ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM FRIDAY, JANUARY 23rp, 1920 UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE THE S. S. ROSENSTAMM COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ORNAMENT AND UTILITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS | ON THE AFTERNOONS OF TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 271TH AND 28TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.30 O’CLOCK fe | Sal Zz # ‘ # : y ¢ wr zy Oty ) i a r 5 ae f ¥ y bo pay ae i Aik mle’ ee Pa r, ~ _ ‘ TTAIIOR¢A TAA AAD PY LEU LRA LED CATALOGUE OF ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS ew UhPoBO TITLES, CARVED JADEs, ROCK CRYSTAL OLD AND MODERN SILVER, BRASSES, PEWTER, TABLE GLASSWARE AND CHINA, CABINETS, STEINWAY GRAND PIANO AND OTHER OBJECTS BELONGING TO THE. ESTATE OF THE LATE S. S. ROSENSTAMM OF NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS eee ELE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY Mier tbiOMAS ha KIRBY: AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE, | OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1920 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION) om TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY e - Sal * i i . : ¥ ; i | y ‘ ~ ri ‘ } at a teas < +. Be uke yo & 4 h *, ’ t » & " 4 { : ‘e ‘ “ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. ‘Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘fas is”? and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may cither sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. e ® ® e e e e e ® e e e e ® a e e e e @ e@ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ® e ° ® e e e e e e @ e md THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Collection of the Late S. S. ROSENSTAMM Afternoons of January 27 and 28, 1920 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name Address in Full Amount of Deposit FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK SNUFF BOTTLES IN JADE, PORCELAIN, GLASS, CRYS:- TAL, AGATE, LACQUER, IVORY, TURQUOISE, LAPIS-LAZULI AND OTHER SUBSTANCES 1—Two Snurr BoTtTLes Flask-shape in gray soapstone, carved with a gourd; plum-shape in grayish jade, unadorned. 2—Twin SNUFF BOTTLES Chinese white porcelain, painted in enamels and in under- glaze rouge-de-fer with a rooster and hen and chickens in a formal garden. 3—PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Ch’ien-Lung Square, enameled in black on which a floral scroll is traced in green, punctuated by blossoms in aubergine. On obverse and reverse, leaf medallions reserved in white and painted with birds and flowers in enamel colors. Six- character mark of the reign. 4—ImpERIAL GLAss SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape. Painted in rich color on the inner side with an imposing figure augustly raising a wine cup; signed. Also on the inner side, an inscription entitled and signed involv- ing forty characters in calligraphic writing finely executed. First Afternoon a o—ComposiTE SNuFF BoTTLe Globular jar shaped, flattened some- what. With gilt bronze foot and lip, and stopper, the body is decorated with cloisonné enameling; on _ the two faces with a phoenix and a but- terfly within enameled medallions, and elsewhere with a chrysanthemum scroll laid within a ground of aventurine. 6—YELLOW AMBER SNUFF BoTTLE Bi-convex with edges and shoulder 5 flattened. Clouded and showing a softened lustre. 7—Two Snurr BotTtTLes A chocolate-colored oviform nut mounted in silver and hav- ing silver stopper; and a wooden oviform bottle carved on all sides with sages in a forest retreat. 8—TuRQUOISE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened flask shape, carved in the turquoise matrix, which is finely veined in black. 9—G.Lass JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened oviform, beautifully marked in light emerald tones; in imitation of fei-ts’ui jade; soft polish. 10—AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened globular form, carved in low relief with the phoenix and peony. 1]—Guass SnuFrFr BOTTLE Flask shape; colorless ground, with bas-relief carvings of flowers and butterflies in polychrome. 12—CameEo Guass SnuFF BOTTLE Oviform, with dark vermilion reliefs of incense burners and vases on an azure ground. First Afternoon 13—CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Ovate, with relief carvings of im- mortals under pine trees and crossing the waves, in wine color on a ground “frosted” with minute interior air bubbles. 14—-Two Snurr BottLes Cameo-glass, one pear-shaped, one flask-shaped, with ruby pan- els, in the one case on a trans- parent colorless ground, in the other on a flaked or bubbled eround. 13 15—GiL_t BronzE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened oviform; unadorned. 16—G1ass Snurr BOTTLE Flattened oviform; transparent glass of rich purple-blue, unadorned. 17—AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE Pear shaped; clouded yellow amber with soft polish; unem- bellished. 18—LaPIs-LAZULI SNUFF BOTTLE Tapering flask shaped with bright polish; handsome mot- tling, the blue of rich quality. 19—Two Snurr BoTTLes One flask shape in gray jade-stone undecorated, the other melon shaped in carnelian agate carved with vine stem and leaves in relief. 20—SMOKE-CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, carved in low relief with magnified daisies or wild chrysanthemums. First Afternoon 21—WuitE JADE SnuFF BoTTLe Flattened globular-jar form. Both faces carved with multiple Shou characters in delicate relief. Car- nelian-set silver stopper with horn spoon. 22—-EBoONY-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Carved in the form of the human hand as held by a Buddhist priest in praying attitude, and incised with seal characters. Zi 23—LAPIS-LAZULI SNUFF BOTTLE Carved as a vase, surrounded by squirrels and a grape- vine with fruit, in high relief and undercutting. 24—-PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape; lapis-blue enamel glaze, with sunken panels reserved in white and painted in polychrome with land- scape and a figure walking. 25—AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE Globular jar-shaped; dark brown opaque amber, carved in relief with Fu-lions and the brocaded ball, and on a patch of light amber with a bat on the wing. 26—G.Lass SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoid. Made in imitation of fei-ts’ui jade, wholly in the emerald green with faintest vaporous cloudings; bright surface. 27—ComPOSITION SNUFF BoTTLE Flattened oviform; marbleized or conglomerate effect in dark and rich onyx tones. 28—DeEcoraTED Giass SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal, with butterflies and growing flowers in polychrome enamels on an opaque milk-white ground of soft lustre. First Afternoon 29—Pink Cora SNUFF BOTTLE Bulbous flask shape; high relief carvings all around, picturing happy boys at play under a plum tree in blossom, a smiling female figure carrying a vase, and a horse and a lion under a pine tree. 30—Japre Snurr BoTTLe Flask shape. Translucent white jade with bas-reliefs of monkeys and a peach tree. In legend, monkeys are sent to gather the peaches of immortality for the god of longevity. 29 31—Japre SnurFr Bottie Translucent mutton-fat jade carved in double-gourd form, with soft polish. 32—POoORCELAIN SNUFF BoTTLE Flattened globular-jar form; variegated glaze, with mot- tlings of fresh moss-green and bright yellow on a ground of pale aubergine. 33—AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened flask shape. Obverse, Li Po with his wine gourd, asleep under a pine tree, carved in low relief; reverse, swimming fishes. 34—Moss-aGaATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape. Richly mottled, in amber, gray and brown, with the major areas wearing the aspect of imprisoned green moss; bright polish. 309—CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Oviform. Relief decoration in two oval panels of pale cherry color, one enclosing a lotus pond, the other an inscription in seal writing. Height, 3 inches First Afternoon 36 37 36—CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE Globular jar form. Decoration of four boys in gardens, two holding lotus flowers, one using mortar and pestle. 37—Ivory SNuFF BoTTLE AND STOPPER Large flask form. Masterly carvings of a lady carrying a lute under a blossoming tree, a phcenix on a branch of a pomegranate tree in bearing, both in cavo-rilievo on a ground of incised floral trellis, and bat-wing scrolls on a ground of incised waves. Height, 3% inches 38—JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Globular jar shape. Pure white jade smoothly polished, with a soft lustre, and showing delicate carvings of a plum tree and the sacred fungus, in palpable relief. 39—Two Snurr BotTtTLes One cylindrical, in pink coral, carved with playful boys and symbolic bats, in relief; the other oviform, in porce- lain, with a decoration in reticulate relief picturing dragons after the whirling jewel among clouds, the whole in a monochrome glaze of lapis-blue enamel. Height of porcelain bottle, 3 inches First Afternoon een nnn nn nner SSS 40—BiLuE ano WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BoTTLE Yung Chéng Painted in brilliant sapphire-blue on a ground of soft white with a tragic domestic (theatrical) scene, in which a man in a pavilion who seems to have been hidden in a box or evoked by magic on a cloud of smoke emerges with raised sword. 40 40sa—BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE Painted in two tones of blue with imperial dragons emerg- ing from the sea and in the clouds, on a cream-white ground with café-au-lait crackle. 41—Pink CorAL SNUFF BOTTLE AND STOPPER Pear-shape. Bold relief carvings of a Fu-lion with the bro- caded ball and a cup, and a scroll bearing an incised inscription. 42—Ivory SnuFF BoTTLE Inverted pear shape; decoration, catfish and other fishes among aquatic plants, delicately engraved and pointed in India ink. Height, 3 inches 43—CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE Inverted pear shape; carved with sages among mountain forests, in relief on an incised fret ground. First Afternoon 44—DECORATED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Yung Chéng Cylindrical. Nine imperial dragons on and in the sea and among the clouds are painted in deep peach-red, the sea and the clouds in blue, on a brilliant soft white ground. Mark, the seal of the reign in un- derglaze-blue. Height, 3% inches 45—JADE SNUFF BoTTLE Pilgrim-bottle form; white jade with gray and brown areas, carved with magnolia tree and fungus designs in delicate relief. 46—Grass SNUFF BoTTLe 44 Flask shape. Interior paintings in color, on one face boys at play, on the other a river and a moun- tain landscape; on the exterior, bats and panel-framing in vermilion relief. 47—BLANC-DE-CHINE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal, with the Eighteen Arhats in bold relief, two of them mounted on kylins. 48—CLOISONNE ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE AND STOPPER Ovoid, the stopper hat-shaped; two metal monster-head handles at shoulder. Decoration, two polychrome medal- lions in Indian lotus motive, within a foliar scroll, on a turquoise-blue ground. 49—PoORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Chia Ching Ovoidal, decorated with nine Fu-lions and the brocaded ball in colors of the rose-verte family, in super-relief on a white reticulate ground itself in relief. First Afternoon 50—AMBER SNUFF BoTTLE In form a bottle of inverted pear shaped body with shoulders tapering in gentle concave curve into a short and slender neck. Yellow amber with a varied clouding and touched with red. Bril- lant polish. Height, 3% inches 91—Buack CrysTaL SNUFF BoTTLE Heavy flask shape, carved in relief with a solitary bird in a plum tree, and on the reverse with a bamboo tree. 92—Moss-acaTE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, with bright polish; varie- gated in hue, with moss-green amongst grays and browns. = 53—WHITE JADE Snurr BoTTLe witH FEI-Ts’Ul STOPPER Quadrilateral, on low foot; engraved with flora and ideo- graphs in low relief, the characters being the shuang hsi or “double joy” symbol, inscribed on bridal presents. 54—Ivory Snurr BoTTLe Ovoid-jar shape. All-around carving in cavo-rilievo, pre- senting the figures of the eight Taoist immortals in their mountain retreat. Warm and fine reddish-brown patina. 59—AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Bulbous flask shape. Translucent fog-gray agate, with the figures of two horses carved in bold relief in a layer of ivory-white on the obverse. First Afternoon 56—AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, with mottled coloring in the deep green of moss in dark woodlands, reddish-brown and kindred hues, and softly brilliant polish. 97—CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE Inverted pear shape, carved with figures of sages in grottos in cavo-rilievo. Height, 3 inches 58—lIvory Snurr BoTTLe Flask shape, carved in delicate relief with a standing and a seated figure on garden terraces, on an incised fret ground. 59—QuarRTz SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoid, with luminous polish; a brownish-smoky hue with purplish trend. Silver stopper. 60—Pair PoRcELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES Cylindrical. _ Famille-verte decoration of four-clawed dragons on a ground of incised waves. Height, 3 inches 61—WuiteE JADE SNUFF BoTTLE Carved as a lotus bud, the overlapping petals incised. 62—PoRCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE K’ang-hsi Cylindrical. Decoration, an imperial dragon in peach-red above a blue sea, on a brilliant white ground. Underneath foot a seated tiger in underglaze blue. ; Height, 3% inches 63—-Two AGATE SNUFF BOTTLES One flask-shape, with an elephant, a lion and archaic dragons carved in relief; the other ovoid and unornamented, save in its own finely defined wavy striations of varied coloring. 64—PorRCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Oviform. Rich, deep and dark purplish-brown glaze, penciled in gold with a dragon among the clouds. First Afternoon 65—FEI-Ts’UI JADE SNUFF BOTTLE AND STOPPER Ovoid, with softly brilliant polish, and varied mottling; no carved or- namentation. 66—CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Ovate, with ducks and a lotus pond in ruby relief. 67—CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened bottle-form, with sages in groves carved in relief in ver- milion on yellow and_ black grounds. Height, 3% inches 68—WHITE JADE SNUFF JAR AND STOPPER Quadrilateral, contracting toward the foot, with corners indented and flat shoulder; hat-shaped stopper with ivory spoon. All four sides finely engraved with figures. 69—Ivory SNUFF BOTTLE AND STOPPER Ovoid-jar form, embellished with human figures, horses and an ass, with pavilions and gardens, carved by incision and in high relief and painted in polychrome; chrysanthemum stopper. 70—SMOKE CRYSTAL SNUFF JAR Hexagonal. Incised and relief decoration of bats, a butter- fly and flowers. 71—AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape. Grayish clouded translucent agate, with a camel, a tiger and symbols carved in relief in a layer of rich sugary-brown. First Afternoon 72—Two SnuFF BoTtTLes Agate; one pear shape, with a crab and lotus-leaf in relief in a layer of carnelian, the other flask shape with a melon and butterfly in relief. 73—Rock CrYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Large flask shape; carved with monster-head masks and deep pendent rings at the shoulders, in delicate relief. 74—-AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened bottle-form. Yellow opaque amber with hand- some cloudings, brilliantly polished and without decora- tion. Height, 3% inches 75—WHITE JADE SNUFF JAR Quadrilateral flask shape, with stepped shoulders and base. Obverse carved with Shou-lao and attendant under a pine tree, reverse with the god’s emblem the spotted stag, recumbent, all in delicate relief. 76—BLue AND WHITE PoRCELAIN SNUFF BoTTLE Yung Chéng Oviform with flaring foot. Brilliant sapphire-blue deco- ration of two figures in a garden, on a creamy-white ground. Height, 3% inches 77—BLvuE AND WHITE PorcELAIN SNUFF BoTTLE Clien-lung Bulbous flask shape, with a decoration of landscape and figures in sapphire-blue and a delicate wash on a ground of soft white. Porcelain stopper to match. 78—CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Inverted pear-shape, with gold lip. From a palace in the clouds a stork, courier of the immortals, bears a scroll above a turbulent sea from which a dragon emerges, all in relief in deep lapis-blue on a brilliant milk-white ground. Height, 3% inches First Afternoon 79—WHITE JADE HANGING SNUFF JAR AND STOPPER Ovoid and flattened, with edges sharp; low spreading foot. A cord passes through loops on the sides of the underbody and other loops at the lip, with corresponding loops on the cover, for suspension at the girdle. 80—-PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Chia Ching Ovoidal. Two dragons pursue the pearl of omnipotence, in relief on a reticulated ground, the whole in a monochrome coral-pink glaze. (Slightly chipped.) Height, 3 inches 81—CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE AND STOPPER Inverted pear shape, decorated with sages under trees, in relief on an incised ground. Height, 3 inches 82—PoRCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung Oviform, with a polychrome decoration of a three-clawed dragon and a pheenix, in relief on a reticulated ground of conventional clouds. 83—AcaTE SnuFF BoTTLe Flask shape, carved in low relief with a boy on a buffalo approaching the home of a hermit. 84—WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Globular jar form, flattened. Both faces finely carved with leaning plum trees in blossom, in delicate relief. 85—Ivory SNUFF BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung Vase form, with lotus borders at foot and shoulder, and a short neck with molded lip. The entire body given to a decoration in cavo-rilievo and undercutting, picturing a crowned immortal attended by a boy and a stork, before a pavilion, and two beautiful ladies carrying a fan and a lotus blossom, the whole painted in polychrome. Incised seal mark of Ch’ien-lung. First Afternoon 86—CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE Pilgrim-bottle form, with two monster-head handles at shoulder, bronzed. Medallions of figures in relief in gardens, on an incised fret ground. 87—WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Ornate flask form, the sides slightly incurvate, with monster- head mask and ring handles in light relief at the shoulders. 88—Rock AMBER SNUFF JAR Large flask shape. Opaque yellow-brown amber with dark brown patches. All-around relief decoration, including two monster-head handles, the other carvings showing a man fishing, a farmer crossing a bridge, a mandarin read- ing and a boy with a hoe. Height, 3% inches 89—AcaTE SNUFF BOTTLE Bulbous flask shape; semi-translucent agate of soft gray- ish tone, brilliantly polished and without adornment. First Afternoon 90—PoRCcELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Chia Ch’ing Oviform. On a white ground of serried waves, the Eight Immortals in polychrome relief, borne toward the palace of the Taoist paradise. 91—SmokE CrysTAaL SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened flask shape, with low relief carvings of plum, pine and bamboo trees. 92—-CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Pilgrim-bottle form, with fabulous beasts carved in ruby relief on a ground whitened by minute internal air bub- bles. Height, 3% inches 93—Ivory SNUFF JAR Cl’ien-lung Elongated flask shape. Masterly carvings in bold relief, on one face a lady seated on her balcony, with bamboo shade raised revealing a mountain landscape, and on the other a lady standing on a balconied terrace, holding a fan and a fly whisk and surrounded by lotus plants in bloom. On the sides chrysanthemum scrolls, and on foot, shoulder and neck various borders. Incised seal mark of Ch’ien-lung. Height, 3% inches First Afternoon 94—LarcE CrystaL Guiass SNUFF JAR Cl’ien-lung Ovoidal, with carved foot and shoulder and two monster- head and ring handles. Interior figure paintings in poly- chrome, on one face a Court scene and on the opposite face a landscape with a man and boy under a pine tree. Under the foot are incised characters in the form of a seal. Height, 5 inches 95—Moss-aAGATE SNUFF JAR Heavy flask form; wonderfully marked in greens, browns and yellow, with touches of white and red. Undecorated. Height, 3% inches 96—BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF JAR Chien-lung Pilgrim-bottle form, with two relief handles on the sides. Body penciled in blue with a highly conventional lotus scroll, and on each face a circular panel reserved in white reveals the “rice-grain” pattern in translucent glaze (the paste excised), enclosing a Shou medallion in blue. (Foot slightly chipped. ) Height, 3% inches First Afternoon 97—LAPIS-LAZULI SNUFF JAR AND STOPPER Ovoidal, expanding from a delicate foot; dome cover with blossom finial. On one face a lady carrying a jar, followed by a boy attendant, and on the other a boy riding a buffalo followed by a bearded man on foot, all in relief. Height, 3% inches 98— Ivory Snurr JAR Ovoid, with profuse ornamentation in relief, representing altogether nine figures, under a pine tree, crossing a bridge, standing beside a waterfall, and looking out from a pavilion. Tinted in polychrome and touched with gold. Height, 3 inches 99—AMBER SNUFF JAR Bulbous flask form. Translucent red-brown amber brightly polished, with animal-mask and ring shoulder handles in low relief. Height, 3% inches DUTCH AND OTHER SILVER 100—Two DutcH SILver Toys One modeled as a Violin, repoussé with dancing Nymphs and scrolls, one as a Tankard, repoussé with scrolls. 101—Two Dutcu Sitver Toys One modeled as an ox-cart with yoke of oxen, one as a Roman Chariot drawn by three horses. 102—Two Dutcu Sitver Toys Both modeled as children in swings, one with pent roof, one with tree branch surmounted by a bird. 103—Two DutcH Sttver Toys One modeled as a four-wheeled chariot, with horse driven by an Amorino, one as a Cock-fight with peasant brandish- ing a stick. 104—Dutcu Sitver Toy AnD VASE Toy modeled as a Chariot body repoussé with scrolls, and stag driven by an Amorino, vase with spherical body and cylindrical neck, repoussé with flutings and scrolls. Height of vase, 4 inches First Afternoon 105—Dutcu Sitver Toy Modeled as a brick well head; with scrolled arch sur- mounted by a bird, bucket and pulley and figure of a nude Putto at side. On rectangular base repoussé with stones. Height, 4 inches 106—DutcuH Sittver Toy Modeled as a settee in the Louis XV style, with pierced scrolled back and seat repoussés with scrolls and circular medallion. Height, 3 inches 107—Two DutcH Sitver Toys Modeled as a settee and chair in the Louis XV style. Backs pierced and repoussés with scrolls, seats repoussés with scrollings. Length of settee, 2°4 inches 108—DutcuH SILVER ScENT BOTTLE AND STATUETTE Scent bottle modeled as a baby in swaddling clothes with head hinged to form cover. Statuette modeled as the standing figure of a saddled donkey. 110—DutcH SILveR VINAIGRETTE AND Box oF THE I8TH CENTURY Shell shaped vinaigrette with hinged outer and pierced in- ner lid. Vase shaped box with hinged lid and crown finial. 111—Dutcu Sitver Box Shaped as a fan, with hinged lid repoussé with two seated figures in 18th century costumes the sides repoussés with scrolls. Interior gilt. 112—DutcuH SILVER ScEeNT BOTTLE Modeled as a standing cup with straight sided bowl re- poussé with rococo scrolls, spirally twisted stem, circular molded foot, quatrefoil rim and domed cover with remov- able cap and chain. Height, 5 inches 113—Dutcu Sitver MatcH SAFE Modeled as the figure of a youth in 16th century costume, with a bottle in one hand, a stick in the other and a pack, forming the match safe, on his back. Height, 3% inches First Afternoon 114—DutcuH SItver Box Pouch shaped, with hinged lid repoussé with scrolled panel enclosing subject of Alexander and the wife of Darius, sides repoussés with scrolled panels of trophies and figure subjects. Interior gilt. Length, 3% inches 115—DutcwH SILverR VASE Pear shaped body, incurved cylindrical neck and scalloped rim. Repoussé with scrolls, flutings and floral sprays. Height, 4% inches 116—S1x DutcuH SILVER TEA-SPOONS Oval and shovel shaped bowls, two modedel as shells. Four handles pierced and modeled with figures of bears, caryatids and escutcheons, two modeled with figures of Putti. 117—DutcuH SILver Cappy SPOON Pointed bowl repoussé with figure of a man on horseback and with gauffered edge. Handle modeled with scrolled escutcheon and seated nude figure. Length, 514 inches 118—HANOVERIAN SILVER SPOON OF THE 18TH CENTURY Oval plain bowl, straight banded and scrolled handle and top modeled as a rearing horse. Length, 7 inches 119—Dutcu Sitver Spoon Oval plain bowl, handle pierced and modeled with twisted scroll, and top modeled as a group of greyhounds. Length, 7 inches 120—DutcH SILVER SPOON Oval plain bowl, handle pierced and modeled with twisted scrolls, top pierced and modeled as the figure of a musician seated on a bench with his hat at his side. Length, 8 inches 121—-DutcH SILVER HANDLED JEWISH CIRCUMCISION KNIFE Octagonal tapering handle engraved with inscription in Hebrew characters and set with cabochon cut stones. Steel blade. In original leather case. Length, 6 inches First Afternoon 122—Dutcu Sittver Rouce Houper anp Two Cups Trefoil shaped rouge holder on ball feet engraved on one side with group of Solomon and the two women, on the other with an inscription in Hebrew characters and with stopper and carrying chain; cups with incurved side en- graved with inscriptions in Hebrew characters. Height of rouge holder, 3 inches; of cups, 2 inches 123—-ENGLISH SILVER CicaR AsH Bowls Coupe shaped, with sides decorated with engine turning, and tops with revolving corners. Birmingham Hall Mark. Height, 2 inches 124—-TH REE CORKSCREWS Handles of deers’ horns, screws of steel. One with silver mounts engraved with monogram. 125—THREE SILVER SKEWERS AND Two ForKs Plain skewers with ring handles. Forks with scrolled tines and pointed handles. Forks with Birmingham Hall Mark. Lengths, 7% and 4% inches 126—SiLver Bonson Toncs AND SuGAR SIFTER Tongs with five tines and scrolled handles. Sifter with pierced bowl and scrolled handle. Height, 5 inches 127—OnE SILVER AND ONE SILVER-PLATED Bon-Bon DiIsH Heart shaped silver dish with pierced and scrolled border, engraved with monogram. Quatrefoil silver-plated dish with pierced and scrolled sides. Length, 4% inches; diameter, 5 inches 128—Two Sitver Trays One rectangular, one circular. Both with molded and scroll decorated edges and engraved with monograms. Sizes, 4 inches square; diameter, 6 inches 129—SILVER AND Guiass Bon-son DisH Rectangular shape with pierced scrolled sides and flat bale handle, fitted with two green glass liners. Birmingham Hall Mark. Height, 3% inches; length, 6% inches First Afternoon 130—SetT oF Four SttveR PEPPER AND SALT CRUETS Twin cylindrical holders, repoussés with a floral pattern and with looped carying handles molded with scrolls and flowers. Cut glass bottles with pierced silver tops. 131—SILvER ASPARAGUS SERVER Pierced shovel-shaped blade and rectangular handle with scrolled edges. Length, 8% inches 132—SetT oF TWELVE SILVER BUTTER PLATES Circular shape with beaded and floral edges. Engraved with monogram. Diameter, 2°4 inches 133—SeET oF TWELVE SILVER SMALL PLATES Circular shape with flat rims and beaded edges. Engraved with monograms. Diameter, 6 inches 134—Set oF TWELVE SILVER BovuILLoN Cups, CoveRS AND STANDS Straight incurved sided bowls with flat edges decorated, in relief, with floral festoons and with scrolled edges. Looped and scrolled handles, domed covers with pointed leaf finials. Saucer shaped stands with flat rims decorated, in relief, with floral festoons and with scrolled edges. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 6% inches 135—Set oF TWELVE SILVER PLATES Octagonal shape with carved rims repoussés with scrolls, floral sprays and festoons of flowers and with scrolled edges. Centres engraved with monograms. Diameter, 8% inches 136—SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE Hexagonal pear shaped bodies, pinnacle covers with turned finials, looped handles, hexagonal feet and carved spouts. Flat chased in a pattern of strapwork, scrolls, vases of flowers, festoons of flowers and floral sprays and with reeded rims. Set consists of hot water kettle, coffee pot, tea pot, sucrier, cream ewer and waste bowl. First Afternoon 137—Set or Four SILver CANDLESTICKS Baluster shaped stems, fluted and decorated with festoons and scrolls, vase-shaped, scrolled candlesockets and cir- cular bobéches repoussés with floral sprays and _ with scrolled edges, circular molded feet repoussés with scrolls and festoons of flowers. Fitted with candle cases and printed shades with glass bead fringes. Height, 8% inches 138—SILVER FLOWER BowL Boat shaped with pierced rococo edges, looped scrolled handles and pierced voluted feet. Sides repoussés with scrolled panels of Amorini playing with a goat, and with flowers and scrolls. Height, 6 inches; length, 13% inches 139—Pair oF SILVER FRUIT CoMPOTES Tazza shaped bodies with pierced and scrolled rims repoussés with scrolled panels of flowers, incurved stems, and circular molded feet with edges pierced in scrolls and decorated with flowers and leaves. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 13 inches 140—SItver Puncu Bow. Coupe shaped bowl repoussé with rococo shells and scrolled acanthus and serrated leaves, incurved neck, reamed scal- loped rim decorated with shells and rococo scrolls and cir- cular, molded and scalloped foot decorated with shells and rococo scrolls. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 14 inches 141—SILVER AND Gass TRAY Oval shaped with silver gallery edge pierced in an arcaded pattern, straight bar looped handles, ball feet and plate glass bottom cut with a star in the centre. Glass cracked. Length, 23 inches; width, 16 inches 142—SILverR TRAY Rectangular shape with rounded angles, flat rim, molded edge and projecting looped handles. Centre engraved with panels of scrollings and festoons of flowers and with a circu- lar medallion occupied by an engraved monogram. Rim flatchased with intertwined scrolls. Length, 29 inches; width, 20% inches First Afternoon 143—Sitver Rose Bow. Coupe shaped bowl, reamed scalloped rim repoussé with scrolls and festoons of flowers and with scrolled edge, in- curved stem and circular molded foot repoussé with scrolls and festoons of flowers and with scrolled edge. Fitted with gilt pierced basket and trellised wire cover. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 17 inches 144—Set oF Sitver Fiat Ware oF 279 PIEcEsS Spoons with round and oval bowls, forks with four tines. Shaped handles decorated with raised sprays of vases and leaves and with scrolled edges. In rectangular oak box mounted with brass. Set consists of seventy-two spoons, one hundred and eight forks, eighty-nine knives, carving set of three pieces, game carving set of three pieces, fish slice, sugar sifter, gravy ladle, and soup ladle. TABLE CHINA AND GLASSWARE 145—Set oF TWELVE SILVER AND GLass WINE GLASSES Straight sided bowls, pierced and repoussés with scrolls, medallions and figures of Putti, hexagonal stems, and circu- lar feet repoussés with scrolls and scrolled diapers. Fitted with engraved glass liners, one glass liner missing. Height, 4 inches 146—SILVER SET OF SIXTEEN PIECES Six large tumblers, six small tumblers, three bottle holders and ice bowl. Cylindrical shape with rims pierced in an arcaded pattern, molded bases. Ice bowl with looped handle and ball feet. Engraved with monograms and fitted with glasses. Two glasses missing. Heights, 6, 54%, 514, 444, 3°4, and 2 inches 147—SeET OF SEVENTEEN Cut Giass RoEMERS Tapering bowls of green glass, cut tapering hexagonal stems and circular feet of white glass. Edges of bowls and feet decorated with gilt bands. Hatcher onaches 148—Set or Six Cut Guass GoBLeTs Coupe shaped bowls, molded stems and circular molded feet. Bowls decorated with intaglio-cut and gilded band of flowers and leaves and festoons of flowers. Stems and feet with bands of gilding. Height, 10 inches First Afternoon 149—SetT oF Sktvres PORCELAIN COFFEE Cups, SAUCERS AND PLATES Cylindrical cups with handles. Invested with a white glaze, rims decorated with bands of gilt ivy leaves, on bleu-du-roi grounds, centres with gilded monogram of Louis Philippe enclosed in wreath, and figures of flying Amorini painted in colors. Set consists of eighteen cups and saucers and eighteen plates. (Two cups chipped.) 150—Set oF Lenox PORCELAIN PLATES Circular set with flat rims. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in raised gold on a gold ground, with scrolled diapers and central circular medallion occupied by scroll- ings. Set consists of eighteen plates. Diameter, 1014 inches 151—Set oF FrReENcH PORCELAIN DESSERT PLATES Circular shape with flat rims and scalloped edges. Invested with white glaze, rims decorated with bleu-du-roi and border of scrollings in raised gold. Centres painted in colors and gold, with the arms of various Nations. Set consists of twelve plates. Diameter, 914 inches 152—SetT oF ENcLIisH PORCELAIN GAME PLATES Circular shaped with curved rims and scalloped edge. Rims decorated with bleu-du-roi and gilt scrolled and diapered borders, centres painted in colors, with groups of game birds. Signed: W. Birbeck. Set consists of twelve plates. Diameter, 9 inches 153—EncLIsH PORCELAIN FIsH SERVICE Oval platter with scalloped edge. Boat shaped sauce boat with looped handle and circular plates with scalloped edges, invested with a white glaze and decorated with raised and gilded acanthus leaf borders, the centres with paintings of fish and sea weeds. Set consists of one platter, sauce boat and stand, and twelve plates. First Afternoon 154—-PorTION OF MINTON PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE AND LENOX PORCELAIN PLATES Oval and circular vegetable dishes and platters, circular and crescent shaped plates, cups with handles. Invested with a white glaze and decorated with gilded scrolled and festooned borders. Set consists of two vegetable dishes, gravy boat, three platters, eighteen dinner plates, eighteen soup plates, eighteen breakfast plates, eighteen asparagus plates, eighteen small plates, eighteen cups and saucers and eighteen berry saucers. Twelve small Lenox porcelain plates and two saucers circular shape. Invested with a white glaze with gilded borders. Diameters, 5% and 4% inches PEWTER AND BRASSES 155—PEwTER TANKARD Straight cylindrical body, engraved with coat of arms with lion supported and with raised scrolled medallions, hinged domed lid with reeded ball thumb piece and decorated with circular medallion enclosing bust of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden surrounded by a band of engraved scrolling, looped handle and three-reeded ball feet. Height, 8 inches 156—Pair oF PEWTER TANKARDS Tapering cylindrical bodies repoussés with winged dragons and scrollings, and incised with bands of trefoil and quatrefoil diaperings, domed covers with acorn finials and scrolled thumb pieces, pointed shaped spouts and looped handles. Height, 111% inches 157—PEWTER TANKARD Tapering cylindrical body, repoussé with coat of arms of a winged unicorn surmounted by a royal crown and with panels of scrolled acanthus leaves, domed cover with scrolled thumb-piece and turned finial and pointed shaped spout. Height, 13% inches First Afternoon 158—PEwTeR TANKARD Tapering cylindrical body, repoussé with a coat of arms sur- mounted by a helmet and surrounded by a mantling of scrolled leaves, and incised with a diaper of fleurs-de-lys, domed lid with scrolled thumb piece and pointed finial, pointed and shaped spout and looped handle. Height, 13% inches 159—Patr oF FRENCH PEWTER CANDLESTICKS OF THE I8TH CENTURY Baluster shaped spirally fluted stems, vase shaped spirally fluted sockets, circular scalloped bobéches, and circular molded feet. Height, 10 inches 160—Earty AMERICAN PEWTER Or1L LAMP Coupe shaped bowl with hinged pinnacle lid, curved spout, cylindrical stem and circular molded foot. Height, 11 inches 161—PEWTER EWER Helmet shaped body, repoussé with dragon, crown, mask, scrolled acanthus leaves, and a band of gadroonings, looped scrolled handle, molded stem and circular gadrooned foot. Height, 9% inches 162—Patr OF PEWTER EWERS “Tappit Hen” shaped, the bodies repoussés with coats of arms, surmounted by helmets and displayed on crossed ban- ners, flat hinged lids with double acorn thumb-pieces and flat looped handles. Height, 10% inches 163—THREE Swiss PEWTER PLATES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Circular shaped with flat rims and reamed edges. Marks, Rose and Figure of Justice. Diameter, 8°4 inches 164—TuHREE Swiss PEWTER Soup PLATES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Circular shaped with curved rims and reamed edges. Marks, Rose and Figure of Justice. Diameter, 91% inches First Afternoon 165—ENGLISH PEWTER PLATE AND FLEMISH BOWL OF THE EIGHT- EENTH CENTURY Circular shaped plate with flat rim engraved with crowned floral spray. Bowl with straight sides, curved rim, molded scalloped edge and two swinging looped handles. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 14 and 12% inches 166—THREE EARLY AMERICAN Brass Ort LAMps Coupe shaped bowls, pinnacle lids, curved spouts, cyl- indrical stems, molded and conical feet. One with kidney shaped tray, (One lid missing.) Heights, 1042, 10 and 8% inches 167—-DutcHu Brass SyNacocuE Lamp Star shaped body with trays hollowed to serve as oil and wick holders, turned stem, swinging hook and domed ceiling plate. Height, 13 inches 168—Russ1an JewisH Brass CHANNUKAH LIGHT Rectangular wall plate, repoussé with oval medallion, rec- tangular tray fitted with eight pointed receptacles for oil and wicks. Height, 9 inches; width, 10 inches 169—Russian JEwisH Brass CHANNUKAH LIGHT Shaped wall plate; the centre pierced and stamped with a circular medallion of vine leaves and interlaced branches. Rectangular tray with wick receptacles missing. Height, 8% inches; width, 11 inches 170—Russian JeEwisH Brass CHANNUKAH LAMP Shaped wall plate with beaded edge, the centre repoussé with six pointed star within a circular medallion, the back- ground stamped with scrolls and circles. Rectangular tray fitted with eight pointed receptacles of brass for wicks and oil. Height, 81% inches; length, 11 inches 171—Russ1an Jewish Brass CHANNUKAH LAmp Shaped as a couch with straight back, repoussé with band of trefoils, open sides with columnar acanthus leaf enriched supports and rectangular base fitted with eight pointed re- ceptacles of brass for wicks and oil. Height, 5 inches; length, 742 inches First Afternoon MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS IN PORCELAIN AND BRONZE 172—MEIsSsEN PORCELAIN FIGURINE Figure of a boy in blue costume, with striped girdle seated on a chair, under which is a drum, crying with one hand held to his forehead, the other holding an open book. On circular base with scrolled sides. Painted and gilt. Height, 5% inches 173—Pair OF VIENNESE BRONZE STATUETTES Standing figures of Arabian warriors, in flowing robes. One examines a gun held in both hands, the other grasps two swords in one hand and holds the other outstretched. Gilded and colored. Height, 7 inches 174—FreENcH Cut GLAss AND CUIVRE DorE FLOWER BOWL AND STAND IN THE EMPIRE STYLE Cut glass bowl with incurved sides and spreading rim. Cuivre doré stand, with rim decorated, in the Empire style, with scrollings and supported by three female caryatid figures. On circular base with circular raised rosette in centre and three paw feet. Height, 10% inches; diameter, 8 inches 175—FRENCH CuIvReE DorE BRACKET CLOCK Rectangular case with chamfered floral pendant, decorated angles, pointed finials and molded base decorated with raised quiver and torch, voluted feet, and square domed cover with finial modeled as a vase of flowers. Case paneled with cloisonné enamel in a pattern of scrolls. Circular enameled dial surrounded by a band of rhinestones. Height, 9% inches 176—F RENCH BRONZE STATUETTE Figures of three undraped Amorini leaning forward with raised and outstretched arms and holding in their hands a heart, an arrow and a torch. On circular rocky base and molded pedestal of black veined red marble. Signed: “L. GREGOIRE.” Height, 161% inches. 177—FRENCH BRONZE STATUETTE Four oared shell with oarsmen and coxswain, on oval molded base with gilded scrolled escutcheon. Signed: *““DROUOL.”’ Height, 7% inches; length, 44 inches First Afternoon 178—ITaLian BRONZE STATUETTE “BaccHts.” Full length undraped figure of a youth, head turned to one side, right hand with finger uplifted, a goat’s skin thrown over the left shoulder, and strapped sandals. On circular molded base. Green patina resembling disin- tegration due to burial. Height, 25 inches 179—FrRencH Bronze Bust Bust of a Sea Nymph with head thrust forward, wavy hair, with shell head-dress, on a base modeled with waves. Signed: “I. CAussE.” Height, 21% inches 180—Frencu BroNZE STATUETTE Undraped figure of a youth carrying upon his right shoulder a pear shaped two handled vase decorated in relief with a Satyr’s mask. On rocky scrolled base. Signed: “Aucust Moreau.” Height, 33% inches 181—Frencu Bronze Bust oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Bust portrait of a lady of the court of Louis XVI, with ringleted hair dressed over a cushion and ornamented with flowers and string of pearls. She wears a loose robe, a chemise with lace border and a cluster of flowers at her right shoulder. On rectangular base. Signed: “Pagsou, 1781.” Height, 33% inches 182—FrencH Cuivre Dore Clock AND CANDELABRA Clock shaped as sphere, enameled blue, with finial modeled as a seated. Amorino, brandishing a torch, on a rococo scrolled and tapering pedestal and scrolled quatre-foil shaped base. Candelabra modeled as nude Amorini holding curved branches of acanthus leaves ending in two vase shaped candle sockets and scrolled circular bobéches, on circular incurved bases with voluted and leaf feet. Height of clock, 16 inches; of candelabra, 12 inches 183—FrReNcH MARBLE AND CUIVRE DorE CLOCK AND CANDELABRA Rectangular clock case with molded cornice supported by Corinthian columns with shafts entwined with leaf garlands of cuivre-doré molded base and acanthus leaf feet. Circular white enameled dial. Candelabra, formed as columns with tapering shafts entwined with leaf garlands, supporting four carved branches with vase shaped candlesockets, centres ending in similar candlesockets, on molded rectangular base with acanthus leaf feet. Height of clock, 16% inches; of candelabra, 19% inches First Afternoon 184—-FrencH Cuivre Dore ANp BRonzE CLOCK AND CANDELABRA OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD Circular dial surrounded by scrolled border and with drap- ery festoons of cuivre doré, straight molded cornice support- ed by two winged sphinxes of bronze holding lotus-leaf capi- tals, and standing on enriched spheres of cuivre doré, rectangular pedestal with molded cornice, applied ornament of portrait medallion and scrolled leaves, molded base and sphinx feet. Dial inscribed: “ARrmincEaup, A Paris.” Candelabra of bronze figures, corresponding with those of clock, supporting five curved side branches and central branch, decorated with voluted acanthus leaves and ending in vase-shaped candle sockets, on cylindrical pedestals and stepped bases. Height of clock, 30 inches; of candelabra, 35 inches (Illustrated) dOomMad Avid Na qHL dO VUEVIAGNVD GNV MOOT AZNOUM GNV AYOd AYAINO HINAYA—V8T “ON First Afternoon 185—VIENNA PORCELAIN TWO-HANDLED VASE AND STAND Pear shaped body with incurved neck and stem, octagonal foot, domed cover modeled with painted and gilt figures of Minerva and Warrior as finial, gilt looped handles with double volutes, scrolled floral sprays and masks, cover banded with light green and dark red, and decorated with floral scrolls and festoons of flowers in raised gold. Body decorated with panel of white reserve painted with a Classic Figure Subject and with bands of light green, red and rose color decorated with acanthus leaves, scrolls and Greek key pattern in raised gold. Octagonal stand with molded foot with bands of red and rose color decorated with floral scrolls and key pattern in raised gold. Height, 45 inches (Illustrated ) 186—FRENCH CUIVRE DoRE AND SEVRES PORCELAIN TABLE Circular top of scrolled cuivre doré and with pierced edge, inset with large circular medallion of porcelain painted with full length portrait of Louis XV—surrounded by oval portrait medallions of Court Ladies. On turned standard of ebonized wood of vase and baluster form, mounted in cuivre doré, with acanthus leaves, three voluted console brackets and floral festoons. On trefoil shaped stand of ebonized wood. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 31% inches 185—VIENNA PORCELAIN TWO-HANDLED VASE AND STAND First Afternoon 187—Onyx AND CUIVRE-DORE PEDESTAL Columnar shape of green onyx with tapering cylindrical shaft, composite capital of cuivre-doré, rectangular revolv- ing abacus molded base, and rectangular stepped plinth with band of modeled cuivre-doré. Height, 43% inches 188—MARBLE AND CUIVRE-DORE PEDESTAL Columnar shape of yellow veined marble with tapering and rectangular shaft, honeysuckle and scrolled capital of cuivre-doré and circular revolving abacus. Shaft decorated with applied torch of cuivre-doré flanked by scrolls, rec- tangular foot with moldings of cuivre-doré modeled with acanthus leaves. Height, 46°%4 inches 189—ALABASTER ExeEctric Light CEILING GLOBE Coupe shaped of white alabaster with fluted sides and reamed rim modeled with band of egg and dart ornament. Pierced for suspension. Height, 7% inches; diameter, 17% inches FURNITURE 190—MaAHOGANY CHINA CLOSET Rectangular shape with molded cornice and straight square legs, fitted with sliding front of plate glass, glazed sides and glass shelves. Height, 60 inches; width, 37% inches; depth, 15%4 inches 191—MaAHoGANY CHINA CABINET Rectangular shape with molded cornice and straight square legs, fitted with sliding front of plate glass, glazed sides and glass shelves. Height, 60 inches; width, 49% inches; depth, 15%4 inches 192—-MAHOGANY CHINA CABINET Rectangular shape, glazed top and sides. Front fitted with hinged glazed door; on straight square legs. Height, 26 inches; width, 23 inches; depth, 11 inches 193—Pair OF MAaHocGaAny CASES Rectangular shape. Glazed fronts, backs, sides and tops. Height, 24 inches; width, 19% inches; depth, 19% inches First Afternoon 194—PatrR oF Manocany Cases Rectangular shape-—glazed fronts, sides backs and tops. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 16 inches 195—Pair oF MAHOGANY PEDESTALS Rectangular shape, having molded tops with pierced friezes and scrolled aprons, straight square molded legs with key pattern brackets and straight square rails. All in the Chinese manner. Height, 411% inches; length, 17% inches; width, 17% inches 196—STEINWAY GRAND PIANO IN SATINWOOD Shaped and molded case of satinwood on turned, tapering incurved and fluted legs carved with lotus leaves, voluted console brackets carved with trefoil leaves, lyre shaped pedal supporter. Ebony and ivory keys, and hinged key- board lid. Curule shaped carved satinwood stool to match with upholstered top covered with silk brocade woven, on a white ground, with vari-colored floral sprays. 197—AUBUSSON CARPET Field patterned, on a light green ground, with a large central oval band, semé with vari-colored floral sprays, the angles filled with scrolled acanthus leaves and branches of leaves and flowers. Surrounded by a band of acanthus leaf scroll- ing and picture frame molding of acanthus leaf design. Length, 18 feet 4 inches; width, 9 feet 10 inches SECOND AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1920 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK CARVINGS IN JADE AND OTHER CRYSTAL 198—ScHo.LaRr’s SET OF THREE JADES ON CaRvVED Woop STAND Principal object an oval dish in white jade of ancient carv- ing, stained in places a russet-red, deep brown and black from entombment; at either side a handle formed of an archaic dragon carved in the round, crawling along a ledge. Flanked by two miniature pigment cups of white jade, with fei-ts’ui jade rings inset in their wooden covers. Length of dish, 3°4 inches; of stand, 74% inches 199—AmBER CARVING Miniature figure of Hotei, god of wealth and happiness, seated, in mirthful enjoyment. Semi-opaque yellow amber, brightly polished. 200—CarNELIAN AGATE PENDANT Openwork carving of two double-gourds on their vine stems, with a bat, emblem of happiness. 201—Set or AmpBer Miniature DomINoEs Thirty-six pieces, in a box; with notes of numerical equiv- alents for some special game, apparently. Brightly polished translucent yellow amber. Second and Last Afternoon 202—F EI-Ts’ut JADE VASE AND COVER Flattened, with elephant-head loop and loose-ring handles; dome cover with knob finial. Archaic monster-head band in delicate relief, and incised lei-wen borders. Rich color- ing and brilliant polish. Height, 3% inches 203—F EI-tTs’u1 JADE Birp STATUETTE Crested parrot perched upon a rock; plumage in relief and incised. Brilliant polish. Height, 4% inches 204—WHiITE JADE VASE AND COVER Flattened and elongated, with scrolled-loop and loose-ring handles; dome cover with crouching Fu finial. On either face two pheenixes beak to beak, their scrolled tail feathers presenting them as in a cartouche. Height, 5 inches 205—Rock CrystaL INCENSE BURNER AND COVER Quatrefoil, with floral handles suspending loose rings, and all the lobes of body and cover finely carved with floral ornamentation in low relief. Cover finial a lotus flower with seed pod. Height, 3 inches 206—Rock CrysTaL PAPERWEICGHT In form of a squatting mandarin duck holding in its bill a lotus stem, with bud, leaf and seed pod on its back in relief and undercutting. Length, 4 inches 207—Jape Birp STATUETTE A bird with strong wings and heavy tail, squatting; white jade with smoky shadings in tail and legs, and dull polish. Length, 5 inches 208—JADE SCULPTURE Figure of an immortal riding upon a fish-dragon within a lotus leaf, carved in transiucent white jade with a softly brilliant polish. Height, 3% inches 209—F Er-Ts’ur JADE FLoweR VASE Quadrilateral, with bulbous body and flat foot and lip, and two angular handles. Unornamented. Brilliant polish. Height, 6 inches Second and Last Afternoon a ee ET Lo 210—WuitE JADE ORNAMENT Standing figure, flattened, of Kuan-yin holding a branch of the sacred fungus and a wand; at her side a stork holding another branch of the fungus. Bright polish. Height, 714 inches 211—WauiteE JapE FLower VasE Globular bottle-form, flattened, with pierced scroll handles; on oval foot. Two medallions of animalistic decoration in low relief on an incised lei-wen ground, after the designs of ancient bronzes: relief and incised borders. Jade of cool- ing mutton fat aspect, with soft polish. Height, 5% inches 212—-WHiTE JADE VASE wiTH TRAY Ch’ien-lung Oval tray with an incised fret border on its flange, and at its centre an embossed inverted lotus flower with a beaded rim, within which sets a detachable beaker. The beaker carved in relief with a scroll band, and a border of small bosses. Incised Ch’ien-lung mark beneath tray. Diameter of beaker, 5 inches; length of tray, 7 inches 213—Rock CrysTaAL DOUBLE-VASE WITH COVERS An oviform vase, and beside it a smaller flask-shape vase resting upon the back of a pheenix, carved of a single block of crystal, the larger vase having three loop and loose-ring handles, and on its side a dragon carved in relief and under- cut. The bird holds a peony branch which connects the two vases. Dome covers. Height, 6 inches 214—Buack JADE CARVING Statue of Shou-lao seated upon and overtowering rocky mountains, and holding in both hands an emblematic peach of immortality. Softly brilliant polish; the quality of the black rich. Height, 5% inches 215—Pair JapE VAsEs witH COovERS Conical body tapering lightly to a spreading foot; abrupt shoulder, and on the incurvate neck three fungus-branch and loose-ring handles; bell cover with knob finial and three loose-ring handles. Lotus blossom and archaic ogre-head decoration finely carved in light relief; plaintain-leaf and fret borders. Jade greenish-white; soft polish. Height, 5% inches Second and Last Afternoon 216—AcATE VASE WITH CovER AND STAND Bulbous flask shape in white flaky crystal and carnelian agate, with phoenix and peony in relief and undercutting in the carnelian layer. Dome cover surmounted by a phenix, and four-legged oval stand, in same substance. Height, 6°4 inches 217—GreEN JADE DouBLE-vVASE Elongated vase in hollowed pine-trunk form, encircled by branches and needles in relief and undercut, and about it symbolic bats. Over an extension of the root a growth of the sacred fungus, forming a smaller vase. Height, 6% inches 218—Pair Jape TEA Bows anp Covers Inverted bell-shape with conventional covers. Thin, trans- lucent, mottled grayish jade, with luminous polish. Diameter, 4°4 inches 219—WuiteEe JADE Brush HoLpErR Perfect cylinder of translucent white jade with softly bril- liant polish, finely carved in delicate relief with the figures of a lady and boys in a spacious and imposing garden. Height, 55% inches Second and Last Afternoon 220—-TuRQUOISE VASE WITH COVER Flask-shape, enclosed within pine trees, plantains and flow- ers, executed in relief and undercutting, and among them appearing two young women, one standing, one seated; the whole carved in a block of natural turquoise. Height, 4 inches 221—GRay-WHITE JADE VASE Diamond beaker shaped, each angle presenting a scrolled ridge on all three sections, and all sections carrying deli- cately carved ornamentation in the designs of ancient bronze vases. Unctuous polish. Height, 7% inches 222—Unigue WHITE JADE VASE WITH CHAINED COVER The whole carved of a single piece of fine translucent white jade and brilliantly polished. The vase is formed of the united bodies of two pheenixes, their wings carved in relief, standing erect, each with one foot on the ground and the other leg flexed and the foot grasping a tangle of the sacred fungus, which is executed in openwork beneath them. From the breast of each a loose ring swings from a fungus branch, and each bird holds in its beak another similar branch; from one of these latter a flexible chain of ten double-links leads to a fungus cover of openwork. Height, 8% inches Second and Last Afternoon 223—WHITE JADE VASE WITH COVER Large flattened flask shape, embraced within the undercut branches of blossoming plum trees which spring up at either side; pierced scroll handles. Dome cover with mounded finial of undercut plum blossoms. Height, 9% inches 224——Rock CrysTaL VASE AND COVER Flattened flask shape with spreading foot; two lion-head and loose-ring handles. Ogre-head band in low and sharp relief across both broad faces. Dome cover with undercut lion finial. Height, 8 inches Second and Last Afternoon 225—LARGE GREEN JADE VASE WITH COVER Oviform with spreading foot, incurvate neck and broad mouth; on the neck four monster-head and loose-ring han- dles. Body carved with archaic scrolls and ogre features, after ancient bronze motives, in relief, within eight panels formed by broad segmental ridges in higher relief. Dome cover with similar ornamentation and four loose-ring han- dles, with knob finial in form of a dragon, undercut. Dense, heavy, opaque, dark green jade of unctuous surface. Height, 11% inches MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 226—Ivory STATUETTE Figure of a nude woman, holding with one hand a draped mantle and seated upon a leopard. On rectangular molded base. Height, 434 inches Second and Last Afternoon 227—JAPANESE CarVED BoNnE STATUETTE Standing figure of a man, a legendary character, playing with a frog, which he holds on his shoulder, smiling as he sports with it. Signed. Height, 5%4 inches 228—ANIMAL STATUARY ORNAMENT Japanese ivory carving of a bear and cub, on an oval base in representation of conglomerate rockery. Length of bear, 4 inches; of base, 7 inches 229—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory STATUETTE Standing figure of a strolling musician in a bamboo hat, playing a stringed instrument and carrying a reed instru- ment within the belt at the back. Signed. Height, 8%4 inches (Illustrated ) 230—Carvep Ivory Group The captive eagle. Figure of a hunter, standing upon rock- ery, holding with both hands an eagle whose claws are looped with a rope. Height, 10 inches (Illustrated ) 231—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Ficure Group Standing figure of a young Japanese woman holding her paper umbrella in her hand and carrying her infant son on her back. She appears kindly disposed toward her lot, and her son drowsily content. Her skirt is adorned with incised pine branches. Signed. Height, 98 inches (Illustrated) 229 230 Zo Second and Last Afternoon 232—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory STATUETTE Standing figure of a young Japanese woman, somewhat in- clined forward, wringing out a cloth. She turns her head and looks genially toward her left. Signed. Height, 10°4 inches (Illustrated ) 233—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Elaborately sculptured figure of a Japanese girl, barefoot but in richly ornamental apparel, with a great hoe over her shoulder, from the handle of which at her back is suspended a basket of fruit and vegetables. At her feet a rooster and an inquisitive snail. Signed. Height, 11% inches (Illustrated) 234—-JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Figure of a hardy fisherman, walking, carrying his rain hat at his knee, in the other hand holding a landing net, and on his back carrying a huge bamboo basket-trap which is lashed to his shoulders and chest. His coat is incised with figures of floral embroidery. Signature within a cartouche underneath base. (Net handle repaired where it is knotted to frame. ) Height, 10 inches (Illustrated ) 235—CarveD AND INLAID STATUETTE Figure of a young Japanese woman on a promenade, carry- ing her fan. In carved bone and wood, with mother-of-pearl inlay. Height, 714 inches 236—FicuRE Group 1N Woop AnD Bone A Japanese fisherman and his son, the father carrying a loaded basket and the son carrying a turtle. Figures in wood, with heads, hands and feet in representation of ivory. On carved wood base. Height, 74% inches; length of base, 7° inches 234 233 232 Second and Last Afternoon MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 237—Ruinoceros Horn Cup Cavo-rilievo carvings of waves of the sea wearing away a rocky shore and beating caverns into it. Inscription with seal. Length, 4 inches 238—Ruinoceros Horn Cup Exterior and interior carved with pine trees, a pine trunk forming the handle, and the exterior showing also trees of other variety. Height, 5%4 inches 239—Pair CanToN ENAMEL TEA Bow ts witH Covers Ch’ien-lung Decorated with landscapes and sea views, pavilions and figures, in polychrome on a white ground. (Somewhat damaged. ) Diameter, 434 inches 239s—Pair CLOISONNE ENAMEL SNUFF JARS Lighteenth Century Pear-shape with animal-head handles. Highly conventional scroll in the Indian lotus motive, in polychrome on tur- quoise ground. 240—JAPANESE SILVER PLATED BRONZE STATUETTE Standing figure of Buddha holding a branch of lotus blos- som in both hands. He wears a scrolled head-dress, a mantle and an embroidered robe. On circular base modeled as a lotus blossom. Signed. Height, 10 inches SINGLE COLOR PORCELAINS 241—TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE Chien-lung Bulbous pilgrim-bottle form on a deep foot, with full neck and molded lip, and two ju-i loop handles. Mirror glaze of rich turquoise blue, variously mottled, with fish-roe crackle. Height, 3% inches 242—SMALL CELADON VASE Pear-shape with spreading foot and lip. Around the body a band of archaic dragon-scroll in cavo-rilievo, between conventional borders of lotus derivation; above, incised leaf-and-tongue and hatch borders. Brilliant brownish- green celadon glaze. Height, 4 inches Second and Last Afternoon 243—BLANC-DE-CHINE INCENSE BURNER Shallow cauldron shape with solid scroll handles and three short outward-turning feet. Brilliant glaze of soft white, uniform in quality. | Diameter, 4 inches 244—-WuitE BEAKER VASE Chien-lung Slender, with narrow, retired foot, and broadly flaring mouth, and a narrow mid-band in relief. Monochrome glaze of soft, moist white, with a variable surface broadly of the peau-d orange nature. Height, 54% inches 245—FucHIEN LIBATION CuP Inverted helmet-shape, lying within arms of plum and mag- nolia trees, which form an openwork base, while blossom- ing branches in low relief embrace the sides. Monochrome glaze of rich cream-white. Diameter, 4°4 inches 246—FucHIEN RETICULATED PI-T’UNG With solid bands at base and lip, the intermediate body is composed of a broad foliar scroll formed by excisions in the paste. Soft creamy-white luminous glaze. Height, 4% inches 247—CLAIR-DE-LUNE BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Squat body raised on three conical feet, with slender tubular neck and bulbous lip. Brilliant monochrome glaze of soft clair-de-lune. Seal mark of Ch’ien-lung in underglaze blue beneath bottom. Height, 5°4 inches 248—RoBIN’S-EGG SOUFFLE VASE Chien-lung With expanded foot and short neck, broad mouth and flanged lip. Dense robin’s-egg soufflé glaze, of unctuous lustre. Height, 6°4 inches 249—Pair FucHien Bow ts | Ming Ovoidal, molded in large petal lobes, the rim lightly flaring and given an oval contour. In relief on the exterior, butter- flies and blossoming peonies, the latter springing from four bulbous feet which rest on a polyfoil base. Luminous creamy glaze which on one shows crackle in self-color and café-au-lait. (Both slightly damaged at rim and base.) Diameter, 6% inches Second and Last Afternoon 256—FucHIEN STATUARY GROUP The goddess of mercy enthroned, with cowl overhanging her high headdress, right hand held above her right knee and left hand concealed, right bare foot crossed over left knee and the other foot protruding from beneath her robe. On one arm of the throne a bundle of books and beneath the throne a dragon. At her foot a worshipful boy and a female attendant standing. Brilliant glaze of rich creamy white. Height, 9 inches (Illustrated) 257—FUCHIEN STATUETTE K’ang-hsi Kuan-yin seated on a mat, with right knee raised and both hands resting on it, one above the other, the left (upper) hand holding a scroll. She wears a tiara, and her hair, un- screened by cowl, is held by a jeweled pin. Brilliant glaze of soft and rich cream-white. Height, 9% inches (Illustrated) 258—F UCHIEN STATUETTE Ming Kuan-yin the divine hearer of prayers is seated high on a rock throne, hands held open and approaching one another above her knee. At her left rests a bundle of books. The cowl rests upon but reveals her headdress. She looks be- nignly downward. Brilliant white glaze of rich creamy quality. Height, 12 inches (Illustrated ) Second and Last Afternoon 259—CELADON VASE Yung Chéng Full-bodied pear-shape with low spreading foot, large neck and wide mouth. Modeled in relief beneath the glaze a three-clawed dragon among clouds, pursuing the symbolic jewel of power, which is applied in rose and green enamel outside the glaze. The glaze a fine grayish-green celadon of delicate note and soft lustre, showing a coarse sporadic crackle. Impressed seal mark of Yung Chéng under foot. Height, 7%4 inches 260—BLANC-DE-CHINE Dracon BoTTLe Ch’ien-lung Wide-spreading globular body on a bold foot, the broad shouder tapering into a tubular neck ending in a lightly molded lip. Two handles in the form of sinuous archaic dragons moleled in the round. Luminous and fine mono- chrome glaze of soft cream-white. Height, 7% inches 261—-CHtn-yAo Bown Sung Ovoidal with heavy unglazed foot. Luminous glaze of vari- able robin’s-egg note, with orange-skin pittings, over a yellow glaze and crackled in different tones. On one side of interior a dripping splash of purple, blue and green. (Restoration at two opposite points of rim.) Diameter, 7°4 inches 262—IMPERIAL YELLOW GALLIPOT Chien-lung Finely executed incised decoration occupying the entire sur- face. Around the base, rolling waves of the sea and above these, five imperial five-clawed dragons after jewels of power among conventional clouds. Monochrome glaze of imperial yellow, softly lustrous. Incised mark: Ta Ch’ing Ch’ien-lung nien chih. Height, 9% inches 263—FLAMBE JAR Ch’ien-lung Ovoid with short neck and round lip. Brilliant mirror- glaze of the transmutation furnace, presenting a rich dis- play of purplish-blue and gray and white dripping cataracts over a purplish-red and sang-de-beuf foundation. Height, 91% inches Second and Last Afternoon 264—Lanc-yao Bow. K’ang-hsi Broadly flaring in slightly ovoidal contour from a bold foot. Fine hard paste sonorous porcelain, coated on both sur- faces with a rich sang-de-bauf glaze, which, leaving a colorless rim, deepens in its tones with the coagulating blood as it approaches the bottom. It is of peau-d’orange surface and brilliant but soft lustre. Diameter, 9 inches 265—-PoWDER-BLUE RosE JAR K’ang-hsi Oviform, with short, conical (unglazed) neck; carved teak- wood cap. Brilliant powder-blue glaze of rich quality, which retains impressions of a floral decoration and signed poem which the vase sometime carried in gold. Height, 7°& inches Second and Last Afternoon 266—PEACOCK-BLUE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung Spherical with sloping shoulder, wide neck and flaring sau- cer-shaped lip, on a broad and deep foot molded at the base; two monster-head loop handles. Brilliant mottled glaze with fish-roe crackle in the variety of the turquoise glaze known as peacock-blue. Height, 13% inches 267—DovuBLE-GOURD VASE Chien-lung Unusual in that the lip, after a well defined edge, is very slightly raised and then flattened so that the normal mouth is closed by a relief disc which is pierced by a small aper- ture at the centre. Turquoise glaze, truité, throughout, with the curious differentiation that the upper section is a pro- nounced turquoise-green and the lower an equally normal turquoise-blue. (Minute fissure between the glazes at the point of juncture. ) Height, 1234 inches Second and Last Afternoon 268—TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE Chien-lung Ovoidal body with molded foot, and wide neck flaring to a bulbous and short lip. Luminous turquoise-blue glaze with fish-roe crackle. Height, 13% inches 269—Pair CELADON BEAKER VASES | Ming Heavy porcellanous stoneware coated with a brilliant glaze of pale sea-green, which in the one shows a slightly deeper note than in the other with a trend toward bluish, and in that one displays a giant crackle in café-au-lait. The decor- ation in both, essentially similar, consists of primitive floral motives boldly incised in the paste, with incidental borders. Height, 12 inches Second and Last Afternoon 270—Lanc-yAo VASE K’ang-hsi Oviform with flaring foot, high and narrow shoulder, and short wide neck. Brilliant sang-de-beuf glaze with orange- skin surface and characteristic crackle, in the richest hues of the liquid blood and the brownish phases of the hardening. Height, 16% inches Second and Last Afternoon 271—Lanc-yao VASE K’ang-hsi Large inverted pear-shape with sloping shoulder and short wide neck, and lightly flaring foot. Luminous glaze with finely pitted orange-skin surface and scarcely visible crackle, in the varied hues of the sang-de-beuf family, including fluent red, darkening spots of coagulation, and peach-gray areas. Height, 16% inches Second and Last Afternoon 272—-GRAND BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Globular with a deep and heavy foot, and tall incurvate neck, with simple moldings at the shoulder and the root of the neck. Invested with a clair-de-lune glaze brilliant and uni- form in quality, in a delicate lavender tone. Seal mark in underglaze blue beneath the foot. Height. 1934 ince 273—Larce WHITE VASE K’ang-hsi Globular body on a broad bell-shaped foot, with short and relatively slender neck and broad trumpet lip; moldings about neck, shoulder and underbody. Around the body a deep band of rich chrysanthemum scroll, finely incised. Luminous glaze of soft cream-white. (Slight repair at lip.) Height, 15% inches Second and Last Afternoon 274—CELADON BEAKER-FORM VASE K’ang-hsi Both upper and lower sections—the entire body save a nar- row molded band at the base of the neck—given to a dense and luxuriant, finely designed peony scroll, incised and mod- eled in the paste beneath a brilliant celadon glaze of pure and even, delicate grayish sea-green. Heghene inches 275—CELADON VASE Chien-lung Oviform with lightly flaring foot, high shoulder, and short wide neck with expanding lip. On the body an all-over decoration of rich lotus scroll with arabesque effects and on the neck detached plantain leaves, modeled in light relief, and on the shoulder a hatched border. Brilliant celadon glaze of delicate grayish sea-green of fine tone. Four- character mark of Chéng Hua (apocryphal). Height, 10% inches Second and Last Afternoon 276—REMARKABLY FINE Pair oF FU-LIONS Ming These guardians of the threshold have escaped damage and present a brilliant appearance and engaging coloring. Seated on their haunches, they are finely modeled, with relief and incised details, and clothed in a rich and very brilliant mottled glaze of turquoise-blue, with a boldly marked fish-roe crackle. (Slight spot on shoulder of one seems due to a kiln defect.) Height, 13 inches 277—CELADON BEAKER-FORM VASE Ming Dense stone-weight porcelain. Body modeled in inverted pear-shape, with large trumpet neck. Both neck and body given to a brocaded decoration of primitive and indefinite forms within a latticed ground, that on the body interrupted by two medallions in floral motive, all incised in the paste. Brilliant glaze of celadon green with giant crackle. (Slight defect in glaze at lip.) Height, 1858 inches Second and Last Afternoon 278—OLpD JAPANESE PoTTERY JAR Ovoidal, with sharp shoulder broadly sloping to a short neck supporting an everted lip, from which two loop han- dles return to the shoulder. Brilliant splash glaze of Taka- tori notes, with neutral tones of brown and green predomi- nating, and heavy drippings. Height, 12% inches BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAINS 279—THREE BLUE AND WHITE MINIATURE BoTTLeES ~~ K’ang-hsi Globular, gourd-shaped and square, with figure and floral decoration, 280—Pair BLUE AND WHITE SEMI-EGGSHELL Cups; ONE SAUCER K’ang-hsi Cups bell-shape. Clear, musical, translucent, delicate white porcelain, with a luminous glaze of soft white, finely pen- ciled in two tones of sapphire-blue with birds and flowers, landscapes and pavilions. (Slightest of nicks at rims.) Diameter of saucer, 438 inches. 281—BLvuE AND WHITE CyLiInpRIcAL Rouce Box Ch’ien-lung On the box mountain and stream landscapes, on the cover a garden pavilion with two figures, in deep sapphire-blue and delicate wash. 282—SMALL BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR Chien-lung Ovoid, with a decoration of butterflies and a clump of grow- ing garden flowers in dark blue. Height, 3°4 inches 283—BLUE AND WHITE Ovoip JAR Mountain and stream decoration in two shades of brilliant blue, with a mounted traveler crossing a bridge followed by a man on foot, and a fisherman talking to a man in a pavilion. Mark, a blue leaf. Height, 4°4 inches 284—BLUuE AND WHITE GINGER JAR K’ang-hsi Penciled with household ornaments and emblems from the Eight Precious Things, in transparent sapphire-blue. Height, 4°4 inches Second and Last Afternoon 285—Pair BLUE AND WHITE Ovoip Jars Yung Chéng With short neck and spreading lip. Each decorated with two Fu-lions glaring up at hawks, the lions on one jar having the right forefoot raised and those on the other jar the left forefoot raised. In mottled sapphire-blue on a cream and crackled ground. Height, 5% inches 286—BLUE AND WHITE DOUBLE-GOURD VASE K’ang-hsi Painted with a bold and rich lotus scroll in transparent sapphire-blue on a ground of fine and brilliant white. Height, 6%4 inches 287—Pair BLUE AND WHITE RosE JARS WITH ORIGINAL COVERS K’ang-hsi Ovoid, the covers cap-shaped. Under a broad shoulder bor- der of alternating large and small ju-i forms, in blue with scrolls in white reserve, a decoration of rock peonies, chrys- anthemums and other floral forms, painted within four panels in two tones of sapphire-blue. Height, 7 inches 288—BLuE AND WHITE OVvo-CYLINDRICAL JAR K’ang-hsi Rich and vigorous decoration in sapphire-blue of graduated tones, picturing a kylin on a rock in the midst of the sea _ disputing with a bird-dragon the possession of the whirling jewel of omnipotence. Height, 6% inches 289—BLuE AND WHITE BEAKER K’ang-hsi Brilliant sapphire-blue decoration of conventional leaves of the ornamental banana, with ju-i scrolls in white reserve, springing from and pendent from a midband showing con- ventional floral medallions. Mark, a leaf within a double- ring. Height, 7%% inches 290—BLuE AND WHITE OvirorM VASE WITH TRUNCATE NECK Yung Chéng Light and delicate porcelain clothed in a cream-white glaze with broad diagonal crackle in café-au-lait, and painted in rich underglaze blue with an ox scratching its neck against the trunk of a gnarled pine tree. (Kiln crack at neck.) Height, 8% inches Second and Last Afternoon 291—RareE BLuE AND WHITE FLarinc Bow. Yung Chéng The exterior from foot to lip showing a relief decoration of rich and involved lotus scroll under a grayish creamy glaze, the interior given to an imperial dragon among conventional cloud scrolls all done in pale cobalt blue. Both surfaces with café-au-lait crackle. (Repair at one point in rim.) Diameter, 9% inches 292—BLUE AND WHITE HooKAH VASE A globular bottle with full neck and flanged lip, with an inverted cup-shaped bulb set at an angle on the shoulder and finished by a stunted spout. Decorated with Fu-lions and filleted spheres, and floral sprays. There is a Persian sug- gestion in the decoration, although the principal motives are Chinese; the execution seems strange for a Chinese hand. Attributed to the Ming dynasty. Height, 7 inches 293—-BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR K’ang-hsi Floral decoration in sapphire-blue in four panels, between a lightly touched floral base border and a broad shoulder border of ju-t pattern with reserved scrolls. Mark, a blue double-ring. (Slight repair at lip.) Height, 6°% inches 294—BLUE AND WHITE INVERTED PEAR-SHAPE VASE Yung Chéng High shoulder and short contracting neck. Conventional floral scroll in grayish-blue on a cream-white ground with café-au-lait crackle; vermiculate-scroll and petal-tip borders. Mark of Ch’éng Hua (apocryphal.) Height, 9 inches 295—BLuE AND WHITE BEAKER VASE Ch’ien-lung All three sections given to a conventional chrysanthemum scroll in dark blue. Mark, a blue double-ring. Height, 91% inches 296—BLuUE AND WHITE DousBLeE-courD BoTTLE Ming The globular section lightly melon-lobed, and given to a composite floral and emblematic decoration within panels outlined by a running ribbon-scroll. The decoration is re- peated on the upper section. Height, 12°4 inches Second and Last Afternoon 297—B Luge AND WHITE GINGER JAR K’ang-hsi Luminous glaze of fine soft white, with a decoration bril- liantly painted in cobalt blue which deepens to sapphire accents, presenting a bold lotus scroll, the conventional blossoms embracing seed-pods; above, a conventional bor- der. Mark, a blue artemisia leaf within a double-ring. Height, 8% inches Second and Last Afternoon 298—-BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR K’ang-hsi Finely executed decoration of a rich, elaborate and luxuriant peony scroll, the blossoms large; within it two of the feng- huang, the (phcenix) emblem of the Empress; all in cobalt blue showing sapphire quality, on a luminous soft white ground. Mark, a blue double ring. Height, 8% inches Second and Last Afternoon 299—BivueE aNp Wuite GinceR Jar witH Its Own ORIGINAL COVER K’ang-hsi Brilliant blue ground of “cracking ice” supporting groups of plum blossoms in white reserve, interrupted by three large reserved quatrefoil medallions, two of them decorated with motives from the Hundred Antiques and the third with a kylin. Crenellated shoulder border. Cover decoration in conformity, with ju-i border added. The commonly called “hawthorn ginger jar,” though the “hawthorn” are really the wild plum blossoms of China and the jars were designed for making presents of fine tea at the opening of the New Year. Mark, a blue double-ring. Height, 9 inches Second and Last Afternoon 300—BiuE AND Wuite Gincer Jar wits Its Own OriciNnAL COVER K’ang-hst Fine, heavy, resonant while porcelain. Rich blue glaze with the markings of disintegrating ice, and supporting white reserves of blossoms of the wild prunus (the so-called “haw- thorn pattern”). This is interrupted by three reserved poly- foliate medallions painted with household ornaments and emblems—from the Hundred Antiques—and the shoulder bears a hatched border. Cover decoration to match. (Known as “ginger jar”; designed as a presentation tea jar at New Year.) Height, 9% inches 301—BLUE AND WHITE TALL VASE K’ang-hsi Ovoidal, with sloping shoulders, short wide neck and flaring lip. On the body a Court scene with Emperor and Empress enthroned before a table holding books and ornaments, attendants at their backs and nobles of the entourage stand- ing about, and two entertainers on a mat in the foreground. Exterior to this a horseman over whom an attendant holds a canopy. Altogether twenty-seven figures. On the neck a waterside landscape with more figures. Height, 20°58 inches 302—Patrr TALL BLUE AND WHITE VASES WITH THEIR OWN ORIGINAL COVERS K’ang-hsi Forming with the three bottles of the preceding lot a garni- ture of five pieces. Their decoration while differing in detail from that of the bottles is in the same motives, and brilliantly executed. Mark, an artemisia leaf. (One cover slightly chipped, the other repaired.) Height, 17%4 inches Second and Last Afternoon 303—B.LuE AND WHITE GARNITURE K’ang-hsi Three tall double-gourd bottle-form vases, of the same style, shape and decoration. Two of these form an original pair, in heavy porcelain, marked under the foot of each with an artemisia leaf within a double-ring in blue; of these, one is repaired at the lip, one restored at the lip. The third vase is intact; it is of slightly lighter porcelain and a quarter-inch shorter than the others, and without mark. The decoration, in brilliant sapphire-blue, presents Chinese ladies in flowing robes—“Long Elizas”—alternately with jardiniéres of vari- ous plants, in three tiers of molded panels, besides border designs. Heights, 15% inches and 15% inches (Illustrated ) AYNLINYVS GLIHA UNV ANTH#—t0e ON Second and Last Afternoon 304—GranD BLUE AND WHITE GARNITURE OF FIVE PIECES K’ang-hsi Consisting of three temple jars with original covers, and two tall beaker-shaped vases. Compartmental decoration, the various panels or compartments modeled in light relief, in series, and penciled in rich and fine sapphire-blue vary- ing in tone from glowing depths to transparent wash, with landscapes, flowers and figures. On the jars, three tiers of the panels, with another tier on the covers, and on the beakers four tiers. Each jar has six borders, and the covers have two borders each, and the beakers have six borders each including two on the upper side of the lip. Mark on the beakers, a blue leaf within a blue double-ring. (Glaze at beaker lips slightly chipped; one jar repaired at neck.) Height of beakers and one jar, 211% inches; of other jars, 221 and 223% inches. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Illustrated ) SHO4Id AAI 4O AYNLINYVS ALIHM GNV FATE GUNVYD—POE ON Second and Last Afternoon OME EAA NA ALLEN LLLP OOP AMANO Em tren 305—BLvuE AND WHITE TALL BEAKER K’ang-hsi Decoration throughout in the so-called hawthorn pattern, the Chinese winter-blooming wild prunus tree in blossom, trunks, branches and flowers in white reserve within a pul- sating blue ground marked in dark lines in representation of the winter’s ice disintegrating at the approach of spring. Crenellated and basket borders. (Repaired at lip.) Height, 18 inches Second and Last Afternoon 306—BLUE AND WHITE CYLINDRICAL CUP-SHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi Brilliant decoration in sapphire-blue in deep tones and transparent wash, picturing scholars standing on a rocky shore and seated in a pavilion, in an extensive mountainous landscape, the ground color a rich and soft cream-white. Series of neck borders. Height, 17% inches Second and Last Afternoon 307—Biur anp Wuite TempLe Jar witH Its Own OrIcINAL COVER Chien-lung Ovoid, the cover hat-shaped. Brilliant white glaze, over a finely executed conventional lotus scroll in two tones of blue; cover in the same motive, with bud finial. Mark, the imperial seal of Ch’ien-lung. (Cover has slight repair at rim. ) Height, 19%4 inches DECORATED PORCELAINS 308—FAMILLE-ROSE SEMI-EGGSHELL CUP AND SAUCER Yung Chéng Decorated with rock peonies and other flowers, and dogs snarling at one another, in famille-rose enamels on a pure white ground. Diameter of saucer, 4% inches Second and Last Afternoon 309—Two Decoratep Jars Ming One with original mandarin cover. Ovoid; decorated in underglaze blue and red, and green and yellow enamels, with kylins rampant amid a peony scroll. Height, 4 inches j 310—UnusuaL DecoratepD VASE Ch’ien-lung Bottle-form with spreading foot, tubular neck and expanding lip. The body is overlaid with a gold ground, which is interrupted by a variety of floral sprays in famille-rose enamels. Seal mark of the reign. Height, 734 inches 311—PairR SAUCER-SHAPE PLATES Ming Glaze of pale emerald-green with an iridescent metallic lustre, interrupted by a decoration engraved in the paste and glazed in imperial yellow and aubergine; in the bottom medallion a vase of flowers, around the sides Buddhistic emblems. Mark: Ta Ming Wan Li nien chth incised beneath the glaze. (Chip out of rim of one.) Diameter, 5°4 inches 312—Biack AND GREEN BowL K’ang-hsi Ovoid, with bold foot. Fine, delicate and sonorous white porcelain, the interior of the bowl glazed in white, the ex- terior in brilliant black, which is interrupted by a highly conventional floral decoration in turquoise-green. Mark, the six characters of K’ang-hsi. (Broken, and repaired with gold lacquer. ) Diameter, 6°4 inches 313—STATUETTE OF A Man Seated figure of a smiling sage holding in one hand a fly- whisk and in the other a rodent, his robe glazed in gray-blue, his beard in creamy white and his face in pale yellow; his cap remains in the biscuit. Height, 8% inches Second and Last Afternoon 314—THREE-COLOR ORNAMENT Recumbent figure of China’s most famous bibulous poet, Li Tai Peh, resting against an ovoid jar—his wine jar— in Ming coloring, imperial yellow, green and aubergine. Length, 7 inches (Illustrated ) 315—-Pair THREE-COLOR ORNAMENTS Each composed of the united statuettes of two smiling boys, holding lotuses, on openwork bases of rockery; in Ming coloring of yellow, green and aubergine, the flesh glazed in gray. (Both slightly chipped at hands.) Height, 5% inches (Illustrated ) 316—FIVE-COLOR STATUETTE Ming Standing figure of a smiling boy on a cubical base with rounded corners, holding in his arms a jar with lotus bud and leaf. Decorated in green, yellow, red and aubergine, on a white ground. Height, 10°4 inches 317—Partr ROUCE-DE-CUIVRE Dracon Bow.s K’ang-hsi Semi-globular, with bold foot. Thin, fine hard-paste white porcelain, clear and sonorous, with a brilliant soft white glaze, and a decoration of imperial dragons pursuing the jewel of omnipotence, executed in fine underglaze copper- red. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi within a double-ring. (One bowl perfect; one cracked, but not broken apart.) Diameter, 6% inches 318—Derep Bow. witH PoLycHRoME Decoration K’ang-hsi Inverted bell shape with low foot. Exterior in a luminous black glaze with iridescent metallic lustre, and decorated with birds on the wing and perched on peony and hydran- gea bushes, in green, yellow, aubergine and white. Within, a floral border with emblems, and a floral spray. Mark, a blue double-ring. Diameter, 7°4 inches 315 Second and Last Afternoon 319—IMPERIAL PLATE Nineteenth Century Broad and ovoidal on a low foot. Interior glazed in a light canary tone of the imperial yellow, as a ground, with a luxuriance of peonies etched in a soft grayish-black and enameled in white, as a decoration, supplemented by the hall-mark and motto of the late Empress Dowager reserved and glazed in coral-red, “Ta Ya Chai.” On the exterior a floral display in polychrome enamels on a white ground. Underneath the foot, the dedication: “Yung Ch’ing Ch’ang Ch’un,” “Eternal prosperity and enduring Spring.” Diameter, 8°4 inches 320—FIvE-coLor Bow. Ming Broad pear shape with bold foot. Vigorously painted in underglaze and enamel colors with two phcenixes among blossoming peonies. Diameter, 8% inches 321—Parr FAMILLE-VERTE PI-T’UNG K’ang-hsi Cylindrical brush pots in white, decorated with Court ladies and boys in famille-verte enamels. Height, 5% inches 322—GARNITURE OF Five FLorRAL Jars K’ang-hsi Inverted pear-shape with short neck and flaring foot, in quatrefoil modeling. Decorated in polychrome enamels on a creamy white ground with the peony, chrysanthemum, lo- tus, iris and other floral forms, and with butterflies and symbols. Height, 8°84 inches 323—Parr Five-coLor TEMPLE JARs Ming Four-clawed dragons rise from a whirlpool sea which is breaking against rocks, and pursue the jewel of power amongst clouds, in an atmosphere burning with their flaming breath. In green, yellow and aubergine enamels, and under- glaze red and blue, on a white ground. Height, 8°% inches (Illustrated ) 324—CYLINDRICAL JAR wiTH MANDARIN COVER Chien-lung Underglaze and overglaze decoration of the imperial em- blems, the dragon and the pheenix, in polychrome, among blue clouds on a white ground, over a heaving sea. On the cover the bats of happiness replace the dragon and phoenix. Seal mark of the reign. Height, 10% inches SUV£ AIdWAL WOOO AAT YIVd ce ON Second and Last Afternoon 325—STATUETTE OF A DEITY Ming Seated figure of Kuan Ti, the State god of war, in robes and armor, enthroned on a tiger-skin. Left hand on knee, with his right he strokes his long black beard. Colors green, yellow, gray-white and aubergine, with biscuit reserve. The conjecture has been put forth that this figure was designed to repesent Kublai Khan in the guise of the god of war. Height, 11% inches Second and Last Afternoon 326—POTTERY STATUETTE Ming Seated figure of Kuan Yin, enthroned, in voluminous robes of rich turquoise-blue and awbergine-brown. The face and breast are gilded, and show warm brownish patches from the fumes of incense. Height, 15 inches Second and Last Afternoon 327—Tripop INCENSE BURNER Yuan Body broad-globular, the heavy stump feet spreading and supporting at the knees relief masks. Under the lip a foli- ated border in relief, and around the body four-clawed dragons in relief guarding the jewel of omnipotence. Bril- liant creamy glaze, with greenish areas, and with grayish areas of disintegration and earth incrustation. Teakwood cover and stand. Diameter, 11 inches Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 328—-PHOENIX TEMPLE JAR Ming The body is divided laterally by double-rings in pale under- glaze cobalt-blue into a deep band and two borders, all bearing a rich decoration in the peony motive, with the large blossoms broadly executed in a soft underglaze rouge- de-cuivre and the leafage in emerald-green on a white ground. In the deep band encircling the body two large pheenixes of fleet wing soar through the floreation, appear- ing in the same coloring with the addition of light yellow and grayish aubergine enamels. Height, 10°4 inches (Illustrated ) 329—Dracon TEMPLE JAR Ming Companion to the preceding, with three land dragons re- placing the two pheenixes, and omission of the aubergine hue. Height, 11 inches (Illustrated ) Second and Last Afternoon 330—FAMILLE-VERTE BEAKER K’ang-hsi Lively decoration in varied enamel colors and underglaze red on a ground of soft and luminous white—tree peonies and chrysanthemums, floral sprays, and florets blown into the air among butterflies and birds on the wing, a phoenix on a rock, all carefully executed. Three red borders between blue rings. Height, 15 inches (Illustrated ) 331—LoNGEVITY VASE Yung Chéng Ovoid body springing from a deep and bell-shaped foot, lightly rounded shoulder and wide hour-glass neck, with an upright and molded lip. On the neck, facing a pine tree growing near a rock, Shou-lao, the god of longevity, appears with his long staff, accompanied by an attendant bearing a bundle of scrolls, and by a stag, one of his emblems, which holds another emblem of long life, the sacred fungus, in its mouth. On the body of the vase, near another pine tree and rock—the pine also an emblem of long life—are four “Graceful Ladies,” carrying respectively a branch of the fungus, peaches of immortality, a scroll and a basket of flowers. In six enamel colors and a delicate copper-red o a soft-white ground. : Height, 15% inches (Illustrated ) 332—FAMILLE-VERTE BEAKER K’ang-hsi Dense, heavy and resonant porcelain, with a mirror glaze of soft white, and carrying a brilliant display of ornamenta- tion in famille-verte enamels enriched and enlivened by an extensive use of soft and fine underglaze copper-red. The decoration is in the phenix-and-peony motive, with land- scape, and with smaller birds and butterflies on the wing. Mark, a blue double-ring. (Illustrated ) Height, 18 inches GSE I€€ Second and Last Afternoon 333—TEMPLE JAR witH Its Own OricinaL Manparin Cover Yung Chéng | Inverted pear shape, with elaborate and highly colorful ornamentation. Body ground a lustrous black enamel, threaded by foliar scrolls reserved in underglaze emerald- green with black veinings, in chrysanthemum design, with numerous blooms appearing in various enamels. This dec- oration is interrupted by fan and scroll shaped reserves in brilliant white, adorned with flowers and belligerent roost- ers in polychrome enamels. Three borders. Cover decora- tion in accord. Height, 16% inches No. 333—TEMPLE JAR WITH ITS OWN ORIGINAL MANDARIN COVER Second and Last Afternoon 334—Granp TEMPLE JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER Ming Inverted pear shape, the cover hat shaped. White glaze of soft lustre, with orange-skin surface of minute markings. Brilliant polychrome decoration in underglaze and over- glaze colors, picturing a seaside garden where an important lady of the Court, well attended, is being served with wine and other refreshments. Altogether nine ladies appear, be- sides male attendants. Around the neck a floral border. Height, 18°4 inches Second and Last Afternoon 335—Ovor Jar Polychrome decoration in low tones in a band and six bor- ders, the band of yellowish ground interrupted by three polyfoliate medallions enclosing phcenixes. Height, 16 inches 336—Ovo1w JARDINIERE IN NANKING WARE Polychrome enamel decoration embellished with gold, in a border and four panels, two presenting birds and flowers, and two figures of non-Chinese features, characterized by nasal prominence, in pavilions and on terraces. Height, 13°4 inches 337—DeEcoRATED GARDEN SEAT IN NANKING WARE Barrel-shape, studded with bosses and pierced with “cash” medallions. Flamboyant decoration in polychrome enamels and gold, in numerous compartments, some enclosing flowers and birds, others groups of figures representing either legen- dary episodes of theatrical scenes. The figures have the same prominent noses as those pictured in the jardiniere preceding. Possibly a legendary echo of ancient Tartar conquest tales. Height, 18% inches 338—Pair Funerary Urns Sung Body, which occupies about one-half the length of the jar, ovoidal and slender, on a bold foot, and finishing in a lighly everted lip. About this a wide cylindrical neck, end- ing in an upright lip above a flange formed of a festooned leaf. An archaic dragon in relief coils about the neck, a disc (representing the traditional jewel) is also modeled in relief there, and in addition there is on one vase a leaf and on the other two leaves, all in relief. Standing on the lip of the jar body, a circle of robed statuettes surrounds the neck, the circle numbering ten figures on one vase and eleven on the other. Gray glaze of soft lustre. Heights, 17% and 17% inches Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. No. 340—PALACE JAR WITH ITS OWN ORIGINAL COVER Second and Last Afternoon 339—FUNERARY URN Sung Slender body ovoidal and plain, with a bold foot, the shoulder supporting a festooned leaf which encircles it and appears as a bold relief border; above this, both shoulder and neck present a succession of channeled rings encircling them. On the shoulder a duck and a lion in relief (latter’s head missing), and about the neck a dragon in relief. Three ear-loop handles. Glaze of soft creamy grayish-white, with crackle. Height, 15°4 inches Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 340—PaLace Jar witH Its Own OricINAL CoveR Yung Chéng Tree peonies and magnolias in resplendent blossom, with iris and bush bamboo below, a gaily colored phceenix singing on a rock and a sombre companion bird looking up from a lower rock, all richly painted in enamels of the rose-verte family on a luminous soft white ground. On shoulder a ju-i border, which is repeated on the cover. Height, 24% inches (Illustrated ) AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND | ee OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF - EVERY: DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY 1920 Jan. 27NeAmRc.1 | _ American /Antique Chinese porcela = TL Hy Ij COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK ~ _AND BINDING BY ’ + » ' ¥ “ a tof 7 ‘ me J . F oye S Nie sl \ ny 4 “4 . 4 ie 3 aN sty # i { hic Weng 1 x : >) :