LIBRARY | M.Knoedler& Co. 14 East 57th St New York Sete ee =e fe HUNTINGTON PAINTING SOLD FOR $122,010 | io a 2 A Treen Bought for $80, 000 in 1907, Brings $17,7 750—A Corot Is Auctioned for $25,000. the collection nry EB. Huntington, E fty-seventh rson Gal- Huntington c : Dera { A N as Sashes x icaisogll E, tee tbotae APRIL 16, 1926 fi x9 ) ,000 ¢ | amples in the collection. “ egy laltar pi y the early. I 29. iy 8 a br Q L | alte tp by. the early | Albert Van Outy A | Vi and child ee Wai . 7 Ay, Collecti 1i0n ‘af. arly in pink with | | and a second, in blue and | was Bote f it- ings From the Family | hi | andLaterE urope S . . Gy spep 4 { i asion Brings $122,01¢ : ee een Corie Two early on panel |} , in the manner Giovanni, | "i alleawen- of ogee: belonging f “Antiochus | $4,900 each to ® ate of : s. Henry untington, removed from the fam sion at Fifth Avenue and Street, brought $122,010 igu entitled ,’ painted by Bou 700, selling to E. E. 4 ust g at the And ; i Many of the canvase fears ago-by the late Huhtington, the railroad builde ial bequ X e of master- 2 Metropolitan Museum of . A fine Corot entitled “Hauling in the fp E Net, Twilight” s sold for : proving the of rhich, included nin : “ primitives anc I a i picture ac quir 1 ; sn, Who was one of tie repr ntating oe a] bordered by tall trees | is ; $ man in the foreground | pulling in a | i ¢ The j land | painte | ond | ber | Celle, N oud,” | : g of three in the 4 x foreground a countryside, with a : peasant woman and child approaching. 7 : Both pictu or ially were acquired , ore \ | from M. Knoedler, who imported then ey i! The Minne is Museum t for $7,500 “Portrait of Marguer teenth This is a ing only | of the mo (ee Sena Cie Helton eS TOE ey an a a a ee RA AARARRAARAAAARARARARAAD AAU a0 ene comic SSt MARGUERITE OF FRANCE BY AMBROSIUS BENSON [NUMBER 33 SALE NUMBER 2057 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TENTH PAINTINGS INCLUDING FINE EXAMPLES OF THE ITALIAN QUATTROCENTO, CINQUECENTO &? LATER SCHOOLS, & ALSO OF THE BARBIZON & MODERN FRENCH EARLY FLEMISH, DUTCH SOUTH GERMAN & OTHER SCHOOLS REMOVED FROM 2? BAST 571 STREET NEW YORK CITY SOLD TO. CLOSE THE ESTATE Mes. Herry E. Hunting ow TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING APRIL FIFTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presiwenr ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON FOREWORD HIS Collection, brought together during the activities of a long life, is a varied one and one of the most interesting to be dispersed in New York City within recent years. The late owner secured many of the choicest works during years of periodical residence abroad, and was always prepared to add any fine things offered by the local galleries that contributed toward rounding out the collection. For the writer, one of the gems is Number 33, the portrait of Marguerite of France by Ambrosius Benson, after which the Madonna and Child, Number 55, by Pier Francesco Fiorentino, wields a strong fascina- tion. A like subject by Cesare da Sesto, Number 60, is a charming example, as none other of Da Vinci’s pupils painted such captivating bambini. Jan Gossaert (Mabuse) is well represented by a silvery altarpiece, Number 28, and other Early Flemish and Dutch masters are Cornelis of Bruges, Albert van Outwater and Lancelot Blondeel. The Bellinesque Madonna and Child by Chodignola, Number 57, is a newcomer, showing also the distinct influence of Cima da Conegliano, while the treatment of the drapery bespeaks a contact with South German Masters, who were frequently met with in Venice at this period. The Holy Family of the Neapolitan School, Number 77, is a very strong performance and for that reason was generally accepted as a Van- dyck, but careful comparison shows a distinct manner of the late Nat- uralists, who derived their best impulses from Ribera. There is a beautiful Corot, Number 40, illustrated in Robaut, and a fine Troyon, Number 41, of his middle period, as well as a representative Diaz de la Pena, Number 44; and contemporary art is to the fore with two characteristic pastels by Mary Cassatt, Numbers 43 and 46. G. FRANK MULLER LIST OF ARTISTS NUMBER ANASTASI, A. 88 BELIN DE FONTENAY, J. B. 83 BENSON, A. Bo BLONDEEL, L. 3 BOTTICELLI (MANNER OF) 21 BOUGEREAU, W. A. 48 BRISTOL, J. B. 91 CASSATT, M. 43, 46 CESARE DA SESTO 60 CHODIGNOLA 57 CONCA, J. 29 CORNELIS OF BRUGES, A. 3 COROM, do 1, C 40) COUTURE, T. 8 CRANACH, L BY DAVID, G. (SCHOOL OF) Pat DIAZ DE LA PENA, N. V. 44 DOUCETTE, L. elt DUTCH 30, 82 FAIVRE, T. a FIORENTINO, P. F. ON) FLEMISH AB, “WO, Wil, 0s FLEMISH (MANNER OF) 63, 76 FRANCIABIGIO 24 FRENCH Pa, (We, (OM GERMAN 69 GIORGIONESQUE MASTER 51 GIULIO ROMANO 29 GOSSAERT, J. (MABUSE) 28 GOUBIE, R. 6 GREEK 14 GUARDI, F. 13, 79) HUBBARD, R. W. 89 ITALIAN i es Yam cP A oY cS Zo) JACOPO DA CASENTINO 18 KAUFFMANN, A. (MANNER OF) 4 LEONARDO DA PISTOJA NUMBER LOOP, H. A. OyZ MAES, N. (MANNER OF) 73 MAINARDI, B. 52 MANTEGNA (ATTRIBUTED TO) 20 MATTEO DA GIOVANNI (MANNER OF) 84, 85 MELCHERS, G. 10 MERLE, H. 8) MONNOYER, J. B. 80, 81 MORAN, T. 5 MURILLO, B. E. (ATTRIBUTED TO) 74 NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL na NERI DE BICCI 53 PESNE, A. AT PIETRO DI DOMENICO 59 RIOT AS 12 PULIGO, D. 56 RIC CIEES: iff ROBIE, J. B. 42 ROMNEY (AFTER) 3 SALVI, G. B. 49 SELLAIO, J. ZS SOGLIANO, G. A. 87 SOUTH GERMAN SCHOOL, SO MONRRO SHO, SPANISH 61, 64, 65, 66, 68, 72 SUSTERMANS, J. (ATTRIBUTED TO) 94 THOMPSON, W. iL TIEPOLO, G. B. 50 TROYON, C. 41 VANDYCK (MANNER OF) oe VAN MARCKE, E. 45 VAN OUTWATER, A. Bye, WHITTREDGE, W. 90 ZENOBI, M. 58 SALE THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL FIFTEENTH, AT _ 8:15 OU NUMBERS 1-94 WILFRED THOMPSON CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LANDSCAPE Sloping hillside with decorative trees in foreground, misty distance, sunset sky with grey and yellow cloud effect and touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1907 at the lower right. Height, 17 inches; width, 2214 inches. Pax ease Kees sore ERENCH-19 FH CENTER Y CONTENTMENT Figure study of a smiling young woman attired in a red dress, seated beside a wall. Academy board. Height, 101% inches; width, 8 inches. AFTER ROMNEY | | £ ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY THE PARSON’S DAUGHTER Pastel. Oval. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. MANNER OF ANGELICA KAUFFMANN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A LADY HOLDING A DOVE Pastel. Oval. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. THOMAS MORAN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN A CLOUDY DAY A road passing through marshy land, where a girl in Italian costume is seen; fine trees near the middle distance, and a grey hill at the hori- zon; cream-tinted and grey cloudy sky. Panel. Signed and dated 1877 at the lower left. Height, 61% inches; width, 914, inches. R. GOUBIE FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE MASTER’S HORSE A groom in red costume is mounted on a light bay horse and is lead- ing a brown saddle horse away from the spectator, while a greyhound is lying nearby; view of the rear of a mansion, thick foliage about. Panel. Signed and dated 1877 at the lower right. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. TONY FAIVRE FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY WAITING FOR THE ANSWER A pretty young woman attired in red and white morning gown is seated near a window on the left, acknowledging a note and a bouquet of white lilacs just delivered by a smartly liveried colored boy waiting on the right, while the maid is removing the breakfast tray; rich in- terior. ay : Cradled panel. Signed and dated 1873 at the lower right. Height, 37 inches; width, 30 inches. THOMAS COUTURE FRENCH, 1816-1879 PORTRAIT STUDY OF A WOMAN IN MONOTONE Bust to the front, head slightly to the left, wavy hair to shoulders, costume indicated; tinted background. Canvas. Signed with initials on the left. Height, 1814 inches; width, 15 inches. HUGUES MERLE FRENCH, 1823-1881 CHARLOTTE CORDAY . Half-length at profile facing the right, in black stiff felt hat with cockade and green ribbon, her beautiful blond tresses falling to her shoulders, attired in grey striped muslin bodice with white linen neckerchief; interior background. She is in deep thought and holds a letter addressed to “Citoyen Marat, Cordéliers.”’ Canvas. Signed and dated 1878 at the upper right. Height, 25 inches; width, 211% inches. Charlotte Corday is famous for having murdered the French Revolu- tionary leader, J. P. Marat. GOSSIPS BY GARI MELCHERS £ Tr @ wy, [NUMBER 10] ie GARI MELCHERS, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 10 GOSSIPS Section of a sunlit cottage with the budding branches of a tree weaving a lace-like design over it, as a woman and a man stand at the fence in conversation; a bit of the blue sky at the top. Academy board. Signed at the lower left. Height, 18% inches; width, 13 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] O) vo iLL MOONLIGHT BY L. DOUCETTE [NUMBER 11] L. DOUCETTE CONTEMPORARY GERMAN MOONLIGHT Scene at the mouth of a river with two men in a rowboat in the fore- ground, silhouette of a town with church spires and windmills in the distance, with the silver disc of the moon just appearing from among a mass of cirrhus and cumulus clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 4 12 14 16 ADOLPHE PIOT CONTEMPORARY FRENCH AN ITALIAN BEAUTY Half-length, seated, of a pretty, brown-haired woman, facing the spectator, resting her right elbow on a velvet cushion, attired in white and blue headdress, coral necklace and white bodice; holding an offer- ing of tea-roses; brown background. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. ITALIAN 18TH CENTURY FIGURE OF A SAINT On a slide in ornate frame. (Damaged) Panel. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. GREEK IKON 16TH CENTURY THE MADONNA AND CHILD In red, blue and white garments, holding the Infant attired in black and flowered gold and red with gold striation; gold background, with tooled halo. Panel. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. ITALIAN 16TH CENTURY THE MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST The Virgin in red garments has one knee on the ground as the Christ Child comes to her arms, while St. John is at the left; landscape back- ground. Panel. Height, 261% inches; width, 211% inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY MATER DOLOROSA Bust to the front, in red, blue and grey drapery, holding her hands at her bosom; warm background, with halo. Canvas. Height, 1915 inches; width, 13 inches. 2) UG aS) 20 SEBASTIANO RICCI VENETIAN, 1660-1734 THE MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS The Virgin enthroned holds the Christ Child standing at her side; a bishop kneeling at the right, a monk, saints, angel and cherubs are grouped about in a lofty church interior. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 17 inches. JACOPO DA CASENTINO FLORENTINE, 14TH CENTURY MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS Three-quarter length, in black and red garments with golden head- dress dropping to bosom, holding the Christ Child; brown back- ground; saints at the left and right; golden halos. Panel. Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches. From the Collection of Charles Butler of Warren Wood, Hatfield. ITALIAN 16TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A PILGRIM Head toward the spectator, shoulders to the right, dark hair and full brown beard, holding a staff in his left hand, white neckcloth and red coat; neutral background. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO MANTEGNA PADUAN, 15TH CENTURY TWO WINGS OF A TRIPTYCH JOINED St. Sebastian, nude, with a sword and arrows, and St. George in armor with the dragon at his side; angels above, holding crowns and sprigs of grain. Panel. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. From the Hamilton Palace Collection. 6 22 9 oO MANNER OF BOTTICELLI MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin in blue and red garments and cream-colored headdress is standing holding the white draped Infant; a bullfinch stands beside an open book on the parapet in the foreground; open window at the upper left, with a formal landscape, and a vase of red roses is stand- ing in a recess on the right. Canvas. Height, 32 inches; width, 22 inches. ITALIAN 16TH CENTURY THE MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN The Virgin holds the Infant Christ on her knee, while St. John kisses him; a winged cupid is at the left; glimpse of landscape with cliffs and rising sun at right distance. Panel. Height, 24'% inches; width, 1814 inches. JACOPO DEL SELLAIO FLORENTINE, 1441-1493 THE MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Kneeling toward the left, in red and black garment embroidered with gold, with a transparent veiling over her blond hair which descends to her shoulders, as she contemplates the Infant lying at her feet; St. John the Baptist is on the left in red drapery, holding a banner on which is inscribed ‘“Ece Agnu’’. Landscape background with a thatched abode on the left. Frame inscribed, “Ave Maria Gratia P.” below. Panel. Round top. Height, 26 inches; width, 16 inches. FRANCIABIGIO FLORENTINE, 1842-1525 MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Charming group, the Virgin standing, attired in red and slate-grey garments, a purplish kerchief with gold striation as a head covering; her right hand supports the Infant Christ, who stands on a red cushion and white cloth placed on a pediment at the left, clasping the Madonna with his left arm while St. John on the right calls attention to his cross. Hilly country background, with a castle on the left and towers of a fortress in the distance; bluish-grey sky with light pink effect above the horizon; gold halos. Cradled panel. Height, 381% inches; width, 30 inches. u MADONNA, THE HOLY CHILD AND ST. JOHN BY GIULIO ROMANO [NUMBER 25] GIULIO ROMANO FLORENTINE, 1492-1546 MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Seated, attired in blue, green and red garments, holding a book, a soft grey veiling covering her braided brown hair, with the nude Infant on her knee, while St. John with his cross stands at the left. Land- scape with a lake and a castle on an island and mountains at the hori- zon; blue green and pink sky with slight cloud effects. Panel. Tondo, 33 inches in diameter. Inscribed, “From the Casa Ridolfi’”’. it Ou [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 8 ALTARPIECE FLEMISH, EARLY 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 26] FLEMISH EARLY 16TH CENTURY 26 ALTARPIECE The Madonna in red and white draperies is nursing the Infant Christ. Charming landscape background. Saints on the wings, a monk and a bishop. Coat-of-arms on the outside. Panel. Height, 24 inches; width, open, 36 inches; closed, 18 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] g SCHOOL OF GERARD DAVID FLEMISH, EARLY 16TH CENTURY 27 MADONNA, CHILD AND ANGELS In a charming interior the Virgin is enthroned holding the Infant Christ, while two angel musicians, one with a harp and the other holding a viol, are standing on the step of the throne; glimpse of land- scapes through the open window at the left and right. Panel. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 10 MADONNA, CHILD AND ANGELS FLEMISH, EARLY 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 27] JAN GOSSAERT, CALLED MABUSE FLEMISH, 1470-1541 \ 28 MADONNA, CHILD AND AN ANGEL é SY Seated, attired in red and green, gold-embroidered garments, trans- >) parent kerchief over wavy golden-brown hair, holding the nude In- ‘ fant on her knee while a red-winged angel garbed in creamy and grey draperies offers fruit; angels above holding a blue and yellow cur- tain as a background; interesting landscape, with the flight into Egypt and other details. Cradled panel, trilobate at the top. Height, 36 inches; width, 23 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 2 GEL CHILD AND AN SSAERT (CALLED MABUSE) ADONNA, A M BY J N GO 28] [ NUMBER os [NUMBER 29] a JUAN CONCA SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY 29 THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT The Madonna in quaint attire holds the Infant on her knee as she sits astride the ass, which is guided by an angel, while another angel hovers above carrying a sheaf of leaves. St. Joseph walks beside with his staff; other wayfarers, landscape background. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 4214 inches; width, 38 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 14 ON THE WAY TO CALVARY DUTCH, 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 30] DUTCH 16TH CENTURY 30 ON THE WAY TO CALVARY Christ crowned with thorns, attired in wine-colored tunic, is carry- ing the cross and being urged on by the rabble, while Mary Magdalen and others follow; soldiers carrying spears and pennants, producing a nice effect over the gold background. Cradled panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 1314 inches. Purchased from Gimpel & Wildenstein, New York. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 15 [NUMBER 31] (ft ALBERT CORNELIS OF BRUGES SB) FLEMISH, ACTIVE 1532 31 MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin with long auburn hair, attired in red, white and black garments, is seated and caresses the Christ Child standing on her knee, with his left arm about her neck; rays of glory with gold stria- tion about the heads, against a dark background. Cradled panel. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 16 DOUBLE ALTARPIECE BY ALBERT VAN OUTWATER [NUMBER 32] ALBERT VAN OUTWATER DUTCH, LATE 15TH CENTURY 32 DOUBLE ALTARPIECE | The Madonna and Child in the central panel, the Resurrection and St. Jerome on the left wing, St. Veronica and a bishop on the right wing; above in the centre, the Crucifixion, with the Magdalen and St. John on the wings. Closed, St. Peter and St. Roch, and on the top, two angels. Panel. Height over all, 21 inches; width over all, 23 inches; closed, width 12 inches. The upper altarpiece has a round top. ) eee k ret [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] We A AMBROSIUS BENSON FLEMISH, ACTIVE 1519-1550 83. PORTRAIT OF MARGUERITE OF FRANCE Bust, shoulders to the front, head turned slightly toward the right, her reddish-brown hair parted in the middle and combed to the side, \ a jewelled pink net encircling the crown from which a veil drops to the shoulders, low-cut, tan-colored bodice with black yoke, golden neck- lace. She holds a rosary of black beads; dark background. Panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Inscribed on back, ‘““Marguerite of France, Duchess of Savoy, wife of Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy”. Compare with portrait of Elizabeth Donche of the Oppenheim Collec- tion, sold at Lepke’s Auction Co., Berlin, March, 1918, which was re- puted to be by Holbein, but Dr. Bode pronounced it to be by Benson. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | LANCELOT BLONDEEL FLEMISH, 1496-1561 34 MADONNA AND CHILD Half-length, clad in blue, white and green drapery, with long wavy, chestnut hair, holding the nude Christ Child, who clasps an apple; gold background, covered with a brown stipple. Panel. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. N [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 18 MADONNA AND CHILD BY LANCELOT BLONDEEL [NUMBER 34] MADONNA AND CHILD BY LUCAS CRANACH [NUMBER 35] LUCAS CRANACH GERMAN, 1472-1553 35 MADONNA AND CHILD The blond Virgin, attired in red and grey garments, is seated holding the nude Infant standing on her knee; dark background. Canvas. Height, 31% inches; width, 231% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 20) THE VIRGIN ENTHRONED SOUTH GERMAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 36] SOUTH GERMAN SCHOOL EARLY 16TH CENTURY 36 THE VIRGIN ENTHRONED In red and white garments and gold-brocaded mantle, in an attitude of prayer; the dove, symbol of the Holy Ghost, hovers above; saints on each side; gold halos. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 201% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] all SOUTH GERMAN SCHOOL | EARLY 16TH CENTURY ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS The Madonna and St. Joseph are kneeling with the Christ Child lying _ at their feet, as three shepherds in quaint attire are kneeling at the right facing the child. The manger from which the cow and an ass ap- pear is at the left, and two angels holding a banner hover over the scene. Interesting interior, with a view of a cliff and figures through oe) =] the open window. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 21 imches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 22 BN a ae mae A el EE RE Ch Ma RENEE mn Ri eee THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS SOUTH GERMAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 37] [NUMBER 38] SOUTH GERMAN SCHOOL EARLY 16TH CENTURY THE ASCENSION The Madonna in white headcloth, red robe and green-lined, gold- flowered cloak, kneels with clasped hands in the centre surrounded by saints kneeling and standing. Two angels bearing scrolls hover above, while the lower half figure of Christ is disappearing to Heaven at the top. Golden halos and background of landscape with cliffs. Canvas. Height, 3014 inches; width, 201% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] . 24 39 sage ia ap ceten asi IER Re ech > meena! [NUMBER 39] SOUTH GERMAN SCHOOL EARLY 16TH CENTURY DEATH OF THE VIRGIN Reclining on a bed of gold brocade, her hands crossed, wearing a white headcloth and red garment, surrounded by saints; tooled gold halos. Lofty interior, with a cliff showing through open window at the left. Canvas. Height, 3014 inches; width, 21 inches. Jam [SEE ILLUSTRATION] . JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Gi. {Ss FRENCH, 1796-1875 \ 40 HAULING IN THE NET, TWILIGHT A wide body of water with a fisherman pulling in a net in the fore- ! ground; tall poplars rise on the bank at the right to the top of the I composition, while a hill is indicated at the horizon; pale emerald sky | with cream-colored cloud effects merging into grey higher up. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 32 inches; width, 23 inches. Illustrated in Alfred Robaut, ‘Corot’, Vol. II, No. 1071, under the title, “Le Pécheur en Barque tirant son Filet au Crépuscule’’. Purchased from the artist by M. Quatrain. Collections Quatrain and Pellechet. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Zao 24M Comecgpied la ect by larets- lathes lich 1966, AMehen un atith bo] - LI BALL = Bexegbih, for don ola Seeffp Jh-1407 Joo AMS XX : Std. oe CO Mhamtiiagls 4b1907 4 BOESKK = [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 26 I ) HAULING IN THE NET, TWILIGHT BY JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT [NUMBER 40] | | | MILKING TIME AT LA CELLE, NEAR ST. CLOUD BY CONSTANT TROYON [NUMBER 41] CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH, 1810-1865 41 MILKING TIME AT LA CELLE NEAR ST. CLOUD Charming countryside, with a group of cows on the green sward in the foreground, a pail and milk vessel on the left and a peasant woman and child approaching up the incline at the back; haying scene in the distance, hilly ground on the right and left, with habitations at the centre and a vast plain spreading out beyond toward the horizon. Sky of grey cumulus clouds finely brushed with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1847 at the lower left. Height, 451% inches; width, 65 inches. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GESF. Asrughh fan! Aanacd - Sat Afoit 19702 ~ eo MNE SKK = Sila. Mire bh turiden glen Lh-1907 4 EMEKK =% GALAXY OF FLOWERS BY JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE [NUMBER 42] JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE BELGIAN, 1821-1910 42 GALAXY OF FLOWERS Arrangement of beautiful tea, pink and deep red roses, violets and other flowers on a ledge in a garden. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 27'4 inches; width, 20 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 29 PORTRAIT OF A GIRL BY MARY CASSATT [NUMBER 43 MARY CASSATT CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PORTRAIT OF A GIRL Half-length, in pink costume, with large straw hat decorated with pink buds and old gold ribbon; green background. Pastel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 2434 inches; width, 18 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 30 LLL LIE THE PETS BY NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA [NUMBER 44] NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1812-1876 44 THE PETS A group of gypsy children in their picturesque costumes of close-fitting bonnets with gilt bangles, and velvet-ornamented bodices and varied skirts, are grouped about in the foreground, admiring a dog and her two puppies. Park background with a lake; simple grey and silvery sky with streaks of blue. | Canvas. Signed and dated 1856 at the lower left. Height, 29 inches: by width, 21 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 31 HOMEWARD BOUND BY EMIL VAN MARCKE [NUMBER 45] EMIL VAN MARCKE FRENCH, 1827-1890 45 HOMEWARD BOUND A peasant girl in blue and red garments is driving several cows and sheep toward the spectator, the dog is among the bushes on the left; dense foliage at the right, with fine tree groups about; blue sky with | creamy cloud effect. j Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 29 inches; width, 1934, | imches. | [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] _¢ 32 PORTRAIT OF A GIRL WITH A DOG BY MARY CASSATT [NUMBER 46] MARY CASSATT CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 46 PORTRAIT OF A GIRL WITH A DOG Half-length, seated, facing the spectator, deep brown wavy hair or- namented with a red flower, attired in blue costume with a white yoke, holding a pet Pekingese dog; yellow background. Pastel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 25 inches; width, 201%, inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 99 oo ANTOINE PESNE FRENCH, 1684-1757 47 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Nearly full-length, standing facing the spectator, holding a long be- ribboned bamboo staff with her right hand as she caresses a pet black and white poodle standing on some blue drapery arranged over a pediment; wearing small pink buds in her powdered hair, low-cut white satin bodice, with pearl and gold ornaments, and plum-colored skirt. Foliage and grey sky background with cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 51 inches; width, 41 imches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 54 i PORTRAIT OF A LADY BY ANTOINE PESNE [NUMBER 47] MOTHER AND CHILD BY WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGEREAU [NUMBER 48] WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGEREAU FRENCH, 1825-1905 an? Nea 48 MOTHER AND CHILD Ux A young mother with rich brown hair, attired in linen bodice and dark blue skirt, barefooted, is lying full-length on the green sward, her head up, resting on her elbows as she holds a luscious apple with which to tempt a nude child, its pretty curly blond hair tied with a wine-colored ribbon. Thick foliage, with distant vista on the right. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 52 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 36 MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH CHERUBIM BY GIOVANNI BATTISTA SALVI [NUMBER 49] GIOVANNI BATTISTA SALVI (IL SASSOFERRATO) ROMAN, 1605-1685 49 THE MADONNA AND CHILD Seated, wearing a cream-colored kerchief over blond hair, holding the sleeping Infant to her bosom; luminous background, with a blond and a dark haired cherub among the clouds. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 37 GIAN BATTISTA TIEPOLO VENETIAN, 1693-1770 50 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN The Madonna attired in red and blue garments, is enthroned on a cloud supported by cherubs as she holds the Child, while a cherubim float above, and a bishop in fine vestments kneels on a step in the foreground; ornamental torchére on the left; church interior. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 121% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 38 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN BY GIAN BATTISTA TIEPOLO [NUMBER 50] GIORGIONESQUE MASTER VENETIAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY 51 PASTORALE On a knoll in the left foreground a shepherd is sitting with his dog and his sheep grouped near at hand; on the left several women with jugs are making their way to a well at the middle distance, nearby which a shepherdess and a young pilgrim are standing under a fine tree; winding road leading toward a city at the left, and wooded distance with figures on the right; cloudy sky. Cradled panel. Height, 32 inches; width, 231% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 40 PASTORALE VENETIAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 51] BASTIANO MAINARDI FLORENTINE, 1450-1513 52 MADONNA AND CHILD The auburn-haired Virgin enthroned wearing a transparent head- dress, with gilt embroidery and red and blue garments, holds the nude Christ Child, whose attention is attracted toward the left; gilt halos, with landscapes at the right and left distance. Canvas. Height, 33 inches; width, 201% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 42 MADONNA AND CHILD BY BASTIANO MAINARDI [NUMBER 52] TRIPTYCH BY NERI DE BICCI [NUMBER 53 NERI DE BICCI FLORENTINE, ACTIVE 1453-1475 538 TRIPTYCH Centrepiece with the Madonna, Child and Saints and God the Father above; Saints on the wings; gold backgrounds, with tooled halos. Panel. Pointed top. Height, 19 inches; width, 19 inches; closed, 10 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 44 [NUMBER 54] LEONARDO DA PISTOJA FLORENTINE, 1483-1550 54 THE HOLY FAMILY The light auburn-haired Madonna is seated behind a parapet, attired in light flowing garments with red sleeves showing on lower arms, holding the curly blond Infant with tender embrace; St. John is at the right, with St. Joseph at the back supporting himself on a long staff; dark background, with gilt halos. Panel. Height, 31 inches; width, 23 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 45 PIER FRANCESCO FIORENTINO FLORENTINE, ACTIVE 1475-1497 55 MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN The Virgin in white headdress, black, red and gold-ornamented gar- ments, her hands clasped as she regards the Christ Child at the left, while St. John and a saint are at the left; the dove, symbol of the Holy Ghost, hovers above. Dark background, with golden halos, rays and stars. Panel. Round at top. Height, 2214 inches; width, 111% inches. Charming example of this rare master. From the Collection of Charles Butler, Warren Wood, Hatfield. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 46 MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN BY PIER FRANCESCO FIORENTINO | [NUMBER 55] [NUMBER 56] DOMENICO PULIGO FLORENTINE, 1475-1527 56 MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin seated shoulders to the front, head turned to the left, at- tired in red, blue, tan and white garments, holds the blond, nude Christ Child, who looks frankly at the spectator; complementary background. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 26 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 48 [NUMBER 57] CHODIGNOLA VENETIAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY 57 MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin in white gold-bordered headcloth and red, green and blue draperies is seated facing the spectator, as she holds the nude Christ Child standing on her knee; baldachin at the back, with hilly land- scapes at the right and left. Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. This artist shows the influence of the Bellini and Cima da Conegliano. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 49 [NUMBER 58] MACCHIAVELLI ZENOBI FLORENTINE, ACTIVE 1463 MADONNA AND CHILD Standing attired in a blue and red robe, with transparent gilt-edged veiling over her blond hair dropping to her bosom; the Christ Child with a pale blue loincloth as he is clasped by the Virgin; gold back- ground with formal design, and tooled halos. Panel. Height, 20 inches; width, 15% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 50 [NUMBER 59] PIETRO DI DOMENICO } SIENESE, 1457-1506 59 MADONNA, CHILD AND ANGELS Three-quarter length, seated, attired in blue, red and gold-flowered garments, holding the Infant on a red cushion; black and gold baldachin at the back, with an angel on each side; tooled halos. Cradled panel. Height, 2614 inches; width, 18 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 51 [NUMBER 60] CESARE DA SESTO MILANESE, 1477-1523 60 MADONNA AND CHILD Standing, facing the spectator, in red garment with deep blue cloak with old gold lapel, long wavy chestnut hair with a golden net and transparent veiling down to the shoulders, holding the Infant, who touches the Virgin’s exposed breast, and holds a small blossom in his right hand. Dark background, with gilt halos. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. 52 61 64 SPANISH 17TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF KING CHARLES I OF ENGLAND AS A BOY Half-length, slightly to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, long curly brown hair, attired in black doublet with slashed sleeves and white lace-edged collar and cuffs, his right hand placed on his chest. Complementary background. Canvas. Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches. Inscribed on the back: “Portrait of Prince Charles during a visit to Madrid by Velasquez”. FRENCH 16TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length to the front, with standing lace hairdress and ruffs and cuffs, dark grey gown with jewelled embroidery, her hands clasped; dark background. Frame studded with colored stones. Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 9 inches. MANNER OF FLEMISH 16TH CENTURY ALTARPIECE Descent from the Cross on the centre panel, Saints on the wings. Panels. Height, 13 inches; width, open, 22 inches; closed, 11 inches. Inscribed on the bottom of frame: ‘“Parado Pedro, Luis i Dona Maria Tinagero”’. SPANISH 17TH CENTURY REST ON THE FLIGHT TO EGYPT The Madonna in red and blue garments with the nude Infant on a white cloth in her lap. St. John with his lamb on the left, and St. Joseph and the ass in the distance; landscape background. Canvas. Height, 45 inches; width, 351% inches. SPANISH 17TH CENTURY STROLLING MUSICIANS Grouped in the foreground, two of them, an old man and a boy play- ing, while a young man seated on the left is approached by a young woman who places her hand on his shoulder; a dog crouches in the foreground. Canvas. Height, 51 inches; width, 421 inches. Inscribed on the back: ‘From the Galleria di S(a) A(lteza) R(eale) Il Ppe. de Salerno”, and attributed to Velasquez. 53 66 67 68 69 70 SPANISH 17TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A MAN Half-length, head and shoulders slightly to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, long chestnut curly hair, white lace-edged collar and cuffs, black figured doublet, slashed sleeves; comple- mentary grey-brown background. Canvas. Height, 3134, inches; width, 251% inches. FRENCH 18TH CENTURY CHARITY A mother in simple garb is seated holding a child on her knee, while a nude boy craves her attention at the right, and another is seated on the left munching some bread; dark background. Canvas. Height, 5714 inches; width, 45 inches. SPANISH 17TH CENTURY THE CHRIST Bust, to the front, head inclined toward the left, wearing the Crown of Thorns and a red drapery thrown over his shoulders; comple- mentary background; feigned oval. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. GERMAN 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A LADY Head and shoulders to the left, seated, eyes directed toward the spec- tator; blond, in pink low-cut bodice with white ruffled trimming; jewel ornaments and pearl necklace; dark background. Canvas. Height, 201% inches; width, 17 inches. FLEMISH LATE 15TH CENTURY ALTARPIECE The Madonna seated on a pediment with an apple beside her, attired in blue, white and pink with gold embroidery, is offering her breast to the Infant Christ, held in her right arm. The Annunciation is de- picted as accessory under the arch of a ruin at the left distance. Male saints on the wings with their attributes, circular vignettes at the lower end. Closed, colored coat-of-arms in an architectural set- ting in monotone. Panel. Height, 19 inches; width, open, 2614 inches; closed, 1314, inches. 54 71 72 73 74 75 76 FLEMISH 16TH CENTURY THE MAGDALEN Three-quarter length to the front, her curly blond hair dropping over her bosom as she gazes heavenward with tears in her eyes; attired in white and grey striped and red drapery. Landscape background. Canvas. Height, 34 inches; width, 27 inches. SPANISH 17TH CENTURY THE WANDERING MINSTREL Half-length, shoulders to the left, head toward the spectator, in broad-brimmed hat, wearing a red fur-lined mantle over a grey doublet, and holding a flute in his right hand; brown background. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. MANNER OF NICHOLAS MAES PORTRAIT OF A GIRL HOLDING A BROOM Half-length, facing the spectator, in white garments with red trim- ming; interior background. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO BARTOLOME ESTABAN MURILLO SPANISH, 1617-1682 SELF-PORTRAIT Half-length, head and shoulders slightly to the left, long wavy dark hair, broad lace-edged collar and cuffs, wine-colored doublet; com- plementary background. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 221% inches. FLEMISH 16TH CENTURY MADONNA AND CHILD Half-length of the Virgin, standing, attired in deep plum-colored and red gold-embroidered garments, holding the Christ Child, who places his hand on her bosom; dark background, with golden halos. Panel. Height, 221% inches; width, 171% inches. MANNER OF FLEMISH 16TH CENTURY ALTARPIECE A statue of the Madonna and Child on a pedestal, with two angels in white at the side; wings representing saints inside and outside. Panel. Height, 191% inches; width, closed, 211 inches; open, 401% inches. 535) Sach Tie SE at « rettenana RS NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL LATE 17TH CENTURY 77. THE HOLY FAMILY The seated Madonna attired in blue and red garments, holding the Christ Child, who reaches up to St. Joseph leaning forward, while St. John calls attention to his scroll at the right. Base of a column and grey sky with streaks of blue background. A striking example. Canvas. Height, 42 inches; width, 321% inches. This painting has been attributed to Vandyck by some of the leading European authorities, but a careful study has revealed it to be the work of a painter among the late Naturalists who were influenced by Ribera. From the Leon Hirsch Collection. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 56 THE HOLY FAMILY NEAPOLITAN, 17TH CENTURY [NUMBER 77] Sesh SSeS TM Cee eelten e Se e as Cn e R FRANCESCO GUARDI VENETIAN, 1712-1793 78 ALLEGORICAL FIGURE Female figure holding a pannier of wheat as a winged cupid in the foreground is trying to raise a small fluted column; boatmen on the shore of a choppy blue sea in the distance; a brick wall is on the left. Blue, yellow and orange sky effect. Cradled panel. Height, 64 inches; width, 30 inches. Purchased from Eugene Glaenzer, New York. Companion piece to the following. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] FRANCESCO GUARDI VENETIAN, 1712-1793 79 ALLEGORICAL FIGURE Female figure standing holds a three-fluked anchor by the stock with her right hand as she grasps the folds of her old gold skirt with the left, while a winged cupid is arranging some stone coping and a sec- tion of a fluted column. A portico with two columns on the right and a sailboat on sea in the distance; blue sky. Cradled panel. Signed and dated 1747 on the column. Height, 64 ches; width, 30 inches. Purchased from Eugene Glaenzer, New York. Companion piece to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 58 ALLEGORICAL FIGURES BY FRANCESCO GUARDI ERS 78 AND 79] [NUMB 80 81 [NUMBER 80] JEAN BAPTISTE MONNOYER FRENCH, 1636-1699 FLOWER PIECE Arrangement of beautiful flowers in an urn on the left, fruit dis- played on the right, a spurting fountain at the centre with a couple of birds on the wing above, and two figures on a veranda in the dis- tance, with a vista of a hill and sky. Canvas. Height, 48 inches; width, 66 inches. Companion piece to the following. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] JEAN BAPTISTE MONNOYER FLOWER PIECE Arrangement of choice blooms and fruit on a veranda, with garden ornaments and a parrot on the pedestal of an urn at the left. Park background at the right distance. Canvas. Height, 48 inches; width, 66 inches. Companion piece to the preceding. 60 [NUMBER 82] DUTCH 17TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN Three-quarter length, standing facing the spectator, of a brown- haired and bearded man in wide-brimmed hat, double ruff, black doublet with cape, holding his tan-colored gloves in his left hand, his right resting on the back of a chair. Complementary background, with coat-of-arms at the left. Inscribed, ‘‘Aetatis suae 56 A. D. 1634’. Canvas. Height, 41 inches; width, 33 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 61 [NUMBER 83] JEAN BAPTISTE BELIN DE FONTENAY FRENCH, 1654-1715 STILL LIFE, FLOWERS A great variety of fine blooms in nice arrangement on a parapet, partly in a wicker basket and a large green urn, while a number have fallen on the side; brown background. Canvas. Height, 51 inches; width, 36 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 62 84 86 87 MANNER OF MATTEO DI GIOVANNI ANTIOCHUS AND STRATONICE Stratonice, daughter of Demetrius, King of Macedonia and wife of Seleucus Nicator, King of Syria, was a very beautiful woman with whom the son Antiochus Soter by a former wife fell violently in love; he dared not acknowledge his passion and slowly pined away, when Eristrate, the court physician, discovered the cause of his con- dition. The King decided to renounce his wife to save his love-sick son, who thereupon was wedded to Stratonice. Cassone panel in three divisions: The sick Antiochus being examined by Eristrate; Eristrate apprises the King of his son’s malady; The King assures the doctor of his intention to divorce Stratonice. Cradled panel. Height, 17 inches; width, 43 inches. Companion piece to the following. MANNER OF MATTEO DI GIOVANNI ANTIOCHUS AND STRATONICE Cassone panel in three divisions: The Wedding; The Dance; The Feast. Cradled panel. Height, 17 inches; width, 43 inches. See plate No. 112, “Cassone of the Italian Quattrocento”, by Paul Schubring. , Companion piece to the preceding. Wo fiti Ua 1\A ( \ - ITALIAN 16TH CENTURY PRAYING SAINT With hands folded and head uplifted, attired in white, grey and dun- colored drapery; a book on a ledge on the right; dark background. Canvas. Height, 38 inches; width, 29 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO GIOVANNI ANTONIO SOGLIANO FLORENTINE, 1492-1544 ALLEGORICAL FIGURE Full-length of a stately female with rich brown hair, attired in pink, green and grey drapery, holding a palm leaf and an agricultural tool; distant landscape with river and hills; blue sky. Cradled panel. Height, 54 inches; width, 2814 inches. 63 A PICNIC PARTY BY AUGUSTE ANASTASI [NUMBER 88] AUGUSTE ANASTASI FRENCH, 1820-1889 88 A PICNIC PARTY Has halted on a bank laden with poppies and daisies, of which some of the ladies are gathering nosegays and bouquets; others are seen in the distance, and several boatmen are in charge of the beflagged skiffs; fine tree groups about, and two vagrant dogs in the fore- ground; distant hills rising over a blue and creamy sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1869 at the lower left. Height, 511% inches; width, 32 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 64 89 90 91 R. W. HUBBARD AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE A big lake with fine tree groups in autumn coloring on the left, and right banks with mountains in the distance; blue sky with creamy cloud effects. Canvas. Signed with initials and dated 1865 at the lower right. Height, 45 inches; width, 26 inches. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N.A. AMERICAN, 1820-1910 THE SOURCE In a thick wood two tiny rivulets find their way over rocks and boulders and join in the foreground to form a pool amid wooded banks, with a vista of pale blue sky in the distance. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 36 inches; width, 25 inches. JOHN BUNYAN BRISTOL, N.A. AMERICAN, 1826-1909 LANDSCAPE A lake with a bank on the right where a lone fisherman is seen; ris- ing ground opposite on the left, where cows are about in a partial clearing among fine trees; distant vista with farm lands and cottages and hills; pale grey mountain chain at the horizon; cream-colored clouds in pale green sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 44 inches; width, 24 inches. 92 93 94 HENRY A. LOOP, N.A. AMERICAN, (?)-1895 DIANA AT THE SPRING Full-length, standing among boulders near the source of a tiny stream, her light auburn hair held in place with a red ribbon, loose linen tunic with a mottled pink drapery attached to her belt; hold- ing a deep blue water jug; foliage background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at the lower right. Height, 52 inches; width, 32 inches. MANNER OF VANDYCK FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY THE MYSTIC MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE The Madonna crowned, clad in red, white and deep blue garments, is seated holding a sceptre in her right hand, with the Christ Child on her knee placing the ring on St. Catherine’s index finger, as she kneels on the left; he has his left hand on the orb of dominion; sky background. Canvas. Height, 49 inches; width, 3814 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO JOOST SUSTERMANS FLEMISH, 1597-1681 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN AND SON Full-length, standing slightly to the right; eyes directed toward the spectator as he points with his left hand to some documents on a table at the right, his right hand on the shoulder of a young lad. The father is attired in a dark costume with white lace-edged collar and cuffs and fur-lined wine-colored cape, while the boy is clad in close fitting doublet and jerkin with white ruff and black over- garment; dark background, with scarlet curtains at the upper right and left. Canvas. Height, 84 inches; width, 58 inches. 66 Pil steht et - - SSSSTOS Seat fi a rethceeSemieas BU ae Seiten a Sb ONES ites Cece Se resp cr ct aeande eae i ir : core a eGR ele Seta Slir RTS e TI interest ‘ ea 6 ere ap Seen aaa ip RSG SAAS Foros Soe RS eee: Hey San ianaht ee ok < _Atmocssecaayoasae3 Siseseens opyasesaerseetgesteanas ssstearearazzoisee sas Qpaencanazees poteptesezase: agenphaseonsrasese seaagasereesazeas A MUNA AAU RAR spastraaaenpemeessannad! EEOC CCG Tapes sreerer ete apreereaa rag’ : Juasesenees apbbetegaacecessuaas aeasasonssnenpapenes ebidsnecsapenee seuaauaeaeesasdes GALAN sestsssesanee sosieeserseentes toner: deestateazoissos Haniienpasaseass pra teanttenanensaneenenan spestzee seensece potesapacsdulensaeage®: seremenne aunteaessanngessnsenseonce rouatzetagteantzectcgmenels: sessions tae: sasaptaaes: devboterecepeseshs eiabeessenesestes3 Ccoore ee ARCA sseaegeneesees, seguttebepepersegnas DUE pogggitgeae ei abboebieessesenates puernneesnes: Prtaueebsensatenseveonsess sashasesesanranntnansanivayertiae PRS DRE RELY atthe ‘ i AISREY SUSIE SIS BRETT TILMEEL EISSSOE ITT