i # = * ait ‘Gn is GENUINE ‘PICTURE: ee BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTOR! ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS, STAFFORD & FLORENCE GALLERIE &e. &e. &c. cea SOG Ut -ITALIAN, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS, COMPRISING THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE W. S. HEATON, a OF DONCASTER, Containing the WORKS of DOMENICHINO VAN UDEN DE WYTT CARACCI VANDERWERF MORLAND POUSSIN PRINS MARLOW R. DA TIVOLI BERCHEM TOWNE WYNANTS WOUVERMANS WRIGHT ZUCCHARELLI - OMEGANCK J. WILSON ‘-BARROCCIO SOLEMAKER HOWARD Also, a Whole-length Portrait of the lat DUKE OF YORK by Mr. Hosr A Coast Scene, J. Wilson; Scene from Tasso, Howard ; ENGRAVINGS after Rapnarn and others, DRAWING THE STAFFORD & FLORENCE GALLERIES, Xe SUPERBLY BOUND, | The Property of aGENTLEMAN. hich will be Solv by Auction by de te Alt the Gallery, /Vo. 54, Pan MALL, on TUESDAY, the 15th of APRIL, 1834, at Twerve 0 Clock. ie A ye V ened. go cena peo ios the Sale, me d at Me: are . FOS STER’s Off CONDITIONS OF SALE. ALQNLQOI-, First. .. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be imme- diately put up again and resold. Second .No person to advance less than 1s—above five pounds 5s—and so onin proportion. | Third «. The purchasers to give in THEIR NAMES 4ND PLACES OF ABODE, and to pay down £25. per cent. if required, in parl of payment of the purchase money. ee Ae Fourth- The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, without reference to the identity of subject or master, _ at the purchaser’s expence, within one day after the sale. Fifth ... As this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery, Sigth...Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, all lots ) Pe uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Seventh .But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots and by any neglect or evasion omit ‘paying for the same, such pur- chaser or purchasers shall pay five. per cent. interest on the amount) of the said purchase, from the day of sale, until the amount of the said bill shall be discharged, and also WAREHOUSE CHARGES OF ONE SHILLING PER wee for the occupation of every such lot as may not be cleared within the time aforesaid, or that may remain unsold. Lastly. , Every attention will be given to property entrusted for Sale, but if any Lots remain unsold or uncleared more than one day afte, each Sale, Messrs. Foster will not be responsible for them; nor in any case for damage by accident or fire. eb e 1 See Tie A CATALOGUE, &c. TUESDAY 168th day of APRIL, 1834, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. | Seventy-four Lots the Property of a Gientlonen. DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS, BRONZES, &c. LOT 1 Two engravings, the Chapeau de Paille, and the Birth of Venus 2 A pair of portraits, after Rigaud, and 2 others 3 Moses and the Daughter of Jethro, proof 4 Pair of portraits 5 A Series of three, after Raphael 6 Three coloured engravings, Mamelukes 7 Two, Lot and his Daughter, after Guercino, and the Artist’s Studio 8 Two, Adam and Eve, after Raphael, and Homer, after Gerard 9 Trial of Queen Caroline, after Stephanoff and Key 10 La Vierge au Donataire, after Raphael 11 A pair of Bacchanalians, after Poussin 12 A mahogany picture case, folding doors 13 Forty-seven prints various, and 1 drawing, in a portfolio 14 Highteen aquatint drawings, by Paul Sandby 15 A set of 4 chalk drawings, framed and glazed 16 A pair of drawings, Moonlight and Day Light Scenes, Vernet 17 A pair of antique bronzes, Satyrs 18 A pair of ditto 19 A Bust, in terra cotta, very fine, Rysback 20 A pair of china figures, Boar and Buffalo Hunt Jansens ies FAM IVILEE igiwsvnssceuses EI Ei TO Ee: es OR ie DOPE RIOM: i dteeenseesicess Ttalian D DLD 3 wccmatinensdiny EO Potts signs es tee 44 Storck... 25S e: 28 Spagnoletti ......0.-+. 29 Vander Meyev........ 30 Wallis Paris 1... 3V Van Helmont ........ 32 GEUZE . 1.000 sererersseee 33 Brauwe rr wiceccrceserere 34 Carlo Marratti .... 35 Tbbotson., annie. >: BG De Vlieger is. c isan: 37 CT IIOR ie oo. tote ngs sone 38 AuUCCharelli .....2...00 39 Ditto...... .. 40 ERO ROG esse ccees tery cre Al CF Rea eR 4 42 Tbb0tSON cece cevsveseree 4B Omeganck - 44 Barroccio sissiesedhs. A5 Ruy sdael .... ssssreoeee 46 P. Vandyck........+0+ AT Rowlandson and : A8 Morland G. Morland .......... AQ Modern -yaeeagee 50 Diilo.........0 camee 51 a A PICTURES. Portrait of a Lady The Guitar Player Landscape, Buildings and Figures Suttler’s Booth Ruth and Boaz Companion Nymphs and Satyr and Diana Sea piece, with numerous Vessels and Fi igures Portrait of a Nobleman Danae in the Golden Shower Landscape and Figures A Corps du Garde An Interior, with Figures An Interior The Virgin teaching the Infant Christ to read An Exterior and Figures Shipping Ditto Italian Landscape and Figures ; Companion Sea Piece; equal to Backhuysen Battle of Cavalry _ Landscape and Figures, a View from Nature A fine Landscape, Cattle, Boats and Figures The Nativity ; engraved Landscape and Figures, with a winding Road An Interior, with Two Figures ; highly finished fine specimen A Sea Beach ; the joint production of An Interior, with Figures Partridges A pak of Landscapes, with Game i. | Eee 52 FLAY MAN ....0002000.000 54 Solamaker...s.ccccoes soe 55 De Moné ........ ....... 56 MMe PPE. coos scerct.. 57 ale ie A pga 58 TE OTIGTOT cca nsoosvescee 59 A. Van Tongenn.... 60 Spagnoletti ......0.... 61 Parmegiano ..-.....04. 62 Se 63 DEMME = cdsahasectccseonnei OF Mier dveldb™:......,.... 65 Calabrese vs.1..... 66 go) 1) 67 Agnes Dolci........ 68 BCE a ssd5 ens cnn dane 69 Brauwer ....,...000.. 70 Dd Ce 71 Cappadoglio.......++.+. 72 SESS re 13 Spagnolett? wu... 74 9) View in Holland; highly finished Portrait of a Lady playing on the Hurdy Gurdy A small whole-length Portrait of a Gentleman Landscape and Cattle; speculative St. Catharine An Interior of a Cathedral Landscape, Hunting Party Christ journeying to Emaus Fruit and Flowers; highly finished—equal to Van Huysum St. Peter Virgin and Child, attended by Angels A Portrait of a Woman cutting Fish Portrait of the Prince of Ferrara in Armour Portrait of a Lady of Distinction, seated in an Arna Chair Virgin and Child Naval Engagement A Magdalen in Contemplation Dogs attacking Poultry; gallery size A pair of Exteriors and Figures View of the Bishop’s Palace Fish, and Fruit; a pair The Fortune Teller A Head Thirty-one Pictures, the property of the late W. 8S. Hzaron, Esq, FF CGE. ccsiceissevsese 75 — ANAELSON ......00.ee00000 76 Sir G. Kneller........ 717 (OS ae 78 of Doncaster. Landscape and Cattle A Sea View, a Calm Portrait of the Duke of Monmouth Landscape, Buildings and Figures Bregnel, ors scarves vers TEENIE, casey) sneenledongeed OO Cuylenber g .......0094) 81 DIY TICUR ii sini esed ena oere 82 TTS ORLE Pe aiiectoon> 83 Meta Accs. Be Wowurvermans — ....0+ 85 Vertangen .svierien 86 Palamedes .......1.0 87 Jan Steen... gees 88 DOO EE incre bet AY &9 Scalhen .jesnssovereegee sore 90 - Towne of Liverpool 91 aie isin Be 92 Rosa da Tivolli........ 93 Domenichino «0-0 94 Wright of Derby... 95 Otho Massius soeeeses Wa ants 0. sseeseesseee 97 Vanud en ....c..cceeesees 98 Vanderwe rf ..0.+.+.+00 99 BUSES SONG > snessess beens 100 SNEYETS — sesrereerererers 101 FRUD GIS & cpscssscoctecscves 102 Ferguson cs gates 79. 6 Landscape, Ruins and many Figures Temptation of Saint Anthony Venus and Adonis Dead Game, Fruit and Vegetables Upright ‘Landscape, Ruins and Figures Interior with Figures in conversation | Landscape and Figures, with Horses watering — Ghrist and the Woman at the Well, with the Disciples in the distance A Battle on a Bridge, very spirited -A large Interior, representing a Musical Party, full of character Companion to, the “ey ; both these are engraved. Interior by Candlelight Landscape, in which is a Child with her Newfound- land Dog, fine. Exterior, with Children singing and playing « on ae: ferent Instruments . The Angel appearing to the Shepherds The Communion. of Saint Jerome, in fine preservation with massive frame The. Anchor. Forge, engraved Reptiles sheltering themselves under Thistles—from the Truckcession Gallery A pleasing Landscape and Figures Landscape and Figures, clear and transparent Venus at the Tomb of Adonis, with Cherubs Landscape and Figures A large gallery picture of Fruit and Flowers—his name on it . es A Magdalen at. her Dewees with Cherubs being the Cross... ) aa (ualh aie Dead Pigeons, highly haphet ; ‘SY <5 hee it | : WALSON 1.01 vesseere vessoeee LOA Carlo Marattt ........ 105 106 107 PROUUOY -vicsncyssrenees 107* J. Wilson... v0 saveecee 108 Mona .ercseeesesooeee 109 BEE esos sess sovtcens 110 Al, Howard ............ 111 A. Nasmyth.....0. 112 Cannalett?.... ....0000 113 P. da Cortona....... 114 Debeger V6.0 608s.. 115 COEACCE = 00.0005. 808 116 Smith of Chichester117 PA COLLENS.......000008 118 G. Poussin v..ccccsees 119 PG OLE 7.0. ccossenoves .120 Gainsborough ........ 121 Backhuysen.........0+ 122 Modern wrvrrere seravservere 120 124 Mier is ..cs.e.ssossees ase 25 Moder niise seroseereeee 000.20 Lippi rs. ieee @ POMMOGHE — 0v.00cesesee.0e 128 Rothenhamer ........129 7 A Sea View, with Ruins on a Rock, and Smugglers hauling the Boat on Shore The Holy Family crossing a Brook, with Cherubs in attendance The Stafford Gallery, good impressions, superbly bound in red morocco, 4 vol. bound in 2 The Florence Gallery, excellent impressions, in 4 folio volumes, elegantly bound en su-te with the above A whole length Portrait of the late Duke of York Dutch Indiamen in a Fog, exhibited in 1831 A Shipping Piece View in Derbyshire Ubald and the Syrens, from Tasso Woody Scene with Figures View in Venice Bacchanalians Three, Young Pigeons and Dead Rabbit Magdalen, in a Landscape Landscape and Figures, an excellent specimen Smugglers: Engaging Italian Landscape with Waterfall Landscape and Figures Rural Courtship A Sea piece British Scenery Death of Lucretia Portrait of an Officer Landscape and Figures Herodias St. Cecilia The Annunciation Boucher serorerssseevees 130 ROR ERE 55. sisanen sens 131 Rombout & Momers182 LTE LORY Oe ape ine 133 Py naker cvsseeeccessoee 134 De Koningh _........ 135 COLE giO sessservsseerees 136 Moderna... .s.....0.0000- 137 F. Mola .138 Schidone .........0.00000 139 Mole ABBA. sti dbis 140 Metzu LAL 142 R. WILSON .iseeveeees 143 Be Brun ......s.c.0.00 144 UST OUSE ,.2svoovsco-nooeonee 145 146 Swaneveldt ........+0 147 Ruysdael ......+0000.+ 148 sc a ee) Ae 149 Spagnoletto .........+. 150 151 152 8 Three—Exterior, and companion, J. Miel, and Girl holding a Bouquet R often) Landscape and Figures, C. Laverne, cua Fruit Girl Ditto, Vander Bent, and an upright ditto St. John, Boban and a Landscape and Figures. Landscape by Moon-light ; a curious specimen Landscape with River View, Boats and Figures The Ascension of Christ Landscape and Figures Landscape and Figures A Magdalen iol Two, River Scene, and Warm Guba and Figure Portrait of a Young Lady, a cabinet specimen, highly finished | A Calm, Vandevelde, and a Magdalen lyinvagokl An dtalian Landscape | vy A Magdalen, and a Battle piece Boy playing a Flute at Portrait of a Horse, Stubbs, and Holy. Hamat Landscape with Ship in the distance. 44 1) Landscape and Figures \ Two, a Bull Hunt and 1 other : ‘1 Three, Dead Birds, Landscape, and papas a Three carved frames. | int Six ditto FINIS. 1834 Apr.15 LoFoH c.1 E. Foster/Genuine pictures of the 97-P1872 3 3125 01188 1528 as aw vie pe Cu ee on “4 a oh ¥ we lane BS hw Pad nF . 2 irate Soe tot awe eden ts + “asst. ~— : m9 * * bs 3s ome te are eae ae de htt ied ries a rs —s ee = 7 ae = >. ao ees