of bh LIBRARY No. _ |M. Knoedler & Co. { O6 14 East 57th St. New York ACC. ea i ire Pe i s 4 ‘ Yi uke Dakss hae ie Wie th ; “ge [pect ie EN ene aaa oe: BORING eed a et tee ok Wah aah b dia! ‘i ery et L ie pe ] Red » “Tk ‘ioe aS ny AN z f 4 a penny ee os, [ SYN | ati \ Hatt AT A CABARET, Meissonier. No, 165. . ors wr LE “PAINTINGS. ie : sie ‘ he Tie ie Se; ee ae ee ee yi y rt oe a 27s t aclige Ee THE COLLECTIONS OF it ee a — ON EXHIBITION AT. THE Ton Headey af Desig, ORNER OF 93d. STREET “AND 4th. AVENUE, AND . WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION Aas POHICKERING ARL. «. ‘ nici gon | WEDNESDA Y AND THURSDA VE VENINGS, on At, Seo Deéembet ee and 18th, 2809. a a CAN EIT = aaa GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. R. SOMERVILLE, Vries ees _ ** Under the direction of S. P. AVERY. *,* ‘ ae THIS SALE WILL TAKE} PLACE AT CHICKERING (HALL, ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVE’GS, DEC. 17 AND 18. CONDITIONS OF ace. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be tmmediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part pay- ment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, 2% de- fault of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be tmmediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely patd, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, om or before delivery: in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, tf the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- lure, Works of Art, or any other article, ¢s not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All artécles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. Lo prevent inaccuracy tn delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, n0 Lot can, on any account be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited tn part payment shall be forfetted ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the defictency (7 ~ any) attending such re-sale, shall be made vood by the Le faulter at thts Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition ts without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, tf they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT &» CO. Mr. S. P. AVERY respectfully announces that he has been authorized by Messrs. John H. Sherwood and Benjamin Hart to sell at public auction their valuable collections of paintings, by noted American and Foreign artists. They will be on exhibition at the galleries of the ‘‘ National Academy of Design,” corner of 23d Street and 4th Avenue, from ~Saturday, December 6th, until Wednesday, December 17th (in- clusive). They will be sold at Chickering Hall, by R. Somer- ville, auctioneer, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, De- cember 17th and 18th. The importance of these collections will make the sale second (only) in value in the history of art-auc- tions in this country. Mr. Sherwood's collection has been made familiar in many generous ways, and he has been long and favorably known for his efforts in behalf of art, and for his liberal patronage of our home school. Nearly all of his pictures, by American, English, and Scotch artists, were painted expressly to his order, and many are the master-pieces of their authors. Mr. Hart’s collection is composed entirely of works by foreign artists of distinction in the different schools, collected by him . during several years of residence abroad, with great taste, care, and cost, and under most favorable intercourse with the artists, and having been rarely'seen out of his house in Madison Avenue, they will have the charm of novelty. Mr. Sherwood not being a housekeeper, and Mr. Hart ieee ing in future to reside abroad, are the reasons for the disposal of these choice collections. Notasingle painting has been withheld, nothing has been added ; the word of these gentlemen has been pledged that not one shall be bought in, and Mr. Avery is charged to see that this pledge will be strictly carried out. *.* The sale will be under the supervision of S. P. Avery, of No. 86 Fifth Avenue, to whom orders to Sa all and other communications may be addressed.*,* NAMES OF THE 114 ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS CATALOGUE. ACHENBACH, 129. BAUGNIET, 27. BAKKERKORFF, 98. BELLANGE, IOI. BEARNARD, 43. BILLOTTE, 83. BOULANGER, 161. BOUDIN, It. BONHEUR, 31, 123. BOUTIBONNE, 106, CARLINI, 3, 81. CABANEL, 120. CHAPLIN, 29. CHAVET, 97. CHARNAY, 94. CLAYS, 131. COUTOURIER, 34. COL (DAVID), 59. COROT, 76, 153, 162. DAUBIGNY, 55. DE DREUX, 26. DECAMPS, I55. DE KEYSER, 21. BROWN (J. G.), 57; 105, 139. BROWN (w. M.), 6. BOUGHTON, 18, 68, 114. COLMAN, III. DOUGHTY, 51. DETAILLE, 67. DE NITTIS, 23, I19. DIAZ, 71, 159. DURAN, 75. DUPRE, 77, 103. DUVERGER, Q, 88. DRUMMOND, 39, 135. ESCOSURA, 65. FORTUNY, 20, 104. FLUGGEN, 42. GEBLER, 14. GAUERMANN, 140. GEROME, 160, GESSA, 113. GIRARD, 112. GLAIZE, 63, 138. GOUPIL, 35. GUES, 73. HEILBUTH, 66. HERBSTOFFER, 99. HERDMANN, 132. HILLEMACHER, 32. JACQUE, 72, 102. BY AMERICAN Guy (Miss), 2, 82. HART (J. M.), 52. HOMER, 40, 40, I2I. IRVING, 24, II5. KENSETT, 130. JACQUET, 74. JAZET, 122. JIMINEZ, 25. JONGKIND, 8, 87. KNAUS, 79. KOLLER, 64. KOWALSKI, 96. LAMBINET, 17. LE POITTEVIN, IIo. MADRAZO, 38, 146. MAGNUS, Io. MEISSONIER, 165. MELIN, 50. MICHETTI, 155. | MULREADY, 85. OMMEGANCK, 22. PALMAROLI, 144. PARITICELLI, 93. PELOUZE, 12. PILLE, 44. PLASSAN, 95. RICO, 41, 116, 149. ROYBET, 53, 147+ ROUSSEAU, 78. ROSSI, 164. ROTTA, 143. SCHREYER, 58, 134. SCHENCK, 15. SCHEERES, 86. SEIGNAC, QI. SORDET, 1, 84. STEELL, 13, 45, 108, £36, 157. STAMMEL, 48. STEVENS, 158. TROYON, 62, 80, 156. 163. VAN MARCKE, 60, 128. VAN MIERIS, 145. VERNON, 16, 124, VILLEGAS, 137. VIRY, 154. VIBERT, 69, 1076 VOLLON, 28. WORMS, 56. ZAMACOIS, 70, 152. ZIEM, 47, 118. ; ZIMMERMANN, I51. ARTISTs; SONNTAG, 46, 150. SHATTUCK, Ig. ‘ SCOTT, 5. SARGENT, 61. WARD, 117. GIFEORD (S. R.), 50@, 100. GIFFORD (SWAYNE), 30. GUY (S. J.), 4, 36, 54, 92, 142. EA¥,137. MORGAN, 109, RICHARDS, 33, 141. WHITTREDGE, 133. WYANT, 148. CATALOGUE Paes IV NIN G’S SALE. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH, AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O’CLOCK. The jirst figure indicates the WIDTH of each picture. SORDET (E.) : ; . Geneva Pupil of Calame. SWISS LANDSCAPE. I0x7 GUY (Miss) : : : New York. “— CARLINI (Guelio) . : : . Venice. . THE ABDUCTION. Water-Color. 9x10 4 7, J GUY (Saf: A. : ; . New York. Sie BLACK HAMBURG GRAPES. 12x16 5 Z V4 —~ LDLE SCOTT (Julian). .N. Aziae : . New York. THE CAPTCGRED RECOR Gs, IOx12 BROWN (W. M.) : : . New York. Ge NA) AFTER HOLBEIN. : 7 fp Miniatures in ivory. In frames of bronze. OF & EARL OF ORMOND ( father of Anne Boleyn), a SIR THOMAS WYAT, 32% 44 8 ‘ {-§— JONGKIND (J.B) Pupil of Isabey. Medal 1852. MOONLIGHT. 8 xIO ; 9 ~ DUVERGER (T. E) Medals, 1861, ’63, ’65. THE MORAL OF THE BOTTLE. 16x19 10 MAGNUS f y) Pupil of Diaz. L-y/ A CLEARING IN THE FOREST. 23x18 , Paris. Paris, Paris. rer reed a Cass —s “S = t Se NN PAK oy =u Ct hale \ 4 - so : 2 No. 30. Gifford. NEAR THEZLANDING PLACE. II _ BOUDIN (E.) . fe ‘ : - Paris. SS” TROUVILLE. << I5x8 I2 PELOUSE(EGG) 3 : . Paris: Medals, 1873, ’76. SCS 7 Medal Exposition Universelle, 1878. vA O y Legion of Honor, 1878. VILLAGE OF CERNA Y. 20x12 13 STEELL (Gourlay), R.S.A. ; . Edinburgh. /. 4, Animal painter to the Queen in Scotland. THE TEMPORARY SHADE. 14 X20 T4 7 (- GEBLER (F. Otto). ; Me . Munich. Medal, Berlin, 1874. THE SHADOW. I2x9g t i Q es | a ee /, HAL ICS z 7 2 Ope HAWS ee ZY, eet reer AUTUMN. T5 SCHENCK {(A;3) % : ; orale Pupil of Cogniet, 2 Medal, 1865. oF is ps Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal, and of Isabel the Ce “a is Catholic. SHEEP IN A SNOW-STORM. 23X15 16 f-/—NERNON(A.L.) . : . London. f Ea ) = AN ENGLISH PARK. ; ; 24 B18 17 LAMBINET (E.), dec’d. , : Parse / Medals, 1843, ’53, ’57. i i fs A Ory Legion of Honor, 1867, —(™” Born, 1810. Died, 1878. LANDSCAPE. 17x13 18 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), N.A. and A.R,A. London, 7 7 SaaS BURNING FAGGOTS. ) 7 134 x gt / No. 43. Bearnard. GOING TO THE DANCE, 19 SHATTUCK (A.D.), N.A. . . New York, SHEEP AND CATTLE. 4 ‘ , y mace ot fy) 24x16 ie GY 4 20 FORTUNY (Mariano), dec'd. ‘ Rome. Pupil of the Barcelona Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Me Vi Prize of Rome, from Spain, 1858. a Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1838. Died, 1874. A SPANISH LADY. Water-Color. 10x14 21 DE KEYSER (N.) . Antwerp, Pupil of the Antwerp Academy. Medals, 1836, 40. : / ru _Mhevalier of the Order of Leopold, and of the Lion of the Neth- f / aa erlands. . President of the Academy of Antwerp. en A SCHOLAR OF THE MIDDLE AGES: I2X 14 \y D \ (4 WG, “YX z se SS» ed a ie No. 45, Steel. DEER STALKING. as ee) OMMEGANCK (deceased). y THE SHEPHERD S REPOSE. - A fi s 4 75 I9 X15 23 DE NITTIS (J.) : : o “Paris: Pupil of Gérome. Puy Medal, 1876. a eS “L ‘T Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. ee. Legion of Honor, 1878. THE QUARREL. 6x9 24 IRVING (J. B.), N. A., dee’d, ; -. New York. Born, 1826%.Died= i577. =) hb THE CONNOISSE URS.—Statue of Venus de Medici. 4x12 25 JIMINEZ (Prieto M.) . s - Rome. 3) S) . SERVANTS’ HALL IN THE ALHAMBRA. cy J bas 14. x 18 rr oe oars ee o Ur? : Ra MN Ye \\ \\ AN x Wu a INN ees i < \./ 6 ACH AME Ne iW Ally Ny “EG “ON Cw 4) 240zr ‘sHONOg AHL wang iv @ Nees) 26 DE DREUX (Alfred) : ° . Paris. Pupil of L. Cogniet. wr 7 ean Medals, 1834, ’44, ’48. 5 Legion of Honor, 1857. Born, 1812. Died, 1860. A OX. CHA SE. 21 x15 27 BAUGNIET (Charles) : .» Pars. i Pupil of Drolling. CQ) C/ Medals, 1865 ; Vienna, 1873. 6, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, of Isabel the Catholic, of Christ of Portugal, and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe. WAITING FOR THE OPERA. L7 Ql 28 VOLLON (A.) . Paris. Pupil of the Academy at Lyons. Medals, 1865, ’68, ’69. Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. I, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. aor THE SEINE AT BERCEY. 16 x 8 SUL bY No. 58. Daubigny. AUTUMN AT AUVERS, 29 CHAPLIN (C.) : . Paris. Pupil of Drolling. “) tj} oO Medals, 1851, ’52, 65. “vy LL Legion of Honor, 1865. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1877. A STUDY OF GEOGRAPHY. 7X12 30 GIFFORD (R. Swayne), Ni. Ae . New York. fj NEAR THE LANDING-PLACE—OCTOBER. 2 re 26 x 15 31 BONHEUR (J. Peyrol) 3 {- Paria Pupil of her sister. Kiet 95 / ANIMALS IN PASTURE. 25X17 ' THE PROMENADE, 32 HILLEMACHER (E.) . Paris. P Pupil of L. Cogniet. A ( Ff ij rt - Medals, 1848, ’57, ’61, ’63. i Legion of Honor, 1865. THE MARIONETTES. 25 x19 33 RICHARDS (Wm. T.) . . Philadelphia. Pasi, PARADISE POINT, NEWPORT—AUTUMN. Bp © 20 x 24 / ee COUTURIER (P. L.) : : - aS, Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1855, ’6r. Yk A FRENCH BARN-YVARD. 34 X 23 | | t a “uy | KO | Al er | fae a ! Ka) v2 Z SS f | ao: — pa Ss, Se RP | Nee a NSS a i ee | j 5 = } Naty eur gece Shere - EB DETAILLE. 7 z 158g No. 67. Detaille. INCROYABLES. 3S —— GOUPIL (Jules) —. ‘Paris. : Pupil of A. Scheffer. - oho. Medals, 1873, '74, '75- Be: 4S i/ Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. THE DUET. 25x 31 ” 36 GUY (5. J.), N. A. ; . New York. if Lt Te, BABY’S BEDTIME. 24 X 32 JF LAY Oliver), A: Ni Apa : . New York. | THE TWO FRIENDS. : ve Vid / 32 x 24 38 MADRAZO(R.de) . Ae Raves Pupil of his father. Legion of Honor, 1878... Og Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. / 4 ‘ f hone BAL-MASQUE, “VALENTINO.” rh 31 x I9 f Pa f f Fs re er er be 2 | y , , Cartas Duran. 79 : 4 | Ld | ff 8 A yo lt 39 DRUMMOND (Jas.), R.S.A. . . Edinburgh. CROMBIE’S CLOSE. SER WALTER SCOTT AT THE BRIGH pA eer. OF FOHN HOWELL. 25x 35 John Howell was a noted character, a lovable, quaint, pict- uresque old man, who died only a few years ago in Edinburgh. He called himself a poly-artist ; he was a dealer in curiosities, also was a collector of old ballads, and a man of some scholar- ship, among other things having written the best treatise upon Roman galleys. He was frequently visited by Sir Walter Scott, who had much in common with the old man, and for whom he had great respect. | 40 HOMER (Winslow). N. A. . New York, A COUNTRY SCHOOL-ROOM IN THE CATReiees. 50x Ot AI RICO (M.D.) . : <9, mes. Pupil of Madrazo. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. NEAR BOUGIVAT. 35 X19 ‘Wa Sere ‘Ad VOSANV] SY SN SS SS SVS ND 42 FLUGGEN (Gisbert), dec’d. . Manich. a) A THE INTERRUPTED MARRIAGE CONTRACT. can If) ; J ao 30cco 7 43 | BEARNARD (F.) ; . London. Exhibited at Royal Academy, London, 1873. yg Ae [™ GOING TO THE DANCE IN OLD ENGLAND. of, ual 36 x 24 44 PILUE {Co} Sines: Pupil of F. Barrias. Medals, 1869, ’72. See a /, AUTUMN. 34 X 45 45 STEELL (Gourlay) ; .. Edinburgh. Animal painter to the Queen in Scotland. “i ar ae DEER STALKING—HIGHLANDS. ‘ VT th oo AI x 32 ‘nvossnosy ‘g) ‘Olt Ie 33 ‘INI 40 LYINVE Seas va HA & Se a eT wT * ~ en 4 46 SONNTAG (W. L.), N.A. . New York. AUTUMN--WHITE MOUNTAINS. 54 X 33 47 ZIEM (Felix) : ; . . sears Medals, 1851, 752, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1857. GARDEN AT VENICE. 49 X 32 48 STAMMEL (E£,) . Diisseldorf. Te a ARMORER’S SHOP. 36 x 28 ; 49 HOMER (Winslow), N. A. _ New York. WEANING THE CALF. / : 36 x4 No. 79. Knaus. beh J WORM JANN . ay te Aa THE ‘‘ BEE FATHER.” 50 MELIN (J.)_ . : : : .” “Patis: Pupil of P. Delaroche. . “ff Medals, 1843, '45, ’55, '58. ) U0 FO “ DEAD FOR A DUCAT.” 32 x 24 504 GIFFORD (S. R.), N.A. ; . New York. VILLA MALTA. «) 13 x 26 L140 : 51 . DOUGHTY (Thos.), N. A., dec’d. . New York. Born, 1793. Died, 1856. , feo | ia ; op Se CATSKILL MOUNTAINS—FROM SAUGERTIES. 36 x 28 52 HART (J. M.),N.A. —. oe . New York, UNDER THE BOUGHS. iT 34 X 24 a dai Taye sr : aa \ re ! j | & vif } Z Wi | va TA LAG Z A = ee, Z2= | ae Ke ae = << ; ee SG EZ z z Z SE ISLESEESAOS Z sas Sf ES : =< = oe Zee = t SSE SIP 3 Se SE SS = : ; Zea ee Fe SS _ Z g Fr ELE iE : —— SE ge Z : —E ee eS = a SSS z cE, —— ¥ = , 1 3 Ae fs y, y, Leer 8 tg lh rae: A 4 4 4 “ io —) Mr i Hf : | . 5 Hi = SaaS = Tae it | x nS | y <4 rs | } \ HI i7eb! \ LA} Bai i y i) ee Wh, BY YZ \ | AW ete iia pis Wey =< ee oy AC aS: a Kd =A eS W Zs je Nl WY — - f- (Zz CE ———_— LVChCH No. &b 53 ROVBET (f.). 4 : Pane Yee ste Medal, 1866. ah a DEATH OF ROXANA. 29 X 25 The scene reproduced by the artist was suggested by Racine’s Tragedy. Bajazet was brother of Amurat, 4th Sultan of the Turkish Empire, who ascended the throne 1623. This sovereign had designated from among his wives, Roxana, to bear the title of Sultana; this lady forgot the debt of gratitude she owed to him who had preferred her to her rivals, in abandoning herself without scruples to the passion she felt awakening in her heart for Bajazet. She was in possession of an order for his death, that Amurat had confided to her prior to his departure for the conquest of Babylonia. Roxana did not long hide from the knowledge of this prince the power with which she was clothed, and, furthermore, offered to aid him to usurp the throne, if he would put himself at the head of a revolt, which would result in the death of Amurat, on condition he would marry her. Bajazet had long loved Attalida, his cousin, an obscure personage at the imperial court. Roxana, annoyed by the repeated refusals of Bajazet, ordered his assassination; she herself was soon put to death by a messenger sent by Amurat, who had been secretly informed of her projects of treason toward her master. 54 GUY (S.-J), N.A. . New York. ONE TOO MANY. 30 X 25 onbook, ‘COL “ON aNV] GNV daaHS =o oe —— SSS " IC a i inh | ‘| } \ a —— — == ; 4 55 DAUBIGNY (C. F.), decd. . _ Paris, 4 | T/ j- Pupil of P. Delaroche. i Medals, 1848, 53, 55, 57, 59, 67. Legion of Honor, 1859. . Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1817. Died, 1878. AUTUMN AT AUVERS. 32x18 56 WORMS (Jules) : ; ; .. Parts; Pupil of Lafosse. Medals, 1867, ’68, ’69. Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. SMUGGLERS OF LA RONDA. 16 x 21 57 ‘BROWN (J. Gey ONS Aa ‘ . New York. | THE RELUCTANT BRIDE. 20% 27 A Fi AG >. ; Hi GH No. 104. Fortuny, THE MOopEL. t 58 SCHREVER (AD) ae : . Paris. ee Nabe ies VA Z fi. Medals, 1864, ’65, (E. U.) ’67. via fo Vienna Exposition, 1873. WALLACHIANS RECONNOITERING. 28 x 16 59 COL (David) : . Antwerp. ¢- Loe ae Pupil of De Keyser. i7N A ui i} Medal, Vienna Exposition, 1873. y/ iP - Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. THE WINE-TASTERS. 14 x18 60 | VAN MARCKE (E.) ; : Paris. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867, ’69, ’70. Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal at Exposition Universelle, 1878. PASTURAGE IN THE LANDES. 26x 18 S&Browmd Ke = NBAS. { 61 SARGENT (J.S.). 26 PONG Paes Pupil of C. Duran. S00 Honorable Mention, Salon, 1879. A fA/ : THE LUXEMBOURG GARDENS. 62 TROYON (Constant), dec’d. . ; Parise Pupil of Rivereux. ys Medals, 1838, ’40, ’46, 48, 55. bf, FN Legion of Honor, 1849. gle Or Born, 1810. Died, 1865. / Ct » K a THE FORD. 13X9 63 GLAIZE (Léon) ‘ is. Paris, Pupil of Gérome. ie _-f) Medals, 1864, ’66, ’68. ge © (/ - Legion of Honor, 1877. Vv Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. POMPEIAN IMAGE-SELLER. 19 X13 = Yy Y vo. 111. BE, : we Zid iY OZ) E \ Colman. x At TOWER OF THE GIRALLA. } } / = ed : ; nat f : eas } 64 KOLLER (G.) ; ; . Brussels. Y hom Pupil of the Academy of Vienna. ~~ Medal, Vienna, 1873. 2 ae Paris Universal Exposition, 1878. ' MARRIAGE OF THE ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA TO PHILLOPENA WELSLER. 12x14 65 . ESCOSURA (Léon) . . ‘Pays. Pulpil of Gérome. Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic. f Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. A CAVALIER. 74 xX IO} 66 HEILBUTH (F.) : Pants. Pupil of 4 Medals, 1857, 59, "6T, ‘Legion’ of Honor, 1861. _/THE PROMENADE. 125 x8 : Li ne 1 ( | If a No. 112. Girard. ARCADIA. | ee re — Yr Ath one 67 fy © MDETAILLE (Ej . Paris, é A yt ; Pupil of E. Meissonier. J yon ’ bps Medals, 1869, ’70, ’72. f i e 7, Legion of Honor, 1873. INCROVABLES. 6x8 3 68 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), N.A. . . London. Associate of Royal Academy. MOONLIGHT SKATING SCENE, I2x7 69 VIBERT (J. G.) : : ‘ . Paris. Pupil of Barrias. Medals, 1864, °67, 68. Legion of Honor, 1870, Medal at Exposition Universelle, 1878. SPANISH MATADOR PREPARING FOR A BULL- FIGHT. 9X13 7m / 1S == ~ t 4 ya te 4 « b's | j mae ‘ we E : i, 3 f ‘ue? == = j > as = : ' NYS \ Ss S = Y Pre nea = = \ = _ Qe Jy = | \ ee a , Zz Zi te \\ / Be a iy “f “an jj> | fj MY SS == Zi ‘ HSS SS HS —y y, 2 S ~ =< StS 70 ZAMACOIS (Edouard), dec’d. ; 7. Pariss Pupil of Meissonier. . Medal, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1843. Died, 1871. WAITING. 4x6 71 DIAZ (N.), dec’d. . : » Paris. Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. A WOOD SCENE. 10$ x 13} JACQUE (Charles): ; ; . tpP aris. Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867, RPOCL LE Ve Tex.3 ‘GEL Ow TN SULLAT a jz ‘INV AHL JO ANY AHL 73 GUES (Alfred) . +o. Paris Pupil of : BOCCACCIO RECITING HIS POEMS. Costume of the 14th Century. 14 xIl 74 JACQUET (J.G.) ; ; . Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868, ’75. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. A LESSON IN SHOOTING. H x16 fs: DURAN (Carolus) : «Paris Pupil of Souchon. Medals, 1866, ’69, ’70. Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor,.1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1879. ORIENTAL WOMAN. 14 X 25 ‘ON ‘ony “OUT ‘ANIGS AHL NO ‘ASSIOg UVIN S 76 COROT (J. B. C.), dec’d : . | Paris. Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, 55, 67 (E. U.) A Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. THE SEINE AT BEZONS. 18 x 21 rg DUPRE (Jules) ; . Paris joe Medals, 1833 (E. U.), ’67. St Legion of Honor, 1849. ~ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. ana LANDSCAPE. Ig x I2. 78 ROUSSEAU (Theo.), dec’d. . - Paris. oo Pupil of Lethiere. tg | (eer Medals, 1834, ’49, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1867. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. U.), 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1812. _ Died, 1867. LHE HAMLET OF GBeRwa 19x 3G. eS ——A_——_| a —S SS ii | _ Mii a ar = ! | A =e \ “id g' So TUNG “ te Se ee AS ASA a eS MAES ( 4 i \ ; \\ wh YW > WAAR IA | i hes | 5 we Q : : \ \va 3 is | Q | Ww : eae - \ an 79 KNAUS (1L.), Prof? = ; . Berlin. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy. Medals, 1853-55 (E. U.), 1857-59. Legion of Honor, 1859. _ Grand Medal of Honor (E. U.), 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Professor in the Academy, Berlin. THE “BEE: FATE 15 x19 80 TROYON (C.), dec’d. . > Paris; Pupil of Rivereux. Medals, 1838, ’40, ’46, 48, 55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Born, 1810. Died, 1865. COW AND_ DOG. 25 x 20 ‘ON ‘061 ‘7auDgn) TIVYA AHL WaLay ‘AAq a TTS om SSS SSS TE RSS ey SN SESS = ES A = ahies NE ANN TEENY & Ni KOS SHCOND BVAN IN GS) SAEs THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18TH, AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK. SI CARLINI (Guelio) . : : . Venice. VENETIAN SERENADERS. Water-Color. 8x12 82 GUY (Miss) . New York. FRUIT IN SILVER BASEE?, 13 x9 83 BILE OTE (loa : : Paris, Pupil of Blondel. CLASPING THE GIRDLE: 8xIo No. 121. Homer. 84 SORDET (E.) 5 . Geneva. Pupil of Calame. one SWISS LAKE, 10X77 85 MULREADY (A. E.) | ; . London. WITHOUT A HOME, : 4x64 86 SCHEBRES “5i-m . Hague. TESTING. THE SWORT 6x7 87 JONGKIND (J. B.).. ; . i, Mears! Pupil of Isabey. Medal, 1852. SUNSET—HOLLAND: 8 x10 lini il | = ee SS * Lo Se} SN = A oT SS \ S ~~. ———— —_—— No, 125. Decamps. = Ss= Se EASTERN SLAVE MARKET. 88 DUVERGER (T. E.). eParis? Medals, 1861, ’63, ’65 BAD NEWS. 10x13 89 AFTER HOLBEIN. Miniatures in ivory, in frames of bronze. SIR THOMAS MORE. go MRS. DAUNSE V—2d daughter of Sir Thomas More. 3r x 43 Ol SEIGNAC (P.) i ; _ Paris. Pupil of Picot. ELMBROIDERING. 84 x Iot Q2 GUY (5. J.), Ni A. : . New York., PORTRAIT OF C. Le Bil iOg Io x 12 MoTHER’S SUPPLICATION. Guy. No. 127. 93 PARITICELLI : : . Rome. INVESTIGA TION. 8x II 94 CHARNAY (A.) ' : san Parise Pupil of Pils. Medal, 1876. GIRL PICKING FLOWERS. 8x6 95 PLASSAN (A. E23 : : p> Paris: Medals, 1852, ’57, ’59. Legion of Honor, 1859. THE REPAST, 5x4 96 KOWALSKI (A. W.) Pupil of Jos. Brandt. » Munich. HARE HUNTING—POLAND. I4x1?2 a SS. ~—— \ EZ. aN We = >= dy We Ge al _ ie teen > pene t | owede, WB ae Wy o ~ Eire PS ne os re 5 _ a ‘ S ~ ~ — ets ye Sena = ~ ~ eee 1 > 2 es = @ = LS. maw Vay Mat ck ; = : . af ee “RY. > ~ itn pet! a =>. ee, -, : eset fi IS SS wa = eee ( = : 3 caper eg a rR eae ee ‘ st a “ Seiaer 7 Ze a oe Teepe SE nae ee : No,, 128, Van Marche. 97 CHAVET (J. V.) : ; : hy ee REIS Pupil of Revoil. Medals, 1853, 55, sf Legion of Honor, 1859. FEEDING CHICKENS. I4 x 16 98 | BAKKERKORFF (A. H.) : . Harlem... Pupil of Vander Berg. TAKING HER COMFORT. 7x8 99 HERBSTHOFFER (Chas.), dec’d. . . Paris, Medal at Vienna, 1873. THE IMPENDING CONFLICT. 9x6 I00 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A. : . New York. FALLS OF -TiVorn I3x 7 Harsor—Dutcu Coast. IOI BELLANGE (J. L. H.), dec’d. Be Saye Pupil of Gros. Medals, 1824, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1834. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Born, 1800. Died, 1866. BATTLE OF SOLFERINO. 8x6» I02 JACQUE (Charles). ais. Medals, 1861, ’63, 64. Legion of Honor, 1867. SHEEP AND LAMB. 18 x14 | 103 DUPRE (Jules) . ; ; . Paris. Medals, 1833 (E. U.), ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. A MARSH. 15 x18 Mp, me Vie Be ZS) CARAVAN AT REST. 104 FORTUNY (Mariano), dec’d, ; . Rome. Pupil of the Barcelona Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome, from Spain, 1858, Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1838. Died, 1874. LAE MODEL, Water-Color. 9% 13 105 BROWN /(J.G.),N.A. . . New Vork. WINTER SPORTS. 22x 16 106 BOUTIBONNE (CES) ; : . Paris. Pupil of Winterhalter. Medal, 1867. RETURN FROM THE PROMENADE, 13 x Ig ‘DION “SPT “oA? ‘SNVUALAA AH, abe ‘993, PrZaUK in j wae f z — Z=— diraai Te 107 VIBERT (J.G.) : d ars! Pupil of Barrias. Medals, 1864, 67, 768. Legion of Honor, 1870. Exposition Universelle, 1878. THE HOUR OF THE NIGHT. I2X 20 108 STEELL (Gotrlay)\o Ra SaAae . Edinburgh. Animal painter to the Queen in Scotland. HIGHLAND CALF LE: 14X20 53 109 MORGAN (Wm.), N. A. . f . New York - THE TIRED ORGAN-GRINDER. 23x18 Ni wo c ‘ heen, Ny ‘ > =a IH US\Q i AN —— V Pal i a) eS . Falm Bees = am MS = Serena oss AS & iced LS >\ No. 144. Palmarolt. Tue MODEL. . ¥ Me ' : . II0 LE POITTEVIN (E.), dec’d. . Paris, Pupil of Hersent. Medals, 1831, 736, 48, 55 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Legion of Honor, 1843. Born, 1806. Died, 1870. LHE WRECK, atx 17 III COLMAN (S.),N. A... . New York. CORPUS CHRISTUS. DAY, SEVILLE. WO ae THE GIRALDA. Ig X 29 The Giralda (so called from its vane, gue gira, turns round; is the finest specimen of pure Saracenic architecture in existence) was the Meuddin tower of the adjoining mosque used to call the faithful to prayer. It was built in 1195, by Abur Yusef Yacub. The foundation is made of destroyed Roman and Christian stat- uary, the rest of a light-colored brick. The Moorish part was 250 feet high; the upper part of 100 feet was added by Fernando Ruis, 1568. The vane in the pinnacle, the figure of Faith, is the marvel of all Spaniards, as it weighs 2,800 pounds, and turns with the slightest wind. The tower is 50 feet square, and, seen from a distance, is the most imposing object in Seville. Ii2 GIRARD (Firman) : ; . Paris. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1863, ’74. ARCADIAN SCENE. Ig X 23 aa ats ¥4 Yio iS x Ni) Ws PANS J a \Y IS i + < tt = TK > SS ¥ A VIN CAN Se roadie A Ay TE SED | 9 of AY — os gi pe NISH DANCE. SPA A. AzZ0. 146. Mad LVo. 113 GESSA (Sebastian) . : o Paris: Pupil of Cabanel. SIALE LIFTS 23. X 2i II4 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), N. A. . . London. Associate Member of Roy at Academy. WOUTER VAN TWILLER'S FIRST COCK TN WEY AMSTERDAM. 30 X 24 ‘‘“The two parties being confronted before him, each produced a book of accounts, written in a language and character that would have puzzled any but a High Dutch commentator, or a learned decypherer of Egyptian obelisks, tounderstand. Thesage Wouter took them one after the other, and having poised them in his hands, and attentively counted over the number of leaves, fell straightway into avery great doubt, and smoked for half an hour without saying a word; at length, laying his finger be- side his nose, and shutting his eyes for a moment, with the air of a man who has just caught a subtle idea by the tail, he slowly took his pipe from his mouth, puffed forth a column of tobacco- smoke, and, with marvellous gravity and solemnity, pronounced —that having carefully counted over the leaves and weighed the books, it was found that one was just as thick and heavy as the other; therefore, it was the final opinion of the Court that the accounts were equally balanced—therefore, Wandle should give Barent a receipt, and Barent should give Wandle a reccipt.”— Knickerbocker’s History of New York. if? me AWAITING AN AUDIENCE. § 3% Povtet. No, 147. zZ pry ‘os IRVING (J. .B.) ,INe«As) dec aaa . New York. a9) (4° /- Born, 1826. Died, 1877. THE END OF THE GAME, 30:X 25 116 RICO (M. D.) . ' : . - Paris. Pupil of Madrazo. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. | } Legion of Honor, 1878. 7 NEAR POITSSY. ra 26 x 14 , II7 ; WARD (Edgar M.), A. N. A. : . New York. md id Pupil of Cabanel. BRITTANY WASHERWOMAN. 32 % 35 118 n . ZIEM (F.) a 1. Paris. Medals, 185), 752, ’55. hdi / Legion of Honor, 1857. Va , Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. END OF THE GRAND CANAL. 32 x 20 HdVOSCANW] YAIOLIO 5 Nu ( 7 WML Ss he RY . Ul “i ) a —— AI rain fl 119 | DE NITES (ees ee a Pulpil of Gérome. Medal, 1876. Exposition UniverseHe, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. THE PASSING TRAIN. 25x 15 I20 CABANEL (Alexander) | Parise Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1852 (E. U.) 55. 4 Prize of Rome, 1845. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1863. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Grand Medal of Honor, 1865, and (E. U.) 1867. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor (E. U.) 1878. Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts. EVE AFTER THE EXPULSION FROM PARAL ae 37 X 29 2st HOMER (Winslow), N. A. . New York, SNAPPING THE WHIP. 35 X 22 = —— ‘- 5} at | 122 JAZET (P. 1.) . ee Pupil of F. Barrias. DIVIDING THE SPOILS. 28 x 23 123 BONHEUR (Juliette), Peyrol, Pupil of her sister. A FLOCK OF TURKEYS. 39 X 22 124 VERNON (A. L.) | Royal Academy, 1873. THE GARDEN. 50 X 30 126 DECAMPS (A. G.), decd. Pupil of Pujol. Medals, 1831, ’34. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1839. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Born, 1803. Died, 1860. EASTERN SLAVE MARKET. 27 X35 UN London. Paris. - ¢ on Paris. 2 on 126 : | HART (J. M.), N. A. ; : . New York. {a ~~ } eo ne) raf fj CATTLE—INDIAN SUMMER. i" f \ { LA 4 é , pd a Ce 48 X 35 : a 127 | GUVHS71) NA . New York. ‘oa PA A MOTHER'S SUPPLICATION. | #7) if fl 43 x 68 128 VAN MARCKE (E_) ; : Pats. / A Pupil of Troyon. /} AA / Medals, 1867, ’69, ’74. | n LASy is Legion of Honor, 1872. tee |] / er Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. vd yy / Va iP f ve CATTLE—NEAR BORDEAUX. rap 58 x 41 f 129 ACHENBACH (Oswald) . . Diisseldorf. Pupil of his brother. Medals, 1859, ’61, 63. Legion of Honor, 1863. CONVENT OF ST. MONTREAL—PALERMO, SICILY. 64 X 44 ae as os KENSETT (eit Ne k., dec'd. . New York. Born, 1818. Died, 1873. ys = THE WHITE MOUNTAINS—FROM NORTH ae ae CONWAY. Ps 3 60 x 40 : = 131 a CLAYS @. J.) : ; . Brussels. Medal, 1867 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1875. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. HARBOR—DUTCH COAST. ¢ 43 X 29 132 HERDMAN (Robert), R. S.A. . . Edinburgh. FIRST CONFERENCE BETWEEN MARY STUART AND FOHN KNOX—HOLYROOD, 1561. 52x 36 “‘Whether it was by counsel of others, or by the Queen’s own desire, we know not; but the Queen spake with John Knox, and had long reasoning with him, none being present except the Lord James. Thesum of their reasoning was this. . . . ‘Yea,’ quoth she, ‘but ye are not the Kirk that I willnourish. I will defend the Kirk of Rome. for I think z¢ is the true Kirk of God.’ ‘ Your will,’ quoth he, ‘madam, is no reason.’”—Knox’s History of the Reformation in Scotland, 133 WHIT TREDGE (WN . New York. /J ff TROUT STREAM—MILFORD, PA. Ca), J 0 47 X 31 ee / : i | 134 ; SCHREYER (Ad.) . : ; Paris: . Medals, 1864, ’65, ’67 (E. U.) y) ye 4 Vienna Exposition, 1873. | ig eames lee Ol vy ARAB CARAVAN A T.REST | LO Y ; A4 X 24 135 DRUMMOND (Jas.), R.S. A... . Edinburgh, ROUNDHEADS AND CAVALIERS — ROVALIST PRISONERS, r HEADQUARTERS OF CROMWELL IN EDINBURGH. 4 fA 48x36 /) / v The locality of this picture (destroyed in 1872) was called Dun- J j / bar’s Close, Lawn Market. This Close got its name after the / battle of Dunbar (1650), when Cromwell marched to, and took— : possession of Edinburgh. This Close he fixed upon as the head- "A quarters of his army, and to this locality were brought prisoners, both Cavaliers and Presbyterians, who were both at enmity with the Cromwellian Roundheads. The bartizan in the middle of the picture was that from which Cromwell received his troops in the fields at the opposite side of the valley where the ‘‘ New Town” now stands. He could also see his fleet as it rode at anchor in the Frith of Forth. - STEELE (eourey), eee A . Edinburgh. Animal painter to the Queen in Scotland. e ie SPRING IN THE HIGHLANDS. “fe a ree | a 4ix320 ie 2 7 ie 2837 Micron. | . : . Rome Pupil of erty / 4 | SPANISH DEVOTION. I A stg¢n— mae a2 %20 138 GLAIZE (Léon) : E : ee Paris. Pupil of Gérome. Medals, 1864, ’66, ’68. Legion of Honor, 1877. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. THE CHINESE BAZAAR. 24 X 30 | ? 139 BROWN (J. G.), N.A. . 5 . New York. PAPY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE.” 20 X 29 140 GAUERMANN (F.), dec’d. : _ Vienna. Member of the Munich Academy. Born, 1807. Died, 1862. CATTLE AND SHEEP. 23x19 - 14t RICHARDS (Wm. T.) ; . Philadelphia. PARADISE POINT, NEWPORT—SPRINGTIME. 20x 24 142 GUY-=(S.J.), Noa; : : . New York. THE KNOT IN THE SKEIN. 24 X 30 143 ROTA (A.) . ; ; . Venice. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. THE VETERANS. 24 x 20 \ \ 11 i Wy iN ( is lf \\ Xs \ NS OF A Woop. 3K Epc Corot. No. 158. PA | ~ ; ee Yo ae | f | Ab ys ras or i 5s 7 an (VS) oe Aig, ; a SP arise Pa PS "gl Pupil of F.Madrazo. i p he Prize of.R6me, from Madrid, 1857. A a ie we" Medals, 1862, ’64, 771. Medal, Paris, 1867. Commander of the Order of Charles III. T7 4 * Grand Cross of Marie-Victoire. fF. fue be Grand (ross of Isabelle the Catholic. es we i a THE PRETTY MODEL. 24 X 29 145 Pier! MIERIS (W.), dec’d. Re ners jo 2 Born, 1662. Died, 1747. ; mY eS dee TARQUIN AND LUCRETIA. y j ; eat Slane: Ss From the Wolfe sale, 1863 ; and the Johnston sale, 1877. ae Formerly in the collection of Thos. Hamlet, Esq., London. ‘“ Wonderful detail in this exquisite and beautiful work of art.” Vide Smith’s Catalogue Raisonné. 146 | NOG Scat (R. dé). : : ye PATS: Pupil of his father. é Legion of Honor, 1878. / : \ Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. ral A SPANISH DANCE. A 16 X 25 RS —— Fae Es = = = — - ~ t ee = = -— oe ee = : ae = : : = = = SS ae wk => Go} = " —S a Q ; > . a F a 4 y 4 My \ ey i) aye ! I) ts Le, fe ¥: Vy : ou 7, 4 j 4 fi te sass 7) z = No. 158. - Stevens. DISAPPOINTMENT, /ROVBET (F) “Pupil o Ge ee, + Be oS ae , Se Ee a “Medal, 1866, WYANT @ H),NA.. a oc T OBER LANDSCAPE, (24x18 RICO (M.D. . ; oo Pupil of Madrazo. ye a Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. ees of Honor, 1878. “ ee 7 - ar A ON THE SEINE. ig ays 17 22 ae eae et . aa SONNTAG (W.L.), N.A. 2 . “New York. ot en SUNSET AT TIVOLI. 23x18 ul "6S1 (ON 200d =e SS un I t al wy y ‘NaGUVS) FHL NI ti) I5I ZIMMERMANN (R.) _. : . Munich. THE CONFESSIONAL. 24 x 164 ; | one ) 6. ZAMACOIS (E.), dec’d. Ar uk ite Pupil of E. Meissonier. Medal, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1842. Died, 1871. MY CONCIERGE. IOxI4 153 COROT (Jj. B. C.), dece’d. ; ; ., . Waris: Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, ’55, ’67 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. THE EDGE OF A WOOD. 16 x 20 eh wohl 2 be f S : SAN SS . AF ele No. 164. Rosst. PADY.. “Lime Louis XVI. MICHETTI (F.P.) . Pupil of M. Morelli. a ITALIAN WATER-CARRIERS, 13 x IO 156 G a6, ‘ j Sime ¥Y ON. (0. ), dec dias : . . eee Pupil of Rivereux. as Medals, 1838, ’40, 46, ’48, 755. Ree ' wee ay Legion of Honor, 1849.. ; Born, 1810. Died, 1865. PASTURAGE—VALLEYV OF THE TOUCQUE. 17 x12 ; a ‘iss aren ae Pe : “a ined bd a , he el ye © > ae ah sets 157 oa ~ . 5 -EELL (David G.) Edinburgh. ye | [HE MITHERLESS LAMBIE. | 19x14 ee 158 ae STEVENS (Alfred) . ; . Paris. “no - ey a Gold Medal at Brussels, 1851. eee Paris, 1853, 55, ’67 (E. U.) Poh) re Legion of Honor, 1863. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Commander of the Order of Leopold. First-class Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. DISAPPOINTMENT. Io x 13 » 159 ae mew AZ, (N.), decd. on as - Paris, Medals, 1844, 46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. — Born, 1807. Died, 1876. IN THE GARDEN. TOS 160 a GEROME |) ae ; . Paris. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1847, ’48, 55 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1865. Honorary member R. A., London. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. U.), 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal Sculpture (E. U.), 1878. Grand Medal of Honor (E. U.), 1878. Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts. DIOGENES IN HIS TUB. 10x 7 161 BOULANGER (G.) . : : . Paris. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1849. Medals, 1857, ’59, 63. Legion of Honor, 1865. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. COPID'S, WHISPEX: 6% x Io} Pe roeedecu. é Paris. Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, 55, 67 (E. U.) ‘Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. : VILLAGE OF ST. CLOUD. : Bey 4x9 ‘ 163 Bey -TROYON (Constant), decd Poe: Paris. Pupil of Riverenx. Medals, 1838, ’40, ’46, 48, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Born, 1810. Died, 1865. BOY WITH DONKEYS. 8x6} 164 ROSSI (L.) F : oa . Paris, Pupil of Fortuny. | LADY—TIME LOUIS XV1. IOxI3 inte oe: 165 MEISSONIER I. L. Es Pupil of Cogniet. yt Medals, 1840, ’41, ’43, 148. ee gee . Legion of Honor, 1846. 9 9 ec. Grand Medal of Honor (E. U. "i 1855. Pre “ 1 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856. eT Member of the Institute of France, 1861. — a re Honorary Member of the R. A., London. | = ; tapers ae SF