HE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Fatt CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION OF MINIATURES ee efits IN AMERICA 1720-1850. Z MINIATURES © INTED IN AMERICA ee ee ee ee - an a a ee SD Hey Ss ies ” ’ ny -“ it ” S ~ ~ » “ ’ : mY “a, . : s af « ¢ , 4 a . 7] t ‘ 7] ' , } v a ean ot Aente ’ a 2 . my > x . i" ‘ * 4 . ; ax ‘ * ¥ n way } * ' INTRODUCTION M INIATURE painting in America appears, in our present state of knowledge, to have begun with the little portrait drawings by John Watson, who settled in Perth Amboy, N. J., about 1715—and only by stretching a point are these to be called miniatures. With the middle of the century, however, came miniatures on ivory, the portrait of Rebecca Pratt (born 1711) of Philadelphia, and the sprightly little minia- ture of Mrs. Jacob Motte of Charleston which we have at- tributed to Jeremiah Theis on the basis of his style as re- vealed in his signed oil portraits. In the same way the dainty portraits of Judge Thomas Hopkinson and his wife have been assigned to Matthew Pratt of Philadelphia, and a group of fine miniatures painted in Charleston between 1770 and 1790 have been assigned to Henry Benbridge. Meanwhile, especially in Maryland and Philadelphia, Charles Willson Peale was painting many miniatures. These date from 1770, after he had returned from his studies in London, to about 1786 and include many small portraits of Revolutionary officers painted during the war. About 1786 he withdrew from the field in favor of his brother James. James Peale in his turn now became a prolific and com- petent miniature painter, active at least until 1812. Another member of the Peale family who painted delightful minia- tures was Raphaelle, a son of Charles Willson Peale. Of the five works by him in the present exhibition, three are dated 1801 or thereabout. There are also known a very few Phila- delphia miniatures painted in 1785 and 1786 by young Robert Fulton, whose name links the eighteenth century with the nineteenth, for following his return to New York after his twenty years in Europe he found opportunity despite his engrossing adventures in steam navigation to paint minia- tures again from time to time. Several of these have been 14 Miniatures Painted in America identified by comparison with the portrait he made of his wife, which belonged until recently to his descendants. During the early period of the Peales’ activity in Phila- delphia Copley was working in Boston, and his half-brother, Henry Pelham, also painted a few miniatures. The Revolu- tionary War brought an end to their activities, but after the war their place was taken by the miniaturist, Joseph Dun- kerley, who advertised in Boston papers and whose name is fortunately inscribed on the frame of his portrait of Mary Burroughs. On the basis of this miniature three other works in the present exhibition are ascribed to Dunkerley. Of this painter’s life nothing seems to be known. Many of the best miniatures painted at this time in America were the work of foreigners. Among the ablest of these may be mentioned John Ramage, Henri Elouis, Robert Field, Archibald Robertson, and Walter Robertson. The works of these men are comparatively well known to stu- dents of American miniatures except in the case of Walter Robertson. His works, which are exceptionally fine in color and execution, have heretofore all been attributed to other artists. Eleven miniatures are brought together now which can be given with assurance to Robertson on the basis of his 1794 portrait of Washington, which was engraved by Robert Field the year after it was painted. For the exhibi- tion of the Washington miniature itself the Museum was un- able to obtain consent. The works in the exhibition by Malbone, Trott, and Fraser require no comment. The work of these three men constitutes the backbone of the miniature painting art in America, and all three artists are represented in the exhibi- tion by numerous works. The Museum has been especially fortunate in obtaining for exhibition such exquisite examples of Malbone’s portraiture as his Eliza Fenno, his Mrs. Benja- min F. Trapier, and his Washington Allston. Trott is bril- liantly represented in his portraits of Charles Wilkins and Miniatures Painted in America 15 Sally Waln, while Fraser’s work is perhaps most agreeably shown in his portraits of such elderly sitters as Mrs. Ralph Izard, Mrs. Theodore Gourdin, and Dr. Alexander Baron. Early in the nineteenth century there were numerous ca- pable miniaturists working in New York at least during part of their careers. Among these were Anson Dickinson, Wil- liam Dunlap, John W. Jarvis, Joseph Wood, Henry Inman, and Inman’s pupil, T. S. Cummings. Of these perhaps the most accomplished were Wood, of whose work we are fortu- nate in having several examples to show, and Inman, whose portrait of Alexander Hamilton’s widow at the age of sixty- eight is one of the treasures of the exhibition. New England also produced a few splendid miniatures in the first half of the nineteenth century. Of special interest is the art of Henry Williams, whose known work dates around 1810, and the vigorous portraiture “in little” of the self- taught Alvan Clark. A unique and impressive work is the portrait of General Knox, painted by Gilbert Stuart, ac- cording to tradition, as a demonstration for the instruction of Sarah Goodridge. Its revelation of the sureness and sub- tlety of the master hand seems to bear out the tradition. The miniature belonged until 1897 to a nephew of Sarah Good- ridge who was old enough to have seen it painted. G. L. Saunders’ miniatures painted in the 1840’s in Balti- more and Philadelphia and the splendid, broadly handled works of Richard M. Staigg painted mostly in Newport and Boston bring miniature history to the middle of the nineteenth century. At this time Cummings in New York was still in his prime. But now it was that the photograph made itself irresistibly felt as a rival of the painted miniature, and 1850 has therefore, almost of necessity, been chosen as mark- ing the limit of the present exhibition. H. B. WEHLE. es nnd CATALOGUE ARRANGED alphabetically, first by artists, then by names of sitters, with unidentified portraits at the end. The questioned works of each artist are placed after the known works. The miniatures are oval and on ivory, unless otherwise stated. Works by unknown artists are placed at the end of the list. ALFRED AGATE Born 1818; died 1846 at New York City. A pupil of his brother, F. S. Agate, and of T. S. Cummings. CHIEF JUSTICE THEOPHILUS PARSONS, of Massa- chusetts, 1750-1813. H..2%4; w. 2%% inches. Lent by Miss Elizabeth Du Hamel. A BRITISH OFFICER. H. 21546; W. 2346 inches. Lent by Miss Elizabeth Du Hamel. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 3154.6; w. 2%4 inches. Lent by Miss Elizabeth Du Hamel. EZRA AMES Born 1768 at Framingham, Mass.; died 1836 at Albany, N. Y., where his active life as a painter in oils and minia- ture was spent. SELF-PORTRAIT. Painted about 1825-1830, and given to Lydia Cary, Albany, N. Y., by the artist. H. 344; w. 21% inches. Lent by Miss Elisabeth Luther Cary. JESSE HAWLEY, 1773-1842. H. 3%6; W. 314¢ inches. Lent anonymously. GILBERT STUART, 1755-1828. Celebrated portrait painter. 20 SMiniatures Painted in America H. 3; w. 2% inches. Lent anonymously. HUGH WALSH, of Newburgh, N. Y. H. 2154.6; w. 214 inches. Lent by Miss Katherine A. Noyes. THOMAS E. BARRATT Active 1837-1854 in Philadelphia. JOSIAH ELDER, of Harrisburg, Pa. H. 244; w. 134 inches. Lent by Mrs. Huger Elliott. JOHN JORDAN, Jr., 1808-1890. Painted in 1843. H. 2144; w. 134 inches. Lent by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. HENRY BENBRIDGE Born 1744 at Philadelphia; died there 1812. Active espe- cially in Charleston, S. C., after 1773. Painted also in oils. MRS. THOMAS FERGUSON (née Wragg). Married in 1777- H. 134; w. 14 inches. Lent by Miss Marie H. Heyward. MRS. CHRISTOPHER GADSDEN (née Wragg). Married in 1776. H. 194; w. 114 inches. Lent by Miss Marie H. Heyward. DR. THOMAS MARSHALL. Born 1766 at Nassau; died 1794 at Charleston, S. C. H.1%6; w. 11% inches. Lent by Miss Mary O. Marshall. CAPTAIN CHARLES SHEPHEARD. Died at Savannah, Ga., 1770. H. 194; w. 14 inches. Lent by Ernest Lee Parker. Miniatures Lainted in America 21 ~ MRS. WILLIAM SOMERSALL (née Sarah Hartley, of _ Charleston, S. C.). Married in 1774. H.1%46; W. 1°46 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. Maitland Armstrong. ELIZABETH ANN TIMOTHY (Mrs. John Williamson, of Savannah, Ga.). H. 144; w. 1%4¢ inches. Illustrated. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. WILLIAM BIRCH Born 1755 at Warwick, England; came to America 1794; died 1835 at Philadelphia. He made miniatures in enamel and is credited with certain technical discoveries. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Enamel; H. 2; w. 1% inches; rectangular. Inscribed on back: General Lafayette as at the anniversary of the Bat- tle of York Town Oct" 19'" 1824 by W. Birch from A. Sheffer. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. ARTHUR LEE, 1740-1792(?). Diplomatist. Painted about 1790. Enamel; H. 214; w. 1% inches. Lent by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. GEORGE CATLIN Born 1796 at Wilkesbarre, Pa.; died 1872 at Jersey City, N. J. Self-taught; known especially for his writings and his paintings of American Indians. CHARLES EDWIN BERGH, I, 1802-1876. H. 24%; W. 2% inches. Signed: G. Catlin 1824. Lent by W. Christian Bergh. ALVAN CLARK Born 1804 at Ashfield, Mass.; died 1887 at Cambridge, Mass. Self-taught; active principally in Boston, 1835- 1844. 22 Miniatures @ainted in America DAVID ANDREWS, of Newburgh, N. Y. H. 3144; w. 2%6@ inches. Lent by Miss Katherine A. Noyes. MRS. ALVAN CLARK. H. 346; W. 2‘% inches; rectangular. Lent anonymously. BARNABAS CLARK. H. 3; w. 24 inches. Lent by the Worcester Art Museum. THE HONORABLE WALTER FORWARD, 1786-1852. Statesman. H. 34%; W. 2%@ inches; rectangular. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. MRS. MARY CAROLINE GODDARD. Formerly attrib- uted to Inman. H. 24; w. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. D. J. McCarthy. LOUIS ANTOINE COLLAS Born 1775 at Bordeaux, France; died after 1828. Pupil of F. A. Vincent; worked in St. Petersburg, Russia, 1808- 1811, and in New Orleans, La., about 1818-1828. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 21% 6; w. 2% inches. Signed: Collas 1818. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY Born 1737 at Boston, Mass.; died 1815 at London, Eng- land. Chiefly self-taught. In 1774 he left America to live in England. Noted especially as a painter in oils. JOSEPH BARRELL. H. 144; w. 11 inches. Lent by Mrs. William A. Putnam. SAMUEL CARY. H. 1546; W. 1346 inches. Lent by Miss Hester Cunningham. Miniatures Painted in America 23 SARAH CARY (Mrs. Samuel Cary). H. 1°43; W. 1°46 inches. Illustrated. Lent by Miss Hester Cunningham. SELF-PORTRAIT. Said to have been painted in London. On porcelain; H. 1°; w. 144 inches. Illustrated. Lent by Copley Amory. SELF-PORTRAIT. H. 144; w. 1 inches. Lent by Henry Copley Greene. MRS. JOHN MELVILLE (née Deborah Scollay), 1737- 1794. She married Dr. Melville in 1762 and Copley is said to have painted this miniature as a wedding present to her. H. 1; w. % inches. Lent by the Worcester Art Museum. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 146; W. 1%46 inches. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. WILLIAM SHEARER MILLER. Born 1723. Attributed to Copley. H. 114; W. I inches. Lent anonymously. THOMAS SEIR CUMMINGS Born 1804 at Bath, England; died 1894 at Hackensack, N. J. Pupil of Henry Inman; active as a miniature painter in New York 1821-1851. LEVINUS CLARKSON, 1765-1845. H. 2%@; W. 2 inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. CHARLES F. C. CUMMINGS. The artist’s father. H. 2%4; w. 244 inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Richard B. Hartshorne. “THE BRACELET.” Portrait of the artist’s wife, Jane Cook Cummings; married 1822. H. 6%; w. 51% inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Richard B. Hartshorne. 24 Miniatures Painted in America “THE LILY.” Portrait of the artist’s wife, Jane Cook Cum- mings. H. 344; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Miss Lydia M. Cummings. ELIZABETH STIRLING FOOTE. H. 256; w. 234. inches. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. ERASMUS DARWIN FOOTE. H. 244; w. 2% inches. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. BENSON J. LOSSING, 1813-1891. American historian and editor. H. 344; w. 21146 inches; rectangular. Signed: Cummings. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Frank E. Johnson. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 3/2; W. 2% inches. Signed: Cummings. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. ANSON DICKINSON Born 1779 at Milton, Conn.; died there 1852. Studied draw- ing and silversmithing in Hartford; active 1804-1818, principally in Albany and New York. ROBERT DORLON. Lawyer of Catskill, N. Y. H. 3; W. 2% inches. Signed on back: A Dickinson 1806. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. ROBERT FULTON, 1765-1815. Inventor. H. 2%; w. 24 inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. J. W. GALE (?). H. 21%; w. 24 inches. Artist’s professional card in the back. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Miniatures Painted in America 25 DR. JONATHAN HALL. Father of Ann Hall, miniature painter. H. 2%4; w. 2% inches. Artist’s card in the back gives the address as 222 Broadway. Lent by Mrs. Lewis Gouverneur Morris. MRS. ROBERT WATTS (née Matilda Ridley). H. 24%; Ww. 2% inches; rectangular. Artist’s professional card in the back. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. JOHN W. DODGE Born 1807 at New York City; died 1893. Active 1832-1843, or longer. GEORGE CATLIN, 1796-1872. Painter. H. 2°46; W. 11%4¢ inches. A paper inside says in old hand- writing: Painted by John W. Dodge, Miniature Painter, No. 42 Franklin St, May 21, 1835. Likeness of George Catlin. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. JOSEPH DUNKERLEY Active in Boston 1783-1788. CHARLES BULFINCH, 1763-1844. Architect; married Hannah Apthorp in 1788, when this miniature and that of his wife were probably painted. H. 1% 63 W. I inches. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MRS. CHARLES BULFINCH (née Hannah Apthorp). H. 1% 6; W. 1°%4¢ inches. Illustrated. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MRS. MARY BURROUGHS. Born 1761. H. 1446; W. I inches. Engraved on back of frame: Mary Burroughs Obt. March 28" 1833 AE 72—Pinxt—J. Dunc- kerly 1787. Illustrated. Lent by Bryson Burroughs. 26 Miniatures Painted in America PORTRAIT OF A MAN (called Stephen Salisbury). Ini- tials on back: E. B. H. 1343; w. 1546 inches. Illustrated. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. WILLIAM DUNLAP Born 1766 at Perth Amboy, N. J.; died 1839 at New York City. He devoted much of his life to the theatre, and to painting in oils. His miniatures were painted mostly during the years 1805-1812. MARY LANGRELL BIGELOW, 1758-1826. Wife of Major Aaron Olmsted. Probably painted in Hartford in 1812. H. 3546; W- 34 inches. Lent by Miss Mary O. Marshall. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN, 1771-1811. Philadel- phia novelist. Painted in 1806. H. 2446; W. 2 inches. Lent by Charles M. Lea. HENRI ELOUIS Born 1755 at Caen, France; died there 1840. He obtained his artistic education in Paris and London; active in America, especially in Annapolis and Philadelphia, about 1787-1807. HENRY BROWSE TREAT. Collector of the Port of New Orleans. Painted about 1805. H. 3144; w. 2% inches. Signed: H. Elouis. Lent by Mrs. D. J. McCarthy. WILLIAM WALN. H. 2494; W. 24¢ inches. Signed: Elouis. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Campbell Madeira. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 34463; W. 2% inches. Signed: Elouis. Lent by Mrs. George O. G. Coale. Miniatures Lainted in America 27 ROBERT FIELD Born about 1770 at Gloucester, England; died 1819 at Jamaica, West Indies. Active in the United States 1794- 1808, after which he moved to Halifax. PETER HALL CLARK. H. 3; W. 2%@ inches. Signed: R F 1810(?). Lent by Mrs. Colby Bassett. BENJAMIN FREDERICK AUGUSTUS CAESAR DASHIELL. Lawyer of Somerset County, Md.; born 1763; died probably 1820. ieee oie. W. 2 inches. Signed: R F 1803. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. JAMES EARLE, of Centerville, Md. H. 2%; w. 24% inches. Signed: R F 180[2?]. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. DR. JAMES SERGEANT EWING, 1770-1823. Son of Rev. John Ewing, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. H. 215463; w. 2% inches. Signed: R F 1798. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. MARY TAYLOE LLOYD. Born 1784 in Talbot County, Md.; married Francis Scott Key in 1802. H. 3; W. 2% inches. Signed: R. F. 18[02?]. Lent by Mrs. John Rutledge Abney. RICHARD LOCKERMAN. H. 2%; W. 2%4¢ inches. Signed: R. F. 1803. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. MRS. RICHARD LOCKERMAN (née Frances Townley Chase), of Annapolis, Md. Married in 1803. H. 21% 6; W. 2%%¢@ inches. Signed: R. F. 1803. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. CHARLES RIDGELY, II, of Maryland. Son of Governor Charles Ridgely of ““Hampton.” H. 234; w. 2%46 inches. Lent by Mrs. Nicholas P. Bond. 28 Miniatures @ainted in America DR. WILLIAM THORNTON. H. 2%; w. 24% inches. Lent by Mrs. Henry H. Flather. NICHOLAS WALN. H. 24%; w. 2% inches. Signed: R F 1799. Lent by Mrs. Campbell Madeira. GEORGE WASHINGTON. H. 3°46; W. 2% inches. Signed: R F 1801. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. PORTRAIT OF AN OFFICER. H. 21%46; w. 2% inches. Signed: R. F. 1800. Illustrated. Lent by Charles V. Wheeler. CHARLES FRASER Born 1782 at Charleston, S. C.; died there 1857. His early style was based on Malbone’s; active in Charleston 1802- 1851; until 1818 he practised law. DR. ALEXANDER BARON. Born 1745 at Aberdeen; he came in 1769 to Charleston, S. C., where he practised medi- cine; died 1819. H. 3°83; W. 314g inches. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. COLONEL WILLIAM DRAYTON, 1776-1846. Soldier. H. 31346; W. 3446 inches. Signed: C. Fraser 1836. Lent by Mrs. J. Madison Taylor. JAMES GOURDIN, of Charleston, S. C. H. 4; Ww. 3% inches; rectangular. Inscribed on back: painted by Ch Fraser Charleston July 1824. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. MRS. THEODORE GOURDIN. Painted in 1826. On the reverse is an earlier portrait of Theodore Gourdin, prob- ably by Fraser. Diameter, 214 4 inches; circular. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. Miniatures Painted in America 29 FRANCIS KINLOCH HUGER. Given to Lafayette by the City of Charleston in 1825; Colonel Huger rescued Lafa- yette from the prison at Olmutz. H. 4°43; W. 4 inches; rectangular. Signed: Fraser. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. MRS. RALPH IZARD, of Charleston, S. C. (née Alice de Lancey of New York). Painted at the age of eighty. H. 31346; w. 3% inches. Lent by de Lancey Kountze. JAMES LADSON, of Charleston, S. C. H. 3446; W. 2% inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. SARAH LADSON, of Charleston, S. C.,; as a child (later Mrs. Gilmor). Formerly attributed to Malbone; an early work of Fraser, painted about 1802. H. 244; w. 2 inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. COLONEL J. E. MAcCPHERSON. Painted in 1823. Lent by Mrs. Andrew van Pelt. HENRY OGDEN, of New York. H. 344; W. 2% inches; octagonal. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. CAPTAIN WILLIAM PETTIGRU, U.S.N., of Charleston, se H. 31% 6; Ww. 3146 inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. JANE WINTHROP. Born 1792; a niece of the artist. Painted about 1808. H. 344; w. 2% inches. Illustrated. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. GEORGE FREEMAN Born 1789(?) at Spring Hill, Conn.; died 1868 at Hart- ford, Conn. Mainly self-taught; lived in England. Active in the United States especially from 1837-1840. 30 Miniatures Lainted in America MRS. EDWARD BIDDLE (née Jane Josephine Sarmiento). H. 31446; w. 234 inches. Lent by Edward Biddle. MRS. NICHOLAS BIDDLE (née Margaret Craig). Painted in middle life, about 1838. H. 344; w. 2114.4 inches. Lent by Edward Biddle. ROBERT FULTON Born 1765 at Little Britain, Pa.; died 1815 at New York City. Famous as an inventor. Mainly self-taught; painted miniatures in Philadelphia 1805-1806, and in New York State about 1807-1810. SAMUEL BEACH. Painted about 1786. H. 194; w. 1% inches. Lent by the Worcester Art Museum. SELF-PORTRAIT. A copy after the portrait by Benjamin West. H. 442; W. 354 inches; rectangular. Lent anonymously. MRS. ROBERT FULTON (née Harriet Livingston). Daughter of Walter Livingston and second cousin of Chancelor Livingston; married January 7, 1808. H. 47; W. 3 inches; rectangular. Lent anonymously. JOHN WILKES KITTERA. Painted about 1805. H. 11446; w. 1% inches. Lent by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. MRS. JOHN WILKES KITTERA. Painted about 1805. H. 148; w. 13% inches. Lent by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. MRS. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER, III (née Cornelia Patterson), 1780-1844. Married in 1802; her father was William Patterson, Governor of New Jersey and Justice of the Supreme Court. Miniatures Painted in America aT H. 34%; w. 21146 inches; rectangular. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. FANCY PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 39%; W. 2% inches; rectangular. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. SARAH GOODRIDGE Born 1788 at Templeton, Mass.; died 1853 at Boston, Mass. Mainly self-taught; Gilbert Stuart gave her some instruc- tion; active in Boston about 1815-1845. CATHERINE AMORY CHANDLER. Painted at the age of sixteen; later Mrs. Theophilus Parsons. H. 346; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Percy S. Mallett. NATHANIEL CHANDLER, 1773-1852. H. 3446; W. 2%4 inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Percy S. Mallett. MRS. NATHANIEL CHANDLER (née Dorothy Greene). H. 34; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Percy S. Mallett. MRS. BENJAMIN JOY (née Barrell). Painted about 1823- 1824. H. 344; w. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. GRENVILLE MELLEN. Poet; born 1799 at Biddeford, Me.; died 1841 at New York City; son of Chief Justice Mellen. Diameter, 2° inches; circular. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. THEOPHILUS PARSONS. H. 3446; W. 2%6 inches; rectangular. Signed on back: Painted by S. Goodridge November 1820. Lent by Mrs. Percy S. Mallett. GILBERT STUART, 1755-1828. Painted in 1825. H. 344; w. 21% inches; rectangular. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. oS. Miniatures Painted in America DANIEL WEBSTER, 1782-1852. Painted about 1826-1828. H. 344; w. 244 inches; rectangular. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. ANN HALL Born 1792 at Pomfret, Conn.; died 1863 at New York City. Mainly self-taught; studied at Alexander Robertson’s academy. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST WITH HER SISTER ELIZA HALL WARD AND MASTER HENRY HALL WARD. Painted in 1828. Square, 4 inches. Lent by Mrs. Lewis Gouverneur Morris. HENRY INMAN Born 1801 at Utica, N. Y.; died 1847 at New York City. Apprenticed to John W. Jarvis at the age of thirteen; ac- tive mainly in New York; his miniatures were painted before 1827. JAMES BOGERT, Jr. H. 21546; w. 2% inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. DR. ROBERT EDWARD DORSEY. Sepia on cardboard; H. 2446; w. 1144¢ inches. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. MRS. ALEXANDER HAMILTON (née Elizabeth Schuy- ler). Painted at the age of sixty-eight. H. 374; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Signed: Inman 1825. Illustrated. Lent by Alexander Hamilton. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Painted about 1818. H. 34; w. 2%g inches; rectangular. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 3; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. Miniatures Painted in America 33 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 2% 6; W. 2 inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 3; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. JOHN WESLEY JARVIS Born 1780 at South Shields, England; died 1839 at New York City. Apprenticed to Edward Savage and had in- struction from David Edwin. His naval portraits in the New York City Hall are his best-known works. MISS ANDERSON. H. 2%; Ww. 2% inches. Signed: JARVIS. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 3; W. 2% inches. Signed: JARVIS 1809. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. MRS. GEORGE WINCHESTER (née Maria Campbell). First married Charles Ridgely. Attributed to Jarvis. H. 3446; W. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. Nicholas P. Bond. JAMES REID LAMBDIN Born 1807 at Pittsburgh, Pa.; died 1889 at Philadelphia, Pa. Pupil of Edward Miles and Thomas Sully; worked in oils and miniature in Pittsburgh, Louisville, and Philadelphia. POLLY STUART WEBB VINCENT, 1807-1883. H. 244; w. 1° inches; rectangular. Inscription on back states that it was painted by J. R. Lambdin, New York Dec. 1850. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. JOHN ALEXANDER MACDOUGALL Born 1810 or 1811 at Livingston, N. J.; died 1894 at 34 Miniatures Painted in America Newark, N. J. Studied at the National Academy of Design and had a studio in, New York about 1840-1845; later worked in Newark. HENRY CLAY; 1777-1852: H. 1%46; Ww. 1546 inches. Inscription in the back states it was painted at New York in 1840 or 1841. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. EDWARD GREENE MALBONE Born 1777 at Newport, R. I.; died 1807 at Savannah, Ga. Mainly self-taught. The foremost American miniaturist, he worked in various cities, especially in Providence, Bos- ton, Charleston, New York, and Philadelphia. WASHINGTON ALLSTON, 1779-1843. Painter. H. 3246; W. 21%4@ inches. Signed: Malbone. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MRS. THOMAS AMORY, of Boston (née Elizabeth Bowen). H. 24%; w. 2% inches. Lent by Miss Helen Amory Ernst. MRS. ALEXANDER BLEECKER, of New York. Married in 1803. H. 29%; w. 24% inches. Signed: Malbone. Illustrated. Lent by Charles M. Lea. MRS. RICHARD COFFIN DERBY, of Salem, Mass. Cop- ley painted this famous beauty in London in 1803 as St. Cecilia. H. 3°43 w. 2% inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. EBEN FARLEY, of Boston. H. 254; w. 2 inches. Lent by the Worcester Art Museum. ELIZA FENNO. Painted in New York in 1803. In 1811 she married Gulian Crommelin Verplanck; died in Paris, 1817. H. 398; w. 2% inches. Illustrated. Lent by Miss Louisa Verplanck Richards. Miniatures Painted in America 35 NICHOLAS FISH, of New York, 1758-1833. H. 3; W. 26 inches. Lent by William Beverley Rogers. REBECCA GRATZ, of Philadelphia. Died 1869. H. 344; w. 2%@ inches. Lent by Miss Rachel Gratz Nathan. CHARLES HARRIS, of Boston. Born 1784. Painted at the age of twenty. H. 334; Ww. 3 inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. RICHARD D. HARRIS, of Boston. Born 1780. Hey 7e, W. 2**4¢ inches. . Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. JUDGE DANIEL ELLIOTT HUGER, of South Carolina, 1779-1852. U. S. Senator, 1842-1845. Painted about the time of his marriage in 1800. H. 24%; w. 254q inches. Lent by D. E. Huger Smith. CAPTAIN GEORGE IZARD. Soldier; born 1776 at Rich- mond, England. Painted in Charleston, 1803. H. 344; w. 21% inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. MRS. JAMES LOWNDES, of Charleston, S. C. H. 34; w. 2% inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. CHARLES LYMAN, 1778-1814. Lent by Mrs. Andrew van Pelt. SELF-PORTRAIT. At the age of twenty. H. 234; w. 2% inches. Signed: E. G. M. 1797. Illustrated. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. ASHER MARX. H. 234; w. 214 inches. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 36 Miniatures Lainted in America JOSEPH MARX. Painted in 1800. H. 2%; w. 2% inches. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. THOMAS MEANS. Lived in South Carolina 1797-1815. H. 294; w. 2%4¢ inches. Lent by Mrs. D. D. Gaillard. MRS. ARTHUR MIDDLETON, of Charleston, S. C. H. 344; w. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. Thomas B. Gannett. DAVID MOSES, 1776-1858. H. 3% 6; W. 2%6@ inches. Lent by Miss Rachel Gratz Nathan. SOLOMON MOSES. Died 1857. H. 2%; W. 2546 inches. Lent by Miss Rachel Gratz Nathan. JOEL R. POINSETT. Statesman and- diplomatist; born 1779 at Charleston, S. C.; died 1851. Painted in Charles- ton, probably in 1803. H. 2%4; w. 21, inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. MISS POINSETT, of Charleston, S. C. Painted in 1802. H. 244; w. 214g inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. NICHOLAS POWER, 1771-1844. Merchant of Providence, R. I. Probably painted in 1794. The Athenaeum owns Malbone’s bill of $23.33 for this early work. There is a date 1793 added in pencil. H. 2%; w. 2%% inches. Lent by the Providence Athenaeum. ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, of Georgetown, S. C. Thought to have been painted in 1804. H. 21546; w. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. MRS. BENJAMIN FOISSIN TRAPIER. H. 34; w. 2% inches. Signed: Malbone. Lent by Mrs. J. Madison Taylor. Miniatures Painted in America a7 MRS. BENJAMIN FOISSIN TRAPIER. H. 344; w. 25% inches. Lent by Frank B. Hayne. MRS. PAUL TRAPIER (née Sarah Alicia Shubrick). H. 3445 w. 2% inches. Lent by Frank B. Hayne. MAJOR SAMUEL WRAGG, of Charleston, S. C. H. 2°4; w. 2% inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE BRASHER FAMILY. H. 21546; w. 2% inches. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH A PINK SCARF. H. 3; w. 2% inches. Lent by the Estate of Gilbert S. Parker. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 3; w. 24% inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. THE LITTLE SCOTCH GIRL. Supposed to have been painted in England. H. 344; W. 2%%4¢ inches; rectangular. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. EDWARD MILES Born 1752 at Yarmouth, England; died 1828 at Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in London and exhibited at the Royal Acad- emy; became painter to Queen Charlotte and later to the Czar of Russia. Came to Philadelphia in 1807. EDWARD MILES, Jr. Painted about 1807. H. 24%; w. 21% inches. Lent by Miss Susan S. Miles. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. From his English period. H. 3; w. 1% inches. Lent by Miss Susan S. Miles. 38 Miniatures Painted in America PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Painted about 1810. H. 3; Ww. 2% inches. Lent by Miss Susan S. Miles. iT MIT CR EES Active about 1800-1810 in Baltimore (?). PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 244; w. 2 inches. Signed: I T Mitchell 1802. Lent by Miss Marie A. Kirkland. ANNA CLAYPOOLE PEALE Born 1791 at Philadelphia, Pa.; died there 1878. Daughter and pupil of James Peale; she painted mostly in Philadel- phia and Baltimore from 1820 to 1840. ELEANOR BRITTON. Painted at the age of about eigh- teen. She later married William Musgrave of Philadelphia. H. 2446; W. 2 inches. Signed: Anna C. Peale 1821. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. JANE S. BROWN. H. 29; w. 146 inches. Signed: Anna C. Peale 1825. Lent by Mrs. Frederick von Kapff. ROBERT P. BROWN. H. 2%; W. 2446 inches. Signed: Anna C. Peale 1825. Lent by Mrs. Frederick von Kapff. WALTER E. HARDING. Painted about 1837. H. 244; w. 1% inches. Lent by Dr. Carroll Fox. Mme LALLEMAND (née Harriet Clark). H. 144; w. 11% inches. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. CHARLES WILLSON PEALE Born 1741 in Queen Anne’s County, Md.; died 1827 at Philadelphia, Pa. Brother of James Peale. Mainly self- taught; he worked in West’s London studio 1767-1769. Miniatures Painted in America 39 His work is principally in oils. He seems to have ceased painting miniatures about 1786. COLONEL WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, of Charleston, S. C. H. 1% 6; W. 114g inches. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. D. Maitland Armstrong. THE HONORABLE WILLIAM BINGHAM, 1755-1804. Delegate to Congress and U. S. Senator. Painted in 1770. H. 1446; W. 144 inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. GENERAL NATHANAEL GREENE, 1742-1786. H. 1943; w. 1% inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. COLONEL JOHN LAURENS, of Charleston, S. C., 1753- T7S2. H. 144; w. 1\4 inches. Lent by John Laurens. RACHEL BREWER PEALE, 1744-1790, and her daughter ELEANOR, 1770-1773. The artist’s first wife. Painted in ‘uel H. 2%; w. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. Sabin W. Colton, Jr. THE HONORABLE PEYTON RANDOLPH, of Virginia, 1723-1775. First President of the Continental Congress. Set as a bracelet. H. 144; w. 1% inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. COMTE DE ROCHAMBEAU, 1725-1807. Commander-in- Chief of the French forces in America. Painted about 1780 and set as a bracelet. H. 1% 6; W. 14% inches. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. CAPTAIN ANDREW SUMMERS, of Philadelphia, 1742- 1806. H. 1% 6; W. 1346 inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. 40 Miniatures Painted in America HANNAH SUMMERS (Mrs. Andrew Summers), 1742- 1819. H. 11146; w. 1546 inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. MASTER ANDREW SUMMERS. H. 34; w. 1% inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. MRS. MICHAEL TANEY (née Monica Brook), of Calvert County, Md. Mother of Chief Justice Roger Brook Taney; married about 1770. H. 198; W. 1% 6 inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Painted 1777, supposedly be- fore the Battle of Germantown. H. 144; w. 14 inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. GEORGE WASHINGTON. H. 1%6; W. 1°46 inches. Inscribed on frame: Presented by Washington to Anna Constable, 1785 . . . etc. Illus- trated. Lent by Miss Josephine B. Foster. THOMAS WHARTON, Jr., 1735-1778. First Governor of Pennsylvania under the Constitution of 1776. Painted in 1772-1775. H. 19; w. 144 inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 2; W. 1%6 inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. JAMES PEALE Born 1749 at Chestertown, Md.; died 1831 at Philadelphia, Pa. Younger brother of Charles Willson Peale, whose pupil he was. He painted in oils but especially in minia- ture, being active about 1782-1812. Miniatures Painted in America 41 PAUL BECK, Jr., 1757-1844. Merchant of Philadelphia. H. 29g; W. 1154¢ inches. Signed: I P 1795. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. MOLLIE CALLAHAN, of Annapolis, Md. H. 246; W. 11546 inches. Signed: I P 1799. Lent by Mrs. D. J. McCarthy. ANNE ANRY PIERRE BELLON DE PONT, 1772-1854. Hie2 %@, W. 24% inches. Signed: I P 1797. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. DR. WILLIAM E. HULINGS, of Philadelphia, 1765-1839. H. 144; W. 1% inches. Signed: I P 1789. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. MRS. WILLIAM E. HULINGS, 1770-1854. H. 1%; w. 1% inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. MR. McREE. On the reverse is a memorial miniature. H. 24%; w. 2 inches. Signed: I P 1795. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. ANNA CLAYPOOLE PEALE, 1791-1878. Miniature painter; daughter of the artist. H. 2%; W. 234. inches. Lent by Ernest L. Parker. SELF-PORTRAIT. On the reverse are his wife Maria Clay- poole Peale (1753-1829) and infant daughter. H. 144; w. 1% inches. Signed: I P 1787. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. MARIA CLAYPOOLE PEALE, 1753-1829. Wife of the ar- tist. On the reverse is a self-portrait. H. 144; W. 1% inches. Signed: I P 1788. Lent by Ernest L. Parker. MARIA C. PEALE. Daughter of the artist. H. 344; w. 2% inches. Lent by Ernest L. Parker. REMBRANDT PEALE, 1778-1860. Painter; nephew of the artist. H. 254; w. 148 inches. Signed: I P 1795. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. 42 SMMiniatures Lainted in America JOSIAH PINCKNEY. H. 34%; Ww. 2% inches. Signed: I P 17098. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. MRS. JOSIAH PINCKNEY. H. 2%4; w. 244 inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. FRANCIS PRESTON, of “Aspenvale,” Botetourt County, Va. Member of Congress 1797-1802; Brigadier-General, U.S.A., in the War of 1812. H. 23g; w. 1% inches. Lent by Preston Davie. SARAH BUCHANAN CAMPBELL PRESTON. H. 234; w. 1% inches. Lent by Preston Davie. MRS. MORDECAI SHEFTALL (née Nellie Bush of Phila- delphia). Mordecai Sheftall of Savannah came to Georgia with Oglethorpe. H. 11446; w. 1%@ inches. Signed: I P 1797. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Walter M. Brickner. JOHN WILSON. H. 296; W. 244¢ inches. Signed: I P 1797. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. MRS. JOHN WILSON (née Mary Stuart). H. 2%; w. 2% inches. Signed: I P 1797. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. RAPHAELLE PEALE Born 1774 at Annapolis, Md.; died 1825 at Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Charles Willson and elder brother of Rem- brandt Peale. He was active as a miniaturist, especially in Baltimore and Philadelphia, between the years 1796 and about 1805. MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS ACHESON. Diameter, 2°%% inches; circular. Lent by David Lynn. Miniatures Painted in America 43 BENJAMIN FRANCIS PEARCE, 1780-1802. Youngest son of Henry Ward Pearce. H. 244; w. 2 inches. Signed: Raphaelle Peale 1801 Aged 25, Lent anonymously. Peewee WARD PEARCE, of “Poplar Neck,” Cecil County, Md., 1736-1828. H. 2%}; w. 2% inches. Signed: Raph® Peale 1801 AE 64. Lent anonymously. DOYLE E. SWEENEY. Served in the War of 1812 and as Captain in the Mexican War; died 1847 at Pueblo. Mono- gram in the back: D S. H. 2°4; w. 24 inches. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 3°%46; W. 2% inches. Signed: R P 1800[03?]. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. HENRY PELHAM Born 1748 at Boston, Mass.; died 1806 in Ireland. Copley’s half-brother and pupil; his activity in America was con- fined to the years 1773-1775. STEPHEN HOOPER, of Newburyport, Mass. Painted in 1773: H. 194; w. 1%¢ inches. Illustrated. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. WILLIAM WAGNALL STEVENS. Monogram in back: WWs. H. 148; w.1g@ inches. Lent by Mrs. Horatio G. Curtis. GG PEKSICO Active 1822-1834 in Philadelphia, Pa. A Neapolitan painter who visited America. DR. JOSEPH PLANTON. Painted about 1822. Lent by Mrs. Andrew van Pelt. 44 Miniatures Painted in America PHILIP AY PETPICOLAS 1760-1843. A foreign artist, Italian according to Dunlap, who worked in Richmond, Va. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Supposed to be Robert Callender. H. 244; w. 2%@ inches. Signed: P A Peticolas 1796. Lent by Mrs. J. C. Thorn. MATTHEW PRATT Born 1734 at Philadelphia, Pa.; died there 1805. Pupil of his uncle, James Claypoole, and of Benjamin West. A number of his oil portraits are known, including some painted in New York. JUDGE THOMAS HOPKINSON, of Philadelphia. Painted about 1768-1770. H. 134; w. 1% inches. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. MRS. THOMAS HOPKINSON. Painted about 1768-1770. H. 1%6; W. 1°46 inches. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. JOHN RAMAGE Born about 1750 in Ireland; died 1802 at Montreal. Studied in the Dublin Society schools; came to Boston before the Revolution. Active in New York 1777-1794. ELBRIDGE GERRY, 1744-1814. Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Congressman from Massachusetts 1789- 1793. H. 144; w. 14% inches. Lent by Elbridge T. Gerry. MRS. ELBRIDGE GERRY (née Ann Thompson). H. 144; w. 14 inches. Lent by Elbridge T. Gerry. GULIAN LUDLOW, of New York. H. 2; w. 14 inches; elliptical. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Miniatures Painted in America 45 MRS. GULIAN LUDLOW (née Maria Ludlow). H. 144; w. 1°%4¢ inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. GENERAL ALEXANDER McDOUGALL, 1731-1786. H. 19% 6; w. 1% inches. Lent by Oscar T. Barck. MRS. ELIZABETH BRASHER PINTARD, 1765-1838. H. 146; w. 14 inches. Illustrated. Lent anonymously. JOHN PINTARD, 1759-1818. Painted in 1787. H. 11446; w. 1% inches. Illustrated. Lent anonymously. ANTONY RUTGERS, of New York. H. 148; w. 14@ inches. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. GEORGE WASHINGTON. From the Stabler Collection. Lent by Mrs. Andrew van Pelt. GEORGE WASHINGTON. From the Munn Collection. H. 2; w. 1) inches; elliptical. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Supposed to be Alexander Ma- comb, “the Speculator.” H. 199; W. 1546 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. Maitland Armstrong. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 144; w. 1346 inches. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. PORTRAIT OF AN OFFICER. Formerly attributed to Trumbull. H. 2%; w. 1% inches; elliptical. Lent anonymously. CAROLINE SCHETKY RICHARDSON Active about 1820-1847. As Caroline Schetky she painted miniatures in Philadelphia; after her marriage she worked in Boston, Mass. 46 Miniatures Painted in America DR. GEORGE WASHINGTON HOLDEN, of Bangor, Me. Painted about 1828. H. 144; W. 134 inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON Born 1765 near Aberdeen, Scotland; died 1835 at New York City. Studied in London under Peacock and Charles Sheriff, and at the Royal Academy under Reynolds and West. Came to America in 1791 and settled in New York. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, 1772-1841. Brother of the artist. H. 344; w. 2% inches. Illustrated. Lent by Miss Frances R. Porter. SELF-PORTRAIT. H. 111446; w. 1% inches. Lent by Dr. John E. Stillwell. SELF-PORTRAIT. H. 344; w. 2%g6 inches. Lent by Dr. John E. Stillwell. ELIZA ABRAMSE ROBERTSON. The artist’s wife; mar- ried in 1794. H. 634; w. 4% inches; rectangular. Lent by Dr. John E. Stillwell. WALTER ROBERTSON Born about 1750 at Dublin, Ireland; died 1820 at Futtehpur, India. Studied at schools of the Dublin Society; worked several years in London. Was in America 1792-1795. COLONEL WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Painted in New York about 1792-1794. H. 2% 6; W. 11546 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. Maitland Armstrong. MRS. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Painted in New York about 1792-1794. Miniatures Painted in America 47 H. 246; W. 2 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. Maitland Armstrong. MAJOR. JONATHAN HASKELL, 1755-1814. In the U. S. army, 1777-1796. H. 2446; w. 1% inches. a by Herbert Du Puy. HESTER ROSE TIDYMAN. Born 1773; married John Drayton, 1794. Painted in 1793. H. 24%; w. 214 inches. Lent by Charles D. Drayton. MRS. PHILIP TIDYMAN, of Charleston, S. C. Born about 1757. Painted in 1793. H. 21546; w. 214 inches. Lent by Charles D. Drayton. AUGUSTUS VALLETTE VAN HORNE, of New York, 1765-1853. H. 2°@; w. 2 inches. Illustrated. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. MARTHA WASHINGTON (née Martha Dandridge), 1732- 1802. First married Daniel Parke Custis. H. 2°; w. 1154.4 inches. Illustrated. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. LAWRENCE REID YATES. Merchant of New York; died 1796. H. 21°46; w. 2%4@ inches. Lent by the Estate of Gilbert S. Parker. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Initials H. H. on back of frame. H. 2°46; W. 1°%4 inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Supposed to be Ariana Calvert. H. 2%; w. 2%4¢ inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Said to be a member of the Knox family; the initials G. C. K. on back of frame. H. 284; w. 1% inches. Lent by Arthur P. Howard. 48 Miniatures Lainted in America NATHANIEL ROGERS Born 1788 at Bridgehampton, L. I.; died there 1844. Pupil of Joseph Wood in New York. Fashionable miniature painter in New York until about 1835. EDWARD ARMSTRONG. In British army uniform. Painted when the sitter was about twenty-one years old. H. 21346; w. 2546 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. Maitland Armstrong. MRS. JOHN HONE. H. 21546;°w. 2546 inches. Lent by A. Co Hone: HUMPHRY HOWLAND. H. 3% 3 w. 24% inches. Inscription inside the frame: Humphry Howland age 41% son of Benjamin and Mary Howland Dartmouth Mass 16th-9 month-1780. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. MRS. GABRIEL MANIGAULT. Daughter of Ralph Izard. H. 3144; w. 2% inches; rectangular. Signed: N Rogers N Y. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. MARCUS WILBUR, of New York. H. 253 w. 214 inches. Lent by Albert L. Webster. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 21146; w. 234¢ inches. Illustrated. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. C. B. J. F. DE SAINT-MEMIN Born 1770 at Dijon, France; died there 1852. Came to America about 1793 and remained until 1814. Famous for his portrait drawings and engravings reduced from these. He availed himself of mechanical contrivances for both. EDWARD JOHNSON COALE, 1776-1832. Painted over the engraving of 1804. Miniatures Lainted in America 49 H. 254; w. 2)% inches. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. G. L. SAUNDERS Born 1774 at Kingshorn, Scotland; died 1848 or later at Philadelphia. He worked in Edinburgh and London; in the 1840’s he painted miniatures in Baltimore and Phila- delphia. SOPHIA CARROLL SARGENT. H. 444; w. 3% inches. Signed: G. L. Saunders. Illus- trated. Lent by Mrs. Sophia Frick Schenck. THOMAS BARTOW SARGENT. H. 4°46; W. 3% inches. Signed: G L Saunders. Lent by Mrs. Sophia Frick Schenck. BENJAMIN CHEW WILCOCKS. H. 544; W. 3146 inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Campbell Madetra. MRS. oS CHEW WILCOCKS (née Sally Waln). H. 444; w. 3% inches; rectangular. Signed: G. L. Saun- ders. Lent by Mrs. Campbell Madeira. EDWARD SAVAGE Born 1761 at Princeton, Mass.; died there 1817. A portrait painter and engraver whose work in miniature is rare. SELF-PORTRAIT. On the reverse is the miniature of his brother-in-law, Eben Seaver. H. 146; W. 114¢ inches. Lent by the Worcester Art Museum. MRS. EDWARD SAVAGE (née Sarah Seaver). H. 234; w. 24% inches. Lent by the Worcester Art Museum. 50 Miniatures Painted in America MARY JANE SIMES Active in Baltimore about 1826-1834; a granddaughter of James Peale. MRS. JOHN CHRISTIAN BRUNE. H. 2446; W. 134 inches. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. CHARLES RIDGELY CARROLL. Died 1870. Painted in 1830. H. 2; Ww. 15 inches. Lent anonymously. JAMES PoOSMi tae Born about 1803; died 1888 at Philadelphia, Pa. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 2446; W. 2 inches. Signed in back: James P. Smith May 1834. Lent by Arthur P. Howard. RICHARD M. STAIGG Born 1817 at Leeds, England; died 1881 at Newport, R. I. Came to America in 1831; studied with Washington Alls- ton, and painted miniatures in Newport and Boston. Later he moved to New York and painted in oils. MRS. GEORGE ATKINSON. The artist’s sister. H. 3; w. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. George O. G. Coale. JOHN INMAN LINZEE. Born 1781 at Plymouth, Eng- land; died 1859 at Boston, Mass. H. 474; W. 3% inches. Signed: R. M. Staigg 1847. Lent by Mrs. John T. Linzee. MRS. JOHN INMAN LINZEE (née Elizabeth Tilden). Born 1789 at Boston; died 1861 at Nahant, Mass.; mar- ried 1807. H. 442; W. 3%¢ inches. Signed: R. M. Staigg 1846. Lent by Mrs. John T. Linzee. Miniatures Painted in America 51 ARCHIBALD STAIGG. The artist’s brother. Unfinished miniature. H. 3; W. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. George O. G. Coale, PORTRAIT OF A LADY. H. 444; W. 3°46 inches. Illustrated. Lent anonymously. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Copy after Malbone. H. 3; W. 2% inches. Lent by Mrs. George O. G. Coale. DRAWING OF A CHILD. Pencil and wash on paper; H. 3°43; W. 3 inches. Lent by Mrs. George O. G. Coale. GILBERT STUART Born 1755 at North Kingston, R. I.; died 1828 at Boston, Mass. Celebrated portrait painter. Pupil of Cosmo Hamil- ton; worked in London 1775-1787 and then in Dublin until 1792. Is thought to have painted one miniature. GENERAL HENRY KNOX, 1750-1806. Friend and mili- tary adviser of Washington. This miniature, copied from the oil portrait of Knox, is said to have been painted by Stuart as a demonstration for Sarah Goodridge’s instruc- tion. Miss Goodridge’s nephew, Edward Appleton (died at Reading, Mass., July 30, 1898, aged eighty-two), sold the miniature in 1897. Lent by Mrs. Andrew van Pelt. LAWRENCE SULLY Born 1769 at Kilkenny, Ireland; died 1804 at Richmond, Va. Elder brother of Thomas Sully; painted miniatures in Norfolk and Richmond. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Painted about 1795-1800. H. 244; w. 11546 inches. Lent anonymously. 52 Miniatures Painted in America THOMAS SULLY Born 1783 at Horncastle, England; died 1872 at Philadel- phia. Portrait painter. Pupil of his brother Lawrence and of Benbridge; influenced by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Most of his miniatures were painted before 1806. EDWARD LIVINGSTON. Oil on wood; H. 456; w. 334 inches. Lent by Mrs. Lewis Gouverneur Morris. MRS. EDWARD SHOEMAKER (née Ann Caroline Giles), of Baltimore. H. 248; w. 2% inches. Lent by Sidell Tilghman. SARAH SULLY, 1770-1867. Wife of the artist. Diameter, 14 inches; circular. Lent by Ernest L. Parker. COLONEL RYAN. Attributed to Sully. H. 134; w. 154g inches. Lent by Mrs. D. J. McCarthy. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Attributed to Sully. H. 2; w. 11146 inches. Lent by the Estate of Gilbert S. Parker. JEREMIAH THEUS A Swiss portrait painter who came to Charleston, S. C., and set himself up in his profession in 1739, remaining until his death in 1774. MRS. JACOB MOTTE (née Elizabeth Martin) (?). Mar- ried 1725. Miniature set for a bracelet. H. 194; w. 1)% inches. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. J. Madison Taylor. ELKANAH TISDALE Born about 1771 at Lebanon, Conn.; died after 1834. He worked in Hartford, New York, and Albany. Se Miniatures Painted in America 53 MARSHALL JENKINS, 1780-1819. Painted 1804-1809. H. 2144.6; w. 214 inches. Lent by Miss Frances Hawley. SARAH JENKINS, 1783-1809. Married Marshall Jenkins in 1804. H. 2414.6; w. 2346 inches. Lent by Miss Frances Hawley. BENJAMIN TROTT Born about 1770 probably at Boston; died about 1843. One of the leading American miniature painters. Active in Philadelphia and elsewhere about 1793-1822; later in Newark, New York, and Boston. LEWIS ADAMS. H. 2%; w. 1% inches. Inscription in the back: Lewis Adams Septem" 1828 by B Trott. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. JOSEPH ANTHONY, 1738-1798. Merchant of Newport and Philadelphia. After the portrait by Gilbert Stuart. H. 24%; w. 24% inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. NICHOLAS BIDDLE, 1786-1844. Financier; appointed Minister to France from the U. S., 1804; returned to America 1807. Painted 1807-1809, in the sitter’s youth. H. 35%; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Edward Biddle. EDWARD JOHNSON COALE, 1776-1832. Miniature un- finished. H. 3; w. 214 inches. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. MRS. EDEN. Painted about 1822. H. 344; w. 2% inches; rectangular. Lent by Miss Ethel C. Yates. CHARLES FLOYD, of Virginia. H. 2%6; W. 2 inches. Lent by Mrs. Thomas B. Gannett. 54 Miniatures Painted in America MRS. JAMES GREENLEAF. After a portrait by Stuart. H. 244; W. 2546 inches. Lent by Mrs. Nicholas Luquer. MRS. ALEXANDER N. MACOMB (née Julia Anna Mc- Whorter). Painted in Newark, N. J., in 1823. H. 3%@; w. 234 inches. Lent anonymously. EDWARD STOW. An early work, about 1795; it is men- tioned in a letter written by Stow, Feb. 22, 1838, giving his “miniature painted by Benjamin Trott” to his daugh- ter Caroline. H. 244; w.1%@ inches. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. GENERAL ANNE-LOUIS DE TOUSSARD, 1749-1821. Staff officer under Washington and Lafayette. Engraved by D. Edwin in 1809 as after Malbone, H. 35; w. 234 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. J. McCarthy. MISS SALLY WALN (?). Painted about 1820. H. 3446; W. 2% inches; rectangular. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Campbell Madeira. BENJAMIN CHEW WILCOCKS. Dunlap (1918 edition, II, p. 100) mentions a miniature of Wilcocks by Trott. H. 3%; W. 2134 inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Campbell Madeira. CHARLES WILKINS. Painted about 180 cy H. 24%; w. 214@ inches. In the back on a paper cut from a letter is written: “Goodbye, Chas. Wilkins.” In pencil is added: “Lexington, Ky. July 1824.” Illustrated. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. DR. PEREGRINE WROTH, 1786-1879, of Chestertown, Md. Painted when he was a medical student at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania; inscription in back in sitter’s handwriting: “Peregrine Wroth, painted by Mr. Trott, Sansom St. Philadelphia, Anno Domini 1806.” Miniatures Painted in America 55 H. 23943; w. 244 inches. Lent by Peregrine Wroth. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Painted about 1822. H. 2546; W. 1% inches. Lent by the Estate of Gilbert S. Parker. JUDGE JOHN JONES MILLIGAN, of Wilmington, Del. Attributed to Trott; painted about 1810-1812. H. 254; w. 2%46 inches. Lent anonymously. MRS. JOHN JONES MILLIGAN (née Martha Levy of Philadelphia). Attributed to Trott; painted about 1810- 1812. H. 244; w. 2%46 inches. Lent anonymously. SAMUEL WOODWORTH. Attributed to Trott. H. 254; w. 24% inches. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. JOHN TRUMBULL Born 1756 at Lebanon, Conn.; died 1843 at New York City. He was noted for his portraits and historical scenes painted in oils. For these he made small oil portrait studies on wood. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Painted in Paris, 1787. Oil on wood; H. 4°46; W. 3 inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. JOHN LAURANCE, 1750-1810. Member from New York of the First Congress under the Constitution and later Senator. Oil on wood; H. 3°¢; w. 3 inches. Lent anonymously. GENERAL THOMAS MIFFLIN, 1744-1800. Oil on wood; H. 254; w. 25 inches. Lent by Ernest L. Parker. 56 Miniatures Painted in America WILLIAM LOUGHTON SMITH, 1758-1812. Representa- tive from South Carolina to the First Congress. Painted in 1792. Oil on wood; H. 354; w. 2% inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. JOHN WATSON Born 1685 in Scotland; died 1768 at Perth Amboy, N. J. Settled in Perth Amboy about 1715. Only a few small portrait drawings in pencil and India ink are definitely identified as by him. JOHN PARKER, of Perth Amboy, 1692-1732. Warden of St. Peter’s from 1723-1726. India ink on parchment; H. 334; w. 314¢ inches. Lent by the Estate of Cortland Parker. SELF-PORTRAIT. Drawn in 1720; presented to William Lossing, 1872, by W. A. Whitehead, historian of East Jersey. India ink and pencil on paper; H. 334; w. 3 inches. In- scribed: AETS. 35. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Frank E. Johnson. BENJAMIN WEST Born 1738 at Springfield, Pa.; died 1820 at London. Estab- lished in Philadelphia as a portrait painter at the age of eighteen. He went to New York, then to Italy, where he studied three years; settled in London, where he remained the rest of his life. Noted for his large historical and reli- gious pictures. SELF-PORTRAIT. When this miniature was shown to West in 1816 he recalled having painted it at the age of eighteen and having given it to Miss Elizabeth Steele of Philadel- phia. Miss Steele became Mrs. Cook and the miniature came from the Cook family. H. 2%6; W. 1154 inches. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. Miniatures Painted in America 57 HENRY WILLIAMS Born 1787 at Boston; died there 1830. According to Dunlap, Williams was a professor of electricity. He made excellent crayon portraits, wax profiles, and miniatures. HENRY BURROUGHS. _ #H. 24%6; w. 2% inches. Signed: Williams 1810. In the back a note: “, . presented to Miss Catharine H. _ Greene whom I married Feb. 7, 1814. I was 27 years old when this was painted H. B.” Illustrated. Lent by Bryson Burroughs. EDWARD COVERLY. H. 3446; W. 2% inches. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Pencil and wash on paper; H. 5; W. 3!%4¢ inches; rec- tangular. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JOSEPH WOOD Born about 1778 at Clarktown, Orange Co., N. Y.; died about 1832 at Washington, D. C. A farmer’s son and apparently self-taught. He ran away to New York as a lad and formed a partnership with Jarvis; moved to Philadelphia about 1813 and later to Washington. SAMUEL ETTING. H. 2%4¢; W. 1% inches. Signed: J Wood Pinx. 1819. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. C. F. KUPFER. H. 21546; W. 2%¢ inches; rectangular. Lent by Mrs. Roland C. Nickerson. COMMODORE OLIVER HAZARD PERRY, 1785-18109. H. 314; w. 2% inches; rectangular. Signed: J. Wood 1809. Lent by Breckinridge Long. 58 Miniatures Painted in America JOHN GREENE PROUD, 1776(?)-186—(?). Merchant. Painted in New York in 1812. H. 3; Ww. 2% inches. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. THOMAS SAY, 1787-1834. Painted about 1815. H. 2°43 w. 2 inches. Lent by Mrs. D. J. McCarthy. PORTRAIT OF A MAN, Initials J. D. in back. H. 254; w. 2% inches. Lent by Herbert L. Pratt. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 2%; w. 2% inches; rectangular. Signed: Painted by I Wood 1828. Lent by Mrs. Miles White, Jr. MINIATURES BY UNKNOWN ARTISTS Arranged chronologically. MRS. HENRY PRATT (née Rebecca Claypoole). Born 1711. Painted about 1750-1760. H. 144; w. 134g inches. Lent by Mrs. William M. McCauley. MRS. PETER DE LANCEY (née Elizabeth Colden), of New York. Set for a bracelet; painted about 1770. H. 11546; w. 1% inches. Lent by de Lancey Kountze. MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL (née Sarah Elizabeth Pear- sall). Probably by Dunkerley. H. 1% 6; w. 144 inches. Lent by Mrs. Pearsall Campbell. MRS. PETER DE LANCEY, 1719-1784. Painted about 1780, possibly by Benbridge; set for a bracelet. H. 11546; w. 1%g inches. Illustrated. Lent by Mrs. William Burden. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Painted about 1780. H. 158; W. 154g inches. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. Mimatures Painted in America 59 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. A member of the Bayard family of New York. Painted about 1780. H. 1%; w. 1\% inches. Lent by Howard Townsend. JOHN HANCOCK, 1737-1793. Statesman; the first to sign the Declaration of Independence; first Governor of Mas- sachusetts. Painted about 1780. H.1%6; W. 1%@ inches. Lent by Mrs. Frederick A. Savage. ANTHONY BLEECKER (?), 1770-1827. Painted about 1795-1800. Probably by Elkanah Tisdale. H. 244; w. 2 inches. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. H. 244; w. 2 inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Painted about 1800. H. 244; w. 1!%4¢ inches. Lent by Mrs. Charles Hallam Keep. JOHN NEAGLE, 1796-1865. Painter. Diameter, 2° inches; circular. Signed: S. DB. 1816 PH. In the back, a paper inscribed: Jno. Neagle 1816. Lent by Herbert Du Puy. DOLLY MADISON (Mrs. James Madison), 1772-1849. Formerly attributed to Anna C. Peale. H. 2% 6; W. 1% inches. Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE HANCOCK FAMILY. Perhaps by John Carlin; painted about 1840. H. 19% 6; W. 1%4¢ inches. Lent by Mrs. Frederick A. Savage. MRS. PHOEBE CARR HUGER, of Charleston, S. C. Painted about 1845. H. 244; w. 134 inches. Lent by R. T. H. Halsey. 60 Miniatures Painted in America s _ £ PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE SULLY F Painted about 1860. Note the influence of the dagu type. oe ae ee H. 1%; w. 1% inches. hi Lent by Mrs. John Hill Morgan. Pilot OFAARTISTS REPRESENTED ARRANGED ACCORDING TO PERIODS John Watson, 1685-1768 Jeremiah Thets, active 1739-1774 Matthew Pratt, 1734-1805 Benjamin West, 1738-1820 Charles Willson Peale, 1741-1827 John Singleton Copley, 1737-1815 Henry Pelham, 1748-1806 Joseph Dunkerley, active 1783-1788 Henry Benbridge, 1744-1812 John Ramage, about 1750-1802 Edward Savage, 1761-1817 John Trumbull, 1756-1843 Walter Robertson, about 1750-1802 Henri Elouis, 1755-1840 Archibald Robertson, 1765-1835 William Birch, 1755-1834 James Peale, 1749-1831 Raphaelle Peale, 1774-1825 Philip A. Peticolas, 1760-1843 C. B. J. F. de Saint-Memin, 1770-1852 Lawrence Sully, 1769-1804 Thomas Sully, 1783-1872 Robert Fulton, 1765-1815 Edward Greene Malbone, 1777-1807 Robert Field, about 1770-1819 Benjamin Trott, about 1770-about 1843 Edward Miles, 1752-1828 Elkanah Tisdale, about 1771-after 1834 William Dunlap, 1766-1839 Joseph Wood, about 1778-about 1832 Anson Dickinson, 1779-1852 64 Miniatures Painted in America John Wesley Jarvis, 1780-1839 I. T. Mitchell, active about 1800-1810 Henry Williams, 1787-1830 Gilbert Stuart, 1755-1828 Sarah Goodridge, 1788-1853 Henry Inman, 1801-1847 Charles Fraser, 1782-1857 Louis Antoine Collas, 1775-1828 Nathaniel Rogers, 1788-1844 George Catlin, 1796-1872 John W. Dodge, 1807-1893 Thomas Seir Cummings, 1804-1894 Ezra Ames, 1768-1836 Ann Hall, 1792-1863 Anna Claypoole Peale, 1791-1878 Mary Jane Simes, active about 1826-1834 James P. Smith, about 1803-1888 G. Persico, active 1822-1834 Caroline Schetky Richardson, active about 1820-1847 Alvan Clark, 1804-1887 George Freeman, 1789(?)-1868 James Reid Lambdin, 1807-1889 Thomas E. Barratt, active 1837-1854 Alfred Agate, 1818-1846 John Alexander MacDougall, 1810 or 1811-1894 G. L. Saunders, 1774-after 1848 Richard M. Staigg, 1817-1881 » X OF PORTRAITS ¥ INDEX OF PORTRAITS Acheson, Major-General Thomas Adams, Lewis Allston, Washington Ames, Ezra Amory, Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Miss Andrews, David Anthony, Joseph Apthorp, Hannah, see Mrs. Charles Bulfinch Armstrong, Edward Armstrong, Colonel William Armstrong, Mrs. William Atkinson, Mrs. George Baron, Dr. Alexander Barrell, Miss, see Mrs. Benjamin Joy Barrell, Joseph Bayard family, A man of the Beach, Samuel Beck, Paul, Jr. Bergh, Charles Edwin, I Biddle, Mrs. Edward Biddle, Nicholas Biddle, Mrs. Nicholas Bigelow, Mary Langrell Bingham, The Hon. William Bleecker, Mrs. Alexander Bleecker, Anthony Bogert, James, Jr. Bowen, Elizabeth, see Mrs. Thomas Amory Brasher family, A lady of the Brewer, Rachel, see Rachel Brewer Peale Britton, Eleanor PAGE 39; 42 53 34 19 34 33 2) 53 48 46 46 50 28 AGE 59 30 AI oT 30 53 30 26 39 34 59 a3 Od 38 68 Miniatures @ainted in “America PAGE Brook, Monica, see Mrs. Michael Taney Brown, Charles Brockden 26 Brown, Jane S. 38 Brown, Robert P. 38 Brune, Mrs. John Christian 50 Bulfinch, Charles 25 Bulfinch, Mrs. Charles 25 Burroughs, Henry ee Burroughs, Mrs. Mary 25 Bush, Nellie, see Mrs. Mordecai Sheftall Callahan, Mollie AI Callender, Robert 44 Campbell, Maria, see Mrs. George Winchester Campbell, Mrs. Patrick 58 Carroll, Charles Ridgely 50 Cary, Samuel a2 Cary, Sarah (Mrs. Samuel) 23 Catlin, George 25 Chandler, Catherine Amory yt Chandler, Nathaniel ce Chandler, Mrs. Nathaniel ea Chase, Frances Townley, see Mrs. Richard Lockerman Clark, Mrs. Alvan 22 Clark, Barnabas ; 22 Clark, Peter Hall 24 Clarkson, Levinus 23 Clay, Henry 34 Claypoole, Rebecca, see Mrs. Henry Pratt Coale, Edward Johnson 48,53 Colden, Elizabeth, see Mrs. Peter de Lancey Cook, Jane (Mrs. Thomas Seir Cummings), see “The Bracelet,” “The Lily” 23, 24 Copley, John Singleton 23 Coverly, Edward 57 Miniatures Painted in America 69 PAGE Craig, Margaret, see Mrs. Nicholas Biddle Cummings, Charles F. C. oe Cummings, Mrs. Jane Cook, see “The Bracelet,” “The Lily” OCIA Dandridge, Martha, see Martha Washington Dashiell, B. F. A. C. 27 de Lancey, Alice, see Mrs. Ralph Izard de Lancey, Mrs. Peter 58 De Pont, A. A. Pierre Bellon AI Derby, Mrs. Richard Coffin 34 Dorlon, Robert 24 Dorsey, Dr. Robert Edward 22 Drayton, Mrs. John, see Hester Rose Tidyman Drayton, Colonel William 28 Earle, James oF Eden, Mrs. 53 Elder, Josiah 20 Etting, Samuel 57 Ewing, Dr. James Sergeant 27 Farley, Eben 34 Fenno, Eliza 34 Ferguson, Mrs. Thomas 20 Fish, Nicholas 35 Floyd, Charles 53 Foote, Elizabeth Stirling 24 Foote, Erasmus Darwin 24 Forward, The Hon. Walter 22 Fulton, Robert 24, 30 Fulton, Mrs. Robert 30 Gadsden, Mrs. Christopher 20 Gale, J. W. 24 Gerry, Elbridge 44 Gerry, Mrs. Elbridge 44 Giles, Ann Caroline, see Mrs. Edward Shoemaker 70 Miniatures Painted in America Gilmor, Mrs., see Sarah Ladson Goddard, Mrs. Mary Caroline Gourdin, James Gourdin, Mrs. Theodore Gratz, Rebecca Greene, Dorothy, see Mrs. Nathaniel Chandler Greene, General Nathanael Greenleaf, Mrs. James Hall, Ann Hall, Dr. Jonathan Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander Hancock, John Hancock family, A lady of the Harding, Walter E. Harris, Charles Harris, Richard D. Hartley, Sarah, see Mrs. William Somersall Haskell, Major Jonathan Hawley, Jesse Holden, Dr. George Washington Hone, Mrs. John Hooper, Stephen Hopkinson, Judge Thomas Hopkinson, Mrs, Thomas Howland, Humphry Huger, Judge Daniel Elliott Huger, Francis Kinloch Huger, Mrs. Phoebe Carr Hulings, Dr. William E. Hulings, Mrs. William E. Izard, Captain George Izard, Mrs. Ralph Jefferson, Thomas Jenkins, Marshall Miniatures Painted in America 71 PAGE Jenkins, Sarah 53 Jordan, John, Jr. 20 Joy, Mrs. Benjamin 31 Key, Mrs. Francis Scott, see Mary Tayloe Lloyd Kittera, John Wilkes 30 Kittera, Mrs. John Wilkes 30 Knox, General Henry 51 Bouter, C.F. 57 Ladson, James 29 Ladson, Sarah 20 Lafayette, General 23 Lallemand, Mme (née Harriet Clark) 38 Laurance, John 55 Laurens, Colonel John 39 Lee, Arthur ss Levy, Martha, see Mrs. John Jones Milligan Linzee, John Inman 50 Linzee, Mrs. John Inman 50 Livingston, Edward 52 Livingston, Harriet, see Mrs. Robert Fulton Lloyd, Mary Tayloe 27 Lockerman, Richard a7 Lockerman, Mrs. Richard 27 Lossing, Benson J. 24 Lowndes, Mrs. James 35. Ludlow, Gulian 44. Ludlow, Mrs. Gulian (Maria) 45, Lyman, Charles 35 Macomb, Alexander 45 Macomb, Mrs. Alexander N. 54 MacPherson, Colonel J. E. 29 Madison, Dolly (Mrs. James) 59 Malbone, Edward Greene 35 Manigault, Mrs. Gabriel 48 a Miniatures Painted in America PAGE Marshall, Dr. Thomas 20 Martin, Elizabeth, see Mrs. Jacob Motte Marx, Asher 25 Marx, Joseph 36 McDougall, General Alexander 45 McRee, Mr. AI McWhorter, Julia Anna, see Mrs. Alexander N. Macomb Means, Thomas 36 Mellen, Grenville ae Melville, Mrs. John 23 Middleton, Mrs. Arthur 36 Mifflin, General Thomas 55 Miles, Edward, Jr. 27 Miller, William Shearer 22 Milligan, Judge John Jones 55 Milligan, Mrs. John Jones 55 Moses, David 36 Moses, Solomon 36 Motte, Mrs. Jacob co Musgrave, Mrs. William, see Eleanor Britton Neagle, John 59 Ogden, Henry 29 Olmsted, Mrs. Aaron, see Mary Langrell Bigelow Parker, John 56 Parsons, Theophilus an Parsons, Chief Justice Theophilus 19 Parsons, Mrs. Theophilus, see Catherine Amory Chandler Patterson, Cornelia, see Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer, ITI Peale, Anna Claypoole AI Peale, Eleanor 39 Peale, James 4I Peale, Maria C. 4I Peale, Mrs. Maria Claypoole 4I Peale, Rachel Brewer 39 Miniatures @ainted in America Peale, Rembrandt Pearce, Benjamin Francis Pearce, Henry Ward Pearsall, Sarah Elizabeth, see Mrs. Patrick Campbell Perry, Commodore Oliver Hazard Pettigru, Captain William Pinckney, Josiah Pinckney, Mrs. Josiah Pintard, Mrs. Elizabeth Brasher Pintard, John Planton, Dr. Joseph Poinsett, Miss Poinsett, Joel R. Power, Nicholas Pratt, Mrs. Henry Preston, Francis Preston, Sarah Buchanan Campbell Proud, John Greene Randolph, The Hon. Peyton Ridgely, Charles, II Ridgely, Mrs. Charles, see Mrs. George Winchester Ridley, Matilda, see Mrs. Robert Watts Robertson, Alexander Robertson, Archibald Robertson, Eliza Abramse Rochambeau, Comte de Rutgers, Antony Ryan, Colonel Sargent, Sophia Carroll Sargent, Thomas Bartow Sarmiento, Jane Josephine, see Mrs. Edward Biddle Savage, Edward Savage, Mrs. Edward Say, Thomas 74 Miniatures Painted in America Schuyler, Elizabeth, see Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Scollay, Deborah, see Mrs. John Melville Seaver, Eben, see Savage Self-Portrait Seaver, Sarah, see Mrs. Edward Savage Sheftall, Mrs. Mordecai Shepheard, Captain Charles Shoemaker, Mrs. Edward Shubrick, Sarah Alicia, see Mrs. Paul Trapier Smith, William Loughton Somersall, Mrs. William Staigg, Archibald Stevens, William Wagnall Stow, Edward Stuart, Gilbert Stuart, Mary, see Mrs. John Wilson Sully, Sarah Sully family, A lady of the Summers, Captain Andrew Summers, Master Andrew Summers, Hannah Sweeney, Doyle E. Taney, Mrs. Michael Taylor, Archibald Tidyman, Hester Rose Tidyman, Mrs. Philip Thompson, Ann, see Mrs. Elbridge Gerry Thornton, Dr. William Tilden, Elizabeth, see Mrs. John Inman Linzee Timothy, Elizabeth Ann Toussard, General Anne-Louis de Trapier, Mrs. Benjamin Foissin Trapier, Mrs. Paul Treat, Henry Browse Van Horne, Augustus Vallette PAGE TQ, 36, 42 20 52 56 21 ip 43 54 31 52 60 39 40 40 43 40 36 47 47 28 aT 54 Oa 37 26 47 Miniatures Painted in America 75 PAGE Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Stephen, III 30 Vincent, Polly Stuart Webb 33 Verplanck, Mrs. Gulian Crommelin, see Eliza Fenno 34 Waln, Nicholas 28 Waln, Sally 54 Waln, Sally, see Mrs. Benjamin Chew Wilcocks Waln, William 26 Ward, Eliza Hall 32 Ward, Master Henry Hall a2 Walsh, Hugh 20 Washington, George 28, 40, 45 Washington, Martha 47 Watson, John 56 Watts, Mrs. Robert 25 Webster, Daniel 32 West, Benjamin 56 Wharton, Thomas, Jr. 40 Wilbur, Marcus 48 Wilcocks, Benjamin Chew 49, 54 Wilcocks, Mrs. Benjamin Chew Ke) Wilkins, Charles 54 Williamson, Mrs. John, see Elizabeth Ann Timothy Wilson, John 42 Wilson, Mrs. John 42 Winchester, Mrs. George a5 Winthrop, Jane 29 Woodworth, Samuel 55 Wragg, Miss, see Mrs. Thomas Ferguson Wragg, Miss, see Mrs. Christopher Gadsden Wragg, Major Samuel ci Wroth, Dr. Peregrine 54 Yates, Lawrence Reid 47 " ED CHRONOLOGICALLY ANG AIT fas a me oe) ny By rd 4 WN = S me = & = S sy > RQ JACOB MOTTE (?) Jeremiah Theis . MRS By MRS. THOMAS HOPKINSON By Matthew Pratt ELIZABETH ANN TIMOTHY By Henry Benbridge PETER DE LANCEY MRS. Artist unknown MRS. SAMUEL CARY SELF-PORTRAIT By John Singleton Copley By John Singleton Copley STEPHEN HOOPER By Henry Pelham MRS. MARY BURROUGHS By Joseph Dunkerley se) 1S) vA lam oy | p OQ oP) fa s = @) n a4 a PORTRAIT OF A MAN Joseph Dunkerley By COMTE DE ROCHAMBEAU COLONEL WILLIAM ARMSTRONG By Charles Willson Peale By Charles Willson Peale GEORGE WASHINGTON By Charles Willson Peale | a x 0) a A, Ay | 30 | a 6S ee | a 8 aS | ee 8 a 3S i | Z& 2 | a os ae | As ts i | mo HS | ales aee, | ts <5 ] ina) 2) Trott in MISS SALLY WALN( By Benjam CHARLES WILKINS By Benjamin Trott Trott mn By Benjam es H RQ PORTRAIT OF A LADY lL Rogers ie By Nathan JOHN GREENE PROUD By Joseph Wood ALEXANDER HAMILTON MRS 4 an Henry Inm By ings LOSSING BENSON J. By Thomas Seir Cumm ALEXANDER BARON By Charles Fraser DR PORTRAIT OF A LADY By Richard M. Staigg | ee | | | = Z ea} () z eas sas H § ON jaa] ° 4