ne Lia yi His Ht iar tah Kh Sense oe Heat tt z Hits ite eieesey neatly bidet, ety SSeS cot SSIS So Sere = Cees tr ty SSeS < t tt at at ieity? Fe a Bias be tatatysts Hitt o a te i as ahh eine hati ie ry tie Meet pte big eee i wale idee inti ese £ shetty eye re i? Bet 4 ts HEME bpeapt Hi a 1 e see i Sit iH Lae aa geCit fol! i] eS 4! 7 Ye wt 4 ; Oy a y i 4 . a ¥ + : i % % 1 \ -S. De SOUHAMI | RUE LE PELETIER, PARIS ee = ART GALLERIES | © 1407. G STREET, WASHINGTON, D. C. | ! a al - ON FREE VIEW “ 3 . G. Sloan & Co’s Art Galleries Brrom ree es March 23rd, 1908, until the _ day of sale, inclusive : THE COLLECTION FORMED BY HENRY S. de SOUHAMI 31 RUE LE PELETIER, PARIS AND 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CONSISTING OF Antique Art Objects of value, Paintings of the Old and Modern Masters and Furnishings of rs the Gothic, Renaissance, Lovis XV. and XVI. 8 Periods, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF Comte de Lafayette, of Paris, France } AND Perce R. Grassi, of Florence, Italy UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Wednesday,Thursday- Friday MARCH 25th, 26th and 27th, 1908, Mr. C. G. SLOAN, will conduct the Sale. a CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise yetween two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. . 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, 2f required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots tobe taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the-sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or des- troyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; C. G. SLoan & Co.’s ART GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in settle- ment of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending snch re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. C. G. SLOAN & CO, Auctioneer. The ALEXANDER Press, 18-20 Astor Place, N. Y. RDER OF SALE | tH dnesday, March 25th oi he Collection of Engravings, Louis. saiee ng and Louis XVI. and Chippendale Fur- -niture, Bronzes, Faiences, Marbles. Ha ahs | Z The Collection of Gothic and Renaissance Furniture, Objects d’Art, Ivories, - Enamels, Wood Carvings, Textiles, . Rugs. Friday, March 27th ean The Collection of Paintings by rising — sy TA Sia Bs ae rench Masters and Old Portraits, Os Fa 1h oe ate eoetvate Wow sed wear mae ike COLORED ENGRAVINGS. 1 La Promenade du Matin 2% 2 La Promenade du Soir ee ae DO ? : | 3 Le Jeu de Cache Cache 1 a | 4 Le Jeu des Quatre Coins . 5 Amusements Champétres C mee oy 6 Lecon d’Amour i, » oa ¢ 7 Rendez-Vous de Chasse Caan y a5 8 La Danse Champétre GQ La Soirée d’Hiver to L’Envenement au Bal | A Mi be * ne is yi ‘ i em eet As '} E> ci ala Visite Inat UC nde ¥ ees fe ea © I s : i Le Bain ’ L’ Bal L’Aimable Jardiniere 15 Lille de Cahee 16 Lecon d’Amour 17 Couronnement de Sa Majeste — 18 La Laitiere. Jean Baptiste Greuze ‘19 Painting on Porcelain } 20 Antique Pastel 21 Pair Silver Plated Candlesticks 22 Antique Chippendale Chairs. Set of two 23 Antique Mavoeane Table 24 Antique Italian Chair. Richly carved, set of two 25 Antique Combination Barometer i) ime XVIT. Century. sseiae fn 26 Louis XVI. Table. Carved and gilded 35 36 37 Fi ROS ae 32 33 34° ‘8 7 ; ie ee Richly carved Bronze Andirons. Ornamented with fig- ures of Lions in bronze Louis XVI. Bergere. Richly carved frame; upholstered in silk damask Empire Table. In mahogany; orna- mented with rich bronze mounts; claw feet | | | Empire Chair. In mahogany, richly or- namented with bronze mounts Marble Bust. ee i Antique English Plated Candelabras. Set of two Antique Italian Table. Veneered in a variety of woods Antique Window Seat. Veneered in mahogany ; silk damask seat Antique English Table. Daintily carved combination drawers “ ak . a at a fd aeten asa Old Chippendale Chairs. Richly ca set of two; red damask seats pt 40 Faience Figure. In the shape of an e . _-—- phant; rich glaze; bronze stand i 41 Louis XVI. Hat Rack. In enamel and gilt; daintily carved — a ee 42 Louis XV. Armchair. Richly carved frame; upholstered in silk brocade _ 43 Louis XV. Table. Carved and gilded; Et garland design; marble top er 44 Louis XVI. Screen. Daintily carved © : ae frame; silk brocade panels, 3-fold o) 45 Louis XV. Console and Mirror. Gar- land design ; marble top 46 Louis XV. Secretairé. Veneered in citron wood; ornamented with clock 47 Louis XV. Fender. In bronze; orna- mented with bronze figures 48 Old Chippendale Chairs. Richly carved; Set -Olstwo ocean "seats; set of two 50 Empire Arm Chair. Carved in mahog- any ; bronze mounts ™ Louis XV. Stool. Very richly carved : silk brocade. cover is 52 Louis XV. Bergere. Fine design ; up- . : x _holstered in silk brocade | | 53 Bronze Figure. Representing a Nubian pee: ae een 54 Marble Figure. -“Vendange” 55 JDirectoire Console. Very handsomely carved; Cupid and garlands 56 Louis XV. Salon Table. Richly carved and ‘gilded; marble top . 57 Bronze Andiron. Ornamented with fig- ae — ure of Diana on horseback; set of two 58 Antique Italian Barometer. With com- bination 59 Old Chippendale Settee. Richly carved; lyre shape Old Chippendale Chairs. = Set-Of fourenee u 3 oS «61 Antique Italian Chairs. Rie carved | set of two 62 Buhl Card Table. Richly inlaid bronze ae mounts ; double top 63 Antique Clock. In tortoiseshell ; bronze = ornaments; Louis Phillipe period 64 Faience Figure. Representing an ele- phant; fine glaze; bronze stand 65 Louis XV. Banquette. Cane seat, up- holstered in silk damask * 66 Louis XVI. Bergere. Richly carved and gilded; upholstered in silk brocade ' d zs hegre ay 67, Napoleonic Armchair. Carved in mahog- ha + any; rich bronze mounts OLE ee ° e e a 68 Napoleonic Chairs. Carved in mahogany; = rich bronze mounts, set of six 69 Louis XV. Parlor Suite. Richly carved and gilded frames; upholstered in silk brocade of floral design; 1 sofa, 2 arm- chairs, 2 chairs ie tk i @ . ? . bk Ok Ae os oa By St ct eae f my £ Ciiaules a a > hia hee ® Le is ~— f ™ ai ee 70 Louis XVI. Salon Table. Very hand- | somely carved and gilded floral design, marble top 71 Bronze Andirons. Ornamented with sil- _ ver and bronze figures; richly chiseled 72 Marble Figure—Vintage 73 Antique Chippendale Chairs. Richly carved; set of two | | ~ ' 74 Antique Table. Veneered in mahogany, marble top : : a a 75 Citron Wood Desk. Richly veneered, ex- : | quisite design -—— 76 «Antique ~Mahogany Chairs. Richly carved; silk damask seats, set of two 77 Louis XVI. Screen. Carved and gilded; garland design 78 Antique Cameo | : 79 Ivory Breastpin 80 Miniature on Porcelain - 81 Ivory and Gold Box. Louis Phillipe pe- riod te os aor “Silver Bonbon - Potty: an ee ess Louis XVL oh. | ne: = : 2 A ; ; aan Pe wy ae Silver Snuff Box. Portrait of = Silver Snuff nae Portrait. of a | - toinette | or J | 85 Enamel Snuff Box. | Gold cas ase. ; nae ete XVI. period } Ba 86 ae) Rigure= ane ~—~87:)«(Old Miniature orto a 88 Another 89 go Lapis ene Breastpin— 91 Miniature on Porcelain 92 Antique Cameo rs) ze : : 93 Old Portrait of Christ. Leather eee ag 94 Roe Crystal Umbrella Handle 95 Antique Cameos, representing a Roman ae Warrior; set of two | as. OVE ‘Champleve Enamel Plaque, representing a at BEgser fourteenth century: A By ‘ 8 ear Coat of Arms. Set of two 2 Peo sbinc Plate. alan, Peentecnth cen- tury | Montelupo Plate. Italian, seventeenth “ century | 1 o¢ lL Pistoia Jug. Italian, seventeenth century i _Faenza Vase. Italian, sixteenth century Another 104 Caffajiolo Plate. Decorated with figures, rare specimen of the sixteenth century 105 Pistoia Plate. Italian, seventeenth cen- tury 106 Montelupo Plate. Decorated with figure, | seventeenth century ; SECOND DAY’S SALE “a THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1908, ce ae. t. + 4 er Collection of ete Objets #Art—Ivories, _ Enamels, Bronze, Wood Carvings, Gothic xe and Renaissance Furniture, _ ys Textiles, Rugs. 107 Rare Urbino Plate. Decorated with fig- ure of Cupid, sixteenth century _ 108 Faenza Jug, with Coat of Arms, signed were > if Se S. M., seventeenth century er 109 Rare Urbino Vase. Richly eet signed T. B.: ; sixteenth a | 110 Bronze Figure, representing Chinese Idol,, sixteenth century 111 Bronze Figure, representing a gladiator; . fine chiselling of the sixteenth century 112 Carved Wood Figure of a Saint. Six- teerith century a 113. Carved Wood Figure — Madonna, six- teenth century Cen ap 11g I20 I21I I22) 123 Ee: 116 : Carved Wood Hintarels Ursula. Fine French carving of the sixteenth cen- tury Gothic Armchair. Richly carved Coat of Arms — ee Ivory Figure, representing Madonna and Child; sixteenth century ery Beare, representing St. ———; fine gene of the sixteenth century Ivory Carving, representing animals; Portuguese carving of the sixteenth century Bronze Figure, representing a gladiator, fine patina, seventeenth century Bronze Figure—Gladiator, companion to the above Bronze Figure, representing Minerva, sixteenth century Bronze Figure of Venus Cesere; Italian, seventeenth century Bronze Inkstand. Rare specimen of the sixteenth century 124 “Renaissance . PAemennir carved coat of arms | Se eee 126 aed cee ee ‘representing 3 ay Bee 127 Carved Wood Figure, representing St. oe “Patil: gilded, sixteenth century Nevin 128 Ivory Figure, representing the Infant — he Christ; quaint carving of the fifteenth ' cents. 129 ‘Ivory Group, representing Madonna and Child; fine carving of the seventeenth century 130 Ivory Bas-Relief, representing St. Sebas- tian tied to a tree; sixteenth century 131 Limoges Enamel Plaque. Frame of bronze in the shape of a mirror; seven- _ teenth century ; 132 Limoges Enamel Plaque, representing the Archeveque de Reins, seventeenth a x rac’ century ; : Bi Jags 133 Limoges Enamel Plaque, representing | the Comte de Champaigne, seven- teenth century . ‘ ‘a oe ¢ ‘ Bae ne Par a not, Vicaire of St. Marceau, 1744. 135. I4I 142 143 144 145 eae Enamel Snuff Box. ald rims, colored bie body Gothic Candlesticks. In rock crystal and bronze. Very rare; set of two Embroidered Coat of Arms, Set of two Antique Lace Collar. Point de Venise Antique Lace Cushion. Point de Milan . Antique Lace Band. Design of chimeras and figures; seventeenth century Antique Embroidered Centre—Portrait of the Madonna, sixteenth century Antique Chasuble. In silk brocade; Ital- ian, sixteenth century Stahl Maniple and Burse Antique Chasuble. In rich brocade of silver and silk; fine specimen of the sixteenth century Stahl and Maniple Renaissance Prie Dieu. Daintily carved roges. soles Plaque—Paptisto. Fa. ay- 7 Renaissance Altar Frontal . “carved with caratides of t - ornamented with figures e he 148 Antique Persian Rug. Rich design 5 c a ie Sen tional border, size 5954.3 woven; specimen of the old schoo “size, 5.9x4.2 ‘ 170 Jade Sword. Once the property of Mi bard ornamented with diamonds, r ‘ bies and emeralds; rare specimen | of z the So veu ay century ae 171 Gothic Hall Seat. Richly carved in wal- | nut | Be x 172 Gothic Chairs. Richly carved; seat and ' & back-obanciens embroidery of the pe- riod; set of two 173 Renaissance Commode. Very handsomely : carved with cariatides and figures, coat of arms 174 Renaissance Bas Relief, representing a Roman passage of history; quaint carving of the period 175 Ivory and Silver Tankard. Bas relief in ivory, representing La Vendange, Ger- man carving of the eighteenth century 180 181 182 183 184 oe biblical passage, seventeenth century a ock Crystal Cupola. Rare salon art ob- ‘ject; representing a jade figure of Min- erva, in a rock crystal cupola; gilt bronze base; seventeenth century Limoges Enamel Plaque, representing a Limoges Enamel Plaque, representing Saints; seventeenth century Limoges Enamel Plaque, representing a rustic scene; beautiful hue and execu- tion ; sixteenth century Bronze Figure, representing a Satyr ; sev- enteenth century Bronze Figures. Representing Centaurs ; fine execution and patina; seventeenth century ; pendants Bronze Bust of a Roman Emperor; fine dark patina; sixteenth century Gothic Bronze Figure. Representing a princess of the period; very fine execu- tion; rare specimen Carved Wood Figure. A Saint Preach- ing and Holding a Cross; fine carving of the sixteenth century re eye 185 186 187 188 189 190 , 190a IQI 192 193 Carved Wood Figure—St. Ursula hold- ing a book in her hand; sixteenth cen- tury — Henry IV. Tapestry Suite. Richly carved frames in walnut; upholstered with Flemish verdure tapestry of the period: one sofa and four armchairs; seventeenth century Antique Chasuble. In green silk bro- cade; gold thread; sixteenth century Stahl Maniple and Burse. Antique Chasuble. In pink brocade, sil- ver thread; sixteenth century Stahl Maniple and Burse Buhl Card Table. Very richly inlaid; ‘bronze mounts; legs handsomely carved Rare Embroidered Chasuble. In green and red brocade; richly embroidered; with the portrait of the Madonna in centre; sixteenth century Rare Persian Rug. Rich design; cream ground. | Fine Persian Silk Rug; closely woven; conventional design “193 Bas Relief” Bist of “Abraham > Lincoln. i lla ‘Executed’ in terra cotta, by the famous French sculptor, Marquet de Vasselot, of the Louvre. Dated 1868 BR pos} 5,5 Gee eo yeaa (heed ect P ® © ay Pete; Baas ea Ss 194 Rare Persian oe ‘Beautiful design and ergeeee ize 7X41") eet Seeaerrete Ra. TCS Or os O Sapee y\y 195, Rare Silk Prayer Rug. Exquisite design ‘a representing the Tree of Life, birds and ® te fel~ chinteras ;: size. 5.5x3.10 “'196 ‘Persian Silk Rug. Finely woven, rich hues, conventional design; size 5.5x4.3 / 197 ‘Antique Tapestry Panel: Brussels loom of the period of Louis XIV., rich hues and design, representing the Sacrifice of Abraham; size 9.0x10.6 , 198 Gothic Marriage Chest. Rich carving of _the period; coat of arms of the family 199 Deruta Tablet, representing Madonna -and.Child; fine hues and execution. of Faience enamelling of the seventeenth century ; rare 200 Carved Wood Panel, representing a pas- sage of the life of Christ; Portuguese carving of the fifteenth century; rare specimen, from a Monastery i “= ” a 2 7 > Pe yr - i a es Le E 201 Carved Wood Panel—Coming Down from the Cross; companion to the above 2o1a Bronze Figure, representing Julius Cae- sar; fine chiselling of the eighteenth century 201b Bronze Group of Napoleon on horse- 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 back; fine execution ; marble base Old Empire Armchairs, of the period of Napoleon; very handsomely carved legs; upholstered in silk covers; set of two Old Empire Chairs. Companions to the above, set of two : Louis XV. Commode. Richly veneered in marqueterie; old bronze mounts, colored marble top Old Italian Armchair. Richly carved; upholstered with silk damask Marble Bust of Johanna. A masterpiece in sculpture Montelupo Plate. Italian, seventeenth century Urbino Plate. Italian, seventeenth cen- tury ear = 213 214 215 » Another — _ JEWELRY. | 209 _ Ladies’ Necessaire, ornamented with . Bee tous stones Antique Pendant. In diamonds, rubies and sapphires, basket shape Antique Brooch. Large pearl with dia- monds and rubies Diamond and Pearl Ring. Exquisite shape . Diamond Brooch. Large amethyst sur- rounded by diamonds and pearls Gold Purse, ornamented with diamonds and rubies 215a Pearl Neck Chain. Long string of pearls, connected by gold chain at 5. sale Po: In sapphires and ¢ é 216 Antique Pendant. monds eB Aye Sle ee ) P F . va * ~f / ; we roe Oe i % ’ Ys wa a mite 217 Pearl Necklace. In double ro A Oriental pearls, diamond ar Me | 2» clasp. . ental pearls, connected by four be diamonds a pee Ty ove See ae ah tee THE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. — “ OLD AND MODERN MASTERS. 219 : ie ee . EGOLE:ERANCAISE 1 XVIII Sigler Head of a Boy 220 ECOLE FRANCAISE eri we" RVITL, Side : eee The Chenits 4 CLAIR (Charles). , _ Landscape — : Beet, sie BOR2SY PPend = oe + # Ped , ee Sul Lite v7 ra, 2134x26 ee Paris: Chickens © 19x26 ie pease). 3 224 __- RICHARD (P.)_ Maia | Flowers | 1934x26 | ° 3 ° . x E pe Paris Parry See eee ti*twsiCS ~é@Pig ae Still Life 214x254 Ur Z ea : | 226 ION = Paris Mousquetaires hepa 214x254 227 ee (Edouard) a. ree Paris | _./°, Landscape 14/4x19 228 MASCARI (Gaston) ; he Paris. Canal at Amsterdam 21%4x25% 229 BEAUDOIN (Jean) Bite Paris Antoinne Mouillé Honorable Mention 21Y4x29 230.005 WATTEAU (Jean Antoine) 1684-1721 Summer 2114x27 231 WATTEAU (Jean Antoine) 1684-1724 Fall 2114x27 232 CLOUET (Francois), (School of) | 1580 Portrait of a Young Nobleman 25x30 LADE (Gaston). a Les Champs de Blé Paris Salon, 1904 19 94x25¥4 "TIMMERMANS am) ee ed En Rade de Grand Camp 10Y%4x1394 236 eens (Albert) ~ °-. . : Paris ) Hunter's Dogs | Water Color | 1OWXI4 j VERNON (Paul) .. Ree) Paris’ | Landscape 634x834 “Ar SCHOTT (Max) | epee cor Head | 217426 eae RICHET (Leon): 93 hep aed 2 Fes eet Sas a | . Landscape == ee ee Gold “Medal bye : | he a Paris. Salon, 1903 ae oS aeeeaaaa ae a 240 - »KBALKE (L.) \ nnn da ; Napoleon ie asia Concours Chevalier Weademicien 1QY2X240 BOUCHER (School of) Ek Allegorical Subject ‘1434X19%4 242 JOHN RUSSELL © BPR ote Eh ear ae 1806. Lady of uae Q34x1254 KIPP. (James) “ fie has “1790-1868 ~~ English SctHOO! ag Academician 20X24 AT - ry _ CARENO DE MIRANDA * 1614-1685 vet Spanish School fs ; Me : i> SP Gout painter of Phillipe IV. et Teh aks A é 4, ae ) BOUCHER (Francois), (School of) eR en 1703-1770 ak Meee Conidence «5;