Sale No. 1212 : Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms Incorporated 333-341 Fourth Avenue, N. Y. S. E. Cor. 25th Street MODERN AND ANCIENT OIL PAINTINGS ’ | SOLD TO CLOSE ESTATES On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings January 30th, 31st and February Ist, 1912 At Eight O’clock LIBRARY > 999 |M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. 6. NEW YORK 5m é of CATALOGUE OF MODERN AND ANCIENT OIL PAINTINGS Sold to close the estate of the late PETER HASSINGER Of Newark, N. J. The Estate of the late LOUIS A. EHLERS Of Rhinebeck, N. Y. An Estate to be sold by order of JAMES W. HYDE, ESQ. Attorney for the Administratrix, Also property inherited through the will of the late EUGENE NUGENT Sold by order of legatees The sale takes place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings January 30, and 31, and February I, 1912 At eight o'clock each evening HENRY A. HARTMAN, AUCTIONEER CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. 2. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this sale, and not to any one particular lot. 3. Bills payable in cash before delivery. 4. Receipted bills must be presented before goods can be removed. 5. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid before removal. 6. Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale, between eight and twelve o'clock, remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. 7. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8 Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. 9. Our record of sales in all cases final. 10. The highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for loss or damage shall lie. 11. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions the money deposited in part payment shall be- long to the Auctioneer as liquidated damages for pur- chaser’s failure to complete the sale. All lots un- claimed within the time aforesaid: shall be re-sold at public or private sale, without further notice and the | deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such re-sale if he thinks fit, and the Auctioneer further reserves his right to reduce the percentum of deposit to be collected or to waive same entirely if he so desires. HENRY A. HARTMAN, Auctioneer. : The Alexander Press, 114-116 West 27th St., New York. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Atalya, A., 17 Antiniere, L,., 55 Andre, F., 31 Anderson, A., 127 Andruss, 193, 223 Bagneit, C., 120 Beauquesne. Wie Ge 219 Beard, J. H., 96 Bellows, A: F., 1 Berchem, N., 176 Bergman, H., 178 Bernard, L., 135, 136 Beyle, V. P., 160 Beyue, P.-M., 132 Bierstadt, A., 35 Bougeareau, W. IU) Borgognone, 231 Boudin, E., 51 Bricher, A Sp 23 Brombled, 60 Brown, J. G., 106, 142 Brown, W., 3 Brown, W. M., ZI Brehmer, W., 44 Buhler, Z.,150 Buisson, V., 128 Cabanel,A. 2 Carracci, A. 197 Church, F. E, 91 Clays, Ps }.. 134 Coffman, M., 20 Colman, S., 8 Cole; 9 11 Carini: Ne 27 Cortes, A., 18, 45 Courbet, G., 92 Corot, J. B.C. 105, us Couturier, P. L., 49 Cozzens, F, S., 79 Coyulbent, 229 Cropsey, Ji E;, 7; =, 0° Culverhouse, J. M., Carran, €.-G,, 182 Dach Veal, 221 Dana, W. P. W., 6 Daubigny, C. F., 61 Daubigny, K., 99 Darget, G., 19 De Beul, F., 56 De Bliss, H.,. 208 De Grassi, A., 140 Diaz, N43 -151 De Haas, Me ae 144 De Mayo, Cel73; 186 Destouches, P. E., 50 Dolph, J. a 85, 107 Dupre, Jules, 131 Duvieux, 225 Echtler, Ad. 101 Eggen, K., 213 Evans, De Scott, 12 Evans, J., 204 Faulkner, ee 10 ie Field R. ae 144, 145 154, 155, "158, 230 Flaherty, ip T., 86 Fleury, ea 100 Gabrini, 226 Gay, Geo, H Garranci, A., 1: Geiser, M., 46 Gervex, 16 Gifford, S. R., 22 Greux, A., 138 Guyot, J. L., 124 Haag, J., 169 Hamilton, G., 139 JakeWees jf M., 109 Hart, Mh., oA 119 Harnett, W. He 167, 200 Henry, F., 183 Plenners |. 45237) 144 Huber, P., 156 Inness, G., 36, 121 Innocenti, B., 32 Tsabey, E., 26 Jaclin, 88 Jacque, C. E., 25, 38 Jamesone, Geo., 212 Jarden, K. Du, 40, 192 Johnson, D., 30 Kensett, J. F., 41, 42, 59, 122 145 Kleehaas, Theo., 188 Knaus, L., 123 Koek-Koek, B. C., 97 Kraus, Aug., 90 Kreuger, L., 82 Laverenzi, G., 170 Lehr, A., 164 Leloir, L., 80 Lewis, EK. D., 39 Ling, A., 24 Livini, A., 168 Losik, F., 34 Lucas, A., 175 Maas, D:,; 162 Mali, C. F., 224 Malderelli, 216 Melrose, A., 177 Meyer, A. D., 15 Mola, C. F., 198, 211 Moeller, L., 10, 68 Moran, Ed., 28, 133, 146 Moran, EF. Percy, 104 Moran, Thos., 43 Moormans, F. lL. J., 189 Mouralles, 181 Muller, K., 62 Murillo, B. E., 205, 210 Murphy, J. F., 87 Musin, F., 108 McCord, Geo. H., 27 McPherson, 75 Nettleton, W., 63 Noterman, Z., 162 Ortleib, F., 217 Otto; C.172Z Palma, V., 199 Paulan, J. G., 220 Parmegiani, 196 Paredes, 190 Peale, R., 116 Pelouse, L. G., 125 Perault, V., 179 Permeke, H. L., 67 Phelan, C. T., 69 Pittari, C., 215 Polidore, 48 Potter, P., 214 Quartly, A., 5 Reni Guido, 202 Richards, W. T., 14, 103 Richel, L., 130 List of Artists—Continued Rombouts, Theo., 194 Ronay, J. L., 54 OOS. Je id, 209 Rosati, G., 33 Roussean, Theo., 102, 110 Rubins, H., 166 Rubens, P. P., 195, 207 Ruestel, A., 187 Sallinger, G., 161, 227 Sadler. We Db. 31 Sege, A., 93, 94 Seifert, A., 141 Seigen, A., 184 Semenowsky, E., 147 Seott, 232 Scott, J., 174 Scholtz, M., 89 Schmalzigany, F., 171 Shurtleff, R. M., 72 Smoyiere, L., 73 Smith, T. L., 47 Speridon, I., 29, 84 St. John, 191, 203 Steen, Jan, 180 Tojetti, V., 115, 165, 218 Troyon, C., 128 Ward, E. M., 163 Wedeugeness, 228 Weeks, E. L., 64, 95 Weidenback, A., 53 Williamson, J., 148, 149 Wilbaerts, A., 206 Zaunh, R. L., 185 Ziem, F., 117 Zinimerman, R. S., 112, 126 Unknown: 76, 71, 153, £57,233; 2234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244 Van der Helsb, J. B., 201 Van Sluys, Theo., 98 Vecsin, 83 Verboeckhoven, Eng., 137 Verhoesen, 58 Veron Jacques, 52 Vitali, E., 78 CATALOGUE aerenccetaeneneneenins FIRST EVENING’S SALE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30th. 1912. AT 8 o'clock. BELLOWS (A. EF.) American Landscape and Figure Size 121% x 16 2 CABANEL (Alexandre) French Member of the Institute. Professor in L’Ecole des Beaux Arts and Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Medals, 1865 and1867. Andromeda Size 8% x 10 SS eS BROWN (W.) American Still Life Size 13 x 16 4 HART (William) American Landscape and animal painter: self taught Elected an A. N. A. in 1857 and N. A. in 1858. Landscape Size 28 x 44 | 5 | QUARTLEY (Arthur) American Marine painter. Self taught. Elected an A. N. A. in 1878; N. A., 1886. Member of Society of American Artists. Landscape Size 14 x 16 DANA (W. P. W.) American Pupil of Picot, Poitevin and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Elected N. A. in 1863. Medal: Third Class, 1878. On the Beach, Dinard, Brittany Size 25 x 30 CROPSEY (J. F.) American Landscape painter. Pupil of Edward Maury. Elected N. A. in 1851. Landscape Size 12 x 20 COLMAN (Samuel) American Landscape painter. Pupil of A. B. Dur- and. Elected N. A. in 1862, Coast Scene Size 10% x 15 Neen eee nee ne COLE (Thomas) American Landscape painter. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in London, 1830. The greater part of his professional life passed in New York. Landscape Size 28 x 44 10 MOELLER (Louis) American Genre painter. Pupil of National Academy; studied under Dureneck and Prof. Dietz at Munich. Exhibited at National Academy in 1883. Portrait of an Old Lady Size 36: x. 57 11 COLE (Thomas) American Landscape painter. Exhibited at the Roy- al Academy in London, 1830. His “Voyage of Life,” being the best known through fre- quent engravings. The original series sold in 1876 for $3100. Landscape and Cattle Size 20 x 30 12 EVANS (De Scott) American Studied under Bougereau in 1877 and 1878. Portrait Size 12 x 20 13 DIAZ (N. V.) France Medals: Third Class, 1844; Second Class 1846; First Class 1848. Legion of Honor 1851. Woodland Size 16 x 24 14 RICHARDS (W. T.) American: Landscape and Marine painter. Pupnl of Paul Weber. Honary Member National Academy. Medals: Phila., 1876; Temple 1885. Landscape Size 9 x 12 a MEYERS (E. D.) Danish Under the Arches Size 10 x 13 16 GERVEX French Figures Size 5 x 6 17 ATALAYA French Interior with Figures Size 51%4 x 10 18 CORTES (A.) French Landscape and Cattle Size 11 x 14 19 DARGET (G.) French Woodland Size 17 x 32 20 COFFMAN (M.) German The Bride Size 20 x 24 21 BROWN (Wm. M.) American Landscape Size 12 x 14 22 GIFFORD (Sandford R.) American Landscape Size 12% x 154 BRICHER (A. T.) American Landscape and Marine painter; self taught. Elected A. N. A., 1879. Marine Size 16 x 30 24 LING (P.) German Street Scene Size? x26 25 JACQUE (Chas. E.) French Animal and Landscape painter. Medals: Third Class, 1861-1863; Medal 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Sheep Size 10 x 14 26 ISABEY (E.) French Officer of the Legion of Honor. Pupil of his father. Paints Marine subjects and Landscapes. On the Beach Size 15 x 24 27 McCORD (Geo. 71.) American Landscape painter. Pupil of Prof. Morse. Exhibited first at the National Academy in 1868. Elected an A. N. A. in 1880. Landscape Size el6 x 23 28 MORAN (Edward) American Marine and Figure painter. Pupil of M. de Paris in Bolton and James Hamilton and Paul Weber in Philadelphia. Elected an A. N. A., 1873 Member of the Pensylvania Academy. Marine Size 18 x 30 29 SPIRIDON (1.) Italian The Page size Tix 16 30 JOHNSON (David) American Landscape painter. Elected A. N. A., 1860 and N. A., 1862. One of the founders of the Artists’ Fund Society. Franconia, New Hampshire Size 11 x 154% 31 ANDRE (F.) French Landscape and Figures Size 18 x 22 32 INNOCENTI (B.) French Honorable Mention, Paris, 1902. Landscape and Figures Size 6% x 8% So ROSATI (G.) French Interior with Figures Size 14 x 19 34 LOSIK (1) German Lovers Size 18 x 24 35 BIERSTARDT (Albert) American Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in 1860, was mare a Member of the National Acad- emy. Marine Size 15: x: 30 INNESS (Geo.) American Landscape painter. Pupil of Gignoux. He was made National Academician in 1868. Landscape and Figures Sieg 22 37 HENNER (J. J.) French Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Pupil of Dvolleny and Picot. Ideal Head Size 9Y x 12 38 JACOUE (Chas. EF.) French Animal and Landscape painter. Medals: Third Class, 1861-1863; Medal, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Seep Size 12 x 17 LEWIS. (is D:) American The Harvest Size 15 x 24 40 JARDIN (Karl Du) Dutch Pupil of Berchein and Paul Potter. Landscape and Figures Size 35 x 42 41 KENSELE Gor) American First exhibited at Royal Academy in 1845. Elected N. A., New York, 1849. In 1859 appointed Member of the Communion to superintend the decoration of the Capitol at Washington. Landscape Size 34 x 57 42 KENSETE Clb) American Landscape Size 34 x 57 MORAN (Thos.) American Londscape painter. Pupil of his brothe Edward Moran. Elected an A. N. A. in 1882; N. A., 1884. Member of Society of American Artists. Landscape Size 40 x 55 44 BREHIMER (Wilhelm) German Mountain Landscape Size 22 x 30 45 CORTES (A.) French Landscape and Cattle Size 10% x 14 46 GEISER (M.) German Interior with Figures Size 11 x 14 47 SPMPTEE CL. 2) American Winter Landscape Size 16 x 24 48 POLIDORE Italiam The Toilet Size 12 x 18 49 COUTURIER French Ducks Size 10 x 13% 50 DETOUCHES (P. E.) French. Church Size 2534 x 34 51 BOUDIN (E.) Amsterdam Medals: Third Class, 1881; Second Class, 1883. Seashore Size 16% x 25% 52 VERON (Jacques) French Landscape and Cattle Size 26 x 40 Sr, WEIDENBACH (A.) German The Mail Coach Size 30 x 46 54 ROWAY €. E.) French The Young Musician Size 25 x 3! is) ANTINIERE (L.) French Landscape Size 20 x 30% 56 DE BEUL (Franz) Brussels Lady and Dog Size 11 x 15 5/7 CULVERHOUSE (J. M-) American Children Size Hi x 15 58 VERHOESEN Brussels Chickens Size 13% x 18 59 KENSETT (J. F. American Elected N. A. in 1849, Evening Size 12 x 14 60 ‘BROMBLED German Deer Hunt Size 12 x 13 61 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) | French Officer of the Legion of Honor. Pupil of Delaroche. This painter sent_his pictures to nearly every salon since 1838. Size 11% x 14% 62 MULLER (Karl) German Pride of the Village Size 12 x 20 63 NETILETON QW.) American A Breton Study Size 11 x 15 64 WEEKS (E. Lord) American Landscape and Figure painter. Pupil in Paris of the Ecole de Beaux Arts, Bonnat and Gerome. Noted for picture of Eastern life. Oriental Scene Size 6 x 8 65 CROPSEY (J. Fo American Landscape painter. In 1851 he was made a full member of New York Academy of Design. Landscape Diameter 18 inches CROPSEY (7) American Landscape Diameter 18 inches 6/7 PEREMEKE (H. L.) Dutch Marine Course Sushescout Size 13 x 19 68 MOELLER (Louis) American Geure painter and pupil of the Nationai Academy; studied under Duvenest and Prof. Dietz at Munich. Exhibited at National Academy in 1883. Figures Size 38 x 48 Unframed 69 PHELAN (© T,) American Landscape and Sheep mize 9 x 12 70 UNKNOWN German School Landscape and Cattle Size 18 x 22 | UNKNOWN Landscape Size 8 x 11 72 SHURTLEFF (R. M.) American Landscape and Animal painter. Pupil of the Lowell Institute and of the National Academy. Elected an A. N. A. in 1881. Landscape Size 8 x 12 (Water Color) 73 SINOYIERE (L.) _ Russian Landscape Size 5 x 10 74 GAY (Geo. Howell American Winter Landscape Water Color Size 18 x 28 79 McPHERSON English Landscape and Cattle Water Color Size 14 x 23 76 FAULKNER (John English Carlingford Castle Water Color Size 25 x 44 Ws FAULKNER (John) English After a Heavy Blow Water Color Size 25 x 44 78 VITALI (E.) Interior with Figures Water Color Size 20 x 29 79 COZZENS (F. S.) Fishing off the Coast Water Color Size 14 x 27 80 LELOIR (L.) Landscape Proof Etching Size 9 x 14 81 SADLER (W. Dendy) The Tavern Etching Size 12 x 16 Italian American French American SECOND EVENING’S SAlE. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1912. AT 8 o’clock. ——— SEE 82 KREUGER (Ludwig) German An Old Timer Size 17% x 21 83 VECSIN Italian A Vase of Roses size 20 x 24 84 SPIRIDON (T. 1) Italian Sappho nize 12 x 2] 85 DOLEH. | i) American Studied under Louis Van Kuyck in Ant- werp. Elected Associate National Academy, 1877. Playful Kittens Size 18 x 24 86 FLAHERTY (J. 2.) American Marine Size 18 x 30 87 MURPHY (J. Francis) American Born in Oswego, New York, 1853. Land- scape painter; self taught. Exhibited first at National Academy, 1876. Member So- ciety of American Artists. Landscape Size 15 x 20 88 JACLIN Italian School Moonlight Size 44 x 56 89 SCHOLTZ (Max) German A Quiet Nap Size 19 x 24 90 KRAUS (Aug.) German The Connossuer Size 35 x 44 91 CHURCH: CF. E.) American Landscape painter. Pupil of Thos. Cole. Elected N. A. in 1849. Medal: Second Class, Paris, 1867. Mountain Landscape Size 29 x 41 92 COURBET (Gustave) French Genre and Landscape painter. Medals in 1849, 1857 and 1861. Landscape size 15:x 25 93 SEGE (Alexandre) French Londscape painter. Pupil of Fliers and Leon Cogniet. Medals: 1869; Secon! Class, 1873; Third Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1874. Environs of Granville Size 32 x 48 94 SEGE (Alexandre) French Meadows of Saint Pair Size 32 x 48 WEEKS (E. Lord) American Landscape and Figure painter. Pupil in Paris of the Ecole de Beaux Arts, Bonnat and Gerome. Noted for pictures of Eastern life. Street Scene Size 15 x 24 96 BEARD (J. H.) American Animal painter. Exhibited at the National Academy in 1846. Elected N. A., 1871. Doges Size 25 x 30 97 KOEK-KOEK (B. C.) and VAN LEEMPUT- TEN (C.) Amsterdam Landscape and Sheep Size 20 x 24 VAN SLNYS (Theo.) Brussels Sheep Size 1534 x23% 99 DAUBIGNY (Karl P.) French Landscape painter. Son and pupil of C. oe Medals: 1868; Third Class, Marine Size 8 x 1334 100 FLEURY (G.) French Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts. Member of the Royal Academy of Amster- dam. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Sunset in Winter Size 27 x 42 101 ECHTLER (Ad.) German Interested Family Size 26 x 39 _ seme atc arin te RNa ene 10 ROUSEAU (Theo.) French Chevalier of Legion of Honor. Pupil of Guillon-Lethiere. 2 Early Morning Size 5 x 7 103 RICHARDS (W. T.) American Landscape and Marine painter. Pupil of Paul Weber. Honary Member of National Academy: Medals: Phila., 1876; Temple, 1885, Woodland Size 22 x 36 104 MORAN (E. Percy) American Genre painter. Pupil of his Uncle Edward Moran, of the Pennsylvania Academy, Phila., and of the National Academy, New York. Spinning Wheel Size 9 x 12 105 COORG] -().-B CC) French Medals: 1838, 1848, 1855. Legion of Hon- or, 1846. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Landscape Size 13 x 16 106 BROWN (J. G.) American Genre painter. Studied at New Castle on © Tyne; then at Edinburgh Academy and in 1823 at National Academy Schools. Elected A. N. A. in 1862 and N. A., 1863. Figures Size 18 x 28 107 DOLPH (J. H.) American Pupil of Louis Van Kuyck in Antwerp. Elected A. N. A., 1877. Playful Kittens Size 27% x 51 MUSIN (Francois) Brussels Medal at Philadelphia. Marine Size 1214 x 2234 109 HART (James M.) American Pupil of his brother William Hart and of Scherimer in Dusseldorf. Elected A. N. A, 1857 and N. A., 1859. Landscape and Cattle Size 20 x 2934 110 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) French Pupil of Lethiere. Medals: 1834, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. » Sunset Size 10 x 1734 111 DE HAAS (M. F. lake) Dutch Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rot- terdam. In 1859 he settled in New York and was elected A. N. A. in 1863 and N. A. in 1867. Marine Size 20 x 42 £1Z ZIMMERMAN (R. 5.) German Pupil of Munich Academy, where he was much influenced by Robert Eberle. Attain- ed his first great success in 1850. Gold medal, Berlin. The Family Feast Size 48 x 74 113 BOUGEREAU (Wm. Adolph) French Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medal, 1857. Medal Exposition Universelle, 1835. Legion of Honor, 1850. The Pet Bird Size 15 x 19 HENNER (J. 7.) French Genre painter. Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Medals: Third Class, 1863, 1865, 1866; Medal, First Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1873. A Typical Beauty Size 12 x 16 15 TOJETTI (V.) American Judith mize $2 x 54 116 PEALE (Rembrant) American Portrait painter. Pupil of Benjamin West. His most noted work is a portrait of Wash- ington. Portrait of a Gentleman Size 24 x 29 117 ZEIM (Felix) French Medals: 1851, 1852, 1855. Legion of Hon- or, 1857 Venice Size © x 13 118 8 COROT (J. B.C.) French Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals: 1838, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1846. Medal Ex- position Universelle, 1867. Officer Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1878. Landscape Size 1514 x 18% 119 HART (Wm.) American Landscape and Animal painter. Elected A. N. A., 1857; N. A., 1858. Landscape and Cattle Size 14 x 18 120 BAUGNIET (Charles) Brussels Genre and Portrait painter. Pupil of J. Paelinck and F. Willems. Member of Ghent Academy in 1836. Order of Leopold, 1843. Officer, 1872. Order of Isabella Catholic of Spain. Listening Size 1734 x 25% 121 INNESS (Geo.) American Pupil of Gignoux. Elected A. N. A., 1853 and N. A., 1865. Sunset Size 16 x 24 i722 KENSETE (li) American Landscape painter. Elected N. A. in 1849. Professional life spent in New York. Size 34 x 57 123 KUAUS (Ludwig) German Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Christiana. Officer of the Legion of Honor. Knight of the Order of Merit. Interior with Figures Size 18 x 22 124 GUYO lt CEL.) French A Bleak Day Size 26 x 49 125 PELOUSE (Leon Germain) French Medals: 1873, 1876. A Spring Day Size 13 x22 126 ZIMMERMAN (R. S.) German Pupil of Munich Academy where he was much influenced by Robert Eberle. Attain- ed his first great success in 1850 with the humerous three Magi. Gold Medal, Berlin. Three of a Kind Size 9% x 14 t27 ANDERSON (A.) German Winter Scene Size 30 x 42 128 BUISSON (V.) French Intimations of Love Size 22 x 39 129 TROYON (Constant) French Pupil of Riverieux. Medals: 1838, 1840, 1846, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Landscape and Cattle Size 9 x 1434 130 RICHET (Leon) French Pupil of Lefebvre. Landscape Size: 25.5732 131 DUPRE (Jules) French Medal, 1833. Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal Exposition Universelle, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape and Cattle Size 16% x 21 132 BEYER.(P. MM.) French Genre painter. Medal: Third Class, 1881. Mussel Gatherers Size 28 x 39% MORAN (Edward) American Pupil of James Hamilton and Paul Web- er. Elected A. N. A. in 1873. Member of the Pennsylvania Academy. Sunset at Cape Ann Eize 25% 30 CLAYS (2. J.) Brussels Medal Exposition Universelle, 1867. Te- gion of Honor, 1875. Chevalier of the Or- der of Leopold. Medal, Exposition Univer- selle, 1878. Marine Size 21% x 28 135 BERNARD (L.) German Market Scene in Alexandria Size 16 x 22 BERNARD (L.) German Tropical Scene Size 16 x 20 137 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eng.) Brussels Medals: 1824, 1841, 1855. Legion of Hon- or, 1854. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria and Christ of Portu- gal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Shepherd and Sheep Etching Size 2134 x 27 % 138 GREUX (A.) French Hanking the Yarn Size 18 x 24 139 HAMILTON (Gavin) Scotch History painter. 1730-1797 The Holy Night Size 32 x 40 140 DE GRASSI (A.) Italian Medals: 1879, 1880. Gold Medal, Milan, 1881. A Jolly Time Size 22 x 30% 141 SEIFERT (Alfred) German Congratulations Size 12 x 20 BROWN (J. G.) American Studied at Newcastle on Tyne, then at Edinburgh Academy and in 1853 National Academy School. Elected A. N. A. in 1862 and N. A., 1863. The Oak Wreath mize / x 9 143 KENSETT (J. F.) American Landscape painter. Elected N. A. 1849. Professional life spent in New York. Landscape and Cattle Size 18 x 24 144 FIELD (R. T.) American Passing Summer Showers Size 12 x 14 145 FIELDS (RES) American Landscape Size 8 x 11 146 MORAN (Edward) American Pupil of James Hamilton and Paul Web- Elected Associate National Academy, 1873. Moonlight Size 9 x 14 147 SEMENOWSKY (E.) Italian Ideal Head Size 7 = (2 148 WILLIAMSON (Jno.) American Landscape painter. Associate National Academy, 1861. The Susquehanna River Size 17 x 23 149 WILLIAMSON (Jno.) American Landscape painter. Associate National Academy, 1861. Squam Lake Size 17 x 23 150 BUHLER (Zuber) American Innocence Size 15 x 18 151 DIAZ (N.) French Medals: 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Forest at Fountainbleu Size 13 x 16 152 MAAS (Dirk) Dutch Chickens Size 16x 18% 153 UNKNOWN Tropical Scene Size 16 x 28 154 FIELD Gy. TP) American Landscape Size 4x6 155 FIELD (R. T.) American Landscape Size 5 x 10 156 HUBER (Paul) Dutch Feeding Chickens Size 7 x9 157 UNKNOWN Landscape Size 64% x 7% 158 FIBLDS: CR. Ie) American Landscape Size 5.x 6 THIRD EVENING’S SALE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. Ist, 1912. AT 8 o'clock. 159 GARRANCI (A.) Italian Leisure Hours Size 24 x 30 160 BERRY (2. V2) American Landscape and Cattle Size 11 x 14 161 SALINGER (G.) German Village Belle Size 914 x 1134 162 NOTERMAN (E.) French Dogs and Cats Size 9 x 12 163 WARD (Edgar M.) American. In the Studio Size 15 x 18 164 LEHR (Adam) American Still Life Size 22 x 30 165 TOJELLLE CV.) American Studied at Paris under Gerome and Bou- gereau. First exhibited at National Acad- emy, *381 Spanish Coquette Size 12% x 16 166 RUBINS (Jules) Italian Liverpool by Moonlight Size 11] x-14 (167 HARNETT (Wm. H.) American Pupil of National Academy. Still Life Size 32 x 42 168 LIVINI (A.) German In the Tavern Size 12 x 19 169 HAAG (J.) German Happy Hours Size 1234 x 1534 170 LAVERENZE (G.) French The Little Housekeeper Size 12 x 17 171 SCHMALZIGANY (F.) Brussels Sheep Size 17 x 28 Liz OTTO (C.) German The Lovers Size 21 x 30 173 DE MAYA (Calla) European Social Glass Size / we SCOTT (Julian) American Historical and Genre painter. Exhibited at National Academy, 1870. Elected A. N. A., 1871. The Countersign a Size 37 x 44 LUCAS ADRIAN Flemich School Noah’s Ark Size 51 x 63 176 f BERCHEM (Nicholas) Dutch Landscape, Animal, History and Portrait painter. Pupil of Van Goyen, Moyaert de Grebber and Jan Wils. Landscape and Figures Size 18% x 43% 1779 i// MELROSE (Andrew) American Hawthornden House Size 16 x 24 178 BERGMAN (H.) German Wounded Bear Hunter Size 33 x 51 179 PERAULT (Victor) French The Unexpected Return Size 30 x 42 180 STEEN (Jan) Dutch Genre painter. Pupil of Nicholas Knup- fer and at the Hague of Jan Van ‘Goyen. Developed under the influence of Frans Hals and Adrian Von Ostade. Fete of St. Nicholas Size 13 x 15% 181 MURALLIS (E.) Spanish Card Playing Size 8% x 11 182 CURRAN (CC) American The Sentinel on Duty Size 8 x 16 183 HENRY (Francois) French Constantinople ( Size 27 x 56 184 \ SIEGEN (August) Brussels } Rotterdam Size 38 x 56 185 ZAUNEH CR. L.) A Society Belle Size 12-5116 186 DE MOYA (Culla) Italian The Sultan’s Favorite Size 10 x13 187 RUESTEL (A.) German The Toy Rabbit Size 35 x 45 188 » KLEEHAAS (Theo.) German A Pet Crow Size 26 x 32 189 MOORMANS (F. L. J.) Interior with Figures Size 211% x 36 190 PAREDIS In the Garden Size 19 x 23 191 ST. JOHN Gypsy Girl Size 16 x 21 192 JARDIN (Karel Du) 1625-1678 The Cardinal Size 16 x 23 French French French Italian 193 ANDRUSS (A.) English Eipping Forest and Deer Size 40 x 50 194 ROMBOUTS (Theo.) Flemish School History and Genre paintor. Master of Guild in Antwerp in 1625 and Dean in 1628, 1630. Slaughter of the Innocents Size 58 x 88 195 RUBENS (PF. P.) Flemish Studied at Antwerp with Tobias Verhaegt and Adam Van Noort and then with Otto Van Veen from 1596 to 1600. The Judgment of Solomon Size 43 x 46 196 PARMEGIANO Italian School Madonna and Child mize 19 = 23 197 CARRACCI (Anable) Bolognese School Holy Family mize-2 5) x 30 198 MOLA (Pietro Francesco) Bolognese School Pupil of Albani. Painted historical sub- jects and Landscapes. Death of Adonis mize 20 x G0 199 PALMA VECCHEO Venetian School Pupil of Titian. Holy Family Size 24 x 31 200 HARNETT (Wm. H.) American Still life painter. Pupil of National Academy, New York. Studied in Frank- fort and Munich, 1880 to 1884. Knight in Armor size 28 x. 36 201 VAN DER HOLST (Jan Bapliste German Approaching Storm Size 28 x 37 202 RENI GUIDO Bolognese School Pupil of Denis Calvart, afterwards of Carracci. Cleopatra Size 36 x 41 203 Si. jOHN French Our Pet Size 16 x 20 204 EVANS (J.) Landscape Sizé 22 x 2/ 205 MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) Spanish School Marriage of St. Catherine Size 38 x 48 206 WILLAERTS (Abraham) Dutch. es Portraits, Historical subjects and Marine Size 21 x 30 207 RUBENS (P. P.) Flemish Studied at Antwerp with Tobeis Verhaegt, Adam Van Noort and then with Otto Van Vein from 1596 to 1600. The Birth of the Virgin Size 25 x 33 208 DE BLISS (Hendrick) Flemish The Apothecary’s Shop Size 34 x 42 209 ROOS (Johann Henrich) German school Landscape and Animal painter. Landscape and Deer Size 15 x 18 210 MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) Spanish School Madonna Size 22 x 27 211 MOLA (Pietro Francesco) Bolognese School Pupil of Albani, painted historical subject and Landscapes. Joseph Maketh Himself Known to His Bretheren Unframed Size 36 x 56 242 JAMESONE (George) Scotch History, Portrait and Landscape painter. Pupil of Rubens and a fellow pupil of Van Dyck. St. Joseph, St. John and Christ Size 22 x 27 213 EGGEN (K.) Germam Norwegian Mountains Size 24 x 30 214 POTTER (Paul) Dutch Animal and Landscape painter. Studied under his father and Jacob de Weth. Landscape and Cattle Size 12 x 16% ZA9 PITTARA (C.) Italian The Young Shepherdess Size 14 x 23 216 MALDERELLI (Prof.) European The Lazaroona Size 6 x 9Y% ORTLEIB (F.) German The Dance at the Village Inn Size 30 x 38 218 TOJETII ev.) American Studied in Paris under Gerome and Boug- ereau. First exhibited in National Arcad- emy, 1881. Commerce Size 12 x 22 219 BEAUQUESNE (W. C.) French The Struggle for the Despatch Size 2514 x 32 220 PAULAN (J. G.) English Landscape Size 30 x 42 221 CORINE (N.) Italian Fruit Size 10 x 14 Len DAC (CV J.) German Fruit Size 14 x 17 223 ANDRUSS (A.) German Shells Size 10 x 14 224 MALI (Christian Frederick) German Studied in Munich, Dusseldorf and Paris. Gold Medal, London, 1876, Sheep Size 13 x 16 229 DUVIEUX French Evening in Venice Size 6 x 9% 226 GABRINA Italian The Morning Ride Size 9 x 11 Zor SALINGER (G.) _ German Swiss Beauty Size 6% x 9% 228 WEDENGENESS Dutch The Fish Peddler Size 6 x7 229 CAYULBEUT French Louis XIII. and Mile de la Valliere Size 6% x 10 230 BIELD: (Re i.) American Landscape Size 44% x 6 231 BORGOGNONE (Ambrogio) Italian 2 Battle Scene Size 7.x 9 232 SCOTT : Portrait of Von Humboldt Size 15 x 19 233 UNKNOWN Landscape Size 14 x 20 234 UNKNOWN Italian School Victory Size 31 x 55 235 UNKNOWN Italian School Ascension of the Virgin Size 29 x 33 236 UNKNOWN Italian School Feeding the Multitude Size 29 x 39 237 UNKNOWN The Deluge Size 34 x 44 238 UNKNOWN Italian Landscape Size 34 x 44 239 UNKNOWN Fruit Size 2514 x 31 240 UNKNOWN Fruit Size 20 x -or 241 UNKNOWN Italian School The Dead Christ Size 18 x 25 242 UNKNOWN Italian School The Hunt Size 41% x 61% 243 UNKNOWN Fruit Size 29 x 35 244 UNKNOWN Italian School Judith and Holofernes Size 47 x 64 re