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Piles tAdalad reat x ting he - ~ * . . a 4y ; ** o ’ de ll , — Ye 7 ‘ 8 ry t ’ i) 4 " % és ‘ , a“ é 4 82> 7 , v . ‘ 7 ‘ big ins . , 4 “ ye trek din he + ot of . er - * » n ‘ Sidhe ep pet ge air satin ant 5s bees bd o*e ol i Yi ; ¢ J ¥ wpe EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE American Art Galleries Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City Peewee? EXHIBITION From Saturday, February 26, To Time of Sale Weekdays g a.m. to 6 p.m.7Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. PNREOLTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Wednesday © Thursday Evenings, March 2 & 3 at 8:15 O’Clock 4 SALES CONDUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association’ Inc MANAGERS 1927 PORTRAITS AND LANDSCAPES By Stuart, Copley, Inness, Murphy Wiles, Turner, Reynolds, Lely, Opie Hassam, Corot, facque, Uan Marcke Courbet, -Munkacsy and ‘Dupre FROM THE COLLECTION FORMED BY The Late W. J. White Sold by order of Mr. Ralph R. White of Cleveland, Ohio THE COLLECTIONS OF Mr. Samuel T. Shaw Mr. D. W. Patterson . JL Brbner WITH ETON Qu . ; X 3 povieg nw) Under Management of the American Art Association mewet O RP OCR AYP ELD New York 1927 Priced (a2 ta logues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc ‘Designs its (atalogues and Directs -All Details of Illustration Text and Typography I. Conditions of Sale CAPM,» REJECTION oF Bips. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Tue Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. IDENTIFICATION AND Deposir By Buyrer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. QL A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or’such part of the purchase prices as may be required. (| If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. Risk AFTER PurcHase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham- mer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. _ . Dettvery oF Purcnases, Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. . RecerPrep Biris. Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a re- ceipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the prop- erty has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. SroraGE In DeFautt oF Prompr Payment AND CaLLinc For Goons. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Associa- tion to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. QL In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. SHrpPinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business In which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however; 10. Tt. afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. . Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. QL Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Associa- tion will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for Sues damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. Buyinc on OrveEr. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be. returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. | Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be. sent or reference submitted, Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the -Association OTTO BERNET - HIRAM H. PARKE - cAuvetzonees, AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Managers -. owe. 2. FIRST SESSION Wednesday March 2, 1927 at 8:15 p.m. Catalogue Numbers I to 107 Inclusive GEORGE CONROY American: Contemporary LATE AFTERNOON, ST. JOSEPH’S, N. Y. Early autumn landscape. At the left, the slender birches in the splen- dor of their orange and russet panoply throw vivid color on to the grass and stones of the rolling foreground. Signed at lower right, G. Conroy Millboard: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches Property of a Private Collector [Companion to the following | GEORGE CONROY American: Contemporary EVENING GLOW, ST. JOSEPH’S, N. Y. The landscape of the previous number in the soft light of an autumn evening, the yellow glow of the sky bringing out the deep emerald of the grass in the middle distance. Signed at lower right, CONROY Millboard: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches Property of a Private Collector [ Companion to the preceding | GERI ME AUN@ Ss: CG ale 3. STRONG WINE A man in black coat, knee breeches and bicorne sprawled helplessly in a chair, with his left elbow on a table from which he is sweeping the cloth and its contents. At his feet are empty bottles. Height, 534 inches; width, 434 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner A. VERHAEREN Flemish: XIX Century 4. POULTRY A rooster accompanied by a group of brown, black and white hens at the edge of a meadow; at the left, in an overturned basket, is sitting a white hen surrounded by a brood of chickens. Signed below, A. VERHAEREN, and dated 1874 Panel: Height, 6% inches; length, 7 inches Property of a Private Collector DAVID JOHNSON American: 1827—1908 5. THE GULLY The swift stream washes the foot of a mass of tall gray rocks, cleft by a cascade and rising fifty feet to the woods on their summit, on which are two tiny figures. Signed at lower left with initials, D. J. Inscribed on back of stretcher, DAviD JOHNSON, 1871 Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson Me AM OC ORLEN SS, (R.A. British: 1788—1847 6. COUNTRY LANDSCAPE In the foreground, a winding stream; in the shadow of a group of russet oak and beech trees at the right, the figure of a man in shirt sleeves and red waistcoat. Cattle are grazing in the open meadows. Panel: Height, 9% inches; width, 7% inches _ Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson See iemae OUI E TL MAN, P.N.A. German-American: 1848— 7- PORTRAIT OF 4 DUTCH LADY Before a background painted with red and white tulips, is the bust- length figure of a young woman wearing a dress with puffed green velvet sleeves, a large feathered hat and white muslin veil trailing over her left shoulder. Signed at lower right, FREDERICK DIELMAN, N.A., and dated 1895 Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner js Bet Nie B ih il Se American: 1872 ce as OT Centrally, the entrance to a grass-grown path; the wooden gate is thrown back, the path leading to the right past the tiny hut with its flower garden. Signed at lower left, H. A. Dyer, 1910 W ater-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches Property of a Private Collector g. IO. WILLIAM GRAHAM American: Contemporary ONT TA ERIS ER. The mighty green water flowing under the bridge of S. Angelo, clustered with buildings and dominated at the right by the dome of St. Peter’s thrust into a pale sky. Signed at lower left with initials, W. G. Inscribed on back of panel, W. GRAHAM, 1889 Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 734 inches Stanford White Collection, American Art Association, 1907 Property of Mrs. Max Rollins JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. British: 1775—1851 THE RIVER WYE An S-shaped bend in the river with ruins and tall trees crowning the farther bank. On the near shore at the left, cattle, and two figures of bathers. Sepia wash drawing: Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches No. 48 in the Liber Studiorum Collection of J. D. Ichenhauser, New York, 1903 Collection of Rev. Sebastian Bowden, S.J. Collection of J. Abner Harper, New York, rg1t American Art Association, March, 1915 Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner Il. 12. 13. SueakA -T... MeGCHESNEY American: Contemporary THE BEACH A sandy shore with brightly colored bathing tents and the figures of scattered holiday-makers. Signed with initials, C. Mc. at lower right Height, to inches; width, 8 inches Property of a Private Collector CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. American: 1861— HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN Head and shoulders portrait facing half-left, the head bent down, of a young woman with short hair and wearing a white wrap with white fur behind the shoulders. Dark background. Signed at lower left, CH. CURRAN Height, 1334 inches; width, 10% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw Pain ob, GIlLLIG Dutch: 1636—1688 STILL LIFE: HERRINGS Against a brown background a catch of herring strung up to a hook. Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 8% inches Property of a Private Collector Y Tse EDWARD LAMSON HENRY, N.A. American: 1841I—1919 ON THE WAY TO TOWN |SHAWANGANK MOUNTAINS, N. Y.| A country road with a village in the middle distance and bordered at left and right by russet and green trees. A farmer dressed in black is driving a one-horse shay down the road away from the observer. | Signed at lower left, E. L. HENry, and dated 1906 Inscribed on back: “Painted October 1906” Board: Height, 7% inches; length, 9% inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. American: 1861— YOUNG GIRL WITH A BIRD Three-quarter length seated figure of a young girl with long dark hair and wearing a white blouse and pink skirt; she is seated beside a casement looking down at a bird held tenderly between her fingers. Signed at lower left, CHARLES C. CURRAN, and dated 1892 Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches Stanford White Collection, American Art Association, 1907 Property of Mrs. Max Rollins : eee ee eee eee 16. EDWARD LAMSON HENRY, N.A. American: 1841—1919 SUNDAY MORNING The interior of the doorway of an American house of 1820, with a glimpse of a porch and greenery at the left. By the door is seated an old lady reading the Bible; passing before her, is a young girl in bonnet and white muslin dress, carrying a prayer book. Signed at lower left, E. L. Henry ¥ Go = Panel: Height, 934 inches; width, 7% inches 1%. 18. Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field Pentre K NASMITH Irish: 1786—1831 CONNAUGHT LANDSCAPE A heavily wooded slope covered with trees in early autumn foliage and broken by a descending path winding down from the right, curving and disappearing into the forest. Coming down from above, the figure of an old peasant leaning on a stick and carrying a blue cloak over his left shoulder. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson JOHN FREDERICK HERRING, R.B.A. British: 1795—1865 THE RETURN FROM THE FAIR Coming up the road into the foreground, a procession of country- men mounted on their purchases and led by a fellow in a red waist- coat with a pair of grays. Signed at lower left, J. F. HERRING Height, 7% inches; length, 934 inches Sold to close an Account Foye. 19. 20. 21. GEORGE SNM ORE aA ND < British: 1763—1804 WINTER Thatched farmhouse with a gnarled tree at the right; before it a mound, the whole buried deep under snow. “Two men on an ice- covered duck pond, are watched by the farmer and his wife and child. : Panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 10% inches Sold to close an Account ADDISON TT.) MEE ist. American: 1860—1913 FISHING BOATS AT NIGHT A dark greenish sky and sea, with fitful glimpses of moonlight and the dark shadows of fishing boats heaving on the water. Signed at lower left, Appison T. MILLER Board: Height, 14 inches, width, 10 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner GILBERT MUNG American: 1837—1903- LANDSCAPE In the middle of the meadow a huge irregular pool of water in which red and white cattle are wading; here and there scattered figures of peasants. The horizon is broken by a straggling line of bushy elms and beeches. Signed at lower left, GitBERT MUNGER, and dated 1895 Height, 1034 inches; length, 15% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ee ee ee SOO ee as ee HENRY PEMBER SMITH American: 1854—1907 22. 4 SUMMER RETREAT A red-roofed cottage, surrounded by oaks, poplars and other trees, is perched on the edge of a river which widens out in the left fore- ground; at the right, meadows slope upwards from the reeds. At the water’s edge is a woman, and on the quiet surface are swimming three ducks. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Property of a Private Collector # yp. CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE, N.A. American: 1872 23. BERMUDA 24. Seashore on a summer day, with a two-masted vessel at anchor and smaller boats in the foreground. ‘The sky is filled with large white rain clouds. Signed at lower right, C. W. HAWTHORNE Water-color: Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches Property of a Private Collector Miser An +12. BEERS XIX Century WATERING CATTLE A calm rivulet with figures of brown and white cows watering; on the right and left banks tall green woods. Signed at lower right, Jur1A H. Beers, and dated 1863 Height, 9% inches; length, 15% inches Property of a Private Collector 1 ¥o- ae FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, N.A. American: 1871— THE WOOD NYMPH Wooded hilly landscape with a female figure posed at full-length, seated by the wayside in the shadow of a tree. She wears a filmy white drapery about the shoulders, her lower body wrapped in the folds of a red mantle. Signed at lower right, FREDK. BALLARD WILLIAMS, 1901 Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Property of a Private Collector CHARLES SANDE Rig? XIX Century 26. HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL Head and shoulders portrait of a young Albanian girl in white blouse and gold-embroidered plum velvet coat and red cap, her eyes cast down. Signed at the left, Cu. SANDERLE Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold SUVUNEY° M. -LAURENCE American: Contemporary a7. VENETIAN BOAT 28. Sunset on the lagoon, with a yellow light on the pale green waters; at the left, a line of mooring masts. In the foreground, at anchor, a fishing vessel with brown lateen sails. Signed at lower right, S. M. LAURENCE Height, 11 inches; length, 1534 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw BPaepeELMAN JOHNSON, N.A. American: 1824—1906 OLD WOMAN PEELING VEGETABLES Cottage interior with a stove at the right; an old woman in a brown dress and apron is seated on a stool peeling vegetables from a basket before her. Signed at lower right, E. JoHNson, and dated 1882 Board: Height, 14 inches; width, 11% inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins J BLRAGN CLS" - MCGERs2 El ee American: 1853—1921 29. AUTUMN EFFECT ¥ So - 30. In the left foreground, a small piece of water reflecting the un- certain yellow light of a sky tinted with orange; by the water the weird figure of a half-denuded tree. In the middle distance, a mountain of brown foliage silhouetted hazily in the evening light. Signed at lower right, J. F. Murpuy, and dated 1907 Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches Purchased direct from the artist, and selected by him Property of Mrs. Max Rollins SYDNEY M. LAURENCE American: Contemporary THE BEACH, ST) IVES In the bright moonlight two boats are visible lying on the beach in front of the Sloop Inn. An alley lighted by a ruddy lantern sepa- rates two piles of houses. Signed at lower left, S. M. LAURENCE Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ate a MRD — BPAUE. oeoRy French: XIX Century 31. PORTICO WITH FIGURES Before a Renaissance portico is standing a lady in eighteenth cen- tury costume of cream satin holding up a perch with a tame bird; beside her a cavalier holding a flint-lock gun and seated on the balustrade gesturing to the bird. Around them a spaniel, game birds and a seated hound. Panel: Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches Property of a Private Collector fan Meme Ft. BOGERT, A.N.A. American: 1864 32. DORDRECHT, HOLLAND The intersection of two canals, with houses at left and right and the figure of a man, in blue shirt and brown trousers, in a boat. Behind the trees are white-walled houses topped by a windmill. Signed at lower right with initials, G. H. B., and dated 1898 [?] Height, 1234 inches; length, 18 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner 33: 34. LOUIS WELDEN HAW KING British: Contemporary WOMAN MENDING Intent figure of a peasant woman in white blouse, blue bodice and brown apron, seated in profile to the left, her head bent down over her work, in a clearing with sunlit woodland background. Signed at lower left, L. W. Hawkins Height, 20 inches; width, 13 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ARTHUR. HOE BE Ry ae American: 1854—19I15 SURF IN SUNSHINE A mass of white spray is breaking in on the sea-washed rocks of the right foreground; the sea behind is a thin line of blue under a sky with banks of white cloud. Signed on back of canvas, ARTHUR Hoeser, A.N.A: Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Sold to close an Account SIR THOMAS LAWREN CA British: 1769—1830 VISCOUNT NELSON ( yr Se 4 rE Half-length portrait, with white stock and waistcoat and a great: black cloak. About his neck the blue ribbon of an Order. : Height, 10 inches; width, 73% inches, Note: With this picture will be offered an engraving of the subject by W. O. Burgess. Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner WILLIAM ALDEN BROWN American: 1877— 36. RIVERSIDE LANDSCAPE At the left, the smooth mirror of a river winding between grassy banks rising at left and right, crowned with trees; in the fore- ground, two green oaks, and scattered rocks half-buried in the grass. Signed at lower right, WM. Brown ¥ . =~ Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson eee rt. MCCORD, A.N.A. American: 1848—1909 37. MARINE IN SUNSET LIGHT - At the left, the long lines of a low coast with a lighthouse, and in . the foreground, the brown sails of fishing boats moored on the ¥ smooth water; in the right foreground, a jetty. ‘he sky is strewn Qo - with clouds flushed pink. Signed at lower left, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins HENRY PEMBER SMITH American: 1854—1907 38. SUMMER PROSPECT An old house with gabled roof and dormer windows in a green meadow surrounded by oaks and beeches, the near foreground in deep shadow. Signed at lower left, Henry P. SMITH Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Property of a Private Collector (Go- ¥ 39: 40. We GRANVIL GE SNC EH Nee “+ American: 1870 IN THE SURF Four young girls in long bathing costumes disporting in the bright green surf, two caught on the crest of a huge wave. Signed at lower right, W. GRANVILLE SMITH, and dated 1896 Water-color: Height, 17% inches; length, 28%4 inches Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw - CARLETON UT. © HAPaRae American: 1860—1925 MARINE, WITH FISHING BOATS Smooth water of the palest ultramarine with sailing boats riding the surface; two moored in the foreground, with small boats trail- ing their painters. Signed at lower left, CARLETON T. CHAPMAN, and dated 1888 Height, 7% inches; length, 15% inches Property of Mr. Samuel JT. Shaw JOHN. B. BRISTOL American: 1826—1909 THE LAKE On the smooth water at the right, five ducks are swimming; the farther shore is thickly massed with green trees almost concealing a house at the right perched on a low rise. Signed at lower right, J. B. Brisrou Height, 13% inches; length, 2134 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins PRANKULIN DE- HAVEN, N.A. American: 1856— 42. ROCKS AND SEA The blue sea is rolling inwards in long lines of breakers touched with white on to the brown rocks of the foreground, which glow warmly in the afternoon sun. Signed at lower left, De HAvEN Board: Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw Wier v Fr. HOWE, N.A. American: 1846— 43. CATTLE BROWSING In the foreground two cows, one white, one brown and white, sit- ting in the long grass of the emerald meadow; behind are three other animals. At the left, a fringe of old willows with thick foliage. Signed at lower left, Wm. H. Hows, and dated 1899 Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins Wi b- [ee ANvM HENRY HILLIARD American: 1836—1910 44. THE RIVER A river half-choked at left and right with the tangled reeds of the shore; springing from behind the reeds at the left, a confused mass of foliage. ‘The sky is mournful over the water but lightens down near the horizon, seen through a line of willows stretching along the right bank of the river. Height, 13% inches; length, 19 inches Property of a Private Collector 46. 45. 47: THEODORE ALEXANDER WEBER German: 1838—1907 VESSEL MAKING PORT Rough sea pounding on the rocks and quay under a dark sky with flying gulls; behind the square white tower of the lighthouse, the cliffs stretch out into the right middle distance. A fishing boat with brown sails is rounding the jetty with difficulty. Signed at lower right, TH. WEBER Height, 19 inches; length, 30% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White UNKNOWN CROSSING THE STREAM A girl in white bodice and apron, black cloak and pink skirt, stand- ing timidly on the pebbles in the middle of a stream and grasping one of the twin tree-trunks leaning over from the right. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, Na American: 1847—1909 LANDSCAPE In the foreground, a confusion of trees and shrubs surrounding a barely seen patch of water; in the middle distance open landscape rising to low hills. Sky with yellowish tints. Signed at lower left, BLAKELOCK Panel: Height, 834 inches; length, 12 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner % So ~ 48. 49. 50. ProrGh TH. McCORD, A.N.A. American: 1848—1909 SEACOAST In the right foreground and jutting out from the middle distance, the rocky coast of the bay; on the choppy blue water at the left, sailing ships. A blue summer sky is lightly flecked with clouds. Signed at lower right, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Height, 14 inches; length, 25 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. American: 1847—1919 STUDY IN BROWN Dark land bordered by the brown-black foliage of trees at the right; a gap in the centre opens to a horizon lighted with yellow above the dark notes of a brown sky. Signed at lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins joo ~ Pee CRANE, NA. American: 1857 THE POET’S HOUR An atmospheric impression of autumn twilight. The ground is merely a brown haze, broken at the right by a single sapling jut- ting into the pale greenish sky; at the left, a misty bulk of trees. Signed at lower right, Bruck CRANE, N.A. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Philadelphia Exposition, 1903, No. 38 Property of Mrs. Max Rollins Wie. ¥ Loo - cL J. FRANCIS MURPH American: 1853—1921 RESTLESS AUTUMN A group of four tall and slender trees and the bare sweeping branches of a fifth are patterned before a long low barn in the middle distance with a bank of foliage at the right. The flat plain extends away to the horizon to meet the windy gray heavens. Signed at lower left, J. F. Murpuy, and dated 1907 Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches Purchased direct from the artist, and selected by him Property of Mrs. Max Rollins E RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. American: 1847—1909 2. HOME OF THE INDIAN The dark figure of a native in red robes trudging silently along a path in the shadow of the brown woods. A gap in the shape of a curved arch permits a view of sky beyond. Signed at lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner x Me ¥ sac- 53: 54. 55: GEORGE “INAS Nae American: 1835—1894 LANDSCAPE A line of trees, with autumn foliage, leads the eye down to the gable of a white-walled cottage, in the left middle distance; at the extreme right, a second mass of brown trees. The foreground is of unculti- vated land, with patches of coarse green grass. Signed at lower right, G. INNEss Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches Property of a Private Collector BRUCE. CRANE See American: 1857— AFTER THE STORM A field of yellow grain partly cut in the extreme foreground. A dark leaden sky still broods in the distance at the right over the white gabled farmhouse and the trees surrounding it. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE Height, 13% inches; length, 17 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw BRU CE CR AN Ee iw American: 1857— THE BAKLYOY Baa Open country descending and rising again to the horizon; the land patterned out in green fields and brown earth divided by hedges and interspersed with scattered trees. On the grass in the left foreground, a fruit tree with a mass of white blossom. Signed at lower left, BRucE CRANE Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw 57: Sr ow LES Ty (PHB LCAN American: 1843— | 56. SHEEP GRAZING In the middle distance, white farm buildings and a clump of trees on the side of a grassy knoll, at the foot of which is sprawled the shepherd in blue shirt and sun hat. On the meadow in the fore- ground, other sheep and lambs closely huddled and cropping grass. Dark storm clouds at the left. Signed at lower left, CH. T. PHELAN, and dated 1892 Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Property of a Private Collector ¥so- feet 6 OW. COVAN BOSKERCK, N.A. American: 1855— ESTIVAL LANDSCAPE A narrow brook flows gently between grassy banks, the left bank in the shadow of an orchard; on the right, a thatched cottage with kitchen and flower gardens. Behind them is a tall screen of poplars in the summer sunshine. Signed at lower right, R. W. VAN BoskERCK Height, 21% inches; length, 29% inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins ae J. FRANCIS MURPHY American: 1853—1921 58. FRAIL TREES Wilel Ral. 545. A green plain stretching away to the horizon, which is blocked with dark foliage meeting the cloudy sky. Across the middle a thin vaporous line of birch and maple saplings, half-denuded of their foliage. Signed at lower left, J. FRaNcis Murpuy, and dated 1893 Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration | te aS eee Peer yaaa eS a euwue CRANE, N.A. American: 1857— 59. THE WHEAT FIELD The grain is partly cut, two lines of sheaves rising in the stubble; at left and right, the wheat is still standing, the patches separated by a green meadow. ‘The whole scene is enclosed by trees with a white cottage in the left middle distance. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE Height, 16% inches; length, 25% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ¥ 4 [See illustration ] Pn) — 60. 61. LOUIS KRONBERG American: 1872— THE BLUE FAN Standing figure of a girl in a pink ballet dress with a yellow sash, her back turned to the observer; her head, with its long dark brown hair, in profile to the left. In her left hand she holds a turquoise- blue fan up to her breast. Signed at lower right, L. KRONBERG Pastel: Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club Property of a Private Collector FRANKLIN DE: HAVER American: 1856— RUSSET TREES Brown earth with scattered rocks and a fringe of brilliant russet- red trees in the full glory of autumn foliage, before a blue sky. Signed at lower right, F. DE HaveEN, and dated rgo1 Height, 16 inches; length, 27 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw 62. 63. Mamie MM HENRY HIE LIARD American: 1836—1910 LANDSCAPE WITH WINDMILL A patch of blue sky ringed about with threatening clouds darkening at right and left. At the left, a clump of trees springing from behind a ruined fence; at the right, a flat green plain. A narrow stream winds through the whole, passing before cows pasturing on the meadow before the central mass of the windmill and trees. 3 Signed at lower right, W. H. Hitirarp Height, 16% inches; length, 2334 inches Property of a Private Collector eenisr ELMER BROWNE, A.N.A. American: 1871— ICE-BOUND TUG BOAT A quay with buildings and a line of freight trucks in the back- ground, figures and carts standing in the snow; at the left is moored a barque. Bound fast in the ice of the foreground is a small steam tug. Signed at lower left, Geo. ELMER BROWNE, and dated 1899 Height, 20 inches; length, 25% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw BR G'G Es “CeRABNED oa Nee American: 1857— 64. BEFORE THE STORM 65. In the right foreground, a cottage amid trees, the long grasses washed by a tiny stream. Over the open fields the sun is shining for an instant on the white gable of a distant farmhouse, over- shadowed by a huge pool of black cloud. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE Board: Height, 13 inches; length, 24 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw FRANKLIN DE HAVEN American: -1856— THE COUNTRY ROAD A winding brown road curves in the sunshine away at the left, with rough grassland on one side and a stone wall fencing cottages at the right. ‘The scene is bounded by the edge of a wood overlooking theosea: Signed at lower right, F. pp Haven Height, 21 inches; length, 34 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw j ; 7 : { ; SYDNEY M. -LAURENCE American: Contemporary 66. SUNSET A marine depicting a desolate shoal, on which are mouldering hulks surrounded by gray water; a smoky sky is lighted by a broad red sun. Signed at lower right, S$. M. LAuRENCE, and dated 1899 Height, 34 inches; width, 30 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ReeewvilLliAM HAMILTON, R.A. British: 1751—18o01 67. MRS. SIDDONS AS EUPHRASIA Before a dark background of fort and seacoast, with black clouds, is the actress in a flowing white robe, heavily fringed with gold and trailing white headdress, her head in profile to the right, her left arm raised in declamation. Height, 2634 inches; width, 18% inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson 68. GEORGE “HH. BPOGE RT 3) Ne American: 1864— AUTUMN HARMONIES A small patch of water in the centre of the foreground catches the yellow light of the evening sky; at the right, the brown earth slopes upwards, patterned in the distance with russet foliage. At the left, two dark trees on the edge of the water. | Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold (fq@o 5 69. 70. WALTER L. PALMER Ne ! American: 1854— MARINE, VENICE A view from the lagoon near the islands; a diminishing line of three fishing boats with triangular lateen sails, and behind, the broad expanse of the city in the sunshine, with its domes and campanili The sky and water are a clear gray-green. Signed at lower right, WALTER L. Parmer, and dated 1895 Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches Sold to close an Account SAMUEL COLMAN American: 1833—1920 FALLING AUTUMN The brown earth and stubble of weeds is broken in the middle dis- tance by a piece of water beside which cattle are grazing; the clear- ing is surrounded by tall trees with half-naked branches, the ground rising sharply at the left to a mountain strewn with huge boulders. Height, 20 inches; length, 33 inches Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field . ; l2°A> POSE PET | American: Contemporary | 71. AUTUMN LANDSCAPE | A great bank of grayish-white cloud, spread over a brilliant blue sky, looks down on the greenish-brown stubble of a flat country, -amid which are scattered cows, pasturing. At the left are woods; in the right foreground, russet and brown trees surrounding a barn. Signed at lower right, I. A. JosepHi Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Sold to close an Account . ¥ yo- - mere kt REID, N.A. American: 1862— wares Gini HT THE GATE A young woman with reddish-brown hair, dressed in white, is stand- ing at a latticed gate and looking eagerly in the spectator’s direc- tion. Over a high garden wall behind her and extending to the right, the foliage of trees and the lighter tones of tall blossoming shrubbery. Signed at lower left, RopertT REID Height, 36 inches; width, 30 inches Property of a Private Collector Beets ier SCHOOL XVIII Century 73. PORTRAIT OF A LADY A young girl with powdered hair, wearing a brown bodice with white muslin collar and jade-green wrap, is painted at half-length before a curtain of leafage, the head turned to half-right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Sold to close an Account .. x 74. Sb ane co-~ 75: 76. JOHN WOOTTON British: 1690—1765 HUNTING THE STAG Four huntsmen and hounds have pursued the stag past the edge of a wood to the bank of a placid river which flows away into the middle distance, and is crossed by a bridge with three arches leading to a group of castle buildings. In the distance, the ground rises sharply to a rocky eminence. Height, 35% inches; length, 44 inches — Sold to close an Account : . JOSEPH WRIGHT (or Dersy], A.R.A. British: 1734—1797 DR. ISAAC WINSLOW A man of thirty, clad in a dark gray-green coat with white at the throat and wrists, is seated at a table, his face resting on his left hand, his right turning the pages of an anatomical treatise. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Sold to close an Account WILLIAM SHAYE Roane British: 1788—1879 COAST SCENE In the foreground, a group composed of an old fisherman and his two daughters before their boat. At his side, his dog is watching the creels and fish, two of the catch piled under a rude table. In the distance at the right, cliffs and the shore of the bay with vessels and a market cart. Signed at lower left, WM. SHAYER, SENR. Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Sold to close an Account ERNEST LAWSON, -N.A. American: 1873— 77. 2HE BATH A bedroom interior of chalky gray tones. A young mother in green blouse and apron, holding a baby, is seated on a chair and bending over a tub of hot water, a sponge in her hand. Signed at lower left, E. Lawson Height, 20% inches; length, 24 inches Purchased direct from the artist ee Cog wert vers Ort < Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw Pat Qu Sols Pores Dermwk Wow 'S-16 'FH#e Poise BRON BERG American: 1872— 78. BALLET GIRL IN ROSE Standing figure of a girl in pink ballet costume with long brown hair, holding a blue fan up to her face, which is tilted to half-right. The figure is lighted from invisible footlights below. &. Signed at upper right, L. KRONBERG, and dated 1922 Height, 20 inches; width, 13 inches Property of a Private Collector WG... WILLIAM MERRIPEY CHASE, ee American: 1849—1916 79. FORMAL GARDEN The green lawn dips in a gentle slope down to the gaily colored bed of flowers and the tall borders of the right foreground; through the trees at the right is a glimpse of the sea. Dominating the slope in the centre of the picture is a greenhouse with a low annex, cur- tained by a row of elms behind. Signed at lower right, WM. M. CHASE Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins apes ERNEST LAWSON American: -1873— 80. EARLY SPRING Painted in chalky gray, greens and whites. A river flows diag- ¥ onally across the scene in the left foreground, the near bank bor- Xo- dered with a line of white saplings. The opposite shore is of rising grassland with a cottage set on the slope. Signed at lower left, E. LAwson Height, 23% inches; length, 29 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw 81. 82. GEORGE INNESS, N..A. American: 1835—1894 PROSPECT OF WHOODED COUNTRY Looking down from a slight eminence, the view crosses a brook in the foreground, and traversing a broad meadow with scattered trees at the left, enters a thick belt of forest in the far distance, dark under a bank of white cloud. In the immediate foreground, the sight of the water is shut off by foliage with two trees. Signed at lower left, G. INNEss, and dated 1860 [ ? | Height, 21% inches; width, 15 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins # jx0- JULIAN RIX American: 1851—1903 THE GLADE A woodland path patterned with lateral shadows runs away from the centre of the picture behind a rocky mountain through the sparse trees; in the foreground, it is arched over by the almost black foll- age of beeches and oaks. Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Purchased from William Schaus Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner SAS - 50. ALEXANDER —H. WYANT American: 1836—1892 83. THE RIVER VALLEY ‘ , ie 4g 3 Cz lA) The view descends from th@ rocks and grassy knoll of the fore- ground through a belt of trees to the meadowland and the willows fringing the broad curved mirror of a river. At left and right are gentle hills thickly wooded and spread out with clearness in the bright June sunshine. Signed at lower right, A. H. Wyant, and dated 1865 Height, 17 inches; length, 27 inches Sold to close an Account [See illustration | PaaS eta oe ‘ * nat ~ x5 * a eae XY 4 22, oe Ae, GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. American: 1833—1905 84. THE JUDGMENT OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER Seventeenth century interior with a square casement window looking out on meadow and village. In a state chair is seated the governor in black clothes and white ruff, balancing in his hands two books; at the right, a table covered with a red cloth at which are two young clerks. A rustic is seated on a stool at the left, his hat on the floor. Signed at lower left, Geo. H. BouGHTON, and dated 1876 Height, 24% inches; length, 30 inches From T. Richardson and Co., London Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field [See illustration | 85. CHILL DE -H ASSAM en American: 1859— BREAKFAST IN THE GARDEN D Before a thick wall of greenery, with a stone arch at(mhe left, is a table laid with a white cloth and covered by breakfast dishes and a pot of orange nasturtiums. Seated before it on a painted bench, a young woman, in a white dress and blue hat with flowing veil, her breakfast finished, is sewing placidly in the flood of sunshine. Signed at lower right, Cu1Ltpe Hassam, and dated 1910 Inscribed on back with initials and dated 1910 | Height, 35% inches; length, 40 inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration ] ie Le No. 85. BREAKFAST IN THE GARDEN )5 +0. GIL BER ob Leek E American: 1754—1828 86. SIR JAMES MURRAY PULTENEY Before a dark background, the figure of a handsome man with powdered white hair, dressed in a scarlet military uniform with epaulets, dark facings and white ruffled stock. The head is turned to half-right, the lips slightly compressed and bearing an expression of disdain. . Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Note: Sir James Murray, afterwards Pulteney, served under Cornwallis in America in 1775; took part in the unsuccessful attempt on Charleston, S. C., 1776, and was later engaged in operations about New York, at the capture of Santa Lucia, etc. Married Laura Pulteney, Baroness Bath, whose father was a rich commoner and the greatest holder of American stock. Engraved by Arme, 1775 Sold to close an Account [See illustration | eee No. 86. Str JAMES MurrAY PULTENEY ————— CU, el eS RIDGWAY. KiNG as American: 1845—1924 87. AFTER THE STORM [LQ bla ff In the foreground, in a Normandy garden of gay flowers stands a young peasant girl in white blouse, brown bodice and skirt and clogs, holding a pot of geranium in her hand and looking ruefully at the damage done by the rain. In the distance a broad expanse of rolling country riven by a stream. Signed at lower right, RipGway KNIGHT, Paris Height, 46 inches; width, 35% inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration | * 88. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. British: 1723—1792 THE YOUNG GARDENER {{ 0 “Pe i udeld In a clearing, against a background of ae Soealied is the figure of a child of three, sitting on an upturned wheelbarrow and grasp- ing in the right hand a spade, in the left a book. The child is dressed in a light brown frock, with black shoes. Height, 36 inches; width, 2834 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration ] os 2. GEORGE MORLAND ; British: 1763—1804 89. THE HORSE DEALER us, US: Ce aneuee ae A yard bounded by a stone cottage at the right and a thatched ba at the left, over which towers the dark brown foliage of a huge oak. On the steps, a peasant woman in white blouse washing, children, a white cat and a parrot in a cage. he main group is composed of a servant in pink waistcoat, holding a brown horse, with a white spaniel and two pigs about his feet; at the horse’s head a figure : in black is conver ys 0g a pene cam in black coat and shovel hat. Signed at lower twit initials, G. Mp. Height, 34% inches; length, 45 inches Painted on the Isle of Wight in 1790 = Ae + From the collection of the late W. J. White Fe (J 6 [See illustration ] No. 89. THe Horse DEALER 22 SIR PETER LELY Flemish: 1618—1680 90. H. M. KING JAMES II ity Three-quarter length figure in state robes of blue silk lined with yellow and red velvet cap, with the chain and George of the Order of the Garter about his neck; the face framed by a mass of full brown hair. Dark background with a column at the right. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | lan gi. Siewert bn 1, BoE Y Flemish: 1618—1680 LADY DUDLEY The rich folds of a brown drapery hang down at the left, falling over a marble frieze; seated beside it, her right elbow resting on the marble, is a young woman in a brown silk dress with white at the sleeves and neck and curly dark brown hair, her body posed to half-left. A Height, 49% inches; width, 40% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | ASO. ops. Sake JOHN SINGLETON COPD American: 1737—1815 THOMAS CONOLLY, ESQ. Portrait of a young man in an indigo-blue coat and peacock-blue waistcoat braided with gold, with white at the neck; the ruddy oval face turned towards the observer. Background of green foliage, obscured by a square brown column at the right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Sold to close an Account [See illustration | se 1. TOTEN: ODO PLE CRED - British: 1761—1807 93. SIR HENRY DUDLEY the nobleman stands with his left arm resting on a bookcase, his head turned to half-right. Background of a dark red wall with a marble column at the left. Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches Sold to close an Account ¥ | 00- SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. [ ATTRIBUTED TO | British: 1769—1830 94. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL IN 4 WHITE DRESS The sitter at three-quarter length to half left, the head turned to- wards the observer and curled in dark brown ringlets; the left arm ish-black drapery. Background with brown foliage. Height, 38% inches; width, 30 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ¥ 4.0 - meeermav MERRITT CHASE, N.A. American: 1849—1916 ! @o ees, LIFE On the table a group of two dead fish, lumps of ice, a splint creel and a small red bowl. Dark brown background . Height, 30 inches; length, 42 inches Sold to close an Account | ee At three-quarter length and dressed in black, with a white jabot, ) Oo, resting on a table with a book, and partly covered by a dark brown- Lpe 96. bo. 97: AUGUS PUS hi OFF Vien American: 1869—I1914 WATCHING THE BOAT A group composed of a lady in white dress and veil, a girl in white and a boy in red jersey, with bare feet, sitting on the rocks at a sea- shore at the edge of a pool and watching the evolutions of a toy sailing boat. In brilliant colors, suffused with the light of late afternoon. Signed at lower right, AuGUsTus Koopman, and dated 1904 [ ?] Height, 32 inches; length, 40 inches Union League Club, New York, 1915 Sold to close an Account WILLIAM MERRITA CHASE American: 1849—1916 OCTOBER A large canvas portraying a rolling plain patterned with the russet- red brown and dark green of autumn among the grasses and scat- tered bushes. ‘The sky is a pale bluish-gray and darkened at the zenith by rain clouds. Signed at lower left, Wm. M. CHASE 40 inches square Sold to close an Account ee oe, ks As Peo ey NA American: 1832—1895 98. MARINE WITH SHIPS yp 0 Turbulent gray sea with tossing schooner-rigged fishing vessels and dark undulating land in the distance at the right. Above are heavy cumulus clouds. Signed at lower right, M. F. H. De Haas, N.A. Height, 24 inches; length, 4034 inches Collection of F. L. Steenken, New York Property of a Private Collector Wao - meruolUS KOOPMAN American: 1869—1914 99. GOING TO THE BOAT In the extreme foreground, a swiftly moving group painted in profile to the left and composed of a fisherman, his wife in a blue 5 bodice and red skirt bearing a baby on her back, and her young O daughter holding a lantern. Background of red-roofed houses and green sea in the hard early morning light. Signed at lower right, AuGusTUSs KooPMAN Height, 39% inches; width, 32 inches Exhibited at the Worcester Art Museum, Mass. Rome Exposition, 1911, No. 179 Sold to close an Account Yao 100. |} do. TOL. G2: PLE ST E-RY DEUS eh ieaans Dutch: 1684—1734 A HUNTING PARTY IN THE ENVIRONS OF ELY Close country, well wooded, with a prospect of Ely Cathedral in the distance at the right. In the left foreground are huntsmen and whips, surrounded by an eager pack of white foxhounds. Height, 25 inches; length, 44% inches Sold to close an Account ITALIAN 3S:C bors XVII Century DANCING PUTTI Landscape with trees and figures of two nude putti, one holding a floral garland, and dancing round a basket of flowers. In original Régence carved and gilded frame. } Height, 53 inches; width, 31% inches Property of a Private Collector PIETER TILDE Mags Dutch: 1684—1734 THE STAG HUNT Undulating grassy landscape interspersed with trees, with a wide view in the distance. In the right foreground, a group of hunts- men of the time of Queen Anne, watching hounds plunge through the stream to drag down the quarry, which has turned at bay at the left. Height, 56% inches; width, 51 inches Sold to close an Account 26 ——————s cum ANS BONY VAN eDY CK [ScHOOL OF | Belgian: 1599—1641 103. THE DEPARTURE Before a green drapery, a group composed of a bearded citizen in a fur-trimmed coat and his wife with her left arm about his shoulders; an elderly lady in black dress and white hood taking leave of their child. Height, 29 inches; length, 38% inches Property of a Private Collector % 60 - UNKNOWN 104. THE HAND OF THE PAINTER A white-haired old man in brown coat, seated on a stool before his easel, at work on a canvas of the Madonna and Child; his failing right hand is guided by the figure of an angel robed in violet, with spread white wings. Height, 49% inches; width, 28% inches Property of a Private Collector Peer SCHOOL XVIII Century 105. PAIR OF OVERDOOR PAINTINGS EN CAMAIEU Figures of nude winged putti in landscapes, playing with flowers and a captive bird respectively. Monotone of brilliant green. Height, 31% inches; length, 43 inches Property of a Private Collector ri, . 106. LOG: ¥ [a0- AR DIST UN RNO WN PORTRAIT OF 4d MAN IN BLACK Full-length at life size and facing the observer, of a gentleman in early seventeenth century costume of black with lace ruff and cuts, his left arm on his hip. Background of crimson curtain. Height, 78% inches; width, 51% inches Sold to close an Account ENG LT Si SiGe OUEEN CATHERINE Life size full-length in gold brocade and dark green velvet trimmed with ermine, the dress hung with ropes of pearls. he right hand rests on the royal crown, which is standing on a table. Brown background. | Height, 94% inches; width, 58 inches Sold to close an Account [END OF FIRST SESSION] SECOND AND LAST SESSION Thursday March 3, 1927 at 8:15 O'clock 108. 109. Catalogue Numbers 108 to 214 Inclusive ores PACOURS VEYRASSAT French: 1828—1893 TWO HORSE TEAMS [a] A chestnut and a dappled gray, bridled and covered with blue cloths, in profile to the right. Signed below, J. VEYRASSAT Height, 4 inches; length, 534 inches [p] A gray, facing right and turned away from the observer, a brown horse nuzzling his flanks; also bridled and covered with blue cloths. Signed at lower left, J. VeyRASSAT Height, 33% inches; length, 6% inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson M. LAMBRON French: XIX Century UN HERBORISEUR Sprawled out on a green bench in a garden, with a butterfly net and sling cast beside him, is a gentleman in a scarlet coat, white waist- coat and pink breeches, wearing an enormous bicorne and fanning himself leisurely while he reads. Signed at lower left, LAMBRON, and dated 1873 Panel: Height, 5% inches; width, 4 inches Collection of the late F. Hermann, New York, 1918 Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner H:. GUDAWN French: XIX Century 110. FISHING BOATS Lik Figures busy at boats in the shallows, the ocean behind misty under a pinkish sky. Signed at lower right, H. GuDIN | Panel: Height, 5% inches; length, 834 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ETIENNE BERNE-BEL LE CO French: 1838—r19gI10 GRENADIER IN UNDRESS Sitting before the gray wall of a fortification, his back half towards the observer; in red and white jerkin with blue sleeves, his cuirass and accoutrements on the ground behind him. Signed at lower left, E. BERNE-BELLECOUR Panel: Height, 6% inches; width, 434 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White THEODORE CHARLES FRERE French: 1815-——1888 . NORTH AFRICAN SCENE Camels silhouetted against the sunset and crossing a stone bridge over a river; on the left bank, palms. At the right, figures of natives. Signed at lower right, Tu. FRERE Panel: Height, 51% inches; length, 7 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner JEAN CHARLES MEISSONIER French: 1852—1917 113. TWO MINIATURE STUDIES OF GRENADIERS One in green uniform with helmet and drawn sword, mounted on a brown horse; in upper right-hand corner, a second head. Signed at lower right with initial M. Panel: Height, 634 inches; width, 4% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White KEMENALY Hungarian: XIX Century 114. THE AMBUSCADE A young lady in a rose and white Directoire robe, descending the stone steps of a landscape garden. On the near side of the rustic balustrade and the mound of rocks, are two gallants lurking in wait for her. Signed at lower left, KEMENALY, and dated MUNCHEN, 1889 Gouache: Height, 7% inches; width, 6 inches Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field Peetu VAN LEEMPUTTEN Belgian: 1841—1902 115. HENS AND COCKERELS On the edge of a field a rooster strutting among a group of six hens; in the background on a hill a farmhouse with thatched roofs among trees. Signed at lower left, CAMILLE VAN LEEMPUTTEN Panel: Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches Property of a Private Collector IRVING . GWE Ss se American: 1861— 116. HEAD OF A’ SICILIAN GIRL Head and shoulders in profile to the right of a dark-haired young girl wearing a brightly striped bodice, her head covered with a white hood. Dark background. Signed at upper right, Irvinc R. WILEs, and dated 1887 Panel: Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches — Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw R. EISERMANN German: XIX Century 117. PORTRAIT Head and shoulders, facing half right, of a young woman in a jeweled turban and white blouse, wrapped in a crimson velvet cape and with a golden chain over her shoulders. Signed at upper right, R. EIssRMANN Panel: Height, 734 inches; width, 6 inches I. N. Seligman Collection, American Art Association, 1926 Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson S318. 119. 120. CMeRISTIAN DLEDT RICH German: 1712—1774 NYMPHS BATHING Romantic rocky landscape with ruins perched on a cliff at the right and a river flowing swiftly through the boulders at the bottom of the cleft. On the rocks in the left foreground, are female figures and two sheep. Fleight, 7*4 inches; length, to inches Thompson Collection, New York, 1870 Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson fe ove BITS SL XIX Century A CAVALRY CHARGE A squadron of light cavalry in blue uniforms with red breeches, swords drawn, is charging across the grass towards the observer. Signed at lower left, J. Mrissi, and dated 1890 [ ?] Height, 8 inches; length, 11 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson fee GEORGES VIBERT French: 1840—1902 THE AMBUSH Lurking behind a heavy green arras, drawn up at the left, is the figure of a musketeer in half-armor with red breeches and plumed hat, grasping with his left hand the barrel of a gun; his body is bent in an attitude of listening. Signed at lower left, J. G. Vipertr Panel: Height, 10 inches; width, 734 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson \a - HWPAR Tee a 123) THOMAS (GO Us Cisse French: 1815—1879 HORSE’S HEAD Head and neck in profile to the left, of an old gray horse; dark brownish background. Signed at lower left with initials, I. C. Height, 9% inches; length, 12 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson EDWARD EMERSON SIMMONS American: 1852— WINTER LANDSCAPE, HUDSON RIVER A winter morning with the turgid waters of the river and their background of low houses and smoking factory chimneys under a gray sky. Signed on back, Epwarp SIMMONS, 1893-94 Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches Property of a Private Collector IRVING R. WILES, ee American: 1861— CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK, FROM THE ARTIST'S STUDIO In the foreground the vague mass of the park, backed by the tower- ing piles of the buildings of the southern side, suffused by a gray light. Signed at lower left, Invinc R. WILEs, 1918 Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches Property of a Private Collector ee ee yt ae FERDINAND JAN MONCHABLON French: 1855—1903 124. BORDS DE L’APANCE [ Haute-Marne | In the brilliant sunshine the fields are yellow and green and gay with the colors of stubble and the shrubs and reeds lining the banks of a stream, two branches of which converge into one in the left foreground. At the right a woman in white blouse and apron raking the grass into heaps; in the distance other figures. Signed at lower right, JAN MONCHABLON Inscribed on back, JAN MoncuHasBLon, OF. 85, with title Height, 934 inches; length, 14 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ¥ x0. oe nO RL Austrian: XIX Century 125. PEASANT WOMAN WITH FLOWERS Before the gray wall of a cottage is seated a dark-haired young woman in pink blouse and brown apron, holding a bunch of roses; at the left, a table with a pitcher, a flower pot, and a basin of flowers. At her feet sprawls a white cat. Signed at upper left, L. Kouri, and dated 1889 Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field Wig. 126. 27, 125. —— PERBOYRE French: XIX Century CAVALRY RECONNOISSANCE On a road in a foreground, figures of troopers in laced blue coats and red breeches, reining in and firing. Vista of landscape with — woods behind, and a village at the right towards which cavalry is massing. Signed at lower right, PERBOYRE Panel: Height, 11% inches; length, 15 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White GUSTAVE. J AC OW ree French: 1846—1909 PORTRAIT OF dA YOUNG WOMAN Bust portrait, with head almost in profile to the right, of a young girl with fair hair tied with a mauve ribbon, and yellow and green striped dress, a white scarf knotted loosely about her throat. Signed at left, G. JACQUET Panel: Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ALEXANDRE GABRIEL Di Ga French: 1803—1860 CLASSICAL SCENERY Dark foreground, with subdued lights appearing from a dark green- ish-blue sky that shows warm lights above the horizon, a blue lake with blue mountains beyond it. Close in the foreground a pool, and in the middle distance the ruins of a portal. From the left comes a maiden in red, carrying a jar on her head. Panel: Height, 8% inches; length, 10% inches Sold to close an Account es LEO CHARLES HERRMANN - French: 1838—1907 129. L’INCROYABLE On a pathway leading through a private park, a macaroni in scarlet coat, white vest, fawn knee breeches and red striped stock- ings is sprawled on a rush-seated chair, his right leg cocked up on the back of a second and his quizzing glass raised to his eye. Signed at lower right, Leo HERRMANN Height, 12 inches; length, 13% inches Property of a Private Collector ¥ \N0- tees COU RINEY CURRAN, N.A. American: 1861— 130. IDEAL HEAD Graceful head and shoulders portrait of a young girl wearing a black evening dress, her fair head with its long auburn hair in profile to the left. Board: Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ReoekR it BIERSTADT German: 1830—1902 131. LAKESIDE LANDSCAPE At the left a green shore with oaks and beeches rising abruptly to jagged mountains; on the still water of the lake is a species of gondola, a small rowing boat putting in to the near shore. Signed at lower left with monogram, A. B., and dated 1857 Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 13 inches Property of a Private Collector Yso - ¥ Jlo- ee Tags 134. EUGENE, Jc VERBOE CKHOY 2 Flemish: 1799—1881 SHHEP INGA EYRE Interior of a wooden barn, with a group of sheep and rams before a swinging rack filled with forage; around them poultry and hares. Signed at lower left, E. VERBOECKHOVEN, and dated 1877 Authenticated on back of panel: “Je soussigné déclare que le tableau ci-contre est original.’ Euc. J. VERBOECKHOVEN, Bruxelles ioe iy Panel: Height, to inches; length, 14 inches Property of a Private Collector A. JAM BU Ralgng Italian: 1843—1876 A GOOD VINTAGE Three-quarter length figure of an old monk in brown robes and cap, wearing spectacles and grinning appreciatively at a dusty wine bottle which he holds up in his left hand. Dark background. Signed at upper left, A. TAMBURINI, and dated 1893 Height, 1434 inches; width, 11% inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold GERMAN SC EQiO%8 LE COUCHER DE VENUS Interior, the bed hung with green drapery. Kneeling on her dis- carded robes, her back to the observer, is the nude figure of a woman, her curly hair tied with ribbon, about to get into bed. Panel: Height, 15% inches; width, 13% inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold a j * ELIE ANATOLE PAVIL French: 1875— 135. AVENUE DU BOIS DE BOULOGNE, EN PRINTEMPS Looking down the broad Avenue towards the Arc, the road is seen almost entirely covered by horse carriages proceeding in either direction, the sidewalks with pedestrians strolling in the sunshine. At left and right, converging lines of trees. Signed at lower right, Erie PAviL Water-color: Height, 15% inches; length, 22 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins Zeros tk RR, Ril. British: Contemporary 136. MICAWBER AND DAVID COPPERFIELD IN THE KING’S BENCH PRISON A gloomy yard, with figures of men and women moving about; in the right foreground, a young woman bending over a trough. Pass- ing her are the figure of the boy David in a gray suit and the irre- pressible Micawber, in a brown coat, blue waistcoat and smalls, his quizzing glass raised to his eye. Signed at lower left, H. R. Steer, R.I., and dated 1885 Water-color: Height, 19% inches; width, 16 inches Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field moOOLE. TIDEMAND Norwegian: 1814—1876 137. AN INTERESTING STORY Interior of a rude cottage with a hen roost. Two children, a boy and a girl, are sitting in rapt attitudes, listening to a story told by the old grandmother at her spinning wheel. Signed at lower left, A. TiDEMAND, and dated 1854 Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches Sold to close an Estate K is. 139. 140. Bs. -P. OMMEGAN CK Belgian: 1755—1826 SHEPHERD AND FLOCK Grassy mountain pasture, high above a stream at the right. Ona ledge are three sheep, and a peasant shepherd seated with his back towards the observer, facing the sunset. Panel: Height, 14% inches; length, 17% inches Sold to close an Estate co (5 Eee ee Dutch: XIX Century THE DESERTED ROOM Opening the door into an empty room is a child in red dress and white pinafore, holding timidly on to the arm of her mother, who, clad in a black crinoline, is holding the candle. Signed at lower left, J. ROSIERSE Panel: Height, 13 inches; width, 10% inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson LOUIS BRAOD A a French: Contemporary THE- BEACH ALi ali, A sandy shore with scattered figures and two striped bathing tents; in the background at the left, a building. The sky is filled with wind- swept rain clouds. Signed at lower right, BRAQUAVAL Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. J. S.: Berliner 4 Ce 141. 142. PEEMISE SBCAOUOL XVIII Century NYMPH DISROBING In a glade is reclining a maiden with auburn hair, loosely wrapped in white and blue garments and resting on a tawny-red drapery, her right arm upraised to remove her veil. Height, 18 inches; length, 21 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner Senne - DET TI Italian: 1847—1915 A CAVALIER Colorful figure in red leather doublet with green sleeves, and brown knee breeches, sitting on the edge of a table covered with a rug, his left knee raised; in his left hand a clay pipe. Signed at lower right, C. DeTT! Height, 16% inches; width, 11 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ¥ xx. 143. feaewcas DAVIS MILLET British: 1846—1914 PORTRAIT OF MISS K. Before a warm brown background, a bust portrait of a charming fair-haired young girl in profile to the left; the sitter wears a loose white muslin blouse decorated with a spray of white asters at the corsage. Height, 16% inches; width, 14 inches Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Seventy-third Annual Ex- hibition, 1904 Collection of Gustavus T. Kirby, New York Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson 144. T's WLIUEULTAMe MY RES Dutch: 1844—19I10 CATTLE GRAZING Flat Dutch meadows with windmills on the horizon and the thin ribbon of a canal crossing the right middle distance. In the extreme right foreground, a pool, beside which are two cows, one brown and the other roan. Signed at lower left, Wirt1am Maris Water-color: Height, 16% inches; length, 22 inches American Art Association, 1911 Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner JOHANN MEYER VON OER German: 1813—1886 THE UNIVILLING VEEP An interior with two small boys standing in the doorway and mock- ing at a third who is standing with his dog beside a spinning wheel, holding wool for his grandmother to wind. Height, 18% inches; width, 1§ inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner HEN RID eo French: 1851— EVENING Purplish gray sky with crescent moon, the haze enveloping a few scattered trees and the small cottage in the right middle distance with its firelit interior. At the right of a stream which curves through the meadows in the foreground, is seated a dark figure. Signed at lower right, H. LEROLLE Height, 15% inches; length, 18% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White . —— gg — y . . «stg nn! - | DANIEL ‘CHODOWTECKI Polish: 1726—1801 147. LA TOILETTE Eighteenth century interior, a lady in a pink dress seated at her dressing table and attended by her coiffeur; at her right hand, a small child, at the left a seated gallant in blue coat and knee breeches. A maid stands before the door at right. Signed at lower left, DANIEL CHODOWIECKI, and dated 1762 Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches Property of a Private Collector Ad; ELIE ANATOLE PAVIL French: 1875— 148. PLACE DE LA CONCORDE In the centre is the Obelisk, thrusting a gray finger into a yellowish- gray sky with a pale sun; in the background, the misty lines of public buildings. The white roadway is traversed by omnibuses, horse carriages, scattered groups of men, women and children. Signed at lower left, Erin PAvIL Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins mer, CRANE, NA. American: 1857— 1449. AUTUMN IN NEW ENGLAND A low rise swelling gently up to the right, of brown earth, with a farm on the brow of a hill; a meandering green fence cuts diagonally across the ground, leading to a copse of russet trees at the left, thick with dark shadows. In the foreground is a tiny stream. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins or... ee (os - io i JULES bk Hao French: 1827—1906 AWAY FROM THE SUNSET [1895] Conical haystacks are scattered over the white plain, which disap- pears into the darkness of the horizon; higher up the sky is slashed with pink cloud. On the road in the foreground, a woman and child are coming hand in hand towards the observer. Signed at lower right, JULES BRETON Authenticated on back: Ce tableau sort de l’atelier de mon pere; il la peint en 1895 a Courrieres, pres de Calais. Signed, VIRGINIE DEMONT BRETON Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches | Sold to close an Account ADOLPHE: MONTICE iy French: 1824—1886 THE GARDEN PARTY Interior of a copse of trees in which are figures of two men in medieval Italian costume, a lady in flowing robes kneeling on either side of them to form a symmetrical group. Painted in darkly modulated browns, greens and reds, with dragged white highlights. Panel: Height, 9% inches; length, 14 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson . aati 2 eee ee aN oe vs AO nN CE American: Contemporary 152. BROOKLYN BRIDGE IN d BLIZZARD 15 3- The corner of a jetty, the bow of a steam boat and a tug, covered with snow and ice and surrounded by the half frozen water with its cakes of floating ice. In the snow and mist looms up one of the piers of the bridge amid the swirling flakes. Signed at lower right, S. M. LAURENCE, and dated 1899 Height, 22% inches; width, 19 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ¥ so- eee ee CRANE, “NA. American: 1857— EVENING GLOW, WINTER The ground is covered with snow, broken in the right foreground by the dark ice of a pond and interspersed with brown clumps of underbrush. The gray sky is banded with yellow along the horizon, which terminates at the left in a cottage at the edge of a shivering russet wood. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw > ae JAN FRANS = VAN BLUES Flemish: 1656—1740 154. ROMANTIC LANDSCAPE 155. 156. Fanciful scenery, with the walls and towers of a town in the middle distance at the edge of the sea, a high rock rising behind. In the foreground trees, figures of barefooted men and women in flowing robes, and peasants and cattle fording a stream. Height, 25 inches; width, 1834 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White — CABAZ French: XIX Century MOULIN DE BERCENAY-EN-OTHE [Aube] A winding uphill road, along which trudges the bent figure of an old man, towards the windmill at the right; before it, a horse graz- ing, and the figure of a boy. Wild sky with black storm clouds. Signed at lower right, Ls. CABAZ Height, 24 inches; length, 24 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White BRUCE CRANE American: 1857— THE CORNFIELD The summer sun shines on the green and yellow stubble, and four stacks of golden grain; the horizon is bounded by trees and a band of purple hillside. Signed at lower left, BRUCE CRANE Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw PRANK LIN DE HAVEN, N.A. ‘American: 1 8 56— 167. WINDY LANDSCAPE Smooth water in the right foreground reflecting poplars and elms on the farther bank, shaken by the wind. In the left foreground a bank of rushes and bents with pinkish blossom. Gray cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, F. De HAveEN, and dated 1889 Height, 16 inches; length, 21% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ¥ x%- See y MM. LAURENCE American: Contemporary 158. MOONLIGHT, ST. IVES The seashore, fishing boats with bare poles beached on the sand; behind them, a clustered mass of brown houses with sloping roofs, the firelight shining through their windows. A cloud-racked sky is partly lighted by an invisible moon high overhead. Signed at lower right, S. M. LAURENCE, and dated 1899. Height, 19 inches; length, 22 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw 159. 160. BRU@E UC RAN ae American: 1857— THE STACKS A sloping hillside of stubble with two piles of stacked sheaves in the foreground. A ribbon of darker land on the horizon is inter- rupted by two trees. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE Height, 1§ inches; length, 20% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw EK. > M. BIG KaNgeae American: Contemporary NEW YORK BAY Gray sky and gray water, unrufled in the morning sunshine. At the left, the shore with buildings; on the water, a schooner-rigged vessel and in the foreground, a one-funnel steamer piloted by a small tug. Signed at lower left, E. N. BIcKNELL Height, 20% inches; length, 34% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ee THEODORE ROBINSON American: 1852—1896 61. PEELING APPLES A young woman in a black bodice and rose-pink apron is seated in a chair facing half-right beside a kitchen table, peeling apples into a basin on her lap. Signed at lower left, Tn. RoprNson Height, 20% inches; width, 16% inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw [See illustration | ¥ ( Xo- | So- 162. 163. 164. wRV I NiG> Rs. Wises s NEA: American: 1861— WASHING DAY The corner of a lawn bounded by wire netting; with beds and a greenhouse nearby. Across the angle of the fence is slung a short line on which a small girl in brown bodice and long white skirt is pinning tiny garments. Signed at lower right, IRviNG R. WILEs Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Property of a Private Collector GORTZIUS “GED DOR Dutch: 1553—1616 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN A WHITE RUFF A young lady with vandyked lace coif and stiffly starched ruff, wearing a white satin bodice and black velvet gown, and facing the observer. Dark background. Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 20 inches Collection of Dr. Sydney Martin, F.R.S. Sold to close an Account W. LEE-HANKEY British: Contemporary LE SOUPER At a table covered with a checkered cloth and laid with a scanty meal is an old woman dressed in black with a white cap seated in profile to the left, and stirring her soup. Dark background. Signed at lower left, W. LEE-HANKEY Height, 24 inches; length, 25 inches Awarded Honorable Mention at the Paris Salon Sold to close an Account ee a Beem RLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. American: 1861— 165. THE SIRENS A sun-warmed coast of huge boulders slopes down to the sea in the foreground; among the rounded rocks are nude figures of the sirens singing and playing on musical instruments. In the distance at the right, on the turquoise sea is the galley of Odysseus. Signed at lower right, CHARLES C. CURRAN, and dated 1893 Height, 18 inches; length, 32 inches Stanford White Collection, American Art Association, 1907 Awarded First Prize at the National Academy Property of Mrs. Max Rollins MmoeNnnte DELCLACROIX French: XIX Century 166. 4 MOORISH MARKET PLACE An irregular shaped place, with rows of booths at the left leading towards a Moresque archway; at the right, a castellated stone gate. Before the shops and in the square are groups of natives, _camels and donkeys. Signed at lower right, H. DELAcRoIx Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold a GUSTAV: VERBEEK : 1867—. 167. PTE OBEOR KINONO Lying on the ground, which is painted in warm grayish tones, is a young girl with long dark hair, sprawled out full-length and read- ing a paper; she is wrapped in a blue kimono patterned in scarlet and clasped at the waist by a brown obi. a a : —_-: 4 “ Signed at lower left, G. VERBEEK, and dated 1895 Height, 19 inches; length, 27 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ERNEST LAWSON hee American: 1873— 168.- LANDSCAPE AND-BROOK® The curving bank of the near-shore is a mass of pinks, reds and greens, amid which rise five bare saplings; the cold river flows swiftly between them and the undulating farther shore with its stretches of meadowland and distant farmhouses. Signed at lower left, E. Lawson Height, 21 inches; length, 23 inches Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw ¥ [See illustration | She < Dp BROOK No. 168. LANDSCAPE AN CHARLES EMILE. J[ACGGwe French: 1813—1894 169. FOWLS IN A BARN Interior of a stone barn, the corner of which is occupied by wooden props and brooms and an old roost. On the thick straw is a collec- tion of hens grouped about a brown cock. Signed at lower left, CH. JACQUE Height, 1034 niches; length, 14 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. American: 1853— 170. BREAKERS 17%. The brownish sea sweeping in lazy lines towards the shore on the left foreground and touched with the purple of the sky; the scene is lighted by a full yellowish moon. Signed at lower right, A. HARRISON Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Property of Mrs. Max Rollins mown nt) SU FNER, A.N.A. American: 1872— THE END OF THE DAY Autumn landscape with a tree near the centre casting its shadow on the grass, and the figures of a youth and maiden, followed by a man driving his team of farm horses, making their way towards the left on a road which crosses the middle distance. Signed at lower right, EDwARD DUFNER Pastel: Height, 34 inches; width, 29 inches Property of a Private Collector 172: Tee ie VITT OREO VMAATT Ti Os CO Ons er Spanish :18 5 9— THE BLACK DOMINO A gracefully posed bust-length portrait of a lady with powdered hair, wrapped in a black satin domino with a bunch of red ribbons on her left shoulder, her slender hand raised to her throat. Back- ground of red and yellow brocatelle hanging. Signed at upper right, V. Corcos, and dated 1885 Height, 24 inches; width, 15 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson A RT-ELU R DAW 5a American: Contemporary WOODLAND Patterned with the straight upright trunks of young trees with green and russet-red foliage; the ground thickly strewn with brown leaves and patches of undergrowth. Through the gaps in the foliage can be seen morsels of pale blue sky. Signed at lower left, ARTHUR DAwson Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Property of Mr. J. S. Berliner We “LEEBAHAN KEY - British: Contemporary 174. THE MARKET BASKET A young country girl in white striped blouse and blue skirt, a market basket on her right arm, is seated before a background of trees and hollyhocks, through which can be glimpsed the sun patterning the walls of a cottage. Signed at lower left, W. Ler-HANKEY Height, 25% inches; width, 21% inches Sold to close an Account ¥ i bo- Pee PAUL JOSEPH NOEL Flemish: 1789—1822 175. THE CANAL IN AMSTERDAM Realistic work, portraying in bright sunlight a paved avenue and a a canal spanned by an arched stone bridge, and flanked by buildings. In the foreground under the lofty trees are horses, an orange vendor, and a man unloading cabbages from a small boat. Signed at the lower right P. J. NoEL, and dated 1813 Height, 1934 inches; length, 28% inches Property of a Private Collector Lu s- Memon ke ALFRED BELLET French: 1823—1883 176. THE WREATH OF CHERRIES Three-quarter length figure of a young lady in a rose dress and flowered blue shawl holding a mirror before her face; her long brown hair is bound with a wreath of red cherries. Height, 32% inches; width, 26 inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold c: Ligne 4 iyo- ee 178. 1779. H. DELORME French: XIX Century THE BLACKSMITH Standing figure in profile to the left of the sturdy workman facing the glare of his forge and holding up by pincers a white-hot horse- shoe as he reaches up to force the draft. About him a litter of horseshoes and ironwork, with the anvil at his back. From the collection of the late W. J. White Height, 37 inches; width, 29% inches From the collection of the Late W. J. White B..€, KOEK KROES Dutch: 1803—1862 WIN TIGh SCENE. At the left a skater and a man pushing a sledge on a frozen stream, by which stand thatched barns; at the right a snow-covered road runs away from the observer through a forest of pines and firs, a peasant on a horse passing a tumble-down thatched hut at the side of the road. Signed below, B. C. KoEKKOEK, and dated 1842 Height, 23% inches; length, 28% inches Property of a Private Collector ERNEST LAWSON SOP American: 1873— THE YOUNG MOTHER Bedroom interior flooded with pale sunlight, the bed at the right. Beside it is the hazy figure of a young woman with a green dress seated in the sunlight and holding in her arms a young baby. Signed at lower left, E. Lawson 29 inches square Purchased direct from the artist Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw Pt oe ; 181. JULIEN DUPRE French: 1851—1910 180. GIRL WATCHING CATTLE Young woman clad in black dress and blue apron, with a red hand- kerchief on her head, seated on the grass knitting and watching the black and white cattle scattered over the broad green meadows. In the right foreground is a patch of water and the swampy grass. Background of low hills and pale cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, JULIEN DupRE Height, 15 inches; length, 2134 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White ¥i10- SmORGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 APPROACHING STORM In the foreground, a road curving past a group of low thatched farm buildings at the right encircled by a fence and nestling amid trees. The middle distance and horizon are already of an inky blackness; the white sky is almost entirely covered at the right by a heavy pall of black clouds. Height, 26 inches; width, 20% inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson are Po. V5 LG:3: DU Sa PA Rey Spanish: 18511901 NIGHT : The black firmament studded with stars with a huge circular crescent moon; into which, her black veil dropped, is floating the nude dark- haired Night with arms upraised and right knee bent in embrace. Signed at lower right, FALERO Height, 40 inches; width, 21 inches Collection oh Mise ethene enta Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw OTTO DE TE O Austrian: 1828—1889 WINTER LANDSCAPE Through the drifts, the snow-covered plain in the depth of winter, with a haze of gray trees in the distance at the left and two stacks at the right, near the sunset. In the foreground, two lusty peasants each riding a small pony and leading a second, have made their way over the fields. Signed at lower right, O. DE THorEN Height, 23% inches; length, 39% inches From Gustav Reichard, New York Minneapolis Industrial Exposition, Art Department Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field or. EDOUARD HAMMAN French: XIX Century 184. HANDEL AT COURT OF GEORGE I In the foreground the stern of the state barge with figures of the royal oarsmen, and under a crimson canopy the monarch seated in state and accompanied by a nobleman, the queen at his side attended by two ladies. Before him and facing the observer is seated the figure of Handel, dressed in a light coat trimmed with lace. On the river behind is a boat containing an orchestra of musicians enter- taining the company. Signed at lower right, Ep. HAMMAN Height, 32% inches; length, 48 inches Collection Henri Bulla, Paris Sold to close an Account ¥ So. mieorAS DE LARGILLIERE French: 1656—1746 185. PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN A RED CLOAK Facing the observer, a dignified head and shoulders figure of a man in a full-bottomed wig and gray shirt, wrapped in a dark red mantle. Dark greenish background. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Property of a Private Collector Mies < SIMEON CHARDIN French: 1701I—1799 186. Ld DAME AVEC L’OISEAU Half-length, seated figure of a lady in a rose-pink dress, her right arm resting on a blue cushion; in her right hand a wild bird. Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches Property of a Private Collector ee FELIX ZIEM French: 1821—1gII 187. VENETIAN SUNSET | . In the foreground, the wide lagoon with the dark profile of a gon- dola against the yellowish water; at the left the Salute and the ‘ San Giorgio Maggiore, at the right the Campanile, St. Mark’s and the masts of vessels, the whole dominated by the torrid yellow of the sky. Signed at lower right, Zizm Panel: Height, 16% inches; length, 26% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration ] i | Zor cr ARLES CAZIN French: 1840—1901 188. COUNTRY CHURCH Wy (L, With owace My A gray sky filled with dark clouds looks down on a huddled mass of buildings composed of thatched cottages grouped around the white 9 yy Gothic church with steep gray roof and low tower, the whole inter- ' spersed with slender poplars and wreathed about by thick green and yellow foliage. Signed at lower left, J. C. CAZIN Height, 18% inches; length, 22 inches Exhibited at the Salon Champ de Mars, Paris, 1892 From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | W\qaes — 189. MOTHER AND CHILD (,, ff Nu A ia i Re g g)%: M PHAcb Ys MEN K ACS Ys Hinecar 1846—1I900 A dark interior, broken by the angle of a wall at the right. On the . stone floor stands a peasant woman, in a dark bodice and shawl, brown skirt and blue apron caught up in the right hand, holding © to her shoulder a young child, with her cloak wrapped closely about it. Signed at lower right, M. Munxacsy, and dated 1879 Panel: Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches Property of a Private Collector No. 189. MOTHER AND CHILD JEAN BAPTISTE GR French: 1725—1805 190. PRAYER OF THE VIRGIN e Cut Eighteenth century interior; a fair-haireV girl robed in white with | 8: a black scarf, kneeling beside a low bed, her hands clasped in prayer, her eyes looking upwards. : Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration | Pwite VAN MARCKE French: 1827—1890 i9t1. CATTLE AND CHICKENS In the middle of the grassy meadow at the right, cattle at pasture, on the farther bank of the stream; in the immediate foreground, the huge sturdy figure of a brown and white animal standing by a stone trough. About its feet, hens, one with a brood of three tiny chickens. Signed at lower left, EM. VAN MARCKE Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold ¥ yTO°- Co— 192. EMILE VAN MARCKE French: 1827—1890 LA VACHE Vigorously painted study of a magnificent brown and white cow, seen in full profile to the left, with the evening sun throwing high lights from the left on to its back. Green meadow with a fringe of trees behind. Signed at lower left, EM. VAN MARCKE Height, 1934 inches; length, 28 inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | eer Lio lr CAMILLE COROT French: 1796—1875 193. AISERY [COTE D’OR] In the right foreground, a dense mass of foliage before which are the figures of two women; looking down the road at the left, the vista is brought to an abrupt end by a gabled farmhouse, before which are the figures of a woman and a pack animal. Signed at lower right, CoRoT Height, 197% inches; length, 24 inches This painting is similar to the one illustrated in Robaut, L’Oeuvre de Corot, No. 845 From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | } ass — JEAN LOUIS GEROME French: 1824—1904 194. (GREEK GOATHERD The edge of the shore of an island, with scanty grass and a herd of black and white goats huddled in a hollow down at the left; the foreground littered with stones and huge fragments of classical entablatures and columns. On a capital, against which his flintlock rifle is leaning, is the figure of a dark-haired goatherd, with long coat of fleece and white skirts, playing on a lute. Across the water is the dark mass of another island of the we with a full red sun lighting the sky and water at the left. Signed below at centre, J. L. GEROME Height, 22 inches; length, 32 inches Purchased direct from the artist From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | SOO - No. 194. GREEK GOATHERD GUSTAVE COURBET French: 1819—1877. 195. LA BAIGNEUSE Before a gray wall, and seated on a bench, the nude figure of a young woman with dark hair, posed in profile to the right, the head turned towards the observer; her right leg is raised, crossed over her left and clasped between her hands. Inscribed on back of canvas, Etude, G. COURBET Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches Property of Mr. Daniel W. Patterson [See illustration] “Meteo = 4 ‘ | No. 195. LA BAIGNEUSE CONSTANT -T RODGes French: 1810—1865 196. GOATS IN A CLEARING ake In the foreground, three goats, two black and one white, on the grass in the evening sunlight; immediately behind them, a thick mass of foliage and undergrowth half-concealing the figures of a peasant woman with a red scarf and a child, their backs to the observer. Height, 36 inches; width, 28% inches From the collection of the late W. J. White [See illustration | mew itLiAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU French: 1825—1905 Oe Sal ; 197. FAUN AND BACCHANTE Against a background of light woods, with a spring visible at the right, a faun and a bacchante are seen in amorous dalliance, seated on the ground before a large tree of strongly leaning trunk which crosses the canvas. Both are smiling, their faces seen little more than in profile. The faun is young, with slightly tanned or swarthy flesh, and is turned toward the left, his right arm embracing the shoulder of the gay nymph, who faces him, an ivy chaplet in her black hair, white and rose-red draperies about her limbs. A pine- cone wand tied with a yellow bow is at her side, and the faun has Z in one hand a terra-cotta amphora. Signed at lower left, W. BoUGUEREAU, 1860 Height, 21 inches; length, 25% inches Purchased from William Schaus, New York : Property of Millard F. Tompkins, Esq. \ 60 — BENJAMIN CONSTANT French: 1845—1902 198. ALGERIAN WOMEN BY THE MEDITERRANEAN In the foreground, a square white stone ramp on which are two Algerian women wrapped in long cloaks, one sitting barefooted on the wall; at her feet are pots of geraniums. Further off at the left, a native is leaning over the sea-wall, looking out at the sullen blue waters, dull beneath the leaden clouds. Signed at lower left, BENJ. CONSTANT Height, 44 inches; width, 28 inches Property of a Private Collector Yios - 199. 200. TS AAC SAGA SZ Dutch: 1569—1631 JACOB AND REBECCA AT THE WELL Before an architectural ruin overrun with creepers is the figure of Jacob, in a brownish-pink coat, taking the pitcher from the hand of Rebecca, who is dressed in white and golden-yellow with a green cloak hung over the left arm. In an aperture at the right between the columns is the figure of a second woman bearing a jar of water on her head. | Signed illegibly on plinth above the figures and dated. Panel: Height, 38% inches; width, 25% inches Property of a Private Collector WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGURT i French: 1825—1905 THE MUSE Three-quarter length figure of a young girl in a white chiton draped with a blue cloak and holding a lyre in her right hand, the be-laureled head turned in profile to the right and the left hand carried up to the lips. Background of rocky sea-coast. Signed at the left, W. BOUGUEREAU, and dated 1861 Height, 53 inches; width, 37 inches Property of a Private Collector Y W’so + BENJAMIN CONSTANT French: 1845—1902 901. VICTORY Three-quarter length profile figure of a girl with auburn hair and bare neck and shoulders, wrapped in an écru robe and with a scarlet and gold silk drapery flung over the left arm, her hands resting on a pedestal surmounted by a winged Victory standing on a starry globe. The background is formed by a lacquer frame. po ae se al Signed at lower right, Beny. CoNsTANT BRT Height, 55% inches; width, 30 inches Property of a Private Collector cee eS 1s- PAUL JOBERT French: Contemporary 202. BOATS AT ANCHOR Evening light, with a group of seven fishing vessels moored by the quay in the foreground on the dark water. At the right are the houses of the port, the land curving round behind towards a grass- topped white cliff, in the lee of which are moored steam tugs and other sailing vessels. Signed at lower left, PAUL JoBeRT, DIEPPE Height, 59% inches; width, 4834 inches Sold to close an Account a 203. 1S Go: 204. GUE TOMR Ovary @ Italian: 1492—1546 PORTRAIT OF ‘A NOBLEMAN Three-quarter length figure of a young man in blue costume and olive-green fur-edged coat. At the left is a pedestal with a marble statue of Athene against a green background. Panel: Height, 52% inches; width, 37 inches Sold to close an Account ALESSANDRO MAG 3 Italian: 1681—1742 THE WRECK At the left, a wild rocky shore with two figures of monks in brown © robes kneeling in prayer; in the sea at the right, a tall galleon is going to pieces. Oval: Height, 46 inches; width, 36 inches Sold to close an Account [Companion to the following | ALESSANDRO MAGNA Italian: 1681—1742 ST. JEROME IN’ MEDITAIIORN Landscape with trees and distant mounds. In the foreground be- tween two groups of half bare trees, the bent bearded figure of the Saint in brown robes, with bare feet, a skull at his left and a wayside cross behind him. Oval: Height, 46 inches; width, 36 inches Sold to close an Account [Companion to the preceding | CHARLES E. PERUGINI Italian: XIX Century . FIRST WORDS OF LOVE Fave j 207. On a stone balcony overlooking a garden and a prospect of forest and blue hills, is the figure of a fair-haired maiden in pink and white robes and a Florentine gallant in brown doublet with puffed sleeves, trunk hose and a violet cap, the gallant carrying on an amorous conversation. Signed at lower right with initials, C. P. Height, 53 inches; width, 29% inches Property of James A. Field and William L. W. Field weeeeey FT APPERITZ German: 1813—1861 VENUS AND AMOR Graceful standing nude female figure, leaning backwards on a grass topped rock, scattered with wild flowers; on her right shoulder is perched a naked winged Cupid, whispering in her ear. Her dark hair is thrown back and flows over the grass. Height, 63% inches; width, 39% inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold YVGoo- aay Nit) LOCATELLI Italian: 1800— ROMANTIC LANDSCAPE 208. Landscape of grass-covered rocks coming down to the edge of the sea at the right, with mountains in the distance and a ruined castle on a hill at the left. In the left foreground, a herdsman with his wife and child driving a cow and two goats; at the right, two fishermen. Height, 35 inches; length, 59 inches Sold to close an Account a 209. oe 210. eae PIATS Be MELCHIOR D’HONDECOETER Dutch: 163 6—1695 Ld BASSE-COUR In the foreground, on a ridge, at the foot of a ruin surrounded by trees, is a miscellaneous flock of fowls, passerine birds, a rooster and an eagle. Height, 61 inches; width, 46 inches Sold to close an Account REMBRANDT VAN RYN ‘[ScHocr or} Dutch: XVII Century PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT Bust portrait against a gray background in a brown military coat, ~ a black cap with a white feather on the long black hair. Panel: Height, 25% inches; width, 19% inches Property of a Private Collector FRENCH SCHOO PORTRAUT (Olde te @ At three-quarter length, facing the observer and clad in a gold- brocaded dark blue dress with a dull rose scarf about the shoulders. Oval: Height, 37 inches; width, 29 inches Sold to close an Account g | , —— ZIBINI Italian: XV Century 212. MADONNA AND CHILD The Madonna at full length, seated facing the spectator, on a low garden coping before a landscape background, and wearing a crim- son gown and dark mantle lined in golden-yellow. She inclines her head toward the Child, who is seated on her knee. Panel: Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches Sold to close an Account RAPHAEL SANZIO [MANNER oF] Italian: XV-XVI Century 213. ST. JOHN Erect nude figure scantily draped with a leopard skin and leaning on rockery, his right hand pointing upwards to a rustic cross. In the distance at the right a perspective of landscape. | Panel: Height, 25% inches; width, 20 inches Property of a Private Collector B icc - meen CH SCHOOL 214. PORTRAIT OF A LADY AS DIANA had Three-quarter length facing the observer, in a white dress with gold basque and crimson wrap, a crescent in her powdered hair. Dark landscape background. Oval: Height, 40 inches; width, 32% inches Sold to close an Estate | | | | | LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS e. ae BEERS, Juuia H. Watering Cattle 24 -BELLET, PIERRE ALFRED ie The Wreath of Cherries 176 _ BERNE-BELLECOUR, Erienne ,”. Grenadier in Undress 111 | BICKNELL, E.M. _ | oe New York Bay | 160 | ‘ BIERSTADT, Atserr > Lakeside Landscape 131 | BLAKELOCK, Razpu Atserr, N.A. q Landscape 47 Home of the Indian 52 ee Study in Brown 49 | BOGERT, Georce.H., A.N.A. Dordrecht, Holland 32 Autumn Harmonies 68 BOUGHTON, GeEorce H., N.A., R.A. The Judgment of Wouter Van Twiller 84 BOUGUEREAU, Wittiam ApoLPHeE Faun and Bacchante 197 The Muse 200 BRAQUAVAL, Louis The Beach at St. Valery 140 BRETON, JuLes Away from the Sunset [1895] 150 BRISTOL, Joun B., N.A. The Lake BRITISH SCHOOL Portratteores loady BROWN, WILLIAM ALDEN Riverside Landscape BROWNE, GEorGE Emer, A.N.A. Ice-bound Tug Boat CABAZ, Moulin de Bercenay-en-Othe [Aube] CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES Country Church CHAPMAN, CarLeTon T. Marine, with Fishing Boats CHARDIN, SIMEON La Dame avec |’Oiseau CHASE, Witt1am MErrITT N.A. Formal Garden Still Life \/ October CHODOWIECKI, DANIEL La Toilette COLLINS, Wi tram, R.A. Country Landscape COLMAN, SamuEt, N.A. Falling Autumn CONROY, GEORGE Late Afternoon, St. Joseph’s, N. Y. Evening Glow, St. Joseph’s, N. Y. 7O : _ CONSTANT, Benjamin Victory 4 COPLEY, Joun SINGLETON, R.A. | Thomas Conolly, Esq. ~ CORCOS, Virrorio Mattrro | The Black Domino g COROT, JEAN-BAPTISTE CAMILLE ee Aisery [Cote d’Or] COURBET, Gustave La Baigneuse ; “COUTURE, THOMAS - Horse’s Head CRANE, Bruce, N.A. The Poet’s Hour After the Storm The Early Year The Wheat Field Before the Storm Autumn in New England Evening Glow, Winter The Cornfield The Stacks Head of a Young Woman Young Girl with a Bird Ideal Head The Sirens DAWSON, ARTHUR Woodland DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL Classical Scenery Algerian Women by the Mediterranean CURRAN, CHARLEs CourTNey, N.A. CATALOGUE NUMBER 198 201 92 172 193 195 I2]I 128 DE HAAS, M. F. H., N.A. Marine with Ships DE HAVEN, FRANKLIN, N.A. Rocks and Sea Russet Trees The Country Road Windy Landscape DELACROIX, HEnr1 A Moorish Market Place DE LARGILLIERE, Nicotas Portrait of a Man in a Red Cloak DELORME, H. The Blacksmith DE THOREN, OrtTo Winter Landscape DETTI, CrEsare A Cavalier D’HONDECOETER, Metcuior La Basse-cour DIELMAN, FRrReperick, P.N.A. Portrait of a Dutch Lady DIETRICH, Curistran - Nymphs Bathing DUFNER, Epwarp, A.N.A. The End of the Day DUPRE, Juzien Girl Watching Cattle DYER, H. A. The Hut 9° Ye Om ec 61 65 1$7 185 177. 183 142 Eat 7. img ae ew Dana ca By as od ‘ _ econ . 7, 7 ia — ‘ hl ta a alsin = _— i — = eee es we or — ee CATALOGUE “alt NUMBER _ | | | | _ EISERMANN, R. Portrait ry ae CHOOL : e en Catherine f _ FLEMISH SCHOOL Nymph Disrobing FRENCH SCHOOL Pair of Overdoor Paintings en Camaieu V Portrait of a Lady -V Portrait of a Lady as Diana FRERE, Tutovore CHARLES North African Scene GELDORP, Gortzius Portrait of a Lady in a White Ruff GERMAN SCHOOL Strong Wine Le Coucher de Vénus GEROME, Jean Louis Greek Goatherd GILLIG, JaAcos Still Life: Herrings GRAHAM, WILLIAM On the Tiber GREUZE, JEAN BAPTISTE Prayer of the Virgin GUDIN, H. Fishing Boats CATALOGUE NUMBER 117 141 105 211 /§7F2Z 214 45] 43 II2 I1O HAMILTON, Witiram, R.A. Mrs. Siddons as Euphrasia \ HAMMAN, Epovarp | Handel at Court of George I HARRISON, ALEXANDER, N.A. Breakers HASSAM, CuHILpe, N.A. Breakfast in the Garden HAWTHORNE, Cuartes W., N.A. Bermuda HAWKINS, Louis WELDEN Woman Mending HENRY, Epwarp Lamson, N.A. On the Way to Town [Shawangank eet N. Mud Sunday Morning HERRING, JoHNn FREDERICK, R.B.A. The Return from the Fair HERRMANN, Leo CHARLES L’ Incroyable HILLIARD, Witiiam HENRy DheaKiver Landscape with Windmill HOPBE RK, ARTHUR anna Surf in Sunshine HOWE, Witiiam H., N.A. Cattle Browsing CATALOGUE NUMBER 67 23 Si 14 16 18 129 44 62 34 = 43 Ripeway iv the Storm va . f KOEK, ne Winter Scene a Peasant Woman with Flowers NA 199 IOL 125 CATALOGUE : NUMBER KOOPMAN, AucustTus ‘an Watching the Boat \| Going to the Boat KRONBERG, Louts The Blue Fan Ballet Girl in Rose LAMBRON, M. Un Herboriseur LAURENCE, Sypnry M. Venetian Boat The Beach, St. Ives Sunset Moonlight, St. Ives Brooklyn Bridge in a Blizzard LAWRENCE, Str Tuomas, P.R.A. Viscount Nelson LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, P.R.A. [ATTRIBUTED TO] Portrait of a Young Girl in a White Dress LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. The Bath Early Spring Landscape and Brook The Young Mother LEE-HANKEY, W. Le Souper The Market Basket LE TSYoUSiga Pete Lady Dudley H. M. King James II LEROLLE, Henri Evening LOCATELLI, ANTONIO Romantic Landscape , \GN NASCO, ALESSANDRO The Wreck . St. Jerome in Medication | & ants WILuaM oi | Cattle Grazing | pe McC ESNEY Ciara T. n. Beach — “econ, Georce H., A.N.A Marine in Sunset Light Seacoast ica. J. . et A poey pamrye | gale ‘Jean, CHARLES ) MICHEL, Grorces = =~ Approaching Storm ' _ MILLER, Appison T. Fishing Boats at Night ; MILLET, Francis Davis Portrait of Miss K. | MONCHABLON, FERDINAND JAN Bords de L’Apance [Haute-Marne] ~MONTICELLI, Avo.pue : The Garden Party MORLAND, GeEorRGE Winter The Horse Dealer MUNGER, GILBERT Landscape Two Miniature Studies of Grenadiers CATALOGUE NUMBER 204 | 205 144 Il ARs 48 119 113 ISI 20 143 124 ISI 19 89 21 6 . 54 bl MUNKACSY, MIHALy Mother and Child MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Autumn Effect Restless Autumn Frail Trees NASMITH, Patrick Connaught Landscape NOEL, Peter Paut Joseru The Canal in Amsterdam OMMEGANCK, B. P. Shepherd and Flock OPIE, Jonn, R.A. Sir Henry Dudley PALMER, Wa tter L., N.A. Marine, Venice PAPPERITZ, Gustav Venus and Amor PAVIL, ELie ANATOLE Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, en Printemps Place de la Concorde PERBOY RE, Cavalry Reconnoissance PERUGINI, CHartes E. First Words of Love PHELAN, Cuartes T. Sheep Grazing RAPHAEL SANZIO [MANNER OF] St. John REID, Rosert, N.A. The Girl at the Gate _ REMBRANDT VAN RYN [Scuoor oF] Portrait of Rembrandt REYNOLDS, Sir Josuva, P.R.A. The Young Gardener RIX, JULIAN The Glade ~ ROBINSON, THEODORE Peeling Apples ROMANO, GivLio Portrait of a Nobleman ROSIERSE, J. The Deserted Room SANDERLE, CuHar tes Head of a Young Girl SHAYER, WILtiaM, Sr. Coast Scene SIMMONS, Epwarp EMERSON Winter Landscape, Hudson River SMITH, Henry PEMBER A Summer Retreat Summer Prospect - SMITH, W. Granvitte,.N.A. In the Surf Sam, t1. R., R. I. Micawber and David Copperfield in the King’s Bench Prison STUART, GILBERT Sir James Murray Pulteney 72 210 88 82 122 22 38 39 136 86 CATALOGUE NUMBER 9 SF CATALOGUE NUMBER — TAMBURINI, A. A Good Vintage TIDEMAND, ApDo.Lr An Interesting Story TILLEMANS, PIETER A Hunting Party in the Environs of Ely The Stag Hunt TROYON, CONSTANT Goats in a Clearing EERINE Re IVa eee eas The River Wye UNKNOWN Crossing the Stream The Hand of the Painter yy Portrartyot. a Man “im Black VAN BLOEMEN, Jan Frans Romantic Landscape VAN BOSKERCK, RoBert W., N.A. Fstival Landscape VAN DYCK, Sir ANTHONY [ScHoor OF | The Departure VAN LEEMPUTTEN, Camitie Hens and Cockerells VAN MARCKE, EMILE Cattle and Chickens La Vache VERBEEK, Gustav The Blue Kimono VERBOECKHOVEN, EvucEne J. Sheep in the Byre (32 a VERHAEREN, A. Poultry VEYRASSAT, JuLes Jacques Two Horse Teams VIBERT, JEAN GEORGES The Ambush VIRY, Paut L. Portico with Figures VON BREMEN, JoHANN MEYER The Unwilling Helper WEBER, THEopoRE ALEXANDER Vessel Making Port WILES, Irvine R., N.A. Head of a Sicilian Girl Central Park, New York, from the Artist’s Studio Washing Day WILLIAMS, FrReperick BALtarp, N.A. The Wood Nymph WOOTTON, JoHNn Hunting the Stag WRIGHT, Joseru [or Dersy], A.R.A. Dr. Isaac Winslow WYANT, ALEXANDER H., N.A. The River Valley ZIEM, FE.Ix Venetian Sunset ZIBINI, Madonna and Child CATALOGUE NUMBER 4 108 120 31 145 45 116 123 162 25 74 75 83 187 APPRAISALS FOR meet ee D STATES & STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS CATA ™,_» HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appratsements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. Q The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vale libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the cAssociation. @.Upon request the Association Will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (Commission and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK Ler : a Sy * i? 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