CATALOGUE OF FINE ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS WATER COLORS AND OIL PAINTINGS THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Mapison AvENUE AT FortieTH Street, New York LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & €0. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK Fn aT EO ea ee ee aa y i ) Tt ester nt ey etn No. 387. MIDSUMMER By James M. Hart, N.A. ———E No. 1195 AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION Etchings, Engravings, Water Colors and Oil Paintings To be Sold by Order of the United States District Court under the Direction of Frank M. McKey, Esq., of Chicago, Trustee in Bankruptcy for Robb R. Ricketts, trading as MOULTON & RICKETTS ON THE Evenings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday January 26, 27, and 28, 1916 At 8:15 o’clock On Public Exhibition from Wednesday, January 19th The Anderson Galleries Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York i aa 3 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be Perr tor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk with- in twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the re- mainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and Subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending pur- chasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be re- sponsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genu- ineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale ex- pert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The An- derson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the con- clusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re- sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Brps. We make no charge for executing orders for our cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price per- mitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Oopy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.50 The Anderson Galleries Incorporated Mapison AVENUE AT Fortier STREET, New York. TELEPHONE, Murray Hint 7680 Artists Represented No. No. Artz, DeAne Gimk cose ten ents Sol Weviora, (C. Wieieaen, oh eoecsoos 244 Barkers Gaaacac ae aee na ae olom Sharrer Fama pean aun 245 Beker AN, Sn skeodcss on souer ZISeae erin viele yee ec ee 246 Benawothorwal, WI -cogsouarcesanc 30), TMowrenatioy, We soaccoccascesdas 247 Begawan, Ie Cegoossssbavcnde ZNO BBO Ul dae A a rae eee eee 373 Bellet i Gace ic veces eaters S80 — Maser, I, Accs dosoaudoscosccs 248 Bellows, J) Noel Be tn ere Sic AO 220 Freer, (Hie S\N Fo Ret Sere 249 Be oe: ee IS ait 22 Gibson, W. Hamilton........ 250 akelock, Ralph A..347, 358, Grtetae OK. EE 251 i sloe is Mee aa Cao Pera anise 374 ; Rp i iN on aaa Bice Ce 272 Griswold Gre Ge. eee nian 252 Aad ML de ee Grollerongelulene Neeser rer 340 TRyoyeersy. lebeevelre! NEG a gonnoeuccs 223 amend 394 Texoma, (Cy Io ospooossenac 224 By ea a ea a Byes, INOS cooucasned ull Soe) lalenaaleynleyet, Ig ossooacoddeoe es 253 richer mes beri ern ee ere Dos — lnlenavilioy,, elavimtili@s 3o.o00ccr 254 isyeraleges, JPWGISGE) -coasonenacdss 226. pclae ras) alec eee ee 255 IBmokexacnenn, 18, Moataconacenac 3851 Salant wise Wise erst eety ete 257, 387 Bristoly libata terre Wiis mlalchos NES eee traomy hae 256 Behn (Cy Lean accannons SVAsj. lalS uses MoU panne daae Soobs 258 IBemmeerKS, IM, Gooeodgatyuaeosce 22S luirshbergacAliceprneeesee een 259 Burners Aw share eaant csr oan Dye) labels (Gy Geanonecs osocnc 260 Burroughs, Bryson .......... 230s celioeber mA urate nace 261 Carrs diyellitaeenn. cea taseies 231 Holmes, Ww. re 262 Caravaecicnia Minn tne 263 lehoxaltoyay edbge seca nn eae Sana. 382 Casilear, John W............232 Humphrey, Maud ........... 263 Church, F. S.......--+.. G45;2590 — ibteteld; Ei, e. jesnes econ: 264 Copeland, C. .....-++- sees e ee 235 MNES SG; | Grathrete aes Seon eee 265, eae as ae Tnness,o]ity Geena 334, 369 Craig; ie Bare sc fee saree 23502600) sJacguet eI, Gin cery sae esnaerr 349 (eine, IANS sonooconcacs 237, SOOM anissenss Cavan ©aaa eee 370 Curran, C. C..........6.. eee 238 Johnson’ Reza ce tee arse ee 328 (DEIN, Ls cacanaonnoreesecsua ee d@acss Ia siolliewl.«. aseancsun® 266 Devil, Wi. casoadasseuooe 352 Sone statin Caraaa ete ae eee 267 Davis, W. B.......-..+.-+0+. ve ICAP DES: Ady doe Men Sores eS, 268 ERG ARB ont aE Sp a oo" 5 Reeiiees Bink ee mee ee 269 De arlaviens ele cays ces tear 348 K DeLee ae) 742 BGI e All DE seit at aren TRO CRR 270 Del Mhulstrips heen eeee DA Sie sea cca Sere Ht scekra een eaters 271 Deville Wie ces ee eae ier BSOis Leader. Bae Went wee 337 WieteriewMiariesye eee B7Onamalee lym wSits dive cieenciepsncucntents teeta 359 Douglass Womans: 240 SbiebschermuG. cose toe ears 272 Muprate Ate. comet errer BOT Neiticlentitnin emrivase aerator 355 Dyer eh Att eat reac eceeces esl Teryeyeniaveciie, WG Ilene oceucaaace 273 Artists Represented -Continued No No. AY Weitere UAC ee er aces ae 361 Schneider, W. G.............. 301 LH} Wucae es Desirer ee eee nee ne Baas SO SCOtES Pas Mapes ecient nts creer ct 302 tf Tinley: sAcucteer eos 274 Sharp, L. R.................. 303 aa Shirlaw, W..... S55, a Macy, W. C.....+-01s-eeeee es 28 see, GH eo : : : : ae 1 Martine lometueerrereerr 346 Sunsclen We TPs cb eee 305 I WicChesneyan ©laraderme etter 276 Sle (eo, ost 306 i i Nic Conds Alicemeny reer: 277 Snell H B (iE ap eai ae 307 McCord, George ........ 345, 354 oa A. ea ety as 308 Millar, A. Te..see cesses hs Gicclinks Why ieee 383 ee 2 A EAE a SCO 33g Stephens, A. B......-. 0.0. 309 ya : cp ata eae Stewante Melb ceeeae meen esr a 390 po ato Gous Bueno oO oor , Symingt eas ee AS ar ae: | Moran: ee ewes. Foe eons) eo l0 i NES Eero y coe A ete x ivory Va KCantenenamoouddance 311 | Mosler Eh sueeaeocle ote en: 284 Tracy, C. M................. 312 eal: Mioaling, A@e Cocccsccnceaseos 285 aoe Pic Misecistaerctacn ate nnecis 313 ees t UGMER KGa Ve cheerios eck 314 i Nicholls, R. H........---.+-- 286 Inne, IROSS soocaoocssanoone 315 = iL Ochtman, L. .......-..--.++5. 287 Van Alsschiese iin centre iene 351 tt Omalsn, tab Twcansbosonsqnsdo00 BS ee TB 342 H| CULES IG wave Sremeoun a aaa onaee 289 Volk ; D. is Sp ait bide ies: 316 . | Parsons eC soso Rene ea ZOO Voller s Oye Genie ren ee, 317 . | IM Ohad Mi lepot a oaeme oF Erab Witte 2 ie arctan 360 | (| Pio teeta Ae cnes erica CI et ane 9 J 350 : LH Ranier Eee Ghe 1 use 292 Wicteand Geer aat ee 320, 335 mm IRemminetior, 1%, cpooccopacasens 23 WISI, Vo PANIC, Gocouccwsaeoce 318 ‘| JenicarGls, Wo Wocesancose 29453895 AWVICISS wlOSGunten | ieee 388 Al iRise, Wh sucosocscvsnaoone 378 Weissenbruck, J. H...... 377, 381 IR JMEUEIN coos odes skh), Slots, S72 \Wiawniwssemverts, WW Ionaacosnose 319 | Robinson, Theodore ..... Ay, oso) Watleomle, (Cn 1B onc conusoouncass 371 HI Rolo, Ws Soctsnocacconns 2 Ome Vit ita on ene ae een ee 321 IRewemorerdes, IB, Wes ooeuaoncscs Aye Nilstaloeniy 135 sooccesosunpeanue 322 Riidelin SPae Eee eer Oe ana BSS NINOS Sy IX, Boonacnacasnoos 323 Spingloetin, Ial, sdasosotossgseoc 299 Wyant, Mrs. A. L............ 329 SHSM AWEY Gan baba mees sans SOOURVardeSs Vion eee ern ee 324 zi e 4 - List of Illustrations Midsummer. James M. Hart, N.A Blind Man’s Buff. Achille Fould AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, WATER COLORS, OIL PAINTINGS FIRST SESSION Wednesday Evening, January 26, 1916, at 8:15 o’clock Los Mga GG COPLEY PRINTS. ) 1. SIX COPLEY PRINTS. es Of various sizes, after Edwin H. Blashfield, Henry O. Walker and Francis Day. 2. FOURTEEN ASSORTED COPLEY PRINTS, PHO- Cy, TOGRAPHS, ETC. ee Of various sizes, after Sir E. Burne Jones, E. A. Ab- bey, etc. CARBON PRINTS. ye 38. SEVEN CARBON PRINTS. \ faces After Carl Melchers, P. E. T. Rousseau, George In- ness, etc. aie 4. THREE LARGE CARBON PRINTS. After Rembrandt, Corot and J. Dupré. 4{v, 5. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Corot, Gainsborough and Rousseau. 6. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Hoffmann, Raphael, etc. in 7. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. ; After Plockhort and W. Strutt. 8. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Plockhart, Strutt and Zimmermann. 5 SS TE eS I} }y- A i 12 iN ie Bi 13; | Wie AS i g { HH 15. 1 HE q 2 my) 16 | )* | 17. Ne 18. th i see 19 , 20. X (ee ary ima —. 10. | J ETCHINGS AND PHOTO-ENGRAVINGS. THREE PHOTO-ENGRAVINGS. Two after Peter Graham and one after Farquharson. THREE ASSORTED PRINTS. After Herbert Dicksee, Peter Graham, etc. . THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After John Constable, Fred Morgan, ete. - TWO ETCHINGS BY JAMES DOBIE. After W. Dendy Sadler. “The Cellar’s Best,” and “The Doubtful Bottle.” TWO MORE. By Herbert Dicksee after Frank Dicksee. “A Rev- erie’ and “Memories.” TWO MORE, SIMILAR. THREE ORIGINAL ETCHINGS. By Herbert Dicksee. “Good-bye,” “Fire Worship- pers” and “Should Auld Acquaintance.” . THREE MORE, SIMILAR. “Silent Sympathy,” “Her First Love” and “Good-bye.” THREE MORE, SIMILAR. “Where’s Master,’ “Raiders” and “Anxious Hearts.” TWENTY MISCELLANEOUS ENGRAVINGS, LITH- OGRAPHS, ETC. Representing Portraits of Martha Washington, Lee, Grant, Wagner, ete. COLORED PHOTO-ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. . SIX COLORED PHOTO-ENGRAVINGS After Alma Tadema, Prescott Davies, Maisson, ete. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Alma Tadema, Defregger, Blommers, etc. 6 er is PAD r (v 237 / yp ek Seah 25. /Q 20. 33. 34, 35. (hx aalie . SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Leader, Schmid, Lautenschlager, etc. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Tadema, Payer, Brack, ete. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Blair, Leighton, Vinea, Bahieu, ete. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Volkhart, Garland, Robandi, etc. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Kiesel, Netileship, Farquharson, ete. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. MeWhirter, Schmid, Sir F. Leighton, ete. . SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Joseph Israels, Van der Meer, R. de Bruycker, ete: . SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Sir Alma Tadema, Andreotti, Claus Meyer, ete. . SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Jacob Maris, Harry Payne, Charles Stuart, etc. . SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Volkhart, Van Poorten, H. von Bartels, etc. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. After Sir Alma Tadema, Andreotti, Claus Mayer, ete. . THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Erdmann, S. L. Fildes, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After W. Hamacher, H. Schlimarski, ete. THREE COLORED ETCHINGS AFTER W. DENDY SADLER. “Constancy,” “The Christening” and “The Morning Gossip.” THREE MORE, SIMILAR. “Constancy,” “For All Time” and “My Love to You.” 7 re - = Sey —— ee re 36. il /6- =A) =~ 87. ii aii {oh 88 HI c~ 39. {il Q i | 41 Hi} a : il ( tik | O, 42. | (oe | i) 43. i ti | il 6 - 44, tH r i ii gt 45. aes. | 46. | es 47. ii i +f, 48. + Vv 1g 49 51. THREE ORIGINAL COLORED ETCHINGS. By Herbert Dicksee, “Raiders,” “Maternal Care” and “Oh, For the Touch of a Vanished Hand.” TWO MORE, SIMILAR. “The King,” “In the Enemy’s Country.” - FOUR COLORED PRINTS. After Romney, Cosway, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Edwin Landseer, ete. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After George Morland, Wheatley, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, Watts, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After John Hoppner, Gainsborough, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, Morland, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After John Hoppner, Rembrandt, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR After Sir Thomas Lawrence, Greuze, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After George Romney, Gainsborough, ete. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Mme. Le Brun, Romney, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, Romney, etc. . FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Linnell, Ziem, etc. . THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Rembrandt and Raphael. FOUR MORE, ASSORTED. After Raphael, Reynolds, ete. 8 ~— 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. FIVE MORE, SIMILAR. After Reynolds, Hoppner, Gainsborough, etc. TWO MORE After George Morland. TEN MISCELLANEOUS COLORED ETCHINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC. NINE MORE, SIMILAR. SPORTING PRINTS. SIX HUNTING SCENES. After Tom Blinks, Heywood Hardy and Strutt. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. FOUR MORE. Representing Hunting and Racing, after Tom Blinks. FOUR COLORED COACHING SCENES. Two McQueen’s coaching prints, and one each after H. Alken and Gilbert S. Wright. FOUR COACHING SCENES. Aquatint by C. Hunt, after W. Summers. Another by Pyall after G. Morton. Two McQueen’s Coachings by C. A. Stock, after H. Alken. Modern impressions, colored. THE QUORN HUNT. Seven of a set of eight. By F. C. Lewis, after H. Alken. Modern impressions in color. HUNTING SCENES. Set of four. Aquatints by C. Bentley, after H. Alken. Modern impressions in color. THE FIRST STEEPLE CHASE ON RECORD. Set of four. Aquatints by J. Harris, after H. Alken. Also another coaching print. Modern impressions in color. COACHING SCENES. Three colored prints, after E. L. Henry. 9 yx 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Whe 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. nie 78. COLORED FAC-SIMILES. FOUR COLORED FAC-SIMILES. ; After Charles Sprague Pearce, Henner, ‘etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Perrault, Hernandez, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After William Maris, Rosa Bonheur, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Edward Moran, E. L. Henry, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Charles Sprague Pearce, Hitchcock, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Rosa Bonheur, C. C. Curran, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Fournier, etc. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After W. L. Tylor, B. Fuchs, etc. ORIGINAL COLOR LITHOGRAPHS. FOUR LITHOGRAPHS. In color, after K. Dielitz, George Kampmann, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After Franz Hein, Theodore Hermann, etc. FOUR MORE, SIMILAR. After A. Boecklin, Eugen Osswald, ete. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Karl Bohme, F. Kallmargen, etc. THREE MORE, SIMILAR. After Karl Bohme, A. Zick, etc. TWO MORE. After A. Schinnerer and Schmidt Danzig. 10 yok ce a 79. TWO MORE. After Fritz Thaulow. 80. TWO MORE. After Fritz Thaulow. 81. TWO MORE. After Murillo and Mme. Le Brun. COLORED ARTIST-PROOF MEZZOTINTS AND ENGRAVINGS. CHARLES BIRD 82. CASSANDRA (Lady Hamilton), after George Romney, Mezzotint engraving, printed in color at one printing. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and plate destroyed. 83. ANOTHER, SIMILAR. A. CHABANIAN 84. SHRIMPERS. Etching, printed in colors. Proof signed by the en- graver. 85. HAVEN OF REST. Etching, printed in colors. Proof signed by the en- graver. M. CORMACK 86. MRS. SCOTT MONCRIEFF, after Hoppner. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. 87. TUSCAN ROSES. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. 11 ‘ae ~ 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. W. A. COX MRS. DRUMMOND SMITH, after Gainsborough. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. CARL DUPONT MRS. WELLS, after John Downman. Mezzotint engraving on parchment, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. MRS. YOUNG, after John Downman. Mezzotint engraving on parchment, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. L. EDWARDS JUVENILE RETREAT, after Wheatley. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. CHILDREN BATHING, after Wheatley. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. GILBERT GERRY PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, by Gilbert Stuart. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors at one printing. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. H. T. GREENHEAD CHLOE, after George Morland. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition and the plate de- stroyed. 12 95. JANET, after George Morland. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed a by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. E. M. HESTER 96. LADY CHARLOTTE CAMPBELL. Ne Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. 97. LISTENING, after Greuze. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed L}_ by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. WALLACE HESTER 98. THE ORPHANS, after Greuze. rc Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed Q by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. JULES JACQUET 99. THE BILLET DOUX, after Fragonard. 07 Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. ABEL JAMAS 100. MISS BENNETT, after John Downman. l Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors on parchment. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. 101. LADY ELIZABETH LAMBERT, after John Downman. Se Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors on parchment. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. 13 102. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. PERCY H. MARTINDALE THE MILL, after Rembrandt. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited to 233 copies, and the plate destroyed. . MRS. GEORGE WASHINGTON, after Chappell. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited to 250 copies, and the plate destroyed. MAURICE MILLIERE FEMALE FIGURES. Two original colored etchings. engraver. Proof signed by the JULES PAYRAU LADY ANN CULLING SMITH, after John Downman. Mezzotint engraving on parchment, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. ANOTHER, SIMILAR. MRS. FRAGONARD, after Reynolds. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. SAILOR BOY’S RETURN, after Singleton. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. THE SHIPWRECKED SAILOR, after Singleton. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. 14 110. fe iia 6/ 112 G. 118. (2 114. jy 115. ( 116. i- 117. 5 Vv M. SAMANAS LA VOUR VERDEM. Etching, printed in colors. Proof signed by the en- graver. HERBERT SEDCOLE THE PROFFERED KISS, after Lawrence. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate de- stroyed. F. G. STEVENSON . MASTER HOPPNER, after Hoppner. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited to 25 copies, and the plate destroyed. EUGENE TILY MRS. SHERIDAN, after Gainsborough. Mezzotint engraving, printed in colors on parchment. Proof signed by the engraver. Limited edition, and the plate destroyed. MISCELLANEOUS. THREE MISCELLANEOUS ARTISTS’ PROOFS IN COLORS. Signed by Ridgway Knight, Hans Herrmann and Tris- tan Richards. THREE MORE. Signed by B. Bielefeld and L. P. Lobin. THREE MORE. Signed by V. Winthrop Newman. TWO MORE. Signed by Claude H. Rowbotham and E. L. Laurenson. 15 LiGe 118. 119. 120° 121. 122. 124. 125. 126. 127 . 128. WATER COLORS. R. S. BROWER SIX MISCELLANEOUS WATER COLORS of various sizes. FIVE MORE, SIMILAR. FRANCIS DRUMMOND IN THE CATHEDRAL, Oxford. Water color, signed. 18 x 12 inches. FIVE ASSORTED COLORED PRINTS, FRAMED. SIX MORE, SIMILAR. ORIGINAL ETCHINGS, FRAMED. AXEL HAIG 3. VERONA. Original etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. Framed in Flemish oak. CATHEDRAL OF CHARTRES, No. 6. Original etching. Signed proof on Japan paper, in gold frame. CORNER OF SEVILLE. Original etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. Framed in Gothic carved wood gold frame. ALBANY E. HOWARTH INTERIOR OF DURHAM CATHEDRAL. Original etching. Signed proof on Japan paper, in ebonized frame. ORIGINAL ETCHINGS, UNFRAMED. ANDREW F. AFFLECK OLD CATHEDRAL OF BALTIMORE. Original etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. ANOTHER, SIMILAR. 16 me No. 373. BLIND MAN’S BUFF By AcHILLE Foutp JOHNSTONE BAIRD 129. ON THE DEE. Original etching. Signed proof on thin English laid ly paper. FRANK BRANGWYN 130. FEAST OF LARAZUS. Ww Original etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. H. SCOTT BRIDGWATER 131. THE MOTHER. Etching, after Frank Dicksee. Proof signed by both artists. C. CHAUVEL 132. LOCH KATRINE. A Original etching, after J. McWhirter. Signed proof on parchment. 133. WOODED BANKS OF THE THAMES. Original etching, after B. W. Leader. Signed proof on parchment. A. BRUNET-DEBAINES 134. A PEACEFUL DAY. Original etching. Signed proof on parchment. HERBERT DICKSEE 135. THE ROAD TO THE VILLAGE. Original etching. Signed proof on vellum. FRANK L. EMMANUEL 136. ST. VALIERE SUR SOMME. Original etching. Signed proof on O. W. P. & A. C. L. A paper. iW <<) ‘ 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. HENRY SANDHAM, R.C.A. American, 1842-1912. ROCKY COAST. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. WALTER SATERLEE, A.N.A.; A.W.C.S. American, 1844-1908. MENDING THE NET. Signed. Height, 1914 inches; width, 13% inches. W. G. SCHNEIDER American, 1863-1912. AUTUMN. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. E. M. SCOTT, N.Y.W.C.C. Contemporary American, Painter. JUNE ROSES. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. LOUIS R. SHARP Contemporary American Painter. IN THE CATSKILLS. Signed. Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches. E. G. SIEBER American. AT THE POOL. Signed and dated, 1897. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. 39 WILLIAM T. SMEDLEY, N.A.; A.W.C.S. Contemporary American Painter. 305. AT BAT HARBOR. Signed and dated, 1892. Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches. GEORGE H. SMILLIE, N.A.; A.W.C.S. Contemporary American Painter. 306. REZZONICO, LAKE COMA. Signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 20 inches. HENRY B. SNELL, N.A.; A.W.C.S. Contemporary American Painter. 307. A BREEZE IN THE BAY. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 14 inches. A. H. SONN American. 308. THE MOOR. Signed and dated, 1894. Height, 74 inches; width, 614 inches. A. BARBER STEPHENS Contemporary American Painter. 309. ELAINE. Initials, “A. B. S.” Height, 13 inches; width, 84 inches. JAMES SYMINGTON, A.W.C:S. Contemporary American Painter. 310. A PORTRAIT. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. 40 J. C. THOM American, 1835-1898. 311. GATHERING FLOWERS. Signed. Height, 10} inches; width, 1514 inches. hb C. M. TRACY Contemporary American Painter. 312. A SETTER. Signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 13 inches. iC A. M. TURNER, A.W.C.S. American. 313. OCTOBER. Signed and dated, 1899. If Height, 1334 inches; width, 1014 inches. CHARLES Y. TURNER, N.A.; A.W.C.S. Contemporary American Painter. 314. IN THE ORCHARD. Signed and dated, 1882. ; Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. /yY- ROSS TURNER Contemporary American Painter. 315. THE OLD GARDEN. Signed and dated, 1910. Height, 2714 inches; width, 21 inches. )- DOUGLAS A. VOLK, N.A. Contemporary American Painter. 316. GATHERING MISTLETOE. : Signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 734 inches. ae 41 CHARLES VOLKMAR Contemporary American Painter. 317. THE DUCK POND. Signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 17 inches. J. ALDEN WEIR, N.A.; A.W.C.S. Contemporary American Painter. 318. THE HILLSIDE IN SPRING. Signed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 17 inches. WILLIAM J. WHITTEMORE, A.N.A.; A.W.C.S. Contemporary American Painter. 319. CAPE ANN. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. GUSTAVE WEIGAND Contemporary American Painter. 320. EDGE OF THE WOOD. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. J. THOMPSON WILLING Contemporary American Painter. 321. NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS. Signed and dated, 1889. Height, 24 inches; width, 1614 inches. EDMUND WINHAM American. 822. THE ROAD IN WINTER. Signed and dated, 1907. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. 42 K. WITKOWSKI American, 1859-1910. 823. THE STREET URCHIN. Signed. Height, 734 inches; width, 434 inches. } ‘G SIDNEY J. YARD American. 324. LIVE OAKS NEAR MONTEREY. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 1714 inches. yy ENGLISH SCHOOL. GEORGE BARKER Contemporary English Painter. 325. CLEFT ROCK, SCOTLAND. aa Signed and dated, 1904. by - Height, 25 inches; width, 3614 inches. 43 THIRD SESSION Friday Evening, January 28, 1916, at 8:15 o’clock Lots 326 to 390 OIL PAINTINGS. M. BARTOLUZZI English. 326. AUTUMN. Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches. A. DUPRAT French. 327. VENICE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 32 inches; width, 21 inches. R. L. JOHNSON American. 828. CATTLE GRAZING, SPRINGTIME. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. MRS. A. L. WYANT Contemporary American Painter. 829. AUTUMN. Canvas. Inscribed with monogram, “A. L. W.” Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. G. BELLEI French. 330. A GOOD DRINK. Canvas. Signed. Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. 44 DFA. CloARTLZ Dutch, 1837-1890. 331.. DUCKS. Panel. Signed. Height, 814 inches; width, 13 inches. i. ; LEON DABO Contemporary American Painter. 332. 23rp STREET FERRY, HUDSON RIVER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 27 inches; width, 36 inches. eee JULIAN RIX American, 1851-1903. 333. SILVER BIRCHES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 36 inches; width, 18 inches. /wv~ GEORGE INNESS, Jr., N.A. American, 1854— 334. CATTLE AT THE POOL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches. jim GUSTAVE WEIGAND Contemporary American Painter. 835. THE OLD OAK. Yor Canvas. Signed. Height, 40 inches; width, 48 inches. 45 ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. Contemporary American Painter. 336. ROCKY HILL SIDES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. Ge B. W. LEADER, R.A. British, 1831— 337. LANDSCAPE. Academy board. Signed and dated 1878. Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches. yn E. A. PIOT Contemporary French Painter. 338. THE BRIDESMAID. Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches, / Ss THEODORE ROBINSON American. 339. STREET SCENE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. ony P. L. N. GROLLERON French, 1850-1901. 340. THE FALLEN STANDARD BEARER. : Canvas. Signed. Height, 814 inches; width, 12 inches. 6 0- a 343. AUTUMN. ROSA BONHEUR French, 1822-1899, FAWN AT REST. Canvas. Signed. Height, 634 inches; width, 10 inches. Seal of the Rosa Bonheur Sale on the back. FRANCESCO VINEA Italian, 1846— IDEAL FIGURE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, F. S. CHURCH American, 1842— 1414 inches. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1514 inches; width, 23 inches. DESIRE LUCAS Contemporary French Painter. 344. DUTCH INTERIOR. Canvas. Signed. Height, 2114 inches; width, 17 inches. GEORGE H. McCORD American, 1848-1909. 345. GLOUCESTER, MASS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 34 inches; width, 4372 inches. 341. 4s 842. “ii ,. VI ay, A £4 VEN 47 HOMER MARTIN, N.A. American, 1836-1897. 346. TREES. Canvas. Height, 12 inches; width, 12 inches. Purchased directly from the artist. RALPH A. BLAKELOCK American, 1847— 347. FISHING. Canvas. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. 1 FRANK DE HAVEN Contemporary American Painter. 348. MOONLIGHT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 2014 inches; width, 24 inches. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET French, 1846-1909. 349. HEAD OF GIRL. Panel. Signed. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. ye” F. J. WAUGH Contemporary American Painter. 350. DAYBREAK. Canvas. Signed. Height, 29 inches; width, 201% inches. ie 7 48 H. VAN ASSCHE Belgian, 1774-1841. 351. A LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 26 inches. Lye ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD, N.A. Contemporary American Painter. 852. THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. Academy board. Height, 10 inches; width, 12 inches. Purchased directly from the artist. WALTER SHIRLAW, N.A. American, 1838-1909. 353. WOOD INTERIOR. Canvas. Signed. Height, 13 inches; width, 24 inches. GEORGE H. McCORD American, 1848-1909. 354. SUNSET, CORNWALL COAST. Canvas. Signed and dated 1907. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. R. LINDERUM German. 355. THE CHART. Panel. Signed. Height, 24 inches; width, 1714 inches. 49 F. S. CHURCH Contemporary American Painter. 356. MARSHY LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 25 inches. W. B. DAVIS Contemporary American Painter. 357. DREAMING. Canvas. Signed. Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches. RALPH A. BLAKELOCK American, 1847— 358. LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 414 inches; width, 7 inches. SIR PETER LELY English, 1617-1680. 359. THE DUCHESS OF BEDFORD. Canvas. Height, 49 inches; width, 40 inches. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. F. W. WATTS English, 1817-1904. 360. OLD CHELSEA BRIDGE. Panel. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches, 50 A. P. LUCAS Contemporary American Painter. 361. NOCTURNAL LANDSCAPE. | Canvas. Signed and dated 1902. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. WALTER SHIRLAW, N.A. | American, 1838-1909. | 362. CHEYENNE INDIANS. Panel. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 4 WY : MICHAEL ANGELO DA CARAVAGGIO | Italian, 1569-1609. 363. MOTHER AND CHILD. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. J. B. C. COROT French, 1796-1875. 364. PORT DE DINAN. Canvas. Signed and dated 1868. Height, 1414 inches; width, 10 inches. us ROSA BONHEUR French, 1822-1899. 365. THE TIGER. ye * Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 31 inches. Seal of the Rosa Bonheur Sale on the back. 51 : 367. ‘1 368. yl0- 869. ay 366. RALPH A. BLAKELOCK American, 1847— A LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 5 inches; width, 714 inches. WALTER SHIRLAW, N.A. American, 1838-1909. THE CANAL BOAT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 19 inches; width, 40 inches. JULIAN RIX American, 1851-1903. LANDSCAPE—MAINE FOREST. Canvas. Signed. Height, $2 inches; width, 42 inches. GEORGE INNESS, Jr. Contemporary American Painter. IN THE STABLE. Academy board. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. CORNELIS VAN CEULEN JANSSENS Flemish, 1590-1664. 370. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Canvas. Dated 1629. Height, 28 inches; width, 33 inches. 52 G. B. WILCOCK English. 371. NORWICH OAKS. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 36 inches. ) 40 | JULIAN RIX American, 1851-1903. 372. MARINE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 32 inches; width, 42 inches. /00- ACHILLE FOULD French 373. BLIND MAN’S BUFF. Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches. (See Illustration). RALPH A. BLAKELOCK American, 1847— 374. WOODLAND, MOONLIGHT. Panel. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 6% inches. f \ bN GEORGE ELMER BROWNE Contemporary American Painter. 375. STREET SCENE, MOONLIGHT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 33 inches; width, 40 inches. /y Has 53 MARIE DIETERLE Contemporary French Painter. 376. CATTLE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1414 inches; width, 21 inches. J. H. WEISSENBRUCK Dutch, 1824-1903. 377. RIVER VIEW. Panel. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 1814 inches. WILLIAM RITSCHEL Contemporary American Painter. 378. THE SEA WEED GATHERERS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. WALTER SHIRLAW American, 1838-1909. 379. THE PERGOLA. Canvas. Signed. Height, 17% inches; width, 30 inches. G i ra Fa BRUCE CRANE, N.A. Contemporary American Painter. 380. AUTUMN MEADOWS. {407 Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. 54 381. / bo~ 382. yo rf 383. S S 384. J. H. WEISSENBRUCK Dutch, 1824-1903. | LANDSCAPE. Panel. Signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 15 inches. THOMAS HUDSON English, 1701-1779. PORTRAIT. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 4614 inches. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. WILLIAM STEELINK Dutch, 1856— THE RETURN TO THE FOLD. Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 inches; width, 39 inches. (See Illustration). GASTON GUIGNARD Contemporary French Painter. CATTLE HOMEWARD BOUND. Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 40 inches. FREDERICK A. BRIDGEMAN, N.A. American, 1847— . MONACO. Canvas. Signed. Height, 43 inches: width. 56 inches. 55 hr7 Cus fra- V. DEVILLE Contemporary English Painter. 386. SALMON POACHERS. Signed and dated 1905. Height, 3714 inches; width, 49'4 inches. JAMES M. HART, N.A. American, 1828-1901. 387. MIDSUMMER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 32 inches; width, 45 inches. (See Frontispiece). JOSE WEISS Contemporary English Painter. 388. LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 39 inches; width, 61 inches. WILLIAM T. RICHARDS American, 1833-1905. 389. ROCK BOUND COAST. Canvas. Signed and dated 1884. Height, 35 inches; width, 61 inches, JULIUS L. STEWART Contemporary American Painter. 390. LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 34 inches; width, 60 inches. 56 | | STM oe 7 = = f ; ret ‘ ; ; iy og tik oo a Pare ENE TS AR as HE rine ee re STS esas wees ALEXANDER PRESS uf I = ST. NY 16-116 W. 27TH