CHOICE COLLECTION a Wag 1 OR he | ee ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS | ss WATER COLORS, PAINTINGS, Etc pa igi We (ya enion | BELONGING TO THE LATE | OF BALTIMORE mo | TO BE SOLD "THURSDAY ano FRIDAY, APRIL 24 ano 25, 1902 Ravana ienetin ia | Ay the! Book. Ametiom oc / , : ; ’ ‘ %, t DP Pe dn in, are i patie oe med < . a f “. a” Or Te <--- e RST 22 3S ne 1 TO 2 ~~ so B: ~~ GLEVITRTS OT UES Dd. Ae E R Be ue et a EL fee iter, mda Pris Laat ae S Bee rss ae Yagi tok ¢ de ies eC UHO Tha Tid, ” tofts Jf ba lane, ls sey ve loo fre aarene Ye 4, a eget Map io Me has Ma ee 2; No. 19— Reduced Catalogue No. 878 THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION. OF ENGRAVINGS avo ETCHINGS Water-color and Oil Paintings, Autotypes, etc. BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE THOMAS. WILLIAM HALL. ESQ. OF BALTIMORE Embracing the Finest Examples, in. the Choicest Possible State, of the most noted Artists of the Burin, in Line, Stipple, . Mezzotint and: Etching: 2. AS WELL, AS MANY CHOICE WATER- COLOR AND OIL PAINTINGS BY NOTED FOREIGN. ARTISTS Many of the Engravings are Handsomely Framed TO BH SOLD Thursday and Friday*Afternoons, April 24 and 25, 1902 AT 3 O'CLOCK EACH DAY ON EXHIBITION APRIL 22 ano 23 1 a.- CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers “without charge. Le ors eee rer Cae. Bids are always so rae per volume or ieee, otherwise stated in catalogue. _ TERMS OF SALE—CAsH. REMARKS. HE late owner of the choice Collection of Engravings, Etchings and Water-color Paintings described in this Catalogue was Thomas William Hall, Esq., of Baltimore, who was well known asa prominent lawyer and journalist. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Peabody Institute of Baltimore, and a recognized connois- seur of art, and an authority on engravings. The Collection was made during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. The discriminating judgment displayed, and the excellence of the examples selected, alone attest to Mr. Hall’s extraordinary good taste and knowledge of the subject. His object was not to gather together a hetrogeneous mass of prints by all engravers, but to make a representative collection of the best works of the most noted masters of the burin of all ages. A glance through the catalogue will fully attest how well he carried out his purpose— untiring in his search for, and selecting no prints but those in the finest possible state to be had, is the reason we are now able to present to the public a collection, although of not very large proportions, yet, for its size, unequalled, in the general excellence of the examples selected, by any other in the country. ‘The water-color paintings and autotypes included in the catalogue are equally indicative of the high standard which alone received the approval of the owner. To some of the most noted EHngravings herein described we wish to draw particular attention—Bervic’s Education of Achilles, proof before letters; Blooteling’s Hieronymus van Beverningk, first state, Desnoyer’s Napoleon le Grand, second state, and Belisarius, choice artist’s proof; Drevet’s (the younger) Cardinal du Bois, and Claude Drevet’s Cardinal d’ Auvergne, both noted as magnificent specimens of engraved lace work; Durer’s St. Jerome in his Cell, 42s masterpiece and a beautiful impression ; Edelinck’s Moses with the Tablets, and Martinus Vanden Baugart; Forster’s St. Cecilia with two Angels, proof before the in- scription ; Valentine Green’s Miss Hunter, proof before letters ; Loughi’s Dandolo, Doge of Venice, jirst state, before the border; Mandels’ La Madonna della Sedia, a grand trial proof; Massard’s Homer, chotce open-letter proof; Masson’s Grey-Haired Man, second state, and Le Cadet a la Perle, second state; Muller’s La Madonna di San Sisto, fourth state, before the retouch, THE MASTERPIECE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY; Nanteuil’s Pomponne de Bel- lievre, second state, and his masterpiece ; Nordheim’s La Madonna di San Sisto, proof before all letters; Pether’s The Standard Bearer, superb brilliant proof; Paul Pontius’ Rubens, with the hat, saperb proof; Rembrandt’s The Mill, very fine, The Death of the Blessed Virgin, very fine, and Jan Asselyn, grand impression, third state ; Richomme’s Triumph of Galatea and Thetis Bearing the Weapons of Achilles, both brilliant impressions ; Schmidt’s Jewish Bride, /firs¢ state ; Strange’s Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, with her children, proof before all letters ; Toschi’s Descent from the Cross, beautiful trial proof, before cleansing the plate; Visscher’s Great Cat, splendid impression; Waterloo’s Great Mill, very fine; Watson’s Countess of Ossory, one of the Windsor beauties ; Wierix’s Melancholia, very fine, and Wille’s Louis Phelypeaux, brilliant impression. iv Of Etchings, of the modern school, some of the most notable are, Bartley’s Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, vemarque proof, signed; Brunet-Debaines’ Chill October, artist's proof, Se signed; Flameng’s Christ Appearing in a Vision to Boers, artist's proof, signed; Gilbert’s Foraging Party, and On the Alert, doth artist’s remarge proofs, signed ; Gravesande’s Au bord ~ du Gein, artis?’s proof on vellum, and one of the most perfect etchings of the modern school ¢ os Seymour Haden’s Sunset in Ireland and Fulham on the Thames, both artist's proofs, signed ; Haig’s Series of Etchings of Westminster Abbey and Spanish Churches, a// artist's proofs, é signed; Frederick Jacque’s Le Retour, artist's remarque proof, signed ; Jacquet’s Cavalry § Care and ‘‘ ueta. both artist's prey: signed ; Law’s bade and Windsor or Tomb, artist’s remarque proof; Palmer’s Early Ploughman, proof; Rajon’s Cardinal 1 man, qere proof, Sb oeae! ; win gee Return ye a Had es hips Paes and Lady Camden, ad/ he proofs, signed ; ea Whistler’s Blackie “Wharf, The uatreneees and ae meds bie all fine proofs. = a Sees at the names of artists iad eet in this Siena! on the page opposite convey an idea a ie great sparen i and ee of the collection. April 21st and 22d, where I will have the pleasure of conducting the sale. STAN V. HENKE water-color and oil paintings. ARTISTS REPRESENTED ENGRAVERS AND ETCHERS Aldegrever, Henry Anderloni, Pietro Audran, Benoit Balechou, John James Bankel, Johannes Bartolozzi, Francesco Bartley, Henry W. Bause, John Frederick Beauvarlet, James Firmin Beham, Hans Sebald Berghem, Nicholas Bervic, Charles Clement Blanchard, Auguste Thomas Meee Blooteling, Abraham Bockman, G. Bolswert, Sheltius A. Bosse, Abraham Boissieu, Jean Jacques de Buchot, Felix Cantarini, Simone Caronni, Paolo Carpioni, Guilio Caracci, Agostino Chauvel, Theophile Narcisse Corbutt, Charles ; Claessens, Lambertus Antonius Couwenberg, Henrik Wilhelm Dalen, Cornelius Van . Danguin, Jean Baptiste Daulle, Jean Debaines, Alfred Louis ‘Br unet- Desnoyers, A. G. L. Boucher . Dicksee, Herbert Dietrich, Christian William Pernce: Dixon, John Drevet, Pierre, the ides Drevet, Peter, the younger Drevet, Claude Diirer, Albrecht Dupont, Louis Pierre THegHaubl Dusart, Cornelius Dyke, Antonio Van PAGE I Harlom, Richard . I Edelinck, Gerard I Elten, Kruseman Van . Edwards, S. Arlent Farrer, Henry . Felsing, Geo. Jacob Ferris, Stephen J. Ficquet, Etienne Flameng, Leopold Forster, Francois Fortuny Mariano Francois, Alphonse Freidhoff, Johann Joseph Gaillard, Claude Ferdinand Garavaglia, Giovita Gelée, Claude (Lorrain) Gelée, Francois Antoine . Gilbert, Achille Goltzius, Hendrik Goya, Francesco . GS Go Gs 6, CA ONT Nh tN ey I et Green, Valentine Gunst, Peter Van Guttenberg, Carl Haden, Francis Seymour Haid, John Gottfried Haig, Axel H. Halpin F. Hecht, W. Herkomer, Herbert Hodgetts, Thomas Holl, Wim. Hollar, Wenceslaus Houbraken, Jacob Hoovenden, Thomas Jacque, Charles Jacque, Frederick Jacquet, Jules Jesi, Samuele Jode, Peter de, the younger Jode, Peter de, the elder NSIVN DDAUNUNNNN SF HF F BRP HD PWW WwW W Gravesande, Charles Storm Van PAGE i) NN nunNN ommaonnwnwo non ow oO OO OO = Koepping, C. Kratke, D. Krug, Lucas Lamotte, Alphonse Lalanne, Maxime Law, David Le Beau, Pierre Adrien Le Couteux, Lionel L, Hermite, Louis Lévy, Gustave Lewis, Charles G. Leyden, Lucas Van Longhi, Guiseppe Lucas, John Mandel, John August Edward Manfeldt, B. \ Maratti, Carlo . Margelidon, L. : Martinet, Achille Louis Massard, Jean Baptiste Raphael Ur bata Massard, Leopold Massard, Jules . Masson, Antoine Mathey, Armand McArdell, James Meryon, Charles Milius, F. : Mielatz, Charles F. Ww. Moncks, J. A. S. Moran, Peter Morghen, Raphael Morin, Jean Miller, Jan ‘ Miller, Christian Friedrich von Murray, Charles O Nanteuil, Robert Nordheim, John George Ostade, Adrian Van Palmer, Samuel Parkes, Robert Bowyer Parrish Stephen Pentz, Gregory, called Genrve Pether, Wm. ; Piercy, Frederick Pigeot, Francois, PAGE 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 vi Piranesi, Giovanni Battista Pontius, Paul ; Porporati, Carlo Antonio Rajon, Paul Adolph Rasp, Carl Gottlob Rembrandt, Paul Van Ryn Reyher, Robert Reynolds, William S. Richomme, Joseph Théodore Rousseau, E. Rivet. i: Ruysdael, Jacob Sandrart, Jacob von Schmidt, George Frederick Schongauer, Martin Schultheiss, Albrecht F. Sharp, William Slocombe, C. P. Strange, Sir Robert Steinla, Moritz Tardieu, Pierre Alexandre ‘Teyssonniéres, Pierre Tissot, Jacques Jean Toschi, Paolo Varin, Amedée and Eugéne Visscher, Cornelius Visscher, Lambert Vivares, Francois Vogel, Johann Friedrich Volpato, Giovanni Vortsterman, Lucas, the elder Wagner, Carl Waltner, Charles Waterloo, Anthony Watson, Thomas Wellstood, George Whistler, James McNeill Wierix, Jan Wierix, Jerome Wierix, Anton Wilkie, Sir David Wille, John George Williams, Robert, Junior Woollett, William Water-color Paintings, etc. PAGE 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 Pp4 22) 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 28- -29 No. 59—Reduced Io pte § CATALOGUE. ALDEGREVER (HENRY) One of the *« Little Masters.” 1502-1562. Engraver. German. (His plates are finished with great precision and delicacy in the style of Durer.) Adam. 1529. Small. Bartsch, 9 Eve. 1529. Small. Bartsch, 10 ANDERLONI (PIETRO) 1734-1840. Engraver. German. The Judgment of Solomon. After Raphael. Line. Open-letter proof. Fourth state. Andresen, 3. Apell, 2. Folio. Framed and glazed AUDRAN (BENOIT) 1661-1721. Engraver. French. Jean Baptiste Colbert. After C. La Fevre. Zzme. Oval. Brilliant early impression. Folio BALECHOU (JOHN: JAMES) 1715-1764. Engraver, French. Sainte Geneuieve, Patrone de Paris. After C. Vanloo. Line. Folio. Third state, before the horizontal lines in title... Andresen, 1. Very rare ; BANKEL (JOHANNES) 1837 Castor. and Pollux Carrying off Phoebe and Elaira, Daughter of, ie ae After Peter Paul Rubens. Line. India proof before all letters. Folio. Engraver. German, BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO) 1730-1813. Engraver. Italian. Oliver Sougell. Portrait. . After R. Walker: .. Open-letter oe Stipple. Pub- lished, 1802. Fine. Framed and glazed Rachel Hiding the Idols of Laban. After Cortona. Line, in brown. Folio. Andresen, 2 The Harl of Mansfield, in robes of office. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Line and . stipple.- Published, 1786. Fine impression Three Heads. After Cipriani. In red. Folio | BARTLEY (HENRY W.) Etcher and Engraver. English. Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, as Mephistopheles and Margaret. Mezzotint. Japan paper remarque proof. Signed. Folio I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 BAUSE (JOHN FREDERICK) - 1738-1814. Engraver. German. Peter the Great. Portrait. After §. Le Roy. Line. Folio. Proof before all letters and border. Andresen, 11. Apell, 66. K., 119. BEAUVARLET (JAMES FIRMIN) 1733-1797. Engraver. French. The Marquis de Pombal. Seated on a terrace overlooking the harbor of Lisbon. Por- trait. After J. Vernet and L. M. Vanloo. Lime. Large folio. Proof before all letters, Only fifty impressions taken. Very rare. Andresen, 18. Apell, 44 BEHAM (HANS SEBALD) One of the « Little Masters.” 1500 ——. Engraver. German. Adam and Eve. 1543. Very fine and rare. Small. Bartsch, 6 BERGHEM (NICHOLAS) 1624-1683. Etcher. Dutch. Crossing the Brook. Third state. 4to. Bartsch, 12 BERVIC (CHARLES CLEMENT) 1756-1822. Engraver, French. The Education of Achilles. After J. B. Reynault. Very fine and rare. Proof before all letters. First state. Andresen, 3; Apell, 2 Elénvement de Dejanire. After Guido Reni. Third state, before the inscription. Line. Folio. Andresen, 3; Apell, 2. Framed and glazed BLANCHARD (AUGUSTE THOMAS MARIE) 1819 ——. Engraver, French. The Descent from the Cross. After Peter Paul Rubens. Line. Remarque proof. Eleventh impression. Apell, 2. Framed and glazed BLOOTELING (ABRAHAM) 1634-1685. Engraver and Etcher. Dutch. (One of the earliest mezgotint engravers.) Hieronymus van Beverningk, Ambassador to London. Portrait. After Maes. Jezzo- tint. First state, before the letters. Folio. Very fine. Brilliant impression. An- dresen, 12 SEE REDUCED FACSIMILE, ; A. Bidloo, surgeon. Portrait. After Maes. Line. First state, before all letters. Very fine. Folio. Andresen 1. Fyrom the Didot Collection Cornelius de Wit, brother of the Grand Pensionary of Holland. Portrait. After de Bane. Aezzotint. Brilliant impression. Folio John de Wit, Grand Pensionary of Holland. Portrait. After de Bane. JA/ezzotint. Brilliant impression. Folio Michael Adriaensz Ruyter, Admiral. Portrait. Avching. Brilliant im pression. Very fine. Folio Ne. 71—Reduced 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 aa 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 BOCKMAN (G) Eighteenth Century. Engraver. English, The Right Honorable Sir Thomas Reeve, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Portrait. After Amiconi. Mezzotint. Folio. Fine impression. Very rare BOLSWERT (SHELTIUS A) 1586 ——.. Engraver. Flemish. Haymakers Returning from the Field. After Peter Paul Rubens. Zine. Folio. Fine BOSSE (ABRAHAM) 1603-1676. Engraver. Frerch. Printing from Copperplate. Zzme. Andresen 11 (4) DE BOISSIEU (JEAN JACQUES) 1736-1810, Painter and Etcher. French. St. Jerome. itching. Folio. Framed and glazed. Andresen, 1 A View near Tivoli, with aman and a woman mounted on a mule, driving cattle through a rivulet. itching. Folio. Framed and glazed. Andresen, 17 Wood Gatherers Pulling Down an Old Tree. Ziching. Folio. Framed and glazed. Andresen, 16 BUCHOT (FELIX) Etcher. French. Landing at Trouville, 1877. Before the inscription. Folio. K., 127 La Féte Nationale du 30 Juin, au Boulevard Clichy, 1878. Folio A la Place Breda, 1879. Folio A la Place Pigalle, 1878. Folio. With artist’s seal in red Debarquement en Angleterre, 1879. Folio. With artist’s seal in red Les Petites Chaumiéres. With artist’s seal in red Banks of River Medway, near Rochester. Folio. With artist’s seal in red CANTARINI (SIMONE) 1612-1648. Etcher. Italian. The Repose in Egypt. Falsely marked G. Renus, in, & fec. Etching. 4to. Bartsch 3. Fine CARONNI (PAOLO) 1779-1842. Engraver. Italian. Raphael Morghen. Portrait. Line. Proof before all letters. Folio. Andresen, 14 CARPIONI (GIULIO) 1611-1674. Etcher. Italian. Holy Family. ching. Folio. Second state. Andresen, 14; Bartsch, 8 CARACCI (AGOSTINO) 1558-1601. Engraver. Italian. Titian. Portrait. Folio. Second state. Andresen, 20; Bartsch, 154 Pan Overcome by Love. 1577. itching. Bartsch, 116 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 4 CHAUVEL (THEOPHILE NARCISSE) 1831 ——. Etcher. Freneh. L’Etang. After Corot. Ztching. Folio. Fine CORBUTT (CHARLES) 1736 ——. Engraver. English, Jean Jacques Rousseau. Portrait. After A. Ramsay. JJezzotint. Brilliant impres- sion. Folio. Andresen, 3. One of his masterpieces CLAESSENS (,AMBERTUS ANTONIUS) 1764-1834. La Femme Hydropique. After Gerard Dow. JLzme. Folio. Brilliant impression. Andresen, 6; Apell, 7 COUWENBERG (HENRIK WILHELM) 1814-1845. Engraver, Dutch. La Menagére Hollandaise. After Gérard Dow. (Drawn by Couwenberg and finished by J. W. Kaiser.) Zzwe. Folio. Andresen, 1; Apell, 2. Framed and glazed DALEN (CORNELIUS VAN) 1620 ——. Engraver, Flemish. CHARLES II. of England, in armor. After P. Nason. Line. Proof before all letters, Very fine and rare. Andresen, 12 DANGUIN (JEAN BAPTISTE) 1823 ——. Engraver. French. Portrait of a Lady. After Rembrandt. Line. Artist’s proof. Presentation copy. ‘‘Offert a M. Reiset, Directeur des Musées, l’hommage de l’Auteur, Danguin.”’ Folio. Apell, 6. Framed and glazed. DAULLE (JEAN) 1709-1763. Engraver, French. Mile. Pelissier, as Flora (of the Theatre Francaise). After H. Drouaise. Choice early impression. ZLzze. Folio. Andresen, 25 DEBAINES (ALFRED LOUIS BRUNET-) 1845. Etcher, French. (One of the most noted of modern French etchers.) The Valley Farm. After Constable. Chozce open-letter proof. Folio. Framed and glazed Chill October. After Millais. Artist's proof, signed by both painter and etcher. Folio. Framed and glazed At Eventide there shall be Light. After B. W. Leader. Woodeut. Bartsch, 9. Andresen,’ 40 The Angel Appearing to St. Joachin. (Life of the, Virgin Series: ) Woodcut. Bartech: 78. Andresen, 44 The Circumcision. (Life of the Virgin Series), with Latin text. Woodcut. Bartsch, 86, Andresen, 44 Hercules. Woodcut. Bartsch, 127. (From the Haussmann Collection. ) The Warrior on Horseback followed by a Halberdier. Woodcut. Bartsch, 131 IR HE NTI Na NORE Sea oS NTR RMR et or We No. 89—Reduced ~ / DUPONT (LOUIS PIERRE HENRIQUEL) 1797 ——. Engraver. French. 99 Lord Stafford, on his way to the Scaffold, receiving the Blessing of Archbishop Laud. 100 Io! 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIo PET 112 113 After Paul Dela Roche. Ofen-letter proof. Line. Andresen, 10; April 9 DUSART (CORNELIUS) 1665-1704. Etcher. Dutch. The Great Village Festival. Zvching. Beautiful copy of the first state. Folio. Very rare. Andresen, 9 VAN DYKE (ANTONIO) 1§99-1641. Painter and Etcher. Dutch. Johannes Snellinx, Artist. Portrait. itched. Fifth state. Folio. Andresen, 14; Weber, 10 Antonius Cornelissen. Portrait. itched. Second state. Rare. Andresen, 5; Weber, 3 Johannes Breughel, Artist. Portrait. itched. Fifth state. Very rare. Andresen, 3; Weber, 1 Adam van Noort, Artist. Portrait. itched. Fifth state. Andresen, 12; Weber, 8 Justus Suttermans, Artist. Portrait. Atched. Andresen, 17; Weber, 12 EARLOM (RICHARD) 1726-1822. Engraver and Etcher. English. Flower Piece. After Van Huysum. Mezzotint. Brilliant impression. Folio. An- dresen, 41. Framed and glazed EDELINCK (GERARD) 1627-1707. Engraver. French. (One of the greatest of line engravers.) Moses. Half length, holding the tables of the law. After Champagne. En- graved conjointly with Nantueil. Zzze. Folio. Andresen, 1 Philip de Champagne. Portrait. After P. de Champagne. JLzmze. Folio. Brilliant impression. Second state. Rare. Andresen, 18; R. D., 164 SEE REDUCED FACSIMILE. Martinus Vanden Baugart. Portrait. After H. Rigaud. Magnificent, velvety im- pression. Live. Folio. Andresen, 20; R. D., 162 SEE REDUCED FACSIMILE. Nathanael Dilgerus, Pastor in Danzig. Portrait. Zzve. Fine impression. Rare. Andresen, 21; R. D., 185 Antoine Arnauld. Portrait. After P. de Champagne. First state, before Chereau’s address. Line. Folio. R.D., 140 VAN ELTEN (KRUSEMAN) 1829 —— Etcher. American. A Gust of Wind. Scene near New Milford, Conn. Zéching. Folio. Proof before letters FARRER (HENRY) 1843-1891, Etcher, American. The Night Serene and Still. A¢ching. Folio. Proof before letters 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 I2I 122 123 124 125 126 127 8 FELSING (GEO. JACOB) 1802 ——- Engraver. German. Salvater Mundi. After Leonardo da Vinci. Line. Remargque proof. White fringe on collar. Signed. Andresen, 19; Apell, 6 FERRIS (STEPHEN J) Etcher. American. Fortuny Dead. Eiching. Artist's proof, signed. No. 13 of only sixty impressions. Folio The Mandolin Player. After Fortuny. Eiching. India proof. Folio FICQUET (ETIENNE) 1719-1794. Engraver. French. Mme. de Maintenon. Portrait. After Mignard. JLzze. Second state. Folio. Andresen, II FLAMENG (LEOPOLD) 1831 —— Etcher. French. Professor Huxley. Portrait. After Sir J. Collier. Atching. Artist's remarque proof. Signed by both painter and etcher. Folio. Framed and glazed Christ Appearing in a Vision to Boers Drinking in a Tavern. Artist’s proof, signed. 1861. Large folio FORSTER (FRANCOIS) 1730 —— Engraver. French. La Vierge, au bas-relief. After Leonardo da Vinci. Line. Choice proof before the inscription. With Forster’s stamp. Impression No. 101. Very rare. Andresen, 2; Apell, 1. Large folio : St. Cecilia with two Angels. After Paul de la Roche. Proof before the inscription. Line. Warge folio. Andresen, 6; Apell, 8 ; Aurora and Cephalus. After P. Guerin. Choice open-letter proof. Line. Varge folios Andresen, 10; Apell, 9 Titan’s Mistress. After Titan. With address of Artaria and Fontaine. Superb old impression. ZLzve. Folio. Andresen, 15; Apell, 18 The Duke of Wellington. Full length, in uniform. Portrait. After F. Gérard. Line. Brilliant impression. Folio. Andresen, 20; Apell, 28 FORTUNY (MARIANO) 1836-1874. Etcher. Spanish. Arab Watching the Body of his Dead Friend. L¢ching. Proof before letters. Rome, 1866. Folio. Rare FRANCOIS (ALPHONSE) 1811 ——. Engraver. French. Marie Antoinette Leaving the Tribunal. After Paul dela Roche. Line. Superb proof, before all letters, on India paper. First state. Andresen, 5; April 7. Folio. Framed and glazed The Birth of Venus. After A. Cabanel. Line. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. Folio : pons O ha Pirie yh No. 108—Reduced 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 — 9 FREIDHOFF (JOHANN JOSEPH) 1768-1813. Engraver, German. Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife. After C. Cignani. Mezzotint. Rich and brilliant im- pression. Folio. Andresen, 1 GAILLARD (CLAUDE FERDINAND) 1789-1863. Engraver. Frnch. CHdipus. After Ingres. Artist’s proof. Signed by painter and engraver. Folio. Andresen, 4 St. George and the Dragon. After Raphael. Chozce artist’s proof on India paper, signed. Very fine. Folio Gaillard’s last plate. L’Homme a L’Oeillet. After Van Eyck. Jndia proof. Folio. Andresen, 6 GARAVAGLIA (GIOVITA) 1790-1835. Engraver. Italian. Giovanni Boccaccio. Portrait. After Longhi. Line. Proof before letters, with en- graver’s stamp. Folio. Andresen, 14; Apell, 14 GELEE (CLAUDE [LORRAIN]) 1600-1682. Painter and Etcher. French. The Wooden Bridge. itching. Third state. (No. 100n margin.) 4to. Andresen, 14; Apell, 14 GELEE (FRANCOIS ANTOINE) 1796-1860. Engraver. French. Daphne and Chloe. After L. Hersent. Line. Magnificent artist’s proof. 1824. First state. From the Louvre collection. Folio. Andresen, 2; Apell, 4 GILBERT (ACHILLE) 1828 ——. Etcher. French, Foraging Party (Boars in a Wood). After Rosa Bonheur. ELiching. Artist's re- marque proof (head of etcher). Signed by painter and etcher. Varge folio. Framed and glazed On the Alert. (Stag in a Wood.) After Rosa Bonheur. Artist’s remarque proof. Head of Bonheur. Signed by both painter and etcher. Warge folio. Framed and glazed A magnificent pair of etchings. The Young Prince. (Head of lion, full face.) After Rosa Bonheur. Artist's proof. Signed by painter and etcher. ‘‘ Kpreuve d’art avant la remarque. A. Gilbert’’ 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 147 148 149 10 GOLTZIUS (HENDRIK) 1558-1616, Engraver. Dutch. The Murder of the Innocents. C. Visscher exc. First state, before J. C. Visscher’s address. Very fine andrare. Line. Large folio. Andresen, 8; Bartsch, 8 The plate was not finished. The Great Dog of Goltzius with the Son of the Painter Frisius. Zzze. Splendid early impression. From the Baron Liphart Collection. Veryrare. Andresen, 32; Bartsch, 179 Johannes Zurenus. Portrait. Fine and rare. /zwe. Andresen, 31; Bartsch, 189 Catherine Deker. Portrait. Fine and rare. From the Marietta Collection, 1670. Bartsch, 210 GOYA (FRANCESCO) 1746-1848. Etcher. Spanish. D. Gaspar de Guzman, Conde de Olivares on horseback. Portrait. After Velasquez. Etching. Andresen, 11 VAN GARVESANDE (CHARLES STORM) 1841. Etcher. Dutch. Au bord du Gein, prés d’Abcoude. Artist's proof on vellum, signed. Hammerton, 135 Of this beautiful etching Hammerton says: “This is one of the most perfect etchings produced by the modern schools; so perfect indeed, that if I were restricted to the possession of six modern etchings, this should be one of them, The material is nothing but a river shore, with a few trees and bushes, and a windmill. The sky and the water are both great tranquil spaces of white paper, etc. This etching is in- deed a perfect model for three great qualities, whose union is rare indeed, It is both very tender and very strong, and at the same time very reserved in the best and wisest way.” Village of Zandvoort. Artists proof, signed. On Holland paper. Folio. Very fine. GREEN (VALENTINE) One of the most noted Mezzotint Engravers. 1739-1831. Engraver. English. Miss Hunter. Portrait. After E. F. Calbe. MMezzotint. Superb impression. First state, before letters. Folio. Very rare. SEE FACSIMILE. VAN GUNST (PETER) 1667-1724. Engraver. Dutch. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. Portrait. After Sir G. Kneller. Line. Brilliant impression. Folio. Andresen, 8 GUTTENBERG (CARL) 1743-1792. Engraver. German. John Paul Jones. Half length, on board a man-of-war in action. After a drawing by C.J. Notté. Zine. First state. Folio. Andresen, 8. Very rare HADEN (FRANCIS SEYMOUR) 1818 ——,. Etcher. English. Sunset in Ireland. 1863. Superb artist's proof, signed. Folio. Very rare A magnificent work of art. In reference to this etching, Messrs. Frederick Keppel & Co. say, “About the Haden « Sunset in Ireland,’ we beg to assure you that it is a,unique state, simply a trial taken before the plate was finished, or rather before it reached the condition in which it was published. There were other trials taken, with more or less work, but they are described in Drake’s Catalogue. This proof escaped Mr. Haden’s notice when he was supplying information for that book.” Fulham on the Thames. Swzperdb artist's proof, signed. Folio, Very rare No. rog—Reduced 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 EE HAID (JOHN GOTTFRIED) 1710-1776. Engraver. German. Right Honorable Charles Pratt, Baron Camden, Lord High Chancellor of Great Brit- ain. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Mezzotint. Beautiful impression. Folio. Very rare and fine HAIG (AXEL, H.) 1835 —— Etcher. Swedish, (The most noted etcher of architectural subjects of the day.) Westminster Abbey. View from St. Edmund’s Chapel. Artist’s proof, signed. Large folio. Framed and glazed Westminster Abbey. Entrance to Poet’s Corner. Artist's proof, signed. Folio Westminster Abbey. North Chancel Aisle. Artisi’s proof, signed. Large folio. Framed and glazed Westminster Abbey. A Dark Corner, Entrance to S. Aisle of Henry VIII’s Chapel. Artist’s proof, signed. Folio Westminster Abbey. Poet’s Corner. Artist’s proof, signed. Folio Westminster Abbey. View of the Chancel from the South Transept. Artist's proof, signed. Folio Westminster Abbey. The Cloisters. (CARL GOTTLOB) 1753-1807. Engraver. German. 292 Ryckaert, called the Transylvanian. In arinchair: © Portrait. After Van: Dyck. Line. Proof, before inscription. First state. _ Folio. Andresen, 2 REMBRANDT (PAUL VAN RYN) | 1606-1675. Painter and Etcher. Dutch. (The great father of etching). 293 .The Mill, formerly called. ‘‘ Rembrandt’s’ Mill.” Very fine inipression.’ BL. 3333 B. 233; Cl. 230; W. 2303. A. 38°, : : . i Sigs 294 St. Philip, Baptizing the Eunuch. Fine. B. a Cl, 101; W. 103;° Bl. 69 295 The Death of the Blessed. Virgin. Magnificent impression. Second state. Folio. B. 99; Bl. 70; Cl. 102; W. 104 296 The Woman of Samaria, called ‘‘Aux Ruines.’”’ Fine. Bl. 46; B. 71; W. 75; Cl. 75; Andresen, 9 297 Rembrandt and Saskia. Fine. Bl. 203; B. 19; Cl. 19; W. 19 298 Uytenbogaert (The Gold-weigher). Bl. 189; B. 281; Cl. 278; W. 283 299 The Schoolmaster. 1641. Bl. 99; B. 128; Cl. 129; W. 131 No, 271—Reduced We Ace eas einen es crete 4% eet ee ee a v ¥ 300 301 302 303 304 395 306 307 308 309 310 311 313 314 21 A Woman, naked, seated on a bank. Fine impression. From the Brentano col- lection. Bl. 162; B. 198; Cl. 195; W. 195 Old Man with Short Beard. (The Beggar.) BI., 115; B., 151; Cl., 148; W., 149 Dion Tint.” Bly) 386;)B., 114; Ch, 116; W., 118 Adoration of the Shepherds. /7/th state. From the Prince de Paar collection. BI., 19; B., 46; Cl., 55; W., 50 Jan Asselyn. Very fine. 7Zhirvd state. Bl., 171; B., 277; Cl., 274; W., 279 REYHER (ROBERT) 1883 —-—. Engraver. German. The Countess Potocka. Portrait. After a pastel in the Berlin Museum. /?77s¢ state. Proof before the inscription. Folio. Andresen, 11; Apell, 13. Framed and glazed REVNOLDS (WILLIAM 8.) 1730 —— Engraver. English. Dr. Harrington. After Thomas Beach. 1779. Mezzotint. Chotce proof before all letters. Folio RICHOMME (JOSEPH THEODORE) 1785 —— Engraver. French. The Holy Family. After Raphael. Painted for Francis I (The Louvre). Line. Elegant proof. First state. Folio. Andresen, 2; Apell, 5 Napoleon, as First Consul. After Gérard. Line. Open-letter proof. 1835. Folio. Apell, 30. The Triumph of Galatea. After Raphael. Zzze. Brilliant impression, with artist’s stamp. Inscribed ‘‘a mon bon ami, J. Richomme.’’ Folio. Andresen, 8 ; Apell, 9 Thetis Bearing the Weapons of Achilles. 1827. After F. Gérard. Lene. Brilliant impression. Folio. Andresen, 9; Apell, 1o ROUSSEAU (E.) Etcher. French. Marie Marquise de Sevigné. Portrait. After Nanteuil. Lue. India paper proof. Folio. RUET (L.) Etcher, French. ‘1814.’ After Meissonier. Small. Artist’s proof, signed. Folio. RUYSDAEL (JACOB) 1635-1681. Etcher. Dutch. The Little Bridge. (Cottage by the stream.) itching. Magnificent impression, of the greatest rarity. Folio. Andresen, 1; Bartsch, 1 SANDRART (JACOB von) 1630-1708. Engraver. German, Frederick, Duke of Saxony. 1677. Portrait. Zzve. Large folio. Andresen, 5 B15 316 317 318 319 320 227 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 339° c 22 SCHMIDT (GEORGE FREDERICK) 1712-1775. Engraver and Etcher. German. Hirsch Michel. Portrait. itching, from life. Berlin, 1762. Fine. Andresen, 37 William II, of Orange, and his Tutor, Cats. After G. Flink, 1772. Andresen, 64 ; J. 152 | Young Lady with Fan. Portrait. After and in the style of Rembrandt. Jacobi, 129 < Jewish Bride. After and in the style of Rembrandt. Very fine. Firsé state. dresen, 68; J. 130 ayes Father of the Jewish Bride. After and in the style of Rembrandt. Fine impressi First state. Andresen, 67 ; Jacobi, 129 Louis de la Tour d’Auvergne, Comte d’Evreux. After H. Rigaud. Portrai armor. Line. Folio, Andresen, 31; Jacobi, 42 , a SCHONGAUER (MARTIN). 1420-1488. Engraver. German. The Entombment. (Sufferings of Christ Series. ) Andresen, 18; Bartsch, 18 — Christ at the Gates of Hell. (Sufferings of Christ Series.) Andresen, 19; Barts SCHULTHEISS (ALBRECHT F.) 1823 ——. Engraver. German. Rembrandt and Saskia. After Rembrandt. Ziéching. Artist's remargue proof, s ig Folio. Framed and glazed ; A Tyrolean Dance. After Defregger. Etching. Artist's Kidde Ce proof, sig both painter and etcher. Framed and glazed SHARP (WILLIAM) ; 1746-1827. Engraver. English. (The Father of English Line Engravers.) ; Doctors of the Church Disputing about the Dogma of the Immaculate Goss After Guido Reni. Line. Magnificent proof before letters, with coat-of-arn Second state. Folio. Andresen, 9; Apell, 6. Framed and glazed Diogenes in Search of an Honest Man. After Salvator Rosa. Lzwne. ee imp Folio . Dr. John Hunter. Portrait. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Livze. Splendid p Sore the inscription. Folio. Very rare. Andresen, 31; Apell, 38 ; Joanna Southcote. Portrait. Line. Proof before letters. First state. Folio. — dresen, 37; Apell, 46 SLOCOMBE (C. P.) Wace 1850 —— Etcher. English. E 3 pig His Grace. After J. Pettie. itching. Artist’s proof, signed by Lae mer et Framed and glazed Her Grace. J. Pettie. itching. Artist's SPY, ened by painter and etcher. rr and glazed : 33! 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 23 STRANGE (SIR ROBERT) 1721-1792. Engraver. English. Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, with her Children, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. After Van Dyck. Line. A superb proof, before all letters. Very rare. Andresen, 40; Apell, 48; Bl., 48 Mary Magdalene, ina Cave. After Guido Reni. Zzme. Brilliant impression. Folio. Andresen, 13; Bl., 16. Framed and glazed STEINLA (MORITZ) 1791-1858. Engraver. German. Madonna and Child. (From Madonna di San Sisto). After Raphael. Zine. Magnifi- cent proof, before all letters, on India paper. Folio. Andresen, 3; Apell, 3 TARDIEU (PIERRE ALEXANDRE) 1756-1844. Engraver, French. Paul Barras. Portrait. Full length. Line. Choice open-letter proof. Folio. An- dresen, 12; Apell, 11 TEYSSONNIERES (PIERRE) : 1834 Etcher. French. The Return from Fishing. After A. Feyen-Perrin. Etching. Artist’s remarque proof, with heads and signatures of painter and etcher, on parchment, of which only Zoo impressions were taken. Folio Mary, Queen of Scots. Eiching. Artist's remarque proof, signed. Folio Au Bord de L/Oise. itching. Artists proof, signed. Folio TISSOT (JACQUES JEAN) 1836. Etcher. French. Boating Party on the Thames. Liching. Artist’s proof, signed. Folio The Captain’s Daughter. Liching. Artist's proof, signed. Folio Winter. itching. Artist's proof, signed. Framed and glazed TOSCHI (PAOLO) 1788-1854. Engraver. Italian. The Descent from the Cross. After D. da Volterra. Line. Beautiful trial proof, with square white space on the arm of the cross, and before cleansing the plate. With autograph inscription, ‘‘ per ’illmo, Barone de Paganini, Paolo Toschi.’’ Folio. Andresen, 5. Framed and glazed The Bearing of the Cross. (La Spasimo di Sicilia.) After Raphael. Zzve. Bril- liant impression, with script title. Large folio Entrance of Henry IV into Paris. After F. Gérard. Zine. Largefolio. Andresen, 12; Apell, 11. Framed and glazed VARIN (AMEDEE anp EUGENE) Nineteenth Century. Engravers. French. Springtime. (Youth and Maiden in a Swing.) After P. A. Cot. Lue. Open- letter proof, on India paper. Large folio 345 346 347 348 349 35° 351 352 353 N. B. 3. The Following priate are after Frescoes i in Sistine Chapel. 354 355 356 357 358 359 24 VISSCHER (CORNELIUS) 1610-1670. Engraver. Dutch. ; Gellius de Bouma. Inanarmchair. Ze. Fine. Second state. Folio. Andresen, — 4; W., 8 ; Bes: Peter Scriverius. Portrait. After P. Soutman. Zzve. Brilliant impression. Third — state. Folio. Andresen, 13; W., 42 rraiee is The Great Cat, with a Rat Behind Her. Lime. Splendid impression. First state. Andresen, 32; ‘W. 152 a The Rat Catcher. (Vender of rat poison.) Zzve. Fine impression. Fourth si Folio. Andresen, 39; W., 160 : +e ec VISSCHER (LAMBERT) 1633-1690. Engraver. Dutch. Anne of Austria, Queen of France. JLzme. Choice brilliant impression. — before any verses. Signed on back, ‘‘ P Mariette oe $2 May rare. reser, yu W sei TS Jan and Cornelius de Witt, with Scene of Murder. (The portrait of C f graved on plate in place of the Town Hall.) Line. Bigs pone Andresen, 155 W..;120°: 9 The Laughing Boy, with the Cat. After Vanloo. Line. ‘Biiliants t impr sic mn. state. Andresen, 18; W., 27 , Pig, <3 VIVARES. (FRANCOIS) © Grae 1709-1782. Engraver and Etcher. French. a , . The Sea near Naples. After Claude Lorrain. Line. Choice Preah ‘afore letter Andresen, 2 ae VOGEL (JOHANN FRIEDRICH) 1829 ——. Engraver. German, sh > Marie Louise de Tassis. Povkeaite After Van Dyck. Line. 5 on India paper, signed. Tose ‘« Hpr. d'art. J. s cee ne Framed and glazed ‘ VOLPATO (GIOVEMN1: AT IE ahO3 Engraver. Italian, : Michael Angelo. Daniel, the Prophet. Lzme. Folio Zacharius, the Prophet. Zzze. Folio Joel, the Prophet. Lzne. Folio The Crimean Sibyl. Zine. Folio The Delphic Sibyl. Zzze. Folio The Erithrean Sibyl. Lue. Folio \ ae 5 esha SS id VCuer Acai asatrihy cae Ordres du R oy Ate 1 Pin pene et ag 5 TOE hes Cohmombouents de ty € tigi cher diel Reme Seis eG MMS Malate balsa ir aia: Togheene LS pp C onile Ov oat Vhniitre Secneudtine dF ca neo torent Maat “ 1 By Se No. 395—Reduced 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370° 371 372 373 374 375 25 VORTSTERMAN (LUCAS, THE ELDER) 1573 ——. Engraver. Dutch. Return of the Holy Family from Egypt. After Rubens. Line. Andresen, 12 Judocus de Momper. Portrait. After Van Dyck. Zine. Fine impression, before the name of the engraver. Very rare. From the Wolff collection. Folio. Andresen, 54 WAGNER (CARL) 1796-1867. Etcher. German. Im Wald. 1854. fine proof, before the inscription. Folio Abend im Wald. 1853. sine proof, before the inscription. Folio WALTNER (CHARLES) 1847 —— Etcher and Engraver. German. The Philosopher. After Rembrandt. Zvtching.