Important Modern Pictures OF THE LATE E. A. LEATHAM, ESQ. CHARLES BLOIS, ESQ. AND OTHERS On Saturday, May 18, 1901 Fy tee a vA on. yy; fh, L, ¥ L ‘a cs Aten + 7-t_op-+ - fiirild Le» | at ee 7 CtAL# *.. LY ig Jee eee COG ey OE IMPORTANT MoDERN PICTURES OF HK. A. LEATHAM, ESQ. Deceased ; late of Misarden Park, Gloucestershire ; CHARLES BLOIS, ESQ. THE LATE MRS. MACIVER AND FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE COLLECTIONS AND DIFFERENT SOURCKES: \ SQ / pa f J Sao G WHICH Will be Sold by Auction bp “Mussrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AY FHEIR GREAT BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1901, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. ——-++ — May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues hud, at Messrs. CHRISTIE, Manson and Woops’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, SW. CONDITIONS OF SALE. —-0 I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than 1s. ; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, ¢f required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. VY. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs Curistiz, Manson and Woops not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. | VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and theremainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part oi payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. — oS On SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1901, AT ONE 0 OLOOK PRECISELY. ee The following are the Property of A GEN TLEMAN. DRAWINGS. SAM BOUGH, R.8.A. 1 A Lanpsoare, with cows and church 62 in. by 9 an. J. DRUMMOND, R.S.A. 2 On tHE Loox-Ovrt 14 in. by 103 tn. W. GOODALL, 1860. 3 WFisuer-CuinDREN ON THE Braco 15 in. by 22 in. L. HAGHE, 1859. 4 CromwELL AND THE Portrait or Cuarzes I. 193 in. by 26 an. 4 T. HART, 1865. 5 A Rooxy Coast ScEnzE 64 in. by 194 in. A. LANE. 6 A Woopnanp Pats, with sheep 8 in. by 7 in. W. E. MARSHALL. 7 OxEN 91 in. by 184 im. J. POTTER, 1878. 8 KILLIN $ 94 in. by 18} in. H. P., 1864. 9 A Movunrarnous River Scorn, with boats 74, in. by 16 in. T. S. ROBINS. 10 Duron Fisainc-Boats orF THE CoAsT 123 in. by 19 in. PICTURES. 11 Tue Way To Win Him On panel—93 in. by 7} in. L, CHIVALA. 12 A Mountain STREAM, Switzerland 234 in. by 29 in. J. A. OCONNOR. 13 A Lanpscaps, with castle, bridge and figure 133 in. by 17 an. W. N. CRAIG. 14 Broken Vows 113 in. by 95 mm. K. GUKS. 15 On GuarRp On panel—11 in. by 8 tn. K. GUES. 16 A Senrinet Smoxine On panel—11 in. by 8 in. F. D. HARDY, 1876. 17 FATHERLESS 254 in. by 37 in. J. F. HERRING, Sev., 1861. 18 Duckiines On panel—94 in. by 113 in. B. W. LEADER, R.A., 1874. 19 IN NORTH WALES 474 in. by 36 in. J. LINGEMAN, 1875. 20 Puannina A CAMPAIGN On panel—22 in. by 32 in. K ' ‘ad 6 W. E. MARSHALL, 1877. 21 For Saute: Leadenhall Market 20 in. by 343 an. W. BE. MARSHALL. 22 Sutter AND RETRIEVER Oval—18} in. by 15 in. ERSKINE NICOL, A.B.A., 1860. 23 “HEALTH TO YOU!” 14} in. by 10} zn. | Exhibited at the British Institution, 1862 From the Collection of Andrew Armstrong, Esq., 1876 J. DE NITTIS. 924 Tun Nationan Gattery anp St. Marrin’s Cuavron, Trafalgar Square 27 in. by 40 in. AD. SCHREYER. 25 Arass Restina, with their horses tethered 164 in. by 29 in. ‘- J. J. TISSOT. 96 Tuirp Comepian: Behind the scenes 12} in. by 7 tn. T E. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1840. 27 A Donkey, Goat anp Sauer my A LanpsoaPE On panel—154 in. by 13 tn. B. W. WITTKAMP, 1870. 28 Tue SincE or ANTWERP 48 in. by 60 tn. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. PICTURES. 29 A Souvarn in A Towy, with figures 18 in. by 14 in. E. FRERH, 1868. 30 A Frsner-Gret, with a basket 12 in. by 94 in. A. DE GELDER. 31 Vexus AND CUPID 51 in. by 38 in. JULES GOUPIL. 82 A Typn or Beauty On panel—24 in. by 194 in. 8 B. W. LEADER, R.A., 1876. 33 On THE Luenr, at Bettws-y-Coed 13} in. by 173 tn. E. J. NIEMANN, 34 Orr GRAVESEND On panel—T in. by 18 in. S. R. PERCY, 1843. 35 Near Kippineton, Kent 17 in. by 26 tn. From the Collection of Sir John Kelk, 1899 ANNA PETERS. 36 A Group or FLowers, and grapes overhanging a window 34 in. by 26 tn. W. SHAYER, Sen. 87 Cows at A STREAM 24 in. by 194 in. J. J. WILSON, 1859. 88 Boats Rerurnine into Harzpour oF Féoamp, France 19 in. by 30 in. ae oo The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of CHARLES BLOIS, Esq., deceased, late of Cockfield Hall, Youford, Suffolk. DRAWINGS. C. DUASSUT, 1896. 39 ‘Ag now THE Sun’s DEOLINING Rays’ 16} in. by 294 in. J. MOGFORD. 40 Wazperswick Ferry, Suffolk 13 in. by 20 tn. L. L. POCOCK. 41 January 1897: a landscape, with peasants in the snow 14 in. by 20 in. PICTURES. B. W. LEADER, R.A., 1878. 42 Haymaxine, Whittington : Worcester 154 in. by 234 tn. B. W. LEADER, R.A., 1895. 43 Cortacus oN THE Borper oF a Surrey Common 154 in. by 234 én. TER MEULEN. 44 A Sumpuerp Darvina a Frock or SHuur on To A Common 21 in. by 37 in. BO 10 THE PROPER TY) 0 FA wie ee WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS. COPLEY FIELDING, 1840. 45 A VIEW OF SNOWDON, from the sands of Traeth Mawr, on the Tan-y-bwlch road, Carnarvonshire 244 in. by 36 in. COPLEY FIELDING, 1850. 46 A Roap Sornz, with cattle and figures: Distant landscape 7i tn. by 10 in. . COPLEY FIELDING. 47 A Woopy River Sornz, with angler 72 in. by 104 tn. COPLEY FIELDING. 48 A Rooxy River Sonne, with angler 12 in. by 163 in, COPLEY FIELDING. 49 A Wexso Lake Sornsg, with bridge and figures 8k in. by 124 in. i W. L. LEITCH, 1865. 50 Boreserro, on Laco pr Garpa 314 in. by 25 in. Et W. L. LEITCH, 1865. 51 Kinonurn Castur, Loch Awe 314 in. by 25 in. W. L. LEITCH, 1871. 52 A Coast Soxmnz, with tower and figures 54 in. by 9 in. W. L. LEITCH. 53 Irauran Lanpscarss, with buildings and figures—a pair 2 4h in. by 7 tn. W. L. LEITCH, 1855. 54 Sr. Leonarps 5 in. by 84 tn. O. OAKLEY. 55 Gupsigs 204 in. by 16 in. F. TAYLER. 56 RESTING BY THE Way 19 in. by 16 tn. J. VARLEY, 1838. 57 A Laxe Soens, with cattle and figures 74 in. by 18 én. P. DE WINT. 58 A VILLAGE AMONG TREES, with sheep in the foreground 224 in. by 36 in. 12 PICT Ut: H. KOEKKOEK. 59 Tue Moura or a Duron Rtvzr, with sailing-boats On panel—8 in. by 104 in. EK. FICHEL, 1854. 60 A Lapy, in pink dress, seated, sewing On panel—s in. by 6 in. E. FICHEL, 1854. 61 A Lapy, in pink and white dress, reading On panel—8+ tn. by 6} in. A. MAYER. 62 Fisuine-Boats at THE Mours or A RIVER 84 in. by 12 tn, SIR W. BEECHEY, R.A. 63 PORTRAIT OF A LADY, in white dress, with yellow sash gloves, and head-dress, with tall feather: in a landscape 24 im. by 20 tn. COPLEY FIELDING, 1863. 64 DISTANT VIEW OF DUNSTAFFNAGE CASTLE, Argyllshire On panel—72 in. by 10 én. SIR T. LAWRENCH, P.R.A. 65 HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL, with dark curling hair 23k in. by 214 an. 13 J. LINNELL, Sen. 66 2. Woopy River Sornz, with boats, angler, and dog On panel—T7% in. by 10 in. G. MORLAND. 67 A Hiuty Lanpsoars, with gipsies near a pool On panel—5# in. by 75 an. T. WEBSTER, R.A. 68. ScHooLBoys AT PuLay On panel—54 in. by 74 mm. F. GUARDI. 69 A VIEW ON THE GRAND CANAL, VENICH, with the Rialto, numerous gondolas, boats and figures 14 in. by 17 in. F. GUARDI. 70 THE PIAZZA OF ST. MARK’S, with figures 134 in. by 164 tn. S. RUYSDAEL. 71 A River Sornz, with buildings, fishermen and boats On panel—17 in. by 23% tn. G. J J. VAN O8&. 72, Duap Jay, Fruit anp Srivu Lire 124 in. by 16 tn. 14 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. DRAWINGS. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 73 Lonpon rrom Lampura Frexps, cattle in the foreground 26 in. by 384 in. E. M. WIMPERIS. 74 A Common Sorne 18 in. by 26 in. EK. M. WIMPERIS. 75 A River Scenz, with cattle 14 in. by 21 tn. H. TENKATE, 1864. 76 Tue Vit~tace WerEppINe 11 in. by 18 in. PICTURES. F. ANDREOTTI. 77 Interior oF A TAVERN, with cavaliers 25 in. by 19 in. R. BEAVIS, 1885. 78 Rep Derr in Buockuurst Park 30 in. by 47 in. 15 P, IVANOVITCH. 79 BuLGARIAN SoupreRS PLAyiIng BAGKGAMMON 193 in. by 254 tn. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. 80 IL PENSERO 41 in. by 29 in. S. SEMENOWSKY, 1889. 81 An Eastern Girt wire ‘TAMBOURINE On panel—213 in. by 144 in. W. SHAYER, Sey. 82 A Corracz 1n°A .Woop, with peasants, donkey and cattle 934 in. by 194 tn. H. M. WIMPERIS, 1896. 83 A Wetsu VALLEY, with cattle in a river 29 in. by 49 in. G. EARL. 84 Poro Maton at Huriincuam, between the Royal Horse Guards and the Monmouthshire Team 42 in. by 85 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy P. J. CLAYS. 85 Onar pg Lune DANS LA RADE DE VLESSINGEN 29 in. by 204 in. Uy ae wa 16 SIR J. GILBERT, R&.A., 1878-8¢. 86 OLD AGE AND YOUTH 36 in. by 60 tn. SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1878. 87 Tue First Prince or WALES 14 in. by 115 in. FRANK HOLL, R.A., 1880. 88 LULLABY 39 in. by 32 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1889 pe fo E. VAN MARCKE. Fad. = 89 A GROUP OF CATTLE, near an old water-mill 21 in. by 28 in. IR J. E. MILLATIS, P.R.A. 90 Kina Liar AnD CoRDELIA On panel—10 in. by 8 in. W. H. BARTLETT, 1883. 91 On tHe Lagoons, Venice 12 in. by 19 in. W. L. WYLLI6, A.K.A, 1872. > 92 A HAYFIELD 94 in. by 12k in. Lt W. RATTRAY. 93 Gruen Fintas: Autumn 234 in. by 15 in. P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. 94 Tur Sirens Turee 35 in. by 54 in. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery T. FAED, R.A., 1874. 95 Tae Sratute Farr 40 in. by 284 in. From the Collection of G. Orme, Esq., 1895 EK. ISABEY. 4 96 A Frenon Fisuine-Boar, running for shelter from a north-east gale in the English Channel AT in. by 61 in. ARY SCHEFFER. 97 Mary Macpaten—arched top 87 in. by 24 in. From the Collection John Graham, Esq., 1887 ARY SCHEFFER. 98 Tue Apostize St. Joun 1n Patmos—arched top 37 in. by 24 in. From the Collection of John Graham, Esq., 1887 H. H. LA THANGUE, A.R.A. 99 Souventrn oF NORFOLK 23 in. by 15 tn. 18 FRED MORGAN. 100 MarpEnnoop 36 in. by 284 an. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1899 H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A. 101 Peasants Driving Horses HOME FROM PASTURE 29 in. by 60 tn. G. KOLLER, 1863. 102 Pamirpa Watseren, imploring pardon of Ferdinand I. for her morganatic marriage with his son, the Archduke of the Tyrol On panel—423 in. by 34 in. From the Collection of T. N. Gladdish, Esq., 1877 W. MULLER. 103 A LANDSCAPE, after a shower, with a rainbow; a boy with white mice, and two children in the foreground by W. Coxtins, R.A. 30 in. by 48 en. From the Collection of J. Gillott, Esq., 1872 19 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of The late MRS. MACIVER. PICTURES. T. §. COOPER, R.A., 1853. 104 A GROUP OF CATTLE, standing in the river beneath a clump of trees; a flock of sheep on a slope on the left; a view of Canterbury Cathedral in the distance AT in. by 72 in. G. MORLAND. 105 A Wagaaon anp Fiaurzs, outside an inn 15% in. by 19 an. H. McCULLOCH, R.5S.A. 106 A Hieuianp Lake Soenz, with ruined tower, and horseman 113 in. by 17 in. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. PICTURES. J. CLAYTON ADAMS, 1896. 107 Gontprn AvTUMN 23 in. by 35 in. W. H. BARTLETT, 1896. 108 Tue Eve or tHE Farr 18 in. by 32 en. 20 R. BEAVIS, 1886. 109 Bureau CaAstTLE «.... The rampart once . Of iron war, in ancient barbarous times ” 30 in. by 63 an. From the Artist's Sale, 1897 H. BRIGHT anv J. J. HILL. 110 Tue Sprine 37 in. by 51 tn. W. HUNT, 1896. 111 Tue GLEANERS 44 in. by 29 in. C. JONES, 1889. 112 A Lanpsoars, with flock of sheep 19 in. by 29 in. B. W. LEADER, R.A., 1895. 113 Tre Sanv-Pit: Burrows Cross 23 in. by 29 in. T. B. KENNINGTON. 114 Marernity 63 in. by 71 en. J. 8. NOBLE. 115 Tue DeerstTALKer’s Return 15 in. by 28 in. F. W. W. TOPHAM, 1894. 116 Tue Story or Ruts anv Boaz 32 in. by 485 tn. J. WEBB. 117 Wreck orr tHE MumBies 35 in. by 60 in. 21 The following are from The Collection of E. A, LEATHAM, Esq., deceased, late of Misarden Park, Gloucester. PICTURES. 118 Heap or a May, in red cloak On panel—9L in. by 74 in. 119 Heap or a Girt, with wreath of flowers 123 in. by 103 in. BIARD. 12) La Traviata: A lady in a hammock 50 in. by 77 in. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 121 THE LOCK 55 in. by 47 in. Exhibited at Paris Exhibited at Wakefield T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1837. 122 Turezr Cows In A LANDSCAPE 74 in. by 23 an, Pp. L. COUTURIER. » 123 A Larpenr, with a maid plucking a pigeon; dead peacock, swan, deer and other game 79 in. by 138 om. Exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, 1859 22 O. CUNAEUS, 1851. 124 Duernovunps, retriever and dead game 30 in. by 48 in. W. ETTY, R.A. 125 Cupip On panel—20 in. by 12 in. W. E. FROST, R.A. 126 Venus Serxine Curip 1n THE Haunts or DIANA 7 in. by 103 tn. Exhibited at the Guildhall, 1895 W. E. FROST, R.A. 127 ANDROMEDA 84 in.— circle J. F. HERRING, Szn., 1847. 128 Mremsers or THE TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION 82 in.—circle J. F. HERRING, Sen., 1848. 129 Horsn’s Heap 13 in.—circle E. LAMBINET. 130 Tue Epere or A Harvest Fienup, with reaper; pool in the foreground 123 in. by 16 in. G. LANCE. 131 Grargs AND PrAcH 94 in. by 74 in. \ Pe C2. ee) Oe a . 238 C. LANDELLE. : 132 Curip ann Psycus 19 in. by 12 in. Exhibited at the Guildhall, 1898 H. LE JEUNE, A.R.A. 133 Tur Gonpen AGE 114 in. by 314 a. H. O'NEIL, A.R.A., 1858. 134 EASTWARD HO! 53 in. by 42 in. Echibited at the Royal Academy, 1858 Echibited at the International Exhibition, 1862 Exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, 1857 Ew hibited at the Guildhall, 1895 H. O’NEIL, A.R.A. 135 Mzpora On panel—11 in. by 10 in. A. PASINI, 1859. 136 A QOaravan IN THE DESERT 24 in. by 41 tn. F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A. 137 A NymeH CROWNING A Warrior—oval On panel—9} in. by 8 in. J. B.-PYNE. 138 A Coast Scnnz, with wreck and figures 16 in. by 234 in. 24 T. STOTHARD, R.A. 139 A Sacririce to Curip On panel—5 in. by 64 in. E. M. WARD, R.A., 1859. -140 CHaruzs IL., Next Gwynne anp HveLyN 36 in. by 28 tn. J. WARD, R.A. 141 A Buui-Terriek AND A Cat 134 in. by 17 in. W. WATSON, Jon., 1865. 142 Virw in THE HicHuanps, with cattle and sheep 32 in. by 44 in. FINIS London: Printed by Wiutram Crowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 87 DP /0307