MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE - THE PAINTER AT BY GEORGE INNESS NUMBER 63 se ~ a SALE NUMBER 1369 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM NOVEMBER SEVENTH Qe RCO ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE fer - LHe VALUABLE PAINTINGS | COLLECTED 2S PEGA LE THOMAS E. H. CURTIS TO BE SOLD BY THE DIRECTION OF if LOUISE CURTIS [ ADMINISTRATRIX | ON THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER FOURTEENTH AT 8:15 O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY- NINTH STREET NEW YORK 1918 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk im- mediately after the conclusion of the sale, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, and they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. No lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, In- corporated, will not be responsible except as hereafter noted, for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. , i 7. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. Periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold not subject to return. 8. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate 7 and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not — be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 9. TERMS CASH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- | pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale with- out notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be: charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. 10. Bros. We make no charge for executing orders and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. _ 11. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. . Priced. Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE .ANDERSON GALLE Ri INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH SIPRBee NEW? YORE TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN NOTE ean THEODORE &. oH. CURTIS was an ardent and steady col- M lector in many directions. He did not devote himself merely to one or two branches of the arts; paintings were included among the objects he sought. The collection to be sold today represents the pictures he picked up from time to time during many years. He gave more time, for instance, to accumulating pieces of ancient glass than to buying pictures. But this helped to educate his eye for color, since the greatest charm of antique glass consists in the extraordinary play of colors produced by the action of the earth and air on the surface of the glass. As time went on and he began to frequent the picture shops, exhibitions and auctions with greater attention, he came more and more to relish and buy the work of SOTO: and particularly American colorists. Among the paintings here described are four color poems by Ralph A. Blakelock, nine works by George Inness, a gem of color by Homer D. Martin and pictures of Wyant, Murphy and others to whom a feeling for color was their natural gift. At the same time Mr. Curtis appreciated pictures of anecdote, like the military pieces of Berne-Bellecour and Beauquesne. He was sensitive to the charm of country life and enjoyed graceful and richly tinted figures and groups of peasants such as those of Boughton and Thom. Landscape and cattle pictures attracted him. He lived at Plainfield, New Jersey, where the country-side was close at hand. Among the pictures are landscapes of James M. Hart and others painted near Plainfield. He realized the abiding pleasure given by large simple views reflecting the calm of pastures and woodlands, all the more because his active life was passed in the turmoil and din of a great city. One detects in his collection a liking for an interest in horses, cattle and sheep. But though he preferred landscape and marine, the townscape also appealed to him when sufficiently picturesque, as we see from the Spanish town view by Roig-y-Soler. It is worthy of note that the nine paintings by George Inness had not been publicly exhibited up to the time of their sale by the executors of the Inness Estate in 1904, when they were purchased by Mr. Curtis. LIST OF ARTISTS PAINTING NUMBER BALES Ca.) ae BEAUQUESNE, W. 19, 44 BELLECOUR, E. P. BERNE Zo BLAKELOCK, RALPH A.. 14, 43, S2ees BONHEUR, ROSA Sl BOOGAARD, W. J. ‘=e BOUGHTON, GEORGE H. 20 BRIDGMAN, F. A. 27 BROWN, J. G. [227 CRANE, BRUCE 48 DAVIS, CHARLES H. , 47 DE GRANDCHAMP, L. E. PINEL 45 DE LONGPRE, PAUL 1 DIAZ, H. 10 GAY, EDWARD 18 GRIFFIN, T. B. 22 HART, JAMES M. 5, 7, 17, 21, 39 HEYDEN, CARL aie! INNESS, GEORGE 55, SOlea7. 58,59; 60, "6150200 10 INSLEY, ALBERT JOHNSON, DAVID JOUBERT, F. MARTIN, HOMER D. MORAN, EDWARD MORAN, PERCY MURPHY, J. FRANCIS PARTON, ARTHUR PHELAN, CHARLES]? REES, M. REHN, F. K. M. RICHET, LEON ROIG-Y-SOLER SCHRODTER, A. SMITH, HENRY P. STADEMANN, ADOLF PAINTING NUMBER ou, 30 3, THOM, JAMES CRAWFORD 2, TOUDOUZE, EDOUARD WITT, J. H. WYANT, A. Il. 4.8, 11; 6 34 37 54 36 PAUL DE LONGPRE FRENCH SCHOOL GROUP OF ROSES A well-known painter of flowers, Paul de Longpré arranges a e mass of red, yellow and white roses in an old pottery jar and lets a ) & == tew more fall on the green tablecloth. Note the drops of water on . re of the blossoms. Clever composition and agreeable scheme of me Color. Canvas. Shadow box. Signed to left Paul de Longpré. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. ie JAMES CRAWFORD THOM BRITISH SCHOOL 2. CHILDREN AT PLAY a : J. C. Thom was born in America but made England his home. A _ pupil of Edouard Frére,.he exhibited first in London, 1864, later in ips x, Q the United States. This picture has French children of the peasant @ class enjoying a swing in some woods. Animated and natural move- ment; pleasant light color scheme. Board under glazed shadow box. Signed to right J. C. Thom. ct ,, Height, 7% inches; width, 10% inches. fee ee Eo MIE EL 3. MARINE 7 Shorescape with distant schooners and with gulls hovering over js thesurf. A skilful artist, in this case Smith has used pale brown and d= drab colors in clouds and shore. To the left a realistic wet beach with shells and weeds and remains of a wreck; to the right a delicate passage where sea and sky meet. Canvas, glazed. Signed to right Henry P. Smith, 1882. Height, 1S inches; width, 28 inches. Wee WITT ANA. feet THE STREAM A little glen through which flows a brook is shadowed by a grove . of trees just touched by autumn tints. A storm is gathering, cattle q f) a are browsing on a little flat near the stream. The sky is angry but 4 le a shows bright toward the horizon. Good effects of approaching A tempest. hs.-4 [0 Canvas, glazed. Signed to right J. H. Witt, A.N.A. Height, 13 , Sher inches; width, 22 inches. 11 By js - I fpec dev ahh JAMES] (EA aN TITER Ly Re NS Characteristic view of a country ee on the Hudson or some other river, with its orchard, bunch of cows, landing place for boats and dock with store. Profound peace reigns. Painted with all of: Hart’s ability and sincerity. Canvas. Signed to right James M. Hart. Height, 14%, width, 22 inches. ALBERT. GUNS Bane BARLY SPRING, MUNSEV Sas Landscape in pale blue, greens and grays like those of Dwight Tryon. Suggests the cool of a windy day with a threat of rain. Canvas. Signed to left Albert Insley. Height, 12 inches; width 18 inches. een cats JAMES M. HART, N.A. POSE AK NIG Realistic country scene. At the back of a stone dwelling a rustic lassie has let down the bars and turned the cows out of the yard into the pasture. Veiled sunlight, light blue sky streaked with clouds. Canvas. Signed, dated at bottom, James M. Hart, Aug. 18, 1879. Height, 13% inches; width, 23 inches. L Laylry J. H. WEET, as AMUSING. THE “BABY Sketch for a picture of anecdote to be wrought on a large scale. The artist has indicated well the movement of the hurrying mother and her efforts to quiet the child by raising it to her face. Canvas. Signed to right J. A. Witt, A.N.A. Height, 17 mches; width, 12 inches. PERCY MORAN BREAKPAST .PORS HERS Grake Instead of a crone or a country woman looking out for her cat Percy Moran depicts an extremely pretty girl in colonial dress lay- ing down her book and gazing at her two cats. Very carefully and neatly drawn, she sits by her colonial table outlined against a case- ment full of small panes. Face and hands are finished like a minia- -ture. Harmony in dress, surroundings, cats and mistress. The painter is the son of the late Edward Moran. Canvas. Shadow box, glazed. Signed on wall panel to right E. ~ Percy Moran. Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches. IZ Pee TAZ _ [Attributed to] a, a FRENCH SCHOOL fee INTERIOR OF WOOD “— A very prettily and carefully painted bit in the spirit of Diaz but without his earmarks, although signed H. Diaz. It lacks the robust touch and color scheme of that master. Oil, wooden panel. Shadow box and elaborate frame. Height, 7 inches; width, ro inches. . I De ee I WITT, ANA. fat. MEDITATION : Although landscape was his favorite means of expression, the late J. H. Witt, an Indiana painter who made his name in New York, tried his hand at figures. In this picture of a comely lass he has given more attention to the dress she wears and the old chair she "sits on than to her head and arms, which are sketched, not finished; the coloring is excellent and the composition good. Canvas. Shadow box and frame. Signed to the right J. H. Witt, A.N.A. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. . | as eles ADOLF STADEMANN “2g ate aes BAVARIAN SCHOOL Sees WINTRY SUNSET ; : Country scene in winter with peasant woman passing with ) ~ bundles of fagots. To the right a farmhouse and barn, in the left fs "foreground a pool. Vigorous brushwork. The rose colored west is oe ). reflected in the pool. Stademann is a Munich painter of local note. C4 Ly Oil, wooden panel. Signed to left Stademann. Height, 14 inches; oe) width, 18 inches. mee Nhe ot OMIT Peeve W IN VENICE Colorful bit of Venice on a hazy day, the landing place for the Hotel Luna. Gondola and sandolo in the forewater, red tiled roofs, awnings and the quaint chimney pots making an effective ensemble. In the distance rises one of the beautiful campanile. Water color enhanced with pastel. Boards. Signed on left Henry P. Smith. Height, 92 inches; width, 13 wches. Pere A BLAKELOCK;. N.A, oe THE WATERFALL. ; . Wild gorge with stream tumbling from rock to rock. Pale cloudy ° . sky beyond the break of hills. On both sides a tangle ot bush and po woodland. Fine reserve in color, olive and pale greens predomin- V4 § : i ating. | f J 0 Canvas. Shadow box and elaborate frame. Signed in red R. A. Ls Blakelock. Height, 18% inches; width, 12%. Fe fe: pt aht, ay Z [SEE ILLUSTRATION NEXT PAGE] - 13 THE WATERFALL BY RALPH A. BLAKELOCK, N.A. [NUMBER 14] 14 J. G.. BROWN, N.A. SseeMAKING UP THE SPAT e. A little girl seated on a fence, pouting, is approached from behind ha _ by a small boy who is trying to conciliate her with a bunch of flowers. Va O _~ Brother and sister, from the similarity of their faces. Pleasant little child’s comedy, painted with all of J. G. Brown’s neat unpretending t hb iy humor and careful coloring and drawing. Canvas, glazed, shadow box. Signed on right J. G. Brown, N.A. FHeight, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. Peet. REHN, -N.A. = 16. ENTERING PORT 2 | Late sundown with the church and roofs of a town swallowed | _ by the dusk, and a schooner running into port with clewed topsail, 0 0 under the two main sheets and one jib. Good painting of waves. = Pleasing composition, excellent painting of clouds and lifting billows. +t Panel signed. Cradled, glazed. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. =. fee AMES M. HART, N.A. Pa Ooun FEEDING. AS ONE Ee ‘Cows busy acquiring milk make good sitters to painters. James 7 2M. Hart did justice to the humble herd, and had the skill to draw and 13 O color animals to please the citizen and the farmer as well. Fine com- position, charming arrangement of clouds, natural ‘scene. _ Canvas. Glazed, shadow box. Signed. to right James M. Hart. ~ Height, 20 inches; width, 28 inches. : ; : . Oy eas 7 / MDWA RID GACY ,. NA: 18. MEADOW AND STREAM is Edward Gay is one of the veteran landscapists and has won ~~ many medals for works of capital power. This picture has his () warmth of temperament and genial quality. It is a rural scene in September, a cloudy day with breaks in the tinted sky. Dated, 1886. A Canvas, glazed. Signed to left Edward Gay. Height, 16 inches; BA width, 24 inches. a : Bee W. BEAUQUESNE FRENCH SCHOOL See CAVALRY SCOUT Beauquesne shared with de Neuville and Detaille the effort of French art to keep the military spirit alive after the disasters of 1870. This is an excellent example of his work, well drawn, fine in | —“ color and full of spirit. Reining in his horse suddenly, the cavalry scout in a wood signals to his followers that the enemy is in sight. ed, Canvas. Shadow box and superb frame. Signed to left W. Beau- AOLMY auesne, 1892. Height, 16 inches; width, 1234 inches. 15 { v. Tene oft “ uM 4 i _? ae hy we rt ae = - Thomas E.H. Curtis Collection Nos. Pricese Buyers. Nose Prices Buyers , ar 2 W.Rohlfs 44 $ 200. J.Hartog 4 a | 27.50 Arlington Galleries 45 90. Arlington Galleries 4 3 125. J eHartog 46 57.50 F.S.Yoss — 3 P” 4 25. Brick Row Shop 47 325 6 Hyman v 5 85. f Scheidler 48 140. Arlington * 6 40. J .Hartog : 49 19506 ¥F.S.Voss | 7 756 F, Lawlor 50 2500 « C.Bahnsen : 8 17.50 Devine 51 190. Dr.Riefstahl,Agt. 9 50. J.Hart 52 6256 AeF. Lichtenstein 210 65. scledlae 53 2600 Dr. .Riefstahl, Agt. 11 25 » ae 54 500.6 Thos ellurdock 12 | BB Mrs.P.Gilber 55 625.4 Wn.Wherry 13 406 Jd eHartog 56° 520. Thos Murdock 14 1350. Dyr.Riefstahl, Agt. 57 675. * 15 50. W.Rohlfs 58 1000. Pring Bros. gr ° + 2006 d Hartog 59 4506 Thos .Murdock yi 2506 a ee 60 1750. H.Schultheis 18 40. H.Schultheis 61 800. Thos .Murdock 19 85. C.Bohman 62 1200. H.Schultheis 20 125 F.S.Voss ) 63 2000. George Ainslie 21 1356¢ W.Corven | 22 22.50 JeHartog 23 5206 Clapp & Graham 24 106 F. Lawlor «25 135. J.Hartog 26 510. W.H Williazs 28 150. a tu 29 25 Devine 30 60. JeHartog 31 95. F. Lawlor 32 90 ¥.S.Voss 33 90. F. Lawlor 34 15 H.F.Nally 35 35 6 W.Rohifs 56 65.6 ts 37 65-6 H.Schultheis 38 220. F.Lawior 39 105.6 J Hartog 40 40. ¥, Lawlor 41 200. A..F eLichtenetein 42 145. F.Lawior 43 167.50 S,.R.Roth GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A. BRITISH SCHOOL 20. LOIFERING NEAR THESGY PS YesG wi Boughton was English by birth and after becoming a painter in New York returned to England where he worked, making excur- sions to Holland, etc. English country children are being sent by campers to the nearest farm or tavern and linger to pick flowers by y w, s— the way. Warm autumn tones, fine pale cloudy sky. Note the tent, cart and donkey in background. Canvas. Signed and backed with panel. Height, 12% inches; width, 5) (pe 24 wmches. Bought at the W. M. Chase Sale in 1912. F/31- $230. JAMES M. HART 21. COW SON) ee an A wide sweep of landscape embracing woodlands and scauiiea trees with cows in small groups coming to drink from a marshy pool. /) en. Blue hills in distance with tinted cloud banks above. Agreeable =" composition, the center of which is a brace of cows in the foreground / SS very excellently painted. Canvas. Signed to right James M. Hart Height, 14 inches; width, — boven 24 inches. | T.. BotGh Ema 22. ON THE DELAWARE, WASHING TOR A Philadelphia artist, later of New York, Thomas) 6. Grinm ie’ shows in this picture his excellence as a landscapist. A very good y GY .) © composition, representing the upper reaches of the Delaware River of / c= on a misty, cloudy day. Good feeling for tree forms and structure of hills. / ia i . ° . ° e ) fe Canvas. Signed and glazed. Height, 14% inches; width, 22 inches. EK, P. BERNE-BEELEGOi FRENCH SCHOOL 23. THE QUARTERMASTER MAKES Hise) Pupil of Picot and Barrias in 1838, this painter was in his prime during the Franco-Prussian war and served in the army. Details as to uniform are historically correct. A captain wearing a decoration 4 O ' sits on an upturned army chest and listens to a report. Typical ) “) . . Frenchmen, probably portraits. Background of Algerian hills. Gay es fj colors and fine drawing in faces and hands. rz , Panel, cradled. Signed to left E. Berne-Bellecour, 1893. Height, 14 as inches; width, 18 inches. . i ') Bought at the Emerson McMillin Sale, 1913. #47 - pras- 16 Crean PP ELAN Lh ENGLISH SCHOOL 24. LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP A fine landscape with old oaks growing among gray boulders on the right, rain clouds and forest to the left. Interest centres on the flock of sheep in middle foreground, admirably painted. If the shep- herd were present, the group would suggest Charles Jacques. » Canvas. Signed to left Charles T. Phelan, ’90. Height, 24 inches; . width, 42 inches. oad ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. Bm 25. IN THE ARKVILLE VALLEY a Landscape with river in foreground with a disciple of Izaak Wal- _-__ ton intent on his fishing. Arthur Parton is a medalist of long date fy ff _= and has pictures in the Metropolitan, the Brooklyn Institute, at AS Indianapolis, etc. Splendid cloud effects and excellent painting of ~ 3, the line of willows on the farther bank of the stream. _ Canvas, glazed. Height, 27 inches; width, 37 inches. ROIG-Y-SOLER SPANISH SCHOOL meeeor SI REET IN OLD SPANISH TOWN g Curious arcaded by-street in a Spanish town with a vista of further arches in the back. Coopers working at their trade to left, _‘ilapidated house fronts and backs, a fire smouldering in the fore- ground of the nearest court, campanile, lamp support, balcony on right. Painted by a sure hand and with a knowledge of tones. - YY; Canvas. Signed to left Roig y Soler. Height, 46% inches; width, © CUM 361/, inches. oo F. A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. Meee? GIRI OF ALGIERS An American long resident in France, Bridgman has continued to paint genre pictures of the near Orient, usually women. Good xample of his skill in this line, firm drawing and pleasing color scheme. The Algerian girl is in a brown study, gazing straight for- ward, hands clasped in lap. Sentiment without sentimentality. Canvas, glazed, shadow box. Signed to right F. A. Bridgman, 18658. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Li JAMES CRAWFORD THOM BRITISH SCHOOL 25.) MOTHER AND *TWO> GHIibpieaN | Resident most of his life in England and pupil in France of Edouard Frére, this American painter has found many of his sub- jects among the French peasantry. The half-grown sister entertains | 4 7) ate the baby in her mother’s arms by showing a bunch of marigolds. Soft, pleasing brushwork, rich color scheme. Panel, cradled, shadow box glazed. Signed in rae LOmrighi aia Vis Thom. Height, 24 ches; width, 144% wches. J. G. BROWN. News 29. SUNNING HERSELF ON THE BEA = J. G. Brown understood his public and was popular to the last. 4 b He painted young people, girls and boys of the town and farm, just as simple and natural as possible. This half-grown girl sunning her- self on the sand dune is a good example of his early work, good in pees line and composition. Neyine Canvas, shadow box. Signed to right J. G. Brown, N.A., 1879. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. EDWARD MORAN IN THE EVENING GEOW. Although Edward Moran devoted himself to marines and shore- scapes, he painted historical and other scenes. The French country 4° “maiden in white cap, apron and red skirt is wandering at sunset, her figure relieved against the pale rosy sky. She seems to be waiting for someone. Canvas, glazed. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. PW sot CARLO HEY ia * BAVARIAN SCHOOL sl. LADY BEFORE CHEVAL Ge. Posed before a cheval glass, a young woman in a ae blue ball . Boag dress gazes reflectively and with satisfaction at herself, while the LA ‘ back of her head and her bare shoulders are reflected in a mirror 4 over the mantelpiece. Dark blue wrap, fan and gloves lie on an arm-_ i chair behind. Able painting of mirror, jars, mantelpiece of reddish arble, etc. Clever composition, Munich work. A Canvas, shadow box. Height, 37% inches; width, 25% inches. 18 DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. 32. UPPER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER A fine oak and a couple of cows, together with a man in a punt, form a pleasing composition to the left of centre, while the right shows the other side of the river and low distant hills. Straightfor- ward, able brushwork; an expression of profound calm; excellent composition. Canvas, shadow box. Signed in. monogram to left D. J. On back signed “David Johnson, Upper Susquehanna.’ Height, 1234 inches; width, 1634 inches. W. J. BOOGAARD FLEMISH SCHOOL _ HORSES IN THE BARN A hand well skilled in the drawing of horses has painted the white _ horse and the roan, a team with harness still on, which are feeding in an old barn. To the left a man in a red coat brings oats; to the right a hen and the upper part of a door open. Accurate and agreeable work in the Flemish style. The weight and structure of the horses admirably rendered. Wooden panel, shadow box. Signed to left W. J. Boogaard, 1886. Height, 1034 inches; width, 16 inches. Note on back of the picture (in English) “Painted by himself to the order of A. d Huyvetter, Jr., of Antwerp” and signed. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. Seen eAR PLAINFIELD, N. J. Mr. Curtis lived at Plainfield and appreciated the suave New ; Jersey landscape thereabout. The late David Johnson was a sterling painter of landscape and cattle. The oaks and silver birch in the centre of this picture, the glimpse of horizon, the man in the boat 4 are rendered by a careful hand. $i rn Boards. Signed on the back David Johnson. Height, 10% inches, width, 1334 inches. Gey. BALE ENGLISH SCHOOL 4 fee MASS OF FRUIT . C - Still-life painted in this powerful fashion has its place in the #. tavern or the dining-room where its realism stimulates the appetite. y, The pineapple is of the right color and with painstaking accuracy the AS — artist has copied the down on the plums and the high lights on the grapes. ye KC, Canvas. Signed to the left, monogram C. J. and B. with “ale” added. . Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. i 36. i EDPWARD? MOREINESS SUNDOWN Edward Moran was a brother of Thomas Moran, N.A. iil de- voted his brush to the sea. The ripple of waves off the New Jersey - coast was a constant spur to his endeavor. He has caught here the baffling way that waves have, especially where a current sets along the strand. Coasters are faintly seen to seaward and a solitary gull hovers over the beach. Canvas. Signed Edward Moran. Height, 14 ee width, 20% imches. 2 F. JOUBERT FRENCH SCHOOL MARSHY COUNIIRY Firmly and boldly sketched in wate the brush, this landscape is crowned with an array of clouds that portend rain; pools are in foreground and background. The picture has the marks of an able wielder of the brush who has not failed to profit by Corot’s way of painting leaves fluttering in the wind. Canvas. Signed to right F. Joubert. Height, 16 inches; width, 22% inches. i . Si i. 1 Sebel | A. SCHRODTER. 38. fp- 4h \- BAVARIAN SCHOOL EUV Sele l Pe thee Oe “Adolf. Schrodter” was a professor at Carlsruhe art academy but Adolf Schrodter is a Munich man influenced by Piloty and other masters of the painting of anecdote. Here we see a cavalier in blue velvet trying to overcome the shyness of a little girl who advances to clink glasses with him. Fine brushwork on gowns, excellent still — life, easy natural attitudes. Bought at International Arts Exhibition in Glass-Palast, Munich. Height, 18 inches; width, 24% mches, JAMES M. HART, NA. THREE ‘COWS GRAZING The late James M. Hart was a specialist in the painting of cattle and knew how to express the weight of their frames. A pleasant color combination of red and white, sorrel and chamois-toned cows in a friendly group. Canvas. Signed to left James M. Hart. Height, 12 inches; width, IO imches. 3 J.cHy WIT ees NEAR PATCHOGUE, LEONG. TSize John Harrison Witt was born in Dublin, Indiana, 1840, and died in New York, 1901. Associate of the National Academy of Design. This bit of Long Island is a charming composition painted with a feeling for color. Canvas. Signed to right J. H. Witt, A.N.A. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. 20 rare LEON RICHET FRENCH SCHOOL 41, THE COUNTRY ROAD . Born in Solesmes, France, Richet made for himself an excellent name as a landscapist fully thirty years ago. He was a continuer of Og- the Barbizon School, owing much to Rousseau and Diaz; he worked under Diaz for a time. The firm drawing and fine color of this panel is evident ata glance; as a composition it hits a high level. MLL, Wooden panel. Signed on left Léon Richet. Height, ro inches; ; width, r4 inches. ein Bought at the Emerson McMillin sale, 1913 ¥5- $230- 21 42. 44, x00 ~ EDOUARD TOUDOUZE FRENCH SCHOOL MOTHER AND Crile Edmond Toudouze, father of Edouard Toudouze, experienced — the passing fashion among artists in Paris to paint horrors and~ martyrdoms. His “Fall of Sodom” was particularly ghastly, since the figures were writhing in flames and asphyxiating with deadly vapors. Nothing could be more peaceful and smiling than this in- terior by his son, with an Eighteenth Century young matron wielding her fan as she watches a fine infant in an old carved cradle. Beauti- ful drawing and brush work. Wooden panel, shadow box. Signed E. Toudousze. Height, 1034 inches; width, 1334 inches. RALPH A. BLAKELDOCK eh SUNRISE OEE RECT A sketch representing the white sky in the east just before sun- rise. An oak to the left, water in foreground. Panel in elaborate frame, glazed shadow box. Signed in red to left, 9A BR. A. Blakelock. Height, 5% inches; width, 8Y% inches. W. BEAUQUESNE FRENCH SCHOOL FRENCH INFANTRY REPULSING BRUNSWICKERS This lively scene of war represents the repulse of Brunswick hussars by French infantry near Brussels. It was painted in 1898 and sold from the artist’s studio, as shown by the seal with artist’s initials W. B. The red breeches and red caps of the infantry on the right are balanced by the red coats of the Brunswickers on the left. Canvas. Elaborate frame and shadow box. Signed to right W. Beauquesne. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. L. E. PINEL DE GRANDG FRENCH SCHOOL THESARAB DO Nig Yyes@ 1 Picture in the style of Gérome and other French explorers of the near Orient. Observe the folds in the blue overgarment of the boy and the exact brushwork in the painting of the donkey’s head and and saddle. The stonework and green door.of the house are broadly and finely wrought. A thorough piece of work. Wooden panel, shadow box. Signed to left L. E. Pinel de Grand- champ. Height, 16 inches; width, 12% inches. ZZ Me RES aa FLEMISH SCHOOL _ 46. ARIADNE. AWAKING IN NAXOS a Ariadné stretched on a white goatskin couch is waking and does t 0 not know that Theseus has deserted her. Modern concept of the old ow Greek myth. Fine modeling of the torso, knees and wrists. Against ake the background of trees and herbage the nude woman is displayed to advantage. The painter has made the daughter of Minos a mature woman rather than a maid. anvas glazed, shadow box. Height, 34 inches; width 44 wches. E. CHARLES H. DAVIS, N.A. Beez PROSTY MORNING, NORMANDY wee This typical Normandy landscape had the power so to please the late William M. Chase, the painter, that he bought it from the Davis sale at Knoedler’s. He was attracted by the masterly way that Charles Davis indicated the frost on the grass. Mr. Curtis was wise to pick this at the Chase sale. Canvas. Signed to left C. H. Davis. Height, 18 inches; width, 26 inches. Bought from artist’s sale, Knoedler’s, by Williay M. Chase, N.A. Bought at the W. M. Chase sale, 1912.f$-W8- 8 FHO - Pee CRANE. “NA: 48. NOVEMBER WOODS Masterly landscape with buttonwoods, oaks and chestnuts in fore- ground about a little stream, and a distance of fields and woodland. Pale gray sky. Green grassy spots on the banks. Fine tones. A charming piece of work. | Canvas, glazed, shadow box. Signed left centre Bruce Crane. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. Jallevié 23 PTE Se Net Aca RE A. H. WYANT, N.A. 49, SLE Ws UN: “LEE aN eV ae eee In this case Wyant was not in the stormy mood. Instead of y Painting a coming tempest or a rainy sky, he gave the quiet note of grassy spaces under trees and the indication of a river near wooded hills. Canvas, shadow box. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. 24 > ANE Oe steer 4 : \ oR (- J. FRANCIS MURPHY, a : 50. EVENING GLOW, AUTUMN Y ~. ° Remarkable for the way in which the artist has made oil paint tell the story with all the brilliant quality of pastel. Delightful im- pression of a golden sunset painted with great firmness and sense ot 4) 00 Soolor. Uncommonly fine specimen of work by an artist of eminence. | — Canvas. Signed to left J. Francis Murphy, rot. Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. Bought at the sale of the Gibbs Collection, 1904. : ie A Lianek Glam /bK 124 ~wW- pXoo~ : Ga 4904 — ; ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH SCHOOL ol ASCEOUDY DAM During her farm life near Fontainebleau the famous artist wore trousers, at the time a great innovation, though now common to farmerettes. In her walks abroad with easel and umbrella she J Painted landscape, cattle and rustics. Here is a brilliant little land- scape, a bit of green garden and wood on a blowy day in June. Panel glazed, shadow box. Signed on left Rosa Bonheur. Height, 7% inches; width, 10% inches. Bought at the Georges Petit Gallery, Paris, from the Rosa Bonheur sale, ty. fatal, Ogent- 4s : RALPH A. BLAKELOCK, N.A. 52. INDIAN FISHERMAN’S RETURN > A golden glow is suffused over this landscape, enhanced by the A shadowed foreground in which some Indians, trudging back to camp 5 with fish, throw a spot of color. Fine effect of trees against the west. An uncommonly good example of the colorist. Canvas, shadow box, glazed. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. Boughtatthesale-of the Gibbs Collection, 190 4. Ne gi i, f : f) tent, horse and figures used as color spots. Blakelock never did a MY UY bettgs work than this. _ae@tnvas, glazed, shadow box. Signed in red to right R. A. Blakelock. ne Height, 15% inches; width, 24 inches. I. [ei RALPH A, BLAKELCOCK 53. SUNSET IN AUTUMN . (Sumech um the Yberde ) Following on the track of Albert P. Ryder, this painter applied himself to expressing nature through color combinations. Here is a happy result. Fine tones in the enamel of clouds, red glow, brown foreground, trees in silhouette against the western sky. Note the Bought at the Thomas McGuinness sale, 1902. F&M - pozoc os Peek Do MARTIN, N.A, FISHING BOATS, Low TIDE C& beach of france) Lovely bit of color painted when Martin visited France. On the flats left by the ebb tide are two fishing luggers with sails raised to dry. Exquisite sky full of clouds of varied tint, and below, a streak of turquoise, the English Channel. Only a born master of color could produce this little gem. | Wooden panel, shadow box and beautiful frame. Signed and dated iy Var to right, Homer Martin, 1884. Height, § inches; width, 12 yches. byt hok Bought at the sale of the Gibbs Collection, 1904. #LZ29. ITS ~ | | | | Zo ~ GEORGE. INNES Sa OKETCH: NEAR MONTGESIE George Inness naturally sketched in the neighborhood of his house in Montclair, N. J.; this is one of his sketches. A man’s fig- ure is silhouetted against a pool in the woods; two women are placed to the right. It is out of such momentary quick brushings that he sometimes built a finished painting. Board, glazed. Height, 12% inches; width, 18 inches. Bought at Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. 30 GeORGE:-INNESS, N.A. ‘ 56. NEAR MONTCLAIR A painting carried beyond the sketch stage. At the foot of a arge silver birch sits a country boy, while in the lush green meadow beyond the cows are browsing. A red one advances on the right fol- lowed by a white in the sauntering aimless way of cattle. Composi- tion interesting. Color quality of different trees well noted. Canvas. Signed G. Inness. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Bought at the Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. , 3d Bre. Wurd ref, GEORGE INNESS, N.A. 57. EVENING AL MONTCLAIR In the deepening shadow a woman in a green dress comes for- - ward; two other figures are walking back to the right. Pale golden 'g ances in the west. In the background, behind a tree-clump, houses of Montclair indicated. A fine suggestive work, full of a vague, hazy Vv existence like a dream. : Cradled panel, glazed. Signed to right G. Inness, 1882. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. Bought at the Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. 7 LS a ic ~~, B et 8 v. . | ‘ GEORGE INNESs, -~N.A. 58. INTERIOR OF WOOD A woodland grown up thick and tall; shadowed foreground, middle distance in pale sunlight, background a denser forest with paths leading to right and back. A pale green sky among the tree ; tops. Indications of autumn. | Canvas, glazed. Signed G. Inness. Height, 16 inches; width, 23% ‘jf imches. | () () ught at Executor’s Sale of Mrs..George Inness, 1904. $ Mg— 22 Pere) /t tM huss. GEORGE INNESS, Nee 59>- EARLY. AU PUAN Painted in one of the moods that came over the artist, this can- vas represents the feeling of Inness for a rich Indian Summer day, when objects are indistinct with haze and the clouds themselves appear to be at rest. Canvas relined. Signed G. Inness. Height, 18 inches; width, 23 mches. Bought at Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. p jhe 34 “Shes. Ward ro | GEORGE INNESS, N.A. 60. DELAWARE VALLEY Landscape, plunging view on the valley of the Delaware. It be- longs to Inness’s best period after his return from his stay in Italy. He was painting with a broader brush and greater ease in composi- aa tion. This typical painting is particularly fine in the distance of blue h hills and the sky full of delicately tinted masses of cloud. Canvas, relined. Signed on right G. Inness. Height, 24% inches; width, 1834 inches. Bought at Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. J iM. — h- | 35 a GEORGE INNESS?Nwe 6ly. AGVEXANDRIAS BAY The ranks of green rushes, between which a boat with three people steals, give a certain mystery to the scene. It is much height- fh) ened by the darkening sky and woods where a tall silver birch catches A A 5; 3 5 ; he last light. Rich tones, a poetic conception. Canvas, glazed. Signed G. Inness. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Bought at Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. Vg. Wurdre®/ 36 moOhtr INNESS, N.A., fee ide ITALIAN TYROL Visits to Italy by George Inness resulted in some of his most finished and admirable landscapes. This large canvas, belonging to “his widow and sold after her death, is an impression of the Alpine 00 region close to Switzerland, painted in broad, easy sweeps of the brush. Big decorative picture. Canvas, glazed. Signed to left G. Inness. Height, 3334 inches; width, 26% inches. ught at Executor’s Sale of Mrs. George Inness, 1904. oF GEORGE” INNESos ea 63. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE—THE PAINTER AT WORK Grand view of mountain range. On the left are crags and tall fir trees; toward the right on a slope we see a painter with a big sunshade; he is seated before his portable easel. Range of hills beyond. Big, sombre, decorative. Canvas. Signed to left G. Inness. Height, 47% inches; width, - ‘69 inches. a [SEE FRONTISPIECE] htt Ie 38 £0 Vv RESEARCH INSTITUTE il UA w he i : ¢ Fs, i eu . “ Paran: a ~ 9 iz i - ~- r ~ = + - - ge “ry oe ; as > * ox Ay —S os ‘ : a “ * m ! ~ 7 4 “ : Lees se eee < —— 3 = > - 2 = ¢ “ xs é > . Z * 4 = z “ oy - 2 PS « oe Se re SF ree Ee SO i _ e amass = ~— < e3 ee Se , j SS state = ; Oy A OE : ie ea a ae = 2 + ¢ 8 A ah a ee ewe kA z G ~ n * . Lom ae lah a a pee er ane - * 2 . . 9 A oe PLP oot ot Be BR iy = hs Ee os : “oat ea ee ao o <—2 ¢ - ty ‘ m9 £ > = + ‘« ga 2 oo gee a 7 ~~ - aoe - ae, ae Se se . e ose a , —— tora gen + ~< = . . ~ agi Cpe ot Fn! Pe ees oma ewe > : eae : Si. 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