossoms almost touch a winding stream with wild flowers growing in the grassy banks. Lined with dark purple satin, edged with silk braid, and tassels at the corners. - 183. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Decoration of two peacocks beautifully embroidered in white and gold resting in a large tree over which grows a wistaria vine in blossom. The entire ground is covered with circle embroidery in grey representing atmosphere. Bordered with old Japanese brocade. Length, 98 inches; width 74 inches. eae ee 184. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Decoration of drooping wistaria beautifully embroidered in shaded lilac, white and green on a ground of gold circle embroidery representing morning, over a garden of red and yellow thistles growing in the grass by a winding stream, all exquisitely carried out in the embroidery. One of the finest pieces of needle work of Ieda of Kioto. Length, 105 inches; width, 76 inches. [ 28 } ‘ % "Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. _ Decorated with groups of storks embroidered in white and black on a background of old rose circle embroidery representing _ the rising sun shining through a pine tree, embroidered in gold thread, emblem of longevity. The color scheme is beautifully - carried out. Bordered with old Japanese brocade. | Length, 91 inches; width, 66 inches. - Old Embroidered Japanese Banner. | Used on the occasion of Temple Festivals. Black ground with { decoration of cloud and water dragons meeting in mid-air, a beautifully embroidered in gold thread within a gold bamboo | 3 border. The edges outside the border are decorated with embroid- a ery of detached birds and flowers placed alternately. ie Length, 135 inches; width, 47 inches. me: ae 187. Pair of Japanese Embroidered Hangings. ie . _--—s'‘Typifying spring and [summer. Clouds of single and double . cherry blossoms, with birds embroidered on tan linen in exquisite % colors, drooping over masses of peonies and butterflies which are : embroidered on the lower part of the hanging. Lined with pale green figured silk. Length of each, 130 inches; width of each, 46 inches. 188. Pair of Japanese Embroidered Hangings. Representing summer and autumn. Black satin ground embroid- ered in drooping cherry blossoms and autumn leaves with birds exquisitely embroidered in shaded reds, greens and pink. The lower part of the hanging decorated with pale yellow peonies, the petals embroidered in raised work repeating nature and butter- flies in various colors. Lined with pale green figured silk. Length of each, 130 inches; width of each, 46 inches. Bern broidered Satin Obi. Obi of plum-colored satin embroidered on both sides in a decora- tion of clusters of wistaria blossoms and golden wheels artisti- cally arranged. Length, 124 inches; width, 12 inches. [29] Sates Cabinet Vasems oy By Meizan. Decoration of landscapes executed fying glass. Signed. | Te ae % 191. Satsuma Incense Box with Cover. 3 A By Kin Kozan. Decoration of a 1 Musical Party « on na cig 192. Small Salaun Jar pie Oreiay Cover. | a aoniaue glass. Signed. 193. Old Japanese Satsuma Incense Burner, Silver Cor ‘ Decoration of Birds of Paradise in panels. The entire 24a. bos covered with a key pattern in gold. The silver cover carve pierced to match the jar. 194. Old Japanese Satsuma Incense Burner, Silver Cover. with key pattern in gold. The silver cover carved and pierced match the jar. | 195. Chinese Porcelain Bottle Vase and. Wood Stand. and cloud articulated. | Height, 8 inches. Be 196. Solid Silver Figure and Crystal Stand. soa _ The figure representing Kwannon Goddess of Mercy. The robes. wonderfully executed in artistic workmanship. Cube stand carved 5 out of a solid piece of rock crystal. | | eed 197. Silver Vase with Two Dragon Handles. Decoration of Oni in panel and profusely inlaid with Mother ob " 5 Pearl, coral and tortoise shell, on either side a panel representing _ a garden party, cherry blossoms, etc., inlaid with same material, the neck and base decorated in medallion and cloisonné enamel. ibs Height, 8 inches. [ 30] Ress 8 Be s cr Urn, with Original Cover. Medallion. decoration of chrysanthemums and crests inlaid eli cloisonne enamel. On the top of cover Birds of Paradise resting. ; ‘Side handles of lizards to match in mythological subjects. ve ; 20, Small Carved Teakwood Stand. ee Sanported on four legs, with oe carving of rings, etc., in pierced work over ivory. a 201. Small Chinese Rose Sree Dishes. Sia Joined by a handle representing two wrestlers. With ivory stand representing a bamboo bench. : b oe, 202. Chinese Rose Quartz Miniature Jar and Cover. 203. Chinese Rose Quartz Vase and Original Cover. Representing a rock covered with fungas carved out on the surface, with ivory stand. The fungas is mostly used as a Bud- dhistic symbol. Height, 8 1-2 inches. Se OS AS? C 7: Se ye 204. Chinese Agate and Carnelian Writer’s Water Dish. With wood stand. Carved out from the natural form of white and rose agate. The figures, etc., ingeniously carved, using every color in its proper place. ~ i a 205. Chinese Tortoise-shell Cardcase. ‘ais ‘Garden parties elaborately carved on the surface. Date, about | 1800. hey Chinese Snuff Bottles | 206. Chinese Blue and White Snuff Bottle. With ivory top. Decoration of farm scene. 207. Chinese Blue and White Snuff Bottle, Jade Top. Square shape decorated with figures in circular panels. [si] 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. Chinese Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Original Stopper. Representing Fu Chow Lacquer. Decoration of Dogfoos in — pierced work carved on the surface. Seal mark of the Chia Ching Period, 1522-1566. . Chinese Porcelain Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Summer scene of boating on a lotus pond, carved on the surface in enamel colors. Chia Ching Period, 1522-1566. , Chinese Crystal Snuff Bottle, Green Jade Top. Hexagonal shape. Chinese Camphor Crystal Snuff Bottle. With original stopper. Decoration of pine trees carved on the surface. Chinese Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle, Amethyst Stopper. Decoration of vines carved out on the surface showing different minerals found in the crystal. Chinese Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Pine trees carved on the surface. Chinese Moss Crystal Snuff Bottle. Green top. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With green stopper. Decorations of dragons carved out in red. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With rose quartz stopper. Square shape. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With red ivory stopper. Decoration of lotus carved in amber color. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With jade stopper. Mottled pink surface. [ 32] a, Nate be da on pia k ahd pete 219. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With red glass stopper. Decoration of bronze incense burners carved in red. 220. Chinese Glaze Snuff Bottle. With red ivory top. ‘The entire surface finished like smooth red velvet. = pee eR EER SR iad 3 be. =m es foe ee 221. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. Pink stopper. Decoration of lotus and fishes carved on the surface in several colors. 222. Chinese Amethyst Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Decoration of Seiwobo and tame animals carved on the surface. 223. Old Chinese Amber Snuff Bottle. With green glass top. Decoration of peaches and tame animals carved on the surface. The bottle is very fine with the color produced by age. 224." Chinese Lapis Lazuli Snuff Bottle. Original stopper, mounted in old gilt. 225. Chinese Agate Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Pair of horses carved out on the sur- face. Very fine piece. _ Chinese Blue and White Porcelains 226. Blue and White Temple Jar, Original Cover. With Hawthorn decoration in ascending and descending branches of flowers on opaque blue ground. Teakwood stand. Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. _ Height, 15 1-2 inches. 227. Hawthorn Ginger Jar, Original Cover. Decoration of buds and blossoms on fine blue ground representing cracking ice. Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 9 1-2 inches. : [ 33] KIEN LUNG PERIOD, 1736-1795 aa Ps Ye a eo Decoration of Shoki Ae his trained animals in a garden. Teak- ay wood stand. eae © Ming Wang Lih Period, 1573-1620. Height, 17 inches. ; Pair Powder Blue Ginger Jars with Original Covers. Decoration of boating scene in panels on a powder blue ground, ornamental teakwood stands. Height, 9 inches. 23 - Pair of Blue and White Temple Jars, Original Covers. _ Decoration of pine trees and mythological animals in blue and white. Carved teakwood stands. oe hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 16 inches. _ Beaker Vase. _ Decoration of pine tree and mythological animals to match the pair preceding. Carved teakwood stand. Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 17 inches. | Chinese and Japanese Porcelains Double Chinese Porcelain Vase and Teakwood Stand. Decoration of peaches and pomegranates, emblems of longevity carved out on the surface of grey crackle. Very rare specimen. Kien Lung Period, 1736-1795. Height, 10 inches. (See Illustration) 233. Chinese Enamel Stand on Three Legs and Low Teakwood Stand. Regular trefoil-shaped top, enamel decoration representing fungas, etc., of famille vert on Imperial yellow. vERY FINE AND RARE. Green Hawthorn Family. Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. 234. Small Chinese Enamel Stand. Hexagonal shape, decoration of Chinese sage carrying peaches, emblems of longevity and entirely finished in famille vert enamel belonging to the Green Hawthorn Family. vERY FINE AND RARE. Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. 235. Bottle Shape Temple Vase. : Black Hawthorn Family with decoration of Dog-foo carved on the surface on black enamel ground, and various flowers in | five-color enamel. Kien Lung Period, 1736-1795. Height, 23 inches. [ 35 | 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. Japanese Vase Royal Kaga Ware. Decoration of “A Thousand Poets” in gold and colors. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Height, 13 inches. Pair of Rose Du Barri Jars, Original Covers. Enamel decoration of figures in panels on rose ground after old Chinese porcelain. Made by Samson of Paris. Celadon Vase with Original Cover. Large crackle on surface and carved with exceptionally thick Celadon glaze. Ming Period, 1368-1647. Height, 15 inches. Cochin China Jar and Teakwood Cover. With teakwood stand. Soft green glaze. Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. Height with stand, 9 inches. Chinese Dish. i Monochrome finish of Lung Yuo green glaze, incised decoration with eight Buddhistic symbols. Six marks of the Yung Chieng Period, 1723-1735. Rice Grain Dish. Decoration of dragon in translucent glaze. | Hall mark Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. Diameter, 6 1-2 inches. Rice Grain Bowl with Original Cover. Decoration of conventional asters filled in translucent glaze. Very rare porcelain. Six marks of the Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. Chinese Porcelain Dish. ‘ Decoration of dragons in green and purple on Imperial yellow ground. Six marks of Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. Ginger Jar Teakwood Cover and Stand. Decoration of peaches representing longevity and happiness on a celadon ground. A medallion of jade in centre of teakwood cover. Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 9 inches. Pair of Temple Vases, Teakwood Covers. Gold decoration of dragon on a monochrome mirror black ground. Kang hst Period, 1662-1722. Height, 9 inches. [ 36 ] WOOU HSINATHA 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. Pair of Bottle-shaped Vases. Monochrome glaze of mottled nile green. oi Six marks of the Tao Kwang Period, 97-1 hone ne 1-2 ‘nche kc Cabinet Vase. Verdigris invested with sang de boeuf after old Chinese pore ain. %, Made by Takemoto, Japan. H ele a) ine | Pair of Low Teakwood Stands. ae wee Inlaid with silver wire. Diameter, 5 inche Tall Cylindrical Vase. Monochrome glaze of starch blue on giant crackle ground, with decoration in relief of hawthorn branches and flowers at the neck. © (Lip repaired.) Swen-teh Period, 1426-1436. Height, 17 1-2 Rai i nh ies Pair of Chinese Tall Vases. Dragon and fish carved in high relief on a giant crackle ground. : Bee: Tao Kwang Period, 1797-1821. Height, 24 inches. == Tall Powder Blue Beaker-shaped Vase. Monochrome shade with traces of the original gilt decoration still remaining on the surface. Teakwood stand. Chine pee on edge of cover and neck repaired.) Kang hsi Period, 1662-1722. H on 17 1-2 inches. Large Bronze Temple Vase. Decoration of weeping willow and storks carved and inlaid with silver and gold. The quality of the bronze is Sentoki. Made by _ the famous artist Kanamori Sohechi. World’s Fair Exhibition Piece representing the Deluge. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. H be 30 inches. Brass Incense Burner with Cover. as / Pierced brass exterior set with a panel decorated with a dragon in cloisonne. Bronze Sword Onmamene 2 Inlaid with gold and silver, utilized as a medal. (2 pieces.) Carved Circular Teakwood Pedestal. Four legs and shelf. . Height, 33 inches; diameter, 15 inches. [ 38 ] Large Bronze Temple Vase. | | | Made in Ocaka, Japan, for the Universal Exposition. Decora- tion of Griffins, Dog-foo and grotesques. Height, 48 inches. ‘Small Carved Teakwood Pedestal. One shelf, four legs ending in claw and ball feet. Height, 32 inches; width, 12 inches; length, 16 1-2 inches. Large Japanese Temple Hanging Lantern. Bronze, hexagonal shape, mythological subjects carved on the surface of gold bronze, six dragons perched on the edges. With Shogun’s crest. The Shogun’s crest mark shows that the lantern es Jo was given to the Temple by that family. Bee . | | ; Fitted for electricity, red silk shades. 258. Chinese Fu Chow Lacquer Box. } See In the shape of fungas representing Buddha’s hand. The entire ve | surface carved in a geometrical pattern. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Length, 5 1-2 inches. 259. Japanese Brush Holder, Old Wood Carving. Three masques carved out of a solid piece of wood. 260. Two Square Teakwood Stands. Height, 12 inches. Low Teakwood Stand. (3 pieces.) 261. Teakwood Stands. Medium sizes, round and square. (5 pieces.) 262. Circular Chinese Teakwood Pedestal. / Height, 23 inches; diameter, 20 inches. 263. Pair of Chinese Teakwood High Pedestals. Carved columns. Height, 36 inches. Jade and Crystal | 264. Rock Crystal Figure of Chinese Sage. Standing on a sacred deer. Height, 8 inches. [ 39 } 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 202. 273. 274, ES ee Te 1D gi eed Rock Crystal Vase. Mounted in silver. Height, 12 inches. - Pair of Amber Crystal Vases. First Empire style, with ormolu mountings. Height, 12 1-2 inches. — Japanese Rock Crystal Beads. Ending in a pair of crystal balls and silk tassels. | Used by the Priest during ceremonies. Jade Image and Teakwood Stand. Representing the Chinese Sage, Momo Sennin carrying peaches, emblems of longevity, on his shoulder. Teakwood stand carved in form of lotus. Jade Snuff Bottle with Fei Tsui Cover. Carved Japanese boxwood stand in form of wine jar surrounded by Shojio. Jade Snuff Bottle and Teakwood Stand. With coral top, representing fruit. Jade Bowl and Stand. Eight Buddhists’ Symbols carved and pierced through Eggshell Jade (Imperfect, small hole). Ming Period. Jade Vase with Original Cover and Teakwood Stand. Pilgrim bottle form with side handles of rings carved out from a solid piece of jade. Sex marks of Kien Lung Period. Height, 16 1-4 inches. Pair of Jade Vases with Original Covers and Stands and Extra Ivory Base. Fei Tsui Jade showing different marks of green on white. | Kien Lung Period. Height, 6 3-4 inches. Pair of Incense Boxes. In the form of a dove, called the agent of the Temple, carrying a garland of fungas in its beak representing the Sceptre. on double stands of teakwood, one inlaid with ivory. (See Illustration.) [ 40 ] Each SAXOd ASNAONI AAVE “PLS 219. 276. PAWE 8 2g, 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. Large Jade Vase and Teakwood Stand. Coiled dragon ascending on the edge of the vase with waves. Stand inlaid with ivory. © Height of vase, 9 1-2 inches. European Jade Urn with Original Cover and Side Handles. — The vase is entirely studded with precious stones in gold flowers and vines. One of the finest modern pieces. | Jade Sceptre. In form of fungas, the same design carried out in the carving on the surface. An unusually large and important piece. Kien Lung Period. Length, 16 1-2 inches. Jade Beads and Pendant. Fei Tsui quality, 107 beads and pendant of Porkfat Jade, carved and pierced, with buds and symbols of longevity. Jade Incense Burner with Original Cover and Ivory Stand. Fei Tsui green jade, decoration of peonies incised on the surface. Vase with side handles and knob of cover carved from one solid piece. Stand of old ivory representing a bamboo bench. Cabinet Piece, Green European Jade, Egg-shape Urn with Hinged Cover. Mounted in French gold enclosing a Miniature Tea Set Carved from Jade. In the same quality of translucent green jade supposed to have been made as a toy for a Royal child. The clasp is studded with minute diamonds. Made by Forbagere of St. Petersburg. (20 pieces.) Old Tombstone Bowl with Teakwood Stand. Fine smooth texture “Camphor”’ quality. Jade Snuff Bottle and Stand with Fei Tsui Jade Top. Flowers of the four seasons carved on the surface. Pair of Jade Ornaments. Fei Tsui finish. Peaches, emblems of longevity, carved and pierced on surface. Small Chinese Teakwood Stand Inlaid with Silver Wire. [ 42 ] _ White Jade Bowl. Eggshell texture with silver rim to protect the bowl. aa, “ye Ming Period. . Bronze Stand. 3 : ee me Group of three storks suitable for bowl. . Jade Teapot and Bronze Stand with Original Cover. Form of lotus flowers and buds. The stand represents three children holding incense burners made of fine Sentoki bronze. ee a. Ming Period. 8. Five Jade Wine Cups and Tray. Suitable to go with teapot described. The centre of the tray is made of panels of jade, beautifully carved with landscapes and _-—_—sthe ‘border carved with lacquer. Ming Period. . ‘ Pair Jade Bowls and Teakwood Stands. _ Of the Pork Fat family. - Ming Period. ‘Pair of J ade Vases with Original Covers and Teakwood Stands. Fei Tsui jade delicate shade of green mixed on pork fat white. Chinese Jade Writer’s Water Dish. Teakwood stand. The dish made of old tombstone jade carved in the form of a lotus. Eggshell Jade Bowl Set with Cabochon Rubies. S ; Decoration of chrysanthemums carved inside and out, six side ie ae handles in form of peonies, carved out in relief, and the handles: studded with Cabochon Rubies. 293. Gold Lacquer Shrine Stand. Chrysanthemums carved on the edge of the stand. 4 x 8 inches. 294. Tall Jade Incense Burner with Original Cover and Ivory Stand. : In the form of old Han bronze, decoration of grotesque face carved St on the surface. Stand of old Chinese ivory carved out of one solid piece. | Height of vase, 8 inches. Ka 295. Pair of Jade Vases and Teakwood Stands. | Dark green of Nihilit type, old Han bronze shape, generally used in Temples. Ming Period. Height, 10 inches. (See Illustration.) [ 43] JADE VASES No. 295. ea Dat a - a a eee Oe ee PRR NROET 9S eerP merece cite ae Ls " . rs On a a imag ae i Rl Aah ea dl is * ’ , ‘ x id ‘ iJ pw . ~ fay ae tam ace =a oe . ? Sia Roy sy- = Rye ¥ PS J ml ~, “<>? ae tee 7 Cont) ee | Se Two Pairs Renaissance Lace Curtains. On ivory silk foundation, deep lace border of special design and execution. Made in Paris. Four Pairs of Renaissance Lace Curtains. To match the above. is ae 327. Three Long Cushions. Ls re Red cut Genoese velvet. 328. Two Dark Red Striped Velvet Cushions. : | Ecclesiastical Silver and Bronze i 329. Old Moorish Silver Temple Bowl. Hammered silver with designs of groups of figures on the sides and in the bottom the Church with open door. Diameter, 7 inches. 330. Pair Silver Gilt Church Candleholders. Twisted columns. Hewght, 19 inches. [47] at fom] < | eS — | =} is) Ise ie At 331. Silver Inkstand. In form of a pile of seven books, Bible, and others, surmounted by a small silver cross. Small ebony stand on four ball feet, at each _ corner, the four symbols of the Apocalypse. On a silver plate set in the stand runs: “Testimonial from friends in the American Church to Thomas Ramsey, Esq., late Editor of the N. Y. Churchman, Easter, 1858. In acknowledgment of his services in the cause of Catholic truth.” 332. Cardinal’s Brass Traveling Set. A leather traveling case containing the vessels necessary for the celebration of Mass, censer, crozier, missal rest, incense boxes, helmet jug, basin, ewer, mortar, pestle, bell, candlestick and several trays, all in heavy brass marked with coat of arms. From the collection of Cardinal Mertel, Rome. The candle has _ been fitted for electricity with candelabra and ivory silk shade, and _ the incense cup fitted as an inkstand. (Together 18 pieces.) . $33. Pair of Spanish Silver Altar Candlesticks. With crystal bead covers and old rose tasseled shades. Wired for electricity. Height, 42 nches. 334, Small Silver Triptych. Central panel and two] hinged wings. The former contains modeled in very high relief the figure of a Saint adoring a Crucifix and receiving the blessing of the Almighty who appears in the clouds above. In the wings are the figures of the Four Evangelists. The exterior of the triptych is decorated with a deposition from the Cross surrounded by a scroll border, the figures of Saints in niches, a Saint and a shield-shaped cartouche with the Emblems of the Passion. North German, Early XVIIth Century. 3 1-2 x 5 wnches. 335. Wafer Holder. Decorated with “The Descent from the Cross” in Limoges enamel. Stem and circular base. [ 49 ] 336. Limoges Enamel Triptych. 330. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. Triptych of ebony with elaborate strapwork clasps of hand- wrought brass. Inside framework in niello in a Florentine pat- tern enclosing six panels in Limoges enamel in rich colors. The larger of the panels representing scenes in the life of St. Anne, bordered with smaller panels showing heads and arabesques in enamel. School of Pierre Penicaud. Extreme height, 21 1-2 inches; width (open), 22 inches. French Walnut Carved and Gilded Vitrine. Exhibition table with sloping top for the above described Triptych, of Gothic design, carved in relief, the ornament gilded; designed — by Miss Grigsby for the exhibition of the foregoing Limoges enamel. Triptych of Carved Ivory and Bone. Showing eight scenes in the Passion of Christ set in intricate Tabernacle Work, surrounded by Gothic Carvings. At the top are eight portraits enclosed in quatrefoils, surmounted by Angels supporting a crest. Spanish workmanship. XIVth Century. Height, 21 1-2 inches; width, 22 inches. French Walnut Carved and Gilded Vitrine. For the foregoing. Similar to companion, No. 337. Coins Coins. Roman consular or silver family coins, of the Julia, Furia, Plautia and many other families, all of about B. C. 100 to A. D. 50. Good and very good. A-few holed. No duplicates. (72 pieces.) Coins. A good collection of Oriental coins including China, Japan, India, Ceylon, British East Africa, etc. 25 in silver. Very good to fine condition. (84 pieces.) Coins. Modern copper and nickel coins of Europe and South America. Many in fine and uncirculated condition. (384 pieces.) [50] AS ia ‘: 5 B43 F ; e ie ” ta : 345. 346. 347. a 3 2. a ‘ Medals. 344, 348. A collection of United States and foreign medals and tokens, bronze and silver, including some of Washington and Bonaparte. Also some current foreign silver coins. Very good and fine con- dition. (102 pieces.) Ecclesiastical and Other Embroideries Bishop’s Traveling Writing Case. Portfolio with the arms of J. F. P. Le Fevre de Caumartin, Bishop of Blois, covered with old red velvet. The Bishop’s crest embroid- - ered in colors and gold on a white satin panel. At each corner is a hammered silver ornament of God the Father with Angels in Glory. Two inner pockets lined with rose silk. Archbishop’s Morse. Cope clasp of brocade embroidered in gold and silver. Eight Strips of Crimson Velvet and Applique Embroidery. Taken from Church vestments. Floral patterns outlined with gold leaf on Genoese velvet. Collar Piece of Crimson Velvet. Decorated with a medallion en appliqué. (10 pieces.) 22 inches long; 2 pieces, 14 inches; 3 pieces, 8 inches. Two Halves of Chasuble. Green brocaded satin, with pillar of crimson Genoese velvet, embroidered with a Venetian design in appliqué of yellow satin (worn). Italian, XV Ith Century. Crimson Satin Chasuble. Embroidered in a pattern of roses, carnations, leaves and arabesques on a ground of cerise satin. Bordered with a dog-tooth pattern of embroidery (restored at the neck). Italian. Half of a Chasuble. Old rose brocade. arabesques on a ground of silver and old rose. gold braid. Converted into a stand cover. [51] Pattern of roses, leaves, flowers, fruit and Trimmed with 349. 390. 351. 352. 353. 304. 355. White Satin Chasuble. Embroidered with a pattern of vine, leaves and flowers on a ground of ivory satin. Front soiled and worn. Spanish, XVIth Century. — Half of a Chasuble. Embroidered in a floral pattern on a brocaded silver and rose- colored ground. The pillar of crimson Genoese velvet orna- mented with three figure medallions of the Madonna and Saints, surrounded and connected by embroidery of gold and _ silver bullion. Bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XV Ith Century. Canopy Cover. Embroidered in gold, silver and colors in intricate pattern of leaves, flowers, fruits and animals on a red cloth ground. Oval medallion of gray-green velour, bordered with gold braid. The canopy fringed with gold bullion. -From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Portuguese, XV Ith Century. Length, 80 inches; width, 56 inches. Silk Canopy Covering. Brilliant brocade of shaded pink and yellow clusters of chrysan- themums and leaves on an ivory silk ground. ‘The ground figured with a gold floral pattern. The flowers and leaves also veined and shaded with gold. Bordered with a fringe of gold bullion. Spanish, XVIth Century. Length, 112 inches; width, 75 inches. Chasuble. Brocade in a pattern of bouquets of flowers and leaves, tied with ribbon on a ground of white silk. Trimmed with gold brocade. Italian. Orphrey. Embroidered with three figure panels in appliqué on cloth of gold ground. A round medallion at the top showing a Madonna and Child. (Worn.) | _ Spanish, XV Ith Century. Bannerette. Old rose velvet, with device of a chalice of gold brocade en appliqué. Bordered on both sides with an arabesque pattern in gold embroidery. Italian. [52] . ae - : re, f ee oe ce j _ fe . oP e , : x ' Sey 8 fa Be i Ei lis ee Soe a w> ey, wa « ~~ 356. Vide Poche. Covered with Rowaved brocade and trimmed with gold (hee: Double covers ornamented with medallion enclosing a print. Bordered with gold spangles. : (357 : Three Chalice rc, Flowered silk brocade, cated with silk and gold braid. 358. Hanging of Striped Brocade. Salmon and white silk stripes ornamented with floral pattern, trimmed with silk braid. Length, 78 inches; width, 39 inches. 359. Chasuble. Silk brocade. Flower and ribbon pattern on a white ground, striped with green; trimmed with gold braid. French, 360. Dalmatic. Salmon and white striped and flowered brocade. French. 361. Stole and Maniple. Crimson Genoese velvet, ornamented with floral design in appliqué and trimmed with gold bullion fringe. Italian. 362. Stole and Maniple. Similar set. Italian. 363. Antependium of Silk Brocade. Intricate floral pattern of green and pink on a mauve ground. Bordered with gold braid. Italian, XV Ith Century. Length, 104 inches; width, 36 inches. 364. Orphrey. Containing three panels of figures of Saints in appliqué on figured gold background with architectural settings, bordered by con- ventional scroll pattern in gold. Italian, XV Ith Century. Length, 55 inches; width, 10 inches. 365. Orphrey. Containing three panels of Saints in appliqué on figured gold background with architectural settings, bordered by conventional scroll pattern in gold. Italian, XV Ith Century. Length, 55 inches; width, 10 inches. [53 ] 366. Embroidered Band. _Containing 16 panels (joined), each showing figure of a Saint in appliqué embroidered on cloth of gold, and cloth of silver, bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 128 inches; width, 18 inches. 367. Two Halves of a Chasuble. Richly embroidered pattern of leaves and arabesques in color and gold on cloth of silver ground. Bordered with conventional floral pattern, lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XV Ith Century. 368. Four Mural Panels. Crimson Genoese velvet the greater part of each formed of medallions exquisitely embroidered of Biblical figures in appliqué and surrounded by ornamental setting in conventional pattern in gold. The upper part finished in decorative panel in gold surrounding a medallion enclosing a monogram. Italian, XV Ith Century. Height, 56 inches; width, 21 inches. 369. Two Orphreys. (Joined End to End.) Crimson Genoese velvet, embroidered with gold in Venetian pattern, each showing three medallions, one of Saints and two of conventional floral decoration. Italian, XV Ith Century. Length, 110 inches; width, 10 1-2 inches. 370. Archbishop’s Mitre. Embroidered in gold in flowers and arabesques on ivory silk ground. 371. Chasuble (Half). Richly embroidered with a pattern of poppies, passion flowers and leaves in color on cloth of gold. Bordered with conventional floral pattern, lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XV Ith Century. 372. Chasuble. Crimson Genoa Velvet with pillar of green velour embroidered in a Venetian pattern in yellow satin appliqué. Finished with gold braid. Italian, XV Ith Century. [ 54] Richly embroidered in a pattern of pomegranates, birds and gold appliqué on cloth of gold. Bordered with gold braid and lined 3 with crimson silk. Italian, XV Ith Century. 84, Embroidered Strip. 2h Composed of four squares, alternating with four bands, each con- taining figure of a Saint in appliqué on a ground of crimson velvet, figured with gold surrounded by appliqué borders in color out- lined with gold. Hf eal XVIth Century. Length, 112 inches; width, 19 inches. Mi x 375. Tks Orphreys (Joined End to End). ! Bordered with conventional designs in gold embroidery. Three panels of Biblical scenes, embroidered in gold (with very little GOIOV yoy Italian, x VIth Century. Extreme length, 96 inches; width, 10 inches. 376. Embroidered Band. . One long and two square panels, joined end to end. Embroidered | ae in a pattern of poppies in rich colors on cloth of gold ground. (a ‘ Joined and bordered with gold band, finished with gold fringe, a lined with crimson silk. ie. Italian. Length, 110 inches; width, 20 inches. ry 377. Embroidered Band. | 2 Another to match. 2 — 378. Antique Wall Panel. Embroidered with a floral pattern in appliqué on an ivory ground with three conventional floral borders. The centre showing a large urn of flowers under a floral archway about a plain central panel. Edged with green fringe and lined. Spanish. Length, 72 inches; width, 47 inches. i 379. Antique Wall Panel. b Embroidered in appliqué in a conventional floral pattern in old tS reds and blues on an ivory ground. The centre shows conven- tional floral pattern surrounding crimson velvet central panel. Edged with green fringe and lined. Spanish. Length, 72 inches; width, 48 inches. [ 55 | FLOOR Q Z oO ) i Ss HALL a ‘ i ne eas Mt ieee eT 381. — 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. Chasuble. Old rose brocade with pillar of white silk embroidered in appliqué with two medallions enclosing the Heads of Saints wrought in gold. Square of Embroidery. Framed in cloth of gold. Picture representing kneeling figures. Itahan, XV Ith Century. Length, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. Archbishop’s Mitre. Embroidered in gold showing a Heron on her nest, backed by a glory and surrounded by conventional rococo border on ivory silk ground. Pair of Orphreys (Joined End to End). Of crimson velvet embroidered with gold, each Rerivinine three medallions, showing figures of Saints in appliqué, bordered with gold braid. Italian, XV Ith Century. Length, 112 inches; width, 8 inches. Chasuble. Embroidered with flowers and scrolls in color and gold on a white satin ground. (Worn.) Italian. Chasuble (Cut in Halves). Embroidered in a pattern of pomegranates and gold on cloth of gold ground. Lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XV Ith Century. Chasuble. Embroidered in a pattern of pomegranates, leaves and arabesques in colors and gold on cloth of silver ground. Bordered with conventional floral pattern. Lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XV Ith Century. Cope. Italian Brocade. Gold and pink on a blue ground. Gold bullion fringe. Altar Cloth, Italian Brocade. Floral and scroll pattern in gold and pink on a blue ground edged with gold gimp. Length, 85 inches; width, 28 inches. [57] 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 0 BES BPO O Se i hs opt eee z “a ie ,' 0 ae Altar Cloth, Italian Brocade. Another to match. Orphrey. Showing three panels of embroidery framed in gold in architectural designs, bordered with gold gimp. With Coat of Arms. 3 Length, 55 inches; width, 9 1-2 inches. Orphrey in the Form of a Cross. With four upright and two side panels of Biblical subjects in appliqué embroidery. Framed in architectural settings, bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 55 inches; width of arms, 22 inches. Orphrey. Conventional pattern in appliqué embroidered on crimson velvet ground. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 54 inches; width, 8 1-2 inches. Chasuble. With white brocade pillar showing five panels of figures of Saints in appliqué embroidered on a crimson velvet ground threaded with gold. Bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XV Ith Century. Four Embroidered Squares. Conventional floral pattern in colors on cloth of gold ground. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. Embroidered Square. Square of appliqué embroidery edged with fringe. Jtalian. 21 x 24 inches. Embroidered Square. Framed in cloth of gold. Figure panel of Virgin and Child. Bordered with cloth of gold. Ttahan. Turkish Bannerette. Antique embroidery showing sun, crescent, surrounded by floral devices on a (worn) silk ground edged with gold braid and fringed. [58] _ 399. 401. 402. 403. Embroidered leather Sea for asmall boy. Intricately embroid- ered with figures, grotesques and arabesques on a gold ground. Said to have been brought from Spain by Cortez to the son of Montezuma. Bought from an old Monastery near Mexico City where the nuns used it at Christmas on an ivory figure of Christ. The prevailing colors are browns and Gobelin blue, the figure of child being repeated seven times. _ Spanish work. Six Italian Wall Tapestry Embroideries in Silk. Of classical and Biblical subjects, in what is known as “point daiguille.” This work differs from the work of the Beauvais or Flemish Tapestries, which were woven. From the Pallavicini Palace, Rome. Brought from Italy by the Princess Christian -and sold through her Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington, London. Height, 81 inches; width of four, 43 inches; one, 48 inches; and : } ! | one, 49 inches. Six Lambrequins to Match. Height, 20 inches; length, 60 inches. Silver Incense Boat. ? Oval shape with pointed ends and double hinged cover. The body is fluted and the lids are repoussé in a design of Acanthus scrolls.. The stem is vase shaped, the base circular. Italian, XVIIIth Century. Heaght, 5 inches. Silver Gilt Ostensorium. The oval base is repoussé in an Acanthus leaf and scroll design, the vase-shaped stem supporting a hinged Monstrance sur- rounded by gilt rays. On either side are twisted columns of rock crystal supporting an oval canopy of repoussé silver surmounted by an Orb and Cross. Italian, XV Ith Century. Height, 18 inches. Brass Reliquary. Cast and wrought work. Hexagonal lantern shaped with pierced sides, filled with crystal panels and surmounted by a crocketed fléche. The angles have flying buttresses as supports. The stem is hexagonal in plan with. a turned knop and the lower portion surrounded by flying buttresses. The base is hexalobed and engraved with a pattern of floral scrolls and architectural sub- jects. The holder for the relics is supported on carved brackets. French, XVIIth Century. Height, 18 inches. [59] 404. 405. 406. 407. Bronze Processional Benitier. Of cast and chased brass. Hexagonal shape with swinging ‘hana and decorated with emblematic designs in low relief. Two of the sides are inlaid with circular disks of silver ornamented in~ colored enamels with the inscription “Ave Maria, Gratia plena” and the Arms of two Cardinals. | ‘i 4 French, XVIIth Century. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 4 ? Gilt and Silver Chef. Reliquary in the form of the bust of a Bishop in mitre and cape. The movable head-is of silver, bearded and surmounted by a Bishop’s mitre. The cape is of base-metal, gilded, and repoussé 4 with a pattern simulating embroidery. The reliquary is in the ie form of a Pastoral Jewel with a silver rim and a glass covering. On red velvet pedestal. German, XV Ith Century. Height, 11 inches. Gilt and Silver Chef. Similar to the foregoing. Silver Reliquary. Of cast and gilded metal formed in the shape of a Gothic Chapel with flying buttresses and arched pendentives at the angles, pointed arched windows at the ends, an arched clerestory and a high-pitched roof surmounted by a fléche. The stem is hexagonal in section and has a knop in which are set four circular rock crystals engraved in intaglio. The sides of the reliquary are of six panels of rock crystal with Biblical subjects engraved in intaglio and gilt. Flemish, XVIIth Century. Height, 24 inches. 408. Parcel Silver Gilt Ostensorium. The oval base is repoussé with a design of cartouche-shaped panels containing subjects in relief of the Nativity, the Magdalene at the feet of Jesus, the Miraculous feeding of the Multitude and the Crucifixion. The stem is formed as the three Marys who support the Monstrance, the upper part of which is surmounted by Cherubim, the lower portion being repoussé with a design of the Twelve Apostles seated at the Last Supper Table. The Monstrance is crowned with a Canopy, supported by two Angels, from which the Paschal Dove descends. On either side are Cornucopias containing the Eucharistic emblems of Grapes and Wheat-ears. The sub-base is decorated with a pattern of flat- chased work. Spanish, XVIIIth Century. Height, 33 inches. [ 60 | ’ v = - af a Sos ee. 4 . hall I il a = wn AK 7 ae SETS Bie ath HM: a baa Fy ye et oe . dient _ i ie 3 - ee 6 re; ¢ 7 ; Ns! Y if ma : " 4 _ ’ 410. 411. _ Painted and Silver Chef. In the form of the bust of a female Saint. The head is surmounted by a coronet of plaited hair and the face is painted in natural colors and is removable giving access to a circular receptacle for the sanctified Wafer or for relics. The lower portion is of silver quatrefoil shaped and repoussé in a bold design of Gothic foliage. The base is of a pierced design with an openwork cresting. Italian, XVIth Century. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Gilt Reliquary. Formed in the shape of a Gothic Lantern of hexagonal shape and surmounted with gable and a pointed pinnacle. The sides are decorated in colored enamels with figures of Saints, and the reliquary is set with semi-precious stones cut cabochon fashion. The stem is interrupted by a knop of Gothic tracery. The hexa- - lobed base is engraved in Gothic characters ‘‘ Domingo de Montaya ma fata” (Domingo of Montaya made me). Spanish. Height, 16 inches. Parcel Silver Gilt Ostensorium. Decorated with a repoussé design and with an appliqué ornamen- tation of kneeling figures of Faith and Hope. The Monstrance is surrounded by gilt rays ornamented with amethysts, malachite, carbuncles, aquamarines and chrysoprases, in raised settings. Above the Monstrance is applied a repoussé representation of God the Father, and below it one of the Pelican feeding her young with her own blood, while the base is ornamented with repoussé panels containing the figures of Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, surrounded by a repoussé decoration of the symbolic Grapes and ears of Wheat. Spanish, XVIIIth Century. Height, 28 inches. 412. Silver Gilt Reliquary. ~ Of cast and wrought work. Formed as a Gothic Chapel enclosing a cylindrical relic-holder. The sides are finished with a pierced Gothic cresting, and the ends are closed with crocketed arches filled with a tinfoiled tracery. The roof has an engraved pattern of imbrications and is surmounted by a Gothic fléche and a figure of the Virgin. The base is quatrefoil in shape. Flemish, XVIth Century. Height, 13 inches. [61] 413. 414, 415. 416. A417. 418. Silver Gilt Ciborium. Plain bowl set in a Calyx repoussé with Cherubim and with oval- scrolled panels containing the Eucharistic emblems of Grapes and Corn. The large knop is decorated with figures in relief of three Angels carrying the emblems of the Passion. The hexalobed base is decorated with figures repoussé in high relief of three Cherubim whose upstretched wings form triangular panels filled with subjects in relief of the Crucifixion, St. John and the Blessed Virgin. The domed cover is decorated with a band of conven- tional Cloud forms around the lower rim and with repoussé bands of decoration of Cherubim and of Angels playing musical instru- ments. It is surmounted by a ball and cross. Maker’s Mark P. V. in monogram. (Paul van Vianen 1610.) Utrecht, XVIIth Century. Height, 20 inches. Louis XVth French Clock. Chiseled brass and inlaid tortoise-shell case, brass dial. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Bathazar, Paris, Maker. Height, 37 inches. Wall and Furniture Tapestries Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panel. Showing Coat of Arms on a blue ground. Height, 55 inches; width, 70 inches. Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Showing landscape and figure panels, with borders of figures, fruits and foliage (cut from larger piece). Height, 55 inches; width, 81 inches. Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panel. Of similar design and cut from larger piece. Height, 55 inches; width, 84 inches. ? Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Another pair similar with fruits, flowers and arabesques. Height, 55 inches; width, 38 inches. [ 62 ] Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Showing mythological figures, fruits, flowers and arabesques: cut from larger piece. Height, 55 inches; width, 54 inches. Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Similar to above and similar design but smaller. Height, 55 inches; width, 21 winches. - 421, Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Panels. With designs of foliage, fruits and arabesques; cut from larger | piece. Height, 27 inches; width, 12 inches. 422. Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Panels. Similar to above and similar design. ‘ Height, 22 inches; width, 12 inches. 423. Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Similar to above and similar design. Height, 22 inches; width, 9 inches. 424, Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. | Similar to above and similar design. B | Height, 22 inches; width, 9 inches. 425. Four High Back Oak Arm Dining Chairs Upholstered in Old Flemish Tapestry. Elaborately carved tops ending in escutcheon showing stag in relief. Upholstered in antique Flemish tapestry panels with ta | mythological figures of Juno, Mercury, and a Macedonian King, | designs of baskets of fruits, flowers and arabesques. | Height of back, 64 inches. 426. “Twelve Side Chairs Upholstered in Old Flemish Tapestry. To match the foregoing. 427. Four Large Carved Antique Oak Arm Chairs. High backs, seat and back panel upholstered in dull blue tapestry. Height of back, 60 inches. 428. Three-Fold Carved Oak Screen. To match dining room chairs (sold without the tapestry). Height, 73 inches; width of each panel, 32 inches. [ 63 } 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. Three Antique Flemish Tapestry Screen Panels. From the foregoing. With decoration of mythological figures. The lower panels of fruits and flowers. (The upper part of each panel above the figures shows skilful restoration.) Height of each, 71 inches; width of each, 27 inches. Wrought Iron and Smoked Brass Andirons with Log Rest. Crown surmounted by silvered stag’s head supported by rampant crowned bronze lions. Height, 36 inches. Carved Oak Square Extension Dining Table. The pedestal and legs ornamented with relief carving picked out inred. 60 x 60 inches. Four extension leaves, 60 « 15 inches. Large Carved Oak Cabinet, Dated 1679. On low ball feet, four doors of leaded glass between carved alae ters, ends of lower part carved. The date 1679 carved across the top. Measurements of lower part: Height, 49 inches; depth, 27 1-2 inches; length, 63 inches. Upper part: Height, 44 inches; depth, 16 inches; length, 49 inches. Cathedral Hanging Lamps Hanging Cathedral Lamp. Acorn form decorated with three escutcheons alternating with three cherubim from which rise the supporting chains. Large crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. Pair of Antique Silver Bronze Shrine Hanging Lamps. With three mermaid figure handles, chains and ruby globes. Brass Hanging Sanctuary Lamp. Decorated with escutcheons in relief. Three handles. Ruby cup. Fitted for oil. Persian Incised Brass Mosque Hanging Lamp. Small Hanging Cathedral Lamp. Pierced circular bowl. Three brackets as cupids holding torches. Crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. [ 64 } . fear cecal bead anes ce” es electricity. Four lights. single crystal bead Fitted for electricity. Single Fitted for dieren : Each eae three handles form ds as female figures holding chains. Rupy cup. [65] te oe step e tes sett? PEER ey done anes ?e No. 483 No. 481 a Ree FOURTH SESSION Bees. Miniatures _ Napoleon I. 7 Medallion mezzotint portrait in gilt frame. -Madame Le Brun. Circular miniature on fine canvas. White tulle head-dress with roses, white dress, yellow scarf across arms. a : . | Signed Charles Demoret. Two Children. Miniature on ivory of two little girls, half length, dressed in white, in a landscape. Gold and enamel frame. 446. Roi De Rome. Son of Napoleon I. Oval miniature on ivory, ormolu and brocade ii frame. Signed ‘‘Parent.”’ See i Ne meat th ti an JO RL er are em : i hs yee 447. Double Miniature on Ivory. Two young girls with their hair dressed with pearls. Signed Dun. 448. Round Miniature on Ivory. _ A lady writing, cupid leaning over her shoulder. Signed A. P. (Cracked.) 449. Empress Alexandra. Square portrait miniature on ivory of Empress Alexandra of Russia in Court Costume with crown and veil. In ormolu frame surmounted by the Russian Eagle, on small gilt wood easel. Signed Pierre Livachoy. \ : 450. Queen Elizabeth. , Square miniature portrait on ivory of Queen Elizabeth in Royal Robes. Signed Soli. Height, 5 inches; on ebony easel. ! 451. Empress Eugenie. | Oval miniature portrait on porcelain. In old-fashioned gutta percha frame. [ 67 | 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. AD5T7. 458. 459. — 460. The Duchess of Grammont. Oval miniature on ivory gold frame. Brown hair and eyes, hair trimmed with pearls, low white dress caught on shoulder with blue ribbon. By Dumont. . (See Illustration.) Henry VIII and His Wives. After Holbein. A set of seven miniatures on ivory of Henry VIII, Ann of Cleves, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard and Jane Seymour, two of which are signed V. O. Werff. Each in ormolu frame with easel mount. Miniature Portrait on Ivory. A lady in white with low corsage, hair dressed in side curls. Ebony frame with ormolu mounts. Attributed to Isabey. King Ludwig II. (1740-1786). Portrait miniature on ivory; in Court Costume with cocked hat. In antique leather case ornamented with a crown. Marie Louise and the King of Rome. Square miniature on ivory of Marie Louise and the young King of Rome after the full length portrait by Guerin. (Cracked.) Height, 6 inches; on wood easel. Miniature on Ivory. Bust portrait of a man, 18th Century dress, white stock, dark blue coat, powdered short hair. In red leather frame. (See Hlustration.) Miniature on Ivory. Portrait of a lady, snood on her hair, blue gown held on shoulders by jeweled straps, an ermine-trimmed robe slips off one arm. Portrait of a Lady. © Oval on ivory. Small hat with feather, dress with high lace collar at the back, cut low in front. Signed ‘‘Naglebourg”’ on the reverse. Portrait Medallion in Profile. Gilt frame set in red velvet. Tableted J. B. C. Rameau. [ 68 | 463. 464. 465. 466. 462. 467. 468. 469. Madame De Pompadour. Oval miniature portrait on ivory of Mme. De Pompadour dressed in blue, wearing a white hat, seated on a sofa holding a book © lettered “Louis XV, King of France and Navarre.”’ In ormolu frame, on gilt wood easel. Madame Roland. Square miniature on ivory of Madame Roland (1754-1795), in ormolu frame with gilt wood easel. Signed Mdme. Guyard 1789. Mrs. Siddons. Oval portrait miniature on ivory, profile, dressed in blue with white ruff. In ormolu frame mounted on an ebony plaque. ed Wares. Double Miniature on Ivory Set in Silver. Shah Jahan, the Great Mogul Emperor of India and his wife, ~ Mumtas Mahal, mounted in an elaborately wrought silver frame of Eastern workmanship.. On a small gilt wood easel. The Taj Mahal, the most beautiful building in the world was built - by Shah Jahan at Agra as a mausoleum for his wife Mumtas Mahal. Oval Miniature on Ivory Backed with Silver. Taj Mahal, the mausoleum built by Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his wife. : Oval Miniature on Ivory Backed with Silver. Palace gate at Delhi. Pair of Oval Miniatures Silver Backs. Two Temples at Delhi. Small Ivory Miniature Silver Back. Oval view of an Eastern Temple. French Portrait Miniature. Oval portrait miniature on ivory of a young woman in a blue gown, and blue lace-trimmed cap. In ormolu frame, gilt wood easel. Signed Eullard. [ 69 | 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. AUT. 478. 479. Oval Miniature on Ivory. Portrait of a woman in a low-cut violet gown, a veil from the back of her head across her shoulders. In black wood frame inlaid with pearl. Small Miniature on Ivory. Woman in blue dress, dark eyes and black hair parted in the middle. Signed R. Aubry. (See Illustration.) Solid Gold Miniature Frame. Elaborately hand wrought with clusters of roses, daisies, morning- glories and asters in an individual design of exquisite workman- ship. Mounted on a grey velvet plaque. Oval Miniature on Ivory. _ Young girl in a poke bonnet and red mantle. The Madonna. At the Descent from the Cross.’ Oval picture on porcelain. Italian carved frame with birds, animals and flowers in high relief. Miniature of Three Women. Miniature on ivory of three ladies in white gowns, without hats, half length. Inscribed on the reverse “The Fair Stepmother. Ladies of the Loft Family.” | Signed R. C. Cosway. 425 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) Miniature on Copper. Square miniature portrait of Mdme. , Prima Donna. Miniature on Copper. Square miniature portrait of Mdme. , Prima Donna. Set of Four Miniatures on Parchment. French Court Beauties of the Eighteenth Century, representing the seasons, finely executed. In square ormolu frames. Miniature Set in Tortoise-shell Box Cover. On ivory. Muiniature of a lady, blonde hair, lilac ribbons, white dress slips off one shoulder, lilac sash. a [ 70 | 480. Lady Brooks. — “ta fF ee Small oval miniature on ivory. Low white dress, string of pearls, ed ____ high rose-trimmed powdered white coiffure. Signed Cosway. 481. Miniature of Young Woman. yes _ Oval miniature portrait by Cosway, on ivory, of a young woman __ with blonde curls and a low-cut white bodice. In ormolu mount on a grey velvet plaque. | By Cosway. erm eatin yg: - (See Illustration. ) ‘Miniature by Sauvage. Goat and Amorini at play done by the unusual process of coloring _ the background only leaving the animal and the children in the color of the ivory. Signed. Pea CINE WOT RA Me “~ = me — - - me = eicdiath piled ioe alan fs SiemOEd Breen oe Ho eeterrene cageenrcomarmn vidal telat iii a] e), Wy ie fi Ss ape 483. Miniature on Wood. , Circular. Lady with hair dressed high, lace cap, in a blue lace- trimmed gown sits holding a book, one arm resting on the table. Signed H. Bol. This Flemish painter in the latter part of his life devoted himself to miniature painting in which he was very successful. (See Illustration.) 484. Tanagra Seated Figure. ' ibe i Draped figure of a woman holding a dish (damaged). 7 . Height, 8 inches. 485. Tanagra Standing Figure. E Semi-draped woman braiding her hair. Height, 11 inches. 486. Tanagra Seated Figure. ; A fully draped woman holding an apple. Height, 9 inches. " 487. Tanagra Figurine. Young woman partially draped, seated, holding a bough of weeping willow. Height, 6 1-2 inches. i | [71] 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. Fans The wing of a bird is said to have suggested a fan to the ancients and their use has been known from the earliest times. ‘Terence refers to the fan two hundred years beforé Christ and the manu- scripts of the medizeval times are embellished with drawings of the fans then in use. Catherine de Medici introduced them into France and Queen Elizabeth into England and since then “‘Mar- riage Fans,” “Church Fans,” “Flirtation Fans,” and “Fans a Lorgnette”’ have served their purpose for the use and adornment of women. The following collection will be found to contain several important examples of the various styles of fans of exquisite workmanship. French Marriage Fan. Boucher panels of the “Chariot of Venus,” painted on silk; the reverse side of ivory silk being painted with garlands of roses in gold, by G. Neite. Exquisitely carved pearl and gold sticks, the fan separated into “lorgnette windows,” by scrolls of pearl and gold carving. The handle set with brilliants. Signed G. Neite. Ivory Fan with Silver Inlays. Exquisitely carved, inlaid with two rows of floral paillettes. Ivory Jeweled Fan. | e Ivory fan, one guard thickly inlaid with turquoises. Ivory Fan. Finely carved pierced sticks set with four irregular oval panels of rose du barri satin. Lilliputian Carved and Pierced Ivory Fan. Sticks carved in relief with classical landscape, and gilt; the outer sticks gilt filigree over gold. Silk and Carved and Gilded Wood Fan. Painted with garlands of roses and violets, gilded wood sticks elaborately carved and pierced in scroll and floral decoration. [72] 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. Old Spanish ‘‘Flirtation’”’ Fan. Painted on paper with nymphs dancing, a landscape and flowers on the reverse; carved and pierced pearl sticks with gold decora- tion set with “flirtation windows;” gilt and enameled ring, the - guards ornamented with a mirror set in enamel on one and a topaz on the other. Spanish Wedding Fan. A copy of Fortuny’s “Signing the Marriage Contract,” painted on black silk. Smoke pearl sticks set with translucent iridescent panels and chased ornamentation gilded. From the collection of Madame de Rothschild and painted on the occasion of her wedding. French Fan. Groups of figures on both sides painted on parchment. One of the finest of these groups representing the Court at Versailles is signed André. Pierced pearl sticks inlaid in gold and silver set with groups in gold relief on a background of translucent Mother- of-Pearl. With gold, silver and green tassel. Old Chinese Fan. Decoration on both sides of a Court Gathering with figures in appliqué, the faces of applied ivory carving. The sticks are made of lacquer and painted with a separate subject on each. Kien Lung Pertod, 1736-1795. Carved Wood Fan. Vernis Martin decoration of classical subjects. The handle studded with gems. Bought from Tiffany. 3 Carved and Pierced Fan of Sandalwood. ‘Louis XVIth Fan. The sticks of pierced ivory inlaid with gold and silver. The fan of net with appliqué of vegetable lace of delicate ivory color and the exquisite texture of “ Point de Venise.’’» A museum piece, almost unknown to collectors. Gauze and Rosewood Fan. Rosewood sticks, inlaid with gold metal, semi-precious green stones in the ring. The fan of green silk gauze very finely pailletted with gold. [73 | 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. Louis XVIth Gold Theatre Fan. With a magnifying glass set in the handle for the purpose of roading Bn the program; shell sticks ending in silk and net thickly spans with gold and silver paillettes. Amber Shell and Net Fan. Carved and pierced shell sticks inlaid with gold and silver. The fan in silk and gold net embroidered in different shades of gold paillettes and applied gold leaves. Large Tortoise-shell and Chantilly Lace Fan. Very fine black chantilly lace fan with tortoise-shell sticks. Amber Shell and Lace Fan. Pierced and carved shell sticks, inlaid in gold. Tambour lace fan in a design of water lilies ornamented with paillettes of pearl. Amber Shell and Gauze Fan. Amber shell sticks inlaid with gold and silver metal rosettes, the fan of green gauze pailletted in silver and gold in a design of daisies and scrolls, green stones in the ring. Flirtation Fan or “‘ Fan a Lorgnette.”’ Carved ivory sticks inlaid in gold and silver ending in silk and net embroidered in paillettes in gold and colors. Each panel inlaid with “flirtation windows” of net. Lilliputian Horn Fan. Painted with a panel of hunting scenes, decorated with gold stars and strung on a white silk ribbon. Pocket Horn Fan. Pierced in a delicate lace pattern. Pocket Horn Fan. Pierced in a similar pattern, but even more delicate. Tortoise-shell Fan. Set with silver gilt, the guards studded with gems. [74 ] B12. — 613. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. ° 519. ey a ee re Pa Fan of Empire Style. Amber shell sticks inlaid with gold; the fan of green gauze and silk on which is painted a cartouche of Madame Recamier after David’s portrait, by Vanoni. On either side the fan is ornamented with paillettes in the form of garlands and flowers. Signed by Vanoni. Made by E. Fleed. Antique “‘ Church ”’ Fan. Carved ivory sticks, the fan entirely covered with a painting of Biblical scenes. Signed F. Waler. Old French Fan. Pierced and carved ivory sticks, silver ring. The fan painted on paper in three classic medallions. (One of the sticks broken.) French Marriage Fan. Elaborately carved pearl sticks set with translucent iridescent panels on which are groups of Amorini carrying garlands carved in relief. Fan of swanskin painted by Charles Labarre with an Al Fresco entertainment showing groups of lovers in the manner of Boucher. Signed Labarre. French Pearl and Silk Fan. Three cartouches of pastoral scenes painted on silk, bordered with paillettes and with bird and floral decoration. Pierced pearl sticks inlaid with gold. | French Point de Venise and Swanskin Fan. Exquisitely painted with Watteau scenes in rococo panels on swanskin. Pearl sticks ornamented with gold and silver. | Signed J. Dousel, fils. French Pearl and Swanskin Fan. } Swanskin fan painted with Watteau groups and flowers; on the reverse a landscape exquisitely painted toning into turquoise. Pierced pearl sticks inlaid with silver in medallions and floral garlands. Blue silk and silver tassel. Conger Fan. Painted on silk. A bather standing in a pool beckons to her companion on the shore; two floral cartouches at either side. Signed ‘‘Conder” unmounted, framed. [75 | 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. O21, 528. Conder Fan. Painted on pale yellow silk. Centre figure cartouche, with groups of beauties on either side.. Signed “‘Conder, 1904,” unmounted, framed. Fan Case of Old Brocade and Gold Applique. Fan shape, with French plate beveled-glass top. Divided into compartments to hold a dozen or more fans. Lined with rose silk, and flat top panel covered with rose silk on which can be placed the fan selected for exhibition. : Length, 23 inches; width, 13 1-2 inches; height, 4 1-2 inches. Cabinet Objets d’Art Pearl Monster. Grotesque figure of silver enamel with baroque pearl body and head-dress and jeweled girdle, standing on one foot on an enameled pedestal studded with turquoise. Enameled Macaw. Holding a pearl, perched on a branch which rises from a red base set in silver gilt. Silver Camel. On an agate oval base, the harness richly studded with emeralds and rubies. Carved Pink Coral and Ivory Jeweled Seal. Bust of an oriental woman, studded with gems, set in gold, with a small pearl at her throat. Coral Figure. Hunchback holding a skull. Coral Figure. Bust of a faun. Pair of Small Bronze Animal Figures. A stag and a greyhound, signed F. J. Mene. Plush-covered pedestals. [76 ] 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. Pair of Buttons Belonging to George IV. Painted porcelain buttons with landscapes from the coat of George IVth of England. Given by him when Prince of Wales to Jack Johnston, to whose daughter the Prince stood Godfather. This child, Georgina Johnston became the wife of James Wallack, and mother of Lester Wallack. From Lester Wallack, who gave their history as above. (2 pieces.) Greek Amulet with Porcelain Smelling Bottle. Acorn shape with Venus and Cupid on a black ground. Jewel Cup. Silver gilt, enameled inside and out with classical subjects. Pair of Small Bronze Statuettes. Representing knights in armor, on plush pedestals. Seal Covered with Flowers in Enamel. Turquoise seal mounted in silver gilt, the handle set with Lapis Lazuli. Seal with Lapis Lazuli Handle Mounted in Silver Gilt. A fine scarab as seal. Gold Fob with Jade Seal. Form of serpents twisted in a ring, another above, elaborately engraved, with emeralds and rubies as eyes. Carnelian Perfume Bottle. Set in silver filigree studded with turquoise and gems. Jewel Cup of Porphyry. Stem and base having surfaces engraved with arabesques and landscapes; cup and base rimmed with silver, a lon rampant forming the handle. ' Bought from Bourgeois. Height, 7 inches. Pendant or Brooch Jeweled Filigree Silver. Filigree silver set with seed pearls and gems containing miniature on ivory of a Court Beauty. Mounted on a crimson velvet plaque. [77] ss sau = =— =) Wa MUSIC ROOM, LOOKIN cat mies bh sh can ale ie ete a ees Deere AS i - ‘ jn ee Gy, pe r ; re +539. Cupid Statuette of Silver Holding a Miniature. pric Cupid holds a standard containing a miniature on ivory of a French queen. Height, 8 inches. 540. Silver Statuette. BB : e me ee oes “Cire Perdue” casting in silver very carefully ciselé of a recum- s mei, bent classic figure. She reclines at full length supporting herself 1 Fe af on her right hand and has by her side a sphere. The left hand is ee = uplifted and formerly held a mirror which is missing. Attached to a modern plush-covered box. _ Italian of the XV Ith Century. Length, 3 1-4 inches. a = ve 3 Gold and Jeweled Boxes 541. Four Bonbon Boxes. bog One of carved Irish bog-oak from Killarney; one of Shae and white enamel; two of silver decorated en repoussé (one snail-shell shaped, and one containing 9 unset gems). 542. Battersea Enamel Box. With hinged cover and decorative inside lid. 543. Two Small Battersea Enamel Boxes. Floral and figure panels on blue ground, hinged covers. 544. Two Small Sevres Boxes and Covers. Marie Antoinette pattern, bronze mounts. Turquoise blue lattice work with roses, bronze mounts. 545. Frankenthal Porcelain Bonbon Box. Turquoise blue with figure panel and gold decoration. Date, 1761-98, mark of Carl Theodore. 546. Small Ivory Card Case. Inlaid with gold pierced in the letters “Souvenir d’Amitie,” on one side a medallion of the Vestal Virgins guarding the Sacred Fire. Initials ““R. F.”’ Formerly in the possession of Lester Wallack. 547. Three Dresden Bonbon Boxes. Panel decoration on gold ground, brass lined, one with raised decoration of forget-me-nots. Another horse-shoe shape with landscape. | . [79 | 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. Silver Card Case. Chased and enameled with figure compen on the face, and arabesques on the obverse side. Silver Snuff Box. Set with a mosaic medallion showing Seraph’s head encircled — with stars. Box with Miniature. A marvelously wrought box of straw held together by a band of gold, a miniature of a court beauty set in the cover. Amber Shell Box Inlaid with Gold and Mother-of-Pearl. In lattice and scroll design. Ivory and Tortoise-shell Box with Miniature in Cover. Tortoise-shell box covered with ivory held by bands of gold, miniature by A. Kuntz set in the cover. Ivory and Tortoise-shell Box with Miniatures in Cover. Ivory box lined with tortoise shell, two miniature portraits of women and two gold medallions set in the cover. Japanese Incense Box. Coral mounts. Gold Box Set with Pearls. Gold box, enameled with Blen-desRoi. a miniature set in the cover surrounded by 58 Oriental pearls. Gold and Jeweled Box. Small gold box, a large moonstone set in the top sutton by 4 turquoises and 12 rubies. Gold Box Set with Pearls. Enameled with landscape on the cover surrounded by 98 pearls. Jeweled Box. With emeralds and aquamarines mounted in gold, but showing the least possible amount of metal to hold the jewels together. A large topaz forms the bottom of the box. Made by Lalique of Paris, one of the most distinguished craftsman of modern times. [ 80 ] 559. Gold Box Set with Diamonds. fe Gold box covered with Royal Blue enamel etched in gold; an a inscription in Persian on the cover set with diamonds and four Le large diamonds in the corners. | ——_——-§60.- Solid Gold Box with Singing Bird. Small gold box, the bottom and sides carved and chased in elabo- rate strapwork. ‘The top carved, chased and repoussé, set with an oval painted medallion of a Watteau scene surrounded by a delicately carved wreath; two smaller floral medallions on either side. On winding up and touching a spring the medallion on the cover | opens, a miniature bird appears, sings, flutters his wings, and ee turns his head from side to side, disappearing when the song is | a finished and the medallion closes. This tiny bird is made of . feathers in the most ingenious fashion. Early XV IIIth Century workmanship, with key. 561. Solid Gold Box with Singing Bird. The surface carved in lattice and dot design, with bands of tiny laurel leaves. A medallion in the centre of the top surrounded by a similar wreath opens, when the box is wound up, and a tiny bird appears and sings, with fluttering wings, as above. Late XVIIth Century workmanship, with key. Assyrian Glass 562. Oil Jug with One Handle (Mouthpiece Damaged). | Height, 8 inches. 563. ‘Drinking Cup with Thread Glass Decoration. Height, 4 1-2 inches. 564. Drinking Cup. . Height, 3 1-4 inches. 565. Shallow Bowl. Height, 2 inches. 566. Square Cup with Indented Sides. Height, 4 1-2 inches. 567. Wide-mouthed Oil Jug with One Handle. Height, 4 inches. [81] 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. STU. 578. 5(9. Urn-shaped Perfume Bottle with Thread Glass Applied Orna- ra a mentation. | Height, 5 inches. Flat Bowl. Diameter, 2 inches. — : ; ; ; Small Bowl. Diameter, 2 3-4 ‘anlar | Flat Dish. Diameter, 8 inches. | Small Vase. ‘nes Filigree glass-blown decoration around the neck. Height, 3 inches. Pair of Perfume Bottles. Candlestick shape. Hewght, 6 1-2 inches. Pair of Perfume Bottles. / Similar to the above. Height, 8 inches. Jewelry Gold Bracelet of Indian Workmanship. Heavy relief carving, tubular shape. Set with twenty-nine turquoise, emeralds and rubies. 22 carat gold. Necklace of Gold Beads. Indian workmanship, composed of 27 gold beads of graduated sizes. 22 carats fine. Thibetan Gold Amulet. In eight hinged sections, each decorated en repoussé, with figures of Deities. Width, 1 1-4 inches. Old Persian Filigree Girdle. Ten rosettes set on chains ending with larger ones as buckles. Encrusted with fine filigree work and set with gems. Carved Ivory Smelling Bottle and Gold Chain. One side and cover encrusted with enamel and gold. Venus and head of Medusa carved in the ivory. [ 82 ] j 7 , re * a a ba P a P ‘ y= y Re > . . < ¥, te i re a? 7 is _ a — . . re ee pga i See ’ . bed i ay “eee — ‘ae 4 it Sol @ = \ a al ‘d ahd ties é a pee ire New E . : : J ee ea Se ee De Ney oY ; +581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. Carnelian and Old Paste Bracelet. Eighteen stones set in gold, nine carnelians and nine stones of old paste. Gold and Silver Charm. Heart-shaped, pierced silver frame enclosing a lion. Man’s Topaz Ring. Large topaz set with two pearls and four diamonds, alternating with eighteen small diamonds. Gold Fob and Chain. Onyx seal, six-link chains. Old Norman Necklace Wrought of Gold. Five Lover’s knots of graduated sizes, set between pierced medal- lions, some with pendants, ending in three strands of fine gold. chains, gold clasp. All wrought and set with points of aquamarines inserted with great artistic effect to produce scintillation. Old Norman Wrought Gold Brooch. To match the above. Necklace of Medallions, Pearls and Gold Chains. A circular medallion miniature of a Beauty, set with gold and sur- rounded with pearls, supports a pendant oblong medallion with similar setting of pearls and gold. On each side spring four chains holding another oval medallion set in pearls and gold; then three longer chains ending in two small medallions, in the side of one of which fits the clasp supported by three chains. The medallions are of the most exquisite workmanship in brown or ivory tints on oval background of delicate rose color, these in turn being on a black background ornamented with tiny rose and ribbon garlands. Each medallion set with pearls so skilfully that the pearls are visible both front and back. The reverse setting of the medallions is plain gold. [ 83 ] 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. Painted Crystal Brooch or Button. Jockey on horseback painted on a gold ground under crystal. | Mounted as a brooch. From the sale of Lord Anglesey and a portrait of his favorite horse and jockey. Necklace of Pendant Cabochon Emeralds Thirty-three stones cut in pear-shape, of graduated sizes on a cord formed of gold wires to which they are attached by rings set with tiny diamonds. A remarkable piece of Eastern workman- ship, formerly in the possession of Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt. Turban Pin of Cabochon Emeralds. To match the above, a heart-shaped emerald set in tiny diamonds supports one of pear-shape as a pendant. Formerly the property of Ismail Pasha. Mother-of-Pearl and Gold Parasol Handle. Monogrammed. Necklace of Baroque Pearls and Pale Green Enamel. Necklace fashioned by the expert jeweler Colonna, for which he was recompensed at the Paris Exposition of 1900; made of pale green enamel set with 24 baroque pearls, graded sizes. Colonna was one of the founders of L’Art Nouveau, preceding Lalique. Corsage Ornament. Shoulder straps of leaves in enamel colors and gold with a cluster of jasmine blossoms on each end carved from moonstones. Made by Lalique, Paris. Pendeloque. A pendant with ten diamond leaves, cluster of jasmine blossoms carved from moonstones with pale green enamel stems. Made by Lalique, Paris. Ring for a Young Girl. Tiny butterflies in enamel of exquisite workmanship form the setting of the ring. Made by Lalique, Paris. [ 84 ] e . 595. . 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. Collar Clasp. A buckle of white enamel feathers with diamond quills. Made by Lalique and one of his earliest pieces of jewelry. Jeweled Watch. The back of dark grey enamel showing bats, set with 11 moon- stones typifying night; the front inlaid with opalescent butterflies typifying day; the ring a gold serpent, emblem of Eternity. Made by Lalique, Paris. Watch. Of pale green gold. The front and back covered with finely © chiseled faces, all different, typifying every stage of man from the crying infant to the grey-bearded Father Time. Made by Lalique, Paris. Two Hat Pins. Cluster of jasmine blossoms carved from moonstone, set in gold, drooping from the top of a gold pin. Made by Lalique, Paris. Marie Antoinette’s Parasol Handle. A parasol handle of coral and ivory said to have belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette. The lower part of ivory inlaid with coral, a rare form of inlay and the upper part a very large and elaborately carved piece of coral as a Cupid and Griffin’s head in garlands of flowers. A museum piece. Old Paste and Silver Cross Set in Silver. Eleven large and sixteen small stones of old paste very finely cut, with ring at the top containing three small stones. Pair of Old Paste Earrings Set in Silver. Pair of old-fashioned pendant earrings formed of four large and finely cut stones with a rosette of smaller stones above, of the best workmanship. Statuary | Silver Bust of Mars. With helmet, one shoulder draped in skin, from which the claws hang in front held by a clasp in the form of a head. On low marble pedestal. Artist, Ascagno. Italian, XVIIIth Century. Height, 26 inches. [ 85] 603. Parian Marble Figure. “Sacred Music.” Motif of organ pipes, book and incense burner from which rises a figure partly draped holding a scroll with music. Half life size. By Oscar Spalmach, Rome, 1897. (See Illustration.) 603a. Fluted Marble Column. For the above. No. 603 No 604 604. Parian Marble Figure. “Profane Music.” Motif of birds and flowers from which rises the nude figure of a nymph with flute. Companion to the above. Half life size. By Oscar Spalmach, Rome, 1897. (See Ilustration.) 604a. Fluted Marble Column. For the above. 605. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. FIFTH SESSION Decorated Porcelain Groups, Figures and Vases In Dresden, Sevres, Davenport and Capo di Monte Crown Derby Powder Box and Bottle. Gold relief decoration on matt gold ground. . Royal Worcester Jewel Cup. Silver gilt mounting. ~ Small Vase of the Same. White soft paste floral decoration. Three Wedgwood Urns. Raised gold decoration. _Ivory Dresser Set with Miniatures. Hand glass, puff and two powder boxes with miniatures by Petit and Jenny Savy inserted in covers (one being a portrait of Marie Antoinette). (4 pieces.) Royal Copenhagen Vase, Four Handles. Lily decoration. Height, 13 inches. Copenhagen Bell. Shaped as a girl. (2 pieces.) Royal Copenhagen Cabinet Objects. Deer reclining, pair of puppy lovers, cow reclining, dove and pair of monkeys. (5 pieces.) Delft Ware Garniture. — Two houses, table, sofa, and man milking cow (garlanded with flowers), the three last marked. (5 pieces.) Decorated Old Chelsea Figure. Girl with a bird cage attended by a dog. Height, 9 inches. 87] 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. - amines! » EN Me a > |) ; eG: Large Kronenburg Porcelain Jewel Box. Irregular oval hinged cover, brass mounts, satin lined, with © Watteau figures and gold decoration. With Ludwigsburg (Ger- ey he a man) mark (1758-1824), but “France” painted on as well. Gen- erally called Kronenburg porcelain from the crown that sur- mounts the cipher. Royal Vienna Porcelain Box in Blue and Gold. Irregular shape, with painted panels of musical children at play. Worcester Square Jar, Shaped Bottle and Stopper. Decorated with panels of birds on blue ground, showing Chinese — influence. Height, 11 inches. Pair of Small Davenport Porcelain Urns and Covers. Each with four grotesque handles, square base decorated with floral pattern in red and gold. Pair of Sevres Vases with Covers. Bleu-de-Roi, with ormolu applied ornament. : Date, 1765. (One cover chipped and repaired.) Height, 10 inches. Pair of Tall Urn-Shaped Revolving Bleu-de-Roi Sevres Vases. Ormolu base and handles. With panels of directoire figures and landscapes on Bleu-de-Roi ground. Signed “Ch. Fuchs.” Height, 24 ches. Sevres Jewel Tray. Set on a stem, silver base and rim, decorated with strapwork of turquoise blue interspersed with roses, festoons of roses on the outside. . Decorator’s mark ‘3 feathers.’ Date mark, 1754. Diameter, 8 inches. Sevres Undecorated Ware. Table flower garniture of seven pieces. A tall urn surrounded by children with garlands, two single urns held by Amorini, and four smaller urns. Date letter, 1754. (7 pieces.) Pair of Sevres Urns with Covers. Figure panels on a turquoise blue ground, ormolu base and mounts. Height, 14 inches. [ 88 ] SASVA NOTOS 622. Pair of Large Revolving Sevres Urns, Original Covers. Sallie Ormolu base, lion head handles with rings. Oval panel decorations _ e on a turquoise blue ground of “Les Enfants de France,” and “Les Princesses de France,”’ landscapes on the reverse. The Sie paintings signed E. Melpane. : ee Decorator’s mark “‘X.” Date before 1758. H. Bek ae inches. 623. Minton Mantel Garniture Painted by L. Solon. Composed of three vases with handles, Greek shape, a ‘pair. of | large vases and a smaller one, each on carved wood and gilded circular stand. On the larger pair the pate-sur-pate decorations are a Nymph as a beggar imploring Love’s favors, Cupid dis- pensing his treasures on the reverse; on the other vase is shown the Nymph as the conqueror of all hearts with obverse decoration of Cupid forging chains to bind more victims for her. | The smaller vase which has three flat handles and the original cover has a decoration of three Nymphs each bearing a esta Cupid in her outstretched hands. Height of pair, 23 1-2 inches; height of centre vase, 17 inches (including stands). Very Fine Sicnep Pieces By Soton. The body color of peacock blue, the handles, neck and base richly ornamented with gilding. The set was made for the World’s Fair, Chicago. (See Illustration.) 624. Capo Di Monte Covered Tankard. ; The Festival of Bacchus. | | 625. Capo Di Monte Group. Faun drinking by an old tree. 626. Modern French Pottery. Tall four-handled jar of purple pottery. | Signed Auguste Delaherche. Height, 29 1-2 inches. [ 90] Pw cay hears, Seay, nan ee ee ¥ eet 4 ; ? Morea 9: a Yi nt eee 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. - Dresden Figure Pieces Small Urn-shape Vase. Figure handles. Gold and white decoration on pink ground. Small Rose Jar. Ormolu mounts, panels on a Rose-du-Barri ground. Small Austrian Urn. Panels on pink ground. ; (3 pieces.) Three Cabinet Pieces. Candlestick and flower holder, ormolu mounts, and white and gold urn with ram’s head handles. (3 pieces.) Figure of Juno Seated with Peacock. Decorated Figure. Huntsman on horseback. ; Height, 3 1-4 inches. Three Cabinet Pieces. Trumpet, violin and harp, each twined with raised decoration of forget-me-nots. (3 pieces.) Decorated Figure. Cricket player with bat. Period, 1721-31. Height, 7 inches. Pair of Decorated Figures. Huntsman with dog and Cupid on skates. Period, 1721-31 and one 1774-1814. Height, 5 inches. Pair of Decorated Figures. Shepherdess and gallant. Period, 1721-31; one 1806-18. Height, 6 inches. Decorated Figure. Man seated playing a lute. Period, 1721-31. Height, 5 inches. Pair of Decorated Figures. Girl playing triangle and Cavalier offering arose. Period, 1721-31. [91 j 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646.. 647. 648. Pair of Decorated Figures. wT ae” “s) ae a ee Pesde . d a Children and a flower girl and a milkmaid. Period, 1774-1814. Height, 6 aa Decorated Figure. : a A piper with dog and sheep. No marks. Height, 51-2 inches. Pair of Decorated Figures. A girl playing a violincello and: 2 girl with a basket of fruit. No marks. Height, 5 inches. Decorated Figure. Youth in Chinese costume with a tea tray. No marks. H ewght, 6 inches. Decorated Figure. A shepherdess with sheep. Period, 1731. Height, 5 1-2 inches. Decorated Group. Two children, a boy crowning a girl with flowers. No marks. Height, 6 inches. Decorated Figure. . Of a traveling tinker at work. No marks. Height, 7 inches. Decorated Figure. Moses attended by a winged figure. Period about 1750. Height, 9 inches. Pair of Decorated Figures. Two branched candelabra. Shepherd and dog, shepherdess and ie lamb seated in a bank of flowers, flanked by candleholders on each side. No marks.. Height, 10 1-2 inches. Decorated Figure. Masked woman with doll and basket of fruit. Height, 7 inches. Decorated Figure. Court Beauty, Watteau gown. No marks. Height, 7 1-4 inches. Decorated China Clock. Figures grouped around the base, the clock surrounded by a cluster of flowers. Pervod, 1721-31. Herght, 15 inches. [ 92 ] ree. ie a eee ee 2 an ee es Ch Whaat eS} 4 OS a a Correggio’s Reading Magdalen. Folio. Beautiful impression. with verse underneath. CHAPMAN (F. A.) ‘Raising the Liberty Pole. The Day We Celebrate. Engraved by J. C. McRae. 1875. Folio. HOGARTH (WILLIAM) Noon. Folio, mounted. The Cock Pit. 1759. - 4to, with margin. AUDRAN (JEAN) Pietro Ottoboni (Cardinal). Engraved portrait. Beethoven: After J. Balestrieri. Etching by W. L. Arndt. HARDING (S.) Roger Payne in His Workshop. Etching. Sm. folio. EYCK (JAN VAN) La Vierge D’Autun. Etching by L. Flameng. [155 ] (2 pieces.) (2 pieces. ) (2 pieces.) oe 7 ares ¥ SS 1111. 1112. 1113. 1114. The Birth of Wine. 1115. A Group of Women on a Piazza. ETCHINGS _ The Choir Boys. 4 Signed remarque proof on satin by] F. M. Spiegle, The Village Road. Signed proof by Amman. LEFORT (HENRI) Benjamin Franklin. Etched portrait. Signed remarque ne after Duplessia : by the Grolier Club. FLAMENG (LEOPOLD AND Sissi Grolier at the House of Aldus. Signed Japan proof issued by the Grolier Club. KOEPPING (CHARLES) ° The Banquet of the Civic Guard. . ‘ Etching after Franz Hals. Signed proof before letters. Plate fae destroyed. | ne; HAIG (AXEL) Westminster Abbey. ; Etching. Interior showing in mnintee detail the Aliana sa) ironwork rendered with extraordinary skill. Unframed. Paintings ALBERT HERTER Woman standing against a shelf holding large jars of wine 7 holds a bow! to her lips. In a frame of grapes and leaves designed by Mr. Herter. : India ink drawing. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 9 1-2 inches. WILHELM FUNK Contemporary Austrian Painter Oil sketch for a large painting on academy board. Height, 14 inches; width, 15 inches. [ 156 j GIORGIO BELLONI / : Contemporary Italian Painter 1861- Pe O ¢ 1116. The Sea on a Gray Day. Under a stormy sky stretches the sea, its surface broken into white caps with tossing spray. The artist’s manner is forceful and creates a strong impression. — Panel. Signed with monogram “G. B.” Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN-CONSTANT fs o. 1845-1902 : J 1117. The Door to the Temple. Through a high Moorish archway, we look into the deep shadow _of the mosque where a ghostly figure in white moves softly. Bought at the sale of the artist’s effects after his death. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. EDWARD ALLAN SCHMIDT 2 We Contemporary German Artist J ' 1118. The Arrival of the Bride. In the Sacristy of the Church whose walls are richly ornamented with carvings, a number of cavaliers in Seventeenth Century costumes are gathered to welcome the bride, who is being intro- duced to them. The floor is strewn with roses. Panel. Signed. Height, 11 1-2 inches; width, 9 1-2 inches. | A. C. LAMB 1119. Landscape. A herder with a few sheep are gathered near a swift and narrow stream beside a ruined temple. Panel. Signed on pillar. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. GIORGIO BELLONI Contemporary Italian Painter 1861- 1120. Summer Evening on Lake Maggiore. The blue waters stretch away to the farther shore of the lake bounded by a range of low hills, above which cluster banks of summer clouds. ~ Panel. Signed with monogram “G. B.”’ Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. [157] OSTEO os a we 3 « JOSE SERRA-Y-PORSON Contemporary Spanish Painter 1121. The Mendicant. In ragged clothes and wearing a long cloak on his shoulders, a — street beggar stands with bared head beside the Cathedral door, — holding out his hat. In his left hand he holds a long staff. e Panel. Signed and dated 1888. a Height. 10 1-2 inches; width, 9 inches. oa JOHANNES C. K. KLINKENBERG -Contemporary Dutch School 1852- 1122. View of Rotterdam. Along a quay which stretches across the picture from the left rise the tall Dutch houses with red tile roofs broken here and there by trees. A white bridge spans the canal a short distance away, and market boats lie at the quay. This painter of Dutch town views has his studio at The Hague. Panel. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 1-2 inches. G. FILOSA se Contemporary Italian Painter ; 1123. The Letter. | Dressed in white with a broad red sash a young woman is engaged — in writing a letter; behind her another girl in blue stands looking over: her shoulder. A room handsomely. decorated forms the background. Water color. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 21 inches. W. A. VAN DEVENTER Dutch School 1124. At the Mouth of the Rhine. The sluggish waters of the river widen out toward the sea past low sedge banks. ‘Two small sail boats and a brig are seen on the river, and a woman and child on the bank at the left. The sky is filled with fleecy summer clouds. | | Panel. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 12 inches. G. FILOSA Contemporary Italian Painter 1125. Au Revoir. On a balcony with high stone balustrade stand two young women gaily dressed leaning over to wave farewell to some one below. Water color. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. (158 ] OSWALD ACHENBACH German School 1827- In a mountainous section woodmen and faggot gatherers are seen hurrying for protection from the approaching storm. A gleam of yellow light breaks through the clouds. : Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. WILHELM FUNK Contemporary Austrian Painter t va 1127. A Roush Rider. 7 } A brown-haired youth wearing the khaki cavalry uniform closely | buttoned to the neck is ready to start for the field of action. He looks directly at the spectator and is seen at bust length. Oval. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. R. L. NEWMAN Contemporary American Painter 1128. Woman and a Baby. Dressed in a blue dress with a red shawl about her head, a woman carries a child against her breast. From the C. T. Yerkes collection. Canvas. Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. L. ADAM KUNZ Contemporary German Painter 1129. Still Life. “A silver tankard with an overturned cup and a dish of berries resting on a table covered with white drapery forms an interest- ing group of still life, all painted with great care. Panel. Signed. Height, 17 inches; width, 22 inches. JOSE SERRA-Y-PORSON Contemporary Spanish Painter 1130. Leda in the Bath. — Dressed in black, a man is seated on a red chair contemplating a circular painting on the wall portraying Leda reclining on the bank of a pool. On a table near by stands some bits of porcelain admirably painted. Panel. Signed. Height, 9 1-2 inches; width, 7 inches. [159 ] The Coming Storm. Be Be, WILHELM FUNK Contemporary Austrian Painter 1131. Head of a Young Girl. In a white gown with blue ribbon at her throat, a young woman seen just below the shoulders looks directly at the spectator. Her auburn hair curls about her forehead and is held in place by a band of blue ribbon tied in a bow at the left. . Oval. Canvas. Signed. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. JOHANNES C. K. KLINKENBERG Contemporary Dutch School 1852- 1132. Street Scene in the Hague. Along the broad-paved quay lined with trees, figures of men and women are seen in shadow. The tall tops of the houses are touched with the rays of the setting sun. Across the water in full light stand a row of houses with red roofs. ‘ Panel. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 1-2 inches. JAN VAN BEERS Belgian School 1852- 1133. Landscape, Evening. Through a quiet landscape runs a stream with a group of trees — and a farmyard along the banks. The clouds floating in the sky are tinged with pink light and a deep serenity pervades the scene. Panel. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. P UNKNOWN ARTIST 1134. A Lady of the Court of Charles II. She wears a low-cut dress of dark green, the bodice edged with lace; puffed sleeves with full lace-trimmed undersleeves of white. Her dress is held in front by three jeweled brooches. Her hair curls above her forehead and shows a jeweled ornament. Canvas. Oval. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. EUGENE JETTEL Austrian 1845- 1135. Landscape Near Cayeux. On the bank of a stream which winds through the meadow some women are gathered washing the family linen. A group of trees rises beyond under which are seen the red roofs of a village. Cattle graze in the meadows at the left. Panel. Signed. Paris. Height, 13 1-2 inches; width, 20 inches. [ 160 ] _» Pa XOAVUAVO UVAN AdVOSGNVI “THLLES ANHONA “Vell “ON ae z i Bae See JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN-CONSTANT pais vA 1845-1902 Ce eT ty | a . 1136. Awaiting the Sheik. ; | Dressed in green an Arab servant holds a fluttering falcon; a white horse with red trappings awaits his master before the arched doorway, while at the corner of the house an attendant ~ on a black horse converses with a woman, and two Arabs recline _ in the sun. The yellow wall of the house with an upper hanging balcony and a glimpse of a garden forms the background. | Canvas. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 14inches. PIERRE MIGNARD n 1612-1695 y, OC” 4187. Portrait of a Lady as Diana. pe This work by the court painter of Louis XIV. shows a court beauty of the time in low white dress with over dress of blue and a crimson mantle held in place by a jeweled cord across the shoulder. Her dark hair is dressed with jewels and a crescent and in her right hand she holds an arched bow. | Canvas. Oval. Herght, 28 inches; width, 23 inches. EUGENE JETTEL Austrian 1845- ME 1138. The Washing Place. On the shore of a lake a number of women are seen kneeling over their boards engaged in washing their clothes. Down the path a woman approaches to join them. Beyond rises a mass of trees in summer foliage shading a distant village. Canvas. Signed and dated Paris, 1892. Height, 25 inches; width, 35 inches. JAN VAN BEERS Belgian School 1852- 1139. In the Bois at Twilight. A young woman dressed in a pale green gown sits on a stone garden seat with an open book beside her. . Above her on a pedestal is a bust of the youthful Bacchus, and beyond the lawn a wall of trees darkening in the twilight. A thin sickle moon floats in the sky. Panel. Signed. Height, 31 inches; width, 23 inches. [ 162 ] Se ee ee Be ALFRED STEVENS. WAITING EUGENE JETTEL Austrian School 1845- ri, 1140. A French Village. About the shores of a pond stretch the houses of the village, their high-pitched roofs outlined against an evening sky of prim- — rose and pink. A man who has been watering his horses stops — to speak with a woman on the road and some ducks sail about _ the pond. Panel. Signed and dated “ Paris, ’81.” Height, 14 inches; width, 24 inches. JOSE BENLLIURE / Contemporary Spanish Painter | 4 /, 1141. The Enchanted Palette. The artist’s palette on which he has laid his colors and Which have been transformed into curious and beautiful scenes, reminiscent of the artist’s many pictures. Signed. Height, 12 1-2 inches; Ba ahh 7 inches. ALFRED STEVENS > 1828-1908 1142. Waiting. In a richly furnished room whose walls are decorated by Corot | EX yi stands a young woman fashionably dressed in a trained gown of \e y 2 pink and green. A long white glove is drawn over one arm, the Y other is raised to her throat. On the marble top table before her rests a bouquet of flowers, fan and opera glass, and at the back is seen a large vase of flowers. From the Charles T. Yerkes Collection. Panel. Signed. Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches. (See Illustration.) JULES DUPRE 1812-1889 1143. Landscape. A shepherd guards a flock of sheep scattered over a meadow which stretches away to a clump of dark trees. At the left a mass of rock rises above the roadway crowned by shrubbery. A blue sky with gathering clouds stretches above. The small work shows the characteristics of this master, one of the most powerful of the modern French School. — Circular panel. Signed J. D. Diameter, 3 1-2 inches. [ 164 ] - AMS “7 4, ve F DRI NO ARDE Ga THE r BER: i T HER R x 4 “ ALB 1147. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE (ATTRIBUTED) _ foe : 1813-1894 Bea tie. 1144. In the Sheep Stable. | ee Gathered in the dimly lighted stable are a number of sheep feeding at the hay-rack. Some stand apart and one is lying down. A — broad patch of sunlight falls across the wall lighting the straw- strewn floor. Panel. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. — J. B. C. COROT (ATTRIBUTED) 1796-1875 1145. Landscape. Through a meadow runs a stream bordered with sedgy grass in which two cows wander. A mass of trees rise at the left and beyond are seen barns and a tall poplar tree. The sky is streaked with the yellow light of waning day. : Canvas. Signed. Height, 10 1-2 inches; width, 15 inches. 1146. Diaz’ Traveling Easel and Palettes. Marked in Diaz’ handwriting “Boite de Campagne. N. Diaz,” underneath is the guaranty of his son: “Cette boite a appartient — amon pere. Eug. Diaz.” 2 This contains color box, 7 brushes, a pencil, pencil holder, rule and triangle, with two palettes. The latter might almost be framed as paintings by Diaz, so representative in color are they of all of his paintings. ALBERT HERTER Contemporary American Artist 1147. The Garden of Dreams. Through a garden of lilies and azaleas backed by a wall of greenery, a tall and willowy young woman in floating gray drapery walks as in a dream. Her head is raised as in ecstasy. Her floating drapery is held at shoulders and breast by blue jewels. The exquisite composition is enhanced in decorative effect by its Japanese mounting in old brocade. Bought from the Artist. Water color. Signed. Height, 27 inches; width, 14 inches. (See Illustration.) [ 166 ] XNVACHOE AO LHOd “NIGNOW AUNDONA “SFIT “ON 0 4 O . ~ \ () EUGENE BOUDIN 1824-1898 1148. Port'of Bordeaux. In the blue waters of the busy harbor are seen ships from many lands. Beyond stretches the city rising from the sea. The whole scene is handled with the breadth and knowledge which charac- terized the work of this greatest of French marine painters. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874. Height, 16 inches; width, 25 inches. (See Illustration.) ANDERS ZORN re O° Born at Mora, Sweden, 1860 1149. A Bather. Through a leafy covert in midsummer a nude woman advances : toward the spectator. She holds back the branches as she turns 7? to look back over her right shoulder. The sunlight breaking through the trees mottles the nude flesh with patches of light and the whole scene speaks the idyllic atmosphere of summer. Bought from the artist. Canvas. Signed and dated. Height, 38 1-2 inches; width, 26 inches. (See Illustration.) CAMILLE PISSARRO 1830- 1150. Environs d’Evagny. From a slight elevation the spectator views a wide-stretching landscape broken by clumps of trees in summer dress. In the foreground below the hill stretch the tile roofs of a French village and at the right rises a group of tall trees. The whole forms a brilliant color scheme the result of Pissarro’s custom of always painting in the open air. Bought of Durand Ruel. : Canvas. Signed and dated 1884. Herght, 21 1-2 inches; width, 25 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) [ 168 ] i No. 1149. ANDERS ZOR A BATHER ALFRED SISLEY 1) | 1840-1908 Q- 4151. Landscape at Veneux. | From a hill in the foreground over which are scattered a few gnarled trees, reaches a wide stretching landscape, with a village __ in the distance. Above arches a deep blue sky with floating, white, summer clouds. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed. Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches. | Gee Illustration.) oe J. W. MORRICE fs Y' 1452. Scene Along the Quai, Paris. The season is early autumn and the slender trees wear a red and yellow dress. Beneath their branches a little marionette theatre still caters to the well-dressed idlers who loiter on the leaf-strewn walks or sit in the chairs. Over all is the pensive note of autumn set forth with exquisite art. Canvas. Signed. Height, 19 inches; width, 23 1-2 inches. (See I]lustration.) ANDERS ZORN Bow Swedish Painter B. 1860 \K u gee neitte F£ Tn a quiet Has walled in by high rocks, a blonde nude woman Ne a (Ve ¢ just stepping out of her white skirt is seen in the sunlit fore- ne ict yi ; if es We Rese __ground. With her left hand she steadies herself against the : 3 ee i i wz drocky wall rising at the left. Beyond, her companion, dressed a | He i J ft REECE “Gn ved, cautiously steps along the rocks. Bought from the artist. 2 pasive ate Canvas. Signed and dated 92. x a Pte y bee on : ich Height, 38 inches; width, 26 1-2 inches. Jie . ovis (See Illustration.) | CLAUDE MONET 1840- 1154. Highlands on the French Coast. In the centre rises a huge chalk cliff yellow in the ‘sunlight, its back clothed with patches of green, the ruffled sea at its base broken by many colored reflections. A sky of deepest blue stretches above the whole showing Monet’s effort to render Nature as brilliant as he found it. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed and dated ’84. Height, 23 1-2 inches; width, 28 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) [170] ' TEE “ a ae ese ee ee heat} at oa _ Ped ee Sage oo er a: hy Dt 5 fay Se o f ! So: De ere NS Eee era ne, I ON ars! Ney: he-< Pave bs {ne aa ENVIRONS D’EVAGNY CAMILLE PISSARRO. No. 1150. | DAVID TENIERS (ATTRIBUTED: ee ea etaes : - 1610-1694 oe | - 3 1135. Temptation of St. Anthony. oa The Saint is seen in a cave seated before a Pee wit é book. An old woman leans over his shoulder while gr shapes surround him. — On copper. “HT. ue 6 inches: width, 8 1 : NICHOLAS BERCHEM : ae Dutch School 1620-1683 1156. A Country Scene. A woman bringing home her goats and battle at evening Spe ore or ea : a slight elevation to speak to an old man who sits at the roqdsides At the right is a mass of rocks beyond which rises a hill crowned — by a castle. The evening sky shows cumulus clouds on a blue — ground. Panel. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. By; WILHELM FUNK © <*> 9" Contemporary Austrian Painter q | ‘1157. Portrait of Himself. % Bust portrait of a young man with blond mustache and imperial == and wearing a soft black hat looks directly at the observer. eee Canvas. Signed and dated 1900. ‘Sam 2 Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches; PHILIPS WOUVERMAN | Dutch 1619-1668 rc () 1158. The Marshal of the Country. At a wayside smithy are gathered some horses and men among which is seen the gaily dressed marshal watching his white horse - being shod. Other horses and men approach from over the slight hill. Engravings of this work are in existence. Described in Smith’s Catalogue, Vol. I., p. 268, No. 240. In the Holderness Collection 1802. Collection of Earl Breadalbane. Bought from the Collection of G. Preyer, Imperial Chancelor, Vienna. Lately in the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. Panel. Signed “ Ph. W.” Height, 12 1-2 inches; width, 14 1-2 inches. [172] | V JAVOSGNVI ‘AXTSIS CGHUATV “ISTT “ON ; XOUNGA . OY ee! SC Reta ey sla! op Be cee oy “Ti caer ae aR Peabo deec 5 TAA See i : * yt .e hee mee SE . et Vane Paes o>. ; ; “Sd ial ied Pee ae eo ME + ze > gh : 7 i Nee Od PETER QUAST Zt 3 Dutch School 1605-1647 LA vs ‘1159. The Doctor’ s Shop. The doctor gaily dressed in red jacket with sliced sleeves, bullae breeches. slashed with red and a broad-brimmed hat with red feather is treating the tooth of a man, an old woman standing by. a His assistant binds the head of a man who has taken part ina street fight. The details of the surroundings are painted with = __ characteristic Dutch fidelity. From the Collection of CharlesT. == Yerkes. On copper. Height, 9 1-2 inches; width, 13 1-2 inches. Sar ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE . 1639-1672 © 1160. Cattle at the Fountain. Under the shade of tall trees a group of cattle and sheep are resting near an old memorial fountain from the basin of which — a cow is drinking. A man and woman with a dog and some cattle are seen on the left at the base of a hill crowned with a group of houses. The landscape ends in a range of blue hills. Formerly in the Hopp Collection. From the C. T. Yerkes Collection. Canvas. Signed “A.V. Velde 1661.” Height, 21 inches; width, 26 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST ~* 1161. Bust Portrait of a Man. With blonde mustache and pointed beard and wearing a brown costume with a ruff and a wide red sash, a man of sixty is seen in almost profile view gazing intently. From the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. PAUL POTTER (ATTRIBUTED) 1625-1654 1162. Sunset in Holland. At a door of a house on the left’: stands a woman holding a child while some pigs are feeding at her feet. Beyond a cow is seen against the light. At the right a group of cattle is being driven by the herdsman, behind which rise some lopped trees. Canvas. Height, 17 inches; width, 21 inches. [174] SCENE ALONG THE QUAI, PARIS J. W. MORRICE. No. 1152. J , | JAN LE DUCQ Dutch Sehool 1636-1685 ' | Aig 1163. The Toilet. Dressed in white satin with a cape about her bare shoulders, a woman sits at a dressing table across which falls heavy rose- colored silk drapery, putting the finishing touches to her toilet. At the right stands a violoncello with books, music and a violin on the floor. The light falls through a high double window. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 18 inches. JAN VAN GOYEN 1596-1666 ‘)“ "4164. Dutch Fishing Boats Entering Port. _ This spirited scene by one of the earliest of the Dutch landscape or marine painters shows a number of boats in full sail making across the choppy sea for the harbor beyond. Masses of storm — clouds fill the sky adding to the spirit of the scene. 3 Panel. Signed in monogram on the boat at the right. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE 1725-1805 1165. Said to Be a Portrait of Marquis de Lafayette. In dark uniform with red velvet collar trimmed with gold braid and wearing gold epaulettes, the sitter looks directly at the spectator. Oval. Canvas. Signed above the left shoulder. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. JAN VAN GOYEN Dutch School 1596-1656 1166. Village on the Banks of the Meuse. Stretched along the low river bank at the right are a group of low-roofed houses shaded by trees. Some sailboats and hay barges are drawn up to the shore and others appear on the river horizon. The sky is filled with moving clouds. From the C. T. Yerkes Collection. Panel. Signed in monogram on the boat in the foreground and dated 1652. Height, 21 1-2 inches; width, 39 inches. [176 ] No. 1158. ANDERS ZORN. THE BATHER Cab = aoe | | FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER. 1570-1622 : ee : ‘: : : 1167. Portrait of a Court Lady. eae es Seen at half length she wears a black costume with puffed sleeves _ ea trimmed with gold braid, and a wide triple ruff edged with lace. Across her breast is a double strand of pearls from which ~ hangs at one side a pendant of emeralds and pearls. Above her red hair rests a cap richly ornamented with pearls. : oh Panel.. Height, 25 1-2 inches; width, 20 1-2 inches. — _ FRANCIA LUIGIO ALBERTINELLI Florentine School, Sixteenth Century 1168. Virgin and Child. The young mother wearing a red dress and blue mantle bows her head which is covered with a veil toward the nude child who sits in her lap. He holds a rose in the right hand and raises the left toward the mother’s face. An Umbrian landscape fills the background. The frame with band of Mazarine blue is of the period. Bought in Florence. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER (ATTRIBUTED) 1570-1622 1169. Infanta Isabella. Seen at half length, she wears a richly ornamented dress of yel- low and black and a wide ruff edged with lace. About her neck is a double strand of pearls held together on her breast by a bow of white ribbon. In her red hair which is rolled back from her forehead are jeweled ornaments and clustered jewels hang from her ear. Her right hand, raised to her breast, fingers the strands of pearls. . Panel. Height, 23 1-2 inches; width, 19 1-2 inches. JOHN HOPPNER (ATTRIBUTED) 1758-1810 1170. Lady Elizabeth Whitbread. Dressed in a black velvet low-cut gown, she leans her head on her right hand with the elbow on a table at her side, over which is thrown a cover of deep red on which rests a book. With her left hand she holds a white scarf which falls from her right shoulder. The crimson curtain which forms a background is looped up disclosing a landscape through the open window. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. [178 ] HIGHLANDS ON THE FRENCH COAST CLAUDE MONET. No. 1154. 1B Bris poe eas. JEAN MARC NATTIER 1685-1766 te Marquise de Zovties de Menars. with her arms folded resting on a fountain ponte mr: stream ars water. The background is _ the sky ao GIOVANNI ANTONIO SOGLIANI Florence, 1492-1544 Madonna, Child and St. John. © The mother dressed in the conventional red and HES wears Sa searf on her head, looking down at the nude boy on her lap who E leans across her left arm to take a cross from the Infant St. John) °53 . standing at her side. Landscape with rocky hills fills the back- : ground. A pupil of Lorenzo di Credi, Sogliani worked in con- ee, junction with Andrea del Sarto and Sodoma on the high altar ; ai in the Duomo at Pisa. In Sixteenth Century Carved Wood Frame. Bought i in Florence. ee Panel. Height, 33 inches; ai 26 inches. acs FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER 1570-1622 Elizabeth de Vos. Wearing a Court costume of black richly braided with gold and a large ruff, the handsome young woman is seated in a high back — red chair against a red curtain, which is drawn aside sufficiently to show a view of a town on the bank of a river. About herneck | below the ruff she wears a double string of large pearls from which hangs a jeweled cross and three strings of pearls. From the Van den Hoop Collection, Amsterdam. Canvas. Height, 42 inches; width, 34 ie (See Illustration.) [ 180 ] AZABETH DE VOS > F “ De vse! Fl eee a SUE eo FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER. oo ~ | | S oar a > Pay ‘ RAT hil roe ' ie : ea ye oe ws wn ne as Shad FRANCESCO DEI ROSSI (CALLED SALVIATI) | 1510-1563 | o” 1174. Madonna and Child with St. John and an Angel. The fair-haired mother in a pink dress with her blue n m her knees is seated, the nude boy in her lap. Her hea * in profile as she turns to an ee seen at her back. The C : , John at his side. ut Salviati who took his name from his patron Cardinal Salv was a friend of Vasari while both were pupils of Andrea d ee oe Sarto and later of Bandinelli. The frame is Italian carved woot | of XVI Century. Bought from Prince Panciatici’s Palace | in | yt Florence where it was said to have hung for three hundred years. f . Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 37 1-2 inches. — WILLIAM WISSING Un ae x 1655-1687 , ahs | © 1175. Mary, Princess of Orange, Afterward Queen Consort of i Se i William ITI. Sa ae Dressed in a robe of white satin with a mantle of red velvet trimmed with ermine held by jeweled clasps, the Princess is seen at full length seated against a brown brocaded curtain which is half drawn revealing a view of Hampton Court. In pore her right hand she holds a spray of narcissus, while her left — holds her mantle to her breast. For some time Wissing was assistant to Sir Peter Lely after whose death he became a favorite with English patrons. He painted all the Royal Family. Although he soon found a rival in Sir Godfrey Kneller, he was still extensively employed and after the death of Charles II was appointed principal painter to ' his successor by whom he was sent to Holland to take the por- traits of William and Mary. Other portraits of Queen Mary by him are at Hampton Court and in the National Portrait Gallery, London. This painting was formerly ascribed to Sir Godfrey Kneller. Canvas. Height, 60 inches; width, 45 inches. [ 182 ] vandscape. ‘Lake of Garde. WATTEAU Group of Men and Women on a Terrace. Fete Galante. (2 pieces.) pee VAN DYCK _ Portrait of a Woman. OG eek ae REMBRANDT VAN RHYN Co : "Portrait of a Man With Lace Collar. G Bel Dated 1633. RAPHAEL 4 The Madonna of the Chair. : Ornamental carved gilt frame. Diameter, 28 inches. Ree’ | RUYSDAEL . The Oak Forest. q pa | REMBRANDT VAN §RHYN ‘1182. Portrait in Polish Costume (known as “ Sobieski’’). tats: Flemish oak frame. | RAPHAEL | 1183. The Grand-ducal Madonna. Z Oak frame, 36 x 22 inches. : HANS HOLBEIN 1184. Portrait of Erasmus. Portrait of R. Cheseman, 1535. _ (2 pieces.) [ 183 ] 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1195. 1196. P isa ; | ee 'REMBRANT. VAN RHYN oy Portrait of Himself, Flat Velvet Cap. Wood frame, applied gilt ornament. Italian Carved Wood. | Photograph frame, in the form of a shrine. Edelweis Souvenir of the Tyrol. Rococo Porcelain Wall Pocket and Photogranil Frame. cc pie Eight Brass Photograph Easels and One of Wood." 9 pieces. ) ? oh Blue Glass Perfume Bottle. Ormolu base and top, set with four naan cameos: and silt BS filigree. Jade Colored Glass -Violet Vase. Small Green Crackle Vase. . ‘ang ee Small Embroidered Silk Tray, Glass Bottom. (3 pieces.) eylindrical Wicker and Wood Waste Ballet lt eight, os inches ; Small Opaleseene Green Glass Flower Holder. Mounted in silver filigree. Ormolu Cabinet Photograph Holder. With silk brocade mat, easel rest. Ormolu Easel Frame for Photograph. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. Silver Venetian Cigar Lighter. Renaissance Lace Bureau Scarf. 40 x 22 inches. Set of Three Beveled Glass Jewel Boxes. Satin lined, brass rims. Three Small Cut Glass Scent Bottles. Silver mounts. ; (6 pieces.) 3 [ 184 | 1199. ~ 1200. 1201. 1202. | 1203. 1204. 1205. 1206. Two Renaissance Lace Table Scarfs. 43 x 19 inches. Three Lace Squares. 18 x 18 inches. (5 pieces.) Traveling Flower Garden. Miniature porcelain flower pots with flowers in bloom. (15 pieces.) Portable French Desk Clock. In ormolu case. A.B. Rodanet, Paris, Maker. Folding Book Rack. Engagement Book to Match. Each covered with silk, embroidered with garlands of roses enclosing portraits painted on silk. Small French Curio Vitrine. Heart shaped, carved. and gilded. Lined with a piece of old silk brocade. Height, 28 inches. Spanish Military and Other Orders. Enameled, set with gems, etc. These orders were presented to Miss Grigsby by Spanish officers, in Cuba. (6 pieces. ) Three Gold Colored Silk Plush Table Covers. Two, 36 x 18 1-2 inches; and one, 12 inches square. Circular Down Cushion. Silk and embroidery cover in gray, blue and rose. Toreador’s Suit Complete. Toreador’s sword, and scabbard, the hilt wrapped with the red braid used. Crimson velvet coat, heavily embroidered in gold bullion, the epaulets and sleeves trimmed with blue and gold-tasseled fringe. Knee-breeches and waistcoat to match. White satin cape, trimmed with rows of gold braid and faced with red satin. Toreador’s black hat. The above suit was actually used in the Bull-ring in Mexico. Pair of Louis XVth Side Chairs. Carved and gilded, cane seat and back panel. [185 ] a Louis XVth Circular eat ‘Saad ae Carved and gilded with white marble top. Louis XVth Circular Light Stand. To match the above. Louis XVth Gilt Boudoir Chair. ie. ee Gilded cane seat and back. | ee wy a ao » ; 4211. Two Louis XVth Gilt Boudoir Chairs. 1320. Royal Ispahan Rug, Sixteenth Century. Three borders enclose life-like animals in attitudes of Hight 7 pursuit and combat, typifying the strife towards Eternal Life. The field of the rug is formed of panels with a variety of patterns — of birds, animals and fish, conventionalized on a ruby ground — of uncommon shade, the whole design being one of mythological — significance, showing Chinese influence. The general motif of beasts and birds of prey with their vicina suggests the struggle between right and wrong, light and dark-— ness, the chief motif being the lotus, emblem of Eternity. The prevailing tone of the rug is old ruby color, the narrow outer border being of rose color, the inner border of old pink; both decorated with birds and animals. The principal border is of old Persian blue with trees, flowers, birds and animals. A Museum Piece. : Size, 13.5 x 11.9 feet. . (See Illustration.) 5 Fine Antique Persian Silk Rug. Ten borders, the chief one of ox-blood red, the secondary border of turquoise blue. The ground of the rug a dull ivory contain- ing six panels. Each of these panels is a rug design in itself; the two upper are of fanciful floral decoration, another contains the Tree of Life, another a coat-of-arms and royal emblems, another a rug with medallion and another a prayer rug. Blue columns support a rich red Mihrab from the centre of which is suspended a lamp. Size, 6.2 x 4.5 feet. 1322. Superb Persian Fish Pattern Silk Rug. Rich red ground. The ground of the main border and centre medallion is a very dark blue, with alternating lotus blossom and head-dress designs surrounded by elephants’ heads and fishes. Running from the centre medallion are two highly ornamental columns with a decoration of heads, on each side of which are beautifully modeled peacocks from which run the old Persian leaf on which are ornamental gold fishes. The leaves springing from the centre medallion also contain fishes in blue. From the base of the columns spring branches to which cling apes in conflict with mythical animals. The various branches terminate in the heads of dragons, fish, birds, wild boar and other animals. Size, 10 x 6.3 feet. [ 200 ] No. 1320. XVIth CENTURY, ROYAL ISPAHAN RUG 1323. Antique Persian Silk Hunting Carpet. Representing a conflict between the Powers of Light an or Good and Evil. Figures of cows attacked by | other similar designs, symbolizing domesticity in confl evil. The wide border of magnificent red contains large ce touches of ivory with inscriptions, flanked by two bord deep ivory of conventional floral pattern. The inner bor has red ground with cartouches of gold color with inscriptions The centre a deep ivory ground in harmonious colors of soft red, turquoise blue and gold. The inscriptions in Arabic and Persian are quotations from Saa’di in praise of the King, includ- Bue ing: “May the state of my people be as great as that of King Solomon, and spread as ; widely as did the branches of King David,’ said the Caliph Mansour, the glory a aes rp house. (Mansour was second Caliph of the House of Habbas.) “The dancer of the party is like a servant, who does menial offices.” Ciaued ats The ‘A friend who arrives last may be more welcome than he who comes first (or eae he : who invites himself.) [Repeated.] “God knows how I enjoy your presence, for your coming is as news of the coming of re the spring (or the coming of the roses).”’ [Repeated .] 1324. Old Persian Silk Rug. 3 Dull red ground, soft blue border, floral medallion on cream : ground. The ground well covered with floral decoration. Size, 5.11 x 4.6 feet. 1325. Antique Persian Silk Kashan Rug. Ivory ground, turquoise blue Ispahan border with floral helio- — trope decoration. The field with animal design. A very unusual piece, the design being of the Shah Habbas Period (towards the end of the XVIth Century) done in only a few colors, the prevailing tone being heliotrope, showing a distinct Chinese influence, with inscriptions which show this to be a “gift rug.”’ The main legend reads: “T hope you will engoy this rug as you enjoy the buds of the springtime (or the time of roses). May you, your family and yet unborn children enjoy it. Milardt.” (Prob- ably a gift at a birth, the final word reading ‘‘a birth-gift.’’) Size, 7.1 2 4.8 feet. 1326. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Ivory ground medallion; pendant and corners pieces of helio- trope. Border rich ivory, the heliotrope decorations outlined with black. Floral design. 6.3 x 4 feet. [ 202 ] Size, 14.6 x 10.8 feet. - _ Antique Persian Silk Kashan Tomb Rug. _ Deep ivory ground, seal brown border with coventional lotus pattern in heliotrope. The inner and outer borders fawn color. ‘The field ornamented with a large Urn from which spring two flowering trees bearing also ripe pomegranates. On either side _ of the Urn are two trees with broken trunks, symbolical of the lives prematurely ended. The Mihrab of heliotrope. The prevailing colors heliotrope and soft sage green. An interesting feature is the introduction of large orchids of heliotrope color into the design. Size, 10 x 5 feet. Antique Persian Silk Carpet, Sehna-Kurdestan Weave. Five borders of alternate colors in Khorassan design. Inside is an ivory border four inches wide, containing inscriptions all around. The centre of the rug is dark blue covered with Persian floral pattern in rose, turquoise blue and ivory. The weave of this rug is very rare. The proverbs repeated around the border are: “4 bad friend will be unable to answer the questions put to him in Eternity.” ** The Speech of Yusuf is sweeter than the sayings of Religion.” “Your presence is as dear to my heart, as was the presence of Aiyaz to Sultan Mahmoud.” (Repeated.) Size, 11.4 x 8.6 feet. 1329. Antique Persian Silk Carpet. From the center of the rug on a light rose ground range a series of light blue cartouches with inscriptions, intersected by two similar bands across the width of the rug, thus dividing it into six sections. Each of these sections contain four panels of highly artistic design showing cartouches and floral patterns. The border is dark rose with light blue cartouches with inscriptions and floral patterns. The inscriptions are as follows: Centre lines: “‘What says the lark to the rose in the garden?” He said: “That you with your rosy cheeks should bloom. Why weary of life when everything around you is beautiful ?”’ (The small lozenges repeat: “May you enjoy it,”—meaning the rug.) Cross line: ‘‘I love your presence, therefore you are welcome. May a thousand lives be sacrificed at your every step !’’ (Repeated twice.) Border: ‘What says the rose to the lark?” He says: “‘He whose deeds are as open as the day has no anxieties.” (Repeated. ) Lozenges: “The man whose hat is of silk both inside and out can take tt off, he is honest, and has nothing to conceal.” | Size, 12.2 x 9 feet. 1330. Small Wolf Skin. Mounted with head. Length, 53 inches. [ 203 | ‘i . ChetaH Sinn | Mounted with ages h ad. nee | eave White ante Rug. Heavy White Fur Rigs Heavy White Fur Rug. Superb Bengal Tiger Skin. Mounted with head and claws. 4 1336. Bengal Tiger Skin. | Bar 3 3 < | ca: Mounted with head. Length, 1337. Chetah Skin. Mounted with head. 1338. Great White Bear Skin. Mounted with head and claws. 1339. Korean ona Skin. res Py < oS S = or ie) ion z. cr = SS i?) fet) a = Lar] © = cf = @) Co (&) © 42] poe mn uo} ie © je} i= Oo Oo a tion. : 1340. Brussels Lace Handkerchief. : | Said to have belonged to Princess Hortense Beauharnais: With 3 oul Gd a ae epee Hortense) embroidered 1 in the corner. — | Framed. Beatin: 1341. Brussels Lace Handkerchief. ieee tg ee Also the property of Princess Hortense. No initials. F ramed. 1342. Pair of Silver Gilt Flower Vases. f Vase-shaped and fluted bodies, boldly curved rims and stare on three curved legs ending in lion’s paws decorated with — twisted ribbons and ending in female heads. Body and rim | elaborately repoussé and chased in designs of scrolls, flowers, and musical and horticultural trophies. Maker’s mark, S. R. Dutch, XV IIIth Century. Height, 10 1-2 inches. [ 204 | | , BY’S ROOM j MISS .GRIGS Ea 1344. 1345. 1346. 1347. 1348. 1349. 1350. 1351. . Silk Cushion Paneleg as Pair of changeable tan rep fale cushion. ‘Panel velvet shield in appliqué and raised monogra er 25 ‘inches; wi ra Pair of Wall Mirrors in italian Carved Wood Be 1 Gi de Frames. =f . Irregular oval shape framed in pierced and gilded floral scrolls. ; Painted in silver on each mirror is a classical figure with wreath. if Height, 27 inches; width, 14 inches. d Pair of Embroidered Coats-of-Ariin ) ere Ree) In gold and colors (red and green), surmounted by acrown. Length, 24 inches. “ Italian Wood Carving. sachs Annunciation of the Virgin. Carved and ate seated figure A < of the Virgin on a carved and gilded scroll base. | Salas Height, 29 inches. Box Pedestal of Gilded Wood and Embroidery. eh From the Royal School of Art Needlework at South Kensing- __ ton, London. A low wall pedestal with five-sided front; top formed of panels of embroidery set in gilt wood frames. On four low gilt feet. | ‘ee Length, 18 inches; height, 11 inches; width, 10 inches. _ Pair of Italian Carved Hall Chairs. Round carved seat, back and front support ending in dolphins, with carved medallions of monks and lions. Pair of Italian Carved Wood Footstools. Upholstered in striped purple velvet, and ornamented with coat-of-arms in appliqué. Cushion of Spanish Embroidery on White Satin. Heavy gold appliqué of an urn with roses and other flowers. This and the two following are worn, although the appliqué ean be easily transferred. [ 206 | ' Oran Cushion of Silk. young, pr With appliqué embroidery. 1360. P1859. | - "Small Oval Table of Carved Italian Walnut. The top is formed as a tray with handles, elaborately carved, supported by winged Griffins on the backs of lions; relief - earving, joined by scroll work. Small ‘Table of Carved Italian Walnut. feecolar oval top, carved in relief resting on four winged Griffins supported by lions resting on scroll feet; one shelf. \ Antique Carved, Gilded and Painted Column. On triangular claw base. Height, 43 inches. Low Box Pedestal Covered with Purple Velvet. - With three coats-of-arms in appliqué in gold and colored em- _broidery on striped purple velvet ground. Height, 21 inches; width, 20 x 20 inches. ‘Mirror with Silver Frame by Rinaldini. Oval plate glass mirror set in a silver frame, exquisitely wrought in a design typifying the allegory of “The First Kiss,”’ showing Cupid and Psyche surrounded by flowers of Spring, merging into roses allegorical of Summer, wheat the emblem of Autumn, and Ivy showing Winter, the design leaving one side of the mirror unfinished showing that Love never ends. A _ beaded silver oval surrounds the mirror. Mounted on hexagonal satin-wood panel. The work of one of the finest modern Italian artists, Paolo Rinaldini of Florence. Size of mirror, 14 1-2 x 11 1-2 inches. Ivory Silk Cushion. Embroidered in an individual pattern of ribbons and _ floral garlands in delicate rose; the reverse side of plain rose silk. [ 207 | fae: NG 1366. Pair of Spanish Gold Embroidered Squares. Pair of Down Cushions. Grey silk centres, quatrefoil shape, surroun floral embroidery on grey velvet. Both sides. design made to order for Miss Grigsby. 3 1362. Renaissance Lace Bureau Covers. Three pieces, various widths. 1363. Large Couch Rug of Old Gold Brocade. In a pattern of feathers and flowers in gold and colors ivory ground. Lined with rose satin and trimmed with tails and wide Duchess lace flounce. 1364. SEeee le Banquet ee of Lace, (anen and Embroidery, embroidered ‘“‘a |’Anglaise,’” with inserted medallions of ie de Venise. cloth is bordered in wide gold thread lace embroidered in flowers. : in a like manner and fringed with separate blossoms. = Made in Paris. Length, 138 inches; width, 78 inches. % 1365. Spanish Gold Thread Embroidery. eee Table scarf of gold thread drawn work. —. 86 19 inches. _ Two squares of gold thread drawn work. ~ 20 x 20-inches. 3 1367. Pair of Spanish Gold Embroidered Squares. The same as the above. 1368. Pair of Spanish Gold Embroidered Squares. The same as the above. 1369. Spanish Gold Thread Embroidery. Twelve doyleys embroidered in gold thread. 1370. Mexican Drawn Linen Table Cloth. Wide hemstitched edge, deep elaborate corner designs, one wide | and two narrow rows of Mexican drawn work around the entire cloth. 120 x 70 inches. [ 208 ] JIS XVth BEDROOM LO PBYGie Ceiay: fifteen ae ie h base ornamented with medallions: of 1 , fauns. fhe backs and on the reverse. 1374. Italian Carved Prie Dieu of Antique Wain: Elaborately carved in the style of the Italian ‘ne in high relief with a group of Knights, the Virgin and Child abov upholstered in purple cut velvet. Height of back, bE ‘inches. 1375. Italian Oak Library Table. Elaborately carved, two drawers (cracked.) Se - | Width, 34 inches; length, inches. So ay | 1376. Dresser with Mirror of Carved Italian Walnut Cabinet bottom, one long drawer, marble top, with mirror framed in elaborate carving of winged female forms, flanked by two small drawers. Carved and twisted columns at the corners; _ oval panels of Cupids in relief on the cabinet doors. The WHOL =e elaborately carved. | Height, 106 inches; width, 57 inches; depth, 25 1-2 inches 1377. Dresser of Carved Italian Walnut with Oval Mirror. | Smaller, but matches the foregoing. Under the mirror is a | narrow marble shelf running the length of the dresser. Height, 90 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 26 1-2 inches. . 1378. Carved Italian Walnut Hexagonal Table. Carved top, six curved and vine-wreathed legs resting on a | solid hexagonal carved base about ten inches in height. [ 210 | ae: Soa as door y inch thick; the ae securely fastened to the door by a steel strap. The inside of the safe lined with wood shelves on a bookcase rack with three covered with maroon velvet. | Height back, 64 inches; height cabinet, 36 1-2 inches; width, 23 1-2 inches; depth, 17 inches. . Pier-glass in Italian Carved Walnut Stand. Twisted vine-wreathed pillars rest on four dolphins. The top of the mirror ornamented with the busts of women upholding a shield. Height, 79 inches. Carved Mahogany Sofa or Canapée Longue. Three-quarter back, five legs, upholstered front and back in cut purple velvet. Italian Carved Arm Chair of Old Walnut. Elaborately carved, curved arms ending in winged heads; the base ending in lions’ heads. Height of back, 50 1-2 inches. es 1383. Italian Carved Wood Lady’s Desk. tales Cabinet bottom, carved door with bronze hinges, flanked by carved and twisted columns on lions’ heads in relief. One | long drawer, sloping cover closing over small drawers and pigeon- ts ; holes; two small drawers above and elaborately carved over- hanging top; bronze mounts carved in high relief. Height, 60 inches; width, 39 inches; depth, 20 inches. 1384. Italian Carved Double Bed and Canopy. At the foot are twisted columns wreathed in vine leaves, an Amorino perched on the top of each. The base and headboard are elaborately carved in high relief with groups of Amorini, Dolphins and Scrolls. Carved Cupids upholding shields sur- mount the canopy of purple brocade lined with lace over lilac silk. A tufted damask dais around three sides. [ 211 ] For the oreeones ined a oe : violet velvet. Three coats-of-arms in — 0] fringe. Lining of two pairs of lace curtains. Italian Carved Antique Walnut Chariot Chains hs The chair in era of a low curved chariot Basen be arms; claw feet. Upholstered i in Sees ‘purple velvet. 1389. Italian Carved Hall Chest. isi ae ; On six low legs. Length, 10 Feet; me 2.2 feet; height, 2. ra 1390. Antique Italian Carved Wall Cabinet. fees Table support, front legs as women, their bodies terminati in scrolls and claws, shield back with relief carving in panel: 35 and one drawer. Upper part with one drawer cabinet. toy with two doors from the centre of each of which appears a Cupi the corners of Cupids terminating in scrolls; carved top ending = in a winged grotesque. From the Collection of Charles F. Phillips. Height, 72 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 21 inches. | [ 212 | | (2 ie 0 ae _ FRA ANGELICO | is Frieze of Twelve Angels. : “ih Set j in a panel, | aie MURILLO .. 1394. | The Infant Jesus and St. John. In very elaborate carved gilt frame. | TITIAN . Lavinia (daughter of the Painter). Large folio. | | | RU YSDAEL Landscape. Large folio. MICHELANGELO Figures from the Tomb of the Medici. GEORGE ROMNEY . Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante. _ The Parson’s Daughter. Gilt frames. ‘sere (2 pieces.) FRANZ HALS ae 1399. Portrait of a Woman. oe) | Portrait of a Man. 4 | Ato. (2. pieces. ) | [ 213 ] in n claw feet; ane sale slats, seven slats make seat. sp Height “ back, 33 inches. ‘Pair Square Sofa Pillows. Similar to the Sos Sas cn | Wrought Iron Reading Desk. Height, 49 inches. "Venetian Low Carved Arm Chair. With narrow seat upholstered in striped purple velvet. - Height of back, 36 1-2 inches. Swiss EU carves Wood Chair. Inlay decoration, playing four airs, from Faust, Aida, Don Juan, and the Barber of Seville. Inlaid Music Cabinet. One drawer and cupboard. Height, 31 1-2 inches; width, 14 1-2 inches; length, 21 inches. Pair of Circular Oak Footstools. Upholstered in tapestry. [215 ] pee gilded a broken wheel. . Italian Send Three Large Down Sofa Pillows. Heavy rose-colored rep silk, with centre aad corner piece 2s of gold appliqué. _ . se Bk we 1416. Three Large Down Sofa Pillows. Covered in rose silk velour. c : >. 1417. Antique Hall Chair. . Inlaid with ivory. 1418. Two Carved Gilt Mahogany Footstools. gold and silver embroidery on red velvet. the Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington. — 1419. Small Italian Hall Chair. Inlaid ivory decorations. 1420. Round Antique Oak Lamp Table. een — Elaborately carved. Diameter, 32 inches. 1421. Antique French Mantel Clock. Classic design, Alabaster columns, metal dial. ive ee 1422. Ebony Night Stand. With one drawer, cabinet bottom. Ebony Light Stand; Ebony Book Rest. Length, 30 inches. (8 pieces.) — 1423. Circular Rose Wood Table. Marquetry inlay, marble top, with brass rim and one drawer. [ 216 | ane fauns in cee support Cupids (15 inches high). H Fees 40 inches. $3 Pair Tall Brass Medivons. Baronial ee with lion head medallions at base. Re oktced' | in royal purple velvet, monogram of Edward VII. VII. Secured from the Princess Christian when in charge of the Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington. . Miniature Portrait of a Lady on Ivory. Set in a silver frame, studded with brilliants. Miniature. Bust of a lady, powdered hair dressed high with wreath of flowers. In ornamental circular silver frame. Signed Saintet. . Carved Wood Miniature Frame. With miniature of a Court Beauty. \ Oval Miniature on Ivory—Persian Girl. Native dress in blue enamel frame. Miniature Portrait of Napoleon. On porcelain wood frame inlaid with Mother-of-Pearl. eh, ‘ Paver D ie } 1433. Miniature on Porcelain. ee Me Group of classical figures, in gilt frame. ve [ ray 1434. Miniature Locket Brooch. a | Containing French miniature portrait, on porcelain, of a young man. Costume of XV IIth Century. 1435. Oval Miniature on Ivory. Court Beauty, XVITTth Century, hair dressed high with feathers. In ormolu frame. Signed Mirtler. [217] gold embroidery. Used at the Coronation Services of Edward : and ra? Py f j a ae Sa "3 Jf 4 7) % a CLR NT fk =, Mig eS S oe ri es They, *s) oe md / ") i, Moa ¥ La hi j si can “A oe HH Pt es Pa 1 a a eid a é “3 ‘ann ot at Cue ti 7% 1436. . 1437. 1438. 1439. 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443. 1444, Medallion Painted on Paper. Child with lamb mounted in silver gilt-beaded frame. Two Small Miniatures. Girls’ heads on ivory. Signed Petit. Book Wheel. Carved mahogany exhibition bookcase having four revolving compartments with hinged glass covers, 33 x 12 inches, set at angles for the exhibition of books. Height, 50 inches. Large Venetian Carved Arm Chair. Seat and inside arms inlaid, carved back. Width, 31 inches. Venetian Carved Arm Chair. Of walnut, seat upholstered in red damask. Height back, 63 inches. Pair Massive Bronze Andirons. With four wood rests. Lions uphold a crest flanked on either side by flower wreathed caryatides, who support a shield en- closing silvered classical medallions. | Winged lyre with Cupid in relief above holding silvered coils surmounted by a crown. From the library of Frangois Coppée, famous French poet. (See [lustration.) Height, 56 inches. Antique Spanish Oak Arm Chair. Elaborately carved, eagles resting on balls form the front, the sides and rails are elaborately carved. Upholstered in fine old ecclesiastical embroidery on velvet. The original from which the four copies in the collection were made. See the following numbers. Pair Arm Chairs. Copied from the original in this collection from a Spanish Cathe- dral, each upholstered in old Church embroideries in gold and silver on crimson velvet. Height of back, 50 inches. Pair Arm Chairs. | Companions to the above. — [ 218 | . No. 1441. FRANCOIS COPPEE. ANDIRONS Old ee eed pe gilt; the A lions, pineapple finials. _ Upholstered i in wot Louis XVIth Large Hall Chair. eo . - Companion to the above. ae 1448. Flemish capec pat tapLAry Table. at each end, for folios and large ‘books three drawers | “oy side, the centre ones with bronze ring handles, irregular | irve - | 3 top. Length, 7 feet; field fee Be 1449. Small Oak Library Table. : ee To match the preceding, containing sixteen drawers, fous each side and four on each end. ; ~ Height, 31 inches; width, 36 inches; length, 54 ine ¢ 1450. Library Table of notte Oak. Carved in relief ornament and ae : 1451. Two Large Arm Chairs and Sofa. | es 4 Upholstered in red silk velour, five large pillows belonging : to the set. a 1452. Small Sofa of Antique Oak. ae Carved in relief and gilded, upholstered in red velvet, the backs panel upholstered in appliqué embroidery. The sofa was made q for the purpose of using the panel of embroidery, as seen. 1453. Mahogany Book Case. Brass inlays, four shelves, two doors with silk curtains. Height, 56 inches; width, 48 inches. [ 220 | 1461. me 1469. ae ia > } per ep t $ VO eis ae 1463. . a” Be 1464. ber: ; Pair of Ebony Side Chairs. Cane seats. | 1459. 3 1460. te with two foie: at each end; one long “sales on either side, brass pull. Dh d= 2 x 32 inches. * 52 x 39 inches. ABT. Reataue Oak Writing Desk. b Two side cupboards fitted with shelves, glass doors, lined with a -gold-figured silk, two small drawers on either side of a niche, 2 below which are extension writing shelf and one long drawer (: - underneath. as _ Height, 64 inches; width, 37 inches; depth, 25 inches : : | (with extension) 33 inches. Antique Oak Chairs, Suite of Five Pieces. _ One large arm, two smaller arms, and two side chairs of Antique Oak, carved backs, upholstered in ivory colored tapestry with monogram in appliqué. Twin Beds, Antique Oak Canopy Top. _Canopied with a valance of figured tapestry on three sides, extending to the headboard, carved posts. Mattress and springs. Pair Gold Satin Coverlets. With appliqué embroidery and monogram for the same. Pair Gold Satin Roll Pillows. For the same. Three Pairs of Tapestry Curtains. Of foliage pattern, lined, finished with fringe and loops. Three Pairs of Tapestry Portieres. To match the above. [ 221 | 1465. 1466. 1467. 1468. 1469. 1470. 1471. 1472. 1473. 1474. Tall Antique Oak Walnut Cabinet. With six large drawers, brass knobs, and cupboard top with three shelves and leaded bull’s-eye glass doors. Height, 98 1-2 inches; length, 50 inches; depth, 19 1-2 inches. — ie Louis XVth Boulle Cabinet. | Inlaid ebony, glass front, elaborate mountings of masques, flowers, and classic mouldings in finely chased gilt bronze. One shelf, black marble top. Height, 48 1-2 inches; width, 40 inches; depth, 17 inches. This and the following Boulle Cabinet are from the Charles F. Phillips collection. Louis XVth Boulle Cabinet. To match the above, but a little smaller. Two shelves. Height, 44 inches; length, 25 1-2 inches; width, 14 1-3 inches. Antique Oak Library Table. Elaborately carved, with drawer, solid ends, and one shelf. 34 x 54 inches. Ladies’ Dressing Table and Mirror. Draped with lace and net; colors, blue and white. (Blue faded, but lace in good condition.) : Patent Easy Rocker. 7 Upholstered in blue silk brocade with wash cover. Antique Four-post Bed of Tulip Wood. With mattress and springs; canopy top and hangings of blue silk brocade for the same. Blue Brocaded Satin Bed Spread. For the same. Antique Walnut Highboy. Resting on six carved legs, with three large and five small drawers, old brass pulls and mounts, open base, four front legs, two curved. back, plain straps. Walnut Dressing Table. Six legs, three small drawers. Made to match Highboy de- scribed. [ 222 | MARQUETRY FURNITURE 1475. 1476. 1477. 1478. 1479. 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. 1485. 1486. Suite of Dutch Marquetry Furniture Twin Beds. | High roll top and low footboard. With springs and mattresses. Yellow Silk and Lace Spreads. For the same. Pair of Lace-covered Yellow Silk Rolls. For the same. Lady’s Dutch Marquetry Dressing Table. With three drawers and oval mirror. Hinged Leaf Stand of Dutch Marquetry. One small drawer and two shelves and hinged leaves. Pair of Marquetry Side Chairs. Upholstered in cut velvet. Arm Chair of Dutch Marquetry. Upholstered in cut velvet. (Repaired.) Work Table of Dutch Marquetry. With two shelves. Highboy of Dutch Marquetry. With six long drawers. Old Fashioned Desk of Dutch Marquetry. 3 Flat top, curved front, one top drawer, four small drawers either , side. Small Marquetry Cabinet. One drawer and cupboard bottom. Small Marquetry Work Table. Two small drawers and one shelf. [ 224 ] anekiy Hall Clock. = uetry” decorated case. Brass aud silver dial with months and gays x lunar phases. Peter Klock, Amsterdam, Maker. oud g %, ; Dutch Marquetry Secretary. s an Swelled front, three large drawers, ornamented ormolu mounts, _ enclosing shelf and roll cover over nine small drawers, two secret | _ drawers and pigeon-holes. | Pea it From the Lord George Hamilton Collection. 0. Pair of Carved Gothic Hall Chairs of Antique Oak. Upholstered with green velvet, gold embroidery en appliqué. Venetian Carved Hall Chair. Knight’s coat- of-arms earved on the back, flanked by winged lions. H eight, 47 TLS: . Pair of Italian Palace Chairs. Rococo Period, upholstered in green brocade. | | Height back, 65 inches. High Back Venetian Hall Bench. Elaborately carved, box seat, back upholstered in green Vene- tian brocade, tufted seat cushion of the same. Height back, 64 inches ; length, 64 inches. peg: 1494, Italian Screen Three-fold Carved Gilt Wood. ie Three panels enclosing oil paintings on canvas, classical subjects. Bie The side panels have oval tops. Central panel (painting 56 x Sia , 47% inches); Frame 77 x 52 inches: Side Panels (Paintings . | 55 x 38 inches); Frames 77 x 38 x 7 inches. (Slight damage) [ 225 ] 1495. Antique Oak Prie-Dieu. 1496. Pair of Italian Twisted Carved Wood Columns. German Fifteenth Century with bronze Crucifix. Panel carved 5 a in relief with figure of St. Paul. Height, 5 feet 9 inches. . Overlaid with applied carving of grapes and leaves in gold and colors. Height, 75 inches. | 1497. Pair of Carved Antique Oak Side Tables. Each having one long drawer and plate rail. 39 x 18 inches. 1498. XVIth Century Venetian Ebony Table. Inlaid with ivory. Height, 33 inches; width, 32 inches; length, 51 inches. 1499. Louis XIVth Ebony Cabinet by Boulle. Relief medallion of Moliére framed in a laurel wreath of chiseled brass, ormolu chasings at each corner of medallions, scrolls and foliage, key plates.and borders of the same. Black marble top. Height, 47 inches; length, 60 inches; width, 17 inches. 1500. Ebony Enclosed Tea Table, Louis XVth Style. With folding movable top fitted with coffee and liqueur service: three cut glass bottles with stoppers, 3 liqueur glasses (3 missing), half a dozen coalport cups and saucers, gold-lined silver coffee pot and sugar bowl, tongs and half a dozen coffee spoons; the coffee service on a glass bottom tray with handles; the liqueur set in compartments; underneath are compartments for cigars. Height, 29 inches; top unfolds to 29 x 33 inches. Aeolian Orchestrelle. | Style “V,’’ Old English Oak, pipe front, with bench for the same. A very fine instrument, good workmanship, and made in the best manner of the Aeolian Company; the original price was $2,000. 1502. Aeolian Music. Fifty-seven rolls, including airs from the Operas and some of the best modern composers. [ 226 | 503. Weber Grand Piano. Case in Vernis-Martin decoration. In perfect condition. 1504. Revolving Piano Stool. Rie Shell seat, Vernis-Martin decoration. Le <3. e 1504a. Silk Cushion Panels. eee te Four pairs changeable tan rep silk cushion panels with silk and . velvet shield in appliqué and raised monogram on four pieces (four pieces, plain). 21 x 9 inches. 1504b. Silk Cushion Panels. Three similar pairs (three pieces, plain). 21 x 9 inches. 1504c. Silk Cushion Panels. Five changeable silk tan rep silk cushion panels with silk and velvet shield in appliqué and raised monogram on four pieces, 21 x 9 inches, and 6 pieces of plain silk, 26 x 27 inches. (11 pieces.) * 1504d. Silk Cushion Panels. Two larger panels with shield and monogram as above, 25 x 12 inches, and five plain pieces, 30 x 33 inches. (7 pieces.) [ 227 | Mural Paintings by Albert Herter Six STE paintings: five wall panels and a ceiling decoration; represent- es ing the Niebelungen Legends, painted on canvas in oil colors. 1505. 1506. 1507. 1508. 1509. 1510. Siegfried and the Rhine Maidens. cc: Height, 80 inches; width, 42 inches. . The Valkyrie. Height, 80 inches; width, 53 inches. The Three Fates Weaving the Thread of Life. Height, 80 inches; width, 46 inches. Siegmund in Flight. Height, 80 inches; width, 42 inches. Siegfried Seabee Brunhilde. Height, 80 inches; width, 60 inches. The Gods Retreating into Valhalla. This ceiling shows the Rhine Maidens guarding the ring in the depths of the sea; on earth rises the Tree of Yggdrasyl— the Tree of the Universe, with Freya’s apples from which the ravens of Siegfried are flying towards the Gods in Valhalla, thus connecting the forces of the waters, earth and heavens. Length, 25 feet; width, 15 feet. These paintings (lots 1505 to 1510) can be seen at the residence of Miss Grigsby, No. 660 Park Avenue, and will be sold as they are, to be removed by the purchaser. They will be first offered as one lot, and if not so disposed of, will be sold separately. [ 228 ] NOTE : Wels Miss Grigsby’s interesting and valuable ; 5 j : nee Collection of Books and Carbon Prints will be sold on Monday afternoon and on ene the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday and a : Wednesday, January 29, 30, and 31. See a i) Part II of the Catalogue. The handsome city residence of Miss Grigsby at 660 Park Avenue is also offered for sale or rent. For particulars apply at the office of this Company. e Ue ‘ ba = oe r= 2 a h Le on Ne tts v eee pocierees ES pice at atrarares ces Saye pes renee ouins te penne Pek ars pe rey eee 3 E Kote So aya Tipttibeetaeees a a ep aye he Sas Sage peaches ition Germaneoees