a ITALIAN PICTURES rrom SUSSI Cer tice oe : C ATA iH OGU E Kets 8 Tayle 3 “EXCELLENT PICTUR Ttahan, French, Dutch Wey Flemish Schools, A SMALL COLLECTION COLLECTED BY A GENTLEMAN, Some Years ago, during his Stay in Italy; INCLUDING a THE PROMETHEUS, BY S. ROSA, from the Gireni Gallery at Fl A HOLY FAMILY, BY PARMEGIANO, FULL OF GRACE; ' TWO BY SWANEVELDT, AND SOME OTHER CLEVER PICT\ | ALSO, THE SAME PROPERTY, DANTE’S WORKS, THE ANCHOR EDITION, 4 VOL. & VIEWS OF FLOF LIKEWISE, — Nineteen good Pictures, the Property of a GENLTEA TO WHICH I$ ADDED, SOME NOBLE BRONZES, Including Two of Life Size of Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell; Richard I. armed for a Tou A pair of Marli Horses, and various smaller pieces. Cthich will be Sold by Auction by _ Messrs. E. FOSTER. and SOK At the Gallery, No. 54, Part Matt, On TUESDAY, the 22d of APRIL, 1834, at Twetve o’Cloc ae. 2 Jay ey be Viewed on Saturday and Monday prior to the Sale, and Catalogues had at Messrs. F¢ Bs Offices, No. 54, Pall Mall, and 14, Greek Street, Soho Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE. irst---THE highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up Brine and ieee: econd = No person ‘to advance less than 1s.—above five pounds 5s.—and so on in pro- portion. hird - - The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down ¥ 25. per cent. if required, in part of payment of the purchase-money. ‘ourth , The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser’s expence, within one day after the sale. Fifth - - As this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery. igth - » Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid . & defaulters at this sale, , Seventh - But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots, and by any neglect or evasion omit paying for the same, ‘such purchaser or purchasers shall pay five per cent, ‘interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale until OF ONE SHILLING PER W2EX for the occupation of every such lot as may not be cleared withip the time alpressidy or that may remain unsold. Lastiy --Every attention will be given to property Eee for Sale, but if any lots will not “ip a i for them; nor in any case for damage by accident or fire. I ay i. oe rt a | shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the defi- remain unsold or uncleared more than one day after gabh sale, Messrs. Foster wee ciency (if any) attending such pangs » shall be made aus by the defaulter or the amount of the said bill shall. be ‘discharged, and also WAREHOUSE CHARGES ae yg TUESDAY 22d day of APRIL, Catalogue, &§c. 1834, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. Twenty-five lots, the property of a Gentleman, removed from Sussex. LOT Gherardi ....ss0.eee 1 ec. cecccnidebedysstien 2 Mi etisecpeciscseuesines By TOTANE cdinvcce seis ocseass 4 Unknown Oe ae 5 Pandolfo Reschi 6 NBs n sanenrneseoe 7 Cannaletti.......0.00000+ 8 Swanerveldt .........0 9 Ditto . 10 NE Soicesteceksveee ics 11 EE oo he nadaintiaedde 12 S, Rosa 13 IR vccccncncaiennersvece st 14 | Succharelli ....... .... 15 _P. Bordone ............. 16 A ET 7), 17 UPR MEAGh i, chocsacdve-s0 0 18 Gi0vaN NE o....-..ee0ee LO COR ar allie coeiirorts 20 The Ducal Palace at Florence Distant View of Florence A View of Tuscany, from the Mountains of Vallom- bros—subject, The ten thousand Greeks discovering the Sea ? Architecture View in Venice Battle of Cavalry Witches’ Incantation View in Venice Morning Scene Evening ditto Landscape with Waterfall Ditto the Companion. | View on the Coast of Italy, manner of Ditto, the Companion | | Landscape, Cattle and Figures | Portrait of a Venetian Boy _ A View in the Mediterranean with Vessels and Fisher- men drawing their Nets © A Bacchante The Fruit Seller The Annunciation Ps 8 he 3 G. Dou «0.0020. 21 Interior, the Geomeuiaag ene rie pen. Parmegiano overseers 22 The Holy Family, a charming composition, beautifully finished S. RONG 3 cca do) 23 Prometheus chained to the Rock, from the Gerini Gallery, at Florence, engraved 24 Dante’s Works;.4 vol. folio, the Anchor edition 25 ‘Twenty-five Views in Florence Nineteen lots the property of a Gentleman. Fe. B. Davis ecco 26... Scene, from the Vicar of Wakefield Morland w.s.. scceees o7 Exterior with Figures, after BAG POPE. 2 on evnorrenys 28. Fox breaking Cover pT) Ee ye ape ae 29 ‘* Hold Hard’’. . Sir J. Reynolds .... 30 Lady with Fruit J. Ostade sone. 31 Exterior with Figures. eh te ABLE sernsnerserners-ane Oe Dead ame acts the Old Teniers srvvss00 33 Landscape, Fi igures, sant Holy Yani nacitiad by i Flowers | Blake ...... eyeti dade wen04 Dead Game and ‘Vegetables Williams.........+++ 35 Pair Shipping Burgognone vrs. 36 Pair Battle Pieces 4 Bes EB, APACER vsnsrstes 37 Willow Brook, near Eton - | POU EII socrrenessssinseatss 38 Regent’s Circus with Stage Coach * Brower sesesscssess ovens . 89 Interior with Boors. sis: tov ta . Hlughtenberg ........ AO Stag Hunt eee, Pye a and Bassani... wists 41 Holy Family. Tintoretio........ a, 42 Susannah and the Elders Victor sreciecosrosoreree 49D Diogenes in the Market Place, very clever Vandyke «unum 44 Ecce Homo i CAPT ACC oes reehcaitss Ad IEEE noc scic Gores cesses 46 MERIT. cesinss ese AT Sachtleven vis. seovese 48 Carded oe 49 Procaccini 50 Te PRICED ooo e cance 5l EI OEY IR. sa ccasencsssannese 52 J. W. Allen ....c00.00 53 TIES ons cconcon sane 54 Ma Oitades..ii) 1. 55 57 CP Dolei si 23k... 58 ee 39 8S) Oe.) 60 Van Utrecht uu... 61 2) 417) 62 Das) en 63 CN eee 64 Ot 65 PEOGUEME s.avsee:resec00 66 ae 67 PID ec cee..... 68 CT a n 69 Titian 12. secon oe 70 care tenietnn reine 71 Mortimer .....00000.0000 72 Rosa da Tivoli........ 73 OE RES 7A Sir F. Bourgeois.... 75 Carracci 76 Constable erveerecoer CF One Property. Holy Family and St. John A Pasticcio in the manner of S. Rosa Portrait of a Gentleman Bs A View on the Rhine Landscape with a Monk at Devotion St, Sebastian Landscape and Figures View in Florence Landscape and Figures Interior with Woman peeling Apples Interior with Figures Hamilton Mills, Lancashire Two—Sketch of the Kent Indiaman, and Cambrian Brig Magdalen; after Landscape and Figures Pair—Landscapes and Figures Landscape and Figures Ditto Venus Incantation The Graces . Landscape and Figures; manner of David’s 'Triumph The Assumption of the Virgin The Baptism of St. John Bacchus and Ariadne Landscape _ Brigands A Female writing A fine gallery picture of a Stag Hunt Landscape and Cattle Magdalen at Devotion View near Battersea Constable iste 78 Ditto,, companion ynd> PE UROUIE as san 79 Asmall Landscape, Cattle and Figures FRR UREL oss snnasnnseess 80 Anrich woody Landscape and Figures Hey Patrick Nasmyth..... 81. \Avfine: Landscape and pure 1% Ditto... ..0....s0000000 82 Ditto, companion: ; gi) ak DRURY aS snus oie ta scckg 83 View of: Leyden by Moonlight’ ron APA Ruysdael 1 .....s.000ds (84. As very fine Landscape, Cattle and isos Hai? C. Cranmer uss 85 Cottage Children'and'Dog ~ | RSI TOTP MET fc seat 86 Sea-port and Figures | A, el SG t0 i iomness 87 HolysFamilys oj 9) RAM oni paces 88 The Wise Men’s' Ofiiring\ S. R08d........e00.... 89 Landscape and Figures TrO0St sesso serrriding | 9Oy Amd pseRIONY 1) ROT | 91 Danaeaina: Sliower o Golde from the Eldin Collection 92 Entombmentof Christ.) 96 00 SV AGES) es esseres 93) Abighly finished, Interior of a Chane x6 94 Landscape and Figures; curious A. Durer ws... 95 Virgin and,Child in\a Landscape—purchased at Mr, Erard’s|Sale,;, engraved Oe SE GUBPI scccciesssckaticn 96. Pair of .Views in. Venice. | NN WIGUGH cinvinsscsscr¥ce 97 Boar Hunt ta i wa 98 Flower Piece ) . k ioe BRONZES, &c. 99 A pair of splendid bronzes, the Marli Horses ‘ ae 100 An equestrian bronze of Marcus ‘Aurelius, on 1 pedestal seal 101 Head of Cicero \ ad? an wer i a non 102 A set of 3 figured Japanese j jars. - % ; 7 3 : re 103 A fine bronze of the Infant. Hercules. . Vee 104 An ancient bronze of Achilles, on pedestal 4 ee <3 ee 105 A young Faun | ; aren 106 A set of 3 figured Japanese j jatB ia olemeutat A al y nual 107 «A set of threes 5a. basketand, 2 vases, richly ‘gilt, AAAS boguets a flowers , | 108 A bronze bust, “Maria Louise aegis rh tat - ai Te Mier Gal VME Warren eer | ies DUDES 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 7 Fine old bronze of the Infant Hercules Pair of small bronze Lions Fine old bronze of a Rock Fox Small bronze of Venus and Cupid Pair small bronze busts A rare Equestrian bronze of Richard Coeur de Lion, equipped for the Crusader A SPLENDID OLD BRONZE BUST, LIFE SIZE, OF OLIVER CROMWELL A pitto oF Cuarues I. Florentine bronze Bull A terra cotta Head of the Duke of Cumberland A marble sideboard A pair of Scagliola pedestals A pair of yellow ditto FINIS. a Se ae) ee ae, ae aed v “bign ») ie ad fal a alate aga j i “4 ; ‘ Hi hee & sii tol haqqipa jnokt sh awe my haul Stl 19 agniond ante t RE WMuOoOnRW FaVEIO HO SERTH SK P : iwiod faviniO ¥ oLAtG UKE rade sehen at es ~ alaiaohaq ae Kee ' ne N , - te j " i. ¥ oe a i. yaa « a ; e! s ‘ % - i ip Spree Pe cat a CfA, tr: - wy i Pay oft mi * een ee 2 ‘ie ae 7} 5 a bes ‘ i} ; Wat re hen g » g meat | 884/Apr 22 LoFo at | mele of the Italia a ii :