Concent Sek teat LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York peter eteesrayt ett eernberey WE CATALOGUE ——Op Foreign Uil Paintings ADOLF KOHN, 166 Firru AVENUE. Tuis Save is 1x: Liguipation, (Mr. Adolf Kohn oe from active business.) POSITIVELY. ‘WITHOUT RESERVE OR Pte FP CP NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE Leavitt Art Galleries, No. 8:7 Broadway, AND WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE Se Cimton Hat Saresroom, qy (ASTOR PLACE,) Q ON 0 Tuesday Evening, M At 7: 45 prompt. Sa | SIT Se ait .< cree Note ke GEO. A. LEAVITT & See aie “iste iesicaryt THE FINE ART ROOMS, 166 Fifth Avenue. New York, March 13th, 1883. Mersers. Gro. A. Leavitt & Co., GENTLEMEN, —Please give, in my name, every assurance that each and every picture in this collec- tion is an original work by the artists as represented in the catalogue, and the sale will be positively with- out reserve or limit. (Signed), ADOLF KOHN. ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS COLLECTION. Achenbach, 34. Beraud, 60 Bonheur, Peyrol, 14 Bonheur, Auguste, 64 Boldini, 23 Beyschlag, 78 Billet, 40 Clays, 39 Campo, 32 Claude, 30 Chelmonsky, 4, 36 Corcos, 41 Calocsy, 31, Constant, 35 Chlebowsky, 51 Courbet, 7 Corot, 69 Daubigny, Karl, 73 Daubigny, C. J., 61 Didier, 15 De Thoren, 11 Diaz, 37, 56 Enault, 6 Escosura, 53 Fabri, 42 Frappa, 54 Fondevilla, 12, 76 Flamm, 28 Ferrier, 65 Glaize, 66 Gerard, 26 Goupil, 20 Hagborg, 43 Housman, 29 Haquette, 77 Jazet, 46 Jacquet, 62 Jacque, 25 Jacobsen, 5 Jourdan, 63 Karlowsky, 13 Leloir, 68 Lecomte, 49, 57 Loyeux, 21 Lang, 38 Mazarolli, 45 Munkacsy, 71 Meyer Von Bremen, 58 Plassan, 3 Pasini, 48 Perrault, 17, 47 Pittara, 44 Portaels, 59 Piot, 50 Simmonds, 18 Schlesinger, Felix, 1 Schlesinger, Henry, 16 Szerner, 19 Santoro, 55 Semenowsky, 74, 75 Schreyer, 72 Spitzer, 9 Troyon, 52, 67 Tofano, 27 Verhas, 22 Vernier, 24 Veyrassat, 10 Watelin, 21 Ziem, 33, 70 Zimmermann, $ CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The Highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and ad- dresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Pur- chase money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up acain and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Ex- pense and Risk within three days from the conclu- sion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Venders, on or before de- livery; in default of which Messrs. Gro. A.;Leavirr & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4, The sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without any recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and incon- venience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above con- ditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time - aforesaid shall be sold by publie or private Sale,. without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) — attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at the Sale, together with all charges at- tending thesame. This Condition is without preju- dice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if» they think fit. 4 ses qs’ (a ay GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. CAtALoOcrE SCHLESINGER (Felix) Munich 1 ‘Feeding the Rabbit. fo 7H, x 9% e WATELIN (Louis) Prais 2’ French Pastoral: ae 18% x 13 - PLASSAN (A. E,) Medals 1852,.'57,. 50. Legion of Honor. if iy 3 Landscape. 74%4,%9% CHELMONSKI (Joseph) oF Paris y ‘4 i Medal 1882. 4 The bad Roadway. 24X14 JACOBSEN, (S.) / Dusseldorf 5 Street in a Swedish Village. 1234x1714 ENAULT (Alix) Paris 6 Ready for the Ride. 1444 x 18 COURBET (Gustave), dec’d. Paris Medals 1840, ’57, ‘Ot. 7 Marine.—-Sunset. 13% x 10% ZIMMERMANN (Ernst) Munich 8 In Deep Devotion. PF cca 7X O¥% SPITZER (E)) 9 Home from Market. Munich By x 6 VEYRASSAT (Jules Jac- Medals 1866, ’69, ’72. Legion of Honor. Paris 10. ©Noonday-Rest. 24x17 DE THOREN (Otto) ce § ‘ a2. Paris Medal 1865. ~ Gold medal at Vienna, 1882. Chevalier of the Russian Order of Vladimir. 11 The Coming Shower. 32x 20% FON DEVILLA,(Mas.Y,) Naples Medals at Rome and Naples. 12 Fishing Boats on the Medi- teranean Coast. 1234 x 8 q he, 44 ta Brey, ie cA Nf 2 £f F Git KARLOWSZKY (B.) Pupil of Mr. Munkacsy. oe ee ¥ Soy Paris os, cd Pes "in Ft 4 = Flowers. a ar 21 xX 254% BONHEUR (Peyrol) Pupil and sister of Rosa Bonheur. Paris 14..-Gattle at the Poo. 3 f - Mi 1554 x 12% te DIDIER (Jules) Medals 1857, ’66, ’69. Paris 15 +. Lhe Frightened Cow. 17354, X 15% SCHLESINGER (Henry) Paris Medals 1847, ’66. Legion of Honor, 16 Inthe Opera Box. De 20% xX 25 PERRAULT (Leon) Paris Medals 1864, ’76. 17 Sissy and her Pet. 18% x15 SIMMONDS VJ.) a sh X, “gE Dusseldorf Pupil of Prof. Knaus. 18 The Betrothal. 1814 x 15 SZERNER (Wl) Munich 194 ! Polish Soldice at an Inn. 18% x 22% GOUPIL (Jules) Medals 1873, "74, 78. First Class Medal 1875. Legion of Honor. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Paris 20 The Amateur Painter. 2144 x 31% LOYEUX (Charles) Paris 21 A Game of Cards. a4 174% x12 VERHAS (Franz) Brussels. Medal in Paris. Gold Medal Vienna Exhibition, 1881. 22 The Little Marauder. This picture was exhibited in the French Solon Exhibition, 1881. 28% x 43 aK a Ya BOLDINI (Jean) Paris 23 The River Seine at Bougival, near Paris. 1834 x 1134 VERNIER (Emil) Paris Medals 1879. ’80. Legion of Honor. 24 Gathering Seaweed at Yport (France). y?) aay, , & x 271g x 10% / Me of At Lh me Of OM a P ae rg é 2, J ACQUE (Charles) Medals 1861, "63, ’64. Legion of Honor. 25 Driving out the Flock. 1334 x 10 % J A. wo ial? GERARD (Gaston) Paris 26 Angelica. 8% x 10% TOFANO (E,) Paris 27 Reverie. 7%x9% FLAMM (Albert) Dusseldorf Pupil of A. Achenbach. 28 Sunset at Palermo, Italy. 1354 x 18 HAUSMAN (Ernst) Gt tl Seale Munich 26 Clockmaker in the Black For- ier. est, Germany. 4 13 X 1034 CLAUDE (Jean Maxime) Paris Medals 1866, ’69, ’72. 30 A Promenade on the Beach at Trouville, France. 2214 x 16 a a, CALOCSY (Anton) Paris 31 A Drink on the Sly. 11% x 14% . CAMPO (J, Rome a2 Ventiee, 7 fh ee 7 RTI Z bis Wi Felix) Paris Medals 1851, ’52, 55. Fitts Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1857. of Officer Legion of Honor, 1878. 33 Fishing Vessels on the Med- iteranean. 17x 10% ACHENBACH (Oswald) Dusseldorf Medals—Paris 1559, ’61, 63. Legion of Honor. Medals of Prussia and Belgium. 34 The Bay of Naples. 23% x 16% poe ~ ys BL CONSTANT (Benjamin) Paris Medals 1875, ’76, ’78. Legion of Honor. a > Le 35 Dolce Far Niente in a Turk- ish Drawing Room. 35 X 23 CHELMONSKY (Joseph) Paris Medal 1882. | | dg Gimcom 36 A Russian Team. gO 25 DIAZ (Narcisse), dec’d. Paris. Medals 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor. 37. Lardscape near Barbizon, France. From the Diaz sale. 183, x 13% wo LANG (5 Munich 38 Bedouins Crossing the Des- ert. 81%4 x 1134 e ane RR Ee Se re CLAYS (P. J, Brussels Medals Exposition Universelle, 1867, ’78. Legion of Honor. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. i 29 Moonlight on the Coast of Gi Holland. 2834 x 20% BILLET (Pierre) ; / Paris bien yoy x — Ls ge Medals 1873,'’74. © ~ ‘2 ade 40 The Rest After the Haul, Breton Coast. 27 x 20 CORCOS (Matteo) Paris: 41 Sitting for Her Portrait. 25 X 39 FABRI (A. E.) Medals at Naples and Rome. Rome 42 Chinese Minstrels. 10x 144% HAGBORG (Auguste) Paris Medal 1879. Legion of Honor, 43 The Shepherdess. 23%4 x 16 PITTARA (Charles) = 77% ~ Paris 44 Cattle at the-Pool. 3814 x 290% “we MAZAROLLI(T,) Paris a 45 The Fair Mandolin Player. f@, 7X 55% JAZeaie Paris 46 An Officer at the time of SO Cromwell. 6x8 yk f ea A Z PERRAULT (Leon) Paris Medals 1864, 72. ae ap ee wy hi 47 The Dandelion. 33 ¥ 15 PASINI (Albert) Paris Rf Medals 1859, °63, "64. Grand Medal] of Honor Universal Exhibition 1878. Ofiicer of the Legion of Honor. 48 The Gate at Teheran, Persia. 1536 x 1834 LECOMTE- DU-NOUY J. A.) Paris Medals 1866, ’69, ’72. Legion of Honor. 49 ATurkish Dervish. 10% X 1334 PIOT (Adolphe) Paris 50 La Toilette. 2534 x 33% CHLEBOWSKY (Stanis- las) Paris 51 The Treasurer of the Sultan at Constantinople. 1444 X 19% TROYON (Constant), deed. Paris Medals 1838, ’40, '46, ’48, ’55. Legion of Honor. 52 A Farm in Normandy, (France). (An early work by the artist. } rg:xyig ESCOSUR An(eon} Paris. Medals at Madrid and Seville. Commander of the Order of Charles III. Chevalier of the Order of Portugal. 53.) Burning her Letters. 8 x 6 FRAPPA (Joseph) Paris 54 Discussing a fine Point. 16 x 1134 “i o cs SANTORO (Rubens) Rome Y) qe 55 A Street in Venice. Me g 12 X 19 DIAZ (Narcisse), dec’d. Paris. Medals 1844, 746, ’48. Legion of Honor. 56 The Edge of the wood of Fontainebleau. From the Diaz sale. 161% x 12 LECOMTE-DU-NOUY (jf: Aa) Paris Medals 1866, ’69, ’72 2 Legion of Honor. 97 The Guards of the Sultan of Morocco. F6°X 23 oe F Z Py (if MEYER VON BREM- ro / ~~ EN GJ ° x.) Berlin Gold Medal of Prussia. 5&8 Contemplation. A ah 64x 5Yu PORTAELS (Jean Fran- cCois) Brussels Grand Prize of Rome in Belgium. Medal 1855. Director of the Royal Academy at Brussels, Commander of the Order of Leopold. 50> -#iisha. The favorite wife of Mohamet, she was held in great veneration by all Moslems, 301% x 41 BERAUD (jean) Medals 1881, 1883. 60 Parisian Scene,—Corner Boulevard Haussman and the Rue d’Amsterdam. Ns 1058 X 14 DAUBIGN Y (Charles Fran- cois) decd. Paris ; Medals 1848, 53, 757, 59. First Class Universal Exhibition, 1855 and 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor. 61 The Evening Glow. IQHx Il JACQUET (Gustave) Paris Medals 1868, °75, 78. Legion of Honor, 1879. 62 Meditation. 20 X 23% JOU RDAN (Adolphe) Paris Medals 1864, '66, “69. 63 Innocence. 5744 X 34% rf 2 ## a Bounce: dt ff BONHEUR (Auguste) Medals 1352, '57, 59. First Class Medals 1861 and 1863. Legion of Honor. Paris 64 Cattle at Rest. An exquisite cabinet painting by this ? Ce oh 6 YX if famous artist. fom ig > 84 x 6% + | FERRIER (Gabriel) Grand Prize of Rome. Medal 1876. First Class Medal 1878. Paris 65 Judith. Mr. Ferrier is an artist of great and well- established reputation in France, he has executed many commissions for the French Government and such art patrons asthe | Princesse Mathilde, the Duke d’Aumale, and the Rothschilds. 58 xX 33 GLAIZE (Leon) *” Paris Medals 1864, *66, 68. First Class Medal Universal Exhibition 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor. 66 A Sandal Shop in Ancient Pompeit 30% 20 TROYON (Constant) decd. Raris Medals 1838, ’40, ’46, "48, ’55. / Legion of Honor. / 67 Tilling the Soil. From the Troyon sale. The stamp of the French Government Appraiser is at the lower right end of the painting. 30 X 24 LELOIR (Louis) Medals 1864, ’68, ’70. Medal Universal Exhibition 1878. Yt 68 ‘Teasing her Pets. This is an excellent example by an ar- tist of whom works in oil are so difficut to obtain. 30}4 X 20% COROT (J. B. C), dee’d. Paris Medal 1833. First Class Medals 1848 and 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor. 69 Landscape, Morning Effect. An exceptionally fine cabinet painting by the artist. 184% xX 15 ZIEM (Felix). Paris Medals 1851,-’52; 755. Chevalier Legion of Honor, r857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. 70 The Grand Canal in Venice. —Sunset. 44 X27 MUNKACSY (Mihaly) aris Medals 1870, °74. Grand Medal of Honor Universal Exhibition, 1878. First Gold Medal Vienna Exhibition, 1882. Officer of the French Legion of Honor. Chevalier of the Order-of Francis Joseph of Austria. 71. Li ivroone, Painted to the order of Mr. Kohn in 1882. SB hoe 32%4-x 25% MF Paris SCHREYER (Adolphe) Medals 1864, 65, ’67. Gold Medal Vienna Exhibition, 1873. 72 Crossing the Stream. 50 X 35 DAUBIGNY (Karl) Paris Pupil of his father. Medals 1868, ’74. 73 On the River Oise, France. 2234 x 1334 the SEMENOWSKY (E. E,) Paris 74 Ready for the Ball. 9% x 13 SEMENOWSKY (E. E)) Paris 75 Ready for the Rehearsal. 974 X 13 FONDEVILLA (Mas. Y.) Naples Medals at Rome and Naples. | 76 The Vegetable Market a Venice. 1234 X 20 HAQUET IE WGeorpe) (0 ora Paris Medal 1881, 77. Breton Fisherwoman. 956 X 1334 BEYSCHLAG (Robert) Munich 78 Fancy Head. 5x7 pry eremeeset sesame