xa Man Pine. Pe ve en tn ae ee Shee eee = : “ etiam Tak ce Mn —e X . perme — ae : = ea Birra Tr aCe eee roe 2 — or a re Renew Apa = Na Re Pen) Thee oe bie Ct a mets a Pye ore tate D.I.KINGJR, PICTURE SALE | | SEVENTY-NINE PAINTINGS BRING A TOTAL OF $108,330. | Troyon’s “Driving Home the Flock” Fetches $17,250, the Top Price for the First Night of the Auction—Attendance Large and the Bidding Spirited—List of Sales. The first night’s sale of paintings from the |} collection of Mr. David H. King, Jr., brought | out an interested and appreciative assembly of | people that filled the main floor and most of the gallery of Chickering Hall last night in spite of ‘the rigor of the weather. It is several years since | any collection of paintings offered for sale | inthis town has attracted anything like | the attention that has been given~to Mr. King’s pictures, which have been on view at the ‘American Art Galleries in Madison square. At- tendance at the sale was unrestricted, and the interested public took advantage of the oppor- tunity to see how the pictures that they had ad- mired on exhibition found purchasers at the auction. Intending buyers were in all parts of the hall, and the auctioneer rarely had to wait long for a bid or between bids. Some of the most persistent bidding came from the gallerv. -Seventy-nine paintings,or half of the collection, were sold last night and $103,330 was realized. Among the paintings were a number of notabie onés, and one of them, Troyon’s “ Driving Home, the Flock,” a thoroughly characteristic and | worthy work of its author, brought the highest figure of the night. The first bid on it was $10,000, and advances were rapid until, at $17,250, the picture was bought by Julius Oehme, Another notable one was Mauve’s “Cattle in the Haarlem Meadow.” It is one of a good deal of vigor and spirit, with its threatening sky, and it was applauded, as had been the Troyon, as soon as the curtains were drawn back. When a bid was asked for, somebody murmured $2,000 and a louder voice said $1,000, but the auctioneer was not willing to make a start at so! low a figure. One man thereupon plucked up| courage to offer $100, but he was laughed at, | and in the temporary excitement $3,000 was) bid and cried, and the figures went up. readily for a couple of thousand dollars. Then the bidding was seen to be mainly be- tween two men,and everybody became inter- ested. One of the two advanced the bid by small amounts, finally by $25 at a time, and the audience seemed ‘to think that he was enjoying seeing his opponent, after momentary, pauses, | going him better by the same amount, ** $6,650,” said the man of the small advance. “Will you go him once more?” said the} auctioneer to the ‘other bidder. ** There may | be luck in odd numbers.”’ After the moment’s pause came the answer, or the signalequivalent to it, **$6,675;’’ and the Mauve went to Mr. S. Untermeyer atthe second highest figure of the night’s sale. Between these two pictures, and making with them the last three of the evening, Schreyer's **Chevaux dana la Neiges’ was sold after spirited bidding to H. B. Pettes for $5,100. It is in the best manner of that popular painter, a wintry picture, with action and spirit, and without those melodramatic qualities of his later and more vulgarly popula: works. | } ; eee UD | anchiek TR fist ughter. © painting fina bev tagh did the De Ne uville, after f re Ks the night was a life-size, peril si et -nude figure, “The Bather,”’ by abi that was very much more lifelike iy than is customary in the waxen works Piading for is a eee idly f The g for vanced rap’ y from { did to $2,500, $3,000, $3,100, and $4,000, ut when it was knocked down at that figure he bidder said his bid was $3,500. ‘The picture was’ put, up again and went for $3,500 to H. ponies © oe sales in oe are as follows: a Bo be E ae ure hase Price. Picts - OW (Canton oe. G15 } 2 Higasd« AOLOll ss... Cw. Clinton, . 400 ea “said, Hennerding. 200 | ain rime. Leroile..,...** Randolph.” S agent) .......65 0 5 The Le abe sd Hitchcock..C. W. Clinton.. 800 } | 6 An Picci -Domingo ...J. V. Burton...... 825 |: via Gari- paldi, haces Pagani......N. Whitman...... 800 | 8 Le Bateau.....l’Hermitte.,E. Blumenstiel... 200 | eat The wieragee™ Jacquet ..,-P. J. Cable Rae de wv 15004 Les “veaux a; Daumier....S. P. Avery, Jr... 1,010 Vetalage... Chasseur...... sPatailic .. ..W. H. Ketchem,, 650 12 Study of | Horse *Meissonier. -L. J, Tewksbury. 800 | 18 The Herdsman Van Marcke.L. C. Delmonico. — 800 4A Market in Miao ew. aod. ks. B,J. Cable,. 22234. 975 | . 15 On the Seine. } Hies.)... R.P,Lounsberry. 400 16 Entrance {0} cazin.......f, Blumenthal... 725 |17 Téte Rouge.....Henner..... F. Hermann...... 750 } ie se) Ore. ... ss) PAGQUE...... R. P.Gownsberry’ +625 ws Les levards.Béraud..... J. 8. Bates........ 700 Coup de vonbs Knight...... J.5. Bates "00 a Effet de Neige..Loir......... Beschaurics, 4 400 ced apie des Trib-} Thhulow.. ..Mrs.C.AlGriscom 850 { 23 Rue de Paris.. .Lépine...... Durand-Ruel..... 200 | y ‘oreadore...Morot...... M. Kauffman..... 950° | ge Hepaweae eo, Besnard...."*-Randolph ”’agt. 600 25 Repose. 26 Hawthorn! mitchcock. J, Ge MeOullagh.. $25 in the Dunes. 2% pitta Cham- Isabey Pek G. Thomas........ 600 28 a Festa oe ae KLE Dixon-iys.c:.s Oa go Gatching Grawfish....... Corot....... A. Blumenthal... 2,100 se Ua 3 iN? Diaz......... Knoedler........ 4,850 81. On the Oise....Daubigny...F. B. Jennings... 1,400 oh ee et | Dupré tae F.B. Jennings... 1,400 83, Tree in the! Constable..F. E. Hyde....... 850 $4. In the ie ome As Patk, Windsor j Stark eee J. 8. Bache....... 75 a Dy “torrent Nasmyth,.,.J. S. Bache........ 550 86 0 a ae Dove = { Chambers... George.. 525 saree ba Por i be: Lawrence..G. L. Francls..... 1,600 Bra- 38 © ° on un hd & 85 Reynolds...L. C. Delmonico.. 2,000 i 89 portraivot = 4 ! Raeburn..,.Randolph (agt.). 1,600 40. Porratt of a Opie...... vB d, Cable..,,... 1,050)) 41. master Pett ¢ womnoy....L, & WOU... a 2,050 42. Por ae i Russel......K. Ewing......... . | 476 43. Nottingani Dawson....Kmoelder.......... 750 44. Hon. Mr} Lawrence. LB. Wolf......0% 2,050 45. een Hariow.....4.Tooth,s Sons... 1,109 46. Portrait Of @! Gortes......0.G.McOullagh.. 750 ad 47%. Portrait of Josiah Wedg- > Reynolds..John Notman.... 1,450 WOOd -. <.jee. manifestly impossible where a taste so broad Pata ough... Cue: L, Francis..... 4, 100 “60 0 suai “of a Lawrence. 1B. Ji Cates 3,21, Gwen 61. Stee of the DOES, Ven- Bonington. .T. B. Jennings... 675. .Chaplin.....B., Kauffman..... 1,000. 63. Ln térleur! pHermitte..Mrs.C,A.Griscom 875 | 64. A Cavalier.....Roybet......F. Herrman...... 625— 65. dene Maris........A. PYYOF. cessor 1,000 Offermans ..S. Abenhelm..... 425 66. Le Foot 67. ae ee .H. Schaus........ ai 700 | 62. hee Mors & Ja Leigne Bereall.. 68, Taking Observa- Berne Bel) ei Aste yr . 1,025 | tons. aA | . lecour.. 69. ; Susterma’n.K, Georges soe. .. 600 | oe The Duke of Alcantara, iis Sa 70. At the Foun- | quiiaumet.R. G. Ford...+..++ eS 71. An Algerian. .Simoni....... ‘Sohaus.. csi wae bay 72. An Arabian...Simoni....... Schaus........... 460. "3. Suisse.. UPIIOLG, Pisses HOTuindes. s. sneered 74. Champigny.. Soutien, Behe: wien | fies Pleapirny .De Neuville. SCRBUS,~ «capris es 2,100 | 76. The Bather....BouguereauH. Linde.......... 8,500 | “7. Castle in the Saar ie | Harlem Mead- ( Mauve.......6 vitterureyoe ss 6,675 | OWS. Aes ae ee} 78. Chevaux nn | dans la Neige. f Schreyer....H. B. Betts........ 5,100 } “9. Driving) Sore AOS has Tryon.......Julius Oehme..... Ls Fiock.. $5 Total. eotee Valeiccwalvvdevisiceveveseeceeeeeaeece ae $103,830 It is hardly fair to say that the finer Haination | are reserved for the second night’s sale, because > any distinction would be invidious in a Bey 60° wholly interesting and so intrinsically ood as this. But this evening there will e. sold the marvellous ** Portrait of Isabi bella | of Austria,” by the ‘younger Pourbus; the ** Mule. Hillsherg,” Hoppner’s lovely portrait the beauty and danseuse, that is graceful action and beautiful in color; Van der Helst * Burgomaster’s Wife” and the Clouet, a: re- markable * Portrait of Jeanne d’Albret.” as | Other features of the sale include some of the: finest early English portraits by Lawrence, Rom- | | ney, Reynolds,Gainsborough, and Lely that have. | been geen in public this many a day, for Mr. King collected pictures, not by names, but by! qualities of tone and taste. His Turner, ** Blois, | on the Banks of the Loire,”’ is a gem in its way, | a high-keyed and exquisite dream; his Van } Marckes and Mauves are among’ the best ex- amples of the art of these men that have been seen here. The group of Barbizon paintings are -of exceptional interest, true, and | intrinsically | , beautiful, and the. Rembrandt, * ‘Portrait of ‘ John Asselyn, Painter,” is among the strong- |} est, and in color the most beautiful, of por- | traits extant. | Butto gothrough the collection by items is | and well balanced has directed its formation. It is. perhaps, enough to say that it is especially strong in those beautiful tonal works of the - early English painters and of the Dutch paint- _ers of poetic sentiment. The interest shown in “the exhibition of the collection has been mani- ‘fested equally by connoisseur and art student. ‘The event, in short, has been one of a decade in art circles, and the sale last night and. night is likely to demonstrate not only the state ‘of the market, but the capabilities of art appre- ciation in this country. It is, therefore, an event of significance. EE atin 21H ob UTCH AND FLEMISH 3 IER ARTISTIC oo a A BELONGING At. David b. Ting, ie v OF NEW YORK The Collection to be disposed of at Public Sale, without reserve, on Monday and Tuesday Evenings, February 17th and 18th, at eight o’clock a Ht Chickering thall ? And on Tuesday and Wednesday Afternoons, February 18th and 19th, at three o’clock Ht The Hmerican Art Galleries . MADISON pi SS SOUTH — Where the Paintings and other objects will be on Free from Rebruary. {ith until date ae sale, inclusive a ae P ; © Thomas E. Kirby American Art Ass Auctioneer @elichtful portrait $5, 000 to $10, 500. . atione time during the eve easting that fell or was ki the baicony railing. Re it crashed down between Peter and W. L. Elkinsof Philadelphia: noe | Widener’ s catalogue from his hands owly missing hishead. Had it syncs t would probably have caused a serious w 1 yw CLL COON. ichty-two Paintiors Brought $169,375 /Westerday —- $11,100 for ‘Portrait of John Asselyn, the Highest Price of the Day—Incidents of the Sale. _ Highty-two paintings, which with theseventy- ‘nine sold on Monday evening, made up the collection of 161 which Mr. David H. King, Jr., Valadon® Cou see Cab agi etek eed . put up at auction, were sold at Chickering Hall 84, Henner’s “ Penserosa;” Knoedler..... 00 ‘Jast night and brought $169,375. This with the 85. ee ema e peel pee Voitigeure deja — : $103,330 for Monday exebina’ s sale makes a | 88. Detaille’s “Sketch Letters? J, ete eet METI: 6 A. ee Ae epee ol 0 ; total for the collection of $272,7 Joven / 87. Meissonier’s “The Doctor ifajor Gross. ai: Besides the paintings some appa: rugs, | mY Diave “Ny Bile Supp os te) c Naa ian 250- “vestments, and tapestries were sold yesterday | aM Hanes yah eo cine ra ae it George... 125 | afternoon at the American Art Galleries, and 00. iat ise A 3 ‘Morning on the Seine;” LC. i “ait by fetched $8,299, making the aggregate proceeds | Ol. Dupré's * The Windsailii* Ban doiph (apt, yah 00 ‘ofthe sales so far $281,004, and there is to be v2. oues * Fontainebleau,” MeCul- IB: ‘another sale at the galleries this afternoon, 88. © orat’s imtérteur;” Boussod, Valadon & line ae ee rec oe. Will ba Risnoney 94, Van Marcke's "La Mare aw Pée?” i BlJon: me i hings. le aia g, the Ae ah RPE eae these tebe te rere sarewe OF i ‘Of the especially notable paintings put up last Ave hea eee thas De Adler & era evening, the first that caused the spectators to bpyric i Soh are spate ae Segre eG hays 1) 725. express their admiration by applause was the [CAN {¢ Pinaceae reac Sees ae ne strong and beautiful Rembrandt, * Portrait of George. ioe pe ema aaa isdn alee eR? f ete ncad SANS te:”’ Schaus..... eee , i John Asselyn, Painter,” the bidding for which Ea ae oaies eS A brie terrae ORE abe ‘began at $5,000, ran quickly to 7 000 and Quincey, Boston bsp wiepeqetela- 4) Mublwle @ ehale piMisteteke a Bi fs os iN 1. Meissonier’s * ‘fhe Grenadier; Gross Va eon $8,000, and then to $11,100. The Rembrandt se ICR ae was bought bya dealer, and the auctioneers yes Pe pares the First Empire; G. could not tell for whom it was destined. 108. Detaille’s “Gentiinomme de la Direc it will be seen that many of the buyers were 104.Diave “ Paysaie Rae ec eee kk déalers, some if not most of whom, it was sup- 105. ¢ orot’s * a 2 Lac;” ¥. See ne. Ca Se posed, were executing commissions, and itcould a Biot onde “Sue. p: yey sh fiir By mot be learned for: publication where some of 10%. Laver tte: ws ‘figlise de Magy;” “A. Ay the most interesting pictures are to go. Some 109. Daas * Noontime; » SP Avery, Jr... of the bidders also, as usual, used assumed 110. aio: 5 TERE oe ‘The ind of the Game;” names. gir. Gor, Diag Bowel, A sraney Lesa us ” 1%. Hive’s “Jardins de Venise:’ Hears { Mauve s “Crépuscule,” from the Seney col- 11%. Thautow’s “Marly Spring; P, Van Vaik-- LVR ae lection of 1891, aroused interest all over the ue siete bi sk andes polted Bera ees os eter aes ae4 ; ° : . Sini's * Marguerite; oH Fordérer tunnh ia eon hall, and the bids went up rapidly from 115. Pacint's “ihe Oid Arsenal at Constant ‘i $2,500 to $5,900. The same artist’s serene | ays HOD! ei Fhe Boussod. Va aon et ea S 2000 Bs . 6. Lerolie’s ** Knd 0 e& Day;" 2 ears a Sanimer Day, in Holland” was wel- | 117. iusca’s “Portrait of Robert’ Price;” Mr. ) comed by the audience, and the picture / nae ragnolas aot piyope ng sts ete anal 58 a and the bidding were watched eagerly. The | “SKI A@orge oss cock sue tune geen de 1,100" first bid was $4,000, and the figures were in- | 119. Lawnencels: “Portrait of a Lady;” Kno weer ereased slowly to $5,200. When the painting 120, Cores'é “Bortralt of ‘a Lady;” Georee H. a ‘| : : hes sn OBA SOC CO ee ee 8 went at that sum there were comments ex | 421. Copley’s s* Portrait of Miss Bill; Ai George. , oH chapged to the effect that it was worth more Wiilte soa. isu) eo eee ea ‘a 8,200 money, | 122. variow's ‘Portrait of J. Ayton,” T. J, ‘ res FE STK ESTO Oe. Sa a ee petaletela pints Se nemesis ] ? The exquisite Turner, “ Blois, on the Banks l. of J 128. Seon A portrait ‘of “Lady Frances ° sé. | 4 3 f - gan 4 § Seow; akesle@e.. i... acta hae 0 of the Loire.” was the object of great interest. stor Pl ye4, Lely’s “Duchess of: Portsmouth; ‘We oa The bids went up steadily from $5,000 to $9,500 | luxraham. Bristol, Comn,. vette WRB) and stopped short. | 12h Lene? | oe ae a‘ ona Rea The picture was knocked down at that price, 126. Landseer' s “The Little Actress;” Tooth aed ) f POTD nin laie ere wicks Pra .c'eig idudllee mini aml nag eins alan es i | but two bidders claimed it, and it had to be put | 127. Melructcn! s “Boy Reading; Randolph 1,28 td upagain. The bids went up freely to $9,800, | (AB ONG) oe nav s es ae sd sen eee tapes 75 : ’ be | 2, M le {'s ‘~O 1 os » " pndthe painting went to adealer to be sent to:| Ay pethheid nanie..: Canes ea Wighty 875 i : | 129. Rembrandt’s * Portrait of vobn ‘Assel; a, Philadelphia. be Painter;” Looth & Sons., ie Syn ¥ * 41,100. | hee came Countess Charlemont and Her | 180. ae ee ot Normandie;” 6,700 | on” started at $5,000 and moved along easily. | ‘Avera b ir eet ny ew eh Tang nie 181. Daubigny’s “Evening on the Oise;” L. roa Po 10.000, and finally to $10.700.° The Clouet | belmonico.......665 aN Bs anle sv meu re A 8,400 Bembrandat’s | placed with the American Art Association to be The sales last evening were as follo ‘ Hictie ock’s. ‘* The Bibel Tree;” sol P Liermicte: 3 ‘Faysage;” . Thaulow’s . Vibert’s ‘Le Coup de Vent; id ‘Boussod, Tir. Hiss eee ee ee ar ae ey “Boussod, Vala. don_& a +4 “Rue Montante a. Neuviite?* ane W. Shuourne ets ers e oe alma : ANJLTIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- __-___ pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in ____ dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money z/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so _ purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. ae 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold _ themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged," or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article ts not to be set aside on account of — any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition 1s without prejudice to the right of the Auctionecr to enforce ‘the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. : THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. Tuomas E. KirBy, Auctioneer. ‘q ARTISTS REPRESENTED BEECHEY, SIR WILLIAM BERAUD, JEAN BERNE-BELLECOUR, E. BESNARD, PAUL ALBERT BoninctTon, R, P. BouGueEreEau, W. A. CAZIN, JEAN-CHARLES CHAMBERS, GEORGE CHAPLIN, CHARLES CLOUET, FRANCOIS CONSTABLE, JOHN Cop_ey, J. SINGLETON WeaROT,! fo. Ce CoTES, SIR FRANCIS Dausieny, C. F. DAUMIER, HENRI Dawson, HENRY Dre NEvvVILLE, A. M, DETAILLE, J, B. EDOUARD mraz, IN. Vv. Dominco, José Dork, GUSTAVE PAUL Drouais, H., DuprRE, JULES GAINSBOROUGH, THOMAS Gay, WALTER GREUZE, JEAN BAPTISTE GUIGNARD, GASTON GUILLAUMET, GUSTAVE HARLOW, GEORGE HENRY HENNER, J. J. HITCHCOCK, GEORGE HOLBEIN, HANs HOpPNER, JOHN Hupson, THOMAS IsaBEY, Louis EUGENE JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE TACOURT, fi Gi Knaus, LupwIc KNIGHT, D, RIDGEWAY LAFARGE, JOHN LAMBINET, EMILE LANCRET, NICOLAS LANDSEER, SIR EDWIN LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS Leorr, Louis. LELY, SiR PETER LEPINE, STANISLAS LEROLLE, HENRY _ LHERMITTE, Lion A. Loir, Luici-— _ Maris, JAKosB MAvuvE, ANTON MEISSONIER, J. L. E. MORLAND, GEORGE Morot, AIME NICOLAS © NASMYTH, PATRICK OFFERMANS, T. OPiE, JOHN | PAGANI, MAINARDO PASINI, ALBERTO Poursus, Franz (the elder) POUREUS, FrAamzZ (the younger) Rempranpt, H. Van Ryn . “REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA ; ‘Rico, MARTIN, Romney, GEORGE | ee Rusca, CHEVALIER “7. = SaLa-Y-Francfs, EMILIO | ROVBET, Fo / RUSSELL, JOHN SCHREVER, ADOLPH Sim, F. | SIMONI, GUSTAVO. | SORBI, RAFFAEL _ = STARK, JAMES SUSTERMANN, LAMBERT ~ THAULOW,. PRITz See TROYON, CONSTANT TURNER, ‘J. Mo Wa VANDER HE st, B. Van GOoyYEN, J. Van MARCKE, EMILE VIBERT, J. G. VINCENT, GEORGE WILSON, RICHARD © i] - a Ler’'§ Ps " J . ¢ dyn ater Bod 3 ko: se AI ‘oe : my ‘e , eo Tue undersigned have volunteered to receive and attend to orders to purchase at this sale : oF Wiesrs, M. Knoedler & Co., 355 Fifth Avenue. : ~ Wm. Schaus (Hermann Schaus and A. W. Conover, Suc- cessors), 204 Fifth Avenue. “Messts. Cottier & Co., 144 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Boussod, Valadon & Co., 303 Fifth Avenue. -L. Crist Delmonico, 166 Fifth Avenue. M. Durand-Ruel, 389 Fifth Avenue. S. P. Avery, Jzr., 368 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Ortgies & Co., 368 Fifth Avenue. T, J. Blakeslee, 353 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Arthur Tooth & Sons, 295 Fifth Avenue. A. Preyer, 329 Fifth Avenue. Wm. Macbeth, 237 Fifth Avenue. C. W. Kraushaar, 1257 Broadway. Messrs. Duveen Brothers, 302 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Sypher & Co., 246 Fifth Avenue. FIRST NIGHT’S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY I7TH = AT CHICKERING HALL [BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT EIGHT 0’CLOCE:. GAY iW — ie i : 0p AO Gon Signed at the left and dated 1887 : 3 eS Ho The S culptor — — Cae i ; Height, 17 inches. LELOIR ae (L.) i ° . ’ A _ 2—Fiiriation Ay ar Oe 2 : ‘ SP) ate. % , ae i ‘ Signed at the left 7, hoe Y 1a ‘ae Height, 16} inches. Width, 12 inches x 5 : From the Carvallo Collection Width, 13 inches cca AA AEE RES ae r —— LAMBINET * Dar) (E.) 3—Landscape Signed at the left Height, 10 inches. Length, 16 inches VERO Mier (I.) ae 4—Harvest Time l¢ Rl és ‘ 7 Signed at the right ie Height, 20 inches. Width, 25 inches Ke HiTCHCOGK (G.) eS [ 5— The Dunes at Egmond on Zee ha a » et Signed at the left and dated 1890 wer Height, 10} inches. Length, 18 inches DOMINGO (F.) \ 6—An Observer WA { ce Signed at the right Height, rr inches. Width, 8} inches From the M, Feral Collection PAGANI (M.) 7—Via Garibaldi, Venice (Water Color) Signed at the right Height, roinches. Length, 154+ inches. | in SN A i (L A.) i ‘e ad : AA 8—Le Bateau Rn ger Signed at the left 2s: PP as s * galt : Height, 13} inches. Length, 174 inches em iPr JacQuET 2) Y Se (J. G.) 9— The Toilet Signed at the right Height 9 inches Length, 63 inches. DAUMIER (H.) yo Toes Curmeaye: 9 Ceiglage a. Signed ‘at the right Height, 9 inches. Width, r2 inches DETAILLE (i BoB a ie | i" vA i ge—C hasseur An rh Signed at the left and dated 1885 t: # if, ; { b Pa ei 2 {5 By, wie . jj ‘ ee a, vl i Height, 134 inches. i, zo inches Height, 13} inches. Width, 8 inches From the Meissonier sale, Paris, 1893 Height, 134 inches. Width, 1o inches 4 | From the Collection of George I, Seney, 1891 eal PASINI (A) Height, 18 inches. Width, 12 inches ‘ RIGO: nt ‘ Pek! . +15—On the Seine near Poissy \ a. , Ginedetieieht : | Height, 114 inches. Le | CAZIN= 38 | G. Co 16—Entrance to the Village Signed at the right | ae | a Wy Height, 15 inches. ey 2 EON ere 17— Téte rouge Signed at the right Height, 17 inche Signed at the left . ras ‘ ~ ie io ‘ Sara ce Height, 173 inches. Width, 144 inches ; ~ ue fi ies Boulevards eee ee 76° te Signed at the left Ses ; A eZ Ari Zs Height, r5t inches. Length, 22 inches | KNIGHT Bere (D. R.) "4 ie , ee Coup de Vent ler ¥ i Oo ‘ee < Na , Oe of +, a , ; Signed at the right : #S (1 O% Height, 2t inches, Width, 17 inches Sys! asa ee goes PRE OE eae nal LOIR 11636 (L.) i Fi oa “A 21—Fffet de Neige ;\. > Aan Signed at the right Height, 25 inches, Width, 17 inches THAULOW (F.) “ $a PRRR iets f €. #2 x! | % é E ‘ . af g) 22—Rue des Tribunaux eo i A Signed at the right and dated 1895 Height, 24 inches, Width, 20 inches. Salon Champ de Mars, 1895 LEPINE (S.) 23—Rue de Parts ~ N Dav 5 A J Ve ¢ ae Width, 13 inches ao y~ ‘6 - hi Length, 24 inches ee D Km ¥ Orr wl’ + fe hel fy # y , on 4) he ; ial an Length, 24 inches ¥ ISABEY (Li BS | ki ro ; s #2} Cc ( a 27—Festin Champétre Signed at the right Height, 8} inches. Length, 34 inches ISABEY ise 28—Festin Champéire (Companion to No, 27) Height, 84inches. Length, 34 inches & ft ‘ J . % tN #5. ; ; aw We er “39—Caiching Crawjish , f Spy a I 5 & Signed at the left Bi a i / oe Nibogg* aie aa os signe 7 the As Height, 20 inches. Width, 15 inches We eG DUPRE (J.) eit - 32—-Paysage et Animaux - Signed at the left * Height, 13¢ inches, Length, see inches ee 2 9426) - ¥ CONSTABLE SF ad 16¥) ie 33— Tree in the Meadow Ay | | \ A spe eae Height, 124 inches, Length, 17 inches: ny \ ee \ A ~f- eee ia 4 | a oe J y if Ny : ‘ai eG ake a hance iH »/ —In the Home Rark, Windsor i 34 war, Lapis Height, 93 inches. Width, 12 inches: From the Collection of Marquise Santwise vig NASMYTH ” i (P.) x {VN 35—Mountain Torrent, North Wales Signed at the left and dated 1824 We I; Height, 12 inches. Width, 14 inches From the Collection of Henry Brand, London ; a le | ie Height, 25 inches. Length, 30 inches \ ee LAWRENCE [a (Sir T.) ines 24 inches. Width, 20 inches xy) he Be i ae Purchased from the Braham Family i b () =. “REYNOLDS (Sir J.) 438—Countess Hynford — vy ‘i Painted in 1757 eight, 30 inches, Width, 25 inches ed by J. McArdell i eS: p60 } es FO SBS + RAEBURN \ of” (Sir H.) i bo D aan 39—Portratt of Mrs. Tomlinson rieight, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches. OF rales /030 40—Portrait of a Lady \ »- A : i ' ie, Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches: a Lo A. g gr Presented by Lady Hamilton to her Sriend Mary Ginnel ROMNEY (G.) 41—Master ‘Pemberton y d — 0 Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 “AL From the Collection. of M. Allard, Paris ye of Sir George Beaumont | Signed at the left and dated 1831 Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches : LAWRENCE a . : CBrGiric.) yw | | —Hon. Mrs Vansitart 4 Base), Height, 22} inches. Width, 19 inches | i From the Collection of the Duke of Argyle : 3 §Fbo r | HARLOW | ) ® Bean 4, (G. HL.) oY. Beak 4/00 PR ~*~ 45—Portrait of a Lady Vise oN Height, 36 inches. Width, 28 inches from the Collection of Humphry Ward, London ie wv’ COTES See (Sir F.) f ¥ wad | 46—Portrait of Lady Stanhope / oi y ~ Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches f eo REYNOLDS C oI) 47—Portrait of Josiah Wedgwood / i 50 ao~ oo : 4 ee Painted in 1782 } Y Ds : Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches pate A) $e Ae err ee e ee) ss ae Smithson wit Height, 30 Pottee ae 25 inches 420° ROMNEY oo * | ( ) 5 MO z AA A ay | uF i , Pn, ir Muek Smithson . ’ } | Height, 30inches. Width, 25 inches BE Boe to ~ r OU WILSON _C. ) | by oo c\ A> sOr— Tivoli | Height, 27 inches. Length, 35 inches arr yi A i , | | ? b0° : 4A , ae’) : e h 4 LF he 52—Portrait of Mes. Arnold LEUUG O iN Me VINCENT bso 51— The Stepping Stones at Thorp, Norwich Height, 31 inches. Length, 38 incies y 2 a EY REYNOLDS oa Poe) |e UGog- Palated eth ys Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches ie LELY . \ ae (Sir P.) Se ibs : U a y: : 3-Lord Temple . i i \ .p- N j Height, soinches. Width, 40i ; D See ¥y From the Collection of Hon. the Earl of Granville, K.G. a ‘4 in) ee Fe Bane ie i PN ean fal ah Lk ee ev” 7 , i v te a LELY fo" pr 507k Os. (Sir P.) fi ott fr t ) py mi i | aa Fay i af 54—Lady Frances Knowles (Uy Vv UA Height, 50inches. Width, 40 inches. pre i rN 4 pe eCHEY Ce o Se \2 y, Ce MAT Kw . ay br” 340! Height, 50inches. Width, 40 inches: tS ? é ae ed 4, 0° 7) / 55—Portrai 4, HUDSON 56—Portratt of a Lady | Lao hee ‘ Height, 30inches. Width, 25 inches from the Collection of Humphry Ward, London — ar DOK ‘ alae GREUZE (J. B.) , /09o \ q , / f| —Bacchante OL ee <4 y) OF Height, 22 inches. Width, 18} inches ae? /, | Oy / é F \A SSE ARO, SG Me be SCI p> JJ.) pk 7 ao 58—La Jiminez Height, 25 inches. Width, 184 inches GAINSBOROUGH wk /} 00: wl t | ( tN i By Marsham Height, 22 inches. Width, 164 inches LAWRENCE (Sir T.) lb 1S Height, 14 inches. Width, 14 inches 6o— Sid of a Head 4. BONINGTON a (R. P.) 3 t 0 61—Palace of the Doge) Venice’ \\ : “Heian, 134 inches. Length, ah? a 4 c \o~ fi \ From the T. Wood aneho iar ice ‘White Collections, Londo 'y CHAPLIN Se en (C.) 62—L’dge dor Signed at the left Height, 18} inches. Width, 12% inches | LHERMITTE (L. A.) \v Pill wa ) g : : jAU Loy » | pes ie A , = fous? 63—I/niérieur Bréton To ees Niel. ee + Te) Signed at the left and dated 1892 as wy | a= : Height, 17 inches. Length, 21 inches prey pny ‘ ‘ t \ Qe wo. fy ee p SOD Be) yee Leg s Br 1S; hal ») At \ lt Ne Lor, “ et woe SROVRBEL (F.) 64—A Cavalier Bin Signed at the right Height, 23 inches. - Width, 15 inches » a q s | A Bi i La w ag A Ade Pri Dash re . FN le 5 du Lorn : , wag Anny % ‘wet o She | | bo 1/3 5am MARIS J.) 65—Ploughing in Holiand / O¢05 Signed at the right Height, 20 inches. Length, 32 inches OFFERMANS (T.) Yas. 66—Le Pécheur a la Ligne Signed at the right Height, 27 inches, Width, 19 inches GUIGNARD (G.) a, he G d at the left’ »“* iV, Naiing, ithe & * J Yo Height, 23 inches. Length, 3r} inches From the Salon, Paris, 1893 BERNE-BELLECOUR (E.) / | \- | ow 68— Taking an Observation VA" Ne Re ager 2s! ese Signed at the right Height, 19 inches. Length, 36 inches PO? Te Pe Ont 0 ‘ : | Yeni ‘SUSTERMANN | , »¥° eo (L.) hes oa 69— Tbe Duke of Alcantara ff Height, 35 inches. Width, 27 inches b (yO. (J 4 LU AK . —_— # v2 GUICPAUMET 4 :, F (G.) 70—At the Fountain | [ WA LL 6! Signed at the right Height, 404 inches. Width, 29 inches From M. Barre Collection - SIMONI en (G) SIMONI Ng. (G.) “4 a’ dn Arabian ‘Signed at the left and dated 1893 7 tA. Signed at the left P ; ; Py Height, 54 inches. Length, 72 inches a, ei ee Sel ft wid” > >a DETAILLE ol aes 4 por Toe (J. B. E.) u—Champie y eo. (Water Color) y | | gr. Yni h0- | ( Height, 56 inches. Length, 69 inches md dated 1881 Companion Subject to No. 75 by A. M. De Neuville IDE NEUVILLE Qo Fi f— he re a (A. M.) (V0 gg pul : gee: ~~ ab = 75—Champigny / * lu ote Ee | (Water Color) AV G “od te 8 ater Color ie | # Signed at the right and dated 1882 Height, 56 inches, Length, 69 inches Companion Subject to No. 74 by /, B. E. Detaille BOUGUEREAU (Ww. A.) 76— The Bather Ga yO! Signed at the right and dated 1894 Height, 6r inches. Width, 34 inches Lxhibited at the Royal Academy, 1895 , MAUVE _ V4 S08- Bee OP 55s ae oN A LK VY a f -_ tis a ; Pa A - ib - : ? x « Pare in the Haarlem m Mevidows L ry a eg at eas Lippe di te ; Height, 294 inches. Length, 43 inches ne | ea , be a Varn | Se Gh i weal “SCH REYER fo : IA)6 ty | (A) ‘ Plog Y\ )—-78—Chevaux dans la Neige — se ; Signed at the right Height, 32 inches. Length, 52 inches TROYON o a 79—Driving Home the Flock” ae) ee df | Signed at the. ett las it A 52 D | | be. | ; Height, 33} inches. Length, 50 inches : il Painted forsthd Srom the Collection of, Lord Ashburton SECOND NIGHT’S SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH me oICKERING HALL BEGINNING PRQMPTLY AT EIGHT O’CLOCK HITCHCOCK x > ; . ’ : f : u 80—The Willow Tree P) o ee : Signed at the left and dated 1890 Sh | ol 2) Height, 11 inches. Length, 18 inches PLO E RMIT IE (L. A.) 81—Paysage VY Meee 8 ae j ’ (IV ; a” a Nach Signed at the right a | seein nf rAdaches, Length, 20 inches Panes i” X ¥ \ i he fo oe ~~ us THAULOW Se ap (F.) 82——Rue Montante a Neuville 3 a o A Signed at the left Height, 30inches. Width, 20 inches: VIBERT (J. G.) 255 83—Le Coup de Vent Signed at the left Height, 144 inches. Width, rz inches HENNER J.J.) } S60 ee Lop 84—‘Penserosa { i SG: j ; 4 Signed at the left Height, 24 inches. Width, 18 inches | bd é ‘DETAILLE nw — tS 85—Sapeurs des Voltigeure de la grde —— er Colo G? Al VJ ust yeaa ze Signed at the agnt and dated 1892 Height, rof inches. Length, 27} inches DETAILLE hee (J. B, E.) 86—Sketch Letters Signed at the right é ff / | Height, 7inches. Width, 44 inches MEISSONIER noe ond eee) 87—The Doctor Major OQ + Signed at the right Height; 44 inches. Width, 3} inches From the Meissonier Sale, Paris, 1893 sore om sy Be AS | 7h DIAZ 2) eae, eee ROY) 4 y | ? ey eee >, \ : | ; ” \88—Nympb and Dog ry iF cat o % wn GRD Signed at the left ~ nd me : 4 ~ Height, 13 inches, Width, 9% inches: ol aan 89— Trouville Signed at the right Height, 12 inches. Length, 234 inches: a! 90—Morning on the Seine | ee . ; y, H 4. f a Signed at the right and dated 1857 4 f Se {) j F i epee 4 fr A NADS Height, 114 inches, Length, 19 inches ¥ wr 91— The Windmill ates | pr an eet” | . < ‘ Fat, ee a a 3 Yj / f / f “q, | Prirmgast ’ pas F Signed at the right Ve" 3 dtm te § Pa od Height, 17 inches, Width, 13 inches ox a fia a gy ™% : if, ‘es ( ) se nell oh ( ; ~~ / al f 7 , ‘ 1 * \S 7 es N a", i f 92—Fontainebleau pee ; a ™~. mi Ay Signed at the left ) m1 7 | fagred f 7 Height, ro} inches. Length, 13¢ inches From the Hecht Collection 93—/ntérieur eee eee Signed at the left ‘ / Height, 18 inches. Length, 213 inches * Exhibition of One Hundred Masterpieces in Paris, 1883 4 > » 2 f S aa fr fi Pt @ ‘aie fi tla f | a if {/ to VAN = Jy - 2 94—La Mare au fée ae Af See \ Signed at the right v Height, 15 inches. Length, 23 inches ‘ost i . . 1G 50. ee TROYON : 95—Dindons \_X WH \ Signed at the lef Height, 14 inches. Width, ro inches From the Collection of Marquise de Lavalette 96—Harvest Field 4 * 7 H ao Signed at the right my K, Jj Tiegh tsinches. Length, 174 inches _ BESNARD | Vy nf aNPRAY “Aliens 97—Meditation Signed at the left . Si as Fitight, 24 inches. Width, tg inches a; CF ‘5 OF HITCHCOCK | ° 32: 98—The Promised Land? ) » Tie ee : Signed at the left and dated 1890 Height, 134 inches, Length, 184 inches bane jae : KNAUS (L.) ro NY) vay af | jes aot dj fh 4 a — tig ae er a Yared 1809, % - i () / U/ . ne RT 13 inches. Width, ro inches ; 4) ont the- Collection of George I, Seney, 1891 4 es vy f) Nd A V4 ‘e LA “ Hog J: L. BE.) 100—Homme a’ Arme ae (Drawing) a ee Sie * a Signed at the right F hae Pye | ; K Height, rr} inches. Width, - ty t 1 ; . ALLS Inscribed as follows - ae 8 'y e eat eG . eg iat bps 5 ‘Mon CHER DE BEAUMONT, POET bata) ““ Voici votre chevalier. Fera-t’il votre affaire pour votre livre? Si oui tant ; peor hy mieux, si non j’en ferai un autre. oe : Pat ieee « A-vous, < ‘“E, MEISSONIER.” 7) MEISSONIEE ae (3 LB ea rors The Gronddier (4 Signed at the left Ww : ; +4 ‘ ae . Height, 12 inches. Length, 15$ inches ' % From the Collection of M. Moreau, Paris ein i \< DETAI t | ~ (J. B-B,) ~/ — 102—During the First Empire i & Signed at the right and dated 1888 © ee 3 a ) - Height, 8 inches. Width, 6 inches’ DETAILLE s ‘ . ow _ d (J. B: E.) DONO oa -103—Gentilbomme de la Directoire ) Signed at the left Height, 8 inches, Width, 43 inches: | n 104—Paysage 7 os | Rs) A Oe Signed at the left Lif \pe™ , F Nes Height, 8inches. Length, 11$ inches: ve (? \e a = a) (J. B. €.) | rh vimow 105—Le Lac : | ~ > £ oe ap Bove. eo” NM Signed at the left R » ‘| 4 ~ 106—Marine 3 v2 OA Signed at the left Height, 15 inches. Length, 18 inches TROYON eae | C) | | 00. v* 107—Sheep Signed at the left Height, 13 inches. Length, 16 inches Fron the sale of the Artist's effects after his death LHERMITTE (L. A.) 108—Figlise de Magy ‘Ser oy meee Signed at the right y f X\ Kf i Height, 93 inches. “Length, 13 inches 109—Noontime (oP 1 y Mn % wa A. pet os eae RS ea Signed at the right a { is Fi ais \) \vy Height, 22 inches. Width, 18 inches SALA-Y-FRANCES ie /20¢ 110—The End of the Game Signed at the right and dated 1879 Height, 16 inches. Length, 24 inches from the Collection of George I, Seney, 1891 SS SX Pee coca 4 (R.) + | : fi { $s /) , 4] C 111—Playing Bowls ) i ee Signed at the left and dated 1893 Height, 15 inches. Length, 25 inches PY ae di PAK EO OLA te Lae, fl 112—Jardins de Venise Bb | Signed at the, Bie Gg f THAULOW rtheenbuaa i PP ARNETTE MDI TIN eC MIP EHiaa tog LGR Bs IN a st 4s JA fi fo 113—Early Spring fu War Signed at the left and dated 1895 my Ae Height, 35 inches. SIMI (F.) SO al 114— Marguerite A Signed at the upper right Height, 39 inches, fiji” yr Ve Pe 284 inches. Width, 184 inches Width, 27 inches Width, 27 inches PASINI (A.) LEROLLE at ? aed ’ O66) 116—End of the Daj 7 gl Signed at the left g AKO a) 33 Height, 564 inches. Length, 39 inches RUSCA ‘ (Chevalier) 3 By is are sg ' \e f) Ne ’ te fj’ $s k Fern - wt) f 117—Portrait of Robert Price BD eS re Oe vil ; ¥ a £ ~~, ' Height, 30inches. Width, 25 inches ~\ ) S b \/4 From the Price Family Poied 35600 REYNOLDS Ke (Sir J.) // 00 II 8—> Portrait of. Mrs. Musters : Painted in 1782 Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches. LAWRENCE (Sir T.) 3 b . a Lady Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches from the Collection of the Earl of Mainnearing, London COTES 120—Portrait of a Lady min QA? ‘ome Height, 30 inches. ‘Width, 25 inches f\ \s fi d . Of g eee 5 Beige we «+ an f. AS “A ov fe j ma 4 2 ( . Cy f : \p~ ‘4 cate 121—Portratt of Miss Hill — er iid eee e e 3 2 b 0 7 Height, i inches. Width, 25 inches ; as ) os From the Viscount Hill Collection, London a “VY - . (25 dee HARLOW ae (G. H.) (2 sh gohond Maayft 122—Portrait of ]. Ayton SY ‘ a Height, 30inches. Width, 25 inches / i lee of ae Frances Scott yA 4 | ey oe Cn * Painted in7hg) kt a v \ v ) pA iz \ Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches a R, FY ie oa LELY tN (Sir P.) j .f a Al | J & ig es a de fi al a 4? 3 fer po th MAT ES 8 \ A , 4 eight, 30 inches, Width, 25 inches a Gs LIE TD CS Pre ee Se Reseda (Sir 1h ) a Height, 22 inches. 2 LANDSEER (Sir E.) 126—T he Little Actress Portrait of the daughter of the Duke of Bedford. Height, 21 inches. Width, 13 inches — Munition of Old Masters, Royal Academy, London, ree Eng graved — r by C. Rolls atk REYNOLDS: at Gir J.) Portrait of the model for the celebrated picture, ‘‘ Mercury as a Pickpocket.” - MORLAND Sees r Height, ot inches. Length, 11} inches o uM, , From the Collection of Henry Brand, Esg,, London yf 4 REMBRANDT (Van Ryn) s fe 129—Portrait of Jobn Asselyn, Painter “John Asselyn, painter of landscapes and battles, contemporary and friend of idea Rembrandt, who died in 1650, won ae le eer the reputation of a clever and bere ‘refined artist. The greater part of his ‘worl in which the influence of Claude Lorraine is at times strongly felt, is fmade up of pictures of Italian subjects which ually treatec Spt: f people and animals. : a view of the Tiber by this artist, which The museum of bes ductions, and formerly ornamented, in the Hotel Baie i - dsconsidered one oft Lambert, a room c e Cabinet des Amours. The museums of London, ; Munich, Amsterdam,vetc., all have pictures by Asselyn. There is to beseen at j ’ yi Amsterdam a composition which is unique in his production, a life-size swan defending its nest against a carnivorous animal. Hondekoeter might well have ~ signed this fine composition. A little known phase of the talent of Asselyn was Oi his cleverness in painting in blue cameo or faience. He did much work for the Nae potters of Delft in this line. The portrait before us is the first of Asselyn which A Rembrandt etched, catalogued by Bartsch as number 277, and of which the cabinet ee of prints of the National Library at Paris possesses a superb proof.” Oval canvas. Height, 304 inches. Width, 244 inches, & : Lol BANE from the Collection of M. Gavet, Parts a Gry a) f Bis Oe alin Valag red Height. 17 inches. Length, 25 inches: one From the Collection of George Z. Seney, New York, 1891 + 6 ~ . DAUBIGNY | we ; (C. F.) 131—Evening on the Oise af : hy ve Digned at the right and dated B74 , 13 inches. Length, 22 inches » J a f Vy \ fo I 32—Rentrée dans \Cabane, p a Ves iN | we " Signed at the) sh anal ive Height, 13 inches. Length, 20 nches Senet at the right a ah tl alge een 26inch2s. Wiith, 18 inches yh ae oi os : . From the Collection of George I. Seney, og 5 9 QO os ; i ; ey COROT (j,.B.C.) a 134-—Chemin borde de Saules, Signed at ie right x DAUBIGNY (GF _ Signed at the left and dated 1873 Ya Height, 114 inches. Length, 194 inches Deb ioeeh 3. from the Collection of George I. Seney, 1891 aK | tee ee d35— aye Signed at t é right and dated 1863 _ Height, 17} inches, Width, gt inches. a : * ¥ JACQUE iC- £4 13 7—Sheep Pasture Signed a soy ee eget g e Bere Net ; t “Height, 253 inches. Length, 32inchess from the Collection of MM. Foignard, Paris MAUVE (A.) } 2 Mh N yy 138—A Summer Day in Holland, iy 1 "Signed at the right Height, 36 inches. Length, 51 inches IJo0. | CONSTABLE ae : 139—Hampstead Heath Height, 20 inches. Length, 27 inches From the Collection of W. Dyer, E'sq., London TURNER : (J. M..W.) 3 On Pee pa. * ¢ } Pe Bhis| on th agi) aft ihe Lotre ' ne ate) GY oi O O° Height, 20 inches. oot Cree oe guy ) —- «STARK 4 Ci . J.) on | — 141—View Near Norwich ae : a hai J ] O 6 Height, 18 inches. Length, 24 inches ‘ ‘ oteeay e VAN GOYEN yt Tae - ff Pe i / : ae ( iy PA a . Ww ah Pil ae oe / 142—Duztch River poate 7s oy]? Height, 16 inches. Length, 21 inches HOLBEIN | (H.) > Height, 13 inches, Width, 8 inches The original drawing in the Private Collection of H. M. Queen Victoria Sarath, sien tee aa | io ath POURBUS.- {The Bide 9M%c> es \ a ; y O -144—Margaret of Valois, First Wife of Henry IV i ie “Margaret of Valois, sister of Charles IX., who was born at Saint-Germain- | en-Laye on May 14, 1553, was one of the prettiest and most sfzrzfwed/e women of = ) ee - her day. Pourbus’s work permits the appreciation of her beauty, and preserves, as well, the reflection of her wit. What it cannot tell is that the princess cultivated © “ty a , Pat her naturally happy tendencies, and that she loved the company of poets, littéra- Cone teurs, philosophers, and artists. Brought up in a dissolute court, she was not i nt able to escape the contagion of example, but in the midst of her gayeties she gave evidence at times of rare grandeur of soul and loyalty. ‘*Married to Henry of Navarre on the eve of the Massacre of Saint Bartholo- mew, she was to the husband whom she did not love, and who did nothing to make Hi. her love him, if not a devoted wife, at least a consort of irreproachable probity. Ha. 7 ‘*Pclitics made the marriage; politics caused its sundering. Margaret, who had refused to consent to her divorce when Henry IV. wished to marry Gabrielle a d’Estrées, bowed to the royal will when it was matter of a marriage with Marie de Médicis. . “While in retirementin a fortress at Usson,in Auvergne, where she knew how to enliven her stay, she wrote her memoirs, ‘a work of distinction and fimecse,’ as said Sainte-Beuve, which is one of the most elegant productions of French liter- i ature of the sixteenth century. ““Margaret died in Paris, March 27, 1615, in a palace she had built, and on & which site the Ecole des Beaux Arts now stands.” - i ae ne : 7 a Height, 264 inches. Width, 22 inches r From the Collection of M. Gavet, Paris _REYN OLDS (Sir J. ve ROMNEY (G.) ys | 146—Portrat of Mrs. Angerstein — (AV de Height, 30 inches. With 25 inches ahaa England GAINSBOROUGH = (ia From the Collection of Gainsborough Dupont, mentioned in Fulcher’s Life, and exhibited at the Gainsiorough Exhibition, London ie a LELY eee bs a? ”) i a | (Sir P.) SAN ; i e hay Franklin 3 | a zt ‘eel : ee i i” a A 30 inches, Width, 25 inches | “ a Lie cap e \ % & : / wee ae +REYNOLDS ‘aaa $5 (Sir J.) ae y_-449—Portrait of Mrs. Angelo “a Sor cS it . > ne | | a4 (vy a Painted in 1760. | } a 2, es , | : Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches oe From the Collection of James Price, London. Exhibited at the Exhibi- tion of Old Masters, Royal Academy, London, 1877 ska, daughter of the then dethroned Jing Stanislas of Poland, in 1725 took her seat. on the throne of France. ‘Hers was a sweet and passive nature, better fitted fora bourgeois life than for the excited existence of courts. So we do not see her mixed in any of the political intrigues of her husband’s reign, and she appears to us turning her eyes modestly away from all the excesses of the titne, and confining herself, not without a certain proud dignity, to her vdZe of wife and mother. ‘“ Asa wife one knows what she must hcve suffered ; asa mother she was sorely : tried also. Of the ten children she bore the king, seven preceded her to the tomb. Sad and resigned, she died in 1768. ‘*Marie Leczinska had just ascended the throne when Drouais made the bewitching portrait of her we see before us. Besides the grace of the young queen, this painting reproduced and revived her most personal tastes—the love of a | coquettish and becoming dress; her weli-known passion for jewels, a passion Be pe which blinds her so that she loads her graceiul 1aeck with a heavy necklace ; and, finally, and this a very characteristic trait, there are seen on her those fur orna- ments which she liked to be the only one at Court to wear, and did not give up even in the mildest seasons.” sss Oval canvas. Height, 37 inches. Width, 26 inches payne? Se ray 2 From the Collection of M. Gavet, Paris q4o m°) Misr s ¥ g a < i é BONINGTON (RP) Lr’ on Die 15 51 — Honfleur thedral — Bh care 35 a > wy dare, (+ Nady : By O O EK ten i Height, 36 inches, Length, 45} inches. Rl pi ) 130°” po &, 1 be y f pd ae MORLAND (G.) ye he. 152—/ be Shiparch ‘ ys 5 d id Signed i in a fo : ‘ee Height, 39 inches. Length, 57 inches: From the Collection of Alexander Denniston, London ‘ Ae 0 Foams oe REYNOUDY, fv >: f a SS : AV ¢ phe ) \ Wt of f\) A oh i P) i¢ fs f f y : ox fp bee 153—The Duke of Dootisbire Oe a OT ; ame > \ % : ~ Painted in 1758 A b j¥ ) i * ‘) ) /\ Height, soinches. Width, 40 inches from the Henry Graves Collection, London, Engraved by R. Josey Bae got ye Sotie ae 154—Countess Charlemont and ber Son Height, 50 inches. ‘Width, 40 in uae “9 : LExhibited at the Royal Academy, 1812 ie 2 ROMNEY ab NV (G.) 15 s—Portrait ERY oa fee, & nor ny eidbt, 59 eet eee. 40 inches nat from the Collection of Colonel Honeywood, London a, : Bree REYNOLDS Ripa" (Sir J.) 13 pe batt en SVE LE ee Ph. 156—Lord Rothes r p» Painted in 1768 HW : 4] , j yi a ‘ , , Hb), af : ‘ \ Height, 50 inches. Width, goinches From the Hewett Collection, London tl eA pS ee ee ee ee ee ee _" ik ay | ag & od Pea 3 , e of the noblest and purest figures of the sixteenth Ri. century, was born in ‘Paris, on January 7, 1528. She was the daughter of Henri d@’Albret and of Marguerite de Valois, sister of Francis I. 2 Handsome and sfzrztuelle, eloquent aiso, and endowed with a good and up- : right understanding, she married, at the ageof twenty, Antoine de Bourbon, Duke of Vendome ; and in 1553, at the Castle of Pau, singing a Bearnese refrain, gave birth to the child who afterwards became Henry IV., King of France. | ** A convert to Calvinism from 1556, she was benevolent to her co-reiigionists, N* without oppressing the Catholics. Personally supervising the education of her son, re ; es whom she adored, she worked to make him the champion of the new faith, and was : able to develop in him the germ of all the qualities of which he gave evidence later. es ‘* Drawn to the Court of Fiethice at the time of the projected marriage between her son and the sister of Charles IX., she died there, on June 10, 1572, poisoned, it & _ is said, by order of Catherine de Médicis. ** The portrait we now look on was painted shortly before the birth of Henry IV. ‘probably during a stay that Clouet, painter to the king, made at the Castle of Pau in 1552.” Height, 27 inches. Width, 22} inches from the Collection of M, Gavet, Paris Height, 45 inches. Width, 32 nll | i \$0 oe Collection of Wynne Roberts, Esq., Brookhall, Tetenhall, Cheshire -HOPPNER © J) Height, “a inch a ‘ from the Exhibition of Fair Women, Grafton Gallery, London, 1894, x. . qe -" | ; i 1s ** Tust then Mr. Hoppner strolled up and begged me to give him my opinion ee. the beauty, as well as of the dancing, of a talland hondsome young woman whom I saw on the dais. ‘It is Mdlle. Hillsberg,’ he whispered, ‘and I may say” ae my portrait of her is, in my own opinion, the best thing I ever did.” sp — succeeded in making apparent in this portrait, both in the expressionof the face / or, / BRET RTOS AE ye, POURBUS (The Younger) (F.) fe 161—Portratt of Isabella of Austria ~~ S00 “Tsabella, daughter of Philippe II., King of Spain, and grand-daug Charles V., was born in 1566, and from her earliest youth displayed that firmness J of character of which she gave later so many proofs, and which the painter has / ’ a tf i, ") ; f a } f ee and the grave simplicity of the pose. “It was Isabella whom, onthedeath of Henry III., Philippe I1. tried to place on the throne of France, and she it was whom, in 15098, on his death-bed, he still called ‘the light and the mirror of his eyes.’ ‘She had married, the year previous, the Archduke Albert, King of the Low Countries. She found part of his statesin revolt against the Spanish dominion, and she strongly opposed the rebels. To pay her troops she sold her jewels, includ- ing perhaps the necklace we see on her neck, and she was present at the siege of Ostend, which lasted over three years. After the death of Albert, which took place in 1621, she continued to rule his dominions with wisdom, and was skilful enough to pit herself against Cardinal Richelieu and cause the failure of the project he cherished of turning the Low Countries into an independent republic. She died in 1633. “Isabella was twenty-three years of age when she posed for this picture.” Height, 53 inches. Width, 414 inches From the Collection of M. Gavet, Paris mai! - y a a: = int: ; i + 4 2 4 4 ai gia ha. ' aly mn \ ‘ot ; 1 ‘ i eee J ey “at S Vas CU YL ie “és Yd. Empress of Austria. é \ \y Pourbus,; (the Younger.} N FibU bee MeeesG UUs ITU Ole ‘his choice new dwelling is offered for sale on 'y easy terms at a low figure; also an ‘inside ise. as OLDING & WHITEHOUSE, ind asterly bank of the eel Now 6 rise paek ae ne ‘bour Ses “NO; G; thence across the mou ; yuae pci1dyvez thence northe Py ene sy } etly along the « northeasterty"” a Rasen re ate pea rable heads h St. "| 30S. & and 1 to the easterly line o: 9 Pine St., and Sih Va Corwen Sei Bt | 1; thence along the easterly, line of JCLTIONEER, ' AGENT. 4, : southerly be} ‘feet; thence sou . REAL ESTATE, 9 PINE ST. AND 1 MADISON AV, ROKER, — ee APPRAISER. i 54 minutes 30 seconds we feet; thence south @ Miecroed® 2) minut Parcel No, 1, south $0 degrees 63 4 in seconds west 59 fee;; thence ‘couth aT 4 84. minutes 30 seconds west 160.10 feet; South 75 degrees 10 “minutes ¢ secon 167.70 feet to a corner; thence still al boundary of Parcel] No, 1, leaving it anc ing the highway leading easterly from Bridge, south 6 degrees 9° minutes 30 Cast 611.90 feet ‘to the southerly side highway, thence still along the ae TIMES UP-TOWN OFFICE, 269 Broadway. 824 Street. Open daily from 5 A. M. to 9 P. M. | Brooklyn Real Estate for Sale. ON NNN NNN NPR RL ND Na SRN PRN OPN NNN RN IP MR-SALE—The elegant steam-heated apartment touse, leased to ten responsible tenants, will | sold at a sacrifice for cash, to net 15 per cent. . ‘ome or more. 71 Pineapple St., opposite St. orge Hotel; owner on premises. of said hixhway, south 77 degrees 21 1 West 230.60 feet to the ’ southeasterly formed by the aforesaid. highway and + highway leading Southerly from the. firs 4 highway; thence across the aforesaid H. South 79 degrees 15 minutes 80 ‘secon 3 48.13 feet to the northwesterly corner for, the aforesaid two highways, which point is a northeasterly .corner of Parcel No. 16; along the westerly side of the second afa: highway which is the’ easterly boundary | cel No. ‘16, south 8 degrees - 25° minutes ‘| 126.40 feet; thence south 6 degrees 40 mi | 80 seconds east’ 215.70 feet to. the nor bank. of a mill pond on Cross river; northerly and westerly along the northerly. of said mill pond as it winds and turns, the southerly boundaried of Parcels Nos.” 14 and 11 to the westerly side of a dam Cross river; then along the said side of dam to the centre of Cross river; thence ¢ q 3oth houses have fine views of Hudson, ex- 4 €! Y and northerly along said centre of. isive grounds, cared for at owner’s expense, and | © et alle Redes No, Z Rare | ie ‘e use of stables; seven minutes’ walk of sta- | SOUtherly boundary ‘o arce 0, nort a Sos ; de srecs z6 minutes 30 peconts west foe | as : erly bank o ross river; thence north - 82 \pply to JAMES R. HAY, 7 Wall St. grees 2u minutes 30 seconds west. Sn Ss : 3 thence sou : egrees 59 minutes west 2: PU R NUTLEY, N. J., OFFERS SEVERAL Essar ° Rds Woden houses, with pleasant grounds, shade, 354.80 pein cds south a0 Seeeceee ‘> at rentals $450 ito $900; quite near station. t ete. eee 4g 4 80 seconds west 202.40 feet; thence SOME ply, .F. M. UNGER, opposite Nutley Station, _ degrees 53 minutes west $1.45 feet; th ; south ap aeerebs ek Brent ee aia ‘| thence still-a ong the boundary o arcel Real Estate for xchange. 7; fnence across a road or highway lea westerly from .the aforesaid highway lea cnetariy from Wood's Bridge; Seis a ain *R. EXCHANGE.—The elegant steam heated | the ‘ oundary of Parcel No. 7 nort minu oe “yievers house, 71 Pincinpie St., opposite ; west 275.12 feet to the easterly bank of \ - George Hotel; all leased to good, responsible | Croton river; thence still along the bounda fants;; will be sold ata sacrifice for cash, or\] Of Parcel No. 7 and the easterly hank of t ll exchange for unencumbered property. J, W, | Croton -river as it winds and turns, te BA MILTON, owner, on premises, mately the following courses and distance: —————————E—EE— EE | North 74 de ‘es 19 minutes 80 seconds east + arp “th, 54 degrees 12. minntar. es Country ‘Real Estate for Sale. _ -Irvington-on-Hudson, — fodern house, 12 rooms, newly decorated; rent, 0. : oi 3 . Md-fashioned Colonial house, 14 rooms, newly nodeled; Sanitary plumbing; all modern im- yvements, (new,) $750. AAA A rare » i / lee Bric-a-Brac, Fabrics, Rugs, Consoles, Mirrors, and Furniture NOON'S SALE. er es FEBRUARY 18TH 3 as THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT THREE O'CLOCK . BRIC-A-BRAC >162—Pair. PiLGrRim BOTTLES. Gien faience ; decorated with red and yellow “on eine blue ground. Sate youd , ~ ‘ Se uch porcelain ; cupid with snowball flowers ; : decorated in colors and gold, | Fe ice Cup AND SAUCER. | ae _. Landscape view in panel; green and gold ‘ decoration ; gilt lined. 165—Pair BOTTLE VASES. Crown Derby ; f embossed decoration of floral designs in gold matte and colors on rose-pink ground. ; 166—PairR DRESDEN CovERED’ “TAsts) Tall ovoid shape on solid pedestals ; ‘cupids "garlands of flowers modelled i in relief. fer aise CxoUr: f. ‘ Ses ‘ 3 oti pha The Toilet ; ” four sinely’s modelled aieteae ; 3 a highly decorated and ornamented with intricate vo lace-work. me tear Ls ae “Height, 9 inches ; length, 12 inches. rf ‘ 168—Pair DRESDEN STATUETTES, 97 9 (141 Finely modelled and decorated ; ornamentation of fine lace-work. | _ Height, 13 inches each. 169—ANTIQUE PLAQUE. eee Italian, sixteenth century ; red medallion with a ae yellow border; incised ornamentation of figures Pee and other designs. ie 3 un meas Diameter, 12 inches. . aes /t ear ‘ sae 7 , ~ pes is hee 170 ANTIOUE Majouica PLAQue. Sy See 4 Bold relief ornamentation, “ Madonna,’ _enam- _elled i in are Bes yellow, and white. 3 +e - * . ‘Diameter, ‘2 inches. y 171—BRONZE JAR. Japanese; birds. and other designs modelled in relief ; brass mountings. a ‘ ‘Height, 16 inches; diameter, 12 inches. FRENCH ‘LAMPS, fe Tarquoise blue- “vases, with finely. wrought way iy - ormolu mountings ; ; arranged for electricity. +Made by Victor Rénon, Paris. | ss anes eh Bk Height, 24 inches ; diameter, 10 ) inches. ha Rs | dows : 5 Sn et Pauesiched brass ; ; low form, ei 174—Patr EMPIRE ‘CANDLESTICKS. Bronze and gilt ; ‘Egyptian TEN supports ; ehiccied ornamentation. { - -175—PatrR EmpirE CANDLESTICKS. _ Bronze and gilt; chiseled ornamentation ; low ‘ form. 176—SMALL PITCHER VASE. Royal Dresden ; pastoral Omer painted in rs medallion ; pink glaze with gold matte. , | wa 177—SMALL VASE. | Crown Derby; ovoid shape; salmon pink A decoration in applied gold and enamels, ~ -178—SEVRES oes Cylindrical shape; peacock blue cae with eae Lan bands at top and: bottom in brown and gold. | _179—SEVRES COUPE. ": Height, 4o inches. en ie pe a1 Empire JARDINTERE, _ Giit metal ; : aay jake on low feet; relief and r ~ , ’ Birecled ornamentation. De FSA - Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 12 inches. ‘ Ey oat a ar ae ees 192—FRENCH MANTEL CLOCK. Eo Sheds - First Empire ; gilt“ metal, with group of “ Arts Wee and Science,” and bas-relief. : 193— EMPIRE MANTEL. ;CLOCK,»; ah ; ‘ Gilt metal ;: elaborately, bile group and _bas- a relief ; “Cupid Surprised;”’ sun and moon Pi ; phases ; dial’ signed, “ Romain a Paria.” ae a 194— MANTEL CLOCK. PH RP A OME 5 a a Empire; black marble and. vee tall design with ie column supports. tonsie et ‘a pasos’ a’ Gilt metal, with group of “ “Industry and Plenty,” Sk: *s and bas-relief. 196—PaIr EMPIRE CANDELABRA. For. two lights each; bronze and cites anciee modeled figure supports on high pedestals ; chis- Ss ‘. ¢ hide! eled ornamentation. . we ee Height, 17 inches. . 197—ROMAN BRONZE VASE. Pitcher design; finely modeled figure forming handle ; malachite green patina, | fe Height, 6 inches. . « 198—Louts RIV." Cloce* SET tenes eee a Ormolu and Bleu du Rot enamel; Rhinestone ornamentation. Comprises a clock of lyre design ee ae and pair of four-light candelabra with branches of ny ae floral designs ; maker, “ Festeau le Jenne,” Paris. Sean? -I99—MANTEL CLOCK, First Empire; gilt metal; tall column design with. chiseled and relief ornaments. Signed “ Parod © Fils a Vierzon.” | | ‘200—EMPIRE CENTER Price. Gilt metal; eM ia pesca aesige on tall ped- ses estal, with groups of three’ apie rand chiseled ornamentation. Height, 17 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. ' ht ie Height, 2 24 inches. Rege at Tall cen design i in sate bronze, and gilt, bcs * “for four ants. 5. i. a. “Height, 31 inches. ony a). - Ormolu ‘Sat for six ones: ees ' Height, 28 inches. uae 7 ‘ _ yi ah j 204—BUREAU SET . sian . Antique ; comprises three crystal glass toilet bot- -.— tles mounted in repoussé and open-work silver, is 205—ROMAN BRONZE STATUETTE. | . Reproduction of antique. “ Youth extracting a thorn from left foot.” ey - 206 BRONZE RHYTON. d 3 ~ Roman ; reproduction of antique ; gis ‘of x : ‘ram’s head. . a bI2 4 ‘ 207 ROMAN BRONZE STATUETTE, My Subject, : Mercury. a 208—ROMAN BRONZE PITCHER. ia Reproduction of antique ; green patina. 3 209—Pair RoMAN Bronze Busts. i Reproduction of antiques ; green patina. ete A > “7. - 210—BronzE Door. HANDLE... ! op yn ave Antique; finely. wrought, relief _ ornamentation. 211—RomaNn BRONZE. STATUETTE. ~ Subject, “Hercules ; ;” fine green patina, Height, 3 14 inches ; diameter, 6 Re Fh vane scam ea Roman. LaMpP. : ete on ‘ithatae one pe
t Be blue. bo Length, 4 feet 9 inches ; width, a feet. 252—ANTIQUE PERSIAN PANEL. Sixteenth century ; alternate medallions in two. r shades of red velvet, with elaborate floral pat- . | terns in embroidery, appliqués, and insertions, « ‘ composed of metal thread, and various colors of | silks, velvets, and cloths. fg . ‘Length, 56 inches ; width, 45 inches. 253—ARMENIAN PRAYER RuG. Seventeenth century ; elaborate floral and other designs in needle-work and afpligué on light ground ; panel of rich red velvet inserted. Length, 74 inches ; width, 46 inches. 254—GRAND FARNESE PALACE HANGING. Velour de Gené of rich red hue ; coat-of-arms of the Farnese family in center, and corner ornaments and borders in cloth of gold. Length, 12 feet 11 inches; width, g feet 11 inches. 255—GRAND ANTIQUE FLEMISH TAPESTRY. An exceedingly fine specimen of the seventeenth century ; subject, “Clovis I. at Tours receiving ambassadors from Anatasius, Emperor of the East, who gave him the titles of patrician and consul.” Height, 10 feet 8 inches ; length, 15 feet 6 inches. S A L Bo WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Bi AT EU AMERICAN ART GALLERIES - tear. his a eee eee BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT THREE orcrgeee 5 . : ole WPL tee Pe ' ot ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 256—ANTIQUE LADIK. Center panel of reddish brown, and border in old red ; patterns in subdued colors ; silky texture. . Length, 6 feet 9 inches ; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 257—ANTIQUE DAGHESTAN Lone Rua, Center panel of dark blue, with borders of red, yellow, and turquoise blue ; diamond and star pat- ite re terns in bright colors. 3 Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. enter pan el afi rich dark brown, with wide border . red, and n narrow w borders of white, dark blue, and . Antique Dacuesray, Dark blue center. panel, with borders and bold designs i in various colors. Length, 8 feet 10 chen width, 3 feet 5 inches. yes 260—ANTiQuE CAMEL'S Harr Lone Rue. We : Genter panel of diamond-shape medallions, and — Re : various designs in pink, blue, black, and other pet tants | oe Length, 12 feet It inches : width, 3 feet 2 inches. ‘ 261—ANTIQUE DAGHESTAN. P . Black center panel, with turquoise- blue medal- . . C De oF lion and corners ; floral patterns in various colors. oe Length, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. ei 262—ANTIQUE BOKHARA. “fh 4 Old red center panel, surrounded by border in a rf 2a core 2 >. ‘ ste 7 § es dark ‘blue ; floral‘and other patterns in fine combi- ; nation of colors; rich sheen. 9» > ‘Length, § feét'g inches ; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 26 seiahbis Kur. Center panel of solid red, with patterns at ne and bottom, on white and light red ground ; wide blue border, with narrow ones in various colors. Length, 5 feet 10 inches ; ; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 264—ANTIQUE BERGAMA. ro: Center medallion of cream white, surrounded by sapphire blue ; ; borders of golden yellow and white ; bold patterns in reds, blue, and other colors. Length, 6 feet 4 inches ; es 4 feet 10 inches. 265— ANTIQUE DAGHESTAN Lone Rue. Center panel of dark blue, mi medallions in : red, white, yellow, and green ; borders of red and white, with various designs in finely combined colors. SiG cua ae Length, 11 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. . 266—ANTIQUE Camen’s: Harr Lone Rus. Fine combination of patterns in rare colors; heavy pile and fine sheen. 7 ‘Length, 13 feet 6 inches ; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 267—ANTIQUE KIRMAN. ©... i : -Rose-color center’ patiel, with medallions of various patterns’; black ground wide border, and two narrow borders in light blue ; silky texture. Length, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 5 feet 2 inches. he is _ Length, x 5 fet ts inches; width, 7 Yet Cee 2 9- ANTIQUE CASHMERE. , Center panel of old red, with patterns in yellow, . white, and two shades of blue ; wide border of _ turquoise blue, ‘and narrow ones of yellow and red. Length, 8 feet 9 inches 3 width, 7 feet I inch. sac chire:t blue center, with bold designs in fine combination of colors ; bordered with red, brown, ~* © and patterns in various tones; closely woven and « | eal ei. bHiCK pile. Pree er 5 Length, 14 feet 9 inches; width, Io feet. : ze ind me, “y - ; i _ 271—-GRAND AGRA CARPET., Similar to the above in design, colors, and quality. Length, 15 feet 7 inches ; width, Io feet. Pita CUR WALL BRACKETS. Florentine carved ‘wood, reat cupid and shell. design. erkasa cate | 993—FioRentine Consoun. Antique ; carved and ty cit in relief, 274—Pair SCONCES. Gilt metal; embossed mirrors ; : branches to each. four: candle + aa 275—Two ANTIQUE SCONCES. Florentine carved and gilt frames of irregular Sheps, and leaf design. 276—Pair FLORENTINE MIRRORS. Carved wood gilt frames ; floral and leaf design. ing" -277—Pair ANTIQUE FRAMES, F lorentine carved and gilt ; bold floral pattern. 278—ANTIQUE MIRROR. . a | First Empire; lyre and shell design; carved ine and gilt frame. | _ Height, 42 inches ; width, 30 inches. 279—ANTIQUE MIRROR. _ Elaborately carved wood gilt frame ; floral de- sign, with figure in relief > circular shape beveled edge plate. sh Height, 66 inches ; width, 36 Scie: 280—FLORENTINE MIRROR. Louis XIV. ; square shape ; carved gilt frame of vine and floral design. Height, 45 inches; width, 38 inches. 281—VENETIAN MIRROR. Black wood and resoussé frame ; beveled plate. Height, 34 inches ; width, 28 inches. 282—ANTIQUE MIRROR. First Empire ; tall narrow shape ; gilt frame with bas-relief. ' Height, 49 inches ; width, 23 inches. 283—FLORENTINE MIRROR. Louis XVI; elaborately carved and gilt frame ; top ornament of floral design ; beveled plate. Height, 57 inches ; width, 38 inches. 284—ANTIQUE MIRROR, Carved and gilt frame, with floral, fruit, and rope design in high relief. Height, 44 inches ; width, 34 inches. 285—ELanorate Manren Mirror. so Ma De ouis 26 Fy gilt frame, with rt plate, oy ie Cig ee ee Ts ne ak ee 65 oe ; aan ‘ex ached wis F je igs pee oY ai ore Me sae sf ae aes tion, ee we el a y fi 287—Empire STANDARD. A s Rea ae? She a _ Double cous design eitved gilt and enam- : eled. 288—Pair SCONCES, Carved and gilt erewee oval shape ; with as .; branches for three lights oe (289—Pair CONSOLES. Italian ; eae XV. Beicde ; claboneae carved _and gilt ; Scagliola marble tops. Height, 33 inches ; width, 43 inches; depth, 21 inches. 290—Pair Louis XIV. Conso.es, Carved and gilt; Scagliola marble tops. Height, 37 inches ; width, 48 inches ; depth, 24 inches. — 291—Lovuis XVI. CoNsOoLE. | Saal '.. Carved and gilt ; marble top. Height, 37 inches ; width, 34 inches ; depth, 17 inches. a, ASE meh lorentine carved nad gilt series att finely -wro ight ormolu gilt candle branches attached, : pe gee. ~ Height, tot feet : width, 54 feet. a eS 3 ‘ i ; j eit __Blaboratly gerved: ornamentation ; ae Sienna marble tops. r he | Height, 40 inches ; width, oy fhe : fea 28 inches. (ve | FURNITURE © sealed es a : 294—Low PEpEsrat. _ Chinese carved teakwood ; India marble panel inserted in top. ; Height, 19 inches ; diameter, 13 inches. - ‘ 295—TALL PEDESTAL. | i & : ' : : $ ij ab Chinese carved teakwood ; India marble top. ! 2 Height, 36 inches ; diameter, 15 inches. | ; | it, J ie Y : je Tae -4 . as - 296—HALL Skat. ae aie | : Chinese teakwood, elaborately carved ; India ee pauls panel inserted in top. ; a ‘ - _ Height, 18 inches ; diameter, 20 inches. 297— Hat SEAT. Chinese carved teakwood, finished in matural color; India marble top. - ‘Height, ‘18 inches ; ; diameter, 18 inches. 4 298—Lowrs XIV. TABLE, | Tulip wood, with . bronze brocade top.2:s. "a5 pete 299—Tra TABLE, © iy a iN aaa a oe i DM Now Spee Rosie Louis XV.; low form, with tray. -shape fon whic ae oe is finely inlaid with various woods ; - bronze mount- “ings, — ; | goo—CORNER CABINET. Louis XIV.; Vernis-Martin ; pastoral subject, , finely painted in medallion; gilt-bronze mountings ;. ; ; : rose antique marble top. 30I—ANTIQUE SPANISH SETTLE. Carved wood, finished in black ; upholstered in old brocade velvet. Lf 302—FRENCH TABLE, Carved and gilt ; old-gold silk-plush top. PETE RS Se we 3a —e* . : >, 303—Four First Empire CHairs. Mahogany and gilt, with meta! ornaments ; seats upholstered in é¢ru damask. 304—OLD ENGLISH “ HOGARTH” CHAIR. Carved mahogany; seat upholstered in red plush, d NTIQUE ARM Cuan. ee Barly Italian ; ‘carved wood and gilt ; ‘seats and see's, are : “backs eoneiered in -ruby-color velvet, with ap- * uit nee’ oh i ayy : oe dae XVL ; : carved and gilt ; : cane seat and ee Fo end ee old silk-brocade cushions. Carved and gilt ; my old-rose plush top, “308 ANTIQUE CENTER TABLE. ‘Mahogany ; circular top on column support ; Ase TH. Sy " G09—Frencu RECEPTION CHAIR. Satinwood, finely inlaid with various woods and mother-of-pearl ; seat upholstered in needle-work on light color silk. . Y isos aed ooT STOOL, Louis XIV. design; carved and gilt ; upholstered in silk brocade. gi1—Lovs XVI. Cuarr. i eae 7 ? . Carved and gilt ; upholstered in old rose and white stripe brocade of floral design. 312—Louis XIV. TABLE. Tulip wood ; bronze mountings. 3 I meer bie XVI. Chine: Antique, high back, ‘Maborately cared na gil upholstered in Falla silk flowered brocade. 3 eedepmaits TALL ae ts ~ Louis XVI. ; elaborately. carved with « ram heads ro and other designs in bold relief. Height, 52 inches o diameter, 20 inches. ieee NEIGUE ARM CHAIR, Italian ; carved ; ; “upholstered i in leather ai larce gilt naiis. 316—ANTIQUE ARM CHAIR. Similar to the above. 317—VERNIS-MARTIN CABINET. _ Louis XIV.; finely painted pastoral subject on panel of door ; bronze mountings ; marble top. 318—FIRE SCREEN, Louis XV. ; carved wood and gilt frame; heavy _ beveled glass panel. Height, 45 inches ; , ‘width, 34 inches. 319—FOLDING SCREEN. Lou:s XVI.; carved and gold lacquered ; tall form; three folds ; with upper panels finely deco- rated by Mesle ; lower panels of old French bro- — cade, Height, 5 feet 3 inches. » - ; LP Le ioe ar ca . ‘ei Sa = Wee, p30 she ; frames elaborately carved and gilt 2 panels 0 of alien and appliqué. = eight, 50 inches; width, 22 gnebce SF as tf 4 s sf a i ak Carved | oad gilt; “upholstered i in ea pink a and - floral brocade. Carved and gilt ; upholstered i in rich cue brocade ; io es _ floral designs on light colored ground, — i _ 323—Larce ANTIQUE ARM CHaIR.. Italian ; carved walnut ; upholstered. in rich silk and facol brocade. -324—ANTIQUE SIDE TABLE. Italian Renaissance ; finely inlaid with various — woods: | | 7 =% (325—PairR ANTIQUE SCREENS. as Elaborately carved and gilt; two’ folds each; | ee panels of old red figured satin damask. Height, 5 feet. -; gree t ~.- 326—ANTIQUE uh Curar, aes. Spanish: eee and ale: upholstered in red silk damask and appliqué. ale | -328—Larce ANTIQUE ARM CHAIR. = - Italian ; covered in crimson earn daniel Said - to have belonged to one of the Doges. | 329—LaARGE ARM CHAIR. Antique ; similar to the above. 330-—LARGE ANTIQUE ARM Cua. Penh fs Italian; carved, and with gilt ornaments ; | upholstered in old’ satin damask, 331—EMPIRE WORK STAND. Mahogany, with gilt metal ornaments ; claw feet. 33 2-—EMPIRE Dressine TABLE. Mahogany ; elaborately ornamented wie gilt rhs metal ; ; swinging mirror. | Height, 69 inches ; width, 36 inches ; depth, 23 inches. 333—EMPIRE PIER TABLE. i | | mes Mahogany, with gilt and inlaid ornamentation, ie gilt metal claw feet. be Height, 33 inches ; width, 39 inches ; depth, 20 inches. | 334—EmPIRE NIGHT STAND, ° Pa | Mahogany, with gilt ornaments ; marble top. S 335—DRESSING STAND. First Empire; mahogany, with finely wrought ~ metal ornaments, 336—CONSOLE. First Empire ; rosewood, with marble. columns and pilasters ; gilt metal ornaments; marble top, and mirror back. Height, 36 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 17 inches, 337—EMPIRE SECRETARY. Mahogany, with gilt metal ornaments ; marble top. Height, 55 inches ; width, 40 inches ; depth, 18 inches, 338—EMPIRE DRESSING STAND. Mahogany, with gilt metal ornaments and candle branches ; swinging mirror, and white marble top. Height, 60 inches ; width, 28inches ; depth, 18 inches. From Fontainebleau, 339 ANTIQUE CHEVAL GLASS. Louis XIV.; French walnut; gilt metal orna- ments. Height, 80inches ; width, 34 inches. — 340—EMPIRE BUREAU. etatocaa with ahs Sietatt ornaments ; a ; marble. top. 34r—Finst Empire DRAWING- Room Sure, Mahogany, with gilt meta! ornament ; ‘uphol- -stered in silk tapestry, floral. medallions on green he 7 ground ; comprises high-back sofa, two aring: aes ye + oT a “chairs, and six wall chairs. neta ae Louis XVI. : ares and gilt. 34 au OAT BRAZIER. "Spanish ; burnished Grasse open- -work and re- te ess ornamentation ; has large plateau, Pe oa ae : : ae 344—ESCRETOIRE. Louis XVI. ; brass moulding, inlays, and orna- ‘ ie “ments ; : beveled glass door and mirror; rosean- i - tique marble ore 345—MARQUETRY CHEVAL GLASS. Height, 64 inches; width, 31 inches. gee OUe CHEVAL GLASS. | Chippendale ; mahogany, Geet inlaid with va- oo, ‘Yous ‘woods; beveled: mirror. Height, 76 inches ; width, 28 inches. 347—RIcH CABINET. Italian ; elaborately carved and gilt ; glass front and sides. Height, 63 inches ; width, 51 inches ; depth, 21 inches. 348—Louis XVI. Sora. Carved and gilt; upholstered in fine silk bro- cade, 349—Lovis XVI, DRawinc-Room SUITE. Antique, carved and gilt ; upholstered in very fine Beauvais tapestry ; comprises large sofa, mar- quise, two arm chairs, two reception chairs, 350—Lovis XIV. DrawinG-Room SUITE. Carved and gilt; upholstered in rich satin bro- cade; floral designs on écru ground ; comprises one marquise, four arm chairs, and seven wall - chairs. From the collection of the Earl of Craven. 351—Lovis XVI. DRAwinc-Room SUITE, Antique; carved and gilt; covered in red figured satin damask ; comprises large high-back sofa and six wall chairs. Seges fst ak Rend mirror back. 353—ANTIQUE WEDDING CHEST. Pee a hale Early Italian : front mas anu painted ed Gozzoli ; top carved and gilt. Height: 25 inches; length, 56 inches ; depth, 24 inches. — ; % 354—Lovis XIV. CaBINET. Antique; tall form; ebony finish; gilt metal hak mountings ; glass in doors, $45 Height, 62 inches ; width, 36 inches; depth, 14 inches. © 355—ROYAL CRADLE, Italian antique; elaborately carved, gilt and enameled. 356—TALL CLOcK. Louis XV.; Boule and gilt-bronze ornamentation. SST aa OUR SCREEN, Spanish leather ; oe decorated with foie subjects and other designs ; tall form; four folds. H cone 7 feet. ‘4 a o aoe es na " 2: ~ aCe LT A ti i AE ta a “ “ 2 2 ss. = Fi ait aie. F< Ni Se a ; <, nv oo + aa <, Tie ie ‘ ee ee ee la ‘ se . « ‘x= S. - i r eh ~~ a ue cee . ~< Ss - Lal” 5 Beings Spanish heater ; decorated with pas- toral and floral subjects ; three folds. Height, 7 feet. > uz 359-01 SPANISH Ostonc PANnELs. ; Embossed and painted leather ; ; religious subjects and floral design ; set of three. Size of each : length, 83 inches ; height, 38 inches. - 360-—OLD SPANISH OBLONG PANEL. _ Embossed and painted on leather ; religious and floral subjects. - ’ Length, 79 inches; height, 37 inches. : ; 361—LarGE VENETIAN SECRETARY Book Case. Sixteenth century ; profusely decorated with historical subjects and other designs. Height, 90 inches ; width, 44 inches; depth, 23 inches. ee 362—LARGE CHIPPENDALE CABINET, Richly finished in mahogany; ball and claw ! feet. ; Height, 84 feet ; width, 6 feet; depth, 14 feet. | ia a ANTIQUE ELABORATE COLUMNS. x Italian ; sixteenth century ; green ground, ati . grape vine in bearing, carved in relief and gilt ; capitals of bold leaf design, carved and gilt. Height, 114 feet. a bat ae ¥ NCE A vay s -Sinteenth century; ‘ane ately cary : | / 7 is Seat s et x Era Length, anes THomas E. KIRBY, A uctioneer. b's, F a ie = hin S 1 Vs f ry r ; Se : - . be jah * - wg hwy i Ua Py . a2 yi i ~ P 43 '. 7 ‘an ) 1%) P, SE ee Seth ee 5 ESP a POET RP J - a Sig ee 2 ‘ a “ a . ——E . oF * my « oe. o-oo eee ee ana SEARCH INST Ii | ill WU i il 3125 0 Lee Gr he 1hif te? 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