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Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. 8 OTTO BERNET MANAGERS HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS FOURTH AND LAST SESSION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1926, AT 2:15 P.M. rare aulore Une Numbers 620 105820 inclusive HANGING LANTERNS 636—Two SpanisH Tin STetLatTe Lanterns, wirH WRrouGHT Iron BRACKETS XVIII Century Finely wrought into a multitude of tetrahedra. S-scrolled and knopped wrought iron bracket of earlier date. ; Heights, 7 and 6 inches. 637—SPANISH TIN Hancoinc LANTERN XVIII Century Octagonal, body with looped tapering foot and double gallery sur- mounted by leayed crown; the whole enriched with stellate rosettes and fitted with tinted glasses. Height, 15 inches. 638—SpanisH Tin Hancinc LANTERN, WITH WROUGHT Tron BRACKET XVIII Century Hexagonal tapering body with looped foot and open leaved dome with pierced galleries. S-scrolled wrought iron bracket enriched with fleurs-de-lys and surmounted by a candle bobéche, Height of lantern, 15 inches; extension of bracket, 12 inches. 639—SpPANISH Tin OcraconaL LANTERN AVILI Century Flat octagon, with rosetted angles; oblong base and crown. Fitted with tinted and sanded glasses. Height, 16 inches. 640—SPANISH TIN STELLATE LANTERN XVIIT Century Interesting lantern, shaped_with twenty-six quadrilateral points each terminating in a rosetfe. Height, 17 inches. p as : ae ap aap 641—Two Spanish Gitpep Tin Hancinc Lanrrrns AVILL Century : : ' i A Flat shield shape, with loop borders, leaved and looped foot; two- tiered oblong gallery surmounted by leaved crown. Height, 19 inches. 109 b! Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 642—THREE SpANISH GILDED T1n Hanoinc LanTERNS XVIII Century Flat shield-shape, with open leaved base; rosetted pierced two-tiered gallery surmounted by leaved crown. Height, 20 inches. 643—Pair SPANISH Tin Hanoinc LANTERNS Early XVIII Century Square, with symmetrical foot and pierced dome surmounted by ro- setted scalloped coronet. Height, 22 inches. 644—Pair SPANISH GILDED Trxn Hanoinc Lanterns AVIII Century Flat shield-shape, with serpentine borders, leaved base; two-tiered ob- long gallery surmounted by leaved crown. Height, 20 inches. 645—Pair SPANISH TIN OvaL LANTERNS XVIII Century Flat oval body with loop-scrolled border; leaved base, square top crowned with pendent curled leaves, having looped leaf finial. Height, 22% inches. 646—Pair SpANIsH Tin Ovat LANTERNS XVIII Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 22% inches. 647—Parr SPANISH Tin Ovat LANTERNS AVIII Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 22% inches. 648—Pair Spanish Tin Hansinc Lanterns with Wroucut Iron BRACKETS AVIT Century Square lantern, with symmetrically scrolled borders and cresting and spirally twisted supports. Bracket with angular stepped cresting sur- mounted by pointed leaves, with leaf-scrolled underbrace. Height of lantern, 28 inches; extension of bracket, 15 inches. 649—SPANISH ‘Tin Hancinc LANTERN Late XVII Century Hexagonal, with outset angles; open leaved base and crown. Shoul- ders, base and angles fitted with tinted glasses. Height, 27 inches. 650—Patr SpANIsH Tin STELLATE LANTERNS Early XVIII Century Flat circular body, with twelve points terminating in rosettes. Height, 29 inches. 651-—Patr SpanisH Tin STELLATE LANTERNS Early XVIII Century Similar to the preceding. Fourth and Last Session 652—SpPANISH GILDED Tin CHurcH LANTERN Late XVI Century Square, with paneled sides, the angles with Flemish scrolls. Height, 33 inches. (IJlustrated ) 653—Parr SpAnisH Tin Hancinc LANTERNS XVII Century Square, with outset angles, the sides paneled with quatrefoil medal- lions; open scrolled base and crown surmounted by a funnel coronet. Height, 29 inches. 654—Pair SPANISH Tin CHURCH LANTERNS XVII Century Square, with corner pilasters enriched with leaves, rosette pierced hemi- spherical base. Pierced dome with turret. Height, 30 inches. 655—Parr Spanish Wroucut Iron LANTERNS Late XVI Century Square body with knopped corner rods supporting a cornice with knob finials and escutcheons and scroll cresting; four serpentined sus- pension braces, crested by a coronet. Fitted with tinted glasses. Height, 52 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SPANISH BROCADES, VELVETS AND EMBROIDERIES 656—PEA-GREEN SILK BrocapE TapLe Cover Régence Period Brocaded in pastel silks with swaying latticed ribbons interlacing with branches of flowers and enclosing floral baskets encircled by garlands, and detached carnation sprays. 18 inches square. 657—RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CHALICE CovER Spanish, XVI Century Enriched with appliqué of yellow satin outlined with cordonnets and displaying a border of C-scrolls about a ccroneted escutcheon enriched with a cross. Length, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. 658—RENAaISSANCE Rusy Vetver Datmatic Spanish, XVI Century Heavy rich velvet, mounted with borders of deep emerald, and fringed. : I g 659—RENAISSANCE Rusy Vetver Datmatic Spanish, XVI Century Similar to the preceding. 660—SPANISH EMBROIDERED ‘TETE pE N&GRE SILK SHAWL Lavishly worked all over in brilliant colors with scrolled tendrils, the corners with red peonies and smaller blossoms surrounding two temple shrines with Chinese mandarins and female attendants. Fringed. 5 feet 2 inches square. 661—SPANISH EMBROIDERED OrRANGE-YELLOW SILK SHAWL Worked in the same color with a lavish border of nosegays of hawthorn and peonies with sprays of roses and other flowers at the corners. Fringed. 5 feet 6 inches square. 662—SpPANISH EmBRomDERED Tire pE Necre SitK SHAWL Worked in colors with scattered flowers; floral borders and corners finely embroidered with peonies, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, . plum blossoms. and fuchsias, with two festooned rocaille scrolled medallions. 5 feet 4 inches square. 663—GOLD-EMBROIDERED Cut. VELVET LAMBREQUIN Spanish, XVII Century Composed in all of sixteen shield-shaped panels forming a valance, ciselé with a floral design and embellished in gold appliqué. Mounted in-galloon, with gold fringe. Fifteen pieces. Length, about 9 yards; depth, 1 foot 7 inches. (Lilustrated) II2 (Sunquay [TAX “ys1urdg) NINOGUINVT LHATA A LOAD) dawad1iowud NA-a TO H—t99 “ON 113 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 665 664—Drap b’OR AnD Crimson VELVET PANEL Spanish, XVII Century Ground solidly woven with gold thread with appliqué of crimson vel- vet outlined with cordonnets, exhibiting symmetrical ogival leaf de- vices outlined with branches of vines having pendent grapes. Length, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 665—LenctH or Drap D’Or anp Crimson Vetvet Murat HANGING Spanish, XVII Century The design similar to the preceding, but counterchanged so that it appears in intaglio in gold on the appliqué crimson velvet. Twelve pieces. Total length, about 18% yards; width, 20 inches. (Illustrated ) IIt4 Fourth and Last Session i Le 666—GOLD-EMBROIDERED SILK AND EMERALD Damask CHURCH BANNER Spanish, XVII Century Green floral damask, with a central square panel of ivory of the Empire period, embroidered in gold and colored threads with borders of leaf scrollings and flowers and a festooned drapery. Oval medal- lion of point d’Hongrie and French knots with a figure of Christ bearing the lamb on his shoulder, signed: JosErPH MartINeEz and dated December, 1813. Width, 3 feet 6 inches; depth, 4 feet 8 inches 115 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 667—GOLD-EMBROIDERED Cur VELVET LAMBREQUIN Spanish, XVII Century cee ae forty-four shield-shaped panels forming a valance, of Louis XIV jardiniére crimson velvet, enriched with a gold patie displaying a symmetrical leaf-scrolled ornament. Mounted with gal- loon and gold fringe. Length, about 27 yards; depth, 18 inches. 668—SILK NEEDLEPAINTED PicrurE IN CarveD AND GILDED FRAME Spanish, XVI Century The Virgin, robed and crowned and flanked by two saints, appears in a vision with cherub figures and a saint kneeling before a Renaissance facade; delicate floral borders, the whole worked in colored silks. In contemporary frame finely carved with leaf scrollings and gilded Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches 669—RENAISSANCE Moss-GREEN SILK Damask PANEL Spanish, circa 1600 Woven with ogivals formed of triple strapped ribbons interlinked with coronets and enclosing small symmetrical sprays of flowers. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet x inch. 670—CrimMson Damask AND AppLiouk CuurcH BANNER Spanish, XVII Century The damask developing a design of recurring symmetrical baskets of flowers; with an appliqué Renaissance scrolled strap medallion enriched with leaves and an oval with a seated Vi irgin and Child, in satin out- lined with gold and silk cordonnets. Width, 3 feet 5 inches; depth, 4 feet 10 inches. 671—LAVENDER SILK Damask CHASUBLE Spanish, XVII Century Developing running designs of serpentine scrolling leafage supporting swaying stems of flowers. Mounted in gold galloon. 672—Pair LavenpER SitK Damask Datmatics Spanish, XVII Century Similar to the preceding. 673—LAVENDER SItK Damasx CopE Spanish, XVII Century Similar to the preceding. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; depth, 4 feet 2 inches. 116 Fourth and Last Session 674—LenctH or Drap.p’Or AND Crimson VELVET Murat BorpdER Spanish, XVII Century Composed of thirty-eight lengths of crimson velvet border cut to exhibit a running design of arabesque leaf scrollings enclosed within cordonnets and developed in gold thread. Mounted in gold galloon. Length, about 34 yards; depth, 11 inches. 675—Drap p’ARGENT SKy-BLUE BrocaDE CovERLET Venetian, XVIII Century Damassé with waved ribs and reserved leaf designs, and brocaded in silver with a slender swaying branch supporting graceful flowers and leaves. 6 feet 6 inches square. 676—SILVER-EMBROIDERED SILK MANTLE OF THE ORDER OF Cuartes III Spanish, XVIII Century Turquoise-blue silk semé with appliqué silver stars, with finely scrolled and fretted cape and borders with compartments containing heraldic lions rampant, castles and portcullises. 677—-EMBROIDERED Crimson SitK Damask BALDACHINO Spanish, XVII Century Damassé with interlacing serpentine leaf scrolling supporting cornu- copiae; with a central octofoil medallion in appliqué yellow damask in- floretted with honeysuckle. Scalloped edges. Length, 9 feet; width, 7 feet 2 inches. 678—EMBROIDERED PurPLE VELVET FRONTAL Spanish, XVII Century Mounted with gold galloon and enriched with an appliqué coroneted escutcheon charged with a sable eagle and surrouaced by leaf-scrolled mantling. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; depth, 4 feet 5 inches. 117 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 679—RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERED SATIN AND Crimson VELVET CHASUBLB Spanish, Late XVI Century The orphreys of crimson satin, embellished in appliqués of yellow and sky-blue satin with silk and silver cordonnets, in a symmetrical device of leaf scrollings; mounted with galloon. 118 Fourth and Last Session 680—RENAISSANCE NEEDLEPAINTED RuBy VELVET CHASUBLE Spanish, XVI Century Superb deep ruby-red Genoese velvet, with orphreys solidly embroid- ered in gold thread and blue, crimson, emerald and ivory silks with six niches enclosing figures of five saints and of a contemporary pope with tiara. Note: The above from the Cathedral of Zamora. 119 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ——— ee eee ee ee eee 681—CarpInaL’s Empromwerep BLur Satin BaLpacHino Spanish, circa 1600 The border with graceful appliqué of interlacing leaf scrollings with central shields of arms; the centre with a circular cartouche emitting symmetrical pairs of scrolling branches terminating in lilies, and charged with a cardinal’s hat. The whole wrought in gold and silver threads and colored silks, with cordonnets. Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet. 682—SaGE-GREEN CrewEeL Work Repostero Salamanca, XVII Century Worked in pink, golden-yellow and ivory wools with a border of scrolling leaves supporting peonies and other flowers: central sym- metrical scrolled floral device with the inscription: Ave Marta. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches. 683—LEAF-GREEN CrEeweL Work ReEposTERO Salamanca, Late XVII Century Worked in scarlet, golden-yellow, sky-blue and ivory wools with a border of interlacing leaf scrolling and carnation and peony blossoms; central jardiniére design with naturalistic flowers and serrated scroll- ing leafage. Length, 9 feet; width, 7 feet 9 inches. 684—ImporTantT ANTIQUE SPANISH NEEDLEPOINT PANEL Early XIX Century Displaying a scene from the life of Don Quixote. A landscape with the Knight seated at the left among a group of ladies and approached by a cupid; at the right Sancho Panza reclining before a second group of personages. Concealed behind trees in the middle distance is a crowd of laughing ladies looking on at the spectacle. Finely worked in reds, blues, greens, tan and ivory in gros point, the faces and arnis in petit point, Leaf borders with scrolled shell corners, worked in tan. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; length, 10 feet 3 inches. (Companion to the following) 685—ImporTant ANTIQUE SpanIsH NEEDLEPOINT PANEL Early XIX Century Another episode in the history of the Knight. A flowering landscape with a pastoral orchestra at the left and the figures of the Duke and Duchess looking on at a ballet of maidens in the centre: at the right A Quixote erect in armor with a red cloak: his squire at his feet looking wistfully at a saucepan. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; length, ro feet 3 inches. (Companion to the preceding) 120 Fourth and Last Session 686—FrENCH ARMORIAL TAPESTRY Late XVII Century Woven in blues, greens, tans and ivory with an escutcheon charged with two affrontés lions rampant and a fleur-de-lys, and placed within a landscape with a tall tree at the right. Borders of spirally twisted columns headed by composite capitals, the head and base with military trophies tied with ribbons. Height, 9 feet; width, 6 feet 2 inches. Note: The above from the Collection of the Duque de Lerma. SPANISH PAINTINGS, WROUGHT IRONWORK, FURNITURE. GATES AND DOORS 687—Rasé VeLver Corrretr Mountep In Grpep Iron Spanish, XVI Century Oblong, with gable top; covered in crimson velvet, from which the pile has been completely shorn. ‘Mounted with small bosses, scrolled hinges and escutcheons. Length, 8% inches. 688—RENAISSANCE CRIMSON VéLVET AND ForcEep Iron CorrretT Spanish, XVI Century Oblong, with gable lid; covered with crimson velvet and mounted with forged iron bandings and escutcheon. Length, 7 feet; width, 334 inches; depth, 4 inches. 689—CarveED, GILDED AND PoLYCHROMED STATUETTE Spanish, XVI Century St. AcaTHA. Erect figure draped in a gold and blue brocade gown and holding in the left hand a book on which are a pair of breasts. Height, 15 inches. 690—CarveED, GILDED AND POoLYCHROMED STATUETTE School of Juan de Juni, XVI Century Erect robed figure of a saint, with long hair; wearing a gold brocaded blue gown and draped in a crimson cloak. Height, 18 inches. 691—Goruic Carveb, GILDED AND PoLycHROMED STATUETTE Spanish, XV Century Erect figure of a young girl in jeweled golden robes, with a blue cloak over her shoulders, reading from a book held in the left hand, the right extended in gesture. Height, 28% inches. 692—Pair WrouGHT [Ron ANDIRONS Spanish, XVI Century Square shaft with incised ornament, headed by a knob; arched foot. Height, 2114 inches. T25 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 693—WaLNuT Caja DE Novia Castile, XVI Century Oblong, with molded lid and base; on turned feet. Finely mounted with scrolled wrought iron bands and escutcheon, with original lock. Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches. 694—T weve Carved AND PoLyCHROMED CEILING SUPPORTS Spanish, XIII Century With round ends curiously painted with grotesque faces, sides with Gothic interlacing cusped scrollings. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. Note: The above from a castle in Morella, Catalonia. 695—Pair Wroucut [Ron ANDIRONS Spanish, XVI Century Standard terminating in knop and enriched with two molded shell ledges; arched foot. Height, 22 inches. 696—Pair Wroucut Iron ANDIRONS Spanish, XVI Century Molded standard with leaf-imbricated knop, on scrolled arch foot. Height, 26 inches. 697—Pair Brass ANDIRONS Spanish, XVII Century Turned shaft with funnel-shaped knop and large globe finial; on arched iron foot enriched with appliqué brass double eagle. Height, 22% inches. 698—Pair Brass ANDIRONS Spanish, Early XVII Century Turned shaft with funnel knop and globe finial; on square plinth stand- ing on arched iron base with appliqué bronze bearded mascaron. Height, 26 inches. 699—CarveD AND GILDED Watt Mirror Spanish, XVIII Century Shield-shaped molded frame, enriched with rosetted rocaille scrollings and crested with a cartouche. Original mirror. Length, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. 700—CARVED AND GILDED WALL Mirror Spanish, Régence Period Cartouche-shaped; carved and crested with rococo leaf scrollings, with C-scroll cartouche base. Original mirror. Height, 36 inches; width, 19 inches. 701—Carvep WaLNuT STOOL Spanish, Early XVII Century Oblong molded top with hand-hole; flaring reel turned legs with ogee- cut box-stretcher. Pear feet. Fourth and Last Session 702—Carvep WALNUT STOOL Spanish, Early XVII Century Oblong molded top with hand-hole; flaring reel-turned legs with val- anced box-stretcher, turned feet. 703—CrIMson Damask WaLtNutT BanquetrEe Spanish, XVII Century Oblong top, covered in Louis Quatorze floral damask; ring-turned legs and box stretcher. Length, 31 inches; height, 15 inches. 704—PaiR CarveD WALNUT STOOLS Spanish, Early XVII Century Oblong molded top with hand-hole; flaring reel-turned legs with ogee- cut box-stretcher. 705—THREE Crimson VELVET Carvep WaLnut Low Cuairs Spanish, circa 1700 Tall oblong open back, with vase splat; short cabriole legs joined by flat stretcher. Seat in Louis Quatorze crimson silk damask. 706—Two Carvep Pryo Woop ARMCHAIRS Estremadura, Early XVIII Century Back with deep scrolled slat, carved with rosettes and jardiniéres of flowers; flat open arms, molded quadrangular legs with valanced apron and frontal stretcher. Louis Quatorze crimson damask loose cushion, 707—T wo Carved Pino Woop Sipe CHAIRS Spanish, Early XVIII Century Open canted back, pierced and scroll-cut rails joined by vase splat, surmounted by two opposed C-scrolls; quadrangular cabriole legs joined by scroll-cut valanced stretcher. 708—Carved Watnut Miniature TaABle Castile, XVII Century Oblong top, single drawer paneled with strap medallions, scrolled frieze; deep fluted knee-blocks, on baluster-turned legs with box- stretcher. Height, 18 inches; length, 20% inches. 709—WaLNuT AND Marquetry Taser Spanish, XVII Century Oblong coromandel top, inlaid with vermiculate scrollings, and strap medallions of tortoise-shell; on pillar-turned legs, with scalloped end stretchers, supporting serpentined wrought iron braces. Height, 19% inches; length, 262 inches. 123 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 710—Carved WaLNnut Sipe TarsLe Leon, Early XVII Century Oblong top, two drawers carved with four square dies, deep ogee-cut frieze; reel and ball-turned legs joined by box-stretcher. Height, 29% inches; length, 3634 inches. (Illustrated ) 711—Damask Carved WaLNutT ARMCHAIR Spanish, Renaissance Open canted back, scrolled arms on quadrangular uprights joined by pierced frontal bar stretcher. Seat and back in Louis Quatorze crim- son silk damask, the back with appliqué silk and gold escutcheon. 712—EMERALD Damask Carvep WALNUT ARMCHAIR Spanish Renaissance Open canted back, scrolled arms on square molded uprights joined by Flemish scrolled stretchers, enriched with square rosettes, Back and seat in couched Louis XIII green damask. 124 Fourth and Last Session 713 714. 713—CarveED WALNUT AND TooLep LrEarHER Sipe CHair Portuguese, XVII Century Tall oblong back, turned and blocked legs with scrolled shell-carved frontal stretcher. Back and seat covered in leather, trimmed with brass nails and tooled with claborate leaf scrolling, a shield charged with double eagle, and shell cresting. 714—Carvep WALNUT aNnpd TooLtep LeatHer Sipe CHair Portuguese, XVII Century Tall arched back, turned and blocked stretchered legs with inter- lacing scrolled frontal stretcher. Seat and back in leather trimmed with large brass nails and tooled with elaborate floral scrollings, the back with flowers and human figures and grotesques. Note: A similar chair is in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. 125 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4715—CarveD WALNUT OccasIONAL TABLE Castile, XVII Century Oblong top; reel-turned flaring legs, with fluted knees and rosetted blocks joined by box-stretcher. Height, 20% inches; length, 22 inches. 716—EMBROIDERED VELVET CarveD WALNUT ARMCHAIR Spanish, XVI Century Open canted back; scrolled arms on square fluted uprights, pierced frontal bar stretcher. Back and seat in emerald velvet, the back en- riched with Renaissance scrolled floral appliqué, developing vases and cornucopiae, with cherub heads. 717—-DaMask CarRvED WALNUT ARMCHAIR Spanish Renaissance Oblong arched canted back, molded serpentined arms on balustered supports; turned and blocked legs and H-stretcher. Back and seat in Louis Quatorze crimson damask. 718—WaLNuT Marouetry AND Wroucut [RoN OccasIoONAL TABLE Southern Spain, XVII Century Oblong top, with medallion and arabesaue ribbon mosaic inlays of bone; turned flaring legs with ogee-cut end stretchers, supporting ser- pentined wrought iron braces. Height, 16 inches; length, 17% inches. 719—ITwo Crimson Vetiver Carvep WaLNutT ARMCHAIRS Spanish Renaissance Open canted back, with brass finials; scrolled arms on square up- rights, pierced frontal bar stretcher. Seat and back in crimson velvet with appliqué panel of bois de rose velvet with embroidery of leaf ogivals and tulips. 720—ARMORIAL LEATHER CarveD WaLNuT ARMCHAIR 2 Spanish Renaissance Open canted back, with fluted finials; flat scrolled arms on square uprights with scrolled pierced bar stretcher. Seat and back in leather stamped with a diamond-lattice and shield of arms. 126 Fourth and Last Session 4721—CarveD WALNUT SIDE TABLE Castile, Late XVII Century Oblong top, single drawer with two leaf-carved panels; leaf-scrolled frieze, fluted knee-blocks; ring-turned box-stretchered legs. Ball feet. Height, 27% inches; length, 31% inches. 4 722—InLaip WaLNuT Drop-Lear OccasioNAL TABLE Andalusia, XVII Century Circular top with two drop-leaves, inlaid in boxwood with a medal- lion, stars and ribbon border; scroll-cut friezes with single molded drawer and two cut pendants. Baluster legs, turned box-stretcher. Height, 23% inches; diameter, 28 inches. (Illustrated) 723—CarveD WALNUT SIDE TABLE Castile, Early XVII Century Oblong top, single drawer enriched with four square rosettes, leaf- scrolled frieze, fluted stiles; turned legs joined by box-stretcher. Height, 30% inches; length, 32% inches. 127 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. EMBROIDERED VELVET CarveD WaLNuT ARMCHAIR Spanish Renaissance 724 Open canted back with brass finials, scrolled arms on square uprights; pierced and strap-carved frontal bar stretcher. Seat and back in green velvet, appliqué with Renaissance scroll-work with chimeras and cherub heads outlined in gold thread, surrounding a central escutcheon. 725—ITwo Emproiperep Vetvst Carvep WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS Spanish Renaissance Open canted back; flat scrolled arms on baluster supports, heading square uprights joined by pierced frontal stretcher. Seat and back in crimson velvet, the latter enriched with gold embroidery on a ground of crimson satin stitch, displaying formalized scrolled trees. (Lllustrated ) 128 Fourth and Last Session 726—CRIMSON VELVET Carvep WALNUT ARMCHAIR Spanish, XVI Century Canted back, with brass finials; scrolled arms on quadrangular uprights joined by pierced bar stretchers. Seat and back in crimson velvet, the latter with appliqué Renaissance embroidery of mermaids and leaf-scrollings. 727—EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CARVED WaLnut ARMCHAIR Spanish Renaissance Open canted back, with finials; scrolled arms on square uprights, frontal stretcher carved with rosettes, flanking a shield. Seat and back in crimson velvet, the latter with appliqué Renaissance scrolled embroidery developing a festooned mascaron. 728—ELABORATE RENAISSANCE CARVED Wat- NuT CoLUMN Spanish, Early XVII Century Massive spiraled pillar, beautifully carved in bold relief with vines and bunches of grapes, with Corinthian capital ; octagonal base. Height, 5 feet 1 inch. (fllustrated ) 129 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 729—CarveD WALNUT AND BeecHwoop Drop-LeAF TABLE Andalusia, XVII Century Circular top with two drop-leaves, supported on curiously shaped flanges; valanced cut end frieze with two lozenge and rosette-carved drawers; round flaring legs joined by reel-turned box-stretcher. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 39% inches. 730—CarveD WALNUT SIDE TABLE Castile, Late XVI Century Oblong top; single drawer paneled with two rosette leaf carvings, im- bricated stiles; baluster-turned box-stretchered legs, with rosetted blocks. Height, 25% inches; length, 29 inches. 731I—RENAISSANCE CARVED AND SILVERED TORCHERE Spanish, Late XVI Century Turned and balustered shaft, on trilateral base with scrolled corners; claw-and-ball feet. Large circular grease-tray. Height, 5 feet. 732—Four WroucutT IRon Sacrisry CANDLESTANDS Spanish Renaissance Round knopped and balustered shaft with circular grease tray and pierced candle-socket; scrolled tripod base. Height, 47 inches. 733—ANDALUSIAN Porrery Om Jar XVIT Century Inverted pear-shape, with embryo neck; glazed in cucumber-green. Height, 14 inches. 734—ANDALUSIAN Porrery Ort Jar XVIT Century Inverted pear-shape, with rudimentary neck; glazed in cucumber-green. Height, 26% inches. 735—ANDALUSIAN PoTrery O1L Jar XVII Century Inverted pear-shape, with rudimentary neck; glazed in cucumber-green. Height, 22 inches. 736—ANDALUSIAN Potrery Oi Jar AXVIT Century Inverted pear-shape, with rudimentary neck; glazed in cucumber-green. Height, 24 inches. 737—Iwo ANDALUSIAN PoTTEry Ort Jars on Wroucut Iron Sranps XVIT Century Inverted pear-shape, with rudimentary neck; glazed in cucumber-green ; on spirally-twisted and scrolled tripod stands. Height of jars, 24% inches; of stands, 24 inches. 130 Fourth and Last Session EE TEESE SEES 738—ANDALUSIAN Porrery On Jar on WroucuT Iron STAND XVII Century Inverted pear-shape, with rudimentary neck; glazed in cucumber- green; on spirally-twisted and scrolled tripod stand, Height of jar, 26 inches; of stand, 22 inches. 739—WroucHut Iron Monastery WEATHERVANE Spanish, Late XVII Century Square shaft wth elaborately scrolled pennant vane, surmounted by scrolled and latticed crucifix. Height, about 6 feet 4 inches. 740—RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED LIMESTONE ARMORIAL CARVING Spanish, Late XVI Century In two parts. Carved with a shield barry encircled by Renaissance leaf scrolling and crested with a plumed helm seen in profile. Height, 5 feet 6% inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 741—CHURRIGUERESQUE CarveD WaLNuT TasLe Southwestern Spain, XVII Century Oblong top; floridly scroll-cut flaring legs and end stretchers joined by serpentined wooden cross braces. Height, 30 inches; length, 45 inches. 742—CarveD WALNUT AND ParcEL-GILDED VARGUENO Spanish, Late XVI Century Oblong chest top, with finely scrolled gilded iron mounts; the front with six drawers about a central cupboard, enriched with small square strap-medallions veneered in bone and spirally-twisted bone columns supporting arched colonnades. Base of later date, with lozenge-carved long drawer above a rosette-carved spiral arcading. Spirally fluted tapering legs, on bar feet. Height, 53 inches; width, 33 inches. 743—SPANIsH GotHic CarveD Oak ARCON, OR CHEST Oblong top, front and sides carved with oblong panels enriched with linenfold. Original wrought iron lock-plate and hasp. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; height, 2 feet 8¥% inches. 131 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 744—CARDINAL’S CARVED WALNUT ARCON Castile, XVII Century Oblong molded top and base, on turned feet. Front carved with a quartered escutcheon surrounded by a wreath of bay leaves and flanked by two shields bearing cardinals’ hats. Mounted with wrought iron carrying handles, two finely scrolled plates and corner bandings. Height, 31% inches; length, 61 inches. { 745—CarveD WALNUT AND Wroucut Iron Monastery BENCH a Toledo, XVII Century i Low oblong molded back, enriched with appliqué crowned double eagle in gilded bronze; flaring reel-turned legs and end stretchers, supporting beautiful scrolled and leaved wrought iron braces. Length, 6 feet 4 inches. | 746—Carvep WALNUT AND CHtstNuT Liprary TABLE } Basque, XVII Century Massive oblong top, frieze and two drawers boldly carved with florid i scrolling leafage; rosetted central die; baluster-turned box-stretchered legs on ball feet. Height, 3 feet 4% inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches. 747—PLATERESQUE CarRvEeD WALNUT SETTEE Spanish, XVII Century | Oblong canted back with brass finials, lavishly carved in flat relief | with scrolling leafage and eagle heads with a central escutcheon, motto | and mantling; the whole gilded and silvered. Scrolled arms on square fluted uprights, pierced frontal bar stretcher. Crimson velvet seat. Length, 4 feet 10 inches. 748—IMpoRTANT CARVED WALNUT AND PARCEL-GILDED VARGUENO Toledo, Late XVI Century Oblong chest top, fall front beautifully enriched with pierced scrolled wrought iron plates, bandings, escutcheon and drop handles; interior with central cupboard surrounded by nineteen small drawers, some with secret drawers in base, carved with small oblong strap medallions veneered with painted bone and embellished with spiral bone columns | supporting arched colonnades. Chest base with two drawers and two cupboards molded with lozenge paneling with borders of oblong strap medallions, and scrolled wrought iron lock plates. Height, 61 inches; width, 43% inches (Lilustrated) 132 No. 748—ImporTtant Carvep WALNUT AND ParceEL-GILDED VARGUENO (Toledo, Late XVI Century) 133 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 749—CarvEeD WALNUT AND Wroucut Iron Lrprary TABLE { Leon, Early XVII Century Massive oblong top; two drawers finely carved with Renaissance scroll- ing and having forged iron drop handles; flaring shaped quadrangular legs carved with leaf imbrications, the end stretchers similarly, and supporting serpentined wrought iron braces. Height, 36 inches; length, 5 feet 4 inches. 750—CaRVED WALNUT AND PARCEL-GILDED VARGUENO Spanish, Late XVI Century Oblong chest top, front with seven drawers and central cupboard open- ing to three small drawers; all enriched with tiny square panels veneered with painted bone, and embellished with tiny balustered bone pillars supporting arches. Base of later date, with lozenge paneled long drawer; on rosetted spiraled arcade joining spirally fluted legs on bar feet. Height, 55 inches; width, 41 inches. - SPANISH SCHOOL Tr Shyu ee ere 6 * 751—CHRIST IN THE GaRDEN OF GETHSEMANE Gala Piece ) Fe os (ee | ~~ ~ -~ Kneeling figure of the Savior robed in crimson, surrounded by the sleeping disciples; at the right appears an angel holding a chalice. Rocky landscape background. Renaissance carved and gilded frame. Height, 43 inches; width, 30% inches. (Illustrated) 134 No. 751—CHRIST IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE (Spanish School, XVI Century) 135 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SPANISH SCHOOL XV CE RY 752—Curist Fatitinc UNDE /THE EIGHT OF THE Cross Altar Piece) ( Before a background ‘6f buildings, Roman soldiers scourging on the a G _— Savior, in dark red robes, who has fallen to the ground under the 4 heavy cross. Behind them two mounted officials. Renaissance carved and gilded frame. Height, 42% inches; width, 31 inches. 136 Fourth and Last Session SPANISH SCHOOL XV CENTURY 753—Tu_E Kiss oF Jupas ) (Altar Piece) “) 4 Inthe foreground the Christ in maroon robes embraced by Judas, who (Cempes E, js clad in a green gown; on the other side of the Savior the figure of * Saint Peter and of a child. Behind them Roman soldiers with spears and partisans, before a landscape background, Renaissance carved and gilded frame. Height, 42% inches; width, 29 inches. 137 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SPANISH SCHOOL XV CENTURY 754—THE DENIAL oF PETER (Altar Piece) Interior of a classical building, with an embrasure permitting a view over acity. At the right is seated on the throne the high priest Caiaphas, before whom is the Christ surrounded by soldiers. In the foreground, Peter, clad in blue with a crimson cloak, is being questioned by a woman. Height, 43 inches; width, 33¥% inches. 138 Fourth and Last Session SPANISH SCHOOL ups CEN 9755—THE CRUCIFIXION eee, AO (Altar Piece) Figure of the Savior on the cross, nude except for a loin-cloth; the 7 mivaculonos nlacd caught by angels holding chalices. On one side the figure of Mary in blue, on the other Saint John robed in crimson. Gothic pinnacled and gilded frame. Height, 49 inches; width, 30% inches. 139 SS ee ee ean SiR EAT Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 7 m ig/) Church interior, with the central figure of the boy Christ robed in . ——~ blue and seated on a throne. At either side the learned doctors with books, and at the right the Virgin and Saint Joseph. Gothic gilded and pinnacled frame. Height, 47 inches; width, 29% inches. 140 Fourth and Last Session SPANISH SCHOOL. 757—CHRIST ON THE Roap To C: ARY (Altaf Piece) yo In the foreground the Savior, in blue, falling under the weight of the “cross, followed by Romans with partisans, Mary and John, and scourged on by an officer of the guard. Through the arches, the vista of landscape. Gothic gilded and pinnacled frame. Height, 51 inches; width, 31 inches. I4I Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SPANISH SCHOOL EarLy ante 758—ALTAR PIECE Vd Quan! u Frame lavishly carved with’ arabesqued branches of leaves surrounding : Yq two cusped and pinnacled fenestral compartments; painted with half- length figures, against a gold back-ground, of SS, Peter and Paul and | Va *— §S. John and Andrew. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) NAVARRESE SCHOOL XVI CEN, z ; 759—RETABLO Lee ; tee / Oblong molded frame with frieze and central pilaster column carved Ve with Renaissance scrolling, with two side panels bearing complex coro- oO. neted escutcheons crested by vampires and polychromed and gilded. | Two paintings, (1) of a saintly bishop holding in his left hand a church, and (2) of Saint George mounted on a gray horse, and the dragon. Height, 2 feet 10% inches; length, 7 feet. (Illustrated) | NAVARRESE SCHOOL VI CENTUR 760—RETABLO Oblong, divided into three panels with frieze, stiles « umns lavishly carved with gilded Renaissance scrolling// ‘The paintings Lee represent: (1) Saint Augustine seated before classical buildings, reading _— froma book; (2) the Deposition of Christ; (3) Saint Jerome in scarlet cardinal’s robes writing, with the lion at his feet. d pilaster col- Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 7 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 142 No. 760—Retrasio (Navarrese School) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 761—WrovcutT Iron Fire GUARD Spanish, XVI Century Oblong screen-plate of three strips surmounted by lies and a scrolled i arch, crested by a dove. i Height, 49 inches. 762—WrouGHT Iron Window GRILLE, witH WoopEN CASEMENT : Spanish, XVII Century | Upright rods of square section with cross pieces and rosetted joints and edges. With wire netting, wooden frame and casement. Height, 49 inches; width, 39% inches. 763—EMBROIDERED VELVET CARVED WALNUT SETTEE Spanish Renaissance Oblong canted back, open scrolled arms, square uprights joined by bar stretcher, pierced and carved with strapwork. Seat and back in crimson velvet enriched with appliqués in yellow silk of scrollings of lotus and peonies, and four oval medallions in point d’Hongrie or satin stitch displaying the Virgin and Child, Christ and Saints. Length, 5 feet 7 inches. 764—CarvEeD WALNUT AND PARCEL-CILDED VARGUENO Castile, Late XVI Century Oblong chest top, front with eight small drawers and three cupboards, one with interior drawers, enriched with small oblong strap medallions 1 veneered in bone, and spiral bone columns supporting arches. Spirally fluted arcaded base, with fluted legs on bar feet. Enriched with scroll- pierced wrought iron mounts. Height, 55 inches; width, 38% inches. 765—Late Goruic Carvep WaLtnut CHEST Castile, XVI Century Oblong, on bar feet terminating in claws. Front paneled and carved with two escutcheons of Castile and Leén, a central shield bearing crossed keys with human supporters, and between them two Gothic fenestral compartments. With stand, covered with Louis Quatorze crimson silk damask. Height of chest, 19 inches; length, 70 inches. 766—Crimson Vetvet ArcON Mountep 1x Wroucut Iron Toledo, XVI Century Oblong, with arched top. Covered in Renaissance crimson velvet banded with gold galloon and finely mounted with scrolled wrought iron escutcheons, hasps and banding. With stand. Height, 22% inches; length, 45% inches. 144 Fourth and Last Session Se EEE EEE EEE 767—Latr Goruic Carvep Watnut Cuore Stati Spanish, circa 1500 Tall oblong back crested with open pinnacled mullioned canopy, the back carved with fenestral compartments and rose-window ornaments, the stiles with male figures accompanied by children. Seat with carved panel base and scrolled sides with pilasters. (Stiles and canopy recon- structed; seat old.) Height, 8 feet 9 inches. 768—WROUGHT-IRON ApsIDAL BALCONY AND SUPPORTS Spanish, Early XVII Century Three-quarter round, with cylindrical balustered and leaf enriched uprights and pierced rosetted base. Height, 3 feet 8 inches; depth, 3 feet 2 inches. 769—Carved Watnut Liprary TABLE Leon, Late XVII Century Oblong top; the frieze with two long drawers and small central drawer paneled and carved with rocaille scrollings, paneled dies; five baluster- turned legs joined by H-stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 7 inches. 770—INLAID CaRvED WALNUT VARGUENO Castile, Late XVI Century Oblong chest top, fall front enriched with scrolled wrought iron plates, esutcheon, hasp and drop handles; interior with thirteen drawers and two cupboards carved with tiny oblong strap medallions veneered with bone and embellished with bone columns supporting Baroque arches. Chest base with two drawers and two cupboards molded with medal- lioned lozenge paneling, the frame enriched with strap medallions. Height, 55% inches; width, 37% inches. 741—GREEN AND Gotp Lacquer Cuest Spanish, Early XVIII Century Oblong, with faceted arched top; circular cushion feet. All-over deco- ration, on a green ground, of Chinese landscapes with figures and birds in gold. Important scrolled forged iron lock plate. Height, 25 inches; length, 42% inches. 772—ARMORIAL CARVED WALNUT ARCON Castile, XVII Century Oblong molded top and base on large circular cushion feet. Front carved with two quartered shields surrounded by lavish scrolling leafage with cherub heads, and centrally the escutcheon of an archbishop. Wrought iron lock plate and mounts. Height, 30 inches; length, 61 inches. 773—WrovucuHr Iron Fire Guarp Spanish, XVI Century Octagonal uprights, enriched with chimera heads with ring handles, and crested by fire baskets; arch feet with bar stretcher. Height, 36%4 inches; width, 4434 inches. 145 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 774—CaRVED WALNUT VARGUENO Castile, Late XVI Century Oblong chest top, fall front enriched with pierced scrolled wrought iron plates, mascaron bosses, escutcheons, hasp and drop handles; in- terior with thirteen variously sized drawers with secret cavities and two cupboards molded with small oblong panels and embellished with carved bone columns supporting arches and tabernacles. Spirally fluted arcaded base with mascaron-carved slides, on fluted legs with bar feet. Height, 59% inches; width, 42 inches. (Illustrated ) 775—WroucutT Iron CHAPEL GRILLE Spanish, XVII Century Round, leaved and balustered uprights with square centres, with scal- loped rosetted frieze and cresting of lilies. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 776—CarveD WALNUT Liprary TABLE Navarre, circa 1600 Oblong top; three drawers, each molded and paneled with two square rosetted carvings. Massive bulbous ring-turned legs joined by H- stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 6 feet 4 inches. 777—WrovucnHtT Iron Monastery GRILLE Spanish, XVI Century Upright rods of square section with cross pieces, the largest with rosetted joints; crested by fleurs-de-lys, and rosetted S-scrolls clasping an escutcheon surmounted by a crucifix. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 778—Pair Carvep Prno Woop Monastery Doors Spanish, XVIII Century Molded with small panels and finely enriched with a central crucifix composed of carved leafage, floral rosettes and C-scrolls. Height, 6 feet 1 inch; width of each, 3 feet. 146 No. 4774—CarvEeD WaALNuT VARGUENO (Castile, Late XVI Century) 147 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 779—Pair RENAISSANCE CARVED Pino Woop CuapreL Doors Spanish, XVI Century Tall oblong, molded with small oblong panels with leaf borders and various enrichment of leaf scrolling and floral rosettes. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 1 foot 634 inches. 780—MoreEsQuE Carved Pino Woop Door Castile, XVI Century Tall oblong, divided into finely molded panels enriched with a mosaic of square rosettes. Height, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 781—Carvep Watnut AnTE-RoomM Doorway Spanish, XVIII Century Molded with small variously shaped panels enriched with leafage and rocaille scrolling, and figures of birds with displayed wings. With frame. Height, 6 feet 4% inches; width, 2 feet 11% inches. 782—RENAISSANCE WrouGHt Iron Cwapet Rejya, witH WoopEN WICKET Spanish, XVI Century Upright rods of square section, with horizontal bandings bordered with quatrefoil joints. Cresting of S-scrolls terminating in snake heads. and a fleur-de-lys surmounted by a scrolled cross. With paneled wooden wicket. Height, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 783—Carvep WaLnuT Liprary TABLE Navarre, XVII Century Oblong top, leaf-imbricated frieze with two drawers enriched with tourbillon scrolling; turned balustered legs joined by box-stretcher. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 7 feet 1x inches. 784—ImporTantT RoMANESQUE Woop aNbd WroucHt Iron Castie Door Spanish, XIV Century Beautifully ornamented with wrought iron cross pieces and small up- right bars enriched with tendril scrolling; with circular globose plates supporting ring knocker. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. Note: The above from the castle of the Conde de la Encina. (Illustrated as Frontispiece) 148 Fourth and Last Session 785—Parr ReNaIssANCE Pino Woop PatacEe Doors Spanish, XVII Century Enriched with beautiful rosetted floral bosses and circular bossed plate with ring knocker. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet. Note: The above from the palace of the Conde de Benacazon, Toledo. 149 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GIT ie Et Sp ABO A IRENE ARTLINE RAT i cWau NC 786—RENAISSANCE CarvED Pino Woop anp Wroucut Iron PALace Door Spanish, Late XVI Century Molded frame carved with imbricated leafage and divided into upper and lower panels enriched with beautiful scrolled and rosetted wrought iron grilles, Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 10% inches. 150 Fourth and Last Session 787—RENAISSANCE WroucHT Iron Wixpow GRILLE Spanish, Late XVI Century Square front with diagonal diamond lattice, crested by spirally-twisted pinnacles clasped by S-scrolls; the sides with interlacing arched strap figures. Height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. I5I } 1 4 4 } Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a 788—Pair Important Carvep WatNnur CHapet Doors Spanish Renaissance Tall oblong, with long scrolled iron hinges. Six panels carved in bas-relief with the figure of a pope in benediction; Saint Jerome in cardinal’s robes, with the lion; Saint Peter and Saint John, support- ing the escutcheon of a cardinal; the Virgin and Child and Saint Martha similarly, and two seated figures of mitred bishops with pas- toral staff, and holding churches. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width of each, x foot 10 inches. (Illustrated ) 789—Larce Wroucut Iron GriLie Spanish, XVIII Century Composed of flat circular loops enriched with rosettes, with large sym- metrical central scroll ornament. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 790—GorHic Carved Oak Door Spanish, Late XV Century Enriched with nine oblong panels, each with double linenfold carvings ; wrought iron escutcheon. Height, 5 feet 1114 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 791—Pino Woop anp Wrovucut Iron Castrie Door Spanish Renaissance Enriched with rows of lozenge-shaped and quatrefoil bosses, with glo- bose plate and ring knocker. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 792—Pair Carvep Watnut Patace Doors Spanish, XVIII Century Tall oblong, finely molded with variously shaped small panels carved with rocaille scrolling and leafage and enriched with medallions of sporting naked putti. With frame. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; total width, 4 feet 7 inches. 793—RENAISSANCE Pino Woop Door Spanish, Late XVI Century Tall oblong, molded in three upright panels and enriched with large scrolled floral quatrefoil bosses; with wrought iron escutcheon, and globose plate with ring knocker. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 152 Tt CHapet Doors No. 788—Pair Important Carvep WALNU 153 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 794—Patntep Wroucut Iron Gateway Spanish, Late XVII Century Tall oblong, with four lines of pierced intersecting angular scrolls; semicircular headlight with interlacing scrollings and down-pointed fleurs-de-lys. Stiles with recurring design of lozenge figures clasped with symmetrical scrolling. Height, 10 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet. 154 Fourth and Last Session 795—PAINTED WrouGHT IRON GATEWAY Spanish, XVIII Century Tall oblong, with angular diagonal frets enclosing eight-pointed stars; semicircular headlight with a band of meanders, the periphery with bands of strapwork enclosing interlacing quatrefoil medallions. The stiles with looped and pinnacled strapwork terminating in concentric cusped stellate figures. Height, 9 feet 814 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. Note: The above from the palace of the Conde de Cabrales in Seville. 155 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. | 796—Pair RENAISSANCE Oak PaLacEe Doors i Spanish, XVI-XVII Century ] . i Tall oblong, enriched with fine leaved cruciform iron bosses and two i massive ring knockers. j Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width of each, 2 feet. i 797—RENAISSANCE GILDED AND PotycHroMEeD Doorway ArcH i Spanish, Late XVI Century Comprising two flat molded stiles and frieze with overhanging cornice. Gilded, and polychromed in blues, red and ivory with a continuous i design of leaf scrollings involving birds, flowers and berries and nude sporting putti, with a central cartouche charged with a crucifix and | two human hands. External measurements: Height, 10 feet 7 inches; width, 11 feet. | Inside measurements: Height, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 7 feet. 798—RENAISSANCE WrouGuHT Iron Gates Spanish, XVI Century Round knopped rods enriched with leafage, with frieze and two cen- tral plaques molded in bas-relief with Renaissance scrolling and chimeras, flanking portrait medallions and escutcheons respectively. Fine original scrolled iron lockplate. Height, 9 feet; width of each, 2 feet 9% inches. 799—Pair Pino Woop anp Wroucut Iron Castie Doors Toledo, Late XVI Century in Tall oblong, inset with smaller door and enriched with rows of large wrought iron quatrefoil bosses. Embellished with two finely scrolled wrought iron knockers and original bolts. Height, 10 feet 5 inches; width of each, 3 feet 5 inches. 800—SupEeRB RENAISSANCE WrouGHT IRON AND PaRCEL-GILDED GATE Spanish, XVI Century Leaf-enriched knopped balusters, in four divisions, bounded by medial and crest horizontal bandings painted with leaves and enriched each with two small portrait medallions. Crested by cast jardiniére urns and reclining angelic figures flanking a central medallion with the head of a warrior. Height, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 7 feet. (Illustrated) 156 No. 800—SupeErs RENAISSANCE WroucHtT [RON AND PARCEL-GILDED GATE 157 1 | a Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 8o1—ImporTANT RENAISSANCE WrouGHT Iron Patace BALCONY AND SUPPORTS Andalusia, Late XVI Century Upright knopped rods of square section spirally twisted and enriched with symmetrical rosetted scrolling, with a frieze of interlacing S- scrolls enriched with spiral rosettes; the corners clasped with scrolled sheaves of acanthus leaves. With four cusped scrolled brackets and two large finely scrolled wall supports with acanthus-leaf dome finials. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; depth, 3 feet 3 inches; length, about 26 feet. Note: From the palace of Gonzalo de Cérdoba in Baeza, Andalusia. One of the largest and most important balconies ever offered at public sale in this country. (Illustrated) A SLUOddNS ANV NOOIVG AOWIVG NOU, LHONOUAA AONVSSIVNAY INV LYIOdWN [10 ° ie) N 159 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 802—MoreEsguE CarVED AND PAINTED CEILING Granada, Late XV Century Carved with a sunk interlacing design of hexagons and six-pointed stars; painted with scrolled ribbons and foliated leaves on scarlet and blue grounds. In two parts. Length, 11 feet 3 inches; width, 7 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated ) Note: The above from the old palace of the Spanish Inquisition in Granada. No. 802—MoresguE CarRvED AND PAINTED CEILING (Granada, Late XV Century) 161 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 803—ImporTANT Hispano-Moresqueé Carvep AND PAINTED CEILING Spanish, XV Century In the form of a truncated pyramid. Carved between the sloping beams with double cusped sunk panels, painted with arabesqued leaf scrollings, the sides with escutcheons on a scarlet ground. The dome and median sides inlaid and carved with an angular Moresque stellate mosaic and painted with escutcheons; central carved pendant ornamented with coats i| of arms of the Spanish provinces. In twenty-one parts. | Maximum length, about 30 feet 3 inches; maximum width, about 21 feet. (Illustrated ) Note: The above from the Royal Palace of Toledo. Indisputably the most magnificent example ever offered at public sale. 162 ( ONTUAD) GALNIVY INV CH AUV 7) ANOSANOP-ONVdSI FT INV.LYOd NJ — a. (NJUuIT) AX 6 ysiuvd® ) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ALPUJARRA RUGS OF THE XVIII AND XIX CENTURIES 804—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RucG Middle blue field with rows of crimson and yellow blossoms; the bor- der of powder-blue, with formalized scarlet jardiniéres of flowers, vases of carnations and small coroneted animal figures. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 805—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SAPPHIRE-BLUE Diaper Ruc Field and border with an all-over pattern in light blue of small lozenge figures, enclosing stellate rosettes centred in scarlet. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 806—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RucG Blue ground woven with individual upstanding roses; border with formalized jardiniéres of flowers, detached blossoms and small coroneted animal figures in scarlet, green, yellow and ivory. Length, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 807—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA RUG Sapphire field, woven with rows of detached blossoms, border with PP ) symmetrical formal vases of flowers and small affrontés animal figures in scarlet, pale green, yellow and ivory. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 808—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA FLorRAL RuG Sand-colored field, woven in sage with upstanding stems of roses; the border with chains of S-scrolls, enclosing stellate rosettes. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 809—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA MaZaARINE-BLUE RuG Woven in a lighter shade of blue with detached roses and small affrontés animal figures; the border with S-scrolls enclosing eight- petaled rosettes. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 810—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA RuG Field of golden-yellow, semé with rows of tiny sapphire-blue leaves and surrounded by an invected sapphire border. Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet. 811—ANTIOQUE ALPUJARRA FLorAL RuG Sapphire field and border woven with bunches of scarlet roses centered in ivory; scarlet and ivory formal guards. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 164 Fourth and Last Session baad. a - fh = = ~~ i 2 , ry dat ddd aa adhdad 812—ALPUJARRA VoTIVE RuG Dated 1791 Woven in terra-cotta and blue with a diamond diaper about a square medallion in pale green and terra-cotta with a cross and an inscrip- tion, AVE Marta ANo be 1791. Border divided into compartments with crucifixes and lozenges and small figures of birds. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 165 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. —_-_-————— 813—-ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SAPPHIRE-BLUE ANIMAL RuG Exhibiting rows of particolored crimson roses; the border with conven- tionalized floral jardiniéres, stars and small vases of carnations, flanked by coroneted lions passant. Rose-pink and crimson guards. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 814—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA Crimson RuG Field and border diapered in black with small lozenge figures enclos- ing stellate rosettes; formal guards. With inscription, D-A-G~- P. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 4 inches. 815—ANTIUQE ALPUJARRA CARNATION RuG Indigo-blue field with rows of small scarlet vases filled with formalized carnations; scarlet border with recurring small indigo and ivory tre- foils, scrolled guards. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet. 816—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SAPPHIRE-BLUE ScROLLED Ruc Field and border with all-over diaper in mazarine blue of S-scrolls enclosing stellate rosettes. Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 817—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SAPPHIRE-BLUE CARNATION Ruc Exhibiting rows of scarlet and white vases holding single carnations, alternating with small blue stars; border with a running ivory figure having leaf pendants centered in scarlet. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches. 818—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SCARLET AND Birur AncHor Ruc Indigo-blue field diapered with scarlet lozenges enclosing rosettes, broad border with pairs of large opposed scarlet anchors, between guards of running leaf figures. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet. 819—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SAPPHIRE-BLUE ScROLLED Ruc Field and border with all-over diaper of mazarine blue S-scrolls en- closing scarlet or ivory stellate rosettes. Inscribed with initials, M. L. Formal guards. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 820—AnTIOQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL MeEpaALiion Ruc Blue field with large particolored tulips surrounding a powder blue floral central medallion with angular pinnacles. Border with large formalized jardini¢res of flowers and affrontés animal and bird figures. Length, 7 feet; width, 6 feet. 166 Fourth and Last Session 821—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RuG Deep sapphire field, with rows of upstanding stems of roses; powder- blue border, with conventionalized jardiniéres and vases of carnations, flanked by coroneted lions passant in ivory. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 822—ANTIOUE ALPUJARRA RUG Deep blue-black field and border with an all-over design of scarlet lozenges, enclosing flora! rosettes centred in ivory; scarlet leaf guards. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. 823—ANnTIQUE ALPUJARRA DiapER RucG Deep blue field and border, embellished with an all-over diaper of S-scrolls in light blue enclosing scarlet stellate rosettes. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches. 824—AntTIQUE ALPUJARRA FLoraL RuG Deep blue ground, with rows of scarlet and white tulips; the border with large jardiniéres of blossoms alternating with vases of carnations, with small coroneted animal figures and stems of tulips at the corners. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 825—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RuG Deep blue field, woven with scattered crimson roses ; border with sym- metrical formal jardinitres of flowers, detached carnations, bird and affrontés animal figures, in scarlet, green, yellow and ivory. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 826—ANTIOUE ALPUJARRA SAPPHIRE-BLUE RucG Finely enriched in relief with an all-over arabesque scroll and slotted ribbon design, bordered with a continuous zigzag figure. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 5 inches. 827—ANTIOQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RuG Deep blue-black field, semé with scarlet rosettes centred in yellow, with small coroneted animal figures at the corners; scarlet border with small recurring trefoils. Woven with initials: M + M - R. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet. 858 AntiourE ALPUJARRA Mepatiion Birp Ruc Deep blue field, with rows of crimson roses about a powder-blue floral medallion outlined with angular scarlet pinnacles; the field with small coroneted lions and crowned bird figures at the corners. Sapphire border diapered with scarlet S-scrolls, enclosing rosettes. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 167 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 829—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA AnIMAL RuG Deep blue ground woven with angular stems of scarlet and white tulips; border with upstanding formal jardiniéres of orchids and carna- tions and small affrontés coroneted animal figures. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 6 feet 8 inches. 830—ALPUJARRA SCARLET RuG Dated 1783 Developing rows of black cypresses alternating with floral jardiniéres picked out in ivory and pale blue; black border with running scarlet branch figure. Signed, Isavel Sanchez 1783. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated ) 168 Fourth and Last Session 831—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA RuG Field of sapphire-blue with scarlet zigzag lines, enclosing stellate rosettes picked out in golden-yellow; scarlet border with recurring golden-yellow rosettes. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet 4 inches. 832—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA RUG Vandyke-brown field and border, developing in scarlet a diaper of small lozenge figures enclosing floral and stellate rosettes, and separated by leaf guards. Length, 7 feet; width, 6 feet. 833—AnTIOUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RuG Deep sapphire field, with rows of crimson roses; powder-blue border with upstanding formal jardiniéres of flowers in scarlet, green and ivory, small birds and affrontés coroneted animal figures. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 834—ANTIOQUE ALPUJARRA VotTIvVE RUG Developing in emerald and scarlet, rows of double-arched compart: ments, enclosing symmetrical jardiniéres of shrubs, enriched with small crosses; green lozenge border, centred in scarlet. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet. 835—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA ANIMAL RuG Claret field, with rows of detached blossoms in sage and pale yellow; pistache-green border, with jardiniéres of flowers and small vases of carnations flanked by coroneted lions passant. Length, 8 feet; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 836—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA SCARLET AND GREEN ANIMAL RuG Sage-green field diapered with scarlet diamond figures; golden-yellow border with shrubs and flower-pots flanked by affrontés scarlet bulls, and recurrent stellate figures. Length, 8 feet; width, 6 feet 6 inches 837—ANTIQUE ALPUJARRA Diaper RuG Field and border of sapphire-blue with an all-over design of small powder-blue lozenges, enclosing scarlet stellate rosettes. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 169 838—ImporTANT SPANISH RENAISSANCE CARPET (Early XVI Century) 170 Fourth and Last Session 838—ImporTANT SPANISH RENAISSANCE CARPET Early XVI Century A graceful product of early Renaissance design, showing similarities to contemporary Italian textiles, and probably woven in Granada. “The field is of tan, enriched with scrolling branches in old-gold outlined in ivory, shaped into ogivals and linked with coronets, supporting graceful curling blue-green foliage. Border of the same with up- standing symmetrical vase motives joined by broadly arched blue-green ribbon bands overlaid with scrolled leafage, in colors of the field. Length, 13 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 9 inches. Note: The above from the royal convent of Descalzas, Valladolid. (Illustrated) 839— RENAISSANCE SPANISH CARPET XVI Century An unusual textile, recalling in design and motives the sumptuous con- temporary Turkish velvets of Broussa. ‘The fawn field has a symmet- rical design in a deeper tone of sprays of carnations, tulips and detached flower heads circumscribing rosettes centred with carnation heads; the border similarly. Composed of ten widths. (Needs repair.) Length, 16 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet 8 inches. “| END OF FOURTH AND LAST SESSION fee