tery Ay fi We iM a , Hi Bf } Hist 4 oat ri 4 oe ty TT Toh Hitehy ¥ 4 f f thea i tt rah SINT: hiss at ati iy Mt OL FS Hist = = 7 . pent) pee ees i Naan i iy j , a Otay Ha ine ANY A an 445 Ke \ iit ve tet i ¥ het i teh) Dt cy 1 ay i Wank r eal] ae ) , t Ha esta ae a Oe Tee ven Mi betty 1 : eet pt iota ree SE Pare i! bat tts aks its9 ie \ fae ot: Ct Aa are tes Pe LA no bAT ary MS ae si t ‘ Pie bs ie hy heal Me vay ait nein ape me a Yetis e ENGLISH LANDSCAPE BY J. M. W. TURNER [NUMBER 361 | Or SALE NUMBER 1454 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM DECEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS M3 AND ENGRAVINGS . INCLUDING DRAWINGS BY CORREGGIO, PIETRO DA CORTONA, VINCENTINO, CALLOT, POUSSIN, FRAGONARD, MILLET, VAN OSTADE, WOUVERMANN, VAN DE VELDB, RUBENS, MARTIN DBD VOS, FRANCIS FLORIS, BARTOLOZZI, CIPRIANI, ANGELICA KAUFMANN, TURNER, LAWRENCE, MORLAND, RUSKIN, THACKERAY, CRUIKSHANK, LEECH, ROSSETTT. FROM THE COLLECTION FORMED BY GEORGE S. HELLMAN, A.M. AUTHOR, ART CRITIC AND SOMETIME DIRECTOR OF THE COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS, AMERICAN E. F. UNIVHRSITY ORDER OF SALE MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, Lots 1-199 TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, Lots 200-393 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES =~ [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PresipenT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1920 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LoT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Gal-— leries before date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty what- ever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. | THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN INTRODUCTION HE present collection was formed during many years of study of drawings both of old and modern masters, and to a consider- able extent is to be regarded as ancillary to various writings in these fields, issued either in book form or as magazine articles. In the course of preparing a volume devoted preponderantly to the Italian masters, I became decidedly interested in the work of 16th, 17th and even 18th Century Italians, not so generally known in America as they are in Hurope, yet men whose drawings—often far better than their paintings—have much to offer to the student, at times bearing favor- able comparison to the work of the very great artists of their day. Albano, Barbieri (Il Guercino), Annibale Carracci, Polidoro, Michel- angelo da Caravaggio, Pietro da Cortona, Della Bella, Cesare da Sesto, Giordano,—these are but a few of the artists here represented who might be mentioned in this connection. If I were more specifically to refer to other drawings by interest- ing artists that are not among the giants in the record of Italian art, I should not wish to omit such a brilliant sketch as that (No. 223), by Pierfrancesco Mola; or the wash drawing, remarkable on account of its subject—a scene in Hell (No. 257), by Giacomo Del Po; or Guido Reni’s St. Michael (No. 287) ; or Lanfranco’s water-color (No. 207), depicting God holding the globe in his left hand, a magnificent drawing of special interest to the lovers of William Blake. The Gio- vanni da Udine (No. 362), is a drawing that is a landmark in the record of Renaissance decoration, one of the “grotesques” that was the direct fruit of the visits of this artist, in the company of Raffaelle, to the grottoes of Hadrian. More towering names in Italian art are represented by the lovely drawing ascribed by Sir Peter Lely to Raf- faelle (No. 264), the superlatively rare Vincentino (No. 382), and the beautiful Correggio drawing of a nude boy (No. 62), from the Collec- tion of the Marquis da Fossi. Those who have learned, possibly in reading Sir Sidney Colvin’s book entitled, “Children in Italian and English Design,” that childhood in itself was seldom used by the Italian painters, know that the child enters their drawings mainly under the guise of the Infant Christ or the little St. John, and not for purposes associated with the immediate life or expression of childhood. All the more important and appealing, therefore, are the two drawings to which reference has just been made, inasmuch as they show mas- terly, lovely and perfectly simple delineation of little children. In the large group of Italian drawings a wide range of subjects is repre- sented: religious, mythological, historical, landscape and animals. One meets with such rarities as Baccio del Bianco’s drawing (No. 24), of an American Indian; a wash drawing by Giovanni da San Giovanni (No. 130), showing a sense of humor seldom found in genre drawings (themselves rare) in Italian art; while in the Michelangelo da Cara- vaggio (No. 47), this leader of the Italian realists shows one of his characteristic drawings of vagabond life. In Europe, there is a swiftly increasing number of critics and collectors who maintain that the 17th Century Italians constitute the foremost group of draughtsmen in the history of art. And now that drawings by the earlier Italians are prac- tically not obtainable, the designs by these 17th Century masters are becoming the vogue, and are rapidly increasing in value. A word to the wise collector is sufficient. The French school, represented by artists of four centuries, begins with a drawing by Callot (No. 36), that reminds us of Rembrandt’s debt to this first of all great etchers. Other 17th Century artists are the rare Gérard de Lairesse (No. 206) ; Jouvenet, whose Ascension of the Virgin (No. 198), is an unusually fine example; Nicholas Poussin, with his Diana and Actaeon (No. 262); and the interesting Picart (No. 263), known to all book collectors for his illustrations in many fields. Among the artists of the 18th Century, Carle Van Loo is repre- sented by crayon and sanguine studies of the nude, forming a series unparalleled at any previous auction. Francois Verdier, one of the favorite artists of the King, presents some of his Biblical drawings, an unusual Russian character study (No. 214), is by Le Prince; and an even more unusual drawing, that of a camel (No. 384), shows Wat- {eau’s delightful genius. Fragonard is represented by three drawings (Nos. 114, 115 and 116), two of them belonging to his Italian period, a period represented in the Fragonard drawings in the Louvre, but in the fewest of private collections, either in Europe or America. ‘They are commented upon at length in the catalogue. Among the 19th Century artists, Troyon and Millet are the most noted names; although we must not forget to mention Doré’s drawing of the Epsom Races (No. 77), or the theatre scene (No. 147), by Constantin Guys. Tissot and Helleu bring the French group down to our own days. The earliest of the Dutch masters is Jacques Savery (No 304), whose delightful skating scene is the first drawing by this rare artist that has ever been offered at an American auction. It has the same quality as his well-known drawing of a similar subject in the Albertina Collection. To Rembrandt, who was born in 1603, one year after the death of Savery, is attributed a sketch for The Good Samaritan (No. — 275). It is a drawing which really should be submitted to the great Rembrandt authorities in Amsterdam for final judgment. While it may be by one of the group of artists who were the close followers of Rembrandt, it may well be by the master himself. Rembrandt’s fa- mous compatriots and contemporaries, Wouvermann (No. 392), and Adrian Van de Velde (No. 365), are shown in two characteristic drawings ; the one of a nobleman with horse and dog; the other of a charming river scene with cattle on the left bank and church and trees on the right. Nicholas Berghem’s (No. 22), sanguine drawing shows a group including donkeys, sheep and dog by an artist famous for his paintings of animals; while the hunting scene by Thomas Wyck (No. 393), is one of the most spirited depictions of men and women and animals that I have ever seen. The Brauwer (No. 34), which M. Sey- mour de Ricci, the distinguished Parisian expert, has attributed to the famous Cornelius Bega, is a fascinating Dutch interior. An absolutely genuine drawing by Van Ostade is included in a little lot (No. 945), offering possibilities for further research; while the two drawings by Houbraken (Nos. 153 and 154), are drawings of record, which have been engraved by this prolific portraitist. Special comment on the Dutch school may be brought to a close with a reference to two modern painters; Van Muyden (No. 227), distinguished for his paintings of animals, and Artz (No. 13), one of the most gifted of the followers of Josef Israels. The Flemish, only slightly represented in this collection, include (No. 292) a magnificent drawing by Rubens; a very quaint Martin de Vos (No. 383); the Peter de Jode from the Esdaile Collection ; two unusual drawings (one of them signed in full, and the other from the Bayard Taylor Collection), by Francis Floris (Nos. 105 and 106) ; and a drawing (No. 332), by Stradanus, that rare and early artist whose gifts were so various that he was equally proficient in church decora- tions, designs for tapestries, and illustrations for books. There is no occasion to say much of the German drawings. They are a lesser group, mainly from Bayard Taylor’s Collection. My favorite is by Wille (No. 389), who is really associated more with the 18th Century French school than with the German. Historically most important is the Rugendas (No. 273). This painter was so famous in his day that in a contemporary history of art as many pages are devoted to him as are given over to Raffaelle or to Michel- angelo. The Goltzius (No. 143), will appeal to collectors f engrav- ings, and is particularly interesting on account of its subject; No. 119 and No. 201 are drawings that would presumably fetch high prices in Germany, but they belong to a school that I have not studied. it may be suggested that while, for the purpose of expediting this sale, various of these artists are grouped together in lots, these lots offer opportunities that should not be overlooked, especially in such cases as when a painting by Louis Loeb or Castaigne is included. As to the score or two of etchings and engravings that accompany these drawings, while the pair of colored prints by Dubucourt are rare and notable, the Rembrandts, the Diirers, and the Little Masters, ete., are prints with which the American collector is so familiar that comment would be superfluous. GA WRITINGS ON ART BY MR. HELLMAN DRAWINGS BY THE OLp Masters (A volume based on the Cogswell Collection). Iranian Drawincs IN THE Metropotiran Museum (Print Col- lector’s Quarterly). DutTcH AND FLEMISH DRAWINGS IN THE METROPOLITAN MuUsEUM (Print Collector’s Quarterly). DRAWINGS FOR CHILDREN BY THE OLD Masters (Print Collector's Quarterly). EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ENcrRavines (Print Collector’s Quarterly). | JACQUES CALLoT (Print Collector’s Quarterly). Wyatt Eaton (The Art World). ArT AND Armizs (Art and Life). Les Eruprants -AMERICAINS, Erupiants pD’Art (La Revue de Bourgogne). L’ARMEE AMERICAINE ET SON EpucaTiIon ArtisTiquE (L’Art et les Artistes). ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS FIRST SESSION MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5. 1920 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK Lots 1 to 199 Pe RIEZA AABASSI Persian, 16th Century PORTRAIT OF A POET WITH AN ATTENDANT Miniature drawing. This drawing, in addition to its inherent charm, is of importance as an historical document, in that it shows the influence of the European masters on Persian art... - Examples illustrating this influence are very rare among the 16th century Persian drawings. Framed. 4 inches x 7 inches EDWIN A. ABBEY ABINGTON Wash drawing touched with white. An interesting water-front scene. Fine. In gilt frame. 11% inches x 834 inches THE DOLL MAKERS Pen and ink drawing. Two women sitting at a table, painting and shaping doll’s heads. 7 inches x 5 inches THE DOLL MAKERS GOING TO MARKET Pen and ink drawing. Three maids carrying their baskets of dolls 12 inches x 6 inches Two pieces, signed. Both framed. H. G. ARNOLD 1785-1854 12 MOTHER AND CHILD An exquisite pencil drawing by this distinguished Saxon painter, who was professor in the Academy of Dresden. Signed at lower right. From the Bayard Taylor Collection. ie . 7 vi S 1814 inches x 14 inches DAVID-ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ Born at the Hague, 1837 13 PEASANT MOTHER Crayon drawing, heightened with we of peasant mother draw- ing on stocking of child on her lap; with a smaller study of the mother’s head at upper right. An appealing drawing by this is a distinguished Dutch artist who appears first in the list described ‘ by W. E. Henley in his catalogue of French and Dutch paintings. Signed at lower left. 1714 inches x 11% inches OTTO H. BACHER 14 SAMOAN VILLAGE This stunning drawing, with its great palm trees, is of especial interest to Stevenson collectors who remember his letters from OU he the South Seas. This drawing was made the year in which Stevenson died. Pen and ink. 15 inches x 20% inches GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BARBIERI (Il Guercino) Bolognese School, 1590-1666 15 GROUP ae Pen and ink drawing of two ladies, knight, and a prone figure. ) S, From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. ”Y inches x 6 inches ~ 12 \"* \s 16 JAMES BARRY 1741-1799 ST. SEBASTIAN With preliminary sketch of same figure on the reverse side of the sheet. Exceedingly rare drawing by this eminent artist who was born in Ireland and who lies buried in the crypt of St. Paul’s Cathedral. He became a Royal Academician in 1773, when Wiliam Blake, then sixteen years old, was just begininng to draw for publication. There can be little doubt that Blake was influenced by Barry, to whom he was temperamentally, as well as artistically allied. The present fas- cinating drawing by Barry is a document of intense interest for any collector of Blake’s drawings. Pen and ink drawing. 10% inches x 7% inches FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI 1727-1815 TWO HEADS A pencil study of two young girls, one full-faced, with features finished ; the other in profile, in outline only. A fine character- _ istic drawing, unsigned. Framed. 634 inches x 6% inches MINIATURE PORTRAIT Painting in black and white by the celebrated Italian artist, much of whose work was done in England. The portrait of a young Englishman, whose initials were J. H., as shown by the verses written on reverse of drawing: “Go, little image, copied to be loved, Around Eliza’s neck thy ribband twined, And ever welcome, ever unreproved, Dwell in her bosom, as she dwells in mine.” —J. H. An exquisite and rare drawing by Bartolozzi, oval design, on sheet 5 inches x 3% inches. Framed, showing both sides, in re- volving standing frame. 13 19 20 a2 ~~ \ MADONNA AND CHILD Line engraving after Cipriani. Framed. From the Robert Hoe Collection. Fine scratched letter proof. LEANDRO BASSANO 1558-1623 GROUP Original red gouache, heightened in white, and with blue sky, of a group of cattle, sheep and peasant figures. The squared lines would seem to indicate that this was a design for a painting. This drawing should be compared with the Metropolitan Mu- seum’s drawing of the “Apparition of the Angels to the Shep- herds,” by Bassano. Framed. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 9 inches x 11 inches NICHOLAS BERGHEM 1624-1683 COW Characteristic drawing by this famous Dutch master. The stain of age in the paper adds attractiveness both to the animal and the landscape. 5 inches x 6 inches» ANIMALS Original red crayon drawing of donkeys, sheep and dog, by this Dutch master, so famous for his paintings of animals. Framed. 714 inches x 734 inches BACCIO DEL BIANCO 1604-1656 GROUP A rare sheet of grotesque heads in pen and ink. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 8 inches x 6 inches 14 24 26 R27 _— AMERICAN INDIAN In this drawing, we have an exceedingly rare example of a pic- ture of an American Indian by an early Italian artist. As such, it is, apart from its art interest, a remarkable document of Americana. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 1134 inches x 8% inches BIBIENA (FERDINANDO GALLI) 1657-1743 INTERIOR OF A CHURCH Pen and ink and wash drawing. Drawing of such interesting quality that it has been ascribed to Guardi, who like Bibiena, was one of the great Italian masters in architectural and perspective drawing. In a specially carved ornamental gold frame. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. KARL BITTER Contemporary American NUDE Full length pen and ink sketch of a woman with her arms behind her back. Drawings by this famous sculptor are rare. Signed in full. Framed. 71% inches x 16 inches ABRAHAM BLOEMERT 1564-1658 DANCING MAIDEN This Dutch painter and engraver, who was the father of three distinguished artists: Adrian, Cornelis and Hendrick, was known especially for his allegorical and mythological canvasses. The present pen and ink and wash drawing is an exceptionally good example of an artist who had a decidedly free manner of drawing. 4¥% inches x 23 inches 15 28 29 30 31 ROBERT BLUM TWENTY SKETCHES A sheet having on its two sides twenty pen and ink sketches by this distinguished artist, whose early death was an irreparable loss to American art. The fine drawings of Blum, whose mural decoration of the old Mendelssohn Hall won his his first fame, are very rare. The present drawing was presented by Blum to that erratic genius, the poet and painter, Sadakichi Hartman, and is so inscribed. The largest of these sketches is that of an American Indian, and probably no nobler drawing of an Indian has ever been made by an American artist. 10% inches x 8 inches THE BURIAL OF BALDER Magnificent wash drawing, heightened in white. Blum, who died young, was considered by some critics, as one of the most remark- able American artists, and his drawings are much sought after and very rare. The composition of this drawing, with the group carrying the body of their chieftain, framed by the great prow of the waiting ship, is a fascinating achievement, and altogether this imaginative drawing is one of Blum’s masterpieces. | 14 inches x 10 inches GUTZON BORGLUM Contemporary American Artist and Sculptor SHEEP STUDIES AAS, Drawing in black and white chalk on gray mat, showing different attitudes of sheep. With an inset sketch at the top of a flock feeding. Signed twice. Framed. 13%4 inches x 9% inches A great rarity as only a few of Borglum’s drawings of this period are in existence. LANDSCAPE WITH HOLSTEIN CATTLE Original water-color. Signed in full. Framed. Fine. 10 inches x 6 inches ~ 16 32 P\ Y 33 ff o4 /- 35 A GROUP OF CALVES FEEDING . Original water-color and pencil drawing. Signed in full and with initials, dated 1900. Framed. 6 inches x 4 inches GEORGE H. BOUGHTON British American, 1834-1905 ILLUSTRATING “THE SCARLET LETTER” This is the original water-color sketch, showing considerable variation from the later water-color that is reproduced in the Grolier Club Edition of Hawthorne’s novel. The present paint- ing shows Hester standing in the public square, her infant in her arms, and the scarlet “A” on her breast. There are some elgh- teen other figures, the group in the balcony including Arthur Dimmesdale. Boughton’s series of water-colors for “The Scarlet Letter” are far-famed, and the present painting, with that sketchy quality which so appeals to the artistic critic, is one of the most fascinating of the series. 14 inches x 9% inches ADRIAEN BRAUWER 1605-16388 A QUARREL Scene with seven figures, the central group being four men quar- relling over a game of cards. Brauwer, is, of course, best known for his scenes of Dutch interiors with peasants playing and drink- ing, and his own life was one full of brawls. There has been interesting discussion concerning this drawing. A distinguished European expert ascribing it not to Brauwer, but to another fa- mous Dutch master, Cornelius Bega. 7% inches x 934 inches THOMAS BURKE MAN WITH JUG Mezzotint by Burke, after a painting by Rembrandt. Fine im- pression and very rare. Framed. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 17 36 37 38 39 40 JACQUES CALLOT 1593-1635 THREE FIGURES The man at left is one of the famous beggar types by Callot. Pen and ink and red crayon drawing. This great French artist, the earliest of the great etchers, remains of the most important names in the history of art. His drawings are exceedingly rare, and this one is of prime importance in showing the influence of Callot on Rembrandt, who as a young man must have known the drawings and etchings of Callot. Collector’s mark “H.M.” appears at the lower right. 3%6 inches x 4% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SAINTS | Two of his series of Saints, engraved by Israel after designs by Callot. Framed. ITALIAN COMEDY Three of his fantastic Italian comedy subjects. Framed. COSTUME PICTURE Four of the costume etchings by the earliest of the great etchers. Framed. GIULIO CAMPAGNOLA Born 1481 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Pen and ink drawing, with boat containing eight persons and two horses on lake in foreground and mountain landscape in background. This Paduan artist was well-known for his en- gravings of the paintings by the Venetian masters. 10% inches x 15 inches 3 18 A DRAWING SHOWING HOW CALLOT INFLUENCED REMBRANDT [NUMBER 36] i) + DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI 1620-1684 41 A STREET VENDOR This drawing, showing a street vendor selling food to boys, shows the collector’s mark of some unidentified church nobleman. It is an interesting example of the Bolognese School, and a remark- able document in that it has to do with the life of the people in —a manner rare among the 17th Century Italian drawings. 534 inches x 8 inches 42 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY COMMERCE Pen and ink and wash drawing, showing laborers tying cases for lading; with figure of man, presumably the owner of the cargo, f- — and sketch of ship at left. Unusual as a Bolognese drawing. With old collector’s mark at upper left. 57% inches x 8 inches 43 BIBLICAL SUBJECT Pen and ink and wash drawing by this Bolognese artist. Un- identified collector’s mark. 534 inches x 8 inches ee ANNIBALE CARACCI 1560-1689 44 THREE MALE FIGURES WITH DRUMS AND TRUMPETS 4 a4 — Striking pencil and pen and ink drawing, showing this famous Bolognese artist in one of his lighter moods. 5% inches x 434 inches 45 BIBLICAL EPISODE es Pen and ink and wash drawing, on blue paper, of Esther, Mordecai and Haman, appearing before King Ahasuerus. 19 46 Av 48 49 THE VISIT TO ST. BENOIST Pen and ink and wash drawing. While this drawing has been attributed to Caracci, I am inclined to believe that this is the engravers drawing made for the engraving after Caracci’s de- sign. 16 inches x 10% inches MICHAEL ANGELO DA CARRAVAGGIO 1559-1609 VAGABOND LIFE Pen and ink and wash drawing, showing blind beggar led by his dog, with two other figures of passersby. One of the rare and characteristic drawings by the leader of the Italian Realists and the opponent at Rome of the School of Raffaelle. Such drawings of street life are seldom met with among the 16th Century Ital- ian drawings, and this is an important document im the history of art. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 10% inches x 734 inches POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO (CALDARA) . 1516-1565 ANTIQUE DRAWING This wash drawing by one of the famous Venetians comes from the collection of Richardson, and of Cosway, the greatest of Eng- lish miniature painters, and bears their collectors’ marks. It is a very lovely drawing after the antique. 414 inches x 5/4 inches CESARI (GIUSEPPE D’ARPINO) 1568-1640 VENUS AND CUPID Pen and ink drawing showing Venus seated on a fantastic sea- horse and Cupid flying toward her. A charming drawing by this delightfully imaginative but essentially shallow Italian master. Framed. 20 50 51 o2 53 54. WILLIAM M. CHASE American Artist, 1849-1916 LANDSCAPE Pencil drawing showing Mission building in background and bit of the seashore to right. Framed. Given by Chase to Hartmann, with note on back reading: “Drawing by Wm. M. Chase, Sadakichi Hartmann.” 534 inches x 4 inches LITTLE GIRL HOLDING HER DOLL IN HER ARMS Pencil drawing. A delightful drawing, of a very rare nature, by this distinguished American painter. Signed. 14 inches x 9% inches CHINESE WATER-COLOR A NOBLEMAN WITH HIS SERVANT Framed. From the Peter Marié Collection. SCENE FROM A PLAY Five figures. Framed. From the Peter Marié Collection. THEATRICAL SCENE Elaborate scene with eleven figures. Framed. From the Peter Marié Collection. 21 55 jf 56 AY 57 FREDERICK S. CHURCH Contemporary American SURF PHANTOMS . Pencil drawing. A sea nymph riding a surf horse, the curl and foam of the waves forming the horse. With inscription by the artist. Framed. A beautiful and highly characteristic drawing by this noted American artist. 12 inches x 12 inches WESTERN RIVER SCENES A Group of sketches. Wash drawing. Framed. Signed. 6 inches x 12% inches CARLO CIGNANI 1628-1719 CUPID AND HEBE Red crayon drawing. This Bolognese painter was the best known of the disciples of Albani, and in some ways resembles Correggio. Bryan writes of him: “Like the Carracci he possessed the faculty of making his figures appear larger than they really are. He excelled in painting women and children, in which to something of the grace of Albani, he added a more elevated character.” The present drawing is especially interesting as illustrating the foregoing comment. 16% inches x 11% inches GIOVANNI BATTISTA CIPRIANI 1727-1785 SEATED NUDE FEMALE HOLDING A DRAPERY Trees and foliage in background of figure. Pencil drawing slightly tinted with red. Framed. The present example is one of the most beautiful of all of Cip- riani’s drawings of the nude. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 12 inches x 17 inches i) bo AO tay 1 Eth agers ay ares mee Cs colle . of ey 4 5 DRAWING BY CORREGGIO OF EXCESSIVE RARITY { NUMBER 62 | 59 Oo 61 62 COLORED REPRODUCTIONS TWO CHILDREN WITH MASK From the colored stipple of Schiavonetti after Reynolds. Four Dickens characters. Lithographs after the water-colors by “Kyd.” Five pieces. Framed. CARLO COPPOLA 17th Century MARTYRDOM OF ST. SEBASTIAN | Pen and ink and wash drawing by one of the noted artists of the Neapolitan School. 15 inches x 8% inches MICHEL CONNEILLE 1642-1708 ST. JEROME Pen and ink and wash drawing. This drawing by the Parisian . painter is after a painting by Vasari, the Italian artist, so well known as a historian of art. 15% inches x 10% inches ANTONIO ALLEGRO DA CORREGGIO 1494-1554 LITTLE NUDE BOY Red crayon drawing. Annibale Caracci wrote to his cousin Lodovico that the “boys of Correggio breathe, live and laugh with a grace and truth of nature that compel us to laugh and be merry with them.” Correggio was never happier than in his drawings of children, and the present drawing is a wonderful example of the study of childhood by the great Lombard master. The excessive rarity of Correggio drawings is well known. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 23 63 64 65 PIETRO DA CORTONA 1596-1669 ALEXANDER AND THE WIFE OF DARIUS Wash drawing, heightened in white. Nine figures in this com- position which may belong to the Cortona School rather than to the master himself. Together with this drawing, a draped figure of a man, attributed to Baccio Bandinelli (1493-1560). 934 inches x 16%4 inches GEORGE CRUIKSHANK 1792-1878 OCTOBER—A DRIVE IN DRURY LANE Original sketch for “The Comic Almanack” for 1841. This pencil and wash drawing shows a combat in which not only actors and musicians, but the musical instruments and the very notes themselves take part. In its spirited humor it shows the artist in one of his characteristic moods. The drawing, signed in full by Cruikshank, is one of those documents of interest alike to the collector of drawings and books, and to the collector of musical rarities, 67% inches x 85% inches TOWER OF LONDON Original water-color sketch, signed by the artist, showing scene ~ probably in the Tower of London. An exceptionally fine ex- ample with various Ms. annotations and little sketches in the margin. I have not identified the novel for which this was an illustration, although that would probably be a simple matter for an expert in Cruikshankiana. 7% inches x 87% inches SHEET OF DRAWINGS A remarkable sheet of drawings. Cruikshank, durmg evenings when he had a convivial party at his rooms, would sometimes ask one of his friends to see what he could get from a neighboring liquor dealer in exchange for a drawing. This sheet is said to have figured in one of these pleasant transactions. 7% inches x 834 inches 24: 67 68 = 69 i a 70 71 CHARLES C. CURRAN Contemporary American NUDE GIRL This pastel, especially lovely in its coloring, bears the inscrip- tion: “To my friend, Sadakichi—Charles ©. Curran, 1895.” Sadakichi is Sadakichi Hartmann, the painter and art critic. 16 inches x 11 inches ARTHUR B. DAVIES Contemporary American PUEBLO CHACO CANON Pen and ink drawing of ruined building and landscape. An early work by one of the greatest living American painters. 143g inches x 20 inches CATHEDRAL ROCK, YOSEMITE 7 Water-color drawing. The snow-capped heights of the famous peak seen from a mountain road in the foreground. Fine. — Signed with initials. Framed. 734 inches x 1214 inches A ROAD IN FRANCE Wash drawing of a typical French roadway made so familiar to us by the late conflict. A broad view of gently rolling country. Very fine. Signed in full. Framed. 17¥4 inches x 12 inches F. O. C. DARLEY 1822-1888 THE WATER WITCH Original pencil drawing for the illustration of the famous novel of that name. Mounted with Phillibrown’s engraving of that plate. Two in one frame. 434 inches x 7 inches 25 G2 73 V4 fees Xs A Es 76 af SIX DRAWINGS Separately matted, illustrating the novels of Fenimore Cooper. These drawings, both signed and unsigned, in pencil and in wash, are exquisite examples of the most famous American artist in the early record of American literary illustration. : Varying in size from 514 in. x 4% in. to 634 in. to 434 in. THE COUNTRY PEDDLER | Original pencil drawing. An illustration probably for one of Cooper’s novels. Framed. 3 inches x 4%4 inches EVANGELINE Very beautiful pencil drawing, illustrating Longfellow’s “Hvange- line.” 45% inches x 3% inches PHILIBERT LOUIS DEBUCOURT 1755-1832 NIGHT AND DAY Two engravings, printed in color, after the painting by Raf- faelle. These engravings form a rare and exceedingly lovely pair, by a painter, even better known as an engraver, and espe- cially remembered for his engraving in aquatint. ‘T’wo engray- ings of especial interest to the collector of French, 18th Century prints. In very fine conidtion. STEFFANO DELLA BELLA 1610-1661 COURTIER AND WARRIORS A delightful pen and ink drawing, showing the influence of Cal- lot. Framed. From the Dijubal, Dimmsdale, Woodburn and Gase Collections. 3 inches x 4 inches 26 A MASTERPIECE AMONG DRAWINGS OF SPORT [NUMBER 777 | a \S\ 78 79 80 GUSTAVE DORE 1833-1883 EPSOM RACES Pen and ink drawing, heightened in white. In the foreground groups in coaches, eating their picnic lunch; a fakir swallowing fire; a mandolin player; a little girl on stilts, ete. In the back- ground a dozen horses racing around the course, and a vast multi- tude of spectators. This picture by the celebrated French artist is an especially important example for the collector of sporting prints and drawings. Signed at lower right. From the Theodore Irwin Collection. 20 inches x 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TORTURE Pen and ink drawing. A toad in the center of the drawing is surrounded by hundreds of grotesque figures, some of them with animal faces, with groups of imps carrying away female forms, and engaged in various torture. This is one of those remarkable drawings illustrating that weird imagination, and that droll fan- tasy which have made Doré’s designs for Balzac and for Dante so famous. For the collector of mediaeval drawings, the present drawing is especially fascinating as a document allied to the work of the early masters. Signed G. D. at left edge of drawing. Framed in oak. 8% inches x 11% inches CESARE DASESTO 1480-1521 SAINT BEING TORTURED Very spirited pen and ink drawing. T'wo angels fly about saint’s head. A masterful example by the famous Milanese painter. Framed. 81% inches x 10 inches ALBRECHT DURER 1471-1528 THE LIFE OF THE VIRGIN Complete set of the twenty wood engravings, including various brilliant impressions. Rare as a complete set. Bartsch 76-95 inclusive. 2T 84 85 THE MONSTROUS PIG Fine impression of this rare plate. Bartsch 95. From the Richard Fisher and Rumpf Collections. THE MARTYRDOM OF THE TEN THOUSAND In poor condition. One of Durer’s great wood cuts. Framed, in black. EDELINCK PORTRAIT OF GUILLAUME DE LAMOIGNON Fine impression of first president of the Parliament of Paris, engraved by Edelinck after picture by Nanteuil. Framed. ENGLISH MEZZOTINT THE SHOPLIFTER DETECTED A very amusing print. Framed. WYATT EATON 1849-1896 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS The masterpiece among drawings by Wyatt Eaton, and the most important of American drawings, showing the influence of the Barbizon School on American art. Formerly in the collection of the New York architect, Howard Thomas, who years ago re- fused $400 for this drawing. See reproduction and comment in the article entitled “Wyatt Eaton” in the “Art World,” Decem- ber, 1917. Framed. 19 inches x 25 inches Both museums and private collectors know how rare are the drawings of Wyatt Eaton, whose early death cut short the career of one of the most talented of American painters. Canadian by birth, he was intimately allied with the art of New York, and was associated with St. Gaudens in the founding of the Society of American Artists. His series of portraits of distinguished Cana- dians is perhaps his foremost monument. In the following col- 28 86 88 89 90 lection of drawings, Eaton shows the influence of his friend and master, Jean Francois Millet. Obtained directly from the artist’s widow, who has signed and annotated each of the drawings, this delightful group is, of course, of a nature that can nowhere else be paralleled. WOMAN’S HEAD SEEN IN PROFILE Pencil drawing. Signed by the artist’s widow. 133@ inches x 95% inches WOMAN WITH MANDOLIN Pencil drawing. This is a sketch for “La Cigale,’ one of the most charming of the paintings by Eaton. Signed by the artist’s widow. 121% inches x 10% inches MARY MAGDALENE Pencil drawings on sheet. At bottom the repentant Magdalene with her head on the crucifix; and, above, a more detailed study of her face. Signed by the artist’s widow. 14 inches x 11% inches ARIADNE Pencil studies on one sheet, for Wyatt Eaton’s beautiful painting of “Ariadne.” Signed by the artist’s widow. 1014 inches x 18% inches STUDY IN THE NUDE Pencil drawing for draped figure of “The Reader.” Signed by the artist’s widow. 9 inches x 8 inches 29 91 92 93 94 95 96 WOMAN READING Pencil drawing. Study of a draped figure, the sketch for “The Reader,” one of most important of the paintings by Eaton. Signed by the artist’s widow. 14 inches x 13 inches A BARBIZON STUDY Crayon drawing of two peasant women, one with a wheelbarrow. Signed by the artist’s widow. 91% inches x 12% inches FOUR STUDIES Four drawings (various sizes), in pencil, crayon, and white chalk, of studies of female nude. Each of them signed by the artist’s widow. STUDY OF A MAN Pencil drawing of the study for the man in “The Harvesters at Rest,” a painting which, in the opinion of some critics, is the most important of Wyatt Eaton’s genre pictures. Signed by the artist’s widow. 13% inches x 1836 inches TWO NUDE FIGURES WRESTLING Pencil drawing. One of the most spirited of all the drawings of Eaton. Signed by the artist’s widow. 93% inches x 6 inches SEATED FEMALE FIGURE Crayon drawing, showing a seated, almost nude woman, arrang- ing her hair. A masterly study and reminiscent of similar studies by Millet and Corot. Signed by the artist’s widow. 1134 inches x 834 inches 30 y a. 97 99 EIGHT DRAWINGS Studies in compositions and in single figures, for “The J udg- ment of Paris,” one of Eaton’s masterpieces. A little collection of rare interest, for the student as well as for the collector. All signed by the artist’s widow. Various sizes. ELLEN EMMET Contemporary American PORTRAIT OF BISHOP POTTER Pencil drawing. An exquisite drawing and a remarkable likeness of the distinguished Churchman, by one of the most talented of American women painters. The quality of this drawing reminds one of the portrait drawings by Sir Thomas Lawrence. 15 inches x 12% inches ENGLISH SCHOOL CHRIST RAISING THE LAME MAN Early 19th Century pen and ink and wash drawing. A finely executed drawing, perhaps a design for a church window, or for an illustration for the Bible. Artist unidentified. 7% inches x 47% inches EUROPEAN DRAWING 100 FIVE DRAWINGS Five drawings, of which alone the drawing of the Toilet of Venus by the distinguished English painter, J. Chalon has been identified. The other drawings include a 17th Century Flem- ish picture of figures and landscape; an 18th Century red crayon drawing of a horse; a very charming early 19th Century Italian seascape, and a fine early 19th Century German pencil drawing of an angel guarding a child in its cradle. Various sizes, ranging from 7 in. x 10 in. to 10% in. x 13¥ in. 31 101 102 104 HARRY FENN American School BRIDGE ACROSS THE SEINE Fine large wash drawing. The Hiffel Tower and buildings of Paris in the background. Signed with initials. Framed. 19 inches x 14 inches BUFFALO AND ITS MATE Wash drawing 115% inches x 11 inches THREE PIECES (a) Porch and Laurel Cottage. Pen and ink and wash drawing. 3 (b) A Stretch of Heather. Wash drawing touched with ink. (c) Lotus and Lilies in the Garden of Mrs. Jack Gardner. Wash drawing by Samuel Howe. All signed. LUCA DA FERRARI (Called Raffaelle da Reggio) 1605-1654 THE RESURRECTION Pen and ink and wash drawing. heightened in white, showing Christ rising from the tomb to the consternation of the Roman soldiers. Rare. 67% inches x 14% inches FRANZ FLORIS 1517-1570 DRAWING OF FIGURES This Dutch artist, whose real name was Frans de Frientz, is sometimes spoken of as the Flemish Raffaelle, and the present 32 106 107 : 108 L pen and ink drawing with its twenty or thirty figures, shows the Raffaelle influence, while in some of the figures, notably the lamenting man at the upper right, there is a reminiscence of Michael Angelo, who was so attentively studied by Floris. This is one of the most important drawings by Floris ever offered for sale in America, and shows his signature in full: “Fran- cesco Floris fecit,” a form which often appears on the paintings of this founder of a large Flemish School. 73% inches x 95 inches THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER Wash drawing. One of the best examples by this distinguished Flemish painter of the 16th Century. From the Bayard Taylor Collection. 12% inches x 8% inches BIRKET FOSTER 1825-1899 SIX COUNTRY MAIDENS | Delightful pencil drawing, showing a group in front of a cot- tage. In his charm, daintiness and grace, Foster remains one of the first names in the record of British art, and that “sweet- ness and gentleness” which are commented on by all writers concerning his work, are notably manifest in this delightful drawing. 3% inches x 43 inches ENGLISH FARM LIFE Pencil drawing of two women and four children, at table in front of cottage. A beautiful drawing by this distinguished English artist. 31g inches x 4% inches 33 109 vb “ bo 110 111 WZ 112 f ° 113 FATHER WITH CHILDREN Pencil drawing, showing an English farmer returning to his cottage, and catching up his baby in his arms, while two of his other children greet him. One of those delightful drawings for which this English artist is famous. | 3% inches x 47% inches MOTHER AND CHILDREN Pencil drawing. Another very delightful sketch of a group in front of a Surrey cottage, and typical of those qualities which brought fame to this eminent English painter. 4 inches x 5% inches FRENCH SCHOOL 18th Century PORTRAIT SKETCH Red crayon drawing of a woman reading; a richly embroid- ered curtain behind her to the right. An earlier owner has written the name “Watteau” on the drawing, but this inscrip- tion I cannot accept. The ruled black pencil lines indicate that this is a sketch for a portrait painting, whose identity might be established. A very decorative and interesting draw- ing by a contemporary of Watteau. 12 inches x 12% inches A. B. FROST A STORM IN INDIA Wash drawing. A very unusual drawing by this well-known American artist. 8 inches x 11 inches SNOW SCENE One of those pen and ink drawings of a bear, rabbit and unfor- tunate hunter, which have made Mr. Frost famous. 10 inches x 10 inches 34 “ ORO snc 3 £ # A RARE DRAWING OF FRAGONARD 5 ITALIAN PERIOD [NUMBER 114] 114 115 JEAN HONORE FRAGONARD 1732-1806 MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT Red and black crayon drawing with many figures of which the central ones show Cupid approaching Adonis (?). This is one of those rare drawings, belonging to a group of Fragonard drawings, alluded to in essays and biographies, but hardly ever found outside of museums. In 1752, at the age of twenty, Fragonard won the “grand prix de Rome.” The next few years spent in Italy were devoted to the study of all the great Italian masters: Michel Angelo, Da Vinci, Raffaelle, del Sarto, Titian, Correggio and the rest. Fragonard made many drawings from—or was inspired by—their paintings, and to quote the words of Charles Blanc—“Histoire des Peintres”— “Heole Frangaise, Vol. II,’ “Essay on Fragonard,” page 4: “This precious collection of sanguine drawings testified to his desire to assimilate all styles and practices, yet, in regarding the character of these drawings, one can always divine that these studies belong to the middle of the 18th Century.” Fragonard translates the old masters into the style of his own time—introduces the French quality, and, as the French critic states, everything that he does is “fragonaise.”’ . It is significant to recall, in view of the present drawing so imme- diately bringing to mind Pietro da Cortona, that Cortona was at the time of Fragonard’s arrival at Rome “Souverain en Italie et méme en Europe.” Another master who greatly influenced the young French artist was Tiepolo, notably in “la touche rapide” and “la coluer du feu.” These two qualities—the swift touch and the flame-like color—are very apparent in this drawing. Framed. 6% inches x 834 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES Pencil and red crayon drawing, heightened in white, on gray paper. The central figures of the lovers are perhaps Cupid and Psyche. A Satyr and many cherubs are among the other fig- ures. ‘This is another of those rare drawings that Fragonard made in Italy, equal in quality to the preceding drawing, and showing the same unmistakable characteristics of that group of drawings alluded to in essays and biographies but hardly ever found outside of museums. 71 inches x 9% inches 35 116 117 / ee 7 118 119 FOREST SCENE Landscape pencil drawing, probably of the woods of Fontaine- bleu; showing characteristic treatment of trees. At lower left a man driving a donkey cart. In background a bridge under which runs a brook. In its treatment of foliage this drawing should be compared with one in the Louvre. (Alinari reproduc- tions, No. 283.) Fine landscape pencil drawings by Fragonard of the environs of Paris are very rare. 834 inches x 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ANTONIO DOMENIO GABBIANI 1652-1726 HEAD OF A SAINT This red crayon drawing, shows this Florentine master at his best. Gabbiani’s place in art is interesting historically, as with him the Italian 17th Century School virtually came to an end. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 71% inches x 6 inches GILBERT GAUL Contemporary American TWO PIECES (a) Old Chagres. In black and white oil colors on canvas. In- teresting picture of Panama life. (b) A Man Being Led to His Execution. Wash drawing touched with white. A striking painting of an episode in Nicaragua. Both signed. GERMAN SCHOOL 19th Century MYTHOLOGICAL SCENE Pencil drawing, containing nine figures of the Olympians, with Zeus and Juno as the main figures. ‘The drawing is signed “K” (Kaulbach?), and is a superb piece of draughtsmanship, a work that an expert versed in the modern German school, might establish as a drawing of considerable value. From the Bayard Taylor Collection. 1214 inches x 17 inches 36 FOREST SCENE BY JEAN HONORE FRAGONARD | NUMBER I16] 120 121 122 123 HEAD OF CHRIST Pencil drawing, on green tinted paper. A fine drawing that has been attributed to the artist Oeser, who was the teacher of Goethe at the time the great poet was studying art. From the Bayard Taylor Collection. 1914 inches x 15% inches PIETRO LEONI GHEZZI 1674-1755 MAN CARRYING A TRAY _ In this pen and ink drawing, we have a very pleasant example of the work of this Roman artist whose drawings are rare. 7% inches x 3% inches R. SWAIN GIFFORD American Artist LANDSCAPE Original charcoal drawing, showing a group of apple trees - along a stone wall. Signed and dated. Framed. 17 inches x 10 inches LUCA GIORDANO 1632-1705 THE BATTLE OF THE LAPITHI AND THE CENTAURS Pen and ink and wash drawing. In composition and design, this is a most effective picture by this famous master of the Neapolitan School, whose powers of invention were spoken of by Carlo Maratta as “unrivalled and unprecedented.” 1234 inches x 18 inches 37 124 125 126 127 MYTHOLOGICAL SCENE Panel shaped pen and ink and wash drawing of an extremely decorative nature, showing why Giordano’s drawings were s0 much sought after. 434 inches x 1434 inches NEPTUNE AND SEA NYMPHS Pen and ink and wash drawing. ‘ A beautiful panel. Neptune is seen driving his sea horses, and Venus rising from the sea, surrounded by sporting nymphs and mermaids. Framed. 14 inches x 4% inches VENUS RISING FROM THE SEA Red crayon drawing heightened in white. A fine example of the work of this Neapolitan artist, whose first great master was Rubens, and later Cortona. It is very likely that the wife of the artist posed for this drawing. 1334 inches x 9% inches APOLLO AND ACTAEN Pencil and wash drawing of a design for a ceiling. In the center is Apollo driving his steeds, while the most important of the four mythological scenes depicted is that of Actaen being turned into a stag when he comes upon Diana and her nymphs at their bath in the stream. This sheet is one of the most deco- _ rative and attractive drawings by this famous Neapolitan painter, and could be used in a delightful manner, set in as the top of an ornamental box to contain letters or jewelry. 111% inches x 1634 inches THE LAST SUPPER ‘Pen and ink and wash drawing. A fascinating drawing, re- markable in the vitality of its strokes by one of the most talented painters of the Neapolitan School. 8% inches x 11/4 inches | 38 129 ar 130 131 132 LUCA GIORDANO and G. B. CASTIGLIONI SHEPHERD BOYS Pen and ink and blue wash drawing, attributed to Castiglioni and showing shepherd boys with their sheep and goat on one side of the sheet, and a very beautiful drawing by Giordano of a bishop borne aloft by cherubs on the other side of the sheet. 1234 inches x 17% inches GIOVANNI DI SAN GIOVANNI (Giovanni Manozzi) Florentine School, 1590-1636 HUMOROUS GENRE SCENE A donkey dashing amongst a group of washerwomen and dis- mounting his rider against a clothes line. Brown wash and pen and ink drawing. In gilt frame. A rarity, not only because Manozzi’s drawings are seldom found, but also because of its humorous nature, examples of - which are rarely met with among the drawings of the Italian masters. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. | 11 inches x 7 inches ST. JEROME WITH THE LION Red crayon drawing. This is such a great drawing that it has been attributed to Michael Angelo. The softness of its appear- ance indicates that it has either been treated with acid, or that it is a transposed drawing, the artist having made this impres- sion directly from the first drawing, and so obtained this un- usual effect. Two collector’s marks of earlier owners on the drawing. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 11% inches x 9 inches DRAPED FIGURE OF A MAN Red crayon drawing, with tear at lower left. Ornamental col- lector’s mark at upper right. 1534 inches x 93% inches 39 135 fe 134 V- 135 ve, 136 ot. ff ce . W. GLACKENS Contemporary American The following group of drawings by Glackens, were made as illustrations for stories in various magazines, whose files may easily be consulted. They are, in themselves, such remarkable drawings, that the collector will find them self-sufficient, Glackens belonging to that small group of American artists who rank as striking expositors of human character, and often of the satire of life. FOUR FIGURES Crayon and wash drawing. One of the inimitable sketches by this remarkable satirist in art, illustration for a story entitled, “Generous Mr. Deane.” This drawing is a masterpiece in char- acterization, and may be compared with the drawings of Dau- mier. 1054 inches x 14 inches HUSBAND AND WIFE AT TABLE A masterpiece in tragi-comedy. Signed at lower right. 10 inches x 834 inches SCENE AT A DRESSMAKER’S Wash and crayon drawing, heightened in white. The figures of the man and two women evidence that remarkable characteri- zation that has made the work of this artist so sought after by collectors. Signed at lower right. 13 inches x 11% inches DEATH-BED SCENE Black and white wash drawing of two little girls at the bedside of their dying father, with a physician standing behind the children. The expression in all four faces, and especially in the children’s is wonderful, and the painting is a masterpiece in tragedy. Signed at lower left. 13 inches x 12 inches 40 137 138 139 140 141 A SOUTHERN HOUSEHOLD Wash drawing, heightened in white, showing eight figures, with the interest concentrating on the woman who has thrown her- self on the prostrate body of a man. A striking painting by one of the most notable of American artists. 1634 inches x 14 inches THE BATTLE OF SAN JUAN HILL Wash drawing, heightened in white, of Theodore Roosevelt leading the charge. Over fifty figures are shown in this impor- tant historical drawing. Signed at lower left. 18% inches x 14 inches TWO MEN QUARRELING Crayon drawing. One of those masterly drawings by this dis- - tinguished contemporary American painter, wherein his talent reminds one of Daumier. 9% inches x 10% inches FORCE OF ARMS Pen and ink drawing, showing three armed men, driving a group of five people into a building. Fine drawing characteri- zation. Signed at lower right. 1614 inches x 2234 inches THE CIRCUS Pen and ink drawing of a dramatic episode, showing two eques- trians falling through the air on their horse. A remarkable drawing. Signed at lower left. 17 inches x 12 inches 41 142 143 144 145 FRANCESCO JOSE DE GOYA (attributed to) 1746-1828 THE MISER We can readily see why this red crayon drawing of a miser about to be robbed of his gold has been attributed to that bizarre Spanish painter. In all the six figures in this drawing, Goya's kind of humor and characterization is manifest; yet it is safer to call it a drawing of the school of Goya than a design by the master himself; and indeed, it may be, as has been interestingly suggested by a distinguished French expert, an English drawing in the style of Goya. In any case, a fascinating document for the student. 65% inches x 8 inches HENDRICK GOLTZIUS 1558-1617 FORTUNE STANDING ON A WINGED SPHERE Pen and ink and wash drawing. The design may have some political significance in connection with England and Holland, but it is probably more safely considered as an emblematic drawing. It isa rather rare example of this German artist who is especially famed for his engravings. 63% inches x 5 inches VALENTINE GREEN CHRIST AFTER THE CRUCIFIXION He is surrounded by Joseph and Mary and two attendants, together with Cupid. After the painting by Lodovico Caracci. Very fine impression of this magnificent mezzotint published by Boydell. Framed. From the Robert Hoe Collection. SEVEN DRAWINGS ASCRIBED TO GREAT MASTERS, INCLUDING A VAN OSTADE The seven drawings here offered together have had great names attached to them in previous collections. That of Van Loo is 42 146 146a 147 almost unquestionably correct, and that of Van Ostade is abso- lutely genuine. The drawing ascribed to Van Dyck is probably for an engraving after a painting, and is a very attractive com- position. The sketch attributed to Corot is open to decided : question, and this is true also of the La Fage, and of the Wouvermann. The Brenghel is, in any case, by an important master. ‘This lot has speculative possibilities, especially as re- gards the Van Ostade and the Brenghel. FRANCESCO GUARDI (?) 1712-1778 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING The swift lines of this drawing are similar to others in archi- tectural drawing by Guardi, the little rippling lines being espe- cially characteristic. Still, this drawing may be by Bibiena. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 4% inches x 71% inches SMALL ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING This little pen and ink architectural drawing has some of the characteristics of Guardi, but I should personally be inclined to attribute it to Bibiena. 3% inches x 4 inches CONSTANTIN GUYS DURING THE ENTR’ACTE Pen and ink and wash drawing, showing scene in a theatre. The women in the boxes, and the men in the orchestra, are depicted with that rare kind of talent which has made the draw- ings of Constantin Guys so sought after by the great collectors of France. 734 inches x 13% inches 43 148 149 150 151 cag 152 153 PAUL HELLEU Contemporary French HALF-LENGTH FIGURE OF WOMAN Seated, with chin in hand. Red and black chalk drawing, touched with white, of the artist’s wife. Signed. Framed. 18 inches x 21 inches WOMAN, RECLINING ON A SOFA Drawing in red and black chalk. Portrait of the artist’s wife. Signed. Framed. 241% inches x 17 inches PROFILE HEAD OF A WOMAN IN HAT AND FUR Dry-point etching. Signed proof, one of ten copies printed in black. Framed. HIROSHIGE A VIEW One of the famous “Hundred Views” by the Japanese master who was celebrated for his woodcuts in color. Framed. DANIEL HOPFER THE THREE ORIENTALS ON HORSEBACK The word “Heiden” at top. Good impression of this rare en- graving. Framed. JACOBUS HOUBRAKEN 1698-1780 MARIE LOUISE OF ANHALT, PRINCESS OF ORANGE This drawing has been engraved in one of the series of por- traits for which this Dutch artist is famous. : 7 inches x 6% inches i . THE LOVELIEST OF ALL DRAWINGS OF THIS GREAT ACTRESS [NUMBER 155] 154 //— 156 ee 157 158 ANNE OF HANOVER, PRINCESS OF ORANGE This famous drawing belonging to a famous series, has been engraved 65~@ inches x 57% inches THOMAS HUDSON 1701-1779 PEG WOFFINGTON Red and black crayon, heightened with white; on gray-blue paper. Three-quarters length portrait. While Hudson’s paint- ing of Peg Woffington is reproduced in Augustine Daly’s vol- ume, the present drawing seems never to have been published. It shows the celebrated English portrait painter as a masterly draughtsman, worthy to rank with the French artists of the 18th Century School. 13 inches x 1034 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | DANIEL HUNTINGTON 1816-1906 FOREST LANDSCAPE Pastel. The treatment of the trees and the lovely coloring of the sky, make this one of the finest pastels by the former presi- dent of the National Academy, distinguished in American art, both as a landscape and as a portrait painter. 12% inches x 12 inches SCENE NEAR FARMINGTON, CONN. Crayon landscape, with stream in foreground and church spire in background. An especially attractive example. 11 inches x 16 inches HUDSON RIVER SCENERY A charming pencil sketch. 10 inches x 14 inches 45 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 TREES An attractive example of this American artist’s skill. 134 inches x 934 inches MORRISTOWN, N. J. ? Graceful pencil drawing of landscape 10 inches x 14 inches ELIZABETHTOWN, IN THE ADIRONDACKS Pencil drawing. 10 inches x 1334 inches WHIPPANY RIVER Pencil drawing, with trees leaning over the stream. 10 inches x 14 inches VASSAR’S MILLCOVE POND Pencil drawing 10 inches x 14 inches FARMINGTON, CONN Black crayon drawing. This is one of the most effective of that considerable number of landscape drawings for which this former president of our National Academy is so well known. 11% inches x 16 inches LANDSCAPE Pencil drawing, with touch of white, with water in center fore- ground, 9 inches x 12 inches 46 166 170 171 HANOVER, N. J. Pen and ink drawing of farmhouse on side of hill. 8% inches x 11% inches BROOK AT MORRISTOWN WITH OVERHANGING TREE Pencil drawing. 1034 inches x 15 inches STUDY OF CURIOUS FENCE AT MORRISTOWN, N. J, Pencil drawing. 10 inches x 14 inches ELM TREE AT HANOVER, N. J. Pencil study. 14 inches x 97% inches STOCKBRIDGE, MASS. Pencil drawing of landscape. 934 inches x 14 inches © LANDSCAPE NEAR FARMINGTON, CONN. Pencil drawing. 10 inches x 14 inches STUDY OF ELM TREE Pencil drawing. 10 inches x 1334 inches CROTON ON HUDSON Charming pencil drawing. 8 inches x 97% inches HUDSON RIVER Pencil sketch. 5 inches x 714 inches 47 175 178 179 180 181 182 183 LANDSCAPE AT HANOVER, N. J. Pen and ink drawing. 83% inches x 113% inches TREES AT MORRISTOWN, N. J. Pencil drawing. 93% inches x 7 inches HUDSON RIVER SCENE Pencil drawing. 47% inches x 734 inches HUDSON RIVER SCENERY Pencil drawing. | 434 inches x 77% inches FARMHOUSE AND TREES AT MORRISTOWN, N. J. Pencil drawing. 7 inches x 934 inches LANDSCAPE AT FARMINGTON, CONN. ; Delightful pencil drawing. 45% inches x 634 inches LANDSCAPE WITH WHIPPANY RIVER IN FORE- GROUND Pencil drawing. 14 inches x 9% inches SKINNER’S POND, POUGHKEEPSIE Pencil drawing. Framed. 13 inches x 9 inches POUGHKEEPSIE Pencil drawing of a beautiful landscape. Rolling hills, culti- vated fields, etc. Dated July 17, 1863. Framed. | 1234 inches x 9 inches - 48 184 P 185 186 ILLUSTRATORS FOUR LARGE PIECES (a) Portrait Head, Lady with a Large Hat. Pencil drawing by G. F. Scotson-Clark. (b) Head of a woman. Crayon and wash drawing, by Thomas Mitchell Pierce (c) Crayon portrait of a woman. By Jean Paléologue. Signed “Pal.” (d) Colored pastel drawing of woman, full length with parasol. By C. Allan Gilbert. Framed. THREE PIECES (a) Man and Woman Conversing in the Moonlight. Wash drawing by Louis Loeb. (b) A Seascape. Wash drawing by A. Quartley (c) Gladiator. India ink drawing touched with red by G..E: Scotson-Clark. Framed. Louis Loeb is one of the great names in American art. His drawings are very rare, and hundreds of dollars have been paid since his death for single examples of drawings of the quality shown in the present picture. FOUR PIECES | (a) The Juggler. Wash drawing, by Everett Shinn. (b) A Street Boy Running. Red crayon drawing, by Everett Shinn. (c) The Speakers at the National Eugenical Society. An amus- ing pen and ink drawing, by O. Held. (d) The Factory at Noon. Pencil and wash drawing, by Char- lotte Harding. A strong composition. Everett Shinn is recognized as one of the few great modern American masters in the realm of drawing. 49 187 FOUR PIECES (a) Facade of Madison Square Garden. Pen and ink drawing of ornamental architecture, by A. F. Jaccaci. (b) Guest House, Mt. Melieray. Pen and ink drawing by one of the most famous American miniature painters, W. J. Baer. (c) The Rhinelander Sugar House and Residence. Pen and ink drawing, by Vernon H. Bailey. (d) Hydraulic Mining. Water-color drawing, by Henry Sandhal. 188 THREE PIECES (a) Small sketches, mainly heads. By Harper Pennington. An interesting sheet revealing the talent so much admired by his friend Whistler. (b) The Model Asleep. A delightful drawing, by Henry Moser, showing a negro boy asleep in the artist’s studio. (c) Elephants. Wash drawing, by Corwin K. Linson. 189 FOUR PIECES (a) Cromwell. Water-color, by William Strang, with the auto- graph and address of the artist on the back. (b) Sherlock Holmes. Pen and ink drawing, by? eb o Edwards. (c) The Chimli Kiosk of the Imperial Museum. Pen and ink drawing of fine detail, by C. S. Vandervoort. (d) Scene in Constantinople. Wash drawing, by Hughson Hawley. Drawings by Strang are rare. 50 190 191 192 193 ITALIAN SCHOOL 16th Century MAN YAWNING Red crayon drawing of a large head. This drawing was wrongly attributed by a former owner to Michael Angelo. It is, however, a very striking drawing, not impossibly by Aniello Falcone. 934 inches x 734 inches ALLEGORICAL DRAWING Pen and ink and wash drawing, probably representing Death, Sin and Satan riding through the air in a chariot formed by two dragons. This rare grotesque drawing was formerly at- tributed to Benvenuto Cellini. It seems more to resemble the work of Cellini’s contemporary, Giocopo Ligozzi (1543-1617). It is an extraordinary drawing, worthy of study and research. 65% inches x 87% inches CARLO COPPOLA Italian, 17th Century FIVE FIGURES In this pen and ink and wash drawing, we have an adequate example of a Neapolitan artist of secondary merit, who had come under the influence both of Ribera and Carravaggio, without ever being able to approach them in the quality of his lines or in his treatment of light and shade. 5% inches x 73% inches ITALIAN 17th Century STUDY OF DRAPERY A superb red crayon, by an artist who remains unidentified, but who was obviously a great master. On the reverse, is a pen and ink drawing, part of a nude male, not impossibly by Baccio Bandinelli. 634 inches x 6% inches 51 194 a A: ) 7 ays / “ae 195 196 19” ITALIAN, UNIDENTIFIED SAINT AND EAGLE Wash drawing, heightened in white, presumably by a 17th Cen- tury Italian master. 814 inches x 10% inches MOSES Drawing, presumably a design for a painting, From the Bayard Taylor Collection. ? inches x 4 inches PETER DE JODE 1570-1634 THE DANCE Pen and ink and wash drawing by this rare Flemish artist. Flute player and rustic maidens dancing in the foreground, and ship, building, hill and sky in background. ‘This drawing has the quality of a little Flemish painting. From the William Esdaile Collection. 10% inches x 77% inches JEAN JOUVENET 1644-1717 FATHER TIME Pencil design for a ceiling. In this composition Father Time, together with a group of angels are lamenting the annihilation which Time brings. Jouvenet, in his day the most famous of the French School, is especially noted for his decorations of walls and ceilings, and the present drawing is undoubtedly a sketch for one of his large paintings. 834 inches x 6% inches 52 198 THE ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN Pen and ink and wash drawing, panel shaped; a very beautiful composition. ‘This is an especially fine drawing by the French painter who holds such an important position in the history of the French School. f- 16% inches x 914 inches 199 SPRING A very charming pencil drawing, probably a design for a ceiling, — showing symbolical figures of Spring, with two cherubs, all in 3 a setting of clouds. 834 inches x 65% inches 53 200 202 203 SECOND SESSION TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, 1920 AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Lots 200 to 393 ANGELICA KAUFMANN 1741-1807 CUPID AND PSYCHE Original water-color. This lovely picture is well known, as it has been engraved. Oval. Framed. 9% inches x 11% inches WILHELM VON KAULBACH 1805-1874 HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL, SEEN IN PROFILE Pencil drawing, heightened in white. While my knowledge of the 19th Century German school is not sufficient to guarantee the ascription to perhaps the greatest of its painters, this drawing is so beautiful that it is in any case worthy of Kaulbach’s pencil. - From the Bayard Taylor Collection. 14 inches x 1034 inches E. W. KEMBLE American Illustrator A NEW ORLEANS PLANTER AND HIS DAUGHTER Pen and ink sketch. An exceedingly typical drawing of this American artist, so distinguished for his Southern scenes. | 12 inches x 8 inches A POLITICIAN AND A DRUNKARD Pen and ink drawing. A fine and characteristic drawing of life in the South. 11 inches x 8% inches 54 a DRAWING BY LANFRANCO OF PRIME INTEREST TO COLLECTORS OF WILLIAM BLAKE [NUMBER 207 | De 204 205 206 207 JOHANN EVANGELIST KLEIN 1750-1815 HORSE LYING DOWN NEAR A POOL OF WATER Pencil drawing. A fine drawing by this German artist. 4 inches x 5 inches RAIMOND LA FAGE 1656-1684 EPISODE OF THE TROJAN HORSE Red crayon drawing, illustrating the Iliad. A drawing attributed to this French artist who was so well known for his mytho- logical scenes. The delicacy of his drawings aroused the admir- ation of many of his contemporaries, and his drawings are rare. He died at the age of twenty-seven. 1114 inches x 16% inches GERARD DE LAIRESSE 1641-1711 FIVE HEADS This artist, born at Liege, was famous both as a painter and as an engraver, and is known also for his treatise on design and coloring. The present example, showing five grotesque heads in red crayon, bears his signature, and is an exceedingly rare drawing by a very interesting master whose paintings are to be met with in all the great museums of Europe. 714 inches x 55% inches GIOVANNI LANFRANCO 1580-1647 GOD RECLINING ON THE CLOUDS AND HOLDING THE GLOBE IN THE LEFT HAND Pen and ink and water-color drawing. A masterpiece in fore- shortening, and one of the finest drawings extant by this Italian artist. The drawing is of special interest to collectors of Blake. Circular. Framed From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 101% inches x 10% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 55 209 210 Ril 212 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM COWPER, the poet Original pencil sepia and wash drawing. Beautifully executed and highly finished. Drawn from life by Lawrence in 1793 and probably the original from which Blake engraved his famous plate published in 1802. Framed. 5% inches x 8 inches PORTRAIT OF SAMUEL ROGERS, the poet Engraved by H. Meyer after drawing by Lawrence, London, 1822. Framed. JOHN LEECH 1817-1864 THE TAVERN , Characteristic pencil drawing, showing some seven or eight fig- ures of men enjoying themselves in a tavern. 734 inches x 53@ inches THREE FIGURES Pencil and wash drawing. humorous characterization. One of Leech’s masterpieces in 63 inches x 8% inches SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON 1830-1896 THE INFANT JESUS Water-color drawing after Perugino, showing the nude Child reclining on a purple cushion. Signed. Gilt frame. 514 inches x 334 inches 56 213 214 215 216 217 PORTRAIT Water-color on parchment of a young girl in costume of the Elizabethan period, seated. Signed. Framed. 434 inches x 6% inches JEAN BAPTISTE LE PRINCE 1733-1781 HEAD OF A MAN In this red crayon drawing, we have a fine and unusual study by a painter and engraver famous to all collectors of the 18th Century French School The drawing is reminiscent of some of the designs in his series of Russian sketches and unquestion- ably belongs to his Russian period. Rare. 9 inches x 7% inches JOSEPH LICHTENAUER Contemporary American SIX DRAWINGS . Red crayon. A delightful set of studies of the nude by a living American artist, especially distinguished for hiis decorative paintings. 1234 inches x 934 inches CLAUDE DE LORRAIN (attributed to) PEN AND INK DRAWING Pen and ink drawing, much in the style of Claude de Lorrain, but not, in my opinion, by the great French master. 914 inches x 12% inches MANTEGNA (Copy) THE DEAD CHRIST Water-color drawing after Mantegna. Drawing by an artist whose signature seems to be Modera. An interesting work in foreshortening. 814 inches x 10 inches 57 218 219 220 Ye a FRANCESCO MAZZUOLI, IL PARMIGIANO 1504-1540 THE VIRGIN AND THE INFANT CHRIST The figures in this little pen and ink sketch are drawn with those swift and almost nervous strokes of the pen, especially characteristic of this great master of the Lombard School. 434 inches x 35@ inches CONRAD MARTIN METZ 1755-1827 ULYSSES LEAVING THE ISLAND OF CIRCE Original drawing in pencil, heightened with white. This Ger- man born artist, the pupil of Bartolozzi, was famous for his imitations of drawings by the Italian masters. Signed and dated at lower right. Framed. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 15% inches x 19 inches JAN MIEL 1599-1664 MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT Pen and ink and wash drawing. Cherubs taking off the chains from lovers at the command of Cupid, and many other figures in an architectural setting. Jan Miel was born near Antwerp, but most of his life was spent in Italy, where he was known as Giovanni de la Vite. From the Peoli Collection. 13% inches x 17% inches JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET 1841-1875 A BENDING FIGURE Small pencil sketch, a study of a reaper or sower. With the Millet sales stamp, “J.F.M.” in lower right corner. Framed. 12% inches x 3% inches 58 . : ~ > : ? “ . iy ’ 7 4 r ’ . 4 ere s Pica . sl ' i =i * ant , i 2 “rigs : ‘ é * ’ - ‘ a) 2: J a “ te. he § fi eee . - : i ‘ : E's : nae . ‘ ‘ e : , 3 GEORGE MORLAND $ LOVELIEST DRAWING [ NUMBER 225 } 222 R24 VsN R20 THE GLEANER This drawing has been in former collections attributed to to Millet, but it seems more likely that it is a sketch after Millet, perhaps for a wood-cut A very interesting document for the student of drawings. 21% inches x 3 inches PIERFRANCESCO MOLA 1612-1668 STRIKING EXAMPLE OF MOLA Pen and ink and wash drawing. Rather audacious in subject, but very brilliant in treatment. This Bolognese artist was espe- cially distinguished for his forceful style, and the present example is a very striking one. 434 inches x 634 inches THOMAS MORAN Contemporary American THE FALLING SLOWFLAKES Wash drawing, heightened in white, of a beautiful mountain landscape, covered with snow. At the upper right corner of the drawing, the artist has written the title, while his signature, in more formal fashion, appears at lower right. An especially beautiful American drawing. , 13% inches x 12% inches GEORGE MORLAND 1763-1804 AN EPISODE FROM “IL PASTOR FIDO” Original water-color drawing. A beautiful composition, in which Morland proves that he could handle a poetical theme with as much genius as he shows in his more usual subjects. Oval. Framed. 12 inches x 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 59 ee at - 226 R20 228 229 WILLIAM MULREADY 1786-1863 EIGHTEEN PEN AND INK SKETCHES Of various sizes (included in one large mat) by this very famous Irish painter. Many of the drawings in this group are little masterpieces. EVERT VAN MUYDEN Contemporary Dutch BENGAL TIGER Pen and ink and pencil drawing. A fine example by this noted animal painter. Framed. 734 inches x 934 inches JEROME MYERS Contemporary American THREE PIECES (a) Beggar Woman. Colored chalk drawing on gray board. (b) The Ghetto. Pencil drawing. (c) Two Hebrew Women. Pencil drawing, touched with water- color. Framed. Myers is recognized as a remarkable artist. HEAD OF NAPOLEON AS A YOUNG MAN Unusually beautiful pencil drawing. At the bottom of the drawing are the words, presumably in the autograph of the artist, from Ovid: “Sum brevis at nomen quod terras impleat omnes est mihi.” : One is tempted to ascribe the drawing to Ingres, who painted various portraits of Napoleon as First Consul. | 934 inches x 6 inches 60 230 232 233 234 NAPOLEON Portrait in mezzotint. Rare. Framed. ALPHONSE MARIE DE NEUVILLE 1836-1885 A SHEET OF PENCIL DRAWINGS Including three portraits of Pope Leo X, one after Raffaelle, another after Sebastiano del Piombo, and the third from a medal, together with a sketch of the Pope’s coat of arms. The sheet is annotated in the autograph of de Neuville, and has his signature. This French artist, so well known for his battle pictures, is famed also for his extraordinary talent with the pencil. 9 inches x 1134 inches GILBERT STUART NEWTON 1795-1835 TALES OF THE CRUSADERS Pen and ink sketch illustrating Sir Walter Scott’s story. Espe- cially interesting, as Newton’s best remembered paintings are . his portraits of Sir Walter Scott and Washington Irving. 65~@ inches x 8% inches PORTRAIT AND CARICATURE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Pencil sketches drawn from life, one a profile head and the other a full length caricature showing famous novelist with um- brella. Framed. From the Horatio Greenough Collection. Kach, 3 inches x 41% inches PIETRO NOVELLI 1603-1660 TWO HEADS Two pen and ink heads by this Italian artist. The fine head of the man is original, but the head of the woman may be a copy. 27% inches x 2% inches and 27% inches x 23% inches 61 Ve J 230 236 Rot 238 H. A. OGDEN WASHINGTON AT PRINCETON, 1777 Black and white crayon on gray. The General mounted. Signed. Framed. 1034 inches x 16 inches LORENZO PASINELLI 1629-1700 THE SELF-MUTILATION OF THE FEMALE SAINT Pen and ink and wash drawing; the expression of the saint’s face is a remarkable achievement. The feeling of holiness and simplicity is a marked characteristic of the drawings of this Bolognese artist whose paintings of female saints are among his best known works. 33% inches x 4% inches CASTAIGNE AND CURRAN TWO OIL SKETCHES (a) A Flower Covered Hillside. By Chas. C. Curran. Canvas. (b) A Barren Field. A monotone. By A. Castaigne. Signed “A.C.” Board. Two pieces. Framed. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS A collection of fifty-three plates, the great series of Prestel reproductions, made in the 18th Century, of drawings by great masters of the Italian, German, Flemish and Dutch Schools. Mounted in full red calf volume with gold tooling. From the J. Peoli Collection. Size of Vol., 23 inches x 18 inches 62 240 R41 242 243 GIOVANNI BATTISTA PASSERI 1610-1679 ANGEL WITH SWORD, at left Pen and ink and red wash drawing, heightened in white. Un- identified subject. A drawing notably attractive in composition and feeling by this Italian artist, who was also one of the chief Italian writers on art. 952 inches x 6% inches E. C. PEIXOTTO Contemporary American THE FOUNTAINS AT SEVILLE A very attractive wash drawing of this beautiful vista. Signed. Framed. 934 inches x 13 inches GEORG PENCZ MARCUS CURTIUS Very good impression of this fine plate by one of the Little Masters. Bartsch 75. JOSEPH PENNELL Contemporary American BULL RUN BATTLEFIELD Wash drawing, showing the monument on the hillside. Signed. Framed. 22 inches x 1314 inches CAFE, INDIAN EXHIBITION, LONDON Black and white wash drawing. Framed. 514 inches x 8% inches 63 R44 245 246 fp RAT 248 WEXFORD Large pen and ink drawing. A fine view showing the town with its surrounding hills and farmland, with the harbor in the dis- tance, and Cromwell’s Fort on the right. Signed. Framed. 21 inches x 9 inches SCENE AT MARGATE Pen and ink drawing. “Arry and Arriet”’and other couples in groups, are seated, in characteristic attitudes on the sands. A delicious drawing by this famous modern etcher. 81% inches x 834 inches A SCENE IN GYPSYLAND Pen and ink and wash drawing. In this fine drawing, Pennell interestingly reveals the qualities that are found in his etchings. 534 inches x 12 inches THE CAMPAGNA Signed pen and ink drawing. This drawing was made by Pen- nell at Rome in 1884, and has as its chief figure a shepherd, whose large flock grazes on the nearby field. | 13 inches x 17 inches ALPINE SCENERY Pen and ink and wash drawing. A striking drawing, illustrat- ing the artist’s own journey through the Alps on a bicycle. 14% inches x 21 inches 64 PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY 17th Century 249 TWO SPECIMENS One on gold background and one signed, “The Humblest Assad oes Oullah.” ‘Two pieces, one framed. PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY 16th Century 250 A TWO-PAGE SPECIMEN On backgrounds of gold surrounded with floral scroll borders. Framed. PERSIAN PAINTING 17th Century 251 POPPIES Study in colors on gold ground, with decorative floral borders. Framed. Vo 252 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Miniature painting in color, with a margin of black and gold. Very fine. Framed. 4 inches x 7 inches yo BERNARD PICART 1673-1733 253 FATHER NILE Pen and ink drawing. This drawing, with Sphinx and pyra- 4 — mids in background, has been engraved, and is one of those illus- trations for books that made the great reputation of this French artist. 13 inches x 83 inches 65 BARTOLOMEO PINELLI 1781-1835 A STREET SCENE IN ROME A very interesting pen and ink drawing. The drawings of Pinelli are rare. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 714 inches x 10% inches A YOUNG ROMAN WOMAN This charming pencil drawing might have been the prototype for a drawing by Kate Greenaway. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 1034 inches x 8 inches DOMENICO PIOLA 1628-1703 CHERUB APPEARING IN A VISION TO CHRIST Pen and ink and wash drawing. An unusual drawing by this famous Genoese painter. 1634 inches x 11% inches GIACOMO DEL PO 1654-1726 FIGURES RIDING THROUGH HELL, with Sin (a nude woman) clinging to the back of a goat Pen and ink and red wash drawing, with some red crayon. A drawing of exceeding rarity, not only because the drawings of this Neapolitan artist are seldom met with, but also by reason of its subject, scenes depicting Hell being rarely found among the drawings of the 17th Century Italian masters. 91% inches x 12% inches 66 258 R09 260 261 FRANZ POURBUS 1570-1620 KNEELING SAINT with a group of angels and cherubs in the clouds above. At left an angel extends a wreath Pen and ink and wash drawing. A drawing of this kind by a famous Dutch master is a decided rarity, in its execution of the cherubs showing a loveliness more usual with the Italian masters of that period. 1034 inches x 83% inches GASPARO POUSSIN 1613-1675 MERCURY PRESENTING THE APPLE TO PARIS The real name of this artist was Dughet. He came immediately under the influence of his brother-in-law, Nicholas Poussin, and this classic drawing evidences this influence. In its combina- tion of landscape, figures and animals, the drawing is a very decorative example of the work of this Italian artist. 8 inches x 131% inches ROMAN LANDSCAPE 3 Red crayon drawing. An attractive and characteristic land- scape, combining human beings, trees and rocks in an effective composition. This drawing is of intense interest for the col- lector of drawings in view of the manifest influence of Claude de Lorrain, who was a friend of Gaspar’s brother-in-law, Nicholas Poussin, all three living at Rome at the same time. 1234 inches x 105@ inches NICHOLAS POUSSIN 1594-1645 VICTORY HOLDING OUT PALM LEAF TO A ROMAN HERO ON ELEPHANT. Many other figures Wash drawing. Although Poussin is better known for his land- scape drawings, this design shows the French artist at work on one of those mythological and historical studies in which he became interested during his early studies in Italy. Rare and fine. From the Knowles Collection. 45% inches x 10% inches 67 262 265 DIANA AND ACHERON Fine pen and ink and wash drawing, showing Diana and nymphs surprised by Acheron, who is being turned into a stag. Beau- tiful drawing both as to figures and landscape. Framed. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 714 inches x 12 inches SIXTEENTH CENTURY PUZZLE This early 16th Century pen and ink drawing offers amusing study. It is suggestive of engravings by Robetta, and in its absurd muscles is reminiscent of Bandinelli. The monogram with which it is signed indicates that the unknown artist’s first name was Francesco, and that his last name began with R, and ended with A. A scene from the Inferno is depicted. 105% inches x 8% inches RAFFAELLE SANZIO 1483-1520 TWO CHERUBS | The ascription of this pen and ink and wash drawing to Raf- faelle is by no less an expert than Sir Peter Lily, from whose collection it comes, and whose stamp appears on the drawing. While there is much in the drawing suggestive of Raffaelle, there are also reminiscences of Parmigiano. In any case, it is, in line, in color and modeling one of the very loveliest drawings in Italian art, a treasure for any collection. 6 inches x 434 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] RAFFAELLE SCHOOL WARRIORS ADVANCING TO WARFARE This pen and ink drawing has the stamp of an early but uniden- tified collector. The drawing suggests both Giulio Romano and Francesco Penni, both of them favorite disciples of Raffaelle. Collector’s mark at upper right. 5 inches x 734 inches 68 A RARE AND DELIGHTFUL STUDY OF CHILDREN | NUMBER 264 | ‘ n - > ~ * = — ¢ ‘ 2 . ae f , + } 5 ‘ ‘< i a - , * < " 7 lh : , “ 4 ‘ ‘ i a - ; t i +s =) + : 1 * . = . 4 ae ’ ‘ * . % . ‘om z i ; e a e | ; ‘ e = » 266 267 268 269 THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS Possibly a fragment of a design for the mural decoration by Giulio Romano (Raffaelle’s best known pupil) for the Palazzo del Te at Mantua. It former ascription to Raffaelle is thus not uninteresting. Oval. 5% inches x 37% inches MOSES LEADING THE ISRAELITES Pen and ink and wash drawing on brown paper. This very interesting drawing was attributed in earlier time to Raffaelle. Oval. 14 inches x 9 inches HENRY W. RANGER 1858-1916 FOUR LANDSCAPE SCENES Studies for his paintings. Pencil drawings. Delightful ex- amples of the work of this great American painter. Framed. CENTRAL AMERICAN MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Three splendid original pencil drawings in one panel by this famous American painter 434 inches x 6 inches NEW ENGLAND BARN SURROUNDED BY TREES Pencil and water color drawing. 41% inches x 6 inches CENTRAL AMERICAN LANDSCAPE WITH HILLS Striking little sketch, drawn in blue crayon. 434 inches x 6% inches 69 QTR 273 CENTRAL AMERICAN LANDSCAPE Very beautiful pencil drawing, showing stream in foreground and mountain and clouds in background. 5% inches x 434 inches GEORGE PHILIPP REGUNDAS 1660-1742 BATTLE SCENE Original crayon drawing, showing spirited battle episode during the wars of Frederick the Great, with many figures on horse- back and soldiers lying on the ground. Regundas was a most celebrated painter of battle scenes, and this is an especially bril- liant example of this German master. Framed. 1714 inches x 24% inches JACQUES REICH Contemporary American Etcher PORTRAITS OF REMBRANDT, SHAKESPEARE, AND CROMWELL Three original pencil drawings. Delicately drawn and well fin- ished, having the quality of the artist’s finest etchings. Signed. Three pieces. Framed. : Each, 6 inches x 9 inches REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VON RIJN (attributed to) 275 1603-1669 A SKETCH FOR THE GOOD SAMARITAN Wash drawing, with figures of three men, two boys and a horse. 414 inches x 67% inches 70 276 Qv7 THE GOLF PLAYERS Very good impression of this etching of especial interest on ac- count of its subject. Bartsch 123. ST. JEROME SITTING UNDER TREE AND READING. Fine impression of this etching. Bartsch 100. From the Rumpf Collection. THE JEWISH BRIDE Beautiful impression of this rare etching Bartsch 341. From the Lanna Collection. SELF-PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST LAUGHING A fine impression of this delightful little plate. Bartsch 316. SELF-PORTRAIT Fine impression of this unusual study in expression. Bartsch 320. GUIDO RENI 1575-1642 SKETCH FOR A CHURCH Pen and ink drawing, being the original sketch for a part of a church, showing not alone the design for a great painting of St. Michael, but also a design for a ceiling, the figures of saints in the niches, etc. If this is, as I surmise but have not established, the first design for his great work in the Capucini Church at Rome, it becomes a drawing of first importance in the record of church architecture. In any case, it shows remarkable draughts- manship, and is one of the most interesting of the drawings by this Bolognese who was considered by many of his contemporaries as the greatest of living masters, with the possible exception of Rubens. 1914 inches x 10% inches 71 282 283 284 ROBERT ROBERTSON 1742-1788 EUROPEAN LANDSCAPES AND BUILDINGS Four delightful pen and ink sketches on one mat. This Eng- lish artist was noted for his landscape paintings, and for his land- scape etchings after his own designs. The present examples are exquisite. 2% inches x 4 inches ROMAN SCHOOL BATTLE SCENE, WITH FIVE ELEPHANTS TAKING PART This drawing has been attributed to Guilio Romano, undoubtedly a wrong attribution. It has on the reverse a signed Ms. note, dated 1525, when Romano was thirty-two years old, but the drawing, while interesting, does not show the skill of this pupil of Raffaelle. It remains a curious document in the history of warfare. 10% inches x 15 inches GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI | 1612-1662 SAINT PRAYING Red crayon drawing, showing praying figure of a saint in fore- ground, and six praying figures in center background. An excel- lent example of the work of this Roman artist who decorated a part of the Louvre. ‘ On the reverse is a drawing of a nude man, very interesting in showing the Michael Angelo influence. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 12 inches x 9 inches GIULIO ROMANO 1492-1546 A BATTLE SCENE Pen and ink and wash drawing. Scores of warriors and horses in the foreground, with hilly landscape at left background, and walled town at right background. In this drawing the spirit of action is superb, and this is one of the very great drawings of the Roman School. The influence of Raffaelle is marked, especially in the quickly drawn oval of the heads of the warriors. An early collector’s mark, “C.B.” at lower center. 12 inches x 20% inches 72 286 287 289 THE SIEGE OF JERUSALEM A very spirited pen and ink drawing. Hspecially interesting as a depiction of an incident in the days of the Crusades, by the most famous of the immediate followers of Raffaelle. 8 inches x 121% inches THREE FIGURES Red crayon. Mythological scene, presumably an early drawing by this favorite pupil of Raffaelle. 7 inches x 7% inches SALVATOR ROSA 1615-1673 A ROMAN WARRIOR Pen and ink and brown wash drawing. In its treatment of light and shade this is an especially brilliant example by this famous Italian artist. Framed. 3% inches x 51% inches TWO CHILDREN PLAYING WITH A SKULL AND A CROSS Characteristic pen and ink drawing. An unusual example of study of child life by this famous Neapolitan artist. Framed. 7.inches x 9 inches MATTEO ROSELLI 1578-1651 MONKS CONVERSING Drawing in black and red crayon on gray paper. A beautiful drawing by a rare Florentine master. In gilt frame. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 10% inches x 714 inches 73 291 292 293 294 DANTE GABRIEL ROSETTI 1828-1882 STUDY OF THE HEAD OF DANTE From the painting, “Dante’s Dream.” A highly characteristic drawing in black and red chalk. Very fine example by one of the greatest of English painters. Framed. 22 inches x 17 inches PETER PAUL RUBENS 1577-1640 A GROUP OF SIX FIGURES, five monks and a woman Pen and ink and wash drawing; probably a detail for one of his paintings. The head of the chief figure at the right should be compared with the head of an old man in the Albertini Collection (1179 of the Albertina Reproductions). The medium employed is less common with Rubens than crayon, but the power of the ~ figures is characteristic of this great Flemish master. 14% inches x 9 inches - JOHN RUSKIN 1819-1900 THE CASCADE DE CHE-DA | . Pen and ink drawing with touches of white. Very few drawings of this famous English author and art critic have been offered in America, although a few were obtainable some twenty years ago, from the Collection of Charles Eliot Norton. This and others of the present drawings suggest anew the intimate asso- ciation between Turner and Ruskin. Signed with the initials, — ah FS Ra 8 inches x 11% inches BALLIOL COLLEGE, FISHER’S BUILDING Pen and ink and water color drawing. As Ruskin was professor of Art in the University of Oxford, this is one of the most inter- esting of Ruskin drawings. Signed at lower left, “J.R.” with the title in Ruskin’s autograph. 934 inches x 14 inches 74 295 296 298 299 VIEW OF RICHMOND, with castle and surrounding landscape Black and red pen and ink drawing, with squared pencil lines, probably used by Ruskin in expounding the art of Turner. Signed at lower left, with initials “J.R.,’ and with the word, “Richmond,” in Ruskin’s autograph at lower right. | 7% inches x 11 inches THE ST. GOTHARD MOUNTAIN Pen and ink drawing, heightened in white. Signed with the initials, “J.R.” 7¥4 inches x 11% inches LANDSCAPE WITH DEER Delightful pen and ink drawing, showing herd of deer in fore- ground, trees and river in center, grounds, hills and water of an English palace in background. At the right a pencil sketch of a sailboat; at lower left the initials “J.R.” | 5 inches x 8% inches DRAWING MADE BY RUSKIN FROM A SKETCH BY J. M. W. TURNER Pen and ink landscape. Research would very probably show that this design with its castle, trees, river and hills, was used by Turned for one of his paintings. A very interesting document that associates Ruskin and Turner. Signed at lower left corner with Ruskin’s initials. 634 inches x 914 inches SCENE AT OXFORD UNIVERSITY _ Water-color drawing. Mounted with a small photograph of the same view. Signed with initials. Framed. 91% inches x 7 inches 15 301 303 church window. BOATS ON THE SHORE Pen and ink drawing, showing a busy river scene. Signed “J.R.” Framed. 10 inches x 5% inches FRANCESCO SALIMENA SAINT WITH CROSS | ; Signed pencil drawing, showing female saint bearing a cross, with two angels hovering over her head, and a kneeling saint at her feet. A very fine drawing and presumably a design for a 11% inches x 5% inches GIUSEPPE (PORTA) SALVIATI 1520-1572 THE NATIVITY A very fine pen and ink and wash drawing by this Venetian artist, whose religious paintings decorate many of the churches and public edifices of Venice. His drawings are rare. 914 inches x 7% aes JOACHIM SANDRART 1606-1683 CHRIST AND ST. THOMAS Red crayon drawing. A very careful drawing by this inter- esting German master. 10% inches x 77% inches JACUS SAVERY 1545-1602 SKATING SCENE IN HOLLAND Water-color in brown and white. No other drawing by this delightful Dutch artist has ever appeared at public auction in America. It is of excessive rarity. Framed. From the Piltzer Collection. 76 305 pe 306 308 MARTIN SCHONGAUER THE HOLY FAMILY Attractive impression, but somewhat stained and creased, of this very rare engraving. Framed. “SKETCHING SOCIETY” DRAWINGS Collection of 11 drawings by Alfred Edward Chalon, John James Chalon, H. P. Bone, J. 8. Hayward, etc. The Sketching Society was founded by the Chalons and some of their friends in 1808, and these eleven drawings are, both in their imagina- tive and mythological subjects, as well as in the talent shown in their execution, an attractive relic of this society of artists. All the names of these artists mentioned above are included in Bryan’s “Dictionary of Painters.” The Chalons were espe- cially well known, and A. E. Chalon was appointed portrait painter to Queen Victoria. Bone was appointed enamel painter to Queen Victoria. One of his drawings in the present group, is especially interesting on account of its portrait of Dante. Varying in size from 10% in. x 13 in. to 16 in x 14 in. JOHN SLOAN Contemporary American The following drawings by John Sloan were, for the most. part, made as illustrations for stories, in the Century and McClure’s Magazines. Reference to the files of these magazines will give, to those interested, the exact episodes illustrated; but the mas- tery of these drawings in themselves render the legend of very secondary importance. The drawings of John Sloan will surely remain among the great prizes sought after by the discrimin- ating collector of American art. GROUP OF SEVEN FIGURES Crayon drawing. In the foreground a man is kissing a girl’s hand. In draughtsmanship and in expression, this is a master- piece, by this great artist who has been called the “American Hogarth.” Signed at lower right. ‘14 inches x 15% inches (7 309 310 ong ig! ae 312 ao Sis A TRAMP IN THE SNOW CLUTCHING AT A CELLAR WINDOW Crayon drawing. One of Sloan’s great studies of the darker side of life. Signed at lower right. 17 inches x 165¢ inches A SCENE OF A QUARREL Crayon drawing, with four figures, two men and two women. A great drawing. Signed at lower right, 15 inches x 22 inches ENRAGED FARMER THREATENING. A WOMAN with another man lurking angrily in background Crayon drawing. In this masterly drawing, Sloan has probably used his pen knife with great effect, getting his high lights through incision. Signed at lower left. 185% inches x 185 inche A CONVERSATION BETWEEN A MAN AND WOMAN ON A ROOF Crayon drawing. A wonderful study in foreshortening in the man’s figure, and a drawing full of humor. Signed at lower left. 12 inches x 14% inches TAILOR SEWING Crayon drawing. A tailor is sewing at the window of a house, while a laborer crouches below looking upward. Apart from the unusual, remarkable characterization, the drawing is a great achievement both in perspective and foreshortening. 19 inches x 12 inches 78 314 315 316 31% | 318 TENEMENT LIFE Crayon and pen and ink drawing of a group at the bottom of a staircase. A man is surrounded by five angry women, one of them carrying a baby, with a little boy clutching at her skirts. A young girl and two other little children complete the picture. This is one of his masterpieces of tenement life. Signed at lower left. 14 inches x 1734 inches THE INTERIOR OF A ROOM Crayon and pen and ink drawing of a delirious man lying on a bed, another man holding him down, and a doctor and two police officers at right. Another of Sloan’s fine studies of the ills of life. Signed at lower left. 14 inches x 17% inches SCENE AT A FIRE In this group of hurrying children, with the unkempt, slippered man in the foreground and with women hanging out of the tenement windows, the artist has achieved one of his most re- markable compositions in that field of New York life which has — so greatly added to his fame. This drawing is nothing less than a masterpiece. Signed at lower right. 15 inches x 11 inches MAN SEATED BEFORE A STOVE with woman leaning over his chair and showing him a book A very striking drawing by this late American artist. Signed at lower left. 14%4 inches x 10 inches F,. HOPKINSON SMITH 1838-1915 COCK HILL FORT, NEW YORK CITY Charcoal drawing, touched with white. Drawings by this dis- tinguished American painter and artist are not often found. Signed with monogram, dated New York 79 319 320 es 321 322 THE HOME OF W. S. MOUNT, American artist Charcoal drawing, touched with white. Signed and dated. Framed. 17% inches x 1234 inches SIDNEY L. SMITH THE FACADE OF THE PALACE AT HEIDELBERG Pen and ink drawing. Sidney lL. Smith is, of course, one of the most famous of American artists who have designed bookplates, and his characteristic charm in detail is shown in the present very decorative drawing. The Heidelberg palace is the finest example of Renaissance architecture in Germany. Signed. 18% inches x 14% inches CARL SPRINCHORN Contemporary American The following group of pictures by Carl Sprinchorn is the work of that contemporary American artist, born in Sweden, whose genius has been recognized with intense enthusiasm by all art critics of the New York press. This is the first time any of his works have been offered at public sale, and it may safely be predicted that future collectors will compete for ex- amples of this artist, in some ways the most remarkable draughtsman since Constantin Guys. FEMALE MODEL WITH RED HAIR Pencil and water-color study. Framed. 9 inches x 12 inches TRAGIC ACTRESS IN ORANGE AND BLUE COSTUME Water-color. Framed. 434 inches x 1034 inches ORO 328 EVENING Pastel landscape, on which the artist has written “Evening.” Framed. 11 inches x 834 inches A NUDE YOUTH; comparable to the drawings of Rodin Rich water-color. Framed. 11% inches x 734 inches NUDE MAN IN THE SURF Wash drawing in black and white. Intensely powerful draw- ing. Framed. 1134 inches x 8% inches WOMAN WITH FAN Pen and ink water-color. Framed. 134 inches x 1134 inches PARISIAN SCENE Fine pen and ink sketch, showing fashion models lounging in the garden of the Tuileries. Framed. 10 inches x 7 inches A WOMAN OF FRANCE A striking figure in Sprinchorn’s most effective manner, and a drawing that would be an addition to any collection. 1054 inches x 75@ inches A YOUNG WOMAN MAKING HER TOILETTE, with her maid at right Pencil and pen and ink drawing. This is one of those remark- able sketches which has gained for Sprinchorn the reputation of being an artist whose drawings will be increasingly sought after. 734 inches x 8% inches 81 y 330 331 332 333 ALBERT STERNER Contemporary American THE CONNOISSEUR Highly finished pen and ink drawing by this distinguished artist. An old gentleman seated in a wing-back arm chair, examining a bit of statuary. Signed. , Framed. 5 inches x 7 inches MOTHER AND CHILD © Pen and ink drawing. Signed, “Albert BE. 8.” Framed. ? inches x 834 inches JOHANNES STRADANUS 1536-1605 THE TOILETTE OF BATHSHEBA Pen and ink and blue wash drawing. A very decorative draw- ing with finely draped figured of Bathsheba’s attendants, rich ornaments, architectural background, etc. Stradanus, who was born at Bruges, spent most of his life in Italy, where he painted many church pieces and also made de- signs for tapestries. It is very possible that the present drawing is a tapestry design. 1334 inches x 18% inches THOMAS SULLY 1783-1872 THE NATIVITY Pen and ink drawing. In this group are eight figures, those of the Virgin and infant Christ, being of especial loveliness. The drawing is signed and dated, “T. S., 1821” at lower left, and is one of the finest of all drawings by this early American painter. 16 inches x 1234 inches 82 334 339 336 WILLIAM TAVENER 1703-1772 BIBLICAL FIGURES Wash drawing, showing in an attractive composition, Moses with the Ten Commandments at left, and other Biblical figures in foreground, with Christ surrounded by angels, in upper part of the drawing. The drawing is attributed by an earlier owner to Tavener, “an old English amateur painter highly commended by Walpole.” 7% inches x 5% inches BAYARD TAYLOR’S DRAWINGS Collection of fifteen drawings, mainly from the Collection of Bayard Taylor, with one or two from the Robert Hoe Collec- tion. ‘There are included drawings by Chalon, Dutiel, Von Binzzer, etc., while a drawing of special literary interest is the beautiful head of Christ, a signed crayon by A. F. Oeser, the German painter, under whom Goethe studied art. | THREE DRAWINGS FROM THE BAYARD TAYLOR COLLECTION (a) Pen and ink and wash drawing of a goblet, obviously by a 16th Century Italian artist, probably the School of Raf- faelle. (b) Pen and ink and wash 17th Century drawing of a satyr. (c) Very fine pen and ink drawing not impossibly by the great German artist, Overbeck, and probably an illustration to one of Uhland’s poems. The drawing, undoubtedly for an engraving, presumably shows the Emperor Barbarossa, and is an exceptional piece of work. 83 Aer 337 338 339 340 JOHN TENNIEL TWO PRIME MINISTERS OF ENGLAND One of the most famous of Tenniel’s drawings, showing Glad- stone and Disraeli facing one another for an encounter, with Punch, dressed like a school-master and holding a birch stick behind his back, in the pose of a teacher who has discovered two bad boys about to fight. This pencil drawing was, of course, reproduced in the famous series of Punch cartoons. | 8 inches x 6 inches PUNCH ASKING DISRAELI QUESTIONS Another of the famous Punch-Disraeli drawings, showing Dis- raeli seated in a large armchair, a little lame, after a parlia- mentary defeat. 61% inches x 6% inches DISRAELI AND PUNCH IN SCOTCH COSTUME WITH SKIRTS AND BARE KNEES Another of the famous Punch-Disraeli drawings. Disraeli has a gun on his shoulder and an umbrella over his head. One of the famous drawings of Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, reproduced in “Punch.” 8 inches x 6% inches ALFRED TENNYSON THE IDYLS OF THE KING . Engraving, illustrating Elaine. One of twelve proofs signed by Tennyson himself, and by Gustave Doré, who designed the pic- ture. In Empire mat, and framed in black. 84 341 a? 342 343 hie W. M. THACKERAY 1811-1863 TAKING IN TOE Pen and ink and water color drawing, showing an irate indi- vidual kicking his valet. Humorous drawing, on the reverse there appears in Thackeray’s autograph the following unpub- lished nonsense poem: | “Good Dicky Snooks Was fond of his books And loved by his Usher and Master, But naughty Jack Spry Has got a black eye And carries his nose in a plaster.” 25% inches x 4 inches GIOV. DOMENICO TIEPOLO 1726-1795 FLYING FIGURES A very characteristic pencil drawing by Tiepolo, showing his power in design. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 1034 inches x 734 inches JAMES J. TISSOT 1836-1902 PORTRAIT OF CHRIST Water-color drawing, showing the Saviour with hands to his face, draped with white robe. Of all recent painters, Tissot is the best known as an illustrator of Biblical subjects; but the present beautiful drawing has never been reproduced. Signed. Framed. 734 inches x 914 inches 85 344 345 346 347 TITIAN (attributed to) 1477-1576 POTIPHAR’S WIFE AND JOSEPH This drawing has been ascribed to Titian, an ascription espe- cially interesting in that this picture shows that loveliness in color coupled, at times, with faultiness in draughtsmanship not always absent from the drawings of the great Venetian master. It is, in any case, a beautiful example of the Venetian School. From the Artaria Collection. , 67% inches x 10 inches PANEL Three color reproductions of paintings by Titian, Bellini and Domenichino. Framed. ~ FRANCESCO TORBIDO 1500-1581 PERSECUTION OF THE SAINTS Pencil and wash drawing. A composition with more than 26 figures, the central group showing two Roman soldiers about to behead two saints. Torbido, who was a follower of Giorgione, is often referred to as I1 Moro. Collector’s mark, “R.L.” at upper center. 1054 inches x 1734 inches FRANCESCO TREVISANI 1654-1746 ST. SEBASTIAN This Venetian drawing shows St. Sebastian after he has been taken down from the tree to which he was transfixed by arrows. Irregular shape. From the Bayard Taylor Collection. | 55% inches x 65% inches 86 348 349 350 352 VAUGHAN TROWBRIDGE Contemporary American VIEW OF WALL STREET One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. This entire series (10 subjects) of New York views is now difficult to obtain. OLD COLONIAL DOORWAY IN WEST STREET, NEW YORK One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. VIEW OF BROOKLYN BRIDGE One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. MORNINGSIDE PARK AT SUNSET One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. STUYVESANT SQUARE WITH OLD QUAKER MEET- ING HOUSE AND SCHOOL One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. BATTERY PARK One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. 87 2 re J “ 354 357 358 359 BATTERY PARK One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof ick Framed. DALY’S THEATRE, BROADWAY One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. TRINITY CHURCH WITH ALEXANDER HAMILTON’S TOMB One of three proofs printed in colors. Excessively rare, and of interest to the general collector of etchings, and to the collector of New York views. TRINITY CHURCH WITH ALEXANDER HAMILTON’S TOMB One of the edition limited to fifty signed proof etchings. Framed. C. TROYON 1810-1865 LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES Crayon sketch touched with white on blue paper. A lovely drawing by this French painter. Stamped “T,” the mark of the Troyon sale. In gilt frame. | 1134 inches x 8 inches A FRENCH LANDSCAPE Charcoal drawing touched with white, showing church spires and roof-tops in the distance. Stamped “T,” the mark of the - 'Troyon sale, 11% inches x 7 inches 88 sl » - — ie 21 44 A —" 7% sal st ~—s ae F AM AIS a ¥ ¥ is : X . ‘ ~? — 4 I > 4 ) : * Pad A “ ig ee ad : a = dag Baa! ie, ok "I * * “> . ba « J a 3 - + é é - im A DRAWING MAKING A NEW EPOCH IN ORNAMENTATION {NUMBER 362 | 360 362 CHARLES TURNER 1778-1857 THE HON. CHAS. JAMES FOX Mezzotint after John Raphael Smith. Full length, seated. Fine rich impression. Lower margin repaired. Framed. J. M. W. TURNER 1775-1851 ENGLISH LANDSCAPE A delightful water-color, showing slope of hill with cattle and trees in foreground, and water and cliffs in background. On the back of this water-color Turner himself had pasted a slip of paper indicating that the picture was painted “Between St. Asaph and the Holy Well.” This slip has been removed and is now to be found pasted below the water-color under the mat. Turner’s own autograph is, however, not needed to assure the authenticity of this characteristic water-color by this great Eng- lish artist. Framed. Signed lower left, “J.M.W.T.” [SEE FRONTISPIECE | GIOVANI DA UDINE 1487-1564 GROTESQUES This drawing is one of the finest examples of Renaissance orna- mentation drawn by that artist who went with Raffaelle to see the then newly discovered ruins of the Palace of Titus, whose erottoes had those decorations that thereafter went by the name of “grotesques.” These fantastic figures with designs of flowers and fruit, painted on stucco, have a striking example in the present drawing, which is an important document in the history of art. Giovanni da Udine perpetuated the type adapted from the Palace of Titus, and this drawing by him is a rare and beau- tiful example of this type of decoration. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. : 834 inches x 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 89 363 364 fe 365 366 COSIMO ULIVELLI 1625-1704 CHRIST DESCENDING FROM THE CROSS A very curious composition. This pen and ink and wash draw- ing represents a vision or a dream, and is, as far as I know, unique among the Florentine drawings relating to Christ. 11 inches x 85% inches WALLERANT VAILLANT 1623-1677 A PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN Crayon drawing, heightened in white. A beautiful example by the celebrated French artist, whose work shows the influence of Van Dyck. Framed. 6% inches x 834 inches ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE 1636-1672 LANDSCAPE Pencil drawing, showing cattle on left bank of a river and church and trees on the right bank. A particularly beautiful example by this great Dutch painter. Signed at the lower right by the artist. Framed. 914 inches x 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | VAN DYCK (attributed to) 1599-1641 ARMIDA’S ENCHANTED GARDEN Pencil drawing. An ink stain across center of drawing. The former owner’s attribution to Van Dyck I cannot accept, beliey- ing, however, that this is the engraver’s drawing for the engrav- ing after Van Dyck’s painting, and as such, this drawing is of decided interest and the engraving accompanies the drawing. 16%4 inches x 1234 inches" 90 —- DUTCH LANDSCAPE BY ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE {NUMBER 365 | a 2 mr 367 at 368 - 9369 CARLE VAN LOO 1705-1765 FEMALE HANDS AND DRAPERY Crayon drawing, in black and red. A delightful example of this famous 18th Century French master, with study of nude man, also by Van Loo, on the reverse side. A similar study by Van Loo was recently displayed in the window of a Parisian dealer, the price being thirteen hundred francs. 1034 inches x 17 inches SKETCHES OF HANDS AND DRAPERIES, ETC. In red and black chalk, on gray paper. Numerous studies on one sheet, A beautiful example. Framed. 16% inches x 10% inches A NUDE MALE FIGURE Crayon drawing, heightened in white A very interesting study of an unusual pose by this famous French master. 1614 inches x 11 inches eeu pyY OF NUDE MAN, IN AN ATTITUDE OF DEJECTION . Crayon drawing, heightened in white. Very fine drawing by this famous French master. 1614 inches x 11 inches 91 ee 371 372 373 COLLECTION OF FIFTY-THREE CRAYON DRAWINGS Thirty-six of them are sanguine drawings, and together they form the greatest series of studies of the male figure by this great French artist that has even been offered for sale. These draw- ings were contained in a large volume, and there is an auction record showing that such a volume with drawings of this nature by Carle Van Loo fetched, about a century ago, six thousand francs. There does not now seem to be any way to establish the fact that these two volumes are one and the same, but it is very likely, to be the case. This collection should really be acquired by a museum for the use of students, although if a pri- vate collector obtains it, and is less interested in keeping it in its entirety, he will find these great drawings by Van Loo a very ready basis for exchange with other collectors who may wish to have only individual examples. The fifty-three drawings are contained in a special case, of buckram and leather. Varying somewhat in size, but approximately 11 in. x 16 in. KASPAR VAN WITTLE (VANVITTELLI) 1674-1736 THE HEAD OF A MONK Pencil drawing, heightened in white. Vanvitelli was born in Utrecht, but spent most of his life in Italy. The drawing, an interesting character study, comes from the Collection of Bayard Taylor. 15 inches x 10% inches ELIHU VEDDER Contemporary American CRAYON DRAWING FOR THE EDITION OF POE’S RAVEN, illustrated by Doré. Remarkable composition, with two nude figures, sheltered under the wings that comes from the helmet on the head of Minerva; with enwreathed portraits of Edgar Allen Poe and Gustave Doré, and a Medusa head linking the two. The drawing was eut out — by Vedder, and pasted on the original design for poster an- nouncing this edition of Poe. The drawing has been so matted as to show merely Vedder’s design. Vedder’s signature attached — to drawing at lower right. ig VELASQUEZ (attributed to) 1599-1660 374 A MAN KNEELING IN PRAYER 375 There is something fascinating in the daring which led to the attribution to Velasquez of this drawing, which comes from the well-known Artaria Collection. Only two or three drawings are universally recognized as authentic Velasquez drawings, and the present sketch does not compel us to admit it into such a select company. Let it suffice to consider it an interesting drawing of that period and of the Spanish School, with a delightful study of drapery on the reverse side. 5% inches x 6 inches VENETIAN SCHOOL 16th Century AN EPISODE IN THE AENEID WITH QUEEN DIDO AS THE MAIN FIGURE A very lovely red crayon drawing. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 97% inches x 7% inches FRANCOIS VERDIER 1651-1730 THE DEATH OF ABEL Sanguine drawing. Cane is shown with club over his right shoulder; Adam is drawing away the body of Abel, while Eve and the two wives are lamenting the murder. An angel flying overhead, points to the expulsion of Cane. The composition and general execution of this drawing, apart from the interest of the drawing, make it a notable example by the celebrated French artist, who was chosen by the king to be ‘the chief teacher of the young artists of his epoch. Framed. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 1034 inches x 9% inches 93 377 378 379 _y 381 MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT, with a soothsayer, ‘serpent and Roman warrior Decorative red crayon drawing, heightened in white, by this famous French artist. A fine drawing. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 3 12 inches x 9% inches SCENE FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT Sanguine drawing, possibly representing Mordecai and Esther, with two other figures. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 10% inches x 9 inches JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES Crayon drawing, heightened in white. Signed by Verdier, at lower left. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 13% inches x 10 inches THEODORE VERHAS 1812-1885 A CIRCULAR VIEW OF HEIDELBERG CASTLE, with an intricate and decorative circular border Pen and ink and wash design by this distinguished German landscape painter. Probably a design for a plate. 7% inches x 63% inches CASTLE ON RHINE Pen and ink and wash drawing, enclosed in decorative circular border. Probably a design for a plate. Signed by the artist. 81% inches x 7 inches 94 \ OF EXCESSIVE IMPORTANCE IN THE HISTORY OF ENGRAVING { NUMBER 382 } 382 1s 383 384 |v GIUSEPPE NICOLO VICENTINO 1510-1540 (?) HERCULES KILLING THE NEMAEAN LION This pen and ink drawing, was by previous owners attributed to Raffaelle, and the old paper in which it is wrapped still bears the statement “Drawing by Raffaelle,” and price, “50 Thalers.” It is, however, a drawing of even greater rarity, a sketch by Vicentino, the Italian painter and wood engraver, so famous in the history of engraving. In the early chiaroscuro manner his woodeut of Hercules killing the Nemaean lion (after Raffaelle’s design), is known to all collectors; and the present drawing showing the same subject is a remarkable rarity. 74 inches x 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MARTIN DE VOS 1531-1603 FARMER RETURNING TO HIS FAMILY AT EVENING Pen and ink and wash drawing. This may be a quaint repre- _ sentation of Adam and Eve. A very decorative little drawing with many animals and a rich landscape, belonging to the Italian period of the life of this eminent Flemish painter. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 814 inches x 1034 inches JEAN ANTOINE WATTEAU 1684-1721 A CAMEL Red crayon drawing. Early drawing yet characteristic both in the modulation of the lines, and the effect of light and shade. One of the exceedingly rare animal drawings by Watteau. From the Marquis da Fossi Collection. 714 inches x 10% inches 95 385 386 387 (ig i 388 Gf), A COURTIER PLAYING ON A MANDOLIN This decorative pencil drawing bears the initials “A.W.”, and is in the Watteau manner, and is drawn on the paper of the period, but it is, in my opinion, one of the celebrated series of early Watteau forgeries. 4¥% inches x 5% inches — RICHARD WESTALL 1765-1836 FRONTISPIECE TO BEATTIE’S POEMS Original wash drawing, executed in fine miniature style. Mounted with an unlettered proof and India proof from the en- graved plate by Tompkins. An interesting “literary” drawing by this well-known English historical painter. Framed. 414 inches x 5% inches FRANCIS WHEATLEY 1747-1801 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL IN SUN-BONNET AND RED SHAWL, arms resting on table Drawing in colored chalk. Fine tones on gray paper. A charm- ing example of one of Wheatley’s models, and very rare as a drawing by the author of the famous “Cries of London.” Signed. Gilt frame. 10 inches x 14 inches JAMES McNEIL WHISTLER 1834-1908 STUDENT-DAY ETCHING One of the very few impressions struck off from the plate etched by Whistler during his student days at the United States Mili- tary Academy at West Point; and one of two copies printed for Mr. Hellman personally, when the original plate was in his possession. Framed. 96 J. G. WILLE 1717-1808 389 THE RUINS OF FORTIFICATIONS AT MONT-LE-HEIY Sanguine drawing. Seated figures of man and woman on slope at left foreground. Rare and characteristic drawing by an ar- tist celebrated in the history of 18th Century engravings. Signed in full by the artist on wall of fort. 7% inches x 914 inches ye. IRVING R. WILES Contemporary American 390 THREE PIECES (a) A Southern Belle and her “Mammy.” A delightful wash drawing of a most interesting aspect of Southern life, by this famous American portrait painter. 2 - (b) A Lover Proposing. An attractive wash drawing. (c) Orthodox Jews at Prayer. Wash drawing. A picturesque phase of New York life. THOMAS WORLIDGE 1700-1766 391 WOMAN WITH DISTAFF, surrounded by her peasant hus- band and three children Pencil drawing. This English portrait painter and etcher a —~ modeled his style somewhat on that of Rembrandt, and there is a reminiscence of Rembrandt in the figure of the man with out- stretched arm. Although his prints are numerous, drawings of Worlidge are exceedingly rare, and this signed example is the finest that has ever been offered for sale in America. 61% inches x 9 inches 97 PHILIP WOUVERMANN 1614-1668 392 NOBLEMAN WITH HORSE AND DOG Pencil drawing, on stained yellow paper, partially mended. The fame of this Dutch artist is derived largely from his paintings of horses, a fact that adds to the interest of this drawing. | 4Y% inches x 8 inches THOMAS WYCK 1616-1686 893 SKETCHES REPRESENTING EPISODES IN A HUNT Sheet of pen and ink drawings showing dozens of figures of men, horses and dogs, with two noble ladies on horseback, one of them with a falcon on her left hand. This is a most spirited series ; the action of all the little figures is remarkable. These drawings come into the rare class of works by Callot and Guardi. The re- verse of the sheet shows eleven lines in the Dutch language, presumably the Ms of the artist. 7 inches x 7% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] THE ALEXANDER PRESS 114-116 W. 27TH ST. N.Y. A DRAWING COMPARABLE TO THE MASTER PIECES OF CALLOT AND GUARDI {NUMBER 393 | v4 Pree 4 § | ; Pe Ae oF 1 ‘a wy AX 4 ' * 7 et a < X ° ° * \ } ee ‘ JHE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY | GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE i a i fa Rie i Piet its VAG eth hee GST, EPR Ae] WIE ie HD tL au Hah Asie Ay ie a Gah a i Met) a iS NARI i | i iain iA Mf ee te Be Thies PTS i or ih La | WinGe i i if yee . ie van Wt aul iN ve at et iH i ‘i i i i ihe BN ne a Hi a Wa eae i ; ae ine ae : i: ‘A By i Reh Hi rt HR 1, i ae : i a aH Li so aS ee ae ae See a tegte too = = z= a —— ae f. i a ie a a fbi a a ee ao Ve TELE HON Gy a aah Fa ME K ‘ : aoe | = = armen tet =: ren 9 —- ts ES Se = 3 = RS Ae SS a | SARIN AE ME evs Tis : ¥ pee BT ah Pa a ie As eens Hy if S 2 ‘ pale a oe Ue uf re ; a aS re ae —_—=—> = i Abe Wi ih en ; \ i oe hele ahd Ly haut iii ae aH i ue as a se diy ha ve i ne Me i ae if \ fun Ng ey wi 1h rar inant Ny a ol —— ee Sane =i= = Ee ox == ar = = 7 = mt ~ =r ee Ss ea ! ais j= Sees ese ee rer = = Sr oe rae de et See a: Tie aa aa = — = a Hen i i a oe ith =i i a ee aa) He NT MAND hile ta ; i 4 Rene We Sat is aoh aE aa MTR ea tate eee Le Ha ah ie i ral iy 4 ik ane i AMascaalel Hea te city SAAS Nt a ee Mat aly } gait a a4 F roe 1} ies Peat nok hat ig ly Leh poh yan us ne mi) Hh ; My Apu lare i oetish 1s a4 a3 ne rf AREA Bey MVPS esti Uti pv fae seas ar ees a beg oe i} - ; ‘ K ; Hs ; : ; El A Hatta NaH RE Tih aagete Wscieaaa ty 225i) DiI ean Gog iene ’ ay aly ; rite tu ‘i At pk NG Arte i SRA has Be Fey \ htc “4 ae ’ i i iu ee i ) a } : 4 i f j har | sar] . y ten! e at 4 on ji sl Bees Rai h! de PR 255 = == Bape Fee ip ae SE sans y ih Fate i Me i b nS ; i ay yi a tien ication da rags is 4 i is ( : Tee nets ant aN i) Nie be Pe | ny pounds i - COU E HA | i : Ae eC me a eis ae Dy en Hit Watt iT arl tt WN aan eenegverients eR LUI d Hie i ih - " on sty DIB Gv on a petatta Hs ia a Sich aah i be Aahiil) ¥ Naa Hatt Pi CE Pa RE i a - : " BIRT Wn) aa a u Lv : oe nit ey ena Beil ; a hanes ie UN ee i ae ii Putt i Me! i one Ne ; ue he i Me it vine a o TD nN fhe ie va ae nia ili Af np Lh Nis } oe wYh2 ith Tete Mh Ree 7 Hi ae S| aii Mei anny eG wit si a nH 4 " eh Hs a 7 ao i os hes teh | oe oY iis An hers int ees <5 = wi — “= ———— S—. ae ss SS = ae — = = ee ess a | ~ i= - a! it gee = 3 4 As gu inf oe , pole hen