Sat Saaeestt Sheen f = fe 5 ae : iene ees Seerakeci at esp Sir Vato ee = =. one ies : einer mien mae er pcre a tenia at ui Teenie arat . ewes lar eens ee oe oD Sa eee c Se CSET ortega a rani shez a < an > : Gey aoe < wh Fiscal gnome ty gtackonte acne oe a Ree Ae | ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY Ist, 1916 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE IMPORTANT BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTS FROM THE M.C. D. BORDEN, JOHN STEWART KENNEDY AND OTHER PROMINENT COLLECTIONS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND OTHER OWNERS ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1916 AT 3 O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON AND 8.15 IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ef qr peeve: © nde top Pe Wap : ce ame ae WE i nha eel SWINBURNE MANUSCRIPT “Song for the Centenary of Walter Savage Landor” (See No. 259) ESS a a A an: oie a rena: WS =. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF IMPORTANT BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTS FROM THE iL Oy D: ‘BORDEN, JOHN STEWART KENNEDY AND OTHER PROMINENT COLLECTIONS pete 3 er nor. pp \ fhe! ; aA NA i 'S “ ; /} ; fy , ? AD | rs yo tn ge L TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 7rTn, 1916 BY ORDER OF THE OWNERS HEREIN DESIGNATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH a, NEW YORK CITY LIST OF SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT VOLUMES IN THE VARIOUS COLLECTIONS HEREIN REPRESENTED. 2-7. Alken Colored Plates. Includes,—“Hiren Go Bragh” [Real Life in Ire- land], London, 1821; Apperley’s “Memoirs of the Life of John Myt- ton,” First Edition; Apperley’s “Life of a Sportsman,” First Edi- tion; &e. 26. Bunbury Illustrations. “Academy for Grown Horsemen,” First Edition. 31-34. Carroll (Lewis). Includes First Editions of “Alice in Wonderland,” “Hunting of the Snark,” &c. 45-62. Cruikshank (George). Among these items are,—Whitty’s “Tales of Irish Life,’ First Edition,—Wight’s “Mornings,” and “More Morn- ings at Bow Street,” First Editions in binding by Riviére,—Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe,” Large Paper Major’s edition,—Complete Set of the “Fairy Library,” First Editions, bound by Zaehnsdorf; and others. 71. Dickens (Charles). Complete Set of the Earliest Issues of the “Christ- mas Stories,” bound by Riviére. 81-84. Egan (Pierce). Includes,—“Boxiana,” 5 vols. bound by Hatchards, London, 1824-1830. 93-97. Folk-Lore. Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, and others. 110. Heptameron (The). 5 vols., numerous plates, unexpurgated edition, London, 1894. 111-118. Hewlett (Maurice). First Editions of “Songs and Meditations,” “New Canterbury Tales,” and others. 122-131. Irving (Washington). First Editions of “The Sketch Book,” “Life _ of Washington,” “Crayon Miscellany,” &c. 133. Jesse (J. Heneage). The more important writings of Jesse, First Edi- tions, 23 vols. bound by Zaehnsdortf. 140-144. Kipling (Rudyard). First Editions of “Barrack Room Ballads,” ‘Puce ot Pooks Hill,” &c. 145-156. Lang (Andrew). First Editions of “Red,” “Blue,” &c. Fairy Books, —“Ban and Arriere Ban,” &c. 157-162. Leech Illustrations, including,—“Merrie England in the Olden Time,” First Edition,—“Little Tour in Ireland,” First Edition, &c. 192-194. Phillips (Stephen). First Editions of “Herod,” “Ulysses,” and others. 222. Sterne (Laurence). “Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy,” 11 vols., First Editions, with the author’s autograph signature. 223-246. Stevenson (Robert Louis). First Editions of “Travels with a Don- key,” “Treasure Island,” “Prince Otto,” “Father Damien,” and others. 259-266. Swinburne (Algernon Charles). Original Manuscripts, bound uni- formly in blue levant morocco, including,—‘Song for the Centenary of Walter Savage Landor,” 45pp. folio; “Prologue to the Broken Heart,” 2pp. 4to; “King Richard II.” 18pp. quarto; “Victor Hugo: Dieu,” 9pp. folio; and others. | Continued. 267. Great Operas. 10 vols. in handsome rosewood case, with many Original Drawings, Proofs on satin, &c. 268-274. Books from the M. C. D. Borden Library, with the owner’s book- — plate in each engraved by E. D. French. Includes,—British Poets, 104 vols. in 52, in binding by Zaehnsdorf,—Collection of Autograph Letters, Colored portraits, &c. relating to Napoleon, bound by David, —Shelley’s “Hellas,” First Edition, bound by Riviere,—and others. ~ 275-276. Leech Original Water-color Drawings, one, 9x11 inches, another, 8x10 inches, signed with initials. 285-289. Andrews (William Loring). “Lyne’s Survey,” “Gossip about Book Collecting,” &c. : 318. Civil War. Series of Works relating to the-Rebellion, some First Hdi- tions, published at various places and at various dates, including,— Biography, Official Reports, Songs of the War, &c., 41 vols., different sizes, all uniformly bound in half olive-green levant morocco. 354-362. Goupil Historical Monographs, including,—Skelton’s “Mary Stuart,” Holmes’ “Queen Victoria,’ Masson’s “Josephine,” &c. handsomely bound in each instance by Zaehnsdorf. 368-379. Groher Club Publications, including,—Milton’s “Areopagitica,” “Poems of John Donne,” Carpenter’s translation of “Boccaccio,” Halsey’s “Boston Port Bull,” &e. 418. McKenney and Hall. “History of the Indian Tribes of North America,” Exceptionally Fine Copies of the Original Issues. 436. Napoleon I. Horne’s “History of Napoleon,” Special Copy, 2 vols. ex- tended to 4, and superbly Extra-Lllustrated by the insertion of over 500 portraits, views, colored caricatures, &c., bound by Riviere. 452-453. Red River Colony. "Works La John Halkett and John West, First Editions. 490. Tissot (J. J.). “La Vie de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ,” 2 vols., Tours, 1897, Edition de Grand Luxe. 496-510. Walton and Cotton. Compleat Angler, various editions including,— First Edition in an elaborate binding by De Sauty,—Large Paper issue of Major’s edition of 1824,—Pickering’s editions of 1832- 1836, including 2 vols. bound in 7, all Extra-Illustrated, the Finest edition of its kind ever offered for sale by auction, handsomely bound : by Stikeman,—and others. 520-543. Alken Colored Plates, Rowlandson Colored Caricatures, Gillray’s Political Copperplates, &e., unusual assortment. 572-585. First Editions of Lord Byron’s “Lara,” “Siege of Corinth,” “Sarda- napalus,” and others. 597. Niiremberg Chronicle. First Edition, in excellent condition. 603-612. Ruskin (John). First Editions of “Stones of Venice,” bound by Zaehnsdorf—“Ethics of the Dust,” “Crown of Wild Olives,” &e. CO Le ee ae ee CO Pe ee on ‘ . Ce aye ok eee eee | st a ie ea [> SE PS ee ee *. * z * ” * S : ; ' ) a ‘ . . rs + q ri, * — B ' ' 1 “ “ 2 - ; / ; . - . Bro. ad , ' ar i, a ’ ' ‘ = t ( > « ? ‘ ; s i" ae 7 rd “ ite ‘ % de - . : # ac rs ¥ ar » J Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3, Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. 'The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE, 7 Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference Submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF VARIOUS INTERESTS AS HEREIN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED First Session, Numbers 1 to 276, inclusive FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 7th, AT 3:00 O’CLOCK THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF A BALTIMOREAN Many of the volumes of this collection contain the artistic book- plate of the owner engraved by E. D. French. 1. Alsop. Fables: A New Version, chiefly from Original Sources, by ) Thomas James. Over 100 illustrations by John Tenniel. 8vo, orig- ie a inal cloth, gilt. London, 1848 a3 First EpitTion with these illustrations. ®. ALKEN CoLorEeD Pratres. Eiren Go Bragh. Dedicated to the Lord Lieutenant of Paddy’s Land. Real Life in Ireland; or, A Display of Adventures in the Day and Night Scenes of Brian Boru, Esq. and his Friend Sir Shawn O’Dogherty. Hmbellished with Real Irish Engravings, and COLORED PLATES by Henry Alken, Marks, and oe others. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and inside bor- / 4 << | ders, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: J.L. Marks, 1821 A spirited production with 19 coLoRED PLATES depicting humorous scenes in Irish high and low life. The title-page of this work usually reads ;— “Real Life in Ireland; or, The Day and Night Scenes, Rovings, Rambles and Sprees, Bulls, Blunders, Bodderation and Blarney of Brian Boru, Esq., and his Elegant Friend Sir Shawn O’Dogherty, exhibiting a Real Picture of Characters, Manners, &c. in High and Low Life in Dublin and various Parts of Ireland. By “A Real Paddy.” 3. ALKEN CoLorED Puarses. [Apperley (C. J.).]| Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Shropshire, formerly M.P. for Shrewsbury, High Sheriff for the Counties of Salop and Merioneth, &e. ; with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing and Ex- travagant Exploits. By Nimrod. With 12 COLORED PLATES by Henry Alken, ALL BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. 8vo, full crimson levant y ieee °C, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIviErRE. 5a : London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1835 CHOICE copy OF THE First EpiTion. Contains the two plates not reproduced in later editions, viz.; ‘““Mytton masters the savage dog,” and “Blood and the Bull-Dog.”’ First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 4. ALKEN CoLorED PLates. Vyner (R. T.). Notitia Venatica: A Treatise on Fox Hunting. To which is added a Compendious Kennel Stud Book. Full page tinted plates by Henry Alken and others. Royal WG Pre Svo, full tree calf, gilt backs, gilt edges. ; L7 /) : London: Published for the Author, 1841 First Eprrion of this wellknown work on fox hunting. Contains many pedigrees of famous hunting packs, including,—Sir Thomas Mos- tyn’s, Duke of Beaufort’s, Lord Yardborough’s, &c. FINE Copy. 5. ALKEN CotoreD Puates. [Apperley (C. J.).] The Life of a Sports- man. By Nimrod. With 36 coLorED ILLUSTRATIONS by Henry A 2 a Alken. Royal 8vo, full crimson polished morocco, gilt back, inside / 7 Sl 0 , gilt borders, gilt edges. London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1842 as BE Oe, ty) AA/ First Eprtion, with but one plate,—‘Ridgeway’s Health,” mounted. a A} . Contains some of Alken’s most artistic work. 6. ALKEN ConorED Puarss. [Surtees (Robert S.).] The Analysis of the Hunting Field; Being a Series of Sketches of the Principal Char- — acters that compose One. The Whole forming a Slight Souvenir J) of the Season of 1845-6. Cotorxp title, 6 Colored plates, and 43 /|/ | teat illustrations, after Henry Alken. Royal 8vo, original red cloth, \ / gilt, gilt edges, small part of ong joint cracked. , / Ne A A (yg WGndon: Rudolph Ackermann, 1846 47 ed : First EDIrion. oan Underhill, an English sporting authority, un- “f ne hesitatingly attributes the authorship of this work to Surtees. Y, ALKEN ILLustraTiIons. Sporting Scenes, and Country Characters. By Martingale. Numerous woodcuts by Henry Alken, Landseer, Dickes, as and others. First Eprrion. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt back, inside é cilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original gold-cloth covers bound in, by RIVIERE. London, 1840 8. [ApperLEY (C. J.—Editor).] Sporting: Hmballished by Large En- gravings and Vignettes illustrative of British Feld Sports, from 4 pictures by Gainsborough, Landseer, Cooper, Hancock, Lewis, and —_—— others. Literary contributions by Thomas Hood, &c. Folio, half calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1838 9. [ApprrLey (C. J.).] Hunting Reminiscences: Comprising Memoirs of ie Masters of Hounds; Notices of Crack Riders, and Characteristics / e of the Hunting Counties of England. By Nimrod. Illustrations WA a by Henry Alken, Wildrake, Henderson, and others. First Eprrion. D } Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt, binding slightly stained, covers and a few leaves loose. London, 18438 10. Apprrtey (C. J.). Nimrod Abroad. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 12mo, apts original cloth, some pages loose. London, 1843 11. Araptan Nicuts. A New Translation from the Arabic, with Copious Notes, by E. W. Lane. Illustrated by many hundred engravings / an on wood from original designs by William Harvey. 3 vols. royal nai eo) eel : a | j : First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th [ No. 11—Continued | Le. 13: 14. 15. 16. Li; 18; 19. 20. 8vo, half dark-green levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by MAcDONALD, name on engraved titles. London, 1839-1841 ORIGINAL ISSUE, With fine impressions of the plates and the exception- ally interesting and valuable notes on the manners and customs of the Arabs, &c. ARMIGER (CHARLES). The Sportsman’s Vocal Cabinet, comprising an Extensive Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Original Songs and Ballads relative to Field Sports. First Epirion. Small 8vo, full buckram, leather label, gilt top. London, 1830 BavEN-Powet (R. 8. 8.). Sport in War. Illustrated by the author. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth. London, 1900 BaRING-GOULD (S.). The Book of Were-Wolves: Being an Account of a Terrible Superstition. Frontispiece. First Epition. 12mo, orig- inal cloth, gilt. London, 1865 Barinc-Gouup (8.). The Tragedy of The Caesars. A Study of Char- ~ me acters of the Caesars of the Julian and Claudian Houses. Numerous g illustrations. First Epirion. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, leather/ labels, gilt tops. London, 1892 BERKELEY (GRANTLEY F.). My Life and Recollections. Portraits. First Epition. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth, slightly shaken. London, 1865 BERKELEY (GRANTLEY F.). Anecdotes of the Upper Ten Thousand: Their Legends and their Lives. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 Berners (DAME JuLIANA). A Treatyse of Fysshyng wyth an Angle. Facsimile Reproduction of the First Book on the Subject of Fish- ing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde, in 1496. Introduc- tion by M. G. Watkins. 4to, stamped vellum boards uncut. London, 1880 Berners (Dame Jutiana). The Boke of Saint Albans, Containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Cote Armour. Facsimile re- production. Introduction by William Blades. 4to, stamped vellum boards, gilt back, uncut. London, 1881 BLaNE (WittiaM). Cynegetica or Essays on Sporting, consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting . . . Remarks on the different kinds of Hounds . . . Qualifications requisite for a Huntsman, &c. To which is added “The Chace,” a Poem by William Somerville. Pront- ispiece and title-vignette by Thomas Stothard. First Ep1rion. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, portions of several inner corners supplied, and outer edges of plates frayed, by LaRrKkINs. London: John Stockdale, 1788 First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 21. Boccaccio. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Translated by John Payne. Illustrated by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, Ps, cloth, gilt, uncut. | London, 1893 Ae i oe oy Limited Hdition. 22. Bory’s Exrra Vonume. Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second, / by Count Grammont. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait of Pes Nell Gwynne. 12mo, cloth. _ London, 1864 23. BowErs CoLorep Puates. Across Country. By “Wanderer.” With 22 plates IN CoLoRs, and about 70 text illustrations., by G. Bowers. First Epition. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, name removed from title. London, 1882 24. Bowrrs CoLorepD Puates. Fair Diana. By “Wanderer.” With 22 Lh illustrations IN COLORS, and numerous plates in text, by G. Bowers. Pan First Epition. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, slightly shaken. a London, 1884 25. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Poetical Works. Portrait. 5 vols. : 12mo, full green polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, gilt inside iF borders, some edges uncut, by Tur Cius Binpmry, backs faded. New York, 1899 26. BunBury Ivuustrations. An Academy for Grown Horsemen, con- taining the Completest Instructions for Walking, Trotting, Canter- | ing, &c. By Geoffrey Gambado, Esq. Illustrated with portrait of oe the author and other copperplates engraved by Dickinson after H. W. Bunbury. First Eprrion. Folio, old boards, stained and back damaged, uncut, somewhat shaken. — London, 1787 2%. Burton (JoHn Hutu). The Book-Hunter, &. Royal 8vo, cloth, Coa : leather back, uncut, slightly rubbed. Philadelphia, 1881 One of 27 copies on LARGE PAPER, 28. CAMPBELL (Mason WALTER). Forester (Frank—Kditor). The Ola Forest Ranger; or, Wild Sports of India on the Neilgherry Hills, in the Jungles, and on the Plains. Hngraved title and ilustrations. y/ Seen First Eprrion. 8vo, cloth, gilt. | ip Ct New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1853 fA 29. CARLETON (WILLIAM). ‘Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. x New Edition, with Autobiographical Introduction and Explanatory a Peres Notes. Numerous illustrations on wood and steel by Harvey, Phiz., iaeN. Franklin, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, not quite uniform. ox, Dublin, 1843 _,380. Carteton (WituiAmM). The Black Prophet: A Tale of Irish Famine. With 6 illustrations by Harvey engraved by Dickes. First EpIrion. A oe 8vo, original decorative paper-covered boards, gilt top, uncut, back damaged. London, 1847 er 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th CarRoLL (Lewis). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. With 42 illus- trations by John Tenniel. London, 1866, old writing removed from half-title ; Through the Looking- Glass, and What Alice found There. With 50 illustrations by John Tenniel. London, 1872. Boru First Epitions. 2 vols. 12mo, full red levant morocco, gilt backs and in- side borders, gilt over uneven edges, original cloth covers bound in, by Rivipre. London, 1866-1872 _ / CarroLL (Lewis). The Hunting of the Snark, An Agony in Hight Fits. With nine illustrations by Henry Holiday. First Epition. 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges, half-title slightly soiled. London, 1876 CARROLL (LEwis). Rhyme? and Reason? With illustrations by A. B. Frost and Henry Holiday. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, slightly shaken. London, 1883 CARROLL (LEwis). Sylvie and Bruno. With 46 illustrations by Harry Furnniss. First EpItion. 12mo, Aas quarter red levant mo- rocco, gilt top. . London, 1889 ° FINE Copy. CHETWYND (Sir Grorce). Racing Reminiscences and Experiences of the Turf. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 Cook (COLONEL). Observations on Fox-Hunting, and the Management of Hounds in the Kennel and the Field. Addressed to a Young Sportsman, about to undertake a Hunting Establishment. 2 plates imserted. First EDITION. 8vo, original boards, new cloth back, old label preserved, entirely uncut. London: Printed for the Author, 1826 Cook (THxEoporE A.). Eclipse and O’Kelly, Being a Complete History of that thoroughbred “Eclipse,” of his Breeder, and subsequent owners, now for the First Time set Forth. Numerous tlustra- tions, pedigrees, and reproductions of documents. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. | London, 1907 Cory (CHartes B.). Hunting and Fishing in Florida, including a Key to the Water Birds known to occur in the State. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1896 / Covres (Euiort). The Coues Check List of North American Birds. Second Edition. With Dictionary of the Etymology, Orthography, Orthoepy, of the Scientific Names, &. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1882 /~ \ Coves (Etuiotr). Key to North American Birds . . . with which are > are incorporated, General and Field Ornithology. Fourth Edition. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1896 vA af “ Pa we - \ —— : ; } — = X C) First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 41. Covres (Exuiotr). Forty Years a Fur Trader of the Upper Missouri. The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872. Edited by E. Coues. Maps, views, and portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt ~ tops, uncut. New York, 1898 FS One of a Limited Edition. 42. CRANE InLustrATiIons. The Shepheard’s Calendar. By Edmund Spen- ser. Newly Adorned with 12 pictures and other devices, by Walter Crane. Small 4to, pictorial cloth, uncut. New York, 1898 43. CRANE ILLUSTRATIONS. Flora’s Feast: A Masque of Flowers. Penned and Pictured, by Walter Crane, IN coLors. First Eprrion. Royal aA 8vo, original pictorial boards, cloth back, plates on one side of paper | LIF only. London, 1899 44. CrowguiLu ILLustraTions. [Aytoun (W. E.). and Martin (T.).] The Book of Ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. Illustrated by Alfred Pe, ( Crowquill, Richard Doyle, and John Leech. Square 12mo, half pol- See ished calf, gilt back, gilt top, by Riviirs. ~ Edinburgh & London, 1859 45. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Cecil (John). Sixty Curious and Authentic Narratives and Anecdotes respecting Extraordinary Characters. yy a Frontismece engraved by George Cruikshank. First EpIrTIon. Lin ee tein, half green calf, somewhat rubbed. London, 1819 Z oA PG! @ 46. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). [Whitty (1.).] Tales of Irish Life; Illus- trative of the Manners, Customs and Conditions of the Irish People. With 6 full-page plates after designs by George Cruikshank. First ae EpiT10on. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs. (j ch a London, 1824 4”. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Wight (John). Mornings at Bow Street. A Selection of the Most Humorous and Entertaining Reports; More | Mornings at Bow Street. With 46 dlustrations by George Crusk- AN ya shank. 2 vols. 12mo, full tan calf, gilt backs inside gilt borders, YU ee gilt edges, by Rivrire. London, 1824-1827 CHOICE COPIES OF THE F1rst EDITIONS. 48. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Specimens of German Romance, Selected and Translated from various authors, by [George Soane]. Frontispiece A -P to each volume by George Cruikshank. First Epirion. 3 vols. UY’ 4 12mo, half Spanish calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1826 re From the library of Collin Armstrong, with engraved bookplate in each volume. 49.. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Scott (Sir Walter). Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart. Frontispiece wm black iy, after Skene, and 6 plates In coors, by George Cruikshank. First Nag — EpIt1on. 12mo, full tan calf, gilt back, gilt inside borders, gilt 3h top, by Woop. London: John Murray, 1830 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 50. 56. 57, 58. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Defoe (Daniel). Life and Surprising Ad- ventures of Robinson Crusoe. Engraved plates and teat illustrations after drawings by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, paper labels, some edges uncut. London, 1831 LARGE Paper copy of Major’s fine edition, First Issue. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. By Caveat Emptor Gent. With cuts by George Cruik- shank. First Eprrion. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1835 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Inglis (H. D.). Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote. With 6 etched plates by George Cruikshank. First EpITIoN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, slight stains. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Peter Parley’s Tales About Christmas. With 26 woodcuts, a number by George Cruikshank. First Epirion. Square 16mo, original cloth. London, 1838 ‘CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Omnibus. Illustrated with 100 engravings on steel and wood, by George Cruikshank. First Eprtion. Edited - by Laman Blanchard. 8vo, three quarter light-brown levant mo- rocco, gilt back and top, with original cloth covers bound in, by RIvIERE. London, 1842 A very desirable copy. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Jerrold (Douglas). Cakes and Ale. Ln- graved titles and frontispieces by George Cruikshank. First Ept- TION. 2 vols. 12mo, three quarter red levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, original cloth wrappers bound in, by RamaGcE. London, 1842 HANDSOME Copy. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). Table Book. Edited by Gilbert A Beckett. With 12 etched plates, and 116 woodcuts by George Crutkshank. First Epition. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges, binding slightly stained, and part of one joint damaged. London: Punch Office, 1845 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Mayhew (The Brothers). The Greatest Plague of Life: or, the Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Servant. Title vignette, and 12 plates by George Cruikshank. First EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, considerably shaken. London, [1847] CRUIKSHANK (GuroRGE). Basile (Giambattista). The Pentamerone, or Story of Stories. With 6 etched plates containing several designs each. First Epition. Small 4to, original cloth, binding slightly stained. London, 1848 London, 1837 ad First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 59. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Complete Set of the “Fairy Library” IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS as follows: “Hop-O’My-Thumb and the Seven- League Boots.” Edited and illustrated with 6 etchings by George Crutkshank. London: David Bogue [1853] First EpiTion and First Issur, with leaf of plates before frontis- piece, and advertisement on back cover announcing “Jack and the Bean Stalk.” “The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk.” Edited and illustrated with 6 etchings by George Cruikshank. ey ¢ a London: David Bogue [1854] First EDITION, but not First Issue, with leaf of plates after the ‘ps title, and the frontispiece being the “Giant tied up by the Fairies.” {7 The frontispiece of the First Issue is here placed at p. 28. Gs oe “Qinderella and the Glass Slipper.” Edited and illustrated with aa th 10 subjects [on 6 plates] designed and etched on steel, by George YY Cruikshank. London: David Bogue, [1854] First Epirion, but not First Issue, with list of plates before frontis- piece and title, but with Collected. Frontispiece and engraved title by Darley. 12mo, orig- inal cloth, somewhat shaken. New York, 1855 Invinc (WasHrincTon). Life of George Washington. Portraits and maps. First Epition. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, slightly rubbed. . New York, 1855-1859 First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 130. Invinc (WaAsHINGTON). Ohronicle of the Conquest of Granada. Au- thor’s Revised Edition. Numerous illustrations, and each page printed within an ornamental red border. 2 vols. 8vo, blue cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1893 Agapida Edition. 131. Irvine (WasHiIneron). The Alhambra. Author’s Revised Edition. Numerous wlustrations, and each page printed within a gold and male Me, colored border. 2 vols. 8vo, white cloth, decorative cover design, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1897 Darro Edition. ; ie. JERROLD (Doucias). Mrs. Oaudle’s Curtain Lectures. Illustrated by dts® Charles Keene. First Epirion. Small 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. v4 o> London, 1866 133. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). THE More Important WRITINGS OF JESSE, Aut First Epirions, COMPRISING: The Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. 4 vols. London, 1840 Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George II. 3 vols. | London, 18438 George Selwyn and his Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. yy 4 vols. London, 1843-1844 : ) ; Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 2 vols. - London, 1845 yf * Literary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 vols. London, 1847 London and its Celebrities. A Second Series of Literary and His- torical Memorials of London. 2 vols. London, 1850 Memoirs of King Richard the Third and some of his Contemporaries. With a Historical Drama on the Battle of Bosworth. London, 1862 ; Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George III. 3 vols. London, 1867 Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, including Henry Fielding, Earl of Chatham, Horace Walpole, Thomas Gray, Lord North, and others. 2 vols. London, 1875 Finely illustrated with portraits, views, facsimiles, &c. 23 vols. 8vo, three quarter red levant morocco, gilt backs in a design of leaves and flowers, gilt tops, by ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1840-1875 ONE OF THE FINEST SERIES EVER OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION. ALL First EDITIONS, AND HANDSOMELY BOUND. ; ‘ 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th JEST Books. Yorick’s Jests: Being a New Collection of Jokes, Witti- cisms, &e. of the Genuine Sons of Wit and Humour of the Last and Present Age. Hngraved frontismece. Small 8vo, half calf and boards, binding somewhat damaged, a few margins stained. London, 1770 Junius. Letters of Junius. Portraits, and engraved titles. 2 vols. 12mo, full russia, symbolical gilt backs. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1805 This edition contains all the letters of Junius, Philo Junius, and of Sir William Draper and Mr. Horne to Junius. PAPER. KEAtTs (JOHN). Poems. First EpItTIoNn. Probably on LARGE Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other 12mo, full dark-brown levant morocco, gilt back and inside border, gilt top, uncut, top and bottom mar- gins of 5 leaves previous to signature B2, extended, by RiviEre. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1820 Contains the leaves of advertisements and the half-titles. KEENE ILLUSTRATIONS. posite Neighbours. Carlen (Emilie). Illustrations by [Charles Keene]. TION. 12mo, original cloth. j KEENE ILLUSTRATIONS. The Giants of Patagonia: Captain Bourne’s \ London, 1853 Account of his Captivity amongst the Extraordinary Savages of Patagonia. With 6 plates by [Charles Keene]. 12mo, original printed boards, damaged. KEENE ILLUSTRATIONS. Illustrated by Charles Keene. cloth, gilt, uncut. Lemon (Mark). First EDITION. Epit1on. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. . Kipuinc (Rupyarp). Stalky and Co. cloth, gilt, gilt top. inal cloth, gilt top, uncut. . KipLine (Rupyarp). Puck of Pook’s First EDITION. . Krprine (Rupyarp). The Five Nations. First Eprrion. Hill. TION. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt top. . Kiputine (Rupy arp). Craig. First EDITION. . Lana (ANDREW). French of Charles Deulin. Rewards and Fairies. Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose. Illustrated by Am. Lynen. Epition. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Illustrations. First EnpITION. / London, 1853, Legends of Number Nip. 12mo, original London, 1864 . Kiprine (Rupyarp). Barrack-Room Ballads, and Other Verses. First London, 1892 12mo, original London, 1899 12mo, orig- London, 1903 First Epti- London, 1906 Illustrations by Frank 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt top. London, 1910 From the FIRST London, 1887 First Epr- | Marie Louise: or, The Op- / { pa | ae / 4 / a ra y / a pf } ff Fd — ) Q 7) Af : p _ First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 146. Lane (Anprew). The Red True Story Book, 1904; Old Friends, 1890; Lamb’s Beauty and the Beast. Introduction by Lang. Illustrations. ee Facsimile reprint. [1887] Together, 3 vols. 12mo, various bind- Bis ings. London, 1887-1904 147%. Lane (ANDREW). The Gold of Fairnilee. Frontispiece by F. Scott, and drawings by H. A. Lemann, IN cotors. 4to, half cloth and if oof vellum, gilt top, uncut. Bristol, n.d. [1888] i First EDITION, and one of a limited issue on LARGE PAprErR. From the Robert Hoe library, with leather bookplate. 148. Lane (AnprEw). The Blue Poetry Book. Numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1891 149. Lang (AnprEw). The Green Fairy Book. Numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. First Epitton. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, slightly 2<-D shaken and rubbed. London, 1892 coer One of 150 copies on LARGE PAPER. 150. Lana (Anprew). The Yellow Fairy Book. Numerous tlustrations y H. J. Ford. First Epition. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt = edges. London, 1894 151. Lane (ANDREW). Ban and Arriere Ban. A Rally of Fugitive Rhymes. 4 SCL Frontismece. First Epition. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1894 [LZ* - ene One of 70 copies on LARGE Paper. From the Robert Hoe library, with leather bookplate. 152. Lane (AnpREW). The Pink Fairy Book. Numerous illustrations by : a H. J. Ford. First Eprrion. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. : London, 1897 153. Lana (ANDREW). The Red Book of Animal Stories. First Eprrion, Lh London, 1899; Another Copy. New York, 1904. Numerous allus- 20 trations by H. J. Ford. 2 vols. 12mo, red cloth, gilt, gilt edges, original bindings to both. London & New York, 1899-1904 1547 Lana (ANDREW). The Grey Fairy Book. Numerous illustrations by > ° £3 H. J. Ford. Frrsv Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. gy | London, 1900 7, 155. Lane (ANDREW). The Brown Fairy Book. 8 COLORED PLATES, and cate numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. First Epirion. 12mo, Y original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1904 156. Lane (Anprew). The Orange Fairy Book. 8 COLORED PLATES, and oe numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. First Epirion. 12mo, : original cloth, gilt, gilt edges, one plate re-fastened. | London, 1906 , 157. Leecu ItLustrations. Daniell (George). Merrie England in the Olden © AY, Time. Full-page plates and woodcut vignettes, by John Leech. re First EpItion. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1842 eS ‘a Pf 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th Lrecu Ixutustrations. Hodder (George). Sketches of Life and Char- acter: Taken at the Police Court. Illustrations by John Leech, Kenny Meadows, and others. 12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1845 Lrscu InuLustrations. Maxwell (W. H.) The Fortunes of Hector O’Halloran, and his man, Mark Anthony O’Toole. Illustrations by John Leech. 8vo, three quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, a few stains. London, 1853 Lrecu Ittustrations. Berkeley (Grantley F.). Reminiscences of.a Huntsman. Coxorep frontispiece and plates in black by John Leech. First Epirton. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, binding stained and joints somewhat weak, a few leaves loose. London, 1854 Leecu Ixuustrations. A Little Tour in Ireland. By an Oxonian [S. R. Hote]. Folding frontispiece IN cotors, and other illus- trations by John Leech. First Eprrion. Square 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1859 LeecH Inuustrrations. Follies of the Year. A Series of coLOoRED ETCHINGS from Punchs Pocket Books, 1844-1864. With Notes by Shirley Brooks. With 21 full-page plates IN cotors, by John Leech. First Epition. Oblong 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, front cover slightly damaged. London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., circa [1864] [Lever (CHaARLES).| The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Numerous illustrations. First Epition. 8vo, half maroon polished calf (re- cent), uncut, a few plates and leaves spotted. Dublin, 1839 Lever (CuHaArues). The O’Donoghue; A Tale of Ireland Fifty Years Ago. Illustrations by H. K. Browne (“Phiz’). First Eprrion. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back. Dublin, 1845 Lever (CuHarues). The Martins of Cro’ Martin. Illustrations by “Phiz.’ Frrst Eprrion. 8vo, half calf, somewhat rubbed, plates a trifle spotted. London, 1856 Lewis AND Ciark’s Exprpition.. Coues (Elliott—Editor). History of the Expedition under the Command of Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri River, &c. during the Years 1804-5-6. ~ New Edition, reprinted from the only Authorized Edition of 1814. Portrait and maps. + vols. (including Index), royal 8vo, half olive- green polished morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: F. P. Harper, 1893 Limited Edition. Editor’s presentation copy. Lire or A Fox (THE). Written by Himself. With illustrations by Thomas Smith. First Epirion. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1843 LonereLLow (Henry WapswortH). The Song of Hiawatha. First EpITIon. 12mo, original cloth, with the advertisements dated November, 1855. | Boston, 1855 First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 169. 10. Vv ys | 172 | V/) ea a / b J { \ kD ee YR ol f | Y 7174 \> \ 175 oe hae a, / | a ee | J 176 180. . Mason (FINc#H). . Maxwey (W. H.). . Mreysty-THompson (Cou. R. F.). . Mitts (JouHNn). Luytens (F. M.). Mr. Spinks and his Hounds. Illustrations by C. Luytens and the author. shaken. A Hunting Story. 8vo, cloth, somewhat London, n.d. MACINTYRE (Masgor-GENERAL Donatp). Hindu-Koh; Wanderings and Wild Sport on and beyond the Himalayas. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1891 . Mappen (D. H.). The Diary of Master Wiliam Silence. A Study of Shakespeare & of Elizabethan Sport. 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 . [Manony (Rev. Franots).] The Reliques of Father Prout, late P.P. of Watergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland. Collected and arranged by Oliver Yorke. Hngraved frontismeces, titles, and vi- gnettes, by A. Croquis | Daniel Maclise|. First Epition. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, small portion of one joint weak. London, 1836 Humours of the Hunting Field. With 15 humorous Oblong folio, pictorial boards, cloth back, slightly London: Fores, 1886 ilustrations. shaken. . Mason (Frncu). Flowers of the Hunt. Numerous illustrations. First EpiItrion.° 8vo, cloth, somewhat worn. London, 1889 Hill-Side and Border Sketches, with Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir. With frontismeces by John Leech, and wood engravings by G. Measom. First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1847 . Mayer (Atrrep M.—Editor). Sport with Gun and Rod in American Woods and Waters. Profusely illustrated, with numerous plates on Chinese paper. 2 vols. small folio, boards, leather backs, gilt tops, uncut, probably on Larce Papsr, slightly rubbed. Edinburgh, 1884 Reminiscences of the Course, the 12mo, cloth, small label removed from side. London, 1898 Camp, the Chase. . Mites (Henry Downes). Pugilistica: Being One Hundred and Forty- Four Years of British Boxing . . . The Only Complete and Chron- ological History of the Ring. Numerous portraits, &c. First EpITION. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt tops. London, n.d. The Sportsman’s Library. Portrait of the author, and tinted lithographs after drawings by him. First Epirion. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Edinburgh, 1845 On Hunting and Hounds, Shooting, Game Dogs, Fishing, ete. Mitts (JoHN). The Life of a Foxhound. With 7 illustrations on steel. First EpiITion. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, several pages slightly spotted. London, 1848 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. LST) 188. 189. 190. 191. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th Mitts (JoHN). The Flyers of the Hunt. With illustrations by John Leech. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1859 Napoueon I. Bourrienne (lL. A. F. de). Memoirs of Napoleon Bona- parte. Edited by R. W. Phipps. New and Revised Edition. Nu- merous tlustrations. 4 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt sym- bolical backs, gilt tops, uncut, by VAUTHRIN. New York, 1895 PaTER (WALTER). Marius The Epicurean, His Sensations and Ideas. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, slightly rubbed and several corners some- what crushed. London, 1892 PaTER (WALTER). Plato and Platonism, A Series of Lectures. First AMERICAN HEprtion. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1893 One of 100 copies on handmade paper. Pater (WALTER). Greek Studies, A Series of Essays. Portrait. First Epition. Original cloth, uncut, slightly rubbed. London, 1895 Prser (FRANK 8.). Cross Country with Horse and Hound. With illus- trations by J. Crawford Wood. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1902 VES PENNELL-ELtMutirst (CapraIn). The Cream of Leicestershire; Eleven Seasons’ Skimmings Notable Runs and Incidents of the Chase. OF Portraits, maps, and illustrations, SOME COLORED. 8vo, pictorial 4. —=— cloth. London, 1883 PENNELL-ELMuirst (CapTpaIn). The Best Season on Record. Se- lected and Republished from “The Field.” Colored and plain tllus- trations by John Sturgess. 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt, o4—/ gilt top. London, 1884“ ——— PENNELL-ELMuHirst (CApraIn). Fox-Hound, Forest, and Prairie. [/- _ lustrated by J. Sturgess and J. Marshman. First Epirion. 8vo, “> —¢7 PS a ; PHILLIPS (SrepHEeN). Herod. A Tragedy. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1901 Puitiips (STEPHEN). Ulysses. A Drama in a Prologue and Three Acts. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt top, un- cut. London, 1902 Puitiies (STEPHEN). Nero, 1906; Sin of David, 1904; Faust (Phil- lips and Carr), 1908. Att First Epirions. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (uniform), uncut. London, 1904-1908 “Pyiz” ILLUSTRATIONS. Lemon (Mark—KEditor). Tom Moody’s Tales. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. Square 12mo, original cloth. — gilt, gilt edges. London, 1864 First Epirion, in the scarce original cloth binding. . “PHiz” CoLorEeD Puatss. Yoick’s, Judy’s Sporting Book. With 8 full-page coLoRED PLATES by H. K. Browne, several plain plates by him, and also by George Cruikshank, and others. 12mo, original pictorial wrappers, shaken. London, circa 1878 Pixe’s Expepitions. Coues (Ellott—Editor). The Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, to Headwaters of the Mississippi, dur- ing the Years 1805-6-7. New Edition, now First Reprinted in full from the Original of 1810. Portrait, folding maps, &c. 3 vols. (including Index), royal 8vo, half olive-green polished morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: F. P. Harper, 1895 Limited Edition. Editor’s presentation copy. Potocxt (Count JosePH). Sport in Somaliland. Translated from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin. Colored portrait of the author, map, and over 75 lustrations, many IN cotors. Folio, white buck- ram, gilt top, uncut. London, 1900. One of 200 copies printed and signed by the publisher. . PricE (Magor Sir Rose Lampart). The Two Americas; An Account of Sport and Travel, with Notes on Men and Manners in North and South America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 . Puaiuism. Fights for the Championship; and celebrated Prize Battles, or Accounts of all the Prize Battles for the Championship, from the days of Figg and Broughton to the present time. By The Editor of Bell’s Life in London. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 PuaitismM. History of the Great International Contest between Heenan and Sayers at Farnborough, on the 17th April, 1860. By “Cicero.” Portrait of Heenan inserted. 8vo, half roan, name on title and last leaf. London, 1860 Racine Men. “Thormanby.” Famous Racing Men. With Anecdotes and Portraits, also Tales of the Turf and the Chase. With 2 tlus- trations by Randolph Caldecott. 8vo, cloth. London, n.d. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. make 212. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th Reynarpson (C. T. 8S. B.). Sports and Anecdotes of Bygone Days in England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy and the Sunny South. Cotr- ORED ILLUSTRATIONS. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1887 RicE (JAmEs). History of the British Turf, from the earliest times to the present day. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1879 Rirson (JOsEPH). Robin Hood: A Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads relative to that Celebrated Outlaw. Second Edition. Vignettes. 2 vols. 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt backs, by RIVIERE. | London: William Pickering, 1832 Ritson (JosEpH). Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances illustrating Shakespeare and other Harly English Writers [Preface by W. Ca- rew Hazlitt). 2 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, paper labels, uncut, covers somewhat loose. : London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1875 One of 12 copies on LARGE PAPER. : Russett (Fox). The Haughtyshire Hunt. Numerous «lustrations. 8vo, cloth, somewhat used. London, 1897 Scorr (Str Watrer). Kenilworth; A Romance. By the: author .of “Waverley,” &c. First Eprrion. 3 vols. 12mo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by THE Cius Binpery, title of Vol. I. shghtly repaired. Edinburgh, 1821 From the library of H. W. Poor with leather bookplate. “Sorutator.” Recollections of a Fox-Hunter. Frontispiece, and vi- gnette on title. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 [SHAKESPEARE (WitttAM).| Bell (William). Shakespeare’s Puck, and his Folkslore, illustrated from the Superstitions of atl Nations. Curious Puck illustrations. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth. 3 London: [Privately Printed,] 1852 Laid in is a sketch and description of a Welsh “Puck.” Author’s presentation copy, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf. An interest- ing work of research into old English beliefs and customs, &c. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Being a Reproduction in facsimile of the First Folio Edition, 1623. With Introduction and Census of Copies, by Sidney Lee. Folio, sheep, uncut, with leather ties. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902 Limited issue, with autograph signature of Sidney Lee. Suaw (G. Bernarp). Man and Superman. A Comedy and a Philos- ophy. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Westminster, 1903 oe First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 213. SrnistRARI (FaTHER). Demoniality; or, Incubi and Succubi. Now First Translated into English, with the Latin Text. Small 8vo, three quarter levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, with orig- inal vellum wrappers bound in. Paris, 1879 x An endeavor to prove that there are rational creatures besides Man, endowed with body and soul and capable of receiving salvation or damnation. 214. SmirH (ALBERT). The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tad- pole at Home and Abroad. Portrait; and illustrations by John Leech. Frrst Eprrron. 8vo, full tan calf, gilt back, inside gilt borders, gilt over rough edges, by Larkins. London: R. Bentley, 1848 - 215. Smita (THomas). Extracts from the Diary of a Huntsman. Illustra- tions by the author. First Epition. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1838 216. Smotterr (Tosras). The Expedition of Humphry Clinker. By the author of “Roderick Random.” 3 vols. 12mo, sprinkled calf, slightly rubbed. London, [1671]1771 First Issue of the First Edition, with the error in date on title of Vol. I,—1671, instead of 1771. 217. [Smotierr (Toptas).| The History and Adventures of an Atom. First EDITION. 2 vols. small 8vo, full sprinkled calf, covers loose, name on titles, rubbed. London, 1769 218. SomERVILE (Witit1AmM). The Chase; A Poem. Vignettes by Thomas Bewick. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London: W. Bulmer & Co., 1802 219. SporTinec. Over Turf and Stubble. By “Old Calabar.” 8vo, cloth, ais: somewhat worn. London, 1873 [pee eo Accounts of fishing, a sporting trip to France, ete. 220. Sportine Dictionary (THE); and Rural Repository of General In- formation upon every Subject appertaining to the Sports of the Field. By William Taplin. Engraved plates, somewhat stained. We 2 vols. 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt backs, library number on one cover, parts of joints weak. London, 1803 ee. SporTinGa INCIDENTS in the life of another Tom Smith. Illustrated. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 222. SrernE (LavurENcE). The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gen- tleman. (Vols. I-II., no place, 1760; Vols. III-IV., R. & J. Dodsley, 1761; Vols. V-VI., Beckett and De Hondt, 1762; Vols. b, VII-VIII., same imprint, 1765; Vol. IX., same imprint, 1767. Ls Frontispreces by Hogarth in Vols. I and IV. Au First Epirions | except Vols. I and II.; 9 volumes; A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. First Eprrion. Beckett and De Hondt, 1768; [ No. [3 223 Vy Ab * 224 By 225 Cls® 226. 228. 233. ROA. 230. 236. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th 222—Continued | 2 vols. Together, 11 vols. small 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt backs and edges, by Rivimre. N.P., 1760; and London, 1761-1768 CHOICE SET, with all the half-titles in the “Sentimental Journey ;” and the cancelled plates in Vol. I. pp.73-74 and Vol. III. pp. 169-170, in “Tristram Shandy,” with the autograph of “LZ. Sterne’ in Vols. V, VII, and IX. . STEVENSON (Rosert Louis). Travels with a Donkey. Frontispiece. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt. London, 1879 . STEVENSON (RosBert Louis). Virginibus Puerisque, and Other Papers. First Eprrion. 12mo, three quarter light-brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt top. London, 1881 CHOoIcE Copy, bound uniform with “The New Arabian Nights.” . STEVENSON (Ropert Louis). New Arabian Nights. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 12mo, three quarter light-brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops. London, 1882 STEVENSON (Ropert Louis). Treasure Island. Frontismece. Frrst EpItrion. 12mo, original cloth. — London, 1883 STEVENSON (Rosert Louis). The Silverado Squatters. Frontispiece. First Epition. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1883 STEVENSON (Rospert Louis). A Child’s Garden of Verses. First EpITt1on. 16mo, three quarter brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1885 . STEVENSON (Rozpert Louis). Prince Otto. A Romance. First Ept- TION. 12mo, original cloth, somewhat shaken and stained in bind- ing, library label removed from cover. London, 1885 . Stevenson (Rozpert Louis). Memories & Portraits. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. | London, 1887 . STEVENSON (RosBeErt Lovis). Underwoods. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, mostly uncut, binding soiled. London, 1887 . STEVENSON (Ropert Louis). The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables. First Epirion. 12mo, original decorative cloth, with the advertisements at the end. London, 1887 Stevenson (Ropert Louis). Father Damien, 1890; Kidnapped. Illus- trated Hdition. 188%; In the South Seas. 1900. ‘Together, 3 vols. wrappers and cloth. London, 1887-1900 Stevenson (Ropert Louis). The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1888 STEVENSON (Ropert Louis). The Master of Ballantrae. A Winter’s Tale. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1889 StEveNson (Rozert Louis). Ballads. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1890 e First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th + 237, 242. . STEVENSON (Rosert Lovts). . STEVENSON (RosBerT Lovis). . STEVENSON (RoseErT Lovts). . STEVENSON (RoserT Lovtis). . STEVENSON (Rospert Louis) aND VAN DE Grirt (FANNY). . STEVENSON (RosBertT Louis) aND HentEy (W. E.). |. STEVENSON (Ropert Louis) AND OsBouRNE (LuoypD). . STEVENSON (Ropert Lovuts) AND OSBOURNE (LLOYD). . STRICKLAND (AGNES). . STRUTT (JOSEPH). STEVENSON (Rosert Louis). A Footnote to History. Hight Years of Trouble in Samoa. Sketch map. First Eprrion. 12mo, orig- inal cloth, uncut. London, 1892 Island Nights’ Entertainments. Illus- trations by Browne and Hatherwell. First Epirion. 12mo, orig- inal cloth, gilt. London, 1893 Catriona, A Sequel to “Kidnapped.” 12mo, original cloth, partly uncut. London, 1893 First EpIrion. Songs of Travel, and Other Verses. [ Edited by Sidney Colvin]. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut, slightly rubbed. London, 1896 Weir of Hermiston. An Unfinished Ro- 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1896 mance. First Eprrion. STEVENSON (Ropert Louis). St. Ives. original cloth, uncut. The American Edition appeared in 1897. First EneuisH Epirion. 12mo, London, 1898 More New First Eprrion. 12mo, original London, 1885 Arabian Nights. The Dynamiter. pictorial wrappers, loose. Three Plays ;— First EDIvrion. London, 1892 The Wrecker. original cloth, slightly London, 1892 The Ebb-Tide, 12mo, original gilt-cloth London, 1894 Lives of the Queens of England, from the Nor- man Conquest; with Anecdotes of their Courts. New Edition, with Corrections and Additions. Hngraved titles, and portraits of all the Queens. 12 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt, backs somewhat faded, plates slightly stained, a few pp. of one vol. loose, stains on one binding. London, 1842-1848 The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England from the Harlest Period. New Edition, much enlarged and cor- rected, by J. C. Cox. With numerous plates of games, mummeries, pageants, dc. from ancient paintings. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London [1903] Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin, Admiral Guinea. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Illustrations. First EpITIon. rubbed. 12mo, A Trio and Quartette. First Eprrion. with cover design, uncut. 249, 250. ‘Rol. 252. 253. 255. 256. 257. 258. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th Swirt (JONATHAN). Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. Engraved portrait and plates. First Eprrion. 2 vols. full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by RiviireE. London: Benjamin Motte, 1726 HANDSOME Copy, with separate pagination to each part, and the in- seription around the portrait with two lines in Latin underneath it. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MaxkeEprace). The Irish Sketch Book. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. I[llustrations by the author. First EpItrion. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, some edges uncut, backs faded. London, 1843 The first book with Thackeray’s name. See the Dedicatory Note to Lever. THomMsoN (CoLoNEL ANSTRUTHER). LHighty Years’ Reminiscences. With allustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 THomson Intustrations. ‘Tristram (W. Outram). Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. With 214 dllustrations by Hugh Thomson and Herbert Railton. 12mo, eloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1893 THomson Ituustrations. Old English Songs from Various Sources. Introduction by Austin Dobson. Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1894 . THomMPSON (CHARLES). Rules for bad Horsemen; Hints to inexpert Travellers and Maxims. With modern additions by John Hinds. Plates. 12mo, half cloth and boards, name on title. London, 1830 Watson (Autrrep E. T.). Racecourse and Covert Side. Illustrations bq John Sturgess. First EpItion. 8vo, original cloth, gilt. London, 1883 Warton (Grace AND Puittp). The Queens of Society, 2 vols; Wits and Beaux of Society, 2 vols. Portraits and illustrations. To- gether, 4 vols. 8vo, three quarter red levant morocco, gilt backs, uncut. Philadelphia, n.d. Wuymrer (Epwarp). Scrambles among the Alps in the Years 1860- 1869. Maps and illustrations. Square 8vo, white buckram, gilt, gilt top, uncut. ~ London, 1893 Wricot (THomas). Caricature History of the Georges; or, Annals of the House of Hanover, compiled from Squibs, Broadsides, Lam- poons, &c. Coxorep frontispiece, and nearly 400 alustrations on steel and wood. 12mo, three quarter green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, original wrappers bound in, by: ZAEHNSDORF. | London, 1876 - Ad D ( ; = og ey a First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th THE PROPERTY OF A LONDON COLLECTOR “ae ' 259. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). OriGINAL Manusoripr of “Song for the Centenary of Walter Savage Landor, Born January 30, 1775—Died September 17, 1864,” composed of 50 stanzas of 16 lines each, written on 45pp. of unruled blue foolscap, size 12 by 8 inches, with a great number of emendations and corrections, and including the 4pp. of Notes. Accompanying the above is the printed rendition as it appeared in Swinburne’s “Studies in Song,” pub- lished by Chatto and Windus, 1880, and from which volume the printed stanzas herewith have been abstracted. Together, 2 pieces, each leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant morocco, lettered on the side. Manuscript is unsigned and evidently is the original draft, as well as the copy from which was set up the published version of the year noted, which, while following closely the manuscript in the main, con- tains several changes made, very likely, by the author in the final printed proofs submitted to him, as notice herewith :— In stanza 3, line 8, the original copy reads,— “Whose leaves they soothe, whispering . . . desire,” which, in printed form, is altered to,— “Breathless with hope and dauntless with desire.” In stanza 17, lines 2, 3, and 4, the original reads,— “And love the links of memory to release Even as a sea-mew’s cleave the chains of foam Dissolving, when the loosening clouds decrease c appearing in print as,— “Love gave his thought strength equal ee release , From bonds of old forgetful years, like foam Vanished, the fame of memories that decrease. ” In stanza 41, line 1, the second word in the manuscript reads “was,” which has been printed “lacked.” Seemingly there have been made no other alterations in the printed and published issue than as here noted. . Swinburne’s appreciation for Landor’s work was exceedingly high, . expressed at times with an extravagance of diction unusual even for him. In a eulogy of Landor included in the volume of Essays issued in 1886, Swinburne states that,—“In the course of this long life (1775- 1864), Landor had won for himself such a double crown of glory in verse and prose, aS has been worn by no other Englishman but Milton.” [See Frontispiece] 260. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Originat Manusoript of “Pro- logue to the Broken Heart,’ about 40 lines, written on 2 blue Ato sheets, unsigned, and with a few corrections. Each leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant mo- rocco, lettered on side. Probably the first draft of these lines which are reproduced in the printed editions of the author’s “A Channel Passage, and Other Poems,” but in different sequence. The six opening lines of manuscript,— “The mightiest choir of song that memory hears Gave England voice for fifty lustrous years,” &e. are printed as written. Then follows the section on MS. sheet 2, be- ginning,— First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th [No. 260—Oontinued | “And England, made by Shakespeare’s quickening breath,” &c. to the bottom of the page, when immediately appears the section on MS. sheet 1,— aN strength of soul too passionately pure,” &e. to the concluding lines,— “The soul assailed arose afar above All reach of all but only death and love.” The long line (really two lines) at top of MS. sheet 2, although marked out there, is printed immediately after,—‘*When Ford’s red star above the sunset rose,” (altered in the book). The line,—‘Lit the false death of days that cannot die,” is omitted entirely therein. 261. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, unsigned, . of essay,—‘‘Another Portrait,’ written on 3pp. blue paper, folio,— about 68 lines, with a few corrections. Hach leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant morocco, lettered on side. This verbal portrait of [Attilio] Mariani, seems never to have been published. It was written, probably, when the author was about thirty years of age,—a period of great productiveness for him. The date- watermark of paper is 1866, the year Swinburne’s “Poems and Ballads” first appeared in book form. Little, apparently, is known of this Count Mariani, whom the author characterizes as,—“aristocrat and republican, virgin and martyr.” A political exile from Italy, he eventually reached England and was there introduced by Count Speroni to Herbert [Auberon Herbert, the English radical?] with whom he became intimately associated in various ways. However, according to Swinburne, Mariani lived and died in England ‘without leaving any mark. “He was lean and sallow, with great eyes and heavy brows; his mouth was large and gentle. In his eyes there was always the lHkeness of a dream, in his lips there was always the look of a caress. His short, heavy hair receded from his pale, narrow forehead and clustered behind in close masses without a curl. His voice and tone were beauti- ful, at once soft as a woman’s and frank as a boy’s. Many men, know- ing his story and looking into his eyes, would have followed him into hell if he had bidden them. He was admirably narrow-minded and single-hearted; such men alone win to their cause followers worth having. And he was good beyond all words; sinless, as far as a man can see; which is probably as far as the rules of right and wrong ex- tend.” 262. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). OriIcgINAL Manuscript of essay,— “King Richard II.,” written on 18pp. blue paper, quarto size, with corrections, sioned in full at end,—Algernon Charles Swinburne. A particularly vehement elision has been made in the original last line of essay, insomuch that the paper itself has been deeply per- n full blue levant morocco, lettered on side. Aoi Each leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound The manuscript opens as follows :— “Tt is a truth more curious than difficult to verify that there was a time when the greatest genius ever known among the sons of men was uncertain of the future and unsure of the task before it: when the one unequalled and unapproachable master of the supreme art which implies and includes the mastery of the one supreme science perceptible First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th | No. 262—Continued | and accessible by man stood hesitating between the impulsive instinct for dramatic poetry, the crown and consummation of all philosophies, the living incarnation of creative and intelligent godhead, and the facile seduction of elegiac and idyllic verse, of meditative and uncreative song ; between the music of Orpheus and the musie of Tibullus. The legendary choice of Hercules was of less moment than the actual choice of Shakes- peare between the influence of Robert Greene and the influence of Chris- topher Marlowe.” This essay is printed in full in Bee “Three Plays of Shake- speare,” issued in 1909. 263. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON (Cartas). Or1IGINAL Manuscript entitled “The Fifth Chapter of Launcelot”’ consisting of 63 lines written on nearly 3pp. white folio paper, unsigned, with a few corrections. Kach leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant morocco, lettered on side. This is a short prose story,—one of twenty tales to be included in the author’s “Triameron” [a work on the order of “The Decameron” ],— which Swinburne composed while under the influence of Dante G. Ros- setti during the years 1861-1871, a period of much of Swinburne’s finest achievement. The style is that affected by the Pre-Raphaelites, and was adopted by the author for about six years. This manuscript does not seem to have been published and exists with several other prose tales written for the ‘“Triameron” solely in autographic form. It is headed ;—“‘How King Bau died for sorrow when he beheld the burn- ing of his castle. And how the lady of the lake bore away Tahoe his son.” “Now as King Bau leaned upon a little bank of earth to behold his castle that he loved right well the day began to lighten a little, and he looked towards it, tho beheld he the walls whiten and the high tower and the fosse thereabout; but before he had well sight of it he beheld a full great and grievous smoke, and a little after the fire that brake © out any way from it. Tho might he see in a brief space all his fair great chambers fallen down upon the earth, and the steeples molten and their bells: and ever that fire sprang mightily from one to another side. Tho was all the air red and kindled and the earth shone all about for the light of it. The king beholdeth the burning of his castle that he loved more than any other thing for in that castle there abode all his hope to recover his lands; and since he see that he has now lost it there remaineth nothing in the world for him to look to.” 264. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHarLEs). OrtcInaL Manuscript of “Victor Hugo: Dieu,” written on 9pp. of unruled white folio paper and signed in full at the bottom of sheet No. 8,—‘“‘Algernon Charles Swinburne.” A number of corrections have been made in the manuscript, but for the most part it is comparatively clean. Hach leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant morocco, lettered on side. Perhaps the copy used by the printers of the Fortnightly Review in which this essay and so much more of Swinburne’s work had their initial appearances. The author quotes in French considerable from Hugo’s unfinished poem, which, according to Swinburne, would have been a veritable masterpiece had it been issued as Hugo originally intended. Swinburne’s essay commences,— “Towards the close of the year 1855 two poems by Victor Hugo were announced for publication: an engagement never to be fully redeemed, and never to be redeemed at all during the life-time of the author... Bees Veber Faye nlone< kone Se re sae * Gane : fe as He oY, 4 ie 4 youre rif of Cxashous er hicy, Sail Vd | Pee forred oud 74a paras of a greed Lathotee Scart hats i f- "0. fear ok prose Yhat- Carr. be Seka aundf Yhe seruple L ling | wheck cloS¢ch bee one magnificent Wrerhendartpikin, Oh! sees ach ff Lohetore Ce Je Poin ‘ a Marty; yes Co ¥ oS ee pee ae is ei: ice { eee Ae i e a : Line f «17 inquichef Vesfon, oe dn gai) atts besrchag lean, Chali. ane, P lanl ny pie C cere : dex, atare of toute rug Prue esi Pern cde bermidre etd, Ve v : oe rtince, habrtant in beficlore Lute My {I ar latert bes fabian dele mah Feta eRe loribres: | howler vos frstercds yeux dant la profordenr nevee, | ee Ce yrand Dieu du pardon bur ta terre tee, Saon te Shercse Avel w72 soup, [ig Jtoiln SWINBURNE MANUSCRIPT “Victor Hugo: Dieu.” (See No. 264) First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th | No. 264—Continued | On the reverse leaf of the plain paper covering in which Les Contem- plations then came forth for the delight and wonder of all ages of the world, till thought and passion, sympathy and emotion, and poetry and nature shall be no more, the two great and strange titles, Dieu and La Fin de Satan . . . And now, upwards of thirty-six years later, we receive all that we ever shall receive of the first-named and more ambi- tious poem. Fragments of its vast original design may possibly be recog- nized, may certainly be surmised, as lying imbedded or incorporate in other works since completed, and issued in the designer’s lifetime; in the second series, for instance, of La. Légend des Siécles,‘and especially in the historic and philosophic poem called Religions et Religion.” [See Reproduction] 265. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). ORIGINAL Manuscript of “A. Landscape by Courbet,’ 10 lines written on one side of an 8vo sheet of white paper, with many erasures and substitutions, un- signed; also, on verso of the above are the opening stanzas of “Recollections” by the same author, and three lines of another verse by him. Each leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant morocco, lettered on side. Apparently the original manuscript drafts: of both items mentioned, printed in slightly altered forms in the editions of “A Century of Roun- dels.” The unlocated verse on page with “Recollections” may have been composed with the idea of incorporation with others under the same caption, but does not seem to have been included in the published poem. A Landscape by Courbet. Low lies the mere beneath the moor-side, still And glad of silence: down the wood sweeps clear To the soft verge where fed with many a rill Low lies the mere. The wind speaks only summer: eye nor ear Sees aught at all of dark, hears aught of shrill, From sound or shadow felt or fancied here. Strange, while we praise the dead man’s might and skill, Strange that harsh thoughts should make such heavy cheer, While, clothed with peace by heaven’s most gentle will, [Low lies the mere.] The last line is supplied from the printed version. 266. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). OrIGINAL Manuscript of “Les Keoliers Britannique,’ comprising 10pp. (about 1900 words), with a few corrections, without pagination and signature. Hach leaf of MS. hinged on white crayon paper, bound in full blue levant morocco, lettered on side. Manuscript is in French and is entirely in the autograph of Swin- burne, with, possibly, a page or two composed at a different period from that of the main portion of article. It was probably written for one of the poet’s incompleted works,—“The Heptameron,” or, “The Triam- eron.”’ The opening paragraph is a charming piece of poetic-prose, which later develops into a brisk imaginative dialogue between a clergyman of prominence and some British schoolboys during which occur numerous expressions in Swinburne’s own vernacular. It is believed never to have been printed in any form, and is unnoted in Mr. Wise’s volume, in the Dictionary of National Biography, and in other bibliographical sketches available for examination. First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th THE PROPERTY OF A NEW YORKER 267. GREAT OpERAS. The Romantic Legends upon which the Masters of Song have founded their famous Lyrical Compositions. Introduced by Guiseppe Verdi. Edited by J. W. Buel. Profusely illustrated with full-page plates on Japanese paper, and text designs in various tints. 10 vols. folio, three quarter levant morocco each a different color, silk-brocade sides, with doublures of figured silk, gilt edges. In a handsome rosewood case, matching the color of the general run of pianos, and measuring 43 inches high, 24 inches wide, and 18 inches deep, with each volume setting in a tray which slides easily in and out through the doorway of cabinet. Under the trays is a compartment holding the 50 water-colored plates mentioned in note. Philadelphia: Société- Universelle Lyrique, 1899 THE VERDI EDITION. LIMITED TO 50 COPIES ONLY, THIS BEING NUMBER “X” WITH INTRODUCTION IN ITALIAN AND ENGLISH BY THE MAESTRO VERDI HIMSELF. A truly magnificent work upon the Great Operas of the world, con- taining a textual synopsis of each together with a scenic display of many of the situations as usually produced upon the stages of the various opera houses. In addition the editor has supplied most inter- esting descriptive letter-press, noting, where possible, the origin of each dramatic episode, critically reviewing them all, and, furthermore, intro- ducing a biographical sketch of each and every composer, with the dates of the first and other noteworthy performances. THERE ARE OVER 700 ILLUSTRATIONS IN ALL, 50 OF WHICH ARE WATER- COLOR DRAWINGS OF THE PRINCIPAL SCENES OF THE OPERAS ENCLOSED IN A SPECIAL COMPARTMENT IN CABINET AS ALREADY NOTED, AND 50 PROOFS ON SATIN OF THE SAME SCENES, IN ASSORTED TINTS, IN THREE SEPARATE CASES SATIN-LINED. BOTH SETS OF THESE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE MOUNTED ON HEAVY MATS. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF ATTORNEY 268. British Ports: Including Translations of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Collated with the Best Editions by Thomas Park. [With several volumes of the Supplementary Poets]. Frontispiece to each volume engraved by Schiavonetti, Tomkins, Cardon, Charles Heath, cc. after R. Cook, Smirke, Devis, Singleton, Stothard, and others. 104 vols. in 52, 16mo, half red straight-grained morocco, gilt backs and edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. ‘London: Printed by Charles Whittingham for John Sharpe, 1805-1809. According to Lowndes, this collection was not completed in the man- ner Mr. Parks designed, yet it, nevertheless, has the great-merit of being the only collection in which proper attention has been paid to the cor- rectness of the text. : Present set comprises,— (1805) Hamilton; Goldsmith, and others; Cun- ningham and Cotton; Collins, and others; Akenside; Pope, 2 vols.; Mil- ton, 2. vols.; Addison and Johnson on Milton; Thomson; Shenstone ; Somerville; (1806) Glover; E. Moore and D. Mallet; Dryden’s Fables; Dryden, 2 vols.; Swift, 2 vols.; Waller; Butler, 2 vols.; Langhorne; First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th [ No. 268—Continued | Gay, 2 vols.; (1807) Dyer and Thompson; Watts; Burns; Prior, 2 vols. ; Churchill, 2 vols.; Blair, Glynn, and others; Addison and Tickell; Arm- strong and Mickle; Smollett, Bruce, and others; (1808) William Jones; Scott and Warton; Green, Jago, and others; Cowper, 2 vols.; Hughes, Congreve, and others; Addison, Gay, and others; (1809) Homer’s Iliad, 2 vols.; Homer’s Odyssey, 2 vols.; Wilkie, Dodsley, and others; Earl of Rochester, and others; Granville, Yalden, and others; Harte, West, and others. Dates in numerous instances are erroneously stamped on backs. From the library of M. C. D. Borden, with engraved bookplate by H. D. French in each volume. 269. Mitton (JouHN). Poems, &c. upon Several Occasions. Both English 1 | g }/ ™ library of M. GC. D. Borden with engraved bookplate by BE. D. French. and Latin, &c. Composed at several times. With a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib. ‘Small 8vo, full dark-brown levant morocco, sides and back covered with a background of pointillé tooling, with a lettered side-panel on front cover surrounded by tree and bush design, inlaid in trunks with brown morocco, the leaves being in green morocco, back of duplicate design but without lettering in centre panel, and with one tall tree with trunk and leaves inlaid as mentioned, gilt edges, by RIviiRE. London: Printed for Tho. Dring, 1673 This second edition of Milton’s Poems is really the First Complete Edi- tion as it contains several poems not in the edition of 1645. From the 270. NapoLEon I. Autographies et Gravures de Napoleon Ier et son Temps. A Collection of 63 Autograph Letters, 205 portraits, MOSTLY COL- orED, and 13 plates illustrating scenes in the Emperor’s life. Ob- long 4to, full dark-green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, with the Napoleonic arms in gold in the centre of the latter, grecian borders, doublures of cream-colored levant, bordered with violet inlays on which are tooled gilt designs including the crowned “N” - and Kagle, with a semis of bees and flowers on central panels, rose silk end-papers, gilt edges, by Davin. [ Paris, n.d. | _~ Includes,—L. 8., 2pp. folio, of Cardinal Fesch, Rome, 26 Germinal, “ An. 12, to General Hédonville. Signed, “Le Cardinal Fesch;” A. L. S., 2pp. folio,.of Joseph Bonaparte, Philadelphia, February 15, 1818. Signed, “Joseph;”’ L. S. 1p. 4to, of Lucien Bonaparte, Paris, le 29 Thermidor, An. 8. Signed, “ZL. Bonaparte;” L. S., 1p. 4to, of Louis Napoleon to M. Gaudin, Paris, September 17, 1807. Signed, “Zowis” and with eight words in his autograph; A. L. S., 2pp. 8vo, of Queen Hortense, Aremberg, May 11, 1882, to Madame Récamier. Signed, “Hortense;”’ A. L. §S., 2pp. 4to, of Caroline Murat, March 28, 1820; with over two dozen others in which may be found a 2page sheet in the handwriting of Francois, Duc de Reichstadt, and signatures of,—Louis Napoleon, Jérome Bonaparte, Ma- rie Ann Eliza, Pauline Bonaparte, Murat, Eugéne, Ney, Macdonald, Le- febre, Suchet, Junot, Soult, Talleyrand, Kellermann, Bertrand, Bourrienne, Les Cases, Gourgaud, Montholon, Marchand, and 28 others. Among the Portraits, of which many are COLORED, and a number PROOF IMPRESSIONS, are those of,—Napoleon I, Charles and Laetitia Bonaparte, Cardinal Fesch, Josephine, Hortense, Joseph Napoleon, Due de Reichstadt, Lucien and Jérome Bonaparte, Pauline Bonaparte, Caroline Murat, Tal- leyrand, EHugéne de Beauharnais, all of Napoleon’s Marshals and Gen- erals, &c., engraved by,—Sevius, Hopwood, Pigeot, Bosselmann, Bovinet, Pound, Benoist, Chollet, Huot, Giroux, Delpech, Fromentin, Desjardins, — ee eS ee ee el First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th | No. 270—Continued] Bulland, and others, after original paintings by,—Girodet, Gerard, Isa- bey, Sandoz, Lefevre, Desnoyers, Boudon, Gihant, Vautier, Delorme, Gou- band, Millet, Philippoteaux, &c. The 18 plates illustrative of: the life of Napoleon include,—“‘Entrée des Francais dans Milan, Moskow, Vienne, Berlin,” &c. by Vernet, Compte, Couché, and Swebach; “Predilection de la Famille Bonaparte,” by Raf- fet; “Le Couronnement,” by Marchais; and others by David, Gérard, Couché, &e. Laid in is an A. L. S., 1p. 4to (with English translation) of Noel Charavay, the wellknown autograph expert of Paris, certifying to the authenticity of the letters and documents of the collection. From the M. C. D. Borden library, with his engraved bookplate. “71. SHELLEY (Percy Byssux). Hellas. A Lyrical Drama. 8vo, full light- blue levant morocco, with cover panels of a Greek Corinthian design inlaid in green, brown, blue and cream-colored morocco on gold poin- tillé background, doublures of green levant, with borders of Turk- y Y. » ish ornaments inlaid in brown, crimson, black and blue morocco, in- | i ) lays all bordered with gilt tooling, dark-green watered silk end / | | papers, gilt top, uncut, by Rrvrére. . London: Charles and James Ollier, 1822 9 eS First Epirion, with the two half-titles and the five stanzas of poem AV on the Death of Napoleon, appearing just after the Notes. Handsomely ye ey bound by Riviere in accord with the subject of the volume which treats of the movement then beginning for the emancipation of Greece from Turkish tyranny. From the library of M. C. D. Borden with engraved bookplate by I. D. French. 272—SWAINSON (WILLIAM). Zodlogical Illustrations: or, Original Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, or Interesting Animals, selected chiefly from the classes of Ornithology, Entomology, and Conchology, and* arranged on the Principles of Cuvier and other modern Zodlo- gists. 3 vols.; Zodlogical Illustrations. Second Series. Birds, In- sects, Shells. 3 voi~s. WITH 334 PLATES, BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, OF BIRDS, BUTTERFLIES AND SHELLS, HUNDREDS OF SPECIMENS OF EACH, IN MANY INSTANCES THERE BEING TWO OR MORE FIGURES ON A SINGLE PLATE. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half light-green levant mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by Zarunsporr, backs somewhat faded. London, 1820-1833 A standard work of much value, containing exquisite plates and con- cise descriptions of the subjects depicted upon each. From the library of M. C. D. Borden, with engraved bookplate by EB. D. French in each volume. 273. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lord). Queen Mary. A Drama. 12mo, full & dark-green levant morocco, inside gilt borders. London, 1875 First Epirion. From the library of M. C. D. Borden with engraved bookplate by E. D. French. 274. WILLIAMSON (GxEorGE C.). Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer: Miniature Painters. Their Lives and their Works. With 125 plates, a@ num- ber containing several miniatures on a single plate, including many which have been COLORED BY HAND. 4to, full light-green levant oF ame First Session, Friday Afternoon, January 7th [No. 2%74—Continued] J morocco, sides covered with artistic design of gilt curved lines, large tools and small dots, doublures of brown levant with a border of interlaced fillets within a surrounding border of green levant, gilt, brown watered-silk end-papers, gilt top, uncut, by MorrELL. London, 1903 One of 110 copies on Large Paper. Most of these facsimile copies have been made from the originals in the collection of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. From the library of M. C. D. Borden with engraved bookplate by HE. D. French. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY 275. LezcH OriginaL Drawina. ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING,— Tom Noddy finds there 1s a good deal of snow in some of the Ditches.” — Signed with initials, “J. LZ.” Size 9 by 11 inches, with heavy mat: One of the artist’S ORIGINAL SPORTING SKETCHES, BELIEVED NEVER TO HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED. A Hunting Scene in Winter, in the foreground of which is seen a dismounted rider, lying in the snow with his feet in the air, his right hand still holding the rein of his horse, whose hind quarters are sunk in a snow covered bog, while his head lifted high shows a surprised glance at the plight of his rider. In the background,— three riders, one in the act of taking a hedge, one about to clear the same, the third in company with a dog is galloping across the field. — William Powell Frith, Leech’s Personal Friend, says of the artist,— “Leech had long passed his boyish days before his love of field sports showed in his work . . . [He] was a timid rider . . . He must, how- ever, have frequenly been in full career with the ‘field;’ how otherwise could he have acquired his knowledge of the thorough sportsman’s seat ALY on horseback . . . and above all displayed that Heaven-gifted power of showing the horse in repose, as well as in all the varieties of action?” This Drawing was obtained by the present owner from a descendant of the family of John Leech. 276. LezcH OrtgiInaAt DraAwiInG. ORIGINAL SIGNED WATERCOLOR DRAWING, —‘Salmon Fishing—I say! old boy, mind how you wade hereabouts ; there are some tremendous holes, 14 or 15 feet deep.” Signed with initials, “J. [L.” Size 8 by 10 inches, with mat. LIKE THE PRECEDING, THIS IS ONE OF THE ARTIST’S ORIGINAL SPORTING SKETCHES, BELIEVED NEVER TO HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED, having been obtained by the present owner from the same source as the above. , A humorous sketch, showing a canny Scotchman in a stream, fishing, / while on the bank a traveller has halted at the above remarks, which have been addressed to him. In the distance, mountains and brush. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF VARIOUS INTERESTS AS HEREIN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED Second Session, Numbers 277 to 615, inclusive FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOHN STEWART KENNEDY, ESQUIRE. 277. AINSWORTH (WiLLIAM Harrison). Windsor Castle: an Historical Ro- mance. New EHdition. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot, with designs on wood by W. Alfred Delmotte. 8vo, tree 4 fv calf, gilt back and top, uncut, slightly cracked at hinges. = London, 1843 First Edition in which all the plates by G. Cruikshank (14 in number), which appeared in Ainsworth’s Magazine, are printed, but without im- print or date. 278. ALBUM FoR PHoroerapHs. Blank Album, in a special binding. Ob- long 4to, full lilac levant morocco, very highly polished, front cover > with a tasty decorative gilt panel border, consisting of lily inlays a of white morocco, with gilt interlaced stems; in centre, in gilt “Ken- f arden,” gilt inside border, marbled end papers. N.p.n.d. A beautiful specimen of the binders art, especially made for the late aoa evidently as an album for views of his ancestral home in Scot- land. 279. Anatine. Songs and Selections from the Album of the Edinburgh Ang- ling Club, founded 1847. New and Enlarged Edition. Edited by yv J. Smith. Tilustrations drawn and engraved by members of the y if club. 8vo, cloth, emblematic gilt tooling on back, uncut. Edinburgh, 1900 280. Anatinc. Moore (G. H.). Washington asan Angler. Extracts from his Diaries. New York, Privately Printed, 1887. Autograph presenta- tion copy from the Author; Granspy (Marqusss or). The Trout. : London, 1898; GatHorNE-Harpy (A. E.). The Salmon. London, 2 s 1898 (2 preceding in Fur, Feather and Fin Series) ; Stewart (C.). ef A Treatise of the Law of Scotland relating to the Rights of Fish- ing. Edinburgh, 1869; Hurcnuinson (H. G.—Kditor). Fishing. 2 vols. London, 1904. Numerous illustrations. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, and 12mo. cloth. V.p.v.d. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 281. ee 283 oma 284 TE Ye 285 286 io ce 287 e ff | 5 , 288 289. Jo? Y a A Ae ANGLO-SAXON Review (THE). Vols. 1-4. Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Illustrated. 4 vols. royal 8vo, full leather in facsimiles of famous bindings, gilt tops, uncut. ; London, 1899-1900 Contains original contributions by Henry James, A. C. Swinburne and others of note. . [AnpERSON (JoHN L.).| ‘The River Dove, with Quiet Thoughts on the Happy Practice of Angling. 12mo, green morocco, gilt back and edges. London: William Pickering, 1847 FIRST PUBLISHED EDITION, the issue of 1845 having been a limited one of 25 copies printed for private circulation only. lies, Literature, Honours and Biographical History of the People of Scotland. Portraits and other illustrations. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges. London, 1882 . ANDREWS (EH. B.). The History of the last quarter century in the United States, 1870-1895. With more than 350 allustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo half red morocco, gilt backs. . ANDERSON (WitiIAmM). The Scottish Nation; or, the Surnames, Fami- — New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1896 . ANDREWS (WILLIAM LorINnG). Gossip about Book Collecting. With 12 illustrations, several of which are illuminated in gold and colors. 2 vols. 12mo, red and gold wrappers, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1900 One of 125 copies on Holland paper. . ANDREWS (WitLIaAmM Lorine). James Lyne’s Survey, or . . . The Bradford Map; A Plan of the City of New York in 1731. An Ap- pendix to an Account of the Same by W. L. Andrews. With fac- similes of both the Bradford and Duyckinck maps. 12mo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1900 One of 170 copies on Holland paper. kindred subjects. Numerous facsimiles. 8yvo. boards, gilt top, un- cut. New York, 1902 One of 141 copies on Van Gelder paper. . ANDREws (WitLIAM Lorine). The Treatyse of Fysshynge Wyth an Angle. From the Book of St. Albans, patterned after the type used by Wynkyn de Worde in 1496. With Introductory Essay by W. L. Andrews. Title within woodcut border, initials in red ink, and text illustrations. Svo, limp vellum, gilt, gilt top, with ties. New York: Gilliss Press, 1903 One of 160 copies on handmade paper. ANpbrEws (WitttAmM Lorine). An English XIX Century Sportsman Bibliopole and Binder of Angling Books [Thomas Gosden]. Hn- graved portrait and views, facsimiles of bindings, and a reprint of Gosden’s Catalogue of Angling Books and Engravings, printed in 1825. 8vo, vellum, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1906 Edition limited to 125 copies on Van Gelder paper. . ANDREWS (Witi1AmM Lonrina). Bibliopegy in the United States and ~ - 290, aol. R92. 293. 294. 295. 296. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th ARCHITECTURE. A Cyclopaedia of Works of Architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. Edited by William P. P. Longfellow. Numerous ulustrations, full-page and in the text. Thick 4to, morocco back, vellum sides, gilt top, uncut. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1895 No. 15 of 500 copies printed. Beatr1e (WILLIAM). Switzerland. Numerous fine steel plates by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges. London, 1836 Beck (JAMES). The Evidence in the Case, New York, 1914; Brown- Inc (W. S.). A History of the Huguenots. Philadelphia, 1845; Auison (A.). History of Europe. 4 vols. New York, 1848; Rot- LIN (CHARLES). Ancient History. 2 vols. New York, 1834; The Topographical, Statistical and Historical Gazetteer of Scotland. 2 vols. London, 1856, and other works, mainly historical. Together, 15 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, cloth and leather. V.p.v.d. Bett (Matcoum). Sir Edward Burne-Jones. A Record and Review. London, 1895; Ruys (Ernest). Frederick, Lord Leighton. An Illustrated Record. London, 1898; Scorr (LeapER). The Ren- aissance of Art in Italy. New York, 1883; Srranan (Epwarp). Etudes in Modern French Art. New York, 1882. Illustrations and facsimiles. ‘Together, 4 vols. 4to, cloth, pages of first two lots loose. VGp-¥-d Berners (Dame Jutiana). A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. A facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde, at Westminster in 1496. With an Introduction by M. G. Watkins. 4to, vellum, uncut. London, 1880 Brste. Old Testament. Revised Version. New Testament. Revised Version. 5 vols. full morocco, Oxford and Cambridge, 1881-1885 ; Another set, similar. 5 vols. Together, 10 vols., 8vo. Oxford and Cambridge, 1881-1885 One set rubbed, the other in excellent condition. Brirps, Garpens, Ftowers, Hnauru, Erc. Whymper (Charles). Egyp- tian Birds, for the most part seen in the Nile Valley. London, 1909 ; Houpen (Guorce H.). Canaries and Cage-Birds. New York, 1883; Bupcz (EH. A. W.). The Mummy, Chapters on Egyptian Funeral Archaeology. Cambridge, 1893; Morris (Matcotm). The Book of Health, London, 1884; Mayrr (A. G.). Sea-Shore Life. New York, 1905, and others. Numerous colored and other plates. Together, 12 vols. “ Royal 8vo, and smaller, cloth. V.p.yv.d. / J @ ee — 2? ne, / ov d a /72 JV E, Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 297. nat yu 298. Booxs Asout Booxs. Contributions to a Catalogue of the Lenox Li- brary. 8 vols. in 1. Square 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1877-1893 No. 1. Voyages of Hulsius. No. 2. The Jesuit Relations, ete. No. 8. The Voyages of Thevenot. No. 4. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, ete. No. 5. Works of Shakespeare, etc. No. 6. Works of Milton, ete. No. 7. The Waltonian Collection. No. 8 (not a Lenox Library Library Publication). Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Westwood, for sale by J. W. Bouton, New York, 1873. Booxs ABout ie Another set of the preceding (with the excep- tion of the last named—Westwood). 7 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1877-1893 299. Booxs Anout Booxs. Catalogue of the Library and a Brief List of the a aN ey Engravings and Etchings belonging to Theodore Irwin, Oswego, N. Y. (and now to John Pierpont Morgan). New York, privately printed 1887. Autograph presentation copy from Theodore Irwin to John S. Kennedy. Only 100 copies issued; CaTaLoguE of the Library of Robert L. Stuart. New York, 1884. Autograph pres- entation copy from Mrs. Robert L. Stuart to John 8. Kennedy; CATALOGUE of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts belonging to Mr. Brayton Ives. The special edition, printed on Holland paper. Illustrated. (The collection was sold at auction by The Amer- ican Art Association). New York, 1891. Only 100 copies printed ; Cotumsus. The Letter in Spanish of Christopher Columbus, Lon- don, 1889. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, cloth and wrappers. V.p.v.d. 300. Booxs Azour Booxs. Orr (Mrs. S.). Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning. London, 1892; The Letter of Christopher Colum- bus announcing the Discovery of the New World. Facsimile of the earliest edition, reproduced for John 8. Kennedy. New York, 1890, (2 copies, 1 Lenox Library reprint): WHEaTLEy (H. B.). How to Catalogue a Library. New York, 1889; Hurron (LAvRENcE). Lit- erary Landmarks of London. Boston, 1885; The Bay Pssum Book. A facsimile reprint of the First Edition, Cambridge, New England, 1640. With an Introduction by Wilberforce Eames. New York, 1903; Prime (WeNpELL). Fifteenth Century Bibles, a Study in Bibliography. New York, 1888. Together, 7 vols. 8vo. and smaller cloth, (one paper). V.p.v.d. 301. Booru-Tuckrr (F. Dr L.). The Life of Catherine Booth, the mother Ca of the Salvation Army. 2 vols. New York, 1890; Hones (A. A.). The Life of Charles Hodge. New York, 1880; Smirn (GzoRGE). The Life of Alexander Duff. 2 vols. New York, n.d., and other works of a similar nature. Portraits and illustrations. 'Together, 8 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th BRIDGEWATER TREATISES (THE) on the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, as Manifested in the Creation. [Written and published under the Direction of the Will of Francis H. Egerton, eighth Earl of Bridgewater.| Plates. 11 vols. 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt backs, sides with wide decorative gilt panel border, gilt edges, by Haypay. London: Pickering, 1835-1845 Complete set of the series, which comprises,—Works by Chalmers, Kidd, Whewell, Bell, Roget, Buckland, Kirby and Prout. Finer set. BropErick (GEorGE C.). English Land and English Landlords. Lon- don, 1881; McCosu (JamzEs). The Scottish Philosophy, from Hut- chinson to Hamilton. New York, 1875; Prescorr (Witiiam H.). Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. New York, 1845; SmirH (Apam). The Wealth of Nations. Edinburgh, 1861, and 2 others. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. We. DeV-G: Brown (JouHn Crosspy). A Hundred Years of Merchant Banking. Numerous portraits, interior views, facsimiles, &c. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York: Privately printed, 1909 A detailed history of the great banking firm of Brown Brothers and Company—Brown, Shipley and Co., and its allied firms. Presentation copy from Mrs. John Crosby Brown, with engraved complimentary slip inserted. Brown (Wiii1am Apams). Morris Ketchum, Jesup, a character sketch. New York, 1910; Henry (Pavuu). The Life and Times of John Calvin. 2 vols. New York, 1851; Ginterr (HE. H.). The Life and Times of John Huss, the Bohemian Reformer of the fifteenth century. 2 vols. Boston, 1863; Portraits. ‘Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. V.p.v.d. Bryce (James). The Holy Roman Empire. [The Arnold Prize Essay]. First Epirion. 8vo. half green levant morocco, gilt back and top, by ZAEHNSDORF. Oxford, 1864 Buckie (Henry T.). History of Civilization in England. 2 vols., 1858- 61;—Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works. Edited with a Bio- graphical Notice, by Helen Taylor. 3 vols., 1872;—The Life and Writings of Henry T. Buckle. By Alfred H. Huth. 2 vols., 1880. Portrait and facsuemile. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, light polished calf, gilt backs and tops, leather labels, by ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1858-1880 Bunyan (JoHN). The Pilgrim’s Progress. With 100 illustrations by Frederick Barnard and others, engraved by Dalzel Brothers. Royal Ato. half vellum, gilt top, uncut. London, 1880 Edition de Luxe, No. 99 of 500 copies printed on special handmade paper, with proofs of the illustrations on Japanese paper. Burns (Rosert). The Works of Robert Burns, comprising: Poems, 3 vols.: Prose, 3 vols. [Edited by Wm. Scott Douglas.| Portraits and illustrations on India Paper, facsimile of autographs and music tw LA Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [ No. 309—Continued] score. ‘Together 6 vols. royal 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt backs, inside and outside corner ornamentations, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. SMITH. Edinburgh: William, Paterson, 1877-1879 LARGE Paper. A finely bound copy of this new Library Edition, in which an earnest effort has been made to compare the text with the original manuscripts; both Poetry and Prose being arranged in strictly chronological order, with a considerable number of undoubted first pro- ductions now appearing in a collected form. 310. Burton (JoHn Hitz). The History of Scotland, from Agricola’s In- vasion to the Revolution of 1688. BrstT LIBRARY EDITION. 7 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt. FINE SET. 7 Edinburgh and London, 1867-1870 311. Canapa. Edgar (J. D.).. Canada and Its Capital. With Sketches of Political and Social Life at Ottawa. Portraits and illustrations. rhe 8vo, morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Toronto, 1898 Autograph presentation inscription by the author. 312. Century Dictionary (THE). An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Prepared under the superintendence of William Wright Whitney. 10 vols. New York, (1889), also The Century Atlas of the World. Prepared under the superintendence of Benjamin HE. Smith. New York, (1897); also The Century Cyclopaedia of Names. Hdited by Benjamin H. Smith. New York, (1894) ;, also The Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia, Supplement. 2 vols. New York, (1910). With thousands of allustrations and colored maps. Together, 14 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, last two volumes slightly different color, several bindings somewhat rubbed. New York, v.d. 313. CHALMERS (GEORGE). Caledonia: or, An Account, Historical and Top- ographic, of North Britain. With a Dictionary of Places. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 4to, calf, two bindings cracked, Vol. 3 rebound. London, 1807-1824 This work, which ranks with Camden’s “Britannia,” was to have been extended to nine volumes. Unfortunately it was never completed, the first three volumes being all that were ever published. 314. CHAMPLIN (JoHN D.) AND PERKINS (CHARLES C.). Cyclopedia of Painters and Painting. With more than 2000 illustrations, com- prising photogravures on India Paper, reproductions of celebrated paintings, numerous vignette portraits throughout text, facsimile signatures and other illustrations. 4 vols. 4to, half morocco, vellum sides, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, bindings slightly rubbed. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1886 No. 101 of an Edition of 500 copies. One of the best dictionaries of Art ever published, both biographical and descriptive articles being based upon wide research, conducted with the hope of making this work vir- tually an original authority. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 315. Cuitp (FRANK SamueEL). An Old New England Town. Sketches of Life, Scenery, Character. Illustrated. 8vo, half red levant mo- rocco, gilt top. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1895 Edition de Luxe, limited to 300 copies, the illustrations on Japanese paper. 316. Cutna. The History of the Chinese Empire. With historical and descriptive letter-press by G. N. Wright. Numerous fine steel plates. Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. London, n.d. 317. CuirTeNDEN (L. E.). Recollections of President Lincoln and his Ad- ministration. New York, 1891; Mactxop (Donatp). Memoir of Norman Macleod. 2 vols. London, 1876; Hawker (GEORGE). The Life of George Grenfell, Congo Missionary and Explorer. New York, 1909; Napier (JAmzEs). Life of Robert Napier. Edinburgh, 1904, and other works of a similar nature. Portraits, illustrations, and facsumiles. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. 318. Civin War. A Series of Works: relating to the American Rebellion, WS, and Men connected therewith, many of the volumes having been published at different points in the South during the period of the great conflict, and consisting of,—Biography, Official Reports, Ac- counts of Battles, Songs of the War, Historical Narratives, &c. by Southern authors and others. Some First Eprrions. They are listed here in chronological order: Giruam (WiLLIAM). Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. Forms of reports, dc. First Epirion. 12mo. Richmond, 1861 Ruues AND ArtTIcLEs for the Government of the Army of Virginia. 29pp. 8vo. Richmond, 1861 OrriciAL Reports of Battles. Published by Order of Congress. Includes,—Beauregard’s Report of the Battle of Manassas; Floyd’s Report of the Battle of Fort Donelsong; Buckner’s Report of the Same; Ruggles’s Report of the Battle of Shiloh, and others. 8vo. Richmond, 1862 Warper (T. B.) and Carterr (J. M.). Battle of Young’s Branch ; or, Manassas Plain, July 21, 1861. Also, Account of the Battle, &c. Maps of the battlefield with positions of reguments, &c. 12mo. Richmond, 1862 BATTLEFIELDS OF THE SourH, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg ; with Sketches of Confederate Commanders, &c. By an English Combatant. With 2 folding maps. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1863 [Daniets (J. M.).] Life of Stonewall Jackson, from Official Pa- pers, &c. By a Virginian. [From the Advance Sheets of the Rich- mond Edition.] With engraved portrait. 12mo. New York, 1863 “Ronors or Days Gone By.” Twenty-five pieces of Music, chiefly Songs relative to the South and the Civil War, including,—“The Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th _[No. 318—Continued] Southern Cross,” music by C. L. Peticolas; “When this Cruel War is Over,’ music by Henry Tucker; “The Star-Spangled Cross,” written and composed by a Subaltern; “The Unknown Dead,” writ- ten and composed by John H. Hewitt; and others. First Eprrions of a number of these pieces, which are mostly lithographed with special title-pages. 4to. Richmond; Columbia, 8. C.; Augusta, Ga., 1863-1864 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY of War [James A. Seddon] of the Confederate States of America, Richmond, November 26, 1863; including Report on Indian Affairs, and Report on the Exchange ~ of Prisoners incorporating the correspondence between Robert Ould and Colonel Ludlow and General Meredith. 8vo. Richmond; Fort Monroe, &ec., 1863 Jackson (Tuomas J.). Life of Jackson. By an Ex-Cadet. Sec- ond Edition, revised and enlarged by the Author. 12mo. Richmond, 1864 Forp (Satty R.). Raids and Romance of Morgan and his Men. 8vo. 2 Mobile, 1864 [Fontaine (F. G. De).] Marginalia; or, Gleanings from an Army Note-Book. By “Personne.” First EpITIon. 8vo. Columbia, S. C., 1864 Lee (C. H.). The Judge Advocate’s Vade Mecum: Embracing a General View of Military Law . . . with an Epitome of the Law of Evidence. Second Hdition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. Richmond, 1864 CuEsnrey (C. C.). Campaigns in Virginia, Maryland, &. Maps. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1864-1865 Daspngy (R. L.). Life and Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson. Hngraved portrait and 11 plans. 8vo. New York, 1866 Downs (EK. C.). Four Years a Scout and Spy; “General Buncker.” Illustrations. 8vo. Zanesville, O., 1866 “General Buncker” [C. L. Ruggles] served as scout and spy for twelve generals during the Civil War, including Generals Grant, Logan, Anprews (CO. C.). History of the Campaign of Mobile; including the operations of General Wilson’s Cavalry in, Alabama. Hngraved portrait, maps, and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1867 GrAyJACKETS (THE): and How they Lived, Fought and Died, for Dixie. By a Confederate. Portrait of R. H. Lee. 8vo. - Richmond, &c., [1867] Horcuxiss (JED) and ALLAN (WiLLIAM). The Battlefields of Virginia: Chancellorsville; embracing the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia from Fredericksburg to the death of General Jackson. Engraved portrait and 5 maps. 8vo. | New York, 1867 Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th | No. 318—Continued] KENNAWAY (JOHN H.). On Sherman’s Track; or, The South after the War. Illustrations. 12mo. London, 1867 SHAVER (LEWELLYN A.). History of the Sixtieth Alabama Regi- ment, Gracie’s Brigade. First Epirion. 8vo, uncut. Montgomery, 1867 Tenney (W. J.). Military and Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States. With Biographical Sketches of Officers. EHn- graved portraits and other illustrations. Royal 8vo. New York, 1867 ALFRIEND (FRANK H.). Life of Jefferson Davis. Hngraved por- trait. First Epirion. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1868 Hrapity (P. C.). Life and Campaigns of General U. S. Grant. Lingraved portraits of Grant and others, with illustrations. Introduc- tion by Horace Greeley. First Eprrion. 8vo. New York, 1868 PottarD (Epwarp A.). Life of Jefferson Davis, with a Secret History of the Southern Confederacy, gathered “behind the Scenes in Richmond.” Hngraved portrait. First Epirion. 8vo. Philadelphia, &c., 1869 [WisE (GrorGE).| History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infan- try, ©. S.A. 12mo. Baltimore, 1870 Cooke (JoHN EstEen). Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Portrait, map, and illustrations. First EpITion. 8vo. New York, 1871 Brewer (W.). Alabama; Her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men. From 1540 to 1872. First Epirion.. 8vo. Montgomery, 1872 Baker (lL. C.). The Secret Service in the Late War, comprising the author’s Experiences, North and South, his Perilous Adven- tures, &c. Portrait and illustrations. First Epition. 12mo. Philadelphia, [1874] JOHNSTON (JosEPH E.). Narrative of Military Operations, di- rected, during the late War between the States, by General J. E. Johnston. Engraved portraits and maps. First EDITION. 8vo. New York, 1874 EGGLESTON (GuorcE Cary). A Rebel’s Recollections. 12mo. New York, 1875 Taytor (Watter H.). Four Years with General Lee . . . with a Statement of the Strength of the Army he commanded in the Field. Engraved portrait. 12mo. New York, 1878 : ALLAN (WiLtIaAM). History of the Campaign of Gen. T. J. he (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley, November, 1861— 7 June, 1862. Maps by Jed Hotchkiss. First Epirion. 12mo. i Philadelphia, 1880 319. , | Lf ae 320. 321 i, av joa Second Session, Friday KHvening, January 7th | No. 318—Continued] CHESTERMAN (W. D.). Guide to Richmond and the Battlefields. Plan and illustrations. First Epition. 12mo. Richmond, 1881 DopcE (THEODORE A.). The Campaign of Chancellorsville. Fold- ing maps. First Epirion. 8vo. Boston, 1881 Rorres (Joun C.). The Army under Pope. (Campaigns of the Civil War.—IV.). Map and plans. 12mo. New York, 1881 Wess (ALEXANDER S.). The Peninsula; McClellan’s Campaign of 1862. (Campaigns of the Civil War.—III.). Map and plans. 12mo. New York, 1881 DovusLEDAY (ABNER). Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. (Cam- paigns of the Civil War.—VI1.). Maps. 12mo. New York, 1882 McCarriy (Cartton). Detailed Minutiae of Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865. Illustrations by W. L. Sheppard. First Epirion. 12mo. Richmond, 1882 Patrrey (Francois W.). The Antietam and Fredericksburg. (Campaigns of the Civil War—V.). Plans. 12mo. New York, 1882 Together, 41 vols., 4to, 8vo, and 12mo, uniformly bound in half olive- green levant morocco [except the Music, which is full levant], gilt backs and tops, uncut, as noted. Various Places, North and South, 1861-1882 Crvin War. Moore (Frank—KEditor). The Rebellion Record, A Diary of American Events. Portraits and maps. 6 vols. (I—VI). 8vo, cloth. New York, 1862-1864 Crvizr War. Wilson (John Laird). Battles of America by Sea and Land, with Biographies of Naval and Military Commanders. Numerous steel plates. 2 vols. 4to, half erimson morocco, gilt edges. New York, (1878) . CremMENS (Samuet L.). A Tramp Abroad: Illustrated by W. Fr. Brown, True Willams, B. Day, and other Artists, &e. With 328 illustra- tions. 8vo, original cloth, gilt. Hartford, Conn.; 1880 First EDITION, second issue, with the altered title of the frontispiece. . CoLtE Woop Eneoravines. Old Italian Masters. Engraved by Timothy Cole. With Historical Notes by W. J. Stillman, and Brief Com- ments by the Engraver. Numerous full-page plates. Small folio, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1892 . CoLoRED VIEWS IN THE PyRENEES. Mercereau (Ch.) et Maurice (Ch.). Promenades dans les Pyrénées, Vues, Sites, Costume et Moceurs les plus remarquables de ce Pays Intéressant. With 34 colored litho- graphic plates. Oblong 4to, cloth, gilt edges, loose in binding. Paris: F. Sinnett, n.d. “¢ ss 324, Tigges O20. Us 326. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th CotumBus (CuristopHEeR). De Insulis nuper inventis. The Letter of Christopher Columbus Announcing the Discovery of the New World. A facsimile of the earliest edition with illustrations, reproduced for John 8. Kennedy. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1890 One of a very limited number of copies reprinted from the only known perfect copy, that in the Lenox library, New York, for private distri- bution among libraries. Laid in is an excerpt from the Historical Maga- zine, containing an English translation of the letter. CotumsBus (CuristoruEr). The Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America. A facsimile of the pictorial edition, with a new and literal translation, and a complete reprint of the oldest four edi- tions in Latin. Printed by order of the Lenox Library. New York, 1892. No. 5 of 250 copies on hand-made paper; CHAMBERS (RoB- ERT—Hditor). Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Illustrated. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1844; Cotumsus. The Letter in Spanish of Christopher Columbus. London, 1889; ALLIBONE (S. AUSTIN). A Critical Dictionary of English: Literature. Vol. I (A-J). Phila- delphia, 1859. ‘Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, and 8vo, cloth and half calf. V.p.v.d. ConGER (SARAH PIKE). Letters from China. Chicago, 1909; CANTLIE (JAMES). Sun Yat Sen. New York, 1912; Hacin (Frep E.). - The Cross in Japan. New York, 1914. L.S. of the Author laid in; Martin (W. A. P.). A Cycle of Cathay. New York, 1896; PEEry (R. B.). The Gist of Japan. New York, 189%, and other works of Travel. Illustrations. Together, 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. Vepeven. . Cook (Harry T.). The Borough of the Bronx, 1639-1913. Illus- trated. New York, 1913. Autograph presentation copy from the Author; Morrison (GrorcE A.). History of Saint Andrew’s So- ciety of the State of New York, 1756-1906. Portraits. New York, 1906. Limited Issue, Number 1; oRIGINAL PAPERS relating to the Siege of Charleston, 1780, selected from the T. A. Emmet collec- tion, Charleston, 1898; Foster (J. W.). A Century of American Diplomacy, New York, 1902; and another. Together, 7 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, cloth, (one wrappers). Veet . Cowper (Witi1amM). Works of Cowper, his Life and Letters, by Will- iam Hayley. Illustrations, spotted. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 18385 . Cromer (Eart or). Modern Egypt. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London: Macmillan, 1908 . Cusa. Album Pintoresco de la Isla de Cuba. Map, illustrated title and 2% colored lithographic views of Havana harbor and city, the costumes and customs of its people, festivals, bull-fights, etc. Ob- long 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Berlin: Storch & Kramer, n.d, Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 331. D’AuBienE (J. H. M.). History of the Reformation in the time of Cal- ~A 3, eS vin. Portrait. 4 vols. New York, 1863; Brapuuy (G. G.). Lec- tures on Ecclesiastes. Oxford, 1885; Briaas (C. A.). Whither?. New York, 1890; Murray (T. C.). Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Psalms. New York, 1880: Spurczon (C. H.). Morning by Morning. New York, 1883, and other religious works. Together, 30 vols. 8vo, and smaller, mainly cloth. V.p.y.d. 332. DENNIE (JOHN). Rome, the Pagan City. New York, 1909; Sprxz ie (Joun H.). Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. New York, 1864; Layarp (A. H.). Nineveh and its Remains. New York, 1854; Wison (E. L.). In Scripture Lands. New York, 1890; D’AUVERGNE (EH. B.). Famous Castles and Palaces of Italy. London, (recent), and other works of Travel. Illustrations. To- gether, 9 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. 833. Dops (Marcus). Introduction to the New Testament. New York, Seema ° n.d.; ViIncENT (Marvin R.). Faith and Character. New York, 1880: Hrromcoox (R. D.). Eternal Atonement. Portrait. New York, 1888;:TuntocH (JOHN). Religious Thought in Britain. New York, 1886 ; Brace (CHARLES L.). Gesta Christi. New York, 1882; Apams (N.). Evenings with the Doctrines. Boston, 1861; Wesster (G. 8.). The Friendly Year. New York, 1902; Briss (Epwin M.—Editor). The Encyclopaedia of Missions. Numerous maps. 2 vols. New York, 1891, and other religious books. ‘To- gether, 53 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, cloth, half morocco and other bindings, (several paper). V.p.y.d. 334. DrumMonD (Hunry). The Ideal Life. New York, 1898; Lamson (C. M.). Emmanuel. Portrat. Boston, n.d,; Taytor (W. M.). Moses, the Law-Giver. [rontismece. New York, 1879; Jay (WILL- 1AM). Morning and Evening Exercises. 4 vols. New York, 1856, and other religious works. ‘Together, 30 vols. 8vo, and smaller, mainly cloth, a few in half morocco. V.p.v.d. 335. DuncKLEY (Henry). The Charter of the Nations: or, Free Trade and 337. its Results. 8vo, half calf, gilt back, leather labels. London, 1854 336. EapIE (JOHN). The English Bible: an External and Critical History of the Various ae Translations of the Scripture: 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1876 Karty New York Imprint. Bogatzky (C. H. V.). A Golden Treas- ury, for the Children of God, Whose Treasure is in Heaven; con- sisting of Select Texts of the Bible, &c. . . . Also a Preface on the Right Use of this Book. Square 16mo, original sprinkled calf, writ- ing on title. New York: Printed by Wilson & Kirk, 299, Broad-Way, 1797 340. 342. 343. . EDERSHEIM (ALFRED). . Eaypt EXPpLorRATION FunpD. 341. . Forses (James D.). Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, presentation inscription on half titles. London, 1883 Memoirs and Publications, comprising,— The Temple of Deir el Bahari. Introductory Memoir by Ed. Na- ville (also) Atlas of Plates. Part I, Plates 1-24;—-Deshasheh. By W. M. Flinders Petrie;—The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. Part I.;—The Cemeteries of Abydos. Part I., The Mixed Cemetery and Umm El-Ga’ab. By Ed. Naville; —Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. Jan. 1915. Plates. Together, 6 vols. 4to and folio, boards and paper. London, 1894-1915 Eviis (Tristram J.). Ona Raft, and Through the Desert. Narra- tive of an Artist’s Journey through Northern Syria and Kurdistan. Map, and 38 etchings on copper by the author. 2 vols. 4to, vellum boards, gilt, uncut. London, 1881 Farrar (Ff. W.). The Life and Work of St. Paul. 2 vols. New York, n.d.; The Messages of the Books. New York, 1890: The Life of Christ. 2 vols. London, n.d. Maps and illustrations. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. V.p.v.d. Fiotion. A collection of Fiction, including works by W. J. Locke, W. M. Thackeray, R. Hitchens, George Eliot, Edith Wharton, F. Mar- ion Crawford, F. H. Burnett, and others. Together, 26 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. Fietps (Mrs. Jamus T.). A Shelf of Old Books. Illustrated. New York, 1894; The Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America. A facsimile of the pictorial edition, and a complete reprint of the oldest four editions in Latin. New York, 1892. Only 250 copies printed, this is No. 1; CHAampBrrs (Ropert—Hditor). Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Illustrated. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1844. To- gether, 4 vols. royal 8vo, and 8vo, half morocco and cloth. V.p.v.d. . FtoreNcE. Yriarte (Charles). Florence, its History. The Medici,— The Humanists,—Letters,—Art. Translated by C. B. Pitman. 500 full page and text illustrations. Folio, half leather, gilt, binding worn. New York, 1882 Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers. 8vo, half calf, gilt back, Colored plate and other illustrations. Edinburgh, 1859 leather label. . Forpes (JoHN Murray). Letters and Recollections. Edited by his daughter, Sarah F. Hughes. 2 vols. Boston, 1900: GIBERNE (Acngs). A Lady of England. The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker. London, 1895; Cartwrieut (Jutta). Madame, a Life of Henrietta, daughter of Charles I. and Duchess of Orleans. New York, 1894, and other works of a similar nature. Portraits and illustrations. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th J47. Ly 3S 348. 350. . GIBBON (EDWARD). . Guascow, SCOTLAND. . GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). . Gouptit HistoricAL MONOGRAPH. With a Royal 8vo, GARDENS. Triggs (H. Inigo). Garden Craft in Europe. large number of fine plates, full-page and in the teat. cloth.. London, (1913) GEIKIE (CUNNINGHAM). The Holy Land and the Bible. Map of Pat estine. 2 vols. New York, 1888: Brown (JoHn). The Pilgrim Fathers of New England and their Puritan successors. Illustrated. London, 1895; Mactaren (A.). The Book of Psalms. 2 vols. New York, 1893; Kenman (JOHN). Hphemera Eternitatis. Lon- don, 1910, and other religious works. Together, 25 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. | V.p.v.d. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. New Edi- tion, with additional notes, by William Smith. Portrait and maps. | 8 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, blue and red leather labels. London: John Murray, 1881 Best Library Edition, printed throughout in clear type, with the notes at foot of pages, thus rendering them more available for refer- ence. GLADSTONE (WitLIAM Ewart). The Life of Gladstone. Wemyss Reid. Portraits, maps, and illustrations. three quartered morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York: London printed, n.d. Edited by Sir 2 vols. 8vo, Exhibition Illustrative of Old Glasgow, 1894. With a large number of reproductions of portraits, autographs, views and other material relatwe to the city. Thick 4to, cloth, uncut. | Glasgow, 1896 One of 400 copies printed for subscribers. . Gutascow Views. The Old Country Houses of the Old Glasgow Gentry. Numerous illustrations wn permanent photography by Annan. half morocco, gilt top, uncut, binding slightly rubbed. Glasgow, 1878 Ato, Only 225 copies printed. - The Miscellaneous Works of Goldsmith, with Portrat. 4-vols. 8vo. old London, 1801 Skelton (John). Mary Stuart (a Sketch of her Life and Times). With many fine portraits of royalty, including a colored reproduction of the earliest portrait wm colors of Mary Stuart, photogravure portratts of Catharine De Medicis, Fran- cis II., Henry III., and others, also views of castles, cows, etc., all from contemporary sources. 4to, green levant morocco extra, sides with five-line gilt panel border, centre with royal arms in gilt, inside border, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London and Paris, 1893 One of an edition of 300 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper, with a duplicate set of plates, in brown. some account of his Life and Writings. calf, joints weak. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 355. Gouri, HistortcAn Monocrapu. Queen Elizabeth. By Mandell Creighton, Lord Bishop of Peterborough. Colored portrait of Queen Elizabeth, a facsimile of the colored miniature by H. Hilliard and 39 photogravure portraits and plates, including portraits of Mary Stuart, Queen Elizabeth, Henry VIII., Anne Boleyn, and others, ulustrations of coins, etc. 4to, green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, side with five-line panel design, centre inlaid with royal arms and crown in red and blue morocco, gilt tooling, inside bor- der, doublure and fly-leaf of cream colored watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London and Paris, 1896 No. 04 of 300 copies printed on Japanese paper with a duplicate set of the plates, some in black, others in brown. 306. GoupiL HistortcaL: MonocrarH. Holmes (Richard R.,—Librarian to oR the Queen). Queen Victoria (a Sketch of her Domestic and Pub- he Life). With portraits of Queen Victoria and others illustrating her Majesty's domestic life, after the celebrated paintings by Wilkie and others. The frontismece ts Uluminated in gold and colors, after the Thorburn mimature and bears in wink the SIGNATURE OF QUEEN Victoria. +to, green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five-line gilt border, centre with royal arms in gilt, inside border, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London and Paris, 1897 One of 550 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper, with a duplicate set of the plates. 357. Gouri, HistoricAL Monocraru. Skelton (Sir John). Charles I. Game With a colored frontismece, being a beautiful reproduction of Van- dyke’s portrait of Charles I; also 41 fullpage portraits and vignettes reproduced in photogravure after famous paintings. 4to, green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five-line gilt border, centre with royal arms in gilt, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London and Paris, 1898 No. 016 of 500 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper, with a dupli- cate set of plates in brown. FINE copy. 358. Gourr HisroricaL Monocrarnu. Gardiner (Samuel Rawson). Oliver Gj Cromwell (a Sketch of his Life and Times). full-page photogravure portraits after the original paintings and miniatures, including a colored portrait of Cromwell after Robert Walker; also vignettes and facsimile of autegraph. 4to, green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five-line gilt border, centre with arms of the Com- monwealth of England, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London, Paris and New York, 1899 One of 350 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper, with a duplicate set of all the portraits. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 359. Goupit HistoricaL MonocrapH. Masson (Frédéric). Joséphine, Em- press and Queen (a Sketch of her Life and Times). Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Colored frontismece after Gérard’s painting of Joséphine and 41 photogravure portraits, plates and vignettes, in- cluding portraits by Isabey, Gérard and Lawrence of the Duchesse a ad Abrantés, Marshal Ney, Madame Savary, &c. views of the Cor- Yy onation and reproductions of miniature paintings. 4to, green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five-line gilt border, centre with scroll design in gilt, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublures, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. 3 New York and Paris, 1899 360. Gouri HistorticAL MonograrpH. Lang (Andrew). Prince Charles Edward (a Sketch of his Life and Times). Colored portrait of Prince Charles after Largilliére, facsimile of the Prince’s letters, > Jv photogravure portraits after famous paintings, and mimatures, 0 7. views, scenes and decorative vignettes, &c. 4to, green levant mo- ae rocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five-line panel design, inside border, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London, Paris and New York, 1900 One of only 350 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper with a duplicate set of the plates, some in black, others in brown. 361. Goupin Hisrortcan MonocrapH. Airy (Osmund). Charles Il. (a Sketch of his Life and Times). Colored frontispiece of Charles IT., photogravure portraits after original paintings and mimatures, im- gc ae cluding portraits of Nell Gwynne, La Belle Hamilton, Duchess of eS a x Portsmouth, and others, facsimile of the King’s handwriting, scenes, ane Fae etc. 4to. green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five- line gilt panel border, centre with royal arms in gilt, inside bor- der, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, un- cut, by ZAEHNSDORF. London and Paris, 1901 One of 300 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper, with a dupli- eate set of the plates in brown. FINE copy. 362. GouprL HistortcAL MonograpH. Pollard (A. F.). Henry VIII. (a Sketch of his Life and Times). Colored portrait of Henry VIII., being a facsimile of the painting by Holbewm in the Royal Collec- tion at Windsor Castle, photogravure portraits after famous paint- ings and miniatures, including portraits of Sur Thomas More, after Holbein, Anne Boleyn, Henry Fitzroy, and others. 4to, green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, sides with five-line gilt panel border, centre with royal arms in gilt, inside border, cream colored watered-silk fly-leaf and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by ZABHNSDORF. London and Paris, 1902 One of 250 copies printed entirely on Japanese paper, with a dupli- cate set of the plates in brown. FINE copy. t~ ~~ \ 363. GraHAm (Dovuaat). The Collected Writings of Dougal Graham, “Skel- a lat” Bellman of Glasgow. Edited with Notes, together with a Bic- { jp graphical and Bibliographical Introduction, and a Sketch of the ped Chap Book Literature of Scotland. By George Mac Gregor. With Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [No. 363—Continued | 2 365. JU 364. a . GRIMBLE (AUGUSTUS). . GROLIER CLUB. . GROLIER CLUB. . GROLIER CLUB. 2% woodcut portraits. 2 tops, uncut. _ Glasgow: For Subscribers and Private Circulation, 1883 One of an edition strictly limited to 250 copies. GRIMBLE (Avucustus). The Salmon Rivers of Scotland. half-tone views by Archibald Thorburn and others. levant morocco, gilt back and top. vols. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt With many 4to, half green London, 1902 GRIMBLE (AvGusTUS). Shooting and Salmon Fishing and Highland Sport. Map and full-page illustrations by A. Thorburn. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1902 Bound uniformly with “Salmon Rivers of Scotland.” . GRIMBLE (Avcustus). The Salmon Rivers of Ireland. Maps and full- page and text allustrations. _ gilt backs and tops. Bound uniformly with “Salmon Rivers of Scotland.” 2 vols. 4to, half green levant morocco, London, 1903 The Salmon and Sea Trout of England and Wales. Maps and numerous full-page and text illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1904 Bound uniformly with “Salmon Rivers of Scotland.” . Grorrer Cius. Milton (John). Areopagitica: a Speech of Mr. Johu Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England. With an Introduction (now first printed) by James Russell Lowell. Hitched portrait. 16mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1890 One of 325 copies on Holland paper. Conway (Moncure Daniel). Barons of the Potomack and the Rappahannock. Jilustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1892 One of 360 copies on Italian handmade paper. Donne (John). The Poems of John Donne, from the text of the edition of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell. With the various Readings of the other editions of the seventeenth century and with a Preface, an Introduction and Notes by Charles Eliot Norton. With 2 etched portraits. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1895 One of 380 copies on handmade paper. . GrotierR Cuus. Warren (Arthur). The Charles Whittinghams, printers. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, 1896 A separately-printed index was Numerous facsimiles. One of 385 copies on handmade paper. issued but it is not with this copy. Koehler (S. R.). A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, Dry-Points and Etchings of Albert Durer. Numerous facsimiles. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 ~ One of 400 copies on Holland paper. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 373. GROLIER CLuB. Carpenter (G. R.). A Translation of Giovanni Boccac- 374 -) / r ela 375 yf / 316 f Be 877 @ ( rs y = 378 oh poe Revd cio’s Life of Dante. With an Introduction and Notes on the Por- traits of Dante. Portrait and decorative wntials in red. Small 4to, vellum, stamped with peacock and flower design, uncut. q New York, 1900 One of 300 copies on Italian handmade paper. . Groner CLus. De Vinne (Theodore Low). 'Title-Pages As Seen by a Printer. With numerous ilustrations (of title-pages) im facsimile, and observations on the early and recent printing of books. Royal 8vo, half morocco, board sides, uncut. New York, 1901 One of 325 copies on Italian handmade paper. . GrotieR CLuB. One Hundred Books famous in English Literature. With Introduction by George E. Woodberry. With facsimiles of title-pages. Royal 8vo. half vellum and boards, uncut. | New York, 1902 One of 305 copies on handmade paper. . GrotiER Cius. Kent (Henry W.). Bibliographical Notes on One Hun- dred Books, famous in English Literature. Royal 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. New York, 1903 One of 305 copies on French handmade paper. — . GrotieR Cius. Hart (Charles Henry). Catalogue of the Engraved ‘Portraits of Washington. With 21 photogravure and other por- traits reproduced from the very rare originals. 4to, half vellum, board sides, uncut. New York, 1904 One of 425 copies on American handmade paper. . GRoLIER CLuB. Halsey (R. T. H.).. The Boston Port Bill as Pictured by a Contemporary London Cartoonist. Mezzotint portrait of George III., vignette colored portrait of Lord North on title, 10 photogra- vure plates (one in colors) from original prints and 21 head- and ~ tatl-preces engraved on copper. Royal 8vo, full calf, gilt back, gilt panel sides, uncut. New York, 1904 One of 325 copies on American handmade paper. . GrouieR Crus. Catalogue of an Exhibition of selected works of the Poets Laureate of England. Portrait of Ben Jonson, after S. Arlent Edwards. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1901. One of 300 copies | printed on handmade paper; Also Transactions of the Grolier Club, parts II and II. Illustrated. 2 vols. New York, 1894-1899. To- gether, 3 vols. 8vo. boards, back of one of the Transactions slightly defective. New York, v.d. . Grove (Str Georce). A Dictionary of Music and Musicians, A.D. 1450-1889. With illustrations and woodcuts. 4 vols. 8vo. half crim- son morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. FINE sET. London, 1889 382. 383. 384. . HALLAM (HENrRy). . HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). : HEARN COLLECTION. '. HEARN COLLECTION. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th Europe during the Middle Ages. 2 vols. 1835; LamartTine (A. De). History of the Girondists. New York, 1847; Roperrson (Wittiam). History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth. Portraits by Anderson. 3 vols. New York, 1804; SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. 2 vols. New York, 1834; Paris, 3 vols. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). A Memoir. By his son. Volume I only, New York, 189%, and others. Together, 14 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, cloth and leather. V.p.v.d. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Saone; A Summer Voyage. With a hundred and forty-eight illustrations by Joseph Pennell and the author, and four maps. First Enrr1on. Small folio, original half leather, binding worn. London, 1887 LARGE PAPER copy, one of 275 printed. Hamitton (Lavy). Gamlin (Hilda). Old Story Re-Told. tions. Emma, Lady Hamilton. An With portraits, facsimiles, and other wllustra- 4to. half parchment and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1891 One of 500 copies printed. Hannay (JAMES). The History of Acadia, from its First Discovery to ’ its Surrender to England. First Epirion. 8vo, half calf, leather label. St. John, N. B., 1879 Author’s presentation copy with his autograph inscription on fly-leaf. Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys; Being a Second Wonder-Book. Illustrations. 12mo, original cloth, 1 plate loose. Boston, 1853 First ISSUE OF THE First EpITion with the omission of the price of the above work in list of New Books, &c., 8pp., dated August, 1853. Catalogue of The George A. Hearn Gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. With numerous facsimiles. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt top. 7 | New York: Printed for the Museum, 1908 [Catalogue of the] Collection of Watches loaned to the Metropolitan Museum of Art of the City of New York, by Mrs. George A. Hearn. Numerous fine facsimiles. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt sides, doublures and fly-leaves of green watered silk, gilt top. (New York): Privately printed, 1907 Presentation card from Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hearn, inserted. . Hearn Coutection. Another copy of the preceding, half morocco, gilt top. (New York): Privately printed, 1907 Presentation card from Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hearn, inserted. . Hearn Connection. Catalogue of the Collection of Foreign and Amer- ican Paintings, owned by Mr. George A. Hearn. With 292 fac- similes. 8vo. full green morocco, gilt sides, doublures and fly-leaves of green watered-silk, gilt top. New York: Privately printed, 1908 Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 390. Hearn CoLiection. [Catalogue of] The George A. Hearn Collection of / Carved Ivories. With 214 facsimiles. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt it sides, doublures and fly-leaves of green watered-silk, gilt top. | New York: Privately printed, 1908 391. HEratpry AND Art. Willing (F.8.). Dame Heraldry. Boston, 1886; D’EstTerrE-KEELING (E.). Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, 1902; MaxXweELut (HERBERT). George Romney. London, 1902; Manson YW so (J. A.). Sir Edward Landseer. Illustrations. London, 1902. To- Aan oe gether, + vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. 392. History of the Church of Christ. 6 vols. 12mo, half calf. London, n.d.; PiturarcH’s Lives. Translated by John Langhorne. 8 vols. sheep, New York, 1816; British RErormErs. Writings of Lat- imer, Hooper, Bradford and others. Portraits. 8 vols. 12mo, full Ps calf, London, n.d.; Virein. Works. Translated by J. Dryden. 3 7 vols. 8vo, full calf, ‘London, 1806. Together, 25 vols. 8vo, and 12mo. V.p.v.d. y 393. HircHens (Rosert). The Holy Land. New York, 1910; Ropertson f (ALEXANDER). Venetian Sermons, drawn from the History, Art f and Customs of Venice. London, 1905; Buckiny (J. M.). Travels / in Three Continents, Europe, Africa, Asia. New York, 1895; Rus- | _ SELL (JAMES). Reminiscences of Yarrow. Selkirk, 1894. Hdi- tion de Luxe. Limited and numbered. Numerous wlustrations, some in color. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, and 8vo, cloth. V.p.v.d. 394. Hopprr (Epwin). The Life and Work of the seventh Earl of Shaftes- bury. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1887 395. [Hor (Rome. |] Photographs of Books, China and Works of Art in the Collection of an Amateur. With 45 illustrations. 16mo, mounted Vf | to 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and edges. ae |New York, 1875] Includes photographs of rare and handsome bindings, Chinese and Japanese vases, jars, &c. Presentation copy from Robert Hoe, with auto- graph inscription on fly-leaf. 396. ILLUSTRATED Books AND CaTALocuEs. Catalogue of the celebrated col- \0 lection of Paintings and Water-Colors and Drawings formed by E 7, Mr. E. Secretan. Large folio, wrappers. Paris, 1889; Collection | A. Dreyfus. The reproductions only. Folio, wrappers; Hoppin (Aucustus). Ups and Downs on Land and Water. Boston, 1871, and other illustrated books. Numerous fine reproductions. 'To- gether, 8 vols. Folio and smaller, cloth, ete. V.p.v.d. 39%. ILLUMINATED Manuscripts. Quaritch (Bernard). Palaeography, ( Notes upon the History of Writing and the Medieval Art of Illumi- \ y nation. With 21 pages of facsimiles from early manuscripts, show- Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [No. 39%—Continued | ing mimatures and manuscripts, of which 17 pages are illuminated in gold and colors. Royal 8vo, half leather, gilt back and top. London: Privately Printed, 1894 Only 190 copies printed for presentation purposes to Mr. Quaritch’s personal friends. The work is an extended edition of the author’s lec- ture delivered before the Sette of Odd Volumes on December 12, 1893. 398. IntsH rn America. The Scotch-Irish in America. Proceedings of the a oA Scotch-Irish Congress (First, Second and Third). Portraits. 3 om vols. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati and Nashville, 1889-1891 399. Irvine (WASHINGTON). Curtis (George William) A Sketch of Irving. Portraits on Japanese paper. 8vo, full red grained morocco, gilt, y y, gilt top, uncut. New York: Grolier Club, 1891 On of 344 copies on handmade paper. 400. JOHNSON (JAMES). The Scots Musical Museum, consisting of Six Hun- dred Scots Songs, with proper Basses for the Piano Forte [New y Edition, with Notes and Illustrations of the Lyric Poetry and Music A J of Scotland, by William Stenhouse, and the extra vol. containing ee additional Notes and Illustrations. Edited by David Laing.] The songs and music score reprinted from the original blocks, the text portion being that of the edition of 1839 is partly inlaid. 7 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt backs and edges. London [1839 ]-1853 A large number of the most famous songs of Robert Burns were first printed in this work. In the collection, says Ritson, are many curious pieces, not, it is believed, to be elsewhere met with. 401. Keats (JoHn). The Poetical Works and other Writings of John Keats, 4a now first brought together, including Poems and Numerous Letters not before published. Edited with Notes and Appendixes, by Harry Buxton Forman. Portraits, etched plate, facsimiles and other tllus- trations. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt backs, leather labels, by RIvIERE, London: Reeves & Turner, 1883 Best Edition. The material in these volumes, according to the editor, includes all that is of importance, much of which has been compared with the original manuscripts. 402. Knigut (Wi~tiAmM). Principal Shairp and his friends. Portrait. Lon- | don, 1888; Epwarps (Ameria B.). Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explor- / Ww ers. Illustrated. London, 1893; St. Joun (James A.). Life of Sir a Walter Raleigh. London, 1869; Sropparp (R. H.—Hditor). Anec- dote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. New York, 1875; and other works of a similar nature. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, a cloth and leather. V.p.v.d. / 403. La Fontatnze. Fables. Illustrées par Grandville. 2 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1843 404, LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE Dz). (Suvres [Méditations Poétiques,—Har- . Wl monies Poétiques,—Recueillements Poétiques,—Jocelyn,—La Chute if d’un Ange,—Voyage en Orient]. 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs. Paris, 1845-1849 i: Sais tiie liar SR 3h ‘ J 408. a 406. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th ve ee - a en Foe 407. 409. 410. LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols. 12mo, morocco backs, gilt. Paris, 1848 LAnpoR (HENRY SavaGeE). Across Widest Africa. An Account of the Country and People of Hastern, Central and Western Africa. Illus- trated by 160 half-tone reproductions and a map of the route. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1907 Lane (ANnpREW). Angling Sketches.. Illustrated. First Eprrron. London, 1891: Van Dyxe (Henry). The Blue Flower. First Epition, New York, 1902, and The Builders, by the same author, New York, 1904; James (HeNry). Washington Square. TIllus- trated. First Epition. New York, 1881, and other works, some First Eprrion, by English and American authors. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, and smaller, mainly cloth. V.p.yv.d. . Lauper (Str Tuomas Dick). Legendary Tales of the Highlands: a Sequel to Highland Rambles. Illustrations by “Phiz.’ 3 vols. small 8vo, full polished calf, leather labels, gilt backs and tops, un- cut, by RIVIERE. London, 1841. First Epirion. Fine uncut copy, with original paper labels pre- served in each volume. Lecxy (W. EH. H.). Democracy and Liberty, 2 vols. New York, 1896; LEE ARNOLD (MaTTHEw). LEssays in Criticism, London, 1869; DEmo- Lins (H.). Anglo-Saxon Superiority, London, 1898; CoBDEN (RicHAarD). Speeches, London, 1878; Wisz (B. R.). Industrial Freedom, London, 1890; Prosyn (J. W.—Editor). Local Govern- ment and Taxation in the United Kingdom, London, 1882; Brooxs (J. G.). The Social Unrest. New York, 1903, and other works, some of a similar nature. Together, 19 vols. 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. (StpNEY). Queen Victoria, a Biography. Portrait, facsimile and map. New York, 1908; Scorr (Sir Water). The Journal of, from the original Manuscript at Abbotsford. Portraits, map, ete. 2 vols. New York, 1880: Stirtine (Witt1aAmM). The Cloister Life | of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. London, 1853; MoCartuy (Justin). The Story of Gladstone’s Life. New York, 1898, and other works of a similar character. ee 9 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.yv.d. . LENox AND NEw York Pusiic Liprarigs. An extensive collection of short-title lists, reports etc. issued (mainly) by The Lenox Library, when Mr. John Stewart Kennedy was its president, also The Let- ter of Columbus on the Discovery of America. A facsimile of the pictorial edition . . . complete reprint of the oldest four editions in Latin. New York, 1892. One of 250 copies on handmade paper. Together, 21 vols. or pieces, full leather, cloth and wrappers. New York, v.d. 412 es 413 4 > 414 / A15 Ye Jv 416 ? JV i E, ALY, can 418. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th . Lonpon, and its Environs in the Nineteenth Century. Illustrated by a series of views, from original drawings by T. H. Shepherd. Ato, full morocco, gilt edges. London, (1831) . LoNGFELLOW (HENRY WapswortH). Life of Longfellow, with Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1886 . LOWELL (PErcivaL). Choson, the Land of the Morning Calm, A Sketch of Korea. Boston, 1886; Burns-Brca (Ropert). History of Loch- leven Castle. Kinross, 1887; Grpson (WitittAm H.). Highways and Byways, or Saunterings in New England. New York, 1883; THACKERAY (LANcE). The Light Side of Egypt. London, 1908. Numerous colored and other plates. ‘Together, 4 vols. 4to, and 8vo, cloth and boards. V.p.v.d. . Ltske (Dr. WityHetm). Outlines of the History of Art. A new translation from the seventh German edition. Fully wlustrated. 2 yols. thick royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, slightly rubbed. New York, 1878 . McCartuy (Justin). A History of Our Own Times, from the Acces- sion of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress, (and From 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee). 5 vols. London, 1879-1897; Also A History of the Four Georges. 2 vols. (only, Vols. 1-2, should be 4). Lon- don, 1884. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, half maroon calf, gilt backs. London, 1879-1897 Mackay (GzorcE L.). From Far Formosa. New York, 1896; GILDER (Witt1am H.). Schwatk’s Search, Sledging in the Arctic. Lon- don, n.d.; Dicky (Epwarp). The Story of the Khedivate. New York, 1902; Ov1puHant (Mrs.). Jerusalem, the Holy City. New York, 1891; Girrorp (D. L.). Every-Day Life in Korea. New York, (1898), and other works of Travel. Numerous illustrations. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. McKenney (THomas L.) and Hatt (Jamzus). History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anec- dotes of the Principal Chiefs. Hmbellished with 120 portraits, all brilliantly colored, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington, 8 vols. large folio, half red morocco, gilt backs and edges, small stain on edges of few leaves of Vol. L, bindings rubbed. Philadelphia: E. C. Biddle and D. Rice and J. G. Clark, 1836, 1842, 1844 AN EXCEPTPIONALLY FINE COPY, in unusually clean condition. Vols. 1 and 3 being the Original issue. The plates in this copy are all in per- fect condition, and of far greater brilliancy than those in later issues, the coloring being as bright as the day they were printed, and the mar- gins free from the usual fox marks. The most valuable collection of Indian portraits extant. They are Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 3 [ No. 418—Continued | 419 Ps 4.20 oe 421 Jz 422 Ltsy nan 423 / Te i » 424 Phi at 425 BP, an A 426 Es 427 . Manan (Captain A. T.). . Manan (Captain A. T.). . Marsury (Mary Orvis). . MAsprro (PRoFEssor G.). . MATHESON (GEORGE). . MERIVALE (CHARLES). . Mexico. . Mituats (JOHN GUILLE). . MISCELLANEOUS . Motuoy (FITZGERALD). actual reproductions of the original subjects, painted in oil, mostly by Mr. King, an artist of high reputation, remarkable for his ability in transferring to his canvas the strong lineaments of the Indian counfe- nance. The Smithsonian collection of these originals was destroyed by fire in 1865, thus enhancing the value of the published work. The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and cine 17938-1812. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1895 The Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of — the Sea Power of Great Britain. Hiched and photogravure portraits, plates and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1897 Favorite Flies and their Histories. trated by 32 colored plates of flies and other illustrations. cloth. Illus- 8vo, Boston, 1892 The Dawn of Civilisation. Egypt and Chal- daea; The Struggle of the Nations, Egypt, Syria and Assyria. Edited by A. H. Sayce. With several hundred illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1894-1897 Studies of the Portrait of Christ. 2 vols. 16mo, half green polished morocco, gilt backs and edges. New York [Rainpuren 1907 Maps. 7 vols. 12mo, New York, 1863-1865 History of the Romans. half light calf, gilt backs. Brocklehurst (Thomas Unett). Mexico To-day: A Country with a Great Future, and a Glance at the Prehistoric Remains and Antiquities of the Montezumas. With numerous full-page plates, colored and plain, from sketches by the author. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. London: John Murray, 1883. First Eprtion of a valuable work on Mexico. FIrnr Copy. The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett By his son. With 319 full-page plates and text illustra- 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, several corners crumpled. London, 1899 Millais. tions. Booxs. Chambers’ Encyclopaedia. 10 vols. 1896; Works in French and German, including Oeuvres de Madame de Stael-Holstein. 38 vols. 1858, and others. Together, 47 vols., va- vious sizes and bindings. Vp.v.d. Numerous portraits. New York, 1904 The Romance of Royalty. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Qo Ea 429. 430. 431. 4.32. 433. ~ Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th Moore (GEorcE H.). The Treason of Charles Lee. New York, 1860: DopeE (W. E.). Old New York, New York, 1880: Stonz (W. L.). History of New York City. New York, 1872; Assort (J. S. C.). The History of the Civil War in America. 2 vols. Springfield, 1863, and other works relating to America. Portraits, illustrations, and facsimiles. ‘Together, 12 vols., royal 8vo, and smaller. V.p.y.d. More (Sir THomas). Utopia: Written in Latine and Translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson. With Copious Notes and a Bio- graphical and Literary Introduction by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Illustrations, head-and-tail pieces, &c. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back and top, inside gilt borders, by Tout. Boston, Lincolnshire: Roberts, 1878 No. 56 of 100 copies on special paper as stated in autograph certifica- tion by publisher on fly-leaf. Morean Couuection. Catalogue of the Art Collection formed by the late Mrs. Mary J. Morgan. Numerous reproductions. 4to, vellum, uncut. New York: American Art Association, 1886 Subscriber’s copy, limited and numbered. Morris (Witt1am). The Earthly Paradise. 3 vols. Boston, 1874; Gray (THomaAS). Poetical Works. Portrait. Boston, 1854; Lone- FELLOW (H. W.). The Skeleton in Armor. Illustrated. Boston, 1877; THE Sones oF ScoriannD, chronologically arranged. Glasgow, 1871; Histop (ALEXANDER). The Proverbs of Scotland. New York, n.d.; Love Sones or Scotntanp. Selected and edited by R. W. Douglas. New York, 1901, and other works of a similar nature. ‘Together, 23 vols. 8vo, to 16mo, cloth and leather. V.p.y.d. Music. Goepp (P. H.). Symphonies and their Meaning. Philadel- phia, 1898; Kreupsrer (H. E.). How to Listen to Music. New York, 1896; Granam (G. F.). The Songs of Scotland adapted to their appropriate melodies. Edinburgh, n.d. Together, 3 vols. royal 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.yv.d. . Musican Instruments. Brown (Mary E. and Wiliam Adams). Mu- sical Instruments and their Homes. With 250 alustrations im pen and ink, by W. A. Brown. Folio, cloth. New York, 1888 . NANSEN (Friptsor). Farthest North. Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the ship “Fram” 1893-1896. With an Appendix by Otto Sverdrup. With 4 pocket maps, 120 full-page and nu- merous text illustrations, and colored plates after Nansen’s own sketches. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1897 ” Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 436. Napotton I. Horne (R. H.). History of Napoleon. Illustrated with many hundred engravings on wood, from designs by Raffet and Horace Vernet. Specrat copy, Enlarged by the addition of up- wards of 500 portraits, engravings, views, autographs, RARE COLORED CARICATURES, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, bound in 4 vols. imperial folio, full red morocco, super extra, gilt edges, by Rrvipre. London, 1841 MAGNIFICENT ExtTrRA-ILLUSTRATED Copy of this extremely interesting and important Life of Napoleon. Each page and plate neatly inlaid to size. Illustrated by 509 plates, ete., including 154 portraits, 37 AuUTO- GRAPH LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS, 287 views and 29 CARICATURE ETCHINGS (28 IN COLORS) BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, GILLRAY, WOODWARD and others. The rapidly increasing difficulty of procuring the materials for illus- trating the Life of Napoleon, especially the original caricature etchings, ensures the advancing value in the future of such a copy as the present. The following is an analysis of the contents: I. CARICATURES, 28 Colored and one plain, including the following,— Etched by Gillray,—Madame Tallien and the Empress Josephine Dancing Naked Before Barras in the Winter of 1797, King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver (both plates, the first apparently a later impression, the second as cut down), Nelson’s Victory, News from Calabria, Plumb-Putting in i Danger (no date), Storm Rising, Tiddy Doll, the—Ginger-bread Baker, and Westminster Conscripts. The following etched by Rowlandson,— Boney’s Trial, Great Man on his Hobby Horse (?), Mock Phoenix, Na- poleon, the First and the Last (hieroglyphic portrait, badly cut down and mounted), and Two Kings of Terror. Etchings by Ansell,—Ballance of Power (first plate), Little Princess and Gulliver (without artist’s name), Political Quadrille (without artist’s name), and Rival Accucheurs (without artist’s name). Buonaparte’s Soliloquy, etched by I. Cruik- shank; Chips of the Block, etched by I. Cruikshank; Grand Dignitaries Arrival, etched by G. Cruikshank; Caters, Boney Dish’d, pub. by Knight; A Check to the Corsican, pub. by Fores; Explanation of the Arms of Napoleon, anonymous; Game of Chess, etched by Ansell and Handwriting on the Wall, etched by Gillray. The above mentioned caricatures are all in colors, and except where otherwise mentioned are the original impressions with publisher’s name and date, as recorded in Broadley’s “Napoleon in Caricature.” II. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS, including the following,—Na- POLEON I., A. N. S., 3 lines signed with the Imperial signature “N,” on margin of letter by Gen. Clarke, Duc de Feltre, to Napoleon, June 11, 1811, seeking direction upon military matters; NApPortron, D. 8S. 1p. Folio, 1801, signed “Bonaparte,” as First Consul; PrerrE Bonaparte (Son of. Lucien), A. L. S., June 14, 1846; JuLieEN BoNnaAparTE (Wife of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain) A. L. S., 1806, to Bernard St. Pierre, author of “Paul and Virginia ;” LucrEN BoNaApParTE, D. S., 1797, as Minister of the Interior; Jos—EpH BONAPARTE (King of Spain), A. L. S., relating to the Capture of Malta, mentions Louis Bonaparte and Rewbel; Louis BonAPARTE (King of Holland), L. S., Rome, 1822; ErizA BoNAPARTE (Eldest sister of the Emperor), A. L. S., 1808, to her brother Lucien, mentions Josephine, Jerome and Joseph; Hortense (Mother of Napoleon III.) A. L. S., signed ‘Hortense B.” to Josephine, mentions the bank- ruptey of M. Recamier, and suggests that Napoleon may help M. Vaune, a friend of the Beauharnais family, who has lost through Recamier; PRINCE EUGENE BEAUHARNAIS, A. L. S. signed “Hugene,’ to a friend, mentioning his wife; CHARLES-PHILLIPE (Charles II, Prince of Orange), D. S., 1p. folio, vellum, 1815, Warrant for military service and decora- tion; DUKE oF WELLINGTON, A. L. S., 1831; LarayreTTe (Marquese), A. L. S., July 26, 1827, referring to the arrest of his colleague Manuel dur- ing the Revolution; Marie Louise (Hmpress), L. S., Parma, March 1823, mentions Count Neipperg (whom she married after Napoleon’s Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [No. 486—Continued | death) ; Murat (King of Naples), L. S., 1809, on military affairs; Baron LARNEY (The famous surgeon supposed to have poisoned the sick at Jaffa), A. L. S.; J. B. Jourpan (Marshal of France), D. S., 18382; Lorp NELSON, 2pp. manuscript notes, from his Diary, while at Naples, pre- sented to the late owner by Earl Nelson, in 1888, with his signed attes- tation of its authenticity; EMMANUEL GrRoucHy, A. L. S., 1804, to the Minister of War, on military affairs; Toussaint L’OuUvVERTURE, L. S., 2pp. folio, dated at San Domingo; Gren. J. ANTOINE VERDIER, L. S., 2pp. folio, 1805, from the Army in Italy, to the Minister of War; BARTHELEMY (Member of the Directory), A. L. S., to Gen. Berthier; MarsuHat Ney, A. N. 8., 1801, with wax seal; BAron DE ROTHENBOURG (Commander of the Young Guard), A. L. S., Jan., 1814; MarsHat Briicuer, L. S., 1p. folio, 1818; Lorp CAsTLEREGH, A. L., third person, regarding boxes at Drury Lane; MarsHat Victor (Duc de Bellune), L. S., 1816, to Count de Chabrol; Nrcotas C. Oupinot (Marshal of France), L. S., 1817; Lorp CoLLInaGwoop, L. 8., off Toulon, Nov. 20, 1808, to Capt. Brenton, respect- ing naval warfare with France; BONADRIEN Moncey (Marshal of France), A. L. S., Cologne, 1805, a long letter on state affairs, mentions the Emperor, with addressed envelope, bearing wax seal; GEN. JEAN RaApp, A. L. 8., from Lamaisson, mentions Marshal Lauriston; SIpNEY SMITH, N. 8., Paris, 1828, to Autommarchi (Napoleon’s physician at the time of his death) ; SipNEY Smitu, facsimile of a letter to Napoleon, while a prisoner in the Temple, 1797; With some other interesting documents, including one relating to the Battle of Waterloo, and a ticket to view Stanfield’s picture of the Victory with Nelson’s body on board, ete. III. Portraits, including Napoleon, his family, Marshals, Generals and other persons of influence, many being Proofs on India Paper. Among the portraits of Napoleon are the following,—Bonaparte, by Massard, after Massard; Napoleon and the Pope, by Robinson, after Wilkie; Na- poleon on Horseback, stipple by Simon, after Vernet; Bust portrait, Proof by Vezetelly; Bust portrait, in uniform, eng. by Laugier after Steube; Napoleon I., stipple by Chapman; Full-length aquatint from a drawing taken by Capt. Dodgin at St. Helena, 1820, and others. Among the portraits of celebrated personages are,—Josephine, mezzotint by Allais after Deveria; Wellington, Unlettered Proof on India Paper; Robespierre, by Flameng; Frederic the Great, eng. by Marais, after Graf; La Fayette, stipple by Claessens; George Washington, stipple by Ridley; Duke d’En- ghien, mezzotint (cut down); George III., eng. by Walker; Pius VII., Proof before Letters; Lord Nelson, Proof by Bennet; Francis II., of Austria, stipple by Mayer after Dumont; Louis XVIII., by Debucourt, after. a painting by Isabey; Béranger, mezzotint by Reynolds, after Scheffer; Romilly, India Proof by Woodman; Duc de Reichstadt, col. lith., by Delannois, and many other folio and 8vo, prints, including a series on India paper, lithographed by Delpeck. IV. ENGRAVINGS, comprising COLORED AQUATINT VIEWS, Historical scenes depicting the various battles and other military actions and political events in the Life of Napoleon, including, many fine India Proof plates portraying the various events in Napoleon’s military career, mostly after drawings by Deveria and Steube; Folio COLORED early engraved views of Amsterdam, Dresden, Venice, Malta, Vienna, Grand Cairo and Naples; Early copperplate engraved view of Fontainbleau; coLorEep Historical views, with biographical and historical sketches ; FINE AQUATINT engravings by M. F. Tugis, depicting various military events and including 6 PRINTED IN o1ts; Many fine Historical Views, Military Scenes and other subjects by Duplessis-Berteaux, after paintings by Vernet, and others; Outline plates by Duplessis; HISTORICAL AQUATINT Views by Dubourg; COLORED AQUATINT, “The Precipitate Flight of the French Troops through Leipsic pursued by the Allies,” pub. by Bowyer ; COLORED AQUATINT VIEWS Of Frank- fort, Berlin and Moscow; 10 FINELY COLORED AQUATINT views by Suther- land, after Heath, of various Battles and Captures at Sea; Series of 32 Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [ No. 436—Continued | 438 ee a / }S « 439. i 440. historical views of battles, etc., in outline, by S. Mitan, all on India Paper; Funeral Procession of Napoleon, aquatint by Alken and Suther- land; Napoleon’s Apotheosis, drawn on stone by A. Aglio, after Vernet; Napoleon’s Bivouae on the Night Preceding the Memorable Battle of Austerlitz, original engraving by G. Cruikshank; Original Caricature Etching “Which is Right or Regular and Quack opinions on the Flushing Fever,” pub. by Walker, 1809; coLoRED woodcut “Triumph of the British Flag over the French Eagles,” pub. by Dighton, 1811; coLorED Caricature Etching, “Russian Condescension, or the Blessings of Universal Peace,” etched by George Cruikshank; and numerous fine engravings by Heath, Roberts, Finden, Bovinet and other artists. . Napotton I. Sloane (William M.). Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. With reproductions of famous paintings and portraits, including many colored after the originals. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Century Co., 1896 First Epirion, with brilliant impressions of the plates. . New Yorxk Pusuic Lrprary. Bulletin of the New York Public Li- brary, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. COMPLETE sET, from volume 1, 1897 to volume 12, 1908, also Book of Charters, Wills, Deeds and other Official Documents. Together, 13 vols. 8vo, uni- formly bound in half crimson morocco. New York, 1897-1908 Norman (Henry). The Peoples and Politics of the Far Hast. New York, 1895; Murpocu (W. G. B.). From Edinburgh to India and Burmah. London, n.d.; LANE-PooLtt (STANLEY). Cairo, its His- tory, Monuments, and Social Life. London, 1892; Paton (WIL- t1AmM A.). Down the Islands, A Voyage to the Caribbees. New York, 1887; Atkinson (T. W.). Oriental and Western Siberia. New York, 1858, and other works of Travel. Illustrations. To- gether, 9 vols., 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. Pautsits (Victor Hugo). A Bibliography of the separate and col- lected works of Philip Freneau, together with an Account of his Newspapers. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1903 Printed on fine paper, and limited to 115 copies. . Paterson (RoBERT WaRDEN). Impressions of Many Lands. (India, China, Japan etc.). 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Boston: Privately printed, 1900 . Paton (Joun G.). Autobiography. 2 vols. New York, n.d.; Daw- son (E. C.). James Hannington, first bishop of Eastern Equa- torial Africa. A History of his Life and Work. New York, 1887; Paton (Maaerr W.). Letters and Sketches from the New Heb- rides. New York, 1895; Stanntey (Henry M.). Autobiography. — Boston, 1909, and other works of a similar nature. Portraits and illustrations. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. 449, . Pert (HENRY). . Parrot (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). . PERROTT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). . Pitt (WILLIAM). . QUEEN VICTORIA. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th Venezia. With 210 illustrations. New York, 1894; Roma. A collection of photographs of scenery in Rome. In 4to, album, vellum; Scottish Scenery. A collection of photographs, in red morocco album, and other illustrated books, catalogues ete. Together, 10 vols. Folio and smaller, various bindings. V.p.v.d. . PERROT (GEORGES) AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). A History of Art in An- cient Egypt. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. With 598 engravings in the text and 14 on steel and colored plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 The first of a series of seven works on the History of Ancient art, by the eminent archzologist, M. Perrot and the celebrated critic of archi- tecture, M. Chipiez. A History of Art in Chaldza and Assyria. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. With 452 engravings im the text and 15 steel and colored plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1884 History of Art in Pheenicia and its Dependencies. Translated and edited by Wal- ter Armstrong. With 644 teat illustrations and 10 steel and col- ored plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1885 . Perrot (GEORGES) .AND CHIPIEZ (CHARLES). History of Art in Sar- dinia, Indza, Syria and Asia Minor. Translated and edited by I. Gonino. With 406 teat ilustrations and 8 steel and colored plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1890 Stanhope (Earl). Life of William Pitt. With 2 portraits. 4 vols. small 8vo, half red polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1862 Two Autograph Letters inserted, one by William Pitt, dated “one day after his duel;’ the other by Lord Mahon, afterwards Lord Stan- hope, signed “Mahon.” Prato. The Dialogues of Plato. Translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions. By B.. Jowett. Third Edition, revised and cor- rected throughout, with marginal analysis and an Index of Sub- jects and Proper Names. 5 vols. 8vo, half claret morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. : Oxford, 1892 . Prentice (ArcHIBALD). Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester, 1851; History of the Anti-Corn-Law League, 2 vols., 1853. First Eprrions. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs. London, 1851-1853 The Letters of Queen Victoria. A Selection from her majesty’s correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861. Edited by Arthur C. Benson and Viscount Esher. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1907 - Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 452. Rep River Cotony. [Halkett (Joun).| Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk’s Settlement upon the Red River, in North America, its Destruction in 1815-1816, and the Massacre of Governor Semple and his Party. With Observations upon a Recent Publication en- titled “A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries,” &c. Folding map. 8vo, half morocco. London: John Murray, 1817 This edition, edited by the son-in-law of Thomas Douglas, Harl of Selkirk, was issued for private circulation the same year as the original account of the Kildonan settlement, but includes many more details thereof, together with the “Observations,” &c. of the North-West Com- pany, an unchartered association of fur traders, whose relations with Selkirk and the others of his colony had been unfriendly from the start, and at whose door he places the murder of the Hudson Bay Company’s “ governor, Semple. From the library of 8. L. M. Barlow, with his book- plate. FINE Copy. 453. Rep River Cotony. West (John). The Substance of a Journal dur- ing a Residence at the Red River Colony; and Excursions among x the North-West American Indians in 1820-1823. With 3 full-page plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. London, 1824 ~ \- The Scarce First Epition containing the leaf of Errata. West was chaplain to the Hudson Bay Company and presents much interesting mat- f ter concerning the Indians in the Selkirk Settlement, around Lake Winni- peg, including the Stone, Saulteaux, and Sioux tribes, and others. From the library of 8. L. M. Barlow, with his bookplate. FINE copy. 454. River CrypE. Reid (George). The River Clyde. With 12 drawings by George Reid, reproduced wn facsimile by Armand-Durand, all ff proofs on Japanese Paper. With an Introduction by Walter C. Smith. Folio, half morocco, uncut. Edinburgh, 1886 Printed by T. and A. Constable, for the Royal Association for Promo- tion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 455. River Tweep. Reid (George). The 7 the Sea. With 16 drawings by River Tweed, from its Source to George Reid, reproduced in fac- Pe simile, by Armand-Durand, all proof impressions on India Paper. } \ Text by Prof. Veitch. Folio, cloth. Edinburgh, 1884 456. Roperts (Davin). The Holy Land, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Nubia ete. With historical descriptions by George Croly. With a large num- =o ? ber of tinted plates. 6 vols. imperial 8vo, full violet calf, gilt, a A J: gilt edges, very slightly rubbed. &” New York, n.d. 457. RoBertson (Witt1aM). The History of America. Maps. 3 vols. calf, London, 1792; THE FEDERALIST, or the New Constitution. Hallo- well, 1837; Youna (A. W.). The American Statesman; A Politi- S/S) cal History. New York, 1858. : and half calf. 458. Rogers (SAMUEL). Italy: a Poem. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, calf, sheep V.p.v.d. 1830;-Poems. 1834. Many fine vignette steel engravings after the originals by J. M. W. Turner. / 2 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco, f }\ gilt backs and tops, sides in panel | No. 459. ee 460. ery —_ 461 464. 9.7 Roget (P. M.). . ROSENGARTEN (A.). . SCOTLAND. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 458—Continued | design of gilt lines and ornamental floral corners, uncut edges, by RIvIERE, four pages in one vol. with slight fox marks. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1830-1834 First Epirion of both volumes, with the “Arqua”’ tomb plate at the head of the verses. An exceptionally fine copy, with the outer and lower edges entirely uncut, a feature rarely met with in copies of this work. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. London, 1870; Fernautp (J. C.). English Synonyms and Antonyms, New York, 1897; Marsu (G. P.). Lectures on the English Language and The English Language and its early Literature, New York, 1860; Frucent (Dr.). Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages. 2 vols. London, 1853, and other works of a similar nature. Together, 13 vols., 8vo, and smaller, cloth. V.p.v.d. RoosEVELT (THEODORE). Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the great Plains. With 55 illustrations by Remington, Frost, Beard, Gifford, Sanford and other artists. Thick 4to, full morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1899 Limited and numbered issue. A Handbook of Architectural Styles. With 639 illustrations. London, 1888; Epis (R. W.). Decoration and Furni- ture of Town Houses. Illustrated. London, 1881; GrsBson (Louis H.). Beautiful Houses. Illustrated. New York, 1895; EastLaKkeE (C. L.). Hints on Household Taste. Illustrated. Boston, 1872; StarHam (H. H.). Architecture for general Readers. Illustrated. New York, 1896, and another. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. V.p.v.d. . ScoTtanp. The Ballads and Songs of Ayrshire, illustrated with Sketches, Historical, Traditional, Narrative and Biographical. [First and Second Series]. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt tops. Ayr; John Dick, 1846; Edinburgh; T. G. Stevenson, 1847 Scarce collection of Scotch ballads and songs. Memoirs and Portraits of One Hundred Glasgow Men who have died during the last Thirty Years. Full-page portrait of each. 2 vols. 4to, cloth with morocco backs, gilt, gilt tops. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1886 First Epirion, and one of 400 copies printed. Includes the names of,— Sir Archibald Alison, Andrew Bannatyne, Dr. Robert Buchanan, James Galbraith, Alexander Harvey, John King, Norman Macleod, William Ramsay, John Tennant, Alexander Whitelaw, and others. Scottanp. Taylor (James). The Great Historic Families of Scot- land. With numerous coats of arms. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, paper labels, some edges uncut. London, 1887 First Epirron limited to 250 copies of which this is No. 36. Includes such names as,—the Douglases, Ruthvens, Campbells, Leslies, Erskines, Grahams, Gordons, and others. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 465. ScottisH Cians. Logan (James). The Clans of the Scottish High- oie 466 /J7 461 ¥e >?) en 468 noe. ae 469 lands, Illustrated by appropriate figures, displaying their dress, arms, tartans, armorial insignia and social occupations, from original sketches by R. R. McIan. With accompanying description and His- torical Memoranda of Character, Mode of Life, etc. Illuminated titles containing the armorial insignia of the various clans and 72 colored portraits of Scottish Chiefs in their respectwe Tartans. 2 vols. folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges, stucco bindings, repaired, interiorly a fine clean copy. London: Ackermann & Co., 1845-1847 First Epirion, published under the. patronage of the Highland Society of Scotland. The best and most authentic work on the subject published, each plate containing accurate portraits of individuals who have distin- guished themselves, or authentic representations of the picturesque tar- tans of the Highlands of Scotland. . {Scorr (Siz Waxrer).] Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Vol. 1 and 2, First Enirion. Vol. 3, Second Edition. Hngraved frontis- piece. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, cracked at two hinges, few pp. slightly spotted. Kelso, 1802 and Edinburgh, 1803 Autograph presentation inscription on dedication leaf of Vol. 1, “Pre- sented to.Miss Charlotte Elliot, with the best wishes of . . . Geo. Jordan.” 3 * . Scorr (Str Wattser). Waverley Novels. With numerous steel engrav- ings and hundreds of woodcuts, all by famous artists, including Wilkie, Landseer, Machse, Sargent and others. 12 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and edges, bindings rubbed. Vol. 1 somewhat spotted, otherwise sound and clean. Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1842-1847 ORIGINAL ABBOTSFORD EDITION. . SEGuIN (L. G.). A Picturesque Tour in Picturesque Lands, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Tyrol, Italy, Scan- . dinavia. With full-page and teat illustrations. Folio, vellum, gilt, sides with decorative arabesque panel in gilt and various colored leather, gilt top, uncut. London, 1881 EpITIon DE Luxe. No. 3 of 300 copies printed, with proofs of all the illustrations on Japanese paper. . SEvIGNE (MapaME De). Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa Famille et de ses Amis. Précédées d’une Nouvelle Notice Biographique . . . et accompagnées de Notes Géographiques, Historiques, Poli- tiques, Critiques et de Meurs. Par M. Gault-De-Saint-Germain. With 25 fine line-engraved portraits after the originals by Deveria. — 12 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. Paris, 1823 . SmILtes (SamusEL). Lives of the Engineers. With engraved portraits and teat illustrations. 5 vols: 12mo, full polished calf, gilt backs. London: John Murray, 1874 New and Revised edition. Includes lives of,—Smeaton, Rennie, G. and R. Stephenson, Metcalfe, Telford, Watt, Boulton, and others. FINr SET. 471. 7 th an" 472 473. 474, 476. 477. . SMOLLETT (Tosras). . STANLEY (ARTHUR P.). Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th SMITHSONIAN INsTITUTE. Goode (George Brown—Hditor). The Smith- sonian Institution, 1846-1896. The History of its first half century. Numerous portraits. Thick royal 8vo, half leather, gilt top, un- cut. Washington, 1897 History of England. London, 1832; THrmrs (ApotpH). History of the French Revolution. London, 1853; GiBBoN (Epwarp). The History of the Roman Empire. London, 1830; Froissart (JoHN). Chronicles of England, France and Spain. New York, undated; CuamsBers (R.). The Book of Days, a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities. 2 vols. London, 1864. Some illustrated. ‘Together, 6 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth and full calf. V.p.v.d. SPENCER (J. A.). The East, Sketches of Travel. New York, 1850; Bourasse (L’Asspé). Les Cathedrales de France. Tours, 1843; TOMBLESON’S Views on the Rhine. 2 vols. London, 1852; Dur- FERIN (Haru or). Letters from High Latitudes. London, 1883. Numerous fine steel plates and other illustrations. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, tree calf and half morocco. V.p.v.d. STALKER (JAMES). The Ethics of Jesus. New York, 1909; LarpLaw (JoHN). The Miracles of Our Lord. London, 1890: GuINNEss (M. G.). The Story of the China Inland Mission. Jlustrated. 2 vols. London, 1894; Smiru (Davin). The Days of His Flesh. Together, 25 V.p.v.d. Sinai and Palestine. Maps and plans. Lon- don, 1887: Life and Letters of Dean Stanley. By R. E. Prothero. Portraits and ialustrations. 2 vols. New York, 1894; Sinai and Palestine. Maps and plans. New York, 1857; Lectures on the His- tory of the Jewish Church. Third series. Maps. New York, 1876, also the Second Series of the same (smaller edition), New York, 1873; Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold. New York, 1846. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, and.12mo, cloth, one full mo- rocco. V.p.v.d. STANLEY (Henry M.). In Darkest Africa. 2 vols. London, 1890: Lane (Epwarp W.). Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyp- tians. London, 1860; Firzparrick (J. P.). The Transvaal from Within. New York, 1900; Min~tincEn (ALEXANDER VAN). Byzan- tine Constantinople. London, 1899; Jamres (F. L.). The Wild Tribes of the Soudan . . . Personal Experiences and Adventures during three winters spent in the Soudan. New York, 1883. Nu- merous twlustrations. Together, 6 vols. royal 8vo, and 8vo, cloth. V.p.v.d. StewArt (Duaatp). The Collected Works of. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, antique calf, leather labels, con- tents lettered, side in blind-tooled panel design, red edges. Edinburgh, 1854-1858 Map. London, 1906, and other religious works. vols. 8vo, and smaller, mainly cloth. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 478. 479. 482, STEWART COLLECTION. Catalogue of the A. T. Stewart Collection of Paintings, Sculptures and other Objects of Art. Numerous full- page plates. 4to, vellum, uncut, shghtly worn. New York: American Art Association, 1887 Subscriber’s Edition, limited and numbered. STIRLING-MaxweELu (Sir Witt1am). Don John of Austria, or passages from the History of the Sixteenth Century, 1547-1578. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 . StopparpD (RicHarp Henry). Recollections, Personal and Literary. With Introduction by E. C. Stedman. Illustrated. 8vo, half vel- lum and boards, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1903 No. 15 of 200 copies printed. : . STRANG (JOHN). Glasgow and its Clubs; or, Glimpses of the Condi- tion, Manners, Characters and Oddities of the City, during the past and present Centuries. Second and enlarged edition. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1857 STREETER (Epwin W.). Precious Stones and Gems, their History, Sources and Characteristics. Colored plates. 8vo. full roan, gilt. London, 1898 . Tatne (H. A.). History of English Literature. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. New and Revised Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, full tree calf, gilt backs, a portion of one loose. Edinburgh, 1873-1874 | . Tatrourp (Tuomas Noon). The Works of Charles Lamb’. . . his Letters and a Sketch of his Life. 2 vols. New York, 1849; Win- THRoP (R. C.). Life and Letters of John Winthrop. Boston, 1864; Herapuey (J. T.). Napoleon and his Marshals. 2 vols. New York, 1846; Hare (A. J. C.). Memorials of a Quiet Life. 2 vols. New York, n.d., and other works of a similar nature. Numerous por- traits. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, and 12mo. cloth. V.p.v.d. . Taucunitz Epitions. Fiction, History, Essays, Sermons, ete. To- gether, 51 vols. 16mo, half morocco, cloth and paper, a few in poor condition. s Leipzig, v.d. . TERRESTRIAL GuLoBE. 18 inch Terrestrial Globe on axle, revolving within 34 inch metal ring on which are engraved the degrees of longitude, divided into 14 degrees, then centered in a circular board plane, 2144 inches wide, the surface of which is divided into 4 degrees and the months of the year. The whole mounted on three brass arms which are joined to a revolving axle inserted in a carved mahog- any stand with three feet. Total height, 45 inches. Globe and plain, engraved and printed in colors, by W. & A. K. John- ston, Geographers, Engravers and Printers to the Queen (Victoria), Edinburgh and London, 1892. In fine condition and good working order. The globe revolves in three different directions. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 487. ‘THisrs (ApoLPHE). The History of the French Revolution. Trans- lated, with Notes and illustrations, by Frederick Shobel. 5 vols.; History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Na- poleon. Translated, by D. Forbes Campbell. 20 vols. Numerous ays engraved portraits and views. Together, 25 vols., bound in 18 vols. ‘eae 8vo, full polished tree calf extra, leather labels, by Riviire. London, 1838-1862 Fine Set of the Best Library Edition, translated with the sanction of the ‘author. 488. THomson (JAMES). The Seasons. Illustrated by Frederick Palmer and others. New York, (circa, 1845) ; Brrxer Fosrer’s Pictures of English Landscape, with pictures in words by Tom Taylor. Lon- ; don, 1863, (pages loose) ; THE Sprrit or Prarsz. A Collection of of ae Hymns, Old and New. London, n.d.; Lays of the Holy Land. New York, 1859, and other poetical works, mainly illustrated. To- gether 11 vols. royal 8vo, to 12mo, full morocco or full calf. ; V.p.v.d. 489. THomson (WittIAM M.). The Land and the Book; or, Biblical Illustra- tions drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scen- ery, of the Holy Land. With numerous maps, and over 300 full- vd on page plates and text ulustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. . New York, 1880-1886 490. Tissot (J. James). la Vie de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ. Beauti- fully illustrated with over 300 full-page and teat illustrations, de- picting the Infe of Christ as portrayed in the Four Gospels. With notes and explanatory drawings. 2 vols. folio, decorated brocaded cloth, crimson watered-silk fly-leaves and end-papers, uncut. / ot ama Tours: Alfred Mame et fils, 1896-1897 y : EDITION DE GRAND LuUxE. No. 27 of 100 copies printed for America and . signed by the artist. A magnificent work of art illustrating the life of Christ from actual scenes in the Holy Land. The plates are all proofs on specially prepared heavy drawing paper, each plate in two states, one set a photogravure Proof without inscription, the other set a Signed Watercolored photogravure Proof, with inscription in ink, in the artist’s autograph. The text illustrations are all on India Paper, many in tints, while others are finely colored. 491. Turner (J. M. W.). Picturesque Views in England and Wales. From drawings by J. M. W. Turner, engraved under the superintendence | of Charles Heath. With Descriptive and Historical Illustrations | a, — by H, E. Lloyd. With 96 full-page line engravings by the best landscape engravers of the day, including Goodhall, Wallis, Smith, Varrall, Brandard, Jeavons, Radclyffe and others. 2 vols. elephant folio, full red morocco extra, gilt backs, sides with an elaborately gilt tooled decorative panel border, gilt inside borders, gilt edges Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [No. 491—Continued | 492. 493. ? f fo? ' Le by Breprorp, a few of the margins and some of the mounts, some- what spotted, not however affecting the engraved portion of the plate or the India paper. — London, 1838 LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOF IMPRESSIONS, only 12 copies printed. Many of Turner’s finest productions are in this series, on which the ablest Eng- lish landscape artists of the day were employed, and which show all the fidelity to nature of the original drawings. TurNER (J. M. W.). Liber Fluviorum; or, River Scenery in France. With descriptive letter-press by Leitch Ritchie. With 61 fine steel plates after Turner. Thick royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1853 TYNDALE’S “PENTATEUCH.” Mombert (J. I.). William Tyndale’s Five Books of Moses, called The Pentateuch, being a Verbatim Reprint of the Edition of M.CCCCC.XXX. Compared with Tyndale’s Genesis of 1534 . . . with Various Collations and Prolegomena. Facsimiles. 8vo, full dark-brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, a joint weak. New York, [1884] First EpItion, and one of 500 copies on LARGE PAPER. . Van Dyxer (Henry). Fisherman’s Luck and some other Uncertain Things. Portrait and illustrations on Japanese paper. 8vo, vellum back, board sides, uncut. New York, 1899 . Walton Edition, limited to 150 copies on Van Gelder paper. . WatLace (D. Mackenzie). Russia. Folding maps. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. London, &e. 1877 . Watton (IzaaKk). Zouch (Thomas). The Life of Isaac Walton; in- cluding Notices of his Contemporaries. With 20 portraits and views. 4to, full green polished levant morocco, inside borders, gilt edges, by ZaAEHNSDORF, few margins slightly foxed. London: Septimus Prowett, 1823 LARGEST PAPER copy, one of 8 printed, with proof plates on India paper. ExtTrA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 56 engravings, 41 being portraits of celebrities, including a few examples of mezzotint engraving and India proofs, 15 plates in color, and a rare unpublished caricature portrait of Joseph Ritson, the Antiquarian, dated 1803, colored view of the city of Worcester and 2 colored aquatint engravings. 497. Watton (Izaak). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, hd Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson. To which are added, the Autographs of those eminent men, now first collected; an Index, and Illustrative Notes. Hngraved portrats, plates and woodcuts. Small 8vo, original green morocco, gilt back and edges. London: John Major, 1825 LARGE Paper copy of Major’s First Epirion, with proof impressions of the plates on India paper. ° Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 498. WaLToN (Izaax). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wot- a ton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson. To which are added, the Autographs of those Eminent Men, now first collected: an Index, and Illustrative Notes. Portraits and illus- trations on India Paper, and woodcuts. Small 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt back and sides in emblematic tooling of fish and bees, gilt top, uncut, by Ramaae. . London: John Major, 1825 First Issue of Major’s LARGE PAPER edition, published as a com- panion volume to the “Complete Angler.” An exceptionally fine copy, in an appropriate binding, uniform with the “Complete Angler,’ by the same publisher. 499. Watton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler. New Edition, edited with an F Introduction by Andrew Lang. Portrait and woodcut illustrations by H. J. Sullivan. Small 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt back, sides with a panel border of fish-hooks and floral spray, inside border, gilt top, uncut, by BLACKWELL. London, 1896 First Epirion of the issue edited by Andrew Lang. Fine emblematic binding, with the original cloth covers bound in. This edition contains the first part only. 500. WALTON (IzAAK) AND CotTron (CHARLES). The Compleat Angler: or, ie Contemplative Man’s Recreation, comprising all that has been ac- counted Valuable, Instructive or Curious, that has ever appeared on the subject, interspersed with a variety of Practical Experiments. Carefully and correctly published from the best editions, with a number of occasional notes. By Moses Browne. To which are added the Laws of Angling, and an Appendix. 6 copperplate en- gravings by H. Burgh and a number of woodcuts. 16mo, light green levant morocco, elaborately tooled and inlaid, sides covered with an oval design of 16 lily leaves inlaid in dark green levant, each alter- nate leaf with gilt centre blossom, the whole connected in centre with interlaced gilt stems, with red morocco inlays of fish in inter- stices, back with similar design, gilt edges, manuscript notes on two margins, by Dr Savty. London: Henry Kent, 1750 First EDITION, IN AN ELABORATE EMBLEMATIC BINDING. 501. Watton (IzaAak) anp Corron (CHARLES). The Complete Angler. To which are added an Introductory Essay; the Linnean Arrange- ment of the Various River Fish delineated in the Work, and Illus- trative Notes. Second Edition. 2 portraits, 12 copperplate engrav- ings and %% woodcuts. Small 8vo. green levant morocco, gilt back and sides in emblematic design of fish and bee, gilt top, uncut, by RAMAGE. London: John Major, 1824 Fine Copy of the LarcE Paper issue of this edition with the plates on India Paper, in an appropriate binding, uniform with ‘“Walton’s Lives.” “A copy of verses from the pen of the editor, afterwards suppressed, distinguishes this edition.”—Bib. Pisce. veg > f i : Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 502. Watton (IzasaK) AND Cotron (CHARLES). The Complete Angler. The serves of 54 Proof Impressions, engraved by Fox, Humphreys, Richardson and others, after drawings by Stothard, Inskipp, Hassell and other artists. Bound in one vol. folio, half morocco, uncut. London: Pickering, 1832-1836 PROOF IMPRESSIONS, only a limited number printed to accompany the Large Paper Copy of Pickering’s Edition. These plates are all beautiful impressions on India paper, the portraits being Lettered Proofs, while the plates and vignettes are all Proofs before Letters, some without the engraver’s name. 503. WaLTon (IzAAK) AND Corton (CHartEs). The Complete Angler. bE: With Original Memoirs and Notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas. With 61 full-page and text engravings, after drawings by Stothard, In- skipp, Hassell and other artists, engraved by Fox, Humphreys, Rich- ardson, &c. 2 vols.; (also) The Proof impressions of the above engravings, in one vol. small folio. Together, 3 vols. imperial 8vo and small folio, full red morocco, gilt backs, decorative gilt panel on sides, wide inside border, gilt edges, by W. S. Hiurz, margins of text somewhat foxed. London: Pickering, 1832-1836 Of the Proof impressions which accompany these volumes, only a very limited number were printed; they are on India Paper, the por- traits and plates being letter proofs, while the vignettes are all proofs before letters. 504. Watton (IzAAK) AND Oorron (Cuarues). The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. With 61 line-engravings (of which 48 are in the teat), including portraits and wews by Foz, Humphreys, Richards and others, after drawings by Stothard, In- skipp, Hassell, &c. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, green levant morocco, sides and backs emblematically tooled, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. London: William Pickering, 1836 SUPERB EDITION, HxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 110 engravings, comprising portraits of persons mentioned in the text, views of interest- ing places alluded to, and colored plates of fish; all fine impressions, several being Proofs on India paper, while others have been neatly inlaid to size. A desirable copy of this important work, printed throughout on fine thick paper. It contains the variations of the first five editions, volumi- nous notes, with original and elaborate memoirs of Walton and Cotton. 505. Watton (Izaak) anpd Corton (CHARLES). The Complete Angler: or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreations. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portratts, full-page plates and numerous vignette engravings by Fox, Humphreys, Richardson, &c., after drawings by Stothard, Inskipp, Hassell and other artists. 2 vols. bound in 7, thick imperial 8vo, full green levant morocco extra, heavy bands, tastefully tooled in gilt, backs with decorative panel design, sides with gilt panel and decorative corners, doublures of crimson levant morocco, elaborately tooled in gilt with panel bor- der consisting of appropriate emblematic medallions of the angler’s art and the chase surrounded by floral spray and a wide dentelle ~ Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [No. 505—Continued | inner edge, crimson watered-silk fly-leaves and marbled end papers, gilt tops, uncut, in chamois lined slip cases, by StrKEMAN, few mar- gins of text slightly spotted. London: William Pickering, 1836 MAGNIFICENT EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY OF THE BEAUTIFUL PICKERING EDITION, with the series of UNLETTERED PROOFS Of all the vignette illus- trations. The typography by Whittingham as well as the illustrations place this book among the finest publications of the nineteenth century as well as making it one of the most elaborate ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPIES OF THE “COMPLETE ANGLER” EVER OFFERED FOR SALE. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED and extended to 7 vols. by the insertion of over 1700 plates, including 455 portraits; 696 engravings; nearly 100 etch- ings and over 200 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS, PEN AND INK SKETCHES and WASHDRAWINGS, mostly signed and dated; COLORED SPORTING views; col- ored plates of fishes and flies; INDIA PROOFS and UNLETTERED PROOFS Of the highest merit and value; splendid engravings from other editions of the “Complete Angler;” series of copperplates from an early 16th century work; many fine copperplate portraits and views by Marshall, White, Vertue, Hollar, Albert Durer and other engravings, including many plates that have served as copies for modern engravers; Rubri- cated title to each vol. and a different half-title in watercolor in each volume. The following synopsis of the contents of each may serve to give some idea of the beauty of the entire contents of this mag- nificent work. Vol. I., contains the Preface and part of the Life of Walton. 245 addi- tional plates, comprising,—92 portraits, of which 32 are proofs; 133 en- gravings, of which 30 are proofs, 12 are colored and 7 are aquatints; 9 ORIGINAL WATER COLORS; 2 ORIGINAL PEN AND INK SKETCHES. Among the portraits are several of Walton, including Humphreys engraving in four states, a proof before letters and an unfinished proof; Unlettered Proofs of Bishop Morley, Thomas Cranmer, Titian and Thomas Flatman ; 6 mezzo- tints by Maile; Endymion Porter, mezzotint by Earlom; Charles IL., by G. Smith; Richard Hook, by Faithorne; Charles I. at prayer, with storm, etched by Hollar; India Proofs of John Harington, Henry Wotton, Ben. Jonson, Thomas Cranmer, John Donne, Joseph Hall, Francis Quarles, Cromwell, Walter Scott, Robert Doyle and others. Among the engravings are 7 colored plates of fish; 4 colored sporting views by How- itt; colored aquatint by Alken; mezzotint by Linnell; View of the Great Fire at London; proof engravings of cathedrals; exterior and interior views; Water-colored view by Nixon; Original pen and ink sketch ‘“Pis- ecatory Excursions,” by James Northcote; Original india ink drawing by Northcote; Original pen and ink sketch “Fishing,” by W. Hart; Original water-colored sketches by Cronino, W. R. Rymer and others, including fishing scenes, flower sketches, etc. Vol. II., contains the remainder of the Life of Walton and the Life of Cotton. 272 additional plaes, comprising,—105 portraits of which 39 are proofs; 90 engravings, of which 25 are proofs; 12 ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR SKETCHES; 2 ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRAWINGS. Among the portraits are, Walton, by Rolls, one an Unfinished proof; Dr. Johnson, mezzotint by Reynolds; Charles I., by White; Thomas Moore (4) one an Unlettered Proof; India Proofs of Matthew Hale, Joseph Hall, James Boswel, Will- iam Wordsworth, Humphry Davy, Lucius Carey, Lord Bacon, Thomas Carew, Cowper and others; Unlettered Proofs of Lavater, P. Corneille and others; mezzotints by Maile; early copperplates by White, Vertue and Picart. Among the engravings are 3 early etchings by Weirotter; fine etching “Falham,”’ by Seymour Haden; 38 early copperplates of the Execution of Charles I.; Signed Proof Etching “Distributing Bread,” by BE. Davis, 1862; colored engravings of fish; views of Chester and other cities ; 9 ORIGINAL WATER-COLORED SKETCHES, fishing scenes, etc. ; 2 ORIGINAL Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th: | No. 505—Continued | PEN AND INK SKETCHES, portraits of Wordsworth and Charles Cotton, each with illuminated verse and watercolored sketch; Colored drawing by J. P. Andrews (3); Large colored aquatint view, etc. Vol. III. 289 additional plates, comprising,—83 portraits, of which 24 are proofs; 107 engravings, of which 28 are proofs; 27 ORIGINAL WATER- COLORED SKETCHES; 6 ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRAWINGS; 9 ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWINGS; 15 etchings; 42 colored plates. Among the portraits are W. Faithorne, by Bannerman; Wm. Whitacres, by Marshall; Charles L., on title of Holy Bible, 1648, by Marshall; Queen Elizabeth, by White; Henry VIII, by Vertue after Holbein; India Proofs of Henry Wotton, Erasmus, G. Sandys, Jerry Taylor, Earl of Salisbury, Daniel Defoe, Alex. Pope, George Herbert and Sylvester Joshua; Unlettered Proofs of Faith- orne, Montaigne, Ashmole and Hollar. Among the engravings are, a series of 32 colored sporting views by Howitt, 1798; Proof mezzotint by Martin; mezzotint “The Hounds,” by Earlom; “The Hunters,” proof on satin by Bewick; Vignette engravings by the National Bank Note Co.; many fine copperplate engravings by Marshall, Vertue, White, Larmessin, Burg and Hailler; Proof etching by Braquemond; India Proof etching after Dubigny; “Study of a Lion,” by Dawson after Rembrandt; 2 plates by Albert Durer; a series of 12 early copperplates of the Apostles, by I. S. B. [Behan]; 12 watercolored sketches of birds, animals and flowers, by Cronino; Original signed pen and ink sketch by W. Hart; 5 Original pen and ink sketches and watercolors, by J. P. Andrews; Original India ink sketch, by James Northcote; also pen and ink sketch by North- cote; Original pen and ink portraits of Tradescant and Sir Henry Wotton, each with manuscript verse; Original watercolored sketches by P. Dixon, Dailey, Greatorex and others, fishing scenes, flowers and birds. Vol. IV. 259 additional plates, comprising,—42 portraits, of which 10 are proofs; 99 engravings, of which 35 are proofs; 59 ORIGINAL WATER- COLORS; 14 ORIGINAL PEN AND INK SKETCHES, and WASHDRAWINGS; 20 etchings ; 25 colored plates. Among the portraits are, Jeffrey, mezzotint by Giller after Bristow; Erasmus (4) ; India Proofs of John Gay, John Mil- ton, Shakespeare and others; old copperplates by Elder, White and Ver- tue; Francis Bacon, by Marshal, etc. Among the engravings are views by Fox, after Stothard, including proofs in two states; 3 proof woodcuts by Bewick ; 17 sporting views by Howitt, of which 11 are in colors; colored plates of fishes, etc.; 2 etchings by Seymour Haden, “Old Chelsea’ and “Bords de la Tamise;” “Zhe Beggars,” etching by Rembrandt; “The Beg- gar,” by Schmidt, etched after Rembrandt; also etchings by Weirotter, Sarazin and others; 2 watercolored sketches by W. C. Rymer; 2 wash- drawings, one pen and ink sketch and one india ink drawing, by James Northcote; 10 watercolored sketches by J. P. Andrews; also original watercolored skétches, angling scenes, flowers and birds, by J. Wright, C. F. Daley, P. Dixon, W. Weir and S. Blossoms (5) ; original charcoal sketch, by W. Hart, washdrawing by J. H. Barlow and several water- colored sketches by Cronino. Vol. V. 227 additional plates, comprising, 50 portraits, of which 12 are proofs; 88 engravings, of which 17 are proofs; 35 colored plates; 25 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS; 10 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; 19 etchings. Among the portraits are Mrs. Garrick, original etching by R. Cruikshank; Hastings, caricature etched by Bretherton; John Milton, by Vertue; Matthew Prior, mezzotint; Chaucer, mezzotint by G. Naylor; Boswell, proof before let- ters; copperplates by Vertue, Larmfessin and others. Among the engray- ings are “River Trent,” mezzotint by C. Turner; “The Mill,’ etched by Hollar; proof engravings of fish and flies; colored sporting views; “He- ham Lock,” etching by Seymour Haden, early second state, name of etcher erased, sky not entirely removed; Black Lion Wharf,” etched by Whistler, very fine, from the first issue of the “Thames” set; “Turtle and Duck,” etched by Braquemond; also etchings by Heath, C. Beck and others; Original pen and ink sketch by Northcote; 5 original watercolors Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [| No. 505—Continued | and one colored drawing by J. P. Andrews; Original Watercolor sketch by C. Sell; Original washdrawing by Dixon; Original pen and ink sketch by W. Hart; Original pen and ink sketch by W. H. Coughlin; 138 original watercolor sketches by Cronino and other watercolors and washdrawings, mostly fishing scenes. Vol. VI. 217 additional plates, comprising,—42 portraits, of which 10 are proofs; 83 engravings, of which 26 are proofs; 48 colored plates; 18 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS; 5 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; 21 etchings. Among the portraits are, Prince Rupert, by Hollar; Autumnus, mezzotint; many fine old copperplate engravings. Among the engravings are 2 mezzotints by C. Turner; colored caricature by Woodward; proof impressions after Turner, Stothard, Finden and others; old copperplates by Hollar, and others; “Flounder Grounds,” Signed Artist and Etcher’s Proof, by Rajons after J. W. Dakes; ‘“Billingsate,”’ etched by Whistler; “Kingston on Thames,” signed etching by Phillips; “The Beggar,” etched by Rembrandt ; etchings by Geikie, Rudaux, N. Berchem and others; colored sporting views, by Howitt; colored plates of fishes; views in England; original pen and ink sketch and original watercolor, by James Northcote; orig- inal washdrawing by W. C. Reymer; 4 original watercolors, by J. P. Andrews; original washdrawing, by P. Dixon; 11 original watercolors by Cronino. The water-colors and pen sketches are mainly fishing scenes. Vol. VFI. 206 additional plates, comprising,—40 portraits, of which 17 are proofs; 98 engravings, of which 20 are proofs; 26 colored plates; 13 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS ; 13 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; 16 etchings. Among the portraits are, Charles Cotton, by Humphreys, after Inskipp, proof in three states, one before letters; Walton, India Proof, by Maile; Queen Hlizabeth, by Marshall; John Fletcher, mezzotint; Carlus II., mezzotint ; India Proofs of John Evelyn, Edward Montagu, Francis Quarles, Alex. Pope, and others; Unlettered Proofs of Thomas Percy. Wm. Cowper, James Thomson and the Duke of York. Among the engravings are. Proof mezzotint, by Newbery, “View near Salisbury; Fine vignette en- gravings after Westall, Stothard, Finden and others; 7 aquatint views; 17 sporting views, by Howitt; large copper-plate portraits representing the seasons; early copperplate views; etchings by Lalauze, Appian. Craig and others, including “London Bridge,” by Whistler; “Charing Cross,” by Gaucherd; engraving by Durer; original pen and ink sketch of Robert Burton, by Cronino; 2 original watercolors and 2 original pen and ink sketches, by James Northcote; 2 original watercolors and 2 original pen and ink drawings, by W. C. Reymer; 4 original watercolors and one original pen and ink sketch, by J. P. Andrews; 3 original wash- drawings, signed and dated Andreas Miihl, 1754; original washdrawing, by J. H. Barlow, and other water-colored sketches, mostly fishing scenes, sketches of birds and flowers. Besides the engravings, this copy has a facsimile of the First Edition of Walton’s “Angler,” neatly inlaid to size and bound throughout the volumes. 506. Watton (Izaak) AND Cotron (CHARLES). The Complete Angler. With Copious Notes, for the most part Original, a Bibhographical Preface and a Notice of Cotton and his Writings. By George W. thune. New Edition, with some additions and corrections from he Editor’s own copy. With 3 engraved portraits and 2 plates. 2 : vols. royal 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt back with emblematic y /) é tooling, inside borders, Morris end papers, by STIKEMAN. New York: John Wiley, 1880 Revised edition of Bethune’s edition, with portrait of the editor in- serted. 0 Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 507. Watton (IzAAK) AND Corton (CHariEes). The Complete Angler. SEO 3 With Copious Notes, for the most part Original, a Bibliographical Preface and a Notice of Cotton and his Writings, by George W. Bethune. New Edition, with some additions from the editor’s own copy. Portraits, engravings, etchings and woodcuts. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt backs with emblematic tooling, triple gilt line border on sides with fish design in corners, inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by STrkEMAN, text slightly wrin- kled by damp, but clean. New York: John Wiley, 1880 LARGE PAPER, limited to 100 copies, -with six additional etchings by Damman, which do not appear in the ordinary edition. 508. Watton (Izaak) anp Corton (CHartzs). The Compleat Angler. wer, Was Edited and arranged by R. B. Marston, and containing a reprint of the Chronicle of the Compleat Angler, a Biographical | Biblio- graphical] Record of the Various Editions and Imitations. By 'T. Westwood and T. Satchell. With 54 photogravures and about 100 woodcuts. 2 vols. 4to, cloth backs, board sides, uncut. London, 1888 Lee and Dove Edition, being the 100th Edition of the ‘‘Compleat An- gler,” only 500 copies printed, ‘each numbered and signed by the pub- lisher. 509. Watton (Izaak) AND Corton (CHARLES). The Complete Angler. With an abridgment of the Lives of the Authors, by Sir John Haw- kins. Edited with Notes from a Naturalist’s point of view, by J. K. Harting. With 53 illustrations, including etchings by Percy Thomas from paintings by John Linnell, and engravings of Rwer- side animals—and birds by G. H. Lodge. 2 vols. 4to, half vellum, gilt backs and tops, cloth sides, uncut. London: S. Bagster, 1893 TERCENTENARY EDITION, only 300 copies printed. The full-page plates on Japanese paper. 510. Watton (IzAAK) AND CoTTON (CHARLES). Wood (Arnold). A Bibliog- raphy of the Complete Angler: being a Chronologically arranged List of the Several Editions and Reprints, from the first edition, 1653 until, 1900. Illustrated by 86 photo-engraved reproductions of title pages, and Signed Artist's Proof etching of Walton, by Johnson. 4to, half vellum, gilt, uncut. New York, 1900 Only 102 copies printed on Van Gelder handmade paper. 511. WasHiIneToN (GxEoRGE). Mitchell .(S. Weir). The Youth of Wash- ington. Told in the Form of an Autobiography. Royal 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. New York, 1904 One of 100 copies on Arnold handmade paper. 512. WessterR (Dantet). The Private Correspondence. Edited by Fletcher Webster. 2 vols. Boston, 1857; Duke or Arayutr. George Doug- las, Eighth Duke of Argyle, 1823-1900. Autobiography and Mem- [ No. 513. 14. “S10. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 512—Continued | oirs. 2 vols. New York, 1906; Smizus (Samus). The Life of George Stephenson, railway engineer. London, 1857, and other works of a similar nature. Portraits and illustrations. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. V.p.v.d. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Feasey (Henry J.). Westminster Abbey, His- torically Described. With an Account of the Abbey Buildings, by J. 'T. Micklethwaite. An appendix on the Medieval Monuments, by Edward Bell. With 75 full-page plates, showing side elevations, exterior and interior views, architectural details and other features of this celebrated cathedral. Folio, vellum back, cloth sides, stucco binding, shaken. London, 1899 WESTMORLAND, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland Illustrated. Letterpress descriptions by T. Rose. Numerous fine steel plates, some slightly spotted, after Thomas Allom, George Pickering and _ others. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, (1833) Westwoop (J. O.). Paleographia Sacra Pictoria: being a Series of Illustrations of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Illuminated Manuscripts, executed between the fourth and sixteenth centuries. With 50 full-page illuminated plates in gold and colors. 4to, half morocco, uncut, binding rubbed. London; H. G. Bohn, n.d. . WHyMPER (Epwarp). Scrambles amongst the Alps in the Years 1860- 1869. Maps and numerous illustrations. First Epition. 8vo, orig- inal cloth, gilt top, slightly shaken. London, 1871 . WHyMpER (Epwarp). Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equa- tor. Maps and numerous ilustrations. First American Edition. 8vo, decorative cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1892 . Witcox (Wattser D.). The Rockies of Canada. Over 40 illustrations, some in photogravure, from original photographs by the author. 8vo, three quarter green levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. New York, 1900 , A revised and enlarged edition of ‘‘Camping in the Canadian Rockies.” Witimotr (Ropert A.). The Poets of the Nineteenth Century. Jilus- trated by Darley, Birket Foster and others. New York, 1862; Percy (Tuomas). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. London, 1856; Pottoxk (Ropert). The Course of Time. Illustrated by Birket Foster and others. Edinburgh, 1857; Scotia’s Bards. New York, 1854; SourHry (Ropert). Poetical Works. Illustrated. New York, 1853; Burns (Roprrt). Poetical Works (2 copies). Illustrated. London, n.d. Together, 7 vols. royal 8vo, and 8vo, cloth, gilt. V.p.v.d. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th FROM A GENTLEMAN’S LIBRARY 520. ALKEN CoLorED PuatEs. Set of 6 Plates, iv cotors, by Henry Alken, Original Impressions, retouched subsequently, each plate with en- graved signature of the artist, name of publisher, number of plate in the set, and title. Measurements between the plate-marks, 77x97 inches, full margins. Matted. | London: Thomas McLean, 1821 Comprises the following :—(1) ‘One of the Comforts of riding in com- pany;” (2) “Symptoms of Things going down hill;” (8) ‘The pleasure of riding in company;” (4) “Preparing for the Easter Hunt;” (5) “The consequence of. having plenty of company on the road;” (6) “A thing of the last consequence.” 521. AtKEN CoLorEep Piatss. “Moments of Fancy.” A Series of 11 plates, IN coLors, by Alken, Original Impressions, retouched subsequently, all bearing the engraved signature,—“Hy. Alken, Del’t.” Full sheet measure, 1014x1414 inches, small margins, the plate-marks on left of several prints obliterated. Matted. London: Thomas McLean, 1822 A VERY ATTRACTIVE SERIES OF ALDEN COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, CONTAINING, IN SOME INSTANCES, AS MANY AS SIX DISTINCT SCENES ON A SINGLE SHEET. Among these are,—“A Phaeton and Four;” Illustrations of phrases from Shakespeare and Milton, several plates with numerous subjects thereon; Heads of Horses; Figures of soldiers, equestrian and afoot; and many figures of horses, men and women, &c. 522. ALKEN CoLorep Puatss. A Series of 4 Horse-Racing prints, IN COLORS, 7 J y by Alken, Original Impressions, retouched subsequently, one plate containing engraved name of artist and that of the publisher, J. Knights. Measurements between plate-marks, 87%x1134 inches, small margins. Matted. [ London, n.d. ] Plates are entitled—“TrRAINING.” Three mounts, blanketed, climbing a gentle slope, with two horsemen on a hill in the left background; “STARTING.” Four horses and jockeys, each with groom, walking towards the post; “RUNNING.” Four racers in foreground in a bunch, indistinct figures of horsemen in the distance; “WericHiInc.” ‘Two horses with grooms, &c., a jockey on scale being weighed. 523. ArNoLtp AND Auckland. Colored Caricature. “The Loss of Eden—and vs A 524. BrougHam (Lorp). Colored Caricature. “A Classical Teacher—The ik , / Eden, Lost.” Size 1014x1314 inches. Matted. London: Printed and Published by W. Hinton, December 21, 1785. Portraits of General Benedict Arnold and William Hden (Baron Auck- land), Commissioner to America. schoolmaster is abroad.” By W. Heath. . Size 9142x1334 inches. Matted; small tear at one corner. : | London]: Published by T. McLean, October 15, 1830 Lord Brougham, at this time Chancellor of Great Britain, founded the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, and took an active part in the debates on education. He is here caricatured in the character of a school teacher, giving an audience to Robert Peel, the opposition mem- ber in Parliament. The scholars are seen in a room to the right. . COLORED AMERICAN VIEW. . CoLoRED CARICATURE ETCHING. . CoLORED CARICATURE ETCHING. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th . CANNING (GEORGE). Colored Caricature. “Greys and Duns, or a Prime Bang Up for the Bit.’ Size, with margin, 1014x1634 inches. Matted. [London]: Published by Thomas Tegg, July, 1810 Canning, surrounded by a group of politicians, each in the disguise of a tradesman presenting bills and charges, is about to enter a car- riage, marked “For War.” At this time Canning was Foreign Minister of Great Britain and warmly urged the Ministry to a vigorous prosecu- tion of the Peninsular War. . CotorED AmERICAN Vinw. “American Country Life. October After- Published noon.” . by Currier and Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Lithograph by N. Currier. Size, 2314x3014 inches. Matted. New York, 1855 A typical country scene, with Colonial house, mistress at gate wel- coming returning hunters. “The Wayside. Inn.” F. F. Palmer, del. Published by Currier and Ives. Size, with margin, 2314x30% inches. Matted. New York, 1864 Moonlight road-scene, with inn, before which is a coach with four horses. Subject taken from Longfellow’s poem “The Wayside Inn.” “Meeting an Old Friend with a New Size, with margin, 11x26 inches. Matted. London: Published by William Holland, May 12, 1788 Similar to the work of Rowlandson. Four distinct subjects, each of two figures, caricaturing personages of the day. Face.” “The Ambassadors Extraordinary Re- turn, on Bulls without Horns.” Size, 8x2614 inches. Matted. | London]: Published by F. Fores, March 16, 1789 Curious and interesting caricature similar to the work of Gillray. Owing to the King’s illness, Pitt presented to Parliament, his Regency Bill. As, however, the obstructions placed in the way of the Bill, pro- longed the session, and the King’s recovery occurring before the Bill could be passed, the delegates were sent to their homes without having accomplished anything. The artist has depicted the delegates from Ireland on their way to Dublin, and has brought out strongly the ludicrous position in which these members were placed. CotorED CaAricATURE Ercuine. “The First Interview, or an—EHnvoy from Yarmony to Improve the Breed.” By R. Newton, del et fecit. Size, with margin, 1034x17 inches. Matted. London: Published by S. W. Fores, April 19, 1797 His Royal Highness from Germany, with an extraordinary large ab- domen supported by a negro, has just proposed to an English lady of rank, her reply, which evidently refers to his figure, is,—‘“Zord, what a Porpoise Pho!!!’ Sinking beneath the load which he is carrying, the negro remarks,—“Oh Lord oh lord my Neck will break, I can’t carry it any farther.” Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th ddl. 532 / ‘hed 533. ie Yt | doz: ~ J? OO0- 4 fr ee. 536 O37. CoLoRED CARICATURE EroHine. “Dreadful Hard Times.”’—“‘Giles Grin- again,” fect. Size, with margin, 114%4x151% inches. Matted. [London]; Published by 8S. Howitt, December 1, 1801 Two persons in the habiliments of washwomen, are conversing about — hard times. The one at the tub, a “Mrs. Suds” in answer to a remark from the other, a “Mrs. Mangle,” refers to her daughter “Carolina Matilda.” . CoLtorEeD CaricaTuRE Etcuine. “A bit of Flattery.” Williams fecit. Size, with margin, 1014x1614 inches. Matted. London: Published by Thomas Tegg, September, 1811 Political caricature, showing an Irish delegate expostulating upon the portrait of a rather stout lady, while she remarks, “Oh Mr. O’Flane- gan you flatter me.” Cotorep Caricature Ercuinc. “Hair and Ton, or Singularity & Hle- gance.” Size, with margin, 1034x1234 inches. Matted. [London]: Published by Thomas McLean, May 1, 1832 Evidently a caricature portrait of Lord Beaconsfield in the act of helping a lady from a hack. CRUIKSHANK CoLorED CaArtcATurRE. “Irish Bog Trotters.” By George Cruikshank. Size, with margins, 1044x1514 inches. Matted. London: Published by Thomas Tegg, n.d. Early unsigned and undated humorous caricature etching, not men- tioned by. Douglas. Frencu Revonurrton. Oolored Caricature. “The Offering to Lib- erty.” Size 95x24 inches. Matted. | London: Published by J. Aitken, August 3d, 1789 George III. on bended knee, offering crown to “Liberty” seated on ruins of the Bastile; behind him in chains, portraits of the Nobility, fol- lowed by General Lafayette and free citizens. . FreNcH Revotution. Colored Caricature. “A Deputation from one of the Popular Societies of France endeavouring to persuade John Bull that he can do better without a head than with one.” G. M. Woodward, del. Size, with margin, 1514x1914 inches. Matted. London: Published by S. W. Fores, October 12, 1794 GrorcE IV. Colored Caricature. “Paradise Regained!!!” Size, with margins, 10x14% inches. Matted. | London]: Published by J. Sidebotham, n.d. Caricature portrait of George IV, as Prince of Wales, standing on a pedestal, surrounded by dancing females. Inscription on pedestal,—“This Royal May Pole after laying by for some time was again set up on the. 25 of May, 1811.” Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 538. George IV. anp Mrs. Firzuersert. Colored Caricature,—“The i R(oya)! Lover, or The Admiral on a Lee Shore. Size 534 by 9 inches; beneath are thirty-five printed verses of a poem, by P. Pindar, Jun. (John Agg). Size of sheet, 105¢x161%4 inches. Matted. -{London]|: Printed and Published by 8. W. Fores [circa 1813] George IV., on his knees, is making love to Mrs. Fitzherbert, who is shown departing through a doorway. The verses express the feelings of this royal personage in the free language of the day. In one of them he refers to his Royal brother, the Duke of York. 539. Pirr anp Fox. Colored Caricature. “The Dog Tax, or, Every Dog a has his Day.” Size, with margins, 1134x1514 inches. Matted. [London]: Published by W. Brown, May 16, 1796 Caricature of members of the Coalition Cabinet. Lord Pitt, in the form of a dog, is shown dancing before George III. (?) who is playing upon a violin. On a gallows near-by, the body of Charles Fox, ecari- catured as such an animal, is hanging dead. 540. RowLaAnpson Conorep Caricature. “Every Man Has His Hobby J. Horse.” T. Pether (Thomas Rowlandson) fect. Size, with mar- gins, 9 1-3x131% inches. Matted. [London]: Published by W. Humphrey, May 1, 1784 Lord Pitt, in the disguise of a female and carrying Charles Fox on his shoulders, is about to enter a doorway in which are standing a negro man and a voluptuous female. Sign over door reads,—“Mungo’s Hotel, Dealer in British Spirits.” Lord Pitt is saying,—‘“For the good of the Constitution give me a Glass of Gin.” 541. RowLanpson CoLorep Caricature. “A Diving Machine on a New ee 542. SV = Constitution.” Colored Political Caricature signed with an en- graved “R” in the lower right corner. Size, 936x131 inches. Matted. [London] Pub’d. by T. Rowlandson, [1806] The Constitution Cutter, “John Bull,” is shown sunk in the Ocean of Taxation. A heavy figure in a blue farmer’s-smock [William Pitt?] lies drowned near the vessel, while close-by a man in a diver’s dress, orders the crew of the lighter “The Experiment,” sailing on the surface above, to haul up a package from the ocean-bed marked ‘10 per cent.” RowLANDson CoLorEeD CAricATuRE. ‘“‘Miseries of Human Life,—Get- ting up early in a cold gloomy morning, and on running down into the breakfast room for warmth and comfort, finding chairs, table [etc.] huddled into the middle of the room,” ete. Size, with margins 10%4x16 inches. Matted. [London]: by Thomas Tegg, n.d. Humorous colored-etching in Rowlandson’s characteristic manner. 543. Russran Arrarrs. Colored Caricature. “An Alarming Discovery shew- je ing the fatal effects of useing Cosmetics.” Size, 934x14 inches. Matted. [London]: ; Published by T. McLean, n.d. Caricatures some English Lord, who in the dress of a dandy, has used some “Russian Hair dye,” which has turned his beard green. He is shown in an animated posture on a couch, while his servant standing before him, exclaims,—‘‘By Gar 1 am vere sorry your Lor-ship use dat dam dye it has change-a your Lor-ships moustache and Visker all to von dam Pea Green.” Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE REVEREND A. F. SCHAUFFLER, D.D. 544. AFRICAN TRAVEL. 546. De Filippi (Fillipo). Ruwenzori. An Account of the Expedition of H. R. H., Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy, Duke of Abruzzi. 8vo, cloth. and Euphrates. to Japan. Lands of Islam. Chicago, 1907; OrrpHant (Mrs). London, 1877; Loyson (Mapam H.). Chicago, 1905; Winus (ALFRED). Numerous illustrations, some folding. Thick royal New York, 1909 . Baker (JAMES). Turkey. New York, 1877; Furze (H. V.). By Nile Edinburgh, 1894; Crement (HE. W.). Makers of Florence. To Jerusalem through the Handbook Wanderings Among the High Alps. Frrsr Eprrion. London, 1856, and others. Folding map and ulustrations. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. V.p.v.d. Century Dictionary. Six vols., New York, 1889; Century Atlas of the World, New York, 1897; Century Cyclopaedia of Names, New York, 1894. Illustrated. 'Together, 8 vols. 4to, half leather, one back missing. Not returnable. . CHALMERS (THOMAS). York, 1871; AtmxannER (J. A.). New York, v.d. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, New The Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols., New York, 1875; Mactzop (Norman). Memoir of. By Don- ald Macleod. 2 vols., New York, 1876; Briaes (CHartes A.). New Light on the Life of Jesus. various bindings, . Conway (Str Witrt1aAm Martin). mainly cloth. New York, 1904. Together, 40 vols., V.p.y.d. The Crossing of Spitsbergen. Col- ored plates, maps and numerous full-page and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. . DE Quincey (THOMAS). 12mo, cloth. The Writings of De Quincey. Edition. 15 vols. Thick 12mo, cloth. sions, New York, 1904; Froissarr (Sir JoHn). England, France, Spain, etc. New York, 1868. Van RENSSELAER. English Cathedrals. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell. London, 1897 © 12 vols. in 6. Boston, 1881 . DICKENS (Crartes). The Writings of Dickens. Illustrated Gadshill Boston, 1875 . Dospins (F. 8.). False Gods, or the Idle Worship of the World. Illus- trated. Philadelphia, n.d. Muisstons. The Encyclopaedia of Mis- Chronicles of New York, 1892; JEFFERSON (CHARLES H.). Things Fundamental, New York, 1903; Together, 32 vols., various bindings, mainly cloth. V.p.v.d. . Ecypt EXPpiLorATION Funp. . ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. . EVELYN (JOHN). eGoper (P.). . GREELEY (Horace). . GROLIER CLUB. . Hausgy (Francis W.). . HepEN (SVEN). . Herrick (GEorRGE F.). Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th Naville (Edouard). The Cemeteries of Abydos, part 1, 1914; The XIth Dynasty Temple of Deir El-Babari, part 1, 1907; Arytan (Edward R.). Pre-Dynastic Cemetery at El Mahasna, 1911. Illustrated. 3 vols, 4to, boards, cloth backs. London, v.d. Illustrated. 24 vols. New York, 1878 Story of John Evelyn. Edited by William Bray. Half calf. London, 1879; Grizv (C. F.). Dic- 2 vols. Stuttgart, History of the Dutch Republic and of the United Netherlands. Portraits. 7 vols. Half sheep, New York, 1868; etc., and others. ‘Together, 17 vols. 8vo, sheep, etc. binding mainly in poor condition. V.p.y.d. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. 3 vols. 1881; Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. 2 vols. 1883; Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke. 2 vols. 1879. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, v.d. ). The American Conflict. A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-1864. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1865 The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. 'Trans- lated by Robert Copland, from the French version published in Paris in 1504. A literal reprint in the types of Wynken de Worde, after the unique copy printed by him upon parchment in London MCCCCXII. With cuts. 4to, pigskin, uncut, with clasps, in pig- skin case. New York, 1901 One of 325 copies on Whatman paper. The Old New York Frontier. Its Wars with Indians and Tories, its Missionary Schools, Pioneers and Land NINTH EDITION. 4to, sheep, some vols. rubbed, not returnable. Portraits. 4 vols. tionary of the English and German Languages, 2 igoec storiny (i. L.). Titles, 1614-1800. Jllustrated. New York, 1901; Toprirr (SAm- vEL). Letters from Abroad in the Years 1828-1829. Illustrated. Boston, 1906, (2 copies). Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Vapor. d: . HawrHorne (Naruantet). The Writings of Hawthorne. Illustrated. 18 vols. in 6, thick 12mo, cloth. Beston, (1879) Central Asia and Tibet, Towards the Holy City of 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1903 Christian and Mohammedan, New York, 1912; The Sunday School, Its Origin, Philadelphia, 1888; Keitoge (8S. H.). The Light of Asia, London, 1885; ALEx- ANDER (J. A.). The Psalms. 2 vols., New York, 1873; PEROWNE (J. J.S.). The Book of Psalms, London, 1877. Together, 50 vols., various bindings, mainly cloth. VGE-Y: d. Lassa. Numerous illustrations. TRUMBULL (H. C.). Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 562. Hotmes (RicuHarp R.). Queen Victoria. [A Biography]. Finely } Ww colored portrait frontispiece and numerous other plates. 4to, half ‘rea red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1897 as 563. Hotmes (Otiver WENDELL). The Last Leaf. A Poem. Illustrated by G. W. Hdwards and F. Hopkinson Smith. 4to, cloth. Cambridge, 1886 | 564. IntustrateD Lonpon News. July, 1853, to December, 1856. (Illus- ae trating the period of the War in the Crimea). Thousands of tllus- / re trations. vols., folio, cloth. s London, 1853-1856 _565. LonereLLow (HENRY WapswortH). Poetical Works. Illustrated. 2 ) “a vols. 4to, half morocco, somewhat rubbed. Boston, 1879 566. Oswett (Witt1aAm Corton). The Story of his Life. By his eldest son, W. Edward Oswell. With an Introduction by Francis Galton. / Numerous illustrations, maps, ete. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. I London, 1900 567. SipnEy (WiirtAm C.). Social Life in England, from the Rebellion to the Revolution, New York, 1892; Boorn (Maup B.). After Prison —What? New York, 1903; Hupson (T. J.). The Lay of Physic Phenomeria, Chicago, 1894; SuHarp (Huiza A.). William Sharp. (Fiona Macleod). A Memoir. Portrait. New York, 1910; THay- ER (W. R.). Italica. Studies in Italian, Life and Letters. Bos- ton, 1908, and others. Together 50 vols., various bindings, mainly cloth. V.p.v.d. / 568. Stearns (L. F.). Present Day Psychology. London, 1893; WarNnErR { (H. E.). The Psychology of the Christian Life. New York, 1910; a Rus (Jacop A.). Children of the Poor, New York, 1892; Pierson Ww (ArtHuR T.). The Bible and Spiritual Life, New York, 1908. | f” Autograph presentation copy from the author. Together, 50 vols., various bindings, mainly cloth. V.p.v.d. 569. TrencH (RicHaArp C.). Notes on the Parables of Our Lord, London, 1874; Howr (M. A. De Wotre). The Life and Labors of Bishop Hare, Apostle to the Sioux. Illustrated. New York, 1911; Hap- LEY (ArtHuR T.). The Education of the American Citizen, New York, 1901; Vircrn (Samuent H.). Spiritual Sanity, New York, 1901. Autograph presentation copy from the author. CuTTsrR (GrorcE B.). The Psychology of Alcoholism, London, 1907; Mrits (ApraHAM). The Ancient Hebrew, New York, 1875, and others, mainly religious. Together, 50 vols., various bindings, mainly cloth. V.p.v.d. aaa 570. Way (Francis). Rome. With 345 engravings on wood. 4to, cloth, / ; writing on half-title. | London, n.d. 571. Wotrmann (Dr. Atrred). Holbein and his Time. Numerous illus- trations. 8vo, cloth, some pages loose. | London, 1872 Second Session, Friday. Evening, January 7th FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE SENHOR SALVADOR DE MENDONCA, BRAZILIAN MINISTER TO THE UNITED STATES 572. Byron (GrorGE Gorpon, Lorn). Poems. Original and Translated. / a Frontismece. Second Edition. 12mo, full red levant morocco, gilt ’ back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, margins stained. Newark: 8S. and J. Ridge, 1808 573. Byron (GrorcE Gorpon, Lorp). Lara. A Tale: Jacqueline. A Tale [Samuel Rogers]. First Eprrions. 12mo. full red levant mo- Ss 5? rocco, gilt back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, writ- a ing on half-title. London, 1814 J” 574. Byron (Grorce Gorpon, Lorp). Another copy, similar, name on half- 2 title. 575. Byron (GEorGE Gorpon, Lorn). Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto IIT., 1816 Siege of Corinth, 1816; Parisina, 1816; Prisoner of Chil- os lon, and Other Poems, 1816; Manfred, 1817; Mazeppa, 1819. First ee Epitions. 8vo, full calf, gilt. ) London: John Murray, 1816-1819 576. Byron (GzEORGE GorDOoN, Lorp). Siege of Corinth, 1816; Parisina, le p 1816; Manfred, 1817; Lament of Tasso, 1817; Mazeppa, Ode, &c., "4 7; 1819; Poems on His Domestic Circumstances, 1816. Attu First Be ~ .% Eprrions. 8vo, calf, sprinkled edges, slightly rubbed. ‘ - London, 1816-1819 577%. Byron (GrorGcE Gorpon, Lorp). Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto SO IV. Frrsr Eprrion. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt back and 5 — sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, names on title-page. London, 1818 578. Byron (GrorcE Gorpon, Lorp). The Works of Lord Byron. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, somewhat rubbed. y, U- London: John Murray, 1819-1820 Contains several First EDITIONS. 579. Byron (Grorck Gorpon, Lorp). Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice and The Prophecy of Dante. First Eprrion. 8vo, full red levant mo- 4 Je rocco, gilt back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top. oe London, 1821 580. Byron (GrorcE Gorpon, Lorp). Sardanapalus, A Tragedy; The Two Foscari, A Tragedy; and, Cain. A Mystery. Firsr Epirions. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt back and sides, inside gilt borders, re gilt top. London, 1821 — 581. Byron (GrorcE Gorpon, Lorn). Bowles (W. L.). Letters to Lord Byron on a Question of Poetical Criticism. With Letter to Mr. 4 om Campbell. 8vo. full red levant morocco, gilt back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut. London, 1822 Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th O38. det 083. eo 5809. 589. . Byron (GEORGE GorpoN, Lorp). . CowPER (WILLIAM). . CRABBE (GEORGE). Byron (GEORGE Gorpon, Lorp). Werner. A Tragedy. First Eprrion. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt back and sides, inside gilt bor- ders, gilt top, uncut, a few stains. London, 1823 Byron (GEorGE Gorpon, Lorp). Cruikshank (George). Forty Illus- trations for Lord Byron’s Works. Portrait, letter-facsimile, and woodcuts. 8vo. full red levant morocco, gilt back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original mEApD ees bound in. London, [1824-1825] First Epition, without any text. ~The Works of Byron; with His Let- ters, and Journals and his Life. By Thomas Moore, Esq. Sn- graved title and frontispiece in each volume by EH. Finden after Tur-— ner, Stanfield, Westall, and others. 1% vols. 12mo, three quarter polished blue morocco, gilt and mosaic backs, uncut, by Tout. London: John Murray, 1832-1833 First Contectep Eprrron. Exrra-InLustratep by the insertion of 120 portraits, views, and plates, engraved by Finden, a number from other copies with margins trimmed. Byron (GrorGE Gorpon, Lorn). Finden’s Landscape and Portrait Il- lustrations to the Life and Works of Lord Byron. With Original and Selected Information on the Subjects of the Engravings by W. Brockedon. Numerous plates. 3 vols. square 8vo, half straight- grained morocco. London: John Murray, 1833 — First EpIvion. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN . BEAUMONT AND FuEetcHER. The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Copperplate portraits and engravings. % vols. 8vo, full calf, one neatly repaired. London, 1711 First collected 8vo, edition, comprising both Comedies and Tragedies. ‘Hayley (William). The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, with an Introductory Letter to Earl Cowper. Three portraits and one plate, all engraved by W. Blake. 3 vols. 4to, old calf, joints weak. Chichester, 1803-1804 The Village; A Poem. In Two Books. First Ept- 4to, contemporary boards, new roan back. ToTALLY UNCUT. London, 1783 Copies in this state are very uncommon. Laid in is a 2pp. A. L. 8. of the author, to Alaric A. Watts, the author, dated September 27, 1826 on literary affairs, written when Crabbe was 72 years of age. TION. Portrait (inserted). Rain and Rivers; or, Hutton and Maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 CHARLES KINGSLEY’S copy, with his autograph; “Charles Kingsley, Eversley Rectory, 1863” on title, also bookplate of Maurice Kingsley. me in is a 2pp. A. L. S. of the author, to Charles Kingsley, on scientific matters. GREENWOOD (COLONEL GEORGE). Playfair against Lyell and all comers. 590. 593. 594, 596. Jw Second Session, Friday. Evening, January 7th Grote (Mrs). The Personal Life of George Grote. Portrait and fac- simile. First Eprrion. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, With inscription; “7’o the Honble. Charles Sumner, (Senator), with the friendly compliments of the Author, 9 May, 1873.” . Hopper (Epwin).. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftes- bury. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 . Huo (M.). Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China during the years 1844-6. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, (circa, 1860) CHARLES KINGSLEY’S copy, with his autograph in several places, also bookplate of Maurice Kingsley, in both volumes. KIneastey’s Copy, witH AUTOGRAPH. Justini Historiarum, Ex Trogo Pompeio. Lib. XLIV, ex recensione Isaac Vossil. Hngraved title. 32mo, old calf. Amstelodami: Elzeviru, 1650 CHARLES KINGSLEY’S copy, with NE “Charles Kingsley, Evers- ley,” on inside cover. KinGsiey’s Copy, witH AUTOGRAPH AND BooKPLATE. Continuation des Essais de Morale. Seconde Partie, Tome Premier. Printer’s mark on title. 12mo, vellum. A La Haye, 1700 CHARLES KINGSLEY’S copy, with his initials, autograph of his wife, and his bookplate. . KNowes (JAMES SHERIDAN). Woman’s Wit: or, Love’s Disguises: a Play. 8vo, half blue polished morocco, uncut, original wrappers with paper label on front cover bound in, gilt back and top, few margins slightly spotted. London: Moxon, 1838 First EpITtion. SIGNED AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION on flyleaf, “To Miss Hennessey, this copy of ‘Woman's Wit— and Love’s Disguises is presented to her, as a mark of the grateful thanks due to her for the many delicate and kind attentions, which she has shown to the Author’s father.” Napotron I. Jomini (Baron de) Traité des Grandes Opérations Mili- taires, contenant |’Histoire critique des Campagnes de Frédéric II. comparées a celles de ’Hmpereur Napoléon. Numerous folding tables showing formation of armies, and atlas containing 29 folding plates, gwing plans of various battle-fields. 8 vols. 8vo, and one vol. 4to. Together, 9 vols. half sheep, lower corners of first seven leaves of Vol. 1, slightly mouse-eaten. Paris, 1811-1816 597. NureMBErG CHRONICLE. Schedel (Harmannus). Registrum huius fwh operis libri cronicarum cum figuris et ymaginibus ab initio mundi. Gothic character. 20 unnumbered leaves + ccc numbered + 5 un- numbered leaves of the “Sarmacia.” Upwards of 2000 large and small woodcuts by Wolgemuth and Pleydenwurf, including numer- ous large views of cities, Nurenmberg, etc., heads of celebrated per- sonages, portrait of Pope Joan, historic scenes, maps, pictures of human monstrosities, etc. Large folio, half calf, title cut down Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th [ No. 59%7—Continued | . Rogers (SAMUEL). . Rogers (SAMUEL). . Ruskin (JouHn). . Ruskin (JOHN). and mounted, lower portion of outer margin of first 9 leaves of table remargined, some pp. stained, lacks one of the numbered blank leaves and the three blank leaves at end. Niiremberge: Anthonius Koburger, 1493 First Epitron of this Great Picture Book of the Middle Ages. As most copies extant are badly stained and imperfect, the present may be con- sidered a fair example of this volume of the Early Printer’s Art, having the text portion, as well as all the illustrations, intact. With book- plates of the Earl of Aylesford and John Leith Ross. . Paruta (Paouo). Historia Vinetiana. Vignette portrait on title. Royal 8vo, old calf. Vinetia, 1645. History of Venice from 1513 to 1551, by an eminent Italian historian and diplomat. . PopE [ALEXANDER] Letters of Mr. Pope and Several Eminent Persons, from the year 1705 to 1735. 16mo, old calf, portrait missing, bind- ing broken. London, 1735 Contains the Narrative of the method by which Pope’s private letters were procured and published by Edmund Curll. A printed note on title calls attention to the fact that this edition contains more letters and is more correctly printed than any other known. Human Life; A Poem. First Epitrion. Small 4to, half morocco, entirely uncut. London, 1819 LARGE PAPER PRESENTATION copy from the author, with inscription in his autograph on the half-title. Human Life, a Poem. First Eprrion. 12mo, new boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1819 With a one page A. L. S. of the author to Lady Powerscourt attached to fly-leaf. . TREVELYAN (G. Orto). The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1876 The Stones of Venice. With illustrations drawn by the author. 3 vols. royal 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by ZABHNSDORF. London, 1851-1853 First Epirion. Contains the slip of “Errata” in Vol. 1, usually missing. Lectures on Architecture and Painting. With illus- trations by the author. First Eprrion. 12mo, cloth, repaired. London, 1854 . RUSKIN (J oHN). The Seven Lamps of Architecture. With illustrations drawn by the author. Second Edition. Royal 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, original cloth covers bound in, by ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1855 It is generally admitted that the second edition of this work is superior to the first. Second Session, Friday Evening, January 7th 06. Ruskin (JoHn). The Two Paths; Lectures on Art. With two plates. vA ’ First Epirtion. 12mo, cloth. London, 1859 , 607. Ruskin (JoHn). The Ethics of the Dust. Ten Lectures. First Ept- } em TION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 608. Ruskin (JoHn). The Crown of Wild Olive; Three Lectures. Lon- “aa don, 1866; Lectures on Art, Oxford, 1870. Boru Frrstr Epirions. ( Together, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. London and Oxford, 1866-1870 609. Ruskin (JoHN). Notes on some of the Principal Pictures exhibited in i . the rooms of the Royal Academy, 1875. First Epirion. 8vo, as Fc issued. Orpington, 1875 610. Ruskin (JouHn). The Storm Cloud’ of the Nineteenth Century. Two Lectures. First Epitrion. 2 vols. small 4to, wrappers, uncut. Orpington, 1884 611. Ruskin (JoHn). Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts. Vols. : 1 and 2. Illustrations on India paper. 2 vols. in the original 24 parts, paper wrappers, uncut, wrappers of three parts soiled, few 2ST pp. of one part slightly stained. Sunnyside, Orpington, 1885-1887 First EpItTion. LARGE PAPER COPY. 612. Ruskin (JoHNn). Letters to M. G. (ladstone) and H. G. (ladstone). With a Preface by the Right Hon. G. Wyndham. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. (London): Privately printed, 1903 a First Epirion. A two-page A. L. S. (initials) by John Ruskin, is attached to the fly-leaf and inside cover. The salutation is missing. 6138. Vuccus (C. Aueusto). la Italia. Storia di Due Anni, 1848-49. 2 VY™ eo yr ’ vols in one. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. Torino, 1856 With 4-page A. L. S. of the author, inserted. 614. WatpoLe (Horace). The Letters of Horace Walpole, including Letters now first published, from the original manuscripts. Portratts, spotted. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1840 615. WaLPoLe (Horace). Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third. Now first published from the original Mss. Edited by Sir Denis og Le Marchant. Portraits. First Epirion. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- ? cut, cloth of one volume repaired. London, 1845 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY +4 ol Pots 4 / my ie } : 2 ; Ke ¥ e J ; “ay * 5 "’ 4 . 2 i Ae tug ‘ * heed ‘a. es a) ‘ oe Ae ee pode se neeNentn eS ayes. erican a cripts and nnn Oye et 1fid it, ti oieat tat hays j thy id i i $303] a eae ah Ri ge ~s = : e Sea eae : Sore. : SISss = a ws : =s : : = : = Sa Ss aes ee ease pre erewer rer tare g ete SSeS aR RE Tete GH peta at : Sopa : z ro A we : = : 3 Se ae ae oe im Ae