1925 Apr. 3 NeAmM THE COLLECTION OF COUNTESS AGNES MINOTTO FURNITURE » PAINTINGS *WOOD CARVINGS» SILVERWARE AND Nero Nb ACL: RUGS re Fad | ia TL as as a ei saw * AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 7 56TH to 57TH STREET NEW YORK ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE “Decorative “Paintings * ‘Wood (arvings 7 r 7 Silverware and Oriental “Rugs 7 7 eee Ot bb Cr LON: OP COUNTESS AGNES MINOTTO ON FREE EXHIBITION FROM MARCH 28 UNTIL TIME OF SALE » WEEKDAYS PROMO ASM: :TO:6:P.M.. » SUNDAY PROM EZ PO) © 5. > Poo. Pee rolRICTED PUBLIC :SALE eerie AN APRIL 3, Al >2:00° P.M. ae UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE fee CAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. SALES CONDUCTED BY eR. O. BERNET AND cA(R. H. H. PARKE 1925 “Designs its Catalogues : ee and “Directs All “Details of Illustrati Gext and Gypography J f "iecl oF 7 j i i ~ 75 2 FOREWORD HE Collection offered for sale is the property of Countess Agnes Minotto, also known as Agnes Sorma, the famous actress; it represents to a great extent objects that have been in the family of her late husband, Count Demetrio Minotto, in Venice, and is also the result of personal collection by both Count and Countess Minotto in the past thirty years. After the death of her husband, in 1920, Countess Minotto gave up her country house at Wannsee, near Berlin, where she had resided for more than twenty-five years, and came to America to live near her son and his family in Chicago, bringing with her a choice of her furniture, paintings, rugs, silverware and the like; a recent decision on her part to spend the next few years in travel has resulted in the above being offered by the American Art Association for public sale in New York. The French and Italian furniture, including a superb library table and a massive armoire, was gathered in Europe; from the col- lections of Count Delfino, Count Barozzi and Count Contarini in Venice and the Ottoboni family in Padova are decorative paintings and Renaissance wood carvings. Among the last may be noted a remark- able boxwood and walnut crucifix by the Venetian, Andrea Brustoloni (1662-1732). In addition, there is a mantel clock from the Collection of Emile Zola; a sculptured lion-head from the Greek theatre of Dionysus con- tributed by the Archaeologic Commission of the Acropolis at Athens; a number of specimens of needlepoint worked by the proficient hand of the Countess herself, in the leisure hours of an artistic career; and a fine group of German and Austrian orfévrerie, including a silver din- ner service of more than fifty pieces. “ te ar CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: [Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to_be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ene a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also e given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer _ of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES anp STAT Eas INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 571m STREET NEW YORK CITY THe AMERICAN ArT AssociATION, INC. MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Collection of the COUNTESS AGNES MINOTTO Afternoon of Friday, April 3, 1925 2 : To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will * oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it : to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first : purchase. * Purchaser’s Name . Address in Full a ET REESE SSUES OE Pee EINNOON SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1925, AT 2:00 P.M. Catalogue Numbers 1 to 352 inclusive BIBELOTS, PORCELAINS AND FAIENCE 1—Fovur StTerwuinc SILVER AND EnAmMEL PATCH-BOXES Three circular; one oval on four stretchered feet. Engine-turned, in various colored enamels. 2—Grovr or AssorTED BrIBELots Comprising two miniature carved ivory and hardwood urns; French needle-case with four silk leaves printed with amoristic subjects; oblong tobacco box lacquered with a military subject; miniature glass flask bound in wicker, with silver top; antique Italian silver pendant heart-shaped watch with chain, ornament and velours stand. 3—Framep Crayon Drawinec Circa 1880 Fanny Kempir. Contemporary profile bust portrait of the famous actress, with chignon and voluminous leg-of-mutton sleeves, in rosewood frame. . Height, 51/, inches. 4—Wax SEAL Austrian, 1791 Impression of the seal of the Emperor Leopold II with which the Minotto diploma of Count was confirmed, March 5, 1791. Diameter, 5144 inches. 5—Sitver WartcHu 1n Iron Stanp By Pierre Gex, XVIII Century Antique movement, in plain silver case with an outer case of metal lacquered to simulate tortoise-shell; supported in iron lyre stand. Height of stand, 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 6—Cuivre Dort AntiguE WarcH on STAND By Pére Michau, Paris Circular case with fine scroll-pierced rim, the face set with twelve tiny rose diamonds; supported on stand of later date, involving a winged youth kneeling on a vase supported on the head of a bird. Oblong statuary marble base. Height of stand, 7, inches. Y—DecoraTED Ivory Fan French, Louis XVI Period Vellum leaf painted in gouache with figures of lovers within a pailletted medallion, and detached sprays of flowers; pierced ivory guards and staves decorated with contemporary floral motives in silver-leaf. (Needs repair.) 8—DecorateD Ivory Fan French, Louis XVI Period Chicken-skin leaf very finely painted in gouache with amoristic figures, and two oval medallions enclosing respectively a bee-hive and a dog seated before a broken column; exquisitely carved and pierced staves and guards displaying geometrical, rosette, scroll and floral motives of the period and enriched with silver leaf. 9—ExequisitrE Drcoratep Ivory Lorenetre Fan French, Louis XVI Period Leaf painted in gouache with Chinese figures and symbols with two gelatine window lorgnettes; very finely pierced and carved ivory staves and guards decorated in colors and gilding with Chinese figures, trellis and naturalistic floral motives. 10—SILVER-MOUNTED FiuintiocKx Pistor Italian, XVIII Century Carved walnut, mounted near mouth with a band of silver en- riched with repoussé scrollwork, the shoulder with a similar re- poussé curved plate, the butt with a chiseled silver cap orna- mented with rocaille scrolls. Length, 18 inches. 11—AnTIQvuE ScuLprurEeD MarpiE FRAGMENT Greek, circa III Century B.C. Lion-head, with pierced open mouth and long ears. Height, 7 inches. Note: From the Theatre of Dionysus at Athens, through the Archaeologic Commission of the Acropolis. Afternoon Sale 12—Bronze Ficurine After Clodion Yoururur Baccuus. Undraped figure of a putto crowned with vines holding in his hands a Pan’s pipes; on circular marble base. Inscribed, ciopion. Height, 61%, inches. 13—Bronze Cast Ficurre After G. Amodio, Naples Torso of a man slightly draped from the left shoulder, with arms and back and crown of head amputated; square base. Height, 9 inches. 14—Parr Travian Bronze War Brackets Vine-wreathed putto-head, the bust enclosed in a frame scrolled at the base; supporting semicircular molded top carrying a flat oak stand. ; Height, 71, inches. 15—Oxp Dvutcu Brass Lamp Bowl-shaped reservoir supported on tall stem terminating in in- verted funnel-shaped vase; with lid, long curved spout and flat leaf-shaped mouth, pierced for hanging. | Height, 12% inches. 16—Parir PuasteErR Bas-RELIEF PLAQUES Lows XVI Style Oblong medallions with erect figures of Venus and Calliope sur- rounded by scroll-leafage and supported on adossés chimera figures. Made to imitate oak carving. Height, 18 inches; width, 101% inches. 17—Pair Carvep Epsonizep CANDLESTICKS Spirally twisted shaft on circular molded base; metal tulip bobéches. Height, 13 inches. 18—Carvep Ivory anpd SILVER-MOUNTED EponizEp CRrvucirFIx Italian, Late XVII Century Carved ivory figure of Our Lord, the cross surmounted by a scrolled ivory tablet with “I N R I,” beneath the feet an ivory skull; mounted at the ends with scroll pierced mounts involving cherub-heads. (One missing. ) Height of crucifix, 17 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 19—Laaut CELESTIAL GLOBE AVIT Century Decorated with the constellations, named in Latin, with their mystical counterparts painted in situ; supported with a meridian on a circular belt standing on four laqué pillars. Height, 1814 inches. 20—Sitx EmpromweErep Picture Circa 1800 Lanpscare. At the right a building with two belfries among fields and trees; in the foreground a river with a small sailing vessel and figures of men in tall hats fishing. In split stitch and chenille embroidery, on ivory silk; mahogany frame. Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches. 21—Encravep Mar or VENICE Petrus van der Aa, Dutch, Late XVII Century Interesting topographical view of the old city, seen as a leg-of- mutton shape entirely surrounded by water. In beaded oak frame. Height, 18 inches; length, 42 inches. 22—PorcELAINn FicuRiInE Royal Berlin Seated figure of greyhound on oblong cushion, glazed in pale green, with gold tassels at the corners. Mark: Sceptre, orb and K.P.M. Height, 3 inches. 23—Parr SmMatt Porcerain Ficurines Saxe Style Figures of Shepherd and Shepherdess in flowered garments, the former playing on a flageolet. (One arm of latter broken.) Height, 4 inches. 24—DercoratepD PorceLain Box Cartouche-shaped, with valanced body; ochre-brown ground simulating Vernis Martin, decorated with amoristic scene and floral festoons. Mounted in cuivre doré, the interior lined with satin damask. Mark: Crossed arrows. Width, 4 inches. Afternoon Sale 25—Meiss—EN PorceLaIn FIGURINE | Seated figure of a bergére playing on a hurdy-gurdy, in soft colors, his jacket of terracotta; base with gilded rocaille-scroll- ing. Mark: Crossed swords. Height, 41%, inches. 26—Pair SMALL Porcetain Ficurines Royal Berlin Figures of juvenile Hermes and Athene with their emblems, in brilliant white glaze. Mark: Sceptre. Height, 51% inches. 27—Farence Mantet OrNAMENT Quimper, XIX Century Formed of two inverted cup-shaped jars with short cylindrical spouts, joined by loop-handle; white glaze decorated with floral sprays and rural scene in faience colors. Mark: H.B. Height, 614 inches. 28—THree Porcetain FIGuRINES Figures of body similarly appareled in Turkish costume and turban, with kettledrum, side drum and trumpet, respectively. Mark: A wheel. Height, 7 inches. 29—Turere Porcetain Figurines | Saxe Style Figures of a peasant youth, in baker’s costume, with a tray of loaves; and two girls, one with a platter of fish, the other with a basket and a hare dangling from her right hand. Mark: Crossed swords, E. and C. Height, 7 inches. 30—Parr Fatence CANDLESTICKS Quimper, XIX Century Coniform, with broad circular base and tulip bobéche; quaint decoration of rustic figures in country landscape, in faience col- ors, with formal decoration of bands of interlacing ribbon in royal-blue. Mark: H. B. (Slight chips.) Height, 71/4, inches. 31—FatencEe Coverep FLEvurR-pE-Lys Box Quimper, XLX Century Bearing an escutcheon with three fleur-de-lys crested by a mural crown; sides with decoration of ermine-tails. In brilliant faience colors under a pinkish-white glaze. Length, 8% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 32—PorcELAIN Mantet ORNAMENT Berlin Figure of a cockatoo with spread wings, perched on a rustic base. Brilliant white glaze, varied coloring. Height, 7% inches. 33—PorcELAIN FicurtNE | Meissen Figure of a cupid in ragged garments and walking on crutches, begging with outstretched hat; circular base enriched with gild- ing. Mark: Crossed swords. Height, 81% inches. 34—QuimPeR Buivue anp WuHuitrE Faience WAL DisH Segmental bowl with molded flaring foot and two female heads modeled in bold relief as handles; decoration &@ lambrequins in the Rouen manner, the interior with a jardiniére of flowers. Pinkish-white glaze. Mark: H.B. Height, 8 inches; width, 18%, inches. 35—TIwo Porrrry Brirps Parrots, invested with peacock-blue porcellaneous glaze, on rocky bases pierced as stem-holders. . Height, 8 inches. 36—Parr QuimpEeR Faience Birps Figure of duck with hollow receptacle back, on oval flaring base inscribed “Grande Maison.” Decoration in brilliant colors pre- dominantly of grass-green and pearl-gray. 37—DeEcoraTED PorceLAIn Soup TurEEN Royal Berlin, Early XIX Century Oval, the cover with molded rose-finial, rocaille-enriched handle. Fine decoration of detached sprays of flowers, insects and small butterflies, in brilliant colors on a white glaze, with borders of blotted gilding. Mark: Sceptre. Height, 9 inches. Afternoon Sale 38—PorcELAIN Group Meissen Style THe Messencer or Love. Figure of a young woman kneeling beside a table on which are an urn and writing utensils; on the opposite side a small Cupid blows with bellows a fire beneath a retort. A large winged seated Amor has placed his left hand upon her wrist and motions with his right, while an open book drops unheeded from his knees. Oval base enriched with gilded rocaille-scrolls. Height, 9 inches. 39—PorcELaIn Group Meissen Style Love’s Sickness. Reclining on a couch heaped with cushions, her dog springing up at her right elbow; at her left the figure of a Cupid holding a cupping-dish as a large Amor makes an incision with a lancet in the arm to bleed the patient. Oval base enriched with gilded rocaille-scrolls. Mark: Crossed arrows. Height, 9 inches. 40—Pair Frencu Faience CANnDLESTICKS Fluted Corinthian columns on large square valanced bases en- riched with festoons; gray-white glaze with ornament and cap- itals in emerald. (One has been repaired.) : Height, 101% inches. 41—Frencu Faience Group Diana AND SHEPHERD. Lightly draped figure of shepherd sleep- ing under a blasted tree; to him appearing the kneeling form of Diana. Circular rustic base on scroll-pierced stand; creamy- white glaze. (Slight chips.) Height, 131% inches. 42—Wuitrt Farencre Group Capo di Monte FremaLe Centaur anp Lapiruar. The rearing form of a female centaur trailing a drapery and attacked by three youths with poniards, one of whom has been crushed to earth. Rocky base, on which their shields have fallen; pierced rocaille-scrolled cir- cular stand with recurring mascaron details. Height, 17 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 43—WaatrE Farence Group Capo di Monte NympuH anp Faun. Nude erect figure of nymph caught in the embrace of a faun; flower-strewn base on pierced and rocaille- scrolled stand with recurring mascarons. (One leg has been re- paired.) Height, 23 inches. 44—QumPER F'areNcE Ewer Circular pilgrim-bottle shape, with loop-handle and curved spout ; oval base. Decoration of a chanticleer and a peasant girl with a basket of hay, within formal borders in faience colors of rose, ochre-yellow, green and ultramarine. Height, 101, inches. 45—Drtrr Brut anp Waite Pracock PLATE or “WAAIER ScHOTEL”’ Lambertus Sanderus, XVIII Century Cavetto with the well known design of a jardiniére of flowers overlaying a panache of peacock feathers, the marly with re- peated decoration of pairs of opposed leaf-figures alternating with miniature flower-vases and surrounded by sketched scroll diapers. Mark: The claw, F.C. and L.S. Diameter, 124 inches. 46—De.trrt Buur anp Wuite Peacock PLATE Paulus van der Burch, XVIII Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: B.P. Diameter, 131%, inches. 47—Detrrt Buur anp Wuitre Pracock PuateE XVIII Century Decoration as in the preceding. Diameter, 121% inches. 48—Detrr Buvre anp Waitt Pracockx PLATE The Claw, XVIII Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: The Claw, 250 and 3. Diameter, 121% inches. 49—Deurr Brug anp Wuiret Peacock PLate | The Claw, XIX Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: The Claw and 300. Diameter, 134, inches. a Afternoon Sale 50—Deuirr Brive anp Wuirrt Peacock PuLatE The Claw, XVIII Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: The Claw and 300. Diameter, 14 inches. 51—Detrr Buve anp WuitE Peacock Piste The Claw, XLX Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: The Claw and 4. Diameter, 12 inches. 52—Detrr Brvur anno Wuiret PraAcocx PLAte The Claw, XLX Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: The Claw and 200. Diameter, 101%, inches. 53—Detrr Bivue ann Wuirrt Pracock Pate The Claw, XVIII Century Decoration as in the preceding. Mark: The Claw and 200. Diameter, 1014 inches. 54—Detrr Biure anp Waite Farence PLATE AIX Century Central decoration of a bunch of peonies within a circular medal- lion from which spring radial compartments containing sketched conventionalized blossoms in the Chinese manner. Apocryphal six-character mark of Ch’éng Hua. Diameter, 15 inches. 55—Pair Deutrr Covrerep VaAsEs The Bottle, XLX Century Inverted pear-shaped hexagonal body, hexagonal dome cover with lion-finial. Decoration of sprays of flowers with shoulder and base banding of formal ornament in shades of delft-blue under a fine bluish-white glaze. Mark: F and bottle. Height, 101% inches. 56—Pair Farence Covered Jars Delft, XLX Century Ovoid body with eight molded ribs; octagonal ribbed dome cov- ered with knob-finial; decoration of floral trellis and trefoil and quatrefoil medallions enclosing leafage with scrolled oblong reserves and developing leaf sprays. Mark: T. G. and 3 C. Height, 18 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 57—Parr Larce Buur anp Wuariret Farence Coverep JARS Rouen, XIX Century Octagonal ovoid body with small neck and slightly flaring foot ; octagonal cover with knob-finial. Decoration of a broad in- floretted band with reserved quatrefoil medallions occupied by slight floral sprays, the points sustaining four jardiniéres of flowers and emitting scroll decorations. Height, 21 inches. 58—QuimpeR Buve ann Wuiret Farence WaAtt VASE SM oe Pear-shaped semi-vase, the base enriched with a female head molded in bold relief, the posterior rim with handle formed by affrontés dolphins supporting a shell figure, dome cover; decora- tion of lambrequins of festoons and scrolling in the Rouen man- ner. (Handle has been repaired.) Height, 25 inches. PEWTER, BRASS, MANTEL CLOCKS AND WALL BRACKETS Two Prewrer Guitp BEAKERS Rhenish, XVIII Century Funnel-shaped, with circular flarmg bases; incised with guild symbols and inscribed respectively, “S. Kramer 1767” and “G. F. Travendorf 1757.” Height, 5 inches. 60—Two Otp RHENISH STONEWARE AND PEWTER STEINS Bodies glazed in green, one decorated with trees and the figure of a peasant digging; mounted in pewter with hinged lids, one inscribed “G.K. 1724.” Heights, 7 inches and 71% inches. 61—TIwo Oxup RueEenisH Pewrer STEINS One barrel-shaped, with hinged cover having knob-finial; the other cylindrical with incised geometrical decoration with three medallions, two holding flowers, the third a royal figure with a harp; the lid inscribed, “F.G.L.M. 1785.” Heights, 81 inches and 101/, inches. Afternoon Sale 62—O.p RuenisH Farence and PEWTER STEIN White glaze decorated with three medallions in mauve holding single flowers and an urn surrounded by trailing blossoms. Mounted in pewter with hinged lid having ball-finial and in- scribed, “T.F.K. 1782” beneath a coronet. Height, 11 inches. 63—Two Orp RuenisH PEwrer Jucs Inverted trumpet shape, with hinged lid having scrolled handle, inscribed, “I.C.F. 1763” and “F.L.B. 1790” respectively, within incised wreaths. Heights, 111% inches and 12 inches. 64—-GaARNITURE OF THREE CopPpER JARDINIERE Bow ts Tuscan, Late XVII Century Two circular and one oval; with rope-molded rim and marly with a ring of small oval bosses. Boldly gadrooned body. Diameters, 151 inches and 1714 inches. 65—AntievE Copper Mitk Can Italian or Spanish, XVII Century Body with two ring-handles and shallow rope-molded lid; en- riched with all-over slight hammered decoration of floral scroll-: ings, the base with repoussés wave figures embellished with triads of tiny bosses. Height, 271% inches; diameter, 19%, inches. 66—Parr Smatt Cuivre Dork anp Brass APppLiauEs Lows XVI Style Fluted tapering demi-vase with pineapple finial; from the shoulder springing two small S-scrolled arms for lights. Fitted for electricity. Y Height, 91/, inches. 67—Pair Cuivre Dort AppliauEs Louis XV Style Serpentined leaf-molded support from which spring two leaved and twisted arms for lights, with leaf-molded bobéches. Fitted for electricity, with sham candles. Height, 171, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 68—Pair Brass APPLIQUES Louis XVI Style Serpentined leaf support from which spring five twisted and leaf- molded arms for lights. Fitted for electricity, with sham candles. Height, 171, inches. 69—Pair Bronzep APrPpLiauEs Louis XVI Style Pierced tapering support with beaded acorn finial; three scrolled arms for lights with leaf-enriched tulip bobéches. Fitted for electricity, with sham candles. Height, 171 inches. 7O—Par Cuivre Dort Wari AppLiquEs Louis XV Style Serpentined leaf support, from which spring five twisted and leaf-molded arms for lights. Fitted for electricity, with sham candles. Height, 24 inches. 71—Pair FrencH Bronze anp Cuivre Dort CAnpELABRA After Bouret Standing figure of a winged amor lightly draped about the loins and holding up as a torch a single molded cutvre doré bobéche. Height, 1134 inches. 72—Pair FrRENcH Bronze anp Cuivre Dort Mantret CanpELABRA After Clodion Figures of boy and girl amorini, the girl seated, the boy stand- ing, each holding two leaf-twisted arms for lights with fluted and leaved bobéches. Circular statuary marble base, beaded and standing on three vase feet. Fitted for electricity. Height, 19 inches. 73—Frencw Esonizep Vasze Crocx Mountrep 1n Cutvre Dort Pear-shaped vase mounted with pierced neck, leaf-molded double handles, base and plinth in cutvre doré. Small circular dial. (Hands missing.) Height, 10 inches. Afternoon Sale 74—Dutcuo Laaevut Parcet-cinpep Mantret Criocx . By Walleniusz, Noorképing Small circular drum set in a classic vase with imbricated fruit finial, the base enriched with carved and gilded leaf festoons. At either side a fluted and broken column on which are perched adossés two-tailed mermaids; molded base. Height, 16 inches. 75—Eponizep Vas—E Crock Mountep 1n Cuivre Dort Pear-shaped vase holding circular dial; with chiseled flaring lip and foot in cuivre doré. Height, 17 inches. 76—PrARWoop AND Marie Mantet Crock Square hody with side brackets, supported on a portal at the an arcade of two groups of classical pillars in alabaster stand- ing on a floor of mosaic inlaid and backed with two plane mir- rors; stepped semicircular base. Pendulum movement and strik- ing mechanism. Height, 1814 inches. 77—Frvitwoop Mantet Crock Mountep 1n Cuivre Dore By Peter Rau, Vienna Square body with side brackets, supported on a portal at the head of a flight of five steps and backed with three plane mir- rors; mounted in cutvre doré with lavish appliqués, the dial with figures of warriors, dolphins and the like. Pendulum move- ment and striking mechanism. Height, 1914, inches. 78—Carvep anv GitpED Mantrei Crock Circular drum body, crested by an urn of flowers and supported on sprays emitted from a leaf-scrolled vase ornament standing on a tripod table, at which are two seated affrontés putti ter- minating in leaf-scrolls; shaped base enriched with carved frieze and standing on five vase feet. Height, 20 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 79—Epsonizep AND Parcet-citp—ED Manrret Crock Rococo Style Tall oblong arched and molded case with oblong molded dome; two dials, one with double, one with single hand, set within a repoussé plaque of cuivre doré enriched with copious rocaille- scroll ornament. Height, 20 inches. 80—Bavarian PoLtycHRoMED AND GILDED MantTet Ciock By Leonhard Pfeffer, Wiirzburg Drum body supported on the stump of a fluted pillar standing on a square plinth, the front with a bas-relief carving of a re- clining female figure; at the left side the erect figure of the Muse of History reading from a parchment, her left elbow rest- ing on the top of the drum, at the right a gilded urn. Molded base on six quadrangular tapering gilded feet. Height, 21 inches. 81—Bvuri Watutnut ann PotycHromEe Lyre Crock By Franz Mayr, Innsbruck Erect slightly draped figure of a man with long curling hair wreathed in laurel, the left arm extended behind the lyre sup- porting the circular drum of the clock and standing on an oblong beaded base. Striking movement. Height, 22 inches. 82—CaARVED AND GILDED AND ALABASTER MAntEet Crock MountTEep In Curvre Dork Circular drum flanked by gilded bird chimeras terminating in scrolled leafage and supported on a pediment sustained by four Ionic pillars of alabaster with gilded wooden capitals, the under- structure backed with three plane mirrors. Oblong base with advanced centre; mounted in cutvre doré with appliqués of vines and a central ornament involving Leda and the Swan, perched on a lyre-headed pedestal. Height, 22 inches. 83—AustTRiAN MAHOGANY AND ParRcEL-GILDED Citock MountTEp IN Cuivre Dore Circular dial set in a vase-shaped dome crested by a small fe- male bust, and standing, with two carved and gilded chimerae, [Continued Afternoon Sale 83—Continued. on an understructure braced with six classic pillars in laqué wood or alabaster, before which are five steps. Mounted in cuivre doré with various appliqués; the base with mirror back, of which part is missing. Height, 26 inches. 84—Carvep and GinpED Manrent Crock By Giuseppe Dominici, Trento Circular dial set in a shaped body with molded top having an oeil-de-boeuf and crested with a leaved vine finial; the face flanked by carved pinnacles, and framed in a garland of laurel. Old striking movement. Height, 26 inches. 85—CaRVED AND GiLpED Watt Crock French, Second Empire Period Massive circular beaded drum surmounted by a small laqué bas- relief displaying animals and fruit, the drum flanked by figures of a female warrior and Peace, leading a Cupid. Leaf-carved base supported on the shoulders of two bent male demi-figures terminating in leaf scrolls, between them a second bas-relief plaque displaying female figures before a tent, laqué silver and in square beaded frame. Striking movement. (Has been re- paired.) Height, 30 inches; width, 19 inches. From the Collection of the famous French author, Emile Zola, Paris. SILVER PLATE S86—SILVER-PLATED Writine E@auIPAGE Balustered shaft on broad circular base, candle bobéche; with revolving portion having ink-well, sand-castor, pen-tray and quill-dips. Height, 7 inches. S7—SILVER-PLATED COVERED BONBONNIERE Urn-shaped, with finely gadrooned rim and hinged cover having pineapple-finial; square gadrooned base. Height, 8% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. S8—SILVER-PLATED HAMMERED CoprEer TRAY Shallow circular petaled dish, the cavetto plated with silver. Diameter, 10 inches. 89—Pair SILVER-PLATED TABLE CANDELABRA Louis XVI Style Facted flaring pillar on square base; bobéches with floral festoon ornament supporting enriched urn-finial, from the base of which spring two scrolled arms for lights. . Height, 11 inches. 90—SILVER-PLATED SamovarR KETTLE Graceful bowl-shape with scalloped edge, on four shell-carved feet. Samovar stand with similarly shaped edge; spirit burner. Height, 12 inches. 91—Pair SILVER-PLATED TABLE CANDELABRA Leaf-molded tulip bobéches; from the shoulder spring two ad- ditional scrolled and leaf-molded arms for lights. Mono- grammed, H.B. Height, 14 inches. 92—-SILVER-PLATED HoT-wATER SAMOVAR Graceful urn-shaped body with eagle-head handles holding rings, scalloped lip; leaf-molded faucet. On square wooden base. Height, 151% inches. 93—SILVER-PLATED Hor-waTterR Samovar Urn Tulip-shaped body with waisted neck and gadrooned shoulder and base. ‘Two double scrolled handles with wooden insulators ; detachable cover, molded faucet. Height, 161%, inches. 94—Pair SILVER-PLATED TABLE CANDELABRA Directoire Style Tapering fluted shaft flaring ito broad circular base; the bobéche supporting a structure involving an urn-finial, from either side of which spring two undulating reeded candle arms. Height, 161/, inches. Afternoon Sale 95—SILVER-PLATED TABLE CANDELABRUM Molded baluster shaft flaring into gadrooned leaf-enriched base; molded tulip bobéches supporting five scrolled arms for lights. Height, 22 inches. SILVER The following examples, including the superb dinner service, are almost exclu- sively of German or Austrian orfévrerie. 96—Srix AssorTED SILVER SERVERS Spoons and servers with various pierced, engraved or molded decorations. 97—Six Stuver Oyster Forxs Anp Nine TEASPOONS (a) With median flat medallion bearing Minotto crest; (8) the handles with molded cornucopia decoration, and monogram. 98—OneE Dozen AvstTrRiAN Sitver Fruir Knives anp Forks Flat octagonal faceted handles. 99—Grovr or AssorTED TABLE SILVER Comprising soup ladle, asparagus tongs, punch ladle, small sugar tongs and spoon and fork servers, some with crest or mono- gram. 100—Two Parrs Sittver Satr CeLiars (a) Circular bowl supported on three sphinx heads; (8) Oval bowl with lion-mask ring handles and chased decoration of leaf- scrolls and winged monsters; on tall flaring base. 101—Sitver Creamer anp Mustarp-por (a) Figure of a cow with small hinged lid in back; (8) Nor- wegian silver cylindrical mustard-pot, the hinge cover having inset coin and tiny salient lion figure; standing on three sejant lion-feet. Heights, 3°84 inches and 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 102—SILVER AND TintEp Guass CRUET Mazarine-blue glass pepper and salt with silver tops, on pierced rocaille-molded stand. 103—Two Sinver AND BouHEmMIAN Guass ALMonD DisHEs 104—SIntvER AND BoHEMIAN Guass CRUET Ruby and milk glass salt and pepper with silver lids, on molded silver stand. 105—SitveErR FLOWER-HOLDER Small square balustered shaft from which spring six short arms terminating in Greek warriors’ heads, the tops pierced as stem- holders. , Height, 41, inches. 106—Pair Sirver ALtmMonp DisHES AND SUGAR-CASTOR (a) Faceted boat-shaped dish on flaring octagonal base; (3) Ring-molded pear-shaped body, with detachable perforated top. i07—-SILvER AND CrysTAL SuGAR-cASTOR AND MusTarp-PoT (a) Spirally ribbed body with etched decoration, mounted in silver with rocaille scrollings; (8) Hob-nail diamond-cut body with cornucopia ornaments; hinged lid, handle and base in silver. 108—Fovur Sitver Bovporr ARTICLES (a) Pair of pierced oval repoussés silver pin-trays; (B) Mini- ature candleholder, bobéche uphold by a cupidon treading on a serpent; (c) Covered cachou box enriched with ruby, emerald and sapphire cabochons, with engraved ornament. 109—Sitver AND Tintep Guass Bonson DisH Sky-blue glass bowl mounted in stand having a band of pierced diamond ornament above engraved leaf-scrollings and standing on four flaring feet. Beaded rim and beaded open ribbon handle. Diameter, 5 inches. Afternoon Sale 110—CrystTaL AND Sitver Bonson Dtsyu Molded hemispherical bowl] mounted with bands of silver, with flat recurring ornaments of affrontés serpents among leafage and a cupidon playing on a flageolet; tripod base. Pierced handle with central repoussé ornament of Bacchic head. Height, 6 inches. 111—Two Sitver Toretr Trays (a) Turkish silver, the rim with repoussé figures of savages and fauns, with a central boss depicting the rape of a woman by the Sun-god in his chariot. (8) Ajowré marly of flying cupids, vermicular scrolls and portrait medallions, the cavetto chased with a sporting scene. Diameters, 5%, inches and 8 inches. 112—Turee Sitver UTENSILs Comprising small ewer jug, small pear-shaped hot-water jug and infusion pot; all with wooden insulator handles. Heights, 7 inches, 534 inches and 5% inches. 113—SintverR AND BoHEmIAN Guass CoMPOTIER Valanced bowl of lapis-blue glass with ornament of clear glass quatrefoil figures ; supported by winged chimera perched on oval faceted base. Height, 61% inches. 114—Sinver CREAMER AND Syrup Jue (4) Deep boat-shape, with flat handle enriched with ram’s-head ; (s) Pear-shape, with inverted cup-shaped hinge lid having fig finial. Decoration of sprays of flowers in slight relief. 115—Two Sitver Bonzon DisHeEs (a) Petaled dish sustained on a parrot figure with spread wings ; oval base. With escutcheon. (8) Two circular petaled dishes with repoussés floral rims supported on molded and gadrooned central stand with scrolled ring-handle. Heights, 5% inches and 61%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 116—Sinver Coverep Powprer Jar AnD BONBONNIERE (a) Cylindrical, chiseled with all-over decoration of pastoral motives within rocaille scrolling, the ld with a seated bibulous Cupid; (8) Semi-ovoid, with pierced flaring rim and supported on scrolling tripod on incurved triangular base; bell-shaped cover with wreath-finial. With escutcheon. Heights, 61%, inches and 6 inches. 117—Pair Sitver CANDLESTICKS Tapering balustered shaft beaded and enriched with festoon orna- ment, flower-scalloped base; ribbed tulip bobéche with escutch- eon. Height, 714 inches. 118—Patr Srtver CANDLEST:cKS Baroque Style Quadrilateral balustered and molded shaft enriched with scroll- ing and leaf-cartouches; flaring into square scroll-molded base. Height, 9 inches. 119—Parr Sitver CanpLeEstTicks Slender tapering shaft flaring into broad circular base; bobéches with ribbed bossed ring with escutcheon. Height, 914, inches. 120—Pair Srtver CANDLESTICKS Ribbed and balustered shaft flaring into square valanced and ribbed base; floral bobéches. Engraved escutcheon. Height, 11 inches. 121—Sitver Bonzon Disu Shell-shaped, with leaf-scrolled handle; on three rocaille-molded feet. Width, 10 inches. 122—Repovusst Sitver Cake Basket Louis XVI Style Oblong, the edges pierced with a narrow lattice enclosed within rocaille scrolls ; the body with pastoral subjects, trellis and floral detail framed in lavish rocaille ornament. Rectangular handle with scrolled molded edges. Length, 101%, inches. Afternoon Sale 123—HamMERED SitverR Bown Circular, with graceful flaring valanced lip; all-over honeycomb bosses. Diameter, 91, inches. 124—Two Smauu SitveErR Trays (a) Oval with reeded edge. Monogrammed. (8) Octagonal, in gilded silver. Engraved escutcheon. Diameters, 101% inches and 7 inches. 125—BeErun SILVER GARNITURE Comprising three bowls, one large and two small; circular, with flaring valanced lip and fine hammered honeycomb faceting. Diameters: one, 91% inches; two, 734 inches. 126—RepovussE GILDED SILVER EssENCE SERVICE Baroque Style Comprising oval dish profusely enriched with interlacing Baroque scrolling and leafage, with two cavetti to hold small similarly enriched pots with hinged covers. Height of pots, 5 inches; length of tray, 12 inches. 127—Sinver Azovurt DisuH anp PLATTER (a) Oval, the edge with applied repoussé leaf decoration, the body consisting of bands of conventional leafage springing from a plain central cavetto; (8) Oval bossed centre emitting repoussé pierced rocaille scrolling, the whole framing an oval with two scrolled handles. Lengths, 14 inches and 15 inches. 128—Bavarian SILVER TEA SERVICE Comprising circular tray, smali samovar kettle with spirit burner, creamer and sugar-bowl, all with simple gadrooning. Engraved escutcheons. Height of samovar, 9 inches; diameter of tray, 121% inches. 129—AuvstTRIAN Sitver TEA SERVICE Comprising teapot, covered sugar-bowl and creamer; flattened ovoid bodies with repoussés floral festoons between valanced bands of gadrooning. Height of teapot, 5%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 130 138 130—Srx Sou Sirver Diyner Pratres By Otto Schneider, Berlin Marly with reeded valanced edge, plain circular cavetto. En- graved with the escutcheon of Minotto. (Slight differences in weights, which are stamped on the bases.) Diameter, 10 inches. (Illustrated) 1381—Srx Soum Strver Dinner Puates By Otto Schneider, Berlin Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 182—Srx Soxum Sitver Dinner Prates By Otto Schneider, Berl Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 1383—S1x Sonim Sitver Dinner Pratres By Otto Schneider, Berlin Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 134—Six Sonim Srtver Dinner Pirates By Otto Schneider, Berlin Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. Afternoon Sale 1385—Six Soup Sitver Dinner Puates By Otto Schneider, Berlin Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 136—Six Soup Sitver Dinner Puatres By Otto Schneider, Berlin Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 137—Six Soup Sirver Dinner Prates By Otto Schneider, Berlin Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 138—Two Larce Sonuw Sitver Circutar DisHes To match the preceding; deep cavetto. Diameter, 13 inches. (Illustrated) 139—OvatL Souip Sitver PLaTTeR By Mudra and Stiller To match the preceding. Length, 201% inches. (Illustrated ) 140—Two Sitver Sauce Boats By Mudra and Stiller To match the preceding; having oval stand-dishes into which they can be screwed. With ladle-spoons. Height, 5, inches. 141—Two Sou Sitver Circurar Prattrers By Mudra and Stiller To match the preceding. Diameter, 13 inches. 142—Two Crrecvutar Covered Sinver Entree DisHeEs To match the preceding. Diameter, 9 inches. 143—Sirver JARDINIERE BowL Shallow circular bowl with broad flaring lip. Engraved escutcheon. Height, 51%, inches; diameter, 13 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wm the forepart of the Catalogue. 144 147 144—Si1tver Lovine-cup Cylindrical, with engraved gadrooned base and flaring foot; two loop handles of semicircular section. With engraved monogram and coronet. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) 145—Sinver Lovine-cur Similar to the preceding. 146—Sitver PuNcH-BOWL By Johann Wagner and Son, Berlin Hemispherical body with bold spiral gadroonings; short waisted stem and flaring circular gadrooned foot. With engraved escutcheon. Height, 81% inches; diameter, 1214 inches. (Illustrated) 147—BeEruw Sitver THREE-HANDLED LoviNG-cuP Cylindrical, on three ball feet. Mounted with three finely matched ram’s-horn handles. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7 inches, (Illustrated) Afternoon Sale 148—-Sinver Jue Inverted pear-shaped body, loop handle with bone insulator rings. Monogram and crest. Height, 7 inches. 149—Sitver CorFFrEE-PotT Flattened ovoid body with sharply incurved neck and hinge lid having wheel finial; loop handle enriched with ram’s-head. Height, 10 inches. 150—Si1tver CoFFEE-POT Ovoid body with tall neck, shoulder with band of chiseled jar- diniere ornament; hinge lid with pineapple-finial. Scroll wooden insulator handle; spout terminating in equine mask. Height, 141% inches. 151—CrystauL anp Sitver Spirir DecAnTER SERVICE Consisting of three finely etched and faceted stoppered decanters mounted in a quatrefoil-pierced trellis stand; on molded tri- angular base enriched with leaf-scrolling and floral ornament in relief, with a rustic central handle of entwined branches of flowers. Height, 17 inches. TEXTILES 152 Lot or Firrreen Assortrep Oxp Iranian TAssEts Comprising set of six large gilded tassels and nine smaller ones. 153—Drar v’Or ET D’ARGENT BrocapE Pane Venetian, Late XVII Century Salmon-pink field brocaded in gold and silver with a pattern of individual swaying blossoms recalling the Sicilian-Rhodian designs; bordered with gold fringe. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 154—SEa-GREEN Sirk Damask Pane Louts XVI Style Developing festooned classical vases of flowers within lyre-shaped floral frames and oval medallions of chains of tulips enclosing musical trophies. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 155—-Panet oF Oxtp RoseE-crimson Damask Composed piece of three widths, damassé with undulating floral branches enclosing pairs of opposed leaf-scrolls sustaining floral bouquets. Narrow border of gold galloon. Length, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 156—O.up VENETIAN SILVER-EMBROIDERED VELVET BANNER Crimson velvet with an appliqué panel of antique embroidery in- volving a border of interlacing tulip and other floral branches, with sprays of flowers springing from the corners and a central oval medallion enclosing a coroneted escutcheon. Border of gold galloon. Length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 157—Setr or Haneines ry Morré Sirk Damask Louis XVI Style Rose-crimson moiré silk damassé with large trailing ribbon and floral medallions enclosing classical vases filled with roses. Com- prising four pairs of narrow window-hangings and five valances. Hanging, length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet. Length of valances: three, 5 feet; one, 4 feet; one, 6 feet. 158—Rose-crimson Moirt Sirk Damask Pane Louis XVI Style Similar to the preceding. Length, 38 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 159—Setr or WIndDOW-HANGINGS IN Ivory FLorRAL BrocapE Louis XV Style Border with a diamond-shaped trellis enclosing swaying sprays of roses alternately in reds and mauves. Comprising four pairs of narrow window-hangings, and one long and one short valance. Hanging, length, 8 feet; width, 1 foot 10 inches. Length of valances, one, 5 feet 2 inches; one, 18 feet 10 inches. CARVINGS, INCLUDING AN ALGARDI IVORY AND THE MAGNIFICENT CRUCIFIXION OF ANDREA BRUSTOLONI 160—Parir ANTIQUE IratIAN Carvep anpd Gitpep Watt Ficures Erect figures of winged cherubs lightly draped about the loins and holding empty cornucopiae. Height, 12 inches. Afternoon Sale 161—Pair Carvep Waunvut STATUETTES Italian, XVII Century Music and Lirrrature. Erect female figures gracefully draped to leave the bosom and lower limbs partly bare and_ holding respectively a lyre and a pencil and tablets. On circular molded plinths. Heights, 16 inches. 162—Carvep Waunut Group Venetian, Late XVII Century Caritas. Erect figure of a woman with heroic size limbs, the upper part of her body half bare, supporting in her left arm the nude figure of a child while her right hand caresses that of a second taking refuge against her skirts. Height, 191% inches. 163—Two Carvep, PotycHRoMED AND GILDED FicurEs Spanish, Late XVI Century Standing figures of a saintly man and woman, sumptuously draped, with long flowing hair, supporting between their extended arms bands of ribbon bearing respectively the devices Sore Dro and Honor Guorta. Height, 191% inches. 164—Carvepo Watnut STATUETTE Italian, Late XVII Century LEeDA AND THE Swan. Scantily draped figure of Leda, her right hand poised on her bare right breast, the swan coiling about her lower limbs as her left hand grasps his neck. Height, 23 inches. 165—Carvep, GILDED AND PotycHrRoMED WALL Ficure Italian, XVII Century Figure of an angel with great gilded wings, the upper half of the body bare, the left arm raised and the right pointing down- ward; kneeling on a mass of carved scrollwork. Height, 28 inches. 166—Pair Carvep, GILDED AND PoLYCHROMED STATUETTES Florentine, Late XVI Century Standing draped female figures with flowing hair, holding a scrolled branch terminating at the top in a small circular stand; on square bases, the front carved with winged cherub-heads be- tween scroll volutes. Height, 301% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ANDREA BRUSTOLONI VENETIAN: 1662—1732 167—CRUCIFIXION (Sculptured Boxwood Figure) Height, 34 inches SupEeRBLy carved figure of the cruci- fied Savior, the nude body wreathed about the loms with cords and dra- pery, the bent thorn-encircled head crowned with a sun-like halo. Sus- pended from a rustic walnut cross inset in a rocky base. Note: The modeling of the face recalls strongly that of the fine equestrian Marcus Aurelius by the same sculptor in the Museo Correr in Venice. Of the passionate real- ism of his work Ricciotti Bratti has written (Emporium, 1908, “Arte Retrospettiva’”): . Dinanzi ai classici modelli, il suo di- segno pote arrivare ad una_ straordinaria correttezza e le sue cognizioni anatomiche perfezionarsi cosi da lasciare null’altro a desiderare . . . egli cedette cosi raramente e cosi parcamente alla retorica del suo tempo che le sue sculture hanno tutte quella ca- ratteristica eleganza che le faceva distin- PUGTC ts rare (Illustrated) ALESSANDRO ALGARDI Roman: 1598—1654 168—CRUCIFIED CHRIST (Sculptured Ivory) Height, 64% inches Very finely carved figure of the Savior with bent head and closed eyes, long hair falling on to the shoulders, the loins tied about with a cloth, the hands and feet pierced. Rich yellowish patina. In glass case. Afternoon Sale FURNITURE 169—Four Iravian Carved AnD GILDED BRrAcKETS Cherub-head with a collar of leaves supporting U-shaped stand enriched with egg-and-tongue molding. Height, 71%, inches; width, 111%, inches. 170—Parr AnTiIqvE Iratian Carvep BRraAckETs Cherub-heads in silver with gilded wings supporting semicircular ebonized stands. Height, 8 inches. 171—Pair Irauian Carvep Watnut anp Oak BrAcKETS Winged cherub-heads supporting molded semi-round stands. Height, 8% inches; width, 14 inches. 172—Pair Carved Oak Watt Brackets Scrolled leaf-carved capital supporting an oblong cornice. Height, 101% inches. 1738—Patr Carved AND PotycHROMED CaARyYATIDS Italian, Empire Period Classical female heads with flowing hair, the neck adorned with . a brooch pendant; supporting square stands. Originally used in an Italian theatre. Height, 16%4 inches. 174—Patr CrREWEL-workK CaArveD Oak FoorTstToots Oblong, with shaped apron, on barrel-feet. Covered in floral gros-point, the work of Countess Minotto. 175—Parr Oxup Irauan Scutprured Watnut Door-srors Sejant naturalistically carved lions, with plane backs. Height, 13 inches. 176—Irauian Carvep Wautnut TraveLinc CHEST Oblong, the front carved with two escutcheons above the bust figure of a saintly archbishop; bound with iron hasps and hav- ing a leather carrying strap. Height, 10 inches; width, 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 177—-Carvep Watnut CoFFRET Florentine, XVI Century Oblong top with gadrooned edge, front leaf-paneled with an inset metal bas-relief plaque displaying the toilet of Venus, with a train of attendant nymphs. Pilasters carved in bold relief with demi-figures terminating in leaf scrolls, base with concave gad- roonings, on heart-shaped feet. (Entirely reconstructed.) Height, 13 inches; length, 23 inches. 178—Carvep Oak Stoo. Italian, XVII Century Style Oblong top, on four turned and balustered legs joined by bal- ustered H-stretcher and two scrolled leaf-carved stretchers. Covered in sage-green damask developing in ivory floral patterns and animals within ogivals. | 179—Carvep WaLtnut StToor Italian, XVII Century Oblong top supported on four trumpet-turned legs joined by scrolled X-stretcher and standing on inverted-cup feet. Covered in crimson silk damask. (Stretcher and feet restored.) 180—Carvep AND PoLycHROMED CRESTING Venetian, Late XVI Century Very finely modeled composition formed of a triad of cherub- heads surrounded by graceful scrolling leafage; with traces of gilding. Height, 16 inches; length, 27 inches. 181—Two Carvep, GiLpED AND PoLtycHROMED PEDIMENTS Italian, circa 1600 Leaf- and ovolo-molded and modillioned cornice and _ frieze, earved with trailing vines; pediment having clasped scrolls terminating in male mascarons and supporting a central winged — cherub-head flanked by two reclining male figures. Height, 19 inches; length, 35 inches. 182—Oxp Carvep anp GinpED Stanpine Mrrror Renaissance Style Cartouche-shaped frame circumscribed by carved foliage with pendant fruits and crested with a cherub-head; on scroll feet, with added support to back. Height, 1814, inches; length, 22 inches. Afternoon Sale 183—Parr Carvep anp GinpEp TorcHEREs Italian, XVII Century Style Balustered leaf-carved shaft enriched at the middle with three cherub-heads with embracing arms; on triangular pierced and scrolled base standing on claw feet. With candles. Height, 25 inches. 184—Laaukt Parcet-cirpEp Carvep Mirror Venetian, XVIII Century Style Oblong molded frame with pierced and partly gilded cresting of rocaille-scrolls enriched with pimpernels and sustaining a cluster of blue grapes; laqué ivory and painted with delicate trailing leafage. Height, 27 inches; width, 111% inches. 185—Pair Carvep, Ginpep anp PotycHromMep ARCHITRAVE PENDANTS Italian, XVI Century Small cherub-heads looking down among vertically disposed masses of graceful scrolled leafage. Height, 28% inches. 186—Carvep anp GinpED GiRANDOLE TABLE SCREEN Louis XV Style Oblong molded and beaded frame inset with a hanging panel of silk embroidery with flowers about the cypher of Marie Antoin- ette; crested with a pierced structure of rocaille scrolls and leafage with flying cupids and a central demi-cowronne. Molded shaped base with two pairs of candle arms. Height, 291% inches. 187—Two Carvep ano GitpED Wari Mirrors Italian, XVIII Century Tall oblong arched molded frame surrounded with an ajouré gar- land of rocaille scrolls enriched with flowers and crested by a palmette. Height, 31 inches; width, 131/, inches. 188—Venetian Erain Dort LAntTERN Consisting of an octagonal skeleton frame with dome formed of eight flat curving leaf sprays meeting above in a small coronet; the base similarly. Height, 33 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 189—Manocany Hancine Inpicator By C. Bundock, London Comprising hygrometer, Fahrenheit thermometer, clock, aneroid barometer and spirit level mounted in inlaid banjo frame. Height, 42, inches. 190—Tuirpwoop ParquETERIE Taste dE Nuir French, XVIII Century Style Circular galleried top covered with velours; deep drum frieze with parqueterie inlays in kingwood and maple, having cup- board with fitted interior; flat pilasters with ribbon inlays ter- minating in slender lozenge-shaped cabriole legs joined by inlaid circular shelf-stretcher and shod with cutore doré. Height, 291% inches; diameter, 14 inches. 191—Carvep Oak anp Watnut Sine Tassie Italian, XVII Century Style Circular top with leaf-carved edge, plain molded frieze supported on spirally twisted legs joined by X-stretcher. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 21 inches. 192—Gros Potnr Carved Oak BanaQuetTrTe Italian, XVII Century Style Oblong on turned balustered legs joined by balustered H- stretcher, inverted cup feet. Top covered in fine floral gros- point. Note: The needlepoint of the above was worked by the Countess Minotto. 198—Iniai Tuttrpwoop anp Kinewoop Cuitp’s CommopE Louis XVI Style Oblong top with serpentined sides, chamfered corners and front with advanced centre; two drawers following the contours of the top, chamfered pilasters terminating in quadrangular cab- riole legs. Mounted in cuivre doré with festooned keyplates, ring handles and knee and toe-mounts; rouge bréche marble top. Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches. 194—Carvep Watnvt Favtevit Louis XV Style Cartouche-shaped molded back, serpentined voluted arms on curved uprights; molded apron, cabriole legs. Back and seat cannés. Afternoon Sale 195—Carvep Watunout Favrevin Louis XV Style Cartouche-shaped molded. back, scroll arms with leather arm- pads on curving uprights; molded ogee-carved apron, voluted legs. Back and seat cannés. 196—Damask Carved anv GILDED Fire SCREEN Austrian, 17638 Square panel of rose silk damassé in ivory with a rustic border featuring incidents of the chase surrounding a group of the Empress Maria Theresa flanked by two courtiers, with present- ment of the castle at Hubertsburg, and dated 1763. In leaf- carved and gilded frame of later date. Glass panel. From the Collection of Count Kospoth, Silesia. 197—Parr Manocany Bepsipe Tasies Italian, Late XVIII Century Style Circular top, the frieze rimmed in brass and supported on three quadrangular legs flaring at the foot and joined by a circular lower shelf; mounted in cuwivre doré with rosettes. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 141% inches. 198—Manocany OccasionaL TABLE Italian, Late XVIII Century Style Circular top rimmed in brass, the frieze and dies paneled in the metal, the latter with diamond figures; on scrolled incurved tri- pod joined by small circular tray-stretcher, triangular incurved shelf base. Height, 301, inches; diameter, 201%, inches. 199—Manocany OccasionaL Taste Mountep 1n Cuivre Dort Italian, Louis XVI Style Oblong rimmed top with rouge marble tablet and shaped apron supported on four reeded quadrangular legs joined by oval rimmed shelf-stretcher and cabrioled beneath. Mounted in cutvre doré with leaf festoons at the knees and leaf-scrolled toes. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 1914 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 200—Carvep BrEcHwoop Sipe TasrE Italian, Late XVII Century Oblong molded top with rounded corners, frieze enriched with carved shell ornament and trellis enclosed within C-scrolls and water-leaves ; molded cabriole legs enriched at the knees with rib- bon scrolling and shell details, hoof feet. (Top apparently of later date.) Height, 29 inches; length, 35 inches. 201—Carvep Waunutr anp Cuestnut Caquretrreuse Henri II Style Architecturally conceived back, the frieze enriched with flat leaf- scrolls surrounding an oval escutcheon of Minotto, above a round-arched niche exquisitely carved with an erect figures of Diana in high relief. Arms terminating in ram’s-head on turned uprights, enriched front rail, turned legs joined by molded box- stretcher. 202—Carvep Watnour Wine ARMCHAIR Italian, Early XVIII Century Arched canted back with wings, flat voluted arms on incurved uprights; molded and leaf-carved apron, cabriole legs enriched at the knees and terminating in hoof feet. Upholstered in crim- son motré silk damask. 203—Two NerEepLEprotnt Carved WALNUT SraTE CuHarrs Régence Style Oblong canted back, scrolling and slightly outcurved arms on cabrioled enriched uprights continuing into husk-carved blocks ; molded apron with central leaf-detail, enriched cabriole legs joined by serpentined molded X-stretcher, hoof feet. Seat and back in sage-green floral gros-point. Note: The needlepoint above was worked by the Countess Minotto. 204—Carvep Oak State CuHair Italian, Renaissance Style Square canted back with turned enriched knob-finials, flat molded arms on miniature caryatid uprights; quadrangular stretchered legs with deep scrolled and pierced frontal stretcher carved with a central oval escutcheon. Covered in drab-fawn velours trimmed with large brass nails. Afternoon Sale 205—Carvep Watnut BanQuETTE Louis XIV Style Oblong top supported on Flemish-scrolled molded legs joined by molded double U-stretcher. ‘Top covered in machine-woven embroidery simulating needlepoint and developing animals and birds among foliage, on a field of black. 206—Carvep Watnutr BanquETTE Louis XV Style Oblong serpentined top and molded apron with floral carvings ; cabriole legs, carved at the knees with single blossom and leaf- carved at the base; stock feet. Height, 12 inches. 207—Manocany Foupine Carp Tasre Italian, Louis XVI Style, made circa 1840 Oblong revolving top with rounded corners rimmed in brass and baize-covered, plain frieze with half-round stiles and tapering legs, ornamented with applied vertical strips of brass and beaded at the knees. Height, 29 inches; length, 341/, inches. 208—Manocany Sipe Tas e Italian, Late XVIII Century Style Oblong rimmed top, single drawer, frieze dies paneled in brass, with festooned keyplate; quadrangular tapering legs with reeded brass insets and joined by incurved shelf-stretcher. Height, 31144 inches; length, 25 inches. 209—Carvep Watnut ARMCHAIR Renaissance Style Oblong canted back, quadrangular arms terminating in leaf- volutes and supported by leaf-scrolled uprights, the legs treated inversely to the uprights and terminating in claw feet. Seat in green velours, back in almond-green silk damask. 210—NeEEDLEPOINT Carved Watnur Arm CHarR Italian, Early XVII Century Style Square arched back, downcurved and voluted leaf-enriched arms on short turned uprights; turned legs joined by balustered and turned H-stretcher with pierced scrolled frontal-stretcher having central leaf-cartouche claw feet. Covered in fine floral gros point. Note: The needlepoint for the above was worked by the Countess Minotto. ; Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 211—Carvep Watutnutr Arm CuHaiR Italian Renaissance Period Oblong canted back with scrolled and incised headboard, up- rights with knob-finials, closed arms terminating in scrolls, quad- rangular legs joined by scrolled back-stretcher. Upholstered in mauve damask. 212—Carvep Waunut Cassone Florentine, XVI Century Style Oblong top with gadrooned edges, paneled beaded front with bor- der of undulating leafage surrounding an escutcheon flanked by winged demi-putto figures and leaf scrollings with the present- ments of ramping lions; paneled pilasters enriched with female masks in high relief. Leaf-carved molded base on sejant lion feet. 3 Height, 3 feet 4 inches; length, 7 feet 6 inches. 213—Oxp Carvep Wainer Cassons Roman, XVI Century Style Oblong molded top, the front panel finely carved with adossés fauns about a central urn with serpents and fruit, the group emitting graceful scrolling foliage enveloping at either side the form of a female satyr facing the faun; pilasters enriched with cornucopiae, from which spring demi-figures of faun and nymph embracing; gadrooned base on massive leonine feet. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; length, 5 feet 11 inches. 214—Oxup Carvep Watnut Dantresca CHAIR Tuscan, Late XV Century Style Downcurved voluted arms supported on curule-shaped legs with rosetted intersection and standing on molded bar-feet. Seat and back in very fine antique crimson velvet. 215—Ser oF Six Gros Point Watnur Swe CuHarres Italian, Late XVII Century Style Oblong canted backs on simple quadrangular uprights; faceted tapering and balustered legs joined by molded and shaped H- stretcher. Covered in gros point developing formal floral pat- terns on a blue background. Note: These chairs are copied from a model in the Ziirich Museum, the needlepoint having been executed by Countess Minotto under the personal direction of Herr Angst, former director of the museum. Afternoon Sale 216—Carvep Watnut Arm CuHarRr Italian, Louis XV Period Molded cartouche-shaped back headed with slight floral carv- ing, serpentined scrolling arms on cabrioled uprights; molded apron with central fan-carving, cabriole legs terminating in hoof feet. Upholstered in crimson silk damask. (Illustrated) 217—Two Gros Point Hicu-pack Watnur Cnrarrs Italian, XVII Century Style Oblong canted back, square seat on quadrangular legs flaring at the feet and joined by scrolled stretchers. Upholstered in gros point similar to the preceding. 218—Carvep Watnut BrEercERE Louis XV Period Arched molded horseshoe back with rudimentary scroll cresting downcurving into serpentined uprights; serpentined front with three molded cabriole legs. Upholstered in crimson stripe-cut velours, with loose cushion. (Restorations to two legs.) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 219—Carvep anv GinpEp Wart Mirror Venetian, XVIII Century Style Cartouche-shaped frame in pierced carved rocaille scrolls and crested with a rococo ornament repeated as a pendant to the base with an enrichment of roses. Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 220—Carvep AND GitpED Watt Mirror | Venetian, Louis XV Period Tall oblong molded frame, Moresque arched top surrounded by a graceful pierced garland of rocaille scrolling intermingled with trailing leafage and ribbon. Height, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 11 inches. 221—Carvep AND GILDED CHANDELIER Circular bowl with leaf-carved edge and leaf-carved and gad- roon-molded base, from which spring six S-scrolled leaf-enriched arms for lights, fitted for electricity. Supported by three brass chains from a small coronet. Height, 35 inches. 222—Inuaip Watnut TasLe Italian, XVII Century Style Oblong top with leaf-carved edge paneled with hollywood and ebony about a central stellate motive; molded frieze with single small drawer having lion-mask handle, massive spirally twisted legs joined by spiraled X-stretcher having knob-pinnacle, cushion feet. Height, 301% inches; length, 35 inches. 223—Iniai Manocany Sipe Taste Italian, XVIII Century Style Oblong top with penciled inlay of hollywood and inset bréche marble tablet; arch-molded and beaded frieze, chamfered cor- ners with quadrangular cabriole legs joined by incurved shelf stretcher. Height, 301% inches; width, 24 inches. 224—Carvep Oak CEnTRE TABLE Italian, Rococo Style Molded top with serpentined outset corners, scroll frieze; four molded cabriole legs joined by molded and serpentined X- stretcher. Height, 30 inches; length, 37 inches. Afternoon Sale 225—Four Carven Watnut Arm CHairs | Northern Italy, Louis XV Period Cartouche-shaped molded backs with slight fan-carving, finely molded serpentined arms scrolled at the ends and supported on curving molded uprights; serpentined apron with fan-carving, molded cabriole legs. Upholstered in ivory floral brocade in the style of the period. (Illustrated) 226—Carvepo WALNUT SETTEE Italian, Louis XV Style Made to match the preceding, probably circa 1840. 227—SmatuL Carved Watnut BERGERE Louis XVI Style Oblong scrolled back and ends, beaded and carved with ribbon knots and leafage; similar front rail with rosetted dies, on fluted tapering legs. Back, seat and sides cannés. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 228—Carvep WaLNuT Strate Cuair Italian, XVII Century Oblong canted back with gilded wreath-finials, flat arms on turned balustered uprights, quadrangular legs joined by double turned and balustered stretchers and standing on bar feet hav- ing claw toes. Seat in green velours, back in almond-green silk damask. (Reconstructed.) From the Collection of E. Koppel, Esq., Florence, Italy. 229—Two Carvep Waunut Srate Cuarrs Italian, Late XVI Century Style Oblong canted back and pillars enriched with caryatids and having lion-mask finials; molded downcurved arms terminating in ram’s-masks and supported on leaf-scrolled uprights. En- riched apron having an oblong bas-relief of a reclining faun, round fluted legs joined by box-stretcher. Seat and back in crim- son velvet with appliqué drap d’or leaf design. 230—Inuari Warnur Centre Tasre Italian, XVII Century Style Oblong top with leaf-carved edge, paneled in ebony about a central stellate figure, molded frieze with single drawer having animal-mask handle, pierced leaf-carved apron with curiously molded outset die blocks. Supported on heavy spirally twisted legs joined by molded double Y-stretcher having knob pinnacle, cushion feet. Height, 31 inches; length, 39 inches. 2?31—Carvep Oax BRACKET Molded arched head and heart-shaped base, supporting two seg- mental shelves with edging of carved leafage. Height, 52%, inches. 232—NEEDLEPOINT Oak Fire SCREEN Gros-point developing sitting shepherdess with lambs among flowers, the face, neck and hands in petit point; together with an escutcheon. Height, 49 inches; width, 281% inches. Afternoon Sale 233—Manocany Wart Mirror Mountep 1x Curvre Dort Directoire Style Tall oblong headed by square panel with plain pediment ; rimmed in brass and mounted in cuivre doré with rosettes and leaf gar- lands. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet. 234—Carvep Manocany Empire Wart Mirror Tall oblong with serpentined pediment enriched with flat-carved leaf-scrolls above a central jardiniére; stepped cornice rimmed in brass, supported on half-round Composite pilasters, base paneled in brass. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 235—Carvep AND GILDED Wart Mirror Louis XVI Period Oblong mirror with beaded and twisted ribbon carved border crested with pierced carving involving an urn of fruit, torches and scrolling vines. Beneath, leaf festoons entwined with trail- ing ribbon. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 236—Carvep anp GitpED Watt Mirror Italian, XVIII Century Oblong molded frame with serpentined top and base enveloped by a pierced trellis carving, from which depend at either side suc- cessive rocaille scrolls. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 237—Irauian Rosewoop MarauEtTeri£ Tittinc-rop TasLe Circular top with inlaid border of delicate scrolling leafage sur- rounding a circular leaved central medallion enclosing a nose- gay of flowers, supported on hexagonal balustered inlaid pillar on scrolled tripod. Height, 301% inches; diameter, 41 inches. 238—Carvep Watnut Wine Arm Cuair Northern Italy, XVII Century Oblong canted back with wings, flat arms with arm-pads, ter- minating in animal masks; molded and incised uprights ; scrolled and serpentined legs joined by leaf-enriched incurved H- stretcher. Seat and wings in green velvet, back in almond-green silk damask. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. er : ; 4 ® ‘ 239—Watnut MaraurtTeriIe ComMopE Roman, Late XVIII Century Oblong top, feather-paneled and with border of leaf-inlay with an interesting marqueterie of two equestrian figures; the front with similar panel dividing into upper cupboard and lower drawer, quadrangular tapering legs. The sides paneled simi- larly with marqueterie developing single figures. Height, 33 inches; width, 1914 inches. (Illustrated) 240—Carvep Manocany CEentTre Tape Italian, Empire Period Circular top, the frieze rimmed in brass and broken by blocks over three quadrangular legs headed by monochromed and gilded female caryatids. Base with incurved triangular shelf-stretcher. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 37 inches. Afternoon Sale 241—Two Oup Carvep Oak ann WaLNout STATE CHAIRS Square paneled and canted backs with arched scroll cresting en- riched with a female mascaron and finials of leaf-scrolled satyr masks; the backs with an intricate escutcheon. Quadrangular voluted legs joined frontally by a winged monster figure poised above a scrolled stretcher carved with a leonine mask. 242—Two Oxp Carvep Oak anp Watnut State Cuairs Similar to the preceding; with gray-green gold-brocaded seat- cushions. 243—Oxtp Carvep Watnut Cassone Roman, XVI Century Style Oblong top with thumb-nail molded cornice, the front panel richly carved with winged-chimera figures supporting a central oval cartouche and terminating in leaf-scrolls among which are sportive monsters; stiles enriched with displayed eagles carved in high relief perched on short pilasters. Base with concave gadroonings on claw feet. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; length, 5 feet 1 inch. 244—THREE Carvep Watnut Sipe Cuairs Italian, Early XVIII Century Open molded cartouche-shaped backs with various shell-cresting and carved ribbon splats; cabriole legs, one with lavish floral carving and including two with H-stretchers. Upholstered in crimson silk damask. From the Collection of Count Koénigsmarck, Dresden. 245—Oxup Carvep WaAtnut Cassone Italian Renaissance Style Oblong molded top, front with two panels carved in undercut relief with cavalcades of huntsmen and warriors before walled cities between pilasters enriched with single erect figures of in- fidels; gadroon-molded base supported on scrolled feet flat- carved with lion masks. Height, 2 feet 3 inches; length, 6 feet. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 246—SycamorE Mar@QvurEtTerigE OccasionaL TABLE Italian, Late XVII Century Style Oval top inlaid with central ribbon-arabesque and border of interlacing trailing leafage and ribbon figures, the frieze treated similarly; supported on double cyma-scrolled legs joined by short curved stretcher and inlaid incurved shelf-base. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 33 inches. 247—Carvep Watnout Strate Cuarr- Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong canted back with pierced leaf-scroll carving and two small wings; curved voluted arms on serpentined uprights, pierced and carved apron treated inversely to the cresting. Flemish scroll legs joined by molded and scrolled H-stretcher and standing on voluted feet. Upholstered in red moiré silk damask. 248—Two JarDINIERE VELVET Carvep Oak Arm CuHarrs Italian, Early XVII Century Style Oblong arched canted. back, the uprights terminating in molded volutes, flat arms with leaf-voluted ends supported on male and female demi-figures terminating in rosettes and scroll-work. Quadrangular enriched and balustered legs with Barocco scroll- carved frontal stretcher. Seat and back in fine jardiniére cut velvet with ivory ground. 249—LeEaTHER Carvep Watnout State CHa Italian Renaissance Style Oblong canted back supported between quadrangular uprights terminating in leaf-carved scroll-finials ; scrolled arms on turned balustered uprights, quadrangular legs joined by H-stretcher. Back and box-seat covered in fine Florentine gold-tooled leather, trimmed with large brass nails. 250—Carvep Watnut Cassone Italian, Early XVI Century Oblong top with thumb-nail molded cornice, the central panel very finely carved in bold relief with a procession of nymphs accompanied by an angelic figure and amorino with torches, passing to the right to the deliverance of a poet; shell-carved puaster niches with erect human figures carved in alto-rilievo. Gadrooned base, scrolled feet. Height, 2 feet 2 inches; length, 5 feet 6 inches. Afternoon Sale 251—Carvep WALNUT StTaTE CHair Italian, Late XVI Century Square canted back with gilded leaf-finials, molded flat arms on turned balustered uprights; quadrangular stretchered legs, the frontal stretcher carved with scroll ornaments about a central rosette enclosing husk pendants. Upholstered in fine green silk damask. From the Collection of E. Koppel, Esq., Florence, Italy. (Illustrated) 252—Carvep Oax anp Watnutr Hai Sxat Italian Renaissance Style Oblong back with molded enriched wings headed by coiled dol- phins and downcurving into carved quadrangular arms; the back carved with two panels enclosing graceful leaf-scrolling, the front with panels enclosing further carved scroll-foliage. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 253—O.tp Carvep Brack Watnut Wari Mirror Florentine Barocco Style Oblong mirror with leaf-molded border surrounded by lavish pierced and scrolled carving of Barocco scrolls entwining with leafage and crested by the figure of a seated amorino beneath a panache and holding two flowers. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. From the Collection of Count Sorango, Venice. 254—Oxp Carvep Brack Wartnut Wart Mirror Florentine Barocco Style Similar to the preceding. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. From the Collection of Count Sorango, Venice. 255—CuivrE Dort anp Crystat Lustre CHANDELIER Consisting of three coronets with fluted tulip finial, the two upper composed of graceful branches spreading radially from the head and base of a spirally twisted shaft, the lower of an invected mold ring crested with anthemion details, the whole supporting pendant tear and bar lustres. Sustaining twelve curved arms for lights. Fitted for electricity. (Some small portions missing. ) Height, 50 inches. 256—Cuivre Dort anp Crystat Lustre CHANDELIER Consisting of four tiers from which spring radially curved and spreading branches hung with chains of tear lustres; the third having a leaf-pierced ring supporting sixteen arms for lights. Fitted for electricity. (Some small portions missing. ) Height, 50 inches. 257—Cuivre Dort anp Crystat Lustre CHANDELIER Consisting of five coronets of finely pierced metal supporting pendant and festoon lustres and joined by chains of faceted tear- drops; sustaining twelve slender curved arms for lights. (Some small portions missing. ) Height, 55 inches, Afternoon Sale 258—Carvep Waunut BanQuETTE Louis XV Period Oblong with serpentined front, shaped leaf-enriched apron; six cabriole legs finely carved with conventional floral details and wave border, with leaf-enriched feet, stock toes. (Some recon- struction. ) (Illustrated) 259—Pair Rosrwoop EncoicNurr CABINETS Italian, XVIII Century Style Trilateral top with narrow returns, single door paneled in brass with an appliqué diamond figure of the metal; the returns simi- larly paneled. On block feet. Height, 5114 inches; width, 25 inches. 260—CarRVED AND GILDED THREEFOLD SCREEN Oblong frames, the head panels inset on one side with three French engravings of classical subjects after Boucher, on the other with smaller engravings in bistre, the lower panels hung in blue rajah silk. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width extended, 5 feet. 261—Carvep Watnutr Writine Taste Italian Renaissance Style Oblong baize-covered top, frieze carved with scrolling leafage and having central drawer with mask; supported on four bearded mascarons terminating in hoof-feet and jomed by an H-stretcher the lateral bar molded and crested with a monster-head em- braced between leaf scrollings. Hight, 32 inches; length, 64 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 262—Carvep WALNUT SETTEE Louis XV Pertod Oblong with closed scrolling ends enriched with leaf-pendants ; graceful curved apron with scroll and shell ornament and in- cised basket details, supported on five cabriole legs with rocaille shells and leaf pendants at the ends. Upholstered in crimson moiré silk brocade. From the Collection of Count Kénigsmarck, Dresden. (Illustrated) 263—BrocapeE Carvep Watnut BencH Northern Italian, XVI Century Style Oblong, with paneled front carved with graceful scrolling leafage symmetrically disposed and emitting floral rosettes; paneled pilasters enriched with scrolled demi-figures, molded base. Seat of sky-blue floral brocade. (Completely reconstructed from a cassone. ) Length, 4 feet 10 inches. 264—Manocany CommopvEe Mountep 1n Curvre Dort Italian, Late XVIII Century Style Oblong rimmed top, dentil-molded cornice supported on round Corinthian pilasters laqué ivory and mounted in cuivre doré. Three rimmed drawers with circular brasses and’ ring handles, quadrangular tapering feet. 3 Height, 3414, inches; length, 44 inches. Afternoon Sale 265—Oxp Carvep Waunor Lisrary Tape Italian, Renaissance Style Oblong molded top, scrolled frieze enriched with fruit, flowers and leafage and having single beaded drawer with further floral carving, the ends with mascarons emitting sprays of flowers; supported on four winged ram’s-head legs terminating below in massed leafage, hoof feet joined by H-stretcher conceived simi- larly to the frieze. Height, 34 inches; length, 64 inches. 266—Oup Normanpy Carvep Oak Tart-casr Ciock Tall oblong body with fluted pilasters flanking panel door, with leaf-carvings and a glass oeil-de-boeuf, festoon-encircled base; arched molded case with looped ribbon-pierced frieze, and guil- loche-molded glazed door. (Lacks dial.) Height, 7 feet 7 inches. 267—Otp Normanpy Carvep Oak JTatt-casE Crock © Tall narrow molded body having paneled door with ribbon and floral-carving, arched molded case with floral enrichment and carved jardinicre cresting. Striking mechanism, movement by Gérard, Fauville. (Lacks dial.) Height, 8 feet 1 inch. 268—Carvep Oak ARMOIRE Norman, XVIII Century Style Arched echinus-molded overhanging top, the frieze enriched with a finely carved basket of flowers emitting trailing leafage; pan- eled and beaded double doors crowned with carvings of sprays of flowers, with median scrolled panel involving a medallion of amoristic symbols and further leafage. Serpentine flower-carved apron, voluted cabriole legs, fitted interior. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. From the Collection of M. de Basily, Paris. 269—Oaxk Carvep Watnut RENAIssANcE ARMOIRE Oblong top with cornice slightly broken at the ends, over two animal mascarons, the frieze carved with winding vines; front with carved double doors, the four panels displaying an escutcheon and crest within a lambrequin of leaf-scrollings, upper and lower separated by lion masks emitting sprays of laurel. Gadrooned base on couchant lion feet. ) Height, 8 feet 1 inch; width, 5 feet 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 270—Carvep Oak ARMOIRE Norman, XVIII Century Style Arched scrolled cornice finely carved with echinus and trailing oak leaves crowning a central trophy of fruit, flowers and wheat- ears; two scroll-paneled doors headed by carved sprays of flowers and with median-scrolled panels involving medallions with trophies of amoristic symbols. Serpentined apron with further floral carving about a central bunch of oak leaves, short voluted cabriole legs, fitted interior. Height, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 271—-OLp Carvep WALNUT SIDEBOARD Italian, Late XVI Century Style Upper portion crested by ‘an escutcheon with Pegasus supporters, carved frieze supported on pilasters enriched with demi-figures and cartouches, with shelf and two leaf-carved horizontal ties; buttressed by dolphins and cornucopia forms and standing on semi-oval base with three paneled drawers beneath, enriched with chimeras. Lower section with two paneled drawers carved with affrontés dolphins; lavishly ornamented doors between shell- carved niches with figures of warriors and a central carved Ceres. Gadroon-molded base on scrolled lion-mask feet. Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. 272—Oup VENETIAN CARVED WALNuT LiprAary TABLE Massive oblong molded top, the frieze carved with repeated pairs of affrontés dolphins emblematic of the Delfino family, about shell figures, and supported on lyre-shaped ends enriched with lion masks, swags of fruit and flowers, scrolling leafage and birds and joined by a richly carved stretcher crested with two large escutcheons beneath a ducal coronet. At the corners are four very finely conceived putti representing Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, with their emblems, and seen in full relief: molded base with slight apron, on square balustered feet. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet. From the Collection of Count Delfino, Venice. (Illustrated) ATAV], AUVAGMI'T LANTIVAA THAUVD NVILANAA GIQ—Z)Z ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 273—MassivE Oxup Irauian Carvep WALNUT ARMOIRE Oblong, with gadrooned and leaf-molded cornice, broken frieze carved in bas-relief with trophies of arms interrupted by pilaster capitals enriched with bust figures; double doors between three lavishly carved pilasters involving fruit and flowers and at head and base alto-rilievo figures of warriors and War and Peace, the doors with six leaf-molded deep panels displaying severally: two escutcheons of the Ottoboni family of Padua, an oration before a fortress, a military execution and figures of equestrian leaders before walled towns; echinus and leaf-molded base paneled with two alto-rilievo carvings of Mars and Venus between stiles devel- oping satyr heads, on eight massive claw feet. Height, about 10 feet; length, 7 feet 8 inches. Note: The finely carved panels are of older date, possibly of the XVI century. From Signora Cappelettt, Trento. Made for Bishop Ottobom, Padua. (Illustrated) No. 273—MassivE Oxup IrTavian Carved WaLnut ARMOIRE Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Sa ccnsanine OO ROSE 274—Oxp VENETIAN Carved Watunvut CABINET Oblong top with leaf-molded overhanging cornice, frieze with leaf-scrollings; double doors with panel having guilloche and water-leaf borders framing central figures of male and female deities in alto-rilievo, plinth with boldly carved fruit festoons. Interior finely fitted with a number of small paneled drawers, the fronts enriched with inlays of chimera figures and winged lions on grounds of boxwood, with central cupboard displaying in colored woods the figure of a fruit-vendor and opening to a second interior with six tiny drawers. Oblong molded base sup- ported on spirally twisted pillars joined by tray-stretcher. Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet. Afternoon Sale ORIENTAL RUGS 276—Casistan Ruc Blue-black field developing a complex pattern of angular con- nected branches principally in ivory; rose-red border with a chain pattern of intricate angularly pierced links again princi- pally in ivory, and flanked by rosetted guards. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 277—SuHiRAzZ Rue Field of blue-black woven with the Herati pattern in scarlet, cobalt-blue, fawns, sage and ivory; ivory border with swaying geometrical figure emitting trilateral leaves and flanked by paired borders in blue-black and scarlet. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 278—SEREBEND Ruc Deep crimson field enriched with rows of tiny “pear” figures ; border of blue-black with “turtle” figures in sky-blue linked by angular branches, the space between woven with tiny floral de- tails. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 279—Korpistan Rue Field diagonally striped in rose, olive, fawn, deep blue, sage and light blue. The stripes sustaining series of tiny tree details; ivory border with broken geometrical figures in colors of the field, flanked by variable blue-green floral guards. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 280—BeEuvucHistan Rue Fluctuating rose field woven with four adjacent diamond medal- lions each with three rows of latchhooks in ivory, dull green and fawns; six narrow guards with small rosettes, indented ribbon figures and latchhooks in colors of the field. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 281—DacuEstan Rue Brown-black field with two castellated stellate medallions in principal colors of scarlet and green, and ivory and cobalt-blue respectively ; formal borders of scarlet and blue-black developing chain medallions containing isolated rosetted details, the borders surrounded by saffron floral guards. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 282—Canistan Rue Curious field fluctuating from orchid to light fawn and woven laterally with a series of diamond pole medallions terminating in triads of conventionalized leaves, in blues, fawns, yellow, rose, lavender, pale green and ivory; similarly variable border with a continuous interlocking geometrical figure, flanked by diagonal banded guards. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 283—Mosvut Rue Wine-red field with two and one-half stepped hexagonal medal- lions in emerald and indigo-blue lavishly enriched with formal leaf-scrolls about a rectangular centre bearing a swastika, the remainder of the field with small latchhook diamonds and rosettes. Deep blue border with swaying leaf-figures flanked by rosetted guards. Length, 8 feet; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 284—Brrcamo Rue Sapphire-blue field diapered with an hexagonal honeycomb with conventional infloretting; diagonal striped border in numerous colors with rosetted scarlet inner and narrow ivory outer guard. Length, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 285—BeEuvucHIstan Rue Woven with a broad rose-scarlet diamond lattice, the interior semé with a dotted rose pattern on diagonal opposed grounds of deep blue and sage overlaid with a diamond figure and four scarlet leaf pendants; serrated geometrical border in colors of | the field with narrow straw-yellow guards. Blanket and fringe ends. Length, 9 feet; width, 4 feet 5 inches. Afternoon Sale 286—Kurpistan RUNNER Saffron-yellow field woven with rows of skeleton ‘“‘pear” patterns in pastel colors; diagonally striped border in dark blue, rose and ivory flanked by cobalt and green guards enriched in dove- tail borders in scarlet. . Length, 10 feet; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 287—Kazax Rue Narrow rectangular field in sapphire-blue sustaining four lav- eolate serrated medallions in scarlet, sage and cobalt-blue, the spaces between filled with rows of small leaf details. Four guards enriched with geometrical leaf motives, the broadest with small repeating latchhook diamond figures. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 288—Antiaurt KermansHan Herati Rue Sapphire-blue field closely woven with conventional Herati pat- tern combined with diamonded Mina Khani figures in principal colors of wine-red, fawns, pale greens and sky-blue; unusual magenta border developing trailing branches winding among con- ventionalized floral rosettes, narrow floral guards. Length, 11 feet; width, 5 feet 10 inches. 289—Frrrecuan Rue Deep blue field woven with series of stepped opposed semi-octag- onal medallions enclosing geometrical figures, in scarlet, pale blue, fawn and ivory; seven narrow borders with geometrical figures and formal swaying branch motives in a variety of colors. Length, 11 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. 290—FerrrecHan Ruc Blue-black field enriched with longitudinal rows of large blossoms emitting lattices of branches, and from which spring long: scroll- ing leaves; in rose-pink, straw-yellow, grays, sage, terracotta and ivory. Border of scarlet with a swaying branch sustaining at intervals formal blossoms and serrated leaves, four paired guards. Length, 12 feet 5 inches; width, 9 feet 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 291—ArcuHan BoxuHara Rue Variable scarlet field developing a broad diamond lattice made up of rows of small lozenge figures in deep blue and sage, each compartment containing a stepped quadrilateral stellate figure in the principal colors, fawn, ivory and yellow. Borders of in- dented bands sustaining stepped details, in colors of the field. Length, 13 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet. 2—Manart Rue Scarlet field with central stepped diamond medallion in deep blue sustaining a number of varied formal figures, the ends sagittate, with graceful pendants of flowers and twigs; spandrels of powder- blue enriched with large formal rosettes, isolated medallion figures and sprays of tulips. Ivory and old-rose floral border, four guards. Length, 14 feet 3 inches; width, 12 feet. 293—ArcHan Boxnara Rue Deep red field woven with a continuous pattern of triads of in- terlacing diamond figures latchhooked and scrolled and con- tained between inner and outer rectangular borders developing a repeating spatulate geometrical figure, the whole in deep blues, greens, fawn and ivory on a finely varying field. Length, 14 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. 294—KurpisTaAn RuNNER Unusual cypress-green field with a central pole medallion of alternately large and small infloretted diamond figures in a va- riety of colors, the space between filled with a latchhook diamond lattice containing small floral details; fluctuating border en- riched alternately with pairs of opposed leaves and stellate figures in colors of the field, narrow paired ivory guards. Length, 15 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 295—Kurpistan RuNNER Ivory field curiously decorated with narrow diagonal stripes in rose overlaid with tiny conventional vermiculate figures in shades of blue; blue-black border with repeating floral figures, outer guard of ivory with recurring geometrical pattern. Length, 15 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. Afternoon Sale 296—Kurpistan RuNNER Ivory field bearing a close diaper of diamond-shaped compart- ments, each enclosing a single floral figure arranged in diagonal lines of the same prevailing colors. Rose border with repeating rosettes in colors of the field flanked by dull green guards sus- taining tiny ivory and scarlet leaf details. Length, 16 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 297—Kurpistan RuNNER Unusual gray-green field with a central pole medallion on alter- nately large and small infloretted diamond figures in a variety of colors, the space between filled with a latchhook diamond lattice containing small floral details; fluctuating border en- riched alternately with pairs of opposed leaves and stellate fig- ures in colors of the field, narrow paired ivory guards. Length, 16 feet; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 298—Turkish Mepartuion Ruc Rose-scarlet field with a single serrated diamond central medal- lion in cobalt-blue and fawn with a rose-scarlet centre and bear- ing small isolated figures; border of cobalt-blue with swaying “vine” in colors of the field, six narrow paired guards. Length, 15 feet; width, 11 feet. 299—Tvrxisu Ruc Beautiful fluctuating rose field sustaining four pairs of large Herati leaves separating spreading branches of foliage and nat- uralistic blossoms in cobalt-blue, fawns, sand-yellow, olive and blue-gray ; rich border of cobalt varying to sky-blue and develop- ing a slender winding branch with figures of birds, foliate leafage and flowers and individual stellate medallions in colors of the field. Four narrow guards. Length, 14 feet; width, 10 feet 300—FerrrecHan Rvuc Blue-black field closely woven with the familiar Herati pattern in rose, ivory, yellow, pale green and scarlet, with indented rib- bons separating small scarlet infloretted spandrels. Border of the same with repeating “turtle” figures linked by interlacing slender branches and enriched with blossoms; numerous paired floral guards. Length, 16 feet 4 inches; width, 12 feet 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ¥ » # ¥ , % A, Bk Te Pye OY gb ei ah OY ae w t ind re t sf es oa + = re eo rs Sen 3 * 5 i Ea a Bs wa oe oe pe ey emg LE LE t vat Nut site a 301—Serari Rue Finely serrated double-arched field of old-rose with a stepped diamond medallion in ivory enclosing a second of similar shape in deep black, the latter overrun with radial trailing branches in principal colors of rose, blue, fawns and saffron; the edges and spandrels of the field in rich cobalt-blue sustaining a pattern of slender arabesqued ivory branches overlaying formal leaf-scrolls in colors of the field and deep green. Dull red border with recurring toothed diamond figures joined by angular interlacing branches, paired guards in ivory and bistre supporting identical swaying geometrical ribbon figures. Length, 18 feet; width, 14 feet 8 inches. Afternoon Sale DECORATIVE PAINTINGS ITALIAN SCHOOL Earty XIX CrEntury 3202—ANDREA MINOTTO Height, 6 inches; width, 5 imches ITALIAN SCHOOL Earty XIX Century 303—DEMETRIO MINOT TO Panel: Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches THEODORE ROUSSEAU FrencH: 1812—1867 304—_WOODED LANDSCAPE Panel: Height, 644 inches; length, 9 inches NORBERT GRUND Dutcu: 1714—1767 305—THE CATTLE-DRIVER Height, 11 inches; length, 1444 mches (Companion to the following) NORBERT GRUND Dutcu: 1714—1767 306—THE FISHERMEN Height, 11 inches; length, 1444 inches (Companion to the preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GERMAN SCHOOL XVHI Cenrury 307—PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN A BROWN COAT Height, 134 inches; width, 12 inches FRANCESCO SIMONINI DI PARMA (Arrristtep To) Iranian: 1689—1753 308—A SKIRMISH (J) Height, 12 inches; width, 91% inches (Companion to the following) FRANCESCO SIMONINI DI PARMA (ArrrisvtTep To) Iratian: 1689—1753 309—A SKIRMISH (II) Height, 12 inches; width, 944 inches (Companion to the preceding) ANTOINE PESNE Frencu: 1684—1757 310—PORTRAIT OF A COMMANDER WITH A BLUE CLOAK Height, 1114 inches; width, 9 inches ANTOINE PESNE FrRENcH: 1684—1757 311—GENERAL VON NATZMER Height, 13 inches; width, 1015 inches JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER (Arter) Frencu: 1815—1891 312—NOBLEMEN VISITING A DILETTANTE ARTIST Height, 14 inches; width, 1014 inches Afternoon Sale CAMILLE MAGNUS FrRENcH: CoNTEMPORARY 313—WOODED LANDSCAPE Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches Signed at lower left, CamiLttE Macnus 1883 FRENCH SCHOOL Earty XVIII Century. 314— BUST PORTRAIT OF A COURTIER Pastel: Height, 1944 mches; width, 16 inches FLORENTINE SCHOOL XVI CrentTurRyY 315—MADONNA AND CHILD ADORED BY SAINTS Height, 201% imches; width, 11 imches VENETIAN SCHOOL XVI Century 316—MADONNA AND CHILD Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches A. HAUN DutcH: XIX Century 317—SEASIDE LANDSCAPE Height, 18 inches; length, 214% inches Signed at lower right, A. Haun 1845 FRENCH SCHOOL XVII CEentTUuRY 318—PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH PEARLS Height, 20 inches; width, 161% inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE (ScuHootr oF) Frencu: 1725—1805 319—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches Dated on back, 1795 GERMAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 320—RUSTIC BUILDINGS AMONG T'REES Height, 15 inches; length, 22% inches Dated on back, Berlin, 1742 SCIPIO GAETANI (Arrrisutep To) 321—PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN SCARLET, WITH A RUFF Height, 27 mches; width, 18 inches ITALIAN SCHOOL Late XVII CrEentrury 322—SAINT CECILIA AND THE HEAVENLY ORCHESTRA Height, 28% inches; width, 18 inches J. F. DE BROGLIE Frencuo: Harty XIX Century 323—GENTLEMEN EXERCISING HUNTERS Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches | Signed at lower left, J. F. vr Brocute ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 3824— ROMANTIC LANDSCAPE WITH WEIR Height, 214% inches; length, 27 imches (Companion to the following) Afternoon Sale ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 325—ROMANTIC LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS Height, 211% inches; length, 27 inches (Companion to the preceding) ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 326—LANDSCAPE WITH VILLAGE Height, 211% inches; length, 27 inches (Companion to the following) ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 3827—_LANDSCAPE WITH CASTLE Height, 214% inches; length, 27 inches (Companion to the preceding) KARL FRIEDRICH SCHULTZ GERMAN: 1796—1866 3828—_STUDY OF A BROWN HORSE Height, 22 inches; length, 281 imches Signed at lower right, Karu Scuvuirz 1834 ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 829—PUTTO AND WHITE GOAT Height, 29 inches; width, 19 inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century 330—FRANCESCA, WIFE OF CHARLES EMMANUEL II OF SAVOY Height, 281% inches; width, 22 imches GIAN BATTISTA PIAZZETTA VENETIAN: 1682—1754 331—BOY WITH A WHITE HARE Height, 2814 inches; width, 181% inches ITALIAN SCHOOL Late XVII Century 3382—LANDSCAPE WITH MILL Height, 211% inches; length, 29 inches ANTONIO CANALETTO VENETIAN: 1697—1768 333—VENICE, THE MOLO Height, 22 inches; length, 33 inches From the Collection of Count Barozzi, Venice. ANTONIO CANALETTO VENETIAN: 1697—1768 334—SAN MARCO AND CAMPANILE, VENICE Height, 22 inches; length, 32 inches From the Collection of Count Barozzi, Venice. FRENCH SCHOOL Earty XVIII Century 3385—PORTRAIT OF THE EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA Height, 32 inches; width, 241% inches Afternoon Sale GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI (ScHoou oF) Iratian: 1695—1768 336—RUINS OF A CORINTHIAN TEMPLE Height, 26 inches; length, 29 anches ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 3387—_BACCHANTE WITH A LYRE Height, 31 inches; width, 24 inches FRENCH SCHOOL XVIII Century 338—PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN A SKY-BLUE DRESS WIT'H A ROSE Height, 3244 mches; width, 26 inches AUSTRIAN SCHOOL Earty XVIII Century a39—PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN BLACK HOLDING A PATCH- BOX Height, 32 inches; width, 24% inches SALVATOR ROSA (ScHoo. oF) Nerapouitan: 1615—1673 340—SKIRMISH BEFORE A WALLED CITY Height, 2344 inches; length, 35 inches ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century 341—_CHILD ANGELS AND INFANT WITH CRUCIFIX Height, 34 inches; width, 25 inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. AUSTRIAN SCHOOL XVII Century 342—PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN BLACK WITH A PARROT Height, 33 inches; width, 29 imches ITALIAN SCHOOL Earty XVIII Century 343—ITALIAN MARITIME CITY Height, 33 inches; length, 45 inches ITALIAN SCHOOL Latte XVII Century 344—SEAPORT TOWN AT SUNSET Height, 30 inches; length, 421% inches NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL XVII Crentrury 345—NAPLES, PIAZZA DI SPAGNA Height, 30 inches; length, 42% inches (Companion to the following) NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL XVII Crenrury 346—NAPLES, A PUBLIC SQUARE Height, 30 inches; length, 42% inches (Companion to the preceding) ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII Century 347—MOONLIT COUNTRYSIDE Height, 30 inches; length, 48 inches Afternoon Sale GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI (Scuoor of) Iranian: 1695—1768 d48—CLASSIC RUINS WITH FIGURES Height, 38% inches; length, 531% inches ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century 049—_FLOWERPIECE Height, 50 inches; width, 3414 inches ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century 350—LUCRETIA Height, 5144 mches; width, 38 inches GIAN BATTISTA TIEPOLO (ArrrizvtTep To) VENETIAN: 1696—1770 351—_THE PLAGUE OF SERPENTS Height, 414 wches; length, 56 inches ITALIAN SCHOOL Latte XVII Century 352—RAPE OF THE SABINES Height, 50 inches; length, 75 inches AND BINDING BY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK | |