STS Sinvat Se | Re SOR NN ENCE P| Bwana lot A Lil asgalgegniantoSarinin beta) sboiasbeatal of sth elaiton aad LIBRARY : ‘ i } 5 i ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY ~- JANUARY 17 - 1925 UNTIL TIME OF SALE » WEEKDAYS FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. » SUNDAY FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY EVENING’ ~ JANUARY 23 + 1925 COMMENCING: AT 82415 OO CLOCK SALE CONDUCTED BY MR. O. BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE e EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE » 56rx to 57tH STREET NEW YORK MODERN FRENCH & AMERICAN PAINTINGS OF DISTINCTION INCLUDING EXAMPLES BY JOHN SINGER , SARGENT, GEORGE INNESS, ROBERT a CRANNEEEMIN@R CLAUDE MONET, | DAVID YOUNG’ CAMERON, HENRI FANTIN- LATOUR, EDOUARD MANET, CHARLES BARQUE, ALBERT PASINI, PAUL A. BESNARD AND PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE_DR. GEORGE M. MINOR SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTRIX OF HIS ESTATE THE SCAT OSEPE WEI ES@: SOLD BY ORDER OF HUTCHINS & WHEELER, TRUSTEES AND FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MANAGERS | | ©he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. “Designs its Catalogues and ‘Directs All “Details of Illustration, @ext and Gypography CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. 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Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert. who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted hy both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. _ XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given. but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot. and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ator a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also ye given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. : These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. TNC., ry OTTO RERNET, MANAC HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS, a x IN TELLIGENT VAPPRAISALS FOR UNIPEDISTA TES Anp STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS cAPPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 561TH TO 571H STREET NEW YORK CITY CAA LOGE: EVENING SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1925, AT 8:15 O'CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Catalogue Numbers 1 to 102 inclusive ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 OBERT CRANNELL MINOR was born in New York City in 1840; he studied under Boulanger and Van Luppen in Holland, and at Paris, where he spent three years. Leaving Paris, he joined the group at Barbizon under the leadership of Diaz and Corot, under the influence of whom he ultimately fell, his landscapes reflecting more especially the poetry and technique of the latter master. In 1872 he exhibited in the Paris Salon “The Silent Lake.” Passing to England, where he remained for two years, he had paintings hung in the Royal Academy and at the Grosvenor Galleries. He was elected amember of the National Academy in 1897 and died at Waterford, Connecticut, on August 3, 1904. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR Le . Geese ourecene 1840—1904 1I—QUIET WATER (Water Color) Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches Unpvrr a brooding purple-gray sky the river reflects with sinister calmness the forms of two groups of trees on the farther bank, which frame a vista of meadowland before the distant white farm buildings, the whole seeming to await uncertainly the approach of foul weather. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gzo. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Executria. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR American: 1840—1904 2 t 2— SPRING <0 (Water Color) (2 ae Height, 91% inches; length, 13 mches A peticHTrun fantasy of the early year—the little pond in the fore- ground, the bushes fringing it and the sentinel-like lines of the birches stretching away behind to the faintly seen horizon, all touched with the fragrant cleanness of a joyous morning sun, so that the air seems almost to quiver in the eerie light. Signed at lower right, Mrvor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Geo. M. Mrxor, and sold by order of the Executria. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR We.. € AA American: 1840—1904 3—THE COMING STORM ) g be. (Water Color) Height, 914 inches; length, 131% inches A THREATENING light from the fast yellowing sky broods fiercely over the sultry stillness of the edge of the lake and the tree-fringed shore, thrusting forced tones of harsh unnatural color on to the brake and the still water. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Mryor, and sold by order of the Exwecutria. ROBERT RAE. MINOR 1A) io. Sea AL Chyferican: #S40+1904 4—MOONLIT WATERS jO (Water Color) / Height, 111% inches; length, 181 inches Tue half visible moon pours a fierce light down on the surface of the lake, so that it glows with an uncanny whiteness which serves to define abruptly the irregular line of the shore of the foreground and the two groups of trees which fringe its expanse. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Mrxor, and sold by order of the Executria. eres ne Pee CRANNELL MINOR (Water Color) i A ee 5 0 i Aumnicaw: 1840—1904 ' — mle SUMMER } 8 1 ; softening the brilliance of the sky to delicate tones of gray and -) foo) J green, and the shapes of the trees to blurred outlines, ethereal in their refined gradation of color. Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Guo. M. Mryor, and sold by order of the Executria. FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 Qo “OA Tag (Panel) Height, 18 inches; length, 201% inches THE FELUCCA 652, Ow a sea of flawless blue, under the afternoon sky, the lateen-rigged boat with its great triangular red sail lies at anchor off a rocky Mediterranean coast curving in great sweeps at the left of the picture and catching the declining rays of the sun on its rugged peaks; while around the vessel men are busy at the work to be done. In the offing at the right a second vessel fills slowly in the light breeze under a mass of white canvas. Signed at lower right, Zimm. Property of a Prwvate Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR AmeErRIcAN: 1840—1904 54— SEPTEMBER IN CONNECTICUT t. Fe kelly | Ss < Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches Looxtnc down the narrow course of the stream towards the sun- touched hills of the background, the prospect is still of summer, but to right and left on the sloping banks the masses of tree trunks and foliage are already gay with the variegated coloring of October brown and ashen and russet and ochre-yellow. Signed at lower right, Mrxor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Ewxecutria. ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. be, eve JA AMERICAN : 1855— 55—THE RIVER PATH / Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches 1-0. 2 : Tue quiet river, fringed on either bank with elms, flows away at the right of the picture, the shady path curving with it from the centre of the foreground to a distant village, pink and white in the bright danc- ing rays of the noonday sun. Signed at lower left, W. Vax Bosxenrcx. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR American: 1840—1904 56—A FOREST PATH Height, 161% inches; length, 22 inches S , THE path is the dried-up, leafy bed of an old stream, the forest an enchanted forest of late summer, the ground a mass of fern and russet verdure; across the valley in the distance, a band of turquoise under the fair sky, is the wooded slope of the far hills. Piercing here and there through the thick curtain of leafage are patches of a cerulean blue arresting in their unexpectedness of vivid antithesis. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Geo. M. Mrinor, and sold by order of the Executriz. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR ewe an: 1840— 1904 ess Tea ttes ae (Oils, Black and White) 57—LANDSCAPE ) P : : ay Height, 16 inches; length, 23 inches Aw inlet of the broad lake is encircled by willows and birches so that hardly a glimpse of the sheltered water is to be obtained there. Over the open water at the left and the low line of the distant trees, the sky is brilliant and little clouded. Signed at lower left, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Mrxor, and sold by order of the Executria. ANGELO ASTI Tratmn: 1847—1908 58—STUDY OF A YOUNG GIRL see B. ae i oe Height, 181% inches; width, 13 Oe Nupe half-length figure facing the observer, the delicate oval face framed in the long brown hair flowing over the left shoulder and right breast. The blue eyes and parted lips reflect the languor expressed in the full curves of the body, sharply molded by the brilliant white tones of the flesh under the glare of the strong lighting. Signed at lower left, A. Asti. Property of a Private Collector. ein Sas PR ATS ASIN ea ae ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR AMERICAN: 1840—1904 i} on) Olan 59—THE PINES, WATERFORD 3. IN. AAAMLE (Millboard) Height, 18% inches; width, 24 inches Ar the extreme left of the picture, almost cut off by the varying line of the shore, is a glimpse of blue water under a sky heavy with white cumulus clouds; the foreground shore itself is a rough hummock of ground covered deeply in grass and undergrowth, from which spring the bare trunks of two pines, sharply cut off at the top of the com- position, their outline against the sky softened by the tangled foliage of the trees behind them. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Executria. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR acs taa 40—1994 NOVEMBER: KEEN VALLEY, ADIRONDACKS 60 ice (Millboard) Height, 181% inches; length, 24 inches A urrTLe brook, turquoise under a paler autumn sky, curves peace- fully between the thick vegetation of the left bank and the sharply rising hummocks at the right, crowned with the fresh greenness of the spruce and the slender naked trunks of aspen, thrusting boldly into view the soft earth-tints; in the background, curiously remote, the cold purple-blue shapes of the further hills. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Guo. M. Mtnor, and sold by order of the Executria. ERSKINE NICOL, R.S.A., A.R.A. ai 1825—1904 61—ON THE LOOKOUT buy ae ( b: Height, 20 inches; width, 15 inches Brown and greenish rolling moorlands stretch afar under a sky of grayish and creamy clouds, which obscure the blue, and the day- light is dim, leaving shadows amid the taller herbage. Coming for- ward is a heavy-featured man of vacuous expression, alert as his nature allows, grasping in both hands his shotgun with trigger at cock, and gazing into space, while far behind him two wild ducks rise to wing. Signed at the lower right, E. Nicoz, R.S.A., *66. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES BARQUE Frencu: 1856—1883 ) +L. / Z 62—PEASANT BOY OF THE APENNINES a: Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches Haxr-Lencru figure of a little lad, whose back is toward the spectator, his head turned to look over his right shoulder, the wide-brimmed hat which shields his face decorated with flowers. Signed at the lower left, BARraurE. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, 1916. 34 -p ADS - , Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR AMERICAN: 1840—1904 MISTY SPRING SUNSET —- J. & y phircle. 33 dD. Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches 63 Green marshy ground with the slender shapes of birches and aspens thrusting their delicate foliage into the eky, an elm and clumps of low undergrowth surrounding a little pool of water. A fine tremu- lous mist permeates the whole, softening the glare of the sunset in the distant horizon to a delicate peach-like smoothness of moving color. Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Executria. : ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR ip oud American: 1840—1904 64—NOON-MARK, ADIRONDACKS 5) , Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches SHarpiy undulating bare ground with white rocks, clumps of naked birches, spruce and at the left the sombre surface of a deep pool, knit together by a rising undulating sky-line of hills; the whole lighted unevenly, modulating almost to darkness at the left of the canvas, from a lurid sky touched with paler tints in the distance. Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Ewecutria. PAUL JEAN CLAYS Friemisu: 1819—1900 65—THE FISHING PORT /) S CHH1h (Panel) | (ss Height, 221% inches; length, 35 inches ‘ A sanpy spit on the coast of Holland, the low-lying shore broken up by little rivulets formed by the incoming sea; at the left the wooden structure of the landing stage. The beach is peopled with fishermen and women and the paraphernalia of their craft—nets, anchors, boats and the like—and four large smacks, landed high and dry on the sand. In the centre two groups are engaged, one about a boat, the other in carrying a line of net out to sea on a row of stakes; which brings them in the direction of a large three-master at anchor, a little way off but already half-immersed in the grayish mist which dims the warm golden light of the afternoon sun. Signed at lower left, P. J. Cuays. Property of the Estate of the Late JosepuH H. Wuire. JAMES GALE TYLER A eta a 1855— 66—A TEN-KNOT CLIP Dpds . Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches A zarcEe barque—a three-master with fore-and-aft rigged mizzen—is bowling along in a spanking breeze under a heavy spread of canvas towards the right; on the bowsprit figures are busily engaged in set- ting more sail. A sky of cloudless blue overhead and a heavy ground swell beneath the keel, the sun playing gaily on sails and sea. ast. Signed at lower left, James G. Tyrer, 1924 Direct from the artist and sold to close an account. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Ode rfe Catt utcH: 1850-—1904 67—LANDSCAPE eo, Height, 231% inches; width, 151% inches On the right the edge of a green wood, in the gloaming, with outposts of derder: birches at the left, before a creamy sky and reflected in a bit of water. In the half-light the figure of an old woman, w alking. Signed at the lower right, THtoruite Dr Bock. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR e @ VAM American: 1840—1904 68—_THE MOUNTAIN STREAM: ADIRONDACKS a O Height, 231 inches; width, 1614 inches A SLENDER cascade of water pours fiercely and tumultuously down an almost perpendicular hillside over the worn surfaces of the rock, moss- clad and gray, a misty atmosphere softening everything to half-tones and presenting an illusion almost of unreality. Signed at lower right, Mrxor. Signed at lower left, ¥'. C. Minor, Ocr., 76. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Geo. M. Mryor, and sold by order of the Evecutria. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR op, Jatt American: 1840—1904 69—THE WILD BENTS WANE AND WITHER LL D (Millboard) ant Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches i Avurumyn on the sloping bank of the stream finds the dying rushes mingled with the faded yellows of the long feathery grass, from which spring wispy saplings, shaking their scanty leaves in the upper air under the wind-swirl and the heavy fleeting clouds of the morning sky. Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Mrxor, and sold by order of the Ewecutria. JAMES GALE TYLER i ie, Grbet reaper 1855— 70—SUNDAY IN PORT G (Ne Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Tue majestic bulk of a ship-rigged three-master, her anchor down, dominates the canvas, bow foremost; the slack sails and almost deserted decks testifying to the holiday. A boat lies against the starbuard side of the vessel, which gleams with sun-splashed hues of green above the brick-red waterline; in the offing at the left is a single-masted ship idly swinging at anchor, and in the background can be glimpsed the low line of the houses of the port. Signed at lower right, James G. Tyrer, 1924. Direct from the artist and sold to close an account. FRITS THAULOW Dude 1s Norwecian: 1847—1906 if | WA 71_THE RIVER ARQUES Lp bd. Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Ow a bright spring morning the little river sweeps merrily down into the foreground among willows and poplars, birches and apple trees, between its flower-sprinkled grassy banks; overhead the sun is shining lustily despite the gray rain-clouds mustering in the background, and lights warmly the kindly cluster of white-walled, red-roofed farm build- ings fringing the curve of the stream. Signed at lower right, Frirs Tuaunow. Property of a Prwate Collector. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AmeErican: 1857— 72— EVENING LANDSCAPE “ | 50 | Height, 271% inches; length, 3214 inches A sourrary fisherman in a scow sits stilly over his rod on the little stream, which wanders between the banks of long grass, losing itself behind a curve where the willows are, to lead the eye to the distant prospect of hills glowing darkly purple in the fast failing light. The westering sun falls full on the trees, throwing their long shadows on to the white wall of the farmhouse at the left and imbuing it with the last bright glare which foreshadows nightfall. Signed at lower left, Bruce Crane. Property of a Private Collector. ee ALBERT PASINI PALIAN: 1826—1899 228 73—THE COURT Of} A JOURNEY ag D. Height, 251% inches; width, 1934, inches PROCEEDING up a road which leads through a mountain pass, a great company of splendidly mounted Arab notables wearing rich vestments and carrying aloft their lances, are escorting two canopied convey- ances, one with light blue, the other with rose-colored curtains. It is evidently a deplacement of importance, perhaps a journey to a Mo- hammedan shrine. The upper part of the composition is occupied by rocky ranges and dull blue sky. Signed at the lower right, A. Pastnt. Property of a Private Collector. PAUL ALBERT BESNARD Frencu: 1849— 74--NIGHT SUPPER (Panel) 2 & O, Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches Lyrertor of a stable—a large box stall—with a manger of feed-rack across the background, and a sorrel horse at left, who turns his head to look backward at the spectator, or rather at the stabler who enters with a bucket and holds up a dark-lantern, flooding the manger and the horse’s face with light. Signed at the upper right, Busnarn. Property of a Private Collector. (Illustrated) _..—=s— No. 74-—Nicutr Supper (By Paul Albert Besnard) ANGELO ASTI ae ’, Shrugs Traian: 1847—1908 75—Y OUNG GIRL RECLINING | | 0. Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches Har-tenerH nude study of a young girl, the body rising from a mass of cloudy drapery at the lower left, the arms clasped behind the auburn head, which rests on a cushion. The tension of the arms throws into strong curves the voluptuous contours of the shoulders and breasts, softened by the uncertain lines of the flowing hair and the vague background, but powerfully, almost harshly lighted from upper left, so that the passionate eyes and mouth are unmasked. Around the left arm is a solitary gold bracelet. Signed at lower right, A. Astt. Property of a Private Collector. ELIHU YVEDDER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836— 76—THE SOUL IN BONDAGE GC vests t peroeLd (Crayon) Height, 3534 inches; width, 2434 inches > “ 0 " ALLEGORICAL; a nude female figure with wings, seated with knees drawn up to fullest height in front of the chin, arms crossed about the legs above the ankles, and holding in one hand a butterfly and in the other an asp. Her hands are bound to and about her legs by streamers which encircle her figure and feet, and her eyes are closed. In the background a glory. Signed at the lower left with a monogram device and date, 1891; also “Copyricut, 1896, ny E. VepprEr.” Purchased from the Artist’s Ewhibition in Boston, 1900. Property of a Private Collector. 3 “3. HENRI FANTIN-LATOUR C Frencu: 1836—1904 77_—WOMAN BATHING Soe (Pastel) Height, 22 inches; length, 3114 inches Nupe figure of a woman with streaming auburn hair, her rosy flesh lapped in the sullen gray-green waves through which she is swimming to the left, her left arm outstretched to breast their tops and her fair face turned towards her left shoulder. Signed at lower left, Fanrin, °96. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar Galleries. Property of a Pennsylvania Collector. JOHN SINGER SARGENT, N.A., R.A. | rd. + Cut AMERICAN: 1856— IM : 78—BARGES AT SAN VIGILIO, LAKE OF GARDA, ITALY Ab pt. Height, 22 inches; length, 2814, inches A mavsestic background of cypress-crowned hills under a gray windy sky, curving round in a little bay down to the white stucco house at the left of the canvas. Floating idly on the water of the extreme fore- ground is a large deserted two-masted barge and a lateen-rigged felucca with half-furled mainsail, swinging at anchor next it in the cold morning light. Signed at lower left, Joun S. Sarcenr. Purchased from M. Knoedler and Co. Property of a Pennsylvania Collector. (Illustrated) S38 608 ~ Mabeh. Kiderd SGN XL OXK < fom Vea bota- Mn, #o. Wrviluraed, fpf Inxx + IK BHS 4 Mebnnca 4y 4s Movetarmad, haw 1414 le hil. 1. atch ah JN AKK- Sata. bet te. 8 Hisephice Lye ge0- BIESK x Jau.- LES - (quabung saburg ATIVIT ‘vduvy) 10 AV TI *OITIOI A uyor fig) Nvg iv saouvg—s,, ‘ON CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840— Cont +t Foewlea (9—LA PLOLE Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches [7 oe: : Tue broad rolling country terminates at the horizon in a group of farm buildings, with a solitary barn at the right and a windmill at the extreme left of the line; under a sombre cloudy sky, veiling the sun a cold drizzle of rain awakens pale echoes of greens, blues, pinks and yellows from the bare wet earth. Signed at lower left, CLaupE Monrv. Purchased from Scott and Fowles. Property of a Pennsylvania Collector. (Illustrated) NO, FOIL Piet (By Clawde Monet) PAUL ALBERT BESNARD 7 fine Frencu: 1849— “WL sy Cee 80—THE SHOWER (Panel) — 0) a AwaY : Os. ; vo Height, 191% inches; length, 24 inches A Frencu river curves forward and to right, some barges appearing in part, and over the farther bank black shower clouds are ominously low; on the water weird lights. The hither bank in the foreground still in sunlight, and in the yellow-green grass the figure of a young woman, her long hair a vivid red, bending over to pluck a thistle. Signed at lower left, Brsnarp, 1895. Property of a Private Collector. (Illustrated) No. 80—Tuer SHOWER (By Paul Albert Besnard) DAVID YOUNG CAMERON, R.A. Up AAA O pba: 1865— 81—BEN LEDI ( ie pv- Height, 271, inches; length, 40 imches A smaut loch in the purple Scottish moorland washes the foreground, the furze stretching away behind it to a farmhouse in the right middle distance; and on to the far jagged line of the hills, with rude Ben Ledi towering in the centre to cut the white band of the morning clouds on the horizon where they fringe the flawless blue of the sky, reflected in the waters of the lake. Signed at lower left, D. Y. CamEron. Maik 44 /GLO Purchased from M. Knoedler and Co. Property of a Pennsylvania Collector. (Illustrated) /K 357 boatgbh Yeoh Mpcanrs Sab 1915 PAK « PMXSX - Sold bob teh. ES pte J Onsen - Ac OAS - No. 81—Ben Leni (By David Young Cameron, R.A.) GEORGE INNESS, N.A. American: 1825—94 es 82—S1. PETER’S, ROME } O50 ‘ Height, 291% inches; length, 45 inches Tue city called Eternal, sleeping under blue skies and a sun of late summer, A peasant is poling his barge with its load of wood along the Tiber, which crosses the lower edge of the canvas, against a back- ground of the scrub and trees which surrounded the outskirts of the wall; while there stretches away to the far distance the low flat roofs of the capital, dwarfed by the enormous white bulk of the Palace of the Vatican and, towering to heaven, the sun-splashed majestic dome of the greatest church in Christendom. Signed at lower right, G. Ixnrss, Rome, 1871. Property of the Estate of the Late Josrru H. Wuire. (Illustrated) CV AMOY ‘ Ss ‘6 ‘ssauuyt aboayn hg) ALLA LS —_68 (e) N “ GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Sieh GaN Aaeanarke A eee 4 | war Awerican: 1825—9 83—THE MEETING AT THE EDGE OF THE WOOD —) Height, 30 inches; length, 45 inches Autumn in the woodland and the lush green meadows. In the fore- ground the reed-fringed pool hes still under the shadow of a tree bent over it at the left and blotting out the view of the rising wooded ground behind. The cowherd a youth in a red vest, white shirt and brown trousers and holding a long pole in his hands—stares absently away to the figure of a girl coming towards him along the path, leay- ing his cattle, white, brown and dun, unattended to stray off to the right, behind a fallen blasted willow lying in the rushes. Signed at lower right, G. Ixnxss, 1882. Property of a Private Collector. (Illustrated) doo CV'N ‘ssauuy absoay hg) GHL 40 Gay AHL LV ONILGA THIT—eEg “oN . 4 ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR e i2 Bu diaiing American: 1840—1904 84—SUNSET AFTER STORM BU Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches A tur sky fluctuating from a deep indigo-blue to the flaming yel- _ § If 5 Sd lows and orange of sunset illuminates the tangled furze of a lain and § § } the foliage of the massed trees flanking it, throwing into sinister prom- inence their varied tones. In the centre of the foreground a small pool reflects palely the magnificence of the sky, seeming only a colder note in the sweeping warmth of the rich earth-tints. Signed at lower right, Mrxor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Eaccutria. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. fu 4 ) ? American: 1857— 85—LANDSCAPE AFTER A SHOWER ) Te Height, 30 inches; length, 46 inches Tux corner of a field, a tiny brook meandering through the copse at the right, the left-hand margin being bounded by a timber fence run- ning diagonally into the left foreground; hanging over the trees that fringe the fence, the retreating storm-cloud, ink-black, looms like a sombre cloak, parted for an instant to reveal the smiling sky beneath, palely reflected in the swollen water. Grass, trees and brush glisten with soft freshness after the wash of the rain, brightening the scene with masses of emerald and russet color. Signed at lower right, Bruck Crane. Property of a Private Collector. [oS ?: GEORGE INNESS, N.A. : AMERICAN: 1825—94 86—ROME, THE APPIAN WAY Height, 3014, inches; length, 4514 inches Tue whole magnificent prospect of tree-covered hills lies in the sun- shine across the valley, filled with the shimmering heat-haze under the blue, almost fleckless sky. The old Roman road, crossing the middle distance, curves up the steep slope into the right foreground, passing beneath the ruins of the Aqueduct, now but a single jagged arch, overgrown with lichen and creeper; while underneath ride slowly the plumed figures of the knights of a stormier time, with baggage train and attendants, along the Way which Paul knew. Signed at lower right, G. Ixness, 1870, Rome. Property of the Estate of the Late JosrpnH H. Wuire. (Illustrated) CRIN ‘ssauuy absoay fg) AVM NVIdadW AH, “AIVOY—9B8 “ON LOWELL BIRGE HARRISON, N.A. Qrateccn 1854— THE (MIRROR 5D ‘ Height, 36 inches; width, 19 inches In the green lush grass of a clearing are the figures of two peasant girls, one standing, the other kneeling before a lily pond which washes the edge of the foreground and reflects their sombre figures. Signed at lower left, Brrnek Harrison. Property of a Private Collector. FRANCOIS PIETER TERMEULEN Ih. REL Dutcu: 1843— SHEPHERDES iS AND SHEEP | 0 Height, 25 inches; width, 22% inches Iy the soft light of a gray morning a shepherdess in blue skirt and cap and gray blouse, seen in profile to left, is marshalling her charges, as they emerge from the sheepcote and move slowly toward the spec- tator. Signed at the lower right, TERMEULEN. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. American: 1849—1916 / 89—HAPPY HOURS (60. /| | MWA «| Iw front of a Japanese screen that is grayish in tone and is bordered , 40 inches; width, 24 inches in blue and brown, a young mother is seen smiling over a solemn and bald infant, who is seated in a high chair, well buckled in. The baby, in white, is facing the spectator. The mother stands behind the chair, leaning over the child. She is in a black kimono lined with orange-red, and wears an Oriental cap. Signed at the lower right, Wm. M. CHASE. Property of a Private Collector. ONG: ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR American: 1840—1904 OVAL IES IOI, Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches Tre green water,—though the pool is not the focus of the composi- tion,—juts into the left foreground; the broken rocky margin is con- tinued beyond the rough stile to a narrow path making a knife-like cut in the woodland between the serried birches, so that a pendant of blue sky hangs from above to light the way for two distant figures wandering through the enchanted country. Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Mrxor, and sold by order of the Ewecutria. ANGELO ASTI A ph Receber Irarran: 1847—1908 9I-STUDY IN THE NUDE /Z6b.- Height, 26 inches; width, 2014 inches Harr-LencrH figure of a young girl in half profile to the left, the head turned in full profile, exhibiting the graceful features—the straight nose and the fine curve of the chin—shrouded in a mass of long dark hair falling over the shoulders and the right breast. The torso is lighted strongly from above, the perfect whiteness of the flesh standing pallidly before a background of dull red. Signed at lower left, A. Asrt. Property of a Private Collector. SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON, P.R.S.A., R.A. Scorriso: 1788—1864 are a OF A GENTLEMAN f Lp, Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Har-tenctu seated figure of a gray-haired man in middle age, in 8 Bre) Se morning dress, facing the observer, against a background of red drapery; in his right hand his spectacles, in his left a sheaf of papers. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR ) ic Or bez [i pfamntcas: 1840—1904 983—THE OAKS / Ut-— : Height, 36 inches; width, 36 inches {LFIN forest of tangled oaks and thick undergrowth, clearing in the foreground before the path of a turbulent brook flowing down to the right; in the distance along its course the endless trees are topped by a sky brilliant with yellow and orange tones set by the sinking sun on cloud masses splashed violently across the brilliant blue of the sky and broken by the rearing foliage of the tall oaks. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Ewecutria. DON RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SpANntsH: 1841—1920 94—TE jQ0. Height, 391 inches; width, 28 inches SWING Fou length figure of a young lady with powdered hair and large hat, pink, white and dove-gray costume with décolleté waist, and dainty white satin slippers, seated in a swing in a finely kept park, and smiling toward the spectator. Signed at the lower left, R. Manvrazo. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR ? American: 1840—1904 “vor Black. i) 95—THE MEADOWS (Oils, Black and White) BS, : Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches Toxe-stupy of flat grassy country through which a river curves into the left foreground, over on the farther bank the masses of two clumps of birches misty against the heavens; at the right the pale sky is half blotted out by the trees rising from the reeds and thick under- growth of the shore. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Geo. M. Mryor, and sold by order of the Executria. A. L. GROLL, N.A. MWA } ) [pp CESS 1866— 1 96—SUNSET IN NEVADA (Panel) ASE ; Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Low marshy ground, with clumps of barren vegetation, a distant house and a horizon of rugged hills beneath the glaring crimson, orange and yellow tints of the sky, itself reflected in a pool of water in the fore- ground. Signed at lower left, Grout. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. /) Ml { be : AMERICAN: 1849—1916 | 97—_THE STREET OF THE CHAPEL / 66, Height, 33 inches; length, 40 inches A corner house in the old cobbled streets of a German town—the Street of the Chapel; a sinister place, with its small boarded door squeezed tightly between the stones which buttress the brick, and the ominous red stain on the cobbles before it. A sinister place, for those with the imagination for such things, with its slits of windows, barred with grilles, its air of neglect, and the conspiratorial alley to which the entrance lies at the right; a place, like to the antics of the Fat Boy, to make the flesh creep. Signed at lower right, Wm. M. Cuasr. Property of a Private Collector. HUGUES MERLE DO y BOSE! OF ae 1823—81 98—BOY WITH A LOAF OF BREAD QA. Height, 46 inches; width, 82Y% inches Acarnst a background of flat landscape and darkening sky is the small, wistful figure, a fair-haired child in white shirt and brown breeches, his legs and feet bare, clasping tenaciously to his body a loaf larger than his own head, which is all great brown eyes and solemn reflection. Signed at lower left, Hucuns Mrrur, 1871. Property of the Estate of the Late Joseru H. Write. 99—MORNING LIGHT {[ D> f Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Tuer sky is already bright and peopled with scurrying clouds, which drive across the surface of the plain and the winding river, rustling the scanty trees; the rolling grassland is touched with the veiled light, and the river jeweled with bright clear color, so that the wild flowers springing among the grass are but dull patches of ultra- marine. Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Executria. J. G. JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 100—PORTRAIT OF A LADY f) ae e 1b {LE Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Heap and shoulders picture of a young woman in a brocade décolleté, a white satin cloak thrown across her left shoulder; she faces half- right, and her head is crowned with a tiny cap and an osprey. Signed at lower left, G. Jacquet. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR American: 1840—1904 101—WATERFORD SHORE WW ee, (Millboard) | 3D. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches Tue shore road overlooking the sea stretches a score of feet of itself across the foreground, lined with the trees flung in dark masses across the cloudy sky; between them can be glimpsed the even gray line of the water and the distant white specks on it, which are sails. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Geo. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Executriz. Hore rents ran ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR American: 1840—1904 102—THE MILL CL ) cells (Oils, Black and White) re) O : Height, 19 inches; length, 27 inches THe river journeys through flat country of elms and poplars past the old mill on the river bank, little more than a shed with its low eaves and the mill-wheel let like a monstrous screw into the wall; while an occasional cottage, a wagon heaped high with hay, a brood of ducks and figures on the distant bank are the outward signs of human industry. Signed at lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of his son, Dr. Gro. M. Minor, and sold by order of the Executrixz. LISt OF ARTISTS REPRESENWED. AND THEIR WORKS far etter 5 Pt EAST AL NS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ASTI, AncELo 58 Young Girl Reclining Us) Study in the Nude 91 Study of a Young Girl BAKST, LEON Felicita 42 BARQUE, Cuaries Peasant Boy of the Apennines 62 BESNARD, Pauxt ALBerr Night Supper 74 The Shower 80 BONHEUR, Rosa The Lioness 12 Study of Deer Drinking 32 BRUESTLE, Grorcr M. Winter 29 CAMERON, Davin Youne (R.A.) Ben Ledi 81 CHASE, Wit11am Merrirr (N.A.) Happy Hours 89 The Street of the Chapel 97 CHELMINSKI, Jan von The Cuirassier 27 CLAYS, Paurt JEAN The Fishing Port 65 CONDER, CuarLes Souvenir de Seville 24 Hare reste eae Ra SNe oad CRANE, Bruce (N.A.) Evening Landscape Landscape after a Shower DAVIS, Cuartes Haroun (N.A.) Woodland Landscape DE BOCK, TutornHite Landscape DECAMPS, Arexanpre Gapriel The Bay of Algiers DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Vircite Children and Spaniels FANTIN-LATOUR, Henri Woman Bathing GIFFORD, Sanrorp R. Landscape GORDON, Sir Joun Warson (P.R.S.A., R.A.) Portrait of a Gentleman GROLL, A. L. (N.A.) Sunset in Nevada HARRISON, Lowett Brrcr (N.A.) The Mirror HASKELL, Ernest The Place du Carrousel INNESS, GrorcE St. Peter’s, Rome The Meeting at the Edge of the Wood Rome, The Appian Way JACQUET, J. G. Portrait of a Lady CATALOGUE NUMBER 6 ( 8 LW) Or 48 67 38 rat 36 96 87 LEVER, Hayiry The Beach, St. Ives LINDE, Ossie L. Versailles MADRAZO, Don Ratmunpo pvr The Swing MANET, Enovarp Chrysanthemums MERLE, Hucvurs Boy with a Loaf of Bread MILLET, Francis D. (N.A.) Portrait of Miss K. MINOR, Rozserr Crannett. (N.A.) Quict Water Spring The Coming Storm Moonlit Waters Early Summer Landscape: Nightfall Hazy Moonlight June Sunset Millstone Point, Waterford Under the Oaks An Early Study Close of Day Landscape with Figures Sunset: The Brook Nightfall A Sandy Beach, Connecticut A Study Marine: Sunlight and Wind on the Coast Moonlight Clouds Edge of the Woods Cloudy Moonlight Interior of a Wood CATALOGUE NUMBER 15 94 39 98 Ao rwwnre ~~ 9 Home of the Partridge In the Forest, Adirondacks Moonlight: Niantic River Indian Summer The Fish-hawk’s Nest Morning Mists September in Connecticut A Forest Path Landscape The Pines, Waterford November: Keen Valley, Adirondacks Misty Spring Sunset Noon-Mark, Adirondacks The Mountain Stream: Adirondacks The Wild Bents Wane and Wither Sunset After Storm Wyant’s Pool The Oaks The Meadows Morning Light Waterford Shore The Mill MONET, Cravupr La Pluie MONTICELLI, AvotpHuE The Abduction NEWELL, H. Grenn Cows at Pasture NICOL, Ersxinrt On the Lookout PASINI, Apert The Court on a Journey RANGER, Henry Warp (N.A.) The Lake Steamers RENOIR, Pierre AucustEe Nude: Femme Honteuse Study in the Nude CATALOGUE NUMBER AA 41 31 61 40 16 SARGENT, Joun Srycer Barges at San Vigilio, Lake of Garda, Italy STEICHEN, Envarp J. Starlight: Valley of the Marne TERMEULEN, Francois Prerer Shepherdess and Sheep THAULOW, Frirs The River Arques TYLER, James GALE A Ten-knot Clip Sunday in Port VAN BOSKERCK, Rorerr Warp (NAS) The River Path VEDDER, Exisv The Soul in Bondage WIEGAND, Gustave Landscape ZIEM, Feuix The Port The Felucca 19 88 76 25 Bre renee rg PE Rie eh a IS COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY } ie: i De weeny gO { a 5. 7. 1; i2. id. 16. LS (os 18. 19. 20. el. r-GEORGE M.MINOR; an.23,1925. Price $ 27. 50 Ferargil Gal. W.W.Seaman,agt. T S.Herzog Macbeth Gals. Metropolis Gal. F.S.Thompson W.W. Seaman, agt. S.Herzog W.W.Seaman,agt. Metropolis Gal. F.X.Kelly Levy Gals. Scott & Fowles R.Glenn S.Herzog B.B.Springs B.M.Feldman A.Daezema C.Arndt Metropolis Gal. Clarke Art Gal. " H.L.Williams R.Gilchrist 1,700. F.S.Thompson Soe Mr.Kellogg f OO. Durand-Ruel 2 i, OSO'. W.W.Seaman,agt. 1,450. Miss Murdoch 525. R.Gilchrist ys Saye D.A.Patterson 1,650. Ferargil Gal. 50% Clarke Art Gal. 110 Scott & Fowles g 160. Metropolis Gal. : 5Os A.Rudert,Agt. g WAV F.X.Kelly 140. 5 140. 120% 35. 150. 100. 200. 110. 90. 130. Buyer H.Hulskman R.Glenn Metrovolis Gal. E.B.Springs B.M.Feldman R. Duden sing Levy Gal. F.X.Kelly V.C.Roberts R.Gilchrist F.S.Thompson Mrs.A.V.Stout Clarke Art Gal. R.Glenn "W R.Gilchrist A.Rudert,Agt. R.Glenn E.B.Springs Mr. Kellogg E.B.Springs Scott..&.Fowles E.B.Springs Mrs.F.Guest Scott & Fowles B.Fechin Kraushaar Gal. Levy Gal. Metropolis Gal. R.Dudensing Levy Gal. E.B.Springs Clapp & Graham Mr .Kellogg " F.X.Kellogg Fred Bucher Levy Gal. V.C. Roberts Levy Gals. Mr .Blank tt Levy Gal. Fred Bucher R.Dudensing F.Knox R.Dudensing Alfred Kelly. 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