RuRERBERG, ‘View: or- Titer - Garten: Tower. Deaaxan sk DASH ae lOUReA IN AORDRR, PROM SHETONES BYR OX, sian, LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE PROP! BY J. R. CLAY TOM. Go the President aud Gembers OF THE ROYALE ACADEMY (Oi A hel sa LOND ON; This Work is respectfully dedicated, by permission, as a humble testimony of the great professional advantages which the Author derived from his connection with the Royal Academy as Travelling Student in the Department of Architecture; and in grateful acknowledgment of the unaffected kindness which he inyariably experienced at the hands | of those individual members to whom he had occasion to apply for counsel, the value of which was enhanced by the readiness with which it was at all times accorded. Avuacust ist, 1858. —__—otfior In presenting this work to the Public, the Author is not without some fears that he may on the | one hand be accused of temerity in having attempted a publication the title of which would seem | | to indicate a work of an unusually comprehensive character, while, on the other hand, he may be | charged with absence of purpose in publishing a book not specially illustrative of any particular | | | branch of architecture. He must, however, remind those of his subscribers who are inclined to adopt either of those opinions, that the work pretends to be nothing beyond sketches merely ; that i} | | it would be impossible to represent, far less to exhaust, the beauties of Continental Architecture in a single volume ; and that the sketches having been collected as Studies only, without the view of | publication, are consequently of a somewhat disconnected nature. He is inclined to hope, however, that its chief utility may be found in its suggestive tendency. We have recently commenced to engraft on our national style many beauties and peculiarities hitherto confined to the Continent. A work illustrative of these peculiarities may, it is hoped, find favour in the eyes of those who are anxious to see our art progressing and gaining increased vigour by an infusion of new elements. | The Author will consider the object of his work fulfilled if it serve as a finger post to indicate a path along which others may travel with pleasure and succes | The Author takes this opportunity of acknowledging with gratitude the many excellent sugges- | tions he has received during the progress of the work. He regrets that it has not been in his | power to avail himself to any extent of the hints thus offered. Some subscribers have urged upon him the advantage of giving more details, having, it is conceived, a greater professional utility; others have advanced the expediency of confining the work exclusively to general sketches, as possessing a greater amount of general interest. With the obvious impossibility of adopting both suggestions, he has deemed it desirable to adhere to the selection originally made, and trusts to the good-nature of the subscribers to overlook the many short-comings of this his first essay. | The Author has, in conclusion, to acknowledge the obligation conferred upon him by his } friends Davip MacGizson, Esq., and Joun T. Curistopuer, Esq., who kindly permitted him to copy some interesting sketches made by them, which will be found embodied in the work. Auaust Ist, 1858. Architectural Sketches from the Continent. WE WES eSNG DDE) VAGISIE TS FROM RC EAI tN OuRVIEASIN Srey. AIR @ lal TE © Wo INP IBY IE, DC AN) IE ISB, WIL, ZA 13,8). | France. No. x. | Plate 1. Amiens.—Ca pedtal. Vietw of Horth side of Dave, looking West. | anerwinde parapet form no part of the original building, the spaces between the buttresses having been inclosed | to form later: Is. No. 2. late 2. | Amiens. “Cathedral. Details of Criforium in North Cransept. No. 3. laters =a) Amiens.—Ca bedval. Metails of Creforium in Apse. | | He ieee ob . Peete te 4 P No. 4. | Plate 4. | Amiens. Cathedral. Arcade and Piscina in one of the Apsidal Chapels. | No. 5. | Plate 5. a miens.—Cathedral. Elevation of Porch, South Aisle. | ‘This porch is also formed by the space between the buttresses having been enclosed. No. 6. Plate 6. | Angers.—Cimber Houses. i | eg | | | | | ‘ . Bi No. 7. | Plate 7. | Aurerve,—€ atbedval. Lotwer portion of jambs of West Doortwans. | No: 8. || Plate!8: Aurerve,—Cathedral. Stone Diapers on lower portion of Centre Doortway, West sront. No. 9. | Plate 9. | Meaune.—View in Court of Hotel Dien. No. 10. | Plate ro. | Beauvais, —Cathedral. Interior View of one of Apsidal Chapels. Architectural Shetebes frome the Continent. France—(Continued), | No. 11. | Plate 11. Peauvars.—Cimber House. 3— Cathedral. Rose Window tr Gable ober great Whest Doortuay. window is not glazed, and never was intended to be: it opens into a small chamber in the gable, and, seen from below, the perforations appear quite dark. No. 12. | Plate 12. No. 13. Plate 13. Hautges.—Hacques Ceur's House, Entrance Gatetvay and Part of Front. 2 es contained an equestrian statue of Jacques Coeur, in bronze. The figure looking The niche over the gateway original 1 bron out of the window on each side is in stone: they are supposed to represent his servants awaiting his arrival. | No. 14. | Plate 14. Mourges.—Jac ues Cour’s House. View in Court. No. 15. Or ~ ate 15. Moaurges.—Cathedval. Door of dacques Ceur’s Chapel. ( Cbartres Cathedral, Poorwan, North side of Clock Curret. No. 16. | Plate 16. } | Aweerte Cathedral. Cap and Corbel in South Aisle of Choir. | || No. 17. | Plate 17. Ve AUangs.—Catherval. Exterior View of Sacristy and part of Choir. No. 18. | Plate 18.| We 2tlans,—Cathedral. Anterior Vietw of one of Apsidal Chapels, and of Saccisty. | No. 19. | Plate 19. Hp Atlans.—Cathedral, Exterior View of one of the Chapels round Choir. wg me se : : * No. 20. | Plate 20.| ie aang.—Timber Houses uw the Grande Rue. | | | These houses do not stand close together, as shown in the plate, a few modern ones intervening. | E | ap. ay : : Sercy, : | | No. at. | Plate 21.| We atlans,—€ atbedral. Detail of Part of Triforiuny of Choir, || No. 22. | Plate 22.| We alans.—Cathedral. Details of Capitals of Arcade round Apsidal Chapels. I || No. 23. | Plate 23. | Aaris.—Rotee Dame, Arcade bebind Stalls, South side of Choir. s Abyne a? 3 A No. 24. | Plate 24. Alanis,—dotre Dame, Arcade behind Stalls, North side of Choir. | | Jo. 25 Z Qe WA vere 9 a 5 5 s | No. 25. | Plate 25. Alaris, Notre Dame, Doorway ow North side of Chair (Porte Rouge). | aris —Ra Sainte Chapelle. Glebation of Piscina, Architectural Sketches from the Continent, France—Continu). No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 29. 31. 593% 34. 35: 37: 38. Plate 2 Plate 28. Plate 35. Plate 36. Plate 37. Plate 38. | Plate 39. Plate 4o. NI Plate 30. Plate 34. Haris.—Vatre Dame, Detail of lotver portion of Buttress, South Transept. Xe Aang, —Butteess on Whest Front of Notre Dame de la Couture. Paris, — Hotel de Cluny. Vietw of East side of Court. Paris.—La Suinte Chapelle. Stone Finials on Gables ober Windows. Paris. —Botel de Cluny. View of Court. Maris. —Botel de Cluny. View of Chapel. Paris. —Botel de Cluny. View of Porch beneath Chapel, and Dormer Windotv. Aowen,—Cathedral. Mieww of Gast Gnd of Lady Chapel. ALowen.— Cathedral. Seveen across Apsidal Chapel. Sees, —Cathedral. View of one of the West Doortwans, Seng.—Cathedral. Detail of part of Hall at West End. Strasbourg. —Cathedeal. Vietw of part of North Side. Strasboutg.—Cathedral. Metals of Interior Arcades, Paris. —Corbel iw Sainte Chapelle. Semur,—Cap in Choir of Church. Coul—Cathedral. View of East End. Coul.—Cathedral. Details of Cloisters. | | | | | | | No. | No. | ENO: No. No. No. 14. Bae Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate | Plate Plate | Plate 43- 44. 49. 53: 45. 46. 47- 48. Architectural Shetehes from the Continent. staly. Assist—Tomb in Lotver Church. Assist.—Details of Tombs, Lotwer Church. Assist.—Doorway of Sactisty and Gall Decoration in Potver Church. Foliqno.—vietw in Street. Assist,—part of Griforium, West End of Nave, Upper Church. Florence —View of the Bospital of the Pigalle. Florence warble Candelabrum im Haptistery. Florence —wBasilica of Sam Miniato. Interior, loohing East. A weex,——Cathedval. View of UWlest Front. AM ween, — Cathedral. View of East End, L uccw.—Cathedval. Interior of South Transept, looking across Nave, Pucew.—Elesation of part of Chapel near Cathedral. Pucca, —Elevation of Principal Doorway of San Cristofaro. AUilan.—Catherval. Interior Doorway of Sacristy, South Aisle. The whole of this doorway is of marble, and is executed with the utmost delicacy. It is evidently the work of a German artist, and in point of detail far surpasses any other portion of the Cathedral. Aaples —Tomb at Gast Gnd of Santa Chiara. Alaples —Tomb of ing Wadislaus ix Saw Giodanni a Carbonara, Aaples.—Santa Chiara, Tomb of Charles, the Mllustrions Duke of Calabria, Italy. No? 17: No. 18. No. 19. No: 20. No. 21. No. 22 Germany. Nori: No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. Plate Plate 5 Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 60. Oe 63. e 64. 66. 67. 68. 69. | Architectural Shetcbes fronv the Continent. Aaples. —Doortoan of San Giovanni de’ Pappacoda. ae Naples.—Santa Chir ‘The portion shown in the plate is part of the back of the at all) is entirely hidden by modern woodwork. Padua —View of the ast End of the Church of Pisa — West End of Pisa. —Vietw of South Side of Capella ara. Detail of Part of Ar Capella della Spina. ~ della Spina. Pistdia—Doortoay and Pulpit from Maptistery. Grturt.—Cathedral. Exturt—Cathedral. The Por i: the remain Erturt. Cathedral. Exturt—Cathedral. ‘This and the succeeding plate show all that is good of the stalls. execution. Erturt Cathedral. Views of Porch. Exterior View of Choir, te. rm of an equilate! ‘o the end of the North Transept. arge arch opening Wiest Side of Porch. Aetail of Stall End in Chow. Woodwork from Stalls in Choir. Grturt—St. Severus. Alto Riliebo um Choir. fret bu tgq.— Cathedral. freiburg.—Cathedral. Frevburg.—ea bedral. frerburg.—Catheral. Freiburg. —Catherral. [By mistake this plate was numbered 7 View of Great lest Moortway. Metails of UWlest Moorway. Arcade in West Porch. 1 74 instead of 71.] Details fram Wlest Porch. View of Arcade, dest Porch. angle on plan; two of the sides have doorways The canoj Germany. inder (if it exists ies, &c., are very poor both in design as shown in the plate, an Architectural Shetebes fram the Continent. Germany—(Continurd). Germany. as wae) No. 12, | Plate 74.| fFfreiburg.—Cathedral. Moortunys of Sacristy. No. 13. Plate 75.) Halberstadt—Cathedral. Interior View of Choir. No. 14. | Plate 76. = ideshemm’—Cimber House iv Market Place. Date, 1529. ———a 2 ildesbetun.— House opposite West End of St. Andretw’s Chureh NI | | No. 15. | Plate oi | Erturt—part of Timber Bouse. i [This plate was numbered r1 instead of 77.] No. 16. | Plate 78. | dn nspruchk.—Oriel Window fronr the Palace of the Furstenburg. Pubech—Stalls in South Aisle of Marienhirche. No. 18. | Plate 80. 4agdeburg.—aetails of Stall End, ae. | No. 19. ate 81. | Alurembetg.—porch, South Side of St. Latorence. No. 20. | Plate 82. Sluremberg.—Reliquary and Crypptich. | No. 21. | Plate 83. uremberg.—ypulpit iv Frauenhivehe. | | No. 22. | Plate 84. Auremberg.—st. Sebald’s. View of West End. i No. 23. ate 85. | Aluremberg.—st. Sebald’s. Interior View of Nave (looking @lest). No. 24. | Plate 86. | Auremberg.—st. Sebald’s. Doorway ov North Side of Nabe. | I il} || No. 25. | Plate 87. Auremberg.—st. Sebald’s. Betails of Stalls in Choir. | || No. 26. | Plate 88. Auremberg.—st. Sebald’s. Details of Stalls in Choir. No, 2 ur ¥ S S : 4 No, 27. | Plate 89. | Auremberg.—st. Sebald’s. Bronze Font and Wood Crvptich- Architectural Shetches from the Continent. Aelgium. Germany. No. 28. | Plate go. Alrague. —Viety of Chapel in Old Town Hall. No. 29. | Plate gr. Alrague.— Gateway at Ulest End of Bridge. No. 30. | Plate 92. Ratishon.—Cathedral. View of Apse. BE Cbs Ratisbon.—Catherval. View of North Side of Sacristy. No. 32. | Plate 94. | Ratishon,.—Catherval. Altay and Canopy in South Aisle. | Belgium. No. I. Plate 95. Anttwerp.—Oah Cabinet in the possession of MW. Della-faille. No. 2. | Plate 96. Anttoerp.—Betails of same Cabinet. | ( Mrwges. —Catherval. Metails of Stalls im Choir. No. 3. | Plate 97. || | | | AValines.— Mont De Piete. Details of Casements. | | | ae No. 4. | Plate 98. Aalines.—Mont de Arete. Vietw from Street. | | | No.5. | Plate go.) 4talines.—Mont de Pitti. View of South Side. No. 6. | Plate 100 | Caurnay.—Cathedval. Exterior Vietw of South Cransept. PLATE | Novth ity of Nave, (Lathedral, Saniens abe ae jh feat tan obo an FRANCE, NOL. PLATE 2. FRANCE, NO2. Sanieng (athedeal. TRIFORIUM, END OF NORTH TRANSEPT. TRIFORIUM, EAST SIDE OF NORTH TRANSEPT RN Shaw, del PLATE 3. Samiens , arhedeat ' u FRANCE, NO 3. CAP IN TRIFORIUM FOLIAGE FROM CAPS. ONE BAY OF TRIFORIUM IN APSE. FRANCE N° 4 ee shantiens Cathedral. serabe and Pigeena in one of -dpsidal Chapels. PLAN AT C, 5 FCST SCALEOF 12 9 6 3 is) 7 2) 3 i B 5 tipbirinitiis joe SECTIONS Ys FULL SIZE PAM Emo: N FRANCE, ont Aigle. S ([athedeal . eleuution of Bunch, RN. Shaw, del et bth FRANCE N° 6. PLATE 6 ayers, ‘Tuber Beonses E, GEORGES. RELIE _MP PAPETIER. ‘1004 [=2 —‘41VH 3NO 40 NVI “L004 | =,] ‘F1vos NOMI 1SIM ‘AVMYOO SULNSD'NOILVHOOSG TIVM 40 LNAWLuVdWOD _* (anos o1 Navua 10N),-g av Nowwoas “azis Tina soNIaInOW in 1004 |= “LNOWA'M 'AVMYOOG 3GIS ‘3GVONV JO LYvd ‘a1v90s “ avd 4 N “SONVU4S PLATE 6. Aaweeete (uthedval _— Stone Digper on Loree portion of Conte Doortuay, West Heat. FRANGE, N°8. ] H Y 3a 6 1 LL it et 12 esi RN. Shaw, del oth | 4 | PLATE 9 FRANCE, NOQ, foute . B Ditu. | Cronet: of Hut Pavt of PLATE 10 FRANCE, N° 10 Beantais, Serine View of one of Apesidal Chapels. Shaw del | q i 1 | PUESAESmal I. Ne FRANCE, Shaw, del RON FRANCE, N&l2, PLATE 12. Banrges (lathedeal , _. Roge Winhotw ir gable anew Wess Dovewway. by SCALE 3/4 | Foor. FLOWER at C. Ye FULL SIZE. SECTION AT A, SECTION AT B. SCALE OF MOULDINGS, i¥2 — 1 FooT. RN Shaw-del* PLATE 13. FRANCE, N°13. (a { 4 ( aries news House Eleoubion of put of Front mek sheet ‘Bournes, J put 2 EK FRANCE, N® 4. PLATE 14 Baneges, Honge of Jacques Cuene, — View in Gone. N ang dal a 2 uw (S < 4 a FRANCE, N915 Boweges Cuthedeal, -dooe seom Sanney (oous Chapel ndicates the form the moulding The dotted hne 1 SECTION aT. D. SECTIONS OF MOULDINGS ‘2 FULL SIZE. SaaS ee 9 FEET RASA RES |G. FRANCE. NO 16. (havtees ( [nthebval, Deora, Neth site of (lock Tue. Ye FULL SIZE SIDE ELEVATION OF GAP. fi Sealy —<.\f SECTION AT C. at x MQ SS we titi DETAILS 1% TO 1 FOOT. < WR “@ 1V NoILoaS SV“ SCALE Y2 IN.TO ONE FOOT. CORBEL,SOUTH AISLE OF CHOIR GAP IN SOUTH AISLE OF CHOIR RN. Shaw, del et lith PLATE 17. FRANCE, NO17. tee Sacrisiy and park of Chote. Tre Rang, Yiew of Exterior of VAG AMA: Z anit: VEY haa ai VAVAYA PLATE 18 INTFRIOR OF SACRISTY. FRANCE, NOi8. INTERIOR OF ONE OF APSIDAL CHAPELS. ‘Ladvuvd ONY 30INYOO Pelee ST ly43q 01 31v0S “ONIGINOW awyr lpreceral NOILYABNZ OL 37W9S add 40 TIVLAG ‘uinf}) quitaa Spada?) go ano gu many, “Teaugty) “SUE ys vy “61 GN ‘SONVWU4 PLATE 20. FRANCE,.N° 20, Timber Bongts in the Grande Bue, 3qim 6-1 nog?) jo wiaoysty, go ped yo pepe ‘TEAMING ) “sttUa]y ay ae L IZ 3iv1d FRANCE, NO22 Ply, fan im can ee rE rl N STRINGCOURSE AT B. 3 IN. TO | FOOT. FRANCE. N° 24. PLATE 24. Paris, Notre Dome. sarade tetind Stalls, Nowth side of Chote, if 5 ! hal | SCALE % TO | FooT H sy taglt i tue (Ha H ‘ ie Hl tH. i cae fms cutis fell uuyuuy “I ff PLATE 25. (aot draw to scale ) CORBEL & PART OF CAP FRANCE, N° 25. YD ~—+-——- ith | “—_ RUM: SS é SX = E = oa ¥ “3 is ° : g © 3 - a ar a sg a ¢ E & & i od ‘ i 2 ol 3 es =9 = 3S € 2 - 2% Bs = ap = z ES 5 eee 2 i i = = j z 3 6 5 BEATE m2O: FRANCE, N° 26. Paris » Ata Sainte Chapelle, Cletation of Pigcena Sr. j scascenass Se ee ae Saari “sang B99 GEN 4 MUOaY aBHRs uo BHoagIIg SUNS MY 1004 3NO OL HONI 1 “37¥9S q A ee uw TRANSEPT. Menge -Febeuseia ius: gerunida Hor: Fuit-ineoptum- Christi -genitving lhonove Kallensi Tathoma -sipente- Johanne - Registra it Arno Domini -Qeel | “ghosinay,'g “sa” yo Uowand somo yo IGE * NN (f HIOKY “Slag 7 Le oN ‘SONVUd Z2@ alvid RiP Ase eon FRANCE, N° 28. View of age sade of (Court, Paris, Dkotel de Ching Stone Binils, front Pimtarteg aris, Tin Suinte Chapel, PLATE 29. FRANCE, N°29. Viet of Comet. él be Clon Hat $ Lavi PLATE 30. FRANCE, N° 30. » Yet of Chapel (Chm Sotel de Pais, ae OO : mt 4) 7a aVHO Hivanag WOWOd 30 maa ~~. a S : SS ees ‘I€6N “SONVBA (€ 3ivid PLATE 32 FRANCE, N9 32 of Lcaby Chapel. Bowen Cuthedeal, view of Gast md PLATE 33. FRANCE, NO 33 Bowen Cathedral, sown acvoss Spsidal Chapel. Litlrebotie) SCALE OF 12 9 6 3 ' FRANCE, N°34. Seez Cathedral. View of one of West Doorbaps ; 16 awe Yo — abril i iy eos 4 t oy ” ws = < a o FRANCE, N@.35, o€ (athe fut) Seng, leoation of one Bayo Rall at West ROJECTION OF BUTTRESS 2.10 VERTICAL SECTION, 2 FEET. SCALE TO SECTIONS OF MOULDINGS. FRANCE, N° 36, PLATE 36. Strnshousy (athedval, ew of poe of Yoh se of Ye, PLATE 37. FRANCE, N° 37. Steacheneg — Cathedral, -Desais oF Inevor ecaes Sa ea a | | | “pani 30 aol) my dsl) > age 3YNDI4 40 asyg = a “apd sams mm yogae’) —* Shang J ge 3ivid "@f oN “SONVUS PLATE 39. FRANCE, N° 39 h et of Cast Gnd of Cathedval. x Youl, 2 | SS RR I SN h hes anes “SONIGINOW HOV 40 NOILOaS ‘oom you, Ov 3LlVid J ‘OvON ‘JONVUGS t+ uw bE < Zi a be INS Ds Assist. Womb in Lower Clunech. Seema a meee 7 Pe \\\ I. Sl Sim 1004 | OL HON 1 atvOS “@ .v NOILO3s 5 G qa HOYNHD YAMOT NI SWOL 40 3SVE JO NOILVARI3 “WY LV NOILO3S P "L004 3NO O01 HONI 3NO TF i 9 6N 3LV1d 34S joeu —— §WO1 40 NOI1YOd Y3MO7 30 NOILVARI3 1004 | OL S3HONT 2 SONIGINOW Jo 31Vv9S YY, X'S j ANS HMSO — sayun, 30 spay IsIsayy “2 ON ATVI © AL aang gr yyy tga gana gw Ph) matty Privo ps pe’ AgEE Sb JiVid €oN “AIWLI ay i vr divi “SOUL JO Qua TRY “UMDgILY, 0. gat “TSISE PLATE 45 ITALY NOS. gpital of the Bigallo. View of the Ho Florence, CUO es TOU remerr \ Wit ITALY, N26. PLATE, 46 Blovence » Marble Candelabenm in Bapfigien, LELLEDPA ay y if : ¥ HES: i ip i QV, eh ee 2 z ‘© ‘s ul Fa 5 os DETAIL OF SHAFT ae Yo FULL SIZE 2 $2 we PLATE 47 ITALY, NO 7. Hovence Basilicn oF San Wininto, Intevtqe ooking East fa PLATE 48 ITALY, NO 6B. Deal, Cathe etn of West vont af ol Tinea ADE oi SCALE TO FA‘ 20 $ “pPagepe}) 40 qu soe yo ay NIT 6 oN AIVLT PLATE SO. Teucca Cathedral. Inbevior of Sonth Trangept, looking acvags. Nabe, IEPA LEY Ge INICIO: ee | Peay Of eet crore Meee ATE east na i) "peagalas)) awan jodody) go wey WIM ‘WS 3ivid "ATWLI PLATE 52, San (hrigtofora. an of S Dooety levation of Principal (rucea. DK Zz aw LORE é) Pe ee ot ATT oe JAMB AND ARCH MOULDINGS RIN TO ONE FOOT. T0-LITHOGRAPHED BY RANKS Lot RDINRURGE RN Shaw del! ITALY, NO 13. PLATE 53. (Dilan Cathedal. tnseive Dornan of Sarita, South Aisle. Ye FULL SIZE DETAIL OF PART OF ONE OF THE CANOPIES Ya FULL SIZE. SECTION AT B. SCALEOF 2 6 9 1 2 Eid i | + wo w & < a a ITALY, NO 14. PART OF SIDE OF CANOPY. WN Naples. Tomi ot Cast God of 9° Chiawe. 7. *3Z1S TIn4 SL4VHS TvuIdS NO. ONIGINO nh A WW 40 NOILO3S PLATE 55 ITALY, NOSIS Covbonara. Gintama “| », ae ee Naples, onl of King Veadislen in nde wisely t 4 \ iY ue { RN Shaw de ITALY _NO1G Naples, Senta Chiave . DUKE OF CALABRIA. AFTS SUPPORTING SARGOPHACUS TOMB GF CHARLES THE ILLUSTRIOUS SH Bey P & LOWER PART OF SARCOPHAGUS SCALE 2.1N TO GNE FOOT PLATE 56 =, TO.PAVEMEN™ G4 SREY WKS SA a i FRONTS TO SARCOPHAGI| FROM Pa af oy ek / Ras ie ‘Ved 7d an eee REGUS CEO ORI reGrO) ep : AI eS \ POLS ST DOMENICO MAGGIORE, SCALE Jj IN. TO ONE FOOT. PLATE 57. oe ITALY. NO 17. DETAIL OF PART OF JAMB = SSN WV N . WH ww WG \ SS WOH SGU *y lv dSND 40 NOILOaS varahgy Wak y amt. eG “WAMU AG ~ Saya "eS aivid “BION ‘ATVI! PLATE S9 ITALY, NO 18 ‘Padua, Yiew of Gast Gnd of St Avtsonin, ‘auidgs wpjaq wypdlar, 30 guy 381y { 09 aivia = iS OZé6N ATVII “wunds wysq mal) go segs Gamogs 90 my * BST \woes 19 3ivid IZ oN ‘AIVLI PLATE 62- Ne 22. ITALY, Pistoia, ‘Doovinay and Pulpit from Baptistery PLATE 63. GERMANY. NOt. ot Choir of Cothéral. View > Cir PLATE 64 GERMANY, No 2. Froma Sketch by Dand Mac-Gibbon, Arch PLATE 65 GERMANY, N23. Ernst (heel, esi of oe PLATE 66. \ * PERFORATED S) 5 »y INCE (EY, ; Detail of Stall end in Chote, CERMANY, N° 4. ese Erfurt, PLATE 67 GERMANY, N° 5. Woodineck from Stalls. i ((athedeal Cf NOT DRAWN TO SCALE PLATE 68 GERMANY N°6. Severs, Ako ‘Relies in (gute, 3 Crft, ABOUT Ye FULL SIZE. PLATE 69. CERMANY, NO7. Heeibney, (athe West Doortwun eneath Torner ’ bral PLATE 70 Revilueg (aehedeal, —Decig if par af Ss of Wise Don GERMANY, NO 8- < Gaye: GERMANY N° 9 PLATE 71 a 5 Feetlueg Cathedral, ssrcade in West Boneh. | PLAN OF ARCH MOULDINGS FULL SIZE CAPITAL AND BASE % FULL SIZE ELEVATION SCALE OF javk ti i ? CERMANY, N210. PLATE 72. Feihaug. ‘Detwils tom Wage Pouch of Cathedral. PLAN OF PIER. i 5 aS PART OF PIER IN CENTRE OF WEST DOORWAY PLAN OF PART OF JAmB ATA. (SEE SMALL PLAN) SCALE I TO ONE FOOT SCALE If TO ONE FOOT. | TROORAPHED BY aaits 40" EDINEUROH PEATE 73: ee emer eee TRE penn ee eee ae se] } Freiburg (utbedval, sede om sites of West Po. GERMANY, Noll. Ld3SNVHL H ae YIOHD 40 A1S!IV H1INOS NI 3 “ (S “1004 NO OL Z| Sliviaaq 30 37Vv90S is : s “ONIGINOW SWYr ‘i 4 rf \N “ONIN3dO Oe Ss “Husiomg yo sTuawvoge “angiay wh Aivid = ——— “ZlaoN “ANYWH39 PLATE 75 Snterion of Choir of Chueh. Halberstabt. GERMANY, NOI3. GERMANY, NO 14. PLATE 76 Hildesheiun; Liner Gouge in Cavket Place ZOMUNIGN 04 SaXVe 2a TEEZVEOORLT “ISUDAY daQULY, Jo qaVgy “yyy, 18 STON ANWWHID L £E asd PLATE 78 GERMANY, N° 16. ig. album the Fiest Jungpeuck . Ove Widow from che Palare of ata id PLATE 79. CERMANY, N°!7 [riiberk, Stalls in South Aisle of Mavienkivehe. RESTING (WoT To Scale) WOODEN DETAIL —scate I/2 To one Foor. 1004 3N0 01 2 ‘37v95 “ST1VLiS 40 SMOaTa 40 NOILONAP “FY WY MAS Je sme Tampaadingy; os aivid “BION ANVWYFD9 GERMANY, N°!9- PLATE 8t “cena Naveiee. Bor, Soh i < ori ays | as =e LPs PLAN AT “him t | SCALE jh" TO A FOOT N scate 96 To A Foor. — 3218 Vind ¥ inoay lz mI oe C_| . BG = Le = oe. Wks al ae — Gy “fovatgy, qu daombyerg “Finagunaaty ‘28 alvid ‘OZ 6N “ANVWYR9 PLATE 83. weemlicra i N CERMANY. N° 21. he : Pulpit in Pronenbive PLATE 84 CERMANY, N¢22. St Sebalt'g. Gud of Ninremberg. “view of West PLATE 85, GERMANY, No 23. fing west) isd '¢. (Teo Sebald Sabie. GERMANY. NO 24. PLATE 86 { zs = Eau aaa + U € 2 6 as_40_ 08 RP METS HX m 40 NOILISOd ONIMIHS NW1d ‘WY LV GUvOd YOO 40 ANZ lV GuVaNWIs “gq iv Tivis 43NO 4O NOILVAaTa GNa V1Wis 40 a1d0ud Ps ees A sap Sera re tag ge VLPLEETA aZiS 114% Av NOILD3S "”Q oiv NOILDRS TTT ig ye “i | zis 110s % 3 1V Sdv2 ZHL 40 3NO azis 11nam "giv M0813 40 NOILO3S “y 4av 139409 “aZis Tina % SZ 8N ANWWU3D 28 3LV1a PLATE 88 CAP AND BASE ATA Yo FULL SIZE CAP AND BASE AT B. Ys FULL SIZE END %& FULL SIZE STALL CHOIR. STALL END IN EAST GERMANY N® 26. Nuremberg, St Seals, Details of Stalls m Chote Nem isc SKETCH OF PART OF STALLS IN WESTERN CHOIR. SECTION aT C. 4 FULL SIZE GERMANY, N227. —— PLATE 89. Navemberg, st Sebats (guecy. i BRONZE FONT. SCALE, 1% TO ONE FOOT wooD TRYPTICH. SCALE, U TO ONE FOOT. PLATE 90 GERMANY, N° 28. 3 apal in Oboe Bh (y Prague, “view of PLATE 91 ; Wist Gnd of Bridge. . Gateag at 2) Prague GERMANY, No 29. PLATE 92. GERMANY, N? 30 $0 y View af jet, at Ratishon C PLATE 93. CERMANY, No 31. Sartishy eval, Getevine of Nowth Ratton Ch eget ny, Ai NOMS PLATE 94, GERMANY, N° 32. PRatiston Cubhetieal, ston tar and Gompy in Sons ize, CROCKET ON GABLE, fie TO ONE FOOT. FLOWER IN STRING BENEATH PARAPET me FULL SIZE SECTION AT A, section aT B. SECTION AT G. SCALE, i TO ONE FOOT, PLATE 95. BELGIUM, N°! Anttuerye , Oaks Cabinet in the possession of (0, Della ail © =| | aa & z BELGIUM, N° 2. PARES oC ‘Aubineeyy, “Detwls of Cabinet inthe passesion of 0. Delle fale, | { I mi | ‘i Hdl | i fi I | AY | | | 1 | / | i | i | va aa ee ff SMALL PANELS IN FRONT — '/2 FULL SIZE. LOGK ON SMALL DOOR _ FULL SIZE. Apicce of red cloth is laid behind the plate, so as to show through the perforations . oI SSN SSS) (a\a\(a\/a ia) | |ZZSS te AGDOOOe Elk fa\fa\(a) | SMALL PANEL IN SIDE ‘2 FULL SIZE. PICATE So 7, BELCIUM, N23. Bruges — Cathedval, desis of Sil in (ue YYIII=/EVJ— || FEET Yy || | J YW GLalines Dont be Pieté, devas of Casemts, Shutters Sr FRONT OF SHUTTER. A.FIxeD FRAME, B. CASEMENT FRAME, C..SHUTTER, D. GLASS IM LEAD FRAMES 2 FEET ELEVATION OF BACK OF SHUTTERS, HINGES, do. “ONIGIINg 3HL NI Q3ANaSaud ONIMVYEG G10 NV HLIM SONVGHOOOV NI GayOlsay BuV 98° MAMOL 4O LadVuVd “SA1aVYO 40 SATOVNNId -3HL os “ON “BAIS Woay HA 3Q MOYS JO MA “SIMPY | ‘wnio138 “86 aLwid BIS RA | alice d is (-wonppuno qesead sy uy ) aHgs 30 9QS fang go mAs “SM UNAAE “SON “WnloTds PLATE 100. BELCIUM, N°6 South Teangepe. 8 (athtbeal View of Toueney GETTY CENTER LIBRARY wi Ora aii