LQ 2D Nore 5 WS NeAmM MASTERS OF THE NEEDLE AND GRAVER FINE ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS BY ZORN, WHISTLER, CAMERON, BONE, BESNARD, McBEY, HADEN, LEPERE, REMBRANDT, DURER VAN LEYDEN, SCHONGAUER, NANTEUIL BEAUTIFUL MODERN COLOR PRINTS BY EDWARDS, GREENHEAD, GULLAND, AND OTHERS ALSO AN ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR PORTRAIT OF AXEL HERMAN HAIG BY ANDERS ZORN FROM NOTABLE COLLECTIONS INCLUDING THOSE OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON, MASS. MR. JOHN REID, MR. HANS HINRICHS, AND “MRS. F. F. EDWARDS, OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS APRILIQTH AND 20TH,1922 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MABPISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23RD STREET BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 17TH, 1922 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, COLOR PRINTS BY MASTERS OF THE NEEDLE AND GRAVER FROM NOTABLE COLLECTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON, MASS. MR. JOHN REID, MR, HANS HINRICHS, AND MRS. F. F. EDWARDS OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL IQTH AND 20TH AT 8:15 O CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ANDERS ZORN Axe. HerMan Hata Portrait in Watercolor 0. 454) ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF NOTABLE ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, COLOR PRINTS BY MASTERS OF THE NEEDLE AND GRAVER | \¢ FROM NOTABLE COLLECTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON, MASS. MR. JOHN REID, MR. HANS HINRICHS, AND MRS. F. Fe EDWARDS OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL IQTH AND 20TH AND 8:15 O CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS RHE SAP Oy BRECON DUCA ED BY i MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF 1 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY KO 22 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Extensive and Important Collection of Etchings, selected from the Portfolio of MR. JOHN REID, of New York City, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—106, 107, 108, 109, 110, III, 112, WU, Wil, Wis, ui©, I17, 118, 127, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 170, 7b, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 185, 186, 190, 193, 196, 201, 205, 206, 211, 212, 223, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 255, 256, 257, 260, 265, 268, 260, 270, 271, 274, 278, 279, 286, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 345, 347, 349, 351, 353, 366, 369, 371, 386 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 398, 401, 402, 403, 406, 407, 408, 411, peer mana 426, 428, 420, 430, 431, 432, 433, 436, 437, 4 439, 444, 446, 450, and 452. A Collection of Etchings and Engravings, from the MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, Boston, Mass., is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—99, 100, 125, 126, 147, 148, 149, 150, I5T, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 163, 164, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 290, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, ZIT, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 329A, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 352, 355, 360, 361, 362, 372, 373, 374, 376 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, and 384. A Collection of Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards and other Prints, the Property of MR. E. C. WILMERDING of New York City, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 32, 35, 39, 54, 77) 78, and 3 A Collectio’ of Important and Notable Etchings from the Portfolio of MR. HANS HINRICHS of New York City, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418, 420, 421, 422, 423, 427, 434, 435, 438, 440, 441, 442, 445, 447, 448, 449, and 451. A Consignment of Important Etchings, the Property of an ENGLISH GEN- TLEMAN, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—67, 68, 87, 98, IOI, I19, 121, 122, 123, 124, 140, 165, 166, 167, 168, 182, 187, 189, 191, 192, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 207, 208, 210, 215, 217, 218,-220, 221, 222, 224; 225, 227, 228,-258; 259, 201, 202, 263, 264, 266, 267, 273, 275, 276, 277; 280, 28I. 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 293, 323, 328, 354, 363, 364, 365, 3 368, 370, 395; 399, 404, 410, and 453. Engravings sold by order of MR, RICHARD ELY, Attorney of New York City, are herein catalogued 38, 71, 96, and 291. Original Drawings, the Property of and inherited by COLONEL LEON OSTER- REITH, from the Estate of his family, are herein catalogued under items, Num- bers,—72, 79, 80, and 81. Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards and others, the Property of a NEW YORK GENTLEMAN, cold by his order, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—40, 42, 43, 49, 61, 62, 63, 73, 85, and 86. An ee Watercolor Portrait of AXEL HERMAN HAIG, by ANDERS ZORN, the Property of MRS. MAYA HAIG of London, England, sold by her order, i is herein catalogued under item, Number,—454. An Unusually Choice Collection of Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards, the Property of MRS. VIRGINIA EDWARDS, wife of the late F. F. Edwards, brother of S. Arlent Edwards, sold by her order, is herein catalogued under items, Number,— 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 26, 20, 30, 31, and 33. 4 “he Property of a NEW YORK GENTLEMAN, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—I, 41, 50, 51, 66, 69, 70, 82, 83, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 146, 162, 272, and 385. The Collection of Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards from the Property of MR. MALCOLM McLELLAN of New York City, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers 14, 18, 20, 21, and 28. 4 “he Property of MISS SUSAN MINNS of Boston, Mass., sold by her order, is herein catalogued under item, Number,—120. A Collection of Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards and others of Note, the Property of MR. FRANCIS J. WERNER of Brooklyn, N. Y., sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—27, 36, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 64, 65, 74, 75, 76, 88, 89, and go. Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards and Rare Etchings, the Property of a NEW YORK GENTLEMAN, sold by his order, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—6, 22, 55, 56, 57; 58, 59, 60, 102, 103, 104, 105, 129, 130, 134, 155, 160, 161, 180, 188, 195, 209, 214, 216, 219, 226, 237, 238, 239, 240, 337, 343, 346, 359, 375, 396, and 405. A Collection of Prints, the Property of MRS. ETHEL A. WOODWARD of Montclair, N. J., sold by her order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,— 229, 230, 356, 357, and 358. A Fine Whistler Etching, the Property of DR. ROSA WELDT STRAUSS of New York City, sold by her order, is herein catalogued under item, Number,—409. An Important Zorn Etching, the Property of MISS ADELE MCKINNEY of New York City, sold by her order, is herein catalogued under item, Number,—443. Etchings from the Portfolio of a BROOKLYN COLLECTOR, sold by his order, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—1r28, 183, 184, 194, 213, 348, 350, and 400. A Collection of Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards, the Property of MRS. JOHN A. TOPPING of New York City, sold by her order, is herein cata- logued under items, Numbers,—13, 23, 24, and 34. Etchings consigned by MR. MAURICE BRILL of New York City, and sold by his order are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—146a, 230a, 345a, 3474, 347b, and 396a. INDEX OF ENGRAVERS ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS M. ACHENES ALPHONSE LLEGROS ALBRECHT ALTDORFER Aucust LEPERE Marius A. J. BAUER Tomas Lopez ENGUIDANOS Hans SEBALD BEHAM James Mac ARDELL EUGENE BEJOT James McBry GEORGE BELLOWS DonaLp SHAw MaAclLAUGHLAN ALBERT BESNARD CHARTES MERYON MurrRHEAD BONE JEAN-FRANGotS MILLE? FRANK BRANGWYN JEAN MORIN A. BROUET HENpDRIK NAIWINCK FELIX BuHOT ROBERT NANTEUIL JACQUES CALLOT JOSEPH PENNELL Davib YOUNG CAMERON CHARLES A, PLATT PIERRE CHARLES COQUERET MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI Honoré DAUMIER REMBRANDT VAN RIIN [EUGENE DELACROIX ROELAND AND GERTRUYD ROGHMAN THomas DE Lru Ernest D. Rota ALBRECHT DURER HENRY RUSHBURY (GERARD EDELINCK GILLts (AEGIDIUS) SADELER HENRI FANTIN-LATOUR W. Denby SADLER (Pa‘nter) HEDLEY FITTON MARTIN SCHONGAUER MARIANO FORTUNY FRANK SHORT LEONARD GAULTIER T. FRANCIS SIMON Francisco Goya y LUCIENTES JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH CHARLES STORM VAN’S GRAVESANDE ROBERT SPENCE Str FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN WILLIAM STRANG ALEX HERMAN HAIG MARTIN HARDIE CHILDE HAssAM ARTHUR W. HEINTZELMAN ALBANY E. HowARTH CHARLES JACQUE JuLEs FERDINAND J ACQUEMART Epwarp M. SYNGE Lucas VAN LEYDEN EF. VANDREBANC CADWALLADER WASHBURN CHARLES J. WATSON HerMAN A. WEBSTER JoHANN-BARTHOLD JONGKIND James Appott MCNEILL WHISTLER ELBRIDGE KINGSLEY ROBERT ZILCKEN WILLIAM LEE-HANKEY ANDERS ZORN InpEX or Encravers—Continued MEZZOTINTS AND ETCHINGS IN COLORS RicHARD EARLOM GEORG PHILIPP RUGENDAS S. ARLENT Epwarps PAUL SANDBY === (GAR JOAN GEORGE SCHMID H. T. GREENHEAD T. FRANCOIS SIMON ELIZABETH GULLAND P. SLAVERY E. LEstigE HAYNE JouN RAPHAEL SMITH Str GEORGE Hayter, R.A. RICHARD SMYTHE CLIFFORD R. JAMES VAUGHAN TROWBRIDGE GEORGE P. JAMES MatrHeus IGNatius VAN BREE Troy KINNEY WILLEM VAN DE VELDE Percy H. MarriInDALE CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET VIONET FrED MILLAR EDMUND WARDLE Miss E. E. MILNER Joun CoTtHER WEBB Sir JosHuA REyNotps, R.A. SYDNEY E. WILSON GiuL1Io ROMANO Pitre WOUVERMAN NOTE In the catalogue which follows, the customary laudatory comments as to rarity and quality of impression have been omitted as superfluous. The prints speak for themselves. They are all by recognized masters. Many of them are rare and the greater number are well known to every collector. In every case, where the print is from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., the same is a duplicate of one in the collection of the Museum, and bears the official duplicate cancellation stamp, and in cases where the print is said to be from the Harvey D. Parker Collection, it has come from the Collection of Henry F. Sewall which was acquired by the Museum. Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for resale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Part Payment by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof and, when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and resold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of nine a. m. and one p. m. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of nine a. m. and five p. m. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. Deliveries at the Storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of nine and five. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. 6. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. Nore: The limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above require- ments necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its pa- trons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. 7. Shipping. Boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 8. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association wil give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 9. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that in the event of purchases consisting of one or more books for one who has not himself or through his agent been personally at the exhibition or sale, any book may be re- turned within ten days of the date of sale and the purchaser will be refunded the purchase money therefore, if the book in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should be also stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale or any session thereof will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION American Art Galleries Madison Square South New York City At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF MODERN COLOR PRINTS ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS BY OLD AND MODERN MASTERS INCLUDING SELECTIONS FROM THE PORTFOLIOS OF MR. JOHN REIDOF NEW YORK, MR. HANS HINRICHS OF NEW YORK MRS. FRANK EDWARDS OF NEW YORK, ALSO DUPLICATES FROM THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON, MASS. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED First Session, Numbers 1 to 228, Inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 19th AT 8:15 O’CLOCK RICHARD EARLOM Celebrated English Mezzotint Engraver, born in 1743; died in 1822. EARLOM, RICHARD 1. CoLongeL Morpaunt’s Cock Marcu, At Lucknow, in the Province of Oude, in the year 1786. Mezzotint, colored by hand. F. Zoffany pinxit,—R. Earlom Sculpt. Published 1794, by Laurie and Whittle, London. Good impression, with the inscription. Height, 18%; length, 2644 inches. Framed. 5. ARLENT EDWARDS Contemporary mezzotint engraver. Revived the art of color printing from a mezzotint plate—done in one printing and without any retouching, as it was practiced a hundred years ago by the English engravers. His work has great depth and brilliancy of tone. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 2. ADELAIDE AS DIANA. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Nattier. Signed Artist’s Proof, retouched along left margin where it had been imperfectly printed. Frye Impression, with pencil dedication to F. F. Edwards, Esq. Edition limited to 175 copies. Height, 1134; length, 1634 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. Pe Ee EST AEA EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 3. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Trumbull. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Height, 6; width, 4% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 4. Branca MARIA Srorza. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Ambrogia de Predis. Signed Artist’s Proof. Ex- TREMELY FINE Impression. In perfect condition. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 13; width, 9% inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 5. THE BiuE Boy (Jonathan Buttall). Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof, BEAUTIFUL Impression. Edition limited to 175 copies. Height, 1234; width, 614 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 6. THE BrueE Boy (Jonathan Buttall). Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof, BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Edition limited to 175 copies. Height, 1214; width, 614 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 7. Bosom Friends (Miss Bowles). Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proofs, No. 4 of ro subscription proofs. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, with pencil remarque, and dedication to F. F. Edwards. Height, 13; width, 10% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 8, DucHEss OF DEVONSHIRE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL ImPREsSION, slightly stained on left margin. Edition limited to 125 copies. Height, 1278; width, 934 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 9. DucHESS OF DEVONSHIRE AND CHILD. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fring Impres- SION. Edition limited to 135 copies. Height, 1214; length, 16 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 10. ETHEL BARRYMORE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Engraved from life. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. In perfect condition. Height, 1414; width, 1114 inches. Framed. . ARLENT EDWARDS Tue Gypsy’s WARNING [No. 16] Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 11. THe ForTUNE TELLER. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, with full margins. Mounted on heavy board. Edition limited to 125 copies. Height, 1514; length, 1714 inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 12. A GENTLEMAN OF BruGEs. Mezzotint, printed in colors. ; After the painting by Memling. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. In perfect condition. Edztion limited to 225 copies. Height, 13%; width, to inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 13. A GENTLEMAN OF BruGeEs. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Hans Memling. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Edition linuted to 225 copies. Height, 1644; width, 1144 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 14. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Savage. Signed Artist’s Proof, with the inscription. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. VERY RARE. Height, 13; width, 10% inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 15. Goop Nicut. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Mosler. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IM- PRESSION, with pencil dedication to—my brother Frank F. Edwards. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1134; width, 878 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 16. THE Gypsy’s WARNING. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Rev. W. W. Peters. Signed Artist’s Proof. Also signed under mat—To my brother Frank ’99. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Edition limited to 125 copies. Height, 1514; width, 15% (circle). [See Illustration] EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 17. EMPRESS JOSEPHINE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof, with remarque. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on thin Japan paper. Height, 938; width, 7 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 18. Lapy Cowper. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Lawrence. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL _ IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Number published, 125. Height, 103%; width, 9 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 19. Lapy HAMILTON As BAcCCHANTE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL ImpREsSION. Number published, 250. Height, 1314; width, 10% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 20. LApy HAMILTON AS BACCHANTE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Number published, 250. Height, 1314; width, 11 inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 21. A Lapy or BruGEs. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Van Eyck. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL Impression. [dition limited to 225 copies. Height, 16; width, 14 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 22. LADY SHEFFIELD. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Edition limited to 135 copies. Height, 13144; width, 64% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 23. MAponna. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Luini. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRES- sIOn. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1458; width, 1214 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 24. MADONNA. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Perugino. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL ImprESSION. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1414; width, 12 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 25. MAsTER LAMBTON. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Lawrence. Signed Artist's Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, with pencil dedication to—Miss Florence Edwards. Edition linuted to 175 copies. Height, 614; width, 5 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 26. MauprE Apams. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 538; width, 4% inches. Framed. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 27. Mrs. Luoyp. Mezzotint, printed in colors. : After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Braurirun IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 21; width, 11% inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 28. Mrs. Litoyp. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BrAuTIFUL IMPRESSION. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 21; width, 11% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 29. Mrs. RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, with pencil dedication—to my brother Frank with the engraver’s best regards. Edition limited to 125 copies. Height, 978; width, 81% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 30. Mrs. Ropinson. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL ImpRESSION. Edition limited to 175 copies. Height, 6; width, 4% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 3r. Mrs. SARAH Sippons. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE IMPRESSION. Edition limited to 125 copies. Height, 13; width, 934 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 32. PRINCESS AUGUSTA SOPHIA. Mezszotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Edition limited to 175 coptes. Height, 814; width, 6 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S$. ARLENT 33. REMBRANDT’S MoruER. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Rembrandt. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, with pencil dedication to—F. F. Edwards, Esq. Edition limited to 135 copies. Height, 1314; width, 10/ inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 34. SASKIA VAN ULENBURGH. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Rembrandt. Signed Artist’s Proof. BrauTIFUL ImprEssION. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 19; width, 12% inches. Framed. ARLENT EDWARDS SYMPATHY [No. 36] Kindly read the conditions under which every item vs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. _ CE SOs LLY CLE EE EEE EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 35. SOPHIE ARNOLT. Mezzotint, printed im colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Height, 434; width, 334 inches, Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 36. SympatHy. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Greuze. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IwprEssion, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1534; width, 1234 inches. [See Illustration] EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 37. THE SHEPHERDESS. AMezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Boucher. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Number published, 175. Height, 13; length, 19% inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 38. Smmonerra Vespucci. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Pollajuolo. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL Impression. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1514; width, 1134 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 39. THE YOUNG PRINCESS. Aezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Netscher. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL Impression. In perfect condition. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1614; width 1034 inches. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 40. LApy HAMILTON AS BACCHANTE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Number published, 250. Height, 12%; width, ro inches. Framed. —— GAUTIER _ French engraver, worked at “Rue St. Jacques, No. Gea alice GAUTIER 41. Anrorne Dusots, Professeur a l’Ecole de Médicine de Paris. Aquatint, printed in colors. Boilly pinxt.—Gautier, sculp.—Déposé a la Bibliothéque Impeériale. VERY FINE ImprREssion, with the inscription. Very Rare. Height, 84; width, 6% inches. Rouratt of the physician who attended the Empress on the birth of the King of ome. ELIZABETH GULLAND Lavy WALDEGRAVE AND CHILD [No. 47] Kindly read the conditions under which every item vs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. H. T. GREENHEAD Modern English Mezzotint engraver. GREENHEAD, R. T. 42. MARGARET. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Morland. Signed Artist’s Proof. IMPRESSION. Height, 1214; width, 10% inches. GREENHEAD, H. T. 43. Marcor. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Morland. Signed Artist's Proof. IMPRESSION. Height, 1358; width, 12 inches. Framed. ELIZABETH GULLAND Contemporary English Mezzotint engraver. GULLAND, ELIZABETH 44. Miss Bow.es. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1358; width, 11 inches. GULLAND, ELIZABETH 45. Miss CrEWE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1734; width, 1234 inches. GULLAND, ELIZABETH 46, Lapy GERTRUDE Fitzpatrick. Mezzotint. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1114; width, 914 inches. GULLAND, ELIZABETH 47. Lepy WALDEGRAVE AND CuHILp. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof, IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 18; width, 14% inches. [See Illustration] GULLAND, ELIZABETH 48. Mrs. IRVINE BoswELL. Mezzotint, printed in colors. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL After the painting by Sir Henry Raeburn. Signed Artist’s Proof. Brau- TIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1714; width, 13 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th i se eae en eae Se eS ee YS: K. LESLIE HAYNES Modern English mezzotint engraver. IBPANONIBS), 12, ILISSILINE, 49. PEccy. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Morland. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Height, 1414; width, 1014 inches. Framed. SIR GEORGE HAYTER, R.A. Inglish Painter, born in 1792; died in 1871. HAYTER, SIR GEORGE, R. A. 50. PorTrarr or PRINCE ALBERT. Pencil and colored crayon drawing, touched up with wash. Signed in lower right corner—John Hayter, 13 Foley Place, London, 1835. VERY Fine Drawinc, done in pencil and black crayon, heightened in colored chalks and wash. Height, 17; width, 111% inches. Full length, seated on a sofa. HAYTER, SIR GEORGE, R. A. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN (Prince Albert). Pencil drawing, heightened in white. Signed in lower right—George Hayter. Finely executed drawing. Height, 11; width, 8% inches. From the collection of Dr. Max A. Goldstein. Below is written,—The original copy is in the possession of H. R. H. Prince Albert, K.C. Copy from the drawing which I made at Strathfieldsage, May 31st, 1841. Bil CLIFFORD R. JAMES Modern English mezzotint engraver. JAMES, CLIFFORD R. 52. Countess Euston. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Hoppner. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 12; width, 10 inches. JAMES, CLIFFORD R. Lapy MuLGRAVE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Hoppner. Signed Artist’s Proof. IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 14; width, 11 inches. 53: BEAUTIFUL Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. ET NSN ELIE EIEN SLES oi ae at sEORGE P. JAMES Modern English mezzotint engraver. JAMES, GEORGE P. 54. AGE oF INNOCENCE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Height, 13; width, 1014 inches. Framed. TROY KINNEY American painter and etcher, KINNBY, TROY 55. ApotF BoLM IN PRINCE Icor. Drypoint, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE IMpReEssion, proof No. 44 of an edition of 8S, in perfect condition. Height, 1214; width, 934 inches. KINNEY, TROY 56. LopokovA AND NIJINSKI IN LES SyLeHIDES. Drypoint, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE Impression, proof No. 61 of an edition of 8S, in perfect condition. Height, 12; width, 934 inches. NNEY, TROY 57. ADELINE GENEE. Drypoint, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE ImpREssion, proof No. 36 of an edition of SS, in perfect condition. Height, 1256; width, 938 inches. IX KINNEY, TROY 58. PAVLOWA AND VOLININ IN AMARILLA. Drypoint, printed in colors. Signed Artist's Proof. FINE Impression, PROOF No. 62 of an edition of 88, in perfect condition. Height, 12; width, 95 inches. KINNEY, TROY 59. RoOSHANARA. Drypoint, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE Impression, proof No. 18 of an edition of 88, in perfect condition. Height, 834; length, 1214 inches. KINNEY, TROY 60. SOPHIE PFLANZ, In the Dance of the Jewesses, Cléopatre. Drypoint, printed im colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. Frne Iwpression, proof No. 31 of an edition of 88, in perfect condition. Height, 1114; width, 8% inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th PERCY H. MARTINDALE Modern English mezzotint engraver. MARTINDALE, PERCY H. 61. Miss Bowes. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Height, 1234; width, 11 inches. Framed. FRED MILLAR Modern American mezzotint engraver. MILLAR, FRED 62. HARLEQUIN AND COLUMBINE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Watteau. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Marked proof No. 24. Height, 15; width, 11 inches. MISS EK. E. MILNER Modern English Mezzotint engraver. MILNER, MISS E. E. 63. CouNTESs ALTHORP AND CHILD. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, Height, 1338; width, 1058 inches. Framed. MILNER, MISS E. E. 64. Master THOMAS BRADDYL. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 375 copies. Height, 1714; width, 14 inches. MILNER, MISS E. E. 65. EDWARD, Lorp DARNLEY. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Hoppner. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 250 copies. Height, 1734; width, 141% inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Celebrated English painter. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA, P.R.A. 66. STUDY FOR A Portrait. Pen-and-ink drawing with wash in sepia and brown. Signed across the front—J. Reynolds, 1789. Beautiful drawing. Height, 544; width, 4 inches. Framed. A head, with a wide-brimmed hat throwing a heavy shadow over the upper part of the face. From the collection of Dr. Max Goldstein. GIULIO ROMANO Early Italian artist. ROMANO, GIULIO 67. THE ANGEL KILLING THE DEviIL. Pen-and-ink drawing. Early Italian drawing, in sepia ink. VERY FINE. Height, 1014; width, 734 inches. GEORG PHILIPP RUGENDAS One of the greatest battle painters of Germany. Born, 1666; died, 1742. RUGENDAS, GEORG PHILIPP 68. NuDE Stupy. Red crayon drawing. Signed in lower left corner, Georg Philipp Rugendas. VERY FINE drawing. Height, 9; length, 14% inches. PAUL SANDBY, R.A. Celebrated English Painter and Engraver. Born, 1730; died, 1809. SANDBY, PAUL, R.A. 69. St. Donat’s Caste, Glamorganshire. Pencil and sepia wash drawing. Signed in lower left corner—P. Sandby, 1795. Height, 1014; length, 15 inches. From the collection of Dr. Max A. Goldstein: ; In foreground, a slope,in light wash, cuts part of Castle in center foreground, which with its forest, is in deep sepia tones. A distant lake and hills with heavy clouds above, in light wash. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th ee A ee JOAN GEORG SCHMID German painter, latter eighteenth ecenitnis: SCHMID, JOAN GEORG 70. ARCHITECTURAL Stupy. Pen-and-ink drawing, with gray wash. Signed—Joan Georg Schmid, pive et del. 1770. A beautiful and interesting study. Height, 19; width, 17 inches. From the collection of Dr. Max A. Goldstein. T. FRANCOIS SIMON Contemporary Bohemian etcher, born at Prague, in 1877. SIMON, T. FRANCOIS 71. L’Hiver A Bruces. Etching, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 114; length, 1176 inches. Framed. P. SLAVERY SILAWIBIRY, 1B, 72. MAN AND WoMAN IN WorksHop. Watercolor. Signed in lower right corner,—Slavery. Very fine drawing. Height, 614; width, 454 inches. Framed JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH Celebrated English painter and engraver. SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL 73. Mrs. Ropinson. Color reproduction. After the painting by Romney; also A Venetian Princess, after Da Venezia. Together, 2 pieces. Each, about 10 by 14 inches. Framed. RICHARD SMYTHE Modern English mezzotint engraver. SMYTHE, RICHARD 74. Emity Countess CowPer. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Hoppner. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1134; width, 9 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. SMYTHE, RICHARD 75. Miss Foote. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Clint, Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRES- SION, in perfect condition. Height, 1678; width, 12 inches. SMYTHE, RICHARD 76, Lapy FLEMING. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 2034; width, 13 inches. VAUGHAN TROWBRIDGE Contemporary American painter and etcher; born in 1869. TROWBRIDGE, VAUGHAN 77, FRAUNCE’S TAVERN, Corner of Pearl and Broad Streets, N. Y. Etching, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. Frye Impression, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 578, length, 934 inches. TROWBRIDGE, VAUGHAN 78. New YorK STREET SCENE. Etching, printed in colors. Signed Artist’s Proof. Five Iwpression, printed on perfect condition. eight, 10; width, 57 inches. Japan paper, in MATTHEUS IGNATIUS VAN BREE Born at Antwerp in 1773; died there in 1839. VAN BREE, MATTHEUS IGNATIUS 79, ALLEGORICAL Stuby. Pen a nd wash drawing. Interesting study, composition probably represents Music. Height, 1236; width, 914 inches. Framed. VAN BREE, MATTHEUS IGNATIUS 80. Durcu InreRIoR. Pen and wash drawing. Signed in lower left corner,—M. I. V. B. Interior view with a group of people conversing. Height, 65%; width, 656 inches. Framed. VAN BREE, MATTHEUS IGNATIUS 81. Heap or AN OLD Man. Crayon and wash drawing. Signed in lower left corner, MW. I. V. B. Very fine old drawing. Height, 1034; width, 934 inches. Framed. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th WILLEM VAN DE VELDE Born at Leyden, 1610; died in 1693. VAN DE VELDE, WILLEM 82. SHIP AND Boats. Ink drawing with gray wash. Beautiful drawing interesting for its sketchiness and yet completeness. The pen is used most sparingly, a stroke or two serving to indicate the outline. Height, 914, width, 8 inches. From the collection of Dr. Max Goldstein. In center, a large ship with pennants streaming, surrounded by rowboats. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET Celebrated French painter, born in 1714; died in 1789. VERNET, CLAUDE JOSEPH 83. VIEW OF THE RIVER Po. Pen drawing with bistre wash. Beautiful drawing, finely executed. Height, 8; length, 1214 inches. From the Robinson and Goldstein collections. Upper right shows the river with boats. The rest of the picture is filled with a tree-shaded walk along the shore, where ladies, cavaliers, soldiers, musicians, beggars and water-carriers are gathered. — = VIONET VIONET, ——— 84. Mars Et Vinus. Stipple engraving, printed in colors. Chaillou del.,—Vionet sculp.,—Paris chez Bance, Rue St. Denis, No. 175, pres celle aux Ours. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, with the inscription , margins trimmed inside plate-mark, and slightly stained. Height, 147%, width, 11% inches. EDMUND WARDLE Modern English mezzotint engraver. WARDLE, EDMUND 85. Mrs. Bync. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Le After the painting by Hoppner. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fixe IMPRESSION. Height, 10; width, 8 inches. Framed. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. IIE NOI ERIE EOS IENS CECE sie ALE Leelee JOHN COTHER WEBB Modern English mezzotint engraver. WEBB, JOHN COTHER 86. Pinkigz, Miss Barretr. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Lawrence. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. Height, 14%; width, 9% inches. Framed. SYDNEY E. WILSON Modern English mezzotint engraver. WILSON, SYDNEY E. 87. Miss BELL. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Raeburn. Signed Artist's Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 12, width, 10 inches. WILSON, SYDNEY E. 88. BEAMING Eyes. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Peters. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRES- SION, in perfect condition. Height, 1334; length, 1634 inches. WILSON, SYDNEY E. 89. Mrs. Curtis. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Wilson. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAuTIFUL IM- PRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1414; length, 167 inches. WILSON, SYDNEY E. go. PRrIncEss AMELIA. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Lawrence. Signed Artist's Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1214; width, 10% inches. PHILIP WOUVERMAN Dutch painter; born about 1620; died in 1668. WOUVERMAN, PHILIP ot. An Attack. Pen-and-ink drawing. V ery interesting drawing, full of action and detail. Height, 6%; length, 12% inches. From the collection of Dr. Max A. Goldstein. Shows a rocky landscape, and an attack by mounted brigands on a travelling coach, surrounded by cavaliers. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th WOUVERMAN, PHILIP 92. HUNTING SCENE. Watercolor in two tones of brown. A beautiful and finely executed drawing. Height, 19; width, 16 inches. From the Lord Rowan and Goldstein collections. To the left under a storm-beaten tree, a huntsman winds his horn, another is al- ready mounted, and a third is taking leave of a woman. In the distance, a boat with men and horses is being ferried across a lake to an embankment. COLOR PRINT 93. BLAck BREAsTED RED. Exching and aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. London, Published at 31, Ely Place, E. C. Fine Impression, with the inscription, small margins. Height, 1276; width, 1314 inches. Full-length figure of a fighting cock, with large iron spur on each leg. ITALIAN SCHOOL. XVIIIrH CENTURY 94. DAvID AND BETHSHEBA. Pen and wash drawing. Interesting composition with elaborate architectural detail. Height, 16; length, 21 inches. From the collection of Dr. Max A. Goldstein. Bethsheba and her maidens are seen in the foreground to the left with David seated before them, on the right some more figures. TENEDOS, ASIA MINOR 95. VIEW OF THE ISLAND OF TENEDOS, In the Archipelago. Line engraving, colored by hand. Published July 20th, 1818, by Whittle & Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London. Fine impression, with the inscription. Beautifully colored. Height, 1014; length, 16% inches. From a hill in the foreground the Island is seen, in the background to the left are some hills and in the Bay to the right, some ships at anchor. WASH DRAWING 96. LANDSCAPE WITH Cows DRINKING. Ink and wash drawing. Attributed to Rembrandt Van Rijn. Very interesting landscape drawing, with a pool of water at the right where two cows are drinking, a road- way to the left where a man is walking, in the distance a horse and wagon and some trees. Height, 614; length, 938 inches. From the collection of E. V. Utterson. ENGLISH MEZZOTINT 97. THOMAS KILLEGREW. Mezzotini. J. C. Smith, No. 66. Second State. Engraver unknown, VERY FINE IMPRESSION, with the inscription, margins trimmed to plate-mark. Hxtremely scarce. Height, 1256; width, 1014 inches. Framed. Three-quarter length standing, in Pilgrim’s dress, with following inscription,— You see my face and if you'd know my minde, Tis this I hate myself and all mankinde. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. M. ACHENES Contemporary English etcher. ACHENES, M. 98. Le Pont NeEur, Paris. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof, in perfect condition, Height, 7; length, 938 inches. ROPS, FELICIEN La PEINE DE Mort. Soft-ground. Signed in pencil,—F. Rops. FINE Ivpression, in perfect condition. Height, 558; width, 376 inches. Together, 2 pieces. ALBRECHT ALTDORFER German engraver, 1480-1538. “The intimate personal touch which he gives to the expression of each small composition secures him almost the highest place as an artist among the ‘Little a) Masters’.’—A. M. HInp. ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT 99. THE JUDGMENT oF Parts. Engraving. Cut close. Bartsch, No. 36. From the Gawet and Henry F. Sewall collections, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT 100. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Together, 28 pieces. Bareescln, INOS, I, 2) SU: IG—25, 27, Bu—By Woodcuts. Bartsch, No. 12, from the collection of W. P. Babcock and Henry F. Sewall, and duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MARIUS A. J. BAUER Contemporary Dutch artist; born at The Hague, in 1867. BAUER, MARIUS A. J. tor. KInG oF AGRAS TREASURES. Etching. Signed in pencil,—M/. Bauer. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 9%; width, 77 inches. BAUER, MARIUS A. J. 102. OUTSKIRTS OF STAMBOUL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—MB. FINE Impression, proof marked No. 20, in per- fect condition. Height, 41%; length, 776 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th BAUER, MARIUS A. J. 103. STREET IN Cairo. Etching. Signed in pencil—MB. FINE Impression, proof marked No. 14, in perfect condition. Height, 1058; width, 4 inches. BAUER, MARIUS A. J. 104. WATERING Horses. EHiching. Signed in pencil,—MWB. FINE ImprEsston, proof marked No. 83, in perfect condition. Height, 414; length, 7 inches. HANS SEBALD BEHAM German artist, born at Nuremberg, 1500; died about 1550. BEHAM, HANS SEBALD 105. THE LABours OF HERCULES. Engravings. Bartsch, Nos. 28-39. Signed on the plates, with the monogram,—//SB. Good impressions, in good condition. Together, 12 pieces (set). Each, about 2 by 3 inches. EUGENE BEJOT Contemporary French etcher, born at Paris in 1865. BEJOT, EUGENE 106. Le ViADuc D’AuSTRALITZ. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Eugene Bejot. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 434; length, 934 inches. GEORGE BELLOWS Contemporary celebrated American painter and lithographer. BELLOWS, GEORGE 107. Artist’s EVENING. Lithograph. Signed in pencil,—Geo. Bellows. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 878; length, 121% inches. BELLOWS, GEORGE 108. STATUETTE. Lithograph. Signed in pencil,—Geo. Bellows. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 8; width, 57 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item rs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. ALBERT BESNARD Celebrated French sculptor, painter and etcher. BESNARD, ALBERT 109. FEMME NUE SE TENANT LA JAMBE. Etching. Coppier, No. 59. Signed in pencil—A. Besnard. SUPERB IMPRESSION, marked,—proof No. 23, Tiré 475, in perfect condition. Height, 1138; width, 61% inches. BESNARD, ALBERT tro. Intimite. Etching. Coppier, No. 74. Signed in pencil,—A. Besnard. SUPERB IMPRESSION, marked,—Tiré a75, No. 15, in perfect condition. Height, 724; length, 93 inches. BESNARD, ALBERT 111. LA FEMME AU VASE. Etching. Coppier, No. 96. Signed in pencil,—A. Besnard. SUPERB IMPRESSION, marked,—Tiré a75, No. 5, in perfect condition. Height, 734; width, 5% inches. MUIRHEAD BONE Contemporary Scotch etcher. Born in 1876 near Glasgow; living in London. He has achieved renown by his subtle drypoints and masterful drawings. “One of the most artistic of all the British etchers, a consummate master of the : : 9 = drypoint medium. —HERMAN STRUCK. BONE, MUIRHEAD 112. CaiswicK MALL In FLoop. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 5%; length, 7 inches. BONE, MUIRHEAD 113. VIEW IN LEEDS. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. SuPERB IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 776; length, 11 inches. BONE, MUIRHEAD 114. PrccaprILty Circus. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. SuPERB IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 1134; length, 1478 inches. [See Illustration] [FLL ON] SQOUT ) ATTICY IN UNOd GVAAUL LUN Kindly read the conditions under which every item vs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. BONE, MUIRHEAD 115. SAN FERNANDO IN CELESTO, FLORENCE. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. SUPERB IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 10; length, 117 inches. FRANK BRANGWYN Contemporary English painter-etcher. Born in London in 1867. BRANGWYN, FRANK 116. THE Roap tro MontreuiL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Frank Brangwyn. SUPERB IMPRESSION, mounted down solid for framing. Height, 1076; length, 14 inches. A. BROUET Contemporary Belgian etcher. BROUET, A. 117. Le Derive. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, marked proof No. 23 of an edition of 50, in perfect condition. Height, 5; length, 1344 inches. FELIX BUHOT French etcher, born at Valognes, 1847; died in Paris, 18098. “The technic of Buhot is assuredly far from being simple. But he is free. He is not the slave of rules and formulas; he has not the least respect for arbitrary laws; he blends and mixes all the different means used for obtaining effects in black and white— whether by cutting into or corroding the plate. He is not the slave of any one implement.’—Léonce Bénédite. BUHOT, FELIX 118. THE Cas Stanp. Etching. Boucard, No. 123. Signed on the plate,—Velix Buhol, 1876. BrAuTIFUL PRoor, printed on green paper, in perfect condition. Height, 914; length, 121% inches. BUHOT, FELIX 119. LA Fire NATIONALE AU BOULEVARD Ciicuy. Etching. Boucard, No. 127. Third State of four. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 1214; width, 936 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th BUHOT, FELIX 120. L’Hiver A Paris ou LA NEIGE A Paris. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 128. Fifth State of five. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on heavy Holland paper, with large margins, in perfect condition. Height, 9%; length, 1334 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 121. LA CHAPELLE SAINT-MIcHEL A L’Estre. Etching. Boucard, No. 152. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot, and stamped with the red owl stamp. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 5%; length, 1034 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 122, WESTMINSTER PALACE. Etching. Boucard, No. 155. Fifth State of five. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. FINE IMPRESSION, small hole in lower margin, otherwise in perfect condition. Height, 1114; length, 1534 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 123. THE CLrock Tower, WESTMINSTER. L[iching, Aquatint, and Drypoint. Boucard, No. 156. Sixth State of six. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. Good impression, printed on China paper, plate-mark and margins cracked, mounted down on heavy card- board. Height, 1138; length, 1534 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 124. Les Orgs. Etching and Aquatint. Boucard, No. 166. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot, and stamped with the red owl stamp. Fair impression. Height, 6; length, 10% inches. JACQUES CALLOT French etcher, 1592-1635. “Tn the history of etching his work is a notable landimar k.”—A. M. Hinp. CALEOR /ACOuUBS 125. VuE Du Louvre. Etching. Meaume, No. 713. Second State. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. CALILOT, JACOWES 126. VuEpDU Pont NEUF ET DELA TouR.DE NESLE. Etching. Meaume, No. 714. Second State. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Two small tears mended. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. DAVID YOUNG CAMERON Celebrated contemporary Scotch painter and etcher. Born at Glasgow in 1865. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 127. CLYDE AT SYMINGTON. Etching. Rinder, No. 32. Only State. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed by and signed,—F. Goulding, imp., in perfect condition. Height, 478; length, 878 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 128. ARRAN. Etching. Rinder, No. 43. Only State. Signed on the plate,—D. Y. Cameron. FINE IMPRESSION. Published in “The Portfolio” Vol. XXIII. Height, 5; length, 978 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 129. ARRAN. Etching. Rinder, No. 43. Only State. Signed, in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. Good impression, printed on heavy paper. In perfect condition. An edition published in “The Portfolio,” Vol. XXIII. Height, 4%; length, 9% inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 130. BENNAN. Etching. Rinder, No. 71. Only State. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on French paper. Margins slightly stained. VERY RARE, about 3 impressions only. Height, 6; length, 10 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 131. THE DovpHIns. Etching. Rinder, No. 115. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. Very FINE IMPRESSION, printed on French paper, in perfect condition. One of the “North Holland Set.” Height, 10; width, 4 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 132. TINTORET’S House, VENICE. Etching. Rinder, No. 209. Only State. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. FINE Impression, printed on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Height, 938; width, 4% inches. DAVID YOUNG CAMERON PaLace or JOANNIS Darrus [No. 136] Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. aera rE Inn IESE CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 133. “YE BANKS AND BRAES.” Etching. Rinder, No. 279. Third State. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, slightly stained. Height, 5%; length, 778 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 134. GARGOYLES. Hiching. Rinder, No. 284. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. Fine Impression. Tear on upper margin to the right, running into the print about 114 inches, neatly repaired. Height, 1138; width, 67 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 135. THE ADMIRALTY. Etching. Rinder, No. 293. Only State. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. No. 5, in “London Set.” Height, 758; width, 5% inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 136. PALACE OF JOANNIS Darius. LHiéching. Rinder, No. 309. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 1234; width, 654 inches. [See Illustration] CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 137. PONTE DEL LA TRINITA, FLORENCE. Drypoint. Rinder, No. 325. Third State of Seven. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 658; length, 834 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 138. ANGERS, RUE DES FILLES Diku. Eéching. Rinder, No. 329. Only State. Signed in pencil,—D. VY. Cameron. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 734; width, 434 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 139. MONTEVILLIERS. Etching. Rinder, No. 355. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on old French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 634; length, 81% inches. Iirst Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 140. SAINT MERRI, Paris. Liching. Rinder, No. 379. Fifth State of five. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 1014; width, 4% inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 141. THE Boppin. LuNAN Bay. Drypoint. Rinder, No. 428. Sixth State of seven. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 478; length, 676 inches, CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 142. DinNneT Moor. Drypoint. Rinder, No. 431. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 678; length, 117 inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 143. Satnr AIGNAN. Etching and Drypoint. Not described in Rinder. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. VERY FINE IMpREssION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 914; width, 4% inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 144. IXINCARDINE. Drypoint. Not described in Rinder. Signed in pencil—D. Y. Cameron. BrAutiruL EARLY IMPRESSION, printed on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 414; length, 12/% inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 145. NITHSDALE. Drypovnt. Not described in Rinder. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. Beautiful impression, printed on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 124 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. PIERRE CHARLES COQUERET French engraver; born in Paris, 1761; date of death unknown; studied under Janinet. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 146. LEFEVRE. Aquatint. Dessiné par, H. Kolbe,—Gravé par Coqueret. FINE OPEN LETTER Proor, with small margins, in perfect condition. Height, 20%; width, 137 inches. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. KENYON COX American etcher COX, KENYON 146A. LANDSCAPE. Pen-and-Ink drawing. Signed in lower left corner, Kenyon Cox, 1587. Height, 12; width, 8 inches. Framed. HONORE DAUMIER French painter and lithographer. 1808-1879. “Tn turn epic, profound, witty, comic, familiar, full of life.,-—Loys DELTEIL. DAUMIER, HONORE 147. Messrzurs LES BoucHERS. Comment... vous osez dire . . . Delteil, No. 2064. Only State. Les BourGrEors ...ca nest jamias content ... Delteil, No. 2065. Only State. AcTUALITES .. . Eh! bein . . . puisque vous voulez qu’ les bouchers . Delteil, No. 3727. Only State. Lithographs. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DAUMIER, HONORE 148. AcruauitTés. J’en aurais fait un boucher . . . Delteil, No. 3724. Only State. Acruauités. Le mea Culpa du Boucher. Delteil, No. 3742. Second State Lithographs. Together, 2 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th DAUMIER, HONOR 149. Croguis D’Etr. Descendant joyeusement le fleuve de la vie. Delteil, No 1313. Only State. Baigneurs commencant a trouver... Delteil, No. 1345. Second State. Les PLAISIRS DE LA VILLEGIATURE. Une campagne aux environs de Paris. Delteil, 2388. Only State. Croguis VaRiES. A la santé du raisin! .. . Delteil, No. 1577. Second State. Croqguapves. Ma femme, t’as tort de me blAmer . . . Delteil, No. 1216. Second State. Lithographs. Together, 5 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DAUMIER, HONORE 150. ACTUALITES. C’est singulier . . . Delteil, No. 3745. Second State. La rue de Paris dans les premiers jours de Septembre. Delteil, No. 3754. Only State. Le grande eunuque noir allant rendre compte au Sultan. Delteil, No. 3759. Only State. Lithographs. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DAUMIER, HONORE 151. Les Beaux JoURS DE LA Vig. Un retour de jeunesse. Delteil, No. 1814. Second State. Actua.itgés. Les deux grands Ducs assistant A la bataille de Balaclava. Delteil, No. 3047. Second State. Lithographs. Together, 2 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DAUMIER, HONORE 152. Les GENS DE Justice. I] défend l’orphelin et la veuve . . . Delteil, No. 1869. Second State. LOCATAIRES ET PROPRIETAIRES. Inconvénient de louer un logement non loin de la riviere. Delteil, No. 2022. Second State. Lithographs. Together, 2 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DAUMIER, HONORE 153. CROQUIS PARISIENS. Paris Grippé. Delteil, No. 1539. Only State. LOCATAIRES ET PROPRIETAIRES. Vingt sous de denier 4 Dieu . . . Delteil, No. 2020. Second State. PASTORALES. En v’la, beau mosieu . . . Delteil, No. 2263. Second State. Lithographs. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DAUMIER, HONORE 154. Les Papas. Les Suites d’une Insurrection. Delteil, No. 2165. Second State. Tour CE Qui on VoupRA. V’la mon p’tit. Delteil, No. 2642. Second State, also Il y a trois mois. Delteil, No. 2625. Second State. Lithographs. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. EUGENE DELACROIX French painter and lithographer. 1783-1863. DELACROIX, EUGENE 155. Lion bE L’Atias. Lithograph. Delacroix, fecit—Imp. lith de H. Gaugain rue Vivienne No, 2. Good impression, with the inscription, slightly stained. Height, 13; length, 183 inches. THOMAS DE LEU French engraver. Flourished 1560 to 1620. “His technique recalls the German and Flemish schools, while his exquisite ; 2 ae 2 RD delicacy is reminiscent of the Wierix. —BOUuCARD. DE LEU, THOMAS 156. CATHERINE DE BOURBON. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 311. Second State. From the Robert-Dumesnil collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Cut close. DE LEU, THOMAS 157. PIERRE DE Goonpl. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 375. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. No margins. DE LEU, THOMAS 158. HENRI DE LorRAINE, Duc DE Guisre. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 380. Fom the Firmin-Didot, Louis Galichon, H. F. Sewall collections, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Lower margins cut off, red crayon marks. ALBRECHT DURER Born, Niirnberg in 1471; died there 1528. He was of Hungarian descent; his father coming from the little village of Eytas in Hungary. In 1486, Albrecht entered the studio of Michael Wolgemut, the best Niirnberg painter of the day. DURER, ALBRECHT 159. St. JEROME IN Hts Srupy. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 60; Koehler, No. 71. Small stain at center. From the collection of H. F. Sewall, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. “This print with its two companion-plates, Melancholy and The Knight, Death and the Devil, possess a pictorial quality which isnot equaled by any other of the Ar- tist’s works.”—S. R. Koehler. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th DURER, ALBRECHT 160. MELANCHOLIA. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 74. Signed and dated on the plate,—A. D. 1514. Good impression, with small margins, heavy fold through center. Height, 914; width, 7% inches. DURER, ALBRECHT 161. THe LirtteE Horse. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 96. : Signed on the plate, with the monogram,—A. D. and dated 1505. Good impression, has two small holes, neatly repaired. Height, 614; width, 41% inches. DURER, ALBRECHT 162. JOACHIM’S OFFER REJECTED BY THE HiGH Prigst. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 77. Signed in the block with the monogram, A.D. Good impression, has small tear on upper right margin, repaired. Height, 1158; width, 83 inches. DURER, ALBRECHT 163. THE Mass or St. Grecory. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 123. From the collection of H. F. Sewall, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. GERARD EDELINCK French engraver. 1640—41(?)—1707. “The greatest of the followers of Nateuil and the foremost engraver in France in : ae oe the last part of the seventeenth century.’—T. H. THomas. EDELINCK, GERARD 164. ISRAEL SILVESTRE. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 319. Third State. After C. LeBrun. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. HENRI FANTIN-LATOUR French painter and lithographer. FANTIN-LATOUR, HENRI 165. VENUS AND Cupip. Lithograph. Signed in pencil,—//. Fantin. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1234; length, 161% inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. HEDLEY FITTON Contemporary English etcher, born in 1859, whose architectural plates show great decorative power. His works have increased rapidly in value. MIAMIMOIN,, IaVeIDICIE NY 166. Ciry GATEWAY, GENOA. Elching. Signed in pencil,—Hedley Fitton. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 18; width, 115 inches. FITTON, HEDLEY 167. COUR DE CORBEAUX. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Hedley Fitton. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 19; width, 124 inches. FITTON, HEDLEY 168. THE ToLLBooTH, EDINBURGH. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Hedley Fitton. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1876; width, 125 inches. MARIANO FORTUNY Spanish painter and etcher. 1836-1874. “The only Spanish artist of the second half of the last century whose etching demands attention.”—A. M. Hinp. FORTUNY, MARIANO 169. ARABES Assis. Etching. Beraldi, No. 7. From the collection, of H. F. Sewall, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. FORTUNY, MARIANO 170. A DreLomat. Etching. Signed on the plate,—Fortuny. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. Height, 934; width, 576 inches. FORTUNY, MARIANO 171. INTERIOR, CHURCH OF St. JOSEPH. Etching. Signed on the plate,—Fortuny. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. Height, 578; length, 934 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th LEONARD GAULTIER French engraver. 1561-1630. “In the delicate manner encouraged by the Wierixes, small portraits, title pages and illustrations were numerous enough in Paris at the turn of the century, but the best of these were done by . . . Thomas de Leu and Leonard Gaultier.”— A. M. Hinp. GAULTIER, LEONARD 172. THE Last JUDGMENT. Engraving. LeBlanc, No. 18. Second State, names of Gaultier and Mariette erased. After Martino Rota after Michelangelo. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. FRANCISCO GOYA Y LUCIENTES Spanish painter, etcher, aquatinter, and lithographer. Born, 1746; died, 1828. “The etchings of Goya mark an important epoch in the history of art... his particular use of aquatint served him to give a yet more sombre note to his designs,—no one, except Turner, has used it with so much success.” ——W. RoTH- ENSTEIN. GOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO 173. Los Capricuos, Ni asi la distingue, No. 7. Etching and aquatint. Hofmann, No. 7. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Stain. GOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO 174. MARGARITA OF AUSTRIA, QUEEN OF SPAIN, Wife of Philip III. Etching. Hofmann. No. 250. After Velasquez. Scratch on horse’s back. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Scraped in one place. GOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO 175. Don Caspar DE GuzMAN, Count of Olivarez, Duke of Sanlucas. Etching. Hofmann, No. 254. After Velasquez. From the collections, Philippe Burty, Henry F. Sewall, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Cut close. CHARLES STORM VAN’S GRAVESANDE Dutch etcher, born at Bredar in 1841. GRAVESANDE, CHARLES STORM VAN’S 176. THE RIvER Escanr NEAR ANnvERS. Eiching. Beraldi, No. 11. Signed on the plate,—G. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, on India paper, in perfect condition. Height, 378; length, 658 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item rs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. I ———————E——————————— GRAVESANDE, CHARLES STORM VAN’S 177. Le Lac D’AscoupE. Etching. Beraldi, No. 33. Signed on the plate,—Gravesande. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed on India paper, in perfect condition. Height, 5; length, 87 inches. GRAVESANDE, CHARLES STORM VAN’S 178. BrEsBoTH NEAR DORDRECHT; On THE MaAAs; ON THE VECHT, FISHING Boats; COURSE OF THE WEESP. Etchings. Signed on the plates, good impressions, in good condition. Together, 4 pieces. Each, about 6 by 11 inches. GRAVESANDE, CHARLES STORM VAN’S 179. Au BorD DE LA MEuSE; IN THE PARK OF THE CHATEAU GROENEVELD; TritLE Pace Eau-Fortes No. 1. Fichings. Two signed in pencil,—Ch. Storm Van Gravesande. FINE IMPRESSIONS, in perfect condition. Height, 4%; length, 6% inches and smaller. Together, 3 pieces. GRAVESANDE, CHARLES STORM VAN’S 180. ENTRANCE TO THE Forest. Drypoint. Signed Artist’s Proof. Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. Stained. Height, 1034; length, 1734 inches. SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN Born in London, September 16, 1818; died r910. Founder and President of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers. “An artist of rare endowment and consum- mate skill. He isa master of foliage, he has drawn trees magnificently, both as to wood and leaves; there is no better stem or branch drawing than his in all contemporary art.” —P. G. HAMERTON. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 181. AMALFI. Etching. Harrington, No. 10. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Extremely Rare. Height, 458; width, 3% inches. From the Seymour Haden collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 182. ICENSINGTON GARDENS. (The Small Plate.) Etching. Harrington, No. 12. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condi- tion. Published in Ktudes @ l’eau-forte, No. IIT. Height, 614; width, 434 inches. L98L ON] ISa], GHL NO NUGVH WIOWAUS SIONVUA HIS Kindly read the conditions under which every item vs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. ee ES sas EB SE Er Se LE oa HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 183. EGHAM. Etching. Harrington, No. 15. Third State of three. Signed on lower right margin, in pencil,—Seymour Tae BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, on old French paper, margins slightly stained, otherwise in perfect condition. Published in Etudes a@ Peau-forte, No. XII. Height, 5; length, 8 inches. From the Otto Bacher collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 184. EGHam Lock. Etching. Harrington, No. 16. First State, with the sky. Signed on the plate,—Egham Lock, Se ymour. Haden. VERY FINE Lurres- SION, in perfect condition. Published in Etudes a l'eau-forte, No. XIII. Height, 57%; length, 878 inches. From the Otto Bacher collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 185. Our of Stupy Winpow. Etching. Harrington, No. 18. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEAUTIFUL IMPRE SSION, printed on parchment, in perfect condition. Published in Etudes a l’eau-forte, No. I. Height, 4%; length, 978 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 186. ON THE TEST. Drypotint. Harrington, No. 20. Only Published State Signed on the plate,—Seymour [Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. [See Illustration] HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 187. ON THE Test. Etching and Drypoint. Harrington, No. 20. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 188. ON THE TEst. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 20. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Good impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 876 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 189. EARLY MorninG, RicuMonp. Fiching and Drypoint. Harrington, No. 22. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Laden. FINE IMPRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 4%; length, 1034 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 190. KIDWELLY CASTLE. Etching. Harrington, No. 25. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 3%; length, 534 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 191. CoMBE Bottom. Etching. Harrington, No. 32. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 41%; length, 6 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR * 192, SHERE Mitt Ponp (The Small Plate.) Etching. Harrington, No. 37. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Laden. FrNeE Iwpression, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 4%; length, 638 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 193. CRANBROOK. Etching. Harrington, No. 46. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. : Height, 5%; length, 838 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 194. BATTERSEA REAcH. Liching. Harrington, No. 52. First State of two. Signed on the plate,—Sevmour Haden, 1863. VERY FINE EARLY IM- PRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 878 inches. From the Otto Bacher collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 195. BATTERSEA REACH. Fiching. Harrington, No. 52. First State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 6; length, 876 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. UY SO oN EOE ee eee HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 196. WuIstLER’s HousE, OLD CHELSEA. Etching. Harrington, No. 54. Second State of two. Signed on the plate,—Seymour Iladen. FINE EARLY IMPRESSION, in perfect condition, Published in Etudes a Veau-forte, No. VIII. Height, 678; length, 14 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 197. NEWCASTLE IN EMLyN. Eiching. Harrington, No. 62. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEAUTIFUL IMpREssION, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Published in tudes a Peau-forte, No. XX. Height, 414; length, 57 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 198. NEWCASTLE IN EMLyN. Hiching. Harrington, No. 62. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on parch- ment, in perfect condition. Published in Etudes a leau-forte, No. XX. Height, 414; length, 57 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 199. KENARTH, SouTH WALES. Etching. Harrington, No. 64. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Iaden. FINE IMpreEssion, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Published in Etudes a l'eau-forte, No. XLX. Height, 414; length, 578 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 200. KENARTH, SouTH WALES. Etching. Harrington, No. 64. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMpresston, on Holland paper. in perfect condition. Published in Etudes a l’eau-forte, No. XIX Height, 414; length, 578 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 201. KILGAREN CASTLE. Efching. Harrington, No. 65. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Published in Etudes da l’eau-forte, No. XVII. = Height, 4%; length, 578 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 202. BRENTFORD FERRY. Etching. Harrington, No. 75. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BRAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 514; length, 8% inches. [103 “ON ] SUMLSIG ACH Y, NAGVH WAOWAUS SIONVY YS Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 203. SHEPPERTON. Etching. Harrington, No. 80. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, on parchment, in perfect condition. Height, 5%; width, 456 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 204. Harry KELLEY’s, Putney. Fiching. Harrington, No. 117. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden, BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 438; length, 7 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 205. A CAsTLE, County WickLow. Eiching. Harrington, No. 121. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 4; length, 538 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 206. THE HERD. Etching. Harrington, No. 128. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 544; length, 814 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOU 2 207. THREE SISTERS. Etching. Harrington, No. 129. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEauriruv Impression, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 514; length, 814 inches. | [See Illustration] HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 208. Opposite BoyLEs Farm. Etching. Harrington, No. 138. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condition. Height, 676; length, 97% inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 209. LuDLow CastLe. Etching. Harrington, No. 142. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 514; length, 834 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, April 19th HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 210. BREAKING UP OF THE AGAMEMNON. FLtching. Harrington, No. 145. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Fine IMPRESSION, printed and marked by Goulding,—Very Good Proof, n'est ce pas? F. Goulding imp., in perfect condition. me Height, 734; length, 16 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 211. BREAKING Up OF THE AGAMEMNON. Eiching. Harrington, No. 145. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Iaden. FINE IMPRESSION, printed by Goulding, and marked by him,—This is a curious piece of old paper, rather good—n'est ce pas? F: Goulding imp., in perfect condition. Height, 756; length, 16 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 212. A Bric At ANCHOR. Eiching. Harrington, No. 147. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 544; length, 814 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 213. Bric Ar ANCHOR. Fiching. Harrington, No. 147. Only Published State. Signed on the plate,—Seymour Haden, 1870. FINE IMPRESSION, margins slightly stained. Published in the Portfolio, 1876. Height, 514; length, 814 inches. From the Otto Bacher collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 214. THE Mitit-WHEEL. Fiching. Harrington, No. 153. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, on old paper, in perfect condition. Height, 7; length, 103 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 215. Poot Dorntz. Etching. Harrington, No. 158. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Fine impression, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 614; length, 10% inches. WADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 216. DIVERGENT Patus. Drypoint. : Harrington, No. 162. First State of two. j Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 514; length, 8 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. - = Se SS HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 217. CHattow Farm. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 175. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Iaden. VINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 6; length, 874 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 218. WAREHAM BrinGE. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 176. Only Published State. Signed on the plate, and stamped in lower left corner with the Haden Estate stamp. Good impression, in perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 219. Tue Lirtte Boat-House. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 177. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden, FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 6; length, 876 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 220. THe LittLe Boat-House. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 177. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 576; length, 87 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 221. THREE Cows. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 180. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 514; length, 8 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 222. THE VICARAGE. Liching. Harrington, No. 184. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Iladen. FINE IMPRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. Height, 614; width, 5% inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 223. THE TEst AT LONGPARISH. Etching. Harrington, No. 224. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—-Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, upper right corner torn and repaired. Height, 7; length, 10% inches. N a dv [Fo “ON ] UGAIY NOWIVS V H WIOWAMS SI INVU HIS Kindly read the conditions under which every item 2s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. pe OE IIS INE IASI OSES 8 SS ie sade ae ae en HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 224. A SALMON River. Etching and Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 226. First State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE Impression, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 458; length, 614 inches. [See Illustration] HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 225. A SALMON RIvER. Etching and Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 226. Second State, plate reduced in height. Unsigned. Good impression, in perfect condition. Height, 41; length, 614 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 226. BREAKING Up oF THE AGAMEMNON. Fitching and Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 229. Third State of three. Fine Impression, bearing the Haden Estate stamp, in perfect condition. Height, 934; length, 1814 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 227. Haunt oF THE Mosquito. Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 243. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE Impression, on A. C. L. paper, in perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 878 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 228. THE PILLAR OF SALT. Etching and Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 246. Only Published State. Unsigned. Good impression. In perfect condition Height, 878; length, 1134 inches. At THe AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF MODERN COLOR PRINTS ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS BY OLD AND MODERN MASTERS INCLUDING SELECTIONS FROM THE PORTFOLIOS OF MR. JOHN REID OF NEW YORK, MR. HANS HINRICHS OF NEW YORK, MRS. FRANK EDWARDS OF NEW YORK, ALSO DUPLICATES FROM THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON, MASS. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED Second Session, Numbers 229 to 454 inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 20th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK AXEL HERMAN HAIG Born at Katthamara, in the Swedish island of Gotland, in the Baltic. Educated to be an architect, he practiced in that profession for a number of years. Almost a half century ago he renounced that profession for that of an etcher—since then he has consistently exercised his powers upon the noblest examples of architec- ture in England, France, Sweden, Spain and Italy. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 229. NUREMBERG. Etching. Boland, No. 121. Signed in pencil,—A xel I. IJaig. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Only 100 copies printed. Height, 14; length, 18 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 230. St. ANASTASIA. Etching. Boland, No. 153. Signed in pencil,—Avxel IT. Haig. FINE Impression, in perfect condition. Only 100 copies printed. Height, 2214; width, 15% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 230A. TOLEDO (View of South Aisle). Etching. Boland, No. 196. Signed in pencil, Axel H. Haig. Good impression. Height, 28; width, 19 inches. Framed. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. IIT EAI OEE AR LS fat ict MARTIN HARDIE Contemporary English etcher. HARDIE, MARTIN 231. A Bir or OLp PortsmouTH. Fiching. ; Signed in pencil,—Martin Hardie. BrAuTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 778; width, 6 inches. PILLAI, CIBUMRILIBS) A THE WINDMILL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—C. A. Platt. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. Height, 4; length, 534 inches. Together, 2 pieces. CHILDE HASSAM Celebrated American painter and etcher. HASSAM, CHILDE 232. CALVARY CHURCH IN SNOW. Etching. Signed in pencil,—C. I. imp. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. Height, 634; width, 434 inches. HASSAM, CHILDE 233. CHIMNEYS, PorTSMOUTH. Etching. Signed in pencil,—C. //. imp. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 478; length, 8 inches. ARTHUR W. HEINTZELMAN Contemporary American Etcher. HEINTZELMAN, ARTHUR W. 234. HrAD witH BLAcK DRAPE. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 5; width, 4 inches. HEINTZELMAN, ARTHUR W. 235. In THE Twiticut. Eéching. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEauTiruL Impression, marked proof No. 5, in perfect condition. Height, 634; width, 5 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th HEINTZELMAN, ARTHUR W. 236. THE Boat BUILDER: THE SQUALL. Etchings. Signed Artist’s Proofs. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSIONS, in perfect condition. Height 4%; length, 5% inches. Together, 2 pieces. ALBANY E. HOWARTH Contemporary English etcher. “A clever etcher who is pushing to the front, is Albany E. Howarth..—MaLcoM SALAMON. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 237. THE ARCH OF Conca, Perugia. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 738; length, 834 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 238. A CORNER IN SAN GHIMIGNANO. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 10; width, 61% inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 239. PrAzzA DELLA SISTERNA, San Ghimignano. Fiching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fring Impression, in perfect condition. Height, 1014; width, 7 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY BE. 240. VERONA. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Frye Ivpresston, in perfect condition. Height, 7; length, 10 inches. CHARLES JACQUE French painter and etcher; born, 1813; died, 1804. “A pioneer of the Renaissance of etching in the nineteenth century.”—R. J. WICKENDEN. JACOUBZEE ARB S 241. Le LapouraGE. Guiffrey, No. 182. Second State. Un Corn DE Cour. Guiffrey, No. 197. Second State. Le MATIN DE PREMIER JOUR DE L’AN. Guiffrey, No. 202. Third State. Etchings. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUES GHINRERS 242. PastoraLE. Guiffrey, No. 180. Fourth State. Les PerirEs VACHERES. Guiffrey, No. 196. Second State. Etchings. Together, 2 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. Kindly read the conditions under which every rtem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. JACQUE, CHARLES 243. THE ForGE. Drypoint. ; Guiffrey, No. 256. Third State. RARE. 20 impressions in all. From the collection of W. P. Babcock, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JULES FERDINAND JACQUEMART French etcher; born, 1837; died, 1880. “There is evident the hand of the delicate artist and the eye that can appreciate and render almost unconsidered beauties. Exquisite matter and the forms that Art has given to common things have found their new interpreter.”— F. WEDMORE. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 244. LES GEMMES ET JOYAUX DELA CouRONNE. LEtchings. Vase antique de Sardoine. Gonse, No. 126. Third State. Vase antique de Porphyre. Gonse. No. 130. Third State. Vase antique de Sardoine. Gonse, No. 138. Second State. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 245. Les GEMMES ET JOYAUX DE LA Couronne. Aiguiére d’agate orientale, Etching. Gonse, No. 178. Second State. On vellum. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 246. ETCHINGS OF PICTURES IN THE MErropoLitAN Museum, New York. Titlepage. Gonse, No. 271. Third State. La Sorciére Hill Bobb, after Franz Hals. Gonse, No. 272. Third State. Head of a Girl, after Greuze. Gonse, No. 273. Third State. Interior, after Kalf. Gonse, No. 275. Third State. Marine, after Van Goyen. Gcuse, No. 276. Second State. Portrait of a Woman, after Cranach, the Younger. Gonse, No. DAO): Fourth State. Etchings, before letters. Wide margins. Together, 6 pieces. From the collection of Louis Gonse, and duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 247. VASE CHINOIS EN Emart CLorssonn&. Gonse, No. 13. Second State. HISTOIRE DE LA PORCELAINE, Porcelaine de Vincennes. Gonse, No. 58. HISTOIRE DE LA BIBLIOPHILIE, Reliure de Diane de Poitiers. Gonse, No. 124. STILL Lire or FisH AND Frurt, after Jan Fyt, Undescribed. THE Repast, after D. Teniers, Undescribed. Etchings. Together, 5 pieces. From the collections of Gonse, Sewall, and duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 248. Biyoux Potonats. Gonse, No. 19. Second State, two impressions. Bijoux ANTIQUES DE LA COLLECTION CAMPANA. Gonse, No. 10. Only State. Wide margins. Etchings. Together, 3 pieces. From the Gonse collection, and duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 249. ELISABETH DE VALOIS, after Antonio Moro. Gonse, No. 284. First State. L' INFANTE ISABELLE, after Simon de Vos. Gonse, No. 287. Third State. Etchings. Together, 2 pieces. From the Sewall collection, and duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 250. TR&PIED PAR GOUTHIERES. Etching. Gonse, No. 23. Third State. Wide margins. THE ArTIsT’s MASTERPIECE. From the Gonse collection and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 251. LES GEMMES ET JOYAUX DE LA CoURONNE, Buire orientale en cristal de roche. Gonse, No. 133. Third State. 30UTEILLE DE CRISTAL DE ROCHE. Gense, No. 145. Second State, before letters. HANAP DE CRISTAL DE ROCHE. Gonse, No. 143. Second State. Etchings. Together, 3 pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 252. Les GEMMES ET JOYAUX DE LA CouRONNE, Bassin de cristal de roche. Gonse, No. 139. Third State, before letters. DRAGEOIR DE CRISTAL DE RocHE. Gonse, No. 147. Second State, before letters. DRAGEOIR DE CRISTAL DE RocHE. Gonse, No. 149. Second State, before letters. CourE DE CRISTAL DE RocHE. Gonse, No. 162. Third State, before letters. Etchings. Together, 4. pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 253. Les GEMMES ET JOYAUX DE LA COURONNE, Epée de Childeric. Gonse, No. 125. Second State before letters. Spotted. EpkE DE CHARLEMAGNE. Gonse, No. 127. Third State. SALIERE EN Lapis LAzuLi. Gense, No. 152. oon ee State. AGRAFE DE MANTEAU ROYAL DE SAINT Lot Gonse, No. 134. Third State, before letters. Etchings. Together, 4. pieces. Duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. JACQUEMART, JULES FERDINAND 254. Les GEMMES ET JOYAUX DE LA CoURONNE, Epée de Childeric. Gonse, No. 125. First State. VASE ANTIQUE DE SARDOINE. Gonse, No. 138. First State. NEF DE CRISTAL DE ROCHE, Gonse, No. 151. First State. Etchings. Together, 3 pieces. From the Gonse collection, and duplicates from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JOHANN-BARTHOLD JONGKIND Celebrated painter, born in Holland, 1819, pupil of Isabey. JONGKIND, JOHANN-BARTHOLD 255. Port or ANTWERP, ANVERS: ENTREE DU Port DE HonFLEuR. Etchings. Delteil, Nos. 12-15. Signed on the plates,—Jongkind. Good impressions, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 834; length, 12 inches. Together, 2 pieces. ELBRIDGE KINGSLEY American wood-engraver. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 256. FLyinc DuTtcHMAN. Wood Engraving. After A. P. Ryder. Signed Artist’s Proof. BErAuTrFruL IMPRESSION, on thin Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 834; length, 10% inches. WILLIAM LEE-HANKEY Contemporary English etcher. LEE-HANKEY, WILLIAM 257. Dawn. Etching. Hardie, No. 100. Signed in pencil,—W. Lee Hankey, imp. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 978; width, 634 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th ALPHONSE LEGROS “Born at Dijon in 1837, Legros has been amongst us since 1863. But it is not English lif indeed, any life—that has made him what he is. . . He has been fed on the Renaissance, and on Rembrandt; but yet the originality of his mind pierces through the form it has pleased him to impose on its expression. He gives to masculine character nobility and dignity.” FREDERICK WEDMORE. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 258. COMMUNION DANS L’EGLIsE St. Mé&parp. Etching and Drypoint. Malassis, No. 34. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE ImPRESSION, margins wrinkled and slightly stained. Height, 1438; width, 105 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 259. LES CHANTRES ESPAGNOLS. Liching. Malassis, No. 37. ; Signed in ink, ¢ VerRY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 10%; length, 1414 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 260. PORTRAIT OF DALOu. Etching. Malassis, No. 41. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 878; width, 6 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 261. UN BaptéME. Etching. Malassis, No. 65. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 8; length, 1034 inches. PAYSANNES DE BOULOGNE. Fiching. Malassis, No. 80. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 9; width, 6 inches. Together, 2 pieces. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 262. LA Morr pu VAGABOND. Etching. Malassis, No. ae ; Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Height, 21; width, 1476 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 263. LA Mort ET LA BucHERON, No. 2. Eéching. Malassis, No. 142. : ; ‘ Signed on the plate,— A. Legros, pinx. & sculp. Good impression, with ‘the inscription, in perfect oaeon Height, 1238; width, 9% inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 264. THE WAYFARER. Hiching. Malassis Supplement, No. 265. Signed on the plate,—A. Legros. FINE Impression, in perfect condition. Height, 54; length, 10% inches. Epwin Epwarps, (Bookplate.) Héching. Malassis, No. 161. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE IMpREssION. Tew tears in margins, repaired. Height, 624; width, 434 inches. Together, 2 pieces. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 265. Dans LES Bors. Drypoznt. Malassis Supplement, No. 341. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. SUPERB IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 9; width, 6 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 266. LE TRIOMPHE DE LA Mort (Le Combat). Etching. Malassis Supplement, No. 523. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 71%; length, 1334 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 267. THE GARDENER. Etching. Malassis Supplement, No. 55 Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. in perfect condition. Height, 1634; width, 14 inches. 5: FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Dutch paper, AUGUST LEPERE Contemporary French wood-engraver and etcher; born, 1840. LEPERE, AUGUST 268. TRAVAUX POUR LE NOUVEAU CHAMP DE MANOEUVRE A Issy. Eiéching. Lotz-Brissonneau, No. 104. Signed in pencil,—A. Lepére. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Height, 5; length, 1058 inches. From the Jules Gerbeau collection. LEPERE, AUGUST 269. DERNIERE FEUILLE. Léching. Signed in pencil,—A ugust Lepéere. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, marked proof No. 15 of an edition of 50, printed on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Height, 656; length, 111% inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th ae a ee ee ee LEPERE, AUGUST 270. LE CREPUSCULE. Etching. Signed in pencil,—August Lepére. SuPERB IMPRESSION, marked proof No. 18 of an edition of 35s in perfect condition. o O ra Height, 81%; length, 111% inches. From the personal eae of Madame Lepére. LEPERE, AUGUST 271. POMMIER RENVERSE. ees Signed in pencil,—A. Lepére. SUPERB IMPRESSION, of the First Sv. ATE, marked proof Re 7, of an edition of eight printed, in perfect t condition. Height, ey lene: h, 758 inches. TOMAS LOPEZ ENGUIDANOS Spanish engraver to Spanish Court, 1807. LOPEZ ENGUIDANOS, TOMAS 272. ELSERENISIMO SENOR PRiNCIPE DELA Paz. Line Engraving. Josef Rivelles, pinx.—Lopez Enguidanos, sculp. FINE ImpREsSION, with the inscription, margins trimmed inside plate-mark Height, 2114; width, 1614 inches. JAMES MacARDELL Born in Dublin, 1729; died in London, 1765. Pupil of John he came to London about 1747. MacARDELL, JAMES 273. LISABETTA. Mezzoiwnt. Brooks, with whom Fuerino pinxt.,—J. McArdell fecit. FINE Ivpression, with the inscrip- tion, in perfect condition. Height, 11; width, 9 inches. JAMES McBEY Contemporary Scotch etcher. McBEY, JAME 274. ee nee ABERDEEN. Etching. Signed in ink,—James McBey. VERY FINE | condition. Height, 578; length, 83 inches. McBEY, JAMES MPRESSION, in perfect 275. GRIMNESSESLIUS, A CANAL IN AMSTERDAM. Etching. ; ; - Signed in ink,—James McBey. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1178; width, 57% inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. MUI EOL EEA A a McBEY, JAMES 276. PORTRAIT OF MARTIN HARDIE. Drypownt. ; Signed in ink,—James McBey. FINE IMPRESSION, marked No IV, in perfect condition. Only 24 proofs printed. Height, 6; length, 8) inches. McBEY, JAMES 277. Ras-EL-AIn. LHiching. Signed in ink,—James McBey. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, marked No. VII, in perfect condition. Height, 734; length, 127% inches. McBEY, JAMES 278, TETUAN. Eiching. Signed in ink,—James McBey. SUPERB ImpREssION, marked Proof No. 33, in perfect condition. Height, 434; length, 97% inches. McBEY, JAMES 279. THE GATE, TETUAN. Etching. Signed in ink,—Jas. McBey. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, marked proof No. 8, in perfect condition. Height, 878; width, 54 inches. DONALD SHAW MacLAUGHLAN Contemporary American etcher. Born in Canada, 1876. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 280. ST. SULPICE, LE PETITE TOUR. Etching. Signed in pencil,—D. S. MacLaughlan. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, margins trimmed down to plate-mark. Height, 1134; width, 93 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 281. THE ARNO, FLORENCE. Etching. Signed in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. VERy FINE IMpREssION, in perfect condition. Height, 634; length, 778 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 282. A SONG FROM VENICE, No. 1. Eiching. Signed in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Very FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 10; length, 12 inches. CHARLES MERYON TourmnLLE RUE DE LA TIXmRANDERIE [No. 286] Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. _ CG SOEs RY EN EEE MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 283. THE MARKET, VENICE. Etching. Signed in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in yerfect condition. Height, 1034; length, 15 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 284. A VENETIAN NoontTIDE. Hiching. Signed in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in yerfect condition. leight, 934; length, 1136 inches. — CHARLES MERYON Celebrated French etcher. Born in Paris in 1821; died there in 1868. MERYON, CHARLES 285. La Tour DEL’Hortoce. LHiching. Delteil, No. 28. Sixth State of six. Fair impression, with the inscription, and Publié par L’ Artiste, stained and repaired. Height, 934; width, 71 inches. MERYON, CHARLES 286. TOURELLE RUE DELA TIX&RANDERIE. Liching. Delteil, No. 29. Second State of three. Signed on the plate, with the monogram,—C. \/. Very FINE IMPREs- SION, printed in brown ink on heavy paper, with wide margins, in perfect condition. Height, 934; width, 514 inches. [See Illustration] MERYON, CHARLES 287. BAIN-FROID CHEVRIER. LHiching. Delteil, No. 44. Sixth State of six. Signed on the plate,—C. 17. Good impression, with the title, printer’s name and address. Height, 434; length, 538 inches. MERYON, CHARLES 288. NOUVELLE-ZELANDE, Greniers indigénes et habitations 4 Akaroa (presquile de Banks). 1845. Etching. Delteil, No. 70. Fourth State of four. Signed in the upper right corner with the monogram,—C. M. FINE Impression, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 434; length, 9 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th as JEAN-FRANCOIS MILLET Born in the little village of Gruchy, on the Norman coast, October 4, 1814. Died at Barbizon, January 20, 1875. “A man who had given his whole life to etching only, who had never thought of painting, and had never cared for those effects proper to painting and not to etching, could not have been more truly and markedly a born etcher than Millet..—Mrs. SCHUYLER VAN DINSSELAER, Millet as an Etcher. MILLET, JEAN-FRANCOIS 289. THE CHURNER. Liching. Delteil, No. 10. Third State of three. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Japan paper, ink line on lower margin, otherwise in perfect condition. Height, 7; width, 434 inches. MILLET, JEAN-FRANCOIS 290. W OMAN FILLING WATER-CANS. Woodcuit. Delteil, No. 32. Cut by Pierre Millet. Early Impression Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MILLET, JEAN-FRANCOIS 291. THE SHEPHERDESS SEATED. Woodcut. Delteil, No. 33. Second State of two. Signed on the block,—J. F. Millet. Good impression, in perfect condition. Height, 1034; width, 8% inches. MILLET, JEAN-FRANCOIS 292. THE DiccErR. Woodcut. Delteil, No. 34. Early impression, in dark brown ink. Cut by Pierre Millet. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JEAN MORIN French painter and engraver. 1590-1650. “Jean Morin is another engraver of the earlier aoe of the seventeenth century in France, who fills a distinct and distinguished place in our history. —A. M. HIND. MORIN, JEAN 293. JACQUES LE Mercigr. Engraving. ; : °-h. Champaigne pinx.—J. Morin Scul. cum priu Regis. Good impression. Slightly stained. Height, 1178; width, 934 inches. MORIN, JEAN 204. ANNE or Austria, Queen-Regent of France, mother of Louis XIV. Engraz- ing. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 40. Second State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. MORIN, JEAN 295. QUEEN ANNE oF AUSTRIA. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 41. Second State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Wide margins. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and a duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 206. QUEEN ANNE OF AustTRIA. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 41. Second State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Wide margins. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 297. GuIpDE BENTIVOGLIO, Cardinal. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 43. After Van Dyck. Considered his masterpiece by some authorities. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 298. PIERRE BERTHIER, Bishop of Montauban. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 44. Second State. After Ph. de Champaigne. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 299. ST. CHARLES BorroMEo, Archbishop of Milan. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 45. After Ph. de Champaigne. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, .JEAN 300. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 46. Third State. After Ph. de Champaigne. From the collection of Davidsohn, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. MORIN, JEAN 301. JEAN-PIERRE DE Camus, Bishop of Bellay. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 49. After Ph. de Champaigne. Small tear at left. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th ee ee MORIN, JEAN 302. NicoLas CHRYSTIN. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 51. After Van Dyck. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 303. NicoLas CHRysTIn. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 51. After Van Dyck. Margins. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 304. JEROME FRANCK, Court Painter. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 52. Second State. After Franck. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 305. JEROME FRANCK. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 52. Second State. After Franck. Margins. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 306. JEAN Fr. PAUL DE Gonpy, Coadjutor of Paris. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 54. Third State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Margins. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 307. HONORINE GRIMBERGHE, Comtesse de Bossu. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 55. From the collections, Bibliothéque Royale, H. F. Sewall, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Slightly stained, no margins. MORIN, JEAN 308. HONORINE GRIMBERGHE. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 55. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 309. HONORINE GRIMBERGHE. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 56. Second State. After Van Dyck. No margins. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. MORIN, JEAN 310. HENRI DE LORRAINE, Comte d'Harcourt. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 58. First State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Margins. From the Camberlyn collection and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 311. CORNEILLE JANSENIUS, Bishop of Ypres. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 61. Third State. From the W. I. Jenkins collection and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 312. Lours XI, King of France. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 63. Second State. Wide margins, foxed. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 313. Louis XIII, King of France. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 64. First State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Thin in two places. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 314. CHRISTOPHE DE THOU. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 78. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 315. CHARLES DE VALOIS, Duc d’Angouléme. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 81. First State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Margins. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 316. JEAN BaptTistE ANADOR VIGNEROD. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 85. Third State. After Ph. de Champaigne. Cut close. From the W. I. Jenkins collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. MORIN, JEAN 317. NIcoLAs DE NEUFVILLE, Marquis of Villeroy. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 87. After Ph. de Champaigne. From the collection of John Barnard, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th HENDRIK NAITWINCK Landscape etcher of the Netherlands, r619 (1624?)-1654. His etchings rarely appear in the market. ? NAIWINCK, HENDRIK 318. A TREE CovERED Rock: Woops By A River. Etchings. Bartsch, Nos. 11 and 15. Together, 2 pieces. From the J. Griffiths and H. F. Sewall collections, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. ROBERT NANTEUIL French engraver; born in Rheims, 1623 (252); died at Paris, 1678. “In Robert Nanteuil we come to a master of pure engraving, and the undisputed head of the French school of portrait. His fame stands on the most solid foun- dation. . . Atits best, his work possesses a noble directness of expression and a complete freedom from all the attractive mannerisms by which a spurious reputation is so lightly gained.”—A. M. Hinp. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 319. JACQUES AMELOT. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 19. First State. Done from life. Cut close. RARE. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 320. Louis DE BAILLEUL. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 27. Second State. Done from life. From the H. F. Sewall collection and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 321. GILLES BoILEAU, Father of the famous poet Boileau. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 43. Second State. Done from life. Cut close, slightly foxed. From the collection of W. I. Jenkins and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL, ROBERT JEAN CHAPELAIN, Member of the French Academy. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 60. First State. Done he nee From the . Jenkins collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, ene Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 323. PIERRE DU Campout CoisLin. Line Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 70. First State, before the cross. Signed on the plate,—R. Nantel. FINE IMPRESSION, margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 1214; width, 934 inches. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 324. PIERRE JEANNIN, Superintendent of Finances. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 112. Done from life. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 325. HARDOUIN DE P&R&FIXE DE Beaumont, Archbishop of Paris. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 113. Done from life. Unusually fine impression, margins. From the Storck, and W. I. Jenkins collections, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL ROBERT 326. JEAN LoreEt, Poet. Lngraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 150. Third State. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 327. FRANcoIs MALLIER DE Houssay, Bishop of Troyes. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 167. Second State. After Velut. Laid down and cut close. From the W. I. Jenkins collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 328. Porrrait of J. A. DE MESMES. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 192. First State of four, before the title. Signed on the plate,—Nanieuil, faciebat, 1655. Good impression, trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 124%; width, 934 inches. From the P. Mariette collection. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 329. NicoLas PoTIER DE Novion, First president of Parliament, Paris. Engrav- ing. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 207. Second State. Done from life. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Second Session, T hursday Evening, April 20th ed STNG, Aprel 20th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 329A. HARDOUIN DE P&REFIXE DE BEAUMONT, Archbishop of Paris. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil, No. DU, ; i After life. Unusually fine impression, with margins. From the Storck and W. I. Jenkins collections, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. JOSEPH PENNELL Celebrated American illustrator and etcher. Born in Philadelphia, 1860. As a pupil in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts his unusual ability in etching was early recognized. He has won honorable mention and medals at Philadelphia, Chicago, Paris, and elsewhere. PENNELL, JOSEPH 330. VALLEY oF TaGus, ToLEDo. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 774; length, 97 inches. PENNELL, JOSEPH 331. REBUILDING THE WOODEN Pier, Dover. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Very FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. © Height, 938; length, 1234 inches, PENNELL, JOSEPH 332. THE OLD AND New Mitts. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 938; length, 1214 inches. PENNELL, JOSEPH 333. THE AVENUE, NEAR VALENCIENNES. Etching. ’ Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. BEAutTiruL IMpREssion, in perfect condition. Height, 914; length, 1236 inches. PENNELL, JOSEPH 334. THE Times BUILDING; BROADWAY ABOVE 23RD STREET. Lathographs. Signed Artist’s Proofs. Fine impressions, in perfect condition. Height, 9; width, 6 inches. Together, 2 pieces. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. CHARLES A. PLATT American etcher. IPLAI, (CISUAIRILIES) AN, 335. sete co CHANNEL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—C. A. Plait. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. Height, 614; length, 1034 inches. PLA, CIBURILIES) JN, 336. NapLes. LHiching. Signed in pe =ncil, — Height, 5; length, -C. A. Platt. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. 734 inches. LAI, ClaUNRILIES JA, 337. BripcE At Hartrorp. Elching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine ImprEsston, mounted down solid for framing. Height, 1156; length, 1756 inches. MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI Italian engraver. Circa 1480-1530. “He is like some great composer who borrows another’s theme only to make it his own by the originality of his setting. "A, M. HINp. RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 338. ADAM AND Eve. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 1; Delaborde, No. 1 After Raphael. From the collections of Sir Thomas Lawrence and H. F. Sewall, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Tear repaired at top. RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 339. St. PAUL PREACHING IN ATHENS. Engraving. Stained, repaired, laid down. Bartsch, No. 44; Delaborde, No. 84. After Raphael. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 340. Sr. Ceca. Engraving. Laid down, cut close. Bartsch, No. 116; Delaborde, No. 92. After Raphael. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Second Session, Thursday Evening, April 20th aaa ee eS A RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 341. Lucretia. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 192; Delaborde, No. 188. After Raphael. Brom ive H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts soston. RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 342. Cupips Dancinc. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 217; Delaborde, No. 182. After Raphael. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. i RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 343. Le PaRNASSE. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 247. After Raphael, signed with the monogram. Good impression, in good condition. Height, 14; length, 1854 inches. DURER, ALBRECHT VirGin WITH THE Raper. Woodcut. Signed with the monogram,—4. D, Fair impression, in fair condition, Height, 15; length, 1114 inches. Together, 2 pieces. RAIMONDI, MARCANTONIO 344. Two SiBYLs WITH THE Zoptac. Engravings. Margins laid. Bartsch, No. 397; Delaborde, No. 177. After Raphael. Repaired at top. From the H. F. Sewall collection, and duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN Born, Ley de ‘n, 1607; died, Amsterdam, 1669. Pupil of Swanenburch and Pieter Lastman. “The opinion among etchers which enthrones Rembrandt as the King of his craft is the most recent instance of perfect unz animity among people of all nationalities. As we all say Phidias was the greatest sculptor, Homer the great- est epic poet, and Shakespeare the greatest dramatist, so we are all agre ed on the world-wide supremacy of Rembrandt. In his own lines of work there is no one in all history to be compared with Rembrandt; in artistic influence he has one equal entirely unlike himself, and that is Raphael. They are the two most influential graphic artists of all time.” —P. G. HAMERTON. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 345. THE BLINDNEss or Tosir. Efching. Bartsch, No. 42. ; ; ae : Signed on the plate,—Rembrandt, 1651. FINE IMPRESSION, in fine condi- tion. Height, 638; width, 514 inches. Krom the Burleigh James collection. Kindly read the conditions under which every rtem vs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 345A. THE ANGEL DEPARTING FROM THE FAMILY OF Tobias, Etching. Bartsch, No. 43. Signed and dated, Rembrandt, 1641. Fair impression. Height, 4; length, 6 inches. Framed. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 246, ANGEL DEPARTING FROM THE FAMILY OF Topias. Etching. Bartsch, No. 43. Signed on the plate,—Rembrandt, 1641. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 4; length, 57 inches. From the Peoli collection. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 347. FLicHT INTo Ecypt, Hoty FAMILY CRrossinG A RILL. Ltching. Bartsch, No. 55. Signed on the plate,—Rembrandi, 1654. FINE IMPRESSION, with small margins, in perfect condition. Height, 358; length, 51% inches. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 347A. VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH THE CaT. Fiching. Bartsch, No. 63. Signed and dated, Rembrandt, 1654. Fair impression, with small margins, Height, 334; length, 5% inches. Framed. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 347B. CHRIST DISPUTING WITH THE DocrTors. Bartsch, No. 65. Signed and dated, Rembrandt, 1652. Fair impression. Height, 5; length, 8% inches. Framed. ED REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 248, CHRIST PREACHING. J’tching. Bartsch, No. 67. Only State. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on fine old paper, with watermark. Upper left corner of margin repaired, otherwise in perfect condition. Height, 614; length, 814 inches. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 349. PETER AND PAuL HEALING THE CRIPPLE AT THE GATE OF THE TEMPLE. Etching. Bartsch, No. 94. Signed on the plat>,—Rembrandt. VERY FINE IMPRESSION. Printed on fine old Dutch paper, with small margins, few tears on left margin repaired, otherwise in perfect condition. ; Height, 7; length, 8% inches. From the Peoli collection. [See Hlustration] Q & 4 (oe — ery ma olan ys