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Fal beaea? site t=) i Fight? pases saith arth niet hee } ie 88 aaa bes jeorhe jel ot peretHe pam fae jee 10 ee ee a od armhk te ‘ jal ciehereiee : eaeeryt) tarapasele pobosapeler eres fetetety + aoe *- aed tah teigte ie) : fee rrgietetats Tei ‘al SteS% rie ome Ber + ~ petebey ss « je ere tT wf i ate rier a ibini tel 3 rAd ba 93 ict a8 ang 9 a: i ; : nanga set petetet ane pret 4 e ies itt bi a ee ehotete gia 4 20M «i= aah Laced S5S4 piste ee < $e: E aie * one saps: ae wfelehe vtete sititt sister hehe 19 =f} sSty rae na ba oae aa : i rf eter te ieigien a r se shatete ae bea? lek shel base ppierers He! rp bed OSFSRa ash ary nee ag ase seeae rsh e ne : ° Peweagnegaraget : or sheers reba bababol ty i + hehe rs) ee anes nih iS face “it io pelwrage Sate ieitht 17 Tt ites cacti sie cea st ett eres 3 ete Fa} ont sitietet atch Hate : ie . : ber iat tet F “ae. rites peteterete pers roipiyoess oa ' aby ‘1 ‘3 i ~~ UaaeniTgrantataatats : dessa tas [a taeh ass argh f Seiriehr ist Eerie eiateretery Netetedss : gia} pes ret : ' ! se + bia “ + ” bs tit | peceage hh titi Ieleleleterp east delay tielaigletpletgtetety te esate ah jets) eTetties i ha apietevela hats ‘ Ielnieil ; ms teigh | itt baasaus zips iF } ra : iets #4 et ts ; ° 4 “ery err se aheh anata 8 tate i$} sts et 4 ; feted . a as teesete i * on? S55 ceesa tvs Ssesest sie ? ia i +e i at Se $ i Heer ia ietetee aelttehieist 4 ote i. > ih \ hah an tt tant i rite ty betete ig oa ie Hate > lehitieteh bri srt > yeh #3 siti bd TN af ah 7 3 i an jor iy ah Selelet t af Batiat se. tai tt Hi i 7 pase bite ritetelatehetete? . agate os ek ‘ oper fey fet ; ed sh nis ‘ Ht isbeeitiehs tease ph 13 it 4 t f AR rR AY leew nen Ry te AR SALES wha PULD BY is 2 as vou: Se iottMA 5 . “One Tandred a ‘ifty-six Works, Which I ings next at Chickering Hall, much to his reputation ‘as & collector, for though i "nearly twelve years ago, on March 12 and 13, 1880 ys | } i a 1 Dozen ‘More Than There Were in His First Sale Held at the Same Paes in. neve 1880. eT ate TL 4 & 4 Dy: ye i me ‘tecona eoiis of. paintings “by Mr. . | Abner Harper, placed on view yesterday } | | | ee the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, - prior to. Bale. Wednesday © even- will not add on. ‘Tuesday and there. are ry numbor of notable examples of more or less famous | men the general standard is Bot high and ‘there are two works, one signed Corot and the ‘other Ziem, which -it ‘would seem fatuous to Bup- They are ~ respéctively | No. ‘i, “View Down the River,” and Aoaee | pont the Corot. there is no pose either of those painters ever saw. No. 66, ( question. : Mr. Harper’s first collection, after exhibition at the y Leavitt Galleries, was sold at Chickering ’ Hall, when the 144 works brought $105,640. The present gathering of 156 paintings nararally reflects the change. of art taste of the times, is pos. sibly of more importance financially than the first one and will command wide popular attention. 2t is to Mr. Harper’s credit that he has not. aiways bought for names, for there are capital works by men unfamiliar to the picture buying public. It is also to be said in his honor | that there is again a strong if not very large rep- resentation of American artists, and that their sens are chosen with much taste and judgment. | THE 8IX CAZINs. Among the artists represented by several westh in ‘the present display Cazin and Lerolle stand ahead. ‘There are six Cazins and three Lerolles, “The chief works of the former are the superb largo view with the moon rising at sunset over “Sand | over “A Lonely { Dunes,”’ the medium sized “Glowing Sunset,” with its beautiful sky, the lovely “Lake in Flanders,”’ and scene with the purplish clouds of evening Road. The principal Lerolle is the large and poetic figure of a peasant girl knitting by a tree in the fields, while the others sre “The Full Moon” and | “Returning Home,’’ with its haystacks. Of Diaz there are five works, a capital sous bois ‘In the Forést,” a good ‘Pool in the Woods,” a “Nymph and Cupid” of the usual pattern, some excellent Flowers’ and ‘‘Forest of fontainbleau.”’ The Daubigny isa beautiful little example, with | cows and people by a riverside at twilight, and, there are three Duprés—“‘The Cabaret,’” and-the- miniscular ‘‘By the River’ and “Landscape and . Cattle.” Of the three Corots the bestis the tine- little ‘‘Landscape—Yhe Pool.’” The uthers are A Spring Morning,” fair, and the large “View of _ Paris,”’ good enough in effect, but almost abso- - lutely lacking in sk. and ground in the trues Corot © I aie The Rousseau is a brilliant little “Rae, ; RIBOT'S “GIRL READING.” To speak of the maguificent Kibot—a seated peasant girl Hong, ek ae a tribute to the owner’s.. taste, as itis to Thention Couture’s ‘‘Boy’s Head,” the two Maxs, ‘Child’s Head” and girl's - head; - for. “the exqilisiteyDulbone;” pisses Biller, The | Shr oly -Helsin | mont’s most ar istic “Qoast,Guard Station~ : ening” ay OT ) Girl, a the ‘Bcel gborg, Sweden,” by. ‘Wahlberg: vie ‘ little” Palmaroli, “On the Beach,’’ and 4. Morning, Setting Moon.’ CG. L. Miller's “At an Opera Ball, 1792,’" is, des spit its expressive and well lit face, almost "archaic, ‘and’ | in the handling of the setting eminently inartistio. | lean find little admiration other than from a lite-: rary ‘standpoint for George 13 Boughton’ 8 girl with — | the “FirstSpring Flowers’ and a pink ice..cream face. Of the seven Jacques the best to my mind is ‘Barnyard Friends,” though “Bringing Horses - Home” is spirited, and “Sheep—Moonlight’ is.a very good. example. Of.Troyon there is a little pastel, “Marine,” and a beauty—-“Lands¢ape and Cattle’’—while the large Vollon, “Landscape—On the Seine,”’ though interesting, is not at all char- . acteristic. The American landscape painters make a brave showing. There is a dramatic and thoroughly complete Inness, one.of the very best works of a painter’ worthy to rank with the Fontainbleau’ group, and a delightful and poetic McEntee, “A Hall Day.” Picknell’s “The Old Pump” is a capital example, all out of doors, and Van Bos-:. kerck’s “On the Housatonic—Pittsfield”’ is. simply beautiful—there is no other word it. The little Davis, “A November : Day,’’ | is charming, and Twachtman’s “Landscape” is as artistic as anything in the collection, bar none. Abbey’s “Autumn” is one of his best water colors, and Chase, by ‘‘On the. Sound,” Murphy, Blake- | lock and Hasbrouck are well repréesentad, | toro, | “The Old House,’’lovely. | Mauves, | Zitter Player, | first sale. CRARY QUILT MONTICELLIS. Monticellis, though some of them are of inter- est, of the coarse quality of the four, large and small, owned by Mr. Harper, are depressing with all their mad medley of\.crazy quilt color, and the two Ziems are very poor examples. Now fora brilliant little group of modern Duro- pean landscapes, Hanoteau, a large and fine Dutch marsh scene by Jettel, a little masterpiece by Harpignies, as brill- iant asif in a'‘Claude Lorraine glass; Peyrol Bon- | heur’s ‘A Pasture,’’ Chintreuil’s little example, a V. Dupré, a Lambinet, a Mesgrigny and two Pelouses— De Graves’ capital group of children, three Charles »Meissonier’s “Man: Reading,” Zamacoi’ slittle negro and suit of armor, Zimmer- man’s excellent ‘Filling ‘His Pipe,” two Michels, one a rock study very unusual; Kaufman’s, ‘‘The ” and Von Blaas’ “First Lesson in Knitting’. should not be forgotten. There are also, among others, examples of L. Dill—a fine ‘‘Marine,’’ De Thoren, Berne-Bellecour, Rico, San- Baugnies, Echena, G, Alvarez, Pokitinow, Vibert, Piot, Domingo, Van Marcke and. Dieterle Van Marckoe, Shreyer, Morot, Jacquet, Defregger, Clay and A. Bonheur. 8. P. Avery assisted in the management of the 8. P. Avery, Jr., performs a ee shed! tor the present one. OPENING OF THR SALE OP JA HARPER'S PAINTINGS, 1.4 Yad h- 19-98 oan Works by Foreign and American Artists Fetch $34,420 | at Chickering Hall. _Corot's “A Spring Morning” Fetches There is a little beauty by PRICES RULE ONLY FAIR. eh $3,700 and the “View Down. the. | | - River,’ No. 71, but $450. eae emcees ope rent Before an audience of good size in Chickering | Hall last evening the first half of the second col- lection of paintings made by Mr. J. Abner Harper ' | was sold, the seventy-eight works totohing $34,420, which cannot be called a very satisfactory result, On the opening night of the first of Mr. Harper’ 8) | pales in 1880, the seventy-two works fetched $49,640, a reselling of one on the séoond night reduoing the ester, for Corot’s sale the highest prico at the openi ' the $2,700 given by Mr. Hawk tor ae isputed Game.” ee ABOUT xo. 71. At the opening last night, alluding to the state: ments made in the Herap, Auctioneer Somerville said that a doubt having been cast on the Corot No, 71, Mr. Harper wished to say that he stil] believed it to bea genuine work; that he bought it in 1882 from Mr. Kohn } who had it from M. Beugniet,« Paris dealer, and that it would be sold for what it was. These state- ments about the work were again made when it was offered for sale, and some little of the history | of the Corots offered, No. 62 and No. 77, was also given, No. 71 brought but $450. Mr. Kimball was the heaviest purchaser of the evening. securing in all nine works. The princi- a! of those, in addition to that mentioned, were an Marcie’s “Cattle,” at $2,200; Diaz’ “Forest of Fontainbleau,” at $i, 373, and Daubigny’ 5 ‘“‘Land- scape,” at $900. Mr. .J. N. Slater, of Providence, spent $1,000 for Mauvo’s ‘Return of the Flock,’ and Mr, A S. Barber the same amount for Billet’s “A Shrimp Girl.” Mr. Frederick D. Layton, of Milwaukes, gave $825 for Muller's “At an Opera Ball, 1792, * $700 tor Cazin’s lovely little “Lake in Flanders” and $6U0 for his ‘‘A Lonely Road,’’ The first decided interest was shown when Van > Boskerck’s masterly “On the Housatonic’ was put up and amid some enthusiasm was sold for $650. Schaus & Co. bought it, on an order probably, and McEntee’s poetic “A Fall Day,” which followed, brought the same amount from Mr. A. A. Haus- mann. PICTURES, PURCHASERS AND PRICES. The following is a list of the works sold last night, with the names of many of the buyers and the prices obtained. 1—Hasbrouck, “Landscape”’......se0- ola rcieate palpated ae 2—Blakelock, “Indian Encampment”.. caleieele-e sisa; 70 3—Chase (W. M.), “Behind the Castle” ....c.see+0,, SD 4—-Plassan, ‘“Landscape”.........- eheaepoectecesecce 50. | 5—Monticelli, “An Equestrienne” gdesaleoeeuiesescoese 45 6—Point,: ‘A ZOURVE orcs cake nicon dane sales sie Sbleteiatarae 90 | 7—Miohel., ° SLasaveene WSS UR Eeae ney sca 80 8—Huarburger, “The oliticians ; fy KF. ‘Jacobi. Pare aa 6 f) 9—Pasini, “Landscape” Seip cleiGWwla lave Wialave/iversto & lst iis meee 45 10—Menzler, ‘Girl's Head. i. oc ccc esse csssa cece ceses 79 li—sSmith (HL, P.), “Whitby, England” (water color) 205 12—Krusemark, "Revory’’...cccccsesesverssceces 130 13—Mesgrigny, ‘On the Seine;?” ‘Schaus & Bae raisins 24 34—Weber (i’h.), “Fishing Boats—Trouville”...... 150 15—Jazet, “A Dragoon;” J. N. Minter fects keccwere 130 16—Davie, “A Nevember Day’’.......sececcsenee See tede LAD 17—Berchere, “In the Desert; oA Flee Barber,....... 310 | 18—Santoro, “Venice; A. L. Barber........---.0s00 170 | 19—Mauve, * ‘The Water Mill;” Frederick D. mpc hiin 500 © 20—Dill, “Maring;”.......eeceaeseeree teeeete evsosve «220, 21—Lang g, CH.) “Frightened Horses”.. Leo ecema cee as 22—Ploll, “At the Inn”,.......0.:. ie ghislete veces RARE revit 0» 23—Spring, “Peasant PITT Es Sosa estoy 2 tses ee arte i 24—Grison, *‘Reconnoitering;” W. S. Kimball..... » 380 | 25—kEnder, *Mother and Child;”’ F. dgeobt. ew .sssss: 135 26—Grolleron, ° ‘Inside the Ramparts”... Races eee eer ON | 27—Ziem, “On the Corniche Road;” A, L. "Barber. .. 450 28—Zimmoerman, “Filling His Pipe:’’ R. 8, Karnes. 110 20—Dupré (V, Ds “Landscape,” A. A. Hausemann,... 125 Fumes atk Sal Ny ‘Hungarian Peasant on Horseback;’ W. - Kimbal SATE APS be SRE Maina ah Gera wale ebiele 400 81--Berchér, “Near Uairo”.. Sites vedeeeeuit cede 32—De Thoren, ° ‘Farm Horses:’ ; 7 ee “Slater Vege eats . 3860. 83—Cederstrom, “Tuning Chie Violine ss Cece ea aeriaree 340 84—Ramires, * “Venice” Meth cn i Sielal sae Braderninlere piece lyialate ria 175 35—Gide, “Watering Flowers;” A. L. Barber....... 350 36—De Grave. "In Penitence;” John W, Aitkin,. 350 37—Dalbono, “Evening Fete—Bay of Neples” Vaan ae 220 38—Pelouse, “The Old House;” Schaus & Co,....,,. 670 39—Jacques, “After the Storm oh oe Delmonico..... 310 40—Monticelli, “Music” Waesaue Distaistalad wlowly scopic eine mibiehs Vere 41—Harpignies, ° "Landseape”. SEP Pare Ae PRE tea phe r 145 42—Van Boskerck, ‘‘On the Housatonic—Pitts- Yidid<” ScpaweW Cosi scsnlst tacts we veces seve 1000 43—Me ls ntee. A Fall Day;” ie A. Hau semann,.... 550 44—Jacque, *'Girl’s Hoad’’,....... ccc ctecseccecccces 550 sous abe ‘Landscape and Cattle:” 8. P, Avery, Uarsice alvididie slg aiclteierak a ens omleloaeue alee R ee Meets 250 ‘Sapa bale Bellecour, “In Algiers—French Expedi- . RBs Crane a a bia eer hetee cas Gan em ee euiua Pahreee re 30 47—Coederstron, “a Trnumpeter’’.. eaelele 280 48—Griitzner, “Sampling the Vintage;”. w. ‘s, Kim- MURS Rai tawasd suede t Va evadnheeecad sa sae ener Siogele, ipa 49-—Couture, ‘ ‘Bov’s Head: >? Schaus & Co.......... 510 50—Jettel, “Marshes in Holland; »’ Knoedler & Co. ve SOU 51—Michel, SPNe Hill: Ropes sci steahatienesedeban 400 5 Lerolle, “Returning Home;” John W. Aitkin. 725 53—Jacque, “The Coming Storm;” John W. Aitkin 320 54—Demont-Breton, ‘‘Baby’s Dinner” PUT einbie pelea’ 330 55—Michetti, ‘Little Marauders; S. P. Avery, Jr. 215 56—Ziem, “Venice; »” Frederick D, Layton........ 800 57—Cazin, “A Lonely Road;” Frederick D. Layton.. 600 58&—Max, “Child's Head”., Lrinnase ba ninehae ne hie paises 220 59—Kaufman (H.), “The Zither Players". Risto BS wen - 390 60—Bonheur (J. Pos “A Pastoral” §1—Monticelli, “Garden 8S ene”.........cccccececeece 500 62—Corot, aoe se Pool,” W.8. Kimball. 975 Ss. P. ae st tee eetae weveee Se 76—Diaz. * 77-—-Corot, bye Spring \ 738—Van Marcke, “Cat 1 ABNER HARPER'S — PICTURES: ALL iN ee eee! Results Not Brilliant on ho bers Fetch $41,295—Von Blas’ Lesson in Knitting” Brings $2,900. Before an audience of fair size and not inclined to we bidding the sale of. fetching the rather low total of $41,295 makes the grand total of the sale for 156 ° but $75,715, The total of Mr. Harper's first In 1880 was for 144 works $106, 640. Sea ea Bcape and Sheep,” between Mr. J. Ww. Mitehell, Milwaukee, and Mr. Frederick Bonner, Mr. J. Slater carried it off on a single bia for $2,100. Troyon’s “Landscape and Cattle’ went Reichard & Co. at $1,950, and Diaz’s in the Woods,’”” at $1,700, to & By AY” ery, Jr. who paid $100 more for nee ie large ‘‘View of Paris.” Cazin’s beautiful “Sand 4 Dunes” went for $1,325 to Mr. Tyner, and Lerolle’s 4 ‘Peasant Knitting’ brought but $1,200 from - Boussod, Valadon & Co. ; There was a vigorous competition over Intesat: masterly ‘‘In the White Mountains,” of which Auc- — tioneer Somerville rather oleverly said. that it was. an American picture that spoke French and every other language. It brought $1,275 from Mr. W. H. - Fuller. aig PICTURES, BUYERS AND PRICES. i'The following list gives the works sold in their | order, the names of many of the buyers and the prices obtained :— ; 79—Ribera (R.), “Head of a Cavalier;’”? William — Demuth: isi ox dvsah haba asue tewe sae deed wei p ek eS 80-—-Michetti. “stealing Legs ...c.cccsssscscrecsens 40) 81—Siky, "Pisherwomen”. ..............ceecereee 80 82—Hellquist, “Deep in Thought. ree ve Mulroy... Perr 80 83—Johnson (D.), “*CAnde Capo”. scccossioaseees yea vee taken 84—Hébert, * ‘Italian Beggar” aeeee eeeeene seoeeesece~ We 85—Schmeichen, “Girl’s Head”’.,........--csecreeee 140 | 86—Murphy, “After the Rain;” &. W. AmMeS...ceeee 235 87—Chase (W. M,), “On the Sounds Schaus & Co, 240 88—Twachtman, “Landscape;” J. E. Cowdin...... 120) S9—Tryoh, “Marine” ........yececcscesteceenbes seseee 170 | 90—Harburger. “The Empty Jags? Ke iscobi erate bs | _ 91—Chrintrenil.a*Landscape;” E. W. Ames.. 3704 92—Santoro, **Day; break—Venice,”..... a 270 | 94—Michel. ‘“Landscape—Rocky Hiiv’.. Pe act! | ; 94—Ajdukiewicz. “A Polish Hunter”........ dwacaetl pee 95—Lambinet, ' anh Eeedertol Bonner. . <3 Sea 96—Berchera, “On the Nil tti Kimball. . oL bd AA ole a eieiebpe and eles vesiae vie eed ace Ikea ead a * » hi ; 7 aS A RO” He > CATALOGUE Paintings in Oil and Water Colors, OF THE PRIVATE COLLECTION Mr. J. ABNER HARPER. Can HunpDRED AND Firty-srx Parntines BY see, Hunprep AND SEVEN ARTISTS OF VaRIOUS SCHOOLS, FOREIGN AND AMERICAN. ONVPREE EAHIBITION FROM FEBRUARY 16TH to FEBRUARY 24Th, AT THE Sifth Avenue Art Gallertes, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR 34TH STREET, AND WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION Sn Chickering Hall, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, FEBRUARY 23 AND 24, 1892, AT 8 O'CLOCK. NO RESERVED SEATS. PORT GIES & CO., ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Managers. Auctioneer. MR. SAM. P, AVERY, JR., WILL ASSIST IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SALE. SEE NOTICE ON PAGE 3. ier be instructions - Sia Para New York, January 18, 1892. i Gentlemen wane concluded to sell my Fou are at liberty fo give every assurance that the pic- es ‘will be i absolutel he to the highest bidder. No one | (Signed) oe ¥. ABNER HARPER. | All of the New York Art Dealers will be glad to give any ; _ information about the pictures, or attend to orders to pur- iF “chase at this sale. | Catalogues sent on application to ORTGIES & CO., 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. NAMES OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED J. Abner Harper Collection. SEE NOTICE ON PAGE 3. Ajdukiewicz. 94 Alvarez. 108 Abbey. 145 Blakelock. 2 Berchére. 17, 31, 96 Berne-Bellecour. 46 Bonheur, P. Billet. 70 Baugnies. 102 Boughton. 128 Bonheur, A. 146 Chase. 3, 87 Cederstrém. 33, 47, I10, 124 Couture. 49 Cazin. 147, 156 Corot. Chintreuil. 91 Clays. 142. Davis. 16 Dill. 20 Dupré, V. 29. De Thoren. 32, 117 De Grave. 36 Dalbono. 37 Dupré, J. 45,125, 143 Demont-Breton. 54 Diaz. 68, 76, 144, 150, 153 Daubigny. 73 Dieterle-VanMarcke. 116 Domingo. I19 De Neuville. 122 Demont. 127 Defregger. 139 Ender. 25° Echena. 107 Grison. 24, 103, 132 57> 74; 134, 141, 62, 71, 77, 155 Grolleron. 26 Gide. 35 Grtitzner. 48 Hasbrouck. 1 Harburger. 8, 90 Harpignies. 41 Hellquist. 82 Hébert. 84 Honrath. 99 Hanoteau. 104 Inness. 137 Jazet. 15 Jacque. 115, 129, 138 Jacquet. 44, 131 Jettel. 50 Johnson, D. 83 Krusemark. 12 Kaufman. 59 Lang, H. 21 Lerolle. 52, 69, 148 Lambinet, 95 Leloir, M. 101% Monticelli. 5, 40, 61, 136 Michel. 7, 51, 93 Menzler. 10 Mesgrigny. 13 Mauve. Ig, 66, 140 McEntee. 43 Michetti. 55, 80 Max. 58, 120 Muller. 75 Murphy. 86 Munthe. 126 Morot. 130 Meissonier, C. 133 39, 53, 63, 72, Novak. 64, 135 Plassan. 4 Point. 6 Pasini. 9 Ploll. 22 Pelouse. 38, 100 Pittara. 98 Palmaroli. 105 Pokitonow. 109 Piot. 112 Picknell. 114 Perrault. 118 Ramires. 34 Rico. 65 Ribera. 79 Roubaud. 97 Ribot. 149 Rousseau. I51 Smith. I! Santoro. 18, 92 Spring. 23 Schreyer. 30, 123 Siky. 81 Schmeichen, 85 Twachtman. 88 Troyon. 89, 152 Van Boskerck. 42 Vollon. 67 Van Marcke. 78 Vibert. III Von Blaas. 154 Weber, Th. 14 Wahlberg. 106 Ziem. 27, 56, 113 Zimmermann. 28 Zamacois. 121 Conditions of Sale. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. z. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money ?/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the re- mainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the © sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above Conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is without prejudice tothe right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AvucrionErr, By Orterres & Co. Catalogue FIRST EVENING’S SALE, Cuesday, February 230. See notice on page 3. The first figure, of the size given, indicates the width of the picture. I HASBROUCK (D. F.), . New York. Landscape. 1176 x 9)4. ' BLAKELOCK (R,), : . New York. Indian Encampment. 111g x 8. CHASE (Wm. M.), : . New York. Pupil of Piloty. Medal, Boston, 1880. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1882. Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate, National Academy of Design. Member of American Water-Color Society. Medal, Munich, 1883. Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Behind the Castle. 9g x 614. PLASSAN (A. FE), Medals, 1852, ’57, ’59. Medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876. Legion of Honor, 1859. Landscape. 734 x96. 5 MONTICELLI (Adolphe), dec’d . Pupil of Aubert. Born, 1824. Died, 1886. An Equestrienne. 4g x 10l4. Paris. Paris | Paris. a Pupil of Leduc. Born, 1763. Died, 1843. | _ andscape—Windmill. nie 9x7. eae o 1a! , 3. 3URGER. (E), ee Munich, Pupil of Tesuniie |The Politicians. TE x5. ; wy, b ee yi 2 1 Ade * PASINI (A), .. Pupil of Ciceri. Medals, 1859, 63, 64. Legion of Honor, 1868. Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Landscape. 84g x 614. MENZLER (W.) : : : . Munich. Girl's Head: 334 x 54. SMILED CHR) ee . 4.) New sioae Member of American Water-Color Society. Whitby, England. ox 11. Water Color. Pupil of Jules Worms. Ine. - On the fs Pie a 22: Zz wa ‘ “(Theo.),, é 415 hing Boats—Trouville. ” 9 x 12. il I5, JAZET (P) oo Ae Pupil of Barrias. A Dragoon. mx. 10; 16 DAVIS (C. H,), Pupil of Boulanger. Medals, New York, 1886, ’87. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1887. Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Palmer Prize, Chicago, 1890. Gold Medal, Boston, 1890. A November Day. 18 x 12. 17 BERCHERE (N,), dec’d Pupil of Rémond. Medals, 1859, ’61, 64, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1870. Born, 1822. Died, 1891. In the Desert. 12}: 16, Paris. . N ables . if 0 a é Munich. “OD w 4 y . 4 ‘ ’ 3 ne Pupil of Van Os. ; _ Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Antwerp, Amsterdam and Vienna. ht of the Order of Leopold. ; Munich, JZ od Marine, 17\¢ x 22. / Sales LANG (H.), dec'd : ea . Munich, Frightened Horses. 1olg x 8. “S» & & | DUPRE (Victor), dec'd Pupil of J. Dupré. Medal, 1849. Born, . Died, 1880, Landscape. 15% x Io. el Institute, elle 1864, °65, °67. oe Duke of Mecklenburg. fe fed al at ee 1873. _ Medal at Munich, 1876. Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. ian Peasant on Horseback. ; 6, x 844, rd yt ; q 2 1 ts | :s od re | | : JERE (N,), dec’d Pipes: on Paris, Pupil of Rémond. ~ Medals, 1859, 61, ’64, ’78. . Legion of Honor, 1870. Born, 1822. Died, 1891. Near Cairo. tolg x 13}. 32 De THOREN (Otto), dec’d . SRastes Medals, Paris, 1865; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1852. Chevalier of the Order Francis Joseph. Russian Order of Vladimir. Member of the Vienna and St. Petersburg Academies. Born, 1828. Died, 1889. Farm Horses. 17 x 21. 33 CEDERSTROM (Theo.), . . . Munich. Pupil of Baur. Medal, London, 1879. Tuning the Violin. 616 x 9. RAMIRES (A), . Venice. 1olg x 1714. Paris. Paris. itence. ° of Nap Bay 2a xi. ¢ i ete 19 in i 38 PELOUSE (L. G.), dec’d Medals, 1873, ’76, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Born, . Died, 1891. The Old House. 2¥ x 15. 39 JACQUE (Charles), Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. After the Storm. 144g x7. 40 MONTICELLI (Adolphe), dec’d Pupil of Aubert. Born, 1824. Died, 1886. Music. 171g x 1436. ae om : e . . Paris. 1866, °68, ’69, 78. oe Honor, Tet: i z RCK (R. W.), . New York. “ae 30 x 20. BE (J), decd . . . New York. ‘: Pupil of Church. "Member of the National Academy of Design. : Born, 1828. Died, 1890. A Fall Day. 19! x 2314. 21 44 JACQUET (Gli ee Pupil of Bouguereau. 3 | epg Medals,'1868;-175,.78:0 5 2c. tae Legion of Honor, aha “RAS Girl’ Ss Head. 10: xX 12. 45 Medals, 1833, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. . oie Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870, ‘ eo Bess Born, 1811. Died, 1889. Bg on Landscape and Cattle. 5x4. Risa e%! oe : 40) -BERNE- BELLECOUR (ay Pupil of Picot. _ Medals, 1869, ’72, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. in Algiers—French Expeditior 13 x10,” > Cond ai co ae 47 CEDERSTROM (Theo), . . Munich. A, is Pupil of Baur. oa * Medal, London, 1879. A Trumpeter. 5 x 10). 48 MerEaNeR (2) |. .. ». Munich. Pupil of Piloty. pe | Professor at Munich Academy. 4 Gold Medal, Berlin, 1872. ‘a: Honorary Member Munich Academy. Mss semvine the Vintage. 10olg x 14)¢. 49 COUTURE (Thomas), dec’d Pupil of Gros. Medals, 1844, ’47, 755. Legion of Honor, 1848. Born, 1815. Died, 1879. Boy's Head. 1116x 14. Uabhaper sue) Pupil of Zimmermann, Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1889. Marshes in Holland. 326 x 21. 51 MICHEL (Georges), dec’d Pupil of Leduc. Born, 1763. Died, 1843. The Hill Road. 191g x 161, 52 LEROLLE (H,), Pupil of Lamothe. Medals, 1879, ’80, ’89. ,» Legion,ef Honor, 1889. ve wr "Rete ‘te ome. Ane * ap 25x 318 i visti: acd a © ie eo , g Storm. ‘15 PEO: fc 53 -omin 4 he . & i - —~ bye = ye ; —* ¥ - Paris. T-BRETON (V.), . upil of Jules Breton. P ”, als, 1881, ’83. , Universal Exhibition, 1889. 1 a | Baby’s Dinner. | 13 x 1516. 55 1S Pupil of Dalbono. Little Marauders. 1334 x I0. 56 ZIEM (Felix), . ; Paris. Pupil of Dijon Art School. Medals, 1851, 752, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, -1878. Venice. 11¥g x 15. 37 CAZIN: Gy C)n 5 ee Pupil of Boisbaudran. oat ena Vd Medal, 1880. ww Legion of Honor, 1882. art Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889. «i A Lonely Road. 17 x 14. 58 MAX (Gabriel); oie, Munich. Pupil of Piloty. Medals, Vienna, 1873; Berlin, 1874; Munich, 1876. Professor in the Royal Academy, Munich. Honorary Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna and Amsterdam. Child’s Head. 8 x 10. ‘ : . Munich. ce Pupil of Becker, a o 2 (J. Peyral), feed : fea DAIS: Pupil of R. Bonheur. _ Medals, 1855, ’61, ’63. dal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Born, 1830. Died, 1891. as Pastoral. 2416 x 154. 6x ICELLI (Adolphe), decd. Paris. Pupil of Aubert. z Born, 1824. Died, 1886. Garden Scene. 22 x 36. 27 / ee COROT (J. B.C), dec’d Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, 755,67. _ , Legion. of Honor, 1846. - Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. Landscape—The Pool... . scr bbb 6 + ARs a 63 JACQUE (Charles), Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. me Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. ote ; Sheep. 9g x 6. 64 NOVAK (E)), Convent Gossip. 2216 x 16, es Medal, 1878, ’ of Honor, 1878. versal Exhibition, 1889. rice. (Anton), oa aes Pupil of Van Os. - Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. ; at Antwerp, Amsterdam and Vienna. Knight of the Order of Leopold. _ Born, 1838. Died, 1888. ( Retu a of ts lock. “16 x 20. ? 67 COSTCTN i ee -¢ Pupil of Ribot. Medals, 1865, ’68, ’69, ’78. _ Legion of Honor, 1870. - Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. _ Seine. 7 - ' Pah) 2 ry ~ Tes Paris. Munich. Paris. DIAZ (NO décdsa: Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. F lowers. II x 15. 69 LEROLLE{H),> Pupil of Lamothe. Medals, 1879, ’80, ’89.:°* Legion of Honor, 1889. Pid RE e's ine Full Moon. PARR 18 Les, Ee 70 BILLET,,(P.), Pupil of Breton. 4 Medals, 1873, ’74. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. A Shrimp Girl. 26 x 34. meer ALIS: of V. Bain: nS ba "55, eer of (Charles), Paris. Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. “Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. ‘Bringing Horses Home. 21 4.25 56« dance TST GT SEL aa TEA 73 -DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1848, ’53, 55, ’57, 59, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1859. , Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1817. Died, 1878. Landscape. oe pat 18 xg. 74 CAZIN (JC), am Pupil of Boisbaudran. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889. A Lake .in Flanders. barn BAe! | Ae Lem Ys 1216 | I ilversa Un > 1792. a Ball Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. to the memory of deceased artists SS ae : Exhibition, 1878. aa Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Forest of Fonta bleau. Ine 1244 x9. 383 17 COROT: (J:.B.'@),.deed 3 : . Pars: Pupil of V. Bertin. So Medals, 1838, 748, ’55, ’67. ¥ Legion of Honor, 1846. ia Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867, v “ak to the memory of deceased artists, Universal \ vt A, Exhibition, 1878. Be oa: ie Born, 1796. Died, 1875. qa ; ~ A Spring Morning. 15 x 22. 78 van MARCKE (E), decd. . . Paris. . . Pupil of Troyon. N\ q Medals, 1867, 69, ’70, 78. 4% ; Legion of Honor, 1872. = 4 > Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878. | ni Born, 1827. Died, 1891. : Cattle. 174g x 1244. Paris. 1er. cture. sre 80 336 x O16. 35 gue D EVENING’S SALE, Pupil of Dalbono. - Stealing Eggs. width Catalo, 79 sot Whe gar os OK EIDE RSE ARR TEE Steet tie ea an SIKY (A.), eee Fisher-women. 9x 12. 82 HELLQUIST (CG), ae - Pupil of Stockholm Academy. Honorable Mention, 1883. Deep in Thought. 5% x7. 83 JOHNSON (David), . New York. Member of the National Academy of Design. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Landscape. 77% X 5. 84 MEBERT (A)... : Pupil of Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1839. Medals, 1851, ’55, 67. Legion of Honor, 1853. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Member of the Institute of France, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Grand Prize, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Italian Beggar. 634 x9. 85 ; Marien: SCHMEICHEN (H.),_ . Girl's Head. 4x5. 86 MURPHY (J. Francis), . ; . New York. Associate National Academy. Member of the Society of American Artists. Member of American Water-Color Society. Hallgarten Prize, 1885. Webb Prize, 1887. After the Rain. 10 x 8. a, 87 CHASE (Wn. M.), : . New York. Pupil of Piloty. Medal, Boston, 1880. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1882. Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate, National Academy of Design. Member of American Water-Color Society. Medal, Munich, 1883. | Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. On the Sound. 28 x 16. 88 TWACHTMAN (John H.),. . New York. Pupil of Loeffiz. Member of the Society of American Artists. Webb Prize, 1888. . eyo Landscape. 18 x 13. 89 TROYON (C.), decd . Pupil of Rivereux. Medals, 1838, ’40, ’48, 55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1810. Died, 1865. Marine. 13 x gig. Pastel Drawing. go HARBURGER (E.), . . Munich. Pupil of Lindenschmidt. The. Empty Jug. 3/ epee: Jug , Se aan, 6x 8 or CHINTREUIL (A.), dec’d Pupil of Corot. Medals, 1886, ’87. - Legion of Honor, 1870. Born, 1814. Died, 1870. Landscape. 121g x 814. . SANTORO (R,), . \ : Pupil of Fortuny. NS cad Daybreak—Venice.. om wr 14 x 814. 93 MICHEL (Georges), dec’d Pupil of Leduc. Born, 1763. Died, 1843. 18 x 13. yet e ¢ WLandscape—Rocky Hills. . “eo ca 94 AJDUKIEWICZ (Z.),. | | | aa A. Polish Hunter. 746 x 12. 95 LAMBINET (E.), dec’d Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1843, ’53, ’57. Legion of Honor, 1867. Born, 1810. Died, 1878. Landscape. 1516 x 10. 96 BERCHERE (N), dec’d Pupil of Rémond. Medals, 1859, ’61, ’64, 778. Legion of Honor, 1870. Born, 1822. Died, 1891. Phe Nile: 121g x 16. ROUBAUD (F,), Munich. Arab Horses at a Fountain. 1314 x 10. 98 PITTARA (C), Landenees ee IO x 1314. Qawek- HONRATH (1), y, OBS) Man Ploughing. @- oe | 11g x 174. I0o PELOUSE (LG) deed k Medals, 1873, ’76, ’78. web sO Legion of Honor, 1878. gf. ‘Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Born, . Died, 1891. On the Oise. 16 x 9. Munich. -- le ae re Tee NS ae e ee bP” 6a gi ae tea - ee pre gf AO — ppt ae es eee Se em es ——— ee a Ap = ok ans ——— as alee = (as OE FE ie a Ce Stcetia eS I Re Ee kt ee Mile ae iv ni : * u . 5 5 P . ° ° e ‘try. cene—V Guard. . 102 Mention, 1885. a1, 1890. > i ‘to | Market. r-Color. lan Alger 104 HANOTEAUD (H.), dec’d Pupil of Gigoux. Medals, 1864, ’68, ’69. Legion of Honor, 1870. - Born, 1823. Died, 1890. Landscape. 13 x 10. 105 PALMAROLI(V),9) 4a Pupil of San Fernando Academy. Medal, Paris, 1867. Madrid, 1871. Legion of Honor, 1881. Member of San Fernando Academy. Director of the Spanish Academy, Rome. On the Beach. 11lg x 614. ~ ae t Me a aw o 4 Rome. e ® r ° © ‘ The Arms Deale 15 x11. 13% X 193%. 45 109g POKITONOW (Ivan), . we Landscape. 6x9. CEDERSTROM (Theo.), Pupil of Baur. MW | 4 Ge mee London, 1879. 4 aot ' Amusing News. 616 x 9. VIBERTi(uG) 6 Pupil of Barrias. Medals, 1864, ’67, ’68, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882. Monk Picking- Radishes. ft Sede Water-Color. Reet aris. ” oe Se Dion Are School: Medals, 1851, ’52, ’55. cake of pee sate MS ESE... See: awk ee gs hes ek re Pata 4 6 me Sane a: Ses on Se aanmenel aa 2 = eee eee enna emma Ve SEES ' - Ln ¥ x a ~T bai i s " “ a ; New York. Bee ger: Pupil of Géréme. : _ Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. Ae ie aes oe Medal, Boston, 1881. a eae alee Medal, Boston, 1884. 1 -¥ / Member of the Scelety of British Artists, London. ber of the Society of American Artists, New York. : Sey of the National Academy of Design. The Old Pump. | ; n es 30 x 36. PES Se ee, Sa ee ee aeemene -a ae Se es ee ee SOL = he 47 : i 4 Arys II5 JACQUE (Chas), . : ; , Paris: Medals, 1861, 63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Landscape and Sheep, Sunset. in ee 12x 116 DIETERLE-Van-MARCKE (Maric), . Paris. Pupil of Van Marcke. Honorable Mention, 1883. Medal, 1884. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. De THOREN (Otto), dec’d . . . Paris. Medals, Paris, 1865; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1882. Chevalier of the Order Francis Joseph. Russian Order of Vladimir. Member of the Vienna and St. Petersburg Academies. Born, 1828. Died, 1889. Horse Thieves. 13 x 18, ~ on Re eee Be Se er i ey? omy bya ; we J ALS 118 -PERRAULT (L.),. Sees | hs Be ai ae . | bait Pupil of Picot. f Medals, 1864, ’76, ’89. . é Legion of Honor, 1887. Little Sunshine. i. 8 x 1314. 119g DOMINGO y MARQUES (D. Francisco), Paris. Pupil of the Royal Academy San Carlos, of Valencia. Pentioned by his native town, he studied at Rome, 1868, ’69. Received a first-class medal at the National Exhibition of the Fine Arts, Madrid, 1871. Was appointed Professor in the Academy at Valencia ; made Commander of the Order of Don Carlos III., 1876, and received the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1883. The municipality of Valencia named a Street after him in 1887, -Member of the Royal Academy at Antwerp, 1888. Inamovible. 734 x 10. MAX (Gabriel), : / Pupil of Piloty. Medals, Paris, 1873; Berlin, 1874; Munich, B76. Professor in the Royal Academy, Munich. Honorary Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna and Amsterdam. Girl’s Head. 7i'x II. I2I ZAMACOIS (E,), dec’d Re. Pupil of Meissonier. Medal, 1867. Diploms to the memory of deceased artists, ikiversal Exhibition, 1878. ye eh Born, 1843. Died, 1871. poss Pe at In the siden?! ‘ie “3x5. ! I22 if DE NEUVILLE (A.), dec’d Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1859, 61. ad Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Born, 1836. Died, 1885. + A French, epoldier. Fd ae Pie ci. F 5 Max an "is gree npr 123 YO SCHREYER (Adolphe), (Ye Pupil of Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, 1864, ’65, ’67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. 4A 3 * Medal, Brussels, 1863. . Ae Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. i Medal, Vienna, 1873. Medal, Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Arab on Jorseback. Corte § MUN ahead, é ea Ya: : Ta4 fe CEDERSTROM (Theo.), . Re _. Pupil of Baur, ie a Medal, London, 1879. A Servant O the & | ‘125 be i le § DUPRE (Jules), dec’d | Meédals:183, 1675. ane Legion of Honor, 1849. — Officer of the Legion of. Honor, ene Born, 1811. Died, duh ‘By the River. 9 x «6M. , Berlin, han London, 1876. bes Paris, « 1878, : | Sighs r of the Order of Leopold. : | See Honor, 1878. mip es Copenhagen and Amsterdam ; Universal Exhibition, 1889. Swedish Court Painter. 16 x 22. Pupil of Breton. 3 Medals, 1879, ’82. | Be te Medal, ‘Universal Exhibition, 1889. . i oast cuard Station—Early Morning | ‘Setting Moon, 33 x 17%. 128 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), . «tg Member of the National Academy of Design, N. Y. Member of the Royal Academy, London. __ 129 : e JACQUE (Charles), ; . : Be Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Barnyar Friends. 13 x1 130 MOROT (Aimé-Nicolas), : oe Pupil of Cabanel. Prize of Rome, 1873. Medals, 1876, ’77, ’79. Medal of Honor, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1883. Grand Prize, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Algerian Guard. | 8xoglg. . 54 JACQUET (J. G,), Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868, 775, ’78. Me A a FP 5 e eee Legion of Honor, 1879. Pleasant Thoughts. 98 x 1246. 132 GRISON (A), . en Honorable Mention, 1885. ‘a £ 2 a cay mre of 5 f i % % .”, ; 3 At the Taxidermist’s. "jt 8x10. 133 MEISSONIER (C)), Pupil of E. Meissonier. Medals, 1866, ’89. Legion of Honor, 1889. A Man Reading. 12 x 161, CAZIN (J. C) Pupil of Boisbaudran. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. Officer of the Legion of Evening.’ 121g x 144. NOVAK (E)), The New Curate. 16 x 1214. 136 MONTICELLI (A) decane: Pupil of Aubert. Born, 1824. Died, 1886. Landscape and Figures, 28ie x\19 3h) Fi: . : ae z : is) oS : E 7 at ees : gee 8. : | Sacha. tet ee S é bes Tok 3 | 5 i Oo 3 ; z3 g = pansy Wiech es Be , ed | soe 85 mer eek Bore, i j 139 , DEFREGGER (Franz), . , . Munich. i ~ Pupil of the Munich Academy. o x Medals, Paris, 1878; Vienna, 1882. v) : Great Gold Medal, Munich. Honorary Member of the Munich, Vienna and Berlin Academies. Ennobled in 1883. | * Bavarian Peasant. Q x 12. 140 z MAUVE (Anton), decd . ei i? ‘ Pupil of Van Os. if ag Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Medals at Antwerp, Amsterdam and Vienna. Knight of the Order of Leopold. Born, 1838. Died, A Sei han * . eMTandscape and Sheep. : 22x15. ‘ ion Of Honor, 1878. Windmill , 1x15. | Ze eins | Fm Rn a a a S (PiereJ), . Pupil of Gudin. bs aes Medal, Brussels, 1851. | os is aes + Medals, Paris, 1867, ’78. ee eri poet: = Legion of Honor, 1875. yee iM Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. SO) % ; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. tice teats : Marine. Barend 1514 x 2134. oe eee : 99 PE PERE s Yo AEDs we Gee ape DUPRE (Jules), dec'd ay. 2 Medals, 1833, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. ptt Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. ree Born, 1811. Died, 1889. The Cabaret. 16x 13. ‘ ee ro 144 DIAZ (NJ) decd“) 0° 3) Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased, artists, Universal. ms Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1807. Diet 1876. Nymph and Cupid. , 7x12, ee dye 14982 / ni 1885, Water-Color oe cua uy aa ee London. a Pupil of R. Bonheur, Medals, 1852, ’57, ’59, "61, ’63. _ Legion of Honor, 1867. Born, 1824. Died, 1884. _ Fording the Stream. as Xp pBOre 147 : ie e e e ec) CAZIN (J. Cy, fy V i Pupil of Boisbaudran. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889. A CONE Sunset. 22 x48. oS yor Y 148 LEROLLE Lae : os of Lamothe. Medals, 1879, ’80, ’89. Legion of Honor, 1889. Peasant Knitting. 7 a (32 aes 149 RIBOT (1S) 8 ee Pupil of Glaize. a Medals, 1864, ’65, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1887. Reading. 23 x 2837. 62 ” Medals, 1844, "46, °48. Legion of Honor, 1851. the oy of deceased artists, te _ Exhibition, 1878. Z Born, 1807. Died, ee Eth: the Fore ests. 4 ey Pupil of Léthiére. Medals, 1834, ’49, 55. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal . Exhibition, 1867. Born, 1812. Died, 1867. cv yo- ' TROXON (C), decd ® >) Yes S/S ool ‘DIAZ (N.), dec’d \ VON BLAAS (E,), oe & UR RS ea Sk wi 16 x 1274. 152 Pupil of Rivereux. yt f Medals, 1338, 40, 46, 48, 55. Legion of Honor, 1849. ae Born, 1810. Died, 1865. os paid and Cattle. g 181g x 12lg. a eee. Anog e t ? € Medals, 1844, 46, 48, Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Univer Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. — Pool 1 in the Woods 154 First Lesson in | 23x 31. Knitting. we at ee Ge OS 155 ae ar COROT (J. B. C.), dec’d . Pupil of Bertin. ft: Medals, 1838, ’48, ’55, ’67. i Legion of Honor, 1846. art Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. RagPEr to the memory of deceased artists, Universal sé’ Exhibition, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. ew of Paris. 29 x 18. > A la es ; | O° ® |} 5) peo CAZIN (J.C), | | } § Pupil of Boisbaudran. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882 es of the seh Sam of Honor, 1889 42 % 4 ily wine “Sand Dunes. 25x25) ‘ie 7 Ay A ‘ 7) SY Ga tay, cen ee ee Fa s . ete iy ae en ae ee Ngan ras ie: oy RP eee ei Ag OR eS baa eS Oe - ‘ oy 9 . Ses =n le = eS ee a in x = SING ia = Nena i ee cae Ri See POI TE, « : D ie < 4 < = Ne Re \ Se. , \ = : be { NT bodes ~ Kl > ‘3 | ‘a \ « w a | x ~\ \ \ J v \ “ ‘ -) / \ re 5 { i 4 << we [ sak ots be VE as Ft Re Celt Ay Me ee \ 4 } Bi oF 2 at aoe ahareret siete i ter) sorplrianeyetersrer? tet spreneeese e 82 oe € bel scerete #) a4 greet a hah > bheks Behene ne ieteisdeisteie oti ie 4 ++ 7 oietgty ies ’ 4 oe by peavey sent TT ,abe) OP O59 Ts HO? to} pee ease > ale atetetoi peste sities > Abt aahanebend Trey eh appl erert iste lee) ede : * rig: es ao] t. Pa olepeiett ; ‘ ! jepecete leitieis jahepeehei¥ ? 4) ++ ° setts asheae Hest etoloneeaeense cath atbeassecapenepnatesnaetsstiseeshatvesd acc acheags faatebea sae lort tas agSAgaae a teNSE Segcas eNetgges ght esas : ’ LA : sj T. sas ; § - te ‘ $ ? i . s1919)4 1s eee eeeeaeegareney beheey sisisintebeiririafrtMriT ttt perite hi atetetepeisiqisiereis ls Ti taledeieled pigiets : pietaingertierere ies stoppens peel TINT i belepertrereee etter Tipper peinreetitiri yi tote iiatereteteipieri ttt Tire teri p pre Teper prebea anes Ged ebs we: apabes eparenererelesyere: stot Th) i eesegesaas sk aate att rittcte tela sfalastnptey saan seaeay sb deed ees cgee2s waa Ae co Ugee ranges cabeza east get ageestoee seg aeasse aes esibinhssd peegnectesn reassess TT? ei 4 minty ted pr are : of Cb abe 4 " ? ae : ! ree ister +4 phe hak ea 09%: NM iebetesieh sitters ss ort ; RTlstetes> Th rarty * reyes ouseses feieeete LEGLGRR HAT ae * +h? isteleiet gig! Ras Jeleterersieted felsisretereies eiebrérieis zit Shotoinssreeeierererniet rere: tit te Taipseseieneiet et Oren gen? tetah by sigie hes epieapiatereieiesp sop pierteriter eT reiplelel eters: Se reighe Hrei€ feteteiaipiest rs epereteseh tit ipipeg ee shelebete seisivheigig! ts " thes seaey casagasbes fH iatsigre = Ti ie pate taped chrvmsy 8 5 908) Trt ene $2 3 Miohereisieleie) elaipieteeheies reledeperete ? oe : t sajqist rie yrete per? oe jatepeteseperrts! 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