LIBRARY M Kooedler® Co. 14 East 57th St. New York ¥ wot : = . y Wh 2 r ey # 4 ee Pet: h y ee Re ¢ J / DOUGLAS TAYLOR PRINTER, 89 NASSAU ST., Nu Ye FIRST NIGHTS SALE, Tuesday, February rith, at 8 oClock promptly, AY THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, PAINTINGS, WATER-COLORS, DRAWINGS, &c. REMBRANDT. goz ST. JOHN PREACHING. Etching. EHNINGER, John W. 903 CORN HUSKING. 904 MILKING TIME. gos FEEDING THE PIGS. 906 CUTTING THE MAIZE. India Ink Drawings. VAN DER MEER, Jr., J. 907 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE, and Companion. Drawings. 4 W ATER-COLORS. 908 PORTRAIT OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. Colored Engraving by Sokolnicki, after the design of Tadée Kosciusko, go9 IO UND JUPITER. Engraving. WM. H. gto COUNTRY GIRL. Water-Color. FRENCH SCHOOL. gII THE BOUDOIR. ‘Water-Color. BLANC, JOSEPH. gi2 AT THE WELL: Water-Color. THWAITES, W. H. 913 HIGHLAND LANDSCAPE. Water-Color. PERLBERG, R., Munich. 914 TOLEDO CATHEDRAL. O15 CAMP: AND RUINS: Water-Colors. W ATER-COLORS. FARRER, H. 916 COAST SCENE, Water-Color. WANDESFORDE, J. B. 917 THE OLD BRIDGE. Water-Color. BUCKLER, J. C., R. A. 1770-1851. 918 SCENE IN VENICE. Water-Color. MACLISE, Daniel, R. A. 1811-1870. 919 GIPSY FORTUNE-TELLER. Water-Color. MACLISE. 920 GIPSY MUSICIAN. Water-Color. O21 Sh 924 TES 927 W ATER-COLORS AND PAINTINGS. MACLISE. GIPSY) CAMP. Water-Color. MACLISE. AT THE SPRING, Water-Color. CARLO DOLCI SCHOOL. HOLY FAMILY. Water-Color. Carved Wood Frame. GAMBA DE PREDOUR. FRENCH MILKMAN. Water-Color. ITALIAN LANDSCAPE. Carved Frame. FLEMISH SCHOOL. DUTCH INTERIOR. COMPANION PICTURE. PAINTINGS. TISCHBEIN, J. H. 1722-1789. 928 GARDEN PARTY. 929 COMPANION PICTURE. EISEN, C. D. J. 1720-1778. 930 JUPITER AND CALYPSO. ' This Drawing has been engraved. WEIR, J. Alden. 931 ROSES. WOODS. Pupil of Turner. 932 MISTY MORNING ON THE TWEED. BONNINGTON, H. J. 1811-1865. 933 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. Purchased at the Royal Academy Exhibition, London, 1851. 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 PAINTINGS. CHARTRAND, Ph. TROPICAL LANDSCAPE. CHARTRAND, Ph. COAST SCENE. Circular Plaque. DUTCH SCHOOL. DR. FAUST. ITALIAN SCHOOL. HEAD OF A PATRIARCH. ITALIAN. HEAD. Fragment from a larger painting. ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. FIVE DESIGNS FOR FRESCOES IN THE ANTWERP STATE HOUSE. PANDORA, &c. PAINTINGS. 941 OLD FLOWER PIECE. 942 ENGLISH VILLAGE SCENE. TENIERS, D. (Copy.) 943 DUTCH TAVERN SCENE. CROME, John, or “OLD CROME,” R. A. £7090-1521, 944 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. DIAZ, N. 945 LE TROUPEAU DANS LA FORET. Painting on Copper. OSTADE, A. J. Van. 1610-1685. 946 THE SMOKER. MAY, E. H. 947 THE KNIGHT. Paris, 1850. IO 948 949 95° Dp PAINTINGS. MAY, E. H. CGENONE. ITALIAN. PURIFICATION OF THE VIRGIN. BYZANTINE. BETRAYAL OF CHRIST. From the Maitland Collection BEAULIEU, F. LANDSCAPE: (1872: Environs of Nemours. SHATTUCK, A. D. LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. DUTCH SCHOOL. PORTE BLANCHE, UTRECHT. Numerous seals on back, but artist unknown. 954 955 956 957 958 959 PAINTINGS. Tt SPANISH SCHOOL. CHRIST AND THE TWELVE APOSTLES. Purchased from the Canon of the’ Cathedral at Lima, where it had been for two hundred years. HENNEKER, O. LANDSCAPE. HAMOCK. MUSIDORA. BUTLER, George B. CAT AND KITTENS. OSTADE, A. J. Van. 1610-1685, INTERIOR OF DUTCH TAVERN. VANDER HULST, Pieter. “CHEMICAL LABORATORY. SECOND NIGHTS SALE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY “12TH, at [Gio croc AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. VAN DER CAPELLE, Jan. 960 COAST SCENE. WOUVERMANS. 96: HOLLAND COTTAGE. Carved frame. VERHEYDEN, F. 962 THE OLD PRIEST. VELASQUEZ (after). 963 HEAD OF WOMAN. From the Beaumont Collection. SASSOFERRATO. 1605-1685. 964 MADONNA. PAINTINGS. TIEPOLO, G. B. 1692-1770. 965 THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN. Carved frame. TASSI, Augustino. Master of Claude Lorraine. 1566-1642. 966 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE. RUYSDAEL, J. 1630-1682. 967 STREET SCENE IN ANTWERP. Painted in 1682. ; ROOS, Phillip, called ROOS DA TIVOLI. 1655-1705. 968 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. Painting on Copper. PORTA, Guiseppe, called SALVIATI. 1520-1580 969 BIRTH OF CHRIST. METRKERCHEBE, P. 970 FRUIT. Painted in 1660. 14 971 972 973 974 976 PAINTINGS. MORLAND, George. 1763-1804. OLD INN. ITALIAN, XVI. Century. THE CRUCIFIXION, Curious frame, with stone and filagree setting HALS, Franz. 1580-1666. PORTRAIT OF GUARDI, Francesco. 1712-1793. ST. MARK’S, VENICE. DIETRICH, C. W. E. 1712-1774. S eer AAT ES. This painting has been engraved. HOBBEMA, Meindert. 1638-1709. HOLLAND LANDSCAPE, OFF 978 979 980 g8I 982 on PAINTINGS. I GREUZE (after). HEAD OF THE PRINCESS LAMBALLE. CUYP, Aelbert. 1605-1691. LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. HERRING, J. F., R. A. 1795-1865. FARM YARD. HOET, Gerard. 1648-1733. MARRIAGE OR BETROTHAL SCENE. Painting on Copper. JOHNSON, Eastman. INTERIOR OF WASHINGTON’S KITCHEN. MAN, Cornelius. 1621-1706. INTERIOR OF GUARD HOUSE. TOae PAINTINGS. RICCI, Sebastian. 1659-1734. 983 DEATH OF ST. JOSEPH. SMIRKE, Robert. 1752-1845. 984 INITIATION TO THE MYSTERIES OF ISIS. 985 THE FINAL RESIGNATION OF PREJUDICES. 986 PRISON SHIP. These are the original designs for the engravings in the Columbiad. DENIERS),, Jr. David 1610-1694. 987 A GAME OF BOWLS. Painted in 1671. VAN DE VELDE. 1610-1693. 988 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. Purchased at the sale of the Cardinal Fiesch. WILLAARTS, Adam. 1577-1660. 989 DEPARTURE OF THE PILGRIMS FROM DELFT. 999 uot 992 A PAINTINGS. 17 WOUVERMAN, Philip. 1614-1668. HORSES AT THE DRINKING TROUGH. ITALIAN—XVI. CENTURY. THE LAST SUPPER. PORTRAIT OF ROBERT BURNS AS A YOUTH. This portrait was painted for Mary Campbell, otherwise ‘‘ Highland Mary.” It was brought to this country by Mrs. Cunningham (first cousin of Burns’ sweetheart) from Androssan, in Scotland, and by her given to Dr. Barlow, her physician, in 1850. Mrs. Cunningham was over gO years old when she died, and though she persistently refused to sell the picture, desired to have its record preserved. The name of the artist, however, had been forgotten, and though once fairly traced, has not been recorded. LE BRUN, Charles. 1619-1690. FAMILY OF DARIUS AND ALEXANDER. A design for Tapestry made at the Gobelin factory while Le Brun was director. 9904 995 996 997 998 PAINTINGS. BELLINI, Giovanni. 1426-1516. VIRGIN AND CHILD, ST. MARGUERITE AND SIT. CATHERINE. Taken from a Gallery in Silesia by the troops of Napoleon, but after © returned. On the endorsement of Sir Charles Eastlake it was secured by the late owner. BONHEUR, Peyrol. CAT AND KITTENS. BONHEUR, Peyrol. BriCH AN Dares TENIERS, Jr., David. 1610-1694. HOLLAND VILLAGE. CONSTABLE, John, R. A. 1776-1837. THE RIVER TAVY AT TAVISTOCK. PAINTINGS. CRESWICK, Thomas, R. A. 1811-1869. 999 - THE TROUT POOL. DUPE oolo, |. ~. 1725-1802. 5 1000 PORTRAIT OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Pastel. BOTH, John. 1610-1650, IOOI ITALIAN LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES. MURILLO, Bart. Est. 1618-1671. Beccs SHEPHERDS. From the Bickoff collection, St. Petersburg. 19 20 PAINTINGS. POUSSIN, Nicholas. 1594-1665. 1003 +~=9ST. JOHN PREACHING. In monochrome, signed. The figures are portraits of the entire Poussin family, Nicholas repre- senting himself on the right of the picture with a portfolio under his arm. The painting was brought to this country early in the century by an Italian nobleman who came with the intention of making large invest- ments in Western lands. Becoming involved in this and other finan- cial transactions he was imprisoned for debt in New York. He was released from jail by the father of the late Desbrosses Hunter to whom this fobleman had brought strong letters of introduction, and when on his return to Italy the money advanced was returned through Le Roy, Bayard & Co., this picture accompanied the draft as a token of his gratitude. STUART, Gilbert. 1754-1828. 1004 PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON. HERRING, John Frederick, R. A. 1795-1865. 1005 FEEDING THE HORSE. The female figure is intended to represent Queen Victoria. MP IN F 1006 RAISING OF LAZARUS. 1007 1008 100g IOIO IOrt PAINTINGS. 21 CONSTABLE, John, R. A. 1776-1837. LANDSCAPE. HEAD WATERS OF THE LEWISTON RIVER. From the Edgar Mitchell Collection. NICHOLAS BERGHEM. 1620-1683. LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. FLINCK, Govaert. 1614-1660. Pupil of Rembrandt. HEAD OF A NOBLEMAN. DOLCI, Carlo. 1618-1686. MADONNA. A brilliant example. CUYP, Aelbert. 1605-1601. LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. An exquisite example of this artist. Be? PAINTINGS. TITIAN VICELLI. 1477-1576. IOI2 SLEEPING VENUS. Painted for Prince Luduvici. During the French occupation of Rome this painting was brought into the camp of the French commander by a priest who assured him it was an original which had been relegated to one of the upper chambers of the Vatican by that Pope who, objecting to nude works of art, had caused their removal from prominent places. Mr. Paul Forbes, then a guest of the French commander, purchased the picture, brought it to America, and afterwards parted with it to Mr. Barlow. Other proof existed in seals, &c., on the back of the canvas, but in re lining the painting this evidence was probably lost. VANDYCK, Sir Anthony. 1599-1641. 1013 THE CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. Prince Charles (afterwards Charles I.) and the Princesses Maria and Elizabeth. Originally in the Collection of the Earl of Shrewsbury, from there it passed into the possession of the Countess of Blessington, at whose sale it was purchased by Thos. W. Kennard, of London. Although there are five replicas of this famous painting, this example presents the difference of a Latin inscription giving the names and ages of the three children. IOT4 THE ORIGINAL CHALK DRAWING of the above Painting taken from life, and probably the only work of the painter in the presence of the children, Purchased from Sir Charles Eastlake in 1878. IOTS AN ENGRAVING sy SIR ROBERT STRANGE from the replica of the above Painting in Kensington Palace. Fine impression, GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE ELL 3 3125 01662 6661 art santos ‘ : pm taren ge te ~ ra ee a See : : : bi are = x ee Ai "eat eel are sie Ne Syeciet eae Ce ee ree ee ed tem eto eh Oe ee 6S ee oS ee re Se ae BCA. AE mn oe a. a eee eee ba = em