1925 Apr .5 NeAmHi ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERI- CAN FURNITURE ~ BRONZES - PORCELAINS ~ TAPESTRIES - EASTERN RUGS AND CARPETS Mainly from the (Collection of eMRS. SEWELL SHAGGARD cAnd the Estate of (CARLOTTA “RUSSELL LOWELL ogether with “Additions from eW(RS. AUGUST “BELMONT AND OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE AMERICAN cARTGALLERIES MADISON AVENUE ” 56rTH to 57TH STREET New York (ity ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY * APRIL 4 UNTIL TIME: OF SALE » WEEKDAYS from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Pern y APRIL 5 from 2 to 5 P.M. fever oe hI CLED PUBLIC SALE SeoeeteowtorlL lo INCLUSIVE at 2:15 P.M. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. O. BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE Y EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE Meee ICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 7 56TH to 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1925 r- me arf rie ENGLISH, FRENCH @& AMERICAN FURNITURE ~ PORCELAINS » BRONZES ¢- SILVER’ TEXTILES AND TAPESTRIES - EASTERN RUGS AND CARPETS eMainly from the (Collection of eMRS- SEWELL SHAGGARD and the Estate of PARLOUTTA “RUSSELL LOWELL Sold by Order of the Executor UNITED STATES TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK “Oogether with “Additions from Perks, cAUGUST °BELMONT AND FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE pee tCAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. eK 9 5 @he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA" ts Catalogues and ‘Directs CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. : ‘ If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. 5 V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. é VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. 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Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. , XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ge on a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also e given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES anp STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57tH STREET NEW YORK CITY _ ] i THe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES HAGGARD ~ LOWELL AND OTHER COLLECTIONS Sale 7 April 8, 9, 10 and 11, at 2:15 p.m. To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it : tothe Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name— Address in Full : Amount of Deposit BIN SPAS ESSION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1925, AT 2:15 P. M. Catalogue Numbers 1 to 309 inclusive EARLY AMERICAN SANDWICH, STIEGEL AND JERSEY GLASS I—Two Earty American Rusy Guass Torter ARTICLES Graceful bowl-shaped ring-tray with central pinnacle handle; covered powder-jar with ringed body, the lid with cup finial. Heights, 4 inches and 61% inches. 2—HEarty AMERICAN Grass PAPERWEIGHT South New Jersey Pale greenish glass enclosing three convolvulus blossoms in rose, deep blue and lemon-yellow, the topmost with a clear bubble centre. Height, 434 inches. 3—Harty AMERiIcAN GuAss PAPERWEIGHT South New Jersey Clear glass with a rose-pink convolvulus emitting a second iris- like blossom, in a multitude of brilliant colors. Height, 414 inches. 4—T'wo Earty American Rusy Guass Frienpsuie Mues One coniform with gilt band, inscribed, “Love THE GiveEr’’; the other tulip-shaped, inscribed, “FrRertnp.” Height, 4 inches. 5—Two Earty American Rusy Guass VASES Trumpet-shaped, with ringed base; one with etched band of trail- ing vines. Heights, 44% inches and 4% inches. 6—Parr Earty Jersey GuAss PAPERWEIGHTS ON STANDS Sphere of clear glass holding a bunch of graceful white blos- soms, and supported on balustered shaft on circular base. Height, 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 7—Fovur SanpwicuH OPALINE GLAss AND PEwrerR CuRTAIN-KNOBS Rosette pattern; two large and two smaller. 8—Two Pams Sanpwich Moipep Grass SALTCELLARS (a) Hexagonal faceted body and welted lip; short hexagonal stem on circular base; (8) Oval, deeply ribbed. Height, 3 inches and 1%, inches. 9—Mitterion: Guass PApERWEIGHT South New Jersey Clear glass with four sprays of brilliantly colored flowers spring- ing from a sandy base. Height, 31, inches. 10-—-Mituerion: Grass ParerweEicHT South New Jersey Clear glass with two spreading floral figures in red, white and blue. Height, 3%, inches. 11—Fovur Sannwicn Guass SALTCELLARS Circular, with all-over boldly molded hob-nail pattern. 12—Pair Rare Earty Sanpwicu Pressep GLAss SALTCELLARS Rectangular, with slightly valanced edge, the sides with pressed diamond decoration; star-cut base on four stump feet. 13—Paiz Earty Sanpwicn Opaunr Grass SatrcrLLARs By N. E. Glass Co., Boston Rectangular, with slightly valanced edge, the sides with pressed floral decoration; base inscribed, “N. E. Glass Co., Boston,” . and standing on four tiny hemispherical feet. Rare. 14—Turere Earty American Tintep GLASSES (A) Claret, with ruby bowl and clear stem and base; (8) Mini- ature tumbler in fluted sapphire glass; (c) Aquamarine sherry glass. Heights, 434 inches, 24, inches and 514 inches. First Session 15—Two Earty American Bitown Guass Fiasks Ascribed to Stiegel, 1763-1774 Flattened pear-shape, with tapering neck and welted lip; amber- green glaze. Heights, 61, inches and 8 inches. 16—Earty Sanpwicu Grass PowpEer-sAar AND Four Puates Diamond, scroll and floral pressed decoration. Height of jar, 4% inches; diameter of plates, one, 7%, inches; two, 6%, inches, and one 6 inches. 17—Two Farry American AmBer Guass Spirit Botries Flattened bulbous shape with cylindrical tapering neck and graceful loop handle. Rich amber-brown tone. Heights, 7° inches and 8%, inches. 18—TuHreE Sanpwicu Pressep Grass DisHEs (a) Oval, with valanced edge; the marly with band of hob-nail molding, the cavetto with tear-drop pattern. (8) Circular, the marly with egg-and-tongue figures, the base with circular rosette figure. (c) Leaf-shaped pickle-dish, the ribs fan-molded, the spaces between filled with diamond decoration. 19—Parr Earty AMERICAN SILVERED Guass VASES Inverted pear-shaped body with broad funnel neck, circular base. Finely mercurized. Height, 14 inches. 20—Two Pairs SanpwicH Moupep Grass SALTCELLARS (a) Hexagonal bowl with short faceted stem and hexagon foot; (x) circular, with very deeply molded flaring lip and short hex- agonal faceted stem on hexafoil base. 21—Six Sanpwicu Pressep Grass PLatres (a) Three with scroll-valanced border about a centre formed of a triad of diamond-molded heart figures. (8) Border of “pea- cock feathers” interrupted by circular bosses, the cavetto with a scroll of seven tiny bosses surrounding a central one. Diameters, 51% inches and 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 22—-Srx Sanpwicuo Guass Honry-pisHEs AND Five Cup-PLATES (a) Circular, with pressed “peacock feathers” about a central leaf whirl involving six tiny circular bosses. (x8) Circular, with border of privet leaves and central stellate figure. Diameters, 3%, inches. 23—Parr Earty Sanpwich Mouprep GuaAss SALTCELLARS Circular, with broadly molded diamond figures; hexagonal foot. | Height, 2% inches. 24—Patr SanpwicH Pressep GuAss SALTCELLARS Oblong fluted body, tapering and standing on four tiny feet, the base with clasped C-scroll ornament. Height, 134 inches. 25—THrREE SanpwicH Mi.tx-wHitTE Guass Animat DisHEs (a) Oblong, the cover with molded sejant lion. (8) Ribbed oval, cover with lynx. (c) Oval, inscribed, “The American Hen,” the cover facetiously adorned with a British lion. 26—Pair SanpwicH Prrssep Guass CovEerepD DIsHEs Oval dish of milk-white glass with lattice molding, the lid tinted and shaped to represent a sitting hen. Height, 41/, inches. 2%—Two Earty AMERICAN MoxnpEp Guass O11 Lamps ann Two Bitown Guass SHADES Rib-molded lamps, one in amber glass; clear glass pear-shaped shades. (Top of one lamp cracked.) Height of lamps, 34%, inches and 4% inches. Height of shades, 714, inches and 8%4 inches. 28—Set or Six Farry Sanpwicu Liqueur GtassEs Funnel-shaped, with faceted decoration and ringed and knopped stem. Height, 41% inches. 29—Two Earty American Pressep Guiass Fiasxs (a) Tortoise flask; (8) with lattice decoration springing radi- ally from the centre of either face. Heights, 514 inches and 61, inches. First Session 30—Grovur or Earty Sanpwicu Tasie GLass Comprising compote dish, small bowl and cream-jug, with tear- medallions and hob-nail and fan pressed ornament. Heights: Compote dish, 61% inches; creamer, 4%, inches; diameter of bowl, 71% inches. 31—Two Earty AMERICAN Fire GLASSES Funnel-shaped, without decoration. Heights, 73/4, inches and 8 inches. d2—TuHREE Earty AMERICAN PrEssEeD Grass FLasxs Lancaster, N. Y. Varying from bottle-green to deep greenish-amber ; hoop-shaped, bearing respectively an urn of flowers, the American eagle and a smaller floral jardiniére. (The last cracked.) Heights, 61% inches, 6%4 inches and 51 inches. 33—F ive Stiecet LievEuR GLAssEs American, 1763-1774 Clear glass, various shaped bowls, knopped stems. 34—Earty AMERICAN HAND-PAINTED MILK-wWHITE GLAss DECANTER Flattened pear-shape with ringed shoulder, tapering neck; decoration of small molded reserves of clear glass with gilded floral ornament, the body with a band of hand-painted bird and flower decoration. Height, 7% inches. 35—SanpwicH Miik-wuHiTE Grass Bowt anv Six Sauce DisHEs With very fine loop-lattice pierced edges, the sauce dishes molded to form oyster-shells. Diameter of bowl, 71% inches; width of dish, 514 inches. 36—Grovur oF SANDWICH CoNDIMENT GLASS Comprising pair of vinegar-bottles faceted and with diamond decoration, and miniature leaf-shaped cruet with pepper, salt and tiny covered mustard-jar. Height of bowls, 8%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 39-(A) 37—Earty AMERICAN AmeEtiyst Grass VaAsE Stoddard Coniform with bowl-shaped lip; deep pontil-mark. Beautifully- toned deep amethyst glass. Rare. Height, 7%, inches. (Illustrated) 38—Earty Sanpwicu CreLEery Grass Tulip bowl with valanced lip, the base with band of thumb-print molding; balustered stem on circular foot. Height, 8° inches. (Illustrated) 39—Fine Sanpwich Moupep Grass Coverep Compote anp Four AtmMonp DisHEs | (a) Circular, with valanced lip, the body molded with concave oblong medallions; hexagonal balustered stem on broad circular foot. (8) Circular, with edges valanced above arched molded compartments; radially molded base. (Slight chips to dishes.) Diameter of compote, 11 inches; diameter of dishes, 41% inches. (Illustrated) Furst Session 40—FEarty AmeErRIcAN Pike’s Prax anp Loc Caxsin Borries (a) Clear glass with bluish tinge and molded eagle and pioneer, with an inscription, “For Pike’s Peak”; (8) Square horizontally ribbed amber glass, with roof-shoulder, inscribed, “G. T. Drake, 1860, Plantation Bitters.” Heights, 8°4 inches and 10, inches. 41—Earrty American Ruspy Gtuass Sprrirs SERVICE Comprising circular tray and six individual glasses (four alike) with etched slender band of vine decoration. Diameter of tray, 914 inches. 42—Karty American AmETHyst Grass CENTREPIECE Circular low petaled bowl, in the centre of which is inserted a funnel-shaped vase with valanced lip. Deep amethyst-black tint, with formal slip decoration in white enamel. Height, 81 inches. 43—SanpwicH Guass Fern-LEAF Carare Service Early American Comprising two pitchers and six water or ale glasses, molded with repeating fern-leaf decoration among vertical fluting. Height of pitcher, 91, inches; glass, 61% inches. 44—Two Earty American Brown Grass DEcANTERS Pear-shaped body enriched with a band of undulating leafage, ring neck, hat-shaped stopper. Decoration in ruby and amber respectively. Heights, 1014, and 10 inches. 45—Patrr Earty AMERICAN SILVERED Gtuass VASES Balustered shaft with cylindrical neck and stepped circular base. Mercurized glass with sketched floral decoration in ivory. Height, 10 inches. 46—Earty AMERICAN ETCHED GLAss DECANTER AND LiqguEUR GLASS Decanter with pear-shaped body etched with bands and festoons of floral decoration; finely ringed neck, molded fruit stopper. Height, 10%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 47—Earty American Guass Torer’s BotTrLe Pale green glass; club-shaped, without base, so that it cannot stand. Height, 11 inches. 48—Earty American ErcuHep Rusy Grass Writine Ser Comprising oblong tray and two ink-wells with decoration of trailing vines in reserves of clear glass. 49—Earty AMERICAN SANDWICH SAPPHIRE Grass TasBLeE LAMP Bowl-shaped top on tall flaring petaled base molded with vertical bands of drapery. Fitted for electricity, with chintz shade. Height, without shade, 8 inches. 50—Two Earty AMERICAN Pressed GuiAass DECANTERS (a) Flattened spheroidal body with a band of rosettes within diamond figures between two rows of wheat-ear ornaments. (8B) Three-mold globular ribbed bottle with short faceted neck. Stop- pers. Heights, 8% inches and 7 inches. 51—Earty AMERICAN AMBER-BROWN GuaAss VioLtIN FLASK Finely fluctuating molded glass. Height, 8 inches. 52—Pair Earty Amrrican Rusy Guass VASES Coniform body, tall flaring neck; the body sanded, with ruby floral reserves. Height, 9% inches. 538—Earty AmErrican Monprep Guass SERVICE Two-mold; comprising a pair of circular deep dishes with val- anced edges and six faceted sauce dishes. Diameters, bowl, 81, inches; sauce dish, 4 inches. 54—Earrty Sanpwich Grass CaxkeE-DisH Circular tray top on fluted pillar; broad circular base. Diameter, 834 inches. First Session 55—Turee Earty AMERICAN Decorated Guass VASES Two in café-au-lait translucent glass with painted floral decora- tion, the third in milk-white glass with gilded festooned medal- lion. Height of two, 8 inches; one, 934 inches. 56—Earity SanpwicH Grass Fruir Dish anp Sucar Bown Molded decoration of bands of square lattice between rings of small circular bosses; the sugar bowl three-mold. Diameter of dish, 9% inches; height of bowl, 434 inches. 57—Two Earty AMERICAN SILVERED Guass VASES Mercury glass, decorated, one with fruit and the other with bird figures. Height, 91 mches and 6 inches. 58—Two Earty American Moxnpep Grass PircHers One with hexagonal honey-comb, the other with faceted lustre molding, and deep amethyst in tone. Heights, 91, and 8%, inches. 59—Four Earty SanpwicH GuiAss CANDLESTICKS Various decoration. (Three have been repaired.) Heights, 7 inches, 9 inches, 914 inches and 11 inches. 60—LEarrty AmEricAn Moupep Guass CAKkE-DISH AND COVERED SUGAR Bow. (a) Oblong, the rim alternately with ovoid medallion and fan ornament; on molded circular base. (8) Circular with bands of oval cavetto moldings and variously molded cover. Length of dish, 9 inches; height of bowl, 61% inches. 61—Pair Earty American Rusy Grass Vases witn Lustres Trumpet-shaped, with valanced lip on knopped stem flaring into circular base. With ring of pendant lustres enriched with tiny stellate and rosette molding. Height, 91% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 62—StTiEcEL SEA-GREEN Guass CHEMICAL BoTTLE American, 1763-1774 Cylindrical with rounded shoulder and short capped neck. Height, 10 inches. 63—Earty AMERICAN LEAp Guass CHAMBER LAMP Bell-shaped, with loop handle. Fitted for electricity ; with chintz shade. Height, including shade, 12 inches. 64—-SanpwicH Pressep Guass BREAD-PLATTER Oblong, with arched ends; diamond-lattice border surrounding an oblong hob-nail molded lattice, flanked at either end by pre- sentments of stag and doe among trees. Rare. Length, 13 inches. 65—Earty AMERICAN EtcHep Guass DECANTER Pear-shaped, the body simulating fine ribbing; with an etched band of vine ornament. With stopper. Deep pontil-mark. Height, 1034 inches. 66—OPpaLInE Guass TorLtet SET Comprising tall covered powder-jar and two stoppered perfume battles in milky yellow opaline glass with bands of painted floral decoration. Heights, 11144 inches and 9% inches. 67—Pair Merrcury-citpep Grass VAsEs Early American Trumpet-shaped with bossed ring about the base, on flaring cir- cular foot. Height, 121%, inches. 68—Pair Earty Sanpwicuh THrere-motp Guiass Taste Lamps Square, on concave balustered shaft supporting flattened sphe- roidal bowl molded with a series of leaf-encircled circular bosses ; quatrefoil flaring base enriched with pendant fan ornaments. Fitted for electricity; with chintz shade. Height, 19 inches. First Session 69—Earty AmeEricANn Moupep Guass Taste Lamp Circular cushion-shaped body with bands of oval thumb-print figures ; mounted in brass, on marble base. Fitted for electricity, with chintz shade. Height, 141% inches. 70—Earty Amerrican Mouprep Guass Taste Lamp Similar to the preceding, but slightly larger. Height, 151% inches. 71—Earity AMERICAN Brass anp WisTAarspure Guass Taste Lamp Turned flaring metal base supporting flattened spheroid of glass with opaline spiral whorls, square marble base. Fitted electri- city; with chintz shade. Height, including shade, 141%, inches. 72—KEarity AmeEricAan Moupep Guass anp Brass Taste Lamp Inverted pear-shaped glass body, mounted in brass, on square marble base. Fitted for electricity, with chintz shade. Height, 14°, inches. V3—Earity AMERICAN Brass anp THREE-MOLD GLAss Taste Lamp Body with band of vertical ribs above leaf-shaped compartments ; mounted in brass, on marble base. Fitted for electricity, with chintz shade. Height, 141, inches. 74—Two Earty American Guass Rum BortrueEs Cylindrical, with rounded shoulder and tapering capped neck. The first pale green, of molded glass, the second deep olive- green. Heights, 121% inches and 8 inches.. 75—Earty AmeERicAN AmBER Guass ROLLING-PIN Cylindrical, with waisted handles. Well scarred from use. Length, 161% inches. "6—Earty AMERICAN SANDWICH GLASss SPIRITS SERVICE Comprising decanter and six funnel-shaped glasses molded with octagonal facets and “thumb-print” figures. Decanter with massive acorn stopper. Height of decanter, 14 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ~“?—Par EncuisH Brass anp Cur Crystat Bonson HoLpErs or CANDELABRA Corinthian pillar on square molded base emitting two undulating arms supporting circular glass bowls cut with fan and diamond figures. Height, 1614, inches. 78—Earty New Jersey Guass Carsoy Lamp Flattened pear-shaped body with short tapering neck and welted lip; glass fluctuating from olive to rich yellow-green. With shade and fitted for electricity. Height, 17 inches; width, 15 inches. 79—Parr Sanpwich Mrixk-wuHire Grass O11 Lamps Square melon-ribbed reservoir on tapering ribbed shaft mounted in metal and standing on square brass base. With shade. Height, including shade, 181 inches. EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE AND OTHER TABLE WARE 80—NineE Earty American DecoratTep PorceLarn Cups Worcester Style Decoration of individual flowers in crimson, rose and green, with penciled valance inside border in claret. Height, 21 inches. 81—Six PorcELAIn CovEereD CustTarp Cups Comprising three with willow pattern in blue and white and three white porcelain cups, egg-cup shape with slight floral decoration in emerald, sky-blue and brick-red. Height, 314, inches and 4 inches. 82—THREE PENNSYLVANIA Suip-warE Piz PLaAtTEs Circular with beaded edge; varying brown glazes, one with a triad of arabesques, the second with initials, D. G. Diameter, 9 inches. 83—PENNSYLVANIA Pottery BucxkwHeEaT JAR Massive pear-shaped body with broad squat spout; tin cover, carrying handle. Deep olive-black glaze. Height, 11 inches. ee First Session 84—Six Earty PrIntep STAFFORDSHIRE BovuriLLonN Cups AND SAUCERS Rich deep blue glaze with ornament of floral scrolls and swans. 85—Earty STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE Sour TuREEN Covered tureen, with ladle, on circular plate; decoration of molded and of printed leafage with Elizabethan cottages and riverside scenery. Height, 7 inches. 86—Grovur or Earty PrinteEpD STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA Comprising five assorted cup-plates, gravy ladle with printed Hudson River view, and two cups and saucers decorated in claret with the subjects, Inrants (Prize medal of Great Exhibition, 1851). (One cup slightly chipped. ) 87—Two Earty Printep STAFFORDSHIRE SucAR Bow Ls One with cover; printed in sepia, the first with pagodas and other chinoiserie, the second with figures of cavaliers hawking. Heights, 64 inches and 41%, inches. 88—Earty PrRIntep STAFFORDSHIRE Canova Sucar Bown AnpD CREAMER Similar; printed in mulberry with romantic decoration of lovers beside a river, on the farther bank of which are mansions. Heights, 6 inches and 5 inches. 89—Earzty STAFFORDSHIRE Copper Lustre PircHer Squat ovoid body with cylindrical neck, molded with floral orna- ment; the body with two reserved medallions decorated with classical figures in pastel colors on a white glaze. Height, 6 inches. 90—Earty PRINTED STAFFORDSHIRE TEAPOT AND CovERED Sucar Bowu Printed in claret, the first with agricultural scenes, the second with flowers and medallions displaying a shepherd with his dog. (Cover of bowl cracked.) Heights, teapot, 7 inches; sugar bowl, 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 91—Pair STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURINES WITH CopPrpER LusTRE Early XLX Century Seated poodles with chain-muzzle in salmon-pink and copious enrichments of fine copper lustre. Height, 8°4 inches, 92—Five Earty Printep STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Circular with valanced edges; similar, printed in claret with bazaar buildings beside an ornamental lake. Diameters, one, 9 inches; four, 6%, inches. 93—Four Earty PrIntTED STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Circular, with valanced edges, printed in sepia with Catskill Mountain House; Baker’s Falls; Hudson River, and William Penn’s Treaty with the Indians. Diameters, one, 10 inches; two, 9 inches; one, 74 inches. 94—-Earty PRrinTep STAFFORDSHIRE Ewer AnD Bastin Prexryx. Printed in sepia with Chinese lakeside pagodas and figures with formal decoration of bands of floral trellis. Height of ewer, 10 inches; diameter of basin, 1234 inches. 95—Earty STAFFORDSHIRE PRINTED PLATTER Carsxitt Hovusrt, Hupson. Oblong octagonal dish, printed in sepia. Length, 17 inches. Earty American Decoratep PorcreLaIn TEA SERVICE Circa 1830 Comprising teapot, covered sugar bowl, five cups and saucers (one cup cracked) and two cake plates; floral decorations of principal colors of emerald, orange and magenta on a white glaze. 96 97—JERsEY Warr PuppiInc-MOLD Circular fluted mold with central hollowed mound. Rich ruddy- brown glaze, the edge with splashed decoration in black. Diameter, 11 inches. Furst Session 98—WuiteE Ironstone Cuina TEA SERVICE Early American Comprising teapot, covered sugar bowl, creamer, waste bowl, two cake plates, twelve bread-and-butter plates and twelve cups and saucers. Valanced body with bands of molded scroll and floral decoration. (Two cups chipped.) 99—PENNSYLVANIA SLIP-wWARE PLATTER Circular with molded edge, brown glaze, with a decoration in yellowish white of wave figures. (Chipped.) Diameter, 15 inches. 100—MassacHUsETTs STONEWARE AMPHORA JAR Inverted pear-shape, the shoulders with two rudimentary loop handles; café-au-lait glaze with sketched floral decoration about the shoulder in indigo-blue. Height, 13814, inches. 101—Parr Earty American ALABASTER MANTEL VASES Pear-shaped with ajouré latticed neck; shoulder and base en- circled by a band of curling acanthus leaves, the body carved with a spray of blossoms. Square base. Height, 151% inches. 102—Earty AMERICAN SILVER-PLATED CANDLE-SNUFFERS AND TRAY Molded leaf ornament. 103—Earty AmeEricAn PewTer CorrrerE-pot AND Bown (a) Pear-shaped, with hat-cover and scrolled loop handle; (s) Deep circular bowl, with incised mark on base, S.C. Height of coffee-pot, 8 inches. Diameter of bowl, 71% inches. 104—Sitver-PLtateD Cake Dish By James Dixon & Sons, Sheffield Valanced circular dish with molded rim and incised interlacing scroll decoration; pierced and molded loop handle. Diameter, 1114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. EARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS BY CURRIER AND IVES AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN LITHOGRAPHERS 106—Earrty American LirnocraPH By N. Currier, New York Deatu or Wasuincton, Drecemper 14, A.D. 1799. Bedside of the dying President, surrounded by his family, physician and servants. Framed. Height, 914, inches; length, 13%, inches. 107—Earzty AmERIcCAN Cotorep LirHoGRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York New York Bay rrom Bay River, L. I. View of the bay with shipping and Long Island in the foreground. Framed. Height, 9% inches; length, 131%, inches. 108—Earty American Cotorep LirnocraPrH— By Currier & Ives, New York A Movuntrarn Ramsrir. Wooded landscape with a cascade; at the left, on a path, figures of tourists. Framed. Height, 101% inches; length, 1334 inches. 109—Earty Frencu Saratroca LirnocrarpH After I. Milbert, lith. Noel et Cie. SURRENDER OF Burcoyne, at Saratoga. Height, 10 inches; length, 12°, inches. 110—Earty Frencn Lirnocraru After I, Milbert, lith. Noel et Cie. SARATOGA Sprines. View of the United States Hotel and the town; framed. Height, 10 inches; length, 18 inches. 111—Earty American Cotorep LirHocraPH By Currier & Ives, New York, 1868 Tue Meretine or tue Warers. Junction of the rivers Avon- beg, Avonmore and Avoca in the Vale of Avoca, County Wick- low, Ireland; landscape with figures and Shelton Abbey at the left. Framed. ] Height, 1034 inches; length, 15 inches. First Session Earty AmeErican Cotorep LirHocraPpH By N. Currier, New York Tue Prayrut Famity. A tabby and three white kittens play- ing about a small footstool. Framed. By Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. 113—Earty American Cotorep LirHocrapPH By N. Currier, New York Kirry. Seated figure of a tortoise-shell and white cat. Framed. Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches. 114—Earuy Boston Cotor Encravine By Francois Xavier Habermann, Late XVIII Century Tue Otp SoutH PresspyTEertan Cuurcu, Bosron. View of Cop- ley Square, before the old church with the principal street, populated by numerous figures of laborers and soldiers. Titles in French and German. In old mahogany frame. Height, 11 inches; length, 1434 inches. (Companion to the following) 115—Earty New York Cotor Eneravine By Francots Xavier Habermann, Late XVIII Century Tue Destruction oF THE Royat Statue at New York. Bowl- ing Green, with the old statue of George III, which a gang of negroes is engaged in pulling down, to the admiration of a numerous crowd of gentlemen. Titles in French and German. Framcd. Height, 12 inches; length, 16%, inches. (Companion to the preceding) 116—Earzty American Contorep LirHocraPrH After J. Cameron, by Currier & Ives, New York, 1871 “AMERICAN Giru,” Driven py M. Ropen. A chestnut trotting mare driven in a sulky towards the right; Narragansett Park, R. I. Framed. Height, 11% inches; length, 151% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 117—Eariy American Cotorep LirHocraPH By Currier & Ives, New York In tHE Mounrarns. Rugged mountin scenery with a water-fall and river in the foreground; on the bank at the right, seated deer. Framed. Height, 1114 inches; length, 151% inches. 118—Earty American Cortorep LirHocraPrH | By Currier & Ives, New York A Supurspan Retreat. The Hudson River seen framed between trees in the foreground, with sailing vessels, and on the farther bank a frame mansion. Framed. Height, 11% inches; length, 151% inches. 119—Earty American CoLtorep LirHocRAPH After J. Cameron, by Currier & Ives, New York, 1871 “Dexter,” Driven sy Bupp Dosiz. The King of the Turf, driven in a sulky towards the left. Framed. Height, 1114 inches; length, 151% inches. 120—Earty AmeErRIcAN CotorED LITHOGRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York, 1871 FRUITS OF THE GoLDEN Lanp. Group of grapes, peaches, apple, plum and pear, representing products of California. In gilded frame. Height, 12 inches; length, 14°4 inches. 121—Earty American Cotorep LirHocraPH By Currier & Ives, New York Grorcir. Figure of a child in a maroon frock with head rest- ing on his hands which are clasped on a blue squab cushion. Framed. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. 122—Earty American Cotorep LirHocRraPH By Currier & Ives, New York Tue Crucirixion. Figure of the Christ with the four Marys at the foot of the Cross. Framed. Height, 131, inches; width, 934 inches. First Session 123—Eariy American LirHocrarpH By Currier & Ives, New York Tue Lirrre Sisters. Figures of two young children with clasped hands. Framed. Height, 131%, inches; width, 91% inches. (Companion to the following) 124—Earty American LirHocrapH By Currier & Ives, New York Tue Lirrte Broruers. Figures of two boys in short velvet jackets, with clasped hands. Framed. Height, 181, inches; width, 91% inches. (Companion to the preceding) 125—Earty American Cotorep WasHincton LirHocrapH By N. Currier, New York Standing figure of the President in black before a table, and drapery, permitting a glimpse of a harbor. Framed. Height, 13 inches; width, 914% inches. 126—Earty AmMeEriIcAn Cotorep LirHocRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York OFF For THE War. Federal officer, in a blue uniform, embracing his wife and child as the line of march is formed. In old frame. Height, 138% inches; width, 101, inches. 127—Earty American Cotorep LirHocraPH By N. Currier, New York Tue Lirtre Favorite. Seated figure of a child holding a blue ribbon, a dove perched on her right wrist. Framed. Height, 131, inches; width, 914 inches. 128—Earty American Cotorep LirHocrapHu By Currier & Ives, New York Our Repeemer. Figure of the seated Christ in a scarlet mantle at the Supper, with bread and a chalice of wine before him. Framed. Height, 131% inches; width, 9% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 129—Earty American Cotorep LirHocRAPH By N. Currier, New York, 1845 Wasuincton’s Reception at Trenton, N. J. Figure of the General mounted on a gray horse, received by groups of young women with floral offerings; with patriotic emblem. Framed. Height, 13°34 inches; width, 91/4 inches. 180—Earty American Cotorep LirHocraPH By Currier & Ives, New York Tur QurEN oF Beauty. Head and shoulders portrait of a young girl with flowing fair hair. Framed. Height, 14 inches; width, 1034 inches. 131—Earty AmERicAN CoLorEep LirHocraPH By N. Currier, New York Love 1s THE Licutrsr. Figure of a ballerina holding a balance, in one pan of which is a cupid, in the heavier a butterfly. Framed. Height, 14% inches; width, 1014 inches. 132—Earty American LirHocrarpH By Currier & Ives, New York MarriacE Mornine. Half-length figure of a young woman, seated, in white bridal costume, with a fan. Framed. Height, 1414 inches; width, 1014 inches. 133—Earty American Lincotn Encravine By John Sartain, Bradley & Co., Philadelphia Bust portrait within an oval, facing the observer. In old ebon- ized and parcel-gilded frame. Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches. 1384—Earty AMERICAN CoLoRED LITHOGRAPH By E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, New York and Hartford Spring oF THE Marriep. Seated figures of man and wife in taciturn attitudes, after a tiff. Framed. Height, 141, inches; width, 11 inches. First Session 135—Earuity American Cotorep LirHocraPH By N. Currier, New York, 1847 James K. Porx. The President Elect, in formal evening clothes, delivering an oration, before a green drapery. Height, 141% inches; width, 1034 inches. 136—Earzty American CoLorep LirHocraPH | By Currier & Ives, New York Fannie. Head and shoulders portrait of a young girl with a rose-colored marabou-edged fan held before her lips. Framed. Height, 15 inches; width, 111% inches. 1387—Earity AMERICAN CoLorep LITHOGRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York CoLoneL Extmer E. Exztswortn, of the First New York Fire Zouaves. Half-length figure in a blue uniform. In_ gilded frame. Height, 151% inches; width, 11% inches. 138—Earty American CoLorep LirHocRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York BricgapiIeR GENERAL THomas Francis Meracuer, of the Irish Brigade. Three-quarter length figure in a blue Federal uniform; in gilded frame. Height, 151% inches; width, 111% inches. 189—Earty AmeEricAn CoLorep LirHocRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York Masor GENERAL Franz Stecer, the Hero of the West. In three-quarter length, in a blue uniform. Gilded frame. Height, 154% inches; width, 111% inches. 140—Earty American CoLtorep LirHocRAPH By Currier & Ives, New York Autumn. Half-length figure of a young woman in a décolleté in Venetian red, her hair wreathed in vines, and holding in her arms peaches and grapes. Framed. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 141—Earty American Cotorep LirHocRraPH By Currier & Ives, New York Fanniz. Head and shoulders portrait of a young girl with black hair holding to her lips a rose fan edged with marabou. Framed. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 142—Earzty American Cotorep LirHocraPH By Collins & Chemin, Philadelphia CapiroL oF THE Untrep Starrs. The buildings at Washington, the foreground filled with numerous figures, equestrians and horse carriages. In oak frame. Height, 1714, inches; length, 201% inches. 143—Earty AmeErRiIcAN Cotorep LirHocrRAaPH After John Cameron, by Currier & Ives, New York, 1883 CuincsTone, Driven sy G. H. Saunpers. The Grand Trotter racing to the right in a sulky driven along a fence-bordered course. Framed. Height, 19 inches; length, 271% inches. 144—Earty AmeErRiIcAN Lincoutn LirHocrRAPH Lincotn anp His Generats. Seated figure of the President with a group of six Commanders of the Federal armies, within a rough oval. Framed. (Border has been painted over.) Height, 19 inches; length, 23 inches. 145—Earzty American LirHocrRaPH After Scott Leighton, by Currier & Ives, New York Maup 8S, Driven sy W. W. Barr. The Queen of the Turf, trot- ting before a sulky through a flat landscape. Framed. Height, 20 inches; length, 2734 inches. 146—Earty American LirHoGRAPH By George Stinson & Co., Portland, Me., 1871 Tue Lincotn Famity. Group of Lincoln, his wife and two sons in the drawing-room of his home. Framed. Height, 21% inches; length, 271%, inches. First Session 147—-Earty AMERICAN Cotorep LirHocraPH After C. H. Durrie, by Currier & Ives, New York, 1864 Tuer Ovp HomestEap 1n WINTER. Snow-covered farm-buildings with plows, cattle and, in the doorway of a barn, the figure of a man with a chestnut horse. Framed. Height, 21% inches; length, 281% inches. 148—Earty AMERICAN SportTinc Cotor Print By Currier & Ives, New York, 1888 Tue Leavers. Heads, facing left, of the horses, Jay Eye See, Maud §, and St. Julien. Framed. Height, 211% inches; length, 25 inches. 149—Earty American LirHocraPH By Fischer, Carpenter & Gusthal, New York Tue WasHincron Famity. Group after the well known canvas by Savage. Framed. Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches. 150—Earzty AMERICAN STEEL ENGRAVING After J. W. Dodge, by H. S. Sadd, New York, 1848 Henry Cray. Seated figure in formal black clothes, with his dog, in rural landscape; at the bottom a vignette of his mansion. Height, 23% inches; width, 1514 inches. 151—Earty American Marine O11 PaArntTine Tur ScHooner Epwarp M. Reep. Three-masted fore-and-aft rigged vessel sailing to the left, the background of low cliffs; signed at lower left, Stubbs. In gilded frame. Height, 23% inches; length, 36 inches. 152—AntieveE Encuish NEEDLEPOINT PIcTURE A Huntine Mornine. Figure of a cavalier in full gallop with a white terrier, in a field of gray-ivory; the face and hands in petit-point. Framed. Height, 91% inches; length, 121% inches. 1538—Encuisu Perir-pornt Crrcutar PANEL Ecru gros-point border about a very finely executed petit-point garland of flowers on an ivory field. Diameter, 14 inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 154—EarLty AMERICAN ALPHABET SAMPLER Executed in cross-stitch with two alphabets and the beginning of a series of numbers. Edges hemmed. Height, 6 inches; length, 614 inches. 155—Earty AMERICAN ALPHABET SAMPLER Executed in cross and eyelet stitch in various colored silks, with two alphabets, numerals and lower border panel. Height, 6% inches; width, 61% inches, 156—Earity Empiematic Samprter French or English, circa 1820 Heavy linen worked in pastel shades of silk and worsted with a number of assorted designs including: garden tools, floral sprays, a guitar, a table of wine, a harp, birds, a cavalier and, at the lower right, a vessel flying the Dutch and Spanish flags and probably symbolizing Trafalgar, the former erroneously repre- senting the French Tricolor. Framed. Height, 121% inches; length, 17%, inches. 157—Earty AMERICAN CRross-STITCH SAMPLER By Calista Buell, aged 8, 1800 Following two alphabets, the inscription: Calista Buell sampler, aged 8 years. C. B. is my name, New England is my station, Simsbury is my dwelling place And Christ is my salvation. When I am dead and in my grave, And all my bones are rotten When this you see, remember me That I mant be forgotten. August 28th. I must learn to read and work And learn to speak the truth Pray the Lord to bless my ways, And guide me in my youth. 1800 Hews Height, 1614 inches; width, 11 inches. First Session 158—Earty AmeErRiIcAN Mopeu oF A SHIP-RIGGED VESSEL THe Lavurre A. Cross-rigged three-master in half-relief, in painted pine frame imitating harbor waters; hand-carved pine sails and fitted decks. Height of vessel, 131% inches; length of frame, 32 inches. 159—Earty AMERICAN Mopetu or A Fisuine VEssert Single-masted; has stand. Height, including stand, 19 inches. EARLY AMERICAN HOOK RUGS AND HANDSPUN QUILTS 160—Earty AMERICAN Frorat Hook Mar Grayish-blue jaspé field with meander border in rose-crimson and black circumscribing a central nosegay of naturalistic flowers. Length, 2 feet 7, inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches. 161—Earty AMERICAN Raisep Frorat Hoox Mar Olive-drab field with narrow raised borders enclosing trailing sprays of roses in colors of pink, lavender and pale blue-greens and fawns. Length, 3 feet; width, 1 foot 61% inches. 162—Earty Nova Scotia Hoox Rue Field of deep sapphire-blue, the corners with pairs of interlacing rose-colored cinquefoil blossoms with a central floral basket emit- ting a large scrolling branch heavy with ivory leafage and similar rose-crimson flowers. Length, 3 feet; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 163—Earty AmeERICAN Curistmas Hoox Rue Grayish black field hooked with flying Doves of Peace and the Star of Bethlehem in rose and ivory, at the corners; with a central oval scrolled and leaf medallion in ivory supporting af- frontés figures of reindeer about a central flowering shrub em- blematic of Yule. Length, 3 feet 1 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 164—Earty American AntimAaL Hoox Rue Border fluctuating from mauve and gray to sage-green and in- terestingly hooked with detached blossom figures having passages of rose; oval medallion in olive-drab and lavender sustaining quaint figure of a dog. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 165—Earty American “WerEtcomMe” Hoox Mat Semi-oval rug, the black field woven with a single spray in rose and sage-green below the inscription, WEetcomeE, principally in sage and crimson. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches. 166—Earty AmErRIcAN Brrep Hoox Rue Variable greenish-gray field bordered in black and having within a frame of undulating leaf branches the figure of a red-winged blackbird perched on a spray of raised blossoms in scarlet, rose, mustard-yellow and orange. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 167—Earty AmeErican Merpautition Hoox Rue Fluctuating coffee-brown field within a narrow border of gray- brown and enclosing a “turtle” medallion in gray-ivory outlined in saffron, field and medallion filled with sprays of wild flowers. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 168—Earty American “Wetcome” Hoox Rue Gray-black jaspé semi-oval rug hooked with a single trailing branch of conventionalized roses above the inscription, Wertr- COME, and carried out in mauve, sage-green and fawn. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 169—Earty American Fitorat Hoox Rue Black outer guard surrounding a field of light fawn enclosed within an engrailed rose border; sustaining a nosegay of blos- soms in brilliant reds, greens, blue and chocolate-brown. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. First Session 170—Earuty American Sxy-siurt Hoox Rue Finely hooked with a frame of scrolling leafage in ivory outlined in rose surrounding a central figure of two pairs of sea-green leaves sustaining blossoms in old-rose and dull crimson. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. 171—Earzty American Carnation Hoox Rue Border of smoky-tan supporting at the corners four sprays of blossoms outlined in crimson, ivory and black; with a shaped oval medallion of gray-ivory hooked with a symmetrical “tree” of carnations in colors of the border. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 172—Farty American Hoox Ruc Black outer guard enveloping a shaped medallion of fine pearl- gray enriched with leaf sprays and flowers springing from the edge and executed in pastel colors of rose, blue and fawn. Length, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 173—Earty American Frorat Hoox Rue Fluctuating grayish-brown field hooked with triads of roses at the corners; with an oval medallion compounded of small Baroque scrolls in shades of rose surrounding a similar naturalistic spray of the blossoms. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 174—Earty American Cruippep Fiorat Hoox Rue Borders of gray-black, fawn and rose about a smoky-yellow field with a frame of leafage enveloping a spray of blossoms sur- rounded by single roses at the corners, and carried out in unusual shades of saffron, cypress-green, grays, fawns and pale blues. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 4& inches. 175—Earty American AntmaL Hoox Rue Black field hooked with the figure of a statant lion principally in tobacco-brown and flanked by two laveolate details in pale green and orange. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 176—Earzty American Birp Hoox Rue Circa 1830 Blue-gray jaspé field within a border of meanders surrounded by a brownish-mauve outer guard; the field with a serpentined medallion in gray-ivory sustaining the form of a bird in rose perched on a spreading twig. (Slight repair needed to edge.) Length, 3 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. 177—Earty American Hoox Rue Cross-hatched braided border, central oblong medallion sustain- ing on a field of gray two crescent-shaped claret-colored blos- soms supporting ivory leafage on spandrels of claret; the space between divided into triangular compartments alternately in blue, rose, yellow and black. Length, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 178—Earty American “Goop-Luck” Hoox Rue Olive-black guard with a frame of four boldly scrolled leaf- figures in rose and fawn about a central field of ivory sustaining a horseshoe inscribed Goop Luck, and supporting two pendant floral motives. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 179—InvereEstinc Earty American Ratsep Frorat Hoox Rue Black field, scarlet band surrounding a chain of S-scrolls in primrose and an oblong leaf-bordered gray medallion with a rose overlaying a cross of sprays of buds raised in scarlet, the leafage in turquoise, outlined in black. Attached to the edges of the rug a row of imbricated scallops in black outlined in ivory and rose and bearing stepped stellate figures. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 180—Earty American Animat Hoox Rue Variable olive-black field bordered with guards of rose and fawn developing four leaf-figures at the corners in shades of crimson, saffron and lavender about an oval medallion depicting a seated cat with two sportive kittens on a tiled floor. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. First Session 181—Earty American Frorat Hoox Rua Circa 1820 * Field of intense black hooked with a frame formed of four sprays of trailing blossoms—roses, carnations and the like—in a variety of colors, with a central semicircular nosegay in similar tones of scarlet, mauve, lavender, fawn and ivory. A very notable example. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 182—Earty American Fruorat Hoox Rue Circa 1810-20 Variable borders of olive-drab and gray surrounding a central field of grayish-green hooked with three large circular formal blossoms in soft colors. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 183—Earty American Frorat Hoox Rua Fluctuating field of olive and café-au-lait with a chain of alter- nating pink and white roses surrounding a large passage of ivory overlaid with a ring of conventionalized garden flowers in principal colors of scarlet, powder-blue, claret, greens and grays. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 184—Earzty American Frorat Hoox Rue Circa 1820 Gray field varying to smoky-brown, with an oval of trailing rose- colored leaves about a valanced blossom-enriched medallion con- taining a large rose flanked by cornflowers and orange carna- tions. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 185—Earty American Raisep Frorat Hoox Rue Greenish black border with a lavishly scrolled frame outlined in fawn and ivory about a central field of pearl-gray with a single spray of rose blossoms at the centre in principal colors of scarlet, fawn and ivory. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. 186—Earty American Frorat Hoox Rue Circa 1820 Interestingly variable jaspé field of grayish-mauve developing a gigantic single scarlet coxcomb flower emitting sprays of curled and serrated leafage in soft tans, grays and greens. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 187—-Earty AMERICAN SEA-GREEN FioraL Hook Rue Border of four figures of trailing leafage outlined in lavender surrounding a central nosegay of garden flowers in brilliant col- ors on a finely fluctuating sea-green ground. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet. 188—Earty American Mosaic Hoox Rue Hooked with diamond figures alternating in tobacco-brown and shades of rose overlaid with gray squares, the border of half- squares of jaspé brownish-gray. Length, 6 feet 1 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. 189—Earty American Diaper Hoox Rue Variable greenish-black field hooked with a diaper of stepped diamond figures in fluctuating ivory-gray, sustaining small quatrefoil figures in shades of rose. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 190—Earty AmeErican Frorat Hoox Rue Circa 1820 Finely variable sky-blue field encircled by a border of trailing leafage in rose-crimson and developing a nosegay of large de- tached flowers in fawns, rose, grays and greens; greenish-drab outer guard. (Needs slight repair.) Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. I a First Session 191—Earty American Wuirrt Linen Spreap Quilted with crosswise line stitch and decorated with four large appliqué leaf-figures in crimson with a border of the same en- riched with recurring maple-leaf figures. 6 feet square. 192—Earty American Hanp-spun Ivory Patcuwork QvILT Patched with squares alternately printed in brick-red semé with a tiny floral pattern and with “wool-winder” figures in varying colors of mauve and tan; saw-tooth border. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet. 198—Earty American “Loc Canin” QvILT White quilted linen enriched with the “Log Cabin” pattern of stepped diamond figures about a central cruciform motive in turkey-red, saffron and mazarine-blue. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 194—Earzty American Drcoratep Homespun Ivory Quint Quilted with a close trellis pattern and decorated with large “hearthstone” figures in sage-green, saffron and flowered blue, the border printed with Paisley “pear” patterns repeated in a field of variable fawn with outer guards of deep blue. Length, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 8 feet. 195—Earty American Hanp-spun Ivory QuiILtT Circa 1820 Interestingly quilted with a diamond trellis enclosing alternately symmetrical leaf patterns and a geometrical figure formed of six open “sugar-loaf’ pyramids dyed rose-crimson. (Needs slight repair. ) Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 8 feet 6 inches. 196—Earzty American Hanp-spun Ivory “PatcH-work” Quitt Quilted with floral figures and portioned into square compart- ments diagonally divided, one-half composed of various appliqué floral prints. Border enclosed between valanced guards of rose- crimson semé with tiny stars. Length, 8 feet 11 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Earty American Heavy Wuire Linen Frorat Quit Broad border of scrolling liliform blossoms, with a frame of diamond trellis about a central invected oval medallion enclos- ing a large symmetrical leaf-scrolled figure. con Length, 10 feet; width, 7 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE 198—RosEwoop ano Manocany Trea Cappy The lid mounted in cutvre doré in various figures, giving access to interior with two foil-lined compartments; bowl with Sens ship handle of clasped hands. Height, 4°34 inches; length, 8°4 inches. 199—Turnep Marie Prstie ann Morrar Early American Height of mortar, 7 inches. 200—Earty AMERICAN Metrart CANDLE-SNUFFERS AND LAacaquER TRAY 201—Earty American Intaip Manocany Cuiitp’s WorxK-Box Oblong, in two tiers, the upper fitted with pin-cushion finial and opening to hold spools of thread, the lower with single drawer, having interesting mirror-slide. Trimmed with bone. Height, 7 inches; width, 7 inches. 202—Earty American Tin anp Brass WuHate-om Lamp Slender tapering shaft supporting domed reservoir; large cir- cular base, screw-top for two wicks. Height, 81%, inches. From the Ives Tavern Sale, Danbury, Conn. 203—Earty AMERICAN Decoratep Tin Hot-watrer Can Cylindrical, with two handles; door in base to hold spirit-lamp. Painted green with decoration in gilding. Height, 8%, inches. First Session 204—Parr Earty AMERICAN Brass CANDLESTICKS Slender shaft and bobéche flaring into broad circular base. Height, 8 inches. 205—Earty AMERICAN Tin CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Deep bowl with tall socket and loop handle. Diameter, 9 inches. 206—Patr Earty American Brass CANDLESTICKS Graceful knopped stem flaring into bell-foot, on square base with chamfered corners. Height, 9 inches. 207—Parr Cotoniat Brass CanpLEstTicks Late XVIII Century Graceful balustered shaft flaring beneath into a bell, on square base standing on four stump feet. Height, 91% inches. 208—Two Earty AMERICAN Brass anp Tin HANpD-LANTERNS Height, 101% inches. 209—Grovur or Harty American Decoratrep Lacaurer Boxes Comprising bread-box (or folio-case), tea caddy and biscuit- box; with various floral decorations in gilding and colors on black grounds. Length of bread-bow, 18% inches; height of caddy, 6 inches; height of biscuit-bow, 5 inches. 210—Earty American Two-HANDLED GuAss CHAMBER Lamp Spheroidal blown glass body, molded support having two loop handles; circular base inscribed underneath with the name of the maker, J. Ripley. Fitted for electricity; with chintz shade. Height, including shade, 18% inches. 211—Marxie anp Rosewoop Farm-HoustE Manrent Crock Early American Tall oblong, with roof top and raised molded front enclosing a dial above a bull’s-eye of painted glass developing a jardiniére of flowers. In running order. Height, 16 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 212—Earty AMERICAN Brass-pounND TooLED LEATHER PEDDLER’S TRUNK Oblong with incurvate front; bound with brass strips decorated with rows of round-headed nails. Wood covered old brown-black leather with traces of formal tooled patterns; scrolled brass lock. Height, 14 inches; length, 29 inches. 2183—Lotr or Earty American Firr Toots Comprising iron tongs, shovel with brass handle and sword-poker mounted in brass with eagle-head and bone handle. 214—Pair Earty AMERICAN WrovuGHT-IRON SHIELD ANDIRONS Pyramid of C-scrolls clasped with a rosette above a central escutcheon. Height, 11 inches. 215—Earity American Forcrep Iron Toaster Finely scrolled double grill; pierced heart-shaped handle. Length, 17 inches. 216—Earrty American Mastureap LANTERN By National Marine Lamp Co., New York Ruby glass, for port side. Height, 151% inches. 217—Pair TortotsE-sHELL LAcaquER AND ParcEL-GILDED Wau. Mtr- RORS Early American Deep oval, enriched with leaf-carved ribbon border and four gilded fruit details. Height, 12 inches. 218—Earty American Brrecuwoop “Courtine” Mrrror Oblong, in simple molded frame. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. 219—Pair Earty American Rosewoop anp ParcrL-GILDED WALL Mirrors Oval with bewreathed leaf molding and enriched gilded inner fillet. Height, 17 inches. First Session 220—Earzty American DrcoraTEep LacauEer Tray Central group of peacock and butterfly with flowers and fruit; border in gilding of formal foliage ornament. Length, 26 inches; width, 19 inches. 221—Pair Earty American Foorstoous Maple and pine bases covered with hooked work; one developing a floral basket, the other, a large rose-crimson coxcomb. 222—-RareE Oax CuiLp’s CHAIR American, circa 1700 Oblong back, V-curved at top, with closed settle wing ends; box seat with ogee serpentined apron and pierced with a circular hole as a night-chair. With chintz loose cushion. Height, 23 inches. 223—Marprte anp AsH LAppEr-Bpack CHILp’s CHaArR American, XVIII Century Round posts with turned finials and three concave slats; turned waisted front posts with knob finials, jomed at the foot by slender box stretcher. Rush seat of later date. 224—Pair Brrcu anp Mapue Hircucock Cuairs American, circa 1810-1820 Fan-shaped back with curved crowning rail and single slat; splayed ring-turned and balustered tapering legs joined by slender turned balustered stretcher, caned seat. 225—MarpLte And Hicxory LappEer-rack Rocker American, Early XVIII Century Round posts with turned finials, four arched slats, scrolled arms ; round front posts, doubly stretchered. New rush seat. 226—Pair Earty AMERICAN CuRLY-MAPLE SIDE CHairs Circa 1830 Arched and shaped crowning rail, on serpentined uprights, broad complex vase-splat; incurved legs joined by similar frontal stretcher, caned seat. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 227—Mapie anp Hickory Wriypsor Arm CnHair American, Late XVIII Century Yoke-shaped back with seven spindles (two missing) ; flat arms scrolled on the outside and supported on canted balustered up- rights. Saddle-seat on splayed turned legs joined by bobbin- turned H-stretcher. 228—Parr Oak Lapprr-pack Sipe Cuairs American, XVIII Century Lavishly turned round uprights and finials, three curved arched splats; round turned and stretchered legs, rush seat. (These old chairs have had two successive coats of paint removed and have been scraped, and the seats renewed.) 299—Earty AMERICAN Brrcno CANDLESTAND Circa 1810 Graceful oval top on turned balustered pillar supported on quadrangular S-scrolled tripod. Height, 2714, inches; diameter, 1534 inches. 230—Eariy AmEricaN Marie CANDLESTAND Circa 1810-1820 Oblong top on profusely turned and balustered shaft standing on quadrangular S-scrolled tripod. Height, 2614, inches; width, 17 inches. 231—Patntep Wuirrwoop anv Birp’s-EyE Marte Work Tape American, circa 1810-1820 Square overhanging top, frieze with single drawer in bird’s-eye maple; turned balustered tapering legs. Has been painted to simulate mahogany. Height, 281, inches; width, 171% inches. 232—Marne Karty American Decoratep CRADLE-ROCKER Oblong back with flat crowning-rail supported on a row of slen- der spindles ; scrolled arms on spindle ends. On splayed turned and stretchered legs. The seat with half-length removable cradle rail; painted dark green with line stencil in yellow. Length, 474% inches. First Session 233—Pine anv BuTtTrerRNuT CRADLE American, XVITI Century Oblong convex body with tall oval ends supported on plain rockers joined by vase-stretcher. (Considerably reconstructed.) Height, 311% inches; length, 36 inches. 234—Maprrre Cuitp’s Winpsor Rocker American, Late XVIII Century Fan-shaped back, broad top rail and three slender spindles ; peg arms doweled into the uprights and supported on single spindles, splayed bamboo-turned stretcher legs on plain rockers. 235—Maprire Lapprer-pack Cuinp’s Cyair New England, Early XVIII Century Round posts with turned finials and single band of turning be- tween the upper two of three arched slats; scrolling arms on slender turned uprights, round heavily stretchered legs on plain rockers. New rush seat. 236—Earty AMERICAN CnHiLp’s Boston Rocker Back with five spindles, serpentined arms on spindle ends, scrolled seat on turned and balustered stretcher-legs. Painted black, with line and floral decoration. 237—QuvUEEN ANNE MAPLE SIpE CHairrR American, Early XVIII Century Open back with cyma-shaped top downcurving into vase splat supported on molded tie; turned, balustered and blocked legs with graceful ball-turned frontal stretcher, pad feet. Rush seat of later date. 238—Earty American Decoratep Boston Rocker Tall curved fan-shaped back with broad crowning-rail and six spindles, scrolled arms supported on spindles; bowl seat on bam- boo-turned and stretchered legs. Painted lemon-yellow and black with decoration of a trophy of fruit between rosette figures. 239—KEarzty AMERICAN Hickory ann Marie Winpsor CHaArr Yoke-shaped back with seven spindles ; shaped bow] seat. Turned and splayed legs joined by H-stretcher. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 240—Two Marre anv Hickory SpinpLE-BAcK SipE CHaIrs American, Late XVIII Century Round posts supporting frames of four slender spindles; round stretchered legs, splint seats. (Legs have been amputated at foot.) 241—Earty American Lacauerep Wart Mirror Tall oblong, the frame with half-round pilasters jomed by corner blocks and enriched with stenciled floral pattern. Height, 1934 inches; width, 12 inches. 242—Karty AMERICAN CrrcAssian Watnut Wart Mirror Oblong cyma-molded frame. Height, 191% inches; width, 151% inches. 243—Earty American Lacaurr Wart Mirror | Oblong, the frame set with half-round parcel-gilded pilasters joined by square corner blocks. Height, 20 inches; width, 11 inches. 244—Earty AMERICAN CarvED AND GinpED Mirror Circa 1830 Oblong, the frame with turned half-round balusters joined by rosetted corner-blocks and enriched at the corners with leaf scroll- ing; upper panel of tin lacquered with a marine within a floral garland. Height, 3114, inches; width, 18 inches. 245—Earty AmeEriIcAN CAarvep Manocany Wart Mirror Tall oblong, with half-round fluted pilasters supporting an architrave enriched with two flat-carved leaf-scrolls ; upper panel with gilded painting of a seaside cottage and ship. Height, 33 inches; width, 1714 inches. 246—Earty AMERICAN DecaLcoMANIA Ping FYRE-BOARD Covered with paper printed with an ornate border principally in emerald and white, with a central picture of the Pantheon in Paris surrounded by a frame of gilded arabesqued leaf-scroll- ings. Rare. Height, 3614 inches; length, 42 inches. First Session 247—Earty AMERICAN PinE anp Mapte Bepsipe Tasie Circular top supported on turned and balustered pillar standing on four hickory splayed legs. Height, 241% inches; diameter, 191% inches. 248—Earity American Mapite CanpDLESTAND Square top supported on graceful balustered pillar terminating in scrolled tripod feet. Height, 254% inches; width, 17 inches. 249—Marie anp Watnut OccasionaL Tape American, XVIII Century Oblong top, molded frieze with single drawer having brass knob handle chiseled with urn-figure; canted tapering legs terminating in pad feet. Height, 2714 inches; width, 19 inches. 250—Earty American Wautnut Work TasLEe Oblong overhanging top, frieze with single drawer trimmed with glass knob; turned legs joined by shelf stretcher with serpentined front. Height, 27 inches; width, 191% inches. 251—Prarwoop anp Manocany Work TasLeE ; American, circa 1810-1820 Square top, frieze with two drawers having rosetted glass handles; slightly tapering round legs, ring-turned knees and feet. Height, 28%, inches; width, 201% inches. 9252—Earty AMERICAN Pingt WaAsH-STAND Oblong with scrolled rear gallery and sausage-turned rail ends; front with three long drawers having flat knob-handles, bracketed apron. Height, 29 inches; length, 35 inches. 953—Earty AmeEericAN Marnie AND PInE WooL-wInDER X-shaped frame of intersecting squares of struts revolving about a central tapering pole supported on a beveled cross-foot. Height, 351/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 254—Earty American Bircw anp Marie ScHooLtmasTEerR’s Desk Narrow oblong cock-beaded top with rear gallery; beaded slant- front enclosing interior with two drawers and _ pigeon-holes ; quadrangular tapering legs. Height, 3714 inches; width, 2614 inches. 255—Map.e anp Hickory Coms-pack Winpsor Arm CHAIR American, Late XVIII Century Arched back braced with seven spindles, horseshoe arm-rail finely . scrolled at the extremities and spported on canted balustered up- rights, saddle-seat on balustered splayed legs joined by bobbin H-stretcher. 256—Pair Marie anp Hickory Nine-sprnpie Wrinpsor SipE Cuairs American, Late XVIII Century Yoke-shaped back with nine slender spindles; shaped seat on four turned and splayed legs joined by H-stretcher. 257—PainteED Mapie Sipe Cuarr American, Late XVIII Century Fan-shaped slightly scrolling back with ladder of three gradu- ated splats; saddle-shaped seat on turned slightly bulbous legs joined by frontal bar stretcher. Rush seat of later date; has been painted olive-brown. 258—Si1x Mapie anp Hickory “Cuicken-coop” Winpsor Sipe CHarrs Early American Fan-shaped back with seven spindles of hickory supporting a second top rail; dish-seat on four turned and splayed legs joined by bobbin H-stretcher. 259—HEarty AMERICAN PEAaRwoop anp Mapte Sing CwHair Fan-shaped back with ladder of three splats ; round legs tapering at the feet and well stretchered, rush seat of later date. | 260—Earty AmrricAaNn Marie anp Aso Winpsor CHAIR Fan-shaped back with seven spindles; molded seat on splayed “bamboo” legs joined by slight stretchers. ' First Session 261—MapLe anp Hickory Lapper-pack Rocker American, Early XVIII Century ‘Round turned posts with graceful vase finials, three arched slats ; finely scrolled arms above turned and balustered uprights, doubly stretchered. New rush seat. 262—Carvep Manocany Wart Mirror American, Late XVIII Century Oblong with fret-carved scroll-cresting and base ornament about a plain frame. Height, 201% inches; width, 14 inches. 263-—RosEwoop AND STAINED Manocany Farm-HovusE Crock By Ingraham & Co., Bristol, Conn. Arched case with balustered half-round pilaster moldings enclos- ing dial above a circular glass panel with a view of the State House, Boston. Interior with original maker’s label, brass move- ment. In running order. Height, 18 inches. 264—Manocany AND Waunvut Eicut-pay Basket Crock By E. N. Welch, Forestville, Conn. Circular dial, with sanded glass door having a reserved basket of leafage; interior with original maker’s label and brass move- ment. In running order. Height, 19 inches. 265—Earty AmeERIcAN Brass WARMING-PAN Circular, the lid with incised floral decoration; oak handle. Length, 41 inches. 266—RarEr Earty American WrovucuHtT-Iron WEATHER-VANE Slender foil with finely conceived revolving figure of a serpent. Mounted in weathered shaft. Height, with shaft, 45 inches. 267—CueErrywoop Curty Marre Bepsiwr TAsie American, circa 1810-1820 Oblong top, frieze with unusual convex drawer having brass knob; round legs turned at knees and feet. Height, 30 inches; width, 201% inches. Kwdly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 268—Earty American Eronizep Tra Taste on Iron STanp Circular molded tilting top supported on slender balustered shaft terminating in rocaille and C-scroll enriched iron tripod. Top painted with a floral nosegay. Height, 271% inches; diameter, 21 inches. 269—Marre Dressinc TABLE American, circa 1810-1820 Oblong top with rear gallery, frieze with one drawer having knobbed handles; tapering legs turned at knees and feet. Height, 32 inches; length, 281% inches. 270—Earty American Birp’s-rye Marie WaAsH-sTAND Square top with scrolled three-quarter gallery pierced for basin and glasses; open front with single base drawer, turned vase feet. Height, 34 inches; width, 181%, inches. 2°71—Earty American Curerrywoop Curst or Drawers Oblong top, front with four long drawers of variable depths trimmed with oval brasses bearing the American Eagle and ori- ginal oval handles; shaped apron, bracket feet. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet 6 inches. 272—Earty Connecticut Patintep Cuinp’s Winpsor CHa Union Chair Co., Winsted, Conn. Fan-shaped back with decorated crowning rail supported on three spindles, splayed round legs stretchered and with foot-rest. Painted black. 273—Marre Wrinpsor Cririp’s CHatir American, Late XVIII Century Fan-shaped back with four spindles, unusual flat seat on short splayed legs joined by slender stretcher. 274—PInE anp Mapre Lapper-pacx Rocker American, XVIII Century Round uprights supporting a ladder of three splats, the two lower unusually joined by four slender turned spindles; flat- shaped bobbin arms, round posts with mushroom tops, well stretchered and standing on bar rockers. Splint seat. First Session 275—Marie anp Hicxory Lapper-pack Sipe CHair anp Rocker American, circa 1700 (a) Round posts tapering at the top, with three arched slats; round legs well stretchered, splint seat. (8) Round posts with tapering turned finials, four arched and curved slats; slender arms, round front posts with turned button finials, doubly stretchered and on plain rocker. Splint seat. 276—Marrie anp Hickory ‘LappEer-pack Rocker 3 American, Early XVIII Century Round posts with short tapering finials, three slats, the two lower once arched; round legs joined by double stretcher. (Placed on rockers at a later date. New rush seat.) 277—Four Marzirt anp Oax Lapper-pack Sipe Cuarrs American, Early XVIII Century Round posts with turned knob finials and three arched splats; round doubly stretchered legs, splint seats. 278—Manocany anp Wautnut Torter Mirror Early American Oblong molded mirror with cornice, supported on square beveled piers with ball finials; oblong base with single long drawer hav- ing concave face and trimmed with turned knob handle. Height, 24 inches; width, 25%, inches. 279—Earty American GinpED Wari Mirror Circa 1830 Tall oblong, framed in turned half-round pilasters joined by rosetted corner-blocks; the upper panel with eglomisé painting of a farm-house. Height, 2414, inches; width, 121%, inches. 280—Earty AmEricAn Manocany Wari Mirror Oblong cyma-molded frame. Height, 24% inches; width, 18 inches. 281—Marre Ovar Taste American, Late XVIII Century Exceptionally fine oval top, plain frieze; quadrangular tapering legs. (Feet have been slightly amputated.) Height, 21 inches; length, 321% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 282—Rare Pine Pircrim Taste American, Late XVII Century Exceptionally fine circular top supported on triangular frieze, with three round canted legs, ring turned at knees and feet and joined by triangular box stretcher. Height, 23%, inches; diameter, 31% inches. Note: ‘These tables are now extremely uncommon, as the joinery in their manufacture was considerably more difficult than that of the ordinary rec- tangular understructure. Nutting, in “Furniture of the Pilgrim Century,” illustrates two or three of a less primitive type, but has no such fine example. 283—Earty AmeERIcCAN CHERRYWOOD Drop-LEAF Work TAasLE Circa 1810-1820 Oblong, with two drop-leaves supported on broad frieze flanges ; tapering legs ring-turned at knees and towards the feet. Height, 29 inches; length extended, 34 inches. 284—Earty American CHERRYwWoop Drop-Lear TABLE Circa 1820-1830 Oblong top with two drop-leaves, frieze with single end drawer, turned legs tapering to knob feet. Height, 291% inches; length extended, 44 inches. First Session 285—Marrte Drop-tear Breaxrast Tape American, 1770-80 Oblong top, with two drop-leaves, supported on unusually broad frieze flanges, trimmed with small knobs; plain frieze supported on finely molded quadrangular legs. Height, 261%, inches; length extended, 341% inches. 286—Imporranrt Marre Siant-rront Writinc Desk American, Late XVIII Century Oblong top dovetailed into slant front with writing-fall con- cealing interior fitted with pigeon-holes, drawers (three missing) and a central panel-cupboard flanked by half-round pilasters ; the front with four graduated long drawers, molded base. Grace- ful bracket feet. Fine patina. Height 43%, inches; width, 351%, inches. 287—Earty American LacquERED AND PaArcEL-GILDED Wari Mrr- ROR | Circa 1850 Tall oblong, the frame with ring-turned half-pilasters joined by rosetted corner blocks; the upper panel with eglomisé painting of a cottage. Height, 251, inches; width, 13 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 288—Manocany Siant-Front Writine Drsk American, Late XVIII Century Oblong top with slant front, the fall concealing interior fitted with drawers and pigeon-holes, including two secret compart- ments; the front with long drawers trimmed with beaded oval brasses and handles and standing on molded base with bracketed feet. Height, 41 inches; width, 40 inches. 289—Earty American Ginp—Ep Wart Mirror Circa 1830 Oblong, framed in ring-turned and balustered half-round pil- asters joined by corner blocks; upper panel lacquered with pre- sentment of a meeting-house. Height, 2714 inches; width, 141%, inches. 290—Earty AmeEricAN Pine anp BrEcHwoop Watt Mrrror Circa 1820 Overhanging cornice enriched with pendants, and supported on. two half-round spirally twisted pilasters framing the mirror, with upper panel of glass decorated with a rustic farm-house. Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches. 291—Earty American Warnut Wart Mirror Broad frieze with arched figure surmounted by cavetto-molded cornice, the sides similarly molded and standing on broad oblong base. Height, 39 inches; width, 17 inches. 292—Marie CuHiLp’s CHair American, Mid-XVIII Century Curved back of crowning-rail and single bar splat, scrolling arms on round uprights tapering at the foot and doubly stretchered, with child’s foot-rail. Original splint seat. ( Defective.) 293—Four Carvep Manocany Sipe Cuarrs American, Late XVIII Century Fan-shaped open backs with median rosette cresting and in- curved ribbon splat enriched with central similar rosette figure ; incised and paneled in blocks, quadrangular tapering legs joined by H-stretcher. Chintz seats. (Slight repairs needed to carv- ing.) First Session 294—ImPporTANT QuEEN ANNE Marie Rovunpasovut CHair American, 1720-380 Finely scrolled horseshoe back with shaped pediment, supported on three turned, balustered and blocked uprights unusually joined by three cyma-turned and one ball-turned stretcher. Terminat- ing in turned cup-feet, the foremost in a Spanish foot; square rush seat of later date. (Illustrated) 295—Four Marie anp Pine Care Cop Winpsor SipE CuHairs American, Late XVIII Century Fan-shaped back with seven curved spindles; molded seat on splayed, bamboo-turned and stretchered legs. 296—Turee Earty American Marie Hircucock Cuairs Circa 1820 Open back with curved crowning rail and slat, ring-turned round splayed legs tapering to button feet and well stretchered. New rush seats. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 297—RarE Connecticut Carvep Pint Dresstnc TABLE American, 1770-80 Oblong top, the front with incurved centre, and having three drawers, with turned knob handles; on oblong base with one long drawer, supported in triangular brackets springing from cham- fered quadrangular legs. The drawers having slight formal in- cised decoration at the ends. Height, 351 inches; length, 38 inches. Note: A most unusual, almost unique piece, suggesting the influence of Chippendale on the rustic design of an inland Connecticut town. (Illustrated) 298—Rare Oak Tavern BencuH American, Early XVIII Century Oblong top with interestingly shaped apron; closed end supports with molded advanced front feet and stepped base apertures, joined by bar-stretcher. Height, 18 inches; length, 46 inches. First Session 299—Ruope Istanp Bircu anp Marie Drop-tear Tas.e Early XVIII Century, circa 1740 Circular top, including two drop-leaves; tapering legs unusually turned at the knees and terminating in pad feet. Leaves are supported on gates formed by diagonally opposite legs. (Top has been clamped at ends with wood of later date.) Height, 261% inches; diameter, 48 inches. Note: An interesting reference in Lockwood’s “Colonial Furniture in America,” vol. 2, p. 203, indicates that legs of this type are found exclusively on furniture manufactured in Rhode Island and dating principally to the sec- ond quarter of the eighteenth century. (Illustrated) 300—Si1x Earty American Decoratrep Hircucock Cuairs Fan-shaped open back with ring-turned top rail; curved bar slat on four pinnacle spindles. Turned, splayed and stretchered legs. Painted chocolate-brown, with applied floral decoration in colors. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 301—Pine anp CHErRRywoop PEMBROKE TABLE American, Late XVIII Century Oblong top with two drop-leaves having rounded corners; plain frieze, quadrangular tapering legs. Leaves are supported on gates formed of diagonally opposite legs, the frieze flanges in oak. Height, 2 feet 3 inches; length extended, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 302—San Dominco Manocany Drop-LeaFr Breaxrast TABLE American, 1750-1775 Circular top including two drop-leaves, frieze with ogee-scrolled brackets supported on tapering legs terminating in rudimentary claw feet. The drop-leaves are supported on gates sustained by diagonally opposite legs. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 411% inches. 303—Earty AmMERIcAN Marte Worx Tasie Circa 1800-1810 Oblong top, deep frieze with two drawers having original brass knob handles; round tapering legs ring-turned at knees, button feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 181%, inches. 304—Pine anp Marte Tavern Taste American, XVIII Century Oblong clamped top sliding above box frieze; slender tapering splayed balustered legs joined by box stretcher. (Top appa- rently of slightly later date.) 305—Manocany GATE-LEG TABLE American, circa 1810 Oblong top with the leaves supported on single-legged gates; cyma-molded frieze, quadrangular tapering legs. Height, 28 inches; length extended, 641% inches; width, 42 inches. 306—PoprLarwoop CHEst or Drawers American, Late XVIII Century Oblong dovetailed top with applied molded cornice; front with four graduated beaded long drawers trimmed with original brass bail handles. Molded base with bracket feet. Height, 37 inches; length, 4214 inches. First Session 307—ImportTANT CuRLY-MAPLE QUEEN ANNE HicHBOY American, circa 1720 Oblong top with cyma and cavetto-molded cornice, front with five graduated long drawers. Underbody with molded top and one long drawer above three deep drawers; finely cabrioled legs terminating in pad feet. Scrolled key-plates and brasses of later date. A superb piece, with rich original patina. Height, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 308—Marrie Cuest or Drawers American, XVIII Century Oblong tray top, front with two small and four graduated long drawers, trimmed with oval brasses chiseled with the Temple of Love and having oval handles; molded base on scrolled bracket feet. (The above piece is in original condition except for the brasses, and initially formed the lower portion of a chest-on- chest.) Height, 45 feet; width, 38 inches. 309—Pine Dresser Pennsylvania, circa 1770 Oblong with heavily molded cornice, back with two shelves and molded plate-rails; underbody with two paneled cupboards trimmed with turned knob handles and having brass H-hinges of later date, fitted interior. : Height, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 11 inches. SECOND SESSION mo roWAY;, APRIL 99,1925, AT 2:15.P. M. Catalogue Numbers, 310 to 517 inclusive SMALL MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 310—Earty American Porrrair MINIATURE ABRAHAM Lincotn. Oval bust portrait of the President, in- clined slightly to the right. Framed. Height, 23% inches. 311—Pair Pexin Enamet INcENSE-BURNERS Leaf-shaped, pierced with four holes and having kidney-shaped cover; decoration of leaf-scrolls and blossoms in rose, blue and white. Length, 444 inches. 312—Bronze Desk Ser By Tiffany Studios, New York Comprising massive ink-well, match-stand, perpetual calendar, blotting pad, paper-knife, pen-tray and letter-rack ; chiseled with interlacing arabesques, linking circular medallions enclosing pre- sentments of animals, fish, human figures and the like. 312s—Trakwoop Humipor Cubical box lined in cedar and white enamel; with silver plate monogrammed, “H. R.” : Height, 6 inches. 313—Repoussé Sitver PHorocrapH FRAME Oval aperture encircled by repoussé silver scrolling and leafage and crested by a cherub-head surmounted by a royal crown, upheld by two angelic supporters. Height, 7 inches. 314—Partntep PorceLaIn Praaurt In Metar Frame Une Framanpe. Bust portrait in quaint mediaeval costume, on circular plaque, in frame scroll-pierced and enriched with mas- carons. Diameter of plaque, 8%4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 315—Two Bronze Caprnet HAanpdies Paduan, XVI Century Lyre-shape; formed of two scrolled dolphins. Fine old yellow- brown patina. Height, 31%, inches. 316—STERLING SitveR Mintature Wririne CaAsE Box shaped with fitted interior; monogrammed. In leather case. 317—STeEeRiLING Sinver “PLAyiInc Carp” Travetine CrLtocKk By Clark, London Circular, the figures of the dial replaced by painted playing cards; in leather traveling case. Diameter, 334 inches. 318—Carvep anp GiLpED ReELiauaRy Italian, XVII Century In the form of a capital, having bracketed cornice, leaf supports and central oblong panel, grated in forged iron. Height, 8 inches; length, 13% inches. SIENESE SCHOOL, XIV Century 319—BUSTS OF WARRIORS (Siz) Warriors wearing most elaborate armor, within curiously lobed arch. SIENESE SCHOOL, XIV Century 319s—BUSTS OF STUDENTS (Five) Companions to the preceding. GLASS, FAIENCE AND PORCELAINS 320—Twetve Goup-pEcoRATED AMBER SHERRIES Quatrefoil bowl of fine amber glass decorated with gilded floral scrollings and lattice in the Rococo manner. Height, 334 inches. 321—TWweELveE GoLtp-pECORATED CLARETS Quatrefoil bowl of fine amber glass decorated with gilded floral scrollings and lattice in the Rococo manner. Height, 3% inches. Second Session 322—Two Cur CrystaL WaAtEeR CARAFES One with globular, the other with hive-shaped body; boldly cut with fan, square medallion and other patterns. Heights, 7°/4, inches. 3823—Parr Cur CrystaLt DECANTERS Globular body cut with hob-nail and fan ornament, faceted neck and stopper. Height, 71% inches. 324—Trn RueEnisH Decoratep AND Tintep Hocks Bowl slip-painted with different couplets in German, in praise of wine; on ringed and knopped tinted stem ornamented with three eee berry bosses and standing on circular bell foot. Height, 7, inches. 325—CrystaL DecantrrR Mountep In DutcHu SILVER Flattened pear-shape, molded with floral scrolls and gadroons; neck stopper and base mounted in repoussé silver developing scrolls. Height, 8% inches. 326—Fovur Crystau Spirit Botries Square, with hobnail cuttings and faceted stopper. Height, 10 inches. 3827—CrystTaL DEecANTER Flattened spheroidal body with tall hexagonal faceted neck and pear-stopper; decoration of tiny stars and band of meander figure about the shoulder. Height, 11% inches. 327 A—SERVICE OF DECORATED VENETIAN TaspLE GLASs Decoration in colors of leaf-scrolls supporting festoons of roses, a medallion with amoristic subject, and a gilded crest with motto, Sans Crainte. Comprising: twenty water glasses, twenty claret glasses, twenty finger bowls, and finger bow] saucers, twenty-three decanters, three small decanters, fifteen liqueur glasses, twenty champagne glasses, thirty-five lemonade glasses, twenty sherry glasses, twenty port glasses, one large goblet, one amber Venetian glass centrepiece, one large Venetian decanter, ten amber wine glasses and thirteen amber wine glasses with spiral and winged shaped stems, four glass compotes, with fluted plates. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 3298—Five Gitpep Briev-pvu-ror Porcentain Trea Puates Lavishly decorated with gilded leaf-scrolls on a band of deep blue, about a reserved centre. Diameter, 74, inches. 329—Nixt Decorated Porcenain TEA PLATEs Doulton White glaze, the rim with detached floral sprays in ivy-green. Diameter, 7 inches. 330—PorcreLain Cake Dis anp Five Tra Puates Limoges Band of sage-green with engrailed gilded border. Diameter of dish, 12 inches. 331—PainTED PorcELAIN PLAQUE Tue Rescurt. Male and female birds swooping down from a flowering branch to the aid of their brood in a nest, which has fallen into a stream. Diameter, 14144 inches. 332—PaintTeED VIENNA PorcELAIN Praaur After Peter Paul Rubens Tue DavcuHTer oF Rusens. Circular plaque, the marly lav- ishly enriched with gilded scroll arabesques on grounds of claret and sky-blue; the cavetto finely painted with a reproduction of the famous Rubens picture. Diameter of plaque, 15 inches. 3808—DeEcorRATED PorcELAIN Fish PLarEAu and ELEVEN PLATES By B. Albert, Haviland-Limoges Finely painted with presentments of fish in their habitats, the marly of royal-blue decorated with a border of gilded lattice and rocaille-scrolling. 334—Ten Porcetain Dessert PLAtes Limoges Shaped gilded edges, the cavetto finely painted with naturalistic sprays of white and orange roses. Diameter, 834 inches. 335—TweLvE Decorated Porcetain GAME PLATES Limoges Matt glaze, the marly with compartments separated by shell moldings and ornamented alternately with presentments of game and sporting trophies, with a central gilded wreath of ivy leaves. Diameter, 9% inches. Second Session 336—ELEVEN Decorated PorceLAIN GAME PLATES Limoges Valanced edges, molded with recurring shell ornaments in rose du Barry enclosing compartments painted alternately with game and leaf sprays having pendant ornaments; the centre with a gilded ivy wreath. Diameter, 9 inches. 337—DeEcoraTeD PorceLain TEA SERVICE Dresden Style Comprising teapot, covered sugar bowl, creamer and two cups and saucers, with gilded edges and handles, and having lobed bodies boldly decorated rocaille festoons, the white glaze painted with sprays of naturalistic flowers. 338—DecorateD Porcetain Cake DisH anp Four Puarrs Limoges Border of pendant bunches of stocks in rose and pale green, gilded central arabesque. Diameter of dish, 12 inches. 3389—PaIntep PorcELAIN PLAQUE Burslem Circular shallow plaque very finely painted with sprays of russet, cardinal and white chrysanthemums. Diameter, 1914, inches. 8340—DecoratTED DreEspEN PorRcELAIN PLATEAU Cartouche-shaped, with two molded and gilded handles; finely decorated with a nosegay of naturalistic wild fiowers, the marly with molded rocaille ornament and tiny painted floral sprays. Brillant white glaze. Length, 2034 inches. 341—Grovur or “Society oF CincinnatY’ Lowrstorr PorcEeLAIN English, Late XVIII Century Comprising circular punch bowl, valanced oval dish, plate, cup and saucer, small sugar bowl, tea bowl, demi-tasse cup and beaker. Decoration of slight floral sprays together with the crest of the Society of Cincinnati in gilding and soft colors, on a grayish white glaze. (Several pieces cracked or imperfect.) Diameter of punch bowl, 1114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 342—MontTEe.Lurpo PLATE Tuscan, XVI Century Round, with yellow and green enamel. Decorated with male figure on horseback. Diameter, 1214 inches. 343—Urzino PLATE AVI Century In the foreground, Actaeon is represented after his transforma- tion into the form of a stag by the revengeful Diana who is represented nude; with other goddesses. (Restored.) Diameter, 12% inches. 344—F"AlENCE JARDINIERE Bown Aanp PLATE Gien, XIX Century Bowl with ram’s-head handles, and decoration of figures of the Italian Comedy in rustic landscape; plate with three military trophies and guilloche border, all executed in faience colors. (Bowl slightly cracked.) Height of bowl, 714 inches; diameter of bowl, 9 inches. 345—Patr Rooxwoop Ovorp VAsrEs Closed neck with loop handle and large and small spouts ; decora- tion on a buff glaze of field mice and various incised ornaments, in blues, browns, grays and gilding. Height, 91% inches. 346—PEwTER AND Gien Farence CovereD JuG Ovoid body, with cup-shaped neck and hinged pewter lid. Deco- ration in the Italian manner of a shield of arms and isolated cherub-heads, chimeras and other ornament. Height, 1014 inches. 347—Parr Frxety Decoratrep Coverrep Vases Schulenberg, XLX Century Inverted pear-shape, with hat-cover having pointed finial. Dec- oration of four panels, depicting a nosegay of naturalistic flowers on a black ground and cavaliers in battle and on a journey, the cover similarly. Copious gilded formal ornament. Height, 13 inches. Second Session 348—Parr Gren Farencrt Coverep VAsEs Flattened pear-shape with tapering neck and molded lip, the shoulders with two molded horned mascarons with husk-pendants. Decoration of an escutcheon and flying chimeras in faience col- ors. (One cover broken.) Height, 16 inches. 349—Patrr Decorated Cetapon Pitertm Botrries wirH Covers ATX Century The shoulder with two molded dragons in ochre; the body deco- rated with circular reserved medallions developing in deep blue on one side birds, on the other a domestic ceremony and a formal landscape. ‘The remainder with sprays of flowers in deep blue under a broadly crackled celadon glaze. (One cover slightly repaired. ) Height, 22 inches. 350—Parr Decorated Rooxwoop VasEs Ovoid with cylindrical neck and molded lip, finely decorated with panels, outlined by spiraled bands of gilding, presenting insects, birds in flight and allegories, in brilliant colors and gilding; the neck and lip enriched with a band of quilled gilding. (One slightly cracked.) Height, 23 inches. 351—DecoratTep Fatence PEDESTAL JARDINIERE Globular ovoid bow] having winged scroll-handles, on balustered pedestal; decorated in the Chinese manner with scroll arabesques, peony blossoms and the like, molded on a pinkish-white glaze. Total height, 41 inches. SILVER TABLE WARE AND THREE LOTS OF JEWELRY 352—Frencu Sitver Broocu Mountep witu Precious STONES In the form of a miniature standing mirror; oval plaque of nacre set in a ring of fifty-three small pearls surrounded by a wreath of tiny emeralds and almondines set in silver. Length, 1% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 353—Two SILVER-MOUNTED N&ECK-CHAINS Set with circularly cut rhinestones mounted in plain silver links. Lengths, 26 and 34 inches. 354—HunGARIAN GILDED SILVER AND ENAMEL WatTCH-PENDANT MounTep In PreEcious STONES Brooch with oval enamel medallion displaying an amorino sup- porting two smaller pendants, similarly decorated, and a lady’s watch; also, en chatelaine, a swan seal and a watch-key in the form of a jester. Lavishly set with turquoises, garnets, almon- dines and pearls. With case. Length, 7%, inches. 355—Fovur Oxup Dutcu Sinrver THIMBLE-cUPS Various engraved and repoussés decorations. 356—Two Oup Sitver Ecc-curs Semi-ovoid, on three cock’s-claw feet. Height, 2%, inches. 357—Grovur oF MiscELLANEOUS TABLE SILVER Comprising five salt spoons, three knife-rests, four demi-tasse spoons, two fish knives with nacre handles, berry ladle, two knives, five assorted spoons, a fork, two strainers and two handles for entrée dishes. 858—TwetvrE SILVER-MOUNTED Fruit Knives Bone shanks monochromed olive-green, mounted in silver at shoulder and handle. 359—TwELvE SILVER-MOUNTED Tra Knives To match the preceding. 360—SILVER-MOUNTED Bonet Carvine SEt Comprising knife, fork and steel ; the handles mounted in repoussé silver displaying fan, crescent and other ornament. Second Session 3861—Oup Sitver Puncw Lape Nirnberg, 1809 Deep ovoid bowl; handle pin-marked, “O.M.v.R., 1809.” Length, 141% inches. 362—TWELVE SILVER-PLATED 'TEASPOONS Reeded shank with leaf-molded handle, monogrammed, 5S. 363—SILVER-PLATED CoFFrEE-PpoT AND Hot-watEer Jue (a) Ovoid, the cover with vase finial. (8) Pear-shaped, with wicker handle, the cover with pineapple finial; monogrammed. Heights, 5% and 7 inches. 364—SILVER-PLATED COFFEE-POT AND Syrup Jue (a) Pear-shaped, with lobed cover and engraved decoration ; wicker handle. (8) Coniform, the lid with vase finial, mono- grammed. Heights, 6 inches. 365—SILVER-PLATED SAUCE-BOAT On three leaf-voluted feet; with scrolled handle, monogrammed, re Length, 834 inches. | 366—Twetve FreNcH SILVER-MOUNTED Nacre Fruit Knives Fine nacre handles, mounted at the shoulder with repoussés festooned scrolls. 367—Nest oF Four SILver-PLATED DisHEs By Gorham Co., New York Shaped oval with gadrooned edges and rocaille ornament; the largest trenched for gravy. Lengths, 11%, 15, 1934 and 2414 inches. 368—Group oF Assorted TaspLE SILVER Comprising condiment cruet stand, three tiered cake-stand, pail- shaped butter-dish, three pepper-mills (including one in maple) and small spirit lamp. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. LL 369—Ruvsstan GinpED-sItveR AND TuLa Enamet Trea Eevuipacr Comprising tongs, spoon-strainer, tea-scoop and small lemon- fork, together with two square tea caddies, one with hinged lid and the other with screw top. Monogrammed and finely deco- rated with chased scrollings about medallions with views of a Russian city. In elaborate tulipwood traveling case. Height of case, 61% inches; length, 12°4 inches. 370—Patr Sinver-PLATED Entrre DisHeEs By Tiffany & Co., New York Oval, with reed-molded edge. Length, 1114 inches. 371—Grovur or AssorTED SILVER-PLATED TABLEWARE Comprising ten egg-cups, four knife-rests and large soup-ladle. 372—Two Op Sitver Breakers Nirnberg, XVIII Century (a) Trumpet-shaped, with band decoration and relief inter- rupted by rosettes; flowering into circular base on three winged lion-feet, dated 1790. (8) Funnel-shaped, with finely hammered surface; inscribed I.K.F., A.I.D. 373—SiLvER Hot-watTrer Jue Italian, Late XVIII Century Pear-shaped, with hinged cover having acorn finial; scrolled loop handle bulging at its intersection, with bone insulators. Height, 91, inches. 374—Two Earty AMERICAN SILVER PLATES oR COASTERS By J. B. Jones, Boston Circular, the edge molded with leaf-and-tongue ornament ; mono- grammed, A.C.L. Heavy pieces. Diameter, 7 inches. 375—Oxtp AMERICAN Sitver TEa-cappy By Jones, Shreve, Brown & Co., Boston — Oval valanced body with hinged lid; the compartments with sym- metrical decoration of pendant leaf borders. Height, 51% inches. Second Session 376—OLp SiLveER CoverED TUREEN Bavarian, XVIIT Century Oval with reeded lip and boldly lobed body, on four scrolled leaf- feet; the cover with two old engraved escutcheons and coquille finial, the body inscribed at a later date, “R. G. & E. W. Shaw, March 3, 1847.” Height, 7° inches; length, 11 inches. 377—SILVER TRay Italian, Late XVIII Century Oval, with laterally reeded edge and marly pierced with con- tinuous loop of ribbon enveloping repeated leaf triads; fan- shaped loop handles. Length, 2334 inches. 378—SILVER-PLATED TUREEN Semi-ovoid molded body with loop handles; monogrammed. Height, 1114 inches. 379—SILVER-PLATED PLATEAU Circular mirror top, the edge boldly modeled with sprays of roses. Diameter, 201% inches. 380—Correr Urn English, Directotre Period Bowl-shape, with incurved mouth and dome cover ,on square base having ball feet. Much incrusted with verdigris. Height, 19 inches. BRASSES AND BRONZES, FIREARMS 381—OrnaMENTAL Curvep DaccEer anp SHorT Sworp (a) Malayan dagger, the grip inlaid in mother-of-pearl. (3) Japanese curved short sword with bone and ebonized handle, in bamboo sheath. Lengths, 12144 and 16 inches. 382—-Par Antievr Fruxtiock Durrune Pisroxrs Walnut frame with curved stock, finely brass mounted. Various armorers’ marks. Length of barrel, 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 383—Pair Earty AMERICAN CAVALRY SpuRS AND Iron Bit 384—F EDERAL SABRE By Henry Wilkinson, Pall Mall, London Channeled, slightly curved blade, finely engraved with copious leaf-scrollings, the Federal crest with nineteen stars and a flag surmounted by a Republican cap and with the inscription, “Union.” Shagreened grip, spiraled counter-guard. With scab- bard. Length, 41 inches. 385—FrENcH Dracoon’s Sworp Manf. Imp. de Chatelet, circa 1855 Tapering fluted blade. Spiraled counter-guard encircling a wreathed gold-plated oval; ebony grip, chiseled brass pommel, with sword-knot bearing the Napoleonic crest. Iron scabbard. Length, 46 1/, inches. 5386—Earty AmeErRIcCAN Brass Coat ScuTrrTrLE Height, 18 inches. 387—Parr Earty AMERICAN Brass ANDIRONS Cup-shaped capital, on slender spirally fluted and gadrooned pillar flaring into massive baluster; on feet voluted on either side of the central shell-figure. Height, 24 inches. 388—Set or Earty American Brass Fire Toots Comprising poker, tongs and shovel, the last with finely chased leaf-scroll decoration. 389—Two Larcre Brass JarRDINIERES Italian, XVIII Century Classic urn-shape, with molded and gadrooned underbody en- riched with shell motive having aperture to draw off water. Sup- ported on octagonal molded base. Gadrooned and lobed turn- over rim. Height, 42 inches. 390—Brass Fire Guarp Early American Oblong, the top rail supported on fluted quadrilateral uprights, the base with beaded oval bosses linked by repoussé leafage, with a central anthemion figure. Height, 11 inches; length, 67% inches. Second Session 391—Tworotp Brass Fire Screen Directoire Style Decorations of wreaths and husk festoons, with horizontal bands of interlacing ribbon leafage. Urn finials joined by downcurved top rail braced with slender rayons from a central sunburst. Height, 3714, inches; total width, 24 inches. 392—Brass Fire Guarp Low rails joined by leaf-enriched knobs, pierced end galleries with shell motives and scrolled leafage terminating in mascarons. Length, 75 inches. 393—Corprer Lavazo on Forcep [ron Stanp Florentine, Late XVI Century Shallow circular bowl with two loop handles ; supported on grace- ful scrolled tripod enriched with flewr-de-lys and C-scrolls, the legs joined by triangular stretcher members at the knees. Total height, 3214 inches. 394—Copprer Brasero on Forcep [ron StTanp , Italian or Spanish, Late XVI Century Deep bowl on cylindrical foot and having two loop handles and frontal apertures; on finely serpentined and scrolled iron tripod, the legs joined at the knees. Total height, 41 inches. 395—BronzeE Group THe Wrestiers. Struggling figures of two men, one of whom has been forced to his knees on the ground. After the well known sculpture in the Uffizi, Florence. Brownish black patina. Height, 434 inches. 396—Bronze Group Romutvus and Remus. Standing figure of the Wolf with pendant dugs, from which the two infants are extracting nourishment. Height, 51%, inches. 3897—Bronze IncENSE BuRNER Figure of a water bird with pierced and movable back and webbed feet, standing on rushes. (Base needs repair.) Height, 51%, inches, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 398—Bronze FicuRINE After Rosa Bonheur, 1822-99 Exquisitely modeled figure of a sheep grazing on short grass. Oblong base with rounded ends. Height, 6 inches. 399—BronzeE FIcuRINE Finely modeled presentment of a lobster. Length, 814 inches. 400—BronzE STATUETTE Cuiip wirH Birp’s Nest. Erect undraped figure, the right hand carried to the lips, the left holding a nest with four eggs; rustic base. Height, 814 inches. 401—Paim Sitverep Bronze Grovurs E. Guillemin, after Meissonier La Rixt. The two groups are taken from the painting by Meissonier, which depicts a quarrel across an overturned card table at an inn. Oval brass bases. . Height, 9 inches. 402—CHINESE BronzE AND CARVED TEAKWoopD INCENSE-BURNER Circular bowl, on three stump feet, chiseled with animals and marine life; with pierced teakwood cover and finely pierced and scroll-carved base. Height, 9% inches. 403—CHINESE Bronze VASE Pear-shaped, with flaring neck and two curious loop handles, decorated in the Ming manner with a band of key-fret ornament below a broad shoulder band chiseled with scrolling and further key-frets. Height, 1014 inches. 404-—BronzE Rosewater SPRINKLER Pear-shaped body with long slender tubular neck; flaring foot. Chinese seal-mark on base. Height, 103, inches. Second Session 405—BronzeE STATUETTE Psycue. Figure of a beautiful woman, half-draped, bending for- ward to grasp with both hands a bowl supported on a pedestal. Height, 11 inches. 406—Bronze STATUETTE THE CymBAL-PLAYER. Standing, undraped figure of a man with extended arms holding cymbals. Greenish patina. Height, 12 inches. 407—BronzE Group Pawn and YoutTHruy Baccuus. Erect undraped figure of the . former with outspread arms supporting on his shoulders a nude youth holding in his right hand a bunch of grapes. Oblong scagliola base. Height, 12 inches. 408—BronzeE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON Standing figure in bicorne and military cloak, the left hand thrust into the bosom; wearing decorations and a sword. On square bréche violette marble base. Height, 121%, inches. 409—Parr Bronze STATUETTES Cavauiers. Standing figures of gentlemen in seventeenth century garb, armed. On square bréche marble base. Height, 138%, inches. 410—CnHINESE BronzE Fvu-1Lion Finely modeled figure of a kylin ramping on a pierced brocade ball. Height, 1514, inches. 411—CuHiInNESE Bronze Group Firrep As A CANDELABRUM TorroisE oF Lonceviry. On his back is the smaller tortoise and the meagre figure of a secretary bird, from the shoulder of which springs a candle-arm enriched with lotus. On oblong bréche marble base. Height, 161% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 412—Bronze Group After Houdon, French, XVIII Century Le Baiser. Busts of two lovers in close embrace, garlanded with flowers. Rich golden-yellow patina. Mounted on green marble pedestal. Enriched with cuivre doré molded mounts at crown and foot. Height, 9 inches. 413—Bronze Ficure | Satyr. Erect undraped figure with horns and tail, the arms outstretched to the heavens. Oblong base; greenish patina. Height, 191% inches. 414—Bronzep Repruica oF THE Mepici VASE | Reproduction of the famous vase, the frieze of which depicts a bacchic procession of musicians and celebrants of the feast; on vert antique marble plinth. (Slghtly chipped.) Height, 20 inches. 415—Bronze Group THe Farnese Burzi. The plunging animal is checked by two men, one of whom casts a loop over his horns; at the side stands on guard an Amazon, while beneath the plunging hoofs is a reclining woman with outstretched arm, and a hound leaping to the attack. Square rocky base. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. 416—Patr Bronze STAtTuETTEs MouigrE anp Cornertie. Erect cloaked figures ofthe famous French dramatists, the former declaiming from a MS. On square basalt and gilded bronze plinths. Heights, 23 and 22%, inches. 417—Bronze STATUETTE Aprouto. Erect undraped figure with sandals and a light cloak flung over the left shoulder, the right arm upraised and point- ing. Circular molded base. Height, 23°, inches. Second Session 418—Bronzer Vicrory Erect winged figure, the right hand extending the victor’s laurel, the left holding the messenger’s wand; standing on a globe, on square bréche marble base. Greenish patina. Height, 27 inches. 419—BronzeE STATUETTE After Praaiteles Hermes. After the famous statue by Praxiteles in the Heraeum at Olympia; the legs restored. Oblong base. Height, 30 inches. 420—BronzE Marine Vase Massive trumpet-shaped vase, a bunch of iris silvered blossoms clasped to the stem; the whole standing on the undulating back of a sea serpent, on circular molded base. Height, 31 inches. 421—Bronze Cotumn oF Antoninus Pius Reproduction of the famous column erected to the memory of the Emperor by Marcus Aurelius and incised with a spiral frieze emblematic of his victories over the barbarians. Height, 291% inches. 422—BronzE STATUETTE A Satyr. Erect figure with tail, on tiptoe, the arms outstretched, the head horned and wreathed with acorns. On square base. Height, 321% inches. 423—Pair Bronze STATUETTES AND PeEpEstats By Emile Guillemin Tue Vixines. Erect figures of warriors, with shield and war- axe, an arm upraised in challenge. Pedestals with circular tablet, the frieze enriched with a mythological subject and supported on splayed tripod legs terminating in claw feet. Height of figures, 37 and 4 inches; height of pedestals, 41 inches. 424—BronzE AND ALGERIAN Onyx Bust on Onyx PEpDEsSTAL Bronze head of a Moorish boy framed in a turban, of onyx on a porphyrine marble base; onyx pedestal with circular pillar on square socle. Heights, bust, 16 inches; pedestal, 42 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4244—BronzE STATUETTE By Matha Moreau Dainty figure of a young maiden lightly draped and wearing wings; seated on a rustic pedestal having a vase turned over at side spouting water. Height, 301% inches. LACES AND LINENS, BROCADE CUSHIONS AND VALANCES 425—Lacr Parasot Mounted 1n GoLtp anp PREciIoUs STONES Fine shade of black watered silk with a broad band of appliqué Brussels lace developing trefoils; monogrammed crook handle finely mounted in eighteen-karat gold inset with a sapphire, a ruby, an emerald and twelve rose diamonds, in the form of a spray of blossom. Length. 37%, inches. 426—Two Rericetyta Guirpure Lace anp Net CENTREPIECES Square, with cordonnet linen floral edge and panel border inser- tion of square reticella pattern within guards of drawn-work. 36 inches square. 427—Fine Linen anp Ducuesst Lact LuncHron Ser Comprising circular centrepiece, eight large and eight small doilies of the finest linen with borders of open Duchesse lace developing ribbon-knots winding among shamrocks and berries, and joined by double brides picotées. Diameter of centrepiece, 231% inches. 428—Fiter Lact Panen Oval with serrated edge; developing interesting motive of three cupids sporting within a swaying floral branch. Length, 37 inches; width, 23 inches. 429—Linen anv Goruic Reticenzra Lack Tra Croru Insertion of panel border and three bands of reticella lace with the usual square compartments involving geometrical figures ; valanced edge. Length, 40 inches; width, 33 inches. Second Session 480—Two GuirpurE Lact PANELS Developing bold floral scrollings outlined by a strong cordonnet and linked by twisted brides picotées. Length, 46 inches; width, 19 inches. 431—Russtan Lacr. BepsSPpREAD Oblong with valanced edges; circular central medallion enclosing, and surrounded by, a number of “pear” figures. Backed with golden-yellow cotton-back satin. Length, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 432—Fintet Lack anp BropEeriz ANGLAISE Tarte RUNNER Alternate squares of filet lace developing symmetrical wreath and geometrical figures, and panels of linen with formal floral cut-work. Length, 59 inches; width, 19 inches. 433—BuLGARIAN EmpBrompERy AND Linen TEA CLoTH Embroidered in satin- and eyelet-stitch, in ivory and tan, with a border of undulating figures winding among small square medal- lions having saltires of cut-work, within bands of cut-work;_ peasant lace edge. Length, 60 inches; width, 41 inches. 434—SpanisH and TorcuHon Lace anp Linen Axttar FRontTAL Edged in Spanish lace with undulating figure, with a broad Latin cross of Renaissance floral scrolling and various vertical strip insertions. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 435—Fitet anp Gotruic Lact LuncHron CLotrH Early XIX Century Scalloped circular shape, developing a diamond floral filet and Gothic medallioned lace central motive surrounded by further floral square of filet and Gothic lace; finished with a broad border of shadow filet lace, displaying angular scrollings of leaves. Diameter, 68 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 436—-Two GuipurE Lacr anp Net BrpsprREApDs Border of bold floral scrollings with double brides encroaching on a central panel of fine net; edged with similar scrolled floral designs. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 6 feet 5 inches. 437—MitanesE Lace anp Linen VALANCE Insertion of band of continuous vermiculate figures, with valanced lower edge developing opposed floral rosettes on a lattice of brides. Length, 78 inches; width, 151%, inches. 438—INTERESTING Point DE FLANDRE LacE CovER Early XIX Century Extremely fine net, enriched regularly with pomegranate mo- tives, flowers and sprays; toward the borders with trailing vines and flowers. Deep borders of very fanciful scrolled bou- quets terminating in scalloped edge of entwined ribbon motives. 7 feet 11 inches by 6 feet 2 inches. 439—Fit TirEt Linen anno TorcHon Lace Baneuetine CLOTH AND TwetvE NApPkKINS Magnificent oatmeal cloth with two fine borders of lace insertion, the broader involving scrolling floral sprays, the narrower a chain of blossoms, on a stellate lattice, with five narrow guards of plain drawn-work. Cloth and napkins monogrammed, H.R. Length, 18 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 11 inches. 440—Satin Damask CusHIon Louis XVI Style Sea green satin damassé in ivory, with ribbon trellis sustaining trophies and baskets of flowers. 441—Drar v’Or Brocaprt CusHion Green silk damask field, brocaded in gold, silver, orange and emerald threads with complex interlacing floral patterns. 442—Two Rep BrocaTrELLte Cusnions Luccan, XVII Century Red silk woven with conventional pattern over a plain ground. Length, 20 inches; width, 19 inches. Second Session 443—CHINESE Sik EmpromEerep LAmp-sHADE In golden-brown, embroidered in the same color with camellia flowers amid slender graceful scrolling branches; fringed. Lined in rose silk. Diameter, 281%, inches. 444—Sirk EMBROIDERED VALANCE Late XVIII Century Narrow valance or runner panel, the coral-red satin ground al- most completely covered by a lustrous embroidery of waves sus- taining peony blossoms, bats, conventional rockery and various formal motives executed in a great variety of colors. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 4 inches. MARBLES 445—HeEvuenistic TerraA-cotta Heaps III Century B.C. Variously of patrician maidens, satyrs and men, including one circular plaque of Ganymede and the Swan. From the ancient Asia Minor city of Myrina. 446—Two 'Terra-cotTa Grovurs After Pigalle In each two chubby cupidons are seen in close embrace; in one wheat and fruit are seen, symbolic of plenty, in the other are fish, symbolic of the sea. Deep putty-color patina. On oval molded base. Heights, 8 and 714 inches. 447—MarsiE ALTO-RILIEVO Frora. Oval plaque with head and shoulders of a young girl, in high relief; long hair falling over her shoulders, her bosom wreathed in a festoon of flowers, Height, 17 inches; width, 14%, inches. 448—Hatur-staruary Marsie Busr AVIT Century Portrait of an ecclesiastic in skullcap and long hair, in a gown and vest opened at the neck. Inscribed on base, Anno Dnt MDCLXXVI Hierro. Ruznvus Q. M. Anro Aegtatis LIX Patrruus Marci. Q. FRANCcIsCcI. Height, 29 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 449—Roman Green Marsie Group Tue Wrestiers. Figures of two undraped athletes struggling for mastery; oval base. After the group in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Height, 211% inches; length, 24 inches. 450—Roman Green Marsie Ficure Vuucan. Erect figure of the smith-god, the pincers in his left hand grasping an arrowhead which he is forging on an anvil. Spirally twisted pedestal on octagonal base. (Hammer in right hand broken.) Height of figure, 40% inches; of pedestal, 341, inches. 451—Roman GREEN MarspieE Group ; After Jean de Boulogne (1524-1608) Rare or A Saztne. Undraped figure of a man crouching be- tween the knees of a second who bears in his upraised arms the figure of a nymph whom he is carrying off. On square plinth. Height of group, 5 feet 2 inches. 452—GrREEN Marsie PEpEsTaL Molded and fluted pedestal with octagonal tablet. Height, 44 inches. 45383—ALGERIAN Onyx PEpEsTAL Square tablet supported on round column with molded capital and base, square plinth. Height, 42 inches. 454—Roman Green Marpie Pepestan Cylindrical column, with flaring circular top and octagonal base. Height, 461, inches. FURNITURE 455——Two Carvep anp Gitpep Brackets Italian, XVIII Century Molded oblong top, sustained by an amorino head and open scrollings. Height, 2134 inches; width, 14 inches. Second Session 456—Carvep AND GinpED GoTHic SHRINE Italian, Late XV Century Upright oblong, on an architectural base, the stiles crudely in- scribed with floral and geometrical designs, above appearing rosettes in relief, and within the high pointed arch a relief carvy- ing of conventional scrolled form. Within a trefoil the head of an angel carved in bold relief, above a niche ornamented in relief and by incision. Height, 18 inches. 457—Brass-sounp 'TEAkwoop Hvumipor Oblong, with brass-bound corners and name-plate inscribed, H. R.; zinc-lined, with perforated rack. Length, 25 inches; width, 13 inches. 458—Two Forcep Iron Anpirons Tuscan, XVI Century Spirally twisted shaft with two frontal hooks and terminating open basket at crown. Supported on Gothic strap-arched tri- lobed feet. Height, 281% inches. 459—Prair Brievu-pvu-ror Porcetain and Cuivre Dort CAanpELABRA Inverted pear-shaped vase mounted with neck and base in leaf- chiseled cutvre doré, each handle composed of two intertwining | serpents; from the lip spring six graceful floral branches. (A branch of one vase missing.) Height, about 33 inches. 460—Manocany OcTaconaL STAND Chippendale Style Pierced fret-carved gallery, turned and balustered shaft on S- scrolled tripod terminating in molded feet. Height, 23 inches; diameter, 11 inches. 461—Manocany Nicut Taste Mountep 1n Cutvre Dort Louis XVI-Empire Style Square galleried top with rouge royale marble inset, frieze with one drawer supported on tapering pillars, paneled fitted box body, vase feet. Height, 341, inches; width, 16% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 462—Carvep AND GitpED Waunvut Bepsiwe TasriEt Louis XV Style Molded serpentined square top; the front fitted with enclosing door. Supported on cabriole legs, enriched with cartouches at crown and leaf scrolled feet. The ornamentation gilded. Glass top. Height, 31 inches; width, 18 inches. 463—Inxiaip Tuttpwoop TasLe Circular molded top, feather paneled with fine tulipwood enriched in varicolored woods, with scrolled medallions occupied by sprays of flowers and further border of similar scrollings to medallion. On balustered mahogany supports having tripod scrolled legs. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 49 inches. 464—Watnut Gaminc Tape Circular top with movable centre panel; covered on side with green leatherette, on the other with green cloth having surround- ing pockets for chips. On square tapering legs. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 491/, inches. 465—Marrte QvuEEN ANNE Sipe CnHair American, circa 1720 Open serpentined back with cyma-curved top, vase splat, on molded rail; turned and blocked legs doubly stretchered and joined frontally by ball-turned stretcher, new rush seat. Very fine patina. 466—Hickory anp Marie Winpsor Arm Cuyatr American, Late XVIII Century Arched back downcurving into shaped arms braced with nine slender spindles; saddle seat on bamboo-turned splayed legs joined by bobbin H-stretcher. 467—Kinewoop Occasionat Taste Movnrep wx Cuivre Dork Louis XV Style Shield shaped top with Skyros marble inset and cuiure doré rim; shaped frieze with one drawer. Cabriole legs joined by shelf stretcher; caryatid figures at knees and mounts in cutore doré. Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches. Second Session 468—Earty Amerrican Marie anp Wautnut Tittinc-tor Taste Circular top supported on square structure upheld by four slender spindles and central baluster doweled into the head; on S-scrolled tripod. Height, 26% inches; diameter, 311/% inches. 469—CueErryYwoop Tittinc-Trorp Tare Early American Oval top on turned balustered pillar, supported on tripod ter- minating in snake feet. Height, 28 inches; length, 241, inches. 470—Pine Foupinc Tasie American, circa 1810 Oblong serpentined top with outset segmental corners, plain frieze, graceful tapering legs ring-turned at knees and towards the feet. Top folds back and is supported on a gate formed by one of the legs. Height, 291% inches; length, 351%, inches. 471—Earty American Manocany Tiutinc-torp Taste Circa 1830 Quatrefoil top on a heavily turned baluster, supported on Flemish scrolled tripod; tiny ball feet. Height, 301, inches; length, 2634 inches. 472—Two Carvep Wautnut Damask Cuarrs Italian, XVI Century Oblong back, with leaf terminal and seat covered in crimson floral damask. Molded flat open arms. On balustered legs hav- ing bracketed cross feet. 473—Six INTERESTING Carved Watnut CuHarrs Chippendale, circa 1820 Charming open back, beautifully serpentined at crowning rail terminating in scrolled acanthus leaves. Pierced vase-shaped splat of interlacing arched straps centred with a floriated dia- mond motive and surmounted by a husk. Supported on cabriole legs having leaf scrolled knees, ball-and-claw feet and balustered H-stretchers. Loose seat in illuminated tooled leather developing vase of flowers flanked by scrollings in gilding and silvering, on warm brown grounds. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 474—YEw anp Exim Coms- BAcK WINDSOR Arm CHAIR English, XVIII Century Horseshoe spindle back with arched comb and very fine pierced vase- splat with wheel mo- tive; saddle seat, cabri- ole legs joined by slen- der bobbin-turned H- stretcher. (Illustrated) 475-——SetT or Five YEw AnD Exum WINDsoR ArM CHAIRS English, Late XVIII Century Open fan-shaped back with six spindles flank- ing a graceful pierced vase-splat, double top rail with small inset turned spherules. Open scrolled arms and uprights, saddle seat; splayed balustered legs joined by H- stretcher. 476—YrEw anp Erm Coms-pack Winpsor Arm CHAR English, XVIII Century Horseshoe spindle back with fan-shaped comb crested by ser- pentined top rail; complex finely pierced and shaped vase-splat. Unusual serpentined arm posts, saddle seat, cabriole legs joined by bobbin-turned H-stretcher. 477—ANTIQUE STAINED Manocany Suavine Mirror Sheraton Style Oblong molded frame with leaf-carved lacquer fillet framing an antique mirror; supported on reeded uprights standing on bridge feet. Height, 251, inches. Second Session A7V8—Intaip Manocany Wart Mrrror American, circa 1775-1780 Tall oblong frame with double pencil inlays Buneveraceiul fret - carved and _= scrolled arched cresting, re- peated with variations at the foot. Height, 431, inches; width, 2134 inches. (Illustrated) 479—PatissANDRE BoULE KNEE-HOLE Writ- ING Desk Style of Jean Bérain Oblong top, body with centre drawer above arched knee-hole, flanked on either side by two smaller drawers; cabriole legs. Rimmed and profusely inlaid in brass. with fantastic figure de- signs within complex leaf-scrolled frames in the Bérain manner, the sides and drawers similarly. (Needs slight repair to veneer.) Height, 311% inches; length, 47 inches. 480—Intaip Manocany Wririne Desk By Emil Gallé Bracketed and molded oblong top, surmounted by small open cabinet having balusters at ends. Open compartment under top and flaring broad writing-fall beautifully inlaid with wistaria and sprays of hawthorn. Supported on tapering molded legs having balusters at ends and incurved stretcher. (Needs res- toration. ) Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 481—Earty AMERICAN MaHOGANY Foupine TaBLE Late Sheraton Period Quatrefoil top and frieze, the latter slightly broken over four fluted tapering legs. The folding leaf is supported on a gate formed by one of the legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 361, inches. 482—Manocany BrercEre ARMCHAIR English, circa 1765-1775 Molded horseshoe back and arms downcurving into quadrangular tapering legs, the back supported on two half-round uprights. Seat and back canneés, each with loose cushion. (Illustrated) 483—Epony Liprary Taste Mountep 1n Curtvre Dort French, Early XVIII Century Oblong top, with round corners, lined in brown leatherette ; frieze fitted with recessed central and two flanking drawers and mock drawers at back. Supported on cabriole legs. Mounted in cutvre doré with husk molding to top. Scrolled loop handles, escutch- eons, corner appliqués, and finely scrolled leaves continuing into cartouche feet. (Needs restoration. ) Height, 30 inches; length, 57% inches. Second Session 484—QvuaInTLy Carved Watnour CuHarr Southern French, Renaissance Period Open cartouche-shaped back, hollow at crown and there sup- porting two finely rosetted panels. Medallion cross splat sup- ported on either side by two nymphs in low relief. Leaf arched at base. Shaped molded walnut seat on S-curved tripod legs. 485—Kinewoop Writine Taste Mountep tn Cuivre Dore Louis XV Style Shaped oblong top, covered in leather, rimmed in the metal; graceful valanced frieze with three drawers, cabriole legs. Richly paneled and mounted in cutvre doré, developing rocaille scrolls and ribbon leafage, ornament. Height, 29 inches; length, 54 inches. 486—Six OLtp VENETIAN PAINTED AND GILDED SALON CHairRs Open back with cyma-carved back rail downcurving into vase splat, the whole frame copiously enriched with leaf-scrolls and crested with a rocaille shell; cabriole legs joined by turned and balustered H-stretcher. Lavishly gilded and painted with lat- tice and floral ornament, the backs with figures of classical deities. Covered in fine leaf-brown jardiniére cut velvet. 487—Six Oxup VENETIAN PAINTED AND GILDED SALON CHAIRS Similar to the preceding. 488—SnHeEraton Invam Manocany Corner CaBinEeT Early American Trilateral, with short returns, the dentil-molded cornice sur- mounting an arched double door giving access to interior fitted with shelves and three small drawers. Underbody with double cupboard ; trimmed with scrolled and pierced brasses and deco- rated with satinwood pencil and ribbon inlays. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 489—WatnutT AnD Forced Iron Rerecrory BENcH Florentine, XIII Century Long oblong top, supported on open forged iron lyre-shaped ends; adorned with flowers, leafage and spiraled-S reinforcing bracket. Height, 1 foot 6 inches; length, 5 feet 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 490—Carvep anp GinpED WaLNnut CHIFFONIER Lows XV Style Serpentined oblong top fitted with five drawers. Height, 5 feet 31, inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 491—Curty Marte CHIFFOROBE Oblong, with paneled double doors disclosing finely fitted in- terior; claw feet. Height, 601/, inches; width, 42 inches. 492—EneiisH Carvep Manocany SECRETARY Chippendale, circa 1765-70 Tall oblong, the archéd molded top with floral cresting and leaf volutes; chamfered corners with unusual part cornice and en- riched with pendant spray carving. Two half-arched doors with original mirrors inset in molded frames carved with graceful cyma scrolls enriched with flowers, and concealing an interior with small tambour, pigeonhole and classic arcaded pilaster fit- tings. Paneled writing-fall, interesting upright tambour base sliding to disclose four drawers, flanked by chamfered enriched pilasters terminating in claw feet. Height, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. From the Collection of the late H. R. H. the Duke of Cumber- land, Hanover. 493—Carvep Waunut BuFFET-SIDEBOARD Henri IT Style Molded cornice and carved frieze, supported on four tall slender Ionic columns, back paneled and copiously carved with formal motives and flanked by buttresses enriched with acanthus and terminating in grotesques, small galleried balcony. Body with one drawer, sustained by a single balustered quadrangular taper- ing column, molded base on cushion feet. Height, 69 inches; width, 5014 inches. : 494—Patrr PotycHROMED AND GILDED lron TorCHERES Coronet with five lights enriched with rosettes and foliage detail supported on four slender scrolling leaves springing from a corolla; twisted and beaded standard with a median interruption of spray of finely wrought water flowers, X-shaped base enriched with slender scrolling leaves and ring handles and standing on scrolled feet. Fitted for electricity, with sham candles. Height, 6 feet 9 inches. Second Session 495—WatLNut SECRETARY Queen Anne Period Molded cornice, with round fronted drawer; front arranged with large fall writing front; on original steel supporting slides. In- terior fitted with drawers and pigeon holes, and many secret com- partments and drawers. Lower portion with four drawers. On ball feet. Height, 67 inches; width, 431/, inches. Note: Remarkable for its fine patina and the very beautiful small grained root walnut which is most carefully matched. 496—Carvep Manocany Sora Late Empire Style Oblong, with closed lyre-shaped ends having paneled frieze sus- tained on massive rectangular pilasters, molded cushion feet. Upholstered in black leatherette. Length, 7 feet 5 inches. 497—Rare JEFFERSON Pottery Brazier Liverpool, dated 1802 Cylindrical with loop handles; the front with portrait of Jeffer- son above a shield-shaped aperture, the back with the American Eagle above an inscription and dated 1802. Groups of small perforations. Height, 6 inches. 498—Watnut Rerecrory TaBLe Florentine, XVII Century Massive oblong top supported on graceful vase-shaped ends, strengthened with slight curved brackets. (Has been recon- ditioned and the ends reconstructed. ) | Height, 311% inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches. Note: From a Florentine convent, through Padre Cappelletti, head of the Capuchins in Leghorn, Italy. 499—Watnut Rerectrory Taste Florentine, XVII Century Similar to preceding. (Has been reconditioned and the ends re- constructed. ) Height, 31% inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches. See note to above. 500—Waunvur Rerecrory TasLe Florentine, XVII Century Massive oblong top supported on graceful vase-shaped ends, strengthened with slight curved brackets. (Has been recondi- tioned and the ends reconstructed.) Height, 2 feet 51, inches; length, 9 feet 4 inches. Note: From a Florentine convent, through Padre Cappelletti, head of the Capuchins in Leghorn, Italy. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 501—Pair Bronzep anp Iron Fuioor Lamps Slender hexagonal standard with turned bronzed balusters at middle and head, expanding balustered base on large circular foot. Fitted for electricity, with sham candle. Height, 5 feet 6 inches. 502—Carvep AnD Eponizep EasEn Flower-carved arched crown on three uprights, braced on four spatulate legs joined by balustrade H-stretcher. Height, 6 inches. PatntED LEATHER FourroLtp ScrEeENn Decorated in the Chinese manner on a ground of sky-blue with conventionalized landscape, birds and a vase of flowers, figures of adults and children in a game of battledore and shuttlecock ; border of oblong medallions with clouds and naturalistic blos- 503 soms. Height, 6 feet 61% inches; total length, 7 feet. 504—ScutpTrurepD Marsit Manrer Directoire Period Tapestry dove-gray marble; oblong top with soffited molding of statuary marble. Paneled frieze with central and end oblongs of statuary marble enriched with scrolled lyre motive and fine husk motives at ends. Similarly paneled pilasters. Height, 45 inches; length, 5114 inches; diameter, 191% inches. Opening: Height, 37 inches; width, 36 inches. HOOK RUGS 505—KEarrty American Frorat Mepauiuion Hoox Rue Gray-ivory field with arabesqued corners, sustaining an oval medallion of brilliant scarlet; a chain of leaves springing from each side surrounding a pair of mauve blossoms overlaying leaf- age and two sprays of blue flowers. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. 506—Earity American Frorat Hoox Rue Field of warm écru with a border formed of a chain of brilliant crimson roses, and serrated leafage in a variety of green tones. Length, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches. Second Session 507—Earty American Ratsep Fiorat Hoox Rue Grayish-white field with four iarge scrolled rosette leaves spring- ing from the corners, among nosegays of raised blossoms in scarlet and mauve. | Length, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 508—Earty American Frorat Hoox Mar Border of grayish-brown, with four scrolling leaves in brown and fawns enveloping an ivory field sustaining a spray of garden flowers. Length, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 4 inches. 509—Eariy American Ratsep Fiorat Hoox Mar Gray-ivory field with a double arch formed of four large skeleton leaves framing two sprays of flowers. Length, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches. 510—Eariy American Frorat Hook Mar Ivory field with four leaf-scrolls, principally in olive, circum- scribing a nosegay of roses and morning-glory flanked by two briluant leaf sprays. Black guard. Length, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches. 511—Eariy American Frorat Hoox Rue Border of black with four large scrolling leaves, in tans outlined in gray and scarlet, enveloping a field of ivory with a garland of garden flowers flanked by sprays of oak leaves. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 512—Earty American Ratsep Fiorat Hoox Rve Grayish-black border, the corners with single blossoms, with four bold leaf-scrolls in grayish tan outlined in scarlet, encircling an ivory-gray field with a nosegay of raised conventionalized roses. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet. 513—AnTIQUE Cazistan Rue Sapphire-blue field, with a central stepped diamond medallion in a field of conventionalized “pear” figures and having mihrab ends, the spandrels filled with tiny blossoms on an ivory ground. Border and four narrow guards with rosettes and geometrical figures. Length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. cS 514—Witrton Carpet Deep crimson, with border banded in a darker shade. Length, 25 feet 6 inches; width, 11 feet 5 inches. 515—FrrecHAN Carpet AVIIIT Century Deep blue latch-hooked lozenge-shaped field, woven in pale blue, ivory, yellow, green and rose, with cruciform diamonds and ara- besques of Herati leaves. The corners with similar motives on deep ivory grounds. Interesting pale green borders of floral plaquettes and angular scrollings executed in the colors of the field. Six varied floral guards. 12 feet by 10 feet. 516—-AzurE-BLUE Prrstan Carpet | Rare beautiful fluctuating jaspé azure-blue field; enriched with rose-red stepped diamond medallion bearing floral diamond lat- tice and Herati leaves in pink, light-blue, tawny black, and ivory; similar angular corners. Sixteen varied floral borders in the rich colors of the medallion and skilfully toning therewith. 19 feet 3 inches by 16 feet 4 inches. 517—GrEEN AND Buve Kirman Carper Lustrous resonant deep blue field, woven in exceptionally fine pale green, old red, pale blue and yellow, with series of scrolled ogivals formed of long leaves occupied by charming bouquets of yellow and old-red roses. Borders similar but with larger flowers in the bouquets. Mellow yellow guards studded with blue and yellow asters interrupted by pink roses. 12 feet 3 inches by 9 feet 3 inches. ERD. SESSION Perit A Ee RIL 10, 1925, AT 2:15 P.M. Catalogue Numbers 519 to 757 inclusive FRENCH FANS AND BIBELOTS 519—Two Decorated Fans (a) Silk leaf, with three medallion paintings and floral borders; sandalwood and ivory staves and guards. Directoire Period. (s) Paper fan decoration, depicting a garden party; pierced sandalwood staves and guards. 520—Two Lace Fans (a) Black Chantilly lace with hexagonal réseaw and pattern of bold rocaille scrolls; Louis XV Style. Fine tortoise-shell staves. (3) Hexagonal réseaw of Brussels lace. Carved and pierced staves and guards developing scrolls and naive figures. 521—Parntrep Ivory Fan Louis XV Period The vellum leaf charmingly painted with central pastoral scene, flanked by two oval medallions depicting a hunter and his dog and a landscape. Double balustered ivory staves. 522—Two Decoratep Fans Louis Philippe Period (a) Printed leaf displaying rustic scenes and gilt ‘scrollings ; richly pierced and gold decorated ivory staves and guards. (s) Narrow leaf, painted with scéne galante. Pierced staves and guards of bone. 523—Ivory Painted Fan Flemish, XVIII Century Vellum leaf, with gouache painting of hare-hunting scene, border of naturalistic flower-heads. Finely pierced staves with paint- ings and gilded ornaments of fruit, and the like. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 524—Two Parntep Ivory Brist Fans Louis XV Period (a) Decorated with two side panels depicting tree forms enclos- ing a central reserve displaying a scéne champétre. ‘These panels are interrupted by and flanked at ends by double staves. (8) Depicting rustic scene with trees, figures and distant farm- house. Additional, curious embellishments of appliqué gilded blossoms. 525—Paintep Siunk AND Ivory Fan Louts XVI Period The silk leaf bearing central medallion enclosing a flaming cross. Elaborately carved, pierced and polychromed staves and guards. 526—Two TorroisrkE SHELL CHIFFON AND LacE Fans (a) Leaf painted in gouache with romantic figures of maiden and cupid; signed Adam. (s) With paintings of birds and trailing violets. 527—DercoratTeD Ivory Fan French, Early XVIII Century Tapering ivory blades, pierced at crown and central medallion enriched with subject, “Vertumnus and Pomona.”- The guards carved and polychromed with figures and floral panels. 528—Supersiy Carvep Ivory ann Decorated Fan Louis XVI Period Charming gilded, silvered and pierced blades and guards; the blades with medallioned dancing figures. Parchment leaf with Watteau subject. Length, 10% inches. Note: Probably the choicest blades and guards ever executed at this great period of decorative art. 529—EmpBroipERED Warer HoLper English, XVII Century Displaying a landscape occupied by a chateau and trees; in the foreground a lion. Trimmed with silver galloon. 1014 inches square. 5380—Bronze INkwe.y French, Renaissance Style Molded triangular body, fitted with well having loose cover and enriched with sprays of beautiful leaves and satyr-mask. Sup- ported on dragon feet. Length, 6 inches. Third Session 531—Rosso Antiaguo Marsie Inxstanpn Mounrep 1n Cuivre Dort Empire Period Marble oblong body and plinth, fitted with two wells having rosetted covers and two pen receptacles; the base with guilloche molding and claw feet. Length, 6% inches. 532—Cuivre Dore Inxstanp Louis XV Style Deeply scrolled body, arranged with one well and one sand- shaker, having floral covers; the body enriched with rocaille and scrollings. Length, 74% inches. 533—Bisaque Busr or WasHIncTron Savage Type Seen in profile to left wearing a queue and military costume. On red velours panel, in circular frame. Height, 6 inches. 534— ANTIQUE PrERsiIAN PoTTERyY VAsE Lamp AIT Century Globular ovoidal body molded towards the base with a series of compartments bordered with tiny floral figures and enclosing a mihrab, shoulder with bands of formal geometrical ornament, short cylindrical neck. Fitted for electricity; filet lace shade. Height of vase, 7% inches. 335—Paris Porcetain VASE Directoire Period Tapering incurved square body, decorated with bouquets of flowers. Height, 5 inches. 536—AntiauE Persian Porrery VAsE Lamp AIV Century Cylindrical faceted body with rich sapphire-blue vitreous glaze, each narrow facet decorated under the glaze with a slender oval enclosing graceful trailing leafage in green fluctuating to russet- brown; short sloping shoulder and cylindrical neck. Fitted for electricity, with filet lace shade. Height of vase, 7 inches. 5387—Tatut GREEN GARNITURE Directotre Style Consisting of two flaring square vases and oval jardiniere, deco- rated in gold with figure and scrollings in gilding. Height of vases, 9 inches; length of jardiniére, 12%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 538—ANTIQUE PrErRs1An Pottery VAsE Lamp AIT Century Ovoid body with straight and wave ribbon molding about the shoulder, the neck with eight handles; slightly flaring molded lip. Rich turquoise-blue glaze. Fitted for electricity with three lights ; filet lace shade. Height of vase, 16 inches. ETCHINGS AND COLOR PRINTS 539—Framep Ercuine By Millet, 1861 Marerniry. Three-quarter length of a peasant woman seated holding an infant on her knees. Signed, J. F. Millet 1861. In gilded frame. Height, 6 inches; width, 5 inches. 640—Warer-cotor Drawine By Mazximilienne Guyen Pastorau. Five personages in Watteau costumes are seen be- fore a pool in a formal wooded park. Signed at upper right; in gilded frame. Height, 6 inches; length, 12 inches. 541—TurReEE Framep Prints Two bust length portraits of Rembrandt by himself, another by Philippe de Champagne. In gilded frames. Heights, 6Y2 inches; widths, 5 and 434 inches. 542—Prncit Drawine By A. de Neuville Busr Porrrarr or Louise pr Lorratne. Delicately and care- fully drawn, with jeweled headdress and ruff about her neck. Signed at lower left. In gilded frame. Height, 714 inches; width, 5 inches. Note: This interesting drawing was originally executed by de Neuville. 543—Two Conorep Views (a) Une Perspective pr LA Puace Royare pe Borpeavx. Palace seen from waterfront with its shipping. (3) Vur pu Ponr Nevr pv Cork pu Pont Sr. MicuHet A Parts. The bridge and perspective seen below the river. Both framed. Height, 10% inches; length, 17 inches. Third Session 544 Cotor Print After Debucourt Les Perits Soupats. Three children dressed up in military cOs- tumes are displaying their efforts before their grandparents. Height, 111% inches; width, 9 inches. 545—Cotor Print or NarpoLeon After David, Empire Period Portrait of Napoleon seated on throne, wearing ermine-trimmed crimson velvet robes embroidered in gold fleurs-de-lis; in con- temporary gilded frame enriched with scrollings. Height, 271/, inches; width, 211% inhees. 546—Cotor Print By Jacet, Empire Period NapoLeon AND His Starr. The Emperor in full military cos- tume is seen mounted on a black charger, his staff at rear. Framed in mahogany, mounted in cuivre doré with conventional scrollings. (The frame apparently of a later period.) Height, 30% inches; width, 2314 inches. 547—Cotor Print After Gurez Oval, three-quarter length figure of a milkmaid with red skirt standing with her arm thrown over her pony’s neck. In gilded frame. Height, 20 inches; width, 1534 inches. 548—Two Framep Prints English, XVIII Century Style (a) Mary Emriie, Countess oF Sauispury, after Reynolds. Standing figure before a wooded landscape, a small dog at her feet. (s) Jane, Countess oF Harrineron, after Reynolds. Stand- ing figure of a pretty woman before a park. In black and gilded frames. Heights, 22% and 224 inches; widths, 14 and 14°, inches. 549—Paintine 1n TorvToisE-SHELL FRAME Cornelis Dusart, Dutch, 1660-1704 Boors Recarinc. Five men seated and standing around an up- turned barrel, one reading a letter. Exceptionally fine tortoise- shell frame of the late XVII century, having black waved inner and outer fillet. 191%, inches by 161% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 550—AMERICAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE PRINTED On Ivory SATIN Circa 1830 With portraits at crown of Washington, Jefferson and Adams, set before a trophy surrounded by medallions of the thirteen States and replica of the original Declaration at centre. Framed. Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches. STAFFORDSHIRE AND CHINESE TABLE AND ORNA- MENTAL PORCELAINS 551—SILvVER Resist JARDINIERE Staffordshire, XVIII Century Deep bowl-shape, with satyr-mask handles and broad band of silver lustre reserved with festoons of flowers. Height, 534 inches. 552—STaAFFoRDSHIRE LustrE PircHEer Decorated in relief with hounds in landscape and blackberry border in copper-gold lustre, in green, yellow and old-red. Height, 614 inches. 553—STAFFORDSHIRE PITCHER AVITI Century Decorated in relief on ivory grounds, with heart-shape medal- lions occupied by juveniles, “Teasing and Affection.” Height, 6 inches. 554—Two Earty Srarrorpsnire Pircuers Decorated in relief in colors, with hunting and shooting scenes. Rocaille and valance borders. Height, 6 inches. 555—Earzty SrarrorpsHire PircHer Decorated on ivory ground, with medallions of pheasants; leaf and vine borders; in blues, yellows, old-reds, brown and green. (Handle restored.) Height, 5 inches. 556—Two Cuinesr Cups anp Saucers WITH STANDS Bell-shape cup, in very rich deep starch-blue. Third Session 557—WorckEstTER Sour TurEEN Shaped oblong body, with shell handles and pineapple terminal to dome cover ; decorated in enamels with birds and flowers. (Has been restored. ) Length, 12 inches. 558—Two Dvutcu Gtuass Borries AVITI Century Globular, with short necks. Greenish-amber glass. Height, 11 inches. 559—Dutcu Guass Botrre AVIIT Century Oval body, with long neck. Greenish-amber glass. Height, 1814, inches. 560—Larct Cuinesrk Lowestrorr PorcELAIN JARDINIERE Octagonal molded bowl-shape, with sunk panels and griffin rudi- mentary-head handles. Glazed fine ivory with traces of gilding. (Chipped. ) Height, 16 inches; diameter, 21 inches. 561—CuantTitty Porcretain Lamp anp SHADE Bottle-shape, with gilded robin’s-egg-blue field, reserved with typical panels of flowers; mounted with cuwre doré base and arm for electricity. Parchment shade painted with birds and flowers. Height, 19 inches. 562—CuHiInEsE Porcetain PLAQuE Yung Cheng Deep circular, enriched with sprays of varied flowers in enamels. Broad mottled border reserved with flowers and -leaf-shaped medallions. (Has been restored.) Diameter, 1714 inches. 563—PorcEeLain Covered Jar witH Cover Ch’ien-lung Period Inverted pear-shaped body with short neck, slightly flaring base. Millet-yellow ground incised and decorated in camellia green, aubergine, sage, rouge-de-cuivre, ochre and gilding with feng- huang birds among flowering peonies, ling-chth and other plants, the base with a band of formal motives. Four-character mark of Ch’ien-lung. Height, 18 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 564—Carvep Aanp Gitpep Lacquer BuppHa Set witH Precious STONES Sino-Burmese, XVIII Century Seated figure, on a throne, of the portly full-skirted god. Set with precious stones, as follows: turquoises, pearls, rose dia- monds, opals, sapphires and rubies. (T'he above gems are all genuine, with the exception of the rubies in the breast and the body, and the central sapphire below the latter, three in all.) (Illustrated) Height, 11% inches. 565—Buve anp Wuirr Cuinese Porcetain PLaQueE K’ang-hsi Period Deep circular, enriched with an ornate basket of varied flowers and paneled border. (Fire-crack.) Diameter, 21 inches. 566—CHINESE PorceLain Lamp anp SHADE Ming Period Oviform vase, enriched with scrollings amidst which flowers are seen. Mounted with cuivre doré base. Golden-yellow silk shade. (Vase has fire-crack.) Height, 251 inches. Third Session STERLING SILVER TABLEWARE AND SIX DUTCH SILVER PARCEL-GILDED NEFS 567—Grovurp oF OxnseEcts IN STERLING SILVER Comprising crumb-scoop, dinner-bell inscribed, “Effie 1863,” tab- lets, old silver salt shaker, pin tray, pierced bonbon dish and plate for ice bowl. 568—STERLING SILVER CIGARETTE Box Oblong, the top engine-turned and engraved, “J.S.L.” Length, 5°% inches. 569—ELEVEN STERLING SILVER-MOUNTED TUMBLERS Cylindrical, mounted at rim and base in hammered silver, the latter shaped into pierced blossom scrolls flanking a mono- grammed cartouche. 570—STERLING SItveR CREAMER AND Bonzpon DisuH (a) Pear-shaped, with valanced lip and scrolling handle; (3) Boat-shaped, with scrolled edge, on four reeded and loop-scrolled feet. Heights, 414, and 2% inches. 571—Pair STERLING SitveR PEPPERS By Bigelow Bros. & Kennard, Boston Churn-shaped, with detachable perforated lids; one inscribed, Pepper. Height, 3% inches. 572—Two Smarty STERLING SiLveR Carp Trays By Tiffany & Co., New York (a) Circular with beaded edge; inscribed, “Effie, 1863.” (3) Circular with reeded edge having leaf-and-tongue decoration ; inscribed, “J.S.” within an engraved stellate figure. Diameters, 4 and 7 inches. 5Y3—TuREE SraRLING SILVER Spoons Comprising a table spoon and a pair of ladles; handles mono- grammed and with molded floral and shoulder ornament. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 574—Earty AMERICAN STERLING SILVER CovERED Sucar Bown AnD CREAMER Globular body with engraved floral and bird decoration, pierced latticed rims; molded loop handles. Heights, sugar bowl, 4 inches; creamer, 8% inches. 575—Twetve STERLING SILVER TABLE SPOONS Shank with reeded edges, the handle monogrammed and finely chiseled with a shell motive. Apocryphal Georgian mark. 576—Twetve Strerune Sttver Taste SPoons Similar to the preceding. 577—EIGHTEEN STERLING SILVER Taste Forks To match the preceding; monogrammed. 578—SEVENTEEN STERLING SILVER Dessert Forks To match the preceding. 579—EIGHTEEN STERLING SiLvER Dessert SPoons To match the preceding. 580—Twetve STERLING SILVER TEASPOONS Similar to the preceding. 581—Twetve Streriunc Sritver TEAsSPooNS Similar to the preceding. (One odd spoon.) 582—Twetve Srerwuinc Stnver Demi-rassE Spoons Beaded shank and handle; monogrammed, L. 583—Srx Sreruinc Sitver Demi-Trassc Spoons Ovoid bowl, shank with beaded edges. 584—O.p SHEFFIELD PLiatE Coverep Enrrtr Disx Oblong with rounded corners, reeded border decoration, enriched with four sprays of fruit at the centres of the sides, leaf-twisted loop handle. Length, 1134 inches. Third Session 585—TweLve Sreruinc Sitver anp Porcenain Turkish Corrre- CUPS Lenox Grill-pierced silver holders; valanced cups decorated with gilded bow-knot supporting festoons of various tiny naturalistic flowers. 586—Repoussk Sterune Sitver Trapvor London, 1843 Flattened boldly lobed body with leaf-enriched loop handle and flaring molded rim; petaled cover with pheasant finial. The com- partments of the body with finely conceived repoussés floral car- touches. Height, 7 inches. 587—STERLING Sitver Carp SALvER By Hunnewell & Morse Circular with interlacing ribbon molded edge; monogrammed, **1.S.,” on three cartouched feet. Diameter, 9 inches. 588—STERLING SILVER CarpD SALVER By Bigelow Bros. & Kennard, Boston Oval, with bead-gadrooned edge; on four pierced leaf-scrolled feet. Length, 914 inches. 589—STeERLING Sitver Tra Service Comprising (4a) Teapot with globular body engraved “C.R.L.” and having wooden handle. (8) Individual urn-shaped covered sugar bowl and graceful cream-ewer to match, with long loop handles and rim banded with key-fret decoration. 590—Grorcian Sitver Fisu Suice George III, London, 1799 Lanceolate, with pierced and latticed central medallion engraved with crossed fishes ; beneath, a cartouche monogrammed, “I.S8.C.” Molded handle. Length, 111% inches. 591—Six Sreruinc Sitver anp Parcert Gitpep TEAsPoons By Tiffany & Co., New York Gilded bowl, leaf-chiseled shank, monogrammed, “S.B.S.” In Case. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 592—Six Srerptinc SItver AND Parcet GitpEp TEAsSPOONS By Tiffany & Co., New York Gilded bowl, leaf-chiseled shank, monogrammed, “S.B.S.” In case. 593—Six Strertmc Sitver Teaspoons By Tiffany & Co., New York Leaf-engraved shanks, monogrammed, “C.R.L.” 594—S1x STERLING Sitver Tea Forks By Tiffany & Co., New York To match the preceding. 595—TweELvE STERLING SitvER Dinner Knives By Tiffany & Co., New York Molded shanks with shell ornament at shoulder and _ handle; monogrammed, “C.R.L.” 596—STERLING Sitver CovereD Sucar Bown By Tiffany & Co., New York Circular, with ribbed cover and body simulating wicker-work, with cartouche ornament and fruit finial; pierced leaf-scrolled feet. Height, 5 inches. 597—SrEveN Oxtp AMERICAN Sttver Tra Knives Molded handle, monogrammed “F. G. S. B. L.” 598—Five Srerune Sinver Tra Knives By Black, Starr & Frost, New York To match the preceding; of modern date. No monogram. 599—Pair Srertinc Sirver Sarap SERVERS By Tiffany & Co., New York Spoon and fork, the handles with molded shell ornament and monogrammed “F, G. S. B. L.” 600—Set or Six Stertinc Sitrver Tra Knives By Tiffany & Co., New York Leaf-engraved shank, monogrammed, “C. R. L.” ; two dated, 1876. and two, 1913. Third Session 601—-Grourp or STERLING SILVER SERVERS Comprising two fish slices and fork, pair of asparagus tongs and large serving spoon with spur; various pierced and engraved decoration. 602—Finr Grorcian Sitver Teapot ann CreAMER By Andrew Fogelberg, London, 1811 Superbly engraved decoration of bands of formal leafage with a principal ornament of birds among vine branches; on ball feet. 603—Pair Repousskt Srertinc Sitver Covered TuREENS By J. B. Jones, Boston Circular, body with finely hammered scrolled leaf ornament and loop handles joined to the body by molded fruit details; the cover similarly, with leaf-and-tongue edge and fruit finial. Heights, 6 inches. 604—Oup SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVER Oblong with rounded corners and rocaille and leaf-molded edge; the cavetto finely engraved with interlacing floral and fruit branches and central inscription, “Shaw, 1840.” On four leaf- scrolled feet. Length, 13%, inches. 605—Massive ReroussE SILvER CisporiumM Nirnberg, Renatssance Style Cylindrical body with flaring neck and base on three claw and ball feet; removable chalice bowl and domed cover with elaborate finial surmounted by a Madonna and Child. Profusely decorated with repoussés scrolls, cherub heads and floral festoons, the bodv with three oval medallions displaying severally, The Savior rais- ing a woman from the dead, Christ appearing to John and James, and the Baptism of Christ by Saint John. Height, 201% inches. 606—Repoussté Sitrver PLaauE Spanish, XVI Century Centre displaying the armorial bearings of Leén and Castile be- fore a double displayed eagle, supported by columns, a badge of the Golden Fleece below. Scrolled cupidon border inscribed, Yuste 1551. Diameter, 127% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 607—Repoussk SILveER PLAQUE Spanish, XVI Century The centre displaying a badge of Leén and Castile. Interesting traceried and arched Gothic border. Diameter, 12% inches. 608—Durcu Repousst Sinver anp Parcet-citpED NEF Two-masted cross-rigged galleon with coronets about the tops and a roofed-in after-deck; the sides with repoussés dolphin figures, and carried on four wheels. In two parts. Height, 131% inches. 609—DurcH Strver anp ParcEL-GILDED NEF Cross-rigged three-master with rigged bowsprit and high poop mounting cannon; carried on four wheels, the pierced spokes of affrontés dolphin figures. In two parts. Height, 1434 inches. 610—Durcu SILVER AND PARCEL-GILDED NEF Cross-rigged three-master with galleried fore- and after decks and figures of sailors; the hull supported on four dolphin figures concealing small wheels. In two parts. Height, 121% inches. 611—Duvutrcu Repovusst SILtvER AND PaRCEL-GILDED NEF Two-masted vessel, the mizzen with fore and aft rigged lozenge sail; galleried, with high after deck and figures of sailors. Hull with figure-head and repoussé decoration of mythological figures ; on four wheels. In two parts. Height, 13 inches. 612—DuTrcu Stiver anv Parcet-citpEp NEF Cross-rigged two-master with sails set, coroneted tops and roofed-in stern gallery with figures; hull on four-wheeled car- riage. In two parts. Height, 211% inches. 613—Dutrcu Repovussk Strver anp ParcEL-GILDED NEF Three-master with cross-rigged fore and main mast, the mizzen with triangular lateen-rigged sail; curved deck with high stern, repoussé hull on four sea-horses concealing tiny wheels. In two parts. Height, 1634 inches. Third Session REPOUSSES BRASS PLAQUES, TERRA-COTTA GROUPS AND BRONZES 614—RepovussE Brass Disy Venetian, XV. Century Deep circular dish, with flanged border; the centre with medal- lion occupied by equestrian figure of St. George and the Dragon. (Needs restoration.) Diameter, 1314, inches. 615—Repovusst Brass Warmine Pan Cover Niirnberg, Early XVII Century Arched circular cover; the centre occupied by subject, THe An- NUNCIATION, surrounded by floral medallions. Diameter, 1314, inches. 616—Repousst Brass Bow. Italian, XVII Century Deep flaring sides, enriched with cartouches and scrolled motives ; the centre with scrolled satyr-masks. Diameter, 1514 inches. 617—RepovussE Brass PLAQuE Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with flanged rim punched with arcadings; the centre occupied by royal coroneted coat of arms of France blazoned with three fleurs-de-lis. Diameter, 15%, inches. 618—ReEpoussrkt Brass PLAQUE Niirnberg, XVI Century Circular, with border punched with floral motives; cavetto with spiral flutings, the centre with subject, ApAM AND EVE BEFORE THE APPLETREE. Diameter, 17 inches. 619—Repoussrt Brass PLaquE Niirnberg, XVII Century Circular, with leaf punched border; the centre with subject, Sr. CHRISTOPHER Carryinc Our Lorp Across THE STREAM, sur- rounded by floral medallions. Diameter, 161% inches. 620—Two Trrra-coTra Grovurs After Pigalle In both three struggling chubby cupids are seen; one is holding aloft a torch, in the other a shell horn which he is blowing. Deep warm putty color patina. On irregular round base. Heights, 914 and 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 621—Trerra-cotra Bust or WASHINGTON After Houdon Oval classic head wearing long curling hair and Roman robe; on circular molded base. Deep putty colored patina. Signed at right, Houdon 1778. (Apparently of a later date.) Height, 191% inches. 622—Two Bronze PLAQuETTES French, XVIII Century Cuprpons. One holding a quiver of arrows, the other riding on a dolphin. Deep rich patina. Height, 5%, inches. 623—Two Bronze Ficurines Italian, XVII Century Recumsent Ficurers oF Lions. Rich greenish-gold patina. Length, 6% inches. 624—Bronze Piaque French, Late XVIII Century Love’s Journrty. A gondola is being propelled toward left; four personages are in the boat, and another, who has just left the shore, is attempting to raise herself from the water to join her companions. Cupidon flies aloft, holding the tiller in his hands by a cord, to direct the boat to the Isles of the Blessed. In oblong carved and gilded laurel-wreath frame. Height, 15%, inches; length, 23%, inches. 625—Bronze Crock GARNITURE Greek Classic Style Comprising clock and two vases; the former oval, with outset front holding circular dial and frieze with bas-reliefs, surmounted by reclining figure of Pandora. Ovoid vases on circular bases similarly decorated with bas-relicfs involving processions of citi- zens and musicians. Height of clock, 20 inches; length, 2114 inches; height of vase, 1414 inches. 626—Two Bronze anp Marste Canperasra First Empire Period Shaft as voluminously robed and winged nymph, supporting urn, bearing a cluster of six leaf scrolled arms for lights; the nymph standing on an orb. Rouge antique square marble pedestal, en- riched with cutvre doré leaf molding toward foot. Height, 29 inches. Third Session 627—BronzE AND Cuivre Dort Crock GARNITURE Comprising clock and two mantel candelabra. Pierced and domed structure surmounted by a canopy enriched with various chi- meras and leaf ornament; candelabra having arms for five lights. Height of clock, 23 inches. 628—ConTEmMporary Bronze Bust Louis XVIII Style Wearing curling hair, lace jabot and court robes with many orders. On circular base with square plinth. Deep rich patina. Height, 351% inches. 629—BronzE STATUETTE Hero. Erect female figure leaning against a pedestal and draped in a light robe, the head bound and inclined to the left, the right hand holding a small lamp. Rouge royale marble base. Height, 28%, inches. ENGLISH AND FRENCH FURNITURE 631—RepoussE JARDINIERE Dutch, XVII Century Oval, with gadrooned sides and flaring lip; enriched with leafage. Large animalistic ring handles. Length, 35 inches. 632—ErcuEep anp GILDED PANEL Italian Renaissance Centre with oval medallion, occupied by figure of Mars seated in foreground of a landscape surrounded by strap arabesque scrollings festooned with fruit. 1714, inches by 12% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Two Porcenrain CanpELaABra Mountep 1x Cuivre Dork Louis XVI Style Gadrooned lobed oval vase, fitted about centre with perched green and red porcelain parrot. Two flanking arms of cuwivre doré for electricity enriched with porcelain flowers. Height, 10 inches. 633 634—Two PorcELaIn CANDELABRA MovuntTep 1x Coutvre Dort Louis XVI Style Similar to preceding ; with green and yellow birds. 635—AntTiauE Persian Pottery Vase Lamp AIT Century Inverted pear-shaped body, the shoulder with straight and wave ribbon moldings separating recurring slight bosses; neck with six handles, molded lip. Remains of turquoise-blue glaze. Fitted for electricity, with filet lace shade. Height of vase, 18 inches. 636—Two Cuinese Porcentain Lamps anp SHADES AVIIT Century Graceful oviform body, decorated with romantic landscape in colors. Mounted with base and arm for electricity in cutvre doré. Silk shade displaying birds and sprays of blue flowers. Height, 17 inches. 637—CninEsE Lowestorr Lamp anp SHADE AXVITI Century Flattened bottle-shape, enriched with vase and bouquets of flow- ers within panels of blue scrollings. Mounted in cuivre doré with base and arm fitted for electricity. Painted ivory silk shade. | Height, 19 inches. 638—Two Brass ann Forcep Iron Anprirons English, XVIII Century Interesting flanged brass baluster shaft with ball terminal; sup- ported on broad lobed arched forged iron strap legs. Height, 18 inches. 639—Two Brass Anprrons English, Late XVII Century Bulbous shafts, with pinnacles; supported on massive scrolled legs terminating in claw feet and centred by a leonic head. Height, 20 inches. Third Session 640—Two Brass ann Forcep Iron Anpirons English, XVIII Century Unusual bulbous baluster shaft with knob terminal and arch feet in forged iron. Height, 2614 inches. 641—Two Brass Anpirons English, Late XVII Century Double bulbous shafts, with flame terminal; supported on claw footed legs surmounted by a sea-horse and central leonic head. | Height, 30 inches. 642—Pirrcep Brass Frenpver English, XVIII Century Front with central band of spirally bossed gadroonings flanked by piercings of interlacing oval medallions. On molded base with fan-shaped, gddrooned feet. Height, 9 inches; length, 47 inches. 643—Piercep Brass Fenper English, XVIII Century Molded and shaped serpentined front, with broad panel pierced with scrollings and two animals facing central vase. On claw feet. Height, 10 inches; length, 63 inches. 644—Acazou Stanp Mountrep 1n Cuivre Dort Louis XVI Style Two oblong tiers, with round corners; mounted in cutvre doré with pierced galleries; supported on vase-shaped legs, having cross feet and balustered stretcher. | Height, 2614 inches; width, 1214, inches. 645—Inuain Turrwoop CENTRE Taple French, XVIII Century Style Circular top, with outset corners inlaid with radiations; the frieze of similar contour, fitted with drawer. On cabriole legs, having circular stretcher and similar radiations. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 13% inches. 646—DecoratTep Satinwoop Work TaBLE Sheraton Style Oblong top with oval medallion enclosing a painted spray of roses and surrounded by framework of delicate leaf-scrolls ; frieze with festoon ornament, having slide with sateen work-bag, slender quadrangular tapering legs with husk pendants, joined by in- curved shelf-stretcher. Height, 28 inches; width, 15 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 647—Inuain Kinewoop Centre TABLE Louis XVI Style Circular top, enriched with radiating panels of inlay; the frieze with herring-bone; fitted with drawer. On paneled square taper- ing legs, having incurved shelf stretcher. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 191% inches. 648—Carvep Oak Cuiip’s ARMCHAIR English, Jacobean Period Paneled back with uprights terminating in flat knob finials, the back carved with a geometrical figure; balustered frontal posts, box seat with incised rayon carving, foot-rest and flaring balus- tered legs joined by a box stretcher. 649—Carvep Oak Joint SToon Jacobean Period Molded oblong top; the frieze enriched with arcaded motives, on balustered stretcher legs. . 650—NeEeEpLEPoINT Manocany Bencu Spanish, XVIII Century Oblong top covered in petit-point, developing sprays of large flowers on black grounds. Supported on tapering square legs. Height, 18 inches; length, 1814 inches. 651—Manocany Totret Mirror English, Early XVIII Century Finely molded oblong frame, with inset round corners at crown ; fitted with original Vauxhall mirror; supported on expanding shafts. The stand with three small drawers and finely bracketed feet. Height, 24 inches; width, 16%, inches. 652—Carvep anv Gripep Mirror Georgian Period Oblong, with arched crown and serpentined foot; enriched with leaf pearl and ribbon motives, the pediment with pastoral trophy. Height, 36% inches; width, 2114 inches. 653—Carvep and Ginpep Mirror Georgian Period Oblong, with outset corners at crown ; enriched with rosette inner fillet ; egg-and-dart outer molding and scrollings on the facia. Height, 39 inches; length, 17 inches. Third Session 654—Carvep Manocany DumBwalitEerR English, XVIII Century Two sunk molded circular tiers; supported on spirally twisted shaft and lower shaft having interestingly molded and arched tripod legs. Height, 32 inches. 655—Smatyt Prar-tTreE Tape English, Late XVII Century Oblong top; the frieze fitted with drawer, on slender balustered legs having box stretcher. Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches. 656—-Intaiw Turrewoop CENTRE ‘T'aBLe Louis XVI Style Circular top; the frieze inlaid with cube motives; fitted with drawer. On tapering square legs. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 201% inches. 657—Inxiaiw Kinewoop Sewine Taare Louis XVI Style Oblong top, inlaid with herring-bone panels and half hinged at either side; the interior of frieze fitted with compartments. On open lyre-shaped legs having molded cross stretcher. Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches. 658—Manocany Sipe Taste Mountep 1n Cuivre Dorit Louis XVI Style Front arranged with three paneled drawers; the ends boldly curved. Supported on square legs. ‘The top fitted with half- statuary marble trimmed with open medallioned cure doré gal- lery. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. 659—Smatyt Intai Manocany Consoe Sheraton Style Semi-oval top with plain frieze broken by four quadrangular tapering legs with stock feet. Pencil inlays of hollywood. Height, 311% inches; width, 25% inches. 660—Earrty American Manocany Wat. Crock By Seth Thomas, Bristol, Conn. Tall oblong molded frame with square dial, above a glass panel transfer, decorated with a view of the Capitol at Washington. Pendulum movement and half-hour striking arrangement. Height, 26 inches; width, 1514, inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 661—Cuitp’s Manocany Siant-FALL Desk English, XVIII Century Small oblong top, with fall-front disclosing fitted interior; the front arranged with four graduated drawers; trimmed with ori- ginal brass bail handles and escutcheons. On arched molded feet. Height, 33 inches; width, 24 inches. (Illustrated) 662—Carvep Oak Correr French, Henri II Period Oblong top with plain frieze, molded above flat fluted pilasters flanking circular panels enriched with carved busts of bearded sages executed in bold relief; the ends with similar unfilled cir- cular panels. (Some reconstruction. ) Height, 26 inches; length, 40 inches. From the Jeuniette Collection. Third Session 663—Carvep Manocany Pie-crust Tittinc Tape Chippendale Period Scrolled sunk molded circular top; supported on spirally en- riched baluster and tripod feet. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 211% inches. (Illustrated) 664—Carvep Manocany Boox-TABLE Chippendale Style Oblong top with two slides having folding arched book-ends carved with border of trailing leafage; supported by turned balustered and enriched pillar on four scrolled feet with leaf- carved toes. Height, 30 inches; length extended, 26 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 665—Lovis NIITI Watnut MarquerTerie CABINET Oblong top with two doors lavishly inlaid on both sides with jardiniéres emitting scrolled leafage and mascarons ; architectur- ally conceived tabernacolo interior with paneled and inlaid draw- ers surrounding a central portal, the base of the whole contrived as one long drawer. Understructure with single drawer, sup- ported on five spirally twisted legs joined by box stretcher. Height, 48°, inches; width, 28 inches. From the Boisleyve Collection of Paris. 666—Prar-tTrREE Tinting Tor TAspiEe English, XVII Century Circular top, sustained on expanded baluster and shaped tripod legs. Height, 251, inches; diameter, 26 inches. 667—Carvep Manocany Tittinc Taste Chippendale Period Oblong top, with pierced gallery; supported on expanding fluted shaft with unusual tripod legs, having leaf knees and unusual claw feet. Height, 28 inches; width, 271%, inches. 668—Oaxk Butrerrry Tapre English, Early XVIII Century Circular top, with one drop leaf; supported on bulbous legs hav- ing similar gate. Height, 28% inches; diameter, 29 inches. 669—NeEEDLEWORK CarvepD AND GitpED Fire ScreEen Lowis XIV Period Oblong panel of very beautiful petit-point, displaying a gad- rooned vase loosely filled with very varied fine flowers, standing on a table before a soft champagne yellow background. The frame, with leaf-scrolled pediment and panelled columnar mo- tives, supported on scrolled acanthus leaf legs, apparently of a later period. Height, 4 feet 2\% inches; width, 2 feet 1% inches. 670—NEEDLEWoRK Potze ScrEEN English, XVIII Century Pole with vase terminal and baluster sections toward foot ; sup- ported on scrolled tripod legs. Oblong adjustable panel dis- playing in pastel tones a basket of loosely sprayed flowers in mellow tones on green-black grounds. Height, 521% inches; width, 18% inches. Third Session 671—Two LacavER STooLs French, XVIII Century Style Square tops, with round corners; supported on shaped legs; en- riched in gilding with Chinese figures in landscapes; on black grounds. Height, 151, inches; 14 inches square. 672—Drap vd’Or Emproipery Watnut ARMCHAIR Ligurian, circa 1640-60 Oblong canted back, spirally twisted arms on similar uprights, spirally twisted legs joined by twisted balustered H-stretcher. Antique red velvet seat and back with a band of embroidery in gold and colored silks developing leaf-scrollings ; trimmed with fringe. 673—WALNUT STOOL Florentme, XVII Century Molded elongated octagonal top, with oval handle; molded frieze. Supported on lyre-shaped flaring ends. 674—Watnout Stoo. Florentine, XVII Century Similar to preceding. 675—Pam Carved WALNUT AND Oak CAQuETEUSES Flemish, Renaissance Period Tall oblong backs, molded cornice and panel carved with inter- lacing meanders enclosing floral rosettes; outcurved arms on turned and balustered uprights, legs joined by box stretcher. (Backs restored and recarved.) 676—Two Carvep WALNUT SGABELLI - Florentine, Late XVI Century Fan-shaped back, crested with clasped Baroque scrolls and sup- ported on adossés caryatids flanking a central scroll-pierced splat; incised seat supported on a front conceived similarly to the chair-back. (Considerably reconstructed.) 677—Parr Carved AND PotycHRomMED FicurEes witH PricketT- HOLDERS Italian, Late XVI Century Kneeling figure of angel with halo, in a garment of Venetian red, and draped in a blue cloak passing over one shoulder; support- ing on one knee a vase terminating in brass grease-tray with pricket. Oblong base with two chamfered corners. Height, about 28%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Pee 678—Cutwese Porcetain Lowrestorr LAMP AND SHADE XVIII Century Hexagonal club-shaped body, finely enriched in enamels with groups of Chinese figures in landscapes, mounted with cwivre doré at foot. Mellow golden-yellow silk shade. (Illustrated) | Height, 31 inches. 679—CuineseE Porcetain Lowestorr Lamp AND SHADE AVIIT Century Similar to preceding. Height, 27 inches. 680—Larce Imari Porcentain Lamp Aanp SHADE AVITI Century Oviform jar, enriched with irregular panels of landscapes, scroll- ings and flowers in typical coloring. Mounted at foot with cutvre doré circular plinth. Golden-yellow silk shade. Height, 37 inches. Third Session 681—Two Dercoratep Laaut Eectrrouers French, XVIII Century Style Adjustable oval top, of French gray laqué; with two silver- plated candles fitted for electricity and trimmed with green silk shade. Triangular shaft, supported on scrolled tripod legs finished in French gray and green. Height, 43 inches. 682—Two Dercoratep Laqut ELectrouiers French, XVIII Century Style Similar to preceding; with green silk shade. Height, 44 inches. 683—Carvep Manocany Pie-crust Tinting Taste Chippendale Period Scrolled molded sunk circular top; supported on baluster shaft having substantial tripod scrolled legs. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 291% inches. 684—In1iaip Satinwoop Gamine Tape Late Sheraton Period Oblong top, with sunk semicircular end pockets and adjustable reading tablet at centre disclosing backgammon board. Sup- ported on open lyre-shaped ends to platform, having curved castored legs. Height, 281% inches; length, 291%, inches. 685—Manocany Sipe Taste Early Georgian Period Oblong with raised rim cusped at intervals, frieze with single long drawer having original scrolled and incised brasses with bail handles, serpentined apron; slender cabriole legs terminating in pad feet. (Has been reconstructed and repolished.) Height, 30 inches; length, 30 inches. 686—Watunvut Sipe Taste Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top; the frieze fitted with two deep end drawers and shallower central drawer; trimmed with brass bail handles. Supported on cabriole legs having spade feet. Height, 27 inches; length, 30 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 687—Two Carvep anp GitpED Mirrors Late Chippendale Period Scrolled oblong frame, enriched with festoons of flowers and outer open scrollings of rocaille and leafage. At foot has been arranged with two small brass arms of a later period, fitted for electricity. Height, 43 inches; width, 21 inches. (Illustrated) 688—T'wo Carved anp GitpED Mirrors Chippendale Period Very unusual scrolled lyre-shape; made to face one another with columnar motives on the inner sides enriched with rocaille leaf motives and rosettes. Height, 47 inches; width, 29 inches. Third Session 689—Seret or Manocany Book SHELVES English, Late XVIII Century Four molded graduated tiers, supported on bracketed ends and having long drawer at foot with castored square tapering legs. Height, 41 inches; width, 30 inches. 690—Oax Jornt STOOL Cromwellian Period Oblong top, with central handhole; molded frieze and valanced legs having box stretcher. 691—Hieu-pack Manocany Arm CuHatrr English, XVIII Century Open fan-shape back with reeded upright rails and one central cross rail; open scrolled arms; loose seat covered in blue floral damask, on stretchered tapering square legs. 692—Two Intaip Manocany Sipe Cuairs English, Sheraton Period Slightly scrolling open back with fluted top rail supporting oblong tablet paneled with inlay of satinwood and ebony above a molded bar enclosing interlacing pierced ogivals; molded up- rights, turned tapering legs, seat canné. (Restored.) 693—Cuivre Dort Taste CaBinet Louis XV Style Scrolled oblong case, fitted with glazed ends, back and door. The case enriched with scrollings of open leaves, flowers, rocaille and the seated figure of a nymph at crown. Height, 27 inches; width, 14 inches. 694—Manocany Gate-LtEc Taste English, Early XVIII Century Molded triangular top, with drop-leaf forming a square top; supported on tapering round legs having spade foot, one gated for leaf. Height, 28 inches; top open, 38 inches by 331%, inches. 695—Manocany PrempBroxeE ‘TABLE English, XVIII Century Finely molded top, with two drop-leaves; the frieze fitted with end drawer. Supported on open bracketed square legs and pierced X-stretcher. Height, 281/, inches; top open, 34 inches by 27 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 696—Carvep Watneur SratvettE Haut Rhin, Late XV Century St. Joun. Erect figure in draped flowing robes, with long curling hair, holding between his hands a missal, on molded base. Height, about 5 feet. (Illustrated) 697—Intaiw Satinwoop Carp TasiE Late Sheraton Period Broadly banded oblong molded top, in- laid with large shell motives of natural grained wood. Height, 28 inches; top open, 34 inches by 341% inches. 698—Patrr Carvepn Watnut TorcHueres Northern Italy, XVI Century Circular fluted column enriched with a triad of mascarons and a band of acan- thus carving, the inferior with further leaf and festooned drapery ornament. On triangular paneled bases carved with oval escutcheons, circular cushion feet. Height, 52 inches. 699—Pair Carvep Watnur Torcuires Northern Italy, XVI Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 52 inches. 700—Parr OLp Carvep ann Gitpep Guéripons or TorcuirEs Louis XIV Style Heavily balustered and acanthus-enriched triangular standard terminating in scrolled feet, the base with incised lattice orna- mented with carved rocaille shells; cartouche-shaped top with gadrooned edge. Height, 62 inches. Third Session 701—Carvep Oak Correr Front French Flanders, Early XVI Century Oblong with molded edge, divided into five panels separated by balustered half-round pilasters and finely carved with bust figures within circular wreaths, sustained on and supporting animal and reptile chimera figures and mascarons. Original forged iron lock. Height, 261/, inches; length, 591, inches. 702—InuLaAip Satinwoop anp Fruirwoop CuHEst or Drawers Sheraton Style Oblong top with serpentined front, returns having large oval medallion inlay; body with three drawers in satinwood following the contours of the top and having chiseled oval brasses and handles, serpentined apron, slightly splayed feet. Plate glass top. Height, 32 inches; length, 401% inches. 703—Carvep AND Parcer-ciLpDED Oak PaNnEL or Overpoor Flemish, Louis XIV Period Oblong molded frame holding a panel carved with generous leaf scrollings supporting a central cartouche with the gilded figure of a reclining Samson with the broken pillars of the temple in his arms. Height, 261%, inches; length, 651%, inches. 704—SmatL Manocany Preprestat Writinc TABLE Chippendale Period Molded top, with dentiled enrichment; the frieze fitted with two end-on drawers, the pedestal with three each; knee-hole with recessed enclosing cabinet, on bracketed feet; the drawers trimmed with finely scrolled brass bail handles. (Needs slight restoration. ) Height, 2914 inches; length, 35 inches. 705—Brack anp GitpED SHow TABLE Louis XVI Style Oblong glazed top, beautifully fitted with sliding drawer, lined with black velvet; on tapering square legs having incurved stretcher supporting a glazed compartment at centre; enriched with gilded wreaths, moldings and husks. Height, 30% inches; length, 37 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 406—Carvep, GILDED AND PoLtycHROMED TABLE Florentine, Renaissance Period Oblong, the frieze carved with graceful leaf-scrolling and cen- trally, with the escutcheon of a cardinal; on balustered legs en- riched at the base with acanthus and joined by box stretcher. Flattened ball feet. (Fitted with walnut top of later date.) Height, 321% inches; length, 52 inches. 707—Maunocany PEemBroxEe TasLe English, XVIII Century Square top, with two drop-leaves; the frieze fitted with drawer. Supported on chamfered square legs having pierced and shaped X-stretcher. Height, 271%, inches; top open, 42 inches by 24 inches. 708—Inuai Manocany Sipesoarp TABLE Adam Style Oblong overhanging top with bow front having knee-hole and single drawer flanked on either side by deep drawer; supported on unusual tapering lozenge-shaped legs with incurved leaf- carved knees and stock feet. Ribbon inlays of hollywood and ebony. Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches. TO9—NEEDLEWoRK Manocany Winpow BEencu English, XVIII Century Deeply scrolled arms terminating in rosettes and seat covered in gros-point displaying fantastic scrollings of flowers and fruits on ivory and blue grounds. On tapering square well stretchered legs. Height, 291%, inches; length, 361, inches. 710—Carvep Manocany Arm CuHarr Queen Anne Style Molded and shaped arched back, the head paneled and enriched with slight flower and leaf carvings, serpentined central bar splat flanked by cannés panels. Scrolled arms, cabriole uprights and legs, the latter joined by slender balustered H-stretcher. Canné seat with orange silk brocatelle loose cushion. Third Session 711—NeEEpLEPOINT Manocany Wine Cuair English, XVIII Century Serpentined back and wings scrolling into roll-over arms and loose seat covered in gros- and petit-point and point St. Cyr, de- veloping in the back an arabesque medallion occupied by a court belle ; bird perched in seat with motives surrounded by scrollings of flowers on fine blue and black grounds. Supported on molded square legs having H-stretcher. (Illustrated) 712—Two Gitpep Laquté CHairs Lows XVI Style Open back, with wreathed and gilded splat; the seat cannée; on tapering fluted round legs. Finished with French gray laqué. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. perenne eee een Y138—NEEDLEPOINT Wautnut Arm CHarR French, XVIII Century Molded cartouche back and seat covered in petit-point, display- ing baskets of flowers surrounded by wreaths on ivory grounds. (Illustrated) 714—AntievE Laceurr Drop-Ltear Tasie Sheraton Style Oblong top with two drop leaves having rounded corners, lac- quered black, with banded border and central oval medallion displaying figures and a harvest scene; frieze with two drawers, supported on flat quadrangular ends standing on splayed bridge feet, jomed by turned balustered stretcher. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length extended, 4 feet 4 inches. Third Session 715—Iniaip Manocany Kner-HoLE Writinc Taste Sheraton Period Oblong top with two drop leaves and border inlay of dice pat- tern; front with long drawer and knee-hole flanked on either side by two small drawers, the opposite side with corresponding dummy fittings, with similar inlay borders; stiles with tulipwood block inlay, fluted tapering legs. (Understructure recon- structed. ) Height, 2 feet 51% inches; length, 6 feet. (Illustrated) 716—Watunvut CHEST oN STAND, witH LavisHity Carvep INTERIOR French, XVII Century Style Oblong top, the front with two drawers carved with six round- headed arches enclosing perspectives ; tabernacolo interior fitted with numerous drawers and cupboards about a central portal flanked by spirally-twisted pilasters, the whole lavishly carved with trophies of arms and panels of chimeric and human figures amid Baroque scrollings, supporting various emblematic medal- lions. Understructure with paneled frieze having three drawers and supported on fluted tapering legs joined by curule stretcher. Height, 5 feet; length, 3 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 717—HeprriewnHite Intra Manocany AND SATINWOOD SIDEBOARD American, circa 1785-1790 Oblong, with serpentined front broken over four stiles, enriched with inlays of jardiniéres emitting leaf sprays; centrally, a long drawer above a vertical tambour flanked by two deep side drawers, the former with oval, the latter with circular inlay medallions of satinwood. Trimmed with oval brasses and han- dles; on six quadrangular tapering feet. Height, 391% inches; length, 7234 inches. (Illustrated) 718—Manocany Extension Dryine Tape Late Sheraton Style Oblong molded top with rounded ends and single extra leaf; sup- ported on two massive turned and balustered pillars, each sus- tained on four molded and splayed legs. Height, 2 feet 5 inches; total length, 6 feet 6 inches. 719—Lovis XIII Wrovcur Iron Lecrern Triangular canted stand with scrolling sides enriched with three lanceolate figures directed inwards; sustained on round standard terminating in four arched feet. Height, 6 feet 1 inch. Third Session 720—CuInEsE Farence JARDINIERE AND STAND Ming Period Deep bowl-shape, with flaring lip; enriched with medallions of psuedo inscriptions. Six-legged scrolled stand with stretchers. (Rim chipped.) Height, 66 inches; diameter, 31 inches. EASTERN RUGS 721—KasHan Rue Woven with diamond medallion in ivory centred in old-rose and developing a graceful design of interlacing leafage and natural- istic floral forms in olive-green, fawns, sky-blue, ivory and colors of the field; moss-green spandrels with individual tulip motives enriched with spreading leaf forms. Variable fawn-ivory border with individual four-petaled flowers alternating with small medal- lions and clusters of leaves, narrow rose guards with tiny sway- ing floral motives. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 722—-AnTiquE Kurpistan Rue Variable deep rose hexagonal field with stepped leaf-shaped medallion outlined in yellow, having two smaller pendents hung from ivory rosettes, the interiors of deep blue with blossoms and formal branches in reds, greens, blue, yellow and ivory; span- drels in blue-green with detached blossoms in colors of the field. Ivory border with recurring “turtle” figures connected by formal branches hung with flowers; narrow guards, the outer with dove- tail edging. 723—Kazax Rue Soft old-red field displaying stepped medallion, latch-hooked cor- ners and arched ends, in dark and light blues, tan, ivory and rose- pink. Angular borders with scrolled guards. 5 feet by 3 feet 8 inches. (24—Suiraz Rue Blue field displaying series of latch-hooked lozenge motives in greens, blues, reds, yellows and ivory. Blossomed ivory borders. 5 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 1 inch. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 725—KarapacH Rue Mulberry crimson field ; displaying central and corner bouquet of roses in mellow colors. Angularly scrolled tan borders. 5 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 5 inches. 7(26—Suirvan Rue Rich blue field, woven in yellows, ivory, plum, light blue and greens, with series of large stepped geometric lozenge-shaped medallions. Yellow and old crimson angularly scrolled borders. 5 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. 727—Iran Rue Rich red-crimson field displaying pendented lozenge medallion and allover blossoms in yellows, blues, ivory and soft pinks. Ivory, pink and blue blossomed borders. 5 feet 8 inches by 8 feet 6 inches. 728—Heriz Rue XVIII Century Lavender field woven in tan and black with allover diamond lat- tice, blossoms and large Herati leaves. Tawny border of mul- berry roses. 5 feet 9 inches by 8 feet 11 inches. (129—Kazax Rue XVIII Century Beautiful blue field with ruby and ivory peaked oblong medallion within a lozenge device having recurring ruby borders and cor- ners. Woven exceptionally fine blues, ivory, green and yellow. 5 feet 11 inches by 8 feet 10 inches. 730—Animauistic Hamepan Rug Golden-tan field, woven reds, pinks, black and pale green with floral lozenge devices, vases of flowers, two archaic male masks and pink corners. Fine floral blue borders. 6 feet by 4 feet. 731—Hamepan Rvuc Fluctuating plum and lavender field displaying series of quaint S scrolling in old red, black, green, ivory, yellow and blue. Angu- larly scrolled ivory borders. 6 feet by 4 feet 3 inches. Third Session 732—Iran Rue Deep blue field, displaying floral diamond lattice in pinks, crim- sons, yellows and ivories. Ivory border of interlacing floral scrollings ; blue guards. 6 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 8 inches. 733—KarapacH Rue Deep mulberry field; woven in old pinks, blue and ivories with floral diamond lattice motives. Tawny border displaying stems of roses; blue guards. 6 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 7 inches. 734—Mosvut Rue Mellow red field; woven in yellows, blues, greens, ivory and orange with blossomed oblong lattice. Floral borders with tan outer bandings. 6 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. 735—Hamerpan Ruc Rich black field, displaying closely placed archaic blossoms in reds, green, ivory, yellow and blues. Pink-tan borders-of red angular scrollings. 6 feet 5 inches by 4 feet. Suiraz Brrp Rue 736 Deep blue field, woven in yellows, old red, ivory and brown with varied series of cruciform motives interrupted by figures of archaic birds. Blossomed tan border. 6 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. 737—Mosvut Rue Displaying stepped black lozenge field woven in greens, old pinks, ivory, yellow with archaic flowers. Old crimson floral corners. Blue, ivory and crimson floral borders. 6 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. 738—Hamepan Ruc Tawny brown field, woven in greens, ivory, blue and pinks with geometric allover latch-hooked medallions and triangular cor- ners. Ivory floral guards. 6 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 739—Hamepan Rue Mulberry pink field woven in dull greens, ivory pink and blue with all over geometric diamond motives. Scrolled blue imner and pink outer borders. 6 feet 9 inches by 4& feet 1 inch. 740—Kazax Rue Field of soft scarlet with three latchhooked diamond medallions in sea-green and powder-blue, with small isolated floral figures in yellow, ivory and colors of the field. Ivory border with highly conventionalized swaying vine motives, brown-black floral outer guard. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 741—KermansHaH Rue Rich sapphire-blue field finely woven with a pendented diamond medallion developing floral rosettes and spatulate leaf forms in rose, sea-green, soft fawns and ivory, the spandrels similarly en- riched; rose border with alternating quatrefoil and double C- scrolled leaf patterns in colors of the field with an outer border of sapphire-blue enriched with blossoms and two narrow guards of sea-green with formal swaying patterns of floral motives. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 742—CameEt’s Harr Rue Warm camel’s hair field; displaying blossomed series of floral diamond motives in red-pink, greens, ivory, blue, yellow and purple. Blue blossomed border with red guards. 7 feet by & feet 2 inches. 743—BoxHara MerpaLtion Rue Brick-crimson field woven with four longitudinal rows of stepped octagonal medallions alternating with lines of pierced stellate geometrical figures, in ivory, deep blue, ochre and crimson; bor- der of small repeating octagons separated by formalized leaf sprays, two narrow guards. Ends blanketed and fringed. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 6 féet 2 inches. Third Session 744—HameEepan Rue Field with series of closely placed stepped diamond motives. Medallioned ivory borders; woven in yellows, blues, dull greens and ivories. 7 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. 745—F'EREGHAN Rue XVIII Century Mellow blue field, woven in red-pinks, greens, yellows, blue and black with blossomed diamond motives interrupted by varied flowers. Angularly scrolled ivory border. 7 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. 746—KarapacH Rue Deep blue field, woven in green, old pinks, reds, ivory and plum- color with diagonally placed archaic leaves. Tawny medal- lioned borders. 8 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. 747—Perrsian Sirk Rue Rich orange-red field finely woven in the Ispahan manner with long branches of trailing tulips emitting scrolled Herati leaves and interspersed with sprays of henna flowers, the whole ex- pressed in tones of sapphire-blue, ivory, fawn and crimson; bor- der of mazarine-blue with a swaying design of tulips and scarlet henna flowers embellished with reed-like leaf-sprays, six paired guards. Length, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 11 feet, 7 inches. “48—AnTIQUE CaABISTAN RuG Sapphire-blue fluctuating field with two rows of five lanceolate medallions principally in ivory, scarlet and fawn, the field semé with tiny detached blossom and geometrical figures; ivory bor- der with repeating blossoms and sagittate motives in colors of the field, three narrow guards, the inmost with rosettes, the others with dovetail patterns. Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 749—AntiauE Iran MeEpatrtion Rue Lanceolate stepped centre in soft rose woven with central ivory diamond medallion having two smaller pendented fellows hung from sapphire-blue leaf figures, the three bearing formal floral designs in pastel colors of lavender, rose, sea-green, ivory and blue. The spandrels with a diaper of rosetted details, enclosed within a sea-green border sustaining swaying floral designs and flanked by narrow floral guards. Length, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) 750—Kazax Ruc Displaying series of large latch-hooked diamond motives in rose- pink, greens, black, plum-color, blue, yellow and ivory. Golden- yellow leaf borders. 10 feet 7 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. 751—Kurpistan Runner ann Mar Deep blue field closely woven with rows of repeating skeleton “pear” figures enveloping tiny floral sprays, in sky-blue, rose, sage-green, fawn and ivory; three narrow guards of crimson, sea-green and rose, with repeating or swaying floral designs in colors of the field. (Runner and mat have been made from an original pair of rugs.) Length of runner, 26 feet 3 inches; length of mat, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 752—CuIneEsE “Hunprep Antiaurs” Rue Rich sapphire-blue field woven with detached presentments of the “Hundred Antiques” in ivory, fawn and powder-blue ; ivory bor- der with peonies and leaf-scrolls in colors of the field with fretted inner guard and outer edge of sapphire-blue. Length, 11 feet 9 inches; width, 9 feet 1 inch. 753—Unvsvat Acra Carper Fluctuating black field woven in ivories, browns, plum-crimson and slight passages of green with open scrolled blossomed medal- lions scrolled with Herati leaves and interrupted by floral diamonds. T'awny-black borders with angular scrollings sus- taining pomegranate devices. Ivory and rose-pink guards. 11 feet 10 inches by 10 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 754—Oup Capistan AnIMAL RUNNER Rich deep blue field; woven in charming rose-crimson, greens, yellows, mulberry, tans and pinks with large varicolored lozenge- shape geometric medallions, interrupted by fanciful small ani- mals. Unusual leaf border. 8 feet 6 inches by 5 feet. %55—Derrer Biuve FerEGcHAN RUNNER Rich resonant blue field; woven rose pinks, crimson, ivory and light blue with varied blossomed diamond lattice and scrolled Herati leaves. Interesting golden yellow border fluctuating in pink areas displaying floral oval medallions; old crimson scrolled guards. 17 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. 756—Buvuer Bingar RuNNER Lustrous blue-black field; displaying lattice diamond motives scrolled with Herati leaves and interrupted by floral cruciforms ; woven in fine sapphire-blue, rose-crimson and passages of ivory and yellow. Ivory floral border with blossomed turquoise-green guards. 17 feet 11 inches by 8 feet 4 inches. 757—BuveE Binzar RuNNER Similar to the preceding. 17 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. mpeORTE AND LAST SESSION SALURDAY, APRIL 11, 1925, AT 2:15 P. M. Catalogue Numbers 758 to 1008 inclusive VENETIAN GOTHIC BRASS PLAQUES 758—Repotussé Brass PLraave Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with florally punched flange; the centre displaying four leaf scrolled vases and surrounded by Gothic inscription. , Diameter, 141%, inches. 759—RepoussE Brass Disu Venetian Gothic Circular, with low dish with flanged border; the centre with leonic heads, bunches of grapes and vine leaves. Diameter, 1414, inches. 760—RepovussE Brass PLaquE Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with punched flange ; the central boss with pomegranate motives surrounded by Gothic inscription. Diameter, 144, inches. 761—RepovssE Brass PiaavuEe Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with spirally fluted cavetto; the centre with subject, “Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,” surrounded by two bands of lengthy Gothic inscriptions. Diameter, 1544 inches. 762—Repovusst Brass PLaavuE Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with punched border and centre displaying demi-cupi- dons parted by jardiniéres of fruit surrounded by inscription. Diameter, 151% inches. 763—Repoussé Brass Prague © Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with very unusual punching of medallions at rim; the centre displaying figure of The Paschal Lamb, surrounded by floral medallions. Diameter, 1534, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 764—RepovussE Brass PraquE Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with arcaded floral rim; the centre bossed with con- ventional pomegranate motives, surrounded by two borders of Gothic inscriptions. Diameter, 16 inches. 765—Repovusst Brass Prague Venetian, Late XVI Century Circular, with punched floral border; the centre occupied by demi-satyr and nymph facing a gadrooned vase, surrounded by Gothic inscription. Diameter, 1614 inches. (Illustrated) 766—Repovusst Brass PiaauE _ Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with arcaded punched border; the centre displaying demi-cupidons, occupied by vases of fruit and surrounded by Gothic inscription. Diameter, 16 inches. Fourth and Last Session 767—Repovssét Brass Praque Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with leaf punched rim; the centre occupied by subject, “The Return from Canaan”; with large bunch of grapes sur- rounded by Gothic inscription. Diameter, 16 inches. 768—Repouss&é Brass PLaQue Venetian, Early XVI Century Circular, with broad flanged border; the centre occupied by figure of The Paschal Lamb, surrounded by two borders of Gothic inscriptions. Diameter, 1744 inches. (Illustrated ) 769—Repousst Brass PLaQuE Venetian, Late XVI Century Circular, with punched rim; the centre bossed with spirally scrolled floral gadroons, surrounded by Gothic inscription. Diameter, 16 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. i 770—Bronze Group By Georges J. A. Cain, 1856- Lions Compatine Witp Boar. On the rocky floor the boar is lying, his life almost extinct, while above him towers the figure of a gigantic lion gripping in his jaws one of the hog’s hind feet and with his left forepaw holding off his mate from the attack; inscribed, A. Cain. Greenish patina. Height, 1434 inches; length, 24 inches. (Illustrated) 771—Bronze Ficure or a Hounp By Georges Gardet Running figure of a lithe pointer, head to ground, tail out- stretched ; on oblong grassy base. Height, 11 inches; length, 19 inches. 772—Bronze Bust or NAPOLEON In bicorne and military cloak, the collar of which is turned up; at the age of about forty-five. On square Roman green marble base. Height, 21 inches, Fourth and Last Session 773—BronzE Group By Pierre Jules Méne, 1810-1879 SADDLE-HORSE AND SPANIEL. Standing figure of a horse, sad- dled and bridled, his neck drooping ; below a spaniel sitting among the furze and rocks of the oval base. Inscribed, P. J. Méne. Height, 17% inches; length, 2514, inches. 774—Rvssian Bronze Group By E. Lansere, 1886 Tartar Cuierrain. Figure of a bearded chief astride a horse, wearing cloak and straw steeple-hat, brandishing an old match- lock rifle. Rocky base with cacti. (Needs repair.) Height, 22 inches. 775—BronzE AND Statuary Marsire Busr Demeter. Bust of the youthful earth goddess, the smiling head inclined to the left and crowned with flowers; emerging from a bronze sheaf of parted wheat ears. Height, 23%/, inches. 775s—Bronze Bust Leoni Leone, Italian, XVI Century Bisoor Saruratr. Wearing full canonicals; of thoughtful mien, the features unusually fine, the nose aquiline and the mouth ex- pressive. This bronze example is very similar to the well-known marble by Mino da Fiesole, and it is a cire perdue specimen. Height. 34 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 776—Bronze Ficure By Antome Louis Barye, 1795-1875 AFFRIGHTED Stac. Very finely modeled figure of a stag of ten tines, the head upreared in alarm, the right leg raised; on oblong base representing rocky grassland. Greenish patina. Inscribed, Barye. Height, 1934 inches; length, 191% inches. (Illustrated) 777—BronzE Group By Antoime Louis Barye, 1795-1875 Hovunps Arracxine Stac. Graphically pictured group of a stag set on by two hounds, one of whom has sprung on the animal’s back, the other having been cast, writhing, to the ground; rocky base. Inscribed, Barye. On oval ebonized stand. Height, 17%, inches; length, 23 inches. Fourth and Last Session 778—SILVERED Bronze Statuettr By Pierre Jules Méne, 1810-1879 Picapvor. Figure of the bull-fighter with his long spear, mounted on an old nag; finely modeled with great detail of accoutrement. Oval base representing the arena, on which are flowers and a dropped fan. Height, 3614, inches; length, 23 inches. (Illustrated) 779—SitvErRED Bronze Grove’ By Pierre Jules Méne, 1810-1879 Hawkinc. Mounted figure of a North African tribesman on an Arab horse, leaning back in the saddle and holding up in his gloved right hand a perched falcon hawk. Oval base. Height, 301% inches; width, 23 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 780—Bronze STATUETTE After Benvenuto Cellini PERSEUS WITH THE Heap or Mepusa. Erect figure of the warrior with drawn sword, holding up in his left hand the sev- ered head, while the pros- trate body of the Medusa droops across the base, on a pedestal having four niches enriched with co- pious mascaron and floral ornament and hold- ing figures of classical mythology. On rouge griotte marble plinth. After the famous statue in the Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence. Height, 481%, inches. (Illustrated) 781—BronzeE Victory on VE- RONA MarsieE BASE Graceful erect figure of the winged goddess lean- ing forward, her right hand holding the victor’s crown of laurel, in the left a staff; standing ona globe of pink Verona marble supported on a square socle. Height, 3114 inches. Fourth and Last Session DECORATIVE FLOWER PAINTINGS OF THE DUTCH AND ITALIAN SCHOOLS JUSTUS VAN HUYSUM Dutcu: 1659—1716 782—-ROSES, SNOWBALLS AND HEDGE FLOWERS Height, 2934 inches; width, 2434 inches Signed at base, Justus van Huysum (Illustrated ) JAN PHILIP VAN THIELEN DutcH: 1618—1667 783—ROSES, CHRYSANTHEMUM AND WILD FLOWERS Height, 251% inches; width, 211% inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SIMON VAN VERELST Dutrcu: 1637—1710 784—_ ROSES, ORCHID AND PEONY Height, 221% inches; width, 18 mches JUAN DE ARELLANO SpanisH: 1614—1676 785—F LOWERS, FRUIT, SPANIEL AND ROBIN Height, 26 inches; length, 3014 mches ABRAHAM MIGNON Dutcu: 1640—1679 786—FLOWER GARLAND, MELON AND URN Height, 3314 imches; length, 2814 mches (Companion to the following) ABRAHAM MIGNON Dutcu: 1640—1679 787—_FLOWER FESTOON, MELON AND VASE Height, 33% inches; length, 281% inches (Companion to the preceding) MARIO MUZZI Iravian: XVII Crentrury 788—CHANTICLEER, FLOWERS AND FRUIT Height, 26 inches; length, 3734 imches HERICOURT Frencu: XVII Century 789—GILDED VASE WITH FLOWERS Height, 37 inches; width, 2914 inches Fourth and Last Session FLEMISH SCHOOL XVIII Century 790—FLOWERS AND FRUIT Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches WILLEM F. VAN ROYEN Dutcu: 1654—1723 7T91—VASE OF FLOWERS AND BIRDS IN A FORMAL GARDEN Height, 3514 inches; length, 3834 inches PIETER GALLIS Dutrcu: 1633—1697 492—_FLOWERPIECE Height, 4014 inches; width, 32 inches J. G. HIRN XIX CrEntTury 793—-GARDEN FLOWERS, GRAPES AND PEACHES Height, 4814 inches; width, 251 inches Signed at right of centre, J. G. Hirn, 1824 MARIA VAN OOSTERWIJCK Dutcu: 1627—1693 794—VASE OF GARDEN FLOWERS Height, 32 inches; length, 254 inches KASPAR PEETER VERBRUGGHEN FremisuH: 1664—1730 %95—FOUNTAIN AND TRAILING BLOSSOMS Height, 43 mches; width, 35 mches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. COLLIER EncusH: XVIII Century “96—ROMANTIC LANDSCAPE, FLOWERS AND UTENSILS Height, 30 mches; length, 41 wmches TEXTILES AND NEEDLEPOINT PANELS 797—Two GeENnoEsE Cur. VELVET CusHIONS AVIT Century Oblong ; woven in cut and uncut crimson velvet with diverse floral motives, on golden-yellow grounds. Trimmed with edging. 798—SILVER-EMBROIDERED GREEN VELVET CUSHION ? Italian, XVII Century Oblong, the centre with band of green silk finely embroidered in silver with scrollings of fruit and flowers; finished with bands of green velvet and tassels. 799—TarEstry PiLLow English, XVI Century Tue Propicat Son. Within a central medallion the son has appeared to his father; flanked by borders of tulips and other flowers on tawny-brown grounds. Executed in crimsons, greens, yellows and ivory. Trimmed with fringe. 800—T'wo Gotp NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET CusHIoNns Italian, Early XVII Century Centre panel displaying within a rondelle three-quarter length figure of a saint, flanked by scrollings. Borders of rich ruby- crimson velvet. 801—Two NEEDLEPOINT CusHIONS English, Tudor Period Oblong; the centre of landscape with fruiting tree sheltering field animals. Arabesque borders. Trimmed with fringe. Exe- cuted in very mellow tones of blues, grays, yellows and pinks. Fourth and Last Session etre ey 802—GoLp- AND SILVER-EMBROIDERED PiIctTuURE English, XVIT Century SUSANNA AND THE EpeErs. Susanna seated about centre, flanked by the two Elders, trees, birds and animals; at right a unicorn is seen, the symbol of Chastity and at right a stag, the emblem of Constancy. On ivory grounds. Height, 9 inches; length, 1314 inches. (Illustrated) S03—NEEDLEPOINT CUSHION English, XVII Century Square; displaying bouquet of fine flowers in gros- and _ petit- point on ivory grounds within scrolled medallion having yellow grounds. Trimmed with fringe. 804—Two JArRDINIERE VELVET CUSHIONS Genoese, XVII Century Square, with centre panels woven with baskets of flowers on ivory grounds. Borders of rich green velvet. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ~ 805—SiLtver Stump Emprormerep Picture English, XVII Century Tue Musician. A court lady with pearl necklace standing under a niche at centre; surrounded by flowers and birds with animals at foot, in mellow colors on silver background. Height, 8% inches; length, 12% inches. (Illustrated) 806—EncuisH Emprormrrep Mrrror AVIT Century Oblong frame, of deep ivory silk finely embroidered with raised silver thread scrollings, the back and edges in contemporary crimson velvet. Height, 131% inches; length, 1714 inches. 807—EmBroIDERED Crimson VeLvet CusHIon Spanish, Early XVII Century Oblong, of rose-crimson velvet ; enriched with two scrolled amices in yellow and blue appliqué. Trimmed with fringe. Fourth and Last Session 808—Beravtirut Sitver Stump Emsromwerep Picture English, XVIT Century ADONIS; seen in a landscape within an oval medallion; the back- ground of ivory satin embroidered with sprays of flowers, butter- flies, insects and animals at foot. In lacquered frame with Chinese figures. Height, 11 inches; length, 1614 inches. S09—JarpvinierE Vetver CusHion Genoese, XVII Century Oblong; woven in wine-crimson, yellow and brilliant greens on ivory grounds with large bouquets supported in vase. Trimmed with fringe. 810—EmproipERED Crimson VELVET CusHION Spanish, XVII Century Oblong, with central panel of floral appliqué on silver ground; finished with borders of crimson velvet, fringe and tassels. 811—Turee Gotp Emsromwrrep NEEpiEepoint Panets English, XVII Century Tozir anp THE ANGEL. Tobit is seen with angel following him; in the other two are two angels, each carrying symbols. Exe- cuted in extremely fine petit-point outlined with silver and gold threads. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 812—EMBROIDERED PANEL Tudor Period Displaying in mellow colors an expansive landscape in which figures, trees and animals are seen; in the foreground edifices, on the crest of rising ground. Executed in fine petit-point. Height, 10% inches; length, 401% inches. 813—NeEEDLEWoRK PANEL French, Late XVII Century Scrolled circular panel of yellow, enriched with crimson and pink flowers; black borders with arabesque scrollings. (Needs restoration. ) 30 inches by 29 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 814—NEEDLEPOINT PANEL English, XVII Century THE Goop Samaritan. In the foreground of a rising landscape crested by edifices, the Good Samaritan is seen pouring oil on the head of a wayfarer; his ass is nearby; in the distance are the culprits and the Pharisees. Executed in beautiful close petit- point with mellow soft colors. Height, 19 inches; width, 24 inches. (Illustrated) 815—-SILVER-EMBROIDERED Crimson SitK Cover English, XVII Century Deep rich crimson satin, embroidered with scrollings of appliqué green oak leaves bearing many silver acorns; border on three sides to match; trimmed with fringe. (Needs restoration.) 23 inches by 19% inches. Fourth and Last Session 816—NeEEpLEPOINT PANEL French, Late XVII Century Scrolled oblong central panel displaying a court belle in land- scape before an ivory ground. Resonant black borders scrolled with arabesque floral motives. Executed in very beautiful petit- point, the borders in gros-point. Height, 32 inches; width, 3614 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. S17—NEEDLEPOINT ELIZABETHAN BORDER English, XVI Century Displaying scrollings of varied English flowers in very mellow colors on tawny grounds. Rubbon scrolled border. Executed in exceptionally fine point. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; depth, 5% inches. 818—NeEpLEpoInt EvizaseTtHan Borper English, XVI Century Similar to preceding, but more elaborately scrolled with flowers. (Needs restoration. ) Length, 8 feet 4 inches; depths, 81%, inches. 819—Go.tp Emproirerep Lacg VaLtance Venetian, XVII Century Ivory floral vandyke lace, enriched with scrollings of leafage and gold threads centered by jardiniére of flowers; trimmed with tas- sels; lined with crimson floral brocade. Length, 46 inches; depth, 15 inches. 820—E1izaBeETHAN NEEDLEPOINT BorpErR English, XVI Century Displaying scrollings of English flowers and fruit in very mel- low tones on tawny black grounds. Length, 6 feet; depth, 101% inches. 821—EmproiwEreD LINEN PANEL Jacobean Period Deep ivory linen, embroidered with varied English flowers in yellows and old red with green and yellow lilies. (Needs restora- tion. ) Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 822—Gotp EmproimErep Cover Italian, XVII Century Field of Botticelli green, woven in gold threads and deeper tones with conventionalized bouquets. Golden-yellow borders, enriched in gros-point with rosettes and plaquettes. Trimmed with fringe. 7 feet 4 inches by 4& feet 9 inches. Fourth and Last Session STANNIFEROUS ENAMEL BAS-RELIEF'S, SCULPTURED STATUARY MARBLE FIGURES 823—STANNIFEROUS ENAMEL Bas-RELIEF WITH TABERNACLE School of the Della Robbias, XVII Century Maponna Aanp Cuitp. Half-length figure of the Madonna, her head partly covered with a hood, supporting on her right arm the nude figure of the Child; brilliant white glaze, finely pre- served. In contemporary walnut arched tabernacle with blue velvet lining. Height of group, 19%4 inches; of tabernacle, 31 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 823a—Sraruary Mareie Bas-revier By Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1848-1907 JOSEPHINE SHaw Lowe. (1843-1905). Very finely sculptured bust portrait, head to left, of the widow of General Charles Russell Lowell, at the age of 56; in gilded frame. Height, 1214 inches; width, 9 inches. (Illustrated ) 824—STANNIFEROUS EnamMeL TERRA-coTTA STATUETTE School of the Della Robbias, Late XVI Century Pomona. Erect graceful draped female figure, the right breast bare and right arm upholding on the head a polychromed bunch of fruit, the left arm supporting at the side peaches and vines; on circular base. Brilliant white glaze, finely preserved. Height, 32 inches. Fourth and Last Session 825—STannirerous Enament Bas-rewier in PotycHroMED AND GILDED SHRINE School of the Della Robbias, Early XVII Century Seated full-length figure of Our Lady, supporting on a cushion, on her right knee, the partially draped Child, the folds of her gown flowing finely about her feet; at either shoulder a winged cherub-head. In brilliant white enamel in a field of powder-blue; seventeenth century polychromed and gilded shrine, with fan carving. (Several cracks in bas-relief.) Height of bas-relief, 201% inches; of shrine, 391 inches. 826—UntevEe Carvep Ivory Nativiry, oF SEVENTEEN FicureEs Flemish, XVI Century This amazing work has a ruby velvet covered stand representing the Manger, with a group of beautifully carved figures portray- ing Saint Joseph, the Madonna and Child, peasant men and women, a sheep, a cow and a donkey, and a basket of eggs; while above hovers an infant angel holding a riband inscribed, Giorta in Excetusis Dro, and three cherub-heads within a glory. Height, 221/, inches. 827—Two ScuLrprurEeD Sraruary Marsre Ficures Directoire Period GANYMEDE AND Hese. Ganymede standing in the act of dancing, gracefully robed and carrying over her left arm Hercules’ lion skin; Hebe with long curling hair and voluminous robes in the act of walking and carrying a pitcher in her right hand and in left a bowl; both on circular gray marble base. (Portions of figure of Ganymede restored. ) Heights, 37 and 341%, inches. 828—Marsie Bust Portrait School of Francesco Laurana A Macisrrate. Portrait of a man in the collar and gown of the law, with short hair and lined thought-ridden features. Height, 21 inches. 828a—BiseuEt Busr Head of a young man with long curling hair, inclined to the right, the shoulders partly draped in a cloak. Height, 18 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 829—Marsie Porrrair Bust Attributed to Leone Leoni, 1509-1592 Duc pre Guisr. Head and shoulders portrait, wearing a ruff and gown draped above his armor, the shoulders enriched with leonine masks. Circular base with escutcheon of Lorraine. Height, 35 inches. 8380—MarsiLe Portrait Bust Attributed to Leone Leoni, 1509-1592 Man 1n Armor. Portrait, facing the front, of a man with a small beard and ruff, in damascened armor, the shoulders with chimera masks. In half statuary marble on bréche marble base. Height, 33 inches. ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 831—GILDED SiILvER PRocEssIONAL Cross Greek Church, XVII Century Molded arms pierced with Gothic mullions and quatrefoils, the centre and ends with repoussés quatrefoil plaques picturing Christ and the four Evangelists. Edge with repoussé leaf ornament. Height, 251, inches. 832—GILDED SILVER AND CrysTat ProcrEsstonaL Cross Greek Church, XVII Century With applied figure of the Christ, the stem knopped and having a ring of pierced Gothic ornament. Various Baroque and formal appliqués. Height, 361/, inches. 833—ReEpousstE SILVER AND Carved Ivory CovErED TANKARD Oval, cylindrical body of ivory finely carved with interlacing vines ; mounted in sterling silver with top, base and handle en- riched with vine-leaf ornament, ivory pineapple finial. Height, 101%, inches. 8384— CRUCIFIXION (Sculptured Ivory) Height, 581% inches Exonizep cross sustaining finely conceived figure of the Christ crowned in thorns, the loins clasped about with ropes and drapery. Fourth and Last Session FURNITURE 835—CuHEstTNvuT CENTRE TABLE English, Early XVIII Century Circular top, on flaring triangular legs having triangular stretcher. Height, 24 inches; diameter, 19 inches. 836—Cur Crystat Grass Crock Mounrep 1x Cuivre Dort Empire Period Architectural form, diamond faceted oblong top and base: sup- ported by spirally twisted columns. Mounted in cutore doré with varied leaf moldings, Corinthian capitals, rosetted rim to enameled dial and ball feet. Height, 18% inches; width, 1914, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 837—Intariw Tuntrewoop Taste Mountep 1x Curtvre Dort Lows XVI Style Three circular tiers of half statuary marble; mounted with pierced cuivre doré galleries; supported on fluted tapering out- curving legs. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 838—CuivreE Dort Crock Empire Period Oblong body, with enameled annular dial; enriched with vase, wreath and volumes of books; at right is the standing figure of a nymph reading a book and standing with her right arm on top of clock; at left side is a spiral column bearing an enameled orb. Deep base enriched with trophies and festoons. On leaf and ball feet. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 839—Carvep Manocany Pie-crust Tinting TABLE Chippendale Period Scrolled molded sunk circular top; supported on finely turned baluster and scrolled tripod legs. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 22 inches. 840—Carvep anp GinpED Mirror English, XVIII Century Oblong frame; enriched with rosetted ribbon motive and small festooned pediment. Height, 25 inches; width, 171% inches. 841—Carvep and GritpEpD Mirror English, XVIII Century Oval frame, formed of two palm wreaths which continue and form a medallion at crown, the interior with open rocaille motives. Height, 321%, inches; width, 174 inches. 842—Carvep AND Gitpep Mirror Queen Anne Period Oblong frame, arched crown and enriched with leaf fillet; the shaped pediment and apron adorned with husk rosette and scrolled leaf motives. Original Vauxhall mirror. Height, 34 inches; width, 21 inches. 843—Oaxk Joint Srooru Jacobean Period Molded oblong top and frieze; supported on balustered and stretchered legs. Fourth and Last Session 844—Gros-poInT Carvep Manocany StToon English, Georgian Period, 1740-50 Oblong, with outcurved sides, the frieze with thumb-nail cavetti; molded cabriole legs curiously undercut and voluted at the knees, with enrichments of rouleau-carving and acanthus, inverted cup feet. Covered in contemporary floral gros-point. 845—Par Carvep Watnut Srootrs English, Chippendale Period, 1760-1770 Serpentined oval top, apron with two shell-carvings; graceful cabriole legs enriched at the knees with rocaille-scrolled leafage in the French manner, and terminating in exceptionally fine ball- and-claw feet, the claw being fully undercut. Top covered in floral frisé velours. (Illustrated ) 846—Smatt Oak TABLE Jacobean Period Oblong top, with rounded corners ; molded frieze. Supported on flaring baluster legs having broad H-stretcher. Height, 231, inches; length, 241, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 847—CueEstnut Farmuovuse TasLE English, XVIII Century Circular top, with flaring baluster legs most unusually stretch- ered with balusters and central triangular platform. Height, 251% inches; diameter, 22 inches. 848—Manocany GALLEery-Tor TABLE English, XVIII Century Interesting scrolled oblong top, with finely balustered gallery. Supported on expanding baluster shaft and tripod legs enriched with leaves at knees. Height, 29 inches; width, 241% inches. (Illustrated) 849—Oax Drop-LEar Tape Late Jacobean Period Oblong top, with two leaves; supported on flaring balustered legs having box stretcher. Height, 251%, inches; top open, 29% inches by 231, inches. Fourth and Last Session 850—Manocany Siant-Front Desk English, XVIII Century Oblong top, with writing-fall and fitted interior; the front ar- ranged with four graduated drawers; trimmed with brass bail handles, on bracketed feet. Height, 38 inches; width, 27 inches. (Illustrated) 851—Carvep Oax CHEST Jacobean Period Molded oblong lifting top; the front enriched with two archaic- ally carved arcade motives. Height, 171% inches; length, 44 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. i §52—Watunut Wririnc BuREAv Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top, with long writing-slide; the front arranged with four graduated drawers; trimmed with brass bail handles. On molded bracketed feet. Height, 301, inches; wdith, 3014 inches. 853—Intaip WaLtnut Bureau Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top; the front arranged with two end-on-end and three long drawers; trimmed with brass drop handles and escutcheons; on bracketed feet. Height, 38 inches; length, 411% inches. 854— Pair Carvep WaLtnut anp Oak CAQuETEUSES French, Henri II Period Tall oblong canted backs crested by clasped scrolls and carved with a perspective seen through a round headed arch; outcurved arms on balustered uprights, the feet joined by a box stretcher. 855—Carvep WaLnuT STATE CHAIR Régence Style Serpentined oblong back and seat covered in dull green velours ; open scrolled arms; enriched with arabesque motives and husks; on scrolled legs with double U-shaped stretcher. 856—Decoratep Laqukt Cuair Louis XVI Style Oval back, with pierced fan shape splat; seat cannée; on taper- ing round fluted legs. Finished French gray laqué, with the ornamentation in dark green. 857—Two Carvep Manocany Banauetres English, XVIII Century Molded oblong top, with outset corners covered in blue floral damask ; supported on tapering fluted legs, enriched with pearl motives and gadroons. Height, 1714 inches; length, 24 inches. Fourth and Last Session 858—TuHree Lacauer Cuatirs Queen Anne Period Open arched back, with vase splat; enriched in gilding with Chinese figures and flowers on deep green backgrounds; on cab- riole legs. Loose seat covered in crimson and tan floral brocade. $59—Inxtaip SaTINWwoop SipE TABLE Late Sheraton Period Broadly banded oblong top, with canted corners and central oval fan medallion ; the frieze fitted with drawer having ebony diamond motive at centre. Supported on square taperings legs with X- stretcher. Height, 321%, inches; width, 26% inches. 860—Oax CENTRE TABLE Jacobean Period Molded oblong top, supported on well turned balustered legs having substantial box stretcher. Height, 26 inches; length, 281, inches. §61—WaLnout SpE TABLE Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top and frieze fitted with molded drawer having brass bail handles, the valance pierced and scrolled; supported on cabriole legs having pad fect and shell motives at knees. Height, 28 inches; width, 28 inches. §62—Manocany Tintmnc-rop TasLe English, XVIII Century Sunk molded circular top; supported on expanded baluster shaft and tripod legs. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 281, inches. 863—Oaxk Gare-LeG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, with two leaves ; supported on very interesting balus- tered legs and similar gates for leaves. Height, 26 inches; top open, 371/, inches by 311 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. er en 864—Oax GaTE-LEG TABLE Oval top; supported on end balusters having cross feet and broad stretcher. Plain unusual gates. Height, 261, inches; top open, 88 inches by 82 inches. 865—Carvep anp GiLtpED Mirror Chippendale Period Scrolled oblong frame, adorned with varied open rocaille motives. Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches. 866—CarvED anp GiLpED Grsso Mirror Queen Anne Period Leaf molded oblong frame, having round corners at crown. Scrolled cartouche pediment and apron, enriched with leafage and shell motives. ‘Two brass arms for candles of a later period. Height, 38 inches; width, 24% inches. 8664—Cutvre Dort CHANDELIER Empire Style Drum-shaped body, enriched with wreaths, wings and eight electric candles, covered on interior with yellow silk and having glass base. Length, 65 inches. 867—Carvep anp GitpED Mirror Georgian Period Oblong frame, interestingly scrolled with husk motives, wreaths of oak leaves, shell motive at crown and two cupidon heads at corners of foot. Height, 44 inches; length, 53 inches. 868—-Carvep Oax Mirror Jacobean Period Oblong; with heraldic pediment flanked by two figures, the pil- asters of demi-figures having fruit drops. Height, 44% inches; width, 25 inches. 869—Manocany Commope Mountep 1x Cuivre Dore Louis XVI Style Front arranged with two end-on and two long paneled drawers, below flanked by fluted and reeded pilasters; supported on short round tapering legs. The top of light brocatelle marble. Height, 321%, inches; width, 31 inches. Fourth and Last Session 870—InxLaip SatTINWoop CaBINET Late Sheraton Period Open back, with galleried shelf; supported on Corinthian col- umns; the front arranged with long drawer and two enclosing doors; trimmed with brass bail handles; on tapering square stump feet. Height, 491 inches; width, 40 inches. (Illustrated) 871—Inxtaip TuLtrewoop PovupREUSE Louis XVI Style Paneled oblong top, with centre hanging back and sides folding over to form shelves. Central panel mirrored on the interior; lined with green stripe silk. The front fitted with two small drawers, on tapering square legs. Height, 29 inches; width, 32 inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 872—CaRvED, PoLycHRoMED AND GILDED STATUE Burgundy School, Late XV Century JEwisH Priest. Erect gowned figure, wearing a species of mitre, and appareled with square breastplate chained across the body and insect with twelve bosses; on the mitre a crescent inscribed with Greek letters. Height, 49 inches. (Illustrated ) $73—Inuaip Tutipwoop PovuprevsE Louis XVI Style Paneled oblong top, with centre hanging back and sides folding over to form shelves. Central panel mirrored on the interior; lmed with green stripe silk. The front fitted with two small drawers, on tapering square legs. Height, 29 inches; width, 32 inches. Fourth and Last Session 874—Carvep Watnut Arm CuHair Queen Anne Period Oblong cartouche back and seat in floral ivory chintz; bulbous scrolled outcurving arms, on cabriole legs with interesting Spanish feet, unusual elaborately scrolled H-stretcher. (Illustrated ) 875—Two Manocaxy Wueet-pack Arm Cuarrs English, 1760-65 Open flat back, arms slightly outcurving at ends and supported on incurved uprights pierced at the base; quadrangular legs with chamfered and molded’ corners joined by median box- stretcher and standing on stretcher feet. Caned seat; with silk brocaded loose cushion. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 876—Gros- anp Perir-point Wine Arm Cuatr ty Manocany English, Chippendale Period, 1760-70 Arched canted back with wings sustained on unusual scrolling arms; seat supported on quadrangular legs joined by enclosed stretcher. Covered in floral gros-point, with loose cushion, the back displaying in petit-point the figure of a general mounted | on a gray horse and holding a drawn sword. (Illustrated) 877—Two Stume NEeepLeworx Laqut ScrEENS English, Late XVIII Century Slender pole, with acorn terminal and vase motive at base; sup- ported on deeply scrolled tripod legs, finished with gilded bands on black grounds. Oval adjustable panels adorned with wreath and bouquets of pastel toned flowers. | Height, 58 inches. Fourth and Last Session eee SS lS Re eee nia at teal 878—NeEEDLEPOINT Wine Arm Cuarr In Manocany English, Chippendale Period, 1760-70 Canted back with scrolled wings, seat supported on four molded quadrangular legs joined by enclosed stretcher. Very finely covered in gros-point, the seat-cushion having a petit-point me- dallion developing a spray of flowers, the back an unusually large petit-point and point St. Cyr oval medallion displaying the figure of a shepherdess seated among flowers with dog and sheep, in a mountain landscape. (Illustrated) 879—Manocany DumBwaltTErR English, XVIII Century Three graduated sunk molded circular tiers; supported on bal- uster shafts and tripod legs. Height, 441% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 880—Watunutr Sine Tape Queen Anne Period Oblong molded top, with valanced frieze fitted with drawer hay- ing brass handles. Supported on cabriole legs terminating in sheep feet. Height, 28 inches; length, 32 inches. (Illustrated) &81—Manocany Fourrotp ScrEEN English, XVIII Century Oblong reeded frames, with sliding upper panels; covered in fine floral crimson brocade. Height, 4714, inches; length, 53 inches. 882—NererpLepoint PoLE Screen English, XVIII Century Slender pole, balustered toward foot; supported on arched tri- pod legs; oblong adjustable panel of petit-point displaying scrollings of poppies in mellow colors on ivory grounds. Height, 62 inches. Fourth and Last Session 883—Oax Drop-Lear Tasie Jacobean Period Oblong top, with one drop-leaf; the frieze fitted with drawer ; supported on baluster legs and frontal gate. Height, 26 inches; top open, 29 inches by 8114 inches. 884—Manocany Carp Tasre English, XVIII Century Oblong folding top, with reeded molding and round corners; the frieze fitted with long drawer; trimmed with original scrolled brass handles. Supported on square tapering legs having canted corners and strap toes. Height, 27 inches; top open, 32 inches by 35 inches. 885—Manocany ConsoLte Taste Movuntep 1n Cuivre Dort Louis XVI Style Top and frieze with incurved paneled ends and front; supported on graceful fluted legs having incurved stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, mounted in cuivre doré with open balustered gal- lery. Height, 34 inches; width, 32 inches. 886—Carvep anp Gitpep Beauvais Saton Tapestry SUITE Louis XVI Style Comprising canapé and four arm chairs. Arched guilloche- molded backs, open leaf-enriched arms downcurving to fluted tapering legs. Covered in fine Beauvais tapestry developing baskets of flowers and birds on ivory ground within borders of sea-green. Length of canapé, 5 feet 11% inches. 887—Manocany Drop-Lear TABLE Chippendale Period, circa 1760-70 Oblong molded top with two drop leaves, frieze with single drawer having original rosetted brasses and rocaille-scrolled bail handle ; molded incurved shelf-stretcher, four quadrangular legs cham- fered on the inside. Height, 29 inches; length extended, 41 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 888—SmatL Manocany BooxcasE Louis XVI Style Oblong top, with round corners and gallery; the front arranged with four adjustable open shelves; supported on round pilasters and outcurving feet. Height, 4014 inches; width, 231%, inches. §89—Smatt Manocany BooxcaskE Louts XVI Style Similar to preceding; mounted with cutvre doré feet. 890—Carvep Laqut Mirror English, Late XVII Century Oblong, with cupidon heads at crowning corners and fruit drops ; the pediment enriched with a figure of Venus amidst flowers. Height, 45 inches; width, 25 inches. 891—Carvep Aanp GiLpED Mrrror Lows XV Style Molded oblong frame; enriched with rocaille, scrolled pediment, flowers, brackets at foot and shell motive at centre; the back- grounds painted green. Height, 4914, inches; width, 30%, inches. 892—Carvep anp GintpED Mirror Louis XVI Style Flute-molded oblong frame, with side leaf brackets and elaborate pediment bearing medallion occupied by a chateau and flanked by garlands of flowers; backgrounds painted green. Height, 51 inches; width, 29 inches. 893—Carvep AND GitpED Mantet Mirror Sheraton Period Oblong gadrooned frame, with outset corners at crown and scrolled corners at foot; enriched with mirror panels overlaid with pierced rosetted medallions. Open leaf scrolled pediment. Height, 5214 inches; width, 491% inches. 894—Six Carvep Manocany Arm CuHairs Hepplewhite Style Molded shield-shaped back, pierced oval splat enclosing graceful interlacing ribbon members and wheat-ear figure; open arms. molded and enriched with husks at downcurved anterior. Quad- rangular tapering legs with spade feet. Four covered in satin jaspé. Fourth and Last Session 895—Six Carvep Manocany Arm Cnrairs Sheraton Style Yoke-shaped molded open back with pierced sheaf-stretcher of five members, the central one enriched with beading and crested by a tulip; open scrolling arms and uprights, molded quadran- gular tapering legs slightly splayed at feet. Upholstered in blue chenille velours. (Including one original chair of the period, from which the remainder were copied.) 896—Four Carvep Manocany Arm Cuairs Sheraton Style Similar to the preceding. 897—Four Carvep Manocany Arm Cwairs Sheraton Style Similar to the preceding. 898—CueEstnutT CENTRE TABLE Queen Anne Period Circular top, supported on massive tripods out-scrolled to shell feet and having triangular shelf stretcher. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 30 inches. 899—Oax Gate-rec Tapie | Jacobean Period Molded oval top, with two drop-leaves; supported on finely turned balustered legs and similar gates. Height, 28 inches; top open, 361, inches by 34% inches. 900—Manocany Drop-1tear Breaxrast Tase English, XVIII Century Circular top, with two drop-leaves ; supported on tapering round legs having club feet. Two legs gated for leaves. Height, 271% inches; diameter, 38 inches. 901—Manocany PEMBROKE TABLE Sheraton Period Oblong top, with two drop-leaves having round corners ; banded frieze occupied by one drawer having original wood knobs. Sup- ported on ring turned baluster and four outcurving inlaid legs terminating in brass claw castors. Height, 28 inches; top open, 411, inches by 38 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 902—Carvep AND GILDED Mirror Chippendale Period Scrolled frame, enriched with interior moldings and side brackets forming five irregular major panels; the exterior frame enriched with garlanded shell motive at crown and two demi-figures. Height, 53 inches; length, 63 inches. (Illustrated ) 903—Pair Carvep Watnut Prepestats Italian, Late XVI Century Spirally twisted column alternating with spiraled leaf-carving and enriched at capital and inferior with finely conceived figures of putti supporting or playing on musical instruments. Height, 60 inches. 904—Pair Carveo Wariner Prpestars Italian, Late XVI Century Similar to the preceding. Fourth and Last Session 905—Oak GaATE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, with two drop leaves. Supported on finely turned legs and two similar gates. Height, 26 inches; top open, 424% inches by 39 inches. 906—GILDED Mrrror Georgian Period Oblong molded frame, with serpentined apron centred with leonic head; surmounted by a swanneck pediment having cartouche at centre. The ornamentation mainly in composition. Height, 67 inches; width, 31 inches. 907—CarvEeD AND GriLpED Mirror Georgian Period Molded oval frame, enriched with wreath which is festooned at apron flanking a cartouched motive. High, shell-shaped pedi- ment with Prince of Wales feathers and mask. Height, 68 inches; width, 28 inches. Q908—-VENETIAN LAQUE AND PARCEL-GILDED ConsoLE MouNTED IN Cuivre Dorit Oblong top with serpentined front, frieze paneled and enriched with a central mascaron and finely conceived putto-caryatids at the corners in cutvre doré springing from voluted cabriole legs; mirror back and shelf-stretcher on gilded leaf-carved feet. Green malachite top. Height, 361, inches; length, 421, inches. 909—Two Larcre Carvep Oak anp Waxtnvut Panets French, Louis XIV Period Carved in bold relief with figures of half-draped kneeling slaves supporting oval medallions crested with ieafage and holding jardiniéres of flowers. Prospect of Egyptian landscape. Height, 67 inches; width, 39 inches. From the Boiserie of Versailles. From the Lelong Collection. 910—Two Port v’Honerte Carvep Watnvut Stare CHairs Louis XIII Period Square arched and canted back, molded serpentined arms scrolled and supported on turned uprights; turned baluster blocked legs joined by H-stretcher and similarly turned frontal stretcher. Upholstered in fine Hungarian point. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 911—Twree Watnut Hicu-pack Cuarrs William and Mary Period Elongated oval back and seat cannées; the back supported on open balusters terminating in a pierced and scrolled floral pedi- ment; on scrolled legs, having arched frontal stretcher similar to pediment of back. (Illustrated) 912—Winpsor Arm Cuair English, XVIII Century ° Horseshoe spindle back and arms, with two central pierced splats ; the arms supported at each side by three balusters. Saddle seat, on flaring stretchered legs. Fourth and Last Session 913—NeEEDLEPOINT Watnutr Wine CuHair Queen Anne Period Arched back, with wings scrolling into arms and loose seat cov- ered in gros-, petit-point and point St. Cyr needlework, display- ing within medallion and back a satyr and nymph and scrollings of large flowers on unusual mulberry grounds. 914—Manocany Winpow Sear English, XVIIT Century Oblong seat scrolling into small arms, covered in fine crimson floral damask; supported on molded tapering square legs. Height, 22 inches; length, 48 inches. 915—Two Manocany Arm Cuairs Chippendale Period Open serpentined back, with pierced vase splat; open scrolled arms and bracketed cabriole legs; the seat covered in crimson floral damask. 916—Oax Gate-tec TasLe | Jacobean Period Round top, with two leaves; the frieze fitted with drawer; sup- ported on well turned legs and fine gates similarly turned. Height, 27 inches; top open, 47 inches by 4714, inches. 917—Intai Manocany “Cartron-HovusE Taste” Sheraton Style Semi-oval top, the rear fitted with three small cupboards and six drawers flanked by downcurved wing-panels concealing fitted compartments ; frieze with one long and two small drawers sup- ported on quadrangular tapering legs joined by broad U-shaped shelf-stretcher. Pencil and ribbon inlays of satinwood. Height, 3 feet 3 inches; length, 4 feet. Note: This is a reproduction of the well known “Carlton-House Table” generally attributed to Sheraton as an original design, and appearing in the Drawing Book, plate 60. 918—Oaxk GateE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, with two drop leaves; the frieze fitted with drawer. Supported on spirally twisted legs and similar gates for leaves. Height, 281% inches; top open, 53 inches by 411% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 919 Intaip Ros—Ewoop anp Manocany Drop-Lear Game TaBLe Late Sheraton Period Oblong top with two drop-leaves having rounded corners, paneled with a band inlay and finely inset with a shding chess-board panel inlaid in satinwood and ebony. Frieze with one drawer, a second dummy drawer concealing interior fitted with a backgammon- board for use when the top is removed, and finely inlaid in satin- wood, ebony and bone. Supported on quadrangular legs with splayed ends terminating in brass-shod claw feet, castored. (Restorations to drawer and understructure. ) Height, 30 inches; length extended, 481% inches. ~920—Manocany Drov-Lear Breaxrast Taspie English, XVIII Century Oblong top with two drop-leaves, rule jointed and round cor- ners; supported on tapering round legs having club feet. Two gated for leaves. Height, 281%, inches; top open, 5914 inches by 48 inches. 921—Carvep Oax Covurr Curpoarp English, Early XVII Century Molded advanced top, enriched with chevron motive and strap scrolled arabesques on frieze; supported by balusters at ends; fitted with two enclosing paneled doors and central molded panel, chiseled frieze below ; supported on balusters and similarly shaped stretcher. Height, 451%, inches; length, 55 inches. 922—'TweLvE Manocany Damask Cuarrs Chippendale Period Oblong back, serpentined at crown and seat, covered in beauti- ful floral crimson damask; supported on square molded legs hav- ing pierced H-stretchers. 923—Oax Brencu English, XVII Century Molded oblong top, with scrolled bracketed frieze and slightly flaring box stretchered balustered legs. Height, 26 inches; length, 481% inches. Fourth and Last Session 924—T wo NerEepLepoint Watnut CuHairs Queen Anne Period Oblong back, with rounded corners and seat covered in gros- and petit-point needlework, displaying in the back court belle; in the seat birds surrounded by scrollings of flowers on tawny- black grounds. Supported on fine bracketed cabriole legs having shaped H-stretchers. (Illustrated ) 925—Two NEEDLEPOINT WALNUT CHAIRS Queen Anne Period Similar to preceding. 926—Two NEEDLEPOINT WaLnutT CHarRrs Queen Anne Period Similar to preceding. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 927—Manocany PoLE ScREEN Italian, XVII Century Mahogany pole screen, balustered toward foot, on scrolled tripod legs, the panel in the form of a hood em- broidered with central rondelle oc- cupied by the figure of a saint and surrounded by Gothic scrollings on rich crimson velvet. Trimmed with tassels. Height, 62 inches; width, 20 inches. (Illustrated) 928—Manocany PoLte ScrEeEN Italian, XVII Century Similar to preceding; the embroid- ery rather more elaborate. 929—Carvep Manocany Sora Adam Period Oblong back and roll-over arms coy- ered in green and ivory floral stripe; the arms finished with leaf enriched reedings, the supports and front rail of seat with husk and laurel wreath motives; on gadrooned tapering square legs. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 6 feet 1 inch. 930—Carvep Manocany ConsoLe TaBLe Chippendale Period — Oblong top, with deeply scrolled frieze; supported on handsome cabriole legs, enriched with leaf and rocaille motives at knee and spade feet. Gray bréche marble top. Height, 31 inches; length, 55 inches. Fourth and Last Session 931—Carvep Watnut LEecTERN Italian, XVII Century Shell-shaped reading-stand on turned pillar with leaved ball in- terruption; on Y-shaped base upholding three Flemish scrolls, turned feet. Heigh,t 51 inches. 932—Intaip Manocany Sora Sheraton Style Closed arched back and ends downcurving to front rail; sup- ported on seven legs, the front legs quadrangular and tapering, with pencil and band inlays. Covered in old-gold silk jaspé, with tufted loose cushions. Length, 6 feet 1 inch. 933—LarcE GATE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, with exceptionally deep leaves. Supported on bulbous turned legs having two gates for leaves. Height, 28 inches; top open, 66% inches by 51 inches. 934—GenorsE VELVET Oak THREEFOLD SCREEN XVII Century Oblong folds, enriched with leaf moldings and shell pediment, covered in exceptionally fine velvet displaying jardiniéres of flowers in rose-crimson on golden-yellow grounds. Height, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 935—Goruic Carvep Watnut Sacristy Door Southern French, Late XV Century Tall oblong, with two rows of deeply paneled divisions doubly arched with ogivals, the upper enriched with carved fleur-de-lys and I.H.S. at the head, trefoil and conventionalized oak leaves at the base, with original iron latch. (Heads of upper arches have been recarved. ) From a church in the Province of Savoy, France. 936—Parr Renaissance Forcrep Iron anv Brass 'ToRCHERES Slender hexagonal pillar with brass knop and bowl bobéches ; supported on lavishly scrolled tripod. With prickets. Height, 59 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 937—GiLpDED, Forcep Iron anp PotycHromEeD Woop ‘TABERNACLE GRILLE Italian, dated 1579 Oblong, with three arched doors supported by half-round Doric pilasters; gates consisting of pairs of S-scrolls and vertical pil- lars enriched with rosettes, crested by scroll arabesques with in- scriptions, and, centrally, the date, 1579. Framed. Height, 27 inches; length, 57 inches. 938—Carvep Oak CHoiR-STALL WITH CHEST SEAT French, Flamboyant-Gothic Style Oblong back divided by carved pilasters into five fenestral com- partments surmounted by oblong panel carved with vines; the paneled stiles headed with dragon finials. Chest seat front treated similarly to the back of the stall. 3 : Height, 70 inches; length, 591%, inches. 939—WrovcHut Iron GARDEN SEAT English, XVII Century Back with voluted members, braced by uprights and horizontal ties; scrolled ends with half-round ladders, terminating in pad feet. Grille seat braced on inverted V-stretcher. ‘The whole finely reeded; has been painted green. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; length, 7 feet 3 inches. 940—Oax DrezssEr English, Late XVII Century Deeply molded top; the front fitted with two end-on-end draw- ers, each paneled as two; trimmed with very unusual brass knobs. On balustered legs. Height, 34 inches; length, 62 inches. 941—Carvep Oax Rerectory TABLE Jacobean Period Oblong top, with arched frieze; supported on balustered legs having box stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 71 inches. 942—Inutaip Oax Dresser Welsh, XVIII Century Well molded oblong top; the front arranged with three end-on- end drawers having brass ball knobs, the drawers and pilasters enriched with flutings above valanced apron. On fluted square tapering legs. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; length, 7 feet 2 inches. Fourth and Last Session a 943—CarvepD Oak Court CUPBOARD Jacobean Period Molded soffited cornice, enriched with shell motives ; supported on balusters; the front with two archaically carved doors and central panel having pear-shape motive; the lower part enclosed by two doors having somewhat similar frieze and upper panels of doors. Height, 5 feet 91, inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 944—Intaip WALNUT SECRETARY English, William and Mary Period, circa 1700-05 Oblong top with molded overhanging cornice, front with two paneled and molded arched doors inset with glass mirrors cut with stars and sprays of thistles, concealing interior lavishly fitted with drawers and pigeon-holes. Lower section with canted writing-fall having feather inlays about a panel of burl walnut; an opening to fitted and paneled interior. Height, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 3 inches. Fourth and Last Session 945—ManoGany SIDEBOARD American, Hepplewhite Style Oblong top with serpentined front broken by narrow pilasters ; central long drawer surmounting arch-paneled disguised drawer and flanked by two small drawers above side cupboards; molded base, stock feet. Oval brasses and handles; ribbon inlays of hollywood and ebony. Height, 3 feet 3% inches; length, 6 feet 1 inch. 946—Oak Re¥rectory TABLE Jacobean Period Massive oblong top, supported on finely turned balusters, having low placed box stretcher. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 7 feet 1 inch. 947—Carvep Oak ReFectory TABLE Jacobean Period Oblong top, with bracketed frieze, enriched with guilloche mo- tives; on six balustered legs having massive stretchers. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 8 feet 21% inches; width, 2 feet 74, inches. 948—Iniaip Watnutr Rerectory TasLe English, Commonwealth Pertod Massive oblong top with central inlay of eight-pointed star and border of individual spear-head in yew; richly molded and pan- eled frieze with three drawers, the stiles with similar spear-head inlays. Supported on four turned bulbous legs standing on unusually large paneled and inlaid cube feet joined by box- stretcher. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 949—IniLaip Wautnut SECRETARY BooxkcAsE Queen Anne Period Upper portion with finely molded cornice and two arched doors, fitted with two mirrors; lower portion with slant-fall writing tablet having bookrest and finely fitted interior, two end-on-end drawers and two long drawers; on bracketed feet. Height, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 950—Inxuaip Waunet Secretary BooxkcasE Queen Anne Period The upper portion with arched mirror doors and molded pedi- ment having stellate motive at centre; the lower portion with slant writing-fall, having bookrest and four graduated drawers inlaid with finely grained root walnut. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. Fourth and Last Session 951—Inuaip Papovuk Secretary Bookcase Georgian Pertod Molded arched and platform cornice ; supported on pilasters hav- ing Corinthian capitals and enriched with brass moldings ; arched and shaped central door fitted with mirror; lower portion with slant front fitted with writing tablet, disclosing very finely fitted interior, arranged below with two end-on and three long drawers similarly enriched with brass moldings to upper portion. On bracketed feet. Height, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 952—Buri Watnut Bureav-secretTary William and Mary Style Oblong body with arched molded top enclosing a number of pigeon-holes and small drawers with vertical molded fall front; underbody with six drawers, molded base on bracket feet. Trimmed with incised circular and scrolled brasses with ring and bail handles. Height, 78 inches; width, 47 inches. 953—Satinwoop Intaip Manocany BooxcasE Sheraton Period Upper portion with key patterned cornice, fitted with two oblong latticed glazed doors; advanced lower portion arranged with two oval paneled doors, having satinwood spandrils. Height, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 101% inches. 953s—Basy Granp Piano , By Steinway Shaped body, supported on tapering legs; splendid tone, and in excellent condition. 954—Initain Watnvut Four-post Trstrer Bep English, Late XVIII Century Simple rectangular headboard with tapering uprights, foot with balustered slightly tapering posts having vertical ribbon inlays with oval medallion decorations developing vases of flowers at the knees and feet. Slightly downcurving canopy laqué with sprays of trailing blossoms; with complete draperies of glazed chintz, box spring and mattress. FLEMISH AND AUBUSSON XVII AND XVIIT CENTURY TAPESTRIES 955—Fiemisu Tapestry Pane AVIT Century Vicrory AND Peace Arrivine To THE Barparians. The figures of the two half-draped goddesses, mounted on white horses, are at the left and right, having come up through the sea which spreads out in the middle distance behind the central group of three nude men who have plunged into the water up to their waists to wel- come their visitors. Height, 54 inches; length, 56 inches. Fourth and Last Session 956—AvusBusson Tapestry After Boucher, French, XVIII Century BERGER AND BErGERE. Two juveniles seated about mid distance at right under spreading branches of a large foliaged tree; be- fore them is their flock of goats and sheep before a small water- fall which descends from a pool somewhat to left; beyond in the distance before high hills are two chateaux. Woven in pinks, old red, fine blues, greens, yellows, ivories and tans. Height, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 957—Avsusson Tapestry PANEL Early XVIII Century Woven with large oak tree sheltering a foreground in which thistles are seen. Woven in mellow greens, blues, browns and ivories. 7 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 7 inches. 958—Vieux Paris Tapestry AVITI Century Mars. Seated figure of the god in full armor carrying sword and buckler, under a canopied niche. Above, sustained by a trophy, is a medallion occupied by a hawking scene in which is a falconer with his pole of birds. Very finely woven in blue, rich crimson, yellows, greens, tans and deep ivories. Borders on sides and foot in the beautiful colors of the field; displaying clusters of fine fruit and flowers sustained by interlacing ribbons. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) 959—Vinux Paris Tapestry AVITT Century Mars. Similar to preceding. 960—Vievux Paris Tapestry AVITI Century Venus. Similar to preceding. (Illustrated) 961—Vievux Paris Tapestry AVITT Century Venus. Similar to preceding. 962—Avsusson Taprstry Late XVII Century CuAtrau anp Lanpscapr. Heavily flowered foreground rising to a stream and chateau, beyond heavy foliaged trees. Borders of acanthus leaves and flowers. Woven in pinks, blues, greens, yellows and ivories. 7 feet 3 inches by 7 feet 7 inches. 958 960 Virux Paris Tapestries (XVIII Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 963 AuBusson TAPESTRY Late XVIII Century PyeMALION AND GataTEA. In the foreground an Ionic portico, under which are the figures of the sculptor at work on the statue at the right and next him an Amazon carrying a spear; in the middle distance a formal garden with cypresses, elms and an arcaded wall. At the left is kneeling a male figure with a torch, to whom appears in a cloud the person of Juno in a chariot drawn by two geese. Finely woven and in exceptional preservation, in soft blues, reds, grays, ochre, fawns and ivory; border of inter- lacing ribbon detail in graduated tans. Galloon edge. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; length, 9 feet 3 inches. 964—AvBusson VERDURE TAPESTRY Early XVII Century Birp and Woopianp. A large bird is seen about a beflowered foreground, sheltered by large heavy foliaged tree sheltering a distant villa. Woven in fine greens, blues, yellows and tans. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 965—Two Tapestry Panets EnricHEep with GoLtp THREADS IN THE Earty EIcHTEENTH CrEnTURY STYLE Mars anp Vutcan. The subjects seated under a columned niche surrounded by trophies and having at foot scrolled medallions of their attributes ; in one two hounds fighting, in the other three monkeys at a forge. Woven in fine pinks, crimsons and pastel colors on solid ground of gold threads. Height, 7 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 1% inches. (Companions to following) | (Illustrated) 966—Two Tarrstry Panets EnricHEeD with GoLtp THREADS IN THE Earty EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STYLE Mercury AND Pomona. Similar to preceding with variance in details. No. 965—T'wo Tarestry Panets (Eighteenth Century Style) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 967—AvBusson Tapestry After Boucher, XVIII Century Tue Cornemuse Piayer. In the foreground under a clump of trees at left, a youth in red coat and large hat is seated playing his pipes, a basket of viands is beside him; at right in the distance is a stream crested by a chateau and hills. Woven in rich crim- sons, blues, greens, yellows, fine tans and ivories. Height, 8 feet 51% inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. (Companion to following) Fourth and Last Session ee 968—Auvsusson TAPESTRY XVIII Century Fisuinc. Beyond rustic foreground, a youth in red coat is fish- ing at stream which flows before an ancient bridge and castel- lated building; the scene is canopied by large foliaged tree. Woven in crimsons, pinks, fine yellows, grays, blues, greens and ivories. Height, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 4 inches. (Companion to preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. The following set of Early XVIII Century Aubusson Tapestries, illustrat- ing episodes in the history of The Prodigal Son, is extremely rich in color and very archaically designed. The borders are exceptionally fine and are full of rich color. 969—AvuBsusson TAPESTRY Tue Departure oF THE PropicaL Son From Home. In the courtyard of an important edifice toward right, The Prodigal Son in classic armor is seen about to mount his palfrey; he is bowing with his plumed hat to his aged father who stands at a portal of the edifice at extreme right; behind the father are two weeping women. At left before a wooded landscape is a sumpter- horse and an attendant ready for the journey. Several attend- ants are grouped around The Prodigal Son wishing him god- speed. Woven in very rich crimsons, blues, pinks, greens, grays, yellows, ivories and tawny-browns. Very interesting borders of flowers sustained in vases and amidst arabesque scrollings in the richer colors of the field on tawny-black grounds. Height, 10 feet 6 inches; length, 14 feet 7 inches. (Companion to following) (Illustrated ) 970—AvsBusson Tapestry Tue Propicat Son Banauetine with His Nosre Frrenps. On the terrace of an important palace beyond which trees and land- scape are seen, a table is spread with fruit at it are four per- sonages regaling themselves, an attendant at right is pouring wine for one of the guests; at right is a further attendant and a small dog; the left foreground is occupied by a wine ewer and — cooler. Woven in similar rich colors to preceding and having » borders to match. Height, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 10 feet. i (Companion to following and preceding) (Ainjuay) TITAN &j4vq) aAwoy, Woud ‘Tvoidorvg AHL «oO AUALAVdAGY AH IT—G9G “ON Fourth and Last Session 971—Avsusson TarEsTry THE Propicat Son FEeepinc THE Swine. The Prodigal is seen standing about centre of a flower-decked landscape overhung with trees; he carries a long crook and a gourd at his side, a small hound and a number of swine surround him; beyond are farmhouse buildings. Similarly rich in colors to preceding and having beautiful borders to match. Height, 10 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 5 inches. (Companion to following and preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 972—AvBusson ‘TAPESTRY Tue PropicaL Son In Lower State Driven Orr By Hts Companions. Before two blue draped arches of a large edifice, two groups are seen at left, The Prodigal is be- ing pushed out-of-doors by two women, one of them having a staff in her hand about to beat him; at other arcade at right, a man with a drawn dag- ger is seen being re- strained by two women from attacking The Pro- digal. Woven with simi- lar rich colors and bor- ders to the preceding. Height, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 9 feet 7 inches. (Companion to followmg and preceding ) 973 973—AvBusson TAPESTRY Kizuinc tHe Farrep Carr. In a flower-decked landscape a palace and husbandman are seen, the latter leading the fatted calf to its fate. Woven with similar borders and beautiful rich coloring to preceding. Height, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. (Companion to preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. EASTERN RUGS 974—AnTIQUE Mir SEREBEND Rue Field of deep blue closely woven with rows of engrailed “pear” figures in finely varying greens, with infloretting in rose, fawn and ivory; ivory border with formal swaying vine pattern in colors of the field-design, narrow floral guards. (Illustrated) 975—Kapistan Prayer Rue AVITI Century Deep ivory mihrab and spandrils displaying archaic flowers within diamond lattice, woven in yellows, crimsons, blues and tawny browns. Angular scrolled borders with blue pinnacle inner guards and blossomed outer guards. 5 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 9 inches. 976—Kaznistan Rue AVIIT Century Field of floral medallions parted by steeped geometric motives ; finished at ends with crimson panels; woven in lavender, pink, blues, ivories and crimsons. Deep ivory border of intricate angular scrollings. Broad blossom blue outer guard. 6 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. 977—Kasistan Rue Field alternately in bands of scarlet and deep blue woven with stepped eight-pointed stellate medallions in ivory, sage-green, yellow, sky-blue and colors of the field; rosetted ivory border with three narrow floral guards. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 978—Kapnistan Rue Sapphire-blue field woven with rows of conventional “pear” designs infloretted and carried out in a variety of colors; three narrow guards of variable rose-scarlet and ivory with swaying floral and rosette patterns respectively. Length, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 5 inches. No. 974—AntievE Mir SerEBEND Rue Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 979—Yarmoup Boxnara Rue Field of deep rose finely woven with detached octagonal medal- lions in scarlet, deep blue and ivory sustaining small crescent figures and square details developing simple geometrical forms; border of old ivory with a conventionalized swaying vine in colors of the field, flanked by variable rose-scarlet guards later- ally woven with formal repeating leaf figures in shades of deep blue and ivory. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. 980—Manat Rue Brownish-black field woven with a series of pear-shaped mirrors reflecting flowers and surrounded by patterns of interlacing leafage and blossoms principally in old-rose, pale green and yel- low; broad rose border with highly conventionalized geometrical leaf and floral forms in colors of the field, two narrow guards with swaying blossom figures. | Length, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 8 feet 11 inches. 981—MeEpaiion Soumak Carpet : AVITI Century The field with paneled stellated octagonal medallions variously woven in rose-pink, fine blues, greens, ivories and yellows. Tawny- black borders of angular scrollings having blue blossomed guards and latch hooked outer guards. 10 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 7 inches. 982—Larcr Acra CarPET Tawny-black field, woven in old-reds, pinks, yellows, ivories and grays with latticed arabesque motives surrounded by floral scroll- ings and Herati leaves. Ivory borders sustaining fine floral plaquettes on angular scrollings in colors of the field. Yellow floral guards. 10 feet 10 inches by 10 feet 2 inches. 983—TEHERAN CARPET Bleu-de-ciel field, woven with all-over diamond and circular lat- tice centered with fine varied blossoms in light old-red, blues, ivory and pinks. Rich old-red borders displaying plaquettes amidst angular scrollings and Herati leaves in similar colors to the field. Floral guards. 11 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 1 inch. Fourth and Last Session 984—Turkisu Sirk Rue Riza, 1815 Field woven with a number of diamond medallions enclosing in- floretted stellate figures from which spring broad leaves and nod- ding branches of flowers, richly woven in sky-blue, rose, shell- pink, olive, crimson and ivory silks; border fluctuating from orange to dull crimson and developing sprays of henna flowers and carnations separated by cypress trees, with ivory medallions having inscriptions in Arabic and one reading, “1815 Fabiki Riza.” Numerous narrow floral guards. Length, 10 feet 10 inches; width, 7 feet 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 985—Heravy Acra CARPET Rich blue-black field, woven in pale blue, wine-crimson and mul- berry with diamond arabesques surrounded by floral motives. Deep mulberry borders displaying in yellows, hight blues, pinks, series of infloretted palmette motives. 11 feet 10 inches by 8 feet 9 inches. 986—ANTIQ@UE DacHEsTAN Rue Fluctuating sapphire field woven with all-over pattern of large floral motives joined by formal branches and enriched with highly conventionalized leafage among which are small figures of birds, in stone-blue, saffron, crimson, fawns and ivory, with stepped spandrils of ivory and sky-blue; barber-pole border in ivory and scarlet with passages of other colors, enclosed within four variously patterned floral guards. Length, 11 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 987—AnTIQeUE KnHorRAssAan Rue Variable brown-black field woven with a close Herati design in principal colors of brilliant scarlet, sea-green and pale blue; scarlet border of double conventional floral patterns in colors of the field, flanked on either side by four floral guards. Length, 12 feet 9 inches; width, 8 feet 7 inches. 988—KirmMan Carpet Deep ivory field, with small central medallion surrounded by further medallions of flowers. Fine leaf scrolled borders. Woven in lavender-pink, black, ight pink. Yellow and ivory borders of infloretted plaquettes within husk and arcade motives. 13 feet 2 inches by 9 feet 2 inches. S89—AnTIQUE PERSIAN Kurp Rue Very finely fluctuating sapphire-blue field woven with a diaper of large detached diamond-shaped figures of trees in blossom, carried out in pale green, scarlet, saffron, sky-blue and ivory; saffron-yellow border with repeating floral rosettes enclosed with- in opposed L-shaped figures in colors of the field, flanked by narrow floral guards of scarlet and olive-brown. Length, 14 feet; width, 7 feet 8 inches. Fourth and Last Session 990—Heratt CarPET Rich blue field, woven in red-pink, sapphire-blue, yellow, green and ivory with small floral arabesqued lattice and scrolled Herati leaves. Fine old-red borders of floral scrollings; yellow and blue guards. 14 feet 8 inches by 6 feet 3 inches. 991—AntTiIeuE Persian Kurp Ruc Variable deep blue field developing a yellow-leaved diamond lat- tice enclosing in each compartment a nosegay of conventionalized flowers in scarlet, pale blue, fawns, yellow and ivory; interesting maroon border fluctuating to lavender and displaying a slender swaying branch figure winding among detached floral motives. Broad ivory guards with similar repeating blossom and leaf details in colors of the field and olive-green. Length, 15 feet 1 inch; width, 7 feet 1 ineh, 992—_K HoRASSAN CARPET Deep rich blue field, woven in lighter blue, yellow, ivory and old- pink with closely placed series of Herati leaves and blossom scrollings interrupted by narrow bands of smaller flowers. Deep blue borders of lotus leaves scrolled with Herati leaves. Two deep blue broad floral ivory guards banded with blossom motives. 15 feet 7 inches by 11 feet. 993—FrERAGHAN CARPET XVIII Century Bleu-de-ciel field, woven in pinks, greens, blues and ivories with chi-chi scrollings and Herati leaves. Old pink borders of plaquettes supported on angular scrollings in similar colors to the field. Blossomed scrolled guards. 15 feet 8 inches by 11 feet 8 inches. 994—CHINESE SAPPHIRE-BLUE Rue Woven in ivory fluctuating to fawn with all-over interlacing scroll-figures involving formal leafage; with an ivory border cut with ju-i head figures and flanked by inner guard of mazarine- blue with small ivory roundels, and plain sapphire outer guard. Length, 15 feet 8 inches; width, 12 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 995—Heriz CArPET Tawny-brown field, woven in lavender, green, blue, ivory and pink with all-over arabesque lattice developing lotus and other blossoms, diamond medallions and Herati leaves. Rich turquoise- blue borders, with large blossoms and angular leaves in the colors of the field. Blossomed guards. 15 feet by 9 feet. 996—Ricu Crimson Acra Carper Deep crimson field, woven in grays, ivories, greens, blues and yellows with blossomed and festooned diamond motives sur- rounded by Herati leaves and further smaller blossoms. Rich blue borders of angular scrollings in the colors of the field, flanked by three blossomed guards on inner and outer sides. 15 feet 4 inches by 10 feet 9 inches. 997—FEREGHAN CARPET XVII Century Blue-black field, woven in fine blues, ivories, rose-pink and green with all-over arabesque floral scrollings developing diamond motives, large blossoms and Herati leaves. Fine rose-red borders displaying in the colors of the field infloretted plaquettes sup- ported on interlacing angular scrollings. Four inner guards and three outer guards. 15 feet 10 inches by 12 feet 10 inches. 998—AntTievE Prrsian Kurp Rue Unusual field of sapphire-blue with alternating stripes of straw- yellow and ivory, the whole woven with a diamond trellis en- closing conventionalized floral motives in blues, reds, soft greens and yellows, tan and ivory. Sapphire-blue border with a con- tinuous pattern of formal floral and leaf motives in colors of the field and flanked by red guards with conventional swaying floral design. Length, 18 feet 9 inches; width, 8 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) No. 998—AntTIQUE Perstan Kurp Rue Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 999—SEREBEND Ruc Fluctuating blue-black field arched at both ends, closely woven with an all-over pattern of “pear” forms in rose and sea-green ; the spandrels in variable rose-orange, with detached floral and leaf forms in colors of the field, ivory, brown-black and a brilliant powder-blue. Complex border of many stripes in ivory and reds with swaying floral motives. Length, 17 feet; width, 6 feet 11 inches. 1000—Imrortant FEeREGHAN CARPET Deep sapphire-blue field, woven in rose-pink, ivory, light blue and green with all-over floral arabesques developing cruciform and diamond lattice motives interrupted by fine blossoms. Turquoise- blue corners and borders, woven with floral motives and angular scrollings in the colors of the field. Five inner guards and three outer guards in varied colors. 17 feet by 15 feet 10 inches. 1001—ImrortTANT ANTIQUE JOSHAGAN CARPET Field of sapphire-blue very finely woven with leaved diamond lattice in sage-green with small floral rosettes at the intersec- tions, the compartments sustaining sprays of conventionalized henna, carnations and other flowers meticulously carried out in rose, sky-blue, saffron, ivory, lavender, olive-green and orange. Unusual scarlet-orange border with alternately reversed spat- ulate skeleton leaf forms in colors of the field, within similar ivory guards developing formal swaying floral pattern. Length, 26 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) ? 1002—ImporTANT SAVONNERIE CARPET Louis Philippe Period Heavy pile, displaying shaped oval floral ivory medallion pen- dented at corners with similar floral cartouches; corner panels of rich blue scrollings. Crimson borders sustaining closely placed wreaths of rare flowers; yellow frame guards with leaf- scrolled corners. 25 feet by 20 feet. MPORTANT ANTIQUE JOSHAGAN CARPET i No. 1001 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1003—Manat Rue Vari-toned red field developing a complex pattern of conven- tional flowers with rectangular interlacing branches and in- floretted motives in olive-green, straw-yellow, blues, tans and ivory; blue-black border with repeating “turtle” pattern jomed by an interlacing leaf arabesque, and flanked on either side by three narrow guards. Length, 13 feet 4 inches; width, 10 feet 6 inches. 1004-——_KHoxnassan CarPEtT Resonant black field, displaying latticed floral diamond motives interrupted by cruciform devices, small flowers and Herati leaves in rose-pink, blues, yellows, greens and ivories. ‘Three floral borders variously on rose-crimson, rose and turquoise- blue grounds. | 12 feet 10 inches by 9 feet 10 inches. 1005—Fine Kuorassan Carpet Deep rich blue field, displaying blossomed cruciform motives regularly scrolled with Herati leaves forming medallions, in rose-pink, blue, yellow and ivory. Deep ivory borders of un- usual leaf scrolled blossoms, minor borders of plaquettes and eight guards. 13 feet 3 inches by 9 feet 10 inches. 1006—Imporrant FEREGHAN CARPET AXVITT Century Blue-black field, woven in rose-pinks, blues, greens, yellow and ivory, with varied floral diamond and floral motives, arabesqued with Herati leaves and smaller flowers. Pale green borders having varied blossoms sustained on fine angular scrollings. Blossomed rose-crimson guards. 15 feet 11 tches by 9 feet 9 inches. 1007—Suirvan CARPET AXVIIT Century Rose-crimson field, with allover infloretted palmettes and cen- tral square panel, in greens, blues, ivories and yellows. Zigzag border with four varied blossom guards. 10 feet 1 inch by 5 feet 2 inches. Fourth and Last Session 1008—Oxp Prrsian Larcre Rue Dark blue field with all-over pattern of flowers and squares in red, blue, white and yellow. One wide border in pale green with floral pattern and two narrow borders in colorings to corre- spond with the central ornamentation. Length, 18 feet; width, 12 feet. tae eye. sswo COMPOSITION, PRE " af Sia EE a We on ok rape etree » AR ‘ ae 2 “ at < we Ps * ‘ be f - J r a ee ot 4 , Be - 4 ade a ate ey - ‘ j ~ £ a 4 * » ek : * a7 7 ae - 2 4 2 a he 7 ¥ a ¥ x am a ‘ ‘ oy 3 $ a * ‘e “ - - _ * : + ®