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THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS NEW YORK : 1907 SPECIAL NOTICE THIS SALE IS MADE FOR ACCOUNT OF THE FOLLOWING ESTATES AND INDIVIDUALS: ESTATE OF THE LATE ISAAC T. FROST TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF C. N. Bover anp Tuomas Frost, EXECUTORS ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN DALY TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MicHakt J. O'CONNOR AND JOHN O’CONNOR, EXECUTORS ESTATE OF THE LATE K. A. MATTHIESSEN TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF Unitrep States Trust Company oF New York EXECUTORS AND THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE COLLECTORS MR. CHARLES H. DICKEY MR. |, HUGO) REISIN GER 7 BALTIMORE NEW YORK MRS. M. B. BRANDEGEE MRS. J. MONTGOMERY SEARS ~~ ~BROOKLINE, MASS. BOSTON “CONDITIONS. OF ‘SALE ti a ‘The hes Bidder to be the Buyer, teel if any dispute arise _ between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immedi- Rae ately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is a : merely a nominal on fractional advance, and therefore, in his judg-— ment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, tn default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is _ represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is mithout prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they nill afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manaaers, THOMAS E. KIRBY, Avcriongerr, « 7 é aes fa hae r pe ys A ne rhe eS ee ee ee eee we OS a ee te re ey PE RAS | Eure Anrorne, e Christening ERSTADT, Arsent, NA, _ Halt by the River 96 196 97 82 | : BOIT, 3 Epwano Danes, - ae BOKS, M,, te ee... | Landscape . OS BONFIELD, V. ve V., Ret ie Winter in New Jersey | é 2 BONHEUR, Mite. Rosa, 7 The Guardians of the Herd © BOSKERCK, R. W. Van., A.N.A., . The Seaside Pasture BOUTIBONNE, Cuaruies Epovarp, The Return from the Promenade BOUVIER, Artuur, A Water Highway BRAITH, Anvron, The Pet Calves BRETON, Jutes, Harvesting the Poppies The Gleaners BRUSH, Grorce De Forest, A Sioux Brave BUNCE, Witiram Gepney, A.N.A., A Bit of New England The Fishing Fleet The Canal San Marco, Venice AE aa CATALOGUE ; aaa’ = _ _ NUMBERS CARMIGNANI, G., joe bb Landscape Cee deg dy 100 CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Anvonto, A Cup of Tea 19 Rest for Refreshments : Q4 CHASE, WILLIAM M., The Antiquary Shop 83 CHEVILLARD, V., og The Repair Shop : 14 CHIALIVA, Luter, Thoroughbreds 177 _CHITARIN, Trasano, The Glory of Early Autumn ~ 61 CHURCH, Frepericxk Epwin, N.A., Sunset 6 CHURCHILL, N. W., The Chateau 3) CLAYS, Paut Jean, Scene in Holland 144 Off Flushing 7 COLE, J. Foxcrort, North Sea Fishing Boat COOMANS, Cuartorre B., Scrub Oaks CORELLI, A., ! A Child of the People COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE, On the Shore of the Lake Pond Among the Willows——Ville d’Avray i ee dh a aera shy a "COUTURIER, 1 Ponses Liox, a a = ee >< !The Boman : ‘DAUBIGNY, Cyanzes Seay | The Streamlet : A Breezy Day in Summer DE BOCK, THEOPHILE, megs The Sheep Ps an ea DECKER, JOSEPH, : 4 = . = er Flowers vanes DEKKERT, Eveenz, The Village by the Stream DE HOOGH, Prerer, | ‘Een Boterham ” DE LA PENA, Narcisse Vinee Diaz, “He loves Me, He Loves Me Not” ~ Forest of Fontainebleau DE MADRAZO, Ramunpo, | ae After the Ball In the Swing DE PENNE, Cuartes Ottvirr, The Stag Hunt DETTI, Cxsare, The Falconers DIEFFENBACH, Anton Hetnricu, The Treasure The Hunter’s Cottage -DOMINGO-MUNOZ, ~~ hi Drinking DOMINGO Y MARQUES, Don Francisco, “ Resting” : 7 DORE, Gustave Pavt, Landscape DRIESTEN, A. J. Van, Late Autumn DU CHATTEL, Fren. J., On a Dutch Canal DUPRE, Jutezs, Landscape DURAND, Asurr Brown, N.A., In the Alps DUVERGER, THEOPHILE E., The First Cider EDWARDS, Grorce WuarrTon, A Canal in Belgium EMERY, J., Odalisque EVERTZ, Avotr, Stable Interior FERRARIS, Artuur von, Street Scene in Cairo GAUBAULT, A., Giving Information _ CATALOGUE NUMBERS 27 131 195 116 O4 63 102 — 4A 191 80 GAUGENGIGL, Ienaz Marcet, An Italian Street GERMIER, J. Saint, | A Canal of Venice GEROME, Jean Léon, A Nubian Musician The Sentinel GORTER, A. M., Landscape Autumn GIFFORD, Sanrorp, R., N.A., Riva Lago di Garda GRAVESANDE, STORM VAN ’S, Stormy Weather GREATOREX, Exeanor E., Her Pet Dog HAGEMANNS, Mavricz, Sheep in Pasture HAQUETTE, Gerorczs, Beaching the Boat HARLAMOFYF, Atexis, Italian Peasant Girl HART, Witu1am, N.A., Landscape and Cattle HAAS, M. F. H. vz., N.A., Marine View Near Scarborough HEBERT, Anrorne Avucuste Ernest, Music CATALOGUE NUMBERS 21 149 78 183 197 198 71 37 32 117 190 40 180 q | | | | ) | HENNER, Jean Jacquzs, i Admiration HIRTH, R., ; yz Boy and Dog HITCHCOCK, Georcz, The Penitent HOESE, F. De La, The Letter Writer Interior HUMBURG, A., A Quiet Bottle HUNT, H. P., | A Gloomy Day ISABEY, Eveetne Louis Gasric1, Entrance to the Harbor JACQUE, : EMILE, Sheep Sheep in Pasture ‘JACQUET, Gustave Jzean, Head JEANNIN, Gzonczs, 2 Peonies JOHNSON, Easrman, N.A.,. A Frosty Morning JOHNSTON, Revpen Le Granp, A Sick Ewe CATALOGUE NUMBERS 181 29 112 11 17 48 70 10 132 161 158 99 129 104 . : . “ “His | Highness” “ Butterflies ” Sah Foal The AEE 8 Studio at Melbourne KENSETT, Joun ee ae | / An English Oak — mgs KEVER, Jacos Simon Henprix, a The Little Mother es The Picture Book Suede tea KNELLER, Sir Goprrey, Portrait of a Dignitary KNIGHT, Daniet Rineway, ee | _ The Gossips : Calling the Ferry KNOPF, Hermann, et Soe The Dancing Lesson — KOEKKOEK, Barenp Cornetis, Landscape KOEKKOEK, J. Hermanus Barenp, Landscape KUWASSEG (Fizs), Cart, Swiss Mountains LAMBERT, L. Eveine, | In Mischief W404 LAMBINET, Emrez, The Wheat Field LAUGEE, Gerorezs, The Return from Gleaning LELOIR, Lovis ALexanpre, Decorative Panel LEMAIR (?) Poultry LEMATTE, Jacques Francois FERNAND, The Dove The Dance LENBACH, Franz von, | Magdalena LERCH, Leo, Awakening LINDSTROM, A. M., The Deer Hunt McENTEE, Jervis, N.A., The Forest Streamlet McGOUN, H. G. Preston, First Aid to the Wounded MARCKE, Emite Van, _ The Pasture Cows in Pasture A Spring Day _ CATALOGUE NUMBERS 125 187 110 59 49 50 172 75 Ay 174 134 136 141 \MONTULLO, Sy. 20 | - The Tarantella Been MOUCHOT, Louts, : Venice 2 MULLER Accuer, The Mother’s Kiss MULREADY, A. E., Without a Home MUNTHE, Lupwie, The Cabbage Harvest MUNTHE, Lupwie, The Fishing Village The Birch Grove’. MURPHY, Apa C., The Old Garden MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A., The Hillside Farm NARDI, E., In the Campagna NEER, Arrt Van ‘DER, Winter in Holland ee oy soto eh Rach _NEUHUYS, Joszr, Brey <. tai eel hat Wash Day NICOL, Ersxinz, A.R.A., Donnybrook Fair—Before Donnybrook Fair—After NORTON, Witu1am Epwarp, The Mussel Gatherers | PECRUS, C., The Toilette PEREZ, Atonzo, The Market Place PIERCE, Cuartes Frank in, The Sheep Pasture PIETERS, E., The Young Kitchen Maids PINCHART, EMILE AUGUSTE, Christmas Time PITZNER, Max, Reconnoitring Dragoons REINICKE, René, Expectancy The Offering RICHARDS, Tuomas Aponison, N.A., Landscape RICHET, Leon, The Fisherman’s Hut The Old Farm CATALOGUE NUMBERS 151 155 156 192 26 87 31 120 92 93 57 20 184 ROBIE, Te Barrisrs, Flowers _ ROELOFS, W.,: AND . BUGENE VERBOECKH( C Landscape and yk ; ROYBET, Ferpinanp, The Cavalier SALMON, R., On the Beak SANTARO, RuvuseEns, A Street Scene SCHREYER, Anpotr, Moorish Sheik and Escort SEIGNAC, Paut, The Seamstress SEMENOWSKY, Ersman, Picture of a Young Lady SHAYER, Wit11am, Landscape SIEGERT, Evcen, A Pastoral Dancing Nymphs | a) the Fountain fe An Idle Hour Beet 5 Sunlight and Shadow oe ~ \ 123 VAN MASTENBROCK, R.H, . View of Rotterdam VELDE, Waatna Van Dr, Sent chad ie Whale Fishing — See Seo , ees See ne VERBOECKHOVEN, sy ete ae ic Pasture Companions VERBOECKHOVEN, Eveenz, anv W. ROELOFS, c Landscape and Shes VERNIER, Emite Lovts, Antibes he VESIN, F., The Strolling Musicians VIBERT, JenHan Georges, The Poet VROLYK, Jan Martinus, Milking Time WEISSENBRUCH, Jonannes Henprix, ‘ Wet Weather WIGGINS, Carteton, A.N.A., Cow The Leader of the Herd inde Bsn hi, (ase ye J. EMERY : iia AMERICAN A "quarters view, seen against a Background of modified gray-blue. The hair forms ringlets around the face, and is athered i in a knot high upon the head. In her bosom she rears a bunch of pale pink roses, and the shoulders are ra ped with gauze. "Signed at the AD ae right, J. Emery, Mtinchen. Height, 91% inches; width, 7 inches. - Owner, Estate of the late Jonn Daty. #4 | . g RUBENS SANTARO SPANISH © vy, ¢ Contemporary A STREET SCENE Tus is a view of a sunlit street in Venice, with a lofty edi- fice rising high in the middle distance above the surround- ing buildings, and in the foreground a low house at the corner of a narrow calle. The figures of a woman andtwo children are seen in the sunlight near the foreground, upon which falls a broad shadow. - Signed at the lower left, RusENs SANTARO. Height, 714 inches; width, 4 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun -Daty. | \ No. af ) B: Va Wy) A. E. MULREADY ENGLISH WITHOUT A HOME A SMALL girl carrying a basket of wools on one arm, and holding in the other hand a large paper fireplace orna- ment, is walking along the stone footpath of a narrow, arcaded street. The sunlight falls full upon her head, cast- ing a luminous shadow on the flagging. Her head is in- clined slightly to one side, and she looks out of the pic- ture with a sad expression on her face. The background ~- 7 is a row of arches, under which a number of Prope are 4 examining the shop windows. Signed at the lower right, A. EK. Muireapy. Height, 6 inches; width, 4 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Issac T. Frost. Le WILLIAM HART, N.A. | te AMERICAN | L, ed Bec. 1823—1894 “LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE | A In the f oreground a rough country road crosses a shallow stream which flows diagonally across the picture. Four _ cows are strolling down to the stream to drink. In the middle distance on the right large trees rise out of a sun- lit meadow, their lofty branches in contrast against sunlit cumulus clouds. In the distance is a rank of trees in shadow. Signed at the lower ae Wm. Harr, °72. z Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. Owner, Estate Sar the late Joun Daty. y %, a, HENDRIK MARTENSZOON ROKES SORGH DUTCH 1621—1682 THE DUTCH TAVERN THREE peasants seated around a barrel in a rude cabaret are carousing after the manner of their kind. Fach holds a glass of wine in his hand. A high-shouldered green bottle stands on the head of the barrel, nearby on the floor is an ir earthen jug, and a serving maid, bearing a large pitcher, | approaches to fill the glasses. Height, 51, inches; length, 84 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. "AMERICAN 1826-1890 | or SUNSET er a3, Tus is a study of a lake in a ae mouatanane re sunset. On the left is a wooded point, and on the rig great crag, with trees in autumn foliage at its base. ] distance, against a brilliant sunset sky, is a pyr. mountain, with the suggestion of a distant range beyon The sunset glow is reflected on the surface of the lake, and. in the immediate foreground a heron perches on the trunk of a dead tree. | Height, 5 inches; length, 9 inches. Onan Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ; pee No. 7 EISMAN SEMENOWSKY RUSSIAN Contemporary PICTURE OF A YOUNG LADY Tue head and shoulders of a young lady against a back- ground of spring foliage. The head is in three-quarters __ view, inclined upon the right shoulder, the eyes looking out of the picture. She wears a pink silk gown, with short _ puffed sleeves, and a broad hat looped up with a ribbon _ and trimmed with lilacs. A large bunch of the same flowers _ is pinned to her bodice. | Signed at the lower left, Kisman SemENowsky, Paris. Height, 121% inches; width, 9 inches. | Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ia ie 5 2 CARL KAHLER 5 RL _ AUSTRIAN L, | Vs i 856— HORSE’S HEAD:(“ JEAN BERAUD” THE study of the head of a white-faced chestnut horse in profile to the left, with snaffle-bit bridle. His ears are erect, and his eye looks toward the spectator. The background is a graded tone of blue and gray. PATIO ps ghee ts Fo 2 AGRE Signed at the lower left, Cant Kanu. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. | C3 “is No. 9 Ae \ J. CRAWFORD THOM AMERICAN ay & 18(?)—1898 De A QUIET SPOT From the left foreground a rough, sloping bank, upon which grows an irregular clump of sturdy trees, between the trunks of which is seen the roof of a cottage in the distance, runs down to the rocky shore of a small pond bounded in the distance by a forest. Drawn up among the small boulders on the beach is a small boat with a single mast and lowered sail. The sky is covered by bands of sun- | lit clouds, and the water reflects on the right the tones of 4 the sky and the forms of the trees on the farther shore. Signed at the lower right, Jas. C. Tuom, 78. Height, 8 inches; length, 15 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. MontTcoMERY SEARS. 1804—1 1886 Seales TO THE HARBOR» ‘distance a stone pier, crowned by a lphthouss anda < ja na al staff, looms high Bea a sky filled with aray — boat, with sails full set, buffeting with the waves. Saw ' Signed at the lower left, HE. Isasry, ’62. os _ Height, 101% biden: width, 8 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 11 Sen a as 4g F. DE LA HOESE ca | THE LETTER WRITER A FAIR-HAIRED young lady, in a yellow satin dress, with — full sleeves and square-cut bodice trimmed with lace, sits _ at a table in her bedroom writing a letter. The table is draped with a velvet cloth with long yellow fringe, and on _ it are placed a silver Dutch inkstand, a brass candlestick and a thick book. In the background behind the figure is — a wooden bedstead with blue curtains, one of which is draped over the headboard, showing the white pillow and coverlet. ? Signed at the lower left, be La Horse. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 wches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. Thi eet og tar he 4 7 J ia 7 _-— S’- CARL KUWASSEG (FILS) Z ‘ ve Corot nn QO. | ~ ntemporary : | a SwIss MOUNTAINS oe THE gently rippling arm Pee lake extehds across the _ foreground, and winds around a marshy point on the right until it is lost beyond the trees. In the middle dis- _ tance rises the lofty facades and church tower of a busy - town, clustered at the foot of a rough mountain which pushes its serrated pinnacles high towards the heavens. The buildings are in full sunlight from the left. A single ie rowboat with three occupants floats on the water in the i _ foreground. Signed at the Led right, Kuwassee fils, *71. iS e: 7 ; Height, 1214 inches; width, 94% inches. - Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 13 , ADA C. MURPHY ae op y ad a. 6 how) _AMERICAN “ge 2 | ' Contemporary Y _ THE OLD GARDEN a AN irregular rank of hollyhocks in full blossom grows in an old neglected garden, and behind them is a group of | low wooden buildings. On the left is a chicken coop under- * neath two apple trees, and on the right the roofs of the ‘ houses are in silhouette against a simple sky. | | Signed at the lower ieft, A. C. Murpry. | : Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. £3 S No. 14 V. CHEVILLARD | /! | Pn FRENCH U fs pig! ; NA mal ess ?)—1905 THE REPAIR SHOP In a secluded corner of a large church an old priest is en- gaged in mending a small statue of a bishop, adjusting in place a broken left arm. Various tools are lying on the bench and on the floor, and near at hand on the right is a large tub in which various broken figures have been placed for safe keeping, together with an adoring angel and vari- ous fragments carefully laid on a white cloth on the floor. On the left is seen approaching an attendant bearing a gilded figure. A shaft of strong sunlight, falling from a lofty concealed window, illuminates the scene, accentuat- ing the hands of the priest and the statue he is mending. Signed at the lower right, V. CHEVILLARD. Height, 1014 inches; length, 141, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 15° 4s J. FOXCROFT COLE ‘@ sme AMERICAN G, : 1837—1892 NORTH SEA FISHING BOAT SEEN beyond the corner of a red-roofed building in the left foreground, where a crowd of fishermen stand in the lee of the gale, is a Dutch fishing boat grounded on the beach among the breakers, with a full complement of men aboard, apparently waiting for the tide to fall that they may land dryshod. Beyond the boat are seen several lines _ of combers, and then an expanse of gray-green sea with a - sky full of storm clouds overhead. hee an s ed ¥ Signed at the lower right, J. Foxcrorr Coxe. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRanbDEGEE. TA Retgreahiitadoeleerr er © ( ese No. 16 PHIZIBERT LEON COUTURIER i i k - Horak, i a ee fe Ai r ca THE BARNYARD Tuts represents a flock of hens and ducks which have been i | busy seeking food on a small dunghill, and some of them ee are drinking out of a red-glazed earthen jar which stands near the foreground. Signed at the lower right, P. L. Courunter. Height, 1014 inches; length, 15 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. Pecan igual from the upper r left. On the tabl 7 is covered with green brocade cloth, trimmed with fringe, stands a workbox, and nearby is is a onal sArMeRs Pears SS ‘ Signed at the lower right, pz La Woes: Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frosr. No. 18 ee . : PAUL SEIGNAC (( FRENCH ae 2 : | A | he yrwrw eu f- he te — 1826— THE SEAMSTRESS In a humble cottage interior a peasant woman, seated in oe. a low chair with one foot resting on a footstool, isengaged _ in mending a red bodice. The figure is in concentrated light _ from a latticed window on the left. She wears a blue bodice and petticoat and a white chemise, and her hair is bound _ closely to her head by a red kerchief. | y Signed at the lower left, SIGN Gy Height, 1314 inches; width, a inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 19 "ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH Ee a wv SPANISH 1847—1897 | O : A CUP OF THA : A Ee seated in a richly carved and gilded chair, one foot resting upon a footstool, holds in his left hand a | * oe Figaro, which he is eagerly perusing, and with his right 7) hand he stirs a cup of tea which stands upon the marble top of a carved and gilded table. In the background is the suggestion of a wall with painted panels and mouldings. | _ Signed at the lower right, A. Casanova y Esroracu, Paris, 1895. ee 5 Height, 1414, inches; width, 9 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 20 . LEON RICHET Dt tn i Mak a U/ THE FISHERMAN’S HUT A Low, whitewashed cottage, with steep, roughly thatched roof, stands on the seashore, partly overshadowed by a tall tree and partly surrounded by smaller trees and bushes. From the foreground a broad, stony road, along which ad- vances a fisherwoman with a net over her shoulder, leads to shallow water, where the waves come tumbling in upon a broad, sandy beach. A narrow strip of sea beyond in the distance is dotted with fishing boats, and the sky is filled with great rolling summer clouds. Signed at the lower right, Lton RicHer. Height, 101% inches; length, 14 inches. Owner, Mrs. ALBERT W. Nickerson. f.. AMERICAN g LEiGe STREET ‘lofty facades of the houses rise out of the — the right, broken by windows and a balcony, and an 1 ing of vines, growing over poles, pro Jects from the \ val wooden shutters. A few sunlit clouds drift across the = cs just above a row of small, low buildings which. border a narrow street in the middle distance. goat Signed at the lower left, J. M. GauGENGIGcL. ata Height, 1714 inches; width, 10 cashes, Si Owner, Mrs. J. Montrcomery Sears, AYIR. SALMON ria cast ON THE BEACH In the foreground, near a boat which has been drawn high : up above the water, are two fishermen, one seated on a ‘ rock, the other seated on the bow of the boat, and beyond, Re in the middle distance, are seen a windlass, various small ce craft and a small brig which has been left on the mud by — : the receding tide. A line of perspective headlands stretches _ away from the right to the extreme distance, where a prom- ontory is crowned by the tower of a lighthouse. Signed on the back, R. Satmon. ; Height, 11 inches; length, 154, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ONG 36 6 / HENRY STULL AMERICAN ontemporary 2 4) ig : THE FUTURITY, 1894 e . ‘Two racehorses, in full gallop, rush along a dusty track, _ their riders, one in blue, the other in red, urging their ani- _ mals to their utmost endeavor. Beyond the dusty track one gets a glimpse of sunlit meadow and a fringe of low trees against a summer sky. _ _ Signed at the lower left, Henry Srv, 1894. Height, 111% inches; length, 1614 inches. We we eT Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. i ar No. 24 2, te i} ~~ ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH | g Pa," SPANISH QO - Rrndtou | 0: . : 1847—1897 in’ REST FOR REFRESHMENTS . A CARDINAL in red robes and skull cap is engaged in tun- ie ing his cello, while a white-robed monk, standing nearby sipping a cup of tea, attentively studies a sheet of music which he has taken from an ornamental brass stand. An ormolu table with a marble top, on which are leaves of music and a silver tray with teapot and cup, occupies the foreground. 7 mo ? r V3 Signed at the upper left, ANTON’ Casanova Y EsToracH. ; Height, 121% inches; length, 16 inches. | Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. rR Tn. ‘ esl : ANTON HEINRICH DIEFFENE AC] THE TREASURE A LITTLE peasant girl, delighted by the possession Ge 4 i silver cross which hangs around her neck from a broad 7 red ribbon, stands at the foot of a short wooden staircase, _ and exhibits her treasure to her grandmother, who atten- — tively examines the object through her spectacles, leaning on a rough staff. The simple interior is lighted by a low _ window on the right, in the opening of which hangs a bird cage, and nearby stands a twisted-legged table, with a carafe and glass. Signed at the lower left, A. Drerrensacu, Paris, 1869. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 26 O ‘ FRENCH THE TOILETTE A FAIR-HAIRED young lady, dressed in a white satin cos- tume of the seventeenth century period, is seated at a richly draped toilet table in a tapestry-hung bedroom. Her maid is dressing her hair in the Dutch fashion of the period, and holds it firmly with her left hand, while with her right she takes from the table a string of coral. A silver box, a jewel case and a small mirror stand upon the table, and in the background is a carved oak bed with heavy red curtains. Signed at the lower right, C. Pécrus. Height, 16 inches; width, 1214 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 27 C op JOMINGO-MUNOZ _ A Q- ae | SPANISH : | os DRINKING A carprnat and hussar officer, in the full costumes of their professions, are seated at a low table. They each hold a glass of wine, and appear to be chatting vivaciously with - a servant girl who stands near, bearing a half-filled de- canter and a third glass. The little incident takes place in _ arichly furnished library. A large brass chandelier hangs _ from the ceiling over the cardinal’s head, and on the right, ___ beyond the hussar, is an open doorway draped with dull , red portiéres. : Signed at the lower left, Domrxco-MvuNoz, Paris. Height, 14 inches; length, 1714 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. : . No. 28 i 47. Hoo. fiMILE MEYER |\ | ee | FRENCH v- ig eae Lb ~) ¢ THE NATURALIST bs In a rich Empire cabinet, adjoining a gallery where | stuffed birds are arranged in lofty glass cases, is a car- - __ dinal in red robes seated at a table, examining one of a -__ collection of gay-hued butterflies which he has before him. He holds a brilliant blue specimen in his left hand, and is studying it through a magnifying glass held in his right, contemplating the beautiful colors of the insect with the apparent satisfaction of a connoisseur. The rich carved and gilded furniture, the elaborate panels, the monograms and escutcheons, and the ornamental marble work show that the interior was part of the royal possessions in France. . = 4 aoe te .. a : = it Ps . il ‘q . 1 | if | i} | } } | Signed at the lower right, Emre Meven. | Height, 18 inches; width, 141 inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dicxey. it i He i | 1: tee F a Tee mieaee figure of a sist Ttalian lad wi ch - forming dog. The boy stands on a low bank nea: ul his dog perches upon his hind legs nearby. Signed at the lower right, R. ee Rue basa te Owner, Estate of the dal Jounw Daty. (D> (Dravrnndo. WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. AMERICAN 1840—1896 AT THE FOUNTAIN Aw Arab rider, accompanied by a nace with a light 3 burden, has halted at a roadside fountain under a clump _ of trees to water his animals. A veiled woman who has — filled her jar stands for a moment to chat with the trav- eller. The group and the fountain are in full sunlight from ~ the right, and the dusty road extends diagonally across the an picture, carrying the eye to the distance, where the domed ~ roofs and houses of a village stand in a broad plain. Signed at the lower right, WorpswortH Txompson, ’86. Height, 131% inches; length, 19 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. a i om, No. 381 4 af ¥ CHARLES FRANKLIN PIERCE | ~ AMERICAN t 1844— / ( | THE SHEEP PASTURE a _ Asmatu flock of sheep, some feeding, others lying at ease ; _ in the pleasant sunlight, are scattered over a wide pasture |. which is separated from the field beyond by a low stone wall topped by stakes and rails. On the right, in the middle _ distance, is the corner of a coppice of deciduous trees, and | | on the left a cart track winds across the pasture to a pair iy ; of bars at the edge of the wood. The sky is almost covered ie by a mass of gray clouds, touched by the sunlight in the i | ___ upper left of the composition. i | ; Signed at the lower right, C. F. Pierce. | : | | Height, 15 inches; length, 21 inches. | | | Owner, Mrs. M. B. Branvecee. | i i | | | it | i | | | ; No. 32 ELEANOR EK. GREATOREX AMERICAN : i = < Pi ew Lppiemporary 5 ’ a q : HER PET DOG A LITTLE girl dressed in a brown satin coat over a white muslin dress, with a closely fitting white cap on her head, leads by a chain a greyhound almost as high as her shoul- der, which, obedient to his little mistress, walks along with her, but, at the same time, turns his head away as if watch- ing another dog. The little group is in full sunlight, and the deep shadows are in strong contrast with the gravel path on which they are walking. Above the figures and in the distance are suggested steps of a terrace, with a screen of trees in dense foliage beyond. Signed at the lower left, Exzanor E. Greatorex, 1884. Height, 22 inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRANDEGEE. No. 33 £0. V3, (_EDW4RD DARLEY BOIT CPC fe AMERICAN THE MILL In the middle distance on the right, standing at the cor- ner of a small mill pond which extends across the fore- ground, is a group of simple buildings, evidently those of a water mill. Above the buildings rise tall trees against a simple clouded sky, and on the left, beyond a large sun- lit building is a grassy hillside, from the summit of which grow tall poplars and other trees. The trees, buildings and sky are reflected in the quiet surface of the mill pond. Signed at the lower right, Bort, ’80. Height, 18 inches; width, 12Y, inches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery Sears. See ant Coen aoe oo Cae Tea ees | Bes aoe ce a oe Coie Sia SaaS ed j eae = es) sees y a eae epee eae ETE RTNe no: Sere “ ie a No. 34 Lee _ WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, AN.A. | i /, a Z AMERICAN a Ol ISPFLVO LS 182 iL _A BIT OF NEW ENGLAND _ Tue sun has just disappeared below the horizon, and the ___ sky, which is covered by bands of cirri, with a lower veil __ of thin, drifting clouds, is illuminated by the golden glow __ of sunset, contrasting sharply with a line of low, wooded hills which runs across the picture. The foreground is a great stubblefield sloping gently up to a rounded knoll, which is crossed by a sandy road leading from the left foreground. Signed on the back, Wm. Gepnry Bunce, Wov. 5, 1880. LH. Bridgewater, Mass. Height, 14 inches; length, 1714, inches. Owner, Mrs. a: Mowrdomsny SEARS. | ; YAN MARTINUS VROLYK , . DUTCH [5¥: | 1846—1896 — see MILKING TIME In the foreground, partly in sunlight and partly in | shadow, stands a patient white cow, spotted with black, : and by her side sits a peasant milking. Just beyond them a large tree in full summer foliage rises nearly out of the picture, casting a shadow on the sunlit pasture which ex- I | tends across the foreground. Herded behind a low wooden | | __ fence are a few sheep, and farther away, across the nar- | PE row pasture, is a screen of trees and tall bushes, partly ) | hiding a broken sunlit hillside beyond. The sky is nearly | | covered by soft, drifting luminous clouds. I Signed at the lower right, Jan VRoiyx. Height, 1514 inches; width, 121, inches. pi Owner, Mr. Huco REtsincer. £ oreground under the trees near the gable are Y of Nae is a low, whitewashed hovel in f ull ae with a broad passage of sunlight just beyond. Signed at the lower right, J. v. DE Sanve BaKHUYSEN. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINGER. No. 37 STORM VAN ’SGRAVESANDE oc CA, oe me m4 : Ke hARY 1841— STORMY WEATHER From a broken tract of waste land in the foreground, © where patches of rough grass alternate with sandy banks — ; and hollows, a deeply rutted cart track winds away from os the foreground on the right to a distant village, wherea pointed church spire rises high above the church tops. The _ horizon is an irregular screen of trees broken by the spire __ in the focus of the composition and by a line of red-roof ae houses on the right, and is in strong contrast against a sky filled with storm clouds in which the sunlight strikes . the jagged edges of the masses of vapor near the horizon. __ : | Signed at the lower right, GRAaVESANDE. Height, 121% inches; length, 1914 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINGER. ay Hie A AMERICAN | : fe po 1834— ¢ Eline: On the right and left of this road are pools of Shallow water in which pond lilies grow. A. few birds hover s among the trees, and the sky, which is covered by fleecy a clouds, is illuminated by the last gleams of the sun, which has disappeared below the horizon. Signed at the lower left, C. B. Coomans. Height, 111% inches; length, 19 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN | 1818—1872 b+ “AN ENGLISH OAK In the near foreground is an enormous oak of ancient - growth in full foliage, rising out of a flat, open meadow which extends away to the distance, bounded on either side _—___ by clumps of rounded trees. The trunk and branches of _ the sturdy old oak are gnarled and twisted, and show many scars of struggles with the winter gales. The sky is nearly covered by rolling summer clouds, strongly lighted near the top of the composition. Height, 14 inches; length, 191, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 40 M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. | | = AMERICAN ) 6 oa Vala fe, mal, 1832—1895 | MARINE VIEW NEAR SCARBOROUGH On the left the grand mass of Scarborough Head rises out of a tossing sea against a stormy sky, and near the foreground in the breakers is a lifeboat with a small crew, struggling through the surf toward a small steamship which is visible in the distance. A gleam of sunlight breaks through the storm clouds in the upper right of the com- — position, and strongly accentuates the figures of the men and the surf breaking over the bow of the lifeboat. Signed at the lower right, M. F. H. ve Haas. Height, 14 inches; length, 211% inches. 55 Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. wiv £r\ . ® tuff atrsr a rd ¢ é H al *) Fs Pa sew Cent eet CHARLES EDOUARD BOUTIBONNE FRENCH THE RETURN FROM THE PROMENADE A young lady dressed in the fashion of the sixties is seated in a gilded arm-chair, holding in one of her crossed hands a billet-doux. Her head is inclined upon her right shoulder, and her eyes are thoughtfully turned away. On a tall tabouret are her bonnet and gloves. In the back- ground a tall Chinese vase and an ormolu desk stand against a richly decorated wall with a figured composition in a panel on the upper right. Signed at the lower right, EK. Bourmmonne, 1868. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ay na \ aS saa tes c 5 D> we ; i om : x % a ; san oa - r ras 7 5 a uy it a * 24 aa - »h ¥ ‘e %; | y CARL KAHLER a 5 O» AUSTRIAN 1856— KITTENS i Seven white Persian kittens are nestled together upon a _ piece of rich red drapery, thrown over an easy chair, with _ the end of a curtain of heavy pink silk behind them. On the right in the background is a carved side table with a porcelain vase decorated in black and red. Signed at the lower left, Cart Kanter. Height, 16 inches; length, 23 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. 4 Be "No. 48 | b J ! 2 T O HEINRICH DIEFFENBACH [ 4 C 7 ‘Aw GERMAN P 1831— a THE HUNTER’S COTTAGE A TYROLEAN peasant sportsman just returned from the hunt sits by a glowing fire on the hearth of a hooded fire- place, cleaning his gun. Near him stands his little daugh- ter, compassionately examining the dead body of a wood- re cock which she holds in her hand, while a pointer dog ie sniffs at the dead game. The little group is lighted by an: a open window on the right, on the sill of which stands a geranium in a flower pot. i | i Signed at the lower left, A. DirFFENBACH. | ee 5 Height, 171% inches; length, 211, inches. . Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. | to approach her, off: ne as an inducement a bit of “the: bread which she holds in her lap. Leaning against the wal her sister, engaged 1 in Patna: watches the incident with interest. a Signed at the lower right, Apo Evertz, Munchen. Seon Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches. st Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ptr” No. 45 Bit ‘DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT _ . . AMERICAN | oe ” 1852— WK 7 THE GOSSIPS _ WA an Own a pleasant elevation overlooking the River Seine isa narrow path among flowering shrubs which winds along the gardens on the slope. Two peasant girls, dressed in the . characteristic rough garments of their class, one with a brass milk can, the other with a basket, pause for a mo- | ment to exchange the simple gossip of the day. On the right the view extends over the housetops of a village on _ the shore of the stream, across a broad vista away to a low ‘range of hillsides which forms the horizon. : Signed at the lower right, Ripcway Kwnicut, Parts, Height, 18 inches; length, 211, inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. . No. 46 Sie | ip JOSEPH DECKER ee AMERICAN 30: ~ Veled iss A BUNCH of red and white peonies, both single and double: are arranged i in and about a red-glazed earthen jar, with a single ripe strawberry on a stem and a few green berries lying nearby. The background i is a deep tone of gray. | Signed at the lower right, Jos. DECKER. Height, 18 inches; length, 23 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. Sa AY PS PAC Ty SIN 9 Nernteneeee ane eR RESN, . rs Sa SEI I TT ~ 28 ; Seng Yas Qons CR RAE Aye ND . Sa “ SS loser hae Sb : : = PAE No. 47 Y y}. Voryy VIS McENTEE, N.A. Z V AMERICAN g j 1828—1890 i) gs » . THE FOREST STREAMLET y In the foreground a tiny stream of water comes tumbling iy over a rocky bed, losing itself here and there among the ‘f boulders. On the right two slender leafless trees rise out of the picture, and beyond is a screen of foliage in au- tumn colors, showing above a small area of blue sky. The ae foreground is partly in sunlight and partly in shadow, the ta light being concentrated upon the slender tree trunks, and ee here and there the rounded forms of rocks. Signed at the lower right, ME Oct. 8, ’83. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. A. HUMBURG . GERMAN A QUIET {/BOTLE In a stone cellar underneath groined arches are two monks | who have chosen this spot for their luncheon. Both are _ evidently cellarers of the monastery. One of them is en- I gaged in drawing the cork from a slender bottle, and the __ other, who is seated, resting his elbow upon a wine cask, : is apparently enjoying in anticipation the contents of the bottle. On a bench to the right is a bunch of keys, a roasted chicken and a loaf of bread, and various articles occupy a small niche in the wall in the upper right of the picture. Signed at the lower left, A. Humsure, Miinchen. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. oo cae FRANCOIS FERNAND LEMATTE ) FRENCH | a £. y) A: ae 4 Vr 1850— ; K ; ! a! DOVE lL <0 : Tue full-length figure of a aden partly draped in diaphanous blue gauze, stands holding to her bosom a white dove which she coyly teases with a spear of grass. At her feet and behind her sits a winged Cupid grasping at a butterfly. yh Signed at the lower right, Fernanp Lemarre, 1876. Height, 19 inches; width, 1114 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ae FRENCH elke a Ge CLASSIC maiden holding in her right hand a thyrsus, and 2 ‘in her left a tambourine raised above her head, dances as - she walks, accompanied by a gambolling goat. She is partly draped with a red tunic, which has fallen from her _ shoulders and is confined to her waist by a broad sash. Bigned at the lower right, FERNAND LEMATTE. Height, 19 inches; width, 1114 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ’ No. 51 LOUIS MOUCHOT f _ FRENCH cys 7 VENICE - A CHARACTERISTIC view in Venice, with tall houses rising on either side of a narrow canal, which is spanned near the foreground by a stone bridge with a single arch. In the foreground a gondola with three passengers is proceeding along the canal. A few figures are crossing the bridge, and underneath the shadowy arch are seen approaching a barca ie. and a sandolo. In the distance, sunlit fagades on one side / ____ and the lofty front of a house on the right frame. in an | irregular area of sunlit sky. | as Ae ST EN ame < peg HO, oe em Soyer Fees 2 a a i eS Signed at the lower right, L. Moucuor, 1872. Height, 171% inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. Tae oe CARL KAHLER» = _ AUSTRIAN - (9 '- Are Kl Are AP L856 ; THE FOAL Tuis is a portrait study of a brown foal, the bodies in pro: file to the left and the head turned to the spectator. He stands in a green meadow, and is relieved against a rank a of trees in the full glory of springtime bloom. ER | Signed at the lower right, Cant Kauuer. | Height, 1914 inches; width, 14, inches. | | Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. | | 4 Ae Me on vA eae CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. x 5 AMERICAN | . ns 1848— COW A RED and white cow stands in full sunlight in a rich meadow pasture near a pool of water. She faces the left, and her head is partly turned toward the spectator. Across the middle distance a flat meadow extends away to a low seashore, where a narrow strip of water sparkles i in the sunshine. Signed at the lower left, Carteton Wicarns, 1887. Height, 151, inches; length, 19 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 54 : ——- ae ange “ ¢ ARTHUR BOUVIER gi 4 4 BELGIAN A WATER HIGHWAY A Broap canal, which extends across the foreground, leads the eye away by rapidly diminishing perspective to a dis- _tant low horizon. On the left a large clump of trees grow on the gently sloping bank, and various sailing craft are seen floating on the rippling surface of the canal. The - light in the sky, which is covered with soft, luminous sum- mer clouds, is concentrated near the horizon. Signed at the lower left, Bouvier. Height, 121% inches; length, 231, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 55 j i on @ V..pp V. BONFIELD a j A EP ud MERICAN WINTER IN NEW JERSEY Fé In the left foreground a scraggy leafless tree stands near a snow-covered road, along which is proceeding a red sled laden with wood, drawn by two horses, and accompanied Pe by a driver who is wading through the snow. On the right | ‘ is a wooden cottage, the roof covered with snow, wind- ie. blown smoke drifting from the chimney top. A screen of Be trees extends across the picture in the distance against a simple gray wintry sky. Signed at the lower right, Bon¥iexp. Height, 151, inches; length, 2314 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. i ! : | | f i | Maye ey Cando LOUIS ROBBE — FRENCH BARN A BLACK and white she-goat is soliatanale watching : young kid lying on the rough paved floor of the ee and nearby a cockerel and a hen are scratching for food among the scattered straw. The interior is lighted by a flood of sunlight from the upper left, and the background _ is a broken plastered ‘wall. In the shadow of the back- ground is a large basket and a hayrack. Signed at the lower right, Rosse. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. THOMAS ADDISON RICHARDS, N.A. AMERICAN | 1820—1900 yV LANDSCAPE A MOUNTAIN stream, tumbling over an irregular ledge in the middle distance, spreads out into a quiet pool which extends across the foreground, and a small skiff, with a single occupant, idly floats upon the surface of the water. On either side of the cascade are clumps of trees of various sorts, and in the distance steep hillsides covered with a forest are seen against a simple cloud-covered sky. Signed at the lower left, 'T. A. Ricuarps, 1847. Height, 1714 inches; length, 231, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. iA oi ig, * f re = a h Se re ee a Coe 3 NAS wi ee _ HUNTING! SCENE In the foreground two hunters who have had a successful __ day are examining their game. One of them reclines at the _ foot of a huge tree with his dog nearby, and the other ap- __ proaches him holding a hare in his hands. Beyond the fig- 4 Br uare (2) Le 4 ures is a wide avenue of huge trees extending diagonally to the right, and between the tree trunks, on the left, is a vista across a broad stream flowing through a cultivated country. Signed on the back, F. Srewart, aged 17 years, Boston, 1824. Height, 191% inches; length, 251, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 59 POULTRY Iw the foreground a cockerel and seven hens are seeking food in the corner of a pasture which is crossed by a partly worn road leading diagonally from the left to farm build- ings which are seen in the distance, partly overshadowed by trees. On the right an irregular clump of trees and bushes, partly in sunlight and partly in shadow, forms an important mass in the composition, and the sky is partly covered by summer clouds. It is about noonday, and a modified sunlight falls upon the landscape from the right. Signed at the lower left, Lematr. (?) Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRANDEGEE. etn He ot mara oh ae mee a oe No. 60 A. TIRATELLI | ‘ITALIAN ve ee ees) HGR AN IDLE HOUR Ir is a corner of an’old town in Central Italy, where a_ . maze of streets, part of them like tunnels, branch in many directions between high facades, overhung here and there © A 4 by projecting cornices and rough awnings. From the near foreground a rough flight of steps leads between broken old walls and rude dwellings to an upper terrace or house- top, where two women are seen against the sky, appar- ently leaning over the parapet and gossiping with their friends. Part way down the steps a single hen, taking ad- vantage of the absence of the occupants, is descending to seek food in the room below, the opening to which shows on the landing at the right. Tiled roofs and rude gables project out of the picture at the top and cover the sky, with the exception of two small areas in which the sunlit cumuli contrast strongly with the deep shadow on the houses. Signed at the lower right, A. Tiraterui1, Rome. Height, 23 inches; width, 11 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsIncER. __ YPALIAN | Contemporary @ ae nd er by reflections. | Signed at the lower left, T. Currarin. i | i ER ; | | | } | : Height, 1434 inches; length, 2234, inches. ie i Owner, Mr. Hvco Reis1nceEr. | No. 62 _ LUDWIG MUNTHE . Y; : (» | NORWEGIAN 1841—1896 . ) | THE FISHING VILLAGE A RouGH, pebbly beach, extending across the foreground — and sweeping around to the right and then to the left, en- __ closing a narrow bay, is bounded in the distance by rocky promontories. Drawn up on the beach are numerous fish- — ing boats, and others float in the water near the shore. In the foreground two fishermen are engaged in spreading out their nets, and a third is hauling a seine from the — water. The beach slopes gently up to a low ridge partly covered by grass, upon which stands a number of fisher- — men’s cottages with boat houses and other buildings. A — moon, round and full, is showing itself in a cloudy sky, its disk partly covered by a narrow cloud, and on the left a few seagulls flutter high above the water. s Signed at the lower left, L. MunrHe. Height, 181, inches; length, 29 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsinGceEr. No. 63 ge THE FIRST CIDER A CIDER mill, the screw of which is turned by a large wheel at the top, stands in a large, low room with rough-timbered ceiling. Standing on a platform a laborer turns the wheel, and the master, kneeling near the tub into which the cider is filtered through a basket, pours a few drops of the liquid on the outstretched hands of an infant, held in his mother’s arms nearby. On the left a small boy sits on the platform eating from an earthen bowl, and near him is a youngster holding a bottle, which he evidently expects to fill from the tub, while a little girl standing near her mother on the right is quietly interested in the cider mill. In a distant part of the room, which is illuminated by sunlight through an open door and a small window, a horse is turning the crushing mill, attended by a laborer. Signed at the lower left, Duvercer. Height, 17 inches; length, 251, inches. JoHn Taytor Jounston Collection, New York, 1876. Catalogue No. 124. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars, No. 64 ANTON BRAITH THE PET CALVES SS In the near foreground is a group composed of a young ~ peasant girl surrounded by five half-grown calves, with _ which she is apparently on intimate terms of acquaintance, — for they fearlessly approach her with their muzzles, and a one of them takes from her hand a bunch of clover. To the left of the group, seen in the distance, is a farm house with its adjacent barns under a clump of trees. The sun- light falls strongly upon the group from the upper left, and illuminates the masses of low-drifting clouds, the light diminishing from the upper left to the lower right of the — BS | sky. Signed at the lower right, ANToN Braitu, Miinchen, 1878. | ; Height, 191% inches; length, 27 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ey INOe BO WILLIAM SHAYER Z ; | ENGLISH O» GPO" 1788—1879 | LANDSCAPE _ AN irregular line of lofty flat-topped cliffs in a strong ___ effect: of sunlight extends from the right foreground to y the far distance, broken here and there by deep ravines. _ Scattered over the grass, sometimes in full sunlight, some- _ times in shadow, is a large flock of sheep, with a single _ shepherd and his dog standing upon a projecting point of __ a near cliff. Beyond, in the middle distance, is a second _ flock of sheep herding closely together, and far below on : the right is the placid surface of a great sheet of water, -___and over all a luminous sky streaked with cirrus clouds. Signed at the lower left, W. Saver. Height, 19 inches; length, 281, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. é 0. | 0 SHEEP AND GOATS A PEASANT woman bearing on her shoulders a large bundle of freshly cut grass, and accompanied by a small flock of sheep and goats, is descending the slope of a grassy knoll in a large pasture. Just over the crest of the hillock is seen a peasant boy driving before him three sheep. A few 3 warm clouds drift above the summit of a mountain in the | 2 distance. Signed at the lower left, A. Mitone, 1867. Height, 19 inches; length, 28% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frosr. No. 67 7 7 6.0 BELGIAN 1799—1881 PASTURE COMPANIONS In the foreground a large black and white spotted cow is eve : quietly feeding on the short grass of the pasture near a small pool of water in which a duck and a drake are swim- — ming. Near the cow a sheep, evidently enjoying the com- panionship of the larger animal, is cropping the foliage from a clump of low bushes, and beyond the group on the right is a vista over a wide level meadow, where cows are in pasture and the farmers are busy harvesting. Masses of _ gray clouds nearly cover the sky, and the hoes 4 is in. the full light of the summer sun. Signed at the lower right, EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN ft., 1858. Height, 23 inches; length, 281/ inches. Owner, Mrs. J. MontcomMEry SEARs. —— No. 68 : ora FRENCH 1831—1887 ANTIBES THREE lofty stone pines, which grow out of a slight ele- vation near the sandy beach of a breezy little bay in the - Mediterranean, form the most prominent object of the - composition, and their rounded tops are in contrast against a simple sky. The figures of three peasants are seen, partly in sunlight and partly in shadow, underneath the trees. At the foot of a mountain range is a large town along the shore, which stretches away in a gentle curve to the ex- treme distance. Various sailing craft are seen on the blue waters of the bay, and a felucca with furled sails is moored near the shore. Signed at the lower left, Emme Vernier. Height, 231, inches; length, 32 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 69 “\.¢ ENGLISH A? CF). Ptnce. oy ENELLER. O. 1648—1723 PORTRAIT OF A DIGNITARY Tue life-size head and shoulders of a dignitary in a full- bottomed gray wig and ermine-trimmed robes, with the in- signia of the order of St. George hanging from a broad chain across his shoulders. The head is in three-quarters view to the left, the eyes looking toward the spectator. The figure is in a painted oval, and the background is a deep tone of brown. Height, 2914 inches; width, 24 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. | a7 EMILE LOUIS VERNIER 0 No. 10% a P. HUNT ‘AMERICAN A GLOOMY DAY Tuis is an extensive prospect from the top of a rocky eminence over a wide valley between moderately high Y to a range of mountains in the distance. With the exc pa tion of a passage of sunlight in the middle distance, which a strongly illuminates the foreground, the landscape is in broad shadow. The figures of a hunter and his attendant _ are seen standing among the rocks in the f oreground 0 on Bes. the left. ” aie Signed on the back, H. P. ree 1852. Height, 231/, inches; length, 331% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 71 ~ AMERICAN 1880 RIVA LAGO DI GARDA oe Tutsi is a view across the placid surface of the well-known 4 Italian lake to a large town, with a turreted castle, exten- sive warehouses and fine residences, situated at the foot of __ the steep slope leading to the rocky mountain top. Beyond the town on the right, seen across the fertile valley, is a - range of lofty mountains terminating in the distance in _ a serrated line of snow-capped peaks. The sky is cloud- less, and the water of the lake, covered with tiny ripples, repeats, in long reflections, the forms and colors of the sunlit buildings and the adjacent rocks and trees. In the foreground is a large hay barge accompanied by two boats _ covered with awnings. Signed at the lower left, S. R. Girrorp, 1863. Height, 1914 inches; length, 311, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ee ee eS er Pee oe 1° Po 1. BOKS No. 72 LANDSCAPE Two medium-sized trees growing out of the rough g pee * in a broad pasture form the prominent mass in the fore- _ 3 ground. On the left and beyond them, extending across — the composition, is a sunlit passage with a flock of sheep attended by a shepherd with his dog, and farther away are farm buildings overhung by clumps of trees. ‘The whole foreground is in shadow, and a tiny pool of water shows among the rankly growing rushes and water weeds. The sky is nearly covered by masses of gray clouds showing small spots of blue toward the zenith, and the sa is concentrated near the horizon. Signed at the lower right, M. Boxs. Height, 2114 inches; length, 37 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 78 Se wy JEAN LEON GEROME nh >" FRENCH 1824—1904 A NUBIAN MUSICIAN A yvoune Nubian in an ample, flowing burnous of salmon- colored material is seated cross-legged upon a carpet which is spread upon the rough flagged dais of a Moorish room. His hands lie idly in his lap, and on the left, leaning against a wall covered with rich Persian tiles, are a long sword with a wooden scabbard and a rude native banjo. On the right, near the figure of the musician, are two yel- low leather slippers. Signed at the left, J. L. Gérome. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. S. MONTULLO ey AG te i | ITALIAN THE TARANTELLA __Unper a vine-covered pergola, presumably at Sorrento, for the smoking cone of Vesuvius is seen in the distance, ve Ge two peasant girls and a youth are dancing the tarantella eS ne the music of a guitar played by an old fisherman who is seated on the left. On the right various other figures of Banis watch the dance, and a priest in cocked hat is : also an interested spectator. : Signed at the locer left, S. Monrutto, 1867. | f : Height, 23 inches; length, 33 inches. ay Owner, Hetate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 75 il A. M. LINDSTROM 4 SWEDISH i Contemporary é Ri @ THE DEER HUNT e. _Iw a broad open glade in a large forest a small herd of : deer are seeking their food on small bushes and dried i grass which crop out of the snow-covered ground. In the middle foreground the startled leader of the herd stands on a path which leads from the foreground through | gently sloping hillsides to the distance, where is a glimpse 4 of snow-covered meadow fringed with trees beyond. The a P tree tops covered with dead leaves are in contrast against iz the wintry sky, which is partly covered with masses of a lofty clouds, and near the horizon is concentrated the glow | of the rising sun. Signed at the lower left, A. M. Lixpstrom, Miinchen, 1873. Height, 211% inches; length, 381, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 76 LOUIS F. H. APOL | DUTCH i 1850— DORDRECHT, HOLLAND ; THIs is a view of the busy Dutch town of Dosdecdir ona * | breezy day in autumn. On the left, Dutch fishing boats, _ square-rigged vessels and steamers are moored along the quay, above which rise the towers and domes of the pub- lic buildings of the city. On the right, across the rippling © canal, which extends in diminshing perspective to the dis- — tance, is the village of Pappendrecht with the character- | istic windmills of the country. Various craft are moored to the shores or move along the canal. The sky is covered } with low, sunlit drifting clouds. | Signed at the lower left, Louis Apot ft. Height, 19 inches; ren 3914, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. AUSTRIAN ~ Contemporary ~ tied area of a large mosque courtyard, a holy nan stands with Bbead thrown back, apparently 1 in earnest fa ope prayer. Upon the left and in the f ore- “Signed a at the lower right, Cu. Witpa, Cairo, 1890. Height, 26 inches; length, 31 inches. . Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. % y : : pha , PEER! ey ree es a o : is Ba nt nee Sqn Ee No. 78 Soesu . Lanes FP : oe G- H., STELZMAN 3) : ates | GERMAN MMs hia ce AT CHURCH | ie | A MOTHER and her small daughter are seated in an abe oe | orately carved and decorated pew in one of the rich __ | churches of Germany. The little child confidently nestles close to her mother’s side, and both are attentively listen- ing to the music or to a sermon, the mother meanwhile __ fondling the child’s left hand, which lies in her lap. Both are dressed in elaborate costumes of silk, velvet and linen; " the child wears on her head a neatly folded red kerchief, and the mother’s face is framed by a lace cap which falls over her forehead and ears. Above the little group on the back of the high pew is a tapestry representing a rehgigns | subject with a border of angels and foliations. Signed at the upper right, H. Stetzman, Mansion 1884, Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRANDEGEE. No. 79 “AU GUST MULLER ‘ Mae | GERMAN 4- aS 1836— THE MOTHER KISS __ A youne mother, holding on her lap a child of two or three years, clasps her with both hands tenderly to her bosom, and fondly kisses her rosy lips. It is bedtime, and with the exception of a white garment, the mother has undressed the child preparatory to the bath. The mother is dressed in a full-sleeved écru jacket over a red bodice, and pale blue striped apron over a dark blue petticoat. Behind the little group, which is strongly lighted from the upper left, is the corner of a bedroom showing a bed with the characteristic German coverlet. In the upper right corner of the picture is a framed engraving and a white holy water receptacle surmounted by a cross. Signed at the lower left, Auc. Mutter, Miinchen, 1869. Height, 36 inches; width, 2914 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BranbeEGEE. Fe ry ne No. 80 GAUBAULT FRENCH GIVING INFORMATION A FRENCH vedette, mounted on a white horse, who is posted in a rough open coppice is approached by his cor- poral, who, reining up his horse near the soldier and hold- ing his carbine in the hollow of his left arm, points in the direction of the enemy, at the same time giving some ear- nest instruction to him. Both of the men are dressed in the characteristic blue and red uniforms of the French cavalry, and the corporal is mounted on a bright bay horse with black mane and tail. The foreground is covered with rankly growing weeds and grass dried by the heat of sum- mer and killed by the frosts, and in the distance, beyond scattered trees in autumn foliage, is a glimpse of a low line of hills. The sky is covered with thin masses of sunlit clouds, showing a few spots of blue near the zenith. Signed at the lower right, A. GauBAULT. Height, 251, inches; length, 32 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRANDEGEE. ao 81 ‘Hus De aioe Bhs a sunny, well-wooded park with a broad. gravel roadway winding up a steep slope in the - imidille distance among the trees to a large white marble country house or chateau, which stands upon a lofty ter- _ race on the summit of an eminence. From the shadow in : _the right foreground a clump of slender trees rises out __ of the picture, the branches relieved against a large sunlit cumulus cloud, which slowly drifts across the lower part of the sky. The time is late spring or early summer, masses _ of wild flowers grow on the grassy slope on the left, and the trees are in full foliage. Signed at the lower right, N. W. Cuurcui1, 1901. Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRANDEGEE. No. 82 Mi Tete BILLOTTE a ! FRENCH | | 1846— ‘ P ee Re | A WATERGATE OF PARIS Tae Spannine the stream which extends from the left dae | ground are a succession of bridges, the near one spanning — the river between the walls of the fortifications. A few — figures are standing on a sandy path along the quay, and _ above and beyond the city walls are seen the facades of __ large buildings. The surface of the water is slightly rip- __ pled by the breeze and reflects the tones of the sky, and | | the broad sunlight which floods the landscape casts a deep shadow upon the water from the low bank on the right. ' Signed at the lower right, René Briworre. Height, 201% inches; length, 28 inches. Owner, Mr. Hueco REIstncer. No. 83 oe. = sWILLIAM M. CHASE / LG - . AMERICAN THE ANTIQUARY SHOP on the ground. i a Signed at the lower left, Wm. M. Cuase. Height, 26 inches; length, 34 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINGER. us A BRIC-A-BRAC dealer, whose shop is situated under a large kh : ie P : | ~ archway leading from a street, presumably in a Spanish | ___town, has brought many of his precious wares outside and r __ sembled a quantity of vases, draperies and engravings te upon a large chest. An old connoisseur, seated in an arm- ; chair, is examining an engraving with interest, while the _ dealer, holding a large portfolio under his arm, endeavors | _ to direct the customer’s attention to one which he holds in | _ his hand. In the upper part of the archway hangs a silver | lamp with chains held by a cord, and in the gloom of the | __ archway are seen a large picture, a chest, boxes, various | _ metal objects and a large silver lamp carelessly thrown or nated by the sun. Signed at the lower right, EucENE DEKKERT. Height, 284, steed oe 36 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REeEIsincer. f * No. 85 t LAA, f EMILE 0 aioe PINCHART FRENCH ~ CHRISTMAS TIME A sERvANT girl, holding with either hand a child, stands - at the entrance of a residence, while a third child, a small | girl, affectionately greets a lady in street costume, who . stoops to kiss her. A gentleman in cocked hat and double-— caped cloak stands nearby, his arms filled with paper boxes and parcels, suggesting the season of gifts, which impres-_ sion is carried out by the snow upon the bare branches of — an overhanging tree, and the roofs of houses seen in the distance. Signed at the lower right, Prncwarr. Height, 36 inches; iwidthe 28 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ie No. 86 ot \o- UNKNOWN aN : e ‘Acory of the Gaon picture by Raphael of the Ma- donna and bambino and the infant St. John. The pees are of the size of the original. at Height, 31 inches; width, 31 ae round. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. | ee pe MO. SY per ALONZO PEREZ “THE MARKET PLACE | Iris market day in a large German town, and in the prin- _ cipal square, surrounded by lofty houses with steep roof's and quaint gables, are many open-air booths with fruits _ and vegetables. In the near foreground are grouped sev- _ eral girls in holiday attire, some of them having made their purchases, others awaiting customers for their wares, and on the left one of them dictates a letter to a public scribe, who sits at the door of his wooden office surrounded. by the implements of his calling. The costumes are all of the late eighteenth century period, and on a post at the corner of the awning of the wooden office is a sign bear- = ing the word “ Schreiber,’ which localizes the incident. Signed at the lower left, ALoNzo PEREZ. Height, 31 inches; length, 39 inches. | ae Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dicxey. AM rordingw = 3! an. - go. ae J. HERMANUS BAREND ‘KOEK DUTCH / 1840— . LANDSCAPE creeks Tus is a broad vista over a well-wooded, rolling fa rming country. A narrow stream flows out of the foreground on ; Spon 4 | the right, overhung by an ancient tree, under which a i peasant man and woman are reposing on the grass. A. t road, worn deeply through the sandy ground, winds away ; from the middle foreground to a whitewashed, steep- a or ewer roofed cottage standing on the edge of a wood, and on the left, in the middle distance, is a broad, flat landscape a with a narrow line of sea in the horizon. The sky is nearly e covered with sunlit clouds. Ee a eA AEE SOS ie a Os Signed at the lower centre, H. B. KorxKoex. Height, 26 inches; length, 38 inches. — Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. eee ‘2 QO: _-_~—-_-—sSC-FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI Pee __ ITALIAN : + | * 1702—1788 ~~ af "LANDSCAPE Tus j is a classical landscape, with a succession of castle- - erowned hills, overlooking a fertile valley with a broad, | cing river extending away to the horizon. In the foreground, in the centre of the composition, are a shep- _ herd and a shepherdess, with a flock of sheep and goats, ~ together with cattle, and on the right, a small lake with _two swans and a cascade f alling into a pool of water. On | - either side tall trees, partly in sunlight and partly in E. shadow, rise out of the picture against a sky filled with B® - sunlit rolling clouds. | Be ns Height, 3314 inches; length, 501, inches. iy € | Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frosr. 4] eR pe gh nb ey care mee Sen pee Se naa Ds em F. VESIN ae FRENCH = ee ee THE STROLLING MUSICIANS | THREE Egyptian musicians, who have been keeping out the cold by warmth from a bottle, are wandering along a trackless, snow-covered waste among the foothills of a ee actu nk lr es ' large mountain range. One of them has fallen on his back : in the snow, and, pointing an empty bottle in the guise of a pistol, halts a pair of startled sledge horses, which : the peasant driver lashes, vainly urging them to pass the — | sprawling figure. In the immediate foreground on the I left a dog vigorously barks at the two companions of the | fallen musician, who have succeeded in keeping their legs. : The costumes and the landscape suggest that the motive was found in the Carpathian Mountains. Signed at the lower right, F. Vusrx, M889. i Height, 23%, inches; length, 411% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ' No. 91 LBERT ANKER 0 “ne FRENCH ' _1831-— THE KNITTING SCHOOL AN old German dame, seated in a high-backed stuffed _ chair, is busily engaged in knitting a white stocking, sur- - rounded by a large company of small girls who are trying __ to follow her instructions. On the left a little couple is seated winding yarn, and leaning against the arm of a _ chair stands a small girl apparently discouraged at her attempt at knitting. On the other side of the old lady an- . other little maid earnestly watches the nimble fingers, holding a basketful of wool on her left arm. Nearby are ‘several companions, all, with one exception, intent on their work. In the background is a green porcelain stove, and | hanging against the wall are various prints and pictures, ____ together with a shelf with dishes and various other articles —__ of domestic use. = Signed at the lower right, ANxeR, 1860. ? Height, 30 inches; length, 48 inches. Joun Taytor Jounston Collection, New York, 1876. Catalogue No. 42. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars. Pm | No. 92 + RENE REINICKE EXPECTANCY Tue full-length figure of a young lady in Directory cos- tume is seen standing on a low garden terrace, daintily raising her petticoats with her left hand, and with her right half shyly holding a fan to her face as if expecting j a lover. She wears an embroidered white satin gown with short sleeves, and a large bonnet with red and white ostrich ~ it plumes, a brown mantle thrown around her gloved arms, i, a striped petticoat and high-heeled satin slippers. Beyond | the figure are seen a field with a profusion of flowers, scat- il tered trees and a large marble vase with figures. 44 “Hy Signed at the lower right, RENE REINIcKE, Miinchen, ’86. Height, 45 inches; width, 26 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. io 9. a “Y'} 4 oe ’ f No. 93 < oy a ie . L ef a oh sth é SI &f rAtsrre 7 g $ THE OFFERING A YOUNG man in Directory costume standing upon a ter- race holds a bouquet of flowers in his left hand, and bows in a half-confident attitude as if anticipating a pleasant reception of his offering. He wears a pink silk figured coat and waistcoat, brown silk breeches, a black chapeau and a jabot arranged in the fashion of the time. Behind the figure is a spring landscape with trees and shrubs in full blossom. Signed at the lower right, RENE RE1nicKE, Miinchen, ’86. Height, 45 inches; width, 26 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ( re of the at near the f Be pronsid. and a peas- a and woman watch their flocks nearby. A great A nial 31 inches; length, 441, inches. t Owner, Estate es the late Isaac T. Frost. ww Se aan aT ah tae RR Se re ene te heen eae Aipanr ar Nena ona ne ie Fees PRE nO SPP A as tt SS EY en pe ee te Bae re ee ne ee aed are He Ne tbs rr Hi i | i He} HI ye | core a. Fyn a A. 7 1837— be No. 95 FRENCH Xx EMILE ANTOINE BAYARD J |, 0 og THE WEDDING ' A BRIDAL party of ladies and gentlemen is just descend- ing a broad flight of steps which leads from a stately resi- dence to a terrace, the youthful bride and groom partly shaded by a small canopy carried by two dark-skinned attendants. They pause for a moment in their progress to greet a bevy of small schoolgirls, who, in gala dress, meet the bride with offerings of flowers, while an usher in livery keeps back an eager band of peasants who crowd forward to see the happy couple. The foreground group is in a strong effect of light and shade, and the rest of the com- position, with the exception of a bit of sunlit landscape beyond the crowd of peasants on the right, is in luminous shadow. The costumes are of the poudré period. Signed at the lower right, Ene Bayarp, 1885. Height, 38 inches; length, 501, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ff PRENCH MILE ANTOINE BAYARD _ [0 a urse to be admired by a company of friends and ves. Standing on the steps, which are packed by - guests, two richly dressed gentlemen throw bon- toa crowd of youngsters, who tumble over each other and struggle eagerly for the sweets. The proud mother, f< lowing closely her infant, watches the school children with a smiling face, while a lad, apparently the eldest son, _ politely presents the infant to the assembled friends. The large group in the foreground is in luminous shadow, flecked here and there by sunlight, which also strongly _ illuminates a portion of a luxurious garden in the middle _ distance. Signed at the lower left, Eire Bayarp, 1883. Height, 37 inches; length, 50 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joux Daty. No. 97 ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. (yO y) "| AMERICAN oe 2 ( 44. CALER HALT BY THE/ RIVER THE motive of this picture was evidently found in Kansas or Nebraska at the time of the early settlement of the West. In the foreground on the low grassy shore of a broad river stands a prairie schooner at the point where the trail enters the stream. The emigrants are scattered about it, and nearby the four draught oxen are feeding under large trees which grow near the water’s edge. A single horseman, who is crossing the stream by the ford, stops to water his animal in the shallows near the shore, and across the river the sun is just disappearing behind the trees in the distance. On the left is a line of lofty crags in the mysterious glow of early sunset, and the cirrus clouds, floating high in the heavens, are touched here and there by a ruddy light. Signed at the lower left, Riimrsravt, 70. Height, 37 inches; length, 57, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 98 is. ( aA UNKNOWN | 0 0” . WINE, WOMAN AND SONG ___ - Harr reclining upon a bench, her left elbow resting upon a low table, a Spanish maiden, languishingly turning her - gaze upon her lover, raises her glass which he, while ar- e tently embracing her, fills with white wine. To the left a second maiden gayly dances and sings, raising her tam- _bourine high above her head. Height, 381, inches; length, 52 inches. eile Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 99 s | pa nete JEANNIN ) +S oF. ae FRENCH e Ovatainnorary |= PEONIES i | A uucE bunch of red and white peonies is lying upon the i ground in strong sunlight, which makes vigorous con- | trasts of light and shade and color. The background is a graded tone of warm gray. Signed at the lower left, G. JEANNIN. Height, 32 inches; length, 51 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEs. SS : ot m™ BA agree CARMIGNANI No. 100 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, A SMALL whitewashed chateau, surrounded by a high wall, stands on the edge of a large marshy tract in which grow tall, slender trees in autumn foliage. From the left fore- ground an irregular sluggish stream with various small branches winds away, and disappears around a low point. On the left is a narrow, muddy path bordered by tall trees from which the lower branches have been lopped. In the distance the stream is gleaming on the farther edge of the marsh under wooded hills which bound it, and near the chateau two cows, driven by a peasant, are walking along a narrow path. The light in the sky is concentrated on drifting masses of thin clouds near the middle of the com- position. Signed at the lower left, G. Carmicnant, 1871. Height, 56 inches; width, 40 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Issac T. Frost. fad ene. ene Se aN ee er MT EE, het SAO Se SECOND EVENING’S SALE _ FRIDAY, JANUARY 1lirn, 1907 AT - MENDELSSOHN HALL : BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK WATER COLORS No. 101 { A. CORELLI as Q - « CHILD : THE PEOPLE Water Color A youneé maiden dressed in ragged garments, clasping her hands in front of her, stands in the sunlight against _a rough wall, upon which she casts a deep shadow. Her tangled hair falls low upon her forehead above a pair of wide-open eyes, and is bound to her head by a narrow black ribbon. Signed at the upper right, & orEx1. Height, 19 inches; width, 1014 inches. ae Owner, Mrs. Argert W. NicKERSON. ii be | Mee Ht | ae wt | aH | (ai Wes yh f . a tii | } | \\ | | : i | | | |! { | i i f ii ) ' (id ’ it § 4 it it 1 } a ‘ ir aes Te apa ; | L OR Ca OM PEON RAY 9 ot : OR BRS, a s Wid 2 my aay 7/- AERC ae - No. 102 GEORGE WHARTON EDW 1859— A CANAL IN BELGIUM Water Color ben 2 Aeon a A BrRoap canal, which covers the foreground, e tend: diagonally from the left to the right of the picture. the low shore beyond stands a lofty windmill, flanked low buildings and a clump of small trees, and nearer t foreground are two Dutch freight sloops, with and a rowboat with a single oarsman. Ne Signed Grornce WuHarton Epwarps, ’80, Belgique. | Height, 9¥, fookors length, 134 4 inches. co Owner, Mrs. de MontTGOMERY SEARS." ans rere a ae Lee a ° Hid ita ta Sieh ea Ca ? Shoo ees ai igiihe 2 RENE fey haa Mga RSS SORE ATR GS ‘ a: os > oe No. 103 _ CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE FRENCH -1831—1897 O ’ | 0 ; THE ‘STAG HUNT Water Color—Fan Desi ae the foreground on the left is the master of the stag - bunt with three mounted attendants, one of whom carries a large hunting horn, and followed by a couple of hounds struggling through the brushwood. On the right stands a peasant who is engaged in felling a tree, and farther _ away a carter, with a timber wagon drawn by two horses, attempts to control the excited leader. In the middle dis- tance is seen the stag running at full speed toward a river, followed by a pack of hounds and several horsemen. Across the stream a farming country, with open fields alternating with coppices, stretches away to the horizon under a sunny sky. Signed at the lower right, Ov. DE PENNE. Height, 13 inches; length, 26 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. , No. 104 : REUBEN LE GRAND JOHNSTON Wasp X,, AMERICAN | 2 i-L . LAAAL 1850— n, : Water Color In the foreground lying on the ground, her head ex- tended, is a ewe, suffering from some ailment peculiar to sheep. Four of the flock stand near her, one of them sniff-_ ing at the prostrate animal. In the middle distance several other sheep wander ‘over the sloping hillside in the pas- ture, in which slender trees grow here and there. A SICK EWE Signed at the lower right, R. Le Granp JOHNSTON. a Height, 19 inches; width, 12 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. MontcomMEery SEARS. No. 105 ACOB SIMON HENDRIK ee ae ) “LISTLE MOTHER Apy bb by AOEOR——WNater Color Da = Fo Beng A PEASANT oe sits holding on her knee a small child, and both are interestedly watching a half-grown lad who | kneels on the floor in front of them holding an egg in his q outstretched hand. A simple cottage interior is suggested | in the background. Signed at the lower right, Keven. P| Height, 131, inches; length, 17 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. MontcoMERY SEARS. No. 106 eos BATHER, leey ly ‘rutted water-soaked country road a man Water Color e tly Cieward Rea after the labors of the day. On e pate near the horseman | a tall, slender tree with bare ae ¢ clouds na a of the picture at the top. On either side the road is bounded by low, grassy banks, and on the left is hae seen n the curve of a river or canal extending away to the Wie “Signed at the lower right, J. H. WEIssENBRUCH. Height, 18 inches; width, 121, inches. _ Owner, Hvuco REIsincer. No. 107 HOBBE SMITH DUTCH m7 1 Vv sar a “} Contemporary | rs) ZAANDAM Water Color : Bryonp a broad canal on the low, irregular shore at the water’s edge is a row of buildings dominated by two large i windmills. On the left is a glimpse of a narrow street with the figures of a man and a woman, the latter carrying a : basket, and on the right the view extends to a lofty bridge spanning a narrow canal, and the spire and steep roof of a large church beyond. Signed at the lower left, Hosse Smirn. Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches. Owner, Huco REIsinceER. No. 108 _L. EUGENE LAMBERT f 0,0! 1 : | y ea a f = ££ é ie & | . i A: Yd & 4 a _ u ¥ a \o si he C file . sf ‘is F | IN MISCHIEF Water Color A. MOTHER cat and three kittens have trespassed upon a work table. The kittens are making merry with the yarn {| and silk, and one of them occupies the workbox, another ! one a partly opened drawer and a third is sprawled upon the table. On the right the corner of a green curtain falls upon the table, and upon the wall at the back hangs a bird cage. Signed at the lower right, L. Eve. LamsBerr. Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ¥ Te Hy! ot ye! ~ ‘ : : Ig atv ay A. gl Py re i ee A - No. 109 © ce, Vohi7; JULES WORMS | FRENCH Nel 1837— (| : NG GUEST Ree.” ‘ _ Water Color _ AN old Spanish gentleman, apparently crippled by rheu- _ Matism, resting his right hand on the shoulder of an at- _tendant and his left upon a short stick, is about to step from the entrance of a house on to a stone footpath. A comely young maiden standing close at hand is evidently more occupied with the young serving man than with the progress of the master. In the foreground a small black dog watches the scene, and behind the figures is a broad _ stone staircase ascending to an upper story. Signed at the lower left, J. Worms. ; es Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 110 frre tT tycr my 4 ih , (ot IS ALEXANDRE LELOIR | , 1843—1884 \ sa DECORATIVE PANEL Water Color A youné girl with huge butterfly wings is perched upon | the slender branch of a flowering tree, partly draped in B multi-colored materials, with a long white shawl or scarf Ge falling in sinuous folds from her feet. | Signed at the lower left, Lovis Letom. Height, 14 inches; width, 914 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 111 RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SPANISH 1841— AFTER THE BALL Water Color Tue full-length figure of a young lady in Pierrot cos- tume, with a pointed hat perched upon the back of her head, a pink cloak lined with blue, a pale mauve skirt and a) white petticoat, is leaning against a wall, her left hand on || her hip, and holding in her right hand a black mask. Signed at the upper right, R. Mavrazo. Height, 1414, inches; width, 7 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. eae it ‘ , a ee “a fe, ee eee. fot lita Sl Bi dace 2 = elat f cared 8 ee eo 1 lo FES Dee ee Ay ee i aH * ae No. 112 : GEORGE HITCHCOCK 2 AMERICAN ee ee a P ae / . Vi wt UALR a 0 ‘ + THE PENITENT ° Pastel Tuis is the life-size head and shoulders of a young girl seen in profile against a golden-toned background of a bas-relief representing angels and cherubim. Her shoul- ders are draped in a black robe, and a diaphanous black veil is thrown over her head, falling in thin lines over the face and hair. - a ai sy e 1 Signed at the lower right, G. Hrrcucocx. Height, 131, inches; length, 17 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. MONTGOMERY SEARS. ra iP AS No. 118 ATTILEO SIMONETTI eae _ ITALIAN Contemporary | OD Water Color Tuis is a study of the strand of a little Italian port in full sunlight. On the left is a row of boats of various sizes and diverse build and rig, from the clumsy rowboat to the graceful felucca, drawn up on a shallow gravelly beach along a sunlit street, which is bordered by an irregu- lar row of stuccoed houses on either side of a church with a dome and a square tower. Behind the houses rise low, wooded knolls, the foothills of a range of rocky eminences which are seen in the distance on the right. A flood of strong sunlight falls upon the landscape. Signed at the lower right, Arritro Stmonerti1, Casamicciola, 1880. Height, 171%, inches; length, 25% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. po-G No. 114 LEO LERCH GERMAN AWAKENING | Pastel Tue life-sized head and bust of a fair-haired maiden, her left arm encircling her head, which is resting on a pillow. Her bust is partly covered by white drapery, and the arms and shoulders are bare. The light falls strongly upon the figure from above, throwing the face, which is in profile, into luminous scsi and accentuating the FORE figure. Signed at the left centre, Leo Lercu. Height, 231, inches; width, 19 inches; oval. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINGER. No. 115 Ma, dys a %S. @ & Th tL f° DUTCH “Contemporary LATE pene Fe fe en _. A. J. VAN DRIESTEN | ee pire TI Water Color On a low, grassy point in a maze of waterweeds grow three slender trees denuded of foliage, their bare branches forming an open network against a gray sky. Lying nearby, close to the bank, are two rudely constructed skiffs, and under the trees stands a low wooden shack, with a few articles of wearing apparel hung up to dry on a pole nailed to the tree trunks. In the left foreground a few ducks paddle about on the water, and the distant hori- zon line is broken by farm buildings, clumps of trees and windmills. Signed at the lower right, A. J. vAN Driesten. Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINnGER. No. 116 ; rages We FRED. J. DU CHATT 1856— ON A DUTCH CANAL ‘), 0 : Water Color Be a4 BROAD, quiet canal, reflecting a luminous, cloudy sky, ___ extends across the foreground and carries the eye away to _ the distance, where a row of slender trees grows on the _ grassy bank. A heavy 1 rowboat with a single oarsman floats near the shore, from which, on the left, rises a rank of tall, slender trees in summer foliage, which border the canal and overshadow a house which stands near the water. A large bunch of reeds grows in the shallow water near __ the grassy point in/ the foreground. 5a Signed at the lower left, .Frev. J. pu CHAatrtet. Bye _ Height, 19 inches; length, 30%, inches. | Owner, Mn. Hvco Ressrxcen. He fee No. 117 ; a MAURICE HAGEMANNS mee SHEEP IN ne ) z Pastel In the near foreground two great pollard willows grow in a rich meadow strewn with daisies, the trees in full sun- light overhanging a winding stream. A flock of sheep is seen approaching, guarded by a shepherd and a dog, browsing on the herbage as they advance. Farther away | across a sunlit field is a screen of trees in spring foliage i under a luminous sky. | Signed at the lower right, M. Hacemanns. Height, 20 inches; length, 271, inches. Owner, Mr. Huco ReisinceEr. Litee See rapes TE TT ETT pecan No. 118 ae Vay m, ITALIAN Contemporary i IN THE CAMPAGNA Water Color. In the foreground a shepherdess is watching a se flock of sheep which are feeding on the scant herbage of a rough pasture, through which flows a tiny stream ee has worn its way deep into the soft earth. Near the shep- _ | herdess stands a peasant playing a tune on a set of bag- _ 1 pipes, beating time with his left foot as he plays. The | ruined arches of one of the large aqueducts are seen on the crest of a gentle slope in the middle distance, and far- __ ther away a high range of mountains forms the horizon against a gray bank of cumuli strongly illuminated OF the sunlight. ae cone hp ip itrne e a prenn es oon -tihe 2 %’ Signed at the lower right, E. Narv1, Roma, °95. , d Height, 201% inches; length, 29 inches. : j Owner, Mr. Huco REIstnceEr. OIL PAINTINGS a= No 419 CARL BARTOSCHECK & GERMAN 2) ae eae, ntemporary ie } _ ARTIST AND SITTER _ SEaTED at his easel, with palette on his left thumb and i holding a pipe to his mouth, is a young artist, who is chat- ting with his sitter during a rest in the painting of her portrait, which is seen on the easel, together with brushes and oil cups. The lady, who sits near the artist, holds in her hand a glass of wine, which she raises as if toasting the painter. A straw-covered flask, a long pipe and a sec- _ond glass stand on a table in the lower left of the picture. Signed at the upper right, Cart BarvoscHecx. Height, 334 inches; width, 314 inches. ge Owner, Mr. Hueco REIsincer. i ; i f } : No. 120 MAX PITZNER a ie GERMAN ; (5 aie me ae | ontemporary au ah : RECONNOITRING’ DRAGOONS In the foreground stands a mounted dragoon holding his. _ lance, from which flutters a blue and white pennant, and at the same time the reins of his officer’s horse. Nearby stands the officer himself, who, with his field glasses raised to his eyes, earnestly gazes into the distance. Beyond the group a pleasant rolling farming country extends away in a gentle slope to a flat-topped hill which terminates in a slight declivity on the right, where grows a large cop- pice, most of the trees in autumn foliage. A few sunlit | clouds float in the sky near the horizon, and in the middle distance on the left is a shepherd with his flock and his ' faithful dog, and farther away a roadside shrine. Signed at the lower right, M. Prrznur, Miinchen. Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsmnceEr. ON. 121 sas oy. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AMERICAN | S aff 1853— 1,2 2 : u “THE HILLSIDE FARM Great trees with gnarled and twisted trunks grow on a _ gently sloping hillside among the boulders, covering with _their dense foliage the larger part of the sky, which is filled with sunlit cumuli. On the left, in the middle dis- tance, stands a farmhouse, near which is a large rounded _ tree in full foliage, and in the mysterious distance is sug- BE tcd a large wood, which bounds the pasture. oon at the lower lefi, J. Francis Murpny. Height, 12 inches; width, 6 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. Mes tecurny SEARS. No. 122 R. W. VAN BOSKERCK, A.N.A. am AMERICAN G' () * M2 SsO _1855— wai THE SEASIDE PASTURE Two storm-beaten trees grow in a rough pasture near the E foreground, the larger one on the left overhanging a low ____ stone wall which extends diagonally to the middle dis- tance, where it turns and wanders over a rough, low hill- side toward a narrow strip of sea which shimmers in the broad sunlight. On the right a flat hilltop forms the hori- zon, and scattered here and there over the pasture are small clumps of low bushes. A few birds hover about under the trees, and a partly worn footpath winds from the foreground toward the wall. Signed ut the lower left, R. W. Van BosKkercx. Height, 10 inches; length, 20 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. § Fi q P| ry Fi} Wy uA WILLEM VAN DE VELDE 4 DUTCH . 3 ° ° Re i 3 ENGLISH a g ri 1775—1851 ; Beat FLoaTING on the rippling surface of a broad sheet of water, a felucca with two masts and slightly lowered sails makes the focus of the composition. On the right, in the _ middle distance, is the point of a wooded island, and on a the left, far away, is seen a man-of-war with lofty stern, together with other ‘vessels, near a rocky promontory. The sun shows through a thin stratum of clouds which covers _ the sky, illuminates the landscape with a broad diffused light and is reflected in the rippling surface of the water. Height, 9 inches; width, 9 inches; rownd. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ah Wh No. 124 qh cae ve oe) sila PE Bae eet a0 ete a hee ee ey Sete ee ee a vO peatr Fae ath a 1610—1693 Mac WHALE FISHING A FLEET of Dutch vessels, with high sterns and bellying sails, are seen just off the shore, apparently engaged in fishing for whales, for the broad flukes of one are seen on the left, and various rowboats, fully manned, are about to engage in the chase. In the foreground, on the right, is a | Polar bear on the edge of an ice floe, indicating that the fishery is in the far North. , Signed at the lower right, W. V. Veuve. 4 Height, 10 inches; length, 1214 inches. Pt Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ts ela ce alii 2 Se ae f= oe Ld te ae EMILE LAMBINET | _ FRENCH ae Pe aa a by the left f oreground is the corner of a sunlit wheat _ field, and in the shadow of a large gate is seated a peasant woman resting her back against the gate post. At the _ point of the wheat field is a deep ditch in which large _ water weeds grow, and in the middle distance are several thatched farmhouses, near which a few cattle are feed- _ ing, attended by two peasant women. A band of cirrus clouds extends across the sky in the upper part of the picture, and small cumuli lazily float in the warm atmos- ‘phere below. — Signed at the lower left, Euame Lameprer, 77. Height, 121% inches; length, 18 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frosr. No. 126 = DUTCH * “1 803—1862 LANDSCAPE On the right and left of a broad, sandy road, which is partly in sunlight and partly in shadow, are clumps of forest trees, and a large flock of sheep is scattered over the road, watched by a peasant who is seated on the low _ bank. In the distance a red-roofed cottage stands half — hidden among the trees, and a feather of smoke arises from its broad chimney. A few luminous clouds float in the sky, accentuated by a rosy nent from the late after- noon sun. Signed at the lower right, B. C. Korxxodex. Height, 131, inches; length, 181 imches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. No. 127 Daw 4 hk 4 DUTCH WINTER IN HOLLAND On the frozen surface of a broad canal, which sweeps away from the left foreground in a curve to the extreme distance, are many figures skating and sliding, and on either side of the canal are cottages with snow-covered roofs standing among the bare trees, which are tossed by the wintry wind. In the immediate foreground is a wharf or landing place, from which two figures, one seated and one standing, watch the active skaters. The sky is covered by wintry clouds. Marked at the lower right, KB Height, 1414 inches; length, 1914 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. AERT VAN DER NEER | 49. “he ; | he ; : ’ : aan es ; - ee SN Se ee EI Ne Ee DAP ee GOUT IE ii iene =e NEA: “i a ee << - _—- es iin ee = we as © ¢ Ae es ee ee ei ie 4 sails ae moored to the pee or are drif ting with the tide, nd ite boat with a single occupant, are reflected in the ae aters. The low horizon is broken by numerous sailing | Hees and ee the characteristic piles which are a feature of a ‘Signed at the Tower eft W. G. Bunce, Venice. " x Height, 14 inches; length, 25 inches. Owner, Mrs. e “Monrcomery SEARS. ‘ No. 129 as FROSTY MORNING og -Sxarep in an old-fashioned rocking chair, his feet upon _ the hearth of an air-tight stove, is a small lad who, having _ put aside his mittens, is endeavoring to warm his stiffened fingers. His duty has evidently been to light the fire in the schoolroom, and behind the stove is the simple wooden desk _of the master, and on the right are the seats and desks of the pupils. Split birch logs are lying on the floor near the stove, on the bench behind the boy are his two school books, and underneath it his tin dinner pail. Signed at the lower ide E. Jounson, 1868. Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. MontcomeErRyY SEARs. FRENCH 1824— A WINTER’S DAY | hand, from which the araner has fallen. A. few finkes va - snow f alling on her head and shoulders and a wintry back- oe ground suggest the title of the picture. Cia ate 5 Signed at the lower left, Jean AUBERT, 1882, biota ee. Height, 17 inches; width, rae poker ui Ds BS Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. ie iy: - 7m Aurck: No. 131 | DON FRANCISCO DOMINGO Y MARQUES © PL, SPANISH ‘ we ae ; p 1843— 49 O° » oe 7 “@ “RESTING” A sTuRDY man-at-arms, dressed in coarse red velvet doub- a let and breeches, with buff coat and boots, his broad hat — thrown. carelessly back on his head, stands with arms akimbo near a rough pillar. Behind him three comrades — are busily engaged in a game of cards with a drum as a table. A large earthen pitcher stands on the pavement near the group. er om te. ~ Ae Signed at the lower right, Dom1nco, Paris. Height, 1444 inches; width, me inches. H. M. Jounsron Collection, New York, 1893. Catalogue, No. 51, Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. & AOXX No. AGo of Sere : ce RLES (MILE JACQUE | RENCH yt apne BS aes —1894 _ SHEEP __ In the foreground are two sheep, both cropping the grass, _. one standing, the other lying down, and a third is seen in ~ the middle distance on a low, mossy bank under the slant- ing trunk of a tree. To the left of the animals is the cor- ner of a wood, with a suggestion of a forest in the distance and a small area of cloudy sky. The group is strongly _ illuminated by sunlight which falls from the left. i ant at the lower a Cu. Jacaue, ’68. a Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches. Owner, Mr. Cuartes H. Dicxey. aa T TROYON FRENCH : ‘ 1810—1865 vet iF $ fe CATTLE ip Tuis is a study of a herd of cattle in a broad open pas- | ture, across which, extending to the left in diminishing perspective to the middle distance, runs a row of moderate- sized trees. The herd is in full sunlight on the meadow and partly in shadow under the trees, and beyond, in i the distance, is a low range of hills forming the horizon | ___ against a cloudy sky. Stamped at the lower right, “ Vente Troyon.” Height, 917, inches; length, 1414 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. FRENCH rs | 827—1 891» t “THE PASTURE | ae | In the near f acer ae’ in full sunlight, ma Fook: Beyond her is a gently sloping grass- grown. pas nig ture, over which are scattered cattle and sheep, all dili- | gently feeding, and above is a luminous summer sky. The sunlight strongly accentuates the forms of the animals, — and casts deep shadows upon the ground. 3 Signed at the lower left, EM. Van Marcxe. Height, 131, inches; length, 19 ‘inches. Owner, Mr. Cuartes H. Dickey. No. 185 S FRANCOIS DAU FRENCH, * 1817—1878 Qe eee wh | THE STREAMLET (noth(™ e- oS THE well-wooded sloping nk of a ateoait or lake ex- tends from the left of the composition in diminishing per- spective to the lower right. In the foreground two ducks are swimming towards a mass of water weeds on the left, and on the right the quiet surface of the water reflects the sunlit foliage of the trees on the bank. The sky is covered with a thin veil of clouds, and the sunlight strongly ac- centuates a small cumulus near the middle of the com- | position. Signed at the lower left, Dausicny, 1876. i Height, 1114 inches; length, 1914 inches, | Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. "FRENCH 1827—1891 sv an ope tree. A short distance away a black and 2 Ean idly eee with lowered head, as ale 5 eaiiht on the rolling clouds is concentrated be- : hind the masses of foliage. "Signed at the lower penn Em. Van Marck. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. Branpecre. MQ: SADT S te No. 187 Ay EAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE. ‘COROT , 3 H a. : 4S | eee Bc: ON THE SHORE OF THE LAKE A skIFF with a single occupant is lying in the shalloy water among the reeds against the low, grassy shore Ty an expanse of water underneath a tall pollarded willow, flanked by smaller trees, which rises high against a lumi- nous summer cloud, across which great masses of sunlit cumuli are drifting. The quiet expanse of water, reflect- i ing the tones of the sky, extends away to the distance on | the left, where it is bounded by a level meadow. Beyond the trees a red-roofed cottage stands on the shore of the i lake, and to the right in the middle distance is the end of Se Oe ee RS SS ~ 2S , = ae a 9 nent a Ne a a large wood. Signed at the lower right, Corov. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars. ~._ FRENCH 181 1—1889, ( “LANDSCAPE O® STREAM, which ‘winds through rich A eatiagey broadens out across the foreground, where it is bordered by wild _ flowers, rushes and reeds. In a small meadow on the right _ three cows are feeding, and the principal object in the composition is a clump of lofty trees in the middle dis- tance, beyond which is a passage of strong sunlight on _ the level pasture. Great masses of vapor, here and there flecked by sunlight, cover the sky, ‘a only a few spots of blue visible. Signed at the lower right, Jurxes Dupre. Height, 12 inches; length, 19 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. FRENCH — § 1796—1874 ow | tata. ONG THE WILLOWsSas Beek a deep pool, ne on the left, a group of pollen wil — lows, in modified sunlight. On the right, partly in light and partly in shade, are two women, one seated, the other _ standing, and beyond is seen the steep banks of the pool — ‘ with lofty overhanging trees rising agains a sky across — which heavy cumuli drift. : Signed at the lower left, Corot. Height, 163, inches; fenseh 181, inches. MRE Seren Coll Collection, New York, 1893. Careers No. 57. wna hs od eo Ma i gor Sorseties of Mur. Vau1t, Paris. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. _ FRENCH 1807—1876 ie ~ a «“ ‘HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME ere 2 Two maidens in lowing robes, having gathered a large bunch of flowers, are trying their fortune in the old tra- _ ditional way by plucking the petals from a daisy. One is seated, one standing, the latter leaning upon the shoulder of her companion, who holds in her lap a bunch of flowers. The group is in strong sunlight from the upper left and _ in vigorous relief against a background of trees in dense foliage. Through an opening between the branches is a glimpse of a pleasant wooded landscape beyond, with a small area of sky filled with summer clouds. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz. i Height, 23 inches; width, 17142 inches. Owner, Mr. Cuartes H. Dickey. cee é No. 141 . J EMILE VAN MARCKE , FRENCH wpe ‘| | hes 4-1 go eee U ee Gia ot e | ‘i i i A SPRING DAY | : i In a pleasant open orchard, with young trees in full los : il som, a red and white cow lies on the short fresh grass, i placidly ruminating. Beyond, the view extends across cul: | tivated fields, with scattered trees in spring foliage, to a _ ' line of low tree-crowned hills in the distance. A single — I cloud drifts across the sky toward the zenith, and ete ae i sunlight floods the whole landscape. e / Signed at the lower right, Em. Van Mancxe. < | Height, 251, inches; width, 21 inches. | ine Colisction M. Forenarp, Paris. a q # ADCS GopFrEY MAaNNHEIMER Collection, New York, 1896. tat i NY 0. 60. i Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. ofa ¢ D ee NOS 142 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH -1821— a ALONG THE QUAY yy On the right a row of sunlit buildings extends in rapidly _ diminishing perspective to a mysterious distance, and on _ the left a forest of masts and sails, partly in sunlight and __ partly in shadow, rises against a simple sky. In the im- _ mediate foreground, standing on the broad quay, is a _ Jaden wagon drawn by four horses, the driver perched on top of the load, and on the right a group of people stands near a fruit and vegetable shop, some of them in the shadow of a striped awning which hangs from project- ing poles. — ree ys bt we Hi ane Signed at the lower left, Zim. Height, 27 inches; width, 201, inches. _H. M. Jounston Collection, New York, 1893. Catalogue No. 39. i ? | i i Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. i “iss oS MAM = - SPANISH \. oan. ane s00-—— | | CANAL AT “VENICE ee On the right a white wall rises out of the: wal mounted by a marble balustrade, apparently the I of a large garden. Lofty trees, partly in sunlig | partly in shadow, rise against a simple blue sky. Seen be yond the corner of the wall on the left is a canal of mod- erate breadth, crossed by a simple iron bridge, and in the : foreground on the right the stern of a gondola is in sharp. contrast against the sunlit surface of the wall. Ss : Signed at the lower left, Rrco. as Height, 27 inches; width, 18 inches. — H. M. Jounston Collection, New York, 1893. Catalogue No. 37. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. a No. 144 0, . Qs . S { ; PAUL JEAN CLAYS “ } BELGIAN Se a 4 LAA ted. oe ae 4... 1819—1900 aay . SCENE IN HOLLAND On the left is a group of Dutch boats, with idly hanging _ sails, moored near a low bank of a broad estuary or canal. The hulls and sails are reflected in the smooth water, and = on the right extends in perspective the low shore, witha windmill and low clumps of trees. In the upper left the new moon shines high in the horizon, and the sky is coy- ered with a thin veil of clouds. | Bigned at the lower right, P. J. Crays. Height, 16 inches; length, 231, inches. Bi umd H. M. JoHnston Collection, N ew York, 1893. Catalogue No. 27. . Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. Cofi~ > Warr tate /9I9-HbG- tage epeianiccenee Tee No. 145 OR EHAN- GEORGES VIBERT _ FRENCH (CARDINAL in 1 full robes stands half leaning upon the _ wooden box of a large tree, note-book in hand, evidently 2 pleased with a rhyme he has just committed to paper. He has hung his cloak and broad hat upon the corner post of _ the tree box, and in front of him his favorite dog, with a _ snugly fitted red blanket trimmed with gold cord, sits, eagerly watching his master’s gestures. On the left i is a row of pomegranate, orange and other trees in tubs and _ boxes, and on the right is a glimpse of a rocky seacoast with a gray sky beyond. - Signed at the lower right, J. G. Vier. Height, 23 inches; width, 17 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. "FRENCH | | Wn 1822—1 899 ny es fo") THR. GUARDIANS OF THE _— J lofty trees in autumn f oliage. The younger annie one : iously watches the distant wood, and in the f oreground x the old champion of many forest battles stands with head _ erect and ears pointed backward, as if conscious of the responsibility of his position. The sunlight strongly accen- tuates the forms of the animals and casts luminous shad- a ows on the rough grass-grown ground of the glade. | _ Signed at the lower left, Rosa BonHEvr. bite ke Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. Werther wow . / LUDWIG MUNTHE f, 4 D. 5,” / NORWEGIAN 1841—1896 THE CABBAGE HARVEST - In the foreground four peasant women are engaged in harvesting a crop of cabbages which grow on a broad, open field which extends away to the remote distance, where the horizon is nearly lost under a sky filled with gray clouds, through which the sun breaks in many places, flooding the landscape with strong light and accentuat- _ ing the figures of the women and the details of the fore- ground. a | Signed at the lower left, L. Muntue, Kattwyk. : Height, 1714 inches; length, 251% inches. Wea eaza. ae Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINnGeER. ea scan f = eee afi * r A the ae are seen a few sheep, some of inking out of a pool, others feeding, and farther in the middle distance is a steep bank overgrown ld trees, with dense foliage, which rise out of the » against a sunset sky. d at the lower right, Een. Siecert, 797. 4 - Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. mer, Mr. Huco Retsincer. No. 149 FRENCH Cope fanemponary A CANAL OF VENICE THE motive for this picture is found in a narrow canalin — Venice, where some of the canals are so narrow that fora . larger part of the day they are in a semi-twilight gloom, — as the direct rays of the sun penetrate only at a certain — hour between the lofty facades which bound these small waterways on either side. From the foreground of this — picture the dark waters of the canal extend away under a bridge, with a single arch and tall parapet, to the middle distance, where a single gondola is seen approaching. On either side tall houses, the fagades broken by many win- — dows, doors and balconies, extend out of the picture, show- ing between them a palace, illuminated by a strong reflec- tion, and above it a small area of sunlit sky. J. SAINT GERMIER r {\0e O. Signed at the lower right, J. Saint Germirr, Venise. Height, 22 inches; width, 141% itches. Owner, Mr. Huco REeEIsincer. No. 150 A. TIRATELLI O : ITALIAN * 1842— SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW _ In one of the hill towns of central Italy a number of peas- ants are engaged in various occupations in a narrow street which mounts a steep, roughly paved declivity. In the foreground, seated at the entrance to a dwelling in the cool shade, sits a peasant engaged in arranging his foot- gear, and farther away, where rough and broken stone steps lead to other rude habitations higher up, are four women and a man engaged in various household tasks, -—__ some of them in full sunlight, and the others in the grate- ful shade of a portion of the house which crosses the nar- -__ row thoroughfare at the top of the composition. A tiny bit of blue sky shows between the roofs of the buildings ___ spanning the narrow street, and in the distance vines and fig trees grow luxuriantly. Signed at the lower right, A. TrraTetu1, Roma. i Height, 23 inches; width, 11 inches. 5 Owner, Mr. Hvco REISINGER. aa omens: ao OSETIA YL SE EAS MO JOSEF NEUHUYS— < DUTCH < 96 TFSI ce - eens J thickly together. In the f ore grout: pra in a Ban row grass-covered enclosure, is a peasant woman hanging out washing on a line, having spread part of it on the grass. It is winter time, and the slender branches of the tall trees on either side are nearly denuded oF f oliage, and rise against a simple Bray sky. | Signed at the lower left, ee Nevnvys, 74. Height, 2137, inches ; width, 16%, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. b r ‘oo spi ands 8 her aad the pictures in an open book s ea out bef ore her. Fhe group is strongly lighted by a oe nag on the table, Ran on the floor is a neglected toy horse" oe belonging to the boy, who has left it for the interesting : pictures in the book. The background i is a wall broken by | an alcove, which i is covered by a green curtain. stoned at the lower left, KEVER. Height, 22 inches; length, 27 inches. Owner, Mr. Cuantzs H. Dickey. ~ 4 2-Ir Veen THEOPHILE DE BOCK | 0 DUTCH f \. 1851—1904 - THE SHEEP PASTURE A SHEPHERD is leading his flock homeward acrossa rough broken tract of land, in which a sandy path winds between patches of coarse grass and low bushes, disappearing oc- casionally and at last appearing again as it mounts an __ irregular slope of a medium-sized hill in the distance. In the left foreground an irregular rank of trees extends in — rapidly diminishing perspective to the middle distance, and on the right a single birch, partly denuded of foliage, stands near the reed-grown shore of a sheet of water. The sky is covered by jagged cloud forms, tossed by the winds, © | and illuminated by the rays of the sun, which is below the __ | horizon. A few birds flutter about the tree tops on the left. Signed at the lower right, Tu. pE Bock. Height, 23 inches; length, 331% inches. - Owner, Mr. Huco REIsInGER. No. 154 ss < : tll ete EUGENE a SD VERBOECKHOVEN PUPCH BELGIAN Lop 1799—1881 | (gerne LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP _ ‘THe motive for this picture was found in Flanders. It _ shows a characteristic village scattered over a flat. terri- _ tory, which is broken by canals and pools of water. In the foreground, feeding on a grassy bank of a canal which extends diagonally to the sunlit middle distance, is a small flock of sheep watched by a peasant and his dog. The _ shadow extends to a group of buildings and trees on the left, where a stork has made its nest on a chimney top. Beyond, on the right, are the steep tiled roofs of clustered fe houses and the slender spire of a church rising above the ;- trees. The sky is partly covered by irregular cloud forms, 2 accentuated here and there by the sunlight. Signed at the lower left, W. Rortors, EucENE VERBOECKHOVEN. Height, 181% inches; length, 281 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. : Nhe * ‘ ‘ a aa) Tape Lick . pik ; A ea oe iw <4 ST acme ome a > Sacessaseas ERSKINE NICOL, ARA. | ue SCOTCH 18251 DONNYBROOK FAIR—BEFORE A sturDYy young Irish peasant is seated in f ‘ane of. his = cabin near a rude lean-to, in which, it may be presumed, his beloved pig is sheltered. He is busy trimming a black- _ thorn stick, which he expects to use effectively at the com- —_ ing fair, whistling as he whittles with his head thought- fully inclined to one ‘side. He wears a tattered gray coat over a blue waistcoat and brown corduroy trousers. Signed at the lower right, Nicor, A.R.A., 1868. Height, 191, inches; length, 261 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 156 ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. . ‘y) SCOTCH or. {6 Ct lar ted, vd ce ate Ay DONNYBROOK FAIR—AFTER Tue half-length figure of an Irish peasant in his shirt sleeves, lounging in a rude chair near the door of his cabin, with both hands behind his head, which is bound up with a colored handkerchief. His eyes are shut and his mouth is partly open, and he is apparently dreaming sweetly of the fun of the day of the fair. He wears a coarse red waistcoat over a white shirt and full brown corduroy trousers. | Signed at the lower left, Nicor, A.R.A., 1868. Height, 191, inches; length, 26 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. N O. 157 : ie ; oh PAUL JEAN CLAYS 18% OFF FLUSHING o On the lefta large Dutch trading-boat, with sails idly flap- _ ping in the light wind, is drifting along on the placid sur- __ face of the broad River Scheldt. Beyond, in the middle dis- tance, anchored near either shore, are sailing craft, anda ii steamer, with the Dutch flag at the stern, is moving across | the river, having just left the landing place on the right. The sky is covered with drifting summer clouds, against which, here and there, a few seagulls are seen soaring - above the water. bi at the lower right, P. J. Cuays, 1871. , Ae ee | Height, 19 inches; length, 271, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. c n4 GUSTAVE JEAN JACQUET i] i - FRENCH 1 ; 1846— Tue life-size head and bust of a young lady, in three- quarters view to the right, lighted from the upper left, the eyes looking out of the picture, with the head turned over the right shoulder. She wears a jaunty velvet cap perched above her right temple, with an ostrich plume and an aigrette, an embroidered velvet band around her neck, and a full dull yellow satin bodice, cut low, showing rich Jace across the bust. po rt NNSA snes esr ance see - a eon ota i ng SRS aries Signed at the right, G. Jacquet. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. i eee a rete 2 h wh Pool epee ; eur) me pn oak na oceans SSeS Te a eS SSS SS para en ee ee Ta TY a Ae ~ ‘ Se BERLE ee re en ke Heh it F RENCH 1817—1878 A BREEZY DAY IN SUMMER> A sHALLow lakelet, where rushes, lilies and water weeds : | grow in abundance, extends across the foreground to the : middle distance on the right. On the left a steep grassy _ slope, from which rise irregular clumps of tall trees, stretches down to the water’s edge, where a skiff is drawn up on the shore, and two washerwomen are busy with their tasks. Beyond a low level field in the middle distance rises a wooded hill, the simple line of which forms the horizon under a sky full of jagged, wind-tossed clouds. Signed at the lower right, Davnieny, 1874. esiceme . Height, 15 inches; length, 26 inches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars. No. 160 _NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA _ FRENCH cs ~ 1809—1876 | | FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU -_ Hver beeches, their trunks flecked by sunlight, and the dense foliage almost entirely covering the sky, grow on either side of a narrow glade of a great forest. In the foreground is a small shallow pool, and near it on a low bank sits the figure of a peasant woman gazing at her reflection in the surface of the water. Beyond her a path- way, partly overgrown by bushes and here and there illu- minated by strong sunlight, extends away to a mysterious distance. | ee } | Signed at the lower left, N. Draz. . 4 Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. Joun Taytor Jounston Collection, New York, 1876. Catalogue No. 42. Owner, Mrs. J. MontTGOMERY SEARS. A RT a ee a meer er seme ~ SS. ™ en —~ ~:~ -- batt Ze 161 oe CHARLES EMILE TACQUE FRENCH — 1813—1894 eS SHEEP IN PASTURE In a pleasant little glade in an extensive aOR nere i huge forest trees luxuriously grow and overhang — a : i streamlet which flows between grassy banks, is a large. a : flock of sheep watched by a shepherdess with her dog. She sits at the foot of a tree knitting, her flock around her, 4 some of them lying down, others eating or drinking from — the stream. The foreground is in strong sunlight, and a broad shadow crosses the middle distance, beyond which — is seen in the horizon a low wooded hillside under a cloudy _ sky. | Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. ® Height, 25 inches; length, ahha: eke Owner, Mr. Cuartes H. Dickey. RITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN a | - : 1847—1906 ; Tue rippling waters of a broad canal extend across the foreground and carry the eye between two rows of lofty er acades under the arch of a narrow bridge to the Grand - Canal beyond. On either side gondolas are moored to the - doorsteps of the houses, and on the right a gondolier stands ready to assist into his boat a lady and child who are just descending the steps. A strong diffused sunlight illuminates the scene and fills the shadows with luminous reflections. The sky is covered by a soft summer mist, the light being concentrated at the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Frirz TuHavurow, Venice. Height, 251, inches; length, 311% inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dicxey. ¥ No. 163 FELIX ZIEM ! FRENCH 1821— * VENICE On the left foreground are the terrace and gardens of ine: : island San Giorgio, at the steps of which two gondolas — are moored, and nearby stands a gentleman in rich red costume of the sixteenth century, accompanied by a lady __ and a greyhound. Two musicians recline upon the terrace, — and various other figures are seen on a higher level, which is surrounded by a balustrade. On the right, in the dis- tance, are the Dogana and the Church of the Salute, illu- minated by the rays of the low afternoon sun. | i Signed at the lower left, Ziem. : | Height, 23 inches; length, 351%, inches. ‘ae Owner, Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost. 164 w ‘ 7 + ADOLF SCHREYER Py 0 f GERMAN } Ox . “0: -1828—1899 ir aoe 4% MOORISH SHEIK AND ESCORT In the foreground a dark-skinned Moor, in rich garments, mounted on a spirited Arab charger, is moving rapidly over a rough, broken, hilly country, accompanied by a large escort, toward an extensive walled town which crowns the summits of the hills in the distance. Control- ling his horse by the reins in his left hand, he holds in his right a long, ornamented musket, resting the butt on the pommel of his saddle. Following closely behind him his standard-bearer holds aloft the richly embroidered symbol of the sheik’s power. The strong, broad light of the southern sun falls upon the group of horsemen, casts a modified shadow across the middle distance, and illumi- nates the domes, turrets and walls of the distant city. Signed at the lower right, Ap. ScHREYER. Height, 34 inches; length, 491 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIstNGcER. FRENCH 9061—Lag . : | HARVESTING THE POPPIES THE Poppy heads are full and ripe, and a large party . peasants is engaged 1 in reaping a broad field covered wit a rankly growing crop of these flowers, cutting the thic stalks close to the ground and gathering them into sheaves. In the foreground a peasant man and woman are stack- ing the tall sheaves together, a girl on the left is binding | the stalks into bundles, while on the right a companion " stoops to gather them up. It is near the close of a long — summer day, and the broad landscape is glowing with the warm light of the setting sun. Beyond the busy group of — harvesters a rich flat farming country stretches away to the distance, where a lofty windmill breaks the simple ~ horizon line, and above it, to the left, a slightly giboa os moon floats in the warm haze of late afternoon. | . FSG TN AN SN TE Ea TT _ Signed at the lower left, Jutes Breton, 1896, Height, 35 inches; length, 53 inches. Collection of the late F. O. Marruiessen, New York, 1902, Catalogue a No. 122. Owned by the Estate of the late E. A. Marrutessen. es is RENCH od 8271906 Bie Which | has f aflen to the ground. In the middle distance on the right a companion is engaged in gathering the single straws which have been scattered as the harvest was gar- _ nered, and on the right two women, bearing the result of _ their day’s gleaning on their heads, are on their homeward way. Beyond the broad stubble field the vista extends Ou across a fertile farm to a distant low hillside under the harvest moon. The landscape is lighted by the warm glow __ of early sunset, and the near foreground is in shadow, full oy of reflected lights. merre Signed at the lower loft, Jutes Breton, ’97. if ee ae hi carte é Height, 39 inches; width, 291%, inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. J No. 167 PIETER DE HoocH ,Q) ao ee 7 Sg Ute oa \ < ; aS wrk 1632—1681 “BEN BOTERHAM ” A Dvutc# housewife is seated in a spacious room of a ™ burgher’s house, engaged in cutting slices of bread and butter. She is dressed in a full brown jacket over a red petticoat and a dark blue apron, and wears a close-fitting black cap on her head. Near her stands a small servant- girl holding a plate with a large piece of butter, and be- side the latter is a spotted dog, eagerly watching for his share of the food. In the background, on the left, a wooden stairway leads to a half-story above, where the sunlight streams in through an open doorway, showing a- street view beyond. On the wall behind and above the ory door hang two pictures i in dark frames. Height, 364, inches ; width, 33 inches. From the Van DER hae Collection, Holland, 1889. Collection of the late Irvine M. Scorr, New York, 1906. Pid PONS ay Sin i Owner, Mrs. M. B. BranvEGEE. ee Ce ee FRENCH aot 5—1879 ~ An CHAT” I] length life-size figure of a young woman, hold- oth hands a pet Maltese cat. She stands in profile ft, with her face in three-quarters view, the head inclined on the left shoulder and her eyes looking d the spectator. She wears a white cap, bordered by gle ruffle which falls below the ears on either side, a white dressing jacket with tucked up sleeves, and a petticoat. The light strikes full upon the figure from ae yan b, ung. a seo shadow across the back- es, e | Signed at the age ake T. Covurure. ae a a hale oC Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches. . a Collection, New York, 1900. Catalogue No. 25. Owner, Mrs. M. B. Branvecee. eh ne rr oy nares eo 9 OE NE ee eR NE AI ESE SSR as Gan ea : Se ee 7 . = frase { ae ia Teen ie rie NL cies as poate Sea tents eee nen at egentege _ 3 SETAE ee isk: ineliac toelalancd 5 n : RTS UA = i : on = = Boe eee 20, ner eee st 1 apie os A rates SNR ye Tae oe ate eee eos viet oe ™ la = = = =>, poy = a x “: wer pie? _ ~ ie 2 RN es es. —— mr / — 7 = iT << - - = me fs “ " iat a | No. a oo “s FRITZ THAULOW ; : NORWEGIAN | i re | DIEPPE ¥pv Salt eo . Iy a broad, open square of this seaport town are seen the a figures of a man and woman crossing the rough pavement, By ( their arms linked together in the fashion of lovers. A heavy — rainstorm has just passed away, and the strong moonlight strikes full upon the facades of the houses and the broad _ paved area which is still half covered by the water from / the passing shower, and upon the rolling cumuli which _ | drift along above the housetops. A few stars twinkle in the sky, and the windows of two cabarets on the far side i of the square are strongly illuminated by the warm glow of lamplight. Signed at the lower right, Fritz THavutow, Dieppe. i Height, 2414, inches; length, 33 inches. | Owner, Mr. Cuartes H. Dickey. AMERICAN a ae Ar, and q5" CALLING THE FERRY 2 8-0 5 4 ao young peasant girls, one carrying a basket of apples, _ stand ona low rude landing on the bank of a broad river, ES Be arcctly waiting | to be ferried over. One of them raises _ to her head her right hand, and is apparently calling the ferryman, while her companion stands stolidly beside her. _ Beyond the figures is a broad backwater extending be- _ tween low tree-covered shores, and farther away on the left across the river is seen a line of willows bordering the bank, with the suggestion of a wooded landscape far- ther away. The lower part of the sky is covered by a band of rosy-hued clouds, and a thin stratum of soft vapor extends toward the zenith. Signed at the lower left, Rmeway Kyieut, Paris. Height, 25 inches; length, 32 inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dicxey. oat cH 60 | DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ny Se SESS ITT EIT TATE TOA a sept SSE — o. 171 E PIETERS + DUTCH er ee ! THE YOUNG KITCHEN MAIDS Near a small window in a characteristic Duin ican . are two young girls, one seated and one standing, engaged f in peeling potatoes for the noonday meal. Nearby two — cockerels and a hen have wandered into the kitchen from the barnyard and are looking for scraps on the floor. In the background, on the left, in an open-tiled fireplace hangs a huge kettle over a smouldering fire, and nearby are assembled various articles of domestic use. The interior is strongly lighted from the right by a latticed window, — glazed with old glass, part of which is seen in the Bose corner of the picture. Signed at the lower right, E. PreTers. Height, 29 inches; length, 35 inches. Owner, Mr. CuHartes H. Dickey. No. 172 1b U / | 9 _ , FRANZ VON LENBACH ae / i > MAGDALENA “>— i THE life-sized half-length figure of a Magdalen, her left _hand lying supinely in her lap and her right raised to her bosom. The head is nearly in full face, slightly raised and somewhat thrown’ forward, and the eyes are cast down, and look under the heavy lids toward the spectator. Her auburn hair falls in wavy tresses upon her shoulders and . * baa , m (4 etn Tt by its " FLT LT IF FEET ST IIL TE TT TY MIT NC MMI PS ISAT a EN ee aS TO CS se : 9 ee ae * frame her pale face, which bears an expression of quiet ri resignation. She is dressed in a loose robe of green velvet 1 showing tulle undersleeves at the wrists. The light falls 4 i full upon. the figure from the upper right, casting one Ht side of the face into shadow filled with reflected lights, and tl the background is a deep tone of brown intensified behind it Bt the head and shoulders. i et Signed at the lower right, F. Lensacu, 1901. ; ; Height, 36 inches; width, 271, inches. . in, Owner, Mz. Huco REtstNcER. 14 : ee ~ : Be | | “HERMANN KNOPF GERMAN Ska Contemporary ae Sag Ag THE DANCING LESSON a ae ee On the parquet floor of a drawing-room two little fair haired maidens, dressed in flowing robes, one of them in white, the other in red, are dancing together to the music of a piano played by their mother, while their brother, standing near, watches their movements with interest. The __ little group is lighted’ strongly from the upper left, and — on the walls of the room behind them hang a portrait and — a landscape, and above the piano, which is draped with a green cloth lined with yellow, hangs an engraving. Signed at the lower right, Hermann Kwnopr, Miinchen, 1900. Height, 32% inches; width, 2614, inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsiIncer. Oe ieee ee H. G. PRESTON McGOUN ee f No. 174 fy) ce OC OSA he weds Rc 0° FIRST AID TO THE WOUNDED A FAIR-HAIRED country maiden with her young brother has been strolling in a rough pasture along the seashore, ap- parently looking for blackberries. Kneeling near the lad she clasps him around the neck with her left arm, and with sisterly affection is trying to extract a thorn from his hand. In the foreground a blackberry vine suggests the cause of the accident, and the title of the picture. eee Fe sal “ <2 “ ce ae ac eran a enereaeeeneme emer eee Se See ne = | Signed at the lower left, H. G. Preston McGovun. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIsINnGceErR. 507 499" No. 175 oi? GEORGE DE FOREST BRUSH x g “AMERICAN 1855— é A SIOUX BRAVE In the foreground an Indian, mounted on a chestnut horse, stands on the edge of a mesa overlooking a broad valley, beyond which a low range of hills meets the cloud-covered sky. The young chieftain wears a bead-embroidered buck- skin shirt fringed with scalp locks, and carries in his left hand a tomahawk pipe. His hair is simply dressed after _ the manner of the Sioux, and a single braided plait falls upon his left shoulder. His head is raised, and with a thoughtful expression he gazes at the distance. Signed at the lower left, Gro. D. Brusu, 1882. Height, 354, inches; width, 241, inches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars. CESARE, DETTI 2S TEAL wr 1848—_ a eS: © foot, is about to start on a hana expedition with fale lok and hounds. The party is assembled at the entrance toa mansion, where a broad staircase mounts under a high arched portico to a terrace above. In the f oreground on the left a lad holds in leash two hounds. Near him i is'a richly dressed youth, who has uncovered his head in the presence of the lady, and beyond are two mounted men, i one of them with a falcon and the other blowing an ivory — hunting horn. Near the lady stands her attendant cavalier, — apparently giving her the programme of the hunt, and — beyond, a horseman, accompanied by a forester on foot, is — seen approaching. The sky, which is partly covered by the — great archway with its supporting columns, is filled with — sunlit clouds, and beyond the group on the right is 1s) gested a heavily wooded park. Signed at the lower right, C. Deri. Ha Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. Ke) mm a wie BANG rising out of the picture h ly ans the sky, which i is covered with soft s ; face of the broad stream to a fertile farming where buildings are seen here and there among ie range of low hills forms the horizon. Beg Fart Height, 271% inches; length, 381, inches. ‘ er ‘Estate of the late Isaac T. Frosr. i ii i Be Spy NDO DE MADRAZO_ PANISH 1841— IN THE SWING A young lady in Watteau costume of white silk ine a tulle petticoats below, a yellow silk jacket and a cocked straw hat looped up with a ribbon bow, sits in a graceful attitude in a swing, her fan carelessly thrown upon ‘the 4 grass beside her, and her small feet slightly extended. The figure is in contrast’ against a shadowy background of dense foliage, and on the right, in the middle distance, is a sunlit path which makes a turn among the trees. Signed at the lower right, R. Maprazo. e Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. | No. 179 (he JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE ‘Le Crni FRENCH 1821— FLOWERS LarGE roses, carnations, marigolds and other flowers are bunched together with raspberries in a large cup-shaped leaf, on a flat stone near a garden path. The sunlight falls strongly from the upper left, making vivid contrasts of lights and shades. In the background on the right is a large garden vase on a pedestal. Signed at the lower left, J. Rosi. Height, 21 ‘echoes length, 2414, inches. Wittiam Nisro Collection, New York. H. M. Jounsron Collection, New York, 1893. Catalogue No. 16. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 180 Ze _ANTOINE AUGUSTE ERNEST HEBERT | MUSI C : A. MAIDEN in ample classical dress, with her hair bound Ha fillets and one long tress falling over her right shoul- der, holds on her left knee a small harp, decorated with _ green and gold, and touches the strings with the fingers of both hands. Behind the figure i is a screen of dense foliage, flecked here and there by sunlight. Signed at the lower left, in monogram. Height, 25 inches; eine 18% inches. Grorce I. Senry: Collection, New York, aa a nd ‘Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. JEAN JACQUES Pere, FRENCH / re 1829—1905" Wt a \ oot ADMIRATION | Tue life-sized hed and shoulders of a young lady, the ‘head in full face, turned over the left shoulder, with both hands raised to the bust. The light falls strongly from the upper left, casting a deep shadow from the abundant hair r over the forehead and eyes, and accentuating here and 2 there the folds of the blue velvet mantle which is draped 4 across the shoulders and around the arms. Signed at the upper right, J. J. HENNER. Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. BIS oct 2 FL Ube == Ramnttirsiny $7" No. 182 : | EUGEN SIEGERT “ ks ip GA ce S f ntemporary DANCING NYMPHS THREE slender maidens, dressed in fou tunics, are merrily dancing on the flower-strewn sward of a meadow, : through which winds a deep and quiet stream. In the left foreground is a bunch of irises and water lilies. Beyond — the dancing maidens and across the stream, which reflects _ the tones of the sunset sky, is a broad meadow in which tall poplars grow, and farther away a broken hillside partly covered with grass and trees, the trees being partly in con- trast against the sky and partly came a distant range of mountains. Signed at the lower left, Een. Srecert, °97. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 imches. Owner, Mr. Huco REIstnceEr. ee ec eR DER STE st sa =a Ne b 4 ~ a eae =e SEG Ses Oe, - Bees Weaken 1 al +s THE SENTINEL p AT the corner of a/narrow street in an Oriental town, in _ the welcome shadow from the midday sun, stands a young GEROME CH Turk holding in his right hand a long gun. He wears a red turban, breeches of the same color and a blue jacket _ over a yellow-sleeved waistcoat. Beside him lies the fa- mniliar tawny dog of the Levant, and in the twilight of the narrow street beyond, glowing from the reflected sunlight which strikes a bit of white wall and a projecting balcony high up on the facade of a house in the distance, stands a saddle horse guarded by a dog seated on his haunches nearby. 4 oe | Signed at the lower left, J. L. Gtrome. Height, 211, inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. *% it a { i oA BE ie No. 184 LEON RICHET ig Qi FRENCH | REA : f@2.eontemporary ‘THE OLD FARM \ Ba A THATCH-ROOFED, whitewashed cottage stands half hid- _ den among the trees on the left, and beyond, in the middle __ distance, a narrow river winds away between low hills, and makes a turn beyond a rounded clump of trees. The fore- ground, in which sparkles a small pool of water, reflecting __ the tones of the sky at the zenith, is broken by low bushes | and scattered boulders, and is in a broad, luminous shadow. A passage of strong sunlight extends across the picture from right to left, flecking the tree trunks, accentuating the foliage and mystifying the distance. High, slowly drifting masses of vapor entirely veil the blue of the sky. Signed at the lower left, Lton Ricuet, *73. Height, 1614 inches; length, 24 inches. | Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars. » Ae #0 corm WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE . AMERICAN Bow | THE CANAL SAN MARCO, VENICE "ie ¥ Ir is a quiet day on the broad canal, and fishing boats with a their colored sails float idly on the shimmering water, the near one moored to a group of piles on the edge of a shal- | low. A broad, modified and diffused sunlight falls upon the scene, and the luminous cloud forms in the sky, to- gether with the multi-colored sails of the boats, are Te- flected in the quiet water. P : s ‘ ‘ ; Pe ve sede rhn: aaa ee ce apt dtd wee Pa : ee ee ee ae age ae. hea E ee te eer gee ee 1a Hh OS ae NS a it ‘ x Se a ae ; 2 no ee ee so : : Pc act tng EBLE k + ee ‘ aan) : ; 2 rd 4 — é 5 i eke e 7 ay Height, 25 inches; width, 1914 iches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEARS. No. 186 - RUSSIAN Ba, ¢—1849— q f 2 “ITALIAN PEASANT GIRL THE sunlit, full-length standing figure of a small Italian peasant girl, who is engaged in mending the hem of her _ embroidered apron, holding it with her left hand and draw- ing the thread with the right. She is dressed in a variegated green petticoat, with a red:and blue apron embroidered in — colors, and wears a full-sleeved white chemise with red __armlets, and a short bodice trimmed with red. A pair of | rough rawhide sandals are bound to her feet by coarse thongs, and a double string of pearls surround her neck. The background suggests a sandy path in a wooded land- scape. Signed at the lower left, Hariamorr. Height, 29 inches; width, 20 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BrRanvEGEE. ae iz ALEXIS HARLAMOFF 9,1 . F exe SSR gym TRON pO ep ee oA a paras ae ae ae © eS OE NS ae Oo. Bae GEORGES oe FRENCH Contemporary I THE RETURN FROM GLEANING A party of peasant women of various ages, who have been spending their day in the harvest field gathering the scattered wheat heads, are returning homeward in the late afternoon. The company is led by a young woman in short- sleeved, low-necked white chemise, and short gray petti- 93 coat, who trudges along barefooted, holding her bundle of wheat on her left hip, with her right arm akimbo. She is chatting as she walks with a companion, whose dress indi- — cates a somewhat more comfortable position in life, and the rest of the party listen attentively to the discussion. Beyond the group on the left a clump of trees in full foliage rises out of the picture, and on the right broad wheat fields are seen extending away to the summit of a low ridge in the distance. Signed at the lower right, Grorces LaucEr, 1899. Height, 3114 inches; width, 23 inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. Sia 188 : | 4 d : fi _ FERDINAND ROYBET wu FRENCH ‘ , ny -1840— \ é THE CAVALIER Tuis is the life-sized head and shoulders of .a young cava- lier in early seventeenth-century costume, in three-quarters view to the left, the head inclined upon the right shoulder ____and the eyes looking toward the spectator. He wears a large black felt hat, slightly turned up over the left ear, a wide double ruff around his neck, a white satin doublet and a scarlet velvet cloak, and holds in his gloved right hand the glove of his left hand and a silver-headed stick. In the background is suggested a landscape with an over- hanging tree on the right, and on the left a broad land- i scape with a mountain peak in the distance. q) . Ey Signed at the upper right, F. Royser. iq ae . Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches. a) Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. i M No. 189 AS LUDWIG a oe NORWEGIAN — I 1841—1896 THE BIRCH GROVE In an open grove of birch trees, which grow it in a a pas are covering the foreground, are the figures of a woman ai : a man, the former sitting, the latter standing < hei ; and a little farther away a lad is approaching the group. 4 The maze of the slender stems of the birches and the tree tops contrast in irregular masses against a cloud-covered sky, the light of which is concentrated near the horizon. On the right a broad, grass-grown road leads away under an overhanging clump of tall trees to a distant farm at the end of a wood which forms the sky line. _ Signed at the lower left, L. Munrue. Height, 18 whee terete 31% piaher: Owner, Mr. Huco REIsInceEr. No. 190 GEORGES HAQUETTE ( 0° peo. ee ENCH: — - (op SE ORY ~ - BEACHING THE BOAT ox HEAVY fishin g-boat has been clumsily brought to land _ by the crew who have manned it, and has struck broadside on a shallow beach. One of the men has jumped ashore, and attempts, with the aid of two f riendly fisherwomen, to shove off the stern, while the man in the bow, drenched by the surf which breaks over the side, pulls with all his strength at a rope. On the right is the end of a pier, and beyond, a line of rocky shore stretches away in perspective to the distant sea horizon. ‘I'wo seagulls hover about, over - the tossing water on the left. Signed at the lower left, G. Haquerre. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, Mrs. M. B. BranvDeEcee. ARTHUR VON FERRARIS HUNGARIAN eee 1864— | ce \' } STREET SCENE IN CAIRO THE motive of this picture was f ound in a pepe part of Cairo. In the right foreground a holy man, with up- raised hands, is exhorting a motley assemblage of natives - of various conditions of life and ages, from the small child — a to the decrepit mendicant. An old Arab, supporting his — 4 trembling footsteps on a long staff, stalks past the crowd ay with bowed head. The foreground and middle distance are in shadow, and strong sunlight brilliantly floods a large — mosque in the distance, with a single minaret extending out of the picture. A native on a donkey, followed by one riding a camel, proceeds along the narrow street toward the spectator, and both are seen in silhouette against the sunlight beyond. Signed at the lower left, AnrHur Ferraris, Le Caire, 1891. Height, 31 inches; length, 39 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Jonn Daty. No. 192 AMERICAN eh 3 i} THE MUSSEL GATHERERS A NuMBER of bare-armed, bare-legged fishers are engaged in gathering mussels at low tide among the rocks and sea- weed, on the coast of Normandy. In the foreground a sturdy girl strides away, bearing a basket full of the bi- valves, and in the distance near the water four companions are gathering their sea harvest. A single fishing smack is quietly sailing across the water in the distance, and a sun- burst in a sky filled with rolling storm clouds illuminates with a strong light the expanse of water and the small pools among the rocks. Signed at the lower right, W. E. Norron, 81. Height, 2714 inches; length, 401, wmches. Owner, Mrs. J. Montcomery SEars. WILLIAM EDWARD NORTON x | % |: Y No. 193 ie {i R dhy hon 7) aa f ye OOCARL KAHLER / 5 Os E AUSTRIAN 5 CA 1856— “HIS HIGHNESS” Tu1s is the portrait of the celebrated two-year-old “ High- ness,” who won the “ Futurity” in 1891. It shows him in profile facing the left, standing in full sunlight on a ey gravel path leading to a pool of water under tall over- : hanging trees. The off foreleg and the near hind leg are | slightly advanced, and the head is erect and alert. Pp Signed at the lower right, Cant Kanter, 1899. ie Height, 3114 inches; length, 471/,, mches. : Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. See Biographical Note wnder No. 201. CAR KAHLER AUSTRIAN — ! 1856— 5A “BUTTERFLIES” AND FOAL Tux portrait of “ Butterflies” with her foal ne bs “Hi Highness.”’ This famous mare, considered in her day the fastest mare ever entered for a race, won the “ Futurity ” in 1894, and in the f ollowing year defeated J. R. Keene’s great horse “ Domino.” The two animals are standing to- gether near a broad fence on a gravel path leading down — ‘ to a stream. Both their heads are upraised, and their ears SAK pointed alertly forward, as if watching some object or some approaching person. Modified sunlight falls upon the animals, accentuating the lines of their backs and bringing them into relief against a simple wooded land- : scape which forms the background. Signed at the lower right, Cant Kanter, 99. Height, 23 inches; length, 35 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. See Biographical Note under No. 201. n marshy shores covered with rich grass 1 small amphitheatre formed by moder- covered. with bushes. An irregular rank of ows on the narrow meadows near the water’s th slender forms break the rounded outlines 4 oe re rays of the poe sun, cea ; od near - the horizon, where there is an irregular Dus opening between the dense masses of cumuli. \ Signed at the cane right, G. ® Dort, 1873. Ar c : he Bs eS Height, 29 inches; length, 50 inches. “Collection of the late Irvine M. Scort, New York, 1906. i Owner, Mrs. M. B. BRaNnDEGEE. * ‘No. 196 © JEAN BERAUD FRENCH : 1849— | ! THE CASINO AT MONTE CARLO GrouPeEp around one of the large gaming tables at Monte a Carlo, under a concentrated light from above, is a large — assemblage of gentlemen and ladies of various ages and — nationalities watching the green cloth covered with gold and silver coin and banknotes. The emotions expressed : are as varied as the types, and many familiar incidents of — the gaming table are illustrated. In the f oreground, ons the right, a dejected loser, with empty pockets, leaves the table; an old lady searches in her pocket for more coin, | and an eager young man, with a handful of bank bills, ' dashes hopefully toward the table. Through an open door ! on the right is seen a second group similarly occupied. Signed at the lower right, Jean Brravp, 1890. Height, 38%, inches; length, 491, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. i A. M. GORTER a DUTCH el a a LANDSCAPE ae A BROAD, placid. stream meanders from the right fore- _ ground through a broad meadow which is divided into small fields by f neces, hedges and rows of leafless trees, i and disappears ni ar a bridge in the distance. Three large _pollarded willows grow on the low bank in the left fore- ground, and the same number of trees, from which the branches have been cut, stand on the water’s edge on the opposite shore, and are reflected, together with the cloud forms, in the quiet water. The horizon is formed by a long rank of low trees in late autumn foliage, and the _ sky is covered with a high stratum of clouds broken by gleams of light from the sun, which has just sunk below the horizon. Signed at the lower right, A. M. Gorter. Height, 291% inches; length, 391, inches. Owner, Mr. Huco ReEIsIncER. No. 198. A. M. GORTER ! DUTCH ~ " Contemporary AUTUMN From the foreground a deeply ritted nada road curve away to the left along the edge of a narrow stream dered on the near side by a rail fence and a row of leaf- | less trees. Across the stream a few cows are feeding | level meadow, two of them standing near the water’s edge, i and in the distance is a large coppice extending across the picture. In the upper part of the composition is seen a tangle of leafless branches in contrast against a sky filled with rolling clouds, the sunlight on which increases in intensity from the zenith to the horizon, Signed at the lower right, A. M. Gorter. Height, 39, inches; width, 29y, inches. | Owner, Mr. Huco Reisincer. | H i | 4 i i} | | a oR. 1% ® ty 1 oa se | ) 4 — _ ROBING THE MADONNA DS the chancel of a magnificent cathedral of Spain a pro- cession is f orming to display the image of the Virgin to the expectant congregation. On the left is a group of richly robed priests, acolytes and various other personages awaiting the advance of the procession, which is delayed while a group of sumptuously dressed young ladies are busily engaged in draping the sacred image with rich embroideries. —I'wo maidens in white holding decorated candles, three young children, and a pair of richly cos- tumed noblemen suggest that the ceremony is to be of stately magnificence. Signed at the loaner eae L. AtvarEz, Roma. Height, 24 inches; length, 46 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. No. 200 y C | Re a 3 ' EKUGEN VON BLAAS- at ff GERMAN | ae 1843— yr VICTIM OF COQUETRY coe Tue motive for this picture was found in a populous calle in Venice, where the women sit in the street, busy with - their sewing, and gossiping as they work. A young fisher- — man, evidently in the favor of many maidens, has just — met and passed a comely girl, who is going to the foun- tain with her two copper buckets. With a coquettish air she slowly walks away, conscious of the glances of the 4 young fisherman, who pauses to look over his shoulder at the passing beauty. In the doorway of a cottage on the right stands a rival beauty, who smilingly endeavors to attract the attention of the young man, to the amusement of three companions seated nearby. In the distance is a — Be lofty stone bridge crossing a canal, with the facade of a- palace beyond. Signed at the lower right, Eucrn von Biaas, 1898. Height, 37 inches; length, 50 inches. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Dickey. opening at the. eae is seen the artist himself, drawing from the nude figure of a woman, who is posed against a background consisting of a richly embroidered curtain. ‘The artist and moc del are in a flood of strong light, ap- | parently from a very high window nearby. _ Signed at the lower ae Cart Kanuer. Height, 37 inches; length, 531, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. be Cie KaHLer, painter of the above-described work, was born at Linz, Austria, _ in 1856. He was a pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts of Munich and of Professors L6ftz and Lindinschmidt, received several medals in Munich, and a special prize for his painting “'The Death of Julius Cesar.” A picture of his entitled “Queen of the Season” was exhibited with great success in the principal cities of Europe, and was afterwards purchased by the Austrian National Gallery. Mr. Kahler continued his studies in Paris, and while there ‘exhibited his work at the Salon. In 1886 he travelled in India, and then visited Australia, where, under the patronage of Governor Lord Loch and Lady Loch, he met with much success, and painted a number of portraits and a very important picture, “The Melbourne Cup,” illustrating the Australian Spring Meeting, in which he incorporated a hundred portraits of the most prominent Australians. This picture was reproduced by Messrs. Goupil of Paris, and the reproductions, sold by subscription, realized 30,000 pounds sterling. While on a visit to New Zealand the artist executed a number of remarkable pictures of the volcanic region. In 1891 he came to San Francisco, where he stayed - two years, painting a number of portraits of people of prominence and pict- ures of Angora cats. It was in San Francisco he completed his important work, “My Studio at Melbourne,” which was begun in Australia. He came to New York in 1893, where he now has his studio. While here he has painted a number of successful portraits, including that of President Roosevelt’s son “ Archie,” on his favorite pony, a number of thoroughbred horses, and numerous “cat pictures.” Mr. Kahler is now engaged in painting what he considers his greatest work, a picture entitled “Steel, Steam, Electricity: the Giants of the World.” ’ VIEW OF ROTTERDAM Tuis is a view of the ue Dutch town n taken £ <— “tne ape ree there. Two boats are about to land their cargoes on oy quay, and beyond the point of the quay, above and around | which flutter active seagulls, is seen a row of lofty f areas | against a sky filled with sunlit clouds. : Signed at the lower right, R.-H. MasTrensrocxr. S Height, 34 inches; length, 571, ‘inches. Lerner cere tt nn es ee eee Owner, Mr. Huco REIsInGeER. Serr CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. AMERICAN & 1848— 7] ‘THE LEADER OF THE HERD . In the f oreground, standing among rankly growing reeds ee and rushes in a marshy spot near the seashore, is a black and white short-horned bull, with his head turned toward the spectator. On the left, seen beyond the gently slop- ing hillside, wliere patches of sand appear among the rough verdure, is a narrow strip of sea strongly illumi- nated by the full moon just rising out of a bank of clouds which extend across the sky near the horizon. The fore- ground is in modified luminous shadow, and the figure of the animal is partly relieved against the sky and partly against the hillside. Signed at the lower left, Carterton Wicerns, 1887. Height, 39¥, inches; length, 531, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Joun Daty. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. Ogata cal Ca nla ber =e Neher H PS Aa SEO Ne Ree Pee ee ee Ne ee Ore ay PUTT ROUT ey SAKE ‘* Beets Sasa tL a = es a) oo hl a Sey Ve ae ad eA Who eg 7 awe Be a ae I PRA Rs eM ih AAO NY GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE fs Lah seu Mees MA thi rr ‘A i. iN \ 2 Tn ii \ ' “ é v 1] faye? Ht | Beth he Pate Ch | ba ee i , OYiNPy ; “4 3 3125016628444 = \ on ak 1 ne % Paty ad { Z yy f y Aa ES ee he OO, : 5 “—_ imi? aes gS . oa ae iS ~ ‘ A \ r N yd aan ca caer r ‘ ieee hee? aN a) sae ie y x ie “ Ne Ne Mice ae “eS eR 4A. F