CHD CAM IED Coe Base SUES HOYOS FRO COLT OF COED GR £5 View from May 21 No.400 Evening Sale Tuesday, May 25; 1926 | COLLECTIONS OF THE COUNTESS SOPHY VON HOLSTEIN-RATHLOU OF COPENHAGEN huis) PperY ay Fata Peis weed iis? ery BRITISH, FRENCH, DUTCH AND ITALIAN DRAWINGS By Wheatley, originator of the “Cries of London,” Kate Greenaway, William Blake, Huet, Le Pautre, Mille, Jakob de Wit, Bohrdt, Asselyn, Lucas van Leyden, Vermuelen, Guido, Salvator Rosa, Claude, ; oaley fais Nay was & Conca, Boucher, Eyre Crowe, Bonington, D. Cox. is PART II. DRAWINGS PRN PR 4 Wyle, % va Vay eed wet To be Sold at Auction Tuesday Evening Cane May 25, 1926 yen & Se At 8.00 o'clock On view daily 9.30 to 5.30 from Friday, May 21 Qs) Orin ae. in ay ay rr wie, rate rea yy) rrr BK Nay eed THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street, New York Telephone Bryant 4140 W. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer % ‘ Cuites) CF see Cuiies) CF paQhy ; re XEN Peis rate. 9 ww >, > ee es a & ée oie z A oe 5 ra ne = 4 a No. 15 Bohrdt No. 30 =Burchall View from May 21 No. 400 Evening Sale Tuesday, May 25, 1926 COLLECTIONS OF THE COUNTESS SOPHY VON HOLSTEIN-RATHLOU OF COPENHAGEN Meera. FRENCH, DUTCH AND TPALIAN DRAWINGS by Wheatley, originator of the “Cries of London,” Kate Greenaway, William Blake, Huet, Le Pautre, Mille, Jakob de Wit, Bohrdt, Asselyn, Lucas van Leyden, Vermuelen, Guido, Salvator Rosa, Claude, Conca, Boucher, Eyre Crowe, Bonington, D. Cox. PART II. DRAWINGS To be Sold at Auction Tuesday Evening May 25, 1926 At 8:00 o’clock On view daily 9.30 to 5.30 from Friday, May 21 Pepe WALPOLE GALRUE RI Es 12 West 48th Street, New York Telephone Bryant 4140 W.S. SCOTT, Auctioneer LSS) CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be by Lot. They are executed free of charge by the Wal: pole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots pur- chased to be immediately resold. Delivery. Goods bought to be removed after 9.30 o'clock the day following the close of the sale. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale, but all bills and goods will be ready at 9.30 o'clock on the day following the sale. Terms Cash. Jf accounts are not paid at the close of themalcs ata the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Galleries re- serve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such re- sale at its own option. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the vari- ous lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. The Walpole Galleries, 1{ requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $2.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES Mrs. Edward Turnbull 12 WEST 48TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. WALTER 5S. ScoTrT The Collections of COUNTESS SOPHY VON HOLSTEIN-RATHLOU ~ OF COPENHAGEN PART If. DRAWINGS AND WATER COLORS G H. ANDREWS, R. W. 8S. English ome 2 PisSHiING BOATS.” Pencil Drawings, 4x6 (2). GULDO BAGH. PeeeciaANi ES: “Water color and wash, 14x20. *kVery lovely. fee Pr. “Arab -and “Seated Boy.” .1858. Water color and wash, 10x8, etc. (3 pcs.). Se 700 OF BAKHUISEN (L). Dutch Drawing, 1631-1708. 4 5 6 IO PeereeN oe \WVind and) Storm. Pen and wash, 3x4. SHIPS. Pen and water color, good quality, 5x7. SHIPS. Pen and water color, 8x11. Wonderful. ROBERT BARNES, R. W. S. English SAIvORS HOME. Pen, water color and. wash, 12x 16. PeBARGCCIO. = Itahan) 1528-1612 THE ANNUNCIATION. Pen, interesting reverse, wonderful and clever drawing. 10x8. ANGEL PLAYING HARP. Red chalk, 7 x 4%. G, BABE EO Tie italian KNEELING CARDINAL. Red chalk in lovely lines, 15 x Io. 3 is I2 Ao 14 T5 16 17 18 IG 20 zt 22 J. BISCHOFF. The Hague, 1646-1686 MEN AND CENTAURS IN COMBAT. A moving scene in which the centaurs seem unlucky. Half circle, Sepia aiter aie Romano, 9x 17. : **Finished drawing from the J. C. Robinson Collection. W. BLAKE. English, 1757-1827 PHANTOMS 2 Oilcon paner oie ei, VERY WONDERFUL. A. BLOMAERT. Dutch, 1569-1647 : PEASANT. Pen. Nice drawing, 7x6. P,A. BLOMMEN.. Attributed. Dutch, 1657-1720 DONKEY WITH PANNIERS. A nice lazy donkey. Pencil, 6x7. Signed, fo BOHRA EP oDatch rere HARBOR OF LISBON. Water color and wash, 15x18. Won- derful. See frontispiece. (Illustrated) W. BAH, R.A,- Enolish FISHINGBOAT, 1832:°° Water color Oa R. P. BONNINGTON. English, 1801-1828 THE FIRST BORN, Water color 7 se STREET SCENE. | Beautiful tones: Water color, 8 x 6%. HAMLET. Water color, 7 x 6. Externally *beautiiube lite sketch. ; STREET SCENE, with old houses. Water color, 9x 12. ROLAND L. BOOKER. Enea WILD DUCKS, to2z4. Water color siz aG xe studies. (2). FABBRIZIA BOSCHI. Italian, aboutaGs BETRAYAL BY JUDAS. Red chalk, good quality, 3x 12. 4 24 25 27 28 2) 30 ae 32 BOSSI, G. Mediolani: Attributed. 1777-1815 meeely POR THE ASCENSION. -A group of nine men in- cluding a Bishop. Pen, wash and white, 12x 16. ** Possibly a study of the Shepherds on the Mountain the night of the Birth of Christ. The upturned faces show wonder and awe. Penned on, ‘“Eques Bossi Mediolani Faciebat.” FRANCOIS BOUCHER. French, 1703-1770. STUDY OF A GIRL’S HEAD, LIFE SIZE. A thoughtful, Peacesace., Pencil drawing, 03x Lo: **Erom the Collection of Colonel Comte E. R. Lamponi-Leopardi. NUDE. Charcoal on brown paper, 15x 7. CRO DREN. Pencil and. red chalk on grey paper. **Charming sketch of artistic value. W. BRUGERS. English PeeatiGBOATS IN HARBOUR. Water color, 7x Io. PueeiwvO BRUSAFERRO. Italian, XVIII Century AMERICA. Pen drawing, 7x5, cut to octagonal form. Signed: Eas **Erom the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds: A nude figure of an Indian woman, lettered at side “America,” with bow and arrows. An interesting ~ conception of what the American Indian was to the Italians of the 18th Cen- tury. GIULIANO BUGIARDINI. Italian, 1481-1556. Pupil of Michelangelo TWO SMALL FIGURE DRAWINGS MOUNTED ON PA- PER. “Si mon da Pesa” on back of one. Delightful studies of women and little children, 9 x 13. Vy WESC WAT be enelish teeth DAYS OF BLAKE.” 1911, Water color, 84x 14¥%. See frontispiece. (lllustrated) PeeNCcir WAN OF WAR” and “BRITISH ITRONCLAD.” Exquisite color, about 6x12. (2). Pv eRePCkKED” and “BRITISH MERCHANT SHIP.” Exqui- Beeecolor, Oxizand sx. (2). 5 20 34 35 36 37 38 SY 4O 4I 43 44 40 BURCHALL — Continued HARBOUR OF MALTA. Water colors, 54%x12¥% and 8x13. (ZN. MALTA: night effects. Wash drawing, 6144x13% and 74x Too C2)" “GERMAN SHIPS LAID UP” and “ENGULISH MERC re SHIP.” Water color, 11x15% and 644x544 2), OLD FARMHOUSE, 1849. Charcoal and sepia, 12%x9QW. SIR A. W. CALLCOTT. “English; 1770-160. “SAILBOAT” and “RIVER SCENE.” “Peng 4 -auege (AR JACOPO CARUCCI. Italian, 1493-1558 CHRIST AND LAZARUS. -Pen,. water colorand-wasije 2 = 8. **Very interesting. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Italian, 1560-1609 “ADORATION OF THE KINGS.” Pen and ankjeass Very charming. JOHN THE BAPTIST, Pen and sepis-on Bidetjegene ea **W onder ful. POLIDERO DA CARAVAGGIO..” Italian) 14G6-143- NYMPHS; “Penvo me: CLASSICAL FIGURES. Pen and wash on srey-bites paper. 10ox7¥%. Strawberry Hill sale, 1842. **Wonderful drawing. M. CARAVAGGIO. Italian, 1569-1609 THE SHEPHERDS... Red chalk, 74% x 6%. HENRY CARSE. Dutch, 1656-1722 PORTRAIT HEAD, 4717.>"Ked chalk=O a GIOVANNI BENEDETTO CASTIGLIONE irae 1616-1670 HEAD OF A MAN IN A TURBAN. Contemplative, skeptical and without illusion. Pen and slight wash, 9x8. **Finished drawing beautifully done, with the impressed heraldic stamp of the Earl of Shrewsbury. LA:GA\V-E: . French, 1sth Genie COWS. Pencil, pen and water color, 614 x 10, ** Beautiful. 6 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 CHARLET.~ French, 1792-1845 a Pen and water color, ox 7. ** Nice sketch. ROMULO CINCINNATO. Italian, 1522-1606 IWO NOBLE FEMALE FIGURES. A study in draperies. Pen and ink drawing. Pencil sketch of Sebastian on reverse pine ait 10, **Dr. Barry Delaney collection, member R. S. Antiquaries of Ireland, his sale at Sotheby’s in 1872. mUOOV ICO CLINI: -ltalian Pilati OF 5, CATHERINE. Pen and sepia on blue ‘paper, 12x09, Excellent quality. eet ITOUIS CLERISSEAU. «French, 172141820 Povo hieN LT IN THE CATACOMBS.OF A CHURCH. The gloom of the cloister into which the sunlight filters is ex- quisitely done. Pen and ink drawing with grey and sepia wash. Signed and dated 1782, 10x14. ae AbIiny NAN. English ween PARK’) 1831.. Water color, 6x9. DANCING PEASANTS. Water color. Fine little oval. 6% x4. ; SEBASTIANO CONCA. Italian, 1676-1764 CUPID HOLDING EMBLEMS. Pencil and wash, 91%x9Q. **Very pleasing subject. PoNEELING CHILD” and “STUDY.” Pen and sepia on blue paper and charcoal, 7x5 and 8x5. (2). Pee ING CHILD. ‘Charcoal, 8x To. **Very pleasing subject. Seoexye Or A CHILD: Charcoal and chalk on grey paper, I2Y%x9y. **Tnteresting. E. W. COOKE. English, 1811-1880 FISHINGBOATS AT VENICE, Fine little drawing. Pen, O29. SOnOOL OF CONS DAD CE es tnoiicn LANDSCAPES. 7x4%. (2). 7 59 60 OI 62 No. 59. Cooper KE. COOPTPR: : Brolin HUNTING SCENE, 1823. Water color, 8x11. (Illustrated) **Lovely color and very amusing. SCHOOL OF COROT. 1796-1875 FARMYARD. Water color and oil, of fine quality, 7x6. SCHOOL OF COREGGIO. 1494-1534 BABY ANGELS. Charcoal on brown paper, 8x8. “ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN.” Pen, pencil and water color, IIx 10%. ** VERY WONDERFUL DRAWING. DAVID COX. English, 1783-1859 LANDSCAPE. (Water color, 9124x153 LAYING UP FOR THE WINTER. -Very beautiful. Water color, 744x 13%. COUNTRY ROAD. Lovely light tones. Water color, 10x 13¥4. ; 8 66 67 68 69 70 aA 72 73 74 75 76 hd, 78 79 SO COX — Continued WINDMILL, 1841. Water color, 10x 7. HOUSES AGAINST A RUIN. Very Fine.. Water color, 10 xa: ROMAN RUINS, 1826. Pencil and sepia of good quality, 9x fice : EYRE CROWE. English, 1824-—(?) A PARTY. Very interesting. Pen, pencil and: water -color, Li x20; H. DAUMIER. | French PHANTASIE. Very striking. Water color, 54%4x6. WieW. DEAN. Enelish CHURCH ENTRANCE. Water color and wash, 13 x 16%. Pee eye. HOT RICHL German, 1712-1774 Attributed Peeper Sole DES. PIERKE,.1765. Lovely in feeling of sunshine. Pen, 12x16. **“Tyietriche, 1788” penned on the margin. GARIO DOUCI. ltalian, 1616-1686 Pee tie wed chalk).8 x 6. TOPGCOLGOCHA, Pen and pencil of beautiful quality, 9x 12. DOMENICHINO. Italian, 1581-1641 MYTHOLOGICAL. Pen and sepia figures; with a small slip On which are two studies, 3x7. (3). GUD LTAVE DORE. French, 1833-1883 Po yeaah rx 8, EDWARD DUNCAN. English, 1830-1879 fee A TOLMY STREET FIRE -1s0r. Wery fine and interesting. Water color, 91% x12¥. DUPRENAWN iar trench moe OAL SOLDIERALY PES. (5). **Showing influence of Meissonier and Detaille and his grotesque caricatures from H. Daumier. POReMIER TYPES. (3). CARICATURES. « (8). 89 DUPENANT — Continued SOL DIPRAEY PBsas=(6) SOmDIP RIN? BSae 0). GROTESOUBRVATLA DS iat). SO LD EBay Ee eee a ELIS CORA Gait Odo Dh ety fio ee SOLDIER Ter (0.5 SOL DTH KRY Hoa: CARIGAT URES. “e10te x 3.2) '(2))- No. 89 Dutch Drawing DUTCH MASTER. 18th Centiae FISHING BOATS. Wonderful painting of excellent detail and color-feeling. Water color, 18x 14. (Illustrated) IO go QI Q2 93 04 95 96 97 98 99 TOO IOI I02 103 104 105 106 107 DUTCH MASTER — Continued LANDSCAPE. Very decorative and beautiful. Pen and ‘water EOLOfeel 3 x19. SHEEP. Water color on brown paper, 3% x6. he ELSHEIMERS “German Sea N LD TOBIAS, Penrand ‘sepia, 7x 8. **Interesting drawing by a rare master. Perio CARICATURES early 19th Century Geel DWIGHEST BIDDER” and “SEASICKNESS.” fem eamiusineg, Ox 11 and 9x8 (2). BAISENTWAITE WATER, 1815. Interesting drawing. Pen and sepia, II x 19. Py Oro ERS, 1642, Pen and wash, 8x6. **“Drawn and written by M. P. Biffin without hands.” Very charming and interesting. feeooGAr Es, Water color. (4). Poe OLE S.? Pencil. (4). Pe APiES. ~ Water color. (4): fee oeAPiS. ~Water color) (3). PNG ESE SCHOOL. About-1850 Soh CASTLE” and “CORFU,” | Fine quality. 14x10 ei tO: (2). So Pere OAME and “SAINT CHAPELLE.” Water color engi. 1O%15:and 7x0. (2). tiem oo REET” andy“PALACE GARDEN.” Water color, 9144x13 and 10x14. (2). Sew SCAPE ” “BATHERS,” “PEASANT Sand “ITALIAN WOMAN WASHING.” (4). ENGLISH MASTER. About 1790 MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES. Very lovely. Pen and water color, Iox 14%. ENGLISH WATER COLORS. 19th Century VILLAGE SCENES. Very charming. (5). VILLAGE CHURCH, 1850. HAY STACKS, 1875. (2). JOHN FRANCIS ERMELS. German, 1641-1693 FOREST: LANDSCAPE. A group in an opening near large trees. Clear light and soft perspective. Pen and sepia, 11 x8. rf 108 109 —I11I0 PAcl I1I2 113 Il4 117 118 IIQ I2I C. FIELDING. - English STORMY DAY. Wonderful. Water color, 7x To, FRANS FLAVIS.. Flemish RIVER GODDESS. Rare... Pen and =sepia,sOen FLEMISH MASTER. About 1650 CARTOUCHES. Interesting. Pen and sepia, 84x12yY. FRENCH SCHOOL, “18th Gentaias FOREST SCENE. Water coler,7x 9. ** Soft blue and brown tones. RIVER LANDSCAPE, Very charming. Red chalk drawing, TET a PORTRAIT HEAD. ‘Horses and Meeting. © (3), FRENCH SCHOOL. About 2840 PEASANT. Interesting drawme. 13x90. ANDREA D’ASTA. Italian, 1673-1721 ST.-PETER.. Spandrel. Pen and “sepia; 7a JAN ASSELYN. Dutch, 1610-16606 ROMAN TOMB. Pen and water color, 16x8. **CoLL. C. HAMMER. COLOSSEUM AT ROME. ‘Sunlight on@gaings. from the Collection of C. Hammer. 10x11. CANAILLER BAILLOGNE? Sia SS MEAT I S er énradd sepiae 7s, MICHEL DORIGNY. French, 1617-1665 SKETCH FOR A PANELED WALL. 15x17. **After Simon Vouet, in color and sepia, with shaped top. ASETTORE FLORID TIN Ave caaee Water color “A MIRACLE.” Interesting composition; pen and sepia, with shaped top, IOx II. J. VAN DER HAGEN. Dutch, (?)-1669 “LANDSCAPE »Pencil and sepia, tyro **Very decorative. Cott. C. HAMMER. 2 I22 124 126 127 128 129 130 13% 132 133 134 HisPaAwN G2 french, 1725 eo wORICAL FIGURES.” wPen and grey water color; *8 x 12. PRIMATICCIO. Italian, 1504-1570 Miah vA AND JUNO, Wonderful. Signed. Pen and sepia, 9x74. N. POUSSIN. French, 1593-1665 THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT, Pen and ink of good quality, ite apak VENETIAN MASTER. About 1600 “ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN.” Showing influence of (eiwanss | Assunta. Pen and sepia. Wonderful. 9x6. SG boone. BARN WITH HORSES AND FARMERS. Interesting sun Pace madow. sepia and color, 16x19. Signed “Gessner f. 1796.” SoC HA GIANBEROL ~ Italian emer Gli, Beautiful red chalk drawing, 16x Io. KATE GREENAWAY. English CHILDREN GATHERING PRIMROSES. Water color, fine little painting, 5x7. GIULIO ROMANO (School of). Italian, 1492-1546 CYCLOPS BINDING HIS FOOT. Interesting and well drawn. Pen and sepia, 8x Io. eee CA FIGURES.” Pen, ink and chalk on ‘bine paper, 84 x8. ** Beautiful drawing. Seis ORICAL FIGURES.” Pen; 10% xo. OKPHEUS. Pen and grey water color, 7x To. Mean LOGICAL FIGURES. Pen and sepia.” Wondeértal: Iox8. GUERCINO. Italian, 1590-1666 PEN AND SEPIA DRAWING. Very fine and beautiful. 13 I41 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 GUIDO RENI. Italian, 1575-1642 ANNUNCIATION. Pencil on. tan paper, toa, FEMALE HEAD... Wonderful t4x0. ASCANIO GUIDO. Italian, 1567-(?) THREE ANGELS. Pen and ink drawing, wash, 7x6. CLAUDE HAYES. English “HORSES.” Water color. Fine sketch temn “THE HERD.” Water color; lovely soft tanési1oxia] HERD OF SHEEP. Water color, 10x 13. ** High quality, excellent specimen of the high paid works by this artist. H. HEATH. English HUSSAR. Fine little drawing in pen and water color, 7x8. J. HOLLAND, R.A. English, 1800-1870 “SUNBURST” and “CLIFFS.” Water color, 7 x70 ana ounce diatie 0) >.(2): GERRIT HAUTBAN, Dutch GIRL’S HEAD. Red’ chalk; lovely picceya aa: JEAN BAPTISTE HUET. French, 1745-1811 RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS. Lovely light and shadow. Drawing in sepia and gray wash, 8x Io. LANDSCAPE. Wash drawing in sepia and grey. Shows the charm of soft noon light on a grey day. Pencil drawing on re- verse landscape. 7x9Q. LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS AND FPIGURESI Si xaGieie early morning sunlight. Wash drawing in sepia and grey, 9xII. Li LANDSCAPE AND TREE. In summer moonlight. Draw- ing in sepia wash, 6x7. INGRES. French, 1780-1867 SKETCH FOR A PORTRAIT. Wonder Keds 7 V2. ITALIAN MASTER. Aboutagea MARTYR SCENE. Pen and Wash, 151073 150 I5I vb 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 ITALIAN DRAWING. 16th Century JUDGMENT OF HERCULES. Pen and ink drawing, 10x9. a) ITALIAN MASTER. Early 18th Century Pie PRISONER.” Pen, 9 x 834. Pesan 10 CRN PURY SCHOOL THE PHILOSOPHER. Interesting. Pen and sepia, 8% x 6%. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 17th and 18th Century fre bIStHOP AND PORTRAIT HEAD. GIRL’S HEAD. Pencil and wash. (4). ees SUSANNE” and “THE STORM.” (3). PAGAN SCHOOL, ~ 18th Century Poet Very beautiful. Red chalk, 3% x 10%. Penie eg PAD: THE ARTIST; PORTRAIT HEAD; and CHIE- DREN'S HEAD. Pencil and charcoal. (4). A TOMB, Drowning a baby, Sketch for play and Nude man, 1737. Pen and sepia. (4). A VISION, At the Well, S. Elisabeth, Nudes, Resting Nude and The Last Supper. Interesting small bits. (6). A. KENNEDY. English ew CASTLE. Fine piece. Charcoal, 10 x 14/4. BENDRIK KOBEL. Dutch, 1751-82 Be oe ben and water color. .8!4 x 12, **Fine drawing of a rare small master. (Illustrated) JOHN MARCELLUS LAROON. British, 1679-1772 A MAN: Cocked Hat and Small Clothes. Pencil, 11 x 7. LEBRUN. French, 1619-1690 PY OLOGICAL FIGURES IN A LANDSCAPE. Rare sketch for a tapestry, 9 x 10. JEAN LE PAUTRE. French, 1618-1682 ie aCONFESSION: INTERIOR OF ST) PETER Ss, Pen and sepia wash, 13 x 9. **The effect of light and shadow and of the great height of the Nave is well shown. 15 1604 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 i72 173 174 C. R. LESLIE. English, 1794-1859 SIR WALTER RALEIGH AND HIS SERVANT. Water color and oil, 9% x I5. Ce bielaeW Lo, slgnolish MERCHANT SHIPS Water color,.6 x ore PalbterhCnH = Enelish LANDSCAPES. Very charming scenes. Water color, 11 x 8 and Pca kes ; GIOVANNI ERMANO LIGOZZI. Italian, 1570- THE INFANT JESUS CROWNING HIS MOTHER, AStudy in draperies. Sepia drawing heightened with white, 8 x 6. ** A very fine and finished drawing. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. Flemish, 14941533 THREE GRACES. ~ Pen and’ sepia) aera ** VERY FINE AND RARE. C. VAN LOO. French, 1705-1765 RIVER GOD. Very wonderful. Red chalk, 11 x 17. CLAUDE LORRAINE. French, 1600-1682 ROMAN LANDSCAPE in Lovely tones. Sepia, 7 x 12. LUCA GIORDANO... Italian, "tage 5 CHRIST PREACHING. Pen and charcoal; good composition, 1554°* 10%: F, LUIGINI. - Tahan DUTCH GIRL. Water color; pleasing subject, 13 x 9. MALATESTA. [tale ADORATION OF THE KING. Wonderful drawing. Pen and water color, 10 x 7. MAP OF THE FAROE ISLANDS. 1673 MAP IN COLOR: with the coat-of-arms of Count Griffenfelt. Very interesting and rare. 2134 x 17¥. 16 L795 | 176 177 178 179 180 Sea ON TARA Tite sltaliany 1652-1713 STUDY OF KNEELING CHILD. A lovely, pleading baby: Drawing in red chalk, 12 x 9. oe STUDY FOR A SPANDREL. Pen-and-ink drawing. 10%. **Two superb figures, that show the charm of rippling muscles and suggested draperies. Collector’s mark “J.S.,” Earl Spencer (?) 1758-1834, whose sale was held in 1811. H. S. MARKS, R. A. English, 1829-(?) Pio BLACKSMITH SHOP, 1883: Pen, water color and wash, 7x 9%. JOHN MARSH. English “ON THE THAMES.” Water color, 5 x 14%. MARTYN. Possibly Dutch (oo vAN RUINS,” 1797. Water color, 14 x To: **Soft toned painting showing influence of Herbert Robert. BeVAN MASTENBROOK, - Dutch HARBOUR SCENE. Water color and wash, 13 x 21. **Large and important painting showing the artistry the 19th century could express only in water color. MATURINO or POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO. Italian, 1490-1527 I8I 182 183 184 FEMALE FIGURE. Sepia drawing heightened with white, 8 x 5. **Purchased from Dr. Pearl pencilled on reverse. A remarkable fine drawing of a standing partly nude figure. The drawing shows great dignity. MARY MAGDALEN AND MARY SALOME. The kneeling women express humility. Pen-and-ink drawing with sepia wash, 7x A: **kArom the Hone & Sharp Collections and a collector’s blind stamp. MEISSONIER. French, 1815-(?) CHEVALIERS. Sketch in oil on paper, 8 x 5. SCHOOL OF MICHEL ANGELO. §Ietalian, 1475-1564 THE GAME OF CARDS. Charming and expressive. Sepia draw- ing heightened with white, 8 x 9. ** Probably by Caravaggio. JAN MIEL. Dutch, 1599-1664 GOSSIP: GROUP OF FIVE. Very human, showing the relaxa- tion of the hour of rest. Pen touched with red chalk, 4 x 5. 17 fF 186 187 196 197 198 MILLE, called FRANCISQUE. Dutch, 1644-1680 LANDSCAPE: With Wide River, Mountains and a Castle. Soft and windy. Pen-and-ink drawing with grey and sepia wash, 8 x 10. **Rrom Collection of the Banker, Count Moretz Von Fries, 1777-1827, with his impressed blind stamp. Sir Thos. Lawrence bought 150 of these draw- ings at the sale. MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS. French, 1815-1875. Attributed. GEESE. Charcoal drawing, Io x 8. **T he whimsical fear of the live birds as they pass the shop windows where the dead ones hang is truly French. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS. About 1800 “CARDINAL,” “LES REACTIARS,.” loténeurandihe aos stage setting. Very interesting small bits. (4). “RUINS;” “VILLAGE” “BRIDGE.” ~ Water scGlon see aae “TOREADOR:;” “POLLY :;” “MADONNA? “Street sec sleeping girl. (5). LANDSCAPES, Watercolor (6). LANDSCAPES. Water color. (6). LANDSCAPES AND SEASCAPES. Water colon si0. FIGURE STUDIES. - Oil and water: colonia es ELT rks, VO COME Ol gaan 0h M. MULLER. German ARAB, 1839. Water color; strong and sketchy. 13 x9. NICOLAS ANDRE MONSIAU. French, 1754-1837 CROWNING THE VICTOR. Pencil and sepia wash drawing, 9 KAO: | **The skeptica! expression on the faces of the Elders, and the plunging horses of the Youth, tell the story. P. NUVALENE. Italian, latter part of 16th century, 1661 “MADONNA APPEARING FOR SAINT.” Pen and sepia ; very interesting, 1544 XII. **Rrom the de Vues Collection. 18 199 200 .» 201 202 203 204 205 209 210 PeNvAPIE RS RoW oe. Hnglish WELSH STREAM. Excellent. Water color and wash, 7 x 10. “W. P.” English, about 1810 PORTRAIT HEAD. Pen and water color; excellent little sketch, 4X 3%. G. P. PANNINI. Italian, 1691-1768 ROMAN RUINS. Pen, sepia and wash, 10 x 7. PARMIGIANO. 1504-1540 PoNGELS ADORING THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. A lovely, appreciative Virgin. Pencil, 6x 7. **Rrom four famous Collections: Lord Arundel, P. H. Lankrink and J. Richardson, all noted in the hand of the 4th, Wm. Esdaile. With stamps, and “parmegiano inv” in a very old ink. PMOSES? Pen and sepia, 8x 5/ D. PASODI. Italian, 1668-1740 Mom ekAl] OF YOUNG/MAN. Excellent quality. Oval pen and water color, 144% x 11%. **Coll, J. Thane. Pav keNTIUS PECHENS, or LAURENT PECHEUX. Italian, 1721-1800 PerehitooKEPCHED LIGHTLY. Lovely lines. Pencil, 5 x7. **Tnscribed “Pechens fecit Romae; ex. Coll. H. Hamal Leod.” AARON PENLEY. English Sees ts Water color, 834 x 13. PIATRO GIACOMO. Italian ROMAN RUINS. Interesting. Pen drawing, 6x 7%. Ele VON Tees tahian VIRGIN AND SAINT. Beautiful drawing. Pen and grey water color, TO.x 6. POLLENBURGH. Flemish, 1586-1667 MYTHOLOGICAL PARTY. Pen, 6x7¥%. AN APO NC Y omlirench ATTRACTION. Very amusing. Water color and wash, II x 13. 19 ek 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 PORTEMNAD witalian MADONNA AND SAINTS. Wonderful. Pen and sepia, 7 x 5. PINOUT: FISHING BOATS. Water color and wash, 7x 10. ** STRIKING LITTLE PAINTING. J. REYNOLDS. Attributed. English, 1723-1792 MASTER BUNBURY. Charming sketch of a boy. Water color, Oe: RIBERA. Italian, 1779-1860 A SAINT. Red chalk; fine little drawing (torn), 6x 5. D. ROBERTS, R. A. English, 1796-1864 GOTHIC CHURCH DOOR.- Fine little study im water color 9x 6. CATHEDRAL INTERIOR. Water color. Fine work of this well-known “Master of the Cathedrals.” 13 x9. RODGERS. English THE: SHEPHERD: Very fine: © Pencii@ gs A. ROUSE. English “OLD HORSE IN HARNESS” and “STUDY (Re Interesting sketches. Water color, 10x 14 and I5 x 14. BROWN HORSE. Very fine. Water colores “THE TEAM” and “OLD WORKING HORS GS oi. studies. Water color, 13% 20 and 14% 20,.es SCHOOL OF RUGENDAS uma BATTLE SCENE, 1707. Fine details; Pen and waren IO SALVATORE ROSA. Italian, 1615-1673 TWO INK DRAWINGS: Sketch of three figures, a kneeling woman and two men, 8x7. A man running, 5x4. The bodies underneath the draperies are felt. **From the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds and J. Richardson. COURT SCENE. Lovely composition. Pencil and grey water color, 5:x 7. 20 224 225 220 227 228 2209 230 231 B22 233 234 235 230 237 238 239 240 241 ROSA — Continued WARRIORS. Strong sketch. Pen on tan paper, 7x 61%. RESTING FIGURES. Pen on brown paper, 7 x 6%. PeroevXN AND SLAVES. STUDIES. Interesting: © Pen, 772% 772: AMAZONS. . Pen and sepia, 5 x 6. A MIRACLE. Very wonderful. Pen and sepia, 6x 6%. FIGURE: MAN. Pen; strong and nice drawing, 14 x9. | **Prom the R. Johnson’s Coll. W. CLARKSON STANFIELD, R. A. English, 1793-1867 SAILOR. Fine. Water color and wash, II x 15. ees lL NEE Y= Enotish “ON THE RHONE.” Water color and wash in soft pastel tones, Bex. SOLIMENA. ‘Italian, 1657-1747 HEADS AND FIGURES. Pen; very interesting, 9 x 13. MYTHOLOGICAL WEDDING. Red chalk of beautiful qual- feet x10. THE DAUGHTER OF PHARAOH FINDING MOSES. Pen on brown paper; excellent drawing, 8x II. HALL SANDERS. English BARGES ON THE MEDWAY, 1896. Water color; very pleas- ing subject, 11 x 14%. C. B. SCANLON, English BANDITS. Ink drawing, 7 x 9. GSO th Le RIO: | italian MADONNA. Pen and water color on tan paper; lovely drawing, 6x 8. SEAFORD. English MERCHANT SHIPS. Pencil and water color sketches of rare Beatty, 5x5 and 5x7. (2). | | E.}. SHEEL) RY A.” -Enghsh FISHING BOATS. Water color, 5x 7%. STERLING. English Pe eeAGe STREET, 1854,” and “SCENE FROM OXFORD?” Very pleasing and decorative. Water color, 5x7 and 10x14. (2). ESTEEM, 1846. Water color; charming subject, 9 x7. 21 242 243 244 245 246 247 JAN STRADA or STRADAMUS. Flemish, 1536-1605 HUNTER WATCHING HERONS AND REPTILES FIGHT- ING. Pen-and-ink and brown wash drawings, heightened with white, 7 x II. **FRrom Sir Thos. Lawrence’s Collection with his blind stamp. GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO. Italian, 1696-1747 SAINT PAUL PREACHING, A” Stirs oe expression. Pencil drawing in red and sepia wash. 12x I5. ** Paul & Barabbas at Lystra.” Collector’s initials W. S. (Script) (Wm. Sharp). CLUSTER OF CHERUBS IN CLOUDS, Lovely gitar Sepia and white, 8 x 4. TINTORETTO. Italian, 15 r2snecm THE SHEPHERDS TOLD ABOUT “BIRTH Wonderful. Red chalk, 6 x 8%. PIETRO TESTA. Italian, 16,7-96G6e CIRCE. Pen-and-ink drawing, 12 x 16. **The Figure of the sleeping Aeneas is very real. F. TOPE... German “THE LIBRARY AT POTZDAM.” ~~ Washeiguas **Wonderful, showing a colorful and rich rococo interieur. J.-M. W. TURNER, R> A. 30775 VIEW OF A CITY. Water color. Signed. 5x7. **Very striking and interesting. SKETCHES. (4) on-onemat.. Fine) eagiesss ae CANALE GRANDE. VENICE. Water color, 6x9. Excellent and charming sketch of very good quality. J.UMS. English WATER MILL, Charming rustic subject. Water color, 15 x 15. “STREAM.” Wonderful. Water color and wash, 14x 20. PIETRO DEL VAGA. Umbrian School, 1500-1547 THE NATIVITY. Interesting study in expressionye? onan sepia, IO X 15. **Hrom the Collection of King Charles I (lower left corner); Nicholas Lanier, 1588-1666, the King’s Expert, and Cracherode (but this is not cer- tain). Has the name of del Vaga penned on and the date, 22, Mar., 1682. 22 254 => 256 25/ 258 259 260 7 261 262 263 264 A. VERMUELEN. Dutch, 1763-1814 SKATING. Wash drawing in grey heightened with white. Signed and dated 1780, 10 x 10. **kArom the Collection of J. Fitchett Marsh. His drawings sold at Sotheby’s in 1882. A..VAN DER VELDE. Dutch, 1610-1693 meoNDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. Pen and water color, 7-x Io. **KSIGNED. VERY FINE. SCHOOL OF PAOLO VERONESE. Italian, 1528-1588 Pek EYSAND TRUTH. ES sepia and wash, on grey paper of good quality, 6x Io. WAINWRIGHT. English SHEEP. Water color and wash, 8 x 19. De Welk bielish oes te ) Water color, 9 x 14. **Aine painting of Beans detail. Witch netisn Pere Re tone BATTLE. Water color, 8x 9. BENJAMIN WEST. American CLASSICAL FIGURES. Very charming lines. Pen and grey water color, 9 x 13. VAN DER WERFFT. Dutch DIAMONDIA.. Pen and red chalk of excellent quality, 7x 11. PRANCIS WHEATLEY. ~ English MOTHER AND CHILD WALKING. Charming painting of good quality, by the originator of “The Cries of London.” Water ecior,.9.x-7. (Illustrated) A. WIERIX. German SAINTS. Pen and sepia, 5 x3. PETER DE -WINT. 1784-1849 LANDSCAPES. Charming water color,8x 7, &c. (2). 23 265 266 267 268 No, 262 Wheatley No. 160 Kobel JAKOB DE WIT. Flemish, 1695-1754 CHRIST AND THE APOS (EES a and- ink and sepia wash drawing, 6 x 10. * Papaice from the Last Supper. The heads of the Saviour and St. John are beautifully finished and the face of the Christ is particularly benign. THREE DRAWINGS. Pen-and-ink drawings of children. Charm- ing studies. Infant Bacchante, 3 and y5 7a CHILD WITH GRAPES. Pencil drawing of lovely quality, 4 x 3. THOMAS WYCK. Dutch, 161Gsra7 LANDSCAPES “Sepia vignetiews oc. 24 ea Rae i 3 die alan yah BO ¢ ne - SEASON 1925-1926 pan od Frits, Paintings by Chase, Fine Bronzes, ete, Sait Mrs. Hilda Doederlein of the Chelsea ae _ Fine Selection of Handsome Bound Books, Hee braica, etc. ay % |The Residue of the Stock of Prints ofthe ateF Medes, ie _ well-known Dealer and Expert. : Parts 2 and 3. Early American Furnishings, Glass, ‘agp 2r, Pine and Maple, Currier and Ives Prints, oe - Bottles, Pee! sil ee E. c. ve of Seapine, : including those of Mr. Charles Weldon. — \ Japanese Netsuke, Armor and Weapons. Part IIT. Old Colored Glass, Staffordshire Brass and e : Part V. Water Colors and Drawings of the Same Lady. Bronze ngs and Pudi of the ( Cor oie é : “yon Foleo Roan of Copenhagen. elected parts of the Library and Dramatic and - Associate Collections of David Belasco, famous — _ dramatist and catrival negabele THE WALP OLE | GALLERI ES 12 West 48th Street, New York | Holi Weekly Sales of peices and Artistic Material ints and Books frou BEA Colles: 2 me