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TO BE SOLD met THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 26, 1911 BEGINNING AT 8.15 o’CLOCK EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 9.30 a.M. TO 5.80 P.M. — ‘The Anderson Auction Company 12 East 46TH STREET New York TELEPHONE, BRYANT 271 ART AND MISCELLANEOUS. Conditions of Sale. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be re-sold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves tae right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots pur- chased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purcLase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition two or more days before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Anderson Auction Company will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be re-sold by either private or public sale at such time as the Ander- son Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter — at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This con- dition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Anderson Auction Company to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. . The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY, 12 East 46TH StTREET, NEw YORK. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for 50c. we No. $89 THE AUTOGRAPHED PORTRAITS, ETCHINGS, OIL, AND WATER-COLOR PAINTINGS OF Comund Clarence Stedman PART IV . AMERICAN PAINTERS. Palette and two brushes of August Franzén. [See No. 53.] — Palette and six brushes of Jervis McEntee. . — The Original Palette and seven,brushes used by Sanford R. Gifford, the American painter, with painted inscription to Mr. Stedman by the artist on the reverse of the palette. [See No. 54. | . — Palette and brushes of W. H. Howe, the American cattle and landscape painter, with a painting of the head of a bull on side, signed. . AMERICAN PORTRAITS. John Jay, by B. B. E[llis]; John Trumbull, by Tisdale; Portrait in the style of St. Memin. Searce portraits. (38) ~ . AMERICAN LITERARY PORTRAITS. Bret Harte, Parkman, Sidney Lanier, C. Brockden Brown, Cot- ton Mather, Holmes, Emerson, ete., some duplicates. Engraved portraits. India proofs. 4to and folio. 36 ( * This and the following lots were collected by Mr. Stedman to extra-illustrate his ‘‘ Poets of America.” . — Whittier, W. H. Venable, Longfellow, Wm. Dun- lap, Emerson, Willis, ete. India proofs. 4to. (44) — Proofs on Large Paper of the portraits in Mr. Sted- man’s Library of American Literature, some dupli- cates. 4to. (129) . — Miscellaneous portraits, etc., mainly engraved, in- cluding proofs. 4to and smaller. (150) * Portraits engraved by Durand, Longacre, Perine, H. B. Hall, Sartain, &c. A good collection for extra illustrating. 10. "Bk, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. LY. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 AMERICAN LITERARY PORTRAITS. Miscellaneous portraits, mostly engravings. 8vo and 12mo. Suitable for extra-illustrating, including some proofs. (270) —— Miscellaneous portraits, mainly on large paper and India proofs, but many water-stained. (Many of these can be cut to a smaller size, making good India proofs of an 8vo size, suitable for extra-illus- trating the majority of large-size books. Nearly all the American authors of note are included. (116) ALDEN (HENRY M.). Photograph of Henry M. Alden. Autographed. Framed. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Portrait of T. B. Aldrich. Photograph. * Inscribed ‘‘ E. C. S. from T. B, A.” in pencil. BACON (HENRY). Head of a Venetian Girl. Oil painting. H.7in.; w.10in. Signed, Venice, 1880. Framed. BARRETT (LAWRENCE). Engraved portrait of Lawrence Barrett, by H. B. Hall. Framed. BELLOWS (A. F.). The Wayside Inn. Water-color. H.12in.; w.19 in. Signed. Framed. BENSON (Ey). Kismet. Oil painting. H. 114 in.; w. 94 in. Framed. BIERSTADT (ALBERT). ‘‘Indians Hunting Buffa- los,” photogravure, after the painting by Albert Bierstadt. H. 16in.; w. 274 in. Framed. * Inscribed ‘‘ Mrs. E, C. Stedman with compliments of Albert Bierstadt.” — Mountain Landseape, Sunset in the Sierras. Oil painting. H. 94 in.; w. 62in. Signed with initials. Framed. | BOOTH (EDWIN). Engraved portrait of Edwin Booth. India Proof Before Letters. H. 10 in.; w. Sin. Framed. * Signed ‘‘E. C. Stedman with kind regards of Edwin Booth.” —— Engraved portrait. Framed. * Autographed by Edwin Booth, and with the following note by Mr. Stedman : ‘‘Engraved years ago, but signed by Mr. Booth, at the Players’ Club, March 1893.” — Large photograph ‘‘ touched up”’ in water-color. About 1860. Framed. —— Portrait of Edwin Booth. Photograph from Life by Gutekunst. H. 154 in.; w.13in. Framed. BOOTH (JUNIUS BRUTUS). Portrait as Richard III. Old stipple engraving. 4to. Framed. 4 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. BOUILLARD (J.) The Holy Family, after painting by Annibal Caracci. H. 164 in.; w. 23 in. Fine impression. Framed. BROOKS (A. 8&.). Shore of a Bay and distant village. Water-color, signed. H. 14 in.; w. 17 in. Framed. BROWN (JOHN, of Osawatomie). Portrait of John Brown. Mezzotint. Open Letter Proof. By Wm. Sartain. H.1!1in.; w. 94 in. Framed. - * Autograph inscription to E. C. Stedman by Chas. F. Hoff- man, 1894, suggested by Mr. Stedman’s poem. The old House in Irvington, Conn., where John Brown. was born. Painted on a piece of clap-board taken from the: old house in 1890 by Dr. B. F. Beardsley of Hartford (history on the back); Pro- cess portrait engraved by the Electro Light Engraving Co., folio, AUTOGRAPHED BY MR. STEDMAN, with a verse of his famous ballad ‘‘Osawatomie Brown.”’ (2) BRYANT (WILLIAM CULLEN. Engraved portrait by Burt. With autograph signature. BUTLER (GEORGE B., JR.). Lion and Lioness. Oil painting. H. 294 in.; w. 394 in. Signed, 1870. Framed. BURR (AARON). Death-mask of Aaron Burr. * Little is known as to the circumstances under which the Death Mask of Burr was made. Early in the 19th Century it was in the possession of Orson Fowler, the American phrenol- ogist, and from it no doubt some replicas were made. Fowler lectured on it and exhibited it, and in his description said ‘destructiveness, combativeness, firmness and self-esteem were large, and amativeness excessive.”” Witha letter of John H. Boner accompanying it. CANNON (TOM). ‘‘ Shot-over,’’ winner of the Derby in 1882, owned by the Duke of Westminster. Jockey Tom Cannon. Oil painting. Unsigned. H. 9 in.; w. 14in. Framed. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Photograph by Mrs. Camp- bell, London. An unusual portrait. From the li- brary of William Le Moyne, and presented to Mr. Stedman by Sarah Cowell Le Moyne. Framed. CLOSSON (W. B.). Homes and Haunts of the Poets— Holmes, Hawthorne, Emerson, Longfellow and Whit- tier. 30 etchings. Signed proofs, in case. 12mo. CONCORD. ‘‘The Concord School.” Photograph. H. 94 in.; w.12in. Framed. * Written below: ‘‘ A. B. A. and W. T. H. at the Wayside,” meaning A. Bronson Alcott and W. T. Harris. COXE (A. CLEVELAND). Etched Landscape. With presentation inscription, signed. H. 11 in.; w. 7 in. Framed. 5 37, 38. 39. 40. Al. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46, AT. 48. 49. 50. CRANCH (C. P.). Inthe Harbor of Venice. Water- color. H. 94 in.; w. 1382in. Signed. Framed. DANIEL (J.). A Lion. After a painting by I. Gra- ham. Mezzotint. Proof before letter. London, 1792. H. 19 in.; w. 234 in. Framed. A Tiger, after a painting by I. Graham. Com- panion picture to the foregoing. Framed. DE KAY (HELENA) [Mrs. R. W. Gilder]. A Group of Children’s Heads. Crayon drawing. H. 6 in.; w. 18 in. Framed. DIBDIN (T. C.). A Mountain Torrent in Wales. Water-color. H. 21 in.; w..14 in. Signed, 1871. Framed. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). Mezzotint portrait by Max Rosenthal, 1897. Artist’s Proof, limited to 250 im- pressions, signed. | EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Bust portrait. Re- production of a photograph by Gutekunst. With slip attached: ‘‘Sent to E. C. 8. 1893.” Large 4to. Portrait of Emerson, etched by J. H. Niemeyer. Signed proof, with presentation inscription to Mr. Stedman. 8vo. Framed. ENGLISH LITERARY PORTRAITS. Keats, Ruskin, Landor, Thackeray, Mr. and Mrs. Browning, Rossetti, Wordsworth and other 19th Century authors. Etehed and engraved portraits. Proofs on India and China paper. (28) * This and the following lot were collected by Mr. Stedman to extra-illustrate his Victorian Poets. — Miscellaneous English Literary Portraits, from the commencement of English Literature to the 19th century. Mostly engravings. (About 140.) ETCHINGS. Portrait of Rembrandt, by Waltner; Portrait of Murillo; A lady with a dog, by J. H. Niemeyer, signed proof. Framed. (3) The Apple Orehard, by T. Moran; The Night Serene and Still, by Henry Farrar; Le Pont de Gand, by S. Colman; Neapolitan Fishing Boats, by R. Swain Gifford. (4) FAGAN (JAMES). Photograph of Col. Jedediah E]l- derkin, after painting by James Fagan. Framed. Presentation inscription on the back from John Elderkin. | FLAMENG (LEOPOLD). Portrait of Shakespeare. Etching. Folio. Framed. *Signed proof. ‘‘To E. C. Stedman from Frederick Keppel Jan 1 1891.” 6 51. 52. 53. 54. dd. 56.. —— 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. FORTUNY. Portrait d’une Dame Espagnole. Photo- graph of the painting, originally in the possession of Mr. J. H. Stebbins and now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which suggested Mr. Stedman’s poem. With autograph inscription by Mr. Stebbins. Framed. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Engraved portraits by Gautier, another French engraving, and others. (7). FRANZEN (A.). Sketch, Night Scene. Oil painting. H. 124 in.; w. 94 in. Signed. Framed. GIFFORD (SANFORD R.). Portrait of S. R. Gifford. Photograph. Autograph attached. Framed. GRAVIER (A.). River scene with a hay-laden barge. Etching after A. Mortimer. Folio. Remarque proof signed by painter and etecher. Framed. ‘““The Fighting Temeraire,’’ after Turner. Etch- ing. Signed proof. H.13in.; w. 18 in. Framed. HARRIS (MARY). The Summer Woods. Water- color. H. 11 in.; w. 18 in. Signed with initials. Framed. Crab Apples. Water-color. H. 28 in.; w. 13 in, Framed. HARRISON (GABRIEL). Portrait of Poe. Painted from a daguerreotype taken in 1884 by John Plumb of N. Y. H. 94 in.; w. 74 in. Signed. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL) The House of the Seven Gables. Fourteen folio designs by C. G. Bush, photographed by G. G. Rockwood. Bost. 1871. HAY (JOHN). Portrait of John Hay. Photograph. Framed. * Presented by John Hay to Mr. Stedman, with autograph inscription, dated Oct. 8, 1903. Souvenir Plaque with portrait of John Hay. Sou- venir of the 17th Annual Banquet of the Ohio So- ciety, Jan., 1903. . HIGGINS (GEORGE F.). The Pasture Lot. Oil paint- ing. H.164in ; w.13$in. Signed. Framed. . HUGO (VICTOR). Etched Portrait, after Bonnat. H. 11 in.; w. 84 in. Framed. . INNESS (GEORGE). Woodecut portrait by T. Johnson, 1890. SIGNED PROOF ON CHINA PAPER. 4to. . JOHNSON (MARSHALL). “ The Mayflower approach- ing land.’’ Steel engraving, published by the New England Society. Folio. ; 7 67. 68. 69. 72. 73. 74. 78. 19. 80. 81. JOHNSON (T.). Etched portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Signed proof. 4to. * Autograph inscription to E. C. Stedman by the artist. — Etched portrait of Lincoln. Signed proof. Folio. * Autograph inscription to E. C. Stedman by the artist. Etched portralt of Lincoln (smaller head). oe India proof. Small folio. * Autograph inscription to KE. C. Stedman by the artist. Etched portrait of R. L. Stevenson. Signed India proof. Folio. * Autograph inscription to E. C. Stedman by the artist and marked ‘‘ Not finished.”’ Etched portrait of Tennyson. Signed proof. Folio. * Marked ‘‘ Not finished.” — Etched portrait of Washington. Signed proof. Folio. * Autograph inscription to E, C. Stedman by the artist. —— Portrait of Daniel Webster. Signed proof. Folio. * Autograph inscription to E. C. Stedman by the artist. — W. M. Thackeray, wood-engraving, signed proof on China paper; John Ruskin, etching, signed proof; Benjamin Franklin, etching, signed proof. 8vo. (3) . KEATS (JOHN). Copy of Joseph Severn’s portrait of Keats, with presentation inscription by Walter Severn. Framed. The Graves of Keats and Severn. Photograph. Framed. | KEATS AND SHELLEY. Keats by W. B. Scott, Wass and others after Severn, ete.; Shelley by W. B. Scott, after Curran and others; Beatrice Cenci; Shelley’s house at Marlow, Field Place, ete. Mostly proofs, some in duplicate. (18) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Bust, to left. Etched by T. Johnson, 1892. Signed Artist’s Proof on Japan paper, and with additional inscription to Mr. Sted- man. Folio. Lineoln delivering his second inaugural address, March 4, 1865. Photograph. 4to. LIPPINCOTT (WM. H.). Head of a Girl. Oil paint- ing. Signed. Panel. H.104in.; w. 8tin. Framed. LITERARY PORTRAITS.