f e a hie Bee eB ee Se Nae ME Sie SS Sg ha ae an ing ape? Bir eo Spe ty Rd lee ae et ta eR ee A ele SALE NUMBER 1635 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SIXTH ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN COLLECTION OF MR. ALEXANDER SCOTT OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL OBJECTS OF ART EGYPTIAN ALABASTER AND MARBLE VASES PREHISTORIC AND MEDIEVAL POTTERY PERSIAN, EGYPTIAN AND SYRIAN GLASS ETRUSCAN, EGYPTIAN, FAR EASTERN BRONZES INDIAN AND TIBETAN DIVINITIES PRIMITIVE ART: AFRICA, NEW ZEALAND PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS ORIENTAL ARMS AND ARMOR IMPORTANT SCULPTURES AMULETS, BEADS, JEWELRY, RUGS, ETC. TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS MARCH SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH AT TWO.-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1922 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within ~ twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. | 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TrerMsS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uneleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju-— dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. | 8. Brps. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson’ Galleries Incorporated Park AVENUE AND Firty-NINTH Street, New York Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN FHE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SECOND NEAR EASTERN BELT BUCKLES PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIAN GLASS PREHISTORIC POTTERY MISCELLANEOUS NEAR EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART JAPANESE BRONZES FAR EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART TANG POTTERY STATUETTES NEAR EASTERN ARMOR AND ARMS NEAR EASTERN POTTERY, SIXTEENTH AND SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH THIRD EGYPTIAN USHEBTIU, AMULETS, BEADS, ETC. ROMAN AND ETRUSCAN BRONZES EGYPTIAN AND SYRIAN GLASS CHINESE BRONZES PRIMITIVE ART: AFRICA, NEW ZEALAND EGYPTIAN BRONZE FIGURES MEDIEVAL NEAR EASTERN POTTERY MISCELLANEOUS TEXTILES RUGS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH FOURTH GREEK TANAGRA AND OTHER POTTERY FIGURES EGYPTIAN ALABASTER AND MARBLE VASES BEAD NECKLACES AND JEWELRY SYRIAN AND EGYPTIAN GLASS EUROPEAN OBJECTS OF ART MISCELLANEOUS TEXTILES MEDIEVAL NEAR EASTERN POTTERY INDIAN AND TIBETAN DIVINITIES IMPORTANT SCULPTURES RUGS 47 -— 77 78 — 92 93 ~112 113 -123 125 —159 159a—-195 196 —220 221 —235 236 —256 257 —278 279 —289 290 ~331 332 —352 353 —-383 384 —395 396 —414 415 —423 424 —452 453 -475 476 —483 484 -503 504 -—523 524 -542 543 —565 566 -581 SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH -SECOND, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-195 NEAR EASTERN BELT BUCKLES LOTS 1-20 1 BELT BUCKLE DECORATED WITH GOLD THREAD AND SEED PEARLS PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Mounted on metal and enriched with colored stones. 2 BELT BUCKLE TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Two round disks with relief decoration. 3 LARGE METAL BELT BUCKLE TurkxisH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of three parts. The centre studded with eight small turquoises. : 4. GILT COPPER BELT BUCKLE TurkisuH, 18TH CENTURY Charming rocaille decoration. Turquoises in centre. 5 TURKISH GILT METAL BELT Seale pattern. Floral decoration. 6 SILVER FILIGREE BELT BUCKLE PERSIA, ABOUT 1800 Rosace design with studding of red and green stones. Mount- ing of composition metal. 7 DOUBLE SILVER BELT CLASP persia, 18TH CENTURY _ Elaborate filigree work with rosace studs. Mounted on metal. Length, 914 inches 8 LARGE BELT BUCKLE EMBROIDERED WITH GOLD AND PEARLS PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Mounted on metal. Enamel insets. Charming specimen. 9 ARMENIAN HEADDRESS Formed of almond shaped corals and small coins. 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CORAL STUDDED METAL BELT BUCKLE TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Raised metal studs and almond shaped coral insets. BELT BUCKLE EMBROIDERED WITH GOLD THREAD AND SEED PEARLS | PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Mounted on metal and enriched with colored stones. (Sold as is) ARMENIAN TURQUOISE AND CORAL STUDDED METAL HEADDRESS BELT BUCKLE EMBROIDERED WITH SEED PEARLS PERSIA, ABOUT 1800 Padded gold embroidery, enriched with seed pearls and other stones. Three parts. GILT COPPER BELT CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Formed of flower ornamented links mounted on belting, and large front buckle with double eagle medallions. LARGE METAL BELT BUCKLE WITH TURQUOISE AND CORAL STUDDINGS TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Rich floral relief decoration and round and rectangular jade plaques, surrounded by alternating coral and turquoise. METAL BELT BUCKLE SET WITH CORAL TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Raised metal studs and almond shaped coral insets. GILT COPPER BELT BUCKLE _ TurKEy, 18TH CENTURY In the centre mosques, surrounded by erescent and floral motives. SILVER PLATED BELT WITH BUCKLE CAUCASUS, LATE 18TH CENTURY Flexible links with studded and repoussé decoration. Buckle with rosace studs and green enamelling. | BELT BUCKLE | TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Two parts, with perforated knobs set with colored stones. (Some missing) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PAIR OF STEEL SWORD BUCKLES AND STEEL SCABBARD GUARD PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The buckles covered with Neskhi inscriptions, the scabbard guard with pierced design. PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS LOTS 21-31 THREE SPECIMENS OF PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY Two Talik, one Neskhi. Framed. TWO SPECIMENS OF PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY One Neskhi, the other Talik. MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Representing a nabob with two attendants smoking the nar- gileh. Framed. Size: 13 x 814 inches PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING 18TH CENTURY Revelling in the Garden. Framed. Size: 10 x 614 inches TWO MINIATURE PORTRAITS © persia, 17TH CENTURY One grisaille, representing a dervish, the other representing a seated warrior. Both framed. MINIATURE PAINTING tpi, party 177TH CENTURY Young woman in flowing robes, holding a large fish. Cypress trees on either side. Size: 1014 x 634 inches MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY A young lady seated on a terrace smoking the nargileh. Framed. Size: 1214 x 814 inches MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY A plant study. Framed. Size: 1014 x 7 inches INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTING ON IVORY ABOUT 1850 A Rajah. Framed. Size: 234 x 334 inches INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTING A Zenana lady or possibly Nautch woman. Oval. Size: 214 x 2 inches 31 32 33 34 39 36 37 38 MINIATURE PAINTING OF A NOBLEMAN INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Oval on ivory. Framed. Size: 234 x 214 inches PERSIAN GLASS LOTS 32-40 GLASS EWER PERSIA, 18TH CENTHRY Light green glass, with Rae ornamentation on handle and spout. satan 614 inches ENAMELLED COPPER EWER AND BASIN PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Decorated with cobalt blue and light green enamelled almond shaped motives, bearing leaf ornamentation. Basin per- forated. (Sold as is) Height, 1814 inches LARGE SILVER JEWEL CASKET turkey, 18TH CENTURY — Domed box with all over decoration of arches with flower sprays. Top with wrought metal flower ornaments on spiral stems. Height, 12 inches; length, about 14 inches GREEN GLASS EWER , PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY ! Height, 714 inches TWO GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLERS PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY One deep blue, the other olive green. Tall neck with flaring lip; curved spout. Height, 614 and 614 inches PAIR OF GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLERS PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Olive green glass. Tall neck with spreading lip. Curved spout. Height, 614 inches PAIR OF BLUE GLASS VASES PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Globular bodies; tall necks. (One cracked) Height, 814 and 9 inches 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 GREEN GLASS VASE AND BLUE GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER | PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The vase with plastic glass threads around the tall neck; the perfume sprinkler with bulbous body and tall spreading neck. Height, 534 and 614 inches PAIR OF GLASS VASES PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Globular bodies; tall necks. Amber glass. Height, 7 inches PREHISTORIC POTTERY LOTS 41-46 PREHISTORIC EGYPTIAN POTTERY VASE Cylindrical shape. — Height, 914 inches PREHISTORIC EGYPTIAN POTTERY VASE Fine shape. Red clay, the upper part smoked black. Height, 10 inches TWO EGYPTIAN PREHISTORIC POTTERY VASES One single, the other double amphora. Spiral decoration. Height, 5 and 21% inches COLLECTION OF TABLETS WITH CUNEIFORM WRIT- ING (Sold as is) LARGE GRECO-PHOENICIAN UNGLAZED POTTERY VASE Amphora shaped. Wrought iron stand. Height, 32 inches THREE GRECO-PHOENICIAN UNGLAZED POTTERY VASES With handles. Height, 16, 10 and 17 inches MISCELLANEOUS NEAR EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART 47 LOTS 47-77 SILVER INLAID HOOKAH BOWL persiA, 18TH CENTURY Steel, with striped silver inlay. Bell shaped. | Height, 614 inches 9 48 49 d1 52 53 D0 56 Oo” 58 GILT BRONZE EWER TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Bold floral decoration. Height, 1114 inches PERFORATED BRONZE EWER psrsi4, 18TH CENTURY Delicate floral openwork with figural medallions. (Sold as is) Height, 1914 inches SILVERED WRITING CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Fine fioral decoration. Length, 8 inches ENGRAVED METAL PITCHER persia, 18TH CENTURY All over decoration of elaborately conventionalized floral mo- tives. Height, 12 inches ENGRAVED COPPER BASIN WITH SPOUT PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Decorated with friezes of Neskhi and conventionalized floral ornament. Diameter, 1014 inches ENGRAVED COPPER BASIN PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Fine decoration of floral cartouches. | Diameter, 1114 inches MOHAMMADAN BRONZE CANDLESTICK Large Neskhi inscription, alternating with floral medallions. Height, 15 inches INDIAN BRONZE VASE Rich silver encrustation. Height, 3 inches FIVE CARVED BONE ORNAMENTS _ TIBET, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Lozenge shaped, with representation of diverse divinities. — Length, not over 61% inches PUFF BOX OF CASHMERE PAPIER MACHE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Painted with bright colored flowers in what is known as the Gulmargh pattern, literally ‘‘flowery meadow.’’ Diameter, 234 inches ENGRAVED SILVER INKSTAND _ persi4, 19TH CENTURY Delicate figural and animal design. Diameter, 4 inches 10 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 PIERCED BRASS DERVISH’S BEGGING BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Conventionalized design of a forest with elephant and birds. TWO TIBETAN CHARM BOXES The one containing pottery figure of Avalokikevara, scroll with Tibetan prayers and conical talisman. The other with repoussé figure of Kali. NEPALESE BRASS LAMP INDIA, ISTH CENTURY Vase shaped; spout with Ganesha. Snake handle. Height, 814 inches SILVER INLAID METAL VASE sinpm, 18TH cENTURY Delicate floral inlay. Height, 934 inches LACQUERED PEN CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Representing scene of a Persian wedding. Length, 834 inches LACQUERED PEN CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Decorated with diverse idyllic scenes. Length, 834 inches CARVED WOOD DERVISH’S ALMS BOWL Decorated with figural, floral and epigraphic carving. Length, 10 inches PERSIAN BRASS WATER BOTTLE AND INCENSE BURNER 18TH CENTURY Both with repoussé decoration. Height, 7 and 214 inches BRONZE BOWL FOR RICE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Engraved decoration of medaliions and inscriptions. Inside silvered. Diameter, 834 inches COPPER ROSH WATER SPRINKLER AND PITCHER The pitcher Persian, 19th century, with delicate figural en- graving. The perfume sprinkler Persian, 18th century with repoussé decoration. Height, 914 and 103, inches SYRIAN SILVER PITCHER Delicate engraved arabesque decoration. Gold inscriptions. (Slightly dented) Height, 5 inches LE 70 71 72 73 74 (iS) 76 77 78 BRONZE BOWL TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Lobed, with relief floral decoration. Diameter, 434 inches TIBETAN SACRIFICIAL COPPER VESSEL Globular body; repoussé decoration. With cover. (Slightly dented ) Height, 18 inches TIBETAN BRONZE RITUAL VASE WITH TRAY Fluted base; repoussé decoration. Spout with cover. Height, 16 inches INDO-PORTUGUESE IVORY STATUETTE OF THE VIRGIN 17TH CENTURY _ Wooden base. Height, 514 inches FOUR FOLD CARVED TEAKWOOD SCREEN INDIA, ABOUT 1850 Very delicate floral carving, inset with twenty-four miniature paintings on ivory, twelve of which represent views of famous Indian monuments, such as the Taj-Mahal, the twelve others representing Mogul Emperors and their favorite wives. Height, 35 inches TWO SOUTHERN INDIAN COPPER BETEL BOXES Delicate workmanship, inlaid with silver. . Height, 2 and 234 inches CARVED IVORY COMB INDIA, 17TH CENTURY — With representation of divinity in very fine perforated carv- ing. (Sold as is) Size: 314 inches square MOUTHPIECE OF A HOOKAH PIPE NEAR EASTERN Consisting of one piece of amber (repaired), jade tube with gilding and tube of realgar. — Length, 514 inches JAPANESE BRONZES LOTS 78-92 JAPANESE BRONZE VASE 18TH CENTURY Monster head handles. Tao Tieh pattern. Pear shaped. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 10 inches 12 19 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 TWO JAPANESE BRONZE VASES The one with monster head handles and Tao Tieh pattern, the other a beaker with Tao Tieh pattern. Height, 1114 and 834 inches TWO JAPANESE BRONZE VASES One pear shaped, spreading base, Tao Tieh frieze; the other tripod with delicate silver inlay. Teakwood cover. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 914 and 614 inches JAPANESE BRONZE FOO LION Forming an incense burner with cover. Height, 81 inches BRONZE VASE JAPANESE, 18TH CENTURY Baluster shaped, relief decoration. Detachable handles. Height, 614 inches THREE JAPANESE BRONZE ORNAMENTS One chestnut leaf, one fish, one water buffalo incense burner (cover missing). (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Length, not over 814 inches; height, 514 inches GROUP OF SEVEN JAPANESE BRONZE VASES, URNS, ETC. Some gilt; very fine workmanship. | Height, not over 434 inches BRONZE TEA POT WITH COVER = japan, 18TH CENTURY Monster head spout; body with archaic friezes. (From the Baron von Siebold Coll.) Height, 414 inches TWO JAPANESE BRONZE VASES One with tall neck and diaper pattern, the other compressed bulbous body with hydra around the neck. Height, 534 and 834 inches PAIR OF ANTIQUE JAPANESE BRONZE TEMPLE CENSERS With rich patina and charmingly ornamented with inlaid flowers ete. in gold and silver. The covers support Foo dogs. (From the Baron von Siebold Coll.) Height, 6 inches 13 88 89 90 o1 92 93 94 EARLY JAPANESE BRONZE KETTLE Decorated on one side only with a spray of maple and a earolling bird. With spout and two rings for chain. (Chain and cover missing). Height, 514 inches ELABORATE BRONZE CENSER JAPAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Round body supported by three crouching figures. Cover surmounted by Foo lion. (From the Baron von Siebold Coll.) Height, 434 inches’ EARLY JAPANESE GILT BRONZE TEMPLE CENSER Wooden cover and stand. Bronze of fine quality and inlaid with the most delicate tracery in silver. (From the Baron von Siebold Coll.) Height, 4 inches OLD JAPANESE LOTUS SHAPED VASE | Decoration of Tao Tieh motives. Wide scalloped mouth. (Slightly damaged) Height, 4 inches; diameter, 514 inches JAPANESE BRONZE INCENSE BURNER 18TH CENTURY Cleverly designed to represent fruit and foliage. (From the Baron von Siebold Coll.) Height, 4 inches FAR EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 93-112 THREE BRONZE MIRRORS One Chinese, Han period; the second, Chinese, Tang period, with decoration of genii; the third, Japanese, scalloped edge. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Diameter, not over 514 inches THREE BRONZE MIRRORS Chinese and Japanese of diverse periods. Diameter, not over 314 inches TWO MOHAMMADAN BRONZE MIRRORS One Mossoul work, 12th-13th century with Cufie inscription — and two sphinxes in opposite representation, the other prob- ably Persian, 15th century with Cufic inscription. | Diameter, 4 and 514 inches 14 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 THREE BRONZE MIRRORS One Korean, dragon pattern, square; fine green patina. The others both probably Chinese, Sung period. Diameter, not over 614 inches TWO JAPANESE BRONZE MIRRORS One with floral decoration, the other two with pine tree and stalks. (Sold as is) Diameter, 814 and 434 inches TWO JAPANESE CARVED IVORY BRACELETS AND SMALL ROCK CRYSTAL FIGURE (Three pieces) COPPER BOX WITH REPOUSSE DECORATION JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Oval with decoration on cover of dragons and clouds. Length, 1014 inches CHINESE PORCELAIN VASE IN ORMOLU MOUNTING Sang de boeuf glaze with enamelled decoration of circular flower wreaths in polychrome and gold. Height, 10 inches CHINESE CARVED IVORY TRAY canton, aBout 1850 Fine carving. (Bottom missing) Size: 614 x 414 inches AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD With green jade topped spatula. CARVED CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Ivory spatula and lapis lazuli top. CARVED SMOKED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD With silver spatula, topped by emerald green jade. EGG SHELL PORCELAIN BOWL CHINA, MING PERIOD Very fine egg shell porcelain with delicate relief decoration of dragons and clouds. Cobalt blue mark. Fine specimen, but cracked. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 634 inches 1054 FOUR SMALL JAPANESE AND INDIAN CARVINGS IN IVORY 15 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 CHINESE INLAID ROSEWOOD STAND Attractive inlay of mother of pearl floral designs. Size: 12 x 714 inches; height, 4 inches PAIR OF IMPERIAL RED LACQUER BOXES CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Ornamented with flying five-clawed dragons in sky of cloud scrolls. These specimens are of the very highest class of Im- perial lacquer work in color and finish. (From the Summer Palace, Peking) | CHINESE IVORY AND METAL OPIUM PIPE Exceptional specimen. Ivory mouthpiece and ivory termina- tion with an ebony body, embellished with silver and a bowl support of elaborate design in Chinese white metal, further enriched by five large semi-precious stones. Length, 22 inches» PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD In rich turquoise blue with metallic splashes produced by fusing silver in the glaze. Height, 1214 inches BLACK JADE OR NEPHRITE BRACELET | CHINA, TANG PERIOD Mottled with dark gray. Carved ornament. RHINOCEROS HORN CUP CHINA, MING PERIOD Diverse figural compositions of exceptionally fine carving, indicating early period. (Slightly damaged) Height, 5 inches CHINESE JADE SYMBOL Mutton fat jade with inscription of Chinese poem. Length, 1514 inches” TANG POTTERY STATUETTES LOTS 113-123 POTTERY FIGURE OF A WOMAN CHINA, EARLY TANG PERIOD Clad in a flowing, long sleeved gown. — Height, 14 inches POTTERY MORTUARY FIGURE OF A WOMAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD Height, 914 inches 16 115 116 a7. 118 119 120 121 122 123 POTTERY FIGURE OF A MAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD In cloak and hood. In yellow or buff glazed pottery. Height, 814 inches POTTERY FIGURE OF A WOMAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD Deep yellow brown glaze; flowing robe and high headdress. (Repaired ) Height, 934 inches SMALL POTTERY FIGURE OF A WOMAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD With high headdress and red gown with green sash, the eolors of which are in a remarkable state of preservation. Height, 714 inches PAIR OF POTTERY FIGURES OF WOMEN CHINA, TANG PERIOD Height, 7 inches POTTERY FIGURE OF A WOMAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD In very fine condition, the draperies being brilliantly colored in green, brown ete. Height, 1614 inches POTTERY FIGURE OF A MAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD Pale green colored glaze. Perfect condition. Height, 1514 inches POTTERY FIGURE OF A MAN CHINA, TANG PERIOD Represented with hood and short garment with studded orna- ments. The glaze almost gone, what there is left is slightly iridescent. Height, 914 inches PAIR OF GLAZED POTTERY STATUETTES CHINA, TANG PERIOD Running cream tan and green glaze. Expressive modelling. (Sold as is) Height, 1514 inches GLAZED POTTERY STATUETTE OF A CAMEL CHINA, TANG PERIOD Running cream, tan and greenish glaze. Good modelling. Height, 1414 inches Le 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 | 132 133 134 135 NEAR EASTERN ARMOR AND ARMS LOTS 125-159 PART OF GILT COPPER HORSE ARMOR INDIAN, 17TH CENTURY Protection of horse’s head. (Sold as is) Length, 21 inches FLINTLOCK RIFLE TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Long barrel of European make with marks. The butt in- laid with mother of pearl. Length, 63 inches SPANISH STEEL MORION SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY (Slightly damaged) Height, 1214 inches IVORY HANDLED DAGGER SINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA Deep brown ivory, typical Southern Indian ornamentation. Length, 1114 inches IVORY HANDLED DAGGER SINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA Similar to the preceding. Wooden scabbard. Length, 1314 inches IVORY HANDLED DAGGER sSINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA With dark brown ivory handle earved in fine design. | Length, 14 inches IVORY HANDLED DAGGER sINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA Handle finely carved. Length, 11 inches DAGGER WITH CARVED IVORY HANDLE SINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA Blade and guard with fine repoussé decoration. Wooden scabbard. Length, 1414 inches DAGGER WITH CARVED IVORY HANDLE SINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA Wooden scabbard. Length, 14 inches DAGGER WITH CARVED IVORY HANDLE SINGHALESE, SOUTHERN INDIA Similar to the preceding. DAGGER WITH JADE HANDLE np1a, MogHUL PERIOD Floral carving. Length, 1014 inches 18 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 SMALL INLAID STEEL SHIELD psrsis, 18TH CENTURY Damascened in silver and gold conventional patterns, with four bosses, also damascened and a raised band of brass in high relief, cut to represent stems and floral ornament. Diameter, 9 inches DAGGER WITH CLOISONNE SHEATH CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Cloudy gray agate handle. Scabbard with floral cloisonné. LONG SWORD ALGERIAN, 18TH CENTURY Finest Algerian workmanship. The blade of fine steel, richly damascened in gold ornament and inscriptions. The scab- bard is of silver which is in parts damascened with gold and the hilt is further embellished with coral. SCIMITAR INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Ivory handle. Scabbard leather, tooled in ornamental de- signs. Guard, pommel and tip damascened in gold. DAGGER OR KATTAR INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Richly damascened in gold. TWO KATTAR DAGGERS | INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Both with chiselled guards, one with relief representation of a hunting scene. TWO AGATE HANDLED HUNTING KNIVES | INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Handles inlaid with gold, with birds’ head finials. Secabbards modern. : | LARGE DAGGER NEPAL, 18TH CENTURY Ivory handle without carving. LElaborately chased silver scabbard. INDIAN DAGGER Wrought brass scabbard. Bone handle. DAGGER INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Fine chiselled and flame shaped blade, the handle, steel, in- laid with gold. Velvet scabbard. 19 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 DAGGER WITH SILVER ORNAMENTATION GUJERAT, 17TH CENTURY Very fine Hyderabad damascene steel blade. Iron handle with silver relief floral decoration. DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Extremely fine damascene blade. Silver scabbard with floral niello decoration. ENAMELLED DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Handle and secabbard with rich floral enamel decoration. PERSIAN IVORY HANDLED DAGGER 18TH cENTURY Carved figural decoration. Fine damascene blade. DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Pure gold guard and silver scabbard. Moss green jade handle and wrought metal seabbard with enamel decoration. Length, 1514 inches DAGGER WITH MUTTON FAT JADE HANDLE INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Metal secabbard with inset colored stones. (Sold as is) Length, 13 inches DAGGER WITH JADE HANDLE subi, 18TH CENTURY Inscription on handle and damascene blade. Brocade scab- bard. Length, 1414 inches TWO DAGGERS OR KATTARS INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Guard finely chiselled with floral motives, the other with In- dian goddess on one side and hunting scene on the other. CARVED IVORY SWORD HANDLE inpian, 16TH CENTURY Richly carved representations of hunting scenes. The back part of the guard represents an elephant’s head and trunk and the knuckle guard is formed of rams’ heads. Valuable and interesting piece. i TWO SWORD HANDLES WITH RICH GOLD DAMA- SCENING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY 20 156 157 158 159 1594 160 161 162 163 THREE GOLD DAMASCENED SWORD HANDLES INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Floral decorations. THREE GREEN JADE SWORD HANDLES INDIA, 18TH CENTURY One with carved floral motives. CARVED IVORY SWORD HANDLE uinp1, 18TH CENTURY Fine all over floral carving. THREE DAGGERS One Nepalese, with copper gilt scabbard; the other Persian with enamelled hilt; the third Moroccan with enamelled brass scabbard. NEAR EASTERN POTTERY, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LOTS 159A-195 TWO BLUE AND WHITE POTTERY PLATES ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Diameter, 1114 and 1134 inches GREENISH POTTERY DISH KASHAN, PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Tin enamel. Diameter, 10 inches TURQUOISE POTTERY DISH KASHAN, PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Diameter, 914 inches LARGE KASHAN POTTERY DISH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Blue and white, Chinese style. Background of mellow light, greenish glaze with large crackle. Diameter, 13 inches KASHAN POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Blue and white, Chinese style. Beautiful old ivory toned background with large crackle. Height, 414 inches 21 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 TURQUOISE BLUE POTTERY BOTTLE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY (Neck damaged) Height, 9 inches GLAZED OPAQUE TURQUOISE BLUE VASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Height, 7 inches KASHAN POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Deep brown crackled glaze, with floral decoration in cobalt blue. Height, 834 inches CAUCASIAN POTTERY VASE Manganese purple and green decoration on deep blue ground. Lobed lip. Height, 16 inches POTTERY BOTTLE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Relief decoration of hunter with crane in floral background. White, pencilled black, on cobalt blue background. . Height, 1114 inches LIGHT TURQUOISE BLUE POTTERY JAR RHAGES, PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Cylindrical body, decorated with a double frieze of decora- tive Cufie lettering. Height, 14 inches TURQUOISE BLUE POTTERY JAR KASHAN, PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Spiral pattern of linear and garland motives. Height, 814 inches TURQUOISE BLUE POTTERY JAR KASHAN, PERSIA Globular body, the shoulder with frieze of linear motives. Height, 734 inches KASHAN POTTERY JAR _ persis, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Ivory white glaze with touches of pale greenish blue. Globular — shape. Height, 934 inches KASHAN POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Blackish brown glaze, with sketchy decoration in cobalt blue. Height, 1014 inches 22 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 LUSTRE POTTERY VASE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Sketchy floral decoration on ivory white ground. Brass spout. Height, 4 inches LUSTRE-V ASE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Floral decoration on cobalt blue. Spout brass. Height, 334 inches KASHAN POTTERY JAR persia, 177TH-18TH CENTURY Dot and lozenge all over pattern in blue on white. Height, 12 inches RHODIAN POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Polychrome decoration of Turkish flowers, tulips and roses in turquoise green, cobalt blue, bolus red and black. Framed. Diameter, 12 inches POTTERY DISH ON STANDARD ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Blue and white with rosace decoration. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 934 inches KOUBATCHA PLATE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Decoration of interlaced floral motives in deep cobalt blue and black on white. Diameter, 14 inches PERSIAN POTTERY BOTTLE Lozenges with floral relief decoration, manganese purple and deep cobalt. (Sold as is) Height, 814 inches SMALL KUTAHIA POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Decoration in bolus red, turquoise blue and manganese purple of sketchy floral motives on white. Diameter, 634 inches SMALL POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Decorated in red and blue on ivory white with impression- istic floral motives. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 6 inches LARGE POTTERY BOWL KUTAHIA, 17TH CENTURY Interpretation of Chinese blue and white Ming bowl with stags, cranes, etc. Diameter, 1414 inches 23 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 LARGE KUTAHIA POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Inspired by Chinese blue and white. Peony group in centre. Floral border. Diameter, 1914 inches LARGE CAUCASIAN POTTERY PLATE Blue, green and manganese purple. Four radiant compart- ments with fioral motives. Diameter, 19 inches LARGE CAUCASIAN POTTERY PLATE Blue, green and manganese purple. Four peacock feather motives, alternating with sketchy flowers. Diameter, 19 inches TURQUOISE AND BLACK POTTERY BOWL DAGHESTAN, PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Height, 434 inches BLUE AND WHITE POTTERY PLATE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Chinese decoration, duck in centre. Floral border. Diameter, 1334 inches TURQUOISE AND BLACK POTTERY PLATE DAGHESTAN, PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Beautiful sketchy floral design. Diameter, 1314 inches TURQUOISE AND BLACK POTTERY PLATE DAGHESTAN, PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Beautiful sketchy floral design. Diameter, 1314 inches TURQUOISE AND BLACK POTTERY PLATE DAGHESTAN, PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Beautiful sketchy floral design. Diameter, 13 inches TURQUOISE AND BLACK POTTERY PLATE DAGHESTAN, PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Beautiful sketchy fioral design. Diameter, 14 inches STX GLAZED POTTERY EGGS xurania, 18TH CENTURY Made for Armenian church, to be suspended from lamps. Height about 3 inches 24 194 SO-CALLED RHODUS POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Centre medallion with hexagon. Diameter, 10 inches 195 SO-CALLED RHODUS FAIENCE PLATE ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Pattern of geometrical interlacings. Blue and white with bolus red dots. Chinese border. (Repaired) Diameter, 1114 inches 25 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH THIRD, AT 2:30 arena een an ESTA A de RETO SE 196 197 198 199 200 201 SECOND SESSION LOTS 196-395 EGYPTIAN USHEBTIU, AMULETS, BEADS, ETC. LOTS 196-220 FIVE SMALL FIGURES IN GREEN GLAZED FAIENCE Hapi, Khensu, Ptah, and two figures of Thoth. Black wooden stand. Height not over 114 inches COLLECTION OF NINE HEART SCARABS Comprising black steatite scarab inscribed with the 30th chap ter of the Book of the Dead; scarab with rich blue glaze with ~ traces of gilding, uninscribed ; uninscribed scarab ; light green basalt, inscribed with the 30th chapter of the Book of the Dead in yellow characters; uninscribed specimen in dark green basalt. Specimen in steatite with the remains of the inscription of the 30th chapter of the Book of the Dead, ete. Length not over 3 inches FIVE SMALL FIGURES OF EGYPTIAN GODS Nepthys, Khnemu, Isis, Horus and Khensu. Blue glazed faience. Ebonized stand. Height, 14-11% inches FOUR FAIENCE AMULETS Representing Hapi, Taumatye, Mestha and Quebsennup, the four genii of the Egyptian underworld. Wooden bases. A complete set of these figures is rare. A COLLECTION OF THIRTEEN USHEBTIU AND . OTHER FIGURES Comprising Ptah, Mes and six others, and six gods, including © hawk, emblem of Horus, with the sacred eye upon the head (the eyes are garnets inlaid), and Nepthys-Bes, Isis, Ptah, Sekir-Ausar and Isis suckling Horus. Wooden stands. BLUE GLAZED USHEBTI EGYPT, ABOUT 1000 B. Cc. Hieroglyphic inscription. Beautiful blue. (From the Hilton Price Coll.) Height, 514 inches ~ 26 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 EGYPTIAN BLUE GLAZED USHEBTI EGYPT, ABOUT 900 B. c. Stand. Height, 4 inches BLUE GLAZED POTTERY USHEBTI — sreypr, 900 Bs. c. Height, 414 inches GREEN GLAZED POTTERY USHEBTI EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Hieroglyphic inscription. Height, 1334 inches LARGE POTTERY USHEBTI EGYPT, 1200 B. c. Formerly green glazed. Inscribed with the name Heruta, high priest of Neith and the Sixth Chapter of the Book of the Dead. Stand. (Slight repair) Height, 814 inches TWO USHEBTIU FIGURES EGYPT, ABOUT 1000 B. c. The one turquoise, the other pale blue. Hieroglyphic inscrip- tions. Height, 414 inches GREENISH POTTERY USHEBTI = Eaypt, aBout 500 B. c. Height, 434 inches GREENISH POTTERY USHEBTI zeyvpr, aout 1200 s. c. Height, 4 inches POTTERY USHEBTI EGYPT, ABOUT 1300 B. c. Turquoise-green; head manganese-purple. Height, 514 imches TWO GREEN GLAZED POTTERY FIGURES EGYPT, ABOUT 800 B. c. One of Thueris, the other of a Pataekos. Height, 214 inches COLLECTION OF FOURTEEN SMALL POTTERY FIGURES EGYPT, VARIOUS DYNASTIES Nepthys, Thueris, Sekhet, ete. TWO GLAZED POTTERY AMULETS EGYPT, ABOUT 1200 B. c. Anubis and Bast. (Hilton Price Coll.) - Height, 114 and 134 inches 27 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 GREEN GLAZED POTTERY FIGURE OF SHU EGYPT, 1200 B. c. Kneeling. Height, 114 inches THREE GREEN GLAZED POTTERY FIGURES EGYPT, 1200 B. c. Ampu and Makhes. (Hilton Price Coll.) Height, 114 inches FOUR GREEN GLAZED POTTERY AMULETS Two of Bast seated, one triad, one square. Height, 2 inches TWO GLAZED POTTERY FRAGMENTS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY One of Sekhet, the Fire Goddess, the other a monkey. Re- markably fine modelling. FRAGMENTS OF EGYPTIAN WOODEN SCULPTURE One doll, one seated figure, front of a cat, fish, two arms. THREE EGYPTIAN PREHISTORIC SLATE PAINT GRINDING SLABS Crocodile, fish, the third of an ostrich. COLLECTION OF THIRTEEN BLUE GLAZED EGY P- TIAN BEADS Diverse sizes. COLLECTION OF SIXTY-ONE SCARABS, BEADS, AMULETS, ETC. Glazed pottery and steatite, glass, amethyst, aquamarine. All on wooden stands. ROMAN AND ETRUSCAN BRONZES LOTS 221-235 BRONZE CANDLESTICK Roman style. A female figure supporting a tall shaft. Tripod base. Height, 18 inches EARLY COPTIC BRONZE LAMP Cruciform handle. Length, 434 inches ROMAN BRONZE CANDELABRUM Tall shaft; tripod base. Height, 48 inches 28 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 ROMAN BRONZE CANDELABRUM Tripod base. Tall fluted shaft. Round top with egg and dart pattern. Height, 43 inches SILVER RHYTON The body beautifully ornamented with an embossed figure of Ceres, holding a cornucopia and terminating in a lion’s head and man. Realistic modelling. The handle in the form of a foliated and fruiting vine branch. Rim with egg and dart pattern. (Lord Grenfell Coll.) Length, 9 inches; diameter, 4 inches BRONZE DISH ROMAN, HELLENISTIC PERIOD Head in shape of branch with lion head finial. Height, 3 inches SMALL ROMAN BRONZE FIGURE OF HERCULES Bearded, holding a club in the right hand and a skyphos in the left. (Alexander Huth Coll.) Stand. Height, 234 inches GREEN BRONZE (2NOCHOE With foliated lip and diagonal ribbing on the body. Fine specimen. (Sold as is) Height, 454 inches SMALL ROMAN BRONZE VASE Of elegant shape, the lip decorated with egg and tongue pat- tern. The patination of this specimen is remarkable in its rich blue color; mottled in places with green and other tones. (Kennedy Coll.) Height, 56/8 inches BRONZE EROS ON DOLPHIN An exquisite specimen of early Greek or Greco-Roman work- manship, found in Egypt. (Lord Grenfell Coll.) FOREPART OF A HORSE IN BRONZE ETRUSCAN Probably from a Cista. Finely modelled specimen. Wooden stand. (Sir Richard Westmacott Coll.) Height, 214 inches ETRUSCAN BRONZE FIGURE OF HERCULES Represented carrying a club, the right hand resting on the hip. A specimen with beautiful patina. (Feet missing.) Black marble stand. (Sir Richard Westmacott Coll.) Height, 514 inches 29 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 SILVER FIGURE OF HERCULES | Bearing the Nemean lion’s skin, the right arm raised and holding an alabastron. Marble stand. (Lord Grenfell Coll.) Height, 414 inches ETRUSCAN BRONZE FIGURE OF HERCULES Wearing the lion skin over head, shoulders and left arm. (Sir Richard Westmacott Coll.) Height, 7144 inches ARCHAIC BRONZE FIGURE OF A MAN Represented nude, holding a cornucopia in the right hand. (Left hand missing.) Marble stand. (Sir Richard Westma- cott Coll.) Height, 414 inches EGYPTIAN AND SYRIAN GLASS LOTS 236-256 BALSAMARIUM "SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. L. Globular body; tall neck. Delicate iridescence. Height, 634 inches SMALL ENAMELLED GLASS GOBLET | : syRIA, 1lTH-12TH CENTURY Decoration of laurel branches and heart-shaped motives. Fine iridescence. Very rare. Height, 234 inches GLASS PITCHER SYRIA, 6TH-7TH CENTURY Decorated with painted encircling lines. Iridescence. Height, 614 inches GLASS VASE SYRIA, LATE ROMAN PERIOD Globular shape; painted decoration in white and yellow. Height, 314 inches GLASS PITCHER EGYPT, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Decoration of feather motives in plastically impressed and applied glass thread. (Restored) 3 Height, 5 inches BALSAMARIUM SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. — Fine nacreous iridescence. Height, 334 inches 30 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 BALSAMARIUM AND MINIATURE JUG SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Fine iridescence. | Height, 3 and 21% inches DOUBLE UNGUENTARIUM AND GLASS VASE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. The glass vase ribbed, the unguentarium with fine iridescence. Height, 414 inches GREEN GLASS AMPHORA EGYPTIAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Slender body; two handles. Filmy iridescence. Height, 514 inches GLASS PITCHER SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY Manganese-brown body; translucent green handle. Trefoiled mouth. Height, 414 inches CONICAL GLASS GOBLET © syria, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Translucent greenish glass, decorated with deep blue spiral glass threads. Nacreous iridescence. Intact. : Height, 614 inches SMALL GLASS AMPHORA EGYPT, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Moulded over a core. Decorated with plastically applied zig- zag pattern in greenish turquoise and yellow. - Height, 3 inches GLASS BALSAMARIUM SYRIA, 3RD-4TH CENTURY A. D. On rare round base, decorated with four undulated glass threads. (Sold as is) Height, 5 inches QUADRUPLE GLASS BALSAMARIUM SYRIA, 3RD-4TH CENTURY A. D. Decorated with five undulated glass threads. Slight dam- ages. Height, 5 inches GLASS VASE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY Pale green. Pear-shaped with side handles of dark green glass crimped into a very graceful design, the neck and upper part wound round in fine plastically applied glass thread. (From the Behrens Coll.) Height, 714 inches 31 201 202 203 254 259 206 207 298 209 ALABASTRON EGYPT, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Yellow and black with touches of blue. Two yellow bands followed by seven horizontal zigzag bands. Stand. Height, 314 inches PALE GREEN GLASS BOTTLE _ syria, 2ND-3RD CENTURY Pear-shaped body with cylindrical neck. Heavy golden iri- descence. (Repaired) Height, 5 inches TWO-HANDLED GLASS VASE AND GLASS JUG SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY The vase of green glass, slightly iridescent; the jug of bluish green glass; straight handle. Height, 5 and 41% inches GLASS VASE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Globular body; wide neck. Three handles. Light greenish glass. Pale opalescence. Height, 514 inches GLASS VASE SyRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Spiral fluting; delicate opalescence. Height, 71% inches TWO SMALL GLASS VASES AND SMALL GLASS PITCHER SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY The vases with tall cylindrical necks, the pitcher square with handle of plastic glass ribbon. Light blue glass with iri- descence. Height not over 41% inches ~ CHINESE BRONZES LOTS 257-278 CHINESE BRONZE JARDINIERE Drum-shaped. Delicate silver inlay of two pheenixes and two Foo lions. Teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches EARLY CHINESE BRONZE VASE Hexagonal, with Tao Tieh. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 1314 inches EARLY CHINESE BRONZE VASE Ovoid, with two phenix handles and Tao Tieh relief decora- tion. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 14 inches 32 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 CHINESE BRONZE VASE KANG HSI PERIOD With wavy fluting. Lion mask handles. Scalloped mouth. Height, 614 inches PAIR OF CHINESE BRONZE FIGURES 18TH cEeNntTURY Representing a demon and an Emperor. Teakwood stands. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 714 inches BRONZE TRIPOD CHINA, SUNG DYNASTY Height, 934 inches THREE BRONZE STATUETTES — curna, 18TH CENTURY Representing sages; two with teakwood stands. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 9 inches CHINESE BRONZE VASE WITH COVER Rope handle; Tao Tieh pattern. Height, 934 inches CHINESE BRONZE VASE MING PERIOD Quadrangular baluster shape. Tao Tieh frieze; gold and sil- ver inlay. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 914 inches CHINESE BRONZE VASE Pear-shaped. Two elephant head handles; hydras in relief. Ming mark. Height, 814 inches MONSTER-SHAPED BRONZE VASE CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Archaic style. (One ear missing) Stand. Height, 414 inches JAPANESE BRONZE VASE Pear-shaped. Two ring handles. Neck with Tao Tieh frieze. Gold and silver inlay. (From the Baron Siebold Coll.) (Sold as is) Height, 12 inches BRONZE COVER CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Delicate Tao Tieh pattern. (Sold asis) Diameter, 131 inches CHINESE BRONZE VASE Two ring handles. Urn-shaped. Tao Tieh pattern. Height, 11 inches 33 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 CHINESE OPENWORK BRONZE VASE Ba Hexagonal, genii in relief on floral background. (Baron Sie- bold Coll.) Height, 11 inches. QUADRANGULAR CHINESE BRONZE BEAKER Tao Tieh decoration. (Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 1034 inches OLD CHINESE BRONZE BELL With pointed knobs, decorated with Tao Tieh en and 36 — pointed knobs. Teakwood stand. (Baron Siebold Coll.) | | ‘Height, 7 inches EARLY CHINESE BRONZE VASE. Profuse monster head and ring handle decoration on fine diaper background. Height, 16 inches COPPER-GILT FIGURE OF AN EMPEROR | CHINA, MING PERIOD Represented seated in flowing ceremonial robes, holding a fan. Considerable traces of color and original gilding. (Baron Siebold Coll.) Height; 15 inches — COPPER FIGURE OF AN EMPEROR CHINA, MING PERIOD Represented seated holding a fan. Much of the original gild- - ing and color still visible. (Baron Siebold Coll.) Height, 1 foot 8 inches : OLD CHINESE BRONZE GONG Drum-shaped. Diameter, 714 inches ANTIQUE CHINESE BRONZE FIGURE OF A FOO LION Rectangular base. Height, 414 inches PRIMITIVE ART: AFRICA, NEW ZEALAND LOTS 279-289 THREE CARVED WOODEN AFRICAN BUSHANGO CUPS One with typical Bushango head, strong design; the second with conventionalized carving, the third barrel-shaped with basket pattern. 34 RHAGES POLYCHROME POTTERY BOWL [352] I2TH’I13TH CENTURY ATHENIAN BLACK FIGURED HYDRIA 6TH CENTURY, B.C. {475 | TIBETAN BRONZE STATUE OF MANJUSRI 1534} STONE HEAD [543] CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Bp, snes, preteen EGYPTIAN BASALT RELIEF 1300-1200 B.C. 561] > sr . . * Pa Lal - - \ . i ‘ i we - « ’ ‘ . ROMAN MARBLE HEAD OF GODDESS EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD L555 LIMESTONE HEADS MARBLE HEAD OF A CYPRUS 6TH CENTURY, B.C. BOY, EGYPTO”-ROMAN [548 } 549] [550] TIBETAN GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA [542 | 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 TWO CARVED WOODEN AFRICAN BUSHANGO PIPES Well-carved specimens, the bowls of which represent a Bush- ango man’s head. Very scarce. TWO CARVED WOODEN AFRICAN BUSHANGO PIPES (One damaged ) AZTEC POTTERY JAR Anthropomorph, white clay with red and black slip painting. Human head above spout. Height, 6 inches AFRICAN IVORY CARVING With two rows of figures in relief. Height, 5 inches CARVED NARWHAL TUSK WESTERN AFRICA With spirally wound relief carving of diverse figures. Length, 1114 inches IVORY CARVING CONGO Representing a man with tropical sun helmet, holding goblet and flask. Height, 16 inches AFRICAN BRASS CRUCIFIX With a curious figure representing the Saviour and the Virgin Mary at back of the cross, supporting it with outstretched arms. An original and weird conception by a metal worker of the Croo country. Height, 914 inches NEW ZEALAND JADE TIKI AND BLADE Very fine specimen of this well-known type of amulet in moss- green jade. Length, 414 and 2 inches NEW ZEALAND WOODEN TIKI WITH MOTHER-OF- PEARL EYES , Fine specimen. Length, 5 inches VERY FINE BENIN IVORY CARVING Representing a male and female. Height, with stand, 434 inches 35 EGYPTIAN BRONZE FIGURES LOTS 290-331 99) BRONZE FIGURE OF A KNEELING PRIEST 1000 B. c. (Forearms missing) Black marble stand. Height, 2 inches 2991 BRONZE FIGURE OF A PRIEST apout 1000 B. c. Similar to the preceding. (Arms missing) Black wooden .- stand. ; Height, 114 inches 2992 EGYPTIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT SAITE PERIOD Seated, the hand raised to the lips. Wearing lotus crown. Gray marble throne and stand. Height, 6 inches 293 BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT SAITE PERIOD (Lady Laking Coll.) Height, 31 inches 994 UPPER PART OF A FIGURE OF BAST OR SOKEHMET In eat form without head dress. The right hand raised, the left holding the egis. Mounted on a black wooden stand. (Lady Laking coll.) Height, 3 3/10 inches 295 BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT Seated, the hands at the sides; he wears the cap and ureus, and the disk and plumes (the top of the left plume and the end of the side lock missing). The eyes inlaid with gold. On the base a dedicatory inscription. Mounted on marble. (From the Collection of the Rt. Hon. Lord Braye.) Height, 1014 inches 996 EGYPTIAN BRONZE BULL _ SAITE PERIOD (Collection of Dr. W. Moir Bryce, LL.D.) 2997 BRONZE FIGURE OF BAST SAITE PERIOD Represented standing, the arms at the sides, and wearing headdress, disk and ureus. On the base an inscription. Finely modelled and mounted on a white marble plinth. (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 53% inches 298 BRONZE FIGURE OF BAST SAITE PERIOD Represented with disk, ureus and headdress; the hands on the knees. The throne is cast in one piece with the figure. Marble stand. (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 614 inches 36 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 BRONZE BUST OF BAST Small bronze head of Bast wearing headdress, disk and ureus. Black wooden stand. (Lord Braye Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF THE GODDESS SEKHET Represented standing, crowned with solar disk and ureus. Ebonized base. (From the O’Neill Collection.) Height, 614 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF CHONSU-PA-KHRATI Represented seated. On his head he wears the ureus, lunar erescent and disk, the whole surmounted by an Ibis head, horns and lotus sceptre crown flanked by plumes and urei. Very unusual and interesting piece. (Feet missing) Wooden stand. (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 5 inches SMALL BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT (From the Lord Braye Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT (Lady Laking Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT OR HARPO- CRATES SAITE PERIOD (From the Lord Braye Coll.) BRONZE IBIS HEAD ABOUT 1200 B. oc. Traces of gilding. The eyes inlaid with stone (one missing). Mounted on alabaster stand. (From the Dr. W. Moir Bryce Coll.) Length, 21% inches SMALL BRONZE FIGURE OF THE HAWK OR ‘““HORUS”’ Aasout 1000 B. c. Standing on a long bronze plinth. (From the Collection of Lord Braye) EGYPTIAN BRONZE HAWK The head of a processional staff with a bronze figure of Horus wearing the double crown. An interesting specimen, and in good condition. (From the Dr. W. Moir Bryce Coll.) Total height, 6 inches 37 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 BRONZE FIGURE OF A HAWK OR ‘‘HORUS”’ The eyes and face feathers have been inlaid. Black wooden ~ stand. (Dr. W. Moir Bryce Coll.) LARGE BRONZE CAT’S HEAD SAITE PERIOD — The ears pierced, the eyes sunk for inlay; of good characteri- zation. Circular white marble stand. (Ears slightly imper- fect) (Lady Laking Coll.) Height, 514 inches TWO BRONZE FIGURES OF ANUBIS Walking, the hands at the sides. With loop at back. Per- fect condition. Height, 3 and 31% inches BRONZE FIGURE OF ANUBIS The right hand at the side and the left bent to hold a sceptre. A finely modelled specimen in good preservation with the original plinth. Mounted on marble base. (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 614 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF ANUBIS Represented walking, the hands clenched at the sides—a well- modelled specimen in good condition. Alabaster stand. (Tip of the right ear missing.) (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 614 inches BRONZE MODEL OF A HAWK | Remarkable specimen. The entire figure delicately engraved to show feather markings. (From the Lord Braye Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF A KING 18TH DYNASTY ‘Represented kneeling, the hands parallel with the thighs, the — palms downwards. He wears the helmet and kilt. White marble plinth mounting. Height, 234 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF A KING 18TH DYNASTY Similar to above, but with forearms raised. (Hands missing ) Black marble stand. EGYPTIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF PTAH (Alexander Huth Coll.) EGYPTIAN BRONZE IBIS Mounted on oblong block of Egyptian porphyry with a stepped base of black and Luniae marbles. (Alexander Huth Coll.) 38 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 — 326 327 328 SMALL BRONZE CAT’S HEAD Marble stand. (Ears imperfect) (From the Lady Laking Coll.) Height, 214 inches EGYPTIAN BRONZE HORUS | (Lady Laking Coll.) KNEELING BRONZE FIGURE OF HARPOCRATES PTOLEMAIC PERIOD With fine patina. The eyelids and eyebrows inlaid in silver. (Dr. W. Moir Bryce Coll.) BRONZE HANDLE OF A SISTRUM Supporting a Janiform head of Hathor, wearing collar, wig and low Pyloniform head ornament. (The shaft repaired) (Dr. W. Moir Bryce Coll.) Length, 6 2/10 inches; of shaft, 3 1/10 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT (From the Lord Braye Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT (From the Lord Braye Coll.) TWO BRONZE FIGURES OF HARPOCRATES (Lady Laking Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF HERUPAKHRAT (Lady Laking Coll.) BRONZE FIGURE OF NEITH Represented walking, wearing the crown of Lower Egypt and a tight-fitting skirt. A good example of the Saite School. Original base. Alabaster stand. Height, 7 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF TAURIT Represented wearing disk and plumes, walking, the hands at the sides. Original bronze base. Height, 214 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF ANUBIS Fine specimen. Represented wearing royal wig and ohentim with left leg and forearm advanced. Black marble stand. Height, 534 inches 39 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 SEATED BRONZE FIGURE OF OSIRIS Represented wearing the atef crown. Black wood throne. Height, 814 inches SMALL BRONZE FIGURE OF SEKHET EGYPTIAN BRONZE HEAD OF A CAT Lower part damaged. Height, 4 inches MEDIEVAL NEAR EASTERN POTTERY LOTS 332-352 ORVIETO MAJOLICA DEEP DISH rratry, 13TH CENTURY Decoration in green and manganese-brown. Flower design and two clenched hands to ward off the evil eye. Diameter, 1214 inches ORVIETO MAJOLICA DEEP DISH § 1TAty, 13TH CENTURY Decoration of leaf motives and large Gothic letter ‘‘P’’. Green and yellow with touches of manganese-purple. Diameter, 15 inches TURQUOISE AND BLACK POTTERY VASE RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 13TH CENTURY Globular body on high standard; two handles connecting mouth rim and shoulder. Frieze of floral medallions in black. Height, 614 inches SMALL POTTERY BOWL RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Turquoise glaze, with decoration in black. Design partly coy- ered with rich golden iridescence. Neskhi inscription on rim. Diameter, 514 inches POTTERY BOWL RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Circular body with wide, flaring rim. Turquoise-blue and black, the entire bowl practically covered by rich golden iridescence. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 634 inches 40 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 TURQUOISE POTTERY VASE SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Globular body with four handles connecting the shoulder with the neck. Rim with moulded decoration. Almost cov- ered with silvery iridescence. Height, 914 inches OCTAGONAL GREEN GLAZED IRIDESCENT TILE PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Framed. Diameter, 534 inches POTTERY BOWL RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 13TH CENTURY Turquoise-blue glaze, almost covered with golden iridescence. Cireular body with wide flaring rim. Two handles. Height, 414 inches; diameter, 6 inches SMALL POTTERY VASE RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 13TH CENTURY Globular body, the decoration of black on white practically covered by golden iridescence. Height, 534 inches POTTERY PILGRIM BOTTLE EARLY MESOPOTAMIAN, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Turquoise-blue, the glaze partly hardened and worn away. Two handles on the neck. (Damaged) Height, 6 inches SMALL POTTERY VASE RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Simple globular shape, practically covered with golden iri- descence. Height, 514 inches POTTERY BOWL RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Semi-globular shape on low standard. Ivory-white glaze, partly covered with iridescence. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 514 inches SMALL POTTERY VASE RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Globular shape, covered with a rich golden iridescence. Height, 5 inches 41 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 302 SMALL POTTERY PLATE RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY The original ivory-white glaze covered by golden iridescence. Bent through misfiring. Diameter, 514 inches GLAZED POTTERY HEAD MESOPOTAMIA, PARTHIAN PERIOD Green glaze, practically covered with golden iridescence. Originally part of a tall pitcher. Extremely rare specimen. Height, 7 inches SMALL LUSTRE BOWL | RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Olive-brown lustre. Geometrical design. Diameter, 434 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY PITCHER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Helmet-shaped, with peacock and diamond pattern. Height, 614 inches POTTERY PITCHER RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Splashes of black on turquoise-blue. Golden iridescence. Height, 514 inches POTTERY VASE PERSIA, 14TH-15TH CENTURY Greenish tin enamel. Brass spout. (Sold as is) Height, 614 inches | BROWN POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Body spreading toward the shoulder. Two small handles; — short neck. Height, 14 inches POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Rhages polychrome decoration. Bold and simple composition, a hunter on horseback, the hunting leopard seated on the back of the horse. Extremely gay polychromy and simple, ex- pressive design. Fine specimen. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 814 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 42 353 304 399 356 307 358 309 360 361 MISCELLANEOUS TEXTILES LOTS 353-383 PAIR OF EMBROIDERED SATIN ALTAR TABLE HANGINGS CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Blue floral embroidery on red. Size: 32 x 35 inches SET OF FOUR EMBROIDERED SATIN CHAIR HANG- INGS CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Blue floral embroidery on red. Size: 62 x 18 inches SMALL TABLE COVER ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Lozenges in gray on red. Flower motif in heavy brocaded silver thread in the centre. Made for the East. ee Size: 27 x 21 inches SMALL TABLE COVER ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Lozenges in gray on red. Flower motif in heavy brocaded silver thread in the eentre. Made for the East. Size: 27 x 21 inches TWO PIECES OF GOLD BROCADE ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY _ Striped, golden yellow and copper-red. Flower garlands and zigzag stripes. Length, 50 inches each SMALL GOLD BROCADE TABLE COVER ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Flowers on white rep ground. (Repaired) Size: 74 inches square VELVET CHAIR COVER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Baroque pattern in crimson cut and uncut velvet, on red rep ground. (Repaired) Size: 24 x 22 inches STRIP OF BROCADE - PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Lozenge pattern with central flower on salmon-red ground. } Length, 48 inches SMALL EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY ‘Rose pattern in delicate blues and light tans, with branches in silver on cotton. | Size: 34 x 18 inches 43: 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 EMBROIDERED TOWEL TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY With beautiful rosace flower embroidery in red at the ends. ‘Size: 48 x 19 inches TWO SCUTARI VELVET CUSHIONS TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 All-over flower pattern in dark blue on ivory-white. Size: 35 x 2014 inches and 48 x 2014 inches SCUTARI VELVET CUSHION TurKEy, sour 1800 Copper-red centre medallion and festoon border on delicate blue ground. Size: 38 x 20 inches SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Floral design with central sunburst medallion in red and green velvet on golden yellow satin ground. Size: 45 x 22 inches SCUTARI VELVET CUSHION TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Greenish blue ground with magenta centre medallion and border. Size: 36 x 181% inches PERSIAN KASHAN VELVET Zigzag pattern, henna-red and orange. Size: 20 inches square KASHAN VELVET PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Cypress motif in green on red ground. (Sold as is) Size: 23 x 39 inches KASHAN VELVET PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY All-over palmetto pattern on mulberry-red. (Sold as is) Size: 57 x 42 inches CHASUBLE ITALIAN, LATE 16TH CENTURY Centre plain gold brocaded strip with fine late 16th century velvet on either side. (Sold as is) KASHAN VELVET PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Prayer rug design. The field of the niche with three cypress trees. Size: 53 x 41 inches SMALL TABLE COVER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Bold acanthus and flower scrolls in strongly colored velvet and appliqué work on yellow satin. Size: 2612 x 21 inches 44 373 374 375 376 3t7 378 379 380 381 382 CASHMERE WOOLEN SHAWL Typical Cashmere pattern of particularly beautiful color, turquoise, crimson and old rose prevailing. Size: 96 x 58 inches TWO EMBROIDERED SCARFS — TurRKISH, 18TH CENTURY The ends with charming polychrome floral embroidery. Size: 43 x 20 inches and 59 x 90 inches VELVET TABLE COVER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Bold baroque flower and scroll motives in crimson cut and uncut velvet on yellow background heightened with tinsel. Size: 42 x 31 inches VELVET TABLE COVER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Bold baroque flower and scroll pattern. Deep crimson cut and uneut velvet. (Sold as is) Size: 3814 x 20 inches PERSIAN LADY’S GARMENT Cloth of gold with purple stripes, showing small gold rosaces. Length about 48 inches BOKHARA EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER Golden floral embroidery in subdued tan and olive-green on linen. Large star rosace in centre. Size: 74 x 64 inches LARGE BOKHARA EMBROIDERY HANGING Golden floral embroidery in subdued tan and olive-green on linen. (Slight damages) Size: 96 x 76 inches EMBROIDERED CHINESE SATIN HANGING Blue and white flower and butterfly motives on copper-red satin. (Repaired) . Size: 54 x 55 inches TURKISH EMBROIDERED TOWEL AND TABLE COVER Gold embroidered, the table cover with cypress border, the towel with floral scrolls. Size: 38 x 32 inches and 34 inches square SCUTARI VELVET CUSHION TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Magenta medallion and leaf border on turquoise-blue ground. Size: 385 x 18 inches 45 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 TABLE COVER OF PRINTED VELVET ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Striped plain copper-red and white with flower garlands. Charming and rare example. Size: 41 x 27 inches 3 RUGS LOTS 384-395 WOOLEN RUG KAZAK, CAUCASUS Triple border of zigzag leaf motives, green and red on the — outer and inner borders, black and white in the middle border. Centre field with three lozenge-shaped medallions, dark blue with red rosaces, on deep red ground, which bears several smaller rectangular latch hook and rosace motives. Size: 7 feet 10 inches x 5 feet 10 inches WOOLEN RUG FERAHAN, PERSIA Border with Herati design i in pink and deep blue on tan ground. Centre field indigo-blue with all-over ‘‘Ferahan”’ pattern. (Worn) Size: 9 feet 3 inchés x 5 feet BOKHARA WOOLEN MAT Pattern of six octagons in light and dark blue, ivory-white and magenta on wine-red ground. One edge with deep border of small flowering shrub motives. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 6 inches SMALL WOOLEN MAT _ SENNA, PERSIA Triple border with delicate floral design. Centre field with yellow centre medallion and red field, both with small floral decoration. Size: 2 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 1 inch BOKHARA WOOLEN MAT All-over octagon pattern in typical design and coloring of wine-red and indigo-blue with touches of yellow. Size: 4 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 8 inches BOKHARA MAT Typical all-over lozenge pattern in ivory-white, light and dark blue on wine-red ground. Serrated border motives. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 5 inches 46 390 391 392 393 394 399 SMALL TABRIZ SILK PRAYER RUG Three borders, the main border on pale blue. Double niche, the upper with plain red background, the lower with symmetri- eal design of flower and birds. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet WOOLEN RUG FERAHAN, PERSIA Five borders, the main border in Herati pattern on nile-green ground. Centre field with Ferahan pattern on deep indigo- blue. Size: 6 feet 6 inches x 4 feet SENNA KILIM RUG PERSIA, ABOUT 1800 Extremely fine tapestry weave. Four lozenge-shaped medal- lions, the central. one with vermilion square on nile-green lozenge. The centre field with Ferahan pattern, on russet ground. Size: 6 feet x 4 feet 3 inches WOOLEN RUG KAZAK, CAUCASUS Triple border with diverse geometrical motives, red, white and blue. The centre field showing on deep red background two rows of three lozenge-shaped medallions, evidently borrowed from the cypress-tree designs of Kashan velvets. Size: 7 feet x 4 feet 10 inches LARGE SUMAK RUG CAUCASUS In the characteristic embroidery technique. Three borders. The main border dark green with conventionalized palmetto pattern. The centre field in deep red with diverse octagonal and lozenge-shaped medallions on yellow and dark blue back- grounds. In perfect condition. | | Size: 12 feet 9 inches x 9 feet 4 inches WOOLEN RUG FERAHAN, PERSIA Herati border in green and red on deep blue ground. Centre field red with all-over ‘‘Ferahan’’ pattern in predominating shades of light blue, pale yellow, white, ete. (Worn) Size: 16 feet x 6 feet 8 inches 47 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH FOURTH, AT 2:30 THIRD SESSION LOTS 396-581 GREEK TANAGRA AND OTHER POTTERY FIGURES LOTS 396-414 396 TANAGRA FIGURE OF A WOMAN Represented wearing peplos and chiton, and a turriform orna- ment on her head, probably representing Cybele. Height, 8 inches 397 TANAGRA FIGURE OF A WOMAN Wearing flowing drapery. Height, 6 inches 398 FIVE TANAGRA POTTERY HEADS One of Aphrodite, another with high headdress, the re- mainder young women. 399 TANAGRA POTTERY GROUP Representing Venus and amorino. Traces of polychromy. Height, 7 inches 400 POTTERY STATUETTE TANAGRA, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B. C. (Repaired ) Height, 614 inches 401 TANAGRA POTTERY STATUETTE’ OF A SEATED AMORINO Charming expression; polychromy. Slight repair. (From the Lady Meux Coll.) Height, 314 inches 402 TANAGRA POTTERY STATUETTE Woman gracefully draped. Polychromy. Head missing. Height, 534 inches 403 TANAGRA POTTERY STATUETTE OF AN AMORINO (Slight defects) Height, 514 inches 48 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 TWO POTTERY STATUETTES OF HARPOCRATES GRECO-EGYPTIAN, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Height, 734 and 6 inches TANAGRA POTTERY STATUETTE OF AN AMORINO With large wings. Polychromy. (Slight repairs) Height, 5 inches TANAGRA POTTERY STATUETTE Of a Nereid riding on a dolphin. (Slight repairs) Height, 5 inches TANAGRA POTTERY STATUETTE OF SILENUS Standing holding the thyrsus in his hands. | Height, 7 inches GRECO-EYPTIAN TERRA COTTA STATUETTE Probably Venus Anadyomene. Height, 414 inches GRECO-EGYPTIAN POTTERY STATUETTE A nude woman holding a basket on her head. (Repaired) Height, 834 inches TERRA COTTA FIGURE SYRIAN OR MESOPOTAMIAN Representing female divinity. Height, 1414 inches TERRA COTTA STATUETTE OF A FEMALE DIVINITY SYRIAN OR MESOPOTAMIAN A stag leaping towards her at the left. (Repaired) Height, 1614 inches FEMALE TERRA COTTA STATUETTE Probably late Egyptian. (Damaged) Height, 10 inches TANAGRA TERRA COTTA STATUETTE A young woman in graceful draperies. (Repaired) Height, 1014 inches GRECO-EGYPTIAN POTTERY STATUETTE Mixing the types of Isis and Venus. Charming example. Height, 10 inches 49 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 A24 425. EGYPTIAN ALABASTER AND MARBLE VASES LOTS 415-423 EGYPTIAN ALABASTER VASE Cylindrical shape. Height, 7 inches EGYPTIAN ALABASTER VASE Tall tubular shape. Fine specimen. Hieroglyphic inscription. (Rim damaged) Height, 13% inches EGYPTIAN ALABASTER VASE IN SHAPE OF A HYDRIA Height, 5 inches EGYPTIAN ALABASTRON With elegant conical handle and slender ee Two handles. Fine specimen. (Slight repair) Height, ae inches RED MARBLE URN EGYPTIAN, PROBABLY 6TH CENTURY Red and light tan marble. Two tubular handles. Fine specimen. ee 7 inches EGYPTIAN ALABASTER BOWL Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 814, inches TWO ALABASTER VASES Cylindrical, one with floral decorations. (Slight damages) Height, 414 and 7 fe inches EGYPTIAN ALABASTER VASE | Fine specimen. Ovoid. (Slight nick) Height, 7 inches EGYPTIAN ALABASTER BOWL (Sold as is) Height, 314 inches; diameter, 744 inches — BEAD NECKLACES AND J EWELRY LOTS 424-452. SET OF TEN INDIAN SILVER ARMLETS As worn by the Indian nauteh girls. Diameter, 24% inches GOLD NECKLACE | | With circular clasp embossed with Medusa heads. (From the — Sir Arthur Evans Coll.) 50 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 TEN EGYPTIAN BEADS AND SMALL CURIOS An Arabic blue glass balsamary, partly iridescent with fire opal tints. Five carnelian beads of various shapes, and a conven- tionalized representation of Bes. Flat circular iridescent glass: bead, turned ivory head, grotesque face in blue and yellow glass. FOUR LARGE EGYPTIAN BEADS Barrel-shaped bead in light blue faience, ovoid agate bead, long light blue glass bead and square cobalt-blue bead. EGYPTIAN BLUE FAIENCE NECKLACE Composed of graduated lotus flower amulets of a rich tur- quoise-blue. (From the Lady Meux Coll.) NECKLACE OF VARI-COLORED EGYPTIAN FAIENCE BEADS STRING OF SMALL EGYPTIAN GARNET AND CAR- NELIAN BEADS Stone drilled. NECKLACE OF FORTY-FOUR IRIDESCENT GLASS BEADS EGYPT, PTOLEMAIC PERIOD Small globular gold beads in between. Remarkable specimen. Has been restrung. VERY FINE GREEK NECKLACE OF GOLD AND GLASS EYE BEADS With gold bulls’ heads and fastenings. NECKLACE OF FINE EGYPTIAN GLASS BEADS EGYPTIAN NECKLACE OF SMALL BLUE AND YEL- LOW GLAZIED FAIENCE BEADS With minute amulets as pendants. EGYPTIAN BLUE GLAZED NECKLACE FROM SAK- KARA Composed of long tubular faience beads and amulets, of a fine green glaze, the whole secured with a gold ‘‘S’’ hook. LONG NECKLACE OF VARIED EGYPTIAN GLASS BEADS 51 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 FAIENCE BEAD NETWORK EGYPT, 22ND DYNASTY Tubular and of a beautiful turquoise-blue, interspersed with rondels of the same color. (Lord Braye Coll.) LARGE TRIANGULAR MUMMY CLOTH OF FAIENCE BEADS Bugle-shaped beads, interspersed with rondels of white faience. In the centre a large green faience winged scarab. An im- portant piece of the 22nd dynasty. (Lord Braye Coll.) STRING OF ANTIQUE GLASS BEADS A COLLECTION OF FIVE GOLD BOSSES AND A GOLD MASK The bosses ornamented with a four-leaved shamrock. The gold mask with profile head of a Grecian woman, fine work- manship. | | STRING OF GRAY AGATE BEADS TWO SHORT NECKLACES OF VARIOUS EGYPTIAN BEADS ARAB CHIEF’S NECKLACE Of large, rudely shaped amber beads, glass beads and five silver embossed box beads. TWO CARNELIAN SCARABS AND A CARNELIAN CHARM The charm representing the god Bes. IMPORTANT SET OF NINE GOLD BEADS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Forming a part of a necklace. The beads are decorated with a raised diaper of minute golden studs arranged in rows of inverted triangles, producing a singularly rich effect. GOLD NECKLACE ROMAN, 1ST CENTURY A. D. Formed of sixteen ornamented gold plates with a gold cube and a pearl depending from each. A gold ring forms the centre link, while two heart-shaped gold pieces compose the — fastening. One pendant missing. Found in Egypt. Very interesting piece. (From the Lord Grenfell Coll.) ae 52 447 448 449 450 »451 452 453 454 GOLD EARRING ROMAN, PTOLEMAIC PERIOD In the form of a chimera, with a lion’s head, goat’s horns, large ears and protruding eyes. (Lord Braye Coll.) : Diameter, 114 inches SEVEN VERY LARGE EGYPTIAN BEADS Five very large beads in blue glaze and black, red and white glass. Two other glass beads in polychrome. EGYPTIAN GOLD-THREADED AMETHYST NECK- LACE Of ninety-two graduated and spherical-shaped beads, threaded on a gold chain so that two gold links separate each bead, to- gether with a large revolving oblong centre bead from which is hung an amethyst pendant carved to imitate a scarab. Mounted in gold. STRING OF EGYPTIAN CARNELIAN, GARNET AND HEMATITE BEADS Barrel-shaped; stone-drilled. Fine specimen. EGYPTIAN GARNET, FELSPAR AND CARNELIAN NECKLACE Gold beads at intervals in the chain. LONG GOLD NECKLACE With two circular medallions, embossed with Medusa heads. Leather case. (From the Sir Arthur Evans Coll.) SYRIAN AND EGYPTIAN GLASS LOTS 453-475 TWO ALABASTRONS EGYPT, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. One blue, with yellow feather motives almost covered by iri- descence; the other white, with zigzag motives in black. Height, 434 inches GLASS BOTTLE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY Found near Aleppo. Globular shape with tall neck. Ex- ample of fine fire opal iridescence, of great beauty and rarity. Height, 314 inches 53 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 GLASS BOWL SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY The mouth and shoulder connected by plastic glass threads forming a zigzag pattern standing out from the bowl. Height, 314 inches PAIR OF DARK BLUE GLASS BOTTLES EGYPT, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. — All-over decoration of white feather markings in impressed glass thread. Height, 314 inches GLASS BOTTLE SyRiA, lst-2ND CENTURY A. D. Pale blue glass, with slight opalescence. Good specimen. Height, 614 inches BLUE GLASS AMPHORA _ SyRiA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Height, 434 inches LIGHT GREEN GLASS PITCHER SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY Ovoid body; trefoiled lip. Handle. Light green glass. Me- tallic iridescence. Height, 434 inches GLASS BOTTLE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Ovoid; tall neck. Beautiful opalescent iridescence, in pea- cock feather shades. (Repaired) Height, 614 inches GLASS DISH SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Semi-globular. Beautiful flaming iridescence. (Repaired) Diameter, 614 inches GLASS AMPHORA EGYPT, DTH-6TH CENTURY A. D. Moulded over a score. Very fine specimen. Dark blue, with frieze of looped motives in yellow and white. Height, 4 inches GLASS VASE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Globular body; spreading neck. Beautiful iridescence in slate-blue and pale purple. Height, 3 inches MANGANESE-PURPLE GLASS PITCHER SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Globular body, partly with beautiful iridescence. The han- dle translucent greenish glass with flaming iridescence. Fine specimen, absolutely intact. Height, 5 inches 54 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 GLASS VASE SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Globular body; wide cylindrical neck. Beautiful peacock- blue and opalescent iridescence. Intact. Height, 514 inches AMETHYST GLASS JUG SYRIA, 2ND-3RD CENTURY A. D. Fine specimen. Ribbed body; straight handle. Delicate opal- escence. (Slight nick on lip, otherwise intact) Height, 7 inches GREEN GLASS VASE CYPRUS, 3RD-OTH CENTURY Decoration of network of applied glass threads. Height, 434 inches GREEK VASES LOTS 468-475 RED FIGURED HYDRIA APULIA, SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. A woman carrying a box and a fan, and a youth bearing a tall spray oi flowers. (Repaired) Height, 1114 inches RED FIGURED HYDRIA LATE LUCANIAN, ABouT 300 B. c. Depicting a woman and a youth at an altar; the woman car- ries a box and a sash, the youth holds a phial and a spear. (Handle and foot partly restored) (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 1214 inches RED FIGURED VASE APULIA, SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. The obverse with two men conversing, reverse with woman bearing tray of ornaments and winged Eros. (Repaired) Height, 18 inches THREE SMALL BLACK FIGURED LEKYTHOI GREEK, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. One with figures in combat, the two others with palmated and scroll ornament. Height not over 6 inches PAIR OF BLACK FIGURED LEKYTHOI ATHENIAN, 5DTH-4TH CENTURY B. C. One with figures in combat, the other with a woman in a quadriga. (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 9 inches 55 473 474 LEKYTHOS SOUTHERN ITALY, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B. C, Of graceful form with figures on a black ground. (Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 914 inches PAIR OF SMALL HYDRLA | iat SOUTHERN ITALY, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B. @. Almost a pair. Red figured on black ground. Height, 51% inches 475 BLACK FIGURED HYDRIA ATHENIAN, 6TH CENTURY B. ©. 476 477 478 479 480 Very fine specimen, with composition representing the flight of Rneas from Troy, carrying his father Anchises on his shoul- ders. A warrior carrying an arch in Oriental dress to the left. Two women to the right. Fine color harmony of black, orange and touches of white and mulberry-red slip. (Repaired) (From the Lord Braye Coll.) Height, 1014 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] | EUROPEAN OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 476-483 COPPER-GILT CHALICE ITALY, 15TH CENTURY Six-lobed base with two hall marks. The cup of later date. : -Height, 834 inches FOUR-FOLD GREEK BRASS IKON | : Numerous Biblical representations. Height, 7 inches ITALIAN BRONZE MORTAR : With wedge-shaped ornaments on body. Height, 314 inches — SILVER MUSIC BOX MADE FOR CHINA Swiss works. English silver box with Victorian hall mark. Porcelain painted cover, opening to release a naturalistic sing: ing bird. Leather case. In perfect order. MINIATURE PAINTING | A young lady in pale gray dress and green drapery. In- seribed on back ‘‘Mary, daughter of Sir W. Boothby Bart., married to my great-grandfather Gervase . . . MODs Oval. Size: 414 x 31% inches 56 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 ENDER iin. MINIATURE PORTRAIT. English Noble, about the time of George IV. Miniature por- trait beautifully executed. Signed, but name partly unde- cipherable. Oval. Gilt frame. Height, 53¢ inches THOMAS FORSTER [END OF XVIITH CENTURY | MINIATURE PORTRAITS Of a Noble and Lady of the Court of Charles II. A pair of beautifully executed pencil miniatures. Signed and dated 1699 and 1701. Drawn on vellum and mounted. Oval. Gilt frames. Height, 414 inches (The British Museum contains only two drawings by Forster) LARGE CARVED GILT WOOD THRONE CHAIR ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Back shield-shaped with elaborate rocaille scrolls. Curved and voluted arm rests and ecabriole legs. Upholstered with red velvet. MISCELLANEOUS TEXTILES _ LOTS 484-503 LARGE PAISLEY SHAWL Black centre. Typical Cashmere decoration on the outside. Size: 1386 x 58 inches LARGE INDIAN SHAWL Interesting combination of Cashmere weave and embroidery. Fine floral design on olive-green background. Size: 124 x 60 inches LARGE INDIAN EMBROIDERED SILK TABLE COVER Polychrome floral motives on cream-white Size: 96 x 72 inches BENARES BROCADE JACKET INDIA, ABOUT 1850 Blue with all-over pattern in gold brocade. 57 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 EMBROIDERED VALENCE ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Couched thread, acanthus spiral scrolls with flowers and birds. Length, 60 inches; depth, 14 inches VELVET CHASUBLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Deep crimson silk velvet with yellow galloons. EMBROIDERED CHASUBLE ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Cloth of silver with spiral embroidery in gold and subdued pastel shades. (Sold as is) EMBROIDERED CHINESE TABLE COVER Pale yellow with repeated motives of flowers and birds. Size: 53 x 36 inches VELVET COPE ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Striped pattern with repeated rose and peony motives. Green and brown with touches of blue on ivory-gray ground. (Re- paired) Very fine color. Size about 45 x 74 inches EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER cutna, 17TH CENTURY Peony branches with phceenixes and other birds. Such em- broideries are the precursors of the Manila shawls and were shipped to the West by different East India companies, par- ticularly by the Portuguese. Size: 48 x 47 inches EMBROIDERED CHURCH BANNER 1raty, 18TH CENTURY Bold floral embroidery in gold and delicate colors. In the centre, painted on silk, Madonna with Child. (Sold as is) | Size: 58 x 36 inches © GOLD BROCADE DALMATICA 1rvrauiAn, 17TH CENTURY Bold acanthus scroll and floral pattern in gold and other col- ors on crimson. (Sold as is) EMBROIDERED SILK JACKET Made in China for Parsee women. Delicate flower pattern, on pale purple. EMBROIDERED ANTEPENDIUM _1raty, 18TH CENTURY Blue silk rep with heavy relief embroidery, rocaille style. Fountain with two peacocks in the centre, surrounded by fruit, flower and architectonic motives. Size: 116 x 38 inches 58 498 499 500 001 502 503 504 SCUTARI VELVET PANEL TURKEY, 16TH CENTURY The centre field with Turkish rosebuds and other flower mo- tives in silver thread and red velvet pile on pale yellow back- ground. Central rosace with tulips and rosebuds. Size: 4414 x 321, inches SCUTARI VELVET PANEL TURKEY, 16TH CENTURY Top and bottom with row of arched compartments with large roses. Inner border of rosaces in silver and gold thread on deep red velvet ground. Centre field with diverse flower mo- tives and central octagonal medallion. Fine specimen. Framed. Size: 3814 x 2214 inches TWO SPECIMENS OF COPTIC TAPESTRY EGYPT, DTH-6TH CENTURY A. D. Framed. EMBROIDERED CHASUBLE rraty, uate 167TH CENTURY Important specimen. The central strip with very fine ap- pliqué embroidery with five medallions, representing Apostles ; very fine execution. The sides of late 16th century old rose damask. (Sold as is) | LARGE EMBROIDERED CHURCH HANGING ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Heavy relief embroidery, details with minute precision. In the centre composition of St. George and St. Vincent de Paul worshipping the Eucharist, held by two angels. (Sold as is) Size: 71 x 60 inches EMBROIDERED ALTAR FRONT ss rrauian, 187TH ceNTURY Bold floral sprays with tulips and carnations, satin stitch on ivory-white silk rep. Cartouche with Madonna and Child in centre. Size: 78 x 31 inches MEDIEVAL NEAR EASTERN POTTERY LOTS 504-523 LARGE GREEN GLAZED JAR SULTANABAD, 18TH-14TH CENTURY Five handles; roped decoration around shoulder. Fine speci- men. Height, 1814 inches 59 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 TURQUOISE-BLUE GLAZED POTTERY VASE RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Four black stripes. (Damaged) Height, 5 inches POTTERY VASE RaqQqQa, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Cup-shaped mouth. Green glaze. Fine golden iridescence. (Repaired ) Height, 8 inches POTTERY SWEETMEAT TRAY RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 13TH CENTURY Green glazed. Seven compartments. (Repaired ) | Diameter, 914 inches POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 14TH CENTURY Inside with decoration in low white relief, edged in black of three birds. (Repaired) Height, 4 inches; diameter, 9 inches POTTERY BOWL syRiA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Radiant decoration. Black and turquoise. Analogous to — Persian pottery, but revealing Syrian origin in certain details of design. Compare specimens at the Metropolitan Museum. Diameter, 834 inches’ TWO POTTERY BOWLS cyprus, 11lTH-12TH CENTURY Greenish brown and cream-white glaze. Red earthenware, seraffito decoration. One with bird, the other with geometri- eal pattern. (From the Lord Grenfell Coll.) | Height, 4 and 3 inches POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY © Green and black sgraffito. Neskhi inscription inside. Fine — silvery iridescence. (Repaired) Diameter, 814 inches GREEN AND BLACK SGRAFFITO POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY — Neskhi inscription inside. (Repaired) Diameter, 8 inches POTTERY EWER ‘ _. .RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Greenish lustre on cobalt-blue. Rooster head. Height, 514 inches POTTERY PITCHER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Turquoise-green, decorated in black. Silvery iridescence. Height, 614 inches 60 015 516 O17 o18 519 520 — 521 522 023 POTTERY PITCHER © RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, nee 139H CENTURY Turquoise glaze; black decoration. Beautiful golden decora-. tion. (Repaired) Height, 514 inches TWO POTTERY BOTTLES © persia, 177H-18TH CENTURY Green glaze. Floral and heural relief decoration. (Necks restored ) Height, 814 inches. POTTERY BOWL | SYRIA, 15TH CENTURY Decoration in blue and black on ivory-white. Radiant pea- cock-feather ornament. Very rare specimen. Compare Fos- tat fragments. | Diameter, 8 inches: POTTERY LUSTRE BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Pahad: rim. Decoration of medallions with man on horseback. Elegant shape. Height, 6 inches POTTERY BOWL propasBiy syria, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Charming specimen. Elegant spiral scrolls in black on tur- quoise. The Syrian type, analogous to Rhages potteries. (Repaired ) Diameter, 534 inches LUSTRE POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 120H-130H CENTURY Radiant compartments with Neskhi inscriptions, arabesque motives and Cufic lettering. _ Diameter, 734 inches POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Cream-white glaze; beautiful golden iridescence. Gomrun frieze. (Repaired) Diameter, 534 inches POTTERY JUG AND LUSTRE FRAGMENT The jug Raqqa with beautiful golden iridescence; the frag- ment Rhages lustre, 13th century. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 314 inches POTTERY EWER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Green glaze. Peacock iridescence. (Repaired) Height, 514 inches 61 524 520 526 d27 528 529 530 o3l 532 INDIAN AND TIBETAN DIVINITIES LOTS 524-542 BRONZE STATUETTE OF DIVINITY TIBET, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Buddhistic, the six-armed goddess sitting on a draped throne. Height, 9 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF TARA NEPAL, 17TH-18TH CENTURY The tutelary goddess of Nepal, seated on a lotus throne. Very fine specimen. Height, 5 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF KALI NEPAL, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Square stand; lotus base. Fine modelling. Height, 614 inches BRASS STATUETTE OF SHIVA INDIAN, 15TH-16TH CENTURY Riding on an elephant. Large detachable halo. | Height, 7 inches BRONZE FIGURINE PROBABLY CAMBODIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Crouched figure. Square base. Height, 4 inches — GROUP OF FOUR SEATED BRONZE FIGURES COCHIN CHINA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Representing pilgrims with oblations, each seated, holding a covered bowl. Length, 434 inches COPPER-GILT FIGURE OF KALI | NEPAL, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Highest class Nepalese workmanship. High lotus base. Height, 514 inches OLD TIBETAN BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA 17TH-18TH CENTURY Found in a Tibetan gompa or temple during the Young- husband Expedition. Height, 514 inches COPPER-GILT FIGURE OF A SIAMESE DANCING GIRL On stand. Height, 814 inches 62 D33 534 539 537 538 539 540 541 BRONZE FIGURE OF A KNEELING MAN PROBABLY CAMBODIAN, 18TH CENTURY Represented with an oblation of fruit in a basket. Height, 334 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF MANJUSRI TIBET, 16TH-17TH CENTURY The divinity seated on a lotus throne, swinging a sword in the right hand. Fine specimen. Height, 614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED WOODEN GROUP OF THREE GODS SOUTHERN INDIA, 17TH CENTURY Rama, Laksmi and Sita, carved in Indian teakwood. Height, 10 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF KRISHNA stinop1, 18TH CENTURY Represented crawling, holding a ball. Height, 814 inches BRONZE FIGURE OF A DIVINITY ON HORSEBACK SIAMESE, 18TH CENTURY The hoofs of the horse supported by genii. Height, 10 inches BRASS HEAD OF SHIVA INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Resting on a square base, with four guardians. Height, 6 inches GILT WOOD SHRINE BURMA, 18TH CENTURY With representations of dragons, Bodisattvas, ete. Height, 2914 inches LARGE BRONZE HEAD INDIA, 17TH CENTURY Head of Parvati, the wife of Shiva. Rare specimen. Height, 9 inches MINIATURE WOODEN SHRINE -siInp1s, 18TH CENTURY In shape of a fruit, containing polychrome figure of Shiva playing the flute and two worshipping females. Length, 10 inches 63 542 543 544 545 046 547 GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA TIBET, 15TH-16TH CENTURY The Buddha seated on a semi-circular throne of markedly Chinese design, with Foo lions. The Buddha in the attitude of teaching, with high headdress and two floral motives on either side; the garment covering the lower part of the body, flowing and graceful lines. This important specimen came from Tibet after the Younghusband Exhibition and was for- merly in the Ganeshi Lal Collection in Caleutta. Height, 1134 inches [SEE ec penuee IMPORTANT SCULPTURES LOTS 543-565 STONE HEAD OF A MAN CHINA, SUNG PERIOD ve realistic and interestingly simplified modelling. Height, with teakwood stand, 16 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LATE ROMAN MARBLE BAS RELIEF Part of a large and important sarcophagus. Representing two men, horses and a winged amorino. Powerful interpre- tation, the use of the drill characterizing the period. On easel stand. Size about 24 x 25 inches POLYCHROMED WOODEN RELIQUARY SPAIN, 16TH CENTURY St Theresa. Realistic interpretation of the youthful female saint. Square base. (Slight repairs) Height, 1414 inches CAST-IRON BUDDHA HEAD CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Height, with stand, 7 inches STONE HEAD OF A BODISATTVA | CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Elaborate headdress. Diadem with seated Buddha. Height, 17 inches 64 048 049 500 D02 D038 554 200 LIMESTONE HEAD CYPRUS, 6TH CENTURY B. C. Head of a bearded man, crowned with laurel wreath. Fine simplified modelling. (Restoration) Height, with stand, 1614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE LIMESTONE HEAD — cyprus, 6TH CENTURY B. C. Important specimen. A bearded man with curly beard and hair, crowned with a laurel wreath. (Restoration) Height, with stand, 25 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MARBLE HEAD OF A BOY | EGYPTO-ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD ‘Head of Harpocrates: a smiling boy in realistic interpreta- tion, with curly hair and headdress characteristic of the Egyp- tian god. Restoration. Height, with marble stand, 15 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE MARBLE BUST OF CERES The flowing hair of the goddess with wreath of wheat, drapery around the shoulders. (Nose restored) Marble stand. Height, 40 inches SMALL MARBLE HEAD OF VENUS ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Hair confined by fillets. Height, with stand, 8 inches STONE HEAD OF A BUDDHA CAMBODIA, 14TH-15TH CENTURY Velvet stand. Height, with stand, 11 inches EGYPTIAN LIMESTONE RELIEF Representing the four sons of Horus. Framed. Size, 12 x 734 inches MARBLE HEAD OF A GODDESS ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD The hair slightly wavy and confined with a fillet. (Restora- tion ) Height, with stand, 1914 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 65 506 507 508 509 560 561 562 563 564 565 LIMESTONE FIGURE OF AN AMORINO ITALIAN, ABOUT 1700 © (Sold as is) Height, 30 inches MARBLE HBAD OF A ROMAN EMPEROR ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Wooden base. (Restored) Height, with base, 23 inches EGYPTIAN LIMESTONE RELIEF Head of Cleopatra. Marble base. Height, with base, 16 inches MARBLE HEAD OF APOLLO ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Yellow marble base. Height, with base, 19 inches SEATED MARBLE FIGURE OF A BUDDHA CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Square marble base. Height, with base, 20 inches BASALT RELIEF EGYPT, 1300-1200 B. c. Very fine sunken relief, showing the profile of a man. Im- portant specimen. Height, with marble stand, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EGYPTIAN BAS RELIEF Representing offering to Isis. Size: 18 x 21 inches MARBLE BUST OF HADRIAN ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD The head in marble, the bust in red porphyry. Marble base. Total height, 11 inches LARGE MARBLE HEAD OF FEMALE DIVINITY LATE ROMAN © Wavy hair. Expression of astonishment. Wooden stand. Height, 21 inches MARBLE HEAD OF ROMAN EMPEROR With curly hair. (Restoration) Height, 11 inches 66. Se eee ee a es a are Me a ees ere ea ee eee Te SA a ee ee etl Wi UR ES Let ag Lt Re me NE ae a iene Saw x ee OP Ey ‘ . r i ¢ i a. a eee 066 567 568 568A 569 o70 RUGS LOTS 566-581 GIORDES PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR Three borders, separated by plain stripes, decorated with various floral patterns, delicate pastel shades prevailing. The arch of the niche with all-over floral pattern in blue and white, the field plain, in pale tan. Size: 6 feet x 4 feet 2 inches KULAH PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1800 Numerous borders with small floral patterns, the arch of the prayer niche with all-over flower pattern in russet on pale green. The field of the niche with repeated tree and flower motives in russet on bluish green. Size: 6 feet 1 inch x 4 feet 1 inch KULAH HEARTH RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1800 Color harmony of nile-green, pale blue and light tan. Main border with ‘‘S’’ shaped motives, the arches on either side on pale green ground, the centre on tan. Size: 6 feet 5 inches x 4 feet 2 inches SMALL WOOLEN RUG SENNA, PERSIA Very fine knotting and design, carried out in delicate shades of rose and ivory-white, with touches of turquoise blue, light yellow and light green. Seven small borders, the widest with conventionalized flower motives on deep rose, the others with small flower motives. Centre field with all-over ‘‘Ferahan’”’ pattern on ivory-white. Size: 6 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 2 inches SMALL WOOLEN RUG INDIA, ABOUT 1600 Very fine specimen. Elaborate border with light tan and deep red bands on black backgrounds, intermingled with peony, star flowers and arabesque motives. The centre field with small peony, and other flower motives in an all-over pat- tern on deep red ground. (Slhght repairs) Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 6 feet 5 inches WOOLEN RUG KIRMAN, PERSIA Four borders with elaborate floral patterns. Main border on deep blue. Centre field with four corner motives and central medallions. Plain old rose background ; ivory-white and deep indigo-blue prevailing in the decoration. Size: 6 feet 9 inches x 4 feet 3 inches 67 O71 572 573 574 d75 576 O17 WOOLEN PRAYER RUG atorpzs, asia MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Border of large rosace flowers, hyacinths, rosebuds, ete., on yellow ground. Arch of the prayer niche with strong flower pattern on red. Niche plain yellow. (Repaired) Size: 5 feet 9 inches x 4 feet 4 inches TABRIZ SILK PRAYER RUG Giordes design. Seven borders, with elaborate floral design. The arch of the niche with delicate flower buds in pale blue on nile-green, the niche itself plain red. Size: 5 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 2 inches WOOLEN RUG FERAHAN, PERSIA Main Herati border on red ground; centre field deep indigo- — blue with all-over ‘‘Ferahan’”’ pattern in contrasting colors. Size: 6 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 1 inch WOOLEN PRAYER RUG GIORDES, ASIA MINOR, 17TH CENTURY The main border with powerful floral motives in red on black. The arch of the niche with repeated flower motif in red on pale tan. Field of the niche plain red. (Slightly worn) Size: 5 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 10 inches PRAYER RUG GIORDES, ASIA MINOR, 17TH CENTURY — Triple border, the main border with elaborate rosace and other floral motives, red and blue prevailing, on black ground. The arch of the niche with flower branch on blue, the field of the niche plain red with two columns. Fine specimen. (Slight repair) Size: 5 feet 5 inches x 3 feet 9 inches ~ SILK SAMARCAND RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN Centre field with all-over pattern of large floral motives in varied light colors enclosed by green meander framework. Numerous small borders with meander and floral patterns. Size: 12 feet 5 inches x 6 feet 4 inches WOOLEN RUG SPAIN, 16TH CENTURY Border of undulated stems in blue and light yellow. The cen- tre field shows, as sometimes happens in Spanish rugs, a free interpretation of an early 16th century brocade pattern, curved stems forming ogives with large pomegranate and palmetto flowers in the centres. Dark blue, outlined by white or yellow. Size: 10 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 3 inches 68 0 Ta OY eae are Pe eae ee ge LI aR oe eee Ne es A ge yee ee _ ma ah ee a ae, poet a) y he omy 4 - apy 8 O79 580 o81 WOOLEN RUG SHIRAZ, PERSIA, ABOUT 1800 Triple border, the small borders with undulated vines bearing deep red flowers on cream-white, the main border with red flowers on blue. Centre field with the same motif as the main border as an all-over pattern in yellow on red. Cream-white centre medallion, with decoration of deep red flowers as in the small borders. Fine specimen. Size: 10 feet 6 inches x 5 feet 10 inches WOOLEN RUG USCHAK, 16TH CENTURY Very fine specimen, similar in design to a large rug on deep blue ground in the Ottoman Museum, Constantinople, for- merly in the mosque Djerrah-Pasha in Stamboul. Border with a group of flowers in yellow and blue on vivid red. The centre field with a dense all-over pattern of Herat flowers in vivid red, light blue and yellow on deep blue, which at one end of the rug changes into light tan. Size: 8 feet 4 inches x 5 feet 6 inches WOOLEN RUG KUBA, CAUCASUS, 17TH CENTURY The main border with conventionalized flower motives in pur- ple and mustard-yellow on deep blue. The centre field with deep red ground, showing large yellow arabesque leaves and elongated panels with plant motives on cream-white back- ground, with a profusion of smaller floral motives. An inter- esting transition specimen between the Armenian and Kuba types. (Repaired) Size: 18 feet x 5 feet 6 inches LARGE WOOLEN RUG INDIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY A very interesting and rare specimen, an Indian interpreta- tion of the Persian Ispahan or Herat rugs. The main border with undulated stems and large Herat palmetto flowers in sombre reds and blues on cream-white. The centre field a pale blue with red stems forming lozenges to which large Herat palmetto flowers in blue, red and yellow and partisan- shaped leaves of typical Indian design are attached. (Slight defects) Size: 14 feet 6 inches x 11 feet 7 inches ae 2 y ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE TH 1 i oa Nad if sata te ag hn eth DA oath, rime, had Nex sac ELA pM DA ce abe masts Swe adie hod ak tiihda PbS sa Dns dnachiiactnedeeiampeeigat ad stbechecebats x ; Po a Mob hte, Bb-