(8 the A Pious ‘ Pail ; i i 1 4 at n : f “4 ; r jaa rela Th ‘ q A in ; $i 1 ke epi | i i 5 ‘ P , L § a Avie ¥ ae Cry ike Ag at ee Sg! aha { ~ te sein ry) oon Fear pay +8 he ba aren bat b dict p ses PRP Ned ehh . rents «a ls th ane Me . et a “4 ¥ - s «x ‘ 7a me 2 j 7 ~ Coat Se tee ea : : q ; : 4 5 2M &. +. , > SA PWLE TEETER TT TPES ae se “s So ; out ‘ ¢ ; frie Og a Lous tnrwirt Wbiiwaman orto Tee a heipe AVENUE AT FORTIETH Hp | PRORRE Gi) i aciage A | 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK . ie grten kl Riwy ve sy ma q Nae “: re eee 0 EAR npg lela 8 Da Se ya: gD fm Tat agg Ah shih pitch ids." dO cue. abi b-caniaiieee ee > Ad HD, Mh NRA & AN Tagine) a . Bhoese ; : Simm) REO x isha ae a CO td gee ee ae : + oer py tess ¥ : . LAs j 7 A it) anh . 4 by? es ‘ Slee ~—_ ~ 5 , ~ . : “* > hn ‘ > iad y NE , . , . wi ‘ B be ~ —_ 4 , f MARBLE FIGURE: THE GODDESS OF MERCY. 1004. No. A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS, JADES, CRYSTALS, WOOD CARVINGS, PAINTINGS, EMBROIDERIES, ANTIQUE CHINESE RUGS AND THREE GREAT PALACE SCREENS OF EXTRAORDINARY MERIT THE PROPERTY OF M. CHARLES LECHEVREL OF CAEN, NORMANDY, FRANCE To Be Soldin Six Sessions on the Afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and the Evenings of Wednesday and Thursday, November 18 to 21, 1914 at 2:30 and 8:15 o'clock On Public Exhibition from Saturday, November 7, 1914 AT Che Anderson Galleries Fletropolitan Art Assoctation Mapison AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEw YORK Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. ; ; 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also re- serves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such sh payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk a niet twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in de- fault of which the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be ~ left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending pur- chasers, and the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be re-sold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. GOhe Anderson Galleries METROPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, MaApbison AVENUE AT FortieTH STREET, TELEPHONE Murray HItt 7680. New York. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $8.00 NOTED ——— ‘HIS hetabie Catlekaen of Oriental Art Ohiccts has been consigned for unrestricted public sale by ; M. 1Ghscles Lechevrel of Caen, Normandy, France. It was f formed during a residence of thirteen years in China, | f Z and embraces a wide variety of artistic objects. One of the particular features of the exhibition worthy of atten- Pes tion is the group of antique Chinese Paintings, while the three Great Palace Screens are examples of Oriental art worthy of places in our Museums or the finest private col- lections; they were secured by the owner only after keen _ competition, with a representative of a French Museum, and were regarded in Europe as objects of extraordinary interest. The Temple Carvings in wood and marble are rare and valuable, and, ‘like the Porcelains, Jades, and Crystals, offer infinite variety for collectors. ORDER OF SALES Lots 1-163 Wednesday Afternoon, November 18th Miniature Vases, Snuff Bottles, Blue and White, Celadon Single Color and Decorated Porcelains, Bronzes, and Carvings. Wednesday Evening, November 18th Lots 164-327 Snuff Bottles, Decorated and Single Color Porcelains, Bronzes, Jades, Porcelain and Carved Wood Figures. Thursday Afternoon, November 19th . Lots 328-527 Mandarin Necklaces, Snuff Bottles, Jades, Crystals, Decorated and Single Porcelains, Bronzes, and Wood Carvings. Thursday Evening, November 19th Agate Snuff Bottles, Jades, Crystals, Blue and White and Single Color Porcelains, Embroidered Rubes and Hang- ings, Choice Antique Chinese Rugs, Antique Chinese Paintings, and Three Great Palace Screens. . Lots 528-789 Friday Afternoon, November 20th Lots 790-1004 Mandarin Neck Beads, Snuff Bottles, Decorated and Single Color Porcelains, Wood Carvings, and Embroid- ered Coats and Hangings. Saturday Afternoon, November 2lst Lots 1005-1180 Bronze and Porcelain Figures, Jades, Crystals, Porce- lains, and Table Screens. COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL ART OBJECTS THE PROPERTY OF M. CHARLES LECHEVREL OF CAEN, NORMANDY, FRANCE FIRST SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, November 18, 1914, at 2:30 o’clock Miniature Vases. Snuff Bottles, Blue and White, Celadon Single Color and Decorated Porcelains, Bronzes and Carvings 1. MINIATURE BLUE AND WHITE JAR. (Kien Lung) Shaped after a large wine jar with relief decoration. 2. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Cylindrical form, coated with tea dust glaze; red giass stopper. 3. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of flattened, globular shape with decoration of Jotus and Mei Hua, painted in five colors; green glass stop- per. ; 4, FLAMBE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of cylindrical form coated with brilliant flambé glaze; green glass top. Teakwood stand. 5. MINIATURE SQUARE VASE. (Yung Cheng) Circular neck and base with decoration of four lions painted under mustard yellow glaze. Teakwood stand, 9) 10. pe diz, 13. 1) 2 ee. oe ne DSRS Pont, eek Gh we f A +r = ‘ i PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Cylindrical, hard porcelain, decorated with a fish spit- Re me ting fire, painted over brilliant rice colored crackled ad: red glass stopper. Teakwood stand. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) : Of flattened oviform with lion head ring handles, with decoration of Pa Paos (Precious Things), carved in — co | the paste under brilliant phoenix glaze. (Nostopper). PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE (Yung Cheng) | Cylindrical in form, of hard porcelain, having decora- _ tion of dragons amidst clouds over cosmic sea, painted _ in purple, brown and blue under brilliant wRue glaze; red stopper. Stand. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of globular flattened shape with lion head ring han- dles and decoration of medallion showing dragons painted in green and brown, the surrounding ground of waves painted in blue and white; coral red stopper. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Yung Cheng) Of hard paste with decoration of warriors painted in five colors over a white glaze; red stopper. MINIATURE PORCELAIN VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Decorated with dragon in brilliant coral, amidst flames, over cosmic sea, painted in blue under a brilliant white © glaze; dragon mark under foot; red stopper. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of flattened shape, decoration of Chu Sa Pan Bud- dhas with five devils and bats, painted in brilliant coral red over a pure white glaze. MINIATURE BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of farmer and helper in the field, delicately painted in blue under brilliant ivory crackled glaze. Mark under foot. Mi oY Wii Hei) With decoration of children Kee in gardens, Ae ed in brilliant blue under pure white glaze. With _ stand. . BLUE AND WHITE TEAPOT. (Kang Hsi) | i Hard porcelain. Decorated with flowers, in blue un- me ‘BLUE AND WHITE BOWL WITH COVER. (Ming) ; - Shape of a lotus bud, with decoration of lotus buds around the bowl, cover design of lotus seeds. Teak- wood stand. _ ~ Diameter, 4 inches. fe PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE SEMI-EGGSHELL BOWLS. (Ming) ei Decorated with. flowers and scrolls, painted in blue under glaze. — Diameter, 41% inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOWL. (Ming) | Of hard paste, decorated with four seasons’ flowers, painted in blue under brownish crackled glaze, the in- terior decoration of a lotus. Teakwood stand. a ee | Height, 9 inches. 19. BLUE AND WHITE DISH. (Ming) : Decorated with a huge dragon catching pearl amidst flame, painted in blue under glaze, the end of the dragon on outer part of dish. Height, 1114 inches. 20. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE PLATES. (Kien Lung) Interior and exterior decoration of phoenix amidst clouds, painted in blue under glaze. Government stamp under foot. Height, 614 inches. 21. PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE BOWLS. (Kien Lung) Translucent porcelain, decorated with scroll medal- lions, the interior panel decoration of Pa Paos: (pre- cious things), together with flames and scrolls in brill- iant blue under glaze. Height, 834 inches. 22. LARGE BLUE AND WHITE DISH. (Ming) — ns With scalloped edge, having floral and scroll medal- ‘ lions. Diameter, 13 inches. der brilliant glaze. Height, 3 V2 inches. 23. a4, 20. 26. a7. 28. 29. 30. PAIR OF OBLONG PLATES. (Ming) With landscape decoration in blue under the alae. Teakwood stands. Length, 10 inches. SMALL CRACKLED BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Ming) With decoration of the Goddess of Mercy. Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. SMALL COVERED JAR Hard porcelain of flattened oviform, with decoration of women and children painted in blue under the glaze. — Original cover and teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. PAIR OF CRACKLED BLUE AND WHITE VASES. (Yung Cheng) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of the handed antiques, painted in blue under a brownish crackled glaze, having prunus sprig relief handles. ‘Teakwood stands. Height, 9 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) - Bottle shaped with flare neck, of hard porcelain, with decoration of female figures painted in blue under the glaze with touch of brown. Teakwood stand. Height, 81% inches. SMALL CORNET SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of a cat watching bees gathering around peonies, painted in dull blue under glaze, with surrounding ground of powder blue. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 7% inch: s. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with deer head mask ring handles, having alternating decoration of floral scrolls and palm | leaves, painted in blue under glaze; has stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 10%4 inches. VASE. (Kang Hsi) Of hard paste, with hzard crawling around the neck, coated with lapis lazuli glaze, over a body of fine rice colored crackled glaze; has double ring under foot; teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. No. 116. BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR. f No. 149. VASE WITH RAISED DECORATION. No. 244. CRYSTAL COVERED CUP. No. 157. VASE ENAMELED IN COLORS. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37, PAIR OF JARS. (K’ang Hsi) Hard porcelain of flattened oviform, with decoration of four bears and children, painted in blue under glaze; original covers. Teakwood stands. Height, 51% inches. SMALL JAR. (Ming) Of heavy stoneware, with decoration of conventional lotus flowers and scrolls, painted in dull blue under bluish white glaze. ‘'eakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Ming) _Of hard porcelain, decorated with Goddess of Mercy with attributes, deer and bats, painted in blue and white over a rice color crackled glaze, having em- bossed lion head handles. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. PAIR OF SMALL JARS. (Ming) Of hard paste, with decoration of phoenix and dragon running after the sacred pearl, amidst clouds and flames, painted in light blue under a brilliant creamy glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 6 inches. BLUE AND WHIITE INCENSE BURNER. (Kien Lung) In shape of a bowl, with decoration of phoenix alter- nating with peony flowers and foliage and border of upright sceptre leaves and lower key pattern border, painted in blue under glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 934 inches. PAIR OF HAWTHORN JARS. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of white prunus blossoms upon an opaque blue ground, covered with darker lines to represent cracking ice. Original covers and teakwood stands. Height, 11 inches. CORNET SHAPED VASE. (Ming) Of heavy stoneware, with pencilled decoration of flow- ers and birds, painted in blue under bluish white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. 9 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43, 44, BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Ming) Of quadrangular form, with decoration of dragons on four sides, having borders of upright palm leaves and sceptre heads painted under the glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 1244 inches. BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR. (Kien Lung) © Oviform, with medallion decoration of antiques and “precious things,” the surrounding ground showing © prunus blossoms on a blue back ground. Has stand. | | “\ Height, 8% inches. BLUE AND WHITE CLUB SHAPED VASE. (ang Hist) Of hard paste, with decoration of the “Hundred An- tiques,” and lower flower border painted in blue under a white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. TALL OVIFORM HAWTHORN JAR Decorated with sprigs of white prunus blossoms upon a mottled background of opaque blue of fine quality, covered with a reticulation of darker blue lines to rep- resent cracking ice, symbol of coming spring. Carved wood stand and cover. Height, 14 inches. SMALL GOLD SPOTTED BRONZE INCENSE BURN- ER. (Ming) Mark underneath. With stand. Height, 51% inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Finely decorated with curios, dwarf trees and butter- flies, painted in blue under a pearly white glaze. Teak-: wood stand. Height, 16% inches. LARGE CORNET SHAPED VASE (Ming) Of hard paste, decorated with landscape, winter scene and deer, with trees painted in brilliant blue under a creamy white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 20 inches, — 10 45. 46. 4”. 48. 49. 50. 51. PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE TEMPLE VASES. (Ming) With decoration of flowers, butterflies and “Good Luck” character painted in blue under a brilliant glaze. Original cover and teakwood stand. Height, 17% inches. VASE. (Yung Cheng) 5 Of hard porcelain, with decoration showing teacher and children in a garden, painted in five colors en- ameled over glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. BLUE AND WHITE TRAY. ((Ming) Of hard paste, with medallion decoration showing pagodas and water scene painted in blue under the glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Width, 14% inches. IMPERIAL VASE. (Ming) Of hard porcelain, having floral decoration in five colors enamemled over a white glaze. Has double ring and characters under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration showing mandarin ducks in a lotus pond amid lotus flowers and foliage, with sceptre head and floral upper border. Teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches. SMALL VASE. (Tao Kwang) Of hard porcelain, decorated with Buddhas of lon- gevity, painted over a glaze in brilliant enameled five colors. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 934 inches. PAIR OF OFFERING JARS. (Tao Kwang) Oviform, with decoration showing the “Hight Fairies” marching across a cosmic sea, with lotus and scroll border, painted in five colors enameled under the glaze. Original covers and teakwood stands. Height, 1134 inches, 11 52. 53. 54, 55. 56. 57, 58. 59. PAIR OF TEMPLE JARS. (Kien Lung) am Of hard porcelain, with decoration illustrating the oF Emperor, Tai Kang, renowned for his love for chil-_ dren. With lower border of peonies, medallions and Buddhistic emblems, as follows: a Lo (Conch Shell), a San (State Umbrella), a Yu (Pair of Fish), and a Shueh (Pair of Rhinoceros Horn Cups) ; about the neck are floral garlands. Teakwod stands. Height, 13% inches. LARGE DECORATED JAR. (Yung Ching) Of hard paste, oviform, decorated with New Year's symbols and floral devices, the lower border of key pattern, the upper of sceptre heads, flowers and scrolls, painted in five colors on gold over a brilliant white ‘glaze. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 141% inches. TEMPLE VASE. (Ming) Of hard porcelain, with decoration showing a man- darin worshipping the Goddess of Mercy amidst the clouds, with his attendants; palm leaf and-scroll bor- ders painted in five colors enameled over white glaze. Height, 2314 inches. PAIR OF BOWLS Decorated with pagodas and a houseboat. Diameter, 434 inches. BOWL With landscape and harbor decoration. Diameter, 514 inches. BOWL Decorated with harbor scene and pagodas. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 534 inches. EIGHT SMALL PLATES , : With stands. Diameter, 234 inches. FIVE PLATES | With landscape decoration. Teakwood stands. Diameter, 744 inches, 12 No. 288. VASE WITH CARVED DECORATION No. 402. COVERED CUP OF ROCK CRYSTAL No. 406. : SMOKED CRYSTAL ORNAMENT. No. 473. BEAKER. ete Nar ee ey it a eee fe : ~s e 60. PAIR OF BOWLS abate 6 | Diameter, 434 inches. 61. ROSE BOWL. (Kien Lung) Decorated with floral medallions and scrolls. Teak- wood stand. Diameter, 514 inches. 62. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) Painted with floral decoration. Has mark under foot. Diameter, 51% inches, 63. DECORATED BOWL. (Kien Lung) With religious inscription of the Han Dynasty, in me- dallion shape. Diameter, 7 inches. 64. PORCELAIN BOWL. (Kien Lung) Decorated with medallion of the four seasons’ flowers, surrounding ground of terra cotta. Has stand. Diameter, % inches. With landscape decoration. Has leaf mark under foot. : 65. DECORATED BOWL. (K’ang Hsi) Diameter, 614 inches. 66. PAIR OF BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) Imperial translucent ware, with peony and bird deco- ration on a purple background. Diameter, 5 inches. 67. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (K’ang Hsi) With decoration of dragon amidst flames over cosmic sea, painted in brown over a brilliant squash green glaze. Teakwood stands. Diameter, 534 inches. 68. PAIR OF BOWLS. ( Chia Ching) With decoration of gold and coral peonies and scrolls, lower sceptre head border and upper scroll border. Diameter, 634 inches. 69. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of peonies and begonias, painted in black and white enamel over turquoise blue glaze. Diameter, 634 inches. 13 70. 71. 72, V3. 74. 5, 76. NET PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (K’ang Hsi) With floral and grasshopper decoration, in five col- ors; Shu under knee, reading “Happiness and Lon- gevity.” Diameter, 634 inches. SMALL CYLINDRICAL VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, with decoration of phoenix and flowers nae in five colors over the glaze. (Slightily damaged at — the neck). ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. BOWL. (Chia Ching) With decoration of peach trees in full bloom, and wil- low trees, together with birds; the interior decorated with sprig of peach tree, bamboos and fir trees. Diameter, 714 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (K/’ang Hsi) With landscape decoration showing Chinese peasant life in dress of the time, the interior decoration of a stork in a medallion, and floral scroll border. Has leaf mark under foot. 3 Diameter, 734 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) With medallion decoration of the hundred antiques, the surrounding ground of gourd flowers and fruits painted in five colors on a background of Imperial yellow, with upper and lower scroll borders. Has mark under foot. Diameter, 734 inches. LARGE SANG DE BOEUF BOWL. (Kien Lung) Coated with brilliant Sang de Boeuf glaze, shading to mouth and base in ashes of roses color. ‘Teakwood stand. Diameter, 10% inches. PAIR OF MEDALLION COUPES. (Kien Lung) Hard porcelain, coated with cherry red glaze, with in- temior decoration of four characters in a medallion (name of the giver) on a turquoise blue ground. Teak- wood stands. Diameter, 514 inches. PAIR OF DECORATED DISHES. (Ming) Of hard paste, the exterior decoration of dragons emerging from the sea, running after a sacred pearl, amidst flames, the interior decoration of hermits. Teakwood stands. Diameter, 5 inches. 14 78. 19. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. FOUR SMALL DECORATED PLATES Scalloped, with decoration of the New Year celebra- tion. Teakwood stands. Diameter, 514 inches. TWO IMPERIAL WARE PLATES. (K’ang Hi) With delicate floral decoration, painted in five colors, over Imperial yellow ground glaze, interior decoration of bats in coral red over a brilliant white glaze. | G Diameter, 614 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE PLATES. (K’ang Hsi) Delicately painted with floral scrolls. Mark under foot. Diameter, 6% inches. IMPERIAL SEMI-EGGSHELL PLATE. (Chia Ching) Translucent, engraved with floral and folage decora- tion in canary yellow colors. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 6 inches. DECORATED PLATE. (Kien Lung) Lotus and scroll decoration in new green over a pure white glaze of translucent quality. Prince Ching household stamp underneath. Diameter, 734 inches. IMPERITAL WARE PLATE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of long life characters in medallions, together with bats. Government stamp underneath. IMPERITAL WARE PLATE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of floral scrolls of the “Famille rose” class, and interior floral medallion delicately painted. Government stamp under foot. Diameter, 534 inches. IMPERIAL WARE FRUIT DISH. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of bat and peaches signifying happi- ness and longevity, and a lower border of conven- tional waves; interior decoration shows dragons pur- suing the “Sacred Pearl” amid clouds, painted in coral red over a blue glaze. Government stamp on the base. Diameter, 11 inches. PAIR OF POWDER BLUE PLATES. (Chia Ching) Invested with brilliant powder blue glaze. Diameter, 9 inches. 15 87. 88. 89. 90. ohh ae. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97, IMPERIAL WARE JARDINIERE aan Square shaped, with floral medallion on floral back- — ground, painted in five colors of the “Famille rose.” Slightly damaged. Government stamp underneath. — Teakwood stand. Diameter, 5%4 inches. _ PAIR OF IMPERIAL PLATES. (Tao Kwang) With decoration showing an aisle of the Nan King palace, painted in five colors on enameled glaze. Teak- _ | i: wood stands. Width, 9% inches, ; SIX PLATES OF IMPERIAL WARE ; Same decoration as the preceding. ‘Teakwood stands. Width, 734 inches. PAIR OF SMALL IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS Teakwood stands. Width, 3% inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS Width, 4%4 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS | | Width, 4%4 inches. SIX IMPERIAL WARE PLATES Teakwood stands. (Two missing). Width, 3 inches. WRITER'S BRUSH HOLDER. (Ming) | Invested with powder blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. PEACH BLOOM MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shape, coated with a brilliant crackled glaze of first quality. Has stand. Height, 314 inches. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration carved in high relief, showing a deer and storks under fir trees in subdued colors, on yel- lowish ground. Fine specimen. Coral stopper. LARGE DISH. (Chia Ching) With decoration of peony flowers and birds over a yel- low background, and sceptre head border. Diameter, 13 inches. 16 "AZV1D NAAYND ddd HLIM GHLVOD SHSVA XO AlVd GNV LOdVAL ‘80r ‘fOr “SON 98. PAIR OF YELLOW BOWLS. (Kien Lung) Decorated with Pa Paos (precious things), a pair of fish alternating with scrolls and medallions of the Chi- nese legend in five colors on Imperial yellow back- ground. Width, 5% inches. 99. BRONZE ORNAMENT. (Ming) 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, 105. Long Life Buddha riding a reindeer. With stand. Height, 15 inches. LARGE JAR. (Yung Cheng) Oviform, of heavy stoneware, interior and exterior coated with evenly pure Blane de Chine glaze. Has teakwood stand and cover. Height, 12% inches. MINIATURE WINE CUP Bowl shape, with decoration of roses on yellow scroll | background. Teakwood stand. TALL TRUMPET SHAPED IMPERIAL VASE. (Kien Lung) , Semi-eggshell, evenly coated with fine Blanc de Chine glaze. Has stand. Height, 634 inches. TALL SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) Of tall cylindrical shape, with curved neck spread- ing to mouth, coated with a brilliant Sang de Poulet crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 221% inches. DECORATED BOWL. (Ming) Semi-eggshell, with decoration of upright green cab- bage leaves, insects, grasshoppers and butterflies, paint- ed in five colors; interior decoration of pomegranates, flowers and fruits. Diameter, 7 inches. LARGE DISH. (Kien Lung) Invested with a brilliant blue glaze. | Diameter, 16 inches. PAIR OF CORAL BOWLS. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of lotus scrolls al- ternating with sign of longevity in gold over a coral glaze. Has government mark under foot. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 434 inches. ae LOG, 108. 109. £10; 1S ag 112. 113. 114. PAIR OF MANDARIN HAT STANDS. (Ming) Of bamboo shape, with raised decoration of conven- tional rocks from which spring prunus flowers and an G buds, with magpies, enameled in various colors over a dark yellow ground. Height, 10 inches. PAIR OF BRONZE CANDLESTICKS. (Ming) — Storks holding peaches. Height, 21% inches. © VASE. (Ming) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of Buddha with - children and attendants, deer, stork and bats, painted in five colors over a glaze. Has mark under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. TALL BUDDHA OF LONGEVITY. (Tao Kwang) Old finely carved Buddha. Height, 20% inches. CUT GLASS BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Pure glass, with ground rings on a ruby red surface. Height, 5% inches. LARGE IMPERIAL WARE DISH. (Yung Cheng) Beautifully decorated with lotus flower and scrolls, painted in five colors over a white glaze. Government mark under foot. Diameter, 15 inches. IMPERIAL WARE BOWL. (Chia Ching) Decorated with upright cabbage leaves, insects and butterflies; interior decoration of squash and butter- flies, in five colors and gold. Has government stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 7 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE JARDINIERES. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with medallion decoration of flow- ers and grass hoppers, painted in five colors over a pure white glaze, the surrounding ground of lotus and scrolls painted in a light color over a sapphire blue glaze. Government stamp underneath. Teakwood stands, | Diameter, 7% inches. 18 pele 116. 117. 118. VT. 120. 121. 122. IMPERIAL WARE BOWL. (Kien Lung) Decorated with lotus and “precious things”, having me- dallions of the four seasons’ flowers, painted in five colors of the Famille rose. Has Government stamp — under foot. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 7 inches. BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR. (Tao Kwang) Oviform, of white hard porcelain, decorated with three Buddhas of good omen, painted in blue under a glaze of pearl white. Carved teakwood cover and stand. (See Jllustration). Height, 914 inches. GLASS PAINTING | Portrait of a Cantonese girl. Size, 36 x 26% inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of. conventional floral scrolls and landscape medallions in under glaze blue. Teakwood stand. Height, 814 inches. VASE. (Yung Cheng) Of hard porcelain, decorated with phoenix and peonies, buds and flowers, painted in five colors enameled over “orange peel” pink ground. (Chipped). Teakwood stand. | Height, 9% inches. IMPERIAL WARE CUP. (Chia Ching) Of hard porcelain, decorated with lions playing with balls, in subdued coral under a glaze; foot borders of cosmic waves and flower scrolls, painted over a glaze in five colors. Government stamp under foot. Diameter, 634 inches. FAMILLE ROSE BOWL Fine orange peel surface, with dentelled lips bordered with gold. ‘Teakwood stand. Diameter, 634 inches. LARGE FIVE-COLOR BUDDHA. (Tao Kwang) Brilliantly decorated with five colors, enameled bro- caded scrolls and Cho, sign of longevity. Teakwood stand. Height, 15 inches. 19 123. (124. 125. 126. 127, 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. BLUE AND WHITE HEXAGONAL VASE. (Kien ; Lung) Spreading toward the mouth aaa decorated with flow- ers, fruits and brocaded borders in blue under the glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. TABLE SCREEN 7 Formed of a panel of stone, ie with figures and foliage in relief, held by teakwood supports. | Height, 17 inches. PORCELAIN FIGURE OF A GODDESS With attendants, coated with Blane de Chine glaze. | Height, 8 inches. SQUARE CELADON VASE The sides decorated with trigrams. Height,.11%% inches. THIBET BRONZE FIGURE OF A GODDESS | Height, 4 inches. MONGOLIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A DISCIPLE OF BUDDHA. (Ming) (See Illustration) Height, 19 ‘inches. BRONZE BUDDHA SEATED Teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. GILDED THIBET BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA. (Ming) Finely carved. Height, 614 inches. MONGOLIAN GILDED BRONZE FIGURE The Goddess of Mercy seated on a bed of lotus. Height, 7 inches. GILDED BRONZE WARRIOR BUDDHA Fine specimen from South China. (Sword missing). Teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. MONGOLIAN GILDED BRONZE FIGURE The Goddess Kuan Yin. Height, 7 inches. 20 No. 472. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. No. 492. PAIR OF MEDALLION VASES. No. 480. BLUE AND WHITE TEMPLE JAR. 135. 134. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. SOUTH CHINA BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA. (Ming) Representing the Buddha of Wealth holding a sycee in his hand. With stand. Height, 1234 inches. THIBET BRONZE FIGURE OF A GODDESS. (Ming) Riding on a lon. Height, 15% inches. SOUTH CHINA BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA OF WAR. (Ming) Height, 13 inches. THIBET BRONZE FIGURE OF A GODDESS. (Ming) Beautifully carved work, showing her seated on a six tusk elephant. Size, 14 x 10 inches. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Yung Cheng) With cylindrical neck, decorated with the three Bud- dhas of good omen, long life, good luck and wealth, with attendants under a, fir tree, painted in blue under a white glaze. Height, 16% inchcs. CELADON BOWL. (Tao Kwang) Imperial ware, with floral decoration engraved on the paste, coated with a celadon glaze of transparent qual- ity. ‘Teakwood stand. Diameter, 6 inches. SMALL INCENSE BURNER. (Tao Kwang) With twisted handles, coated with a pea green celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 4 inches. NINE NECK FLOWER VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Of double gourd shape, decorated with four season flowers, painted in five colors over a pale green celadon glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. DECORATED CELADON PLATE. (Ming) Of hard paste, decorated with landscape, painted in dark blue under a broad crackled celadon glaze. Height, 914 inches. PORCELAIN FIGURE OF A GODDESS Seated on a lotus bud, coated with Blanc de Chine glaze. Height, 914 inches. we 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. SMALL CELADON VASE. (Ming) Decorated with flowers and foliage, carved in relief, and coated with a greenish celadon glaze. pene : stand. | Height, 5 inches. — CELADON BRUSH HOLDER. (Ming) Of heavy stoneware, with decoration of conventional 4 peonies, scrolls, flowers and foliage in relief, under a translucent celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 544 inches; diameter, 44 inches. a 4 INCENSE BURNER. (Ming) Of pottery, supported on three feet with lion heads — and paws, pierced scroll handles, the cover surmounted by a lion holding a ball; decoration of Pa Paos carved in the paste, and enameled in various colors on a squash green ground. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 874 inches. PAIR OF FABULOUS LIONS. Tao Kwang) Boys riding on two fabulous lions decorated in aubar- gine and a sprinkling of yellow glaze. Height, 1014 inches. VASE. (Kang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with tubular neck, the body coated with fine powder blue glaze, having a dragon crawling - around the neck, and painted in purple and blue un- der a brilliant white glaze; engraved scroll border be- low neck. Teakwood stand. _ Height,.10 inches. DECORATED VAS. (Kien Lung) Coated with a fine chocolate glaze, having a raised dec- oration of dragons emerging out of the sea, amidst clouds and flames, painted in ‘five colors enameled. (Restored). Teakwood stand. Height, 10% inches. (See Illustration) CELADON INCENSE BURNER. (Sung) With decoration of Yu, a pair of fish, modelled in the paste under a green reddish celadon glaze. Teak- wood stand. Diameter, 414 inches. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156 157. 158. SMALL TEMPLE JAR. (Kien Lung) With decoration showing a phoenix resting on a con- ventional rock from which springs a magnolia flower, painted in five colors outlined in black over a new green ground engraved with scrolls. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. HAWTHORN JAR. (K’ang Hsi) With a medallion decoration of a unicorn in brilliant green and coral red enamel colors, the surrounding ground showing clusters of white prunus on a mottled green ground. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. CELADON WINE JAR. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with pierced handles, coated with a sea green celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. | Height, 74 inches. SMALL TEMPLE JAR. (Chia Ching) Decorated with dragons, together with lotus and scrolls painted in five colors enameled over a glaze of the Famille rose type; the upper border of sceptre heads. Teakwood stand and cover. Height, 914 inches. CELADON BOWL. (Sung) Massive shape, of hard stoneware, glazed with a trans- parent celadon texture, having fine brownish crackles. Teakwood stand. | Height, 7 inches. PAIR OF HAWTHORN VASES. (Kang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of sprigs of white prunus over a mirror black glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 9 inches. VASE Tall oviform, with long flaring neck decorated with peonies, magnolias, butterflies and phoenix enameled in five colors over a new green glazed ground. Teak- wood stand. Height, 18 inches. (See Illustration) SMALL PEAR SHAPED CELADON JAR. (Ming) Invested with a pale green glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches, 23 159. PEACH BLOOM VASE. (Ming) With raised decoration of a phoenix, ipa with peony flowers, bamboo leaves and pomegranates, paint-_ ed in enameled color over a fine peach bloom crackled glaze; delicately engraved blue scroll border. (Neck restored). Teakwood stand. Height, 14% inches. 160. PAIR OF TEMPLE JARS. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, decorated with gourd flowers, fruit and foliage with sceptre head and scroll upper border, and gourd shaped medallion reserves showing fairies on one side and an old philosopher with his pupils on the other. Enameled in five colors over the glaze. Teakwood covers and stands. Height, 14 inches. 161. SQUARE SHAPE VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of “precious things”, conventional peo- nies and scrolls, upper border of leaves, the middle of sceptre heads, the lower of key pattern, painted in aubergine and du!l blue under a glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. 162. LARGE VASE. (Ming) } With decoration of a phoenix, storks, sparrows, mag- pies and mandarin ducks in a pond, together with peonies and prunus flowers, carved in relief in the paste, and painted in five colors, enameled over an Imperial yellow ground; has scroll upper medallion border, and scroll rélief handle. Known by Chinese connoisseurs as the hundred birds close to phoenix. Teakwood stand. Height, 24 inches. 163. LARGE CELADON DECORATED VASE. (Yung Cheng) Oviform, with neck spreading to mouth, having ele- phant head handles and raised floral decoration, paint- ed in blue and white over a celadon glaze, Teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. 24 Ai ‘PAIR OF BL No. 481. UE AND WHITE JARS No. 493. PAIR OF ENAMELED VASES. 164. 165. 166. Tot. 168. 169. 170. U7 1: 172. SECOND SESSION | Wednesday Evening, November 18, 1914, at 8:15 o’clock | Snuff Bottles, Decorated and Single Color Porcelains, Jades Bronzes, Porcelain and Carved Wood Figures. et a eee PORCELAIN SNUFF JAR. (Ming) Invested with a snuif color glaze. MINIATURE ROSE CRACKLED SNUFF JAR. (Tao Kwang) ~ With stand. MINIATURE SNUFF JAR. (Ming) - Invested with a tea dust colored glaze. With stand. MINIATURE SNUFF JAR. (Tao Kwang) Invested with a light lapis lazuli crackled glaze. No stopper. MINIATURE DOUBLE GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Invested with a tea dust colored glaze. With stand. MINIATURE JAR. (Kien Lung) Oviform, coated with a finely crackled ivory glaze. Has stand. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Hard stoneware, coated with a brilliant Sang de Pou- let glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 334 inches. MINIATURE PEAR SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Animal head embossed handles, covered with a tea dust color glaze. With stand. DOUBLE GOURD SHAPE VASE. (Tao Kwang) Invested with a crushed melon seed glaze. With stand. 25 173. Tol: 185. MINIATURE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) | eS : ON Invested with a tea dust colored glaze. With stand. MINIATURE CRACKLED VASE. (Kien Lung) Invested with a brilliant rice color crackled glaze. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) : : Bottle shaped, coated with a snuff colored glaze. ‘With stand. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened oviform, with tall tubular neck, coated with | a red glaze. Height, 314 inches. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) Chinese water nut shape, invested with a black mirror glaze. 7 MINIATURE IRON RUST VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, coated with a fine iron rust cr With stand. MINIATURE CRACKLED JAR. (Tao Kwang) | MINIATURE VASE | Bottle shaped, invested with a fine cafe au lait color glaze. With stand. | PORCELAIN SNUFF JAR. (Tao Kwang) | Coated with a fine crackled lapis lazuli glaze. With — stand. 3 | MINIATURE EEL SKIN COLOR JAR. (Ming) Invested with a brilliant eel skin glaze. With stand. MINIATURE SNUFF COLORED VASE. (Kien Lung) MINIATURE SNUFF JAR. (Kien Lung) Tall oviform, coated with a red bean glaze. Has stand. Height, 314 inches. PAIR OF MINIATURE VASES. (Kien Lung) Pear shaped, invested with a fine mirror black glaze. Have stands. Height, 314 inches. 26 se b iJ qi: iv y a6 a. s } 186. MINIATURE POWDER BLUE VASE. (Kien Lung) Coated with a brilliant powder blue glaze. Has stand. | Height, 334 inches. 187. MIN IATURE VASE. (Chia Ching) Invested with a fine flambé glaze. With stand. 188., PAIR OF POWDER BLUE JARS. (K’ang Hsi) Brilliantly invested with a powder blue glaze. Teak- wood stands. Height, 4% inches. 189, SMALL SQUASH GREEN JAR. (Ming) Brilhantly coated with squash green crackled glaze, Teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. 190. FLAMBE WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) Has stand. Height, 434 inches. 191. PAIR OF SMALL JARS. (Kien Lung) Oviform, invested with a blue bean color glaze. Have carved teakwood covers and stands. Height, 5 inches. 192. SMALL FLOWER POT. (K’ang Hsi) Coated with a Sang de Poulet flambé glaze. Teak- . wood stand. Diameter, 5 inches. 193. POWDER BLUE VASE. (Kien Lung) Elegantly modeled, coated with a faultless glaze of translucent quality. Height, 514 inches. 194. SMALL VASH. (Kien Lung) Bottle shape, finely coated with a crackled Sang de Poulet glaze. Fine specimen. Has stand. Height, 6 inches. 195. SMALL WHITE VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Elegant shape, decorated with a dragon in relief crawl- ing around body, and coated with a fine Blanc de Chine glaze. Slghtly cracked at mouth. Teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. 196. SMALL GALLIPOT FLAMBE VASE. , (Ming) Invested with a blue bean flambé glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. Loe 198. die 200. 201, 202. 203. 204, 205. SMALL AUBERGINE VASE. (K’ang Hsi) | Coated with a brilliant aubergine glaze. Has mark — under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. — SHEEP LIVER VASE. (Kien Lung) Cylindrical in form, coated with a fine sheep’s liver color glaze. Has teakwood cover and stand. | Height, 514 inches. SMALL WHITE TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER. (Ming) 3 | Height, 4%4 inches. SMALL FLAMBE VASE. (Ming) — Coated with a brilliant flambé glaze. Has stand. Height, 6 inches. PORCELAIN INCENSE BURNER. (Shun Chia) Of sonorous porcelain, with tiger head ring handles and decoration of pagodas and landscape, painted in gold over a brilliant blue glaze. Has stand. ; Height, 634 inches. SHEEP’S LIVER COLORED VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with scroll handles in relief, coated with a sheep’s liver glaze of even quality. Has stand. Height, 714 inches. SMALL FLAMBE VASE. (Ming) Of hard porcelain, invested with a brilliant flambé glaze. Has stand. Height, 544 inches. PAIR OF POWDER BLUE VASES. (Tao Kwang) Bottle shaped, with tall necks, of hard porcelain, in- vested with a brilliant powder blue glaze of even qual- ity. Have stands. Height, 734 inches. PAIR OF TEA DUST COLORED JARS. (Kien Lung) Hard paste, of tail cylindrical shape, evenly coated with a tea dust colored glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. 28 “SASVA GHLVTINDILAYN AO YIVd “S6r “ON ‘N3YdTIHD GHYGNNH AHL dO SUVE AIdWHL dO UlVd ‘z0g “ON 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. mil: 212. 2138. 214, 215. COVERED JAR Pear shaped, decorated with birds and flowers in five colors, on a pale green ground. Teakwood stand. Height, 11 inches. PEAR SHAPED VASE Decorated with white hawthorn flowers under a seal brown glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 91% inches. SMALL ROUND WRITER’S WATER JAR Resting on three feet, with relief rings encircling the body. Height, 3 inches. PAIR OF POTTERY BOWLS On three feet, the sides fluted and decorated with vines and fruit in relief, coated with a green and white glaze. Teakwood stands. PAIR OF PORCELAIN COCKATOOS. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, coated with various tones, having a brilliant crackled phoenix green glaze. , Height, 834 inches. PAIR OF CLAIR DE LUNE VASES. (Kien Ling) Invested with a brilliant Clair de Lune glaze of the finest quality. Height, 8% inches. JAR Decorated with garden scenes and figures on a white ground, Height, 9 inches. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) With sceptre head handles and curved neck, coated with a brilliant Sang de Poulet glaze shading into rice colored crackle glaze near the neck. Teakwood stand. Height, 834 inches. SAPPHIRE BLUE VASE. (Ming) Coated with a brilliant sapphire blue glaze of even quality. Height, 10 inches. SMALL INCENSE BURNER. (Kien Lung) Of heavy stoneware, coated with a rice colored glaze, showing large brownish crackles. Diameter, 534 inches. 29 216. an ret 218. 219. 220. ae1, Q20, a24, SMALL WHITE VASE Of graceful shape, with lizard in relief about the neck, and band of key pattern engraved about the shoulder. — Teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches, BRUSH HOLDER Decorated with floral sprays on a ee coer PEAR SHAPED VASE Decorated with figures of dogs at play in brown on — Ns a celadon ground. ‘Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 734 inches. _ SMALL BLUE AND WHITE VASE Decorated with dragons amidst clouds and flames. — Teakwood cover. Height, 7 inches. PAIR OF EEL SKIN COLORED VASES. (Kien Lung) | Of hard porcelain, coated with an eel skin colored glaze, having pierced scroll handles. Teakwood stands. Height, 7 Y inches. SMALL BEAKER SHAPED VASE. (Kien Inng) Of hard ware, invested with a green squash glaze of the very finest quality. Teakwood stands. Height, 714 inches. 7m SMALL SQUARE BLANC DE CHINE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, decorated with Pa Kwa (mysteri- ous trigrams), carved in relief in the paste, coated with an orange pee! Blane de Chine glaze. Has stand. Height, 634 inches. VASE. (Tao Kwang) Of hard paste, invested with a briliant mandarin blue glaze. Fine specimen. Teakwood stand. Height, 8% inches. . PAIR OF VASES. (Kien Lung) With scroll handles in relief, coated with a sheep’s liver glaze of even quality. Teakwood stands. Height, 74 inches. 30 225. 226. Q2%. 228, 229. 230. 231, RoR. 233. 234, WRITER’S WATER JAR Coated with a flambé glaze. SMALL COVERED JAR Coated with a powder blue glaze. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 4 inches. PAIR OF POWDER BLUE VASES. (Kang Hsi) Cylindrical in form, coated with a light powder blue glaze; have double ring under foot. Teakwood stands. Height, 734 inches. SMALL VASE. (Chia Ching) Of hard porcelain, coated with a brilliant olive glaze of good quality. ' Height, 6 inches. TRIPOD BOWL Coated with a deep ox blood glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 81% inches. SMALL VASE Beaker shaped, decorated with figures and trigrams, and floral sprays in relief, coated with a Blane de Chine glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. PAIR OF CYLINDRICAL VASES With relief decorations of symbols and floral sprays, coated with a white glaze. ‘Teakwood stands. Height, 714 inches. LARGE TRIPOD BOWL The outside coated with a deep blue glaze, the inside with white. With stand. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 10 inches. PAIR OF POWDER BLUE VASES. (K’ang Hs}) Have double ring under foot. Teakwood stands. Height, 934 inches. CUCUMBER SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Invested with a light green squash glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. 31 235. 236. Rot. 238. RAR. 243. 244. 245, BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kang Hae Of hard paste, invested with a Blane de Chine ane KS Teakwood stand. Height, 834 oe FLAMBE VASE. (Kien Lung) ; ae Of hard paste, covered with a flambe glaze. Teagan oe stand. ' Height, 8% inches. PEAR SHAPED VASE. (Tao Kwang) With elephant head handles, invested with a fine sow red glaze. ‘Teakwood stand - Height, 734 inches. SMALL WRITER’S WATER JAR Decorated with a phoenix in blue on a white eager Teakwood stand. SEATED FIGURE OF A GODDESS | Coated with a white glaze. Height, 8 inches. WHITE JADE BRUSH HOLDER Teakwood stand. PAIR OF CARVED BLACK SOAPSTONE LIONS Teakwood stands. Height, 3 inches. — TWO PORCELAIN FEMALE FIGURES In a reclining position, wearing robes, decorated in five colors. ‘Teakwood stands. Height, 81% inches. TALL FIVE-COLOR VASE. (K’ang Hsi) With decoration of warriors in costumes of the Han Dynasty, painted in brilhant enameled five colors. Has double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 14 inches. CRYSTAL COVERED CUP Resting on three feet, with sceptre head loose ring handles and Dog Foo finial. Height, 41% inches. (See wlustration) FIGURE OF A GODDESS Standing, cores a zuzu in her hands. Height, 17% inches. © 82 “SSHGd0D V dO ALLANLV.LS AZNOUD NVYVIODNOW ‘ave ALIHA GNV AN14 *“VHGGNE AO AIdIDSIG AZNOUA SC fo POON “CIS °ON Of 7 “Sek ON 246. R47, - 248, 249, 250. 251. ROR. 208. 254. SQUASH GREEN VASE. (Yung Cheng) Hard porcelain, of tall graceful shape, evenly coated with a squash green crackled glaze of the first qual- ity. Has stand. Height, 10 inches. ° POWDER BLUE JAR. (Kang Hsi) Cylindrical in form, with curved neck, covered with fine powder blue glaze. Has double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 7% inches. CLAIR DE LUNE VASE. (Kang Hsi) Bottle shaped, with long neck, invested with a fine Clair de Lune glaze. Has mark under foot. Teak- wood stand. Height, 10 inches. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Yung Cheng) Of flattened shape, coated with a light blue phoenix glaze. Has stand. Height, 914 inches. SMALL VASE. (Ming) Semi-square oviform, invested with a brilliant squash green crackled glaze. Fine specimen. Has stand. Height, 914 inches. FLAMBE VASE. (Tao Kwang) Of hard porcelain, covered with a fine fiambé glaze. Has stand. Height, 91% inches. MANDARIN BLUE VASE. (Kien Lung) Tall oviform, with neck slightly spreading to lips, in- vested with a brilliant mandarin blue glaze of even quality. Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. SMALL PHOENIX VASE. (Kien Lung) Roun shape, with tall curved neck slightly spreading to mouth, having decoration of dragons running after sacred pearls, and border of scrolls and upright palm leaves around the neck, engraved ,in the paste and coated with a light brilliant phoenix glaze. Teakwood stand. (Repaired). Height, 8% inches. SQUASH GREEN JAR. (Ming) Oviform, of hard stoneware, with sceptre head and scroll border, carved in the paste and coated with a squash green glaze. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 6 inches. 255. 206. RO. 258. 259. 260. 262, POWDER BLUE DECORATED VASE. (Kien Lung) Tall graceful shape, with curved neck spreading to mouth, decorated with sprigs of lotus flowers and — foliage, painted in gold over a brilliant powder blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 294 inches. PAIR OF REL SKIN COLORED VASES. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, invested with a brilliant eel skin | glaze of even quality. Teakwood stands. : Height, 10% inches. PAIR OF WINE AMPHORAS. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, in round flattened shape, with bamboo shaped handles, covered with a brilliant phoenix glaze. Teakwood stands. | Height, 834 inches. PAIR OF CLAIR DE LUNE VASES. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with a lizard in relief crawling around the neck, coated with a Clair de Lune glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 934 inches. — MELON STRIPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With curved neck, invested with a brilliant peacock crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. — CELADON VASE. (Tao Kwang) With relief handles; of hard paste, coated with a pale celadon glaze of even quality. Teakwood stand. Height, 834 inches. FIVE-NECKED VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, coated with a sheep’s liver glaze. Teak- wood stand. Height, 1314 inches. — TEA DUST COLOR VASE. (Tao Kwang) Of graceful shape, with curved neck spreading to mouth, and curved base, finely coated with a tea dust glaze, having scroll band in centre of vase. Teakwood stand. Height, 12% inches. 34 263. 264. 265. 266. 267, 268. 269. 270. CELADON BOWL. (Ming) Of heavy stoneware of Lung Chuang Yao, with deco- ration of scrolls in relief, covered with a thick celadon glaze. Has stand. Diameter, 10 inches. (See Illustration) DECORATED CELADON VASE. (Kien Lung) With animal head handles, carved in relief, and deco- ration in blue and white (Pao Paos) “precious things” and utensils on a fine pellucid celadon glaze. Has stand. | Height, 8 inches. SQUARE FLAMBE VASE. (Yung Cheng) Of heavy stoneware, with square hollow handles, in- vested with a brilliant flambé glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. MOTTLED VASE. (Chia Ching) Oviform, with short neck. Teakwood stand. Height, 15 inches. DECORATED CELADON VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard stoneware, with animal ring handles in relief and decoration of a sage and attendant, painted in blue and white over a celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8% inches. PAIR OF CLAIR DE LUNE VASES. (Kien Lung) Enameled mask and ring handles invested with an evenly coated Clair de Lune glaze. Height, 10 inches. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, of heavy stoneware, invested with a fine Sang de Poulet crackled glaze shading into ashes of roses toward the neck. Has stand. Height, 534 inches. LARGE CELADON PLAQUE. (Ming) Sonorous stoneware, decorated with peony flower and foliage, carved in the paste with a thick translucent glaze of typical colors. Height, 13% inches. Qj ow avi. R12. 273. R74. a5. 276. 278. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) ~ Graceful shape, with curved neck slightly expanding to the mouth, invested with a brilliant Sang de Poulet glaze, shading toward the neck into ashes of roses; in- terior and bottom of vase coated with a crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 1534 inches. DECORATED CELADON VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Hard porcelain, coated with a celadon glaze having high relief decoration, in mazarine blue, of the three Buddhas of good omen in a garden, together with fir trees, flying bats and clouds. Has pierced handle. Height, 1634 inches. TALL HEXAGONAL VASE. (Chia Ching) Invested with a mazarine blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 15% inches. DECORATED CELADON VASE. (K’ang Hs!) 3 Square shaped, curved to neck, decreasing at the base, and coated with a brilliant celadon glaze, blue and white neck decoration of a hundred curios, with lions amidst clouds and flames. Has lion’s mask ring han- ee Héight, 1534 inches. dle. Teakwood stand. LARGE CELADON DISH. (Ming) Very sonorous hard stoneware, with decoration of con- ventional four season flowers in relief; inside boarder decoration of scrolls covered with a transparent pale green celadon glaze. Diameter, 14% inches. IMPERIAL TEA DUST VASE Bottle shape, with tubular neck, coated with an even texture of a tea dust glaze. Has government mark un- der foot. Height, 13 inches. PORCELAIN SCREEN, OF KIEN LUNG PERIOD Six hard porcelain plaques, decorated with eight dis- ciples of Buddha, painted in five colors. Carved teak- wood support and frame. Height, 23 inches. TEA JAR. (Sung) Flattened shape, of unglazed clay, decorated with scrolls in relief. Height, 7 inches. 36 ti al il el a a. a eee eee eee No. 8337 3 2— No. 638; 0 C4 No. 569. CARVED SNUFF BOTTLE — PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. CARVED AGATE | SNUFF BOTTLE. No. 541. No.-646, 3 3K No. 551. CARVED AGATE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE SNUFF BOTTLE WHITE PORCELAIN INCENSE BURNER. (Sung) Cabinet size, with lion mask handle, coated with a brilliant creamy white glaze. Teakwood stand. er Diameter, 334 inches. . DOUBLE GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Sung) Cabinet size, decorated with (Mei Hua) prunus and sign of long life, painted in black and white, on a hght brown background, under a brilliant crackled glaze. Has stand. - Height, 8 inches. 281 BEAKER SHAPED VASE. (Ming) | : | Cabinet size, of hard porcelain, with centre border of scrolls carved in paste in low relief, coated with a fine Blane de Chine glaze. Has stand. Height, 61% inches. 282. GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Sung) Cabinet size, decoraied with sprigs of prunus, painted under a creamy white crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. i 283. SMALL WHITE VASE. (Ming) * Globular, with long neck spreading to mouth, and bs scroll handles in relief, with four emblematical char- | acters, carved in relief around the body, coated with a creamy white crackled glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 744 inches. 284. BEAKER SHAPED VASE. (Ming) With border of flowers and upright palm leaves, en- graved in the paste, under a fine white crackled glaze. Lip slightly damaged. Height, 834 inches. 285. TEAPOT. (Sung) Gourd shaped, with dragon handle and decoration of birds and foliage, yainted in jet black, over a creamy white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8% inches. 286. LARGE VASE. (Sung) Of heavy stone ware with fluted body with decoration of lizard, modeled in the paste around the neck, coated with reddish gray crackled glaze. Has stand. (Lips slightly damaged). Height, 14 inches, ! 37 287. SMALL DECORATED VASE. (Kien Lung) _ Cabinet size, oviform with neck spreading to mouth, § of hard porcelain, delicately decorated with a sage playing music under bamboo tree, painted in brilliant : five colors enameled over a pure white glaze. Teak- wood stand. Height, 4% inches. | 288. LARGE DOUBLE GOURD SHAPE VASE. (Sung) — The decoration carved in low relief in the paste, of S medallions of prunus, lotus and asters, together with , butterflies, and (Ai. Yeh) Artemisia leaves, with in- | scriptions describing the “precious things,” flower me- dallions painted in black under crackled glaze. (Slight- damaged to neck). Fine specimen. ‘Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 1314 inches. 289. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Sung) Flattened with fluted neck and lion mask handles, coated with yellowish crackled glaze. Has stand. Height, 12 inches. 290. OLD JADE STATUETTE Carved image of Lu Tung Bing the Chinese Bacchus. Has carved stand, Height, 3% inches. 291, JADE TEA CUP nas Of pale green texture, finely polished, having carved dragon handle in high relief. Has carved stand. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 234 inches. 292. OLD GREEN JADE BOWL. (K/’ang Hsi) Of dark green texture, round shape with foot, flowers, leaves and scroll decoration, carved in low relief. Has carved stand. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 4% inches. 293. CARVED JADE TABLE SCREEN Of green jade with character inscription. Carved stand. Height, 12 inches. 294. SMALL IMPERIAL WARE JAR. (Kien Lung) Cabinet size, long oviform, of hard porcelain, finely decorated with flowers and foliage, painted in five col- ors over a fine coral glaze. Has government stamp under foot. Has stand. Height, 434 inches. 58 295. 296. 298, 299. 300. 301. 302. CARVED SOAP STONE ORNAMENT In shape of a rock with decoration on one face of Fairy Genii lying in clouds. Has carved stand. SMALL IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Kien Lung) Pear shaped, with neck spreading to mouth, delicate- ly decorated with fairy and sage, under a fir tree, painted in brilliant enameled five colors over a pearly white glaze. Has government stamp under foot. 'Teak- wood stand. Height, 514 inches. CARVED SOAP STONE ORNAMENT Finely carved Goddess of Mercy, seated on a rug with attendants. Has carved stand. Height, 8 inches. IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened pear shape with pierced handles, the back- ground coated with turquoise glaze, decorated with flowers in five colors with medallions of a sage on one side and boy running on the other side. Teakwood stand. Height, 714 inches. IMPERIAL OFFERING JAR. (Ming) Heavy stone ware with decoration of warrior, and floral border painted in five colors over a milky white glaze. Double ring with original cover. Government stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. | Height, 614 inches. CARVED SOAP STONE ORNAMENT. (Ming) Buddha seated on rock with attendants. Height, 10 inches. LARGE ORNAMENTAL WHITE JADE VASE Of fine pale texture, with elephant head loose ring han- dles, carved decoration in low relief of dragon, scrolls and palm leaf border, the cover surmounted by lions. Height, 834 inches, without stand. LARGE ROCK CRYSTAL INCENSE BURNER Carved from a solid piece of crystal, elephant head loose ring handles with carved decoration in relief of a lion playing with brocaded ball on one side, and on the reverse a lion with young, carved lion playing with ball on cover. Height, 734 inches, with stand, 39 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. LARGE SOAP STONE ORNAMENT The decoration carved in high relief, of Goddess of Mercy sitting on a bed of lotus with attendants, shad- ed by bamboo trees. Height, 11% inches. PORCELAIN SCREEN. (Kien Lung) With decoration of landscape and fishing scene, paint- ed in three colors under the glaze. Carved teakwood support. Height, 22% inches. GREEN JADE ORNAMENTAL VASE AND COVER With carved unicorn handles in relief and dragon carved in low relief encircling the body, the cover surmounted by reclining unicorn. . | Height, 61% inches. SEMI-EGG SHELL VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform. with curved spreading neck, the floral decora- tion painted in five colors enameled over dark coral glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. WHITE JADE ORNAMENTAL VASE With decoration of phoenix and peonies, carved in low relief on the vase, and carved rose on the cover. Teak- wood stand. ° Height, 5 inches, CARVED ORNAMENT OF PINK JADE Shaped as a lion holding a ball in its paws. CARVED BAMBOO FIGURE OF A SAGE Height, 12 inches. GREEN JADE ORNAMENT Of pale green texture, with carved decoration of a sage and attendant resting on a conventional rock, under a banana tree. Height, 71% inches, with stand. CARVED FIGURE OF BUDDHA OF LONGEVITY. Height, 14 inches. PAIR OF CARVED TEAKWOOD BUFFALOS Inlaid with silver, with boys returning from rice-field, riding on their backs. Height, 914 inches. 40 No. 66029 AU CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE No. 556. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. No. 554. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE No. 557. CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. ‘ No.-874.) & RED LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE. No. 540. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. 313. 314. 315, 316. 31%. 318. 319. 320. dnl, 322. 323. GREEN JADE ORNAMENTAL VASE Shaped after an ancient bronze wine basket, highly polished with carved decoration of scrolls and palm leaves, and carved lion on cover. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. TWO CARVED BAMBOO FIGURES OF LIONS Height, 9 inches. EIGHT CARVED WOOD FIGURES, GILDED. (Tao Kwang) | Representing Buddha devils. Height, 19 inches. PAIR OF MANDARIN HAT STANDS. (Tao Kwang) Finely carved old bamboo with decoration of Sanpan. Height, 1034 inches. FIGURE OF A WOMAN Standing, coated with white glaze. Height, 13 inches. CARVED WOOD FIGURE. (K’ang Hsi) Son of Buddha holding a three legged frog emblem. Height, 11% inches. PAIR OF CARVED BAMBOO DOOR ORNAMENTS. (K’ang Hsi) Illustrating Chinese Mandarin life. Height, 3 feet 6 inches. LARGE CARVED FIGURE. (Kien Lung) God of longevity, carved out of a single root. Height, 20 inches. LARGE LACQUER WOOD FIGURE. (Kien Lung) Figure of a warrior. Height, 3 feet, 3 inches. CARVED WOOD FIGURES. (K’ang Hsi) Long life Buddhas, riding on reindeer. Height, 12 inches. SMALL PORCELAIN SCREEN. (Kien Lung) Porcelain plaque, with decoration of Emperor and a woman painted in five colors over glaze. Carved wood support. Height, 10 inches. 41 324. 325. 326. 327, FINELY CARVED OPEN WORK BOX Height, 16 by 10% inches. | SMALL MIRROR SCREEN Of carved wood with open work ivory Boi decor with fairy painted in five colors. Height, 8 vA inches. | SMALL PORCELAIN SCREEN. (Kien Lung) The plaque decorated with warrior’s Buddha and fairy, ; ee in five colors over glaze. Carved wood support. Hee 10 inches. PORCELAIN SCREEN Decoration of Buddha riding a tigen (Biablen a House Safety), painted in five colors over glaze. Carved wood support. Height, 21 inches. ae et 4 ett ey, THIRD SESSION Thursday Afternoon, November 19, 1914, at 2:30 o’clock Mandarin Necklaces, Snuff Bottles, Jades, Crystals, Decorated and Single Color Porcelains, Bronzes and Wood Carvings. 328. IVORY NETSUKE Boy in worshipping pose. 329. MINIATURE INCENSE BURNER. (Kien Lung) With religious inscriptions and scroll around the neck painted in gold over a coral glaze with twisted handles. Teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches. 330. SMALL HARD PASTE JAR. (Tao Kwang) Illustrating a famous legend of the three kingdoms painted in five colors over a brilliant green glaze. Teak- wood stand and cover. Height, 5 inches. 3831. TURQUOISE STONE NECKLACE 332. GLASS BEAD NECKLACE IN IMITATION OF AGATE 333. MANDARIN NECK BEADS Seeds and turquoise beads, with jade pendants. 334. CARVED SCENTED WOOD NECKLACE Larger jade beads and coral, with different stone pend- ants. 335. JADE ORNAMENT Boy riding on a buffalo. 336. CARVED SOAP STONE ORNAMENT A hut on the mountain side. 337. CRYSTAL AMETHYST NECKLACE 45 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344, 345, 347. 348. 349, 350. BLUE CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Pink quartz stopper. JET BLACK NECKLACE With coral and jade pendants. THIBET WOOD BEAD NECKLACE Larger pink crystal beads with different stone pend- — ants. AGATE MANDARIN BUCKLE With finely carved decoration of deer and stork. AGATE NETSUKE In the shape of a native boat, showing Chinese boatmen. LARGE AMBER SAPPHIRE BLUE NECKLACE With coral and jade pendants. AMETHYST CRYSTAL ORNAMENT | Symbolical three legged frog with it’s young on her back. ; ! } CRYSTAL AMETHYST ORNAMENTAL VASE WITH COVER AND BASE Carved decoration of lions encircling the body and lion ornamental cover. MANDARIN BEAD NECKLACE Carved wood seeds and blue cut glass beads with cut glass pendant medallions. CARVED SOAPSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE With decoration of a sage under a fir tree; red glass stopper. CARVED BEAD NECKLACE With blue cut glass larger beads and pendants SMALL AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Of fine brown texture, with carved decoration of a deer under a, tree. JET BLACK NECKLACE Larger green jade and coral beads with various stone pendants. — 44 sk eae ee No. 567. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE No. 553. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE No. 568. No. 563. JADE SNUFF BOTTLE CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE No. 580. PAIR OF RED LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLES. Me ‘ony ee ye = ee ue 351. 852. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. WRITER’S BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Finely decorated with dragons pursing sacred pearls amidst flames, painted in five colors over etched ivory glaze; upper and lower border of scrolls. Has govern- ment mark under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 434 inches. NATIVE SEED BEAD NECKLACE With larger green jade beads and coral and other stone pendants. AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Brown texture with darker brown stains and lion mask ting handles; Malachite stopper. THIBET WOOD BEAD NECKLACE With larger pink erystal beads, coral and green jade pendants. | IMPERIAL VASE. (Kien Lung) Tall oviform with neck spreading to mouth, with me- dallion decoration showing Goddess of Longevity with attributes, painted in five colors over a pearly white glaze, the surrounding ground covered with five color decorations known as Mille Fleurs. Has teakwood stand. Height, 714 inches. VASE. (Kien Lung) With pierced bamboo shape handles and decoration of lotus and scrolls, the border of scroll and sceptre heads, painted in five colors over blueish white glaze. Has stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 714 inches. MANDARIN BEADS Coral glass beads and larger jade beads, with different stone pendants. IMPERIAL WARE VASE Pear shaped with wide spreading neck, having decora- tion of children playing in a garden, painted in five colors over blueish white glaze. Has government stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches. 45 > ee neers * , a | ek 359. MANDARIN BEADS Burnished seeds with larger jade pendants. 360. OLD BAMBOO BRUSH HOLDER | Fine carving, showing Chinese lady teaching her son. Height, 7 inches. 361. CARVED BAMBOO FIGURE The Goddess of Mercy. Height, 9 inches. 362. IMPERIAL VASE : Melon-striped, with curved neck slightly spreading to mouth with decoration of dragons emerging from the sea, painted in five colors, the enameled over glaze, alternating with blue and white dragons, painted in blue under white glaze, the border of Shu and bats in blue under glaze. Has government stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 363. SEMI-EGGSHELL VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened oviform with neck spreading to mouth, with decorations of sages playing chess in a garden under fir tree, painted in subdued enamel colors over a white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches. 364. BAMBOO BRUSH HOLDER. With carved decoration of three sages boating under a fir tree. Height, 634 inches. 365. OLD WOOD ORNAMENT. (Tao Kwang) Delicately carved, showing Mandarin playing chess on mountain. Height, 214 inches. 366. IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform with neck spreading to the mouth, of hard porcelain decorated with Goddess of Mercy and at- tendant, under a willow tree, painted in five colors over a pearly white glaze. Has government stamp un- der foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 734 inches. 367. BAMBOO BRUSH HOLDER. (K/’ang Hsi) Finely carved, showing wood cutter listening to Man- | darin playing music in a boat. Height, 6 inches. 46 ie i re EM 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374, 375. 376. 377. 378, 379, 380. AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Of fine gray brownish texture, having carved decora- tion of butterfly and sprig of lotus in relief. CARVED JADE BUCKLE With decoration of a sparrow flying over a lotus pond. CARVED JADE ORNAMENT Beautifully carved and pierced, showing phoenix and a sprig of prunus. BAMBOO BRUSH HOLDER With finely carved decoration of old scholars and at- tendants carrying a bundle of books. (Cover cracked). Height, 6 inches. SMALL JADE VASE With finely carved floral medallion decoration in low relief, and pierved handles in relief. Height, 314 inches. JADE MIRROR SCREEN Finely carved and pierced with decoration of peaches and bats Carved wood support. Height, 714 inches. JADE STATUETTE One of the eighteen disciples of Buddha. With stand. BAMBOO BRUSH HOLDER Old hermit writing on stone and two passersby mak- ing fun of him. Height, 6 inches. SMALL JADE CUP With unicorn handles. With stand. CARVED GREEN JADE TIGER Teakwood stand. Height, 214 inches. TWO CARVED AGATE SAGES Height, 334 inches. SMALL JADE CUP With unicorn handles. Teakwood stand. BRUSH HOLDER. (K’ang Hsi) Old Bamboo, carved in high relief, illustrating Chinese folk’s lives. Height, 9 inches. 47 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386, 387. 388. 389. 390. CARVED AGATE ORNAMENT Of light brown texture. Teakwood stand. FETSUI STATUETTE Of light green texture, aod as the Godan of Mery. TWIN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLES Of highly polished brown texture, carved in Be of twin fish, with green jade top. GREEN AGATE ORNAMENT In shape of a Chinese native fruit, legendary form of Buddha’s hand. Teakwood stand. AGATE GOURD SHAPED SNUFF BOTTLE Carved decoration in high relief, of a boy; green jade stopper. LARGE BAMBOO ROOT BRUSH HOLDER Decorated with God of Longevity riding a deer with © attendant with background showing a fir tree. Height, ? inches. IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Kien Lung) Pear shaped, with lip slightly spreading to mouth, havy- ing decoration of peonies and asters, painted in five © colors under enameled brilliant pearly glaze. (Slight- ly damaged at the foot). Has government mark under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. AGATE ORNAMENTAL VASE AND COVER With carved handles in relief, and finely carved dec- oration of lizards on either side, and twisted lizard on top of cover. Height, 4%4 inches. WHITE JADE ORNAMENT carved and pierced with decoration of stork and lotus. Teakwood stand. Height, 234 inches. AGATE TEAPOT Highly polished gray brown texture, with carved dec- oration of a cat watching butterflies, the cover sur- mounted by a pigeon. Height, 344 inches. 48 - No. 582. No. 588. No. 590. ROSE QUARTZ CARVED AGATE TEAPOT ; Lao es cietlpal : : SMALL CRACKLED VASE: No. 586. No. 584. No. 583. ~CARVED AGATE STATUETTE. WHITE JADE VASE. CARVED JADE VASE. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. A400. WHITE JADE ORNAMENT Carved decoration and pierced work of a dragon emerg- ing from a lotus bed. ‘Teakwood stand. | Height, 234 inches. AGATE ORNAMENTAL VASE : With carved decoration of foliage in relief. Height, 4 inches. JADE STATUETTE Finely modeled image of a sage. Teakwood stand. Height, 434 inches. AGATE ORNAMENTAL VASE Of brown and opal texture, with carved decoration ot flowers and birds in high relief. (Broken). Has stand. | Height, 4% inches. JADE ORNAMENTAL VASE, BASE AND COVER Of highly polished texture, with loose ring handles and lion on cover carved in high relief. Height, 534 inches, with jade stand. PAIR OF ORNAMENTAL COVERED JADE VASES Of pale green texture, with sceptre head loose ring handles, and carved decoration in low relief. Height, 734 inches. CAMEO GLASS VASE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of animals gazing at the moon carved in high relief in pale blue agate on a sapphire blue ground. Has stand. Height,. 314 inches. ORNAMENTAL JADE VASE With engraved decoration and ring handles. With stand. Height, 4%4 inches. (Mismatched cover). TWO ENAMELED WINE CUPS | Decorated with landscapes and figures. SMALL ORNAMENTAL VASE OF WHITE JADE WITH COVER With engraved decoration and ring handles. Height, 2% inches 49 \ 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. AGATE VASE With decoration of flower branches and a bear engraved on the brown body and a Dog Foo surmounting the cover. Height, 7 inches. COVERED CUP OF ROCK CRYSTAL Resting on three feet with sceptre head ring handles and Dog Foo on the cover. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 7 inches. TEAPOT The handle formed as a Dog Foo and coated with a deep green glaze. (See Illustration). Height, 9 inches. AMETHYST CRYSTAL VASE WITH COVER AND STAND Carved with dragons in relief. Height, 314 inches. PINK CRYSTAL ORNAMENT Carved in the form of a kneeling ox with child on his back. Teakwood stand. Height, 344 inches CARVED SMOKED CRYSTAL ORNAMENT In the form of leaves and fruit. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 7 inches. — CRYSTAL STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS OF’ MERCY 2 With stand. Height, 6% inches. PAIR OF VASES Of flattened form with elephant head handles invested with deep green glaze. (See Illustration). Height, 81% inches. PINK CRYSTAL ORNAMENT Carved as a duck. With stand. Height, 4 inches. SMALL JADE VASE WITH COVER AND STAND LARGE CELADON BOWL With decoration of scrolls in relief, coated with fine transparent celadon glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 11 inches. ee Pe) 412. 413. 414, 415. 416. 417. 418. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE COMBINATION DISHES. (Yung Cheng) Hard porcelain, with combination of four dishes, and covers, decorated with Pa Paos (Precious Things) and floral scrolls painted in various colors over blue - glaze, embossed tiger head handles, has government stamp underneath. Diameter, 534 inches. OVIFORM VASE. (Tao Kwang) The upper rim and base bordered with lotus and scrolls, over glaze with panels in five colors, represent- ing Chinese country life. Teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. TALL CYLINDRICAL VASE. — (Ming) Of hard porcelain, curved to the neck, with decoration of phoenix perched on artificial rock, and peonies, painted in five colors on a background of coral seals. Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. FAMILLE ROSE BOWL. (Kien Lung) | With floral scroll decoration. Diameter, 734 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kang Hsi) Oviform, with spreading neck, of semi-eggshell, having decoration of garden scene with lady painting a scroll on a brilliant blue under glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 10% inches. LARGE JAR AND COVER. (Ming) Heavy stoneware, decorated with medallions of chrys- anthemums, lotus flowers and foliage, with lower bor- der of lotus and scrolls, and upper of peonies and chrysanthemums, painted in five colors enameled over a white glaze. Original cover and teakwood stand. Height, 1514 inches. PAIR OF TALL VASES. (K/’ang Hsi) Club shape in form, decorated with the eighteen dis- ciples of Buddha, with bats and dragons in clouds, medallion border of butterflies and flowers, and upper key border painted in five colors over a brilliant white glaze. ‘Teakwood stands. Height, 18 inches. 51 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 426. 427. FIGURE OF KVAN VIN Tao Kwan oe The Goddess of Mercy, invested with a briliant no color enameled glaze. Height, 10 inches. PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS KUAN YIN. (Kien Lung) | Seated on a bed of lotus, coated with a brilliant Blanc ~ de Chine glaze. — Height, 9 inches. TALL EIGHT-SIDED VASE. (Kien Lung) : - Oviform, with cylindrical neck, coated with a blue glaze, showing stripes of paler blue on the angles. Teakwood stand. Height, 2014 inches. BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS KUAN YIN. (Tao Kwang) Seated on a bed of conventional lotus, with detached 3 Pee ety base, painted in blue under the glaze. Hee 10. ease PORCELAIN GROUP. (Tao Kwang) Representing Buddha and the children, enameled in - five colors. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 6% hee , ~OVIFORM VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, covered with a dark powder blue glaze of even quality. Has teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. PLAQUE. (Chia Ching) With decoration of the twelve symbolical signs of birth, painted in enameled colors over a white glaze; the ex- - terior decorated with sprigs of bamboo painted in coral. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 13% inches. WRITER’S BRUSH HOLDER. (Ming) Coated with a rice color crackled glaze. Has stand. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 414 inches. PORCELAIN STANDING FIGURE OF THE BUD- DHA OF WEALTH. (Tao Kwang) Decorated in five colors. Height, 22 inches. 52 ‘LNAWVNUO LANSVA ; gavr NagaD LNAWVYNUO AdVr DNIDNVH “LNSWVYNUO dave NagaaD ‘C26 “ON “S8¢ “ON "18S “ON 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434, PORCELAIN STANDING FIGURE OF THE BUD- DHA HAPPY AUGURY. (Tao Kwang) _ Decorated in five colors. Height, 22 inches. PORCELAIN STANDING FIGURE OF THE BUD- DHA OF LONGEVITY. (Tao Kwang) Decorated in five colors. Height, 22 inches. PAIR OF BOTTLE SHAPED VASES. (K’ang Hsi) With decoration of peach trees and fruit, together with wild berries, Narcissus and bats, painted in five colors enameled over a grayish orange peel glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 13 inches. PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS - KUAN YIN. (Tao Kwang) Seated on a pedestal, and coated with a rich enameled glaze in five colors. Height, 16 inches. IMPERIAL WARE DECORATED BOWL. (Tao Kwang) Decoration of the Hundred Antiques painted in five colors over a white glaze; interior decoration of sprig of peaches, and a bat, sign of Happiness and Lon- gevity. Has government mark under the foot. Diameter, 834 inches. PAIR OF LARGH IMPERIAL BOWLS. (K’ang Hsi) Interior decoration of God of Longevity with a deer; exterior decoration of the eight disciples of Buddha, painted in enameled colors over a white glaze. Has government mark under foot. ‘Teakwood stand. Diameter, 934 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BEAKER SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with peonies, foliage, bamboo and birds, with scroll border in relief near the base and engraved scroll about the mouth. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 8% inches. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. IVORY SCREEN. (K’ang Hsi) _ Old ivory plaque, with a warrior returning home to i? meet his bride on one side, with longevity stick, basket of flowers and book on the other. Carved wood and ivory stand. | Height, 11 inches. IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Tao Kwang) oO Of hard porcelain, coated with a dark Havana glaze of the very first quality. Has government mark under — A } foot. Teakwood stand. — Height, 1134 inches. INCENSE BURNER. (Kien Lung) With decoration of the “Hundred Antiques” painted — in five colors, over Imperial yellow glaze; the upper border of sceptre heads and scrolls and the lower of — key pattern. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 634 inches. PAIR OF JARDINIERES. (Tao Kwang) Square shaped, with medallion decoration of prunus and lotus, the surrounding ground of lotus flowers, buds and foliage, painted in five colors of Famille rose. Diameter, 10 inches; height, 714 inches. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with gourd flowers, fruit and foliage, with sceptre head and scroll borders and floral mouth bor- der; the reserve medallions showing fairies on one side and an old philosopher with his pupils on the other. Painted in five colors on an enameled glaze. Height, 15 inches. — VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, decorated with asters and falcon perched on a prunus tree, painted in five colors over a dark blue glaze; elephant head handles in relief. Teakwood stand. Height, 1214 inches. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) . Heavy stoneware, coated with a grey crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. SMALL PEAR SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With neck spreading to mouth, invested with a fine turquose crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 544 inches. D4 S And ne ye’ ) a oe Ld ee age et a i 443, 444, 445. 446. 447, 448. 449. JARDINIERE. (Tao Kwang) Of Imperial porcelain, with sceptre head handles, hav- ing decoration of scrolls, sceptre heads and floral bor- ders, painted in five colors. Government stamp on the base. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 614 inches. IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Yung Cheng) With decoration of pilgrims worshipping good luck Buddha in clouds, painted in three colors enameled under a bluish white glaze. Government stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 12% inches. CELADON VASE. (Kien Lung) Of flattened shape, with neck spreading toward the mouth, having dragon handles, coated with a pale cela- don glaze, having reserve medallions showing phoenix and dragons pursuing the “Sacred Pearl,” painted in five colors. Teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches, SMALL INCENSE BURNER. (Ming) Ball shaped, of heavy stoneware, coated with a speckled brownish gray crackled glaze. Has stand. Diameter, 414 inches. IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform, with curved neck spreading toward the mouth, having medallion decoration of birds painted in five colors enameled over a brilliant white glaze, the sur- rounding decoration of mille fleurs in brilliant coral. Has government stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. WHITE DECORATED VASE. (Kien Lung) Delicately decorated with old sages and children in garder under fir trees, painted in light green under a translucent white glaze. Damaged at the mouth. Teakwood stand. Height, 814 inches. TALL VASE. (Kien Lung) Cylindrical in form, with lion head handles, coated with a Blanc de Chine glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 714 inches. 5D 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. PAIR OF CARVED VASES. (Kien Lung) Graceful shape, decorated with landscape carved in relief in enameled colors over a powder blue granite glaze. ‘Teakwood stands. Height, 914 inches. LARGE CELADON DISH. (Ming). Heavy scalloped stoneware, with floral design in cen- tre, carved in the paste, and coated with a thick cela- don glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Diameter, 13 inches. BOWL. (Chia Ching) Decorated with dragons, painted in gold over a fine powder blue glaze. Diameter, 7 inches. MINIATURE WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Evenly coated with a pure white glaze. 'Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. PAIR OF SMALL VASES. (K’ang Hsi) Pear shaped, with three modeled goats’ head. handles, coated with a Blanc de Chine glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 314 inches. SMALL VASE. (Ta Ching) With lizard, in high relief, crawling around the neck, and coated with a Blanc de Chine glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. SMALL INCENSE BURNER. (K’ang Hsi) With elephant head handles, coated with an ivory crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. SMALL VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with unicorn, elephant and tiger, etched on the paste under a Blanc de Chine glaze of transparent quality. Has stand. Height, 4% inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE OFFERING CUPS. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, coated with a light green celadon glaze. Has government mark under foot. Diameter, 7 inches. 56 No. 671. CHINESE MAT. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of dragons pursu- ing sacred pearls, amidst flames, in aubergine, over a brilliant squash green glaze. Teakwood stand. Width, 6 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL EIGHT-SIDED BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) | The decoration, illustratmg Chinese peasant life, painted in five colors, over a pure white glaze. Has government mark under foot. Diameter, 5 inches. “TALL CYLINDRICAL VASE. (Tao Kwang) _ Decorated with warriors, painted in five colors over a background of white glaze, with a lower border of coral scrolls and flowers. Has a double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 141% inches. CARVED PORCELAIN VASE. (Kien Lung) Of cabinet size, decorated with a Mougolian girl riding with attendants, carved in relief in various enameled colors. Teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. BOWL. (Kien Lung) Brilliantly decorated with peonies and lotus scrolls, painted in five colors on a pure white glaze. Teak- wood stand. Diameter, 734 inches. IMPERIAL WARE CUP. (Yung Cheng) Coated with an aubergine glaze of the first quality. Has government stamp. Diameter, 7 inches. LARGE PORCELAIN BUDDHA. (Tao Kwang) Finely decorated in five colors, with conventional floral scrolls and sign of longevity, on coat. The jovial ex- pression on his face is much admired by Chinese. Teakwood stand. Height, 10% inches. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) In shape of a cap, of hard porcelain, coated with a Blane de Chine glaze. Teakwod stand. | Height, 4 inches. 57 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 42... 473, 474. WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, with dargon modeled on the Si un- 4 der a pearly white glaze. Teakwood stand. et Heel 8i%4 ache! TALL JAR. (Chia Ching) © Of hard porcelain, decorated with representations of = Buddha and his Devil painted in coral under the glaze. he: Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 8 inches. — OVIFORM VASE. (Kien Lung) Yellow glaze ground, decorated with five children in high relief, painted in green and yellow aubergine. Has ‘stand. Height, 7% inches. CYLINDRICAL VASE | With decoration of horses. painted in five colors over a glaze on a white enamel background. : Height, 114 inches. LOTUS VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Modeled neck and mouth in lotus bud shape, with decorations of lotus flower and foliage alternating with storks, painted in various colors over a light sulphur velloor background. Teakwood stand. Height, 714 inches. BLUE AND WHITE SQUARE VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of the eight wise men painted in blue under a brilliant glaze, with sceptre handles and neck border of plaintain leaves. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 10 inches. BEAKER. (Tao Kwang) Of hard paste, the decoration of warriors painted in five colors under the glaze. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 18 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOWL. (K’ang Hsi) Decorated with a representation of the God of Lon- gevity riding on a stork with his eight disciples. The inside decorated with signs of “Good Augury,” painted in blue under a white glaze. (Chipped). Diameter, 8 inches. 58 as are we =.33 475, A476. AUT. 478. ANY, 480. 481. 482. INCENSE BURNER. (Tao Kwang) Of hard paste, with decorations of floral medallions on a brilliant mazarine blue ground, with twisted handles. Teakwood stand. Height, 1014 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform, of white hard porcelain, decorated with waves _ and flame forms, having a blue scroll border. (Lip chipped). ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 814. inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Globular in form, of hard porcelain, with decoration of birds and foliage in shades of blue on a white ground. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches. BLUE AND WHITE TEMPLE JAR. (K’ang Hsi) Tall ovoid shape, with decoration of playing phoenix, alternating with peonies, painted in cobalt blue, marked with double rings on the base. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 1334 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration showing two men playing at chess in a garden. Painted in tones of blue under a crackled glaze. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 124 inches. BLUE AND WHITE TEMPLE JAR. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard paste, decorated with landscape painted under the glaze. Carved teakwood cover and stand. (See Illustration). Height, 10%4 inches. PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE JARS. (K’ang Hsi) Oviform, of hard paste, with decoration of hons pur- suing the sacred pearls, amid flames and clouds, paint- ed in subdued underglazed blue. With original covers with peach handles. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 3% inches. PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE JARS. (Kien Lung) Oviform, of hard porcelain, with decoration of an allegorical sign of storm in soft blue color. Original covers and teakwood stands. Height, 544 inches. 59 483. 484, 485. 486. 487. 488. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kwang Shu) Imperial ware, hard porcelain, with decoration of seven bats amidst clouds, painted in five colors, over a pure white glaze. Has government stamp under foot. Teak- wood stand. | Height, 13 inches. r a MEDALLION VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, with tall mushroom neck, having me- dallion decoration of emperor receiving his royal ad- — visers, the surrounding ground of lotus, bats and scrolls — painted in five colors, enameled over a brilliant glaze. Double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 1414 inches. FIVE-COLOR VASE. (Kien Lung) Finely decorated with medallions showing unicorn and kylins standing on rock, over a cosmic sea, amidst flames, painted in five colors, enameled over a white glaze, the surrounding ground of flowers and foliage scrolls, painted in five colors over a dark coral ground. Has double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 13%4 inches. DECORATED VASE. (Kien Lung) Tall oviform, trumpet shaped neck, of hard porcelain, with decoration known as mille fleurs, together with medallions of peonies and prunus flowers and smaller floral medallions, painted in five colors over a brilliant coral glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 1734 inches. PEACH BLOOM VASE. (Kien Lung) Of tall oviform shape, with curved neck spreading to mouth, the decoration of peach bloom and fruits, peo- nies, epidendrums, fir tree with birds, monkey and deer on lower plan, painted in relief in five colors over a brilliant crackled peach bloom glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 1534 inches, VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of conventional lotus flowers and scrolls, together with bats, Pa Paos (“precious things”) and character of longevity. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. 60 CHINESE RUG. 672. No. 489. 490. A491. A92. 493. CLAIR DE LUNE VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Bottle shaped, evenly coated with a Clair de Lune glaze. Has character mark under foot. Teakwood stand. | Height, 131% inches. BLUE AND WHITE CYLINDRICAL VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, with decoration showing a girl riding with attendant, painted in blue under an ivory crackled glaze, with an upright plantain leaf border around the neck. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches. BLUE AND WHITE IMPERIAL BOWL. (Yung Cheng) Decorated with lotus and bats alternating with sym- bols, painted in various tones of blue under a brilliant white glaze. Has stand. Width, 8% inches. PAIR OF BOTTLE SHAPED VASES. (Kien Lung) Decorated with “Precious Things’ and Sacred Em- ‘blems, lotus scrolls and signs of long life; with large medallion reserves showing the “Hight Fairies” on one side and three Buddhas of good omen on the other; two smaller medallions are painted with boys and girls in clouds in enameled colors over the glaze. Teakwood stands. (See Illustration). Height, 17 inches. PAIR OF VASES. (Kien Lung) Tall oviform, with curved neck expanding toward top, having medallion decoration of birds and flowers deli- cately painted in five colors over a brilliant white glaze, the surrounding ground of lotus, scrolls and Pa Paos (“Precious Things’) painted in five colors, en- ameled over an Imperial yellow glaze. Double ring under foot. Have stands. (See Illustration). Height, 1814 inches. -494. PAIR OF PORCELAIN CANDLESTICKS.. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of bats at the base, and signs of lon- gevity and good luck, carved in high relief on pierced work, and painted in enameled colors. Slightly dam- aged. : Height, 1114 inches. 61 495. 496, 497. 498. 499. 501. 502. PAIR OF RETICULATED VASES. (Tao Kwang) _ Square shape, decreasing at the base, with curved neck spreading to the mouth; with decorated pierced panels showing the sign of longevity on four faces of the neck; the inside decoration of figure subjects painted in blue and white on an inner vase. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 16 inches. CELADON INCENSE BURNER Coated with a transparent grayish green celadon glaze, showing fine brownish crackles. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. CELADON BOWL. (Ming) | Of heavy stoneware, with large scroll decorations, cov- ered with a transparent celadon glaze of first quality. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 1014 inches. PAIR OF RECHAUD BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) Decorated with warriors in five colors over a glaze, gold lion head handles. Original covers surmounted with gold lions. Height, 7 inches; width, 734 inches. CELADON FLOWER POT. (Ming) Heavy stoneware, with decoration in raised work of archaic asters and leafy scrolls, covered with a trans- lucent grayish glaze. Height, 934 inches. PAIR OF LARGE MEDALLION BOWLS. (Kien Lung) Decorated with the four season flowers and upper and _ lower borders of flowers and scrolls. Diameter, 8% inches. PAIR OF PLATES. (Kien Lung) Of heavy stoneware, coated with a celadon glaze of translucent quality, with fine crackles. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 10% inches. PAIR OF TEMPLE JARS. (Yung Cheng) Of hard porcelain, with decoration known as hundred children parading with dragon and the sacred Buddha emblems, painted in five colors over a glaze. (Covers chipped). Teakwood stand. (Sce Illustration). Height, 14 inches. 62 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. | 509. PAIR OF MANDARIN HAT STANDS. (Chia Ching) Of translucent porcelain, with delicately engraved dec- oration of sages. Height, 11 inches. LARGE DECORATED VASE. (Ming) Of hard ware, with elephant head handles, and a relief border of sceptre heads, painted in blue and white under glaze, the centre medallion decoration of land- scape with surrounding ground of bats flying in clouds, painted in blue and white under glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 16%4 inches. PAIR OF SMALL TEMPLE JARS. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, with decoration of butterflies painted In five colors enameled over an Imperial yellow glaze, having upper scroll border and lower key patern bor- der. ‘Teakwood stands. Height, 9 inches. THREE-COLOR JAR. (Ming) Heavy stoneware, with decoration of sceptre heads en- graved in the paste, coated with light squash green; enameled upper border of scrolls engraved, the sur- rounding body coated with a fine light brown crackled glaze. Teakwood stand and cover. Height, 14%4 inches. OVIFORM AUBERGINE VASE. (Kien Lung) Heavy stoneware, with tubular neck, showing three rings modeled in the paste around body and neck, coat- ed with a brilliant crackled pale aubergine glaze. Teak- wood stand. Height, 1534 inches. CELADON PEAR SHAPED VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Lion head ring handles and raised decoration of phoe- nix, together with peony flowers, buds and foliage, painted in blue and white over a celadon glaze. Teak- Wood stand. Height, 15 inches. MEDALLION JAR. (Kien Lung) With medallion decoration of flower buds and butter- flies painted in five colors, enameled over a white glaze, the surrounding ground of powder blue. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 15% inches. 63 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. LARGE CELADON VASE a Massive cylindrical shape, with eurved neck - slighy Be spreading to mouth, having decoration in relief of prunus flower under a thick translucent glaze. Teak- wood stand. Len Height, 19 inches. ae PAIR OF CELADON BOWLS. (Ming) Engraved with scroll decoration, covered with a celadon 7 glaze. With stands. | | LARGE BLUE AND WHITE. JAR Decorated with dragons on a field of white, ornamented — with conventional scrolls and foliage. Teakwood stand — and cover. (See Illustration). Height, 15 inches, a PAIR OF TEMPLE JARS. (Kang Hsi) 4 Of hard paste, with medallion decoration of Chinese _ historical legends of the Wu Ti legendary period, paint- _ ed in five colors, enameled over glaze, the surrounding ground coated with a powder blue glaze. With origi- nal covers. Teakwood stand. Hoan 1%4 inches. GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Shun Chih) “J Shortened neck, with embroidered scarf of scrolls and floral design, knotted between the two parts of the gourd, in blue and white tones, coated with a pea green celadon glaze. Fine specimen. Teakwood stand. a Height, 934 inches. CELADON JAR. (Kien Lung) Of hard stoneware, decorated with symbols of New Year congratulations, carved in the paste, and painted in dull blue, over a sea green celadon glaze. Teak- wood cover and stand. Height, 934 inches. PAIR OF SQUARE VASES. (Kang Hsi) Circular necks and bases, decorated with Pao Kwa (Mysterious trigrams), carved in the paste, and coated with a pale transparent celadon glaze, showing large irregular brownish crackles. Teakwood stands. Height, 11 inches. 64 3 iim £ Sa% se 4a , é 2 No. 674. SMALL CHINESE RUG. ~ 517. 518. ox part Nad 621. 522. 23. 524. 525. f FLAMBE VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, with shortened neck, invested with a fine flambé glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 1014 inches. MONGOLIAN STATUETTE OF A _ GODDESS. (Ming) Height, 12% inches. LARGE SNUFF COLORED VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Oviform, with large neck spreading to mouth, coated ‘with a brilliant snuff crackled glaze, with a touch of flambé in interior of neck. Height, 14 inches. . PHOENIX GREEN VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened, pear shaped, of hard paste, covered with a brilliant phoenix green glaze. Teakwood stand. | Height, 10 inches. PEAR SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Spreading to the neck, and curved to the base, deco- rated with lotus scrolls and upright palm leaves around the neck, engraved under a dull celadon glaze. Teak- wood stand. Height, 10 inches. LARGE BLUE VASE. (Chia Ching) Flattened oviform, with cylindrical curved neck, in- vested with a brilliant blue glaze of even quality; em- bossed lion head ring handles, modeled in the paste, and sceptre head borders in relief. Teakwood stand. Height, 2114 inches. MONGOLIAN BRONZE STATUETTE OF A GOD- DESS. (Ming) (See Illustration). Height, 14 inches. NORTH CHINA BRONZE FIGURE. (Ming) Representing a disciple of Buddha standing ina devo- tional attitude on a lotus base. Height, 17 inches. SQUASH GREEN VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, invested with a most perfect squash green crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. 65 526. LARGE GOLD FISH BOWL. (Kien Lung) 4 Of heavy stone ware, with outside decoration of phoe- — nix and dragons pursuing the “sacred pearl” amid clouds, painted in five colors on an Imperial yellow ground; the lower border of cosmic waves, the upper of scrolls, sceptre heads and flower medallions. The — inside decoration shows gold fish among the lotus and water grasses. Teakwood stand. : aes Height, 1714 inches; diameter, 21 inches. 527. PAIR OF HAWTHORN JARS. (K’ang Hsi) Of fine porcelain, decorated with sprigs of white prunus blossoms upon a mottled blue ground, showing darker blue lines representing cracking ice. Original covers and teakwood stands. Height, 10 inches. 66 FOURTH SESSION Thursday Evening, November 19, 1914, at 8:15 e’clock Agate Snuff Bottles, Jades, Crystals, Blue and White and Single Color Porcelains, Embroidered Robes and Hang- ings, Choice Antique Chinese Rugs, Antique Chinese Paintings, and Three Great Palace Screens. 528. WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) . Crackled under glaze. Teakwood stand. Has red glass stopper. 529. CAMHO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration carved in Japonica red of a deer and a horse, embossed ring handles. 530. MINIATURE VASE Cylindrical shape, with lion mask handles, decorated with character of longevity and good luck. With stand. 531. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Chia Ching) Decoration of the “Hundred Antiques,” carved in high relief in green on a milky white glass. Has red stopper. 532. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of Chinese stage sketch. Coral stop- per. 533. SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) With ‘decoration of scrolls and dragon head carved under the paste, coated with a Blane de Chine glaze. With cover and teakwood stand. (See Illustration). 534. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with an allegory of the Chinese play, en- titled “The Horse Seller.” Has stopper. 67 535. WHITE CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) a. green glass stopper. _ 536. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Tae Decoration showing the return of the famous Empress Suen, with the little emperor in her arms during the epoch of the three kingdoms. Has red stopper. — 537. MINIATURE WHITE VASE. (Chia Ching) Decoration of lizards and bats carved out in red. Has i ; a Bottle shaped, coated with a Blane de Chint ick a Has stand. 538. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien ties | Decoration of a hermit and a deer in fine enamel. Has" , green glass stopper. (See Illustration). 539. MINIATURE JAR. (Kien Lung) z Brilliantly decorated with curios and flowers in five — colors over a glaze of pure white, with a coral scroll border near the neck. Has original cover and stand. 540. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Painted under glaze with blue peonies and scrolls. Has stopper. (See Illustration). 541. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of gray brown texture, with carved decoration of fig- ures under fir trees. Glass stopper. (See Illustration). 542. BLUE AND WHITE MINIATURE VASE. (Yung — Cheng) Long pear shape, decorated with birds and flowers. Has stand. 543. SOAPSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE | Gray brown texture, with finely carved decoration of a deer under a fir tree. Red glass stopper. 544. BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Yung Cheng) With decoration of Buddhas fighting over cosmic waves, painted under a brilliant ivory white glaze. Lots mark under foot. Has stand. 68 e 6 Woe dll nen eA oe ANTIQUE THIBET RUG. No. 682. LARGE RUBY RED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of God of Longevity with his sacred attend- ants, deer and storks, carved in relief, together with trees. Has coral stopper. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of sages on a black enamel ground. Has carnelian stopper. (See Illustration). SMALL JADE ORNAMENT Finely carved decoration, representing Fairy Genii playing a flute, with attribute, a phoenix. Teakwood stand. 548. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) With finely carved decorations of long life Buddha with attendant. Red stopper. 549. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (K’ang Hsi) Decoration of allegorical figures over waves after le- gend originated in Hang-Chow, Cheking Province, similar to the deluge. Has red stopper. 550. MINIATURE PEAR SHAPE VASE. (Kien Lung) With wide mouth and dragon handles, decoration of landscape painted in dark blue on a background of cobalt blue glaze. Has stand. 551. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of two fans artistically carved in white and jet black on a pink ground. Has green stopper. (See Illustration). 552. LARGE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of warriors painted under glaze in purple brown. Has carved bronze stopper. 553. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of gray brown texture, with carved decoration of birds, lotus and prunus flowers. Has stopper (loose). (See Illustration). . 69 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) : ae Se In shape of a fish, coated with a turquoise blue enamel glaze. Has stopper. (See Illustration). LARGE EIGHT-SIDED BLUE AND WHITE POR- CELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Yung Cheng) ‘Decoration of the eight fairies amidst the clouds, paint- ed in a brilliant blue. Has stopper of amber glass. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of gray brown texture, with carved decoration of tiger — and bats with fir trees. (See Illustration). : CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) | Decoration of a dragon pursuing a pearl amidst flames, carved in high relief on pierced work, enameled with — a mustard colored glaze. Stamp under foot. Has red . stopper. (See Illustration). | BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF JAR. (Yung Cheng) - Hard porcelain, with floral and scroll decorations, painted in a brilliant blue. Has blue glass stopper. AGATE SNUFF BOTLE. (Kien Lung) Of gray brown texture, finely polished. Has green glass stopper. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with emblematic Buddhist priest painted on a dark yellow under glaze. With stand. (Lip chipped). CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) With decoration carved in high relief, of Buddha and bats on one side, children under a fir tree on the other. Has green glass stopper (loose). CARVED ROCK AMETHYST BUDDHA. (Tao Kwang) Has stand. Height, 234 inches. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (K’ang Hsi) With carved decoration of a hermit crossing a bridge on a donkey in dark brown on a body of grayish brown. Has amethyst stopper (loose). (See Illustration). 70 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Cylindrical shape, with decoration of a dragon in brown enamel painted on a blue ground. Has ivory stopper. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of poet and peasant under trees, carved in jet black on a sulphur yellow ground. Has green glass stopper. | | CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Finely decorated with a phoenix and dragon in high relief, enameled in colors. Has green glass stopper. : (See Illustration). CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of very fine texture, with decoration carved in relief of a monkey riding a deer, bees and bird. Has green glass stopper. (See Illustration). CARVED FETSUI SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Finely carved, in shape of fruit and leaves. Has coral , stopper. (See Illustration). CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Dark brown and black, with carved decoration in high relief of eagle and bear with fir trees. Has carved coral stopper. (See Illustration). BLACK ENAMEL PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Decorated with branches of flowers in white. (No stopper). PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang). Decorated in relief with scrolls and lion heads under a white glaze. Has red stopper. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Tubular shape, with decoration painted in soft blue of the famous Sage Kiang Tai Kung fishing. Has stopper. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of warriors and landscapes. Has stopper. 71 574. 575. 576. 579. 580. 581. 582. : ae Btas ES + ya Na Saw aA aay Nie Cai F ; “ge SEP ms . RED LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lowen ie Decorated with children playing in a garde carved in pete Has oes (See Illustration). Ne Height, ‘o A Pe OVIFORM BLUE AND WHITE MINIATURE TAR. ORES (K’ang Hsi) Decoration of landscapes painted in blue ee laze. S ce Has stand. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of flowers painted in green under glaze on a mustard yellow ground. Has red stopper. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Decoration of quails on a black ground. With stand. — WHITE ROCK CRYSTAL SEAL. (Kien uae) Unicorn, finely carved and engraved. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. vec Kwang) Decoration of hundred children painted in blue under a crackled glaze. PAIR OF RED LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLES. (Tao Kwang) aa With decoration of pilgrims, carved in relief, Have stoppers. (See Illustration). GREEN JADE ORNAMENT Of dark green texture, finely polished and shaped after an ancient bronze, swinging from a support, the deco- ration in low Shs of lotus scrolls and flowers ; double loose rings on cover. (See Illustration). Height, 634 inches. ROSE QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Carved in high relief with grapes and squirrels, of a beautiful rosy texture. Has rose quartz stopper. (See Illustration). sigtagcaenne tana é H CHINESE RUG. REE RAEN, 684. 8, No. EF ot Eee Phen ee : ae ee y oA: Ge as * seb aE Be teat OM A AM Brees Citi sea ¥e : : oaend see ae rs ‘ ’ AOE ALR ALE AO LEI R OAEE A AAI BIE EI NS ela Hi OTE a NE aes eee meena KS et Hens ERIE i 583. FETSUI VASE AND COVER Of a pale green texture, with a touch of darker green, having decoration of a peacock perching on a tree, the cover with flowers elaborately carved in relief. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). | Height, 5% inches. 584. WHITE JADE VASE Of tall flattened > shape, decorated with peony flowers and foliage, carved in very high relief, with lion stand- ing on a rock and lion carved on ccver. Has carved stand. (See Illustration). Height, 734 inches. 585. ee G JADE ORNAMENT ’ Pale neprhite texture, thinly cut so as to show trans- lucency, finely carved and pierced, showing dragons and bats, and hanging by two jade chains, from a smaller top jade ornament. Carved wood support. (See Illustration). | Height, with support, 14 inches. 586. CARVED AGATE STATUETTE Gracefully modeled image of the Goddess of Mercy with stork and attributes, carved and polished. Bluish opal texture with a touch of brown. Has carved teak- wood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 5% inches. 587. SMALL JAR. (Ming) Oviform, of heavy stoneware, coated with a brilliant phoenix green crackled glaze. Teakwood stand and cover. Height, 314 inches. 588. CARVED AGATE TEAPOT. (K’ang Hsi) Flattened shape, with decoration of God and Goddess of Longevity, carved in high relief. Fine opal tex- ture, with carved unicorn cover. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 5 inches. 589. LARGE JADE STATUETTE Of pale green texture, highly polished, carved as an image of the Goddess of Mercy, standing with attend- ants. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. 73 590. 591. 592. 593. 594, 595. 596. 597. 598. SMALL GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Sung) Decorated with epidandrums, painted in black under — a pinkish crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 434 inches. ROCK CRYSTAL BUDDHA Finely modeled image of Buddha seated, ee and © beautifully polished. Has stand. Height, 3% inches. TWO CELADON CUPS, CABINET SIZE. (Kien Lung) Imperial ware, decorated with lotus coven and scep- tre heads, engraved in the paste and coated with a heavy celadon glaze. Teakwood stands. Diameter, 314 inches. CARVED PORCELAIN ROUGE BOX. (19th Century) Decorated with dragons emerging from the sea, carved in high relief, and coated with a eg yellow glaze. Teakwood. stand. WAND OR ZUZU OF CARVED WOOD: Intricately pierced and carved with deer, phoenix, flowers and scrolls. (In a glass case). PAIR OF MONGOLIAN JOSS. (Ming) Of gilded bronze. Height, 214 inches. CARVED SQUARE BOWL. (19th Century) Decorated with sign of longevity and scrolls, carved in low relief on blue and gold colors. Has stamp un- der foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 314 inches. LARGE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration in red and blue of a dragon amidst clouds over a cosmic sea. (No stopper). OLD IVORY STATUETTE. (Kien Lung) The Goddess of Mercy. With stand. Height, 634 inches. 74 Length, 18 inches. a 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. SMALL PORCELAIN CARVED VASE. (Tao Kwang) Of cabinet size, with decoration of girls boating and nude girl musicians in a pagoda, carved in high relief and enameled in various colors. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. IVORY BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Bamboo shape, of old ivory, decorated with finely carved figure medallions. Height, 434 inches. SMALL VASE ‘With flattened body and slender neck, invested with a deep ox blood crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 61% inches. TAPER VASE. (Kien Lung) Invested with a pinkish crackled glaze. Teakwood - stand. Height, 81% inches. PAIR OF JARS. ~(Chia Ching) Hard porcelain, with decoration of peonies, lotus, pomegranates and butterflies, painted in five colors on a brilliant powder blue glaze. Original covers. Teakwood stands. (See Illustration). Height, 934 inches. SMALL FLAMBE VASE. (Ming) Invested with a flambé glaze. Has teakwood stand. Height, 9% inches. SMALL AUBERGINE VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, of heavy stoneware, coated with a fine aubergine glaze. Height, 5 inches. PAIR OF JARS. (Kien Lung) Oviform, invested with a Sang de Poulet glaze, with a touch of flambé. Teakwood covers and stands. Height, 7% inches. COVERED JAR. (Ming) Of hard porcelain, with medallion decoration of uni- corn painted in five colors over a brilliant white glaze, the surrounding ground of coral fish scales. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 8 inches. 75 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. PEAR SHAPED VASE PAIR OF TEA JARS. (Yung Cheng) | rn Of hard porcelain, with decoration of lotus and scrolls with “Precious Things” and bats, the upper border of — sceptre heads, the lower of key pattern, painted in the ~ : ; colors of the Famille rose, enameled on a glaze of tur- cs quoise blue. Original covers. Height, 9 imches, SMALL IMPERIAL YELLOW BOWL. (Yung Cheng) | Semi-eggshell, coated with a brilliant sulphur yellow — glaze. Has stamp underneath with double ring, — Decorated with rose sprays on a celadon ground, hay- ing elephant mask handles. Height, 10 inches. a IMPERIAL WARE BLUE PLATE. (K’ang Hsi) Coated with a brilliant blue. Has double ring under foot with (Pi-Ting-Ju-I) sign of longevity, reading, — “May things be placed as you wish.” ‘Teakwood stand. Diameter, 734 inches. COVERED JAR aw Decorated with landscape and figure in five colors. Teakwood’ cover and stand. Height, 734 inches. CELADON INCENSE BURNER. (Kien Lung) ~ Of hard paste, with Yao decoration of conventional Indian lotus and scrolls carved in low relief in the paste, under a celadon glaze of translucent quality. Teakwood stand. cares 4 Diameter, 834 inches. PAIR OF SMALL BOWLS. (Kien Lung) } Of Imperial hard porcelain, decorated with storks rest- ing under a fir tree, painted in five colors under a white translucent glaze. With government mark on the base. Diameter, 434 inches. CELADON INCENSE BURNER. (Ming) Of hard stoneware, with decoration of conventional Indian lotus and scrolls, carved in the paste under a transparent celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 834 inches. © 76 Diameter, 414 inches. (ae CHINESE RUG. 686. No. 616. GY. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. WATER BOWL. (Ming) Sonorous porcelain, decorated with conventional lotus flower scroll, with lower and upper borders of sceptre heads, each on the paste under a transparent bluish white glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. Bae ies Diameter, 8% inches; height, 7 inches. CELADON BRUSH HOLDER. (Ming) Of heavy stoneware, decorated with lotus scroll re- lieved under a pale sea green celadon glaze. Teak- wood stand. Diameter, 5 inches. PAIR OF IME ERIAL DECORATED BOWLS. (K’ang Hsi) Of fine porcelain, decorated with squash, peonies, grass- hoppers, libellules, painted in five colors over a brill- iant white glaze. Diameter, 614 inches. IMPERIAL WARE PLATE. (Tao Kwang) Finely decorated with dragons emerging from the sea, painted in brilliant coral and gold. Government stamp under the foot. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 7 inches. THREE IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) Decoration of the “Hundred Antiques” and “precious things,” together with medallions in enameled colors over a background of Imperial yellow. Has govern- ment stamp under foot. Diameter, 734 inches. SIX SMALL BLUE AND WHITE BETES: (K’ang Hsi) Of Imperial porcelain, with decoration of landscape and river scenes in blue under a white glaze, having signs of Happiness and Longevity on the underside. With stands. Diameter, 534 inches. PAIR OF IMPERIAL BOWLS Medallion decoration of hundred curios, painted in five colors over a white glaze, with surrounding ground decortaion of “Hundred Antiques,” painted in five colors over a yellow background. Has government stamp under foot. Diameter, 434 inches. TT f 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. e: Per 7 Gira 7 » $s PAIR OF SMALL TEMPLE.JARS. (Tao Kwang) — Of hard porcelain, with decoration of deer, monkeys, birds and flies, painted in five colors over a brilliant glaze. Carved teakwood covers and stands. : Height, 6 inches. PAIR OF CELADON BOWLS. (Ming) With decoration of conventional scrolls carved in paste under a brilliant celadon glaze. Diameter, 9 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOWL. (K’ang Hsi) Interior decoration of landscape; exterior of Chinese mandarin on his return home from a feast. Width, 744 inches. PAIR OF KYLINS ON STANDS. (Tao Kwang) One with its young, the other with a ball, with a brill- iant green glaze and sprinkilng of yellow aubergine, all lightly painted in three colors. Height, 5% inches. PAIR OF POTTERY JARS. (Kien Lung) ~ Flattened oviform, decorated with panels of Pa Paos and bamboo sprigs. » Original cover. Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. BLUE AND WHITE NARCISSUS TRAY. (Yung Ching) | 3 Inside decoration of eranes fishing, painted on dull blue under a sky blue glaze; border decoration of flow- ers and butterflies. Height, 834 inches. — PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE BOWLS. (Yung Ching) Finely decorated with lotus and scrolls, having an in- side panel of Pa Paos (‘Precious Things”). Diameter, 834 inches. SMALL BLUE AND WHITE JAR. (Tao Kwang) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of conventional scrolls and sceptre heads, having borders around the neck, painted in blue under the glaze. (Slightly dam- aged at the neck). Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 6 inches. 631. 632. 633. 634, 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. SMALL VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform, with short curved neck spreading to mouth. Has three rings in relief on base, coated with a very fine brownish glaze. Slightly damaged on foot. Has stand. Height, 514 inches. SMALL VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened body, coated with a violet rose glaze. Has teakwood stand. _ Height, 4% inches. VASE © Oviform, with tubular neck, decorated with children gathering prunus flowers, painted in gold over a dark powdered blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard stoneware, coated with a fine Sang de Poulet glaze of even quality. Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. SQUASH GREEN VASE. (Kien Lung) Pear shaped, with elephant mask handles, invested with . a squash green glaze of the finest quality. Teakwood stand. Height, 614 inches. WRITER’S WATER JAR. (K’ang Hsi) Bell shape, evenly coated with a red bean color glaze. Double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Semi-eggshell porcelain, coated with a brilliant enam- eled squash green glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 64% inches. SMALL SQUARE VASE. (Kien Lung) Square body, with circular neck and base, decorated with mystical trigrams, known as Pa Kwa, and coated with a’very fine crackled grayish blue glaze. Dam- aged on body. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 434 inches. PORCELAIN PONY. (Chia Ching) Finely coated with a brilliant tea dust glaze. Teak- wod stand. _ Height, 5% inches. 79 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. SMALL AZURE BLUE VASE. (K’ang Hsi) - Flattened shape, with long cylindrical neck, « : with a fine azure blue glaze of even quality. Teak- wood stand. : - Height, 5 inches. 2 SMALL FLAMBE VASE. (Kien Lung) Coated with a brilliant crackled glazes) ae Height, 454 inches e 5; BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of peonies, flowers, — bamboo trees and birds, in five colors under glaze, ona — background of brilliant enamel. Height, 8% inches. a SMALL OVIFORM VASE. (Yung Ching) Decorated with a warrior returning home, in soft col- ors, on a pearly white glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. a | Height, 534 inches. PAIR OF SMALL TEMPLE JARS. (Chia Ching) Decorated with azalea flowers, foliage and scrolls in enameled colors. Teakwood covers and stands. — Height, 5 inches. PAIR OF SMALL ENAMELED VASES. (Kien Lung) With decorations in five colors of Gremis Bamboos on = a background of sapphire. Height, 334 inches. * BLUE AND WHITE SEMI-EGGSHELL Weare DISH. (Kien Lung) Of Imperial porcelain, decorated with lotus and Bud- dhistic characters, sceptre heads and tassels in blue under a brilliant white glaze. Government mark on the base. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 4%4 inches. SMALL BLUE AND WHITE JAR 7 Of graceful oviform shape, decorated with symetrical panels of figures alternating with floral panels, in vari- ous tones under the ahs Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 6% inches. CARVED CRYSTAL ORNAMENT Shaped as a reclining figure. 80 iigonsaen wis ARE anes No. 687. CHINESE RUG. — 649, 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. VASE. (Kien Lung) With shortened ‘neck, having decoration of . phoenix with peonies, flowers and foliage, painted in five col- ors, enameled over a brilliant white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8% inches. FLATTENED OVIFORM JAR. (Yung Ching) Of hard paste, brilliantly decorated with phoenix, flow- _ ers and foliage in five colors and gold over glaze; lower and rim borders of sceptre heads. Double rings marked on the foot. Original cover. Height, 64% inches. HEXAGONAL VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard paste, with curved spreading neck, coated with a shaded phoenix green crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. VASE. (Kien Lung) Bottle shaped, with curved neck spreading toward the mouth, decorated with lions at play, painted in dark blue under a powder blue glaze, the interior and base coated with a white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 1514 inches. IMPERIAL WARE WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, with medallion decoration illustrat- ing Chinese country life, the surrounding decoration of flower scroll borders in five colors enameled over a pearly white glaze. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 634 inches; height, 534 inches. SMALL TEAKWOOD JAR. (Yung Cheng) Of hard porcelain, decorated with the “hundred chil- dren” parading with a dragon and other symbols, painted in five colors enameled over a white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 9% ‘inches. CLATR DE LUNE VASE. (Ming) Oviform, with evlindrical neck, slichtlv spreactine to mouth. and receding to hase, invested with a brilliant Clair de Lune glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. 81 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. SANG DE BOEUF VASE. (Ta Ching) Tall oviform graceful shape, with neck slightly spread- : ing to mouth, invested with a Sang de Boeuf glaze, shading into ashes of roses. Tealeraad stand. a | * Height, 8 inches. FOUR EMBROIDERED’ BANDS With figures in appliqué on a buff ground, anityoldeees with gold floral branches, bordered with red cloth em- broidered in gold. LADY'S COAT © : Of silk brocade, bordered with bands of embroidery showing flowers and butterflies. DOOR HANGING Of cloth of gold, bordered with red bands with gold embroidery, set with red medallions embroidered with gold dragons. MANDARIN COAT ; Of purple silk, brocaded with symbols and bordered with wide brocaded strip. FOUR EMBROIDERED BANDS Set with embroidered panels with figures of warriors on a gold ground. MANDARIN COAT Of blue silk, embroidered with dragons in gold and cloud forms in green, strewn with bats, storks and symbols. DOOR HANGING Of blue pineapple silk, bordered with red bands em- broidered in gold, and set with medallions in gold sur- rounded by symbols. LADY’S COAT Of blue silk, embroidered with dragons in gold ts wave forms, bats and symbols, having a deep embroi- dered border with bands of blue and white embroidery at the neck and on the sleeves. 82 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. DOOR HANGING Of buff silk, bordered with red bands embroidered with gold, and set with panels embroidered with figures and flowers; the apron of cloth of gold, embroidered with figures and flowers. FOUR EMBROIDERED PANELS Of buff pineapple silk, embriodered with gold dragons and symbols, and bordered with bands of red cloth embroidered in gold. MANDARIN COAT Of blue brocade, figured with cloud forms and sym- bols, and embroidered with dragons in gold. DOOR HANGING Of old gold brocade, bordered with bands of blue em- broidered with symbols and set with gold medallions embroidered with storks; the apron above set with two embroidered panels bordered with real peacock feathers. MANDARIN COAT Of dark blue silk, brocaded with dragons in combat among cloud forms above a flowery landscape, the bottom finished with a deep silk fringe. FOUR EMBROIDERED BANDS Kach set with three panels of figures and flowers in embroidery, bordered with a key pattern; the entire surrounded with a green band embroidered in gold. CHINESE MAT Pale coral ground, strewn with symbols of “Precious Things” in blue and white. (See Illustration). Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. CHINESE RUG The ground of mustard yellow, figured with smal white medallions bearing alternating red and black crosses; narrow red border. (See Illustration). Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. MANDARIN COAT Of blue, brocaded with cloud forms and symbols in lighter blue and red, with gold dragons pursuing the sacred pearls. 83 my? 9 675. 676. 677... 678. 678. 680. 681. SMALL CHINESE RUG Of old rose ground, with conventional floral REN Sa in ivory, and a central medallion of black and coral — a having a border of “Precious Things” and an eee border of sceptre heads. (See Illustration). uF Length, 4 feet 5 inches ; width, 2 feet 4 inches. MANDARIN COAT Of blue silk tapestry, figured with dragons and sym- bols, having bands of embroidery on the sleeves and neck and deep wave border. SMALL CHINESE MAT The centre of old rose with a floral pattern and a centre medallion in blue and white, having a border of key pattern in shaded yellow, blue and green. Length, 3 feet 1 inch; width, 1 foot 7 inches. MANDARIN COAT pate Of brown silk, embroidered with dragons in gold amid cloud forms, bats and butterflies in colors, with a deep border of wave forms overlaid with red roses finely worked. DOOR HANGING | Of black cloth, bordered with salmon braided with gold, and set with five salmon medallions embroidered with gold figures and symbols of longevity. | MANDARIN COAT Of nasturtium red silk, broceded with dragons and symbols and lined with yellow silk. CHINESE MAT With olive centre barred with darker lines, having three borders of blue, green and red in key and floral patterns. Size, 3 feet square. CHINESE RUG : : The centre of pumpkin yellow, with floral pattern and central medallion of red, having borders of key and wave patterns in dark red and blue. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 84 - ar ee ane Gh Say ce Tay oh Bay Ri, Prswont butt Mem fe aot La Siete ~ calla sc: Nope: oe Se sate Bey. ed ae ae ad fy ge. amd 2 piss ihaward Have ed elon | feoinie | my . i - 682, 684. 684. 685. 686. 687. ANTIQUE THIBET RUG Having a red centre with central memdallion of black, blue and green, showing a unicorn and symbols, and four borders of key and lattice pattern, figured with the “Hundred Antiques” and symbols. (See Illustration). Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. CHINESE. RUG ~ With old rose ground, figured with a key labyrinth pattern, having small medallions at regular intervals of bats and floral rosettes in yellow, blue and red. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. CHINESE RUG Of buff ground, with central medallion in red and blue and coral corners of key and flower pattern, the ground strewn with the “Hundred Antiques,” with two bor- ders of key and floral patterns in blue and white and red and white. (See Illustration). Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. CHINESE RUG The centre of seal brown, figured with bats and sym- bols in shaded colors, the border of a key pattern in shades of olive and brown. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. CHINESE RUG Of mustard yellow ground, strewn with conventional designs, having a central medallion of dark red, yel- low and blue and double borders of key and sceptre head pattern. (See Illustration). Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet. CHINESE RUG Of red centre, strewn with rosettes and devices in ivory and gray, with central medallion of gray, having a double border of sceptre head and key pattern. (See Illustration). Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet. 85 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. CHINESE RUG 7 The ground of deep magenta, strewn with blue and coral rosettes, having a central medallion of yellow _ lotus buds on a blue .ground springing from a coral centre and a vase of lotus buds at each end; the border of sceptre heads in mingled colors. | | Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. CHINESE RUG Of deep wine red centre with three central medallions in gray, red and green surrounded by smaller medal- lions in gray and green, having three borders of key, rosette and sceptre head patterns. (See Illustration). Length, 10 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. CHINESE RUG Of blue ground, with a central and two end medallions in red and blue, surrounded by various floral patterns and symbols, with three borders of floral and geo- | metric patterns. Length, 14 feet; width, 7 feet. SMALL CHINESE RUG Red centre, with central medallion formed of a con- ventionalized stork; the four corners show bats and flowers with butterflies in the spaces between; the double border shows flowers and butterflies and a key pattern. Size, 43 inches square. SMALL CHINESE RUG To match the preceding. Size, 43 inches square. SMALL CHINESE RUG Mustard yellow ground, strewn with small rosettes in blue and red about a central medallion of blue and green, with ornamental corners of a key pattern and a border of rosettes. (One corner repaired). Length, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches. SMALL CHINESE RUG The centre of ivory white, strewn with sprays of flow- ers about a medallion formed of butterflies; the corners show butterflies, and the border is a labyrinthine pat- tern in blue and red marked at intervals with butter- flies. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 86 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. CHINESE RUG Dark gray ground, with lattice pattern of ivory white, the lattice crossings marked by a crimson flower; the border of ivory with key pattern in pink, gray and black. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet. CHINESE RUG Red ground, with conventional central medallion of gray, green and white, with a group of three conven- tional wreaths at each end; double borders of key and wave patterns in varied colors. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. SMALL CHINESE RUG Brown ground, strewn with floral sprays about a cen- tral medallion, with button and key borders in varied colors. / Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 6 inches. SMALL CHINESE RUG Wine red ground, strewn with small rosettes in green and blue about a central medallion, having ornamental corner devices of a key pattern in green and a yellow border with key pattern in blue. ' Length, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 6 inches. PAIR OF CORNET SHAPED VASES. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of clusters of white prunus blossoms on an opaque blue ground, showing darker blue lines representing cracking ice, symbol of coming Spring. Teakwood stand. Height, 1334 inches. CHINESE PAINTINGS TWO MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPES Framed. Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. TWO DECORATIVE PANELS Garden Scenes with Figures. Framed. Height, 28 inches; width, 11 inches. TWO PANELS WITH LANDSCAPES AND FIG- URES Height, 28 inches; width, 11 inches, 87 703. 704. 105. 706, 707. 708. 709. W410; (ib 712, 713. 714. 715. 716. CHINESE GLASS PAIN TING Show Sin, the last Emperor of the Shang o1 or Yu Dyn- asty, receiving Officials. Height, 1714 inches; width, 26 inches. : N MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE . Height, 28 inches; width, 15 ao INTERIOR VIEW WITH FIGURES Height, 23 inches ; width, 15 inches. TWO DECORATIVE PANELS WITH FOWL Height, 44 inches; width, 18 inches. TWO LANDSCAPES WITH FIGURES — | Framed. . Height, 12 inches; width, 8 Rate DECORATIVE FIGURE PANEL Height, 12 inches; width, 17 inches. TWO PANELS \ Birds on a Flowering Tree, by Chaw Ping. Legendary Falcon, by Liou Yung. Both framed. Height, 27 inches; width, 16 inches. FOUR PANEL PAINTINGS Domestic interiors with figures. Framed. | Height, 15 inches; width, 5 inches. THREE PANELS Illustrating a Chinese Romance. Framed. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. THREE MORE, SIMILAR THREE FIGURE PANELS Framed. Height, 141% inches; width, 7 Y inches. THREE MORE Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 6 inches. — FOUR CHINESE BELLES ge Framed. Height, 22 inches; width, 9 inches. THREE PANELS The subjects drawn from a Chinese story. Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. 88 ‘STANVd HATAML dO NANOS ADV IVd “L8Z ‘ON 717. THREE MORE, SIMILAR 718. FOUR PANELS : Subjects drawn. from a Chinese romance. Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. 719. FOUR SCENES ILLUSTRATING A CHINESE . STORY : Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. 720. TWO DECORATIVE PANEL PAINTINGS OF BIRDS AND FLOWERS Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 18 inches. 721. DECORATIVE PANEL PAINTING: DOGS PLAY- | ING AT A FISH GLOBE Framed. Height, 41 inches; width, 17 inches. 722. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Framed. _ _ Height, 40 inches; width, 14 inches. 723. TWO DECORATIVE PANELS: FEMALE FIGURES, WITH LEGEND Framed. Height, 33 inches; width, 10 inches. 724. DECORATIVE PANEL: GIRL AT THE RIVER- SIDE Framed. Height, 35 inches; width, 15 inches. 725. FOUR DECORATIVE PANELS A Chiense love story “The Fall of Chang Sun”, after Hing Yung. Framed. Height, 34 inches; width, 8 inches. 726. TWO SCENES DRAWN FROM A CHINESE RO- MANCE Framed. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. 727. TWO MORE, SIMILAR 728. TWO MORE, SIMILAR 729. DECORATIVE PANEL WITH STORKS Framed. Height, 57 inches; width, 18 inches. 730. LANDSCAPE PANEL Framed. Height, 44 inches; width, 26 inches. 89 731. 732. 733. 734. 735, 736. 137. 738. 739. 740, 741, 742, 743. @44. DECORATIVE PANEL: A BOATING PARTY | Framed. Height, 41 inches; width, 23 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL: A RIVER SCENE Framed. Height, 51 inches ; width, 32 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL: A HUNTING PARTY | | Framed. Height, 51 inches; width, 32 piehen : GROUP OF FIGURES IN A PAVILION , Framed. Height, 59 inches; width, 31 inches. FOUR PANELS ILLUSTRATING A CHINESE STORY | Framed. Height, 22 inches; width, 8 inches. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR DECORATIVE PANEL: TWO GIRLS IN A PAVIL- ION Framed. Height, 30 inches: width, 15 inches. LANDSCAPE WITH MAN RIDING AN ELEPHANT Framed. Height, 33 inches; width,. 16 Bt DECORATIVE PANEL: GIRL SEATED Framed. Height, 34 inches; width, 15 inches. DOMESTIC INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Carved Chinese frame. Height, 30 inches; width, 17 inches. FOUR SCENES DRAWN FROM A CHINESE STORY Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL: CHINESE FIGURES ON A TERRACE Framed. Height, 32 inches; width, 16 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL: FIGURE UNDER BAMBOO TREES WITH LEGEND Framed. Height, 33 inches; width, 15 inches. A WARRIOR Framed. Height, 24 inches; width, 17 inches. 90 ‘STANVd BATAML dO NAANDS AOVIVd ‘882 *ON PS VS A ‘emer Sar i A 745. 746, "159. 160. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 16 inches. FOUR SCENES ILLUSTRATING A CHINESE STORY Framed. - Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. DECORATIVE GARDEN SCENE WITH FIGURES Framed. Height, 39 inches; width, 17 inches. A PILGRIM | Framed. — Height, 39 inches; width, 18 inches. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE _ Framed. Height, 43 inches; width, 18 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL: A ROYAL LADY P iramed Height, 40 inches; width, 21 inches. FIGURE PANEL: SCENE IN A PAVILION. Framed. Height, 40 inches; width, 21 inches. DECORATIVE LANDSCAPE Framed. Height, 38 inches; width, 18 inches. FLOWER PANEL Framed. Height, 38 inches; width, 18 inches. TWO GARDEN SCENES WITH POEMS Framed. Height, 36 inches; width, 22 inches. PANEL: THE COURT OF BUDDHA ; Framed. Height, 44 inches; width, 22 inches. WINTER LANDSCAPE Framed. Height, 46 inches; width, 17 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL WITH FIGURES Framed. Height, 43 inches; width, 18 inches. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Framed. Height, 45 inches; width, 18 inches. LANDSCAPE WITH STORKS Framed. Height, 45 inches; width, 19 inches. GARDEN SCENE WITH FIGURES Framed. Height, 51 inches; width, 24 inches. 91 a rae a i 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. Lots C74. Ub, >. tf oy eee ee Ae CoN ery ae 7 Batra Oo oc Ne Noi" ey Akh “ tenes ie Sea ; i) wee hate ' : 1 eet : ; We LANDSCAPE ; tb Framed. Height, ae inches ; width: 18 8 chen CHINESE MUSICIAN | 7 ae Framed. _ Height, 44 inches; wridite! 16 inches A MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES SNe Ss Framed. Height, 42 inches; width, W inches. one TWO FIGURES IN A GARDEN . an Framed. Height, 44 inches; width, 17 inches. ee DECORATIVE FIGURE PANEL ee Framed. Height, 53 inches ; width, 29 inches wae MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE — Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 32 inches A GARDEN FETE ae Framed. Height, 58 inches; width, 32 inches, — . CHINESE LANDSCAPE a Framed. Height 35 inches; width, 60 inches. MEN PLAYING CHESS IN A GARDEN . Framed. Height, 23 inches; width, 40 inches. . DECORATIVE PANEL OF MYTHOLOGICAL AN- IMALS Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 25 inches. PANEL: DISCIPLES OF BUDDHA Framed. Height, 57% inches; width, 28 inches. TWO GARDEN SCENES WITH FIGURES Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 6 inches. PANEL PAINTING: CHINESE FEMALE FIGURE IN A PAVILON Framed. Height, 34 inches; width, 17 inches. LANDSCAPE WITH MYTHOLOGICAL ANIMALS Framed. Height, 32 inches; width, 18 inches. DECORATIVE FLOWER PANEL Framed. Signed by Lu Ting Cheng. | Height, 33 inches; width, 17 inches. 92 ‘STANVd SATAML dO NHAYOS ADV 1Vd “68Z “ON OHM ake ~rsHeKoRNe <5 SSS NIST Soe? Sar v3 % & RE a 4 « ad © wey NOK SNOECE. Sf ae o = e 16. vue 778. ATS. 780, 781. 782. 783. 184. 785. 786. HUNTING SCENE Framed. Height, 34 inches; width, 15 inches. DECORATIVE LANDSCAPE PANEL Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 18 inches. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Framed. . Height, 57 inches; width, 17 inches. PANEL: A COURT OF JUSTICE Framed. Height, 40 inches; width, 20 inches. PANEL: THE THRONE OF THE GODDESS OF MERCY : Framed. Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. TWO DECORATIVE LANDSCAPES Framed. Height, 32 inches; width, 14 inches. DECORATIVE PANEL: A ROYAL PROGRESS Framed. Height, 51 inches; width, 32 inches. A ROYAL BOATING PARTY Framed. Height, 51 inches; width, 32 inches. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE: Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 16 inches. PAINTING ON SILK The Nankin Summer Palace. Original frame of carv- ed wood, set with symbols in bronze and pearl with a bronze ornamental crest. Height, 28 inches; width, 42 inches. PAINTING ON SILK Pavilion of the Nankin Summer Palace seen in its winter dress. Original carved wood frame, set with emblems in bronze and pearl with an ornamental bronze crest. Height, 28 inches; width, 42 inches. 93 787. PALACE SCREEN OF TWELVE WOOD PANELS Each panel incised and painted forming a continuous picture, representing the reception of distinguished ary personage by the Chinese Court at a garden féte, on a — background of black lacquer; at the top of each panel — is a fan shaped landscape and at the bottom one of __ animals; the reverse side of each panel is painted with five medallions of varied forms showing landscapes i and figures. (See Illustration). i Length, 18% ft.; height, 8 ft.9 in. = 788, PALACE SCREEN OF TWELVE WOOD PANELS Each panel incised and elaborately painted with great sy detail forming a continuous historical picture on a background of black lacquer; at the top and bottom of = each panel is painted an historical scene; the reverse side is elaborately painted with flowers, foliage, ne e and birds. (See Illustration). Length, 19 feet; height, 8 y fa 789. PALACE SCREEN OF TWELVE WOOD PANELS — Each panel incised and elaborately painted, the whole forming a continuous picture of a garden féte in color and gold, on a background of black lacquer; at the top and bottom of each panel appear landscapes with animals, symbols and devices. (See Illustration). Length, 19 feet; height, 9 feet. v4 ay x 2 ‘SNHaUDS AOW1Vd AHL dO ANO dO MAGIA YAHLONV a, RKC ae ® od =, ve woe B¥ ~ 4 er ‘ ‘ ¥ = ee On i ALAN } Pri —O———— FIFTH SESSION Friday Afternoon, November 20, 1914, at 2:30 o’clock Mandarin Neck Beads, Snuff Bottles, Decorated and Single Color Porcelains, Wood Carvings, and Embroidered Coats and Hangings. 790. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) _ Of heavy stone ware, coated with a brilliant Sang de Poulet glaze with sparkles of flambé in one side. Teak- wood stand. 791. MANDARIN BEADS» Of rose quartz and larger fancy beads. 792. MINIATURE JAR. (Kien Lung) Decoration of flowers and butterflies painted over purest white glaze. Teakwood stand. 793. MANDARIN BEAD NECKLACE Amber beads with jade beads, coral and jade pendants. 794. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) White jade color, with carved decoration of lions, drag- ons, monkey and deer, embossed ring handles; green glass stopper. 795. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Hard paste of flattened oviform with long neck, coated with Blane de Chine glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 3% inches. 796. MANDARIN BEADS Carved wood beads, larger cut glass beads and me- dallion with different stone pendants. 95 797, Leelee T99. 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. SOAPSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE With carved decoration of a dragon pursuing the sacred pearl; red glass stopper. ONE NATIVE SEED BEAD NECKLACE With larger coral beads and coral and stone pendants. SAPPHIRE BLUE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With red and yellow stopper. (Loose). CAMEO ROUGE BOX. (Kien Lung) Decoration of the rising sun over the sea, with a reflection of the Pagoda and symbolical bats and stork in dark sapphire blue on a milk white background. With stand. Height, 244 inches. MANDARIN BEADS Carved fish bone beads with larger enameled medal- hons and pendants. I ; ¢ S 5. i _ a U $ = =e! * 2 tela ae tl ea, Re ee ee eee i ha a Bi i al i al a ee SC ee ee ee ee ee ee ee > , a a | — a i a = fe as Baik : CARVED BAMBOO BRUSH HOLDER Height, 434 inches. BLUE GLASS OVIFORM SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) | Pink glass stopper. NATIVE SEED BEAD NECKLACE With larger turquoise beads and coral and turquoise pendants. ‘ WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) Hard porcelain, coated with a light Havana glaze. Teakwood stand. MANDARIN BEAD NECKLACE Sapphire blue and pink quartz beads and quarts pend- ° ants. PAIR OF POWDER BLUE VASES. (K’ang Hsi) Teakwood stands. Height, 4 inches. 96 ‘A TLLOG dHONS ‘a 1.LLOG JANNS NIV1d9u0d GHAYYD NIV199u0d GHAUNVD *"SUO'IO) AAIM NI SUV SO AlVd "EF3 “ON "C09 °ON “18 “ON NI ASVA TIVWS “IMO NOGV'TIAD ‘HSIG UALVM S.aaLIeM ‘HSIG MALVM S.aaLIaM °8L8 "ON o/7 *€97° "ON . “OFS “ON ZS °ON | 808. 809. 810. 814. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817, 818. LARGE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) | With decoration of a dragon pursuing the sacred pear amidst flames and clouds, on a blue ground. (No stopper). MINIATURE VASE Invested with flambé glaze. With stand. -MANDARIN BEAD NECKLACE Of amber and -fetsui beads, with different colored stone pendants. ‘THIBET WOOD BEAD NECKLACE With. larger blue crystal beads and pendants. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Cylindrical shape, with landscape painted in terra cot- ta; coral stopper. MINIATURE PILGRIM VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with a Buddha and a bat painted in coral over a glaze of creamy white. Teakwood stand. MANDARIN BEADS Of amber with larger blue sapphire beads and pend- ants of different stones. MINIATURE CYLINDRICAL VASE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of a fishing boat painted in five colors. Teakwood stand. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Japonica red flowers in relief on white glass. (No stopper). PILGRIM SHAPE MINIATURE VASE. (Yung Cheng) Decoration of Buddhist priest painted in five colors over a brilliant white glaze. Teakwood stand. WRITER’S IVORY BRUSH HOLDER. (Tao Kwang) Old ivory, decorated with a fishing scene, finely en- graved. Height, 4%4 inches. 97 819, 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826, 827, 828. MANDARIN BEAD NECKLACE Black beads, alternating with smaller green heads and a larger smoky quartz, with various stone pendants. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of the “Hundred Antiques”, in sapphire blue on a speck white bottle; has rose quartz stopper. chee MINIATURE PEACH BLOOM VASE. (Kien Lung) Coated with a translucent, peach bloom crackled glaze. With stand. | _ -Height, 314 inches. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) — Decoration of landscapes in gold on a coral ground. | (No stopper). CARVED IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE Modeled after a gourd fruit. CAMEO CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of a symbolical lizard in ruby red. Has stopper. DECORATED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Painted inside with a Hsing Yu a of storm) ; coral glass stopper. BRUSH HOLDER. (Ming) Of hard paste, decorated with figures playing chess in a garden, painted in five colors over a white glaze. Height, 6 inches. SMALL SOUTH CHINA BRONZE PLAQUE. (Sung) With decoration of three Buddhas. Height, 914 inches. JAR. (Ming) | Of hard porcelain, with decoration of phoenix, peony — flowers and scrolls and upper border of lotus and scrolls, painted in five colors enameled over a white glaze. Teakwood cover and stand. : Height, 7 inches. 98 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. 834. 835. 836, 837. 838. 839. SNUFF BOTTLE. (K’ang Hsi) Decoration of a bee painted over a white faultless glaze. Has ivory inlaid cover. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Square form, with decoration painted in soft blue of the Tavist priest named Feng-Chang-lo. (No stopper). RUBY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened oviform; green glass stopper. FLAMBE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With red stopper. BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Decoration of silk wrapper knotted around the bottle, _ engraved in Japonica red on a sulphur yellow ground. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. LARGH CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) | Embossed lion head ring handles, with decoration of carved tigers, eagle and bats in high relief, over a specked white glass. (Stopper missing). OVIFORM MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of a plain white glaze. Has stand. SMALL VASE | ‘Bottle shaped invested with sky blue glaze, with a touch of red. Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with landscape and boats. Has stand. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Decoration of Pa Pao, one of the eight precious things, carved in ruby red in high relief on white glass. Has green stopper. CAMEO GLASS INCENSE BURNER. (Kien Lung) Decoration of the rising sun over the sea, with re- flection of Pagoda in the clouds, symbolical birds, lizards and bats, and a scroll border. Has stand. Height, 414 inches. 99 840. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) Coated with a pale celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). 841. CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (K’ang — Hsi) Unique specimen showing a girl and boy riding, carv- ed in high relief and painted in three colors over black enamel. Stamp under foot. (See Illustration). 842. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, covered with a red bean glaze of even quality. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). 843. CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Decorated with the eighteen disciples of Buddha, marching over the sea, modeled in the paste and coated — with a fine ivory enamel glaze; red stopper. (See Illustration). 844. PAINTED CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) | With decoration of figures in various colors inside the glass; has pink glass stopper. (See Illustration). . 845. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (K’ang Hsi) Of gray smoky brown with carved decoration of child holding a string of cash, ended by a frog, with child and lotus; pink glass stopper. (See Illustration). 846. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of fisherman and landscape carved in relief, on fetsui green; has red glass stopper. 847%. FETSUI GREEN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Has blue glass stopper. 848. PAIR GLASS BOTTLES. (Kien Lung) Flattened oviform of dark green color. Height, 8% inches. 100 No. 857-56 2 CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. No. 908. DECORATED CELADON VASE. No. 915. BLUE AGATE VASE. No. 907. PHOENIX GREEN VASE. No.9882-5 0 ” TEA DUST VASE, IN GLAZE. | No. 901. LARGE CRACKLED VASE, 849. — 850. 851. 852. 853, 854. 855. 856. 857. PAIR CAMEO GLASS BOTTLE SHAPED VASES. (Chai Ching) Decoration of a fishing scene with man crossing a bridge carrying a bundle of twigs, carved in high re- lief in Japonica red on an imperial yellow background. Teakwod stands. Height, 914 inches. PAIR GLASS ROUGE BOXES. (Kien Lung) Plain watermelon red color. Height, 3 inches. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Flattened shape with lion head handles, decorated with children paying respects to the aged parent; has real coral stopper. CUT GLASS VASE. (Kien Lung) _ Eight sided, beaker shape, of sapphire blue color, with carved lion head handles. Height, 734 inches. CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Decorated with the eighteen disciples of Buddha, carv- ed in high relief and painted in various enamels and gold; Lapis Lazuli stopper. (See Illustration). GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE OF MILK JADE COLOR. (Chai Ching) Red stopper. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Flattened oviform with decoration of an ancient his- torical play of the Chinese Dynasty, painted in a brilliant dark blue; has coral stopper. CAMEO GLASS VASE Decorated with medallion in sapphire blue on a milk white. Teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of children catching butterflies, carv- ed in high relief and painted in five colors over a pearly scroll glaze; has coral stopper. (See Illustration). 101 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 865. 866. CAMEO GLASS BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) : Decorated with squirrels climbing over vines and i ing grapes, carved in three colors. Teakwood stand. — Height, 10% inches. : CUT GLASS PAINTED SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of children playing on New Yoae Day, painted inside in various colors by Cho Lo Yuen. Green glass stopper. | WRITER’S OVIFORM WATER JAR. (Chia Ching) With decoration of foliage and butterflies painted in _ five colors; original cover. Teakwood stand. | Height, 314 inches. | WHITE CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Decoration of Pa Paos (“precious things”), carved in low relief on a jade white ground; green glass stopper. SMALL OVIFORM VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard porcelain, decorated with pineus and foliage in three colors on a brilliant blue glaze. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 614 inches. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) In shape of an apple, with leaves carved in relief in green over a pinkish ground. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform with cylindrical neck, coated with a powder blue glaze. Has stand. Height, 4 inches. GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Children playing with lotus seed and catching butter- flies, painted inside glass, by Cho Lo Yuen. Led stop- per (loose). MINIATURE BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kang, Hs) Decoration of children gathering Mai Hua under 4 willow tree painted in blue on a crackled white glaze. Teakwood stand. | Height, 4 inches. 102 ise 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875, 876. 877. Deere le tg) © ee Sf mete 3830)” AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) + With decoration of two monkeys, carved in low relief - on a body of yellowish gray; has green glass stopper. SMALL PORCELAIN LION. (Chia Ching) Decorated in green glaze. Teakwood stand. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Carved in high relief with lotus flower and buds, in blue on milk white glass; has stopper. TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER. (Chia Ching) Decorated with dragons pursuing sacred pearls, painted in gold over a brilliant black glaze, with tiger head feet and scroll border on the neck. Height, 4% inches. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Of flattened shape with lizard carved in ruby red on a green cash, together on opal white colored glass. MINIATURE WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, coated with an evenly dull white glaze. Has stand. Height, 4 inches. CUT RUBY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) PAIR IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (Chien Lung) With medallion decoration of landscapes painted in five colors over a white enameled glaze on a surround- ing coral ground. Has government stamp under foot. Diameter, 544 inches. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) With decoration of squirrels eating grapes, with foliage and butterflies in fetsui green carved in high relief on milk white ground; red stopper (loose). MINIATURE IRON RUST VASE. (Chia Ching) Long oviform, invested with iron rust glaze. With stand. TURQUOISE MEDALLION BOWL Semi-eggshell of translucent quality, the background of fine turquoise scroll glaze, showing medallions dec- orated with bamboo sprigs, painted over a fine white glaze. Diameter, 634 inches. 103 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. SMALL VASE ° Invested with ox blood glaze. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 3% inches. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Chia Ching) Dragons finely carved in sapphire blue on a speck white glass; coral stopper. : as MINIATURE VASE. (Tao Kwang) at Coated with a red bean crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. a) LARGE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Of dark turquoise blue with carved bronze stopper. Teakwood stand. | SMALL VASE | Invested with tea dust crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 4 inches. BRONZE MINIATURE INCENSE BURNER. (Ming) MINIATURE SNUFF JAR. (Ming) Of heavy stone ware, covered with a thick flambé glaze. Has stand. MINIATURE COVERED VASE OF GRAY JADE Height, 214 inches. SMALL BEAKER Engraved with palm leaves and scrolls and coated with Blane de Chine glaze. Height, 544 inches. FLAMBE SNUFF JAR. (Ming) MINIATURE VASE. (Tao Kwang) Coated with peach bloom crackled glaze. Has stand. GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Old Imperial yellow glass with green glass stopper. PAIR OF SMALL VASES Coated with glaze of coral red, with oval reverse panels painted with figure subjects. Teakwood stands. Height, 6 inches. 104 " . 4 u ' is Aaa fe os “ we , a ees = Se eT ee Ne Re enh prak el ange ce " ee ee ee ee ge ee Pe i ol =~ x Z ; =n - a “ — i = ” me) = os 1m y,, <~ a =" =. ee vee ws —~ yrs —. a — ef 3 oO S rol my 4 fe No. 844. | No. 853. PAINTED CRYSTAL | CARVED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. SNUFF BOTTLE. - No. 845. No. 916. JADE INCENSE BURNER. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. z 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Chia Ching) With decoration carved in high relief of phoenix with peony flower and foliage in green jade color on a mustard color ground; red glass stopper. MINIATURE SNUFF JAR. (Kien Lung) Oviform, coated with a dark green crackled glaze, with original cover. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) Finely glazed with touch of flambé. . Height, 534 inches. SQUASH GREEN VASE. (Kien Lung) Square shape, receding at the base, with sceptre head handles, coated with a brilliant squash green glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 734 inches. PAIR OF SQUARE VASES With circular neck, decorated with mystical trigrams, known as Pa Qwa, coated with a pale celadon glaze. Shape much admired by Chinese connoisseurs. Height, 914 inches. IMPERIAL MAZARINE BLUE VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Pear shape, of hard porcelain, with spreading neck, invested with mazarine blue glaze of fine texture. Has government mark under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 1134 inches. (Repaired). SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform, with neck spreading to mouth, enameled with brilliant Sang de Poulet glaze. Has stand. Height, 8 inches. CLAIR DE LUNE VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Pear shape, hard porcelain, with elephant mask han- dles enameled with brilliant Clair de Lune glaze. Has stand. Height, 614 inches. TALL POWDER BLUE VASE. (Kien Lung) Globular with long tubular neck, spreading to the mouth, evenly coated with a powder blue glaze of fine texture. Has stand. Height, 15 inches. 105 900. 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. VASE. (Kien Lung) : Jos Bottle shaped with tubular neck, of hard atone ware invested with Sang de Poulet crackled glaze. Has stand. Height, 1254 inches. LARGE CRACKLED VASE. (Yung Ching) Oviform with flaring neck, of hard paste, coated in-— terior and exterior with large crackled Clair de Lune glaze. Has restored lizard handles. Teakwood stand. — (See Illustration) Height, 1534 inches. PAIR OF POWDER BLUE VASES. (K’ang Hsi) Coated with powder blue glaze of the finest quality. | Teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches. TALL BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Fine specimen of hard paste, covered with a brilliant Havana crackled glaze of very fine texture. Has leaf _ mark under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 7 1% inches. PHOENIX GREEN VASE. (Rep Hi) Fine specimen, enameled with a very brilliant texture of phoenix green crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. LARGE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of heavy stone ware, coated with Sang de Poulet glaze, with a touch of flambé toward the mouth. Has stand. Height, 1534 inches. ~ PAIR OF MAZARINE BLUE VASES. (Kien Lung) Tall pear shape with elephant mask handles, decorat- ed with landscape, painted in dark blue mazarine under a lighter blue glaze, of translucent quality. Have stands. Height, 9 inches. LARGE VASE. (Kien Lung) With tall neck spreading to the mouth, beautifully coated with a brilliant turquoise blue, crackled glaze of translucent quality. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 1714 inches. 106 908. ‘909. 910. ‘OTT. 912. ‘913. 914. O15. DECORATED CELADON VASE. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste with decoration of conventional drag- ons, scrolls and bats carved in low relief, dragon head handles, covered with a brilliant pale grayish celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 14 inches. PAIR OF JARS. (Kien Lung) Oviform, of hard porcelain, coated with a most bril- lant crackled Sang de Poulet glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 8 inches. LARGE CLAIR DE LUNE VASE. (Yung Cheng) Sonorous porcelain, with lion head handles in high re- lief, evenly coated with Clair de Lune glaze. Teak- wood stand, . Height, 1414 inches. PAIR OF JARS. (Kien Lung) Oviform, of hard paste, decorated with Pa Paos “precious things,” lotus flowers and scrolls in five colors over a sky-blue glaze; with reverse panels decorated with birds, fish and er Original covers and teak- wood stands. Height, 1014 inches. GREEN JADE ORNAMENT Old jade of fine green translucent ete highly polished and finely carved as a group of native fruits. Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. PAIR OF GREEN JADE CUPS Of dark green, of finely polished texture, Sent cut and hollowed, so as to show its translucent quality. Stands. Height, 234 inches. ROCK CRYSTAL ORNAMENT With decoration of two boys holding a vase of erysan- themum flowers and foliage; the entire piece carved in high relief and open work from a solid rock crystal of flawless quality. Restored. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 614 inches. BLUE AGATE VASE AND COVER With carved decoration in high relief of rocks and dragons, dragon and carved leat cover. Carved teak- wood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 6% inches. 107 916. 917. 918. 919. 920, 921. 922. JADE INCENSE BURNER ety Of pale green texture highly polished and ie Wie an ancient bronze, with lion mask handle with loose — rings, decorated with engraved scroll borders; the — cover surmounted by delicately carved lion playing | 3 with young. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 334 inches. = CARVED JADE VASE | Of pale green texture, having beautifully carved deco- ration of phoenix and peony flowers and leaves; the cover surmounted by carved phoenix. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). eas. 834 inches. — a | GREEN JADE VASE Of dark green texture, finely polished, with carved decoration of lizard around the body and elephant mask handles with loose rings and lion carved on the cover. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 6% inzhes.. CARVED AGATE VASE WITH COVER . Having decoration of dragons around ne body and cover, carved in high relief. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 514 inches. LARGE CARVED JADE VASE Of pale gray texture highly polished, with rents of peonies and dragons carved in relief on open work encircling the body, and a phoenix spreading his wings on the cover. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 8%4 inches. © PALE GREEN JADE BOWL. (Chia Ching) Of greenish white nephrite, finely cut and polished, to show its translucency. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Diameter, 514 inches. GREEN JADE BASKET ORNAMENT Of pale green texture, finely polished and shaped after an ancient bronze, swinging from a carved wood sup- port, having carved decoration of tiger’s head with border of scrolls and leaves; double loose ring on cover. (See Illustration). Height, 5% inches. 108 rien aca aN it ANTE pa | ‘ ROCK CRYSTAL ORNAMENT. No. 914. 823. 924 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. CARVED AGATE VASE WITH COVER. (Kien Lung) With flattened decoration of Chu Sa Pan Buddha (home guardian) and attendants, carved in high relief, — with unicorn and bats on the cover. Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 4 inches. PAIR OF ROCK CRYSTAL STATUETTES _ Finely carved in relief, showing the Goddess of Mercy holding lotus leaves and a basket. Teakwood stands. (See Illustration).. Height, 8 inches. PALE GREEN JADE CUP AND COVER Of greenish white texture of translucent quality, finely carved with dragon handles, in high relief, the cover decorated with lotus flowers and foliage, and a bird carved in pierced open work. Carved teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 3 inches. LARGE CELADON BOWL. (Ming) Of heavy stone ware of Lung Chung Yao, with deco- ration of conventional regular scrolls carved in the paste, under a pea green translucent glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 934 inches. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Kien Lung) Cylindrical in form with curved neck, spreading to the mouth, invested with a brilliant Sang de Poulet glaze of fine texture. Height, 834 inches. SQUASH GREEN VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened oviform shape with tubular neck, slightly spreading to the mouth and curved to the base, coated With a very fine squash green glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Decorated with rams at play; painted in dark blue on a rice color crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 334 inches. FLAMBE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of heavy paste, thickly coated with flambé glaze. Teak- wood stand. Height, 814 inches. 109 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936, LARGE VASE. (Kien Lung) 937. SMALL CELADON JAR. (Kien Lung) BLUE AND WHITE JAR. (Tao Kwang) Of hard paste, with decorations of converte ; and scrolls, painted in dark blue. Teakwood cover an stand. Height, 6 inches SMALL VASE. (Tao Kwang) , ee Oviform, having curved neck and base, with medallion Ascumtons in five colors on a dark coral ground. — Wi 2: Height, 5% inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR. (Kang Hsi) a Si Oviform of hard porcelain, decorated with clusters of white prunus blossoms upon a ground of opaque blue, marked with darker blue lines to represent cracking ice; reverse panels decorated with curios and symbols. Carved teakwood cover and stand. . Height, 8 Hehe | PAIR OF TEMPLE JARS. (Yung Ching) Of hard paste, decorated with phoenix, peonies and foliage, painted in five colors and gold over the glaze, with upper border of sceptre heads decorated with asters and peonies; lower border of sceptre heads. Orig- inal covers and teakwood stands. (See Illustration). 3 Height, 14 inches.. TEMPLE VASE. (Kien Lung) | Of hard porcelain, tall oviform, with curved neck spreading to the mouth, having open work scroll han- dles, and decorated with “Precious Things,” lotos, pomgranates, scrolls and floral devices. The middle and lower borders of scrolls and sceptre heads and large reverse medallions showing landscapes; smaller — medallions with inscription. All painted in five colors over dark sapphire blue enameled glaze. ‘Teakwood stand. (See Illustration). Height, 2314 inches. Of heavy stone ware, with lion mask ring handles, coated with mazarine blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 22 inches. Hard paste, invested with a pale celadon glaze. Teak- wood cover and stand. Height, 5 inches. 110 939. 940. 941, 942. 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. . GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) Old glass in imitation of agate; green glass stopper. MINIATURE VASE. (Ming) Coated with a red bean glaze. With stand. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (Tao Kwang) Of shallow circular form on low feet, with small han-- dies, glazed with rich purple blue glaze. Diameter, 634 inches. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. (Chia Ching) With decoration of the “hundred antiques,” carved in ‘high relief in ruby red on a transparent white glass; green glass stopper. PAIR OF IMPERIAL WARE BOWLS. (Tao Kwang) Of translucent quality, decorated with landscapes, do- mestic scenes and inscriptions, in five colors, over a brilliant white glaze. Has government stamp under foot. Diameter, 5 inches. SMALL WHITE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With decoration of the prunus tree. engraved on a pure white glaze. (Slightly damaged on the neck). Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. OFFICIAL HAT HOLDER Dark sapphire blue glass engraved with sprig of prunus. Has stand. Height, 11 inches. SMALL OVIFORM TEMPLE JAR. (Kien Lung) Decorated with symbol of “Happy Augury” painted in gold over a brilliant coral glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. OVIFORM CLAY JAR. (Kien Lung) Decorations of lotus flowers and scrolls, painted in five colors over a dull grayish white glaze. Teakwood stand and cover. Height, 5 inches.. PAIR OF THEA CUPS. (Chia Ching) Decorations of landscape in relief in light canary yel- low glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 2 inches.. 111 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. PAIR OF MINIATURE VASES OF WHITE JADE ee Height, 2 inches. LARGE SOAP STONE ORNAMENTAL VASE — Of white jade texture, in shape of a gourd, sre! 3 carved with fruit and foliage. Teakwood stand. } Height, 9 inches. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. (Kien Lung) | With decoration of an old man riding a donkey with attendant, with bird and flower carved in high relief on a body of smoky opal texture; green glass stopper. . (See Illustration). SMALL BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With decorations of scrolls, signs of longevity, and “happy augury,” painted in relief over a blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 5%4 inches. CRYSTAL ORNAMENT Carved in shape of a Dog Foo. Carved stand. SEMI-EGGSHELL BOWL Of translucent quality, coated with a fine aubergine glaze, decorated with lotus painted in gold and me- dallions representing European ‘personages, painted in five colors over a white glaze. Diameter, 7 inches. MANDARIN BLUE JAR. (Kien Lung) .) Oviform, invested with fine blue glaze. Has stand and cover. Height, 714 inches. SMALL CLAIR DE LUNE VASE. (Kien Lung) Flattened body with long neck, decorated with lizards crawling around the neck, and evenly coated with Clair de Lune glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 434 inches. SANG DE POULET VASE. (Ming) | Hard paste, coated with brilliant Sang de Poulet glaze. Has stand. © | Height, 614 inches. MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) Pear shaped, of hard paste, coated with Sang de Poulet glaze. Has stand. - 112 ; No. 918. CARVED JADE VASE No. 917. CARVED JADE VASE. No. 921. PALE GREEN JADE BOWL. No. 920. CARVED JADE VASE. e955.” 959. 960. Bool. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. WRITER’S WATER DISH. (‘Tao Kwang) Of hard porcelain, coated with a tea dust glaze. Teak- wood stand. - SMALL PHOENIX GREEN VASE. (Kien Lung) _ Bottle shaped with cylindrical neck, slightly spread- ing to the mouth, coated with spotted phoenix green crackled glaze. ‘Has stand. Height, 5% inches. MINIATURE SQUASH GREEN SNUFF JAR. (Tao Kwang) With touch of flambé near the neck. With stand. SMALL TURQUOISE RABBIT POTTERY FIGURE OF A FAIRY. (Tao Kwang) Coated with dull black enamel. Height, 914 inches. PORCELAIN ORNAMENT. (Tao Kwang) Monkey in a tree, surrounded by birds, with deer be- neath. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. CAMEO GLASS BRUSH HOLDER - Of crushed melon seed color. Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. SMALL SOAP STONE BUDDHA. (Kien Lung) Teakwood stand. Height, 234 inches. JADE NETSUKE FIGURINE A fairy. MANDARIN COAT Of blue brocade with brown corded silk sleeves. DOOR HANGING Of buff pongee embroidered with stork medallions in gold, with»black borders embroidered in gold; the lam- brequin of gold embroidered with figures and branches. MANDARIN COAT Of blue brocade with black silk sleeves. MANDARIN SKIRT Of black net, embroidered with dragons in gold and symbols and devices in color, binned with bands of gold brocade. 118 ‘ 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. Det. 978. 979. 980. 981. FOUR EMBROIDERED BANDS Of green silk, with dragons and cloud forms in oolde ane liaving red borders embroidered in gold. Hach, 3 feet, 8 inches long, FOUR MORE, SIMILAR MANDARIN COAT Of thin blue net, embroidered with ‘dracon in gold and symbols and devices in color. , DOOR HANGING : Of black velvet embroidered with gold, the lambrequin of red cloth covered with a labyrinthine pattern in gold. MANDARIN COAT i Of blue brocade with black satin sleeves. (Worn). LADY’S COAT Of green satin, ania in colors and gold, and — bordered with a broad band of black satin, embroidered. with floral sprays and symbols; lined with pink silk. LARGE MANDARIN SKIRT | Of dark blue brocade, trimmed with gold gimp. DOOR HANGING Of red silk, with medallions in Me and floral sprays in color, having a border embroidered in gold; the lambrequin of gold with figure medallions and red — border embroidered in gold. MANDARIN COAT Of blue brocade, with black corded silk sleeves. (Worn). DOOR HANGING Of green silk, with storks and flowers in gold, the lambrequqin of gold embroidered with figures and flow- ers in color. MANDARIN COAT Of blue brocade, with plum color silk sleeves. 114 986. 987, 988. 989. 982. 983. 984. 985. FOUR EMBROIDERED BANDS Of blue silk, embroidered with figures of warriors and floral devices. Each, 3 feet, 8 inches long. MANDARIN COAT Of blue silk, embroidered with dragons in gold, and bats, cloud forms and cosmic waves in color. DOOR HANGING Of terra cotta silk, embroidered with storks and clouds in gold, the lambrequin of gold with flower sprays and phoenix in green. MANDARIN COAT Of blue brocade, with dark blue silk sleeves. VASE. (Kien Lung) Of tall graceful shape, decorated with peonies, mag- nolias and phoenix. Painted in five colors over a crackled chicken’s blood glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 13% inches. PAIR OF GOURD SHAPED VASES. (Kien Lung) Of hard paste, decorated with gourd shaped medallions showing allegorical legends of Chinese life. Painted in five colors, enameled under the glaze, the surround- ing ground of gourd flowers, fruit and vines. Teak- wood. stand. Height, 10% inches. SEMI-EGGSHELL VASE. (Tao Kwang) Globular in form, with neck spreading to mouth, the decoration of stork and cormorants amidst lotus flow- ers in a pond, and floral and sceptre head borders, painted in brilliant colors enameled over a translucent white glaze. Has double ring mark under foot. Teak- wood stand. Height, 14% inches. VASE. (Yung Ching) Oviform, with neck spreading toward the mouth, hav- ing figure decoration painted in five colors. Teak- wood stand. Height, 934 inches. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 996. 99%. . PAIR OF OFFERING JARS. (K’ang Hsi) IMPERIAL WARE VASE. (Bien Tang) | of figures i ‘trees, painted i Se ena over a briliant white glaze. ees stand, BIGHT- SIDED VASE. (K’ang Hsi) Melon-striped, coated with a brilliant phoenix green crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. _ Height, 9 7a} inches. LARGE VASE. (Kien Lung) Of heavy stoneware, curved to mouth. and base, seer Re with an eel skin gray glaze. Height, 15 4 inches. a LARGE SOAPSTONE BUDDHA OF LONGEVITY. (Kien Lung) Base of carved stone and teakwood stand. ae Hoel 10 inches, tat TALL SQUARE VASE. ( Kang Hsi) _ Rare specimen, tapering toward the base, with. cylin- . drical neck, and masterly decorated cn four sides, with historical legend of the Han Dynasty, showing the robes and armor worn at the time, painted in brilliant five colors, enameled over a pure white glaze. Has artemise leaf under foot. Teakwood stand. - (See Illustration). Height, 19 inches. Of hard paste, decorated with conventional peonies, — flowers, foliage and lions, and upper floral scroll bor-- der. Mark and double ring under foot. Teakwood _ stands and covers. — Height, 13 inches. LARGE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE Decorated with dragons amid cloud forms, painted in _ brown on a pale green ground. Height, 17 inches. PAIR OF MING DECORATED VASES With lion mask ring handles, the decoration shows lotus flowers, foliage and mandarin ducks, the centre and lower borders of floral scrolls, painted in five colors, enameled over a grayish blue glaze. (Re- paired). Teakwood stands. Height, 15% inches. 116 No. 925. COVERED CUP OF GREEN JADE. No. 934. PAIR OF TEMPLE JARS ENAMELED IN FIVE COLORS. 998. Ege. 1000. 1001. 1002... 1003. 1004. CIRCULAR WOOD BOX | Incised and painted with dragons and symbols in gold on a red lacquer ground. (Imperfect). Height, 11 inches; diameter, 15 inches. CARVED BAMBOO FIGURE OF BUDDHA OF GOOD AUGURY Height, 11% inches. TWO TEAKWOOD DISPATCH BOXES The fronts carved in relief, having brass mountings. Height, 10 inches; length, 17 inches. CARVED WOOD FIGURE OF A SAGE Height, 27 inches. CARVED WHITE MARBLE FIGURE OF A GOD- DESS Height, 3 feet 3 inches. CARVED WHITE MARBLE FIGURE OF A GOD- DESS »° Height, 3 feet 4 inches. CARVED WHITE MARBLE FIGURE OF THE GODDESS OF MERCY (See Illustration). Height, 4 feet 2 inches. SIXTH SESSION Saturday Afternoon, November 21, 1914, at 2:30 o’clock Bronze and Porcelain Figures, Jades Crystals, Bronzes, 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. Porcelains, and Table Screens. SNUFF BOTTLE Of bisque, with cameo decoration. (Top missing). PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Decorated with a bird on a branch and inscription. Blue glass top. TWO SNUFF BOTTLES One of blue glass, painted inside, the other of por- celain, with panel decoration on a blue ground. (One without stopper). PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE With sign of Longevity in relief on the sides in tur- quoise blue. Coral top. . MINIATURE VASE. (Kien Lung) The neck spreading to mouth, coated with a blue mazarine glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 3 inches. MANDARIN NECK BEADS Amber sapphire beads, with jade pendants. DECORATED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Decoration of Chinese stage sketch. (No stopper). THIBET GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF A GODDESS Height, 734 inches. 118 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. LOVE 1018. 1019. 1020. 1021. PAIR OF BRONZE FIGURES. (Ming) Two servants of Goddess Kuan Yin with unicorn. Height, 15 inches. MONGOLIAN FIGURE OF THE GODDESS OF MERCY. (Ming) Sitting on a bed of lotus. Height, 1514 inches. SQUARE SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) With curved neck spreading to the mouth and lion’s mask ring handles, coated with a pale celadon glaze. Height, 9 inches. * SMALL VASE. (Kang Hsi) With trumpet neck, coated with a brilliant aubergine glaze. Height, 54 inches. PAIR OF BOTTLE SHAPED VASES. (Tao Kwang) Invested with a granite blue glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 734 inches. SMALL VASE. (Kien Lung) Coated with a fine rice colored crackled glaze. Teak- wod stand. Height, 714 inches. SQUARE CORAL TEA JAR. (Kien Lung) With decorations of engraved scrol!s with centre mo- tive of Sho (Symbol of Longevity). Damaged. Has cover. Height, 5 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Of. cylindrical form, decreasing to the neck, enameled with a crackled glaze of rice color, with a blue crawl- ing lizard attached, holding a sceptre in its mouth. Teakwood “stand. Height, 634 inches. SMALL VASE. (Tao Kwang) Graceful shape, coated with a rose glaze of a peculiar shade. Has stand. Height, 644 inches. 119 POS 1022. BLUE AND WHITE Shee Bien In 1023. ananenes PORCELAIN VASE. : eines of Buddha eae in high relief, ins colors over a turquoise blue ground. | Tee ae 644 : | a0 : 1024. GOURD SHAPED VASE. (Sung) ea ae Cabinet size, decorated with sign of Toneertee 7 in dark terra cotta under a dark ivory crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, % inches. 1025. PEAR SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung) . Coated with a very fine phoenix green crackled glare. : Height, 5 inches. Ge 1026. SMALL WHITE VASE. (Ming) Cabinet size, shortened oviform, with elephant mask handles, and border of scrolls a in the paste, invested with a pure creamy white glzae. Teakwood Saal stand and cover. Height, 5 inches. 102%. TRIPOD PORCELAIN INCENSE BURNER. (Sung) Of cabinet size, coated with a creamy white crackled y glaze of fine texture. Teakwood stand and cover. Height, 5 inches. 1028. MANDARIN BLUE OVIFORM JAR. (Tao Kwang) Invested with a mandarin blue glaze. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 734 inches. 1029. VASE. (Ming) With shortened neck, brilliantly decorated with phoe- nix, fowls, birds and butterflies, with peonies and roses, large floral border at the base. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches. | 120 ea ite oe” whey ‘ ‘ V» No. 935. TEMPLE VASE ENAMELED IN GOLORS 1030. 1031, 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. EIGHT-NECK VASE. (Kien Lung) Double gourd shape, of hard porcelain, finely modeled and coated with a pea green celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 834 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE Square body, with circular neck and base, the decora- tion of asters and foliage in blue on a pale celadon color with horizontal and vertical bars in relief. Teak- wood stand. . Height, 614 inches. PORCELAIN GROUP; PAIR OF CHILD WREST- LERS. (Tao Kwang) Miniature figures, decorated in five colors. Height, 3 inches. ANOTHER PAIR, SIMILAR TALL WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung) Curved neck spreading to mouth, decorated with a dragon in relief of snow white, over a pearly white crackled glaze. Height, 834 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE Oviform, of semi-eggshell, spreading at the neck, with decoration of the Sages of the Han Dynasty. SMALL JAR. (Kien Lung) Oviform, coated with a powder blue glaze of trans- lucent quality. Original cover. Teakwood stand. Height, 344 inches. SMALL BLUE AND WHITE OVIFORM VASE. (K’ang Hsi) With decoration of scrolls, dragons and 1ghe harmo- niously painted on an ivory crackled glaze. Double ring under foot. Teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. GLASS PAINTED SNUFF BOTTLE. (Tao Kwang) Amber colored glass, with decoration of a landscape painted inside. Red glass stopper. 121 1039. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. 1044. 1045. IMPERIAL OVIFORM JAR. (Yung Ching) SMALL CARVED VASE. (19th Centura | Cabinet size, with decoration of medallions showing horse on one side and landscape on the other, deli- cately carved in relief under an azure blue ena glaze. Slightly damaged at the lip. Has stand. Height, 534 inches. SMALL VASE. (Kien Lung) Oviform, with tall neck, of hard porcelain, coated with : s a light Roman green glaze. Teakwood stand. a : Height, 514 inches. © Of hard porcelain, with decoration of alternating lotus and scrolls with flower medallions. Imperial mark under the foot. Original cover. Teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. CYLINDRICAL VASE : Invested with a mottled blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. SMALL CELADON INCENSE BURNER. (Ming) Fine specimen of Lung Chao ware, glazed with an onion sprout green glaze, with decoration of conven- tional peonies and scroll in relief under the glaze. Height, 414 inches. OFFERING VASE. (Ming) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of peonies, alter- nating with lions, neck bordered with lotus and scrolls, painted under the glaze with a brilliant five-color en- | amel. Original cover. Teakwood stand. Height, 614 inches. INCENSE BURNER. (Sung) With embossed lion mask handles, coated with a creamy white glaze. Fine specimen of Sung Dynasty. Has stand. Diameter, 414 inches. 122 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. IMPERIAL DECORATED CLAIR DE LUNE VASE. (Kien Lung) Tall graceful shape, with spreading neck, having dec- oration etched in the paste of dragon medallions un- der a fine Clair de Lune glaze. Has stand. Height, 6 inches. WRITER’S IVORY BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) With decoration of landscape and figures delicately _ engraved. Height, 3% inches. PAIR OF MANDARIN HAT STANDS With carved decoration of natives sailing Sam-Pans. Height, 1014 inches. WRITER’S WATER JAR. (K’ang Hsi) Of hard porcelain, with signs of Longevity carved in low relief, and painted in three colors enameled over a mustard yellow glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 234 inches. MONGOLIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A SON OF BUDDHA. (Ming) Formerly gilded. Detachable base. Height, 1434 inches. GROUP OF TWO CARVED WOOD FIGURES Wood stand. Height, 814 inches. MONGOLIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A DISCIPLE OF BUDDHA. (Ming) Height, 41%4 inches. PORCELAIN STATUETTE Chu Sa Pan Buddha, the Home Guardian. Has stand. Height, 934 inches. PAIR OF LIVER COLOR VASES. (Kien Lung) Of flattened bottle shape, coated with a sheep’s liver color glaze. Teakwood stands. Height, 534 inches. SCALLOPED BOWL. (Tao Kwang) Coated with an iron rust glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 744 inches. 123 1057. 1058. 1059, 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063. 1064. | Teed stand. HIGHT-FACED BOWL. (Kang Fine specimen, coated. evenly wi glaze of first quality. | MINIATURE VASE. | (Kien Lung Decorated with sprig of asters and i: three colors over a mirror black glaze Has stand. DOUBLE GOURD SHAPED VASE. Of hard paste, invested with a brillian: Has stand. | Heig SMALL RICE COLORED VASE. (Kie Oviform, with tubular neck, coated with a ; crackled vase. Has stand. SQUARE VASE. Chan, ree SANG DE POULET JAR. (Rane Hai) ‘iant eee Sang de Poulet Sinnee at Height, 12 5 inche oa FABULOUS ANIMAL, SEATED. (Tao. Kwang) Invested with a dull black enamel = Height, 10 ws inch SQUASH GREEN JAR. (Kien Lung) . Oviform, with finely enameled texture of a ‘priltiant J | crackled squash green, exterior and interior. Has stand and cover. Bea 9 inches. | GIRL MUSICIAN. (Tao Kwang) R Beautifully modeled porcelain, girl sitting on a airocey , playing a flute, brilliantly decorated in five colors show- — ing flowers, scrolls and butterflies. Has a case. (Fin e gers chipped Hane te missing). : Height, 1134 inches. 124 No. 923. No. 919. CARVED AGATE VASE. _ CARVED AGATE VASE. PAIR OF ROCK > 4 No. 994; Fo2/¢ CRYSTAL STATUETTES. No. 950. CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE. | | | i No. 994, VASE ENAMELED IN FIVE COLORS. Height, hep fee bien Lung) pe decorated with an ivory bird ites Curved hood support. Height, 4 inches. Has case. Length, 20 Y% inches. 069 ‘CHINESE ORNAMENTAL SCREEN. Peeastane _ Teakwood panel, on which are fixed half enameled _ vases, carved lacquer pieces, jades, ivories and various Pies: stone ornaments; two porcelain plaques, decorated in five colors, show small figures of children in various” poses. This form of ornament is much esteemed by the Chinese for use in important rooms. : | Height, 4 feet. 1070. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Chia Ching) eal ee | Cylindrical shape, decreasing at the neck, with decora- — ———~—s tion of a young man honoring his aged father with a _——s prize fish by the pond, painted in dark brilliant blue ie under a glaze of pure white. Teakwood stand. ye EES eee Height, 1114 inches. 7 ~ 1071. SMALL COVERED TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER Coated with a Blanc de Chine glaze, having scroll han- dles and Dog Foo finial. Height, 414 inches. 125 1072. 1073. 1074. 1075. 1076. 1077. 1078. IMPERIAL WARE FIVE-COLOR VASE. (ang Hsi) ; ) es Tall oviform, with curved neck spreading to montis! : brilliantly decorated with a female figure traveling by night with attendants. Has two dragons Base! stamp under foot. Teakwood stand. eae Height, 14%4 inches. es 4 CAMEO GLASS ORNAMENTAL VASE | Decorated with leaves and flowers in green, blue and red on a frosted white glass ground. a Height, 5% mchee ie CORNET SHAPED VASE. (Ming) Ks With floral medallions, sceptre and key pattern bor- ders, together with flowers, vine and scrolls, painted in a brilliant blue under a pure white ali Teak- wood stand. Slightly damaged at the mouth. | Height, 15% inches. BLUE AND WHITE PLATE. (Kien Lung) ra Sonorous porcelain, with decoration of lotus and scrolls, having a curved border of bats alternating with canopies, in soft blue under a brilliant bluish white glaze. Has stand. Width, 12 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. (Chia Ching) Double flattened gourd shape, with decoration of me- dallion in soft blue. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 834 inches.. OFFERING VASE. (Tao Kwang) Tall oviform shape, of hard paste, decorated with eighteen orchids, painted in five colors on a brilliant white glaze. Original cover. Teakwood stand. . Height, 18 inches. - PAIR OF DECORATED POWDER BLUE JARS. (Kien Lung) Of heavy porcelain, coated with a brilliant mono- chrome glaze of dark powder blue, which reveals the lines of former gilding, all trace of the gold having gone, but showing the ancient embellishment, includ- ing dragons and phoenix. ‘Teakwood stands and coy- ers. Height, 14 inches. 126 1079. 1080. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. CELADON WINE BOTTLE. (Ming) Flattened form, with handles and bulbous neck, glazed with a transparent grayish celadon glaze showing ir- regular crackles. Teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. LARGE POWDER BLUE VASE. (Kien Lung) Tall neck, bottle shaped, evenly coated with a thick powder blue glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 20% inches. MANDARIN BLUE VASE - Bottle shaped, with cylindrical neck, brilliantly coated with a mandarin specked blue glaze of even quality. Teakwood. stand. Height, 16 inches. CARVED WOOD BUDDHA Height, 514 inches. BRUSH HOLDER. (K’ang Hsi) Of old bamboo, with carved decoration of the eight disciples of Buddha feasting. Height, 534 inches. CARVED WOOD GODDESS OF FECUNDITY Holding a child, together with an attendant. Height, 10 inches. OLD BAMBOO ORNAMENT. (Tao Kwang) Finely carved figure of a musician and attendants on their. way to Cascade Bridge. Teakwood stand. Height, 4% inches. SOUTH CHINA BUDDHA AND FROG Of carved wood. (Base chipped). Height, 6 inches. SMALL AGATE VASE Veined with orange and black. Height, 5%4 inches. SILVER INLAID CARVED WOOD FIGURES Four of the eight disciples of Buddha. 127 ~1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. 1100. FINELY CARVED BUDDHA OF WEALTH CARVED COMBINATION BOX. Combination of four boxes, with decoratic and foliage carved in high relief, and lizar on the cover, : In the shape of § a. Chinese bed ; Beaty top. = | Height, 137% x a CARVED WOOD FIGURES aN The Hight Fairies of Buddha, with silver inlaid d ration. Average height, 14 inche SMALL ORNAMENTAL VASE OF WHITE JADE Carved with scrolls and foliage, having Kylin | hea eee ring handles. Height, 3 inche ie CARVED ROOT BRUSH HOLDER (Repaired). | - Height, 434 inches, THREE CARVED WOOD BUDDHAS OF GOOD OMEN Sets) AK Together with an attendant. (Chipped). neh .) | ‘Height, 954 inches. CARVED TEAKWOOD CURIO TABLE With marble top. . Length, 18 inches; width, 6 ce inches. 4 CARVED GILDED LION Taken from a Chinese temple altar. PAIR OF CARVED TEAKWOOD UNICORNS With stand. Height, 1% inches. — PAIR OF SMALL VASES Invested with a red glaze, the heart shaped reserves painted with landscapes and figures. Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. WRITER’S BRUSH HOLDER Finely carved bamboo, showing old men playing chess in the mountains. Height, 5% inches. 128 No. 1098. CARVED WOOD BUDDHA OF WEALTH. (1105. 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. ei2h 1112. 1113. BOY BUDDHA CARVED ROCK CRYSTAL BUDDHA, SEATED Height, 314 inches. . ORNAMENTAL CUP OF WHITE JADE Carved with foliage. Height, 314 inches. SMALL ROCK CRYSTAL ORNAMENT In the form of an oval column, surmounted by a carved hon. jem | Height, 234 inches. OLD LARGE BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Beautifully carved in relief, with figure of the God of Longevity, with his sacred attendants, deer and storks with trees. Height, 8% inches. Height, 12 inches. SMALL CARVED TEAKWOOD CURIO TABLE With marble top. Height, 10 feet x 4%4 inches. CHINESE BRIDAL ORNAMENT. (K’ang Hei) Beautifully carved Thibet wood, representing Buddha with his eight disciples. Height, 21 inches. WOOD FIGURE Finely carved, representing a Sage. | . Height, 1114 inches. BRUSH HOLDER. (Kien Lung) Artistically carved old bamboo, showing writers on their way to the university. Height, 41% inches. CARVED WOOD KUAN YIN The Goddess of Mercy. Height, 94 inches. CARVED WOOD SHU SA PAN Buddha as Guardian of the Home. Height, 121% inches. CARVED ROOT FIGURE OF A GODDESS BRONZE FIGURE. (K’ang Hsi) A disciple of Buddha. South China. Height, 9 inches. 129 1114. 1115. BONS 1117. 1118. 1119. 1120. Diet 1122. 1123. 1124. BOWL OF SEMLEGGSHELL PORCELAIN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE ve hes CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE With symbols in color on a white ground. : stopper. ae SMALL ROOK CRLSTAL ORNAMENT | In the form of a cube surmounted by a carved 0. ‘Foo. . Height, 134 inches AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE a Carved with a landscape, fears and a deer. an jade top. PShS Ue Decorated with dragons and scrolls in five colors. Teak- 4 wood stand. | Diameter, 8 inches. SMALL WHITE JADE CUP — Nae The surface carved with minute raised hosse 2s, nave Kylin handles. } | mar 1% inches, IMPERIAL WARE DISH aes Decorated with a view of houses along a river. ( Edge .. chipped). With stand. Diameter, 10 inches. — Of gray brown texture, with carved decoration in high relief of an eagle perched on a fir tree with a tiger beneath. JADE ORNAMENTAL VASE AND COVER Of pale green texture, carved in high relief with phoe- nix and peonies. With stand. Height, 714 inches. THIBET MARBLE SNUFF BOTTLE | Finely polished, with carved lion mask handle. COVERED CUP OF WHITE JADE The cover has three ring handles, and is ‘surmounted by a carved rose. Hen 6 inches. SMALL VASE Of slender form, covered with a mottled green and © red glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. 130 1188. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. : ORNAMENTAL VASE ee WHITE JADE WITH COVER Carved with phoenix among navenns branches, with a dead phoenix on the cover. Height, 734 inches. CARVED JADE ORNAMENT Shaped as an eelphant bearing a tub of grapes on his back. Height, 314 inches. ORNAMENTAL VASE OF WHITE JADE Carved with scrolls and leaves, having Kylin ring handles. | Height, 4 inches. SMALL GINGER JAR With figure decoration in blue on a white bound: Teakwood cover and stand, SHALLOW FRUIT DISH Decorated with bats, symbols, flowers and scrolls in five colors on a’white ground. Diameter, 91% inches. ORNAMENTAL CARVED JADE VASE WITH COVER In the form of branches of fruit and foliage. Height, 534 inches. SMALL WRITER’S CUP With Kylin handles, coated with a white glaze. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE Coated with an ox blood glaze. Height, 7 inches. ORNAMENTAL COVERED VASE OF WHITE JADE Flattened urn shape, engraved with scrolls and foliage having Kylin ring handles. Height, 5% inches. POTTERY BOWL The outside coated with a green glaze. SMALL VASE Coated with a white crackled glaze. Height, 5 inches. 131 1136, CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Of red and white glass, with relief han - top. 1137, SMALL ee hs ana 1138. ee HOLDER mustard yellow ground. 1139. SMALL VASE Decorated with floral sprays on a any blue engraved with scrolls, With stand. oe ae Height, 5 Ys : 1140. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Decorated with symbols in black on a frosted ‘gl ground. Green glass top. f 1141. BLUE AND WHITE JARDINIERE Decorated with Sn, peas ant symbols, 1142. SQUARE PEAR SHAPED VASE Of green and white glaze, with circular panels of: old o rose. Height, 914 ince. 1143. SMALL BRONZE VASE Pear shaped, with highly polished surface. . Height; 6 inches. 9 1144. PORCELAIN FIGURE OF BUDDHA, SEATED Height, 6 inches, . 1145. OPAQUE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE With leaves and flowers in relief, and white jade top. 1146. PEAR SHAPED VASE Coated with a mustard yellow fine crackled glaze. Teak- wood stand. — Height, 734 inches. -YANDDVIT MOHD OO AO HSIG ADUVI “69TT “ON ed with ee ‘enamel - in Baer: silver top set stone and seed pearls. # \ i Sci ee Height, 6 inches. SNUFF BOTTLE heed is # pe eee y b rownish texture, with carved decoration ane y with a string of cash standing on a sym- olica three-legged frog. Pink uhast stopper. ted, with a landscape and figure in relief and with a a aoe de Chine glaze. , Height, 8 inches. , corated with a dragon in coral red on a white - ground. ‘Silver top, set with mother-of-pearl. Of flattened pear shape, with fluted sides and pierced _ handles, coated with a flambé glaze. Height, 914 inches. Be CAMEO. GLASS. SNUFF BOTTLE — With green flowers and leaves in relief on a mustard — yellow ground. GLOBULAR VASE fait Decorated with figures of horsemen on parade on a i yellow ground. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. PORCELAIN FIGURE OF A NUDE CHILD, SEATED . Height, 6 inches. 1156. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE With green flowers, foliage and a butterfly in relief ee ee on a mustard yellow ground. ) [a 133 1157: 1158. 1159. 1160. 1161. TG: 1163, 1164, 1165. 1166. SMALL PORCELAIN LION. — “(Chia Ching) MINIATURE SNUFF JAR. (‘Tao Kwang) BOTTLE SHAPED VASE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE Coated with a flambé glaze. Eee SMALL JADE VASE ORNAMENT with ee floral decoration. With sa s Height, 214 BOTTLE SHAPED VASE | Coated with a Clair de Lune crackled cn mn iant squash green with a fouch of aubergine. stand. Of hard porcelain, coated with a dark tea dust glaze. co | Carved bronze stopper. Has stand. : Height, 2 ret inches. | Coated with an olive glaze, having an orange peel a face. Teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. . IMPERIAL WARE DISH Decorated with a river view with boat. With he Diameter, 10 inches. MINIATURE BLANC DE CHINE VASE. (Kien Lung) Invested with a fine Blanc de Chine A Teakwood stand. | : SNUFF JAR. (Tao Kwang) Oviform, of hard paste, coated with an iron rust glaze. With original cover. Has stand. FIGURE OF A GODDESS Seated on a lotus throne, and coated with a Blane de Chine glaze. Height, 15 inches. 134 1167. 1168. 1169. £170. 1171. Loe 1173. 1174. 1175. 1176. BOTTLE VASE Of flattened gourd shape, decorated with floral and bird panels, painted in five colors on a coral ground, decorated with flowers and scrolls in white, having yellow loop handles. Height, 10 inches. LARGE COVERED JAR Invested with a powder blue glaze. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 12 inches. LARGE LACQUER DISH. (Tao Kwang) Elliptical in shape, with landscape decoration, finely engraved with key border and floral decorations on the rim. Length, 25 inches; width, 15 inches. BOWL — Decorated with landscape, birds and butterflies. With stand. (Chipped). Diameter, 8 inches. IRON PLAQUE Relief, representing the Buddha of Longevity and his eight disciples with sacred attendants, the deer and stork. Carved teakwood support. Height, 2014 inches. LARGE VASE Coated with a deep ox blood glaze. Height, 14% inches. VASE Coated with a flambé glaze. Height, 12% inches. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE Decorated with dogs at play on a yellow ground. » Height, 1014 inches. SQUARE-SIDED VASE Tapering toward the bottom, having coral lion mask’ handles; the sides decorated with figure subjects on a white orange peel surface. Teakwood stand. Height, 1614 inches. VASE Of pear shape, coated with a chicken’s blood glaze, the lip finished with a metal rim. With stand. Height, 12 inches. 135 am lyeies dS: bi78: 1180. PAIR OF TEMPLE VASES. Of slender pear shape, decorated with peony eo on a pale green ground, having borders of sky blue on. shoulder and base. ‘Teakwood covers and stands. Height, 10 inches. TALL VASE Coated with an ox blood glaze. With stand. . Height, 16 inches. VASE | Decorated with a landscape and figures in five colors, with dragon handles. (Handle repaired). as Height, 15 inches. LARGE VASE | Invested with a cherry red glaze. Height, 16 inches. 136 ye Tae a fo DR oe a) Cr PUR cy ¢ RS ei epee aS CRN “sae pic cA pak tile Soi" Oe hea | Serra aa ee Eg a Ke ic # > } ; ae ‘ : ie 4 op Me SY a ~ f p J he .: ‘ P SH 5 \ N ‘) (oe rat Ef i I s\ y) 3 3125 01663 TNR i: OS = , oO om Ny ey Fb a aoe GETTY RESEA 8 SH AER 30, aed Ain PWNMR NOOR RelGlisny Hae) eS bhi yal LHR TR ng iH, Ses: UMP aah 8 HOS) ie GIS LAP A AN (sci A) ksi 6 46d) UNAS Veiga; gies hie RY PA nde HH UEC MCN ie $e) eb POL RN BL UDI eraiaid Ph ee SRA Aa FONE erst ny, By > Jomdis axe stad) fens b seal Ine WN pr PAS Ra Sey rats he Seat see 6h mee Ne Goh rt aay Bir Ye det eRy minke Rim ve Se SPRL eR Py eale ACA hae ee Php Pw rise, ye Wages ss APH APSE G Debbaleanetaas sale “pnt Ha RRR ABC 25 6: Wake erates we BS WAU NG A eee el Hees, DY beth seca he 5G, Dea HR sy Ma ely Py Sieg PO KL, ALY > i dh a Frazer) hee Wat Re bee Aishede ae vat art aa ty irtieel ARR BESS 7 FE SPREE RSM i RIO a ey, urs ¥ Gaur dikes FRO PE re wY ee te bia honk Pade ibis ac Riese alr MGS ered cae ese pes Mat 2G Mate ey aA Desa teal SONAR, ae ra! 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Netra & wc eal SH chs ‘ he * anh Aaa Wye, i aiete PAI eK Aiy ena dy i’ ty aaa He LWW ently i Ta Red hey Cie ae at yak pak a ne UME Aa py goes ae | , A ve Shs \ bE a ak Wik ee a Pe en Weary hrs 4 auch bask te hy 4 DN AG MLD obi" a Saves eReeRO Menges, aT Sp UA Pain Wa hianin Are mht Cale Aen ae Sonate i r a Bae Uh Non} \ Ne ced ae HN Oi » i CViae SA Nectarine ie hae Wy owe ty See 9) ng it Ha ie SAU AN + er i Res Boat mete et Uhay ree Lbs We Bulan pt eas Ne Bn ‘ ADM) hdd fi. mk ” Dek! ra me nat) Nf ie t ee a HE Dinas, a eee At DE hi! aa f ig ty Hraaea is ay Nate Wet +8 wh eet pein sith sie at ‘ i Naas nb aR aa ee oe a 5 ey ies hee ant 1 i “yi ie ao . iy ty ue bit nin ey vant i fae Sages A an - Hey tT a at a eee Moy ate xi ty 1 Bva ties ele ti Sy t Wks alt 3 ay wht me ae i a Si eape s \ WM ritatana ta 4 et “we! y pine Veena Attn} vy. yes rey *h 4 te ie A ay RAS oh homme fe Wh RDN: BES ed HEA MS ptbere ke eh ek Peay a Fs) rh), SSL rep aye Leeutncaen tat bea