a | MD xoramure NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS _ ~ INTER. “LIBRARY yy M4 tert Ss RE oh CENTER Ep AS) ail a NOTES ON “THE DECORATIONS _ AND MEDALS OF THE FRENCH _ COLONIES AND PROTECTORATES | BY i _HARROLD E. GILLINGHAM > | Tae American Numismatic Society _ Broapway ar 156TH Street New York 1928 Peet SOMATIC ~ NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS NumIsMATIC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS is devoted to essays and treatises on sub- jects relating to coins, paper money, medals and decorations, and is uniform with Hispanic Notes and Monographs published by the Hispanic Society of America, and with Indian Notes and Monographs issued by the Museum of the American Indian— Heye Foundation. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE AGNES BALDWIN BRETT, Chairman W. GEDNEY BEATTY HENRY RUSSELL DROWNE JoHN REILLY, JR. EDITORIAL STAFF SYDNEY Puitip Noe, Editor HowLaNnD Woop, Associate Editor - a a * de at ag we -1. an é - 4 A, Yaa! : . . ra s in = \ , « y > L - ~ =n - 4 ; . P a = ‘ a . A sot “ feet ate u » as i= . nde A Kes = 4 Sy / A l (ase DPS NES na ye SU WE eh MOROCCO Brevet of Ouissam Alaouit Cherifien BOE E'S on the DECORATIONS AND MEDALS of the FRENCH COLONIES AND PROTECTORATES ) > BY bE HARROLD E. GILLINGHAM 5 le hy a Tut AMERICAN NuMISMATIC SOCIETY Broapway AT 156TH STREET New York 1928 THe AMERICAN Noumisma’ n NOTES ON THE DECORATIONS AND Pee Or) 1 HE PRENCH COL- ONIES AND PROTECTORATES By Harroitp E. GILLINGHAM To many persons the French Colonies include only those on the African Mediterranean coast and Indo-China. Few realize the extent of the colonial possessions and protectorates or the num- ber of their varied inhabitants. In North Africa, Morocco, Algiers and Tunis comprise an enor- mous territory, while south and south-west of their Saharan land are the colonies of Equa- torial Africa (or Congo)—Guinea, Sudan, Da- homey (or the kingdom of Porto Novo), Ivory Coast, West Africa, the Senegals, Nigeria, with Somaliland (or Obock) in the east of that great continent. South-east of Africa are Madagascar, St. Marie and the Comoro Islands, while in the far East, ‘Cambodia, Cochin-China, Annam, Laos and Tongking comprise what is usually spoken of as French Indo-China. In addition to the above there are Pondicherry in India, the Reunion and other islands in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, such as New Caledonia, the Society and Marquesas Islands, with Guiana, I é. DECORATIONS Ce Martinique, Guadaloupe, and St. Pierre and Miquelon in the Western Hemisphere. These possessions, which are practically all in the Tropics, include many millions of inhabi- tants—Arabs, Negroes and Asiatics; all of whom are generally so successfully ruled that they are most loyal to the French. In point of area these colonies and protectorates are twenty times as large as France itself and forty per cent greater than the United States. The nominal rulers of some of these countries have established their own Orders, Decorations and Medals of Award. Some of these have never been recognized by France, cannot be worn in France without permission, and are treated as for- eign Orders. In other colonies the French au- thorities have established honours which are awarded only upon the approval of the Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, and these are known as Colonial Decorations. In both cases per- mission must be granted by the same Grand Chan- cellor before citizens of France may wear the insignia. . It is the purpose of this article to treat all the Orders, Decorations and Medals of the several colonies and protectorates known, whether they have or have not been officially recognized. Be- fore doing this it might be of interest to explain the order of precedence in the wearing of decora- Pad FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS ey Ana nenass ae ot PAU Kel, pos ri Sormpeary > pre ‘snouind ¢ serBoy 2p og ywrneye MAY mmpory emt) 2 bop lig 1 POPE YF ‘spe aa ‘reine wae he yy. ae 5 Saas Aas w- ts pia ileal AIO ; ef ort ar y* agate 5 » yg: eS iM oe #3 yo Wa i , § oR ~ ae i woe Beto yp oS deal y aa sa ad venywior) Ty y 0 4; { Ried: OK, apo, 2 wy wapyfroo Nad “Stllt ne xg ie we. 7S? . 2 C | ‘ wi SE a bankai | Y Foy BD morTey y 2 WOLOp Lil snot de Pp pe eon ve) wu, e hy SI AmvIune ambyndre v ae ~MUagIerAs, 2 2; PRO Oe * As let ee ame ‘SUTONVULE SEUCEO Sonononong ‘MAGNNOH.G NOISFT VE AG AIMATISONVHD AGN TD SRORERE SOE 25725) Sb SbFS ey CAST es Tre ATTA eiremeiice sree ee Poem CH COLONIES 3 tions by French citizens. The National Order of the Legion of Honour always has first rank— over and above all other Orders of the colonies or protectorates. The following is the order: Légion d’Honneur Médaille Militaire Croix de Guerre Recognized Orders of Colonies Commemorative Medals Palmes Universitaires Order of Agricultural Merit Medals of Honour Orders of Colonies or Protec- torates, not recognized. Orders of Foreign countries When a citizen of France has been awarded a foreign decoration, permission to wear it in France must be obtained from the Grand Chan- cellor of the Legion of Honour. ‘To obtain this, the brevet of the foreign decoration is submitted to the Chancellor, who stamps the Visé pour Autorisation thereon, together with the number of the brevet of permission to be issued. This is called the Brevet pour Ordres Etranger, and in it is recited the name, occupation and grade of the recipient, together with the name of the order and a reproduction thereof in colour. A small fee is charged for this registration (see the illustra- tion of permission to wear the Royal Order of 4 DECORA LG Cambodia—Pl. I). If a brevet is issued in a lan- guage other than French, a translation thereof is given by the Colonial authorities (see the brevet and translation of the Ouissam Alaouit Cher- ifien—Frontispiece and Pl. IT). Inasmuch as the official native records of some of the orders herein described have been lost or destroyed during the many changes of govern- ment in the several colonies and protectorates, it is possible that some decorations have been omit- ted. All known authorities have been consulted and the best endeavor has been made to confirm all statements made. Thanks are due to M. André Salles of Paris,— M. André Silice of the Ecole des Beaux Arts Cambodgiens, Pnom-Penh, Cambodia,—M. L. Cadiere, Cua-Tung, Annam,—Mr. Maxwell Blake, American Consul General at Tangier, Morocco; and to Mrs. Albert Duprez of Algiers, for gen- erous and valuabie assistance. To all of them the writer is deeply grateful. PRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Pith STAT ae : cat : Sates NN GD Ua? Dee ae ve AR €FRADUCTION) Salhi Se ee & GOUVERNEMENT CHERIFIEN Chancellerie des Ordres Cheérifiens , DAHIR © LEmbléme de la gloire est une illustration précieuse qui fait briller ici-bas ni ‘ Fhomme d'un vif éclat. » ian ae Si vous désiree étre honorés chez vos semblables parez-vous fieatenk a de on Finsigne de Notre Dynastic. » sibs -LOUANGES & DIEU SEUL.! I. NY A DE DURABLE QUE SON EMPIRE! >» @@ Empreinte du Graml Sceau de Seiten da Maroc portant Minsctiphen suivante - ad Youssef fue: Ei Monsen ben Mohammed ; Dieu est son Protecteur ; Celui qui ¢kee @ laide de l'envoyé de Dieu -— Intimiderait les lions dans leurs repaires © _— Celui qui se réfagie en toi. 5 la plus noble des créatures,.- Celui-la, [oii fe profige contre tout péril. * a MOROCCO Translation of Brevet Ouissam Alaouit Cherifien fm ieOn COLONTES 5 ALGERIA This region of North Africa, between Tunis and Morocco, was first occupied by the Berbers, and in the sixth century B.C. by the Carthagin- ians. After the Punic wars, Roman control gave it a period of remarkable prosperity. It was dev- astated by the Vandals, controlled successively by the Byzantines, Arabs and Turks, and in the 17th and 18th centuries became a great menace to South- ern Europe because of the pirates who infested the coast. Early in the nineteenth century the country along the Mediterranean was subdued by the French and English and gradually came under the domination of France. It is now managed by a French Governor-General and has become one of the most prosperous regions in Northern Af- rica. There are no official Algerian Decorations. Those which are usually awarded in France are also bestowed upon the native Algerians when circumstances warrant; but there was an interest- ing decoration instituted by Abd-el-Kader, a re- bellious Arab chieftain, well worth recording. ORDER OF THE SILVER HAND, or Déco- yation du Chéia. This was created in November 1839 by Abd-el-Kader (1808-1883), an insurgent who for twenty years gave the French authorities 6 DECORA TI OWS aoe: much trouble in the West. It was instituted two and a half years after the treaty of Tafna, the terms of which recognized his authority in West- ern Algeria. Abd-el-Kader, son of Mahi-ed-Din and Zohara, his wife, was born in Mascara, Al- geria, in the year 1223 of the Hégira (1808) and was proclaimed “Amir of the Arabs” in the vicinity of Oran, November 22, 1832. For many years he was a thorn in the flesh to the French, but was finally captured and imprisoned at Toulon, France.* He later became a patriotic French- man, and as such he died in France, May 26, 1883.+ . The decoration was founded to inspire rivalry in the regular army, and was only granted for brilliant action or for great services rendered, either to the Faith or to the country. The Chéia varies in form according to the grade, and con- sists of a gold or silver plaque in the centre of which are the Arabic characters, NASIR ED DIN, “The upholder of the Faith.” Attached to this are the so-called fingers; the number of which indicates the importance of the award. To the Aghas in chief of the cavalry or infantry, the award took the form of a plaque and eight fingers * Petit Larousse Illustre, 1925, says (page 1169) : “ Abd-el-Kader was imprisoned in the Chateau d’Am- boise in 1848-1852.” +“ L’Emir Abd-el-Kader, 1808-1883” by Col. Paul Azan, 1925. ferent COLONIES 4 in gold; to ordinary Aghas, seven fingers in gold; to Khadjas of a thousand men, six fingers in gold; to Siafs (superior officers), five fingers, of which two are silver and three are gold, with a silver plaque; to Khadjas of one hundred men, plaque in Facsimilé d’une décoration (grandeur réduite de moitié) silver with five fingers, two of which are gold and three silver; to Kebir-er-roff (chief of rank), plaque of silver and four fingers, two in gold and two in silver; to Kahia (lieutenant), plaque in silver with three fingers, one gold and two of 8 DECORATIONS 2. silver. The receipt of the Chéia carries with it certain privileges. ‘‘ He who has it is treated by his superiors with the greatest consideration, and until the grade of Kebir-er-roff inclusive, he may enter freely the house of his superiors, even in my house.’ * The Chéia was also awarded to officials not belonging to the Army, who were in the admin- istrative or financial service of the Amir. ‘The decoration was not worn on the breast, but car- ried on the head, where it was held in place by the aid of the hooks, which attached it to the haik, or white cloth head covering. * From The Emir Abd-el-Kader, Military Regulations. Translated by F. Patouri, Military Interpreter, Fontana Press, Algiers, 1890. FRENCH COLONIES 9 MOROCCO Morocco, the country of the Moors, consists of the Western and North-western section of Africa, extending westward from Algeria to the Atlantic Ocean and South to the Spanish protectorate of Rio de Oro. This was called Mauretania by the Romans. From the earliest times the inhabitants of this country have been troublesome to Euro- peans. Since 1907 France has had an influence in Morocco, which has steadily increased until in 1916 a territory larger than the State of Texas became a French Protectorate, save for a very small section extending from the Strait of Gi- braltar to a short distance beyond Melilla (known as the Spanish zone), and the internationalized zone of Tangiers. During the French occupation there has been a steady advance; now French Morocco has become safe for foreigners and the inhabitants are more prosperous than ever before. Too much cannot be said in praise of the French system of Colonial government. Fez, the seat of the Moslem learning for more than one thousand years, is the Holy City of Morocco. The Sultan of the country is assisted and advised by a Resi- dent-General, who is appointed by the French government. 10 DECORA TIGR Sa THE ORDER OF NICHAN-HAFIDIEN (or Ouissam Hafidien) was founded August 7, 1910, by the Sultan Moulay-Hafid,* who had been proclaimed Sultan in 1908 and who abdicated in 1912. There are the usual five classes. The decoration is of the same form for all grades, but the wreath of palm leaves surmounting the star is of silver for the Chevaliers. The insignia, which varies in size according to the grade, con- sists of a gold star of six points superimposed on silver-faceted rays, surmounted by a wreath ot two gold palm branches, tied at the bottom. In the centre is a deep red-enamelled field, bearing Arabic characters in gold, signifying “ His Majesty Hafid”’; this is surrounded by a white and gold circle. On the points of the star, in Arabic, is the motto, “ There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet.’’ The reverse is plain and the ribbon is red, with a white stripe on each side. Plate III. THE OUISSAM ALAOUIT CHERIFIEN was created by the Sultan Moulay-Youssef + in a dahir (decree) issued from the Southern Capital of Morocco under date of Safar 2, 1331 (January * Moulay is an Arab word signifying Master or Ruler, and is a title carried by many of the sultans of Morocco. Spelt also Moulai, Mouley or Muley. + Moulay-Youssef was a brother of Moulay-Hafid whom he succeeded in 1912. He died Nov. 17, 1927. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Bip Hi MOROCCO Order of Nichan-Hafidien Order of Ouissam Alaouit Cherifien Pera COLONIES 11 [I, 1913), to replace the Order of the Ouissam Hafidien. There are five grades, Grand Gordon, for members of the Cherifien royal family only, Grand Officers, Commanders, Officers and Cheva- liers. The decoration is a five-pointed, ball-tipped star of gold, white-enamelled and with red edges. There are palm leaves between the points except for the fifth grade, and all are surmounted by two palm branches tied at the bottom. On the white star, in Arabic, is the motto, ‘‘ There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet.’ In the centre medallion of red enamel, in gold Arabic letters, is “His Majesty Youssef.” On the re- verse in a field of gold is a red enamelled Cherifien umbrella. The plaque is an enlargement of the obverse of the Cross superimposed on five faceted rays. The ribbon is light orange in colour. Pilates iE THE CHERIFIEN ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT was created by the Sultan Moulay- Hafid, August 7, 1910, and confirmed by a decree of Moulay-Youssef of December 30, 1912, regu- lating its award to soldiers of the Moroccan army and to members of the French army and navy, for distinguished conduct under fire. The decoration is a silver medal 30 mm. in diameter, edged with a laurel wreath. In a field of green enamel is a gold star of six points, bearing on a red-enamelled ie DECORATI GOS 2. centre the Arabic inscription “His Majesty Hafid.” On the reverse centre of gold is the Arabic motto “ Cherifien Military Merit.” The medal is surmounted by two crossed flags of silver with gold crescents at the tips of the staffs. These provide the means of attachment to the ribbon, which is white with a red band on each side, and with a rosette for the highest grade Plate IV. PRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Prociy MOROCCO Order of Military Merit FRENCH COLONIES 13 TUNIS To speak of Tunis is to think of the Barbary States, an important part of the Mohammedan Empire. During the age of the Crusaders, this section was called the Empire of the Almoravids. The Arabs of the present day call the country Afrikiyah, which is probably derived from the Greek word A-phriké, meaning without cold. In the second and third centuries B.C. the country was frequently invaded by the Romans. Latin historians tell us that the Roman General, Scipio Aemelianus (the Younger Scipio), decorated his soldiers of the Legion, for heroic action, with garlands of roses. This is the first known mili- tary decoration pertaining to Tunis. The men of that legion were the first to enter the ramparts of Carthage in 146 B.C. The territory had many rulers before it came under the domination of the Turks, and since 1881 it has been a French Pro- tectorate. During this period the inhabitants of Tunis have greatly prospered under the admirable system of French Government. The country is managed by a French Resident-General, though ostensibly ruled by the Bey, whose powers are limited, The title of “Bey” is hereditary; the present ruler Mohammed-en-Nasir is descended from Hussein-ben-Ali who was supposed to have been a Greek converted to Islamism in the seven- teenth century. 14 DECORATIONS OF The French Government does not class all of the Tunisian decorations and medals among the Colonials, but treats them the same as those of a foreign nation; special permission must first be obtained, before a citizen may wear them in France. The Order of Nichan Iftikhar is the only one recognized. THE NICHAN IFTIKHAR, or Order of Glory or Distinction, is the best known of the Tunisian Decorations, probably because it is the only one now awarded to foreigners. In its earlier days it was bestowed upon the officers and high digni- taries of the Husseinite realm only. Authorities differ both as to who first founded the order and the date of its creation. According to M, Henri Hugon in Les Emblems des Beys de Tunis (Paris, 1913) it was adopted in 1832 or 1834 and prob- ably inspired by the Turkish order of the same name. He also mentions and illustrates a por- trait of Comte Raffo, wearing the insignia of the Order, bearing the name of Mustapha Bey in jewels, also one of Ahmed Bey. Mustapha Bey died in 1837 and was succeeded by Ahmed Bey, who is incorrectly given as the founder by several authorities. MM. Hugon also quotes the writer, El Beji el Messaoudi, who said, “It is this Bey (Mustapha) who created the Nichan Iftikhar, on which he had made in precious stones FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Piney. TUNIS Order of Nichan Iftikhar (old style) Pee COLONIES 15 his name, and awarded it to his minister of For- eign Affairs.” Certain French and Italian au- thorities give credit to Ahmed Bey and fix the date as 1837 or 1844, but if M. Henri Hugon is correct the credit should be given to Mustapha Bey. In 1846 when visiting Paris, the Bey of Tunis bestowed several decorations of this order on officials in France. The design varied ac- cording to the rank of the one honoured; thus the idea of different grades or classes. All the in- signia bore in the centre the monogram or name of the reigning Bey, usually set with diamonds or other precious stones. The number and quality of the stones vary with the rank of the one decorated. Many modifications were made in the decoration and the methods of its award between 1850 and 1882. At this later date the regulations allowed the bestowal upon foreigners and women. The Order as we know it today consists of six grades: Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer and Chevalier of the first and second classes. The plaque of the first class is a ten- pointed silver star of alternate green and red points, resting on faceted rays. In the centre of green enamel, in Arabic characters, is the name of the reigning Bey. This is surrounded by a jeweled circle: The whole is richly studded with precious stones. The badge is a star, similar to the plaque though smaller, resting on faceted rays. 16 DECORAT! OFfsse aan. The arms or points are enamelled alternately red and green, and surmounted by a jeweled knot of three loops, to which is attached the suspen- sion ring for the ribbon—light green with two narrow red stripes on each side. The reverse is plain. The officer’s badge has a rosette on the ribbon and the badge of the sixth class is en- tirely of silver, unenamelled. Plates V and VI. The NICHAN-ED-DEM, or Ordre du Sang (Order of the Royal Family), was reserved for members of the royal house of Hussein—the founders of the reigning dynasty of Tunis. This family originally came from Crete and ruled in Tunis from 1691. Although reserved for Husseinite princes, it has occasionally been bestowed upon the President of France and other high French officials. It was founded by Ahmed Bey in 1837, modified in 1855, and Mohammed-es- Sadok reorganized the Order in February, 1861 (Chaban 1277). The decoration of gold and diamonds is circu- lar in form, having rows of diamonds terminating in twelve points, with fleurons intervening. Above this jeweled piece is a knot of gold ribbon with five loops and two ends, likewise jeweled. The reverse is plain, and the suspension ribbon is green with a double line of red on either side. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Order of Nichan Iftikhar (new style) PE: VI Peo Ee VCOLONIES ban Be THE NICHAN-EL-AHED-EL-AMAN was instituted the 22 Djoumadi II 1276 (January 16, 1860), by the Bey, Mohammed-es-Sadok, in com- memoration of his confirmation (in September 1859) of the Pact of Confidence or Security, which was promulgated by his predecessor, Mo- hammed Bey, September 10, 1857.* The Order is conferred only upon those ministers and gen- erals of the army, and civilians who have rendered loyal and conspicuous services to the sovereign or the government. The insignia is a gold star of ten points, enamelled green, with trophies of arms and flags of gold and red enamel superimposed. On this is an oval medallion, surrounded by emer- alds, and below is a knot of ribbon likewise jeweled. On the medallion of red enamel, in Mvabie Characters of gold, is the motto, “The Favour of Mohammed-es-Sadok and his Conf- dence 1276 (1860).” The name of Mohammed and the date of the foundation are in the extreme centre of the medallion, in emeralds, on a gold field. Each successive Bey placed his name and date similarly on the medal he issued. Sur- mounting the star is a green-enamelled flag on a gold staff, back of which is the suspension ring for the ribbon, which is green with two red stripes each side. * Canon Paschal in Les Ordres Chevaleresques, Mar- seille, 1895, says this was the First Order of Tunis and founded November 11, 1874, by Mohammed-Essadiq. 18 DECORATIONS 2 MEDAL FOR CRIMEA—1853. Arthur Daguin, a French writer, in Les Decorations Francais et des Protectorates (Paris, 1900) states that the Sultan, Mohammed-es-Sadok, created a silver medal in 1855 for the Tunisian troops tak- ing part in the Crimean war but gives no descrip- tion. No other writer mentions it. As the Tunis- ian troops in the Crimean war served under the Turkish commanders, it is likely that the Turkish medal for this war was given to Tunisian troops and thus confused. : MEDAL FOR ARAB UPRISING 1864. Mo- hammed-es-Sadok Bey created on the 4th Hidje 1281 (April 29, 1865) a medal for those who took part in suppressing the insurrection of the Arabs, led by Ali ben Gdahoum, in 1864. The medal was of gold for officers and of silver for the privates. It was 30 mm. in diameter, and holed for the suspension ring, while the officers’ medal had a gold knot of three loops surmounting the medal. On the obverse within a wreath of laurel branches is a trophy of arms and flags, At the centre of this is a round medallion inscribed in Arabic, “Tftikhar 1281.” On the reverse, within two laurel branches, is “ Mohammed-es-Sadok Bey.” The ribbon is green with two red stripes each side. Pe CrH COLONTES 19 The MEDAL for the expedition against Adel Bey was created in 1867 by Mohammed-es-Sadok, of gold and silver, oval in form, 35 x 28 mm. in size. On the obverse, between a laurel and palm branch, is a representation of the insignia of Nichan-ed-Dem, below which, in Arabic, is “ litikhar” and the date 1284 (1867). On the reverse, in Arabic, is the name of the Bey. The method of suspension and ribbon are similar to those for the previous medal. THE MEDAL OF 1881 was authorized by Ali Bey in 1882, to reward the troops who took part in the expedition of 1881 against the troublesome Arabs of the West. This was oval in form and similar to the medal of 1867, except that the re- Werse is-inscribed in Arabic, “Ali Bey 1299” (1882). The ribbon is similar. Since thé beginning of the French Protectorate and the treaties of 1881 and 1883, the Tunisian troops fighting under the tri-colour are awarded the Medaille Coloniale of the French Republic. The following Orders issued by certain of the European authorities are sometimes classed as Tunisian by writers on the subject, and are in- cluded here merely because their purposes were more or less related to Tunis and North Africa. 20 DECORA TiO a] ORDER OF SAINT MARY OF MERCY, During the thirteenth century, the frequent inva- sions of the Italian, French and Spanish coasts, by the Barbarians and Moors of Northern A frica, caused a number of Military and Religious Orders to be established in these countries. The earliest of which we have any record was created in Aug- ust 1218 by James I, king of Aragon, and called the Order of Our Lady of Mercy or the Order of Saint Mary of Merced. The object of the formation of this order was to free the Christian captives in the hands of the Moors. Ehas Ashmole states that so well did they carry out the intentions of the order that 400 Chris- tian captives were set at liberty during the first six years. The insignia was a shield, the upper half of which bore a silver or white cross on a red field and the lower half had four vertical red lines on a white field, like the arms of Aragon. ORDER OF THE SHIP. Tiistwae grease by St. Louis of France in 1269 when he set sail from Aigues-Mortes for Africa, with forty thousand men, the object being to encourage the nobility of that country to accompany him on his crusade to suppress the Mohammedans. ‘The in- signia was a collar of alternate gold scallop shells and silver interlaced double crescents connected by a gold chain. From this was suspended an Meow on GOLONTES 21 oval of gold bearing the figure of a ship; the shells representing the shores from which he sailed, the chained double crescents signifying the emblem of the infidels he expected to conquer. Owing to the design of the collar this is often called the Order of the Sea-shell or the Order of the Double Crescent. CRUE Or SAINT PETER: Founded in 1520 by Pope Leo X, to suppress the barbarians of Africa who infested the coasts and raided the shipping of the Mediterranean Sea. No account of the insignia is given. ORDER OF SAINT PAUL OF ROME was instituted in 1540 by the Pope, Paul III, for the same purpose. ‘These two orders were at that time united, and had for their insignia an oval of gold bearing on one side the image of Saint Peter and on the other that of Saint Paul. This was suspended from a collar composed of three gold chains. ORDER OF THE BURGUNDIAN CROSS was founded July 22, 1535 (St. Mary Magdalene’s day), by Charles V, King of Spain and Emperor of Germany, as Favine says, “at the Kingdome of Thunis in Affrica.” It was to commemorate his entrance into Tunis after he had defeated the 22 DECORA TIO pirate Khair-ed-Din, surnamed Barbarossa, and restored the native prince to the throne of Tunis. The badge was a Burgundian cross to which was attached a steel, striking sparks. Around this device was the word BARBARIA. This was sus- pended by a gold neck-chain. FRENCH COLONIES a DAHOMEY Since 1863 the French have been interested in developing the southern coast of the West Afri- can country. In that year Porto-Novo became a French colony—it is sometimes called the King- dom of Porto-Novo. Like many other regions on the coast of Guinea, there was trouble with the natives. It was not until the end of the last cen- tury that, with the assistance of the French, Toffa, the King of Porto-Novo, was able to rest in undisturbed possession of the land, and free from the troublesome neighboring tribes. Po eon Ore lTHE BLACK STAR OF BENIN was instituted at Porto-Novo, December I, 1889 (some writers say August 30, 1892), by King Toffa (Houenou Baba Dassi), a Royal Prince of Dahomey, to reward those who had as- sisted in making his kingdom secure. The order was recognized by the French in 1892. During the World War many foreigners received this decoration—over 280 were awarded to Americans. Why, of all the French Colonial orders, this was selected to be given them, is unknown, and _ in- quiries on that point have been unanswered. There are five grades, Grand Cross, Grand Of- ficer, Commander, Officer and Chevalier. The in- 24 DECORATIONS OF signia is a Maltese cross enamelled white with blue edges; between the arms are rays of gold and the whole is surmounted by a green-enamelled oak and laurel wreath, to which the suspension ring is attached. On the centre of the cross is a five-pointed star of black enamel. ‘The obverse and reverse are the same and the ribbon is light blue moiré. Plate VII. MEDAL FOR ATCHUPA. This was created in 1890 in connection with the brilliant action on the 20th of April of that year, when the troops of Toffa, under Colonel Terrillon, were victorious at Atchupa, against the native pretenders to the throne. The medal is of silver, 30 mm. in diam- eter, having on the obverse, within a wreath of oak and laurel, the Arms of the Kingdom (a silver star in upper field with a rampant leopard beneath a palm tree in the lower field; the whole surmounted by a royal crown) ; above is TOFFA ROI. On the plain reverse field is COMBAT D’ATCHUPA 1890. The ribbon is light blue with three black bands: a large one in the cen- tre and a narrow one each side. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Prev iL DAHOMEY Order of the Black Star of Benin FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS PrusVill, ms A CAMPAGNE f) & E DAHOMEE A A , , Yi fy Medal for Dahomey FRENCH COLONIES 25 THE MEDAL FOR DAHOMEY, 18092. Fol- lowing the troubles of 1892, with Behanzin the pretender to the throne of Dahomey, Toffa cre- ated a medal to reward those taking part in the campaign under General Dodds. It is of silver or bronze, 30 mm. in diameter, having at the obverse centre the crowned arms of the King- dom, above which in relief is TOPFFA ROI. Be- low are two laurel wreaths. The reverse, which is plain, has i teliel CAMPAGNE / DU / DA- HOMEY 17892. A variant of this medal has only the words TOFFA / ROI on the obverse, be- tween two branches of oak and laurel. The rib- bon is green with three vertical white stripes. Another medal for Service, in the writer’s col- lection, has on the obverse, within a wreath of oak and laurel branches, TOFFA ROI, and on the reverse the crowned arms of the Kingdom encircled by the inscription ROYAUME DE PORTO NOVO. No record has been found for this medal, or for the ribbon. Piste sViILis 26 DECORA T!] Of oe TAJURAH or COLONY OF OBOCK This small section of Eastern Africa in French Somaliland, hardly two hundred miles square, is located on the Gulf of Tajurah, at the Southern extremity of the Red Sea, near the Straits of Bab- el-Mandeb. In 1856 the French secured their first foothold in this region at Obock, and within the next forty years had extended their influence over several of the small Sultanates of the vicinity. One of these was the Sultanate of Tajurah, which came under the protection of the tri-colour by treaty of October 13, 1884. THE ORDER OF NICHAN-EL-ANOUAR of Tajurah was created by the Sultan and Sovy- ereign of Tajurah, Homed Ben Mohammed in 1887 (some say in 1884). This was acknowledged and approved by the French Government, July 17, 1888. It was formed as a memorial of the taking of the Sultan and his people under the pro- tection of France. There are the usual five classes and the decoration is a ten-pointed silver star with faceted arms, between which are ten five-pointed gold stars, surmounted by a royal crown, above which is a crescent. On a blue-enamelled cen- tral medallion is a five-pointed silver star, which is encircled by a red-enamelled band inscribed in FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS TAJURAH Order of Nichan—El—Anouar Pre IX FRENCH COLONIES 27 Arabic characters, and three stars. The plaque is sinfilar to the badge, but larger and without a crown. The ribbon is of three equal stripes, two of blue with one of white in the centre. Plate 1X. MEDAL OF DJIBOUTI. When M. Legarde was the Governor of the French colony on the Gulf of Aden, in French Somaliland, about the end of the past century, he secured from Paris a number of medals of white metal for distribution among worthy natives. There seems to have been no authorization by the French Republic for these, and no writers on the subject mention them. The medal, 28 mm. in diameter, bears on the obverse the head of the Republic, facing to the left, encircled by REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. On the obverse, within a wreath of oak and laurel, is DEVOUEMENT A LA FRANCE. The sus- pension ring for the ribbon—the tri-colour, rea, white and blue—is an oblong of laurel. 28 DECORATIONS Go COMORO ISLANDS 7 This small archipelago in the Indian Ocean, North-west of Madagascar, was first discovered by Europeans in 1598. In 1840 France first as- sumed control over the island of Mayotte, and by 1886 the entire group of islands was placed under the protection of the tri-colour. There are four main islands, Anjouan (sometimes called Johanna or N’Souani, the island of the Hand), Great Comoro, Moheli and Mayotte. In addition there are numerous small islands. Each of the larger islands had its own separate Sultan or ruler, but are all now subject to the French authorities. A local tradition is that the Arabs visited these is- lands in the first century A.D., and that a colony of Arabs, under a chief of the family of Anjouan, settled on the island of that name, sent their sub- jects to the islands of Mayotte, Moheli and Co- moro, and for that reason Anjouan has been recognized as supreme. Three of the Sultans had Orders of their own, though only that of An- jouan is recognized by France. THE ROYAL.-ORDER OF THE STAR OF ANJOUAN was founded by the Sultan Said- Abdallah in 1860, though some writers consider it earlier. It was reorganized June 18, 1892, by the Sultan Mohammed-Said-Omar and_ recog- Pu. x FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS COMORO Royal Order of the Star of Anjouan Peo COLONLES 29 nized by the French authorities September 12, 1896. There are four grades, Chevalier, Officer, Commander and Grand Cross. ‘The order is awarded to women as well as men for services io, 4ne —Protectorate. The Chevalier’s cross is silver, the officer's of gold and the other grades are silver-gilt. The insignia is an eight-pointed star, each arm being composed of eight rays; in the oval cen- tral medallion of white enamel is a gold crescent surmounted by a gold hand—the emblem of An- jouan—and in the upper field, in Arabic char- acters, “ The Royal Order of the Star of Anjouan.” Around this on a gold band is the title in French, Oneieerreor Aa DE L’ETOILE D’AN- JOUAN * COMORES *. The ribbon is now light blue with two narrow orange bands each side, though formerly it was red with white stripes each side. The plaque is similar to the cross, but 80 mm. in diameter. Plate sxe THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF COMORO, which is not recognized by France, was estab- lished by the Sultan of Great Comoro. No authority has been found which gives his name or the date of creation. There seem to be three grades, Grand Cross or triple star, Commander or double star, and Chevalier or one star. The present decoration is a green-enamelled gold star, 30 DECORATE URS. ball-tipped with gold rays in the angles. ‘This is surmounted by a faceted gold crescent, with two green stars in the field. In the green central medallion, in Arabic, is the Sultan’s monogram and, on the reverse, Arabic characters. The rib- bon is light green with two narrow white stripes each side. The earlier decoration is said to have been a gilt star of five ball-tipped points with faceted rays in the angles and surmounted by a ball-tipped crescent and looped to the suspension — ring by gilt cords. The crescent bore the name of the order in Arabic. The ribbon was red with a white star in the centre. Plate: XT. THE ORDER OF THE STA GP o- HELI was reorganized in 1888 by the Sultan of the island. No date has been found for its crea- tion nor do we know the name of its founder. This is not recognized by the French Colonial authorities, and very little information is ob- tainable. There were five classes, similar to the Legion of Honour. The decoration is a six- pointed gold star, in the centre of which are two stars and a crescent. The ribbon of red bears a crescent and two stars. THE ORDER OF THE SUA a confirming authority has been found for this decoration, which is attributed to Comoro. It is Pr. XI] FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS inpAAL: tte Nan (iliiugagetep Myf fisasaae mitt | COMORO Order of the Star of Comoro 9 7 Py » ae ’ > - I al j ertrp s sf t, : 7 , » 3 7 5 4 " : , vA 7 : pe Le . Fy aid ¥ 4 ad “ , —' ¢ j a ee, & ‘ : 7 bd © ere : ; “a ea ae | : yoke i gn F - 4 — se ane Z ‘ . é 7 se é # i> y ‘ =~ - 4 e ¢ 23 , - , Lal > > , i; a re ‘e (eal A ; \ ; é “oat y % a “ tl he b ¢ re ir . ‘ 6; ‘ eS 7 1 FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS | PL. XII ~ COMORO Order of the Sultan Pee eh COLONIES et said to have been founded by Said-Abdallah before 1860, though none of the French writers give any information on the subject. The decora- tion is a three-armed Moline cross, the upper arm of white enamel, the lower right in red and the left in blue. In the upper angles are silver bulls and in the lower angle is an eagle with spread wings standing on a native sword—both in silver. In the centre is a twelve-pointed star with a head of the Sultan. On the reverse, each arm of the cross and the centre of the medallion bear Arabic characters. No description of the ribbon is ob- tainable. Above the star and below the suspension ring is a sunburst. Plate XII. 32 DECORATIONS OF MADAGASCAR This, the third largest island of the world, is about 1,000 miles long and 300 miles at the widest part. It is located in the Indian Ocean, and sep- arated by the Mozambique channel from Africa. Madagascar has been known to the Arabs for more than a thousand years and was first visited by the Portuguese in 1506. In 1643, Hamond, an English writer, having visited the country, pub- lished his book entitled Madagascar, the Richest and Most Fruitful Island in the World. From this title one may see why the various countries desired to control it. During the latter part of the seventeenth century and early in the eight- eenth the French had settlements along the coast, but wars with the natives interfered and it was not until 1861 that the island was opened to European trade and missions. Since that time the French have taken the lead in the settlement of the island. Madagascar became a French pro- tectorate in 1885 and from 1896* has been a col- ony. The inhabitants, called Madecassas or Malagache, were formerly divided into several tribes, the better known of which are the Saka- leves and the Hovas. The former had control from the middle of the seventeenth to the end of * French medals were issued for troops taking part in these expeditions of 1885 and 1894-6. Porc n COLONIES 33 the eighteenth centuries. Since then, the Hovas, the most advanced and intelligent of these tribes, have ruled. The kings and queens have been as follows: Radama I, born 1792, became king in 1810 and died in 1828 aged 36; he was succeeded by one of his wives, Ranavalona I, who reigned from 1828 to 1861, to be followed by her son, Radama II, who reigned but two years (1861- 1862). He was killed during a native uprising, and was succeeded by his wife, Rasoherina, who reigned as queen from 1863 to 1868 when she died, and was followed by her cousin, ~ Ranavalona II, who mounted the throne in 1868 and reigned until her death on July 13, 1883. She, like her predecessor and her successor, married the Prime Minister, Rainilaiarivony. He was very powerful and was believed to be responsible for the trouble which brought about the French protectorate in 1885. At the death of Ranavalona II, she was succeeded by her niece, Razafindrahety, who took the title of Ranavalona III. She was crowned July 14, 1883, and continued on the throne until the French confined her on Reunion Island in 1897. Two years later she was sent to Algiers, and there she died in 1917. 34 DECORATIONS. OF THE ORDER OF MERIT, or Order of Ra- dama II, as it is sometimes called, was instituted September 25, 1862, by King Radama II, with but one class. The decoration is a seven-pointed, white-enamelled star with gold rays in the angles, surmounted by a royal crown. In the central medallion is the head of the king in gold, facing to the left and surrounded by a blue-enamelled band inscribed RADAMA II MPANJAKA. On the reverse centre of gold is a palm tree with mountains in the distance, encircled by a band in- scribed MADAGASCAR. The ribbon is white with a blue band each side. Plate XIII. THE MEDAL OF MERIT was instituted by the same king at the same time, for the purpose of rewarding soldiers and others in the royal service. It was issued in silver and gold, of 32 mm. diameter, with the head of Radama II facing to the left, surrounded by a wreath of palm leaves. The inscription reads RADAMA II MPANJAKA. The reverse bears the inscription, MADAGASCAR / ANTANANARIVO / 23 / SEPTEMBRE / 1862—also within a wreath of palms. The moiré silk ribbon is red and white with the white diagonally encroaching upon the red above the suspension ring, Plate. XTIT. The gold medal here illustrated has every ap- pearance of having been made in France. Ra- Pew COLONIAL ORDERS Pre ALT MADAGASCAR Medal of Merit Radama II Order of Merit ALT. Pee tt FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS PLSALY MADAGASCAR Order of Ranavalo PreeN CH COLONIES 35 dama was partial to the French influence in his country, and may have instituted these decora- tions at the instigation of French officials. THe ORDER OF RANAVALO. This was probably founded by the queen, Ranavalona II, who reigned from 1868 to 1883, though no au- thority has been tound for its creation. The decoration is a seven-pointed star,* each point be- ing formed of three spear heads, resting on faceted rays, and surmounted by a native crown with seven feathers superimposed, and a_ bird above in the suspension ring. In the oval medallion ‘are the initials R. M. (Ranavalona Mpanjaka) on a white field which takes up three-quarters of the oval; the other quarter, the lower right side, is red. The reverse is plain and the ribbon is white save for the lower right hand section, which is red. Plate XIV; Seppe Or MERIT MALAGACHE + This was instituted by the French Colonial De- partment May 14, 1901, as a reward to natives who were prominent in the commerce, industry or agriculture of the colony. There are three grades—gold, silver and bronze, 35 mm. in diam- * Jules Martin—1912—states the star has five branches. tMalagache, a name given the inhabitants of Mada- gascar. 36 DECORATIONS eter. The medal is surmounted by six spears, and branches of palm and laurel. On the obverse is a head of the Republic, by Roty, with flowing hair, a liberty cap and crown of laurel, encircled by the motto REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. On the reverse, within an oak and laurel wreath, is COLONIE / DE / MADAGASCAR 7 HON- NEUR / MERITE / TRAVAIL, Thevmoire silk ribbon is half blue and half white. Plate AV: THE MEDAL OF HONOUR was created by the same authorities at the same time and intended for a lesser reward. It is 25 mm. in diameter, ~ having a similar obverse, while the reverse bears a tablet inscribed HONNEUR / ET / TRAVAIL encircled by palm and laurel branches and MADA- GASCAR ET DEPENDANCES. The ribbon is maroon, edged with gold. Plate XV. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Pla MADAGASCAR Medal of Merit Medal of Honour % >" ™ i i) «@ ’ r rr rerp ey ae “A € Ln fre Chi COLONIES 37 FRENCH INDO-CHINA The territory of French Indo-China lies to the extreme South-east of China, and east of Siam. The earliest knowledge we have of the region is derived from the Chinese historians who mention the Annamese of 2257 B.C. The country is now divided into the colony of Cochin-China and the protectorates of Annam, Cambodia, Laos and Tong-king. Cochin-China is under the direct ad- ministration of France through its Lieutenant Governor, who resides at Saigon. In Annam the Emperor Bao-Dai is nominal sovereign, as- sisted by the French Résident-Supérieur. In Cambodia the king directs the native administra- tion, assisted by a Résident-Supérieur. Laos has several departments, but that of Luang-Prabang only has a king, who is aided by a Résident-Su- périeur. In Tong-king the Résident-Supérieur in the absence of any sectional native ruler is the sole governor. French missionaries were established in this section in the seventeenth century * and the first treaty was made in 1787 with Gia-Long, the king of Annam, during the reign of Louis XVI. * Guillaume Mahot, of the Foreign Mission Society of Paris, went to Cochin-China in 1666 and died at Fai-fo in 1684. From Bulletin des Amis de Vieux Hué, page 408, 1915, No. 4. 38 DECORATIONS OF In 1857 an expedition was sent out by France, since which time the gradual extension of con- trol has been brought about, and from 1883 the country has been entirely under French domina- tion. The satisfactory government of these col- onies is evidenced by the loyal support of the natives during the war with Germany, when sev- eral hundred thousand troops and workers were sent to France to assist the mother-country. Many millions of francs were subscribed by them for the war loans and relief societies. The only regional decoration which applies throughout all of Indo-China is the ORDER OF MERIT. Founded by the Gov- ernor-General at Saigon, April 30, 1900, as a re- ward for exceptional services rendered in agri- culture, commerce, industry and the arts. It is awarded to natives and to Asiatics only, and there are three classes, gold, silver and bronze. The decoration is a ball-tipped star of six points, 55 mm. in diameter, surmounted by a suspension ring composed of two branches of laurel. In the round medallion are the words INDOCHINE: FRANCAISE, encircling two native characters, signifying To make known that which is beauti- ful. The ribbon is bright yellow. Plate XVI. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Pu XNA i! A ta See ATE NTRS | FRENCH INDO CHINA Order of Merit € . e L ef PUARE LD * ba . ‘* Ps es Soe wf FRENCH COLONIES 39 ANNAM This section of French Indo-China is a narrow strip north of Cambodia, south of Tong-king and between the mountains of Laos and the China Sede) t as\ a coast line of approximately nine hundred miles. The Annamese (Giao-chi) are of southern Chinese origin. ‘Their country _has frequently been overrun by the Burmese and Chinese. Toward the end of the eighteenth cen- tury, by the treaty between Gia-Long and Louis XVI, the country came under the influence of the French, and the “Kingdom of the South” has been generally prosperous as a French protector- ate. The native capital and principal city, Hue, is famed for its old walls, temples and gardens, as well as for its monuments and other antiquities. Hue is also the residence of the King, whose official native title is Koang-de, or Son of Heaven. The several decorations for Annamite citizens are the Bai, or plaque, the Khanh, or gong fron: its shape,* the Boi, or oval for suspension, the Tien, or Sapéque (a native coin). The Bai was made in gold or silver and was called the Kim- Bai or Ngan-Bai, according to the metal. The * The Khanh was originally an instrument of music, or gong of stone or bronze. The Annamite decora- tions having this form are called a gong. Hence Kim-Khanh, a gong of gold. 40 DECORATIONS OF Khanh and the Boi were both issued in jade, gold and silver, hence the prefix, Ngoc, for jade. The Tien, or Sapéque, was issued in gold and silver; hence it becomes the Kim-Tién or Ngan-Tién. All of these decorations are worn on the breast, suspended by a silk cord from the neck, and bear a tassel suspended from a hole at the bottom of the piece. With the very high awards the tassel is replaced by a string of coral beads or pearls. When two or more decorations are worn at the same time they are suspended one above the other, with the tassel or coral at the bottom. BAI or PLAQUE. This insignia has been in use in China and Annam for centuries. The earliest known were of ivory and apparently were worn as a badge of office. During the reign of Gia-Long about 1802, the Ngan-Bai, or silver plaque, is said to have been worn by members of the Co-Mat, or Secret Council, as indicative of their position. In 1824/1825 the Emperor Minh- Mang seems to have issued regulations for the wearing of the Bai rather than, as some writers have supposed, rules for its creation. At the present time the Sovereign wears a rectangular plaque, made of jade, enriched by precious stones and bearing in engraved Annamite characters, ‘Peace and prosperity to the Son of Heaven.” Gold plaques or Kim-Bai are worn by FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Pi. XVII ANNAM Kim Boi Bai or Plaque ' a, * . t a . . ee: . Se Ry FRENCH COLONIES 41 the members of the Royal family, the high court dignitaries, members of the Co-Mat, and are awarded to the higher French officials. The plaques are made in various shapes and sizes for all the different classes, generally oblong rec- tangles, though those of other wearers, like the women of the household, are oval. The mate- rial is silver, ivory, horn, ebony and lead according to the grade. On the face they bear the title of the individual wearing it, be he an official of the Palace, an officer of the army or a servant of the Royal household. There are at least twenty dif- ferent shapes and sizes. Sixty different classes of persons are entitled to wear the plaque or Bai.” Plate XVIT. KIM-KHANH or Gold Gong.+ This is the most important decoration of Annam, and for a very long time has been worn by Mandarins and others of high civil or military rank. It is made of jade, gold or plated gold. The exact date of its origin 1s not known, as the records for such things at Hué cannot be found. It was first known to Europeans in 1873, when the Emperor, Tu-Duc—in the twenty-sixth year of his reign— caused large gold models weighing from five to * No. 3, 1926. Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué. ¥ Also called Khin-Kham, Kim-Kam, or Kink-Cam, by various European writers. 42 DECORATIONS OF six ounces to be made for presentation to the French admiral, then at Hanoi, and to other high officials. These bore on one side the native char- acters meaning Fidelity and Confidence. Two years later, another large Kim-Khanh was made and presented to the President of the French Re- public. In 1887, the second year of Dong- Khanh, four classes with multi-coloured silk fringe were authorized for Europeans. The inscription on one side denoted the grade—on the reverse was the name of the reigning monarch. In 1892 the Emperor, Thanh-Thai (dethroned in 1907 for his excessive cruelties to the women of his household), awarded the Kim-Khanh to Mme. Elisa Block for her great work in art,* and in 1900 he decreed that there should be only three classes and limited the decoration to men only. Plates XVIII and XIX, * Translation of brevet to Mme. Block. “The sec- ond day of the eighth month of the fourth year of Thanh-Thai (September 22, 1892) the members of the Co-Mat (Privy Council) of the Great Empire of Annam have the honour to publish the present ordinance by which in the name of her Majesty, the Imperial Grand- mother, Tu-Duc-Bac-Hué-Khoung-Tho-Da: Wishing to recognise the great talent and precious qualities of Mme. Elisa Block, Sculptress, of Paris, we have awarded her a Kim-Khanh of the first class, provided with fringe and silk,” Note that it is awarded in the name of the Imperial Grandmother ! FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS. Pi. Viti 5, ; ' ae | + | e Kim Khanh x il ae =) 4 a x n 4 Fors a a, : » , , ry hy Tal POCEEER RCE 4 1H, oy FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS rissa PEA oa gia de buosemne ¢ at a4 | eacaecete He veda at ARI t i jae ee eh tote enone a | le eset do wuede ay annette a ey ae me ae ame Brevet of Kim Khanh Pree COLONTIES 43 The decoration, whether in gold or jade, is of a distinctive form with scrolled edges and is decorated with dragons or flowers. Both sides are alike, save for the inscription. The illustra- tion, Plate X VIII, has on the obverse DAI-NAM- HOANG-DE-SAC-TU, signifying “Given by his Majesty Hoang-De the Emperor of Great Annam,” and on the reverse NHUT HANG KIM-KHANH, signifying “Kim-Khanh of the First Class.” The hole at the top is for the silk neck cord; that at the bottom for the silk fringe or tassel, which is of violet, old gold and red, all held together by native knots. The writer has three specimens of this decora- tion, varying in size, ornamentation and lettering, which changed with the respective reigns. KIM-BOI (or Bo), meaning a suspended oval of gold, as Ngoc-boi means a jade oval, was insti- tuted in 1889 by the Emperor Thanh-Thai. Prior to that time the Khanh in jade, the Boi and Plaque in jade, had been utilized as awards of honour. Thanh-Thai in the first year of his reign (1888- 1907) caused the Boi to be made in gold, silver or jade, and reserved it for women. Formerly the jade boi had been given to men as well as women. The decoration is an oval with scrolls and dragons on the edges, and in the medallion, THANH- THAI-NIEN-TAO, or “Made in the reign of 44 DECORATIONS OF Thanh-Thai.” On the reverse is QUYNH- DIEU-VINH-HAO—* The beauty of Quynh and God is eternal.” * The Kim-B6oi was awarded in three grades and like the Khanh was suspended by a silken cord from the neck. It has, as well, a tassel hanging from the decoration. Plate XVII. When made in Annam the decorations of Kim- Boi and of Kim-Khanh are of two sheets of pure gold soldered together. When made in France they are usually of silver, gold plated. SAPEQUE D’HONNEUR or KIM-TIEN. Little is known of the origin of this decoration, although, like the Khanh, it has long existed. Whenever it was to be awarded it was made in gold by order of the monarch. In the thirteenth year of Minh-Mang (1832) one thousand Kim-Tien were ordered to be made. It was awarded to Man- darins, to the military, and to foreigners for ex- ceptional services, and to Princes and to Prin- cesses on their becoming of age. There are four classes; all bear on one side the name of the reigning Emperor. The other side varies. ‘The highest class has a rampant dragon with two native characters, Long-Van (“ornament of dragons”), in the centre. The first class has only the figure of the dragon; the second class is the same, but smaller; while the lowest class is still smaller and * Quynh is the name of a precious stone. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS BON ANNAM Types of Sapeques at a euneta tel a ot we Ye PL. XXT FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS éques pes of Sapé Ty Pee COLONIES A5 bears no dragon, but the two characters, Nhi- Nghi (sun and moon). On February 8, 1894, the Sapéeque in gold with a fringe and silk cord was conferred upon Madame Bert, the widow of Paul Bert, the former Resident-General of Annam and Tonkin.* SAPEQUE IN SILVER or NGAN-TIEN. Like the Sapéque in gold, little is known as to its origin. In 1832, during the reign of Minh-Mang, twenty thousand were ordered to be made as a reward to the soldiers and others in inferior posi- tions in the government. There are three classes, varying in size and decoration. All bear the name of the reigning emperor on one side. The reverse has a dragon for the first class; a smaller dragon for the second class, and native characters on that of the third class, which is pierced by a square hole at the centre. A larger and special model is sometimes given, bearing native char- * Translation of Brevet—‘ Hué, the third day of the first month of the sixth year of Thanh-Thai [February 8, 1894]. The dynasty of Ean having a great person called Duong-Kum, who died after having rendered conspicuous services to the kingdom, had, in memory of the good works, given a decoration to his wife. Agreeably to the ordinance of her majesty the Im- perial Grandmother, we the members of the Co-Mat (Privy Council) confer on Madame Bert, a decoration of one Sapéque in gold, supplied with a fringe and a silk cord, for the services which the Governor General M. Paul Bert has rendered to the Annamite Govern- ment.” 46 DECORATIONS OF acters on each side.. Owing to the fact that a decoration of the period of 1832 was awarded in 1916 (and is in the writer’s collection with the brevet), it would appear that all of the twenty thousand ordered in 1832 have not yet been awarded. Plate XX. The native characters in the first class medal shown in Plate XXI are MINH-MANG-THONG-BUU or “ That which is recognized as precious in the reign of Minh- Mang.” Like the Sapéque in gold, this is suspended from the neck by a silk cord, with a fringe or tassel from the bottom of the decoration. The Sapéque is sometimes awarded in bronze. Plates XXI and XXII. THE MILITARY MEDAL OF ANNAM. This was established in 1886 by the regent, . Nguyén-hurn-Do, and is conferred solely on the native troops of Annam and ‘Tongking, for bravery or for wounds in service. The decora- tion is a round silver-gilt medal, with a dragon’s head and claws at the top, surmounted by two crossed swords of native type. On the obverse, between branches of oak and laurel, are native characters, denoting “Protectorate of Annam and Tongking. Valour and Discipline.” The re- verse is similar, with the inscription in French. The ribbon is yellow, edged with blue, and has two Annamite characters in the yellow centre. Pr XXL FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS juastiy cq enbedes sy} Jo JoAaig WVNNV ProAAy FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS ANNAM Plaque of Honour 1863 FRENCH COLONIES 47 PLAQUE OF HONOUR. This was instituted in 1863 by the Emperor, Tu-Duc, in the sixteenth year of his reign and awarded to those who as- sisted in the great famine of that period. The decoration is a thin silver oval plate 79 x 62 mm. and 13.5 grains in weight, bearing in the centre native characters LAC GUYEN NGAI DAN, “For lavish generosity in the help of the people.” The pin-point impressions on the edge indicate the weight of the piece.* Plate XXIII. MEDAL OF MERIT. This was issued during the epoch of Minh-Mang (1820-1840), and, as its name indicates, was probably awarded to the troops and civilians for exceptional services, though the writers on the subject say little about it. It is a thin oblong silver plaque, 64 x 50 mm., bearing in the centre Thuong Cong—signifying Reward of Merit. The pin-point impressions on the edge indicate the weight of the piece.+ ition vAl ORDER OF THE DRAGON was adopted at Hué, the capital, March 14, 1886 (“the ninth day of the second month of the first year of his reign’), by the Emperor Dong-Khanh, as a reward for civil and military * Etudes Numismatique Annam, 1905, Schroeder, pp. 506, No. 614. + Etudes Numismatique Annam, 1905, Schroeder. Plate LXXX, No. 353. 48 DECORATIONS OF service to the Emperor * or the Protectorate, and is sometimes conferred on women. It is the only Annamite Order which is recognized by France and was approved by the decrees of May 31, 1896, and of July 12, 1897. Like the other recognized Colonial Orders, it is under the control of the Minister of Colonies and the Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour. There are five classes, Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer and Chevalier, and the decorations are 70 mm., 60 mm., and 40 mm. in size, accord- ing to the grade. The-decoration is a star of eight points formed of forty faceted rays and sur- mounted by an imperial crown, above which is a green-enamelled dragon. In the oval medallion of light-blue enamel are native characters in gold, DONG-KHANH-HOANG-DE, and Annamite heraldic rays, representing the sun, surround these characters. The reverse is plain and the decora- tion, the same for civilians and military, is of gold for all grades except that of Chevalier, which is of silver. The ribbon is green bordered with orange for civilians and white edged with orange for military members, The plaque is 99 mm. in size, with a superimposed enamelled dragon holding the centre of the medallion. Plates XXIV and XXV. * Dong-Khanh was installed July, 1885, by the French Resident General, de Courcy. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Prax lV ANNAM Imperial Order of the Dragon om Pe Ae oo: gear * Mews é Pu XX V FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS RYE BONS * te e Skm emeen ge pig Ap UnsuEdaR pide) ohoy Bu a TRIM, ONO 30 FpprDUeUegsr A LaKRE uw ADAG ete Rake GH Ee ASR RRR od XERRRAKR FRENCH COLONIES 49 THE EMPERORS OF ANNAM SINCE 1802 GIA-LONG (or Neguyen-Anh), who took the name of Gia-Long and title of Emperor on June I, 1802, and died February 3, 1820. MINH-MANG, born May 25, 1791, at Tan-Loc (son of Gia-Long “and his second wife, Prin- cess Thuan-Thien-Cao-Hoang-Hau), was en- throned February 14, 1820. He died January II, 1841, and was buried at Hien-Lang, August 25, 1841. He created the Ngan-Bai, or silver plaque, in 1825 as a reward for Military services and in 1832 ordered the Tien as an award for exceptional services. THIEU-TRI, the eldest son of Minh-Mang, was born June 16, 1807, and proclaimed Emperor February 11, 1841. He died November 27, 1847, and was buried June 24, 1848, at Xurong- Lang. TU-DUC, a son of Thiéu-Tri, mounted the throne October 29, 1848, and died July 19, 1883. It was during his reign that the Kim-Khanh first became known to foreigners. KIEN-PHUC was born February 12, 1869, elected Emperor November 29, 1883, and died July 31, 1884. 50 DECORATIONS 30 F HAM-NGHI, a brother of Tu-Duc, ascended the throne August 2, 1884, and died July 5, 1885. DONG-KHANH, born February 19, 1864. He was the oldest son of Prince Kien-Thau-Vurong (the 26th son of Thiéu-Tri), and was adopted son of Tu-Duc and the brother of Ham-Nghi. Elected Emperor September 20, 1885, he died January 28, 1889. He instituted the Imperial Order of the Dragon of Annam in 1886. THANH-THAI was declared Emperor February 1, 1889, and dethroned September 9, 1907, by the French authorities for excessive cruelties to the women of his household and for opposing the French officials. He was sent to Reunion Island, November, 1916, with his son, Duy-Tan. During his reign the Kim-Boi was instituted. DUY-TAN, the son of Than-Thai, was declared Emperor September 9, 1907, when eight years of age. He was dethroned May 3, 1916, by the French authorities, when he left the Palace to join a rebellion against the French. They ar- rested him, and in November, 1916, he was sent to Reunion Island with his father, Than- Thai. KHAI-DINH (or Son of Heaven), the eldest son of Dong-Khanh, was born October 8, 1885, with the title of Prince Buru-Dao. He was freed COLONIES 51 selected by the Annamite and French Colonial authorities to succeed Duy-Tan, and ascended the throne as Emperor May 17, 1916, assuming the title of Khai-Dinh. He died November 6, 1925. BAO-DAI (meaning Greatness Sustained), his son, who was being educated in Paris, was elected Emperor at the age of thirteen years in January, 1926. He was named Vinh-thuy, and assumed the name of Bao-Dai when enthroned. He returned to Paris to complete his education, and a Conseil de Régence governs. 52 DECORATIONS OF CAMBODIA The Southern section of French Indo-China is called Cambodge by the French and Sroc-Khmer by the natives. During the fifth century A.D., the Khmers, of Hindu origin, occupied the country and built many cities and monuments, notably those of Angkor-Thom and Angkor-Vat. The European name for Cambodia is probably derived from the Hindu, Kambu, the traditional founder of the Khmer clan. From the fourteenth to the end of the seventeenth century, the country was continuously at war with the Chinese from the North. The Annamese predominated in the popu- lation and controlled the country until the nine- teenth century. After the French occupation of Annam, the King of Cambodia, Norodom I, fear- ing the encroachment of Siam, concluded a treaty with France on August 11, 1863. Since that time the country has been a protectorate of France, under a Résident-Supérieur. The present native ruler is King Monivong, whose capital is Pnomh- Penh, on the Mekong River. THE ROYAL ORDER OF CAMBODIA was founded February 8, 1864, by the king, Norodom I (1835-1904), to reward civil and military serv- ices. There are the usual five classes, Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer and XXVI LEE FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS CAMBODIA Royal Order of Cambodia “ + - 2 ; sittetdeas . een gh tags: : -* ~~ F t 4a, : g = ~ ; bs a ros det ode 4 oy ae » ~~ AL en a BE pi eave | yl a a ~ - a . » ~ : - = > Pu f ow - ~ oF ve te i “ “. oe ee nate ee lee “© ee ; = — et i 4 - : ‘ ig. y Sy ; , g f = , ip . + ae ate . al A f - ~ s - ~~ : 4 f ia oe I= ; Peewee COLONIES 53 Chevalier. Foreigners are also given the decora- tion. The star of the chevalier is of silver; all others are of gold. The insignia is an eight- pointed faceted star of forty-eight rays sur- mounted by a royal crown. On the centre, within a red-enamelled band, is a light blue medallion on which in relief are the arms of the kingdom in gold; at the bottom are two vases, one above the other, surmounted by a Cambodian royal crown of seven tiers. On these are superimposed the sacred swords of Phra-Khan, believed to have been given originally by Indra, the god of the air, to an early king of Cambodia. Flames are in the field. The reverse of the star is plain. The ribbon is red, edged with green, when the order is con- ferred by the Cambodian government, and with this ribbon a French citizen can wear the decora- tion in Cambodia only. When the order is con- ferred by the French authorities the ribbon is white, edged with orange; this change was effected by a decree of December 5, 1899. Plate XXVI. MepAt OF THE ROYAL ORDER. OF CAMBODIA. This is issued in gold, silver and bronze and awarded for services not warranting the Royal Order. It is 32 mm. in diameter, having on the obverse, within an oak and laurel wreath, NORODOM IER. ROI DU CAMBODGE, with sun rays above and below. On the reverse centre 54 DECORATIONS CF is the mantled Arms of the kingdom, around which is * SOMDACH PREA NORODOM PREA CHAU CRUNG * CAMPUCHEA *. The medal is surmounted by a crown. The ribbon has three equal stripes of red, yellow and light blue. This medal is often called the era’ Medal of Noro- dom I. MEDAL OF SISOWATH was founded in 1904 when Sisowath became King of Cambodia, upon the death of his brother, Norodom I. It is 32 mm. in diameter, and surmounted by a Cam- bodian royal crown. On the obverse, within an oak and laurel wreath, is SISOW ATH JER. ROI DU CAMBODGE, with rays above and below. On the reverse is the arms of the kingdom and the title of the king in native characters. The ribbon is of three equal stripes, red, yellow and purple. It is awarded to the military, as well as to civilians, for services to the kingdom. Plate XX VII. The MONI-SERPAHON, or Palmes of Cam- bodia, was founded by King Sisowath in July, 1906, as a reward to teachers, artists and authors. It is modelled after the French Palmes Universi- taires. The decoration consists of silver-gilt palm and laurel branches—in the centre is an urn with flowers and a knot of ribbon. Obverse and re- verse are the same. The ribbon is bright yellow. Plate XX VII. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Pix xVil CAMBODIA Medal of Sisowath Moni Serpahon i at? PP a : by. yee Seme a, PL. XXVIII FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS pull nats \ Wiiinh AMBODIA ‘3 The Sowathara Pore oH COLONIES 55 Pies ALTHARA, or ORDER OF AGRICULTURAL MERIT, was created June 18, 1923, by royal ordinance, and approved by a decree of the Résident-Supérieur of France, of July 3, 1923. It is to reward and honour agriculturalists of Cambodia and had three classes, Commander, Officer and Chevalier. The decoration is a four- armed cross, each arm composed of five rays, in the angles of which are bunches of wheat, cotton, palm and rice paddy. In the green-enamelled medallion is a gold representation of the three- towered temple of Angkor—the ancient capital of the country—surrounded by a gold circle. The cross is surmounted by a figure of the native earth- goddess, and is suspended by a green ribbon. Plate XXVIII. The temple of Angkor-Vat was built in the city of Angkor-Thom (Angkor the Great) by the Khmers, who came to this region from Burma and the Northeast, early in the Christian era. Apparently they were in the fullness of their power from the tenth to the twelfth centuries, and were surplanted in the fifteenth century. 56 DECORATOR LAOS Part of Laos is in Siam and part in French Indo-China. The latter was largely ceded by Siam to France in 1893. The region west of Annam and North and Northeast of Siam has been a protectorate since that date. The country is inhabited by semi-civilized tribes and a mixed population from the surrounding regions. Vieng- chan (Vientaine) became the French capital of Laos, while the principal native city is Luang- Prabang (Kingdom of the Divine Buddha), in the province of the same name. Here resides Somdet Phra Chao Sisavang Vong, not only the King of Luang-Prabang, but in the native phrase—Master of Heaven and Life. THE ORDER OF VA) MICRO a PHANTS or THE WHITE PARAS Oo eight years or more this order has been awarded to natives and foreigners by the King of Luang- Prabang, though no information is available as to who created it, the date, or the reason for its award. The decoration is composed of three white-enamelled heads of elephants, below which is a peacock’s spread tail, and above are four oval shields and a royal native crown. Surmounting this on a scroll inscribed with native characters is the name of the order. The ribbon is bright red with two narrow gold stripes and an angular scroll design on each side. Plate XXIX. FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS Pie LX LAOS Order of a Million Elephants cae 5 PPPs, i ee PN ES Ti a dacs oH ¥ de = ey Tas a PLY ae FRENCH COLONIAL ORDERS SEUSS sy eel ie Repernr 7 pp bo bavivkige on OR OD Lg : mp ep nip wf py phhorns proos Porvee pote: sy aT ahreorse iy Fanpert bawuz nbig “Terk 4 ee rg) > ap ae we Oe a a ee aT Ce graypel ser renege Fyn Virion 4 LA) erty > ETN yy Bersiigiys spy Pigts pop ONVIE TOSVeVd NO L3 SLNVHd31Z.0 SNOITTIW S30 3u040.7 30 L3A3Ne DNVaVUa-ONVNI FC ANNVAOU Ng Pee eon COLONTES 57 When honoured with the Order of the Million Elephants and the White Parasol, the brevet only is given; the recipient is required to purchase the insignia. Plate XXX. TONG-KING This northernmost section of French Indo- China, North and Northeast of Laos and Annam, became a French protectorate by treaty of June, 1885. The French have been established in cer- tain coastal sections of the region since 1862. There are no local rulers of Tong-king, hence there are no native decorations or medals issued, except the Military Medal described under Annam. 58 DECORATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNUAIRE GENERALE DE LA FRANCE, 1920—21. Exrias ASHMOLE. The History of the most noble Order of the Garter. London, 1715. ‘L. BrasterR & L. Bruner. Les Ordres Tunisiens. Paris, 1898. L. Brasier & L. Brunet. Les Ordres Coloniaux Fran- cats, Paris, 1800. Henry G. Bryant. The Land of the Golden Dragon, Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, April 1919. ARTHUR DacuiIn. Manuscript Notes, 1894 to 1918. Danc-Ncoc-OAnu, Secrétaire Géneral du Conseil de Régence. Les Distinctions Honorifiques Annamites —No. 4 Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué, De- cember 1915. ANDREW Favine. The Theatre of Honour and Knight- hood. London, 1623. Translated from a French edition, 1620. Henrt Hucon. Les Emblémes des Beys de Tunis. Paris, 1913. : Jutes Martin pe Montarpo. Armoiries et Decora- tions. Paris, 1896. Supplement, 1910. Jutes Martin pE Montarspo. Les Decorations Fran- cases. Paris, 1912. PaSCHAL LE CHANOINE. Les Ordres Chevaleresque. Marseille, 1895. L. Soteny. Chef de la Sufeté de PAmaam ees Plaquettes des Dignitaires et des Mandarins a la Cour d’Annam. Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué, No. 3, 1926. Miao ci COLONIES 59 Poi oi PLATES Frontispiece. Morocco. Brevet or OuissAmM ALAOUiT CHERIFIEN. Plate I. Brevet AuTHORIZING THE RoyYAL ORDER OF CAMBODIA. Plate I]. Morocco. TRANSLATION OF BREVET OUISSAM ALAOUIT CHERIFIEN. Plate III. Morocco. OrperR oF NicHAN-HaFIDIEN. OrDER OF OuISSAM ALAOUIT CHERIFIEN. Plate IV. Morocco. OrprerR or MiLitAry MeriIT. Plate V. Tunts. Orper or Nicuan Irtikuar. Old Style. Plate VI. Tunis. Orprer oF Nicuan IrtikHar. New Style. Plate VII. Daunomery. OrpDER OF THE BLACK STAR OF BENIN. Plate VIII. MepaLt ror DAHOMEY. Plate IX. TayuraAH. OrpDER OF NICHAN-EL-ANOUAR. Plate X. Comoro. Royat ORDER OF THE STAR OF ANJOUAN. Plate XI. Comoro. ORDER OF THE STAR OF COMORO. Plate XII. Comoro. ORDER OF THE SULTAN. Plate XIII. Mapacascar. Orpder oF Merit, RapAMA II. Mepar oF Merit. Plate XIV. Mapacascar, OrRpbER OF RANAVALO. Plate XV. Mapacascar. Mepat or Merit. MEDAL OF Honour. Plate XVI. FreNcH INDo-CHINA. ORDER OF MERIT. Plate XVII. Annam. Bat or Prague. Krm-Bor. Plate XVIII. Annam. Kim-KHANH. Plate XIX. ANNAM. Brever oF KimM-KHANH. Plate XX. ANNAM. TyPEs OF SAPEQUES. Plate XX1. ANNAM. TyPES OF SAPEQUES. Plate XXII. Annam. BrREVET OF THE SAPEQUE D’ ARGENT. 60 DECORA Vik ae Plate XXIII. ANNAM. Prague oF Honour, 1863. Plate XXIV. ANNAM. IMPERIAL ORDER OF DRAGON. Plate XXV. ANNAM. BREVET OF THE IMPERIAL ORDER OF THE DRAGON. Plate XXVI. Campopra. Royat OrpErR oF CAMBODIA. Plate XXVII.- Camsopnia. Mepart oF SisowatH. Moni SERPAHON. Plate XXVIII. Campopis... THE SOWATHARA, Plate XXIX. Laos, OrRpDER oF A MILLION ELEPHANTS, Plate XXX. Laos. BREvET OF THE ORDER OF A Mititi0on ELEPHANTS. Pmoeewon GOLONIES 61 INDEX Page ALGIERS. Decoration du Chéia, or Order of the Silver EE Rie ie ewes owl ae ea ee cen 5 ANNAM. CS a ge a 40 Ne! ON iia wee sey ce oe 41 ITE Ns a we ee gee tose ee 43 Pometien of Sapeque in gold ................ 44 eam bien. or Sapeque in silver .............%. 45 I ly ho iceein ts a Sie we a bk te ee 46 aieage or Honour for Famine ..............+. 47 MNS ile cca sk eAUK Se ee ee 47 Imperial Order of the Dragon ................ 47 0 DSS le ie rie 38 CAMBODIA. Movarrtaer of Cambodia. ..........0 2.6 sceee 2 Military Medal of Norodom [ ...............-. 54 MEIN PRS WOEM 4 fl sce nes in die os ae eee 54 MN PAIN sk ot Sk ve ne ee en en lb we 54 Sowathara, or Order of Agricultural Merit ..... 55 Comoro, Royal Order of the Star of Anjouan ......... 28 Meerrot ihe Star of Comoro ..... 2.0. 2s eee cee 20 erler ot ihe Star of Moheli ........--.00e00e ee 30 Me CHOU STITAT cob. ee ce he eee 30 DAHOMEY. Order ot the Black Star of Benin .............. 23 MUMERTECTGALOIUNG oc. sca ee ee ee eee eee 24 Meenab tor Dahomey, 1802 <...-.. ieee emcee aes 25 Laos. (rer ot a Million Elephants ..........0005.05 56 MADAGASCAR, Mraemiuie wert of Radama Il ......:...0..+5. 34 Miegatentemiert of Radama I] ..... 00 ce 34 DM PIS ATIAVAIO cc soe ce ee pe he ce se wed 35 Meaaivor Mert Malagache ...i. 00sec wees as Medal of Honour 62 DECORA EOS Page Morocco. Order of Nichan-Hafidien or Ouissam-Hafidien .. 10 Order of Ouissam Alaouit Cherifien ............ 10 Cherifien Order of Military Merit ............. II TAJURAH OR OBOCK. Order of Nichan-el-Anouar’. J s.2 0 eee 26 Medal of Djibouti ©. <2..i henson een anne ee a7, TuNnISs. Nichan Iftikhar, or Order of Distinction ...... 14 Nichan-ed-Dem ~...0 0.0.95 «56> © eee 16 Nichan-el-Ahmed-el-Aaman 2... ..5. 5.0. 59s 17 Medal for Crimea, 1853: . 1.220 5220s eee 18 Medal for Arab Uprising, 1864 9.225 18 Medal of Adel Bey,1867 (720. 3. ee 19 Medal of 1883. <0. 5 c)5 4), 3 pee eee ee 19 Order of St. Mary of Mercy 225-35 en eee 20 Order of the Ship). 2. osc. ee eee 20 Order of St. Peter ... .cot anes 21 Order of St. Paul of Rome >...) 3. ae 21 21 Order of the Burgundian ‘Cross: J. jag. ee 1. 4. Nn ig 8. 9. 10. 11. Ads 13. 1 NumisMAtTic Notes AND MONOGRAPHS Sydney P. Noe. Coin Hoards. 6 pls. 50c. 1921. 47 pp. Howland Wood. The Mexican Revolutionary Coinage. 1913-1916. 1921. $2.00. 44 pp. 26 pls. . Agnes Baldwin. Five Roman Gold Medallions. 1921. 103 pp. 8pls. $1.50. Sydney P. Noe. Medallic Work of A. A. Wein- man. 1921. 31 pp. 17 pls. $1.00. Gilbert S. Perez. The Mint of the Philippine Islands. 1921. 8pp. 4 pls. 50c. David Eugene Smith, LL.D. Computing Jetons. 1921. 7Opp. ‘25 pls. $1.50. Edward T. Newell. The First Seleucid Coinage of Tyre. 1921. 40 pp. 8 pls. $1.00. Harrold E. Gillingham. French Orders and Decorations. 1922: 110 pp. 35 pls. $2.00. 7 pp. 2pls. 50c. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY TO 00885 5856 Howland Wood. Gold Dollars of 1858. 1922. R. B. Whitehead. Pre-Mohammedan Coinage of LN. W. rade: 1922. 56 pp. 15 pls. $2.00. ontribution to i234 pp: 13 : Coinage of pls. $1.50. ze Medallions. inage of 1823. yards—II. De- 8 pls. $2.50. o* b Numismatic Notes AND MoNoGRAPHS oe (Continued) 20. ‘Hietrold 1: Glitiegtiain. "agate nen aan and Medals of Honour, 1923. 146 pp. 34 — pls. $2.00, . : htt 21. Edward T. Newell. Alexander Hoards—Iil. Andritsaena. 1924. 39pp. 6pls. $1.00. 22. C. T. Seltman. A Hoard aba Side. 1924. 20 pp. 3pls. $1.00. ah 1 Soe | aay Se Seager. A Cretan Coin Hoard. 1924. 55 " pp. 12 pls. $2.00. 24, Samuel R. Milbank. The Coinage of Aegina. 1925. 66 pp. Spls. $2.00. ay 25. Sydney P. Noe. A Bibliography of Greek Coin ; Hoards. 1925. 275 pp. $2.50. | 26. Edward T. Newell. Mithradates of pihiveat! Hyspaosines of Charabene. 1925. 18 pp. 2 Pls. a4 50c. Ae 27. Sydney P. Noe. The Mende (Kaliandra) er ae | 1926. 73 pp. 10pls. $2.00. — me 28. Agnes Baldwin. Four Medallions from the Arras . Hoard. 1926. 36pp. 4pls. $1.50. 99. H. Alexander Parsons. The Earliest Coins of 3 Norway. 1926. 4ipp. 50c. _ 30. Edward T. Newell. Some Unpublished Coins ef pa Eastern Dynasts. 1926.. 21 pp. 2 pls. 50c. 31. Harrold E. Gillingham. Spanish Orders of Chiv- — alry and Decorations of Honour. 1926. 165. pp. 40 pls. $3.00. _ 32. Sydney P. Noe. The Coinage of Metapontum. 1927 (Part I). 134 pp. 23 pls. $3.00. 33. Edward T. Newell. Two Recent Egyptian Hoards—Delta and Keneh. 1927. 34 PP. iS ple, $£.00.: ae 34. Edward Rogers. The Sebbnd and Third Seleucid ny 9 Coinage of Tyre. 4927. 33 pp. 4pls. $1.50. . Alfred R. Bellinger. prAccarmia ‘Gyesnees Bronze Coinage. 1 (21 pp. 4 4 Pils. $1. 50. 3 eee a ee : bt, ig a rae 3