ey fy" ~< mie Sees roa S = = = ~~. Bee Ont) ui fi Ne i) HAUG Kian 4 i Ki) i f MY # fea Cy ae ae te ay ¥, my?! Meaty aeay sens / enteral 4 Caer ve sop ue by <—v - THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY | at: \ ~ * e * ‘ ~ ’ . v - : ” ‘ = © Me / ‘ ; 7 rot ‘ \ ny P r e my ¥ i en ae — t5. bP es s a Ee id ea “MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ; - ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, 1916 * AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE ca ‘AND FOREIGN BOOK PLATES °c FORMED BY THE LATE DR. “Sos C. ENO ae AMERICAN BOOK PLATES Ja a St ancaean ttm. . ef wenecg oxy Se Cn OE Eg FEL TRI lr ene sai ceo ene Waseca MANN (JOHN PRESTON). No. 401. JOHNSON (SIR WILLIAM). No. 328. (Engraver not given) (Engraver not given) OLIVER (ANDREW). No. 535. ASSHETON (WILLIAM). No. 22. (Engraved by Paul Revere) (Engraver not given) a! mt, ot v2) bry < > wa i. a ee ee eo) Q aio) cs iS bry QD? z oe) Zz s ie fe _ FORMED BY THE LATE > es | ¥ | ey. \\ DR. HENRY C. ENO. AS > Sig a4 2 aa! — ¢ i a $ eae BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ‘ . 3 } URSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16rn, AT 8:15 O'CLOCK: =. aa IDAY, NOVEMBER 177, AT 3:00 AND 8:15 0’CLOCK P.M. eS Me oA. xy : ‘ Rae Boies ve ad ~ aca ~ . S € a i THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY LAZU IR THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MaNnaGERs Fe A NEW VORKACIT Ye. «. rei OF BOOK PLATES EN (CHARLES DEXTER). eS. Book Plates. 1894 eA) >LETON’S S Cyclopedia of American Biography. 1891 BE RTARELLI ET PRIOR. Gli Ex Libris Italiani. 1902 STLE (EGERTON). English Book Plates. 1892 TIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. 1908-1912 ale ; LIBRIS (American). Vol. I. 1897 . IBRIS SOCIETY JOURNAL. 1892-1908 LIBRIS FRANCAIS. 1874 CHAM (HENRY W.). Artists and Engravers of British and American Book Plates. 1897 | he ANKS. (SIR AUGUSTUS W.). Book Plates bequeathed to the British useum. ~1903-1904 ; e CH (EDWIN D.) : a memorial. “By I. H. Brainard. 1908 _ LTON (WALTER). French Book Plates. 1892 “(W.J.). Book Plates. 1893 ‘CHERE (NORA). Ladies’ Book Plates. 1895 GEN-WESTERBURG (Karl Emich, Count). German Book Plates. — ING (BENS AMIN). Bibliothéques et Ex-Libris d’Amateurs ‘Belges. - © fares Biographical Dictionary. 1887 _ cts co [-MALASSIS (A.). Les Ex-Libris Francais. 1875. peg 4 ORN (CHARLES DAVIS). Life and Works of Charles William ROO. 9 4 ELEY (J. W.). Descriptive Check-list of Book Plates. 1905 ¥ PER (DAVID McNELLY). American Engravers. 1907 N EOKE (FRIEDRICH). Biicherzeichen des XV und XVI J arhun- rieoae derts. 1894 * Ae A pices HOKE (FRIEDRICH). Die Deutschen Biicherzeichen. 1890 N HIE B. L. ) Guide to the Study of Book Plates. 1900 - ays. -INDEX OF ENGRAVERS, WITH NAMES OF.OWNERS OF PLATES COMPRISING A SHORT NOTICE OF EACH ENGRAVER, WITH A LIST OF THE PLATES ENGRAVED, AS CONTAINED IN THE DR. HENRY C. ENO COLLECTION OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOK PLATES PART -I.— AMERICAN ENGRAVERS —— ABERNETHIE (1785) Engraver of maps and bookplates, located at Charleston, South Carolina, mr L785. Represented by plate of John Walters Gibbs of Charleston. JAMES AKIN (1773-1846) Engraver and painter in watercolors, born, probably in South Carolina, - died in Philadelphia. Represented by the plates of Peter Browne, a prominent Philadelphia lawyer, and Joseph Lewis. | SAMUEL ALLARDICE (died in 1798) Copperplate engraver, a pupil of Robert Scot, of Philadelphia, made plates for Dobson’s edition of Rees’ Encyclopedia. Represented by plate of the Baltimore Library Company. JOEL ALLEN (1755-1825) Born and died at Farmington, Connecticut. A self-taught engraver, began work about 1779. Represented by plate of Joseph Stone, an early Connecticut organist. ALEXANDER ANDERSON (1775-1870) Born in New York City, 1775; died in Jersey City, New Jersey. Recog- nized as the Father of wood- engraving in the United States. Represented by four of his own plates; also the plates of,—Columbia College Library ; New York Typographical Society; New York Apprentices’ Library; New York Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Piety; John Pintar, the founder of the New York Historical Society. | WILLIAM B. ANNIN (1813). Born and died in Massachusetts. He was probably a pupil of Abel Bowen. After doing considerable work over his own name, in 1823, he became a partner of George G. Smith, under the firm-name of Annin & .< Smith. Represented by the following plates, the last four under the firm-name,— J. B. Whitbridge; Andover Institute; Boylston Medical Library; John Lowell Jr.; ‘Richard Tylden Auchmuty. ; A. BILLINGS (circa 1782) An elaborate designer; the preceptor in engraving of Abraham Godwin. Represented by plate of Richard Varick, Revolutionary officer, Mayor of New York, in 1801. : J. G. BOLEN, NEW YORK. According to David M. Stauffer, the plate signed by Bolen, may in- dicate the publisher or stationer, and not the engraver. Represented by plate of Charles M. Connolly. ABEL BOWEN (1790-1850) _ Born in Greenbush, New York; died in Boston, 1850. Engraved on wood as early as 1811, and in August, 1812, he was in business as a printer in Boston. - Represented by the plate of Harvard University. JOHN BOYD (circa 1811-1827) - An excellent engraver of portraits, and’ plates for magazines; worked in Philadelphia between 1811 and 1827. Represented by plate of Samuel Chase, the Signer. BROOKS (circa the latter half of 18th century) An early southern engraver, of whom little is known, besides the fact of his signature appearing on two or three plates. Represented by plates of Doctor George a of Virginia, and Doctor L Dove, Richmond, Virginia. BENJAMIN BROWN (circa 1812-1819) - Located in New York, from 1812-1819, as an engraver of maps, beck: plates, etc. Represented by plate of Leonard Kip, President of North River Bank. MARTIN BULL (1742-1825) : Born at Farmington, Connecticut; designer and engraver, as well as a goldsmith, maker of silver buttons and spoons, and a manufacturer of salt- petre; deacon in the village, town treasurer for eight Nia and clerk of probate for thirty-nine years. Represented by two of his own plates, and two of the Monthly Library in Farmington; in the latter he was assisted by Thomas Lee, who was born in 1717 and died in 1806. MATHER BYLES (1733-1776). A clergyman of Boston. His own plate. Engraved by himself. JOSEPH CALLENDER (1751-1821) Born and died in Boston, Massachusetts. An engraver of bookplates, bills, etc. He was employed for some time as a die-sinker for the Massa- chusetts Mint. In association with Paul Revere he engraved a number of plates for the “Royal American Magazine.” Represented by the following signed and unsigned plates,—Benjamin Andrews ; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a PROOF IMPRESSION ; William King Atkin- son; Boylston Medical Library; John Callender; Samuel Cary; Thomas Cary; John Francis; Hasty Pudding Library; Dr. John Jeffries; Massachusetts Medical Society; Porcellian Library; Thomas Russell; James Sullivan; James Swan; Dudley Atkins Tyng. + ‘WILLIAM CHAPIN (1802-1888) ; a and died in Philadelphia. He was apprenticed to William Val- : lance, the engraver, and purchased his freedom, in 1822, for $125. 00, and began busines for himself, the same year. ~ rook _ Represented by plate of M. W. Day. _ * ~~ CEPHAS G. CHILDS (1793-1871) _ Born in Bucks County, pte eeis died in Philadelphia. He was S. CLAYTON, NEW SOUTH WALES. " Represented by plate of Charles J. Manigault of South Carolina. ~ pray HENRY DAWKINS (1754-1776). Bee Sie Originally a silversmith from London. He engraved bockilitens in New York, as early as 1754, and went to Philadelphia in 1758, returning to New York about 1776, where he was arrested for counterfeiting Continental, Connecticut, and Massachusetts paper money. At his trial he implicated the es Rivington, the printer. — represented by the following plates,—Evert J. Bancker; James Duane; White- Bead licks ; Francis Hopkinson; Samuel Jones; Benjamin Kissam; J ohn. Crooke - Ludlow; John Moore; Samuel Provost; Jacob ‘Roome; Samuel Stringer : Josias hort Vavasour Bushrod Washington ; William Whitebread; Peter W. Yates. a NATHANIEL DEARBORN (1786- 1852) ers ‘Born in New England; died in South Reading, Massachusetts.. At an early age he was apprenticed to Abel Bowen, to learn woodengraving, and in a, was in Misiaess for himself. co AMOS DOOLITTLE (1754-1832) _ Born i in Cheshire, Connecticut; died in New Haven. Originally a silver- aith, and one of the earliest engravers of historical scenes, in America. He graved a number of bookplates, maps, portraits and general illustrations. s _ Represented by plates of the Social Library Company (New Haven) ; Guilford ik oe eeccnanic acted New Haven ; Social escerss Wethersfield ; Brothers in oe «JOHN DURAND (1792-1820) Fai of Asher B. Durand, and according to the He the most lented member of the family. He died in his twenty-eighth year. am _ Represented by his own plate. | as «JAMES EDDY (circa 1827- saat GIDEON FAIRMAN (1774- 489 ern in Newtown, Connecticut; died in Philadelphia. Avia a mechanic in his native village, but later sent to Isaac and Geo ~Albany, New York, to learn silver-plate engraving. In 1796 he business for himself in Albany, and moved to Philadelphia in 181 ) Represented by plate of Linonian Society, oale College. A FAIRTHORNE (circa 1840?) ° ‘ _ Represented by plate of J. W. Hamersley, a New York lawyer. — i SAMUEL FOLWELL (1765-1813) = Apparently born in New England; died in Philadelphia, where he was working as a miniature-painter, and ‘ ‘worker in hair. 7p ele ee only specimen of his bookplate work extant. ZECHARIAH FOWLE (1750- 1776). Printer, born at Charlestown, Massachusetts; died in Portsmouth, Hampshire, in the house of his brother Daniel, the first Nees Ham printer. , Represented by plate of Nathaniel Peabody, Lieutenant- Cotonel in th lution. EDWIN DAVIS FRENCH (1851- -1906) f Bom in North Attleboro, ee ci in New York silver engraver ty unusual skill. me Represented by some 48 examples of his. work. JOHN MASON FURNASS (circa 1785) Nephew of Nathaniel Hurd. Engraver of bookplates and ape Loan certificates. Painted portraits in Boston, in 1785. Hurd _beq his engraving tools to his nephew, the above mentioned engraver. Represented by plate of Mr. Foster, of, Boston, Massachusetts, FRANCIS GARDEN (circa 1745) An engraver from London, who in Boston, Massachusetts, 1 in graved crests or cyphers on gold, silver, pewter or copper. : Represented by plates of Evan Paterson of Maryland, and both plates being signed, a fact not noted by Allen. ELISHA GALLAUDET (1730- 1800) bafesy Born in New Rochelle, New York, his father being one of th settlers of that place. As early as ¥59 he was in busmiees. in as an engraver. Represented by plates of John Chambers, Chief-J ustice Ph nelius Low; Andrew Barclay; New York Society each Bue i JOHN E. GAVIT (1817-1874) Born in New York; died at Stockbridge, Maseacsuaeg business in Albany, and he there founded an engraving and pr ment; later became especially interested in bank-note wor assisted in organizing the American Bank Note Co., New Yor Represented by plate of Stephen Van Renselaer. eS SAMUEL HARRIS (1783-1810) Born in Boston; drowned in the Charles River. He was early ap- prenticed to his relative, the Boston engraver, Samuel Hill. He worked both in line and stipple. Represented by plate of Henry Andrews. CHARLES P. HARRISON (1783-1850) Born in England; died in New York. Came to Philadelphia, with his father—William Harrison, in 1794. Was an engraver and copperplate printer. . Represented by plate of William Betts. : H. HAYS (19th century) New York engraver. Represented by plate of A. Allston Pringle. eco | SAMUEL HILL (1789) An engraver in Boston, as early as 1789. The latest date of his plates noted is 1803, engraved many portraits and views for the “Massachusetts _ Magazine.” Represented by plates of William Emerson (father of Ralph Waldo), and Charles Pierpont. . SAMUEL HOLLYER (1826-living) Born in London. A pupil of the Findens. Came to the United States in 1851. An excellent engraver, in both line and stipple. Represented by some 44 examples of his work. NATHANIEL HURD (1730-1777) Born and died in Boston. One of the best of the early native Amer- ican engravers; engraved as early as 1749. Besides an engraver on copper, he was a silver and goldsmith. Represented by the following plates, some of which are unsigned,—George Atkinson; Theodore Atkinson; Henry Courtenay; Richard Henry Dana (the old plate, with altered name); Dr. ‘Samuel Danforth; Henry Dering, and his son Thomas; Nicoll H. Dering; Benjamin Greene; Robert Hale; Harvard University (6 plates); Edward A. Holyoke; Izaak Hurd; John J. Loring; John Marston; Jonathan Simpson; William Smith; Nathaniel Tracy; Wentworth (New Hamp- shire family) ; John E. Wentworth; John C. Williams; James Wilson. SIMEON 8. JOCELYN (1799-1879) Born in New Haven, Connecticut; died in Tarrytown, New York. ‘En- graying line portraits as early as 1824. Represented by plate of the Brothers in Unity, Yale College. 5. THOMAS JOHNSTON (1708-1767) Born and died in Boston, a self-taught engraver of maps, bookplates, music, etc. Represented by plates of William P. Smith and Samuel Willis. WILLIAM R. JONES (1810) A capital engraver of portraits. As an engraver his name 5 dag in the directories of Philadelphia, 1811-1824. Represented by plate of Charles N. Bancker of Philadelphia. FRANCIS KEARNY (1780-1833) Born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey; a pupil of P. R. Maverick. He was in business in New York, in 1798-1801, as an engraver, and moved to Philadelphia in 1810. | Represented by plate of Hector Coffin. JAMES KENNEDY (1797) -_ a Engraver in line and stipple, working in New York, in 1797, for John Low, the publisher. In 1812 he went to: Philadelphia. Represented by plate of William L. Pierce. ¢ THOMAS KENSETT (1786-1829) a : & Edina Came from England, to Cheshire, Connecticut in 1812; member of the - © firm of Shelton & Kensett, of Cheshire. Represented by plate of Philip Cannon. | N. KETTLE (1757) ~ An unknown engraver. Represented by the plate of H. Kettle. THOMAS LEE (1717-1806) See Martin Bull of Farmington, Connecticut. J. LEWIS (circa 1750) Born in Scotland, but located in New York, as early as 1750. Represented by plates of Dr. Peter Middleton, who died in New York in 1781, and Peter Kemble. a J. O. LEWIS (circa 1815) = First appears in books published in Philadelphia in 1815, including “The North American Aboriginal Portfolio,’ 1835. His name appears in the New York directories, 1816-1823, as—“J oseph aes. engraver and seal cutter.” Represented by ae of Bache McEvers, and Robert Grade: and oe an en- graved receipt of George Youle, New York. WILLIAM JAMES LINTON (1812-cirea 1910) Born in London, removed to the United States in 1867. Eminent wood- < engraver. Represented by plate of Royal C. Taft. WILLIAM EDGAR MARSHALL (1837-1906) Born in New York City. Portrait and bank-note engraver. Represented by plate of Francis C. Green. we PETER RUSHTON MAVERICK (1755- e18TL) <= % eee and his son, ae PETER MAVERICK (1780-1831) Both father and son were born and died, in New York City. The elder faverick first appeared in 1786 as an engraver, die-sinker, and copperplate rinter, also as a decorator of silver. His son Peter jetaed his trade under v - Pore). Later he established an extensive business in New York, as an engraver and copperplate printer. According to Allen, all plates sioned a Maverick” were exetuted by the elder Maverick. f Plates’ signed “P. R. M averick”—Flamen Ball; De Witt Clinton; Charles A. Clinton ; William Cutting; Frederick De Peyster; Samuel Hay; Horanian Society rary ; 5 TE oat A bP ‘Hunter ; Peter Maverick ; New York Society Library (3); Plates signed “Maverick”—Joseph W. Blackle; William Cock; James S. oh ies ing; James Giles; Erasmus Hall; Philip L. Hoffman : Benjamin S. Judah; : oat ohn Keese ; Edward Livingston ; Martin Livingston ; Robert R. Livingston ; William <8 Livingston : Hugh McLean; Peter Masterton; William Maxwell; John Pin- 1; John Sitgreaves ; James Scott Smith ; Thomas Smith Ji: 7 20Dn ©) Ten Broeck ; . . Van Rensselaer. Be ape "The following plates pnstened. ee undoubtedly by the elder Maverick—Charles Ee bridgen ; Peter Goelet; Jonathan Meridith; John Scott. $8 aoe ence “P. Maverick’”—Hlias Hicks ; ; Nathl. F. Moore; Thomas A. ‘ ~~ in Boston, as an engraver of copperplates, silversmith, and seal-cutter. Represented by plates of James Hall; Isaac Norris; James Norris. JOHN VALLANCE (1770-1823) Born in Scotland; died in Philadelphia. He came to Philadelphia ahigtt 1791, and was a member of the firm of “Thackara & Vallance.” Represented by plate of Joseph Wiseman, and in conjunction with Thackara, — ee the plate of the Painters & Glaziers Arms. Plate of David Brearly attributed to Vallance. GEORGE D. WARNER (circa 1791) First appeared in New York, as the engraver for a plate in the “New York Magazine.” No reference as to his birth and death can be found. Represented by plate of George Warner, his own plate. THOMAS WHIGHTMAN (circa 1802) Born in England; died in Boston, to which place he removed in 1802. : He was later in the employ of Abel Bowen, of that city. Represented by plate of the Prince family. ~ D. W. WILSON (circa 1830) Albany engraver. Represented by plate of Samuel Pruyn of bene JOSEPH YEAGER (circa 1816-1845) Philadelphia engraver, working largely for book-publishers. . Represented by plate of E. Parker, Bookseller. \ \. rae ree ae ae ee “JOST AMMAN (1535-1591) | | 10US Swiss “engraver and designer. Siena by plates of Hiero- eidt Bae her: ; % ASHBY (circa 1760-1800) on engraver. Represented by plate of ce Edwards. a eee - PHILIPPE AUDINET (1766-1837) lish graven eee of John Hall. nee see by plate of Rev. Pa. ac AVRIL ee 1843) | ngraver. tae by plate of Geo. B. De Forest, of New ’~ 7B. (16th century) ee "BERNARD BARON (1700-1762) came to oe ae in Avie. wet by plate of J acobus oie German engraver. Represented by woodcut plate of Kar ; es x » > HANS SEBALD BEHAM (1500-1550) Born at Nuremberg. He was a nephew of the preceding, and one of the best pupils of Albert Diirer. Represented by four plates, one being his own.” J. EK. BELLING (18th century) German engraver. Represented by plate of Paris Graf zu Wolkenstein. THOMAS BEWICK (1753-1828) Celebrated English wood engraver. Represented by plates of Thomas Bell; Charles Charleton; Joseph Cook. WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827) English artist. Represented by plate of Charles Conway. C. F. BOETIUS (18th century) German engraver. Represented by plate of the Bibliotheca Wookie J. B. H. BONNARD (17th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Pierre J. D. De Vatre. — BRENET (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plates of Mr. Le ee and Lam- bert De Villejust. COMTE DE CAYLUS (18th ane French engraver. Represented by plate of Charles Jean Francois Henault. i C. CHARLES (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Claude L. B. Jacquenin. DANIEL N. CHODOWIEKI (1726-1801) German engraver. Born at Dantzig; died in Berlin. An excellent miniature engraver. Represented by plate of C. S. Schinz. P. P. CHOFFARD (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Jean Armand Tronchin. — CHOLLETT (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Daniel Formentin. JOHN CLARK (circa 1690-1721) Scottish engraver of portraits. Represented by plate of William Hives B. COLE—THE SECOND (circa 1745-1760) English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of William Chapman. JAMES COLE (circa 1750-1770) English engraver, at Oxford. Represented by plate of Thomas Mytton. M. COLE (circa 1700-1740) English engraver, at Oxford. Represented by plates of Fillingham, and Risley Risley. DOMINIQUE COLLIN (1725-1781) Famous French engraver, known as Collin pére. Born in Loraine; died in ay Represented by plates of the Comte de Carvoisin, and Mr. Here. H. O. & B. H. CONTGEN (18th century) German engravers. Represented by plate of Johann Philipp Burggraf. W. COUTTS (circa 18380) English engraver, at Liverpool. Represented by plate of M. D. Lowndes. : W. DARLING (circa 1760-1790) ' English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of Philip Van Swinden. — DAUDIN (circa 1702) French engraver. Represented by plate of Michel Begon. DE LA GARDETTE (circa 1794) — ‘French engraver. Represented by plate of Antoine L. Lavoiser. LEOP. DENTIFLE (18th century | Unknown German engraver. Represented by plate of—Graf und Giana von Thurn und Taxis. ; : DENT (cwrca 1760-1780) English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of Edmund Horrax. ; : C. DIETELL (18th century) German engraver. Represented by plate of Johann Baptist Re aeske: — DU PALLUET (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of J. A. M. Arnaud. — DURAND (circa 1777) French engraver. Represented by plate of Mr. de Fenille. ALBRECHT DURER (1471-1528) | Celebrated German painter and engraver. - Born at N ether died in April, 1528. Represented by the following plates—Willibald Pirckheimer ; Pomer family; Scheurl-Tucher family; also by plate of Hector Pomer, en- graved by R. A. [Resch or Roesch], a noted German woodcutter of the ‘16th ! ; century. The latter plate being designed by Diirer. aa —— DURIG (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Magon de Terlaye. DURIG A LILLE (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Seraphin Malfait. O. FEHR (18th century) German engraver. Represented by plate of J. S. Ochs. FLEMING (circa 1800-1830) Irish engraver. Represented by plate of Andrew Knox. FOSTER (circa 1760) English engraver, at Fetter Lane, London. Represented by plate of Patrick Blake. J. FOUGERON (circa 1760) French engraver in England. Represented by plate of William Holeombe. L. J. FRUYTIERS (1715-1782) Belgian engraver. Represented by plate of Admiral J. G. Michiels. JOS. GALLOT (18th century). French engraver. Represented by plate of Lorraine family. F. GARDNER (circa 1720-1750) English engraver. Represented by plate of William Pescod. | P. GIFFART (17th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Francisci du Fresne. P. GOUEL (circa 1777) = French engraver. Represented by plate of L. E. Midy. GRIFFITHS & WEIGALLS (1807-1860) ‘ English heraldic stationers, London. Represented by .plate of the_ Bishop of Jamaica (American). S. HALLE (circa 1790) German engraver. Represented by plate of the Bibliotheca Warclanesi. — M. HANBURY (circa 1760) English engraver. Represented by plate of John Wallis. HARMAR (circa 1780-1790) | English engraver. Represented by plate of Thomas Markham. HELLMAN (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of De Fauconpret. -~ G. D. HEUMAN (18th century) German engraver. Represented by an anonymous plate. WILLIAM HENSHAW (circa 1750-1780) English engraver. Represented by plates of W. E. Gason; and T. Bond, a distinguished Philadelphia physician, and native of Maryland. Rk. B. HUGHES (circa 1770-1790) English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of R. H. A. Benet. _ ve I. INGRAM (circa 1721-1770) Born in London ; settled in Paris. Represented by plate of Guilielmi ee THOS. J, (18th century) nknown German “Sales Beprecenicd by oe of Johann Christoph ee ANDREW JOHNSTON (circa 1724-1750) nglish engraver. Represented by plates of Alexander Murray, and : aoa Beer of Jamaica. ‘ eye x: JUNGWIERTH (8th RIE) 1 an | engraver. Represented by plate of the Monastery of Polling. LUCAS KILIAN (1579-1637) - oe "JAMES KIRK (circa 1750-1771) ish Re at London. Represented by plates of Patrick Coutts; er aoe eIery Simon Mills ; Henry Hereley - KIRKWOOD (circa 1800-1830) engraver, | probably the Edinburgh one. Represented by plate (CHARLES KNIGHT (circa 1826) i engrave. Represented by plate of Elizabeth Sophia Lawrence. SS -C. KORNER (18th century) engraver. re by Rae of Leopold Freyherr von Hertt- aot oy G. KUTNER (18th century) oe Represented by plate of C. G. Gunther. 1 a i exe ee Beg J. LAKE (circa 1780- 1800) nglish engraver, at London. Represented by plate of Thomas Pen- LAMCON- (18th ees ogre Pe on by plate of See F. Dumars de — / sis oe A. LAVAU (circa 1765-1776) French engraver, at Bordeaux. Represented by plate of M. de Thilorem. FRANCIS LEGAT (1755-1809) Pupil of Andrew Bell. He was born in Scotland; died in London. Represented by plate of Anna S. Damer. LOUISE LE DAULCEUR (18th century) French engraver, she signed her name in several ways. Represented by plates of Mme. d’Arconville; Thiroux d’Arconville; Comtesse de Mellet. - WILLIAM MARSHALL (circa 1541-1646) English engraver, worked in London during the above years. Repre- sented by plate of Edward Lord Lyttleton. MATHEY. (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of M. Brochant. M. MAUGEIN (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of M. de Joubert. J. MERCADIER (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of Franciscus Tristanus de Cambon. ~ saa MICAUD (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of F. N. HE. Droz. SIR JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS (1829-1896) English painter and engraver, a Royal Academician. Represented by plate of Sir Christopher Sykes. The only book plate by him. | FRANCOIS MONTULAY (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of M. Delaleu. _ W. MOORE (circa 1800-1820) English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of Charles Hamilton. M. MORDECAI & J. LEVY (circa 1770-1790) English engravers. Represented by plate of George Berkeley. RAFAELLE 8S. MORGHEN (1758-1810) Eminent Italian engraver. Represented by plate of the Duca di Cassano. THOMAS MORIN (circa 1840-1890) English engraver, and heraldic stationer, at London. Represented by plate of Thomas Carlyle. i ee | R. MOUNTAINE (circa 1750-1770) English engraver, at Winchester. Represented by plates of Charles Mill; Richard Mill; Sr. Philip Monoux. i. dames J. MYNDE (circa 1760-1770) English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of Peter Thompson. — NEDER (early 18th century) An unknown engraver. Represented by plate of Nicholas L. Zinzendorf. ae . ©. G. NESTLER (18th century) German engraver. Represented by plate of the Biblitheca Pezoldiana. NICOLE A NANCY (circa 1747-1767) French engraver. Represented by plates of the Bibliotheque de Lorrain; _ Abbe de Seichamps; le Chevalier Dumars de- Vaudoncom. : NONOT (18th century) French engraver. Represented by plate of the Manchon family. : —— OLLIVAULT (circa 1788) French engraver, at Paris. Represented by plate of Mr. de Sarrobert. T. OVENDEN (circa 1790-1800) English engraver, at London. Represented by plate of James Lahy. i: | C. & A. PAAS (circa 1795) Cornelius Paas was born in Germany, and went to England, where he died in 1806. Represented by plate of Josh. Scrope. FRANZ PILSEN (early 17th century) German engraver. Represented by plate of “Wilhelmus Sixtas kepser.”’ ee Sapp JOHN PINE (1690-1756). a English engraver, at London. Represented by plates of J. Burton and bt Gray’s Inn Library. ee | G. PIRANESI (1720-1778) : Italian engraver. Represented by an anonymous plate. —— POLAK (18th century) German (?) engraver. Represented by plate of Aerssen von Somnels- | agyek. ( ° tale P. RIERA (early 19th century) 3 | Unknown engraver. Represented by plate marked “L.” (American?) R. A. ROESCH (circa 1525) German woodcut engraver. See Albrecht Diirer. CLAUDE ROY (1712-1792) French engraver, at Paris. Represented by plate of Camille H. Henrion. Eee DE ST. HILAIRE (circa 1759) _ French engraver. Represented by plate of Johann Bernh. Nach. a fi JOHN SCOTT (1774-1828) | Rae English engraver. Born at Newcastle. Represented by plate of Thomas ys Gosden. a J.B. SCOTIN (18th century). , oo French engraver. ‘ Represented by plates of Richard de Ruffey, and — Dominini Mascrany. . 3 ss zn WILLIAM SHARP (1749-1824) 3 English engraver. Represented by his own plate. = CHARLES WILLIAM SHERBORN (1831-1912) bet e English engraver. Fellow of the Royal Society. -Represented by 25 ° examples of his work. ; a WILLIAM SHIRWIN (circa 1780-1793) a ‘English engraver. Represented by plate of William Bentham. ; eee : HANS SIBMACHER (17th century) as German engraver. Represented by plate of Andreas Beham. ‘ 3 . HENRY SIMON (19th century). 3 : . a French engraver. Represented by plate of Ignace de pie 3 ae. J. SKINNER (circa 1742) eat: English engraver, at Bath. Represented by plates of John Randolph of oe Virginia, and Peyton, the first President of the Continental Congress. a ~ VIRGIL SOLIS (16th century) 0 ae German engraver. Represented by plate of Andreas Imhoff, and by an: ae anonymous plate. | wit oe | CHARLES SPOONER (18th century) ol ee English engraver. Represented by his own plate. | Seer ©. STORCKLIN (18th century) a German engraver. Represented by plate of Francisus Antonius Reding. . J. H. STORCKLIN (18th century) es a German engraver. Represented by plate of the Monastery of Monchsroth. ie J. STRIEDBECK (18th century) | Ae German engraver. Represented by plate of the Bishop of Strasbourg. +g M. THEVENARD (18th century). p. French engraver. Represented by plate of M. F. Huguenin Dumitand. : ~ a JEAN TOUSTAINE (17th century) _ ae French engraver. Represented by plate of Mgr. Pellot. Me Fe % ~ 3 a om tr. 1 go { te : i , = oi Sey ( 4 # Me 8 J. TRAITEUR (18th century) | engraver. Represented by plates of G. L. S. Hoffmann, and Comte my en TURNER, (19th century) English, engraver. ‘Represented by plate of J. Leddell.. + HEINRICH ULRICH (17th century) : man papeegaer. Represented by plate of the Family of Von Oelhafen. Ke ee ag — VACHERON (18 century) » | engraver. Represented by plates _ 3 De eS DRE. de Thulus, ee es VIOTTE (17th century) engraver. Represented by plate of Abbas Bonaventura LE oe VIOTTE (18th century) ch | engraver. ‘Represented by plate of Mr. d’Hyenville. | > -——s«B. VOYSARD (18th century) 3 ‘pao Represented by plate of Ame de St. Didier. SD. WALLAERT (18th century) ngraver. Represented by plate of J. Gossellin. -_ [J. M.] WEISS (18th century) an he 1a errs at Ree Represented by plate of the Museo engraver. Bersted by plate of Sir George Cook. << bitin ZUNDT (16th century) a | Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejesed ByUS the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. . 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot SO purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action > as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such shai chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. oe daa Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M, and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A.M. and5 P.M. ~— | Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, One ts me other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase — during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility — for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so; how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. _ 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title ; passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or — destroyed. Ae ee Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days ‘ from the date of the sale thereof. ; ry 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the ‘Anaoiatian of the cor- | rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will ~~ be set aside on account of any incorrectness,. error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Hvery lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. oie * The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot eorrectly, and will a ye give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any — lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinies with- ie out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. oa Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- uns re mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without ay ; . charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- — oa tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, ie in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books fora purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition — or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of Sale, — and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner a from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the ‘AReoclation should be written and given sine: such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot — Ex . number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects __ of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting © eh : the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference — ef submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, We be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Peay’ American Art Galleries, $4 Madison Square South, ss Pe io Toxic AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF THE REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOK PLATES FORMED BY THE LATE DR. HENRY C. ENO, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS SUMMARY OF CONTENTS AMERICAN BOOK PLATES Numbers 1to 770 - ENGLISH BOOK PLATES Numbers 771 to 865 FRENCH.BOOK PLATES Numbers 866 to 908 GERMAN BOOK PLATES Numbers 909 to 982 FOREIGN MISCELLANEOUS PLATES Numbers 983 to 990 BOOKS OF REFERENCE Numbers 991 to 1036 | First Session, Numbers | to 345, inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER l6th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK AMERICAN BOOK PLATES o 3 | Numbers 1 to 770 | 1. ABERCROMBIE (JAMES—of Philadelphia). Armorial; Joun ALLAN. Pic- torial;—ALEXANDER ANDERSON (first American wood engraver). Chippendale, engraved by himself, late impression; JoHN ANDREW. 6° : Pictorial; S. ArncHDEACON. Chippendale, signed, W. S.; CHARLES , “ ASHWELL (of Granada). Armorial. ‘Together, 6 pieces. Allen, numbers 2, 12, 18, 20, 30, and 34. : 2. ADAMS (CHARLES. FRANCIS). Armorial, with garter, not in Allen; ay > “C. N. B.” the sun’s face, with the above monogram. Motto— : “Lumen aecipt et wmperti,” not in Allen; BLoomrieLtD MoI4vaIne. Zo oe Angel on cloud, writing on tablet, signed, I. J. Barralet inv. J. H. i Seymour se., and 5 others. Together, 8 pieces. 3. ApamMs (JOHN Quincy—NSixth President of the United States). Ar- of oa) morial, the Boylston arms, ribbon and wreath, motto ribbon empty. Fine impression ; Armorial, the Boylston arms, within garter. 2 copies, one cut down; Armorial, with shield quartered, surrounded ane by garter, with motto. ‘Together, 4 pieces. s Allen, numbers, 5, 6, and 7. 4, Atpany Society Liprary, 1759. Pictorial, in two compartments, the upper, and Indian in ambush, the lower, a vignette portrait. Motto de —“May Concord Prevail and the Undertaking Prosper.” Fine im- | pression, good margins. &, Allen, number 11. Sy . = iy? Big: " : ye Pe? ao ‘oo 2 SA i 2 First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES LEXANDRIA (VIRGINIA) CrrcuLaTine Lisrary. With rules regarding circulation, woodcut, 2 copies; ANNAPOLIS (MaryLanp) Lisprary Anp Reaping Room. Woodcut label; AmErtcan S. 8. UNION. Bookshelves, with traped curtain, woodcut; AuBANy AcaDEMy Li- BRARY. Woodcut label; ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY LipRary. Jn- graved label, with wide oval border, signed, R. C. & Co., Alby.;- AMHERST CoLLEGE Lisrary. Label, also “Duplicate” label. To- gether, 8 pieces. 6. ALLEN (JOHN—an early bookseller of Boston, Mass.). Armorial. Jaco- bean. Illustrated in “Curio’’. Allen, number 13, Allen was publisher of the “News-letter,” in Boston. The plate is probably of early 18th century execution, circa 1720-1730. 7. ALLEN (StepH.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath; Ricuartp ALLAN. Armorial; John Ashe Alston. Armorial, another, without name; — Rowtanp AtsTon. Armorial; JoHN SEWALL PratTr ALCOTT. _ Jacobean; Freperick Granam AyLwarp. Pictorial; bape a: Crospy N. ALEXANDER. Pictorial. Together, 8 pieces. None mentioned in Allen. 8. [AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND ScorencEs.| “MDCCUXXX. The 9. ANDERSON (A.—Engraver on Wood). Gift of.” Pictorial. A large curtain looped back by ribbons and cords, with the words—“The Gift of,’ the space for donor’s name remaining blank; above a charming vignette engraving, representing Minerva, with shield and spear, standing on the sands, with scien- tific and agricultural implements at her feet, she is looking out to sea, where a three masted schooner is sailing under a heavy black cloud, with the glaring sun above; in the distant background on rising ground, a portion of a village can be seen; above all, festoon and wreath, with a flowing ribbon, on which appears the motto— “Sub ltbertate florent.” Not signed, but the work of emt Pap Fine impression, good margins, shows plate-mark. ‘ Undescribed issue Allen, number 17. AN ALMOST PROOF IMPRESSION. The earliest state of this plate, before the addition of the Academy’s name. The date, which in the Allen copy, is in a straight line just above the curtain, appears here, in large Roman numbers, in a curved line bordering the lower edge of the vignette. The view, undoubtedly intended as one of Boston, adds an interesting feature to this engraving. A very handsome plate. EXCESSIVELY RARE IN THE PRESENT STATE. THE EARLIEST STATE. ; paper; Dr. A. ANDERSON. Name within pictorial border, trees and figures. ‘Together, 2 pieces. | 10. ANDERSON (ALEXANDER). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, A. Ander- son Sculp., cut close; also facsimHe of the same. Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 18. The plate of the first engraver on wood in America. — f Name on ribbon, on shield shaped y Va ge TP ee 2 Tebe: FS sie fo" Cee ES: A ae “on First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th ‘ AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 1. Anpoven, Massacuuserrs. “Institutio Theologica Andover. Fun- } " data MDCCCVII.” A pediment raised upon Doric columns, a 4 blaze of glory above all. Signed, Annin & Smith sc. Tr Allen, number 19, where the engraver’s name is not stated. % AS Ce, : 12. Anprews (BENgamin). Pictorial Name-Plate. Signed, Callender Sct. Reis < e é = Allen, number 22. With full name. Printed in light green ink. ee tanta (Heyry). Pictorial, representing Minerva, with shield and spear. Signed S. Harris Sc.; also, Eriza ANDREWS, same design 7 as preceding, with first name changed, and without engraver’s fi -—s name. Together, 2 pieces. Sera *Allen, Speers 24 and 23. ~ : 4. “Anwarouis, Maryann. “W. Aikman’s Circulating Library No. (654). : All kinds of Books, Letter Cases, Message Cards, Gilt & Plain re Paper, Wax, &e. Sold at this Shop Annapolis, at the British Prices, Ae a % for Cash Only. Paper rul’d, Books bound in the neatest manner.’ 5 te Soe cc ehe above caption, within a Chippendale frame, by the side of Be i i ___ which are pen and ink, and globe; above all the autograph signature 4 of “Cathe. H. Jackson.” Not in Allen. A plate of unusual interest, of connate design, and well ———s executed ; possibly by Mr. Aikman himself, who was a bookseller as well as bookbinder, and dealer in stationary, in Annapolis in 1774, and as the — inscription would indicate, a possible engraver of cards. One of the |. _ finest engraved American trade-labels of the period, apparently engraved F vet prior to the American Revolution. EXcESSIVELY RARE. 2 pia « 155. ANTILL (Lewrs). Armorial, Chippendale, floral spray, name on en- -_, -& | agit graved tablet below. Motto— “Opimionem vincere omnium.” Signed, — 4 3 J. Smither Sculp., slight tear in one margin. Se scree in Allen. ~ 16. “Apnnon. Armorial, Chippendale. Motto-ribbon empty. Plate re- backed. ae Allen, number 26. eee x aa a aa od “ e hs eeabae (fast_Eminent Episcopal divine, born in Boston, 1733). ae Armorial, late Jacobean. Dated Cambridge, MDCCLXI. With motto; another, without motto. Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 27, and a variation of the same. ; Agecaon> (Turomas—Boston, born, 1741). Armorial. Chippendale. - Motto—“Juste rem para.” Printed in blue ink, cut‘close. — iss Allen number 29. } : ¥% ; Peccitae Sie BOOK PLATES 19. Armat (THomas W.). Pictorial name-plate ; EpWaARp G. Aart Pic- kk ~ torial name-plate, with portrait of Washington; J. F. Austin. Pic- Qu ‘torial name-plate, signed J. Eddy Sc.; also _name-plates “fe + O, | Hezexran Aucur Junr., New Haven (reprint) ; H. H. ANDERSON ; : 2 Mary Y. Arruur, and others. Together, 8 pieces. - "ee f os within oval, and decorative scroll ; W. G. Bucknor. J acobea ae: 4 > STEPHEN BREWER (of Northampton). Plain shield, with na: Sees and festoon; THomas Curystie (of New York). Plain -Armori Bie gO » Signed Rollinson ; CHARLES BRIDGEN. Ribbon | and wae " 3. gether, 6 pieces. } yoy Not in Allen. é. he . 20. Arno~p (Aaron). Plain Armorial; DuNcomBE BRIstowE, D. pe a a mh _ 21.:AssHEtToN (Ratpu, M.D. of Philadelphia—son of the Count ae ate tt morial, Chippendale, margins cut close. x Pe eee number 35. a OP ‘miralty of Pensilvania 1718). Armorial, J acobean. ” wen sion, but margins cut close. : 4 SL [ See TeeAniene for mare 23. AssHETON (Wit11AM). Armorial, no motto; Lewis “Morrrs ASHFIEL 2 Chippendale ; JOHN ATKYNS. Armorial ; CLEMT. Beene ni eae ‘and ARTHUR ae Both armorials ; Tanohiee ATKIN: st E 702 Dover, New Hampshire, 1840). Armorial. bas 8 8 ites Not in Allen. A 24, Argrnsox (GEORGE). Agmsoriate Chippendale. 3 Signe : This is the same plate as the Theodore Atkinson plate ( x 38), the only alteration being in the first name, the original “ / ‘ having been scratched out, and “George” substituted in _ 25. Arkinson (THEODORE—Secretary of the conan of Noes 1741; Chief-Justice, 1754; Major-General of Militia, 176 ie to the Albany Congress, 1754). Armorial, Chinpeeda | / N. Hurd Scp., small tear in margin repaired. ‘t eC ee : Allen, number 38. _ i is 26. ATKINSON (Win~1am Kine—Noted Lawyer of Portion shire, 1764-1820). Armorial, Chippendale. Motte y, non sponte dev.” Signed, Callender Sculpt. Fine mark showing. pee Sl A ; Allen, number 39. . aie : “fa —s ee 8% 2 2 it First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 27. ATLEE (WitLIAM Aucustus—Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsy]l- He 9 vania, 1777-1791). Armorial... Chippendale. Printed in brown. we Fine impression. oN Allen, number 40. 28. Atwoop (Harry). Armorial, Chippendale, architectural and landscape D effects. &y Allen, number 41. 29. BackHousE (W., M.A.). Chippendale, ALtEN, number 23, 2 copies; , BENJ. FRANKLIN BacueE. Pictorial, harp and broken column on ok. stone altar; ANDREW Bairp. Name-plate with woodcut border, and ‘ date MDCCXCVI; D. Batpwin. Engraved label (Allen, number ee 45); Burr Batpwirn. Woodcut name-plate; Samurn, Banpwin. (Soe Chippendale; Wm. Battorp. Armorial, and others. Together, A : 10 pieces. 30. Batt (Fuamen). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, P. R. Maver- Lay ick Sct.; another, printed on straw colored paper. ‘Together, 2 . pieces. eee ~. Allen, number 48. S ot. BALTIMORE (Baron). “Bibliotheca. Baronis de Baltimore. A.D. site 1751.” Crest only, in circle, around the border the above caption. 5 oe Not in Allen. 32. BAauLtTimorE, Marytanp. The Library Company of Baltimore, name- plate within oval, signed, 8S. Allardice Phi. (Allen, number 50) ; ae XO Sr. Mary’s Corner. Ego infra-scriptus, Preses Collegii Ste. ok. Mariz Baltimorensis in federatis Americe statibus. Presentation . plate, to Robert Purviance, above, a woodcut vignette of American : on te) eagle, 1818; Hucu Barxuzy. This Book belongs to Hugh Barkley’s Pee _ Cireulating Library, at Yorick’s Head, Baltimore, early woodcut ): . label; BALTIMORIENSE CoLLEGIUM. Presentation label, to Hugh oS oe T. Harrison, 1826. Together, 4 pieces. _ 83. Bancker (CHaAruzEs N. of Philadelphia). Armorial in style, Chippen- dale. Signed, Jones Sc. (Allen, number 52); The same, a variation not mentioned by Allen, evidently an earlier impression, without the figures of the cupids at side of frame, signed Jones Sc.; Chip- dendale frame, showing the figure 4 (Allen, number 53) ; The same, 4 ‘printed on pink paper ; GrErarD I. Banckxer. Label. Together, 5 ‘pieces. E es, 34. Bancker (Evert J.). Armorial in style, Chippendale, shield with ae figure 4, cupids are seated on either side of the frame, with acces- F me > sories indicating the pursuit of science. Motto—‘Dieu defend le : * First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th aaa AMERICAN BOOK PLATES $ [No. 34—Continued | ‘a droit.” Signed Dawkins Sculpsit. Fine impression, margin out- : side of plate mark. : Not in Allen, but similar in design to the Charles N. Bancker’s ne = cited under Allen number 52. Henry Dawkins, the engraver of this plate, = engraved bookplates in New York as early as 1758; in 1776 he was - ~— arrested in New York for counterfeiting money, and the last heard of him 4 was petitioning Congress for release from jail. | a nN [See Plate I. for reproduction. | mite ~ lie 35. Bancker (Evert Junr.—Citizen of New York during the Revolution). ae ae Shield with figure 4, surmounted with helmet and eagle’s wings oe re : { erect. AS | of* | Allen, number 54. “on | - : a 3 “ oes 36. Bancrorr (GrorcE—Historian of the United States). Pictorial, a : chubby cherub approaches, with a panel in his hands, on which are: é.. ¥Y s the words—“Sursum coda.” aa 0? / Allen, number 56. THE SCARCEST OF THE BANCROFT PLATES, with the ‘< atest : thy ati > First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th |

ae a PLATE I.—AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ¢ ag WD, A SIupgeore & %, =. a f y ; * Seam “ ae Ks 7 ey cacilall H ThoHon*t®Bunepicr LeonArp,, — CALVERT Esq ven (a thet, Ho | REN.LEO, Lord BALTEMORE Abfolute Lpard and Proprietary of the Provinces of Marviand Avalon in America, No. 60. (Engraved by W. Henshaw.) CALVERT (HON. BENEDICT BOND (T.—Surgeon). LEONARD). No. 89. (Engraver not given.) BARCLAY (ANDREW). No. 38. (Engraved by BH. Gallaudet. ) error tapsneioenneriat et NP ARMY A OR TTT tA LAE BT comnts ce ae pS i ae ¥ gd in he oak a LITE NTI ea : 3 e Le A z C ved: I Yuarmtrr. CUSTIS (GEO. WASH. PARK). No. 188. (Engraver not given.) BYLES (MATHER). No. 81. (Engraved by himself.) BANCKER (EVERT J.). (Engraved by H. Dawkins. ) eee ABS onde i Pee ee ere ee me a ei TN No. 34. . 7 7 « 2 4 - . ‘ 4 ~ ° * © pc ‘ ‘ ' . ' rT . 4 i? ~ oe dike ny uw ® y ‘i > , ‘ P , . ‘ . ‘ ‘ - fs = 7 a . ¥ Z a4 ~« - : * First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES (92. Cannon (Puinip A.—of Connecticut ?). Armorial, Pictorial; on . shield, an officer in Continental uniform, discharging cannon; above : ot ” all a mortar discharging ball. Signed, Kensett. Printed in bluish- 7 "green ink. Fine impression, good margins. é ee Not in Allen. . CaRMICHAELL (THE HonovursasBLe Wm., Esqr.—Delegate to Congress from Maryland; chargé d’affaires to Spain). Armorial, Harly Eng- lish.- Fine impression, good margins. Allen, number 135. Illustrated in “Curio,” also in Allen. — 394. CARMICHAELL (THE HonovurasLe Wm.). The same as above, 2 copies, ie both cut close. a CarroLtt (CHartes—Last surviving Signer of the Declaration of Inde- a te pendence). Armorial, Chippendale, good margins; another copy, margins cut down. Together, 2 pieces, . oe Allen, number 136. : a 2 * 96. Carron (CHares, of the Inner Temple Esqr. Second Son of Daniell —~ AF Caroll of Litterlouna Esqr. in the Kings County 1 in the Kingdom of ue ( ‘Treland 1702). Armorial, ee English. oh, _ Allen, number 138. ~~ « r ~~ ‘>. Z J ey De 97. CarroLL (CHAarLEs—Barrister at Law). Jacobean (Allen, number 137); James Carro~t Esquire. Armorial, floral, not in Allen; see . Hpym. Carrott. Ribbon and wreath (Allen, number 139) ; a vy Epuraim Carrout. Armorial, with same motto as preceding, not i . in Allen; Wm. THos. Carrots. (clerk of the United States Supreme Court). * Armorial, not in Allen. Together, 5 pieces. 98. Carter (Ropert W.—Virginia family). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, ~ fine impression, good margins. 1 , Not in Allen. 99. Cary (Mites—early Virginia family). Armorial, Chippendale, corners sey slightly torn. : Vio ie Allen, number 141. > 100, Cary (SamurL—Minister at King’s Chapel, Boston). Armorial, shield with background of rocks. Signed, Callender Sct. oe Not in Allen. 101. Cary (THomas—ot Massachusetts). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. “eee é Signed, Callender, Sc. {\y \ Allen, number 142. \ J nt First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN: BOOK PLATES 102. CasweLtt (Henry—eldest son of Reverend R. C. Caswell; born in 1810; _ author of several works, among which is “The City of the Mor- mons”). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, with six bars on shield. Signed, R. M., Sculp., the engraver’s name can be faintly traced. Not in Allen. Ilustrated in American “Ez Libris” journal. 103. CHatmeErs (GrEo.—Author of Chalmers’ Annals). Armorial (Allen, number 144); Joun Caritiaup. Armorial (Allen, number 130) ; ~ James CuurcH. Armorial; RicHarp CHamprion. Chippendale, not in Allen; Jacon CoHEN (of South Carolina). Armorial, not in Allen; CHartEs M. Connotry. Armorial, signed J. G. Bolen, 104 & B’Way; Rictarp Corsin, Laneville, Virginia. Armorial; JOSEPH : x Corr (of Boston). Armorial, not in Allen; J. W.CurnsErt. Ar- : morial, not in Allen; CHartottrE CusHMaAN (famous actress). pe ‘7 Armorial (Allen, number 194); Cotiter (of Philadelphia). Ar- — morial, not in Allen. Together, 11 pieces. ‘ ~ ~~ f 104. CHatmeErs (JAmgEs, Jr., Tuscarora-Hill, 1804) ; Henry CHapMAn, At- 3 torney at Law, Giles County, Virginia; JoHN CALDWELL (of Connecticut) ; A. Caron, Natchitoches (New Orleans) Louisiana (1821); JosnpH Casot; Jorn CanFreLD; Rey. SAMUEL CARR; JoHN A. Corrin, Dedham, 1822; Rurus R. Coox, Boston. 'To- an gether, 10 pieces. All name-plates. 105. CuamBERS (BENJAMIN—Founder of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, born 1709, died 1788). “Benjamin Chambers’s Book.’ Armorial, false f heraldry, good impression, wide margins. ; | oj Allen, number 145. 106. CHamBERS (BENJAMIN). Another copy of the above. 107. CHampBers (JoHN, Esqr.—Chief Justice of New York; member of the Albany Congress, 1754). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, E. Gal- a“ laudet Sculp. (New York engraver), good margins. Allen, number 146. ~ Ae en 108. CuampBers (Joun). Another copy of the above, margins cut down, but ~ shows plate mark all around, a darker impression than the preceding. — 109. “Cuarteston So. Caronina Brste Society.” The above caption within a blaze of glory circle, with the all-seeing eye, and two open st books ; a ribbon extends across top, with words—“Search the Scrip- tures. John. V 39.” Date, 1813, in ink, in lower corner. | An early South Carolina plate, not in Allen. 110. Case (St.—Signer of the Declaration of Independence, from Mary- land). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, Boyd, sc,, good margins. Allen, number 150. Illustrated in the American “Ha Libris” journal. First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th “ = AMHBRICAN BOOK PLATES * - Yi. Cuaunczy (CuHarizs). Plain Armorial (Allen, number 152); Czas. Su CHaunory, M.D. Crest; P. S. Cuauncry. Crest; J. St. Cxiar Cuauncry (United States N aval cin Armorial (Allen, num- . Ds ber 154). Together, 4 pieces. | ae CHaunoy (CHarues, M.D.). Plain Armorial, Jacobean. The mono- = gram “C C” between the first and last name of the owner; also an = ae earlier Impression of the same before the name was added, HAVING x4 OWNERS AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE on lower margin. Together, 2 \ we pieces, both good impressions, ‘with small margins outside plate- ie mark. > Allen, number 153, the second being’ a variation of the same, and a Se much scarcer plate. - 3) 113. CHESTER (JoHN—Connecticut Colonel in the Continental Army, in the a Battle of Bunker Hill). Armorial. Printed in blue. 7 a Allen, number 156. a ti. CHILD (Witr1am Henry). Armorial, but without arms on shield, in place of which is a monogram, crest, two doves, ribbon and wreath. J Je uv Illustrated in“‘Art Amateur.” Allen, number 161. oe 115. Sriat ch (GEORGE). Crest, Curious design, a funnel shaped instrument a + within an open triangle.’ Motto—“Soyez ferme.” Signed J. F. eee Morin’Sc.. N. ¥. ie “yh vy ‘Allen, number 165. ~ * 116. Crarke (Pzrer). Armorial, Chippendale, etc in blue ink (Allen, number 166); D. LAWRENCE Cuark. Armorial (Allen, number . 162; JOHN CLARK, M.D. Armorial (Allen, number 163) ; R. Smiru oe Ciark. Armorial, spray on shield, similar to preceding, not in Ee Allen; Davip Crarxson. Armorial (facsimile of Allen, number 168). Together, 5 pieces. he 11”. CLERK (James—of St. Mary County, Mieynd Py. Armorial, Jacobean. eas Motto,—“‘Sat ctto si sat tuto.” Fine impression, wide margins. : Bes $s Not in Allen. 118. Cuirton (Wit~1amM—Philadelphia phe of the 18th century, supported a the Administration during the excitement produced by Jay’s Treaty). r Crest, a duck with outspread wings, sitting on crown. op Cy Not in Allen, an unusual design. etd. Cin ron (Dewirr—Governor of New York, 1817-1822). Armorial, asi | ribbon and Wreath. Signed, P. R. Maverick sculpt., goed, annie : os sion, showing plate-mark. Allen, number 171. Re Cotumsra ConLEcr. The same as above, Fine impression, Sas : A wy Poe» 7 < a Sooke! of the early 1802 (the lbrary was sacked by the British in and three others. Together, 11 pieces. — | First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMBPRICAN BOOK PLATES _ 129. Connucricut. Social Liby. Company. Pictorial, two cherubs in clouds, ; holding a scroll, on which appear the words—“Theology, History, Aeon Biography, Voyages & Travels, Classics ;” below, a landscape, with Se) 2 river, in the foreground, books, globe, etc., and on the further bank . of the river, a large mansion. Signed, A. Doolittle del et sculp. Not in Allen, evidently a New Haven plate. _ 180. CONSTABLE (Witttam—of the early New York family, that owned large estates near Utica, New York). Plain Armorial, no motto; another, Plain Armorial, motto—“Post. tot naufgaria portus.” Together, 2 pieces. Similar to Allen, number 181. 131. Cooper (Myxxs, L.L.D. Coll. Regis Novi. Ebor. in America, Preses, et Coll. Regine de Oxon. Socius. &c). Armorial, Chippendale. Allen, number 1838. The plate of the second President of King’s Col- ie a lege, now Columbia University, whose loyalist inclinations at the time li ~ : of the Revolution resulted in his hasty flight from the college, and escape = to England. __,182. Costiein (Francis, Esqr.—probably New York family). Armorial, bt 58" with wide margins. : i aa ~ Not in Allen. -_- 133. Courtenay (Henry, Esqr.—of Massachusetts). Armorial, Chippen- Ps, dale. Not signed, but attributed to Hurd. Corners rounded. <4 par a -. Allen, number 184. ig Craven (Wittm., Esqr.—Lord Proprietor of South Carolina). Ar- morial, Chippendale, ink-date “1750” in lower margin. a, Allen, number 188. > 134a. CRISPE (THomas). Armorial, Chippendale. Motto,—“Calcanda semel via lethi.” e eh | , Not in Allen. eB 144. DartmMoutH CoiitEce. Library of Dartmouth College. Presented by j Isaiah Thomas Esq. A.D. 1819, in his donation ef 470 volumes. ' The above caption in oval border of ornamental type, woodcut, Allen, number 204; Soctan Fripnps’ Liprary. Plain shield, with i thistles for decorations (Allen, number 205), several library num- | bers. Together, 2 pieces. 145. Davipson (Henry). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. r Allen, number 207. Uv 4 YT 146. Davie (W. R.—Colonel in the Southern Department during the Revolu- tion; Governor of North Carolina in 1799). Armorial, Chippen- dale. Motto—“Dwu delibera cito fac,’ cut close. eon Not in Allen. —— Par a By f hi * ~ = ~ X\ “ First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES + 147. Day (M. W.). Pictorial, with finely engraved bust portrait of Ben- tod ee jamin Franklin. Signed, W. Chapin del. & Se. Allen, number 210. 148. DepHAm, Massacuuserts. “Library of the Young Men’s and Young ee > = Ladies’ Society for the Study of the Sacred Scriptures. ” The above Bains caption in oblong border, consisting of elongated cornucopie extend- 5A, ing their blossoms above and around a central panel (Allen, num- - Sol ber 214); DepHam ParisuH Lip. No. (101). Woodcut label with oblong, decorated with festoons and wreath, not in Allen. To- gether, 2 pieces. “149. DnGan (CHartes F.—of New Orleans, Louisiana). Engraved name- plate, with festoon border, 2 copies, one in blue, the other in black, j not in Allen; Epwarp DARLINGTON (United States Representative ees trom Pennsylvania, 1803). Woodeut label; Wrnntam DarLInerTon. ra ¥, Engraved name-plate, 2 copies, one on yellow paper; also name-- ah % plates of StEPHEN Davis, Warren, N. C.; Perer Cornet Dyckman, ae Boscobel; JouN Durr; Pretrer S. Duponcsnav, and two others. To- eae gether, 11 pieces. 150. De Pryster (Freperick—of New Bae Armorial, ' heart-shaped toy shield, supported by eagles. Signed P. R. Maverick Sct. . Bie 1 - Allen, number 216. Llustrated in “Art Amateur.” ’~ 151. Derive (Heny. P.). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, N. Hurd Sculp 3 —1%49, Not in Allen. This is an impression from the original plate, made for Thomas Dering; the engraver having first effaced the original owner’s first name, and engraved the present “Heny. P.” in its place, the date remaining the same. Henry Packer Dering, the user of this plate, was the son of Thomas Dering and Mary, his wife, who was the daughter of Brinley Sylvester ; he was born on Shelter Island, July 3, 1763, and married Anna, daughter of Dr. Thomas Fostick of New London, Connecticut; settled at Sag Har- bor, where he was appointed by Washington, Collector of the district, ~ and later as Post Master, served until his death, April 30, 1822. # 152. Derine (Heny. P.). Armorial, Chippendale. The same as preceding, mt tear in one margin. 158, Derine (Nicott. H.). Armorial, Chippendale. Not signed, but en- graved by Hurd ; also, a reproduction of the same. ‘Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 218. The first of the above, is from the ponte! plate engraved by Hurd for Thomas Dering, with the name altered. 4, DERING (THomas). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed N. Hurd 1749. ie.) Illustrated in “Curt.” Allen, number 219. This is the earliest plate by an American engraver, which is both signed and dated. ae cea VEY, Rare. From the Thomas E. Mauran collection. pinion «oes BOOK animes 155. Dertnc (THomas). The Dering crest, with name, and half-date. 17. ? below, in a circle, with floral decoration. Not. signed, but. Ww tp doubtedly the work of Hurd, and possibly of an a ae tha - 4 the full plate dated 1749. Fine impression. Le > GAN * A Allen, number 220. From the Thomas E. Mauran ‘collection. : se Hy ; eaeee by [See Plate II. for reproduction. | } 156. DeWirr (Ricup. VaricK).- Pictorial (Allen, ne 221) S Bigs Dove (Richmond, Virginia). Pictorial (Allen, number 227) is’ / Cuartzes Drury (of Virginia). Armorial, not in Allen; Jou K. a - . Deanz. Armorial; W. W. Davenport. Crest ; Isaac DavENPOR (of Virginia). Armorial (Allen, number Ge ‘and a ae Together, 9 pieces. res 157%. Dinwippre (Lavr.). Armorial, Chippendale, 4} abt patria.” re, Fa Not in Allen. Both the design and the motto are the same as p 5 ee engraved for Robert Dinwiddie (Allen, number id the aE chang as in the lower, vtew of harbor, with fort and “poat. ‘158. Din wipp18 (Ros.—Colonial Lieutenant-Governor of vitabiace pet Bn: ; 1690—died, 1770). Armorial, Chippendale. The design on shiel Bee spr © being the same as that on the Laur. Diwngess pi a ~ 4 in “Ha Libris Journal.” yi er colony of pee ee was one of anxiety and omen presse” 4, history, and the dignity of Lieutenant-Governor was conferred him, at this time, 1752-1758, in royal recompatigns of his previous and fidelity. San usage Se ee ‘ 159. Dove (Dootr. I., of Richmond, FRE Armorial) ele only, , do 3 holding olive ‘branch, the design completed by a ‘festoon and crosse Xs ry, branches, ribbon and wreath. SIRE ee gee? : Printed black. eS Serres as ns 5? Allen, number 226. Nara haa eae ie ar ae | af [See Plate I. for reproduction] _ et A> 160. Dove (Docror. I., of Richmond, Virga.). The ‘same as on 4 YY printed in blue. +. ee 161. Dover. “This Book belongs to the Society Lines in Dever oe _ woodcut label, two varieties; ConnEcrIcuT. ‘Society of Inqui ae Theological Institute of Conn. Presented BY) . Engraved lab . | ie Essex Soctan Liprary. Woodcut label; ‘Drew THEOLOGICA Seminary, from the Library of J ames Strong 8. if BS ou oth Together, 8 pieces. ye “8 As. ; i. n FALCONER (NATHANIEL). PLATE II.—AMERICAN BOOK PLATES GILES (JAMES). No. 240. (Engraved by Maverick.) DERING (THOMAS). No. 155. (Attributed to Nathaniel Hurd.) (Engraver not given.) ae BROGRS NOCEF ; No. 183. Lc Dp Retest listen Gntlimfplrol. SMI MM UY Mts (UMS Uf Nae lh i. CT. DOVE (DOCTOR I.). No. 159. (Engraved by —— Brooks.) FOSTER (——). No. 196. (Mngraved by J. M. Furnass.) ELLISTON (ROBERT). No. 178. (Engraver not given.) First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 162. [Drake (SAmurt—of East Broadway, New York, circa 1810).] Ar- morial, shield with two stars and curved band ; crest, frigate with all sails set, resting on globe. Not in Allen. 163. Drayton (Wm., Middle Temple—Jurist of South Carolina, Chief Jus- hee 2 tice of the Province of Florida, deprived of his office during the Revolution on account of the suspected sympathy with the patriots of his state; First United’States Judge for the District of South O° Carolina). Armorial, Chippendale. Fine impression, wide margins. =, Allen, number 230. , ae - 164. DUANE (Cornetius). Armorial, Chippendale, with supports, on one side a frigate, on the other, workman nailing up barrels. Motto— mA 9 “Pro patria.” ~ Not in Allen. Evidently engraved about the middle of the 18th cen- e Q tury. The design on the shield is the same as that on the James Duane ere Sie plate, indicating that the owner of the present plate was a member of ¥) bs the same New York family. 165. Duanr (James, Esqgr.—New York Jurist, member of the Continental | Congress during the whole period of its existence). Armorial, a. Chippendale. Signed H. D. fect. (Henry Dawkins) ; cut close. . \k \ Allen, number 232. Illustrated in “Art Amateur.” y Dupiey (JosepH). Armorial (Allen, number 233), restrike, with ori- ginal date, 1754; JonatHan Dayton. Armorial, ribbon and wreath, not in Allen: JoHN Deane. Armorial, ribbon and wreath (Allen, number 211); Davis. Plain Armorial (Allen, number 208), not “&@ signed; Davis (Admiral in the Civil War). Armorial, not in Allen; Gro. B. Dr Forest. Pictorial, etched by P. Avril; GrorcE W. Doane. Armorial; Joun Davis. Pictorial, festoons and cupids. ig Together, 8 pieces. — 167. Durr (Wiit., Esqr.—Delegate to the Continental Congress). Armorial | 4 in form, crest only (Allen, number 235); Guu. AtEx. Dusr (New ie cork Sf urist, eldest son of the preceding). Armorial Allen, number 234); another copy of the preceding, with word “Armr” following a ae _ ‘name. Together, 3 pieces. - 168. DumMMER (JER., Aneatus Americanus). Armorial, Early English, cut | ve close and slight tear in margin. , hu a Allen, number 237. Allen attributes this plate to Jeremiah Dummer the younger, a brother to Governor William Dummer of Massachusetts, (Aand an agent for the colony in England, 1710-1721. 169. Duncan (James H.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. 4 Allen, number 238. de’ First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 170. Duranp (JoHn, Esgr.). Armorial, Chippendale, cut close and mounted. \ ‘ ¢ Allen, number 242%, states that the plate was presumably by the brother \ of Asher B. Durand, who was a fine engraver. ; 171. Duvaut (GABRriEL—Maryland Jurist and Federal Officer). E Bibliotheca. Gabrielis Duvall, A.D. 1778. Name-plate, within woodcut border. Signed T. S. (T. Sparrow, engraver, of pares for paper MOREY, at Annapolis, Maryland). — Allen, number 243. Tlustrated in the American “Hx Libris” journal, _ 4, oy Judge Duval was born in Marietta, Maryland in 1752, and died in 1844, . he began the study of law in 1772, and was admitted to the bar in 1778, ae ye appointed associate judge of. the General Court of Maryland in 1794; ~ 4 he was clerk of the first council of Safety in Maryland, 1776, as well as clerk of the first Maryland House of Delegates in 1777. 172. Dyckman (J. G.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, initials of owner written in ink; States Morris Dyckman. Armorial, same design | as preceding. ‘Together, 2 pieces. . ‘) eee Allen, numbers 244 and 245, the first illustrated in “Art Amateur.” 173. Epwarps (Bryan, Esqr., Greenwich Park, Jamaica-—Historian, and wealthy merchant in Jamaica). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, _ Ashby sculp, Russel Court, London, margins torn, and mounted. Allen, number 247. \ 248) ; Epwarps (of Connecticut?). Armorial, Chippendale, name vd in ink; BENJAMIN ELLERY. Chippendale (Allen, number 252) ; = Wittiam H. Entor. Crest only (Allen, number 251); SAMUEL n Exam (of Rhode Island). Pictorial armorial (Allen, number 250) ; ly 5 a JEREMIAH Evarts (philanthropist of Vermont). Engraved name- aia plate (Allen, number 261); Epwarp Evrererr. Armorial (Allea, a. ae number 263), and others. Together, 15 pieces. y 1%5. Epwarps (Isaac, NortH Carotina). Armorial, wreath. Fine impres- ee a sion, good margins. . Allen, number 249. AQ \ See / ) 176. Eemont (Joun Percivat, Eart or). Jacobean, aaa 1736. The Earl of Egmont obtained a Charter to colonize Georgia in 1733, of which he was the first president. See Ex Libris Journal vol. 7, p. 21 (illustrated). . = G7 | Rise ‘ , A 177. Extisron (RoBert, Gent. Comptrolr. of his Majesties Customs of New . 3 York in America). Armorial, Jacobean, cut close. a ae Allen, number 254. 174. Epwarps (Cuartes—New York lawyer). Armorial (Allen, number ~ : > a i es aS, First Session, Thursday Hvening, November 16th ' AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ; 178. Exnistow (Rosrrt, Gunr. Comptrolr. of his Majestie’s Customs of New York in America). Armorial, Jacobean, the lower margin cut __within plate-mark, others have wide margins. Allen, number 255. This plate is similar to the preceding, with the addition, above all, of a ribbon, on which appears the date MDCCXXYV; the two eagles, with rest on the side of the arms have disappeared. Rare plate of one of the earliest libraries in New York city. [See Plate II. for reproduction. | 5 79, ore (Witt1am—father of Ralph Waldo Emerson). Armorial, a ribbon and wreath. Signed Hill, Seulpt., in very faint letters, under the bottom of the ribbon; The same, another copy, without en- - graver’s name. ‘Together, 2 pieces. _ Allen, number 256; where it is attributed to Callender. The engraver’s name on the first of the above copies, would however identify it as the ~~ -work of Samuel Hill, the Boston engraver. 80. Eustace (Coronet Joun Sxey, State of New Yigrk-ca itl to Generals Sullivan and Green during oe Revolution; served with the French -- in Flanders; author of many pamphlets). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Illustrated by Allen. Allen, number 260. - 8. Ewrye (Maskt. Jun.—of Philadelphia). Armorial, Pictorial Chippen- ie. dale, cut close; The same, later impression, without. first name, which has been written in in ink. Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 264. The last plate according to Allen belonged to John ¥ Ewing, a Philadelphia clergyman, and has the initials “J. H.” before “ ie name, — plate is reproduced by Allen. = 182. [Fara (BryaN—tfriend of General Washington).] Armorial, Allen, number 265; Puinip RicHArRD FENDALL (of Washington). Ar- oe ~~ morial (Allen, number 270); The same as preceding, with “malin’’ -, added to motto; C. Fowrur (of Rhode Island). Armorial (Allen, f number 283), and ptiters. Together, 9 pieces. | 3. Barun “ys Fiera Collector of the Port of Philadelphia). Ar- morial, Chippendale, with name in tablet below. Fine impression, good margins. ——s Not in Allen. Rare plate, and a fini specimen of early American it § engraving. — ’ iy 3 [See Plate II. for reproduction. | i (Pamnnoron, Connecticut]. “Village Libarary.” Library interior; a young lady, with book, sits upright in a chair beside a table on which books are piled. 2 copies. ee Allen, number 268. This library was in operation and bresttated until ieee 2 AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 485. Farmincron Liprary. “This Book belongs To the Monthig ‘Pahoa in Farmington.” Allegorical. Signed M. Bull’s & T. Lee’s Soule yy | / We \z Allen, number 267. A large plate, in the centre a shelf of books sepa-— y rating two groups of figures; below, “Laws,” fines for Geniizing poset? aad i across foot, a tablet with inscription. yy, We \186. Farmineron Lisrary. Another copy of the above. 187. Farnuam (A. A.). “The Property of ‘Albert A. Tacsigaes Besta Trophy plate, shield with above caption, surrounded by cones Mer od morial (Allen, number 277), with additional inscription in raph—“To his esteemed;” NATHANIEL Rena a < / Armor grap (Allen, number 290). Together, 3 pieces. t thes Z lo , 188. Fauquier (FRANCIS, Esq lieutenant Goreme nF: Vinge .1768). Armorial, Chippendale. Diiciae in “Att ae ? name in ink, across top. ; ms 4 al 4 Allen, number 269. | F Mie t 189. Fettows. I. Fellows’s, Library. Pictorial. sighed 7 Not in Allen. The interior of room, with framed border, woman SER ing; above, bee-hive, surmounted by ribbon, with inscription : ar _ lower part of frame, a tablet with words, sia in Solh bcc: . lower margin two lines of verse. : a aoe > 4 ‘ 2 : 190. Frutmore .(Miittarp—President United States). ss “Millard | Filln Buffalo, N. Y. Miscellaneous Library, No. Te _ Woodeut ib WS ts label, with decorative border. tates ee ts peacock crest, no motto ; DUDLEY Frew. Agia pare he vat erest; M. FIExp. Armorial, crest of planisphere only; ; JOHN ey Armorial; Cyrus W. Frexp (promoter of the Atlantic Cabl a morial, not in Allen. Together, 8 pieces.. | rs AS toy ): | 192. FisHer (JErrery). Armorial, Jacobean. — 2 impneeaaeme one i in . the other in black. Together, 2 pieces. ta ig ee Not in Allen; but accepted by American collectors as ane a} oe. A) ; ns ~ delphia plate. ; ‘ag ¢ ee rock, wih ribbon bearing word ‘ Bekasee bola manda : tomahawk, and Indian pipe. Signed, Troop & Chamb gravers Wn. City, slight tear in margin.) . & Pf Brainerd, number 32. The “B” plate, which is darker than 2 neo aN AA plate. Only 30 proofs were issued, this being number bi oe 225. Frencn (Epwin Davis). Beverley Warner, M.A. -Proor | on Ds N tg ; PAPER, signed by the engraver. ae "i % 2 \ et Wz Brainerd, number 31. Only 30 Dee were issued, this being num 7 > \ 4 226. Frencu (Epwin Davis). The Club of oad Volumes. “Proor on PAPER, signed by the engraver. sO ae Brainerd, number 62. The “B” plate, completed and soe Reaihee: 2 pieces. | oes Al %_ __ Brainerd, number 132. The proof is one ‘oe Sei Poti remarque in red, representing a ee house and soldier. Bs ae ee - 228. Frencu (Epwin Davis). New York Yacht Club inne JAPAN PAPER, signed by the engraver. Also ¢ an ordinary Together, 2 pieces. > gel elie Brainerd, number 163. Hither the “B” or “C” ase Gas ail shaded, whereas on the AY plate they were all white. eT Baa ee atk RENCH (Epwin Davis). U-sepe-ars-so- “ap. (“Use Pear Brainerd, number 296. “A piece of ere tee heraldry, a by Mr. French in ing,”—Brainerd. : ; Shit — _ 230. Frencu (Epwin Davis). Lucy Coleman Camegie.. " Cieainans ber 91). 2 copies; John Page Woodberry (Brainerd, nu the “C” plate with {Setebr: of ee Con { ™ =. ix) = ee 4 ry io) Md a) co) Lise ry. tt, je se (qs) — == a Lar) i) pe 5 fy res (= B 6S se (qr) peas “OU Ds caret Lan, Go a8 Ba bP i4ek a (Brainerd, sue 65) : The Oxford Club (irsmeee : ~ AY) AS. Henry Rogers Winthrop (Brainerd, number 120, the “ Set Ye the sky re-engraved) ; Margaret H. Foot (Brainerd es Katherine T. Cary (Brainerd, number 257, Bs re . trunk shaded). Together, ,10 ee sa a S- . R - nf a . * Oe tee, Bes PEE Ci eb. ' “ < e =¢ Tien \ , ata Sons _ > og - ‘Fak ’ “ ‘ = _ ass séom , ; OW aoe , ‘ ’ fa? 20) > See z ~igr*, fale \ a 4 > we = » @ First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES a 31. Frencn (Epwin Davis). Ruth Mary Sabin (Brainerd, number 99, & the “B” plate with horse’s head engraved and golf clubs in corner) ; Jb Valentine Everit and Edith C. Macy (Brainerd, number 68, the ; “C” plate with both names); The Union League Club, New York 7 i (Brainerd, number 157, the “D” plate with floor entirely shaded in \\ , stipple) ; Frank Evans Marshall (Brainerd, number 58, with the added frame) ; A. J. Morgan (Brainerd, number 74, the “B” plate a with portrait of Thackeray erect and younger than in the“A’ plate) ; Hex t- Edward F. Burke (Brainerd, number 104, the “B” plate, catamount being substituted for leopard) ; C. L. F. Robinson (Brainerd, num- ber 158); Robert Sedgwick (Brainerd, number 77, the “B” plate, signed and dated. Together, 8 pieces. 232.’ FrimenDLY Society. Social Library. No. (281). The Property of the Friendly Society, on St. George’s-River, in the County of Lin- eoln. Instituted in the Year, 1787. Revised February 13, 1792. ae Woodeut label, with feather border. ae? Not in Allen. 233. FRoHOCK (Joun—Surveyer-General under William Tryon, Colonial ms 4 - Governor of North Carolina, 1765-1771, and Governor of New York, ae , 1771-1778). John Frohock, His Book. 1767. Woodcut label, with : read : border. — | : cee e An early southern book-label. & , A 234, GADSDEN (JOHN). Name-plate; also name-plates of BENJAMIN GIBBS, ; Junior; THOMAS H. Ginuiss; CHarLtes H. GoopricH; ALEXANDER a GorDON; JAMES GREENLEAF of Portland; Epwarp GRESWOLD; vA BENJAMIN Gray; CHARLES Grant; F. A. Gwinner, and others. Together, 19 pieces, mostly woodcuts of the latter part of the 18th or the early 19th century. 235. [GarDINER (Davip—eighth and last proprietor of Gardiner’s Island, ay under the will of Mary, the widow of Lion).] Armorial, Chippen- dale. No motto, ‘By the name of Gardiner,’ occupying ribbon; in lower margin, the autograph signature in ink of David Gardiner. ay. bi zs is . Similar to Allen, number 294; the shield has the bugle-horns, and not T= gules. : 236. GaRDINER (JoHN, of the Inner Temple Esqr.—a witty and eloquent ‘ase lawyer of Boston). Armorial, Chippendale, slight tear in margin. ne _¥ Allen, number 296. 237. GARDINER (Rospert Hatt Owrit—Maine family). Armorial, not in Allen; SAMUEL GARDINER (of Maine). Armorial no motto (Allen, = number 297) ; Joun E. Gavir. Armorial; Henry Garrett (of Vir- 5 } iF ginia). Armorial, not in Allen; GannaTiIn. Armorial (Allen, num- a > Mei oS Pe ae je Mak First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES [ No. 237—Continued | 238. = 239. Y ew 240. s 241, £V or or ee 242. r © a 2438. ye pO - oe 244, it. A ber 292); Danie, Gites. Armorial (Allen, number 307); WIL- tiam E. Gopparp (of Salem, Massachusetts). Pictorial name- | plate; Tuomas Grozeme (of South Carolina). Armorial, and others. Together, 10 pieces. GARDINER (SAMUEL JoHN—of Boston). Armorial, quartered; Samu. R. GarpNzEr’s (of Boston). Armorial, name on ribbon, above shield ; MontcomMeEry Gipss. Armorial; SAmuEL Murpuy (North Caro- lina Tory). Armorial. Together, 4 pieces. Not in Allen. Gisss (JouHn Watters, Charleston, So. Carolina). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Abernethic Sculpt., slight tear in lower mar-_ gin. . Allen, number 3805. Gites (JAmxES). Armorial, Trophy plate. Signed Maverick sculp. Fine impression, wide margins. [See Plate II. for reproduction. | Gites (James). The same as preceding, cut close, but shows plate- mark. Ax ts Allen, number 308. Gites (JAMES). Armorial, Chippendale; on one side, cannon and American flag, the latter having six stripes, and no field. Motto— “Libertas et patria mea.” Signed, R. Montgomery Sculp., the right margin is somewhat torn, defacing some of the outer shell of the engraving, the other margins show plate-mark. Not in Allen. Very rare, and of more than ordinary interest. THE ONLY PLATE EXTANT OF THIS ENGRAVER. * GitprIn (Henry D.—Attorney-general of the United States). Pictorial, signed, C. G. Childs (Allen, number 310), 2 copies; also an impres- sion of the preceding, without engraver’s name (Allen, number — 311); T. Giuprn. Pictorial, signed C. G. Childs, same as Allen, - number 310, with first name changed to “T;” JoHN GILPIN (Eng= lish Consul at New York). Shield shaped stone with figure of boar, motto ribbon across lower point (Allen, number 312) ; Wi1- ~s CG - iS : . : £ yok C4 iam Giuprn. The same design as preceding, but name on ribbon % i in place of motto, not in Allen. Together, 6 pieces. GirarD CoLLEGE Lisrary. Pictorial, view of building; Pratr INst1- TUTE, Brooklyn. Pictorial seal, view of Brooklyn Bridge, and the harbor; Union Cotiear. Engraved label, with vignette, signed, Batch, Rowdon & Co.; Vermont State Liprary, with yiew of capitol; Library of the West Jersey Academy, shield, with open Bible, and others. Together, 17 pieces. First Session, Thursday Evening, N ovember 16th sa AMERICAN BOOK PLATES — a a 245, GoELEr (PrtER). Armorial, Jacobean; swan on shield, no motto. ere Similar to Allen, number 313, apparently the same plate with the first mate i : : name changed to “Peter, ” Not signed but according to Allen, is probably ee ES the work of Maverick. A very rare and early Bio = ae 246. GourGas (J n. Js. Ju. ata York anhint he eth apparently = — of French make. 3 copies. Det Ss ~ Allen, number 316. Pe _ 247. Granam (Henry Harz—eminent lawyer of Chester, Pennsylvania). a Armorial. Signed, J. Smither sc., ink-stain over name. a : Allen, number 319. > — 248, GraHam (JoHN A., M.D.—of New York). Armorial, ribbon and é s wreath, two storks supporting shield, name in ink, on lower mar- ; gins, slight tear repaired. Allen, number 320. — 849, eae (BENJAMIN—a onthe Boston merchant, of a branch of the see + Rhode Island family). Armorial, Jacobean. Signed, N. H. Sep. _ (Nathaniel Hurd). Allen, number 326. ~*~ 250. ae iss. 1757). Armorial, Jacobean. Signed, N. H. Scp. _ (Nathaniel Hurd). Illustrated in “Art Amateur.” Allen, number 327. This is the same copper as the preceding, with _the date added below name. Kf 251. GREENE (B. D.). Armorial (Allen, number 328); Francis CusHrne Green. Etched plate by Marshall; RoseErt GRAGTE (New York Merchant). Crest only, signed, Lewis Seulp. (Allen, number 317), ES 2 copies; Parrick Grant (Boston merchant). Plain Armorial we (Allen, number 321); and others. Together, 8 pieces. - | 000, Grane (Davin I.). See Revere (Pav). * 252. Le (GuorcE C.). “The Property of George C. Griffin.” Woodcut’ Pea, label, the above caption within a decorative border. Not in Allen. ; 253. GrEENWoopD (Isaac). Pictorial, an anchor enclosed within a circular frame, which bears the name. Allen, number 333. 254. GroiKe (FreDERIcK—son of J. F. Grimke, the celebrated jurist born 3 in South Carolina). Armorial, J acobean, cut close. Not in Allen. 49) 261. Hani (Jamus—lawyer and author of Philadelphia). Armorial, Chip- yk . Allen, number 340. Not signed, but attributed to Turner. 3 gts First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES : SK | ; 255. GuruForD, Connecticut. “Union Library.” Pictorial. The American - eagle, with shield, olive branch, bunch of arrows, and the ribbon, with motto—‘L pluribus unum.’ The motto—‘Improve your hours for they never return,’ appears in a curved line below the eagle. Woodcut. 3 copies. : “in. Hee a Allen, number 336. = 256. GUILFORD (CoNNEcTICUT) Lisprary. Literary. A shelf of books, with a cloth festoon looped above, between which and the shield is an engraved circle with motto and cherub head, in the centre, a winged” _— hour-glass. Not signed, but probably by Doolittle, corners cut square. | | 2 Se eee Allen, number 335. _At about 1800, the library company formed by the towns of Guilford, Saybrook, Killingsworth, and Lyme, was dissolved, i and the town of Guilford formed one by itself, of which ee above is a hg plate. . 257. GuINAND (Henry—of Baltimore). Armorial, Peru a age ae a : legged scorpion on shield, repeated in the crest. : ree sash Allen, number 337. rad 258. GuRNEY (Henry, Hsqr., Philadelphia). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. te Allen, number 338. : he 259. HALE (Ropert, Esgr. of Beverly—grandson of John Hale, who was the " ; “A ereat-grandfather of Nathan Hale—a prominent man of Massa- \ chusetts, served under Pepperell at Louisburg in 1745). Armorial, — F “# Chippendale. Signed, N. Hurd Sep. Fine ied i a Allen, number 339. Pegg hes . 260. Hatt (Hrasmus, Liprary). Allegorical. Signed Maverick sculpt. / — ss New York. The plate is divided into two sections; the upper repre- ad sents Diana directing the attention of a youth to two sernpiles” ane ; “Fame” and “Virtue”; The lower, is a simple wreath, enclosing the a name of the library. 7 Allen, number 257. This library belonged to an Academy which was © ai founded at Flatbush, Long Island, in 1786. se pendale. No motto, good impression. nee a 262. Hatt (TrmotHy). Armorial, Masonre emblems as crest. Small. design, ? neatly engraved, cut close, but shows plate-mark. er eee Not in Allen. ae oe - 263. Hamiutron (A.). Armorial, crest only; tree resting on crown, above, oe ribbon swith word ‘ ‘through ; ” below—“A. Hamilton, South Croft. No. 255,” slightly torn, the number is in ink. Not in Allen. First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 264. Hamitron (Horatio A., OwNER—Yale, M.D. 1821). Engraved name- plate, with festoons. Fine specimen of early 19th century engraving. : Not in Allen. 265. Haminton (W.—of Philadelphia, nephew of Governor James Hamil- . : ton). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, shield with three rosettes ; crest, a tree with tablet containing word “through;” name appears yet ~ as W. (not William) Hamilton, good impression, wide margins. te » Allen, number 345, gives first name as William. 266. Hartson (Ricwarp, Esqr—of New York). Armorial, Chippendale. a . Printed in sepia, good margins. Fine large plate. 4 ty Allen, number 348. 26%. Hartson (Ricup.—of New York?). Armorial, crest only. Signed, : Rollinson sculpt. 2 impressions, one in red and one in blue. To- ~j gether, 2 pieces. . & Allen, number 349. 268. HartrorD (CoNNEcTICUT) LiBprAry Company (now the Hartford Pub- lie Library). Engraved label, name within oblong, surrounded by festoon and wreath. Allen, number 350. ‘~ 269. Harvarp University. Sigill : Coll : Harvard : Cantab : Nov : Abgl : re 1650. Armorial. Signed, N. Hurd sculp. The College shield, Bt surrounded by holly branches, above a ribbon, with motto—‘Detur ie ty digniort.” : : < tee Allen, number 351. The earliest of the Harvard plates. Fine im- a pression. '” 270. Harvarp Untversrry. Sigill : Coll : Harvard : Cantab : Nov : Angl : ‘+e 1650. Armorial. Signed, N. Hurd Sc. Boston. This is the “Gift” plate. The arms of the college are enclosed with a double circle, in ‘which appears the above caption. The motto is just inside, between _cirele and shield; the framework is embellished with a profusion of fruit and flowers; and in place of the crest, a pile of books; on each side of the books, is a slender vase; below this whole design, a gorgeous curtain is spread out, and contains the words—“The Gift of;” this is backed by an elaborate chippendale frame, two globes are at the uppermost part, on either side, with the canephoros head at the bottom. Fine brilliant impression, never used for recording purposes, the place for donor’s name remaining blank. An unrecorded variation of Allen, number 352. Evidently the earliest issue, before the addition of the Sun in splendor above all. First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th : es AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 271. Harvarp Universiry. The same as preceding. This is the “Hancock Gift” plate. Signed, N. Hurd Se. Boston. The design is similar ss to the preceding, the only changes being the addition of the Sun in splendor above all, and the substitution of the engraved name fm ad “Hancock,” for “The Gift of.’ Fine brilliant impression. Allen, number 352. ’ # 272. Harvarp Universiry. The same as preceding. This is the “Thorn- dike Gift’ plate. Signed, N. Hurd Se. Boston. The design re- C mains the same as the Hancock plate, the only alteration, being in ‘ the name, which in the present 1s engraved “Thorndike.” Allen, number 352. ; 273. Harvarp UNIversity. The-same as preceding. The “Gift” plate. De- / sign the same as the “Hancock” plate, but curtain without any ~~ \ inscription, and without name. Signed, N. Hurd. Se. Boston. - \, 274. Harvarp Universiry. The same. A later impression of preceding, { with stamp. : 275. Harvarp Universtry. Armorial, with curtain. A facsimile of the original Hurd plate. Signed A. Bowen Se. The “Hliot” gift plate, 2 copies, one with stamp, also the “Shapleigh” gift plate. Together, 3 copies. 276. Harvarp University. Academie Harvardiane Sigillum. 1638. The ° arms of the college, with allegorical figures as supporters, and a large curtain, left. blank for donor’s name. Signed, H. Billings : Del. (Allen, number 355), 2 copies; Four plates similar to Hurd J plates (Allen, numbers 351 and 352). Together, 6 pieces, one with library stamp. ~ 277. Harvarp Universiry. Collegii Harvardini Alumno, Ex -Test Edvardi Hopkins Armig. 2 woodcut labels, one signed by Josephus Willard, 4 the other by Johs. T. Kirkland; Insrirure or 1770, 4 labels, all a different; Linrary or THE Harvard CoLLEGE ATHEN@UM; A.D. a it Crus. Ex Dono, figure of a large bull, with club’s name, 2 va- e . rieties; Harvarp NaturaL History Society Lrprary. Presenta- tion plate. Together, 10 pieces. 278. Harvard University. Boylston Medical Library. Plain Armorial, - signed, Annin & Smith (Allen, number 99); PROPERTY OF THE ? Boyiston Merpicat Lrprary CamBrince. Plain armorial, signed, . on al Callender Sp. (Allen, number 100). Together, 2 pieces. First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 279. Harvarp University. Hasty Pudding Library. Pictorial. Two Doric re 4 abt ¥ oe pillars uphold a large curtain, which is looped at the top; above a circle enclosing an iron pot, and above all, the all-seeing eye. Signed, Callender Sc. Two copies, one with “Sprague 1842,” on curtain, the other with “Ha done F. J. Child, 1846;” also, a later impression of the same, signed, after Callender Sc. Together, 3 pieces. Allen, number 356. 280. Harvarp University. “K. P. 8.” (Kights of the Pudding Stick). A curtain suspended from the top of two large stone pillars, which are joined at top by a ribbon, bearing the motto—“Fide et amt- citia;” above, a shield divided into three compartments by two bars, in the centre two clasped hands, in others, moon and stars; the crest, a helmet of Jacobean design, supports a large iron pot. On the curtain is the autograph signature of “Henry Thompson 1811;” The Library of the Knights of the Order of the Pudding Stick. Presented by “Henry Thompson, 1811.” Woodcut label. Together, 2 pieces. | Not in Allen. 281. Harvard Universiry. Knights of the Square Table. Armorial, alle- ie 7 gorical. A curtain is suspended in front of the cross-section of a chapel; below is the date 1809; above, a shield divided into two compartments by a bar bearing the motto—“Fide et amicitia,” rays extend outward from the shield; the crest, a helmet, with flowing feathers. | Not in Allen. On the curtain is the donor’s name—“He dono, C. C. C. Tucker, 1824.” 282. Harvarp University. Porcellian Library 1803. Pictorial. A large curtain, looped at top; above two pillars with Greek lettering on bases, joined by a chain which passes behind a medallion on which are two clasped hands; above a circular frame enclosing the hog. Not signed, but resembles the work of Callender. Has several library numbers in ink. (Allen, number 357) ; Porcellian Club. Ar- morial, supporters, two wild boars; Porcellian Club. Name-plate. Together, 3 pieces. Gumus EW - >. ADORE CWIDETAM 3 —Speaker of the first House of Representatives in the Colony of Massachysetts Bay, 1644).] Armorial, J acobean. Impression somewhat faint, \ | | Not in |Allen. One of the earliest bookplates of a Colonial oft of New England,extant. Hathorne came tO Ameria io and settled in Dorchester, in 1636 jhe re ad to Sa ‘and beca Deputy for that district in 1644,~being elected the first speaker of the General Court, which office he held for six years. . ~~ £OQ First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 284. Hay (Samug.). Armorial, ribbon-and wreath. Motto—“Laboranti palma.’ Signed P. R. Maverick Sculpt., small piece torn from top corner. Not in Allen. 285. Haynes (JosEpH). Armorial, Jacobean. Signed, Roberts sec. No motto. : Not in Allen. The only plate by this engraver. ae AN 286. Haynes (JosepH). The same as preceding. 2 copies, both slightly ~ ’ damaged. ae 287. Haywarp (GrorcE). Armorial, trophy (Allen, number 368); M. J. Hay. Armorial, crest only, not in Allen; Wirt1am Henry Hart. Armorial, ribbon and wreath, and deer; Francis L. HAwxs. Ar- morial (Allen, number 360), two impressions, one yellow and the other pink paper; WiLttram Haut Esgr. Armorial (Allen, num- ber 342); J. W. Hamerstey. Armorial, signed Fairthorne (Allen, number 344); O. Haustep (law bookseller of New York). Label, \ WA with portrait of Lord Eldon; Wittiam Ropert Hay. Armorial (Allen, number 363); James B. Hervey. Pictorial ship-label, signed, Lith. of Robertson, Seberts & Shearman. ‘Together, 10 pieces. . 288. HENDERSON (JAMES, WILLIAMSBURG). Pictorial, military, name within border, woodcut (Allen, number 373) ; THos. H. HaNpERson, WIL- LIAMSBURG. Name plate, same as preceding, with change of name; Hueu Henperson, Ejus Liber, 1788, woodcut label; Isaac TatTEM Hoprrts Boox, name plate, and others, mostly woodeut name- 3 * XA lates. h leces, . st plates. Together, 12 pieces AP : 289. HpnxeL (Savut—Was born the 9th January, 1782). Woodcut label, within border, above name, an American eagle with outspread wings, tablet on which is the word “American.” ~~ * Not in Allen. An early American decorative label. 290. Hioxs (Ex1as—Distinguished Quaker preacher). Armorial... Signed P. Maverick (Allen, number 376); another and later impression of the same, with wide margins; Ex1as Hicks. » Armorial, ribbon C7 and wreath. Signed Rollinson sct., a different design, and sfotto from the preceding (Allen, number 377). Together, 3 pieces. 291. Hicks (WHITEHEAD, Esqgr.—Mayor of New York, 1766-1776). Ar- — morial, Chippendale. Signed, H. Dawkins Sculp., shows plate- — mark on all sides, with small margin. | Allen, number 378. . - First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th »- AMERICAN BOOK PLATES fe 292. ‘Hrroxcoox (EH. A., U. S. Army). Pictomal. An Indian maiden, with : beads, is seated on stones, encircled by a large dragon. Motto within circle—“Non nasi Parvulis.” Not in Allen; an unusual design. Ethan Allen Hitchock, was born in Vergennes, Vermont; his father was a circuit judge during Washington’s administration, and his mother was a daughter of General Ethan Allen. He graduated at the United States Military Academy, West Point, and served ten years on the frontier, where his administration as disbursing agent was of great value in protecting the Indians against swindlers; during the Mexican War he served in all the important battles; and later became the warm personal friend and military adviser of President Lincoln. 298. Hopart (JoHN HeEnry—Bishop of New J ersey). Name-plate, in sat border; P. H. Harp. Name-plate, with border; Jonn HeEAtH (Boston). Engraved name-plate, with festoons, and others. ABU e gether, 6 pieces. Sas 294. [Horrman (Puitie L.—of New York).| Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Maverick Sculpt., N. York. Similar to Allen, number 382, without owner’s name. Landscape in- troduced below the shield, a stretch of water, trees, books and writing sda ' 295. Bor ten (SamMvuEL—engraver). Mary ANpErson (celebrated actress). é Pictorial, with view of Ferndale Road, Tunbridge Wells; (Str) Water Besant (eminent novelist). ‘Library interior, 2 states, one on Japanese paper. Henry F. Nutt. Together, 4 pieces. All signed by the engraver. : 296. Point wh (SAMUEL). -Rosert Jackson. Pictorial. 2 copies, one on : Japanese paper; Farrrietp Memoria Lisrary. Pictorial; Frank. Mater. Library interior; Joun V. L. Pruyn. Portrait and li- brary interior; E. J. WHEELER. Pictorial; GEoRGE WASHINGTON. Armorial (after the original plate). Together, 7 pieces. 6 of the above are signed by the engraver. 297 | Horie (SamuzEL). The engraver’s plate, 2 varieties, 1 on Japanese paper in duplicate; plate showing figure on ladder in library ; MapELine CuHartoTrTe Hoyer, 2 varieties, one on Japanese paper. Together, 6 pieces. 4 of the above are signed by the engraver. e 298. Hortyer (Samurt). Mapstine 0. Curvarier. Pictorial, figure play- ing instrument, peacock in background; Rev. W. A. C. CHEVALIER. Portrait of owner, and view of church built A.D. 1230; Henry FisHer Cox. Pictorial ; All proofs, signed by the engraver. To-- gether, 3 pieces. \ > se av a First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th sie AMERICAN BOOK PLATES « 299. Hottygr (S.) AND Frenou (Epwin Davis). A collection of 32 book- plates by S. Hollyer and 4 by Edwin Davis French, bound together in one volume, 12mo. full red morocco, gilt edges. “ The Hollyer plates are all proofs, some on Japanese paper, and all signed. They include,—Madeline Charlotte Hollyer; Frank Mann; Wal- ter Besant; W. E. Gladstone, and others. The French plates are,—Allan C. Bakewell; Henry Blackwell; Henry Clay Frick; William Augustus Brewer, the first three signed by the engraver. Cn 30 HouMEs (OLIVER WENDELL). Crest ete: shell and mane ribbon ; Brn- ) JAMIN Bonp Hopxins. Armorial; Hotyoxn. Armorial, ribbon — and wreath (Allen, number 386); Jonn M. Huger (of South ~ Carolina). Armorial; Rosr. Hystop. Armorial, ribbon and * wreath (Allen, number 403), and others. Together, 1 pleces.)/ ie a 301. -Hotyoke (Epwarp Avceustus—Eminent physician and surgeon of See Massachusetts, performed an operation at the age of 92). Armorial, 7 oe Chippendale. Not signed, but according to Allen, without doubt Lin the work of Nathaniel Hurd. Margins cut close. "4 Allen, number 385. Pa eee ~ 3802. [Hopxins (H. M.).] Armorial, ribbon and wreath, shield with three — pistols and three roses, square bar across; crest, a castle in flames ; on. stand, books, field- glass, and globe. wy, Alleh, number 389. With name in ink. [See Plate III. for reproduction. ] | ae : 303. Hermes (Francis—Signer of the Declaration of Independence). sae oe Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, H. Dawkins Sculpt. Fine im- pression, ‘shows Ye inch margin outside of plate mark, on all sides. t/ Allen, number 390. | eek ye [ See. Plate III. for reproduction. ] : ot 304. Hopkinson (JosepH—Distinguished lawyer, author of “Hail Colum- bia”). Armorial, Chippendale, small hole at end of name, distroy- ae 0 ing the “M.D.” | ee ? as Allen, number 391. Same plate as that of Francis Hopkinson, the Signer, with first name changed, and engraver’s name removed. rh ye: b 305. Horanran Socrery Liprary. Allegorical. Large shield displays the jas Ze picture of the Madonna; the supports are Diana and the Muse : of History; a large pediment supports the figures and shield. __ Bact Signed, P. R. Maverick Sct. No. 3 Crown Street gs ~ fe shah tear. in lower corner. ae, = E » Allen, number 392. =e ae ; Fa ate G 306. Horry (Dan, Esgr.—of South Carolina). Armorial, Chippendale, et wide margins. i ti et CMM ts Allen, number 393. , é PLATE IIIl.—AMERICAN BOOK PLATES Lua BS? i BEE BSS Chon Serbo Af OW os | ‘ VOD nadie Scuthp.! c HURD (IZAAK). No. 3812. KISSAM (BENJAMIN). No. 352 (Engraved by Nathaniel Hurd.) (Engraved by H. Dawkins. ) HOPKINS (H. M.). No. 302. HOPKINSON (FRANCIS). No. 303. (Engraver not given.) (Engraved by H. Dawkins. ) SS SY 307. 308. 309. 310. Cae 311. oy $ 312 4 Br Se. -vidty: 7 a 313. Es : aes S? She Ble, atten (JarED, Esqr., First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th se AMERICAN STARA PLATES Horsmanpen (Danut., Esqr. n@hiet! Justice of New York, author of “A History of the Negroe Plot of New York, 1741,” died at Flat- bush, Long Island, 1778). Armorial, J acobean. Illustrated in, “Curio.” Allen, number 394. HoueH (Isaac—Philadelphia merchant). Armorial in shape, ribbon and wreath, no motto, the ribbon containing the name. Not in Allen. The present copy is mounted on fly-leaf from an old book, and has Hough’s name in his autograph. HuGuEnin. Armorial, Jacobean. Motto—“Malo-mori quam-fedari.” Not in Allen. Hunter (His Excenttency Rosert, Esqr., Captain General & Chief Governour of Jamaica—author of the famous letter on “Hnthu- siasm,” which was attributed to Shaftesbury and Swift; became Governor of Jamaica in 1728). Armorial, Jacobean, no motto. Signed, A. Johnston Sculp., good impression. | Similar to Allen, number 399, where the plate is described as having a motto, but without ee name. .- Hunrer (Witi1am J.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Engrd. by P. R. Maverick 68 Liberty St. N. Y. Allen, number 400. Name of Hurd. Armorial, Chippendale. The above caption appearing on motto-ribbon. On lower margin autograph signature and date—‘“Jsaac Hurd’s 1812.” Not signed, but en- graved by Nathaniel Hurd. Fine impression, shows plate-mark, and good margin. Allen, number 401. [See Plate III. for Reeaceucn on Hurp (Izaac). Hype (Joun, Esqr. of Jamaica). Armorial, Chtppendale; Wm. How- ARD, M.D. (Baltimore physician). Pictorial, large bee-hive on - stone, with name on face, signed E. Mitchell sculpt.; V. E. Horr- MAN (of New York). Armorial; J. Hurt (Revolutionary officer from North Carolina). Crest, with Chippendale border; Isaac Hovenu (of Philadelphia). Armorial in style, ribbon and wreath; Henry Hopkins (of New York). Plain Armorial. Together, 6 pieces. of New Haven Connecticut—Member of the Continental Congress, 1780-1781, Federal Candidate for ‘Vice- Presi- dent in 1812). Armorial, Chippendale, cut close. Allen, number 404. First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 315. [Inetis (AvtEex.—of South Carolina).] Armorial, Chippendale (Allen, number 406); Grorce InGiis (of Petersburg). Name-plate, with ‘, arts woodcut border (Allen, number 407); Huau Inenis Esqr. Ar- morial, not in Allen; Epwarp D. IncraHam. Armorial (Allen, number 412); Epwarp D. InaraAnam. Crest only (Allen, number 413); Hexen Iserin. Armorial (Allen, number 416). Together, 6 pieces. 316. Ineris (SamurL). Name-plate, dated 1773, and other name-plates, — —JoHun W. Jones, Attorney at Law, Westmoreland (C. H.), Va.; a ae a! Ga. J. Jounston, Louisville; Wrtt1am Kerwoop; JoHANN CHRIS- ty \ torH Kuwnzg, Prediger in Philadelphia, and others. Together, 10 ~ a pieces, mostly 18th century woodcuts, with borders. 317. [Ineranam (Epwp. D., 23d. March 1836).] Armorial, Chippendale. -f Similar to Allen, number 410; the same design on shield, the crest being changed to a chanticleer, the Chippendale design is entirely changed, but the motto remains the same, on a ribbon below. The name appears 4S above, in the autograph of the owner, only. 318. INGRAHAM (Epwarp D.—of Philadelphia, eminent ae director of 4: rr the United States Bank). Armorial, Chippendale, printed in red, | Ss cut close. 4 ud Allen, number 410. Illustrated in “Art Amateur.” 4 319. IrepELL (JAmEs—Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, a Jurist from North Carolina). Armorial, Chippendale. a ons Illustrated in “Art Amateur.” ey Allen, number 415. 4320. Izanp (Ratpu—South Carolina statesman, instrumental in securing « y% General Greene’s appointment to the Southern army). Armorial, ¢_ Chippendale, no motto, onde margins. f> \ Not in Allen. ‘321. Izarp (RatpH). Another copy of the above, cut close. 322. Jackson (JamES). Armorial (Allen, number 418) ; [JoHn JEFrFRIEs|, crest only, with monogram “J. J.” (Allen, number 427); JAMES W. Jounston-(of Charleston, South Carolina). Armorial, signed, éj \f 2 C. W. Torbett Sculpt., not in Allen; Tre Brstop or Jamatca. Ar- ASS morial, signed, Griffiths & Weigalls: (Allen, number 421) ; J ARVIS. Armorial (Allen, number 422). Together, 5 pieces. 323. Jackson (W.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, shield suspended from a wall pin, in centre thirteen stars, beneath which is a plow. Jack- son’s name written in ink, and crossed out. by James Brown, who has written his name in ink, both at top and bottom of plate. Allen, number 420. “Perhaps the plate of William Jackson, a prominent - patriot of the Revolution; held many offices.” Bae ee _ First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th =e AMERICAN BOOK PLATES — James (Wm. Forp—of Annapolis and Baltimore, Maryland). Ar- Se _ morial, ribbon and wreath. ‘ Not in Allen. A Rs JARVIS (SAMUEL Farmar, D.D.—Son of Bishop Abraham Jarvis, born ; in Middletown, Connecticut, in 1786). Armorial, literary. Allen, number 423, illustrated. ; 326. JAUNCEY (WiILLIAM—merchant of New York, his father was an emi- ae nent sea captain). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, and two sea- ay i gulls, first name in ink. ; hdl Allen, number 424, where it is illustrated. 327. Jerrrizs (Dr. Joun—Loyalist of Boston). Armorial; also, the same plate, but of later workmanship. Together, 2 pieces. A Allen, number 426, where it is stated to resemble the work of Cal- - lender. Dr. Jeffries, 1745-1819, was a physician in Boston, a balloonist 3 and scientific investigator. He was present at the Battle of Bunker Se Hill, and is said to have identified the body of General Warren after rc the battle. - 328. [Jounson (Sir Writi~1am—Colonial agent of George II. for the con- trol of Indian affairs in New York, 1756; commissioned by Gen- A eral Braddock as sole superintendent of the affairs of the Six United | Indian nations; died in 1774).] Armorial, trophy-plate; the shield with figures of two Indians as supports, and flags projecting beyond the top, rests on an elaborate carved pedestal. Shows plate-mark, and small margins. Allen, number 430; where the copy described, is stated to be the only known one. One of the most typical American plates of the Colonial period ever engraved. A plate of exceptional beauty, and purely Amer-.- ican in design. Allen is somewhat in doubt as to its ownership, stating that it is probably the plate of the elder Johnson, with a possibility of it being that of his son’s. It is undoubtedly however the plate of the elder Sir William, the noted Indian commissioner. [See Frontispiece for reproduction. | 329. JoHNSoN (Wm. S., of Connecticut—distinguished jurist and scholar, delegate to Congress, 1765, agent of Connecticut in England, 1766- 1771). Armorial, Chippendale. Fine impression, with. excep- yere & tionally wide margins. Allen, number 434. 330. JOHNSON (Wan. 8., LL.D.—President of Columbia College, 1787-1801. os | Armorial, Chippendale, good margins, the top nays autograph ae signature of “Samll. J ohnson.” : O Allen, number 435. Same plate as preceding, with inscription altered. 331. Jounston (Joun). Armorial, Jacobean. Not signed. Motto—‘Nun- quam non paratus.” Not in Allen. Franks Collection, number 16604. First Session, Thursday Evening, November 16th 3 hot AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 332. [Jounston (SaMuEL—member from North Carolina, to the first two. Continental Congresses, and in 1788, Governor of the state). Ar- — \\p morial, Jacobean. Motto—“Wunguam non paratus.” KK An anonymous plate, not cited by Allen. 333. JoNES (GaprRiEL, Attorney at Law, in Virginia). Armorial, Harly : 4 } Chippendale. Fine impression, with wide margins. a te Allen, number 440. Poughkeepsie that adopted the Constitution of the United States). 0 3 Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, Dawkins sc.; also, an impression 1 of the same plate, with the tablet containing the owner’s name obliterated, and with D(avid) S. Jones, written in in ink, the C 4 x é latter being a son of Samuel Jones, and first judge of his native — = bs county, while a resident at Massapequa, Long Island. Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 442. The first illustrated in “Art Amateur, ear 335. JuDan (Bungamin §.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Fine impres- , c\bx ee sion in blue, with good margins. Allen, number 444. ick Sculpt. Fine brilliant impression, with good margins. Allen, number 444. I337. Jovan (Bensamin 8.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Not signed. Cate Ae Allen, number 445. os | fist 338. Krarny (JoHN W.—Huguenot family of New York). Spade Armorial. The same design and motto as the Ravaud Bee plate, with name e changed to John W. on ribbon below. — : 4 ding UF Not in Allen. — | 339. Kearny (Ravaup—Huguenot Merchant, New York, 1800). Spade x ce Armorial. Motto—ribbon above all—*Semper fidelis.” Name on. sa ribbon below. Not signed. bhatt ee? Not in Allen. 340. KrrszE (JoHn—early New York auctioneer, noted for his wit). Ar- oe A ae morial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Maverick sculpt. Ay Os CY Allen, number 445. ) t on either side. Signed, Maverk. Sct. Allen, number 446. A very unusual signature for Maverick. Se oe ee / ism cg, , iia ge ‘ 2 z 334. JonES (SamueEt, Esgr.—member of the Constitutional Convention at 336. J upaH (Bengamin S.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Mayer- 341. Kexse (Joun). Small engraved label, with Chinpesente frame, boat | é ‘ «) h ee, i eg ee ee gna es a a a 3 y AMERICAN BOOK PLATES : 32, entre (GEORGE, Carlisle, Penna.). Armorial, with large oak leaf : crest. Motto— ‘Virtue liberty ‘independence. ” Wide margins. Not in Allen. 343. peer ar (Wittram—of Larchmont, New York). Armorial, ribbon and | wreath, not signed. Motto— ‘Feret ad astra virtus.” The design on shield is that of a boar. Not in Allen. 344, SS (Witi1aM, Esqr.—New Hampshire clergyman, born, 1744, died 1818; graduated at Harvard in 1767). Armorial, Chippendale. ee: Motto—“Meliora speranda.” 2 copies, one soiled. Not in Allen. ; 345 | Kemer (Perse, Esgr.). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed J. Lewis se., ee cut-close. “ Allen, number 450. a AT THE AMERICAN ART (GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE’ SOUTH, NEW YORK _ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF THE REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF - AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOK PLATES FORMED BY THE LATE DR. HENRY C. ENO, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS Second Sexsio ii: Numbers 346 to 691, inclusive FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER I7th, AT 3:00 O’CLOCK t AMERICAN BOOK at Gane 346, KEMPE (J OHN Tasor, Esqr.—Loyalist whose estates were confiscated, 7 the last Royal Attorney-General of New York). Armorial, Chip- _ pendale, cut close, but shows plate-mark on all margins. _ Allen, number 451. Bat: Kerr (Revp. R. H.—of Virginia). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. ia _ Motto—*Sero sed serio.” Fine impression. Not in Allen. Apparently engraved by the same engraver who executed the plate for Rev. John Murray. 348. Kerrte (H. ). Armorial, Chippendale. No motto. Signed, N. Kettle ry Seulp. 1757, name in ink below shield, margins cut close. Not in Allen. a tS The only plate engraved by this engraver. . 349. Kary (F. 8., Georgetown—Columbia—Author of “The Star Spangled Banner.”) Uabel, with woodcut type border (Allen, number 453) ; Puiuip B. Key (nephew to the preceding). Label, with woodcut type border. Together, 2 pieces. 350, Kine (Morris). Armorial (Allen, number 455) ; Lronarp Kip (Presi- _—— ‘dent of North River Bank, of New York). Pictorial, signed, B. 4 ~=-- Brown, Se. (Allen, number 462) ; also Armorial of the same owner (Allen, number 464) ; DanrieL P. Kipper. Library label; Jamus KIRKPATRICK. Name-plate, book-pile, woodcut (Allen, ‘number tip 464); AnprREw Knox. Armorial, signed, Fleming sc.; WILLIAM me Gzorce Knox. Armorial (Allen, number 468). Together, 7 pieces. 351. Kintocu (FRANCIS, Esqr.—American student at Gray’s Inn, patriot of ( South Carolina, served on General Moultrie’s staff until 1780, when he was sent to the Continental Congress for one year). Armorial, _ plate damaged at one corner. Allen, number 460. Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th Be AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 352. Kissam (Beny.—Prominent lawyer of New York in the middle of the 18th century). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, H. Dawkins. $= aw, Invt. et Sculp. | ff 4 Allen, number 465. : Pah, [See Plate III. for reproduction.] ~ (358. Knieut (J oN ATHAN—Revolutionary army surgeon, died at Norwalk, pe) Connecticut, 1829). “Jonathan Knight’s Book No. —” Armorial, @ y \}r Jacobean, cut close. BA / og Allen, number 466. } Beha 354, L. Ex Libris L (of South Carolina). Armorial. The shield is enclosed S,. i within a large letter L, a French crown surmounts it, and on a ~ q gy eye Tibbon at the foot is seen “Joe L——” Signed, P. Riera. s ' NY. Allen, number 469. Printed on thin paper. 3 | 355. LAMBERT (WM.). Book label, woodcut, dated, 1798; Epwarp St. Lor — LiverMorrE. Engraved book-label; Joun Lownzs. Engraved Z name-plate, Chippendale frame, 18th century; also name-plates of . “iis y Witt1AM BracH LAWRENCE; L. W. LamsBetH, Lynchburg, Va; re JoHn Law, and others. Together, 12 pieces. Al 356. LAwrENcE (J. THarp). Armorial (Allen, number 474); CHARLES Lawrence. Armorial, not in Allen; THomas R. Lampert (Minis- — ter of Charlestown, Massachusetts). Armorial, not in Allen; An- H+ ° | | Tony Laussat (Philadelphia lawyer). Armorial, not in Allen : © Lancetot Cuarztes Ler (of Philadelphia). Armorial, ribbon and — : \ wreath, not in Allen; Jonn Leacw. Armorial, signed, Callender | at, Sculp. (reprint), and others. Together, 8 pieces. Ss a 357. Lee (Pxinip Lupwett, Esqr. of the Inner Temple London—of Vir- | 9 ~~ 7 y ginia). Armorial, Chippendale, wide margins. 4 A + + Sa ; : Allen, number 479. . ey es 358. Lenox (James). Armorial (Allen, number 483); Epwarp Lr (of a Virginia). Armorial (Allen, number 477); JoszpH S. Lewis ~ 2 3 (Philadelphia merchant). Literary, book-pile, signed, Gray’ by ~ fot «Cy J. Akin; Joun Nerson Lioyp (of Long Island). Armorial (Allen, — 4 number 507) ; ; GABRIEL VERPLANK LupLtow. Crest only (Allen, number 526), and one other. Together, 6 pieces. | 359. LenrHaL (Jon). Armorial, ribbon and | wreath. Signed, Thackara, Bs w cut close. Pe Y Allen, number 481, where it is desétibed as being probably the plate » S/. JL of the noted architect who worked on the buildings at Washington. ~ ~ Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 360. Lewis (Morcan, Esqr.—on the staff of General Gates in the Revolution, in 1792 he was Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, ed and in 1804 governor of the state). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. . Fine impression, good margins. aT ~~ Allen, number 486. : 361. Lippirt. “The Property of Moses Lippitt.” Woodcut label, with type ’ border. Illustrated in American “Ha Libris” journal. Not in Allen. Moses Lippitt, a descendent of John Lippitt, a member 4) of the first legislature of Rhode Island (16386) was born in Warwick, +r Rhode Island, 1752 and died in Providence in 1838; at the age of 22 he was the owner and commander of the “Columbia,” known during the Revolutionary War as the “Frigate Columbia,” in which under letters of marque, he made many captures. 362. Livineston (Arcup., A.M.). Engraved label, not in Allen; JoHn R. Livineston. Engraved label (Allen, number 494); Joun S. -, * 4 Livineston. Armorial, not in Allen, the first name has been = obliterated, and “John 8S.” written in. Together, 3 pieces. See “Ha Libris Journal,” Vol. I, for account of Livingston family. G Tavitgeron (BrockHotst, Esqr.—Revolutionary officer, noted New York lawyer, one of the first corporators of the public- school sys- tem in. New York city; associate justice of the Supreme Court of s the United States). Armorial, Chippendale, fine impression, good margins ; also, leather label, with his name in gilt. Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 492. Illustrated in “Curio.” - 864. Livineston (Epwarp—New York jurist and statesman, mayor of the by fi city of New York, Secretary of State, 1831-33; Aide to General | ; Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans). . Armorial, pictorial. aye Ape 386. Luptow (JoHN Crooks). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, H. D. Se. * Poe (Dawkins). | < i 7 / : Allen, number 529, a A okie on ae a ea sae og 387. LupweLtL (PuHitip, of Green-Spring in Virginia Esqr.). Armorial, HOY wre Jacobean. Fine impressiof, with unusual wide margins. BGs, jb 7 “eo Allen, number 530. =§ | . gee 388. LynpE (NicHo.aus).. “Nicholaus Lynde, Me Inter Sus. ‘ner a i ee 1690.” Woodcut name-plate, with border. | ie J ae An early Massachusetts label, probably printed by B. Green of Boston. i ate f ‘ : he : 389. McCoun (Wm. T.—of New York). Armorial. Signed, Rollinson. S., ee / two margins uncut. a Ryans Allen, number 534. aa Sec oe 4 b -Ae ugha oA / vy 390. M’Creprr (GrorcE, Manchester, Virginia). Name-plate, with deco- A rative border; also the following name-plates—SamMurL MIxTER; ~~ TRUMAN Marsu, owner; CHARLES Maarut, Winchester, two dif- — a ferent designs; JAMES MitLER; JoHN McAuuister; 8. G. Morton, — M.D., and others. Together, 17 pieces, mostly bibsped with borders of the early 19th century. ae e< 3891. [McCusan (Du?).] Armorial, qos Shield Sa cross, on one By side an eagle, on the other, a duck, with head of man, pronged tail, fool’s bells on wing; an elaborate crest of large helmet with ‘flowing Se a feathers, is surmounted by a portion of a figure in armor, in right ee a hand a drawn sword, and in the left, the scales of justice. A ribbon js extends over all, with motto—“Vis nescta vinci sic age ne Beet , below shield, floral spray. An unidentified plate, the name appearing in ink. Not signed, but has every appearance of 18th CORLURE American engraving. ed I AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ae +392. McFaruan (Frepertc—of Poway arial. Armorial (Allen, number MG FS 536); Fras. McFartanp. Armorial, Chippendale. Motto—“This . iy Tu defend, ” on top ribbon, lower ribbon—*“Be Ware.” putoazeph signature in tablet below, not in Allen. Together, 2 pieces. 393. citcrvun (Arcup.—Albany, New York, State Controller). Armorial, Ne ribbon and wreath. Motto— ‘Troimp chruadal.’ Printed in black, # at . 4 on a grayish checkered background, with thistle border design. Not in Allen, an unusual design. 394. McKenziz (Franois, Esqr.—early Scotch settler in Virginia). Ar- — morial, Chippendale. Motto—“Luceo non uro,’ on top ribbon; on q “ei lower ribbon—*Data fata secutus.” Shows plate- mark and good margins. i ia) SRSTA Ved before 1766. Pe 395. McLuan (Hvuew). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Maverick m2 Sct., good margins. a Ye YY tien, number 541. - 896, McLEAan (J OHN). Armorial, decorative. Motto—“Virtue and Honour.” Printed in sepia. * ty Not in Allen. © oe i 397. ‘pero (TENE. Gnat.—of New York). Armorial. Motto—Attera <3 merces” and “Virtus durissima. terit.” ck ae i 5 4 ty Not in Allen. a 398. McVicKxar (J onn—American clergyman, graduated at Columbia Col- Ried lege, born, 1767—died, 1868). Armorial, unknown to Allen; _ 4 CHARLES Marcn (of Charleston, South Carolina). Armorial (Allen, number 552); John McComb. Armorial, (Allen, number 3 Ce 533); BacuE McEvers. Armorial, signed, Lewis 3 Wall St., not on in Allen : W. MrrcHett (maker of American fishing rods). Ar- , morial, not in Allen. Together, 5 pieces. : 399. Magri. (JoHN—of Maryland). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, J. . 4 ~~ Smither Sct., cut close. ne aa Allen, number 547. Plate probably made before 1776. - - 400. Manroaure (CHARLES J.—South ap tie h Armorial, signed, S. Clay- fe ee. ston Sct. N.S. Wales; McKuan (son of the Signer). Armorial ; wt ae Hatt McALwisrer. Armorial, Jacobean; THos. MarKHAM. Ar- morial, ribbon and wreath, siened Harmar sculp. London, 1780; JameES McBripe (of Washington). Pictorial; N. F. R. McGowran. Sword crest, with motto. Together, 6 pieces. _ Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th Bx vs Not in Allen, but similar to his number 540, which must have pach } og) ys ? i i-3 oe Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ay 401. Mann (Jonun Preston). Literary, an outdoor scene, in which the foreground is occupied by a set of shelves filled with books. The Sy » last name only engraved, the first two written in with ink. ea 7 we Allen, number 549. Hxcmssivety Rare. ONLY 2 COPIES KNOWN. | j YO [See Frontispiece for reproduction. ] ° 402. MarBLEHEAD SocraL Liprary. Engraved label, within decorative oval border, signed, W. Barber Sc.; Liprary of the Minor Mechanicks’ Society. Engraved -pictorial label, with bee-hive surrounded by / ee wreath, in oval formed by name; MERCHANTILE Library Associa- : tion. Engraved label. Together, 3 pieces. 3 Not in Allen. pS 403. MarsHaLL (Joun—Chief-Justice of the United States). Armorial, y wd i Chippendale, fine impression, shows plate-mark, and small nee es if 5 gel ik tg on all sides. 7 Allen, number 555. 404. Marston (JoHN—of Massachusetts). Armorial, Chippendale. Motto- ribbon empty. Signed, N. Hurd Sculp., margins slightly torn. / {/' Allen, number 556. Illustrated in “Art“Amateur.” 405. Martin (THE Honste. Jostau, of Antigua Esqr.). Armorial (Allen, number 557) ; THomas Martin. Armorial (Allen, number 559) ; 5 oe Dr. MrppLETon (of Maryland). Crest, ribbon and wreath, not in — ©». Allen; Wittram Minturn. Armorial (Allen, number 581); JAMES — ‘ {' ~ «" —-R, Mercern (early New York bookseller). Bee-hive, surrounded by ~— ves garter, not in Allen; [Dr. McCrea.] Armorial, not in Allen; r THOMAS Morone. Literary (Allen, number 590). Together, 7 — pieces. ee 406. Martin (LurHer, A.M.—member of the Annapolis Convention, 1774; i - A Attorney-General of Maryland, 1778; Delegate to the Continental é pie Rage Congress, 1784-1785). Armorial, Chippendale. - wats Allen, number 558, where it is stated as bea poe ligt | the wore of” A . < Trenchard. eet! (407) Martin (Witi~1Am Bonp—Prominent lawyer of Maryland, circa 1800, z app —~ brother of Judge Luther Martin of Baltimore). Armorial, literary, ey + the shield on pillar in centre of room, with book shelves. Not of ee signed, good margins. f Not in Allen. 408. Marvin (Cuas. A.—of Connecticut). Armorial, Jacobean. Signed, Prudhomme Sc., cut close and top edges rounded, as in all examples _ ys i of this plate. ? 9 We « Not in Allen. Rare. . - - ~ 1 ‘ é - , ‘ “y . ~ de ' x sa Se ied : " oat . ’ i 7 ~ " Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 409. Masonic. Clinton Lodge. No. 143. Emblematic. The open Bible, . lying on a cross, with Masonic emblems, and drawn sword. The Vs whole within a circle, with border, containing the name of the ws ~ \ lodge. Many rays extending outward in a blaze of glory. Woodcut. Not in Allen. Rare. 410. Masonic. Manhattan Lodge No. 62. Emblematic, pictorial, Masonic altar near sea, with Bible, and emblems, Indian and Mason clasping = % hands, and pointing towards moon and stars; ApELPHI Lop«exr, No. 91. Emblematic, open Bible on cross, with Masonic emblems, wood- cut, signed, Lansing. Together, 2 pieces. ‘Massacuuserts Mepicat Socinty. The Property of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Incorporated November 1781. Pictorial. A large curtain, similar to the Harvard College plate by Hurd, is upheld by festoons, the lower portion of curtain left blank for the donor’s name; above, an oval medallion, representing a wounded stag, still . _ twined around his rod. Signed, Callender S. Fine impression, in ” the original state, without donor’s name. Allen, number 563. oi _ 412. MassacHuserts Mepicat Socrery. The same as preceding, but with two additional words engraved on curtain, below the line “Medical Society,” namely—“Hx Dono,’ and below this the donor’s name— “Gov. Brooks,’ governor of Massachusetts, 1816, assisted in forti- fying Breed’s Hill, and died in 1825. Signed, Callender St. 413. [Masterton (Perer).| Armorial, ribbon and wreath, thistles used in the decoration, signed Maverick Sculpt., lower part of plate con- Wynkoop (of New York). Armorial, supporters, bacchantes with at A taining the name of user, cut away (Allen, number 565); PETER ee 4 bottles (Allen, number 960), damaged; BeNgAmMIN PRricE. Jaco- bean (Allen, number 699), corner torn; Davin CoweEtu. Armorial, Chippendale, margins torn; GrtorcE WytTH#, Vireinia (Signer of the Declaration of Independence). Armorial, Chippendale, dam- aged, and others. Together, 8 pieces. 414. Maucu CHuNkK Liprary ‘Company. Woodcut label, with wide deco- rative frame border; Nu Pr Kappa Society. Presentation plate, woodcut, with decorative border; Union Hatt Lisrary, Jamaica. | Engraved label; HaverHitt (Massacuusetrts) Lisprary. Wood- - cut, label, with festoon and portrait; KinpERHOOK Liprary. Wood- cut, oval, suspended from festoon, wreath below, and others. To- _ gether, 9 pieces. =iey with the arrow in his side, and Alsculapius, with the serpent en- ~ —y Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 415. Maverick (PrErrr—Noted Engraver of the Early 19th Century). Pic-_ v, torial, the interior of a library, with youth on couch, reading; oval id Pe frame, with ribbon, on which are the words “The property of “sf Hr Signed, Engrd. by P. R. Maverick, 65 ‘Liberty Street. * 1 tar Allen, number 110; evidently an unused plate, as the owner’s name is eS not printed in as cited by Allen in the plate under his notice. : 416. Maverick (SAMUEL). Engraved trade-plate, with vignette bust of 5 Franklin; ANDREW Maverick. Engraved trade-plate; Sonomon — Weits. Name burnt in paper for bookplate; E. A. HoLyoxKe © (Massachusetts physician). Autograph signature, with seal, and others. Together, 16 pieces. 417. Maxrminian, Emperor of Mexico. Armorial. 2 copies. 05 418. [Maxweitt (Witit1amM—General in the Revolution).] Armorial, rib- arn bon and wreath. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. - / a A od Allen, number 570. An anonymous plate. we a : 419, Mayo (Joun—of Virginia). Armorial, Jacobean. Not signed, cut - 7 close. / t; e Allen, number 568. / 420. Mercer [John Mercer of Marlboro, Fredericksburg, a witness to the will / _ of Mary Washington]. Armorial; another, a later reprint of the / same. ‘Together, 2 pieces, first has corners cut down. The last has YO ] name “Carroll Mercer” below arms. agi f / Allen, number 572. 44 : 421. MeRepITH (JONATHAN, JuNR.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Printed in sepia. Allen, number 573, where it is stated to be apparently the work of a Maverick. 422. Muscuert (Huiztnca—of Philadelphia). Armorial, motto—“Unica Ly virtus necessarva ;” Another, with same motto, but different design, of Moo. with eagle seated on crest. Together, 2 pieces. { , \ ° Not in Allen. «\ 423. MippLeron (PrrEer, M.D.—one of the most eminent medical men of New York in the middle of the 18th century, assisted Dr. John 3 Bard in making the first dissection on record in America). Ar- x} 4y morial, Jacobean. Signed, J.. Lewis se. Allen, number 575, where it is classed as Chippendale, the present — oO” however is a Jacobean type. Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 424. Moar (Horatio ‘SHEPHBARD). Armorial, signed, Rollinson (Allen, man number 584); AuBerT G. Mackey, M.D. (of Charleston, South Carohna). Armorial (Allen, number 546); Marrw. Marriews (of Philadelphia). Pictorial, the all-seeing eye looking down on _ heart, lying on a pile of books, surrounded by clouds, not in Allen; ALLEN McLean. Engraved book label, with background of book- shelf, not in Allen; Prixny Moopy. Book- label, amateur pen and ink sketch, also Samunt E. Mack. Book- label, the last two on fly- leaf from book, circa 1831. Together, 6 pieces. 3 425. Mowo (THE Revp. Mr. Harry—Westchester County, New York). Ar ‘sy —s moriail, Chippendale. Motto—“Dread God.” . f : Not in Allen. 9826. Monroe eee nec dent of the United States. Name-plate, with ae decorative border, 2 varieties. 2 420. “Mowrcosreny (JoHn C.). Armorial, quartered ; S. G. Morron, M.D. a Armorial; JoHN Mactavisi (of Maryland). Armorial (Allen, ave number 544) : J. Dickinson Logan. Crest only; Witutam Os- > ama _# Goonr, Lincoln’s Inn. _Armorial, and two others. Together, 7 ae pieces. ~ customs in New York). Armorial, eheredale Sls of ee q herd boy blowing horn and an almost nude female with cupid hold- YY ing book. Motto—“Nihil utile quod non honestum,” cut close. Not in Allen. Not signed, but is the work of Dawkins. [See Plate IV. for reproduction. ] . Moorzr (Natut. F.—President of Columbia College). Armorial, _ signed, P. Maverick sc. (Allen, number 586); Sr. Henry Moors, Bart. (Governor of New York). Armorial, Chippendale, not in Allen; Sam. W. Moore (of New York). Armorial (Allen, number | 587). Together, 3 pieces. Din (Witi1aM, Esqr.—of Maryland). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Motto—“Auzilio det.” Not sepa a vw Not in Allen. 31, Morris Freie Siatcanen and Senator from New York, mem- ber of the 1st Provincial Congress and of the Continental Congress). Armorial, Chippendale. _ Allen, number 591. Illustrated in “Art Amateur.” From the same ¥¢, copper as the plate of his father, Lewis Morris. 2.7 Morrrs (JamEsS—of New York). Armorial, Chippendale. Allen, number 593. : Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 1 7th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES _433. Morris (Lewis—Father of Gouverneur Morris). Armorial, Cuppy S vu 4 _ dale, good margins. yp Allen, number 594. An impression of the plate, before the name was a es changed to that of the son’s. Oirca 1740. - 434. Morris (Roger). Armorial, Ghinpen tate ie number 595); WiL- - ; = t14M Morris. Engraved label, signed, Shallus Sculpt. (Allen, - tet Ge number 596). 2 copies: LukE Morris. Name-plate, within wood- “| Te . cut border; GouvERNEUR Morris. Engraved label, not in Allen. \ ~¥ > Together, 4 pieces. 435. Murray (JamMEes—of Virginia). Armorial, Chippendale, good margins, “2 but shght puncture in top corner. |~ 7 Allen, number 598. ; 436. Murray (THE Revp. Jonn—emigrated to America in 1770, preached ey in Newport, R. I., Boston, and Portsmouth, and other New England ae bs cities, in some of which he was subjected to violence ;-in Gloucester, 5 a3 Cos. in 1774, he was. suspected as an English spy, but through the yw & exertions of friends was allowed to remain and preach). Armorial _ in form, fine impression. 7 a Allen, number 600. An unusual design, and although not signed, ome more than ordinary interest. he a8 Fe 437, Murray (JosePH, Hsgr., of the Middle Penplese of the first - | Trustees of King’s College, 1754). Armorial, early English. Motto — | —“Nosce te ipsum.” Not signed. Fine impression, shows plate- | YU By ae mark on three margins, pasted on lower corner, is the autograph ‘at signature of the owner—“Jos. Murray.” [or x Not in Allen. An early New York plate, rare. aad 8 Murray (JosepH, Esqr., of the Middle ee Armorial. The _ same as above, but cut close. : ‘ ce :. 439. Murray, Hart or DUNMORE (Governor of New York, 1770 and of vies a ad ginia in 1771). Armorial, supporters, mantling ‘and crown. Mar- = | We gins cut close and corners rounded. 2 a i Allen, number 602. . Bede et. 440. ‘Murray, Eart or Dunmore (Governor of New York and Virginia). 1tU _. Armorial (Allen, number 602), cut down; JouHn Murray. ae | : {— morial, festoons, similar to Allen, number 599. Together, 2 pieces. 441, Nantucket (Massacuuserts) Socrat Liprary. No. 2. Woodcut | 7 label, with festoons and wreath, library number in ink. ae Not in Allen, an early label. Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th ’ AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 442. Navau Puares. U. 8S. Sloop of War Albany. Presented by Citizens Vv of Albany. Woodcut label, with border. This sloop was built in We 1843, foundered at sea in 1854; Canin Liprary. U. 8S. Fuac Sup PowHatTa. Woodcut label, with border. Together, 2 pieces. — * 443, Navan and Miuirary. Bureau of Navigation. Armorial, ribbon and . “) ’ wreath; PrERcivAL Drayton, U.S.N. Name on garter; C. I. ke h yw CieBoRNE, M.D. Armorial, with wide ribbon (Allen, number 169) ; \ and others. ‘Together, 6 pieces. Kay) Nava AND Mitirary Lasets. Ship’s Library, U.S.S. Cincinnati; Ap- , MIRALS Liprary. U.S. Flagship North Atlantic Fleet; U. S.( Fuac-Suie Lancaster; UNITED STATES Marine Hospirau, Chel- ~ S- a Tas cf 2; 1850; Joun H. C. Corrin (U. S. Navy), and others. To- i, .Yane gether, 11 pieces. © mS (445, Nexson (GEorGE, Esqr.—of Virginia, probably the son of the Lord Mayor of London). Armorial, oblong shield, partly surrounded by at ae wreath; crest, a bundle of rye, no motto. Printed in bluish-green “* ink. Fine impression, wide margins. . Not in Allen. 2 446. Newperry (Roger). Roger Newberry’s Property. Engraved label, ars oe with festoon above; the following motto below—“To Virtue & E Shik ey Science attend. And Truth & Justice befriend.” ee Allen, number 605. «447. New Britain (Connecricut) Liprary. An open ring, with the above i caption in circumference, suspended by a string from a ribbon and ep : festoon, wreath joined with ribbon below ring. Engraved, but not “signed. . ae Not in Allen. z 4s) NeEwsuryport, MassacnHuserts. Newburyport Atheneum. Pictorial, . a a large American eagle, about to rise from a pile of books (Allen, fy 2 number 606), Proof impression; Reticious Lisrary, Newburyport. > Woodcut labels, two varieties; NEwBuryportT ATHENEUM. Wood- » * S a , Portrait plate, signed, Engd by R. E. Babson. Together, 5 pieces. z G49> Nuw Haven, Connecticut. “Mechanic Library, New Haven No 144.” —— Pictorial, in centre, man and son working at anvil, ribbon above, ee OG». wy, with motto—“Improve the moment.” | q i, ~ Not in Allen. Ste Oe fine a 450. New Haven, Connecricur. “Mechanic Library, New Haven.” Pic- Brie, torial, ribbon and wreath, in centre, two cupids, with anvil; above, * ie, a pile of books, with rays extending. Signed, Doolittle del et sculp., ft ie .. cut close. Not in Allen. a opie vi cut label; Newpuryport Pustic Lisprary, from the Peabody Fund, AMERICAN BOOK PLATES | ( 451. New Yor. Apprentices’ Library. Pictorial Prsuitann Plate ; Signed A. Anderson Sc., library number in ink. . } Allen, number 610. ak "452. New Yorn. The gift of the New York Society for Bromenoue Christia Knowledge and Piety. Pictorial, landscape; group before missio house, a minister handing the Bible to an old man and his youn. daughter, in the background behind trees, the Bes yee an spe = . \ _ seen. Signed, Anderson S. | 3, Not in Allen. ~ 453. New York. Lewis Bancel’s Academy, No. 52 Provost Street. Certifica for Good Conduct, with engraved vignette, printed in sepia, 1821 Be oe another printed in black, 1813, both signed ; Grotier Cius. An had Ae Exhibition of Book Plates, also, the society’s bookplate; NEw York Srare Lisrary Instituted in the year 1818, C. Pepper, Librarian signed Rawdon & Balch sc., another, with librarian’ s name change to James Maher, and without engraver’s peda -and- bares) —- B, Together, 9 pieces. 2a. ea an 454. New York. The New York ‘Bandas School Union. Pictorial aaa . presentation plate, 2 varieties; Liprary.or THE SUNDAY ScHoor an a ATTACHED TO ST. GEORGES CHurcy, engraved label, with vignet 4 ef view; The Property of the TEACHERS UNION OF St. GEORGE ix New York Ciry,, ate woodcut label ; Several clined dak all of a similar nature, presented by various Bible Societies: to . Defenders of their Country.” Together, a pieces. ay 455. New York Famitizs. John Arden. Armoriale not in Aten 2 aun pc ay JoHuN Batu. Armorial, printed in green, not in Allen; ‘rows tlk Ty~pEN AUGHMUTY. Armorial, sisoned, A. & S. (Allen, - number oF | _ ,. 42); CuHartes Epwarps (lawyer). Armorial (Allen, number 24 3 hae oh Wririam Everett. Armorial aes number pare ot pieces. 456. New York, Mepicau’ Puatss. The Pecperte of the el = PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Se SraTE New York. Woodcut, two varieties; The Pro erty of the ] = ket ‘aS York COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, fine engraved label: signed, Rollin | ‘~~ =, sc. New York; The Property of the New York Hosprrat. Ww : | cut, with decorative border, and one other. Together, 5 aes rf 45%. New York Socrery Lisrary. Designed on heraddie lines, bat pu symbolic, and to a large extent, typical of the arts and sciences. sp \ x has a Chippendale shield, with supporters of Minerva and Mere EAS a. A ta a small plan of a ciy with cathedral buildings appears. at the Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES “Die, 45 %7—Continued] of Minerva, with the word Athenai in Greek TAA Upon a closed chest stands a lighted candle; above all, a blaze of glory, with the figure of Apollo in centre. Signed, E. Gallaudet Sct. Fine Impression, showing plate-mark, and good margins, small library number in ink. ALLEN, number 613. Illustrated in “Ha Libris Journal.” This is the plate of probably the oldest lending library in America. Hon. Frederic De Peyster dated its foundation in 1700 under Bellomont, governor of the Province. The library was the immediate predecessor of the char- tered New York Society Library of the present day. The view of “Modern Athens” is without doubt intended as a view of New York, and as. such, adds greatly to the interest of the plate. VERY RARE. [See Plate IV. for reproduction. | | 458. New York Socrety Liprary. Pictorial. The interior of library is “es shown; Minerva, helmeted, and with spear resting against her arm, is presenting a book to an Indian, who, half draped, is kneeling before her; in the background are well-filled book-shelves with a drawn curtain. The above view is an oval within a rectangle, with tablet below, on which appears the society’s name. Signed, Engd. by P. R. Maverick 65 Liberty-Street. Finer Impression, shows plate-mark, one margin cut close. BEN, number 614. 459. NEw Veni Soorzty Lisrary 1789. Allegorical. Minerva, just alighted ~~~ from the clouds, is presenting a book to an Indian, who half clothed, _ is kneeling before her, with both arms extended, the left reaching for the book, while in his right he offers his tomahawk in exchange. ° The shelves of the library, with a gable top, are seen in the left background. ‘The above view is depicted on a large medallion, which is suspended from a floral festoon, below are oak branches, crossed in centre. Signed, Maverick Sct. Crown Street. Fine impression, showing plate-mark, library number in ink in one corner. Allen, number 615. This is the earlier of the two impressions of this plate, with Indian’s body showing dots instead of lines, as in the following plate, a fact which Allen does not record. The date whigh appears on this plate, is also engraved. 460. N EW y York Socrety Lirprary 1789. The same as preceding, with body of Indian having the straight lines. The second state of the plate. 461. New York Typocrapuicat Society. Allegorical. The American flag, : and Liberty pole crossed through the frame of Franklin’s printing | ‘press; above, a medallion portrait of Franklin, depending from an eagle’s beak. Not signed, but probably by Anderson (Allen, number 616), 2 copies; New York Typographical Society Library. Pre- oe sented by (C. Wiley). Woodcut label, not in Allen. Together, 3 Rapes... pieces. B 4 : : +7} o\s oe fom Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES £462. NicoLtt (BENJAMIN, Esqr.—half-brother to W. S. Johnson). : Jacobean. Motto—“‘Fide sed cui vide.” Not in Allen. Very rare. _ Armorial, Margins cut close. 463. Norris (CHARLES—apparently the son of Isaac Norris the Philadelphia 4 statesman). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, Jas. Turner se. Fine impression, good margins. _ : Not in Allen. An impression from the same plate as that of Isaac Norris, but with the name altered to Charles Norris. [See Plate IV. for reproduction. | Ay co 464. Norris (Isaac—Philadelphia statesman, directed the placing of the : prophetic inscription upon the old Liberty Bell). Armorial. Signed Jas. Turner sc., cut close. . Allen, aiibes 618. Turner, the engraver of this plate died in 1759, he apparently PHPLE TES only four or five plates. 465. O’ConNoR (CHarzes). Name-plate, 18th century woodcut; JoHN Ep- MUNDS, Sussex. Name-plate, with decorative type border, woodcut; Joun Dez Burts, St. Mary’s County, Mary-land. Name-plate, 18th century woodcut; JosEpH G. Brurr, Portsmouth, Va. Woodcut - label, 1828, and others. Together, 8 pieces. 466. O’Connor (JoHN, M.D., Baltimore). Pictorial, figure of female, stand- A) ing on clouds, in her left hand an open book, right hand holding quill; the whole surrounded by wreath with flowing ribbon on which is motto—“The wicked man borroweth & returneth not — again.” Signed, Freeman Sct. | Not in Allen. 46%. OpDELL (JoNATHAN—Loyalist of the Revolution; poet of New Jersey; iE author of “Loyal Verses of Stansbury and Odell”). Armorial, — Oo Chippendale. Motto—‘“Ne quid nimis.” Fine impression, good ~ “. margins. 3 Not in Allen. 468. OaLE (Brngamin—Governor of Maryland, 1798, a personal and political A) friend of General Washington ). Name- plate, with border. Wood- cut, reproduced in American “Ha Libris” Journal. f Oe a Not in Allen. Governor Ogle was born at Annapolis, Maryland in 1746 — ; “# and died there in 1808. 000. OLIvER (ANDREW). SEE REVERE (PavL); also frontispiece for repro- duction. 469. OLIvER (FRANcIS JoHONNOT, Boston). Crest only, with graceful design of festoons enclosing motto and name. Printed in light blue ink, ».~ good margins. torte ; Allen, number 991. 7, PLATE IV.—AMERICAN BOOK PLATES pt Bi a ete yf ethe & apt Lids “dtyled, ® ‘BROTH RSIN UNITY, ? ‘ VALE- -GOLLEGE Tek rosereeert ree RXZ Ske Ces A, La bed Z rowel Zz) SRNR ROL ee ayaun NEW YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. NORRIS (CHARLES). No. 463. No. 457. (Engraved by James Turner.) (Engraved by EH. Gallaudet.) YALE UNIVERSITY. BROTHERS IN MOORE (JOHN). UNITY. No. 756. No. 428. POWNALL (THOMAS). No. 512. (Attributed to H. Dawkins. ) (No engraver given.) vy Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 470. OLMSTED (CHARLES H.). Pictorial (Allen, number 623); H. B. Oum- STED (Horace Bigelow Olmsted of Yale). Pictorial (Allen, num- ber 624); Davip Osporn, watch & clock maker, Lenox. Pictorial, a view of Lenox; also early woodcut name-plates of R. S. NrcHo ts, JAMES EH. Barroxtt of Chester Town, Maryland; Isaac G. Noysgs, Portsmouth, N. H., and others. Together, 16 pieces. 471. Pagn (Francis, of the Inner Temple Esqr. 1703—of Virgina). Ar- , ty 4) morial, early English, cut close, (Allen, number 633) ; Frans Paas, = Middle Aston. Chippendale, signed, W. H(enderson). Together, 2 pieces. : 472. Parker (E.—Medical bookseller of Philadelphia). Pictorial, books and — A) globe, on altar, signed, Engraved by J. Yeager; A. ALLSTON oye PRINGLE. Armorial, signed, H. Hays N. Y., not in Allen; CHARLES Harris Pueurs. Armorial; TuHos. Porrs (of Virginia). Ar- “7 oS, morial not in Allen; Samurnt Pruyn (of Albany). Pictorial, a signed, D. W. Wilson Sc., and others. Together, 9 pieces. (arp! “PARKER (GEORGE Pritis—of North Carolina). Armorial. Motto— “Fortitude in adversity ;” another copy of the same, but with the Jr.” Together, 2 pieces. Not in Allen. ok: following additional words below name—“Legacy from John Parker / 474, PARKER (JAMES). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. ¢ e\oe 4 Allen, number 640. 493. PARKER (JAMES). Pictorial, landscape, with railroad, name in auto- awh . graph. “We Cs Allen, number 641. 476. ParKER (SamuEL—of Roxbury, Massachusetts). Pictorial, Clio, the f 9 4 Muse of history seated upon a bank of earth, handing to a youth on bended knee, a-book. Two impressions, one in black, the other in bluish-green ink. Together, 2 pieces. : Oh A Allen, number 642. 477. ParkMAN (JoHN—of Boston). Name on scroll, lying on bush, signed, Russell & Cutter Printers; also the following name-plates,— Cures B. Porr, 1800; James Powrrs; Leonarp LAwrENcE, New Jersey ; CHARLES ‘O’Connor; CHRISTOPHER J. D. Pryor, Williams- ‘eee burg (Va.); Puitie C. Popsz, Warrenton, N. C.; Ropert WARE PrEacock, Attorney at law, City of Washington; Trmotuy M. Par- TERSON, Botetourt County, Va., and others. Together, 22 pieces, mostly woodcuts of latter 18th and early 19th centuries. Second Session, Friday Afternoon,. November | AMERICAN BOOK PLATES — 478. Parsons (GorHAM). Engraved name-plate, with ieee aes n i 3. ey ber 644); Writtam Parsons. Engraved name-plate, with festoon ~ k ~ Allen, number 645); Wi~Lt1am Parsons. Armorial, tibbon nd Pa wreath, no motto, not in Allen. Together, 3 pees Beet ag WE Sao 4 479. PAscor (Tu0.) Armorial, Jacobean. No motto. | ae bees Scult. ctens : py nd Not in Allen. a Pieces 2 “480. Paterson (Evan, Gent.—of Mayland). ae i Motto—“Such is Love.” Signed, F. Garden ‘Sc., AuTOGRAP sé a g SCRIPTION across foot, the plate has a few slight bare whi | es been repaired, and the Pare rebacked. -.7..)), “Ses eaeeas % Not in Allen. ete. ie : “ 481. Parren (Mrs. R.). Nitee platen The name engraved ¢ © Loa 4 feather, with small ribbon and festoon of flowers. — Sign \ ys ef on ribbon. Sey, at ' ‘aS at, 3] A dainty and well executed vignette engraving. a eet 482. PauLDING (FREDERICK W.). Armorial in form, ‘ribbon and Motto—“Fidelity.” ese ¥ } | Ps Ye ¢/ . Not in Allen. The design of this Slate is none the “Captor’ M eas ae An ancestor of the owner. of this plate was. the Being capt . CA 2 Major André. 3 a p. 483. Prasopy (NatH’ t—Lieutenant-Colonel in the Boraindion: h in New Hampshire to resign the king’s commission 0 Yu ey political opinions; Adjutant-general of the New Hampshire : Name-plate—“The Property of Nath’l Peabody, 11% : i eae’ AY with border. Signed Z. Fowle. | ot 3 | *¢ ” J Not in Allen. An early New Hampsbire label, in ‘the top bor word “Atkinson,” while in the lower, the word “New H V ee 484. PEABopy (N.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Mot oe ( concientia sana.’ Signed, Engd. by 4 Boe R. Ay >. 0 4 Street N. York, rebacked. Slee Not in Allen. Onty 2 COPIES KNOWN. 485. PENN (Titosas, of Stoké pogeis in the County: of ick Wee ah 4) prietor of Pennsylvania). Armorial, early Bngtish, > yD 7 trated in “Curio.” — es ; ) ee Allen, number 655. ie is a i ~ 486. [PEN (THomas—Son 4 William: Penn, pita 2 ts Armorial, the Penn arms, with motto, but without v) Allen, number 657. Thomas, son of William L, yore ie oye Pennsylvania, was born in England in 1702, died there e » Bethy << i% to America in 1732, with power of attorney from his” ae Om od Richard, to manage the estate, in which at this time he OV : interest. He returned to England in 1741, ~ AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 487. PENNIMAN (GuorGE Henry). Armorial; Epmp. H. Penpieron. Ar- rr" morial, signed, J. D. Stout, N. Y.; Guo. Henry Presie (United States Naval Officer). Armorial, with ‘autograph signature; a JosEpH [Poxtiarp] (of Newark, New Jersey, 1761). Armorial, ae hole in plate destroying last name; THomas G. Priotzau (of “eae Charleston, South Carolina). Armorial (Allen, number 705), and as . others. Together, 9 pieces. ~ ____- 488. PENNINGTON (of Pennsylvania). Armorial (Allen, number 658); Ep- Be WARD PENINGTON. Engraved name-plate, with festoons (Allen, number 659) ; Epwarp PenineToN, Philadelphia. Pictorial (Allen, number 660); Henry Prntneton, Philadelphia. Plain armorial, cy notin Allen; FerpINanp PEninaTon. Armorial, Chippendale, not in Allen; C. Pentneron. Armorial, monogram with ribbon and wreath, not in Allen; Witt1am GrorGE PENNINGTON. Armorial. Together, 7 pieces. : . 489, [Pepprretn (Sim Wriniam).] Armorial, Chippendale, good margins, aor small tear neatly repaired. - Allen, number 664. William P. Sparhawk, 1746-1816, assumed the name of his maternal grandfather the hero of Louisburg, and was created a baronet, October 29, 1774. He was an ardent loyalist and his estates were confiscated by Congress. He escaped to England, where he became hag of the American loyalist party. The above is undoubtedly his “plate. 490, Perkins (NarHan, Owner—Minister of the West Hartford, Connecticut, a, _ Congregational Church, 1772). Name-plate, with border. Woodcut. : Not in Allen. - _ 491. PrrRonNEAU (Roper of Charleston, South Carolina). Armorial, Chip- ‘ : ce . oy) * 4 ; : © sy pendale. Motto—“Clarior alter.” Fine impression, good margins. 85 A Not in Allen. : 492. PumapELPuta, PENNSYLVANIA. “Apprentices Library Co. of Phila- delphia, Instituted, 1820.” A group of implements indicative of the work done by the patrons of the Library. Library number in ink, © Not in Allen; being an earlier, if not first impression of the plate cited by him under number 667. The present impression has just below the edge of the engraving, and above the words Science, Art, Virtue, the following inscription—‘“Presented by W. Kneass.” = _ 493. Puitapenputa. “Apprentices Library Co. of Philada. Instituted 1820.” ee Similar to above, without Keass’ name. Another copy, later im- pression; Apprentices’ Library Company of Phila....Opened for Girls 1842, Forest scene, with scroll on rock bearing same quotation from Proverbs as on the preceding plates. Together, 3 pieces, all with library number in ink. Allen, numbers 667 and 668. Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th ant As Avy Vi Allen, number 681. | io OY, in 1812, a grandson of the celebrated diplomatist, Thomas Pinck- Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 494. PuinapELPHIA. “J. Riddle’s Circulating Library, Shakespear Head, ‘O No. 71, South 8th, Opposite to Sansom Strt. Philadelphia.” Pic- — pe torial, with vignette engraved portrait of Shakespeare. . Allen, number 729. 495. PHILADELPHIA. “Painters & Glaziers Arms.” Shield quartered; sup- a ports, two leopards, each with crown; crest, an eagle with spread ie ; wings. Motto—“Love and obedience.’ Signed, Thackera & Val- lance. The above caption in ink, above all. | mea “ > ge ce < Not in Allen, and probably the only heraldic plate engraved bearing “¥ the firm’s name. Allen cites but one known example of Thackera’s book- 4 plate engraving,—the plate of John Lenthall. 496, PHILomATHEAN Society. Ribbon with name, on which rests an Ameri-_ can eagle, with ribbon, bearing date, 1794, woodcut, three varieties, two on blue paper, one with heading “Semi-Centennial Contribu- tion”; Liprary OF THE PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON” CottEcE. Presented by “Rev. Dr. Adams.” The above caption on scroll, leaning against tree, woodcut; Property of the PHrLoma- THEAN Society, name within type-border, woodcut, and one other. — Together, 6 pieces. | ee / 497. PHornix Socrsry. Pictorial, a large shield, heart shaped, with view .— / of a large plantation, with considerable settlement rising in back- f ground beyond a river. , f Allen, number 676. A rare southern plate, the view is probably in- tended for Charleston, South Carolina. : 498. Pickrrtne (Jon, Junr.). Armorial. Printed in greenish blue, PO0d a. se oD py we margins. 2 es AS PREG Allen, number 678. i : 499. Prerce (Writ1am L.—of New York). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. y \e “y Signed, J. Kennedy sc. N. Y., corner slightly torn. PIA ad Not in Allen, the one mentioned by him, was engraved by Maverick. 500. Prerpont (Cuaries). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, 8. Hill, 4) lower margin cut close. : F . ‘ae \ c 501. PincknEy (Cuartes, Esq.—probably the Chief-J ustice of South Caro- lina, 1752). Armorial, Jacobean, motto—“Non nobis solum;~ : iS Cuartes CoreswortH Pinckney (the Charleston clergyman, born ney). Armorial, with same motto as preceding. Together, 2 pieces. 2 Not in Allen. Fi, cade AMERICAN BOOK PLATES Br. B02. | Prsvor (CHas., LL.D.—Governor of Barbados). Armorial, Chippen- | ee ale. a us Allen, 683. , | 903. Prnrotp (Crs., Governor of Barbados). The same as above, with title added. Allen, number 684. fe 504, Pintarp (Joun—founder of the New York Historical Society). - morial, pictorial. Signed, Anderson. Se te 505. Pintarp (Jonn, LL.D.). Ar- rests at the foot of a palm tree, an anchor lies behind it. The same as preceding, but with Greek motto. Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Maverick Sct. Fine impression. Printed in brown ink, Allen, number 686. 506. Pintarp (JoHN—same owner as preceding). yk & 507. PuatER (JoHN R.). Name-plate, decorative scroll border. Signed, F. G.—T. Sparrow. Early woodcut. 2 % 308.1 Potk (James K.—President United States). Name, within ornamental 3 . Py border. 509. Pouttnry (Evan—of Maryland). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, motto Che ribbon empty. : Y Not in Allen. ee: — 510. PowsLt, (SAmvurEL—Mayor of Philadelphia). Armorial, Chippendale. +: Not signed, but probably the work of W. Smith, cut close. ‘a Allen, number 690. 511. PowEr (J anes). “James Power of King William County, L,,S,,D,,— Price.” Armorial, Chippendale. Allen, number 694. B12. PownaLtt (THomas—Lieutenant-Governor of New Jersey, 1755; Gov- ernor of Massachusetts in 1757, and of South Carolina in 1760). Armorial, bookpile. Fine impression, good margins. - si Allen, number 695. , 516. Prionzau (Samuet—Jurist of Charleston, South Carolina, of Huguenot Wie a OH Se ancestors, aided in establishing the Medical College of South Caro- . C/ lina). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Motto—“Parin bello” = = Not in Allen. i laa = ae 517. Provoost (Samurr—First Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New NLorkt> Chaplain of the Continental Congress in 1785). Saml. Provost, — Dy 4 Esqr. Coll. Pet. Cant. Armorial, Chippendale. Fine impression, va shows plate-mark and small margin. ne eee / Allen, number 708. This is the earlier of the two Provoost plates, ae PF with the name spelt with one “o;” as it was not until after 1769 that tt ; Bishop Provoost inserted the additional “o” into his name, it is hardly x _ probable that either of the Mavericks engraved the plate, for it was not be ay until 1786, that the elder Maverick first appeared as an engraver. The plate however shows a strong resemblance to the work of H. Dawkins, in fact the plate is almost identical with that of William Whiteébread (Allen, number 931), the only change besides the name and design on oN shield, being the substitution of a dragon for the spray of flowers on the a upper right hand corner. Compare with Lot Number 736. — DPA a og Lacan | - [See Plate V. for reproduction.] — en 518. Provoost (Samurt). Armorial, Chippendale, an impression with good ~— bi nc Ors margins. . = st ae Ay” LV ed 3 Allen, number 708. The same as above, the ink being of a lighter shade. _ " Sa le 519. Provoost (Samugt). “Saml. Provoost.” Armorial, ribbon and wreath, Poss \' with the bishop hat for a crest. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. IlIus- A fh jae ss trated in “Ex Libris.” : iS Se ae oe é 4 Allen, number 709. This is the second of the two plates engraved fo t/ Bishop Provoost, and among the earliest of the Maverick bookplates. — * 620. Provoosr (Samurn). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Maver- ra i eee Fane > ick Sculpt. Printed in blue. P Bie Allen, number 709. The same as the preceding. oF ti: /521.) Quinoy. (Jostan—Massachusetts patriot). Armorial. 6 varieties. Aa ——— Allen, number 712. . | | Ph te ae sy a y, Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th ee AMERICAN BOOK PLATES _ 922, RannpotpH (JouN, Esar., of the Middle Temple London—of Williams- bs : burg, Virginia, lawyer, lived in England during the Revolutionary Ys ye period). Armorial, late Jacobean. Signed, Bath. I. Skinner, and yet ae dated 1742. Fine impression, good margins. Illustrated in “Curio.” RS a 3 VY Allen, number 713; where it is stated that the date is written in, the ee present copy has date engraved. This plate was first engraved for his ie (: a 5 brother Peyton Randolph, the first name being substituted for that of BS ; his brother’s. : oa —~828.. RanpourH (JoHN, of Roanoke—Virginia statesman, seventh in descent de ‘ 4 from Pocahontas by her marriage with John Rolfe). Armorial. Cs Allen, number 714. yy 524. Ranpopu (Joux, Junr.—of Virginia). Armorial, Chippendale. Ss a Allen, number 715. 1774). Armorial, late Jacobean. Signed, Bath, I. Skinner, and dated, 1742, shows plate-mark, and small margin, small puncture in lower part of shield. ms Allen, number 716. The original impression, before the change of the first name to that of his brother “John.” The date is engraved in lower i oe left hand corner, a fact not cited by. Allen. UR goee gars The date on this plate places the same seven years earlier than the ae re Thomas Dering plate, the first plate signed and engraved by an Amer- oe geo ay ican engraver; thus ranking the Randolph plate as the earliest signed ‘Ate aie and dated American plate, although of English workmanship. _ 526. Rarupone (JoHN, Jun—director on the first board of the New York -_-~—— and ~Erie Railroad Co., 1832). Armorial, not in Allen; GrorcE Poa RicHarpson (of Virginia). Armorial, Chippendale, not in Allen; igs YX.7 Witutam Rioxers (of New York). Armorial (Allen, number 728) ; ' THomMas Ropsrns. Engraved name-plate, with background of book with festoon border, printed in sepia, and others. Together, 7 pieces. | ' 627. [Rarrray (Joun—Judge of the Court of Admiralty, South Carolina). oad Armorial, Chippendale. Motto—“Hz hoc victoria signo.” cy Not in Allen. : Tae 528. Ruap (Cras., of New Jersey Esq.—tfather of Colonel Read who figured ~~ in the “Joseph Reed Controversy”). Armorial, Jacobean, corners weet) rounded. — eo: Allen, number 721. + __-view of the library building, two varieties, both woodcuts; Repwoop Z Liprary. Engraved name-plate, two varieties, large and small; Repwoop Library & Athenaeum. The King Collection, David King, Crest, with motto ribbon. Together, 5 pieces. a BRB, RanpotpH (Pryton—First President of the Continental Congress, shelves and mantle; Joun F. Roorpacn. Engraved name-plate, - yy 529. Repwoop Lisrary, Newport, R. I. Rules for the Management, with: y 7 \ h ? Second. Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th chilean teraction AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 530. Rers (Jamus, Philadelphia). Engraved name-plate, on ribbon, with 4 festoons. Signed, S. Folwell sculpt. tan Not in Allen. A dainty label. The engraver executed only a few Sis v ' fh No v4 plates, the present being the only one in this collection. Ly [Ne 4 531. Remsen (Henry—member of several committees of New York, during Cys Be the Revolution). Armorial, Chippendale. Motto—“Otiwm labore.” Not in Allen. 532. ReveLey (HENRY). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, F. Kirk Se. Sey Se Allen, number 725. j Pi 7 ; S33. Revere (Paun). Greene (Davin I. of Massachusetts). Armorial, Chippendale. Motto—‘Nec timeo nec sperno.” Signed, Revere — 4 ~ sep.. Fine impression, wide margins, one untrimmed. a iw, Allen, number 329. [See Plate V. for reproduction. | a8 ae 534. Revere (Pau). [Greene (David I.).] Armorial, Chippendale. Fine ~ ny impression, wide margins. : i es Allen, number 329. An impression (circa 1800) from the original plate, after both the user’s and engraver’s names had been obliterated. 535. [REvERE (Pavx).] Oliver (Andrew—Massachusetts Colonial Statesman, ~ ; distributer of stamps under Hutchinson). Armorial, Chippendale. Motto—“Pax queritur bello.” Not signed, but by Paul Revere. | J Ye Fine impression, shows plate-mark and small margins, slight tear in one corner. pave Allen, number 625. The following is an extract from a letter by Mr. Clarence S. Brigham, librarian of the Massachusetts Antiquarian society, i who bases his information on facts derived from the Revere Note-Books _ AP os in the society’s possession—“The Andrew Oliver plate, although unsigned, _ ‘i is undoubtedly by Revere, since it bears all the ear-marks of his work, and the mantling is almost identical with the Chandler, Sargent, Greene _ plates. The Perez Morton plate, also unsigned was engraved by Revere in 1784, as he Charges Morton 18 shillings for “engraving your arms on copper.” 24 [See Frontispiece for reproduction. | 536. Ropprns (Puitemon). Name-plate, woodcut, dated, 1755; also the — LK following name-plates,—WiLt1am H. RicHARDSON, Richmond, Vir- x ginia; GEORGE B. RaPELYE; Eunitcz Ricuarpson (Salem lady); — James ReES; JOHN R. RHINELANDER, with skull and cross bones; ~ Reusen RowiEy; JoHN CAMPBELL RILEY, Georgetown, DD. Ghee Grorce C. M. Roserts, M.D., Baltimore; and others. Together, aed 15 pieces, mostly woodcuts, with borders, early 19th century. Be hs, 537. Ronatps (THomas A.—wholesale & retail Bookseller and Stationer, New York). Engraved business label, with script, in border. Signed, — P. Maverick sc. Newark, N. J. . Ae Gas coe Not in Allen. . Age ad PLATE V.—AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ee ‘alte bug ie Cllr RiCunt a orem alt 0 pe: , Vit Annapolis) 2 oi a ant peenn sR oe OI Pe cette ani ethene Sees oe ue Seat raise WHITEBREAD (WILLIAM). No. 736. PROVOOST (SAMUEL). No. 517. (Engraved by H. Dawkins. ) (Attributed to H. Dawkins.) GREENE (DAVID I.). No. 533. STEWART (ANTHONY). No. 662. (Engraved by Paul Revere.) (No engraver given.) * ” cut to plate-mark. ; Allen, number 764. Gi n - 4 ? ' vy \ ees i chic. 4 oy * ’ Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th etl AMERICAN BOOK PLATES y 547. Scorr (Gustavus—Virginia lawyer; member of the association of Free- | (0 men of Maryland in-1777; one of the originators of the Potomac A je PIX _ Canal Company in 1784). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Fine ; ‘D os - impression, wide margins. , a Allen, number 765. ties ere Ae ae 548: Scorr (Joun V. D. S.—of Catskill, New York). Armorial, ribbon and : 4 ate ey Allen, number 782. 7 Coe ys # 4 — Lf é > 4 1S.) Second as at le . OB oy ; | : \ | Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th oH AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 564. Sire (DanteL). The Property of Daniel Smith, jun. Name within i border, above all, the American eagle, in claws, a bundle of arrows, and olive branch. Woodcut. Signed, S. W. Clark’s Print, Hudson (New York). ; Not in Allen, circa 1800. 563, Smira (Isaac, Jun.—early settler of Smithfield, Virginia). Woodeut ff i } : ? f name-plate with decorative border circa the latter part of the. 18th | century. Ne 566. Smirno (James Scorr—of New York). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, | Pe books and writing material below ribbon. Signed, Maverick, Sculp., Bae, pe good impression. a ox” Thy uo 1A Allen, number 792. PA f 4 in) 4 : * eo SS 4 Es = a Re : . eee é “ 5 Ty 567.. SmrrH (Joun A.—Virginia doctor; President of William and Mary © College, 1814-1826). Pictorial, name on rock, with trees and land- — scape. pik as Allen, number 793; a charming name-plate. 568. Smrru (NaTHan, Hanover, New Hampshire). Woodcut label, with bor- Tepe 669. Sui Re | ie ; eA Ue 4 570. SmirH (Samuet, Esqurre—of New York). Armorial, pictorial; a 2 der; [G. A. Suiru.] Portrait plate (Allen, number 791), 2 — copies; SamurL SmirH. Engraved name-plate (Allen, number 798): Witt1am H. Smrrn (Philadelphia). Pictorial, group of females, signed, Engraved by John Sartain, not in Allen; also woodcut name-plates of—Hazie~ Smiru, Carpenter, New York; © Rocrr SmitH; Freer Smirn, Leesburg, Virginia, and others. To- | gether, 11 pieces. — Pie TH (Rospert—Major-General of Virginia). Armorial. Allen, number 797. P cherub is seated on the left, holding an open book, his companion ~ is blowing a horn, while pointing with his left hand to an open book, — lettered—“Laws. of New York,’ in the sky, another cherub ap-— proaches. ‘ a) age Allen, number 799, a charming design. : 571. SmitH (SYDNEY L.—contemporary engraver). Atwater’s Assembly : Hall, (engraved after the original, 1800) ; Bangor Public Library, — Hersey Fund, (both states, one on Japanese paper) ; Bangor Public | Library, Mechanic Association Fund, (both states, one on J apanese — paper); Adaline B. Bead; Charles J. Bonaparte; W. H. Chase; — John Dane; Charles J. Grove; Henry Jackson, (after N. Hurd) ; : Newton Theological Library; John Boyle O’Reilly, (both states, one proof on Japanese paper) ; J. B. Troy. Together, 15 pieces. » ” Tie p. — : Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 572. SmituH (Srpnny L.). Frederick Thayer Hunt; The Newton Theological Institution; W. H. Chase; Charles J. Grove and another (Japanese Together, 5 pieces. , “Ub \) Ag holding scroll), ALL PROOFS on Japan or cartridge paper. 573. SmirH (Tuomas, Esqr.—of Virginia). Armorial, Chippendale. Motto—“Mensstbi conscia recti,’ margins cut close. Not in Allen. ov4. SmitH (THos., Junr. Esqr.—of New York). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, books and writing material inserted below shield. Signed, Maverick Sculpt. Allen, number 801. The design of this plate is the same as that of the James Scott Smith plate (Allen, number 792), but evidently of a iS later and better workmanship. aye Aaa ol de i % 575, SmirH (Wir~1amM—of Massachusetts). Armorial, Chippendale. Not signed, but without question by Hurd. a impression, good mar- gins. Allen, number 803. The design of this plate is almost identical with that of the John Vassall’ plate, the framework being decorated with festoons of flowers. a 576. Smiru (WiLtiamM, Esqr.—of New York). Armorial, Jacobean. 1 4 Motto—“Optimum est aliena frut insama,” Signed, Gallaudet Se. is wide margins, slightly soiled. Not in Allen; this is undoubtedly the plate of William Smith, the Kine torian, author of—“History of the Province of New York,” 1762. VERY RARE. sdb. Surrm (Wii11aM, A.M.—of New York). Armorial, Jacobean, cut close — to plate-mark. Allen, number 805. 578, SMITH (Wrutiam, LL.D., Charleston S. Carolina—statesman and lawyer). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, cut close. Allen, number 806. Ce 579. Surra (Wittiam P., A.M.). Armorial, Jacobean. Signed, Thomas Johnston Sculp., badly cut down, in some places to edge of en- graving, last letter of degree “M” missing. Allen, number 808, where it is stated as being the most ambitious Jacobean plate of our early period, and probably the plate of William Peatree Smith of New York. Illustrated in “Art Amateur.” Johnson lived in Boston, 1708-1767, and was probably the earliest American en- graver to sign his plates. ae ft & a Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 580. Socrety ror-PropacaTine THE GospEL tn ForerGN Parts. Sigillum lished thirty-nine parochial libraries in the Amercan Colonies, for the Societatis De Promovéndo Evangello In Partibus Transmarinus. Pictorial Allegorical, representing a ship of the society, with its missionary approaching the shores of America. An oval bears the © Latin inscripion and a broad ribbon underneath the following— * “The Gift of the Society for propagating the Gospell in Foreign parts. 1704.” A large three masted ship with a tall missionary — standing in the bow, with outstretched hand holding the Bible, is approaching the shore, where several savages are standing; in the sky, the sun bestows his blessing, and a serpentine ribbon in mid- _ air bears the motto—“Transiens adiuvanos.’ Fine dark impression, showing plate-mark, and margins, the latter having been cut down. Illustrated in “Curio.” . | Allen, number 810. This is the First Stare of this plate, of which Pe Allen cites but two varieties; undoubtedly however, three if not four . variations are extant—see numbers below. In the above plate, but two sailors appear on board, one on the front halyard, and’another in the act of lowering a ‘sail; on the bank, but . thirteen savages are shown, while the extreme left end of the cliff, has coast line distinctly marked. The bodies of the savages are black; Thos ke face of the sun, as well as its rays are very sharp and black, the latter, peteay being short. eines The society grew from the efforts of Rev. Thomas Bray, who estab- purpose of propagating the doctrines of the Church. With the growth ae of the society, and its library, the plate used for its bookmark, received slight additional touches before a new supply was printed. : i rie fis ° i a ig / Sheed 581. Socrety ror PRopaGATING THE GosPEL IN Forercn Parts. Pictorial 582. Socrery ror PROPAGATING THE GospPEL IN ForEIGN Parts. ' Peearad feo: * nm he * " ry oh i me eka ; eal i ; rte 4 wie" ¥ a aan a “a nay Be J 4 i? / f oy ‘ [ou {7 -} ¥' if q as P Yi/ f ff all if sf y / % i i Pn . ae 7 ty 4 Allegorical., The same as above. Evidently a later impression from the original copper. | ee This is a later, if not an entirely new plate. The number of Indians ‘ remains the same, but their bodies are in outline, as are the figures of the sailors on ship, whose number has been increased by an additional sailor. The sun’s rays are extended, so as to penetrate the motto- ribbon: the coast line is fully extended; but the flag, which in the preceding is almost black, in the present has only a few horizontal lines. _ a vd ' iS, eg Armorial. The same as above. Brilliant impression, with good mar- gins. Dae Evidently the final state of the plate. The Indians have received an addition to their number, in the form of a figure behind the trees; their _ bodies are slightly shaded. ‘The sailors on ship, have also been increased to four, their bodies being black. The left hand of the missionary, Ieay 2? “\.~ entirely changed from that in the two preceding plates. The sun’s rays — a are further extended, so as to penetrate the top masts of the ship. The flag is changed, showing a distinct cross. The extreme left of coast — ri line is altered, so as. to make line less distinct. This and the inllowing ss three lots are identical. Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 583. SOCIETY FOR PropaGaTING THE GosPEL IN’ ForEIGN Parts. Pictorial Allegorical. The same as above. Fine brilliant impression, geody, margins. ‘ Identical with preceding. Allegorical. The same as above. Fine brilliant impression, slight tear in one margin. Identical with preceding. 585. Society FoR PROPAGATING THE GosPEL IN ForEIGN Parts. Pictorial Allegorical. The same as above. Fine impression, good margins, embossed stamp in top corner. Identical with preceding. 586, Souter (Boston family). Armorial, two crowned eagles as supporters. ae Motto—“Vestigia nulla retrorsum.” Printed in light green, margins cut close. | Not in Allen. _ 587%. SpENCELEY (J. WinrrepD). J. Winfred Spenceley. SpEcraL Proor, ae ae 19 of' 30 issued, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. , This and the following 66 lots (numbers 587 to 653 inclusive) by = J: Winfred Spenceley ‘is, we think, the most complete collection of the + artist’s engraved Bookplate work that has ever been offered for public THE ORIGINAL DRAWING BY THE ARTIST. WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS, THE ENITRE SERIES IS PRINTED ON JAPANESE PAPER. As most of the collectors of Bookplates by Mr. Spenceley possess the checklist entitled—‘A Descriptive Checklist of the Etched and Engraved Book-Plates by J. Winfred Spencely,”’ it has been thought unnecessary to give references as to the numbers of the plates in the volume. PENCELEY (J. WINFRED). Bessie Hastings Williams. Proor on cart- ridge paper, probably only a few (five ?) issued. SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER, AND WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION TO Dr. Eno. os) SPENCELEY (J. WiNnrreD). , “An Old Picture.” By James Boyle ae O’Reilly. 4 stanzas, with. vignette at head of plate. Proor, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. fo} SPENCELEY (J. WINFRED). George Foster Barnes; William Carver Will- iams; David W. Cheever; Frederick Henry Prince. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. ‘Together, 4 pieces. 591. SpeNCELEY (J. Wrnrrep). Billerica Historical Society; Margaret Van A ie rv) Zandt; Andrew Smith of Whitchester; Browning Society. ALL ; PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. i i aN oe sale at one time. PRACTICALLY THE ENTIRE SERIES CONSISTS OF PROOF / ; a+ IMPRESSIONS SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER, A FEW BEING ACCOMPANIED WITH “584, SOCIETY FoR PROPAGATING THE GospPpEL IN ForEIGN Parts. Pictorial yer Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES / xe 592. SpENcELEY (J. WINFRED). Robert Stanton Brewster; H. O. Havemeyer, ~ ‘ OD. oH " Jr.; E. L. W.-W. M. 8.; Charles Edward Holbrook. ALL PROOFS, quer “) apXir’ SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. | “i 593. SpencEeLEY (J. WinFrED). Eben MacBurney Byers. _PRroor, SIGNED en BY THE ENGRAVER; also, the ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING from which the plate was made. Together, 2 pieces. pate . SpENCELEY (J. WINFRED). Minerva Cushing Crocker. PrRoor, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER; also, the ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING from which the plate was made. Together, 2 pieces. . SpencELEY (J. WinFrED). Dartmouth College Library; Dorothy Fur- man; James Hobart Moore; Joseph Manuel Andreini. ALL PROOFS, — SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. hl a . SPENCELEY (J. WiNFRED). Mabel Eleanor Dick; Alice R. Studebaker; Nathaniel Henry Burt; Charles Stewart Dawson. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER, the last named with a remarque. To- gether, 4 pieces. ik 5 eS . SPENCELEY (J. WinFRED). Zalla Allen Dixson; Jennie Prince Black; The Alton Road; Ohio State University. Outhwaite collection of works on. the Civil War. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER, the first named with remarque. Together, 4 pieces. ~. — Coty ae . SPENCELEY (J. Winrrep). Alice A. Dodsworth (2 varieties, one a oe -pRoor, signed by the engraver); Henry Ladd Corbett; Fred Erwin Whiting; Mary Florence Taft. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE EN- GRAVER (with the exception of an ordinary impression of the first *named). Together, 5 pieces. ae ‘ 599. Spencetey (J. Wrnrrep). Tracy CO. Drake; William M. Derby, Jre3 ps se Boston Public Library, both states; Library of the University of —— Oe a Th “Missouri, the Gift of Dr. A. Litton, St. Louis, 1898 (3 copies); | Uso 2? Charles Fry; H. 0. Havemeyer, Jr.; Marianne Beers Sterling. To- las Qu gether, 10 pieces, several being unsigned proofs. So a 600. SpencetEy (J. WinrRED). Frances M. Du Val. ORIGINAL PEN-AND ~e a wr INK DRAWING; Dudois Henry Loux; Georgia M. Lee; Maud Teahon lh ll viet 4 and several others by the same engraver, also 2 of his circulars. if + ak y- Together, 10 pieces. } : ie: O— 601. Spenceney (J. Wiyrrep). Levi W. Eaton. Proor, sigNED BY THE _ ENGRAVER, and with remarque and inscription to Dr. Eno, in the ey, O- engraver’s autograph ; also, another PROOF, SIGNED BY THE EN- a Fe GRAVER, with remarque; also the ORIGINAL SEPIA AND PENCIL DRAW- — 2 pe Ae yr ing from which the plate was made. Together, 3 pieces. Vag Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 602. Spencetey (J. Winrrep). Henry Kidder Gilbert; Allene Le C. Mer- ¢ ee eu rill; Maude Heyward; William Whiting. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY “4, ., © nae THE ENGRAVER. ‘Together, 4 pieces. | Joy 603. SpENcELEY (J. WinrRED). ——— Graycroft; George Lauder Jr.; Uni- 9" : versity of California. In Memoriam of Marivs J. Spinello; George / |S to : OW Herbert Palmer. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. To< ™ ' 2 Ser gether, 4 pieces. : er = 604. SpencELEY (J. WINFRED). Randolph Clark Grew; Hotel Touraine, Ss 2 Boston; Henry Sargent Codman and Philip Codman; Walter Con- IT # oh _ way Prescott. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER, the latter / / ‘ y ad with remarque. Together, 4 pieces. es s ea 605. Sppnceney (J. WinrreD). Robert Sever Hale; Library of the Uni- versity of Michigan; Henrietta Eleanor Robinson; Charles Wiluam “? f ; Qa & Chase. ALL PROOFS; SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. j| * epee 606. SpENCELEY (J. WinrrED). Gardner Greene and Hester Lathrop Ham- i ight 4 mond; Frank W. Hastings, Jr.; Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ee to the Public Library of the City of Boston; Berthe L. Welch. AL / “~ PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. . 608. SpenceLEy (J. Winrrep). Norman W. Harris; Noble Foster Hoggson; |” . aikee J. Winfred Spenceley, 2 states, 1 with arms, 2 with row of books. a an | ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. % 609. SpencenEy (J. Winrrep). Harvard College Library. The Gift of sy eo, ve Archibald Cary Coolidge, Class of 1887; Mellen Chamberlain ; Kthel- fs co Dare Q bert Ide Low; Hannah Adams Pfaff. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE Se. 4 ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. . erate) sy 610. Spencetzny (J. WinrrEeD). G. G. Haven Jr—E. I. Haven. An unac- Ey cepted plate, printed with green ink, and one of five copies made. ; a ? Also letter, 2 pp. by Mrs. Spenceley to Dr. Henry C. Eno regarding ei ChAT the plate. Together, 2 pieces. 611. SpENcELEY (J. Winrrep). William F. Herrin; Susan E. P. Forbes; / | € Zella Allen Dixson; Melchor Ocampo Manzo. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED 4 -- : lena Qu. BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. | 612. SpanceLey (J. WrnrreD). Noble Foster Hoggson; M. M. Sands; Pub- ¢ lic Library of the City of Boston; Mary H. Fee. ALL Proors,/ / ne ) okey SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. Ne Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th si AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 52 7, 613. Neutcies (J. WinrreD). E. N. Hewins; Minnie C. Holbrook; Ghaples! 7 E. Cameron; 2 states. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER, the Hs Ow last named with a beaver remarque. ‘Together, 4 pieces. es 614. SpENCELEY (J. WINFRED). Oliver Wendell Holmes. PROOF on glazed Ld hh board, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. oi rae f ¥F Partly engraved by Mr. Spenceley, and his first plate. i oo 615. Spencetry (J. Winrrep). Martha Houghtaling Ingalls; Charles ie Aas aye ee Livingood ; Elizabeth Hitchcock Brayton; George S. Chambers. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. | hoes 616. Spencetzny (J. Winrrep). Josephine Elizabeth Izard. Proor, sigNED a os Ue, Ges BY THE ENGRAVER; also, THE ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING from e's [~ we QL which the plate was made. Topemes 2 pieces. “i 7 ig. hoa 44> oe Fa ‘ 5 ee, Piet 617. SPENCELEY (J. WINFRED). Maria ifoya King; Charles Mary Little ; Ss me bs, ern e: — 8 and Henry Dickinson Deere; Julia Fol er Corson; Helen Clay tae hy 5, 3 Uy g ty SO" gs* GQ. Frick. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. Se A, | 4 ha: amy 618. sebaer (J. WINFRED).. Jane Sherrill Knowles; Eleanor Whitney 6 : Cintas Charles Harvey Bentley; James Cowan Greenaway. ALL Ow proors, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. he ae ys 619. Siekounay (J. WINrRED). Philander Chase Knox: W. B. Lede : vik a ¥y Georgia Medora Lee; Lowell M. Palmer. Att PROOFS, SIGNED BY | mee Sr HE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. \ cy de “ncn O80. SPENCELEY (J. WINFRED): George Lauder; Atherton Clark; ; Philip a l $e , Keene Lydig; Margery Willard Watson. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED B bd i THE ENGRAVER. ‘Together, 4 ieces. ae, a fo hove : g P : ae he: ad 621. SpeNcELEY (J. Winrrep). Library of the New Theatre, Sew York Boi Es 1D City ; Joseph Husband; Jacob Chester Chamberlain (noted collector “ae wat ER Dare of first editions of American authors) ; Helen Pierce Metcalf. ALL — fr Peg Q_ PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 ct 3 AR : 622. SPENCELEY (J. Wrnrrep). Mitchell Public Library, Tulisdale Michi- ; Mg me ee “er es ¢ gan. The bequest of Charles T. Mitchell; Charles Phelps; Both the L foregoing unsigned PROOFS; also, Andrew Smith of Whitchester. as ae 4 copies, all slightly different in the printing. Te 6 pies) a ene Se sy 623, SpENcELEY (J. Wrnrrep). Horace Sweeney Oakley; George Clifford ie Thomas; Charles Rathbone Ballou; Thos. N. Miller. ALL PROOFS, ae p y._ SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4. pieces. : ’ / Ye vA a ee Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 7 - ‘ : d é . ners set Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th ™~ ~ “AY ree , > 634. SpE @ 4 af “+t Ow a 635. SpENCELEY (J. WinrrED). Redmond Conyngham Stewart; The Zeta Psi Club; Harvard College Library. The Gift in Memory of George Augustus Nickerson, 1904; Adrienne Adams Wickham. ALL - PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. - | AMERICAN BOOK PLATES NcELEY (J. WINFRED). Charles Stewart Smith. PrRoor, SIGNED BY ~ THE ENGRAVER; also, the ORIGINAL SEPIA DRAWING from which the =< plate was made. Together, 2 pieces. : ioe ~ fey Fhe : 636. Spencetey (J. Winrrep). Sunday School Library, First Presbyterian . | ) - Je ¢ Church, Chicago; M. K. G. (floral interlaced monogram, 2 states); Samuel Strong Spaulding. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Ve QO Together, 4 pieces. 637. Spuncetey (J. Wrnrrep). Matthew Henry Taylor; Marie Winthrop; Kak 4 Prrit & “641, SPENCELEY (J. WinrreD). Willbam Cushing f Wait Adele Tylden oe aes . *) ~ . HSsv ‘ Yaa & gether, 3 pieces. ! ; a f i } ‘ a, 7 alt . x “f QAP a 638. Spencetey (J. Winrrep). Mathilde BE. Thebaud; Adrienne Adams Oa y 642. SppncerEy (J. Wrinrrep). The Washington County Free Library, v7 ye George H. Mifflin; Arthur Franklin Johnson. ALL PROOFS, ~— , SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. ‘Together, 4 pieces. 2S \ Wickham; Charles Edmund and Anna Bristol Peck; (Albert C. Q f : co ‘ ° G. Bates) ; ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces.” - 639. SpencELEY (J. WinrrED). Linda Thomas. PRooF, SIGNED BY THE = ENGRAVER; also, the ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING from which the plate was made. Together, 2 pieces. ¢ ee 640. Spencetry (J. Winrrep). H.C. M. Thomson; Alice Root Atkinson; : Ralph Oliver Smith. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Tose Low; Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater; William Archer Butter- — field. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. Hagerstown, Maryland. 2 states of the plate, both with autograph = annotation by Mr. Spenceley, (1) “H. D. French electro as com- pleted by J. Winfred Spenceley, Jan. 11, 1908.”; (2) “Electro iat ate from E. D. French plates. The original border but new portrait as sent to me to complete. Sgd. J. Winfred Spenceley, 1907.” Q. Also a letter signed from Clara Spenceley to Dr. Eno relating to ee the plates. Together, 3 pieces. Cm eye 643. SpENCELEY (J. WINFRED). John Wingate Weeks; John Hays Gardiner. he “> 3 plates (2 unsigned, 1 proof signed by the engraver); Winfred = Porter Truesdell; Margaret F. G. Whitney. ALi proors (with the ~ ore exception of the two unsigned Gardiner plates), SIGNED BY THE EN- ( Netto. Graver, the last named with remarque. Together, 6 pieces. he ‘Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 644. SpenceLEY (J. Winrrep). A. Welch; George Higginson, Jr.; Uni- versity Club of Chicago; Robert and Herbert Scoville; aLL PROOFS, OS ate BY THE ENGRAVER. ‘Together, 4 pieces. 3 - 645. SPENCELEY (J. WinrrRED). Charles Goddard Weld; Lois Kellogg; Francis Sanford; C. Will Chappell. ALL PRooFs, SIGNED BY THE : ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. pen sas 2s 646. Spenceney (J. Winrrep). Julia Bradford White. (Both plates) ; 4 Grace Anderson Smith; Library of the University of Missouri. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. Bos 647. SpENcELEY (J. WINFRED). William Pierson Medical Library Associa- wr 2 tion; Ezra J. Warner; Arthur Curtiss James; Roxana Atwater a Deira. gether, 4 pieces. 648. SPENCELEY (a: Winreep). Bessie Hastings Williams. Proor, stGNED | BY THE ENGRAVER; also, the ORIGINAL SEPIA AND PENCIL DRAWING from which the plate was made. ‘Together, 2 pieces. aL 649. Spencetny (J. Winrrep). Lucy White Williams; Maud Teahon; A Gift to the City of Keene, New Hampshire, in memory of George ENGRAVER. ‘Together, 4 pieces. BE 650. SPENCELEY (J. Riaacch) Henry Rogers Winthrop; Herbert Spencer Allen; Robert Gorham Fuller ; cieien Vernera Drake. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. a 651. Spencetzy (J. Winrrep). Fred H. C. Woolley; John Edward Devlin; Henry Sturgis, 2 impressions, 1 on India paper, 1 on bluish card. ALL PROOFS, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER. Together, 4 pieces. 652. Spencenny (J. Wrnrrep). Andrew Christian Zabriskie. Proor, SIGNED BY THE ENGRAVER; also, THE ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAW- ING, FROM WHICH THE PLATE WAS MADE. Together, 2 pieces. 653. SPENCELEY (J. WINFRED). , eae f ; ‘ eA ‘ | $56. Squire (THo. MDCCXVI). Armorial, Jacobean. No motto, not ee signed. ouat: / {0 sr, 3 KX Not in Allen. | | ie é ioe eh A | 657. ae tla (Witi1AM, JuNnR., Boston). Engraved name-plate, — name * "one within an oval spray ; above, the sun’s face with extending rays, in "den \ upper portion of which appear the words—‘Sol Federalis;’ two re *) | JY . Wo * loops formed by spray below owner’ s name contain the words— / i “Washington,” and “Hamilton ;” below all, the motto—“Od1 profa- e/ num vulgus.” pore Rees Not in Allen; a daintily executed design. oo Re oe a ee 658. SrackpoLte (WittraM, JuNR., Boston). Engraved name-plate. The oo sv same as above, but a PROOF IMPRESSION, with the owner’s name and ay place only ; before the teas of the word in loops, and ea a Es Ly y the motto. : . feral | ony Sranrorp (Joun). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Motto—“Verwm tia hos “ae dicit.” Fine impression, good margins. Gy bee Not in Allen, but euident iy a member of the same Stanford family, e cited by Allen under lot 818. a 660. Sranrorp (THos. N.). Armorial, ribbontaid Wweenae ‘Signed, Rolline i ae Ane. Mme ©, Allen, number 818. : 661. STEARNS (of Massachusetts). Plain Armorial. | ' Allen, number 819. ‘ v4 Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th . we wa ed BODE PLATES 668. ‘Sopwanr (ANTHONY, Annapolis, Maryland—owner of the Brig DP adiy ‘Stewart’ which was burnt to the water’s edge at Annapolis on October 18, 1774, because she was partly loaded with tea). Armorial, Chippendale. Fine i impression, good margins. — a Allen, number 824. One of the finest examples of Chippendale, among { P bs American plates, the above being in a state of perfect preservation, with ps - wide margins, and two of the edges uncut. The connection of the owner, with the tea troubles in Maryland make it doubly interesting. [ See Plate V. for reproduction. ] 663. STEWART (JAMES, New Yoork—a mb reliant, whose name appears on the ‘Poll List for 1761). Armorial, Chippendale. Printed in sepia, “ cut close, shaving lower portion of name-tablet. Allen, number 825. al . 1755). Armorial, J acobean. Not Len circa 1745. Tllustrated Wg ’ iy in “Ee Libris J oupiol, Veils 3 oF 4 Allen, number 828, with degree added to name. Boat * 665, Stockton (RicHarp, A. M. —Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and father of Commodore Stockton of New Jersey). Armorial, \ Chippendale, with books on either side of shield. Fine impression, good margins. — ' Allen, number 830. 66. Sroxe (J osEPH—early Connecticut organist). Engraved name-plate— ; “Joseph Stone’s Property ;” below, an open hymn book, lying on an- ) other book, the whole within a double-line border. Signed, J. Allen SCL. : ; : Not in Allen. Joel Allen, the engraver, was self taught, beginning vy work about 1779. ' A 2 : ° | ° ° Pas 667. STRANGE (Tomas LuMmispEN—Canadian). Plain Armorial. Motto— ‘ : “Be just and fear not.” ra / Pe ix e. Not in Allen. ¢ : 68. STREET. (Aveustus Russett). Plain Armorial. Motto—‘Non nobis | ra solum nate.” ; | é /. 4 ey ‘ed Not in Allen. am ak Ad 27 eee but was dismissed by Congress in January 1777). Armorial, Chip- pendale with supporters of cupids, and female Heute. ‘Signed : . D. Fecit., cut close. Li . lH ts number 834, a characteristic Dawkins plate. « PMatyiand, he Biceanene the Ee in the invasion of Canada, Ks bt ! | J &, ry ‘ " my, e,.Y ot J VW & A Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th ‘ 670. 671. recat, 4) ¥ PP uN ns Lv. KK 677%. re Teg on SY Cy : Swerr (J. \B.). . Tart (Roya C.). AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ° SULLIVAN (JAMES—Maine statesman, member of the Massachusetts — Provincial Congress, 1775, author of “History of the District of Maine,” and several other works). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Motto—“Modesha victriz.’ Signed, J. Hapa scpt. Fine im- pression, good margins. Not in Allen. The present copy has “1786” written in ink, below the name. [See Plate VI. for reproduction. ] SuMNER (CaroLinE 8.). “The Property of Caroline Sumner, Otis, Mass.” Name-plate, within an elaborate border. Signed, Painiee by. G. W. Whipple; dated, December, 1827. Lae ~ » Not in Allen; a note on verso, by the late owner, states, that this is very rare, only 4 copies being known. SUMNER (THos. W.). Engraved name-plate (Allen, nner 839); rie W. H. Sumner (of Dorchester, Massachusetts). Armorial (Allen, > number 840); Guo. ALLEN. Armorial (Allen, number 993). To- | Mw gether, 3 pieces. 3 . Swan (JAmMEsS—merchant and _ politician ; member of the Boston’ Tea- Party; wounded at Bunker Hill). Armorial, pictorial, a Scotch- man in tartan, and an Indian holding a tobacco-plant. Signed, Callender Sc., somewhat rubbed. a Allen, number 842. . Swerr (J. B.—John Barnard Swett of Newburyport, Massachusetts). ~~ Symbolical plate, representing the profession of medicine. In the upper part a corpse has been laid open for examination, three cupids - are in attendance, while a fourth reads a book of reference. Below the name, the serpent of Aisculapius is twined about a rod. Allen, number 843. é Symbolical plate. The same as above, but colored by see an amateur. Illustrated in Allen. Pictorial, interior of library, woodcut on china paper, signed, Linton; James Tatntock. Armorial, not in Allen; © Gro. T. THacHEeR (of Yarmouthport, Massachusetts). Armorial, — with owner’s autograph signature, not in Allen; Grorce A. THuRs- ~ ton. Armorial; J. WincATE THORNTON. Armorial; Torrey. Ar- — morial; CHARLES HENRY TurNER. Armorial; IscHaBop TUCKER. Armorial, ribbon. and wreath; and others. Together, 13 pieces. TAYLOE (BENIN. OcLE—of Maryland). Library Interior. Allen, number 845. This is undoubtedly an impression from the same plate as that executed for John Tayloe of Mount Airy, Virginia, the ee” name having been altered for the present owner, otherwise the plates ae are the same. » a PLATE VI.—AMERICAN BOOK PLATES WILSON (JAMHS). No. 746. (Attributed to Nathaniel Hurd.) VARICK (RICHARD). No. 705. (Engraved by A. Billings.) a i Been sibel Hiram ise ii : be Be : ‘i MMMRES « AMAA TTL VIO Sbakenate sot TEN BROECK (JOHN C.). No. 6838. (Attributed to Maverick. ) SULLIVAN (JAMES). No. 670. (Engraved by J. Callender.) i~ ‘ a + % * Ma a . e : ~ “t : ‘ # a : ‘ ; . a ae i ~ - “ r . Ln ~~ , ’ ‘ a © P i " m i s - . - ra i t ‘ ’ « -r. P * J , ba - i x x ‘ Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES te. TayLort (JoHn, of Mount Airy Virginia). Library interior; a large shield resting against a pillar, in background a set of bookshelves, over all a draped curtain, margins cut down, but shows platemark and small border. Allen, number 846. Bright impression from the original plate, before the name was changed. John Tayloe, son of Colonel John Tayloe, was born in 1721; he was known as the founder of “Mount Airy,” where he built in 1758, ‘a magnificent mansion-house, memorable in the social annals of Virginia. He was a member of the King’s Council, and of the first Republican Council, and a friend of Washington. 679. Taytor (Joun, of Mount Airy Virginia). Library interior. The same as preceding; the impression is not quite as bright, but the margins\ are good. Allen, number 846. as 680. Taytor (Puitip). Pictorial; the name appears between two trees, ae which are joined by a flowing ribbon, on which is the motto— pos: py “Scientia beati sumus,”’ landscape below, with windmill and house. ae Se Not in Allen; an unusual, and pleasing design. _ 681. Taytor (Samuzt—of Charles City, Virginia). Armorial, ribbon and ey: . -, wreath. Motto-ribbon occupied by name, no motto. ee = Not in Allen; latter part of 18th century. Le a 682. TAZEWELL (JOHN, of Virginia). Armorial, Chippendale, wide margins. cy Allen, number 850. om TEN Broeck (JOHN C.—Revolutionary Soldier, with Washington at Valley Forge, and in many important battles). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Fine impression. AY Allen, number 851. Not signed, but according to Allen, probably by ane oo A charming design. ONLy 2 COPIES KNOWN. [See Plate VI. for reproduction. ] 684, THomas (Isatan—Massachusetts printer and publisher; founder of the American Antiquarian Society). Armorial, Jacobean; also portrait. The 2 pieces mounted as one on 4to, card. _ Allen, number 853. The plate is unsigned, and there is some dispute over the actual engraver, Allen says that it is attributed to Johnson, while Goodspeed of Boston, attributes it to Paul Revere. - 685. Tuomas (Isaran). Armorial, Jacobean. The same as above. The yi : bookplate only, with margins cut close. (. | c / Second Session, Friday Afternoon, November 17th - a AMBERICAN BOOK PLATES UY 686. THomas (JosHuA). “This Book belongs to Joshua Thomas’s Circulat-_ Bf ing Library, opposite the Treasurer’s Office, in Boston . . . . Book- Ape a: Binding Business carried on and Books and Stationery for sale ne? as usual. 1793.” Woodcut, the above eaption within oval, sur- | Va. rounded by rectangular border, containing book-piles, and floral — S wreath. ; Not in Allen. An early Boston label. / 687. Tuomaston. “No... . The Property of the Proprietors of the Social Library, in the Town of Thomaston, formed into a Society in Janu- fs =f ary, A.D. 1800, according to the Statute; from a division of a oA former Friendly Society.” \Woodcut label, the above caption, within HALAS decorative border. | lab © \ Not in Allen. /\ 688. Tuompson (Ropert). Armorial, square shield, with motto, three im- fy pressions, on white, yellow, and brown paper; The same arms, on f 7 heart-shaped shield, with wreath, but no motto (Allen, number oN Y 856); James Tomson. Armorial, signed, P. Maverick, Durand \ A es & Co. (Allen, number 855); Jams THomson. Crest only; JOHN \ Cy Tomson. Armorial, Chippendale, not in Allen. ‘Together, 7 pieces. | | 689. Tompson (WiitM., Esgr.). Armorial, Chippendale, cut close and somewhat rubbed. | Allen, number 857. 690. THorNTton (Witt1am—of Virginia). Armorial, Jacobean, with framed ~ trav border. OA AS Allen, number 859, circa 1745. 691. THornton (Witn1am). Armorial, Chippendale. No motto, wide margins. | | > hy & Not in Allen; but evidently a member of the same Virginia family as_ ae, “i Pr. ¢ sites by Allen under lot 859. AT THe AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK -UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF THE REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOK PLATES, FORMED BY THE LATE DR. HENRY C. ENO, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS Third Session, Numbers 692 to 1037, inclusive. _ FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER I/th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK i AMERICAN BOOK PLATES—Continued a 692. TILGHMAN (Jacosus, ArmMr. Annapolis—member of the celebrated Va Maryland family of the middle of the 18th century). Armorial, eo t vy. Jacobean. Motto—“Spes alet agrecolam.” "he Cc, Not in muller: . 693. ToUSARD Beth aur Louis pe). Mr. le Cher. Tousard Chevalier de : Vordre de St. Louis, et de l’association de Cincinatus. * Pictorial, 4) > trebhy, cannon, flags, sword, and landscape. Motto ribbon above — all—“Unis pro honore pro honore et alter.” Signed, Avril Sculp., - margins cut close. Not in Allen; a plate of exceptional interest. Tousard was detached by the French government to assist the United States, as early as 1776, and highly recommended by Franklin; he arrived at Portsmouth, on April 20, 1777, with cannon, clothing, etc. for 10,000 men, and served during the remainder of the war. The plate contains some remarkable features, and according to an article by F. E. Marshall, in “Hx Libris,” is the only known plate containing the mention of membership in the Society of Cincinnati. Dlustrated in “Hae Libris.” é 604. TowNsEND (JosepH, Baltimore). Woodcut name-plate, with border of trees and foliage, signed, Warner & Hanna Pr.; JosmepH THaw. * 4) Name-plate, with eagle holding a festoon in beak, ‘printed in black, another without eagle, printed in red; also name-plates of Epwarp W. Trent, Richmond, Virginia; Joun ALLEN THomas; THO. B. THOMAS, Northampton, 1813; RospErt TURNBULL, Tatatah) Virg.; Joun Louis Taytor; THomas STEWART Tratuu, M.D., and others. ‘Together, 20 pieces, mostly woodcut of latter 18th and early 19th viet 695, Tracey (N ii attnte Sa? Aadidshisettny. Armorial, Chippendale. ee Signed, N. H. sep. (Nathaniel Hurd). Good impression, showing _plate-mark, and small margin. as Allen, number 863. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES . ~ 696. Tucker (Ricup.). Armorial, Chippendale, no motto, margins cut close. — mt Not in Allen. 697. TURBERVILLE (GrorcE Lex, Virginia). Armorial, shield on breast of a an eagle. Motto—“Omnia relinqutt servare rempublicam.” Allen, number 866; a-very unusual design. i, “A sk CY y g 698. Tyne (Dupitey ArKins—lawyer of Newburyport, Massachusetts, db i% of Dudley Atkins, changed his name on inheriting the estates of James Tyng, of Tyngshorough, Mass.). Armorial, ribbon and — Y 3 he _ wreath. Signed, Callender Sct. Fine impression, good margins. - A a (Jf Allen, number 872. The present copy has donor’s autograph inscrip- _ i tion across top margin—‘Society of the Sons of Dues Academy ign : ( the honble.” | im \ \ 1 Ps , o\,/ 699. Unprruitt (RicHarp C.—District Attorney for Kings County, New )D Veg York, in 1853). Armorial. Contains family name only as A / NPE in Allen. : : is oO : | Allen; NorMAN FITeERALD Untackk, Lincoln’s Inn, 1805. Ar- fe ‘ty mana not in Allen. : | "01. University Cius, WASHINGTON. Architectural. Etching, signed, ot ce a : Sandhana Del. two varieties, one in brick-red, the other in green; — Tt \ r A . University Cius, Boston. Decorative, and one other. Together, C0 7a EA 4 4 pieces. \ iat coe te 702. Van Buren (Martin—eighth President of the United States). “M. V. bi Buren. No. 162.” Name-plate, engraved label, with festoon. ; C } Sy CJ Allen, number 879. With blank leaf trot book’ containing signature— — 4 ‘d AG “M. V. Buren.” a 703. VAN ReNssELAER (K. K., Esqr.—of New York). Armorial, ribbon and ~ vay wreath. Signed, Maverick Sep. ; eg /) , C ee (_/ Allen, number 883. | rr." “Amor et amicitia regnent.” Not in Allen, and not signed, the design on shield, is a steer’s pad , che and three arrows. Undoubtedly American, and ‘of the latter half of the | = 18th century, possibly a member of the Van Scaick family of Albany, — one of whom—Sybrant—was mayor of Albany in 1756-1761, and another t v was a noted Indian fighter. 4 7 . UNIACKE yeti JoHN, Esgr. 1801—Governor-General of Canada). — ‘Armorial (Allen, number 873); Revp. FirzGERALD UNIACKE (of — Halifax). Armorial, signed, Tobett Sc. Halifax, N. S.,. not. ny 704. Van Scuatcx (JoHN Gerse). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Motto— . Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ny e - AMERICAN BOOK PLATES “4 ‘- 705. Vartok (RicHarp, Esa.—Colonel in the American Revolution; Mayor oa of New York city in 1801, and with Samuel Jones revised the laws a z)) of the state in 1786). Armorial, Chippendale. Signed, A. Billings k a Sculpt. wt Allen, number 887. The only specimen of this engraver’s work in : this collection, and among the earliest of plates in which patriotic features were introduced. The shield contains the representation of Ss 3 justice in the form of a female figure, holding scales in one hand, and a sword in the other; the supporters are, liberty with cap on end of staff, and war emblems, including the ea States flag; also cupid, with book and quill. . [See Plate VI. for reproduction. |] sion-house used by General Washington as head-quarters, and later the home of the poet Longfellow). Armorial, Chippendale. Bril- Pp | lant impression, with good margins. ae | Allen, number 888. i VassaLL (JOHN, Esgr.—tLoyalist of Cambridge, Massachusetts, his man- 4) it 7. VASSALL (JOHN, Esqr.—same owner as preceding). Armorial (Allen, a! number 888); Wituiam Vassauu. Armorial, heart-shaped shield, g and like the former, without motto, not in Allen; Dr. Vassauu. Armorial, with motto-ribbon—“Saepe pro rege, semper pro re- publica,’ not in Allen. Together, 3 pieces. i 708. VAUGHAN (BrENgAMIN). Armorial (Allen, number 889); SAMUEL ae VauGHAN JuNR. (of Maine). Armorial (Allen, number 892) ; By: SamuEL VaueHan Esgr. Armorial (Allen, number 891); Wu11- 4 LIAM VaucHAN. Armorial (Allen, number 893); Erasmus " i: VauGHAN. Armorial, Chippendale, arms similar to William Ag wh Vaughan, not in Allen; S. Vauenan. Armorial, shield quartered, ay .” not in Allen. Together, 6 pieces. Samuel Vaughan settled in Hallowell, Maine, he was intimate with 3 re General Washington, Priestly, and other leading men of the day. Ben- cigs, jamin, his son, was born in Jamaica, in 1751, and died at Hallowell, a December 8, 1835. . . 709. Vaux (Epwarp—of Philadelphia). Armorial (Allen, number 894) ; 7a Van CortLanpt. Armorial (Allen, number 880); [J. P. Van Ness.] Armorial, with name in autograph (Allen, number 881) ; STEPHEN VAN ReENSELAER. Armorial, similar to Allen, number ' Cy 885, signed, J. EH. Gavit sc., another, without signature, and others. Together, 8 pieces. 710. Vavasour (Jos1as SHortT). Armorial, Chippendale, with supporters, one a masked harlequin, the other a fashionably clad young lady. Signed, H. Dawkins Sc., cut very close, and one corner slightly torn. Allen, number 895. . Nei che v number 143); Mr. Bevertry, Trin. Coll. Armorial; not in Allen; ~ ee. Ae 4 SK Ae | : P : ro D “ Third Session, Friday Evening; November 17th Sus ae ee er ee 4 . 4 AMERICAN BOOK PLATES es / %11. Vircrnta. Library of the Adelphi. Edge Hill School, Va: In the — ; centre a shield, with clasped hands and motto, also date 1856, the __ whole surrounded by a decorative scroll border. Signed, Lith of — Ritchie & Durinavant Richmond Va. . A Not in Allen. | , a ’ 4 oe ee 12. Virernia Councin Cuamper. Armorial, quartered, showing arms of — ws England, Scotland, Iréland-and France; supporters, two men in | es complete armor. Margins cut close, but showing plate-mark. = 4 Allen, number 897. Illustrated in “Curio.” Rs #13. Virernta Faminres. Humphrey Ambler, of the Middle Témple, Esqr. Armorial, shield quartered, no motto on. ribbon, not in’ Allen; 4 Gaprizt Cay. Crest, name enclosed in Jacobean frame (Allen, J. G. Brurr. Shield with inscription—“The Propérty of J. G. Bruff, Portsmouth, Va. 1833,” supported by tree, not in Allen. Together, 4 pieces. feet 3 | | vl Ss ee Ss 714. Watnack (J. W.—Theatrical Manager, founder of Wallack’s Theatre, Este New York). Armorial. Motto—Cor et manus concordant.” Cor- ners cut. 2 ae POPs, Not in Allen. Ra ena ore ¥15. Waiter (Witum., Esgr., Virginia lawyer). Armorial, Chippendale. fue. Motto—“Haéc fructus virtutts,” corners torn. — Hori na ee Allen, number 905, where it is stated to be without motto. Very Rare. — a Tere ; 716. Watmstzy (I., 1792). Armorial, Jacobean, no motto, very wide mar- ay 4 gins, the lower part of shield colored by amateur. Hie f: Allen, number 906. , Pe ee rao 2 ; ' Pays ri , 4 ” ' as rls rene te _\ 717. Watmestey (JoHNn). Armorial, Chippendale. No motto. ee Ne att , ‘ é UX ct / Not in Allen, circa 1760. : : an Pye ; : if 718. Wats (ReverEND E., of the Episcopal Church in Erie ‘County, New York, of Irish descent, native born). Armorial, Chippendale, not signed. Motto—“Fortis mihi deus.’ Fine impression, on thin — =} . pata} 2, AY paper. Wetiinarie f Q Not in Allen. 'This plate was apparently made for one of Mr. Walsh's *® ancestors, the first name being later obliterated from the original copper \s and the plate used without the first name (as in the presént copy) by the » — above named descendant. . ay a ieee | A yh i . 7 —— 4 ieee we) Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES 719. WARNER (Guorce—of } New York). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. = Motto—“Crua christi gloria christian.” Signed, Warner Sculpt. :, 3 4). Fine impression, but cut close to plate-mark. aN Not in Allen. The present is evidently the engraver’s own plate, and “3 as the only specimen of his bookplate work in this collection. G. J. Warner, = dy whose career is obscure, was working in New York in 1796, only two or three specimens of his engraving are extant. 3 720. Warren (JoHn O.—eminent surgeon, and medical writer of Boston, Ke Ss Massachusetts). Armorial, pictorial. 4 Allen, number 908. | wal. aS (Samvue.). Armorial, ribbon and wreath, not in Allen; GEORGE © 4 Wasuineton. Armorial, facsimile; JoHN WasHINGTON. Ar-’ - morial, also crest, not in Allen; G. WasHINGTON WARREN. Ar- ~# y .' ‘morial: (Allen, number 907 3 Watn. Armorial, signed J. D. Stout, %. &b oY GC Ny Ys} | THomas WATERMAN, and others. Together, 10 pieces. “ 722. WasuHIncton (BusHrop—nephew to President Washington). Armorial, | Chippendale. Motto—“Haitus acta _probat.” Not signed but un- doubtedly the work of Dawkins. Fine impression, wide margins. Allen, number 912. Almost identical with the “Whitebread” plate, with the dragon in place of the spray of flowers, and apparently from the same plate as the Saml. Provost engraving (Allen number 708), but of a iater period, with the change of arms and name. This, together with ; the Whitebread. (which is signed), and the Provost plates, place beyond G a doubt the designer and engraver of all three plates, as the work of Henry Dawkins. See Provost plate, number 517, and Whitebread plate, number 736. 73. Watizs (THos.—eminent Judge of South Carolina, for the period of , some forty years, died in 1828). Armorial, Chippendale. Fine im- ge \e pression, good margins. } es: Allen, number 915. trie 724, Wartrous (N. H.—Colchester, Connecticut). Not in Allen; Junius '. Wortman. Name on tablet, supported by two female figures, above a bee-hive, signed, Tisdale fecit; Grorcze Youre (New York -plumer). Engraved receipt, with vignette of stove, signed, Lewis Se. 1821. Together, 3 pieces. s 725. Warts (Joun—Loyalist of New York, whose estates were confiscated). . iy _ © ‘ Armorial. ee Allen, number 917. Den. ‘Wan (Isaac—Traveller and author). Armorial, Chippendale, Allen, number 920; also, another, similar, but no ‘motto, not in Allen. Together, 2 pieces, one margin of each slightly torn. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th 7 AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ai 72%. Wetts (Oxiver). Armorial, not in Allen; Samu. WELLES, Boston, at 1808. Crest, not in Allen : B. T. Wetcu. Pictorial, book-pile Q ? \L 4 (Allen, number 919); Wittram B. West, United States Consul, ,, yy Galway. Armorial, not in Allen; I. Watson Weps (of New York). Armorial, not in Allen; JosEpH Wuatiey. Armorial - (Allen iw number 927 ete eae WHITEHEAD. * Armorial, not in Allen, and Cu others. Together, 10 pieces. 728. WentwortH (of the celebrated New Hampshire family). 3 PORE ie | Chippendale. Signed, N. Hurd scp. Good impression, cut close. ayy Allen, number 922. eer. 729. WenTWwortH (JoHN E.—of the noted New Hampshire family). - - Ar- er, morial, Chippendale. Signed, N. Hurd scp., small puncture in — pal: lower corner. | | . teeter Not in Allen. This is an alteration of the original Wentworth plate / i \9 * ' (Allen, number 922). The first name of owner being engraved in, while tip the: middle initial “E.” is written in with ink. ' ts 730. WETHERSFIELD, ConnEcticut. Social Library, Stepney Society Wethers- aig! field. Literary. The above caption within a Chippendale frame, — upon which rests a shelf of books, with winged hour-glass above and “5 a draped curtain over all; on the edge of shelf, a ribbon, on which ee is the motto—“Waste not a moment.” Signed, Doolittle Sculpt. gle Accompanying the above is a printed notice of the annual meeting of . the Society—“Annual Meeting Dec: 1st M onday, six o'clock, ‘P. MN Together, . pieces. | Allen, number 923. With the rare slip, announcing the Annual meet- ing. The existence of this slip, was apparently unknown to Allen, as — he quotes only the printed version, which appeared on later issues. of re the plate. \ ‘ he aN were 31. WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT. Social Library, Stepney Society Re aa MN c/s Wethersfield. Signed, Doolittle Sculpt. : : : sae Allen, number 923, without the extra slip.. Agpe#32. WETHERSFIELD, Connecticut. Social Library 2a eee Bes a Allen, number 923. Second state of the plate, Mas ‘engraver’ ~ name ne ‘erased, and the following line added—“Annual Meeting Ist. egies in xe F Aj Dec. at 6 P. M, when every book is to be returned.” ci eek 733. Wurmors (CHartEs H.—of Connecticut). Armorial, ribbon and 5 * Pu wreath, with books and writing material. Signed, Doolittle ee rea 4,» ~~ * Printed in sepia. The engraver’s name is very faint. 2: FY . é Allen, number 924. . re Fe # “ seats : . a Nae ei 734. WHEELWRIGHT (CHARLES Apriorp—of Massachusetts). Armorial, The ee ae ribbon and wreath. Motto—“Spectemur agendo.” A wie Not in. Allen. ee. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th os AMERICAN BOOK PLATES _, 135. Waite (Daniex A.—of Salem,. Massachusetts). Engraved name-plate on if (Allen, number 930) ; JosepH Wricut. Engraved name-plate, with book-pile design, printed in blue (Allen, number 995); J. B. Wuirripcz. Pictorial name-plate, female figure with anchor, signed, J. R.. Penniman del. W. B. Annin Sc., and others. To- gether, 7 pieces. ; _ %36. WHITEBREAD (Wit~1am—of New York). Armorial, Chippendale. i, Signed, H. Dawkins, een Good impression, but cut close to ... “ plate-mark. 4 b Allen, number 931. See—Provoosrt (SAMt.), lot number 517 and , : WasHrIneton (BusHRop), lot number 722. * tre [See Plate V. for reproduction. ]_ 7387. Witkes (CHartes—of New York). Armorial. Signed, Rollinson sc. As _ Allen, number 933. 738. Wituert (Joun). Armorial, ribbon with motto—“Verum. curo.” cy LW, Not in Allen. Latter part of the 18th century. a 739. Wi~tiAMs (AzaArtAs). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Signed, Rollin- ie c son Sculpt. ¢ Allen, number 935. a 740. WitiaMs (BEng AMIN—Governor of North Carolina). Armorial, late Jacobean. No motto. The first name of owner does not appear a e Lx on plate. oy Allen, number 934? i 741. Wituiams. “Gulelmi Williams ex Insula Antigua.” Armorial, pic- 4 torial, the shield on the face of a decorative stone-work, at the yi base of which are grouped a globe, scrolls, telescope, compasses, Sei and drawing instruments. Signed, J. Ingram fecit a Paris. << Allen, number 936. 742. Winrrams (Joun C.—of Massachusetts). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. eas Signed, N. H. Sep. (Nathaniel Hurd). Corners cut square. ee . Allen, number 941. 743. Witi1AMs (JosHuA—of Pennsylvania). Crest only, surrounded by gar- ter, on which is the motto—“Deo adjuvante non timendum.” ae hic ot ‘ ea ee | } 148, WISEMAN (J osEPH—of Pennsylvania). Armorial, ribbon and wreath. Fhe 4) Be et Vallance Sc. | » sa) iat a C; Allen, number 951. rary . mg . ut e "49. Woxcorr (Ontv., Jr—son of the Signer, Secretary of the Treasury, first aS r ero, president of the Bank of North America). Armorial, J acobean. % a Lhe , Without motto, margins cut close. | ; a | a Allen, number 953. This is the same plate as that used by his fainea: ; oe the name-tablet, which in the former is blank, in the ee Copy, has" é the owner’s autograph signature. ay sce 750. WoLFENDEN (AMELIA SopHta). Nard. plate, large wooded 17th cen-— tury; Winti4m Wattacr, Attorney at Law, Harrisburgh. Woods. cut label, with decorative border; also the ‘following nine inten, on ‘G | all woodcuts, mostly with borders, —_HEwry Yates, JUN., Schenec- 4, tady (New York); WiLi1aM WYLLy, Georgia; G. LawRENCE WASHINGTON (Georgia); JEREH. WADSwortH; NATHANIEL WEST ~ (Pennsylvania); R. Ee WATKINS, Norfolk, Va.; Jn. AvustTrIn — Wuarton, Lynchburg, Va.; Ameria 8: WoLFENDEN, Prederick- 6 Town, Md. (a later plate tan ihe aporeay and others. Tee ¥] 18 pieces. z * * ‘ee by r K é 4 Z acta eens sted “t - %51. WooppripéE (DUDLEIUS, Anglus Acherieant Armorial, J acobean ;_ Es % sb 4) supporters of male and female figure, below shield, man redlining by” at Oo | a brook, margins cut close, the corners sae squared. anki ag Not in Allen. Rare. 63 = T52. WormEney (Rates, Rosegill—Virginia loyalist). + Aepeteri dl Onipben a on dale, no crest. Motto—‘“Nune mthi nunc alit.” Margins cut close. /» _ Allen, number 957. Illustrated in American “He Libris” journal. 1 Ee pee rd Session, Friday Evening, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ear 3. WormELEY (Raupu, of Rosegill—Virginia loyalist). Armorial, Chip- -__ pendale. No crest, motto-ribbon empty, good margins; also, a photo- graph of another impression of the same plate taken from a volume out of his library. Together, 2 pieces. Allen, number 958. a 54. Wricut (James, Esqr.—tlast Royal Governor of Georgia). Armorial, hee Chippendale, without motto, margins cut close. Allen, number 959. — Wratr (Miss—Maryland family). Plain Armorial, an unusual shield GC shaped design. Not in Allen. i . Yate University. “This Book belongs to the Library, owned by the Meeting, styled, Brothers in Unity, Yale College.” Woodcut label, _ with border. ae Not in Allen. Excessively rare. Used by the “Brothers in Unity” Per auring the early days of the formation of their library, and before the ee. Nmere elaborately engraved plate of the early 19th century. - [See Plate IV. for reproduction. | Gilmour).” Engraved label; name of donor, library number and dates 1805 and 1806, in ink. : vdegs Not in Allen. — . Yate University. “The Property of the Brothers in Unity, Yale College.” Allegorical. The above caption in centre, below are four lines of verse; above a motto ribbon with two female figures hold- ing a circular medallion, in which the crowd of Brothers is seen ___walking under the rays of the sun, the medallion resting on a pile of books. Signed, W. Taylor Delin. A Doolittle Sculpt. a, ye getlen, number 964. The earliest engraved label of the “Brothers.” YALE University. “Brothers in Unity.” Allegorical, under the name are four lines of verse, and above, a delightful engraving—Minerva Ay in company with Hermes, calls the attention of the approaching group of young men to the pile of books on the ground. Signed, __ E,. Tisdale Del. S. 8S. Jocelyn Sc. 2 copies, one with library number. Allen, number 965. ‘aLE University. “Brothers in Unity.” Allegorical, a delightful . two at work on geographical and architectural problems, the third ona capital, holding a Greek scroll; in the background, a large pyra- mid and other architectural features; below an engraved tablet on -_--—s which are the words “presented by,’ with draped curtain for the name of the donor. Signed, QO. Pelton .Sc. | ' Allen, number 966. The present has “Class of 1830” on donor’s ribbon. ALE University. “Presented to the Brothers Society By (John M. ae group; in the centre a female figure, surrounded by three cupids, . ™~* Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ae ae a \ AMERICAN BOOK PLATES ~ " . 761. YaLE University. “Brothers in Unity” The same as above. 2 copies, one presented by “Wm. Strong,” the other by “Hale &@ Co.” Allen, number 966. oe ” {cS eee 762. Yate University. “This Book belongs to the Linonian Meeting.” A view of the college chapel and one of the halls is shown within a loop of a ribbon which runs across the top of the plate; two clasped yo hands below the above caption, are partly enclosed with a ribbon, S on which is the word—*“A micttia.” Allen, number 967. An early copperplate engraving; the view being ~ especially interesting. The first engraved plate for this library, the — library number “231” appearing in small ink figures. . Aires 763. YaLE University. “Linonian Library Yale College.” Allegorical; Minerva, turns to cheer a youth, whom she is leading by the hand, pointing with her left hand to the Temple of Fame, crowning the a summit of a hill; behind the youth, Father Time is sitting on a ! vy globe, above three cherubs holding a scroll; above all, a heart ; shaped shield, with five parts, with crest of cherub’s head. Signed, Doolittle Se. 1802. Slight tear at one corner. ee Allen; number 968. aE (wea, YALE University. “Linonian Library Yale College.” The same as above. With library number on top margin. | ae Allen, number 968. ' < a . OE. / 765, Yate Universiry. “Presented to the Linonian Library by. . ” Alle- o : _gorical. The name is on a draped ribbon beneath a dainty vignette engraving, representing Minerva, with helmet and spear, behind her, _ a female reclining on a pile of books, with back against a large — urn of flowers. Signed, G. Fairman. 2 copies, one with lira numbers, the other with library number, and “Class of 1832” in donor’s ribbon. gate? AP ekhavigy Allen, number 969. Th) ie eee = = a a cf ve a [ne ea ae ie 766. YatE Universiry. Moral Library Yale College, library interior, Allen, iA i number 970, 2 copies, both reprints; Property of the Meproan In- — STITUTION or YALE CoLuEcE, label, with library number, woodcut; 4 YALE COLLEGE, Ciass oF 60, embossed stamp, and other Yale book- _ plates. Together, 9 pieces. Ee en 767. YaLE University. “View of Yale College, New Haven.” Signed Scoles =. se. (ate ak ae eee An early view, dated in ink—‘Nov. 1796,” showing the chapel and hall on each side. ” ie bs # Park: * rk Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th AMERICAN BOOK PLATES a? 768. ire Cex W.,. Esqr—of New York). Armorial, Chippendale. ' Signed, H. D. se. (Henry Dawkins). hag ie ; Allen, number 973. \/ rm i Armorial. Printed on paper watermarked, 1819: - ieee Allen, number 974. ; 770. [ ZINZENDORF (NicHotas L.—War Bishop of the Moravians, came to Gee America in 1741; regarded as the founder of Bethlehem, Pennsyl- “ov vania). Armorial, mantle. Motto—“Adversa tolerare non relin- quere.” Signed, Nedler F. This is the family plate and may have been used by the Count himself; also [ZinzENporF]. “F. A. G. v. Z.” Armorial, trophy, with laurel branch and ribbon. Motto— “Majoris animt, tolerare adversa, quam relinquere.” Together, 2 4 Pieces. Not in Allen. ENGLISH BOOK PLATES eng [Numbers 771 to 865] “1. ABDY (SrormErn) : ; Sr. Wm. Appy; Vans AGNEW of Shewchane; at StanEsBy ALCHORNE, Tower of London; Jamus ALLARDES; Hart - or ANcoRAM; RoBERT Anprews of the Inner Temple ; Wrnrram An- DREWS 3 Cur. ANSTEY (father of the author of “The New Bath Gude’); Ropert ArBUTHNOT; THomAs ArNoLp; THOMAS ARTH- INGTON; WALTER Scott AsH; JoHN AsH; Sr. Jacos Astizy of Melton Constable in Norfolk; ALEXANDER AUBERT; EARL oF AYLES- FORD (3 copies), and other English plates, comprising early and late Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Pictorial, etc., all in letter A. Together, 59 pieces. 72. Bacox (THOMAS) ; G. C. BainsripGe; BuayNEy BaLtpwyn (2 copies) ; ; Gzorce Bariarp of the Middle Temple; Henry Bankes oF Lin- ~ couns Inn; BuLKELEY BANDINEL, Bodleian Librarian, by Mathews (2 copies) : Tuomas Barrerr of Lee, Esq. (3 copies) ; JOHN Bartow; Rev. W. Barrow; Ropert BaTeMaANn (4 copies) ; BAyNTON; ALEXANDER BaxTER; and other English plates, compris- ing early and late J acobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Pictorial, etc., all in letter B-Bax. Towether, 60 pieces. 13. Bartow (JoHN); CopLEstoNE WARRE BAMPFYLDE; Wirarane BEN- “ef THAM, engraved by W. Sherwin; GEORGE BERKELEY, engraved by - M. Mordecai and J. Levi; J OSEPH BEETE, Demerary ; THOMAS “7 > Berwick (one of his famous “thumb-mark” receipts). Chippen- dale, library interior, etc. Together, 6 pieces. ” ‘ Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th Sou iv ENGLISH BOOK PLATS . cot Ve 774. Barrotozz1 (FRANCI Sr. Foster Cvnliffe, Bart. Pictorial, cupids Beet ots a large mantle, signed by the eae ye, | c Circa, 1790. s -' One of the earliest book- aie designed by Bartolozzi. Hardy pages: e 90-91 where an extensive description is given re AB 775. Breach (THomas); ExizapetH, DucHEss oF BEAUFORT; Barn AND . COUNTESS OF BEAUCHAMP; ii oHN, DuKE oF BEDFORD, 1736, (Castle, ty page 64, where it is reproduced) ; JoHN Brett; THomas Bia , ems graved by Thomas Bewick (2 copies) ; JOHN “BELFOUR; ILLIAM BENNET; R. H. A. BENNET, engraved by Hughes (2 copies) ; Earn or BERKSHIRE (Hamilton, page 47); and other English ‘plates, . comprising early and late Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Pic~ 45 2 torial, ete., all in letter B-Bew. Together, 45 pieces. : 7h ey 5 776. BrpputpH (THOMAS), printed in sepia; JAMES BINDLEY, probably ‘en graved by Stephens; Patrick Buaxu, engraved by Foster, Fetter 2 Lane, reproduced in Hx Libris Journal ; Sr. EpwaArpD Brount (Os copies) ; JoHN Brount (2 copies) ; Sr. WALTER BiounT (2 copies) ; i Grorce Boorn (2 copies); SamurL BosanqueT (2 copies); W. BosaNQueEt ; GEORGE Bowyer; and other English plates, comprising - early and late J acobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Pictorial, ete. ah ; all in letter B-Br. Together, 48 pieces. me " 777. Buiss (Natu.); JosepH Bowman; THos. BRAND, ‘edeAged by W. ce Austin; JacoB BoysE; THo. BULACHALL, of Haseley; Lovert BLacK- — x BORNE, ‘of Lincoln’s Inn; Ricu. Butt, of Ongar, in Essex; JAMES _ Butter, of Shillingham, in the County of Cornwall, and other ng, lish plates. Mainly Chippendale. All letter B. 13 pieces. 778. BrarrHwaitE (Daniet); J. Brann (English antiquary) ; Beane F Bripces; THomas Bripces; Sr. Ortanpo Bripeman of Ridley, — 1704 (Hamilton, page 32); THos. Brigham; Sr. Joun Broprick — of the Middle Temple, 1703 (Castle page 51 where it is reproduced) ; e CHARLES, Viscount Brucr (Hamilton, page 41) (2 copies) 5 rt Henry Tuomas Buckie (author of “History of Civilization’ ate t Joun Buttock (both varieties, with and without name); J. Bur- | TON, engraved after Gravelot by J. Pine (Warren, page 41) Ges copies) : Joun Butter; SamuEet Burier; Lp. Percrvan, Baron o: Burton, 1715 (Hamilton, page 44), and other English plates, com- prising early and late Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Prova etc., all in letter Br-By. Together, 59 pieces. . ¥ Be ry 779. CapE (JoHNn); Lord Cadogan (2 copies) ; “ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL @ * copies) ; JoHN CAMPBELL of Shanfield (2 copies) ; T. CAMPBELL, — A.B. 1756 (Castle, page 81, where it 1s illustrated) ; : ALGERNON — i CapELy, Bary or Essex, 4701 (constable of the Tower of London, Hamilton, page 24) @ copies) ; ; JAMES, MARQUISS OF CARN ARVONG: A ge > Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ENGLISH BOOK PLATES Continued] a 5 Joun Carrutusrs or Hormains; E. Carrsr (lady’s plate, La- _ bouchere, page 99, where it is illustrated), and other English plates, _ comprising early and late Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Pic- torial, etc., all in letter C-Ca. Together, 38 pieces. | LYLE (THOoMAs—author of “The French Revolution’ etc.). Armorial. Motto “Humilitate”’ ; also plate of Jonn A. Carty ez, his younger yrother. Same motto. ‘Together, 2 pieces. : The plate of Thomas Carlyle was engraved by Thomas Moring, and he original copper is said to be in the South Kensington Museum. MAN (WILLIAM), engraved by B. Cole (2 copies); JosEPH SHARLES, Norfolk, 1729 (a very rare dated label) ; James CLARKE, NATHANIEL CLEMENTS; GEORGE CocKBURN, merchant (the scarcest yf the Cockburn plates); Revp. Derwent CoLeripcE (son of samuel Taylor Coleridge) ; Jamus Cuayton ; G. B. CuarKe. Chip- _ pendale, armorial, etc. Together, 9 pieces. jm , AR ETON (CHARLES), sea-scape, engraved by Thomas Bewick; Sr. OHN CueEstTER; R. CHippINDALL: BRIGADIER CHOLMONDELEY ; HOMAS CHOLMONDELEY of Vale Royall; AwNsHamM CHURCHILL ookseller and publisher of the famous collection of voyages) ; W. SnHuRCHILL; Sr. THos. CLaverinG (2 copies), and other English jlates, comprising early and late Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, ctorial, etc., all in letter C-Cl. Together, 44 pieces. 4 Tuomas) ; GrorcE Cocksury, first state (of 2), and the rarest; RGE CoLEBRooKE; Cartes Conway, engraved by William e; F. W. Conway; Sr. Grorce Cooker, 1727 (Hamilton, page : GrorckE WriNGRoveE CookE (author of Memoirs of Boling- ); Josepn Coox, landscape, engraved by Thomas Bewick; + CoutTHARD, landscape, engraved by Thomas Bewick; Par- - Courts, engraved by J. Kirk; Spencer CowPER; SAMUEL KER, and other English plates, comprising early and late Ja- an, Chippendale, Book-pile, Pictorial, etc., all in letter Co-Cr. ether, 54 pieces. : | 2N (GEorGE) (English Admiral, engaged in the War of 1812) copies) ; CATHERINE Compe; JoHN ConpUITT; CHARLES Con- y, engraved by William Blake; Srr GuorcE Cooks, engraved by _ Yates of London and Liverpool; C. Cooprr: Marquis Corn- iis (Charles, First Marquis, commanded the English forces merica during the Revolutionary War); Epwarp Corton; Corton, angling plate, engraved by P. Audinet; Joun HYNDE “ron: RrcHarp Cox (2 copies), and other English plates, com- prising early and late Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, Pictorial, ete., all in letter Co-Cox. Together, 49 pieces. = ‘ ENGLISH BOOK PLATES «a 785. Datron (THomAS); JosEpH DaviE: CHARLES “vite Dasrwot Henry Dawkins; Earl and Marquis of CLANRICARDE (4 copie s in duplicate) ; Cartes pe Larr of Lincoln’s Inn, and other Ez “H lish plates, comprising early and late Jacobean, the ‘transition peri ow (part Jacobean, part Chippendale), Chippendale, — torial, etc., all in letter D-De. Together, 45 pieces. a 786. Damer (ANNE Szymour—sculptress, from infancy the lanoietes father’s friend, Horace Walpole). Charming pictorial plate i A0 _manner of F. Bartolozzi, engraved by Agnes Berry. Both stat O- (1), Anne Seymour Damer, (2), Anna Damer. Together, 2 pi ; See Labouchere, pages 20-21 for detailed description of the pla { Fincham, page 10, where the second state is reproduced. — . tae 787. Dispin (THomMas FrognaLL—eminent binlioueaeteals Mock _ x} 4 | initials only. See Castle page 129, where it is réprodaiiodie 788. DickENs (CHARLES—eminent English novelist). Sees with: name neath, also label “From the Library of Charles’ Dickens, Gad: 4 , ; Place, June, 1870” (corner of the latter ue away); . also va i0u ea ee clippings relating to Dickens. i he . See Castle pages 134 and 203 where both are aes es 789. Dopp (Joun); Str RuraneE SHawz, Donxin- (English gene pointed to an ensigncy in the 44th foot at New York, 1778) ; W y Douce; Dovcnas of Deal; GrorGz DowNnING (probably. the fo a ace FOr Downing College) ; F. D’Ovxy, Ist Regt. of Foot Guards ; Mee <3) Ole DRAKE, and 2 other Drake plates; Dunpas of Arniston | } aa ably Robert Dundas, one of the characters in Scott’s. Guy Man a > ‘si’, 4ng). (3 copies), and other English plates, comprising early | late Jacobean, Wreath and Ribbon, Chippendale, Am torial, ete., all in letter Do-Du. Together, 46 ‘pleces. 790. Ex1ock (Lorp—James Veitch, Scottish J udge, toroastal of — the Great) ; GEORGE Henry HEuior ; JOHN AND ALEXANDER ston (the first named of which is not in the celebrate¢ collection, British Museum) ; ALGERNON CAPELL, Hart + . ‘dated 1701 (Hamilton, page 24, and probably the smaller : 2); Joun Evans, Lord Bishop of. Bangor; Francis Eyre, Warks- ‘ worth, Northamptonshire, and other English plates, co iprisir Raa: ‘ ote, Carly and late J acobean, early and late Amora one Tae all in the letter KE. - _ Together, 24 “pleces.\ ae “. 6 791. Eneuisu Booxpiates. A collection of 50 anonymous bana en XVIIIth. and XIXth. centuries, compels ec , 72 Some Pictorial, ete. Together, 50 pieces. : ¥ ? Some of the mottoes are: “Spero dum Spiro”; vu rh f Experientia” ; “Mors Sola ResoWit” ete. ay Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ENGLISH BOOK PLATES EnetisH Booxpiates. A collection of 65 anonymous bookplates of the XVIIIth. and XIXth. centuries, comprising Armorial, Library in- terior, etc. Together, 65 pieces. Some of the mottoes are: “Memento Mori”: “Delectant domi non im- —pediunt foris’; “Aquila non capit Muscas’’, ete. - 3 “Fillingham, Braves by Cole, described in Warren, page 25; coeee ¥incu; Tuomas Fisupurn: GENERAL FItzwi.LiaM ; James Fua- _, MANK: Henry Fuircrorr; JoHN FULLER FULLERTON oF Car- —sTarrs (3 copies, 2 of one state, 1 of the other), and other Eng- lish plates, comprising Chippendale, Armorial, Labels, etc., all in Be ee letter F. Together, 59 pieces. ST A (Sth Francis, of Hill Court, in the County of Gloucester). Ja- -cobean Armorial, large shield, having 40 quarterings, with the names of each, the whole surrounded by a border; also the smaller plate, which is elaborately engraved. Together, 2 pieces. Celebrated and very handsome plates. Described in Warren, page 64; the larger plate illustrated in Hamilton, page 48. A long article ae G3 pages) by James Roberts Brown about the Fust plates appears in ' ‘ the Ex Libris Journal, vol. II, where both are ies seen Sir Francis oe (Si Pesce. The same. . Together, 3 pieces, including 2 goles of the smaller plate. Gace (Sir Tsomas) ; THOMAS GAINSFORD, from the design of Grave- lot, as used by J. Burton about 1750 (2 copies) ; also, 2 copies pee OL’ the armorial plate of Troomas GaINsrorD; ELLIs GAMBLE (after 7 William Hogarth, not original impression) ; GuorcE GartH; W. HE. Gason, engraved by W. Hanshaw (reproduced in Fincham, page 21); Gzuorcr, Prince or Waxes; Epwarp Gipson (the celebrated aoe historian) ; ‘THos. GILL; TiroMas GILLBRAND; H. R. Grynn, and oe Qther English plates, comprising Chippendale, ‘Wreath and Ribbon, 2 Armorial ete., all in the letter G-GI. pm ogetner, 29 pieces. ERMAIN tat ELIZABETH). cae widow’s knot on shaded ground, within festooned frame. Cut close. a =. ye The plate of an intimate friend of Horace Walpole. Described and Pe St aim in Labouchere, page 60. Gipps. (J acosvs). J aeolian portrait plate, signed B. B. S. aaa _ Baron), dated 1736. The plate of a celebrated architect. See Hamilton, page 53, where it Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th C802. GospEn (THomAS). Pictorial Trade Ticket, mscribed on a large stone, ENGLISH BOOK PLATES 799. GotptHWaAIT (W. B.) (2 copies); Gorpon or HALLEATHE (3 copies) ; WiLu1aM Gorpon of Fyvie, engraved by Kirkwood (2 copies) ; B. GRANGER (in the manner of Bartolozzi. No copy in the Franks collection, British Museum); Sr. ARCHIBALD GRANT; RicHARD — MorGan GRAVES (2 copies) ; JOHN Gray; RicHarD Gray; RICHARD GREENE, Litchfield; BoorH Grey; Grorck Grotn (the celebrated fiiaen historian) ; JosEPH GrROTE (2 copies); (JOSEPH GULSTON), and — other English plates, comprising early and late Jacobean, Festoon Armorial, Chippendale, Armorial, Pictorial, etc., alli in letter Go-Gw. ~ Together, 69 pieces. 800. Gorpon (Henrietta, Dutchess of Gordon). Early Armorial, ‘vith, sup- porters. Ovrca, 1710. Labouchere, page 72, where it is reproduced. 801. GospEn (THomas—English sporting book collector and binder). es torial, containing portrait of “Flora, a oplennie spaniel,” en- oraved by John Scott. ee Sas One of the most uncommon of the several plates engraved for Thomas Gosden. with foliage, fish, fishing rod, gun, ete., in foreground, river scene in distance. Curca, 1810. A beautiful and uncommon piece. 4 803. Gray’s Inn Liprary. Library Chippendale. Engraved by J. Pine, — a probably after a design by Gravelot. + ee Castle, pages 103-104, where it is illustrated. “The book-plate of ee Gray’s Inn Library is a fine example of rampant Rococo.”—Castle. 804. GREENWoop (RosamuND). Jacobean; Exiza Guiston, Lozenge, witht ornamentation (2 copies). Together, 3 pieces. Neither plates mentioned in Labouchere. 805. HAreer (James); JouHn Hatierr: SamugL HALLIwEL: EpmuND HAILston#&, ornate leather label (6 examples, all different colors) ; CHARLES HAMMERSLEY: ALEXANDER HAMILTon (not in the Franks collection, British Museum); CHartes HAMILTON (engraved by W. Moore) : Water HamiI.ton, 1872 (author of “Parodies”) ; Sr. Tuomas Hanmemr, 1707 (Hamilton, page 36); JACOBI Harcourt, dated 17—; Puitip, Lorp Harpwick#; Rey. S. HARPER (2 copies) ; Joun Apatr Hawkins, arms enclosed within a church-like portico, and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippendale and Pictorial Chippendale, Pictorial, Armorial, ete., all in letter H-Ha. Together, 74 pieces. ENGLISH BOOK PLATES pins (Tuomas), Alderton, Wilts (2 copies); Ropert HENLEY (2 copies); Witt1am Hoar: Henry Hoare, Goldsmith in London, 1704 (Hamilton, page 32. An exceedingly handsome plate) ; Henry Hoare (same family as preceding), portion of the bearings used; Witt1am Hoxcomps, engraved by J. Fougeron, and one of two. plates by him; J. M. Hortanp; Ropert Hoops; Grenu. JOHN Hore; WILLIAM Hore of the Middle- -Temple, engraved by J. Clark, and one of two plates by him; Wittiam Horton: Epmunp Hor- REX, engraved by Dent, and one of four plates by him; Sr. JOHN Houston, 1711 (Hamilton, page 40); Davin Hume "(the historian) ; Rev. Taos. Huntinerorp (2 copies) ; F. HutcHsson, and other English plates, comprising early and late J acobean, Chip- -pendale of various forms, Pictorial, Armorial, etc., all in letter z ae ay: eo ie 91 pieces. R. TEMPLE Lrprary, engraved by J. Kirk (2 copies, 1 cut and “x8 ightly damaged. Illustrated in Fincham, page 49); THomas Smirn Jamzs, Birmingham (with the lower, and very scarce thus) ; oF JERSEY, Osterley Park; Rosr. J OCELYN ; WILLIAM JOHNSTON, eS hke (Hamilton, page 40) ; THos. JOLLEY (the book collector ) (2 copies) ; THEOPHILUS Jonus, and other English plates, comprising Facobean, early and late Armorial, Chippendale, Festoon, etc., all i ay I- J ee: 43 pieces. ors Kyonrys: Tuomas Knox, and other English plates, comprising ; i asowe. Chippendale, Book-Pile, Armorial, ete., all in letter K. ee 37 2 ; iy Reprint); James Lany, setae by Ovenden Butcher. Printed in red; Wittiam Baitgzy LananorNe; Henry LatrHam (both states of the plate); James Larnam: Tuomas LavutH: _ FRANCIS Lawson (2 copies); J. LeppEn, engraved by J. Turner (not the Philadelphia engraver) ; Wiiuiam Lee of Hart- well, Bucks (judge and well known parliamentary debater in the reign of Charles II.) ; Joun Ganton Lucarp; Lorp GxEorGE ENNOX ; JOHN LETHICULLIER, Remembrancer of the City of Lon- don, and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippendale, rophy, Pictorial, Armorial, etc., all in eres L-Le. Together, POP EGES. 3.20. te yin hak Third Session, ees Bovitigs November 17th Sir Tromas Banks J’anson, 1783 (Hamilton, page 103); Haru - ENGLISH BOOK PLATES " (ise ‘ 810. Lawrence (ELIzaBETH SopHIA). Engraved by 6. “Knight / 7 i Lozenge. Circa 1824. ( : 4, fo { ©. Knight was a pupil of Bartolozzi. It is intent! by La by and is the only bookplate engraved by him. ee ee f “\ 811. Lrrrorp (Jamxs, Lorp—Lord Chancellor of Ireland) ; aaa . JamEs Locu of Drylaw (economist) ; SAMUEL Long GENERAL Lampert Lovepay: M. D. LowNnDEs, e raved Coutts, and the only plate engraved by him; J OHN R (2 copies) ; Gro. Lucas; Jonn Luprorp (3 copies) ; C LYNN (not in the Franks collection, British Museum) Lysons (antiquary) ; WILLIAM RoBinson Lytton, aoe lish plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippendale, ees etc., all in letter Li-Ly. Beto 49. ie . Say > ; | pina omees aa la \ bec coke To: margin torn, another Bar close. “Warr mal N VERY RARE. : mei, “The earliest English book- plate carrying an near rr’; -which has as yet come to hand, is one of a cadet of-the fam ton, by the well-known William Marshall . io Let. us dat mately i in 1661” pe are, : ei zy Sf FP A 813. Macartney (GrorGE, EArt) (both states, 4 Mae So Bea , LAND, writer for the Signet; THomas “Macxy: Nora | of that Ik; GuorcE Mary; “MaNcuester ‘SUBSCRIPT = eee Mp Nasu Mason, printed in blue; DaniEn Marnew; JOH: * y ‘@ (author of “Visit to Niagara in 1804” ) (both sta ae other English plates, comprising Chippendale, 8 Interior, ete., all in letter M- Ma. Toseteas us “ 814. MELLISH (Oni te PETER Mipptgron ;. Gace Reg he R. Mountaine (2 Cope ; Hewry Mun, — = Pat Mountaine (2 copies); Ricup. Mrz, and not: ee : same family, with same arms, engraved by R. M , MIAH, MILLEs (antiquary and book collector) ( ‘ ote Pale ole Mruts, engraved by J. Kirk; Joun Mrrrorp, sf ae shire, 1744 (Hamilton, page 66); Wiuram Mir r 4 ors English plates, comprising Chippendale, Wreath and ia . Armorial, all-in letter Me- Mi. Tope 38 ces. Go Rhe ES. Marie (Tuomas, Lord Bishop of Waterford n¢ Beene em -* English ecclesiastical plate, dated 1710. meee ; a ; Hamilton, page 39. The variety with square } ee : ext : , hed. __ GsEorcGE Montrcomeriz; THomas Moors (the celebrated Irish poet) ; EnizasetTH Morpaunt; Lorp Mountcarrer (reproduced in Hz - LIabris Journal, volume V.), and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Trophy, Chippendale, Armorial, etc., all in letter Mo. ‘Together, 27 pieces. 7 2 [vIbMAN (Mary). Chippendale, circa, 1760; Lapy ANNE Murray. Se fciorial. “Circa, 1810. “Together, 2 pieces. x Uncommon ladies’ plates, neither of which is*in Labouchere. The first - named is reproduced in Hx Libris Journal, vol. VI. myro (Str Hectror—English general, saw much service in India) ; Sir Huen Monro, dated 1782 (2 copies); THomas MurpocyH; ALEXANDER Murray of Broughtoun, engraved by Andrew Johnson ; JoHN Myppieron (2 copies); THomas Myrron, A.M., engraved by James Cole, and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, _ Chippendale, Trophy, Armorial, etc., all in letter Mu-My. To- _ gether, 13 pieces. ASH ~(TREADWAY, of Bevere, Worcestershire—antiquary, and editor of a famous edition of Butler’s “Hudtbras’) (2 copies) ; THOMAS - _ NeepHam; Sr. Jos. Van Necx; Sir Joun NicHoii; Sir Harris _ Niconas (author); JoHn NIGHTINGALE; CHARLES OGILVIE (2 copies) ; Francis Orway; Pryce Owen, and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippendale, Wreath and Ribbon, Armorial, _ ete., all in letters N-O. Together, 38 pieces. Pace (Tuomas); Str JoHn Paxineton, Bart., Westwood; WILLIAM Parry, Rector of Shipton upon Stowe; Rosperr Parrriper, and other English plates, comprising late Jacobean, Chippendale, Ar- -__-morial, etc., all in letter Pa. Together, 25 pieces. >BACHEY (JOHN), both states, with date 1782 and without; Hmnry ' PreLtHam (eminent English statesman); THos. PENNINGTON, en- _ graved by J. Lake; Sr. Joun Percivaus, of Buxton, in the County of Cork, Ireland. All three states, and dated, 1702, 1715 (when John, Ld. Percival), and 1736 (when John: Percival, Karl of Eg- mont) (Hamilton, page 28); Witi1amM Pescop, engraved by F. - Gardner; Ropert James, Lorp Perre, and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippendale, Armorial, etc., all in letter .P-Pe. - Together, 24 pieces. ; {ee The plates of John Percivale are or AMERICAN INTEREST. Percivale assisted General Oglethorpe in his founding a settlement in America, and was appointed the First: President of the Trustees for establishing __ the Colony of Georgia, an undertaking which he actively superintended. a Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th 822. 823. 824. 8205. 826. 827, ENGLISH BOOK PLATES Pepys (Samvuni—famous Diarist). Portrait plate, engraved by Robert — White, after G. Kneller. Cut to scroll. Also reproduction showing ~ . size of margins. Together, 2 pieces. The smaller portrait plate, with the motto overhead, and very scarce. See Ha Libris Journal, vol. 3, where all of Pepys’ plates (he had four) are reproduced. Puitrpps (WiLt1amM), and various other members of the family of Philipps, or Philipse. Together, 8 pieces; L. R. Purpps, Middle ~ x Temple: Jno. Hollis Pigot: John Piggott; Nathaniel Pigott of the ss Inner Temple, 1703 (Hamilton, page 31); Wrtt1aM PILKINGTON (eminent English architect), signature attached to the plate, and other English. plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippendale, APs Labels, etc., all in letter Ph-P1. Together, 28 pieces. | % Poe (WiuuiAm of Bally-Finn) (3 copies) ; CHARLES PoPE (CurHBERT eS Ports: MarrHEew Power.i; THos. JeELF Powys: Con. WILLIAM ~ - FRANCIS PRIDEAUX, 1894; JouN PUTLAND (2 copies one with large margins); JOHN Pysus: CHARLES OgILvIE and other English plates, comprising Jacobean (late), Chippendale, Armorial, etc, all in letters O-Py. Together, 50 pieces. QuickE (NutcomBE) ; Roperr RurHERFoRD; Per. SAINTHILL: THOMAS Satwey, of Richard’s Castle; JoHN SABINE: JOSH. SCROPE, en- graved by-C. & A. Faas, 1795 (described and illustrated in Ha Libris — Journal, vol. 3); Grorek Scorr, Woolston Hall; CHas. JASPER SELWYN, and other English plates, comprising Chippendale, Pic- torial, Armorial, etc., all in letters Q-Se. Together, 36 pieces. RaGuENEAU (HENRY CHARLES); Wi~LiAM Raikes; Franois L. REED (2 copies) ; JoHN Reriiy of the Middle Temple (both states, large and small plates, and 2 copies of each), and other English plates, ~ comprising Chippendale, Armorial, ete., all in letter Ra-Re. To- — gether, 34 pieces. Rozerts, by the King’s Bargehouse, near Lambeth Church (with view of the barge) ; Wrn~t1am Rospertson: SamuEL RocErs (author of — “Pleasures of Memory,” ete.): Witt1AM Henry Riokerts: Ris- LEY RisLEy, engraved by Cole; RocHDALE CrRCULATING LIBRARY: Henry Roper, “Baron of Teynham, 1703 (Hamilton, page 31); Grorce Ross (2 copies); THos. Rupprman (classical author) ;— J acobean, Pictorial, Chippendale, Armorial, ete.; all in letter Ro- Ru. Together, 58 pieces. Rumsey; Wintrtam B. Rust, and other English plates, comprising oe ENGLISH BOOK PLATES ms a on OHLN’ s ContecE, CampripcE. Collegium Sancti Tohannis Evan- pecotista 4 in Academia, eerste dea 1700. . Armorial. Hamilton, unsigned). A beautiful pictorial Chippendale, printed in sepia ; — Wiruram Suaw: Revp. W. Suepuerp, engraved by G. C. B:, dated 1808 (reproduced in Hamilton, page 118) (2 copies) ; and other English plates, comprising Chippendale, Jacobean, Pictorial, etc., os god in letter Sh-Si. Together, 37 pieces. RBORN veya ~Witrram—engraver). Book-Plate of the en- _ grayer. Pictorial allegoric in armorial style. AUTOGRAPHED BY THE oo plea AND A PRESENTATION COPY TO HIS FRIEND FREDERICK ‘The pests ae “Life and Death plate.” First state with inscrip- ( _ Libris Carolus Gulielmus Sherborn ANo M. D. CCC. ORN- i Wit1aM). Another example of the preceding. jie ON JAPANESE PAPER, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. onir. ginienes WILLIAM). Book-plate of the engraver. Mono- ‘am of the owner’s initials on a cartouche inscribed with the date .D. 1873. Matted. 2h . first plate. Second state with background of fine hori- RN aoc Wiiiram). Charles Thomas Arnold. Allegorical Library interior. Designed by T. G. Jackson and engraved by : te Bepenborn: Matted. BORN (CHARLES Ee G. W. Reid.. Full armorial. 3 ORN tie cs Wriuiam). General Viscount Wolseley of Wol- ley County of Stafford & Baron Wolseley of Cairo. Armorial, ith supporters and coronet of rank. 2 copies, one a poor im- ression. Together, 2 pieces, one matted. First States, with motto as above; the latter state has addition “Field er Marshal” ete. An example of this aphe was in the special Sherborn a ae 7 RP > (Wut_probably the engraver, and engraved fie himself, although | Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th See ENGLISH BOOK PLATES \ 836. SHERBORN (CHARLES WittIAmM). The Reform Club Library. Pictorial. (Sherborn, page 53). Probably the replica; Marton L. Luien. a! Pictorial (Sherborn, page 62); Un-named plate with motto com- : ara mencing “Flvminis Impetus Laetificat Cwitatem Der” etc.; JAMES fo es CHARLES GETTING (Sherborn, page 96). Together, 4 pieces. 837. SHERBORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). John Alexander, Marquess of Bath.’ A) Jacobean armorial, with supporters and coronet of rank. Matted. Ct : J An example of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibit of 1899. The genuine plate, not to be confounded with the process repo aaaa fae Sherborn, page 53. » 838. SHERBORN (CHARLES Winttam). Algernon George, Duke of Northum- ~ ats J) berland. Armorial. Matted. 2 Sherborn, page 538. , 839. SHERBORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). Algernon George, Duke of Northum- ~ att berland. Seal armorial, with the shield of arms within the Garter. ai Matted. An example of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibit of 1899. Sherborn, page 53. / Ss 840. SHERBORN (CHARLES WitLIAM). Rhoda Broughton. Pictorial, with A/ motto “My never failing friends.” AUTOGRAPHED BY THE EN- — | GRAVER. Matted. Vurry Rare. 4 iv The plate of the English novelist, author of “Coming through the Rye” x} etc. An example of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibit of - wi 1899. 3 Sherborn, page 56. 841. eee (CHARLES WitLIAM). Wemyss of Wemyss. Full armorial, with supporters. AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Matted. AN at L An.example of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibt of 1899. . Sherborn, page 57. 842. neha (CHarLes WitL1AM). William Robinson. Pictorial, with portrait of Erasmus, books on either side. AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Matted. . 2 ( First State. An example of this plate was in the specal Sherborn ~ oS. exhibit of 1899. — Sherborn, page 57. 843. SuersporN (CHartes Witttam). SS. S. Joseph, 1890. Pictorial. Matted. Netase Never used by Mr. Joseph, and afterwards, with motto corrected, al- ee he tered to Fahnestock in 1892. AY & Sherborn, page 58. — x wv ee ON; Third ‘Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ENGLISH BOOK PLATES 14 . SuerporN (Cuartes WitiiAm). Charles Davies Sherborn. Library interior, with portrait of Darwin on wall and microscope on table. AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Matted. An example of this plate, that of the artist’s eldest son, was in the _ special Sherborn exhibit of 1899. _~ Sherborn, page 59. ; AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Matted. First State. An example of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibit of 1899. Sherborn, page 59. . HERBORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). Dame Alice Jane Chetwode. Chip- _ pendale armorial. Matted. Sherborn, page 60. ; ERBORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). Katharine Corbet. Pictorial. A crow ___ perched on the motto scroll amid conventional foliage. Matted. _ An example of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibit of 1899. Sherborn, page 60. SHERBORN (CHARLES WiLL1AM). Samuel 8S. Joseph. Pictorial, with representation of Jan ver Meer’s “The Soldier and the Laughing ~Girl” with music and books on either side. Proor, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Matted. The second state with correct motto—“Inter Folia Frvctvs”. Sherborn, page 62. SHERBORN (CHaRLEs Witttam). The same, ordinary impression. es a : . 4 . ¥. SHERBORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). Joseph Bowstead Wilson. Full ar- , morial (Sherborn, page 65). AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. ¥ — Margins have been folded; Honble. Frances G. Wolseley. Armorial (Sherborne, page 63). Together, 2 pieces. HERBORN : (CHARLES Wittram). Thomas Swanbrook Glazebrook. Full armorial (Sherborn, page 64); ConstaNcEe Prnn. Pictorial, with Chippendale frame (Sherborn, page 82); SaMuEL PUTNAM _ Avery. Pictorial (Sherborn, page 66); Princess Mary or Cam- - prIDGE, Duchess of Teck. Together, 4 pieces. ; BRED ny 7 HERBORN: (CHarLes Witiiam). Alfred & Alice Gilbert. Pictorial. AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Matted. i The book-plate of the well known sculptor. An exampe of this plate was in the special Sherborn exhibit of 1899. _ Sherborn, page 67. Surrsorn (Cuar.es Witiiam). All Soul’s College, Oxford. Armorial. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th 853. 854. 856. 859. ENGLISH BOOK PLATES SHERBORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). Walter Conway Prescott. Full ar- morial, with china vase, books, rod-and gun, etc. REMARQUE PROOF ~ ON JAPANESE PAPER, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER, and with the remarque of a goldfinch on a thistle; also, the ordinary acct sion. Together, 2 pieces. Sherborn, page 82. SKINNER (Maru., one of his Majesty’s Sergeants at Law, 1735) (2 5 : copies) ; CApTN. JOHN SmitH; JOSEPH SMITH (British Consul at Venice, 2 states); Nar. SMITH (surgeon, London); MicHaEL SMrva, and various other Smith plates; Puinre SourHoote (2 copies), and other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Chippen- dale, Armorial, etc., all in letter Sk-So. Together, 38 pieces. though unsigned; Epwarp STANLEY; Law STANLEY, Ashenhurst ; Henry STAPILTON, Wighill ; Wins STEPHENS, M.D.,- F.BS.; NATHANIEL STONARD; JAMES STONHOUSE, Berkshire; J. L. Story; JouN Srracuey: Wintram Boynton SrricKLAND (reproduced in Ex Libris Journal, vol. XI.) ; Samu. StropE, 1741 (reproduced in Ex Lnabris Journal, vol. V), anl other English plates, comprising Jacobean, Pictorial, Chippendale, Armorial, etc., all in letter Sp-St. Together, 39 pieces. Sumyer (Witt1am Brigurwenn) (2 copies); Duke or Sussex (8 copies); JoHN SyMonpDs (2 copies); Str CHRISTOPHER SYKES, engraved by Sir John Everett Millais (the only plate by him), and . SPOONER (CHarLES—probably the engraver), engraved by eens ats “Ss other English plates, comprising Chippendale, Armorial, ete., all in letter Su-Sy. Together, 21 pieces. . Sugerr (R.—“Dicky’—English actor). Festoon. Pretty and scarce plate. bridge; Joun N. Taytor; St. Taytor (not in the Franks col- lection, British Museum) ; Joun Trxetxi, Middle Temple (Hamil- ton, page 104, and the rarest of the two plates of John Tekell) ;~ RoBERT TEMPLE, and other English plates, comprising Chippen- . Tarr (A. C., Archbishop of London) ; James Taytor, Clare Hall, Cam- — dale, Armorial and Pictorial, all in letter Ta-Te. Together, 30 — pieces. THACKERAY Sly A asd engraved by W. Stephens: Gro. THomas (2 copies) ; P. THomas; Perer THompson, engraved by J. Mynde (one of 5 plates by this engraver) (2 copies) ; JOHN THOM- — son: Rosert THorNToN; THos. THorntTon, Thorn Villa, and other English plates, comprising Chippendale and Armorial, all ~ in letter Th. Together, 22 pieces. KE he OHN) ; GEorGE TouueT (the rare variety printed in red) ; Car- an. engraved i J. Lake (2 copies) ; Ricuarpr TowneEtey, dated ice Dublin (2 aitocont, 1761 and 1822); Wage TUPPER (probably the author of “Pr overbial Philosophy’), and other Eng- lish plates, comprising Jacobian, Karly Armorial, Chippendale, Pic- torial, etc., all in letter To-Tu. Together, 37 pieces. ‘Orvycn (Epmonp) ; Pitre VAN Swinpon, engraved by Darling (reproduced in: Ha Libris Journal, Vol. IX); ArtHur EK. Vicars (eminent authority on heraldy), engraved by W. Fitzgerald; Tuomas VyNER: JOHN WALLIS, engraved by M. Hanbury (one of two plates by him); THomas Watpote; BErNarp WarbD- (not in he Franks collection, British Museum) (2 copies) ; RaLPH WaRL; JoserpH Warner], name in mss.; EpMonp CHESTER WATERS 3 copies, 2 different); Marr. Waters; W. G. Watkins; JOHN TATSON, and other English plates, comprising Chippendale, Ar- rey ete., all in letters U- Wa. Together, 52 pieces. POLE (Honsce—anthor of “Anecdotes of Painting,’ etc.). Ja- ‘enhere are two ine of this celebrated plate; the rarest being with e name in script. Both are included in the above lot. The rare state is fine example with ample margins, the more common variety has slight ceetaeiaes on lower left hand corner. See Hae Libris Journal, Vol. 5 bum ee Another example of the rare state. Slight im- perfection on lower right hand corner. "(CHARLES Horr) ; JoHN WELLS: MAXIMILIAN WESTERN: JEF- FERY WHITAKER, Bratton, Wilts (3 copies); JoHN WHITE: JOHN WuitrrELp, surgeon ; Hunry WHITFIELD ; Wrii1am WILBERFORCE (philanthropist and abolisher of slavery) (2 copies) ; Roperr Isaac Witzerrorce (son of the preceding) ; JoHN WILKES (founder of the North Briton, and the thorn in the flesh of the Bute Admini- stration) ; and other English plates, comprising Chippendale, Ar- morial, Pictorial, etc., all in eo We-Wi. Together, 68 pieces. AN Eig) GEORGE Woovp: J. WoopLtey: WILL. WRIGHT; Jou Wyatt (2 copies) ; WapiaM WyNpDHAM, probably after Gravelot _(zeproduced in Castle, 3 copies); EpmMunp Yatss (the English novelist) ; CHARLES YoneR; JoHN Youne: Paut YvouNET, and ther English plates, comprising Chippendale, Book-Pile, ee. te, = in letters Wo-Y. ‘eee: 50 pieces. | Third Session, Friday Evening, November 12th FRENCH BOOK PLATES [Numbers 866 to 908] yee ; ' 866. ALoys, Comte la Bases a German from the Rhine bo wh tled in France (Hamilton, page 303); M. pb ANGERVILLE, a 3 teau de Lune; Mr. p’ ARCONVILLE (authoress), engraved by - y 4 ~ la Daulceur, after ©. Eisen. A scarce lady’s plate, reproduce ae Labouchere, page 218; THIRoUX D’ARCONVILLE, engraved by L ‘ la Daulceur, after Gravelot (Hamilton, page 324); J. A. M NAUD, engraved by Du Palluet; Francots AUTRAY, dated 1736, > S other French plates, all but one of the “XVIIIth. -centur ; . “ letter A. TO 15 pieces. ~ Baron keiizion French Maar ' pares me Be TIS Bstioy (Archbishop of Paris, and eminent book collector) . 1) Q Du Brtenon, both states, the crown with motto and with aw < TOINE PrerRE Brrryer (celebrated political orator, ple Pe cia cause of Marshal Ney) (Hamilton, page 330), and othe 2 Sige ee plates, all but one of the XVITth. ees al ee Bah gether, 25 pieces. we 868. BEAUMANOIR (MME. DE—wife. of the Marquis of Beaumano dramatist); MArecuat Brevre, Marquis de Bieyre litterateur and wit) ; IonAcE DE BILLIEUX, engraved 1 y 5 ne of ieee the Greek text A “Life of ‘Sain ‘Chrysost ee -Palladius) ; Benorr Breswan, engraved by Vacheron; he Res Bouay (rector of the University of Paris, 1670) LA French plates, all but 4 of the XVHIth. cone x gene Together, 20 pieces. | | are 869. Becon (Micuen). Armorial. Motto “Michaeli Begon ¢€ Engraved by Daudin, 1702. Fine impression, : 0 where a full page reproduction is given. pote vs rs Begon held a government position at Marti inique, ‘San pois 12 ap Marseilles. “Had the king of France himself desired a new nih | ; be he could scarcely have been provided with one more gorgeous Or | Spee than that engraved by Daudin, in 1702, for Michel B p ae ae [ See Plate VII. i ‘teproduction.| ae 870. Bonaparte (LouIs legerele Hephee of © Tipolede Br 7 Vatois; Nicotar JosepH Foucauir; and other — several anonymous, all of the XVIIIth. or fe +e eee 16 pieces. — ris € mae = o t Fr Ue ; te PLATE VII.—FRENCH BOOK PLATES “= A \ ili f stip] 4 (SLE) REN SENRARINE aad rveestqesuseveTooeva shana uisevatsgitaetenent : I) EocLibras Bibliotheccr gui Mes/trili Eeclefle Princepe } D.PETRVS DANIEL HVETYW, Episcopus Abrincensis DomuiFrofessee . Paris. PP Soe. Iesu Integram Vivens Donat, | 3693 HUET (PIERRE DANIEL). No. 886. (No engraver given.) BEGON (MICHEL). No. 869. (Hngraved by —— Daudin.) ‘Third Session, Friday” Evening, November 17th FRENCH BOOK PLATES URLON (CHARLES DE—Bishop of Soissons, 1613), a fine portrait eae JEAN Bovurtrer (French geologist); M. BrocHANT, en- _ graved by Mathoy; RicHarp Bruncox (Alsacian scholar and biblio- -phile), engraved by Striedbeck; Louis AnTornE Paut Bourbon Busset, Citoyen Francais, 1793. A revolutionary plate of great interest, being that of Vicomte de Bourbon Busset, who managed to escape the horrors of the Reign of Terror (Hamilton, pages 115- 116, where it is reproduced), and other French plates, all but 2 of the XVIIIth. century. All in letter B. Together, 22 pieces. -gundy) ; ANTOINE BENoIT CHAMBON (Girondist, executed in 1793) ; — OC. J. L. CoquEergau (Hamilton, page 219, where it is reproduced) (2 copies): Louis CHamMpcENETZ (executed in 1792); and other _ French plates, all but one of the XVIIIth. century. All letter Fe - Together, 20 pieces. te 7 ay DE Bitrctay eat ae of an FAVE family, and an armorial of great beauty) ; Louris Cesar CrEMEAUX (sol- _ dier); Jos. M. A. Correarp M.D. (Hamilton, page 211, where it ial reproduced ) (2 copies); and other French plates, all but 3 of — the XVIII th. century. All letter C. Together, 22 pieces. - Sic OF ‘Ry, founded by the Duc de Maine, containing arms of the founder, and warlike devices, including cannon, shot, ete. Dated. 1729. | Hamilton, pages 179-180 where it is reproduced. = Cosse, DE (CHarLes—Due de Brissac). ie eee Very e Rare. : - The plate of a partisan of the League against Henry IV., and the first i ae to employ barricades in Paris, 1588. He was appointed Governor of sider Bee, and died in 1621. is BLELBU (M.), engraved by F. Montulay, 1754 (Reproduced in Hamil- ton, page 91); Jean Baprisre Descames (French painter, mem- ber of the Academy) : AME DE St. Diprer, engraved by E. Voysard. (2 copies); M. F. Hucuenty Dumrrann, engraved by M. Theve- etard >: Fr. N. E. Droz, engraved by Micaud (Hamilton, page 328, and the only plate mentioned by this engraver) ; FrRaNcors Drzo- rgux (French physician, promoter of inoculation) ; ; Mr. vd’ Hyen- , VILLE, engraved by Viotte; G: M. Dspace (author); AUGUSTE H. M. P. pt Damprerre (French g general, was with Rochambeau) : ~ CA eraver rare; i *) \ VV : . ag Sf - / Pa ve f z <5 e SI “id 2, ~/ Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th FRENCH BOOK PLATES ¢ [No. 876—Continued | ComrE DeristeE (probably the geographer) ; CLARET Denatoun- cS. RETTE, dated 1719. (Hamilton, page 86, where it is reproduced) 5 also, another state of the same plate dated a year earlier (1718), and. apparently unknown to Hamilton, and other French plates, — all but 2 of the XVIIIth. century. All letter D. Together, ee : pieces. 877%. Ererno (ABBEE D’); Marquis bE Fortia (French savant) ; Diiwes x | FoRMENTIN, engraved by Chollett; pz FauconPRET, engraved by -g Helman; Mr. DE Feniuyy, engraved by Durand; FRANoISC. DU FRESNE, “engraved by P. Giffart, and like all the work of this en- < oe FArLy, large and unusual armorial; Lt’ ABBE DE s FRawssurE: JEAN DAN Former: Mr. FouUGEROUX (Inspecteur. des Forges) ; LA Marquise pE Finury, and other French plates, all but 2 of the XVIIIth. century. All letters E-F. Together, 28 — pieces. Pam 878. Freurrev (CHaAries Prerre C., Comre pe—French raiiebee of marine, — directed naval operations during the American Troe war). ee: 4) Armorial, with anchor, gun, globe, ete. 2 copies. : a 879. Frencu Booxprates. A collection of 21 anonymous bookplates, all of the XVIIIth. century, one, a very beautiful library interior, en- — - graved by Gerard Scotin, dated 1715, comprising armorial, pic- — - torial, library interior, ete., all with engraver’s names. Together, pe 21 pieces. i Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included in” A ANG this collection. The names of the artists include; Louise du V. Tardieu; F. Pilsen; Rouviere; Palliere; Tourtacy; J. E. ‘Nilson ; Coutellier, ca ca others. 880. Frencu Booxpiates. A collection of 40 anonymous bookplates, mainly of the XVIIIth. century, comprising pictorial, allegorical, and ar- —__ Q) morial. Together, 40 pieces. ees. ve Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included in this ‘ies collection. The mottoes inelude; ‘Amor et Pax’ ; “Generositate” ; “Nemo 3 me impune Lacessit’, and others. yh 881. Frencu Booxpiates. A collection of 41 anonymous bookplates, mainly of the XVIIIth. century, a few however of the preceding CeOTUNS comprising allegorical, armorial, etc. Together, 41 pieces. ag ee ee 7 Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included in- this collection. The mottoes include; “Ht Prava Coqvendo Reformat” ; “ “Firmat et Ornat’, ete. Pe pore i FRENCH BOOK PLATES (ON DE aes (Niconas Remy—President au Parlement). Ar- n orial. Engraved by T. Le Roux, dated 1704. Two states of the plate, one proof before inscription, the cartouche empty, name Added by hand. Together, 2 pieces. - = that came into vogue in the early part of the XVIII. century. Hamil- hens 85, where the example with inscription is reproduced. eae hh. GossELLIN, el by D. Wallaert, and the ee plate by ‘this engraver mentioned by Hamilton; MicHAELis GALLIARD, morial, very rare; CLAUDE Marig GATTEL (French lexicog- ay ee) JEAN Lovis GatLatin eee to the hospital founded uLt (CHarLes JEAN Francois—French historian, president of he Academy ). Allegorical. Engraved by the Comte de Caylus, fter a design by Francois Boucher. oe -Malassis, page 28 where it is reproduced. E (Mn) j hee much in the manner of Hisen, by Dz Colin, ‘Lie; p’HemrERY (commander of the Invalides, secretary of tate) ; fees Prerre D’Hozier (French genealogist, famous for his ~ knowledge of heraldry). A very rare and beautiful plate; CAMILLE I. Hewrion, engraved by Claude Roy (2% copies); G. L. 8. Horr- ANN, engraved by J. Traiteur, 1761; Mr. Joty: M. pe Jousert, ngrayed by Maugein; Jean Bapriste R. Jartzor (French geog- ‘apher) (2 copies, one on blue paper) ; [Claude L. B. Jacqueinin], meraved by C. Charles, 1739 (Listed in Hamilton as “nameless”) ; “JorpAN, President a Agde, a fine armorial, and other French es, all but I of the XVIIIth. century. All letters H-J. To- er, 29 pieces. PIERRE Danret—eminent French bibliophile, gave his library 8000 volumes to the Jesuits). Armorial, dated 1692. One of the rarest plates of the transition period (1650-1700). Hamil- on, pages 78-80, where it is. reproduced. [See Plate VII. for reproduction. ] DAN (Sr BAN BapristE—one of the most famous marshals of Na- yoleon’s army). Armorial, with floral decoration. Unsigned. “Hamilton, pages 120-122, where it is, reproduced. a ema 893. 894. 895. . LaporDE (Hamare be), engraved by Claude Roy; Mr. Lz Marre, | . LORRAINE. . [Lorraine Famtny]. | . : ee Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th - ee CP al, Le ie ee. Ten ee FRENCH BOOK PLATES ; engraved by Brenet; Francois C. pp TELLIER DE CouRTANVAUX (2 | copies) ; LE Duc pe Liancourt; Mrs. CuaupE Rene Letone, Con- ~~ set. du Roy; DUCHESSE DE LAFORCE; LA Luzerne (French ambas- sador to the United States, 1783-——) : ; CraupE Nicouas Lepoux — (eminent French architect) ; LE Baron DE Lassus: B. Lutstorr, — and other French plates, all but I of the XVIHh. century. All ~ letter L. Together, 36 pieces. oe = tpn " ty . LAVoIsER (ANTOINE Lavrent—illustrious French chemical philosopher, chief*founder of modern chemistry, guillotined 1794.) Engraved by de la Gardette. Armorial, pure Louis XVI. style. Poulet-Malassis, page 34, where it is reproduced. . Lazare (Sarvt—reformatory for women, existing since 1110, from 1515 __ to end of the XVII. was a leprosery, which in 1632 was abolished by St. Vincent de Paul). Armorial, with figures of Christ and Lazarus in cartouche. Large plate, with full margins. Circa, 1700. De la Bibliotheque de Linsigne Eglise Primatialle de Lor- raine. Armorial. Engraved by Nicole, Nancy, dated 1767. One of the most important ecclesiastical plates of the period. Hamil- ton, page 186, where it is reproduced. een Armorial, with festoons, and four line verse be- es neath. Engraved by J. Callot. Brilliant original impression, with ne full margins. MarsoLuier (BEenorr—French dramatist, produced numerous comic operas of great popularity). Armorial, with the coronet of Count: | a Hamilton, page 48, where it is reproduced. Maury (JEAN Srrrrein—celebrated French prelate and pulpit orator, powerful opponent of Mirabeau). Armorial. lira MELLET (LA COMTESSE DE), engraved by Lidia le Daulceur, a very tal- © = ented engraver of the XVIIIth. century. Picorias a flying cupid unfolding a scroll. Signed. . Mitton (Francors—Conseiller du Roy) ; MancHon (family), enoweveran by Nonot (the only plate by this engraver mentioned by Hamilton) ; ~ ComTE DE Morreton-CHABRILLAN, ‘engraved by Traiteur; LA Com- — TESSE DE Montsianc; Cuaries Louis pp Macts: L. E. “Mivy, en- a FRENCH BOOK PLATES —Continued] _graved by P. Gouel. (Not in Hamilton) ; ComrE Mercy D’ARGEN- _ vEAU (Austrian ambassador to Paris, 1791); and other French %y plates, all but II of the XVIIIth. century (one of the XVIIth. 5) a century). All letter M. Together, 33 pieces. | nai NtIGNyY (Mienor pz). Allegorical. Engraved by Mme. ‘Louise le Daulceur. A pretty and graceful design. - Paulet-Malassis, page 68 where.it is reproduced. REAU (JEAN BapristE—celebrated French musician, employed by - Racine to compose choruses for “Athalie” etc.) ; SERAPHIN Marat, engraved by Durig, of Lille (the only plate by this engraver men- tioned by Hamilton) ; Domint Mascrany, engraved by J. R. Scotin ; Savveur F. Moranp (celebrated French surgeon, member of the French Academy); Francors Moucuarp (receiver general of finances, plate dated 1732, and reproduced in Hamilton, page 88) ; _Awntorne H. pz ua Morte (French dramatist), and other French plates, all of the XVIIIth. century. All letter M. Together, 17 a ; pieces e z ~ , : URAT (JoacHim—one of Napoleon’s marshals, King of Naples). Ar- -morial. Fine impression, with margins, of a different (and prob- _ ably earlier) plate, than the one illustrated in Hamilton, page 133. a INVILLE (Jacquzs B. D. pe—French historian) ; FrrepEricr Nicowat, a beautifully engraved, although unsigned, symbolical plate, cupids, open books etc. Both states of the plate, large and small; Mr. DE eo ON OVILLARS; and other French plates; all but I of the XVIIIth. century. All letters M-N. Together, 11 pieces. r ot (Mer.—First President of Parliament in Normandy). Ar- morial. “Signed, J. T., probably Jean Toustain, an engraver of Nor- mandy. 2 copies, one brilliant impression, but both cut close. ~ Considered by Hamilton one of the finest examples executed between wronarTrain (Louts P., Due de—French Minister of State) (2 copies) ; Domrnt Prcor, de Closriviere, an unsigned, but fine, and undoubtedly rare armorial; Ameprr D. Pastorer (French politician and litterateur) (Hamilton, page 144, where it is reproduced) (2 states of the plates, with engraver’s name and without, one on blue, one on white paper; Amp. AtEx. Panisor: Marquise DE Pons; copies) ; BrsnioTHECA PEZOLDIANA, engraved by C. G. Nestler. 2 Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th FRENCH BOOK PLATES [ No. 902—Continued | 904. 907. . SANSON (Nrconas Lupovicus DE PuceEt, Patricius Lugdunensis (dated), 1709; RENE PuceutLte (Abbot of. St. Leonard); Prrrr Criaupir PERROT, and other French plates, all but 2 of the XVIIIth. century. All letter » P. Together, 32 pieces. . RoquEHvE. Biblioth. Rothomag. Ex Dono Nob et Munificentissimi viri_ D. D. Ioan de la Roqvehue..... 1724. Fine armorial, signed, I. D. Beleau, fecit Rotoh (Rouen). Very scarce. The engraver is mentioned by Hamilton (page 305) but no list of his aie plates is given. RorHELIN. Charles d’Orleans, Abbe de Rothelin (celebrated oes of books, medals etc.) (Hamilton, page 187, where it is reproduced) ; Cartes F. pp CHareavveur DE RocHEBONNE (Archbishop of _ Lyons, 1731); RicHarp DE Rurrery, engraved by J. B. Scotin; [Count RosenBERG|; Francois pE Ravcour, and othér French. — plates, mainly of the XVITIth century. All letter Q-R. Together, 26 pieces. 6é tude, as, fi for example, that of Claude Ruffier”. —Hamilton. L’Apsié DE SEicHAMpsS, 1747, engraved by Nicole, Nancy; DEnis Francois SecoussE (French historical writer) ; Marcuionis Sat- sac; Mr. pE SarrosBert, engraved by Ollivault; Cre. pz SERANS, ~ and other French plates, all but 2 of the XVIIIth. century. a letter S. Together, 20 pieces. TRONCHIN (JEAN ARMAND), engraved by Choffard, 1779 ; Mahe DE TERLAYE, engraved .by Durig (the only plate mentioned by Hamil- ton) ; DE FAucONPRET DE THULUS, engraved by. Vacheron (Not in Hamilton) (2 copies); M. pp THILortEuUR, engraved by A. Lavau: CoMTE DE LA TourRETTE, and other French plates, all of the ~ XVIIIth. century. All letter T. Together, 22 pieces. ? . VILLEJUST (LAMBERT DE), engraved by Brenet. A beautiful alae (not “3 mentioned by Hamilton) ; ; Vatpasgou (DuMOoNT DE), a beautiful _ plate (reproduced in Hamilton, page 209) ; Prerre J. D. pz VaTRE, engraved by I. B. H. Bonnard: CHARLES F. D. pE VAUpDONCcOoRT, engraved by Lamcon (the only plate mentioned by Hamilton) ; Lz CHEVALIER DuMarRS DE VauponcouR, 1753, engraved by Nicole, — and other French plates, all but 3 of the XVILth. pase. All” letters V-Z. ‘'Together, 34 pieces. eminent French geographer); J. B. Savoyzs, — . Rurrrer (CraupE—of Lyons). Large and fine armorial. Circa, 1625. The ex-libris of Lyons are especially notable for their magni- PLATE VIII.—GERMAN BOOK PLATES IMHOFF (ANDREAS). No. 950. BEHAM (HANS SEBALD). No. 921. (Magraved by Virgil Solis.) (Engraved by himself, ) PFINZING-GRUNDLACH (CARL VON). No. 962. (Engraved by Matthias Zundt.) GERMAN BOOK PLATES [Numbers 909 to 982] ebia Peesarist of Hamburg). Armorial, with ornate border, representation of the four seasons in corners. "Engraved, according to Leiningen-Westerburg (page 151 and reproduced on page 149) by J. B. Woodcut. Cut close and slight imperfections. a me arneeke, number 12, ROSIANAM. Ad Bibliothecam oy Both varieties, large and small (Warnecke, numbers 35- -36) ; MONASTERY AT AUDECHS; Groreius AnrTMaNN (Warnecke, number 31), and other German aa all but one of the XVIIth. century. All letter A. Together, Armorial, shield with compartments, containing wild an, squirrel, rabbit and leopard, with supporter of large eagle, ith outstretched wings. Engraved by Vircit Soxts, signed with tials. — Cres 1555. ‘EXTREMELY RARE. oe (Htmronyamus—senator mA parish: friend of Lather eal Masters”. Circa, 1530. a. Library of the Dukes of Bavaria at Tea Armorial. ated, 1618. Brilliant original impression. EXTREMELY RARE. THE First BAVARIAN BOOKPLATE. Leiningen-Westerburg, page 175, ~ : i Sap thts copy of the preceding, not quite so fine an impression, 1 with smaller margins, but a copy much finer than the average. The smaller plate of the same library, with the same inscrip- | and with the same date, 1618. Brillant original impression. ae page 176, where it is reproduced. Warnecke, 1 ber 1369. Ss Hardy, page 133, where it is reproduced. EXTREMELY RARE. a ‘3 the 1618 plates, but the supporters are different. 1d Melanchthon).] Armorial. Engraved by Barthel Beham, one “he 1 re- RGERE plate of the same library, engraved between. rarnecke, number 1375, where it is reproduced. The shield is the same Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th GERMAN BOOK PLATES 917. Bavarta. Another plate of the same library, engraved between 1650 and 4 EXTREMELY Rare. a Warnecke, number 1374, where it is reproduced. The shield is the 1 : same as on the preceding plate, but the supporters are entirely different. 918. Beer (Tooma). Armorial. Dated 1562. In colors, some of which has undoubtedly been added at a later date. Cut close on one side, and thinned in several places. HXTREMELY RARE. pe 4 ‘ aye . Warnecke, number 154. > 7 ‘a a : oy . aoa “< ) tas Mer ets a4 :: ay ies Daten, bal oh, Oe a ~ een gl 7 ee 3 Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th 942. GerMAN Booxpiatss. A collection of 22 anonymous bookplates, mainly \N 943 ee} Ne! A} ET gaan 944 ~\rx oe Y) 945 a % “ q'6 4 ‘ 946 — ~ ~ Ae 947 ij; wv A) Le° 7 40 Cima . German Booxptates. A collection of 30 anonymous bookplates, “all . German Booxprates. A collection of 30 anonymous bookplates, all ok . GermAN Booxpriates. A collection of 43 anonymous bookplates, all “a2 GERMAN BOOK PLATES of the XVIIIth. century, several dated, comprising -pictorial, ar- morial, allegorical etc., all with engraver’s names. ‘Together, eae pieces. Ss Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates are included in this = 4 collection. The names “of the artists include; Johann Sebastian Muller, — (a very similar bookplate is reproduced in Leiningen-Westerburg, page — a 63); Weis; A. Zingg; BE. G. Kruger; H. Brupbacher; P. Yver; Veyrier 5" =i Wille Filius; R. L. Moeglich; J. F. Schmidt, and others. 0 3. ie ee . GERMAN Booxpuates. A series of 6 large and finely engraved.anony- ~~ mous plates, of the XVIIth. and XVIIIth. centuries, one of which is dated 1633. ALL RARE PLATES. Together, 6 pieces. of the XVIIIth. century. Together, 30 pieces. .Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included in this collection. The mottoes include—“Forchte Gott, Thue vrechte, Scheuche Nie Mandt” ; “Pro Virtute Bellica” ; “Fortus Superenatatundas” etc. ak the X VIIIth. century. Together, 30 pieces. ~ Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included in this collection. The mottoes include—“Potius mori quam fedari” ; . “Fidei Commisum Familiae’’, ete. but about 6 of the XVIIIth. century. Together, 43 pieces; © ~~ Many finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included in this collection. The mottoes include—‘Dominvs Providebit’; “Tute si recte vireris’, ete. ; . GUNTHER (C. G.), engraved by J. G. Kutner (Warnecke, number soa): a Jou. JosePpH F. von Grieset (Warnecke, number 676); JOHANN — ©. Gerninc (Warnecke, number 633); Cur. HEInRicH A. GERET, | interesting plate showing the double use of letters (See Leiningen- ae Westerburg, page 58); ZacHary G. DE GAILENBACH (grand treas- © urer of the Holy Roman Empire under Rudolph II. (Warnecke, number 623). Dated 1603; Lropotp FREYHERR VoN HOoOHEN- HAUSEN, engraved by C. Korner (Warnecke, number 881) ; Lupwie B. von P. Herttstern (Warnecke, number 820); AtBERT HUNGER ~ (eminent. theologian) (Warnecke, number 915). Dated 1604, and other German plates of the XVIIth. XVIIIth. and about 6 of the — : XIXth centuries. All letters G-H. Together, 31 pieces. page tS 948, [Horzscxuner (Hirronymus).] Full armorial, with rich frame con- taining birds, etc. In the manner of, and probably aie Jus x: Jost Amman, circa 1550. Cut close. EXTREMELY RARE, . Ate See rf > es ' ‘ a : Pa Third Session, Friday Evening, November 1 rth GERMAN BOOK PLATES OLZSCHUHER (Verr Avuaust).] Full armorial, surrounded by a ‘rich Renaissance frame. Engraved by Jost Amman, in 1580. ‘The cartouche is empty, and it is probably an impression from the original copper struck during the XVIIth. or XVIIIth. century. _ A very large and beautiful ex-libris, with full margins. _ Warnecke, number 892. Leiningen-Westerburg, page 120 where it is reproduced. torr (AnprEAS—of Nuremberg). Armorial, with landscape. En- -graved by Vireit Soxis, dated 1555. Colored, probably contem- - poraneously. EXTREMELY RARE. | - Leiningen-Westerburg, page 117, [See Plate VIII. for reproduction. | . (H.). Engraved by Lucas Kilian, dated 1616. Portrait plate of large dimensions, signed and dated. g KAGENECK (Franz Heine W. F. von) (Warnecke, number 960) ; -Trreoport Karasan (vice-president of the academy at Vienna) (Warnecke, number 963); Guorcius Kuox (celebrated book col- lector); Jouann Lupwia K. von Kunirz, dated 1731, not in “Warnecke; Joann Baprisr Kursky, engraved by C. Dietell. -(Leiningen-Westerburg, page 287) (2 copies); Hxzinricus Ave. -Krierenporrr, dated 1726 (Warnecke, number 1068) ; Caspar KinprsvaTrer (Warnecke, number 994; GEore JacoB voN Koprr (Warnecke, number 1042); Herteu Krarrr (Warnecke, number 1049), and other German plates of the XVIIth., XVIIIth. and XIXth. centuries, (mainly XVIIIth.) All letter K. Together, . (Herricus—Suffragan of Passau). Allegorical. Woodcut. xecuted, according to Warnecke, in 1532. EXTREMELY RARE. — Selected by Leiningen-Westerburg, as one of “... the more important at ites, which are either. especially characteristic or little known”. War- ecke, number. 1532. RTH VON SimMERN (GortrrieD) (Leiningen-Westerburg, page 33, where it is reproduced) ; A. R. D. Niconaus Lane, engraved y P. Hurnliman (Warnecke, number 1097 ); BratiorHeca Lup- WIGIANA (Warnecke, number 1209); Hertnrich W. LEHNEMAN; Toannes Manpt (Warnecke, number 1222); FREIDRICHS VON - Moutinen (Warnecke, number 1335); Paunt JacoB_ VON Marpercer, Baron of Nurnberg (Warnecke, number 1239) ; Monas- TERY OF Monousroru, engraved by J. H. Storcklin (Leiningen- tes of the XVIIth., XVIIIth. and a few of the XIXth. cen- ries. All letters L-M. Together, 34 pieces. 2 esterburg, page 298, where it is reproduced), and other German_ \ Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th — GERMAN BOOK PLATES - 955. LAUTHER (GuokaSeminaat theologian). Armorial, with vy oe cupids. The large plate (Warnecke, number 1113), also” : wis J plate, with the supporters and ornamentation. Aaa : 1112). Date of plates, 157—. ‘Together, 2 pieces. | Ca eee z 956. Matren (CuristopHorvs Zyr—Eqves Avratvs et Medicin Armorial, shield within circular frame, with outer f * > .; 4 Engraver unknown. Executed about 1590. ~ 6 o\ os Warnecke, number 1246. Book-plates of medical men of a especially when so designated on the plate, as ey as rare. . 957. Moti (H. Samugz).. Armorial, shield within crea F ornamentation. Dated 1597. Colored by hand, pre / tye A XVIIth. century. Cut close. Apparently of German workmanship, nithonae not ment necke or Leiningen-Westerburg. ‘a 958. Monastrerit Murensis. Shield, with frame and. foie ort. Monasrertt 8S. Satuatoris & S. Orvors in- Polling. 4 of Christ on the cross. Both woodcuts, pe 0. century. Together, 2 pieces. 959.. Nach (JoHANN BERNH.—citizen and merchant, pratt j of Frankfort). Book-pile, seated figure (Minerva : volume, standing nearby is a male figure, probably ¥ a4 \ oye 4} himself, several rows of books to the left, in the backgr 7e ping, and a view of a portion of city. Dr. Onion vaiaa iy Hilaire del. et se., 1759. - oz { by es 960. [Napier (Hizronymus—doctor of Nuremberg, ae 1535).] Pes morial, square frame with heavy ornamentation. We odcut. . y Wee liant example, with full margins. Owner’s name in a fw Na hand, probably autograph of the subject. ExrrEMEi reo Warnecke, number 1424, where he ascribes the date as. 961. Ocus (J. S.), engraved by P. Fehr (Warnecke, number RICH C. VON ” OCHSENSTEIN, engraved by Michael Ro gen-Westerburg,. page 197, where it is reproduced PB -.. A _ or Osunzett, (Warnecke, number 1487) ; Monastery oO a engraved by F. X. Jungwirth, 1744 (Leiningen-West 306, where it is reproduced) ; MonastErRy OF POLLING, ¢ F. Xe Jungwirth, 1744; An entirely different plate to with some of the same features however (2 copies) ; Jc RascHKE (Warnecke, number 1649), and other Germ: the XVIIth., XVIIIth. and a few of the ae 2 in letters O-P-R. Together, 33 pieces. GERMAN BOOK PLATES ZING-GRUNDLACH (Car~ von—of Nuremberg).]. Armorial, -a small shield in centre, with elaborate supporters and ornamenta- on, covering the entire plate. Engraved by Matthias Zundt, 1569. Brilliant impression, with margins. EXTREMELY RARE. The reproduction in Leiningen-Westerburg (page 57 ), Shows a motto ~“Saluti Patria Vixisse Honestat’, and the engraver’s initials, M. Z. and date 1569 are in small spaces under the cartouche. The copy here eS he eee sd the ee to be a PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. GERMAN BOOK PLATES my a ee es t (Marrutas), unusual design, a stork with a snake in his Dill. - | ate dated 1693; HinronymMous Perrus Scutosserus (Warnecke, Lot ea umber 1916); Bernarpr Jacopr ScHupt (Warnecke, number ag 971): Dated 1780; Ioannes ScuwxcERLE (Warnecke, number = __ 990). Dated 1656; Stotpera (Curistran E. G. Zu) (Warnecke, ae rumber 2116) ; Srotpere (CHARLES, PrrNck DE) (Warnecke, num- | a gS yy Chodowicky (Warnecke, number 1909); ScuwarzKorr (War- veos ecke, number 1988). A beautiful pictorial, and other German Rare. lates, all but one of the XVIIth. or XVIIIth. centuries. All oe etter 8. Together, 39 pieces. = RASBoURG (BisHop or).| Armorial. Engraved by J. Striedbeck, of Strasbourg. Brilliant impression. : An exceedingly handsome and very large ecclesiastical bookplate. RN UND Taxis (GraF UND Grarin von—founder of the Post). ats. ingraved by Leop. Denifle, 1798. An unusually attractive and ee symbolic pictorial: Vaurer DE VENDELSTORF (Warnecke, number aie 309) ; Cart von Truiy (Warnecke, number 2191); Unrict (War- ~ * — 1ecke, number 2249), and other German plates, all of the XVIIIth. Yee ntury. AW letters T-U-V. Together, 13 pieces. * ae cus (Ioannes Gror.). Armorial, shield in square frame, with = es avy scroll outer border. Motto in Greek. Woodcut, dated 1576. ie a ngraver unknown. Brilliant impression, with margins. Ex- Pa REMELY RARE. - s So Apparently unknown to Warnecke, Leiningen-Westerburg, ete. rip pacH (ZAcHARIAS Konrap von—Senator at Frankfurt, and a ; ell-known bibliophile). Library interior, long perspective view, Wee ith the usual accessories, and a beautiful border of roses. En- ae aved by Johann Ulrich Kraus, of Augsburg. Two sizes (there \ e four), both with margins trimmed. Together, 2 pieces. . ah : ° . ORLHAFEN (Famity or).| Armorial, within a floral oval, frame Sgt figures and ornamentation. Engraved by Heinrich Ulrich, of aS remberg, about the end of the XVIth. century. Brilliant im- Pe ssion, with margins. EXTREMELY RARE. Considered to be one of the finest ex-libris of its period. Warnecke, ber 1505. Leiningen-Westerburg, page 158. i a * - 4 oe 2 977 ot 9 978. WarcLANgEsi. Ex Bibliotheca Warclanesi Ex; Comit: os Third Session, Friday Evening, N vember ee 979. [WEINLAND (G. E.).] Allegorical, flying tuure blowing. 980. WERDENSTEIN (JoH. GEORG von). Armorial, containin by 9 981. WoLKENSTEIN (Parts GraF Zu) (Warnecke, sae [von OELHAFEN (Famity or).] Another impression, not s _ Westerburg, page 290, where it is reproduced) ; - Together, 33 pieces. TaN “ee ys es GERMAN BOOK PLATES preceding, margins cut, and date 1610 in see : schitz. Armorial, with supporters, shield surrounded | stands on a rock, background of trees and clouds, ete. : by S. Halle (dated) 1790. Brillant example, with mar exceedingly attractive plate. Hamilton, pages 108 and 117, reproduced at the latter page. statue, on base of which are initials G. EH. W., ship sround, columns, etc., in foreground. Stock, fecit (accor necke, number 2404). Brilhant impression, with spa plate blank. An unusual and finely eng vee P »b middle of the XVIIIth. century. $ shields. Colored, probably contemporary or ge, ® EXTREMELY RARE. Warnecke, number 24384, who ascribes the date as 1569. with the coloring, Warren’ s translation of ries! quoted—‘‘These are the insignia of my sires Ne Which in their proper tinctures thou may’st see. STERY OF WESSOBRUNN, engraved by J. H. Belli i Duke of Saxony (Leiningen-Westerburg, page 33: produced); WoLFFSKEEL (JoH. CursTPH.) (W: 2505). Dated 1643; Warnecke (Frreprici—the Deutschen Bucherzeichen’’) 2 different plates; Grore Witpert (Warnecke, number 2481); Cur. ER. vi (Warnecke, number 2492) ; FRIEDEMANN GRAF UN THERN (Warnecke, number 2445): Joan SigisMul necke 2543-2544, different plates of the same pe German plates, all but 8 of the XVITIth. century. P 982. Wooarana. Bibliotheca: Woogiana. Probably i. by! a design by Wernerin. Allegorical. 2 states: of different. 2 pieces. This plate“... is perhaps the most gloomy “Weoley entered into the mind of man to conceive. A skeleton sit or a coffin-shaped tomb, holding in his right hand a aes if; Hardy, pages 128-130. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th BELGIAN, ITALIAN, AND OTHER FOREIGN “BOOK PLATES [Numbers 983 to 990] 83. Breician Booxpiates. Gvilielmi Van Hamme, Patricy Brvxel; —— Cathedralis Eccliae Antverp, (dated), 1659. An exceedingly handsome and very large ecclesiastical bookplate. 84. Bretgian anpd Dutcn Booxpriatss. J. G. Micurets (admiral, resident of Antwerp, of Dutch origin). A beautiful XVIIth. century plate, ship under full sail, engraved by L. Fruytiers (Linnig, pages 54-55, where it is reproduced) ; EvErArD UrrAIN DE Fossoun (governor- regent of Liege) (Linnig, pages 167-168, where it is reproduced) ; AERSSEN VAN SOMMELSDYCK, engraved by Polak (2 copies), and another. ‘Together, 5 pieces. 985. EcctestasticaL Booxpiares. A collection of ecclesiastical bookplates, ; both French and German, of the X VIIth. and XVIIIth. centuries, including; Marius Marefuschus; J. Franc. Bosselaer; Francisus Antonius Reding (engraved by C. Storcklin, dated 1735); Fran- cisus Tristanus de Cambon, Episcopus Mirapiscencis (engraved by J. Mercadier) ; Joh. Stearne, dated, 1717; Barnabus Turgot, Episc. Sagiensis, dated, 1717; Abbas Bonaventura II. (engraved by Viotte. A beautifully engraved plate), and others of equal interest. To- gether, 34 pieces. 986. EccimstAsticAL Booxpuates. A collection of ecclesiastical bookplates, ee both French and German, of the XVIIth. and XVIIIth. centuries, including; Alexandre Jean Mignot, Abbe de Scellieres; Pavpervm 4 Stvdiosorvm Domys Gregorianae, Monachii (dated), 1636; Col- legiatae Lateranesnis ad 8. Nicolaum; Vigor de Briois d’Hulluch, Abbe de Saint Vaast; an anonymous plate, of beautiful proportions engraved by Piranesi, and others of equal interest. Together, 20 pieces. 98%. Irattan Booxrnates. Duca pi Cassano, engraved by R. Morghen, i 1810. (Bertarelli-Prior, page 142); Paotina ConrTARINI Grio- #3 =) - YANELLI; BrBLIOTHECA PaLATINA; ALBERTO FRANCESCO FLONCEL vf (Bertarelli-Prior, pages 189-190, where it is reproduced) ; and other igh: Italian plates, mainly of the XVIIIth. century, comprising armorial, — allegorical, pictorial, etc. Together, 32 pieces. fo A number of finely engraved, and undoubtedly rare plates, are included | in the above. 88. Russtan Booxpiates. Boutrourtrn (Drxron—Russian general and és bibliophile, library destroyed by the 1812 Moscow fire); Count Borcu (Polish naturalist); Count or LepELn (eminent Polish author) (2 copies); THEODORE GoLOwKIN, Comte de Russie, and others. XVIIIth. and XIXth. centuries. Together, 9 pieces. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ee ee eee FOREIGN MISCELLANEOUS PLATES fo 989, SpantsH Booxretarr. Jose Luzuriga y Bear. Armorial—Trophy. Signed, J. G. st. dated, 1809. Large plate. VERY RARE. 990. Swiss BooxrpLates. Bistiornecasn F. F. Mrnorum 8. Francrscr Conv. f f) 3 IL /) . ) TERTHUR, and others. LucerNagE; Escuer tm WoLLENHOorT IM Zurick; VILLE DE WIN- — XVIIIth. and XIXth. centuries. Together, REFERENCE BOOKS RELATING TO BOOK PLATES AND | 991. A A — 992. MN ae ( 993 ( 994 \ ~ f “S996 oe ya jee OW /) y OG BOOK PLATE COLLECTING [Numbers 991 to 1037] American Book-Plates. Illustrated with many reproduc- , tions of rare and interesting book-plates. 12mo, cloth, uncut, slightly — shaken in binding. ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). raphy by Eben Newell Hewins. . Auction CaTALocuEs oF BooKPLATE COLLECTIONS. London, 1906; H. E. Deats, New York, 1909; Private Collection, Merwin-Clayton Sales Co., New York, 1907; Boston, 1909. Together, 4 parts. With a Bibliog- New York, 1894 ALLEN (CHARLES Dexter). The same as preceding. Illustrations. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. New York, 1894 Edition de Luxe. No. 19, of 75 copies printed on Japanese Vellum. Signed by the author. ‘ . Auten (Cartes Dexrer). Ex Libris: Essays of a Collector. _ With 24 copperplate prints, on Japanese paper, the frontispiece im colors. 8vo, half claret levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Boston, 1896 One of 50 copies printed on Kelmscott hand-made paper, and signed by both author and publisher. This copy, No. 10. . Atmack (Epwarp). Bookplates. With 42 idlustrations. 16mo, cloth, London, 1904 Julian Marshall, Eben N. Hewins, . BANK-NoTE Encravines. A series of Proof Impressions on India paper, by the Continental Bank Note Co. of New York, including Indian scenes, portrait of Washington, etc. 17 piece’, 8vo. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th a ok BOOKS OF REFERENCE of 997. BeRTARELLI (ACHILLE) ET Prior (Davip-HEnry). Gli Ex Libris Ee: Italiani. With 9 full-page plates and 233 reproductions. Imperial i 8vo, full claret-levant morocco, gilt back and top, inside border, » ouneut. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1902 ee, ‘ A sumptuous publication, in a handsome binding. 998. BooxsELLERs’ CaTatocuses oF Booxpuares. Ellis’s British and Amer- : ican Plates, London, 189%; Massey’s British and American Plates, : London, n.d.; Katalog, Ex-Libris, J. Rosenthal, Miinchen, n.d.; 4) Collection d’Ex-Libris, Paris, Maurice Delestre, 1903. Together, 4 pamphlets. 999. BooksELLers’ CaraLocues or Booxpiates. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York (3); George H. Richmond, New York; W. A. Butterfield, Boston. Together, 5 pieces. "1000. Briarp (Bougurniste). Supplément au Bouquiniste Briard, Mai, ie 1893. Ex-Libris Imaginaires wt Supposés de Personnages Célébres Anciens et Modernes. With 25 etched plates. 10 parts, in the original etched wrappers, uncut, inclosed inthe original slip- wrapper. , Paris: L. Joly, 1893 (001. Carp Boarp Boxgs. 9 by 12 inches (9), and 10 by 15 inches (3). To- gether, 12 boxes. 1002. Garnanper (C. M.). Svenska Bibliothek och Ex-Libris. Profusely illustrated with many examples of rare and interesting bookplates. 3 vols. 8yvo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Stockholm [1889 ]-1894 A full and extensive bibliography of the subject, Very scarce. ; 1003. Castine (Banrron). English Book-Plates, an illustrated handbook. Numerous illustrations. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 Edition limited. . ; 1004, Casrun (Ecerron). English Book-Plates. Fully illustrated. _8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1892 Japanese Vellum Edition, limited to 65 copies. : 1005. Ex Lreris. Vol. I, July 1896 to April 1897 (all published). Wath facsimiles of rare bookplates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Washington: The American Bookplate Society [1897] - Limited to 310 copies. The regular edition. 1006. Ex Lrsris. Vol. I. The same as above. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. , Washington [1897] \ , Limited to 310 copies. Japanese paper copy. ce 2 y i 9 ‘ Third Session, Friday Hvening, November 17th BOOKS OF REFERENCE 1007. Ex Lipris. Vol. I. The same as above. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt GY tL back and top, uncut. Washington [1897] Limited to 310 copies. Japanese paper copy. 1008. Ex Lrsris Learters. Terry (James). Allyn Hyde of Ellington, Connecticut, 1906; LicurensTern (RicHarp C.). Early New Eng- land and New York Heraldic Book Plates, Boston, 1886; also by the same author, Early Southern Heraldic Book Plates; Drxon (ZELLA Mh A.). Concerning Book-Plates. Chicago, 1903; Catalogue of an Vy Iixhibition of Hx-Libris, ete., executed by W. Sherborn, New York, LY oe | 1893; Artistic Book-plates, a quarterly, Number one, New York, . nt Be 1901; ArcHiIveEs de la Société Francaise de Collectionneurs d’Ex- ‘a : Libris, Number 7, 1895; Musrum or Fring Arts, Boston, Catalogue -\\ 4) of a Loan Exhibition of Book-plates held by the Club of Odd Vol- es umes, 1898; Forest and Stream, January 26, 1907 (with article on Angling Ex-Libris). Together, 9 pamphlets. 1009. Ex Lrsrts Socrery. Journal of the Ex Libris Society. Edited by W. H. K. Wright, assisted by Arthur J. Jewers. Volumes 1 to 18. es Fully allustrated with many facsimiles of bookplates. 3 vols, half O\~ / morocco, and 15 vols. in parts, as issued. Together, 18 vols. 4to, ae uncut, lacking three parts, contains all the Indexes. London, 1892-1908 es 1010. FincHam (Henry W.). Artists and Engravers of British and Amer- ican Book Plates. Fully illustrated. Royal 4to, half vellum, uncut. London, 1897 —— LARGE PAPER, limited to 50 copies. 1011. Franks Bequest. Catalogue of British and American Book Plates AY 4) bequeathed to the Trustees of the British Museum, by Sir Augustus | a Wollaston Franks. By E. R. J. Gambier Howe. With reproductions 5 te “| of rare and interesting bookplates. 3 vols. royal 8yo, cloth. D fers C [London]: Printed by order of the Trustees, 1903-1904 Ss ~ + The complete set. A complete list, giving name, date, engraver, and / ‘5 style of all the plates in this noted collection. VERY RARE. 1012. Frencu (Epwin Davin): a Memorial. His Life . . His Art. Por- ey trat and facsimiles of plates etched by him. [By I. H. Brainard. ] WY Ky Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. } ‘ c va] : As . . A ott fie New York: Privately Printed, 1908 W : V Imperial Japanese Vellum, only 50 copies printed. Lfi 4 conn ; : Rar . /) | 1013. Frencu Puates. Les Ex-Libris Francais depuis leur origine jusqu’a nos jours. Notes sur leur usage et leur curiosité. Facsimile du plus ancien Ex-Libris Francais Connu. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, half ~) /4y morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1874 ‘ yr Edition limited to 100 copies, signed with the author's initials. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th BOOKS OF REFERENCE . GADE (JoHN A.). Book-Plates—Old and New. Illustrations. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1898 . GrotieR Crus. A Classified List of Early American Book-Plates. With a brief description of the principal styles, and a note as to the prominent engravers. By Charles Dexter Allen. Illustrations. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. New York, 1894 Edition limited to 350 copies on Italian hand-made paper. . HamiItTon (WALTER). French Book-Plates: a handbook for Ex- Libris. Fully illustrated. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1892 Japanese Vellum. No. 4 of 36 copies. . Hamiuron (Water). French Book-Plates. Fully illustrated. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1892 Japanese Vellum. No. 3, of 35 copies printed. This edition contains much additional matter. . Hamitton (Water). Dated Book-Plates. Part I. only. 4to, wrap- pers uncut. London, 1894 . Harpy (W. J.). Book-Plates. Illustrations.. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1893 . Hivpesranpt (Ap. M.). Heraldic Bookplates. Invented and Drawn by Ad. M. Hildebrandt. Wath 50 illustrations. 2 vols. square 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London, 1892-1894 . Kisset (CLEMENS). Symbolical Bookplates. Twenty Five Ex-Libris, designed and drawn by Clemens Kissel. 4to, wrappers. London, 1894 . LasoucHuere (Norna). Ladies’ Book-Plates: an illustrated handbook. Fully illustrated. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895 . Linnine (Bengami1n). Bibliothéque Internationale des Hx-Libris. Bibliothéques & Ex Libris d’Amateurs Belges aux XVIle, XVIIIe et XIXe siécles. Illustrated with 3 impressions from originals, and v7 text illustrations. 4to, wrappers, uncut. | Paris: H. Daragon, 1906 Editiom limited to 500 copies. . Nactr (Dr. G. K.). Die Monogrammisten und diejenigen bekannten und unbekannten Kiinstler aller Schulen. V. Band. 8. J.-Z. With numerous facsimiles of monographs. 8vo, half leather, uncut. Miinchen, 1879 4 Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th OMA BOOKS OF REFERENCE 1025. Pouner-Matassis (A.). Les Ex-Libris Frangais depuis leur origine jusqu’a nos jours. Nouvelle édition, revue, trés-augmentée. With facsimile illustrations of bookplates. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. — Paris: Roquette, 1875 One of 15 copies printed on Whatman paper. RARE. 1026. Rrqumr (A. pe). Ez-Libris. Illustrations in black and white, sepia, and colors. Imperial 8vo, cloth. [ Leipzig, 1903 | Edition limited to 10 copies, printed on special paper. Plates colored by the author. Each neatly hinged on separate sheet of a heavy gray paper. 1027. Sarrter (Josep). Deutsche Kleinkunst in zwei und vierzig Bucher- zeichen. Mit einem Vorwort, von Friedrich Warnecke. With 42 — illustrations, in black and white, and gold and colors, each plate — neatly hinged on separate sheet. In 4to, board portfolio. Berlin: J. A. Stargardt, 1895 1028. Scrap-Booxs, used by Mr. Eno for his collection. Plates removed. Together, 5 vols. 4to, morocco and half morocco. seas 1029. Spencetzy (J. W.). A Descriptive Checklist of the Etched and En- graved Book-plates by J. Winfred Spenceley. With notes and intro- duction by Pierre de Chaignon la Rose. Portrait and facsimile of Vy his plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1905 Hdition Limited to 250 copies. 1030. SpencetEy (J. W.). The same as above. Portrait and dlustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1905 Japanese paper edition, limited to 50 copies, signed by Mr. Spenceley. 1031. Sramp Act. [Busne (Grrvase Parxer).| Case of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King, and both Houses of Parliament. Third Edition. Small 4to, sewed, pp. 15, owner’s name scratched from title. London, Printed. Boston, Re-printed and sold by Edes & Gill [1769 | The author, whose sympathies are with the American colonies, in their struggle against the unjust Stamp Act, attempts to place the cause of the colonies in a favorable light. In the course of his remarks he cites passages from the celebrated speech by James Otis in defence of the Rights of the Colonies, and advises his countrymen of the evil effects of their unjust treatment. “They (the colonies) ares weak, by their cir- cumstances, let us not make them strong, by their despair. The gradual increase of numbers and of opulence, may add to their force, but that force will sleep, unless it be awakened, by injury . . . but if we oppress them, they will be our weakness and our danger.” Only one other copy of this edition sold at auction in America. Sabin attributes the author- ship to George B. Butler; but Evans credits the same to Bushe. Third Session, Friday Evening, November 17th ao BOOKS OF REFERENCE $32. Vinycomsp (Joun). On the Processes for the Production of Ex © Libris. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1894 . WarneckE (F.). Die deutschen Biicherzeichen (Ex-Libris), von ihrem Ursprunge bis zur Gegenwart. Illustrations. 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Berlin, 1890 a2 Bie oe 1034. WarNnecKE (Frieprici). Biicherzeichen (Ex-Libris) des XV. u XVI. . Jahrhunderts, von Diirer, Burgmair, Beham, Virgil Solis, Jost Amman. 5 parts. Berlin, 1894; also, the English translation of the first part. London, 1894. Illustrations. Together, 6 parts, small 4to, wrappers uncut. Berlin and London, 1894 . WARREN (J. Lurcester). A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates. Iilus- trations. 8yvo, cloth, uncut, binding worn. London, 1880 36. Warren (J. Leicester). A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates. Illus- trations. Together with An Index, by E. J. Thairwall. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth and paper. London, 1880-1894 Warren (Joun B. L.). A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates. Illus- trations. S8vo, cloth, uncut. New York and London, 1900 Second Edition. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, | MANAGERS. AS E. KIRBY, fos AUCTIONEER. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY : JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION | IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY "1916 Nov v. 16 NeAmE ¢ 1 ; Ame n Ame and foreign bo LAP 87-DI7L35 “ian u ated Aa Ay Kees Aye A ¥ lwenyh ASE ¥™ Aye a i ee it yet 1 ts * ‘ . ‘ t yy Y TS cone rh tty i N oe -~