| | HAD MIPSHIRE W K: ‘Am 3 ne “INTER. LBtARY i RX NUMISMATIC c Noes” Roy ae 5. | AND MONOGRA des V5 ine Pay qf No. 34 “THE. SECOND AND THIRD * SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE - EDGAR ROGERS THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY _ BROADWAY AT IS6TH STREET | NEW YORK | iya7 | » PUBLICATIONS The American Journal of Numismatics, 1866-1920. . ‘Monthly, May, 1866-April, 1870 ‘Quarterly, July, 1870-October, 1912. Annually, 1913-1920. : With many plates, illustrations, maps and tables . Less than a dozen complete sets of the Jour- nal remain on hand. Prices on application. The numbers necessary to complete broken sets may in most cases be obtained.’ An index to the first fifty volumes has been issued as part of Volume LI. It may also be purchased separately for $3.00. —_— — The American Numismatic Society. Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Contempo- _ rary Medals. March, 1910. New and revised edition. New York. IQII. xxxvi, 412 pages, 512 illustrations. $10.00. The American Numismatic Society. Exhibition of United States and Colonial Coins. I914. vii, 134 pages, 40 plates. $1.00. . = ’ £ Eee > MAT I OC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS NuMISMATIC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS is devoted to essays and treatises on sub- jects relating to coins, paper money, medals and decorations, and is uniform with Hispanic Notes and Monographs published by the Hispanic Society of America, and with Indian Notes and Monographs issued by the Museum of the American Indian—Heye Foundation. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE AcneEs BAtpwin Brett, Chairman W. Gepney BEATTY Henry Russet, Drowne Joun ReItty, Jr. EDITORIAL STAFF SYDNEY Puitip Nog, Editor How.anp Woop, Associate Editor ° THE SECOND. AND THIRD SBLEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE ’s) BY > EDGAR ROGERS b | Q, Ne Bt Qn & o SoH x D 00 Ey § can x ' é : NH AN , a , ~ . ny | it> | = ee, i 23 ’ a vay 14 es : uy te Ge. : ea) ‘ ¢ > t} iaten. “ ; ri « Ys Fe ‘ wy ‘. “y , re x ; ‘ 5 a ‘ \) THE AME RICAN NUMI a THE SECOND AND THIRD SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE FOREWORD In accepting the generous invitation of Mr. Edward T. Newell, President of the American _ Numismatic Society, to continue his investigation into the Seleucid Mint of Tyre, some sort of ex- planation should be made. My interest in the Seleucid mint of Tyre began, as philosophy is said to begin, in wonder. A good many years ago grave doubts arose in my mind as to whether a tetra- drachm of Antiochus III, apparently bearing the recognized monogram of Tyre, was really issued from that mint at all. The authorities of the day said it was: I ventured to think it was not and so began to study the mint of Tyre. As my numis- matic studies are compelled to be intermittent from the very nature of my calling, Mr. Newell was able to anticipate me and reached conclusions after which I had been blindly groping. . From Antiochus III to Demetrius I, Mr. Newell has elucidated the coinage of Tyre. The historical value of his conclusions is incalculable. Without them the numismatic history of Tyre is nonsense I 2 THE SECOND AND Trim and any classification of the Seleucid series merely fantastic. Further, the principles he has outlined for the earlier coinage, if applied generally, will solve many of.the puzzles and make this wonderful Seleu- cid series an open book. The coinage for Tyre has been classified by Mr. Newell up to the beginning of the reign of Alexander Balas. My work begins. at that point and endeavors to throw some light on certain of the questions which arise. THE SECOND COINAGE From Alexander Balas onward, the activities of the Seleucid mint of Tyre are perfectly straight- forward. There are no problems of min cee ae which is the real fun of numismatics. The minor problems are possibly, from the nature of the case, totally insoluble. I have made an at- tempt to solve one of them, but I claim no finality for the solution I propose. After the defeat and death of Demetrius I, the ~ Saviour, the mighty hunter of the House of Seleucus, Alexander Balas, the putative son of Antiochus Epiphanes became the Greek King in Syria. He owed his victory and his throne to the powerful support of Ptolemy Philometor of Egypt. How real that support was may be gauged from the fact that as soon as ever Alexander was established in his kingdom, Ptolemy forced him to marry his daughter Cleopatra, and the Seleucid court was removed from Antioch to Ptolemais, where the SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 3 marriage took place “with great pomp, as the man- ner of kings is.’ This Egyptian alliance had an fanediate effect upon the coinage of Tyre. A new standard of weight was introduced and a new type, both Ptolemaic. As far as Tyre is concerned, the second coinage, which lasted from B. C. 151/150 (A.S. 162) until B.C. 126/125 (A.S. 187), may well be said to have begun and ended with Cleopatra. This infamous woman, successively the wife of Alexander Balas, Demetrius II and Antiochus VII, granted Tyre its freedom as a reward for the murder of her second husband. Her twenty-five years of political intrigue cover the period of the second coinage. Both silver and copper coins were issued, the for- mer certainly in abundance. No gold has come to light. The silver denominations are the tetra- drachm, the didrachm the drachm and the half drachm. The copper, following the very wise prec- edent of Mr. Newell, are the chalkous, the hemi- chalkous, the dilepton and possibly the lepton. The prototype of the silver coins is the ordinary Lagid tetradrachm of the Ptolemaic Kings in Egypt. The obverse is always the king’s portrait and the reverse is the eagle on the prow of a galley with a palm-branch except in the case of the single half drachm known. The copper, in contrast with the usual practice of the Seleucids, has a different type for each denomina- tion, although the obverse is always the King’s 4 THE SECOND AND ‘THIRD portrait. The largest denomination, which is con- veniently called the chalkous, has on the reverse the stern of a galley, usually ornamented with the aph- laston, the half chalkous has the prow and palm, the dilepton has the palm tree with fruit, and the lepton a club, which appears on a single example Be to Antiochus IV in my collection. In view of the difference of this coin I have thought it right to assign the lepton (prow and palm—caps of Dioskouroi) to the mint of Tripolis and to find a rudder rather than a prow on the coins. The distinction of type for different denominations is markedly Phoenician and does not obtain in the money of other Seleucid mints. A persistent feat- ure, especially of the obverse, is a border of dots. This stands out in sharp contrast with the bead and reel border, which was becoming more and more popular upon the monies of Attic weight. It is worth while noting that there exists a tetra- _ drachm of the Phoenician type of Ptolemy Philo- metor of the year B. C. 148 with a monogram, which appears to indicate Ptolemais. It is obviously con- nected with the expedition, which he made into Palestine and Phoenicia to bring to his senses” Alexander Balas, whose dissolute life threatened disaster. The Phoenician mints were in some degree disorganized and a Sidon tetradrachm of Attic weight, remains as witness. Certainly the coins of this year are the rarest in the reign of Alexander. The mint of Tyre had its own idea of the 2 ist 6 THE SECOND AND THIRD At all events the same standard was continued,* even after Tyre regained its freedom, upon autono- mous issues and so long as Imperial Rome authorized silver monies (always provided that the tetra- drachms, ranging from Wespasian to Trajan are rightly attributed to Tyre) with the single exception of what I have ventured to call the third Seleucid Coinage of Tyre. There is however one problem, the most tantaliz- ing of all. That problem is the interpretation of the monograms, which occur upon the coins through- out. They are not numerous and are easy to classify. On the other hand, if once they were really understood, they: would throw a flood of light of the utmost value upon the monetary arrange- ments of the Seleucid Kings. The following table shews all that have come to light. *In the Catalogue des Rois de Syrie a tetradrachm of Alexander Balas (no. 887), although described as a Phoe- nician tetradrachm is stated to weigh 16 gr. 10. As this, if true, would open up an insoluble problem, I wrote to M. Babelon, suggesting it was probably a misprint. With that kindness—to which I personally owe so much—he replied immediately, ‘‘ Le poids est, non pas de 16 gr. 10, comme il est imprimé, mais de 14 gr. 10. Il y a la une simple faute d’impression, puisque la piéce est classée et décrite parmi les tetradrachmes de poids phénicien, et non pas attique: la correction s’impose d’elle-méme.”’ SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 7 Year Monograms Alexander I BHP M1 PEEP ae § AC AHP &B | Fe AL | Fe* EHP el civ) eee Cc HP ee ae se a Demetrius II - 74,P “i 6 "4 H&P ‘i @EP | «| « OP ‘6 ‘6 AOP cb BOP ‘s A TOP ‘i Antiochus VII AOP i Rigs pa “c ZB EOP R & |Al UP oe Pu ZOP pets HOP e @OP ho = » * IT have sometimes suspected that this particular mono- gram is only a malformed monogram {§. 8 THE SECOND AND THIRD Year Monograms Demetrius I] and Reign. TIP ZB) Fe AIP ae Pa BLIP: <4} “ne HP hae ae ZIIP A Ne Se ee Before considering these monograms in detail, there is one fact that should be noted. They occur solely upon the silver money. No bronze of Tyre has any monogram, which could possibly refer to a monetary official. This has an important conse- quence. Babelon (p. cxxiv), discusses the meaning of the monogram € and shews that it is the monogram of the word IEPA, so that with the other constant monogram a¥ and the club sur- mounted by ¥ we have an abbreviated form of the full legend TYPOY JEPAX KAI AX YAOY. This is of course established by a remarkable tetra- drachm and didrachm (see Catalogue of Types, be- low, nos. 39, 40). Such monograms and such a legend, he goes on to say, clearly indicate a royal mint. Where the coins read T'YPIQN then they are issued by municipal authority. With that observation I entirely agree. It therefore follows that in the second coinage of Tyre no Seleucid King ever issued a bronze coin, and that there must have been entirely different con- SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 9 ditions for silver from bronze. This is in no way modified by the fact that there are certain bronze coins of very low denomination (cf. Catalogue of type nos. 26, 42, 45, 47, 96) of which the flans are ob- viously too small to admit the word TYPIQN but they shew neither ¢ nor at. It may be taken for certain then that the Seleucid King was only concerned with the silver issues from the Tyrian mint. Either the right of coining bronze was of little moment or its intrinsic value was so slight as to obviate fraud. Judging from the extra- ordinary fluctuations in weight of what apparently are the same denominations in the whole of the Seleucid coinage, as well as in other series of Greek bronze, the conclusion is inevitable that the bronze coinage must have represented an arbitrary value and been in the nature of a ‘‘token’’ coinage, a position still actually existing today. I recently weighed a five shilling bag of English pennies, all current and in mint condition with the unexpected result that their margin of variation was more than 20 grains. The presence, then, of a monogram on the silver coins may mean that the Seleucid King intended to fix the responsibility for their fineness upon some- body, who might be brought to book for defaulting. While that is true of other Seleucid mints, e. g. An- tioch, I hope to shew why it was not true at Tyre. Again, as in no case does more than one monogram appear upon a coin, it follows that the responsibility might be fixed upon a particular individual or a 10 THE SECOND AND THIRD definite quarter. In the Mint of Antioch and else- where two or three persons sign the monies: but at Tyre a simpler method obtains. Each coin is referable to a single individual or a single quarter. That was a distinctly sound business procedure, appropriate to the Semitic instincts of those in authority at Tyre. | So much is clear, the rest is conjecture. The monograms may stand for officinae as Mr. G. F. Hill suggests in the B.M.C. for Phoenicia, or they may stand for monetary officials of one sort or another. Normally the table of monograms sug- gests that during the days of Alexander Balas and the first reign of Demetrius II, there were two au- thorities responsible, and in the time of Anti- ochus VII and Demetrius II (second reign) three. When circumstances demanded, more were added. Whether these authorities, officials or officinae func- tioned simultaneously or consecutively is net clear. From this point the problem thickens. A cursory examination of the Table shews that for some con- siderable time Fe and & held the ground, and that Fe ZBM from the beginning of the reign of Antiochus VII to the end of the series carried on. Personally I am inclined to believe that B® and 23; = and M respectively represent the same signature. Whether I am right in this or not, at least it is certain that three of these signatures con- tinued to Roman times long after the Seleucid Mint of Tyre was closed and forgotten. Thus Fr runs from 149/8 B.C. to 123/2: ZB from 139/8 B.C. to SELEUCID COINAGE: OF TYRE II 107/6 and M from 151/o0 B.C. to 103/2. hat is rather a wonderful record. There is of course nothing inherently impossible in such lengths of service, and they might be paralleled by many in- stances in individual cases from many mints, but I confess that the longevity of the three principal officials of the Mint of Tyre arouses my suspicions. One patriarch in the service is conceivable but that all the principal officers should have put in forty years’ work is a big proposition to accept. Of course it may be true that a monetary magistracy was an hereditary affair and descended from father to son, and in that case the difficulties of time are overcome: but there is not as yet a scrap of evidence to prove it so. The theory that these monograms stand for officinae, though in some ways attractive, bristles with difficulties. Fr is perplexing. A digamma at this date is almost inconceivable, for what then could Fe stand? I venture a suggestion, though it may appear in the nature of the wildest guess. The Semitic word for “‘first’’ is NWN, which would be written at this date in Tyre approximately thus Liw¥1. The first two letters are perilously like the monogram Fr. Possibly then these constant monograms are intended to represent serial issues, covering certain periods in the year. The objection to regarding them as the signatures of magistrates has already been noted, the argu- ments for rejecting them as the marks of officinae are even more cogent. A careful examination of 12 THE SECOND AND THIRD the dies reveals the fact that the same obverse dies are combined both in the Seleucid and in the auto- nomous mints with reverses bearing different mono- grams, working strictly within the circumference of the three more or less constant monograms. Al- though, there are, no doubt, many other examples, perhaps the following will be sufficient to prove the point. My drachm of C EP with the monogram KB has an obverse identical with that illustrated in the Fenerley Bey Catalogue, 705 with the mono- gram Fe. Mr. Newell has two tetradrachms of Demetrius IT of the year Z&:P with identical obverse dies but with reverses bearing the monograms OB and Fp. In the autonomous series it is hardly worth while to detail instances: a glance at the B.M.C. (Phoe- nicia) will shew that they abound. The conclusion is inevitable. Different officinae would not use the same dies. Whatever else the monograms stand for, they do not stand for officinae. I am equally certain that they do not stand for magistrates. The conclusion to which I am forced is that the munici- pality of Tyre accepted the responsibility for the issue of all monies: for the bronze they had to render no account: for the silver they were referable to the Seleucid King, just so far as he had power to compel. When that power was stable they issued monies with the constant monograms, indicating periods of issue rather than responsible officials: and the same die might easily serve for more than one period through material overlapping and in the two cases SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 13 I have quoted, the signatures are the same viz: BB and Fp. It remains then to try and explain the other monograms. I suggest that the municipality farmed out part of the coinage and the monogram stands for the individual, who had bought or other- wise secured the contract. Such an opportunity for profit would be quite in keeping with Semitic character. Individual enterprise no less in ancient days than in modern has turned a state controlled concern from a dead loss into a paying business. The silver mines in Spain will occur as an example, apposite because it was these very Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon, who were interested. The Roman State found it paid better to farm them out than to work them on their own account. It is further quite natural to assume that before the municipality settled into its stride and realised its privilege of striking coins and even afterwards, when its own machinery was inadequate to meet the demand, it went outside its own arrangements to supplement its issues. The monograms extant in the early days of Alexander Balas bear this out, and an interesting parallel can be found in recent British coinage. In 1918 the royal mint could not cope with the demand for copper. Part of the enormous issue necessary was struck at two private mints. Messrs. Heaton of Birmingham and the King’s Norton Copper Company were pressed into the service and some of the pennies of 1918 and I919 are marked with the letters H or K.N. to 14 THE SECOND AND THIRD| indicate the source of their manufacture.. The coins of Tyre bearing monograms other than the two early constant and the three later constant monograms are infrequent and so suggest some arrangement.of this sort. : There-is only one further point to notice about the second coinage. In the year BOP, that is B.C. 140 or A.S. 172 a tetradrachm and a didrachm of an unusual type were issued. The tetradrachm is il- lustrated in Bab. Pl. XX., 3. On the reverse in the left field is a substantial club instead of the usual club, surmounted with * , and in the field right below the date is the monogram. Most remarkable of all, the circular legend reads BAXIAKQX AH- MHTPIOY as usual, but within it is a second legend in smaller characters, which reads TYPOY IEPA KAI AX YAOY. .The monogram is 4. There is also a didrachm of the same year, probably reading for monogram Fp . It is impossible to account for the change. It may have been an experiment to gratify the young king, who was beginning to assert himself or it may have been some commemorative issue. The fact that it was not continued seems to prove that it lacked popular acceptance. It is entirely confined to one year and judging from its extreme rarity it must have been a very small issue. My conclusion of the matter is that the three constant monograms indicate the yearly order of issue of the monies, something like the Amphora letters on the Athenian coins, or the months on the SELEWCID COINAGE OF TYRE 15 Parthian, or to come right up to date like the figures 3.4.5, which were placed below the date of the English pennies of 1863 in order to indicate a con- secutive series of issues. As complete a catalogue of the known monies ot the second Seleucid coinage of Tyre as is’ possible follows :— ALEXANDER BALAS. BAC. 150-145~ A.S. 162-167. Obv. Diademed head of Alexander to r., chlamys around neck, border of dots. Re. AAKZANAPOY BAXIAEQ® from left to right, circular. Eagle stands to |. on spur of galley; palm branch over right shoulder; in field r. date over monogram; in field 1. club surmounted with monogram of Tyre; border of dots. Mono- De- Daie gram nom. Collection 1. BEP M 4dr. Bab. 887; Newell (PLATE lee av. ok, 1152) Sie eees a s- .. Vacat. | a H f 2 B.M.G. si/1: Bab. 880: Newell (PLATE I); Pozzi 2981-3; Nav. X, 1157-9. ASKe. 2dr. Newell (PLATE I); Nav. X, 1160. . * With the exception of no. 130 on Plate IV and Fig.1-3, the illustrations are all from coins in Mr. Newell’s cabinet. 16 THE SECOND AND THIRD Mono- De- Date gram nom. 5. TEP AC Adr. 6. AHP B& ¢ ve 66 66 8 66 Fp 66 Q. 66 66 2dr Lote AX 4dr 14: BaP &B = 12: "3 2dr TA TeS e Dr. Tite 7.9 4dr 15. bc Fe 66 163 AX Dr. 17, C &P BB 4dr. Collection Bab. 888; Cumberland- Clark 274; Newell (PLATE I). B.M.C. 51/2: Bab. 893; Newell (PLATE I); Nav. a DPOZ. Bab. 891; Newell (PLATE I). Bab. 892; Newell (PLATE OF . Newell. . Newell (PLATE I); Nav. X, 1166. Newell. . Newell (PLATE I). Nav. X, 11737 . Amer. Numis. Society. Petersen Sale, Dec. 1920, no. 190; Pozzi 2984; O- man; Newell (PLATE I); Nav. X, 1171. Newell (PLATE I) (= Nav. X, 1174): Bab. 898; Newel (PLATE I). : + Formerly Rogers’ collection from Fenerly Bey Sale, Vienna, Nov. 1912, Pl. xix, no. 703. Dr. Macdonald published a similar drachm in Zettschr. f. Num., vol. X XIX, Pl. iv, 18 with AY, but I am convinced it is misread for [KB . 18. 19. 25. SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 17 Mono- De- Date gram nom. C =P B 2dr. 4c sé : Dr. s Fp Adr. ims bc 2dr. 4c 46 Dr. ZLEaP 4dr éé Fp 6 Collection Newell. Newell (= Nav. X, 1176) (PLATE II). B.M.C. 51/3; Bab. 896; Hunter 65/61; Pozzi 2985; Newell, Nav. X, 1174. Rouvier 1869. Fenerly Bey, 705. a Aa RA/4e Nay. XM, Lis. Bab. 900; Newell = Nav. MP irs. (PLATE II). BRONZE ISSUE. Obv. Diademed head of Alexander to r., border of dots. Rev. BAXIAKQ> AAKZANAPOY circu- lar. Palm tree with fruit dividing date CHP. Three specimens in Newell Coll. weights: gr. 2.305, 2.54, (PLATE II) 2.225: Rogers gr. 2.00 1. e, Dilepta. DEMETRIUS II (First RErcn). } B.C. 146-138 A.S. 166-175. Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius to r., chlamys around neck; border of dots. 18 26. THE SECOND ANDUIHIRD == Rev. AHMHTPIOY BAXIAEQ2 from left to right, circular. Eagle stands to 1. on spur of galley; palm branch over right shoulder; in field r. date over monogram; in field 1. club surmounted with monograms of Tyre; border of dots. . . Date ZAP POP Mono- gram oe De- nom. Collection 4dr. B.M.C. 58/4; Bab. 955; Newell; Nav. X;,- 1199, 1200. . Newell (PLATE 11); Nav. A; 1204. Bab. 957. Newell (Pate II). B.M.; Newell (PLATE II); Nav: Xy1a0Ra . Bab. 965. . Bab. 964:. . Bab. 963; Nav. X, 1204. Bab. 970. . Hunter 71/24. Bab. 972; Newell (PLATE II). Newell (= Naville X, 1212) (PLATE II); Nav. X, 12Fh Bab. 978. 39: 40. Al. 42. SELEUCID 'COINAGE OF TYRE 19 SPECIAL ISSUE. Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius to r., chlamys round neck, border of dots. — Rey. BAZIAEQY AHMHTPIOY, in inner circle and smaller letters: TY’POY IEPA KAI AX YAOY from left to right circular. Eagle standing to |. on spur of galley, palm branch on right shoulder; in field |. club; in : field r. date over monogram; border of dots. Mono- De- Date gram nom. Collection — - BOP & _— 4dr. Bab. 976. “tre...” 2tr. Berlin:* Obv. Head of Demetrius II with diadem to r. Rev. BAXIAK AHMH Palm tree with fruit; in field 1., OOP. As the weight of this coin is gr. 1.75 it must be a ‘hemidrachm and is the single known example of this denomina- tion. Vienna (cf. Macdonald, Joc. -cit., Pl. iv, 20). BRONZE ISSUES. -DILEPTON. Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius to r., border of dots. Rev. BAXIAEQ* right AHMHTPIOY left.. Palm: tree between LZ-HP. * Dr. Macdonald in Zeitschr. f. Num., vol. X XIX, p. 97, 23, Pl. v, 1. He gives the monogram as C ; but a care- ful examination of the plate shows it to be Fp. 20 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. THE SECOND AND THIRD B.M.; Newell gr. 2.17 and 1.91 (PLATE II). CHALKOUS.. Obv. Similar. Rev. BAXIAEQD AHMHTPIOY LHEP in three lines above stern of galley orna- mented with aphlaston; below TYPIQN me ee, B.M.C. 60/20-23; Hunter 71/25-6; Bab. 980-3; Newell grs. 7.58, 8.44, (PLATE II), 5.485, 5-195; Rogers grs. 7.128. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 43 but date LHEP below prow. B.M.; Rogers grs. 6.24. DILEPTON. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 42 but date HEP. B.M.; Bab. 1246-8; Newell grs. 2.625; 2.225; 2.09; Rogers grs. 1.55; 2.68 CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. . Rev. Similar to 43 but date OHP. B.M.; Hunter 71/27-8; Bab. 984; Newell grs. 5.01; Rogers grs. 6.80. DILEPTON. | Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 42 but date is O2P. Newell gr. 2.07. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 21 Rev. Similar to 43 but date is OP. B.M.; Hunter 71/29. 49. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 43 but date is AOP. Rogers grs. 6.27. ANTIOCHUS VI and TRYPHON. There seems to have been no Seleucid mint at Tyre for either of these reigns. ANTIOCHUS VII. Be 1jo-t29” AS. 174-183. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus to r., chlamys around neck; border of dots. Rev. ANTIOXOY BAXIAEQ® from left to right, circular. Eagle standing to 1. on spur of galley; palm branch over r. shoulder; in field r. A¥ over date; in field 1. # over club surmounted with the monogram of Tyre; monogram between eagle’s legs; border of dots. Mono- De- Date gram nom. Collection 50. AOP fp Hunter 84/57: Newell (PLATE II); Nav. X, 1249. (IE instead of # ) ( at instead of a¥ ) 22 60. 61. 62. 63 Mono-. De- Date gram nom. 51) AOP (ore acar (a¥ and /e) Adr. bb ‘6 2dr. ‘é ZB F ‘6 ; «6 > 4dr SBOP sat : éé A éé 3 66 ce . COP Fp Adr. (at or at ie Or ¢t ) 2dr a > 4dr sé éé 2dr . ZOP Fp Adr. bé ry dé 64. THE SECOND AND THIRD - Collection Bab. 1061. ' Pozzi 2998. B.M.C. 70/3: B.M:; Nave®X, 1250. . Bab. 1060. Newell (PLaTeE II). . ~ Bab. 1072. 3 Newell (PLATE IT). B.M.C. 70/5; Bab. 1088; Hunter 84/58; Pozzi 2999; Newell (PLATE III); Nav. X,' 1253-4. : B.M.C. 70/6; Newell; Nav X, 1255-6. . DB. MECe ois Bab. 1090. . B.M. (Bunbury); Hunter 85/64; Newell (PLATE III); Bab. 1091; Nav. X, 1257. B.M,C. 70/7; .. Hunter 84/59; Newell; Bab. 1099. B.M.C. 70/8; Hunter 84/ 60; Bab.. 1102; Nav. X, 1260-1. SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 2° Mono- De- Date gram” nom. wLOP: 3 2dr. a am) Dre. HOP F 4dr cs ié 2dr. OOP ‘* Adr 46 ‘6 2dr. ‘4 x Adr “é ‘é | 2dr. IIP F& 4dr ies ‘é 2dr. ‘6 Re adr 7 . ‘2dr. AIIP B 4dr bs Fp fw as éé 2dr. ‘6 > ( Fe ?) sé BUP.2 4dr 4a 6c 2dr Qn Collection Bab.- 1102; ' Pozzi « 3000; Newell (PLATE III); Nav. X, 1262-3. Newell (PLATE ITI). . Bab. 1109; Nav. X, 1265- 6; Newell (PLATE III). B.M.C. 70/9; Bab. 11rTo. B.M.C. 70/10; Nav. X, 1267: 3 Rouvier 1906. Nav. X%, 1268. Nav. X, 1269. Bab. 1120; Hunter 85/61; Newell (PLATE III). Bab.-1121; Nav. X, 1270. B.M. Rouvier 1908. . Gagarem Sale Cat. 1912, no. 63. B.M.; Bab. 1124; Nav. X, 1271-2; Newell (PLATE ITI). Nav. X, 1273-4; Newell (PLATE ITT) Egger Sale, 1913, no. 706. Nav. X, 1276-7; Newell (PLATE IIT) — Nav: X, 1278. 24 THE SECOND AND THIRD Mono- De- Date gram nom. Collection 83. BIIP Fr 4dr. B.M.C. 70/11; Hunter 85/ 62; Bab. 11263 Navex, 1275; Newell (PLaTE III). Sai a e 2dr. Hunter 85/65; Rouvier : 1912. 85. THUP B 4dr. B.M.C. 70/12. Shits # 2dr. Newell (PLATE III); Nav. X, 1281. Soto Fr 4dr. Bab. 1137; Nav. X, 1279- 80; Newell (PLATE IV). BRONZE ISSUES. 88. CHALKOUS. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus to r., border of dots. Re. BAXIAEQX ANTIOXOY LAOP above stern of galley; bow TYPIQN 7137; border of dots, B.M. * Coins of Antiochus VII dated AIIP have been published (Rouvier, nos. 1916-7, Bunbury Cat. II, 556). As An- tiochus was killed in Parthia in ['IIP these coins, if ever they were struck, must have been struck after his death. But AIIP is so easily mistaken for AIIP that it may fairly be concluded that these particular coins really read AIIP. Especially is this the case as we have a large series of coins struck by Demetrius at Tyre in T'IIP, and it is not con- ceivable that this mint should have struck monies for both Antiochus VII and Demetrius II for more bie <5 a year after the former’s death! SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 25 89. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 88 but date is ZOP. B.M.,°- Newell gr. 7.92 (PLATE III); Rogers grs. 6.82 90. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 88 but date is HOP. B.M. 91. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 90 but date HOP is Galen galley. B.M.; Newell gr. 8.12 (PLATE IIIT), 5.855. 92. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 90 but date is OOP. Newell gr. 6.80, 6.17. 92a. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. | Rev. Similar tog1 but date is OOP. Rogers gr. 5.63. 93. DILEPTON.ft Obv. Similar. Rev. Spur of galley and palm branch. Below, OOP. +A ‘Lepton,’ Obverse Caps of the Dioscuri, Reverse Prow and palm branch, have been assigned to Tyre both by the British Museum Catalogue (75/70) and by Babelon (1168). ‘This is more probably a coin of Tripolis and there- fore not incorporated here. 26 THE SECOND:‘AND: THIRD = B.M.: Newell gr. 2. 925 pe he 93a. CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. BAZIAEQY AN TIOXOY * IEP a¥ above stem of galley. Below OOP 139. Rogers gr. 6.741. DEMETRIUS II (SEconD REIGN). B.C. 130-125 A.S. 182-187 Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius to r., chlamys around neck; border of dots. ' Rev. AHMHTPIOY BAZIAEQ2® from left to right circular. Eagle standing to 1. on spur of galley; palm branch over its right shoulder; in field r. A over date; in field 1. PE over club surmounted with monogram of Tyre; monogram between eagle’s legs; bor- der of dots. _Mono- De- Date gram nom. Collection . VIP 2B 4dr.. Babsaryys Newell foie IV). | : : 2dr. .B.M.C.. 7G)a5 ie : 1316-Ja4 . “ Fp 4dr. B.M.C. 76/1; Hunter 9o0/ 30; Bab. 1179; Newell; es Nav. X, 1314-5. ‘3 4 2dr. B.M.C. 76/2; Bab. 1178. ALP 2B 4dr. Bab. 1186; Nav. X, 1319; Newell. SELEUCID: COINAGE OF TYRE ay Date Mono- De- gram nom. 99. AIIP Fr... 4dr. 100. IOI, 1G2. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110 It! eee 113: II4. II5. 116. eon 20r: 2 Dr. hee “adr. if 2dr. a Dr. ZB _ Adr. i a 2dr, Fo 4dr. ae 2dr. M 4dr. Bar, B Adr. se adr. Fe 4dr. : 2dr. ' &é Dr: Ni Adr. Collection B.M.C. 76/4; Hunter 90/ esac bab: 13813: NaveuX, 1318; Newell (PLATE IV). Newell; Nav, X, 1322. Bav.is7; Nav, 1323. Dov Babs 1182teNave Xk, 1320-1; Newell. B.M.C. 76/5; Bab. 1185. B.M. B.M.; Hunter 90/32; Nav. X, 1328-9; Newell. Bab. 1202. B.M.C. 76/6; Bab. 1199; Pozzi 3003; Nav. X, 1324; Newell. Bvie.76/8; Babs 12003 Pozzi 3004; Nav. X, 1325; Newell. Bab. 1201; Nav. X, 1326; Newell (PLATE IV). Nave ss 1327: Nav. X, 1336. B.M.C. 76/10. Hunter 90/34; Bab. 1208; Nav. X, 1333-4; Newell. Hunter 90/36; Bab. 1209. »B.M. (Montagu Sale). BM.C, -76/ar "Nav. X, 1332; Newell (PLATE IV). 28 THE SECOND AND THIRD Mono- De- Date gram nom. Collection 117. ZUP 7s 2dr. Newell (PLATE IV). LIS. Fr 4dr. B.M.; Hunter 90/35; New- ell (PLATE IV). k1Q: M1 4dr. B.M.C. 76/11; Bab. 1277; Nav. X, 1337-9; Newell (PLATE IV). 120.5 3 2dr. Nav. X, 1340. BRONZE ISSUES. 121. CHARKOUS Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius to r.; border of dots. Rev. BAXIAEQX AHMHTPIOY *¥ IEP - A¥ in three lines above stern of galley orna- mented by aphlaston; be- low AIIP 189: border of dots. E. Rogers grs. 5.90. Bab. Pl. xx, 5 is probably a similar coin as cast M. Babelon has sent me clearly shows; but the date is ‘TIP, it might be EIIP. | 122. HALF CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. BAZIAEQ> AHMHTPIOY *¥ IE; in three lines above spur of galley and palm branch; below, AIIP 189; border of dots. Bab. 1245; Newell gr.3.49; Rogers gr. 4.08. SELEUCGCID COINAGE OF TYRE 29 Pete eaALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Reo, BAZIAHQ> AHMHTPIOY *¥ IEP AX in three lines above galley tol.; below, EIIP 189: border of dots. ihegers- or. 8.58 (Fig. 2, facing p. 4). Newell gr. 6.37, 5.255. 2A LP CHALKOUS.* Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to no. 122 but date is EKIIP. Newell gr. 3.82, 2.87. (PLATE IV). 124a. HALF CHALKOUS. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar to 122 but date is CIIP. (Rogers) gr. 3.82 (Fig. 3). BEGAL (TYPES IN THE THIRD COINAGE. I have ventured to put in a class by themselves certain very exceptional tetradrachms and drachms bearing the symbols and the monograms of the Mint of Tyre, but instead of the usual eagle the Regal types of Athene and Zeus. The weights are Attic and not Phoenician. Evidently it was a small issue, because most of the few dates known today are represented by single specimens. Mr. G. F.Hill in the Introduction to the British Museum Catalogue of Phoenicia says, ‘‘It is notice- * Bab. 1246-8 belong to Demetrius’ first reign and probably also Hunter 90/41 of which only H - P of the date is visible. 30 THE SECOND AND THIRD able, also, that the Phoenician silver bears (in ad- dition to the mint-mark or name of Tyre) mono- grams similar to those we find on the later autono- mous silver; but the Attic is not marked in this way. ... Since the coinage with Seleucid types on the reverse does not bear these monograms, it may have been struck in metal drawn from the royal, as distinct from the Tyrian, treasury.” In this statement he is however misinformed. All the coins bear such monograms, and Fp , * and M™ are represented. These coins occur in the reigns of Antiochus VII and Demetrius II (second reign); and since tetradrachms of Phoenician weight were also struck not only in the same years, but actually with the same monograms in some cases, the only suggestion I can offer is that the Seleucid King for his own reasons interfered in the routine otherwise usual in the Mint of Tyre. A similar phenomenon is much more common in the Mint of Sidon and from Alexander Balas until Antiochus IX tetra- drachms of Attic weight and regal types appear side by side with the characteristically Phoenician issues. It should be noted that in all these regal issues the portrait of the king is an actual and nowise idealized portrait of Herakles Melquart, vid No. 131, where Demetrius II wears a beard. It is con- ceivable that the exigencies of trade with the rest of the Seleucid Empire rendered such ‘‘equated”’ money advisable, and avoided the necessity of tarifing the common monies. I have not been able to trace any copper issues; See COINAGE OF TYRE 31 but if it is sound that the copper coinage was in the form of a token coinage—and this the notable dif- ference in weight throughout the whole Seleucid series, in denominations apparently the same, as | have already said, makes extremely likely—then there would naturally be no necessity for any sort of equation beyond mutual goodwill and understand- ing between all parties concerned. As it was a municipal issue the Seleucid king was not concerned. The Catalogue of the series is as follows:— ANTIOCHUS VII Peeters 1 ALS. 174-183 125. DRACHM. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus to r.; bead and reel border. Pee oA? ~ANTIOXOY — Gight downwards), EKYEPPETOY (left down- wards). Winged Nike to 1. holds garland in right hand and the folds of her chiton in left. In field 1. club surmounted by mono- gram of Tyre; in field r. M. In the exergue AOP. Berlin (Zeitschr. f. Num., vol. XXIX, iy; 2), TETRADRACHMS. Obv. Similar. Rev. BASIAEQD ANTIOXOY © (right downwards). HKYEPVETOY (left down- wards). Athene Parthenos, with helmet, double chiton and Aegis stands to |., holdsa THE SECOND AND Trinh little Nike with garland outstretched to |. on her right hand and her lance in her |. which is poised on her shield adorned with the Gorgon’s head. In the exergue date and monogram. In field 1. club surmounted with the monogram of Tyre on r. side of which downwards is IEP; on 1. AS Y. The whole is a wreath of laurel with berries. Mono- Date gram Collection 126. HOR Bab. 1113. 127 Re Fr Bab. 1114-6; Nav. X, 1283. (28. LLP hs Nav. X, 1284) ico, AIIP = Nav. X, 1285; Fenerly Bey Sale, Pl. xix, 724; Newell (PLATE IV). ro. blips Bab. 1130; Nav. X, 1286-7. cf. B.M.C. 75s eeundated, (PLATE IV.) 134) DEMETRIUS II (SEconp REIGN). TETRADRACHM. Obv. Diademed and bearded head of Demet- rius to r.; bead and reel border. Rev. BAXIAKO>D AHMHTPIOY (right downwards), ODHOY NIKATOPO® (left downwards). Zeus Nikephoros enthroned to ]. rests 1. on sceptre. In field 1. club sur- mounted with the monogram of Tyre on r. side of which downwards is IEP, on 1. SELEUCID COINAGE OF TYRE 33 A>. Beneath throne, M. In exergue, ELIP. Newell (PLATE IV). In the foregoing lists the classification of the coin- age of Tyre has been extended from the point at which Mr. Newell left it down through the second reign of Demetrius II with whom the issues of this dynasty at Tyre came to an end (125 B.C.). Cer- tain of the troublesome questions of this series will probably never be settled unless some hoard still to be unearthed provides additional evidence. . ; id Papel : . rt ¥ : vie ae < ¥ tels ; ee he ws ner 4 y F - . ¥ . 7 - _ é % Se 1: 5 ¥ ; - 1 L | VAL dhe TYRE—Second S if Plate | ¢ & * a ‘ a * he ‘x bait 7 t ts a am, xv + - 1 ‘ 4“ 4 Pa m » “\ . } \ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘hag. 4% i ‘ es? ; £ . re ; Ge at yh! y » i :! , , 2 ; ; sae ; ‘ A col) ke ’ * - a ‘ he. ; va : ’ " pl a 7 , 4 é * TYRE—Second Seleucid Coinage. Plate Il eee ae ae Fi Ma F SS ee ee ee ae ee ee ee ees oe ee TYRE—Second Seleucid Colmer: Plate III 44 eT huKs APES PEEL ET E™ ee iy 2! ays ‘ .] 1 agiuhe > \ TYRE—Second Sled Coinage. 118 117 124 Plate IV ee ee yee ae ho init 119 116 109 131 130 129 ae fee ee ee ee eS ee ee ee a ee —— ll CELRURAEP PREGA, +." Six 4; ook | AY : : }} L h bs t 4 4 4 . NumisMATiIC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS — 1. Sydney P. Noe. Coin Hoards. 1921. a pp. 6 pls. 50c. . 4. Howland Wood. The Mexican Seah croiiaty Coinage. 1913-1916. 1921. 44 pp. 26 pls. $2.00. . ms hint 6. Agnes Baldwin. Five Roman Gold Medallions. 1921. (103 pp. 8 pls. $1.50. 7. Sydney P. Noe. Medallic Work of A. A. Wein- man eel, ob pp. -17 pls. $1.00... 8. Gilbert S. Perez. The Mint of the Philippine Islands. 1921. 8pp. 4pls. 50c. 9. David Eugene Smith, LL.D. Computing Jetons. 1920. 40° pp.- -2o° pls: $1.50. 10. Edward T. Newell. The First Seleucid Coinage of Tyre.: 1921. 40 pp. 8 pls. $1.00, — 11. Harrold E. Gillingham. French Orders and Decorations. 1922. 110 pp. 35 pls. $2.00. 12. Howland Wood. Gold Dollars of 1858. 1922. 7 pp. 2pls. S50c. _B. |. Whitehead. Pre- Mohammedan Coinage of x ae 15 pls. $2.00. s I of Characene. .00. +s (A Contribution to 1922. 234 pp. 13 porative Coinage of pp. 7 pls. $1.50. Bronze Medallions. der Hoards—II. De- oe t or “ lata. 32s 33% NuMISMATIC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS (Continued) . Harrold E. Gillingham. Italian Orders of Chivalry and* Medals of Honour. 1923. 146 pp. 34 pls. $2.00. * . Edward T. Newell. Alexander Hoards—III. ' Andritsaena. 1924. 39 pp. 6 pls. $1.00. . C. T. Seltman. A Hoard from Side. St vis 20 pp. 3pls. $1.00. . R. B. Seager. A Cretan Coin Hoard. 1924. ao pp. 12 pls. $2.00. . Samuel R. Milbank. The Coinage of Aegina. 1925. 66 pp. 5 pls. $2.00. , Sydney P. Noe. A Bibliography of Greek Coin | Hoards. 1925. 275 pp. $2.50. . Edward T. Newell. Mithradates of Parthia and Hyspaosines of Characene. 1925. 18 pp. 2 pls. wi0e, . Sydney P. Noe. The Mende ‘(Raliandes) Hoard, 1926. 73 pp. 10 pls. $2.00. . Agnes Baldwin. Four Medallions from the Arras Hoard. 1926. 36 pp. 4 pls. $1.50.. D H. Weeendes: Parsons. ‘The Earliest Coins of Norway. 1926. 41 pp. 50c. . Edward T. Newell. Some Unpublished Coins of Eastern Dynasts. 1926. 21 pp. 2 pls. 50c. . Harrold E. Gillingham. Spanish Orders of Chival- ry and Decorations ef Honour. 1926. 165 pp. 40 pls. $3.00. | Sydney P. Noe. The Coinage of Metapontum. 1927 (Part I). 134 pp. 23 pls. $3.00. Edward ‘T. Newell. Two Recent. Egyptian Hoards—Delta and Keneh. 1927. 34 pp. 3 pls. $1.00.