~ x fot fh aie LES }) J ae M4 Sy i fir ata Wie ea Uae Neal sr \ ) OF can “nitialt & re a tg SS. a? t \ ‘ J Le 4, Va Ai Hanay \ N, . as ven ey aos sgt ee OS Ke Ie og Ooo ce at a WHC Cea Cs) , raha i. phon. “Was og iC ia aes pee —— eye i RICAN | i 4 £ i i eget) t fa 14ST eRag Rhy Bakes _ po + 7 ~ , . i 4 ADJICINING THE FIFTH AVE, BANK * N CLARKE'S ART ROOMS 3 WEST 441H STREET, z » 7 oe ewe fame es Fb ar be : - — eS re4 A ae a rae Cart ange oe Set ae Se so 2 Ee See >> 339 ete a ee tee nd es CATALOGUE OLD 4D MODERN PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION CLARKE’S ART ROOMS 5 WEST 44th STREET, NEW YORK (Adjoining the Fifth Avenue Bank) On Thursday and Friday Evenings Apnil 25th and 26th, 191 2 At eight o'clock prompt ~ FOR THE FOLLOWING ESTATES Beets te CHARLES T. YERKES By order of the Probate Court of Cook County, Ill. LOUIS S. OWSLEY, Executor Paintings by the Early Dutch Masters Estate of the late M. J. MCDONALD AND THE COLLECTION OF A NEW ENGLAND BANKER Choice Examples of Early and Contemporary American French, Italian and English Schools ALSO Canvases, Sketches and Drawings, Costumes, Etc., FROM THE STUDIO OF THE LATE DANIEL HUNTINGTON, N. A. The sale will be conducted by Mr, AUGUSTUS W, CLARKE CONDITIONS OF SALE. ue 1. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid be- tween two or more buyers, the article shall be at once put up and resold. 2. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 50 per cent. of the pur- — chase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required ~ —in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be imme- diately put up again and resold. | 3. Bills payable in cash before delivery. 4. Receipted bills must ‘be presented before goods can be removed. 5. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid before removal. 6. Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale, between eight and twelve o'clock, remain at the — sole risk of the purchaser. 7. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold with- out guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. 9. Our record of sales in all cases final. 10. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be long to the Auc- tioneer as liquidated damages for purchaser’s failure to com- plete the sale. All lots unclaimed within the time aforesaid shall be resold at public or private sale, without further no- tice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such resale if he thinks fit. Mr. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, | Auctioneer. The Alexander Press, 114-116 West 27th St., LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IV OUMIS. occa coe ss 13 Armfield, George ........ i7 Waser. Jane iid dele... - fe} DavpeOer. Wer by ok ek. 16 Barrette > By Hurt ....... 8 Marte, 7 George: «eee s 17 Beard, 1S Die nN Pees 9 Beauquesne, W.... eee VTS Beckwith, J. Carroll..... 12 Bellows, J) aa 20 Blakelock, Re A 95, 108: 185 1 Si AA Barter 20 MAME OR IOLET = oo sec Pal ee Z1 Bonheur, Auguste ........ | meudin, Lugene .....:... 203 OPTI EY A AS bc oga ; ddxdaicne ¢ Ze Breton, Emile A......... 04 TOPO aia ag Pat, 23 PSPURREE? Pe Wad.) aa. : 222 Be ROE ae a 55 Casslier, J. W....188, 191, 193 Pee eg se ess 33 Caen ©. T........ 24, 192 Ce ed asin kes 1U Chase, William M........ 201 MeV a Ec a sk kee 25 EM our eae a's ewes Bos 31 ete MO eg i. es fa MIMI AAMT Gs ee sos os Ze BRUNA Goce soe ts hare os 99 morampiay, 10 As... . 88: 29 Dermover, Paul <...<. 65. 30 Eel Ope aan 32 Sonroet, Gustave... .... 34 Cozzens, Bap eh... 6 eS ee DS ees sca «le 35 SOMA ISSUICE icc... eee 36 Dallas and Kyle. :.:.5.... 183 Danoye, Pierre Emanuel.. 37 Daubieny, C:. F., 38, 156, MIG, Pleas sicele eee 198 Dawson, Arthur ..39, 43, 45 Meck, Caesar... 6.0: 41 De Dreux, Alfred........ 40 De Kominck, Philip de... 208 ee, kh ale'e ts ee TE, ch ag cs 8 See pws A Ee re 46, 199, 22 RR epic A ERE, EL sk ya awe ois anes ie PeEe CtIStAVe seks so 44 Doughty, Thomas ........ 48 VOLES beg WARngs thee bas amen seteae SAE 49 {G03 05 wevaad bb (ene aa 60, 65 Pave?) Age. ds sh ae 50 Durand, A Bes oe c 51 aah? Field, Edward Loyal..... 52 Mondevilla® oes. s ccd s wl 53 Fromentin,. Eugene ...... 54 mericaulte} be ALT... 56 EL a gh RI RR corgi ge 58 omnis Jules Peas. oye ey es 59 eee TS sal eR a a a 61 Green, Frank Russell.... 62 Mx UNG “A ONAN, cas s'.s'cae, 63 Guardi,’ Francesco ....... 161 afin ye lt aeN aia tice ss Gs Ge 0ts 130 Pell yp CN INOUL tn Ge we sha 64 LSA ot el eb aa ees 4 ots ore be 66 wee Wag 20h Eat ee a eR 67 Tanmion, -)ear Louis: vs 68 PLS Tirp aes Mg ie aie sagen 69 Harte Pywiiliain 200.2 024 10; 395 Fassain, Onildes (oes. es 7 Plenty es Ulex eo «'s 7176 Herman-Leon, Charles .. 73 Hewitt, William ......... 72 Hoeber, Arthur’ .../.4.: 74, 77 Homer, Winslow ........ 189 Hunt, Wm. Morris....78, 79 Huntington, Daniel, 92, 95, PE fo: 0S Neos 8 aaa | a as 206 Inness Georte! 27) eos 96 Jacobs; Adolphe |. ....... 80 Janetti-Zilla, Vittorio .... 106 Jace wicuaries ita) yh .4, 81 Jefferson, Joseph ........ 82 FOUPISON 1a LIA VAC. by ots lave sas 83 Jones they Bolton wy cnn ss 84 Jongkind, J. B., 85, 86, 87, 88 Kahteccrearie? ogee 89 ME ESEG cae: U7 Pgh on ela cen) Ory 227 Kaulbach, Hermann ..... 90 Kengeteun be: Bivics os 103, 114, ve Kriiee aon bl Varig ny oe: wine 110 Kotschenreiter ........... 22 OEY 26s oon: 9) RR res Ae a ofl 105 LATOle erie cers. oh sates 182 Later urs. 4 ills 113 Ur hd aie era ame a a 91 Lichter rans ote ieee es 104 Lefevre, Renan ea eet An 178 Leigh, 8 ie ees 179 LIST OF ARTISTS—Continued BicCerd: (Gur eileen bicEntree, Jervis......... 4 Madrazo, Riccardo Martin, Horer Menard, Eo: Rene 2.....4.25 Michels Gs at se ee Monks]. 7A, Bales 119, Monticelli Morales, Louis Moran, sh dwardvcc uae Moran, 2b Perey... eee Moran, Thomas Morgan Wiliam <6. o as oe WMorvyillierrey oe oes ee Murphy, J. Francis Nehlign Wictor('s sccm Nerhaue Aus cases. 125: Onderdsenk I eo Tae Parton, Arthur Phelans Chartesy fives Pyne xjames Be cis Wee ae C)LINtOR Re tee ce Richards: Weal Goes Rithet. “hea wegew vo ok Robert-Fleury, Tony . Robinson, Thomas ..\.:...: Ronner, Henrietta Roseland, Harry ROCSERAUL SE Mca see en Rossea wee Re eoe eu ae Roybet, Ferdinand ....... Roen feany: Pawliyea ae SGHaMSer rT ao is See Selmyhr, eee ee ee eee ee tee ee ee eee eee erect eee Sewell, E. Vvetueneaeneen Sheppard, Warren .2 3.908 136 Sloane, George .2h.cs 137: 2i2 Smith: HP ieee 1, 2,4) 8 Sontag). W.. sleeee es RI 109 Steélink.. Wi. .34. aes eee 147 Stevens, Joseph 21.55.0908 148 Steward; \ Av. pense . 149 Sully;"Fhomaait sot naan. 215 Thom;_J. C., 150, 1621662170 Teniers, David eee 158 Troyon,: \C. eee 151 Van der Heyden, Jan.... 159 Van Elton, Kressman.... 154 Van Goyen, Janae eee ae bo Van -Marcke,” Hustle sean 153 Van" Uden,’ i232 163 Van Waarden; J. oss.¢cgmeee Verboeckhoven, Eugene .. 164 Nernon, (dyes cs eae ee 165 Vestier, Antoine ........ 167 Van (der NectoAge career 160 Vibert, 2h Gea fee 168 Vollon, ‘Antome sas vee 169 Von Blaas, Eugene....... 173 Von Bremen, Meyer.:.... 214 Weber, iW 3.55 (ae 174 Weeks, Edwin Lord...... 183 Werner; (Ja. 5. see eee 181 Whistler, J. McNeil, see Wier, Ro Woo yee eee 111 Wiggins) 3) Cee eas 171,-174 Witkowski, H... 217 Wyant, A. Fae 100, 200, 210 Zanizo, Gs aaveumne eee CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1912 At 8 o'clock SMITH (H. P.) American _ Water Color Old Wooden Pier, East Lynn Siti CHP.) American Water Color A Summer Day BOZZENS (F: 8.) American Water Color Seti i (H. Py American Water Color Scene, Monmouth, N. J. “SMITH (H. P.) rh Water Col + echo a ae a Ne. Se ee ee - -HASSAM (Childe) - Water | Color fe “ Se Barly "Morning, Venice. 0 BARRETT (E. Hunt) | et Autumn bot hi Ae 04 BEARD (W.-H) Owl and Squirrel i lhl?! ae ; Purchased from the Artist ing oe Sy is eae 13 AKIN (Louis) io “8 Landscape 20 x 24 14 . Beech : American | American English oy BABCOCK (WB) a Mother and Childr en . Ri4ox Ob. | e BARRET (George R.) i Ideal. Landscape . “ 18 | Stop Firing 25 x 32 BELLOWS (A. F.) ~ Landscape German Chasing the Squirrel | | aes my 35 x 46 fe , 23 ise . American — Figure : 24 ee, F.), A.N.A. American Maimie ' : 25 y, CHURCH (F. E.) American ees Landscape COLMAN (Samuel), N.A. Landscape CORDINGLAY (J. A.) Off Dover : Two examples in the collection of Queen | EN _ Alexandra. POON 24 36 30 CORNOYER): (Paul) aay: American ‘ Madison Square 1 14 x 18 —— ie ‘The Castle «9% x 13% BET (Gustave) French ag a Late Afternoon Near Ornans From the C. H. Denny Collection, Boston — 1914 x 2534 BM on eetgte IN. A. American Farmyard 20° x7 25 Bances ‘From +H 'Sfats Sale ab ae ” DAUBIGNY (C.F) 00) 9 (eee ee 7 7-16 tie 7G | : 39 ‘DAWSON (Arthur) | The Pool 2194 x I 40° DE DREUX (Alfred). The Chase 16% x 24 French American stave) _ i, | French ; cp On the Rhine | 7 oe rom the C. E. Paine Collection, Boston ee 50 .AWSON (Arthur) | American ae oe "The Bridge at Lyme . } 2a % 16 MG | ‘DIAZ (N. V.) French mas) ; Dy i gos ¥ ae t i a ¢ DUESEL (H.) aa Sha Ra ata nat Coast of Maine 20" x30. Seas DUPRE (Julian) — x Pe The Meadow by the Sea Bought from Crosby & Con rs 54% 996 0 Kee ater AP pee et ts a | & 51 Alpine Lake 20 x 40 NTIN (Eugene) French nae _ Arab Encampment | : 1034 x 1534 PeRITY (HL). * American - Landscape and Figures Ds GERICAULT (J. L. A. T.) Brexich He 5 ¢ Saddle Horse ° as Pgt - Ber stess / 13 x 9% J y | GOUPIL (Jules A.) : _ Reproof ps. Ok 22 e184 Bes DUPRE (Jules) a3 Close of Day | . a: —~ 6%x10% gf 61 signe) : GRAY (M. P.) : | In the Boudoir ; | eG uc ae 62 GREEN (Frank Russell), A.N.A. In the Garden as os QBN 30 . French rs The Bugler _ € aig i : 68 | , -HAMON (Jean Louis) | French ; By Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. | Springtime 17 x 21 HART (James M.), | : ao A Winter Daya NOSE cay ee A 20 x 28 : i age HART (William), N.A. | The River Bank 12x20 a HENRY (E.L.), NA. | Landscape yee 72 HEWITT (William) Landscape 23 - HERMANN-LON Don Quixote | ee 0 se 74 HOEBER (Arthur), A.N.A. Vesper. Hour 16 x 30 American x5 (Arthur, NAL _ American — : ty Wee y A Summer Day 1 26 x 32 i ey 78 UNT (Wiliam Morris) American Ghai | a v) Cris Landscape 1 ae AA x 16 oe an | 79 ‘i et, HUNT (William Morris) American ay Landscape Pan 2: xctb JEFFERSON (Joseph) a rae eG Colne Landscape Landscape 12x 20 84 JONES (H. Bolton), N.A. Lagoon 18 x 28 ° rd oe GKI D (as): KAHLER ( eae ie: Be he o> The Pet to x20 : y 90 KAULBACH (Hermann) a ke. > , MS, ? : | Head enV, xf ig | ? Landscape Dutch American German fs Lr LEADER (B. W.) sRmmericah Landscape 92 HUNTINGTON (Daniel), N.A. American Landscape and Ruins Zn. x. 30 93 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) American The Ravine From the A. Naumburg Collection 6is x 43% 94 BRETON Emile A.) French a oe ta ae —— A Marshland Farm, Picardy From M. Knoedler & Co. 213% x 33% 95 HUNTINGTON (Daniel), N.A. American George Washington 28 x 36 Pe eccesed Pe ncican os Spanish as Pensive ee 24 x 36° 100 | sh WYANT (A. i), N.A. American, 7h } | Mountain Landscape A very poetical example by this wonder- ful artist. 14 x 20 MORGAN (William), NAL eee Ready for a Walk KENSETT (J. F.) Landscape . LEBRET (Franz) Ne: Shepherd and Flock " i 2434 x 30, ree | fol LANAR (A.) Lions gt Home ee Purchased from Cottier & Co. 108 Oe AY} Landscape eiae8 109 r-), N.A., deceased Landscape 110 ey) Cattle American American American American LL ae 1422 WIER (R.W.) | _ Figure 112 KOTSCHENREITER (G. J.) Cronies 113 LATOUCHE (Louis) Red Roofed Cottages 5% x 10% oa aa | KENSETT (I). #8 ~ American Landscape te oS McENTEE (Jervis) American. Landscape 3 shi a 116 if MADRAZO (Riccardo) ee Female F igure RAN S n> ~< RA (Thomas) | American Landscape | 7 | he RAN (Edward) American | : bere: _ Marine | ay < (ONTICELLI i Italian : le , Fie ‘ ; A f \ ’ ; ry ; ? “MORALES (Louis) | Madonna > 165% x 1234 am MONKS (J.A.S.) American Water Color a. Sunset 13 5-6: x 19% | 125 Be NERHAUS (A.) German Dutch Interior ie “16 x 22 26 WG - ae 4 OM MURPHY (J. Francis), N.A. American Eventide 13 x 18 NEHLIG (Victor) - American Figure. - French es, Marine 8% x 13% 131 PARTON (Arthur), N.A.-- American vu Oo a Landscape 18 x 24 American 132 Jy os Landscape oy , 133 | Vie jo «PHELAN (Chas. T.) American tins Sheep ne ss nah eet rai u 134 PYNE (James B.) Carthage | 16 x 1934 | 135 RICHET (Leon) Pupil of Felix Barrias. Sunset by the River. 1234 x 20% 136 SHEPPARD (Warren) American Homeward Bound brs 18 x 24 : 137 | 7 | SLOANE (George) | | Americany os, The Burgh Master . 8 x 6 : 138 | ee ys QUINTON (C.) English — Landscape and Sheep | 21 x 25 OS a 139 a SEWELL (E. ¥.) American _ a Street in Cairo 22 x 28 French Ideal Head mod x22 : 143 (Jean Paul) | f French rf Study in the Nude 22 °%):20 American or ROSELAND (Harry) | ae, 146 ROYBET (Ferdinand) The Artist’s Daughter © 144 x 11% 147 STEELINK (W.) Landscape and Sheep Purchased from the Artist - 9% x 534 148 STEVENS (Joseph) Doe Beating 25% x 36% _ 149 STEWARD (A.) Woods in Winter 24 x 32 153 a tf S (F. Ss.) os American ter Color 154 In the Adirondacks 25 x 30 a 155 f ‘VAN MARCKE (Eug.) Bai. Cow ~13%x 18% By order of the Probate Court of Cook County, i. ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES T.. YERKES LOUIS S. OWSLEY, Executor ne Mies pe. N cOFEN (an Gay aaa — 1610-1694 4 ‘ » at i Pe ten! ___ Reckoning the Score 17x25 = era gon rid thd eat ee VAN DER HEYDEN (Jan) Ditch a . a 1637-1713 Re ke Se ene 7 The Village ag . | 19 x 23 OLS Fe ee Og ae cy ee. VAN DER NEER (A.) | oe 1643-1703 Twilight 19 x 29 GUARDI (Francesco) Italian 17121793 Wedding of the Doge “ ; 1414 x 18% 162 THOM (J. C.) { > MN Landscape 163 VAN UDEN (L.) Interior of Cathedral 1242 x 21/2 164 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene) Landscape and Sheep 11 x 14 American BERT ( 7: ye French. ; Raa Euls | Water Color The Woodcutter 834 x 11% 169 French ~ Street Scene 9% x 13% WIGGINS (J. C.) Landscape 172 UNKNOWN Madonna and Child — ; 173 mee VON BLAAS (Eugene) —_—sMFrrentch Portrait of the Artist’s Wife : a From ‘the Ea. Delmonico Collection - 164314 Oo 174 pe WEBER (W.) American Return of the Fishing Boats 178 me Landscape Mieke: MORVILLIER (J.) French 14 x 20 ey * | _ French Swiss Tyrol ag Bs 18 al American In the Yosemite ie Cea Os | a ae d _ MeCORD (G. H.), A.N.A. American: : ee: ee 25, x 30 r 5 Piel” f —'s % LAROLLE (H.) | Medal of Honor : Barbozin Village _ 27 x 32: 183 : — WEEKS (Edwin Lord) American _ Ball in the Alhambra, Grenada, Spain : \ 144, x 23 ia 6 UNKNOWN ae | Candlelight Effect Re Pa 185 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) American Indian Camp 3 a he ae bt at al ‘ , ' American V American Landscape 7 y American y _KENSETT (J. F.) American Patera! | fC ! era a | 191 : : CASSLIER . American nay | Landscape | Evening, Narragansett AS x 24 ae » 13 oe Aa CASSLIER (J. W.) Landscape 194 RICHARDS (W. T.), N.A., deceased American ‘ a The Coulee 67% x 16 . . 195 ites HOMER (Winslow) : American Landscape and Figures : 196 aie ROSSEAU (P.) American — Beginning the Day Purchased from Knoedler & Co. 14: x 20. Landscape P| ir f ea Ae i | French . Gypsies in Forest 15% x 13% a = YANT (A. H.), N.A., deceased American ; Landscape. 11 x 14 if 201 CHASE (William M.), N.A. American Behe ‘Ideal Head ‘ bins ‘DIAZ (N.V.) HUNTINGTON (Daniel), N. AC decone tg “American Portrait of a Confederate General | ‘ A “ Saat 16 x 20 204 -HUNTINGTON (Daniel), N.A., deceased American — Hon. R. C. Winthrop 25 x 30 205 | HUNTINGTON (Daniel), N.A., deceased _ American Folio of Original Drawings and Sketches from | the Studio 206 HUNTINGTON (Daniel), N.A., deme American Numerous Costumes, including Cardinal’s Robes, from the Studio © - Shore View. ayes W. Scott & Sons 9x 1354 a 210 | WY ANT (A. H.), N.A., deceased American Opening Through the Woods ~ Purchased from Mrs. A. H. Wyant 12% x 9% ie 211 "WYANT (A. HL), N.A., deceased American | , Landscape Purchased direct from Mrs. Wyant Ae MICHEL (GY | Near Montmartre 38 x 50 ‘ Ca VON BREMEN (Meyer) | Tired Out © 10% x 12% 215 SULLY (Thomas) oe Portrait of Andrew Jackson ‘ 216 | SELMYHR (Conrad) ‘Gold Medal, Brussels, 1906. Off Portrush oe 32 x 45 _ Percy Carle American y in Battle of Lake Erie He 6 ed —_- ype Bee) 519 ) ZO (G) —). ee | French a a Ideal Head ee 19 x 23. 220° _ The Horse Sale 24 x 36 Re a : ok | KAUFMAN (H.) Le ye) Head of a Woman Ree Ary) 24 x 30 1a ona | 222 _ BRUNNER (J.) . Mountains 24 x 30 - gz ry, . Ge ~ #4 S ( } es "hee Ck FS by DS or Hb eee yo NARA Tipe ASL ON ote Sa) i i ; Wot . ‘Sy ae, j ; ee ~ ree ee ale eo : me “i Sn: 4 ANSE oad (Da ass j nee: de) ahve Soa c i ; iat me Fe BTA ae NN PG fh age Girne C2 Mes IY ar F.2D EEN 2 oe ah ‘es Ra te é = \