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pa ee
Height, 37 inches; width, 32 inches.
No. 177
(7 Portrait oF Crype FircH
Uy phy (Millboard)
Standing figure of Clyde Fitch, with his back to table and
bookcase. In colored pastel.
Signed, E. Suinn, 1911.
Height, 41 inches; width, 3014 inches.
3 First Afternoon
ee el
[ oo No. 178
3 7 5 : Mawn’s Porrrair | ‘ e
Ad ae Reerras) NYanner L, eV JOneee
_ ‘Three-quarter-length seated figure of -a man with curling
_ dark brown beard, seated with his arm resting on a table.
In his right hand he holds his gloves, in his left an apple.
On the left, in the distance, is an arched corridor with
figures dancing and an elderly man in red cap drawing a
curtain. Unframed.
Height, 43 inches; width, 41 inches.
No. 179
. ~ View or Rutiys
J (Canvas)
Seascape, with rocky headland and group of buildings .on
the right. In the foreground, on the right, are a statue
and a group of figures; in the center, three men with a
slaughtered pig; and on the left, classic ruins of a group
of Doric columns with figures.
Height, 18 inches; length, 53 inches.
First Afternoon
oo Se 2p
o/ i) << det Ture ANGLER
In the center a boy, wearing only knee breeches, with a
gourd over his shoulder, fishes in a stream, while seated
near him are a young girl and a child. On the right a foun-
tain, and on the left a waterfall, with figure of a young
girl carrying a basket. Landscape background, with view
of buildings in the distance. In old molded and gilded
wood frame.
Height, 19 inches; length, 58 inches.
No. 181.
, THe Piprnc SHEPHERD 4
/ ( er See (Canvas) /]
Under a tree on a mossy bank are seated a trio of two
young women in eighteenth century costumes, one of whom
holds a basket of flowers, and a shepherd boy playing to.
them on his bagpipes. Near them are sheep reclining.
Landscape background.
Height, 53 inches; width, 30 inches.
Se Shan “7
First Afternoon
No. 182
} oy Portrair oF Countess Basi
+t 3 Es (Canvas) ei ao
Three-quarter-length portrait of a young woman, seated
__with her face toward the right. Her dark ringleted hair
is surmounted by a large hat trimmed with roses; she
wears a purple dress, holds a fan in her right hand, her
~ left on an open book which lies on a table and on a letter
addressed “A son Eminence Julie Bon Balbi.” Near the
book is a glass bottle with a rose. In the distance an amphi-
theatre with statues. In painted and gilded frame.
Height, 51 inches; width, 39 inches.
No. 1838
Two Portraits oF Lapirs OF THE Cotrr
o on %% (Canvas) i AN, (3 AANLD
Oval shape. One, portrait of a young woman, seated and
holding a bouquet of flowers. She wears an embroidered
bodice and purple mantle. On the left stands an Amorino
holding up an oval mirror in which is seen the reflection
of her face. The other, three-quarter-length portrait of
middle-aged woman, seated and holding a floral festoon. She
wears an embroidered and jeweled bodice and a red mantle.
At her left side stands a fair-haired Amorino. Landscape
Heights, 37 inches; lengths, 50 inches.
First Afternoon
No. 14 © i
Overpoor PANEL
F 4 Ll ye (Canvas)
Rectangular panel, painted with a Teniers-like subject of
a village street. On the right is the door of an alehouse,
with group of drinkers seated at a table outside. In the
center, a man and woman, and on the left, a group of three
figures and a distant landscape. In carved and molded
wood frame.
Height, 14 inches; length, 65 inches.
No. 185
: Sige Mae
Figure of a young woman in yellow robe, with red mantle
and blue turban. She stands at a brick well-head holding
a rope in one hand and resting the other on a wooden bucket.
On the ground is a majolica ewer. Landscape background.
Carved, painted and gilded wood frame.
Height, 60 inches; width, 45 inches.
First Afternoon
No. 186 fe) .
4 ie Overpoors
Painted with scenes from Fénelon’s ‘*Télémaque.” In one,
a young woman bearing a helmet approaches an old man
who is weaving a basket and surrounded by children. On
the right is a farmyard with cattle. Landscape background.
In the other, a warrior with helmet is persuading another
to enter a boat in which sits a maiden, while another war-
rior dissuades him. On the right a young woman lies at
full length unconscious. Seascape background.
Height, 27 inches; length, 70 inches.
No. 187
es (2
Rectangular shape, painted with clouds, baskets of flowers
and stone vases. Groups of roses and floral festoons.
Width, 53 inches; length, 71 inches.
First Afternoon
No. 188
me () vd JOSEPH AND PorTipHar’s WIFE
(Canvas) a
Biblical subject, with figures in contemporary Italian cos-
tumes. Joseph, in plumed hat, dark jerkin with rose-colored
sleeves and purple mantle, is escaping from Potiphar’s wife,
who lays her left hand on his shoulder and seizes his mantle
with her right. She is dressed in an amber-colored bodice
and skirt, with full white sleeves and a red mantle. Her
auburn hair is drawn back from her forehead. Dark back-
ground. ,
Height, 69 inches; length, 59 inches.
No. 189
Wooded landscape, with blue sky banked with clouds and
distant hills. In the middle distance is a shepherd, piping, ‘
and with a flock of sheep. In the immediate foreground,
on the right, is a peasant, and on the left a cavalier on horse-
back and a group of beggars.
Height, 54 inches; length, 89 inches.
a ees
First Afternoon
No. 190
6 . CEILING Wine
: % (Canvas)
Oval medallion in the center, occupied with subject sits
stream on the banks of which are young women, some nude,
some in eighteenth century costumes, and in the middle
distance the prow of a boat laden with others in brightly
colored costumes. On the right is a statue, a stone vase of
flowers and trees, and on the left a fountain and trees.
Surrounded by scrollings, floral festoons and vases of flow-
ers on a black ground. Unframed.
Signed, Everetr Surnn, 1905.
Height, 54 inches; length, 110 inches.
Catalogue Nos. 191 to 305, inclusive
191—-FivEe CusnHions |
Covered in green cut velvet embroidered in gold, and
silk brocade.
192—ParrTr or CHaAsuBLE AND T'wo Sirk ManipLes
The chasuble of Italian silk brocade, in colors, with
floral pattern and bordered with gold galloon, and the
maniples of white and flowered silks.
Seventeenth Century
Chalice cover, embroidered in colored silks and gold,
with chalice and cherubim. ‘Two scrolled escutcheons,
embroidered in colored silks and gold with coats-of-
194—Fovur Smautu Taste Covers
(a) Silk damask.
(es) Silk brocade.
(c) Woolen needlework.
(>) Blue Italian silk, with silver lace border.
Second and Last Afternoon
195—Two Iranian Srtk Damask Taste Covers
Respective lengths, 45 and 39 inches; widths, 42 and 23 inches.
196—Irauian Lact Taste Cover
Worked with figures of Madonna and Child and An-
gels. Lace border. |
Length, 55 inches; width, 37 inches.
197—Two Piecrs or Cur VELVET
One of red and one of green velvet, cut in diapered
patterns. ;
Length, 50 inches; widths, 49 and 27 inches.
198—Iratian Sink Damask Taste Cover
Red damask, with center medallion bordered with gold
Length, 55 inches; width, 38 inches.
199—Iratian SitK Damask TABLE CovER
Of red silk damask, bordered with gold galloon.
Length, 68 inches; width, 47 inches.
Of dark green silk, with deep knotted fringe of silk.
Length, 66 inches; width, 64 inches.
201—Irauian Sirk Brocape
Patterned on a yellow ground with blue scrollings.
Length, 60 inches; width, 60 inches.
202—Two Irartian Lack Winpow CurtTaAIns
Of cut and drawn work, with fringe.
Length, 55 inches; width, 31 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
203—Lacr Door PAner
Patterned with animals and bordered.
Length, 53 inches; width, 34 inches.
h "
a or ‘SP
204—Irarian Lace anp Linen Hanecine
. | Of cut and drawn work finished with fringe.
Height, 32 inches; length, 78 inches.
205—Frencu Corron Brepspreap Eighteenth Century
, White ground printed in pinks and browns, with sub-
jects of figures in eighteenth century and classic cos-
Height, 78 inches; width, 62 inches,
206—Iratian Lace Curran
= Of cut and drawn work, in panels of diamond medal-
hons and dragons.
Length, 78 inches; width, 70 inches.
207—CotTron BeEpsPpREAD
Printed in carmine, with Amorini and wreaths.
Length, 88 inches; width, 50 inches.
208—Bepspreap AND Net Taste Cover
(a) Bedspread of linen, with embroidery and drawn
work in a pattern of scrolls.
Length, 69 inches; width, 62 inches.
(3) Table cover of net, with braid appliqué.
209—Siix Brepspreap AND Two CusHIoNs
Patterned with green and yellow stripes.
Length, 76 inches; width, 49 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
Patterned with green, yellow and red stripes.
Length, 86 inches; width, 50 inches.
211-—SEer oF Sirk Damask Haneines
Of yellow silk damask, the curtains with tasseled bor-
ders. Set consists of pair of curtains, pair of por-
tiéres, one bedspread, two pillows, one portfolio cover.
Lengths of curtains and portiéres, 84 inches; widths, 48 inches.
212—Two Parr or Sirk Damask Portreres
Of red silk damask, bordered with silk braid.
Length, 88 inches; width, 40 inches.
213—Two Pairs or Sink Currarns
Patterned in figured stripes of yellow, red and green.
Length, 84 inches; width, 48 inches.
214—Iranian Srttx Damask BrEpsPREAD
Of red silk damask, with applied heraldic escutcheon
embroidered in colored silks.
Length, 88 inches; width, 78 inches.
215—Ser or Sitk Brocape Curratins, Taste Cover AND
Of yellow silk, brocaded, in cream color, with a pat-
tern of floral stripes.
Lengths, 96 inches; widths, 46 inches.
216—Pair or FLtemisH Taprstry Panes
Stateenth Century
Rectangular shape. Woven, one with the figure of
a man in sixteenth century costume with curled beard,
and portions of other figures, and one with figures of
two women wearing ruffs and with voluminous skirts.
Height, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 6 inches.
| ao
Second and Last Afternoon
217—Portion oF FiemisnH Tapestry
Seventeenth Century
Rectangular shape. Woven with figure of a herald
in Roman warrior’s costume, with plumed _ helmet,
blowing a trumpet with heraldic standard and leading
a horse.
Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet.
218—Fremisu Verpure Tapestry Paner
Seventeenth Century
Rectangular panel, woven in a subject of a tree with
foliage and a bird, in greens, browns. and yellows.
Various borders of flowers and scrollings in colors
on dark grounds.
Height, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet.
219—Fiemiso Tapestry Paneu Siateenth Century
Rectangular shape, woven with a subject of Alexander
and the Wife of Darius. On the left stands Alexander,
with upraised hands, while in front of him, on the
right, kneels a woman with a basket of fruits. Three
women stand behind her, and a fourth kneels on the
extreme right of the picture. Architectural back-
ground, with windows fitted with leaded panes of glass.
Color scheme of yellows and blues, with passages of
Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 10 inches.
220—FiemisH Tapestry Pane Seventeenth Century
Rectangular shape. Woven with the subject of
Apollo pursuing Daphne. Apollo, on the left, in
Roman costume and carrying his lyre, reaches out
to seize Daphne, who stands on the right with up-
raised hand. Foliage background and distant hilly
landscape. Color scheme of greens, browns and yel-
Height, 7 feet 3 inches; length, 7 feet 1 inch.
Second and Last Afternoon
221—Fiemiso Verpure Tapestry Seventeenth Century
Rectangular shape. Woven with a subject of a hound
pointing a pheasant and surrounded by foliage and
verdure. In the distance a round pavilion reached
by a flight of steps, mountains and buildings. Color
scheme of greens, blues and browns. Border of floral
pendants in colors on a black ground.
Height, 7 feet; width, 11 feet 9 inches.
222—F emis Tapestry Sixteenth Century
Rectangular shape. Woven with a subject of “The
Quarrel.” On the right in an open arched doorway,
stands a young man with drawn dagger in his hand
restrained by two elderly women. In the center an-
other youth is urged forward by two women, one of
whom holds an upraised stick. On the right stands
a nobleman with plumed cap and drawn sword. All
the figures wear the sixteenth century Flemish cos-
tumes. Border of scrolled acanthus leaves and flow-
ers on a black ground.
Height, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 11 feet 6 inches.
223—F.LemMisH VERDURE ‘TAPESTRY Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with subject of pool surrounded
by birds and verdure. In the distance a pavilion with
flag and fountain. Border of twisted blue ribbon and
floral scrolls on a black ground.
Height, 7 feet 2 inches; length, 13 feet.
224—AntiqueE Kazax Rue
Field with blue ground, patterned with two cross-
shaped medallions of red and yellow. Inner guard
of double looped pattern, outer guard of Saracenic
counter-change and border of conventional stepped
pattern in red, blue and yellow and white ground.
Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
225—AnTievE Kazax Rue
_ Field with black ground, diapered with pear-shaped
figures in rose-color and light blue. Border of black,
yellow and red stars on a white ground.
Length, 4 feet; width, 3 feet 1 inch.
Field with blue ground, dotted with colored fleurettes
and patterned with four diamond-shaped medallions
in red, green, blue and white, with red palmettes at
top and bottom. Inner and outer guards of floral
: sprays on a black ground, and border of green and
yellow interlaced leaves on a white ground.
Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches.
227—ANTIQUE KaAzpistTan Rue
Field with brown ground, patterned with four oc-
tagonal medallions in red, yellow and white, with
borders of floral scrollings and Saracenic counter-
change patterning in white and black.
Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches.
228—ANTIQUE KaBistan Rue
Red field, diapered in blue and light green with a
diamond-shaped pattern of conventional figures. In-
ner and outer guards of angular meander pattern
and border of flowers and leaves on a black ground.
Length, 11 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches.
Field with red ground, diapered with conventional
vases of flowers in light blue and black. Inner guard
of three bands of checkered, fleuretted and _ floral
meander and Saracenic counter-change pattern and
border of angular meander, palmettes and flowers
in red, black and yellow on a white ground.
Length, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet.
Second and Last Afternoon
Field with white ground, patterned with a central
cusped diamond-shaped medallion, with red ground
occupied with varicolored floral and leaf scrollings,
surmounted by a scrolled diaper of flowers and leaves
and with palmette-shaped medallions and _ scrolled
leaves and flowers at the angles. Inner and outer
guards of floral meanders on red and black grounds,
separated by stripes of twisted ribbon pattern and
border of a varicolored floral meander on a white
ground. Length, 12 feet; width, 7 feet 6 inches.
231—Kunorassan Rue
Field with a dark ground, diapered with palmettes
and leaves, red, yellow and blue. Inner and outer
guards of meander and floral pattern, and border of
palmette-shaped leaves and flowers in blue, black and
white on a red ground.
Length, 14 feet; width, 6 feet 8 inches. |
Field with red ground, diapered with large diamond-
shaped medallion of black, with red and yellow ros-
etted centers and with trefoiled leaf terminations. In-
ner and outer guards of yellow and black fleurettes on
red grounds, and border of a floral meander in red,
yellow, blue and white on a black ground.
Length, 16 feet; width, 7 feet 2 inches.
Center with a black ground, diapered in a pattern of
interlacements, flowers, leaves and palmettes, and red,
blue, yellow and white. Inner and outér guards of
three bands of floral and rosetted meanders and bor-
der of pear-shaped rosettes in red, white and green
with vari-colored scrolled leaves and flowers on a red
ground. Length, 14 feet 2 inches; width, 12 feet 4 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
234—SPANISH SAMPLER Nineteenth Century
Rectangular sampler worked in colored silks on linen
sampler cloth with figure of a woman, parrots and
quatrefoils. Dated “1866.”
Height, 11 inches; width, 13 inches.
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular form, with shaped and molded shelf sup-
ported by four acanthus-leaf carved columns and with
diapered gallery at side, with inner shaped and brack-
eted shelf. Shaped and molded top, supported by
carved and voluted scrolls, and shaped bracket sup-
port carved with acanthus-leaf scrollings. Painted
red and gilded.
Height, 3114 inches; width, 27 inches.
236—ITatian Carvep, Paintep anp Girt Woop MantTeE.
Mirror Eighteenth Century
Broken tablet shape, with pierced cresting surmounted
by “Sun” medallion, festoons of leaves and loose rib-
bons. Frame painted, enriched with carved husk pat-
terning and flanked by detached vases of flowers.
Acanthus-leaf scrolled and paw feet, and pierced
acanthus-leaf carved apron. Painted red and gilt.
Height, 40 inches; width, 42 inches.
Eighteenth Century
Oval back. Serpentine seat front, carved with lotus-
leaf pattern and tapering fluted and acanthus-leaf
carved legs. Seat and back upholstered.
Second and Last Afternoon
238—Frencu Gitr Bencu Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with molded top paneled with ~
canework, seat front carved with guilloche pattern
and turned tapering fluted legs. Completely gilt.
Height, 18 inches; length, 35 inches.
239—Iratian Girt CANE-sSEATED ARMCHAIR 5
Eighteenth Century _
_ Shield- hen back, with molded arms and curved
legs. Seat and back in woven cane. Completely
240—Irarian Gitt ConsoLte Taste LHighteenth Century
Rectangular table, with apron carved with eagle sup- | ¢
porting leaf festoons, and one turned tapering fluted
and acanthus-leaf carved leg. Completely gilt. Mar-
ble top missing. |
Height, 32 inches; length, 20 inches.
241—Oax TABLE
Rectangular shape, on turned legs and fitted with
Height, 1 foot 91% inches; length, 2 feet 2 inches.
242—Intaip Manocany WasHstTanp
Rectangular shape, the top with two hinged flaps,
pierced for basin; lower part fitted with drawer and
cupboard; on square tapering legs. Inlaid with lines
of satinwood.
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 51% inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
243—Irauian Intaip Watnut Correr
| Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with domed hinged lid, inlaid with
bands of acanthus scroll inlay in light woods. Front
and sides paneled with raised moldings, inlaid with
scrollings and a pear-shaped scrolled escutcheon, with
coat-of-arms of rampant lion. On four feet.
Height, 1 foot 51%, inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches.
244—ITatian Intatp Watnut CABINET
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with chamfered angle marble top,
and square tapering legs, fitted with two drawers with
fronts inlaid with panels bordered by lined satinwood
and with knobs with painted enamel fronts. Marble
cracked and one knob front missing.
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches.
Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with marble top on.square taper-
ing legs, fitted with drawer and cupboard. Drawer
and hinged cupboard door inlaid with panels sur-
rounded by indented borderings of light wood inlaid.
Marble top broken.
Height, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches.
246—Parr or Irarian [niaip Tasers
Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, the aprons fitted with drawers on
square tapering legs. Top inlaid, in light and dark
woods, with counter-cut oval panels of shepherdess
with sheep and cow drinking in landscapes with
acanthus-leaf scrolls in the angles. Aprons with acan-
thus-leaf scrolls in etched dark wood, legs with acan-
thus-leaf scrollings in colored woods. Glass tops.
Height, 2 feet 5 inches; length, 2 feet 2 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
247—Intaip Manocany TABLE
Rectangular top and square tapering legs. Inlaid
with lines of satinwood.
Height, 2 feet 5 inches; length, 1 foot 11 inches.
?48—Iratian IntAip Watnut Dressine TABLE
Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with broken front. Fitted with
hinged center flap, with mirror on interior surface,
and two side compartments with hinged flaps, the
apron with drawer. On square tapering legs. Top
inlaid in hght woods with military trophy, and apron
with panel of acanthus-leaf scrollings.
Height, 2 feet 71/4 inches; length, 2 feet 8 inches.
249—Parr or Irarian ParquETRY CABINETS
Style of Eighteenth Century
Semicircular shape, with molded marble tops and
square tapering legs, each fitted with two drawers.
Drawer fronts and sides inlaid with panels of par-
quetry flanked by bands of kingwood.
Height, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet.
250—Iratian Mareauretry Dressinc TABLE
Exghteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with kneehole front and square
tapering legs. Fitted with central hinged flap, with
mirror on inner surface. ‘Two side compartments with
hinged covers, and three drawers. Top inlaid with
band of scrolled seaweed marquetry, drawer front
with panels of marquetry, inlaid views of buildings and
legs with bands of geometrically patterned parquetry.
Compartments and drawers lined with red silk dam-
Height, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 2 feet 614 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
251—PaintTED Oak GateE-LEc TABLE
Oval top, with two hinged flaps, carved with band of
scrolled leaves. Turned cylindrical legs and gate
with turned stretchers. Painted blue.
Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length, 2 feet 8 inches.
252—Irauian Intaip Watnut Dressinc TaBsLe
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with broken front. Top fitted with
center compartment having hinged flap, with mirror
on inner surface, two side compartments with hinged
tops, and apron with drawer. On square tapering
legs. Top inlaid with oval dragon-surrounded panel
enclosing a scrolled escutcheon, sides with sphinxes
and scrolled acanthus leaves, and legs with husk pat-
Height, 2 feet 61%, inches; length, 2 feet 81 inches.
253—Earty American Manocany Mirror
Rectangular deep molded frame.
Height, 3 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 1 inch.
254—IrTatian Intarp Waxtnout Writine Tasie
Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular top, fitted with large pull-out leather
paneled writing slab and three drawers, and with
square tapering bracketed legs. Top inlaid with
square panel and circular medallion center in line of
satinwood. Drawer fronts with panels enclosed. by
bands of kingwood and satinwood.
Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 3 feet 6 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
255—VENETIAN InLaip Watnut Tasie
Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular top; apron fitted with two drawers and
square tapering legs. Top inlaid with diam@nd me-
dallion and corners of scrolled acanthus leaves in
etched satinwood, apron with vertical bands of par-
quetry and legs with spear-shaped panels of light and
dark woods. Glass top.
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet.
Square back, straight arms and turned legs. Up-
holstered with silk damask.
257—Turee UrnoiustTeErRED ARMCHAIRS
Square backs, straight arms and square tapering
legs. Seats, backs and arms upholstered, two with
cut velvet and one with silk damask.
2?58—DutrcH Intain Manocany Drop-LeaFr TABLE
Rectangular shape, with two hinged drop leaves,
drawer, square tapering hinged legs and turned
stretcher. Inlaid in colored woods, with Amsterdam
marquetry of flowers and leaf scrolls.
Height, 2 feet 1 inch; length, 2 feet 1 inch.
259—Inuaip Manocany Carp TasLe
Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with hinged leaf supported on
hinged legs and apron fitted with drawer. Square
tapering legs. Top inlaid in etched- colored wood
and ivory, with quatrefoil medallions enclosing sym-
bolic figures of women, dolphins and floral scrolling,
the apron with scrolled leaves and flowers.
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet.
: Second and Last Afternoon
7 260—Earty American Manocany Cuest or Drawers
Rectangular shape, flanked by carved, pineapple
pilasters on paw feet, fitted with one shallow and two
deep drawers. Brass looped handles.
Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet.
261—Irauian Intaip Warner Cuest or Drawers
4 . Eighteenth Century
Et Rectangular shape, with molded top, three long
drawers and square tapering legs. Entirely inlaid,
the top and sides with oval shell medallions of satin-
wood and scrolled border, the drawer fronts with
pointed-leaf rosettes and circular medallions. Brass,
swinging ring handles and circular keyhole escutch-
Height, 3 feet 1 inch; length, 3 feet 6 inches.
2962—Earty AMERICAN Manocany CueEst oF DRAWERS
\ Rectangular shape, with lower part of front bowed
and flanked by fluted composite columns, on four
bracketed feet. Top fitted with two, lower part with
three drawers. Oval twisted hanging ring handles of
brass with embossed plates.
Height, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches.
: 263—Initaip Manocany Dror-Lear TABLE
: Oval top, apron fitted with drawer, square tapering
: legs and two hinged drop leaves. Inlaid with lines of
i satinwood.
Height, 2 feet 414, inches; length, 3 feet 8 inches
Manocany Wine CuHair
Square back, with shaped wings and arms and square
tapering legs. Upholstered in silk damask.
Second and Last Afternoon
265—Iratian Girt anp Manocany Dressing TaBLE
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with hinged mahogany top, and —
interior fitted with compartments. Apron carved with
lotus leaves, turned tapering and fluted legs, curve
and carved cross stretchers, with finial formed | as
Cupid’s bow and quiver. Entirely gilt. :
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch,
266—VENETIAN Parnrep ArmcHarR LKighteenth Cennana :
Shield-shaped back, with curved flat arms on curved —
supports, serpentine seat front and square tapering —
legs. Carved with masks and rosettes, and painted, on
a red ground, with foliage scrolls upholstered in cut
velvet. ,
267—Pair or Irarian PainTEpD anp GILT ARMCHAIRS —"@
Eighteenth Century q
Oval back, with voluted upholstered’ arms on curved ©
supports. Bowed seat fronts and tapering fluted legs. — ;
Seats and backs upholstered in cut velvet. Painted —
and gilt. |
268—Setr or Four Iranian Gitt ARMCHAIRS
Eighteenth Conan
Square backs, carved arms on fluted columnar sup-
ports, square tapering legs and _ pear- shaped feet.
Two upholstered in yellow silk damask and two in rose- _
colored cut velvet.
269—Parm or Traian Parnrep anp Girt ArMcHAIRS |.
Eighteenth Century
Oval backs, carved, voluted and upholstered arms on |
curved supports, bowed carved seat fronts and taper-
ing fluted legs. Seats and backs upholstered. Painted —
and gilt. |
Second and Last Afternoon
270—Iratian Painted anp Gi_tt ARMCHAIR
Eighteenth Century
Oval back, with scrolled upholstered arms on scrolled
supports, shaped seat front and scrolled legs with vo-
luted feet. Painted white, picked out in gold. Seat
and back upholstered.
271—Parr or Iratian PaintTED CuHarrs
Style of Eighteenth Century
Square backs, pierced and carved with oval medallions,
crossed torches and fluted spindles. Straight seat
fronts and turned tapering and fluted legs. Backs and
seats of canework. Painted white and green.
272—Pair oF Irauian PainTtED ARMCHAIRS
Eighteenth Century
Square backs, straight reeded arms on fluted col-
umnar supports, straight seat fronts and turned, ta-
pering, fluted acanthus-leaf carved legs. Seats and
backs upholstered. Painted white, picked out with
green, and decorated with husk patternings painted in
273—Frencu Girt ARMCHAIR
Style of Seventeenth Century
Square back, with carved, voluted and acanthus-leaf
carved arms on acanthus-leaf carved supports. Bul-
bous fluted and carved legs, with scrolled and carved
side rails and center stretcher. Seat and back uphol-
Second and Last Afternoon Be:
274—Irattan Carvep anp Gitt Woop Bang@uETTE
Style of Eighteenth Century —
Rectangular shape, with upholstered top, pierced and —
carved seat front, six cabriole legs carved with masks,
voluted feet and curved carved cross stretchers. Up- —
holstered with cut velvet. Frame completely gilded.
Height, 20 inches; length, 45 inches. x
275—Parr or Irarian Painrep anv Gir Woop Torcubkres
Style of Seventeenth Century
Hexagonal baluster-shaped stems, molded and carved
with pointed leaves, circular bobéches carved with lotus
leaves, hexagonal incurved pedestals carved with acan- _
thus leaves and four scrolled acanthus-leaf feet.
Painted red and gilded.
Height, 561/, inches.
276—Frencu Trumeau Mirror Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with molded frame divided into
two panels, the upper one occupied with painting, in
the Boucher manner, of Nymph with tambourine and
Amorino with garland of flowers.
Height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches.
277—Frencu Inuaip Watnut Faui-Frront Desk '
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with chamfered angles, marble
top and straight legs. Arranged with drawer, desk.
with fall front paneled with leather, and fitted with
four drawers and shelves, and three drawers below. —
Drawer and fall front inlaid with panels of lght-
color wood, bordered by bands of satinwood.
Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 114 inches.
—— al
Second and Last Afternoon
~278—Dourcw Intai Manocany Fart-rront Desk
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with molded marble top, beveled
angles and cabriole legs. Arranged as a fall-fronted
desk with drawer above, interior fitted with six inlaid
front drawers and four pigeon-holes, and cupboard
below with two hinged doors. Inlaid with kingwood
and border of “‘barber’s pole” pattern in light and
dark woods. Marble cracked.
Height, 4 feet 71% inches; width, 2 feet 61/, inches.
279—Pair oF Irarian Intaip Manocany CommMopEs
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with molded top, three long
drawers and square tapering legs. ‘Tops and sides
inlaid in kingwood and satinwood, with circular dia-
pered medallions and lined with satinwood; drawer
fronts with handles of parquetry bordered by double
looping of satinwood. Swinging looped handles, with
shuttle-shaped plates, embossed with masks, of brass.
Height, 3 feet 11% inches; length, 4 feet 3 inches.
280—Dutcu Manocany Fari-rront DEsk
Early Nineteenth Century
Rectagular shape, with gray white-veined marble top.
Flanked by two detached columns with stamped brass
capitals. Frieze fitted with drawer, lower portion
with fall-down front forming desk, the compartment
arranged with six drawers, two secret drawers and
arched receptacle. Below are three long drawers.
Handles and keyhole escutcheons of contemporary
stamped brass. .
Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
Ble Iran Intaip Watnut ComMMopE
Eighteenth Century
Heian alee shape, with molded top and short cabri-
ole legs. Fitted with three drawers and inlaid in light —
and dark woods, the top with shaped panel enclosing |
a heraldic shield supported by Putti and flanked —
by scrolled acanthus leaves. The drawer fronts, —
with rectangular panels, etched with landscapes
and seascapes and flanked by panels of burr veoh
inlaid with etched festoons and scrollings. Contem-— 4
porary oval swing handles, with stamped plates of
Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 4
282—Carvep Oax Writine TABLE
Rectangular shape, with kneehole front on spirally 3
turned legs with spirally turned stretcher. Fitted — a
with five drawers, the fronts carved with masks be —
scrolls. ~
Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 4 Be
288—WoopEN CuiotTHEs CHEST
Rectangular shape, with hinged lid. Of wood, coy-
ered with canvas and painted. The front decorated
with old carved oak console brackets and fruit pen-
Height, 2 feet 214 inches; length, 5 feet 2 inches. iS
284—Oax Dininc Tasie
Rectangular extension top, the apron carved with i ;
scrollings, carved columnar pedestal and four scrolled _
acanthus-leaf carved legs with paw feet. Five addi-
tional leaves.
Height, 2 feet 1 inch; length when closed, 4 feet 9 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
285—Parr or Irarian Watnutr ARMCHAIRS
Armchairs with square backs, gilt carved acanthus-
leaf finials, straight arms and twined legs on straight
base rail. Side chairs with square backs, voluted
finials and turned legs. Backs and seats upholstered
in crimson velvet finished with silk fringe.
286—Pair or Irarian Watnut SipE CwHairs
Square backs, with oak finial. Backs and seats up-
holstered in crimson velvet finished with silk fringe.
287—Six Iratian Watnot Sipe CuHairs
Square backs, with acanthus-leaf finials. Seats and
backs upholstered in crimson velvet.
288—Iratian Carvep AND GitpED Woop Tas Le
Eighteenth Century
Rectangular shape, with peachbloom marble top,
apron carved with festoons of flowers and leaves tied
by knotted ribbon and turned tapering and fluted legs
with acanthus-leaf feet. Entirely gilded.
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 5 feet 6 inches.
289—Dutcu Painted FourroLtp SCREEN
Style of Eighteenth Century
Four leaves, with arched tops, painted with scrolled
panels, the upper ones occupied by figures of itinerant
vendors and dancing master, in eighteenth century
Height, 6 feet; width, 7 feet 8 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
290—Itratian ParntEp anp Gitt Day Berp
Early Nineteenth Century
Curved ends, with pierced and rosetted splats. Ser-
pentine seat front and square tapering fluted legs.
Webbing. seat, with loose cushion. Painted black,
picked out with gilding.
Length, 6 feet 6 inches.
291—Oax Berp Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular headboard with carved top rail, open
top panel fitted with carved acanthus-leaf scrollings
and knotted ribbon, and flanked by. tapering fluted
columns. Footboard with two low posts of tapering
fluted baluster. Beaded side rails. Fitted with box
spring and mattress.
Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width 3 feet.
292—-Frencu Gitt Woop Bep witu Sirk Damask Cur-
TAINS Style of Eighteenth Century
Rectangular head and foot boards, with top rail
carved with laurel-leaf bases, flanked by fluted columns
with carved finials and paneled with canework. Side
rails carved with guilloche patterning. Entirely gilt.
The curtains are of rose silk damask bordered with
fringe. Fitted with box spring and mattress.
Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches.
293—Iratian Paintep Woop Day Bep
Eighteenth Century
Straight square ends. Molded and carved with bands
of twisted ribbon pattern, rosette carved seat front
and eight turned tapering and fluted legs. Seat and
arms upholstered, with loose cushion. Frame painted.
Length, 76 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
294—Frencn Painted Bep, Two Cuairs anp CABINET
Bed with square head and foot boards, flanked by
baluster-shaped fluted columns, and with curved top
rails paneled and enriched with carved fluted vases,
and pear-shaped feet. Armchair with curved arms,
side chair with pierced splat and cabinet with marble
top and hinged paneled doors, all to match. Painted
white, picked out with green.
295—Irauian Patntep anp GitpED Woopen NIcHE
Seventeenth Century
Semi-hexagonal niche of wood, painted in tempera
with quatrefoil. medallion and bold acanthus-leaf
scrollings. Semicircular canopy, carved with acan-
thus-leaf and gilded. Voluted gilded side brackets.
Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch.
296—Earty AmERIcAN Manocany Sora
Rectangular back, with straight molded mahogany
head rail, straight upholstered arms with front of
twin half-round Ionic pilasters, straight seat front
and molded pedestal feet, back and arms upholstered
with loose cushion to seat.
Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 2 feet 5 inches.
297—HarpmMan Granp PIANO
Case of white mahogany, painted in oils by Everett
Shinn. The lid with landscape and group of dancers
in Watteau style, surrounded by band of rose blos-
som and leaf ornamentation. The sides and back of
keyboard with floral festoons, the latter flanked by
vases of flowers.
Second and Last Afternoon
298—Iratian Carved anp GittT Woop Door ArcH .
Flat arch, with broken outlines and moldings carved
with acanthus leaves. Frieze and jambs enriched —
with carved cherub’s head, floral festoons and fruit a
pendants tied with knotted ribbons. Painted and —
gilded. % '
Height, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 8 feet.
299—Iratian Marsie GarpEN ConsoLEe a
Rectangular molded top, with square baluster-shaped _
stem and square base. Of red-grained marble.
Height, 2 feet 101% inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches.
Circular molded top, with baluster-shaped stem on
square base. Of white marble.
Height, 2 feet 10 inches; diameter, 2 feet 44% inches. _ 3
301—Parir or Iratian CotorEpD MarsitE Memoria Tas-
LETS Style of Seventeenth Century — 3
Rectangular panels, occupied by figures of sorrowing
Amorini with inverted torches. Partially colored.
Height, 2 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 2 inches.
302—Iratian Marsie Tonno Style of Sixteenth Century
Circular-medallion, carved, in low relief, with a half-
length figure of the Virgin standing and supporting
the undraped Child Christ. Above are two four-
winged cherubim. Surrounded by a banded wreath of
fruits and leaves in low relief.
Diameter, 35 inches.
Second and Last Afternoon
303—Iratian Carvep Limesronr Maponna
Style of Sixteenth Century
Seated figure of Virgin, crowned and supporting the
Child Christ on her left arm. On throne with drapery
back, late Gothic arched top and flanked by square
_ quatrefoil paneled Gothic pilasters. On molded base.
Height, 30 inches; width, 21 inches.
304—Sert or Four Limestone Garpen Ficures
Standing figures of Putti holding grapes and a floral
garland. On circular bases.
Height, 2 feet 11 inches.
305—Irarian Marsie Bencu
Rectangular molded seat on two lyre-shaped sup-
ports carved with masks and volutes. Cushion, to fit
seat, covered with crimson velvet.
Height, 1 foot 9 inches; length, 7 feet 6 inches.
306—Wetuts (H. G.). The Sea Lady. First Edition.
London, 1902; SHipman (L. E.). Urban Dia-
logues; Witiramson (C. N.). The Lightning
Conductor; Morris (Cxara). sh, bis recto, be ve wed at) rua aaa Paarl
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