oS AD OF Teen Se Rites ee ce a Lathe Meng Ma api Mucins S Sot es ete te he Ro tee ee Rte, eee Re TEE Tel yet ee eg ee Se DEER En eat ees ye a ed EE Ra Pesto yeaa ater ah de et ais Fie miei anbs yr ste ath EEE) MH Beet Soe SEAR Thy oo in Tose Pe ie Ren! Mey NAROe wee ds ewe TC Sh eee eT es fanitaeat at mth gO 52 af Dee ee MUL a Ba Ras BY it PER RAR wMiectyn Lhe at pit Neri ed PREP AB A EP oady™ os Setrdens ae en hn a DeRetied Bate ee ice eae = DEM Sys Ain Peale Mena ME Od ye meri ean dao mtenty OTN Pag ee ea ee Sew ete at aM ee Ty in Mee ae a Near ke te ea ght py . ty Na ee tt a tt RDA On rete tees Nee AMIE AR EMO Reg eee {ree ee ae a CARR eT eR Tate iM ett rt nee in ed era Mtetwa pel! aah ae MAT me AT aw Fam ae eae be AME Tw thine slime eth r sat argent Pe wate od, ten rans ss to mean te eens ae ne ater Date Tee SA he tiie eho SETH VAAL TR ABD e PS Ee pene Pan oe eh ede TS at sto ee THEGETTY CENTER LIBRARY 4" 4 , Sgt 4 ee c ohh S ty inches; width, 26 inches. a C. C. Kuchel, lith. S. Francisco. Britton’ & Co. Printed contemporary plate. Mounted on linen, slight tear repaired. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th CALIFORNIA VIEW 39. San Francisco. Crry anp Harzor or San Francisco, Carr- FORNIA, OcropEer 31, 1849. Tinted lithograph. 1514 x 1034 inches. a Drawn and engraved by Thomas Armstrong. Published by eS W. A. Woodruff from the original plate by A. Rosenfield, (San Francisco), 1861. Lying at anchor in the bay is an extremely large fleet of sailing vessels. A VERY RARE AND IM- PORTANT VIEW. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 40. San Francisco. Arctic Experpirion. THe “Jeannette’’ Passinc THroucH THE GOLDEN Gate. Lieutenant De Long, commander. Colored lithograph. 11 x 17 inches. re ts After a painting or sketch by F. Keller. Contains a view of Fort Point. This plate was probably issued in San Fran- cisco, about 1880. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 41. San Francisco, 1863, rrom Russian Hitt, Looxine SourH & West. Colored lhthograph, touched up by hand. Height, 12% inches; width, 221, inches. Printed by L. Nagel, San Francisco, and published by A. 572 Rosenfield, San Francisco, 1862. Portrays Mission Bay, A VE ae Jones Street, Florence Street, Hayes Park, Broadway Street, Lone Mountain Cemetery, Jobson Observatory, and many other places of interest. AN IMPORTANT AND VERY RARE VIEW, ESPE- CIALLY IN coors. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 42. San Francisco Fire Department. Certificate of member- ship of James Broderick, dated March, 1880. Engravy- ing. Height, 2284 inches; width, 1784 inches. oo Charles Nahl, del. Engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & JE yen Edson, New York; published by the San Francisco Fire De- partment, 1855. In the four corners are views of the Fire De- partment in action, and on either side are symbolical figures. Proor on InpIA PAPER. MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE OF ENGRAY- inc. Mounted and matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th CALIFORNIA VIEW 43. San Francisco. Portion or THE Crry. Seen from the Resi- dence of N. Larco Esqr. Green St. Telegraph Hill, Look- ing South, 1859. Lithograph. Height, 1914 inches; width, 3414 inches. her 5° Drawn from Nature by E. Camerer. Lith. by Kuchel & ey Dresel. Published by F. R. Reynolds [circa 1859]. Slight. tear in margin, stain at corner. CALIFORNIA VIEW 44. San Francisco 1x 1849. Chromo lithograph. Height, 1414 inches; width, 35 inches. Shows the city in its early mining days, looking towards ts) mountains and bay; miners’ camps in foreground, with Cali- 4 fornia Street down centre. The owner has identified a few of the places by marginal pencillings, and placed the date at circa 1859. Mounted and matted. | CALIFORNIA VIEW 45. San Francisco. Apams & Co.’s Express “Porxa’”. Colored lithograph. Height, 1234 inches; width, 714 inches. Composed expressly for Adams & Co. and respectfully dedi- +? cated to E. 8. Sanford, Esq., by Francis Weiland. Litho- (9 graphed by T. Sinclair, (San Francisco, 1854). Illustrates Montgomery Street and the corner of Commercial Street, with view of the Adams Express Office, 1854. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 46. San Francisco. Brroseye View or THE FLEET IN San Fran- cisco Bay 1908, Under the Command of Rear Admiral _Robley D. Evans. Colored lithograph. Height, 1214 = inches; width, 3514 inches. t San Francisco: Commercial Art Co., 1908. With a view of the city and its docks. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th CALIFORNIA VIEW 47. Saw Francisco. Curr House & Seat Rocks. Colored litho- graph. Height, 915 inches; width, 15384 inches. wpe Lith. George H. Baker, San Francisco, (1870). The flag su a is flymg on the Cliff House, and a coaching party are almost at the foot of the hill, the rocks covered with seals, sailing ves- sels in the distance, etc. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 48. San Francisco. View oF THE Knicuts Trempuar Paraps, Aveust 20TH, 1883. Colored lithograph. Height, 1534 inches; width, 2314 inches. n — Souvenir of the 22nd Triennial Conclave, K.T. Lithographed by Britton & Key, San Francisco, 1883, after the painting by A. E. Matthews. Highly colored and well executed. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW A9, San Francisco. Panoramic ViEw, FROM CALIFORNIA AND. Powerit Streets. Heliotype print. Height, 7 inches; at width, 24 inches. ji- . Looking towards the Bay. Issued probably at San Fran- cisco circa 1870. Plate repaired. CALIFORNIA VIEW 50. San Francisco. Execution oF HETHERINGTON AND BRACE, BY THE VIGILANCE CommirtTEeE. Woodcut, hand colored at a later date. Height, 11 inches; width, 734 inches. f 5 - A great crowd watching the execution. In the background is the Keystone House, shipping, etc. CALIFORNIA VIEW 51. Saw Francisco. Colored lithograph. Height, 1214 inches; width, 1814 inches. po Dessine et Lithog. par Deroy, and published in Paris about 3 ) — 1855. A fine copy of this very attractive view, with full mar- gins. Matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th CALIFORNIA VIEW 52. San Francisco. Corner or MonrcomMery Aanp CALIFORNIA (0° Streets. Lithograph. Height, 2134 inches; width, 19 inches. View of the Pacific Accumulation Loan Company. One or THE RAREST CALIFORNIA VIEWS, AND THOUGHT TO BE THE ONLY KNOWN copy. It was executed in 1853. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 58. San Francisco, MDCCCLY. Etching. Height, 914 inches; width, 3914 inches. C. Meryon del. seculp. Paris, 1856. A. Delatre, Imp. Pan- oramic view of the city, looking towards the bay. Fine proof impression on Holland paper. Etched by Meryon, who was commissioned to do the work by J. B. Bayerque and A. Proche, two San Francisco bankers, whose portraits appear on tablet containing inscription. Mounted and matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 54. San Francisco unp VEREINIGUNG DES SACRAMENTO Mir Dem San Joaaury. Lithograph, partly colored. Height, 84 inches; width, 1014 inches. Verlag v. George Westermann. Lith. Anst. v. L. Kraitz, Berlin [1854]. Shows the Bay of San Francisco, and the sur- rounding country; at the mouth of the “San Joaquin,” is laid down “New York of the Pacific.” With fine inset view of San Francisco. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 55. San Mateo Hovsz, A. G. Oakes [Proprietor]. Colored litho- graph. Height, 11 inches; width, 21 inches. Drawn by C. B. Gifford. L. Nagel, Print. S. F. [ circa 1€60]. A view of this famous hostelry with carriages in road- way. Mounted and matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th SA ae 8 NR 2 EO Ya a ela CALIFORNIA VIEW 56. Sanra Cruz. Birv’s Eve View. Colored lithograph. Height, 17 inches ; width, 27 inches. a0 C. B. Gifford, delt. A. L. Bancroft & Co. lith. S. F. An early 3 —_ view of the capital of Santa Cruz County, California, noted for its beautiful sea-cliff scenery. Finely colored. VERY RARE. Mounted and matted, slight tear in sky-line neatly repaired. CALIFORNIA VIEW 57. Santa Rosa, the County Seat of Sonoma County, Cal. Tinted lithograph. Height, 15 inches; width, 1914, inches. From Sketches of Grafton T. Brown. C. C. Kuchel, lith. 2 0° San Francisco. In the centre a panoramic view of the town, — with border containing views of 15 different buildings. Mounted and matted, stain at one margin. CALIFORNIA VIEW 58. Sonora. Lithograph. Height, 1914 inches; width, 15 inches. G. H. Goddard del. Pollard & Brittons lith. 1852. A view ee of the town in its early mining days, hills in background. The 6 earliest lithographic view executed in California of this place. Very RARE. Mounted and matted. | CALIFORNIA VIEW 59. VattEso. Document, SicNED BY JOHN BicELow, (GovER- Nor), AND Witiiam Van Vooruies, (SECRETARY OF eet): DrecemBer 9, 1852. Height, 16 inches; width, 11144 inches. ( ne The arms of the state on top of document, which is dated at Vallejo, then (1852) capital of California. The document does not contain a view. Matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 60. Yosemire. Sourn Dome, Linerry Cap & Nevapa Fatt. Colored lithograph. Height, 15 inches; width, 1034 inches. 9.0 Lith. George H. Baker, San Francisco, (circa 1859). Oprn 4 LETTER PROOF. Matted. UY First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th CALIFORNIA VIEW 61. Yosemite. SourH Dome, Liperry Carp & Nevapa Fatt. Colored lithograph. Height, 1144 inches; width, 151% 2D inches. mat Jager An unusual view of these high peaks of the Rockies and of one of the most celebrated waterfalls in the world. Proof impression before artist’s name. Rare. Mounted and matted. CALIFORNIA VIEW 62. Yospmire Fartx 2,634 Freer Hicu, Yosemite Valley, Mari- - posa Co., Cal. Colored lithograph. Height, 1214 inches; se width 1614 inches. 4° Lith. Geo. H. Baker, San Francisco. \ First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th at? eaediaiaiae cabal CUBA VIEW 108. GENERAL Views oF,—VALLEY oF YuMURI—PUERTO PRINCIPE —Trinipap—Maranzas—Carpenas—(ANoTHER VIEW) —Cienrurecos—(AnotrHER View). Colored lithographs. Each ;—Height, 1584 inches; width, 2614 inches. Titles also in French and Spanish. Lithographed in colors : as by Edward Laplante from drawings by Leonardo Baranano. Published at Havana. Series of beautiful and finely-executed views entitled,—‘“Isla de Cuba Pintoresca.” About 1850. (8) CUBA VIEW ‘109. PLanratTion awn Facrory oF SENOR DE FEernNanpina. Col- ored lithograph. Height, 8 inches; width, 18 inches. 62 From a drawing by Laplante. Lithographed in colors by re Marquier, Havana, n.d. Circa 1840. CUBA VIEW 110. Ptanrations AND Factories or Messrs. ARRIETA AND OF Senor O’Viepvo. Colored lithographs. Each ;—Height, 8 inches; width, 13 inches. ; After drawings by Laplante. Lithographed in colors by J i Marquier; published at Havana, n.d. Two interesting - souvenirs of Cuba under Spanish dominion. Apparently a printed in France, though bearing an Havana imprint. Very WELL EXECUTED. (2) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEWS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 111. Wasnincron. Crirrsurne Hospirat. Colored lithograph. Height, 9 inches; width, 1614 inches. | a Published by C. Magnus, N. Y. 1862. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 112. Currsurne Hosprirar, Wasnineron. Colored lithograph. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. 7 a By Charles Magnus, New York, 1862. Shows hospital tents | ii enclosed by barracks on two sides; pickets at close intervals; military wagons in action. Matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 113. Intustrarep Axtspum or Wasutncron Crry and_ vicinity. Tinted lithograph. Height, 1714 inches; width, 22 inches. 75 35 views on one shect. By E. Sachse, Baltimore, (circa ore 1869). Panoramic view of Washington from the top of the Capitol, at head. Mounted. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 114. CampretL, U. S. Gen”. Hospitat, Wasuineron. Colored lithograph. Height, 1244 inches; width, 18 inches. 4 By Charles Magnus, New York, 1€64. Shows military en- f{— closure with hospital tents, barracks and officers’ headquarters ; soldiers on parade, &c. Matted. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 115. WasHineron. GENERAL Post Orricre. Colored lithograph. Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches. le Drawn from Nature by Aug. Kollner; lithographed in colors / ee by Deroy; published by Goupil, Vibert & Co., N. Y. and Paris 1848. No. 36 of the Kollner Series of American Views. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 116. Wasuincton. Tue Carirot (East Sivz). Colored litho- graph. Height, 746 inches; width, 11 inches. — Drawn from Nature by Aug. Kollner; lithographed in colors i ae by Deroy; Published by Goupil, Vibert & Co., N. Y. and Paris 1848. No. 82 of this series of American views. Capitol is shown before the added wings on the sides, and with the hitch- ing-post for saddle horses. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 117. Wasuincron. THE Capirou (West Sipe). Colored litho- graph. Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches. 4, 4 Drawn from Nature by Aug. Kollner; lithographed in colors a by Deroy; published by Goupil, Vibert & Co. N. Y. and Paris 1848. No. 33 of this series of American views. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 118. WasHineton. Capirot. Colored aquatint. Height, 19 inches; width, 2914 inches. In gilt frame, with glass. Circa 18385 [without title or artist’s name]. An early contemporary engraving, showing the Capitol at Washing- ton, 18380-1850. One of the earliest views of the recon- structed building, after its partial destruction by the British se army in the War of 1812, with the three domes, the centre one ( a. appearing for the first time; on each side an ornamental stone wall, beyond which are large trees; between walls and in front of Capitol, a grass plat, with two pathways leading to the Capitol steps, on which are seen several figures of men and women; in front an iron fence and in right hand corner an ornamental gas lamp; in roadway which runs in front of fence, are several groups of people, and a chaise with four occupants, drawn by four horses, on one of which sits the col- ored driver; behind chaise a man on horseback giving alms to a beggar; in the extreme right, an officer in uniform in com- pany with a maidservant. Finety coLtorep. ExTREemMELY RARE. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 119. Wasnincron. Puan or THE Ciry: In the Territory of Co- lumbia, ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by them established Pl fog as the Seat of Government after the Year 1800. Line en- ( graving. Height, 16 inches; width, 21 inches. By J. Russell [London, 1795]. This is the Endicott map, with the Potomac river soundings. Mounted and matted. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 120. [Wasuineron]. Senare Cuamprer. Colored lithograph. Height, 11 inches; width, 13 inches. £ 9 — By Aug. Kollner, 1848. Lithographed by Deroy; published ) J by Goupil, Vibert & Co., New York and Paris. Interesting view, showing Senate in session. Matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIEW 121. Wasnineron. Tue Presipent’s (Wuire) House. Colored ithograph. Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches. ra Drawn from Nature by Aug. Kéllner; lithographed in colors ys _— by Deroy; published by Goupil, Vibert & Co. N. Y. and . Paris 1848. No. 31 of this series, showing the grounds with the Potomac in the distance, equestrians, &c. DUTCH CLAIMS IN AMERICA MAPS DUTCH CLAIMS IN AMERICA MAP 122. Nova Bereica er Anewta Nova. Colored copperplate. Height, 1514 inches; width, 20 inches. [Amsterdam: J. Blaeu, 1667]. Shows the claims of the Dutch settlers of New York; the whole of “Nieu Nederlandt,” o©_ extending from Virginia to “Nieu Engeland,” the latter being 16 a located in the extreme eastern portion, with a small part of ‘ “Novae Franciae.” The St. Lawrence River extends across the entire northern part, with several tributaries. The boun- dary between New York and New England is located by Lake George, laid down as “Lacus Irocosiensis,” some distance east of the Connecticut river, the latter shown as a small stream. All the Indian tribal names are given, as well as figures of animals, and an Indian stockade. Text on back. Fine 1m- pREssION. Matted. DUTCH CLAIMS IN AMERICA MAP 128. Nova Awneiia SEPTENTRIONALI AMERICAE implantata An- glorumque colonis florentissima. Colored copperplate. Height, 1914 inches; width, 23 inches. 7 Norimberge: J. B. Homann [1759]. Shows the vast extent of territory claimed by the Dutch, on which at a later date the Colony of New York founded its claim to a part of Con- necticut and Vermont lands. The dividing line between New York and New England is east of the Connecticut River, and extends from the St. Lawrence to Narragansett Bay, with First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th [No. 123 Continued | Lakes Champlain and Irocoise (Lake George) forming a part of the same. The St. Lawrence River is the northern boun- dary of both provinces. New Jersey shown divided into East and West. The First State. Fixe impression. Matted. DUTCH CLAIMS IN AMERICA MAP 124. Nova Anewia Seprenrrionatt Americar. Colored copper- plate. Height, 1914 inches; width, 23 inches. y. Norimberge: J. B. Homann [1759]. Same as above. This [7 ~ is the Second State, with the line of “Cum Privilegio Sac Coes Maj.” obliterated from the plate. Matted. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR MAPS FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR MAP 125. QuEBEK DE Hoorstrap van Kawnapa, aan de Rivier van St. Laurens, door de Engelshen belegerd en by Verdrag be- magtigd, in’t jaar 1759. Copperplate, finely colored. Height, 1314 inches; width, 17 inches. Z : [| Amsterdam: I. Titon, 1769]. Shows the position of the attacking and defending forces, both on land and in the river. With small inset, a map of the St. Lawrence. Fine impression, with wide margins. Rare map. Matted. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR MAP 126. VorstELLUNG Einicger GEcENDEN UXD PiaEtTz In Norp- AMERICA under Franzoesich und Enghlsche Jurisdiction gehoerig. Colored copperplate. Height, 1614 inches; width, 1984 inches. 7 - Ntrenberg: bey den Homaennischen Erben, 1756. Contains three plans, as* follows,—“Plan du Port et Ville de Louis- bourg;” “Plan de la Ville de Quebec;” “Plan of the Town of Halifax in Nova Scotia.” Important charts relative to the Campaign against Louisburg. Matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th ee ee ee iwen yl nem heim: eee ne GEORGIA VIEW. GEORGIA VIEW a 127. SAVANNAH. V6E pu Porr vr SAVANAH DANS L’AMERIQUE. Colored copperplate. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. | sae Vernet pinxit. [Circa 1752.] Mounted and matted. ae HUDSON RIVER VIEWS 8 HUDSON RIVER VIEW | 128. Baxer’s Mririrs (Hvupson River). Colored lithograph. ) Height, 714 inches; width, 1114 inches. a Lithographed in colors by J. Milbert (1825). For many years New York held a monopoly of bolting flour, hence the importance of these pictures of mills of various owners,— reminders of the days when the price of bread was fixed by the Aldermen. HUDSON RIVER VIEW 129. Cozzen’s Dock (West Poryr). Colored lithograph. bee Drawn by F. F. Palmer. Lithographed in colors by Currier 3 ee and Ives. N. Y. é HUDSON RIVER VIEW 180. Entrance tro tHe Hienianps (Hupson River Looxtne SoutH). Colored lithograph. Height, 1614 inches; -o°? width, 2314 inches. Lithographed in colors by Currier & Ives. N. Y. 1£€64. BEAUTIFULLY COLORED. VERY RARE. HUDSON RIVER VIEW 131. Hupson River rrom tHE Batrrery to Doses Ferry AND A CorrEesponpInc View oF THE OpposITE JERSEY SHORE. Colored engraving. Height, 514 inches; width, 22 inches. Part of Wade’s Panorama of the Hudson River (1848). Taken from the middle of the river. SMALL BUT RARE. SS First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th HUDSON RIVER VIEW 132. Hupson River (From West Pornt Grounps oF THE U. 5. Mruirary AcapEMy)—WeEst PoInT FROM THE OPPOSITE SHorE—West Point Founpry, Coitp Sprine. Colored lithographs. Each;—Height, 12 inches; width, 15 inches. o From drawings by F. F. Palmer. Lithographed in colors by Currier & Ives, N. Y. 1862. These views were exceedingly popular at the opening of the Civil War. (3) HUDSON RIVER VIEW 133. Hupson River SreamBoat “Sr. Jonn.” Colored lithograph. Height, 18 inches; width, 2814 inches. 0 Drawn by F. F. Palmer. Lithographed in colors by Currier is and Ives. N. Y. 1864. A magnificent steamboat in her day. HUDSON RIVER VIEW 134. SteamBoats “Empire oF Troy’— Troy” (Troy ann N. Y. _SreamBoaT Live). Colored lithograph. Each;—Height, 15 inches; width, 3314 inches. oO ak Lithographed in colors by Endicott & Co. (1850). Refer- l ences to dimensions, &c. in lower margin. FINE CLEAN COPIES. Cerf = Rare. (2) HUDSON RIVER VIEW 135. Sunny Sipe (Van Tasset Hovust) THE RestpeNcE or WasuH- INGTON Irvine. Colored lithograph. Height, 814 inches; width, 1214 inches. we From a painting by George Harvey. Lithographed in col- wy ors by Bufford (1836). A very rare view of the home of Irving as it appeared when he first occupied it, and before it became better known as Wolfert’s Roost. HUDSON RIVER VIEW 136. View 1x Hupson’s River or Pakersy anp THE Catts Kitu zy Movnrains, From Sopo’s Istanp. Colored engraving. + oe Height, 13 inches; width, 2014 inches. Sketched on the spot by Governor Pownal. Engraved by Paul Sandby. Lond. John Bowles (1755). Unteuzr Hupson First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th [No. 136—Continued | Riverirem. The City of Poughkeepsie now occupies the bank of the river here shown as woodland and a huge bridge spans the Hudson at this point. HUDSON RIVER VIEW 1387. West Point. Colored lithograph. Published by Haskell & Allen, Boston, n.d. View of the in OD Hudson north of West Point showing several steamboats of /$ eee ancient pattern. HUDSON RIVER VIEW 138. West Point, rrom Puitiiesrown. Colored aquatint. Height, 15%4 inches; width, 2214 inches. 33 Painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett. Published by fegeee ee barker & Clover N. Y. 1831. A Bennett aquatmt im fine * condition. ILLINOIS MAP ILLINOIS MAP 139. Cucaco. Engraved plate, partly colored. Height, 1214 inches; width, 934 inches. Shows the burnt district, which is about four miles in , O length by one and one quarter miles wide, over four squares. ( s€ The line of Tunnel under Lake Michigan also shown. N.p.n.d. Mounted and matted. ILLINOIS VIEWS ILLINOIS VIEW 140. Cuicaco (Inurors Centrat R. R. Passencer Depor). Col- ored lithograph. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. Lithographed in colors by Kellogg, Hartford, Conn. A s®& Chicago item of a period prior to the Great Fire of 1873 / ( which destroyed this building, along with practically the entire city. Unusual ITEM. \> First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th ILLINOIS VIEW 141. Cuicaco 1x 1831. Tinted lithograph. Height, 5 inches; width, 7 inches. nyt Lithographed by Maclure, Macdonald & Macgregor, Lon- | don, [1€65]. Shows small groups of houses on each side of the river, with a flag floating over a government building. Matted. ILLINOIS VIEW 142. Cuicaco 1x 1833. Junction of North and South Branches of the Chicago River. Colored lithograph. Height, 1214 inches; width, 18144 inches. /J — An early view, showing three log cabins, one evidently a trader’s lodge. Mounted and matted. ILLINOIS VIEW 143. Catirornia State Buitpinc, Worxp’s CoLtumBian Expost- TION, Cuicaco, Int. 1898. Chromo lithograph. Height, 1714 inches; width, 3534 inches. Mounted and matted. ILLINOIS VIEWS 144. Auttron—TwHE Piasav Rock nEAR ALTON—MoutH OF THE ee Mississippl, NEAR Auton. Colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Ditisseldorf (circa 1855). Matted. (3) ILLINOIS VIEWS 145. Catrro. Movutru or tHe Ounro—Forr Armstrone on Rock Isuanp. Distant view—Fort ArmMsTROoNG—GALENA, ON Fever River [now Galena River]. Colored lithographs. see: Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. i H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa 1855). Matted. (4) First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th ILLINOIS VIEWS 146. Navvozr—Tue Mormon Tempte, [Nauvoo|—Porrt Byron, Iowa, anp Beruy, Izurmois. Colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. ys er H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa 1855). Matted. (3) ILLINOIS VIEWS 147. Quincy—VIEw on THE MississipPl, NEAR QUINCY—SAVANNAH. Colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. : Bee H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa zi 1855). Matted. (3) IOWA VIEWS IOWA VIEWS 148. BeLrLevu—E—Bourimcron—Dvusvuaue—Fortr Mapison. Col- ored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. ‘6 — H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa 1855). Matted. (4) IOWA VIEWS 149. Keoxuckx—MuscapinE—Great MuscapinE Prarrre—War- saw. Colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 y inches. Lt — H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa too0). Matted. (4) LOUISIANA, &c., MAPS LOUISIANA AND MEXICO MAP 150. Reent Mexicant Novar Hispantae LupovicianakE, N. ANnc- iar CAROLINAE ViRGINIAE ET PensytvaniaE. Colored . copperplate. Height, 1884 inches; width, 2244 inches. af — A Joh. Baptista Homanno, Noriberge [1759]. Shows all of Mexico, the Peninsula of Florida. All the country west of the Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains, as far north as junc- First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th [ No. 150—Continued | tion of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers is laid down as “Ludo- viciana; adjoining is Canada, with the Great Lakes further north. With engraved view of gold mining on the Isthmus of Panama. Rarer. Matted. LOUISIANA AND NEW ORLEANS MAP 151. GronpRLAKTE vAN Nikuw OrueAns pE HoorpsaF YVAN Louisiana; [also] De Uitloop de Rivier Mississippi; [and] De Oostelyke ingang van de Mississippi, met een * Plan van het Fort *t welk het Kanaal beheerscht. Colored copperplate. Height, 13 inches; width, 1714 inches. [| Amsterdam, 1767]. The three maps on one sheet, including an early plan of New Orleans. Fixe m1pressioN, WITH WIDE UNCUT MARGINS. Matted. LOUISIANA AND THE WEST MAP 152. A New Map or rue Norrn Parts or America, claimed by ‘France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississippi, Canada, and New France, with ye Adjoyning Territories of Eng- * land and Spain. Colored copperplate. Height, 2414 inches; width, 40 inches. By H. Moll. [London], 1720. With inset maps of the Har- bor of Annapolis Royal and the Mouth of the Mississippi, and a view of the Indian Fort “Sasquesahanck.” Matted. LOUISIANA AND THE WEST MAP 1538. Carre pe La Lourstanr ET pu Cours pu Mississtprt. Copper- plate, boundaries colored. Height, 1734 inches; width, 231, inches. ~ Dressée sur un grand nombre de Memoires entr’ autres sur | { ceux de Mr. le Maire, Par Guillme. de L’Isle [ Paris, 1718]. Exhibits the claims laid down from a French point of view, all of Florida includes the country between the Alleghanies and the Rocky Mountains, as far north as the Great Lakes; the routes of the various explorers are shown to substantiate the claim. The Mississippi and its tributaries are laid down on a large scale, and the names of Indian villages are given. An inset map, shows,—‘‘Carte Particuliere des Embouchures de la Riviere S. Louis et de la Mobile.” Fixe mrrresston, with UNCUT EDGES. Matted. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th LOUISIANA VIEWS LOUISIANA VIEW 154. Barrie or New ORLEANS, AND DEFEAT OF THE BRITISH UNDER THE COMMAND OF SiR Epwarp PackENHAM, BY GENERAL Anprew Jackson, Jany. 8, 1815. Colored aquatint. ee eee Height, 1814 inches; width, 18 inches. Drawn by S. Seymour, engraved by J. W. Steel. Briniiant ORIGINAL IMPRESSION WITH FULL MARGINS. Matted. LOUISIANA VIEW 155. NouveLLe-OrLEANS, VUE PRISE p’Axuciers. Colored litho- graph. Height, 1714 inches; width, 2414 inches. -. Drawn and lithographed by Th. Muller (circa 1850). Birds- o at eye view of the city and country beyond, with glimpses of Algiers on the right bank of the river. Title in French and Spanish. LOUISIANA VIEW 156. [New Orteans.|] Height, 21 inches; width, 31 inches. An enlarged reproduction of the preceding, of a later date, es with many changes in figures and boats. Coloring somewhat different. Published circa 1860. LOUISIANA VIEW 157. New-Orieans [circa 1830]. Colored lithograph. Height, 634 inches; width, 1814 inches. | H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa 3 a 1855). An extensive view of the water front taken from across yi the river. At the right is shown the Cathedral of St. Louis, / the dome of the Federal Building rising over the roofs in the centre. VERY RARE. Matted. LOUISIANA VIEW 158. New Orweans, taken from a point on the right Bank of the Mississippi between the upper and lower Ferry. Colored copperplate. Height, 614 inches; width, 2114 inches. Published circa 1834; painter or publisher not known. Panoramic view of the city stretching out across the water Margins trimmed. ScArcE VIEW OF THESE OLD PILOT BOATS. MARITIME VIEW 173. St. Lawrence River. Tue Suip “Apmirat” Struck sy Licutnine. Colored engraving. Height, 1114 inches; 5 D width, 16 inches. 99 cal . iy The only survivors were two women who saved themselves by jumping overboard. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th eH IC ARN eaten CNR Heh a MARITIME VIEW 174. SteamBoat “CHancettor Livincsron.” Aquatint. By Akrell (1820). From the Kliuckowstrous, printed in /3 are Sweden. Shows the exterior and interior views of this early steam vessel, with 12 lines of references. MARITIME VIEW 175. StEampoat “Messencer,” Carr. J. C. Woopwarp, Pirts- BURGH & Cincinnati Packet. Colored lithograph. 3 ae Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. (1854). Rare VIEW OF AN EARLY Onto RIVER STEAMBOAT. MARITIME VIEW 176. Steamsute “Neprune,” Merropouiran Ovtsipe Line To Boston. Colored lithograph. Height, 1814 inches; ot width, 34 inches. 3 a Lithographed in colors by Endicott & Co. N. Y. With ref- erence to dimensions, &c. in lower margin. In FINE coNDITION. MARITIME VIEW 177. Steamsuip “Hermann,” Nort German Luoyp Line. Col- ored lithograph. Height, 9 inches; width, 1314 inches. cv is al Lithographed in colors by G. Hunckel, Bremen. About 1865. NicE CLEAN CoPY. MARITIME VIEW 178. Sreamsuie “Great Eastern” RENAMED THE “LEVIATHAN.”’ Nov. 38, 1857. Colored photo-lithograph. Height, 1214 5 6 inches; width, 18 inches. es vs After Edwin Weedon. MARITIME VIEW 179. Steamsure “‘Atruantic.” Colored lithograph. Height, 714 x? inches; width, 12 inches. 4 i Lithographed in colors by Endicott N. Y. 1853. The title- page to a schottisch dedicated to Capt. James West. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th ail aie Sele ee ee MARITIME VIEW 180. SreamsHip “WasHINGTON”, OcEAN STEAM NavicATIon Co., N. Y. Sournampron & Bremen. Colored lithograph. ro Height, 1814 inches; width, 33 inches. / a Lithographed in colors by Endicott & Co. N. Y. 1855. With references to officers, dimensions, &c. in lower margin. MARITIME VIEW 181. Sreamsnip “Franxuin.” Colored lithograph. Height, 1014 inches; width, 141% inches. she Lithographed in colors by Sala & Co. Berlin (1855). big Marred by small wormholes. MARITIME VIEW 182. SteamsHie “WasHINGTON”’, OcEAN STEAMER NAVIGATION Co. Colored lithograph. Height, 8 inches; width, 1234 inches. _Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. 1847. Goy- ernor’s Island in background. . With references to dimensions, &e. MARITIME VIEW 183. SreamsHip “Hupson”’, Marr STEAMER OF THE NortH GER- MAN Luoyp, Burtt 1858. Tinted lithograph. Height, yo 1314 inches; width, 22 inches. Pare om Lithographed in tint by Hener, Bremen. MARITIME VIEW 184. Sreamsuipes “Hammonia” & “Borussia”, HamBurc AMERICAN Lint. Colored lithographs. Height, 16 inches; width, yo 26 inches. — y if Lithographed in colors by Arends, Hamburg. 1859. MARITIME VIEW 185. Srramsuirs “Saxontra” & “Ausrria”’, HamBure AMERICAN Line. Colored lithograph. Height, 16 inches; width, 26 oO inches. _ — ( Lithographed in colors by Arends, Hamburg (1860). Goon, CLEAN COPY. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th MARITIME VIEW 186. Sreamsnie “Wasnrncron” Rescurne Pass—ENGERS OF THE Sup “WINCHESTER” oF Boston, May 2, 1854. Colored OF Sage lithograph. Height, 81% inches; width, 1214 inches. From a sketch by Mr. Vincent, passenger on board the “Washington.” Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. 1854. Shows P. W. King, Chief officer of the Washington and four of the crew making the first trip to the wreck. MARITIME VIEW -— 187. AnoruEer Cory, Simiuar. MARITIME VIEW 188. U. S. Fricare “Sr. Lawrence”, 50 Guns. Colored litho- Saye graph. Height, 8 inches; width, 1214 inches. ee Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. 1847. MARITIME VIEW 189. U. 5. Maiz Sreamsuip “Ariantic”, Cotiiws Line. Colored lithograph. Height, 14 inches; width, 1714 inches. ~ 392 Lithographed in colors by N. Currier 1850. One of the ZD e earliest Atlantic steamers, built by Wm. H. Brown, N. Y., owned by the Collins Line. With reference to dimensions in lower margin. MARITIME VIEW 190. U. S. Revenve CuTrer “Lincotn”, 275 Tons, San Fran- cisco. 1869. Colored lithograph. Height, 17 inches; + 62 width, 29 inches. | Sa Lithographed in colors by Endicott N. Y. Name supplied in ink. Scarce. MARITIME VIEW 191. U. S. Stoor or War “Axrpany’”’, 22 Guns. Colored litho- graph. Height, 814 inches; width, 13 inches. by iB Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. (1846). Rare. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th MARITIME VIEW /b oo 192. AnoTHER Copy, SIMILAR. MARITIME VIEW 1938. U. S. Sure “Rariran.” Colored lithograph. Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches. Lithographed in colors by Heaton E. Rensburgh, Rio de Janeiro. From a drawing by George T. Lozier U.S.N. ‘Torn and mended, foxed. Bears imprint of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Very few copies of this picture have ever been seen. THIS CoPY Is SAID TO BE THE ONLY ONE EXTANT. Not known in the Con- gressional or Army and Navy Collections. Unique. SN v MARITIME VIEW 194. U. S. Sure or THE Line “Onto”, 104 Guns. Colored litho- graph. Height, 9 inches; width, 18 inches. Ly, ae Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. 1847. Good . condition. MARITIME VIEW 195. U. S. Sup oF tHe Line “PEennsytvania”, 140 Guns. Col- ored lithograph. Height, 9 inches; width, 13 inches. — > DB /- ome Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. 1846. MARITIME VIEW 196. U, S. S. “Prnnsytvanta”, 80 Guns. Colored lithograph. Height, 101% inches; width, 14% inches. l//-— Lithographed in colors by Sala & Co. Berlin. Rare. MARITIME VIEW 197. Venetian Barer. Colored engraving. Height, 914 inches; width, 18 inches. os = Engraved by Coradini 1772. ‘Title in Spanish. A a First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 26th Te A IES eR NR aad Be LS MARITIME VIEW 198. Yacur “Marra”, Commopore STEvENson, N. Y. Y. C. Owner. Tinted lithograph. Height, 1214 inches; width, 18 inches. 0) ou Lithographed by Messrs. Fores, London 1853. Excrr- { TIONALLY WELL-DRAWN. From a series of marine subjects published in London about the time of the American Cup Races. MARITIME VIEW 199. Yacur “Ross Winans”. 1866. Tinted lithograph. Height, 10 inches; width, 20 inches. + palit Lithographed by T. G. Dutton. Published by Wm. Forster London. Curious model of a yacht with cigar-shaped hull and screws fore and aft. a whe < AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER Second Session, Numbers 200 to 385, inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 27th, AT 8:30 O’CLOCK MARYLAND VIEWS MARYLAND VIEW 200. Baxtrore. Colored lithograph. Height, 2014 inches; width, 29 inches. By E. Sachse, Baltimore (circa 1869). Panoramic view, with harbor in the distance dotted with shipping. The George Washington monument in the foreground dominates the pic- ture. Mounted and matted. \- V \ MARYLAND VIEW 201. [Batrimore]|. Wasninctron’s Monument. Colored litho- graph. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. By Aug. Kollner, 1£48. Lithographed by Deroy; published by Goupil, Vibert & Co., New York and Paris. Shows front elevation of monument, with approach from the street in foreground. Matted. nd (- vo =~ MARYLAND VIEW 202. Baxrrmore. Colored lithograph. Height, 814 inches: width, 14 inches. By N. Currier, New York, 1848. View from across the bay, 5 FS. showing harbor with shipping, the Capitol dome and Wash- 7) ington Monument against the distant skyline. Fort McHenry at the left. Inscription in English, French and German. Matted. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th MARYLAND VIEW 203. Battrmorre, FROM FeEpreraAL Hitz. Colored lithograph. Height, 18 inches; width, 4014 inches. B Drawn from Nature and engraved by E. Whitefield. Pub- | : ioe lished by F. Michelin, No. III, Nassau Street, New York. v / Many ships on river, and figures in the picturesque costume of the period (circa 1855) on bank. - BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF A VERY RARE VIEW. Framed. MASSACHUSETTS VIEWS MASSACHUSETTS VIEW 204. AMHERST, WITH SEVEN SMALLER Views or SEPARATE BuiLp- Incs, &c. BELow. Tinted lithographs. Height, 1534 inches; width, 26 inches. : 3 Oa - Tinted lithograph by Endicott & Co. from ambrotypes by E. W. Coles (1860). Fine general view of Amherst, the Col- lege, private residences, and other features. Unusuat ITEM. MASSACHUSETTS VIEW 205. Boston. Ontp WarenousE-Dock Seuvarze, Boston, Built 1680. Taken down, 1860. Colored lithograph. Height, 1034 inches; width, 14384 inches. 4 sD L. Prang & Co. Lith. Boston [circa 1861]. Shows the old [ ' clothing warehouse of Charles J. Lovejoy, to the right a part of Fanueil Hall; groups of people on side walk; in street teams, ete. including the old “Citizen Line.” Mounted and matted. MASSACHUSETTS VIEW 206. Boston. SouruHeast VIEW OF THE GREAT Town oF Boston. Height, 10 inches; width, 19 inches. om Copy of the drawing dedicated to Peter Faneuil by Wm. 4 Price. Extensive references to each house and ship shown in the picture. In black frame. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th MASSACHUSETTS VIEW 207. Boston. L’Enrrte av Port pe Boston pans WAMERIQUE. Colored copperplate. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. Gravée d’aprés le Tableau de Vernet. [Circa 1752.] Mounted " and matted. f] j _4 MASSACHUSETTS, &c., VIEW 208. Kine Sr. (Bosron)—Soutn Cuurcu (Boston) Hatt (Boston )—PHILADELPHIA—QUEBECK, CANADA. FAaNneEeviIL \ Series of Fictitious Views. Engraved by Haberman (1790) and published at Augsbourg. Interesting on account of their early date of publication and their scarcity. MEXICO VIEWS MEXICO VIEW 209. Lanpine oF THE AMERICAN ForcES UNDER GENL. ScorTtT, AT Vera Cruz, Marcu 9, 1847. Colored lithograph. Height, 814 inches; width, 13 inches. a4 ae Lithographed in colors by N. Currier N. Y. 1847. A SCARCE CURRIER PRINT. WA MEXICO VIEW 210. Tum Sroutinc Fountain; Morentos Sevuark, AND OTHER Tinted hthograph. Height, 1314 inches; width, VIEWS. 914 inches. 4 FV : ary Also a series of plates illustrative of the costume of the inhabitants. G. Rodrigues, del y lito. ‘Titles in English, Together, 14 pieces. As a lot. French, and Spanish. MEXICO VIEW 211. Map or Mexico (1n CentTRE oF BorpER ContTarnine 11 SMALu Views oF Pusuic Buritpincs anp A GrRouP oF PorRTRAITS at Tor). Colored lithograph. Height, 22 inches; width, he 26 inches. [ From “Atlas Pintoresco.” Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES MAPS | —— MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES MAP 212. THe West Inpies, or the Islands of America in the North Sea, with ye adjacent Countries; explaining what belongs to Spain, England, France, Holland, &c. also ye Trade Winds, and ye several Tracts made by ye Galeons and Flota from place to place. Copperplate, partly colored. Height, 2314 inches; width, 4014 inches. By Herman Moll, dedicated to William Paterson. London: Printed for T. and J. Bowles [circa 1715]. With large inset view of the City of Mexico, and five inset plans of St. Au- gustine, Vera Cruz, Havana, Cartagena, and Darien. Matted. MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES MAP 213. InsuLez American® IN OcEANO SEPTENTRIONALI cum Terris adjacentibus. Colored copperplate. Height, 15 inches; width, 2014 inches. Amsterdami, Apud Joannem Janssnium [1653]. Shows all of the West Indies, and part of Mexico, with the coast of Florida, as far north as the Chesapeak Bay. ‘Title within decorative tablet, highly colored. Text on back. First state. Matted. MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES MAP 214. Insuta American® Ix Oceano SEPTENTRIONALI cum Terris adjacentibus. Copperplate. Height, 15 inches; width, 2014 inches. se [ Amsterdam: J. Blaeu, 1667]. Similar to the above; but Ma) entirely uncolored. This is evidently the same plate as the preceding, the engraver having made some minor changes, in adding new names, and in the numbers for the degrees in longitude; Jansson’s name has been obliterated, and a tablet added in the lower left hand corner, with description signed by Blaeu. Text on back. Matted. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES MAP 215. Insure American® in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes. Colored copperplate. Height, 1814 inches; width, 2214 inches. ha Per Nicolaum Visscher, circa 1700. Shows the northe: : part of South America, with the boundaries; North A ica extends as far north as Cape May, and interiorly tc “‘g beyond the Mississippi, the greater part of which is la. de as Louisiana, with a small portion of Canada adjacen ing in the north. Matted. HS MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES MAP 216. Nova Hispania wr Nova Gaticita. Colored copperplate. Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches. 2 [| Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1653]. ‘Title in tablet, with ar- / morial bearing and figures, highly colored. Fine impress™n, with wide margins. ‘Text on back. Matted. MICHIGAN VIEW MICHIGAN VIEW 217. Bay Crry. Bird’s Eye View of Bay City, Portsmouth, We- nona & Salzburg, Bay Co., Michigan. Tinted lithograph. Height, 21 inches; width, 2814 inches. } =e Drawn by A. Ruger, 1867. Shows river winding through i? the centre, with connecting drawbridge. Mounted and matted. MINNESOTA VIEW MINNESOTA VIEW 218. Forr SnELLINc—StT. Pavu’s. Im Manesotah Territorium. Both colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. a H. Lewis, Pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf (circa 1855). (2) Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th MISSISSIPPI RIVER VIEWS MISSISSIPPI RIVER VIEW 219. StEamBoat Lanpinc (Moonuicut). Colored lithograph. Height, 1044 inches; width, 151% inches. | ee! Lithographed in colors by Sala & Co. Berlin, n.d. Curious imprint and probably a copy after Currier who made several lithographs of this nature. Scarce. MISSISSIPPI RIVER VIEW 220. A Mipnicut Race BETWEEN THE “Danna” & “Futon.” Colored lithograph. Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches. sdf Lithographed in colors by Kelly N. Y. 1) “SISSIPPI RIVER VIEWS 291. Mourns or THe Mississippr. Die Miindung des Mississippi— Dir WasserRFALLE von St. ANTHONY—Das DamprFrscHIFF Granp Turk—ScaALPInG SCENE ON THE MississipPi. All DP colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf, (circa 1855). Matted. (4) MISSISSIPPI RIVER VIEWS 222. GENERAL [ZacHary| Taytor’s Piantation, [below Louis- ville, Ky.|—Conventr pu SacramMent—MovutTH oF THE Arxansas, [at Napoleon, Arkansas]. All colored litho- ) graphs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. A Soe H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf, (circa 1855). Matted. (3) MISSISSIPPI RIVER VIEWS 223. Vickspurc—Narcuez. Both colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. ce) H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf, (circa / 1855). Matted. (2) Second Session, Thursday Evening, A pril 27th MISSOURI VIEWS MISSOURI VIEW 224. CruarKsvitteE [Moonlight scene|—CaronpELeET oR VIDE- Pocue, [now part of St. Louis]—Hawnnizat. All col- 5S ored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. / H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf, (circa 1855). Matted. (3) MISSOURI VIEW 225. St. Louis, G—nERat View From THE River, 1854. Colored engraving. Height, 18 inches; width, 34 inches. Drawn by G. Hoffman. Engraved by E. B. Krausse. Yar- 5 — licularly good view of the city in its early days, showing nv- merous river boats, once very famous, and indicating its ge eral importance even then as a gateway to the South 4 West. MISSOURI VIEW 226. Sr. Louis. Tinted lithograph. Tue Great Fire i Sr. Louis, May 17th, 1849. Colored lithograph. Height, 7 inches; Zo width, 9 inches, each. vs a H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf, (circa 1855). Matted. (2) MISSOURI VIEW 227. Sv. Louis, Mo., 1853. Tinted lithograph. Height, 14 inches; width, 26 inches. _yd Drawn from Nature and on stone by E. Robyn. E. & C. ws — Robyn lithogrs. [St. Louis, 1853}. A Panoramic view of the city, with the Mississippi river in foreground; looking from the Illinois shore. Mounted and matted. MISSOURI VIEW 228. Sr. Louis Court Housz. Colored lithograph. Height, 1014 inches; width, 155 inches. oo Lithographed and published by J. C. Wild, at the Missouri mg ~— Republican Office [circa 1841]. Mounted and matted. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th MISSOURI VIEW 229. Sr. Louis rrom SoutH oF CHoutTeaus Lake, 1840. Colored lithograph. Height, 1014 inches; width, 1514 inches. isaac! Lithographed and published by J. C. Wild, at the Missouri ye Republican Office [circa 1841]. An early view of the city. Rare. Mounted and matted. MISSOURI VIEWS 230. Town or Lovistana.—New Maprin.—Hercunraneum. All colored lithographs. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. 2 ee H. Lewis, pinx. Lith. Inst. Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf, (circa Pte 1855). Matted. (3) NAUTICAL CHART NAUTICAL CHART 231. TaspuLta ANEMOGRAPHICA SEU Pyxis Nautica, vulgo Com- pass. Charte. Colored copperplate. Height, 1914 inches; width, 2214 inches. »? A Mattheo Seuttero [circa 1690]. A curious chart,—in ll centre, a circular dial (diameter, 1384 inches) containing a ft table in six different languages; surrounded by numerous heads of cherubs and others depicting the winds of the heavens, in each corner a representation of the fruits of the four quar- ters of the earth. Matted. NEW ENGLAND MAP NEW ENGLAND MAP 232. New Eneianp anp New York. Copperplate. Height, 15 inches; width, 20 inches. -J0 London: Sold by Tho. Basset and Richard Chiswell [1676]. ie ; From Speed’s “The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain.” Historical Sketch of New York and New England, printed on back. Apparently an enlarged map from that of De Laet’s of 1625. The Connecticut River is fairly indicated, but Lake Iro- quois is placed east of it. The Indian tribes are mostly lo- cated, and the whole of New Jersey and part of Maryland are shown. Rare. Matted. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th SSS a a A ise ea ada NEW YORK CITY MAPS NEW YORK CITY MAP 233. New York. Line-engraving, partly colored. Height, 12 a inches; width, 1434 inches. Published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge [London], 1840. Shows Manhattan, from the Battery to 42nd St., with engraved vignette insets,—View of Broadway from the Park, showing the Old Astor House and Trinity Church, and view of City Hall. Mounted and matted. NEW YORK CITY MAP 234. PLAN oF THE City or New York, in Nortu America, Sur- 5 oO i b rendered in the Years 1766 and 1767. Lithograph. Height, 89 inches; width, 35 inches. By B. Ratzer, Lieut. in His Majesty’s 60th or Royal Ameri- can Regiment. Published by J. H. Colton, New York, 1853. Certified copy of the original. Mounted on linen, with rollers. NEW YORK CITY MAP 255. TorocrarHicAL Map ofr THE Crry anp County or NEw Co yee York and the Adjacent Country. Line engraving. Height, 29 inches; width, 67 inches. Engraved and Printed by S. Stiles & Co. Pub. by J. W. Col- ton & Co., New York, 18838. With inset views, including,— the view from Visscher’s Map; Broadway from the Park, show- ing the old Astor House, and the American Museum; with en- graved border containing many vignette views of buildings. Mounted on linen, with rollers, shght tear in surface. NEW YORK CITY MAP 236. Map or New York Bay anv Harzor and the Environs. Cop- Lé oD perplate. Height, 24 inches; width, 34 inches. United States Coast Survey map. Published, 1845. With 2 inset views of Sandy Hook Light. Mounted on linen. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th NEW YORK CITY VIEWS NEW YORK CITY VIEW 237. Acrors Monument. Colored aquatint. Height, 12%4 inches; width, 1514 inches. D Painted by Smith; engraved by G. & C. Hunt. Published, _ 4% ~~ London, by J. Moore, 1833. The figures of Edmund Kean and ea Dr. Francis are depicted on the monument of Frederick Cooke in St. Paul’s churchyard. Rear of monument was restored by E. H. Sothern, the Elder, and later, by Edwin Booth. Ex- CEPTIONALLY CLEAR COPY. VERY RARE. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 238. Atone THE Docks. (ViEw 1n West STREET 1867). Wood- engraving. Height, 1314 inches; width, 21 inches. _ oY Drawn by Waud. Large plate displaying an every-day LZ — scene along the North River front from about Rector Street to Chambers Street. The shipping is particularly well shown. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 239. Anstcut Von New York (View From Union Hitt, N. J.). Line-engraving. Height, 3144 inches; width, 534 inches. SY ; = Bie es Curious German print. (1830). Engraver unknown. Prob- i ably a contemporaneous plate published in a foreign periodical. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 240. Batt, Buack & Co.’s EsTasBLisHMENT AT 565-567 Broapway Corner, Prince Street 1860. Wood-engraving. Height, so 91% inches; width, 14 inches. / ss Matted. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 241. Barnum’s Museum, SLEIGHING ON BroApway at Futon StreEET (1855). Colored lithograph. Height, 22 inches; od width, 30 inches. / ey From a drawing by D. Benecke. Early impression of a somewhat exaggerated view of the congestion on lower Broad- way, but one that has retained its popularity remarkably well. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th eres Wenmneee MaMa Moni Lee Se oem Ce NEW YORK CITY VIEW 242. Birps-EYE View From Brooxk.iyn. (1875). Tinted litho- . graph. Height, 814 inches; width, 19 inches. — V4) P- Oval. Matted close and framed in black. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 243. Birps-eyeE View, Inciupine Brooxtyn. Colored lithograph. Height, 1034 inches; width, 15 inches. 1 ek Taken about 1850. Good in color. Title on black border. 1 Trinity Church, just completed, is well-shown, as is likewise the New Merchants Exchange in Wall Street. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 244. Birps-eve View or New Yorx, 1840. Colored lithograph. Height, 1184 inches; width, 1514 inches. y go Lithographed in Furth by G: Lowensohn. Radically dif- Sea ferent from the usual birds-eye view, showing part of Gover- nor’s Island in the foreground and Brooklyn in the background. EXXTREMELY RARE. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 245. Birps-kyE View or New York. Tinted lithograph. Height, 934 inches; width, 14 inches. io Artist unknown. Printed in Tuttlingen, Germany, by E. L. /6 — Kling. Undated, but probably about 1848. Remarkable for the wonderful detail and minute correctness of the drawing. Excellent miniature views of Brooklyn and Jersey City are shown in addition. AN EXTREMELY INTERESTING ITEM OF EX- QUISITE WORKMANSHIP. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 246. Birps-rve View or New York. Colored lithograph. Height, 141% inches; width, 2214 inches. 4 $e. Published by Geo. Degen, 51 Chatham St., 1868. (14 Refer- [2 ences). Displays also Newark, Staten Island, The Narrows, Brooklyn, Long Island, Xe. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th NEW YORK CITY VIEW 247. Brrps-EvE View or New Yorx—“Des Aus WANDERERS SEHN- sucut.” Colored lithograph. Height, 914 inches; width, 1414 inches. : : About 1850. Verlag by Dr. Hesslein, Berlin. Very un- pe common view looking down from the Brooklyn Navy Yard to the Battery showing also part of the Jersey shore. Slight tear mended. Differs both in color and location from the usual run of these views. Rare. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 248. Birps-rvE View or New Yorx City. Colored lithograph. Height, 2284 inches; width, 3314 inches. ~ Drawn by J. Bachmann; lithographed by Weingarten; pub- “I= lished by J. Bachmann, New York, 1855. Arch top. An ex- / y? tremely rare view of the City and surrounding country, show- ing a flying-machine in action. Sap TO BE THE ONLY KNOWN COPY. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 249. Birps-EYE View or New York AND Brooxktyn, FROM GOVER- nors Istanp. Colored lithograph. Height, 2114 inches; width, 32 inches. Ai os Lithographed in colors and printed by J. Bachmann, N. Y., 1850. Nice copy showing the predominance of red brick in the architecture of the day. wy NEW YORK CITY VIEW 250. Brrps-EYE View or New York FroM Governor’s Isuanp 1850. Tinted lithograph. Height, 21 inches; width, 281 inches. To. Drawn by G. Matter; printed by I. Schaerem; published by / 7 J. H. Locher, New York, and J. N. Locher, Switzerland. Fine foreign view of the City. [Iy ExcELLENT CONDITION. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 251. Borner View or New York 1n 1852. Colored lithograph. Height, 10 inches; width, 141 inches. 1 et Engraved on stone by Bornet; lithographed by McLellan; / published by Frass & Hassis, New York, 1852. Adam. (18380). Extremely attractive view of a section of New York rarely met with and at that time (1830) a noted residential quarter. The square bounded by West Broadway, Franklin and Church Streets was the site of the tobacco fac- tory of P. Lorillard & Co., prior to their removal to Jersey Gity- NEW YORK CITY VIEW 304. Kossuru’s Reception 1x New York (December, 1851). Chromolithograph. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. yO Kiraly & Co. The procession passing St. Paul’s and the | | Beso Astor House, Broadway. Curious item of Old New York, published by the Ladies Home Journal in 1897. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 305. Lararce Hovsr, Broapway. Colored wood-engraving. Height, 8 inches; width, 914 inches. c Reception of the Boston Light Guard by the New York Guard at a hostelry famous in its day. Matted. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 306. Looxrne SoutTH From 42p Srreet (1825), TAKEN FROM THE Lartine Opservatory. Engraving. Height, 29 inches; yw? width, 46 inches. / 2 ere From a drawing by R. E. Smith. Engraved by Wellstood. Considered the best view of New York of the period showing the marvellous changes made in the neighborhood of 42d Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th [ No. 806—Continued | Street and Fifth Avenue to-day. The view down that thor- oughfare exhibits it as little more than a country road, with a few houses only in what is at present about the most im- portant section in New York. In contemporary gilt frame. VERY GOOD PRINT IN EVERY WAY. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 307. McComp’s House on tHe River Hartem near Kinocs Bringer. Colored lithograph. Height, 714 inches; width, 1034 inches. hig From a drawing by J. Milbert. Lithographed by Mlle. [6 _— Formentin, (1830). It was at McComb’s city residence, No. 39 Broadway, that General Washington lived while in New York in 1790 pending the building of the new Government House. This lithograph gives an excellent idea of the Har- lem River in the vicinity of Kings Bridge about ninety years ago and of the style of country home affected by the well-to-do New Yorker of the period. Matted close. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 308. McComs’s Mitis (First View). Colored lithograph. Drawn by J. Milbert.. Admirable view of the Harlem River /6 _—— as it appeared before the days of railroads and bridges. The present subway crosses the river at about this point. Matted close. | NEW YORK CITY VIEW 309. McComs’s Mitts (Seconp View). Colored lithograph. oor Drawn by J. Milbert. Lithographed by M’lle. Formentin f f ~ (1830). Companion view to preceding. Matted close. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 610. Martett’s New York CentTrat Park, DEDICATED TO THE Park Commissioners. Colored lithograph. Height, 2314 inches; width, 37 inches. Ah t7 ee ‘ ; ae — Printed by Martell. Drawn by D. Geissler and lithographed in colors by Henry C. Eno, New York, 1864. Includes, also, upper Fifth Avenue, now lined with the homes of multi-mil- Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th { No. 310—Continued | lionaires,—-west of 8th Avenue across the river to the Palisades, —the site of the present Plaza Hotel, &c. Mosr important VIEW OF CENTRAL PARK EVER MADE. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 311. Moonzicut Procession New York Fire Department. Col- ored wood-engraving. Height, 9 inches; width, 14 inches. J ce Celebration of the laying of the Atlantic Cable, Broadway Y opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, in the late *50s. Gives, also, a good idea of the importance and size of the Volunteer Fire Department in those days. Matted. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 312. Nev Jorcx Sive Nev Amsrerpam. Copperplate. Height, 27. inches; width, 1454 inches. Oo The Seutter Map. Date depicted, 1673. Date issued fo ~— [circa 1740]. Earliest known state; based upon the second edition of the Hugo Allardt Map, and without the copyright inscription. The Pennsylvania section based upon the second Danckers Map, without the name “Philadelphia.” Title of map,—‘Recens Edita totius Novi Belgu in America Septen- trionali . . . Matthaei Seutteri.”” The view, although the same as that on the “Restitutio” map, has the references in Latin. Full size of map, height, 1984 inches; width, 231 inches. The above view being in the lower right hand corner. Matted. 3 NEW YORK CITY VIEW 313. New Yorx. Copperplate. Height, 1144 inches; width, 2 3-16 inches. Be Amsterdam: Printed for I. Covens and C. Mortier [circa ”) 1750]. Inset on map _ entitled,—‘Carte Particuliére de Amérique Septentrionale.” A map of the British Empire in America, with the French, Spanish and Hollandish Settle- ments, by Henry Popple. Besides the above inset, the map contains inset views of the same size, of Quebec, the Falls of Niagara, and the City of Mexico, also, 17 other vignette inset maps. Partly colored. Size of map, height, 1914 inches; width, 19 inches. Matted and mounted. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th NEW YORK CITY VIEW 314. New York, 1850. Colored lithograph. Height, 11 inches; width, 1484 inches. Lithographed in Berlin by F. Lenz. ) a es WALL STREET (FROM Nassau to Broapway 1875). Colored photograph. Height, 1044 inches; width, 18 inches. Shows the telegraph poles still standing, and antedates the period of wonderful change since made in that part of New York’s financial district. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 382. jf J? ; ioe Watt Street. (From tHe Custom Hovset to Trinity Cuurcu). Colored wood-engraving. Height, 914 inches; width, 11 inches. From a photograph by Austin. (1866). Matted. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 383. Wau STREET FROM WILLIAM STREET, AND T'RIntITY CHURCH. Colored lithograph. Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches. Drawn from Nature by Aug. Kollner. Lithographed by Deroy and printed in France. Published by Goupil and Co., New York, 1850. This is another “Kollner” of the same series and numbered 47. It is the most impressive view of Wall Street as it looked ten years after the great fire which removed many old and rickety buildings. The improved style of architecture is an indication of the greatness Wall Street was afterwards to achieve. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 27th NEW YORK CITY VIEW 384. Watt Srreer (THE Panic or 1882). Wood-engraving. D Height, 9 inches; width, 1314 inches. fy 4 ea Drawn by Schell & Morgan. Matted. NEW YORK CITY VIEW 385. WituiAMsBpuRGH View FRoM New York Environs, East River. Navy Yarp, &c. Colored lithograph. Height, 2014 inches; width, 8214 inches. i] J From Nature by E. W. Foreman and E. Brown, Jr. New York, 1848. Foreground shows in detail the water front of Williamsburgh including the sites of the plants of the Amer- ican Sugar Co. and others in that vicinity. In the river are observed the steamers C. Vanderbilt and Bay State. On the New York shore are Roach’s shipyard and Seacor’s Iron Works. The ship-building industry which then flourished around New York at that period is well shown. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER Third Session, Numbers 386 to 564, inclusive FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 28th, AT 8.30 O’CLOCK NEW YORK STATE MAPS NEW YORK STATE MAP 386. Nova Anewia Seprentrrionatr AMERICZ implanta Anglo- rumque coloniis florentissima. Colored copperplate. Height 1914 inches; width, 23 inches. Norimberge: J. B. Homann [1759]. Important historical map, showing the vast extent of territory claimed by the Dutch, on which at a later date the Colony of New York jae founded its claim to a portion of the lands of Connecticut, Oe Massachusetts, and Vermont. The dividing line between the two Provinces, being to the east of the Connecticut river, and extending from the St. Lawrence to Narragansett Bay, with lakes Champlain and Irocois (Lake George) forming part of the same. New Jersey is divided into East and West, with a large lake to the north called “Sennecaas Lacus,” which is connected with the Hudson river. First State. Matted. NEW YORK STATE MAP 3864. Nova Anca SEPTENTRIONALI AmeERICAE. Colored copper- plate. Height, 1914, inches; width, 23 inches. ae, * Norimberge: J. B. Homann [1759]. Same as above, Sec- shel ond state, with line of “Privilegio” obliterated. Matted, mar- gins cut close. Third Session, Friday Evening, April 28th NEW YORK STATE VIEWS NEW YORK STATE VIEW 387. AtBany. (Crry Hatx). Colored lithograph. Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches. ry O Drawn from Nature by Aug. Kéllner; lithographed in colors oe are by Deroy; published by Goupil, Vibert & Co. N. Y. and Paris / 1848. No. 40 of Koéllner Series of American Views. NEW YORK STATE VIEW 388: ALBANY: GENERAL View. Colored lithograph. Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches. vf oe Drawn by Kollner. Lithographed in colors by Deroy. No. Gt 39 of the series. N. Y. 1848; Also, Two Copies printed from Nature by Kollner. (3) NEW YORK STATE VIEW . 389. Brooxiyn 1x 1816. Photo-lithograph. Height, 814 inches; xo width, 1434 inches. eS le French and Spanish claims, to the north of Hudson Bay, the land is laid down as “Nouveau Danemark.” This issue not listed by Phillips. Mounted and matted. Rare. Third Session, Friday Evening, April 28th NORTH AMERICAN MAP a? q 428. Norrn America, with the European Settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies. Copperplate. Height, 1434 inches; width, 181% inches. R. W. Searle delin et sculp. [London, 1744]. Mounted and matted. / NORTH AMERICAN MAP Vf Bh O C 429. Norru America. Colored copperplate. Height, 3714 inches; width, 2514, inches. By John Senex and John Maxwell, corrected from the Ob- servations communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris. [London], 1710. One of the earliest maps showing Salt Lake as a body of salt water ac- cording to the report of the savages. Matted. — NORTH AMERICAN MAP \* 430. Norra America, according to its Newest and most Exact Ob- servations. Colored copperplate. Height, 2234 inches; width, 38 inches. By Herman Moll, dedicated to John Lord Sommers. B. Lens delin.—G,. Vertue Sculp. [ London, circa 1715]. With 10 inset maps of the harbors of St. John, Boston, New York, Port Royal, Havana, etc., also view of the manner of curing fish. Matted. NORTH AMERICAN MAP 431. Norra America, according to its Newest and most Exact Ob- servations. Copperplate. Height, 2234 inches; width, 38 inches. By Herman Moll [London, circa 1715]. The same as pre- ceding, but uncolored except for the boundaries. Matted. Third Session, Friday Evening, April 28th NORTH AMERICAN MAP 432. AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALIS, Carte d’un tres grand Pays entre og -_— —~O le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. Copperplate, finely colored. Height, 17 inches; width, 2134 inches. Par Louis de Hennepin. J. V. Varen, del et fecit. Utrecht: chez C. Spechs, 1698. Important historical map, showing part of South America, the whole of Mexico, and the North Ameri- can continent, “Noveau Mexique” extending across the entire western part; California as an island, with a larger island to the north called “Terre de Jesso”’; Florida is east of the Mississippi; the English Colonies are placed along the coast, and the balance of the continent is “Nouvelle France,” with Labrador called “Nouvelle Bretagne,” in the north. An inset map connects the above mentioned “Terre de Jesso,” with a strait to Asia and Japan. BraAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, BRILLIANT- LY COLORED, oF HENNEPIN’s RARE MAP. This issue not cited by Phillips. Mounted and matted. NORTH AMERICAN MAP 433. Americm StveE Novi Orsis, Novat Descrierio. Woodcut. 2) Height, 1214 inches; width, 14% inches. Circa end of the 16th century, a later issue of the map pub- lished in Abraham Ortel’s “Theatrum orbis terrarum.” Ant- werpix, 1570. “Norumbega” appears near the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with “Francia,” to the south. In the southern part, below South America, a large continent called, “Meridies Terra del Fuego.” Mounted and matted, slight tear in old fold. NORTH AMERICAN MAP 434. A New Map or Nortu America, shewing its Principal Divi- sions, Chief Cities, Townes, Rivers, Mountains, &e. Cop- perplate, finely colored. Height, 1434 inches; width, 1914 inches. Delin. M. Burg sculp. Univ. Oxon. [London, 1722]. Dedi- cated to William Duke of Gloucester. California as an island discovered by Drake in 1577, and the entire continent, north of the 88th parallel, with the exception of the peninsular of Lab- rador, is laid down as English territory. FINe IMPRESSION. Rare. Mounted and matted. " Third Session, Friday Evening, April 28th OHIO VIEWS OHIO VIEW 435. Cincinnati 1x 1841. Colored lithograph. Height, 5 7716 inches; width, 9 3/8 inches. ay Klauprech & Menzel’s Lithy. Cincinnati [circa 1841]. An early view of the city, looking down from the heights, with the Ohio River in background. Mounted and matted. OHIO VIEW 436. Crycinnati. 1850. Colored lithograph. Height, 1614 inches; 4) width, 2314 inches. Bos Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., lith. Carlisle Building, S. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut Str. Cincinnati [circa 1851]. A view of the main street, with Liverpool & London Fire & Life Insurance Company Building in foreground; groups of people in street, etc. Rare. Mounted and matted, margins cut close. OHIO VIEW 437. Cincinnati, GENERAL View (1860). Colored lithograph. Height, 914 inches; width, 1514 inches. So ey Lithographed in colors by Wentzel. Nicely printed early view of the Queen City. INTERESTING AND RARE. OHIO VIEW 438. CLEVELAND. GENERAL VIEW FROM THE West, 1853. Colored lithograph. Height, 19 inches; width, 87 inches. AN be Drawn by J. W. Hill. Lithographed in colors by B. F. a Smith, Jr., N. Y. Important view by an artist whose work is distinguished because of the immense scale on which he drafted. VERY RARE. OHIO VIEW 439. CoLtumBus, THE Capirran oF Onto, Lithograph. Height, 12 ; inches ; width, 1814 inches. Thos. W. Richards, del. Lith. of Sarony & Co. New York [circa 1849]. An early view. Rare. Mounted and matted. Third Session, Friday Evening, April 28th OHIO VIEW 440. Home or Gen’i, James A. Garrieutp, Mrenror, O. Tinted lithograph. Height, 1114 inches; width, 1614 inches. ‘Bs Ch. Fausel, del. Pub. by C. F. Schmidt, Lith. Cleveland, O. ys [circa 1881]. Vignette portrait of Garfield, in oval at top. Mounted and matted. PANAMA VIEWS PANAMA VIEW 441. CHacres, Mar or Cuacres River, &c. Colored lithograph. Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches. 4 se Published by Stringer and Townsend, N. Y., 1850. A view of the Isthmus before the railroad was built. PANAMA VIEW 442, Panama (1690). Height, 8 inches; width, 1014 inches. oc? Probably the first view of Panama ever made. No. 98 of Xs Saal Peter Schenck’s “Views of the World.” Very scarce. PANAMA VIEW 443. Crry or Panama, N. C., rrom Cerro pE Los BuccANneEeErRos. Lithograph. Height, 1414 inches; width, 23 inches. From Nature by F. N. Otis. C. Parsons, lith. Printed by oe Endicott & Co., New York, 1858.