ateie ex, 7 eh tess. 92 eA, 2 ae OLLECTION, SALE. Lt Uy, 0-44 “Stock7of the late aH! rm of am Schaus, comprising paintings, -colors and drawings, sold at on at the Hotel Plaza ballroom, . 15, 16 and 17, by the American Association, realized $154,082.50. | sale was well attended by col- s frequently seen in auction fl mm pV. dealers) three old masters in the ele i and Horse,’ by A. Cuyp; “Land- ! with Canal,” by P. Breughel, the | sr, and “Landscape with Figures,” by | nisdael, brought $360, $400 and $600 ctively. : significant feature of the lack of | sm of American collectors was | t out at the second night’s sale, a portrait of the great American > nan, the late John Hay, by an. rican artist, went to an i ietean | . for $65, and the portrait of the German statesman, Bismarck, by a. nan artist, went to a German buyer 3,600. lowing is a list of the pictures brought $500 or over, with artist’s | é, title of picture, buyer and price: ~“Calme sur E-eseaut, A+B. Johnson.. $525 ; “Mother and Baby,” Pi Wvikouss; os. 925 | P\Wasnine Day,’ P, W. Rouss...J..... 700 s, “View of Delft,” Knoedler & Co.... 1,150 | mers, “Minding the Baby,” Tooth &; Sons. 800 Maris, “Ducks and Ducklings,’ Knoedler eee STS ians wits Sak a aosis ctsle wwessxd oko see's os 710 | “Degel- Norway,” F. A. Ames... 600 ismarck,’ T, Heinemann......... - 3,600 ie over Cadore, ANY eICOUSS si 6s 15125 4 >. Dieterle, “Cows and Pool, ” F, Layton... 1,400 ite ee pubee wetter,” T. Heinemann ens ate 575 ameng, ‘With Bonaparte mitaly,’’ O. RE IROSC SIG ra raya. oi'ajais aus gah bce 6c be op ccs ss 1,650 yme, “The Tulip Craze, a J. (en Poyvarisio si 1,650 1} Kaulbach, “Day Dreams,” T. Heinemann. 750 1: Uhde, “The Flight,” T. Heinemann Spee ae 1,800 __ Inundation, Place St. Marc,’ Georges m, 1ew Of c ; eti Galleries. cere CemM RAINS 8 ice grace 608, DOO) Mme. Dieterle, “La mets ah Troupeau ; George. ee Ay STI MEMO eG cst vicki ss Yok teat $52,000 Mme. Dieterle, “lL Etang de nee poersane eZ ACR. Murray, kd o\ cei g em yee tiga eee nS 3,600 berg & Little piece a oe ee G@tlberpaip, F: Draz...... 600 Batoses,) Mrs: A. Plake...:. 52.5. 625 . Cachaud, “Village Street, Moonlight ;’” Ww. eae ae $550 . Bonheur, “A Mountain Donkey;” A. B. Re stele x isPo 2 as ose ose sins oie eo hs cs 600 issonier, “Esquisse d’Une Troupe;’’ O. Ber- I J BYEG)0ID" G10 006 GAG ae Cee ae 550 Maris, “‘Pasture and Cows ;” Knoedler & Co, 1,675 feeeeseh, Mista Canal Near Baskop;” N. PE So ge 5 05, | SS SD a ar 1,050 Maris, “Goose and Goslings;’’ W. W. Sea- No FOG Sac Gog ha Gee 2 900 Maris, eA Pink on Shore at Scheveningen;’ ' ga ie AS) 3,400 ‘Ruisdael, “Landscape with Figures;” A. B. aot (on Son ab Drain eae eee eee 600 m, “Public Gardens, Venice, Moonlight;” A. Be gobneon WERT EMI TEs orc lé ecco ete Fi ek oe 1,650 n Marcke, “Sheep in Pasture;’ B. Johnson ~ "850 ‘Troyon, “Sheep in Pasture; ae I. ee 825 Jacque, “Feeding Time;’’ Boussod Valadon | Sr Aion DA See 650 omentin, “Hunting with Falcons; Georges | Petit Uo rice cscs tice es 5,300 lion, “The Fisherman’s Return;” Georges | Petit Galleries CEMENT tn oec oy lo ln sis stbynie bo 500 Dupre “The Pond;” Boussod Valadon & a. 1,050 | ‘rot, “Morning ;” Georges Petit Galleries. ; 6,500 Dupre, Pemormne;: Knocdier & Co........ 3,600 tubigny, river landscape, ‘‘Harvest Moon;” Ie ao ose cbs dics oi vols so sans dae as 2,000 az, “Edge of the Forest;’” W. W. Seaman, ; Teele 5 cia abies A> vg: susie mee ae oh 12,000 | ‘Dupre, “The Old Oak;’’ Holland Galleries.. 1,150 © irpignies, “The Brook; ”? Knoedler & Soe 3,850 Zin, “The Thaw ;” Knoedler (eal tore 8 Bieter sees 1,450 Jaques, ‘‘The Shepherd ;’ R. Murray, agent 8,100 Shreyer, “Arab Riders ;” Mr Schultheis..... 5,800 hermitte, “The Reaper’s Lunch;” A. R. Mur- ay, See, co iualain ie a isacdie. 0s heb F Oe acs 6% 11,500 2 Bock, “Milking Time Near Voorburg ;” BR W, Os ain gil ors sais + « 2,500 |eissenbruch, “On the Shore;’’ Knoedler & Gok ase 3 ee ee 3,300 Israels, ‘Domestic Troubles;” Wallis & ENGLIS 1 AGENT FORCED TO PAY HIGHEST PRICE AT SCHAUS SALE e Jeet eee e Bametie Trouble” Brings $13, 900 in) Battle of Bids—Collection es $154, oo O40 in Three ae jand_ buyers that f f pat the Plaza at. : | collection of oil was done at the third evening of the sale gee a Buisdael. fLandookpe with Fig- of pictures of the collection of the late Hr hes ao B. Fohnson- frente a Weta Wahi ae . 600 | f Hermann Schaus, which was held in the|" Moonlight? A.B. Johnsons). +. 1,650) Brand ball room of the Plaza last night.}Emile-Van Marcke, Sheep: in Pasture;’’ * A, By Johnson,.... iia 8 hoy Hansen 850 | ‘The room was crowded, and at times the ‘Constant “PeSRON, “Sheep. in. Pasture;” : ‘offers came so rapidly that ‘the bidding ap-i J. Glendining. ..........0... 5+. sees eee 825 | Charles Emile Tacque, “Feeding” Time;"” . _ proached the frenzied stage. / Mf Boussol Walladon & Cos efoovic een aces - 650 | | | The proceeds from last night’s sale far|Eugene Fromentin, “Hunting with : Fal: ire Cons! Stollbere & ie, abe 5,300 _ exceeded the total for the two previous} Antoine Vollon, ‘The Fisherman’s Re- . _ ‘mights. The highest price of the night and|, turn;’’! Georges (Petit Galleries.......... 500 | bj the week was paid for a picture by Josef’ Sules ‘Dupre, “The Pond,” Boussol Val- : Ba _ ‘Israéls, which went to Wallace & Sons, of |_ /adon Meme da ie ee SE ES RN LE ea aa tata Tender, tor $13,000. Thotr agent haa eome/e%®, eantiste Camille Cofot, "Mornings" L to New York especially for the sale to/Jules Dupre’s ‘‘Morning;’’. Knoedler & Co.. 3,600 | ‘ ie this work, which was called ‘‘Domes-| Charles rascals. Fedral A land- vo tie Trouble... The bidding against the|, cape, “Harvest Moon;’’ R, C. Vose..... 2, | ° ‘was lively, Messrs. Knoedler & Co., re Rovents”” ee -12,000 _ the Georges Petit Galleries and Mr. Theo-} jules Dupre, ‘’fhe Old Oak;’’ Holland - | | ‘dore Heinnemann, of Munich, taking part) Art Galleries.....,......-..+- ++ SR is wel) ec ha ae Harpignie, “The Brook; 7 Knoedier sand ' The total for the night was $117,335, mak- |. cnc Bind a eh tgY Lavoe epee Cente e ing the amount realized on the sale $154,- Jean Charles Cazin, the ‘Dhaw-Ks a! ECopee ate teen ee Sea ee 082.50. The pictures offered last night! phates Pmile Jacques, “the Shepherd;”? brought good prices with few exceptions.| A. R. Murray... (0... nc. c eee eee tenes . . 8,100 “Sheep in the Pasture,’ by Emile Van pe rere “Arab. Blaers;" Henry Marcke, was sold for $850. Mr. Schaus paid|, © Thess sueee sa errata tiReea GY Stars $4,000 for this a few years ago. The lowes price paid for a picture last night was $46. |: B : ng Tim Herewith is a list of the pictures which; V. ROWSS. 0.0. seer ee es 2s brought $500 or more, giving first the name|: 4 of the artist, then the name of the picture, that. of the new owner and the price:— Francols Charles Cachaud, “Village Ba el Moonlight;’’ W- A. Granier...........0.. $550 Mile. Rosa Marie ‘Bonheur, “A Mountain { Donkey;’* A. B. Jobngon. _ Jean Louls Ernest Metssondir,. Bsa ‘D'une Lroupe;’? O. Bernet.......... William Maris, “Pasture Knoedier. & Co.. Ue BBE Eee ‘Johannes Hendrik. _Welsserbruch, “The Canal Near Baskop;’’ N, A. Gr Bt i Johan Barthold Jongkind, “Moonlight On si a.Canal;’? W. W. Seaman. . ; William ‘Maris, “Goose and pesiner, Ww. ¥ f ! | | | ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10rn, 1912 BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Semen acp efor ME ST EI ‘ OF NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS On Monpay, TurspAy, AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, JANUARY 15TH, 16TH AND 17TH BEGINNING EACH EVENING AT 8.00 O’CLOCK FIFTH AVENUE, 581n TO 591TH STREETS “ ts Se fg eh OF u jf / / 7 f / ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THe VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND OTHER ART PROPERTY RECENTLY CONTAINED IN THE WILLIAM SCHAUS ART GALLERIES FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ~ By OrperR oF Mrs. Sopuiz J. ScHAuUS, EXECUTRIX, AND ADOLPHE ScHAUS, EXECUTOR, OF THE LATE HERMANN SCHAUS ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED IN THE GRAND BALL ROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58Tru TO 59TH STREETS THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1912 Press of Tue LENT & GRAFF Company 137-139 East 25th Street, New ‘York. ‘ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 5 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. : 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon re- ceiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money de- posited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tur AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcTIoneEeEr. FIRST EVENING’S SALE MONDAY, JANUARY 15tx, 1912 IN THE GRAND BALL ROOM OF THE PLAZA Firta AvENvE, 58TH To 59TH STREETS Brcinnine at 8 O’cLtock MLLE. ROSA MARIE BONHEUR FRENCH (1822-1899) No. 79— CHEVAL ATTELE is PENCIL DRAWING oe ) oy ne 8 ee eee Height, 334 inches; length, 434 inches Tue drawing represents a sturdy cart-horse almost in profile, facing to the right. It is distinguished by its careful study of the harness, which includes a breast-band instead of a collar and a string of bells attached to the headgear. Signed at the lower left, “Rosa B.” __ MLLE. ROSA MARIE BONHEUR FRENCH (1822-1899) No. so0— TOMBEREAU ATTELE D’UN CHEVAL PENCIL DRAWING () Si a JO = V4i ©. Onarnmne Height, 5 inches; length, 914 inches / Tue drawing, made with pencil on white paper, presents a careful study of the side view of a Parisian trash-cart and of the horse’s harness. The animal’s head, which faces to the right, is indicated sketchily. Signed at the lower left, “Rosa BonHEvR.” MLLE. ROSA MARIE BONHEUR FRENCH (1822-1899) No. 81— CHEVAL | ee PENCIL ve tee. YYVL- A 6 - oe" / 2 Vi: Cae A Bookcase of rococo design, decorated with a festoon of carved and gilded flowers, occupies the background. In front of it is a table, covered with a silvery-blue velvet cloth, embroidered with silver. At the right of it a young lady sits in profile, reading. Pink ostrich plumes adorn ae. blond hair, while her figure is elegantly attired in a pompadour skirt of pearly-gray with dainty rose stripes enclosing floral sprays, over a petticoat of alternate bands of rosy cream and pale olive-blue, sprinkled with little flowers. Resting his elbow on the left side of the table, an old gentleman in a magenta-colored costume sits listening to the story. Signed at the lower right, “Guiser. SicNorin1, Paris, 262.” BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS HOLLAND (1845- ) No. 133— MINDING BABY WATERCOLOR or : . . a A ) aw) 7 bat Height, 16 inches; length, 201% inches - \ U tt 6 GS Y A wicker cradle, draped over the hood with a black and gray shawl, occupies the center of the composition. The pink-faced baby is lifting its left hand to the young mother, as she stands at the right watching it. Her figure is seen in profile, the back bent forward, the hands resting on the knees. In the rear of the scene appears a large fireplace, paneled at the side with blue and white tiles, while a blue bureau stands at the left, with a row of three plates leaning against the wall. Signed at the lower right, “BLiomMers.” JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK HOLLAND (1865- ») No. 134— SUNSET WATERCOLOR a) ve Height, 19 inches; length, 28% Beg Ss ' 3 pans . 7 hppa Tue water stretches from the front to a low horizon, fringed with purple : woods. Over the center of these the sun’s half-orb shows yellow under level strata of purplish-orange cloud, surmounted by a confused mass of darkening vapor. Along the left of the canal extends a quay on which appear a clump of trees and some red-roofed houses; while across the water spreads a mossy- green pasture. Two boats lie off the bank, in one of which stands a man with a pole. Signed and dated at the lower right, “J. H. V. Mastensroex, 1905.” WILLEM MARIS HOLLAND (1844-1910) No. 135— DUCKS AND DUCKLINGS WATERCOLOR ef / 7A “e Height, 1414 inches; length, 231%, inches ; L = a 4 Tue scene presents a spot of bright green grass in front of a little pond, the surface of which is boldly dap- pled with light and shade, under branches clothed with long yellowish leaves. Six yellow ducklings are sprinkled near a white duck, who is preening her feathers. At her left stands another white one, while at the right a bluish duck is lying be- side a yellowish-brown one with scarlet on her head. Signed at the lower right, “Wi111rm Manis.” WILLEM STEELINK HOLLAND (1856- ) No. 136— SHEEP ON THE HEATH WATERCOLOR Akos Son Height, 15 inches; length, 25% eanedg ec vf ee Over the drab _ fore- ground, scantily spotted with short herbage, the sheep are spread in a fan, the point of which is toward the _ spectator. The shepherd, in blue blouse and brown trous- ers, stands at the left of his flock, propped upon his stick, the upper part —_ eee of his body showing against the horizontal line of a scrubby, bare hedge. The latter terminates at the center of the composition in three almost leafless trees, to the right of which extends the dark, olive-buff-black mass of a long thatched roof. Over the top of it appear three posts of a rick roof. Signed at the lower right, “Wittem STEELINK.” Af OHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK HOLLAND (1875- ) No. 137— MORNING FROST ip ‘gar Height, 191/, inches; length, 28, inches ha ae burr Axsove the horizontal line of trees which bounds the view of the haf\bor, the sun glimmers white in the dove-gray vapory sky, and trails its reflection over the water to the front. At the left of the latter five rowboats, containing fishermen, are sprinkled in a group. A laden barge is being towed by a tug toward a wharf in the middle distance at the right. Beyond the wharf ex- tends a row of houses. A man operating a pole, stands in the stern of a barge, which has a rowboat with a single occupant in tow. _ Signed and dated at the lower right, “J. H. V. Mastensroex, 1904.” ra FRANCOIS PIETER TER MEULEN HOLLAND (1843- ) No. 138— A SHEPHERDESS WATERCOLOR LC ra) ee Height, 27, inches; width, 21 inches Sa LL yo Ug _ ght, 4l/2 Y 3 aed J A Rosy-FACED girl is knitting as she sits on a bank, in profile to the left. Yellow leaves are strewn around her and a sapling, from which the top is broken, shows at her back. In the distance, at the left, is a thicket of young trees amid which the flock is feeding, while a sheep and a lamb appear in the middle distance. The girl is dressed in a white cap and blue apron that reaches from her neck to her feet. Signed at the lower left, “KF. P. Ter Mruren.” WILLEM CORNELIS RIP HOLLAND (1856- ) No. 139— MOLENS NEAR ZEVENHUYOEN WATERCOLOR ef ; OG f : / a Height, 1914 inches; length, 2814 inches A ' oak Ow a road that winds through the center of the foreground a cart approaches, with a white horse in the shafts. The driver wears a dark blue blouse. The road leads back to a mill, which is seen across a sheet of water that occupies the left of the foreground. Under the far bank appears a punt, containing a man in a blue blouse. In the distance on this side are seen four windmills, and another overtops a cluster of brown roofs at the right. Signed at the lower left, “W1ttem Rip.” FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN (1847-1906) No. 140— DEGEL—NORWAY PASTEL ; ) ib 00 — Height, 19% inches; length, 29%, inches A ¥ew stars show in the blue sky, but the village street is wrapt in gloom. The snow on the roofs of the cottages along the right is a vague gray-blue, and the drab walls pierced with the rosy, creamy light from four windows and a transom, glimmer uncer- tainly. Before a dark door- way a man and a woman stand conversing. Out in the roadway, where the glare from the windows is reflected in some puddles, a man comes forward with his hands in his pockets, followed by a girl leading a child. At the left of the roadway stands a row of poplars. Signed at the lower right, “Frrvz TuHautow.” GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN (1857- ) No. 141— UNE FEMME PEINTRE WATERCOLOR f) iy 3 U oe Height, 18 inches; length, 23 weg , BAP. eh UY Ar the right of an easel, whose edge occupies almost the center of g. com- position, a young lady leans forward on her seat, diligently painting. She is elegantly attired in a gown of pale blue damask, besprinkled with purple, golden yellow and rosy blossoms, down the front of which descends a panel of pearly-gray with an arabesque design in gold, rose, green and blue. Her subject is seated at the left of the easel—an oldish gentleman, whose knees embrace a large chaufferette. Above his head hangs a picture of two loves, while on the wall behind the lady is a series of panels, each containing the figure of a saint. Signed at the lower right, “Guisrr. S1cNor1n1, Paris, 262.” GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN (1857- ) No. 142— RETOUCHE DU PROFESSEUR WATERCOLOR ey 70 beds Height, 18°, inches; length, 241, inches | ty 4 ia Tue profile of an easel divides the composition about the center. Ag the right an old gentleman, facing the spectator, sits posing for his portrait. Mean- while, on the other side of the easel, the lady-artist has yielded her chair to a young professor, and leans on the back of it as she watches the process of retouching. Her gown is of pale blue satin, trimmed with silver embroidery, while the young man’s costume consists of a white tie-wig, crimson, gold- bedecked coat and breeches and scarlet stockings. Signed at the lower right, “Guisep, SicNortni, Paris, 266.” PIERRE J. PELLETIER FRENCH LA FOLIE NANTELLE PASTEL Height, 20 inches; length, 29% inches F 5G OQ From the foreground a road- way leads back to the green- ish-blue door of a drab house, the roof of which is fantasti- cally embellished with red coping tiles and a number of red chimney pots. A woman approaches the door. At the left of the roadway is a stretch of sandy earth, strewn with stones and bordered by a mossy wall, over the top of which shows a row of trees. On a bank at the right of the foreground stands the dark gable end of a house, surmounted by a high chimney and light red roof. Signed at the lower right, “PELLETIER.” LUIGI CHIALIVA ITALIAN (1842- ) No. 144— SPRING LANDSCAPE WATERCOLOR 4 a? Height, 15 inches; length, 211, inches [Qa (33-0 (9 “a nee Lf h Tue pasture slopes up from the foreground, having at the right of the sum- mit a group of straggling young peach trees, laden with pink and white blos- soms. A shepherdess is seated on the left of the slope, clasping her knees with folded hands as she watches three lambs which stand in advance of the sheep. ‘The rest of the flock is grouped at the right, where the sheep-dog stands on the alert, with quivering tongue hanging out. The girl wears a reddish-purple handkerchief around her head and a pinkish-brown dress with a creamy-drab tippet over the shoulders. An umbrella lies by her side. Signed at the lower left, “L. Cutativa.” AUGUST FRANZEN, A. N. A. AMERICAN (1868- ) No. 145— CALLING ON THE SQUIRE WATERCOLOR a ——— Height, 201, inches; width, 134% inches t, 6 In a garden, gay with flowers, a gentleman with gray hair and beard, sits sideways on a green bench. He rests his head on his hand, as he faces a young man and woman seated at the left. The youth wears a white yachting cap and scarlet tie and holds his hand on the back of his chair with a cigar- ette between the fingers. His companion is dressed in a blue hat, yellow waist, and rose and buff figured skirt. Signed at the lower right, “Franzen.” GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN (1857- ) No. 146— #RICHE ARABE DANS SON FUMOIR WATERCOLOR a BS of Height, 27 inches; width, 20 inches\ , a : . MOLMAL_ A BLACK-BEARDED Arab is seated on a bench, holding“his long pipe unsmoked, while he leans against the green and gray tiled wall in an attitude of reverie. At his side is a tabouret with sweetmeat box and coffee cup, and behind it stands a Nubian slave in a long, plain yellow silk tunic, elevating a per- forated brass sphere from which fragrant smoke-wreaths issue. The gentle- man’s garb comprises a rosy-crimson jacket, embroidered, like the yellow vest, with silver, and crimson-damask trousers; a salmon-pink drapery being laid over his pale blue turban. Signed at the lower right, “Gutser. Sienorin1, Paris, 305.” . oe, Ras PIERRE J. PELLETIER FRENCH No. 147— BILLANCOURT PASTEL a ‘4 Se Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches ce fe Kea ts a eae gy tee ss a C soa In the paling light of a stormy sky a roadway extends from the foreground toward the left. Here two carts interrupt its monotony. Near the sidewalk stands a telegraph post, the wires cutting the sky diagonally. Then ap- pears a lamp-post, past which two women are walking. On the opposite side- walk, two women stand in conversation, and a man, carrying a basket, is hurrying along beside a woman who holds a child by the hand. The walk is bounded by a wall, over which appear the roofs of two sheds and a couple of house-boats, with a view of the river beyond, reaching back to a factory and smokestack in the left distance. Signed at the lower left, “J. PELLETIER.” ALBERT LOREY GROLL, A. N. A. AMERICAN (1866- ) No. 148— THE DESERT PASTEL es 37 tale Height, 21 inches; length, 331, NES Ca ae Care The Y 4 vi Tue level of the desert is interrupted near the foreground at the left by an eminence that rises to its highest point by successive undulations. This almost waye-line formation is swept with tones of purple, orange, green and cream. The desert, yellow-green and studded with sage-brush in the middle distance, pales to cream as it approaches a blue and rosy mountainous bar- rier on the horizon. Its contours, partly rounded, partly serrated, show against a pale blue sky, in which soar two conspicuous white clouds with ragged edges. Signed at the lower right, “A. L. Groxt.” GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN (1857- ) No. 149— MARCHAND DE CURIOSITES WATERCOLOR : Co Height, 301, inches; width, 19 eae ae An Arab, swathed in crimson, with a rosy, crimson i Ae in stands offering for sale an instrument which has two rows of eight strings, strained over a kettle-drum body, covered with sheepskin. A gray-bearded merchant, seated on the floor beside some brass lamps, a brass dish embossed g with a horse and rider, a tabouret, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, and other =a articles, is passing his left hand over the body of the instrument. An almost ‘a feminine elegance distinguishes the old man’s costume which comprises a crimson turban, pink silver-embroidered robe, yellow vest and a drapery shawl of yellow, crimson and blue stripes. Signed at the lower right, “Guisep. SicNorint, Paris, 294.” CONSTANT BROCHART FRENCH No. 150— | MAUD MULLER PASTEL ee — oo Height, 471% inches; width, 321, pe ~~ y, g A youne girl, holding the handle of a rake with one hand and a tin mug in the other, sits beside a runnel of water. Her straw hat is trimmed with pinkish-brown ribbon and decked with marguerites and poppies. Round her - neck lies a silk handkerchief of old rose, gray and light blue plaid; while her white chemisette is confined by a black bodice, above a blue skirt, turned up and bunched over the hips. Signed on a stone at the lower right, “Constant Brocwart.” PIERRE J. PELLETIER FRENCH No. 151— ISSY LES MOULINEUX PASTEL — ; I iy ) lA 3 Height, 221, inches; length, 351%, inches Be 163 Onolrerig sor | ~=From the left of the fore- : ground a. street stretches back to the center of the middle distance, while a roadway descends to the riverside at the right. Here there is a wharf, heaped with sand, with a_ black barge moored alongside. The water extends back to where two red roofs and a factory chimney show against a sky filled) with rain-clouds. The sidewalk at the left of the street is bordered with a paling, over the top of which appear a tree and the brick walls and brown roofs of houses. A lady in red dress walks beside a man. Signed at the lower right, “J. PE tirtier.” GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN (1857- ) No. 152— ANTICHAMBRE DU. HAREM WATERCOLOR /O Ae athe Height, 34 inches; width, 22%, inches ; ~ a Ee oe A Brass lamp hangs above a large bowl, from which fans out a profusion of pampas blossom, the plumes on the left spreading across a Moorish-Gothic grille. Beneath this display appear a standing and a seated musician. The latter, distinguished by a handsome pink silk drapery, the lining of which is embroidered in silver and pale-olive green, rests his foot on a tabouret, while he sings to the accompaniment of a lute-shaped instrument. His companion, whose crimson robe reveals the apple-green velvet sleeves of a jacket, is drawing a bow across the two strings of an instrument consisting of a very small circular body and long slender neck. Signed at the lower right, “Guiser. SicNorint, Paris, 301.” GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN (1857- ) No. 153— DOGE DE VENISE S ntetee -+/O6— Height, 49%, inches; widkh, 294% inches, ~ A ye a@, OS ie G A MAN, superbly costumed, stands facing the ahh As 1% ane peat iste Bl a rolled document, while his right turns the illuminated page of a large book, supported on a revolving desk. His figure is enveloped in the voluminous folds of a rose silk robe, over which descends from his right shoulder a broad stole of cream and purplish-red brocade. Two men, similarly attired, are - seated in the shadow of the background, against an oak-paneled wall. The scene represents the interior of the Hall of the Council of Ten. Signed at the lower right, “Guiser. St¢Nortnt.” SECOND EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 16ru, 1912 IN THE GRAND BALL ROOM OF THE PLAZA Firru Avenue, 58TH to 59TH STREETS Becinnine at 8 O’cLocK JULES ALEXIS MEUNIER FRENCH Contemporary No. 154—FISHERMEN ON THE EDGE OF THE QUAY ae ? oop CL Oo ee ec / [a Height, 6 inches; length, 914 inches Tue quay extends back from the left of the foreground, rosy-white in the sun- shine. Near the front two fishermen are seated on the edge, their feet dang- ling over the water. The nearer one, an old man in brown cap and a slaty- drab coat, leans forward with his hands on his knees, while his companion turns to him, mouth open, gesticulating. Facing the men are the bows of three boats, which project horizontally from the right with a diminishing amount of the hull in view. ‘The one most in sight is painted pale green, the next darker green, with “Villefranche” lettered on the gunwale, while the last is white; the colors of all being reflected in the mauve water. Signed at the lower left, “J. A. Mrunter.” H. BRELING GERMAN No. 155— RIDING PILLION 3 PANEL rt : | oars ao Height, 6 inches; width, 4 inches : 7 A wurre horse has one foreleg raised in the act of stepping out of a narrow stream that it has forded. It is mounted by a man in a buff tunic and brown boots with flaps reaching above the knees. With her right arm round his waist, a woman rides behind him, pillion fashion. She wears an old-rose jacket, drawn in at the waist. A chateau, with a round tower at one of the angles of its outer wall, shows in the distance at the left. Signed and dated, “H. Bretine, 1887.” = LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN No. 156— A PARIS STREET—EVENING Fo = Boa (3 Ar AAA - ly In the waning light the roadway, which extends back from the foreground, is damp with rain. ‘The sky is heavy with dull drab vapor, gathered over a glaring white horizon, against which show the umbrellas of passengers on the top of an omnibus. It has halted beside a boutique for tickets, situated at the left on the sidewalk, where also appear a lamp post and newspaper kiosk. On the opposite side of the street yellow lights flare in the shop windows. A cart, drawn by a white horse, is coming down the street, followed by a hansom. Walking toward them from the right of the foreground is a boy in white apron, coat and cap, carrying a red can. Signed at the lower right, “Lor, Lutet.” LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN No. 157— THE HARBOR—NIGHT | a a es Thi hee Tue foreground shows a triangle of drab-colored roadway with a strip of pale green grass that separates it from a reversed triangle of slaty-purple water. On the latter lies a houseboat with two windows, glowing red; beyond which the horizon line is interrupted by a puff of smoke and dotted with yellow lights. A green light glimmers at the top of a pole beside a building in the middle distance at the right, from which a wharf projects. A carriage, with lighted lamps, and three female figures spot the road. Signed at the lower right, “Lom, Luter.” SIEKERZ SZY KIER POLISH No. 158— WINTER PANEL ad We i Ce ein a Height, 91 inches; width 7 inches Snow, shaded with bluish-gray, covers the scene, which in the foreground presents the summit of a slight hill. The top has just been reached by a black horse, advancing at a gallop. His head is encircled with a large horse- shoe yoke, attached to the shafts of a sleigh. The latter is being driven by a woman, who stands leaning back on the reins. She is dressed in a plum- red jacket and reddish-brown skirt, while a dark kerchief surrounds her plump, smiling face. Another face appears in the bottom of the sleigh. Close behind follows a second sleigh, drawn by a white horse in charge of a man. Signed and dated at the lower left, “Szyxier Sirkerz, Munachium, 1890.” H. BRELING GERMAN No. 159— THE PRISONER PANEL Be p ra .3 eS aa Height, 5 inches; length, 6 inches In front of the gabled end of a thatched cabin at the left of the foreground a woman stands with her baby in her arms. She is watching her husband, as with hands tied behind his back he is being led off by a mounted trooper who holds a gun upright before his saddle. The prisoner casts a look back, as he is about to disappear behind a bank at the right of the composition. — Signed at the lower right, “H. Brexine.” - ALFRED THOMPSON BRICHER, A. N. A. AMERICAN ( 1839-1908) No. 160— THE BROOK ‘Gs aa PANEL ‘Be : ye re cotton a | ! tee nase Height, 11%, inches; width, 934, inches ) TAAL YR WF mf hae ( fa I OLAS FELIX ZIEM FRENCH (1821-1911) No. 181— SUNSET OVER CADORE PANEL Rie Height, 15 inches; length, 21°, inches : Tope Saris (2) A une of blue mountains, in which nestles the mountain-valley town of Pieve de Cadore, the birthplace of Titian, extends horizontally across the distance. Over it hangs a primrose sky, greenish above until it passes into faint blue. The sunset is seen from across an expanse of beautiful blue water, which reaches to the foreground. Here, at the right, a long gondola containing several figures, one of which is in blue, while another makes a spot of geranium scarlet, is putting out from the bank. The latter is covered with brownish and rosy grass and occupied by a tree with a sprinkle of reddish foliage. Signed at the lower right, “Ziem.” RENE BILLOTTE FRENCH (1846- ) No. 182— ROUTE D’ASNIERES ee Height, 181/, inches; length, 241% inches“, Vg , ZO 44—— ALS get Se AYA Ir is a gray day, coldly lighted, and the scene shows sharply against a dove- gray horizon, surmounted by blue. From the left of the foreground a roadway leads back, bordered at the right by a paling fence, over the top of which appear the black hat and the blue shoulders of a solitary pedestrian. At the right spreads a level of gray-green and buff grass which in the middle distance is cut into by a rectangular fenced yard, adjoining some pale-green trees. Beyond the enclosure is a horizontal row of houses, dark red in their lower stories and white above, with roofs that are colored variously drab, grayish-lavender and red. The line is continued at the left of the roadway by a house with a slate mansard roof, next to which are two conspicuously white buildings. Signed at the lower right, “Rene Bitiorre.” LEON GERMAIN PELOUSE FRENCH (1838-1891) No. 183— THE LOIRE AT VUILLA FAUX -ve Height, 181%, inches; length, 25°4 inch eee hatin THE scene is cee with gray; the water which flows back from the left. of the foreground being a gray- blue, stained with grayish- green reflections. It passes out of sight in the middle distance at a point marked by a tall poplar which cuts against the gray-buffs and slaty-grays of a grassy hillside, while the brown, dead top of the tree shows against the sky. At the left of the poplar a cottage with reddish wall stands beside an arched bridge. Nearer to the front on the left bank appears the bright rosy-cream wall of a mill, from which a water-— wheel projects over the stream. Signed at the lower left, “L. G. PELovuss.” GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH (1763-1843) No. 184— AN OLD OAK Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches 5 / 0 - ripe ; Sidereve ‘On the left of the foreground of brownish-buff earth stands the aia bi very trunk of an oak, which leans toward the right and spreads its torn, etd and leafless limbs against the sky. At its foot lies another trunk, the sawn end toward the front and its splintered top reaching back to the right. Dark olive-green trees are massed in the rear and crown a knoll at the left. Above them float white clouds in a sky that grows to slaty-gray at the zenith. W. HUGHES BRITISH No. 185— STILL-LIFE PANEL — ec Height, 20 inches; length, 23 inches ald nr (r Ae OLD. AQ A warce red-glazed earthenware crock with a lid stands on the floor in the foreground beside a bunch of celery. On a settle behind, partly covered with a white cloth, are disposed a bowl, containing lettuce, radishes and onions, an English “cottage” loaf and an oil flask, bound with straw. In the back- ground, at the left, a door opens into a cellar, where a barrel appears. | Signed and dated at the lower right, “W. Huaurs, 1869.” ANT. MOLKENBOER HOLLAND No. 186— A CITY GARDEN aes Height, 24 inches; width, 18 Ea Sam Ristye from the left of the foreground, a bare treé=stem cuts the/composition — diagonally. A path, curving horizontally, divides the foregrotnd from a lawn, yellow with light. It is occupied by the statue of a child, while to the left grows an elm. In the rear a well, surmounted by a cupola, adjoins a vine arbor, which extends along the fagade of a red brick house. of Height, 32 inches; len 44 inches 7 pene oO ree oo ey ; ee Yirr. - Lee Tue sea spreads a smooth green surface, tinged with tones of sapphire in the ripples of the foreground. A few little puffs of dove-gray vapor float in the lower part of the gray-blue sky. Near the front, at the right, is a French fishing-smack with two creamy sails and one blackish-red. Over at the left are two other boats, distinguished, respectively, by the red and the blue of their hulls. In the central distance appears a packet-steamer with red funnel. Signed at the lower right, “G, LaTenay.” LEON GERMAIN PELOUSE FRENCH (1838-1891) No. 223— STUDY OF TREES ce Height, 434% inches; width, 31% inghas Pa ; 30 — St 9 etna A urtLe knoll on the coast is occupied by three scraggy trees, driven over and wrenched into tortuous shape by wind. Their upper limbs are tufted with foliage, while the greenish-black trunks, apparently overgrown with ivy, show dark against a farther mass of soft, silvery, brownish-gray leafage. A strip of lavender-pink sea appears at the left, beneath a gray sky, curdled with cream, that passes above to dove-pink and at the zenith to pale blue. At the right of the trees a peasant woman, in white winged cap, olive-slaty skirt and rough drab apron, stands leaning over a little child who is seated on the ground. Signed at the lower left, “LL. G. Prtouse.” THOMAS CRESWICK BRITISH (1811-1869) No. 224— A MOORLAND STREAM / b Height, 341, inches; length, 441/,, inches SY See; . fo o— : ‘is 4 : Yn .kKeanrl PSS Tue scene is a rocky glen, running up into the side of a moor, the summit of which shows in the extreme background against the blue and white sky. The foreground presents a picturesque confusion of boulders which form irregular banks to a stream. The latter in the middle distance spreads to an olive- brown golden pool, whence it descends in two falls and brawls among the stones in the foreground. A fisherman is casting a fly over the pool, while his companion stoops toward the water. Behind them grows a cluster of young beech trees, with autumn foliage of golden reddish hue. = PAUL WAGNER GERMAN No. 225— CHILDREN FISHING v~ ae Height, 35 inches; length, 51% inches | 7] p ri pis ~oo0 — 4. Jb OWA From some reeds at the left a boat projects diagonally across the foreground. A girl is seated in the stern, scraping a fish before putting it into a tub at‘the bottom of the boat. She is dressed in a straw hat, a bodice of green, pink, drab and slaty plaid, a grayish-blue apron and a brown skirt. A little child holds her arm with one hand, while the other grasps a fish. In the bow a boy, whose trousers are turned up over bare legs and feet, stands fishing with a stick for a rod. Beside him are two smaller children, one holding a piece of bread and butter and pointing at the float, the other gazing into the water. The group is seen against a pleasant background of greenish-yellow hillside, sprinkled with trees. Signed at the lower left, “Pau Wacner, Miinchen.” a AS me a agit? a 2 a ee JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE FLEMISH (1821-1899) No. 226— ROSES PANEL 9 A. ol a a> So FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD | FRENCH (CONTEMPORARY) No. 242— VILLAGE STREET, MOONLIGHT ne eG isthe Height, 91, inches; ons ae ‘5 SILENT in the moonlight, a village street slopes gently up from the foreground. It is barred with patches of shadow, cast by a cottage and trees at ‘the left, which are separated by three posts. At the right of the foreground appears a high gate-post with a portion of the gate. It adjoins a building with one window, which is built against the taller gable of a cottage that has two win- dows, raised high from the ground, and a funnel-shaped opening in the roof. The latter is of tawny-brown thatch, projecting upon beams over the plastered wall, which is greenish-cream in the moonlight. Three trees, and a structure with a pointed roof, vaguely seen, close in the vista at the rear. Signed and dated at the lower right, “F. Cacuoun, 1905.” <<. a ALBERT LYNCH PERUVIAN (CONTEMPORARY ) No. 243— THE BLACK NIGHTINGALE : : cy Bea ©, ee Height, 163, inches; width, 14 inches va Ae Weel Tue head and bust of a young lady are shown three-quarters to the left. The face is refined in expression, with gray-blue eyes fixed on the spectator. The chestnut hair, rolled back over the forehead and streaming down onto the shoulders, appears beneath a nightingale. The latter is of black silk, sprigged with little violet blossoms on short stems. Its design involves a mob crown, a curtain at the neck and a quilled border, lined with lavender-pink, that rises toa peak in front. A bit of yellow chemisette appears on the bosom. Signed near the center of the left, “Atpert Lyncu.” 30 FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD a FRENCH (CONTEMPORARY ) No. 244— ROUTE DE NEUFCHATEL, PAS DE CALAIS To Ce Height, 15 inches; length, 2134 inches jprbcavnwt YL Cee7 er ys A FULL moon of butter-color, surrounded with a faint rosy aura, hangs in a (4 drab sky, interrupted by three flots of pale yellow cloud, hovering over the lavender-rosy flush of the horizon. The latter is crossed by a drab-green range of hill. Seen against it is a yellowish mossy-green bank that slopes up toward the left, where a pollard willow spreads its soft blue-green foliage. Below the bank a road crosses diagonally from the left, disappearing behind a knoll of bright green grass. It is surmounted by a dark olive stem, the almost leafless branches of which slant to the left and show against the sky. Signed and dated at the lower right, “F. Cacuoup, 1906.” 5 a (4 S PIERRE EMMANUEL DAMOYE oo FRENCH (1847- _——) ; ; No. 245— LANDSCAPE PANEL ie aT RES Height, 12%, inches; length, cee : 40 % Tue foreground is filled with marshy water whic eK blue of the sky in tones of gray. Its surface is interrupted by spiky reeds, pale — yellow growth and a sprinkle of white flowers. Some distance back, at the left, — a duck is swimming, while in the same plane at the right appear the reflections of four branchless trunks that grow on the farther bank. ‘They are inter- spersed with three trees, crowned, respectively, with yellow, green and yellowish- brown foliage. In the middle distance, at the left, the seated figure of a woman in a white hat is seen against a strip of creamy green. Signed and dated at the lower left, “I. Damoyg, 88.” io" EDOUARD ROSSET-GRANGER FRENCH (1853- __) No. 246— THE JEWEL CASE o ( & be Height, 18 inches; length, ie ee A youne lady, seen as far as the waist, sits looking down at a pearl necklace, of which she holds the ends with extended hands, as it lies across an open jewel box. The latter rests upon a table at her right, which also supports an electric light standard, fitted with a yellow shade. Meanwhile, a rosy glow comes from the right and illumines one side of her face and touches here and there the lavender-pink of her teagown, which is embellished with lace at the neck and sleeves. Signed at the lower left, “EX. Rosset-GRraNcER.” GABRIEL CORNELIS VON MAX AUSTRIAN (1840- ) No. 247— SUSANNE a ye 7 ne Height, 19 inches; width, 151% inches EL Facrne three-quarters to. the right are shown the head and bust of an attractive young woman. Her black, rather wiry, hair is parted on the crown, whence it waves over the sides of the head and streams down behind the neck, one of the curls en- croaching upon the right shoulder. The complex- ion is of ivory whiteness, faintly suffused with rose on the cheeks, while the lips are carmine, and the eyes, which gaze at the spectator, are hazel-brown. The shoulders and bust are nude, save for a bit of yellow-green drapery which the girl holds over her bosom with the left hand. Signed at the upper right, “G. Max, Susanne.” 6) © ~ -~ Mes of JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER FRENCH (1815-1891) No. 248— JOUEUR DE BOULES, ANTIBES PANEL 7 SS. — Height, 54%, inches; width, 4 VE t, ; ea ye one of the artist’s Tue sketch is a recor visits to the picturesque town of Antibes, on the Mediterranean coast, between Nice and- Cannes. It is made on a panel of polished wood, the grain of which is exposed, except where the figure is painted. The latter repre- sents a man of sturdy build, facing in profile toward the right, as he stands with the left foot shghtly advanced. His rubicund face, fur- nished with graying side-whiskers, is sur- mounted by a white hat that is trimmed with a brown band. The man is in his shirt-sleeves, dressed in creamy-white trousers and a drab waistcoat, at the armhole of which appears a glimpse of his yellow suspenders. His hands are held behind his back, as he grasps two bowls, preparatory to rolling them. Stamped at the back, “Ventre Metssonter, 1893.” Signed at the lower right, “K. M.” JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER FRENCH (1815-1891) No. 249— LA VIEILLE FEMME FILEUSE, ANTIBES PANEL a ) 3 ae Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches / Z & v ~ VD __ ; a - Tuer sketch is executed o panel of polished wood. It represents an old peasant woman of Antibes, seated facing three-quarters to the right. A distaff is fixed under her left arm and her hands are disposed in the gesture of spin- ning. Her head is covered with a cap which runs back to a peak and is furnished with flounces over the ears. She wears a pale blue handkerchief, dotted with white, fastened round her neck. The sleeves and body of the gown are merely indicated by reddish shadows, the skirt being touched in sketchily with white. Mean- while the rendering of the apron has been carried further, the folds being developed in tones of olive drab. Stamped at the back, “Vente MEtssonier.” Signed at the lower left, “KK. M.” res EUGENE BOUDIN | Y FRENCH (1825-1898) No. 250— QUAI DE LA DOUANE, VENISE PANEL a i Height, 121% inches; width, 9 inchon 7 ( SEEN beyond the foregroundfof water, the Cus- tom House Quay extends from some brown- roofed buildings at the left nearly across the middle distance. A picturesque tangle of ship- ping is moored in front of it. The mass in- cludes some barges with single masts, from one of which flies a gray flag with a touch of scar- let, and an ocean-going, square-rigged craft, against whose black hull shows the top of a green mooring post. Alongside the larger ves- sel lies a barge with a man in the end of it, who seems to be hailing a rowboat, containing a seated and a standing figure. In the distance at the right are indications of buildings, under a gray, weathery sky. Signed and dated at the lower left, “Venise, 98, E. Bouprn.” MLLE. ROSA MARIE BONHEUR FRENCH (1822-1899) x No. 251— A MOUNTAIN DONKEY Cea ee Height, 13 inches; width, 91% inches (e 3 Sj 3 ef 3 2 y j { Bee = Uktn r ; Acainst a background of bright green moyntain, which is succeeded by another of violet green hue, a reddish-brown donkey, of Spanish breed, stands three-quarters in view, facing away from the spec- tator. The beast’s head is free of gear; but on its back is a rosy scarlet saddle, furnished front and rear with a padded roll. Stirrup irons hang from it and a red strap passes round the quarters under the tail. Over the root of the latter lies an orna- ment, composed of scarlet string and fringe. The head is seen against a shaded hollow in the moun- tain’s side. Stamped on the back, “Vente Rosa BonHEwrR.” Signed at the lower right, “Rosa BonHeEvr.” 4 ha Ojo EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER SPANISH ( -1907) No. 252— RIVER LANDSCAPE ats 3 “7 ue o> | Height, 1034 inches; length, 14 inche 0 : — Pate blue water whitened with reflections of the sky, ge from the right of the foreground and indents irregularly the ground which occupies the left of the composition. At the edge of the water a woman, seated in a rectangular box, 1s washing laundry. ‘Two pieces are spread near her. In the middle distance a couple of washerwomen appear hard by a group of four, whose costumes comprise spots of lavender and geranium-red. ‘The riverside which is of sand, stony and sprinkled with rushy growth, is bounded in the rear by a gray hedge of willows, over the top of which rise some trees with yellow foliage. Signed at the lower left, “E. SancuEz-PErnier.” 4> JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER E i : FRENCH (1815-1891) No. 253— ESQUISSE D'UNE TROUPE "3 eo oe A pras road, sketchily rendered, leads back diagonally from thq right of the foreground. It surmounts an embankment which is indicated pt the left by V pale blue and green brush-strokes over an underpainting of reddish buff. A single horseman approaches on a bay mount. He is distinguished by a scarlet tunic. Behind him ride a couple of troopers, respectively on a white and dark brown charger. These are followed by the rest of the troop, riding two and two. One of them, mounted on a white horse, is apparently carrying the colors. The sky is sapphire-blue, crossed by fleecy rollers of dove-gray. Stamped on the back, “Vente MEIssoNiIEr.” Signed at the lower right, “KE. M.” Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches Y Lf Titles gL cd / Noe ye iia LUIGI CHIALIVA ITALIAN (1842- ) No. 254— SHEPHERDESS y, 1, ee Height, 14 inches; width, 1034 inches In the foreground a shepherdess faces us, as ade with her left hand, holding a stick, resting on her hip and the forefinger and thumb of the other hand placed upon the forehead of a black-and-tan dog. Her chestnut hair is partly covered with a bluish-white cap, while her figure is clad in a drab cloak with olive-yellow collar, a lavender body, dull blue apron and dull salmon- colored petticoat. Her sheep are dispersed around her, conspicuous at the right being an ewe with her lamb nestling at her side. In the rear appears a man on horseback, stooping to talk to a girl. Signed at the lower left, “LL. Cutariva.” 2 EUGENE BOUDIN “al FRENCH (1825-1898) No. 255— TROUVILLE \ PANEL eo 3b A, = Height, 91, inches; length, 12% inches (eo. A of VY Wh ya From the left, where there are indications of buildings overhung with ie soft masses of green trees, a quay extends back diag- onally to the middle dis- tance, where a_ metal bridge of two spans crosses horizontally to the right. The quay-side is crowded with sailing barges, whose dark brown and olive-drab hulls are reflected in the fore- ground of water, along with a little blue from the upper sky. Conspicuous amidst the confusion is a white sail, over the top of which appears a spot of rose. Farther back a large hull displays a green band round the gunwale. At the right of it two gray mooring posts rise above the water. Beyond the bridge are visible drab and white sails and the square yards of a vessel. White masses of cloud float above the pale, dove-gray horizon. Signed at the lower left, “Kuve. Bouviy, Trouville.” 5 ~ ¥ > ‘ ¥ \ ¥ sas | JACOB MARIS / i" HOLLAND (1838-1899) No. 260— _A PINK ON SHORE AT SCHEVENINGEN el Os Sinn A Hoxranp “pink,” its creamy-yellow sail lowered nearly to the gunwale, lies beached-in the foreground. Blue, white and red stripes decorate the tip of her mast, from which a red pennon flies. The bow shows the painted device of a gray semicircle, marked with two blue chevrons. A cart is drawn up alongside, with a white horse in the shafts. The driver is dressed in yellow oilskins. The olive-buff and greenish coloring of the boat’s hull is reflected on the damp sand, which elsewhere is broken up into tones of silvery drab. Signed at the lower right, “J. Marts.” Collection of N. W. Van Delden, Amsterdam. Height, 19 inches; width, 16 inches. aa C- ARTHUR HOEBER, A. N. A. , \ AMERICAN (1854- ) No. 261— THE SEA y i a Height, 14 inches; length, 22 inches -) —f ¥ Hun A_ A HEAVE of water, sliding across the middle distance, lobs up at the left to a white crest, and along its line is flicked into lesser points. Its hue of greenish- blue is streaked with cream and faint rose and lavender. The horizon is suf- fused with primr se-drab vapor, slightly tinged with rose. | Signed at the lower left, “Arvruur Hoeser.” A \ Ee . ARTHUR HOEBER, A. N. A. AMERICAN (1854- ) No. 262— UPON A SUMMER’S DAY rf o.—tvv Height, 25 inches; length 30 inches 3 fi: oe rr - YWLa Across the foreground extends a rude wall of rocks, greenish-gray and amber in the light, and in the shadows violet and bluish. Beyond this extends the ( green, faintly blue, sea, interrupted in the distance at the right by a schooner with white sails, one with her masts bare, and a boat with a single sail. Layers of creamy cloud bar the pale blue sky, which deepens to slate at the right. CO UVL a A Signed at the lower right, “Arvuur Horser.” HENRI REGNAULT FRENCH (1843-1871) No. 263— . THE HEAD OF AN ARAB cy 00 v.& Height, 18%, inches; width, 16 tr . ) ft, Pe THE swarthy face, reddish-brown, gray and glossy in the Kigh lights, wears a black moustache and short, thin, curling beard around the cheeks and chin. The head is very slightly inclined to the left, the eyes looking down. A whitish drab cloth covers the crown, a touch of yellow showing over the black curls at the left, while behind the hair at the right hangs a golden creamy neck-covering. A little of the pale, slaty-gray robe appears at the base of the long neck. The whole is sketchily but vividly rendered against a white background. Sedelmeyer stamped on the back. Signed at the lower right, “A mon ami, Vayson, H. R.” From the HE. Lyon Collection, Paris, 1903. ; Py JA“ ADELBERT CUYP HOLLAND (1605-1691) No. 264— LADY AND HORSE PANEL Oe Height, 14%, inches; width, 111% ALLA (3 ( p us Oo e 0 < R_ se Seow A DAPPLE-GRAY palfrey, with scarlet ribbons hanging from the sites of his bridle, occupies the center of the foreground. He stands beside a lady who turns her head to look at him, as she sits on a mounting-block at the left. Her hair is decorated with a jewel from which a rose and a gold scarf hangs, the ends being crossed over her bosom. Her body is encased in a short- sleeved, tight-fitting tunic, like a cuirass, of pale creamy green and rose striped material. A rose-colored drapery covers her lap, on which her right hand rests, while an orange-tawny and white spaniel, standing on his hind legs, licks it. In the shadow behind the lady a negro holds a crimson cloak, bunched on his head. Elevated in the rear are a statue of a figure, clad in a toga, and a terminal surmounted by the wreathed head of Priapus. Black seal on the back. Signed at the lower right, “A. Cuye.” rf on Al Wo PIETER BREUGHEL, THE ELDER FLEMIsH (1525-1569) No. 265— _ LANDSCAPE WITH CANAL PANEL l ad Height, 18 inches; lengiHry 29 inches Vy Woo Peo EVE VY ~ A cana stretches from the left of the foreground to a single-arch bridge, furnished with a toll-house, in the middle distance. Near its right extremity stands a red- gabled tavern, in front of which appear a hooded wagon and a crowd of people. In the immediate foreground on this side a woman is seated in a cart drawn by a single horse, on which a man is riding. Among the figures which animate the front plane, and present in their costumes hues of scarlet, blue, gray and olive, are three men, toward the left of the center, who are forking what looks like hay into a wagon. Sail boats are drawn up on the edge of the canal while in midstream is a ferry-boat, laden with cows. | y wt , vat JACOB VAN RUISDAEL | ‘4 \, \ HOLLAND (1628-1682) No. 266— LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES oe ae G ES a Height, 29 inches; width, 251%, inghes. f” \ {i} 77 A seg sy 7 oF nm! 3- Mots A u0e lies across the left of the foreground. A few feet back some(Bushes grow at the base of a greenish-brown oak trunk, with corrugated bark, which leans slightly to the left. Near it is another, with grayish-green stem, similarly inclined. In front of it a man is seated with his back to us. He is dressed in a black felt hat, a buff coat, and high boots with scarlet flaps. Beside him, on a roadway, stands another man whose costume comprises a drab hat, dark green belted coat, red stockings and white flaps to his boots. Farther back in the roadway, in the shadow of some trees on a knoll at the left, a figure in black approaches. An imperfect signature near the log suggests, “RuisparL, fet.” JAN MONCHABLON FRENCH (1855-1903) No. 267— VUE DE CHATILLONS, VOSGES ys oe F ; rt . : Pi a PS a Be tirtli-wv4 f- Lith / Aw elongated triangle of very yellow herbage, sprinkled with g—little green vegetation and some small boulders, stretches across the nel from the right. Its diagonal line is paralleled by a pinkish-brown strip of newly plowed soil, at the right extremity of which a shepherdess and her flock are seen in front of a wall that fronts a shed. The parallelism is continued by a strip of green, where some cows are feeding. After this the ground, broken up into patches of cultivation, slopes up to an eminence, crowned by a village of red- roofed houses. Above them rises a tower, surmounted by a spire. Signed and dated at the lower right, “Jan Moncuasion, 1891.” JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI FRENCH (1850- ) No. 268— LE CHIFFONIER PANEL ot v4 Fos aed Height, 19 inches; width, 13%; es: ro 4 roe oo Tue rag-picker sits three-quarters to the zs right on the rim of a tall basket, balanc- ing his body by resting his right hand on the opposite edge. Behind him, at the left, is a bank of sandy soil, tufted with scanty vegetation, while at the right the low ground extends back along a sheet of water, the monotony of which is broken by a small boat. Across the water are indi- cations of a red roof and a factory smoke- stack. A black soft felt hat covers the man’s head, which is turned to the specta- tor, revealing a face shaggy with brown side-whiskers and beard and a moustache and patch under the lower lip of buff color. Round his neck is knotted a blue handker- chief; the rest of his attire consisting of an olive-slaty coat over a white shirt, a pair of bluish-yellow trousers and low shoes. Signed at the lower left, “J. F. Rarrar it.” Ce ca! al SL su = FELIX ZIEM No. 269— PUBLIC GARDENS, VENICE, MOONLIGHT FRENCH (1821-1911) Height, 1614, inches; length, 25 inches 3 (| bee A section of the parapet of the Public Gardens of Venice pfojects from the left of the middle distance, interrupted.near the center of the composition by the steps and balustrades of the water entrance. The trees of the garden present masses of golden-brown tones which are reflected in the deep blue water that reaches to the foreground. ‘Toward greenish-blue mooring posts, grouped near the landing, a black-hooded gondola is approaching. Two passengers are visible, one of them being distinguished by a white headdress and a scarlet cloak. Another gondola, with a red light attached to the front of its hood, is crossing to the right, cleaving the dripping reflections of a waning moon that hangs in gray vapor over the brown shore of the Lido. The upper sky at the left is blue, diagonally streaked with cirrus. Signed at the lower left, “Ziem.” ae ARTHUR HOEBER, A. N. A. AMERICAN (1854- ) No. 270— THE FLOWING TIDE | } a oe Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches J VL i / uy, / — "4 v So i L- y In the middle distance, at the right, the square-rigged”sails of a vessel, and, near to the center, the still farther sail of a fishing boat, loom phantom-like against the faint lavender vapor which is banked over the horizon. Above it emerges the upper half of a full moon. Its reflections form a path to the front, where the greenish-gray sea becomes pale sapphire, mottled with rose and lavender, as it winds its way over the sandy foreground. Signed at the lower right, “Arraur Horser.” > D ARTHUR HOEBER, A. N. A. , AMERICAN (1854- ) No. 271— WOODLAND SOLITUDE cee i’ SF rs Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches zy hes Td 1 ae GRIN Sola ae 7 & = oO = te Vw Ut MU""—__ Tue water, at the right of the foreground, is striped with the oli¥e-green reflections of some oaks which are clustered on a projecting point of ground. A smaller point at the left is distinguished by three tree-trunks, growing close together. In the rear the pool is bounded by a horizontal screen of woodland, where the foliage glows with yellow light, as if there were an opening beyond. Signed at the lower left, “Arruur Horner.” EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH (1827-1890) No. 272— SHEEP IN THE PASTURE PANEL Besa aig Pana: Height, 13; inches; oye a ( Reo Turee sheep are lying in the foreground of a pasture, eS at the right being half in shadow. Behind the other two stands a blackish¢brown sheep, at the left of which a white one is feeding, its body seen in profile, enveloped: in shadow. ‘The field is bounded in the middle distance by a horizontal line of fence, about the center of which rises a young tree, bushy with yellow foliage. At the right of it a man in a sapphire-blue blouse leans on the top rail, talking to a woman in a white cap and rosy bodice, who stands on the farther side of the fence. The shepherd’s black dog has left him and is racing toward the right. Signed at the lower right, “km. Van Marcxe.” CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH (1813-1865) No. 273— SHEEP IN THE PASTURE PANEL Yas Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches 0 as Ue bie “MN WL. Leo Lee Tue face of a sheep, lying beside another in the foreground, catches the light and forms the focus point of a scheme of golden yellow-brown tonality. At “the left of the foreground a stick lies on the grass beside a dark green bush. Over the top of the latter appears the back of a sheep, seen in profile, which is paralleled by another. A fifth sheep stands, cropping the grass, at the right; while still another faces us, lying down at the back of the scene. A seal at the back, also a statement in writing, “I FRIES: this painting an original work by C. Troyon—WitiiaAM Scuavus.” Signed at the lower left, “C. 'Troyon.” t— b Cee EMILE VAN MARCKE YL yRENCH (1827-1890) No. 274— CATTLE RETURNING HOME PANEL ~ -) q fied Pie age ah) Height, 81, inches; width, Wyle wy: Aen He. Ura 7 A ities marke iy A+ 4 ruts and bordered with deep green stubbly grass, curves back from the center of the foreground. It leads back to a belt of sandy soil that cuts the composition horizontally. Above the edge of it appear the upper parts of two cows and of a woman in white cap and pale blue garment, as they descend the opposite side. The woman is followed by other cows which are fully visible, the procession being concluded by a woman who bends beneath the load of a faggot. She is seen at the left of a willow that has greenish-brown foliage, growing from a dark olive trunk which reflects a little gray light. At the right of the foreground is a stretch of buff, overgrown with some tall reedlike growth. The sky is gray, with one globule of light, floating over a few streaks. Signed at the lower left, “Em. Van Marcxe.” a : Yop)! CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH (1813-1894) No. 275— _ FEEDING TIME ss) wb Height, 184, inches; width, 15%, inches NS eo O¢ (/ f-4A4a oe "a ‘4 Lacltn ly the foreground of the stable a black cock with a wealth of gold feathers around his throat stands proudly among his hens. Some are picking at what appears to be bright yellow corn, while a reddish hen and a gray one are attacking some curly cabbage leaves which le near a drinking trough. Mean- while, as if in response to the cock’s summons, two hens are hurrying down a ladder, which leads to an upper door at the right; the foremost bird having sprung into mid air with extended wings. The angle of the stable walls is wreathed with cobwebs, at the left of which a lantern hangs beside a small window, the sill of which is strewn with straw. Signed at the lower left, “Cu. Jacque.” ANTOINE VOLLON FRENCH (1833-1900) No. 276—_ THE FISHERMAN’S RETURN SU a) to Height, 18 inches; length, 22 neh ess fs face Lye Ye A FISHERMAN and his little child, followed by the wife carrying a basket, advance to the front along a roadway that leads directly from the sea. The latter, shows in a pale blue band between the cottages which flank the extremity of the road. At the right appears a gable end, above which a flock of gulls is flying. Adjoining it is an olive-brown thatched roof, cut by a rose-red chimney. An- other chimney rises at the left beside a bit of reddish-brown roof and a creamy white gable that catches the ight. They show above a mass of greenery. The sky is of robin’s egg blue, silted over with a little sooty vapor. Signed at the lower left, “A. Vouton.” aie Ne pie 6 ie a 2 ( EUGENE FROMENTIN ; eE oe FRENCH (1820-1876) Ay ~ ie No 277 HUNTING WITH FALCONS Je Re ot = = rae Height, 151% inches, length, 26% inches // <5 : Turee mounted Arabs are stationed at the right of the foreground, on the edge of a shallow marsh which occupies the middle distance. Here, toward the left, a horseman is coming forward at the gallop with hand upraised, as he fol- lows the course of two falcons which are hovering above a heron. Farther back, another rider gallops forward and other horsemen are dotted around the edge of the swamp. ‘The leader of the group in the foreground, wearing a white burnoos and swathed about the body with scarlet, is mounted on a lavender-roan steed. At the right of him, his back to the spectator, an attendant, with a falcon on his shoulder, sits a blue roan, while facing us is another, mounted on a dove-colored horse, who holds a bird on his uplifted wrist. Signed at the lower left, “Kuc. Fromentin.” Vi - \ FRENCH (1827-1890) Vat No. 2 (4 9 EMILE VAN MARCKE " a Shook A THE PASTURE—EVENING bh, & i“ " 2/7 g “Ps, +, * — _ Height, 20 inches; length, 25%, UNS rr a wi =n the foreground of the past a pale reddish cow, marked (with creamy white, stands a trifle inclined from the front, but turning her head to the spectator. One horn shows against the rich red-brown coat of another cow, as she looks back toward a brown with white face and chest which stands in the middle distance. Still farther back a yellow cow is lying under a tree which crowns the slope of the pasture at the right. Over at the left of the summit is a continuous mass of amber-brown foliage. SIMONS, Marcius Prvcxnry Gathering Shadows STEELINK, WILLEM Sheep in Pasture Return of the Flock _ Sheep Returning Home Sheep on the Heath SWAN, C. E. | Lion’s Head TER MEULEN, Francois Pirrer. A Shepherdess THAULOW, Fairz Degel—Norway TORREZ, Antonio A Spanish Beauty TRAVER, G. A. Landscape TROYON, CONSTANT Sheep in the Pasture VAN ESSEN, Jan A Woodland Pond VAN MARCKE, Emite Sheep in the Pasture Cattle Returning Home The Pasture—Evening VAN VUUREN, Jan Entrance to the Wood Serbocelss oven VOIGT, A. Cows in Pasture VOLLON, AnrToINE The Fisherman’s Return Still Life I, Jouannes Henpunx Near ee —3 ——— 2 SS ee Te eli ‘ “ ee = ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE agin ee ieee Te CT og : | | We (7h i ( 7 Heir EAL , OS SS Sac ea * ; ¥ rh % ste ae "dH ae ZAM ae MG aeedigtpcaip Present es Nemec Sma ena cpaad OAT RL en Meg, SB WO gt ot Ee else Pee tn bree Way a Ae vangiow 4 Sait Wie Oa bam P dy Hip RLM ty Swe kere e Anode PN ety We 4 Maye Ae rag Robt he Hae FAT: dy hit ey cree Fs Asti mh bere es Sie by ane Ache Winey made, aN CRA PES ease, ryote kane ROR on tg Lee berpedea ee rte seen! tenct SL AMS Phy Supdnysaneoabes Arran Vy FE Om Cie ay 0, air ut LIBAN eee tee eee yee ines ys A shin hen eh AEN Anois, a he em roan bene ve van Ae ns Chee ey. PTY OMY MAREK Steg thelr ty, Poin, tu wat eiryle gies, Toy Fy mM 8 be AN at ALR Hy yi > pearaa nied Seal Avacers coats faery Haina. 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