CATALOGUE OF ALL THE COSTLY AND EXPENSIVE FURNITURE, TOGETHER WITH THE Splendid Appendages of the Mlanston, IN GRAFTON STREET, BOND STREET, Which has been fitted up in a very superior style of Fashion by one of the most eminent Upholsterers, aided by the acknowledged good taste and judgment of its late distinguished Proprietor, G. WATSON TAYLOR, Esq.M.p. dt embraces Three costly Drawing Room Suites of splendid crimson silk damask, in French Curtains for Eight Windows, Satin wood Grecian Sofas, Chaise Lounges, Ottomans, Fauteuils and Rout Chairs ; Nine noble large Glasses 101 INCHES BY 47, 111 BY 54, 76 BY 48, 112 BY 48, $3 inches by 53, 83 by 47, and 75 by 47, in elegant burnished Gold Frames; with Console Tables, Rose-wood Cheffioneers, with Mosaic Slabs, Occasional and Dejeune Tables, an elegant Library Table, inlaid with ivory. The capital Furniture of the Dining Room and Library includes every Requisite for an abode of “ Ton.” A SMALL BUT EXCEEDINGLY VALUABLE COLLECTION Particularly “Christ Triumphant,” by RUBENS; “ Dedalus and Icarius, by DOMENICO FETTI, both lately exhibited at the British Institution ; and several Chef d@@uvres of the Modern School, including “‘ The Wreckers,’ a splendid effort of Stanfield’s; “A Still Life,” by Landseer; with several others of nearly equal eminence [TURN OVER.] . AN ASSEMBLAGE OF SPLENDID Sevres and Dresdew Poreclaine, Also of the Beilia we Chelsea Factories, both ornamental and for the table a set of noble Oriental “ \ “Enamelléd China Jars and Beakers ; s Be 4 SUPERB CUT GLASS, A FEW BOOKS AND PRINTS, PARISIAN CLOCKS AND CANDELABRAS, In Bronze and e molu; the Fitting-up of the Boudoir, with a Range of very beautiful Wardrobes ' with Looking Glass Panels; paint LARGE BRUSSELS & TURKEY CARPETS, THE CELLAR OF EXCELLENT WINES, Likewise the usual Requisites for the Domestic Apartments and Offices, including the valuable Fixtures Tf throughout this noble Mansion; ~ WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ir. GEORGE ROBINS, ON THE PREMISES, On WEDNESDAY, THE 30TH DAY oF MAY, 1832, AND SUCCEEDING DAYS, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. te, May be publicly Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues Gp N )) may be had at 2s. 6d. each, on the Premises, at the Offices of Mr. PHILLIPS, Sas 73, New Bond Street ; and Mr. GEO. ROBINS’s Offices, Covent Garden. On the First Day, at One o’ Clock, will be offered THE LEASE OF THE SPLENDID MANSION, g : ¥ P et ~~? , aye 2b | Kiba a a saytt g fT 4 (Vide Printed Particulars of Sale.) ' PRINTED BY W. SMITH, KING STREET, LONG ACRE. 7 «CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 FIRST. The highest bidder to be the purchaser, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed is to be immediately put up again and re-sold. SECOND. No person to advance less than one shilling at each bidding —above two pounds, two shillings and sixpence—above five pounds, five shillings—and so on in proportion. THIRD. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and pay a deposit of five shillingsin the pound, in part of payment of the purchase-money, in default of which, the lot or lots so purchased, are to be put up again and yeaa ait re-sold, FOURTH. - - The several lots to be absolutely cleared away,. with all faults and errors of every description, at the purchaser’s expence, within TWO DAYS after the sale. FIFTH. As this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase-money must absolutely be paid on or before the delivery of the lots. LASTLY. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and all lots uncleared or unsettled for after the time aforesaid, will be re-sold, with or without notice, by public or private - sale; and any deficiency attending such re-sale, together with all charges attending the same, shall be made good by the defaulter at this present sale, who shall have no claim for any surplus that may arise, AE lifter — THE FIRST DAY’S SALE, On WEDNESDAY, the 30th Day of MAY, 1882, At Twelve o’Clock. No.1. Library of Books, elegantly bound & in Boards. LOT The Holy Bible, elegantly bound, gilt and lettered Johnson and Chalmer’s English Poets, 21 vols. Shakspeare’s Plays, with Notes by Johnson and Stevens, with glossarial — Index, in 25 vols. | Holy Bible, 4to. A Common Prayer Book Bishop Heber’s Journal through the Upper Province of India, 2 vols. boards Franklin’s Second Journey to the Polar Sea, with 37 plates, boards Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary, with Index, 5 vols. Correspondence and Diaries of the Earls of Clarendon and Rochester. 2 vols. boards | Memoirs of Lord Burleigh, by Dr. Nares, the second volume, and Crawford’s Embassy to Siam and China, 1 vol. boards — Marquis of Londonderry’s Narrative of the Peninsular: War, and the War in Germany and France, 2 vols. boards History and Antiquities of the County of sles and Modern Wiltshire, by Sir R. C. Hoare Smith’s Catalogue of Painters, 2nd and 3rd Hootie , Marchmont Papers, selected by the Right Hon. Sir G. H. Rose, M.P. &c. 3 vols. Mexico in 1827, by H.G. Ward, tad. 2 vols. and Memoirs of Lord Collingwood, 2 & Napier’s History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols. "aa Annals of Jamaica, 2 feripiiry Life and Voyages of Columbus, by Washington Irving, 4 vols. Paul Jones, a Romance, in 8 vols., and 2 years in New South Wales, 2 Jones’s Travels in Norway, Sweden, &c. 2 vols.—Sermons on Christian ~ Duty and Eber’s King’s Theatre Clubs of London, 2 vols.—Lyon’s Mexico, 2, and life of Paul Jones Chinese Romance and Tragedy, 2 vols. and Dramatic Works of Greene Battle of Agincourt, 1 vol.—Memorable events in Paris, 1—Franklin’s state of Hayti 1—Calendar of Knights, and Comments on Corpulency Mp : ty. Ol oy: Metrical Tales, 1—Letters to.Sir George Murray, 1—J ourney of Beck- Lakes, 1—History, of Spain, | 2nd vol. and ington, 1— Life, of; Selkirk, eve Dodsley’ 5 Poems, 6 vols. bound The World, 8 odd yels.—History,of, England, 2.and Don Quixote, 8 odd vols. ~ ~ VO MELO WTO Ghia an hl LU. History of Hremhill; 1 vol. —Life, of, ‘Khan,1 1—Sequel t to pi tices 1-—-Goldsmith’s, Greece, 1 and. 7 ‘other books Family Library of French Classics, 7 yols. Ditto Sundry books—Magazines—Pamphlets, &c. Burkhardt’ s Notes. on the Bedouins. and Wahaby’s s London. 1830 32 /sMeurteen, PRINTS, by, Volpato and others TAT of Ge Linen. dB aaa 3 Voyage, Pittoresque en Sicile, 2 vols. Ato. large Paper, a very, fine copy vs | ABBAGNIRICENT SERIES OF 25 PLANS AND ENG AVANSS, OF “THE CA- ,; th hie .THEDRAL OF COLOGNE, on very. large. paper nt Oj~ L ~ Les aa /35 An BARLY and SPLENDID Copy of the MUSEE. eared printed 74, “+ -in:Paris during the reign of.the EMPEROR N APOLEON, andunder. Z.:_. his immediate patronage, and at. the expense of. the then GOVERN-— MENT, illustrated, by a selection of particularly choice PROOF and other early IMPRESSIONS of the PLATES, engraved by the ‘most dis- tinguished ARTISTS, of that, period, and recording. the most “precious _and 2 valuable. PainTines of the ITALIAN, FLEMISH, — VENETIAN, He -DUTCH, - ROMAN, FRENCH O7/- few Pex Pere AND GERMAN SCHOOLS, ~~ “ and_ which, during the ReEvoLurion, the PENINSULA WAR and the REIGN OF NAPOLEON, were’ (by cohquést and other means) gathered from almost every National, and Private shee: in "a vee and corey lI in as one magical attraction ofthe inimitable powers of those Artists, whosg monks have adguned the historic pages of art during past cen- turies. ace A considerable number of the Pictures recorded by the Engravings in this work, were restored at the conquést of Paris to the Varidus Governments to whom they originally belonged, and thereby so dis- < persed the collection as to increase the high and just estimate of this : } 6 MATCHLESS WORK OF ART. This copy was purchased at Paris, in the year 1814, and to its continuation by Louis XVIII. also sub- scribed for; SPLENDIDLY BOUND 1n RUSSIA, in 6 vols. ire Vp be sold aé per print : Fi The Fonthill copy of THE DRESDEN GALLERY, in old Russia 367 -/— M) Lng Z,,-87 Six numbers, 1 to 6, Picturesque Memorials and No. 4 and d, of oe | P mp Uf Cities and No. 2 Dictionary of Architecture 7 to un 38 Young’s Collection of Proor EncRAvines, from the ANGERSTEIN, or NATIONAL GALLERY PicturES 4 Ji - 39 Ditto of Lorp GrosvENor’s Gallery of Pictures 3/70 A ” 40 Ditto of Lorp De TaBty’s Gallery of Pictures 3 um /0 ide - Al Ditto, of J. P. Mies, Esq. Collection of Pictures at Bristol If l0/ 42 Viaggio Pittorico Della ‘Tascana, in 3 vols. with more than 209 plates 70 /-~/ - 43 Pinkle’s Club, printed in satin, 8vo. handsomely bound in yellow and gilt 7//,, 44 Sir Tho. Stamford Raffles History of Java, fine plates, 2 vols. Lond. 1817 57 45. Strutt’s Dress and Habits of the People of England, &c. colored plates, 4to. 2 vols. ch pa ib. 1796 46 LA GALERIE du PALAIS ROYAL, par oe é, 3 vols. bound in 2, comprising nearly 350 prints ae 47 GALLERY of D. TENIERS’ PI Ae shia IMPRESSIONS, handsomely bound in red velvet JS] = 48 GALERIE des PEINTRES Flamands, Ww ailaline et Allemands, par M. Le Brun, 3 vols. Tost as : 49 Tableaux du Cabinet de Mr. Soitt ain, Original copy S/-/ X 50 Cabinet de Tableaux de Mon. le Duc de Choiseul, fine early copy 57. 1S THE CELLAR OF CHOICE WINES, THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF GEORGE WATSON TAYLOR, Ese. M.P. COMPRISING MADEIRA PORT CHAMPAGNE BURGUNDY HOCK MALMSEY SHERRY CLARET HERMITAGE MALAGA CONSTANTIA LIQUEURS OLD RUM And WEST INDIA PRESERVES. one wks MADEIRA, FRom THE ISLE oF FRANCE. BIN No. 3. ol Two dozen of MADEIRA at per dozen 52. Ditto . a % E | Ba : (3 AADEIRA, From PLASKETT’s. ~ BIN No. 21. — _ MURPHY’s SHERRY. _. BIN No. 18. IWMAN’s BROWN SHERRY: a BIN No. 15. an of BROWN SHERRY - rt a) % x > at per dozen 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 9 OLD PORT, Vinrace 1815. BIN No. 2. Two dozen of Port, Plaskett’s _ Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less OLD PORT. BIN No. 33. Two dozen of oLD PoRT, vintage 1815 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less -ERENCH WINES. CLARET, 1811, Laritrs. BIN No. 11. Two dozen of highly flavored LAFITTE Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto ‘ Ditto ae fi Ditto er alte . Ditto | tes Sam Ditto Fine | | | y, eet oe Eee Rede lexad wm ox M2 SAF ie DEVAL, hea 2, cau | Mk Lt OE ee pL SS | ij . 7 “a Z| Ao ZA rae nee 7 i emu weasel ies SR '--—_-——- F ama Lava W7 po | hs Bx ee eset yf 1 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 182 133 134 185 136 187 138. 139 140 141 142 143 144 9 Two dozen of highly flavored LAFITTE at per dozen Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less CLARET, 1811, Larirre. BIN No. 12. Three dozen of highly flavored LAFITTE Ditto Ditto, more or less WHITE HERMITAGE. BIN No. 18. One dozen of WHITE HERMITAGE Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less fe BURGUNDY. = BIN No. 31. ° One dozen of BURGUNDY Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 | 157 158 159 160 161 162 10 RED HERMITAGE. BIN No. 49. One dozen of RED HERMITAGE, more or less COMET CHAMPAGNE. BIN No. 53. One dozen of ComET CHAMPAGNE Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less OLD HOCK. Bin No. 44. Sixteen bottles of fine oLp Hoek GRASSENBURG HOCK. Bin No. 47. One dozen of Grassenburg Hock Ditto Ditto, more or less OLD HOCK; In’ MAGNUMs. Bin No. 40. One dozen of fine oLD Hock Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less at per dozen err 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177. 178 179 180 18] 182 il OLD HOCK or 1748. Bin No. 28. One dozen of old Hock at.per dozen Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less Bin No, 29. One dozen of wine, unknown DESSERT WINES. CONSTANTIA. Bin No. 238. Two dozen pints of CONSTANTIA MALMSEY MADEIRA. Brn No. 34. Two dozen pints of MALMSEY at per dozen pints Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less OLD MALAGA, ‘&c. Brn No. 24. Eighteen bottles of Mauaca and other WINES _atiper battle a 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 201 12 PRIGNIAC. Bin No. 30. One dozen of PRIGNIAC at per bottle Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto, more or less Bin No. 27. Four bottles of West India NoyEAvu, 1 ditto of MARIScHINO and I ditto of CURAGOA all at Bin No, 4. Five bottles of Spirits of Wine an&6 bolfles of Ale all at OLD JAMAICA RUM. Bin No. 22. Nine bottles of fine old JAMAICA Rum at per botile Ditto : Ditto, more or less | e WEST INDIA PRESERVES. Bin No. 25. Eight bottles of West India PRESERVES at per boftle Ditto : \ Ditto Nine ditto, more or less : BIn No. 26. Sundry preserves in bottles Bin No, 26. Sundry preserves in bottle End of the First Day’s Sale. ——— Z?4LI | fod i 1 4 SO RIN ee ea A A RE RN A ESS PE AIOE — er ee ogee 9 Sree: Bn a RN RS OEE ee re DS eo ae ter ee mente aM AR ER Ue SERErENVONTRGL ake PLP ROTATE Ae Mr. GEO. ROBINS’ SECOND DAY’s SALE OF THE COSTLY & ELEGANT FURNITURE, OF G. WATSON TAYLOR, Eso. M. P. At Grafton Street, Bond Street, On THURSDAY, the 3lst Day of MAY, 1832, At Twelwe o’Clochk. ATTICS. No. 2. South Front. LOT 1 Four small chintz bed curtains and 5 pieces of valance 2 A 3 feet 6 hangings for a tent bedstead, of handsome buff star, with fine calico lining, and 11 bases and valance, lined 3 An easy chair and cushion, cases same pattern, and sundry remnants of calico and cotton 4 A set of brown Holland sofa covers, 4 bolster ditto, 1 squab cover and 2 pillow cases 5 Six large fine Holland covers for curtain draperies, lined with calico 6 Five ditto of smaller size 7 Seven fine Holland covers for table or sofas, various sizes, and 9 cushion ditto | 8 Eight muslin window curtains and sundries 9 A large deal chest, 4 feet 6 by 2 feet 6 R. C 14 Passage. [5 4 ° " 10 ‘Two flaskets, 4 housemaids’ trays and about SQ domestic brushes and brooms . f Il An eight-day pedestal CLOCK ronda Ca Ht. Poa ds - 12 Two sets of fire irons, 67 | Store Closet. MISCELLANIES. 18 A mahogany chamber bath and a deal table, with drawer 14 Four green painted wire fenders and 4 brass guards 15 A mahogany picture case, 2 gilt frames and part of a tambour frame 16 A small tent bedstead 17 A large reen japanned fender, with brass rim and 1 ditto, smal tee « 18 BE brass eae guards ; ~ Leal lil a atbiltor ts 19 A rene bed step and a three-tread ditto, covered cea 20 A large map of the County of Norfolk 21 A ditto of the Country or York, published by Greenwood & Co. from a survey of England, by order of the Board of Ordnance, in 1817 22 A ditto of Wiltshire 23 ) 13) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 22 A CHIMNEY GLASS, in gilt frame, @@mehewie oe, | SB; An INVALID’S CHAIR, with high back, stuffed and covered in DAMASK A mahonany 3-tier WHAT NOT, with trays, &c. on castors A handsome or-MOLU CLOCK, of architectural design, glass shade, &c. A pair of 3-light OR-MOLU CANDELABRAs, to correspond with the preceding lot An elegant SECRETAIRE, expensively formed of SATIN-Wwoop, the inte- rior fitted with drawers and a statuary marble slab on top A su1TE of COSTLY CRIMSON DAMASK CURTAINS, for the- two lofty WINDOWS, with continued drapery, finished with deep silk fringes and tassels, lined throughout and arich GILT CoRNICE and patterras, brass rods, &c. 11 feet high A 4-leaved mahogany fire SCREEN, filled with crimson damask, en-suite The crimson and drab BRUSSELS CARPET, as planned, about 46 yards Four stained rose-wood chairs, with cane seats and a small mahogany table A beautifully worked HEARTH RUE, with Lion, fruits, &c. thereon The piece of crimson carpet, as fitted to the cabinet adjoining, and a foot rug A mahogany cupboard, basin and ewer and a foot stool Four cut scent bottles and a pair of white marble beakers A pair of two-light or-molu BovGEoIRs, borne Ny BRONZE CUPIDS, on statuary marble plinths A piece of new GREEN SILK A ditto A ditto at per yard Yates ceouney > yale yak Bed Chamber ansoining, The Brussels carpet, as fitted to the room, about 28-yards A MAHOGANY four-post BEDSTEAD, with DOME TOP, 6 feet 6 wide, and DIMITY hangings, lined | A bordered palliasse | A ditto HAIR mattress; in, striped case A Spanish woot ditto, in white Holland case | 5 le a] 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49: 50 ¥ SE" Ub be eperec nda 23 Gree? See large Bath coating blanketg and a Witney ditto A large bolster and 8 large down pillows A large 11-4 MarseIuues quilt A calico window curtain, with gilt cornice and silk fringes, brass cat lath, &c. A lady’s toilette table with marble top; the drawer fitted with 9 cut glass scent bottles—on standard and columns A lady’s DEJEUNE TABLE, an oblong statuary slab expensively mounted on a column and standard of satin-wood A mahogany PIER CONSOLE, with drawer and enclosed by doors—3 feet 4 by 18 inches deep A pair of satin-wood candle stands, a hearth rug and a 3-tread mahogany bedstep, with liner A mahogany framed swing dressing glass, 21 inches by 16, on plynth and columns A mahogang bed-side cHAIR on castors, with loose cushions for back and seat A 2 flap mahogany table, a footstool and a folding screen A 8 tread bedstep and a folding towel horse A polished steel fender, ditto set of fire irons and brass wire guard A basin, 5 soap trays and two brush ditto A handsome carved mahogany swing dressing glass, with 3 drawers Four mapleewood chairs, with colored willow seats SWORDS, BUCKLES, FOWLING PIECE, Xc, Three pair cut silver dress buckles Pair cut steel ditto and pair of jet knee and shoe ditto ; p a fact % of oes 7 Two new silk sword belts A pair silver epaulets A finely chased miniature BUST, gilt, of the late KING GEORGE IV, ~ A Dress sword, cut steel hilt and tassel, ina Morocco case | and a steel waist belt a A dress ditto, steel mount and a motedad + dita ¢ _ A MAGNIFICENT FOWLING PIECE, embossed with GOLD and steel} ec various devices, formerly the property of Louis XV. in a case ~ » feet ol 43 4 Par | Me me 24 A SMALL PORTION OF PLATE, RESERVED FOR TOWN USE. Twelve richly chased 4 pronged CoBOURG PATTERN TABLE FORKS Twelve ditto Six ditto Twelve ditto, dessert ditto Twelve ditto, table spoons en-suite Four ditto, sauce ladles A noble silver 24 inch venison dish A handsome 18 inch silver dish, godroon border A ditto, 163 inch ditto A ditto, 153 inch ditto A pair of 13 inch ditto A SPLENDID LARGE SILVER GILT VASE AND COVER, richly chased A 16 inch octagon shaped waiter, engraved A silver oval hash dish and cover, with lamp and ring An oval silver bread basket, fluted and engraved An oval silver tea caddie Two dessert, 3 dinner knives and earving fork Two table and 2 dessert forks, 3 dessert and 2 table spoons, 3 tea ditto, 1 pair sugar tongs, mustard spoon and egg spoon PLATED ARTICLES. » A handsome plated circular shaped soup tureen, cover and stand A NOBLE 20 INCH PLATED DISH COVER A 16 inch ditto en-suite A pair of 143 ditto, en-suite A pair of 13} ditto, en-suite A pair of 15 inch plated dishes, silver gadroon edges A pair of handsome plated wine coolers, fluted pattern, silver edges A very capital 18-inch plated dish cover and a 16-inch ditto — Two plated dish covers ee Gy se] : SELL ~~ so 25 MODERN PICTURES, C. Stanfield ..0- eee Ditto, 1824 eeoectoereve Stark of Norwich -..- R. Farrier ...-...- +. G. S. Newton ..--:- Shepperson--.-.--+-- Robert Edmonstone - W. Owen, R.A. ---- Simpson ----.++++-+ A. Cooper .-+- +++. Thomas Phillips, R.A. E. Landseer ow.-.-.« » C. STANFIELD, 1828. - Ditto, 1827 --..-- John Wilson, 1820 -- John Wilson ..-.... BY BRITISH ARTISTS. 86 87 99 100 101 A View of Erlestoke Mansion and Park, near Devizes. In the foreground a road with a boy and sheep; in the distance, rich and pleasing scenery of the surrounding country. Painted for the proprietor ScENE near Bonn on the Rhine, looking to- wards the Drachenfels Park Scenery, with Figures, Sheep, and Cattle The Drowsy Messenger, exhibited at the British Institution ‘¢¢ Tur BrnLeET Doux”—engraved. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1824 A Portrait of Dr. John Stillingfleet, Lord Bishop of Worcester, after Sir P. Lely Peasants’ Children Fishing Boy and KITTEN, in his best time PortTRAIT of ©, Stanfield, Esq. MaMELUKES—exhibited at the British Gallery in 1827 Portrait of George Watson Taylor, Esq. Puppy and Frog 4 3 Puppy and Bor, after Landseer, and a Ditto, after Poussin ‘ THe WRECKERS oFF Fort RouckE, CALAIS IN THE DISTANCE. A splendid performance of this justly esteemed Artist. Painted for Grorge Watson Taylor, Esq. Engraved The FISHERMAN, with Coast SCENERY and View of Dieppe CASTLE View on the FRENCH Coast, near ETAPLES. An early morning scene View of Cauais from the East. An evening seene. Companion to the preceding | 26 George Jones, R.A. 103 The renowned VILLAGE of WATERLOO, after | the Battle, with peasants selling the remnants of the apparel and accoutrements. Sketched on the spot , Ditto .--+ es cerceeee t04 Borpraux DILIGENCE, on the banks of the LorrE—companion to the preceding Bonnington .....-.. 105 View of the Doce’s PaLacn, Venice, with Ditto -.-ce- ee eeeese 106 Landscape, with FLoRENCE in the distance E. LANDSEER .--- + 107 DEAD Game, with Dog, &c. in a Landscape. A fine composition, painted with a vigorous pencil in the bold and masterly style of this distinguished young Artist ANCIENT PICTURES. P. P. Rubens ...... 108 “* CHRIST TRAMPLING OVER SIN.” Painted tn a brilliant tone of coloring, possessing all the perfections of Art for which the palm of superiority has been justly awarded to this * great Artist Fa’ Domenico Fetti ---- 109 DeEpauus and Icarus—a noble production, painted in alight and free manner, and drawn . : : bey - with great taste. A chef d’cuvre Vdlofife Mytens | a | | Shipping, &c. | | | teeta eee wees 110 The Portraits of Mytens, the Artist, and Family, by Himself £5 SE | lil Dead Game—in his finest style Wi 2 £2 Olio ere Ape «Ge. S73 LO EL ao Se et gt GROUND FLOOR., 7" 7 Secretary’s Room. | ‘ ; rh | 115 A steel fender, set of fire irons, hearth rug, japanned coal scuttle and | - 2 linen airers | oH nal | 116 The Brussels carpet, planned to the room, and piece of ditto in water | closet | eli We milo’ | 117 A shaving glass, in ebonized frame, a rattle, mahogany pot cupboard | and square piece of floor cloth b 27 “~ Two blue and white ewers, 2 basins and chambers and a queen’s ware foot pan and jug A large mahogany chamber bath and liner A square mahogany table, with drawer, on standards and castors A pair of black marble match cases, an ink stand, tapes-candiestick and wicker basket | An easy chair, with cane seat and 2 hair cushions, in chintz cases A CHIMNEY GLASS, 31 inches by 29, in ebonized frame A mahogany toilet table, with 2 drawers and fittings, and dove marble top, on turned legs and castors A mahogany washing table, with 2 flaps and rising top, blue and white fittings, 2 water bottles and a tumbler A 4 feet oAK FRENCH BEDSTEAD, on wheel castors, with canopy and watered moreen furniture, fringed and bordered with gymp A pair of window curtains and draperies for 2 windows, to match bed furniture A straw palliasse and 3 blankets A thick hair mattress, in ticken case A wool ditto, in white Holland case, bolster and 2 down pillows A sculptured statuary Bust of a Vestal Two fine Etruscan vases, with handles A STRONG GREEN PAINTED BREAK with DICKEY A SUPERFINE DRAB HAMMER CLOTH, with handsome silk fringe, 2 sets of holders and a standard foot dickey Entrance Hall. A japanned umbrella stand, 2 mahogany forms and a pair of folding steps : ie | The floor‘cloth, as fitted, about 18 feet square Fourteen rope door mats A mahogany hall table, with 2 drawers, on octagon legs, and an ebonized ink stand A polished fender, set of fire irons and copper coal scuttle A wool mattress, 3 blankets, and a colored counterpane A feather bed, bolster and pillow A table, with oriental agate slab, banded with black marble 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 158 154 155 156 28. A PoRTER’S excellent HALL CHAIR, with locker and bronze masks, the exterior covered with black leather and the interior with red morocco, and thick hair cushions A SEDAN CHAIR, with poles, &c. lined with fine cloth, trimmed with silk &c. A handsome heragon hall lanthern, with plate glass bottom, 2-light burner and holland case Four mahogany hall chairs, at-per-ehait Inner Hall, Staircase and Landing The floorcloth, as planned A mahogany hat stand A handsome chased BOULE BRACKET CLOCK Two mahogany hall chairs and a bronzed bracket A SATIN-WOOD CONSOLE, with drawer, on carved columns and rare and valuable marble slab A HANDSOME BRASS HEXAGON HALL LANTHERN, with a 3-LIGHT BURNER A Turkey carpet, 15 feet by 12 Three large brown Holland furniture sheets, 9 yards by 5, 54 yards by 4} and§8 yards by 4 About 33 yards of bordered Brussels stair carpeting and 36 brass rods Seven brown edge stormont door rugs End of the Third Day’s Sale. } ; —— - ; ‘ ; ; ~~” anc RRS Oo fees + — iepreaininns et -. : —: as | a ing wee Fa mdiparibet " ui + ee 7 leak eel WMH -/ Ap eg a ating j a D1 Let ee... ae fut Mr. GEORGE ROBINS’ Pourth Days Sale Costly and Elegant Furniture, G. WATSON TAYLOR, Esq. M.P. AT GRAFTON STREET, BOND STREET, On SATURDAY, the 2nd day of JUNE, 1832, At Twelve o’Clock. | No. 4. Library or Breakfast Parlor. LOT 1 A steel fender, set of fire irons, 2 foot stools and a leg rest 2 A mahogany music stool, with elevating seat, covered with satin hair: cloth, and pair of mahogany candelabra stands 3 A pair of stained rose-wood BERGIERS, on castors, cane sides and seats, hair cushions, chintz and extra cotton cases 4 A mahogany three-tier BOOK STAND, on brass castors 5 A NEARLY NEW TURKEY CARPET, of rich and handsome pattern with broad border, measuring about 27 feet by 18 6 A ditto hearth rug, en-suite 7 The Turkey pattern BrussELs CARPET, fitted round the room, about 26 yards long by 1} yard wide 8 Bae whe ‘ ¢ & ¢ stay tee ee ei ae ; if e # ‘tes a',e2 4 565 54% ‘ . eR et OF i 5 2 ; a= G Pw) 2 = ye ‘ we ‘ ea a: 7. epyitis , PR Stites ERE A eas ai SO FEtA 2G 4 J CA A Ee Re, Bee ) red Swe BIG ou #2 gui wi 2 to re sioht 5 SOP WBE + ae | y ‘ ** So ae pcan ci "ho: soinaNges ee OO 6 ee Poe ne ca Ss rent ane ane re + onsil ith ‘ ss Wf ie sloth ‘bas ‘hata Rey, x os wsteth ory. ree Fe “esr” pe : a sail tl} do Beas “aw we et wt bd ae pe siches ¢ * '. - eta ne es \ ‘ f te . 3 aa54 J 4 i . > * t ¥ — > Fi g yr oe oe f ae 40% ares Pe 4 ’ eke sya & 4 a% ohare - aves x Ye eye ae Dat, poe Tere eo | bits PLN. i** ae Fis ei vb ee vice | q ‘ ; “a { y " a: ¢ “p38 g& ‘4 m ‘3 eg & wieu Poe nhs | PUySe Le aA aioe : ns ie ‘ : k . 4 ‘ aot oat.“ ~ esis ed, le oe x Sgt On Wednesday ..Tur Noster Town ReseEnce, select Library of Books ARRANGEMENG May 380. Thursday .... Saturday ... OF THE SALE. and the Cellar of unusually rare and choice Wines. The Furniture of the Second Bed Chambers and Offices, Foreign Damask Table and Bed Linen, Preserved Fruits, &c. The Furniture of the principal Bed Chambers, Dress Swords and Buckles, a small portion of Plate, reserved for Town Use, the valuable Collection of Pictures, a Town-built Break, &c. . The excellent Furniture of the Breakfast and Dining Parlors, and the Splendid Fittings up of the Three Drawing Rooms, noble large Glasses, Console Tables, &c. The Service of Rich Cut Glass, and the Splendid Elegancies of the Mansion, comprising Noble Bronzes, Or-molu Clocks, Magnificent Services of Old Sevres and Dresden China, Ornamental Ditto, in great variety, and Articles of Taste and Vertu. The Furniture of the Second Bed Chambers, Ser- vants’ Offices, Kitchen Requisites, and general Effects of the Mansion. te et ad mtd relia abate ae Sue yeas tae Printed by W. SMITH, King Street, Leng Acre. _— ee Bia 2Ke ae tgany 54 vied tT SRI EE Legal J 4 . re ? ‘. pieteritiit a: ae es 3 riitixes wee Rare ting taht t “ay 2 , 4 r os é o 2 > £ ‘ , aS , rs in DPA d eee GoOrRa | rahe Yo LE gover 5 aries Pe IIS Se " oe ‘SiSe t Fe be ary he phe peepee 4 i wit: ek a wat’ Al ITS rs et ign i 6 ann The | fis ered d lavilexeos, + 4 ‘ + : a N z - _ ‘i " t 4 va ad ’ . ; ct 3 ‘é MIS EA PES & ko ee ae PES rite pike ciary ee