LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York i, Gute athe Us ei a a , JZ “L é if fi a te fe + L eo J fe * ws & 4 fet a any CATALOGUE VALUABLE PAINTINGS, The Private Collection of Mr. J. STRICKER JENKINS, or BALttimorE, MD., COMPRISING CHOICE EXAMPLES OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ART, COLLECTED WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, DURING THE PAST FIFTEEN YEARS, AND NOW SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF THE OWNER’S PRO- TRACTED ILLNESS, AND PROBABLE RESIDENCE ABROAD. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE LEAVITT ART ROOMS, 817 BROADWAY, AND WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS, On Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, May 2d and 3d, 1376, COMMENCING AT 7%} O'CLOCK. The Messrs. ILAVITT, Auctioneers. ax The Sale will take piace at the Clinton Hall Sale Rooms, Astor Place and Eighth Street. ty o8 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise betweeit,two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent.on.the dollar in part pay- ment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, 7m de- fault of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be tntimediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to le taken away at the Buyer's Expense and kisk within three days from the ccncluston of the Sale, and the remaznder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, . or otherwise setiled for to the -satisfacticn of the Vendors, on or before delivery: in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & €0.-will not hold thentselves responsible, of the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furnt- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, ts not to be set astde on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibetion one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience tn the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfetted ; ald Lots uncleared within the time aforesatd shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made geod by the Deo faulter af thts Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition ts without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sail * without suck re-sale, Ree they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. Private Collection Mr. J. STRICKER JENKINS, - BALTIMORE, Md. Now on Exhibition at the Art Rooms; 817 Broadway, AND TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON THE Eve gs of Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2d and 3d, aT THE : , # CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS. {ie SIE ES BE p Te eae Oe Nene : The Messrs. LEAVITT respectfully invite particular attention to these very choice and valuable Works of Art. The Collection of Mr. JENKINS has long had an extended reputation among artists and persons of taste all over the country. During the past fifteen years the owner has exercised fine taste, good judgment, and extreme liberality in the formation of this most charming collection. The examples by American Artists were, in almost every case, painted expressly to his order, and those by Foreign Artists were either painted for, or directly purchased by him, and are therefore new to the public. They are mainly of cabinet-parlor size, by the most popular artists of the time, some of whose works it is now difficult to obtain, and are very desirable in the variety and interest of the subjects. This collection is now offered for sale solely on account of the long protracted illness and probable residence abroad of Mr. JENKINS, and will be sold unreservedly on the Evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2d and 3d, at half—past seven o’clock precisely. ** Sale well take place at Clinton Hall, Astor Piace, NAMES OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THE COLLECTION Antigna. Armfield. Arnold. Aublet, Bouguereau. Baugniet. Boulanger. Brillouin. Bellecour. Bakalowicz, Beranger, ; Bandanini. Bilotte. Bachereau. Bazzani. Bela. Baumgartner. Bosch. Baron, Chaplin. Comte. Chavet. Coomans. Castres, Comte Calix. Coutourier. Charnay. Castan. Baker. Boughton. Bellows. Church. Casilear. Durand. Gifford. Gray. Caille. Couder, Col. (David.) Desgoffe. Delort. Duverger. * De Garay. Escosura. Fichel. Feyen. Glaize. Girard, Gros, Gunther, Grandchamp. Hammon. isis. Herbsthoffer. Herring. Haanen. Jalabert. Jourdan. Jutsum. Kaemmerer. Lesrel, Landelle, Lecompte du Nouy. Lemmens. Messonier, (C.) OF MR. J. STRICKER JENKINS, Metzmacher. Meyer von Bremen. Meyerheim. Martinetti. Munier. Max. Marchetti. Plassan. Pascutti. Perrault. Pecrus. Piot. Peralti. Portielje, Plansen. Raffaeli. Schreyer. Steinheil. Saintin. Seignac. Schreck, Toulmouche. Vibert. Voltz. Viry. Weber. Weiser. Zamacois, AMERICAN ARTISTS. Greene. Guy. Huntington. Hart (J. M.) Johnson (E ) Kensett. Lambdia. McEntee. Parton (A.) Richards (W, T.) Rossiter. Spencer, Shattuck. Staigg. Sonntag. Whittredge. Sale weil take place at the Clinton Hall Sale Rooms, Astor Place. et : a a See Gataloyue. FIRST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, MAY 2d. Commencing at 734 o'clock, at the Clinton Hall Sale Rooms, Astor Place. GREENE (E. D. E.), New York 1 The Album. GREENE (E. D. £.), _ New York 2 The Miniature. or eENCER (LILY-'M.); New York 3. Vase of Dahhias, STAIGG (R. M.), | New York 4 Christmas Wreaths. RUBENS (Copy on porcelain by Proschole). iar,.5 The Garland of Fauite BELLOWS (A. F.), New York Pio’, 6 Androscoggin River. DE GARAY (MANUEL DE), Paris bo 7 The Pet, HERRING (J. F.) (deceased), London 8 Rabbits. SHATTUCK (A. D.), | ~ New York a ~ } % t a Y Ay? 5 Nal i] ARNOLD (C.), 10.06-W Lhe Favorite Seat. RAFFAELI (J. F.), (Pupil of Géréme.) > ranch 11 Ducks. GRANDCHAMP (LOUIS EMILE), (Pupil of Picot aad M. F. Dubois.) $ eeeeers treet nr Cairo: i 1 “a g A Summer Afternoon. Brussels Paris Paris MEYERHEIM CF. E.), Berlin (Gold Medal, 1848; Chevalier of Red Eagle,’49; Grand Gold Medal, 1850; Medal at Paris, ’55.) 13. he Bouquet. CASTAN (P.J. EDMOND), . - — _ Paris (Pupil of Drolitxg and M. Girard. ) » 14 Spiritual Instruction. LEMMENS (EMILE) (deceased), Paris (Pupil of Lassalle. ) 15 Chickens. HART (JAS. M.), New York (o* 36 The Woodland Pool. SEIGNAC (PAUL), Paris (Pupil of Picot, Drolling, and Duverger. ) / yt? 17 Grandfather’s Birthday. BANDANINI (CARLO), Rome at 18 Caught in the Acct. HUNTINGTON (DANIEL), New York + 290° i9. Venice. COUDER (ALEXANDER), Paris (Pupil of Gros.) (Medal, 1836 ; Legzon of Honor, 1853.) to) ‘ 7° L 20 Fruit, Flowers, etc. ¢ 9 - 4 La i o~ % : t fe 4 * % | fh, BERNE-BELLECOUR (ETIENNE), Paris (Pupil of Picot and IM. F. Barrias,) (Medals 1869, °72 ; Vienna Ex., °73.) AW 21, Benes FICHEL (EUGENE), Paris (Pupil of PF. Delareche.) (Medals, 1857, 61, 69, Legion of Honor, 1879.) 22 Ready for the Ball. FEYEN (EUGENE), : Paris (Pupil of Paul Delaroche.) (Medal, 1866. ) 23 Counting the Gains. GRAY (HENRY PETERS), New York aye? 2a ae 10 VIRY (PAUL), | Paris d (Pupil of Picct.) O\0' 25 Fishing. BARON (HENRI), Besancon (Pupil of Gigoux.) (Medtils, 1847, °48, °55, Legion of Loner, 1359; Medal, Universal Expositzon, 1867.) \ ce ae ; * 99°" 56 The Hunting Party. CASILEAR (J. W.), New Work : ,». 27. A June Aiternocn. GY ni BELA (PALLIK), Munich \ F0 . 28 Sheep. oe ene MUNIER (EMILE), Paris (Pupil of Bouguereau.) 133" 29 Thoughts of Home. GROS (LUCIEN A.:), Paris (Pupil of Metssonter.) (Medal, 1867.) ~30,;- Lhe vest: ANTIGNA (JEAN PIERRE ALEX.,), Paris (Pupil of P. Delaroche.) (Medals, 1847,'48, +51,755; Legéon of Honor, 1361.) 31 Grrl with flowers. GIFFORD (SANFORD R.), New York 32 Lake Garda, Italy. ee o> CHAPLIN (CHARLES), Paris (Pupil of Drélling.) (Medals, 1851, °52, '65,° Legdon of Honor, 1865.) yas? 33 Girl and Dove. BAUGNIET (CHARLES), Sieres (Pupil of Drélfing and Cabat.) (Chevalier of the Order of Léopold, of Isabel the Catholic, of Chrdst of Portugal, and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe; Medal, 1865 ; Veenna, ’73.) ~%" 34. The Erring Daughter. fi MAX (GABRIEL), Munich , (Medal at Vienna £x.,’73.) uo 35 The Broken Chord. PASCUTTI (ANTONIO), | Paris (Pupil of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, of Venice.) t 26r11 le, Duets, ra HAANEN (C. VAN), Venice _.»' 37 Cold Weather. JOHNSON (EASTMAN), New York 38 Peasant Girl of Brabant. COL (DAVID), Antwerp (Pupil of the Academy at Antwerp.) on (Medal at Vienna Exhibition, 1873; Chev@lzer of ike Order of Léopold of Belgium.) 39 lhe Two Friends. DUVERGER (THEOPHILE E.), "Paris (Medals, 1861, °63, 65.) cand 40 The Moral of the Bottle. BAKER (GEORGE A.), New York rye 41 Ideal Head. > —e % MARTINETTI, Rome a PY ; WwW ¢ 490! 42 Ihe Mouse Trap. : BERANGER (EMILE), Paris (Pupil of his father and Delarochz.) (Medals, 1846, ’48.) } eg, “Lhe Fair Reader. MARCHETTI (LUDOVICO), Rome (Pupil of Maccaré and Fortuny.) : 709 44 Persian Interior. PLASSAN (ANTOINE EMILE), Paris (Medals, 1852, 57,59, Legton of Honor, 1859.) p(witiods Prayer. HAMON (JEAN LOUIS), (deceased), — Paris (Pupil of Delaroche and Gleyre.) | a (Medals, 1853, °55 ; Legion of Honor, 1855, medal % Undversal Exposttion, 1867.) 46 Feeding the Doves. STEINHEIL (A.C. E.), Paris (Pupil of his father and Metssonter. ) 47 The Discussion. ZAMACOIS (ED.) (deceased), Spain (Pupil of Metssonier.) iv 48 The Guitar. SAINTIN (JULES EMILE), © Paris (Pupil of Drélling, Picot, and Leboucher.) (Medals, 1866, ’70.) 49 ~=©Inquisitive. sy 3 ry 0 , al BA aNgens Meee VON BREMEN (J. G. MEYER), (Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850.) GLAIZE (PIERRE PAUL LEON), Berlin ye 59 Please Buy my Bouquets ? Paris A (Pupil of Géréme.) ; cd" (Afedals, 1864, 66, 68.) ior 51 Pompeian Image-5eller. HART (JAMES M.), New York csv 52 Lake in the Adirondacks. JOURDAN (ADOLP HE), (Pupil of Jalabert.) } (Afedals, 1854, ’66, ’69.) Paris 53 Italian Grape-Gatherer. -PIOT (ADOLPHE), JS. OD Up aee (Pupil of M.L. Cogniet.) F , yo’.. 54 The Blue Bird. SCHREYER (ADOLPHE), Frankfort - (Medals, 1864,’65,'67; Vienna Exposition, ’73.) 55 Ihe Retreat of the Stan- pe SOc cs dard-bearer. JALABERT (CHARLES FRANQOIS), Paris (Pupil of P. Delaroche.) i ay) (ALedals, 1847, ’51, '53, 55; Legion of Honor, ry, 1855; Medal at Universal Exposition, 1867; Officer of the Legion of EHonor, 1867.) 56 . Romeo and Juliet rats eraved). (Act 3, Scene 5.) COMTE (PIERRE CHARLES), —_—~Paris ; (Pupil of Robert Fleury.) S Pte (Nf eda) ote Brussels, 1848, Parvisy*’be, 53, ’5%, | } Q ; "575 Legion of Honor, 1857; Aledal at Uni- , versal Expostiion, 1868; Chevalier of the Orders of Léopold and Christ of Portugal). 57 Lhe Joilet. VOL TZ (FR.), Munich é 3 (Medal Vienna Exposition, 1873.) b . go”. aaa 58 Landscape and Cattle. COMPTE-CALIX (F. C.), Paris (Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Lyons.) : : (Medals, 1857, 59, 63.) a wnt) * ’ ; ie 59 Looking for Truth. DURAND (A. B.), New York ae . 60 Landscape—Sunset. ~S 19 WHITTREDGE (W.), New York 61 Trout Stream. KAEMMERER (EF. H.), Paris ~ (Pupil of Géréme.) i (Medal, 1874.) 62 The Quarrel (Salon, ’73). KENSETT (JOHN F.) (deceased), New York 63 West Point. (Cozzen’s Landing.) CASTRES (EDOUARD), Paris (Pupil of Zamacois.) (Medals, 1872 and’74.) 64 Japanese Toilet. re ye i DELORT (CHARLES EDWARD), __ Paris (Pupil of Gleyre and Géréme.) y od" (ALedal, 1875.) 65 The Defence of the Cha- teau. HERRING (J. F.) (deceased), London Landscape by MEADOWS, ee 66 Brook by the Way. eed («3 "as ‘SECOND EVENING’S SALE, ~ WEDNESDAY MAY 3d, Commencing at 74 o'clock, at the Clinton Hall Sales Room, Astor Place. PARTON (A.), ‘New York 67 Landscape. WAY (A. J. HL), S Balinoes 68 Still Life—Doves. ROSSITER (T. P.) (deceased), New York (Medal in Paris, 1855.) 69 Reverie. SPENCER (LILY M.), New York 70 Nuts and Raisins. AUBLET (ALBERT), ic 1 agua Yeats (Pupil of C. Facguand and Géréme.) (Medal, 1875.) 71 Study in Brittany. LAMBDIN (GEORGE C.), Philadelphia 72 Blowing Bubbles. PLANSON, , Paris 73 Strawberries. COUTOURIER (P. L.), Paris (Pupil of Pécot.) (Medals, 1855, 61.) 74 Chickens. CAILLE (LEON EMILE), Paris (Pupil of L. Cogniet and Castan. ) ’ 39+ 75 The Young Mother. SCHRECKE (AUGUSTE), Dusseldorf 70 laacs, BACHEREAU (VICTOR), Paris »o' 77 Dressing Doggy. BILLOTTE (LEON JOSEPH), Dijon (Pupil of Blondel. ) 78 Clasping the Girdle. ARMFIELD (GEORGE), ~~ Dendén 79 Aetrex’ HART (JAMES M.), = —~—™ New York : if. 80 Solitude. } BOUGHTON (GEO. H.), : London $< 81. Brittany Girl. 3 | JUTSUM (HENRY) (deceased), London 4 19 82 Norbury Park. River Mole, near London. BOSCH (ERNST), Dusseldorf (Medai at Veenna, 1873.) 7 @o°’ 83 Cinderella. KENSETT (JOHN F.) (deceased), New York ; ae 84 Near Newport. $ A pene SS: oa % 7 Pyo 87 “Twilight (Adirondacks). 4 \ BAUMGARTNER (B.), Berlin \) {0° 8> Storm in the Tyrol. GOEXDAYV ID). Antwerp (Pupil of th: Academy at Antwerp.) (Medal at Vienna Exhibition, 1873. Chevalier of the 7,2 * Order of Léopold of Belg¢um.) 86 Coming to the Point, GIFFORD (SANFORD R.), New York WEISZ (ADOLPHE), oes (Pupil of Falatert.) Medal, 1875. 7 87* The Tired Drummer. 4 GUY'S. }), | Nov cone r,7)' 88 Poot Luck! GRANDCHAMP (LOUIS EMILE), . Paris (Pupil of Picot and M. F. Dubois). - | %' 89 Donkey Driver of Cairo. PLASSAN (ANTOINE EMILE), Paris (Medals, 1852, 57, 59; Legon of Honor, 1859.) i ans 9° The Toilet. wv RICHARDS (W. T.), Philadelphia F Qt “ And Some Fell Among rT 4 - Thorns.” (Engraved). SeaAlLTUCK (A..D.), New York 92 Study of Grasses. CHARNAY (ARMAND), Paris } (Pupil of Feyen, Perrin, and Pils.) pega) 93) The Picnic Patty. ; : JOURDAN (ADOLPHE), Paris (Pupil of Falabert.) (Medals, 1864, ’66, 69.) 94 The Bather. 4 , | rm, 4 8 . 2 nd 4 : M ~ T ; 2? HUNTINGTON (DANIEL), New York 95 Miranda. SCHREYER (ADOLPHE), Frankfort ; (Medals, 1864, '65,’67,; Vienna Exhibition, 73.) Py joo 96 ‘Trooper in a Snow Storm. CHAVET (VICTOR JOSEPH), Paris (Pupil of Revoil and Rogueplan.) — | a (Medals, 1853, '55,°57, Legion of Honor, 1859.) if. 97 Conversation. KENSETT (JOHN F.) (deceased), New York P nad! 98 Cayuga Lake. ¢ HERBSTHOFFER (CHARLES), __ Austria ye’ 99 The Impending Conflict. BAKER (GEORGE A,), New York 100. ~=6s RRevverrie.. BRILLOUIN (LOUIS GEORGES), Paris (Pupil of Drilling and Cabat.) _ (Medals, 1865, ’66, ’69, 74, Vienna Exhibetion, 1873 5 ee Chevalier of the Order of Leopold.) y™~ yor The Amateur Arrtist. LESREL (ADOLPHE), : Paris (Pupil of Géréme.) ¥ 102 The Missal. BERANGER (EMILE), Paris (Pupil of his Father and Delaroche.) (Medals 1846 and ’48.) 103 The Beautiful Model. CASTRES (EDOUARD), Paris (Pupil of Zamacozs.) me (Medals, 1872 and 74.) S"" 104 The Gallant. GIRARD (FIRMIN), | Paris (Pupil of Gleyre.) (Medals, 1863 and ’74.) 2" 105 The Coming Shower. PERALTA, - Rome ast tte 106 Spanish Bric-a-brac Shop. ae MEISSONIER (JEAN CHARLES), Paris (Puftil of his Father.) ' n (fv ; (Medal, 1866.) ee to)!“ 'Bon' Four.” BAZZANI (L.), Rome + 19: 108 Pompeian Interior. yo! Pion (ANTOINE EMILE), Paris (Medals, 1852, ’57, ’39,; Legion of fHonor, 1859.) | 309 109 Reading Don Quixote. = C OOMANS (JOSEPH), Brussels (Medals at Brussels, 1848 » at the Hague,’59; Metz, 61; Rouen, 63; Sydenham, 74; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold.) cea i $S°* 110 ‘The Confidant. 31 ~i 7 a a >, mis hv ‘ J METZMACHER (EMILE) 7 7 (Pupil of G. Boulanger and Wellems.) O° tr1 The Music Lesson PERRAULT (LEON), (Pupil of Picot and Bouguereau.) (Medal, 1864.) 112 ak he Good Sister. (COMPTE-CALIX (EF. C.), (Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Lyons ) : (Medals, 1857, 759, ’63.) ri3o a4 la a —e Rr ees ae ee : OA Pe -ae. a Nite eM tbelas ate Att ‘ Rebtisneltaduceta tare tuts ied nitena na : ® f i 4 i s ¥ ee es te hn Mn a oe Sele ee = oer Ss ee > ey a 4: te 4 emit 94) le a! 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