- What Phas wskgaerel by. the bulk of tk attended to be the most interesting and the most successful auction of antique. porcelains held in this city in many a place: at the American Art Galleries, Ma ‘Square South, yesterday afternoon, when 120 _tique Chinese porcelains from the private colle of Richard H. Halsted, of Halsted & Hod: 'brokers, No. 7 Wall-st., were sold for $32, |more than $265 a lot. Thomas E, ‘Kirby, 0 : . Ameérican association, conducted the sale, of which | ‘one feature was the number of experts and con- ‘noisseurs in Chinese. porcelains, ineluding s ‘Japanese, who were present. These included M “John A. Hoagland, Willidm Earl Dodge, Thoma B. Clark, J. Harson Rhoades.’ Mrs. C. F. Brov Charles W. Gould, Louis Stern, Edson Brad John T. Terry, ir. W.. De oes Haynes, Ww, Gurnee, jr., C. I. Hudson, John H. Andrews, ae K. Sturgis and Mrs, W. B. Dickerman. _ a M. Knoedler. & Co. paid $1,900 for an oviform bot- ‘tle shaped turquoise blue vase sixteen and a half inches high of the K’ang-hsi period (162-1722). The vase has an elaborate design of dragons traversing — the firmament amid cloud shapes, and fire symbols, y modelled over the entire surface. — The whole invested with a translucent glaze and. coated Ww streaks of a darker tint. is} At $1,500 Mrs. Jchn A, Hoagland bought an em -ald green gallipot fifteen inches high of. the “sa period. In the bidding for this object, wh! . opened at $500, Knoedler & Co. found a formidab rival in Dineen Brothers. The gallipot is sa op /outshine even the jar Sold in the Dana coll ‘for which, it may be remembered, $3,600 was “pe at is of thick texture, invested with a mc 1 glaze of brilliant, irridescent green. Th tion, which is etched-in, the paste under neg “glaze, consists of kylins playing: amid cloud 1 Edward ‘Wasserman was the buyer at an unusually large club shaped vase of clear whi hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period. ‘The deco ig in opaque blue. Bands of sceptre head and Grecian key pattern encircle the> meee pa } yrnde. Mrs. Hoagland’s other ‘purchase embraced: foub. shaped ‘‘mirror black’’ vase (K’ang-h Pica white porcelain, for $825, and a larg shaped red vase (Ch’ien-hung, 1736-1795) of porcelain, the mottled glaze aieplaying: ie boeuf tints, for $625. My Knoedler & Co. also bought a K'ang Neer ‘green vase of their porcelain, ey ‘shape, with a receding neck, for «$700, id _— — “Halsted Collection, Comprising 118 OI Kt jects, Brings $32, nee Antique Chinese porcelains belonging to- -the private collection of Richard H. Hal- _sted brought in some cases large figures yesterday afternoon at the auction held in the rooms of the American Art Association, The total for the 118 objects offered was $32,000. Wall Street men were not promi- ‘nent at the sale, professional and.a num- ‘ber of private dealers doing most of the | f | bidding. Among those who attended the. auction were Hugh J. Grant; J. H. Rhoades, TT. B. Clark, .Edson Bradley, John T. Tracy; | Jr., and Louis Stern. — ‘ pom ai The ‘highest bid was. $1,900, paid. by | Knoedier’& Co. for a turquois blue vase of | the period of K’ang-hsi, (1662-1722.) “The vase was a tall oviform, 16% inches, bot- * tle shaped, the whole invested with a brill- -jant translucent -turquois-blue glaze and -eoated with streaks of a darker tint. The design was elaborate, modeled in relief throughout the entire surface, dragons ‘traversing the firmament through cloud shapes and fire symbols. Sa pe, Next in the estimation of the bidders was ‘an emeraid-green gallipot of the period of K'ang-hsi, which was bought by Mrs. J. A. Hoagland for $1,500, The texture. was thick, and invested with a monochrome glaze of brilliant green in iridescent quality. The height was 15 inches. F. K. Sturgis paid $1,130 for a 15-inch in height tea-color vase of thé Ch’ien-Lung period, (1662-1722.) It was bottle-shaped, with tubular neck. and encircling rings. The vase was a beautiful and ‘what the experts call a ‘‘ sonorous ’’ porcelain of the period. Its investment was of monochrome glaze of powdered tea-color ‘of uniform tint. — Mien ae Other good prices were $530 for a Camelia-_ leaf green vase of the K’ang-hsi period, ‘bought by Knoedler & Co.; C. J. Hudson's purchase of a deep red vase of the Ch’ien- Lung period at $500; an imperial yellow ‘jar of the Ch’ien-Lung period. by. Duveen for $410; a white jar of thé same period hy ‘Lawrence,’ and a mirror-black vase ‘of we ene ast period by Mrs. Hoagland for eA ant \ ay ‘ ~The other prices bid were in large figures. The sale was not entirely up ‘to the expec- tations of Thomas E. Kirby, who at the conclusion of the sale repeated his new oath: .“ T. Sidney Smith.”’ et hh A ot Saleen rnn lia is i ace a a — ON VIEW DAY AND EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES FROM FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH, UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES AFTERNOON OF SATURDAY, MARCH 14TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT HALF-PAST THREE O’CLOCK > ' * } » U od ee i “Ae iP ; * ma v ote ‘ * 4 wy . y : 4 j , i 5 ’ 7 Fi ey Oe ast fo; ay tate . ~ 4 a : # a ‘ id ey ta A r : ‘ 1Ay 1 a ? = : - i 4 ‘ ' 1] i \ - ‘ ' i a CATALOGUE per OF MR. RICHARD H. HALSTED’S PRIVATE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1903 “J J. Little & Co., Astor Press of J. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and there- fore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money, if reguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk «pon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. While the undersigned will not hold themselves re- sponsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art ts not what © it is represented to be, use every effort on thetr part to fur- nish proof to the contrary, failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. MANAGERS. CATALOGUE SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 14th AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 3.30 O’CLOCK SPECIMENS OF BLUE AND WHITE Bone SLAIN _ a. Phan: SHAPED Box. 2—Rounp Box: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). SS eid With compartments inside. Hard paste por- celain, decoration on cover of landscape and river view, in two shades of cobalt-blue; around side, decoration of similar character. Under- neath four-character mark pencilled in dark blue. Height, 2% inches; length, 9 inches. White hard paste porcelain, panel decora- tion on cover of figure on chimera; two boys with banners and foliage pencilled in under- glaze cobalt-blue, on borders, children at play and various plants and rocks in two shades of cobalt-blue. Double ring mark underneath 7 ee / Wie a A foot, which denotes that the piece was made in the reign of K’ang-hsi. Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 94 inches. 3—DovusLte GourRD-sHAPED VASE: CHlJEN-LUNG (1736-1795). newt Dare @ Clear white porcelain, decorated with peony ne scrolls and sceptre head and palm leaf borders in underglaze cobalt-blue of fine quality. Un- derneath foot, six-character mark pencilled in blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 9% inches. 4—CYLINDRICAL VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG pesearoy, ahs Oo Clear white porcelain of thin texture of the soft paste type. Decoration of branches of pomegranates, sceptre head and palm leaf bands and borders pencilled in deep cobalt-blue un- derneath the glaze. Has carved teakwood stand. es Height, 9% inches. +7 5—Ovirorm Jar: K’anc-usI (2660-1729 714 SY 4D White hard paste of sonorous texture. a fe Four-panel decoration in deep mazarine opaque blue of various ornaments and symbols, and baskets of chrysanthemums. Two bands of palm leaf and sceptre head ornaments in which are peony scrolls in white reserve. Has carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 10 inches. 6—OvIFORM VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). we Graceful shape with spreading neck. Clear | We ge S - white hard paste. Decoration of peonies amid foliated scrolls, and round the shoulder and neck are sceptre heads and palmations, and various borders and bands at foot, all finely pencilled in deep blue under the glaze. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12% inches. ee fo | ge Ape 7—BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736- one Clear white porcelain. Decoration of dragon v0 0 - “© amid cloud forms, the clouds in powder-blue of deep mazarine color. The dragon pencilled in outline in two shades of blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 14% inches. 8—CyYLINDRICAL JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662- pT. oe ya ZO White sonorous eye n Rented Jig f decoration in rich cobalt-blue ie bold dragon, carp and wave designs. Has carmel teakwood stand. Height, ro inches. g—GRACEFUL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: ee ae te y, eae (1723-1735). é Pei Pe a, White hard paste. Finely pencilled em- bellishment of medallions, peonies, carnations and symbols, all pencilled in underglaze—blue of fine quality. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. FROM THE BRAYTON IvES COLLECTION. 9 10—GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662- r722),(, gL Sie. pout White, hard paste, of thin texture. Decora- tion of Chinese deity astride a fabulous an- imal, attendants with umbrella and flags, trees and rocks, all finely pencilled in underglaze cobalt-blue, underneath a glaze with a pro- nounced crackle. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 81% inches. Companion to the preceding. _11— GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Pe Month oF 12—BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: HSUAN-TE Giclees bh SO 0.0" 13—GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722) ‘ee Fine clear clear white hard paste, with an elaborate decoration of leaf scrolls, finely pen- cilled in two shades of underglaze cobalt-blue. Underneath foot and round rim of neck, six- character mark pencilled in dark blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 15% inches. Oviformshape. White, hard paste of sonor- ous texture, decoration of fabulous animals, fire emblems, rocks and wave designs finely pencilled in mazarine-blue, underneath the glaze. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 9 inches. 14—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE. ae Clear white hard paste. ae of in- terior and garden scenes with figures, plants IO - and other designs in two shades of fine under- glaze cobalt-blue. Six-character mark under- neath foot. Has teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. rs—OviIFORM GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1 22) 4 (3 OL / / go” 2 White hard paste decoration o abulous ; animals, rocks and turbulent water in dark cobalt-blue, and in white reserve. Has teak- wood stand and cover. Height, 8% inches. 16—TALL CYLINDRICAL VASE 5 RETEST (1736- J ote O She 1795). Ss JIT POC TA White hard paste. Decoration of dragon amid cloud forms in pale and mazarine powder- blue, underneath the glaze. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. ae 17—-OviIFORM GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI 6he A, Ao 2 ag White hard paste, partially covered with a vA powder-blue glaze of fine quality. In three white panels are branches of young bamboo, pencilled in underglaze cobalt-blue. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 9% inches. 18—TaLL OvirormM VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (2736-179 G 4: a? White hard paste. Two-panel decoration of fabulous animals, rocks and turbulent water, pencilled in fine underglaze cobalt-blue. Vari- ous bands and borders round foot, shoulder If and neck of palm leaf, sceptre head and arabesque designs. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. 19—OVIFORM JAR WITH CoveR: K’aNG-HSI (1662- | 1722). se Meet vn ve f 2. ga Clear white hard paste. Decoration of floral scrolls and butterflies, delicately pencilled in outline on a rich, dark-blue ground. Four white panels are inscriptions in archaic charac- ters. Palm leaf and sceptre head bands round foot and shoulder. Teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. - 20—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: K’A ae ‘6Ga oat 22) Br he Clear white dense po Seta ain tinély rele yz a hties decoration in rich cob Bie of Chimera, Bird of Paradise and flowering plants. Band of leaf scrolls and fungi and border of palmettes round foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 2i—LARGE CLUB-SHAPED VASE: K’aNG-HSI (1662- 1722). AVC S ous ie Clear white hard paste, of fine texture- Beautifully painted decoration, in brilliant underglaze blue of interior and Chinese figures representing a ceremonial scene, garden view, pine and other trees. Round the neck, band of key pattern and border of sceptre heads, pencilled in blue under the glaze. Underneath 2 foot, the double ring mark of the period. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 22—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). 7 White hard paste, decorated in brilliant mazarine-blue with flowering plants, birds and rocks, finely pencilled underneath the glaze. Underneath foot, double iy OS. teakwood stand. CGPS, Ae 1714 inches. 23—TaLiL Ovirorm Jar: K’aNG-HsI (1662-1722). gia Hard paste. Finely drawn decoration in brilliant and pale cobalt-blue glaze. The em- bellishment consists of clusters of lotus and blooming peonies which spread alternately upward and downward. Round foot and shoulder are bands of palmettes, within which are lotus scrolls in white reserve. Symbol within double circles pencilled in blue under- neath the foot. Carved teakwoo ster cover. Height, 11 inches. 24—GRACEFUL CYLINDRICAL VASE: ieee i. Say hte 0722); Pure white porcelain. Finely painted 1 @ KI tion, in brilliant mazarine-blue, of flowering plants, magnolia, maple tree, rocks and Bird of Paradise. Round the neck various charac- ters pencilled in pale-blue underneath the T3 T glaze. Double circle pencilled in blue under the foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 25—-BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722) Clear white hard paste. . Decoraten'k poem os -G0.°% Nant cobalt-blue, of mountain scenery, figures and boating scene. Round the neck, a branch of prunus blossoms, pencilled in two shades of blue underneath the glaze. A double circle in blue underneath the foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 1744 inches. 26—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1664.8) > White hard paste. The body of the vase 1s 4 va ().4% covered with a decoration of peonies amid leaf scrolls, which is carved in low relief in the paste beneath the giaze, in eight circular- shaped panels, and the imperial dragon amid fire emblems chasing the pearl of omnipotence, pencilled in fine underglaze-blue. Symbol within circle in blue underneath the foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 15% inches. , 27—TALL OviroRM JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1729K ), ay-Cery. Age White hard paste. Decorated in brilliant oS fe C- cobalt-blue, underneath the glaze, with lions sporting with brocade balls tied with waving fillets. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 14% inches. 14 28—TALL BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662- 732) COLE a dae PO a Clear white hard paste. Decoration of cere- monial and garden scenes, finely painted in brilliant underglaze-blue. Double circle pen- cilled in blue underneath the foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 29—TaALL OvirormM VASE WITH TuBULAR”’ NECcK: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). 1. €. a va J ae White hard paste, of thin texture. Decora- tion of five-clawed dragons amid fire emblems, chasing the sacred pearl. All finely pencilled in brilliant underglaze-blue. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 30—GRACEFUL BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: "ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Ups + a Clear white porcelain, artistically pencilled a Oe in blue under the white glaze with conven- tional scroll of lotus, with a symmetrical ar- rangement of large blossoms, which are fully expanded so as to display in each flower the cup-shaped fruit, studded with seeds, in the midst of a whorl of petals. Six-character within circle in blue, underneath the foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 19 inches. + SPECIMENS OF FEN-TING (Orn CAS eae 31—SMALL GALLIPOT: YUNG-CHENG ae 1735). oe Ivory white, thin texture. Decoration of oO: two deer beneath a pine tree, pencilled in bril- liant-blue. Teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. eS 32—CYLINDRICAL VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG CLBID Def, y e Thin porcelain of the “soft paste” type. A Ce ais Decoration finely pencilled in dark-blue under the glaze of conventional chrysanthemum scroll spreading over the entire body of vase. A ring of palmations and sceptre heads en- circles the foot and neck. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 6% inches. — 33—SUPERB Sort PasTE VA nie G-CHENG (1723- 2 el p13) ALLOA Tall oviform, of ivory-white texture, with a | pronounced crackle. Two oblong panels are in pure white, and the ground surrounding 1s covered with dotted surface in mazarine-blue and ornamented with plum trees in blossom and birds, carved in low relief in the paste. Height, 11 inches. 34—GALLIPOT: CH’IEN-LUNG cnet is 3 a0) WO o 8 Pure white paste of Fen-Ting type. Finely painted decoration in deep underglaze-blue, of 16 clusters of pomegranates. Band of palmettes encircling the foot and round the shoulder. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. 35—SOFT PasTE Ovirorm Jar: K’anc- (1662- 1722). AL 7 JO.’ — Clear white texture with a crackled glaze. The decoration, which consists of the flower- ing chrysanthemum, young bamboo and rocks, is finely pencilled in brilliant mazarine-blue Carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 8 inches. — 2 36—CYLINDRICAL VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736- 109 avtoree, Clear white texture of the soft paste type. vA Se g.°?’ Finely painted decoration in rich cobalt-blue of branches of pomegranates. Borders of sceptre head scrolls and palm leaves. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 101% inches. 37—LARGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: Cw’IEN-LUNG (1736- 1795). / es Clear ivory-white texture of the len-Ting ‘Sam ao 5.” type. Finely painted decoration in rich maz- arine-blue under the glaze, of large branches of pomegranates; borders of sceptre head scrolls round foot and shoulder, and a band of con- ventional palmettes encircling neck. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 15% inches. 17 Wags y kU hie 38—CYLINDRICAL Rick Jar: K’anG-HSI (1662-1722). Decoration of landscape, mountain and river oe Neeeand : scenery, in fine underglaze-blue, crackled glaze. 7 Carved teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. /\ . 39—TALL Ovirorm Vase: CH’IEN-LUNG ty -179 Ma ee Creamy-white texture of the soft paste type- co lroht ce Finely painted decoration in underglaze-blue, of scene representing a spirited combat between mounted warriors and their retinue. Carved _teakwood stand. Height, 17 inches. BLUE AND WHITE HAWTHORNE 40—SMALL OvIFORM JAR: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). . caus White hard paste. Ground of deep cobalt- Y ¢ blue with clusters of blossoms in white rve. Carved teakwood stand. SPU ) SACI Height, 6 inches. 41--HAWTHORNE GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). aE White hard paste. Ground of opaque-blue vA yt ny’ go P : ¥. ; with markings to represent the cracking of ice. Clusters of prunus blossoms in white reserve. Has porcelain cover. Ring mark pencilled in blue underneath the f rved teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. 18 ao ta: J0 43—HawtTHorne GINGER JAR: K’anc-usi ( a) a Veo." f) TE i Cone 42—HAWTHORNE GINGER Jar: K’AnG-HSI (1662-1722). Oviform and of pure white hard paste. Decorated in brilliant cobalt-blue with blossom- ing branches and twigs of the prunus blossom: the branches spreading alternately upward and downward, so as to display their white blossoms aud buds reserved upon a background of opaque-blue, which is covered with a reticula- tion of darker blue lines to represent cracking ice. Ring mark underneath foot pencilled in blue. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, g inches. Oviform and of pure white hatd’ faste Decorated in cobalt-blue with branches and twigs of the prunus blossoms, the branches. spreading alternately upward and downward, so as to display their white blossoms and buds reserved upon a background of opaque- blue, which is covered with a reticulation of darker lines to represent cracking ice. Ring mark underneath foot pencilled in blue. Carved teakwood cover and stand. ia 44—HaAwTHorne GINGER JAR: K’anG-HsI (1664-172 ‘DS bu otal y00* Globular-shaped, white sae rmh of prunus blossoms in white reserve on a ground of brilliant opaque-blue, which is marked with darker lines to represent cracking ice. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 9 inches. a) (2. Dhl 45—HAWTHORNE GINGER JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Clear white hard paste. Ground of brilliant wd ve ay « opaque-blue which is covered with a reticula- tion of darker blue lines to represent crack- ing ice; clusters of prunus blossoms in white reserve. Ring mark underneath the foot. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 8% inches. 46--HAWTHORNE BEAKER: K’ANGSHSI (6622722). Clear white porcelain. eee oy va a0 blue with blossoming branches of the prunus blossoms; the branches spread downward and display their white blossoms and buds, reserved upon a mottled background of brilliant-blue, which is covered with a reticulation of daiker lines to represent, cracking ice. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 18 inches. 47—HAWwTHORNE TEMPLE JAR: K’anG-HsI (1662-1722). Clear white porcelain. Branches of prunus os Y oes blossoms in white reserve on a ground of fine Cur ‘ : ° ° opaque-blue, with markings to represent the cracking of ice. Ring mark pencilled in blue underneath the foot. Carye wee and stand. pps! at, Height, 13 inches. 48—HAWTHORNE TEMPLE JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Clear white porcelain of fine texture, decor- o¢g 7 ie 0. ated in cobalt-blue, with bles 20 , JA , and twigs of the Hawthorne blossom. The branches spread alternately upward and down- ward, displaying their white blossoms and buds reserved upon a background of opaque- blue, which is covered with darker lines to represent cracking ice. Ring mark under- neath foot. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 13 inches. 49—HAWTHORNE TEMPLE JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1666 e939) on CL. White hard paste. Branches ard ‘Wiss « O nae vs .*%° prunus blossoms in white reserve, on a ground of fine opaque-blue, which is covered with a reticulation of darker lines to represent crack- ing ice. Ring mark in blue underneath foot. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 1344 inches. 50—HAWTHORNE TEMPLE JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). White hard paste of thick texture. Decorated in cobalt-blue, with blossoming branches and va Wo g.° * twigs of the prunus blossoms in white reserve upon a background of fine opaque-blue, which is marked with darker lines to represent crack- ing ice. Ring mark in blue underneath foot Carved teakwood cover and stand. )/— CZ, are ih Height, 13 inches. 21 IMPORTANT SPECIMENS OF BLU aig , pea KX I Orta 51—Ovirorm VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Pure white porcelain of almost eggshell thin- ‘ Wes a ness. Exceedingly fine decoration in cobalt- blue of gourd vine in bearing and symbolical bat and other designs reserved upon a back- ground of brilliant opaque mazarine-blue. A specimen of finished technique. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 12% inches. 52—-BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE WITH BULB OUTH: é __—- Cu’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). ; vi da White porcelain of thick texture. Decora- tion of Archaic designs in brilliant underglaze- blue. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16% inches. 533—-LARGE OviFoRM JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). , White hard paste. Four-panel decoration ef. 7. °° in cobalt-blue, of figures, symbols and orna- ments, flowering plants intervening. Ring mark in blue underneath . Carved teak- wood cover and stand. Height, 12 inclies. 54—-BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: White hard paste of dense texture. Decor- 4 me g. °° ation in underglaze-blue of lotus scrolls, pal- mettes, arabesque and sceptre he¢ Us, Carved teakwood stand. De e LO Height, 18 inches. 22 55—CYLINDRICAL VASE WITH RECEDING NEcK: Oe LUNG (1736-1795). PUAZ, re ee Clear white thin porcelain. Decoration of floral and leaf scrolls in dark cobalt-blue. Carved teakwood stand. eA tig Height, 15 inches. 56—LAaARGE JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). nite | Ovoid-shaped. Decoration of numerous ke g y ¢e figures assembled in a garden, in brilliant cobalt-blue. Round the neck are various symbols. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 14 inches. 57—LaRGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: NSE 1662- 1722). Wi ae NG vo bs O-.7? Clear white hard paste of hin texture, : finely decorated in various shades of cobalt- blue, with legendary figures, on a background torepresent turbulent water. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 18 inches. 58—WIDE-MOUTHED CYLINDRICAL Ww (4736-1795). 3 oe 4 Va Thin texture of the s ft Wee type. Finely painted decoration in rich underglaze-blue, of branches of pomegranates. Borders of sceptre heads and floral scrolls. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. 23 Pure white porcelain of thin texture./ Finely painted decoration in brilliant cobalt-blue, of peony scrolls, which covers the entire surface. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 60—LarGE OvirorM JAR: K’aNnG-HsI (1662-1722). eee Clear white hard paste of thick texture. Finely painted decoration of grape vines in bear- ing in brilliant underglaze-blue and slight tints of copper red. Band of palmettes encircling neck. Ring mark in blue undetnedath foot. Carved teakwood cover and io Height, 14 inches. 61—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795), OM A hea / : White hard paste. Elaborate decoration in opaque underglaze-blue, of peony scrolls and birds of immortality. Tea ae eS stand. Sfctaht’ te 17 gic 62—TaLL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE: K’aNG-HSI (1662- 1722). Pd pUNOE S vo Clear white hard paste. Finely decorated in brilliant opaque-blue, with landscapes’moun- tain scenery, boating scenes and figure sub- jects. Various bands and borders encircling foot and neck. Symbol of good augury within circle, pencilled in blue underneath the foot. Height, 22 inches. 24 63—TaLL BEAKER-SHAPED VASE. Aittrtrag White hard paste. Decoration in dark os af .§.¢%4% underglaze blue of mountain scenery, land- scape and figures. Round band in centre; twigs and branches of flowers. ieseaneel stand. Height, 20 inches. 64—LAaARGE OviFoRM JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). White hard paste, dense texture. Decora- oe fd - ©? tion in brilliant cobalt-blue of pine tree, deer and rocks. Round the neck are various sym- bols. Ring mark underneath the foot. ed : teakwood stand. A YO OL bie eight, 13% inches. 65—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Clear white hard paste. Finely painted 7 oe. ,oe decoration in brilliant mazarine opaque-blue, of various figures in numerous panels. Ground of lattice design, delicately pencilled. Ring mark in blue underneath foot. Carved teak- 2 WA ish (iY t, 1714 °inches. 66—VeERY LARGE CLUB-SHAPED VASE: K?)ANG-HSI (1662- 1722). Wi AALL tt Ve get? Clear white hard paste. Decoration in brilliant opaque-blue of mountain scenery, houses and various figures. Bands of sceptre head scrolls and Grecian key-pattern encir- cling neck. Carved teakwood stand. wood stand. Height, 29% inches. 25 4 /) | ) \ 4 VY 2 ‘ 67—VeERY LARGE BEAKER-SHAPED VASE. Clear white hard paste. Decoration in fine o woe. cobalt-blue of numerous Mongolian inscriptions of U.* : : : in white panels, upon a background of lattice or lozenge pattern. Band of sceptre head scrolls encircling foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 28 inches. SINGLE COLOR SPECI} Te 68—MIRROR-BLACK VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). pe Graceful bottle-shaped. Thin porcelain, Us enamelled with a brilliant monochrome glaze of ‘‘ Mirror-black.’’ Mark underneath the foot, with the double circle pencilled in blue. ~Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 8% inches. 69—MotTtLep Rosz-coLtor VasE/ pay G (1736- 1795). ue | He ee y 6 ee Graceful bottle-shdped. Of clear white por- celain and invested with a mottled glaze of rose-pink. The foot underneath is glazed in white, and a well defined white rim is round the mouth. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. »o—IRON Rust JAR: YUNG-CHENG (1723-1735). Gf. ve Globular-shaped. White hard paste, and / / | enamelled with a dark-brown monochrome glaze, thickly speckled with minute points of metallic lustrous aspect., Has_carved teak- wood stand and cov was wy res ; eight, 614 inche 2 71—LIVER-COLOR VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Globular body with tubular neck, which oe g.*’ spreads at mouth. Of clear white porcelain and invested with a fine monochrome glaze of Foi de Veau. The foot underneath is glazed in pale celadon. Has carved teakwood stand. we 7 Fi AE. A ry, O ee ek inches. FROM THE BRAYTON IvES COLLECTION. 72—STARCH-BLUE JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Oviform shape. White hard paste, which is ve If ze coated with a fine monochrome glaze of starch- blue color, and over which, in a darker shade of blue, is a decoration of an interior view with figures and a garden scene. Underneath foot : double circle pencilled in blue. /Carved teak- Spas: wood stand and cover. A oe ion Height, 7% inches. 73—DEEP VIOLET VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Bottle-shaped. Thin hard paste, coated ie. f 7.7? with a mottled glaze of fine vjolet tint. Cary teakwood stand. 7p Saw eight, 12 Inches. fv 74—ORANGE-YELLOW VASE: YUNG-CHENG (1723-1735). Graceful pear-shaped. Of clear white porce- Cf vf 7.“ jain and invested with a mottled glaze of orange-yellow. The foot underneath is glazed in yellow. Carved pees iA @. Height, 12 inches. 27 A. ¥ foe 75—MotTTLeD Rep VaAsE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Bottle-shaped. Clear white hard paste, and LL dé ¢4 coated with a fine monochrome glaze of ruby red, with cloudings of peach-bloom tint, over a network of well defined crackle. The foot underneath is glazed in white, and a white rim is round the mouth. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 1234 inches. 76—DerEEP VIOLET VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). 9 AK Tall oviform with receding neck and spread- o/ O- ing mouth. Thin porcelain, which is coated with a monochrome gtaze of de violet. Carved teakwood stand.“ 7240: He: Height, 13 in¢hes. ~~ 77—-CELADON VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). tr Double gourd shaped. Thick white porcelain. y Pe, Paks Invested with a pellucid monochrome glaze of | pale sea-green. The foot underneath is marked with seal of Ch’ien-lung, pencilled in blue. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. 78—IvORY-WHITE VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG eres Qs). Cylindrical. Clear white hard paste of o, sO.?? thin texture, of charming design and finished technique. Enamelled with a pellucid white glaze over a relief decoration delicately moulded and etched in the paste. The body of the vase is covered with a floral design representing conventional peonies in midst of leafy scrolls. 28 Ornamental palmation encircles the neck and base. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. 79—MIRROR-BLACK VASE: WAN-LI (1573-1619). Double gourd shaped. Thick porcelain, and ar ff 72 coated with a mirror-black monochrome glaze. Carved teakwood stand. , ete Zee ry Height, 1414 inches. 80—TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795) Of graceful bottle-shaped and fine texture. Zi ee 7? Invested with a briliant turquoise-blue glaze, which is minutely crackled. eR pega stand. ee Height, 14% inches. 81—LarcGE Iron Rust Vase: K’ANG-HSI (1662-172 by 6 Bottle-shaped, with three chimera headorna- ay 20.7 ments in relief on shoulder. Dense porcelain, coated with a monochrome glaze of dark brown which extends over the rim inside the mouth, and is thickly speckled with minute points of metallic aspect. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 134 inches. 82—CAMELIA-LEAF GREEN VASE: K’ANG-HSI cragas e221). sa 3 4° Graceful bottle-shaped. Thin hard paste, coated with a monochrome glaze of camelia- leaf green of iridescent texture and minutely crackled throughout. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 13% inches. 29 S Hote 83—Deep Rep Vase: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736- 1795). Pear-shaped, with bulbous mouth. Thick oe in Oe porcelain, invested with a monochrome glaze of the Sang de boeuf type, and crackled through- out. The foot underneath is glazed in celadon. Teakwood stand. Height, 13% inches. 84—LarGE BRowNn CRACKLE JAR: ’ANG- (1662- 1722), “a. oa 2 ehs / FG a vo Ovoid form, of dense porcelain, which is coated with a brown soft glaze and crackled throughout with a network of well defined lines. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 13% inches. 8s—Clair de Lune Vase: CuH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Graceful bottle-shaped, with bulbous mouth J Z g.% and finished technique. Clear white porcelain invested with a monochrome glaze of pellucid quality of Clair de lune pe seal mark pen- cilied in blue underneath the oy a. Cc gs teakwool stand. ; Bere. Cg Make 86—DEEP VIOLET VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Globular body with tall tubularneck Thin porcelain, and enamelled with a monochrome ~ e ¢? oe SU. glaze of deep violet. bobs tea, Me Ses eight, 14 inches. 3° 87—PISTACHE GREEN VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Graceful, tall bottle-shaped. Thick por- es celain, which is coated with a monochrome ve } 00 : ; ; 4 glaze of pistache-green, over which is a faint decoration to represent the veins of marble. Seal mark underneath foot "Bp in blue. Has carved teakwood stand. 7s Adder 11a Height, 1734 inches. §88—WuHITE VasE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Globular body with tall, slender, tubular SZ U@.°% neck. Hard paste, decorated under the trans- lucent white glaze with dragon and cloud forms amid fire emblems, chasing the sacred pearl, which are modelled sees low ue carved teakwood stand. re 17 inch Lor: 89-——POWDER-BLUE VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Graceful, tall bottle-shaped. Of clear white S Pv.°* porcelain, which is coated with a brilliant powder-blue mottled glaze. The mark inscribed underneath is two circles in blue, a common sign of the K’ang-hsi as EE y, teakwood stand. tele Height, 17% inches. go—TEA-COLOR VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1662-1722). Bottle-shaped, with tubular neck and rings Dé 3 pas encircling thesame. Sonorous porcelain of the period, and invested with a monochrome Saas of powdered tea-color of uniform tint. Has carved teakwood stand. si CL Let tLoary Height, 15 ce 3x Z gt—Larcr MONOCHROME JA&R;) aN ge ee 1735). ho tran: / P Ps) sf woe Oviform, of thick texture, which is coated with a mottled glaze ofred, brown, pink and other tints. Yung-chéng seal mark incised underneath the foot. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 13% inches. g2—TEA-COLOR VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1975). Graceful bottle-shaped. Dense porcelain, , i Bare which is coated with a monochrome glaze of powdered tca-color of uniform tint and fine quality. Underneath foot incised seal mark. Carved teakwood stand Be 1 Height, 1334 inches. 93—CELADON VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1975). Bottle-shaped. Invested with a translucent i ra Re glaze of sea-green an es arved teak- wood stand. me! Te Height, 14 inches. 94—CAMELIA-LEAF GREEN VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662- Tao) rag oe Cylindrical shape, with receding neck. ‘hin We TO porcelain, invested with a monochrome glaze of camelia-leaf green. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. 95—LAVENDER VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). BD mag Graceful bottle-shaped, and of finished tech- aS - nique. Decorated under the translucent glaze with dragons and cloud forms, which are mod- 3 SA Fir Uae elled in low relief. A band of palmations encircles the neck. Seal mark pencilled in blue underneath the foot which is glazed in white. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 15 inches. 96—IMPERIAL YELLOW JAR: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Fashioned after an old bronze. area MVC with a yellow glaze and decorated with Archai designs, palmettes and sceptre head scrolls LA. / 2-**incised in the paste, under the glaze (slight repair). Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1214 inches. 97—GRACEFUL WHITE VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). fg Oe a led with llucid white gl . os Co enamelled with a pellucid white glaze over Oviform, with tall tubular neck, which: spreads at mouth. Very thin white porcelain, a relief decoration, delicately moulded and etched in the paste, representing conven ional floral and leafy scrolls, palmettes and sceptre head scrolls. Carved teakwood stand.“ As CAL ve¢aceh_ Height, 16 inches. 98—-LARGE TURQUOISE JAR: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). 320." Sonorous porcelain, fashioned after an an- cient Chinese bronze. Invested with a mono- chrome glaze of turquoise, which is minutely crackled throughout. The body is ornamented with a broad band of Archaic design incised and worked in relief. Round the foot is a border of similar design. Grotesque head handles on shoulder. Carved talkybed st, Height, 13 ches = Pare 33 1722), Lee Pear-shaped, with ae base, aa rae J 2 Mets flaring mouth. Thick porcelian, enamelled with a dark-brown monochrome glaze with minute points of deep metallic lustrous aspect. Inside the mouth is enamelled with the same glaze. The foot underneath is unglazed and shows a buff-color paste. Carved teakwood stand. 99—IRIDESCENT IRON Rust, V a. pe Height, 14 inches. 100—CELADON VASE: YUNG-CHENG (1723-1735). Flat oviform, with grooved corners. Sonor- y va ek ous porcelain, which.is invested with a pellucid monochrome glaze of a pale sea-green. Ele- phant head ornaments in relief at neck. Foot underneath is sep in white. Carved teak- wood stand. “Thre: Dp tbe Height, 14 inches. T0I—EMERALD-GREEN GaALLIpoT: K’ANG-HSI_ (1662- 1722). ie Gallipot. Thick texture, which is invested ve So O°? with a monochrome glaze of brilliant green of iridescent quality. The decoration, which is etched in the paste underneath the glaze, consists of kylins amid cloud forms, play- ing with a brocade ballCwith waving” fillets. Carved teakwood stand. ras Height, 15 inch 34 102—JAR: K’AnG-HSI (1662-1722). “ Graceful oviform. Clear white porcelain, enamelled with a translucent glaze, under if 0 aor which is a decoration delicately etched in the paste. The body of the vase is covered with a floral design representing conventional peonies in the midst of leafy scrolls. Branches of roses encircle the neck. The foot underneath is unglazed and shows the texture of the paste. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. 103—BRILLIANT MAZARINE-BLUR/ VASE : CH’IPN-LUNG (1736-1795). Ty. Ape Dense porcelain, coated with a monochrome as os yf ¢@ giaze of brilliant mazarine-blue, which thickens round the foot. The surface is covered with minute points of metallic aspect. The foot underneath is glazed in white, and a seal mark pencilled in cobalt-blue. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 19! inches. a ag Yi Lith rly 104—IMPERIAL YELLOW JAR: Title WO glee 1735). A FS eet Oviform, with wide mouth. Of thick hard paste, and coated with a pellucid yellow glaze of iridescent quality. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 1134 inches, 35 105—BRILLIANT TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE: "ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Ore. ly Ms eh ye Graceful bottle-shaped thin texture, in- a o- vested with a monochrome glaze of a rich turquoise-blue, which is crackled throughout with a network of well defined lines to re- present “‘fish-roe’’ crackle. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 17 inches. 106—LANG-YAO VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). ee Graceful bottle-shaped. Globular body with © 3G: tall tubular neck of clear white porcelain, and invested with a glaze which displays Sang de boeuf tones, shading from a mottled dark red to a paler tint and the glaze thickening round the foot. The rim round the mouth is defined by a line of pale buff and the mouth is covered inside with pale-brown crackle glaze. The base is covered underneath with a ce soft glaze. Carved teakwood stand, Ae Height, 15 inches. 107—LanG-YAo VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Graceful form. Covered with the character- a OS ee istic monochrome glaze of the Sang de boeuf type. The vase is of a pale tone towards the mouth, where there is a network of pronounced crackle, and a deeper red on the body, where the glaze runs down towards the foot, where it thickens. The rim round the mouth is defined by a line of white, and the foot Hine 36 / Jie lank is glazed in a soft white with a brown crackle. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. 108—STONE-BLUE VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Fine bottle-shaped. Invested with a translu- oa 2 2. ¢4cent monochrome glaze of stone-blue. Round the shoulder is a band of palmettes modelled in low relief. Underneath the foot, seal mark pencilled in cobalt-blue. Has~+carved teal wood stand. a, Whe Atl Height, 16 ‘inches. 109—TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Tall oviform bottle-shaped, Elaborate design vA G JY. modelled in relief throughout the entire surface, of dragons traversing the firmament amid cloud shapes and fire symbols; the whole invested with a brilliant translucent turquoise-blue glaze and coated with streaks of a darker tint. Has ee Ten pee ta ey d f eight, 16% inches. — r10—Clair de Lune Vase: K’AanG-HsI (1662-1722). Gallipot. Thick porcelain, coated with a 2 ae O) translucent glaze of Clair de lune. The en- tire surface covered with a network _of br y ff? crackle. Carved teakwood stand. Pa . vA lo. Height, 15% inches. — 111—MIRROR-BLACK VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). i Bs — Club-shaped. Clear white porcelain, which is invested with a monochrome ay, eee | 37 ‘7b a. ‘‘mirror-black.’’ Mark underneath foot, two circles pencilled in cobalt-blue. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 1832 inches. 112—BRILLIANT RED VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). A TUE ieee Noble bottle-shaped. Sonorous porcelain, ae coated with a mottled monochrome glaze of brilliant red, which displays the rich Sang de boeuf tones. Carved a Re eights 20 incHes. I113—POWDER-BLUE VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). Club-shaped. Clear white porcelain, coated ee f 7.’° with a mottled cobalt-glaze of fine texture, known as ‘“‘ powder-blue”’ or “‘ mazarine-blue,” over which are slight tracings of a decoration in gold. Two rims of the lip are of white and left free of the blue-glaze. The foot under- neath is of white-glaze and marked with a blue rim, a common mark of the | period. Carved teakwood stand.. / Height, 17 inches. 114—MAZARINE-BLUE VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736-1795). Graceful bottle-shaped. Clear white porce- e, om 3. yo lain, invested with a monochrome cobalt-glaze of even and brilliant quality, known as maza- rine-blue. The foot underneath is glazed in white, and a well defined white rim is round the mouth. Has carved teakwood @ Pyee ¢ J Height, inches. 38 I1§5—TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE: K’ANG-HSI (1662-1722). ee 7d Tall oviform, with receding neck and spread- ing mouth. White porcelain of thin texture. It is enamelled with a turquoise-glaze of mot- tled tone which extends over the rim inside the mouth, and invests the base of the foot. Crackled throughout with a network of well de- fined lines representing what is known as “fish roe”’ crackle. Carved ee ese. 7 Z C, eight, 18 inches. 116—LaArRGE CELADON VasE: Cuy’ENG-HUA (1465-1484). re “0 Of antique form and design. Dense por- celain. The glaze with which the whole surface is enamelled is of ton-ch’ing, or pea-green celadon color, and is crackled throughout with pronounced lines of brown. Relief ornaments are on the shoulder. The foot underneath is unglazed and shows texture of the paste. Carved teakwood stand. i Height, 17 inches. II17—SEA-GREEN CELADON VASE: CH’IEN-LUNG (1736- 1795). GY Lo. Noble bottle-shaped. Sonorous porcelain, with elaborate design modelled in relief throughout the entire surface, of monstrous dragon traversing the firmanent amid cloud forms and fire symbols above a turbulent sea. The whole invested with a pellucid sea- green celadon glaze. Carved teakwood‘stand. Height, 22 inches. 39 « td CAL 2 118—-GRAND STONE-BLUE VASE : (16 1722). 50 Ube A od Tall bottle- shaped” ‘i porcelain, / Ub- ae which is invested with a pellucid monochrome glaze of stone-blue color. On the shoulder, modelled in relief, are two butterflies and ring ornaments. The foot underneath is unglazed and shows a buff paste. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 24 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. hae me ae lente coe SL lae ) ALO: f e eee (a rrthin Van bo rei. Uae e 40 We WH APE Rt ; (bi 7 ih i i Gist a Gans Ne bavi aitte ee 8s ue de ene | EE Diet abe tieite tLe: EDPpt tc tp ie “i i Nite heal At it bee Tiere eat a ‘ > AW: Rea = o~\ ik — ae <3 >_@ = : * eee eee ; $ 4 & ; ‘ ‘ ds 44 § i . es nes ut A a on aan nl a apna’ . af le A an — — greats LS a eu ae Spe ote —_ am . Ss a te : lata — ean FA ath es 7 yr a Sees es ~~ 3 ns ——_ - SS — ene a . SS a ee Apa a ——— AB A he tle FS — en ere: a Set peop, ess" {) Ain't LUN oA SiG MOR G PLEA! BE Mee BOL aif ees 94) tatelentar(tiustteon caters ~~ . ee _ ie eee 0 — ore AO th -e > we 1; “th ; on nit Jt te ea sitylt : y ‘ A hc nee _ e-) aL ~ | a Se et ak : i - = eR rat we } ii) 4i¢ i 7 OSA PAP er DED Pe eat me ee eet, #5, Asst 4 ' ‘ erat tee ‘* iti i d : ‘ 4 Bisa & t tie 7 i aire eat. clits: siete! ite ‘4 ¢ , eel ‘ 4 Oa) oe : Hejtite ail A tUU, f aye ; ey aS , es a Rhea tee Sat ae $ : i i 7 “ i a A ree Pm oud ~~ LP Tes a at Pee re tea ae el ee a ee eee SS See : me a ~ a - a ae . > oY ae —— —. = > = a ~— ~s aay rye ered)! ¥ 4 tertpt i 4 '@ te HEY ete tes eee r Mitt! ; ‘éh vatotleietintseted we ie y He a’ Ae ett ae near sina ae — ee a ees ae eS +5 ~~ —) ete SS ee AH i, 4 ap on ae a3 aa My es ith Ss NN ; ere Mety Te { OO HOU ORR TR BRD fi j ‘ { i ' Peto ey MR lehiFieit| Meg Piel th te th tp lk) t uss, ah faint MOVE ILA i ‘ } if iti nf raeey ty t 4 } ‘ 1" +f a . { L i i" t j 2s # ay Vat y i e inh i ; ve. M ? o Pais Np ae 4 deeteuisahadtett Ch eotOOM RR LP ony le i A to ae >. == See a ie ee oe ~ a pros pone - na! Ah A A a nee ean t tie r] Ce raie -? to i eee ed ae I A En A Fx ee KN Veats Fanitarelt Ratt COUHCODAULeSPEt DAERAH EST tite UEC ASEAN FCT aC DOE HY “~.