sixteen yards Scotch Axminster stair car- pet THIRD ‘FLOOR—REAR ROOM Three decorated wicker flower ae Mantel clock | Manicure set, 8 pieces Pair colored prints—George and Martha Washington — Wicker rocker, cushion seat Wicker rocker, cushion seat and back White enamel and cretonne stand Pair white enamel twin beds, double cane head and foot boards, box springs, hair mattresses and roll bolsters White enamel dressing bureau to. match, glass top White enamel glass top dressing table and seat to match | 50 51 ee Three strips Copenhagen blue rep portieres and valance Two pairs net sash curtains Twenty-four yards blue Wilton carpet THIRD FLOOR—REAR HALL ROOM 53 54 Ae 56 57 58 59 60 61 Electrolier—English Shrapnel Shell Form Gas heater | Two oak cane seat bide: chairs Polished oak kidney shape desk Oak high back chair Birch bed, box spring, hair mattress and roll bolster Birch dressing bureau to match Two pairs net sash curtains Sixteen yards blue Wilton carpet THIRD FLOOR—FRONT HALL ROOM 62 63 64 65 White enamel table and rack Ruby sewing machine, oak case Wicker rocker, cushion and back Wicker arm chair, cushion seat and back ‘ 66 67 68 69 78 Wicker arm rocker, cushion seat and back Pair net sash curtains Pair Copenhagen blue rep portieres and valance Fourteen and one-half yards blue Wilton carpet THIRD FLOOR—FRONT ROOM Decorated stationery rack and pottery vase Mahogany mantel clock, Tiffany & Co. Electric night lamp, horn base and supports Childs’ wicker chair and waste basket Wicker side chair, cushion seat and back Wicker rocker, cushion seat and back Wicker table, glass top Pair white enamel twin beds, cane head and foot boards, with box springs, hair mattresses and roll bolsters White enamel dressing bureau to match, glass top White enamel dressing table to match, glass top 80 81 85 86 87 .89 91 White enamel tufted and upholstered lounge Louis X VI. mantel mirror, carved and gilt- wood frame, inserted painted porcelain plaque Spark screen Three pairs net sash curtains Two pairs Copenhagen blue rep portieres and valance Door portiere to match Thirty-three yards blue Wilton carpet THIRD FLOOR—HALL Eight yards Scotch Axminster hall carpet STAIRWAY TO SECOND FLOOR Sixteen yards Scotch Axminster stair car- pet SECOND FLOOR—REAR ROOM Spanish marble clock set, 3 pieces, Tiffany a Co. Pair brass andirons, ball tops Carved painted and giltwood floor lamp, fringed blue silk shade 92 Inlaid Circassian walnut bedroom suite, 10 pieces, comprising: (a) Twin beds with box springs, hair mattresses and roll bolsters; (b) Dressing bureau, mirror back and glass top (c) Dressing table, mirror back and glass top, with seat (d) Writing desk with two drawers and undershelf, glass top (e) Night stand with lower compart- ment and drawer, glass top (f) Two side chairs and rocker with blue rep slip seats 93 ‘Four pairs net sash curtains 94 Four pairs Copenhagen blue rep portieres and valances 95 Pair door portieres to match 96 Pair Renaissance lace curtains 97 Seven strips appliqued lace curtains 98 Three panels Renaissance lace 99 Blue Wilton rug, 17x10.6 100 Silk lamp shade 101. Barometer in mahogany and glass case, | Short & Mason, London 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Tet 112 113 114 115 Mahogany brass bound game box, con- taining paraphernalia for bridge whist, dominoes, checkers, chess, dice boxes and ivory chips Small mahogany roulette wheel Mahogany game table, reversible top Five yards blue Wilton carpet Baby carriage SECOND FLOOR—LIBRARY Waste nee Brass desk set, 2 pieces Large reading glass, ivory handle Mahogany humidor Carved ivory tusk, as is Favrille glass flower vase, Tiffany & Co. Chinese porcelain cracker vase, teakwood cover and stand Chinese porcelain apple green vase, teak- wood stand Roman bronze electrolier, Cathedral glass dome shade, Tiffany & Co, 116 LA 118 Whey 120 {21 122 ten 124 125 126 127 128 129 BRONZES Bronze group—tThe Polo Player, I. Bon- heur, Tiffany & Co. Russian bronze group—The Farewell, signed Bronze figure—Donkey, Alf. Barye Bronze group—The Bronco Buster, copy- righted by Frederic Remington, 1895 Bronze group—Mounted Cowpuncher, copyrighted by Frederic Remington Bronze figure—Tiger, Aphimister Proctor, 1891-1892, copyrighted Mahogany pedestal, fluted, round column Mahogany pedestal, round column Mahogany upholstered arm chair, covered in green velour Carved mahogany arm rocker, upholstered seat and back in green velour Carved mahogany upholstered and tufted sofa covered in green silk velour Arm chair to match Mahogany upholstered wing chair, cov- ered in green morocco leather Carved mahogany side chair, claw feet 130 DXE 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Sheraton mahogany six-drawer desk, fit- ted with small compartments, including two secret compartments Large mahogany library table, glass top, six drawers Green silk velour table cover Lacquered brass andirons, ball tops; height, 34 inches Two green silk velour sofa cushions Three green silk velour sofa cushions. Four pairs net lace sash curtains Three pairs green silk velour portieres and valances. Pair door portieres to match Berlin Bagdad carpet, 16.10x13.8 Large brass dome, green silk fringed shade, 10 lights BOOKS Miscellaneous books, 20 vols. Miscellaneous books, 20 vols. Horse and Horsemanship, Frank Forrester, 2 vols. Prof. J. Wortley Axe. The Horse. 9 vols, 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 15D 156 157. 158 Hy. S. Drinker. Tunneling. 1 vol. Jas. D. Richardson. Messages and Papers of the Presidents. 11 vols. Poems of Daniel Gabriel Rossetti. 1 vol. The Duc de Brogile. Memoirs of the Prince de Talleyrand. [Edition Grand de Luxe. 5 vols. . Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 3 vols. | Tennyson’s Works. 7 vols. Victor Hugo’s Works. Royal Edition de LUKE, (ct Vols. Irving’s Works. Bibliophile Edition. 27 vols. Historical Legendary and _ Picturesque America. Bacon. Quick, Hulbert and Cuwood. 5 vols. Richard F. Burton. The Book of a Thou- sand Nights and a Night. Mecca Edi- tion. 17 vols. Thos. Carlyle. The French Revolution. 2 vols. Edmondo de Amecis Holland. 2 vols. Mathew Arnold. Essays in Criticism. 2 vols. Spencer Walpole. History of England. 6 vols. 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 "e167 168 169 170 171 172 George Eliot. Middlemarch. Bibliophile Edition. 12 vols. Dickens’ Works. Standard Library Edi- tion. 32 vols. | Stevenson’s Work. Edition de Luxe. 10 vols. Shakespeare’s Works. Holland Paper Edition. 21 vols. Works of Kipling. Burmah Edition. 10 vols. The World’s Wit and Humor. 15 vols. The Library of British Poets. 3 vols. Library of the World’s Best Literature. Edited by Chas. Dudley Warner. Me- morial Edition de Luxe. 46 vols. Photographic Views of the Orient. Em- broidered gold lacquer and silk tapestry bindings. In mahogany case. 12 vols. SECOND FLOOR—HALL Carved giltwood electrolier, 2 lights, tan silk shade. Carved teakwood table, marble top. Electric Duntley pneumatic cleaner. Invincible electric vacuum cleaner. Eight and one-half yards Scotch Axmins- ter hall carpet. Lv 174 175 176 187 STAIRWAY TO FIRST FLOOR Eleven yards red velvet stair carpet. FIRST FLOOR—DINING ROOM Cut glass claret pitcher, sterling silver top, as is Engraved glass water set, sterling silver base Silver plated muffin stand Ten salt and pepper shakers Ten salt and pepper shakers Silver plated tray Decorated French porcelain punch bowl Decorated French porcelain pitcher Heavy cut glass bowl, sterling silver border Heavy cut glass vase Heavy cut glass pitcher Heavy cut glass punch bowl, 2 pieces Sterling silver punch ladle, cut glass han- dle Pair Chinese porcelain blue and white Hawthorne rose jars 4 7 188 Gold bronze fernery, Tiffany & Co. 189 Laequered bronze mantel clock, Stokes Ship’s Bell, Tiffany & Co. 190 dam wax mahogany dining room suite, 12 pieces, comprising: a, (a) Sideboard, glass top (b) Serving table, glass top (c) China cabinet (d) Fifty-four-inch round dining table with leaves, glass top (e) Eight chairs, 7 side and 1 arm, cane panel backs and upholstered slip seats 191 Large bronze twelve-light dome, fruit dec- oration in relief, amber glass shade, green silk fringe 192 Pair wrought iron andirons, with bar 193 Two green silk velour sofa cushions 194 Green silk velour window seat cuhion 195 Four pairs net lace sash curtains 196 Pair green silk velour portieres and val- ance | 197 Two pairs green silk velour portieres and valances 198 Pair green silk velour portieres, extra wide 199 Turkish rug, 17x9.8 SECOND DAY’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 3lst, 1919 At 11 o’clock A. M. SPECIAL NOTICE In order that the undersigned may comply with the conditions set forth in his agreements of sale with the owners, which requires an early final settlement, a cash deposit will be required from all purchasers at this sale. ROBT. C. GRAHAM. | a ; mt C00 Fras etching, by Dendy wy Sue sade Bh Baas A). vA if 0 201 Framed etching, by Dendy Sadler “sp2%e a © btu “202 Framed etching, by Dendy Sadler ls ae b gialle > f andl Pel « A / £203 Framed etching, by Dendy Sadler Mag {0 “Y fp lie VM, , sae “ 204 Framed etching, by Dendy Sadler A Misi é a 7’ wv "|, 205 Framed etching, by Dendy Sadler Cherm Crate - AN * ale po Framed etching, by Dendy Sadler Dea a2 #}, eats VJ 207 Traveling automobile set in wicker basket 208 Steel carving set, 4 pieces, horn handles, 209 Steel carving set, 3 pieces, horn handles, silver mounts 210 Silver mounted horn corkscrew SILVER vA Sterling silver toilet set, 5 pieces 212 Sterling silver photo frame 213 Sterling silver photo frame 214 Sterling silver photo frame 215 Sterling silver set, 12 pieces 216 Two sterling silver photo frames 217 Sterling silver toilet set, 16 pieces 218 Sterling silver deh set, 11 pieces 219 Sterling silver cup 220 Pair sterling silver flower vases 221 Eight sterling silver ramikins with covers 222 Six sterling silver coasters 223 Sterling silver almond dish 224 Twelve sterling silver individual almond dishes pak 226 227 228 229 230 231 yak Fe 233, 234 235 236 237 238 MN 240 Twelve sterling silver individual nut dishes Tall sterling silver flower vase Sterling silver bon-bon dish Sterling silver bon-bon dish Sterling silver bon-bon dish, openwork design Sterling silver bread tray Sterling silver cake dish, embossed grape vine border . Sterling silver a ball Sterling silver bon-bon dish Six sterling silver pepper and salt shakers Six sterling silver pepper and salt shakers Six sterling silver individual salt dishes, with spoons’ Six sterling silver individual salt dishes, with spoons Sterling silver bread tray Sterling silver bread tray Sterling silver match holder 250 Saag 252 253 254 Sterling silver tray, three compartments Sterling silver fruit dish, openwork border Sterling silver chocolate set, 4 pieces Salad set, sterling silyer handles Sheffield cigarette humidor Sheffield cigarette ete Sheffield cigarette humidor Sheffield cigar humidor Pair silvered soldered two-light candelab- ras, Tiffany & Co. Gold bronze eight-day desk clock, Tiffany & Co. Sterling silver fernery Large sterling silver photograph frame Oval sterling silver framed toilet mirror Tubular dinner gong a 255 SCHURILLO (B.) Still Life, Fruit Height, 20 inches ; EES at inches ' WF 250 KAHLER (Carl). ( lo Kitten V Height; 34 inches; width, 22 inches vA 287 TOJETTI-(1879). | | 0 Study of Horses’ Heads Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches ® “258 PLIMPTON (W. E) ¢ Return of Shepherd and Flock \6 | Height, 1914 inches; length, 29 inches / 259 MILLE? (Ea) | Study of an Arab np Height, 1734 inches; length, 21% inches 7260 BIERSTADT (A) 68 af Landscape, with Lake and Figures Height, 121% inches; length, 18%4 inches _ é Ze: MAKART (Hans), ‘The Modern Reubens ~The Five Senses (On Porcelain): Peek iG haere ag 12% inches : "6 262 JACQUE ies. { (() Moh: US afeaddeal ee 7 \ meres 13 Tichess width, 10 inches v GAY (Edward) Evening Landscape Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches Landscape and Stream Height, 1214 inches; length, 16 inches CONSTABLE (John), R. A. Windsor Park Height, 1214 inches; length, 15 inches RYDER (A. P.) Landscape Height, 11 inches; length, 1414 inches FULLER (George Stolen Moments Height, 1114 inches; width, 814 inches NORTON (W. E.) The Signal Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene) Sheep and Landscape Height, 7 inches; length, 914 inches BLAKELOCK (Ralph Albert) Indian Encampment Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches COUSE (E. F.) The Honeymoon Height, 291% inches; length, 3514 inches J Q o 271 0 0 272 | 0 ae SCHREYER) (Ad-) The Raiders Height, 21% inches; length, 33 inches WYANT (A. H.) | . Meeting of the Black Waters Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches INNESS (Geo.), N. A. Sunset Landscape Height, 24 inches; length, 34 inches MARTIN (Homer D:) Holland Landscape Height, 26 inches; léngth, 36 inchés TROYON (C.) Landscape, with Cattle Height, 21 inches; length, 33 inches DANGERFIELD (Elliott) Approaching Storm ~ Height, 30 inches; length, 36 inches KAUFFMANN (H.) The Flirtation (Pair Paintings) Height, 334 inches; width, 234 inches KRONBERGER Ae The Evening Smoke Height, 4 inches; width, 314 “inches if 280 VON BREMEN (Meyer) } The Tired Student - Height, 534 inches; width, 414 inches f 281 MARTIN (Homer D.) 4 cy Woodland Lake 4 Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches 89 WILLIAMS (F. Ballard), N. A. : ) Woodland Nymph # . Height, 10 inches; width, 634 inches ' HENRY (E. L.), ’82 The Old Stage Coach \ Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches Pons HAMILTON (E. S.), ’99 7 Garden Party ‘a Height, 13% inches; length, 19% inches on BYDER (Pi Ps) | - The Scolding Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches | aaa CHURCH. (5.5. ) 0) An Ice Cream Party | Height, 191% inches; length, 27 inches vs 2862 MORAN (Percy) _ 4 Afternoon Tea 3 ‘1 Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches goon LALIT. ( | Quail At Brook an ‘Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches Ne y i ae ? ee "LQ —«-286c SMITH CH. P.) The Old Willow Height, 1474 inches; width, 12 inches J 286d DIAZ (N.) ic 4 286e INNESS ‘(Geo.) “VY 4 / Woodland Scene Height 14 inches; width, 101% inches Landscape Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches 7 ( 286f POTTER (Paulus) / t Dutch Farm Scene Pa Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Connecticut Landscape | \ 286¢ RANGER (Henry W.) Height, 2714 inches; width, 36 inches FIRST FLOOR—RECEPTION ROOM 287 288 289 290 291 Pair Empire bronze mantel lights Clock set, Italian marble, with gold bronze panels in relief, surmounted by gold birds. 3 pieces. Tiffany & Co. Pair gilt bronze, three-light wall appliques, with shades 4 oa Pair gilt bronze, three-light wall appliques, with shades Decorated gilt bronze, three-light electro- lier, with painted sheepskin shade 292 295 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 Pair Louis XV. gilt bronze andirons, sur- mounted with bronze deer and wild boar Royal Sevres vase and cover, medallion decoration, ormolu mounts and base Mexican onyx pedestal Louis XV. giltwood vitrine Carved Carrara marble group, Prof. F. Galli Verde marble pedestal Louis XV. carved giltwood side chair, up- - holstered silk damask seat Louis XV. carved giltwood side chair, up- holstered silk damask seat Louis XVI, carved and giltwood reception suite, upholstered seats and backs in Aubusson tapestry, representing the Four Muses, comprising sofa, 2 arm and 2 side chairs, 5 pieces Louis XV. carved and giltwood table, cabriole legs supporting carved fret- work apron from which hang garlands of flowers, carved stretcher, marble top Louis XVI. carved and giltwood framed mantel mirror Gs Louis XV. carved and giltwood three-fold screen, embroidered silk and plate glass panels | 304. Turkish carpet, 16.4x13.2 304a Two pairs champagne colored silk rep window draperies with valances 304b Pair champagne coloring silk rep portieres FIRST FLOOR—RECEPTION HALL 304c Three pairs ‘lace curtains | 305 Tabriz rug, 11.2x9 306 Chinese pottery vase 307 Small carved teakwood stand, marble top 308 Chinese porcelain Sang-de-Bouef vase, sterling silver top 309 Small carved teakwood stand, marble top 310 Pair wrought iron andirons, large bronze ball tops | 311 Bronze fire set, 5 pieces 312 Carrara marble figure—Venus 313 Mahogany pedestal 314 Electrolier and shade, silver dragon, on Mexican onyx and sepia marble base 315 Chinese carved wood—Aizen-myowo (God of Love), early Tokugawa - 316 Carved mahogany sofa, upholstered and tufted in red silk velour | 317 318 319, 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 B39 333 334 Arm chair to match _Down sofa cushion, covered in. red silk velour Down sofa cushion, covered in red silk velour : . Tufted cushion seat, covered in red silk velour | Tiffany hall clock, Whittington and West-.- minster chimes, chiseled gilt bronze — and silver dial, phases of the moon, ma- hogany case with carved supports Carrara marble figure—The Runner Royal blue porcelain pedestal Japanese straw cane basket Tufted red velour cushion seat Pair wine colored silk velour portieres Pair wine colored silk velour portieres Carrara marble Newell light, representing “Three Graces,” alabaster shade Gilt bronze and crystal prism ceiling light, six lights Tabriz rug, 5.9x4.1 Tabriz rug, 5.11x4 FIRST FLOOR—PANTRY Electric ees ee OAL Ge Assorted lot china Assorted lot glassware 335 336 BASEMENT Copper electric washing machine, wringer attached Assorted lot china and glassware Bird cage Three electric irons Lot flat irons Assorted lot kitchen utensils Wash ringer and boiler Domestic vacuum sweeper Lot aluminum kitchen utensils Lot bread and cake boxes Child’s high chair Six white enamel side chairs Oak center table and step Kitchen table, zinc top Pine kitchen. table Linoleum on floor Two clothes horses and ironing stand Rubber door mat Large ice box, porcelain lined 5 vie b 5 in i len sk ts 4 ra . , Pa Pies au : / GSE . te ’ ioe dead , ee oe Ty a D ae " / o 4 Mtg fin oe ¥ ie LF at bay 20; ! Bwrchas chp ly ‘ ‘ Mons fry at ionnaen Ae Bi Pes Miho Bese a. ate r ; 5 ipl dpa ht me eh wit gf . v ¥ Ft « eee aR a oe, 7 a! omed va thy ASS ; ‘ o le at oth 1 é 2 Rx i \aonets z . aa PL i a} a Py 3 A Sh tn yorery i , 7 Pe “e Le Fh Wage ‘ i ’ ‘ y - ‘ > . ’ re ‘ _ , s ¥ 4 ; he oe ke = dur { Salt d sere TCS ae, See ; hs 5 cS aie i Pon dy Mere oe > . cosrifa ea) SPE Se tres ; 4 ete fs 2iae “f te t ss Pte ty preety I i We fa Ae SR ce » ff & ia Ei aay “ os, a, . 5 eRe att mh EEE RE AS belt dk al oo * ened Ona er ep an ye ra ote wy we? ‘im Be: 5 af ~ > : s y ~ = 49 45 ‘ if ates iv nad is —_——_— rt 4h —— Pn. 7 a4 ee Sioee Me S53 Ne th i j _— as > ‘¢ : ‘ F Ny 4 Li . 4 ‘4 , 4 Low ro * MJ . ind a 7 i i oh a i SS areas ao —— " ~ - —— Z . <= So : SS 3 = = SS gy pa = = tome a ere = “<< ints Foe Stee s a = Se = es —< eae Sea aan pastowemy c Se