LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co.| 14 East 57th St. New York CATALOGUE ‘Costly and Valuable Paintings . PROPERTY OF MR. DAVID ALEXANDER, OF BOSTON. THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE SOLD, WITHOUT. RESERVE, - On Monday and Tuesday Evenings, May 12th and I3th, | At 8 o’clock prompt, AT OUR PALLERIES, 845 & 847 BROADWAY, betw. 13th & 14th Sts. EXHIBITION NOW OPEN, DAY AND EVENING. OR TGTIES’ & CO. R. SOMERVILLE, - - - - Auctioneer. londay and - | May 42ana 19,1884, _ Honrer & Beacu, Printers, 31 West 13th St., New York. a, ‘ y j Aye Ranta ; nat | ESCOSURA .. 12 | ETIENNE . . . 46 ys | FRERE. aa IAZ,N. “ AUBIGNY. CoP i TOI, 54, Ito | PRE . 45, 82, 74 66 Rhen (F. K. M)). | New York. TWILIGHT ON THE MOSELLE. 20 x Ro: es De Beul (Frans). Pupil of Jacque. Brussels. SHEEP AT PASTURE. 20% 190, 13 Jacque (Charles Emile). Paris. First President of the French Society of Animal Painters. Born at Paris, 1813. For Designs, Medals, 1851, 1861, and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1367. Medal, 1866, E. U. For Paintings, Medals, 1861, 1863, and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. RETURN TO THE FOLD. 18 x 22. 19 Warz (E..). MOONLIGHT, VENICE. 13 X 22. 20 Campriani (A.). Medals : Rome and Naples. SUMMER IN ITALY. 21 Schleisch (R.). Pupil of his Father. Medals, 1878 and 1880. RIVER ISER, AT MUNICH. 22 Verhas (Franz). Medals in Paris and Brussels. THE FINISHING TOUCH. SAR 22, Paris. Rome, Munich. Brussels. GH ere en CR Nr ‘AS ae en itt ies ty} ut rs « wee Ns . cht . MI « . ” 5 ou ; th WN ee % “ he ’

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