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(easy we F i f eo iy Sn on ould At ‘ 1 i qe ia Ep ew ll : : . U pS aot TERR 5 ‘ Me pesky AN Tie aee oy nt " ihe a Gye gaiw agen oe es) i a Ly Ma ena fie yer Cu gett a erog ee oO + Pie Maen oer ee yyis 1 Bang ty He pty age PL Se UTE EE ce tgs ae aes 5 {HNO GWEN Ar ee imped Vows Hatt detaesiae eva 7 : uv Hi 08 . Penmaes. ONG GTON TE eeriplye Ses vores bee a0 ofl ere ) ‘ : sateaky ‘ ; i x) Th Ba , yee i ‘ {eye aon rae? eH , ' iatG y ey, ¢ rials va H 7 "De 2 wet 4 , ‘ fi x wat" od ‘4 1 Li , bce) 1M 9 H vies Bie a 1 ? : 0 3 ; bas Corbe Dald Friday Evening, February 7 Pe: | | 1913 bp Z ; felerwin Sales Conipany — 16 Gast 40th Street j ew Bork cae 566-8 FIFTH AVE. — ‘ ty 2 es fe nome 1954, bn Py Otl Patntings Water Colors BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS INCLUDING IMPORTANT WORKS BY ALEXANDER HARRISON, CHARLES PAYNE GEARS, EASTMAN JOHNSON, WILLIAM T. RICHARDS, A. T. BRICHER, LUCIUS, HITCHCOCK, ALLONGE ALSO MANY PLEASING PICTURES BY THE ENGLISH PAINTERS, ALFRED F. pz BREANSKI, THOMAS ROEBOTTOM, Jr., J. A. WHEELER AND OTHERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7%, 1913 AT 8:15 o’cLock AT Che Merwin Sales Rooms 16 East FortTietH STREET New York Ciry WHERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON VIEW BEGINNING SaTuRDAY, Frsruary 1 TELEPHONE, Murray Hinz 1106 6. All lots will “i exposed for public exhibition before ‘the sale, examination by intending RUC and the Mor Sales Co. : os without recourse. : cer ’ 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with ins shoes conditibns . any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots _ as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as. the ine Merwin Sales Co. shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter a at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This con- ri dition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Merwin Sales Co. to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. THE MERWIN SALES COMPANY, 16 East FORTIETH STREET, NEw YORK. Collectton OF Patntings and Water Colors J. V. MAGINN 1 CAUGHT. ! UNKNOWN PAINTER MUSIC HATH CHARMS. (Copy.) Two unframed canvases. Height, 20 in.; width, 16 in. HENRY A. GAY 2 LANDSCAPE. UNKNOWN PAINTER BRINGING HOME THE COWS. Two unframed canvases. Height, 121n.; width, 18 in. J. NORTHCOTE 38 AN ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. M. E. KING MOONLIGHT ON NEW YORK BAY. Two unframed canvases, signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 in. 3 (After a ae WIN TER SUNSET. Unframed canvas, signed. "UNKNOWN PAINTER AN INDIAN BARBER. Unframed canvas, “a eight, 14 m J. PALLERIS. A SPRING SHOWER, PARIS. _ Unframed canvas, sere j. Vv. MAGINN A STUDY OF STRAWBERRIES. A. MULLER 8 THE SONG OF THE CELLARER. HOWARD HILL DOMESTIC FOWL. Two unframed canvases, signed. One, height, 14 in.; width, 10 in. The other, height, 12 in.; width, 16 in. P. V. SCHNITZLER 9 MOONRISE. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 18 in. jJ. V. MAGINN A STUDY OF CHERRIES. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 11 in.; width, 14 in. J. V. MAGINN 10 A STUDY OF APPLES. A STUDY OF RASPBERRIES. Two unframed canvases. One, height, 11 in.; width, 14 in.; the other, height, 10 in.; width, 14 wn. J. G. VIBERT. (After.) 11 THE VISIT OF THE CARDINAL. Photograph in oil colors. Height, 10 in.; width, 14 in. 9) 4 t | \) sania erac tno een 14 SATISFACTION. _ Unframed canvas, signed. HENRY A GAY _ AFTERNOON IN THE WOODS. ‘Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 24 in; 6 ay 15 17 18 19 HENRY A. GAY SEPTEMBER IN THE ADIRONDACKS. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 30 in. G. MILANI HUNTING DOGS. (Copy.) Unframed canvas. Height, 22 m.; width, 27 in. J. NORHCOTE LANDSCAPE IN WALES. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 16 n.; width, 20 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER CHICKENS. | Unframed canvas. Height, 20 wn.; width, 16 in. R. C. MINOR. (Attributed.) LANDSCAPE. Canvas, signed. Height, 8 in.; width, 12 ww. + L. TOREA AN ITALIAN STREET SCENE. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 9 in. HENRY A. GAY THE WINTER WOODS. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 i. G. MILONI DOG AND GAME. (Copy.) Unframed canvas. Height, 18 in.; width, 25 m. q AUTUMN LANDSCAPE. nframed canvas, sed. ‘ lee | Height, 14 in, 23 24 25 26 27 28 J. COPPELAR NEAR SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 24 in. G. MILONI HUNTING DOGS. (Copy.) Unframed canvas. Height, 18 n.; width, 25 in. J. A. WHEELER HEAD OF A SCOTCH TERRIER. Panel, signed with initials. Diameter, 3 3/4 wm. J. A. WHEELER HEAD OF A BLACK-AND-TAN TERRIER. Panel, signed with initials. Diameter, 3 3/4 m. J. A. WHEELER HEAD OF A SKY TERRIER. Panel, signed with initials. Diameter, 3 3/4 in. A. POLIGNY A GAME OF CARDS. (Copy.) Canvas. _ Height, 8 in.; width, 10 im. F, W. KOST A SUMMER DAY OFF THE NEW JERSEY COAST. Canvas, signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 14 wm. 9 84 HEAD OF AN AGED MONK, Soa Water color, signed. Oval. ae oO OMA RD ICL 35 CHICKENS, oe - Pane ue 4 Canvas, signed. ay Leight, 10 4 el: 36 38 39 41 LUCIUS HITCHCOCK THE VAMPIRE. Canvas, signed and dated ’92. Height, 20 in.; width, 24 in. ALLONGE SWISS LANDSCAPE. Charcoal drawing, signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 18 in. * A notably fine example of this eminent artist’s work. EASTMAN JOHNSON THE ALBUM. Charcoal drawing, signed. | Height, 11 1/2 in.; width, 13 1/2 im. * A pleasing example of this eminent painter’s studies of child life. | ALBERT T. BRICHER ROCKY COAST LINE. Water-color, signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 20 in. WILLIAM T. RICHARDS COAST SCENE. Water-color, signed. Height, 11 1/2 in.; width, 20 1/2 1. L. RETTE VILLAGE IN HOLLAND. Waiter-color, signed. Height, 7 1/2 in.; width, 8 1/2 m. 11 ‘Height, 8 * Bought of Arthur Tooth & Sons 45 LAN DSCAPE AND SHEEP, Canvas, Slencd SAU 0G) SiG) GUase 46 HEAD OF A WOMAN. Canvas, signed M. E. KING 48 MOONLIGHT ON THE BAY. Canvas, signed. 12° 49 50 51 52 53 «#64 ats) JOHN H. HENRICI THE CARDINAL’S ROSES. Canvas, signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 8 in. J. VILLEGAS CAIRO: BEDOUINS RESTING. Canvas, signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 10 in. F. DU MONT THE CHECKER PLAYERS. Canvas, signed and dated 1902. Height, 18 in.; width, 13 in. CHARLES TURNER LANDSCAPE. Academy board, signed. Height, 18 in. ; width, 12 in. C. FORSKY PHASANTS IN THE POTATO FIELD. Canvas, signed Height, 15 in.; width, 10 an. G. KUTZNER ITALIAN TAMBOURINE PLAYER. Canvas, signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 16 in. JAKOB JORDAENS. (Attributed to) FLEMISH LADY AND CHILD. Height, 32 in.; width, 30 an. * This painting was formerly (1878) the property of Mr. Kempis, Curator of the Cologne Museum, Germany, and was said by him to be an unfinished work of Jacob Jordaens, later finished by one of Jordeans’ pupils. 13 59 60 Bl. 62 ees en: | al MILONI HUNTING DOGS. (Copy.) Unframed canvas. | A. WEISS AN OFFERING TO BEAUTY. 3 Canvas, signed. ees eight, 20 m EN GLISH LANDSCAPE. - Canvas, signed. i OHN H. HEN RICI | THE FIRST CIGARETTE, DF Canvas, signed. H we 12 in.; DEC CHARLES TURNER WINTER SUNSET. Canvas, signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 18 in. F. HOMBERG MONKS AT DINNER. (Copy.) Canvas, signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 14 in. G. MILANI ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. Canvas, signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 12 in. | G, HOFFMAN BAYARD FOWL. Panel, signed. Height, 12 n.; width, 14 wn. A. POLIGNY ARRANGING THE TREATY. (Copy.) | Panel, signed. Height, 13 in.; width, 16 an. R. SONSOULLE CAVALIERS. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 32 in.; width, 27 wn. HENRY A. GAY SPRING LANDSCAPE. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 32 in.; width, 27 wn. 15 70 A FRANCISCAN FRIAR. TL SCOTCH LANDSCAPE Panel, ‘signed. ¥. poe (304 STATUETTE OF VENUS. SUS Canvas, signed. THOMAS ROEBOTTOM, Je 74 LANDSCAPE IN WALES. | Canvas, signed, “Height 12 in. se ALFRED F. DE EN 75 ON THE CONWAY, NORTH WALES. Unframed canvas, signed. 16 76 id 78 ie, 80 81 O. RUDOLPH MONKS IN A WINE CELLAR. (After a picture by Grutzner. ) Canvas, signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 in. HENRY A. GAY AUTUMN WOODLAND. Unframed canvas, signed. | Height, 30 in.; width, 22 in. M. DE ROF VILLAGE ON THE COAST OF FRANCE. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 30 an. L. B. HART HIGHLAND CATTLE. (After a picture by August Bonheur. ) Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 40 in.; width, 30 in. H. DE BRUEN DORDRECHT. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 30 in.; width, 20 wm. D. SHERRIN LANDSCAPE IN WESTMORELAND. Canvas, signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 42 in. ; 17 82 $3 $4 35 86 87 88 H. FRAZER. WINTER MOONLIGHT. (After a picture by Farquer- son. ) . Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 40 in.; width, 30 a. W. MENZLER IN THE PARK. (After a picture by Marcus Stone.) Canvas, signed. Height, 22 in.; width, 16 in. ALFRED F. DE BREANSKI KILCHURCH CASTLE, LOCH AWE, SCOTLAND. Canvas, signed. Height, 12 nch.; width, 20 m. G. HOFFMAN DOMESTIC FOWL IN A STABLE. Canvas, signed. Hetwght, 16 in.; width, 20 an. LOUIS B. HART HIGHLAND CATTLE. (After a picture by August Bonheur. ) Unframed canvas. Height, 24 in.; width, 42 in. : BERNHARD NEUVILLE THE KITCHEN BOY. (After a picture by Joseph Bail.) Unframed canvas. Height, 25 wn.; width, 21 in. So y P. VAN DE VELDE LANDSCAPE. Canvas, signed. Height, 20 n.; width, 30 in. 18 pee te Nag stirs IS OEE 7s DBE ye rates iS Eas 89 90 91 92 93 94. 95 ALFRED F. DE BREANSKI LOCH KATRINE, SCOTLAND. Canvas, signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 20 in. Ss. R. BERTEAUX LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. (After a picture by Voltz. ) ; Unframed canvas. Height, 18 in.; width, 30 in. CLAIRE SHUTTLEWORTH STUDY OF THE NUDE. Canvas, signed. Height, 32 wn.; width, 27 in. CLAIRE SHUTTLEWORTH STUDY OF THE NUDE. Canvas, signed. Height, 32 in.; width, 18 in. D. SHERRIN LANDSCAPE IN SURREY. Canvas, signed. Height, 30 m.; width, 20 in. H. DE BRUEN VIEW OF AMSTERDAM. Canvas, signed. Height, 30 in.; width, 20 wn. HENRY A. GAY AUTUMN LANDSCAPE. Unframed canvas, signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 14 m. 19 99 BALMORAL CASTLE, SCOTTISH HIC | HIGHLAN D: CATTLE. Canvas, signed. See ements ET 98 CURIOSITY. (After a a picture aa 1 | Canvas, signed. | ANDREW. MELROSE Unframed canvas, ea VENICE. oo ag os Canvas, signed. — Height, 20 m.; ALFRED & DE BREANSKI 101 IN BURNHAM WOOD. Canvas, signed. LOUIS B. HART + 102 HIGHLAND CATTLE, Copy.) | | Canvas, signed. - Height, 20 ins ; 20 ROBINSON ¥ Height, 14 in.; width, 19 in. _ W. B. COX Height, 19 in.; width, 25 m. Ke ; ye _W. B. COX Height, 16 in.; width, 12 in. 114 AUTUMN. ee Canvas, signed. i i 4 ‘i i Ww i e \ wh \ i f i i ' I) \ Re Ayal ies — e¥ Ne SES - A FAA 9 dies™ A yy lla eee non: ee wi WD Wa Fe crepn on a _ qT) Gio Lee a ee leah en sid) ayy men - in , . = t my ae) ; F ‘ ¢ ’ f y st i el 1: _ : ‘ Ate : at q is. 7 x # ‘ 1 * ‘ zy iii i ¢ . ‘ 1 seth r } ‘ v oh ‘ ' Tre Sn ' ’ Get he b EME Wy W He taveg nila Daa E E te ae : ONE Uy eR es eer eX Sy eRe hs SEEN SNES Ow WURO RR OR HACE A } ph lS af Hak iat ‘ ‘ pout ee BOSE Qa 1 ee es iH “chat ee Suse r : N ee EEG HL S45 eet ‘ OSH) SA CALHeRTS Wve gis ’ Rat veg abd Sn Ure eit es 2 ’ Hb ; eae Oe ARBs oe Del a Peete x AG baireisaiateise Wrasse DAs ‘ Fa Bee Sees QE Arena aes ® ¢ we ‘ t ms, Bet Sc 5 Shey ony Sy sh ‘ 4 .' 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