y ares Jar a oy + ne ‘ . a sanety kay pigs meet i da Reg trae shyy OLE, i Keweeese ei ea oer y i Serna t ‘ ber erer ‘ 4 qe vid / i ait Ae i i, yoy ‘ tov re Vee wir Peo ROR PEE NI oy FF +. 2 Se ae wae a Pa Ve. Gee ee , AN Take & } Lee SAG adh Race Uy /, aM aie Stra be eg A a RNY t © bei; ie 4 & ee Sey errs 7 i } | | “he, aoe 196s, re _snunting L Dogs” (1 iS (18x 15), G. La Branche ak AMD AY Ee ” iy Sarr tr ae ‘Hassam, veers “New York in Autumn” ae Ne | some i 29 (73%4x | Boudin, a L ee pee aa eek j 525 | 51 Boudin, E. L., ‘‘Porte 3 ommerce, Le = a ee Gox1474), Havre” (1634x1234), C W. Kraushaar 725! and-Ruel + ok ae a Casi T. aC, » Landseape”” (sunset) (164 — eA) WAS Clarigns ..giae~s dimemws 5 « 3,500 © : A 2G see Ziem, “Venice, Effet du Soir” (14 eb | , “Landscape” | Zt), as Powlestues » ost Die 1,550 | is oe ere oudin, ‘‘La Meuse a Dordrecht’? (15 <4 “The Little Housewife (1434 2134), Durand-Rue Dorareche” (1594 $00 | oi .°: N. oo : G . 1) Maris, om, ws Bride? (25919), R. i “ er’ (pane Bch, ioe’ Cpa — ns ee eeigiwand Jongkind, 42° Be “Fecamp” 17x23 Fi 26. “Mat in the Woods” - | T. Prendergast ei aes rast 4 (i3sfxtl), Tohu SLery vcs saas creme 3,050.1 39. Pieters, ere, “Infant Ii dustry” "( 244% | _ Neuhuys, did Mere ae (14x11), John x20), H. Schultheis as a pe 475 | Pee Ce ee ak ee ee 750 | 40. Maufra, M., “Le Matin, Beg-Meil” : (21x26), Durand- g RECS Bs yt ny 300 | PTL eee CE ee 1,000 |. 41. e “Hoog, B. “The Mother” (20x16), . ee a ockey ee cs B.S 575 | 200 }42.. Hassam, Childe, “Fifth Avenue” (25x21) i Pe pia Lieder vin tetne Be 2,150 | ' se SEE op oot te * Bunce, W. G., “On the terion: Venice” ae (panel), 1454x2514), A, Ae Heéaly...... 925 A Clays, P. J., erring Fleet” (24 ne wie 4 AND og ae SALES i” ohn), Seaman, Aone we see ae 1,900 sie 445. Red&eld, E. W., ‘‘Forest of Fontainbieau”’ aa d Lincolr Heit Picture Sale i aeons be LS apres caw oss 375 46. acomber, . L., “Déath and the -C ae ee sale of 15 watercolors and pastels and |” tive? (23x28), A, Heme ee 2 ==) *208 57 ‘oils, owned by Mrs. Roland C. Lin-| 47. ferme “Cas. i ae ae on E - canvas x37), owar oung. 1,550 4 _coln of Jamaica Plain, Mass., ten oilsi,. pp Mow. Wenctisn Catal’ Stene® 425 3,< from the estate of Pek Nathan [sees koa: ae Howard NOUN Gil. sek aes 1,600 of Bridgeport, Conn., with six additional; 49. Thaulow, “Bend in the River” (24x29), “ole from rivate owners, held under the O. Belsheim = es ROS Re ae 1,500 p | 50, Thaulow, ‘“‘Les ‘Vignes VES (25% auspices of the American Art Association | ey olmelievyi. id. sits (beeen. 2,000 in the Plaza Ballroom, evening of Jan. 5 51. sister on jMlegheny: River” ‘ ¥2x32%), Howar OPN SR0 eres ose 5 1,950 = 22 last, with Mr. Thomas E. Kirby aS | 52: Thaulow, ‘‘Winter Landscape” (29x37), auctioneer, resulted in a total of $106,085.,~~ Howard ¥oung .......sseseeeeseeess, 3,050 Two pictures © from private Owners, a:53. Thaulow, “The ARTs Evening” (26x32), Tocqué, a presumed portrait of Catherine | “Sree fits eee A eee ee of Russia, and the well-known large figure °* "'39)°G, Belsticim .tr-csscseveveseeee 1,800 on. eee ott, Eas Pages,” form- | i 55. ae ai “Venice”’ (26x5274), H. Schult- ie erly in t e erkes co lection and later in EIS wee cevcecee BS OES a Sake sige ea My Ie 0 the T. J. Blakeslee Gallery, entered from °° vse ; E Mere heveningen™ (27 idx 775 private owners at “upset” prices of $2, 000 | 57. LaFarge, J., “Dawn on Edge of Night” _ and $4000 respectively, did not obtain bids! ae (314x33), ree, pene oe peers 950 > Bunce, alas an Giorgio Maggiore, at these figures and were not sold. _-- Venice”? (23¥4x37), Dr. John B. Griggs £25 The ballroom was well filled with a 59. Kendall, ue “Through a Doorway” good audience, but, although as Mr. Kirby. = (49x27), R. C.-& N. M, Vose......... 675 well said, “the pictures owned by Mrs. 60. Pieters, me “he ieee freer 1 5ex375). 1.150 Lincoln were assembled by a connoisseur,” | 61, Hecee W.. “Wild Geese in Flight’ Gax the bidding was weak, save for the) : eae Macbeth Galleries eee S 28,000 i Wi ; ; || 62, acomber, : -. “The Nightingale” Winslow Homer “Wild Geese in Flight.” (444324), Boe ENOM. Viecl "1,500 This brought the record auction price «“ 63. Santorno, R., “Venice? (944x144), N. J. for a Homer (The Macbeth Galleries sold Ritoleer se .. « Mee aaa shards aioe on f+ 375 the artist’s “Maine Coast in Winter” to eee se “aes Sunshine” (21x 700 ; TT pce ww ce tee cee ete a private customer for $35,000 recently) “A. 65. eee J. €, “The Sunlit Hill” (30x ‘$28,000 aie the Macbeth Galleries. ‘This| fe Paul Se 2 eee 650 was also the top price of the sale. || 66. Corot ile. D’Avray” (1872x21%4), No. Artist Title Size Buy er Price} HH, Goldbiatt 25> eee rmeeence - coe eee essere 3,700 1.. Bosboom, J., “Nieuwe oot a, “1x | 67. Daubigny, C. F., “Landscape” (22x3974), 8) (watercolor), M. J. Levy.......... $3204 O. Belsheim | is, ofthe ie oeklals Ge ea aTe eating 3,000 2. Stortenbeker, “Cows” Rapid pap (11y% | 68. Troyon, C., “Going to the Fair” (25x x9), R. Thompson. ge ae 80); SO aU le GLENS) Voee x es 6 2 8 es 1,100. 3. Wan Essen, “Lion Cub” (watercolor) fi 69. Same ae ie “In Danger” (35x46), Hol- nee (14x11), John A. Penton.... seve. 80°) an alleries FON a Ash ecg ee ie i 3 4. Bosboom, “Cathedral Interior” (water- 70. Van Marcke, E., “The Ox Train” (40%4x 25 color) (10x7 34), Scott & Fowles...... 475, 59), Paul Watkins ea AAC ar mee an 58 5. Neuhuys, - “Industry” (watercolor) . ZA. Troyon, C., “Le Mare dans la Clairiere”’ (11%4x9%), John Lewes. 425) (44x55), R. COP RCeN boi pe eink hase sce" 1,600 rs e Bock, “Around Haarlem” (water- iz: Boge errats The White Rose” (62%x color), (84x12%), Scott & Fowles. 225! 36%), Holland Galleries paver cesses 1,950 di auve, ‘‘Girl Nee Cow” (watercolor) 1173. Roybet, F. V., “Seated Cavalier” (panel) (10%x14%4), i‘. -Heatey. ion x. & 1,000 (395232), A. Harlowiepee «sash. 500 8. Mesdag, H We “Pulling ihe Anchor?” | 74. Tournieres, R. L., “‘Comtesse D’Origny” (watercolor) (1814x111), Scott & Fowles 375) (51x37%4) (withdrawn). : 9. Shinn, Everett, “Bridge Near La Villette’ 75. Veronese, P., “Portrait of Venetian (pastel) (191%4x24%4), T. Prendergast.. 150)! Lady” (45x34%), A. Harlow........ 200 10. Millet, ore “Bergere” (pastel) (13x10), 76. French School, ‘‘Portrait of Lady of the - . 7 me Le SEY gen nae yee 1,900/| cart” (45x54), Pa eee ae 525 b euhuys, ep eRe ewing esson”’ i renc chool, “Portrait o ady as (watercolor) (2414x18), John Levy.. 650 | Diana” (524x424) (withdrawn). 12. Mauve, pees Pe Pe (waterclor) | 78. Nee & ae oak of Lady” (67x We (134x203 noedler & Co......4... 1,650 47), Clapp TahaM......+++0-- sees 17. “Millet, J. ; , “Le Bouleau Mort” (pastel) | 79. Pourbus, F. (the younger), “Portrait of | TRS Scott & Fowles.........:.. +1,350) Margherita Di Mantua” (56%x40%), "edder, E., “Diana” (pastel) (23%x LILY Fert gf LER g obi oko Se Se eee 475 ‘ 3314), T. Prendergast... ..0-.-+0s+s0- 175 80. Tocque, “Marie Therese, Empress of Aus- eS” Vedder,” F., “The Soul im Bondage” tria” (58x46) (withdrawn). (crayon) (3534x2434), T. Prendergast. 125) 81. Tocque (attributed to), “Portrait Cath- 17. Dupre, Jules, “Paysage” (oils) (634x834), erine of Russia” (78x56) (withdrawn). ee mee a tp Ser Sa er a aaa 625 | 82. Charlemont, E., ““The Pages” (7734x109), 18. Van Maveker “A Goat”? (oils) (10x13), upset price, $3, 000 (withdrawn). E. i) Henort....... ereest e@sere eevee e008 400. : Total eeeereereerereereeoeree ee eee eee eeeseveee $106,085 a ee Mone, put as a whole, bs toned. picture, Ly brown and “by 5014. | acted in the éve-, ivate collectors trom estates, and. L/ Etang et la . from. the a. Hert of {0 iSpleate. A “the neoln pictures, , AN werit to a -Sen- | OS ‘Clark ‘for $3,500. A he al Work in a j Vv mg { ‘ vir eu 0, . 4 4 Wrest by - the . George de iforest ? is eg ee never | Knoedler the Pictures and: Hrlcem | are the pictures bringing : over with the prices: +2) Werk, [Eee onesines Bos- ay ee $520 | a) ral paiatinejonannes Bos- bs boo! Scott & Fowles.......-++- se: (5.1 : An¢ ndustry—Albert Neuhuys; John : 425] iid ““Waerlem—theophite de) 8s "Bn, Bee cot & Bae a. Niger ss 225 | ay n POS the 4 pends ® yHeale SON ha hy RRR Re 2 43000 | ct dey the Anohot-—Henarick LV tae) ePaling, 2 - Seott & Fowlea..o..... 5 375) | Rint A! 5 sb sin tn dopa? and Bue ' ry aigoree De’ Fores Brush; gel ones ( Mibee i oan es oan » 2,350 | 2i_Landseape-Lion Richer; "Bernet, bike DIONE L OE ie 6 ain ce 350 tthe | “Little Houaowiteeceert Pie- | ters; R. C. & N. M, Voss of Boston.. 825. 31—Huntine. Dogs—Charles . Olivier: de sane. We As Miles p34 2. ie a) 83--Porte de Commerce, avre— euaene Louis Boudin ; A ew. Krau- | be o _Shelitisher-—bvert Pieters; -W. i Hi Bae Td ered eats 225 ee wihter Work ‘in the. “Woods—Anton ; MEAONE ‘sic LOM LCV Yo yop ee cre ey eed 050. 27-Courtship—Albert Neultuy Si Poon 084 PR Val lain A Ciba See Og ute ee pe eo aT 7: 150% ; 28 Maternity Ai bert © Neuhuy: iB: ; | John 28-Stady’ ‘ae ‘White’ “GaisHendielia Paead | Ronners Jonni lievye cee Ae ales 200 | } Uy] ~ Penne; 'G.; a Branches. iis. segues BO | 82—New LiL A in Acwtumins-Cide, Has-' BHT. i Glas sa Ca aias Foch ae Re eA TRS, | 84— fabcage Sanset—Jean Charles Pirie. ACY OIBEK UY iW iscicknts horas 3,500 | 85-—Venice:_ Effet due SoirPelix & _. Ziem; Scott & Fowles.. et pene 1,550 36—La Meuse a Dordrecht —Hugene Louts. Boudin; Durand» Ruel........+. 8i—The Bride (Wife of tue Artist )— Simon. Maris; R. C. &.N.°M. Vose, BBOMNON Hee. hs ce eas Mg TEN Ema a 250) 38—i'camy+—Johann Barthold Tone. : jekinde)T, Prendergart 5 se ysecs pew - (25: ) 39—infant Industry—Evert ‘Pieters; > | Henry Schultiees. rove kia ers 475 40—Le Matin, ie rhage ipa 1h Mau- = fre; Durand Ru ed OMe thy eae eh Cb 300° 41—The Mother—. Soyhed ‘de Hoog; G. ; PRE B OIC Y 25. on Sak wie obaaae! deb mcd ogi be DTD | | 42—Fifth SO Tae Hasgam ; bes renee Pe Mi MQOO OF, 6 55 0b Wh Se few 'n oi, OM bas w 9p 21604 43—On the Lagoon, “Venice — William | Gedney Bunce; A. Augustus-Healey.. 925 | 44—Herring Fleet — Paul Jean Clays: epee | Séarnan, Beet wile Sees eh ae aye, ; 45—Road in Winter: Forest of. Mon- ali aaiee usta Sy Willis Redfield; Aa GAS lows es 46—Death and ‘the - Captive: Mary L, Macomber; A.’ Halow..... 00... OREN a The following remarkable group of the works of the late Frits Thaulow were selected by the owner, Mrs. Roland C. | Lincoln, as representing the best periods of the deceased master: | 47—Riviere sous LL gine ee Thaulow; — Howard Young .s-..... Cg Pb ele ea OaO | 48—Venetian Canal cwenecm rits. Thau- low; Howard Young ..sicreneeeee 1,600 49—Bend in the River--Frits Thaulow "y O.. Belshelpy 25sec ce ele sels el oe 1,500 | 50—Les Vignes Vierges-—Frits’ Thaulow ; POET AGOVS: - oa Waste theta dela a @ smiate pedogiamate 2,000 | $1—View on the Allegheny Rive Frits | ‘Thaulow; Howard Young....... 1,950 | §2—Winter Lendscape—Frits’ Thaulow ; | Pe TOME Gi. NOUN EY eos an atte areas ie ele Mata teuk lie 3,050 | | 58—The Halt, Evening: Moonlight—Frits | | Thaulow; ©. Belsheim ....--.-...... 2,050 | §4—La Seine en Decembre—Frits Thau- LOW fk hire BOPIBONIAE (iso: Holityos eas Sines + 2,050 65—Venice — Frits .Thaulow; Henry | BCHUITHOTEE Cheers aaa Apewinge a 0 Teoieat a in 1,500 56—-Scheveningen—Hendrik Willem Mes- PEW BLO CLO MINTS isle 80s distal pees 775 57—Dawn Comes on the Edge of Night —John Lafarge; Scott & Fowles. 950 | 68—San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice—Will- . | fam. Gedney Bunce; John B. Griggs $25 69—Through a Doorway—Wiliam Sar geant Kendall; R. C. & N. M. Vose.. 700 | 60—The nade Door—Evert Pieters; Jobn | Ww epee EN yee Dey, 4,150 | 61 ild “Ge ése. “tn Wightwitislow | mer: Macbeth Galleries ..........28,000 | 62The EN EME Mare L. Macom- bers. .R Ms VOEE Ree bes tay 22000. | Bing? 5 iam EN A Santoro; *N, i 1 BOOKED | BA Vicakainte 84 ska oe S eeitee eee at aueuy 375 | | 64—Golden ‘Sunshine: Sunny Laudscape / —tenrl Harpignes; O. Belsheim..... 700 | 65—The Sunlit Hill—John Carleton Wis- gins; Paul. .Watkins.........6s2.es > 650 at im oe —— Tee NTR -¥998,000 PAID FOR ~AWINSOW HOMER ST MA SRERTGB | Belsne SPR le te ee gir’e a i | ee 8 ‘Vieng Vierges""" Felts ‘haulers wil Geese in Flight Fetches tie ae nau a pith a ; Pri at 106, (085 eT it.) pits aes 6 diisietea! E: 44 _ Top ‘ oF | | fie aie bs fia iid His Ae peaieye, ud “Venice, : ie inulos “Heury Senile bee th ee CO OE RS Oy he i ii aes ner rin ee i | | Ngheveninged "2 WW, Meats Sis, A COROT BRINGS $3,700, | *tawn. deg do i" Ya ee | “Gen Glorae ve miata Pe Ge ier - ah : “wh ngh-a Doorway," W,. ‘8! Kenda ee eons Pictures from Mrs. Roland C. Lin- : a Leas" ieee ieee ge gs pet: " if e £46% one + iss coln’s Collection and Other Wild Geren ja Fiteat” Winslow °F 96.000 bs ne Sold : aay “thie Nigutingale, pe oe nv te 1 00 Esta es 0! e | vel gots Age “A aa * ignies; 'O. we co ‘Sunlit Hill,’ Jobo 6; wieglsgs Hual Wa — 4 te : oe | nae Ash tote ttt 850 Pastels, water colors and paintings from ye a Avray,'4 7 BI @. doret; Hf ne the collection of Mrs. Roland C, Lincoln OBA rt a ‘P.' Daahien sang: O. ‘Bele B na of Forest See hen eae on ining eh ae e. Aiea Hast Wate i ti on ct cy UO aaa atone “tn Danger, i Adolf Sehreyer; Holland Gale were’ sold in. the hallroom of the Plazé lerie ere lene pee Coe 2,850 es . ea RYO RSie| ‘Phe. Ok ‘Prain,’ Emile Van Mare eke! Paul. Hote] last night by Thomas E. Kirby, © Watkins, .... iy tat nesters 1625 the American Art Association. Mrs "Te. Hale bam La Giairiere,’* 0,. Troyer) “1,600. ‘Lincoln ‘has long Jbeen acknowledged ¢ ve Woe tae" OW, AS Bonstieteait; Pr | “connoisseur in all three forms of art b} “Lady of cae Court, si ‘French school; Paul ere 4 American and foreign artists. For thi WAtRIDS ire eieere eters reser ster enee renee toes reason there was a good.demand for he pictures and the prices realized were con sideréd excellent. The sale totalle $106,085." \ | The top price of $28,000 was paid by th Macbeth Galleries for Winslow Homer’ Wild Geese in Flight.’ The secend pent price. of $3, 700, was given by M.., H, Gold) dlatt, .for Corot’s ‘‘Ville a’ Avray, if and the third high price of $3,500, was bid by former Setiator William A. Clark, for ‘Landscape,” by Jean C. Cazin, Twenty- six other pietures brought prices in eFeesh of $1,000 each. The: paintings, the artists, the buyers and: the prices. over $00 paid in ee order were:— | “Girl and Cow,!’ Anton Mauve; A, VHOOTOY ony acs. s 3 - W erace! ‘Bergere”’ Jean . Millet; John Levy... 1,900 Rewins Lesson, ? Albert Neubuyay “ou VY ewan see aces sees cane G50 er: Ree EMRE ae Nel he Va asin yy Cl tay Urigeres Genie . 1,650 bbe Pouleau Nir ue Jean ¥, Maier” Seott yy & POW ES. nee e nse reese vege e triers pe ‘Paysage,’ 8 Dupre; ‘Otto Bernet. ¢ 4 “Still Life, a Fades Volien: A, L j ie. (PET ASS Lh SRR RE CIR IR BDA ‘Canal at Caen,’" ae pine; Durand "Ruel §Td “Mary,” George . De eae Brush; . M. Kno ler SESS PSUS SR aan ie AC Se ned 2,350 “Winter Work in the Woods,” A. Mane; John BONY: og bore sata Nigts AP aeiN Woetptoigt® Di glicee teins By “Courtship, “Alpert Newhirs: FSi Lery eueneney (100) bert Newhuys:. John Levy, » 1,000 mew York In: Autumn,” Ghilde Hagsam;:.” - e ® Nt eh.s a. aT, 3 A625 ts ieee de Commerce, '* b. L. Boudin: € WW ‘ FR PAURD ARR re is gece sy hipaa’ ha’ g be aoe wf T25 “Landecapo,'f: dean ame Cavin: within A. 7 LAPUA Vind Ze ee ah od aed Acta mean eegeens cde 3,509 aVenlen. 0 helix x giem: ‘Scott & Fowles. i... 4,85 | ‘Le Meuse, "1. Boudin: ured Rue}... 7 $60 “The Mother,” Bernard de Hoog Gy cB, Schley: 575 Ith” Avenue,’ iv "Childe ‘Hassain: “E. aie TAIBRON Poke Ua eitve die ko Meee g GS celalihig an aa g's Rares + 2,150 {On “the: Lagoon,” William G, " Puince; A | A. Heatey . Pes PA Pee ibe tate nee oP OBR ‘Fferring’ Mleet,’? Paul J, Olays! Wi! W: a Lie MIRROR, cura s Sanaiaes op) bs Leb bee OOO) ) *Risdere Saus Bois,’ Vrits Thaulow; How-° = >. BOSE MBND TI Ee oo ad hp is eel MIN ein leva ghh steele 1,550) ‘Venetian Canal ‘Seene,” Frits Thaylew; Howard Younes... reves cene ee dee es sek | 37800) ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 1[7th, 1920 FROM 9 A M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE A NOTABLE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS PASTELS AND WATER COLORS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET ON THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22nd | BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK cenit Ions aa i u 2aTATeS CVA 290T OD a > 7 40 MOORLIA 's 8 QUAY ea a 2 a Wel / ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Ole: NOTABLE OIL PAINTINGS PASTELS AND WATER COLORS FORMING THE COLLECTION OF THE CONNOISSEUR MRS. ROLAND C. LINCOLN FOREST HILLS, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. WITH A FEW ADDITIONS FROM OTHER PRIVATE COLLECTORS AND ESTATES ae Win %. 7oett. (bickg cfr TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNERS ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL } tA ¥ po! pry / ] ede dp ; ine THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 1920 PO ee fo eee ® oS © ee ~ , BY) ceete TPs - Si et tg ee ae . x ' 4 DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS oe ALL DETAILS OF ILLUST RAiiIOnN co eae TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY eas e. eat JOHANNES BOSBOOM | Durcu: 1817—1892 | 7. I—NIEUWE KERK, DELFT : Water Color PhO + \ Bh. Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches IntTerior view of the church where William the Silent and the other princes of Orange are buried. At right two of the chapels with brown woodwork screens set between the great columns supporting the high arched ceiling, and in front of them, in the nave, three figures—a man in brilliant sunlight, and a man and woman back in the shadows. Signed at the lower right, J. Bospoom. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco. ; i PIETER STORTENBEKER | Dutcu: 1829— 2—COWS | (Water Color) ( ~~ O 7 Height, 111% inches; width, 9 inches : Meanpows of soft green skirting a gray bay, or a broad river, are seen on a bright day under a blue and white sky. In the foreground a red and white cow is standing looking toward the water, and two black and white cows are lying down near by. Signed at the lower left, P. SroRTENBEKER. From the Boussod, Valadon & Co. sale, 1902. -# ]- BXlo~ ht. Kinedle Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco.xy. JAN VAN ESSEN Dutcu: 1857— 3—LION CUB (Water Color) S01 Height, 1434 inches; width, 11 inches fe he. linen A WELL-cGRowN lion cub squatting on its haunches faces the spectator, massive head supported on firmly planted forepaws and tail curling away toward the right in the background. In proportions he looks formidable, but the gaze of his eyes is bland. Signed at the lower right, Jan van Essen. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincouy. K\ S JOHANNES BOSBOOM Dutcu: 1817—1892 4—CATHEDRAL INTERIOR ME (Water Color) helt a9 z Height, 10 inches; width, 734 inches In the foreground in a strong light a man and a small girl are seen, standing, and in the seats beyond them other worshippers may be detected, in the darkening spaces of the distance. A chandelier depends from a beam spanning the high arched ceiling. Signed at the lower left, J. Bospoom. Purchased from C. A. Walker of Boston, 1905. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoy. ay ‘< i NEUHUYS f “al urcoH: 1844—1914 5—INDUSTRY (Water Color) | ee ies NAS Height, 111% inches; width, 9 inches ‘ TureeE figures appear, before a window in the corner of a cottage room—the walls of the room gray and its flooring of dull red tile—a mother seated at her sewing, and two small children who must also keep busy. One, a girl, is seated at some work, and the other, a plump youngster, sets about to stir something in a bucket. Signed at the lower left, ALB. NEUHUYs, F. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, London. Property of Mrs. Roxtanp C. Lincoun. eda YA & y he THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutrcn: 1850—1904 6—AROUND HAARLEM ee (Water Color) sol jeuteo Height, 81% inches; length, 1214 iches AcricutturaL fields are bordered in the distance by scattered red- roofed farm buildings, and on the left nearer the foreground by other cottages on some rising land. Here, too, are a few leafless trees, and in the foreground in the field some figures are indicated. Signed at the lower left, TH. pE Bock. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., 1904. Property of Mrs. Roranp C. Lincoun. a W. 0.397 4 Baveghn Baila) » Kareem Aurlidae, Otkifigor 2 ASX» Sd Nb. tanec, Mir 1904+ PASK— | \\ ) ANTON MAUVE \\ en- Durcu: 1838—1888 \0 : 7—GIRL AND COW (Water Color) ors Height, 1034 inches; length, 1484 inches 4.ta.% y S000 + Z Unver a gray-white sky a gray-green field of coarse grass, with here and there a wild flower. The land rises gently from the foreground to a low, broad, rounded crest forming a level skyline, with a few gray bushes which retain scarcely a handful of brown leaves rising above it before the sky. In the foreground a girl leading a black and white cow toward the right and away from the spectator. Signed at the lower right, A. Mauve. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoun. Ol Sol Diy ae . 0, Veblen Speneh 1901- Jonis pose W.0./3S - tbaughh pom 1 duller so 1901+ BUAX 4 Sota . cnc BY 1902 » PAESK 7 Dutrcu: 1831—1915 . BS HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG 8 “PULLING THE ANCHOR” BIE (Water Color) Jett Jhuleo Height, 1814 inches; width, 11 inches MEw aboard a heavy, working sailing vessel, which is bow-on to the spectator and to the shore, and is under way, are hauling on an anchor line which leads shoreward. In the foreground a man sits upon a horse that stands ankle-deep in the shallows of the beach. In the far distance are various other sail. Signed at the lower right, H. W. Mespac. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoxy. sS O : EVERETT SHINN / AMERICAN: 1873— V Height, 191% inches; length, 241% inches 9—BRIDGE NEAR LA VILLETTE (Pastel) /S0 7 Crosstne the foreground is a rapidly moving river, its surface gray and red and black as it mirrors the French houses on its farther shore, a huge red bridge of numerous arches which crosses it at the right, and the shadows under the bridge’s deep arches. On the farther bank, in a road running before the houses, a white horse is tugging a laden cart whose driver walks ahead. Signed at the bottom, at right of centre, EK. Suinn, 1908. Property of Mrs. Se ake C. Lincon. Sold a Mussch 21)0903. SOKK Frencu: 1814—1875 \A& (Y JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET , Vy 1 AGM +e 10—BERGERE (Pastel ) b, A | /4OO7 Height, 13 mches; width, 10 inches " In the foreground a young shepherdess is standing, facing the spectator, her head bowed over her knitting which she holds before her breast. The hour is close to noonday, and her shadow is small at her feet. Behind her come her large flock of sheep, moving slowly and grazing. The girl wears a blue skirt and gray cape, and her head is bound in a kerchief of purplish-rose. The grass of the meadow is a yellowish- green. Signed at the lower right, J. F. M. Procured from a cousin of the artist. Purchased from Goupil & Cie., Paris, 1877. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Liycoun. Vor \ a ps" ALBERT NEUHUYS Dutcu: 1844—1914 11I—THE SEWING LESSON Lb (Water Color) fr oO-~ ap 7 Height, 24% inches; width, 18 inches A YOUNG-MATURE woman of the peasantry sits beside a window in a corner of a grayish cottage room, ane the spectator and sewing. The colors of her cap and dress are “gray”, in the sense of being sober, and-she is working on white material. In front of her a fair-haired child in blue, seated in a rush-bottomed chair, “‘helps her” at her task, and takes a lesson in the useful domestic art. Signed at the lower right, ALB. Nevuvys. Purchased from the sale of the Joseph Jefferson Collection, New York, 1906. Mut an fue Arte ates | Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco.xn. ANTON MAUVE | \ Dutcu: 1838—1888 12—NOVEMBER DAY: CHANGING PASTURES Séé0 (Water Color) I. ly, 1 a f Height, 1384 inches; length, 201% wches Unper a grayish sky banked with white at the horizon, low-lying and rolling pastures extend across the picture, with a transverse fence indi- cated in the middle distance; near the fence and’ in the foreground are groups of trees, their green leafage turning yellowish and toning in with the waning hues of the grass. Beside the nearer group of trees - there are coming forward a flock of gray-white sheep, who are followed by a stout shepherd wrapped in dark brown. Signed at the lower right, A. Mauve. From the sale of the collection of the late Joseph Jefferson, 1906. wt an Ue Laker. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincouy. et A T7e lrdront fect Ipalles » Sp uly 1596» \ ALBERT NEUHUYS | 2 Doren: 1844—1914 | 27—COURTSHIP | 750 +4 Height, 14 inches: witty Tien SEATED at the open garden door of a cottage is a young peasant woman, contentedly sewing. She faces the spectator with her back against the rough wooden door, a cat squatting on the red tile floor at her feet. Standing in the doorway and seen against the sunlight and greenery of the garden is a young peasant in sabots, paying his court with a pleased smile, in which she joins without looking up at him. Signed at the lower left, ALB. NEUHUYs, F. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, London. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco.un. | A x ALBERT NEUHUYS Dutcu: 1844—1914 283—_MATERNITY / 000 + Height, 1234 inches; length, 1914 inches In a cottage interior where the sunshine streams broadly in, a young peasant mother is observed with her two children. An infant with reddish-golden hair sits on her knee, and she is fastening up its rose and golden-yellow clothes, and at a table in front of her an older child in an olive frock is standing, amusing itself. The mother is seen in profile, wearing a brown waist and dark blue skirt. Signed at the lower left, Aus. Nruuvys, ¥. Procured direct from the artist. Property of Mrs. Rouanp C. Lixcoiy. ae () es h HENRIETTA RONNER | VS | Durcw: 1821—1909 V/ 299—_STUDY OF WHITE CATS 5 (Panel) 400 ac Height, 101% inches; length, 1414 inches J 7 Two of the long-haired white Angora or Persian cats lie sleeping, on soft creamy cushions, in a strong light and more or less curled up to- gether. One lies with head to the right and facing the spectator, the other with head to left and resting on the first one’s back. Signed at the upper left, HENr1ETTA Ronner, 1893. Purchased from the artist, i Brussels, 1896. Siac Doe So Sar cong Property of Mrs. Rouanp C. Lincoun. : 7 WY CARL J. NORDELL : Mao 4 Pon DanlIsH: CoNTEMPORARY x 30—IN GRANDMOTHER’S SHAWL ; De 01 Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches re L SEATED figure, observed nearly at full-length, of a dark-haired young woman of rosy complexion, who is facing the left and seen in profile. She is in a white indoor or summer frock, with short sleeves, and a black lace shawl is draped over the chair-back and drawn forward across her lap. Strong light; light grayish neutral background. Signed at right, below centre, NorDELL. Purchased from the artist. Property of Mrs. Rouanp C. Linco. CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE Frencu: 1831—1897 31—HUNTING DOGS 4004 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches 4 ki fooanthe Turee hounds in leash are grouped in the foreground, two standing and one seated on the snow covered ground at the edge of a wood on the left. The wood continues in and across the background, and before it, on the right, a party of hunters are seen standing around a glowing fire, toward which the dogs are looking. Signed at the lower right, OL. pz PENNE. roperty o Saat Roxranp C. Lincoun. a CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. ¢ AMERICAN: 1859— 32 NEW YORK IN AUTUMN SCS Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches Ll. YuleL, a On the right in the foreground a green bank of Central Park above its gray stone wall; above the bank of yellow and red of autumn shrubbery, and at the foot of the wall small wind-blown heaps of autumn leaves. Straight before the eye the broad walk of the avenue, between its lines of leafless trees, and women and children in brilliant colors walking there. In the roadway horses and carriages. Signed at the lower left, CuitpE Hassam. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoun. EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN Frencu: 1824—1898 33—PORTE DE COMMERCE, LE HAVRE , Upauch ann Vise Height, 1614 inches; width, 1234 inches 6.4. Unper a sky of light turquoise note, veiled by vaporous clouds of pale mauve and by billows of white, a section of the port of Havre is depicted, the water glistening with light reflections of the sky and with darker tones from ships and buildings. The latter appear both in sunshine and shadow. The ships are for the most part the tall-masted square-riggers which are so rapidly disappearing from the seas. ; Signed at the lower right, EK. Bounin, 794; Lz Havre. Property of Mrs. Rouanp C. Lincoxy. » ate Glen: JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Frencu: 1841—1901 34—_ LANDSCAPE: SUNSET LI00-7 Height, 1614 inches; width, 13 inches hel blirf Britziant early evening over a French countryside, with the full golden moon emerging from a ‘cloud-bank in a sky of many clouds and of varied curious colors. Alow, a hillside, with the red tile roof of a cottage rising above its edge in the distance, and nearer at hand a haystack beside a rail and stone fence. In front of the fence, field flowers blossom in the foreground. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazin. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincouy. i i ce FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 3835—VENICE: EFFET DU SOIR E50 4 Height, 1444 inches; length, 2144 twches dtl dorles A composition on the Lagoon, with a building-mass dominated by a campanile and domed church—San Giorgio Maggiore—looming in the middle distance, on the right, before a sky of the sunset hour, red and gray and golden. Further to right the tall red and yellow sails of two vessels tower above the building roofs; at left the water reaches to the horizon, and in the foreground a large gondola is crossing with many passengers. * ) Signed at the lower right, ZIEM. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Property of Mrs. Roxtanp C. Livcoiy. g5" 36—LA MEUSE A DORDRECHT Wor Height, 15°4 inches; length, 2134, inches bras ll Ow the left in the middle distance low buildings of the town, creamy- gray, with yellow-red roofs in a horizontal skyline, and back in the © central distance an indefinite mass of shipping in the river. In the | foreground a number of heavy working boats are lying at anchor in the stream, some with sails up. The air is but lightly stirring. The cloud-whitened water about the vessels is darkened a reflections of 3 their canvas and hulls. | EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN Frencu: 1824—1898 Signed at the lower right, EK. Boupry, DorpRrecut, 83. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lrnxcoun. yr fe ; i SIMON MARIS 0 (Son of the late Willem Maris) DutcH: CONTEMPORARY 37—THE BRIDE (The Wife of the Artist) FO = Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches fii Haur-LenctH figure of a happy, smiling, dark-haired young woman of olive complexion, her cheeks slightly warmed with color. She wears a gown of complex coloring, with golden-yellow and notes of blue pre- dominating, a pearl necklace with jewelled pendant, and a bridal veil. which she catches up in one hand before her breast. Her other hand, at her waist, is seen through the veil. She faces left, three-quarters front, the light falling more strongly on neck and breast than on her face, which is partly shadowed. : he ana : ; Signed at the lower right, Stwon Maris. ; Property of Mrs. Roxtanp C. Lincoxy. 3 ; JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Dutcu: 1819—1891 38—FECAMP Vie Height, 17 inches; length, 2334 inches Ma Canepa THE scene is within the harbor at low tide, and in the foreground boats large and small stand on their keels on the gray and yellow sands, and women and children have come down among them. The canalized channel crosses the picture in the middle distance, and on its farther side rise port buildings, dwellings and a high hill. Signed at the lower left, JoncKinp, 1852. Purchased from the Boussod, Valadon & Company sale, New York, 1902; No. 231. ~P//@O~+ MB. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco. Dutcu: 1856— H" § EVERT PIETERS - 39 INFANT INDUSTRY i > | KI Height, 2414, inches; width, 20 inches hone deli ie Rowunp and rosy of face and plump of arm, a small girl of the pros- _____ perous Netherlands, in sabots and tight cap, is sitting in a heavily built rush-seated armchair, before a fireplace in a tile-floored room, mtent upon threading a needle. Setting aside her toys on the table _.._ before her, she has turned to sewing. She faces left, three- -quarters jason, with light aoe from the right, and is clad in white and gray and brick-red. Signed at the lower right, E. Prerers. - Property of Beet. Lincoun. \ Se’ MAXIME MAUFRA Frencu: 1861—1918 40—LE MATIN, BEG-MEIL Height, 21 inches; length, 26 inches duel 200 + Mucase Curvine from the left middle distance into the foreground a crescent beach of golden ‘sands, picked out with rocks russet, green, gray and blue, is lapped by an opalescent sea sweeping in upon it from the distance. Offshore, in a summer morning haze, the hulls and sails of ships in violet-gray silhouette, and aloft the half-hidden sun making the sky resplendent, as the golden rays penetrate prismatically the hazy, misty air. Signed at the lower left, Maurra, 1900. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. | Property of Mrs. RoLanp C. Lixcoty. BERNARD DE HOOG | Dutcu: 1866— 41-THE MOTHER | IE — Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches 3 Unper a wall clock whose brass weights catch glints of the sunlight which illumines herself and the gray wall behind her, a peasant mother sits in her cottage, nursing a chubby infant at her breast. She is in- yellowish-russet and gray, with a blue apron, and her baby is in dark red with a variegated cap. At her side is a capacious and well protected cradle. Signed at the lower left, Bernard pE Hooe. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoiy. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. e AmERIcAN: 1859— - 42—FIFTH AVENUE Sh 1-z v4 /bO = Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches A susy afternoon on lower Fifth Avenue in the days when the buses | were horse-drawn and fashion remained familiar with the stretch of \@ the avenue above Washington Square. A function is on at the Old | First church or in a mansion opposite, or both, and as the spectator i. looks down from the Twelfth Street corner he sees the church in | purplish silhouette against a brilliant sky, the roadway of the avenue filled with vehicles, and the sidewalks with pedestrians whose shadows are thrown before them by the westering sun. Signed at the lower left, CH1LpE Hassam, New York, 1892. ee a ee Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco. : WILIAM GEDNEY BUNCH, N.A. A ERICA ERA | ] a 43—ON THE LAGOON, VENICE : 928s ee Height, 1434 inches; length, 2514 imches Tur Lagoon sweeps across the picture, reaching at the left to the horizon and at the right to a distant shore showing vague buildings __ and a campanile. In the middle distance both at right and left are ships with colorful sails whose hues fill the water with rich reflections, _ and near the foreground lies a great red steamer, with lighters at her — sides. : | Signed at the lower left, W. GepNry Buncez, VENICE, 83. Exhibited at the Pan-American Exposition, where it recewed the silver medal. ; . . Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Linco. ners) SRP, ¥ 3 PAUL JEAN CLAYS Bretcian: 1819—1900 : 14 HERRING FLEET hh ts, ental | J GOO a Height, 2424 inches; length, 3014 inches — . Tue herring boats with their big, bulky hulls, lie neatly in a broad river’s mouth, its waters in lazy motion, just enough to ruffle the reflec- tions of the cream, rose and white sails into a soft chromatic confusion. Numerous figures appear aboard the craft, at the side of the nearest vessel 1s a small-boat with two men in it, and in the distance are Me | sail and the buildings of a town. a Ce éf | | Signed at the lower fae: Brak: Crays; on back: Bae VLIET, . Purchased from M. Knocdler & Co. Property of Mrs. Roxtanp C,. Linco. G00% < Conegleh Za ah «Go Uarwo » Liha dog, Pe OSX 4 Gla. Yllin Coat /bovttir, , law 3ofgar BAAKK ae ee eee erectetor ne certey 4 “A EDWARD WILLIS REDFIELD AMERICAN: 1868— 45—ROAD IN WINTER: FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU F757 Height, 29 inches; width, 23% inches aa. Abalour SLENDER, scattered trees of an open wood, their white bark silvered by slants of sunshine, retain leaves of yellow, red and brown, and shrubbery below them is brilliant red, while all about the ground is snow-covered, save where now and again the green grass appears on the side of a low mound. It is a day of early winter, and the feel of snow is in the air, though the sky 1s sunny and bright. In the back- ground the wood becomes more dense, and is enshrouded in cold mist. Signed at the lower right, HK. Wits RepFiexp, 790. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris, 1891. Purchased from the Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1892. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoun. a ( } hs ) Dips MARY L. MACUMBER - 4 4 AmERIcAN: 1861—1916 Hae ! hab 46—DEATH AND THE CAPTIVE Height, 23 inches; length, 28. inches | Two female figures seen at half-length. In the lead, facing the right and seen in profile, with head bowed, an angel in white whose wings rise beyond the top of the picture; she holds a sickle and a sheaf of wheat. Back of her and facing the observer but with vague eyes on the white figure before her, a pale, Titian-haired young woman in blue, with hands folded devoutly before her. Signed at the lower right, M. L. Macumsrr, 1902, and on back with the title. Ny "i _* \ we pT A Copley Print of the above has been published by Curtis & Cameron of Boston. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoiry. THE FOLLOWING REMARKABLE GROUP OF THE WORKS OF THE LATE FRITS THAULOW WERE SELECTED BY THE OWNER, MRS. ROLAND C. LINCOLN, AS REPRESENTING THE BEST PERIODS OF THE DECEASED MASTER. FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 1847—1906 oe 1 RIVIERE SOUS BOIS : +4 a _ (Pastel on Canvas) bh, fl - ay eee er i [E80 Height, 24 inches; length, 371 inches G y _. _Berrween green banks, that one on the left the end of a flat meadow, the 4 — one on the right mounded, a narrow river curls out of the left middle - distance and hurries forward, whirling about some rocks where the water is shallow in the foreground. At its edge a maiden in peasant costume washes some linen, and a kettle is steaming over a small fagot fire in the meadow at her back. Cottages in the background. ‘Signed at the lower left, Fairs THatLow. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. | Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lrxcoty. E pO FRITS THAULOW . =u), Norwecran: 1847—1906 a [= 48_VENETIAN CANAL SCENE /b00 +1 Height, 25°4, inches: length, 32 inches Hocuaed Yoreny Paxaces of red brick, and palaces of walls creamy and gray, stand at either side of an angular bend of a canal, which winds into view from beneath a bridge, toward which a boatman is sculling a gondola. Another gondola is tied before a door on the left, and over a garden wall come flourishing branches of green trees and vines. Signed at the lower right, Frits THat Low. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lixcory. te kl oe . ind, 4 F 2h SD Pewee ra a a 3% a! (4 See co - FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 1847—1906 49—BEND IN THE RIVER. SOO 4 — Height, 24 inches; length, 2914 inches © wy) On a rounded point of land at the left, a low creamy cottage with’ red tile roof, and before it tall trecs, the trees and the roof extending above the picture top. Around the point a river sweeps forward, its swift current ruffled with reflections of trees and cottage roof and of the sky. Across the stream on the right, in the background, cottages at the foot of a green hill. Signed at the lower left, Frrrs THauiow. Property of Mrs. Routanp C. Lincoiy. \ ; { ia \/ FRITS THAULOW IK Newwrann : 184'7—1906 ui 50—LES VIGNES VIERGES | 4000 4 Height, 2514 inches; length, 32 inches 4 A swiFT-FLowiIne river takes a winding course through a ell wooded, park-like landscape, with trees green and yellow-brown in the back- ground and at the left. On the right a house of stone and brick and plaster, with a gray wooden porch, stands within a bend of the stream as it turns forward, and before a neighboring wall in the right fore- ground flourishing Virginia Creepers have turned to scarlet and crim- son hues. Signed at the lower left, isis A Purchased from the artist, 1904. Property of Mrs. Rovanp C. Lincoxyn. gO FRITS THAULOW _ VK Norwecian: 1847—1906 4 51_VIEW ON THE ALLEGHENY RIVER /GIO 4 Height, 251 inches; length, 321/, inches A river encircling a heart-shaped island—or seeming so to do—in the middle distance, comes forward about the island in rapid motion, the waters in the foreground fairly swirling as the currents meet. All the shores are thick with shrubbery and trees, and every one is a mass of varied autumn color, beneath a light turquoise sky which is mottled by varying clouds. On a stretch of the most: distant shore a burst of sunshine intensifies the coloring. [Thaulow was delighted with American autumn foliage, and fixed its glories as he saw them in this canvas. | oN Signed at the lower right, Frirs THavLow. Painted when the artist visited this country as a member of the Jury of Award at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. — Purchased from the artist in 1900. Property of Mas. Rotanp C. Linco.uy. 9093 baxghh Walle, bon Kordiny Jyh Cm KX - Sold - Balliaue » Coll Marten AO) yg00 4 fam Ass : FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 1847—1906 52—-WINTER LANDSCAPE tpt fh OS0O 7 Height, 29 inches; length, 37 inches Hbruned | Z WAG A tance red brick mill or factory stands in the left middle distance, -and a potent mill stream encircles it. In the background, on the opposite side of the stream, a tall gray building with gambrel roof towers toward a white sky, and other buildings stand neighbors to it on a hillside, among trees. Ground, trees and roofs are all snow- covered, and the hastening stream looks sympathetically cold, but is full of color. ire Signed at the lower left, Faire Deabrow. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. | Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lrncoun. ae | . ISON + Bruit Abnrnuo bo Auauhfuch ey aes des unmea : Sold. igs wage N190R -OMSX, oy a psaahionsaion ee Pe FRITS THAULOW ‘@ | Norwecian: 1847—1906 53—THE HALT, EVENING: MOONLIGHT Ee Ps O50 ge Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches D ‘lelaiy In a winding road through a French village, lined by houses on the” left and a high garden wall on the right, a cart has stopped before a creamy-walled inn with a roof of warm brown thatch. The two white horses, tandem, stand patiently in the bright moonlight—so brilliant it suggests sunshine, until one notes the dim artificial light within the building. Their driver has found companionship within the hostelry. Trees abound about the buildings and in the garden, and in the sae tance is descried the spire of a church. oe Signed at the lower right, Frits THAvLow. From the Thaulow Exhibition in the Salon des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1902. — Property of Mrs. Rotann C. Lincoun. — J 7 ie is ! FRITS THAULOW Nee 1847—1906 54— LA SEINE EN DECEMBRE JI0O4 _ Height, 46 inches; width, 29 ahi y haan In the hazy background the gray towers of Notre Dame appear, beyond the arches of transverse bridges of the middle distance, as the spectator looks down the Seine along the left,—and across the arm of it rounding in the foreground the upper end of the Ile Saint Louis,—from the Port des Célestins. High over this arm of the river, in the immediate fore- ground and forming the right of the picture, is the Pont Sully, its course more or less longitudinal to the spectator. This was at the — time the only wooden bridge in Paris. Beneath this bridge a steamer is disappearing toward the right, leaving a cloud of steam and smoke. People look down over the balustrade of the bridge, and other figures also are seen, in the haze, on the nearer of the transverse bridges. Signed at the lower right, Riis Tuavtow, 793. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoiun. “T. were SS ee ee eA ae FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 1847—1906 55—VENICE ee se ) J 10 4 reine 26 inches; length, 321, noe ae cy A CANAL comes into view from the left, broad ae in the eae ia its green waters many-hued with reflections of the cream and rose and crimson palaces lining its farther bank. Before one, a a gondola, empty, and in midstream another with a gondolier. White sky. ae | Signed at the lower io Tenby. Purchased from Glaenzer & Co., New York. Property of Mrs. Roxtanp C. Lincorn. ae rhea rar + iO ae ae we HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG : Doutcn: 1831—1915- 56—SCHEV ENINGEN ae. Vie Height, ans inches; length, 35M ce ZA ‘ } =, 7 IgE at the lower nae H. Ww. ass : Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoxy. ne~ we ci aoe a hn . eee eee Sea ALT ae 2 ee Eee: ee 5 oP ee ee ee a | } q } : | q 4 | JOHN LAFARGE, N.A. ; AMERICAN: 1835-1 910 be. 51—DAWN COMES ON THE EDGE OF NIG, Mo. Height, 3144 inches; 4 33 inches arms which are bare, the rest of the both enwrapped in a : ote cream and white tunic, and again enfolded in‘a mantle of similar coloring—the figure floating through cloud space and over the surface of a sea, and moving, through darkness, in a mysterious light. Turned ee toward the front, the body bends leftward and forward as the figure a moves, and the face is seen a little more than in profile to the left, the head bent slightly downward—the face revealed by the spreading of the. | mantle back of the head, the mantle held in the extended hands. = Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincorn. ee wae oe es ne Ree eo q de > Toe < WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE,N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—- en 58—SAN GIORGIO MAGGIORE, VENICE Z, FG EN sd Height, 2372 inches; length, 37 wenee Sef 7 a Tue broad and quiet waters of the Laguna spread to a ae nel horizon at ‘right and left, around the island church ¢ group of Giorgio with its campanile, the buildings rising in rose and gray yellow in the middle distance and their reflections making colorful —- water of the foreground. At right in the foreground some Be ie oi with sails crimson and yellow and greenish, a Property of Mrs. Rouanp C. Lincoun. . ‘ly Fs < ; i e ™ y we: ‘7 i = , b é cea . 4 foes sie ar ks 3 a ee ¢% i ‘ig i , } : er a is Oe ie xk Me i‘ ‘ Ee ct : ae as wn a Kat ene * 4 : vi han is : ; mL & “aan ‘ ie ® ail : bi f x an ‘ ie: 7 ’ see PP ell eae ‘ 4 eet ver : ae WILLIAM SARGEANT END: AMERICAN: [Red - : 50-THROUGH A DOORWAY a fee. re ae ee 49 inches: ee: 20 inches and vole aN chee 1s ene betde tee and through | - be seen the. eran of a garden: 4 : a fr re ~~) Pia ie es ee NN Since at the lone left, £CobymaHiy 1906, ae. PRENDALE. ME ke paso Property of Mrs. Roxianp C. Lincorn. i ae 5 2 i rm my x oo Vi a ¥ Oe EVERT PIETERS Doutcu: 1856— 60—THE OPEN DOOR J 130 = Height, 32 inches; length, 434 inches ) From the interior of a large cottage living room the spectator look | out through an open doorway and through a window to a green garden flooded with sunshine and made colorful by sunflowers and hollyhocks. Through doorway and ‘window the sunshine streams into the room, on whose red-tiled floor two children are at play, at the feet of their white-capped mother who is sewing at the window. At- left. a kettle | over a hearth fire. The scene is at the artist’s studio at Blaricum, | near Laven, Holland. See at the lowes right, rE. Prorens. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar, N ew York. Property of Mrs. Rotanp C. Lincoun. 0 _-WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. ¢ AMERICAN: 1836—1910 61—WILD GEESE IN FLIGHT BA So 00-4 Height, 34 inches; length, 5014 inches A? he : J Win geese showing their gray and brown and black plumage, and whites spottings, are seen close at hand, flying low over rolling and seamed _ sand dunes which are tufted with green and yellow, brown and pop herbage. ‘Three of the birds are closely observed on the wing, and in q the immediate foreground lie two which marksmen have brought down. 2 Sky alight with white morning clouds. Signed at the oa right, W. Howes 1897. Exhibited at the Museums of Fine Arts in Boston and Worcester the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, ee and the — Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. > Property of Mrs. Rouanp C. Lincoiy. : . : pe nae ae ee MARY L. MACUMBER AMERICAN: 1861—1916 62—THEH NIGHTINGALE SF COO = THREE-QUARTER length standing figure of a young woman. whose Titian hair hangs in voluminous mass about her shoulders and back, who has paused in playing a sort of lute which is suspended from her neck, and looks upward in a listening attitude. She faces the left and is seen in profile, and wears a loose low-necked gown of rich red. Signed at the lower left, Macumser, 1911. Exhibited at the Boston Art Club, and the Corcoran Gallery, Wash- ington. ene of Mrs. Roranp C. Lincoun. RUBENS SANTORO Travian: 1843— 68—V ENICE 36% On the right a palace of creamy-white and gray, with green vines trail- ing from its balconies and a rose-bush in bloom overhanging its garden wall. A lady emerging from the door, others standing at one side, and at the landing other ladies in a gondola—all in brilliant sunshine, which sparkles on the ruffled water of the canal. Signed at the lower right, RuBENS SANTORO. From the collection of the late CotoneL Natuan H. Hert, Bridgeport, Conn. Ye heat ites Height, 1914, inches; width, 1444 inches Af lacked Height, 4414 inches; width, 24 inches Ath. ZB. ba a (sy? HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 64—GOLDEN SUNSHINE: SUNNY LANDSCAPE Joe at Height, 20 inches; length, 2414, inches O elrben A witty land of lightly rolling surface, the general trend of its slope being from the right and away from the spectator, is brilliant—fairly glowing—ain sunshine, which makes also brilliantly golden the trunks and delicate foliage of picturesque, detached trees—they have the appear- ance of olive trees—standing out against a light turquoise. sky. aS Ta Ic eens ee Peet ss ee © i aod ad 7 ca 4 —* e% ADOLF SCHREYER > GERMAN: 1828—1 899 - 2 69—_IN DANGER Ze S50 Bs Height, 35 sane’ ens 46 iene Moltane A Brown horse is leaping forward through the snow as the ative “ the sleigh urges him on; for close behind are two wolves, and the rest of — i the pack are dimly seen amid the dust of the blown snow. - ~The scene is | a bleak, rolling country, studded with scrub foliage and leafless thorn = bushes, and bounded in the distance by purple hills. ; A aE | ——— g In chit pateeee athena ies eset | Signe at thd right. Pei rer aaa i. } (aa a Originally lecheaen from the late William Dole From the Henry T. Cox Collection, New York, 1902. oe eS A pH iy 00 24 Property of a Private Owner. ete 6S, ull a | | 1 ‘KMILE VAN MARCKE. Hamtant 1827—1890 © 70—THE OX TRAIN Yh ae LEG “4 Height, 401, inches; tengit 59 inches hal bits he Aw unusual and very striking van Marcke; its cutive Sone urge and restraint, at the same time; its local apparently Spanish ; it com-— 4 prehends, besides animals, human figures and landscape, none of the — elements of the composition being neglected in the studious considera- _ tion of the whole. In a mountainous country a train of ox-drawn | q q wagons is depicted, making heavy way in an uneven road which winds | 4 into the foreground. Here, moving toward the left, a team of four oxen is close before the observer, seen in bright sunshine and hitched to a heavily loaded antique cart with solid wooden wheels. The bel pal of oxen are holding back the load as the cart descends a light incline. q Behind come two more similar carts—the drivers of all walking, with — their goads, beside their teams. In the foreground a dog stops to drink at a pool. Background of high mountains acer a blue ky. with drift- = ing strata of white cloud. | a Signed at the lower right, Ean VAN Mancke. From the collection of the late CoLoneL NATHAN H. Herr, Bridge- port, Conn. Fie & ulate ¥ as a CONSTANT. TROY ON Frencu: 1810—1865 7I—LE MARE DANS LA CLAIRIERE /600 T : Height, 44 inches; aah 551% ‘nates Mt Si ) Broap meadows green and brown and golden in shadow and sunshine spread far to right and left, before a distant level line of low trees, | under a sky of many clouds rolling in mellow hues before the pale tur- 1 quoise ether above them. In the foreground, at the edge of the meadows, numerous cows are reclining in the shade or standing in the sun, and one : a is drinking in a pool at whose edge are bushes and a few trees. “At right, the figure of a peasant woman. Becoming enthusiastic in con — templation of this painting, a French writer saw in the cow drinking “her rough body quivering under its reddish coat,” he saw the peasant woman “talking to her dog,” and the dead oak near the pool as a _ “vanquished giant, expending the last feverish flow of its sap to cheer f the end-of a branch which grimaces at leaves already brown.” He — found, above the realism of the forms, that the painter has made the scene “scintillate as the apotheosis of a beautiful summer day.” * Signed at the lower left, C. TRovon. | From the de Kwyper Collection, Amsterdam, 1911, No. 112.-AL. /0.000 = From the A acency of the late CoLtoneL Natuan H. Hert, Bridgeport, Conn. to babitetinn 3 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU | Frencu: 1825—1905 | 72-THE WHITE ROSE : a S950 4 Height, 6214, inches; width, 361% inches » Mdllind 7 g a fal ; ‘ : FuLL-LENGTH standing figure of a bare-footed young ‘pil frane the s spectator, before a garden background of shrubbery and trees ; at right — a a glimpse of blue and white sky overhead, and light reflected i in a pool | 3 below. The girl is of the brunette type, with handsome features, effus- -. ing color in her cheeks, and an eye of wisdom;’and she poises her head lightly over her right shoulder as she scents the fragrance of a white. a rose she has plucked. In her other hand a bouquet is held at her waist, 9 the hand also catching up a plum-colored overskirt, revealing a skirt | = of deep blue. A white scarf embroidered in delicate light blue is tied 3 loosely about the shoulders, and the sleeves of her white waist are rolled up to the elbow. Signed at the lower left, W. Boveverear, 1895. From the collection bf the late CoLoNEL NATHAN H. Hert, Bridgeport, Conn. Ay s caead s85 FERDINAND VICTOR LEON : ROYBE 5: FRENCH: 1840— 73—SEATED CAVALIER | ay Panel) L00 or: : : ey Height, a4 inches; width, 32 inches 7 A = a In brilliant seventeenth century apparel and Betis a alates wide brimmed black hat, which is tilted back and-frames his features, a — booted cavalier is portrayed nearly at full-length, seated, with figure to left and face turned toward the spectator. He is observed against a background composed of a pillared balcony and a colorful lindsen em which extends far beneath a gray sky. He is well-fed, and brusque ‘of ame manner, and sits with left hand on hip, arm akimbo, his right hand — resting on his knee and holding idly a heavy walking-stick. His velvet — jacket of grayish-buff is adorned in gold, and his white lace collar fala -. in a profusion of folds about his shoulders and breast. — . Property of a Private Owner. ROBERT LEVRAC TOURNIERE! FRENCH: 1668—1752 T4—COMTESSE D'OVIGNY : ay Oth se = Height, tech ees epee eestitbereeenn! a tin Ba a a es Sih ee na se Lae aa ae LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS BOCK, THEOPHILE DE Around Haarlem BOSBOOM, JOHANNES Nieuwe Kerk, Delft Cathedral Interior BOUDIN, Evcene Lovuis Porte de Commerce, Le Havre La Meuse 4 Dordrecht BOUGUEREAU, WititAm ADOLPHE The White Rose BRUSH, Grorcet Der Forest, N.A. “Mary” BUNCE, Wuu1am Gepney, N.A. On the Lagoon, Venice San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES Landscape: Sunset CATALOGUE NUMBER 6 33 36 72 22 3d4 ry" TD ape eee) Th. 3, eee eet ee La‘ : Bi code re =. tan ry a ty ; ‘ - iyi ‘ _ Ae) war Pag # . ’ . CHARLEMONT, Epvazp The Pages CLAYS, Paut JEAN Herring Fleet COROT, JEAN Baptiste CAMILLE ~ re i Ville d’Avray: L’Etang et la Macon Cabassud 6 DAUBIGNY, Cuartzs Francois : oes Landscape =~ es oS DUPRE, Jutzs Paysage ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady FRENCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady of the Court Portrait of a Lady as Diana HARPIGNIES, Henri Bords de Riviere 7 Golden Sunshine: Sunny Landscape — HASSAM, Cuitpe, N.A. New York in Autumn Fifth Avenue HOMER, Wrnstow, N.A. Wild Geese in Flight HOOG, BERNARD DE The Mother JONGKIND, JoHann BarrHorp Fécamp KENDALL, WituiaAmM SarcEant, N.A. Through a Doorway LAFARGE, Joun, N.A. Dawn Comes on the Edge of Night LEPINE, STanistas Canal at Caen MACUMBER, Mary L. Death and the Captive The Nightingale MARIS, Simon The Bride MAUFRA, Maxime Le Matin, Beg-Meil CATALOGUE NUMBER 61 4) 38 21. A6 62 37 40 MAUVE, Anton Girl and Cow November Day: Changing ere es Winter Work in the Woods ~MESDAG, HeEnprik WILLEM “Pulling the Anchor” Scheveningen MILLET, Jean FRANcoIs Bergere Le Bouleau mort NEUHUYS, ALBert Industry © The Sewing Lesson Courtship Maternity NORDELL, Car. J. In Grandmother’s Shawl PENNE, CuHarwes OLIVIER DE Hunting Dogs PIETERS, Everr The Little Housewife The Shellfisher Infant Industry The Open Door POURBUS THE YOUNGER, Frans 7 Portrait of Margherita di Mantua, Duchess of Ferrara , REDFIELD, Epwarp WIt1Is Road in Winter: Forest of Fontainebleau RICHET, Lrton Landscape i RONNER, Henrietta Study of White Cats ROYBET, Frrprnanp Victor Lron Seated Cavalier SANTORO, Rusens Venice SCHREYER, Apo.r In Danger SHINN, Evererr Bridge near La Villette STORTENBEKER, PI£TER Cows CATALOGUE NUMBER 79 23 29 63 69 bo THAULOW, Fairs : eae | aa Riviere sous Bois Venetian Canal Scene Bend in the River Les Vignes vierges View on the Allegheny ie Winter Landscape The Halt, Evening: Moonliele La Seine en Décembre Venice TOCQUE, Lovlis Portrait of Marie Leczinska, Queen of France TOCQUE, Louis (Attributed to) Portrait (Presumed) of Marie Thérése TOURNIERES, Roserr Levrac Comtesse d’Ovigny TROYON, Constant Going to the Fair Le Mare dans la Clairiére VAN ESSEN, Jan Lion Cub VAN MARCKE, Enix A Goat The Ox Train 14 15 ~~ Ba LEM Fin mie pe Venice: Ef fet du Soir | | «85 y oe INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH ~APPRAISEMENYS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY pong natin ails 10 TR SE ew oe ithe Sree Pesan Aina pene eeNT $32 ae DE DOCK MAUVE IR SDAG SHINY MILLE? MILLS? ViE2DER VODUR DUPRE VAN MARCKE VOLLON HARPIGNIES LEPINE BRU SH RICHEY PIETERS Pieters. MAUVS CRANGTNG. PS POR 5 AROUND a 225.00 GIRL auD cow 1000,00 PULLING THR alCHOR 375,00 BRIDGE WAR LA VILLETTS 150,00 BYRGERE 1900,0°: 1650,00 © LE BOULEAU MOR 1360,00 DIANA 175,00 3 SOUL IN BONDAGE 126,00 PAYSAGE 825,00 A GOaT 400,00 32 ILL) LIFE 300,00 DE RIVIGRE 650,00 CANAL a? CARN 675.00. "MARY" 2350.00 LANDSCAPE =—(“‘*é«BOWOS THY LITTLE HOUSRWIFN 325,00 The shellfisher 226 00. hac os el a THE VvOODS 8050.00. “ ) * Seott & Senet’ Ae 4A, Healy — Scott & Fowles |. T, a, Prendergast M,Knoealer & Oo, Seott & Fowles 1. 3, Prendergast T, &. Prendergast ee = 0, Bernet,agt. B.L.Heniot A, 1, SU STE IMER Al, Susteimer Durand-Ruel M,.Knoedl er & COe 0, Bernet, agt. R.C.& NM. Vose Wm, Hibbara John Levy ————— a ae Hassam 33 SF joan Sia 2g 34 CAZIN 35 “Aiem 36 Boudin 37 Maixs Maris 38 Johgk ind 39 Pieters siiaihers > tacicaied Wee a> 40° “Maufra” 41 Hoog. 42 Hassam 43 Bunce 44 Clays 45..- Redfield 46 Macumber 47 Thaulow 48 Thaulow 49 ThauLlow 50 Thaulow Thaulow 51 ss cope 250,00, a Werk in Autumn sith bed Porte de Commerce _.. te Havre “Landscape: Sunset ‘Venice: Bffect Du Soir “Ta Meuse A Dordrecht fhe Bride Feeamp Infant Industry The Mother. Fifth Avenue On the Lagoon, Venice Herring Fleet Road, in Winter: Fonst of Fontainebleau Death and The Captive Riviere Sous Bois Venetian Canal Scene_ Bend in the River Les Vignes Vierges View of the Allegheny River “| es = cx. 00 3500.00 _ 1550.00 800 ,00 250,00 725,00 475 .0U 300,00 578.00 2150.00 925,00 1900,00 375,00 200,00 1550.00 1600.00 1500 ,00 | 2000 ,00 1950,00 iy? v 4 C, W.“ranshaar ee ie 5 i Seott & Fowles _ Durrand-Ruel R.C.&N.M.Vose TR. Prender- gast Henry Sehul- thies H. Ll. Leuder WoW. TASEO { Agt. a. JsHalow A, dJ,Halow Howard Young Howard Young 0,Belsheim John Levy Howard Young ea i 56 Mesdag ae oe rmesm 4 Bunce — Kendall Pieters Homer Macumber Santoro Harpignios Wiggins Corot Daubigny Troyon Schreyer Van Mareke Troyon Bouguersaut Roybet fournieres Veronese French School Se Dawn Comes on the "Pew ot Marts 1760.00 There ee , Sewer ee of 775,00 a 3 Bdge of Night 960,00 San Giorgio Maggiore Venice Through a Doorway The Open Door 25,00 700 ,00 1150,00 Wild Geese in Flight28000,.00 The Nitingale Venice Golden Sunshine: Sunney Landscape The sunlit Hill Ville Davray: L' Stang Bt La Maison Cabassud Landseape Going to the Fair In Dunger The Ox Train Le Mare Dans La Clairiere The White Rose Seated Cavalier Comtesse D'Ovigny Portrait of a Venetian Lady Portrait of a Lady ef the Gourt 1500.00 375.00 700 ,00 650,00 3700,00 3000 ,00 1100 ,00 2650,00 1825.00 1600,00 1950,00 500,00 200,00 525,00 Raw. C, Mills Seott & Fowles Dr, Ino, B,Griges R,C.&N,M, Vose dno, Levy MacBeth Gallier- © ies, R.C.& NM. Vose N. J. Booker 0.Belsheim Panl Watkins MoH. Goldblatt 0, Belsheim Panl Watkins Rolland Galler-~ les, Paul Watkins RE, Kent Holland Galler- ies, A.J. Halow As de Halow Paul Watkins ; | ; | | i 3 i Pod 5 (\ He ae ee { +r a " " J \ ne GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE ——s—™ | 4 %, a aa - t my AS " % | aay FI ve a "i HT | ea tae des aE xt Wa AN “ Oe a eye ay 3 3125 01663 1562 Ae ae ae bra tk pgahirt, Meat ¥ if fe Ag —_ . qi — eT . ve \ At ak 7 | : } CD ie ed 44 iS . ~y\ Fog et & eg See * Y “F9 va X g \ it $e 4 . rep Fl Ri ow ff SFR Pa RS OG Meeerimey Ww 8 Sty 14 Sh miey ty Ha wily enw Vee ede ganie 11 eee WAH ee ae 2 Mae) oe PUVA ye Oy ody aN eee ek: HS ee ae ere suk mud Aah) 44) ae ASA svi ty io 4 abe bathe he? + yh rey yey Pye My Maia A Site ROY etl ietire) Maire SEE A 4 RLS ene iva} Aer Mepntie iaty te 2 . i ‘ SAR eee WA tag ede ATR e Mle y ewe een gt ytNes Wes ey owl chew sha dita ea teibok As phate muah hewe what Labhagi Manne Saher rea a rh eK Uk tad A terra hee or AW ANE) EME See eeina tia 4 POP Ha ey A foley phe) Ay A ORT NE besa) ee TMA vt nA WHR viel fan) bee ie AD be rd at od i Faatarters Oh Reedyay A Grd aay AP nth Wenyey meal be baqh Lilewy uA PY Saati ny SAA) ah pinta Seay Pe Sey a sib hedih Rae wate 23. fu kaon oe i PN Pet hah Kee heey ab Ne SEY tite Pes eed ert wl al uss Oo ane Sate Oncae, o we berepecs Ny KAMER S Qin Oph te Sawa, Mek WN LESS Rd PE ae IER Heer eae fh ye AEG) ty AG AMM aren syling Pit) Stan an pe ee EEN E tg tas a Areca ikaae are ahog yA EY ah Ore Ree cea ee) rama ee Ay ARF PEALE pe Het Lip au abhs to chad ats sd AMY, ee: a» Raittecien say ? 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