ay peicsers CHRISTIE and MANSON, CATALOGUE OF AN ASSEMBLAGE OF ttaltan and French 1 BESO RN BZ BEES" INCLUDING THE RESERVED PORTION OF THE COLLECTION OF ‘The late Mr. DEVILLE. Among which are the fine Group of HERCULES and OMPHALE, from the Borghese Palace; the MOSES of M. AncEto, from the Pitti Palace; the WRESTLERS ; LOUIS QUATORZE on HORSEBACK, &c. ALSO, SOME ANTIQUE CEMS, SET AS RINCS; A MAGNIFICENT CROSS, OF ORIENTAL ENAMEL; AN INLAID CABINET, &c.; AND A FEW COLD AND SILVER COINS: Which will be Sold hy Auction, by i ~ AT THEIR CREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, MAY the 27th, 1847, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. Pa May be viewed Two days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. CurisTIE and Manson’s Offices, 8, King Street, St. James’s Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE eee I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so, in dispute shall be immediately. put up, again and re-sold. II No person to advance less than 1s.—above Five Pounds, 5s.—and so. on in proportion. {II. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, ¢f required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots.so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and Errors of Description, at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk, within Two Days from the Sale; Messrs. CurisTIE and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the correct description or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement. of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed duriug the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. , VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made. good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. wise Seen On THURSDAY, MAY the 27th, 1847, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. ee ee BRONZES, RECENTLY RECEIVED FROM ITALY. 1 The Magdalen, after Canova 2 Dogs attacking stags—a pair, on yellow marble plinths 3 Ariosto’s inkstand 4 The Marli Horse—a pair, very small 5 A cavalier on horseback 6 The Magdalen, after Canova 7 Ariosto’s inkstand 8 A cavalier on horseback 9 A yellow marble tazza, on Verona marble plinth 10 A female satyr and bacchanlian child, after Clodion 11 A cavalier on horseback 12 A pair of groups, of three children each 13 A pair of infant satyrs, after Clodion 14 A child with an owl 15 A child with a dove—the companion 16 A pair of tazzas, after Cellini 17 A tazza, on stem, of elegant form, with birds on the handles, and surmounted by a figure 18 The companion 19 A pair of sarcophagi, of green marble 20 A group of three children, with a panther 21 A pair of sarcophagi, of green marble 22 The Farnese Hercules 23 An elegant tazza, on stand; and a dish with birds on the handles, and the cover surmounted by a figure 24 The companion 25 A pair of or-moulu candelabra, with branches for three lights each 26 A sarcophagus, of green marble 27 A very elegant ewer, in the taste of Cellini 28 A ditto 29 A pair of female figures, of bronze, bearing or-moulu branches for five lights each, on red marble plinths, with or-moulu mouldings 30 A crucifix, of tortoiseshell, the figures of or-moulu, on boule plinth 31 The Marcus Aurelius of the Capitol 32 The fighting gladiator 33 The Marli horses 34 A group of two greyhounds 35 The rape of Helen 36 Plato and Proserpine 37 A very elegant ewer, with heads in relief 38 A ditto 39 A faun, with a kid on his shoulders 40 The Marli horses 41 A female marble bust 42 A circular slab of Roman mosaic, with doves and roses in the centre, and an Etruscan border A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 43 A horse 44 The crouching Venus The following are the reserved portion of the Collection of the late Mr. DEVILLE. ANTIQUE BRONZES. SMALL FIGURES. 45 Apollo with a lyre—on plinth 46 A male and female figure, of very early work 47 Hercules—on plinth; and Fortune 48 Two small figures 49 One, on green marble plinth ITALIAN AND FRENCH BRONZES. 50 An anatomical figure 51 Christ bound, of fine cinque-cento work 52 Cupid sleeping—on yellow marble plinth 53 A child, emblematic of Winter—on yellow marble plinth 54 A pair of children, seated 55 A pair of small busts of Henri Quartre and Sully—on grey marble plinths 56 A small bust of the son of Napoleon—on wooden plinth 6 57 A lamp; 3 heads, of or-moulu reliefs ; and 2 busts of William IV. 58 A lamp on a bird’s claw, of classical form 59 A large cast from the medal of Clement XI.; 2 of George IV.; Canning ; Huskisson; Walter Scott; and Gall 60 THe WRESTLERS 6l THE MOSES OF M. AGNOLO—from the Pitti Palace 62 HERCULES CARRYING OFF OMPHALE—a magnificent group, procured by the Marquis de la Grange, from the Borghese Palace 63 LOUIS QUATORZE ON HORSFBACK—on boule plinth 64 MERCURY, AND FAME ON PEGASUS—on boule plinths, with or-moulu plinths 65 A figure of Franklin—on marble plinth RINGS, INTAGLIO. 66 Apollo with a lyre—almandine 67 Head of Diana—red cornelian 68 A female head—red cornelian 69 Mercury with the caduceus—rosso 70 Head of Janus—niccolo 71 A bird with a wreath in his mouth 72 A warrior with a spear and shield—matrix of emerald 73 Jupiter Olympius—red cornelian 74 Two children before a trophy—striated onyx 75 ARneas before a column—striated onyx; published in the “ Bullottino Acheologico of Rome, 1841,” page 131 76 A warrior with a shield—red cornelian 77 A female head—chalcedone 78 A female with an anchor—red cornelian , 79 Two figures supporting a globe—cornelian 7 80 A female holding a mask; and head of Minerva—white onyx 81 A mermaid—cornelian ; and a figure with a cornucopia—onyx 82 A male and female figure—onyx 83 A female head; and Perseus—cornelian 84 Cupid; and 2 figures—cornelian 85 A female—onyx; and a horse—cornelian 86 Cupid—niccolo 87 Two birds on a tazza; aud a head 88 A mask; and 2 casts 89 Symbolic figures 90 Diana; and a goat—cornelian 91 Two figures; and a lion, and a kid—cornelian 92 A head; and a female sacrificing—cornelian wm wnw bw Ww wo ww WH WwW Ww 93 A MAGNIFICENT CROSS, for a high altar—of enamel, of exquisite work, in Byzantine taste, 5 feet high 94 A cabinet of teak wood, the folding doors and fronts of the drawers inlaid with subjects of animals, in ivory and mother-o’-pearl—on a stand 95 A looking glass, in an ivory frame—engraved with sacred subjects, of ancient German work 96 A half column, of yellow scagliola 97 A pair of high stands, of black wood, spirally twisted 98 Achimney glass 99 A capital German rifle, by Ullrich, of Dresden 100 A Venetian chest—beautifully carved ENGLISH COINS, IN SILVER AND GOLD. SILVER COINS. 101 Henry VIII.: groat, half-groat, and 2 pennies, one of them the full face, (London); Edward VI. shilling and sixpence; a Philip and Mary groat and shillings, date 1554 and 1555 a. 102 Elizabeth: milled shilling, and sixpence, a hammered shilling, m.m. cross, crosslet ; James I.: crown, shilling, sixpence—Irish, and a rose twopence —some well preserved 7 103 Charles I.: crown, feathers, m.m.; 2 shillings, one of them Scotch; groats, of the Oxford and Aberystwith mints; a twopence, of ditto; and a pattern for a twopence— some well preserved 7 104 Oliver Cromwell crown and shilling—the former well preserved i 105 Commonwealth: crown, 1656; shilling, 1653; anda twopenee; a Newark shilling, 1645; and a New England shilling, 1652 9) 106 Pontefract siege: shilling, date 1648—/ine and rare 1 107 Charles II.: crown, 1679: shilling, 1663—well preserved ; and 9 maundy money, from the penny to the groat 11 108 James II. crown and shilling; William and Mary: crown, 2 half-crowns, 1 shilling, and sixpence, and 3 pennies 10 109 William ITI.: crown, half-crown, and shilling; Anne: crown, rey. rose and feathers, date 1713; shillings—various types 7 110 George I.: crown, South Sea company, date 1723; a shilling ditto; and 1 plain, 1720; George II., young-head crown, rose and feathers, date 1732; half-crown, same type, date 1736; shilling, all roses, 1741; and 8 pieces of maundy money 13 111 George II.: old-head crowns, all roses, 1743, and plain, 1751—rare ; half- crown, Lima, 1745; and 2 shillings—all well preserved 5 Mae nin PME GETTY CENTS: LIGRARY aa y 27 Lo sieht a ee and French bron HW ; = — rf ~ ” uw _ _ bd ¥ 4 + Oe et ' a 5 ¥ | ; h . = +r uc 3 - - 4 - iS ¢ « a . AS. J “ 4. 4 ; x oe ; J ¥ _ =e - eas Po ee 7 ' « _s : 9 = ar es —_ a A a ee i a i P fa eS : e t * —<_ a F a “ ~~ ~ 7 . hy a ~ * is - = ¥ : eS te AT a “ a oa” a Anaer : ae 3. Sell Pd ane a = = ee — - S : ° ‘ . ” ? cy en, Re