ction | e oll xtensive ery E an | nusua 43 * fo rme a, i iladelph Ph cern Aree em} £0 12; 30.8 ng conti ection, havi Coll ica, will . be : in Amer ican +e ars=< : gest ry performer on the Amer tter ye ; : #Y e+ ind wn near! th é ge wit een egee } ? l Ce) foun i= uction at A AF ) be sold O11 | d 10th, © Oth an ctober h t ¢ _— LA 2116 CATALOGUE IMPORTANT NOTICE We beg to call the attention of our patrons to the fact that im future ALL BIDS SHOULD BE MADE PER LOT and not per volume or piece as heretofore. In future all sets, bundles and aggregated parcels of whatever kind WILL BE SOLD AS ONE LOT and all bids should read accordingly. FIRST SESSION Monday, October 9, 1911. Commencing at 2:30 p. m. PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS OF ACTORS AND ACTRESSES 1. ABBOTT (EMMA). 8 all different. 2. ABBOTT (MARION). 2 different; Henry E. Abbey; Lina Abarbanell (2); Constance Adams, and others (25). 3. ACRES (AGNES); Adelaide Ackerman; Adelaide Ackland; “Bob” Ackers (2); Rachel Acton, and others (25). 4. ADAMS (LIONEL). 3 different; Susanne Adams, 8 differ- ent; Adelaine Adler, 6 different; Jacob P. Adler as “Shylock,” 2 different, and others (38). 5. ADAMS (MAUDE). 41 all different. Some early. 6. AGNEW (CLARISSE). 8 different; “Aimee,” 9 different; Adrea Amslee; Mile. Aischa, 2 different, and others (28). 4. AKASS (GRACE). “The Girl with the Auburn Hair.” 7 different, two autographed. 8 ALBANI (MME.). 3 different; Louis Aldrich; Nita Allen, 2 different; George Alexander (2), and others (25). 9. ALDEN (DOROTHY); Eleanora Allen (2); Angeline Allen (2); Josephine Allen (3), and others (44). 10. ALLEN (MARIE); Julia Allen; Mme. Alda; Pearl Alex- ander (6); Charles T. Aldrich (6), and others (25). 11. ALLEN (VIOLA). In various characters. Some early (25), all different. 12, ————. Another lot of 25, different from preceding. 13. ALLEN (VIOLA). 4, panel, and one unmounted in char- acter of Cymbeline. 14, ALVA (MADAME). 7 different; Max Alvary (3); Madge Alphabet (2), and others (25). 15. AMBER (MABEL). 13 different. I 16. AMBROSE (LEONA). 6; Mile. Amatti (s); Adera An- drews; Isabella Amador, and others (21). 17. AMERICAN GIRLS in “The Good Old Summer Time”; Portrait of Cora Rout; Miss Georgia Gardner; Edgar Atchison- Ely; Hattie Forsythe; David Warfield as “Thé Man of Mark,” and others. Folio (10). 18. ANDERSON (MARY). 32 all different. 19. ANDREWS (ADORA). 4; Margaret Anglin (6); Pearl Andrews (5); Leah Angeles (5), and others (43). 20. “AMETA.” (4); Belle Armstrong; Helen Arnold; Wm. M. Armstrong (5), and others (37). 21. ARBUCKLE (MACLYN). 11, cabinet and panel. 22, ARCHER (ADELE). 10 different. 23. ARCHER (BELLE). 26 different. 24. ARDEN (EDWIN). 21, cabinet and panel. 25. ARNOLDI (MLLE.); Belle Arnott; Joseph Arthur; Emma Aran, and others (25). 26. ARNOLDSON (SIGRID). 12 different. 27. ARTHUR (JULIA), as “Hamlet”; The Jury im) 2aqaan- head Wilson”; Portrait of Percy Haswell, and others. Folio, mounts, soiled (10). 28. ARTHUR (JULIA); Reta Angeli; Isabel Annesley; Bertha Annesley, and others (25). 29. ARTHUR (JULIA). 36 different in character, etc. Some early. 30. ————._25 different from preceding. 31. ARMDALE (GRACE); Sybil Arundale; Agnes Ardeck; Frances Archer; Mabel Arnold, and others (25). 32. ASHLEY (MINNIE). 10 different. 33. ATWELL (GRACE). 3; Levine Atherton (2); Blanche Atherly (2); Edith Athetston (3), and others (23). “34. ATWOOD (LORENA). 2; Rene Atkinson; Grace Atwell (2); Arline Atkens, and others (23). 35. ANGARDE (AMY). 2; Josie Aystelotta; Gertrude Aylward; “Azara”’ (5), and others (35). 36. BABCOCK (THEO). 3; Billy Backus; E. G. Backus (2); Chas. Buckus (2), and others (25). ‘ 37. BACHELDER (JULIA). 3; Emily Bancker (5); Helen Bancroft (3); Barrison Sisters (9), and others (25). . 38. BACKUS (GEORGE). 3; Mary Bacon (2); Jeannette | pe geard (8); Maud Bagley (2); Dorothea Baird (3); Franklin Bailey (3), and others (30). 39. BAHER (MABELLE). 3; Marie Baldwin (4); Adele L. Baldwin (2); Ingeborg Ballstrom (4), and others (20). ~ © 2 40. BAIRD (JULIA). 2; Rolande Bainbridge (2); Edith Baker (2); Pete Baker (2); Emily Baker (3), and others (20). 41. BAKER (FLORENCE). 4; Baker Children (2); May Baker (7); John Baker (3), and others (25). 42. BARANCO (FELICIA). 5; Mlle. Bartoletti (2); polly Bar- low (9); Ray Bailey (3), and others (25). 43. BARBE (OCTAVIA). 2; J. H. Barnes (3); Hattie Delaro (4); H. C. Barnabee (3); Millie Barnard (2), and others (20). 44. BARKLEY (ANNA). 2; Edith Barri (2); Edith Barr (2); Eugenie Bashford (5); Alexia Bassian (3), and others (20). 45. BARNABEE (H. C.). 2; Marion Barney (2); Mary Bacon (7), and others (20). Various sizes, some unmounted. 46. BARRETT (LAWRENCE). io different. 47. BARROWS (JAMES O.). 2; Eleanor Barry (3); Nilson Barrett (6); Kent Barron (2), and others (20). 48. BARRYMORE (ETHEL). 21 different. Some early. 49. BARRYMORE (GEORGIE DREW). 2; Lillian Barton (2); Geo. Barbier (3); Lydia Barry (2), and others (20). 50. BARRYMORE (MAURICE). 5; Mrs. Barry (3); Helen Barry (2); Kate Barry (2); Rilla Barton (2), and others (25). 51. BARTLETT (KATE). 2; Millie Barry (2); Catherine Bar- tho (8); Marie Barna (3), and others (20). 52. BATCHELDER (FANNIE). 8; Kate Bateman (2); Jessie Bateman (5), and others (20). 53. BATEMAN (VICTORIA). 3; Marie Bates (3); Nora Bayes (4); Nettie Barton (3), and others (25). 54. BATES (BLANCHE). 18 different. 55. BEASLEY (DAISY). 4; Louise Beaudet, 17 different; Nellie and Rose Beaumont (8). Together (29). 56. BEAUMONT (GRACE). 2; Helen Beaumont (3); Kitty Beck (2); Charlotte Beckwith (2); Lola Beith (3); Mrs. Bernard Beere (4), and others (25). 57. BEHR (CARRIE). 4; Agnes Behler (5); Charlotte Beh- rens-Mantell (5); Harriet Behner (3); Ida Bell (2), and others (25). 58. BELL (HELEN). 2; Eleanor Lane Bell (9); Anna Belmont (8), and others (25). 59. BELLE (MAY). 4; Adele Belgarde (4); Digby Bell (8); Laura Joyce Bell (6), and others (25). 60. BELLEW (KYRLE). 17 different. 61. BELLINA (MLLE.). 2; Kathryn Belle (5); J. H. Beurima (5); F. R. Benson (2), and others (20). 62. BELMONT (ANNA). 6; David Belasco; Zaza Belasco; Kyrle Bellew (3); Sam Bernard (3), and others (25), to large 4to. Some unmounted. 63. BELMONT (FRANCES). 4; Lillian Belmore (2); Clara Bell (4); Elizabeth Belknap (2); Gracie Bennett (3), and others (20). ; 64. BELTON (MABEL). 9; David Belasco (2); Grace Wallace Belasco (3); Zaza Belasco (3); Grace Belmont (2), and others (25). 65. BENNETT (GERTRUDE). 15 different. 66. BENNETT (JOHNSTONE). 0 different (one auto- graphed). 67. BENNETT (MAGGIE). 3; Laura Bennett (2); Richard Bennett (4); Irene Bentley (8), and others (25). 68. BENSON (MRS. F. R.). 2; Esther Benson (2); Ida Ben- fey (2); Fate Beresford (2); Ellen Berg (2); Lola Berger (32), and others (25). 69. BENTLEY (IRENE). 2; Ethel Barrymore (5); Josephine Bartlett (3); Blanche Bates (4), and others (20). Various sizes to large 4to. Some unmounted. 70. BERGEN (NELLA). 20 different. 71. BERGEN (THURLOW). 3; Valerie Bergere (10); Henry Bergman (2); Eva Bertholdi (6), and others (25). 72. BERNARD (LILLIE). 2; Jeanne Bernhardt (3); Judith Berolde (5), and others (20). 73. BERNHARDT (SARAH). 27 different in character. Some early. 74. BERRI (MAUD LILLIAN). 10; Eugenie Besserer (4), and others (23). 75. BERTA (THERESA). 5; Barrow Berthald (3); Fay Ber- nice (2); Sam Bernard (6), and others (25). 76. BERTHAM (HELEN). 20, including several early. 77. BINDLEY (FLORENCE). 7; Paula Biedermann (4); Billy Birch (2), and others (19). 78. BINGHAM (AMELIA). 23. 79. BLACKBURN (VIVIAN). 8; Stella Blair (2); John Blair (2); Lillian Blauvelt (3), and others (20). 80. BLAINE (MRS. J. G., JR.). 2; Viola Black (2); May Bless- ing (2); Gertrude Blancke (3); Annie Blanche (2), and others. 81. BLAIR (AIDA). 6; Christine Blessing (2); Harry H. Blum (2); Maud Bliss (2); Coralie Blythe (2); Nellie Bly (2), one auto- graphed, and others (25). 82. BLAIR (EUGENIE). 18. _ 83. BLANC (JULIA). 2; May Blayney (3); Wm. Blaisdell (2); Harry C. Blaney (5); Nettie Black (9), and others (25). 84. BLANCHARD (LIBBY). 2; Ada Blanche (3); Clara ‘Bloodgood (5); Miss Blow (2); Miss Blondell (2), and others (20). ; A 85. BLOCK (ADELE). 6; Lew Bloom (3); Katherine Blood- good (2); Leslie Bloodgood (2); Katherine Blake (2), and others (20). 86. BLOODGOOD (FANNY). 12 different. 87. BLYTH (MARY). 4; Lillian Bishop (2); Chas. A. Bigelow (2); Laura Biggar (6), and others (25). } 88. BOAG (WM.). 2; Annie Bock (2); Stella Boniface (4); “seo. Boniface, Sr. (3); Geo. Boniface, Jr. (2); Marjorie Bond (3); Bessie Bonehill and daughters (14). Together 30. 89. BONELLI (WILLIAM). 3; Archie Boyd (2); Bessie Bone- hill; Gertrude Boswell; Mary Boland, and others (25). Various sizes to large 4to. Some unmounted. 90. BOOTH (EDWIN). 18, mainly early poses. Sr weld {IONIUS “BRUTUS, SR.). 2; J. B. Booth, Jr.; Agnes Booth (3); Hope Booth (7), and others (20). 92. BOOTH (J. WILKES). 1 cabinet and 1 carte de visite by Gihon, Phila., on back of which is written in pencil “I got this picture before he killed Lincoln. He had just been planning an engagement at the Walnut St. Theatre. P. H. Doyle.” 2 pieces. 93. BOOTH (RACHEL). 3; Miss Booth (3); Sydney Booth (2); Marie and Juinata Bordean (6), and others (25). 94. BOSWORTH (HOBART). 4; Gertrude Boswell (5); Adine Bouvier (6); Ada Bothner (2), and others (25). 95, BOUCICAULT (AUBREY). 1; Dion Boucicault (2); Louise Thomdyke Boucicault (14). Together 27. 96. BONFANTI (MME.). 3; Bonnie Lottie (3); Jessie Bon- stelle (2); Charlotte Boland (4); Rosie Boote (2), and others (25). 97. BOURCHIER (ARTHUR). 2; Jessie Boustelle (2); Dot Boucicault (2); Madeline Bouton (4); Eliza Bowen (2), and others (20). 98. BOUTON (CLOY). 4; Cora F. Bowine (2); Sig. Bourdour- esque (4); Madeleine Bouton (2); Mabel Bouton (4), and others (20). 99. BOUTON (MABEL); Jahyna Howland; Amelia Bingham; Mildred Holland, and others . Size 13 4 by 16% inches. Photo- graphed by E. Chickering (5). 100. BOWEN (ARTEMISIA). 4; F. V. Bowers (2); Mrs. D. P. Bowers (3); Leonard Boyne (2); Anna Boyd, very early (15); May Stevens Boysen (2), and others (33). ror. BRADIE (JENNIE). 2; Miss Bradford (2); Louis Brad- field (3); Mlle. Breval (2); Freda Breda (2); Beatrice Brevaine (2), and others (25). 102, BRADLEY (MAE). 3; Nellie Braggins (11); Muriel Brandt (4); Olga Brandon (2); Rose Braham (2), and others (25). 5 103. BRAHAM (LEONORA). 2; Maud Branscombe (4); Pau- line Bradley (2); Florence Bradley (2); Alma Bradley (2), and others (25). 104. BRANDT (EDWIN). 2; J. H. Bradbury (2); Helén Bran- dreth (3); Wm. Bramwell (3); Jessie Bradbury (2); Edith Brad- ford (5), and others (25). . 105. BRANDT (SOPHIE). 4; Nellie Braggins; Muriel Brandt; Helen Brooks, and others (20) to 4to. 106. BRIDGES (ANITA). 8; Winona Bridges (8); Minnie Britton (4); Meta Britton (2), and others (25). 107, BROUGHAM (JOHN). 2; Henrietta Byron (2); Oliver Doud Byron (3); Arthur Byron (2); Dan Bryant (2); Ethel Buckler (2), and others (25). 108. BROUGHTON (PHYLLIS). 2; May Brookyn (3); Helen Bronner (2); Steve Brodie (2); Cynthia Brooke (2); Susan Brown (2); Patti Brown (2), and others (25). 109. BROWN (HARRY). 4; Anita Bridges (2); Lena Brophy (3); Edith Browning (7), and others (25). 110. BROWNELL (MABEL); Mrs. Byron; Albert Bruening; Ethel Browning, and others (29), to large 4to. Some unmounted. 111. BUCKLEY (MAY). 13. 112, BUCKSTONE (ROWLAND). 3; John C. Buckstone (2); Belle Bucklin (4); Richard Buehler (2); Miss M. Buisson (2), and others (25). 113. BULKELEY (FANNY). 5; Anna Burch (2); Kate Bur- lingham (2); Ione Burke (2); Nichalos Burnham (4); Ellen Burg (5), and others (25). 114. BURKE (BILLIE). 2. Very fine large panel; Johnstone Bennett (2); Helen Bertram (2), and others (25), to large 4to. Some unmounted. 115. BURKHART (LILLIAN). 6; Mabel Burt (4); Paul Burns (3), and others (25). 116. BURNHAM (LILLIAN). 3; Lillian Burns (2); Eleanor Burns (5), and others (25). 117, BURROUGHS (MARIE). 39-all different. Some very early. 118%. BURROUGHS (MARIE), colored; Mrs. Oliver Doud Byron; Auguste Burmeister (2); Minnie Bridges (3), and others (25). Sizes to large 4to. Some unmounted. 119. BURT (LAURA). 2; Blanche Burton (2); W. E. Burton; Neil Burgess (2), and others (25). 120. BURT (LAURA). 17. 121. BUSBY (GEORGIA). 2; Amy Busby (10), and others (25). | 122. BUSLEY (JESSIE). 10; Clara Butt (2); Etta Butler (4), and others (25). 6 ee 123. BUTLER (NELLIE). 13; Alma Burman; Goldie Burman; Amy Burgess; Kate Byron, and others (26). 124. CADIZ (NINA). 3; Marie Cahill (10); Georgie Caine (3), and others (25). 125. CALEF (JENNIE). 2, both autographed; Annie Caldwell (2); Meta Caldwell (2); Alice Cameron (2); Fanchon Campbell (4), and others (20). ; 126. CALVE (EMMA). 20. 127, CAMERON (BEATRICE); Mrs. Mansfield. 7 different. 128. CAMERON (GRACE). 17 different. 129. CAMPBELL (NELLIE). 4; Grace Campbell (2); Emma Campbell (5); Alice Campbell (7), and others (25). 130. CAMPBELL (MRS. PATRICK). 5; Nellie Callahan; Hugh Cameron; Jessta Clement; Marguerite Conville, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (22). 131. CAMPBELL (MRS. PATRICK). 11 different. 132. CANFIELD (CHARLES). 3; Gertie Capel (2); Emma Carus (2); Blanche Carlyle (3); Florence Carlisle (2), and others (20). 133. CAMPANARI. 3; Violet Cameron (2); Rhoda Cameron (2); Leo Campbell (2); Mme. Canti; Mlle. Cantrell, and others (20). 134. CAREY (ELEANOR). 2; May Cargill (2); Richard Carle (6); Kate Castleton (6), and others (25). 135. CARLYLE (FRANCIS). 8; Frankie Carpenter (2); Annie Carpenter (2); Bessie Carl (3); Gene Carr (3), and others (25). : 136. CARLYON (NITA). 3; Ruth Copley; Lillian Carllsmith (3); Theresa Carew (4), and others (25). 137. CARLYSLE (CHRISSIE). 7; W. F. Carlton (5); Aida Carter (4); Caruso (3); Marie Carlysle (2), and others (25). 138. CARR (MARIE). 2; Geo. H. Carr (2); C. Caro (2); Ruth Carpenter (2); Edna Carey (2), and others (25). 139. CARTER (EVELYN). 2; Carmencita (4); Richard Car- roll (4); Belle Carmen (2); Claudia Carlstedt (9), and others (25). 140. CARTER (MRS. LESLIE). 2; Harry Coleman; Geo. M. Cohan; Willie Collier; Mabel Bert; Pauline Chase, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 141. CARTER (MRS. LESLIE). 21 different. 142. CASTETTE (CECILIA). 2; Wm. Castle (4); Jeanne Caskie (3); Ada Cavendish; Margery Cavania (3), and others (25). 143. CAVERLY (ANNE). © 3; Madame Cavalazzi i} amd Ca ce Cawthorn (2); Juliet Caze (5), and others (20). 144. CAYVAN (GEORGIA). 20 different. 145. CAHILL (MARIE). 5; Emma Carus (2); Rose Coghlan; Gertrude Coghlan (3), and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted: (25). 146. CHANDLER (ALICE). 2; Frank Chanfrau (6); Mrs. Chanfraw (2). Together 10 pieces. Scarce. 147. CHANTORE (LILLIAN). 2; Edythe Chapman (2); Bes- ‘sie Chapman (4); Miss Chappy (3), and others (25). 148. CHAPMAN (BLANCHE). 2; Hugh Chilvers (2); Miss Chester (2); Charita (3); Adelaide Cherie (3), and others (25). 149. CHAPPLE (HAZEL). 2; Mlle. Charmion (4); DIRS Cohn (2); Josephine Cohen (6), a others (25). 150. CHASE (GRACE). 2; Attie Chester (2); Dorothy Chester (2); Leslie Chester (2); Bernice Childs (2); Addie Congers (4), and others (20). 151. CHASE (MAUD PRATT). 2; Eleanore Caines (2); Marie Celine (2); Marie Celeste (10), and ae ters (25). 152. CHASE (PAULINE). 8 different. 153. CHEATHAM (KITTY). 11 different. 154. CHING LING FOO AND FAMILY (3); Helen M. Chi- chester (2); Albert Chevalier (4); Camille Cleveland (6), and others (25). 155. CLAIBORNE (LILLIAN). 2; Attalie Claire (8); Wil- fred Clarke (2); Tobey Claude (4), and others (20). 156. CLARK (HILDA). 10. 157. CLARK (NINA). 2; Katherine Clemmons (3); Mabel Clark (8); Jessie Clark (2), and others (20). 158. CLARKE (ANNIE). 2; Beatrice Clements (7); Florence Clemons (3), and others (20). 159. CLARKE (CRESTON). 13. 160. CLARKE (GEORGE). 4; Lida Clark (2); W. H. Clarke; Addie Clark (2); Bessie Cleveland (3), and others (20). 161. CLAWSON (CAROLINE). 14 different. 162. CLAXTON (KATE). 9 different. ‘ 163. CLAY (LOUISE). 2; Rose Clark (5); Gertrude Clemens (2); Miss Courtney (6). Together I5. 164. CLAYTON (BESSIE). 8; Estelle Clayton (7). Together 15. 165. CLIFFORD (BESSIE). 3; Helen Clifton (2); Katherine Clinton (2); Effie Chamberlain (2), and others (20). 166. CLINE (MAGGIE). 8. 167, CLINTON (KATHERINE). 2; Miss E. Clifford (2); Mabel Craig (2); Wm. H. Crane (2); Charlotte Crane (4), and others (20). & 168. CODY (WM. F.). 2; Isabelle Coe; (5); Eily Coghlan (4); Charles Coghlan (4), and others (20). 169. COGAN (SARA). 2; Gertrude Coghlan (5); J. J. Cor- bett (2); Mrs. J. J. Corbett (3), and others (20). 170. COGHLAN (ROSE). 23 different. Some early. 171. COLBY (GERTIE). 2; Louise Allen Collier (5); Lottie Collins (10),-and others (25). | 172. COLE (CLARA); Alice Coleman; Belle Cole; Mabel Char- tiers (2); Florence Chase (2); Maud Pratt Chase (2), and others (20). 173. COLLARD (LOTTIE). 2; Palmer Collins (2); Helena Collier (3); Willie Collier (8), and others (25). 174. COLLINS (LOUISE). 2; Constance Collier (2); Clara Coleman (2); Lillian Coleman (2); Naida Cole (6), and others (25). 175. COLORED CHARACTER PORTRAITS of Pauline Hall, Flora Irwin, Agnes Huntington and others. 8vo (11). 176. COMBES (JANE). 3; J. B. Cooper (2); Madge Carr Cook (7), and others (20). 177. CONLY (GEORGE A.); Sadie Connolly, Chuck Connors (2); Robert Cormess (2); Henrietta Comstock (6), and others (25). 178. CONLEY’S COLLECTION OF STAGE CELEBRITIES. 51 cards, each containing 25 miniature portraits. Sold as 51 pieces. 179. CONQUEST (IDA). 109 different. 180. CONVERSE (MARION). 2; Minnie Conway (2); Kitty Connors (5); Jeannette Connor (2); Harry Conor (3), and others (25). 181. COOK (IRENE). 2; Elsie Cook (2); Bert Coote (5); Au- gustus Cook (6), and others (20). 182. COQUELIN (SR. AND JR.). 109 different. 183. CORDEN (JULIETTE). 5; Mile. Coppelini (2); Mathilda Cottrelly (2); Venie Clancey (5), and others (20). 184. CORINNE. 24. Some early. 185. CORLETTE (ETHEL). 3; Marguerite Comille (2); Em- met Corrigan (5); Idalene Cotton (2); Mme. Cottrelly (7), and others (25). 186. COULDOCK (G. W.). 2; Wm. Courtleigh (4); Eugene Cowles (5); Jean Coye (2); Alethe Craig (3); Mabel Craig (2), and others (25). 187. COURN (MARIE). 2; Jessie Conant (3); Emilie Con- stantine (2); W. G. Constantine (2); Lila Converse (7), and others (25). 188. CRAIGEN (MAIDA). 3; Charlotte Crane (4); Edith Crane (11), and others (25). 189. CRANE (GARDNER)... 2; Seth Crane (2); Cissie Craw- ford (2); Miss Craske (3); Allene Crater (5), and others (25). 190. CRANE (WM. H.). 2; Ida Conquest; Miss Theo Carew; Constantine (4); Creston Clarke, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 191. CRANE (WILLIAM H.). 17 different. 192. CRAVEN (MARGARET). 2; Bertie Crawford (2); Lizzie Creese (3); Bertha Creighton (3), and others (20). 193.5 CRAWFORD (EDNA). 2; Allene Crater (4); Laura Cruise (2); Bertha Creighton (4), and others (20). 194. CREMONINI (SIG.). 2; W. M. Cressy (2); Laura Hope Crews (2); W. H. Crompton (4); Florence Crosby (5); Juliet Crosby (2); Walter Crosby (2), and one other (20). 195. CRESSY (WM.). 2; Florence Crosby (3); Henrietta Cros- man (6), and others (15). 196. CROSBY (JULIET). 4; Armand Crabbie (2); Bertha Creighton (3); Edith Crane (7), and others (20). 197, CROSMAN (HENRIETTA). 16. 198. CROSMAN (HENRIETTA). 8; Grace Cameron (2); Cris- sie Carlisle; Grace Campbell; Corinne (2), and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 199. CROX (ELVIA). 4; Miss Culp (2); Nellie Cummens (5), and others (20). 200, CURRAN (EMMA H.). 3; M. B. Curtis (2); Jennie Curtis (2); Laura Curtis (3); Allan Curtis (2), and others (15). 201. CURTIS (MAY). 2; Miss Culp (3); Mary Cunard (4); Charlotte Cushman (4). Together 15. 202. CUSHMAN (ADELAIDE). 6; Sadie Cushman (2); Mar- garetta Cutler (2); Kate Cutler (2), and others (15). 203. CUTHBERT (MAY). 3; Robert L. and Minnie Seligman Cutting (3); Cyrene (3); Louise Cylva (4), and others (15). 204. “CZARINA.” 12 different. 205. DAILEY (PETER F.); Arnold Dailey (3); Lew Dock- stader (3); Marie Dressler (5), and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 206. DALE (KATE). 3; Violette Dale (12); June Dale (2); Florence Daiton (2), and one other (20). 207. DALE (MARGARET). 14 different. 208. DALY (AUGUSTIN). 2; Dan Daly (6); Arnold Daly (5), and others (25). 209. DALY (LIZZIE DERIOUS). 3; Alma Dalma (2); Charles Dalton (6); Lucilla Dale (2), and others (25). : 210. DALY (LUCY). to different. 10 211. DAMROSCH (WALTER). 2; Frank Damrosch; Marie Dantes (2); May Danforth (2); W. B. Danforth (2); Jennie Dailey (3); Peter F. Dailey (5), and others (26). 212, DANIELS (FRANK). 2; Jessie Bartlett Davis (3); Del Puente (2); Lawrence D’Orsay (3), and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 213. DARE (ELSIE). 2; Ida Darling (2); Madge Darrell (3); Mile. Darcy (2); Ida Darling (2), and others (20). — 214. DARMAND (ISABELLA). (2); Violet Dene (2); Del Puente (3); Marie Deubi (2); Ralph Delmore (3); Doherty Sisters (2), and others (25). 215. DART (FANNY). 2; Helen ene (2); Jennie Dawson (4); Louise Day (4); Di Murska (2), and others (20). 216. DARVILLE (CAMILLE). 25 different. 217. DAVENPORT (FANNY); Jeff d’Angeles; Violetta Dale (3); Robert Drouet (3); Charles Delmores (2), and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 218. DAVENPORT (FANNY). 18 different. 219. DAVENPORT (HARRY). 3; E. L. Davenport (5); Edgar L. Davenport (3); Mrs. E. L. Davenport; Ruth Davenport (2), and others (20). 220. DAVIDSON (MABEL). 2; Florence Davis (5); Fay Davis (2); Myra L. Davis (2); Eva Davenport (2), and others (20). 221. DAVIES (PHOEBE). 4; Myra L. Davis (3); Florence Davis (3); Mabel Davidson (3), and others (25). 222. DAVIS (JESSIE BARTLETT). 31 different. 223. DAVIS (ROLANDE). 2; J. E. Dodson (9); Ada Dare (5), and others (20). 224. DAVISON (GERTRUDE). 2; Mile. de Witte (2); Edna de Val (4); Clementine de Vere (2), and others (20). 225. Dean (Esta). 2; Charlotte Deane. (2); Ruth Dennis (2); Viadimir de Pachmann and Mme. de Pachmann (4); Signor and Signora Pasquali (2), and others (25). 226. DEANE (GUSSIE DE FOREST). 2; Lawrence D’Orsay (8); Annie Deacon (2); Georgie Dennin (3), and others (25). 227. DE ENGELES (JEFF). 21 different. 228. DE FRIES (VIOLET). 2; Louise de Brelor (2); W. A. Davenport; Wm. Davidge (3); Ira Davenport (2), and others (25). 229. DELAPORTE (AGNES). 2; Delina Sisters (7); Paola del Monte (2); Mme. de Consoli (2), and others (25). 230. DE MAR (CARRIE). 11 different. 231. DE MARGUERITE (LUCILE). 3; Madge Deane (4); Ada Deeves (2); Frederick de Belleville (2); ms de Biasi (4), and others (25). IT 232. DE MILLE (C. B.). 3; Zelie de Lussan (2); Dorothy Dene (3); Brandon Douglas (4), and others (25). 233. DERKENS (JENNIE). 3; Emma Don (4); Laura Don (6); Miss Douglas (3); Ray Douglas (3), and others (25). 234. DEMN (MISS). 2; Dulce Durant (11); Helen Dunbar (3), and others (25). 235. DERR (DOROTHY). 3; Marie Derrickson (3); Edward de Reszke; Jean de Reszke (2); Mlle. Derwis, and others (25). 236. DEWITT (JOSIE). 9; DeGray (Mildred H.) (6); Alice de Winton (2), and others (25). 237. DE WOLF (LOUISE). 6; Elsie de Wolfe (7); Geo. E. Devall (2), and others (25). eae 238. DEXTER (LIDA). 5; Adelaide Detchon (4); Cunning- ham Deane (2); Ivonne de Treville (10), and others (25). 239. “DEYO.” 4; Mildred du Grey (6); Geo. W. Deyo (2); Lida Dexter (4), and others (25). 240. DIARD (FATIMA). 2; Louise Dillon (5); Linda Da Costa (3); Frank Daniels (6), and others (25). 241. DIPPEL (ANDREA). 2; Louise Dickson (2); Chas. Dick- son (2); Lew Dockstader (4); Jennie Dickerson (2), and others (25). 242. DIXEY (EVANGELINE). 3; Leo Detrichstein (4); Clara Dickey (2); Princess Lilly Dalogornky (2); Gretchen Doerk (2), and others (25). 243. DIXEY (HENRY E.). 21 different—one autographed. 244. DONNELLY (DOROTHY). 6; Iva Donnette (2); Josie Ditt (4); Arthur Donaldson (4), and others (25). . 245. DORIO (MME.). 4; Louise Dresser (4), and 17 others (25). 246. DORO (MARIE). 2; Julia Dean (2); Isadora Duncan (2), and others (23). z4,;. DORRE (THEO.). 3; Marian Dove (2); Janet Dove (5); Robert Downing (3); Dorothy Douglas (2), and others (25). 248.. DOWNING (LINDA MAY). 5; Brandon Douglas (2); Frances Drake (11); Sidney Drew (5), and others (25). — 249. DREHER (VIRGINIA). 3; Minnie Dreher (3); Louise Drayer (2); Nora Dunblane (9), and others (25), 250. DREW (EMMETT). 2; Robert Drouet (6); Dorothy Drew (7), and others (25). 251. DREW (MRS. JOHN). 4; John Drew (14). Together 18. 252. DU FEE (ETHEL). 2; Teddie du Coe (3); Leoni Dueth (2); Miss Dunham (2); Ada Dwyer (4), and others (25). 253. DUNBAR SISTERS (3); Mme. Dulue (2); Raven. du Klow (2); Dora Duley (2); Maggie Duggan (2), and others (25). 12 254. DUNCAN (MISS). 3; Maud Durbin (3); Bertha Dumond (2); Daisy Dudley (2); Maude Dudley (2), and others (25). 255. DUPREE (FANNY). 2; Frank Dupree (2); Eleanora Duse (3); Rankin Duvall (2); Arthur Dunn (5), and others (25). 256. DUPRE (JEANNETTE). 3; Minnie Dupree (12); Fannie Dacosta (2), and others (25). 257. DWYER (DAISY). 2; Ada Dyas (2); Lorraine Dreux (4); Paul Dresser (2); Marie Dressler (6), and others (25). 258. EARL (ALMA); Vashti Earl (4); Virginia Earl (6); Annie Edwards (3); Paula Edwardes (2), and others (25). 259. EARLE (FLORENCE). 2; Vashti Earl (5); Virginia Earl (16); Adelaide Early (2); (25). 260. EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS OF AMERICAN’ AC- TRESSES. Cabinet size. Soiled and some torn (79). 261 EATON (MABEL). 4; Emma Eames (5); Alma Earle (3); Erminie Earle (2); Frances Earle (2), and others (25). 262. EATON (MABEL). 3; Emma Eames (2); E. Earle (2); Almon Earle (2), and others (25). . 263. EBERT (FRANZ). 3; Harry Edwards (3); Paula Edwards (13), and others (25). 264. EDESON (ROBERT). 8; Louise Ejissing (3); Cecile Eis- sing (3); Elainie Elson (2), and others (25). . 265. EDESON (ROBERT). 5; Elinore Sisters (3); Paula Ed- wards (2); Vashti Earl; Virginia Earl; Mary Emerson, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). . 266. EDOUIN (WM.). 3; Dean Edsall (2); Jerome Edwardy (3); Lorle Eddinger (2); Jenny Eddy (5), and others (25). 267. EDWARDS (MADGE). 2; Mae Edwards (2); Walter Edwards (5); Geo. Edgar (2), and others (20). 268. EDWARDES (MADGE). 2; Harry Edwards (2); Jenny Eddy (5); Gertrude Elliott (2); Edward Elsner (2), and others (25). | 269. ELBERTS (CARRIE). 2; Kate Emery (2); Winifred Emery (2); J. K. Emmett (4); Katie Emmett (6); Billy Emerson (4), and others (25). 270. ELDRIDGE (“AUNT LOUISA”). 4 different one auto- graphed. 271. ELISON (FERNANDA). 3; Florence Elliott (2); Ger- trude Elliott (8); Chas. Eldridge (2); Barry Eldon (2), and others (25). 272. ELLIOTT (FLORENCE). 4; Madge Ellis (2); Dwight Elmendorf (2); Caroline Elliott (2); Elseeta (2); Miss Ellis. (2). Effie Ellsler; Cecile Eissing (2); Miss L. Emmons (2), and others (25). 273. ELLIOTT (MAXINE). 13 different. 13 274. ELLIOTT (MAXINE). 30. 275. ELLIS (MISS L.). 3; Madge Ellis (3); Clara Ellison (2); Lillian Elma (2); Effie Ellsler (12), and others (25). 276. ELLSLER (EFFIE). 2; Maxine Elliott (2); Julian Eltinge (2); Alice Evans; Gertrude Elliott, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 277. “ELSEETA.” 2; Edward Elsner (3); Lily Elton (2); Ed- gar A. Ely (2); Ethel Elberton (2), and others (25). 278. EMMERSON (BERNICE). 2; Mary Emerson (2); Misses L. and M. Emmons (5); Clara Emory (2); Marie Engle (5), and others (25). 279. EMMONS (M.). 2; Miss Emmett (2); Lucie Escott (3); Esmeralda Sisters (2); Bessie Evans (4); Alice Evans (2); Agnes Evans (2); Isabelle Evesson (4); J. K. Emmett (3), and others (35). 280. ENGLISH (JANE). 4; Wallace Erskine (2); Gay Errol (2); Lucy Escott (3); Esmeralda Sisters (3); Mercita Esmond (2), and others (25). 281. ESCOURT (MISS). 3; Mai Estelle (2); Kate Echel (2); H. Bradley Etting (2); Elsie Everett (2); Frances Everett (3); Irene Everett (2), and others (25). 282. EVANS (AGNES). 5; Alice Evans (10); Pearl Eytinge (3), and others (25). 283. EVERSON (ISABELLE). 12; George Evans (2); Bessie Evans (2); Charles E. Evans (6); Florence Evans (2), and 2 others (26). 284. EYTINGE (ROSE). 3; Genevieve Ewing (2); Thomas Evans (2); Kate Everleigh (2); May Evon (2); aR A. Eustace (2), and others (20). 285. FABRIS (AMENDA). 12; W. J. Pionekesin (3); Byon Fernandez (10); (25). 286. FAIRFAX (LETTICE). 9; Miss Fairbairn (2); Charles Fechter (4), and others (25). 287. FARKOA (MAURICE). 2; Mile. Fatima (3); Nina Far- rington (8); Florence Farrington (2), and others (25). 288. FARRER (NELLY). 6; Lottie Faust (6); Marie Fawcett (2); Owen Fawcett (2), and others (25). 289. FAVERSHAM (WILLIAM). 18. 290. FAY (ELFIE). 3; Mile. Alice Favier (2); Ida Fairbanks (2); Flora Fairchilds (3); Eleanor Falk (2), and others (25). 291. FEALEY (MAUDE). 24. 292. FENTON (JOSEPHINE). 3; Leila Farrell (3); John J. Farrell (2); Wm. Farnum (4), and others (25). 203. FIELDS (LEW); Elsie Grey; W. J. Ferguson; Mollie Ful- ler; Mrs. N. Gleason, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). rr 14 294. FILKINS (GRACE). 7; Rose Figman (2); Kate Field (3); May Fiske (6), and others (25). 295. FISHER (AGNES). 2; Robert Fitzsimmons (2), and wife (1); Ida Fitzhugh (2); Alice Fischer (6), and others (25). _ 296. FISHER (GRACE). 3; Walter Fessler (2); Chas. Fischer (2); Bertha Fish (2); J. Lee Furney (4); Cissy Fitzgerald (12); (25). . 297. FISKE (MINNIE MADDERN). 206. 298. FITZALLEN (ADELAIDE). 2; Kate Forsythe (3); Geo. L. Fox; Rose Forte (2); Gertrude Forte (2); Fostell; Carolynne Fostell (2); Hazil Fostell, and others (25). ' 299. FLETCHER (LIZZIE). 2; Almira Forrest (3); Mme. Foldor (3); Agnes Folsom (2); Katherine L. Foote (3), and others (25). 300. FLOPP (LYDIA). 2; Katherine Florence (13); S. P. Fleck- ton (2); Fleurette (6), and 2 others (25). 301. FLORENCE (W. J.). 5; Miss Florence (2); Edna Floyd (3); Pauline Fletcher (5); Lucille Faven (2), and others (25). 302. FORBES (LOTTIE). 2; Harriet Forbes (3); Vera For- dyce (2); Mazie Follotte (7); Arthur Forrest (2), and others (25). 303. FORREST (EDWIN). Early photograph, oval. Size 9 by 11% inches. Mount soiled. 304. FORREST (EDWIN). o. 305. FORREST (GRACE). 2; Henry French (2); Eva Folger (4); Sallie Fisher (2); Helena Frederick (2), and others (25). 306. FOWLER (FLORENCE). 2; Helen Fortescue (5); Geo. Fortescue (4); Eddie Foy (6), and others (25). 307. FOWLER (JEAN). 3; Henrietta Townsend; Troja; Miss C. Townsend (2), and others (20). 308. FOX (DELLA). 48 (one dup.). 309. FRANCHETTE SISTERS (3); Eleanor Franklin (2); Nannette Francis (5); Kathleen Francis (2); Mme. Fursch-Madi (3), and others (25). 310. FRANKLIN (BENNIE); Lew Fields; Evelyn Faber; Ella Reid Gilbert, Ben Gret, and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (30). 311. FRANSIOLI SISTERS (4); Eddie Foy (2); Daniel Fraw- ley (3); Blanche Frayne (4), and others (25). 312. Frayne (FRANK I., JR.). 2; Loie Freear (4); Margaret Fraser (3); Helena Frederick (3), and others (25). 313. FREDERICKS (CARRIE). 2; Mattie Ferguson (8); Ma- bel Fenton (6), and others (25). 314. FREEMAN (GRACE). 7; Mme. French (2); Minnie French (6), and others (25). 15 315. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Aino Ackte (2); Alems (2); Jeanne Aubrey; May Aubert; Bauvais; Bignon (4), and others (30). | 316. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Alice Darling (2); Dalmer; Darcy; Dalley; Darbel; D’Alencon (5); D’Aix; De Freville (2), .and others (30). 317. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Berthet (4); Alice Bonheur (3); Bellinsioni (2); Jane Boie (2); Burty (2); Sarah Brown; Chereil (2); Rose Caron, and others (30). 318. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Cleo de Merode (2); De Mori- gey; Paule Delys; Liane de Pougry (2); Derieux (2); Derval (2), and others (30). 319. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Emelin (3); Elven; Lise Fleuron (4); Eugenie Fonjere (2); Fougere (2); Flora Fleurette and others (26). 320. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Germaine Gallois (5); Garcia (2); Lucy Gérard (3); Giretti, Graziella; Jane Hading (2); Ker- valon, and others (30). 321. FRENCH ACTRESSES. La Cavalieria (2); Labady (2); Lara; Langois; Marie Leganet (2); Lorenzo; Lucenitte, and others (21). . 322. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Liane de Vries (9); Mlle. Dolf (2); Drunzer (2); Dulac (2); Dupre (2); Duvernois; Duclerc, and others (26). 323. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Manon (6); Blanche Marcelle (2); Martha (2); Marville (2); Meaty (4); Megard (2); Micheline {2), and others (28). 324. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Nikita (2); Nebbia (3); La Belle Otero (6); Parnes (2); Rita; Robin (2); Roland, and others (25). 325. FRENCH ACTRESSES. Roesseler (2); Saharet (3); Sapho; Sidley (2); Saxe; Sautier; Tortojada; Velti; Verena, and others (20). : 326. FRENCH (PAULINE). 2; Letitia Fritch (2); Trixie Fri- ganza (3); Grace Freeman (2); Rosa France (2), and others (25). _ 327. FULLER (LOIE). 12; Adele Farrington; Carrie Francis; Mrs. Fiske; Bijou Fernandez, and others (23). 328. FULLER (MOLLIE). 3; Louise Freear (3); Della Fox (5); Cissy Fitzgerald (2); Grace Filkins (2); Amenda Fabris (2), and others (24). 329. FULLERTON (MERCEDES). 2; Margaret Fuller (2); Ida Fuller (3); Mollie Fuller (13), and others. 330. GABRIEL (MASTER). 7; Wm. Faversham; Nat C. Good- win (4); Yvette Guilbert, Caroline Franklin (2), and others (25). Size to 4to. Some unmounted. 331. GALE (MINNA). 4; Mme. Gadski (7); Nellie Ganthony (2); Gene Garland (2), and others (25). 16 332. GALLAND (BERTHA). 12. 333. GALLATIN (ALBERTA). 16. 334. GALLOWAY (ESTABROOK). 2; Helen Garretson (0); Louise Galloway (7), and others (25). 335. GARDNER (MARION). 4; Georgia Gardner (3); Eva Garrick (2); Adeline Genee (2), and others (25). 336. GASSMAN (JOSEPHINE). 4; Wm. Faversham (2); Bijou Fernandez; Nim Farrington, and others. Size to 4to. Some un- mounted (25). 337. GAYLOR (BOBBY). 2; Mollie Gaylor (2); Frances Gaunt (5); Stella Gastelle (2); Miss Gartner (2), and others (25). 338. GEHRUE (MAYME). 9; Louise Gerard (3); Kate Gerard (6); H. F. Getchell (2), and others (25). 339. GEORGE (GRACE). 18. 340. GEORGE (GRACE). 9. Size to folio. Some unmounted. 341. GEORGE (MARIE). 20. 342. GERARDY (JEAN). 2; Etienne Girardot (3); Bettina Girard (7); Miss Girard (2), and others (25). 343. GERSTER (ESTELKA). 5; Sylvia Gerrish (4); Florence Germaine (2); Katherine Germaine (2); Elsie Gerome (2), and others (25). ' 344. GILBERT (ALLIE). 3; Lottie Glover (3); Augusta Glose (2); Vaughan Glaser (3); Ida Glenn (2); Helen Gordon (5); and others (25). 345. GILBERT (JOHN). 2; Belle Gold (4); Grace Golden (9); Dora Goldthwaite (2), and others (25). 346. GILBERT (MRS). 9. 347. GILLARD (FRANCIS). 2; Girleto (2); Oscar Girard (2); Eleanor Gist (10), and others (25). 348. GILLETTE (ELMA). 2; Fanny Gillette (2); Kate Gil- bert (2); Lottie Gilson (4); Ada Gilson (6), and others (25). 349. GILLETTE (WILLIAM). 13. 350. GILMAN (MABELLE). 11. 351. GILROY (ETTA). 2;' Mamie Gilroy (3); Miss Gilmour (2); Lillian Gibbs (2); Ella Reid Gilbert (2), and others (25). 352. GILROY (MAMIE). 6; Paul Gilmore (4); J. H. Gilmour (2); Barney Gilmore (4), and others (25). 353. GIROUX (MARION). 7; Allie Gilbert (2); Robert Paton Gibbs (4); Lillian Gibbs (2), and others (25). 354. GLASER (LULU). 39. 355. GLOVER (AMELIA). 11. 356. GOLDEN (GRACE). 5; May Gooch (7); Myra Goodwin (3); Carolyn Gordon (3); Dottie Goodyear (2); Jennie Gordon (2), and others (25). 17 357, GOLDTHWAITE (JENNIE). 11; Richard Golden (2); Campbell Gollan (2); L. Emma Goodwin (2), and others (25). 358. GOODWIN (NAT C.). 18. 359. GORDON (FRANCES). 3; Alice Gordon (2); Tillie Gor- man (2); Maude Gordon (3); Margaret Gordon (2), and others (25). 360. GOULD (WILL). 2; Marie Grosvenor (2); Mme. Henri Greville (3); Eliz. Grief (2); Daisy Grogan (2), and others (25). 361 GRAHAM (ROBERT). 3; Winifred Graham (2); Eva Mountford-Grandin (3); Maude Granger (6), and others (25). 362. GRANGER (MAUD), 2; Marion Grant (5); Florence Grantley (2); Taylor Granville (3); Adele Grant (curious), and _ others (25). | 363. GRANVILLE (AMELIA). 2; Cissy Grant (5); Renih. Gro- vert (2); Daisy Hughes; Charlotte Hunt, and others (25).. 364. GRAPEWIN (CHARLEY). 5; Katherine Grey (14), and others (25). 365. GRAY (SILVER). 2; Ada Grey (7); Stella Gray (6), and others (25). 366. GRAYSON (PAULINE). 2; Evie Greene (6); Katherine Grey (6), and others (25). 367. GREENLEAF (MACE). 4; James D. Greenfelder (9); Nellie Guisti (2), and others (25). : 368. GROSMITH (GEORGE). 3; Lillian Grubb (5); Alice Greenway (4); Lucia B. Griffin (5), and others (25). 369. GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet size. Misses Powell and Payne; Chas. A. Pusey and B. St. John; Brooks and Denton; Clara Dipman and Louis Mann; Topack and Steele, and others (50). 370. GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet size. Leigh Sisters; Primrose and Dockstader; Williams and Walker; Donald Rob- ertson and Miss Brandon Douglas; Grace Gresham and Mary Post, and others (50). 371. GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet size. Jane Whitbeck and Arthur Dunn; Howard and Bland; Sam T. Jack’s Girls; Span- tsh Octette, and others (50). 372. GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS. Clemens Trio; Howard and Bland; Carleton and Carre; Jully Musketers, and others. Various sizes (44). : 373. GUNNING (LOUISE). 5; Mrs. Fiske (3); Geraldine Far- rar (2), and others. Size to 4to. Some unmounted (25). 374. GURNETT (URSULA). 15. 375. GURNEY (KATE). 2; Carrie Guyer (4); Groynutte. i3)2 Yvette Guilbert (5); Eleanor Guisti (2); Louise Gunning (4), and others (25). 18 376. HACKETT (JAMES K.) in “Don Caesar de Bezan”; Harry Irwin; S. Miller Kent, Robert Hilliard; Hackett and his Dog in “Don Caesar,’ and others. Small 4to (15). 377: HACKETT (JAMES K.). 24 portraits from early child- hood (restrikes) to later years. 378. HALE (SUSIE). 2; Otis Harlan (4); Edith Hall (3); Fred Halleri (5), and others ae iP 379. HALL (ARTIE). 5; Hawthorne Sisters (8); Sadie Harris (2); Annie Haines (2); Mary Hall (4), and others (25). * - 380. HALL (JESSIE). 2; Walter S. Hale (2); Jane Hading (9); Howard Hall (2); Jessie Haines (2), and others (25). . 81. HALL (JESSIE MAY). 17. 382. HALL (JOSEPHINE). 34. 383. HALL (MILDRED). 3; Virginia Harned (6); Nellie Har- ris (2); Miss Hartie (2), and others (25). 384. HALL (PAULINE). 37. 385. HALLSTON (MARGARET). 2; Almora Hallam (2); “C, Hackmeyer (2); Toma Hanlon (2), and others (20). 386. HALTON (MARIE). 14, one autographed. 387. HAMPTON (MARY). 8; Effie Hamilton (2); Martin Har- vey (3); Ethel Haydon (4), and others (25). 388. HANBURY (LILY). 5; Mabel Harper (5); Mary Hamp- ton (4); Minnie Hank (3), and others (25). 389. HANLEY (LAWRENCE), 6; Cecile Hardy (3); Mary D. Hanson (3); Felix Haney (3), and others (25). 390. HARE (WINIFRED). 2; John and Gilbert Hare (6); Lil- lian Harvey (5); Lizzie Harold (4), and others (25). 391. HARLOW (RICHARD). 4; W. S. Hart (2); Florrie Har- mon (2); Joseph Hart (3), and others (25). 392. HARRIGAN Bee): aoe Lowy rart—-(2)) 08 photos. All early. | 393. HART (ANNIE). 7; Jennie Harold (2); Louis Harrison (4); William Harcourt (2), and others (25). 394. HART (JOSEPH). 3; Belle Harper (5); May Hamilton (2); Leonora Harris (6); Hattie Harvey (4), and others (25). 395. HARTWIG (ADELE). 2; Lillian Harris (2); Lilly Harold (3); Maud Harvey (4); Dorothy Hammond (3), and others (25). 396. HASKINS (YSOBEL). 2; Dan Harkins (2); Miss Harden- brook (2); Chas. B. Hanford (2); Lizzie Harold (4), and others (25). ee -397, HASSEN (LEONORE). 2; Nellie Hanley (2); Maud . Harrison (6); Lee Harrison (2); May Hanley (2), and others (25). 398. HASWELL (PERCY). 13. ? é | 399. HAWORTH (JOSEPH). 11. 19 400. HAYDEN (BLANCHE). 2; Charles Hawtrey (2); Rose Hart (2); Bessie Hatton (2); Ruth Hart (4), and others (25). 401. HAZLETTE (MAY). 2; Ruby Hayes (3); Edmund Hayes (2); Gertrude Hayes (2); Jennie Hawley (4), and others (25). 402. HEINS (HELEN). 2; Agnes Hearn (2); Grace Hender- son (6); Flo Henderson (4); Mme. Schumann-Heinck (2), and others (25). 403. HELD (ANNA). 34. 404. HENDEE (EDITH). 3; The Highleys (3); Caroline Hill (3); Eunice Hill (3); Henry Hilliard (2), and others (25). 405. HENER (MARTHA). 2; Lulu Hesse (2); Julia Herne (2); Bijou Heron (4); James A. Herne (4); Mrs. Herne (3), and others (25). | 406. HENGLER (MAY). 7; E. J. Henley (2); Ethel Henry (4); Prof. Hermann (2); Mrs. Herrmann (8), and others (25). 407. HEPNER (LOUISE WILLIS). 30. 408. HERNANDEZ (MISS I.). 2; Agnes Herndon (2); Selma Herman (4); Crystal Herne (3), and others (25). 409. HERMANN (MME.); Pauline Hall; Grace Hawkins; Lot- tie King; Louise Homer and others, mostly characters. 4to (26). 410. HEYER (GRACE). 14. ; 411. HILL (GUS). 2; Lillie Hinton (3); Miss Hilyer (2); Mat- tie Hirschfield (2); Raymond Hitchcock (7), and others (25). 412. HILLIARD (ROBERT). 9; Helma Horneman (2); Beryl Hope (2); Cecil Hope (2); Maidie Hope (2), and others (25). 413. HOEY (JOHN). 3; Wm. Hoey (4); Jessie Hotine (3); Alice Hosmer (2); Burton Holmes (5), and others (25). 414. HOFFMAN (MAUDE). 9; Edith Howe (2); Ruth Holt, (2); Joseph Humphrey (2); Maude Huth (3), and others (25). 415. HOLLS (VIOLET). 8; Jane Holly (7); Blanche Howard (5), and others (25). 416. HOLLAND (E. M.). 14. 417, HOLLAND (JOSEPH). 12. 418. HOLLAND (MILDRED); Nettie Hyde; Wright Kramer; Camille D’Arville; Hengler Sisters, and others. Folio (16). (A few unmounted.) 419. HOLLINS (MAUD). 13; Loraine Hollis (7), and others (25). 420. HOLT (EDWIN). 2; George W. Howard (2); Ethel Hor- nick (5); Grace Howard (3); Margaret Hoyt (3), and others (25). 421. HOOD (ALICE). 2; May Howard (14); Miss Howard (4); Mabel Howe (2), and others (25). 422. HOPPER (DE WOLF). 10. 20 423. HOPPER (EDNA WALLACE). 2; Ethel Jackson; Bur- ton Holmes (3); James K. Hackett, and others. Various sizes (20). 424. HOPPER (EDNA WALLACE). ) 31. 425. HOPPER (IDA). 3; Will T. Hodge (2); Margot Hobart (5); Maud Hobson (3), and others (25). 426. HOUGHTON (HELEN), 2; Barbara Huntley (2); Ola Humphrey (2); Nellie Huxley (2); Katherine Hutchinson (3), and others (25). 427. HOWELLS (IDA). 3; Alice Holbrook (2); Harriet Hol- land (2); Estelle Holland (2); Mildred Holland (4), and others (25). 428. HOWLAND (JOBYNA). 16. 429. HOYT (CAROLINE MISKELL). 12. 430. HOYT (IMOGENE). 2; Louise Homer (3); Mabel How- ard (8); Genie Holtzmeyer (2); Geo. Honey (2), and others (25). 431. HUESTED (EFFIE). 3; Perdila Hudspeth (2); Wilson Hummel (2); Annie Hughes (3); Jennie Hughes (2); Edna Hunter (2), and others (25). 432. HUNTINGTON (AGNES). 16. 433. HUNTLEY (FLORENCE). 3; Louise Hunter (4); Clara Hunter (3); Clara Hunt (4); Minnie Schultz Huber (4), and others (25). 434. INCE (JOHN E.). 2; Annie Irish (9); May Irwin (14); (25). 435. INGALLS (ELLA U.). 2; Mamie Irwin (3); Cuillanne Ibos (2); Innes (2); Lawrence Irving (2), and others (25). 436. INTROPODI (WALDEMERE). 2; Beatrice Ingram (3); Belle Irving (2); Theo. Julian (2); Mme. Jananschek (3), and others (25). . 437- IRWIN (MAY); Alice Judson; Frank Moulin; Marie Jan- sen; Adelaide Kim, and others. 4to and royal 4to (15). 438. IRSCHICK (MAGDA). 2; Evangeline Irving (2); Imo- gene (2); Elsie Irving (2); Hannah M. Ingram (2), and others (25). 439. IRWIN (FLO). 11. 440. IRVING (HENRY). 11. 441. IRVING (ISABEL). 35. 442. ISHAM (EDWARD). 2; Alice Irving (2); Marion Ivel (4); Jeanette Ivel (2); Cora Isham (4), and others (25). 443. JACKSON (CARRIE). 2; Alice Judson (12); Emma Juch (5), and others (25). 444. JAMES (LOUIS); Herbert Kelery; Orrin Johnson; Kel- jar; Sig. Agostini; Four Lukin’s; Joe Hartz, and other portraits. 8vo and small 4to (25). at 445. JAMES (MILLIE). 9; Florence Jackson (2); Ethel Jack- son (7), and others (25). 446. JANIS (ELSIE). 2; Louis James (3); Josie Jacoby (2); Virginia Jackson (2); Daisy Jackson (2), and others (25). 447. JANSEN (MARIE). 32. 448. JARBEAU (VERNONA). 24. 449. JEFFERSON (JOE). 22. | 450. JERROLD (MARY). 3; Sibyl Johnston (3); Virginia Johnson (2); Frances Joliffe (2); Ida Jeffreys (5), and others (25). 451. JEWELL (SARA). 6; Maud Jeffries (8); Alice Johnson (7); Adolph Jackson (2); John Jack (3); (26). 452. JEWELL (VIOLET). 5; Clara Aline Jewell (4); Francis Joliffe; Bertha Jaeger; Mrs. W. G. Jones, and others (25). 453. JOHNSON (CARROLL). 2; Isabel Jay (3); Jannschow- sky (2); Henry Jewett (8), and others (25). 454. JOHNSON (ORRIN). 6; Fannie Johnson (9); Edith John- son (3), and others (25). 455. JOHNSON (SELENA). 16. 456. JORDAN FAMILY. 7; Pauline Joran (2); Walter Jones (7), and others (25). 457. JOSEPHI (AMANDA C.). 2; Ellis Jeffreys (2); Fanny Josephs (3); Jennie Joyce (11), and others (25). SECOND SESSION Tuesday, October 10, 1911, commencing at 2:30 p. m. 458. KALISCH (BERTHA). 3; Frankel Kemble (6); Frances Keplar (5); Jane Kennark (2), and others (25). 459. KARL (TOM). 7; Willette Kershaw (21); Lyla Kavenaugh (3); Martha Kautz (2); Mlle. Katamosha (2), and others (25). 460. KARLE (AMALIE). 7; Eleanor Kent (3); Helen Keat- ing (4); Mary R. Kennevan (2), and others (25). 461. KEALTY (MAYME). 6; Bertha Kellogg (2); Caroline Kenyon (2); Zeta Kennedy (4), and others (25). 462. KEENE (THOMAS W.). Io. 463. KEIM (ADELAIDE). 3; John E. Kellerd (2); Eva M. Kelly (6); Harry Keane (2), and others (25). 464. KELCEY (HERBERT). 9; Prof. Kellar (6); Mrs. Kellar (2), and others (25). 465. KELLOGG (FLORENCE D.). 4; Clara Louise Kellogg (3); Miss Kelso (2); Stella Kenney (2); Alfred Kendrick (2), and others (25). 466. KENDAL (WILLIAM H.). 9; Mrs. Kendal (9); Dorothy Kendal (3); (21). iS) lo 467; KENDALL (EZRA). 6; John T. Kelly (6); Doris Keane (2); Chas. Kent (3); James W. Kelly (2), and others (25). 468. KIMBALL (STARA). 2; Grace Kimball (12); Kathryn Kidder (9); Joseph Kilgour (3); (26). ; 469. KING (A. L.). 2; Alfred Klein (4); Charles Klein (2); Roselle Knot (10), and others (25). 470. KNIGHT (MARGARET). 2; Villa Knox (4); Mignonette Kokin (2); Stella Koetler (2), and others (25). 471. KINGSLEY (JULIA). 4; Susie Kirwin (3); Olivia Kirch- mann (2); Daisy Kirke (2); Eliz. Kirby (2), and others. 472. KNOWLTON (MAUDE); Roselle Knott; Edelle Kendall; Mabel Hilliard; Nellie Hawthorne; Gertrude Hayes, and others. Royal 8vo (18). 473. KOPF (NORMA). 10; Emily Kraft (2); Selma Koert- Kronald (2), and others (25). 474. KRUGER (ALMA). 5; Sadie Kirby (10); Amelia Kiralfy (2); Bolossy Kiralfy; Mazie King (2), and others (25). 475. KNAPP (JOSEPHINE). 3; Maude Knowlton (3); Mrs. Geo. S. Knight (2); Marie Knowles (5), and others (25). 476. LACKAYE (WILTON). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (15). 477. LACY (HARRY). 2; James Lackaye (2); Lafayette (3); George Larsen (2); A. Lachamme (2); Jean Larsalle (2); Frank Lawton (4), and others (35). 478. LADD (HATTIE BELL). 4; La Dazie (4); La Liska (4); Lillian Lainslee (2); Beatrice Lamb (2); Marquerite La Mar (2), and others (25). 479. LLALLEMAND (PAULINE). Characters and portraits (one duplicate); (10). 480. LAMBERT (MAY). 2; Nova Saxony Lambert (2); Char- lotte Lambert (6); Norah Lamison (2); Grace Lamkin (3), and others (25). : 481. LAMONT (HELEN). 4; Lillian Lamson (4); Agnes Lane (3); Beatrice Langley; Beatrice Langdon (3); Grace Langley (2), and others (25). 482. LANGDON (NELLIE). 8; Irma La Pier (5); La Petite Adelaide (3); Roxie Lansing. In all 17. 483. LANGTRY (LILLIAN). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (23). 484. LARKEN (LETA LILLIAN). 3; Eleanor La Salle (7); Daisy Lascelle (3); Nanette Lascelles; Marguerite Laurel (3), and others (25). 485. LAUER (SADIE). 2; Lucile La Verne (5); Flossie La Van (2); Minnie La Vere (2); Belle Latone, and others (20). 486. LAWRENCE (LILLIAN). Characters and portraits, all different (16). 23 487. LAWRENCE (MIRIAM). Characters and portraits, all different (12). 488. LAWRENCE (2); Nellie Lawrence (2); Lottie Lawrence (4); Georgie Lawrence (2); Louise Lawton (2), and others (20). 489. LEARY (MISS A.) (2); Gilberta Leacock (3); Charlotta Le Clerge (2); Mabel Leclaire (2); Mrs. G. W. Lederer (3), and others (25). 490. LEE (MARGARET) (9); Minerva Lee (4); Ada Lee (4); Amy Lee (4); Lillian Lee (2); Jennie Lee (2), and others (30). 491. LEHMANN (LILLI). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (10). 492. LEIGH (LISLE) ‘(ays Marion Leichton (2); Mercedes Leigh (2); Claire Leighton (2); Rose Leighton (2); Kate Lamare (2), and others (25). 493. LEMON (MARGUERETTA) (6); Sarah C. LeMoyne (9); Jane Lenox (2); Louise Leighton; Maggie Leland, and others (25). 494. LENNOX (FRED) (2); Henry Lee (2); Henry Leone (3); Fred Leslie (3); C. C. Leclerc; Dan Leeson, and others (28). 495. LESLIE (ANN) (2); Belle Leslie (3); Cora Leslie (5); Lil- lian Leslie (5); May Leslie (6); Dora Leslie (2), and others (30). 496. LESLIE (ELSIE). Characters and portraits, all different (13). 497. LESSING (MADGE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent, fine lot (41). 498. LESTER (DOROTHY) (6); Agnes Leonard (2); Louise -Lester (2); Bianca Lescant (3), and others (20). 499. LESTER (FLORENCE); Clara Lane; Henrietta Lee; Anna Lord, and others. Portraits. 8vo and small 4to (20). 500. LEVEY (EMMA) (6); Ethel Levey (6); Florence Levey . (5); Adele Levey. All different. (18). 501. LEVINGE (MAY) (5); Lily Levene (3); Rose Levere (3); Lilian Le Roy; Ada Leyton; Annie Leyton, and others (23). 502. LEWIS (ADA). Characters and portraits, all different (10). 503. LEWIS (ANNIE) (6); Lillian Lewis (7); Leona Lewis (4); Lottie Lewis (2); Jeffrey Lewis (4); Maude Lewis (2). All dif- ferent (25). | | 504. LEWIS (JESSIE) (2); James Lewis (3); Horace Lewis (3); Dorothy Lewis, and others (22). 505. LICHTER (ANNA). Characters and portraits (3 ‘dupli- cates) (II). “506. LIGHT (MAUDE) (2); Fannie Liddiard (3); ‘Letty Lind (2); Edna Earlie Lindon (3); Lotta Linthicum (8), and cthers (25). a | 24 | eS 507. LINCK (MARY) (3); Georgie Lingard (2); Rose Linde (4); Ida M. Linton (2), and others (25). 508. LIND (JENNY); Clara Lippman (4); Sylvia Lisle (2); Jeanette Locke (3); Mattie Lockette (2), and others (25). 509. LINDSAY (GUY); Richie Ling (2); W. H. Lingard; A. S. Lipman (2); Edward Lloyd (2), and others (20). 510. LINYARD (CATHERINE). Characters and ‘portraits, all different (13). 511. LIPMAN (CLARA). Characters and portraits, all differ- ent (13). 512. LITTLE EGYPT (4); Rita Riley (7); Ada Mayall (4); Madame Irwin (2); Mme. Lotty (2); Mlle. Ordlar; Clara Ward (3); Nellie Potter (2), and others. Cabinet and 4to size, mostly in tights (54). 513. LITTLE RUBY (2); Walter Leon (2); Lotus Morris; Ros- son Midgets; Baby Rhodes (5); Douglass Quinn (2), and others (20). 514. LLOYD (MARIE) (2); Violet Lloyd (2); Florence Lloyd (6); Anna Lloyd (4), and others, all different (20). 515. LOFTUS (CISSY). Characters and portraits, all different (21). * 516. LOMAS (SALLIE) (2); Dora Lombard (3); Rhe Lorraine (2); Virginia Loring (2); Leonore Lockwood; Kitty Loftus, and others (25). 517. LONNEN (E. J.) (2); Harry Luckstone (3); Henry Lud- lum (2); Edmund Lyon (3), and others (25). 518. LORD (HELEN). Characters and portraits (2 duplicates) (20). 519. LORRAINE (KATHARINE); Inez L’Orma; May Lor- rington; Bonnie Lottie; Pauline Lucca; Madeline Lucette, and others (20). 520. LOTTA. Characters and portraits, all different (15). 521. LOVE (MABEL) (8); Josephine Lovett (3); Mae Lowery (7); Daisy Lovering (2), and.others (25). 522. LOWRIE (JEANNETTE). Portraits, all different (18). 523. LUCAS (MARGUERITE) (4); Helene Lucas (3); Jose- phine Ludwig (5); Frances Lush (2); Franklyn Lynch (4), and others (25). maa. LYFORD (NETTIE) (3); Edna Lyle; Leslie-Lyle (2); Alice Milsen; Anna Whitford; Maud Warrilowe, and others (21). 525. LYNCH (GRACE FRANKLYN); Zelie de Lussan; Helen Lowell (2); Cecelia Loftus (2); Mrs. Pierre Noel; Madge Lessing; Lillian Leslie, and others. Characters and portraits, 4to (20). 526. LYNCH (NELLIE) (7); Sylvia Lynden (3); Gretchen Lyons (2); Emily Lytton (5), and others (20). 25 527. MacDONALD (CHRISTIE). Portraits, all different (15). 528. MacLAREN (SARA) (6); Anna McNab (3); Jennie Me- Nulty (3); Lida McMillan (3); Annie Mack (2), and others, all different (20). 529. MACNICHOL (LIZZIE). Characters and portraits, all different (11). . 530. McALLISTER (PHOSO) (2); Geraldine McCann (5); Lillah McCarthy (5); Olive McConnell (6); Mosie McCleary (2), and others, all different (25). 531. McCAULEY (BARNEY) (2); John McCullough (2); Edgar MacGregor (2); Burr McIntosh (2), and others, all different (25). 532. McCAY SISTERS (JULIA AND LIZZIE) (4); Ida Me- Donald (4); Ethel McDonough (2); Margaret McDonald (2), and others, all different (25). 533. MCDONOUGH (HARRY) (7); W. H. MacDonald (5); John McCullough (2); J. W. McKinney (2); John McWade (2), and others, all different (25). 534. MCDOWELL (CLAIRE) (2); Louise rents (7 Win- nifred McCaull; Ethel McGregor (2); Helen MacGregor (3), and others, all different (25). 535. McDOWELL (MELBOURNE). Characters and portraits | all different (10). 536. McINTOSH (MADGE) (2); Jean MclIlmoyle (3); Jessie Mackaye (5); Margaret Macintyre (2); Julie Mackey (3), and others, all different (25). 537. McGILL (MATTIE) (2); Nellie McHenry (4); Fanny Mc- Intyre (6); Nancy McIntosh (4), and others, all different (25). 538. McKEE (GUSSIE); Alice Martin; Louise Mink; Modjeska; Estelle Mortimer, and others. Characters and portraits. 4to (17). 539. MCKENZIE (BEATRICE EARLE) (4); Kate McKinstry (3); May McKenzie (2); Mrs. K. McNeil (2), and others, all dif- ferent (25). ; 540. MACK (ANDREW). Character and portraits, all differ- ent (12). 541. MADISON (DOLLY) (6); Mrs. Maddock (3); Mathilda Madison (2); Emma Maddern (3); Hattie Bo (2), and others, all different (22). 542. MAGINN (BONNIE). Characters and portraits, one du- plicate (33). 543. MAHR SISTERS (6); Major Sisters (2); Estelle Man- ning (2); Mme. Mantelli (5), and others, all different (25). 544. MAITLAND (ARTHUR) (2); Harry Mainhall (2); Sig; Mario (2); Henri Marteau (2); Cyril Maude (2); Barry Maxwell, and others (33). 26 545. MANLEY (MINA); Mary Marble; Florence Malone, and’ others. Portraits. 8vo (34). 546. MANN (LOUIS). Characters and portraits, one duplicate- (15). 547- MANNERING (MARY). Character studies, all different (22). 548. ———— Portrait studies, all different (33). 549. MANTELL (ANNA) (5); Marion Manola (8); Laura S.. Mapleson (3); Jane Marbury (3), and others, all different (25). 550. MANTELL (ROBERT B.) as “Richard III’; Camille D’Arville; Mantell as “Cardinal Richelieu”; Mildred Holland; Pauline Hall; Claire Leighton, and others. Large panel photo- graphs (10). 551. MANTELL (ROBERT) (14), and one of Mrs. R. B. Man-.- tell (15). 552, MANSFIELD (GERTRUDE); Lottie Mortimer; Rosa_ Marso; Sisters Meredith; Julia Morrison, and others. Characters. and portraits. Royal to (20). 553. MANSFIELD (JOSIE) (6); Ada Mansfield (3); Gertrude- Mansfield (2); Miriam Mansfield (4);;Meg Mansfield (2); Adeline- Mann (4), and others (22). 554. MANSFIELD (RICHARD). Characters and portraits, all: different, fine lot (31). 555. MARBLE (MARY) (7); Louise Marcelli (3); Ellena Maris;. Paola Maria (2); Leslie Marion (2), and others, all different (25). 556. MARLBOROUGH (HELEN) (4); Pauline Marr (5);- Helen Mar (3); Emma Marsh (2), and others, all different (25).. 5577 MARLOWE (JULIA) (8); Mary Mannering (6); Edith. Mason (4). 8vo and 4to (18). 558. MARLOWE (JULIA MARLOWE TABER). Characters,. all different, fine lot (41). 559. ————— Portraits studies, all different, fine lot (30). 560. MARVIN (HELEN) (4); Mme. Martial (2); Jolly Mat-- thews (5); Zoo Mathews (4 copies); Mme. Materna (2), and’ others (25). 561. MARMION (MLLE.) (6); Bertha Mario (3); Alice Marion. (2); Pauline Markham (5); Virginia Marlowe (3), and others, all’ different (25). 562. MARSTON (ROSO). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (18). 563. MARTIN (BELLE) (2); Stella Martin (4); Camilla Martin (2); May Marton (3); Nina Martino (2); Agnes Martyne, and® others, all different (25). 564. MARTINET (SADIE). Characters and portraits, all dif-- ferent (18). 27 565. MASON FAMILY. Dan Mason (5); Jack Mason (4), Edith Mason (7); Carolyn Mason (2), and others, all different (21). 566. MATHER (MARGARET). Characters and portraits, all different (25). © 567. MAVEROFFER (AMALIA) (3); Jean Mawson (2); The- resa Maxwell (5); Madeline Maye (2); Cora Maynard (2), and others (30). 568. MAY (EDNA). Characters and portraits, all different {25). | 569. MAY (OLIVE) (11); Carrie May (2); Myrtle May (2); Bonnie May, and others (25). 570. MAYO (ELEANOR) (8); Margaret Mayo (3); Frank Mayo (3); Mayme Mayo (2), and others (18). 571. MELBA. Characters and portraits (8). 572. MEAD (OLIVE) (3); Lotta Medley (4); Ouika Meers (3); Kate Meek (4); Adle Measor, and others (25). 573. MELROSE (ADA) (2); Rose Melville (2); Norma Mendia (5); Lilian Mentor (3); Georgie Mendun (2), and others (25). 574. MEREDITH (LETTA), (3); Mlle. Merle (2); Lena Mer- ville (2); Grace Merritt (3); May Merrion (2); Helen Merrill (3), and others (25). . 575. METHOT (MINNIE) (7); Dollie Mestayer (2); Mayo Methot (7); Jessie Merrilees (2); May Merrick, and others (30). 576. MIDGLEY (MAUD) (5); Evelyn Millard (3); Marie Mil- lard (3); Jessie Milward (6); Kate Micheleva (2), and others (25). 577. MILLARD (LAURA). Portraits (14). 578. MILLER (FLORENCE) (9); Agnes Miller (3); Francis Miller (4); Metta Miller (3); Edith S. Miller and others (25). 579. MILLER (HENRY) (3); Andrew Mack (3); Richard Mansfield (2); Edward Morgan, and others. 8vo and 4to (20). 580. MILLER (HENRY) (8); Chas. Mestayer; Henry Miller; J. Miron, and others (26). 581. MILLER (HENRY) in “The Only Way”; Felix Morris; Sig. Novelli; Helen Lord; Scene from “Brother Officers”; Keim, Wellington and Chauncey Olcott in “Terrance,” and other. Panel photographs, size 9x13 inches (13). 582. MILLIKEN (SANDOL). Characters and portraits, atl different (17). 583. MILLS (MARGARET) (9); Agnes A. Mills (2); Mary Mills (4); Frank Mills, and others (20). 584. MILWARD (JESSIE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (13). 28 585. MINIATURE PHOTOGRAPHS OF STAGE CELEBRI- TIES. Published by Alfred Ellis, London, and others. 215 sheets, each containing from 6 to 25 portraits. Sold as 215 pieces (some unmounted). 586. MINIATURE PHOTOGRAPHS OF STAGE AND OTHER CELEBRITIES. Published by Knebler, Phila. and others. 105 cards, each containing from 18 to 30 portraits. Sold as 105 pieces. 587. MINIATURE PORTRAITS OF STAGE AND OTHER CELEBRITIES. 140 unmounted sheets, each containing 36 por- traits. Sold as 140 pieces (few edges slightly torn). 588. MISKEL (CAROLINE) (2); Maggie Mitchell (4); Louise Mitchell (5); Kitty Mitchell (3), and others (20). 589. MODJESKA. Characters and portraits, all different (24). 590. MOLYNEUX (MARIE) (2); Ethel Knight Mollison (2); Minpie Monk (2); Ada Monk (2), and others (20). 591. MONROE (GEO. W.) (6); Edwin Mordant (3); Frank Mordant (3); Raymon Moore, and others (24). 592. MONROE (LUCILLE) (2); Maude Monroe (2); Louise Monte (3); Florence Montrose (2); Ilma Montague (2), and others (20.) 593.5 MONTAGUE (LOUISE) (7); Mabel Montgomery (4); Loretta Montaine (2); Caroline Montifoire (2); Tessie Mooney (2), and others (22). 594. MOORE (ANNABELLE) (9); Decima Moore (3); Hattie Moore (2); Louise Moore (4), and others (20). 595. MOORE. Esther Moore (3); Laura Moore (5); Haidee Moore; Maggie Moore (2); Mary Moore (2); Susie and Lottie Moore (2), and others (24). 596. MOORE SISTERS. Ethel and Jessie. (10). 597, MORA (HELENE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (10). 508. MORAN (PAULINE) (4); Beatrice Moreland (4); Beatrice Morgan (3); Bab Morgan (2), and others (25). 599. MORETTI (ELEANORE). Portraits, all different (15). 600. MORGAN (E. J.). Characters and portraits, all different (9). 601. MORIN (MME. PILAR) (5); Olive Morrell (2); Beatrice Morgan (2); Eloise Morgan (3); Martha Morgan (2), and others (25). 602. MORRIS (NINA) (6); Clara Morris (6); Rose Morrison (2); Rosabel Morrison (6); Julia Morrison (3), and others (25). 603. MORRISON (FLORENCE ROBERTS) (6); Louisa Morse (2); Kathryn Morse (2); Eloise Mortimer (8), and others (25). 29 604. MORRISON (LEWIS) (5); William Morris (3); Felix Morris (3); Henry Mostyn (2); Mounet-Sully (3), and others (25). 605. MORRISON’S PHOTOGRAPHS OF CELEBRITIES, with printed list. Nos. 1 to 174 (lacking No. 161). 173 cards, each containing 30 portraits, in all 4190 vignette portraits of celebrated actors and actresses. Sold as 173 pieces. 606. MORTIMER (ELLEN) (6); Lottie Mortimer (3); Mabel Mortimer (4); Lilian Mortimer (2); Kittie Morton (4 duplicates); Helen Morton, and others (25). 607. MORTON (DOROTHY). .Character and portraits, all different (12). 608. MOURI (CAMILLE) (2); Adelaide Mould (2); Edith Moyer (2); Barnesta Mueller (2), and others (25). 609. MUHLMAN (ADOLPH) (2); Mark Murphy (3); Tim Murphy (4); Ovide Musin (2); J. W. Murray (2), and others (27). 610. MULLE (IDA). Characters and portraits (11). ° 11. MUNI (BELLE) (2); Aida Muriel (3); Edith Murrilla (2); Evyen S. Murphy (2); Irene Murphy (3); Minnie*Murray (3); Annie Myers (5). and others (31). 612. NASH (G. L.); Ben Nathan; James Neill; R. R. Neil; Edwin Nicanden (2); Fred Nice; George Neville, and others (20). 613. NAST (KATE) (4); Sinclair Nash (2); Mlle. Naya (4); Alice Neal (6); Nesta Neilson (4), and others, all different (25). 614. NEILSON (ADELAIDE) (6); Julia Neilson (4); Agnes Neilson (4); Della Nevin (4); Amelia Neville (2), and athens all different (25). 615. NELSON (HELMA) (5); Amy Nelson ae Helen Nelson (2); Lucille Nelson (2); Dora Nelson (2); Ada Neglaon (2), and others, all different (24). 616. NESBIT (MIRIAM). Characters and portraits, all differ- ent (14). 617. NETHERSOLE (OLGA). Characters and portraits, all different, fine lot (43). 618. NEVADA (EMMA) (6); Jean Newcombe (2); May New- man (2); Kitty Nice (2); Emily. Nice ae Zella Nicolaus (2), and others, all different (25). 619. NICHOLS (MABEL) (4); Lulu Nichols (2); Mattie Nicho- las (3); Mattie Nichols (2); Lizzie MacNichol (2); Nellie Nice (2), and others (20). 620. NEILSON (ALICE) (3); Esther Norton; Margaret Nel- son; William Norris, Olga Nethersole, and others. Royal 8vo and 4to (20). , 2 . na 621. NIELSEN (ALICE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent, fine lot (38). = 622. NILSSON SEH PUSTINE), ee Charlotte Nilson (2); Nan- ette Nixon (7); Grace Netz (2); Alfa Norman (2); Mary Norman (2), and others, all different Pine 623. NOLAN (MARION) (09); Gertrude Norman (4); Beatrice Norton (2); Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nobles (3); Dolly Nobles (2), and others, all different (25). 624. NORDICA (LILIAN). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (16). ; 625. NORMAN (BEATRICE) (5); Willie Norton (4); Eliza- beth Northrup (2); Rose Norris (2), and others, all different (20). 626. NORRIS (WILLIAM) as “King Dodo”; Wilton Lackaye; Forrest Robinson; Johnny Rae in King Casey; oe Robertson and others. 8vo to large 4to (18). 627. NORWOOD (ADELAIDE) (6); Bertha Noss; Ione Now- len (4); Elzie Nugent (3); Kathleen Nugent, and others (25). +628. NOVELLI (5); William Norris (8); Norman V. Norman; Ole Norman, and others, all different (20). 629. OAKLEY (ANNIE) (2); Anna O’Keefe (2); Lillian Ol- cott (2); Miss Oldfield (2), and others, all different (25). 630. ODELL (MAUDE). Characters and portrait studies, all different (12). 631. O HARA (FISKE) (4); Joseph O’Mara (3); Robert O’Neil; ‘Barry O’Neil; Eugene O’Rourke (2); Ole Bull (2); Eugene Oudin (2); Eugene Ormonde (2), and others, all different (34). 632. OLCOTT (CHAUNCEY). All different. Cabinet and 4to (11). 633. OLITZKA (ROSE) (2); Olive Oliver (3); Adele Purvis Ouri (4); Anne O’Neill (2); Ida Orme (4); Mile. Ordlar (2), and others, all different (25). 634. O'NEILL (JAMES). All different (8). 635. O’'NEIL (NANCE). Characters and portraits, all different (15). 636. O'NEILL (NELLIE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent. 10 cabinets and one 4to (11). * 637. OPP (JULIE). Characters and portraits, all different (12). 638. OSBORNE (MERRI). All different (10). 639. OTSLERMAN (KATHRYN). Portrait studies, all dif- ferent (15). 640. OTIS (ELITA PROCTOR). Portrait studies, all different (10). 641. OTTILIE (MLLE.) (5); Mile. Otero (3); Madge Otis (2); Emmie Owen (3); Jennie Owen, and others, all different (22). 642. PACARY (LINA) (2); Minnie Packard (2); _ Ffolliott Paget (2); Madeline Paine (2); Edith Palliser (2); Grace Palotta (2), and others (20). 31 643. PALMER (MINNIE) (9); Clara Palmer (4); Adele Pal- mer (2); Bessie Palmer, and others, all different (20). 644. PAPINTA (7); Paquerette (4); Georgie Parker (2); Eme- line Pavy (4), and others, all different (25). 645. PASCOE (W. H.) (2); Tony Pastor (2); Fred Paulding (3); John Page (2); Paderewski, Harry Paneton, and others, all different (25). 646. PATRICE (9); Cora Urquhart Potter (4); Louise Paullin (4); Mrs. Geo. Pauncefort (2); E. Patterson. All different (20). 647. PATTI (ADELINA). Portraits, all different, one at the age of 16 (7); Charlotta Patti (3); dnaliere: 648. PAUL (AGNES) (7); Grace Pauling (2); Dora Parnes (2); Paulette (2); Miss Palmer (4 copies), and others (25). 649. PEARCE (GEO. C.) (2); Eli Perkins (2); Thomas Peresse (3); Sig. Perugini (2); Walter Perkins; T. H. Persse (2), and others, all different (20). | Jeet 650. PENNOYER (ALICE) (3); Florence Perry (2); Kitty Perry (2); Irene Perry (2); Gertrude Rese (5)3-Sara ae (2), and others, all different (25). 651. PERKINS (CARRIE) (4); Marie Peterman (2); Mrs. Chas. Peters (4); Marie Pettier (4); Olga Peony (2); Lillian Perry; Isabel Percival, and others, all different (25). 652. PHILLIPS (ADELAIDE) (3); Helen Phillipps (3); Edna Phillips (2); Mabel Pierson (2); Alice Pierce (2), and others, all different (25). 653. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ACTRESSES. Cigarette pictures. Some colored (2!3) 654. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ACTRESSES AND ACTORS. Various sizes, from cabinet to folio. Damaged lot, background painted out and some of the mounts cut down (550). 655.5 PHOTOGRAPHS OF AMERICAN ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Cabinet to 4to size (33). 656. PHOTOGRAPHS OF AMERICAN ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Not identified. Cabinet size (45). 657. PHOTOGRAPHS OF AMERICAN ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Beatrice Moreland; Elenor Robson; desi Less- ing, and others. Cabinet size (25). 658. PHOTOGRAPHS. American authors, statesmen, soldiers, etc. Cabinet size (36). S. L. Clemens, T. B. Aldrich, Admiral Dewey, Theodore Roosevelt, etc. 656. PHOTOGRAPHS. Foreign, mostly Spanish officers. Cabi- net size (29). ; 660. PIEEREPONT (GRACE) (3); Nellie Pike (2); Fanny A. Pitt (3); Bertha Pierson; Jane Pierney; Marie Pixley; hs Pix- ley, and others (22). 661. PIXLEY (ANNIE). Characters and portraits, all differ- ent (10). 662. PLASTED (GRACE) (2); Emma Pollock (2); Tennye ‘Poole (2); Martha Porteous (3); Camille Porter (2), and others, all different (20). 663. PLATT (GEORGE F.) (2); James Powers; David Proctor; Fiske O’Hara; Pantzer Bros., and others. Characters and _ por- traits. Royal 8vo and 4to (10). 664. PLUNKETT (CHAS.) (3); Eben Plympton (3); Petschnik- off; Boyd Putnam (3); W. J. Pigott; Addison Pitt, and others, all different (25). 665. PORTRAITS. Helena Frederick-Stanton; Carie Powell and Nellie Payne; Marguerite Hall; Margaritt Witt, and others. Royal 8vo (20). 666. PORTRAITS. Julia Kingsley (2); Margaret H. King; Millie James (2); Josephine Hall; Allen C. Hinckley, and others. Small 4to (20). 667. PORTRAITS. Louise Kent; Marion Hyde; May Harri- son; Florence Harcourt; Sidney Herbert, and others. 8vo (20). 668. POST (MARY) (3); Lillie Post (3); Hellen Potter (3); Mabel Potter (2); Edith Potter (2); Louie Pounds (2), and others, all different (25). 669. POTTER (CORA URQUHART). Mrs. James Brown Pot- ter. Characters and portraits, all different, fine lot (46). 670. POWELL (CARRIE) (4); Nellie Payne (2); Jetta Peters; ‘Marjorie Pryor; Jane Oaker; Maude Odell, and others. Characters and portraits. Royal 8vo and 4to (22). 671. POWELL (CONNIE) (7); Katheryn Powell (2); Ethel Powers (2); Florence Power (2); Mabel Power (2), and others, ‘all different (20). 672. POWERS (JAMES T.) Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (19): 673. POWER (TYRONE) (3); George Primrose (2); Arthur Playfair; Guy Bates Post; Francis Powers, and others (20). 674. PRATT (ILMA) (3); Adelaide Praeger (2); Dotty Preston (2); Mathilde Preville (7); Marie Prescott (3), and others, all different (25). 675. PRINCE (ADELAIDE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (15). . 676. PRGER (JENNIE); Kathryn Purnell (2); Elva Payne (2); Vida Perrin, and others. Portraits (15). 677. PROCTOR (CATHERINE) (2); Peggy Pryde (2); Mar- jorie Pryor (4); Putnam Twins (4); Rita Presano; Priscilla Prim- rose, and others, all different (30). 678. QUALITZ (CLARA) (4); Gertrude Quinlin (8); Lola Quinland (3); Gracia Quive (2), and others, all different (20). 33 679. QUILLER (RICHARD); John J. Raffael (3); McKee Ran- kin (3); E. J. Ratcliffe (3); John T. Raymond (7); and “others, all different (25). 680. RACHEL; Carrie Radcliffe (6); Inez Ray (3); Lena Raf- fetto (2); Adele Rafter (4), and others, all different (25). 681. RALEIGH (MRS. CECIL) (3); Sallie Randall (6); Mrs. McKee Rankin (3); Daisy Randall (2), and others, all different (25). 682. RANDALL (MINA); Cisie Loftus; Susie Willis; Bessie McCoy; Mrs. Eva Armstrong; Nellie Beaumont; Hattie Williams, and other portraits. Royal 4to (20). 683. RANKIN (PHYLLIS). Characters and portrait studies, all different (10). 684. RAWLSTON (ZELMA) (4); Charlotte Ray (3); Edith Rayner (2), and others, all different (25). 685. RAYMOND (HELEN) (5); Maude Raymond (7); Frankie Raymond (4), and others members of the Raymond family, all different (32). 686. REALS (GRACE) (4); Etta Reed (5); Jennie Reeves (2); Fanny Reeves (2); Lillie Reed, and others, all different (25). 687. REDMOND (HELEN). Characters and portrait studies, all different (16). 688. REDPATH (OLIVE). Characters and portrait studies, all different (10). 689. RED (SAMUEL) (4); Chas. Reed (2); Roland Reed (2); Hamilton Reville (5), and others, all different (25). - 690. REGINA (OLGA) (2); Ruby Reid (5); Jennie Reifferth (2); Mme. Gabrielle Rejane (5), and others, all different (25). 691. REHAN (ADA). Character studies, all different, a few early, fine lot (30). 692. REMSEN (HELEN) (2); Therese Renold (9); Ida Rene (3); Gertrude Rennyson (4), and others, all different (25). 693. REVARE (PEARL) (4); Claudie Revere (3); Belle Rey- nolds; Fanny Reynolds (2), and others, all different (20). 694. RHODES (CAROLINE) (4); Cecilia Rhode (2); Mme. Rhea (5); Louise Rial (5); Viva Rial (6); Mlle. Rialta (4), and others, all different (30). 695. RHODES (HELLEN); Helen Reimer (2); Marie Ross; Angela Russell (2); Annie Russell; Virginia Rtssell (3), and others. Portrait studies. Small 4to and 4to (22). 696. RICCARDO (CORONO). Characters and portrait studies, all different (11). 697. RICE (BLANCHE) (3); Amy Ricard (4); Bertha Ricci (2); Jessie Richmond (3); Marie Richmond (4), and others, all different (20). 34 698. RICE (FANNY). Characters, all different. Cabinet and 4to (16). 699. RICHIE (ANNIE) (6); Ethel Ridgley (2); Richmond Sis- ters; Emily Rigel (4); Dora Rignold (2), and others, all different (20). yoo. RICHMAN (CHARLES) (2); B. T. Ringgold (3); B. C. Rinnell; Stanley Ringald; H. §. Richardson, and others (25). 701. RING (BLANCHE) (6); Ella Ringquist (2); Julie Ring (2); Anita Ripley (3); Greta Risley (3), and others, all different (25). 702. RISSING (WILL) (3); Rivarde (3); Theo. Roberts (2); Reginald Roberts (2); Frank Roberts (2), and others, all different (20). 703. RITCHIE (ADELE). Characters and portrait studies, all different (12). 704. RIVERS (RHODA) (5); Gertrude Rivers (5); Mabel Rivers (6); Margaret Rivers (2). All different (18). 705. ROBBINS (ELIZABETH) (2); Annie Robe (4); Helen Roberston (4); Aleica Robson (2), and others, all different (20). 706. ROBERTS (FLORENCE) (7); Katherine Roberts (7); Elinore Roberts (2), and others, all different (20). 9707. ROBINSON (ANNA) (5); Belle Robinson (7); Leonie Robinson (3); Margaret Robinson (8), and others, all different (25). 708. ROBINSON (FORREST) (3); Bassett Roe (2); Frank Roche; C. W. Rogers; Robert Rogers, and others (20). 709. ROBSON (ELEANOR) (6); Mabel Roebuck (8); Ida Rock (2); Robette Rodney (2), and others (25). 710. ROBSON (MAY). Characters and portraits, all different (18). 711. ROBSON (STUART). 12 different portraits, including one small panel portrait; Mrs. Stuart Robson (3). In all 15. 712. ROCKWELL (FLORENCE). Characters and portraits, all different (21). . 713. ROGERS (IDA MARIE) (5); Meta Rogers (4); Kate Rolla (2); Genevieve Rollo (2); Leila Romer; Julia Romaine, and others, all different (25). 714. ROONEY (W. R.); W. H. Rose; C. S. Ross; Brigham Royce; T. J. Ryan; J. H. Ryley, and others (20). 715. ROSE (BELLE) (3); Hope Rose (8); Marie Rose (2); Irene Rooke (6), and others (25). 716. ROSSELL (MADGE) (3); “Rosa” (3); Cora Routt (6); Louise Royce (6); Alice Roseby, and others, all different (25). 717. ROSSMORE (DOROTHY) (8); Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ross Kam (3); Fielding Roselle (2); Kate Rooke (2), and others, all different (25). 35 / 718. ROWLAND (ELLEN) (4); Estelle Row (2); Lansing Rowan (2); Helen Royton (4), and others, all different (28). 719. RUDOLPH (WILHELMINA) (5); Grace Rutter (5); Gertrude Rutledge (2), and others, all different (20). 720. RUSH (ISADORE). Portrait studies, all different (13). 721. RUSSELL (ANNIE). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent (25). 722. RUSSELL (HELEN) (7); Hattie Russell (3); Ray Rus- sell (2); Margaret Russell (3); Virginia Russell (2), and others of the Russell family, all different (30). 723. RUSSELL (LILLIAN). Characters and portraits, all dif- ferent, a few early, fine lot (50). 724. RUSSELL (MABEL) (2); Adele Ritchie; Olga Regina; Lizzie B. Raymond; Nina Farrington; Lillian Russell, and others. Characters, all different. Royal 8vo and 4to (20). 725. RUSSELL (SOL SMITH). Characters and portraits, all different (14). 726. RUSSELL BROS. (6); J. J. Raffael; Fred Peters (2); Johannie Ray; Zelma Rawlston; Roger Bros. (2), and others. Characters and portraits. 8vo and to (20). 727. RYAN (ELSA) (5); Margaret Ruby (2); Vera Ryal; Madeline Lucette Ryley (2); Theresa Ryan (2), and others (17). 728. SABEL (JOSEPHINE) (5); Helie Sabilla (2); Juliet Sager (3); Ella Salisbury, and others, all different (20). 729. SADLER (JOSIE) (5); Nancy Sadler (4); Minnie Sadler (2). All different (11). 730. ST. CLAIR (EDITH) (6); Violet St. Clair (2); Florence St. Johm (3); Marie St. John (2); Jeanngies St. Henry (2); Annie St. Tel (5), and others (25). 731. SALANGER (HELEN) (2); Pearl ‘Sanees (4); Susanne Santje (4); Ethel Sanborn (2), and others, all different (25). 732. SALEZA (ALBERT) (3); Emil Sauer (5) (4 duplicate); J. Savage; Carl St. Anbyn, and others (20). 733. SALOMI (AUGUSTA) (5); Mary Scott (5); Effie Stuart; Shelley Trio; Rose Stahl (3); Grace Van Studdeford; Gertrude Zella; Mrs. Sol. Smith, and others. Character studies, all differ- ent. Royal 8vo and 4to (30). 734. SALVINI (TOMMASO) (5); Mme. Salvini; Mrs. Alex- ander Salvini (2); Maud Dixon Salvini (3); Alexander Salvini (3). All different (14). 735. SATTERLEE (JENNIE) (6); Frances Saville (6); Mary Saunders (5), and other, all different (25). 736. SCANLAN (W. J.) (4); George Schiller (3); F. a eR Frank Schalk, and others, all different (25). 36 737. SCENES. Blue Ribbon Girls in “The Mayor of Tokio”; Group from “The Royal Chef’; James K. Hackett (2 scenes); Ellen Mortimer, Mabel Bert and W. Faonum in “Ben Hur”; 2 Scenes from “As We Sow,” and others. 4to (20). 738. SCENE FROM “AN IRISH GENTLEMAN,” with An- drew Mack; Otis Skinner and Mary Hampton in “Shenandoah”; Andrew Mack as “Jack Shannon”; The Three Tweedles in “My~ Friend from India”; Yorke and Adams, and others. 4to (20). 739. SCENES. Robert Hilliard and Jeannette Louire in “Sport- ing Life’; Wm. Norris and Blanche Deyo; John Drew & Co. in “Richard Carvel”; Miss Elsa Ryan, and 2 others in “Three Little Maids,” and others. 4to (12). 740. SCHLOSS’ COLLECTION OF CELEBRITIES. Nos. I to 145, 147 to 173 and 179 to 185. 179 cards, each containing 30 portraits, in all 5270 vignette portraits of celebrated actors and- actresses. Sold as 179 pieces, 741. SCOTT (GRAYCE) (4); Madame Scalchi (2); Fritzi. Scheff (2); Amelia Sberna (2); Belle Sanford (3), and others, all different (25). 742. SEARS (CATHARINE) (4); &da Seabury (2); Ethel Ross-- Selwick (2), and others, all different (25). 743. SELIGMAN (MINNIE). 109 photos, including 4 dupli-- cates (19). 744. SELKIRK (HAZLE) (5); Alice Selwyn (2); Ethel Sel-- Wyn (2); Emilie Schoenfeld (2), and others, all different (25). 745. SEMBRICH (MARCELLA). Characters and others, all- different (11). 746. SEYGARD (CAMILLE); Charlotte Severson (4); Kath-- aryn Shaw (3), and others. Portrait studies, all different (25). 747. SEYMOUR (MABEL) (5); Katie Seymour (2); Mlle.. Serpolette (2); Mary Shaw (4), and others. Characters, all differ-- ent (25). | 748. SHALER (EVA) (3); Truly Shattuck (2); Grace Sher-- wood (3); Lulu Shepard (3); Rose Shuman, and others. Charac- - ters and portrait studies, all different (25). 749. SHANNON (EFFIE). Characters and portrait studies, all different (30). 750. SHEA (THOMAS) (4); Thomas Q. Seabrooke (6); Os-- borne Searles (2); O. Y. Seymour, and others (25). 751. SHEEHAN (JOSEPH). Characters and portrait studies, . all different (9). 752. SHERIDAN (W. E.) (5); Morton Selton; George Simpon;- Jack Simonds, and others, all different (25). 753. SHERWOOD (MAY) (3); Dorothy Sherrod (3); Jessica. Sheldon (2); Miss E. V. Sheridan (2), and others, Portrait studies, etc., all different (25). 754. SHOTWELL (MARIE D.). Portrait studies, all different (10). 755. SIDDONS (MRS. SCOTT) (5); Alice Skinner; Edith W. Skerrett (3), and others. Portrait studies, all different (25). 756. SIMPSON (CHERIDAH) (7); Lily B. Sinclair (2); Helen Singer (2), and others. Characters and portrait sketches, all dif- ferent (25). 757. SKILMAN (LOUISE) (4); Ella Snyder (4); Florence Sohns (3), and others. Characters and portrait studies (20). 758. SKINNER (OTIS). Characters and portraits, all different (20). 759. SNOW (ROSS); John C. Slavin (2); W. H. Sloan; Mark Smith (2), and others, all different (25). 760. SOMERVILLE (MAY) (2); Lucy Spinney (2); Ethel Sprague (2); Annie Sprott (2), and others. Portrait studies, all different (25). 761. SOTHERN (E: H.) Characters and portrait studies, all different, fine lot (20). 762. SOTHERN (LYTTON) (4); Edward Solomon (2); Charles Stanley (3), and othés (25). : 763. SOULIER (LENORE) (4); Anette Spencer (7); Sara Staf- ford (2), and others. Characters, all different (20). 764. SOUTHERN (VIRGINIA HARNED). Characters and portrait studies, all different, fine lot (16). 765. SPONG (HILDA). Characters and portrait studies, all different (12). , 766. SPOONER (CECIL); Blanche Shirley; Katie Seymour; Rose Cecilia Shay; Josie Sadler; Cora Tanner; Jennie Yeamans, and others. Portrait studies. Royal 8vo and 4to (30). 767. STACEY (DELIA). Characters and portraits, all different (11). 768. STAGE SCENES from “David Harum,” “Lord and Lady Algy,” “The New Yorkers,” “Way Down East,” “Lovers’ Lane,” and other plays. Size 10% by 13% inches. All unmounted (50). 769. STAGE SCENES from “Her Own Way,” “Hamlet,” “If I Were King,” “The Proud Prince,” and other plays. With the principal characters identified, including Blanche Walsh, Aliece Nielson, Otis Skinner, Eleanor Robson, Andrew Mack, Fay Tem- pleton, E. H. Sothern, Maxine Elliott, and others. Size 10% by 13% inches. Unmounted photographs (106). 770. STAGE SCENES from “Sky Farm,” “Raffles,” “Rosalie,” “A Royal Rival,” “Florodora,” “David Harum,” and other plays. Size 10% by 13% inches. Mostly unmounted (50). 771. STAGE SCENES from “The Shepherd King,” “Ben Hur,” “The Social Whirl,” “Madam Butterfly,” and other plays. Size 10% by 13% inches. All unmounted (50). 38 772. STAGE SCENES from various plays and portraits of actors. Unmounted photographs. Small 4to (180). 773. STAGE SCENES FROM VARIOUS PLAYS. Damaged lot, mostly torn, or backgrounds painted. Various sizes, mostly 10% by 13% inches (106). 774. STAHL (ROSS) (3); Marion Stanley (2); Hattie Stanton (2); Harriett A. Strakosh (2), and others. Portrait studies (25). 775. STANDING (GUY) (6); Gerhard Stehmann (3); Julius Steger (2); Edwin Stevens (5), and others, all different (25). 776. STANLEY (ALMA STUART) (4); Josie Stanley; Lillian Stanley; Anna Stannard (2); Josephine Stanton (2); Helen Stan- dish (2), and others. Characters and portraits, all different (25). 777. STANLEY (MAUD) (3); Sybil Sanderson (6); Alice San- son (4); Countess Sandor, and others, all different (20). 778. STEDMAN (MARSHALL) (5); Melville Stewart (3); Chas. H. Stewart (2), and others, all different (20). 779. STEMBLER (SALLIE) (3); Ada Sterling (2); Leonice Sterndorff (2); Jennie Stetson, and others. Portrait studies (25). 780. STEVENS (KITTY) (3); Harriet Sterling (2); Ruth Stet- son (4); Eva Stetson; Lotie Stead, and others. Characters and portrait studies (20). 781. STOCKDALE (CASE); J. H. Stoddard; Joseph Santly; William H. Turner; Henry Turner, and others. Portrait studies. (20). 782. STOKES (EMMA); Kate Stokes (4); Belle Stokes (2); Emma Stockman; Lucile Sturgis (2); Madeleine Summers (2),. and others, all different (25). 783. STOKES (HENRY) (2); Lorimer Stoddard (2); Fred A. Stone; J. H. Stoddard (2); William Stuart (4); Joseph Stuart, and others (20). 784. STONE (MARIE) (4); Amelie Stone (3); Agnes Stone; Marrie Story, and others, all different (25). 785. STUART (JANE) (6); Marion Stuart (3); Mrs. Con- stance Stuart (2), and others of the Stuart family (24). 786. STUDHOLME (MARIE). Characters and portrait studies, all different (18). | 787. SULLY (DANIEL) (4); Chas. Swain (2); James E. Sulli- van (5); Barry Sullivan (2), and others, all different (25). 788. SUMERVILLE (ANNIE) (9); Amelia Summerville (7); Anna Suits (8); Lillian Swift (2), and others, all different (30). 789. SUTHERLAND (ANNIE). Characters and portraits (11). 790. SUTHERLAND (ROSE) (8); Bessie Sutherland (2); Lillie Sutherland (4); Birdie Sutherland. All different (15). 791. SYDELL (ROSE) (4); Nellie Sylvester; Lillian Swain (3) >. Nita Sykes (2), and others (20). 39 792. SYKES (JEROME). Mostly characters, all different (14). 793. SYKES. Jerome Sykes as Foxy Quiller; Zangwill; Top ‘Doy Ling, Chinese Magician; W. J. Thorold; Willy Zimmerman, and others. Character and portrait studies, all different. 4to (16). 794. SYLVA (MARGUERITE). Characters and portrait studies, all different (21). 795. TABER (ROBERT). Characters and others (5). 796. TABOR (GRACE) (2); Edith Sinclair (2); Mrs. James Brown Potter (3); May Vokes; Effie Shannon; Jeanne Fowler; Marie Tempest; Theresa Vaughn; Katherine Florence; Vesta Tilley; Isabel Irving; Frank Worthing; Otis Skinner (2); Harry Lacy, and others. Panel photographs, size 7 by 11% inches, fine lot, mostly character portraits (37). 797. TABOR (GRACE) (5); Lulu Tabor (5). Characters and others, all different (10). 798. TAIT (MILDRED) (3); Edith Talbot (2); Bessie Tanne- hill; Eva Tanquary (3); May Taylor (2); Mamie Taylor; Mabel Taliaferro (6), and others, all different (25). 799. TANNER (CORA). All different (9). 800. TANNHAUSER (EDWIN, JR.); E. Tarleton; Edward Terry; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tannehill (2); Herman Timberg, and others (20). 801. TEMPEST (MABEL); May Tempest; Thelma (3); Theo (3), and others, all different (25). 802. TEMPEST (MARIE). Characters and others, all different, one in colors (16). 803. TEMPLETON (FAY). Characters and others, all differ- ent (19). 804. TENNANT (DOROTHY) (4); May Ten Broeck (2); Blanche Temple; Rose Temple (2); Doris Templeton, and others, all different (25). 805. TERRIS (SHERIDAN) (2); Wm. Terriss (5); Ellaline Terriss (7); Mrs. Terriss (1). All-different (15). 806. TERRY (ELLEN). Characters and others, all different, a few early ones (13). 807. THOMAS (CARRIE) (3); Mlle. Toronto (2); Marcia Tredwell (4); Pauline Train, and others, all different (20). 808. THOMPSON (DAISY) (3); Mabelle Thompson (3); Fanchon Thompson (4); Charlotte Thompson (4); Grace Thomp- son (2); Lydia Thompson (4), and others, all different (25). 809. THOMPSON (DENMAN) (4); Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson (2); Walter Thomas (3); Gus Thomas (2), and others (20). 40 810. THORNE (NELLIE) (3); Hilda Thorpe; Clara Thropp (4); Bonnie Thornton (3); Hild Thomas (6); Maude Thomas (4), and others, all different (25). 811. THROPP (FRANCES) (2); Titiania (2); Lillie Thurston; Cora Tinnie, and others (20). 812. THURGATE (LILLIAN). All different (7). 813. TILTON (CORINNE) (7); Mme. Titenia (3); Adeline A. Tirzah (2); Minnie Tittell (2); Cora Tinnie (2); Lillie Thurlow (2), and others, all different (25). 814. TITTELL (ESTHER) (8); Essie Tittell (7); Charlotte Tittell (5). All different’ (20). 815. TRAVERS (BELLE); Maryland Tyson; Mrs. Frank Thompson; May Clark, Van Osten, and others. Various sizes (20). 816. TYREE (BESSIE) (6); Grace Tyson (2); Frances Tyson (2); Odette Tyler (4), and others, all different (20). 817. UHLMER (GERALDINE) (3); Camile Urso (3); Mar- guerite Urquhart (2); Maud Ulmar (2); Isabelle Urquhart; Olive Ulrich: (4), and others (25). 818. UNMOUNTED CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS, including many noted actors and actresses, each identified (L-W) (265). 819. URQUHART (ISABELLE). Characters and others, all different (15). 820. USNER (DOROTHY). Various poses (20). 821. VAIL (CORA); Vaidi Sisters (2); Grace Vaughan (4); Gladys Van (2); Blanche Vandon (3); Vivian Vaughn (2), and others. Characters, etc., all different (20). 822. VANBRUGH (IRENE) (2); Violet Vanburgh (3); Ida Van Siclen (2); Gladys Van (2), and others, all different (20). 823: VAN BUREN (MARY). Characters and others. Cabinet and 8vo size, all different (9). 824. VAN DRESSER (MARCIA). Characters and others, all different (15). 825. VAN DRESSER (MARCIA). Characters and others, all different. Royal 8vo size (12). 826. VANE (LILLA). Characters and others, all different (9). 827. VANNESS (PEARL) (6); Miss Valmore (6); Evelyn Vol- taire (5), and others, all different (20). 828. VAN OSTEN (MARY CLARK) (5); Eunice Vance (2); Beatrice Vance; Fiore Van Schaact (2); Marie Vanoni; Minnie Varrell (2), and others. Characters, all different (20). 829. VASSAR (QUEENIE). Characters and others. 20 cabi- nets and one 4to photograph with thorns (21). 830. VAUGHN (THERESA). 8 cabinets and one large 4to photograph in character (9). 41 831. VERA (IRENE) (7); Irene Verona (5); Lucille Verna (2); Mile. Vallot (2); Juniori Valavez (2), and others, all different (20). 832. VELVET (ALICE) (4) Lady Vera Vera (3); Ida Vernon; Marie Valleau (3), and others, all different (20). 833. VERNON (HARRIET). Characters (8). 834. VIANCOURT (IRENE) (5); Minnie Victorson (4); Vita (2); Mrs.. Volke (2); Alice Vincent, and others (25). 835. VINCENT (JAMES) (2); Thomas Valentine (3); Ernest Van Dyke (3), and others, all different (22). 836. VINCENT (ILEENE) (5); Ruth Vincent (2); Margaret Daly Vokes (3); Ada Vreeland (2), and others, all different (25). 837. VIVIAN (ALICE); Mattie Vickers (3); Ada Villiers (2); Mignon Villars (5), and others. Characters, all different (20). 838. VOKES FAMILY. May Vokes (6); Jessie (2); Victoria (4); Rosina (7); Fred and Fandon, and 3 group pictures. All different (24). 839. WADE. Sherman Wade; Chas. Waldron; Edwin Walter; - J. M. Wallack; J. H. Wallick; W. B: Watsons Wamboid-sance others (16). 840. WAINWRIGHT (MARIE). All different (8). 841. WAKEMAN (KEITH). Cabinet portraits, all different (10). 842. WALDEMERE (MAUDE); Charlotte Wade; Edna Wal- lace-Hopper; Florence Wallack (2); Helen Walton (3), and others (25). 843. WALLACE (OLIVE) (2); Keith Wakeman; Nina Walsh; Georgia Wells; Blance West; Maud White (2); Laura Wise; Hattie White, and others, all different (22). 844. WALLACE (YOLANDE) (6); Ida Wallace; May Wallace, and others. All different (12). ; 845. WALLACK (LESTER). 8 character portraits and 2 others, all different (10). 846. WALLIS (GLADYS); Hattie Waters; May Warner; Re- becca Warren; Florrie West; Irene Wheeler; Lilly White; Jennie Williams (3); Bernice Wheeler (4), and others. All different (22), 847. WALLIS (GLADYS). All different, some in character {11). 848. WALSH (BLANCH); Bertha Waltzinger; Della Walters; Maud Warrilow; Yolande Wallace, and others. All different. Large size cabinet (10). 849. WALSH (BLANCHE). Characters, all different, fine lot (25). 850.————— Cabinet portraits, all different (16). 851. WALSH (BLANCHE). All different (11). 42 852, WALSH (HELEN) (2); Geraldine Walsh; Nina Walsh (2); Marion Walsh (4), and others, All different (15). 853. WALTZINGER (BERTHA). All different (8). 854. WAMBOLD (MISS); Emma Watson; Mrs. C. Watson (3); Hattie Waters (2); Minnie Waldo; Maude Marrilowe (2); Julia Warden, and others. All in character (18). 855. WARD (FANNIE) (6); Ruth Ward (3); Lillie Ward (2); Ad Ward, and others. All different (21). 856. WARD (GENEVIEVE). Characters and others. All different (7). 857. WARDE (FREDERICK) (5); R. Cuttriss Warde (2); Frank J. Ward, and others. All different (12). 858. WARFIELD (DAVID). Character portrait, panel 9x12; 4 cabinet portraits in character and 2 others (7). 8590. WARNER (MAY) (6); “Jack” Warner (2); Affie Warner (2), and others (12). 860. WARNER (CHARLES); Russell Brothers; Okabe Fam- ily, Japanese Artists; Ike Rowe; Burton Holmes, and other por- traits. Royal 4to (few slightly damaged) (15). 861. WARREN. Margaret Warren (6); Rebecca Warren (5); Grace Warren (2); Minnie Warren (3), and other members of the Warren family (23). 862. WARREN (WILLIAM). 2 in character and one other (3). 863. WATSON. Miss E. A. Watson; Henrietta Watson; Re- becca Warren;. Lillian Washburn (2); Victoria Waters (3), and others (20). 864. WEBER (JOHN L.) (4); Joseph Webber (3); Jack Web- ster (3); Ben Webster (3), and others (20). 865. WEBSTER (LIZZIE) (2); Rosalind Webling (2); Lucy Webling (2); Nella Webb (6), and others (20). 866. WEEDEN (EVELYN); Eliza Weathersby; Jennie Weath- ersby (2); Marion Wellington; Helen Welch (3); Homie Weldon (2), and others, all different (25). 867. WELCH (JOE). Cabinet and 4to size (6). 868. WELLS (CADDIE); Brownie Wells; Eva Welch (2); Carrie Weir; Blanche Wentworth; Fannie Wentworth (3); Lucy Weston (2), and others, all character portraits (20). 869. WELSH (MARIE); Cora Wells; Georgie Wells (3); Edith Wellington; Emily Wakeman (3), and others, all different (25). . 870. WENTWORTH (ESTELLE). 8 all different. 871. WEST (FLOSSIE). Characters. Cabinet and one 4to (7). 43 872. WESTON (FRANK) (2); W. H. West (2); Chas. Wheat- leigh (2); Joseph Wheelock, Jr. (3); Van Rensselaer Wheeler (3), and others, all different (25). 873. WHALLEY (NORMA). Characters and others, all dif- ferent (12). 874. WHEELER (BERNICE). Characters and others, all dif- ferent (10). 875. WHEELER (IRENE); Carrie Whyte; W. J. Wideman; Florence L. Wickes (4); Florence Wickliffe (2); Grace Wilson; Kate D. Wilson; Anita Wilson (3), and others, all different (25). 876. WHIFFEN (THOMAS) (4); Mrs. Whiffen (2). Together (6). 877. WHITE (LEONORE (8) all different. 878. WHITE (MAUDE) (4); Olive White (2); Ruth White (3); Helen Mar White (2); Lillie White (2), and others, all different (17). | 879. WHITEBECK (JANE) (4); Minnette L. Wheeler (2); Frances Wheeler (2); Clara Whitney; Blanche West (2); Carrie Whalen (2), and others, all different (25). 880. WICKS (FLORENCE LILLIAN). All different (6). 881. WILCOX (JOSIE); Ida Withelmy (2); Mary Wilkes (2); Deane Wilkie (2); Maud Winter, and others, all different (25). 882. WILD (JOHN) (4); Jefferson Winter (2); E. P. Wilkie; G. W. Wilson (2), and others, all different (20). 883. WILDEY (JESSIE) (2); Dora Wiley (2); Grace Wilson; Pauline Willard; Maud Wilmot (4); Frances Wilson (3), and others. Characters, all different (25). 884. WILLARD (E. S.). Cabinet and 4to, all different (7). 885. WILLARD (JOE F.); Walter Wilson; Franklin Wood- ruff; Nat M. Wilds; Wallace Wormsley, and others, all different, various sizes (15). 886. WILLARD (PAULINE); Ella West; Bertha Westbrook; Jessie Wyatt; Willsie Sisters; Hattie Williams, and others. Char- acters, etc., panels and 4to (10). 887. WILLIAMS (FRITZ) (5); Barney Williams (2); Mrs. Barney Williams; Odell Williams (3); John S. Williams, and others, all different (15). 888. WILLIAMS (HATTIE) (5); Marie Williams (3); Cora Williams (2); Esther Williams (2); Jennie Williams (2); Daisy Williams, and others, all different (30). ; ut 889. WILLIAMS (LOTTIE). Characters and others, all dif- ferent (10). ang 890. WILSON (AL H.). Characters and others, a few early, all different. Cabinet and small 4to (11). 44 891. WILSON (FRANCIS) in the “Little Corporal”; Adele Barker; Jane English; Kate Dale; Lafayette, and 2 others. Size 10% by 1234 inches (7). 892. WILSON (FRANCIS). 16 character portraits and 4 others, all different, fine lot (20). 893. WILSON (GEO); Dave Whitely; William West; Edward C. White; Al H. Wilson; Nat M. Wills, and others, 4to (10). 894. WINDON (DOT) (5); Miss Winthrop (7); Laura Wise; Florence Willis, and others (20). 895. WINSTON (JENNIE); Miss A. Winkler; Frankie Wotene; Bertha Woodcote; Ouiska Worden; Kitty Wolf; Laura Wychle, and others. Characters, all different (20). 896. WOOD (ELLA HUGH); Maud White; Bayone Whipple (5); Eva Westcott, and others. Large cabinet and small 4to (17). 897. WOOD (JESSIE) (3); Jessie Woodward; May E. Wood; Ella Hugh Wood (2); Adelaide Worth, and others (20). 898. WORTHINGTON (FRANK) (4); Chas. Wyndham (3); Young Buffalo (2); Harry Woodruff (3); N. S. Wood (2), and others, all different (30). 899. WYCHERLY (MARGARET) (4); Lucille Wymann; Nel- lie Linde Wright (2); May Wood, and others, all different (20). goo. YAW (ELLEN BEACH) (5); May Yohe (5); Marie Yorke (3); Helen Yorke (2), and others, all different (20). gor. YEAMANS (ANNIE). All different (9). 902. YERRINGTON (EDITH) (6); Mabel Yeldo (2); Sara Young; Nellie Yale (3), and others, all different (25). 903. YOUNG (MARY). All different (12). g04. YOUNG (MAUDE) (5); Margaret Yates (2); Ethel York; Phyllis Young (2); Jennie Yeamans (4), and others (22). 905. YOUNG (OLLIE) (2); Adolph Zink (2); Edmond Yates (2); Francis Yale; W. D. Yager, and others (20). 906. ZOLA (CARMEN) (9); Gertrude Zella (4); Ada Zell (2); Flora Zabelle (2); Zanita (2), and others, all different (28). 45 a Wiig gid vas a ee ye cee el res \L PROPERTIES : to the principal Private Buyers, Libre Sh Wate . 4 * res ‘ical Societies and others th hroughout : th 7 n large’an d small quantities, NR EBV ior: eects