Edouard Richter. CATALOGUE NOTABLE PAINTINGS INCLUDING MANY GEMS OF THE BARBIZON SCHOOL COLLECTED BY BERIAH WALL PROVIDENCE, R. I. FOR SALE AT AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE BY ORDER OF CHARLES F.SAMPSON PROVIDENCE, R. I. TRUSTEE AT FIFTH AVENUE AUCTION ROOMS 238 Sth AVENUE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER QrTH., 1899 AT 8 O’CLOCK WM. B. NORMAN, - AUCTIONEER CONDITIONS OE SAE. 1. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers, the article - shall be at once put up and re-sold. 2. Bills payable in cash before delivery. 3. Bills must be sent for delivery of goods. 4. Goods to be removed at the expense and ing each day’s sale, between nine and twelve o'clock. 5. Goods not removed on the morning fol- lowing each day’s sale between nine and twelve o’clock remain at the risk-of the purchaser. 6. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 7. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind whatever. 8. Purchasers to give their names and address, and pay at least 25 per cent. of the amount of purchase money as part payment, or the whole of the purchase money, if re- quired, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. g. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Wm. B. Norman, Auctioneer. INDEX® L@ ARTISTS REPRESEN PED: NAME. No. INMOGWA cubes ce cendase 42 INUIOTENS so oe soe eeeboS DB | IBERNINV@INIS 5p cca guecace 15 Bidar hacen sete te 50 C Billeteenace teense ewe tame 23 IBXOWICN gone Scodeo 20m STAG ny wot ne deere t 50G | IBUSSONL ae 44 Champeaunce: cenacts eo ae (Chardin er eer eae 51 Ciena Een ckeacen cade GP Claude hes Pee ener ava Conemewels,¢2secscsess 16 COlOt: Sane ee 37; 40; 59, 61, 63, 68, 77 (Counbe tee eee 36, 64 DEWAN). eo se 56 soon -.-.19, 50 B, 57, 67; 74 | Daubigny (Karl) ...... 50 | IDYACRMANIOSG coco ae ees 54 | De Wreuse wn era 28 DEVE .s cob o ocbeue 69 Delcrecy see ai | Diaz eee 46, 53 | OWS c cob egh Feo 49, 72 le wry aya eae 43 | rome ntimep ere ee ae 79 | Gatien tenets eee 4I | CGencaultee seer 50 E Gowpill.,.cc cococvesaus 10 1BABSTMEIMIM oo goes cee a PA NAVE Ueto eee ae ete me 6 NAME. No. Fheadexatt = pi amerearcr ar 9 Hereau. . 13 IBIONF@INGIEI. coo ba none ob 25 IBRD. ono ce been o 20, 47 iLemonloweets . en chen eee If leatouche map sre rant By Wi, WS, Diy 2, Boy OO ILENE S nev woe b Behe aS Hew weee eee AF eee, Ra ILiinalengelauimniti. ga.5 oo oe 78 Miers. 5.2 snc cas sece 45 Vitarrall ia eee ere 34 IMelimeeerd > Bee a at cc 70 Wileinncl. 5. soe eee © Meyer Von Bremen.. 50 F IMG a bos Oe eo 48, 55 IMGUS soo 55 ¢ 50 D Mionikisaeteisecaehee earth ane 60 Ramiichilteesr tert ewer 35 Peers cent ae ete 22 Petite nee ees ace 3 Picouree nee eae 4 QUO. o020cses 8086 U7 Be RUN aNNeIi-ce wa Aan Sae.o bce 39 IRODWATOM . oacaess soe 2 Ae Rousseau... .52, 58, 62,.65 shounmennth eerste 56 TWROWOML sb oe vos ee 50 A, 73 Wernieten: sani nies Meee 5 Wati@leanacerocaebso 26 CATALOGUE. No. 1 CLAUDE (EuGENE) Born at Toulouse. Honorable mention, 1880. Medal, 1887. Honorable mention, 1889 (E. U.). Medal, 1895. Member Society French Artists. Peaches WAS ox OYA INOw2 AUFRAY (JOSEPH ATHANAS) Born at Paris. Pupil of Barrias. An Interrupted Dream 9% x 7% No. 3 PETIT (EUGENE) Born at Paris. Died 1886. Pupil of Diéterle. Medal, 1873. Roses DO 3 WS No. 4 PICOU (HENRI PIERRE) Born at Nantes, 1822. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1848 and 1857. Hors Concours. Love’s Pastime 16% x 21% No.5 VERNIER (Emite Louis) Born at Lons-le-Saulnier, France. Died, 1887. Pupil of Collette. Medals, 1879, 1880. Legion of Honor,. 1881. Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. Le Village de Buher (Seine et Marne) No. 6 HAREUX (Ernest Vicror) Born at Paris, 1847. Pupil of Chas. Busson. Medals,. 1880, 1885, 1889 (E.U.). Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. Dessert 15 x 18% No. 7 CHARPIN (ALBERT) Born at Grasse. Pupil of Daubigny. Honorable mention (1885). Medal, 1893. Member Society French Artists. Landscape and Sheep 934 x 14 No. 8 LATOUCHE (Louis) Born at Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. Boats on the Shore 147 x 24 “AUSIQNeEd [Ie yy “LOGIV ET WYOoIpIOg “OS “ON No. 9 HEADE (Martin J.) Born in Bucks Co., Pennsylvania. Studied in Italy and sketched in South America. While in Brazil i he was decorated as Chevalier of the Order of the i Rose by the Emperor. i Camelia | } 6% x 8% i i i No. 10 y GOUPIL (Lron-LucieEn) i Born at Paris. Pupil of Ary Scheffer. i Head " 1234 x 956 i | Now I LAMBINET (Emi Le) i Born at Versailles, 1815. Died 1878. Pupil of i] Drolling. Medals, Paris, 1843, 1853. Rap. 1857. \ Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. > RX i \S On the Seine near Bougival i \\ : 104% x 15% i k ; ; No. 12 i Bi CHAMPEAUX (OcTAVE DE) " Born at Orleans, France. Honorable mention, 1896. : if Summer Time i = i) 3S ial No 13 HEREAU (JuLes) Born in Paris, 1830. Died 1879. Medals, 18€5 and 1868. Hors Concours. Tending the Flock 15 x 22% No. 14 LATOUCHE (Louis) Born at Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. Fishing Boats at Bercke 14/4 X 24 No: 15 BEAUVERIE (CHARLES JOSEPH) Born at Lyons. Pupil of Lyons School of Art and of Gleyre. Medals, 1877, 1881, 1889 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1895. Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. French Farm House 15K x 21% Noo No. 16 COIGNARD (Louis) Born at Mayenne, 1812. Died in 1883. Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1846 and 1848. Hors Concours. Landscape and Cattle 144 xX 21% No. 17 QUOST (ErRNEsT) Born at Avillon, France. Pupil of Aumont. Medals, 1880, 1882, 1889 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1893. Mors Concours. Member Society French Artists. A Vase of Flowers 3934 x 22 No. 18 LATOUCHE (Louis) Born at Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. Shore View 1234 x 10% No. 19 DAUBIGNY (CuHar Les -FRANCOIS) Born at Paris, 1817. Died 1878. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (E. U.), 1878. Landscape 7x 115% No. 20 BOUDIN (EuGENE) Born at Honfleur, 1824. Died 1898. Medals, 1881, 1883, 1889 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Concours. Landscape 1274 x 1534 No. 63. SN ETE ——. = In the Forest. Jo 18a Co Corot INGE 2: LEWIN (James MorcGan) Forn at Swansey, Mass., 1836. Died 1877- Fruit 4% x 6% INGia22 PECRUS (FRANcoIs-CHARLES) f7 Porn at Limoges. Writing a Letter 134 x 105 No. 23 BILLET (PIERRE) Born at Cantin (Nord), France. Pupil of Jules Breton. Medals, 1873, 1874, 1889 (E. U.). Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. The Gleaners WAY Se TS No. 24 HAGEMANN (GopEFRoy DE) Born at Naples. Pupil of Palizzi. On the Marne 8% x 16% Nop 25 HOVENDEN (Tuomas) Born in Ireland, 1840. Died in 1895. Pupil of Cabanel. Exhibited at the Paris Salon. Elected to National Academy in 1882. Member of the New York Etching Club, the Society of American Artists, P and the American Water Color Society. Was Professor d IT of Painting in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Woman’s Head 64 x 534 No. 26 WATELIN (Louis Vicror) Born at Paris. Pupil of Diaz. Medals, 1876, 1888, 1889 (E.U.). Hors Concours. Member Society t _ French Artists. (i Landscape---Picardy 1634 x 24 No. 27 LATOUCHE (Louts) Born at Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. Boats on the River y 9% X17 No. 28 DREUX (ALFRED DE) Born at Paris, 1812. Died 1860. Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medals, 1834, 1844, 1848. Legion of \§ Honor, 1857. r Horses No. 29 ISABEY (Louis EvGENr) Born .at Paris, 1804.. Died 1886. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1824, 1827, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the same, 1852. 16 Brittany Coast il Sy 3 re No. 30 zi | ROBINSON (Tuomas) Born in Nova Scotia, 1835. Died 1888. Pupil of Auguste Bonheur and Courbet. “) Ox Team No. 31 DELCRECY eee, A Solid Square eS es S20 No. 32 LATOUCHE (Louts) \ Born in Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. a On the Canal 14/4 X 24 “ayono}e’T sino’'y ‘adeospueqT gy) ON a \ QUOST (ERNEST) Born at Avallon, France. Pupil of Aumont. Medals, 1880, 1882, 1889 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1893. Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. Flowers MARILHAT (PrRosrErR) Born at Vertaizon, 1811. Died there 1847. Pupil of Roqueplan. Ruins---On the Nile D « 12 No. 35 PANICHI f\ 0? Summer Time y 4% x oY No. 36 COURBET (GusTAVE) Born at Ornans, 1819. Died 1878. Medals, 1849, $ 1857, 1861. Hors Concours. Was offered the Legion y- ®~. of Honor, but refused it. Decorated with the order ay of St. Michael. Landscape 12% x 193% No. 37 COROT (JEAN BarpTisTE CAMILLE) Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Spent several years in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). Study of Birch Trees 1434 x 10/4 No. 38 LATOUCHE (Louis) \~ Born at Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. Borders of the Seine No. 39 RICHTER (Epovarp) Born at Paris. Pupil of Hébert and Bonnat. Hon- orable mention in 1881. Member Society French Artists. Judith 26% x 13% No. 40 COROT (Jean Bapriste CaMILte) Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Spent several years in g Italy. Medals, Paris, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. Le, U.). Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, SAS Cds We). A Bird’s-Eye View 44 x 9% No. 41 GAUTIER (Amanp yk Born at Lille, 1825. Died 1893. Medal, 1882. Member Society French Artists, The Rehearsal 33 X 44 This picture was exhibited at the Salon of 1880. No. 42 ANTIGNA (JEAN PieRRE ALEXANDRE) Born at Orleans, France, 1818. Died 1878. Pupik of Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1851, 1855, (EoU.). Legion of Honor, 1861. Hors Concours. Gamin 13 x 6% ‘Ausiqneq al D) *yosung “bl -ON No. 43 FLEURY (Francois ANTOINE LEON Born at Paris, 1804. Died 1858. Pupil of his father and later of Hersent and Bertin. Medals, 1837, 1841, 1845. Legion of Honor, 1851. Mountain Landscape 10% x 15 No. 44 BUSSON (CHARLES) : Born at Montoire, 1822. Pupil of Rémond and (), Francais. Medals, 1855 (E. U.). Rap. 1857, 1859, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1866. Medal, 1867 (E. U.), 1878 (E. U.). Officer Legion of Honor, 1887. Hors Concours, 1889 (E. U.). Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. Near Montoire 42 x 6034 No. 45 MAGNUS (CamIL_e) Pupil of Diaz. Landscape 10% x 1334 No.. 46 DIAZ DE LA PENA (NarcIisseE VIRGILE) Born at Bordeaux, 1809. Died at Paris, 1876. Medals, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (E. U.) ee | \ 1878. } By Still Life GEES i 16 x 1234 No. 47 ISABEY (Louis EuGENE) Born at Paris, 1804. Died 1886. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1824, 1827, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the same, 1852. Shore View 534 x 14 No. 48 f MICHEL (GEORGES) ‘ Born at Paris, 1763. Died 1843. Autumn Landscape ROYA 3 22 No. 49 DUPRE (JULES) Born at Nantes, 1812. Died 1889. Legion of Honor, 1849. Legion of Honor, 1870. ‘Society French Artists. Medals, 1833. Medal, 1867 (E.U.). Officer Hors Concours. Member La Chaumiere 8 K 1O No. 50 DAUBIGNY (Kart PIERRE) Born at Paris, 1846. Died 1886. Son and pupil of C. F. Daubigny. Medals, 1868 and 1874. Hors Concours. Dordrecht Harbor BY se 134 xX 23 No. 50 A. TROYON (Constant) Born at Sévres, 1810. Died 1865. Pupil of Riocreux. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Landscape and Cattle 734 x 9% (Charcoal Drawing. ) No. 50 B DAUBIGNY (CHARLES FRANCOIS) Born at Paris, 1817. Died 1878. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (E. U.), 1878. Fishing Boats 13/4 x 19 (Charcoal Drawing. ) *prvuayy Quo sua -odeospuey ‘ol "ON Now sere BIDA (ALEXANDRE) Born at Toulouse, 1813. Died Pupil of Delacroix. Medals, 1848, 1855 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1855. Medal, 1867 (E. U.). Officer Legion of Honor, 1870. Rap. Medal, 1878 (E. U.). Medal. 1889 (E. U.). Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. Officer of the Order of Léopold. Turkish Game 9 x 7% (Charcoal Drawing.) No. 50.) MILLET (JEAN FRANCOIS) Born at Gréville, 1814. Died at Barbizon, 1875- Pupil of Mouchel, of Langlois and of Delaroche. Medals, 1853, 1864, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor,. 1868. Hors Concours. Feeding Chickens mig Se / 7/2 X 4% (Charcoal Drawing.) Nos so E GERICAULT (Jean Louts ANDRETH FODORE) Born at Rouen, 1791. Died 1824. Pupil of Carle Vernet and of Guérin. Study of a Horse (Pencil Drawing.) Nos 50m MEYER (JoHaNnN GEORG) Called from his birth-place Meyer Von Bremen. Born at Bremen, 1813. Pupil of Sohn. Member of the Amsterdam Academy, Order of Léopold. Gold Medal of Prussia. Medals at Berlin and Philadelphia. Knitting 54 X 4 (India Ink.) Now so°G, BRION (GusTAVvE) Born at Rothau, 1824. Died in Paris, 1877. Pupil of Guérin. Medals, 1853, 1859, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1863. Medal, 1867 (E. U.). Medal of Honor, 1868. Hors Concours. The Musicians Hey NO) No. 51 CHARDIN (Jean Baptiste SIMEON) Born at Paris, 1699. Died there, 1779. Pupil of Aazes and of Coypel. 2) ae Fruit 10% x 12 No 52 ROUSSEAU (P. E. THEopore) Born at Paris, 1812. Died 1867. Pupil of Lethiére Medals, 1834, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. U.), Paris, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). The Pool INom53 DIAZ DE LA PENA (NARCISSE VIRGILE) . Born at Bordeaux, 1809. Died 1876. Medals, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (E. U.), 1878. In the Studio 14 x 10% No. 54 DECAMPS (ALEXANDRE GABRIEL) Born at Paris, 1803. Died 1860. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, Davidand Ingres. Medals, 1831, 1834. Legion of Honor, 1839. Officer of the same, 1851. Moorish Ruins---Sunset Se 1% From Sale of Mme. la Marquise de Benoit-Champy. No. 55 MICHEL .(GEORGEs) Born at Paris, 1763. Died 1843. Landscape Wa 17h x 1934 No. 77. Morning. J. B. C. Corot. U3) Now 56 TOURNEMINE (CHARLES EMILE VACHER DE) Born at Toulon, 1814. Died there, 1873. Pupil of ff wisabey, Assistant Custodian of the Luxembourg. A ~ Legion of Honor, 1853. French Landscape Village in the Distance. FS WDB Administration Sale. Seal on back of Picture. Noms 7 DAUBIGNY (Cuartes FRANCOIs) if ° ABorn at Paris, 1817. Died 1878, Pupil of his father SR And Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in 4 { V ‘Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (O85 Wa )ip: 1878. Pasturage 20 x 31% From the Daubigny Sale—No. 14 in the Catalogue. No. 58 ROUSSEAU (P. E. Turoporr) Born at Paris, 1812. Died 1867. Pupil of Lethiére.. “Medals, 1834, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. ) . One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. U.), Paris, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of - Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). Pesth 9}4 x 15% No. 59 COROT (Jean Baptiste CAMILLE) Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Spent several years in Italy. Medals, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867, Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). Landscape 20120 No. 60 MONKS (J. A. S.) Up fton. > Daybreak---Conanicut Island AS x AD No. 61 COROT (Jean BAPTISTE CAMILLE Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased IN GIGI, WD (8a Wo): Ruins 124% x 157% No. 62 ROUSSEAU (P. E. THEopoRE) Born at Paris, 1812. Died 1867. Pupil of Lethiére. Medals, 1834, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. Wha) Paris, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). The Mountain Stream 8% x 13 INOn tee COROT (JEAN BapristE CAMILLE) Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Spent several years in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). In the Forest 2534 x 1714 No. 64 COURBET (GusTAVE) Born at Ornans, 1819. Died 1878. Studied mainly gUwith David d’ Angers. Medals, 1840, MOG, USI “ors Concours. Was offered the Cross of the Legion of Honor, but refused it. Decorated with the Order of St. Michael. Landscape No. 78. Luther and Melancthon. Prof. Wilhelm Lindenschmit. , ROUSSEAU (P. E. THEoporeE) Born at Paris, 1812. Died 1867. Pupil of Lethiére. Medals, 1834, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. Wa e | yosead On 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1875) (5 U,): Mountain Study 10% x 14% No. 66 LATOUCHE (Louis) n* Born at Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Deceased. AU Landscape 274 x 36034 No. 67 DAUBIGNY (CHARLES FRANCOIS) Born at Paris, 1817. Died 1878. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in F Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. il ) Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. ‘he Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (E. U.), > 1878, Landscape Te 128 No. 68 COROT (JEAN BaprtisTE CAMILLE) Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Spent several years in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). Legion rf Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Diploma 1 A | “y to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). Name Harvest Time 1634 x 20% No. 69 DELACROIX (FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE) , ( Born at Charenton, St. Maurice, near Paris, 1799. ( | Died 1863. Pupil of Guérin. Legion of Honor, 1831. \) | 3) ” Officer, 1846. Commander, 1855. Member of Insti- a | ‘tute, 1857. The Bath 8% x 6% No. 70 MELIN (JosEPH) Born at Paris, 1814. Died 1887. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and David d’ Angers. Medals, 1843, 1845, | ieee ee 1855, 1858. Hors Concours. " tyv i | ed ° AL Relais Volant 50 xX 35 (This Picture was exhibited at the Salon of 1885.) Now 71 BOUDIN (EuGeEneE) Born at Honfleur, 1824. Died 1898. Medals, 1881, 1883, 1889 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1892. ~ Hors Concours. Off Havre 20% x 28% INO, 472 DUPRE (Jures) Born at Nantes, 1812. Died 1889. Medal, 1833. q, “Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal, 1867 (E. U.). Officer j Legion of Honor, 1870. Hors Concours. Member - Society French Artists. The Watering Place OA X U7. Now 72 TROYON (Consranr) Born at Sévres, 1810. Died 1865. First exhibited in 1836. Visited Holland, 1847. Medals, 1838, 1840,. 1846, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Landscape and Cattle ‘uyuotwony ouasngq = *ymog ueLesty “64 ‘ON Noe 7a DAUBIGNY (CHARLES FRANCOIS) Born at Paris, 1817. Died 1878. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche. Studied in Italy. Medals, 1848, , 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, (~, 1859. Officer of same, 1874. Diploma to Memory of oe Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). Sunset 15% x 26% Karl Daubigny’s guarantee on the back of this Picture. Now 75 LAUGEE (GerorGEs) Born at Montivilliers. Pupil of his father, of Pils and Lehmann. Medals, 1881, 1889 (E. U.) Hors Concours. Member Society French Artists. Beet-Diggers in Picardie 40 x 55 (Exhibited at the Salon of 1870.) No. 76 MENARD (Emir RENE) Born at Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau, T. Robert- Fleury and Baudry. Honorable mention, 1887. Medal, , 1889. Member Society French Artists, ~ Landscape / * 29% x 39% No. 77 COROT (Jean BaprTisTE CAMILLE) Born at Paris, 1796. Died 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Spent several years in Italy. Medals, 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of _ f\ Honor, 1846. Officer of same, 1867. Diploma to ' A i V “Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 (E. U.). S Morning 26 x 19% From the Collection of M. Le Baron De Buernonyille. No. 78 LINDENSCHMIT (Pror. WILHELM) Born at Munich, 1829. Pupil of his father and the 7 ‘Munich Academy. Also studied at Frankfort, Antwerp a 0) ) and Paris. Professor in Munich Academy. Member ‘ Berlin Academy. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1870. Medal at Paris, 1889 (E. U.). Luther and Melancthon ea 2434 X 19% No. 79 FROMENTIN (EvuGENE) ; Born at La Rochelle, 1820. Died 1876. Pupil of § | \ rs Rémond and Cabat. Medals, 1849, 1857, 1859, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1869. Algerian Court 29 x 42% SPECIAL“ NOMIGE: THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SALES OF IMPORTANT ART COL- LECTIONS: Tue Firra Avenust Auction Rooms begs respectfully to announce thateleeis prepared to undertake the management of the Exhibition and Sale of Collections of Paintings and other Art property of special importance. Mr. Norman’s experience in such mat- ters, and the central location of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, is a sufficient guarantee that all business entrusted to it will be carried through with entire satis- faction. 5 PRINTED BY THE : JOURRAL OF COMMERCE COMPANY Roeent Gaisve. Seorv 40) SABIN ST.. PROVIDENCE