Pye? a. ae a e: x gee > ~gh li yD a) Be ) po ety ae | E Pidures, Sculptures, Defigns i in cdirchigeQats, ‘. Models, Drawings, Prints, &e. EXHIBITED BY THE “SOCIETY OF ARTISTS O F , "CS Ri Bah Dos Bo Rid TA ION; 3 ; AT THE ect Room i in Sprig den, arta. Crofs, APRIL the TWENTY-THIRD, 1765. Being the SrxTH YEAR of thir EXHIBITION, qui Vitam excoluere per Artes. Virc. Aneid 6. & * Ss PRINTED for th SOCIETY, BY | WILLIAM BUNCE, RUSSEL-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN. | MDCCLXYV. Tee eee : 4 i ie ‘ ; , 3 , Se x . 8 Wi vy : i r Z vs ek Hee ny a , ae : bs ip ei » 2 Ne aa ee a he y a iy W a SEM CREE a a 5 % & “ 1 ma L olen ‘ yh A ae : deity 3 4 V3 ¥ gu) our Rey a # et baer ete ee Sees we gnisd ae: ° fil wale T sid Yo aAgY HTxI12 odd WH wp" ATAU 7 ee Pod) IER TA x bn y stomloans x03 . ‘i b # | \ ala eur AOuUE " ' ees ei i > ™ ’ od x t i € - GAA 77s So) svt. ta SAL 4 eW AIR T AY TUS 190 @: 8 )= QUE QOUl a x74 ob WG s MOVTITIHXG x ADT MAVO . i te ‘ . t - 4 - Wrz ; & ie : ~ women A di (rs. ig 6 sd ae a Sw ' = . + Aled es _ m eee ee ; - ~ nwetegt il Se aaa : ” ery n : “: 2 - ve 0s > ef : ae ny v <= 4 at iy * has ; = sae 2, aes x 7 a 4 us 3 oO. ae “UIf ae f A att L.. oa ‘G” mh 9 Pk ae + As ‘es i y¥ ‘s 200OCO0D 200000 OO-OOOOO000: Sao Se ag ePe4Qe le ap 1G) Ey meee? Ez dys ? Note, - hofe ‘marked thus * * tare to be dlipofed of. MEQ... © ew Be Mr: ALEX ANDE Ry. pe teet . In Gerrard, ‘Street, Ky obo, | ) ) x Gheetgorearr ofalady, ckitcaty jy é. iat Mme BvA KE, R;y ERIS In Denmark Street, ‘Sobo, blids ‘s 16 ds1109 2 A piece of ruins with figures. ata a " | Mr, PS 9, O N A i, DS O Nee In Princes Street, eae F ae Portrait of himfelf i in miniatures Mr. DOWNES, - In St. James's Street A young lady, whole length, A View from nature, three quarters. Mr EDWA R D S; At Mr. ‘Barns! : Engraver, in Cecil Court, _A flower piece. & SAMUEL FINNEY, BGs: i _ Enamel Ugh Mibiature Poite* 16 Der Majeh in Leicefter F els, A miniature of her Majetty, Ditto of a young lady. Mr. GAINSBOROUGH, At Bath, A portrait of a general officer on horfeback, e : . 5 4 j 4 Ditto, of an officer, whole length. Me.) -G2bubohR iss In South. Street, Hier ety Square, King Herod’s dam, a capital ftud mare di the =poffeftion of His Royal Highnefs thé Duke of Cumberland, with all her brood employed ac- — cording to their ages,. | ‘Portrait of King Herod, { Ditto of Dapper. Mrs'GpRody Ceaksy: In Shorter’s Court, Throgmorton str ‘eer, The death of Sigifmunda, 8 0 Ree A man and woman reading by lmpelight." MM aisihiog gout B N O. 40 tad MeO REE Not At Birmingham, A flower piece. - : Vir. atts VR ae, eo aa In Haffel’s Row, Tottenbam Court-Road, ‘Three miniatures, two ladies, anda gentleman. Mr.,G @.U P, ¥, ft Kenfington, La Penferofa é l’amor, water colours, *Mutius Scxvola. Perk : | Nitin Ta A Fa ye ks ae Crofs Street, Golden Square, A converfation, A portrait. : ! Mr. 3H Ar M I oad & O by, hee At Rome, Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus. Head of Achilles, in crayons. Mr. HA Y MA N, nn St. Martin’s Lane, Sigifmunda, | Falftaff recruiting, Aéneas carrying his father Anchifes.’ Miri nom AsRicbiogNy The Corner of Oe Market, Wild Drakes. Mr. HON Bj St. “fames’ Place, A portrait of a gentleman, three quarters, Ditto | Ditto of a lady, Three portraits in enamel, and two in water colours. ae NO. 61 Gentlemen {porting. | ee ay Mr. ONIAS HUMPHREY, At the Golden Head, the South Side of igh 3 we he 55 A portrait in miniature. Mr. GEORGE JAMES, In Dean Street, Soho, 57 A au length of a lady. ) | Mr. WILLIAM JAMES, At the Golden Head, Maiden Lane, C ovent Gar rote 58 * iene half length, 59 ~ A fummer’s evening. Mr. JENNINGS, bl At Mr. Le Roux, Charing Cro/fs, 60 ‘Two miniatures. | 3 | Mr. THOMAS JONES, In Great Queen Se Lincoln’ se ec? Mr I R'E L AND, At the Nortwie cP Wareharsfe, King-/ireet, Covent Garden, fon Acpiece of fruit. | : Pa POU EB Rap, | Peintre.Ordinaire du Roy de Pologne, Duc de Lorraine, &e. “tn little ‘JFobn Street, Golden-/quare. A Venus painted on gla{s. AY mcs Mia ad Wk al Sas | Tn Great Queen-ftreet, Lincoln’ s Inn Fiel: £0 ae f 64 Portrait of a lady, whole length, pee itto, kitcat,. . 66 A young gentleman, ditto, et Meee ke 1 Ree Y; In Half-Moon-ftreet, Piccadilly, 67 - A view in Richmond Park. NO, [ 8 ] -wMr. KRAMER. 0 At Mr. Rammer's tn. Denmark-ftreet, 68 Aland{cape. ~ ‘Mr. KE Yeu che In’ F leet-ftreet, 69 * A piece of ftill life. : Br A cat, ditto. Mr. THOMAS LAURANSON, Ruffel Street, Bloomfbury, - Portrait of a lady, three quarters. Small whole length of a gentleman. Mr. “Wel L Lt AGM LAURANSON, Ruffel Street, Bloom/bury, A head in crayons. ae ee Mr. HENRY LEAKE, At the Golden Head, the South-fide of Leicefter F welds, Mr. Powell in the character of Pofthumais. Portrait of a gentleman. ; Mr. BEN JAMIN ty Fo Nee, At a Peruke Maker’ s,,in Fermyn Street, St. “fames’s Market. A gentleman, miniature Mr. MARLOW, In Newport-Street, . A view near Whitehall, A landfcape, with part of a roin'd abbey in Yorkshire, ‘A {mall landfcape from nature, | | A view of part of a bridge at Worcefter. slo listo pe Mr. DAVID MARTIN, ® At a Hofers, facing Poland Stee Oxtord Roaa, gee A portrait, half length. Mr. MAUCOURT, In Broad- fireet, Carnaby Market, 82 Two portraits of gentlemen, kit-cat. : *3 One ditto, three URE oT NO. In Taviftock Bike. Painter in Enamel ie Miniature to bis Majep ‘yy 84 A portrait in miniature. | ! ri Mr. M1 1 Lok ER, | In Maiden Lane. og Ge 5 Aa upright landfcape, with gypfies. Pies Mr.MORELAN D, Three Doors below the Opera Hou/e, in the ica 86 *A fervant with a candle, in crayons. 87 *The general poft, ditto. — Mr. MORIER, At Mr. Nefoits, the top of the Haymarket, 88 A general on horfeback. Mr MORTIMER, At Mr. Moran’s, in the great Piazza, Covent Garden, — 89 Two {mall wholé lengths, go «One head, largeas life. | . : Mr. ONEAL. At the China Shop, the Corner of Adam and Eve Court, in Oxford-road, 9t ‘Three miniatures. Mr. NEWT ON, In Mortimer. Street, g2 Portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. C. [ t10@ J Mr. N'IX-O N,. At Mr. Maberbj s, Hofier, in Maiden Lane, Covent Gaga 93 Portrait in water colours. 3 Mr. PA TO N, In Wardour ih 94 A fea-port by moon-light. Mr. T H OMA S PA YN EB, In King Street, Golden Square. N.O. 95 A landfcape. May | Mou oP SD ve In Mortimer Street. 96 An officer relieving a fick foldier, 97 ‘The return from a fair. Mri P BOR weak 4 98 Portrait of a gentleman in crayons. Mr. RR. el Nae In: St. Martin's Lane, 99 Portrait of a lady, in the character of Pomona. ‘ aM! S.'T PAIONME, In. Leicefter: Street. . 1oo ‘Three portraits in miniature. Riel. Gaiee 4 At Mr. A S, a James. Pine. 101 Two miniatures. Mr. oF oR A Lyyie: In Cafile 5 treet, sticuRe F selili 102 A fruit-piece. Mr. ee ie G Hy In Covent Garde 103 *A landfcape, half length, NO. 104 105 106 107 108 109. 110 l1I “112 Ml E13 ‘114 cers ae: ok: “117 118 119 120 ie Mreite {chool, AT yx! @ Mn REYNOLDS, In Letefter Fields. A ae facrificing to the Se whole ena Ditto, a kit-cat. « Mr. RICHARDS, In Greek Street, Soho, A view of Chepftow cattle, in ‘Mobmouthihire, *A Jandfcape, with a bridge, A view from Pofashonne's pond, in St. James’s park, * A water mill *A. farm yard, its companion, | 4 _ *A defign for the firft fcene of the Maid of the Mill. Mr SCH AA K;. In. College Street, W cao Portrait of a lady,. three quarters, A kitchen. Meio R RoE Sy | Near the White Bear, Piccadill : A fea port, A large fea piece. oe g Mr. SH A W, Maddox Street, Hanover Square, A brood mare and foal, belonging to Lord Montfort, Hunters taken from grafs, belonging’ to Benj. Let hulier, Efg; A ftring of horfes belonging to Lord Orford, Mr. SHER Lio C.K, In Church Street, St. Ann’s, Two miniatures. ~ Mrs M Av RT? ret lt Berner’ s Dee Oxford Road, oppofi ite Wardour Street, 121 Four miniatures, a lady and three gentlemen. 126» Portrait of a hunting tyger, | ie ~ 140 A moon-light. ie fee | Zi eet T¥, ae Mr. Ores x Mi her, 122 A head i in “enamel. Lady ai Saelt, 5 py P th AEs $7 U La ‘y , of a - Th Site er Sir 124 The eaft view of web in Rs fat o of ae uke of At ol, 3 125 View of the bathers, of Dunkeld. vee his 4 i _ Mr. Ss TUB 48 In 9 Semerfe Street, oppofite Nore! Al re 127 Brood mares, Mi We, Ke eg 128 Portrait ofa i Ae ORS aD | «ge a Dado At the hiias Lionp Sperry 129)) ‘Three miniatures, OS Seer . Mr. 8 w iS an | Ih ‘Seration' Grounds, Ws : 130 6A fea piece by moon- Be Raster 132 *Afhiponfire, eae es a Oe ea, 133. wAsmoonelighh, 9S oui! atta Pps 134 “It’s eile f ws ae We MS Mir. “THOMSON, > ie: r i, W arwick Court, 3 Holborn, 132 A gentleman, ‘three Tae wh a eee a 136 A lady, ditto, iA r 1395, Ditto belt length, the’ light on he ae reflesled from t Mr. TOMKINS, At Mr. Turner’ s, Surgeon in St. Martin's Lane, 138 A view of Sherborn Caftle, i in Dorfettire, & the feat of hee 139 Owls and young ones, Shae es ka ae . ad ad 141 142 143 144 145 | 146 147 148 149 150 TAL V5 153 “ed B55 366 ' eo cer, half length, Des lh MovONr of aR oP RN, At Mr. Morley’ s; South Street, Groen Square, A piece of flowers. Chevalier Vv A N LiO O¢ « _ Fermyn Street, No. 12. A large family, « : ak) ye , Ditto, Portrait of a gentleman, three quarters, Ditto of a lady, ditto. MeV ESS"? REE A gentleman, kit-cat, _ A lady drawing in crayons, : Mr. W A R D, At Mr. Perry’ Sy Mn Eligh Holborn, A flower-piece. Mi WEBS TER, At Mr. Vincent’s, in the Piazza, Covent Garden, Portrait of a lady in crayons. 1 Mr. W EST, In Cafile Street. Jupiter and Europa, Venus and Cupid, Portrait of a Jady in a mafquerade drefs, half length, Ditto of a gentleman in a Vandyke drefs, three quarters. Mey He Ae L,Y, In Duke's Court, Bow Street, Covent Garden, Portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. Mr. oR OW. ol. Te § “ON, In Covent-Garden, A view from the villa Madama, three miles from Rome, D if 34 2] NO. 157 A fummer Storm,. with the ftory of the two lovers, from Thompfon, 158 A landfcape and figures. Mr. WOODINGTON, 3 Cork Street, Burlington Gardens , 15g Portrait of a gentleman. | Mr. WORLI D G B, In Bedford Street, Covent Garden, - 160 A-woman’s head, fmall life. 961 An old lady, three quarters, 162 John Ditcher, Efg; of Bath, ditto. Mr. JOSEPH WRIGHT, At Derby, | 163 Three perfons viewing the gladiator by ‘candle-light, | 164 A converfation.piece. Mr RICHARD WRIGHT In Orange Court, Leicefer FP. nag 165 Aftorm witha fhipwreck, 166 ‘The fun ditperfing a fog. Mr. ZAF FAN TI J. In Lincoln's Inn-Frields, 167 Mr. Garrick’s drunken fcene in the Provok’d Wife, 168 A family piece. fee Pe ey, err pe en, nee ee “, & he pln | oe am | | SCULPTURES, MODELS avd ENGRAVINGS. | Mr. BEAUPRE, At the Orange Coffee-Houfe, rine 169 A Buft in. sult Kegs Mr. EDWARD BURCH, lnW. arwick-fireet, Charing Crofs, Head of Fauftina, from a plaifter buft. Hercules repofing from his labours, 170 Ditto of Julia, fromthe Roman coin, | Ditto of Antinous from the plaifter butt, Ditto of Shakefpeare from ditto of Mr. Scheemaker. Va CA RULE NJ, In Dean Street, Soho, 171 A dogin marble. | MreeC OL LAN 'S, Channel Row, Weftminjier, 172 | OEdipus interpreting the riddle of the Sphinx,.a model for a tablet, 173 Bacchanalian boys, ditto. al Mr. ISAAC GOSSET, is | Berwick Street, Soho, 174 Portrait of anobleman in wax. | : Mr. Yet LU, In Long Acre. 175 Diana and Endymion, a model. Mr. H O-L ME, | Next Door to the King’s Arms, Hyde Park Corner. 176 Adonis fleeping, a bas reltef. NO, W777 #79 180 18 182 182 134 185 186 187 188 Pe bMe Tee Mr. MARCHANT, | At Mr. March's, Hof ofier, without Temple Bar, Two intaglias, one from the Homer in the Mufzeum, the other from * ‘the dancing fawn. Mr,:.M.0 S.E Rsk In Craven Buildings, A model of the Sealor THE SocrETY OF ARTISTS OF GREAT- BRITAIN. Mr. FP A“R*S* OF R* ¥e Salisbury Court, Telamachus and Caly pfo, a model in wax. Mr, 2RYSB RAS Boe In Vere Street, near Oxford Chapel, A model of hiftory. Mri GY: Tak Be Vine Street, Piccadilly, A monumental medallion, a model. A tablet, Bacchus fleeping, ditto. A ditto, a lion couchant, ditto. Mr. WILLIAMS, At Chelfea, Charity, a model. : Mr Wie eet . Oa, Statuary in Ordinary to bis Majeft 'y, 1n Portland Street, Large marble bas-relief, reprefenting Neptune bringets treafure to. Britannia. A monumental bas-relief, reprefenting friendfhip. Model of a ftatue reprefenting peace. Mri YEO. At bis Majefty’s Mint in the Tower, Caft in plaifter of a new die fora guinea. _ Ditto, of a portrait engraved on a Cornelian, L's DESIGNS: i ARCHITECTURE, DRAWINGS ah es ae . ENGRAVINGS, | noi OO BMA xe M. ny ae ASR DEOL L,) eee pee 3 190 T. Jerome, a mezzotinto from P. da Cortona. Agt oT obias, with, the angel, ditto, from Rembfandt. Mr, ALEXANDER BAILLIE, Edinburch, 192 Two drawings. ue Mr. BARTOLOZZ1, 193 Hie prints from drawings. ! Mr, B IB pt : Se. Martin's Lane, | 94 -Vertumnus and Pomona, a print from Netfcher. be % Mr: BLY ON: i Oa E oN At Mr. Romain’s in Panton Street, BFGA A view of the infide of a prifon a at marae pid i y 196 Dittorof the Venibule o of St ‘Peter's? Dds Mr... BO N. NEA U, it Kingspreety’ Shin Anne's | 197 A view taken at Roehampton. ee BD OLY .D eT, Corner gy. Queen prett, Pe de, eae NE Jeet Ming | 198 . “The OCB of Cyrus. Neo BoR YOR’ R, at the King’s 5 Ami, area 199 A proof print from le Fone. ‘ 38 Gee Mr CANO TO eek Chapel rect, Soho, am 200 A brisk me. from Vandevelde. “ql Ng gat Mie JOHN CARTER, Hyde P ] Park Corner, 201 Drawing of a vafe. W.. CHAMBERS, Gi. Architect to ae Majely, and ber Royal Highnef. cee 2 incefs Dow ager of Wales, is 202 Principal front’of Wilton. 203 Plan and elevation of the Karl of Charlemont’s. «pavilion of antiques at) - Marino, in telng.. [7 + * vec ta Tatty UE | 4 ey 205 ian of the Paice oor an < phlee Mreei@e® Be EB. ONS, “Lider tree! ; -206 Three ee afadandfcape' : Mr. D ARE @¥j Gran 207 Ac fection: of the Galery & of Mir, ie Mr. 208 A defign i in asain? * a Fats : Dw. i a oi ea aah ae Du Four’s Counts Ee aibsaeie w , 209 Drawing fron fiom APIS es aa ome jocnpthq 3 0 . Mr. FAR R I NG ne D O Nate: lk : me ean 2TO A drawing. 2 ae a ee . ven FISH om R; “Golden “Heid, i rake in Tyo, Pes pe ee Mr. G. A\N ON, Coveney i 212 Plan, elevati and fection of a yee ot . ein COD PR . ae ld-firee | sar ike Nu a 5a ne SRR -g13 7k Ge piece, from Brooking. | wee eee pete’: G. Mr. BEN MIN _ Yor nae i. BENJAMIN GREEN, York Buller, rae. Ma a mezzotinto of flowers, a 215 Ditto from Hemfkirk. | Cessiged so sew Mr. e R E E Nv w ©) ‘6: ‘pian Pica, - | | ‘ Vogt Xs of bith iiswlyt ad ot! ‘ ‘a6. ay drawing ‘of thippee * 38 ek “? ee Mr. JOH N H. oO 0: D, Limeboy Corners. et — fee 3 217 A drawing: of fhipping.: / tobtaeeany} 0-01 R¥ OES ie ar, eC ae a Mr. KIRBY, Jon in | Ha If-moon firéety peer ne, a 2.18 Two drawings. — OE a | OS oer Bs) ie [ 3 19 | Mr. LAM BORNE, Cambridge, _ 219° ‘A bi of Clare-Hall; King’s College Chapel, &c. im Cambridge eoyedoor ox! Mr DAVID MARTIN, 220 Prot } arnt ‘of Mr. Roubiliac, 221 Me. of Rembrant. eri ose.e) OU Mee OM! Tat: BUBOR, Niheibers Faye ‘Covent Garden 222 Colour’d drawing of a brick field. ee Writing the billet, a candlelight, C¥ iy 224 Delivering ditto, the morning. t ayer Pantoj Ge on Cruz. , N oO. Mr. T. MILLE R; 4 Bihop Blaze, in Live Were, F 225 Section Aa weit to eaft, through the center of the {tables at Chatfworth, Mr. PR E A. K By | At Mr. Dorin? s, Watch- hy facing St. Clement s thee gh . 226 A landicape. ewiD SOME RAY BN’ BT; Palani, 27. Iritumph of Britannia from Mr. Hayman, . 23. Sophonitha, accepting the nuptial prefent, fent. by her hiufband: Mafa: - * nifla. From Luca Giordano. Mr. ROOK BR, Jun. In, Que0cn’s Courts Queen's Street, Lincolns-Inn. Fields,. 225° Two tained drawings from nature. "Mr RYSBRACK, 230 ‘The conteft between AZneas. and Diomedes, 74 Saee he entombing our Saviour with, Jofeph of, Arimatheae, Mio | Pil’ SyA. Nii ¥y In Du Four’s Court, Broad ftreet, Carnaby. Market, The entrance into the’s cloifter, and the weft end of his. Majefty’s chapel of St. George, in Windfor cafile, ip 33° Ditto, from Love-lane. 234 Ditto, fromthe gateway of a brewhoufe yard in 1 Datchet-lane, 935 Ditto, from little Park.. 235|| A moonlight. | Mr. S- IM Pp S,: °. N, AE Mr. Bastar Sy Carver at tz Aldermanbry,. * 3 36 Animitation ofa chalk drawing. | C ‘Cae ha Se oe & We o:* ee | OW M.S TE Pp Wh E N° Sh er: Mr. “Chanber? sy: Poland fireet, He 9 237 A defign fora Royal Academy ee Painting, Sculpture, ; ee Architecture, Mr. STRANGE, Caftk-fireet, Leicefter Fields, cay at & wet oe 238 A drawing of Sybilla Perfica, from Gieréte. imate oil 239 ‘Two prints, one oteprelenioee juice and a ove Mackie a ; Raphael. Sew: Mr X ISAAC TgA ¥ L O R, Holle fret Clare Market, an: 240 An entertainment. PRU A = ‘Mi. ASN’ TSH’ ON 'Y WADKER, Wh 4 24t The angel departing from ‘T obit and his family, from ReMBANE ese Mri *W & FSO N, Great Portland ee : | 242 Tw mezzotintos, from Mr. Reynolds. . ae Vr. WHIT E,»dt Mr. Rylana’s, Great Raftra Covent Ger, : a43 Viewof Thaxtedchurch, ~~. re ee Mefirs. WOOLLET and BROWNE, Long’ 5 Cir Leifer Fel, Le 244 An unfinithed proof from Ver. du Sart. | ELGG LOERLRG NN Ra ete RRR RR eR le ele tee ee HONORARY EXHIBITIONS. N O. 245 OUTH-Wesrt view of Hartwell church. © ‘By’ a Lady 246 A piece of ftuit in crayons. By Mr. Pair ar ee ree s 247 An hiftorical head in miniature. By Mr. Hodge. 248 A view of the city of London and river Thames trom York Puldings. ; ~ By Mr. The. Forreft. 249 “An etching of a. head. By W icin Anca Big see 2s0 A batket of fruit. By a Lady. Ba axon! 2A 25t ‘Two pictures of butterflies. By a Gentleman, | mein siebie 252 A buncn of grapes in needle- “work. “By Mrs. ‘Wortidges ae * : 263 , Five Drawings of landfcapes. By an Officer in the Army.” 254 Two views ofa ruin in Bedfordfhire. By Mr. Robertfon. 255 A drawing of the antique gate, ‘which flood + at: t Whitehall. BA. Whi, » tin es e . Hen Fa Ges > A 8 b> cee fe BOYD ve» wD ee Yap Pe ; b> Ee). UP) > DD I> eS Sa > ~~ Sp >